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PC-Ecke => # Security Center => Software (PC-Sicherheit) => Thema gestartet von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2009, 15:11

Titel: Verschlüsselungs-Tools diverses ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2009, 15:11
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000. Da OPHEUS bis jetzt von mir nur unter Windows XP getestet wurde, wird für die Versionen ab Windows 2000 keine einwandfreie Funktionalität von OPHEUS gewährleistet!


Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.

Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.

Titel: Verschlüsselungs-Tools diverses ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2009, 19:18
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.


Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 8.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2010, 19:35
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: EncryptOnKlick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2010, 17:20
Mit EnryptOnKlick können Ordner und/oder Dateien verschlüsselt werden (256-bit AES).Die Dateien werden nicht nur verschlüsselt, sondern auch komprimiert.Zum Entschlüsseln kann eine einzelne Datei ausgewählt werden, oder ein gesamter Ordnerinhalt.


Hersteller: http://www.2brightsparks.com/
Titel: Cryptainer LE 8.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2010, 18:26
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: FreeOTFE 5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2010, 16:52
Erzeugt eine oder mehrere virtuelle Laufwerke, deren Daten automatisch verschlüsselt gespeichert werden; startet auch ohne Installation von USB-Sticks, die Daten sind auch unter Linux mittels dm-crypt lesbar.


Titel: Re: FreeOTFE 5.21
Beitrag von: Snoop am 08 Februar, 2010, 20:42
Läuft laut Angaben auf der HP auch ohne Admin-Rechte ... das hätte es dann TrueCrypt voraus und ist interessant für das Verschlüsslen von USB-Sticks.
Titel: Re: FreeOTFE 5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2010, 20:44
Jo...aus diesem Grund werde ich mir das Tool auch mal genauer in nächster Zeit anschauen ;)
Titel: Cryptainer LE 8.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2010, 20:44
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: AxCrypt und 1.7.1970 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2010, 21:56
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten.

Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.


Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2010, 08:19
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2010, 21:31
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: FileCrypter
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2010, 11:00
Verschlüsselt beliebige Dateien per Drag & Drop aus dem Windows Explorer mit dem AES-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus; zusätzlich werden die Dateien mittels einer Prüfsumme verifiziert.


Titel: Protect Me
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2010, 19:16
Protect Me erstellt sichere und ausführbare (exe) Containerdateien, in die man beliebige Dateien und Ordner hinzufügen kann.
Die Daten werden mit AES Verschlüsselt im Container aufbewahrt und von dort, nach Eingabe des korrekten Passwortes ausgeführt oder entpackt werden.


Voraussetzung ist mind. .NET Framework 3.5

Hersteller: http://www.wecode.biz/
Titel: SecurStick 1.0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2010, 07:14
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2029 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2010, 21:26
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2067 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2010, 21:34
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: vorsicht bei webdav bassierende Verschlüsselungs-Tools
Beitrag von: berti am 30 März, 2010, 15:46
vorsorglich eine warnung: es gibt "vermutlich" einen neuen webdav exploit, der mittels subroutinen den webdav-transfer korumpieren kann. Das "vermutlich" ist von mir deshalb geschrieben weil der exploid noch nicht hundertprozentig ausgetestet ist, und es momentan auch noch keinen gegenmasnahmen dagegen gibt.  Betroffen sind derzeit ALLE windows bassierenden Betriebssysteme inclusive w7 und server 20xx.

Wer also webdav bassierende programme benutzt, bitte aufpassen.

Hinweis: ich kann derzeit nichts weiter dazu schreiben, zum einen fehlt die verifizierung, zum anderen will ich auch keine "schlafenden hunde " aufwecken. Hoffe auf euer verständniss.

Titel: DiskCryptor 0.9.592.106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2010, 12:35
Mit DiskCryptor können alle Partitionen einschl. der Systempartition verschüsselt werden.DiskCryptor verwendet wahlweise AES, Serpent oder Twofish-Algorithmen im XTS-Modus.Die Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen können auf Wunsch auch kaskadiert werden.Bei einer kaskadierten Verschlüsselung bleiben die Daten auch dann verschlüsselt, wenn eines der Algorithmen geknackt wird.


Zu beachten ist aber:
- Umwandeln einer verschlüssleten Basispartition zu einer dynamischen Systempartition ist nicht möglich. Nach der Umwandlung ist das Booten nicht mehr möglich.

- Verwenden Sie keine nationalen Zeichen (zB ä,ö,ü) für das Passwort der Boot- oder Systempartition. Verwenden Sie nur Zeichen aus der Menge [A-Z][a-z][0-9].

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 bis Seven (sowohl in 32, als auch in 64-bit). Der Stand vom Service-Pack spielt keine Rolle.

Titel: CryptUtil 1.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2010, 08:38
Ver- und entschlüsselt Dateien via Kommandozeile, kompatibel zu SecurStick.

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2126
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2010, 17:51
1.7.2126.0 Release 2010-04-19

- Chg: Installation prompts clarified.
- Chg: Ensure source distribution is complete and buildable.

Titel: DiskCryptor 0.9.593.106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2010, 17:34
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar...

Titel: FlexiCrypt 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2010, 21:19
FlexiCrypt is a universal crypto toolkit - was recently released to the public. It enables all kind of cryptographic operations like encryption, decryption, signing and other related tasks. By using Java technology it will run on most systems and it's open source (GPL).


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: Crypt4Free 5.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2010, 20:37
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface. It also includes a "Privacy Master" tool to erase all personal traces on computer.



Titel: USB Safeguard 1.3 (Free)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2010, 14:05
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop.

Titel: removableTrezor V1.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2010, 06:08
removableTrezor creates an encrypted data store (a so-called vault or trezor). Its encrypted, password protected, and may be stored in several places (located on several discs, or even several computers). It is a one-user application, and may only be run from one single computer.


License:  Freeware

Titel: MAXA Crypt Mobile V1.2.0.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2010, 06:58
MAXA Crypt Mobile allows anyone to easily encrypt files, directory trees and text using 256-bit AES algorithm. Multiple files can be encrypted and compressed into a single file.

License:  Freeware (Ad Supported)

Titel: Daten verschlüsseln ohne Admin-Rechte mit dem Portable Crypter
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2010, 02:50
USB-Sticks verschlüsseln ist immer so eine Sache. Am heimischen PC mit Admin-Rechten mit TrueCrypt eigentlich kein Problem, wird es unterwegs unter Umständen kritisch: keine Rechte, keine Verschlüsselung (oder dechiffrieren).

Portable Crypter (http://stadt-bremerhaven.de/download-manager.php?id=280) ist ein kleines und portables Tool mit dem ihr einzelne Dateien per Drag & Drop verschlüsseln könnt. Die Bedienung ist einfach und lässt sich sogar über den Dateinamen regeln. So könnt ihr einstellen, ob das Passwort im Klartext dargestellt wird oder ob die Quelldatei nach der Verschlüsselung gelöscht wird.

Die Verschlüsselung läuft über einen SHA256-Hash des Passworts und dann mittels AES256-CBC für die Dateien. Außerdem wird bei jedem Programmstart die Hash und AES-Funktion über Testvektoren überprüft.

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.03.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2010, 01:03
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.


Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.jetico.com/
Titel: MEO for Windows 2.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2010, 08:06
MEO is a powerful data encryption application to encrypt or decrypt files of any type, including Microsoft Word, emaill and PDF documents . MEO allows you to protect your sensitive data against un-authorized viewers by utilizing the latest data encryption technologies. Keep your documents safe and secure with this free data encryption software.



Titel: USB Safeguard 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2010, 16:29
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen.
Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 9.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2010, 20:36
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.


Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: Comodo Disk Encryption - Kostenlose Festplattenverschlüsselung
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2010, 13:40
Comodo bietet mit dem Disk-Encryption-Tool eine kostenlose Software zur vollständigen Verschlüsselung der Festplatte an.

Comodo bietet mit dem Gratis-Tool Disk Encryption (https://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/disk-encryption.php) eine praktische Software zur Verschlüsselung von Daten an. Das Tool unterstützt Full Disk Encryption (FDE) als Option, mit der das Betriebssystem ohne eine gültige Authentifizierung nicht mehr zugänglich ist. Zur Anmeldung kann ein Passwort gewählt werden, oder ein USB-Stick lässt sich zum Token umfunktionieren.
Titel: USB Flash Security 3.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2010, 18:10
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Titel: USB Safeguard 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2010, 17:47
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen.
Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2011, 17:44
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: BoxCryptor: On-the-fly-Verschlüsselung für Dropbox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2011, 19:36
Wer TrueCrypt nicht nutzen möchte, aber doch einen verschlüsselten Ordner in der Dropbox haben möchte, der sollte sich BoxCryptor (http://www.boxcryptor.com/) anschauen. Die Software sorgt für eine On-the-fly-Verschlüsselung.


Arbeitsweise: Software installieren, Passwort und zu verschüsselnden Dropbox-Ordner wählen, abschließend den Laufwerksbuchstaben wählen. Startet ihr BoxCryptor und gebt das Passwort ein, so wird der Dropbox-Ordner als Laufwerk in euren Explorer eingebunden, der die entschlüsselten Daten bereit hält.

Kleines Beispiel gefällig? Beachtet die folgenden zwei Screenshots.

Bild und Text sind im BoxCryptor-Laufwerk lesbar:


Beim direkten Zugriff ohne Entschlüsselung sieht das Ganze dann so aus:


Vorteil: keine Container, keine Größenbeschränkung, Ver- und Entschlüsselung on-the-fly. Ist eine frühe Version, funktionierte in meinem Test aber 1a. Informiert euch ruhig im Blog von Robert Freudenreich (http://blog.robert.freudenreich.eu/boxcryptor-on-the-fly-encryption-for-cloud-st), dem Macher von BoxCryptor.
Titel: USB Safeguard 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2011, 15:04
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen.
Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 9.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2011, 19:50
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.


Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: USB Safeguard 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2011, 17:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen.
Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.03.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2011, 20:10
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.


Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.jetico.com/
Titel: Protect Me!
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2011, 16:26
Kleines Programm, welches selbst extrahierende Container erstellt. Verschlüsselt mit Passwort und so. Kann man mit eigenem Icon versehen und das Entpacken benötigt keine administrativen Rechte.


Daten werden einfach per Drag & Drop ins Programmfenster gezogen.


· NET Framework 3.5 (or higher versions)

Solltet ihr die Software nutzen wollen, so achtet darauf, dass ihr bei der Installation nicht diese Crapware “PC Beschleuniger” mit installiert.

Titel: USB Safeguard 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2011, 16:02
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 10 € auf der Herstellerseite.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Für XP, Vista und Seven.

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.03.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2011, 06:25
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.


Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.jetico.com/
Titel: Aes Crypter Lite 1.2.296
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2011, 21:39
Aes Crypter Lite is a simple but complete utility to codify and decodify files using lightning fast Aes/Rijndael block algorithm cipher running Microsoft Windows Operating System. Aes Crypter Lite is very handy to use: once a valid password has been entered, simply drag and drop all files/folders You want to encrypt/decrypt on the interface of the program, and let the software do all the job for You instantaneously and without hardly occupying system resources.



Titel: Aes Crypter Lite 1.2.312
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2011, 17:47
Aes Crypter Lite is a simple but complete utility to codify and decodify files using lightning fast Aes/Rijndael block algorithm cipher running Microsoft Windows Operating System. Aes Crypter Lite is very handy to use: once a valid password has been entered, simply drag and drop all files/folders You want to encrypt/decrypt on the interface of the program, and let the software do all the job for You instantaneously and without hardly occupying system resources.



Latest Changes

- Added a password checker feature
- Added a flag to delete log file each time the application exits
- Added new OFB block cipher operation mode
- In case of error, log file can be automatically showed
- Some minor bugs are fixed

Titel: MultiObfuscator Cryptography & Obfuscation V1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2011, 19:53
MultiObfuscator is a professional cryptography tool


- HW seeded random number generator (CSPRNG)
- Deniable cryptography
- Up to 256Mb of secret file (binary mode)
- Up to 256Kb of secret text (text/email mode)
- Whitening selection level
- Modern multi-cryptography (16 algorithms)
- Multi-layered data obfuscation (4 passwords)
- X-square steganalysis resistance

Unique layers of security and obfuscation

- 256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension
- 256bit symmetric-key data scrambling (CSPRNG-based shuffling)
- 256bit symmetric-key data whitening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing)
- Adaptive X-square correction

License: Freeware/Open Source

Titel: USB Safeguard 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2011, 20:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 10 € auf der Herstellerseite.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Für XP, Vista und Seven.

Titel: Crypt 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2011, 10:28
Einfaches Verschlüsselungsprogramm mit Unterstützung der gängigsten Algorithmen (AES mit 128, 192 und 256 Bit, DES, Triple DES, RC2 sowie RC4); benötigt keine Installation.



Titel: BoxCryptor nun auch für Android - auf verschlüsselte Dropbox-Daten zugreifen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2011, 13:32
Ihr erinnert euch an BoxCryptor? Die Software, um Daten in der Dropbox on the fly zu verschlüsseln? (Alternative: Dropbox und TrueCrypt zusammen nutzen). Während das Zugreifen auf verschlüsselte Daten bislang nur über euren Rechner möglich war, könnt ihr nun mit BoxCryptor für Android (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.boxcryptor.android) auf eure verschlüsselten Cloud-Daten zugreifen. Diese erste Version erlaubt nur den lesenden Zugriff, aber das dürfte vielen Anwendern vielleicht schon helfen :) Wer es gerne ausführlich mag, der schaut im BoxCryptor-Blog (http://blog.boxcryptor.com/how-to-use-boxcryptor-for-android) vorbei.


Meine Meinung dazu? Unwichtige Dateien lasse ich unverschlüsselt in der Dropbox, wichtiges wird per TrueCrypt verschlüsselt. Nichts könnte für mich so wichtig sein, dass ich mobil zugreifen müsste ;)
Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2687
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2011, 16:57
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten.

Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.


Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Titel: Steganos Safe 12: einfache Verschlüsselung für Nicht-Profis, gerade kostenlos
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2011, 12:30
Kleiner Tipp für all diejenigen, die sich nicht mit TrueCrypt & Co befassen möchten. In einem aktuellen Giveaway bekommt man gerade die Vollversion von Steganos Safe 12 kostenlos – sonst kostet diese knapp 30 Euro. Die Software zum sicheren Verschlüsseln kenne ich persönlich seit dem Jahr 2007.


Mit ihr lassen sich dynamische Container mit einer Größe von bis zu 1 TB anlegen. Verschlüsselt wird per 256Bit AES, Steganos Safe 12 bindet sich nahtlos in euer System ein (ab Win XP), sodass Tresore schnell geöffnet werden können. Auch schön: aus dem Programm heraus könnt ihr den Part Portable Safe nutzen – somit könnt ihr auch unterwegs die Software nutzen und eure Tresore öffnen.

Ich habe mir gerade noch ein paar Fotos von Steganos besorgt:




Ausserdem dabei:

    Steganos PicPass – öffnet den Tresor mit einer Bilderfolge statt Passwort
    Anti-Keylogger – durch virtuelle Tastatur haben Keylogger keine Chance
    Steganos Passwort-Generator – Erstellen Sie per Mausklick hochsichere Passwörter nach Ihren Vorgaben
    Passwort-Sicherheitsprüfung – ein mehrsprachiges Wörterbuch erkennt unsichere Passwörter und warnt Sie
    Postfach-Safe -  Ohne das richtige Passwort kommt niemand an Ihre elektronische Post. Für Outlook (inklusive Kontakte Kalender und Aufgaben), Outlook Express und Windows Mail

Hier gehts zum Giveaway : http://www.steganos.com/de/magazines/covermount/?tx_steganoscovermounts_pi1[mag]=pcwelt&tx_steganoscovermounts_pi1[productid]=safe12/
Titel: MAXA Crypt Portable
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2011, 21:30
MAXA Crypt Portable verschlüsselt Dateien oder Verzeichnisse mittels AES-Algorithmus mit einer Schlüsseltiefe von 256-Bit. Eine Format- oder Volumenbeschränkung der zu verschlüsselnden Datei gibt es nicht. Die Software bringt einen automatischen Pass-Phrasen-Generator mit und eine virtuelle Tastatur.



Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - Seven


Titel: BestCrypt v.1.03.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2011, 18:49
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.


Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.jetico.com/
Titel: Cryptainer LE 9.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2011, 12:43
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.


Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: CryptKeeper 2.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2011, 22:20
CryptKeeper is basic text-based file encryption & decryption. It can encrypt documents or text files with or without formatting.

License: Open Source

Titel: USB Flash Security 4.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2011, 16:40
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Latest Changes

- Improve the method to get the serial number of USB disk

Titel: Eclipse V0.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2011, 09:22
Eclipse encrypts and decrypts any highlighted text. It is a simple GUI for a command line utility called MySecret (http://www.di-mgt.com.au/mysecret.html).


License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Titel: Crypt 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2011, 11:36
Einfaches Verschlüsselungsprogramm mit Unterstützung der gängigsten Algorithmen (AES mit 128, 192 und 256 Bit, DES, Triple DES, RC2 sowie RC4); benötigt keine Installation.



Titel: USB Flash Security 4.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2011, 00:00
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Latest Changes

.   Fix the bug that 64G USB Flash Drive would be mistakenly identified.
[All of the editions]
.   Change the method to prevent the false detection of autorun.inf in USB Flash Drive by ESET Smart Security V4.2.
.   Fix the error that occurs if Yahoo! Box is resident, when unlock security.
.   Fix the bug that "The error occurred while the module is being copied to the disk." occurs in some PC environment.
.   Fix the bug that it takes time to install/uninstall etc. USB Flash Security by USB Flash Drive.

Titel: SmartEncryptor 7.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2011, 17:34
Verschlüsselt Dateien und Ornder mittels AES- oder Blowfish-Algorithmus.



Titel: Free CompuSec 5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2011, 18:00
Die FREE CompuSec® Sicherheits-Suite schützt Notebooks, Desktop - und Tablet PC’s. Sie bietet Zugriffskontrolle, Festplattenverschlüsselung, Dateiverschlüsselung, und Single Sign On. Verschlüsselte VoIP Kommunikation ist mit FREE CompuSec® über die integrierte [ClosedTalk]TM Anwendung ebenfalls möglich. Diese Version von CompuSec ist eine kostenlose Vollversion und kann sowohl im professionellen wie auch privaten Umfeld ohne Einschränkungen eingesetzt werden.


Eine eigene Version mit integriertem ClosedTalk wird ebenfalls angeboten, mit der dann VoIP-Telefonate verschlüsselt werden können.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - Seven.

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2867
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2011, 19:31
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten.

Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.


Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Titel: USB Flash Security 4.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2011, 18:30
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Latest Changes

- Change the specification of notification area that the content in notification area can be changed

Titel: USB Safeguard 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2011, 19:30
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 10 € auf der Herstellerseite.


Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Für XP, Vista und Seven.

Titel: Eclipse V0.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2011, 11:22
Eclipse encrypts and decrypts any highlighted text. It is a simple GUI for a command line utility called MySecret (http://www.di-mgt.com.au/mysecret.html).


License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

What's new: >>

Minor usability update.

Titel: SmartEncryptor 7.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2012, 21:00
Verschlüsselt Dateien und Ornder mittels AES- oder Blowfish-Algorithmus.



Titel: easyCrypt 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2012, 11:30
Mit easyCrypt kann man auf einfachste Weise sensible Dateien verschlüsseln. Dieses praktische Tool klinkt sich einfach in das Kontenxtmenü im Windows-Explorer ein, sodass man ganz einfach per Rechtsklick beliebige Dateien sicher verschlüsseln kann. Dabei wird der als sehr sicher geltende AES-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus verwendet.


Titel: Guardian of Data 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2012, 18:01
Mit Guardian of Data hat man die Möglichkeit, ausgewählte Dateien oder Ordner zu verschlüsseln. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, alle Daten einzeln als verschlüsselte Dateien anzulegen, oder man lässt eine EXE-Datei erstellen.

Freeware für den privaten Gebrauch.

Das Programm blendet ein Hinweisfenster ein, da es auch eine kostenpflichte Version des Herstellers für 15€ gibt.

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - Seven, sowie 2003+2008

Titel: Clickcrypt 2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2012, 19:00
Mit ClickCrypt können Dateien verschlüsselt werden, dazu integriert sich das Programm in das Senden-an-Menü im Kontextmenü. Verschlüsselte Dateien werden im gleichen Ordner wie die Originaldatei abgelegt und sind an der Erweiterung .clickcrypt zu erkennen. Die Entschlüsselung startet dann durch einen Doppelklick auf die Datei - natürlich nur dann, wenn man auch das richtige Passwort eingegeben hat.

Unterstützt wird WIN XP - Seven

Freeware für den privaten Gebrauch.

Titel: Crypt 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2012, 21:00
Einfaches Verschlüsselungsprogramm mit Unterstützung der gängigsten Algorithmen (AES mit 128, 192 und 256 Bit, DES, Triple DES, RC2 sowie RC4); benötigt keine Installation.


Was ist neu : >>

- “Pfadchaos” beendet. Es wird automatisch ein Zielpfad der zu ver-/entschlüsselnden Datei vorgeschlagen, dieser kann jedoch geändert werden.
- Völlig neues Verschlüsselungssystem von Ordnern. Ein Ordner wird mit der Kommandozeilenversion von 7-Zip im Hintergrund zu einem Archiv zusammengeführt. Dann wird der Ordner verschlüsselt. Vorteile: Die ursprüngliche Dateistruktur wird beim Entschlüsseln beibehalten und die CRYPT-Datei wird kleiner
- Crypt setzt auf Wunsch einen Eintrag ins “Senden an” Kontxtmenü. (wenn man die EXE verschiebt, muss der Eintrag erneut gesetzt werden.)
- Verschlüsselungsvorgang lässt sich abbrechen
- Neues Logo
- Viele Bugfixes

Titel: Boxcryptor 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2012, 16:46
BoxCryptor bindet ein Dropbox-Verzeichnis transparent als Laufwerk unter Windows ein und verschlüsselt dort abgelegte Dateien nach dem AES-256-Standard. Dabei arbeitet BoxCryptor mit einzelnen Dateien und entschlüsselt diese beim Lesen in Echtzeit, sodass sie sich wie unverschlüsselte Dateien nutzen lassen. BoxCryptor gibt es in einer kostenlosen Variante, die auf 2 GByte beschränkt ist. Wer mehr Daten verschlüsseln möchte, muss auf die kostenpflichtigen Versionen zurückgreifen.

Whats new: >>

    Improved stabitility (a few users experienced BSOD which has been resolved)
    Improved speed up to 200% through AES hardware acceleration (up to 50MB/sec instead of 15MB/sec)
    Improved compatibility with other programs (e.g. portable software)
    Network/Internet access for portable programs executed on the BoxCryptor drive (Hello FirefoxPortable and others!)
    Programs on the BoxCryptor drive can run as administrator
    Windows Search support (the BoxCryptor drive can now be indexed by Windows search for a better search experience)
    Windows File sharing support (folders in the BoxCryptor drive can now be shared over the network)


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2012, 22:00
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>


Durch Codeoptimierung wurde die Performance weiter gesteigert.

6.0 BETA

    Diese Version benötigt mindestens Windows® XP.
    Die Version 6.0 wurde von Grund auf neu programmiert.
    Mit dieser Version ist das Verschlüsseln von Dateien und Textnachrichten möglich.
    Die Funktion zum sicheren Löschen von Dateien wurde erweitert. Es lassen sich nun mehrere Dateien auswählen, die gelöscht werden können.
    Momentan ist die Beta nur in Deutsch erhältlich.

5.3.2 FINAL

    Die Arbeitsspeichernutzung wurde von statisch in dynamisch geändert. Dadurch wird die Speicherbelastung minimiert, wenn das Programm keine Verschlüsselungsaktionen durchführt.

Die Sprach-ID 0425 wurde im Programm nicht verändert, wenn diese ID in der Sprachdatei editiert wurde. Dieser Fehler wurde behoben.

Titel: Crypt 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2012, 20:00
Einfaches Verschlüsselungsprogramm mit Unterstützung der gängigsten Algorithmen (AES mit 128, 192 und 256 Bit, DES, Triple DES, RC2 sowie RC4); benötigt keine Installation.


Was ist neu : >>

- Wichtige Bugfixes, u.a war in Version 2.0 eine falsche Version von 7-Zip eingebunden, diese lief nur, wenn 7-Zip auf dem Rechner installiert war.
- Dateien und Ordner werden nun wirklich sicher gelöscht (und zwar nach DoD), dafür habe wurden Teile des Programms Eraser verwendet (für weitere Infos bitte den Über-Tab anschauen).

Titel: EncryptOnKlick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2012, 11:35
Mit EnryptOnKlick können Ordner und/oder Dateien verschlüsselt werden (256-bit AES).Die Dateien werden nicht nur verschlüsselt, sondern auch komprimiert.Zum Entschlüsseln kann eine einzelne Datei ausgewählt werden, oder ein gesamter Ordnerinhalt.


Titel: SmartEncryptor 8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2012, 18:00
Verschlüsselt Dateien und Ornder mittels AES- oder Blowfish-Algorithmus.


Titel: Cloudfogger 1.1.1349
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2012, 17:00
Schützt Daten von Cloudspeichern wie Dropbox, SkyDrive und Google Drive per AES-Verschlüsselung; auch als Android-Version im Google Play Store erhältlich.

kostenlos (für Privatanwender)

Titel: Verschlüsselungsprogramm BoxCryptor: mobile Apps nun kostenlos
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2012, 20:00
Still und heimlich schleicht ein Verschlüsselungsprogramm aus deutschen Landen in die Herzen der Menschen, die ihre Daten gerne verschlüsseln. Sicherlich, es gibt die kostenlose Open Source-Variante True Crypt zum verschlüsseln, doch die True Crypt-Macher lassen etwas außer Acht: wir befinden uns auf dem Sprung ins Mobility-Zeitalter. Ich will nicht nur lokal verschlüsseln, sondern auch mobil. Fassen wir zusammen: BoxCryptor (http://www.boxcryptor.com/?lang=de) verschlüsselt lokal, denn Software für Windows und Linux (via EncFS) ist vorhanden.


Aber: ich kann auch mobil zugreifen, denn BoxCryptor hat Apps für z.B. Android. Nicht nur, dass ich auf dem Smartphone entschlüsseln kann, nein – ich kann auch Container hochladen und entschlüsseln. Welche Dienste kann ich nutzen? Klar, Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, aber auch den eigenen Server, sofern dieser WebDAV unterstützt. Zu verschlüsselten Containern habe ich schon hier und da etwas geschrieben, hier empfehle ich immer noch Dropbox. BoxCryptor will für die Arbeit auch ein paar Euronen haben, doch für viele von uns sollte die kostenlose Variante ausreichen, zumindest auf dem Desktop.



Desktop-Version als kostenlose Variante für die meisten ausreichend. Android-Variante nun auch kostenlos.
Titel: USB Safeguard 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2012, 19:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Für XP, Vista und Seven.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 10.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2012, 06:20
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: MultiObfuscator V2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2012, 20:00
MultiObfuscator is a feature-rich crytography tool with seeded random number generator, deniable cryptography, 256 meg of secret file or 256k of secret text (text/email mode), multiple algorithms, data obfuscation, and steganalysis resistance. Includes unique layers of security and obfuscation with 256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension, 256bit symmetric-key data scrambling (CSPRNG-based shuffling), 256bit symmetric-key data whitening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing), and adaptive X-square correction.

License: Freeware/Open Source

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.2.1661
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2012, 21:00
Schützt Daten von Cloudspeichern wie Dropbox, SkyDrive und Google Drive per AES-Verschlüsselung; auch als Android-Version im Google Play Store erhältlich.

kostenlos (für Privatanwender)

Infos zu dieser Version : http://blog.cloudfogger.com/?p=139

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2931.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2012, 12:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Whats new: >>

- Add: Support for disabling passphrase cache via registry settings.
- Chg: Fix minor first-time-build issue.
- Chg: Re-integrate source code control x64 branch to trunk.
- Chg: Refactorization to facilitate OEM-versioning (non-functional only).
- Chg: Update to use OpenCandy SDK 1.6.3

Titel: ArchiCrypt Easy Encryption
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2012, 18:02
Kinderleichte Verschlüsselung von Dateien und Texten

ArchiCrypt Easy Encryption macht seinem Namen alle Ehre und verschlüsselt Daten gleich welcher Art ohne großen Aufwand. Die Freeware verringert auf Wunsch im gleichen Arbeitsgang die Dateigröße der betreffenden Files und erledigt ihre Aufgabe komfortabel per Drag&Drop.

Dabei setzt ArchiCrypt Easy Encryption auf doppelten Schutz sensibler Daten. Einerseits versteckt der Assistent die Dateien hinter einem Passwort, welches zur Entschlüsselung durch den Empfänger benötigt wird und andererseits wird eine 256 Bit AES-Verschlüsselung verwendet. Ein Passwort-Generator erzeugt zudem vollkommen willkürliche und damit schwer knackbare Codes.

Als praktisch erweist sich zudem die Überwachung der Windows-Zwischenablage. Deren Inhalte lassen sich per Copy&Paste ebenfalls in ArchiCrypt Easy Encryption einfügen und verschlüsseln.


Titel: DiskCryptor 1.0.732.111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2012, 20:00
Mit DiskCryptor können alle Partitionen einschl. der Systempartition verschüsselt werden.DiskCryptor verwendet wahlweise AES, Serpent oder Twofish-Algorithmen im XTS-Modus.Die Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen können auf Wunsch auch kaskadiert werden.Bei einer kaskadierten Verschlüsselung bleiben die Daten auch dann verschlüsselt, wenn eines der Algorithmen geknackt wird.

Zu beachten ist aber:
- Umwandeln einer verschlüssleten Basispartition zu einer dynamischen Systempartition ist nicht möglich. Nach der Umwandlung ist das Booten nicht mehr möglich.

- Verwenden Sie keine nationalen Zeichen (zB ä,ö,ü) für das Passwort der Boot- oder Systempartition. Verwenden Sie nur Zeichen aus der Menge [A-Z][a-z][0-9].

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 bis Seven (sowohl in 32, als auch in 64-bit). Der Stand vom Service-Pack spielt keine Rolle.

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2012, 06:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: MD5 Decrypter
Beitrag von: Micke am 13 September, 2012, 09:20
(http://home.btconnect.com/md5decrypter/images/theme/logo-search.gif)  :neo
What does this MD5 Decrypter tool do?

MD5Decrypter.co.uk allows you to input an MD5 hash and search for its decrypted state in our database,
basically, it's a MD5 cracker / decryption tool.

Quelle: http://www.md5decrypter.co.uk/ (http://www.md5decrypter.co.uk/)
Titel: Cloudfogger 1.2.1871
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2012, 08:00
Schützt Daten von Cloudspeichern wie Dropbox, SkyDrive und Google Drive per AES-Verschlüsselung; auch als Android-Version im Google Play Store erhältlich.

kostenlos (für Privatanwender)

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.2.1874
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2012, 19:00
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ...

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.2.1875
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2012, 21:40
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ... (sobald verfügbar ...)

Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.2976.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2012, 13:15
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Whats new: >>

- Add: Support for Czech language texts.
- Bug: Assertion in Debug mode due to const string iterator change in VS 2010.
- Bug: Did not detect Read-Only volumes such as USB drives with hardware Write Lock.

Titel: Right-Click Encrypter 1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2012, 14:00
Right-Click Encrypter is a free file encryption software that can password protect your files from the Right-Click menu. When you install this free file encryption software, it will add a new option "Encrypt with Right-Click Encrypter" in your right-click menu. Then, you can just right-click on any file and choose this option to password protect any file.


Titel: BoxCryptor 1.5 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2012, 22:00
Whats new: >>

- Windows 8 support
- Mulit-language (German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian).

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.2.1976
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2012, 08:30
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ... (sobald verfügbar ...)

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.4.2036
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2012, 16:00
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ... (sobald verfügbar ...)

Titel: DiskCryptor 1.0.757.115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2013, 17:00
Mit DiskCryptor können alle Partitionen einschl. der Systempartition verschüsselt werden.DiskCryptor verwendet wahlweise AES, Serpent oder Twofish-Algorithmen im XTS-Modus.Die Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen können auf Wunsch auch kaskadiert werden.Bei einer kaskadierten Verschlüsselung bleiben die Daten auch dann verschlüsselt, wenn eines der Algorithmen geknackt wird.

Zu beachten ist aber:
- Umwandeln einer verschlüssleten Basispartition zu einer dynamischen Systempartition ist nicht möglich. Nach der Umwandlung ist das Booten nicht mehr möglich.

- Verwenden Sie keine nationalen Zeichen (zB ä,ö,ü) für das Passwort der Boot- oder Systempartition. Verwenden Sie nur Zeichen aus der Menge [A-Z][a-z][0-9].

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 bis Seven (sowohl in 32, als auch in 64-bit). Der Stand vom Service-Pack spielt keine Rolle.

Latest Changes

- Added workaround for AES-NI support on Hyper-V
- Added internal self-tests for PKDBF2 and XTS engines
- Fixed bug with data loss with some cases on VIA-PadLock
- Fixed regression with SSD detection on Windows XP
- Fixed bug with no FS creation when formatting from GUI

Titel: Viivo (SecretSync) 1.01.0037 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2013, 20:48
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und (zumindest in der Beta noch) gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.4.2076
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2013, 21:00
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ... (sobald verfügbar ...)

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.4.2143
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2013, 21:00
Infos zur neuen Version finden sich im dortigen Blog ... (sobald verfügbar ...)

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2013, 11:40
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7

Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2013, 19:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: BoxCryptor 1.5.411.151 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2013, 21:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed: Open Office Calc saving an existing file fails
Modified: Updated manuals

Titel: SmartEncryptor 9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2013, 10:18
Verschlüsselt Dateien und Ornder mittels AES- oder Blowfish-Algorithmus.


Titel: BoxCryptor 1.5.413.155
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2013, 13:39
Version 1.5.413.155 (04/30/2013)
    Fixed: Reopening a file with expanded rights fails
Version 1.5.413.154 (04/25/2013)
    Modified: Upgraded CBFS to v4.0.133
    Modified: Improved Italian texts
    Fixed: BSOD when using the /translate command line option
    Fixed: Drive is not mounted automatically when using command line parameters
    Fixed: "firstRunDate" not found on Windows Server 2008
    Fixed: Excel file locks do not work on network share

Titel: Blowfish Advanced CS v2.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2013, 22:00
Blowfish Advanced CS is a file encryption and disk wipe program. Encryption keys can come from a password or disk, and can use a variety of encryption algorithms and compression options. The program can wipe individual files or drive free space.

The program can use a cached key to allow quick decryption (only enter the password once) while the program is running.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2013, 19:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: SmartEncryptor 9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2013, 10:00
Verschlüsselt Dateien und Ornder mittels AES- oder Blowfish-Algorithmus.


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2013, 21:00
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

 - Ab dieser Version wird OPHEUS erstmals auch als 64-Bit Version zur Verfügung stehen.
 - Programmintern kann jetzt zwischen den Crypt-Engines gewechselt werden.
 - Die Sprache kann jetzt programmintern gewählt werden. Vorerst wird offiziell nur deutsch zur Verfügung stehen.
 - Mit Resource-Editoren können aber weitere Sprachen erstellt werden.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2 mit Gruppenfunktionen und neuem Lizenzmodell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2013, 18:10
Die Cloud-Verschlüsselungssoftware Boxcryptor ist nun in Version 2.0 erschienen. Abgesehen von der überarbeiteten Optik funktioniert die Software an sich fast wie gewohnt: sie verschlüsselt dateiweise den kompletten Inhalt eines Ordners. Zugleich erzeugt es ein virtuelles Laufwerk, in dem der Inhalt des Ordners entschlüsselt zu sehen ist.

Neu ist, dass der Inhalt des verschlüsselten Ordners nun nicht mehr direkt im Wurzelverzeichnis des virtuellen Laufwerks auftaucht, sondern in einem Ordner darin. Falls man mehrere Ordner verschlüsselt, bindet Boxcryptor nicht mehr für jeden ein separates virtuelles Laufwerk ein. Stattdessen tauchen sie als weitere Ordner im Wurzelverzeichnis des nun einzigen virtuellen Laufwerks auf. Zudem muss die Verschlüsselung per Kontextmenü ausdrücklich aktiviert werden. Wird sie für einen Ordner aktiviert, wird der komplette Inhalt verschlüsselt. Auf diese Weise kann das virtuelle Laufwerk nun sowohl verschlüsselte als auch unverschlüsselte Dateien enthalten. Im Windows-Explorer erscheinen die Namen verschlüsselter Dateien und Ordner in der gleichen grünen Farbe wie EFS-verschlüsselte Dateien.

Der ganze Artikel (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Boxcryptor-2-mit-Gruppenfunktionen-und-neuem-Lizenzmodell-1883960.html)

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: SecuSend 1.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2013, 22:00
SecuSend is a file encryption application that allows files encryption for multiple recipients. You can protect files and store them on any media or share them securely with others. You can encrypt files for specified set of recipients, so only this set of recipients can decrypt files on theirs PC's. With SecuSend you can quickly and easily encrypt and send any file - without the need for a password. Just add recipients to the recipients list and click "Encrypt".


Titel: BoxCryptor 1.6.400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2013, 19:00
Version 1.6.400.53
    Fixed: Boxcryptor Classic cannot be installed on removable drives
    Changed: Settings from 1.5 versions are now preserved when upgrading to 1.6
    Changed: Boxcryptor Folders are not renamed from .bc to .bcc extension anymore.

Titel: CryptSync 1.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2013, 16:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2013, 06:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: Encrypted File Scanner 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 06:00
Encrypted File Scanner is the free tool to quickly scan and discover all the secret Encrypted files on Windows system.

Encrypting File System (EFS) is the component of NTFS file system that enables transparent encryption and decryption of files on Windows. This allows user to encrypt his/her secret files with just a click and prevent other users from accessing it. At the same time current user can access the encrypted files transparently as if they were not encrypted at all.

Encrypted File Scanner helps you to quickly find all such encrypted files using the parallel multi threaded scan of all the folders. It also automatically detects the Encrypted Executable Files (EXE, DLL, COM etc) and shows them in red color for easier identification. Similarly 'Encrypted Files' are shown in black color and Encrypted Folders' are shown in blue color.

It also provides Settings Dialog to help in fine tuning the various parameters for scanning operation.

It is very easy to use tool with its cool GUI interface. Particularly, more handy for Penetration testers and Forensic investigators.

It is fully portable and works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 22:00
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Durch Codeoptimierung wurde die Performance noch etwas gesteigert.
Kleiner Bug beim Dateien sicher löschen wurde behoben.

Titel: Zukunftssicher verschlüsseln mit Perfect Forward Secrecy
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2013, 22:00
Wie durch die Enthüllungen von Edward Snowden bekannt wurde, sammelt die NSA in großem Stil verschlüsselte Daten auf Vorrat, um sie später zu entschlüsseln und analysieren. Das gelingt zum Beispiel dann, wenn der Geheimdienst den geheimen Schlüssel einer überwachten Web-Seite in die Finger bekommt. Allerdings gibt es ein Rezept gegen diese nachträgliche Entschlüsselung -- und einige Web-Seiten nutzen es sogar schon.

Um zu verstehen, was genau es mit der sogenannten Perfect Forward Secrecy oder einfach Forward Secrecy auf sich hat und wie das funktioniert, muss man zunächst ungefähr verstehen, wie SSL-Verschlüsselung normalerweise arbeitet. Der Kernpunkt ist, dass eigentlich zwei Verschlüsselungsverfahren zum Einsatz kommen: zunächst eine asymmetrische Verschlüsselung mit einem Schlüsselpaar aus geheimem und öffentlichem Schlüssel und danach eine symmetrische Verschlüsselung mit einem geheimen Sitzungsschlüssel. Der Hauptgrund dafür ist, dass die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung zu langsam ist, um den kompletten Datenstrom darüber abzuwickeln.

Der ganze Artikel (http://www.heise.de/security/artikel/Zukunftssicher-Verschluesseln-mit-Perfect-Forward-Secrecy-1923800.html)

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: GnuPGNotepad 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2013, 08:30
GnuPGNotepad stattet Rechner mit einem benutzerfreundlichen Tool zum Verschlüsseln von Emails und Dateien. Die Freeware leistet wertvolle Dienste beim Versand verschlüsselter Texte in Clients ohne PGP-Support.

GnuPGNotepad setzt ein installiertes GPG4Win (http://gpg4win.org/impressum.html) sowie generierte PGP-Keys voraus. Um Inhalte zu Verschlüsseln genügt es, beispielsweise einen zu kodierenden Text in das Editorfenster einzugeben. Im so genannten Output Panel erhält man den fertig generierten PGP-Code.

Mit GnuPGNotepad erhalten Freunde verschlüsselter digitaler Kommunikation einen kompakten Helfer an die Hand. Da GnuPGNotepad alle Programmfunktionen im Arbeitsspeicher ausführt, kommt die Freeware ohne Installation aus.

Titel: EncfsAnywhere - Mit Encfs verschlüsselte Dateien im Browser entschlüsseln
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2013, 14:00
An EncFS (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EncFS) capable fileviewer for Dropbox that runs entirely in your browser.

If you are using EncFS to keep your files safe and want to be able to access them from any computer that provides a browser, this app might interest you. EncfsAnyhwere is able to connect to your Dropbox and decrypt EncFS folders you store in there. Your EncFS password never leaves your computer, nor are any decrypted files transferred anywhere! The encrypted files are loaded from your Dropbox and decrypted within your browser. Everything happens on your computer, not on any server!

It is written in Java and compiled to a HTML/JavaScript app using GWT.

License : EncfsAnywhere is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0.

Titel: Kryptel Lite 6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2013, 23:00
Kryptel Lite is a tool that comes with a simple and friendly user interface, and allows you to encrypt / decrypt a group of files or folders.

It supports drag-and-drop operation and integrates to the Windows Explorer right-click menu. Kryptel Lite uses industry-standard DES cipher for encryption and includes a single-pass file shredder for secure file deletion.

Here are some key features of "Kryptel Lite":

· Support for Windows drag-and-drop
· Easy integration with Windows Explorer or other file managers,
· Uses the industry-standard DES cipher in the Electronic Codebook mode for data encryption,
· Embedded single-pass file shredder
· Supports integration with Iron Key


Titel: Simple File Encryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2013, 08:00
Simple File Encryptor is a simple and easy to use application designed to help you encrypt and decrypt important files, texts and folders. Simple File Encryptor can assign passwords to text documents in order to make sure that your important data does not get in the wrong hands and uses public and private cryptography keys. It comes in handy for anyone who wants to secure file transfer and prevent data theft.

Here are some key features of "Simple File Encryptor":

· AES 256 bit password protected file and folder encryption
· RSA 4096 bit Public and Private key file and folder encryption


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2013, 20:00
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Kleine Fehler bei der Zuordnung der ID's aus den Sprachdateien behoben.
Die Sprache "Englisch" steht jetzt zur Verfügung.

Titel: Encryption Wizard 3.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2013, 17:00
Encryption Wizard can be used to encrypt files and folders to protect their confidential contents from prying eyes.

In order to encrypt a file, a passphrase needs to be specified, and the protected file can be accessed only by those who know the correct password.


Titel: SWX-Crypt 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2013, 14:00
SWX-Crypt is a handy and reliable program that serves to encrypt text and files using one of the most versatile encryption routines, named AES.

The encryption process is also based on a user-defined password, which will be required in case a decryption operation is needed. Encrypted files will be exported to the program's installation folder.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.0.403.275
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2013, 18:00
Version 2.0.403.275 (08/26/2013)
    Fixed: Pipe Error 5, when encrypting / decrypting.
    Changed: Contact Information.

Titel: CipherBox 0.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2013, 17:23
CipherBox is a handy application especially designed to offer you a simple means of securing important data with powerful encryption and keep the selected files away from prying eyes.


The program is able to lock all the documents in the selected folder and you can choose the desired password to keep anyone from accessing them.


Titel: Encrypted File Scanner v1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2013, 18:00
Encrypted File Scanner is the free tool to quickly scan and discover all the secret Encrypted files on Windows system.

Encrypting File System (EFS) is the component of NTFS file system that enables transparent encryption and decryption of files on Windows. This allows user to encrypt his/her secret files with just a click and prevent other users from accessing it. At the same time current user can access the encrypted files transparently as if they were not encrypted at all.

Encrypted File Scanner helps you to quickly find all such encrypted files using the parallel multi threaded scan of all the folders. It also automatically detects the Encrypted Executable Files (EXE, DLL, COM etc) and shows them in red color for easier identification. Similarly 'Encrypted Files' are shown in black color and Encrypted Folders' are shown in blue color.

It also provides Settings Dialog to help in fine tuning the various parameters for scanning operation.

It is very easy to use tool with its cool GUI interface. Particularly, more handy for Penetration testers and Forensic investigators.

It is fully portable and works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

Check for NTFS Drives before EFS Scanning operation. EFS is supported only on NTFS drives unlike FAT16/FAT32 file systems.

Titel: Cryptography Studio 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2013, 20:00
Cryptography Studio is a very small and effective application that enables you to protect your files with powerful encryption then decode them with minimal effort. Cryptography Studio also features a decryption module that is most appropriate for deciphering the files you chose to secure with an encrypted password.


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.405.295
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2013, 18:00
Version 2.0.405.295 (09/24/2013)
    Added: Ability to use custom keys using the command line argument /customkeys The custom key feature
    Added: Compatibility with Microsoft SyncToy
    Fixed: Enable locations after logout and login was not working
    Fixed: Boxcryptor crash if key file was not found in local mode
    Fixed: Cannot move a file when source and target are on different drives
    Fixed: Various smaller issues
    Fixed: Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.405.295_Setup.msi

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.04.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2013, 20:30
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7

Titel: CryptSync 1.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2013, 19:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.407.311
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2013, 13:23
Version 2.0.407.311 (10/15/2013)

    Improved: Performance (especially when using network shares / WebDAV)
    Improved: Copying many files fails with „Externally altered“
    Fixed: SkyDrive in Windows 8.1 does not show any files
    Fixed: Cannot use “Remember password” with local account
    Fixed: Same IVs are used for all files/folders within one Boxcryptor session
    Fixed: Cannot remove a deleted user from sharing
    Fixed: Cannot create new files or folders in a folder shared with a deleted user
    Minor bug fixes and improvements
    (Change to 308: SkyDrive detection in Windows 8 )

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.407.308_Setup.msi
Titel: BoxCryptor Classic 1.6.401.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2013, 14:30
Whats new: >>

Added: Support for silent installation
Changed: Updated CBFS to v4.0.137

Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA 2.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2013, 14:30
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA: Verschlüsselt Daten per Drag & Drop mit dem sicheren Twofish-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus; erfordert keine Installation und kann somit direkt vom USB-Stick gestartet werden.


Titel: The Padlock 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2013, 19:00
The Padlock allows you to lock and protect your files, images, folders, documents or any type of file. With this program take just seconds to lock files, even with several GBs.

You just have to drag and drop files and encrypt them. The locked files can not be renamed, deleted or executed, becoming inaccessible in Windows Explorer.


Whats new :

New company website: http://mysecuritywin.com
New interface
Auto lock when dragged and dropped a file/folder
Close program when the program is idle
New language German

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.409.325
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2013, 16:00
Whats new: >>
    Added: Option to disable Volume Watcher notifications
    Fixed: Hide files beginning with . does not work
    Fixed: Logout from local account forgets to remember email address
    Fixed: Newly created group is not removed properly on deletion
    Fixed: Windows 8.1 search index does not work (Enable both options "Mount in Windows Mount Manager" and  "Mount For all Users")
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.409.325_Setup.msi

Titel: CryptSync 1.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2013, 22:11
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.411.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2013, 13:30
Whats new: >>
    Fixed: Recycle bin doesn't work
    Fixed: Encrypt read-only files fails with path already exists
    Fixed: Modified date is set on read

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.411.330_Setup.msi

Titel: Aborange Crypter 3.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2013, 22:00
Verschlüsselung von Dateien, Texten und Mails nach dem AES-Verfahren mit einer Schlüssellänge von 256 Bit. Ein integrierter Passwortgenerator sowie eine Bewertung des gewählten Passwortes geben Auskunft für die Qualität/Sicherheit. Ebenfalls ist eine Funktion "sicheres löschen" integriert, welches die zu löschende Datei mehrfach überschreibt und eine Wiederherstellung unter normalen Umständen unmöglich macht.

Die Software ist Freeware (Werbefinanziert) und ist kompatibel mit Win XP bis WIN 8

Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2013, 07:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA v2.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2013, 12:21
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA: Verschlüsselt Daten per Drag & Drop mit dem sicheren Twofish-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus; erfordert keine Installation und kann somit direkt vom USB-Stick gestartet werden.


Whats new :

Context menu now working for 64-bit Window.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.413.341
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2013, 07:08
Whats new: >>

    Updated CBFS to v4.0.139
    Changed: Renamed "Share Access" to "Manage Permissions" to avoid misunderstandings with the word "Sharing" used by cloud storage providers

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.413.341_Setup.msi

Titel: PasswordZecure 2.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2013, 20:00
Mit PasswordZecure werden Passwörter verschlüsselt in einem Datencontainer gespeichert. Durch die Möglichkeit, mehrere Benutzer anzulegen, kann das Programm auch genutzt werden, wenn mehrere Leute mit einem Benutzerkonto bei Windows arbeiten. Der Benutzer bekommt nach Anmeldung bei PasswordZecure nur seine Passwörter angezeigt.

Dieses Programm benötigt Java.


Titel: DiskCryptor 1.0.802.118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2014, 22:00
Mit DiskCryptor können alle Partitionen einschl. der Systempartition verschüsselt werden.DiskCryptor verwendet wahlweise AES, Serpent oder Twofish-Algorithmen im XTS-Modus.Die Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen können auf Wunsch auch kaskadiert werden.Bei einer kaskadierten Verschlüsselung bleiben die Daten auch dann verschlüsselt, wenn eines der Algorithmen geknackt wird.

Zu beachten ist aber:
- Umwandeln einer verschlüssleten Basispartition zu einer dynamischen Systempartition ist nicht möglich. Nach der Umwandlung ist das Booten nicht mehr möglich.

- Verwenden Sie keine nationalen Zeichen (zB ä,ö,ü) für das Passwort der Boot- oder Systempartition. Verwenden Sie nur Zeichen aus der Menge [A-Z][a-z][0-9].

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 bis Seven (sowohl in 32, als auch in 64-bit). Der Stand vom Service-Pack spielt keine Rolle.

Titel: BCTextEncoder 1.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2014, 20:33
Never worry that someone might read a confidential email, BCTextEncoder will easily encrypt part or all of your messages. Easily encrypt your messages using strong and approved symmetric and public key algorithms for data encryption. BCTextEncoderTM utility software simplifies encoding and decoding text data.

Plain text data is compressed, encrypted and converted to text format, which can then be easily copied to the clipboard or saved as a text file. BCTextEncoder uses public key encryption methods as well as password-based encryption.


Titel: AxCrypt 1.7.3156.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2014, 18:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Whats new: >>

Minor changes and updates.

Titel: Encoding Decoding Free 3.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2014, 18:35
Encoding Decoding Free is a completely free, easy, fast and secure way to encode and decode any type of file, which also integrates seamlessly into Windows Explorer. The program can be used to hide all the sensitive data that we want to keep away from prying eyes.


disarming ease of use;
coding of any type of files;
integration in Windows Explorer for a more rapid;
creating one password for decryption (in addition to the hidden internal);
secure encryption of login passwords, pin codes, serial numbers, etc..;
inability of systems to be cracked by "Brute Force" (if the password is wrong does not display the classic error message intercepted by the crackers, but it is decoded in the wrong way the file will appear illegible).

Please note: - Be careful not to forget the password, otherwise we will not be able to decode the encrypted files!


Titel: SecurStick 1.0.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2014, 11:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: USB Safeguard 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2014, 23:24
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2014, 07:30
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Die Performance beim Ver- und Entschlüsseln von Textnachrichten wurde erheblich verbessert.
Textnachrichten sind jetzt auf eine maximale Länge von 2.000.000 Byte begrenzt. Der Text wird in UTF8 kodiert. Bei manchen Zeichen oder Zeichensätzen werden zwei oder mehr Byte pro Zeichen verwendet.
Die Lite-Version wird ab dieser Version nicht mehr unterstützt und weiterentwickelt. Alle Funktionen der Lite-Version lassen sich auch mit der normalen Version nutzen. Landesspezifische Einschränkungen bei der Verschlüsselungsstärke müssen vom Anwender beachtet werden.

Titel: RoboCrypt 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2014, 16:00
RoboCrypt is an encrypted data backup application for Windows, combining the functionality of freely available utilities to backup data.

The application uses TrueCrypt, freely available at www.truecrypt.org to create and utilize encrypted backup files and/or volumes.  The application also uses the available utilities from Microsoft (Robocopy, VShadow, and PowerShell) to allow you to backup data and optionally use Microsoft Volume Shadow Services and PowerShell to send notification emails upon backup completion.

This program has been designed to work with Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/7/8.x/Server 2008.

Lizenz: GPL

Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA v2.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2014, 06:00
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA verschlüsselt Ihre sensiblen Daten ganz einfach per Drag und Drop,  so dass diese vor unbefugten Zugriffen geschützt sind. Dabei bedient sich das kleine Tool der TEA-Verschlüsselung und löscht zur Sicherheit direkt auf Wunsch auch die Ursprungsdatei.

Sie ziehen die zu verschlüsselnden Dateien einfach in das Programmfenster, oder verwenden das Senden per Kontextmenü, und den Rest erledigt das Programm. Entschlüsseln gelingt genau so schnell und einfach.


      Daten ganz einfach via Drag & Drop ver- bzw. entschlüsseln.
      Das ver- bzw. entschlüsseln via Kontextmenüeintrag Senden-An ist ebenfalls möglich.
      Es können alle Arten von Dateien verschlüsselt werden.
      Besonders sicheres Löschen der Quelldatei nach dem Verschlüsselungsvorgang.
      Es ist keine Installation von DCU erforderlich.
      DCU kann von einem mobilen Datenträger aus eingesetzt werden (z.B. USB Stick).

Freeware für Win XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

Important improvement for the "secure delete" function.

Titel: Fileprivacy 1.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2014, 21:00
Fileprivacy is a small tool which easily encrypts and decrypts files with common algorithms like AES, Blowfish, Triple DES and RSA. You can either use passwords or keyfiles.

Fileprivacy can be used for securing any type of document, relying on different types of algorithms.

Lizenz: GPL

Titel: USB Safeguard 7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2014, 22:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: PasswordZecure 2.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2014, 07:00
Mit PasswordZecure werden Passwörter verschlüsselt in einem Datencontainer gespeichert. Durch die Möglichkeit, mehrere Benutzer anzulegen, kann das Programm auch genutzt werden, wenn mehrere Leute mit einem Benutzerkonto bei Windows arbeiten. Der Benutzer bekommt nach Anmeldung bei PasswordZecure nur seine Passwörter angezeigt.

Dieses Programm benötigt Java.


Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2014, 14:30
EncryptOnClick is an application that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files. EncryptOnClick is like hiring your own highly experienced data security guard who ensures the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. The program is very simple to use and features military grade 256-bit AES encryption.

There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Whats new: >>

New: Option to show password
New: Option to not delete file after encrypting or decrypting
New: -n command line parameter to specify not to delete file

Titel: GnuPGNotepad 1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2014, 19:00
GnuPGNotepad stattet Rechner mit einem benutzerfreundlichen Tool zum Verschlüsseln von Emails und Dateien. Die Freeware leistet wertvolle Dienste beim Versand verschlüsselter Texte in Clients ohne PGP-Support.

GnuPGNotepad setzt ein installiertes GPG4Win (http://gpg4win.org/impressum.html) sowie generierte PGP-Keys voraus. Um Inhalte zu Verschlüsseln genügt es, beispielsweise einen zu kodierenden Text in das Editorfenster einzugeben. Im so genannten Output Panel erhält man den fertig generierten PGP-Code.

Mit GnuPGNotepad erhalten Freunde verschlüsselter digitaler Kommunikation einen kompakten Helfer an die Hand. Da GnuPGNotepad alle Programmfunktionen im Arbeitsspeicher ausführt, kommt die Freeware ohne Installation aus.

Whats new: >>

Updated to extend the input timeout from 15 seconds to 90 seconds. Also corrected an issue that caused the application to crash instead of correctly handling an error.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.0.415.357
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2014, 06:00
Whats new: >>

    Fixed Box Sync 4.0 auto-detection
    Improved Permissions Management
    Better feedback for context-menu encrypt/decrypt
    Improved CBFS driver install
    Improved auto-update process

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.415.357_Setup.msi

Titel: GuardAxon 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2014, 18:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new:>>

Changed encryption (editing mode).
Added functions for easy filtering when selecting files.
Added the ability to create an archive (zip format).
Added functionality for opening files.

Titel: BoxCryptor Classic 1.6.405.102
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2014, 21:00
Version 1.6.405.102 (02/24/2014)
    Fixed: Microsoft OneDrive is not auto-detected on Windows 7

Download:  https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_Classic_v1.6.405.102_Setup.msi

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.0.417.367
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2014, 06:00
Version 2.0.417.367
    Fixed: File times are modified on permission change
    Fixed: Microsoft OneDrive is not auto-detected on Windows 7

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.417.367_Setup.msi

Titel: WinGuard Pro 2014 8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2014, 17:00
Das Sicherheitsprogramm versieht auf Wunsch eine Reihe vordefinierter Programme, Fenster und Verzeichnisse mit einem Passwortschutz. So können Sie beispielsweise den Internetzugang, Downloads oder den Zugang zum Desktop versperren. Ebenso sperren Sie Programme wie den Taskmanager, Media Player, Notepad oder Firefox.

Winguard Pro gibt es in einer kostenlosen Version und in der Premium Edition. Diese bringt weitere Funktionen mit sich. Sie können etwa den Start zusätzlich installierter Programme sowie die Installation weiterer Software verbieten und Dateien und Verzeichnisse verschlüsseln.

Whats new: >>

New free software added.
Free email support to everyone.
Lock Windows 8 Apps

Titel: pfEncryptor 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2014, 15:00
This application provides advanced encryption and decryption capabilities via an easy-to-use interactive user interface.

Key Features

    AES, DES and TripleDES standards supported.
    Either files or strings can be encrypted.
    Encryptions can be binary or to base64 text.
     Encryption keys are not tied to your username or your PC.
    You can save your keys and encryption/decryption definitions to files.
    You can reuse the key files and encryption/decryption definition files to enforce standard encryptions across various objects.
    Developers can use this application to easily define, manage and implement the encryption of application files and strings.
    Business power users can use the application to encrypt files stored on network drives,  files destined to transferred by FTP or email or on external USB disks.
    Batch encryption and decryption operations can be defined.


Titel: Viivo 2.4.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2014, 06:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

added feature Viivo Drop Zone for all users
added feature Viivo Edit for all users
added sharing support for Box, Google Drive, SkyDrive/OpenDrive, Email, etc.
added “Assets” tab to the Viivo Manager for managing single file access and non-Dropbox Shares
added refresh check to “Shares” tab
bug fixes and performance improvements

Titel: Kryptel Lite 6.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2014, 11:00
Kryptel Lite is a tool that comes with a simple and friendly user interface, and allows you to encrypt / decrypt a group of files or folders.

It supports drag-and-drop operation and integrates to the Windows Explorer right-click menu. Kryptel Lite uses industry-standard DES cipher for encryption and includes a single-pass file shredder for secure file deletion.

Here are some key features of "Kryptel Lite":

· Support for Windows drag-and-drop
· Easy integration with Windows Explorer or other file managers,
· Uses the industry-standard DES cipher in the Electronic Codebook mode for data encryption,
· Embedded single-pass file shredder
· Supports integration with Iron Key


Titel: GnuPGNotepad 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2014, 20:30
GnuPGNotepad stattet Rechner mit einem benutzerfreundlichen Tool zum Verschlüsseln von Emails und Dateien. Die Freeware leistet wertvolle Dienste beim Versand verschlüsselter Texte in Clients ohne PGP-Support.

GnuPGNotepad setzt ein installiertes GPG4Win (http://gpg4win.org/impressum.html) sowie generierte PGP-Keys voraus. Um Inhalte zu Verschlüsseln genügt es, beispielsweise einen zu kodierenden Text in das Editorfenster einzugeben. Im so genannten Output Panel erhält man den fertig generierten PGP-Code.

Mit GnuPGNotepad erhalten Freunde verschlüsselter digitaler Kommunikation einen kompakten Helfer an die Hand. Da GnuPGNotepad alle Programmfunktionen im Arbeitsspeicher ausführt, kommt die Freeware ohne Installation aus.

Whats new: >>

Signed the code with my own certificate

Titel: pfEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2014, 19:00
pfEncryptor provides an interactive user Interface for defining and managing encryption tasks. It supports AES, TripleDES, and DES encryption standards. The application can encrypt either files or standalone strings. Encryptions can either be to binary or base64 Text encoding. Keys can be saved to files for later use in creating standardized encryptions for various files.

Encryption and decryption task definitions can be saved for later replay. Batch processing for encryption and decryption tasks can be defined and saved for periodic scheduling.Business power users will find the application useful for encrypting files they save to network drives, files destined to transferred by FTP or email and external USB flash disks


Titel: GuardAxon 1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2014, 18:29
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new:>>

Some problems have been fixed.

Titel: Boxcrytor 2.0.419.376
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2014, 21:00
Version 2.0.419.376
    Added: OneDrive for Business support

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.0.419.376_Setup.msi

Titel: fritz 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2014, 11:16
Verschlüsselt und signiert Dateien oder Nachrichten vor dem Versenden via Internet mittels Public-Key-Verfahren; basiert auf der Krypto-Bibliothek NaCl; keine Installation notwendig, Programm arbeitet ausschließlich auf der lokalen Festplatte.

Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: USB Flash Security 4.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2014, 22:00
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Titel: WinGuard Pro 2014 8.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2014, 22:00
Das Sicherheitsprogramm versieht auf Wunsch eine Reihe vordefinierter Programme, Fenster und Verzeichnisse mit einem Passwortschutz. So können Sie beispielsweise den Internetzugang, Downloads oder den Zugang zum Desktop versperren. Ebenso sperren Sie Programme wie den Taskmanager, Media Player, Notepad oder Firefox.

Winguard Pro gibt es in einer kostenlosen Version und in der Premium Edition. Diese bringt weitere Funktionen mit sich. Sie können etwa den Start zusätzlich installierter Programme sowie die Installation weiterer Software verbieten und Dateien und Verzeichnisse verschlüsseln.

Titel: GuardAxon 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2014, 10:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new (since version 1.9):>>

Code optimization.
Changes in the filtering of files function.
Added support for exceptions.
Corrected the algorithm of decryption text.
Added encrypt / decrypt a text.

Titel: Viivo 2.5.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2014, 09:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

bug fixes for right click menu
bug fix for ignoring case on Windows


    added feature Viivo Team Key for Viivo for Business users
    added feature Viivo MFA for Viivo Pro users
    added feature Viivo Filename Encryption for beta/trial use
    added new Assets tab to Viivo Manager for better control of Viivo keys for sharing
    bug fixes to indexing algorithm

Titel: VaultPad v1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2014, 23:30
VaultPad is a simple text/file encryptor that uses a AES cipher (symmetric-key pairs) to encrypt local messages and RSA/AES cipher (public/private key pairs) for shared messages. Messages are formatted as XML and allow embedding of small files.

A SHA-512 cipher is used to hash passwords, so they aren't stored in the application itself. A MD5 algorithm is used to check embedded files for corruption. VaultPad will handle third party public keys to be able to encrypt/decrypt their files directly.

License:    Freeware

Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA 2.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 06:00
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA verschlüsselt Ihre sensiblen Daten ganz einfach per Drag und Drop,  so dass diese vor unbefugten Zugriffen geschützt sind. Dabei bedient sich das kleine Tool der TEA-Verschlüsselung und löscht zur Sicherheit direkt auf Wunsch auch die Ursprungsdatei.

Sie ziehen die zu verschlüsselnden Dateien einfach in das Programmfenster, oder verwenden das Senden per Kontextmenü, und den Rest erledigt das Programm. Entschlüsseln gelingt genau so schnell und einfach.


      Daten ganz einfach via Drag & Drop ver- bzw. entschlüsseln.
      Das ver- bzw. entschlüsseln via Kontextmenüeintrag Senden-An ist ebenfalls möglich.
      Es können alle Arten von Dateien verschlüsselt werden.
      Besonders sicheres Löschen der Quelldatei nach dem Verschlüsselungsvorgang.
      Es ist keine Installation von DCU erforderlich.
      DCU kann von einem mobilen Datenträger aus eingesetzt werden (z.B. USB Stick).

Freeware für Win XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

Kleine kosmetische Änderungen.
Ein Bug im "DCU Context Menu Tool" (DCU-CMT.exe) wurde behoben.

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.04.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2014, 18:00
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7

Titel: Viivo 2.5.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2014, 06:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

bug fix for dropbox file syncing
improvement for external drive detection

Titel: Viivo 2.5.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2014, 11:37
Whats new: >>

bug fix for users not syncing in viivo manager

Titel: BoxCryptor Classic 1.7.401.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2014, 20:00
Whats new: >>
    Improved: File save in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, etc.)
    Changed: Filename encryption cannot be enabled or disabled on existing Boxcryptor Classic folders in Google Drive in order to avoid sync problems caused by Google Drive.
    Improved: Reduced IO operations

Download:  https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_Classic_v1.7.401.120_Setup.msi

Titel: CryptSync 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2014, 21:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: USB Safeguard 7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2014, 14:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: BoxCryptor Classic 1.7.403.122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 22:00
Version 1.7.403.122 (06/16/2014)

    Fixed: File was not saved correctly after being rotated in Windows Photo Viewer
    Fixed: Cannot open Quicken file

Download:  https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_Classic_v1.7.403.122_Setup.msi

Titel: DiskCryptor 1.1.836.118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2014, 18:00
Mit DiskCryptor können alle Partitionen einschl. der Systempartition verschüsselt werden.DiskCryptor verwendet wahlweise AES, Serpent oder Twofish-Algorithmen im XTS-Modus.Die Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen können auf Wunsch auch kaskadiert werden.Bei einer kaskadierten Verschlüsselung bleiben die Daten auch dann verschlüsselt, wenn eines der Algorithmen geknackt wird.

Zu beachten ist aber:

- Umwandeln einer verschlüssleten Basispartition zu einer dynamischen Systempartition ist nicht möglich. Nach der Umwandlung ist das Booten nicht mehr möglich.

- Verwenden Sie keine nationalen Zeichen (zB ä,ö,ü) für das Passwort der Boot- oder Systempartition. Verwenden Sie nur Zeichen aus der Menge [A-Z][a-z][0-9].

Whats new: >>

Added compatibility with Windows 8.0 and 8.1.
Fixed BSOD when decrypting of formatted volume.
Internal improvements of code quality.

Titel: Encryption Wizard 3.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2014, 10:00
Encryption Wizard can be used to encrypt files and folders to protect their confidential contents from prying eyes.

In order to encrypt a file, a passphrase needs to be specified, and the protected file can be accessed only by those who know the correct password.


Titel: DiskCryptor 1.1.846.118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2014, 20:00
Whats new: >>

More accurate handling writing of the volume header. Reduced risk of data loss in the encryption process.
Small Windows 8 compatibility bugfixes.

Titel: USB Safeguard 7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2014, 17:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2014, 09:12
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



whats new :>>

[All of the editions]

The installation function of the PRO service is added.
Make password screen display in the foreground.


Change Release tool and Safely remove tool to support PRO service.
Change Release tool and Safely remove tool to support WinPE(32bit).

Titel: CryptoDock 1.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2014, 21:00
CryptoDock is a lightweight application you can use to encrypt your files using one of the provided methods, such as AES, NLSE-1 or One Time Pad. The application is developed using the Java programming language and can run on multiple platforms.


Whats new: >>

Added ability to select a folder as an input and process all files in it.
File and folder selection has been made easier.
Users cam now change the position of windows control buttons and window title.
Automatic output file selection is now optional.
Preference window for the program has been completely redone.

Titel: Quick Crypt 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2014, 21:02
Quick Crypt is AES 256-bit file encryption software with a lot of features. You can store encryption properties like a password hint, file owner, and file comment in the encrypted file. Encryption properties can be viewed in the Encryption Properties Viewer and stored in profiles for easy retrieval.

Quick Crypt also supports setting an encrypted file to expire after a certain number of days. Once a file is expired, it cannot be decrypted. Another security feature is encrypting files with a unique System ID. Files encrypted with a unique System ID cannot be decrypted on other computers.

Other features include file verification check to ensure file was not modified after it was encrypted, and a file eraser that allows you to erase files up to 40x. Erased files cannot be recovered by analyzing the hard drive. Quick Crypt has a modern, easy to use interface, small file size, and portable - no installation required.


Whats new: >>

Cloud Sync - sync file to your cloud folder after successful encryption.
Tip System - display helpful hints and tips on how to use Quick Crypt.
Minor UI changes
Minor bug fixes

Titel: Viivo 2.6.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2014, 14:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

added feature custom right click menu options for all Viivo users
recent file tracking
clickable notifications
drop zone files now decrypt in viivo-encrypted folder
performance improvements with server communication
various small bug fixes

Titel: The Padlock 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2014, 06:00
The Padlock allows you to lock and protect your files, images, folders, documents or any type of file. With this program take just seconds to lock files, even with several GBs.

You just have to drag and drop files and encrypt them. The locked files can not be renamed, deleted or executed, becoming inaccessible in Windows Explorer.


Whats new :

New User interface;
Bug fixes.

Titel: Quick Crypt
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2014, 19:00
Whats new: >>

Fix bug where the License and Disclaimer dialog was shown multiple times on certain occasions
Fix "System.NullReferenceException". This exception occurred when attempting to encrypt a file when the cloud folder drop-down box was empty (null).

Titel: BestCrypt v.1.04.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2014, 06:00
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Die Software ist nur als Admin ausführbar.

Unterstützt wird WIN 9x - WIN 7

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0d
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2014, 19:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden.

Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf.
Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

Titel: Safe 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2014, 09:00
Safe is an application that makes it easy to encrypt your files. When you encrypt your files with Safe they are rendered unreadable to anyone who doesn't have your password. Safe is cross-platform and currently runs works with all applications and file types and can store encrypted files anywhere.

License : GPL

Whats new: >>

Fix bug that was a source of spurious unmounts on Mac OS X (and possibly Windows). Fixes #17
Mac OS X: No longer uses RAM disk for WebDAV cache when FileVault is enabled. Fixes #19

Titel: Qana 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2014, 20:00
Qana is designed to help you encrypt important or confidential files and archives in order to prevent them from being accessed by others, without your consent. Qana uses the Fortuna random number generator and the script key derivation function in order to cipher your files. It can be used for encrypting files, text messages, split and join files, as well as conceal a file within an image.

License: GPL

Whats new: >>

Bug fixes:

Bug: After cancelling an attempt to close a document with the Close button ('X' icon) of the document's tab, the Close button became unresponsive.
Bug: In some circumstances, specifying an empty pathname for the key database prevented the Preferences dialog from being displayed.

Other changes:

If a key database has been specified but the file does not exist (as is the case when Qana is installed for the first time), a warning is displayed when the program starts up. When the program exits, a key database will be created at the location specified by the crypto.keyDatabase configuration property if the file does not exist.
The ability to choose the colour of text in the status panel has been added.
If you choose a non-existent directory with the Archive > Choose archive directory, the directory will be created.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0e
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2014, 09:22
Whats new>>

Correct most of the security vulnerabilities reported by the Open Crypto Audit Project
Correct security issues detected by Static Code Analysis, mainly under Windows
Correct issue of unresponsiveness when changing password/key file of a volume. Reduce overall time taken for creating encrypted volume/partition
Minor fixes (look at git history for more details)

Titel: Rose Crypt 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2014, 13:45
Rose Crypt provides users with a simplistic application that can be used for encrypting text files in your computer using a custom passphrase.

With its minimal design, Rose Crypt can be used by both advanced and beginner users. Once the encryption process is finished, you can access the newly created file from the location you previously selected.


Titel: Viivo 2.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2014, 18:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

bug fix for viivo manager setup to not sync with a cloud
bug fix for viivo manager when triggering an assisted upgrade

Titel: EncFS MP 0.9.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2014, 19:00
Whats new: >>

Added context menu in mounts list
Updated wxWidgets to 3.0.2 and OpenSSL to 1.0.1j
Minor code changes, EncFSMP can now be compiled against wxWidgets before 2.9.0

Titel: BitCrypt9 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2014, 19:00
BitCrypt9 is a user-friendly yet powerful piece of software that was developed to provide you with a secure method of encrypting your most sensitive data, making the files impossible to open without your permission.


Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2014, 05:30
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird WIN 95 bis WIN 7

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0f Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2014, 06:00
Whats new>>

Add support for SHA-256 for volume encryption.
Make SHA-512 the default key derivation algorithm instead of RIPEMD160.
Change the order of preference of derivation algorithms : SHA-512 -> Whirlpool -> SHA-256 -> RIPEMD160
Security: fix vulnerability in bootloader detected by Open Crypto Audit and make it more robust.
Add support for SHA-256 in system boot encryption.
Various optimizations in bootloader.
Complete fix of ShellExecute security issue.
Kernel driver: check that the password length received from bootloader is less or equal to 64.

Titel: WinAES 0.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2014, 06:00
WinAES is a handy and reliable application designed to enable you to encrypt and decrypt files. The application features strong hash functions and a password generator. You can also encrypt and decrypt text.

Main features:

    File Encryption:
    Using one of most secure symmetric-key algorithms in this world to protect your data. The software used 256-bit encryption key, CBC mode with randomized IV, provides maximum security.The Multi-threading tech also provided maximum performance.
    Hash Calculation:
    Supports 5 different kinds of hash algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256bits), SHA-2(512bits), Keccak(One of SHA-3 Finalists).
    Secure File Eraser:
    Secure File Eraser can erase a file up to 35 times, ensure there is no possibility of recovering an erased file.
    Random Password Generator:
    Generates 9999 characters length password
    Base64 Encoder/Decoder:
    Encode an entire novel book within 0.1 seconds


Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 9R6A
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2014, 19:00
An easy and quick solution to protect files, regardless of type and importance by encrypting with one of the 7 algorithms using this lightweight tool.


Whats new:>>

Minor UI changes + some other improvements.

Titel: GuardAxon 2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2014, 17:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new:>>

Code optimization.

Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2014, 18:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA 2.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2014, 10:20
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA verschlüsselt Ihre sensiblen Daten ganz einfach per Drag und Drop,  so dass diese vor unbefugten Zugriffen geschützt sind. Dabei bedient sich das kleine Tool der TEA-Verschlüsselung und löscht zur Sicherheit direkt auf Wunsch auch die Ursprungsdatei.

Sie ziehen die zu verschlüsselnden Dateien einfach in das Programmfenster, oder verwenden das Senden per Kontextmenü, und den Rest erledigt das Programm. Entschlüsseln gelingt genau so schnell und einfach.


      Daten ganz einfach via Drag & Drop ver- bzw. entschlüsseln.
      Das ver- bzw. entschlüsseln via Kontextmenüeintrag Senden-An ist ebenfalls möglich.
      Es können alle Arten von Dateien verschlüsselt werden.
      Besonders sicheres Löschen der Quelldatei nach dem Verschlüsselungsvorgang.
      Es ist keine Installation von DCU erforderlich.
      DCU kann von einem mobilen Datenträger aus eingesetzt werden (z.B. USB Stick).


Titel: VSEncryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2014, 07:00
VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, RC2, RC4, DES and Triple DES.


Titel: VaultPad 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2014, 06:00
A simple and user-friendly application created to offer you the means of encrypting text messages, so your personal information does not get revealed by accident


Titel: Crypt 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2014, 05:00
A straightforward and reliable software solution that helps you encrypt your confidential or private files so they cannot be accessed by other people.


Whats new:>>

Now, it is able to manage several files at a once
Automatic update system improved
Added a button to make a donation
Improvements in performance
Minor bugs fixed

Titel: BestCrypt 9.01.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2014, 13:00
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Whats new:>>

Added support for containers larger than 2 TB
Added capability to instantly create and access containers
Added support for Dynamic Containers featuring Smart Free Space Monitoring
Optimized major driver performance
Implemented AES encryption algorithm for hardware acceleration
Added Whirlpool, SHA-2 and SHA-3 hash algorithms
Improved key stretching
Improved GUI
Added support for Windows 10 Technical Preview

Titel: FileGuard 4.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 14:00
FileGuard is a user-friendly and efficient software solution created with a sole purpose in mind: that of enabling you to secure the contents of sensitive documents, so no unwanted individuals can access them without your permission.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0f Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2014, 16:00
All OSs:

Add support for mounting TrueCrypt volumes.
Add support for converting TrueCrypt containers and non-system partitions.
Add support for SHA-256 for volume encryption.
Make SHA-512 the default key derivation algorithm and change the order of preference of derivation algorithms : SHA-512 -> Whirlpool -> SHA-256 -> RIPEMD160
Deprecate RIPEMD160 for non-system encryption.
Speedup mount operation by enabling choice of correct hash algorithm.
Display a wait dialog during lengthy operations to avoid freezing the GUI.
Implement creation of multiple keyfiles at once, with predefined or random size.
Always display random gathering dialog before performing sensitive operations.
Links in the application now points to the online resources on Codeplex
First version of proper VeraCrypt User Guide


Implement support for hard drives with a large sector size (> 512).
Link against new wxWidgets version 3.0.2.
Solve truncated text in some Wizard windows.


Add support of NTFS formatting of volumes.
Correct issue on opening of the user guide PDF.
Better support for hard drives with a large sector size (> 512).
Link against new wxWidgets version 3.0.2.


Security: fix vulnerability in bootloader detected by Open Crypto Audit and make it more robust.
Add support for SHA-256 in system boot encryption.
Various optimizations in bootloader.
Complete fix of ShellExecute security issue.
Kernel driver: check that the password length received from bootloader is less or equal to 64.
Correct a random crash when clicking the link for more information on keyfiles
Implement option to auto-dismount when user session is locked
Add self-test vectors for SHA-256
Modern look-and-feel by enabling visual styles
few minor fixed.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0f-1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2015, 13:00
All OSs:

Add support for old TrueCrypt 6.0.
Change naming of cascades algorithms in GUI for a better description.


Make cancel button of the preference dialog working.
Solve impossibility to enter a one digit size for the volume.
Add wait dialog to the benchmark calculation.


Add TrueCrypt mode to the mounted volume information.
For Windows XP, correct the installer graphical artefacts.

Titel: GuardAxon 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2015, 06:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.01.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bugs.

Titel: Qana 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2015, 16:00
Qana is designed to help you encrypt important or confidential files and archives in order to prevent them from being accessed by others, without your consent. Qana uses the Fortuna random number generator and the script key derivation function in order to cipher your files. It can be used for encrypting files, text messages, split and join files, as well as conceal a file within an image.

License: GPL

Whats new: >>

Bug fixes:

When an archive is opened by drag-and-drop, cancelling the key dialog now cancels the open operation instead of opening the archive without its contents.

Other changes:

Added the ability to associate the filename suffixes of Qana-encrypted files (the default is .qana) and Qana archives (the default is .qarc) with the application when running on Windows. The association is achieved by modifying the Windows Registry from an automatically generated PowerShell script, which requires Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 or Windows 8.x.
The text-wrapping command for text documents now preserves leading space at the start of each paragraph.

Titel: GuardAxon 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Added export list of files.

Titel: Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA 2.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2015, 21:00
Drag'n'Crypt ULTRA verschlüsselt Ihre sensiblen Daten ganz einfach per Drag und Drop,  so dass diese vor unbefugten Zugriffen geschützt sind. Dabei bedient sich das kleine Tool der TEA-Verschlüsselung und löscht zur Sicherheit direkt auf Wunsch auch die Ursprungsdatei.

Sie ziehen die zu verschlüsselnden Dateien einfach in das Programmfenster, oder verwenden das Senden per Kontextmenü, und den Rest erledigt das Programm. Entschlüsseln gelingt genau so schnell und einfach.


      Daten ganz einfach via Drag & Drop ver- bzw. entschlüsseln.
      Das ver- bzw. entschlüsseln via Kontextmenüeintrag Senden-An ist ebenfalls möglich.
      Es können alle Arten von Dateien verschlüsselt werden.
      Besonders sicheres Löschen der Quelldatei nach dem Verschlüsselungsvorgang.
      Es ist keine Installation von DCU erforderlich.
      DCU kann von einem mobilen Datenträger aus eingesetzt werden (z.B. USB Stick).


Titel: GuardAxon 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2015, 21:00
Whats new:>>

11 new languages are supported.

Titel: GuardAxon 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 16:00
Whats new:>>

Added event log

Titel: GuardAxon 3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Added reports.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 11.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2015, 19:00
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Unterstützt wird Win 95/98/ME/2000/2003 Server/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: GuardAxon 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2015, 05:45
Whats new:>>

New software localization (Russian, Chinese, Korean).

Titel: EncFS MP 0.9.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2015, 19:00
An intuitive application that enables you to create an encrypted file system and mount it on your computer or on a removable drive.

License : MIT License

Whats new:>>

Updated Pismo File Mount to
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2
Passwords can now be saved in RAM (while EncFSMP is running)
Mount/unmount via command line
Improved speed of listing a directory

Titel: Qccrypt 0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2015, 05:30
Encrypt files and folders to protect them from prying eyes with this intuitive and easu to use cross-platform frontend for the ccrypt software.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

Added a check box to enable/diasable a "Stay On Top" feature (enabled by default). This can be useful when using the drag & drop functionality.

Improved the "About" dialog:

Added information about the Qt version used to compile Qccrypt.
Added information about the current Qt version used to run Qccrypt.
Added a link to the official Qccrypt web site
Added a new contributor
Added the Qccrypt's icon
Improved the decryption process: if the decryption process returns an error due to a bad password, Qccrypt asks for re-entering the password.
Added a small report at the end of encryption/decryption process to inform about what worked, what failed and what was ignored.

Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2015, 21:00
Opheus ist ein Programm zum Verschlüsseln von Dateien, ist kostenlos und wurde ursprünglich für die Anwendung unter Windows XP entwickelt. Die aktuelle Final-Version läuft auch unter Windows ab Version Windows 2000.

Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Beim Dekodieren von Textnachrichten im MMX-Modus wurde der dekodierte Text nicht richtig angezeigt. Am Ende des Textes wurden mehr Zeichen ausgegeben, als der Text ursprünglich enthielt. Dieser Fehler wurde behoben.

Titel: GuardAxon 3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Generate passwords and CRC32

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.1.401.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2015, 12:20
Added: Auto-detection for Dropbox for Business and other providers with multiple sync folders
Added: Auto-detection for new storage providers (e.g. OneDrive for Business, Strato HiDrive, iCloud Drive, CloudMe, Cubby, Web.de, TelekomCloud, Storegate, SpiderOak, and SafeSync)
Added: Advanced option to turn off OneDrive online files info message
Added: Installer is now also available in German
Improved: Redesigned user interface
Improved: Location handling for providers with a slow updating (e.g Webdav based provider)
Improved: Encrypted files and folders are now highlighted with a green icon overlay with a lock instead of a green font
Improved: Files and folders with encrypted names are now always shown in the Boxcryptor drive - regardless if they can be decrypted or not
Fixed: "File has been externally altered" error
Overall bug fixes and improvements

Titel: mlock 0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2015, 07:30
mlock ist eine schnelle Implementierung der miniLock-Spezifikation. Trotz des Namens (und im Gegensatz zum Original) kann mlock auch mit großen Dateien umgehen.

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der miniLock-Eigenschaften (Quelle: https://minilock.io):
" Enter your miniLock passphrase on any computer, and you'll get access to your miniLock ID. No key storage or management - just a single passphrase to access your miniLock identity anywhere. miniLock uses modern cryptographic primitives to accomplish this securely. "

Eine MiniLock-ID ist ein kurzer Public-Key der von einer geheimen Passphrase und einer E-Mail Adresse abgeleitet wurde. Diese ID kann auf Webseiten, in Mailsignaturen, auf Twitter oder sonstwo veröffentlicht werden, damit jedermann in der Lage ist Inhalte für diese ID zu verschlüsseln. Nur ein Empfänger mit der richtigen Passphrase/Mail-Kombination zur Erzeugung dieser ID kann die Daten wieder entschlüsseln.

Open Source

Titel: WinTrezur 1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2015, 08:00
WinTrezur is an image viewer and photo encryption software application for Microsoft Windows. WinTrezur stores images and other file types, such as video, in encrypted archives. Direct on-the-fly decryption and fast preview of encrypted images make WinTrezur ideal to hide photos. Strong encryption: AES, Blowfish, Serpent, Twofish, etc (also combined) in CBC mode.


Titel: Viivo 2.6.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2015, 19:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

- viivo sync fixes
- various small bug fixes

Titel: PanBox: Staatlich geförderte Verschlüsselung für die Cloud
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2015, 19:45
Ein Fraunhofer-Institut und die IT-Firma Sirrix haben die Software PanBox entwickelt, die eine durchgehende Verschlüsselung für Cloud-Speicher bietet und "laientauglich" sein soll. Ohne Handbuch kommt der Laie aber wohl nicht aus.

Das Open-Source-Tool PanBox verschlüsselt Dateien lokal, ehe sie bei einem Cloud-Speicher wie Dropbox hochgeladen werden. Nach dem Herunterladen werden sie transparent wieder entschlüsselt. Das soll auch mit mehreren Nutzern und Geräten funktionieren. Entwickelt wurde PanBox von Fraunhofer-Institut für sichere Informationstechnologie (SIT) und der Saarbrücker Sirrix AG, unterstützt mit 640.000 Euro Fördermitteln von Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz (BMJV).

PanBox soll "laientauglich" sein, wie Michael Herfert vom Fraunhofer-SIT gegenüber heise Security bei der Vorstellung des Programms in Berlin erklärte. Zum Einsatz kommt ein Public-Key-Verfahren. Der private Schlüssel wird dabei auf dem Gerät des Nutzers abgelegt, der offene Schlüssel muss an den Partner geschickt werden, der freigegebene Daten entschlüsseln können soll. Die gesamte Kontrolle über das Verfahren bleibe beim Nutzer, versicherte Herfert: "Man braucht niemand, um Schlüssel zu verwahren oder Identitäten zu bestätigen".

Der ganze Artikel (http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/PanBox-Staatlich-gefoerderte-Verschluesselung-fuer-die-Cloud-2572243.html)

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Quick Crypt
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2015, 18:00
Quick Crypt is AES 256-bit file encryption software with a lot of features. You can store encryption properties like a password hint, file owner, and file comment in the encrypted file. Encryption properties can be viewed in the Encryption Properties Viewer and stored in profiles for easy retrieval.

Quick Crypt also supports setting an encrypted file to expire after a certain number of days. Once a file is expired, it cannot be decrypted. Another security feature is encrypting files with a unique System ID. Files encrypted with a unique System ID cannot be decrypted on other computers.

Other features include file verification check to ensure file was not modified after it was encrypted, and a file eraser that allows you to erase files up to 40x. Erased files cannot be recovered by analyzing the hard drive. Quick Crypt has a modern, easy to use interface, small file size, and portable - no installation required.


Whats new: >>

Option to choose where to save the encrypted/decrypted output file
Remove option to rename file when synced to cloud folder
(this has been replaced with the option to choose the name and location of the encrypted output file)
Code clean-up and optimization
Minor UI changes
Minor bug fixes

Titel: WinGuard Pro 2015
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2015, 21:00
Das Sicherheitsprogramm versieht auf Wunsch eine Reihe vordefinierter Programme, Fenster und Verzeichnisse mit einem Passwortschutz. So können Sie beispielsweise den Internetzugang, Downloads oder den Zugang zum Desktop versperren. Ebenso sperren Sie Programme wie den Taskmanager, Media Player, Notepad oder Firefox.

Winguard Pro gibt es in einer kostenlosen Version und in der Premium Edition. Diese bringt weitere Funktionen mit sich. Sie können etwa den Start zusätzlich installierter Programme sowie die Installation weiterer Software verbieten und Dateien und Verzeichnisse verschlüsseln.

Titel: mlock 0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2015, 11:00
Whats new:>>

- UI responsiveness was improved
- German translation was added

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.4.2160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2015, 19:00
Release Notes
We just released an important bugfix release for all users running Microsoft OneDrive. If Cloudfogger does not encrypt your OneDrive files any more you should download the new version.

Besides OneDrive the new version also adds new cloud storage providers – we now support all of the following solutions:

- Dropbox
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Google Drive
- Box
- SugarSync
- VirtualDrive
- Telekom Mediencenter
- Strato HiDrive
- GoodSync
- OwnCloud
- Bitcasa
- 1&1 SmartDrive

Titel: GuardAxon 3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2015, 22:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new:>>


Does not show the CD and network drives in list of folders.

Titel: Crococrypt 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2015, 16:00
Crococrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt. Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Was ist neu:>>

Bugfix: Umlaute und andere Sonderzeichen (nicht-ASCII-Zeichen) im Containerpfad verhinderten die Verzeichnissynchronisation.
Verbesserung: Existierende Container und Container, die importiert werden sollen, erfordern nicht mehr, dass das Quellverzeichnis vorhanden ist. Somit sind Entschlüsselung und Explorer-Anzeige auch ohne Quelle möglich.
Verbesserung: Bei noch nicht abgeschlossener manueller Synchronisierung erscheint nun ein entsprechender Hinweis beim nochmaligen Betätigen des Sync-Buttons.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.209
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2015, 08:00
Whats new:>>

new: An option to print or export a current folder including nested folders.

Titel: Viivo 2.6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2015, 20:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

support for sharing with dropbox desktop client version 3.4

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.0f-2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2015, 18:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

All OSs:
Mounting speed improvement, up to 20% quicker on 64-bit (contributed by Nils Maier)
Add option to set default hash/TrueCryptMode used for mounting volumes.
Use TrueCryptMode/Hash specified in command line in password dialog.
Solve CryptAcquireContext vulnerability reported by Open Crypto Audit Phase II.
Proper handling of random generator failures. Inform user in such cases.
TrueCrypt Mode related changes:
Support mounting TrueCrypt system partition (no conversion yet)
Support TrueCrypt volumes as System Favorites.
Correct displaying wrong TrueCrypt mode in volume properties when SHA-256 is used.
Solve PIN BLOCKED issue with smart cards in a special case.
Correctly handle file access errors when mounting containers.
Solve several issues reported by the Static Code Analysis too Coverity.
Bootloader: Add "Verifying Password..." message.
When UAC prompt fails (for example timeout), offer the user to retry the operation.
Uninstall link now open the standard "Add/Remove Programs" window.
On uninstall, remove all VeraCrypt references from registry and disk.
Included VeraCryptExpander in the Setup.
Add option to temporary cache password when mounting multiple favorites.
Minor fixes and enhancements (see git history for more information)
Solve issue volumes not auto-dismounting when quitting VeraCrypt.
Solve issue VeraCrypt window not reopening by clicking dock icon.
Solve preferences dialog not closing when clicking on the 'X' icon.
Solve read-only issue when mounting non-FAT volumes in some cases.
Support opening/exploring mounted volumes on desktops other than Gnome/KDE.
Solve various installer issues when running on less common configurations
Minor fixes (see git history for more information)

Titel: GuardAxon 3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2015, 19:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Whats new:>>

New cipher types.
Encrypt unicode text.
Marked encrypted files.

Titel: mlock 0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2015, 20:00
mlock ist eine schnelle Implementierung der miniLock-Spezifikation. Trotz des Namens (und im Gegensatz zum Original) kann mlock auch mit großen Dateien umgehen.

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der miniLock-Eigenschaften (Quelle: https://minilock.io):
" Enter your miniLock passphrase on any computer, and you'll get access to your miniLock ID. No key storage or management - just a single passphrase to access your miniLock identity anywhere. miniLock uses modern cryptographic primitives to accomplish this securely. "

Eine MiniLock-ID ist ein kurzer Public-Key der von einer geheimen Passphrase und einer E-Mail Adresse abgeleitet wurde. Diese ID kann auf Webseiten, in Mailsignaturen, auf Twitter oder sonstwo veröffentlicht werden, damit jedermann in der Lage ist Inhalte für diese ID zu verschlüsseln. Nur ein Empfänger mit der richtigen Passphrase/Mail-Kombination zur Erzeugung dieser ID kann die Daten wieder entschlüsseln.

Open Source

Latest Changes

- Added a command line executable

Titel: mlock 0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2015, 09:00
Latest Changes

- UI was rewritten to drop QML dependencies
- Hash progress was fixed in the cmd line executable

Titel: GuardAxon 3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2015, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Swedish translation
Sort highlighted columns.
Copy and paste unicode text.

Titel: mlock 0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2015, 22:00
Latest Changes

-added README_DE and more icons/desktop integration files
-CLI: added passphrase security hint
-GUI: fixed UTF8 file path handling
-GUI: added passphrase security notification icon
-GUI: added manual
-W32: added installer

Titel: Secure Archive
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2015, 09:40
Secure Archive is a new generation of encryption software. It provides multiple encryption algorithms, variable compression levels, secure delete and Self-Extraction.

License : LGPL

Whats new:>>

Resolved crash caused by memory heap corruption when using HardKey to encrypt an archive.
Rebuilt all binaries with the v100 platform tool-set.

Titel: mlock 0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2015, 21:00
Latest Changes

- New errors if input file is empty or if output file exists
- GUI: updated passphrase tooltips
- GUI: fixed passphrase security notification
- GUI: fixed encryption prompt after changing out directory
- GUI: fixed diceware.com link clickability
- GUI: added ID text file import and clear ID buttons

Titel: DoxBox (FreeOTFE) 6.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2015, 10:00
Protecting sensitive files from being accessed can be done via various methods, encryption being one of them. Single files can be easily encrypted, but sometimes entire drives have to be protected this way.

DoxBox (formerly FreeOTFE) has been developed for this particular purpose and it can encrypt and decrypt the data as it is written or read from the hard disk; actually, this is what OTFE stands for: “on the fly encryption.”



Security improvements:

Ensured any new volume is overwritten with Secure PRNG 'chaff' before use by default. This enables plausible deniability of hidden volumes, and also hides the amount of data stored in the volume. DoxBox (FreeOTFE) volumes only.
Fix bug where the app was contacting the internet for documentation and for updates without a prompt
Rework internal handling of secure data (e.g keys and IVs) so all sensitive data is wiped in memory immediately after use. This reduces the risk of leaking to swap, hibernation file, and of cold-boot attacks.

UI Improvements:

Fixed issue with translations - updated gettext to Delphi 2009 version
Prompts to format new volumes after creation.
Many minor UI improvements.
Much refactoring to ease future work.

Titel: Encrypto - Gratis-Tool zur Datei-Verschlüsselung
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2015, 19:00
Encrypto verschlüsselt Dateien per Drag & Drop: Nutzer können einzelne Dokumente oder ganze Ordner auf das Programmfenster ziehen und nach Eingabe eines Passwortes verschlüsseln lassen – zum Einsatz komme das Verschlüsselungsverfahren AES mit 256 Bit, teilte das Entwickler-Team MacPaw mit.

Optional besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Passwort-Hinweis für den Empfänger einzubetten statt das verwendete Kennwort weitergeben zu müssen. Die verschlüsselte Datei kann von Encrypto direkt per E-Mail, iMessage oder andere Kommunikationswege verschickt werden, alternativ lässt sie sich auch lokal speichern oder beispielsweise bei einem Cloud-Dienst ablegen.

Titel: mlock 0.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2015, 19:00
Latest Changes

- CLI: added -R option
- GUI: added random output filename checkbox
- GUI: added recipient list tooltips
- GUI: fixed statusbar update issues
- Minor bug fixes

Titel: EncFS MP 0.9.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2015, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Updated Pismo File Mount to
Windows: Removed "System visible" flag for mounts and "Restart as Admin" menu
Fixed ticket #13 and #16: Mounted Volumes are now local under Windows
Fixed ticket #14: Improved handling of read-only files
Fixed ticket #15: Dialogs now also work on high-DPI devices

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.1.409.104
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2015, 12:16

Added: Auto-detection for USB and network drives as Boxcryptor locations
Fixed: Crash when Boxcryptor is started again while it is starting
Fixed: Missing context menu on some special Windows setups
Fixed: Add license with local account


Titel: BestCrypt 9.02.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2015, 17:00
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden.Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Whats new:>>

Key files may be now added to your password for better security.
Added Skein-512 hash algorithm.
Resolved conflict with ESET anivirus software when mounting a container.
Improved compatibiliy with MS Surface Pro devices.

Titel: mlock 0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2015, 18:00
mlock ist eine schnelle Implementierung der miniLock-Spezifikation. Trotz des Namens (und im Gegensatz zum Original) kann mlock auch mit großen Dateien umgehen.

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der miniLock-Eigenschaften (Quelle: https://minilock.io):
" Enter your miniLock passphrase on any computer, and you'll get access to your miniLock ID. No key storage or management - just a single passphrase to access your miniLock identity anywhere. miniLock uses modern cryptographic primitives to accomplish this securely. "

Eine MiniLock-ID ist ein kurzer Public-Key der von einer geheimen Passphrase und einer E-Mail Adresse abgeleitet wurde. Diese ID kann auf Webseiten, in Mailsignaturen, auf Twitter oder sonstwo veröffentlicht werden, damit jedermann in der Lage ist Inhalte für diese ID zu verschlüsseln. Nur ein Empfänger mit der richtigen Passphrase/Mail-Kombination zur Erzeugung dieser ID kann die Daten wieder entschlüsseln.

Open Source

Latest Changes

- GUI: changed bad mail format icon
- GUI: fixed layout issues
- GUI: added drag and drop icon
- GUI: save out dir and encryption options
- GUI: fixed threading issue
- W32 CLI: fixed hash progress output

Titel: Encrypt Care 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2015, 19:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Titel: Safey 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2015, 21:00
Das Tool Safey verschlüsselt Dateien auf einem USB-Stick oder einer Festplatte. Es fungiert zusätzlich als Container für mehrere kleinere Dateien, die es in sich aufnimmt, wobei es einfach mitwächst – ohne dass von außen erkennbar wäre, welche und wie viele Dateien in ihm stecken. Der Container ist aber auf insgesamt 5 MByte limitiert, größere Dateien muss Safey extern verschlüsseln. Das Tool kann auch einfache Notizen in frei definierbaren Kategorien aufnehmen, etwa Adressen, Passwörter und Bankkontodaten.

Zur Eingabe von Passwörtern im Internet kann man diese aus Safey in die Zwischenablage kopieren.
Dort werden die Passwörter automatisch nach 15 Sekunden wieder gelöscht. Mit dem Exporttool können Daten aus safey in die neue 2er Version übertragen werden.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.1.413.111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Cannot rename or move read-only files (e.g. in git repositories)
Fixed: Leaving a group deleted the group instead

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2015, 19:00
Whats new:>>

new: It is possible to specify reserve Crypt-o Servers in connection parameters. Reserve servers are delimited by semicolon.
fixed: In audit log filter show users, hosts, addresses of child objects also.
fixed: The "Malformed string" error during filtering by a text in the audit log in some cases.

Titel: mlock 0.13 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2015, 05:00
Latest Changes

- Number of recipient IDs no longer restricted
- GUI: fixed minor issues

Titel: GuardAxon 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2015, 19:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Titel: EncFS MP 0.9.8 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2015, 12:20
Whats new:>>

Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2c
Fixed bug with handling last write time, fixes ticket #25
Improved speed while reading directories on Windows
Windows: Added option to mount drives as Local or Network drives
Windows: Added option not to mount a new volume using a drive letter (only under C:Volumes)

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.211
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2015, 19:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Error while adding a user to a group.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.1.415.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2015, 07:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Cannot rename on auto detected USB drives
Fixed: In some cases adding a license to a local key file could corrupt the key file

Titel: FileGuard 4.5 Build 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2015, 13:30
FileGuard is a user-friendly and efficient software solution created with a sole purpose in mind: that of enabling you to secure the contents of sensitive documents, so no unwanted individuals can access them without your permission.


Whats new:>>

Support for Folder Encryption added
File Explorer rebuilt for easier access
Associated ENTER key with action buttons
Support for Hidden Files added
Version Checker improved

Titel: MikroLock 0.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2015, 00:00
Latest Changes

- Name changed to MikroLock
- Minor documentation updates

Titel: CrococryptFile 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2015, 05:30
CrococryptFile ist eine Dateiverschlüsselungssoftware mit der verschlüsselte Archive beliebiger Dateien und Verzeichnisse erstellt werden können.


Die Verschlüsselungsfunktion von CrococryptFile ist ähnlich der eines ZIP-Utilities, welches ZIPs AES-Verschlüsselung unterstützt. Es gibt jedoch signifikante Unterschiede, CrococryptFile...

    verschlüsselt alle Datei- und Verzeichnisinformationen einschließlich Dateinamen, Zeitstempel und Dateigrößeninformationen,
    verbirgt jegliche Informationen über den Archivinhalt, weil alle Daten und Meta-Daten ununterscheidbar in einen einzigen Dateidump geschrieben werden.

Eine *.croco-Datei zeigt lediglich, dass es sich in der Tat um ein CrococryptFile-Archiv handelt und welche Krypto-Suite (z.B. Passwort-basierte AES-256-Verschlüsselung) verwendet wurde.


Whats new:>>

Neu: Weitere Krypto-Suite "Getarnte" Archive (ohne Header) mit Passwort-basierter, kaskadierender Verschlüsselung mit AES-256 und Twofish-256

Titel: BestCrypt Traveller 1.04.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2015, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Updated for compatibility with BestCrypt Container Encryption v.9.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.1.417.123
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2015, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Files with a size of less than 1 MB can become corrupted after granting access to more than 5 users or groups. (Bug was introduced in version 2.1.403.78)

Titel: Crococrypt 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2015, 22:30
Crococrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt. Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Was ist neu:>>

Rebranding: Der neue Name ("CrococryptMirror") wurde in dieser Version auch visuell hinzugefügt
Kleinere Bugfixes

Titel: Viivo 3.0.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2015, 08:00
DropBox ist ein sehr simpel zu handhabender Sync- bzw. Backupdienst. Das aktuell kostenlose Viivo - vormals als SecretSync bekannt - erweitert die Sicherheit des Dienstes durch eine zusätzliche, lokal stattfindende Verschlüsselung.

Um Missverständnisse gleich auszuräumen: DropBox beinhaltet bereits eine Verschlüsselung. Die findet allerdings erst auf dem DropBox-Server statt. Bis dahin werden die Daten zwar auch SSL-verschlüsselt übertragen, wer aber absolut auf Nummer Sicher gehen will, codiert persönliche Daten bereits lokal vor der Übertragung. Dazu erstellt die Freeware Viivo einen zusätzlichen Ordner, so wie es DropBox auch tut - nur eben für verschlüsselte Dateien. Für die Verschlüsselung ist ein momentan noch kostenloser Account beim Hersteller notwendig. Zudem funktioniert die Anwendung nur mit installierter Java Runtime Environment.

Simpel in der Handhabung, weitestgehend sichere AES-256-Bit-Verschlüsselung und gratis: Viivo entfernt Sorgenfalten von der Stirn sicherheitsfreudiger DropBox-Anwender.

Whats new: >>

- Introducing Viivo Lockers
- Allows for multiple locations (clouds folders) simultaneously
- Allows for keeping only encrypted copies on your local disk
- Support for Google Authenticator
- Redesigned user interface in Viivo Manager

Titel: EncFS MP 0.9.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2d
Updated Pismo File Mount to

Titel: MikroLock 0.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2015, 22:00
MikroLock is a fast native implementation of the minilock file format. Despite its name (and in contrast to the original implementation), it can also handle BIG files.

A minilock ID is a short public key derived from a secret passphrase and an E-mail address. This ID may be published on websites, mail signatures, twitter etc. to enable anyone to encrypt data for this ID. Only the receiver who applies the correct mail and passphrase to derive this ID can decrypt the content.

Since the minilock IDs are very comfortable to handle, there is no need for a cumbersome key exchange process like using keyservers or manually copying key files to hosts.

Open Source

Latest Changes

- GUI: ignores own miniLock ID also in recipient list if "Omit my ID" is checked

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2015, 18:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8


    All OSs:
        Implement "Dynamic Mode" by supporting a Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM). See documentation for more information.

        Detect Boot Loader tampering ("Evil Maid" attacks) for system encryption and propose recovery options.
        Fix buffer overrun issue and other memory related bugs when parsing language XML files.
        Fix wrongly reported bad sectors by chkdsk caused by a bug in IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY handling.
        Fix privacy issue caused by configuration and history files being updated whenever VeraCrypt is used (reported by Liran Elharar)
        Fix system favorites not always mounting after cold start.
        Solve installer error when updating VeraCrypt on Windows 10.
        Implement decryption of non-system partition/drive.
        Include 64-bit exe files in the installer and deploy them on 64-bit machines for better performances.
        Allow using drive letters A: and B: for mounting volumes
        Make command line argument parsing more strict and robust (e.g. /lz rejected, must be /l z)
        Add possibility to show system encryption password in Windows GUI and bootloader
        Solve "Class Already exists" error that was happening for some users.
        Solve some menu items and GUI fields not translatable
        Make volumes correctly report Physical Sector size to Windows.
        Correctly detect switch user/RDP disconnect operations for autodismount on session locked.
        Add manual selection of partition when resuming in-place encryption.
        Add command line option (/cache f) to temporarily cache password during favorites mounting.
        Add waiting dialog for Auto-Mount Devices operations to avoid freezing GUI.
        Add extra information to displayed error message in order to help analyze reported issues.
        Disable menu entry for changing system encryption PRF since it's not yet implemented.
        Fix failure to change password when UAC required (inherited from TrueCrypt)
        Minor fixes and changes (see Git history for more details)

        Solve installer issue under KDE when xterm not available
        Fix warnings on about/LegalNotice dialogs when wxWidgets linked dynamically (N/A for official binary)
        Support hash names with '-' in command line (sha-256, sha-512 and ripemd-160)
        Remove "--current-hash" switch and add "--new-hash" to be more coherent with existing switches.
        When only keyfile specified in command line, don't try to mount using empty password.
            If mounting using empty password is needed, explicitly specify so using: -p ""


Titel: SecurStick 1.0.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2015, 06:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Die Windows-Version startet schneller.
Die Windows-Version prüft, ob der notwendige WebClient-Dienst installiert und nicht gesperrt ist, und gibt gegebenenfalls eine Meldung aus.
Eine niederländische Sprachversion integriert, die Übersetung hat dankenswerterweise Albert Rijneveld übernommen
Die HTML-Eingabefelder der Web-Oberfläche haben jetzt das autofocus-Attribut zur direkten Tastatureingabe.

Titel: DirCryptHide 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 17:00
Erlaubt das Verschieben einer beliebigen Anzahl von Ordnern samt aller Unterverzeichnisse in eine durch TrueCrypt hochverschlüsselte Containerdatei; die Datei lässt sich bei Bedarf mit Passwort aktivieren, sodass sie als neues Laufwerk gemountet wird; die enthaltenen Ordner werden mittels Junctions an ihrem originalen Platz im Dateisystem eingeblendet.


Titel: Kryptelite 7.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 20:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2015, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Solve TOR crashing when run from a VeraCrypt volume.

Titel: KryptoFiler 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2015, 16:00
Encrypt and decrypt files, documents, and archives through major cryptographic standards, including, TripleDES, Blowfish, TwoFish, Cast128, DES, Ice, Ice2, RC2, RC4, RijnDael, Serpent, Tea, Thin Ice.


    Strong encryption : Support for cryptographic standards, TripleDES, Blowfish, TwoFish, Cast128, DES, Ice, Ice2, RC2, RC4, RijnDael, Serpent, Tea, Thin Ice.
    Hash data through various secure algorithms including Haval 256, MD4, MD5, RipeMD-128, RipeMd-160, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Tiger


Titel: KryptoFiler 1.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2015, 13:00
Whats new:>>

added drag and drop

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.401.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Support for Windows 10
Added: Auto-detection for Copy.com Sync
Improved: Updated CBFS to v5.1.162
Improved: Copy or move operations with multiple files now only ask once whether it should be encrypted instead of multiple times for every file
Fixed: Cannot checkout Git repositories on the Boxcryptor drive
Fixed: Executing the command "vssadmin.exe list shadowstorage" finished with internal error
Fixed: Creating a directory did ignore attributes (directories have always been created with default attributes)
Fixed: Use "Removable Disk" placeholder for removable disk location name if it would be empty
Various other bug fixes and improvements

Titel: EncryptOnKlick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2015, 21:00
EncryptOnClick is an application that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files. EncryptOnClick is like hiring your own highly experienced data security guard who ensures the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. The program is very simple to use and features military grade 256-bit AES encryption.

There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Whats new: >>

Updated: Recompiled and repackaged for Windows 10 support

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2015, 22:00
Whats new:>>

The "Clean up Audit log" command.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.14 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2015, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


Solve option "Cache password in drive memory" always disabled even if checked in preferences.
Solve UI language change not taken into account for new install unless a preference is changed.
Driver: Support returning StorageDeviceProperty when queried through IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY.
Minors GUI fixes.


Titel: MikroLock 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2015, 05:30
MikroLock is a fast native implementation of the minilock file format. Despite its name (and in contrast to the original implementation), it can also handle BIG files.

A minilock ID is a short public key derived from a secret passphrase and an E-mail address. This ID may be published on websites, mail signatures, twitter etc. to enable anyone to encrypt data for this ID. Only the receiver who applies the correct mail and passphrase to derive this ID can decrypt the content.

Since the minilock IDs are very comfortable to handle, there is no need for a cumbersome key exchange process like using keyservers or manually copying key files to hosts.

Open Source

Latest Changes

- GUI: added translation hints
- GUI: drag and drop disabled if multiple files are dragged
- CLI: ignores own miniLock ID also in recipient list if -x is set

Titel: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2015, 05:14
USB Flash Security is a security tool for mobile devices.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encrypting(AES256bit) it.AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted.



Titel: Re: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2015, 14:25
Whats new:>>

Ver.4.1.12 supports UASP(USB Attached SCSI Protocol).
USB Flash Security works normally in the disks that support UASP on Windows 8,Windows 10.
If you are using the disks that support UASP on Windows 7 or earlier Windows, you can do version upgrade of Release tool to use it on Windows 8, Windows 10.
Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.403.216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Improved: Updated CBFS to v5.1.163.
Fixed: Some files could not be correctly read.
Fixed: Mounting the drive as network drive failed if the drive or machine name is empty.
Fixed: Could not enable custom locations.

Titel: DirCryptHide 1.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2015, 05:30
Erlaubt das Verschieben einer beliebigen Anzahl von Ordnern samt aller Unterverzeichnisse in eine durch TrueCrypt hochverschlüsselte Containerdatei; die Datei lässt sich bei Bedarf mit Passwort aktivieren, sodass sie als neues Laufwerk gemountet wird; die enthaltenen Ordner werden mittels Junctions an ihrem originalen Platz im Dateisystem eingeblendet.


Titel: WinGuard Pro 2016
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2015, 21:00
Das Sicherheitsprogramm versieht auf Wunsch eine Reihe vordefinierter Programme, Fenster und Verzeichnisse mit einem Passwortschutz. So können Sie beispielsweise den Internetzugang, Downloads oder den Zugang zum Desktop versperren. Ebenso sperren Sie Programme wie den Taskmanager, Media Player, Notepad oder Firefox.

Winguard Pro gibt es in einer kostenlosen Version und in der Premium Edition. Diese bringt weitere Funktionen mit sich. Sie können etwa den Start zusätzlich installierter Programme sowie die Installation weiterer Software verbieten und Dateien und Verzeichnisse verschlüsseln.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2015, 09:18
All OSs:
        Mask and unmask PIM value in GUI and bootloader like the password.

        Solve Rescue Disk damaged error when using cascade ciphers and SHA256 for system encryption.
        Solve option "Cache password in drive memory" always disabled even if checked in preferences.
        Solve UI language change not taken into account for new install unless a preference is changed.
        Implement creating file containers using command line.
        Driver: disable support of IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY by default and add option to enable it.
        Driver:  Support returning StorageDeviceProperty when queried through IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY.
        Support setting volume label in Explorer through mount option or favorite label value.
        Fix for Hot Keys assignment dialog issue where OEM-233 is always displayed and can't be changed.
        Always copy both 32-bit and 64-bit executable binaries during install and in Traveler Disk Setup.
            Traveler Disk will again use 32-bit exe by default while also offering 64-bit exe.
            On Windows 64-bit, 32-bit exe files are now available(e.g. if needed to use 32-bit PKCS#11 dll)
        Include Volume Expander in Traveler Disk Setup.
        Don't offer creating a restore point if it is disabled in Windows.
        Add possibility to verify a Rescue Disk ISO image file.
        Minors fixes in the installer, GUI and driver.

        Support supplying password using stdin in non interactive mode (contributed by LouisTakePILLz)
            Example: veracrypt -t ${IMAGE_PATH} ${MOUNT_PATH} --mount --non-interactive --stdin <<< "$PWD"

Titel: Encrypt Care 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2015, 14:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

- Added new user interface
- Added option to set master password
- Added ability to encrypt / decrypt folders
- Minor fixes and improvements

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.15 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fix privately reported critical TrueCrypt vulnerability (details and credits to be announced later).
Fix regression in mounting of favorite volumes at user logon.
Set keyboard focus to PIM field when "Use PIM" is checked.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.15 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2015, 08:00
Whats new:>>

Fix two TrueCrypt vulnerabilities reported by James Forshaw (Google Project

    CVE-2015-7358 (critical): Local Elevation of Privilege on Windows by
    abusing drive letter handling.
    CVE-2015-7359: Local Elevation of Privilege on Windows caused by
    incorrect Impersonation Token Handling.

Fix regression in mounting of favorite volumes at user logon.
Fix display of some Unicode languages (e.g. Chinese) in formatting wizard.
Set keyboard focus to PIM field when "Use PIM" is checked.
Allow Application key to open context menu on drive letters list
Support specifying volumes size in TB in the GUI (command line already supports this)

Titel: KryptoMessage 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2015, 20:00
KryptoMessage is a straightforward and easy to use text encryption tool. You will be able to effortlessly encrypt and decrypt messages, mails and conversations through cryptographic standards, including, TripleDES, Blowfish, TwoFish, Cast128, DES, Ice, Ice2, RC2, RC4, RijnDael, Serpent, Tea, Thin Ice.

License: Freeware

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.405.221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2015, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Crash when pressing Ctrl + any key not related to copy/paste on password field
Fixed: Added support for single letter TLDs (e.g "q.com")
Fixed: User couldn't access a location sometimes

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.214
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2015, 09:08
Whats new:>>

new: Added the Serbian translation by Nikola Smiljakovic.
new: Web interface: Implemented display and download of file attachments.
new: Web interface: Option to remember the last logged-on user.
new: You can use "Ctrl +" and "Ctrl -" keys to recursively expand and collapse sub-folders of the currently selected folder.
updated: Allowed vertical resize of the Edit record window.
updated: Save position of the Edit record window.
updated: Activate and select a protected field after showing its contents.
fixed: Activation via a desktop hotkey.
fixed: A mouse double click does not collapse a folder.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2015, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


Modify patch for CVE-2015-7358 vulnerability to solve side effects on Windows while still making it very hard to abuse drive letter handling.
Fix failure to restore volume header from an external file in some configurations.
Add option to disable “Evil Maid” attack detection for those encountering false positive cases (e.g. FLEXnet/Adobe issue).
By default, don’t try to mount using empty password when default keyfile configured or keyfile specified in command line. Add option to restore the old behavior. If mounting using empty password is needed, explicitly specify so in the command line using: /p ""


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.407.225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Advanced option to disable auto-detection for removable and network drives
Added: Support for Office 2016
Improved: Updated CBFS to v5.1.164
Fixed: Location settings are lost on restart

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.219
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2015, 13:30
Whats new:>>

update; Crypt-o Firefox add-on is approved by Mozilla.
fixed: Error "Invalid floating point operation" during a database synchronization in some cases.

Titel: DiskCryptor 1.1.846.118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2015, 19:00
DiskCryptor is a free, open source, full disk encryption software that allows you to encrypt an entire hard drive or a single partition.

It was primarily developed as a free alternative for DriveCrypt Plus Pack (a shareware program developed by a commercial company named SecurStar) and PGP Whole Disk Encryption (developed by Symantec). The encryption speed depends on your existing hardware configuration and the choosed algorithm (it supports AES, Twofish, Serpent and their combinations). You can download and use the program as a standard installer (Windows setup file) or as a WinPE plugin.

License: Open Source

Titel: Cryptex
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2015, 20:00
Encrypt or decrypt files in a quick, convenient manner by relying on this lightweight, yet powerful application that packs a wide variety of handy functions


Whats new:>>

Changes / new:

Multilingual software solution (english included)
Settings available now
Security index found in password assignment
Debug Console (DB) analysis can be exported to intermediate storage


Numbers input fields have been optimized for generators

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2015, 18:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Titel: Cryptainer LE 11.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2015, 18:00
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: Anvide Seal Folder 5.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2015, 17:00
Protect multiple directories at once by encrypting them with a user-defined password when using this intuitive and straightforward application.


Whats new:>>

Added a warning message when you try to disable the master password.
Integration into Explorer's context menu.
Added Romanian language.
Updated Arabic.
Correction of small errors.

Titel: BestCrypt 9.02.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Updated 'BestCrypt Key Manager' utility to comply with the latest key standards.
Fixed error in mounting containers stored on DFS shared folder.
Fixed error in dismounting containers mounted as subfolder.
Fixed minor bugs.

Titel: Kryptel Lite 7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2015, 20:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: BCTextEncoder 1.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2015, 05:30
Never worry that someone might read a confidential email, BCTextEncoder will easily encrypt part or all of your messages. Easily encrypt your messages using strong and approved symmetric and public key algorithms for data encryption. BCTextEncoderTM utility software simplifies encoding and decoding text data.

Plain text data is compressed, encrypted and converted to text format, which can then be easily copied to the clipboard or saved as a text file. BCTextEncoder uses public key encryption methods as well as password-based encryption.


Whats new:>>

Updated 'Key Manager' utility to comply with the latest key standards.

Titel: Quick Crypt 1.2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2015, 18:00
Quick Crypt is AES 256-bit file encryption software with a lot of features. You can store encryption properties like a password hint, file owner, and file comment in the encrypted file. Encryption properties can be viewed in the Encryption Properties Viewer and stored in profiles for easy retrieval.

Quick Crypt also supports setting an encrypted file to expire after a certain number of days. Once a file is expired, it cannot be decrypted. Another security feature is encrypting files with a unique System ID. Files encrypted with a unique System ID cannot be decrypted on other computers.

Other features include file verification check to ensure file was not modified after it was encrypted, and a file eraser that allows you to erase files up to 40x. Erased files cannot be recovered by analyzing the hard drive. Quick Crypt has a modern, easy to use interface, small file size, and portable - no installation required.


Whats new: >>

Support for decrypting files using backup generated with the System ID Backup Utility
Add folder to the Erase list via drag & drop or the new "Add Folder" button
Optimized the Secure File Eraser engine
Minor bug fixes

Titel: BestCrypt 9.02.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2015, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed compatibility issue with PGP keys.

Titel: Crypter Geek 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2015, 07:00
Cyber Crypto allows you to decrypt/encrypt files using a very strong 50 character string which in turns provides inviolable encryption to keep your private files out of reach or prying eyes. Be sure to remember the password you create - if you forget it you will not be able to access the encrypted file at all, (like I did in testing... not once, not twice, but 3 times!).

The author has attached an encrypted file within the ZIP file for those who want to try breaking his the encryption - this is just for fun if you have the time to play around and think you have the skills....


Titel: BCTextEncoder 1.02.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2015, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug in 'Public Key Manager' utility.

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2015, 20:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Whats new:>>

Support for zipping and encrypting directories
Option to turn recursive directory encryption on (disabled by default)
Windows Explorer menu integration is now cleaner and easier to navigate
Fix: Files without extension where not encrypted

Titel: DirCryptHide 1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2015, 21:00
Erlaubt das Verschieben einer beliebigen Anzahl von Ordnern samt aller Unterverzeichnisse in eine durch TrueCrypt hochverschlüsselte Containerdatei; die Datei lässt sich bei Bedarf mit Passwort aktivieren, sodass sie als neues Laufwerk gemountet wird; die enthaltenen Ordner werden mittels Junctions an ihrem originalen Platz im Dateisystem eingeblendet.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.415.246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2015, 13:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Under certain circumstances, encrypted files get damaged after granting permissions to more than 5 or 6 users or groups (error message: "Found invalid data while decoding").
Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Titel: CryptSync 1.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2015, 18:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Kryptelite 7.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2015, 11:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

update; Crypt-o Firefox add-on is approved by Mozilla.

Titel: CenoCipher 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2015, 18:00
CenoCipher is a free, open-source, easy-to-use tool for exchanging secure encrypted communications over the internet. It uses strong cryptography to convert messages and files into encrypted cipher-data, which can then be sent to the recipient via regular email or any other channel available, such as instant messaging or shared cloud storage.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

Drastically overhauled and streamlined interface
Added multiple input/output modes for cipher-data
Added user control over unencrypted disk writes
Added auto-decrypt and open-with support
Added more entropy to Salt/IV generation

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.17 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2016, 05:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


(this build adds Alt+i shortcut for "Use PIM" checkbox on Windows, better fix for CVE-2016-1281).

All OSs:

Support UNICODE passwords: all characters are now accepted in passwords (except Windows system encryption)
Optimize Whirlpool code by using assembly (25% speed gain).
Include new icons and graphics contributed by Andreas Becker (www.andreasbecker.de)


Sign binaries using both SHA-1 and SHA-256 to follow new Microsoft recommendations.
Solve issues under Comodo/Kaspersky when running an application from a VeraCrypt volume.
Fix dll hijacking issue affecting installer that allows code execution with elevation of privilege (CVE-2016-1281)
Bootloader: Protect password/PIM length by filling the fields to maximum length with after ENTER

Solve issue with system favorites not being able to be mounted to drive A:

Solve lost focus issues for after displaying the waiting dialog
Implement PIM aching, for both system encryption and normal volumes. Add options to activate it.
Internal rewrite to make VeraCrypt native UNICODE application.
Workaround to avoid false positive detection by some anti-virus software.
Fix TB unit can't be deselected in VeraCryptExpander.
Add Alt+i keyboard shortcut for "Use PIM" checkbox.
Minor GUI and translations fixes.


Titel: gpg4usb v0.3.3-2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2016, 17:00
gpg4usb is an easy to use tool to encrypt and decrypt files or text using the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) encryption standard. This technology enables users to exchange information securely with someone they've never met; usually a shared password is necessary to send encrypted documents or files. Users instead share a "public key" in order to communicate. New users will need to generate a new public key, while users of other GPG software can import their existing keys.

License:  GPL

What's new: >>

Updated the included GnuPG-binaries from 1.4.18 to 1.4.20
Added french translation.
Updated greek translation.

Titel: Agnot StrongBox 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2016, 13:51
Agnot StrongBox will easily secure any file, document, or text message using multiple industrial and military strength ciphers to ensure your information stays private. You may use BlowFish, TwoFish, CAST-128, Cast-256, DES, 3DES, ICE, Thin ICE, ICE2, IDEA, MARS, Misty1, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, Rijndael(AES), Serpent, and last but not least TEA encryption ciphers to secure your information rendering it extremely secure.

Simply load your file into the user-friendly SSuite - Agnot StrongBox UI, select a cipher and cipher mode, enter your password and that is it, safe and secure encryption or decryption with just one click. Encrypt any text message or text file in exactly the same way as the above description. You may open or save the text message inside a text file for secure transmission over any network.


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2016, 20:00
Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Ab dieser Version werden Dateinamen in der Unicode-Kodierung unterstützt.
Die Funktionalität zum sicheren Löschen von Dateien wurde verbessert.
Ab dieser Version wird mindestens Windows® Server 2008 R2 benötigt.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.17.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2016, 14:30

All OSs:

Support UNICODE passwords: all characters are now accepted in passwords (except Windows system encryption)
Optimize Whirlpool code by using assembly (25% speed gain).
Include new icons and graphics contributed by Andreas Becker (http://www.andreasbecker.de)


Fix dll hijacking issue affecting installer that allows code execution with elevation of privilege (CVE-2016-1281). Reported by Stefan Kanthak (http://home.arcor.de/skanthak/)
Sign binaries using both SHA-1 and SHA-256 to follow new Microsoft recommendations.
Solve issues under Comodo/Kaspersky when running an application from a VeraCrypt volume (Reported and fixed by Robert Geisler)
Bootloader: Protect password/PIM length by filling the fields to maximum length with '*' after ENTER

Solve issue with system favorites not being able to be mounted to drive A:

Solve lost focus issues for after displaying the waiting dialog
Implement PIM caching, for both system encryption and normal volumes. Add options to activate it.
Internal rewrite to make VeraCrypt native UNICODE application.
Workaround to avoid false positive detection by some anti-virus software.
Hide disconnected network drives in the list of available drives. Add option to make them available for mounting.
Solve issue that caused in some cases configuration and history XML files to be updated even when not needed.
Fix TB unit can't be deselected in VeraCryptExpander.
Add Alt+i keyboard shortcut for "Use PIM" checkbox.
Minor GUI and translations fixes.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2016, 10:00
Whats new:>>

update: Use only AES encryption for TLS connections.

Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2016, 17:00
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Was ist neu:>>

32Bit-Support hinzugefügt
Kleinere Bugfixes, insbesondere konnte es unter (unklaren) Umständen dazukommen, dass keinerlei Dateiauswahldialoge angezeigt werden.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.17.17 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2016, 21:13
Whats new:>>

Cut mount/boot time by half thanks to a clever optimization of key derivation (found by Xavier de Carné de Carnavalet)

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2016, 13:51
Release Notes
Fixed issues where under Windows 10 opening pictures in the default Windows photo app was not possible anymore
Fixed auto detection for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and iCloud Drive
Included a feature that allows you to export an emergency decryption tool. This allows you to access your files in the case of an emergency (speaking if you forget your password or if there would ever be the case that Cloudfogger is discontinued).
Included a progress indicator to the system tray icon.
Fixed several bugs.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.17.18 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2016, 17:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Whats new:>>

Fix leak of path of selected keyfiles in RAM.

Titel: VeraCrypt version 1.17 Beta 19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2016, 18:00

* All OSs:
- Support UNICODE passwords: all characters are now accepted in passwords (except Windows system encryption)
- Cut mount/boot time by half thanks to a clever optimization of key derivation (found by Xavier de Carné de Carnavalet)
- Optimize Whirlpool code by using assembly (25% speed gain compared to previous code).
- Add support for creating exFAT volumes.
- Include new icons and graphics contributed by Andreas Becker (http://www.andreasbecker.de)
* Windows:
- Fix dll hijacking issue affecting installer that allows code execution with elevation of privilege (CVE-2016-1281). Reported by Stefan Kanthak (http://home.arcor.de/skanthak/)
- Sign binaries using both SHA-1 and SHA-256 to follow new Microsoft recommendations.
- Solve issues under Comodo/Kaspersky when running an application from a VeraCrypt volume (Reported and fixed by Robert Geisler)
- Bootloader: Protect password/PIM length by filling the fields to maximum length with '*' after ENTER
- Solve issue with system favorites not being able to be mounted to drive A:
- Solve lost focus issues for after displaying the waiting dialog
- Implement PIM caching, for both system encryption and normal volumes. Add options to activate it.
- Internal rewrite to make VeraCrypt native UNICODE application.
- Workaround to avoid false positive detection by some anti-virus software.
- Add GUI indicator for the amount of randomness gathered using mouse movement.
- Hide disconnected network drives in the list of available drives. Add option to make them available for mounting.
- Solve issue that caused in some cases configuration and history XML files to be updated even when not needed.
- Fix leak of path of selected keyfiles in RAM.
- Fix TB unit can't be deselected in VeraCryptExpander.
- Add Alt+i keyboard shortcut for "Use PIM" checkbox.
- Minor GUI and translations fixes.
* Linux/MacOSX:
- Fix issue of --stdin option not handling correctly passwords that contain a space character (reported and fixed by Codeplex user horsley1953).
- Fix issue creating volumes using command line with a filesystem other than FAT.
- Support K/M/G/T suffixes for --size switch to indicate unit to use for size value.


Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2016, 20:00
EncryptOnClick is an application that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files. EncryptOnClick is like hiring your own highly experienced data security guard who ensures the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. The program is very simple to use and features military grade 256-bit AES encryption.

There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2016, 21:00

    Fixed an issue were on some machines Cloudfogger’s context menu extension of Windows Explorer didn’t show up anymore.
    Added functionality that enforces removal of older Cloudfogger versions (1.4x) before installing.
    Fixed an issue that caused a crash specifically on Windows 8.1 under specific circumstances
    Minor other fixes

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.417.266
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2016, 07:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Windows 10 drive icon not being removed
Improved: Exclude system files like Thumbs.db or .DS_Store from sync
Feature: Support OneDrive for Business NextGen Client
Improved: Cubby auto detection
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2016, 20:00
We just released a bugfix release of Cloudfogger addressing an issue with Android, iOS and OSX compatibility.
Some users reported issues with opening files on mobile that were encrypted with Cloudfogger for Windows 1.5 using the context menu in Windows Explorer.
The new release fixes those issues. To fix existing files just defogg them and then fogg them again using the context menu in Windows-Explorer.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 11.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2016, 09:30
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.2i
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2016, 11:40
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Was ist neu:>>

Fix: Die verwendete Installer-Software (NSIS) für den Windows-Setup hat ein Security-Update erhalten, die Anwendung selbst wurde nicht verändert.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.17 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2016, 16:00

All OSs:

    Support UNICODE passwords: all characters are now accepted in passwords (except Windows system encryption)
    Cut mount/boot time by half thanks to a clever optimization of key derivation (found by Xavier de Carné de Carnavalet)
    Optimize Whirlpool PRF speed by using assembly (25% speed gain compared to previous code).
    Add support for creating exFAT volumes.
    Add GUI indicator for the amount of randomness gathered using mouse movement.
    Include new icons and graphics contributed by Andreas Becker (http://www.andreasbecker.de)


    Fix dll hijacking issue affecting installer that allows code execution with elevation of privilege (CVE-2016-1281). Reported by Stefan Kanthak (http://home.arcor.de/skanthak/)
    Sign binaries using both SHA-1 and SHA-256 to follow new Microsoft recommendations.
    Solve issues under Comodo/Kaspersky when running an application from a VeraCrypt volume (Reported and fixed by Robert Geisler).
    Bootloader: Protect password/PIM length by filling the fields to maximum length with '*' after ENTER
    Solve issue with system favorites not being able to be mounted to drive A:
    Solve lost focus issues for after displaying the waiting dialog
    Solve rare issue where some partitions where asscoiated with wrong disk the "Select Device" dialog.
    Implement PIM caching, for both system encryption and normal volumes. Add option to activate it.
    Don't try mounting using cached passwords if password and/or keyfile are specified in the command line.
    Internal rewrite to make VeraCrypt native UNICODE application.
    Workaround to avoid false positive detection by some anti-virus software.
    Hide disconnected network drives in the list of available drives. Add option to make them available for mounting.
    Solve issue that caused in some cases configuration and history XML files to be updated even when not needed.
    Fix leak of path of selected keyfiles in RAM.
    Fix TB unit can't be deselected in VeraCryptExpander.
    Add Alt+i keyboard shortcut for "Use PIM" checkbox in GUI.
    Minor GUI and translations fixes.


    Fix issue of --stdin option not handling correctly passwords that contain a space character (reported and fixed by Codeplex user horsley1953).
    Fix issue creating volumes using command line with a filesystem other than FAT.
    Support K/M/G/T suffixes for --size switch to indicate unit to use for size value.


Titel: CrococryptFile 1.3i
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2016, 17:00
CrococryptFile ist eine Dateiverschlüsselungssoftware mit der verschlüsselte Archive beliebiger Dateien und Verzeichnisse erstellt werden können.


Die Verschlüsselungsfunktion von CrococryptFile ist ähnlich der eines ZIP-Utilities, welches ZIPs AES-Verschlüsselung unterstützt. Es gibt jedoch signifikante Unterschiede, CrococryptFile...

    verschlüsselt alle Datei- und Verzeichnisinformationen einschließlich Dateinamen, Zeitstempel und Dateigrößeninformationen,
    verbirgt jegliche Informationen über den Archivinhalt, weil alle Daten und Meta-Daten ununterscheidbar in einen einzigen Dateidump geschrieben werden.

Eine *.croco-Datei zeigt lediglich, dass es sich in der Tat um ein CrococryptFile-Archiv handelt und welche Krypto-Suite (z.B. Passwort-basierte AES-256-Verschlüsselung) verwendet wurde.


Whats new:>>

Fix: Die verwendete Installer-Software (NSIS) für den Windows-Setup hat ein Security-Update erhalten, die Anwendung selbst wurde nicht verändert.

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2016, 13:33


    Significant performance improvements, especially when large amounts of files are handled through the Auto-Fogg function.
    Moved Cloudfogger to the back of the list of applications when Windows closes applications because it shuts down. This is improving the behavior when shutdown is interrupted because of not-yet-saved documents e.g. in Microsoft Word.
    Fixed an issue where date modified and date created were not handled correctly.
    Fixed an issue where files were showing 0 Byte size (although they were fully functional)
    Fixe an issue were Cloudfogger was not applying the Auto-Fogg folders correctly when not started regularly but by double clicking on a *.cfog-file.
    Fixe minor issues with the context menu extension in Windows-Explorer


Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2016, 20:00
We released a bugfix release addressing an issue where installing or updating Cloudfogger failed with the error message „could not call proc”.

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2016, 21:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Vereinfachte Methode zum automatischen Löschen des WebDAV-Client-Caches.
Work-around für fehlerhafte WebDAV-Clients, die Sonderzeichen wie & und # in Dateinamen nicht richtig kodieren.
Für Windows-Version: statt den Laufwerksbuchstaben per Option -Drive:X vorzugeben, kann man ihn im Namen der Programmdatei festlegen, z.B. als "SecurStick(X).exe".

Titel: CrococryptFile 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2016, 09:03
Whats new:>>

Fix: Performance improvement due to an internal buffer which was too small. In some cases, the data transfer rate could drop to 1 MB/s (e.g., on exFAT).
Fix: Under unclarified circumstances, it could happen that no file dialogs appear.

Titel: PyEyeCrypt 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2016, 20:00
PyEyeCrypt allows users to encrypt ClearText using their choice of algorithms e.g. AES-128 and then paste the result into their emails for sending. The recipient only needs to know the password to decrypt.

License: Open Source

Titel: Easy File Encryptor 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2016, 19:00
Windows explorer context menu extension for easy file encryption and decryption. Easy File Encryptor adds “Encrypt” and “Decrypt” options to the context menu for any file or folder on your Windows, letting you encrypt or decrypt a file or folder with just one click.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.419.277
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2016, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Added: MagentaCloud auto detection
Improvement: Auto detection for newer Dropbox client version
Minor bug fixes and improvments

Titel: WinAES 0.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2016, 21:00
WinAES is a light-weight and reliable security tool. It supports 2 symmetric-key algorithms (256-bit AES and Camellia) for file encryption, with CBC operating mode and randomized IV. It also has a file hash calculator with 5 hash functions, a convenient password generator and a secure file eraser.


Whats new:>>

Several updates including optimization and bugfix.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2016, 12:15
Whats new:>>

new: System option "Home databases are private".
updated: Check the "Print and export" permission while copying and moving records.
fixed: The "Access violation error" when creating a new database if the database list is empty.

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2016, 21:30
We released a bugfix release addressing an issue where some users reported encrypted files having multiple file-extensions: *.cfog.cfog

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.421.309
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Removed A:\ and B:\ being selectable as drive letter due to inconsistent behaviour
Added: Whitelist locations company policy
Added: Required locations company policy

Titel: Cloudfogger 1.5.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2016, 17:00
Cloudfogger 1.5.49 fixes an issue where running Cloudfogger on a Microsoft Hyper-V Host machine in some cases did stop guest machines from correctly shutting down

Titel: CipherShed
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2016, 20:00
Ciphershed ist ein Fork von TrueCrypt. Es erlaubt einzelne Daten, Partitionen oder Laufwerke zu verschlüsseln, bzw. kann man auch verschlüsselte Container anlegen. Auf die Daten kann nach dem öffnen mit Ciphershed normal zugegriffen werden, bis die Container/Laufwerke wieder geschlossen werden.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.224
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2016, 16:00
Whats new:>>

updated: Force disconnection of web clients after 6 hours of inactivity.
fixed: The "Web access" privilege was ignored.

Titel: Bulambod 3.2015.6.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2016, 19:00
It is a cipher algorithm to convert electronic data or information to unusable format. It was written with the Genius, Hacker, Phreaker, Pirater, AI, Aliens and Almost-Average life form in mind.  Its purpose is to create highly secure cryptographic system.


Whats new:>>

Change about logo
Fix website hyperlink bugs when click
Fix several runtime error

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.423.322
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Improved: Master key support with exported key files (reexport needed)
Fixed: Some locations could not be enabled in certain circumstances
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2016, 20:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2016, 13:01
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2016, 10:00
Whats new:>>

new: Database permission "Owner for new records".
fixed: Creation of new folders by users having only the "Insert" permission.

Titel: CTI Text Encryption 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2016, 20:00
CTI Text Encryption is a text encryption and decryption tool. Hide your sensitive information from others when it is exposed. Light-weight, portable in pendrive, efficient and easy to use. Able to easily encrypt with multiple keys.


Whats new:>>

Encryption process changed. Text is compressed before encryption, causing the encrypted text to be shorten, especially encryption long text.
Encryption and Decryption time are shown.
Text is added to all buttons.
Default window's size enlarged.
Salt bytes increased from 4 bytes to 8 bytes.
Main input textbox's default font changed to Segoe UI to support multi-language/Unicode characters.
Version 6.0 is not compatible with older version.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.226
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2016, 07:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Form filling when input fields contain a hint text.

Titel: SecurStick 1.0.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2016, 11:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Die Version 1.0.21 korrigiert einen Fehler, der zu einem Crash führen kann, wenn SecurStick den WebDAV-Server nicht mounten kann und man stattdessen den Nur-Lese-Zugriff benutzt. Beim Beenden des Programms wurde dennoch versucht, den Cache des WebDAV-Clients zu löschen, was den Fehler ausgelöst hat.

Titel: CTI Text Encryption 6.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2016, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fix a UI bug where the label of time might displayed incorrectly

Titel: Kryptelite 7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2016, 19:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Encrypt Care 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2016, 17:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

Added support of high DPI monitors and DPI scaling.
Program has been optimized for Windows 10.
Improved program performance.
Updated user interface
Minor fixes and improvements.

Titel: CryptSync 1.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2016, 18:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1392.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2016, 21:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source

Titel: LibreCrypt (formerly DoxBox) 6.2.5806.40706 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2016, 14:00
Create encrypted volumes on your computer and mount them without significant efforts by turning to this comprehensive application.


Whats new:>>

Separated open and create hidden container dialogs from non-hidden ones - makes both dialogs simpler and less confusing
Added experimetal feature to create LUKS containers.
Bug fixes
improved dm-crypt dialog

Titel: Easy File Encryptor 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2016, 20:00
Windows explorer context menu extension for easy file encryption and decryption. Easy File Encryptor adds “Encrypt” and “Decrypt” options to the context menu for any file or folder on your Windows, letting you encrypt or decrypt a file or folder with just one click.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2016, 06:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Password Strength Indicator (#198): Based on Dropbox's zxcvbn. Kudos to @jncharon for implementing this feature.
Sync Conflict Resolution (#98): When editing a file on multiple devices simultaneously, version conflicts are inevitable. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. can detect these conflicts and will provide all versions of the affected file. From now on Cryptomator will transparently pass detected conflicts right to the decrypted drive to ensure no version gets lost.
Several small tweaks and fixes.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2016, 11:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Prevent auto filling in the Web interface.

Titel: EncFS MP 0.10.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2016, 21:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Fixed another bug with read-only files, fixes error reports like "...RawFileIO.cpp:257 -- true == canWrite"
Properly implemented Access method.
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2g.
Updated PFM to

Titel: Cyber Crypto 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2016, 12:30
Cyber Crypto allows you to decrypt/encrypt files using a very strong 50 character string which in turns provides inviolable encryption to keep your private files out of reach or prying eyes. Be sure to remember the password you create - if you forget it you will not be able to access the encrypted file at all, (like I did in testing... not once, not twice, but 3 times!).

The author has attached an encrypted file within the ZIP file for those who want to try breaking his the encryption - this is just for fun if you have the time to play around and think you have the skills....


Titel: Encrypto 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2016, 18:30
Encrypto verschlüsselt Dateien per Drag & Drop: Nutzer können einzelne Dokumente oder ganze Ordner auf das Programmfenster ziehen und nach Eingabe eines Passwortes verschlüsseln lassen – zum Einsatz komme das Verschlüsselungsverfahren AES mit 256 Bit, teilte das Entwickler-Team MacPaw mit.

Optional besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Passwort-Hinweis für den Empfänger einzubetten statt das verwendete Kennwort weitergeben zu müssen. Die verschlüsselte Datei kann von Encrypto direkt per E-Mail, iMessage oder andere Kommunikationswege verschickt werden, alternativ lässt sie sich auch lokal speichern oder beispielsweise bei einem Cloud-Dienst ablegen.

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2016, 22:30
EncryptOnClick is an application that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files. EncryptOnClick is like hiring your own highly experienced data security guard who ensures the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. The program is very simple to use and features military grade 256-bit AES encryption.

There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Titel: Kryptelite 7.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2016, 06:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1403.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2016, 20:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source

Titel: BestCrypt 9.02.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2016, 07:30
Whats new:>>

Improved 'Dismount at TimeOut' function.
Added ability to create containers via Command Line.
Added ability to merge container files with video files in mp4 format.
Fixed minor bugs.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.229
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2016, 05:00
Whats new:>>

new: Group Policy settings to confirm move operations.
updated: Show the "Do not ask again" check box in the move confirmation window only if the program's options are not restricted by GPO.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1409
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Problem with decrypting 128-bit encrypted files with asymmetric key
Add file name to exception message in some circumstances
Add German as a language choice

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.401.400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2016, 22:30

New: Whisply integration
Transfer files securely end-to-end encrypted in Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive with a simple link
New: Sync status in icon overlays
See directly in Boxcryptor if a file is currently being synced, if it is synced or if there is a sync problem
New: Command Line Interface (experimental)
Automate your Boxcryptor deployment and configure Boxcryptor using a simple command line interface without having to use the GUI
Improved: Faster sign in
Improved: No internet connection required to work in folders shared permissions
Improved: Updated to CBFS v6.1.180
Improved: Boxcryptor is not mounted as network drive on Windows 10 anymore
Minor improvements and bug fixes


Titel: Cryptomator 1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2016, 17:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Mostly a bugfix release for ownCloud users. Directories are now stored with different names to avoid conflicts with the naming scheme of ownCloud in case of synchronization conflicts.

Also a language update including Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2016, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed #288, sync conflicts are now always handled as conflicts.

Titel: EncFS MP 0.10.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2016, 12:31
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Implemented pattern to upgrade from opening a file read-only to read-and-write (should fix bugs with seemingly read-only files)
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h, boost to 1.61.0. OpenSSL is now compiled to use assembly language and AES instructions, if present
Updated PFM to, using new API

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1428
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2016, 17:02

#171: Sign out of AxCrypt even if no password is set for the screen saver
#170: Implement a common bootstrapper for both 32-bit and 64-bit installers
#169: Context menu property page is broken
#168: Shell extension dll’s are not signed
#167: Support language selection from UserSettings.txt
#166: Translate to Portuguese
#161: Support UserSettings.txt language selection in shell extension
#160: Localize both boostrap and msi installers
#159: Update the setup to use a single exe with both 32-bit and 64-bit msi installers
#158: The program can get stuck in a high CPU condition directly after install
#39: Translate to Italian
#37: Translate to German


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1434
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2016, 17:00
Whats new:>>

#178: Network state detection fails on startup
#165: Translate to Dutch

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1444
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

#145: Start in Free mode, add ‘Try Premium’ action
#60: Support offline registration and key pair import
#53: Translations and texts maintenance

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.403.402
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2016, 18:00
Whats new:>>

New: Check permissions for folders
Check Boxcryptor permissions directly via the Manage Permissions Window.
Fixed: Credentials lost with bad internet connection
Fixed: Share Whisply link with local account
Fixed: Locations are sometimes selected automatically when trying to add new ones
Improved: Invitation of new Boxcryptor users to groups and when managing file permissions
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: GuardAxon 4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2016, 17:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Titel: CrossCloud 2016.7.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2016, 05:00
CrossCloud is a neat and useful piece of software that helps add an extra layer of protection to your data cloud-stored data. This said, probably the first thing you need to know about CrossCloud is the fact that it uses one of the strongest encryption algorithms to date, namely AES256-CBC.

Secondly, you might also be happy to hear that this app comes with support for some of the most popular file sharing and cloud storage platforms out there, like Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Box, NextCloud and OwnCloud.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.405.406
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

New: Login with Command Line Interface (experimental)
Fixed: Explorer crashing under certain circumstances

Titel: EncFS MP 0.10.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2016, 11:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Bug fix (Windows only): Mounts without drive letter are now mounted again unter C:Volumes
Fixed bug #66: For directories with more than ~1050 files, not all files were displayed
The password dialog now also shows the mount name

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.234
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2016, 11:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Pasting from the clipboard to a protected field using Shift-Insert or a popup menu.

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 12R4C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2016, 19:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.407.426
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2016, 06:03
Whats new:>>

Improved: Installer (silent installation improvements, removed shortcut creation on update)
Fixed: Whisply integration for Google Drive
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: Cryptomator 1.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2016, 13:30
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


This release fixes two (related) vulnerabilities allowing malicious Flash files being injected into vaults, that can be executed to "bypass" the SOP and access files from a Flash-enabled browser.


This also fixes various bugs with Dropbox, Google Drive, Windows drive letters, the Windows Registry and WebDAV access on Linux. A complete list of closed issues is available here.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.18a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2016, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

    Support Japanese encryption standard Camellia, including for Windows system encryption (MBR & EFI).
    Support Russian encryption and hash standards Kuznyechik, Magma and Streebog, including for Windows EFI system encryption.


    Support EFI Windows system encryption (limitations: no hidden os, no boot custom message)
    Fix TrueCrypt vulnerability allowing detection of hidden volumes presence(reported by Ivanov Aleksey Mikhailovich, alekc96 [at] mail dot ru)
    Enhanced protection against dll hijacking attacks.
    Fix boot issues on some machines by increasing required memory by 1 KiB
    Add benchmarking of hash algorithms and PRF with PIM (including for pre-boot).
    Move build system to Visual C++ 2010 for better stability.
    Workaround for AES-NI support under Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2.
    Correctly remove driver file veracrypt.sys during uninstall on Windows 64-bit.
    Implement passing smart card PIN as command line argument (/tokenpin) when explicitly mounting a volume.
    When no drive letter specified, choose A: or B: only when no other free drive letter is available.
    Reduce CPU usage caused by the option to disable use of disconnected network drives.
    Add new volume ID mechanism to be used to identify disks/partitions instead of their device name.
    Add option to avoid PIM prompt in pre-boot authentication by storing PIM value unencrypted in MBR.
    Add option and command line switch to hide waiting dialog when performing operations.
    Add checkbox in "VeraCrypt Format" wizard GUI to skip Rescue Disk verification during system encryption procedure.
    Allow files drag-n-drop when VeraCrypt is running as elevated process.
    Minor GUI and translations fixes.


    Fix mount issue on Fedora 23.
    Fix mount failure when compiling source code using gcc 5.x.
    Adhere to XDG Desktop Specification by using XDG_CONFIG_HOME to determine location of configuration files.


    Solve compatibility issue with newer versions of OSXFuse.


Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2016, 15:00
Die Verschlüsselung basiert auf einer 1024-Bit Matrix (ab OPHEUS Quantum kann die Matrix auf bis zu 8192 Bit erhöht werden) und verwendet ein pseudo OTP-Verfahren (One Time Pad). Hierbei wird ein temporärer Kodierschlüssel erzeugt, der grösser ist, als die zu verschlüsselnde Datei. Welche Fragmente aus dem temporär erzeugten Schlüssel verwendet werden, entscheidet sich zur Laufzeit und ist von der verwendeten User-Matrix abhängig. Für die Berechnung der 1024-Bit Matrix muss der Benutzer eine eigene Matrix (User-Matrix) und mindestens einen Passwortsatz angeben. Optional kann ein zweiter Passwortsatz angegeben werden. Die Matrix kann frei gewählt werden, es lassen sich Zufallsmatrizen errechnen oder sie können jede beliebige Datei (mindestens 128 Byte gross) verwenden, um aus ihr eine Matrix zu benutzen. Diese Matrix wird für das Entschlüsseln wieder benötigt.

Das eigentliche Kodierverfahren ist so aufgebaut, dass bis auf wenige Konstanten (die bei Kryptoanalyseversuchen nicht weiterhelfen), alle Informationen aus den Passwortsätzen und der Matrix gewonnen werden. Das Kodierverfahren ist bitsensibel. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht möglich ist, eine Datei auch nur Bruchstückhaft zu dekodieren, wenn man nicht 100 Prozent der Schlüsseldaten besitzt. Oder anders ausgedrückt: OPHEUS kann bei einer Abweichung in der Matrix von nur einem einzigen Bit nicht einmal 0,01 Prozent der Originaldatei wiederherstellen!

Bei alleiniger Verwendung der Passwörter (Benutzung der Standard-Matrix mit 128 Byte) erhält man eine 1024-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Bei zusätzlicher Verwendung einer eigenen User-Matrix erhält man eine 2048-Bit starke Verschlüsselung. Durch die Verwendung der Double-Crypt-Funktion kann die Verschlüsselungsstärke noch weiter erhöht werden. Bei maximal 256 Runden wird eine Vershlüsselungsstärke bis zu 2056 Bit ( (22048) * 256) erreicht.
Das sind 8,27315355425562E618 mögliche Schlüsselkombinationen. Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die volle Länge der Schlüsselkombination zu sehen.

Ab OPHEUS Version 5.0 (heisst jetzt OPHEUS Quantum) kann zusätzlich die Matrixgrösse gewählt werden (128 Byte = 1024 Bit, 256 Byte = 2048 Bit, 512 Byte = 4096 Bit, 1024 Byte = 8192 Bit). Bei Verwendung einer Matrixgrösse von 1024 Byte (eigene Matrix) und einem Passwortsatz kann so eine Verschlüsselungsstärke bis 16384 Bit erreicht werden.


Was ist neu : >>

Dem Programm wurde ein Passwortgenerator hinzugefügt.

Titel: BestCrypt
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug in 'Public Key Manager' utility.


    Fixed error in generating public/secret key pair.
    Fixed error in loading BCResident process on Windows XP.

Titel: Opheus Quantum 6.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2016, 11:00
Was ist neu : >>

Dem Programm wurde eine Funktion zur automatischen Update-Überprüfung hinzugefügt.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.409.438
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

New: Command Line option to change default settings path
New: Duplicate file hiding resolving
Files and folders hiding other items can now be automatically renamed.
New: Warning for bad encryption / decryption workflow
Users will now be informed when they decrypt and re-encrypt folders unnecessarily
Fixed: Encryption forbidden dialog could not be closed
Fixed: Settings could get resetted when USB thumbsticks where removed
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1460
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2016, 10:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#200: SocketException: The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized
#197: PasswordStrength meter is flickering
#195: Slow and sometimes unresponsive after sign in
#194: First time entry of a registered email considered ‘old’ should render an info-popup
#193: Activation via AxCrypt fails if already activated via Web
#192: Key sharing/unsharing does not work in offline mode, even with known accounts
#187: The AxCrypt Window should not be activated when unlocking computer
#185: Crash after screen saver restore
#183: “Try Premium” should be visible when offline and display information
#179: Slow startup times with network access enabled.
#117: Implement a ‘Find V1’ files function
#116: Make the sign in dialog show alone, without entire UI
#115: Improve the set a new password dialog to be clearer what applies
#101: Clarify just how Free / Premium works
#71: Add AxCrypt 1.x character filter to password
#63: Add check for updates to menu
#20: When attempting to add new contact offline, the email is cleared


Titel: Hidden Disk 4.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 14:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



In this release we made very big step ahead for quality. Our program will now track any possible error which may appear in our product and report them to us. Just think: you saw some error message, and usually you can do nothing about this, but... In background... In a few seconds our engineers will receive alert about this error. And we will start working to find reason of the error, and find a solution to it. We hope this new functionality will reduce number of problems with our products, and minimize error messages, make our software high-quality not just in words. This function does not require any additional actions on your side, and there is no settings at all.
Also, in this new version, we have removed creation of link for Hidden Disk in the menu "Send To..." because it was completely useless. Less garbage, more quality!


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.3.411.446
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Icon Overlay conflict with OneDrive
    Due to new limitations in Windows 10 and the latest OneDrive update our overlay icons might have been lost. We decreased the number of used icons now to avoid further issues.
    New: New location picker
    More flexible location picker let users even add locations manually via an address bar.

Download: https://www.boxcryptor.com/download/Boxcryptor_v2.3.411.446_Setup.msi

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 12R4D
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.3.413.448
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2016, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: OneDrive for Business detection
Improved: Boxcryptor now uses the Windows language
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1464
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2016, 20:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#210: Does not open document on first sign in if not previously loaded
#201: ‘Advanced’ when not started, signs in but starts minimized to tray


Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 12R3E
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2016, 19:30
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License: Open Source

Titel: Cyber Crypto 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2016, 06:00
Cyber Crypto allows you to decrypt/encrypt files using a very strong 50 character string which in turns provides inviolable encryption to keep your private files out of reach or prying eyes. Be sure to remember the password you create - if you forget it you will not be able to access the encrypted file at all, (like I did in testing... not once, not twice, but 3 times!).

The author has attached an encrypted file within the ZIP file for those who want to try breaking his the encryption - this is just for fun if you have the time to play around and think you have the skills....


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.235
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2016, 13:30
Whats new:>>

new: Date and time field.
fixed: Error when using �TETIME%, �TE%, %TIME% macros for date fields.

Titel: SecurePad 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2016, 13:39
Seamlessly encrypt and decrypt text messages in Notepad++ using a password and the Blowfish algorithm provided by this small plugin.


Whats new:>>

Recompiled with latest plugin files for compatibility with latest Notepad++ (6.5.1). Note that the compatibility break may have occured before this, I have only tested that it works with this version though it is likely to work with lower versions of 6.5 too.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2016, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


New Features:

On Windows and Mac you can now optionally save your password. This is a preparation for issue #40, one of the most wanted features we're planning for the next minor release. Linux support will follow, as soon as we figured out a standard way to protect saved credentials across most distributions.
New migration screen preventing accidental migration.
Cryptomator for macOS will now appear in Dock + Application Switcher, when not minimized to the menu bar icon.

Fixes and Improvements:

Improved speed of directory listing by using a deterministic cleartext size calculation.
A full list of fixed issues can be found here.

The Downside:

Sadly, we had to drop file size obfuscation support. From this version onwards, there is a bijective function for calculating the cleartext size from the ciphertext size and vice versa.
We always strive to offer the best of both, security and usability. But sometimes we need to find a compromise in order to implement all the features, we're planning for future releases. In the past, we needed to access the first few bytes of a file in order to determine the cleartext file size, which led to O(n) I/O activities with n being the number of files per directories. In this case, we decided in favor of O(1) directory listings, which is especially useful for large directory listings, file size determination via mobile devices, or slow internet connections.
File size obfuscation has never been a cryptographically effective protection against adversaries getting to know the approximate cleartext size. Anything the size of a movie remained the size of a movie and was most likely not mistaken for a text document. Nevertheless, we will miss you. R.I.P.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Kernel mode drivers digitally signed by Microsoft for compatibility with Windows 10 version 1607, also known as the Anniversary Update.
Fixed error in creating large (2TB+) containers on Windows 10.
Fixed minor bugs.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.19 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2016, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Whats new:>>

Fix keyboard issues in EFI Boot Loader.
Fix crash on 32-bit machines when creating a volume that uses Streebog as PRF

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1474
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2016, 20:00

Add context menu to tray icon
Support purchase without sign in to web if signed in to app
Update texts to reflect that the Trial period is started manually by the user
Change “sign in” to just ask for the password
Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: BestCrypt Traveller v.1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2016, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 1607, also known as the Anniversary Update.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.2.410.162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

The update brings you more flexibility when using Boxcryptor. You are now able to upload, download, encrypt, rename, copy and move whole folders.
Additionally, performance and stability have been improved and changing the cache is now possible. You can determine the size of the cache in the settings, or delete the unencrypted cache.

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2016, 18:00
EncryptOnClick is an application that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files. EncryptOnClick is like hiring your own highly experienced data security guard who ensures the files you want to keep safe and out of view from others stay that way. The program is very simple to use and features military grade 256-bit AES encryption.

There are many reasons why you may wish to encrypt your data. For example, you may want to send a file to another person via email, or store sensitive files on removable media, e.g. a USB key. EncryptOnClick ensures your file(s) can only be opened by someone who knows the password you've defined.


Whats new:>>

New: INI setting to not delete original file

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2016, 12:20
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



In this release of the program we have added chinese translation. This translation is automatic, probably, it's full of mistakes, but at least people can understand general purpose of all these buttons on the screen... By the way, also, we have added option to change language of the interface. You're now not required to use only system language, you can switch to default English (or to any other). If you don't like the translation - easily switch to original english!
Second, one more addition: please welcome new program icon! Yes, the program got new beautiful icon, we hope you'll like it much more than the first one.

Also there were some technical changes which are not noticeable, but we will tell you:

The program now cleans temp files which are left after installation of an update;
the program now shows warning about automatic translation;
we have added Activation section to the program menu (this is something special which is not working yet for all people, just for beta-testers).


Titel: VeraCrypt v1.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2016, 06:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

    Fix issues raised by Quarkslab audit.
        Remove GOST89 encryption algorithm.
        Make PBKDF2 and HMAC code clearer and easier to analyze.
        Add test vectors for Kuznyechik.
        Update documentation to warn about risks of using command line switch ”tokenpin”.
    Use SSE2 optimized Serpent algorithm implementation from Botan project (2.5 times faster on 64-bit platforms).


    Fix keyboard issues in EFI Boot Loader.
    Fix crash on 32-bit machines when creating a volume that uses Streebog as PRF.
    Fix false positive detection of Evil-Maid attacks in some cases (e.g. hidden OS creation)
    Fix failure to access EFS data on VeraCrypt volumes under Windows 10.
    Fix wrong password error in the process of copying hidden OS.
    Fix issues raised by Quarkslab audit:
        Fix leak of password length in MBR bootloader inherited from TrueCrypt.
        EFI bootloader: Fix various leaks and erase keyboard buffer after password is typed.
        Use libzip library for handling zip Rescue Disk file instead of vulnerable XUnzip library.
    Support EFI system encryption for 32-bit Windows.
    Perform shutdown instead of reboot during Pre-Test of EFI system encryption to detect incompatible motherboards.
    Minor GUI and translations fixes.


    Remove dependency to MacFUSE compatibility layer in OSXFuse.


Titel: EncryptedRegView v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2016, 18:00
EncryptedRegView scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft as well as by third-party products.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 12R4E
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2016, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Whats new:>>

Better configuration file handling.

Titel: CrossCloud 2016.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2016, 21:00
Effortlessly encrypt your data stored on multiple cloud platforms with the help of this unobtrusive yet highly efficient application that sits in your computer's tray.


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1478
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 18:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


Snapshot build with the latest improvements and fixes. A minor update that adds support for localized emails, and updates many translations.

Change log

    #229: Add user culture to registration API call
    #220: Update Newtonsoft.Json (Internal)
    #217: Import AxCrypt ID does not work
    #53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 21:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Titel: GuardAxon 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 20:00
GuardAxon is a simple and efficient piece of software that can be used to encrypt and decrypt files for safe transmission or transport.

The program uses the following encryption algorithms: BlowFish, DES, 3DES, AES-128. Selecting files to protection is very simple because GuardAxon uses the classic file manager.


Download : Klick (http://www.majorgeeks.com/index.php?ct=files&action=download&)

http://www.geneosoft.com/software/guardaxon/ (z.Z. Offline)
Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.238
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

updated: More informative error message when a portable version can not be used.
updated: It is possible to pass command line parameters to the .msi setup package.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1481
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2016, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Translations and texts maintenance

Titel: Kryptelite 7.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2016, 19:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Titel: SecureMyBit 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2016, 19:00
Encrypt multiple files or folders at the same time, generate secure passwords, evaluate the complexity of your keys, and shred data.


Whats new:>>

Graphic adjustments (GUI updated)
Added selected file info in secure file shredder
Added system specs to system tray context menu
Improved graphic and precision of password validator (added “Very Weak”, “Weak”, “Medium”, “Strong”, “Very Strong”, “IMPOSSIBLE”)
Logged also folder encrypted
Advanced system specs graphic improved
Other bugs fixes

Titel: CryptSync 1.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2016, 20:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2016, 11:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Added Chinese localization
A complete list of closed issues is available here (https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/milestone/23?closed=1).

Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Hotfix release, Migration from 1.1.4 should now be possible again.

Titel: Encoding Decoding Free 3.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2016, 21:00
Encoding Decoding Free is a completely free, easy, fast and secure way to encode and decode any type of file, which also integrates seamlessly into Windows Explorer. The program can be used to hide all the sensitive data that we want to keep away from prying eyes.


disarming ease of use;
coding of any type of files;
integration in Windows Explorer for a more rapid;
creating one password for decryption (in addition to the hidden internal);
secure encryption of login passwords, pin codes, serial numbers, etc..;
inability of systems to be cracked by "Brute Force" (if the password is wrong does not display the classic error message intercepted by the crackers, but it is decoded in the wrong way the file will appear illegible).

Please note: - Be careful not to forget the password, otherwise we will not be able to decode the encrypted files!


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.3.415
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Sometimes the update notification did not show
Improved: Apply button on manage permission page only enabled when there are changes
Improved: Resolving file hiding conflicts between files and folders
Improved: Tutorial
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: CRYPTISA 6.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2016, 11:00
Important or confidential files on a computer are vulnerable to data theft attempts, so it's only normal for every user to find ways to protect them. CRYPTISA is one of the many applications that can give them a helping hand in this matter, providing a simple, yet secure encryption method.


Titel: Hidden Disk 4.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2016, 17:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



Design of the message box was improved.
Added support for 28 languages, most of them have automatic translation.
We're now collect additional anonymous statistics about time needed to start the program e.t.c. This is normal practice for quality improvement by any company. If values will be bad we will improve the code.
Installation improved: program files folder will include original english text files for translation, if someone would like to help us with the translation.
Installation improved: links in the Windows OS menu was re-arranged, there is no mess there now.
Some other light improvements.


Titel: SecureMyBit 1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2016, 21:00
Encrypt multiple files or folders at the same time, generate secure passwords, evaluate the complexity of your keys, and shred data.


Whats new:>>

    new GUI
    new icon
    added file info viewer
    several bug fixes
    several graphic improvements
    other bug fixes

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 05:30
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Whats new:>>

Multiple selected files can be now encrypted/decrypted at once.
Better password dialog usability, when possible.
Added missing translations.
Fixed a bug where in some rare cases encryption would overwrite existing file.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


Fixed system error 53/67 that rarely occurred on some Windows systems, because of a missing registry value (#210)
Saved password can now be forgotten by deselecting the checkbox (#382) [Windows/Mac]
WebDAV server keeps running after unlocking a vault even if mounting fails (#393)
Log files don't contain debug-level information per default anymore, added debug mode in settings (#363)

Titel: Hyper Crypt
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 20:00
Encrypt files, folders and messages using the military-grade AES-256 algorithm along with a hard-to-break password that you can generate yourself via this tool.


Titel: Jade Encryption 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2016, 19:30
Given the attention privacy has got lately, it does not come as a surprise that companies and average users are both turning to encryption tools to protect their data across devices. Jade Encryption is a lightweight piece of software that enables you to safeguard files as well as texts that you want to send via email or other IM clients.



Bug fixes:

Remove file from list fix.
Added icons to list.
Made icon much more clear.

New features:

Fully open source, source code included with installation, It's under the GPL.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

new: Option "Always accept remote connections" for backup servers.
new: LDAP option "Nested groups".
updated: Redirect Web interface to the logon page when the inactivity timeout has expired.
updated: Improved speed of LDAP authentication.
updated: Improved speed of Windows domain authentication.
updated: Improved communication with backup servers.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1489.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2016, 05:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#247: Include parameter in link for password manager to change message
#245: API-support for startup tips
#244: Update code signing certificate
#243: API Method for feedback
#242: Upgrade to NUnit 3
#241: Trim spaces from emails in key sharing dialog
#230: NullReferenceException if checking for updates with empty response
#224: Timeout and auto-offline on server requests.
#53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: USB Safeguard 7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2016, 21:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: Crypter 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2016, 14:00
Nowadays, encrypting your most sensitive data is something that should be common practice for all users that want to make sure their privacy stays untouched in all those I-wish-it-never-happens-to-me situations.

Fortunately, there are tons of apps that can lend you a helping hand towards encrypting your data with ease, for example, Crypter. In just a few words, Crypter is a modern and lightweight piece of software that proposes a slick and fast way to encrypt and decrypt files.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Secure and convenient decryption with the MasterPass
Implements the CRYPTO file format
MasterPass reset ability
Many bug fixes
AES-GCM-256 symmetric decryption with authentication
Ships with Electron v1.1.3

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.5.484
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2016, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Amazon Drive auto detection
Updated: Data Protection Policy
Fixed: Filename encryption settings did not show correctly
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt It
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2016, 21:00
Encrypt and decrypt multiple files at the same time using the AES algorithm due to this portable and user-friendly software solution.



GUI redesign
New algorithms for encryption and decryption texts. Crypt it now use Rijndael algorithm.
12 letter passwords Changed: Any length of password can be used.
Drag and drop support added for files
On Top added option (Tools->On Top, used to keep Crypt it on top of all the windows for easy drag and drop of files)
In Options [Tools->Options] you can set the output of the encrypted files and the decrypted files
Changing between what to process and between the actions won’t reset anything
Bugs fixes


Titel: SecureMyBit 1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2017, 13:30
Encrypt multiple files or folders at the same time, generate secure passwords, evaluate the complexity of your keys, and shred data.


Whats new:>>

Added new encoding extension system
Several bug fixes
Minor graphic improvements

Titel: MCrypter 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2017, 17:00
Encrypt sensitive information such as passwords, credit card information or messages that you want to send, for instance, using this tool.


Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2017, 12:18
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.



Neu: Funktion zur Passwortänderung (Reiter "Dateien")
Neu: Wie von vielen Anwendern gefordert, kann man das Passwort nun per Kommandozeilen-Option übergeben. Wenngleich nicht empfohlen, lässt sich das Passwort z.B. in Scripten mit folgendem Parameter übergeben: CrococryptMirror.exe /pw PASSWORT. Diese Funktion kann auch dazu verwendet werden, das Passwort zu "speichern".
Fix: Windows-Symlinks bzw. -Junctions werden ab sofort ignoriert. Die vorherige Verhaltensweise war zu fehleranfällig ("Race conditions").
Fix: Stabilitäts- und Performance-Verbesserungen im Falle von blockierten und nicht-lesbaren Dateien im Quellverzeichnis


Titel: CrococryptFile 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2017, 21:00
Mit CrococryptFile können einzelne Dateien oder ganze Ordner verschlüsselt werden. Die verschlüsselte Datei bekommt die Endung croco, den Dateinamen kann man natürlich selber wählen, vorgeschlagen wird der Name des Ordners. Neben verschiedenen Verschlüsselungen besteht auch die Möglichkeit, die Dateigröße mit Zufallszahlen zu erhöhen. Beim Entschlüsseln
werden diese Daten ignoriert.


Whats new:>>

Neu: Drei neue Krypto-Suites wurden integriert. Für PBKDF2-basierte Verschlüsselung können nun auch die Algorithmen Twofish, Serpent und Camellia gewählt werden.
New: Der Hash-Iterationen-Counter nach PBKDF2 (Password-basierte Verschlüsselung) kann nun optional und frei vom Nutzer gesetzt werden (abwärtskompatibel)
Fix: Verbesserungen beim UI-Workflow hinsichtlich des Fortschrittsfensters (z.B. für den Fall, dass die Schlüsselerzeugung sehr lange dauert)

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.6.493
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2017, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Added: HubiC auto detection
Improved: OneDrive for Business auto detection
Fixed: Authentication for Whisply integration
Improved: .Net Framework detection for Windows 7
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypter 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2017, 21:00
Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.

This is based on Crypto.Sync (an end-to-end cloud encryption client) which is a more elaborate implementation of the idea. So please check it out as well!

MIT License


Addition of settings and menu
MasterPass credentials export/import ability
Improved portability of CRYPTO files
Timing attack vulnerability fixed
Improved error reporting
Improved styling
Enforces use of a stronger password
Many bug fixes and improved stability
Relaunches automatically after setup finishes
Whole codebase reworked
Improved docs


Titel: E-Mails anonym verschlüsseln: ProtonMail geht ins Tor-Netz
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2017, 13:30
Der verschlüsselnde Mail-Service ProtonMail lässt sich ab sofort als Hidden Service im anonymisierenden Tor-Netzwerk nutzen.

Für noch mehr Privatsphäre stellt ProtonMail seinen Service nun auch im Tor-Netzwerk als Hidden Service zur Verfügung, verkündet das Schweizer Unternehmen in seinem Blog. So können Nutzer bei Bedarf E-Mails nicht nur verschlüsselt, sondern auch anonym über das Tor-Netz verschicken. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Zusatzangebot zum bisherigen Service. Der Hidden Service befindet sich dem Anbieter zufolge aber noch im Experimentalstadium.

Der ganze Artikel (https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/E-Mails-anonym-verschluesseln-ProtonMail-geht-ins-Tor-Netz-3604573.html)

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Qccrypt 0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2017, 14:00
Encrypt files and folders to protect them from prying eyes with this intuitive and easu to use cross-platform frontend for the ccrypt software.

License : GPL


Fixed the last log entry of a file encryption/decryption process: the text begins now with "End of task:..." rather than "Start of task:..."

Fixed the behavior of encryption/decryption buttons

Improved the dialog that prompts for a password or a key file:

New "Show password" checkbox that allows you show/hide the password you entered
New "Remember password for this session" checkbox that allows you to re-use the password you entered, until the application is closed
New "Remember key file for this session" checkbox that allows you to re-use the key file you chose, until the application is closed
The configuration of checkboxes in this dialog is saved using the QSettings Qt5 class


Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2017, 17:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Hotfix release, fixed responses to unsatisfiable range requests, occurring in rare cases of using Finder on macOS.

Titel: SecureMyBit 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2017, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Added text compressor tool
Security of password inserted to encrypt files much improved (to reduce the risk of memory dumping)
Password generator tool much improved
Fixed several bugs
Other minor improvements

Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2017, 17:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2017, 18:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.7.503
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2017, 09:14
Whats new:>>

New: Automatic upgrade of encrypted file format if required
Fixed: Temporary SQlite files have not always been deleted
Fixed: Google Drive authentication could fail
Fixed: With 7zip installed, files where copied to the Boxcryptor drive instead of moved
Improved: Better recovery for network drive locations
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.243
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2017, 12:25
Whats new:>>

updated: Improved import from text and .csv files.

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2017, 20:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This release fixes two critical issues of the program security, it also improves some already existing features of the program.
Fixed bug that prevented hidden disk from opening on some computers.
Added new code signing certificate. The old one will expire in March, thus, please download and install this update as soon as possible.
Fixed bug when the program window was not at the center of the screen.
Greek translation was corrected by real human, big thanks to our volunteer from www.geogeo.gr
German translation was corrected by real human, big thanks to our volunteer from www.flashgate.net
Added translation to Slovenian language, big thanks to our volunteer Jadran Rudec!
Improved window "About the program".


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.8.505
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2017, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypto Notepad v1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2017, 11:30
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Drag and Drop support.
Highlight URLs and mailto: links (hold SHIFT key to open them).
Auto save on lock.
Change text selection behavior.

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2017, 19:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


Bug fixed: if a decrypted passphrase-only EPD file contained less than 4 characters, the content was ignored and EncryptPad produced an empty file. It happened because EncryptPad expected to find IWAD marker, which was 4 character long. Such files will now open correctly.
Bug fixed: when opening a plain-text file and saving it as encrypted, the encryption parameters did not reset to the default values but used the parameters of the last encrypted file.
Bug fixed: the encryptpad file command line parameter did not support non ASCII characters. As result it was not possible to open a file directly from Windows Explorer by double clicking on it if the file was in a directory which name contained non ASCII characters.
More properties in the preferences to control default encryption parameters: key file random sequence length, key file encryption properties, default file encryption properties (cipher, s2k, iterations, compression), the number of encryption keys to save or load without prompting the passphrase again.
Bug fixed: when multiple EncryptPad instances were opened and preferences updated, the last instance overwrote the preferences changed in other instances on closing.
In File Encryption dialogue, a radio button was added to select between EPD and GPG. Previously the user had to edit the extension manually to output to the GPG format.
Bug fixed: salt was displayed in File Encryption dialogue after encrypting or decrypting a file, which did not make sense as it was not related to the next encryption.
There are only 256 possible S2K iterations sets. The file properties dialogue now has a combo box to list all of them. It is easier to select the maximum or minimum possible number of iterations.
The default number of iterations has been changed to 1015808.
Prevented the unnecessary prompt for a key file passphrase if the key file is local and not encrypted.
Bug fixed: after opening a file the mouse cursor changed to arrow shape when it was over the text edit area. It is now I shaped as it should.
Use one EncryptPad binary for all languages. EncryptPad will recognize the OS preferred language for localization. It will simplify the release management especially for packagers.
--lang switch to force a specific language instead of taking the OS's locale. Example: encryptpad --lang FR to load the French localization strings. Example: encryptpad --lang FR to load the French localization strings.
EncryptPad GUI was translated to Chinese.
README.md translated to French.
stlplus was updated from upstream. It is now 3.13.


Titel: Kryptos 1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2017, 21:00
Kryptos provides you with a simple and efficient way to encrypt files. You have two encryption types to choose from, Rijndael which is a block cipher using 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys it is an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and then TripleDES which is a symmetric-key block cipher, it applies the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher algorithm three times to each data block. Once you are ready to safeguard a file, the process that Kryptos uses for encrypting them is simple, select your file/folder, set an output location, and then set your password.

Kryptos also displays system information upon opening the app like the number of cores, OS, OS Version, Platform, etc.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 12R5C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2017, 19:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.245
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2017, 21:00
Whats new:>>

new: Support for Firefox 64-bit and Chrome 64-bit.
new: Support for Firefox 52+.
updated: Improved stability of the Web interface.
updated: Generate SHA-256 certificates.

Titel: EncryptedRegView 1.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2017, 11:30
EncryptedRegView scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft as well as by third-party products.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the lower pane to switch focus when pressing tab key.

Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2017, 20:30
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.9.526
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2017, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Improved: Network drive handling
Improved: Context menu performance
Improved: Handling for .bc files including file association with Boxcryptor
Added: Permission warning when trying to decrypt files without Boxcryptor access
Fixed: Sometimes account creation could fail
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.247
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

updated: Improved stability of the Web interface.
updated: Improved security of the Web interface.
fixed: Copy to the clipboard in the Web interface when Flash is not available.

Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2017, 06:00
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Titel: Crypt It
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2017, 19:00
Encrypt and decrypt multiple files at the same time using the AES algorithm due to this portable and user-friendly software solution.



Added check for update

Added command line commands. Put a file then e for encrypt or d for decrypt and Crypt it will open as you want:

Cryptit.exe “C:UsersnameDesktopfile.txt” e {to encrypt}
Cryptit.exe “C:UsersnameDesktopfile.txt” d {to decrypt}
CryptIt.exe f {will open direct to files}
CryptIt.exe t {will open direct to text}
CryptIt.exe fd {will open to files and select decrypt}
CryptIt.exe td {will open to text and select decrypt}
When adding files to encrypt or decrypt lists and when the user check a file it will not be marked to delete if the user didn’t check delete checked file(s) check box.
When a file is deleted it will be labeled Deleted in the list with red back color.
Added icons to some menu items
Small other fixes


Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2017, 13:30
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.

Whats new:>>

This version includes very important security fix related how files are encrypted. If you use FortStandalone and/or freeware FortDecryption tool you must upgrade. It's recommended that before upgrading you decrypt all your files and encrypt them again after installing Fort 3.1

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.248
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

new: Danish localization by Michael Jorgensen.
fixed: Firefox 52+ integration.

Titel: Cyber Crypto 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2017, 19:00
Cyber Crypto allows you to decrypt/encrypt files using a very strong 50 character string which in turns provides inviolable encryption to keep your private files out of reach or prying eyes. Be sure to remember the password you create - if you forget it you will not be able to access the encrypted file at all, (like I did in testing... not once, not twice, but 3 times!).

The author has attached an encrypted file within the ZIP file for those who want to try breaking his the encryption - this is just for fun if you have the time to play around and think you have the skills....


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.10.542
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Support for Dropbox Smart Sync
Improved: The Boxcryptor context menu in Windows Explorer is now capable to operate on multiple selected files / folders
Improved: Whisply links can now be created for folders and also for unencrypted files which will automatically be encrypted first. The overall maximum of 5 files per Whisply link still applies.
Improved: Filesystem stability
Fixed: Boxcryptor could crash when USB thumb drives were removed
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Kryptel Lite 7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2017, 15:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Titel: USB Safeguard 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2017, 17:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.11.550
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2017, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Additional PIN protection and reworked password protection
Added: Support for Whisply with OneDrive for Business
Improved: Filesystem stability (e.g. when downloading files via Chrome)
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1494.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2017, 20:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#269: Inconsistent text for “secure delete”
#222: Nothing happens when using Shred & Delete from explorer menu when not signed in
#271: Do not URL encode + and @ signs in path components when calling REST API
#272: Enabling Trial mode causes InvalidOperationException
#270: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path
#264: Display Premium / Free status explicitly
#262: Error message stating Premium required even though Premium is active
#268: Add core support extracting email addresses from text
#263: Google Drive not always detected
#258: Update all content web links to https
#236: Remove Exit and Help buttons in signup dialog
#235: Add “show in folder” as right-click option to recent files list.
#239: Change threshold for drag and drop added to recent files
#250: Trial mode started after Premium payment
#253: ManageAccountViewModel async use in constructor causes deadlock
#252: Handle inaccessible key file in validation
#251: Check that property binding uses the correct type


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 Release Candidate 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2017, 11:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    You can now change the socket port without restarting Cryptomator
    Network access now filtered by the socket instead of the application
    Full issue list


    Dropped SHA-1 signatures in Windows Authenticode code signing
    Dropped official Windows Vista support


Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2017, 06:30
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Fort 3.2 includes many usability fixes and some minor bug fixes.
Fort standalone now knows files user encrypted via the shell extension.
Files can be now opened directly from the Fort standalone.
Fixed missing tooltip text in the About-button
Installing license can be now done also from the About-dialog.
Minor changes how file extensions are handled in some situations.
Added Korean, Italian and Polish translations.


Titel: Hidden Disk 4.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2017, 21:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



Security first! The program have now stronger algorithm for password recovery. Previously, you can lost your password and function for password recovery won't work for you for several reasons. Now this problem has been fixed. Password recovery function has been improved.
Removed some garbage in the program files.
Menu of the program was cleaned: all links was moved to menu "About the program".
Interface of the program was cleaned: some elements moved for better visual experience.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.12.553
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2017, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Password protection was always enabled when updating from versions older than 2.11.550

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2017, 12:19
Whats new:>>

fixed windows mounting
added localization
version check now sends OS name + version in http user agent header.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Using IPv6 by default on Windows
More fault-tolerant directory listing

Titel: Kryptos 1.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2017, 13:30
Kryptos provides you with a simple and efficient way to encrypt files. You have two encryption types to choose from, Rijndael which is a block cipher using 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys it is an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and then TripleDES which is a symmetric-key block cipher, it applies the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher algorithm three times to each data block. Once you are ready to safeguard a file, the process that Kryptos uses for encrypting them is simple, select your file/folder, set an output location, and then set your password.

Kryptos also displays system information upon opening the app like the number of cores, OS, OS Version, Platform, etc.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2017, 21:30
Mit BestCrypt können verschlüsselte Container erstellt und durch Zuweisung eines Laufwerkbuchstabens ins System einhängt werden. Als Verschlüsselung wird AES (Rijndael) eingesetzt.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.13.560
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Improved: App stability
Fixed: Multiple crash logs were created

Titel: Text Shredder 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2017, 20:00
Portable, lightweight encryption utility that enables you to encode plain text and ensure sensitive messages cannot be read by anyone other than the intended recipient.

License: GPLv3


Added a HMAC to the encrypted message. The ciphertext + original salt is HMACed using the AES key. When the message is decrypted, the HMAC is recomputed and compared to the original. If it doesn't match then the message has been corrupted or tampered with.
Removed BCrypt from the internal password hash. After peer review it was deemed un-neccesary as a PBKFD (Rfc2898) is used with 70,000 iterations to generate the AES key.
When setting up the AesCryptoServiceProvider, make the cipher mode and padding schemes more apparent. This application uses AES set to CBC mode with PKCS7 padding.
Add a word wrap option to the file menu. This enables/disables word wrap on all the text boxes.
When the user first loads up Text Shredder, show an upgrade warning stating that their message recipients must be using the same version of the tool. They can click on a "Do not show this again" checkbox to disable the warning then they next run the program.


Titel: Secret Notes 1.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 18:30
Secret Notes is a software utility which was developed in order to help individuals create and store their thoughts and ideas to the hard drive, in one single place, and protect them by encrypting it.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.20 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 19:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSes:

Use 64-bit optimized assembly implementation of Twofish by Jussi Kivilinna.


Fix bug in EFI system decryption using EFI Rescue Disk
Enable using Secure Desktop for password entry. Add preferences option and command line switch (/secureDesktop) to activate it. Use default mount parameters when mounting multiple favorites with password caching. Enable specifying PRF and TrueCryptMode for favorites.
Preliminary driver changes to support EFI hidden OS functionality.


Titel: CrococryptFile 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 20:00
Mit CrococryptFile können einzelne Dateien oder ganze Ordner verschlüsselt werden. Die verschlüsselte Datei bekommt die Endung croco, den Dateinamen kann man natürlich selber wählen, vorgeschlagen wird der Name des Ordners. Neben verschiedenen Verschlüsselungen besteht auch die Möglichkeit, die Dateigröße mit Zufallszahlen zu erhöhen. Beim Entschlüsseln werden diese Daten ignoriert.


Whats new:>>

Neu: Unterstützung für Russisch hinzugefügt (Danke an Aleksey Cheremnykh / Алексей Черемных)

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.14.564
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2017, 07:00
Whats new:>>

Improved: App stability
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2017, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Woot, woot, experimental support for auto unlock 🎉 (#40)
Improved macOS Sierra integration, unlocking doesn't ask for username/password for localhost anymore (#170)
Several minor UI fixes


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1502.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2017, 19:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


Translations and texts maintenance
Reimplement FileLock and use, prepare for async friendly lock
Add option for recursive operation
Display a tip when the wrong password has been entered three times about password reset.
Lavasoft causes crash in TCP stack, warn user of existence of Lavasoft Web Companion
Add option to decrypt file even if HMAC is invalid
Check and re-assert the “.axx” file name association
Add support for continuous integration on the Mac
Update Newtonsoft.Json to 10.0.2
Update NUnit to 3.6.1
Change internal names for subscription levels to match current terminology
Implement request for supporting verify code without password setup.
When three cloud providers or more are found, the clean up broom is hidden
Add fixed fallback location for OneDrive detection
Startup hang in Mac XWT app
Deadlock when sharing keys
Inconsistent use of async in view models


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2017, 07:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed mount error on Windows for vaults with fixed drive letters
Changed logging framework, allowing users to adjust settings

Titel: Crypto Notepad v1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2017, 18:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Fixed: overflow during arithmetical operation #6 (https://github.com/Sigmanor/Crypto-Notepad/issues/6)

Titel: EncryptedRegView v1.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2017, 05:00
EncryptedRegView scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft as well as by third-party products.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug: EncryptedRegView skipped some of the Registry key under HKCU\Software\Classes when scanning files on external drive.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2017, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Added CMD+, shortcut to macOS release
Added new options to "unlocked" screen: Mount/unmount without locking/unlocking

Titel: Kryptos 1.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2017, 05:00
Kryptos provides you with a simple and efficient way to encrypt files. You have two encryption types to choose from, Rijndael which is a block cipher using 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys it is an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and then TripleDES which is a symmetric-key block cipher, it applies the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher algorithm three times to each data block. Once you are ready to safeguard a file, the process that Kryptos uses for encrypting them is simple, select your file/folder, set an output location, and then set your password.

Kryptos also displays system information upon opening the app like the number of cores, OS, OS Version, Platform, etc.



Added folder locking ability
Bug fixes
Fixed some misaligned items on the user interface
Improved Rijndael(AES) encryption algorithm


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1509.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2017, 19:00

53: Translations and texts maintenance
238: Improve password setting dialog to communicate more clearly to the user
294: The “Get Premium” link disappears
302: Key sharing does not apply to subfolders in secured folders with include subfolders enabled
305: Key Wrap Iteration Calculator may give lower values than expected
306: “A required privilege is not held by the client” causes High CPU
308: “Decrypt Temporarily” of secured folder with “Include Subfolders” ignores subfolders


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.15.578
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Added: OneDrive for Business Germany support
Fixed: Google Drive authentication
Fixed: Disabling Boxcryptor autostart sometimes did not work
Minor and bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.252
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: The "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done" error during AD authentication is some cases.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Hotfix release for Linux users getting a segmentation fault when starting Cryptomator.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

New vault format 6 solves #521 (please read the notes below)
Changed license to GPLv3
Removed several dependencies
Removed IPv6 flag, Windows will now always mount
Fixed #510, #511, #523, #526

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2017, 05:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



Because we know that you want maximum security from our program, thus todays big change is for you!
Introducing new secure storage for your password! Starting from this version our program will use different algorithm to store password for your secret disk. The password will be securely encrypted using another stronger algorithm. For security purposes we will not mention name of the algorithm. The new version will also store your password in the different place. All these changes will provide you higher level of security.
Corrected portuguese translation, big thanks to Rui Rebelo.
Corrected slovenian translation, big thanks to Jadran Rudec.
Light change in the design: background color of the window is now white, and the bottom line is gray.
Added feedback system during program uninstall.


Titel: VeraCrypt v1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2017, 18:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

    Use 64-bit optimized assembly implementation of Twofish and Camellia by Jussi Kivilinna.
        Camellia 2.5 faster when AES-NI supported by CPU. 30% faster without it.
    Use optimized implementation for SHA-512/SHA256.
        33% speedup on 64-bit systems.
    Deploy local HTML documentation instead of User Guide PDF.
    Change links in UI from ones on Codeplex to ones hosted at veracrypt.fr
    Security: build binaries with support for Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).


    Fix bug in EFI system decryption using EFI Rescue Disk
    Enable using Secure Desktop for password entry. Add preferences option and command line switch (/secureDesktop) to activate it.
    Use default mount parameters when mounting multiple favorites with password caching.
    Enable specifying PRF and TrueCryptMode for favorites.
    Preliminary driver changes to support EFI hidden OS functionality.
    Fix Streebog not recognized by /hash command line.
    Add support for ReFS filesystem on Windows 10 when creating normal volumes
    Fix high CPU usage when favorite configured to mount with VolumeID on arrival.
    Use CHM file for User Guide instead of PDF.
    Fix false warning in case of EFI system encryption about Windows not installed on boot drive.
    Enhancements to driver handling of various disk IOCTL.
    Enhancements to EFI bootloader. Add possibility to manually edit EFI configuration file.
    Driver Security: Use enhanced protection of NX pool under Windows 8 and later.
    Reduce performance impact of internal check for disconnected network drives.
    Minor fixes.


    OSX 10.7 or newer is required to run VeraCrypt.
    Make VeraCrypt default handler of .hc & .tc files.
    Add custom VeraCrypt icon to .hc and .tc files in Finder.
    Check TrueCryptMode in password dialog when opening container file with .tc extension.


    Check TrueCryptMode in password dialog when opening container file with .tc extension.
    Fix executable stack in resulting binary which was caused by crypto assembly files missing the GNU-stack note.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 RC 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2017, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Windows Mounter will attempt to mount "cryptomator-vault" instead of "", if this is an localhost alias.

Titel: EncFS MP 0.10.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2017, 21:30
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License


    Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2l, PFM to


    Unmount in case of Windows shutdown (bug #56)
    Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2j, boost to 1.62.0


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2017, 18:00


Auto-Unlock!!! ?? We finally implemented the most-wished feature. Still experimental and will be completed by autostart (optionally hidden) in future versions
New vault format 6
Added new options to "unlocked" screen: Mount/unmount without locking/unlocking
Network access now filtered by the socket instead of the application (#431)
You can now change the socket port without restarting Cryptomator
New log system with log file rotation and exposed, user-adjustable configuration


Removed IPv6 flag, Windows will now always mount cryptomator-vault which is mapped to (#512, #529)


Changed license to GPLv3
Dropped SHA-1 signatures in Windows Authenticode code signing
Dropped official Windows Vista support
Dropped official Ubuntu Vivid and Wily support


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2017, 21:00
Whats new:>>

All OSes:

Fix 1.20 regression causing crash when running on a CPU supporting SSE2 but not SSSE3.


Fix 1.20 regression that caused PIM value stored in favorites to be ignored during mount.
Fix some cases of "Parameter Incorrect" error during EFI system encryption wizard.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>


Fixed directories with long names (#536)
Fixed rare bug in vault initialization (#537)
Improved error handling of non-writable hosts file in Windows installer (#535)

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1516.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2017, 11:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


328: Optimize notification queue, merging fulll name lists
327: When opening an encrypted .TXT file with Notepad++, it cannot be edited.
316: Code changes to support features in other repositories
53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2017, 12:00
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Display Encrypted Data In Lower Pane' option.

Titel: Cryptermite 1.4a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2017, 20:30
Cryptermite was designed to encrypt and decrypt your messages and files but also adds in many other security features.

At first glance, the interface can be a bit overwhelming. There's a lot you can do here. If you're looking just to encrypt or decrypt messages, everything is in the top half of the window. Select a file and the output name and pick from a few options (hash, Wipe, Wipe after process, create encrypted EXE, password, algorithm) and click on "Encrypt file." Open an Encrypted file and repeat the process to decrypt it.

There are xix encryption algorithms including AES, Serpent, Twofish, BlowFish, Triple DES, and RSA. You could also hide any type of file inside images using steganography. We always liked that idea.

And now for the additional security features. Cryptermite has a Bitcoin address generator for Bitcoin wallets and a Hash codes generator for messages and files that support SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD5, MD4, and CRC32.

License: Donationware

Titel: BestCrypt Traveller 1.05.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed compatibility issue with containers created on macOS.

Titel: FileCrypt 1.0 Rev. 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2017, 13:30
FileCrypt is a free, small, portable and easy to use file encryption program.

That short description nails this program's strong points perfectly. Free, small, portable, and easy to use. You just select "Encrypt File" from the drop-down menu and then the type of encryption you want to use. These include AES 128 and 256, RC2, and TripleDES. If you don't know which to choose, then just pick one at random. Odds are no one is going to crack it. That's not to say someone can't, but the odds are strongly on your side. Once the file(s) have been selected, just click on "Start Operations.") Drag-and-drop is also supported.


Whats new:>>

Small fixes and improvements

Titel: PowerCryptor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2017, 18:00
PowerCryptor is a file encryption app that helps you protect your confidential information by encrypting files or folders on your computer.

PowerCryptor can be run in two ways - by launching the app or using the context menu. It also comes with a password generator, and text encrypt. This makes a total of three apps included, but we'd prefer if they had built them all into the PowerCryptor interface. Instead, they are presented as three different apps.

License: Freemium

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1526.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2017, 06:00

Bug-fixes and general improvements:

341: Deadlock in FileLocker causes hang
339: Exception during decryption causes deadlock
338: Illegal FileTime causes Unexpected Error
334: Add a list of user extensions to be ignored for encryption
333: Add indicator of local sign in
331: Inconsistent sign in state after password reset and use of original password
316: Code changes to support features in other repositories
261: Verify that key sharing always try to use the recipient server key, if online
61: Code Maintenance
53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.22 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2017, 18:00

MBR Bootloader: Fix failure to boot hidden OS on some machines.
MBR Bootloader: Reduce CPU usage during password prompt.
Better fix for "Parameter Incorrect" issues during EFI system encryption in some machines.
Driver: remove unnecessary dependency to wcsstr which can cause issues on some machines.
Driver: Fix "Incorrect Parameter" error when mounting volumes on some machines.
Fix failure to mount system favorites during boot on some machines.
Extend Secure Desktop feature to smart card PIN entry dialog
Fix truncated license text in installer wizard.
Add portable package that allows extracting binaries without asking for admin privileges.


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1529.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2017, 13:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


347: Unexpected error! Bad request to API
346: Support lists and ranges when checking for reliability and security updates
345: Automatic re-encryption of files after exit with open files encrypts with AES-128 w/Premium
344: Critical: Risk for data loss when signing out with open files
343: Changing password back to old after password reset fails
316: Code changes to support features in other repositories
311: Title bar is not updated after click “Try Premium”
53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1532.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2017, 14:00

Additional fixes of a less critical, but still required nature.

    #351: Unexpected Error! Collection was modified
    #326: Add information dialog when a file is automatically opened the first time
    #350: Share key broken
    #338: Illegal FileTime causes Unexpected Error
    #53: Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.17.635
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2017, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: HiDrive auto detection now works for latest HiDrive client update
Fixed: Dropbox Smart Sync compatibility on Windows 8.1
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.253
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2017, 14:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Backup and restore of database files larger than 2GB.
fixed: The server becomes unresponsible after restore of a backup file.

Titel: Cryptermite 2.0a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2017, 18:00
Cryptermite was designed to encrypt and decrypt your messages and files but also adds in many other security features.

At first glance, the interface can be a bit overwhelming. There's a lot you can do here. If you're looking just to encrypt or decrypt messages, everything is in the top half of the window. Select a file and the output name and pick from a few options (hash, Wipe, Wipe after process, create encrypted EXE, password, algorithm) and click on "Encrypt file." Open an Encrypted file and repeat the process to decrypt it.

There are xix encryption algorithms including AES, Serpent, Twofish, BlowFish, Triple DES, and RSA. You could also hide any type of file inside images using steganography. We always liked that idea.

And now for the additional security features. Cryptermite has a Bitcoin address generator for Bitcoin wallets and a Hash codes generator for messages and files that support SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD5, MD4, and CRC32.

License: Donationware

Titel: Cryptermite 2.0b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2017, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Improve steganography.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1534.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2017, 18:00

371: Auto Upgrade is asked for and possible to enable in Viewer Plan
367: ArgumentNullException possible on exit
366: Support device-agnostic disabling of main window for modal dialogs
365: When unsharing a AES-128 bit file in Premium it’s re-encrypted with AES-128
364: Optimize updating Premium information
363: Key Sharing icon does not appear directly after sharing a key
362: Improve Recent Files list display performance
332: The share keys button does not open a file selection dialog The file selection dialog should allow multiple files
316: Code changes to support features in other repositories https://bitbucket.org/axantum/axcrypt-web/issues/155/sorting-of-password-list-by-content
61: Code Maintenance Move common SettingsStore functionality to abstract StreamSettingsStore


Titel: SecureMyBit 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2017, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Added the possibility to generate easier to remember passwords
Password generator
Much improved
Several bugs fixed

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1536.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2017, 05:00

377: Re-encrypted documents revert to AES-128 even if Premium under certain conditions
376: Incorrect handling of blocked UI thread may cause crash
375: Re-implement IMainUI to use a stack of states for enabling / disabling the UI
352: When signing up, focus is not set in ‘Verification Code’ field
256: Additional confirmation for passsword after signing up
53: Translations and texts maintenance.


Titel: Hidden Disk 4.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2017, 09:13
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



Here comes another great update which will change a lot of things! Be ready to see completely new way of working with virtual storage! This update is definitely a great step ahead! Look at this:

Introducing MULTIPLE disks! Not just one hidden disk! You can now have separate virtual disks for each your task! Yes, more than one! In a free version you can create up to 2 disks, but in the Professional Version number of disks are unlimited.
Each disk now have its own image, which you can select (or upload your own image). This looks great in the list of disks.
You can set disk name for each virtual partition. Very useful function!
Added settings window. We will continue developing this program and you will see more options shortly.
Hardware acceleration! Virtual disk can be opened or closed in one second if you will enable hardware acceleration option, which is located in the new Settings area.
You can delete partition, this option also available in the menu from now on.
Corrected bug with password recovery.
Corrected translations.
Corrected bug when using unusual characters (not default encoding) in submitted data.
Added link for feedback "Tell us the truth". Blame us or thank us! Use it!


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.255
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2017, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Import of text files with long data fields.
Fixed: Form filling UI when several monitors with different DPI settings are used on Windows 10.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1541.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2017, 18:00

387: Stop Securing does not work as expected when file is open in application
386: Clicking ‘OK’ in the ‘Verification’ dialog without filling in anything is possible
385: IndexOutOfRangeException in wildcard match during user search
384: Business: Add ‘Business’ to Axantum.AxCrypt.Api.Model.SubscriptionLevel
383: Business: Check all uses of Subscription level to work with Business
381: Business: Ensure app supports a license of type Business from server
340: IReport exceptions are only written if program exists relatively cleanly
298: Secured Folder should forbid adding forbidden folders
53: Translations and texts maintenance.


Titel: EncryptedRegView 1.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 06:00
EncryptedRegView scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft as well as by third-party products.


Whats new:>>

Fixed another bug of skipping Registry keys when scanning files on external drive.

Titel: TNTCrypter
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2017, 19:00
TNTCrypter is a free professional quality app for hashing and encrypting your files.

While TNTCrypter has a lot of capabilities and features, the main interface follows the keep it simple stupid (KISS) format we like here. Text options are on the left, pictures in the middle and files on the right. With text, you can convert, generate a hash, or encryptdecrypt. If you need to go back at any time, there's a menu link in the lower right of each window. Across the top, you can find File, Modules, Options, License, About, and Donate.

License: Open Source

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.18.646
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

New: Experimental support for the new Box Drive client.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Titel: SecretFolder 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2017, 12:00
Encrypt and hide private information in a secure vault protected by a master password, preventing others from accessing your personal files.


Whats new:>>

Fixed point of access violation when window is closed in password input window.
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Kryptel Lite 7.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 18:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: EncFS MP 0.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2017, 12:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License


Update PFM to, fixing several problems (tickets #78 and #69)
Added new command line commnds: quit and minimize
Added possibility to send password via pipe (-p -)
Check in create encfs that mount name is not empty
This release fixes some problems related to secure boot on Windows, and it adds some new functionality with command line arguments. Sorry for the long delay, but the recent PFM versions had issues when being used with EncFSMP.
I have received feedback from a user on MacOS 10.13 High Sierra which observed strange behaviour in the Finder (not in the Terminal). Please send me reports of EncFSMP with this operating system if you observe similar behaviour (via Tickets or EMail).


Titel: Crypter 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2017, 13:30
Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.

This is based on Crypto.Sync (an end-to-end cloud encryption client) which is a more elaborate implementation of the idea. So please check it out as well!

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Updated dependencies

Titel: Encrypt Care 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2017, 17:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

New main icon.
Updated and improved user interface.
Improved compatibility with high-DPI monitors.
Improved program's performance.
Minor improvement to text encryption and decryption.
Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.257
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2017, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Databases become unresponsive in some cases.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.19.658
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

New: Prevention of data loss for unsaved changes at Windows shut down
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2017, 05:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix #88: Dialog type for notification about inability to delete file fixed
Fix #89: When exporting all public keys do not overwrite different keys which has same user name
Fix #86: NPE when exporting public key from previously re-imported private key

Titel: SecretFolder 5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2017, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Strengthening the security of setup app.
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.258
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Closing of unresponsive client connections.

Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 13:30
Whats new:>>

New feature #15: Encrypt plain text
New feature #90: Decrypt any given text from clipboard

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1543.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2017, 14:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


397: Renaming a folder in a secured folder results in the the secured folder being removed
396: Debugmode logging is not enabled when restarting AxCrypt
391: When signing in [Local] a pop-up message should be displayed.
53: Translations and texts maintenance.


Titel: Qana 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2017, 19:00
Qana is designed to help you encrypt important or confidential files and archives in order to prevent them from being accessed by others, without your consent. Qana uses the Fortuna random number generator and the script key derivation function in order to cipher your files. It can be used for encrypting files, text messages, split and join files, as well as conceal a file within an image.

License: GPL

Whats new: >>

Since Java 9, if the 'Select text when focus is gained' preference has the value 'Yes', the selection of a text field remains highlighted after the field loses keyboard focus.

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2017, 11:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



    New interface for general preferences of the program.
    You will notice new links to helpful articles on the web.
    Fixed bug: some supported languages was missing from the list.
    Updates will now be installed using express settings, so you don't need to pass every step of the installer. You will see the difference next time you will install an update.
    Disabled anonymous statistics. The program will no longer collect basic technical anonymous stats. Privacy is important.
    Fixed bug: empty window can appear after closing the program.
    Optimized procedure on the program load, it will start faster, less bugs.
    Notification about professional version will be displayed less ofter, we don't want to annoy you.
    Other minor changes to the code.
    In the next release we will work for some change related to the main purpose of the program (we have plans to add new features) and we will continue working on translations of the program interface.


Titel: AES Metal 2.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 18:00
Secure files either through simple passphrase encryption, or generating your own security keys through a GUI or command line utility.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.20.680
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2017, 06:00
Whats new:>>

New: Google Drive File Stream support
New: Encryption Required policy
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 06:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



Support for drag & drop in password fields (#567)
Support for keyboard navigation (#547)
Fixed creating of vaults residing in shared folders (#600)
Fixed deleting of folders residing in shared folders (#554)
Fixed deleting of inconsistent folders (#565)
Fixed application startup under certain conditions (#546, #557)
Fixed compatibility with iOS for folder names consisting of 60-64 characters
Other improvements (#235, #598)


Support for OneDrive's Files On-Demand feature ?? (#592)
Support for ; character in filenames (#556)
Fixed mixing of assigned and automatically assigned drive letters (#576)
Other improvements (#541, #542)


Added Thai localization


Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 17:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Many minor changes and improvements including updated translations.
Better password strength meter.
Improved performance in some cases.
Clipboard monitor to clear the clipboard every five minutes. This feature will be more useful in the future, and it's part of an bigger feature update coming in 2018.
Added Chinese and Hungarian translations.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2017, 06:15
Whats new:>>

Hotfix release for Windows users. You can now add an existing vault from OneDrive when you have Files On-Demand enabled.

Titel: Cobbler 2.003.008
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2017, 12:00
Cobbler is a simple and robust vault for sensitive text-based information, with a focus on bruteforce resistance and keeping a low attack surface. Uses battle-tested AES256_HMAC_SHA1 for strong encryption and data authentication.

free for home use

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.21.691
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Locations settings are lost after restart
Fixed: On-Demand notifications are not shown for OneDrive
Fixed: Cannot rename folder on NAS location sometimes
Fixed: Editing PDFs fails in FileCenter software
Fixed: Windows search indexing triggers on-demand file downloads
Minor bugfixes and improvements

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1547.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2017, 17:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#402: Re-encrypting files on sign in may cause downgrade to AES-128 for Premium users
#401: Update Code Signing Certificate
#400: Add support for polish language(pl-PL)
#399: Business: Display ‘Business’ in title instead of ‘Premium’ when relevant
#398: Json deserialization can cause error due to missing Json settings
#61: Code Maintenance Change to use ObjectCreationHandling.Replace for json, and some changes required as a result.
#53: Translations and texts maintenance Add/Update texts for AxCrypt Business


Titel: ProtonMail Bridge: Einfache PGP-Verschlüsselung für Thunderbird, Outlook etc.
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2017, 15:34
Kunden von ProtonMail können ihre Post nun auch mit Thunderbird, Outlook und Apple Mail verschlüsseln. Mit ProtonMail Bridge geht das ganz einfach – auch Durchschnittsnutzer sollen endlich PGP verwenden.

PGP ist eine tolle Sache, jedenfalls theoretisch. Praktisch birgt der Versand von vorbildlich verschlüsselten Mails immer das Risiko, dass der Empfänger damit überhaupt nichts anfangen kann – oder will. Das liegt auch daran, das keines der verbreiteten Mail-Programme eine unkomplizierte PGP-Unterstützung bereits mitbringt. So blieb PGP bislang eine Sache für Kenner.

Das soll nun ProtonMail Bridge ändern: Die Software vereinfacht die Nutzung von PGP in Mailclients wie Thunderbird, Outlook und Apple Mail. Auch Durchschnittsnutzer sollen endlich die Vorzüge von PGP genießen können. Die "Verschlüsselung ist nicht mehr nur auf technisch versierte und fortgeschrittene Benutzer beschränkt", sagt ProtonMail-Mitgründer Dr. Andy Yen. Die Voraussetzung ist allerdings ein kostenpflichtiger ProtonMail-Account.

Der ganze Artikel (https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/ProtonMail-Bridge-Einfache-PGP-Verschluesselung-fuer-Thunderbird-Outlook-und-Apple-Mail-3913230.html)

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Passware Encryption Analyzer 2017.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2017, 19:00
Passware Encryption Analyzer scans your PC for encrypted files, documents, etc., and gives you insight into protection methods as well as the type of encryption.

This Windows Explorer-like utility can be helpful for scoping out vulnerabilities in the encryption you have present so you can bolster or change it to a more secure form. It can also confirm that your password protected files still are still actually password protected. If an area is discovered to be lacking, you will need to use an applicable third party software to recover those passwords for instance as this utility is a scanner only.

License: Freemium (Log saving only available in Pro version)

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.22 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2017, 05:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


- All OSs:

     * SIMD speed optimization for Kuznyechik cipher implementation (up to 2x speedup).
  - Windows:
     * MBR Bootloader: Fix failure to boot hidden OS on some machines.
     * MBR Bootloader: Reduce CPU usage during password prompt.
     * Better fix for "Parameter Incorrect" issues during EFI system encryption in some machines.
     * Driver: remove unnecessary dependency to wcsstr which can cause issues on some machines.
     * Driver: Fix "Incorrect Parameter" error when mounting volumes on some machines.
     * Fix failure to mount system favorites during boot on some machines.
     * Extend Secure Desktop feature to smart card PIN entry dialog
     * Fix truncated license text in installer wizard.
     * Add portable package that allows extracting binaries without asking for admin privileges.

  - MacOSX:

     * Fix issue preventing some local help files from opening in the browser.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.22.706
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2017, 13:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Some folders cannot not be encrypted or decrypted
Fixed: Tray icon disappears on re-mount
Minor bugfixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.259
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 05:00
Whats new:>>

- fixed: Management of database connections.

Titel: FinalCrypt 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 17:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: FinalCrypt 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2017, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Added extended throughput statistics
Added Secure Delete (Shredding original files after encryption)

Titel: FinalCrypt 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2017, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Undo file-rename after file-open action
Disabled focusable ability on all widgets
Reset to "All-Files" filefilter after encryption

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2017, 06:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.



New features:

Genuine Password Checker and Generator, very precise with nice graphics design.
Charts contains the entire history of computer performance. It can display the real
strength of entered passwords for many popular encryption tools such as TrueCrypt,
Keepass, PasswordSafe, 7zip, VeraCrypt, etc. It also includes high grade
approximation of the future progress of decryption for the next millennium.
Steganography, hiding information inside the picture so thats it is impossible
to detect this. It meets the strongest military standards. If you use a good cover
photo, then can be used maximum security setup with automatic picture size reduction.
Steganography uses its own encryption safe-key with 2240-bit, 6-ciphers cascade and
256-bit salt. This is independent from original safe-key. It is also possible to use
a different password from the original password used to encrypt snf file (but it's
Wipe tool, this is a sensitive data destruction tool, for secure delete files
or free space wipe from hard drive or memory keys. You can choose from five different
algorithms, such as U.S. DoD 5220.22-M(E) or Gutmann method.
Encrypt tool, re-encrypt all SafeNotes files with new password on one click,
and much more.
PNG file format support. It is now possible to work effectively with all
popular image formats (JPG, PNG and BMP).
Safe-MS for PNG. Safe Magic Square can pack Safe Notes files into PNG images.
Added Options window for setting various parameters stored in INI file.


Titel: FinalCrypt 1.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2017, 14:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

No dir scan without cipher (better performance)
Fixed filechooser focus conflict bug under OSX
Additional binary OSX release

Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2017, 19:00
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2018, 12:29
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This is a minor update dedicated to security and translations.
We have already replaced the old code signing certificate because it was expired. Enjoy the new one with extended functionality! Mostly, you should not know anything about this, but for programmers and security it is important.
Translations of the program interface was verified by humans: german, greek, polish and french languages.


Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2018, 20:00
Encrypt your important files and confidential documents with the help of this easy to use application and get rid of sensitive files for good.


Titel: FinalCrypt 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Additional info: Adding Raw Cipher Device Cloning on Linux and Apple
Added Raw Cipher Device randomizing, including gap at end of partitions
Added Raw Cipher Device Support including GPT Tooling
Added a small language improvement on reporting totals
Changed README.md for a better explanation and motivation of FinalCrypt
Synchroniously encrypting & shredding files for guaranteed data consistency

Titel: FinalCrypt 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Line breaking during processing catches
Clear Log TextArea every 1000 writes for better performance
Added Raw Cipher support to Command Line User Interface
Fixed pauze & stop buttons in new Statemachine
Fixed CLUI relative paths bug in absolute paths

Titel: FinalCrypt 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2018, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Set logTextArea to fontsize 12
Excluded files with 0 byte size from inputlist
Excluded symbolic link files from inputlist
Added --gpt "Print GUID Partition Table" to Command Line User Interface
Fixed small statusfield growth issue

Titel: SecureMyBit 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2018, 20:00
SecureMyBit is a portable app that allows you to simultaneously encrypt multiple files/folders, generate/evaluate passwords, shred data and more.


Whats new:>>

(added Smart Monitor voice when there is a modify of encrypted file(s), GUI improvements and changes, added “Help” button, added option to enable/disable Smart Monitor voice, added “10”,”35″,”50″ for overwrite times of Secure File Shredder, bugs fixed)

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.261
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2018, 16:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Export of the root folder of a database including nested folders.

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2018, 20:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

Improvement #102: Support the case when old path to temp decryption folder is no longer available
Improvement #98: Add context menu with regular Cut/Copy/Paste commands to text areas (text encrypt/decrypt)
Improvement #99: Use word wrap in decrypted text areas (text encrypt/decrypt)
Improvement #103: When error message is displayed it must fit into the message box in full (avoid trimming message)

Titel: HideFile 6.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2018, 05:00
HideFile he hides behind a file to another file, HideFile is a handy program that can disguise files from your computer using a different document as a mask. The application requires you to create an account and secure it with a password, so no unauthorized individuals can access the files.


Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2018, 06:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


Support for large files. EncryptPad can now process disk images, backups and other types of multi-gigabyte files.
A progress bar and cancellation button in the file encryption dialogue.
Configuration of tab size in the text editor.
Botan has been updated to version 2.3
stlplus was updated to 3.15.
OpenPGP functionality has moved to its own library libencryptmsg
WAD format that is used for files encrypted with the persistent key file setting and double protection has changed. Files of this type that are larger than 64 kilobytes are not backward compatible and cannot be opened with This does not apply to gpg and epd files with single encryption and without persistent key file.


Titel: Encoding Decoding Free 3.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2018, 19:00
Encoding Decoding Free is a completely free, easy, fast and secure way to encode and decode any type of file, which also integrates seamlessly into Windows Explorer. The program can be used to hide all the sensitive data that we want to keep away from prying eyes.


disarming ease of use;
coding of any type of files;
integration in Windows Explorer for a more rapid;
creating one password for decryption (in addition to the hidden internal);
secure encryption of login passwords, pin codes, serial numbers, etc..;
inability of systems to be cracked by "Brute Force" (if the password is wrong does not display the classic error message intercepted by the crackers, but it is decoded in the wrong way the file will appear illegible).

Please note: - Be careful not to forget the password, otherwise we will not be able to decode the encrypted files!


Titel: FinalCrypt 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Added filelogger (regular & error logs) for Command Line & Graphical UI
Switc hed from set OS related attributes to supportedFileSystemAttributes
Added cloning additional basic file-attributes (created & lastAccessed)
Added batchfile input Encryption to Command Line User Interface

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.23.726
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Autostart settings are sometimes overwritten after update
New: ownCloud and Nextcloud auto detection
New: Plex Media Server support
New: Alternate data stream support
Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2018, 20:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



CRITICAL UPDATE. This update is very important. It fixes critical bug, please install as soon as possible.
Details about the problem. Recently we have moved to a new server and the new software on our new server was not compatible with old versions of our programs. The problem was in conflict between two security protocols: our programs use TLS version 1.0, but new server accepts only TLS version 1.2. Because of that all programs which we have released before will be unable to communicate with the server. If you will not install this update you will not be able to receive updates in the future, subscribe, activate or anything else that requires interaction with the server. Your program will be disconnected forever. Please accept our apologies, this situation made a lot of pain to us, we really didn't like to update all programs at once, but this is the only one solution.
Added support for security TLS version 1.2.
Added security patch for updates, to prevent such situation in the future.


Titel: BCArchive 2.07.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2018, 22:00
BCArchive is a software tool that was developed specifically to help individuals encrypt and compress important data, so that you can safely send it to others.


Whats new:>>

Updated certificate library module.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2018, 11:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Fixed issue with text cursor changing position when saving a file

Titel: CryptoStuff 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2018, 15:00
Crypto Stuff is a free portable cryptography software including hashing, ciphering (block or stream), and RSA signing / verifying
Supported algorithms:
   - Hash : MD2, MD4, Ed2k, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512, Tiger, Whirlpool, Keccak_224, Keccak_256, Keccak_384, Keccak_512, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2b, CRC32, CRC32C, Adler32, PanamaLittleEndian, PanamaBigEndian
   - Cipher :
         Block : IDEA, Blowfish, AES, Camellia, CAST128, CAST256, GOST, MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, SAFER_K, SAFER_SK, SEED, Serpent, SHACAL2, SHARK, SKIPJACK, Square, TEA, ThreeWay, Twofish, XTEA, DES, DES_EDE2, DES_EDE3, DES_XEX3
         Block modes : ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, CCM, GCM, EAX
         Stream : ChaCha8, ChaCha12, ChaCha20, Salsa20, XSalsa20, PanamaLittleEndian, PanamaBigEndian
   - RSA : Key generation, encode, decode, sign, verify
   - Base64


Whats new:>>

Bug correction for stream cipher : memory was not correctly padded to 0 when keys were too small
Added : cipher padding options
Added : string / hex convertion dialog
Code optimization

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2018, 18:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.



New features:

Bitcoin wallet - absolutely secure creation of Bitcoin wallet addresses with two-step independent third-party verification.
Random phrase generator - as a built-in password generator, but generates a 24-word phrase with 274-bit security.


The random pool size has been increased from 8192-bit to 16384-bit.
Clipcoard clear on exit - can be disabled in Options (or in INI file).
Random password generator, added new size value, 48 characters, and set as a predefined value. Because it is the best equivalent for 24 words of 3072 words in the dictionary. With an INI file, you can specify any value.
Automatic installation of downloaded libraries - if a known library is detected when a file is opened, it is automatically installed.
The anonymous license puzzle (brain teaser) has changed.
Added full German translations of new features.
Added full support of the Czech language directly into the application.


Find and Find next (F3), only one value for all tabs improvement search comfort.
Find-Replace allows you to replace with a null string.
Password quality procedure, added detection for simple english word. Because we have implemented a dictionary for Bitcoins.
Password quality procedure, added detection for Base64 and Base58 input - get a slightly more accurate password quality result. For backward compatibility, the original 160-bit limit is always retained.

Bug fixes:

Language corrections.
Alt+X at the first position in the password dialog, fixed error message.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.24.747
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Downloading multiple on-demand files
Fixed: Opening files can fail with Google Drive File Stream version and newer
Fixed: Cannot copy files with alternate data streams to a location in the Boxcryptor drive which resides on a volume with does not support alternate data streams. The Boxcryptor drive only advertises alternate data stream support if all enabled locations reside on volumes with alternate data stream support (e.g. NTFS file systems)
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 19:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


New feature: Secure and easy to password manager is now integrated within Fort.
Better icons, user interface polish.
Updated translations.
Fort file vault now detects missing files.
Updated license policy, home edition costs only $4.90 USD.
Many more major changes in the codebase, which are not visible for the end user. However these changes leads to a better, more reliable, experience for everyone.


Titel: EG File Encryption 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 10:00
EG File Encryption is an easy-to-use freeware file/folder encryption utility.

You will be able to encrypt all your private data files and folders preventing anyone without the password from accessing them. Any file or folder that has been encrypted can still be renamed or deleted, but access will be denied. You do have the option also to encrypt the file if you choose.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 12R5F
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2018, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: Encrypt Care 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2018, 13:30
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

Updated and improved user interface.
Fixed possible bug with SHA-256 checksum calculation.
Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2018, 20:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Folder Spark 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2018, 21:00
Folder Spark provides you with a simple option for performing full file/folder encryption and locking.

You will be able to quickly safeguard your folders by protecting them with a master password. The process is simple, just choose a password then select your target folder and hit the lock button. It will be locked and not accessible from anywhere the only way to unlock it is through Spark Folder. But if you want a little more security, you can elect to encrypt your files as well. This process is equally simple, but it gives the option to set a unique password for each file that you select for encryption. One nice thing included is a quick path to copy that password to the clipboard and then perhaps you can place your saved file password into a folder and lock them for safe keeping. It also has the option to send the password to an email address.

The UI is simple, clearly marked and aesthetically pleasing. The only thing we noticed during testing was that when there is a long file path, it partially obscures the browse button but the button remains functional. A nice app to lock and encrypt files with a minimal amount of fuss to do so.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.22 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

SIMD speed optimization for Kuznyechik cipher implementation (up to 2x speedup).
Add 5 new cascades of cipher algorithms (Camellia-Kuznyechik, Camellia-Serpent, Kuznyechik-AES, Kuznyechik-Serpent-Camellia and Kuznyechik-Twofish).


MBR Bootloader: Fix failure to boot hidden OS on some machines.
MBR Bootloader: Reduce CPU usage during password prompt.
Security enhancement: Add option to block TRIM command for system encryption on SSD drives.
Implement TRIM support for non-system SSD drives and add option to enable it (TRIM is disabled by default for non-system volumes).
Better fix for "Parameter Incorrect" issues during EFI system encryption in some machines.
Driver: remove unnecessary dependency to wcsstr which can cause issues on some machines.
Driver: Fix "Incorrect Parameter" error when mounting volumes on some machines.
Fix failure to mount system favorites during boot on some machines.
Fix current application losing focus when VeraCrypt is run in command line with /quit /silent switches.
Fix some cases of external applications freezing during mount/dismount.
Fix rare cases of secure desktop for password dialog not visible which caused UI to block.
Update libzip to version 1.5.0 that include fixes for some security issues.
Extend Secure Desktop feature to smart card PIN entry dialog
Fix truncated license text in installer wizard.
Add portable package that allows extracting binaries without asking for admin privileges.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2018, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Hotfix release for Windows users. Fixes problems with Google Drive (

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 14:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


New feature: Fort now supports encrypting filenames
Updated icons for the password dialog
As always, updated translations
Fixed a bug where Fort failed to find an encrypted file
Home edition is now free to use, but commercial use it not allowed and premium support is not available.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.22 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 21:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


– All OSs:

* SIMD speed optimization for Kuznyechik cipher implementation (up to 2x speedup).
* Add 5 new cascades of cipher algorithms (Camellia-Kuznyechik, Camellia-Serpent, Kuznyechik-AES, Kuznyechik-Serpent-Camellia and Kuznyechik-Twofish).

– Windows:

* MBR Bootloader: Fix failure to boot hidden OS on some machines.
* MBR Bootloader: Reduce CPU usage during password prompt.
* Security enhancement: Add option to block TRIM command for system encryption on SSD drives.
* Implement TRIM support for non-system SSD drives and add option to enable it (TRIM is disabled by default for non-system volumes).
* Better fix for „Parameter Incorrect“ issues during EFI system encryption in some machines.
* Driver: remove unnecessary dependency to wcsstr which can cause issues on some machines.
* Driver: Fix „Incorrect Parameter“ error when mounting volumes on some machines.
* Fix failure to mount system favorites during boot on some machines.
* Fix current application losing focus when VeraCrypt is run in command line with /quit /silent switches.
* Fix some cases of external applications freezing during mount/dismount.
* Fix rare cases of secure desktop for password dialog not visible which caused UI to block.
* Update libzip to version 1.5.0 that include fixes for some security issues.
* Extend Secure Desktop feature to smart card PIN entry dialog
* Fix truncated license text in installer wizard.
* Add portable package that allows extracting binaries without asking for admin privileges.
* Simplify format of language XML files.
* Workaround for cases where password dialog doesn’t get keyboard focus if Secure Desktop is not enabled.

– Linux:

* Fix failure to install GUI version under recent versions of KDE.
* Fix wxWidgets assertion failed when backing up/restoring volume header.

– MacOSX:

* Fix issue preventing some local help files from opening in the browser.


Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2018, 18:00
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Whats new:>>

Fix: Durch ein Problem mit Windows 10 konnte die Explorer-Ansicht (per WebDav) nicht korrekt geöffnet werden.

Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.262
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 20:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Internal database repair procedure.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix: Unable to see contents of vault when running via JAR

Titel: AES Metal 2.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2018, 20:00
Secure files either through simple passphrase encryption, or generating your own security keys through a GUI or command line utility.


Titel: FinalCrypt 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2018, 17:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.25.777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Windows 10 1803 support
Added: Dropbox Team Spaces support
Added: On-demand files are downloaded before they are copied or moved in Windows Explorer
Added: Option to disable auto-updates via app.config
Improved: Various installer improvements
Changed: Upgraded from CBFS v6 to CBFS Connect v2017.0.5
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2018, 17:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


Fix regression #115: single app instance logic is not working in - new invocation will just block until old instance is closed
Feature #71: Provide a way to quickly search through the history of previously decrypted files and decrypt some of the files again
Improvement #109: migrate to lightweight and more reliable config files persistence
Improvement #97: for target files in a list of monitored decrypted files show only the file name (without path)
UX improvement #58: After file disappears from list of monitored decrypted files, selection (if any) should stay on next row (if any)
Improvement #106: Add helpful links to menu
UX Improvement #108: Feedback window -- use radio buttons instead of slider
UX Improvement #105: (decrypt text window) make it more obvious when decrypt action is available
UX Improvement #104: Key generation window - show progress bar so user can see there is something happening
Fix #107: when trying to decrypt to temp folder after decrypting to browsed folder, app shows wrong message and acts incorrectly


Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2018, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Hot fix #123: Application will not start for a second time for new users (who first installed until this version is installed. Backwards compatibility with old config files was broken by change #115

Titel: Agnot StrongBox 2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2018, 20:00
SSuite - Agnot StrongBox will easily secure any file, document, or text message using multiple industrial and military strength ciphers to ensure your information stays private.


Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 21:00

Improvement #117: Give user an option to encrypt back only changed (and also check for concurrent changes)
Improvement #128: Remove MapDB dependency (this removed 10mb from artifact size!)
Feature #111: Add guidance to help new users get started
UX Improvement #116: "Enter" key in the "monitored decrypted" table must be equal to double-click on selected row
UX Improvement #130: Remember state of checkboxes on "Encrypt back all" window
UI Improvement #125: Make quick search window resizable
UI improvement #124: Use word-by-word wrapping in the "Check for new versions" window, release notes text area
Improvement #126: Allow user to save error message to file
Improvement #120: Show app and java version on the title of the error message box
Minor fix #118: Check for updates window will not say "come back later" if there are no updates available
Fix #47: Too small font in multi-line text areas


Titel: Agnot Strongbox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2018, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Added more security apps for improved privacy.
Updated the interface and menu.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.26.783
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2018, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: OneDrive on-demand files can now be moved to the recycle bin
Fixed: Copying files in Explorer sometimes silently fails and does nothing
Fixed: Files are always renamed on name collisions in copy or move via Explorer
Fixed: Copying read-only files with alternate data streams fails
Fixed: Opening alternate data streams sometimes fails
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2018, 20:00
Whats new:>>

additional change for Improvement #132: correctly handle postponed column config changes

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2018, 13:45
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

UX Improvement #61: Added recipients check list feature to Text Encryption dialog
Improvement #140: remove custom font scaling on JRE 9+
Fix #114: modify pckage to work with Java 9+
Fix #139: spelling for "Key pair" in RU language
Fix #138: history quick search window positioning logic must not place it outside the screen
Fix #122: Make application code compatible with Java 9 and 10

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.26.784
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2018, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Changed: Removed ability to move OneDrive on-demand files can to the recycle bin again due to a bug in Windows which can only be fixed by Microsoft.

Titel: MCrypter_ 2.5.1-R2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2018, 20:00
Encrypt sensitive information such as passwords, credit card information or messages that you want to send, for instance, using this tool.


Whats new:>>

small fix and file is safe no more false AV Detection https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/3f07203445bdafdde40340c46e67b6e45861a5c0901e226f4863f259620bb33e/detection

Titel: PGPTool Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2018, 09:05

Improvement #117: Give user an option to encrypt back only changed (and also check for concurrent changes)
Feature #111: Add guidance to help new users get started
Improvement #132: remember windows sizes and table columns sizes
Improvement #131: when encrypting back - don't overwrite existing file until encryption 100% completed
Improvement #8: Mitigate risk of inability to decrypt file after encryption if "self" recipient wasn't selected
Fix #137: History of decrypted files should be updated as soon as another file is decrypted
UX Improvement #61: Encryption Dialog recipients list should be the Check List Box control, so that user wouldn't accidentally loose selection if forgot to hold Ctrl key
UI Improvement #125: Make quick search window resizable
UX Improvement #61: Added recipients check list feature to Text Encryption dialog
Fix #136: Application must remember if "Same folder" was used during last decryption and pre-select this option for next decryption
UX Improvement #116: "Enter" key in the "monitored decrypted" table must be equal to double-click on selected row
UX Improvement #130: Remember state of checkboxes on "Encrypt back all" window
Improvement #128: Remove MapDB dependency (this removed 10mb from artifact size!)
Fix #114: modify package to work with Java 9+
Fix #139: spelling for "Key pair" in RU language
Fix #138: history quick search window positioning logic must not place it outside the screen
Fix #122: Make application code compatible with Java 9 and 10
UI improvement #124: Use word-by-word wrapping in the "Check for new versions" window, release notes text area
Improvement #126: Allow user to save error message to file
Improvement #120: Show app and java version on the title of the error message box
Minor fix #118: Check for updates window will not say "come back later" if there are no updates available
Fix #47: Too small font in multi-line text areas
Improvement #140: remove custom font scaling on JRE 9+


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2018, 18:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


  - Windows:

     * Fix EFI system encryption issues on some machines (e.g. HP, Acer).
     * Support EFI system encryption on Windows LTSB.
     * First implementation of compatibility of system encryption with Windows 10 upgrade using ReflectDrivers mechanism
     * Don't start EFI system encryption process if SecureBoot is enabled and VeraCrypt-DCS custom keys are not loaded in the machine's firmware.
     * Add internal verification of binaries embedded signature to protect against some types to tampering attacks.
     * when Secure Desktop is enabled, use it for Mount Options dialog if it is displayed before password dialog.
     * when extracting files in Setup or Portable mode, decompress zip files docs.zip and Languages.zip in order to have ready to use configuration.

  - MacOSX:

     * Support pasting values to password fields using keyboard (CMD+V and CMD+A now working properly).

  - Linux:

     * Don't allow waiting dialog to be closed before the associated operation is finished. This fix a crash under Lubuntu 16.04.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.27.795
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Kryptelite 8.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2018, 10:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Fort
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2018, 22:00
Fort is file encryption and password management software for Windows. Fort offers an easy and reliable encryption of files. Password protecting files and folders has never been easier. Fort can be also used to encrypt files and directories in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services.

Note: Fort Home Edition can be downloaded freely. If you want to use Fort for commercial purposes, you will need to buy a license.


New feature: Delete files securely using Gutmann method.
Added Spanish translation
Fixed Fort portable sometimes not starting
Fixed too small buttons (on High DPI screens) in the encryption dialog
More affordable pricing, Fort professional costs only $39.90 USD from now on


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.28.797
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Installation rollback issues with the latest Windows 10 update

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2018, 19:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



There was a problem with password recovery function: it was broken and you was not able to recover password for the disk by email. We're happy to announce that this problem has been fixed in this release.


Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2018, 18:00
CRYPTISA is the most advanced and secured encryption in the world it encrypt files using an ten-tuple-randomized-encryption. If you encrypt the same file multiple times the encryption will be entirely different every time (Infinitely). All other encryption programs that are available you can crack and you can decrypt an encrypted file without using the password. CRYPTISA’s encryption and the program itself are protected by BitEditDetect technology. You cannot crack CRYPTISA.exe and you cannot modify the encrypted files.


Titel: Crypt-O 2.5.265
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 12:25
Whats new:>>

Updated: A backup server retries synchronization with the primary server when an error occurs.
Updated: Improved the Audit log query speed when the log is very big.
Fixed: Stability of the backup server synchronization.

Titel: SecretFolder 5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 06:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Silver Key 5.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 17:00
Silver Key encrypts sensitive data and creates encrypted parcel that can safely be sent over the Internet. Silver Key does not require any software to be installed on the receiving end.

Silver Key uses highly reputable Advanced Encryption Standard to protect user data, with its 256-bit encryption key far exceeding the HIPAA requirements.

Silver Key provides support for several popular Web-based drives - Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. Using WebSilver component, you can exchange sensitive files with simple drag-and-drop - Silver Key will transparently encrypt and upload your data. Double-click the encrypted parcel and Silver Key will download and decrypt it back.


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.29.799
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Privacy Policy
Fixed: Google Drive File Stream
Fixed: App could start multiple times
Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: fSekrit v1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2018, 06:00
fSekrit is a notepad that encrypts saved information in self-contained executable (.EXE) files. Created files don't need fSekrit and can be access by simply double-clicking the item and entering the correct password.

Uses the widely recognized 256-bit AES encryption and unencrypted data is never saved to disk, making it even more secure.

Functional in 64-bit.


Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2018, 17:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.


Whats new:>>

New features and improvement of translation

Titel: SHAsher
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2018, 20:00
Encrypt text using the SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 or MD5 security algorithm to exchange secret messages with your friends over the web.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.287
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2018, 09:16

New: Multi-factor authentication via TOTP, HOTP and Duo Security.
New: Advanced model for object permissions.
New: Object permissions can be adjusted without turning off inheritance.
New: Object owners can select a user account to view its effective permissions for the object.
New: System permissions "User management", "Access via API".
New: Completely reworked Web interface.
New: Web interface: Files can be attached to records.
New: Web interface: Records and folders can be copied and moved.
New: API to access Crypt-o databases via scripting.
New: Nested groups.
New: Organizational units to arrange user accounts as a tree.
New: Option to search for folders.
New: Option to turn off display of reminders at log on.
New: PNG images can be used as custom icons.
Updated: It is prohibited to set Deny for the "Administrator" and "Database Owner" permissions.
Updated: Changed global hot keys for form filling/saving, password generation and activation of Crypt-o. Old hot keys interfere with Windows 10 system hot keys.
Updated: Many internal improvements.
Fixed: Various bugs.
Note: Crypt-o Server 3.0 can also accept connections from Crypt-o Clients of version 2.5.x.


Titel: CryptoStuff 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2018, 20:00
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

Added Hash : SipHash-2-4-64, SipHash-2-4-128, SipHash-4-8-64, SipHash-4-8-128
Added Block Cipher : Threefish 256, Threefish 512, Threefish 1024, ARIA, Kalyna 128, Kalyna 256, Kalyna 512, SM4, SIMON 128, SPECK 64, SPECK 128
Added Stream Cipher : SEAL LittleEndian, SEAL BigEndian, WAKE-OFB LittleEndian, WAKE-OFB BigEndian
Added : DER to PEM and PEM to DER RSA keys conversion

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1560.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2018, 06:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#151: Add restore original name
#217: Import AxCrypt ID does not work
#233: Manually imported public keys should be possible to use in Free version
#267: When independently encrypting in secured folders, key sharing policy should apply
#301: Add a ‘Reset’ button to the sign in dialog so a user can change the email
#324: Add subscription status and validity time in About box
#329: Add option to clear the recent files list
#335: Refresh account status when going from offline to online
#360: Go offline automatically if there is an unexpected exception from the API
#373: Change Clear all… to Clear All Settings and Restart
#390: Key Sharing does not work when working [local] and this should be indicated
#393: Disallow “Paste” in password verification field
#395: Possible to encrypt files with extensions which are set as unencryptable
#403: Update Newtonssoft.Json to 10.0.3
#404: Update NUnit to v3.9.0 etc
#405: Mac: Crash when signing out with secured folder with files needing encryption
#406: Pending files are not always encrypted when signing out
#408: Trying to use existing contact in share keys when “local” fails with unhandled exception
#413: Click for renewal does not work if the user has Premium
#290: The logging of “started an AxCrypt app” should include more info [axcrypt-web]
#53: Translations and texts maintenance
#61: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-net]


Titel: Kryptelite 8.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2018, 09:16
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.288
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2018, 12:27

Fixed: Tabs scrolling in the Web interface.
Fixed: .png icons handling.
Fixed: The "attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index USER_SETTINGS_IDX" error after the upgrade in some cases.


Titel: FinalCrypt 2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2018, 18:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 05:30
Whats new:>>

fixed: Empty database entries in search results when searching for folders.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.291
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Search and form filling when a database contains no child folders.

Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor v1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2018, 09:17
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the lower pane to use the appropriate font size in high DPI mode.

Titel: SecretFolder 5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2018, 05:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2018, 17:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

SIMD speed optimization for Kuznyechik cipher implementation (up to 2x speedup).
Add 5 new cascades of cipher algorithms (Camellia-Kuznyechik, Camellia-Serpent, Kuznyechik-AES, Kuznyechik-Serpent-Camellia and Kuznyechik-Twofish).


MBR Bootloader: Fix failure to boot hidden OS on some machines.
MBR Bootloader: Reduce CPU usage during password prompt.
Security enhancement: Add option to block TRIM command for system encryption on SSD drives.
Implement TRIM support for non-system SSD drives and add option to enable it (TRIM is disabled by default for non-system volumes).
Better fix for "Parameter Incorrect" issues during EFI system encryption in some machines.
Driver: remove unnecessary dependency to wcsstr which can cause issues on some machines.
Driver: Fix "Incorrect Parameter" error when mounting volumes on some machines.
Fix failure to mount system favorites during boot on some machines.
Fix current application losing focus when VeraCrypt is run in command line with /quit /silent switches.
Fix some cases of external applications freezing during mount/dismount.
Fix rare cases of secure desktop for password dialog not visible which caused UI to block.
Update libzip to version 1.5.0 that include fixes for some security issues.
Extend Secure Desktop feature to smart card PIN entry dialog
Fix truncated license text in installer wizard.
Add portable package that allows extracting binaries without asking for admin privileges.
Simplify format of language XML files.
Workaround for cases where password dialog doesn't get keyboard focus if Secure Desktop is not enabled.


Fix failure to install GUI version under recent versions of KDE.
Fix wxWidgets assertion failed when backing up/restoring volume header.


Fix issue preventing some local help files from opening in the browser.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.292
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2018, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Web interface: Displaying of data with many columns.

Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 12R3F
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2018, 21:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License: Open Source

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2018, 06:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


FUSE improvements (including #659)
Stripped down to JVM based on latest JDK 10
Status indicator in system tray (#296)

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2018, 21:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.



New features:

• The encrypt and wipe tool form has been translated and is also available in other languages
• Uninstalling the active registration is now available from the menu


• Password Checker and Generator: Some graphical and logical changes for better readability and understanding


• Included sponsored licenses with registration files for German and Slovak speaking users
• We want to release more national versions with high subkey security (up to 2240-bits). Additional sponsors are very welcome.


Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2018, 18:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.293
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2018, 12:08
Whats new:>>

Updated: While importing from a text file, automatically set a field type to "Multiline" if a multi-line text is found.
Fixed: Error while importing from a text file in some cases.

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2018, 13:18
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.294
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Spanish translation.

Titel: USB Safeguard 8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2018, 18:00
Mit der Freeware USB-Safeguard können auf einem USB-Stick versteckte und verschlüsselte (AES) Ordner bis zu einer Größe von 2GB erstellt werden. Eine uneingeschränkte Version gibt es für 19 € auf der Herstellerseite.

Die Software ist portable und kann nur von einem USB-Stick aus gestartet werden.Das hinzufügen von Daten geschieht durch einfaches Drag and Drop - es können nur Dateien hinzugefügt werden, die auf dem USB-Stick liegen. Diese Dateien werden nach dem einfügen in den Container sicher gelöscht.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2018, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


1.23-BETA4 fixes a regression in wizard for system encryption introduced in 1.23-BETA3

Changes between 1.22 and 1.23-BETA4 (15 July 2018) :

  - Windows:
     * Fix EFI system encryption issues on some machines (e.g. HP, Acer).
     * Support EFI system encryption on Windows LTSB.
     * Add compatibility of system encryption with Windows 10 upgrade using ReflectDrivers mechanism.
     * Make EFI Rescue Disk decrypt partition correctly when Windows Repair overwrites first partition sector.
     * Don't start EFI system encryption process if SecureBoot is enabled and VeraCrypt-DCS custom keys are not loaded in the machine's firmware.
     * Add internal verification of binaries embedded signature to protect against some types to tampering attacks.
    * Fix Secure Desktop not working for favorites set to mount at logon on Windows 10 under some circumstances.
     * when Secure Desktop is enabled, use it for Mount Options dialog if it is displayed before password dialog.
     * when extracting files in Setup or Portable mode, decompress zip files docs.zip and Languages.zip in order to have ready to use configuration.
     * Display a balloon tip warning message when text pasted to password field is longer than maximum length and so it will be truncated.
     * Implement language selection mechanism at the start of the installer to make easier for international users.
  - MacOSX:
     * Support pasting values to password fields using keyboard (CMD+V and CMD+A now working properly).
     * Add CheckBox in mount option dialog to force the use of embedded backup header during mount.
     * When performing backup of volume header, automatically try to use embedded backup header if using the main header fails.
     * Implement benchmarking UI for Hash and PKCS-5 PRF algorithms.
  - Linux:
     * Don't allow waiting dialog to be closed before the associated operation is finished. This fix a crash under Lubuntu 16.04.
     * Add CheckBox in mount option dialog to force the use of embedded backup header during mount.
     * When performing backup of volume header, automatically try to use embedded backup header if using the main header fails.
     * Implement benchmarking UI for Hash and PKCS-5 PRF algorithms.
     * Remove limitation of hidden volume protection on disk with sector size larger than 512 bytes.


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.30.833
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Improved: Proxy support
Fixed: Date modified is not preserved when copying files with alternate data streams
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

1.23-BETA5 fixes Windows 10 defragmenter not seeing VeraCrypt encrypted disks

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2018, 21:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This release dedicated to security. We have added several new functions which will help you protect your files in some scenarios.
New function: erase contents of hidden disk if the wrong password typed 10 times. This is the most needed and major addition to the security of the program. If someone tries to access your files we believe he/she wont stop, thus a big surprise for attacker will be total deletion of the hidden disk after several attempts. You can configure this option only during setup of a password (or change of a password). By default it is disabled.
New function: the program warns you if someone tried to access the disk with the wrong password before.
New function: the program will restart computer every time if someone enters the wrong password. Previously the program just exit in such cases. You can configure this option only during setup of a password (or change of a password). By default it is disabled.
The program can now display the size of the files located on the hidden disk. You can turn on this option in the preferences area of the program. However, the size will be displayed in secure area of the disk to protect your privacy. The size of hidden disk will be calculated during closing of the disk.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2018, 12:00
Whats new:>>

1.23-BETA6 adds option to explicitly allow Windows 10 defragmenter, adds check on size of file container during creation.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.295
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

New: Option to navigate to a specific folder or record by its path via URL query parameters.
Fixed: Properly handle command line parameters of the client application when it is already running.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2018, 12:25
Whats new:>>

VeraCrypt is now compatible with default EFI SecureBoot configuration for system encryption.

Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2018, 20:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a free and easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Simpler and more reliable website.
Fort 4.3 released. No new features, just updates and very minor fixes here and there, mostly cosmetic.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2018, 06:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Whats new:>>

1.23-BETA8 fix a regression in 1.23-BETA7 in machines using large fonts where VeraCrypt UI is always displayed at startup

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2018, 18:00


    VeraCrypt is now compatible with default EFI SecureBoot configuration for system encryption.
    Fix EFI system encryption issues on some machines (e.g. HP, Acer).
    Support EFI system encryption on Windows LTSB.
    Add compatibility of system encryption with Windows 10 upgrade using ReflectDrivers mechanism.
    Make EFI Rescue Disk decrypt partition correctly when Windows Repair overwrites first partition sector.
    Add Driver option in the UI to explicitly allow Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 defragmenter to see VeraCrypt encrypted disks.
    Add internal verification of binaries embedded signature to protect against some types to tampering attacks.
    Fix Secure Desktop not working for favorites set to mount at logon on Windows 10 under some circumstances.
    when Secure Desktop is enabled, use it for Mount Options dialog if it is displayed before password dialog.
    when extracting files in Setup or Portable mode, decompress zip files docs.zip and Languages.zip in order to have ready to use configuration.
    Display a balloon tip warning message when text pasted to password field is longer than maximum length and so it will be truncated.
    Implement language selection mechanism at the start of the installer to make easier for international users.
    Add check on size of file container during creation to ensure it's smaller than available free disk space.
    Fix buttons at the bottom not shown when user sets a large system font under Window 7.
    Fix compatibility issues with some disk drivers that don't support IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX ioctl.


    Support pasting values to password fields using keyboard (CMD+V and CMD+A now working properly).
    Add CheckBox in mount option dialog to force the use of embedded backup header during mount.
    When performing backup of volume header, automatically try to use embedded backup header if using the main header fails.
    Implement benchmarking UI for Hash and PKCS-5 PRF algorithms.


    Don't allow waiting dialog to be closed before the associated operation is finished. This fix a crash under Lubuntu 16.04.
    Add CheckBox in mount option dialog to force the use of embedded backup header during mount.
    When performing backup of volume header, automatically try to use embedded backup header if using the main header fails.
    Implement benchmarking UI for Hash and PKCS-5 PRF algorithms.
    Remove limitation of hidden volume protection on disk with sector size larger than 512 bytes.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Updated to include BestCrypt Volume Encryption v.4

Titel: Kryptelite 8.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2018, 19:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2018, 21:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


    Portable software should be able to store all its files in a single removable location such as a memory stick. EncryptPad creates its setting file in $HOME/.encryptpad. After this change EncryptPad will check if there is encryptpad_repository directory in the application path and use it for settings and key files.
    Botan has been updated to version 2.7.
    Plog has been updated to version 1.1.4.
    Translation to Lithuanian


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Hotfix 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2018, 21:00

    VeraCrypt is now compatible with default EFI SecureBoot configuration for system encryption.
    Fix low severity vulnerability inherited from TrueCrypt that allowed reading 3 bytes of kernel stack memory (with a rare possibility of 25 additional bytes). Reported by Tim Harrison.
    Disable quick format when creating file containers from command line. Add /quick switch to enable it in this case if needed.
    Add /nosizecheck switch to disable checking container size against available free space during its creation. This enables to workaround a bug in Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS)


Titel: FinalCrypt 2.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2018, 12:19
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Cobbler 2.003.009
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2018, 20:45
Cobbler is a simple and robust vault for sensitive text-based information, with a focus on bruteforce resistance and keeping a low attack surface. Uses battle-tested AES256_HMAC_SHA1 for strong encryption and data authentication.

free for home use

Titel: Encrypt Care 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2018, 20:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

Updated and improved installer.
Improvements to hash calculation.
Resolved problem with checksum export.
Fixed bug with possible memory leaks.
Minor bug fixes.

Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 14R2C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2018, 20:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License : Open Source

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.23 Hotfix 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2018, 09:04

Fix low severity vulnerability inherited from TrueCrypt that allowed reading 3 bytes of kernel stack memory (with a rare possibility of 25 additional bytes). Reported by Tim Harrison.
Disable quick format when creating file containers from command line. Add /quick switch to enable it in this case if needed.
Add /nosizecheck switch to disable checking container size against available free space during its creation. This enables to workaround a bug in Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS)


Titel: FileNurse 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2018, 19:00
FileNurse provides a comprehensive solution for password-protecting your folders, encrypting your files, hiding folders and drives, and more.

It will also permit you to recover lost or deleted files from your PC, laptop, hard drive, SSD, USB, memory card. FileNurse is meant to a simple way to encrypt, and password protects all types of files and folders on hard drives. It allows you to protect your privacy by effectively and securely hiding entire hard drives or single folders/files on your PC.

Additionally, FileNurse allows you to recover data from your hard drive, USB drives, memory cards, and other storage devices. The interface is nicely done and lends itself to ease of use even for novice users that are looking to bolster their machine's security without much fuss.


Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2018, 19:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.

Non-commercial freeware

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.02.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2018, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed encryption process crashing in enterprise mode (JCM v.2)
Fixed rescue environment not displaying the progress of decryption
Fixed UI being occasionally unresponsive when launched in Administrator mode

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2018, 06:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Dokany improvements (#708)
FUSE improvements (#657, #695, #709)
WebDAV improvements (#722)
Keep modification date and other dates of original file (#220)
Quitting Cryptomator is now also graceful, similar to locking vaults (#230)
Fixed GUI window size issue on Linux (#656)
Fixed apparently empty vault when ciphertext size of one file is invalid (#673)
Fixed misleading "command failed" message even if unlock/mount was successful (#698)


Titel: Hidden Disk 4.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2018, 05:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


This update includes several small improvements, however, it is recommended for all users.
Advertising links were removed! Have you noticed few links in the program with helpful articles about different topics? They are deleted now. We decided to clean up interface of the program and leave only important things. If you need some interesting information - do search on Google, but let our app do its job only.
Removed link for voting about our program (tell us the true).
Few bug fixes.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.31.870
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2018, 14:30


Upgraded CBFS Connect to v2017.0.10
Offline/Online Notifications are now removed in favor of an icon state


Handling for internet links in a folder (Google Docs, OneNote Notebooks, ...)
Errors when processing many files can now be skipped
OneDrive OnDemand files compatibility


Debug log will also generate a Steps recorder log


Whisply integration for OneDrive Germany
Minor Bugfixes and improvements


Titel: Fort - Cryptography Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2018, 05:00
Fort - Cryptography Extension is a easy to use file encryption software (uses AES with 256bit keys) that integrates itself into the Windows file explorer allowing you to easily encrypt (and decrypt) files via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password.

All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services. Fort - Cryptography Extension is also useful on your laptop to protect your sensitive data from being viewed by criminals in the event that the laptop is stolen or via unauthorized access.

It is important to remember the passphrase you create within the Fort - Cryptography Extension - if not you will be locked out of your own files.


Upgraded to .NET 4.6.1
Upgraded SharpShell, SharpZipLib and Json.NET to new versions
New feature: It's now possible to add folders in Fort gui
New feature: It's now possible to change the location where Fort password manager stores passwords
New feature: Fort can now remember last used keyfile during decryption
New feature: Decrypted files are highlighted in red
Bug fix: Better error handling for the password manager


Titel: File Protect System
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2018, 20:00
Protect files by locking them under a password in order to restrict access to them with the help of this smart and simple program.


Whats new:>>

File list protection

Titel: SecretFolder 5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2018, 21:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: EncFS MP 0.99.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2018, 21:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License


After a very long time I finally was able to update EncFSMP to thenewest tools and libraries. All these changes are not visible to theuser, but under the hood many things have changed. The biggestchange was the inclusion of the newest release of encfs, 1.9.5. Alsothe other libraries (wxWidgets, boost, OpenSSL and PFM) have beenupdated. I didn't have much time to test, so please use this releasewith care. I label it as "beta", meaning please try it out on lessimportant data first. If after some time no errors are reported, Iwill make a 1.0 release out of this.
There is one small change in the GUI: When creating a new EncFSmount, there is a new option called "Cloud-safe paranoia". It isexactly like the paranoia mode, except the External IV is disabledwhich proved incompatible with Cloud-services like Dropbox.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.0 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2018, 17:00
Whats new:>>


FUSE improvements (#705, #742), basically finally fixing a FUSE bug on macOS that plagued us for months and blocked the 1.4.0 release for far too long
Fixed quit menu in tray icon (#738)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2018, 14:00

What's New

Introducing Dokany (Windows) and FUSE (macOS, Linux) support. Vaults can now be mounted via Dokany and FUSE which is now the preferred way over WebDAV. Expect vastly improved integration into the system. A complete list of closed issues is available here.
Dokany / FUSE

    Provide virtual drive using Dokany on Windows (#207)
    Provide virtual drive using FUSE on macOS and Linux (#252)
    Solves upstream bug with keeping modification date and other dates of original file (#220)
    Solves upstream bug on Windows with files >4 GB (#82)
    Solves upstream bug on Windows with Windows Explorer showing C: drive capacity for any vault (#80)
    Solves upstream bug on macOS High Sierra with disappearing drives (#579)
    Solves upstream bug on macOS Sierra with duplicate folders in /Volumes (#464)
    Solves other WebDAV-related bugs (#67, #145, #175, #204, #238, #256, #366, #513, #597, #631, #684)

As usual, we have open-sourced the libraries Dokany-NIO-Adapter and FUSE-NIO-Adapter under AGPL.

    Quitting Cryptomator is now also graceful, similar to locking vaults (#230), kudos to @jellemdekker
    Added status indicator to tray icon (#296), kudos to @jellemdekker
    Fixed apparently empty vault when ciphertext size of one file is invalid (#673)


    Fixed missing text in menu options of tray icon (#612)
    Fixed violated code integrity policy by signing all DLLs (#736)


    Provide AppImage as a long-term replacement for other distribution methods (#469)
    Fixed WebDAV support when having gvfs 1.37.2 or later (#722), kudos to @purejava


    Updated to JDK 10
    Decreased file size of application and installer packages significantly
    Dropped official Windows and Linux 32 bit support


Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2018, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bugs

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1573.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2018, 09:24
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


#92: Encrypt extra files in the work folder when cleaning it
#177: Let deleted “My AxCrypt” folders stay deleted
#184: Removed file is not removed from recent files view automatically, and can’t be removed manually
#260: Upgrade to 256-bit from 128-bit encryption
#297: Add structural integrity check of encrypted file
#414: When inactivity signout is disabled, also disable sleep and screen saver sign out
#415: Add ‘verify file’ function which will not try to decrypt the file, but only verify the HMAC
#416: No file name shown in error message when encrypting pending files
#419: Rename to original causes ArgumentNullException
#420: Password reset should add email=user-email to URL
#422: Do not encrypt “hidden” or “system” files
#428: Update subscription status when clicking “Try Premium” etc
#432: Not all available private keys tried when decrypting shared files
#434: Enable Trial mode immediately
#435: UserKeyPair comparison returns equal when not, sometimes
#436: Getting a public key may not get the most recent valid key
#437: App cache performance is improved
#438: API Key support
#53: Translations and texts maintenance
#61: Code Maintenance [axcrypt-net]


Titel: SecretFolder 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2018, 18:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2018, 17:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2018, 13:30
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.296
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Improved speed of database maintenance.
Updated: Automatically run database repair when an integrity error occurs.

Titel: Crypto Notepad v1.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2018, 11:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    Fixed a minor grammar mistakes.
    Randomized initialization vectors.
    Salt now stored as metadata.

Important. If you can't open previously encrypted file, just decrypt it in older version, and encrypt in new version, sorry for the inconvenience.

Titel: Cryptainer LE 12.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2018, 20:00
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: CryptSync 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2018, 17:30
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Crypt It
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2018, 21:00
Crypt It allows you to encrypt/decrypt files and text all from a straightforward utility. Crypt It Utilizes AES official code to encrypt and decrypt files and then the Rijndael algorithm to encrypt and decrypt strings. By default, it is set up to play a completion beep, but this can be disabled in options along with decryption/encryption output selection. The interface is setup for ease-of-use and is easily navigated.



   1. Added check for update
   2. Added command line commands.
          put a file then e for encrypt or d for decrypt and Crypt it will open as you want.

    Cryptit.exe “C:\Users\name\Desktop\file.txt” e {to encrypt}
    Cryptit.exe “C:\Users\name\Desktop\file.txt” d {to decrypt}
    CryptIt.exe f {will open direct to files}
    CryptIt.exe t {will open direct to text}
    CryptIt.exe fd {will open to files and select decrypt}
    CryptIt.exe td {will open to text and select decrypt}

   3. When adding files to encrypt or decrypt lists and when the user check a file it will not be marked to delete if the user didn’t check delete checked file(s) check box.
   4. When a file is deleted it will be labeled Deleted in the list with red back color.
   5. Added icons to some menu items
   6. Small other fixes


Titel: Crypto Notepad v1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2018, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Added backward compatibility for older files without metadata.
Program now randomizes 64-byte-long salt when saving files (by default).
Encryption key now encrypts when not in use.
Use RijindaelManaged.GenerateIV method instead of manually generating random IV.
Some app design changes.
Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.32.910
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2018, 17:00

Improved: Performance improvements (up to 100% in certain benchmarks)
Fixed: Access denied error when flushing a file on network drives under certain circumstances
Fixed: Files cannot be decryped when being offline under certain cirumstances
Fixed: Long path support
Fixed: Regression performance degradation on network drives
Changed: Upgrade BouncyCastle to v1.8.4
Changed: Upgrade CEFSharp to v69.0.0
Minor bug fixes and improvements


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.298
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2018, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Encrypt contents of protected fields in addition to whole database encryption.
Updated: Improved clearing of unused memory blocks.
Updated: Improved speed of request of reminders.
Fixed: Creation of Windows accounts via API.

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2018, 20:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2018, 06:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


The program now starts much more quickly on Windows 32 bit machines.
The program wont crash when hitting "Close" button in some situations.
Removed green popup window which was result of incorrect installation.
Improved overall speed by using new framework.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.299
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2018, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Updated: Improved clearing of unused memory blocks.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 06:00

Optional integration with windows context menu #11 #12
Changed eye icon eye icon behavior.
Encryption key now can't be empty.
Now when you open a new file, filename is always empty.
Minor design changes in Settings and Change Key windows.
Changed logic of the functionAssociate with *.cnp files
Fixed bug with empty filename while saving existing file or creating a new.
Fixed incorrect work of the Auto save on lock function.
Fixed #13
Fixed #14
Added new bugs :smile:


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Improved clearing of unused memory blocks.
Updated: OpenSSL library.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Beta 0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2018, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.

Whats new:>>

MBR Bootloader: dynamically determine boot loader memory segment instead of hardcoded values (proposed by neos6464)
MBR Bootloader: workaround for issue affecting creation of hidden OS on some SSD drives.
Add mount option that allows mounting a volume without attaching it to the specified drive letter.
Update libzip to version 1.5.1
Do not create uninstall shortcut in startmenu when installing VeraCrypt. (by Sven Strickroth)
Enable selection of Quick Format for file containers creation. Separate Quick Format and Dynamic Volume options in the wizard UI.
Updates and corrections to translations and documentation.

Titel: EncFS MP 0.99.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2018, 17:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License


Fixed two regressions: External encfs config files, files with size > 2GB
Update of PFM to


Titel: Crypt It
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2018, 13:00
Crypt It allows you to encrypt/decrypt files and text all from a straightforward utility. Crypt It Utilizes AES official code to encrypt and decrypt files and then the Rijndael algorithm to encrypt and decrypt strings. By default, it is set up to play a completion beep, but this can be disabled in options along with decryption/encryption output selection. The interface is setup for ease-of-use and is easily navigated.



GUI fully changed
Improved check for updates a bit
Added “Select folders” button to add files by folder.
Added check for updates when Crypt It starts. It will inform the user only if there is a new update.
“On Top” moved from Tools menu to main toolbar at the right
Small internal improvements


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.301
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" error during database upgrade in some cases.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.4.0 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2019, 21:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License


added Redo function in the editor.
added New icons (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/)
added Icons in the main menu (optional).
added Able to make toolbar color like editor background color.
fixed Vertical scroll bar position shifted #17
fixed Right-to-left reading work incorrect #18
fixed Change Key and Lock toolbar icons was inactive.
fixed Returned missing backward compatibility for decryption with custom salt.
improved Undo function for editor.
improved Settings window.
dev Added debug menu.
dev Source code now is more readable.
dev All elements and variables now have more clear names (no more button1 textBox2 names and etc).
dev Сhanged work logic of most functions.
dev Project was moved to own company
dev Updater was moved to own repo


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.4.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2019, 21:37


Redo function in the editor.
New icons (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/)
Icons in the main menu (optional).
Able to make toolbar color like editor background color.


Vertical scroll bar position shifted #17
Right-to-left reading work incorrect #18
Change Key and Lock toolbar icons was inactive.
Returned missing backward compatibility for decryption with custom salt.
Issue when file name on Save/Open was incorrect or empty.


Undo function for editor.
Settings window.


Added debug menu.
Source code now is more readable.
All elements and variables now have more clear names (no more button1 textBox2 names and etc).
Hanged work logic of most functions.
Project was moved to own company
Updater was moved to own repo
Simplified some variables.


Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2019, 19:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


Improvement #155: Prevent overwriting concurrent changes of encrypted file
Fix #162: Add proper error message when trying to decrypt file which was encrypted using symmetrical algorithm
Improvement #159: Remove redundant feedback form
UX Improvement #150: Allow user to make right click in history quick search and open source folder
UX Improvement #158: Add shortcuts to the table to encrypt back individual files
UX Improvement #143: Move "Encrypt back all" action closer to "Monitored Decrypted" table
UX Improvement #149: Encrypt Back All feature should show same dialog for batch processing (for 1 or more files)
Fix #152: List of recipients should also be disabled when encryption operation is in progress
Improvement #166: Stop adding original extension to encrypted file name


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2019, 09:14
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



Improved Dokany support (#476, #519, #711, #750), incl. multi-threading and custom mount point
Improved FUSE support (#732, #770)
Added cancel button to the graceful shutdown dialog (#771), kudos to @jellemdekker


Fixed usage of AltGr key when entering password (#787)
A complete list of closed issues is available here.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug with auto-assigned drive letters and older Dokany versions

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2019, 17:00

Feature #156: When key file contains both private and public keys - import both of them
Feature #160: Import several keys from a file
Feature #164: Import PGP key from clipboard
UX Improvement #150: Allow user to make right click in history quick search and open source folder
UX Improvement #158: Add shortcuts to the table to encrypt back individual files
UX Improvement #143: Move "Encrypt back all" action closer to "Monitored Decrypted" table
Improvement #166: Stop adding original extension to encrypted file name
Improvement #155: Prevent overwriting concurrent changes of encrypted file
UX Improvement #149: Encrypt Back All feature should show same dialog for batch processing (for 1 or more files)
Fix #152: List of recipients should also be disabled when encryption operation is in progress
Fix #162: Add proper error message when trying to decrypt file which was encrypted using symmetrical algorithm
Improvement #159: Remove redundant feedback form


Titel: FinalCrypt 2.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2019, 06:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.33.933
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Fixed: Google Drive File Stream related app crash
Fixed: OneDrive OnDemand download timed out sometimes
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Hot Fix #174: fix regression introduced in which prevented "Decrypt Text" feature from working

Titel: SecurStick 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2019, 19:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Es gibt Verbesserungen beim Mounten und Entmounten des WebDAV-Laufwerks.
Es gibt eine Version für Windows für ARM64-Rechner (Win64/ARM). Sie ist geeignet für "Always Connected PCs".
SecurStick bietet eine französische Oberfläche.
Es gibt eine Aufrufoption -NoBeep, um den Signalton beim Löschen des WebDAV-Caches beim Beenden zu verhindern.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2019, 21:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


All OSs:

    Increase password maximum length to 128 bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
    Speed optimization of XTS mode on 64-bit machine using SSE2 (up to 10% faster).
    Fix detection of CPU features AVX2/BMI2. Add detection of RDRAND/RDSEED CPU features. Detect Hygon CPU as AMD one.


    MBR Bootloader: dynamically determine boot loader memory segment instead of hardcoded values (proposed by neos6464)
    MBR Bootloader: workaround for issue affecting creation of hidden OS on some SSD drives.
    Fix issue related to Windows Update breaking VeraCrypt UEFI bootloader.
    Several enhancements and fixes for EFI bootloader:
        Implement timeout mechanism for password input. Set default timeout value to 3 minutes and default timeout action to "shutdown".
        Implement new actions "shutdown" and "reboot" for EFI DcsProp config file.
        Enhance Rescue Disk implementation of restoring VeraCrypt loader.
        Fix ESC on password prompt during Pre-Test not starting Windows.
        Add menu entry in Rescue Disk that enables starting original Windows loader.
    Better support Multi-boot for EFI system encryption.
    New security features:
        Erase system encryption keys from memory during shutdown/reboot to help mitigate some cold boot attacks
        Add option when system encryption is used to erase all encryption keys from memory when a new device is connected to the system.
        Add new driver entry point that can be called by applications to erase encryption keys from memory in case of emergency.
    Use CPU RDRAND or RDSEED as an additional entropy source for our random generator when available.
    Add mount option that allows mounting a volume without attaching it to the specified drive letter.
    Update libzip to version 1.5.1
    Do not create uninstall shortcut in startmenu when installing VeraCrypt. (by Sven Strickroth)
    Enable selection of Quick Format for file containers creation. Separate Quick Format and Dynamic Volume options in the wizard UI.
    Fix editor of EFI system encryption configuration file not accepting ENTER key to add new lines.
    Updates and corrections to translations and documentation.


Titel: FinalCrypt 2.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Command Line Interrupt Signal Handler.
Delete unfinished file on termination.
Switched to SHA-256 Hashing Checksums

Titel: Cryptoknife 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2019, 18:00
Perform hashing, encoding or encryption with this program that carries a collection of encryption tools that support drag-and-dropping.

License: GPLv2

Whats new:>>

Now using a directory instead of an all-encompassing exe
Updated Qt libraries
Updated crypto libraries
Codesign 2019

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Improved Cmd-Line logging & param validation.
Added right-click copy checksum to clipboard

Titel: Crypt It
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 20:00
Crypt It allows you to encrypt/decrypt files and text all from a straightforward utility. Crypt It Utilizes AES official code to encrypt and decrypt files and then the Rijndael algorithm to encrypt and decrypt strings. By default, it is set up to play a completion beep, but this can be disabled in options along with decryption/encryption output selection. The interface is setup for ease-of-use and is easily navigated.



GUI changes
New: Encrypted files can be saved in their own folders by selecting “Save to original folder” option. Output folder section will be disabled when “Save to original folder” option is enabled.
New: Crypt it main form is now resizable and also files list rows and columns can be resized too.
Crypt it background is now white and not gray
Internal fixes


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.303
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Norwegian translation.
Updated: Accept Hex-encoded HOTP/TOTP secret keys.
Fixed: Not all AD groups have been found for an AD user account in some cases.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2019, 22:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



Experimental symlink support (#757)
Readonly access (kudos to @Gregvh) (#375)


Several fixes and improvements for Dokany and FUSE (#810)
Efficiency improvements in CryptoFS
Improved error handling during mounting and unmounting (#752, #762, #773)


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Hotfix release for all operating systems.

    Fixed write access on WebDAV-based vaults (issues #823, #825)

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2019, 13:30
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Fixed Create Keyfile from Command Line Interface. No cmd-line checksum logs on --dry opt

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Hotfix release for all operating systems.

    Fixed pasting of long passwords into the password field (#826)

Titel: FinalCrypt 2.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

2.9.5 Password usage more intuitive and visible. Command line: Add --print & --no-key-size
2.9.4 Improved --print option in command line interface. Added --no-key-size option to command line interface

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 17:00
Whats new:>>

An Appealing Modern Design. Easy & Clear User Guidance

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

New Interface & User Guidance. Improved layout & performance

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

New Interface & User Guidance. Improved user guidance layout for Mac OSX

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2019, 13:30
Whats new:>>

Build JRE8-u201 & Better Fonts. Please remove FinalCrypt first

Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2019, 05:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2019, 09:03
Whats new:>>

A new Beautiful Look & Feel. Safe and Smooth Transitions

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2019, 13:30
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.

Non-commercial freeware

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Minor cosmetic update

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2019, 19:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Guide Users Attention to User Action. User Guidance Arrows softly flashing

Titel: Hidden Disk 4.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2019, 13:30
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This release dedicated to improve overall security of the hidden disk. Due to the nature of changes we can not provide more details about changes (to keep it secure), except general brief information below:

Replaced encryption from 128 bit key to 256 bit key.
Replaced hashing algorithm for password encryption (improved).
Modified bruteforce protection (improved).
Fixed few small bugs related to the program's interface.


Also, according request from third-party we making some changes to the legal part of the program. Some documents on the site and in the program will be updated to meet reality. There is no problems with the program itself, but just one of the statements at our site has been expired and was not removed ontime.


Titel: FinalCrypt 3.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Replaced the Process Usage Indicator with. Led Level Meters for CPU, Mem & I/O Usage

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Corrected throughput calculations and improved cosmetics

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2019, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Added I/O throughput stats for all WRITE channels. Fixed NON-MAC Mode fileselection bugs (GUI & CLI)

Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Improved BCAutoUpdate utility
Fixed compatibility issue with on-screen keyboard

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2019, 18:59
Whats new:>>

Fixed Total Elapsed & Remaining-Time Clocks. Fixed the FileChooser refresh directory bug

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2019, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed short GUI freeze putting CheckUpdate into the background

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14R1C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2019, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: FinalCrypt 3.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2019, 09:12
Whats new:>>

Improved Check Update Online Function. Slightly increased fontsize for files

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2019, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Moved FinalCrypt to a new hosting location. Improved Check_Update being more resilient

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

CheckUpdate from available hosting location. OpenWebsite from available hosting location

Titel: FinalCrypt 3.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2019, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Downloads from available hosting location. FinalCrypt now 100% multi hosting location

Titel: Encrypto 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2019, 18:30
Encrypto verschlüsselt Dateien per Drag & Drop: Nutzer können einzelne Dokumente oder ganze Ordner auf das Programmfenster ziehen und nach Eingabe eines Passwortes verschlüsseln lassen – zum Einsatz komme das Verschlüsselungsverfahren AES mit 256 Bit, teilte das Entwickler-Team MacPaw mit.

Optional besteht die Möglichkeit, einen Passwort-Hinweis für den Empfänger einzubetten statt das verwendete Kennwort weitergeben zu müssen. Die verschlüsselte Datei kann von Encrypto direkt per E-Mail, iMessage oder andere Kommunikationswege verschickt werden, alternativ lässt sie sich auch lokal speichern oder beispielsweise bei einem Cloud-Dienst ablegen.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.34.995
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2019, 19:00

Added: SharePoint Online & 2019 auto-detection
Added: Alternate data streams support can be disabled via app.config
Changed: Allow internet links in OneDrive
Changed: Removed Master Key Generation because Master Key setup is now available at boxcryptor.com
Fixed: Saving files in Google Drive File Stream v29.1.85.2056 can fail under certain conditions
Fixed: Saving files in OneDrive can fail under certain conditions
Fixed: Saving Office files in network drives can fail under certain conditions
Fixed: Deleting files in network drives can fail under certain conditions
Fixed: Windows Explorer preview pane interferences with Boxcryptor
Fixed: Regular files matching Excel temporary filename pattern are excluded from sync
Fixed: License keys are sometimes not correctly parsed
Fixed: Groups in exported key files are not correctly parsed
Fixed: Boxcryptor crashes if a location policy with a macOS-only value exists
Minor bug fixes and improvements


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.305
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2019, 05:00
Whats new:>>

updated: Improved password generator.
fixed: The "TIME conversion error in param" error in some cases when creating portable/offline database.
fixed: The "Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint" error when creating portable/offline databases.

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14R2C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2019, 06:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2019, 09:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


Increase password maximum length to 128 bytes in UTF-8 encoding for non-system volumes.
Add option to use legacy maximum password length (64) instead of new one for compatibility reasons.
Use Hardware RNG based on CPU timing jitter "Jitterentropy" by Stephan Mueller as a good alternative to CPU RDRAND (http://www.chronox.de/jent.html)
Speed optimization of XTS mode on 64-bit machine using SSE2 (up to 10% faster).
Fix detection of CPU features AVX2/BMI2. Add detection of RDRAND/RDSEED CPU features. Detect Hygon CPU as AMD one.
Implement RAM encryption for keys and passwords using ChaCha12 cipher, t1ha non-cryptographic fast hash and ChaCha20 based CSPRNG.
Available only on 64-bit machines.
Disabled by default. Can be enabled using option in UI.
Less than 10% overhead on modern CPUs.Mitigate some memory attacks by making VeraCrypt applications memory inaccessible to non-admin users (based on KeePassXC implementation)
MBR Bootloader: dynamically determine boot loader memory segment instead of hardcoded values (proposed by neos6464)
MBR Bootloader: workaround for issue affecting creation of hidden OS on some SSD drives.
Fix issue related to Windows Update breaking VeraCrypt UEFI bootloader.
Add option (disabled by default) to use CPU RDRAND or RDSEED as an additional entropy source for our random generator when available.
Add mount option (both UI and command line) that allows mounting a volume without attaching it to the specified drive letter.
Update libzip to version 1.5.1
Do not create uninstall shortcut in startmenu when installing VeraCrypt. (by Sven Strickroth)
Enable selection of Quick Format for file containers creation. Separate Quick Format and Dynamic Volume options in the wizard UI.
Fix editor of EFI system encryption configuration file not accepting ENTER key to add new lines.
Avoid simultaneous calls of favorites mounting, for example if corresponding hotkey is pressed multiple times.
Ensure that only one thread at a time can create a secure desktop.
Updates and corrections to translations and documentation.

New security features:

Erase system encryption keys from memory during shutdown/reboot to help mitigate some cold boot attacks.
Add option when system encryption is used to erase all encryption keys from memory when a new device is connected to the system.
Add new driver entry point that can be called by applications to erase encryption keys from memory in case of emergency.

Several enhancements and fixes for EFI bootloader:

Implement timeout mechanism for password input. Set default timeout value to 3 minutes and default timeout action to "shutdown".
Implement new actions "shutdown" and "reboot" for EFI DcsProp config file.
Enhance Rescue Disk implementation of restoring VeraCrypt loader.
Fix ESC on password prompt during Pre-Test not starting Windows.
Add menu entry in Rescue Disk that enables starting original Windows loader.


Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2019, 10:00
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


hard drive can now be selected by its signature
fix: with an encrypted drive/partition that has 4-KB logical sectors, imdisk could fail the mounting
sector size is now displayed with -v 2
updated MinGW from 6.2.0 to 7.3.0


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2019, 06:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Added an astonishing Star Trek Sound Scheme. And amazing futuristic Verbal User Guidance

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2019, 12:27
Whats new:>>

Added sound and voice mixing and priority control for better audio experience

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.306
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2019, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: An error when deleting a field of the "Reminder" type.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2019, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Hybrid audio system bypassing libc6 -> libdl.so.2 bug preventing unpredictable startup crashes on Linux.

Titel: Krypte Lite 8.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2019, 20:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2019, 09:05
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.

Non-commercial freeware

Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed compatibility issue with touch keyboard

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.05.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2019, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Ready for Windows 10 April 2019 Update (Windows 10 1903)
Fixed minor bugs

Titel: Unicode Crypter 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2019, 18:00
Manage Unicode text with this app that offers both encryption and decryption capabilities, all in a lightweight, compact package.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2019, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



Migrated project to OpenJDK 11 (#769)
Added warning about control characters in password (#841)
Added Caps Lock indicator (part of #458)
Improved FUSE support (#753)
Improved logging (#832, #835, #836), incl. debug mode toggling without restarting
Simplified launcher and its IPC parts (#55, #663)


Titel: SecretFolder 6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2019, 14:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.308
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Creation of home databases.
fixed: Display issues of the "Private user databases" section.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2019, 10:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

As requested: Voice Guidance & Sounds User Muted. Click the new icons in the user guidance display

Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2019, 06:00
LeoMoon QuickCrypt provides you with a small but powerful file encryption app.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt utilizes the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES256-CBC) to easily and securely encrypt files. It also gives you access to a password generator to allow you to create strong passwords.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt comes in a simple interface that is purpose driven allowing you to quickly encrypt/decrypt or genrate passwords with ease. It supports drag n' drop as well as standrd file adding and also offers an option to delete the source if desired.


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2019, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Fixed openwebsite crash-bug at startup. Fixed systemmonitor led meter location
Fixed bug causing crash when user clicked website-button during early startup

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2019, 20:00


Fixed password entry after trying to unlock with a wrong password (#847)
Fixed opening multiple instance of Cryptomator (#858)
Fixed cancel button in graceful shutdown dialog (#854)
Fixed changing modification time of symlink in FUSE (#853)
Updated to JavaFX 12 (#866)


Fixed memory leak which led to crashes when vault was heavily used (#791)
Fixed deletion of read-only files (#776)
Fixed filename pattern matching (#837)


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Increased security Password / Key Encryption. Please Decrypt & Encrypt files after install. Further: Added Multi MAC System, Anti Layer Peeling Attack Encryption, Persistant User-Paused Animations

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2019, 18:00

Hotfix release for all operating systems.

    Fixed severe bug causing file header corruption under certain circumstances (#875)
    Improved Dokany support (#783)


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

BugFix hang on scanning bug

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Added improved check update release notes. Informing about Version, Upgrade and Update

Titel: SecretFolder 6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2019, 12:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed severe bug causing file content corruption under certain circumstances

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2019, 12:00
Whats new:>>

Performance of encryption increased 2-10%.
More extensive check update release notes.
Removed indent release notes Version line

Titel: Kryptelite 8.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2019, 06:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

New: Block a client IP address for 6 hours after 20 failed logon attempts.
New: Log failed logon attempts to server.log.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.311
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

New: System option "Prompt for MFA only once per".

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2019, 17:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Fixed filemanager autoresize column-width.
Fixed Apple OSX hanging after encryption.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2019, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Added extra filemanager autoresize columns detailsview.


Fixed additional filemanager autoresize columns issues.
Fixed several filemanager stability issues on OSX.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Improved sound stability enclosing sound-player in Thread

Titel: Encrypt Care 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2019, 06:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

Updated user interface.
Improved support of latest Windows 10 revision.
Improvements for 64-bit systems.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2019, 09:15
Whats new:>>

More clear instructions on password usage. Removed parallel Voice Guidance / Speech.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2019, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Added show / mask password checkbox. Improved mouse-focus password field.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2019, 12:24
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



Improved sync conflict resolution for directories, especially when using Nextcloud (#880)
Fixed some Dokany regressions (#862, #867)
Updated dependencies in WebDAV that includes security fixes (#883)


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Disabled unmasked password during encryption. Decreased password font size from px 14 to 12.

Titel: MCrypter_ 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2019, 06:00
Encrypt sensitive information such as passwords, credit card information or messages that you want to send, for instance, using this tool.


Whats new:>>

New UI; Full function file encryption using AES 256; drag and drop for textbox for text, soucecode, md or other text based files; drag and drop for the buttons to "quick" encrypt files;

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2019, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Autoscaled password font-size. Quick user-reenabled animations.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1585.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2019, 19:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.

Open Source


    Invitation dialog
    Remove from Recent Files list options are enabled when file is open and decrypted
    Add possibility to remove key sharing recipients from the list of known recipients
    Drag and dropped files to recent files do not display decrypted file name
    Info dialog about opening without asking is displayed even when asking for file password
    Update copyright year in about
    Max button size is too small
    Enable ‘Change Password’ even when signed out.
    Desktop notification when a lengthy operation has completed.
    Warning popup when skipping ignored files
    Enable open file while logged out
    Update Code Signing certificate
    When inviting users, allow the inviter to select recipient language
    When inviting a user, a free-text-field should be included for a personal message
    Help button missing in initial information signup dialog
    Password reset disabled after local reset
    Should hide/remove the share key icon after encrypting a file in the recent files tab.
    Key share icon should display in recent files tab once key share the file.
    Get premium/Try premium text should be translated when changing the languages.
    ArgumentOutOfRangeException when using close(x) icon to close the app startup alert popups
    Do not allow the user to exit the AxCrypt app when encrypted files are pending.
    Error message should be displayed when the entered activation code is wrong
    Translations and texts maintenance


Titel: Kryptelite 8.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2019, 17:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: FinalCrypt 4.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2019, 05:01
Whats new:>>

Added: Click Share on Social Media to Entitle for Free Support.

Titel: Rohos Mini Drive 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2019, 22:00
Rohos Mini Drive creates hidden and protected partition on the USB flash drive memory. You work with the files on the hidden volume without opening special program.

Those who has Megabytes of sensitive files on the USB drive and seriously concerned with data security cannot imagine their USB stick without the hidden volume that is created using this tool. Easy to setup, easy to use. Intuitive USB flash drive Setup Wizard automatically detects your USB flash drive and select a hidden volume properties. You just need to provide a protection password. One click - and you can save your first file into protected volume. Encryption is automatic.

You can access your secret volume by entering a right password. Password tooltip is available.


Titel: SecretFolder 6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2019, 17:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2019, 12:17
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



    We made a new design, specially imroved for Windows 10.
    New icon for the program, in a new style and really unique.


Titel: FinalCrypt 4.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 06:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


      Major Upgrade Java8-u212 security & stability updates

      Please UN-Install FinalCrypt before installing v4.8.0
      The FinalCrypt Windows Portable upgraded to Java8-u201
      Right click FinalCrypt WinStartMenu remove FinalCrypt
      Nearly doubled the "Create Key" Write Throughput Perf
      Bugfix refreshing directories in both file managers
      Improved auto resize Info & Dialog Alert Windows


Titel: Rohos Mini Drive 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 18:00
Rohos Mini Drive creates hidden and protected partition on the USB flash drive memory. You work with the files on the hidden volume without opening special program.

Those who has Megabytes of sensitive files on the USB drive and seriously concerned with data security cannot imagine their USB stick without the hidden volume that is created using this tool. Easy to setup, easy to use. Intuitive USB flash drive Setup Wizard automatically detects your USB flash drive and select a hidden volume properties. You just need to provide a protection password. One click - and you can save your first file into protected volume. Encryption is automatic.

You can access your secret volume by entering a right password. Password tooltip is available.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2019, 18:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    Fixed write access when file is actually not being written despite being opened with a write flag (#890)
    Fixed setting of modification times when file is still open (#867)
    Fixed locking of vaults when mount point begins with a hyphen in FUSE (#900)
    Fixed disabled button in "change password" screen (#887), kudos to @purejava


Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2019, 20:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Whats new:>>

New Browser's command 'View / Find Duplicates' searches for multiple files with the same names in different subfolders.

Titel: Kryptel Lite
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Password Manager can now provide password/key by its handle. This feature allows the user to specify the password in a script or a batch file securely.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.35.1033
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 17:00

    Added: pCloud auto detection
    Improved: Performance improvements (esp. when using network drives)
    Improved: Better verification when linking a cloud storage account
    Changed: Linking Google Drive or Google Drive Filestream will now open an external browser window
    Changed: Updated CBFS Connect to v2017.0.18
    Fixed: Dropbox does not always sync copied tiny encrypted files
    Fixed: Cannot open encrypted folders if the folder key cannot be accessed (e.g. due to missing filesystem permissions)
    Fixed: Local account does not correctly resolve groups
    Fixed: Yandex.Disk auto detection
    Fixed: Nutstore auto detection
    Removed: Group Management (now available at boxcryptor.com)
    Removed: Edit Account (now available at boxcryptor.com)
    Removed: Cuda Drive (service does not exist anymore)
    Removed: Cubby support (service does not exist anymore)
    Minor bug fixes and improvements


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

GAME-CHANGING One-Time Pad "Auto Key Mode"
Also added many user-interface improvements

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2019, 09:15
Whats new:>>

5.0.2 Fixed major Auto-Key I/O Buffer Performance Issue
5.0.1 Added Pause & Stop during Auto-Key Creation

Titel: Silver Key 5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2019, 13:30
Silver Key encrypts sensitive data and creates encrypted parcel that can safely be sent over the Internet. Silver Key does not require any software to be installed on the receiving end.

Silver Key uses highly reputable Advanced Encryption Standard to protect user data, with its 256-bit encryption key far exceeding the HIPAA requirements.

Silver Key provides support for several popular Web-based drives - Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. Using WebSilver component, you can exchange sensitive files with simple drag-and-drop - Silver Key will transparently encrypt and upload your data. Double-click the encrypted parcel and Silver Key will download and decrypt it back.


Titel: Criptext 0.17.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2019, 20:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.312
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2019, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

fixed: It was possible to skip MFA when option "Prompt for MFA only once per" is enabled.

Titel: Crypter 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 12:23
Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.

This is based on Crypto.Sync (an end-to-end cloud encryption client) which is a more elaborate implementation of the idea. So please check it out as well!

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Notable changes:

    Implemented encryption & decryption of folders #12
    Implemented open folder or file (especially CRYPTO file) with Crypter #10
    Implemented checking for updates #18
    Bug fixes (N.B. Buffer vulnerability #41, #39)
    A dozen stability improvements
    Updated all dependencies

Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 21:00
Die Freeware Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.12 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

A complete list of closed issues is available here (https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/milestone/45?closed=1).

Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 14R3D
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2019, 21:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License : Open Source

Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2019, 22:30
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


    The imdisk driver (imdisk.sys) can now be loaded automatically if located in the same directory
    New self-sufficient package with a dedicated portable version of the imdisk driver


Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.12 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

A complete list of closed issues is available here (https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/milestone/45?closed=1).

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14R3E
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 14R3E
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 21:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License : Open Source

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.07.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2019, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Added Japanese translation
    Added a display of the anti-keylogger's output to the BCVE anti-keylogger testing feature
    Fixed performance drag on NVMe disks
    Fixed minor bugs

Titel: BCArchive
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2019, 11:30
BCArchive is a software tool that was developed specifically to help individuals encrypt and compress important data, so that you can safely send it to others.


Whats new:>>

Improved procedure of public/secret key pair creation in BC Key Manager

Titel: BCTextEncoder
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2019, 21:00
Never worry that someone might read a confidential email, BCTextEncoder will easily encrypt part or all of your messages. Easily encrypt your messages using strong and approved symmetric and public key algorithms for data encryption. BCTextEncoderTM utility software simplifies encoding and decoding text data.

Plain text data is compressed, encrypted and converted to text format, which can then be easily copied to the clipboard or saved as a text file. BCTextEncoder uses public key encryption methods as well as password-based encryption.


Whats new:>>

Improved procedure of public/secret key pair creation in BC Key Manager

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2019, 12:21
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


    Added manual create key discouragement dialog
    Fixed incorrect printing of "Create Key" path
    "Create Key" path only prints on user request


Titel: Criptext 0.20.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 21:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2019, 13:30
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Whats new:>>

This version adds support for the new WebP picture format.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

    Added "save password" capability to Linux systems with GNOME keyring or another keychain via Secret Service API (#422), kudos to @purejava and @swiesend tada
    Added "custom mount flags" option to Dokany/FUSE (#802), use at your own risk!
    Added launcher scripts to buildkit for using Cryptomator via JAR (#843)

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

New Audio System for better (audio) stability
Update is tested & supported on Free/GhostBSD

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixes performance regression when using Dokany as a volume type.
Throughput dropped to just a 100 kiB/s - 5 MiB/s depending on the environment.
Otherwise identical to version 1.4.12.

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2019, 16:00
Whats new:>>

      SecureRandom Number Generator extra Secured
      Decrypt, Remove Keys & Re-encrypt to Secure
      User delete also deletes matching Key Items
      Audio System code cleaned up and improved
      Added Key Match & Key Write User-Printing
      Added Key Directory Full Path show Tooltip

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

      Fixed Audio System instability on Linux
      Added delete button visible on all OSes

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14R2D
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2019, 18:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2019, 21:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


      Added Show Password Tooltip with fontsize 14px
      Added Print scanresults Command Line Interface
      Print scanresults notes:
      FinalCrypt crashes on Ubuntu 19.04 outside JVM
      due to new font rendering library libpango-1.0
      This update allows full feature fallback to CLI
      This bug is reported. Ubuntu 18 is not affected


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2019, 22:00
Whats new:>>

Added non interactive print scan results to CLI
Corrected print Write / Matched Key Path in CLI

Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 14R3F
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2019, 10:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License : Open Source

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2019, 17:00
Whats new:>>

      Important: removed partial key reusage on re-encryption
      Re-encryption now forces the creation of a new Key File
      Decrypting now also deletes the existing used Key File
      Please decrypt & encrypt your files to secure 100% OTP

      Disabled the animations, sounds and voices on first use
      Replaced some UTF8 symbols for better Cross OS clarity

Titel: Encrypt Care 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 19:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

    Improvements to user interface.
    Improved support of latest Windows 10 revision.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.4.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2019, 14:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Made masterkey backup file more robust to modifications, it is now created with an identifier in its name so that it is unique to its original masterkey file (cryptomator/cryptofs#61)



    Exceptions during startup when accessing the keyring no longer lead to crashes (#950, #952, #954)

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Disabled clone modification time after encrypting files

      -Re-encrypting files without modifying them now results in totally different encrypted file and key file pairs
       Therefor the modification timestamp should also change Differential backup ignores files with unmodified time

Titel: Criptext 0.23.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2019, 18:30
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2019, 21:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    UX Improvement #173: Show progress bar when preparing for "Encrypt back all operation"
    UX Improvement #170: if user is trying to delete decrypted file while encrypted file is no longer present -- give extra emphasize in confirmation window
    UI Improvement #176: Quick Search window hint shouldn't wrap if there is enough horizontal space
    UX Improvement #175: When pressing Esc key in History Quick Search window, it should close
    Fix #168: If file was deleted, it shouldn't be displayed in unfiltered quick search results
    Fix #180: "Encrypt back all" must not fail if parent folder of source (encrypted) file is missing
    Fix #181: Minor typo fix


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2019, 10:00

      Enabled clone modification time for encrypted files and key files. If both files have cloned mod-time then it's
      much more backup efficient as the new encrypted file in decrypted form is no different from its backed up file

      The Working, Home, Documents & Desktop directory can't be selected anymore as the Key Directory, making users
      actively select the Key Directory for Key Dir awareness

      The Key Directory is now only selected by going INTO the Key Directory. Key Dir Selection is now more uniform

      Improved Command Line Key Dir/File and Target Validation
      Replaced UTF8 symbols fixed instability on Ubuntu 19.04


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

      Enabled Manual Key File Selection in GUIFX again
      I apologise for temporary inconvenience in update2
      Please see Update 2 containing many improvements

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2019, 10:00
Whats new:>>

      Manual Key was deleted as if Auto Key Mode was chosen
      This update prevents a Manual Key File to be deleted
      Manual Key Mode should not be used anymore, but still
      This update is quite urgent, please update immediately

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

      Removed cloning file attributes Manual Key File
      Removed cloning file attributes Auto Key File after
      decrypting, when it is no longer needed and deleted
      This update prevents unwanted Manual Key File backups
      My sinsere apologies for the many updates lately, but
      FinalCrypt has to be reliable and function correctly

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 13:00
Whats new:>>

      Improved startup and timing graphical user interface
      More robust Check Update process with new HTTPClient
      Added human readable filesizes for files in the log
      Replaced finishing duration from seconds to a clock
      Fixed incorrect Key Type Image display on selection
      Fixed incorrect Total Time Clock on short Encryption
      Added more runtime environment info to header in log
      Added logging Scan Results on Command Line Interface

Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed error in uninstall procedure

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.07.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed occasional service deadlock
    Improved protection of BCVE boot loader

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2019, 20:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Drag & Drop file on executable to open it #19
    Line numbers panel in editor #23
    Saving in settings Custom colors values from color picker #24
    ADeactivating functionality of Insert keyboard button #25
    TAB button functionality in editor.


    Text search. Now it more like in windows notepad.
    Minor design changes.


    Wrong behavior after try to close app #22
    Bug with incorrect file name.
    Many minor bugs. Added new bugs (not on purpose).
    Dev:Migrated to Visual Studio Community 2019.
    Removed unused code.
    Added new string for Debug.


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

    added Notification in window title bar when file saved.
    fixed Bug with scrolling down in editor #26
    fixed Text glitches in editor after file save #27

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.36.1046
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2019, 14:00

    Improved: better Performance and less memory usage
    Fixed: Some Dropbox online-only files could not be opened
    Fixed: Some Google Drive File Stream files could not be opened
    Fixed: Boxcryptor sometimes hangs when running the debug mode
    Fixed: Incompatibility with some PDF annotators
    Bug fixes and improvements


Titel: SecretFolder 6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2019, 13:31
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2019, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Updated AutoUpdate utility

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.07.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2019, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed 'Watchdog Violation' blue screen, or system freeze at system startup caused by driver memory corruption

Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor v1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2019, 06:00
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Whats new:>>

Added option to scan subfolders. For example, you can specify 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\*.*' as a base folder, spricy 'Infinite' in the 'Subfolder Depth' field and then DataProtectionDecryptor will decrypt all wireless keys of all network interfaces on your system.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.315
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2019, 18:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    new: Email notifications about important events.
    New: Button to start a scheduled task right now.
    New: Information about scheduled tasks: last run time, current status.
    New: The System audit log includes messages from the log file of Crypt-o Server.
    New: Option to rebuild a database.
    New: Option to generate a password in the add user window.
    New: The Email field for a user account.
    Updated: Maintenance of databases is moved to a separate scheduled task.
    Updated: Save column widths of the audit log list.
    Updated: Vertical scroll bar in the edit record window when input fields do not fit the screen height.
    Updated: Accept only TLS 1.2 connections from Crypt-o clients by Crypt-o Server.
    Updated: Disabled TLS 1.0 for the Web interface.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.316
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

updated: If an SMTP user name is an email address, specify it as the sender for email notifications.

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2019, 12:24
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    Improvement #192: Increased security level of generated keys
    UX Improvement #185: As soon as text is pasted into Decrypt text window, list of recipients should be populated
    Fix #187: Encrypt back all: if key of one of the recipients is missing, and file wasn't changed, meaningless warning will be displayed
    Improvement #186: Logs will contain application usage info to enable faster troubleshooting if needed
    UX Improvement #194: Input fields on a key creation dialog should be disabled during key generation process
    UX Improvement #197: Pre-generate key pair on a background as soon as user opens Create Key dialog to improve user experience


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2019, 14:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


      Added Brute Force Password Dictionary Scan function
      This allows users to try to recover a lost password
      Performance testing at max 950 passwords per second
      Brute Force only works on the Command Line Interface


Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2019, 06:10
LeoMoon QuickCrypt provides you with a small but powerful file encryption app.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt utilizes the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES256-CBC) to easily and securely encrypt files. It also gives you access to a password generator to allow you to create strong passwords.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt comes in a simple interface that is purpose driven allowing you to quickly encrypt/decrypt or genrate passwords with ease. It supports drag n' drop as well as standrd file adding and also offers an option to delete the source if desired.


Whats new:>>

    Minor changes
    Windows binary is now digitally signed

Titel: Criptext 0.23.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2019, 13:45
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2019, 19:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Improved Brute Force CLUI Validation and Statistics

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2019, 19:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



    Fixed numerous bugs related to the code and the interface.
    Updated tranlsations.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2019, 14:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSs:
        Increase password maximum length to 128 bytes in UTF-8 encoding for non-system volumes.
            Add option to use legacy maximum password length (64) instead of new one for compatibility reasons.
        Use Hardware RNG based on CPU timing jitter "Jitterentropy" by Stephan Mueller as a good alternative to CPU RDRAND (http://www.chronox.de/jent.html)
        Speed optimization of XTS mode on 64-bit machine using SSE2 (up to 10% faster).
        Fix detection of CPU features AVX2/BMI2. Add detection of RDRAND/RDSEED CPU features. Detect Hygon CPU as AMD one.
        Implement RAM encryption for keys and passwords using ChaCha12 cipher, t1ha non-cryptographic fast hash and ChaCha20 based CSPRNG.
            Available only on 64-bit machines.
            Disabled by default. Can be enabled using option in UI.
            Less than 10% overhead on modern CPUs.
            Side effect: Windows Hibernate is not possible if VeraCrypt System Encryption is also being used.
        Mitigate some memory attacks by making VeraCrypt applications memory inaccessible to non-admin users (based on KeePassXC implementation)
        New security features:
            Erase system encryption keys from memory during shutdown/reboot to help mitigate some cold boot attacks
            Add option when system encryption is used to erase all encryption keys from memory when a new device is connected to the system.
            Add new driver entry point that can be called by applications to erase encryption keys from memory in case of emergency.
        MBR Bootloader: dynamically determine boot loader memory segment instead of hardcoded values (proposed by neos6464)
        MBR Bootloader: workaround for issue affecting creation of hidden OS on some SSD drives.
        Fix issue related to Windows Update breaking VeraCrypt UEFI bootloader.
        Several enhancements and fixes for EFI bootloader:
            Implement timeout mechanism for password input. Set default timeout value to 3 minutes and default timeout action to "shutdown".
            Implement new actions "shutdown" and "reboot" for EFI DcsProp config file.
            Enhance Rescue Disk implementation of restoring VeraCrypt loader.
            Fix ESC on password prompt during Pre-Test not starting Windows.
            Add menu entry in Rescue Disk that enables starting original Windows loader.
            Fix issue that was preventing Streebog hash from being selected manually during Pre-Boot authentication.
            If "VeraCrypt" folder is missing from Rescue Disk, it will boot PC directly from bootloader stored on hard drive
                This makes it easy to create a bootable disk for VeraCrypt from Rescue Disk just by removing/renaming its "VeraCrypt" folder.
        Add option (disabled by default) to use CPU RDRAND or RDSEED as an additional entropy source for our random generator when available.
        Add mount option (both UI and command line) that allows mounting a volume without attaching it to the specified drive letter.
        Update libzip to version 1.5.2
        Do not create uninstall shortcut in startmenu when installing VeraCrypt. (by Sven Strickroth)
        Enable selection of Quick Format for file containers creation. Separate Quick Format and Dynamic Volume options in the wizard UI.
        Fix editor of EFI system encryption configuration file not accepting ENTER key to add new lines.
        Avoid simultaneous calls of favorites mounting, for example if corresponding hotkey is pressed multiple times.
        Ensure that only one thread at a time can create a secure desktop.
        Resize some dialogs in Format and Mount Options to to fix some text truncation issues with non-English languages.
        Fix high CPU usage when using favorites and add switch to disable periodic check on devices to reduce CPU load.
        Minor UI changes.
        Updates and corrections to translations and documentation.
        Add check on size of file container during creation to ensure it's smaller than available free disk space. Add CLI switch --no-size-check to disable this check.
        Make CLI switch --import-token-keyfiles compatible with Non-Interactive mode.
        Add check on size of file container during creation to ensure it's smaller than available free disk space. Add CLI switch --no-size-check to disable this check.


Titel: Kryptel Lite 8.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2019, 05:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.37.1057
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2019, 14:00

    Added: auto detection for various Amazon S3 clients:
        CloudBerry Drive
        Mountain Duck
    Added: Egnyte Drive and Egnyte Sync auto detection
    Fixed: Security Keys required Boxcryptor running as administrator
    Bug fixes and improvements


Titel: VeraCrypt v1.24 Hotfix 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2019, 06:00

        Fix 1.24 regression that caused system favorites not to mount at boot if VeraCrypt freshly installed.
        Fix failure to encrypt system if the current Windows username contains a Unicode non-ASCII character.
        Make VeraCrypt Expander able to resume expansion of volumes whose previous expansion was aborted before it finishes.
        Add "Quick Expand" option to VeraCrypt Expander to accelarate the expansion of large file containers.
        Add several robustness checks and validation in case of system encryption to better handle some corner cases.
        Minor UI and documentation changes.
        Workaround gcc 4.4.7 bug under CentOS 6 that caused VeraCrypt built under CentOS 6 to crash when Whirlpool hash is used.
        Fix "incorrect password attempt" written to /var/log/auth.log when mounting volumes.
        Fix dropping file in UI not showing its correct path , specifically under GTK-3.
        Add missing JitterEntropy implementation/
        Fix some devices and partitions not showing in the device selection dialog under OSX 10.13 and newer.
        Fix keyboard tab navigation between password fields in "Volume Password" page of volume creation wizard.
        Add missing JitterEntropy implementation/
        Support APFS filesystem for creation volumes.
        Support Dark Mode.


Titel: CryptSync 1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2019, 14:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.0 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2019, 20:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License


    Read this (https://github.com/Crypto-Notepad/Crypto-Notepad/wiki/Migration-guide-to-v1.6.0) before downloading.
    Pre-release may contain bugs.
    Auto-update to from v1.5.1 to v1.6.0 will be available after 2019-11-20
    Pre-release version will be also update to actual version after 2019-11-20
    Documentation was also updated.


Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2019, 09:10
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


- switched various functions to NT API
- added a switch to prevent volume mounting while allowing other operations
- added checks for options incompatible with -r
- minor fixes and improvements


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2019, 13:35

New features

    Disabled whole word selection with mouse in editor #29
    Remembering value of the Right-to-Left setting #30
    Added status panel in the bottom of window #31
    Able to customize left-padding in the editor #32
    Able to enable old icons in Toolbar #34
    Able to hide app to tray (while minimize or closing) #35
    Able to make app window always on top of all other windows #36
    Single Instance #37
    Message on first launch to let the user enable/disable auto-update #39
    Encrypt/decrypt all file formats #40
    Save file and close it, without closing the app #41
    Added setting to display border around the editor.
    Added placeholders for text fields with passwords.
    Able to hide Close button in toolbar.
    Added border setting for Search panel.
    Able to hide main menu.


    Completely changed navigation and design of Settings window #33
    Changed Auto lock on minimize function.
    All fonts are brought to a single style (except the About window).
    Minor design changes in About window.
    Changed error sounds while changing the encryption key.
    Changed timeout for Key was successfully changed message.
    Disabled system sounds in text fields while Enter key pressing.
    Changed icons for Change Key and Enter Key windows.
    New style for Lock function.

Bug fixing

    Added missing information message when connection is lost while checking updates #28
    Fixed always red color of status message in Change Key window. Now it's green when key changed successfully, and red when failed.
    Fixed bug when the file save window did not close.
    Fixed app crashes when PC is locked.


    Completely removed line numbers, due lack of performance and stability of this feature.


    All names leaded to a single style.
    Removed "Debug" from the main menu (still available on Ctrl+Space shortcut).


Titel: Criptext 0.24.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2019, 04:30
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.317
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    New: "Text size" option.
    Fixed: The "Cannot focus" error when applying email notification settings in some cases.

Titel: Encrypt Care 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2019, 05:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

New icons.
Improved user interface.
Improved SHA checksum generation.
Improved support of high-DPI resolutions.
Improved support of latest Windows 10 revision.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2019, 21:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License


    added Able to hide single labels in the Status panel.
    improved Swapped the app name and the file name in the window title.
    Fixed performance issues on large values of Password iterations #43
    fixed Bug when file size and modified date does not calculated.
    fixed Invisible Save file? dialog window on app closing.
    fixed Bug with file saving on app closing.


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    improved Update dialog window now is centered parent.
    improved In "Encryption" settings tab, was added hint that contain recommended encryption values.
    fixed Fixed bug with wrong text position in title bar when "Save As".
    fixed Fixed bug with wrong message in status panel when new version is available.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2019, 04:30
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    added Password generator #42
    fixed Invalid file name on new file create #45
    fixed New files don't saving when Save As & Save clicking #46
    fixed Bug when did not appear save dialog on app close.

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2019, 14:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Brute Force password dictionary testing 10 x faster
Previously: 950 pass/sec. Currently: 9950 pass/sec

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.318
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

updated: Log events of blocked user accounts and IPs as warnings so they are sent as email notifications.

Titel: Criptext 0.25.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2019, 12:15
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Update fixed the 1st 70 bytes Crib Drag Vulnerability
Disabled all 0 to 255 byte value inversion of keydata
Removed Glow & Bloom effects for better GUI response
Please decrypt en re-encrypt for 100% OTP compliance

Titel: Crypt-O 3.0.319
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2019, 17:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: A GDI resources leak which caused "System Error. Code: 87." in the Web interface.
    Fixed: Long delay when configuring browser integration in some cases.

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed Brute Force Dict-Size, Heap-Mem & Performance

This update provides:

Out of heapmem bugfix using a large dictionary file
Buffered loading of limitless sized dictionary file
Better Multitasking with sliced up dictionary files

Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Improved Apple OSX stability FinalCrypt User Interface
Support Window now closes on Home / Share button click
No longer printing keypaths on statusbar creating keys

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2019, 20:00
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2019, 10:30


    Able to copy debug info to clipboard by clicking to app version in the About window.
    Copy all generated passwords / last generated password in the list.
    Able to specify the number of the generated passwords [1-1000].
    Remembering parameters in the Password generator window.


    Design of the About window was simplified for better performance.


    App now correctly working on the systems with .NET Framework v4.6.1 and higher.
    Bug with incorrect file name when creating a new file.


Titel: FinalCrypt 5.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2019, 14:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed bug that created oversized manual OTP keys
    Please see releasenotes of changelog on update 8
    Major performance increase of 700% on encryption

Titel: Kryptelite 8.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2019, 21:30
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: Criptext 0.26.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2019, 20:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2019, 19:00

International new version with 32 Languages


Improved User Interface with better overview
Improved file manager behavior & presentation
Improved UserGuidance, Display & Button Layou

If you want to improve language then edit the translation*.properties files in the finalcrypt.jar archive and send them to me.

Please install needed Languages in settings
More languages? Email to: ron@finalcrypt.org


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2019, 14:00

Fixed startup intro and welcome display order
Fixed bug crashing on enabled audio at startup
Fixed large Chinese user-guidance startup text
Fixed Support Window glyphs in Farsi Language
Fixed Apple OSX bug hanging GUI by FileManager
Improved internationalization GUI realignments


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2019, 06:30
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


Date: 2019-12-12 Version: 6.1.0

Graphical user-interface restyled & simplyfied
The user-interface now only shows relevant info
Less destraction and more focus to what you do

Language corrections & updates of 45 languages
Removed duo latin lines on non latin languages

Add/correct language? Download, Edit & Mail me
Languages files can be found in the sourcecode
Languages files can be edited with Netbeans.org
Location in the sourcecode: (src/rdj/language)
Sourcecode click [Support] [Home] [SourceCode]

Date: 2019-12-10 Version: 6.0.3

Language corrections & updates of 45 languages
Removed duo latin lines on non latin languages

Date: 2019-12-10 Version: 6.0.2

This update adds up to a total of 45 languages


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2019, 20:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Extended types of special characters in the Password generator #47
    Сhanged minimum and maximum generated password length to 4 and 256

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2019, 19:00

Translation keys are now Google Translate Safe
Manual translation corrections of 20 languages

Add/correct language? Download, Edit & Mail me
Languages files can be found in the sourcecode
Languages files can be edited with Netbeans.org
Location in the sourcecode: (src/rdj/language)
Sourcecode click [Support] [Home] [SourceCode]


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2019, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

    Clear AES key from stack memory when using non-optimized implementation. Doesn't apply to VeraCrypt official build (Reported and fixed by Hanno Böck)
    Update Jitterentropy RNG Library to version 2.2.0
    Start following IEEE 1541 agreed naming of bytes (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB).
    Various documentation enhancements.


    Fix possible local privilege escalation vulnerability during execution of VeraCrypt Expander (CVE-2019-19501)

    MBR bootloader:

    workaround for SSD disks that don't allow write operations in BIOS mode with buffers less than 4096 bytes.
    Don't restore MBR to VeraCrypt value if it is coming from a loader different from us or different from Microsoft one.

    EFI bootloader:

    Fix "ActionFailed" not working and add "ActionCancelled" to customize handling of user hitting ESC on password prompt
    Fix F5 showing previous password after failed authentication attempt. Ensure that even wrong password value are cleared from memory.
    Fix multi-OS boot compatibility by only setting VeraCrypt as first bootloader of the system if the current first bootloader is Windows one.
    Add new registry flags for SystemFavoritesService to control updating of EFI BIOS boot menu on shutdown.
    Allow system encrypted drive to be mounted in WindowsPE even if changing keyboard layout fails (reported and fixed by Sven Strickroth)
    Enhancements to the mechanism preserving file timestamps, especially for keyfiles.
    Fix RDRAND instruction not detected on AMD CPUs.
    Detect cases where RDRAND is flawed (e.g. AMD Ryzen) to avoid using it if enabled by user.
    Don't write extra 0x00 byte at the end of DcsProp file when modifying it through UI
    Reduce memory usage of IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY handler used in disk verification by Windows.
    Add switch /FastCreateFile for VeraCrypt Format.exe to speedup creation of large file container if quick format is selected.
    Fix the checkbox for skipping verification of Rescue Disk not reflecting the value of /noisocheck switch specified in VeraCrypt Format command line.
    check "TrueCrypt Mode" in password dialog when mounting a file container with .tc extension
    Update XML languages files.


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

FinalCrypt now supports 65 languages based on ISO639
Improved language selection with keyboard navigation
Cleaner User Interface with 2 Multi-Function Buttons
Fixed FinalCrypt not Exiting on closing application

Titel: BestCrypt 9.03.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Improved 'Registration' procedure.

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.21.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Added a distinct BCVE boot option for UEFI systems.
    Improved 'Registration' procedure.
    Fixed an issue with screen resolution for boot-time password prompt.
    Fixed an occasional error in the counter of incorrect passwords attempts.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2019, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Added "Click to print Command(-line)" button to GUI
Command-line commands can be used to fully automate
Select your Key Dir & Files like you would normally
Show / hide password influences the printed command
The Print Command button will appear at lower right
The printed command is equivalent to the GUI action
This update is particular for all ICT professionals

FinalCrypt now supports 75 languages (homepage FAQ)

Fixed I/O integrity flaw (reveiled in stress tests)
This bug is hard to trigger, but could damage files
This update fixed the issue in extreme stress tests

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Added file-changes detection skipping to next file
If the selected files changed by any other process then it will be detected and skip to the next file
With the new Print Command this update is critical

Titel: SafeNotes 5.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2019, 19:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.

Non-commercial freeware

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2019, 18:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    UI Improvement #207: When showing new window on linux-based multi-monitor setup, center it within 1 monitor, not all monitors
    New feature #206: Add menu item to copy public key to clipboard
    UX Improvement #201: Be more precise when explaining failure of importing key from clipboard
    Maintenance #210: Migrate to summerb 4.0.2


Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2020, 17:00
Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.

Eine ausführliche deutsche Anleitung (http://www.cypherix.co.uk/deu/online_help/index.html) gibt es beim Hersteller.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2020, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Infos & DL -> https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/releases/tag/1.5.0-beta2

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2020, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Improvement #212: update launch4j dependency and make it look in JAVA_HOME for JRE
    Improvement #198: Create hint for buy me a coffee
    Improvement #215: Reduce amount of text logged
    Maintenance #214: decrease application package size by removing dependencies

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2020, 06:00

Added Open FileManager with FinalCrypt "Logs" dir
Fixed un-responding "Click to list invalid files"
Added translation for several list files ToolTips


Titel: DataProtect
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2020, 18:00
A lightweight application that can help you encrypt your personal data so they are not readable by the third parties or unwanted users.

free for non-commercial use.

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4.22.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2020, 17:00
Whats new:>>

    Repaired custom boot-time password prompt theme.
    Resolved conflict with CyberLink PowerDVD software

Titel: SecretFolder 6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2020, 18:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 14R4C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2020, 19:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License : Open Source

Whats new:>>

A file association for unencrypted files and multiple files;

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption for PC 14R2E
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2020, 19:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: Crypto Notepad v1.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2020, 13:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Auto lock if the app is inactive #48
    Able to make editor readonly.
    Readonly indicator in the status panel.
    Word wrap indicator in the status panel.
    Auto-clear clipboard on app close.
    Auto-clear clipboard after copy text from the editor.
    Able to clear clipboard manually from the Edit main menu.
    Able to disable all shortcut keys.


    Remapped some shortcut keys #49
    When app is minimized, editor text is hidden in windows thumbnail previews (how it looks).
    Categories in Settings window was reorganized.
    Now all main menu items have hotkeys.


    Shortcut keys doesn't work or worked when it's not necessary.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2020, 19:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    Fix regression in Expander and Format when RAM encryption is enable that was causing volume headers to be corrupted.
    Fix failure of Screen Readers (Accessibility support) to read UI by disabling newly introduced memory protection by default and adding a CLI switch (/protectMemory) to enable it when needed.
    Fix side effects related to the fix for CVE-2019-19501 which caused links in UI not to open.
    Add switch /signalExit to support notifying WAITFOR Windows command when VeraCrypt.exe exits if /q was specified in CLI (cf documentation for usage).
    Don't display mount/dismount examples in help dialog for command line in Format and Expander.
    Documentation and translation updates.


Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2020, 21:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    New feature #206: Add menu item to copy public key to clipboard
    UX Improvement #173: Show progress bar when preparing for "Encrypt back all operation"
    UX Improvement #170: if user is trying to delete decrypted file while encrypted file is no longer present - give extra emphasize in confirmation window
    UX Improvement #175: When pressing Esc key in History Quick Search window, it should close
    UX Improvement #194: Input fields on a key creation dialog should be disabled during key generation process
    UX Improvement #197: Pre-generate key pair in a background as soon as user opens Create Key dialog to improve user experience
    UX Improvement #201: Be more precise when explaining failure of importing key from clipboard
    UX Improvement #185: As soon as text is pasted into Decrypt text window, list of recipients should be populated
    UI Improvement #207: Multi-monitor setups: show new windows on same screen as parent window
    UI Improvement #176: Quick Search window hint shouldn't wrap if there is enough horizontal space
    Improvement #192: Increased security level of generated keys
    Improvement #215: Reduce amount of text logged
    Improvement #186: Logs will contain application usage info to enable faster troubleshooting if needed
    Improvement #212: Update launch4j dependency and make it look in JAVA_HOME for JRE
    Improvement #198: Create hint for buy me a coffee
    Fix #168: If file was deleted, it shouldn't be displayed in unfiltered quick search results
    Fix #180: "Encrypt back all" must not fail if parent folder of source (encrypted) file is missing
    Fix #187: Encrypt back all: if key of one of the recipients is missing, and file wasn't changed, meaningless warning will be displayed
    Fix #181: Minor typo fix
    Maintenance #214: decrease application package size by removing dependencies
    Maintenance #210: Migrate to summerb 4.0.2


Titel: Crypt-O 3.1.322
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2020, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


Updated: Implemented cleanup of the System Audit log.


Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2020, 20:00
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Whats new:>>

Fix: Auto-Sync-Service fixed for Windows 10 which failed in some circumstances (manual syncing will definitely sync all files!)

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.38.1080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2020, 19:00

    Added: More folder icons for providers
    Changed: Boxcryptor now always uses System proxy settings
    Changed: Upgraded CBFS Connect to v2017.0.24
    Changed: Removed SSL Pinning in favor of certificate transparency
    Improved: Startup performance
    Fixed: Issues related to saving office files to network locations
    Fixed: Incompatibilty with Box Drive
    Fixed: Whisply integration could get unlinked under certain conditions
    Fixed: Boxcryptor drive could be accessed by other windows user account when mounted as network drive
    Bug fixes and improvements


Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2020, 17:00
LeoMoon QuickCrypt provides you with a small but powerful file encryption app.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt utilizes the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES256-CBC) to easily and securely encrypt files. It also gives you access to a password generator to allow you to create strong passwords.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt comes in a simple interface that is purpose driven allowing you to quickly encrypt/decrypt or genrate passwords with ease. It supports drag n' drop as well as standrd file adding and also offers an option to delete the source if desired.


Whats new:>>

    Optimized encryption algorithm
    Updated core to the latest version
    Updated all dependencies
    Embeded main font into the application

Titel: Criptext 0.27.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2020, 09:11
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Crash fix

Titel: Kryptelite 8.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2020, 21:00
Make private files impossible to access by encrypting them with Kryptelite. Files are rendered inaccessible without the right password/key.

Kryptelite Features:

Easy single-click encryption
Unlimited number of files and folders in single operation
Unlimited file size
Strong encryption using industry-standard 256-bit AES cipher
Effective ZIP and BZIP2 data compression
Integration with Windows Explorer's right-click menu
Integrated file shredder with manual shred option


Limitations: Not all features are available in the lite version.

Titel: BestCrypt 9.04.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2020, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Improved performance by optimizing encryption operations and disk I/O in the driver.
    Fixed occasional BSOD when mounting two containers simultaneously.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2020, 21:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3


    Fixed browser opening platform unsupported error log
    Cleaned up log with regards to check & open websites
    Fixed hang on repeated clicking wikipedia hyperlinks


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2020, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Finally added a proper icon for Windows, Mac and Linux

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

FinalCrypt got its final Icon for Windows, Mac & Linux
A heavy duty metal padlock with embossed characters FC

Updating FinalCrypt users please take some extra steps
Windows: remove & add icon from task-bar to renew icon
Mac OSX: remove & add icon from the dock to renew icon
Linux:   Logoff/on desktop session again to renew icon

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2020, 18:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


Hotfix #221: file decryption crashes in some cases for very large files


Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2020, 20:00
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


- added a switch to close the console window after mounting
- QuickEdit mode is now disabled when using the main password editor


Titel: Crypt-O 3.1.323
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2020, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


Updated: Prevent conflicts with other fbembed.dll libraries.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2020, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Infos & DL -> https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/releases/tag/1.5.0-beta3

Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Access to image files is now unbuffered (use -bio in case of hardware incompatibility)

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2020, 18:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    Optimize performance for CPUs that have more than 64 logical processors (contributed by Sachin Keswani from AMD)
    Support specifying keyfiles (both in tokens and in filesystem) when creating file containers using command line (switches /keyfile, /tokenlib and /tokenpin supported in VeraCrypt Format)
    Fix leak of keyfiles path and name after VeraCrypt process exits.
    Add CLI switch /secureDesktop to VeraCrypt Format.
    Update libzip to version 1.6.1
    Minor UI fixes


Titel: Crypt-O 3.1.324
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2020, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: The "no permission for encryption access to database" error in some cases.
    Fixed: The "List index out of bounds" error when adding a new task.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2020, 20:00
Whats new:>>


        Fix PIM label text truncation in password dialog
        Fix wrong language used in installer if user selects a language other than English and then selects English before clicking OK on language selection dialog.

Titel: Criptext 0.28.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2020, 20:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2020, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Incorporate FinalCrypt's new website about page link

Titel: Crypt-O 3.1.325
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2020, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Support for Firefox 74+.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.39.1125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2020, 17:00
Whats new:>>

    New: Disable Whisply policy
    Added: LeitzCloud auto detection
    Added: IONOS HiDrive auto detection
    Fixed: Saving and moving new files could could lead to file corruption on network locations
    Fixed: Saving files in Adobe Acrobat DC on network locations could fail
    Fixed: Storage Authentication lost after Boxcryptor restart when using Whisply integration with Dropbox Business
    Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.0 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2020, 22:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    Introduced vault format 7 (#625, #891)
    Ciphertext file layout has been redesigned (see Security Architecture / Filename Encryption)
    Filenames are encoded with base64url so that name shortenings are less likely
    Note: When upgrading a vault from an older version of Cryptomator, you have to upgrade the vault to the latest version
    Redesigned UI (#808, #925, #926)
    Added themes, incl. dark mode theme (#930)
    Improved workflows, incl. unlock vault (#928, #939), add vault (#929), change password (#621, #927), vault settings (#931)
    Improved password fields (#458)
    Various usability improvements (#341, #346, #396, #850, #932)
    Improved tray menu
    Added vault list (#225)
    Added "unlock and lock" per vault (#297)
    Added "lock all vaults" (#863)
    Added recovery keys, making it possible to reset a vault's password (#1060)
    Added compatibility checks for underlying filesystem (#1056)
    Added "auto-start" setting on Windows and macOS (#418)
    Added "start hidden" setting (#62, #283, #346, #418, #957, #1035, #1040)
    Added -Dcryptomator.minPwLength configuration variable to set minimum password length (#1018)
    Default is set to 8 for GDPR compliance
    Improved termination handler to automatically lock vaults (#838, #970, #980)
    Improved update checker (#272)


    Fixed compatibility with certain Google Drive sync clients, where renaming long filenames into short ones didn't work (#891)
    Fixed high CPU usage under certain conditions (#129, #186, #827, #849, #881)
    Fixed duplicates in vault list (#1032)


    Fixed slow writing in Dokany (#960)
    Fixed GUI freeze (#984)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2020, 18:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    New: An option to enable notifications by email for the following actions: Active reminders, View protected field, Insert/Modify/Delete nested item, Modify permissions.
    New: The Advanced search mode to create complex search queries.
    New: In search results it is possible to edit and delete records, copy fields to the clipboard.
    New: Print and export of search results.
    New: Added the Email column to the users list.
    New: The "Log important events to the Windows Event Log" system option. It is enabled by default.
    New: Additionally log the "Portable mode" event to the System audit log.
    New: Also cleanup the server.log file when cleanup of the System Audit log is requested.
    Updated: Display a full path of a parent folder in search results.
    Updated: Clickable URLs in search results.
    Updated: When the "Secure copy to the clipboard" option is not enabled, remove the copied data from the clipboard after 60 seconds.
    Updated: Improved processing speed of the server.log file.
    Fixed: Throw an error when a TCP port of the Server/Web interface is already in use.


Titel: SecretFolder 6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2020, 21:30
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.39.1135
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2020, 13:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Explorer crashes when coyping / moving files in some circumstances

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2020, 14:00

    What's New:

    Added recovery keys, making it possible to reset a vault's password (#1060)
    Added compatibility checks for underlying filesystem (#1056)
    Added "auto-start" setting on Windows and macOS (#418)
    Added "start hidden" setting (#62, #283, #346, #418, #957, #1035, #1040)
    Added -Dcryptomator.minPwLength configuration variable to set minimum password length (#1018)
    Improved termination handler to automatically lock vaults (#838, #970, #980)
    Improved update checker (#272)

    Introduced vault format 7 (#625, #891):

    Ciphertext file layout has been redesigned (see Security Architecture / Filename Encryption)
    Filenames are encoded with base64url so that name shortenings are less likely
    Note: When upgrading a vault from an older version of Cryptomator, you have to upgrade the vault to the latest version

    Redesigned UI (#808, #925, #926):

    Added themes, incl. dark mode theme (#930)
    Improved workflows, incl. unlock vault (#928, #939), add vault (#929), change password (#621, #927), vault settings (#931)
    Improved password fields (#458)
    Various usability improvements (#341, #346, #396, #850, #932)

    Improved tray menu:

    Added vault list (#225)
    Added "unlock and lock" per vault (#297)
    Added "lock all vaults" (#863)

    Default is set to 8 for GDPR compliance:


    Fixed compatibility with certain Google Drive sync clients, where renaming long filenames into short ones didn't work (#891)
    Fixed high CPU usage under certain conditions (#129, #186, #827, #849, #881)
    Fixed duplicates in vault list (#1032)
    Fixed slow writing in Dokany (#960)
    Fixed GUI freeze (#984)


Titel: CryptSync 1.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2020, 20:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2020, 14:00

    Unofficial support for Windows 7 SP1+
    Don't stop migration when handling too many conflict files (#1124)
    Conceal password field when starting long-running tasks (#1126)
    Improved error handling when dealing with malformed masterkey files
    Start application even if settings file is malformed/corrupted


Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2020, 09:14
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Titel: Passware Encryption Analyzer 2020.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2020, 14:00
Passware Encryption Analyzer scans your PC for encrypted files, documents, etc., and gives you insight into protection methods as well as the type of encryption.

This Windows Explorer-like utility can be helpful for scoping out vulnerabilities in the encryption you have present so you can bolster or change it to a more secure form. It can also confirm that your password protected files still are still actually password protected. If an area is discovered to be lacking, you will need to use an applicable third party software to recover those passwords for instance as this utility is a scanner only.


Whats new:>>

    New Features:
    All-new user interface with improved design that allows for easy navigation and intuitive access to all the features of the application.
    Sort items by their decryption complexity as well as by advanced decryption options, such as: hardware acceleration, rainbow tables, etc.
    Now includes discovery of encrypted hard disk images and containers, such as TrueCrypt.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2020, 05:00

This update restores and improves compatibility of vaults stored in locations that limit file path or filename lengths, such as WebDAV drives on Windows or eCryptfs-encrypted volumes on Linux, further details here.

    Fixed problems with vaults stored in locations that support limited file path and/or filename lengths (#1116, #1134, #1144)
    Vaults can now be created/added that were falsely detected as duplicates (#1115)
    Drive letters A: and B: are now excluded on Windows (#1123)
    Password fields can now be cleared with Ctrl/Cmd + Backspace (#885)


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed data inconsistencies (#1131)
    Fixed masterkey restoration when using recovery key (#1163)
    Improved performance for filename encryption/decryption
    Fixed memory leak related to #1131

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.331
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2020, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    New: Monitor execution of background tasks on the server. A notification is sent when some task is running more than 3 hours.
    Updated: Improved database encryption to provide better security and speed.
    Updated: Reduced size of backup files and portable databases.
    Updated: Reduced database locking time during backup.
    Fixed: The server stops responding in some cases.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.333
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 05:00
Whats new:>>

    new: Added the "Field names in the first line" import option.
    fixed: Import from text/csv files.

Titel: Criptext 0.28.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 20:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2020, 20:30
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Improved unlock workflow (#1088, #1083)
    Added option to reveal directory containing logs (#1184)
    Improved response to changing conditions regarding vault state (#1139, #1110, #1190)
    Changing a password now also affects stored passwords (#1189) kudos to @purejava
    Improved performance for filename encryption/decryption
    Fixed unresponsive UI on certain Linux Distros (#1167)
    Fixed access to system keychain on Linux (#1169) kudos to @purejava and @swiesend


Titel: SecretFolder 6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2020, 13:30
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.334
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2020, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Unable to log on as an AD/LDAP user when the first such user account has been added.

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2020, 11:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


    ASCII armor
    Added cipher algorithms: CAMELLIA128, CAMELLIA192, CAMELLIA256, TWOFISH
    Added S2K digest algorithms: SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
    Added compression algorithm: BZIP2
    Botan has been updated to version 2.13
    Translation fixes for context menu
    New Python build system ported from Botan
    Bug fix: MDC failure was not reported when opening files
    Bug fix: the special case in which the last partial packet was smaller than 5 bytes was not handled correctly
    Bug fix: --key-file-length parameter was broken in CLI


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.335
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2020, 09:12
Whats new:>>

fixed: The "Invalid key size" error after upgarde of a backup server.


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2020, 12:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added option print missing keys to the Command Line
    Synced backup website links with check update links

Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2020, 19:00
LeoMoon QuickCrypt provides you with a small but powerful file encryption app.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt utilizes the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES256-CBC) to easily and securely encrypt files. It also gives you access to a password generator to allow you to create strong passwords.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt comes in a simple interface that is purpose driven allowing you to quickly encrypt/decrypt or genrate passwords with ease. It supports drag n' drop as well as standrd file adding and also offers an option to delete the source if desired.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed crash on Windows 10 update 1909
    Updated all dependencies

Titel: Criptext 0.29.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2020, 11:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Safy Notebook 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2020, 17:00
Safy Notebook is free Windows OS software which allow you create, edit and store multiple rich-text formatted documents in a single storage file (notebook). Also you can store files of any type in same file. Any notebook content item can be exported to local drive for further processing.

The main benefit is what all documents and files stored encrypted. Each data item encrypted and decrypted apart, not whole storage file at once.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    UI/Layout fixes (#1203, #1218, #1082)
    New unlock animation (#1216)
    Improved compatibility with non-standard drives (#1170, #1180, #1021)
    Improved compatibility with non-standard files (cryptomator/cryptofs#81)
    Improved handling of passwords saved in system keychain (#1214, #1182, #1183)
    Improved error handling during vault creation (#1208)
    No longer attempt to unlock non-ready vaults on app start (#1196)
    Prevent migration if encountering placeholder files in iCloud Drive (cryptomator/cryptofs#83)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.336
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2020, 09:17
Whats new:>>

    Updated: Improved stability of background backup operations.
    Updated: On a client show the wait cursor only when an operation takes more than 200ms.

Titel: Cypher Notepad
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2020, 11:00
A security-focused text editor that is easy to use and intuitive, so that users don't need to worry about encryption and decryption.


Titel: Notebook PEA 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2020, 21:30
Create and encrypt text content by turning to this lightweight, reliable application that comes with a random password generator.


Whats new:>>

    Cloud access for Nextcloud, Owncloud and other providers, that support WebDAV
    Search function: searching for a word in the opened text
    Look for program updates in the menu
    Same file name and content is now opened in one tab (and changes automatically saved in all)
    Bug fix: When only the format was changed but not the text, changes were not saved automatically

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.40.1215
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    New: Dark Mode Support for Windows 10
    Changed: Upgraded CBFS Connect to v2017.0.27
    Changed: Enforced password length restrictions for local accounts
    Fixed: Stability issues on network drives
    Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.40.1216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2020, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Additional stability issues on network drives

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.337
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2020, 20:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

New: Support for the new Microsoft Edge browser (Chromium based).

Titel: Secure Edit 3.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 17:00
Secure Edit is a text editor designed as a replacement for Windows Notepad, which puts emphasis on password protection, especially when you share your computer with multiple users. It's wrapped in a user-friendly interface and contains a few handy options, such as sorting modes, a search function, and secure deletion.


Whats new:>>

    Allow drag drop onto folder path boxes
    Allow drag drop from file tree view
    Added option to show old style directory selection dialogs
    Added ‘ctrl a’ to select all in the file list
    Added date touch to file view context menu
    Added folder drag drop from file browser
    Added selective encryption tab (Advanced Tools)
    Re-wrote copy and encrypt routine to be significantly faster, and allow selective encryption

Titel: SelCrypt 1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2020, 18:00
SelCrypt is a freeware app to encrypt selected text with a password. You can create a desktop icon during installation. Otherwise, right-click on the icon in the System Tray, and any text in your history will be saved into Notepad (or your default text editor).

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.338
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2020, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "Field 'user_name' not found" error when viewing effective permissions.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "Trying to lock database A while database B is already locked." error after creating a read only portable database

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.341
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Updated: Accept PEM certificates and keys in UTF-8 and UTF-16 formats.
    Fixed: Race conditions during database upgrade.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2020, 11:30
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added new backup mirror to support & check updates
    Improved open "Download Software" pages on updates

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2020, 14:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Allow access to vaults on read-only drives (#1173)
    Added size-based log rotation (#1249)
    Fixed issue preventing application start (#1254)
    Fixed race condition leading to invalid file contents being displayed (cryptomator/cryptofs#85)
    Fixed memory leak (#1249)
    Updated translations


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.343
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2020, 06:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: Error while extracting file attachments, introduced in the previous version

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1598.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2020, 20:00
Das kostenlose Open-Source-Programm AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


    #186: Add option to disable recent files
    #242: Upgrade to latest NUnit
    #374: Update copyright year in about
    #459: Downgrade encryption level when updating document on Free plan
    #465 : Key share icon should use the selected files in the recent files list
    #53: Translations and Texts Maintenance
    #61: Code Maintenance
    Changes in common code that may, or may not, affect this version.
    AXC-10: Add in-app purchases to iOS app
    AXC-62: Configure new subscriptions in Stripe
    AXC-72: Add a link from desktop apps to open the account web to handle account changes
    AXC-63: Configure new subscriptions in PayPal


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.344
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2020, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Update of offline data when MFA is used.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.345
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2020, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: MFA for Windows user accounts in a portable mode.
    Fixed: The "Field 'modified_by' is read only." error when synchronizing or undoing changes.

Titel: Criptext 0.29.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2020, 05:30
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2020, 12:32
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Titel: PGPTool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2020, 13:30
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    Improvement #227: English messages language improvements (contributor: timetoseek)
    Feature request #223: Ability to create key without passphrase
    Fix #228: When encrypting into the same folder prompt for overwriting same file, if any
    Hotfix #221: file decryption crashes in some cases for very large files


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2020, 06:00
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Added 3 Sec HTTP Timeout to speedup HTTP(S) connect
This also improves all other HTTP Connect Responses
General, Support, Update, Download or Share Webpage
This fixes FinalCrypt's unresponsiveness at startup when the webservers of the hosting are unresponsive

Titel: File Lock PEA 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2020, 17:00
Protect your file by encrypting their contents and decrypt individual items or entire folders, with this lightweight and portable Java-based application.

License: GPL

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.346
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2020, 05:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

    updated: Update license information on backup servers if it is changed on the primary server
    fixed: Deadlock during synchronization with a backup server via a slow link

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2020, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Improved displaying "Check Update" (startup) status
This improves user expectation on all check updates

Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2020, 05:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Crypter 5.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2020, 06:00
Crypter is an innovative, convenient and secure cross-platform crypto app that simplifies secure password generation and management by requiring you to only remember one bit, the MasterPass.

This is based on Crypto.Sync (an end-to-end cloud encryption client) which is a more elaborate implementation of the idea. So please check it out as well!

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    MasterPass saved in (and loaded from) OS Keychain (#50)
    Creds v2 JSON format
    A dozen stability improvements
    Updated all dependencies

Titel: Criptext 0.30.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2020, 17:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2020, 20:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    From now on the official website of the app is hosted on https://crypto-notepad.github.io/

    Buttons in the Password generator window was swapped.


    Editor text was not displayed when the window is maximized from the thumbnail preview.


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 12:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

        Don't allow Hidden volume to have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as Outer volume
        Fix random crash in 32-bit builds when using Streebog.
        Enable FIPS mode in JitterEntropy random generator.
        Update Beginner's Tutorial in documentation to use "MyVolume.hc" instead of "My Volume" for file container name in order to avoid confusion about nature of file nature.
        Minor code cleanup


        Fix wrong results in benchmark of encryption algorithms when RAM encryption is enabled
        Fix issue when RAM encryption used, AES selected and AES-NI not supported by CPU that caused the free space of newly created volumes not filled with random data even if "quick format" is not selected.
        Fix UI for blocking TRIM in system encryption not working in MBR boot mode.
        Support password drag-n-drop from external applications (e.g. KeePass) to password UI fields which is more secure than using clipboard.
        Implements compatibility with Windows 10 Modern Standby and Windows 8.1 Connected Standby power model. This makes detection of entring power saving mode more reliable.
        Avoid displaying waiting dialog when /silent specified for "VeraCrypt Format" during creating of file container using /create switch and a filesystem other than FAT.
        Use native Windows format program to perform formatting of volume since it is more reliable and only fallback to FormatEx function from fmifs.dll in case of issue.
        Don't use API for Processor Groups support if there is only 1 CPU group in the system. This can fix slowness issue observed on some PCs with AMD CPUs.
        Don't allow to encrypt the system drive if it is already encrypted by BitLocker.
        Implement detection of Hibernate and Fast Startup and disable them if RAM encryption is activated.
        Warn about Fast Startup if it is enabled during VeraCrypt installation/upgrade, when starting system encryption or when creating a volume, and propose to disable it.
        Add UI options to control the behavior of automatic bootloader fixing when System Encryption used.
        Don't allow a directory path to be entered for the file container to be created in Format wizard.
        Don't try to use fix for CVE-2019-19501 if Windows Shell has been modified or is not running since there is no reliable way to fix it in such non standard configuation.
        MBR bootloader: fix incorrect compressed data size passed to decompressor in boot sector.
        Add warning message when typed password reaches maximum length during the system encryption wizard.
        Fix wrong error message when UTF-8 encoding of entered password exceeds the maximum supported length.
        Fix crash when using portable 32-bit "VeraCrypt Format.exe" to create hidden volume on a 64-bit machine where VeraCrypt is already installed.
        Update libzip to latest version 1.7.3.
        Update translations.


        Force reading of at least 32 bytes from /dev/random before allowing it to fail gracefully
        Allow choosing a filesystem other than FAT for Outer volume but display warning about risks of such choice. Implement an estimation of maximum possible size of hidden volume in this case.
        Erase sensitive memory explicitly instead of relying on the compiler not optimizing calls to method Memory::Erase.
        Add support for Btrfs filesystem when creating volumes (Linux Only).
        Update wxWidgets for static builds to version 3.0.5.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2020, 11:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Added new "Automatic" theme on macOS, which automatically uses the same light/dark appearance as the system (#1290)
    Added new actions for missing vaults (#1262)
    Fixed blank "Volume Type", when FUSE/Dokany was missing (#1267)
    Fixed regression, mount name of added vaults will now be set to the directory name instead of "Vault"


Titel: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 20:00
USB Flash Security protects the data on your USB flash drive with a password.


Free edition is limited to 4 GB. Larger shareware versions are available.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2020, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Introduced vault names (#1318)
    Fixed regression, mounting vaults with spaces and special characters work again on macOS (#1310)

Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2020, 20:00
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


    Fix: write errors occurred when 64 threads were used for encryption; max number of threads is now 63 (appeared in 2.4.0)
    Minimal new image file size is now 69 KB, because of a new requirement of imdisk driver 2.0.8 and later


Titel: BestCrypt 9.04.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2020, 13:30
Whats new:>>

Updated BCWipe modules.

Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2020, 05:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2020, 13:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Optional able to open all files except *.cnp without message Try to decrypt file? #52
    Menu item and toolbar icon Try to decrypt.


    Now some items of the main menu become inactive when it's not necessary to use.


    Minor bugs when files open.


Titel: Qana 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2020, 19:00
Qana is a Java application that encrypts files, text and archives (hierarchically structured sets of files) with a symmetric-key cipher based on established cryptographic algorithms: the scrypt key derivation function and the Fortuna cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator, with a choice of AES-256 or Salsa20 as the underlying cipher.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>


    The purpose of this release is to synchronise library code across all Blank
    Aspect projects. It has no significant changes from the previous release.

Titel: ExeLock 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2020, 18:00
ExeLock is an easy-to-use program which allows you to password protect programs and applications. It works on the program files that are 32-bit Windows-9X/NT/2000/XP/ME executables. Usually those files are stored on your system with default .EXE file type.


Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 14R5C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2020, 19:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14R3C
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2020, 20:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: Encrypt Care 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2020, 21:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

• Added 64-bit version.
• New icons and user interface.
• Improved support of high DPI images.
• Improved Unicode text encryption and decryption.
• Improved program performance and CPU usage.
• Compatibility improvements for latest revision of Windows 10.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1606.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2020, 19:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


    Rename Axantum to AxCrypt in all projects
    Add new API’s to support AppStore purchase
    Sync Phraseapp Text Contents
    Replace trial in desktop apps with just information and a link to buy-page (logged in if possible)
    Add extra parameter in Login link to trigger purchasing information


Titel: Criptext 0.30.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2020, 10:00
Criptext is a SMTP email service with a high focus on security. Thanks to this lightweight tool, you can send sensitive data, such as financial reports for example, via email due to the powerful end-to-end encryption and password-protected content.

License: GPLv2

Titel: Kryptor 2.1.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2020, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    Now one key is generated using Argon2 and split into two keys rather than calling Argon2 twice. This is a security improvement and makes key derivation faster. Thank you to Lynn Stephenson, who brought this issue to my attention; it was something I managed to overlook.

    Argon2 Benchmark:

    The benchmark now starts at 50 MiB instead of 10 MiB.
    The benchmark goes up to 300 MiB instead of 250 MiB.


    The minimum memory size for Argon2 has been changed from 10 MiB to 32 MiB in settings.
    The maximum memory size has been changed from 300 MiB to 500 MiB in settings.
    The maximum number of iterations has been changed from 100 to 128 in settings.
    The default memory size for Argon2 is now 128 MiB instead of 100 MiB. This only applies if the benchmark doesn't run. This should produce a delay of between 150-250 ms per file on most machines.

    Code Improvements:

    Fixed CodeFactor issues from version 2.0.0 Beta.
    Fixed all of the subroutine naming warnings.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.41.1246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2020, 14:00
Whats new:>>

    New: Google Shortcut support
    Improved: Shortcut (.lnk) file support
    Improved: Compatibility with various backup solutions
    Improved: HiDrive auto detection of public folders
    Changed: Sign-out is now part of the account settings
    Fixed: Administrators could not change permissions to other groups using the Master Key
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.348
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2020, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Titel: Kryptor 2.1.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2020, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed a timer issue that caused inaccurate times for the first memory size in the benchmark and the 'Test Parameters' button in settings.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.3.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2020, 17:04
FinalCrypt a file encryption program that encrypts large data files with large cipher files. The unique approach used here is that cipher keys are replaced by much larger cipher files like a unique personal photo or video that only you have and used to toggle the bits in your data file with the unique bit patterns in your cipher file. No supercomputer can bruteforce attack generate a cipher file that looks just like your secret personal photo or video file, so security

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Some minor Command-Line User-Interface improvements
Fixed errors on non interactive --test option usage
Fixed Command-Line User-Interface  print formatting
Added Version Upgrade and Update dates to this info

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.9 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2020, 21:30
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


What's New

    FUSE on Windows: With this release, it is possible to test FUSE on Windows. This is still a beta feature, in order to try it, WinFSP needs to be installed and the flag -Dfuse.experimental="true" needs to be added in the file [installationDir]\app\Cryptomator.cfg to the JavaOptions section
    KDE Wallet on Linux: Vault passwords can now also be stored in KWallet on Linux systems. Huge thanks to @purejava for his contribution!
    Vault statistics are back: With the 1.5.0 release, the throughput graph disappeared in the UI. Now it is back, better than ever. Unlock a vault, click on the "Vault Statistics" element in the main window, and enjoy.


    Fixed auto-start on Windows so that it works without registry access (#1251)
    Fixed not mountable vaults (#1061)
    Fixed UI freezes if GNOME Keyring access is cancelled (#1268)
    Fixed unlocking failures of vaults located in read-only storage (#1293)

Other Changes

    Vault lock attempt is cancelled in FUSE/Dokany when open file handles are present (#1228)
    Mount names resemble more the actual vault name (FUSE/Dokany) (#1396)
    Restricting vault names to 50 characters (#1396)


Titel: FinalCrypt 6.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2020, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Added nice splash image to FinalCrypt GUI startup
    Improved Support Email Messages with Email Button
    Updated a number of deprecated social media links

Titel: CrococryptMirror 1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2020, 20:00
CrococryptMirror (früher einfach nur "Crococrypt") ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool, das ganze Verzeichnisse in verschlüsselte Verzeichnisse spiegelt. Als Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden AES und Twofish (jeweils 256 Bit, kaskadierend) eingesetzt. Das Keyfile wird mit einem Passwort nach PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) mittels eines SHA512/Whirlpool-basierten HMACs mit 100.000 Iterationen ebenfalls mit AES und Twofish geschützt.

Da zusätzlich noch eine ZIP-Komprimierung erfolgt, um den Speicherplatzbedarf zu optimieren, erfolgt das Synchronisieren von Quell- und Verschlüsselungsverzeichnis aus Performance-Gründen im Hintergrund.

Eine Kopie des Keyfiles muss an einem sicheren Ort als Backup aufgehoben werden. Ohne das Keyfile ist es nicht möglich einen Container wieder zu entschlüsseln.


Whats new:>>

Auto-Sync-Service fixed for Windows 10. For details go to the CrococryptMirror Homepage.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2020, 19:00
FinalCrypt is designed to be as easy as possible for home users offering a good looking Graphical User Interface with user guidance and a professional Command Line Interface for IT professionals to automate reporting, encryption & decryption

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Upgraded the Java Runtime Engine to version 1.8.0-271
    This update improves overal performance and security!
    A portable FinalCrypt version for Apple OSX was added

Titel: Kryptor 2.2.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2020, 21:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3


    Now using the CommandLineUtils library by Nate McMaster.
    Added a custom --help text.
    Rearranged some code.
    Converted some global variables to local variables.
    Updated GitHub links because of the username change.
    Added random passphrase generation if no password or keyfile is specified.
    Removed first run benchmark and automatic updates.
    Fixed opening links on Windows.


Titel: LeoMoon QuickCrypt 2.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2020, 10:00
LeoMoon QuickCrypt provides you with a small but powerful file encryption app.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt utilizes the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES256-CBC) to easily and securely encrypt files. It also gives you access to a password generator to allow you to create strong passwords.

LeoMoon QuickCrypt comes in a simple interface that is purpose driven allowing you to quickly encrypt/decrypt or genrate passwords with ease. It supports drag n' drop as well as standrd file adding and also offers an option to delete the source if desired.


Whats new:>>

    Minor improvements
    Small bugfixes

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.9 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2020, 18:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    FUSE on Windows (#1307): With this release, it is possible to test FUSE on Windows. This is still a beta feature! In order to try it, WinFSP needs to be installed.
    KDE Wallet on Linux (#1294, #1301, #1345, #1346, #1347, #1375, #1393): Vault passwords can now also be stored in KWallet on Linux. Huge thanks to @purejava for his contribution!
    Vault Statistics (#1070, #1399, #1400): With the 1.5.0 release, the throughput graph disappeared in the UI. Now it is back, better than ever! Unlock a vault, click on the "Vault Statistics" element in the main window, and enjoy.


    Fixed auto-start on Windows so that it works without registry access (#1251, #1311)
    Fixed unmountable vaults (#1061)
    Fixed application start when vault was located in the root directory of a file system (#1289)
    Fixed UI freezes if GNOME Keyring access is cancelled (#1268, #1308)
    Fixed unlocking failures of vaults located in read-only storage (#1293)
    Fixed vault access from WSL on Windows (#1033, #1371), kudos to @reidrankin


    Vault lock attempt is cancelled when open file handles are present (#1228)
    Mount names resemble more the actual vault name and are now restricted to 50 characters (#1396)
    Added visual indicator if debug mode is enabled (#1065)
    Improved error handlings (#1276, #1384)
    Other improvements (#1300, #1326 by @ainiml)


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2020, 07:30
Whats new:>>


    Fixed mounting of volumes containing spaces (#1408)
    Fixed eager attempt to delete mount dir upon start (#1409)
    Closing unlock window via shortcut (⌘W or Alt+F4) no longer leaves the vault in an "processing" state

Titel: Kryptor 2.2.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>


    Fixed System.OverflowException when trying to encrypt large files.
    Fixed --update command. This was due to an issue with .NET Core publishing.
    Added hidden --error-log command to allow the user to access their error log when reporting a bug on GitHub.


    One minor code improvement - changed Argon2 benchmark parameter from bool to int.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.352
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2020, 10:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

fixed: Some client-only errors appear in the server log.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.42.1333
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2020, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Changed: Spideroak auto-detection is now restricted to the SpiderOak Hive folder
    Fixed: Crashes related to recent Windows Updates
    Fixed: Installing updates when using a proxy
    Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2020, 10:00

    What's New:

    Support for macFUSE 4.x (#1446)
    Force Vault Lock (#1228, #1416): Before a vault is locked, Cryptomator checks if there are pending operations or open files. If so, it refuses to lock, but you can decide to force lock the vault anyway.
    Autostart on Windows (#1439, #1440): Instead of the registry, the startup folder is used.


    Fixed number of unlocked vaults that could not exceed the number of CPU cores using Dokany (#1442)
    Fixed playing video files via VLC using Dokany (#1453)
    Fixed broken autocompletion, case insensitivity, and search for files using Dokany (#1433)
    Fixed reveal vault on certain Linux distributions (#1415)
    Fixed donation keys that were rejected due to whitespaces (#1437)
    Fixed quit dialog that could be opened multiple times (#1323, #1427)

    Security Fixes:

    Saved vault passwords are not decryptable anymore by all local user accounts on Windows (#1429)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.353
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

fixed: The "Invalid action: 3" error when turning off inheritance of permissions in some cases.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

A typewriter was added to help command-line tutors
The typewriter prints to screen like a human types

We learn better when we see a moving mouse pointer
We also learn better by seeing typed command-lines

This typewriter can be used for any scripting demo

Please don't look away FinalCrypt needs your help
Please help by sharing FinalCrypt on Social Media

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 13:00
Whats new:>>

Added "Reuse Keys" to quickly view and reencrypt
to prevent unchanged files  from being backed-up
Keys just won't be deleted and reused to encrypt
Strictly use on files that remain 100% unchanged

Reuse Keys can be found to the right of key info
It's unchecked by default and made inconspicuous

Reuse Keys function breaks 1 out of 4 OTP rules!
Only use knowing the risk and what you are doing

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 14.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 22:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 14.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 22:30
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License: Open Source

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2021, 21:00
FinalCrypt is designed to be as easy as possible for home users offering a good looking Graphical User Interface with user guidance and a professional Command Line Interface for IT professionals to automate reporting, encryption & decryption

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Also implemented reusekeys on user-stopped phase
Please also read about Reuse Keys: version 6.7.0

Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.354
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2021, 22:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Form filling settings.
    Fixed: Handling of AD accounts with special chars.

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2021, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Improved minimum window size for smaller screens

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.12 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2021, 08:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Minimize Button: Due to various issues with the current tray menu/icon, users can decide to add a minimize button to the title bar and prevent Cryptomator to add a tray icon. The setting can be found in the general settings window. (#1179)


    Fixed certain error messages regarding failed unlock were suppressed at application start (#1519)
    Fixed application crash after start on Linux systems without D-Bus session (#1479)
    Fixed bug in custom mount option parsing for Dokany, where default set of Dokan-specific options were taken if none were given by application (#1477)
    Fixed reveal button not opening vault location in system file browser on Linux systems (#1471)
    Fixed application crash after start if the system tray is not supported (#1476)
    Fixed failed unlock if the vault storage location is read-only and vault is set to read-only (#1501)
    Fixed application refusing to start due to malformed settings file (#1452)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.356
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Improved database repair.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.12 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2021, 19:00

    What's New:

    Minimize Button: Due to various issues with the current tray menu/icon users can decide to add a minimize button to the title bar and prevent Cryptomator to add a tray icon. The setting can be found in the general settings window. (#1179)


    Fixed error where the vault could not be opened again if it mounting failed once (#1509)
    Fixed certain error messages regarding failed unlock were suppressed at application start (#1519)
    Fixed application crash after start on Linux systems without D-Bus session (#1479)
    Fixed bug in custom mount option parsing for Dokany where default set of Dokan-specific options were taken if none were given by application (#1477)
    Fixed reveal button not opening vault location in system file browser on Linux systems (#1471)
    Fixed application crash after start if the system tray is not supported (#1476)
    Fixed failed unlock if the vault storage location is read-only and vault is set to read-only (#1501)
    Fixed application refusing to start due to malformed settings file (#1452)


    Added icon and metadata for .c9r and .c9s file extensions (#1089)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.357
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Updated: Show the progress window when executing the "Clean up Audit log" command.
    Fixed: Database repair and rebuilding.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.44.1485
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Google Drive (File Stream) detection did not work for new installations
    Fixed: Boxcryptor installation directory could change during update
    Fixed: Office sometimes failed to open online-only files
    Improved: Dropbox Smart Sync support
    Minor Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2021, 20:00

    What's New:

    "Automatic" Theme on Windows: Automatically switch between light and dark theme based on the system settings.


    Fixed irritating security prompt shown when WebDAV on macOS was used (#1553, #1557)
    Fixed application termination that was blocked for a while by a shutdown task on Linux systems (#1403)


Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 14.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2021, 23:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.

License: Open Source

Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2021, 11:30
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.2.358
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2021, 23:00
Whats new:>>


    Error when creating portable/offline databases if the key file authentication is used.
    Error when creating new user accounts with the key file authentication.

Titel: Kryptor 3.0.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2021, 12:30
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3


    Chunked AEAD for encryption.
    New KEK/DEK design.
    File signing.
    Fixed Argon2 parameters.
    Faster directory encryption.
    Authenticated hybrid file encryption.
    Masked password entry with support for random passphrase generation.
    Separate encryption and signing asymmetric keys.
    Private key encryption.
    Export asymmetric key pairs.
    Code improvements due to a rewrite.
    New GitBook documentation.
    No longer working on a GUI version - not enough time to work on two different versions, tricky to implement in a GUI format, not cross-platform, and more confusing for the user downloading the software. More detail can be found here.


Titel: SecurStick 1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 19:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Es gibt Verbesserungen für die Windows-Versionen.
Falls der Benutzername ein erweitertes Zeichen enthält (z.B. ein Umlaut oder ein Zeichen mit Akzent), erscheint beim Kopieren einer Datei mittels Windows Explorer in den gesicherten Bereich die Meldung "Es befindet sich bereits eine Datei desselben Namens an diesem Ort.". Diese Meldung ist falsch und irreführend.
Wenn man "[Kopieren und ersetzen]" wählt, erscheint eine Fehlermeldung "Die Datei "xxx" ist zu groß für das Zieldateisystem.", selbst wenn die Datei nur wenige Bytes groß ist.
Die neue Version von SecurStick umgeht das Problem.
Unter Linux und macOS kann das Problem nicht auftreten, weil beide Systeme nicht in der Lage sind, Benutzernamen mit erweiterten Zeichen zu verwalten.

Titel: Kryptor 3.0.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 23:00
Whats new:>>

    Now including the vcruntime140.dll file in the Windows release so the application is portable without the Visual C++ runtime installed. I forgot to include this in v3.0.0 Beta
    Minor changes to -a|--about.

Titel: Kryptor 3.0.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Fix the UnauthorizedAccessException when overwriting read-only files. (DONE)
    Fix the UnauthorizedAccessException when storing the file name if the file is read-only. (DONE)
    Restore the -o|--overwrite setting if an exception occurs during directory encryption. (DONE)
    Display the copied/backup directory name when encrypting a directory without the -o|--overwrite option. (DONE)
    Rename the copied/backup directory to the original directory name if possible (if -f|--obfuscate is specified and -o|--overwrite is not). The directory cannot be renamed otherwise because two directories cannot have the same path. (DONE)

Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2021, 10:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2021, 21:45
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    New items in tray menu.
    Able to reset window location (from tray menu).
    Able to enable tray menu without enabling Minimize to tray/Close to tray settings.


    If app is completely out off screen at the start, window location will be reset automatically.
    Now settings from the Integration section will be applied at the app start, if settings file was imported.


    Connection error in updater (so maybe you need download this release manually).
    Bugs with some settings load.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.45.1556
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    New: Microsoft Teams integration
    Changed: Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.7.2
    Improved: Performance and stability regarding network locations
    Minor Bug fixes and improvements

Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 22:00
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source


    Performances improved thanks to a new way to call the XTS functions
    Performance fix for AES-NI (appeared in 2.6.0)
    Cancelled changes made in optimization script in 2.6.0


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 00:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Improved Context Menu: While fixing a bug here, we enhanced the context menu of the vault list with every important action you can perform with a vault. (#1595)
    Reveal via Masterkey File: Double-clicking a masterkey file can now directly reveal the mount location, if the vault is already added and unlocked. (#176)


    Fixed prevention of application start due to failed update check (#1245)
    Fixed prevention of application start due to enforced UTF-8 encoding on Windows with non-Latin language setting (#1465)
    Fixed removal of unlocked vault from vault list that shouldn't be possible (#1478)
    Fixed confusing JVM error message during application start when JRE 8 was installed on the system (#1469)
    Fixed missing files/folders containing characters from higher unicode planes (e.g., emojis) on macOS (#961)


    Updated to JDK 16 (#1587)


Titel: Qana 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 22:00
Qana is a Java application that encrypts files, text and archives (hierarchically structured sets of files) with a symmetric-key cipher based on established cryptographic algorithms: the scrypt key derivation function and the Fortuna cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator, with a choice of AES-256 or Salsa20 as the underlying cipher.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    The directories of the key database and the seed file now default to the configuration directory, which makes it easier to keep the three auxiliary files -- the configuration file, the key database and the seed file -- in the same directory.
    The unavailable bits of the entropy sources in the preferences dialog are now shown as disabled.

Titel: CryptSync 1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 20:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Whats new:>>

enhancement: Button "Run in background" starts full-sync (and also closing the window)
enhancement: Have to continuously delete & recreate pairs
fixed: a bug with auto sync

Titel: Encrypt Care 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 22:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

• Added dark theme.
• Added TripleDes and Twofish algorithms.
• New dialog to add files and folders.
• Improved error control.
• Improved support of high DPI resolution.
• Improved program performance and CPU usage.
• Minor user interface improvements.
• Fixed bug with drag and drop files.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2021, 19:00


    Paste Board function #53


    Bug with disappearing text after showing app from the tray.
    Bug when after file locking was possible to open app settings from the app tray menu.


Titel: Passware Encryption Analyzer 2021.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2021, 22:00
Passware Encryption Analyzer scans your PC for encrypted files, documents, etc., and gives you insight into protection methods as well as the type of encryption.

This Windows Explorer-like utility can be helpful for scoping out vulnerabilities in the encryption you have present so you can bolster or change it to a more secure form. It can also confirm that your password protected files still are still actually password protected. If an area is discovered to be lacking, you will need to use an applicable third party software to recover those passwords for instance as this utility is a scanner only.


Titel: SecurStick 1.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2021, 11:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source

Was ist neu :>>

Diese Version enthält die Korrektur eines Fehlers, der sich in Version 1.1.1 eingeschlichen hat. Er tritt vorwiegend mit den 64-Bit-Versionen auf und kann zu einem Programmabsturz führen.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1617.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2021, 12:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

AXC:831: Implement new design in windows

Titel: ACodec 2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2021, 11:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3



    Fixed some duplicate mnemonics in the english language GUI.

    Linux only:

    added a dedicated acodecw.sh shell script to launch the GUI version;
    modified acodec.sh to launch only the console version.


Titel: Enigma 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2021, 12:00
A simple and straightforward application for personal use that allows you to quickly encrypt and decrypt various files with well-known algorithms.

MIT License


    Added library inih (ini file loader)
    Added Config class which loads config ini file
    Now window settings will be loaded from config file in ./Resources/Config/WindowSettings.ini
    Added hardware analytics next to window title if enabled in window settings config file (FPS, RAM & CPU Usage)
    Enabled swap interval to keep FPS 30 by default
    Added networking libraries curl, cpr (plus zlib, mbedtls for Linux builds)
    Added Check for updates functionality in menu bar help -> Check for updates
    Removed Unused resources


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2021, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


What's New

    Improved VaultLocationScreen in AddVault Workflow: New default providers, higher focus on the storage path, and unified design. (#1620, #1621)
    Renamed Donation Key: It's now called a "Supporter Certificate", addressing community concerns about misinterpretation. (#1613)
    Observed Vaults: GUI reacts to external unmount events of unlocked vaults by locking those and showing correct vault status. (#1508)


    Fixed creation of invalid relative symlinks (#1612)


    Updating to JavaFX 16


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2021, 22:00
Whats new:>>

Fixes #1627: Too low timeout threshold led to unlockable vaults on slower systems

Titel: ProxyCrypt 2.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2021, 10:00
ProxyCrypt is a command-line utility that can be used to encrypt entire volumes not only within the hard drive but even inside a single file. It's dedicated to paranoid users looking to maximize their security when it comes to sensitive content.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Added a sound ("bell" character) in case of password or hash file error

Titel: FinalCrypt 6.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2021, 00:00
FinalCrypt is designed to be as easy as possible for home users offering a good looking Graphical User Interface with user guidance and a professional Command Line Interface for IT professionals to automate reporting, encryption & decryption

License: GPLv3


Added "Non MAC Mode" to "Auto Key Mode" for pro's
"Non MAC Mode" already worked in "Manual Key Mode"
"Non MAC Mode" only available on the command line
"Non MAC Mode" is only meant for security experts
Added the following "--print" commandline options
"--print-horizontal", "--print-vertical" (default)

Fix "Non Mac Mode" key size disregarding MAC size
This update makes it impossible to distinct between
Non MAC encrypted files and corresponding key files

Please see http://www.finalcrypt.org/faq.php#t25


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2021, 20:30
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Cryptainer LE 15.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2021, 12:00
Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.


Titel: ACodec 2.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Minor improvements and updates.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.374
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 23:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    New: An option to automatically log on the current Windows user.
    New: The "OU user manager" system privilege.
    New: Added the "Member of" tab in the group properties window.
    New: The XML export and import of all data in a database.
    New: An option to export file attachments.
    New: An option to extract all file attachments contained in a folder and its child folders.
    New: An option to view, block, unblock IP addresses in the Connections window.
    Updated: Display progress information when a database integrity check or rebuilding is performed.
    Updated: Display a database ID in the database properties window.
    Updated: Display a progress bar during export.
    Updated: When exporting or printing, display a warning if some data can't be processed due to lack of permissions.
    Updated: Improved drag-n-drop of user accounts in User management.
    Updated: In the "IP address has been blocked" warning message include a user account name which has caused the blocking.
    Updated: Allow administrators to delete databases which are in the error state.
    Fixed: The buttons layout of the file list in the Web interface.
    Fixed: Unable to turn off the "Remember the last logged-on user name" option in the Web interface.
    Fixed: The default LDAP port.
    Fixed: Display of the wait mouse cursor.
    Fixed: The default OU when adding a user account.
    Fixed: Resizing of the record properties window.
    Fixed: The upgrade of database structure in some cases.
    Fixed: Various minor bugs.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.375
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: The delete button is grayed out for a database in the error state.
    Fixed: The upgrade of database structure from version 3.0 or earlier in some cases.
    Fixed: Handling of very big text in protected fields.
    Fixed: The "(Memo)" text instead of actual data in the export results.

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 11:30
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This is big update that includes many performance improvements. Please note that functionality of the app is untouched, we are just optimizing!
- Removed subscription offer. Since we no longer send newsletter by email we will not disturb you with the screen that offers email subscription.
- Removed offer to download and install our other apps. This screen was mostly disturbing than helpful.
- The program will not collect anonymous usage statistics anymore.
- Changed interval for checks for free updates, previously it was once per 5 days, and now it's once per 14 days.
- Removed several useless links in the menu of the application, making interface light.
- Removed 2K of programming codes that no longer in use.
- Fixed bug that shows message of incorrect setup size.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.376
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

    fixed: In some cases corruption of a text stored in a data field if the text's size is larger than 2000 and national characters are used.
    fixed: Import of big text fields.
    updated: Display a warning if a text is truncated during import.

Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2021, 10:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Whats new:>>


    Using command line in version 1.3.5 causes exception 0xc0000409 bug

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.377
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Export of search results.

Titel: Enigma 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2021, 11:00
A simple and straightforward application for personal use that allows you to quickly encrypt and decrypt various files with well-known algorithms.

MIT License


    Fixed Clang compilation issue on linux requires pic flag '-fPIC' for libraries (inih, curl, zlib, mbedlts)
    Added CLI option --check-for-updates which checks for updates when using CLI
    Upgraded imgui library from 1.79 to 1.81 (master branch)
    Upgraded spdlog library from 1.8.0 to 1.8.2
    Upgraded curl library from 7.74.0 to 7.75.0
    Upgraded glfw library from 3.3.0 to 3.3.3
    Added SQLite3 Database system to save, import and export encryption records
    Now heavy work is being done in background (parallel)
    Now Back button for each scene is placed in the top left instead of bottom to save space
    New CLI Option --list or -l which lists all saved encryption records in a table
    Ability to decrypt encryption record from database
    Upgraded premake5 from 5.0.0-alpha15 to 5.0.0-alpha16
    Switched Algorithms from CBC padding to Authentication encyrption EAX (TripleDES-CBC to TripleDES-EAX, IDEA-CBC to IDEA-EAX, ChaCha20 to ChaCha20Poly1305)
    Added Blowfish-EAX Algorithm
    Changed logging format
    Now buffer is always compressed by default before encrypting
    Now algorithm is auto-detected by default when decrypting, which removes the "detect algorithm used for encryption button"


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.46.1654
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    New: On-demand files support for OwnCloud, NextCloud and iCloud Drive
    Fixed: Cannot delete files in Azure Files locations
    Fixed: Cannot create Whisply links for files in OneDrive shared drives
    Fixed: Do not use drive letters of disconnected network shares
    Fixed: Google Drive must be re-linked after some time
    Minor bugfixes and improvements

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1618.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 13:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

    Minor update with usability enhancements:

    AXC-875: Swap the add more users and priority support button positions
    AXC-895: Expired subscription popup in windows app

Titel: CryptoStuff 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2021, 11:30
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

    Added : Multiple files input for the selected algorithm
    Added : Elliptic cryptography: ECDSA, ECGDSA, ECNR, ECIES, ed25519
    Added Hash : SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256
    Added CRC32 : user custom polynom support
    Added Block Cipher : CHAM 64, CHAM 128, Hight, LEA, Simeck 32, Simeck 64
    Added Stream Cipher : ChaCha IETF, XChaCha20, Rabbit, HC-128, HC-256, Sosemanuk

Titel: SecretFolder v7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2021, 20:00
SecretFolder is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder out from the other users. It provides immediate data protection (protect and unprotect commands are executed in no time).


Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bug
Internal function stabilization

Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 14.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2021, 20:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Whats new:>>

FIX: English language could not be enforced on some systems;

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 09:00
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed: When encrypting filename, and file was empty, it was not decrypted
    Fixed: Uninstalls shell extension correctly

Titel: ScrambleOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 20:00
Easily protect your sensitive text strings with this scrambling utility that will offer easy encryption through predefined hotkeys with password confirmation.


• Encrypt any text using secure encryption.
• Decrypt text which has been encrypted using ScrambleOnClick.
• Use with any email program as well as document programs like Word.
• Clipboard viewer.
• Ctrl-W to wipe the clipboard contents at any time.
• Use either a keyboard shortcut or the ScrambleOnClick Tray menu to encrypt and decrypt.
• Define different keys for friends, colleagues, business etc.
• Master Password protects other people from using Encryption Keys.
• Password hints to help the user remember the password they have saved.


Whats new:>>

    Updated: Less likely to get Access Denied error when using clipboard
    Updated: Improved user interface to use Segoe UI font (and slightly larger size)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.380
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2021, 21:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    New: Option to request password change, disable, enable multiple user accounts at once.
    New: Greek translation by Evgenii Frolov.
    Updated: Do not ask administrator permissions when the Crypt-o Client language is changed.
    Fixed: The "Security context data too big" error during automatic log on in some cases.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.47.1745
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2021, 23:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Connection issues on Windows 7
    Improved: DPI awareness
    Minor bugfixes and improvements

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.381
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    More measures to prevent form filling in the Web interface.

Titel: BoxCryptor 2.47.1752
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Driver installation could fail when upgrading from specific version

Titel: Kryptor 3.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3


    Validation for file paths now happens before being asked to enter a password.
    Added empty directory validation.
    Added a validation check for a salt file when encrypting directories.
    Added a validation check for a salt file when decrypting directories using a private key.
    The total number of files count is no longer reduced when a file is invalid (e.g. already encrypted).​
    Removed error logging. It is not needed, and the log file never got shared in bug reports.
    Added a private key encryption example to -h|--help to clarify that you do not need to specify your public key when encrypting files for yourself.
    Simplified the examples in -h|--help.
    Reworded several error messages.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.382
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: More measures to prevent form filling in the Web interface.

Titel: ACodec 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added Base45 algorithm.
    Added character counters for both input and output fields.
    Added File > Load input and File > Save output functions.
    Fixed line breaks handling while processing files:
        encoders write the system-specific line break;
        decoders accept (ignore) CR and LF characters.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.383
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Clearing of unused memory blocks not worked.

Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2021, 19:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2021, 20:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


    FakeVim mode to enable editing files with Vim-like interface
    The lock icon has been replaced with a page and lock with the higher quality of the image.
    Botan has been updated to version 2.18.1
    The build system has been improved to support more distributions
    Bug fix: Opening search dialog by using 'CTRL-F' doesn't focus on the find text field


Titel: ACodec 2.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2021, 22:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added release package for macOS-AArch64 (Apple M Series).
    Minor GUI fixes.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.385
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 22:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    Fixed: Display of virtual keyboard for protected fields in the Web interface on mobile phones.
    Fixed: Notifications about user actions.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.386
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

New: The "Allow legacy versions of TLS protocol" option for the Web interface. It is disabled by default.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.387
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Updated: Include the client's version number for the logon/logoff events in the System Audit log.
    Fixed: Search by a text in the object title in the Audit log did not work in some cases.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.24 Update 9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2021, 10:30
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

        Speed optimization of Streebog.
        Update translations.


        Add support for Windows on ARM64 (e.g. Microsoft Surface Pro X) but system encryption not yet supported.
        Add MSI installer for silent mode deployment (ACCEPTLICENSE=YES must be set in msiexec command line).
        Reduce time of mount when PRF auto-detection is selected.
        Replace insecure wcscpy/wcscat/strcpy runtime functions with secure equivalents.
        Fix failure to load local HTML documentation if application running with administrative privileges
        Fix freeze when password dialog displayed in secure desktop and try to access token keyfiles protected by PIN
        Fix failure to launch keyfile generator in secure desktop mode
        Block Windows from resizing system partition if it is encrypted
        Add keyboard shortcut to "TrueCrypt mode" in the mount dialog.


        Add UI language support using installed XML files. Language is automatically detected using "LANG" environment variable
        Compatiblity with with pam_tmpdir.


        Make system devices work under FreeBSD


        Add basic support of OpenBSD


Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.389
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2021, 11:00
Whats new:>>


    Inability to enter a password in the Web interface on iOS devices.

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2021, 20:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.



This update fixes issue with blink of main screen.


Titel: Encoding Decoding Free 3.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2021, 18:30
Encoding Decoding Free is a free, easy, fast, and secure way to encode and decode any file, which integrates seamlessly into Windows Explorer.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2021, 11:30
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Reworked Health Check Workflow (#1712)
Added two additional Health Checks
Animated Spinner Icon (#1728 )
IPC based on Unix Sockets instead of IP (#1589 )
Activate FUSE only if macFUSE 4.0.4 is present (adresses #1406)
Create and sign installers in main repository (#1744)
Package Windows installer as MSI


Titel: EncFS MP 0.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2021, 22:00
EncFSMP can create, mount and edit EncFS (encrypted file system) folders on Windows and Mac OS X.

MIT License


Update PFM to, fixing issues with MacOS 10.13 and Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (tickets #81 and #83).


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2021, 19:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: File Lock PEA 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2021, 10:00
Protect your file by encrypting their contents and decrypt individual items or entire folders, with this lightweight and portable Java-based application.

License: GPL

Titel: Image Lock PEA 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2021, 11:10
Image Lock PEA protects photos, drawings, and documents with a password. Thanks to the integrated viewer the images are never stored unencrypted on the hard disk, but are held only in the memory.

License: Open Source

Titel: Enigma 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2021, 12:00
A simple and straightforward application for personal use that allows you to quickly encrypt and decrypt various files with well-known algorithms.

MIT License


    Upgraded portable-file-dialogs library after issue samhocevar/portable-file-dialogs#50 Fixed
    Upgraded ImGui library from 1.81 to 1.83 (master branch)
    Now file paths are runtime detected (which solves the issue of calling CLI from an external folder doesn't work properly)
    Added ability to drop files in window to Encrypt or Decrypt
    Added Password Generator Tool
    Added Hashing Tool
    Added System & Hardware Information Tool
    Started Doxygen Documentation (~0.25% Documented)


Titel: Cryptainer LE 15.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2021, 19:00
Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 15.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2021, 19:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: EncrypIT 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2021, 22:00
Enhance your use of the Encryption File System (EFS), with this dedicated application that offers a simplified solution for both encryption and decryption.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    New Functionality:

    Encrypt or Decrypt multiple files and directories through drag and drop
    Grant or Revoke Access to more than one users selected file(s)
    Added a button to display encrypted file information

Titel: EncrypIT 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2021, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    New Features:

    Users can now choose where to save their backup key file
    Users can set their own password or auto-generate a password to protect their key file

Titel: ACodec 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added two new options to the CLI:

        -e Produce detailed execution error messages.
        -d Produce execution debug output.
    Improved error handling.
    Minor improvements.

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.02.11 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2021, 10:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

    Improved support for keyboards, on-screen keyboards and mice at boot time
    Fixed occasional app crash in Simple Interface

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.25 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2021, 20:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

    Speed optimization of Streebog.
    Update translations.


    Add support for Windows on ARM64 (e.g. Microsoft Surface Pro X) but system encryption not yet supported.
    Add MSI installer for silent mode deployment (ACCEPTLICENSE=YES must be set in msiexec command line).
    For now, MSI installer cannot be used if system partition is encrypted with VeraCrypt
    Drop support of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows 8 is now the minimum supported Windows version.
    Reduce time of mount when PRF auto-detection is selected.
    Fix potential memory corruption in driver caused by integer overflow in IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES (reported by Ilja van Sprundel).
    Replace insecure wcscpy/wcscat/strcpy runtime functions with secure equivalents.

    EFI Bootloader:

    Fix memory leak in some cases caused by wrong check of pointer for calling MEM_FREE
    Clear bootParams variable that may contain sensitive information when halting the system in case of fatal error
    Add option "KeyboardInputDelay" in DcsProp to control the minimum delay supported between two key strokes
    Fix failure to load local HTML documentation if application running with administrative privileges
    Fix freeze when password dialog displayed in secure desktop and try to access token keyfiles protected by PIN
    Fix failure to launch keyfile generator in secure desktop mode
    Block Windows from resizing system partition if it is encrypted
    Add keyboard shortcut to "TrueCrypt mode" in the mount dialog.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2021, 21:30
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Mitigated the Dokany related timeout of a vault unlock by increasing threshold to 20s.
Fixed vault corrupting bug appeared during rename of files with very long names.


Titel: EncrypIT 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2021, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Recursive Tick Box Added to recursively Encrypt or Decrypt the contents of a directory
    Added error handling
    Added some input validation

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed unlocking vault via WebDAV on macOS Big Sur
    FUSE requires at least macFUSE 4.0.4 (addresses #1406)

Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 15.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2021, 21:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Whats new:>>

Added the ability to decrypt texts encrypted by the Paranoia C4 (2048 bit) algorithm which is a cascade of Threefish–Serpent–AES–SHACAL2 (encryption is available in PRO version);

Titel: Cryptomator 1.5.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2021, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed inaccessible files/directories containing % via WebDAV.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.390
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2021, 23:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Folder owners were not able to edit the folder notifications.

Titel: SECRET 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 21:00
SECRET is an easy-to-use multi-platform command-line encryption tool. SECRET makes use as easy as possible since it comes as a standalone binary file that doesn't require installation, all you need to do is copy the file to some path and run it directly from there.

License: Open Source

Titel: Encrypt Care 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2021, 19:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

• Added tab for settings.
• Added buttons for checksum calculation.
• Updated user interface.
• Improved program performance.
• Improved logging and error control.
• Resolved problem with generating checksum for text.
• Minor fixes and improvements.

Titel: Cryptosystem ME6 14.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2021, 12:00
Encrypt or decrypt one or more files by creating a random or a customized key, in a few easy steps using this handy software solution.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.48.1906
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Added: Support for new Google Drive client
    Improved: Network location performance and startup time
    Minor bugfixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2021, 12:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Added additional Google Drive default location (#1740)
Remember app window size and position, add full screen mode and allow additional window resizing (#1733)
Add plugin dir (#1756)
Added PPA release to CI (#1791)
Fixed Bug when renaming long named files into other long named ones (see #1770)
Added two more tests in the Health Check


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2021, 23:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed "Mount Timed Out" (#1783)
    Fixed display issues (#1242, #1591)
    Fixed paths containing emojis (#1153)
    Updated localization

Titel: BestCrypt 9.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 22:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Updated to include BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5. Click here to review Release Notes.
    Updated to include BestCrypt Data Shelter utility to protect data from unauthorized access, even when it's actively in use.*

Titel: Enigma 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 11:30
A simple and straightforward application for personal use that allows you to quickly encrypt and decrypt various files with well-known algorithms.

MIT License


    Changed CLI option --mode,-m to --algorithm,-a
    Fix check for updates bug reporting false new version availability
    Proceeded Doxygen Documentation (~0.60% Documented)


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed launch problems using Linux (#1814, #1815)

Titel: Kryptor 3.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3


    Fixed a bug when encrypting/decrypting 0 byte files (please see #27).
    Fixed a bug related to renaming duplicated files (please see #28).
    Added a 'Deriving encryption key from the password...' message to explain the key derivation delay.
    Added 'Encrypting [file] => [file.kryptor]...' and 'Decrypting [file.kryptor] => [file]...' messages to indicate that Kryptor is doing something rather than frozen when encrypting/decrypting large files.
    Added 'Commencing encryption of [directory] directory...' and 'Commencing decryption of [directory] directory...' messages to help separate the folder encryption output from the file encryption output.
    Now displaying the name of randomly generated keyfiles.
    The -s|--sign and -v|--verify validation has been improved.
    Fixed an UnauthorizedAccessException when trying to randomly generate a keyfile to a path where a keyfile by that name already exists.
    Various code improvements, although there's still lots to go through. More code improvements will be coming in the next release.


Titel: File Lock PEA 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2021, 19:00
Protect your file by encrypting their contents and decrypt individual items or entire folders, with this lightweight and portable Java-based application.

License: GPL

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

    Updated dependencies and translations
    Fixed minor regressions due to updated dependencies

Titel: Hat.sh 2.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2021, 21:00
A simple encrypting and decrypting tool that allows you to safely manage and hide the contents of your files, and automatically generates new encryption keys.

MIT License   /  Donationware

Whats new:>>

    End to End testing with Cypress.
    OS-level virtualization with Docker.
    Show notification when copy to clipbaord.
    Documentation enhancement.
    Bug fixes and code review.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.3.395
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2021, 23:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    New: Option to set an expiration date for passwords of user accounts.
    New: Option to prevent usage of previous password for user accounts.
    New: The Favorites menu in the Crypt-o client.
    New: Option to create shortcut records which point to other records or folders.
    New: The Back and Forward navigation buttons.
    New: Field option "OTP generator", which allows you to store and use TOTP code generators for use in other services.
    Updated: It is possible to paste Crypt-o file attachments in an external application.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Updated dependencies and translations
    Fixed minor regressions due to updated dependencies
    Fixed #1828 - Use JDK 17

Titel: EncryptOnClick Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2021, 19:00
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Whats new:>>

Updated: Recompiled using latest compiler

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.49.1965
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2021, 11:30
Whats new:>>

New: Windows 11 support
Fixed: Microsoft Teams private channels are not correctly auto-detected
Fixed: Multiple mirrored Google Drive accounts are not correctly auto-detected
Changed: Temporarily disabled recycle bin support on Windows 11 due to compatibility issues
Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2021, 11:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Updated translations
    Updated fuse libraries, containing upstream fix for CVE-2014-4043


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 10:00

    What's New:

    Vault Format 8 (cryptomator/cryptofs#95)
    Masterkey file can now be located and loaded outside of the vault (#96)
    Note: When upgrading a vault from an older version of Cryptomator, you have to upgrade the vault to the latest version, which is not backwards-compatible.
    Vault Health Check: You can now check the integrity of the vault structure via the Vault Options in the General tab. (#312, #1224, #1712)
    Auto Lock: Option to lock idle vaults automatically (#1603)
    Plugin API: You can now easily add plugins to Cryptomator to enhance its functionality (#1756)
    Window Management: Size and position is now remembered, full screen mode has been added, resizing is now possible on more edges/corners (#1733)


    Improved filename length limitation (#1617)
    Fixed missing files/folders containing characters from higher unicode planes (e.g., emojis) on macOS (#961)
    Added additional Google Drive default location for new Google Drive tool (#1740)
    Fixed renaming of directories and symlinks with long names (#1770, also backported to 1.5.x)
    Fixed timeout of vault unlock action when Dokany is used (#1783)
    Fixed display issues (#1242, #1591)
    Fixed access to paths containing emojis (#1153)
    Fixed unchanging menu bar icon on macOS when using dark theme (#1404)


    Added animated spinner icon for improved progress indication (#1728)
    IPC is now based on Unix domain sockets instead of TCP/IP (#1589)
    Windows installer is now packaged as MSI, without third party libraries
    Installers are now built and signed in main repository (#1744, #1791)
    Updated to JDK 17


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.396
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 11:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    New: Support for ECDSA certificates for the Web interface.
    Updated: Force ECDHE and DHE for TLS on Crypt-o Server.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed compatibility issues between Android and Desktop application (#1843)

Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 10:00
Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.398
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Latvian translation.

Titel: BestCrypt 9.06.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 22:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Ready for Windows 11
    Added ability to encrypt files in folders from the right-click menu
    Added ability to automatically wipe Thumbnail Cache when dismounting BestCrypt containers
    Fixed minor issues with BestCrypt and BCWipe localizations

Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 15.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 23:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 15.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2021, 11:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2021, 19:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>


Fixed application start if IPC file already exists (#1852, kudos to @barthr)
Fixed unshown GUI caused by the KWallet plugin (#1866)
Fixed error code generation (follow-up of #1741)
Fixed menu bar icon not following system scheme on macOS (#1404)


Minimum required Windows version set to Windows 10 Version 1803
Updated script for local builds (#1850)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>


    Fixed broken vault creation (#1887)


    Updated translations

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 12:00
EncryptOnClick provides you with an easy-to-use file/folder encryption/decryption utility that employs 256-bit AES encryption as well as simultaneously compressing the target file/folder. It is compatible with various modern compression utilities making it versatile as well as secure.


Titel: ScrambleOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 18:30
Easily protect your sensitive text strings with this scrambling utility that will offer easy encryption through predefined hotkeys with password confirmation.


• Encrypt any text using secure encryption.
• Decrypt text which has been encrypted using ScrambleOnClick.
• Use with any email program as well as document programs like Word.
• Clipboard viewer.
• Ctrl-W to wipe the clipboard contents at any time.
• Use either a keyboard shortcut or the ScrambleOnClick Tray menu to encrypt and decrypt.
• Define different keys for friends, colleagues, business etc.
• Master Password protects other people from using Encryption Keys.
• Password hints to help the user remember the password they have saved.


Titel: Encrypt Care v4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2021, 20:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Latest Changes

• Improvements to user interface.
• Improved file checksum generation in batch mode.
• Compatibility improvements for latest revision of Windows 11.

Titel: Encrypt Care v4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2021, 22:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Whats new:>>

• Added option to compute hash in lower case.
• Improved program performance.

Titel: SlunkCrypt 1.1 Build 2021-11-13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2021, 22:30
Protect your files from unwanted access, with this encryptor-decryptor tool that offers simple and efficient handling for both processes.

License: Open Source

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.399
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2021, 10:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.


    Fixed: "Access - Deny" permission reset when turning off inheritance.
    Fixed: Error when invoking Locate in the Audit log.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2021, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Backup of the vault config file (#1825)


    Fixed missing backup generation of the masterkey file (#1918)
    Fixed installation via PPA (#1905)
    Fixed vault state after failed force-lock (#1934)


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.04.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2021, 10:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

    Improved shell modules compatibility with x86 systems
    Improved Self-Encrypted Drives functionality
    Improved compatibility with volumes with non-default Allocation Unit Size
    Improved real-time status updating in the icon for Windows Tray
    Optimized memory usage for fsh.sys
    Fixed errors with Google Drive's virtual drive

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.25.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2021, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

        Speed optimization of Streebog.
        Update translations.


        Add support for Windows on ARM64 (e.g. Microsoft Surface Pro X) but system encryption not yet supported.
        Add MSI installer for silent mode deployment (ACCEPTLICENSE=YES must be set in msiexec command line).
            For now, MSI installer cannot be used if system partition is encrypted with VeraCrypt
            MSI installer requires Windows 10 or newer
        Drop support of Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 because of new requirement for driver code signing.
        Reduce time of mount when PRF auto-detection is selected.
        Fix potential memory corruption in driver caused by integer overflow in IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES (reported by Ilja van Sprundel).
        Replace insecure wcscpy/wcscat/strcpy runtime functions with secure equivalents.

        Changes to EFI bootloader:

            Fix memory leak in some cases caused by wrong check of pointer for calling MEM_FREE
            Clear bootParams variable that may contain sensitive information when halting the system in case of fatal error
            Add option "KeyboardInputDelay" in DcsProp to control the minimum delay supported between two key strokes
        Try to workaround Windows Feature Updates issues with system encryption by fixing of bootloader and SetupConfig.ini when system resumes or when session is opened/unlocked
        Fix failure to load local HTML documentation if application running with administrative privileges
        Fix freeze when password dialog displayed in secure desktop and try to access token keyfiles protected by PIN
        Fix failure to launch keyfile generator in secure desktop mode
        Block Windows from resizing system partition if it is encrypted
        Add keyboard shortcut to "TrueCrypt mode" in the mount dialog.


        Native support of Apple Silicon M1.
        Drop official support of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
        Add UI language support using installed XML files. Language is automatically detected using "LANG" environment variable
        Add CLI switch (--size=max) and UI option to give a file container all available free space on the disk where it is created.
        Return error if unknown filesystem value specified in CLI --filesystem switch instead of silently skipping filesystem creation.


        Add UI language support using installed XML files. Language is automatically detected using "LANG" environment variable
        Compatiblity with with pam_tmpdir.
        Display icon in notification area on Ubuntu 18.04 and newer (contibuted by https://unit193.net/).
        Add CLI switch (--size=max) and UI option to give a file container all available free space on the disk where it is created.
        Return error if unknown filesystem value specified in CLI --filesystem switch instead of silently skipping filesystem creation.


        Make system devices work under FreeBSD
        Add CLI switch (--size=max) and UI option to give a file container all available free space on the disk where it is created.
        Return error if unknown filesystem value specified in CLI --filesystem switch instead of silently skipping filesystem creation.


        Add basic support of OpenBSD
        Add CLI switch (--size=max) and UI option to give a file container all available free space on the disk where it is created.
        Return error if unknown filesystem value specified in CLI --filesystem switch instead of silently skipping filesystem creation.


Titel: CryptoStuff 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2021, 19:00
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

    Crypto: Basic sums (8,16,32 and 64 bits) added to checksums tab
    Crypto: Can display key information from key files (RSA and Elliptic)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2021, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: When multiple records are selected, apply only modified permissions.
    Fixed: An error while adding or removing database access for multiple users.

Titel: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2021, 09:01
USB Flash Security protects the data on your USB flash drive with a password.

Freeware (non-commercial and personal use. )

Whats new:>>

    Addition of write-protect function.
    Specification change to format with exFAT or NTFS.
    Change icon
    Specification change of supported OS(Windows XP/2000 are unsupported).

Titel: Enigma 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2021, 10:00
A simple and straightforward application for personal use that allows you to quickly encrypt and decrypt various files with well-known algorithms.

MIT License


    Reduced program CPU usage by adding GLFW 3+ glfwWaitEvents() in the main loop to wait for events.
    Remembering encrypted file extension for decryption.
    Fixed some typos in logs and message boxes.
    Handle abnormal exists to normally end program and release resources gracefully.
    Added keyboard shortcuts to main menu scene.
    Fixed ChaCha20Poly1305 bug
    Upgraded ImGui from v1.83 to v1.85
    Upgraded GLFW from v3.3.0 to v3.3.6
    Upgraded Crypto++ from v8.4 to v8.6


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.401
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Error while configuring an OTP generator for a time interval other than 30 seconds.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 20:00

This is a hotfix release for #1961.

Users affected by this bug need to run the Vault Health Check tool and fix all warnings with org.cryptomator.health.shortend.TrailingBytesInNameFile….

    Files with long names disappear when placed inside a vault on next unlock (#1961)


    Updated logback dependency to fix vulnerability (LOGBACK-1591)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.402
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 23:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Error when creating a portable/offline version if the passwords history option is enabled.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.403
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: In some cases "View blocked IP addresses" is not active.

Titel: ACodec 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2021, 10:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Fixed #9 (occasional crash).
    Updated dependencies.

Titel: PDFEncrypt 1.0.7258.26625
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 19:00
Encrypt your most important PDF documents with the help of this tool that offers a password generator and four different encryption algorithms.

License: AGPL

Titel: EncryptedRegView v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2022, 21:00
EncryptedRegView is a tool for Windows that scans the Registry of your current running system or the Registry of external hard drive you choose and searches for data encrypted with DPAPI (Data Protection API). When it finds encrypted data in the Registry, it tries to decrypt it and displays the decrypted data in the main window of EncryptedRegView. With this tool, you may find passwords and other secret data stored in the Registry by Microsoft products as well as by 3-party products.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed the external drive feature to work properly if you sign in with Microsoft account.
    Be aware that in order to decrypt DPAPI-encrypted information created while you signed in with Microsoft account (On Windows 10 or Windows 11), you have to provide the random DPAPI password generated for your Microsoft account instead of the actual login password. You can find this random DPAPI password with the MadPassExt tool.
    Fixed bug: EncryptedRegView failed to handle properly large Registry values with more than 16344 bytes on external Registry files.

Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor 1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2022, 22:00
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed the external drive feature to work properly if you sign in with Microsoft account.
    Be aware that in order to decrypt DPAPI-encrypted information created while you signed in with Microsoft account (On Windows 10 or Windows 11), you have to provide the random DPAPI password generated for your Microsoft account instead of the actual login password. You can find this DPAPI password with the MadPassExt tool.

Titel: CryptSync 1.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 22:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.

Titel: Kryptor 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2022, 11:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    Non-interactive password support, meaning you can now do -p:"[password]" instead of entering the password interactively. To randomly generate a password, you can type a space: -p:" ". However, entering a password interactively is still more secure as it hides your password and avoids using a string variable.
    Exporting the recovered public key from -r|--recover to a .public file if one does not exist in the same directory as the .private key file.
    Automatic vcruntime140.dll extraction on Windows to always ensure that the libsodium cryptographic library is portable.
    -u|--update can now install updates for you. This checks the download signatures automatically, ensuring authenticity and integrity, and replaces the kryptor executable in place.
    Coloured error messages (red) and successful messages (green). Blue and orange are also used but rarely.
    A note in -h|--help about having to surround file names/paths with "speech marks".


    Switched to .NET 6.
    The -f|--obfuscate option has been renamed to -n|--names. I will now be calling it file name encryption rather than file name obfuscation.
    Path.GetRandomFileName() is no longer being used because the documentation was updated to remove the claim that it is cryptographically secure.
    It is now possible to sign .signature files.
    The spacing in the output text has been changed to try and make things more readable.
    File names in the output text are now surrounded by "speech marks" to help distinguish them from other text.


    The authenticated comment is no longer shown if it is empty when verifying a signature.
    Folders containing only empty subdirectories are now detected as containing no files, leading to an error.
    String.Replace() is no longer used for file paths since it may cause problems by removing multiple parts of a string.
    Illegal file name characters are now removed from the file name before it is stored during file name encryption because this could cause issues decrypting the file on another operating system. This may be switched to an error in the future.
    The total count should now be correct when decrypting a directory with an incorrect salt length.
    Lots of code improvements to reduce the line count.
    Various error messages have been improved.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.404
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 10:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Updated: Increased the limit for the number of databases.

Titel: Encrypt Care 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 18:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Whats new:>>

• Added option to export hash for all text lines.
• Added support of long file paths (>260 characters).
• Improvements to user interface.
• Improved checksum computing process.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.25.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2022, 19:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

        Update translations.


        Restore support of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1.
            Windows 7 support requires that either KB3033929 or KB4474419 is installed.
            Windows Vista support requires that either KB4039648 or KB4474419 is installed.
        MSI installation only: Fix double-clicking .hc file container inserting %1 instead of volume name in path field.
        Advanced users: Add registry settings to control driver internal encryption queue to allow tuning performance for SSD disks and having better stability under heavy load.
            Under registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\veracrypt:
                VeraCryptEncryptionFragmentSize (REG_DWORD): size of encryption data fragment in KiB. Default is 256. Maximum is 2048.
                VeraCryptEncryptionIoRequestCount (REG_DWORD): maximum number of parallel I/O requests. Default is 16. Maximum is 8192.
                VeraCryptEncryptionItemCount (REG_DWORD): maximum number of encryption queue items processed in parallel. Default as well as maximum is half of VeraCryptEncryptionIoRequestCount.
            The triplet (FragmentSize=512, IoRequestCount=128, ItemCount=64) is an example of parameters that enhance sequential read speed on some SSD NVMe systems.
            Fix truncate text in installer for some languages.


        Fix resource files inside VeraCrypt application bundle (e.g. HTML documentation, languages XML files) being world-writable. (Reported by Niall O'Reilly)


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.05.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2022, 21:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

    Updated localization files - translations of version 5 to seven languages are now available
    Improved compatibility with Windows updates
    Improved SED encryption functionality

Titel: USB Flash Security
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 19:00
USB Flash Security protects the data on your USB flash drive with a password.

Freeware (non-commercial and personal use. )

Whats new:>>

Windows Server support

Titel: Hat.sh 2.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2022, 08:30
A simple encrypting and decrypting tool that allows you to safely manage and hide the contents of your files, and automatically generates new encryption keys.

MIT License   /  Donationware


    Critical bug fix that lead to file decryption errors, and file encryption in certain cases.

    Info :

    This error only occurred when the user encrypts a file, then immediately opens the decryption tab and tries to decrypt it, the file gets downloaded without being decrypted, and the progress bar on the page goes in an infinite loop. However the encrypted file is fine. and can be decrypted if page was refreshed or if the app was opened later to decrypt it. The apposite is true, if the user decrypts the file and immediately goes to encrypt a new one. This bug is only found in v2.2.2, v2.3.0, v2.3.1.


Titel: Notebook PEA 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 22:00
Create and encrypt text content by turning to this lightweight, reliable application that comes with a random password generator.


Whats new:>>

Setting of algorithms and parameters, key files can be added as a second security factor to the password.
Changing and installing languages, additional languages: TK, ES, FR, RU
Open encrypted files and initialize new files in the text editor.
GUI of text editor improved.
Convert HTML to RTF, option to automatically search for updates and other minor features.
Accessibility: Keyboard access improved.
Several minor bugfixes

Titel: SlunkCrypt 1.1.1 Build 2022-01-27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 12:00
Protect your files from unwanted access, with this encryptor-decryptor tool that offers simple and efficient handling for both processes.

License: Open Source

Titel: Hat.sh 2.3.3 npm install
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 11:00
A simple encrypting and decrypting tool that allows you to safely manage and hide the contents of your files, and automatically generates new encryption keys.

MIT License   /  Donationware


    Added page loading indicator.
    Multiple UI elements redesign.
    German translation (by stophecom).
    Fix file name encoding bug.
    Update packages.
    Code review, cleanup and bug fixes.


Titel: Boxcryptor 2.50.2196
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    New: Support for new MagentaCLOUD Sync Client
    Changed: App Protection will now reset app on consecutive failed unlock attempts
    Improved: Network location performance and stability
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

This is the last Boxcryptor version supporting Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.405
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2022, 23:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Fixed resetting values of data fields of types "Predefined values" and "Checkbox" in the Web interface.

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.25.8 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2022, 12:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


- Windows:

     * Make MSI installer compatible with system encryption.
     * Set minimum support for MSI installation to Windows 7.
     * Fix failure to create Traveler Disk when VeraCrypt is installed using MSI.
     * Fix double-clicking mounted drive in VeraCrypt UI not working in some special Windows configurations.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.406
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2022, 10:51
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Incorrect handling of protected fields when copying/moving records.

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2022, 12:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


Whats new:>>

In this release we are improving performance and security by removing some legacy code.

Titel: Encryption Tool 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 20:30
A simple and straightforward utility that enables you to encrypt and respectively, decrypt sensitive files that you need to share via online sources.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Fix entered passwords not matching showing operation completed dialogue.
    Fix releasing personal key preemptively when decrypting more than one nested folder.

Titel: Cryptainer LE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 22:00
Cryptainer LE erstellt virtuelle Safes zur sicheren Datenspeicherung. Sie können Ihre Dateien, Verzeichnis, Emails ganz einfach mit der Maus zur totalen Absicherung in Ihren Safe ziehen.

Cryptainer ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Dateien und Verzeichnisse auf allen Datenträgern, einschließliche Wechseldatenträgern (Flash, CD, DVD, USB usw) mit einem Passwortschutz zu versehen. Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie Ihre vertraulichen Dateien und Verzeichnisse vor fremden Augen schützen, indem Sie sie ganz einfach per Drag-'n'-Drop in Ihrem Safe ablegen, so einfach, voilà!

Mit Cryptainer LE können Sie verschlüsselte Dateien per Email versenden. Der Empfänger benötigt nur das korrekte Passwort, um die Datei zu entschlüsseln.


Titel: SecurePad 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2022, 07:00
SecurePad is a small-sized and intuitive plugin for Notepad++ users, which gives them the possibility to effortlessly encrypt and decrypt text using a password.


Whats new:>>

Recompiled with latest plugin files for compatibility with latest Notepad++ (8.3). Added arm64 version Updated to VS2022

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.25.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 22:30

    All OSes:
        Update translations (Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Turkish).
        Make MSI installer compatible with system encryption.
        Set minimum support for MSI installation to Windows 7.
        Fix failure to create Traveler Disk when VeraCrypt is installed using MSI.
        Don't cache the outer volume password when mounting with hidden volume protection if wrong hidden volume password was specified.
        Reduce the size of EXE installers by almost 50% by using LZMA compression instead of DEFLATE.
        Fix double-clicking mounted drive in VeraCrypt UI not working in some special Windows configurations.
        Add registry key to fix BSOD during shutdown/reboot on some machines when using system encryption.
            Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\veracrypt", create a REG_DWORD value named "VeraCryptEraseKeysShutdown".
            Setting this registry value to 0 disables erasing system encryption keys which is the cause of BSOD during shutdown on some machines.
        Fix hidden volume settings not correctly displayed when enabling hidden volume protection in mount options window.
        Fix generic Linux installer overwriting /usr/sbin if it is a symlink.
        Fix crash when building with _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS defined.
        Enable building from source without AES-NI support.
        Fix hidden volume settings not correctly displayed when enabling hidden volume protection in mount options window.


Titel: Encrypt Care 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2022, 22:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Whats new:>>

• Product is free for personal and commercial use.
• Updated user interface, new icons.
• Improvements to program performance.
• Compatibility improvements for Windows 11.

Titel: SecurePad 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed issue #13, regression form PR #12, completely replacing functionality with just the npp template code
    Adapted to size_t for documents greater 2GB

Titel: Hat.sh 2.3.5 npm install
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2022, 20:30
A simple encrypting and decrypting tool that allows you to safely manage and hide the contents of your files, and automatically generates new encryption keys.

MIT License   /  Donationware


    Update packages
    Slovak translation (by t0mzSK).
    Spanish translation (by Xurdejl).


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.26.0 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2022, 21:00

    All OSes:

    Add support for BLAKE2s as new PRF algorithm for both system encryption and standard volumes.
    Complete removal of RIPEMD16 and GOST89 algorithms. Legacy volumes using any of them cannot be mounted by VeraCrypt anymore.
    Add Corsican language support. Update translations (French, German, Russian).


    EFI Bootloader:

    Fix bug in PasswordTimeout value handling that caused it to be limited to 255 seconds.
    Rescue Disk: enhance "Boot Original Windows Loader" by using embedded backup of original Windows loader if it is missing from disk
    Addition of Blake2s and removal of RIPEMD160 & GOST89


Titel: ACodec 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2022, 13:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Automatic hiding of input text when output text is hidden. The reason behind this change is that when both the input text and the algorithm are visible, it's always immediate to determine the output knowing the input, so hiding the output only is meaningless and is only a potential security risk.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2022, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Update copyright years from 2021 to 2022 to reflect the new year by @httpjamesm in #2015
    Update JavaFX to 17.0.2 by @KarlKeu00 in #2031
    Add modules required for JFR by @overheadhunter in #2035
    Added error message if user tries to mount to occupied drive by @JaniruTEC in #2013
    Feature/win installbundle with winfsp by @infeo in #2072
    Deduplicate Freedesktop Metadata by @overheadhunter in #2073
    Feature/winfsp mountpoint by @infeo in #2082
    Update Cryptomator screenshots for flathub, taken of 1.6.5 by @purejava in #2095
    Build binary packages in separate workflows by @overheadhunter in #2103
    [Snyk] Security upgrade com.auth0:java-jwt from 3.18.3 to 3.19.0 by @snyk-bot in #2110
    Simplify async workflows by @overheadhunter in #1983
    Show vault locked/unlocked state in the vault title in the tray menu by @kevinstsauveur in #2101
    New Crowdin updates by @cryptobot in #1966


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 20:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2022, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Fixed "Child process exited with code 2" error on Windows #2138
    New Crowdin updates by @cryptobot in #2119
    Sign again tarball in release using GPG by @SailReal in #2140


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.06.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2022, 20:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

Minor improvements

Titel: EdoBrim 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2022, 11:00
A multi-function application that is used to protect files with user-defined passwords, send them through email, write notes and more.



* Added ProfitBrim with various economic calculations
*  Added a free open source program to open pdf
*  Fixed personal password not reading row with same "Domain or service". Now it also reads the emails and passwords registered with the same domain or service. Fixed Rubric, in Samurai Brim, because when reading a database of first and last names, the replicated first and last name was not added to the open address book. Actually it has to be added because it can also happen that two people are called the exact same way, of course everything is "said" by the program with a warning.
*  Slightly changed the column width in Ftp Upload
*  Added the Family business
*  Improved security in encryption of all types of files
* Improved security encryption in writer
* Added printer in writer
* Added the EDEN encryption (for all text), a new encryption by Edo!
* Improved encryption in SOT
* Improved encryption in Rubric
* Improved encryption in Personal Password
* Improved encryption in Family Business
* Improved encryption in Chat
* Fixed some bugs in general encryption
* Add take screenshot
* Fixed bug of encrypted databases that negatively affected the writer.
* Added, in the writer, text search functionality by choosing the color.
* Added ability to save dependency files to any location chosen by the user.
* Added My OS Version
* Added Check CR32 file
* Added Your CPU
* Added Get private ip and mac
* Added Desktop resolution
* Added a new program open source
* Added asterisks system to hide the password in Rubric
* Added asterisks system to hide the password in SOT
* Fixed dependency EdoBrimCrypter in "Remote and chat"


Titel: Encrypt Care 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2022, 20:00
Encrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify and export ckecksums.

Encrypt Care allows you to protect your data using the most powerful encryption algorithms, as well as protect your messages. Flexible options will help you to encrypt and decrypt your data in a matter of seconds.


Encrypt and decrypt text and messages
Encrypt and decrypt files - photos, documents, programs etc.
Generate and verify checksum of text and file
Generate and export checksums for multiple files
Supports various algorithms (AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, TEA)
Supports various hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)


Whats new:>>

    Improvements to user interface.
    Improvements to program performance.

Titel: Kryptor 3.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2022, 21:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    Files with a certain length would accidentally have the last 16,384 byte chunk removed during decryption due to a mathematical mistake that wasn't detected during any of my testing because of the file sizes of my test files. I'm extremely sorry for any trouble this causes . It's rather crushing as a maintainer when something like this happens, but I would like to again thank the person who reported this issue.
    Chocolatey installs hopefully won't have a vcruntime140.dll extraction error anymore. I'm also working on adding the package equivalent of this file as a dependency. This was also originally missed because I have this runtime installed on my machine.


    Encrypted files are no longer deleted by default when decrypting. The -o|--overwrite option now needs to be specified to do this.
    Illegal characters from file/directory names are now rejected with an error rather than being silently removed. As this was taken from a v4 commit, with v4 encrypting directories differently, this change won't work with subdirectories.
    'Decrypting private key...' is displayed instead of 'Deriving encryption key from password...' for private key decryption to avoid confusion.
    The user is now told to back up the private key file when generating a new key pair.
    The user is now told to back up the keyfile when generating a random keyfile.
    The dependencies and vcruntime140.dll files have been updated.
    Publish profiles have been added for Linux ARM64 and macOS ARM64 to build from source more easily. Builds for these platforms may be included in releases for v4 onwards.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2022, 21:00

What's New

    UI language choosable in preferences window ( #2106 )
    Added "Interface" tab in preferences window ( #2173 )
    Added --version command line option ( #2064 )
    Prevent vault recovery with different recovery key ( #2076 )

What's Fixed

    Gaps within a file inside a vault might not be filled with NIL bytes ( #2205 )
    False Password strength rating ( #979 )
    Second Icon in taskbar on elementaryOS ( #1955 )
    Undecorated and not clickable window on elementaryOS ( #1432 )
    Wrong WM_CLASS for app on Linux ( #956 )
    Udated MacOS installer license

What's Changed

    Rename .exe Installer Bundle by @overheadhunter in #2145
    Refactored Launcher Component Graph by @overheadhunter in #2139
    Add Language Chooser by @overheadhunter in #2150
    Prevent key recovery for foreign vault by @overheadhunter in #2161
    Moved interface preferences to its own tab by @overheadhunter in #2173
    Added "--version" (short: "-v") by @JaniruTEC in #2064
    Add additional GTK2 launcher to AppImage by @overheadhunter in #2105
    Generate license on demand by @infeo in #2189
    Prefer binary stylesheets by @overheadhunter in #2175
    New Crowdin updates by @cryptobot in #2146
    Integrations API 1.1.0 by @overheadhunter in #2096


Titel: SlunkCrypt 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 10:00
Protect your files from unwanted access, with this encryptor-decryptor tool that offers simple and efficient handling for both processes.

License: Open Source

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2022, 22:00
Whats new:>>


File truncation when the new size is larger than the current file size and FUSE is used to mount the vault #2218

Titel: ACodec 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2022, 21:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Mainteinance release: updated dependencies.

Titel: BestCrypt 9.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2022, 19:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Updated BestCrypt Volume Encryption modules
    Updated to include the newest BCWipe Privacy Guard tool
    Updated BCWipe modules
    Fixed error creating a hidden part

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1629.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2022, 09:12
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

    AXC-965: Change password button redirect to account site
    AXC-1142: Design changes in desktop apps
    AXC-1154: Redesign the key sharing in desktop
    AXC-1161: Update copyrights year to 2022
    AXC-1182: Restrict free users to use secure delete from file explorer
    AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.51.2468
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2022, 19:00

    New: Device Codes as second factor for authentication on other devices
    New: Support for GMX Cloud and Web.de Online-Speicher
    Fixed: Compatibility issues with Windows Search
    Fixed: Compatibility issues with Recycle Bin on Windows 11
    Fixed: Google Drive shortcuts to filename encrypted folders
    Improved: Microsoft Teams channel detection
    Changed: Dropped Support for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
    Changed: Upgraded from CBFS Connect 2017 to CBFS Connect 2020 (v20.0.8132)
    Changed: Use WebView2 instead of Chromium Embedded Framework
    Changed: Updater now checks daily for new updates
    Removed: Creation of new local accounts. Existing local accounts including key exports are not affected by this change.
    Improved: Greatly reduced MSI installer size
    Minor bug fixes and improvements


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2022, 19:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Date time insert #53


    Increased font size in password enter windows.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.409
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2022, 22:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "Access violation" error during import in some cases.

Titel: Boxcryptor 2.52.2484
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Cut and paste of folders from the Boxcryptor drive to another volume results in empty target folder
    Fixed: Incompatibilities with old or broken WebView2 installations
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: File Lock PEA 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 20:00
Protect your file by encrypting their contents and decrypt individual items or entire folders, with this lightweight and portable Java-based application.

License: GPL

Titel: Notebook PEA 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 21:00
Create and encrypt text content by turning to this lightweight, reliable application that comes with a random password generator.

License: GPL

Whats new:>>

    Button to make links clickable or to make text editable appears always when many links are present or if set from menu if any link is present
    Import bookmark files like exported files from browsers as links
    Header H1-H6 for HTML files
    Starting the program in the console and quick start with scripts
    Additional default cryptographic algorithms: Serpent as cipher, SHA-512 as hash function
    Accessibility improved.

Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 22:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Date/time was always inserted in the end of text.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.07.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 06:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Updated BCWipe modules
    Added check for ARM architecture during setup

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.410
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2022, 11:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: An error during import from Password Manager XP database in some cases.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1630.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2022, 19:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

    Minor update with usability enhancements:

    AXC-1159: Implement cached unshared user list auto-complete dropdown in share key dialog.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.411
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2022, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Import of images from Password Manager XP database.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2022, 21:30
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.


Titel: Hat.sh 2.3.6 npm install
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2022, 21:00
A simple encrypting and decrypting tool that allows you to safely manage and hide the contents of your files, and automatically generates new encryption keys.

MIT License   /  Donationware


    Update packages
    Czech translation
    Turkish translation
    Frank7sun translation


Titel: Xreveal 2.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2022, 21:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Add italian language
    Add finnish language
    Use None instead of empty line in country code drop down list

Titel: Xreveal 2.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2022, 06:30
Whats new:>>

    Added Korean language file
    Exclude the virtual drives(ImgDrive/Virtual CloneDrive/) from scan by default
    Added rip to image feature
    New settings UI
    Some minor changes

Titel: PrivCryptF
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 18:30
A tiny utility designed for personal usage that provides a quick and convenient way to encrypt and decrypt folder that contain sensitive data.

License: Open Source

Titel: Xreveal 2.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Added Arabic translation
Added Spanish translation
Fixed settings dialog is not updated when switching languages

Titel: BeeCodes 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 19:00
Secure your files with this app that offers a straightforward approach to encryption and decryption, as well as several other extra features.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2022, 21:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    deps: update dependency @kunalnagarco/eslint-config to v0.1.76 (#156) (3b62bae)



Titel: Xreveal 2.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2022, 11:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.



    Added rip to hard disk
    Added keep protection (Blu-ray)
    Added French translation
    Added German translation
    Fixed crash if DVD disc has a empty .BUP file
    Fixed wrong installer PE checksum
    Added installer with version info
    Some minor changes


Titel: EncrypIT 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2022, 22:00
Enhance your use of the Encryption File System (EFS), with this dedicated application that offers a simplified solution for both encryption and decryption.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Removed code signing which prevented a change I had made from building. This caused an issue with the file paths containing spaces when using the "Get File Info" button.

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2022, 06:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


Whats new:>>

This update does not include significant changes to the app's interface, however, we made various improvements into the code and security. May be you will not notice visual difference, but the app will be thankful for update.

Titel: CrococryptFile 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2022, 10:00
Mit CrococryptFile können einzelne Dateien oder ganze Ordner verschlüsselt werden. Die verschlüsselte Datei bekommt die Endung croco, den Dateinamen kann man natürlich selber wählen, vorgeschlagen wird der Name des Ordners. Neben verschiedenen Verschlüsselungen besteht auch die Möglichkeit, die Dateigröße mit Zufallszahlen zu erhöhen. Beim Entschlüsseln
werden diese Daten ignoriert.


Whats new:>>

Support for Russian added

Titel: Xreveal 2.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>

    Fixed rip to hard disk does not work
    Fixed failed to open unprotected Audio CD
    Added automatically close Blu-ray region code dialog after 60 seconds
    Added context help for Blu-ray region code dialog

Titel: BestCrypt 9.07.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2022, 20:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

Introduced support for ARM-based devices.

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.412
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2022, 06:30
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Field sub-types URL, Dictionary, OTP were incorrectly processed in portable databases.

Titel: S.S.E File Encryptor 15.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2022, 20:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 15.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 05:30
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Bug fixes

    WebDA port could not be changed ( #2240 )
    Vault could not be used as user data location for Microsoft Edge ( #2238 )
    Corrupt masterkey blocked application start ( #2256 )
    "Forced Lock" dialog not shown on app exit request and failed graceful lock of unlocked vaults ( #2310 )
    Incorrect links to documentation ( #2315 , kudos to @barimess)
    Failed to save settings if temporary settings file existed ( #2292 )
    Race condition on auto-unlock several vaults with automatic drive letter selection ( #1900 )
    Windows users logged in with AzureAD accounts could access vault with FUSE only read-only ( #2117 )
    Exceptions or errors were not logged under certain conditions ( #2258 )


    Add option in preferences to always lock open vaults and quit app if possible ( #982 , #1713 )
    Cryptomator Hub integration (see https://cryptomator.org/hub/ )

Additional Changes

    Unified design of popup-/alert dialogs ( #1430 )
    Updated local build scripts


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.53.2568
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Incompatibility with Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
    Fixed: File handles are closed with significant delay
    Changed: Plaintext files and folders no longer show a white overlay icon
    Changed: Upgraded CBFS Connect to v20.0.8181
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: EdoBrim 4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 06:30
A multi-function application that is used to protect files with user-defined passwords, send them through email, write notes and more.



    Put double password security box into personal password
    Fixed the menu in Personal Password.
    Create the games section.
    Added security in the family business with double password.
    Add mailer (external program)
    Added mailer access protection system with cancellation system in case of theft of EdoBrim folder.
    Added security in Address Book
    Added ability to enter password in personal password
    Fixed the problem with the personal password of the backup database
    Fixed issue with backup database family business
    Fixed issue with backup database address book
    Fixed backup database Sot
    Added possibility in Personal Password to save what has not been yet (additionally new)
    Added possibility in Personal Password to add notes
    Fixed and improved FTP loader
    Added new general graphics with images
    Possibility in the address book to add passwords
    Added possibility in the address book to sort by date of birth
    Revolutionized FTP by EdoBrim
    Added ability to save images in stock and shop.
    Fixed bug in SOT
    Fixed bug in the Rubric
    Fixed bug in personal password
    Better resource management
    Added ability to associate images in Store and Stocks
    Fixed Bug in store and Stocks


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 13:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.


    Deps: update babel monorepo to v7.18.9 (#158) (facc22d)
    Deps: update dependency @semantic-release/github to v8.0.5 (#159) (c7cbe1b)



Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2022, 11:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance

Titel: EdoBrim 4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2022, 20:00

    Improved resource management in the Encrypt and Decrypt sections
    Fixed a small password bug in the Encrypt and Decrypt sections
    Improved resource management in Writer
    Improved resource management FTP uploader
    Improved resource management in Rubric
    Improved resource management in SOT
    Improved resource management in Store and Stocks
    Improved resource management in Personal password
    Improved resource management in Family Business
    Added "Last arrival date" in Store and Stock.
    Fixed big bug in calculator
    Improved speed in Rubric
    Increased "stability"
    Ability to upload files to any folder in FTP UPLOAD
    Ability to download files from any folder in FTP UPLOAD
    Ability to go ahead to explore folders on the site in FTP UPLOAD
    Ability to delete files via FTP in FTP UPLOAD
    Add messages and suggestions in FTP UPLOAD
    Added security in SOT
    Fixed small bug in textbox password in Rubric
    Fixed small bug in textbox password in SOT
    Fixed small bug in textbox password in Personal Password
    Fixed small bug in textbox password in Family business
    Addition works copy to server and chat. Actually it was already there with ctrl + c but something more convenient has been added.
    Changed the layout of the main menu to make everything easier


Titel: OSE 3.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2022, 08:00
An open-source and portable text encryption software tool based on OpenSSL, allowing you to conceal a message quickly and easily.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Minor edits for error catching

Titel: EdoBrim 5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 12:00
A multi-function application that is used to protect files with user-defined passwords, send them through email, write notes and more.



    Created the Hide text, with this you can insert text into any file, music, program and more
    Improved performance in the writer
    Updated the protection in Encrypt and decrypt section
    Improved chat stability in Server and Client
    Fixed alphabetical order bug in Family business
    Added possibility in Rubric to sort two columns in alphabetical order
    Added possibility in Rubric to sort column "Contract duration"
    Solved serious bug in SOT, database opening didn't work after security update
    Added possibility in SOT to sort in alphabetical order column Best product
    Added possibility in SOT to sort in alphabetical order column Best Company
    Fixed alphabetical order bug in Rubric, sorting only worked by pressing once, now you can always sort at any time
    Fixed alphabetical order bug in Store and Stock, ordering only worked by pressing once, now you can always order at any time
    Fixed alphabetical order bug in Personal password, ordering only worked by pressing once, now you can always sort at any time
    Improved the visibility of chat and now messages sent and received look better than before
    Added new "Sacred way" mode in Password generator


Titel: OSE 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    OpenSSL password hashing digest is no longer fixed, and depends on the
    hash of the provided password. Also fixed a flaw in which OpenSSL text
    encryption password was being hashed up in vain using the wrong variable.

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 20:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


    An option has been added to display line numbers in the editor
    Bug fix: invalid characters entered by the user are not checked and a bad key file is created on Windows
    Bug fix: in the file encryption dialogue clearing the passphrase sometimes causes invalid behaviour
    FakeVim mode: the cursor has become more consistent and presentable
    FakeVim mode: the native file open dialogue can now be used
    FakeVim mode: support relative line numbers (rnu)
    Bug fix: in FakeVim mode the CPU consumption is 100% due to an infinite loop in the Paint event
    Botan has been updated to version 2.19.2
    Localization has been updated


Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2022, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    CLI-Parameter --version was ignored when using AppImage or PPA (#2301) (kudos to @purejava!)
    Application settings were not saved on change (#2408)


Titel: CryptoStuff 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2022, 19:30
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

-  Added HASH : LSH-256-224, LSH-256-256, LSH-512-256, LSH-512-384, LSH-512-512

Titel: EdoBrim 5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2022, 13:00

    Courtesy of the authors of Jarte (external program), added a very good program with Word engine, Jarte!
    Added a very good program (external) to convert pdf!
    Fixed FTP upload problem, did not create folder via FTP correctly.
    Eliminated two external software
    Enlarged the textbox in insert text or hide text. Now it looks better
    Removed a useless label in the chat

    New Encryption:

    Torando Yellow Crimson (TornadoYC) created by EdoBrim
    Added new security (TornadoYC protection) in Personal Password
    Added new security (TornadoYC protection) in Writer
    Added new security (TornadoYC protection) in Server Client Chat
    Added new security (TornadoYC protection) in Server Server Chat
    Added external software to convert images to pdf
    Fixed minor bugs in the Writer
    Fixed minor bugs in chat servers and clients
    Added Military encryption
    Made the text of the chat server and client not editable
    Added "Repeat key" in Protect with master and decrypt with master
    Added the link for Mugen game by Edoardo Arcangelo Turiya (you can also find that in this site)


Titel: Crypto Notepad 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2022, 20:00
Crypto Notepad is notepad-like simple text editor which encrypts the saved files with AES algorithm (128, 182 and 256 key sizes are supported). Other features include fonts and color customization, word wrap, shortcut keys, auto-lock on minimize.

MIT License



    Changed build configuration. App will no longer be detected as trojan (I hope).


Titel: File And Text Encryption (fate) 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2022, 21:00
File And Text Encryption is a bare-bones app containing no options whatsoever. It is geared toward everyday users who want a quick and efficient encryption option. The ciphers, password hashing, salting, and iteration seeding utilized by File And Text Encryption are insanely secure while keeping usage straightforward.

License: Open Source


4.0 - strengthened the password routine, and changed the output from base64 to
ascii85, this will shorten the output ciphertext minimally. This makes this
version incompatible with previous versions


Titel: Kryptor 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 06:30
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    This release contains many breaking changes. If you're updating from a previous version of Kryptor, please decrypt all of your files using your current version.
    After many hours and much indecision, the next major version of Kryptor is here. It's not perfect; there are still a few things I'm not entirely happy about. However, it's definitely an improvement on v3. I just hope I haven't missed anything, and please bear with me whilst I update the website.


    Support for the previous private key format will be removed in a future release. The format is automatically updated when you use your private key for the first time.
    Similarly, support for the previous public key format will be removed in a future release. Again, the format is automatically updated when your private key is. Alternatively, you can use -r|--recover.


    You should republish/share your new public key string/file in place of the old one and backup your new private key file. However, your key pair doesn't actually change. The private key gets re-encrypted, and the public key has a different header, so the string looks different.


    The new encryption format is intended to be indistinguishable from random to limit metadata. This means no identifiable headers and randomised padding. Few tools do this (e.g. age doesn't care about metadata). A huge thanks to Monocypher for Elligator2 and Covert Encryption for inspiration and their randomised padding scheme.
    Directories are now converted into ZIP files (with no compression for speed) before being encrypted. This means an encrypted directory is indistinguishable from an encrypted file.
    You can now specify up to 20 public key recipients for a single file. It used to be limited to 1 recipient.
    Support for pre-shared keys has been added to provide optional post-quantum security when encrypting a file to someone's public key.
    Pre-shared keys can also be used for file encryption alone like keyfiles. This is a faster alternative to password-based encryption.
    Some of the encrypted metadata header is currently empty, which will eventually be used for storing the file timestamps and cross-platform attributes. The timestamps of the encrypted file can then be altered to further limit metadata. This all needs more thought and some study of digital forensics though.
    You can now sign each file in a directory. This is handy for signing software releases quickly.
    Multiple signatures can now be verified at once.
    Multiple custom signature paths can be specified at once for signing.
    Key pairs can be generated non-interactively.
    macOS ARM64 and Linux ARM64 are now officially supported and can be updated using -u|--update.
    A -1 exit code is returned when an error occurs.


    Switched from XChaCha20-BLAKE2b to ChaCha20-Poly1305 for encryption. It's faster and standardised. The padding fix is applied when encrypting the metadata header to add key commitment.
    Now using a little-endian counter nonce and the STREAM construction. A random nonce is unnecessary in this use case, especially since it was being incremented for each chunk before anyway. Then the STREAM construction has become unofficially standardised and is more flexible.
    The Argon2 parameters have been reduced as they were excessive and much slower than I thought on other machines. This speeds up password-based key derivation whilst retaining a good security margin.
    Passwords are no longer prehashed. This was done previously for consistency with how peppering was done.
    The pepper is now used as input keying material for key derivation after password hashing instead of being used as a key prior to password hashing. This was done to save an extra call to BLAKE2b.
    Using a keyfile alone no longer uses Argon2 as random keyfiles are high in entropy.
    Keyfile hashing has been made compatible with the pre-shared key format, and random keyfiles are now 32 bytes in size instead of 64 bytes.
    The previous authentication tag is no longer used as associated data. This was unnecessary and came with a performance cost.
    Both public keys are included in the key derivation for shared secrets.
    The long-term and ephemeral shared secrets are concatenated the other way around to comply with the Noise Protocol Framework.
    The ephemeral public key is used as info in the wrap key derivation instead of being used as associated data. With passwords/pre-shared keys, this is actually an additional 256-bit random salt since no public key is used.
    The encrypted metadata header has been rearranged. The file length is now stored instead of the amount of padding. The file name is also stored there and padded to 256 bytes.
    Private keys are now encrypted using ChaCha20-Poly1305 with the padding fix for key commitment and an all zero nonce since the key is unique.
    The public/private key headers have been changed to make the algorithm readable at the beginning of the string (Cu// for Curve25519 and Ed// for Ed25519).
    Geralt, my libsodium binding, is now used instead of libsodium-core.
    Thanks to Geralt, spans are used instead of byte arrays when possible for improved performance and fewer allocations.
    Sensitive bytes are pinned when possible/sensible so they can be zeroed properly.
    FileStream performance should be improved as the buffer size is now adjusted based on the size of the file and output files are preallocated on disk.
    Random file name generation has been improved due to Geralt.
    File names are checked for invalid characters to prevent problems storing the file name/decrypting cross-platform.
    libsodium is used for Base64 encoding, which is done in constant time.
    Lots of wrapper classes have been removed due to Geralt.
    It's now clearer when you're being asked for a private key password compared to a regular password.
    'Directory' is used instead of 'folder' in messages.
    Some error messages have been made more consistent.
    Blue is no longer used for any messages; orange (technically 'dark yellow') is used instead.
    The initial validation has been improved.
    Code has been spaced out for readability, Geralt constants are used, and the if/loop braces style has been changed.


    Early returns when an exception was thrown during decryption, potentially preventing some files from being processed.
    An empty file name in error messages when the path ends in a directory/volume separator character.
    An unhandled directory UnauthorizedAccessException during empty directory validation.
    'name (2)' getting restored to 'name (3)' instead of 'name (2) (2)' if 'name (2)' exists decrypting a file that had its name encrypted. I don't like this numbering, but it's the safest approach I can come up with.
    Removing double digit file name numbers (e.g. 'name (10)').
    The resources are now embedded when building as well as publishing.
    The publish profiles for ARM64.
    Probably some other stuff I've neglected to mention.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 20:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Introduced support for using hardware tokens as an authentication method with encrypted containers
    Introduced built-in Password Strength Meter to help creating stronger encryption passwords

Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.10.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 22:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

    Improved the process of dismounting encrypted drives (Windows Indexing process has occasionally been preventing drives from being dismounted)
    Addressed an occasional SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION BSOD with fsh.sys

Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2022, 19:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2022, 21:00
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

Ready for Windows 11 2022 Update (codename "22H2")

Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 13:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

Ready for Windows 11 2022 Update (codename "22H2")

Titel: Xreveal 2.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2022, 19:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.



    Added command line -disable/-enable
    Added native support for Windows on ARM64
    Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable
    Update language files

Xreveal 2.3.0

    Added native support for Windows on ARM64
    Fixed failed to install when memory integrity is enable


Titel: SlunkCrypt 1.2.1 Build 2022-09-29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2022, 20:00
Protect your files from unwanted access, with this encryptor-decryptor tool that offers simple and efficient handling for both processes.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

 Added preliminary support for “Windows on ARM” platform to Windows release
 Support for Haiku OS platform has been added
 Fixed building the "core" library without multi-threading (pthread) support
 Various minor fixes and improvements

Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2022, 10:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.


    Bug Fixes:

    Remove CI for PR title (e2509ed)



Titel: Xreveal 2.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2022, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    Added ask region code before opening DVD
    Improved use the VLC-compatible BD+ table file directly
    Update language files

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2022, 22:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Added new languages
    Added new health checks
    Improved memory consumption and encryption throughput
    #2346 Add 2x icon to the menu bar by @ledwardchow
    #2445 Allow disabling keychains altogether by @purejava
    #2452 Fixed "Next" button in case of invalid vault name during "Add Vault" workflow by @chewitt1


Titel: ScrambleOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 19:30
Easily protect your sensitive text strings with this scrambling utility that will offer easy encryption through predefined hotkeys with password confirmation.


• Encrypt any text using secure encryption.
• Decrypt text which has been encrypted using ScrambleOnClick.
• Use with any email program as well as document programs like Word.
• Clipboard viewer.
• Ctrl-W to wipe the clipboard contents at any time.
• Use either a keyboard shortcut or the ScrambleOnClick Tray menu to encrypt and decrypt.
• Define different keys for friends, colleagues, business etc.
• Master Password protects other people from using Encryption Keys.
• Password hints to help the user remember the password they have saved.


Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 20:00
Encrypt your files and folders quickly and easily with this software, featuring a straightforward interface designed with accessibility in mind.


Whats new:>>

    Updated: Installation not allowed on Windows Server Core installations
    Updated: Recompiled using latest compiler

Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 22:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (#163) (9186372)

Titel: EdoBrim 5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2022, 06:00
A multi-function application that is used to protect files with user-defined passwords, send them through email, write notes and more.



    Created a stopwatch
    Added a program for cutting or joining videos
    Adjusted some information
    Added the link for EdoMugen october 2022


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 05:30
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( #164 ) ( 27136ad )

Titel: EncryptOnClick Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Updated: Shell extension pop-up menu text changed to "Encrypt/Decrypt with EncryptOnClick"

Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2022, 22:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: Upgrade electron-packager version ( #165 ) ( 2144ec8 )


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( #166 ) ( 9b3af49 )

Titel: Secure Message 2.00.950
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2022, 21:00
Use this utility to encrypt any text no matter the size or character type, by using half a dozen of various encryption algorithms.


Titel: BoxCryptor 2.54.2765
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2022, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Added: Option to enable Windows Search explicitly
    Added: Support for location policy wildcards
    Improved: Faster download for OnDemand files
    Improved: WebDAV support
    Improved: Reconnect handling for disconnected network locations
    Improved: locations with the same foldername can now be added
    Removed: pCloud auto-detection
    Fixed: Issues with Whisply links and auto-detection for Google Drive
    Fixed: Incompatibility with Box Drive
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Small File Encrypter 1.00.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2022, 19:00
A small encryption application for files ranging from 1 to 100 MB, with a classic design and the possibility to decrypt your secured items.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 20:30
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    deps: lock file maintenance (#170) (37dd687)
    deps: update dependency node-sass to v7.0.3 (#171) (c9e0341)
    deps: update semantic-release monorepo (#172) (4388a7a)



Titel: BoxCryptor 2.55.2774
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Saving issue with Office on network drives and removable storages
    Minor bug fixes and improvements

Titel: Xreveal 2.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2022, 21:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.



    Added Blu-ray player region reset
    Added DVD subtitle transparency
    Fixed crash when rip image


Titel: encrypt0r 3.10.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2022, 06:50
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    deps: update dependency electron to v18 [security] (#175) (4f19b58)

Titel: Xreveal 2.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2022, 12:00
Whats new:>>

Added Japanese translation

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2022, 19:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (#178) (ec8557c)

Titel: EdoBrim 6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 11:00
A multi-function application that is used to protect files with user-defined passwords, send them through email, write notes and more.



    Fixed big bug stopwatch in reset
    Put the newer 7zip to compress and decompress (external software)
    Improved encrypt with pdf performance
    Improved encrypt with txt performance
    Added the "Calculate file lines"(in writer) button to calculate the total number of lines in any file
    Create buyer vendor database in Store And Stocks
    Fixed SOT bug
    Added new calculation in Order Edo
    Added program to quickly create a server (external software)

    Created a legal local Keylog:

    1)Increase keylogger performance
    2)Possibility to hide the entire program and reactivate it freely
    3)Added ability to take multiple screenshots in any folder
    4) Added view button to choose screenshot folder
    5)Added ability to choose second screenshots
    6) Added ability to choose screenshot image extension
    7)Added ability to clear keystroke log files
    8) Added ability to send the log file to any email
    Improved the final output of "Save and add" in the Writer
    Added in Oder Edo the possibility to calculate the markup
    Added ability to calculate a percentage discount in Order Edo
    Switching all EdoBrimCrypter from netcore 6.0 to netcore 7.0
    Database opening speed improvement in Rubric
    Fixed the "Close" button when closing the program
    Added possibility in Order Edo to hide the window when opening the window to calculate the discount
    Database opening speed improvement in Family business
    Improved database opening speed in Personal password
    Increase the performance
    Added company calculations
    Size decreased from 371MB to 352MB
    Fixed Order Edo graphics
    Fixed graphics in Personal Password
    Ability to export text to Company Calculation
    Added external software for Mathematical calculation


Titel: File Encryptor 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 21:00
Keep prying eyes away and encrypt your important files with a password through this easy-to-use tool, which is also able to decrypt them whenever you need access.

Open Source

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2022, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    deps: update dependency electron to v18.3.15 (#181) (87c3f64)


    deps: lock file maintenance (#179) (92e4b08)
    deps: update semantic-release monorepo (#180) (6bea2b9)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Fix-All-Button in Health Check
    Result Filter, severity tooltip and result copy context menu in Health Check
    Number of current and total metadata accesses in vaul stats

    What's Fixed:

    Loading unsigned shared librariers
    Health Check warning on new vault
    Tray Icon not updated when vault status changed
    Bluescreen inside Windows Container when using WinFSP

    What's Changed:

    Use JDK
    Update to OpenJFX 19


Titel: Quick File Locker 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 21:00
Quick File Locker quickly locks and encrypts folders, files, or USB drives ensuring your privacy. The entire process is extremely easy to put in motion and allows you to lock files with a simple drag and drop or via a right-click within Windows Explorer. Additionally, Quick File Locker includes a stealth-mode operation that will protect locked data even when in safe mode.

License: Ad-Supported

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Upgrade Ubuntu image in actions and node version to 16.18.1.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2022, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (#182) (ef87d41)

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2022, 11:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


Whats new:>>

With this update we are removing SHA1 code signing certificate from our executables. The SHA1 digest was deprecated by Microsoft many years ago. We keep it after that for many more years just to support old operating systems. From now on our code will be signed by modern SHA256 only. Thus, legacy systems, such as Windows 7 and earlier will see "unsigned executable" warning, because they don't recognize newest SHA256. You may still use our app, just click "yes" or "approve" to continue in a warning dialog box.

Titel: SlunkCrypt 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2022, 18:00
Protect your files from unwanted access, with this encryptor-decryptor tool that offers simple and efficient handling for both processes.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Implemented enhanced/faster initialization code
    GUI: Updated to .NET Framework version to 4.7.2 + make window resizable
    Added improved debug logging (optional, disabled by default)
    Various minor fixes and improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2022, 22:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


    Start of unlock workflow for Hub vaults on unregistered devices not possible ( #2576 )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2022, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



deps: lock file maintenance (#183) (bf460e9)



Titel: CryptSync
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2022, 19:00
CryptSync sorgt für mehr Privatsphäre und Sicherheit bei wichtigen, sensiblen Datenbeständen. Die Freeware verschlüsselt Dateien automatisch. Dies erweist sich vor allem für Online-Speicher wie Dropbox, Google Drive und Skydrive als recht nützlich.

CryptSync bietet dabei eine recht einfache Handhabung. Der Anwender legt zwei Ordner als Quell- und Zielverzeichnis fest. Alle Daten, die im Quellordner landen, verschlüsselt CryptSync automatisch im Zielordner.

Somit eignet sich CryptSync recht gut für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dropbox und anderen Speicherdiensten. Die Freeware gewährleistet dank der zusätzlichen Verschlüsselung (AES 256bit) , dass unbefugte Personen in der Cloud keinen Zugriff auf die Originaldaten erhalten.

Die verschlüsselten Dateien legt CryptSync als umbenannte 7Zip-Archive ab, die auch mit 7-Zip entpackt werden können. Natürlich benötigt man hierfür das jeweilige Entpack-Kennwort. Fazit: Wer seine Daten in der Cloud schützen möchte, hat mit der Freeware CryptSync eine einfache, wirkungsvolle Lösung zur Hand.


    New Feature - Icon Change when sync fails
    Checkbox to enable new file name encryption enabled when dialog initially displayed
    Two log issues corrections
    Two timestamp-related adaptations
    Fixes stefankueng/CryptSync#85
    Branch fix typo on file
    Original folder desciption is broken


Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2022, 20:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Added compatibility with BestCrypt Data Shelter for BestCrypt's folder encryption
    Fixed occasional system crash when mounting a container located on a network share
    Ready for Windows 10 2022 Update (codename "22H2")

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.413
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2022, 19:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Updated: Reset failed log on counters for an IP address after 1 hour of inactivity.

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1636.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2023, 22:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

    AXC-1493: Added Arabic language in the desktop app
    AXC-1537: Update copyright year to 2023 in desktop app
    AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2023, 10:00

    What's New:

    Use new MountService API for volume type and mounting (#2639)
    Added experimental support for FUSE-T on macOS (#2482)
    Reveal encrypted files or folders path from vault files (supports drag and drop!) (#336)
    Show status indicator in tray icon when at least one vault is unlocked (#2557, kudos to @VsevolodGolovanov)
    Pimp Migration Screen with more infos (#2580, kudos to @Jacob-willden)
    Show dialog for hub vaults, if keychain is disabled (#2612)
    New Vaults use now SIV_GCM as cipher combo (#2574)


    Local AppImage build (#2624, kudos to @purejava)


Titel: Kryptor 4.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2023, 11:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    Support for v1 private and public keys. Please see the v4.0.0 release for more information.
    The dependencies for v1 key pairs.


    'Password' has been renamed to 'passphrase'. The option is now -p|--passphrase.
    Random passphrases are now lowercase to allow easy typing.
    The public/private key file length checks have been moved.
    Various error messages have been shortened/rephrased.
    Updated dependencies and the .NET SDK/runtime.


    InsufficientMemoryException if you don't have enough memory to use Argon2.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2023, 19:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (b7d69ff)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (ad6d3f1)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 10:00


    Migration to wrong volume type (#2654)
    Vault name not used as volume name when mounted with WinFsp (Local Drive)
    Revealing encrypted path on Windows fails due to a space (#2657)
    Windows: Mounting to a driveletter performed cleanup of directory mount point


    Added more translations
    Improve debug logs by filtering out certain messages
    Removed launcher scripts, since those cannot be used anymore


Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.2.5 Build 18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2023, 12:00
A simple, portable file encryption and decryption tool, which can help users quickly secure their files from prying eyes with a password.



    Now full Unicode support.
    Code Improvement.
    Optimized FileCryptor control. (handle errors)
    Updated GUI.
    Added showhide password button. (password dialog)
    Added password input length limitation. (max 32 characters)
    Added a new button to abort the whole operation.
    Fixed TaskDialog hyperlink bug.
    Fixed the minimize button bug.
    Fixed the progress bar bug.
    Fixed the cancel operation bug. In case the password is wrong.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.415
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2023, 21:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Option to specify a sender address for email notifications.

Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.7.3 Build 30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2023, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Code improvement and optimization.
    Added explorer shell context menu, associate with .fcr files.
    Added create a shortcut to the desktop.
    Now entered password is more secure against memory attacks.
    Improve file size calculation.
    The source file shredder option is moved to the password window.
    Updated GUI.(added tooltips etc.)
    Added taskbar progress.
    Added version history to the program.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    Updating from one beta to another does not change any application files (#2682)
    Some encrypted files cannot be revealed on Windows (#2672)
    Option "Launch Cryptomator on System Start" throws error on Windows (#1735)

    What's Changed:

    Add link to volume type documentation (#2669)
    Renamed fallback webdav mount service
    Make reveal path feature flatpak compatible


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



deps: lock file maintenance (ad0a44f)



Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.16.6 Build 62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2023, 10:00
A simple, portable file encryption and decryption tool, which can help users quickly secure their files from prying eyes with a password.



    Added: Feature to select files manually
    Added: Feature to load files from USB storage. (fast access)
    Added: Feature to see keyboard language in the password window
    Added: Feature to see Caps lock status in the password window
    Improved: Core code improvement and optimization
    Updated: GUI. (status bar, etc.)
    Fixed: Runtime error when a big file is securely deleted
    Fixed: Runtime error when a file with a read-only attribute is securely deleted
    Fixed: Program freezing on big file shred
    Fixed: .lnk extension bug

    Added: Program Settings:

    General Settings:

    Added: Keep the window always on top
    Added: Auto close loading files window after the finished
    Added: Auto close encryptingdecrypting files window after the finished
    Added: Auto-rename the encrypteddecrypted file name if it exists
    Added: Move the encrypteddecrypted files to a folder
    Context Menu Settings
    Added: Show the context menu button in the Select Operation window
    Updated: Now moved to the settings window, Context Menu section
    File Shred Settings
    Added: Use file shred instead of routine deletion (on encryption)
    Added: Two methods: Gutmann (35 passes) and Custom (1..99 passes)
    Algorithm Settings
    Added: Encryption algorithms with AES 128-bit, Twofish 128-bit, 256-bit
    Added: Encryption mode with EAX and HMAC
    Misc. Settings
    Added: Show password retry message if a password is wrong
    Added: Show select operation window on startup


Titel: Xreveal 2.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2023, 21:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

Update language files

Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.18.2 Build 73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2023, 19:00

    Added: Update the program from the internet.

    Added: Update settings section:

    Added: Check new updates on the startup.

    Added: General settings section:

    Show select operation window on startup.
    Added: Folder settings section.

    Items Moved to Folder settings section:

    Moved: Auto-rename the encrypteddecrypte
d file name if it exists.
    Moved: Move the encrypteddecrypted files to a folder.

    Item Moved to Misc. settings section:

    Moved: Auto-rename the encrypteddecrypted file name if it exists.
    Improved: Core code improvement and optimization.
    Updated: GUI.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2023, 19:00


    FUSE not available on RPM-based distros (#2691)
    Unlocking vault with WinFSP shows Error when vault name contains white spaces (#2668)
    Blue screen when unlocking vault with WinFSP (#2648)

    What's Changed:

    Display message if recovery key is not valid (#2686)
    Translation updates (#2689)


Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.22.0 Build 78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2023, 11:00

    General Settings:

    Added: Auto start encryptingdecrypting.
    Added: Close the program after encryptingdecrypting.

    Update Settings:

    Added: Auto install updates after download.
    Added: Feature to update program manually.
    Added: Feature to delete the empty directory after encryptiondecryption.
    Added: Report bug link to the about window.
    Improved: Update the program from the internet now has more validation checks.
    Improved: Auto-rename the encrypteddecrypted file name if it exists.
    Updated: Now you can delete the source file without shredding it.
    Fixed: Failed encryptiondecryption when destination directory doesn't exist.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2023, 11:00


    Mounting a vault using WinFsp fails with error due to wrong loopbackHostName matching

    What's Changed:

    EXE installer blocks if WinFsp is outdated and shows instructions to resolve it
    Translation updates (#2695)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 11:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (667a47c)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2023, 20:00

What's New

    Reveal encrypted files or folders path from vault files (incl. drag & drop support) ( #336 )
    Replaced outdated FUSE implementation with jFUSE
    Use new MountService API for volume type and mounting ( #2639 )
    Added experimental support for FUSE-T on macOS ( #2482 )
    New vaults use modern cipher combo (SIV_GCM) ( #2574 )
    Windows EXE installer blocks if WinFsp is outdated and shows instructions to resolve it
    Show dialog for Hub vaults, if keychain is disabled ( #2612 )
    Show status indicator in tray icon when at least one vault is unlocked ( #2557 , kudos to @VsevolodGolovanov)
    Add link to volume type documentation ( #2669 )
    Display message if recovery key is not valid ( #2686 )
    Enhance vault migration screen with important info ( #2580 , kudos to @Jacob-willden)

Bug fixes

    Blue screen when unlocking vault with WinFsp ( #2648 )
    Updating Cryptomator with Windows EXE installer does not update files, if update only differs in revision number ( #2682 )
    Option "Launch Cryptomator on System Start" throws error on Windows ( #1735 )
    Unlock process of Hub vault stuck, if keychain is disabled ( #2612 )


    Translation updates
    Removed launcher scripts, since those cannot be used anymore
    Improved debug logs by filtering out certain messages
    Fixed local AppImage build ( #2624 , kudos to @purejava)


Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.24.10 Build 103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2023, 10:00

    Compress Settings:

    Added: Compress while encrypting files. (zLib - make operation slower)

    Algorithm Settings:

    Added: Encryption algorithm with Serpent 128-bit and 256-bit.
    Improved: Code improvement and optimization.
    Improved: Restore settings to default.
    Improved: Gutmann file shredder on cancel operation.
    Improved: Now you can crypt files even if it's executed. (.exe, .dll, etc.)
    Updated: GUI. (mainload filesprogress window)
    Updated: EncryptionDecryption progress can be seen in the window title bar.
    Updated: CompressDecompress progress can be seen in the window title bar.
    Updated: File Shredder progress can be seen in the window title bar.
    [-] Fixed: Selecting algorithm mode.
    [-] Fixed: Crash program on the password entry window.
    [-] Fixed: Algorithm mode was not affected when the default settings were restored.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2023, 21:00

Bug fixes

    On Windows using WebDAV (Windows Explorer) vaults could not be unlocked ( #2730 )
    Wrong translations for Danish ( #2724 )


    Translation updates


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.416
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 21:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Updated: Handle password changes of AD users when the automatic log on option is used.

Titel: PDFEncrypt 1.1.8462.22528
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 22:00
Encrypt your most important PDF documents with the help of this tool that offers a password generator and four different encryption algorithms.

License: AGPL

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2023, 21:00

Bug fixes

    Unlock fails when WebDAV (Windows Explorer) and a custom drive letter is used ( #2758 )
    Locking vaults when WebDAV (Windows Explorer) does not remove drive from Windows Explorer ( #2754 )
    Wrong UID/GID of files in vault when FUSE-T is selected ( #2761 )
    Auto locking vault does not change lock state in GUI ( #2741 )


    Translation updates


Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.30.05 Build 133
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2023, 11:00
A simple, portable file encryption and decryption tool, which can help users quickly secure their files from prying eyes with a password.



    Added: Feature to remember the password for the next use.
    Added: Feature to generate random password.
    Added: What's new in the update package? (before upgrading to a new version)
    Added: SaveLoad password. Now you can saveload your password. (backup)
    Improved: Code improvement and optimization.
    Updated: GUI. (password window)
    Updated: Downloading and upgrading the program.
    Fixed: Small bugs fixed.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2023, 20:30
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

Updated BCWipe modules

Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.30.07 Build 142
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2023, 11:00

    Added: Feature to view error logs.

    Log Settings:

    Added: Save error logs to the hard disk.
    Added: Auto-show error logs before the program exits.
    Improved: Stability of program.
    Updated: GUI. (main window)
    Fixed: A Bug with the system tray and Auto start option on.
    Fixed: Error occurs when the user cancels the operation with the compressed
    option on.
    Fixed: Error occurs when there is insufficient hard disk space to perform
    encryption or decryption.
    Fixed: Error arises when trying to encryptdecrypt a file without having
    access to the folder.
    Fixed: Small bugs fixed.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2023, 20:00


    [CRITICAL] Files copied from a vault to outside location might be corrupted (#2797)
    On Windows using WinFsp (Local Drive) and a custom mount point, a wrong directory can be revealed after unlock (#2758)
    On macOS using FUSE-T, vaults located in large filesystems are not supported (#2760)


    Translation updates


Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.36.04 Build 150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2023, 22:00
Whats new:>>

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    deps: lock file maintenance (6807ee9)



Titel: Portable Text Encryption 12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2023, 08:00
Encrypt plain text to secure a message you might want to share with others thanks to this simple, handy and install-free application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Mostly just cleaned up some very lazy lines, although a couple of these changes made this version incompatible with previous versions.


Titel: SafeNotes 5.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 11:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: replace dependency xmldom with @xmldom/xmldom 0.7.5 [security] (#188) (d7ec785)

Titel: Fast Cryptor 2.43.17 Build 190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2023, 11:00

    Added: Support encryption/decryption files with more than 4 GB size.
    Added: Added compress/shred/logs files shortcut to the main window.
    Improved: Code improvement.
    Improved: Temp file cleans up.
    Improved: Zlib compresses with the multi-instance of the program.
    Updated: The maximum file size for Zlib compression has been restricted to 4 GB.
    Updated: GUI. (main, settings window)
    Updated: We have now added additional validation for disk space.
    Fixed: There is a bug when encrypting files larger than 1.9 GB.
    Fixed: There is a bug when shredding files larger than 1.9 GB.
    Fixed: There is a bug when compressing files larger than 1.9 GB.
    Fixed: File size calculation.
    Fixed: Issue when Closing the work-in-progress window while the encryption/decryption process is in progress.
    Fixed: Small bugs fixed.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2023, 17:00
Whats new:>>


Deps: update dependency @xmldom/xmldom to v0.8.7 (#190) (d88bd53)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.417
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2023, 22:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Errors when trying to set a user password if the password history restriction is active.

Titel: CryptoStuff 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2023, 10:00
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

Added HASH : xxHash32, xxHash64, xxHash3_64, xxHash3_128, HAS-160, GOST12-256, GOST12-512, GOST94, GOST94 (CryptoPro), EDONR-224, EDONR-256, EDONR-384, EDONR-512

Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 19:00

Bug fixes

    On Windows GUI might not show when other JavaFX libaries are in the system path ( #2814 )
    Unlocking vaults with the same name fails for the second one using WinFsp volume type ( #2801 )
    Changing the volume type required app restart for all volume types ( #2789 )
    Desired fonts were not used ( #2829 )


    Translation updates


Titel: Cryptomator 1.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2023, 19:00
Whats new:>>


    [CRITICAL] Microsoft Office files might get corrupted on save(#2844)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2023, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (6ca404b)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.418
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2023, 11:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Prevented self-nesting of groups.

Titel: CryptoStuff 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 11:00
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

Crypto success message box optional through "ShowMessageBoxOnSuccess" option in ini file (no GUI).

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 20:00
Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (2de9344)

Titel: Image Lock PEA 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 21:00
Image Lock PEA protects photos, drawings, and documents with a password. Thanks to the integrated viewer the images are never stored unencrypted on the hard disk, but are held only in the memory.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Show all images as slideshow
    Show metadata in encrypted mode (experimental) mainly for jpg and png files
    Additional default cryptographic algorithms: Serpent as cipher, SHA-512 as hash function
    Accessibility extended: Keyboard control, close dialogs with ESC...
    Command line mode: Allows calling via the command line and skipping the opening dialogue
    Several minor improvements

Titel: Cryptomator 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2023, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Recovery: Enable conversion of Hub to password-based authentication for a vault with the recovery key(#2840)


    Translation updates


Titel: Xreveal 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2023, 11:30
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Added disable AutoRun and AutoPlay
    Fixed cancel dialog issue when the "rip to image" completes
    Improved Blu-ray players region reset
    Update language files

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @semantic-release/changelog to v6.0.3 (a543346)

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2023, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Added hotkeys to quickly access some Xreveal functions
    Fixed volume label is not updated when ejecting disc
    Update language files

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.419
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "Access violation" error during update of portable data in some cases.

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed crash when open Blu-ray (bug introduced in 2.4.1).
    Added option of list drives in system tray menu.

Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 21:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Xreveal 2.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2023, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Added more info in Status page
    Added some icons to tray menu
    Fixed program exit when closing the update dialog box
    Fixed crash when rip to image
    Renamed Drives page to Exclusions page
    Updated language files

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2023, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Added register App Paths for Xreveal
Added display authoring tool in Status page
Redrew icon with Adobe Illustrator to remove the aliasing

Titel: PGPTool Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2023, 21:00
Manage your sensitive data with the help of this cryptography tool capable of encrypting and decrypting files using reliable parameters.

Open Source


    Feature #45: Change passphrase for existing private key
    Fix #244: Subsequent text decryption with cached password must not crash
    Fix #286: Layout of main screen must be correctly updated when height of
    tip changed
    Fix #232: Email validator must accept very short domain names
    Fix #274: Application should gracefully handle cancellation of key
    Fix #248: Should be apostrophe symbol instead of escaped sequence


Titel: BCArchive
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2023, 21:30
BCArchive is a software tool that was developed specifically to help individuals encrypt and compress important data, so that you can safely send it to others.


Whats new:>>

Added support for OpenSSH-generated public/secret keys

Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2023, 09:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Added support for OpenSSH-generated public/secret keys
    Fixed occasional BSOD when dismounting a group of containers
    Ready for Windows 11 2022 Update (codename "22H2")

Titel: Cryptomator 1.9.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2023, 22:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Auto unlock vaults that were missing at startup
    On Windows read OneDrive cloud presets from registry

    What's Fixed:

    Respect user's locale when sorting language list

    Other Changes:

    Upgrade to jdk20 and jfx20

    Updated dependencies:

    org.cryptomator:cryptofs to 2.6.4
    org.cryptomator:webdav-nio-adapter to 2.0.3
    com.auth0:java-jwt to 4.4.0


Titel: Kryptor 4.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2023, 10:00
Encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders with the help of this modern, user-friendly application that offers an alternative to other popular apps such as AxCrypt and Cryptomator.

License: GPLv3



    Support for changing a private key passphrase via -m|--modify.
    Support for a comment after a public/private key string in .public/.private files, either manually by opening such files in a text editor or by specifying -c|--comment during key pair generation. Note that these comments are not authenticated in any way.


    The -a|--about option has been replaced with --version to align with other tools.
    There's no longer a new line before output to the terminal.
    Bad signature now has an exit code of -1.
    Errors should be written to stderr.
    Updated dependencies/.NET.


    The -u|--update option to align with other tools. Just use a package manager.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2023, 21:00

What's New

    Auto unlock vaults that were missing at startup by @Rexbas in #2690
    On Windows read OneDrive cloud presets from registry in #2918 (Sponsored by Vector Informatik GmbH )

What's Fixed

    Respect user's locale when sorting language list by @bluen in #2882

Other Changes

    Translation updates in #2881
    Upgrade to jdk20 and jfx20 in #2897
    Updated dependencies:
        org.cryptomator:cryptofs to 2.6.4
        org.cryptomator:webdav-nio-adapter to 2.0.3
        com.auth0:java-jwt to 4.4.0


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2023, 22:30
Encrypt entire volumes using AES, RC6, Serpent and Twofish algorithms, each using 256-bit keys in order to secure your data and improve your privacy.

Whats new:>>

    Improved Yubikey support
    Improved stability
    Fixed minor bugs

Titel: Veracrypt 1.26.2 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2023, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tuen. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


  - All OSes:

     * Add support for BLAKE2s as new PRF algorithm for both system encryption and standard volumes.
     * Complete removal of RIPEMD16 and GOST89 algorithms. Legacy volumes using any of them cannot be mounted by VeraCrypt anymore.
     * Add Corsican language support. Update translations (French, German, Russian).

  - Windows:

     * EFI Bootloader:
        * Fix bug in PasswordTimeout value handling that caused it to be limited to 255 seconds.
        * Rescue Disk: enhance "Boot Original Windows Loader" by using embedded backup of original Windows loader if it is missing from disk
     * Addition of Blake2s and removal of RIPEMD160 & GOST89
     * Add dropdown menu to Mount button to allow mounting without using the cache.
     * Possible workaround for logarithmic slowdown for Encrypt-In-Place on large volumes.
     * Update libzip to version 1.9.2 and zlib to version 1.2.13.

  - Linux:

     * Fix bug in Random generator on Linux when used with Blake2s that was triggering a self test failure.
     * Modify Random Generator on Linux to exactly match official documentation and the Windows implementation.
     * Fix compatibility issues with Ubuntu 23.04.
     * Fix assert messages displayed when using wxWidgets 3.1.6 and newer.
     * Fix issues launching fsck on Linux.
     * Fix various issues when running in Text mode:
     * Don't allow selecting exFAT/BTRFS filesytem if they are not present or not compatible with the created volume.
     * Fix wrong dismount message displayed when mounting a volume.
     * Hide PIM during entry and re-ask PIM when user entered a wrong value.
     * Fix printing error when checking freespace during volume creation in path doesn't exist.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2023, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes

    Writing data in a specific pattern can lead to data corruption ( #2936 )

Other Changes

    Translation updates in #2931

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 10:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Firefox integration error.

Titel: SecureFolderFS Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 20:00
SecureFolderFS comes to the aid of users who are looking for a third-party solution that doesn't overcomplicate things. To put it simply, the program offers users the ability to create a vault, which acts as a secure environment that keeps prying eyes away from certain files and folders.

MIT License


    New features and improvements:

    Added vault properties page
    Added tooltip notice for Beta
    Added the option to change the vault password
    Added a visual notification when the provided password is incorrect
    Improved reliability of the Dokany file system


    Fixed an issue where widgets would not appear when adding new vaults
    Fixed an issue where graphs would not remember their extended state
    Fixed an issue where it was impossible to unlock more than one vault on WebDav
    Fixed WebDav copy/move operations
    Fixed WebDav file renaming
    Other small fixes and performance improvements

    Known issues:

    Large files might sometimes fail to copy on WebDav (size differs)


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.421
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2023, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Inability to install integration with Edge.

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2023, 22:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

Added DPI awareness to manifest

Titel: Rohos Mini Drive 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2023, 21:00
Rohos Mini Drive creates hidden and protected partition on the USB flash drive memory. You work with the files on the hidden volume without opening special program.

Those who has Megabytes of sensitive files on the USB drive and seriously concerned with data security cannot imagine their USB stick without the hidden volume that is created using this tool. Easy to setup, easy to use. Intuitive USB flash drive Setup Wizard automatically detects your USB flash drive and select a hidden volume properties. You just need to provide a protection password. One click - and you can save your first file into protected volume. Encryption is automatic.

You can access your secret volume by entering a right password. Password tooltip is available.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2023, 19:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    Deps: update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.8.0 (84211f2)



    deps: update dependency eslint to v8.44.0 (744cd54)



    deps: update babel monorepo to v7.22.9 (30fd49c)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (cfa5e82)

Titel: S.S.E. File Encryptor 15.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2023, 22:00
S.S.E (Secret Space Encryptor) File Encryptor provides you with secure encryption for all your confidential data files and folders.

It can be run via the command line or GUI and allows you control over which encryption algorithm is used to safeguard your data. The choices are AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit which are available from the quick drop down window.

S.S.E File Encryptor supports drag n' drop, cross-platform use and is compatible with an Android version which we have listed below. It also allows for the easy sharing of encrypted data between a wide range of platforms but remains very easy-to-use.


Titel: Paranoia Text Encryption 15.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2023, 10:00
Paranoia Text Encryption for PC is a universal text encryption tool to keep your emails, SMS, notes, social networking posts as well as any other text types safe. It utilizes well-known algorithms for encryption such as Blowfish 448bit, AES 256bit, Serpent 256bit, RC6 256bit, Twofish 256bit, and GOST 256bit.

Paranoia Text Encryption for PC comes with a user-friendly UI that allows for quick copy/paste from any of your favorite apps or you can save the encryption to a file in order to use at a later time. It also includes a steganography implementation that is able to conceal text within a JPG image by using steganographic algorithm F5 in concert with chosen symmetric cipher algorithms to make a final steganogram (JPEG image).


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2023, 10:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    deps: lock file maintenance (bf8efc6)


Titel: Portable Text Encryption 12.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2023, 10:00
Encrypt plain text to secure a message you might want to share with others thanks to this simple, handy and install-free application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    PTE would encrypt the whitespace in an empty text box, this was not so
    much a bug as it was an annoyance, so I fixed that.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2023, 21:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Security Fixes

    Local Privilege Escalation: Windows MSI installer allowed access to SYSTEM account cmd window ( CVE-2023-37907 ), reported by @PfiatDe

Titel: Cryptomator 1.10.0-Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2023, 22:00

What's New

    Error dialog points user to a solution, if one exists in the error database ( #2953 )
    Expert settings during vault creation (e.g. setting custom shortening threshold) ( #2987 )
    Update Reminder ( #2998 )

What's Fixed

    Replacing a file with a very long filename failed ( #3021 )
    On Windows, no specifc error screen for already occupied drive letter was shown ( #2961 ), kudos to @sschuberth
    On Windows, Cryptomator settings were not always stored in Users appdata directory ( #2838 )

Other Changes

    Replace GSON with Jackson ( #2974 )
    Preprocess JVM properties at app start to adjust to system environment ( #2957 )
    Transation Updates ( #2945 )


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2023, 21:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

deps: lock file maintenance (9c26ba2)

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2023, 11:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Added tray icon turns red when opening of a disc fails
    Fixed crash caused by not calling CoInitializeEx
    Changed FUT file name format "[MediaKey]_[VolumeLabel].bin", no longer supported SHA format
    Removed "Rip to Hard Disk"/"Rip to Image" dialog's topmost flag

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

update dependency @xmldom/xmldom to v0.8.10

Titel: Cryptomator 1.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2023, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Security Fixes

    Local Privilege Escalation: Windows MSI installer allowed access to admin powershell window ( GHSA-62gx-54j7-mjh3 ), reported by @PfiatDe

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2023, 21:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v4.2.1 ( eaaf89f )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency lint-staged to v12.5.0 ( da79c56 )



deps: update dependency grunt to v1.6.1 (21c85f2)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.10.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 19:00

    What's New:

    Proper Tray-Menu for Linux: Support for appindicator by @purejava in #2885
    Error code lookup: Ask before downloading error code database (#3060)
    Added more error messages during unlock (#3001)

    What's Fixed:

    Windows: Improved handling of mount during unlock (#2996)
    Cryptomator Hub: Show unathorized message if vault is archived (#3051)
    Linux: Delayed app shutdown (#3020)

    Other Changes:

    macOS Build: Use Temurin JVM+JFX Jmods from Gluon instead of Zulu JVM+FX (#3033)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 20:30
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( 622e981 )



    deps: update dependency prettier to v2.8.8 ( 984ba48 )

Titel: Batch PDF Encryptor 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2023, 21:00
Encrypt Multiple PDFs in Bulk Easily. One Password for All PDFs or Different Unique Password for each PDF!.


Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.422
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 10:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Reminder notifications are not sent in some cases.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.


deps: lock file maintenance (8ccb94e)


Titel: Xreveal 2.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2023, 18:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.



    Added support for non-friendly drives with the help of MakeMKV LibreDrive
    Added display LibreDrive information in status window
    Added display MKB version in status window
    Added display read data key (RDK) in status window
    Added decrypt protected ISO (need mount to virtual drive first)
    Fixed open drive failed in kernel mode issue
    Updated kernel driver to v2500


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2023, 10:00


    deps: update dependency electron-packager to v17.1.2 (4ff6c2a)

New in encrypt0r 3.11.39

    update dependency @types/jquery to v3.5.17 (bc74829)

New in encrypt0r 3.11.38

    deps: update babel monorepo to v7.22.11 (d74aea9)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2023, 18:30
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( fe79e55 )

Titel: Xreveal 2.4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Improved remove BD+ protection with the help of third party BD+.dll plugin
    Added initial implementation to remove HD DVD AACS protection
    Fixed a crash when parsing UDF file system
    Improved if Xreveal is running, open the settings when double-click the xreveal shortcut
    Improve opening of UHD discs

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( 34a5d58 )

Titel: Cryptomator 1.10.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2023, 11:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Replaced "Add Vault" selection screen by dropdown menu (#3082)
    macOS: New Icon!

    What's Fixed:

    Reset position when out of display bounds by @Rexbas in #3017
    Bring up the main window from the tray on pressing "Show" on the tray… by @purejava in #3080

    Other Changes:

    Translation Updates (#3071)
    Updated dependencies (#3073, #3081, #3089)


Titel: Xreveal 2.4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2023, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed crash introduced in 2.4.8
    Added remove first play title from HD DVD
    Added remove UOPS (User Operation Prohibitions) from HD DVD
    Added remove parental restrictions from HD DVD

Titel: Xreveal 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2023, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Improved support for reading EVO from HD DVD
    Improved move BEC to "Drive information"
    Fixed four crashes from the user report
    Added make separate installer for x64/x86/ARM64, only 0.5MB
    Added more parameter validity checks in kernel driver
    Updated kernel driver to v2520

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

deps: lock file maintenance (2137ece)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.10.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2023, 19:00

    What's New:

    Linux: AppImage AArch64 build (#3102)
    Error dialog points user to a solution, if one exists in the error database (#2953)
    Expert settings during vault creation (eg setting custom shortening threshold) (#2987)
    Update Reminder (#2998)
    Proper Tray-Menu for Linux: Support for appindicator by @purejava in #2885
    Error code lookup: Ask before downloading error code database (#3060)
    Added more error messages during unlock (#3001)
    Replaced "Add Vault" selection screen by dropdown menu (#3082)
    macOS: New app icon (#2517)

    What's Fixed:

    Replacing a file with a very long filename failed (#3021)
    On Windows, no specifc error screen for already occupied drive letter was shown (#2961), kudos to @sschuberth
    On Windows, Cryptomator settings were not always stored in Users appdata directory (#2838)
    Windows: Improved handling of mount during unlock (#2996)
    Cryptomator Hub: Show unathorized message if vault is archived (#3051)
    Linux: Delayed app shutdown (#3020)
    Reset position when out of display bounds by @Rexbas in #3017
    Bring up the main window from the tray on pressing "Show" on the tray… by @purejava in #3080

    Other Changes:

    Replace GSON with Jackson (#2974)
    Preprocess JVM properties at app start to adjust to system environment (#2957)
    Translation Updates (#2945, #3071)
    macOS Build: Use Temurin JVM and Gluon FX Jmods instead of Zulu JVM+FX (#3033)
    Updated dependencies (#3073, #3081, #3089)


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2023, 19:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: Cryptomator 1.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2023, 19:00

    What's Fixed:

    Fixed addVaultButton context menu not properly closed (#3123)
    Fixed dropdown menus requesting window focus on close on macOS (#3121)
    Fixed appindicator tray menu not used using the Cryptomator flatpak (#3112)
    Fixed update notification when using a fixed distribution channel (#3118)

    Other Changes:

    Enhance user agent string when downloading error code database (#3109)
    Updated translations (#3110)
    Updated dependencies


Titel: Xreveal 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2023, 21:30
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed failed to read VID of HD-DVD
    Added keydb.cfg setting for HD-DVD
    Added context help in the Settings dialog
    Added more logs when failing to do AACS-Auth
    Added Enabled LibreDrive for UHD
    Improved detection of whether PowerDVD is installed
    Improved exit UDF parser quickly when ejecting disc
    Changed FUT file search order: bd+.dll, MK.bin, MK_VolumeLabel.bin, MK_*.bin

Titel: Xreveal 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2023, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed installer won't work on Windows x86 and Windows ARM64
    Fixed failed to get RDK when LibreDrive is enabled

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2023, 20:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.



    deps: lock file maintenance (c355dbb)


Titel: CryptoStuff 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 10:00
Employ this portable software utility focused on cryptography and whose capabilities include ciphering, hashing, and RSA signing or verifying.


Whats new:>>

Restore last window position at startup

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.26.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2023, 09:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tun. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

    Security: Ensure that XTS primary key is different from the secondary key when creating volumes
    Issue unlikely to happen thanks to random generator properties but this check must be added to prevent attacks
    Reference: CCSS,NSA comment at page 3: https://csrc.nist.gov/csrc/media/Projects/crypto-publication-review-project/documents/initial-comments/sp800-38e-initial-public-comments-2021.pdf
    Remove TrueCrypt Mode support. Version 1.25.9 can be used to mount or convert TrueCrypt volumes.
    Complete removal of RIPEMD160 and GOST89 algorithms. Legacy volumes using any of them cannot be mounted by VeraCrypt anymore.
    Add support for BLAKE2s as new PRF algorithm for both system encryption and standard volumes.
    Introducing support for EMV banking smart cards as keyfiles for non-system volumes.
    No need for a separate PKCS#11 module configuration.
    Card PIN isn't required.
    Generates secure keyfile content from unique, encoded data present on the banking card.
    Supports all EMV standard-compliant banking cards.
    Can be enabled in settings (go to Settings->Security Tokens).
    Developed by a team of students from the Institut national des sciences appliquées de Rennes.
    More details about the team and the project are available at https://projets-info.insa-rennes.fr/projets/2022/VeraCrypt/index_en.html.
    When overwriting an existing file container during volume creation, add its current size to the available free space
    Add Corsican language support. Update several translations.
    Update documentation


    Officially, the minimum supported version is now <strong>Windows 10</strong>. VeraCrypt may still run on Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, but no active tests are done on these platforms.

    EFI Bootloader:

    Fix bug in PasswordTimeout value handling that caused it to be limited to 255 seconds.
    Rescue Disk: enhance "Boot Original Windows Loader" by using embedded backup of original Windows loader if it is missing from disk
    Addition of Blake2s and removal of RIPEMD160 & GOST89
    Enable memory protection by default. Add option under Performance/Driver Configuration to disable it if needed.
    Memory protection blocks non-admin processes from reading VeraCrypt memory
    It may block Screen Readers (Accessibility support) from reading VeraCrypt UI, in which case it can be disabled
    It can be disabled by setting registry value "VeraCryptEnableMemoryProtection" to 0 under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesveracrypt"
    Add process mitigation policy to prevent VeraCrypt from being injected by other processes
    Minor enhancements to RAM Encryption implementation
    Fix Secure Desktop issues under Windows 11 22H2
    Implement support for mounting partially encrypted system partitions.
    Fix false positive detection of new device insertion when Clear Encryption Keys option is enable (System Encryption case only)
    Better implementation of Fast Create when creating file containers that uses UAC to request required privilege if not already held
    Allow choosing Fast Create in Format Wizard UI when creating file containers
    Fix formatting issues during volume creation on some machines.
    Fix stall issue caused by Quick Format of large file containers
    Add dropdown menu to Mount button to allow mounting without using the cache.
    Possible workaround for logarithmic slowdown for Encrypt-In-Place on large volumes.
    Make Expander first check file existence before proceeding further
    Allow selecting size unit (KB/MB/GB) for generated keyfiles
    Display full list of supported cluster sizes for NTFS, ReFS and exFAT filesystems when creating volumes
    Support drag-n-drop of files and keyfiles in Expander.
    Implement translation of Expander UI
    Replace legacy file/dir selection APIs with modern IFileDialog interface for better Windows 11 compatibility
    Enhancements to dependency dlls safe loading, including delay loading.
    Remove recommendation of keyfiles files extensions and update documentation to mention risks of third-party file extensions.
    Add support for more language in the setup installer
    Update LZMA library to version 23.01
    Update libzip to version 1.10.1 and zlib to version 1.3.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2023, 11:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update babel monorepo (de77aa9)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.423
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2023, 11:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: The "List index out of bounds" error in some cases when using Ctrl+1..9 hot-keys.

Titel: ACodec 2.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2023, 19:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Maintenance release: updated dependencies & fixed CVE-2023-33201 .

Titel: Xreveal 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2023, 22:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed incorrect status if Xreveal is disabled
    Fixed crash when .bup is empty
    Added enable xreveal in Status window if Xreveal is disabled
    Improved support for LibreDrive

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.26.8 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    All OSes:

    Update translations and documentation


    Better fix for Secure Desktop issues under Windows 11 22H2

Titel: Hidden Disk 5.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2023, 09:00
Create a new, encrypted, drive on your computer that is used to store data and can be hidden at any time, with this handy utility.


Whats new:>>

This update includes security improvements.

Titel: Portable Text Encryption 12.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2023, 19:30
Encrypt plain text to secure a message you might want to share with others thanks to this simple, handy and install-free application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Fixed an annoyance where the ciphertext contained several trailing
white spaces.


Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2023, 10:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Improved compatibility with Yubikey
    Fixed minor issues
    Updated BCWipe modules

Titel: VeraCrypt 1.26.9 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    All OSes:

    Update translations and documentation


    Better fix for Secure Desktop issues under Windows 11 22H2
    VeraCrypt Expander: Fix expansion of volumes on disks with a sector size different from 512 (by skl0n6)
    Fix writing wrong EFI System Encryption Advanced Options to registry
    Don't close Setup when exiting VeraCrypt process through system tray Exit menu

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2023, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Deps: lock file maintenance (8668f94)

Titel: SecureFolderFS Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2023, 21:45
SecureFolderFS comes to the aid of users who are looking for a third-party solution that doesn't overcomplicate things. To put it simply, the program offers users the ability to create a vault, which acts as a secure environment that keeps prying eyes away from certain files and folders.

MIT License


    New features and improvements:

    Added the option to add translations
    Added new localizations (Polish, Danish, German, Ukrainian, Spanish)
    Added the option to check for updates
    Added release notes dialog
    Added a guide dialog when unlocking a vault for the first time
    Added a header with version to the title bar
    Improved file name encryption/decryption performance
    Improved accessibility


    Fixed an issue where the WebDav drive wouldn't show in the File Explorer
    Fixed an issue where WebDav file explorer windows wouldn't close after locking the vault
    Fixed an issue where the File Explorer would hang when creating a new file
    Fixed an issue where WebDav would not be able to save Office documents
    Fixed an issue where WebDav would return inappropriate status codes

    Known issues:

    Closing the app without locking the vault first when using WebDav will leave a 'phantom' volume on the drive list which may cause some applications to hang. To circumvent this behavior, unlock the same vault again and lock it for the volume to disappear


Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2023, 18:30
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

Updated BCWipe, Privacy Guard and BCArchive modules

Titel: Cryptomator 1.11.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2023, 10:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    What's New:

    Adjusted to Hub 1.3.x API by @overheadhunter in #3041
    Network operations (Update checks, authentication, etc...) have a timeout and return an error on timeout (#3157)

    What's Fixed:

    Fixed Windows MSI installer was blocked by Windows Smart App Screen (#3130)
    Fixed possible app crash on Linux when deleting directories (#2926)
    Fixed error screen linked deleted discussion (#3148)
    Fixed force lock required on Windows without any vault activity (#3043)
    Fixed unable to unlock vault on Linux due to wrong system library (#3127)

    Other Changes:

    Improve AppImage build script by @purejava in #3133
    JDK 21 by @overheadhunter in #3129
    simplify out-of-bounds check by @overheadhunter in #3091


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2023, 09:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.


deps: lock file maintenance (8b94e9b)


Titel: SecurStick 1.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2023, 10:00
Ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Daten auf USB-Sticks und anderen Datenträgern.Zum Ausführen von SecurStick benötigen Sie keine Administratorrechte. Es ist keine Installation von Software oder Treibern notwendig.

Lizenz: Open Source


Diese Version enthält Änderungen für die Windows-Varianten, die die Auswahl des Standard-Browsers betreffen, den SecurStick nach dem Starten für die Anmeldung öffnet. Leider hat Microsoft in den letzten Jahren mehrfach das Verfahren geändert, um den Programmnamen des Standard-Browser zu ermitteln.
Die neue Programmversion verwendet das neue Verfahren zur Browser-Auswahl.
Falls Sie nicht den Standard-Browsers verwenden möchten, können Sie auch weiterhin mit einer Option den Browser Ihrer Wahl verwenden, bitte sehen dazu weiter unten in der FAQ nach.
Auch wenn SecurStick aus welchen Gründen auch immer kein Browserfenster öffnen kann, können Sie es selbst tun und den passenden Link für die Anmeldung eingeben, typischerweise
Die exakte Adresse lässt sich von der Konsole ermitteln mit netstat -a. Suchen Sie dazu nach der Zeile, die "ABHÖREN" und "127.0.0." enthält, beispielsweise:

  TCP           X:0                    ABHÖREN

SecurStick ist nicht an einen bestimmten Browser gebunden. Es braucht auch keinen Browser für die Funktionalität, nur zur Angabe des Kennwort nach dem Start.

    This version contains changes for the Windows variants that affect the selection of the default browser that SecurStick opens for login after starting. Unfortunately, Microsoft has changed the procedure for determining the program name of the default browser several times in recent years.
    The new program version uses the new browser selection procedure.
    If you do not want to use the default browser, you can still use the browser of your choice with an option, please see the FAQ below.
    Even if SecurStick cannot open a browser window for whatever reason, you can do it yourself and enter the appropriate link to log in, typically
    The exact address can be determined from the console with netstat -a. To do this, look for the line that says "LISTENING" and "127.0.0." contains, for example:
    SecurStick is not tied to a specific browser. It also doesn't require a browser for functionality, just to provide the password after starting.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (c32feda)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.11.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Updated Windows EXE-Installer to install WinFsp 2 (#3026)

What's Fixed:

Fixed files with long name of unicode characters are not listed in Windows (#2493)

Other Changes:

Pin JDK version for releases (#3163)
Updated translations (#3128)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @babel/core to v7.23.2 (95d1fa9)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2023, 18:00
Whats new:>>

deps: update dependency @types/jquery to v3.5.25 (f3d7941)

Titel: Cryptosystem ME6 15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2023, 09:00
Cryptosystem ME6 is intended for encryption and decryption of single files or multiple files, for secure storage (on your PC) or for secure transmission to a colleague (or to yourself). For example, if you're traveling internationally you might wish to carry sensitive data on a USB memory stick (a.k.a. flash drive), which you encrypted before departure. Then after arrival, you can decrypt the data.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (14eda90)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.11.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2023, 20:00

What's New

    Added support for upcoming Hub 1.3.x API ( #3041 , #3181 )
    Updated to WinFsp 2 in Windows EXE installer ( #3026 )
    Added timeouts for network operations (update checks, authentication, etc.), improving error handling ( #3113 , #3157 )

What's Fixed

    Fixed files with long Unicode names not being listed on Windows ( #2493 )
    Fixed unnecessary force lock on Windows when there's no vault activity ( #2851 , #3043 )
    Fixed Windows MSI installer being blocked by Windows Smart Screen ( #3130 , #3131 )
    Fixed potential app crash on Linux when deleting directories ( #2926 , #3136 )
    Fixed vault unlock being prevented on Linux due to incorrect system library use ( #3127 )
    Fixed error screen which linked to a deleted discussion ( #3148 )

Other Changes

    Improved AppImage build script ( #3133 ), kudos to @purejava
    Updated to JDK 21 ( #3129 )
    Simplified out-of-bounds checks ( #3091 )
    Pinned JDK version for consistent builds across releases ( #3075 , #3163 )
    Updated translations ( #3128 , #3188 , #3189 )


Titel: VeraCrypt 1.26.10 Nightly
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2023, 10:00
VeraCrypt setzt auf das bekannte TrueCrypt auf, wurde aber in Punkto Sicherheit verbessert. Es können Ordner, Partitionen, ganze Laufwerke oder direkt das gesamte System verschlüsselt werden. Wer bereits mit TrueCrypt gearbeitet hat, wird sich mit VeraCrypt leicht tun. TrueCrpyt-Dateien können allerdings nicht mit VeraCrypt geöffnet werden. Die Software kann auch portable eingesetzt werden, dazu taucht am Anfang der Installation eine Abfrage auf. Eine Hilfedatei im PDF-Format findet man nach der Installation im Programmordner. Nach dem Entpacken der Sprachdatei die gewünschte Datei in das Programmverzeichnis kopieren.


    All OSes:

    Update translations and documentation


    Better fix for Secure Desktop issues under Windows 11 22H2
    VeraCrypt Expander: Fix expansion of volumes on disks with a sector size different from 512 (by skl0n6)
    Fix writing wrong EFI System Encryption Advanced Options to registry
    Don't close Setup when exiting VeraCrypt process through system tray Exit menu
    Windows: Fix failure to format some disks (e.g. VHDX) caused by virtual partition offset not 4K aligned
    Windows: fallback to absolute positioning when accessing disks if relative positioning fails


Titel: Xreveal 2.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2023, 19:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Added embed VID to Blu-ray ISO when ripping to image with keep protection.
    Added traditional Chinese translation.

Titel: Steganos LockNote 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2023, 21:00
Steganos LockNote is a lightweight, straightforward and open-source tool that allows you to write notes in a secured environment. It can be easily handled, even by less experienced individuals.

License: GPLv2

Whats new:>>

    FIX: fixed crash in search function
    FIX: fixed Polish encoding

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2023, 08:30
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (e904add)

Titel: DataProtectionDecryptor 1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2023, 10:00
DataProtectionDecryptor is a powerful tool for Windows that allows you to decrypt passwords and other information encrypted by the DPAPI (Data Protection API) system of Windows operating system. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a problem with decrypting DPAPI data from external drive on Windows 11 22H2.
    Updated to work properly in high DPI mode.

Titel: File Encryptor 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2023, 11:00
Keep prying eyes away and encrypt your important files with a password through this easy-to-use tool, which is also able to decrypt them whenever you need access.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Password Breach Check (#9)
    With the help of Pangea's User Intel API , check if the password has been found in data breaches before you encrypt your files.


Titel: BestCrypt Volume Encryption 5.12.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Improved driver performance
    Improved behavior for the icon in system tray
    Fixed minor bugs

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2023, 08:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: lock file maintenance.

Titel: BestCrypt 9.08.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2023, 20:00
Protects your secret data from other people by encrypting files on your computer with the help of this intuitive and easy to use application.

Whats new:>>

    Updated BCWipe modules.
    Fixed minor issues

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (619f235)

Titel: AxCrypt 2.1.1647.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2023, 20:00
AxCrypt ist ein Verschlüsselungs-Tool für Ihre Daten. Klicken Sie nach der Installation von AxCrypt auf eine Datei die Sie verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie im Kontextmenü einen neuen Eintrag mit den Namen »AxCrypt«. Mit einem Klick auf »Verschlüsseln« wird die Datei mittels AES-Algorithmus und einer Schlüssellänge von 128 Bit verschlüsselt.

Um die Datei wieder zu entschlüsseln, müssen Sie nicht nur das richtige Passwort eingeben, sondern bei Bedarf noch eine geheime Schlüsseldatei (TXT) auswählen. AxCrypt muss dabei auf dem Rechner installiert sein.


Whats new:>>

    AXC-2813: Send Feedback button should redirect to AxCrypt Forum
    AXC-1398: Default language should be used while creating My AxCrypt folder in a documents folder
    AXC-783: Translations and Texts Maintenance

Titel: Cryptomator 1.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2023, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source



    Fixed unable to copy files into the vault on Windows (#3207)
    Fixed accessing vault resources fails (#3226)

    Other Changes:

    Translation updates (#3191)
    Dependency updates (#3228, #3230, #3227)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2023, 10:00
Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (3c214b3)

Titel: Portable Text Encryption 14.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2023, 10:00
Encrypt plain text to secure a message you might want to share with others thanks to this simple, handy and install-free application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Updated the GUI to use two text boxes, upper text box for the plain
    text, and the lower text box for the cipher text. Threw in a few buttons for
    east of use. Looks quite different, but the guts are unchanged.


Titel: NordLocker
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2023, 09:00
An application that can protect your files in a most secure environment, through a platform that offers an encryption-powered security system.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2024, 11:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>

deps: lock file maintenance.

Titel: Cryptomator 1.12.3 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    Fixed lastModified timestamp was not preserved if Vault resides on SMB share on Windows (#3301)
    Fixed blocked/unresponsive UI when checking for cloud storage directories in create new vault flow (#3233)
    Fixed not accessible unlocked vault when unlocking second vault with same name using FUSE-T (#3272)
    Fixed installation possible on unsupported macOS version (#3341)
    Fixed moving dialog on macOS (#3332)

    Other Changes:

    Updated translations (#3342)

Titel: Crypt-O 3.4.427
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2024, 22:00
Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Server is locked when trying to add a new user account.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 19:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>

deps: update dependency eslint to v8.57.0.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency sort-package-json to v1.57.0 (f0a846d)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.11.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2024, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.62.0.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    Upgrade dependencies.

    Bug Fixes:

    deps: update dependency yargs to v17.7.2.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


    deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.1.0 ( 571c32f )

Titel: Cryptomator 1.12.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 19:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


Bug fixes

    Fixed failures in service detection and loading prevented mainWindow from showing ( #3279 )
    Fixed lastModified timestamp was not preserved if vault resides on SMB share on Windows ( #3301 )
    Fixed blocked/unresponsive UI when checking for cloud storage directories in create new vault flow ( #3233 )
    Fixed installation possible on unsupported macOS version ( #3341 )
    Fixed moving dialog on macOS ( #3332 )

Other Changes ????

    Updated translations ( #3342 , #3343 )


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2024, 19:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency @babel/core to v7.24.0 ( 35c6fba )



deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.21 (2bbca0f)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.22 (63ced5d)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.24

Titel: SafeNotes 5.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2024, 10:00
Keep your notes safe from prying eyes by resorting to this easy-to-use application that can store and encrypt all sorts of content.


Whats new:>>

New features: Safe Notes Mail, It can be used with any mail system/application very easily, like sending an image. Welcome to the future of emails and messages. Message security is simply the highest in the world and totally outperformed today's RSA or ECC implementations.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2024, 16:00
Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (dc057df)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.1.1

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2024, 22:20
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.25 ( 432f881 )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency typescript to v5.4.2 ( 6ed3bd1 )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2024, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    deps: update dependency electron to v29.1.1 (#218) (7fc231d)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2024, 10:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>

deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.2.0 (3230f11)



deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.26 (25d9975)

Titel: EncryptOnClick
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2024, 11:00
Encrypt your files and folders quickly and easily with this software, featuring a straightforward interface designed with accessibility in mind.


Titel: Steganos LockNote 2.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2024, 21:00
Steganos LockNote is a lightweight, straightforward and open-source tool that allows you to write notes in a secured environment. It can be easily handled, even by less experienced individuals.

License: GPLv2

Whats new:>>

    NEW: new, clearer icon
    NEW: much smaller exe size due to optimized about dialog images
    FIX: about box dialog broken in some languages/dpi settings

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2024, 23:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.27 (3422ed1)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2024, 11:00
Whats new:>>

deps: update dependency semantic-release to v23.0.3 (58b6ff5)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2024, 20:00
Whats new:>>


    Deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.28 (7b1709a)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2024, 20:00
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    Deps: update dependency electron to v29.1.4


    Deps: update dependency @semantic-release/github to v10

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2024, 11:00
Whats new:>>

deps: lock file maintenance (d5a62ec)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2024, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: update dependency semantic-release to v23.0.5 (bdb4297)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>

deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.3.1 (aa11368)



    deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.29

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2024, 21:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.11.30 ( 3a3e81d )



Deps: update babel monorepo.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2024, 11:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @semantic-release/commit-analyzer to v12 (#222) (a6560af)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency typescript to v5.4.3 ( a4c7c1b

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2024, 10:30
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @babel/core to v7.24.3 (a114018)

Titel: Private Vault 1.3.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2024, 21:30
This dedicated GUI-based client will allow you to encrypt, organize, lock, and hide your photos, videos, documents, projects, and more.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2024, 09:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    Deps: update dependency electron to v29.1.5 (#224) (0cf57cf)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2024, 09:00
Whats new:>>


    Update README (#225) (f7c52f5)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2024, 22:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: update dependency semantic-release to v23.0.6.

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2024, 09:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance (2679492)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.4.0 (27de3f5)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 09:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency sort-package-json to v2.9.0 (5834dfe)

Titel: Cryptomator 1.12.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 20:00
Cryptomator provides you with easy-to-implement file encryption that can be used for the cloud as well as locally ensuring the security of your files.

You'll get the benefit of strong AES encryption for use when creating files to Google Drive, Dropbox or to a location defined by you. Cryptomator makes the whole process easy - simply select a file, choose the location as well as a passphrase and it's complete - easy as that.

Cryptomator provides transparent encryption, unlike similar products, you will not need to change your work habits or learn new workflows - just keep working with your files as you always have.

License: Open Source


    Security Fixes:

    Deletion of protected resources: The Cryptomator MSI installer is build with the WiX toolkit. Installers build with a toolkit version below 3.14.1 can be used to delete system directories by using directory junctions. (CVE-2024-29187)
    Local Privilege Escalation: The Cryptomator EXE installer is build wiht the WiX toolkit. Installers build with a toolkit version below 3.14.1 can be used to execute arbitrary binaries using by using the Windows temp directory. (CVE-2024-29188)


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2024, 08:01
Whats new:>>

Bug Fixes

    deps: update dependency electron to v29.1.6 ( #228 ) ( bc3ca2a )


    deps: update dependency @semantic-release/release-notes-generator to v13 ( #226 ) ( 090a8cf )
    deps: update dependency node to v20.12.0 ( #227 ) ( 0926971 )

Titel: Private Vault 1.3.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2024, 09:00
This dedicated GUI-based client will allow you to encrypt, organize, lock, and hide your photos, videos, documents, projects, and more.


Titel: DiskCryptor 1.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2024, 21:00
DiskCryptor is a free, open source, full disk encryption software that allows you to encrypt an entire hard drive or a single partition.

It was primarily developed as a free alternative for DriveCrypt Plus Pack (a shareware program developed by a commercial company named SecurStar) and PGP Whole Disk Encryption (developed by Symantec). The encryption speed depends on your existing hardware configuration and the choosed algorithm (it supports AES, Twofish, Serpent and their combinations). You can download and use the program as a standard installer (Windows setup file) or as a WinPE plugin.

License: Open Source


This build resolves issues with Core Isolation and brings full windows 11 compatibility.
The driver is digitally signed to be accepted by windows without any workarounds.

The UEFI bootloader is NOT signed for secure boot, if you want to use DC with Secure Boot, you will need to setup your own keys and sign it yourself or use a shim loader. We are working on getting a secure boot signature from MS...

We have signed the installer and all files with a EV Code signing certificate to avoid issues with false positives which are very common for unsigned releases.
Unfortunately some AV vendors due to past abuse of the software decide to just outright flag any disk cryptor release as a potentially unwanted software.

Please note that with build 1.3 the procedure to encrypt the system partition has been changed, when trying to encrypt a system partition DC will require a reboot to confirm the boot loader and driver work correctly, after the reboot you will need the start DC again to actually start the encryption of your system partition.
This additional step has been added to make the process fail safe, and eliminate the possibility of abusing the driver for malicious purposes.


    Added safe system volume encryption (boot loader is tested before anything gets encrypted)
    Added ability to recover MBR when it was damaged by a partitioning or backup/recovery tool


    Fixed issue with Core Isolation on windows 10/11


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2024, 20:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency @types/node to v20.12.2 ( 1e989f5 )



    deps: update dependency sort-package-json to v2.10.0 ( 8a93639 )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2024, 09:01
Whats new:>>


    deps: lock file maintenance ( 10eba7f )

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2024, 11:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.5.0

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 08:00
Whats new:>>


eps: update dependency @types/node to v20.12.3 ( a2ef1ba )

Titel: Xreveal 2.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 12:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed the issue of opening the settings window multiple times when double-clicking the shortcut
    Added stay on top
    Added support for new Blu-ray discs

Titel: Private Vault 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 21:00
This dedicated GUI-based client will allow you to encrypt, organize, lock, and hide your photos, videos, documents, projects, and more.


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2024, 10:00
Sometimes you just need a quick way to encrypt files securely using a passphrase. Not all operating systems have this functionality, especially Windows.

encrypt0r provides a simple drag and drop interface to encrypt/decrypt your files using a password.

Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency semantic-release to v23.0.7 ( 1ce2a19 )



    deps: update dependency @babel/core to v7.24.4 (1f40e32)

Titel: Speedcrypt 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2024, 12:00
A data encryption program that helps users protect any important files of note securely, thanks to a series of advanced cryptographic algorithms.

Donationware     /  GPLv3

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


    deps: update dependency typescript to v5.4.4

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update dependency @semantic-release/github to v10.0.3

Titel: EncryptPad Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 10:00
EncryptPad is an application for viewing and editing symmetrically encrypted text. Using a simple and convenient graphical and command line interface, EncryptPad provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk while offering effective measures for protecting information, and it uses the most widely chosen quality file format OpenPGP RFC 4880. Unlike other OpenPGP software which main purpose is asymmetric encryption, the primary focus of EncryptPad is symmetric encryption.

License: GPLv2


    Update Botan to 2.19.4
    Use svg icons from the Breeze project to resolve the appearance in 2K/4K resolution screens
    Add basic printing functionality
    Show the current path in the file properties
    Add Close menu item
    Add calculator functionality to evaluate an expression in the current line
    Display the remaining number of S2K derivations that can be used to save the file without entering the passphrase
    Create a new file from the command line argument


Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 12:00
Whats new:>>


deps: lock file maintenance (4fe46d9)

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>


deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.6.0 (8175d6e)

Titel: ACodec 2.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2024, 21:00
Encrypt and decrypt information that you want to share with others via more or less unsecure channels using this simple application.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Maintenance release: updated dependencies & fixed CVE-2024-29857 , CVE-2024-30171 & CVE-2024-30172 .

Titel: encrypt0r 3.12.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2024, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fixes:

    deps: update dependency electron to v29.3.1 (#230) (7f04e38)

Titel: Xreveal 2.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2024, 19:00
Remove protection from encrypted CD/DVD/BR discs and free yourself from any obstacles in accessing the data on these types of media for legal reproduction.


Whats new:>>

    Added using AES hardware acceleration option
    Added player region reset for PowerDVD 23
    Added join our Customer Experience Improvement program
    Added workaround for libreDrive "sleep bug"
    Added more logs
    Update kernel driver to v2.5.7
