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PC-Ecke => # Hard-und Software Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2005, 18:33

Titel: Packprogramme diverses ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2005, 18:33
Der Packer 7-Zip ist in der neuen Beta-Version 4.27 erschienen. Das Changelog listet einige Neuerungen auf. So ist 7-Zip neuerdings in der Lage, CHM/HXS- und "Multivolume Cab"-Archive zu entpacken.

Darüber hinaus hat der Entwickler Igor Pavlov diverse Bugs behoben und kleinere Änderungen durchgeführt. So sorgt "Shift+Delete" dafür, dass Dateien endgültig gelöscht werden. Werden Dateien nicht über diese Tastatenkombination gelöscht, dann landen sie im Windows-Papierkorb.

7-Zip kommt mit allen gängigen Pack-Formaten zurecht. Zudem erstellt das Tool auch selbstextrahierende Archive und mit seinem eigenen Komprimierformat 7z bietet das Programm eine sehr hohe Komprimierungsrate.

Nach der Installation sind alle Texte zunächst in englischer Sprache. Öffnen Sie das "Options"-Menü und wählen Sie dann im Reiter "Language" die deutsche Sprache aus.

Der Download von 7-Zip 4.27 Beta beträgt knapp ein MB. Der Packer läuft unter Windows 95/98/ME, NT 4, 2000 und XP - zeitgleich ist auch eine 64-Bit-Windows-Fassung dieser Version erschienen.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/120464/index.html
Titel: Winzip ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2005, 19:12
Der Klassiker unter den Packprogrammen ist in der Version 10.0 Final verfügbar.

Lange Zeit war Winzip der Packer schlechthin. Mittlerweile gibt es viele alternative Free- und Shareware dazu, aber der eine oder andere Anwender dürfte immer noch zu diesem Klassiker greifen, der jetzt in der englischsprachigen Version 10.0 Final erhältlich ist.

Gegenüber der im September erschienenen Beta sind augenscheinlich keine neuen Funktionen hinzugekommen. Unsere damalige Meldung gibt über die Neuerungen von Winzip 10 einen ersten Überblick. Eine vollständige Liste finden Sie auf dieser englischsprachigen Seite .

Sie können Winzip 10.0 45 Tage kostenlos testen. Danach müssen Sie die Shareware entfernen oder für 29,95 Dollar (Preis für die Standardversion) kaufen. Der Download ist 5,57 MB groß. Die Software läuft unter Windows 98/ ME, 2000 und XP.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/123289/index.html
Titel: Updates für 2 Packer: Winrar und 7-Zip
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2007, 13:14
Gleich zwei Packprogramme stehen in neuen Betaversionen zum Download bereit. Winrar 3.71 Beta 1 bietet einige Detailverbesserungen und zahlreiche Fehlerkorrekturen. Bei 7-Zip 4.54 Beta kam genau eine Neuerung hinzu.

Wenn Winrar 3.71 Beta 1 einen Eintrag in seine Fehler-Logdatei schreibt, so erfolgt das jetzt mit dem vollen Pfadnamen. Weitere Mini-Verbesserungen betreffen die Icon-Darstellung bei höheren Bildschirmauflösungen und die Passworteingabe bei verschlüsselten Archiven. Die ebenfalls vorgenommenen Fehlerkorrekturen betreffen unterschiedliche Bereiche von Winrar und lassen sich dem Changelog entnehmen.

Bei 7-Zip 4.54 Beta besteht die Neuerung aus genau einem Punkt: Die Entkomprimierungsgeschwindigkeit wurde erhöht. Anders als Winrar, das Shareware ist und nach 30 Tagen kostenpflichtig wird, darf man 7-Zip dauerhaft gratis nutzen.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/start/software_os/systemtools/news/92725/
Titel: 7-Zip 4.66 Alpha - Leistungsfähige Packer-Software
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2009, 08:11
In Version 4.66 wird die Extrahierung einiger neuer Archivtypen unterstützt. Außerdem benötigt 7-Zip nun keine temporären Dateien mehr, um verschachtelte, kompressionslose Archive zu öffnen.


    * 7-Zip now can unpack NTFS, FAT, VHD and MBR archives.
    * 7-Zip now can open/copy/compress disk images (like \\.\c:) from \\.\ folder.
    * 7-Zip File Manager now doesn't use temp files to open nested archives stored without compression.
    * New -scrc switch to calculate total CRC-32 during extracting / testing.
    * Some bugs were fixed.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 4.66 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html) (939 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 4.66 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,2 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: 7-Zip 9.01 Alpha erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2009, 05:58
In Version 9, die sich derzeit noch in der Entwicklungsphase befindet, unterstützt 7-Zip erstmals den LZMA2-Algorithmus sowie den Archivtyp XZ. Einige der Neuerungen, die in diese neue Version des Packprogramms einfließen, haben wir bereits in einer unserer letzten News zu 7-Zip erwähnt.


    * A memory leak in LZMA2 code was fixed.
    * Some bugs were fixed.
    * 7-Zip now supports LZMA2 compression method.
    * 7-Zip now supports XZ archives.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 9.01 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html) (956 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 9.01 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,3 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Re: 7-Zip: Gratis-Packer in neuer Version
Beitrag von: Snoop am 20 April, 2009, 16:25
Ich denke das "Alpha" ist bei Igor noch wörtlich zu nehmen. So sehr ich 7zip schätze, ich warte noch ein wenig mit der neuen Version.
Titel: 7-Zip 9.02 Alpha erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2009, 06:14
In Version 9, die sich derzeit noch in der Entwicklungsphase befindet, unterstützt 7-Zip erstmals den LZMA2-Algorithmus sowie den Archivtyp XZ. In dieser zweiten Alpha-Version wurden einige nicht näher benannte Fehler behoben.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 9.02 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html)(956 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 9.02 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,3 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: 7-Zip 9.03 Alpha erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2009, 04:21
In Version 9, die sich derzeit noch in der Entwicklungsphase befindet, unterstützt 7-Zip erstmals den LZMA2-Algorithmus sowie den Archivtyp XZ. In der dritten Alpha-Version kann 7-Zip nun *.7z-Archive aktualisieren. Darüber hinaus wurden einige nicht näher benannte Fehler behoben.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 9.03 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html) (950 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 9.03 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,2 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: WinZip 12.1 Build 8497 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2009, 07:15
WinZip 12.1 unterstützt erstmals das ZIPX-Format, das die Archive dank einer verbesserten Kompressionstechnik noch kleiner machen soll. Darüber hinaus besteht nun die Möglichkeit, alle Bilder, die zu einem Archiv hinzugefügt werden sollen, einfach und schnell zu verkleinern, um weiter Platz zu sparen. Das Originalbild wird dadurch nicht verändert. Weitere Informationen zu den vorgenommenen Änderungen finden sich auf der Herstellerwebsite (http://www.winzip.com/whatsnew121.htm).

Website: http://www.winzip.com/

Lizenztyp: Shareware (Standard: 29,95; Pro: 49,95 US-Dollar)
Download: WinZip 12.1 Build 8497 für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,42.html) (13,1 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: 7-Zip 9.04 Alpha erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2009, 04:51
In Version 9 (9 wegen 2009), die sich derzeit noch in der Entwicklungsphase befindet, unterstützt 7-Zip erstmals den LZMA2-Algorithmus sowie den Archivtyp XZ. Außerdem kann die Software jetzt *.7z-Archive aktualisieren.


    * 7-Zip now can update solid .7z archives.
    * 7-Zip now supports LZMA2 compression method.
    * 7-Zip now supports XZ archives.
    * 7-Zip now can unpack NTFS, FAT, VHD and MBR archives.
    * 7-Zip now can unpack GZip, BZip2, LZMA, XZ and TAR archives from stdin.
    * 7-Zip now can open/copy/compress disk images (like \\.\c:) from \\.\ folder.
    * 7-Zip File Manager now doesn't use temp files to open nested archives stored without compression.
    * New -scrc switch to calculate total CRC-32 during extracting / testing.
    * New -scc{WIN|DOS|UTF-8} switch to specify charset for input/output (default = DOS).
    * Some bugs were fixed.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 9.04 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html) (952 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 9.04 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,3 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: WinZip 12.1 Build 8519 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2009, 05:58
WinZip 12.1 unterstützt erstmals das ZIPX-Format, das die Archive dank einer verbesserten Kompressionstechnik noch kleiner machen soll. Darüber hinaus besteht nun die Möglichkeit, alle Bilder, die zu einem Archiv hinzugefügt werden sollen, einfach und schnell zu verkleinern, um weiter Platz zu sparen. Das Originalbild wird dadurch nicht verändert. Weitere Informationen zu den vorgenommenen Änderungen finden sich auf der Herstellerwebsite (http://www.winzip.com/whatsnew121.htm).

Website: http://www.winzip.com/ (http://www.winzip.com/)

Lizenztyp: Shareware (Standard: 29,95; Pro: 49,95 US-Dollar)
Download: WinZip 12.1 Build 8519 für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,42.html) (13,1 Mb; englisch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de (http://winfuture.de)
Titel: 7-Zip 9.05 Alpha erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2009, 06:35

    * 7-Zip now can unpack MSLZ archives.
    * Partial parsing for EXE resources, SWF and FLV.
    * Some bugs were fixed.
    * Some changes in interface.

Website: http://www.7-zip.org/ (http://www.7-zip.org/)

Lizenztyp: LPGL/Kostenlos

    * 32 Bit: 7-Zip 9.05 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1759.html) (966 Kb; deutsch)
    * 64 Bit: 7-Zip 9.05 Alpha für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,1760.html) (1,3 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de (http://winfuture.de)
Titel: 7-Zip 9.06 Beta erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2009, 14:19
What's new after 7-Zip 9.04 beta:

- 7-Zip now can unpack MSLZ archives.
- Partial parsing for EXE resources, SWF and FLV.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- Some changes in interface.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.07 Beta erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2009, 16:10
What's new:
- It's possible to specify Diff program in options (7-Zip File Manager).
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: ExtractNow Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2009, 17:47
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.


Licence: Freeware

Titel: FreeArc for Windows 0.60 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2009, 23:20
FreeArc is a modern general-purpose archiver. Main advantage is fast but efficient compression and rich set of features. It works 1.5 times faster than best programs in each compression class.

Latest Changes

- Fixed a lot of problems and bugs with memory usage, maximum compression, tempfiles etc

- Explorer integration (right-click context menu items on archives, files and directories)

- Conversion of non-FreeArc archives to FreeArc format using All2Arc utility by Black_Fox

- Support for using FreeArc archives in InnoSetup installers

- LZMA made 10-20% faster

- Added Ultra compression mode with 1.5 gb dictionary

Titel: Winzip 14 - angepasst an Windows 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2009, 16:50
Die Macher von Winzip haben einfach mal eine Versionsnummer übersprungen: Nach Winzip 12 gibt es gleich Winzip 14. Die neue Version des Windows-Packers bringt vor allem Anpassungen an Windows 7, neue Funktionen gibt es ansonsten nicht.

Winzip 14 unterstützt die Bibliotheken von Windows 7, um darin befindliche Dateien direkt komprimieren zu können. Bibliotheken sind virtuelle Verzeichnisse, in denen die Inhalte aus verschiedenen Ordnern gesammelt werden. Der Nutzer kann so etwa Fotos aus mehreren Verzeichnissen in einer Bibliothek zusammenfassen. Die Dateien werden dabei nicht kopiert, sondern nur verlinkt. Diesen Links folgt Winzip 14, so dass die ursprünglichen Dateien beim Komprimieren verwendet werden.

Zudem versteht sich das neue Winzip mit den Sprunglisten aus Windows 7. Sobald Winzip auf der Taskleiste festgetackert wurde, stehen darüber die wichtigsten Funktionen der Software zur Verfügung. Über die Sprunglisten erreicht der Nutzer im Fall von Winzip außerdem die zuletzt verwendeten Archive.

Eine weitere Windows-7-Unterstützung wird vielen Anwendern in Ermangelung passender Hardware wohl zunächst nicht viel bringen: Denn Winzip integriert sich in die Touchsteuerung von Windows 7. Dadurch kann der Nutzer auf einem Windows-7-Computer mit Touchscreen mit dem Finger in Archiven scrollen. Im Bildbetrachter von Winzip Pro stehen zudem Fingergesten bereit, um Bilder zu skalieren und zu drehen.

Als weitere Änderung bringt Winzip 14 optimierte Verschlüsselungsfunktionen. Denn das Packprogramm lässt verschlüsselte Daten nicht länger im temporären Windows-Verzeichnis liegen, sondern löscht sie, nachdem sie geöffnet wurden. Auf Intel-Systemen mit integrierter AES-Verschlüsselung wird diese verwendet, womit die Verschlüsselung bis zu drei Mal schneller sein soll.

Bisher gab es Winzip in einer Standard- und einer Pro-Version. Nun kommt eine Backup Edition dazu, die automatisch Backups auf FTP-Servern, CDs oder DVDs anlegen kann.

Winzip 14 gibt es für die Windows-Plattform vorerst nur in englischer Sprache. Eine deutschsprachige Ausführung könnte mit etwas Glück noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen. Bei der letzten Hauptversion von Winzip kam die deutsche Ausführung erst zwei Monate nach der englischen Version.

US-Kunden zahlen für Winzip 14 in der Standardausführung 30 US-Dollar, die Pro-Variante kostet 50 US-Dollar und die neue Backup-Edition liegt mit 40 US-Dollar dazwischen. Upgrades von der Vorversion kosten jeweils die Hälfte des Vollversionspreises. Kunden aus Deutschland wird bei der Bestellung über die Winzip-Homepage der US-Dollar-Preis 1:1 umgerechnet, sie müssen also deutlich mehr bezahlen als es nach aktuellem Wechselkurs erforderlich wäre. Je nach Ausführung bedeutet das einen Aufschlag von 10 Euro bis 16 Euro.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: PeaZip 2.7.1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2009, 18:34
PeaZip is a free, open source, cross platform, portable archiving and compression utility, with encryption and volume split features. It has full for support: 7Z, 7Z-sfx, ARC/WRC, BZ2/TBZ2, GZ/TGZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD/BALZ, split, TAR, UPX, ZIP. You can open, browse, extract, test: ACE, ARJ, CAB, CHM, COMPOUND (MSI, DOC, XLS, PPT), CPIO, ISO, Java (JAR, EAR, WAR), Linux (DEB, PET/PUP, RPM, SLP), LHA/LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAK/PK3/PK4, RAR, WIM, XPI, Z/TZ. Other features include split/join files, wipe files (secure deletion), byte to byte compare files, checksum/hash files, system benchmark, bookmark files and folders.

Licence: Open Source

Titel: PeaZip 2.8 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2009, 11:51
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Re: PeaZip 2.8 erschienen
Beitrag von: dvb_ss2 am 20 November, 2009, 13:21

Release notes
2.8 line is focused on providing a more user-friendly archive/file browser: easier file selection (optional row selection), custom icons for most commons file types, display as detailed view or list view, remember sorting column and sorting order, remember columns widths etc...
Multiple jobs launched at once (form program's GUI) are now executed sequentially to improve disk performances, parallel execution is available as option.
Navigation menus in browser and archiving/extraction intrfaces now shows History submenu, to quickly jump to paths visited in the current session.
In archive and extraction interfaces it is possible to set a default extraction path.
Extract to new folder is now remembered as option of Extract action, rather than being a separate action.
Extract button, within an archive, extracts selected object; if nothing is selected extracts all displayed objects (like WinRar/7-Zip). However in context menu it is possible to directly select to extract all, displayed or selected objects.
In archiving interface it was added "Convert existing archives" option, to extract existing archives before compression stage.
This option, used with "Add each object to a separate archive" option enabled, performs a mass conversion of listed archives to the desired format.
Otherwise, with "Add each object to a separate archive" option disabled, archive conversion is meant to consolidate input data in a single archive, improving compression efficency because it allows recompression of the original data from its uncompressed form.
A total of 98 file extensions are supported.

Titel: Re: PeaZip 2.8 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2009, 14:03
Thx :) ... bin ich vorhin nicht drüber gestolpert...
Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2009, 21:35
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX, OpenOffice.org documents and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius now can precompress executable files going to be added to a ZIP archive through the UPX compressor.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ArcThemALL! V2.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2009, 22:43
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting archive creation, the encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of several archive formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, WIM, XAR, Z and ZIP) and much more.

License:  Open Source / GPL

Titel: WinZip 14.0 Build 8688
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2009, 10:14
WinZip 14.0 ist der Nachfolger von WinZip 12. Die Versionsnummer 13 hat man offenbar aus Gründen des Aberglaubens übersprungen. Das neue große Update der bekannten Packsoftware bietet vollständigen Support für Windows 7. Bibliotheken im Windows Explorer und Jump Lists in der Superbar werden ebenso unterstützt wie die Multi-Touch-Fähigkeiten des neuen Betriebssystems.

Nicht speziell für Windows 7, sondern für alle unterstützten Systeme haben sich die Entwickler verbesserte Verschlüsselungsfunktionen sowie eine weiter vereinfachte Bedienoberfläche einfallen lassen. Weitere Informationen zu den vorgenommenen Änderungen finden sich auf der Herstellerwebsite (http://www.winzip.com/whatsnew140.htm).

Lizenztyp: Shareware

Website: http://www.winzip.com/

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2009, 08:42
What's new?

    * ZipForge upgraded to v.5.02.
    * Fixed error message while extracting files
    * MRU List redone.
    * Zip spanning naming convention reverted back to filename.zip, filename.z01, filename.zXX

Titel: PeaZip 2.8.1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2009, 11:36
# 2009 12 03

    * 2.8.1
          o FILE MANAGER
                + (Windows 7) Fixed drag and drop on Windows 7
                + (Linux) Fixed a bug which on some circumstances crashed the application while opening an archive on startup
                + New navigation menu entry for Public documents for Windows Vista/7
                + New theme for providing a more intuitive and familiar look and feel to Windows users
                + New icons for databases, vector graphic, palette graphic, and icons/cursors
                + Improved password form's exception handling
                + Reset button to clear the search filter and refresh the file browser applying the non filtered non recoursive listing
                + Added "Recent archive" panel to status bar
                + Added "Explore path with PeaZip", "Explore path" and "Open command prompt here" entries to History and Recent panels' context menu
                + Keyboard shortcuts:
                      # Ctrl+A becomes shortcut to "Select all"
                      # Ctrl+L becomes shortcut to "Extract all"
                + Various minor updates and fixes 

Titel: 7-Zip 9.08 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2009, 07:19

    * 7-Zip now can unpack Apple Partition Map (APM) disk images.
    * Speed optimizations in AES code for Intel's 32nm CPUs.
    * Speed optimizations in CRC caclulation code for Intel's Atom CPUs.
    * Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2009, 09:58
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: IZArc 4.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2009, 10:54
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2009, 16:16
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: 7-Zip 9.09 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2009, 11:50
7-Zip 9.09 beta was released.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:


7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:


7-Zip for Windows Mobile:


What's new after 7-Zip 9.07 beta:

    * 7-Zip now can unpack Apple Partition Map (APM) disk images.
    * Speed optimizations in AES code for Intel's 32nm CPUs.
    * Speed optimizations in CRC calculation code for Intel's Atom CPUs.
    * Some bugs were fixed.

What's new after 7-Zip 9.08 alpha:

    * VHD support was improved.
    * Some bugs were fixed.
Titel: FreeArc - Kompressionsprogramm mit eigenem Format
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2009, 10:13
Das Open-Source-Kompressionsprogramm FreeArc (http://freearc.org/Default.aspx) ist in Version 0.60 erschienen. Es soll ähnliche Kompressionsraten erreichen wie diverse Zip-Programme, aber deutlich schneller zu Werke gehen. Doch das Programm hat auch einen großen Nachteil.

FreeArc verwendet sein eigenes Kompressionsformat mit der Endung ".arc". Mit Zip- und RAR-Dateien kann es noch nichts anfangen. Im März 2010 soll eine Version herauskommen, die auch zip, rar, 7z und weitere Archivformate unterstützt. Neben einer Version mit grafischer Oberfläche ist es auch per Kommandozeile bedienbar. FreeArc steht in einer Windows- und einer Linux-Version zur Verfügung.

Die GUI-Version kann auch über das Kontextmenü des Dateiexplorers aufgerufen werden. Mit Plug-ins kann FreeArc in die Dateimanager FAR und Total Commander eingebunden werden. FreeArc bietet Verschlüsselungsfunktionen mit AES, Blowfish, Twofish und Serpent an.

Neben selbstextrahierenden Archiven und einer Reparaturfunktion für beschädigte .arc-Dateien bietet das Programm Optionen zum Hinzufügen weiterer Dateien in das Archiv an. Außerdem können mehrere .arc-Dateien zu einer neuen zusammengefasst werden. Auch die Neukompression eines bestehenden Archivs ist möglich.

Der Autor Bulat Ziganshin hat zahlreiche Vergleichstests mit anderen Kompressionsprogrammen auf seiner Homepage verlinkt. Dabei zeigt sich vor allem, dass FreeArc bei ungefähr gleicher Kompressionsrate sowohl beim Packen und Entpacken schneller arbeitet als zum Beispiel WinRAR oder 7Zip. FreeArc wurde unter der Lizenz GNU GPL 2.0 veröffentlicht und kann im GUI auf die deutsche Sprache umgestellt werden.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: 7-Zip 9.10 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2009, 12:23
What's new after 7-Zip 9.09 beta:

    * The BUG in 7-Zip 9.09 beta was fixed: 7-Zip created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.

Titel: ALZip 7.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2010, 02:21
ALZip ist ein kostenloses Packprogramm. Die Bedienung beschränkt sich auf das Wesentliche, so dass dieses Tool insbesondere für Anfänger gut geeignet ist.

- Leseunterstützung für alz, ace, arc, arj, b64, bh, bhx, bin (hex files), bin (CD images), bz2, cab, ear, enc, gz, ha, ice, iso, jar, lcd, lha, lzh, mim, pak, rar, tar, tgz, uue, uu, war, xxe, z, zip, zoo, 7z, and 001files.

- Schreibunterstützung für ALZ, BH, CAB, JAR, LHA (LZH), TAR, TGZund ZIP-Archive.

- MultiLanguage-Support

- Standard-Funktionen wie: Hinzufügen, Entpacken, Löschen, Umbenennen, Ausführen, Öffnen, Testen, Installieren, Kommentar, SFX-Erstellung, Virus-Scan, E-Mail

- repariert defekte ZIP- Archive

Das Programm ist Freeware. Die Registrierung ist für Privatnutzer kostenlos.

Titel: PeaZip 2.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2010, 12:36
Release notes

2.9 release is focused in completing the UI development process started in version 2.
It is now reported information about selected objects, it's available a navigation bar on the left of the browser, and all bars elements (menu, toolbar, address, navigation and status bar) can now be customised or hidden.
The file manager was improved, now pressing ctrl during drag and drop operations displays a context menu to chose to archive, browse, extract, copy or move selected files.
Under the hood, the Windows installer was renewed and backend applications were updated: 7z 9.10, FreeArc 0.60, UPX 3.04.
A total of 118 file extensions are supported.

Titel: Vallen Zipper V2.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2010, 13:16
A simple and pretty small freeware Zip-clone.

For simple file operations like adding, extracting, testing files to Zip archives (PKZip2.04g/4.5 compatible). Multiple disk spanning and ZIP file splitting supported. Drag & Drop interface with Explorer. No help included but standard and very intuitive interface.

Self-extracting archive. No installation required.

New: Full Unicode support!
New: Supports the Zip64 zip file format allowing the creation of Zip files of practically unlimited size (no 4 GB limit)

Titel: ArcConvert V0.59
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2010, 19:22
This convertor can convert the following archives: * 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc

License:  Freeware

Titel: PeaZip 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2010, 11:30
Release notes

2.9 release is focused in completing the UI development process started in version 2.
It is now reported information about selected objects, it's available a navigation bar on the left of the browser, and all bars elements (menu, toolbar, address, navigation and status bar) can now be customised or hidden.
The file manager was improved, now pressing ctrl during drag and drop operations displays a context menu to chose to archive, browse, extract, copy or move selected files.
From Windows 7 the application is integrated in system's context menu in a cascaded submenu featuring icons.
Under the hood, the Windows installer was renewed and backend applications were updated: 7z 9.10, FreeArc 0.60, UPX 3.04.
A total of 118 file extensions are supported.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2010, 22:18
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX, OpenOffice.org documents and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius now can precompress executable files going to be added to a ZIP archive through the UPX compressor.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Zipeg 2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2010, 17:28
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.


Titel: PeaZip 2.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2010, 12:06
# 2010 01 26

    * 2.9.1
          o Display sizes with suffixes (and a decimal) to improve readability
          o Improved startup time searching unc name only for remote units
          o Fixes:
                + (Linux) fixed multiselection issues
                + (Linux) ignore unsupported ssw parameter for p7zip
                + (Windows) fixed some possible crash conditions
                + various fixes

Titel: #7Z Windows 0.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2010, 18:22
#7Z is a 7-Zip GUI for Windows, which attempts to simplify data compression and backup. Use it if you want to: Update existing archives quickly; Backup folders to a storage location; Create or extract protected archives; Lessen effort by using archiving profiles and lists.


#  Latest Changes

- Now works on 32/64-bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/7
- Restructured the layout of the Shell Menu for clarity
- Added the "All Files" search filter when finding archives
- Changed recursion switch to stop finding non-wildcards

Licence: Open Source

Titel: Re: #7Z Windows 0.8.1
Beitrag von: berti am 03 Februar, 2010, 14:33
die gui ist jetzt unter http://code.google.com/p/k7z/ zu finden
Titel: PeaZip for Windows 3.0.beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2010, 17:32
Latest Changes

- Can add multiple items to a single archive through context menu, can configure file associations and context/sendto menu items without the need to keep installer package

- Faster archive testing, more informations about job's progress and speed, more descriptive error messages

Titel: PeaZip 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2010, 11:33
Release notes

PeaZip 3.0 offers better system integration on Windows, with context menu entries capable of handling multiple input in a single instance of the program, and the capability of re-configuring the system integration (file associations, menu entries) from Options > Settings.
Separate icons are featured for most common archive types (7z, bz2, gz, rar, zip), and for generic archives, split files, packages, and disk images.
On extraction, the archive is now tested for encryption in a much more faster way, and during operations more information about the job's progress and speed is shown.
It is now available "Ask before overwriting" mode in extraction options, allowing to respond interactively in case files with same name exists in destination, alongside all previously available policies about naming conflicts on extraction: skip (which is now the default), rename extracted, rename existing, and overwrite.
A total of 123 file extensions are now supported.

Titel: Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2010, 23:18
Simplyzip is a multi archiver. Can open: ZIP, CZIP, ACE, CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH, BZ2, SQX, RS, UUE, XXE, BASE64, UCL, ARJ, ZLIB, ALIB, RPM, DEB, 7-ZIP. Create: 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer, SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX and RAR-SFX UUE/XXE ZLIB and Base64. It does not write to the registry or anywhere else.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: CompressIT 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2010, 09:14
Packt ausgewählte Dateien in ein ZIP-Archiv und löscht die komprimierten Daten auf Wunsch nach der Komprimierung von der Festplatte.


Titel: ArcConvert V0.60a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2010, 20:49
    * This convertor can convert the following archives:
    * 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc / DZ / MSI / ALZ / PMA / PAQ7 / CHM / UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA / ZIP AES (128/192/256) / Nanozip Alpha/ XZ/ FreeArc/Zpaq/GZA
    * to the following ones:
    * Includes the EXE from the archiver
    * Automatic password detection from archive
    * Multilanguage: Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Spain, Taiwan, greek


License:  Freeware

Titel: ExtractItAll
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2010, 23:45
ExtractItAll is a simple utility to unpack password encrypted archives using a password list. To unpack an archive drag'n'drop files to the winform and press the start button.


Titel: ArcThemALL! V2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2010, 17:11
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting archive creation, the encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of several archive formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, WIM, XAR, Z and ZIP) and much more.

License:  GPL

Titel: 7-Zip 9.11 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2010, 11:47
9.11 beta      2010-03-15
- 7-Zip now supports PPMd compression in .ZIP archives.
- Speed optimizations in PPMd codec.
- The support for archives in installers was improved.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Kazakh.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2010, 10:25
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs (zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others because it offers very special features. You can give better protection to your archives using encryption instead of the standard zip password, you can send e-mail using the built-in mail client or you can publish archives on the Web with FTPGenius, the built-in FTP client.

ZipGenius is presented in two editions: STANDARD and SUITE that differs for the content they ship to user's Desktop. While the suite edition is the full setup package that includes all the optional modules of the ZipGenius project, because it is a setup layout oriented to experts and power users, the standard setup package just includes the main ZipGenius application because it is designed for most Windows® users, that just want to open/compress/decompress archives in several formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2010, 12:00
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2010, 07:53
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: 7-Zip 9.12 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2010, 16:16
9.12 beta      2010-03-24
- ZIP / PPMd compression ratio was improved in Maximum and Ultra modes.
- The BUG in 7-Zip 9.* beta was fixed: LZMA2 codec didn't work,
  if more than 10 threads were used (or more than 20 threads in some modes).

Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) for Windows 3.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2010, 17:17
UPX is a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer for several different executable formats. It achieves an excellent compression ratio and offers very fast decompression. Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks because of in-place decompression.

Latest Changes

- New format Mach/AMD64 supports 64-bit programs on Apple Macintosh
- New formats Dylib/i386 and Dylib/ppc32 support shared libraries
- Init function (LC_ROUTINES command) is required
- New format vmlinuz/armel for Debian NSLU2 (etc.) linux kernel
- Bvmlinuz boot protocol 2.08 for 386 Linux kernel
- Extended ABI version 4 for armel-eabi ARM Linux ELF


Auch für Linux verfügbar ;)
Titel: PeaZip 3.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2010, 17:29
# 2010 04 10

    * 3.1.beta
          o BACKEND
                + Updated 7z 9.12 (Windows)
                      # Updated sfx modules
                      # Support reading/writing PPMd compressed ZIP files
          o CODE
                + Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's libraries
          o FILE MANAGER
                + Added option to force "Open as archive" in "Open with..." menu
                + Added link to Google's Language Tools in "Search on the web" submenu (in application's context menu > Misc)
                + Allows to set working directory both for archive creation and archive preview jobs
                + Displays if the archive is encrypted in application's title bar
                + Displays if the path is inside a PeaZip's temporary path (i.e. browsing archives inside archives), higlighting in light yellow the address and search bar
                + Displays selected compression level in title bar in archiving interface (7z/p7zip archive types)
                + Improved displaying UTF-8 encoded names in archive manager (7z/p7zip)
                + Remember alternative exctraction action for 7z, arc and ace backends
                + (Windows) Added navigation links to system's recent (all Windows systems), to searches and downloads (introduced by Vista), and libraries (introduced by Seven)
                + (Windows) Link user's SendTo in "Settings", simplify customizing entries in this menu
                + Various fixes
                      # Shift+character hotkeys canged to Shift+Ctrl+character: Shift+Ctrl+N, Shift+Ctrl+7, Shift+Ctrl+B, Shift+Ctrl+G, Shift+Ctrl+S, Shift+Ctrl+T, Shift+Ctrl+Z
                      # Fixed behavior of Extract without paths option in extraction interface
                      # Fixed division by zero error if a string longer than 19500 characters is provided as keyfile path or extraction path
                      # (Windows 7) fixed "Search and drag here" entries
                + Added option to run job windows minimized, in Options > Settings > Pea Launcher combo box
                + On "extract selected" (default action for extract button in toolbar, while browsing an archive) and "extract displayed" it is now possible to switch directly to "extract all" from extraction interface
                + Added new optional context menu entries to directly add to 7z and zip at fastest, normal or ultra compression levels
                + Changed MultiSelectModel, can now select up to 100 items from context menu entries
                + Removed + and - prefixes in legacy context menu entries

Titel: 7-Zip 9.13 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2010, 15:59
9.13 beta      2010-04-15
- 7-Zip now stores NTFS file timestamps to ZIP archives.
- New additional "Open archive >" item in context menu allows to select
  archive type for some files.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Uyghur.

Titel: CompressIT 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2010, 17:09
Packt ausgewählte Dateien in ein ZIP-Archiv und löscht die komprimierten Daten auf Wunsch nach der Komprimierung von der Festplatte


Titel: PeaZip 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2010, 23:56
# 2010 04 29

    * 3.1
          o BACKEND
                + (Windows) 7z 9.13 beta
          o FILE MANAGER
                + Added entries to add and organize bookmarks in navigation bar
                + Options > Settings: click ok to accept changes or cancel to discard
                + Various minor updates
                + (Linux) Added service menus for KDE4/Dolphin
                + Fixed: removed unsupported -mmt switch for creation of GZip archives
                + Last used custom application for archiving and extraction is automatically remembered
                + Ok and Cancel buttons can now be selected using tab in archiving and extraction interfaces, and Ok button is now automatically selected to allow confirm job simply pressing enter
                + In extraction/archiving interfaces click Ok to apply the changes to options and launch the job (or only to apply changes if the layout is empty), click Cancel to discard the changes and the job

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2010, 15:04
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2010, 15:05
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2010, 08:42
What's New

Latest Version 4.41 / May 10th, 2010

   Fixed multiple volume extraction
   Fixed favorite folder message in settings
   Fixed problems with update notifications

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2010, 21:46
What's New

Latest Version 4.42 / May 11th, 2010

   Fixed crash bug in context menu extension
   Fixed split extraction

Titel: Universal Extractor V1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2010, 11:06
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

An unofficial version of Universal Extractor with updated archive formats is maintained by Lupo and can be found here (http://www.lupopensuite.com/db/universalextractor.htm).

1.6.1 (05/12/2010):

  Added support for environmental variables (eg., specify %temp% for debug dir)
  Added support for XZ compressed files and txz/tlz archives via 7-Zip
  Added support for Windows Installer merge modules (.msm) via MsiX
  Added support for NBH files via NBHextract
  Added translations for Armenian, Czeck, Persian (Farsi), Serbian, Swedish
  Changed 7-Zip unpacking behavior;
          now attempts brute force extraction only after External PEiD scan;
          change due to aggressive .exe resource extraction in new versions
  Changed Windows installer support (.msi, .msp) to use MsiX instead of msi2xml
  Changed LZMA support to use 7-Zip for extraction
  Changed FEAD support to use PEiD rather than TrID for detection
  Changed following formats to call 7z by name (also see 7-Zip debug comment):
          bz2, chm, gz, tar, Z
          this is mostly for code cleanup; functionality should be the same
  Fixed InstallShield 5.x regression in 1.6 preventing successful extraction
  Fixed bug in extraction of non-TAR LZW compressed files
  Fixed bug that prevented picking files after toggling history option
  Fixed bug in display of history combo boxes when no items listed
  Fixed cosmetic bug in Visual C++ SFX status dialog
  Fixed cosmetic bug in status dialogs due to extra padding by AutoIt
  Removed lzma helper binary
  Removed msi2xml helper binary and MSXML download link on MSI selection page
  Removed Windows NT 4.0 support from installer
  Removed debug output for 7-Zip, arj, hlp;
          buffers output, preventing proper user feedback and input prompts
  Updated success/fail detection to check output directory timestamp;
          can detect cases where files are overwritten, which old method missed;
          will still consider failed if user chooses not to overwrite files,
          or if all files are written to a subdirectory of the output directory
  Updated RPM and DEB support to extract interim CPIO and TAR files
  Updated FEAD support to workaround read-only permission issue
  Updated Zip support to log unzip output and permit minor reported unzip errors
  Updated PEiD detection of Microsoft SFX cab files for more reliable extraction
  Updated some UniExtract window sizes for better internationalization support
  Updated translations for Italian, Korean, Russian
  Updated 7-Zip to 9.13 beta
  Updated AutoIt to and replaced deprecated _ArrayCreate UDF
  Updated InfoZip unzip to 6.0.0
  Updated Inno Setup to 5.3.9
  Updated innounp to 0.31 (supports Inno Setup 5.3.9)
  Updated InstallExplorer WCX to 0.9.2
  Updated MSI WCX to 1.2.1
  Updated PEiD to 0.95
  Updated UnRAR to 3.93

License:  GPL

Titel: FreeArc 0.666
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2010, 09:59
Leistungsstarkes Kompressionsprogramm, welches laut Hersteller bei gleicher Kompressionsrate schneller als beispielsweise Winrar oder 7-Zip arbeitet; unterstützt LZMA-, PPMd- und Mulimedia-Kompression und erlaubt das Einstellen der Kompressionsrate; bietet unter anderem Funktionen wie Delta-Daten-Filter, aktualisierbare Solid-Archive sowie verschiedene Verschlüsselungsmethoden.


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2010, 07:42
What's New
Latest Version 4.43 / May 30th, 2010

   Added window auto-switch to history option
   Improved history error reporting
   Fixed browse for folder selected path
   Fixed sound not working
   Fixed extraction with empty password list
   Fixed stop/resume buttons not always shown while extracting

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2010, 07:59
What's New
Latest Version 4.44 / June 3rd, 2010

   Fixed clear archives option
   Fixed open containing folder from menu
   Added ability to monitor directories for archives

Titel: 7-Zip 9.14 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2010, 18:06
9.14 beta      2010-06-04
- WIM support was improved.

Titel: PeaZip 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2010, 11:13
Release notes
PeaZip 3.2 adds "All tasks" entry in System tools for launching Windows Vista//7 Master Control Panel, and a link to donate to charitable organizations suggested by PeaZip in the "Help" submenu, along project's links (the "Donation" page on this site).
In file manager's context menu "Misc" > "Search on the web" were added entries to search filename in torrents, uploads and eMule.
Third parts' backend applications are updated to UPX 3.05, 7z 9.14 beta and FreeArc 0.666 alpha (Windows), and p7zip 9.13 beta (Linux).
A total of 123 file extensions are supported.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.15 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2010, 19:06
9.15 beta      2010-06-20
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Tatar

Titel: ArcThemALL! V2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2010, 20:07
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting archive creation, the encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of several archive formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, WIM, XAR, Z and ZIP) and much more.

License:  GPL

Titel: IZArc 4.1.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2010, 10:09

-Fixed displaying equal folders with the same name but with different case (Upper and Lower) in separate tree nodes
-Fixed extracting files without extension by Drag and Drop
-Fixed deleting of the archive file when extracting password protected multi-volume RAR archives and enter wrong       password
-Fixed auto refreshing the folder where the archive is creating/extracting
-Fixed renaming of files in archive when the change of the name is just in the case of the characters
-Fixed resetting of file list columns when open an archive
-Fixed compressing files that have [] characters in the name
-Fixed crashing of Windows Explorer when use context menu after unattended (silent) IZArc installation
-Fixed storing of favorite folders when use IZArc2Go
-Added support for CD images in Favorite Folders functionality
-Added an option to set default language and file associations during unattended (silent) installation
      (see http://www.izarc.org/faq.html for details)
-Added an option to restore Windows native Zip file integration when uninstalling IZArc
-Added possibility to sort file list in Add Files Dialog
-Updated translations

Titel: Zipeg 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2010, 16:56
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.



Titel: PeaZip V3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2010, 19:39
PeaZip 3.2.1 adds "All tasks" entry in System tools for launching Windows Vista//7 Master Control Panel, and a link to donate to charitable organizations suggested by PeaZip in the "Help" submenu, along project's links (the "Donation" page on this site).
File manager's toolbar can be optionally customized (fm-theme.bmp in each theme's folder), and In file manager's context menu "Misc" > "Search on the web" were added entries to search filename in torrents, uploads and eMule.
Third parts' backend applications are updated to UPX 3.05, 7z 9.15 beta and FreeArc 0.666 alpha (Windows), and p7zip 9.13 beta (Linux); Windows and Linux installers were improved.

A total of 123 file extensions are supported.

Titel: IZArc 4.1.2 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2010, 12:35
-Fixed wrong archive structure when compressing (using ZIP compression) single folder with many files and sub folders
-Fixed compressing read-only files and folders in 7-Zip archive format

Titel: PowerArchiver 2010 Free 11.63.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2010, 17:25
 PowerArchiver is an award-winning archive utility for the Windows family of products that provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools though an easy to use interface that seamlessly integrates with Windows Explorer. PowerArchiver natively supports ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ, BZIP2, XXE, MIME, UUE and yENC file formats. An internal viewer displays TXT, RTF, and more than 18 image formats.


PowerArchiver creates and works with unlimited size ZIP archives with enhanced ZIP format speed and compression; a Password Manager stores your frequently used passwords; encrypts your archives using 5 different methods including 256-bit AES; backs up your work with PowerArchiver's Auto-Backup tool and FTP support; creates powerful CAB and ZIP self extracting (SFX) archives using a Wizard; a Batch ZIP tool compresses hundreds of files all at once; and a Multi-Extract tool can extract hundreds of archives instantly.


Titel: ExtractNow 4.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2010, 00:05
Latest Changes

- Fixed password list traversal bug
- Fixed issue where long password list not saving
- Improved file type assocation registration

Titel: ArcThemALL! V3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2010, 18:57
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting archive creation, the encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of several archive formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, WIM, XAR, Z and ZIP) and much more.

License:  GPL

Titel: PowerArchiver 2010 Free 11.63.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2010, 08:19
Latest Changes

- Fixed one major bug and one minor bug
- Removed regbooster installer
- Ability to take out main banner for that session

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2010, 11:38
Zipeg allows you to open and explore content of zip, rar and other archives, preview files and images before you extract/unzip them. Extract only the files you want. Zip thru photo archives. See image thumbnails. Zipeg allows you to decide what do you want to extract. You can choose what to extract and where to put extracted files or just drag and drop them.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2010, 11:19
4.46 / July 20th, 2010

   Added "Add to password list" option in password dialog
   Added ability to script events via Lua (see extractnow.lua-sample)
   Added option to delete broken files
   Added inclusion/exclusion filter type to Drag&Drop tab
   Fixed filter mask only being respected when searching
   Fixed selecting not to overwrite still resets file time
   Modified password dialog text so it can be selected/copied
   Reworked post-extraction tab interface

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2010, 13:45
Zipeg allows you to open and explore content of zip, rar and other archives, preview files and images before you extract/unzip them. Extract only the files you want. Zip thru photo archives. See image thumbnails. Zipeg allows you to decide what do you want to extract. You can choose what to extract and where to put extracted files or just drag and drop them.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: AppCompactor V2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2010, 07:53
AppCompactor allows you to compress whole directories, including applications, file libraries, and zip files. The program is a powerful compression tool that unites 7-zip and UPX  inside a user-friendly wizard. For applications, this saves disk space and increases performance when running from a slow media (like flash drives). For archives, this will recompress DLL, EXE, ZIP, JAR, IRC, PYD and BIN files to their maximum compression settings.

Note: the program may create incompatibilities with some applications and compressed applications should be tested after processing. The program also has an option to decompress an app's binary files that were previously compressed with UPX.

License:  Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2010, 12:03
Latest Version 4.47 / August 8th, 2010

   Added recursive archive extraction option
   Added time column to extraction list view
   Fixed drag&drop for rar archives with .r## format
   Fixed crash bug in overwrite dlg when file has no valid time
   Fixed crash bug in overwrite dlg when file has no extension
   Fixed history view status message blank when file size is 0
   Fixed file type assocation settings in Windows XP or lower
   Fixed windows 95 compatibility broken in 4.44

Titel: ArcThemALL! V3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2010, 09:43
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.

 What's new: >>

v3.1 (21-08-2010)
- added alert if output folder cannot be created
- added automatic backup for MPRESS compression (for security reasons)
- added official software Guide (thanks to grannyGeek)
- added support to compress files open for writing
- added support to remember interface position
- made some other improvements
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2010, 08:55
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2010, 21:09
Version 4.49 (09/02/10)

- Added option to never overwrite files in destination tab
- Moved 'Rename single file..' option to post extraction tab
- Cleaned up the destination tab in settings
- Fixed progress bar on RAR archives
- Fixed tab selection bug when selecting Monitor tab
- Fixed directory creation error on '.'
- Improved extraction speed

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2010, 10:33
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs (zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others because it offers very special features. You can give better protection to your archives using encryption instead of the standard zip password, you can send e-mail using the built-in mail client or you can publish archives on the Web with FTPGenius, the built-in FTP client.

ZipGenius is presented in two editions: STANDARD and SUITE that differs for the content they ship to user's Desktop. While the suite edition is the full setup package that includes all the optional modules of the ZipGenius project, because it is a setup layout oriented to experts and power users, the standard setup package just includes the main ZipGenius application because it is designed for most Windows® users, that just want to open/compress/decompress archives in several formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2010, 13:07
kein Changelog verfügbar ,,,

Titel: 7-Zip 9.16 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2010, 16:01
9.16 beta      2010-09-08
- 7-Zip now supports files that are larger than 8 GB in TAR archives.
- NSIS support was improved.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localizations: Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit.

Titel: Quick Zip 5.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2010, 18:06
Quick Zip allows you to work with 20 encode types and 44 archive extensions. This archiver allows you to List, View, Extract and Modify files in supported archives. Moreover, it provides some extend features like the ability to open and manage a lot of ZIP files at once, a quick launch toolbar, and more.



Titel: PeaZip V3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2010, 21:17
What's new: >>


    * (Windows) updated to 7z 9.16 beta

Titel: ExtractNow 4.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2010, 09:20
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New
Latest Version 4.50 / September 18th, 2010

   Added 'Extract to folder...' context menu item
   Added 'Close program if successful' option
   Added display of attempted password in history view
   Fixed context menu settings being overwritten
   Fixed overwrite dlg not shown when main dlg minimized
   Fixed path column cut off on long paths
   Fixed context menu help text being garbled in Win7
   Fixed icon bug in startup minimize to tray option
   Fixed stop button not working due to Win95 compat.
   Changed file assoc list to show exts rather than formats

Titel: Alpx 1.33.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2010, 17:56
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Titel: ExtractNow 4.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2010, 18:30
Latest Changes

- Fixed extraction to network paths
- Fixed monitoring directories for archives
- Added 'Elapsed' column to determine total time elapsed
- Added 'Log history' option in settings
- Various speed improvements

Titel: 7-Zip 9.17 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2010, 16:59
9.17 beta      2010-10-04
- Disk fragmentation problem for ZIP archives created by 7-Zip was fixed.

Titel: The Extractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2010, 17:40
The Extractor lets you extract any number of files with just one click. Simply drag and drop zip files, any one file of the same rar set or any folder, with any number of subfolders, to add to the list of items to be processed. It can also delete processed files and folders after successful extraction. Supports ZIP and RAR archive formats.



Titel: ExtractNow 4.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2010, 21:55
What's New
Latest Version 4.52 / October 16th, 2010

   Fixed issues detecting split(.001) archives
   Fixed dropping nth volume in set does not add first volume
   Fixed window position saving/loading issues
   Fixed .tar.gz extraction bug
   Fixed issues with associating wrong file type extension
   Speed improvements when searching for archives

Titel: PeaZip V3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2010, 12:55
What's new: >>

· (Windows) updated to 7z 9.17 beta

· Updated units of Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library

Titel: ExtractNow 4.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2010, 08:53
What's New

Fixed corruption of paths if certain options enabled

Titel: Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2010, 18:22
Simplyzip is a multi archiver. Can open: ZIP, CZIP, ACE, CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH, BZ2, SQX, RS, UUE, XXE, BASE64, UCL, ARJ, ZLIB, ALIB, RPM, DEB, 7-ZIP. Create: 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer, SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX and RAR-SFX UUE/XXE ZLIB and Base64. It does not write to the registry or anywhere else.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: 7-Zip 9.18 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2010, 20:56
9.18 beta      2010-11-02
- 7-Zip now can unpack SquashFS and CramFS filesystem images.
- 7-Zip now can unpack some TAR and ISO archives with incorrect headers.
- New small SFX module for installers (in Extra package).
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: ExtractNow 4.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2010, 00:03
   Modified password list to be specified via a text file
   Fixed password list resetting overwrite option
   Added custom browse for folder dialog
   Added remove duplicate archive folder name option

Titel: ArcConvert V0.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2010, 07:33
This convertor can convert the following archives: * 7-ZIP / LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB / BH / NOA32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX / HA / ZOO / UHARC / LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / ARC

License: Freeware

Titel: Alpx 1.33.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2010, 17:55
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Fixed form position on startup
- Fixed when selecting UPX v3.05 as standard UPX Packer

Titel: 7-Zip 9.19 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2010, 23:35
9.19 beta      2010-11-11
- The console version now doesn't show entered password.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Alpx 1.33.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2010, 17:17
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Silent Compressing & Decompressing from GUi
- Parts of Source Code optimized

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2010, 10:14
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs (zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others because it offers very special features. You can give better protection to your archives using encryption instead of the standard zip password, you can send e-mail using the built-in mail client or you can publish archives on the Web with FTPGenius, the built-in FTP client.

ZipGenius is presented in two editions: STANDARD and SUITE that differs for the content they ship to user's Desktop. While the suite edition is the full setup package that includes all the optional modules of the ZipGenius project, because it is a setup layout oriented to experts and power users, the standard setup package just includes the main ZipGenius application because it is designed for most Windows® users, that just want to open/compress/decompress archives in several formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2010, 08:32
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: 7-Zip 9.20 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2010, 00:11
9.20           2010-11-18
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2010, 20:51
What's new: >>

· (Windows) 7z 9.20 stable
· (Windows) 7z.sfx and 7z-con.sfx modules updated to 9.20 stable version, customised with PeaZip icons
· Pea 0.33, updated look and feel of the utility

· fixed some non translated text strings
· fixed: don't ask for password confirmation for extraction operations
· ask confirmation for archiving and browsing (password set during browsing is used by default for archiving, as in WinRAR/7-Zip); never ask for confirmation if "Show password field" flag is set
· new quick extraction menu and keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0 to extract to same path of last successfull extraction operation
· reorganized info mode for status bar (Ctrl+Alt+2)
themes modified in order to be released as autonomous packages:
· default and no graphic themes are in application's path, custom themes are in configuration path (application's path for portable versions, in user's home/application data for installable versions)
· themes are distributed as compressed packages (supported: 7z, zip and rar)
· custom theme packages can be created by PeaZip
· for further customization: theme file can be edited as plain utf8-text, program's graphic can be edited as bitmap files, theme package is built compressing the theme directory in 7z, zip or rar format using any compression utility
· (update recommended) updated web links to new PeaZip site
· added Mininova as featured search engine

126 file extensions supported:
· added .sfs and .image

Titel: Alpx 1.33.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2010, 17:10
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Added Lzop v1.0.3 Packer
- Added file Backup option
- Added compression rate "-Best"

Titel: ArcConvert V0.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2010, 20:18
This convertor can convert the following archives: * 7-ZIP / LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB / BH / NOA32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX / HA / ZOO / UHARC / LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / ARC


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

    * some improvement
    * bug fixed
    * 7zsfx improved
    * italian and swedish update

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2010, 10:23
Latest Version 4.56 / December 6th, 2010

   Fixed dropping archives that have no extension
   All settings now stored in extractnow.ini
   Automatic extraction of .tar with-in .gz or .bz2
   Fixed assert error when disk space is full
   Added support for .squashfs and .cramfs
   Updated to 7zip library 9.20

Titel: PeaZip 3.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2010, 10:56
Updated to UPX 3.07
Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library units to latest available version
Fixed: opening a password protected archive counts as password validation, so the password confirmation field inherits password field value
Fixed: "Encrypt also file names" option is ignored for formats not supporting this feature
"Encrypt also file names" flag is now remembered
Removed -x.y version suffix from language file names so next version's updates will preserved user-selected language
It is possible to select existing themes (previously loaded custom temes) with directory selection dialog

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2010, 15:11
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs (zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others because it offers very special features. You can give better protection to your archives using encryption instead of the standard zip password, you can send e-mail using the built-in mail client or you can publish archives on the Web with FTPGenius, the built-in FTP client.

ZipGenius is presented in two editions: STANDARD and SUITE that differs for the content they ship to user's Desktop. While the suite edition is the full setup package that includes all the optional modules of the ZipGenius project, because it is a setup layout oriented to experts and power users, the standard setup package just includes the main ZipGenius application because it is designed for most Windows® users, that just want to open/compress/decompress archives in several formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2010, 10:29
Latest Version 4.57 / December 17th, 2010

   Fixed 'Remove duplicate archive name folder' option
   Fixed monitor directories on long copy operation
   Added ability to launch external extraction tools
   Improved monitoring directories tab interface
   Fixed settings not being saved due to UAC

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2010, 09:03
Zipeg allows you to open and explore content of zip, rar and other archives, preview files and images before you extract/unzip them. Extract only the files you want. Zip thru photo archives. See image thumbnails. Zipeg allows you to decide what do you want to extract. You can choose what to extract and where to put extracted files or just drag and drop them.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2010, 10:38
What's New
Latest Version 4.58 / December 25th, 2010

   Fixed monitoring directories on file transfers
   Fixed window shown in taskbar when minimize to tray
   Fixed bug in target command line parameter

Titel: PeaZip 3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2010, 10:48
2010 12 26
Updated to Pea 0.34

Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto lybrary with crc_hash_2010-12-19

Fixed: installable version unable to update archives on Windows 64 bit
default 7z working dir (-w parameter) changed to explicitly set to use output path
if 7z working dir is set to temporary folder, let 7z determinate the appropriate path
when deleting files from a file supported through 7z backend, apply 7z working dir preference
Fixed button position and size with large fonts / high dpi
StringGrid's rows are now auto sized
Modal buttons text is now translated
Open output path moved from Options to Add and Extract interfaces for better visibility
On archive creation, if password is set and the format supports encryption, the encryption label is evidenced in green for better visibility
New option for ignoring paths for drag and drop extraction (default on)
with ignore path directive applied, extraction through 7z and freearc backends will be performed using e (extract without paths) instead of x (extract with paths), in order to extract files from the archive without recreating the parent path's directory tree on the extraction destination
with this new directive applied by default, all partial extraction operations starting from the file/archive browser (extract and open, and extraction by drag and drop), behaves uniformly trying to extract selected file(s) without recreating parent path tree
the directive is overridden if a directory is selected, as extraction without paths will lose information about directory tree below that directory
see Options > Settings, Open archive tab for fine tuning "ignore paths" directives

129 file extensions supported
Added support for .APK (Android package) and .SAR, and .IMF (IncrediMail) 

Titel: Alpx 1.33.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2010, 20:32
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Added additional compress options
- Some bugs fixed

Titel: Free UPX V1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2011, 07:36
Free UPX is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).


It allows you to compress (and decompress) files produced according to Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification (EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other). It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command line usage.

License: Freeware

Titel: ArcThemALL! V3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2011, 12:46
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.


What's new: >>

Version 3.5 [07-01-2011]
- improved software interface
- improved software performance
- improved software source code
- improved "Stop" button feature to interrupt process
- added options for MPRESS compression
- added support to remember format and mode for both compress and extract
- added support to resize software window
- updated official software Help
- updated 7-Zip v9.20
- updated MPRESS v2.17
- updated UPX v3.07
- fixed some minor bugs
[a special thanks to guinness for this release!]

License:  GPL

Titel: Alpx 1.34.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2011, 18:40
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Added >Brute compression
- Added >Ultra compression
- Added >Unpacking LZO files from context menue

Titel: Alpx 1.34.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2011, 20:36
Latest Changes

- Added compression filter 0-255
- Added No-Filter option

Titel: Alpx 1.34.2h
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2011, 22:26
Latest Changes

- Fixed >Hex-view Runtime error
- Fixed >Context Menue code optimzed
- Added >ATARI *.TPP file support

Titel: Quick Zip 5.1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2011, 20:11
Quick Zip allows you to work with 20 encode types and 44 archive extensions. This archiver allows you to List, View, Extract and Modify files in supported archives. Moreover, it provides some extend features like the ability to open and manage a lot of ZIP files at once, a quick launch toolbar, and more.



Titel: PeaZip 3.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2011, 10:42
Release notes
free archiver
PeaZip 3.6.1 improves file navigation, the browser can now rename (Ctrl+R) multiple files at once, sort function keeps context of previously sorted columns and middle mouse button can be used to navigate up one level.     
For all formats handled through 7z backend the working dir is explicitly set to the output path, for better security and performances.
In Options > Settings, Open archive tab it is now possible to fine tune for drag and drop operations the "extract without paths" directive (equal to command line "e" extraction), for extracting files from archives without recreating parent tree structure - the directive does not apply if extraction involves directories, in this case the parent tree is always respected.
"Open output path when job completes" moved from options to extraction and compression interfaces for better accessibility; it is also featured in quick extraction options menu in file/archive browser.
Pea backend was updated to 0.34 version.
A total of 129 file extensions are supported, and language files were updated with latest avaliable translations.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2011, 17:26
ZipGenius is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs (zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others because it offers very special features. You can give better protection to your archives using encryption instead of the standard zip password, you can send e-mail using the built-in mail client or you can publish archives on the Web with FTPGenius, the built-in FTP client.

ZipGenius is presented in two editions: STANDARD and SUITE that differs for the content they ship to user's Desktop. While the suite edition is the full setup package that includes all the optional modules of the ZipGenius project, because it is a setup layout oriented to experts and power users, the standard setup package just includes the main ZipGenius application because it is designed for most Windows® users, that just want to open/compress/decompress archives in several formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2011, 13:06
What's new?

    * Fixed setup script - it still was causing context menu to not install
    * Minor bug fixes

Titel: Alpx 1.34.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2011, 21:25
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Redesigned GUi
- Fixed small bugs

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2011, 09:53
What's new?

     * Fixed context menu language selection code. It affects both 32 and 64 bit versions.
    * Minor bug fixes

Titel: Alpx 1.34.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2011, 17:23
Latest Changes

- Fixed all known Bugs
- Source Code Optimized

Titel: PeaZip V3.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2011, 00:37
What's new: >>

File Manager:

    * Improved recognition of malformed archives not explicitly listing folders' entries, now PeaZip is able to auto-switch to Flat view in order to show the full content of those archives in all tested cases
    * Pre-set chunk sizes for DVD and DVD-DL decreased by 1MB in order to work without problems with most burning applications
    * Better protection against unwanted multiple click on Ok for archiving and extraction operations

Windows installer:

    * Improved displaying information about the software to the end user

Windows portable:

    * Packages now contain a default configuration file to allow application to run from first time in a read only path (not writable or protected by UAC) as standard user; a writable path is still recommended

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2011, 20:04
What's New
Latest Version 4.59 / Feburary 26th, 2011

   Fixed external processing when no argument specified
   Fixed external processing for supported file types
   Fixed monitoring directory not detecting moved folder
   Fixed detection of split archives
   Added macro support to favorite folder

Titel: IZArc 4.1.6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2011, 21:07
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Version 4.1.6

-Fixed extracting folders from an archive using Drag and Drop
-Fixed: When create archives IZArc uses DOS path separator ("\") instead of Unix one ("/")
-Fixed handling files with "[" character in the name
-Fixed opening of 7-Zip archives with encrypted file names
-Fixed resetting of list columns
-Fixed sorting of file list by "File Type"
-Fixed Tab Order on all dialogs
-Fixed: After deleted some files in Explorer Display Style the root of the archive is selected instead of keeping the  current directory
-Fixed: When adding some files to an archive in Explorer Display Style they are always added under the root of the  archive instead of adding them under the current directory

-Added support for multi-volume 7-Zip archives (open and extract)
-Added support for 7-Zip LZMA2 compression method
-Added an option to set all supported file types during unattended (silent) installation using /ArcTypes=ALL switch
-Show appropriate help (if available) when F1 is pressed on current dialog

-Updated UnRar library to version 4.0
-Updated 7-Zip library to version 9.20
-Updated translations

Titel: RarZilla Free Unrar 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2011, 22:49
Schnelles Entpacken von RAR-Archiven; bietet Passwortunterstützung für geschützte Archive, beherrscht aufgeteilte Archive sowie Entpacken per Drag-and-Drop, Doppelklick oder Kontextmenü.



Titel: WinRAR 4.00 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2011, 19:20
Version 4.00

   1. RAR decompression speed is improved. Depending on data type,
      decompression can be up to 30% faster than in previous versions.

      Both the general RAR algorithm and most of special RAR multimedia
      methods benefit from this improvement. The only module of RAR
      algorithm, which is not affected, is "Text compression" method.
   2. Changes in ISO support:
      a) UDF support is upgraded to UDF 2.50 revision. It makes possible
         to unpack most of Blu-ray ISO files;

      b) when browsing UDF ISO file, UDF revision number is displayed
         after the "UDF" format name in WinRAR address bar
         and in archive information dialog;

      c) WinRAR sets the folder modification date when unpacking folders
         stored in UDF and ISO9660 files.
   3. Changes in password dialog:

      a) WinRAR uses the same format of password dialog both when archiving
         and extracting, so "Show password" option is available also
         when extracting;

      b) "Organize passwords..." button in password dialog provides
         access to password organizer interface, where you can specify
         your frequently used passwords. You will be able to access these
         saved passwords using the drop down list or autocomplete feature
         in password dialog.

         It is important to know that saved passwords are not encrypted
         and anybody having access to your computer can view them.
         Use "Organize passwords" feature only if your computer is
         protected from unauthorized access;

      c) "Use for all archives" option is available in password dialog
         when unpacking several archives at once. You can utilize it
         to apply an entered password to all archives.

         If you use this option with an empty password, WinRAR will skip
         all encrypted archives;

      d) Unlike previous versions, the password from default compression
         profile is not used for extraction.
         If you wish to use the same password for all extracting archives,
         press "Organize passwords..." button in the password dialog
         and define a new password entry, specifying "*" file mask
         in "Select for archives" field.
   4. In Windows 7 WinRAR will display the total operation progress
      also on WinRAR icon on Windows taskbar. You can disable it using
      "Taskbar progress bar" option on "General" page of WinRAR settings.

   5. Numerous Unicode support improvements allow to process non-English
      file names more smoothly. These improvements include:

      a) better Unicode handling in WinRAR in "Rename", "Convert",
         "Find" and other commands, in folder tree panel, in password
         request dialog and in many other parts of WinRAR interface;

      b) correctly displayed Unicode names in WinRAR items in Explorer
         context menus;

      c) Unicode support in .lng files, making WinRAR localization
         possible for Unicode only languages.
   6. Changes in -x switch syntax. Now you can specify a wildcard
      exclusion mask for folders. Such mask must have the trailing '\'
      character, like -x*tmp*\ or -x*\temp\

   7. New "Extract relative paths" option in "Advanced" part of extraction
      dialog. If you browse some archive subfolder in WinRAR shell
      and enable "Extract relative paths" option, the path part up to
      and including the current subfolder will be removed from extracted
      file paths.
      For example, if you are inside of "Backup\MyData" archive folder
      and extract "Images" folder, it will be extracted as "Images",
      not as "Backup\MyData\Images".

      This option is the new default extraction mode, but you can change
      the default back to WinRAR 3.x style. Just select "Extract full paths"
      and then press "Save settings" in "General" part of extraction dialog.
   8. Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT are not supported by WinRAR
      and WinRAR self-extracting modules anymore. Minimum Windows version
      required for WinRAR 4.0 is Windows 2000.
      If you need to run WinRAR on older Windows, you can download
      previous WinRAR versions from ftp://ftp.rarlab.com/rar

   9. If TAR, TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 archive contains symbolic or hard links
      and if destination file system is NTFS, WinRAR will create these
      links when unpacking such archive. WinRAR will create symbolic links
      as symbolic and hard links as hard in Windows Vista and newer
      and it will create all links as hard in older Windows.

      If destination file system is FAT32 or any other not supporting
      file links, WinRAR will skip links when unpacking TAR, TAR.GZ
      and TAR.BZ2 archives.
  10. Recovery volume processing involves less disk seek operations
      resulting in higher performance.

  11. You can select Windows 7 library in tree panel in extraction dialog
      and WinRAR will use its default save location as the destination path.

  12. "Report" command allows to select HTML, Unicode text and usual text
      as output format for report file. Unlike previous WinRAR versions,
      now WinRAR preservers Unicode characters in reports when using HTML
      or Unicode text format. So non-English characters in file names
      will be displayed properly in such reports.
  13. Message list in GUI SFX archives displays only operation status
      and error messages. It does not contain names of all extracted files
      anymore. This change improves the speed and reduces memory requirements
      for SFX archives containing a large number of files. Also it makes
      easier to locate error messages, because they are not hidden among
      extracted file names.

  14. GUI SFX archives display "Extract" button instead of "Install"
      if no "Setup" or "Presetup" commands are present in the archive
      comment. If you prefer "Install" button, but do not need to
      execute any setup programs, you can add "Setup=<>" command.
  15. WinRAR displays the current percent above the operation progress bar
      when repairing an archive containing the recovery record
      and when processing recovery volumes.

  16. WinRAR limits the maximum possible volume size to 4 GB minus 1 byte
      when creating RAR volumes on a disk with FAT or FAT32 file system
      in volume size autodetecting mode. These file systems do not support
      4 GB and larger files.

  17. If "Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option is enabled
      and WinRAR waits for another copy, you can press "Continue" button
      in command progress window to force WinRAR to stop waiting.
      So now "Continue" button allows to override the state of
      "Wait if other WinRAR copies are active" option for current operation.

  18. WinRAR displays one password request instead of two, when saving
      an encrypted file back to RAR or ZIP archive after modifying it
      in some external editor. Previous WinRAR versions usually requested
      the password twice, both when extracting the original file
      and archiving its modified copy. Only RAR archives with encrypted
      file names were processed with the single password prompt.

  19. New error code 10 ("no files") is added to list of error codes
      returned in command line mode by RAR and WinRAR. This new code
      can be returned by archive, extract, delete and repair commands.
      It means that RAR did not find any files matched the specified
      file or archive mask.
  20. File name area in file overwrite dialog occupies several lines now.
      It makes possible to display much longer names.
  21. Now switch -ep3 converts not only disk letters, but also UNC paths.
      So \\server\share will be converted to __server\share when archiving
      and restored to the original \\server\share when extracting with -ep3.

  22. New "Background extraction" option in "Advanced" part of extraction
      dialog places WinRAR into background, when extracting files.
      You can save its default state with "Save settings" button in "General"
      part of extraction dialog, just like for other extraction options.

      "Background archiving" option from the default compression profile
      does not affect the extraction behavior anymore.

  23. "Mode..." button in operation progress window is enabled also
      when extracting or testing archives. It provides access to
      "Command parameters" dialog, where you can set "Turn PC off when done"
      option for extraction and test operations.

      Previously this dialog was accessible only when archiving.

  24. Bugs fixed:

      a) renaming a file in archive could also rename all other files
         with the same name in other folders of the same archive;

      b) previous versions displayed the wrong total packed size
         in "Info" command for multivolume CAB archives;

      c) in ZIP archives 'U' (update) and 'F' (fresh) commands could
         erroneously update even files not specified in the command line.
         It happened only for files in current folder which names matched
         files in ZIP archive. This bug was not present in usual 'A' (add)
         archiving mode.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.20.07 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2011, 06:00
What's new:

- 7-Zip now can unpack UEFI BIOS files.
- 64-bit version of 7-Zip now includes additional 32-bit shell extension DLL. So other 32-bit programs can call 64-bit 7-Zip via context menu.
- Now it's possible to associate 7-Zip with file types without Administrator rights.
- New -mf=FilterID switch to specify compression filter. Examples: 7z a -mf=bcj2 a.7z a.tar 7z a -mf=delta:4 a.7z a.wav 7z a -mf=bcj a.tar.xz a.tar
- There are some changes in LZMA settings for BCJ2 filter. So compression ratio now is slightly improved for executable files in -mx9 mode for .7z format.

- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localizations: Corsican, Kyrgyz, Ligurian. What's new in latest alpha update:
- 7-Zip now supports extended timestamp range in TAR archives (dates before 1970).
- There are some changes in code that creates temp files and temp folders.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:

http://dl.7-zip.org/7z920.07.exe or

7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:


Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2011, 14:01
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New
Latest Version 4.60 / March 14th, 2011

   Fixed crash bug with browse dialog on windows xp
   Added rename single file after archive folder name option
   Fixed delete broken files option

Titel: Zipeg 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2011, 14:26
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.


Licence: Freeware

Titel: 7-Zip 9.20.08 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2011, 17:19
What's new in latest alpha update:

- 7-Zip now remembers "Show Password" option selection.
- The bug in latest alpha versions was fixed: Default solid block size was small (command line version only).

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:




7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:


Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2011, 09:21
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New
Latest Version 4.61 / March 23rd, 2011

   Fixed parsing of arguments when using external commands

Titel: Alpx 1.34.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2011, 23:04
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.



Latest Changes

- Support for Windows CE - DLL
- Support for Windows CE - EXE
- Support for SONY - Playstation 1 - EXE
- Support for MAC OS X - EXE
- Support for BSD generic files
- Support for FreeBSD ELF files
- Support for OpenBSD ELF files
- Support for Linux ELF files
- Support for Linux Shell Script files
- Support for Linux Kernel files
- Fixed part of the VB6 source code

Titel: 7-Zip 9.20.10 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2011, 07:18
What's new in latest alpha update:

- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager could crash when opening broken archive.
The code that shows status bar was changed to fix that bug.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows: http://dl.7-zip.org/7z920.10.exe



7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64: http://dl.7-zip.org/7z920.10-x64.msi

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2011, 18:09
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: 7-Zip 9.20.11 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2011, 18:14
7-Zip 9.20.11 alpha was released.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows:




7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:


What's new in latest alpha update:

- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip could crash in some cases, if user breaks operation with 7z archive.

Titel: PeaZip 3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2011, 21:44
2011 04 09
Pea 0.35
(Linux) p7zip 0.9.20

Compiled with -O3 optimizations
Compiled with Lazarus 0.9.30, done preliminary code cleanup to improve compatibility with 0.9.31 and following releases
Replaced TNotebook (deprecated) with TPageControl
File manager related functions moved from pea_utils (dependent on crypto library) to list_utils (not dependent on the crypto library)
Moved application's initialization code from FormCreate to FormShow event
Updated *_utils units to introduce new features for improving and customizing the application
Used pure pascal replacement for crc_hash library units

Automatic hint window on Listview to highlight data about file/folder below the mouse cursor
(Windows) Improved browser aspect in Icon mode
Improved navigation
Added breadcrumb address field displaying up to 8 parent paths
click on names to jump to parent directories
click on spacer arrows or on free space on the breadcrumb to switch to classic editable address field, leave the control to return to the breadcrumb
rightclick on the breadcrumb to show a popup menu displaying full path of parent paths (up to 8) and computer's root
Implemented fast swicthing between navigation and treeview mode navigator
Improved navigation sidebar's treeview mode (Shift+Ctrl+3), navigating a folder updates the selected foler in the treeview
Simplified address bar
Removed history button from address bar (it is featured in navigation button on the left of the address field)
Refresh placed on the right of address field
Search placed on the right of filter field
Improved sorting: sorting is possible also in non-details modes using "Sort by" menu in main menu and browser's context menu
Linked PeaZip's tracker in help menu to help users in filing bug reports and feature requests
Tool bar and Address bar can be swapped in position to give visual priority either to functions or to navigation
Themes: tool bar and address bar can be optionally themed with a texture
Web search: added menu entries to search with PeaZip Search, powered by Google Custom Search
Various minor fixes and enhancements

When creating archives containing multiple files or folders, the archive is named as the parent folder of the items, except if "add to separate archives" option is flagged.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2011, 10:47

    Fixed (once for all) missing text from context menu in Windows 64-bit edition
    Fixed missing text in user interface when converting ZIP to CZIP from context menu
    Fixed "Open Destination Folder" option not working after extraction
    Compression and Extraction dialogs were redesigned in order to smaller and suitable for netbook-sized displays
    Fixed Drop-to-ZipGenius wizard for archives (it was not switching to MultiOpen)
    Added warning when user tries to shut down ZipGenius while previewing a file
    Fixed bug while user was trying to shut down ZipGenius until previewing a file (archive doesn't close, now)
    Fixed UI bugs related to MultiOpen
    Added link to Facebook page
    Added link to Twitter page
    Added link to Feedburner page
    About dialog has been resized to appear smaller than before
    Command line module partially rewritten (and Unicode compliant)
    Added the "Prodotto Italiano" mark

Titel: ArcThemALL! V4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2011, 10:30
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.


What's new: >>

Version 4.0 [09-04-2011]

- improved software interface
- improved software Options
- added icons in the main listview
- added plugins system for external compressors
- added support to Ultra Brute UPX compression
- added support to MEW11 and Upack
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2011, 15:54
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.


Licence: Freeware

Titel: 7-Zip 9.21 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2011, 22:40
What's new:

- 7-Zip now can unpack UEFI BIOS files.
- 64-bit version of 7-Zip now includes additional 32-bit shell extension DLL. So other 32-bit programs can call 64-bit 7-Zip via context menu.
- Now it's possible to associate 7-Zip with file types without Administrator rights.
- New -mf=FilterID switch to specify compression filter. Examples: 7z a -mf=bcj2 a.7z a.tar 7z a -mf=delta:4 a.7z a.wav 7z a -mf=bcj a.tar.xz a.tar
- 32-bit 7-Zip running under 64-bit Windows x64 now can use up to 4 GB of RAM.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localizations: Corsican, Kyrgyz, Ligurian.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.21/7z921.exe

7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.21/7z921-x64.msi

All files: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.21/

Titel: 7-Zip 9.21.02 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2011, 16:07
What's new:

- 7-Zip now uses progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button under Windows 7.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows: http://dl.7-zip.org/7z921.02.exe



7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64: http://dl.7-zip.org/7z921.02-x64.msi

Titel: 7-Zip 9.22 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2011, 22:09
What's new:

- 7-Zip now uses progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button under Windows 7.
- The BUG in 7-Zip 9.21 beta was fixed:
7-Zip could ignore some options when you created ZIP archives. For example, it could use ZipCrypto cipher instead of AES-256.

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.22/7z922.exe/download

7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.22/7z922-x64.msi/download

all files: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.22/

Titel: UltimateZIP 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2011, 15:00
UltimateZip is an easy to use archive utilty. With it's flexible user interface, UltimateZip is easy to use for first-time users and offers many features for power users.

# Support for: ZIP, RAR, ACE, BH, CAB, JAR, LHA (LZH), GZIP, TAR, BZIP2, ARC, ARJ, XXE, UUE formates.
# Support for large ZIP files (bigger than 4 GB).
# Advanced File security with 256-Bit AES encryption.
# Powerful Self-Extracting ZIP files in 3 Languages.
# Multi-disk spanning and Splitting for Zip archives.
# Windows shell integration.
# Checkout and Install features.
# Powerful backup feature.
# Repair corrupted ZIP files.

Licence: Shareware, but free for private use

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2011, 12:56
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New

Latest Version 4.62 / May 3rd, 2011

   Fixed target parameter when specifying a directory
   Fixed overwrite dialog not displaying when main window minimized

Titel: Simplyzip v1.1b78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2011, 16:38
Main Features:


Erstellen: 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer, SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX, RAR-SFX, UUE/XXE, ZLIB und Base64.

Backup to disk (z.b. CD)

Dateiverschlüsseln:Rijndael AES/Twofish (256bit keysize) and Blowfish (448bit keysize) incl SFX creator

Optional: Siehe ArcConvert (Plugins) Zur Zeit nur in Englisch
Erstellen RAR/ACE (neue version) und LHA SFX (optionale Dateien)

Sprachen: English, German, Italian, Spanish, portugues-br, Thai und Swedish
ZIPSFX ist in English, German, French and Spanish

Das komplette Programm passt sogar auf eine Diskette. Keine Installation erfoderlich und es werden keine Einträge geschrieben. (Nach dem installieren alle Dateien außer der uninst.exe irgendwo hin kopieren und Simplyzip deinstallieren. Nun läuft es ohne Installation)  

Licence: Freeware

Titel: ArcThemALL! V4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2011, 11:15
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.


What's new: >>

- improved software interface
- improved software performance
- improved software source code
- added check to verify upxed files
- added internal context menu
- added support to auto-update ArcThemALL! (from About window)
- added support to multi-language interface
- added support to remember column size
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: ArcConvert V0.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2011, 20:32
This convertor can convert between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.


Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other less-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License: LGPL

What's new: >>

    many improvements, bugs fixed

Titel: PeaZip 3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2011, 17:36
(Windows) 7z updated to 9.22 beta
Pea 0.36

Added a constant switch COMPQT to fix some visual and functional problems compiling the application for Qt on Linux, default is 0, if experiencing problems with the compiled binary set it to 1 for better results on Qt on Linux

Added write support for WIM and XZ formats
Added context menu handlers for right button drag and drop operation from application to system
from file browser: move, copy, extract, extract in new folder
from within archives: extract selected here, extract all here (both also in new folder)
Added "Extract all to..." button on toolbar
Fixed adding files to existing archives through "Add" procedure
Fixed updating archive content in application window bar after delete operations
Fixed browsing files with .bz extension and its variants
Fixed creating new folder if folder with same name exists, in extraction and archive conversion
Fixed restoring archive content in application window bar after exiting "Extract" procedure
Fixed show correct path in the breadcrumb when opening and empty or non readable archive
Various minor fixes

Used InnoSetup ANSI version to keep compatibility with 9x systems

133 file extensions supported (improved support for .bz2 variants; .ipa files)

Titel: Hamster Free ZIP Archiver
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2011, 12:37
Mit dem Hamster können ZIP und 7z-Archive erstellt werden, beim auspacken werden die Formate ZIP, 7z, RAR, ISO, GZ, TAR, arj, arc, lzh, lha, bz und CAB  unterstützt. Archive können gesplittet und mit einem Passwort versehen werden. Der Hamster integriert sich in den Windows-Explorer und bietet dort bereits angepasste Kompriemierungsmethoden für z.B. E-Mail, RapidShare, CD und DVD. Mehrkern Prozessoren werden bestmöglich genutzt.


Die Software ist Freeware für den privaten und geschäftlichen Bereich.


Wer bei der Installation (für die eine bestehende Internetverbindung nötig ist) die Expressinstallation abwählt, kann verhindern, das die Ask-Toolbar installiert wird.
Titel: 7-Zip 9.23 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2011, 12:45

    The format of language files was changed.
    Now it's possible to specify viewer program for F3 key.
    Some bugs were fixed.
    New localization: Karakalpak.

Titel: HaoZip 2.4.7228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2011, 17:44
HaoZip ist ein freies Packprogramm, welches in der Bedienung stark an WinRAR erinnert. Es werden eine Vielzahl verschiedener Formate unterstützt (siehe Bild) - zusätzlich bietet HaoZip einen integrierten Bildbetrachter,eine Checksummen-Überprüfung sowie eine Batchkonvertierung für Bilder.


Durch die Integration in das Kontextmenü des Explorer, können viele Funktionen von dort aus gestartet werden.


Titel: ArcConvert V0.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2011, 19:37
    * This convertor can convert the following archives:
    * 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc / DZ / MSI / ALZ / PMA / PAQ7 / CHM / UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA / ZIP AES (128/192/256) / Nanozip Alpha/ XZ/ FreeArc/Zpaq/GZA
    * to the following ones:
    * Includes the EXE from the archiver
    * Automatic password detection from archive
    * Multilanguage: Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Spain, Taiwan, greek


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    bug fix

Titel: PeaZip 3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2011, 06:30

2011 07 31
Fixed bug in saving window's height when using PeaZip from context menu
Re-introduced and improved contextual menus for toolbar buttons
Add: shows favorite formats menu to directly select the archive format
Convert: as add, but the favorite format menu starts archive conversion
Extract: shows menu to extract all and (when browsing archives) displayed or selected content
Extract all to: shows quick extraction menu
Test: shows additional functions menu
Reorganized keyboard shortcuts
Organize shortcuts, related the way file/archive browser displays content, are associated to Alt combinations
Alt+0 swap tool bar (priority to functions) and address bar (priority to navigation)
Alt+1 hide/show menu bar
Alt+2 toggle toolbar mode
Alt+3 hide/show address bar
Alt+4 toggle navigation bar
Alt+5 toggle broser mode
Alt+6 toggle
Alt+7 Toggle sorting
Ctrl+Alt+1 sort by name
Ctrl+Alt+2 sort by type
Ctrl+Alt+3 sort by size
Ctrl+Alt+4 sort by packed size
Ctrl+Alt+5 sort by date
Ctrl+Alt+6 sort by attributes
Ctrl+Alt+7 sort by crc
Alt+8 toggle status bar
Shift+Alt+0..6 jump to specific status bar view
Alt+9 configure custom applications
Quick options (Shift+Ctrl combinations): added Shift+Ctrl+O to toggle "open output path when job completes"
Common operations are associated to Ctrl combinations (unchanged)
F3 start search while in PeaZip's file browser, and system's search while in other modes (in order to search and drag files/folder to PeaZip)
Alt+F3 always start system's search
Reorganized browser's context menu and other GUI elements
explore path made more prominent, featured in main context menu (and in navigation popup menu)
select all made more prominent featured in main context menu grouped with Sort by submenu
displayed sort column in status bar, especially useful when browser is not in Details mode
added 48 px icons, used in "icons" mode (any browser's size)
added themes with embedded graphic: Seven-embedded (now default theme for all systems) and Nographic-embedded
Seven and Firecrystal themes are distributed as compressed packages, this allows faster installation deploying less files
Size submenu in Organize, for selecting size of browser's icons
small (default) small icons 16 px (in details and list mode) / large icons 64 px (in icons mode)
medium 32 px / 128 px
large 64 px / 256 px

Added extraction support for ZIPX format

Added file association for ZIPX files
Added shortcut in Start menu to reset the application to factory settings

134 file extensions supported (.zipx files) 

Titel: PeaZip 3.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2011, 17:45
2011 08 27
Fewer FreeArc's SFX modules are now embedded by default: arc-tiny.linux.sfx, freearc.sfx, freearc-installer.sfx, freearc-tiny.sfx. If needed, other self extracting modules can still be downloaded from FreeArc's official website for free.
Main executables are no longer compressed with UPX, resulting in a bit larger disk occupation (about 7MB) but smaller installer (about 1.5 MB) and less RAM usage (each instance does no longer need to be uncompressed in memory to run)
If it is critical to reduce disk occupation, executables can be compressed with UPX through PeaZip itself

Added history popup menu rightclicking on refresh button in address bar
Added search history popup menu rightclicking on search button in address bar
Changed low contrast text color to avoid it being the same color of default form color in Classic Windows theme for Vista/7
Minor fixes

Fixed speed calculation for jobs lasting past midnight

64 bit version has now WIN64 in application name
New icons for most common archive formats 7Z, RAR and ZIP/ZIPX

Titel: PeaZip V4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2011, 22:56
What's new: >>

File Manager:

    (Windows) File manager shows image thumbnails and information about graphic files, only while browsing/searching the filesystem
    thumbnails does not get stored
    thumbnails calculation generates a set of 4 dedicated threads, if folder or search filter is changed a new set of threads is created and old threads are stopped as soon as possible (file level and thread level granularity: each thread can be stopped separately, at the completition of each image)
    Organize > Show picture thumbnails in main menu toggle the feature on/off
    No file is selected when an archive is opened (generally, anytime listing root level of the archive), so by default extract button performs "extract all"
    F2 remapped to rename file(s) as in Windows' file explorer
    Unchanged: Ctrl+F2 browse desktop, Shift+F2 browse computer root, Ctrl+Shift+F2 browse archive's root

Extraction and archiving:

    PeaLauncher improved as standalone application, at startup accepts drag and drop of a single archive to be extracted (or alternatively it can start file selection dialog)
    Elapsed time string shows minutes and seconds if the job takes more than one minute

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2011, 13:20

CryptoZip updated to v2.3 (a ZGTool for older CZIp archive conversion will be released later in october)
Menu items were re-arranged for a more rational location.
Cosmethic bugfixes
Compression dialog redesigned and made resizable
Extraction dialog redesigned and made resizable
Extraction dialog: "By Folder" option disabled if no subfolder is in archive
Extraction dialog: fixed disk space calculator
SFX: fixed Autorun (A1 from command line) option
New Archive Dialog: button shows "Create" in place of "Open"
Most Recently Used list: fixed showing not-created new archives
User picture for ZGSignature: program reverts to default pic if an invalid pic is selected
Minor bugfixes

Titel: 7-Zip 9.25 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2011, 17:45
Latest Changes

- LZMA decompression speed was improved
- "compress and send to email" code was improved to support more email clients
- New command "h" to calculate hash values CRC-32, CRC-64, SHA-256 or SHA-1 for files on disk
- New -spf switch to store full file paths including drive letter to archive. If you use that switch with extract command, please check that file names in archive are correct
- Some bugs were fixed
- NOTE: New -spf switch feature is for testing only! That code is still under development. Please write about any bugs there. It stores full file paths to archive only if you specify these full paths in command

Titel: PeaZip 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2011, 11:46
Pea 0.39

Optimized installer, help file is now by default online, users save it locally only if desired

File tools
Checksum/hash (selected/displayed) files fully integrated in file manager, algorithm can be selected from a wide array of 15 algorithms: Adler32, CRC16/24/32/64, eDonkey, MD4, MD5, Ripemd160, SHA1, SHA224/256/386/512, Whirlpool512
Fast duplicate finder (selected/displayed) fully integrated in file manager, can find duplicate files in directories or search filters, uses the algorithm selected for Checksum/hash function
Split/Join file entry hidden in File tools submenu, as the features are fully integrated in Add/Extract
Fixed: quick and secure delete functions can now operate on read only files (Windows)
Improved handling potentially lengthy job interacting with file manager
checksum, find duplicates and rename displays progress in title bar, and have an uniform activity indicator (progress bar in address bar), and uniform model for stopping (stop button in address bar)
Improved address bar
Added history context menu to back and forward icons
Added computer's root icon in address bar's breadcrumb
Added context menu with synthetic quick jump list (most common filesystem paths and bookmarks 1..8) to computer's root icon
Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+F2 copy to
Shift+F2 move to
Ctrl+F4 browse computer root (Ctrl+U removed)
Shift+F4 browse desktop
F7 add to bookmarks
Ctrl+F7 open in a new instance of PeaZip
Shif+F7 open command prompt in selected path
Alt+F7 explore selected path
Advanced filters shortcut changed to Shift+F9
Ctrl+F10 run as different user
Alt+F10 run as administrator
F11 toggle maximized mode
Rename single or multiple selected files using middle mouse button
Searching from filter field now apply recursivity, if set, as searching with F3
Simple search mode in Organize menu (optional, flagged by default) for easier searches
Various speed and responsiveness improvements
(Windows Vista and newer) UAC integration: main menu Options > Run as administrator (Alt+F10) to perform operations requiring elevated permission
(Linux) fixed problem in Ctrl+A to select all

Archiving path is cheched if accessible and writeable before attempting to write the output file
More information given in the graphic wrapper during extraction/archiving operations

Titel: The Extractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2011, 06:15
The Extractor lets you extract any number of files with just one click. Simply drag and drop zip files, any one file of the same rar set or any folder, with any number of subfolders, to add to the list of items to be processed. It can also delete processed files and folders after successful extraction. Supports ZIP and RAR archive formats.



Titel: ArcThemALL! V4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2011, 12:15
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.


What's new: >>

- improved interface
- improved performance
- improved source code (thanks to guinness)
- improved system Context menu integration (thanks to guinness)
- added auto-detection of OS language
- added support to automatic update
- added support to use system folders for installed version
- fixed 7Z encryption issue
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: ArcThemALL! V4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2011, 19:15
What's new: >>

- improved Options
- removed system integrations during installation (available from Options)
- fixed some minor bugs

Titel: PeaZip 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2011, 18:45

Immersive mode for file browser (full screen, no window border), toggle with Ctrl+F11 (option is volatile, not saved in configuration, it is just meant for enhancing browsing space on request)
Improved custom applications menus
allows 8 more applications, links or scripts
automatically detects recent AVG versions, Microsoft Security Essentials, Google Chrome
Improved thumbnail viewer
does not rebuild thumbnails when sorting
free memory changing small/large icon size
Fixed: (Windows) browsing computer's root may fail at application startup
Fixed: (Windows) loading list of objects from system context menu may not work under some conditions, only the first time application runs in a session
Fixed: descending sorting is now remembered
Fixed: correct size is now reported in status bar for selected items over 2GB
Various minor fixes and improvements

ARC format, now archiving relative paths by default, optionally absolute paths can be stored (advanced options tab in archive creation interface)
More information dispayed in report tab during operation: completed strings are displayed

Reduce packages size
some superseeded formats (lpaq1/5, paq8f/jd/l) moved to external plugin
uses uncompressed Winodws icons (package compression is more efficient)       

Titel: ExtractItAll
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2011, 22:45
ExtractItAll is a simple utility to unpack password encrypted archives using a password list. To unpack an archive drag'n'drop files to the winform and press the start button.


Latest Changes

- Added: support for x64 (7z64.dll)
- Updated: SevenZipSharp.dll to v0.64 (2010-08-26)
- Updated: 7z.dll to v9.20 (2010-11-18)
- Fixed: splitted rar files with > 99 parts were not accepted correctly
- Fixed: minor issues when checking for updates
- Fixed: context menu "Open containing directory" when path contains spaces

Titel: Free UPX V1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2011, 23:48
Free UPX allows you to compress and decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files produced according to Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.


The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

    New version of the UPX (3.08w)
    minor modifications to source code related to the program adjustment to support the new version of UPX

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2011, 17:30
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.


Licence: Freeware

Titel: PeaZip V4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2011, 20:03
Added support to open as archive EPUB ebook file format, a total of 135 file extensions are supported - formats usually not handled as archives can be opened from PeaZip's context menu "Open as archive" rather being associated with the application directly, which would be inconvenient for most users.

Address field can now be set to be viewed as breadcrumb (default) or string, with "Show address as breadcrumb" flag in address bar navigation dropdown menu
Improved password management
Flag "Keep password for current session" (default) in password form, to remember password and keyfile for the current session; unflagging this option password and keyfile are kept until a new archive is browsed
Fixed bug in keeping "Show password" flag
Keyfile field now accepts paste and free edit
Password manager
passwords list (may even contain keyfiles name, if desired) can be saved with authenticated encryption and optional two factor authentication
a default password is used unless the user sets password and/or keyfile, recommended to keep privacy of data saved in the password manager
once password/keyfile is set, authentication will be required before accessing data from password manager
password list is shown in password form, in the dropdown menu on the left of password filed (when selected, are automatically applied to confirmation field)
password and notes can also be copied and pasted where needed, i.e. password manager can be used to store passwords for other applications, websites, etc
password list can be exported
as plain text file, containing unencrypted data, for any use
as encrypted file, for backup
a password list's .bak file can be manually imported back as password manager file, renaming it as pm (no extension) and copying it to PeaZip's configuration path (linked in Options > Settings); this file will have the same content and password it had when it was originally saved. This mechanism in example allows to roll back to a previous password list, or maintain various off line password lists, or exchange protected password lists with other users or other machines
Improved search
It is now possible to set search recursivity from search popup menu
It is now possible to set default for search recursivity
Fixed: create ARC with relative paths fails if path contains space
Open as archive moved to root level of file browser context menu for better visibility

Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 3.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2012, 18:20
Packt ausführbare Dateien gängiger Formate wie EXE, DLL, COM, SYS oder SCR und wandelt sie in selbstentpackende und selbstausführbare Archive um, sodass sie signifikant verkleinert sind, aber dennoch ausführbar bleiben.


Lizenz:  Open Source

Whats new: >>

 * Fix allocation in runtime stub for darwin.macho-entry (i386 and amd64).
  * Compress shared library on ELF i386 only [ld.so threatens even this case].
  * Attempt to support ELF on QNX 6.3.0 for armel (experimental).
  * Better diagnostic when ELF -fPIC is needed.
  * PT_NOTE improvements for *BSD.
  * Preserve more ELF .e_flags on ARM.
  * Minor code improvements for ELF stubs.
  * Defend against another flavor of corrupt PE header.
  * bug fixes

Titel: ExtractNow 4.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2012, 05:50
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Added more support for unicode including unicode passwords
- Added extraction for IMZ
- Added 'Delete archives folder' option
- Added systray balloon tips when minimizing to tray
- Added systray balloon tips when extraction complete
- Added 'Assume one password per archive' option to speed up password list
- Fixed deletion of archives in recursive extraction when option checked
- Fixed unicode filename being cut off when specifying password list filename
- Fixed path field disabled in passwords tab when it shouldn't be
- Fixed line endings when adding password to password list
- Fixed file modified date detection when extracting .tar.gz
- Improved support for ISO extraction
- Improved handling of inclusion drag&drop mask when empty
- Updated to 7-Zip library 9.22

Titel: ExtractNow 4.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2012, 18:40
Latest Changes

- Added 'Decide archive fate during recursion' option
- Fixed 'Delete archive folder' to not delete special paths

Titel: SpinZip V1.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2012, 05:40
SpinZip compresses files in one of three unique ways:

1) User specified size (approximate),
2) Specified number of files per ZIP,
3) Automatically named ZIPs based on filename.


License: Freeware

Titel: PeaZip V4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2012, 06:30
What's new: >>


    136 file extensions supported (added .oxt file format)
    Fixed integration of PEA format with context menu
    Fixed untranslated text in Password form
    Improved extraction against unintended automatic extraction without paths: when extracting while browsing in flat mode the ignore paths directive is overridden
    Improved deleting directories, first retry automatically (in case files temporarily locked by the system or resident software during the first attempt), then ask user about possible locked files
    Improved -peazipreset switch for selective removal of configuration and of customizations (Applications, Bookmarks, and Password manager)
    It is now possible to use only keyfiles for encryption (alongside only password, or both), consistently with Password manager encryption
    Password manager shows up to date dropdown menu in Password form each time it is updated


    Archiving and extraction interfaces were made simpler to read and use
    Input area is now in the top side of the form in the first tab, output area (with output name and most important options) is in the bottom area
    Removed redundant information and graphic
    Improved aspect with larger fonts, and on Linux
    In archiving interface compression level option was added in the first tab, and output name fild can be directly edited (changing archive type and using dialog displays standard name suggestion, as in previous versions)


    By default now only "Add to archive" and "Browse path with PeaZip" are created in SendTo men

Titel: ArcConvert V0.64a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2012, 21:10
    * This convertor can convert the following archives:
    * 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc / DZ / MSI / ALZ / PMA / PAQ7 / CHM / UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA / ZIP AES (128/192/256) / Nanozip Alpha/ XZ/ FreeArc/Zpaq/GZA
    * to the following ones:
    * Includes the EXE from the archiver
    * Automatic password detection from archive
    * Multilanguage: Dutch, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Spain, Taiwan, greek


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    bug fix.
    tar32 and uharc update.
    Language Polish added.

Titel: Bandizip 2.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2012, 19:50
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.



Titel: ExtractNow 4.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2012, 20:30
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Added -minimize command line parameter
- Added test archives mode option in right-click menu
- Added extract only unextracted mode in right-click menu
- Fixed extract automatically when there is only one folder
- Fixed missing files in the portable zip
- Fixed destination directory creation /w archive name has space at the end

Titel: Bandizip 2.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2012, 18:30
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.



Whats new: >>

    Support delta, deflate algorithm of 7z format
    Support RTL (Right to Left Text) language
    Improved extracting speed when unpacking small files
    Improved SFX (Self-extracting archive) file processing
    Fixed many bugs

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2012, 07:00
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2012, 20:50
What's new: >>

    New language: Russian
    Small adjustments for Windows-8 Consumer Preview

Titel: PeaZip 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2012, 17:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Added keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+Alt+F3 (web search form) and Shift+Alt+F3 (web search on peazip.org)
Ctrl+F5 (open path) Shift+F5 (open archive)
(Windows) New quick window docking menu: send PeaZip to the four sides and angles of the desktop with Ctrl+Alt+arrow
(Windows) Added "Properties" dialog in context menu
Added switches
-add2multiseparate: start a single instance, add multiple input to archive, each to separate archive
-add2multisplit (replaces add2split): start a single instance, add multiple input to file split (consolidate in tar if it is not a single file)
-ext2browseasarchive: force opening the file as archive
(Windows) Added "Check for updates" feature in help group
Fixed display the application in foreground when started
(Windows) Improved startup times in slow network environment
By default, does not get mapped network drives information
If set to get information, in case of failure the switch is ignored for the session, and then tried again in next sessions
Improved "Save job definition"
Featured as context menu in archiving and extraction interfaces
(Windows) by default saves as .bat file with default system's character encoding, so the script can be directly executed
It is now possible to save job definition for extracting multiple files at once
It is now possible to save job definition for archiving each input item to separate archives
Job definition scripts are saved by default in PeaZip's applications data path (user specific for installable version)
Improved file split/join features
(Windows) Split file featured by default in system context menu
Split is by default a favourite format (Add button's context menu, Archive interface)
Re-introduced file split/join entries in File tools submenu
Selecting Split format automatically switches volume size to Custom
Fixed a graphic glitch in displaying file split buttons
No checksum by default, consistently with default behavior of other file split utilities
Improved file/archive manager
Improved context menu, now divided in 3 functional areas
Archive management (top) add, extract, test, password...
Navigation (middle) navigation and organization features (browser mode, sorting, select)
File management (bottom) open with, rename, delete, properties...
Improved status area
Status area displays a quick switch button between views (same as Alt+8)
Status bar and Details bar displays basic controls to customize browser type and size
Improved Details view
Improved toolbar area, buttons are auto sized for optimal placement
Improved navigation bar
More prominence given to Open path, Open archive, and Search and drag here, moved in a top level branch expaneded by default
Application menu opens selected objects with chosen application, launches the application if nothing is selected
Added quick jump context menu to navigation bar (same popup menu as for the root of breadcrumb in the address bar)
Improved Web search adding search in Google+ and SourceForge

(Windows 7+) Added option to use non-cascaded menu as alternative to default cascaded menus (flag Custom during installation, or run System integration wizard)
Added -ext2browseasarchive "Open as archive" action for any file type
Added "Extract archives" to any file type when the menu is cascaded, as quick shortcut to open extraction interface (accepts dropping files) or fallback if an archive type is not associated with PeaZip for any reason
Removed emergency Start menu link "Reset PeaZip", moved as .bat in PeaZip's /res folder
SendTo menu by default features Add, Extract, Open as archive, and Browse path with PeaZip entries

Titel: ArcConvert V0.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2012, 21:07
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Japanese language added.
Tempfolder can be defined.

Titel: HaoZip 2.7.8590
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2012, 21:15
HaoZip ist ein freies Packprogramm, welches in der Bedienung stark an WinRAR erinnert. Es werden eine Vielzahl verschiedener Formate unterstützt (siehe Bild) - zusätzlich bietet HaoZip einen integrierten Bildbetrachter,eine Checksummen-Überprüfung sowie eine Batchkonvertierung für Bilder.

Durch die Integration in das Kontextmenü des Explorer, können viele Funktionen von dort aus gestartet werden.


Whats new: >>

    * Powerful ability to modify the RAR format files;
    * To decompress the ZIPX format perfactly. It's a unique function than others;
    * 'Remove duplicate folders' has been ticked in default;
    * Enhanced the interaction experience of 'system' setting;
    * Open EXE-files directly. Just need to click the "Open by Haozip" from the context menu;
    * Enhanced the details of the error info, when transforming the format of an archive...

Titel: ExtractNow 4.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2012, 12:52
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

   Added list of files to exclude from extraction
   Added cancel button to overwrite dialog
   Added option to hide minimize balloon tooltip
   Fixed bugs in extract automatically context menu option
   Fixed test mode so it doesn't try to do any post extraction options
   Fixed about dialog crashing
   Fixed issues with sit extraction
   Fixed backwards compatibility with Windows 95
   Cleaned up settings

Titel: PeaZip 4.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2012, 12:45
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


PeaZip 4.5.1 updates translations, introduces minor fiexs and adds support for legacy Open Office 1.x fils (SX*/ST*), PCV MozBackup files, BSZ (BS Player), RMSKIN (Rainmeter), WSZ/WAL (Winamp), and WMZ (Windows Media Player) skin files, a total of 153 file extensions are supported.

Titel: Bitser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2012, 08:10
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Latest Changes

- Change - Removed OK prompt after creating archive
- Bug Fix - Archive filenames with uppercase extension caused context menu to fail (eg ".ZIP")

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2012, 05:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

General optimization in NonCompressibleFiles
New language in NonCompressibleFiles: Swedish

Titel: 7-Zip 9.26 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2012, 18:45
What's new after 7-Zip 9.25 alpha:

- 7-Zip now can update WIM archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now can move files to archives.
- The default encoding for TAR format now is UTF-8. You can use -mcp=1 switch for OEM encoding.

- Command line version:
- new "rn" command to rename files in archive.
- new -sdel switch to delete files after including to archive.
- new -sns switch to store NTFS alternate streams (for WIM format only).
- new -sni switch to store NT security information for files (for WIM format only).

- Speed optimizations for opening big archives and big disk folders.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Aragonese.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.27 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2012, 17:20
What's new after 7-Zip 9.26 alpha:

- Some BUGs in 7z, WIM and NTFS code were fixes.

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2012, 12:51
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Changed progress bar color during test mode
- Fixed ask for folder dlg during test mode
- Fixed program not closing options
- Fixed cleanup options saving
- Fixed add archives not working

Titel: Bandizip 2.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2012, 08:07
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

- Added Dutch, Greek, Hungarian and Portuguese language file
- Improved extracting compatibility of ALZ, EGG format

- Bugs fixed

- - 'Open with' windows popped up when DOS EXE Format is double-clicked
- - Failed to get the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE attribute of 7z file
- - Failed to open the WIM file when a security data is contained

Titel: PeaZip 4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2012, 13:46
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Pea backend updated to 0.40
UPX backed updated to 3.08

Updated used Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto libraries with packages crc_hash_2012-03-27, ppch_2012-03-27, and util_2012-03-27

Added "Recent archives" group in Navigation bar
Added quick link to "Users" folder in Filesystem group (in Navigation bar and navigation menus)
Improved quick jump context menu (Navigation bar, breadcrumb), now displaying first 4 bookmarks and first 4 recent archives for quick access
Improved address bar dropdown menu bar
Improved application toolbar
Added secure delete and properties buttons to archive manager toolbar, improved additional functions drop down menu
New file manager toolbar containing buttons of most common file management features
"+" icon on the right of the toolbar area toggles archive manager and file manager toolbars, consistently with navigation and status bar
Improved handling of Pea file format and of utilities provided through Pea backend
PEA/UNPEA operations now takes password/keyfile from PeaZip consistently with other formats
Pea format volume check algorithm is now set in context sensitive way with PeaZip GUI, if password is set AES EAX256 encryption is used, else SHA hash is used
Pea executable auto closes if no error is encountered, improving its use for chained operations: PEA/UNPEA, file split/join, secure delete
Improved saving resource usage when displaying several thousands of items, update intervals are better scaled
Updated themes
Fixed: dynamically loading SHMultiFileProperties to allow running the application on Windows 2000 and previous systems
Various minor fixes and improvements
Added switches -add2archive-add add to existing archive (if found) and -add2archive-update as previous switch, but updates only if files in archive are older
Improved browsing UNC paths
Improved displaying file types and icons inside some types of archive
Reorganized System tools submenu

157 extensions supported: added support for IMA, IMG and IMZ disk images, and AIR Adobe installer files

Titel: 7-Zip 9.28 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2012, 17:20
What's new: >>

- LZMA2 now is default compression method for .7z format.
- 7-Zip now can update WIM archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now can move files to archives.
- 7-Zip File Manager now can calculate CRC-32, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums for files.
- The default encoding for TAR format now is UTF-8. You can use -mcp=1 switch for OEM encoding.
- Command line version:
- new "rn" command to rename files in archive.
- new -sdel switch to delete files after including to archive.
- new -sns switch to store NTFS alternate streams (for WIM format only).
- new -sni switch to store NT security information for files (for WIM format only).
- Speed optimizations for opening big archives and big disk folders.
- DMG support was improved
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Aragonese.
- LZMA2 now is default compression method for .7z format.
- Some internal changes.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2012, 16:34
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Speed optimisation in NonCompressibleFiles

Titel: PeaZip 4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2012, 13:17
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


- Added context menu to all "+" areas to quickly customize all function bars.
- Updated translations.
- Minor fixes.

Titel: Zipeg
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2012, 07:40
Entpacker, der auch das Betrachten von Archivdateien und Bildern erlaubt; unterstützt unter anderem die Formate ISO, ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LHA und 7z sowie PNG und JPG.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: IZArc 4.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2012, 21:20
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

- Fixed: When editing nested file it is saved in wrong directory
- Fixed displaying of large file size value in archive properties dialog
- Fixed ordering of the toolbar buttons
- Fixed support for GZ archives with 64 bit information into the header
- Fixed opening of file from an archive when there are more than one file with the same name
- Fixed extracting files from an archive with PK Zip v2.0 encryption
- Added new functionality: Extract an archive on double click instead of open it with IZArc (Options ->Configuration ->Explorer Enhancements: "Extract on double click")
- Added support for ARC archives with compression type 4
- Added possibility to extract .EXE files (only supported types) from the IZArc context menu
- Added default "Solid Archive" option for 7-ZIP archives in configuration dialog
- Added an option in Extract dialog to close IZArc after extract operation
- Updated UnRar library to version 4.20
- Updated translations

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2012, 17:13
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Optimisation plus update of the language files.
    New language in NonCompressibleFiles: French

Titel: HaoZip 3.0 Build 9002
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2012, 00:04
HaoZip ist ein freies Packprogramm, welches in der Bedienung stark an WinRAR erinnert. Es werden eine Vielzahl verschiedener Formate unterstützt (siehe Bild) - zusätzlich bietet HaoZip einen integrierten Bildbetrachter,eine Checksummen-Überprüfung sowie eine Batchkonvertierung für Bilder.

Durch die Integration in das Kontextmenü des Explorer, können viele Funktionen von dort aus gestartet werden.


Whats new: >>


Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2012, 10:18
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Changed - destination paths to use macro expanders
   Added - option to timeout the password dialog
   Added - tool tips to browse for folder dialog
   Added - ability to go to website to download updates
   Added - yes&no to all archives option in overwrite dialog

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2012, 20:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Necessary adjustments and optimisation and language files update.
    New language in NonCompressibleFiles: Romanian.

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2012, 11:26
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>


Titel: PeaZip 4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2012, 13:32
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Quick approximate calculation of possible compression in Archive creation interface and with List function
Calculation of password strength in password form
Random password generation (Ctrl+F9) can optionally create password containing symbols alongside mixed case characters and numbers
(Windows) Added "Move to recycle bin" deletion mode, default action pressing Del key; quick deletion moved to Ctrl+Del shortcut
Various minor improvements
Show thumbnails flag featured in quick browser organization menus (in context menu and status bar)
Open as archive featured in Open with dropdown menu in File manager bar

Added semaphore to improve performances, optimize system's resource usage, and increase reliability operating on multiple instances launched from system's context menu
"Extract here" and "Extract here (in new folder)" function uses semaphore to schedule one job at time, password requests are prompted at once to optimize user's time usage and don't interrupt scheduler's work
"Extract to..." function, that already creates a single job queue, can operate in parallel to the semaphore when it is needed by the user to launch other independent jobs
Main extraction parameters are reported in extraction interface's form caption and on drag and drop information box

158 file extensions supported (added .tb2)

Titel: PeaZip 4.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2012, 12:26

Updated translations
Various fixes and UI enhancements
Improved Advanced filters form
Improved Console tab in extraction and archiving interfaces
Uniformed Button Panels design over the application

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2012, 12:07
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Improvements to drag and drop functionality
   Improved write performance
   Added rename option to overwrite dialog
   Added macro button to external add dialog
   Added localization support
   Added korean language support from Young-Cheon Kim
   Moved open destination folder option to diff. group
   Changed extract only unextracted option to be default
   Fixed bug in overwrite dlg with delete broken files
   Fixed bug loading certain settings
   Fixed bug identifying .rar with .part in their name
   Changed installer to NSIS for Windows 95 support

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles V2.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2012, 17:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    X64 version for 64-bit operating systems WinXP, Vista , Win7, Win8.
    General optimization and language files update.

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2012, 07:15
Whats new: >>

    Fixed drag and drop with certain rars
   Added hungarian translation by ZityiSoft
   Fixed bugs in the installer

Titel: Bandizip 2.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2012, 07:30
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Added Slovenian language by A.B.Prlek SLO

Bugs fixed

- Failed to extract password protected .RAR files using solid compression.
- Some filenames were broken in certain OS (Greek, etc.)
- Failed to extract certain split files (avi.001, .mkv.001)

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2012, 12:09
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Added more new macro expanders
- Fixed bugs in browse for folder
- Added ability to use macros in password list
- Added drop handling for shell context menu
- Fixed bugs loading localization
- Fixed monitoring directories crash

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2012, 13:00
What's New: >>

- Fixed installer copying context menu dll
- Disabled context menu options if dll doesn't exist
- Added check for app open in installer
- Added Br Portuguese translation by Igor Ruckert

Titel: 7-Zip 9.29 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2012, 19:40
What's new:>>

- 7-Zip now shows warning message, if the archive has wrong file name extension.
- new -stl switch.

Titel: InnoExtractor 2.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2012, 05:00
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Titel: PeaZip 4.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2012, 16:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source



ZPAQ updated to 4.04


Fixed: corrected some extraction jobs not being launched from "Console" tab reporting illegal character in job definition
Re-introduced by default "Extract here" and "Extract here (to new folder)" in SendTo menu
Start with no selection so "Add", "Convert", and "Extract" starts a new empty layout by default
Minor: full screen and Immersive shortcuts listed in Organize > Dock; bars color changed to clForm in themes (better integrates in Windows 8 UI); improved layout of Settings form for better support variable sized fonts


Fixed: Two-factor authentication not enabled for self executable archives, only the password is applied as sfx module supports only password authentication
PeaLauncher shows the name of the archive in form title during extraction

Titel: InnoExtractor 3.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2012, 18:20
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2012, 14:10
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Added clear button to history view
   Added move to dialog
   Added configurable password list timeout
   Added support for cbz, cbr
   Added ability to sort listview items when not extracting
   Added German & Chinese translations
   Fixed when moving archives it won't overwrite existing
   Fixed creating new folder in browser for folder issues
   Fixed exclude files to extract hanging
   Fixed clicking write to file caused crash
   Fixed not saving settings after closing settings dialog
   Fixed bug in archive filename macro
   Fixed inserting destination macro
   Fixed some memory leaks
   Fixed rare rar file decryption bug
   Fixed localization bugs
   Fixed sound not playing in certain instances
   Changed file monitoring to fix weird crash
   Turn off auto scroll in listview by default

Titel: 7-Zip 9.30 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2012, 19:40
What's new after 7-Zip 9.29 alpha:

- The BUG in 7-Zip 9.26 alpha - 9.29 alpha versions was fixed. These alpha versions could not open non-solid 7z archive, if some files were skipped during creation of that archive. That problem is also related to 7z archives created in solid mode, if each solid block contains no more than one file.

Note: 7-Zip skips files that were open for writing by another application and shows warning in that case.

Titel: PeaZip 4.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2012, 18:06
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


171 file extensions supported: added explicit support for Open Packaging Conventions file formats (Windows 8 .appx, AutoCAD .dwfx, .xps, etc)
Fixed: it is now possible to disable multithreading for 7z backend
New high resolution Windows icon for the application
Updated Spanish, and Galician translations

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles v2.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2012, 22:15
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Advanced testing and verification on Windows 8

Titel: Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2012, 06:00
Main Features:


Erstellen: 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer, SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX, RAR-SFX, UUE/XXE, ZLIB und Base64.

Backup to disk (z.b. CD)

Dateiverschlüsseln:Rijndael AES/Twofish (256bit keysize) and Blowfish (448bit keysize) incl SFX creator

Optional: Siehe ArcConvert (Plugins) Zur Zeit nur in Englisch
Erstellen RAR/ACE (neue version) und LHA SFX (optionale Dateien)

Sprachen: English, German, Italian, Spanish, portugues-br, Thai und Swedish
ZIPSFX ist in English, German, French and Spanish

Das komplette Programm passt sogar auf eine Diskette. Keine Installation erfoderlich und es werden keine Einträge geschrieben. (Nach dem installieren alle Dateien außer der uninst.exe irgendwo hin kopieren und Simplyzip deinstallieren. Nun läuft es ohne Installation)  

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Alpx 1.35.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2012, 17:20
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.


Latest Changes

- Various Bugs Fixed
- Checksum Added : MD2 ,MD4 ,MD5 ,SHA1
- Fixed better Compatibility of Older UPX
- Fixed Shell Extension

Titel: PeaZip 4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2012, 16:30
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Image manager, handles BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF images
rotate, flip, mirror
transform: resize/fit to, and convert in a single passage
Functions side bar: quick acess to alphabetically sorted most commonly used functions of the program
Presets in Organize menu collects most common browser's settings, featured also in Organize group in context menu and in status bar
Browser's presets can be toggled with Alt+6, Sorting is now toggled with Alt+5
Updated themes and PeaLauncher icon
Various minor fixes and enhancements

Improved mail integration
Send by mail option featured in main archive creation/conversion tab
Send by mail by default now does not keep a copy of the sent archive on the filesystem
Added Keep archive switch to optionally save on the filesystem archives sent by mail
Added -add2multi7zmail and -add2multizipmail switches (for context menu entries) to copress and mail
Added "Zip and mail" context menu entry, enabled by default, in context menu install screen
Added WIM to quick format selection menus
Fixed Convert quick format selection popup menu when browsing archives, only formats suitable for conversion procedure are presented
Fixed opening with custom application inside ARC format
PeaLauncher minimized status is inherited by following instances, in order to not steal focus when multiple instances are operating in background
Previewing archived files with PeaZip sets the temporary copy read only, so the user is presented "save as" dialog if files are changed

New installation option "No system integration", avoids menu entries and file associations
Default, Custom and No system integration options are now available in the Options > System integration wizard

Titel: InnoExtractor 3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2012, 05:30
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Added: "Integrate application into shell" option menu (open installer files from Windows Explorer context menu. It only works for current user and is unchecked by default)
- Improved: Now the program support multiple instances, so now you can open many application windows at the same time
- Improved: Saving settings method. Now the program save all configuration from option menu
- Improved: Some tweaks and enhancements to perfomance and stability of the application
- Updated: All language files
- Updated: Application installer

Titel: Bandizip 2.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2012, 19:21
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

1. Added Romanian language by Mircea Voiculescu
2. Bugs fixed

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles v2.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2012, 16:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Small corrections and adjustments tests on Windows-8.
New language: Greek

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2012, 08:15
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Added French translation by colok
- Fixed rar, r00 archive detection bug
- Fixed browse for folder dialog when no trailing slash
- Fixed all archives overwrite options

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2012, 22:20
What's New: >>

- Fixed drag and drop of folders

Titel: Bitser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2013, 21:19
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Latest Changes

Bug Fix - Bitser was failing to prevent the computer from sleeping during backup
Bug Fix - Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations

Titel: B1 Free Archiver
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2013, 10:30
B1 Free Archiver is a friendly and simple software to open and create archives. B1 is fast and simple, with excellent compression, allows to work with archives just like with regular folders, works with .b1 .zip .rar .7z and other formats. B1 Free Archiver is 100% free for both personal and commercial use.


Latest Changes

- Localization to most popular languages
- Drag-and-drop for creating archive and extracting files
- Drag-and-drop for copying/moving files
- Full support for archive in archive
- Extract to standard folder (Documents, Music, Video, etc)
- Improvements for password-protected archives
- Improvements for splitted 7z archives
- New selection mode – select several files with keys (shift/ctrl) or mouse
- Multiple ui improvements in dialogs
- Option to switch on/off integration to system menu
- Support for .zipxformat
- Locale detection improvement for zip
- System menu in context menu as sub-menu
- Fix for floppy disks
- Hotkeys and accelerator improvements
- Multiple minor bug fixes
- Confirmation for operations with read-only files
- Time estimation improvement
- Launch files like xlsx instead of navigating inside

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2013, 13:07
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Fixed bugs monitoring directories
   Fixed some bugs in the status bar
   Added misc tab to settings
   Added ability to change default language
   Added 'Open Config Directory' menu item in system menu

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2013, 12:23
What's New: >>

- Fixed rare crash when exiting

Titel: ZTE (Zip to Email) 1.00.24 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2013, 05:45
ZTE (Zip to Email) is standalone application designed to help you email attachments better. Shell extensions will let you compress/encrypt and email any group of files. The Outlook plugin will automatically compress/encrypt any attachments sent via Outlook, based on your set preferences. This lets you setup your own FTP server to upload attachments to and ZTE will insert HTTP link to it, so you have your own "cloud" setup.


Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2013, 06:20
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

- Added new icon theme
- Fixed history button not showing in certain instances

Titel: Bandizip 2.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2013, 20:30
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Added Danish and Kurdish language file
- Many thanks to Mathias and Gorran.Kurd
Bugs fixed

Titel: PeaZip 4.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2013, 14:15
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Added shared sync folders to predefined system paths for navigation, extraction and compression, automatically detected: Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Ubuntu One
Bar toggling buttons (tools, address, navigation) now displays context menu on click for faster switching and better discoverability of alternative bars
Navigation menus were uniformed and was reduced duplication of navigation features
Details view now by default without thumbnails for more speed and lower resource usage, quicker switching to icons and images mode in Status bar
Improved bookmarking
Any file type can be bookmarked, bookmarked non-archive files are opened with associated applications
Bookmarks can be added by drag and drop from the system and from PeaZip
Status bar
Two icons for faster and more intuitive switching details / icons and pictures styles
Password / Keyfile icon on the right side, alongside other icons
One click button to close advanced views (bookmarks, clipboard, etc) and return to status bar
Reduced amount of information displayed on right side about navigation and selection, for better focus on important information
Address bar
Address filed / search filed separator can now be adjusted
Search context menu displayed clicking on search button
Refresh context menu displays refresh, history and recent archives
Improved switching from breadcrumb to classic address field
Minor visual enhancements, tool bar buttons with text on the side by default for better use of vertical space
Various minor fixes

Set password control displayed as button and moved in output parameters area for better visibility
Reorganized Extraction and Archiving status bar information
Context menu button in Archiving and Extraction status bar on the left of confirmation button
Favourite archive formats context menu in Archiving interface launches directly compression/conversion in the selected format
Extract here / to new folder context menu in Extraction interface launches direct extraction
Uniformed password information, with same colour code representation of password strength as in Password dialog

Fixed some issues of cascaded menu
limited maximum number of cascaded menu items as some systems does not handle correctly more than 16 elements
for filetypes not associated with PeaZip all the extraction actions are now featured on the bottom of the menu

Titel: Bandizip 3.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2013, 05:45
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

- Added Internal Image viewer
- Create 7Z, ISO, LZH files
- Extract 'CAB (Split), WIM (Compressed), EXE (NSIS)' file formats
- Extract 'QUANTUM (CAB), JPEG (ZIPX), WavPack (ZIPX)' algorithm
- Support long path names exceeding 260 characters
- Delete files after archiving/extraction
- Detect code page automatically
- Improved the archiving/extracting speed
- Improved the installer
- Fixed many bugs

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2013, 19:30
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Titel: Bandizip 3.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2013, 06:20
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>


Titel: Bandizip 3.0 Build 10187
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2013, 18:15
3.0 - 02/28/2013

            Added Internal Image viewer
            Create 7Z, ISO, LZH files
            Extract 'CAB (Split), WIM (Compressed), EXE (NSIS)' file formats
            Extract 'QUANTUM (CAB), JPEG (ZIPX), WavPack (ZIPX)' algorithm
            Support long path names exceeding 260 characters
            Delete files after archiving/extraction
            Detect code page automatically
            Improved the archiving/extracting speed
            Improved the installer
            Fixed many bugs

Titel: Bandizip 3.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2013, 13:15
3.01 - 03/05/2013

            Bugs fixed

            - Some error messages didn't display properly.
            - Files saved as .zip files when the function, Compress to "each file/folder name.7z", was used.

Titel: PeaZip 4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2013, 13:50
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Compiled with Lazarus 1.0.6

New theming engine with 16, 32, 48 and 96px icons.
New style options for decoration of image thumbnails, Options > Browser > Style
New Image manager context menu replicating main Image manager tool bar functions
New keyboard shortcuts
 Backspace or Alt+left: go back
 Alt+right: go forward
 Alt+up: go up one level
 Esc: exit compression and extraction interfaces
 F4: go to root
 Ctrl+F4: go to desktop
 Shift+F4: go to home
Various fixes and improvements
 Drag and drop information box shows destination path
 Improved browser presets
 Sort by name is always the secondary sorting criteria
 When "Extract to new folder" option is checked it is displayed with a plus sign in "Extract" and "Extract all to" icons

Context menu "Add to (format)" directly starts compression without requiring further user interaction
Context menu "Add to .ZIP" "Zip and mail" and "Add to .7Z" uses default compression settings

Titel: Free UPX v1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2013, 06:30
Free UPX allows you to compress and decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files produced according to Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.


The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

New version of the UPX (3.09w)
minor modifications to source code related to the program adjustment to support the new version of UPX

Titel: Simplyzip 1.1 Beta 81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2013, 17:21
Main Features:


Erstellen: 7z, ZIP, CZIP, Cab, LHA, TAR, TAR GZ TAR BZ2, ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer, SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX, RAR-SFX, UUE/XXE, ZLIB und Base64.

Backup to disk (z.b. CD)

Dateiverschlüsseln:Rijndael AES/Twofish (256bit keysize) and Blowfish (448bit keysize) incl SFX creator

Optional: Siehe ArcConvert (Plugins) Zur Zeit nur in Englisch
Erstellen RAR/ACE (neue version) und LHA SFX (optionale Dateien)

Sprachen: English, German, Italian, Spanish, portugues-br, Thai und Swedish
ZIPSFX ist in English, German, French and Spanish

Das komplette Programm passt sogar auf eine Diskette. Keine Installation erfoderlich und es werden keine Einträge geschrieben. (Nach dem installieren alle Dateien außer der uninst.exe irgendwo hin kopieren und Simplyzip deinstallieren. Nun läuft es ohne Installation)  

Licence: Freeware

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2013, 13:07
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Anpassungen und Optimierungsmaßnahmen plus Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: Free One Click ZIP & RAR Wizard 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2013, 19:32
Zip, unzip and unrar made easy with just one click. This great program is especially designed for beginners who are new to computers and user interfaces, and for people who just want to get the job done as fast and easily as possible so you can get on with your day. This software is so easy to use that there are no instructions. It's self explanatory! Create your own zip file from a document or a picture, thereby greatly reducing the file size, and mail it to your friends. 99% of the compressed files you will come in contact with will be in either zip or rar archive format, so naturally this program handles both. This small sized, yet powerful, program can take care of all your file compression needs.

Limitations: Offers to install MySearch toolbar, Bing homepage and search but you can opt out during the installation.


Titel: PeaZip 4.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2013, 12:27
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library units to 2013-01-07 release
Compiled with Lazarus 1.0.8
x86_64 packages natively compiled for Windows and Linux

Various fixes and improvements
[Linux] fixed path not found possible issue at startup
if default text file is deleted automatically switch to English
if items in recent archives are not found are automatically removed from recent list
fixed information on current directory content
default height set to multiple of medium/large icon sizes

Titel: B1 Free Archiver 1.0.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2013, 20:30
B1 Free Archiver is a friendly and simple software to open and create archives. B1 is fast and simple, with excellent compression, allows to work with archives just like with regular folders, works with .b1 .zip .rar .7z and other formats. B1 Free Archiver is 100% free for both personal and commercial use.


Latest Changes

- Encryption with password
- Default open action
- Repair mode
- Drag-and-drop full support
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Hotkeys navigation

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2013, 17:45
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Added polish interface language
- Improved minor issues for application perfomance
- Improved application installer
- Updated spanish and english terms of the installer
- Fixed some minor bugs of previous version

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2013, 17:50
Latest Changes

- Added Dutch interface language
- Fixed minor bugs

Titel: ArcConvert v0.65b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2013, 16:00
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

INNOUNP update

Titel: Bandizip 3.02 Build 10368
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2013, 15:17
whats new:

Added: Croatian, Danish, Kurdish, Lithuanian, Romanian language files.
Fixed: Bandizip didn’t execute for 5 seconds when some users attempted to open it using Windows Explorer.

Titel: ArcThemALL! v5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2013, 20:20
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.

What's new: >>

- improved interface
- added MD5 Hash checking to detect duplicates
- added support to delete source files after process
- added support to select the interface color
- updated MPRESS v2.19
- updated UPX v3.09
- fixed "always on top" option
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: UUDWin 2.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2013, 19:30
Extrahiert Binärdateien aus Datenformaten, die für den E-Mail-Versand verwendet werden; unterstützt unter anderem UUENCODE, XXENCODE, BINHEX4, MIME BASE64, MIME Quoted-Printable und MIME Text/Plain; erhältlich auch als portable Software, die ohne Installation auskommt.


Titel: PeaZip 4.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2013, 09:32
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Release 4.9.2 introduces improved file/archive browser with new theming engine, more keyboard shortcuts, more available browser's styles and sizes, improved Recent menu, and better information during drag and drop operations. Adding files to specified archive format from context menu directly starts compression without requiring further user interaction.
The release is compiled with up to Lazarus/FPC 1.0.8, Qt support on Linux is improved and x86_64 packages are natively built for Windows and Linux.
A total of 171 file extensions are supported.

Translations are available in 30 languages. Any help is very welcome to translate PeaZip to new languages and to maintain current localizations up to date, so please consider taking the time to give a look to translations page for newer language files and for any resource useful for translators.

Titel: Bandizip 3.03 Build 10540
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2013, 13:10
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>


Titel: jZip 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2013, 06:30
jZip can create, extract and manipulate Zip, RAR, TAR, GZip, 7-Zip and other file archives. It is absolutely FREE for everybody, home and enterprise users. It is an easy to use and fast archiving software and is based on proven 7-Zip technology by Igor Pavlov.


Titel: Hamster Free ZIP Archiver
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2013, 22:00
Mit dem Hamster können ZIP und 7z-Archive erstellt werden, beim auspacken werden die Formate ZIP, 7z, RAR, ISO, GZ, TAR, arj, arc, lzh, lha, bz und CAB  unterstützt. Archive können gesplittet und mit einem Passwort versehen werden. Der Hamster integriert sich in den Windows-Explorer und bietet dort bereits angepasste Kompriemierungsmethoden für z.B. E-Mail, RapidShare, CD und DVD. Mehrkern Prozessoren werden bestmöglich genutzt.

Die Software ist Freeware für den privaten und geschäftlichen Bereich.


Wer bei der Installation (für die eine bestehende Internetverbindung nötig ist) die Expressinstallation abwählt, kann verhindern, das die Ask-Toolbar installiert wird.
Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2013, 18:15
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Fixed a minor bug of previous version
- Updated English language file
- Updated program installer

Titel: Bandizip 3.05 Build 10620
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2013, 18:45
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Improved security of Bandizip.

Bugs fixed

- Filename was not displayed automatically when Bandizip archived the root directory of a hard drive.
- Others

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2013, 19:40
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- New updater for InnoExtractor. Now get always the latest version of the program from our own downloader
- Added Greek interface language
- Added internal detection for product name, version and publisher of the opened installers. The product name and version is showed in the caption title of the main window of the program instead the executable filename when the installer is opened
- Added more icon recognition for filetypes
- Improved history list and file. Now shows the product name and version of the installer instead of filename (The history file of previous versions are no longer compatible with this version)
- Improved properties panel information. Now shows the program name, publisher and executable name of the installer
- Improved Extract panel. Now the program save all selected options when the the program is closed
- Improved Extraction method. Before extraction, the program checks if the installer is encrypted, then if so, shows the Password panel that allows you to enter a known key of the user to unpack all ecnrypted files
- Improved StatusBar info. To indicate to the user that the installer contains some encrypted files, an asterisk is showed in the bar
- Improved config file
- Improved Decrypt panel
- Improved program performance
- Improved application cache cleaner
- Improved program installer
- Improved some other panels of the program
- Improved other internal issues
- Updated all language files
- Fixed encryption information on properties panel when number of encrypted files is greater than 999
- Fixed a minor text of English language file
- Fixed an issue in the installer
- Fixed drag and drop installers feature on Windows 2000 and XP
- Fixed various internal issues

Titel: Bandizip 3.06 Build 10629
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2013, 17:30
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Improved security of Bandizip.

Bugs fixed

Added Hebrew language file.
Bandizip now uses LZMA instead of LZMA2 when packing .7z files.

Titel: Bandizip 3.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2013, 21:15
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

            Some .7z files were corrupted in a certain situation.
            Bandizip now uses LZMA2 instead of LZMA when packing .7z files.

Titel: PeaZip 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2013, 13:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


2013 06 23
PEA 0.44
UPX 3.09

Code cleanup

Bookmarks branch in navigation tree moved on first position, starts by default maximized and containing common useful locations
Improved breadcrumb context menu, unified with refresh menu
 features history menu
 features entries to open in specified path the system's file explorer, command prompt, new instance of PeaZip, properties, and web search
 features quick access to relevat filesystem paths (same as "Filesystem" menu top level)
Improved tasks wrapper (gwrap) for readability and clarity, explore input and output paths is now featured
Improved Settings: reorganized and simplified
Improved speed of adding items to archiving operations: by default directories' content is enumerated only on request (in layout's context menu)
Improved tool bars, added New folder button in file manager bar and Rename in image manager
Improved web search function for quick access to most relevant web resources
New history menu containing recently visited pats and archives, session history and breadcrumb of current path (also in archive/extraction interface)
System tools deduplicated and moved to context menu, always accessible, more tools available
 (Windows Vista and more recent) Added "Open PowerShell here" function
Various fixes and improvements, including
 (Windows) Added quick links to user's music, pictures, and videos folders in browsing, and archiving/extraction interfaces
 (Windows) Free disk space and % displayed in standard status bar and in archiveing/axtraction interfaces
 (Windows) Improved adding multiple items from context menu functions
 Added support for displaying thumbnails of xpm, and pgm images
 Improved accessibility to various functions like bookmarks, web search, show thumbnails, open new instance, explore path...
 Uniformed various menus and submenus so same groups of functions are easier to find at first sight

Fixed: extract to new folder now ignored in drag and drop operations consistently to how most file archivers work
Sizes of single input itmes in readable form

174 file extensions supported
added support to .crx Google Chrome extension, .maff Mozilla archive format, .mdf Alcohol 120 image files, and OPC files .cddx and .appv (Microsoft Application Virtualization)

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2013, 06:20
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Verbesserungen für x64 Betriebssysteme und Windows 8.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2013, 20:20
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- New application icon
- New features: Show files by categories (available only for Windows Vista and later)
- New context-menu options for file list: Invert selection, colapse and expand categories
- New internal viewer for non-common filetypes, such as .iss (installer script), .iss and others. When you run a file into the list and you have no associated program in your computer with those extensions, the program will use the internal viewer instead
- Improved file detection: Now detect some hidden and duplicate files if are detected into the installer
- Improved Run feature
- improved installer decrypt detection
- Improved "About the program" and "Reading installer..." panels
- Improved program installer
- Improved other minor internal and visual issues
- Updated all language files (new text/strings of some languages needs to be translated, otherwise, it will showed in English language)
- Fixed file list behavior when loading installer and in other situations
- Fixed some bugs of previous version

Titel: IZArc 4.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2013, 06:35
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

-Fixed extracting of empty files from 7-Zip archives
-Fixed some small bugs

-Clear also extract to folder history when perform "Clear History"
-Auto extract nested TAR archives from TAR.GZ files
-Added an option to perform single search in all types of supported archives in "Search in Archives" dialog

-Updated UnRar library to version 5.0.4
-Updated translations

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2013, 17:13
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Whats new: >>

Fixed CRC32 calculation during unpacking (regression bug).

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2013, 18:40
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Updated Innounp console to version 0.39: Fixed CRC32 calculation during unpacking (regression bug)
- Fixed minor bug on collapse/expand behavior in some circumstances in the list

Titel: PeaZip 5.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2013, 12:45
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source



Compiled with Lazarus 1.0.10
Windows installer compiled with InnoSetup 5.5.3


Added file name information in non readable archive dialog
Fixed special folders (desktop, root etc) are now translated in localization language
Fixed some untranslated strings
Fixed disabling unused keyboard shortcut in each context
Fixed don't show file browser's hint if application is not in foreground
(Windows installer, Vista and more recent) added option to reset current configuration during installation process
Various minor fixes and improvements

Titel: Ank Zipper 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2013, 22:49
Ank Zipper provides you with a Java-based compression tool designed to help you create and open ZIP archives. Ank Zipper can compress both files and folders and create password-protected archives, in order to prevent unauthorized access to your important files. Additionally, it can be used for opening or simply browsing ZIP files.

Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 21:00
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Added the ability can open Inno Setup-based installers larger than 2 GB (2,147,483,647). On previous versions this was not possible
- Improved installer and properties information format for file size, date, compiler and total/selected files
- Improved various internal procedures
- Changed some issues in installer properties dialog
- Updated all language files
- Updated program installer

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2013, 17:30
Whats new: >>

- Added a new decode algorithm to get a readable script file of some installers which in previous versions of the program was not possible to read correctly
- Improved the algorithm to get installer properties info
- Improved the algorithm to get product name and others with Inno Setup custom messages and more
- Improved various internal issues of the program
- Fixed a bug when open installers larger than 2 GB on previous version
- Fixed other minor bugs of previous version

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2013, 05:50
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Anpassungen und Optimierungsmaßnahmen plus Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2013, 11:10
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Fixed problems when archive in set does not exist
   Fixed delete archives when read-only
   Added ability to run program after extraction
   Added deep archive detection option
   Added touch destination option
   Added swedish translation from mikael gronholm

Titel: ArcConvert v0.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2013, 21:15
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

INNOUNP update.
Minor bug fix.

Titel: Express Zip 2.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2013, 20:15
Erstellt, öffnet und extrahiert gepackte Dateien sowie Ordner und ermöglicht das Verschlüsseln von Paketen; bietet unter anderem Befehlszeilen-Funktionen zur Automatisierung und wandelt andere Archiv-Formate ins ZIP-Format um.

Freeware (kostenlose Version nicht für die gewerbliche Nutzung gedacht)

Titel: Xtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2013, 17:15
Xtractor is a lightweight tool that enables you to batch extract all the ZIP archives in a user-defined directory, without modifying the original structure.

Xtractor is very easy to use, since all you have to do is specify the target folder and press the 'Start' button. Optionally, you can set filters and delete the original archives after extraction.

License:  GPL

Titel: Zipbox 0.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 06:20
Zipbox provides you with a faster and a more convenient method for compressing files and decompressing archives. You simply have to drag and drop files into the black box on your desktop and the archives will be created in an instant.

It comes with support for multiple archive types, including ZIP, TAR, RAR, 7Z, ISO, GZip, BZIP2 and more. However, it can only create ZIP archives.

License: LGPL

Titel: Bandizip 3.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 13:07
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Bugs fixed:

· Failed to open a certain ZIP64 file format
· Mouse pointer moved to the upper left corner when the "Snap-To" function of mouse pointer was enabled.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2013, 19:15
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

- Improved Portuguese and Polish language files
- Improved program installer
- Removed unnecessary translation string "FrmAbout_Label4_Caption" from all language files
- Updated all language files
- Changed a text string in About dialog box
- Fixed a minor bug of previous version

Titel: Bitser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2013, 20:15
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Latest Changes

· Added - Bitser files are now signed by a VeriSign digital certificate to prove identity and integrity
· Added - Some improved icons for start menu and admin functions. Improved icon appearance in Windows 8
· Fixed - Crashing when opening some zip files on Windows XP
· Fixed - Folder view of archive did not always refresh correctly after deleting items on Windows XP
· Fixed - Some bzip2, xz, rpm and z files would not open or extract correctly
· Fixed - 7zip was not always closed correctly when reading large files
· Fixed - Minor fixes, changes and code optimizations

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2013, 20:45
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in "Non Compressible Files", Verifikation, Validierung und Tests für Win 8.1 auf Windows 8.1 Pro.

Titel: PeaZip 5.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2013, 12:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source



Package naming convention changed to fixed mayor.minor.revision format in order to always have 5 byte size for version string


(Windows Vista and more recent) Added Schedule tab integrated with system Task Scheduler for ease of creating scheduled archiving/extraction (i.e. backup/restore) scripts from a single place
Improved bookmarks: when all bookmarks are deleted from application, bookmark list stays empty; when bookmarks are deleted by application reset or deleting bookmarks file, default bookmarks are listed
Various fixes


Added support for .ipsw iOS devices firmware packages, 175 file extensions are now supported


Added "Check for updates link" in installer and system integration wizard

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2013, 06:35
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

· Added Script and Code quick access items in File menu. The program detects if these two internal files are present in the installer and enable/disable these items as appropriate to open it.
· Added language sections: "FrmInnoExtractor_MnuScript_Caption" and "FrmInnoExtractor_MnuCodigo_Caption".
· Added improved routine for better detection of product name, version and editor for the installers.
· Improved History Manager. Now display the installer icon if available.
· Improved various internal issues of the program.
· Improved Polish language pack.
· Removed "Detect Embedded Files" and "Open New versions" from Options menu because it has been found unnecessary. Now the program always show the embedded files and open new version of Inno Setup-based installers.
· Removed language sections: "FrmInnoExtractor_MnuDetectarEmbebidos_Caption" and "FrmInnoExtractor_MnuDetectarNuevasVersiones_Caption"
· Updated all language files.
· Changed minor issue in the program menu.
· Fixed minor bugs of previous version.

Titel: MSI Unpacker (formerly MSI Extractor) 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2013, 19:45
MSI Extractor is a simplistic and portable app that, as the name implies, extracts the program files from MSI packages. It can be seamlessly handled, whether you already have some experience with this type of tools or not.

This type of application can help you with particular programs that normally create entries in the Windows Registry, as well as DLL files in the system folder. Since installation is not a requirement, you can just drop the executable file on any location of the hard drive and run it directly.

Otherwise, you can save MSI Extractor to a USB flash drive or similar storage unit, and run it on any computer. This way, you can keep the tool in your pocket after program removal. More importantly, MSI Extractor does not work with Windows Registry entries and does not leave files on the hard disk after removing it from the computer.

The interface of the tool is represented by a standard frame with a simplistic layout. Loading an MSI package into the workspace is done with the help of the file browser only, since the "drag and drop" functionality is not supported.

Once you specify the output directory, you can proceed with the extraction procedure. This task takes a little while to finish, after which you can open the target folder and tinker with the program files of the MSI package in question.

The application is low-demanding when it comes to the CPU and system memory, so it does not burden the computer's overall performance. It has a good response time and finishes an extraction job rapidly, without making Windows hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. Although its features are limited, MSI Extractor delivers a straightforward solution to extracting files from MSI packages.


Whats new: >>

· renamed application and version
· interface updated
· added button to select where you want to unpack
· drag and drop supported
· browse button allowed to add multi-files
· progress fixed
· status will by show package name when unpacking
· message updated when unpacking done

Titel: Alpx 1.35.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2013, 06:20
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.


Latest Changes

- Added UPX v3.09
- Added Menue icons
- Fixed Shell extension bug
- Fixed Compression options
- Fixed Misc bugs

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2013, 12:19
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

· Fixed a critical 32 bit runtime error/exception message "Internal error: Cannot expand 'pf64' constant on this version of Windows." showed when run the installer on 32 bit systems that was introduced accidentally in previous version, which causes the installer can not run and close completely.

Titel: PeaZip 5.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2013, 13:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Recompiled with Lazarus 1.0.12

Added Box.com default directory as recognized cloud storage

Keyboard shortcuts
Backspace keyboard shortcut correctly mapped in order to allw backspace use for editing text strings
Ctrl+Z/O/W changed to Shift+Ctrl+Z/O/W to avoid opening by mistake multiple instances to open selected objects

Fixed: title sting correctly applied when returning from extraction screen using "extract all" switch
Various minor fixes and improvements

Titel: Free UPX v1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2013, 16:30
Free UPX allows you to compress and decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files produced according to Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.


The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables).

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

New version of the UPX (3.91w).
Experimental support for 64-bit executable files (Win64/PE).

Titel: Alpx 1.36.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2013, 18:40
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.


Latest Changes

- Added UPX v3.91

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2013, 13:28
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

Added new option to context menu of file list: "See as translated paths". This feature allows you to view and simulate the Inno Setup contants on Path column as real expanded paths according to path equivalences of your Windows folders system/environment variables.
Added Turkish interface language.
Added preliminary support to Arabic interface language (incomplete translation).
Added new translation string section: FrmInnoExtractor_PopVerRutasEquivalentes_Caption
Improved Japanese language file.
Improved interface language: Some minor tweaks and changes to window size, file columns, menus and others.
Updated all language files.
Fixed minor bugs of previous version.

Titel: Alpx 1.36.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2013, 20:00
Alpx is a UPX Packer GUi for compressing or decompressing with UPX. Includes shell integration and it support 2 languages. Supports all existing UPX-Packers.


Latest Changes

- Fixed CryptAcquireContext
- Fixed Checksum under Windows 7 & 8

Titel: ArcThemALL! v5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2013, 13:00
ArcThemALL! is a multi-compressor of files and folders for both normal and advanced users. It supports compression with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats, includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, supports self-extracting archive creation, encryption/decryption of archives, the extraction of a long list of formats (7Z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, TAR, UDF, UPX, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, ZIP) and much more.

What's new: >>

- added support to generate a Log file
- updated UPX v3.91
- fixed integration in Context menu and SendTo menu
- fixed some minor bugs

License:  GPL

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2013, 09:15
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

Improved Dutch, German, Greek, Japanese and Turkish language files.
Improved runtime compilation of the application.
Improved uninstaller feature of the application.
Fixed a minor bug of previous version.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles v2.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2013, 21:45
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Verbesserungen und Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung für SSD Laufwerke bzw. Festplatten.

Titel: Bandizip 3.09 Build 10680
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2013, 13:15
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Bugs fixed:

Bandizip now supports the new RAR 5.0 archive format
Added Uyghur language file

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2013, 18:00
Latest Changes

Improved Extract Files path location: Now the program saves the selected base folder in Config.ini file (feature requested by many users several times).
Improved English, Spanish and Chinese language files.
Improved minor internal issues in the program.
Fixed a minor bug of previous version.

Titel: PeaZip 5.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2013, 12:35
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


UPX 3.91

(Windows Vista and newer) Improved UAC integration for archiving and extraction functions
Improved file deletion modes
Added very_fast mode (single pass random data) to Secure delete
Fast mode (two pass random data) is now default mode for secure delete
Added Zero delete, deletion mode overwriting existing file with all 0
(Windows) Introduced free space deletion modes
Added Secure delete free space, overwriting with random data multiple times (same as secure file delete)
Added Zero delete free space, overwriting with all 0 to improve compressibility of filesystem (i.e. disk image backup, virtual machine optimization)
Re-introduced local help file for offline support
Various fixes and improvements
(Linux) fixed using output path as working directory

"Extract all to" starts from input folder (or default extraction path, if set)
Implemented extract/archive to original input folder: multiple input files from different paths can be extracted/archived each in its own path in a single pass

177 file extensions supported
Added support for .msu (Microsoft update) and .mpp (Microsoft Project file)

Titel: The Extractor 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2013, 18:15
The Extractor lets you extract any number of files with just one click. Simply drag and drop zip files, any one file of the same rar set or any folder, with any number of subfolders, to add to the list of items to be processed. It can also delete processed files and folders after successful extraction. Supports ZIP and RAR archive formats.


Titel: 7-Zip 9.32 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2013, 18:45
Latest Changes

- 7-Zip could not unpack some RAR archives
- 7-Zip File Manager could work incorrectly for unpacking from solid archives, if archive was open in 7-Zip File Manager. Also 7-Zip File Manager could leave some unpacked files in TEMP folder of Windows
- So look your TEMP folder and remove folders that have "7z" prefix in name

Titel: B1 Free Archiver 1.4.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2013, 19:20
B1 Free Archiver is a friendly and simple software to open and create archives. B1 is fast and simple, with excellent compression, allows to work with archives just like with regular folders, works with .b1 .zip .rar .7z and other formats. B1 Free Archiver is 100% free for both personal and commercial use.


Latest Changes

file preview, file preview inside archive, create and re-pack encrypted zip, support for rar5,
visualization for partially encrypted files, multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Titel: ArcConvert 0.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2013, 17:40
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

minor bug fixes.
Korean update.
Tempfolder can defined.   

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2013, 06:30
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Whats new: >>

Synchronized Description fields encoding in reconstructed script.
Minor changes.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2013, 13:45
Latest Changes

Innounp API updated to latest version v0.40.

Titel: PeaZip 5.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2013, 14:30
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Improved secure file delete and secure free space delete
All modes with n>=4 iterations now uses overwrite with all 0 and overwrite with al 1 (FF byte) for the two first iterations (followed by n-2 iteration overwriting with random data), faster and more secure due to most recommendations for secure deletion protocols, as USAF System Security Instruction 5020, Schneier's Algorithm, Communications Security Establishment Canada ITSG-06, British HMG Infosec Standard 5 Enhanced Standard
Updated Tracker link, and improved links to online resources

Installer built with new InnoSetup 5.5.4

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2014, 07:00
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

    Added support for RAR5 archives
   Added icon to group context menu item
   Added polish translation from tomasz gasior
   Fixed bug in progress on certain archives
   Fixed filename bug with xz archives

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2014, 22:00
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Verifizierung, Validierung und weitere Tests von "Non Compressible Files" auf Windows 8.1.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2014, 17:30
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Latest Changes

Added other method to detect official versions of Inno Setup compiler when open executable files. Also, it can show a warning message if you try to open executable files with modified/unofficial versions of Inno Setup, that are not supported by InnoExtractor.
Added "Check for Updates" item in "Help" menu. Check and get newer versions of the program.
Added "Homepage" and "Facebook" items in "Help" menu. Please join putting "Like" and get latest Havysoft project and software news, updates and more on our Facebook fan page!
Added new translation sections in language files: FrmInnoExtractor_MnuComprobarActualizaciones_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_MnuPaginaWeb_Caption, FrmActualizador_Caption, FrmActualizador_BtnDescargar_Caption, FrmActualizador_LblEstado_Caption1, FrmActualizador_LblEstado_Caption2, FrmActualizador_LblEstado_Caption3, FrmActualizador_LblEstado_Caption4, MessageBox_Diagnostico_Text1 and MessageBox_Diagnostico_Text2.
Changed Translation text string in "MessageBox_Diagnostico_Caption".
Fixed minor bugs discovered on previous versions.

Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 3.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2014, 20:45
Packt ausführbare Dateien gängiger Formate wie EXE, DLL, COM, SYS oder SCR und wandelt sie in selbstentpackende und selbstausführbare Archive um, sodass sie signifikant verkleinert sind, aber dennoch ausführbar bleiben.



Titel: Bandizip 3.10 Build 10713
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2014, 17:40
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Improved security of Bandizip.
Bugs fixed - Failed to extract splitted .ace files

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2014, 18:45
Latest Changes

Added Korean interface language.
Improved Dutch, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese and Turkish language files.
Improved minor issue to Updater feature.
Changed "Colapse Categories" and "Expand Categories" popup menu behavior when "Show Files by Categories" option item is enabled.
Fixed a minor bug of previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2014, 13:11
Latest Changes

Added Czech interface language (95% translated).
Improved Dutch and Italian language files.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2014, 16:45
Latest Changes

Completed Czech language file.
Improved Polish language file..

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2014, 17:07
Latest Changes

Improved Greek language file.
Improved program installer.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2014, 16:09
Latest Changes

Improved Slovak language file.

Titel: PeaZip 5.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2014, 12:28
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Added preconfigured support for OneDrive path, when applicable
Improved help system and updated documentation
F1 points to translated tutorial (if available in selected language) featuring links to online resources and local help file
Alt+F1 points to local help file (English, .pdf format)
Shift+F1 points to online Support page, which features multilingual manuals, contacts etc
Ctrl+F1 points to online FAQ page, which features question & answer type guide to common topics
Existing language files were updated to include correct links to online resources and documentation
Open with associated application: changed behavior, now open using standard system's file association, while doubleclick checks internal extended file association with uncommon formats with PeaZip before
Standalone simplified GUI linked from main menu, Tools:
PeaExtractor minimal GUI for extraction of single archives
PeaUtils minimal GUI (new) for interactive use of file management features (hash, secure delete, etc)
Various minor fixes and visual updates.

Titel: The Extractor 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2014, 05:30
The Extractor lets you extract any number of files with just one click. Simply drag and drop zip files, any one file of the same rar set or any folder, with any number of subfolders, to add to the list of items to be processed. It can also delete processed files and folders after successful extraction. Supports ZIP and RAR archive formats.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug where the last extracted file from a zip would be wrongly deleted
Fixed bug where mini mode windows context menu items could be shown for folders and wrong filetypes
Fixed bug for acceptable filetypes in main program
Fixed bug for Ctrl + '+' while the program was running

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2014, 12:27
Latest Changes

Added new powerful features: Dump the INI and Registry sections of the script of any Inno Setup installer and export it to a Windows Registry File (*.reg) and to Windows Initialization File (*.ini), respectively. These options are available in "File/Dump" menu. Also, these options are shown in the list as independent files ("dump_registry.reg" and "dump_initialization.ini"), respectively.
Improved application interface: Changed toolbar buttons size; changed button images to 32x32 pixels and caption texts was added, like WinRAR toolbar style. Also now is possible to resize and maximize the form/window of the application. All these values, including current position of the form, are saved and stored in the file "Config.ini".
Improved InnoExtractor Viewer: Now you can edit and save the content of the file in the same windows. in addition, you can to perform text searches in the opened document, resize and maximize the window and other actions.
Improved History list: The icons of the installers are displayed with 32x32 pixels instead 16x16.
Improved many other visual, such as Find bar, status bar, forms, and more.
Improved saved configuration proceduresin the file "Config.ini".
Improved separate support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1.
Improved various internal issues of application: Performance, behavior and more.
Improved application installer.
Changed the way to get the decompiled code: This content is stored as independent file and is shown in the list as "dump_code.txt".
Changed "Select All" and "About InnoExtractor" buttons functions of the toolbar to "View Script" and "Show Properties" procedures, respectively.
Updated all language files and new sections was added. Some languages are incomplete for this version and need to be translated.
Fixed various bugs discovered on previous versions.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2014, 12:28
whats new :>>

Fixed several bugs and other issues when try to open Inno Setup installers larger than 2 GB (2,147,483,647).
Fixed error dialog "The selected file is not a valid executable file." when try to open valid Inno Setup installers in some instances.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2014, 14:20
whats new :>>

Completed Korean language file for current version.
Fixed Find bar position behavior in some situations when the main window is maximized or resized.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 09:19
whats new :>>

Improved Dutch and Hungarian language files.
Changed first default installation location to "%ProgramFiles%\InnoExtractor".
Improved program installer.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2014, 10:20
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


whats new :>>

Improved InnoExtractor Viewer: Added Encoding filter in save dialog that allows you to choose the destination format for file (e.g.: save as UTF-8, ANSI, Unicode or as Unicode Big Endian encoding). Also, the type filter of the same dialog now shows the original filetype description in your native Windows language according to your Windows Registry entries. Moreover, the text format viewer has been improved and other minor issues.
Improved "Integrate Application into Shell" option in Windows Explorer context menu: Now the menu item also shows the application icon beside the caption (only users of Windows 7 and later will be able to view this icon due to this trick is not available in the API of previous versions of the operating system without an advanced DLL context menu handle).
Improved program installer: Now the installer add multi-user shortcuts in the Start Menu folder and on Desktop when Normal Mode option is checked. Also, other minor installation issues has been reviewed and changed/improved.
Improved some internal and performance issues.
Fixed bad encoding load in InnoExtractor Viewer, in certain files, when you try to open files with UTF-8 and Unicode encodings.
Fixed some bugs discovered on previous versions.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2014, 12:24
whats new :>>

Improved application installer: Now the Install Wizard checks if "Integrate Application into Shell" option is enabled in the current installed version to keep it activated in upgrade mode. Also, other minor installation issues have been improved.

Titel: ZipInstaller v1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2014, 18:15
ZipInstaller installs and uninstalls applications and utilities that do not provide an internal installation program. It automatically extracts all files from the Zip file, copies them to the destination folder you select, creates shortcuts in the start menu and in your desktop, and adds an uninstall module to allow you to automatically remove the software in the future.

License:    Freeware

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2014, 14:21
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

Fixed hang when encountering missing rar archive
Fixed test mode with rar extraction
Fixed problems with directory dates

Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2014, 06:10
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Latest Changes

Added search function to password manager.
Added translation - Hungarian.
Added translation - German (Beta).
Added translation - Bulgarian (Beta).
Added the column widths in the manage tab to settings that are saved when Bitser is closed.
Removed 2 year timeout that was on beta versions.
Fixed bug where Bitser failed to associate with a file extensions even after applying it from the options tab.
Changed and improved the way Bitser handles file extension associations in the options tab.
Changed and updated some translations.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2014, 13:45
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Anpassungen und Optimierung für x64-Betriebssysteme und Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2014, 16:38
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


whats new :>>

Improved installation in Portable mode. Also the installation save settings for multi-user accounts and other minor related issues has been tweaked.

Titel: PeaZip 5.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2014, 10:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Windows] Updated to FreeArc 0.67 alpha

Compiled with Lazarus 1.2.0

[W7+] Added localization for cascaded system's context menu entries
[Windows, installable] Options > Settings > Reset now also asks if the user wants to reset system integration
Bookmarks can now be sorted by name
File browser (details mode) shows icons for special paths
Find duplicate files and checksum/hash automatically switches browser to list mode to display results
Multi threading option is remembered
Navigation bar "+" button switches between navigation view and tree view
Improved treeview sidebar, showing icons for folders, disks and special paths
Function list moved to popup menu from button on the left of status bar
New multi-functional popup menu on the left of address bar, toggle between bookmarks, filesystem and history
Session history available as status bar view
Updated "Seven" theme
Various minor fixes and enhancements

Console field content is now automatically valorized when Console tab is accessed
Enumerate folder content option is now set as a switch in archive creation screen
Improved inclusion filters for archive creation
"Include only" apply inclusion filter to input directories (files individually added are always archived)
"Include also" allows to freely specify extra items/filters to be archived (works as inclusion filter worked in previous versions)
inclusion and exclusion lists accepts drag and drop of items from system
New Info mode for synthetic information about archive, old Info mode remapped to "List (with details)"
New Compression profiles list, automating settings for most common compression task (i.e. best compression, fast compression, protect with password, self extracting, keep output under specified size...)
the list is available in favourite formats dropdown menu, in Add button context menu (browser) and from arrow button on the left of OK (compression screen)
New task progress bar identifies tasks that are paused (yellow) or ended in error (red)

Recompiled with Qt bindings V2.5, compatible with Qt from 4.5 to 4.8

Titel: Bandizip 3.11 Build 10753
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2014, 13:47
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>


Titel: Re: Bandizip 3.11 Build 10753
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2014, 13:34
Hier noch die Infos was neu/verändert ist ->

New in this version:

    Improved the font readability of dialog boxes in Windows 8.
    Added the Ukrainian language file by Vladimir Reshetnuk.
    Bugs fixed
        Some MSI files were handled as CAB files.
        Hidden files lost their hidden attribute after extracting.
        Failed to extract some ISO files due to circular referencing.
        Failed to extract some RAR files which use a long password.
        Failed to extract some GZIP files.
        Other minor bugs fixed
Titel: PeaZip 5.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2014, 10:49
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


Various fixes
Improved handling of double file extension when creating archives
Updated translations and Windows' context menu localization scripts

Titel: ArcConvert v0.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2014, 05:00
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Minor bug fix.
Innounp update.

Titel: InnoExtractor Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2014, 12:17
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


whats new :>>

Due to many users in the past have requested the "Drag and drop to Windows Explorer" feature in InnoExtractor, in an extra-programmed effort, Havysoft has studied some Windows APIs for a few weeks to see the possible to implement them with Innounp API and performance, and, finally we got to add them into in the program successfully!
Added preliminary ability to extract files with drag and drop from InnoExtractor file list to Windows Explorer or to any application that support drag and drop behavior. This feature works correctly if the user runs InnoExtractor with the the same administrative privileges as the external application.

Titel: Easy 7-Zip 0.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 05:50
Easy 7-Zip is an easy-to-use version of 7-Zip. The author kept all features of 7-Zip and added a few useful features that makes the software more user-friendly.

7-Zip is a free and great file decompression and compression software that handles 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, and ZIP files. 7-Zip was made by Igor Pavlov.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2014, 13:50
whats new :>>

Release Notes
Added the most requested functionality by users of InnoExtractor. Drag and drop files from the program file list to Windows Explorer or to any application that support this ability! Like WinRAR style! The feature was tested extensively and successfully on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 8.1.1 with several external applications.
Added new context menu item: "Open with InnoExtractor Text Viewer". With this, you can open text files in the program list if you want to use the internal, full unicode, Viewer instead externals. You can to configure the associated extensions to open with this item from the new option "InnoExtractor Text Viewer/Associated Extensions..." in main menu.
Added "Donate" item in Help menu.
Improved many cosmetics and visual issues in the program, such as windows/forms, buttons, etc. to better adjustment to the different languages typefaces.
Improved file run from the list. Now, also you can run files in the list by pressing "Enter" key in the list on desired file.
Improved "About InnoExtractor" dialog. Also, we have added all possible credits of all people (mainly the volunteer translators of many countries) who have contributed to InnoExtractor by thanks to them all.
Improved separated support of the program on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 8.1.1.
Improved some performance and stability issues in the program.
Improved various minor details of the application.
Changed "Script Files (Installer)" section run behavior for "dump_code.txt", "dump_registry.reg" and "dump_initialization.ini" files. Now always it opens with internal Viewer. For "install_script.iss" first the program check if Inno Setup compiler is currently installed in the computer. If so, the program uses Inno Setup to run this file, else, the file is opened with internal Viewer instead.
Translated and done the following language files to latest version 4.7: Chinese Simplified, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, and Turkish (you can change the language from "Options/Language" item of main menu). The other languages are outdated.
Fixed several minor bugs and other issues discovered of previous versions.

Titel: Bandizip 5.0 Build 12200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2014, 14:20
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

Bandizip is now installed in the Program Files folder instead of the %LOCALAPPDATA% folder. (Administrator's privileges are required.)
Added support for high-resolution monitors (DPI-Aware)
Added support for Windows 8 file associations.
ISZ/BIN file formats can be extracted.
GIF, PSD, BMP formats can be viewed with the internal image viewer.
Archived images can be viewed with Honeyview.
Fixed many bugs.

Titel: CoffeeZip 4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2014, 20:46
CoffeeZip ist ein Packprogramm, welches sich in dem Kontextmenü vom Windows-Explorer einfügt. Gepackt werden können Dateien in das Format Zip, 7z, wim und tar.

Beim Auspacken werden weitere Formate unterstützt (u.a. ARJ, ALZ, CAB, CHM, EGG, ISO, LZH, MBR, MSI, RAR, VHD....)

Packt man Dateien in ein 7z, oder Zip-Archiv, kann dieses Verschlüsselt werden (AES-256).

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8


Titel: 7-Zip 9.33 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2014, 18:15
Release Notes
    7-Zip now can show icons for 7-Zip items in Explorer's context menu.
    "Add to archive" dialog box:
        new options in "Path Mode"
        new option "Delete files after compression"
        new "NTFS" options for WIM and TAR formats:
        Store symbolic links
        Store hard links
        Store alternate data streams
        Store file security
    "Extract" dialog box:
        new optional field to set output folder name
        new option "Eliminate duplication of root folder"
        new option "Absolute pathnames" in "Path Mode".
        new option "Restore file security" (that works for WIM archives only)
    7-Zip File Manager:
        new "File / Link" dialog box in to create symbolic links and hard links.
    Command line version:
        new -spd switch to Disable wildcard matching for file names
        new -spe switch to Eliminate duplication of root folder for extract archive command
        new -snh switch to store hard links as links (WIM and TAR formats only)
        new -snl switch to store symbolic links as links (WIM and TAR formats only)
    NSIS support was improved.
    The problem was fixed:
    The command "extract to *" with multiple archives could use same
    output folder, if archives are placed inside PE (EXE) file.
    The BUG of 9.31-9.32 was fixed:
    Command line version for test and extract commands returned the
    value 0 as exit code, if it couldn't open archive.
    The BUG was fixed:
    7-Zip could not create archives with anti-items for any archive type,
    except of 7z type
    Some bugs were fixed.
    New localization: Mongolian (script).

Titel: 7-Zip 9.34 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2014, 13:14
Release Notes
What's new after 7-Zip 9.33 alpha:

    The BUG in 9.33 was fixed:
    Command line version of 7-Zip could work incorrectly, if there is relative
    path in exclude filename optiton (-x) and absolute path as include filename.
    The BUG in 9.26-9.33 was fixed:
    7-Zip could not open some unusual 7z archives that were created by another
    software (not by 7-Zip).
    The BUG in 9.31-9.33 was fixed:
    7-Zip could crash with switch -tcab.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2014, 21:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen sowie Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: PeaZip 5.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2014, 12:24
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source

Release Notes
ZPAQ backend updated to 6.54
New UI design:
Tabs replaced by new option menu button on the bottom left corner of the form on Add, Extract, Password, Password Manager, and PeaLauncher
Tabs replaced by new side tab bar for unified Settings/Theme screen
Improved archive manager tool bar, with visible dropdown menus for quick access to archiving and test functions
Improved and simplified various menus:
New navigation (bookmarks, filesystem, history, and functions) menu set as primary address bar's navigation menu
New "functions" menu mode, providing quick launcher for most used functions and A-Z functions list submenu, replaces functions button
Improved breadcrumb menu, set as secondary navigation menu (alternate navigation menu, navigation bar context menu...) replacing older menus
Improved "Open" branch in navigation bar merging Functions and Application groups
Added "most used", "last visited" and "date added" information stats to bookmarks, can be used for sorting bookmarks
Unified "Save history data" (Options > Settings) checkbox controls saving list of last accessed archives, paths, searches, and bookmarks/history stats
Updated pre-set web search and cloud services
Yandex Disk and Sharepoint are now added by default to known cloud paths
Various minor fixes and improvements
Implemented flags to remove 1) original archive(s) after extraction 2) original files after archival:
Always asks for confirmation during interactive tasks
Can be saved/scheduled to scripts
Apply (and remember) favorite deletion mode: recycle bin, quick delete, zeroing, secure delete

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2014, 16:00
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Release Notes

Added "Donate" (voluntary) dialog when the application is run (you can disable this windows by simply selecting "Do not show this message at startup" checkbox).
Added new necessary feature for encrypted installers in Options menu: "Identify Encrypted Files" (feature in testing status, thanks to Scott for this suggestion!). Allows you to detect and know all encrypted files of an Inno Setup-based installer in the file list that requires a password and don't ask this for those who do not need. Each encrypted file is indicated by an asterisk symbol at the end of name. This feature is in testing status. This process is slow and uses more CPU than usual on installers that contain many files. It is only recommended to activate it when you really are interested to check a special/particular encrypted installer.
Added new function in Options menu: "Run Files with Folder Dependencies". Allows you to run a file from list with their other files/folders dependencies when necessary for files with extension such as .exe, .bat, .cmd, .js and .vbs for correct execution.
Added new function in Options menu: "Always on Top"

Added new translation sections in language files:

Improved installers opening function by drag and drop files from other active applications/windows and from WinRAR, WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. active windows to InnoExtractor file list window.
Improved extraction algorithm for non-encrypted installers.
Improved drag and drop files function from File list to other active applications/windows: Now extract the file only (without path) by pressing the Ctrl key and then dragging it with the left mouse button (note: first press Ctrl key, while holding, then press and then dragging it with the left mouse button). Big thanks to Luís user to suggest this feature!
Improved Run feature from file list: When you run files in File List, InnoExtractor search the default associated application in your system to open it. If there is no default application for executed file, the program search the associated extension specified in "Associated Extension" option, so if is available, InnoExtractor Text Viewer is used instead.
Improved Script button. Added submenus for quick access to dump Code, Registry and INI sections of script.
Improved Dump: Registry and INI section extraction for better efficacy.
Improved Script extraction routines with own InnoExtractor algorithms not available on Innounp API.
Improved windows/forms occurrence (as are shown) in the screen (changed poScreenCenter property to all child forms of application to poMainFormCenter).
Improved status bar: Added the possibility to open Decrypt dialog by simply clicking on status bar (when asterisk symbol is visible) for quick access to enter a valid password for encrypted installers. Also, the total encrypted files information is shown.
Improved InnoExtractor Updater library.
Improved application installer.
Changed text string value for "FrmAbout_Label2_Caption" section in all language files.
Changed the order of some items in context and main menus of the application.
Updated all language files. Translated and done the following language files to latest version 4.8: Chinese Simplified, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak and Spanish. The other language files are incomplete/outdated for this version and need translation for new text strings.
Fixed bad conversion in Registry dump for Qword value type when value data is an Integer 64 bits.
Fixed wrong encoding type for .reg and .ini files saving of previous versions (Unicode/UCS-2 Little Endian encoding is now correct and default for these file types).
Fixed "Run" function in context menu of file list when try to open some files in certain occasions.
Fixed incorrect dialog/window resize of "About InnoExtractor" on Windows XP.
Fixed disable status for "Open with InnoExtractor Text Viewer" by error detection when file extension is with upper case.
Fixed several bugs discovered on previous versions.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2014, 12:24
whats new:>>

Translated and completed Russian and Turkish language files for current version.
Fixed application freezing and error/bug when you open the dialogs "About InnoExtractor" and "Associated Extensions" with Always on Top option is checked.
Fixed some errors/bugs with drag and drop function.
Fixed other several bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 12:21
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Latest Changes

Changed digital certificate used to sign Bitser assemblies to the latest as it was due to expire.
Changed progress bar style to 'marquee' when calculating archive sizes.
Changed Bitser's start-up code to improve start times on some systems.
Changed some language translation files.
Fixed some bugs in Bitser's multi-threading code to make it more stable.
Fixed bug which allowed attempts to modify split archives.
Fixed bug where opening files within archive immediately prompted to update the archive on some systems with McAfee Anti-virus.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2014, 07:33
Release Notes

Beware: that’s not a true update to the main application. In fact nothing has changed in main application’s code but we rebuilt the setup packages in order to include the patch we talked about two days ago.

The most relevant point is that the new setup packages now include the CZIP 2 Opener ZGTool and it is installed by default; the CZIP file type is also associated with the ZGTool and not with ZipGenius anymore: in fact, with the patch applied, when you double click on a CZIP file now CZIP 2 Opener kicks in and asks if the user wants to go on opening the CZIP archive or if he/she wants to open that through ZipGenius. We had to put this request because CZIP files made within ZipGenius main application can be re-open with it but CZIP files made from the Windows context menu (or from the command line), can’t be decrypted by ZipGenius main application.

If you are sure about the pass key/passphrase to use with a CZIP file and the ZGTool doesn’t open it, you’d better try open the same file directly with ZipGenius.

The patch also replaces the command line module (zg.exe) that caused actions from the system context menu to stop working.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2014, 09:17
whats new:>>

Fixed some text strings for Italian language file.
Improved open and execute functions for filenames and folder paths with Unicode characters.

Titel: ZipGenius
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2014, 19:47
Whats new:>>

Bugxfix to command line module not processing files over 4 GB (Zip64 error message).

Titel: PeaZip 5.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2014, 12:18
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source

Release Notes

New design update
New Tabs area for easier use of options screens
Improved Layout context menu in Crete/Extract screens
Path submenu in context menu for exploring bookmarked/recent paths so files/folders can be dragged to the application
Advanced submenu grouping layout/task management entries
Scan actions and Hexadecimal preview are now featured also in Test button dropdown menu
Various improvements and fixes


Improved information during multiple extraction and archiving tasks
Quicker access to last used directory in Output path menu

Titel: IZArc 4.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2014, 18:15
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

-Fixed Error messages when add files to an archive with "Move" operation
-Fixed opening of files from 7-ZIP archives with default Windows program when the user has no administrative rights
-Added an option to show password in password input dialog
-Added an option to check the open archive or selected file from archive with VirusTotal
-Updated UnRar library to version 5.11.1
-Updated translations

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2014, 12:18
whats new:>>

Improved small issues for application installer.
Removed file encryption for the installer, so you can now open and extract the internal files of InnoExtractor installer with our own InnoExtractor application, as in the past.
Changed some small issues for credits in "About InnoExtractor" dialog.
Fixed a small bug in the installer discovered in previous build.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2014, 22:00
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Sprachdateien Aktualisierung und einige Verbesserungen bei Server 2012.

Titel: CoffeeZip 4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2014, 19:22
CoffeeZip ist ein Packprogramm, welches sich in dem Kontextmenü vom Windows-Explorer einfügt. Gepackt werden können Dateien in das Format Zip, 7z, wim und tar.

Beim Auspacken werden weitere Formate unterstützt (u.a. ARJ, ALZ, CAB, CHM, EGG, ISO, LZH, MBR, MSI, RAR, VHD....)

Packt man Dateien in ein 7z, oder Zip-Archiv, kann dieses Verschlüsselt werden (AES-256).

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8


Titel: Bandizip 5.02 Build 12338
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2014, 12:12
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Whats new: >>

The unique GZ file format can be extracted.
Old versions of the TAR format are now supported.
Image preview is available even if the files were compressed by a solid compression method.
After installing Bandizip, the Honeyview suggestion window will pop up.

Bugs fixed:

Bandizip couldn't delete temporary files when an associated program was running.
Bandizip couldn't execute Honeyview as an internal image viewer if the images were compressed by a solid compression method.

Titel: Bandizip 5.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2014, 17:30
Whats new: >>

Bugs fixed:

1. Failed to extract split ZIP/ZIPX/EXE archives which were compressed by Bandizip and included more than two 4 GB or bigger files.
2. Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2014, 13:27
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source

Release Notes

PeaZip Additional Format Plugin 2, now containing also quad and balz binaries

Image manager
Added 4K and 8K formats pre-sets in fit image to resolution
Added JPEG quality 90, 75 and 50 to Image manager pre-set context menu entries
Added TIFF, PPM, and XPM formats as image conversion options
Added to context menu (in Image manager group) common pre-set entries for resize, fit, and convert operations
New advanced rename functions (context menu): uppercase, lowercase, add string at fixed position, delete n chars at fixed position, replace/remove string (optionally case sensitive), change file extension
New file rename dropdown menu also featured in File management tool bar
New advanced selection features
Starting with same character (optionally case sensitive) of selected object
Size similar to selected object; size smaller/larger than
Date similar to selected object; current hour, day, week, month, year
Advanced selection dialog Select..., features add/subtract to current selection, available in toolbar, address bar (search group) and context menu
New Copy path feature: copy current path or selected items paths as UTF8 string for any use
Various fixes

Added "Halt system after task completion" flag in Advanced compression/extraction options tab
Added option to remove single intermediate directory upon Extract to new folder operation in Options > Settings > Archive management
New task options dropdown menu in the button on the left of "Cancel", showing thread priority option and "Cancel all"
"Cancel" notification no longer trigger additional message box
New "Cancel all" function stop the sequence of following tasks

179 file extensions supported
Added support for .xzm Porteus Linux packages


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2014, 09:04
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Release Notes

From now, InnoExtractor is available in two new editions: Free (with some limitations) and Plus (full version, all advanced features enable). If you wish, you can to upgrade to Plus edition by making a money donation of $4 dollars USD to Havysoft project.
Added new feature (Plus edition only) never seen before in any other product: Scan/research/inspect your entire hard disk to search and find all Inno Setup-based Installers executable files availables and open them with InnoExtractor. In this feature we will focus in every new release for the future and we will improve even more.
Added "Donate to Upgrade to Plus..." item in Help menu of the application.
From now, the following old features are available only in Plus edition: "Identify Encrypted Files", "Run Files with Folder Dependencies" and "Simulate Expanded Paths".
Improved file search textbox: colored like firefox text search style behavior when the keyword is not found in the file list.
Improved minor issues for application stability and performance.
Changed and improved license agreement displayed during the installation.
Added the following new sections in all language files: FrmInnoExtractor_MnuEscanear_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label1_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label2_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label3_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_ChkNoSubdirectorios_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LstInstaladores_Columns0_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LstInstaladores_Columns1_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption1, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption2, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption3, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption4, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption5, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption6, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption7, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption8, BtnEscanear_Caption and Str_NoVisibleEnEdicionFree.
Added new credits in "About InnoExtractor" dialog.
Changed the text string in the following section of all language files: FrmAbout_Label2_Caption.
Fixed some bugs discovered in previous versions.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2014, 16:40
Release Notes

From this version, also "Dump (Code) Section" option is part and available only in Plus edition.
Improved some minor functions and other issues for stability and performance of the application.
Updated the following language files to version Czech, Dutch, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean Polish and Portuguese.
Fixed a minor issue in installers list of "Research" window when the application is running on Free edition.
Fixed other minor bugs discovered in previous version.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2014, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Updated Turkish language file to latest version
Improved Dutch language file
Fixed one bug of previous build

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2014, 09:05
Whats new:>>

Improved Open button function/behavior and design: Refined menu appearance. Also, now show the product name and full path of file is visible in the recent opened files.
Improved script button function and behavior. Also, a new item "Open Script" is available in the button menu.
Improved application installer.
Improved some minor functions and other issues for stability and performance of the application.
Fixed minor text string in the following section of English and in other outdated language files: FrmInnoExtractor_MnuPlus_Caption.
Changed the text strings in all language files: FrmInnoExtractor_BtnScript_Hint.
Changed the text strings in the following sections of English and Spanish language files: FrmInnoExtractor_MnuDumpear_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_MnuCodigo_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_MnuRegistro_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_MnuIni_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_PopCodigo_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_PopRegistro_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_PopIni_Caption.
Added the following new sections in all language files: Str_AbrirInstalador_Caption, Str_EscanearInstaladores_Caption, FrmInnoExtractor_PopScript_Caption, FrmRegApp_Caption.
Fixed several bugs/errors discovered in previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2014, 09:11
Whats new:>>

From this version, also "Run" option and feature is part and available only in Plus edition.
Improved minor window behavior issues for "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" form.
Updated the following language files to latest version: Chinese Simplified, Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese and Turkish.
Changed a minor text string in Korean language file.
Fixed several minor bugs discovered in previous version.
We need new native languages for InnoExtractorm such as: Arab (needs a complete retranslation), French (needs a complete retranslation), Hebrew, Hindi, Malay, Philippine, Romanian, Swedish and Vietnamese. Other languages are welcome. If the mentioned languages are your native language and you want to help and send us your translations to our email (quiality translations), if approved, you will win a free an authorized key to activate to InnoExtractor Plus forever! You can use as template any actual language file you want of "Idiomas" folder from installation location. Your quality work is valued and rewarded by us!

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2014, 12:29
Whats new:>>
Added new language interface: Chinese Traditional
From this version, also "Export Registry Section" and "Export INI Section" options and features is part and available only in Plus edition
Improved "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" process. Now is possible abort the scanning status by clicking in "Cancel" button
Improved "Run" feature
Improved small issues for "Export Registry Section" and "Export INI Section" features
Improved other small internal issues for "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" feature and performance when put temporary files in application cache folder
Changed small issues for "Donate to Upgrade to Plus" dialog: Remove a clause in benefits text and also make some tweaks to the window and buttons
Fixed "Run" feature in certain moments when application is in Free edition
Fixed other small errors/bugs discovered in previous version

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2014, 09:19
Whats new:>>

Updated the followig language files to latest version: Korean and Russian.
Improved some minor internal issues in the application.
Fixed "Open with InnoExtractor Text Viewer" feature when application is running in Free edition (only available in Plus edition).
Fixed several errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2014, 16:36
Whats new:>>

Improved application installer.
Improved some runtime routines for executable.
Improved some other minor internal issues in the application.
Fixed several errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.35 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2014, 21:00
Whats new:>>

- The BUG was fixed:
  7-Zip crashed during ZIP archive creation, if the number of CPU threads was more than 64.
- The BUG in 9.31-9.34 was fixed:
  7-Zip could not correctly extract ISO archives that are larger than 4 GiB.
- The BUG in 9.33-9.34 was fixed:
  The option "Compress shared files" and -ssw switch didn't work.
- The BUG in 9.26-9.34 was fixed:
  7-Zip File Manager could crash for some archives open in "Flat View" mode.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2014, 12:28
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source

Release Notes
181 file extensions supported, added support for Microsoft's .mlc Language Interface Pack and .mui Multilingual User Interface
(Windows) Added support for scanning with Windows Defender
Information column, when browsing files, shows a note about file types which can be handled through PeaZip" '+' known archive file type, open with double click / '.' known file type usually not handled as archive, open with context menu "Open as archive" (i.e. MS Office files)
Improved links to online resources
While operating, Pause button is highlighted instead of Stop by default, to prevent unaware click canceling running tasks
Fixed extraction to new folder from application's drag and drop context menu
New installation mode: "Update only" install new program's files and keeps existing system integration unchanged (file association, context menu, send to menu)
Installer shows link to Help and FAQ pages
ISO files are not associated to PeaZip by default, to avoid overriding system's defaults unless explicitly requested by user
Configure system integration tool starts Custom installation mode by default, to prompt user all options

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2014, 12:30
InnoExtractor allows you to explore and extract the internal files of Inno Setup installers to local drives and portable devices without starting the setup.


Whats new:>>

Fixed some errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: RarZilla 5.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2014, 18:15
RarZilla Free Unrar is a small yet powerful software solution designed to help you decompress RAR files on the go. An extremely easy to use decompression tool, RarZilla Free Unrar provides multiple methods to extract files from a RAR archive, all supposed to lend a hand to users who don't want to spend too much time with such a simple process.


Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2014, 09:00
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Added option to check archives for viruses or malware using VirusTotal.com's online virus scanner.
Added Explorer context menu option to check any file for viruses or malware using VirusTotal.com.
Added split archive details to archive information window.
Added split archive file name number to progress window when creating split archive.
Added 'view files' button to window prompt asking to delete modified archive files when exiting Bitser.
Added Turkish translation.
Changed and improved the way in which files opened and modified from within archives are handled.
Changed Bitser's download zip to an exe file to allow 'setup' to extract and run automatically.
Bitser's setup and msi files can be obtained by extracting the exe file using Bitser.
Fixed bug in calculation of archive size when adding or updating existing files in archive.
Fixed bug which caused Bitser to not show compression progress when creating a split archive.
Fixed bug which caused correct password to fail when opening some split/multi-volume encrypted archives.
Fixed bug which could cause Bitser to crash while opening some archives.
Fixed bug which prevented Bitser from closing when Windows is shutting down.
Fixed bug in some yes/no prompts that would assume yes if prompt was closed using the "X" button.
Fixed bug which caused double password prompt when pressing F5 to refresh the archive.
Fixed bug which caused progress window to reposition itself when minimized during archive conversion.
Fixed bug which caused prompt to incorrectly state that no files were selected for backup.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.

Titel: PeaZip 5.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2014, 11:45
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source


(Windows) Updated to 7z 9.35 beta
LZMA2 is the new default algorithms for .7z format
defaults updated accordingly new reference settings for 7z
new 7z version drops support for Windows 9.x, which remains supported by PeaZip 5.5.1 and previous


(Windows) Improved on demand scanning integration, up to 8 concurrent antivirus / antimalware, both in-archive (compressed files) and in filesystem
Added support for Avast Pro / Internet Security, ClamWin, Comodo Cleaning Essentials, ESET NOD32 / Smart Security


Added hint overlays on extraction and archiving screens, overlays are replaced by standard popup hints when clicked, and when some input files are already selected

Titel: 7-Zip 9.36 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2014, 16:31
Whats new:>>

- The BUG in command line version was fixed: 7-Zip created temporary archive in current folder during update archive operation, if -w{Path} switch was not specified. The fixed 7-Zip creates temporary archive in folder that contains updated archive.
- The BUG in 9.33-9.35 was fixed: 7-Zip silently ignored file reading errors during 7z or gz archive creation, and the created archive contained only part of file that was read before error. The fixed 7-Zip stops archive creation and it reports about error.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: 7-Zip 9.38 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: ArcConvert 0.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2015, 20:45
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small fixes.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2015, 11:15
The application was rewritten/rebuild entirely due to latest changes on Facebook server. Facebook team has closed some possibilities to scan/search video albums on their server without a special and unique access token privilege, hindering the proper function of this, so I've decided remove the video album scanning feature from now. Only is possible to scan and download videos from Facebook direct video links.
Facebook video extraction algorithm was rewritten entirely
Improved Facebook Login API into MassFaces application
Improved video URL catcher. From now, MassFaces treats the Facebook video URLs as secure links (HTTPS) instead HTTP
Improved several internal and performance issues for the applicación
Removed several dead code lines of previous versions
Removed some important functions of previous versions because will not work anymore due to changes on Facebook server
Fixed video extraction algorithm for single video links and many relationed functions due to changes on Facebook server
Fixed several errors/bugs discovered in previous versions

Titel: Easy 7-Zip 0.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2015, 21:20
Easy 7-Zip is an easy-to-use version of 7-Zip. The author kept all features of 7-Zip and added a few useful features that makes the software more user-friendly.

7-Zip is a free and great file decompression and compression software that handles 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, and ZIP files. 7-Zip was made by Igor Pavlov.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2015, 09:12
Whats new:>>

Update and completed text strings of Slovak language file to latest version.
Fixed some errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2015, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Added support for opening and extracting RAR 5 archives.
Added support for displaying archive comments.
Changed compiler from Visual Studio 2010 to 2013.
Fixed bug which caused progress window to show behind Windows Explorer on some context menu jobs.
Fixed bug which caused extract jobs to ignore setting to hibernate computer after job completed.
Fixed bug which caused extracting of selected items to fail if certain folders already existed.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.

Titel: MSI Unpacker 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2015, 18:45
MSI Extractor is a simplistic and portable app that, as the name implies, extracts the program files from MSI packages. It can be seamlessly handled, whether you already have some experience with this type of tools or not.

License: GPL

Whats new:>>

Added import button
Added clear config button
Added remove selected button
Added execute button
Added close button
Added progress dialog
Added folder dialog
Added automatically detected extract path
Added message dialogs
Added new icon
Fixed bugs

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2015, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Added new interface language: Bulgarian.
Fixed some errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: PeaZip 5.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2015, 15:31

(Windows) Updated to 7z 9.38 beta


Improved application's context menu and navigation menu
Improved address breadcrumb: separator icons can now be clicked to display directories in the selected node
Various fixes

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2015, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Improved click behavior in result list of "Research Installer files in Hard Drive" window: Now when you press the right mouse button over the row, this action will open the location of the installer file in Windows File Explorer window. Only the left mouse button will open the installer file to scan into MassFaces as usual.
Fixed some small behavior issues of result list in "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" window in certain circumstances.
Fixed other three small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2015, 09:05
Whats new:>>

Plus edition only: Fixed wrong closing behavior introduced in previous version when you press the right mouse button over the row in results list of "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" window.
Fixed other small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: ArcConvert 0.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2015, 20:45
ArcConvert converts between a wide variety of archives and includes automatic password detection. Useful to swap an archive to a more familiar format rather than track down a different program that supports it.

Most of the common archiving formats are supported including zip, 7-zip, RAR, TGZ, as well as ~60 other lesser-known formats. Available export formats include ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, and FreeArc

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Aplib update.

Titel: J7Z 1.3.0-1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2015, 17:20
J7Z is an alternative 7-Zip GUI. It was designed by Xavion. 7-Zip is a high-compression file archiver. It was designed by Igor Pavlov.

Use J7Z if you want to:

Update existing archives quickly
Backup multiple folders to a storage location
Create or extract protected archives
Lessen effort by using archiving profiles and lists


Whats new:>>

* Added Mac OS X support; installer plus Makefile
* Now permitting skins to decorate window borders
* Prevented the need to reinstall upon Java upgrade
* Modernised code, increased required Java to v1.7
* Added some new keyboard shortcuts & combinations
* Prevented infinite loop when archiving many files
* Reverted the default skin to the standard "Metal"
* Changed the main application icon for distinction
* Limited the MRU items lists to 20 historical rows
* Made several minor changes to the code structure

Titel: Bandizip 5.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2015, 13:40
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


1. A drop-down menu will be shown when right clicking on the Open and Extract buttons.

2. The preset size of Gmail has changed from 26,214,400 bytes to 25,600,000 bytes.

3. Improved the UI of message boxes.

4. Added the Finnish and Sinhala language files - Many thanks to Henri Jalonen and Randika.

5. Bugs fixed
- The progress status bar was not displayed properly when modifying Zip files in a certain situation.
- The code page of file names was not saved as UTF-8 when modifying Zip files even if the user checked the "Use unicode file names in Zip files (UTF-8)" option.
- Failed to extract RAR5 archives which were compressed with passwords and the Store method.
- Failed to open certain files with an external editor if the file name in the archive has a blank space.
- Failed to extract CAB archives which were split and compressed with the MSZIP algorithm.
- Failed to handle the SWAP2 and SWAP4 filters of the 7z format.
- Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2015, 07:25
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Verifizierung und Tests von Non-Compressible-Files auf Windows 10 Technical-Preview.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2015, 13:43
Whats new:>>

Improved small issues for application installer.
Fixed a small error/bug discovered in previous version.

Titel: Bandizip 5.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2015, 13:11
Whats new:>>

1. Bug fixed - Some archived files were not displayed when they had been compressed by right clicking in Windows Explorer.
2. Added the Belarusian language file by Belarus2578.

Titel: AutoCompress
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2015, 06:45
AutoCompress intelligently compresses/decompresses drive content based on whether the compression will actually save space. For example, JPG and MP3 already have built-in compression, while text and spreadsheets frequently reduce to 50% or less of their original size. The program can also compress based on age or size, scanning all folders recursively under the provided folder (by default c:\).

The program can also disable compression based on the reverse criteria: since files that are already compressed take more processor power to decompress twice, this program can speed up your computer.

This program requires an NTFS-formatted drive.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2015, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Added preliminary support to extract and save the installer icon (entire icons group) to a single .ico file. In this version, this feature does not support compressed/Vista icon of 256x256 yet. This is shown as a single file called "SetupIcon.ico" in Script Files category of the list. This feature is only a preview of new ones and will be completed for the future version 5.2 which is already being developed.
Free and Plus: "Run" feature is now available in both editions! Only "dump_code.txt", "dump_registry.reg" and "dump_initialization.ini" can't run it from the list in Free edition.
Fixed some small bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2015, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Update innounp external console/library to latest version 0.41:

All slashes in file paths are converted to Windows style for consistency.
Improved some error messages.
Fixed several parameter names in [INI] section of the script.
Fixed a small bug discovered in previous version.

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2015, 05:20
Inno Setup Unpacker is a simple, easy to use piece of software designed to be a unpacker for installations made with Inno Setup.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

All slashes in file paths are converted to Windows style for consistency.
Improved some error messages.
Fixed several parameter names in [INI] section of the script.

Titel: PeaExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2015, 10:15
PeaExtractor is a single purpose utility for unpacking of compressed files such as 7z, cab, iso, rar, tar, zip, zipx, etc, including encrypted archives (password protected) and spanned multi-volume files (.000, .001, .r01, .z01...). Over 150 archive formats are supported. PeaExtractor aims to maximum ease of use with a minimal, user friendly, GUI departing from file manager-like design paradigm of archive managers like WinRar, WinZip, 7-Zip or PeaZip.


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2015, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Updated and improved Korean language file
Fixed a small bug of previous version

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2015, 13:18
Whats new:>>

Completed French language file to support latest version of InnoExtractor.
Updated and improved some text strings for Russian language file.
Fixed and improved some text strings for Korean language file.
Fixed some minor bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2015, 12:40
Whats new:>>

Added Romanian interface language
Updated and improved some text strings for French language file
Update Credits list in "About InnoExtractor" dialog box

Titel: PeaZip 5.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2015, 14:00
Packt und entpackt sowohl Standardformate wie ZIP als auch Formate wie 7-ZIP, PAQ, PEA oder TAR; ermöglicht eine authentifizierte Verschlüsselung mit Passwort und einem dazugehörigem Keyfile; auch für mobile Geräte erhältlich.

Lizenz: Open Source

Added full read/write support to BCM file compressor
Updated to ZPAQ 7.05
improved support, now it is possible to add content to existing zpaq archive

Archive selection dialogs improved with custom filters for common archive types
File submenu improved with direct links to update, convert and extract archives
new hotkeys: Shift+F5 add selected to archive, Ctrl+F5 extract selected, Alt+F5 extract archive (opens archive selection dialog)
Tray icon menu improved with direct links to update, convert and extract archives
Improved dialog for setting custom applications and scripts, moved in Options
Fixed custom applications not found in some cases on Win64 systems
both 32 and 64 bit program paths are scanned, 64 bit version have the priority
Improved Help and About screens
F4 now shows navigation menu, jump to archive/computer root moved to Ctrl+Shift+F4
Alt+0 toggle application's tool bar
Various improvements and fixes

PeaExtractor 1.1 code merged in pealauncher component
Created default location to save archive layout files
Non-verbose mode for archive conversion (default option)

182 file extensions supported
added full read/write support to BCM compression format

Titel: Object Fix Zip 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2015, 20:15
Object FIX ZIP is a program for repairing Zip archive files. It can reconstruct a specified Zip file by creating a new Zip archive while recovering the contents of the faulty Zip file where possible. This software is designed for testing, fixing and processing of corrupt or unusable ZIP archive files that are partially damaged or not completely downloaded.


Repairs corrupt or partially damaged ZIP archives.
Extracts files from ZIP archives with CRC errors.
Extracts files from partially downloaded ZIP archives.
Extracts multiple ZIP archives with a single operation.
Supports all ZIP archive files created with any PkZIP and WinZIP compatible archiver software, except for those using strong encryption.
Easy-to-use, intuitive wizard-driven interface.


Titel: Bandizip 5.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2015, 12:30
Bandizip is free archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free. It supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.


Failed to extract some 4 GB or bigger split ZIP files.
Extracted files' time wasn't set correctly when Bandizip extracted the RAR files (Year 2038 bug).
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2015, 13:16
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen sowie Tests unter Windows-10 plus neue Sprache: Persisch

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2015, 10:00
Inno Setup Unpacker is a simple, easy to use piece of software designed to be a unpacker for installations made with Inno Setup.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

- Added support for IS 1.3.21 and 1.3.25.
- Experimental support for some custom IS versions.
- Fixed encoding of several entries in reconstructed script.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2015, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Added new language file/GUI: Danish.

Updated Innounp API to version 0.42:

Added support for IS 1.3.21 and 1.3.25.
Experimental support for some custom IS versions.
Fixed encoding of several entries in reconstructed script.
Fixed some minor bugs of previous version.

Titel: PeaZip 5.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2015, 12:30


Added read only support (list, test, extract) to RAR5 format through RarLab's unrar
currently the plugin is available only for Windows or Wine/ReactOS, Linux version will be analyzed and tested for future updates
due the non-OSI compatible unrar restriction (even if the software provides sources and is royalty-free) the software is available as separate plugin on Add-Ons page
due the different syntax between RarLab's unrar and 7z/p7zip's unrar, following differences apply when handling RAR5 format
recursivity with advanced filters is always enabled
renaming options always rename the file being extracted


Added LIBRE_DIRECTIVE option to disallow any call to software which is non-free under OSI definition
if set to 0 (permissive) PeaZip will use all available backend, both free-as-in-freedom and royalty-free
if set to 1 (flexible) PeaZip will disallow any call to royalty-free but non free-as-in-freedom backend, currently: unace and unrar binaries
if set to 2 (strict) PeaZip will disallow calls even in case of dubious status, currently apply to unrar functions in 7z/p7zip due to non-reversibility clause
Various minor fixes   

Titel: 7-Zip 15.05 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2015, 19:30
7-Zip now uses new installer.
7-Zip now can create 7z, xz and zip archives with 1536 MB dictionary for LZMA/LZMA2.
7-Zip File Manager now can operate with alternate file streams at NTFS
volumes via "File / Alternate Streams" menu command.
7-Zip now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression.
new optional "section size" parameter for BCJ2 filter for compression ratio improving.
Example: -mf=BCJ2:d9M, if largest executable section in files is smaller than 9 MB.
Speed optimizations for BCJ2 filter and SHA-1 and SHA-256 calculation.
Console version now uses stderr stream for error messages.
Console version now shows names of processed files only in progress line by default.
new -bb[0-3] switch to set output log level. -bb1 shows names of processed files in log.
new -bs[o|e|p][0|1|2] switch to set stream for output messages;
o: output, e: error, p: progress line; 0: disable, 1: stdout, 2: stderr.
new -bt switch to show execution time statistics.
new -myx[0-9] switch to set level of file analysis.
new -mmtf- switch to set single thread mode for filters.
The BUG was fixed:
7-Zip didn't restore NTFS permissions for folders during extracting from WIM archives.
The BUG was fixed:
The command line version: if the command "rn" (Rename) was called with more
than one pair of paths, 7-Zip used only first rename pair.
The BUG was fixed:
7-Zip crashed for ZIP/LZMA/AES/AES-NI.
The BUG in 15.01-15.02 was fixed:
7-Zip created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.
7-Zip 9.20 can extract such incorrect ZIP archives.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2015, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Improves plugin management, comes with newer and faster 7z 15.05 backend, and updates IDE (Lazarus 1.4.0) and math/cryptography libraries.
UNRAR5 plugin for handling new RARv5 file format is now available.
183 file extensions are now supported, adding support for compressed Unix/Linux man files

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2015, 13:15
Whats new:>>

Updated Innounp API to version 0.43: Added support for Inno Setup 5.5.6.
Improved open installer engine: Now InnoExtractor can open more Inno Setup installers than in previous versions.
Fixed infinite loop bug when InnoExtractor try to open some custom Inno Setup installers in all previous versions (critical bug! Big sorry!). Because of this, it is recommended that you upgrade InnoExtractor to this version as soon as possible to avoid this problem when you open installers in certain circumstances.
Fixed some other small bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2015, 10:10
Whats new:>>

- Added support for IS 5.5.6.

Titel: 7-Zip 15.06 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2015, 12:00
7-Zip now can extract RAR5 archives.
7-Zip now doesn't sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.
new -mqs switch to sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.
The BUG in 7-Zip File Manager was fixed: The "Move" operation to open 7z archive didn't delete empty files.
The BUG in 15.05 was fixed: console version added some text to the end of stdout stream, is -so switch was used.
The BUG in 9.30 - 15.05 was fixed: 7-Zip could not open multivolume sfx RAR archive.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 5.07 Build 12631
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2015, 12:00
Whats new:>>

Improved compatibility with Windows 10.
Added unicode support for the Info-ZIP header of Zip format.

Bugs fixed:

Failed to extract some XZ files.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2015, 19:00

Breadcrumb can display in-archive paths for quick browsing


Added option to customize timestamp style (Options > Settings > Archive Manager)
Added option to split self extracting archives in 7z format
split sfx archives will result in a small extraction executable, and n volumes of desired size
spanning sfx archive allows to prevent the resulting archive being larger of the maximum executable size allowed for the target OS
to extract a split sfx archive, place extraction executable and all volumes in the same directory
extraction executable will start pre-set extraction procedure without need of external software
alternatively, volume with .001 extension can be opened with an external archiver to browse/extract the entire archive
Updated file split pre-sets
added 25 GB Blu-Ray pre-set size
custom pre-set size modified in 100 MB
assumed lower, more fail-safe pre-set maximum size values for disk formats, to improve compatibility with most supports


Updated to Innosetup 5.5.6, switched to unicode installer, improved Windows 10 / 8.1 support

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.830
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2015, 17:45
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Correction for installer
- Arabic language

Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2015, 05:45
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.


Added new custom icons for zip, rar and 7zip file extension associations in Windows Explorer.
Added Simplified Chinese translation.
Added support for opening .xpi files.
Changed how compression level and update mode is set when adding files. Added new options button.
Changed how recently opened file lists are managed. Files are no longer removed if they dont exist.
Changed colour of text to grey in progress windows which was affecting some XP colour schemes.
Changed password and report tables. Increased row height and removed double borders on headings.
Changed digital certificate used to sign Bitser assemblies to the latest as it was due to expire.
Changed shell extension GUID.
Fixed some bugs in icon sizes.
Fixed bug in archive info window which showed archive type as unknown.
Fixed bug where the selected folder in 'folder view' didnt remain highlighted when losing focus.
Fixed bug which prevented some tar files from opening when data exists at the end of the file.
Fixed bug which cause slow startup if recently used file no longer existed.
Fixed bug when dragging from network location to root folder in archive.
Fixed bugs in file extension associations.
Fixed bug where temporary drag and drop folder was not deleted.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2015, 13:07
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Full functionality of NonCompressibleFiles on Windows 10.

Titel: PeaZip 5.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 09:12

Updated to 7z 15.06 (Windows)
Users can chose to extract RAR5 files alternatively using 7z (default) or RarLab's unrar plugin, setting "7z/p7zip UNRAR5" switch in Options > General


Improved file/archive browser sorting


Fixed bug not removing PeaZip group entry on uninstall (affected 32 bit version, W7+ only)

Titel: Zipware 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2015, 20:45
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.

Zipware Features:
Extract: ZIP, ZIPX, 7Z, RAR, RAR5, ISO, VHD, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, XZ, DEB,DMG,RPM,XPI and more...
Create: ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE (create self-extracting and split/multi-volume archives)
Create password protected archives encrypted using AES-256 encryption.
Convert any of the archive formats listed above to zip, 7z or exe.
Full drag and drop support with Windows Explorer.
Perform all archiving functions from Windows Explorer using Zipware's integrated context menu.
Windows Explorer context menu that calculates and lists the size of all folders in a directory.
Windows Explorer context menu that can scan any file using over 50 anti-virus products via VirusTotal.com
Windows Explorer context menu that can find and delete empty folders.
Calculate MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums for any file (also integrated into Explorer's context menu).
Password Manager for storing passwords and confidential information.
Supports x86 and x64 bit versions of Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP and all versions of Windows Server 2008, 2012.
Zipware's program files are signed by a Verisign/Symantec digital certificate to prevent tampering after publication.


Whats new:>>

Added Simplified Chinese translation by LiZnCu
Added option to specify the default directory for new archives.
Updated icons displayed in explorer for zip, 7zip, rar and other.
Updated the splitter width between the archive folders and files to make it wider.
Updated digital certificate used to sign Zipware assemblies as it was due to expire.
Fixed bug where the selected folder in folder view didnt remain highlighted when losing focus.
Fixed bug where starting Zipware from the context menu would show the status node as "opening".
Fixed bug in options link to www.folder-size-explorer.com
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.43 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2015, 10:32
Whats new:>>

Added support for IS 5.5.6.

Titel: Bandizip 5.09 Build 12652
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2015, 12:33
Whats new:>>

1. Bandizip is now able to extract i00, i01, i02 files (ISO split archives).

2. Bugs fixed
- DPI AWARE didn't work properly in the Select Folder dialog box.
- Bandizip stopped working while extracting some 7Z files if the user entered the wrong password.

Titel: Easy 7-Zip 0.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2015, 13:38
Easy 7-Zip is an easy-to-use version of 7-Zip. The author kept all features of 7-Zip and added a few useful features that makes the software more user-friendly.

7-Zip is a free and great file decompression and compression software that handles 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, and ZIP files. 7-Zip was made by Igor Pavlov.

License: Open Source

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.840
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2015, 13:30
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

DPI bugfix
Info dialog updated

Titel: 7-Zip 15.07 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2015, 16:05
Whats new:>>

7-Zip now can extract GPT images and single file QCOW2, VMDK, VDI images.
7-Zip now can extract solid WIM archives with LZMS compression.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2015, 12:20
Whats new:>>

Update and completed text strings of Arabic language file to latest version.
Updated credits in "About InnoExtractor" dialog.
Fixed a bugs discovered in previous version.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.850
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2015, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Italian language added
Bugfix in installer (several language settings were buggy)

Titel: 7-Zip 15.08 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2015, 04:55
Whats new:>>

7-Zip now can extract ext3 and ext4 (Linux file system) images.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2015, 05:45
(Windows) Updated to 7z 15.07, adding support to QUEMU, VirtualBox, and VMWare virtual machine's disk image formats

"Free Software compliance" directive (Options > Advanced, previosly named LIBRE_DIRECTIVE) can be either set in configuration or hardcoded at compile time (HLIBRE_DIR const)
1 allow only use of Free Software components 2 allow only use of Free Software components and open archive formats (not encumbered by patents for read nor for write)
Various fixes

(Windows) Improved UTF-8 support
PeaZip can now create and extract archives with UTF-8 filenames, both from application and from system context menu
browsing archives with UTF-8 filenames is possible but it is still under development (warning icon is displayed)
console tab shows if action can be exported as script ANSI-safe (can run on legacy systems regardless the encoding), codepage-safe (can run on legacy systems with same codepage of original device), or if requires full UTF-8 environment (system, command/script interpreter)
Some file management functions now supports UTF-8 filenames
Improved password management
If password is set to not being kept for the entire session, it is cleared after every operation (archiving, extraction, browsing the filesystem) except while browsing archive file, as password may be needed for listing the archive content
Number of files/folders selected for cut/copy is displayed in Clipboard panel and in status bar's hint

188 file extensions supported
Added support for CPGZ, GPT (GUID Partition Table), QCOW2 QUEMU image, VMDK VMWare Virtual Machine Disk, VDI Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Drive Image

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2015, 12:16
Whats new:>>

New and awesome VirusTotal installer check engine, new and reconstructed Text Viewer editor with syntax highlighting, new super fast (Code) section disarm algorithm with full unicode support, full support for Windows 10, new options and more...

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2015, 13:39
Whats new:>>

Added new language files for latest version in our "InnoExtractor Languages page". You can download it from application menu "Options/Languages/Get More Languages...".
Improved (Code) disarm library and modules.
Improved icon extraction module.
Updated and improved official English and Spanish language files.
Fixed several errors and bugs introduced in previous version
Fixed more bugs discovered in old versions.

Titel: Zipware 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2015, 15:00
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.

Zipware Features:
Extract: ZIP, ZIPX, 7Z, RAR, RAR5, ISO, VHD, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, XZ, DEB,DMG,RPM,XPI and more...
Create: ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE (create self-extracting and split/multi-volume archives)
Create password protected archives encrypted using AES-256 encryption.
Convert any of the archive formats listed above to zip, 7z or exe.
Full drag and drop support with Windows Explorer.
Perform all archiving functions from Windows Explorer using Zipware's integrated context menu.
Windows Explorer context menu that calculates and lists the size of all folders in a directory.
Windows Explorer context menu that can scan any file using over 50 anti-virus products via VirusTotal.com
Windows Explorer context menu that can find and delete empty folders.
Calculate MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums for any file (also integrated into Explorer's context menu).
Password Manager for storing passwords and confidential information.
Supports x86 and x64 bit versions of Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP and all versions of Windows Server 2008, 2012.
Zipware's program files are signed by a Verisign/Symantec digital certificate to prevent tampering after publication.


Added Dutch translation by Stephan Paternotte.
Added Traditional Chinese translation by jlgdot369.
Added option to change Zipware's overall colour profile.
Added option to change background colour of main tool strip.
Added option to change background colour of main window.
Added option to change foreground colour of main tool strip text.
Added option to add or remove the names from the main tool strip icons.
Added 3 new icon sets.
Updated archive tool strip icons.
Updated some tool tips.
Updated the style of a few GUI things.
Updated about window.
Updated licence agreement.
Fixed bug where Zipware could crash if toolbar button pressed while listing all files.
Fixed bug where archive status label tooltip was popping up when empty.
Fixed bug where the selected item in fileview remains highlighted when losing focus.
Fixed bugs in a few tooltips
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.

Titel: 7-Zip 15.09 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2015, 13:54
Whats new:>>

7-Zip now can extract ext2 and multivolume VMDK images.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip v5.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2015, 04:50

(Windows) Updated to 7z 15.09


Improved file rename
added option to mass-rename adding timestamp
easy rename clicking already selected item
rename dialog shows quick editing options: lowercase, uppercase, add timestamp
Various aspect improvements
more elements follows the system color scheme
improved aspect of Address and Search bar
added reset search button in Search Bar


Improved UTF-8 support in Windows
can now correctly browse 7z-backend supported archives with UTF-8 characters in path/file name
can now drag and drop (from filesystem and from archives) to target with UTF-8 characters in path name
can now perform all delete operations (send to recycle bin, fast delete, zeroing, secure delete) on files/folders with UTF-8 characters in path/file name
can now copy and move files with UTF-8 characters in path/file name
cannot yet copy directories, or copy file over itself if UTF-8 characters are involved in the command

188 file extensions supported

Added support for EXT2, EXT3 and EXT4 filesystem image files (usually IMG extension), and multi-volume VMDK disk images

Titel: 7-Zip 15.10 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2015, 21:00
Whats new:>>

    The BUG in 9.21 - 15.09 was fixed:
    7-Zip could ignore some parameters, specified for archive creation operation
    for gzip and bzip2 formats in "Add to Archive" window and in command line
    version (-m switch).
    Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 5.10 Build 12690
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2015, 12:18
Whats new:>>

Added the Armenian language file by Aram Vardanyan.
Improved security of Bandizip Updater.

Bugs fixed:

Some .7z files were extracted slowly in a certain situation.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: 7-Zip 15.11 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2015, 12:30
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed.
7-Zip File Manager could work incorrectly, if files list columns were reordered.
7-Zip 15.10 showed incorrect error message about missing volume for multivolume RAR archives.

Titel: 7-Zip 15.12 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2015, 18:00
15.12 2015-11-19

- The release version.

Titel: IZArc 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2015, 09:36
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>


-Fixed some small bugs
-Updated translations

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2015, 05:45
Inno Setup Unpacker is a simple, easy to use piece of software designed to be a unpacker for installations made with Inno Setup.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

Fixed infinite loop issue on some unsupported versions.
Now -m flag does not affect reconstructed script content. It always contains all info.
Minor changes.

Titel: PeaZip 5.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2015, 14:02

(Windows) 7z 15.12
(Linux) p7zip 15.09
PeaZip can now extract RAR5 files on Linux without resorting on separate UNRAR5 Plugin (still available as optional alternative extraction engine)
Pea 0.52

Improved UTF-8 support in Windows
Improved application startup and configuration process to make it more robust in case of random / system errors
last good configuration is saved and automatically used as first restore attempt if configuration fails to load
if configuration errors are detected anyway, volatile mode (using embedded configuration) is automatically activated

Improved secure delete, free space delete, and hashing / analysis functions
operations can be stopped by users
more information and is shown while running the task and progress is more accurate, based on input size
more information is provided by hashing / analysis tool
for each subdirectory it is reported the content in files, folders and bytes (hinting possible duplicate directories)
first / last 32 bytes of files are shown for a quick preview (for hashing and content preview modes)
report can be sorted for any column and can be exported to tabbed txt or to csv
File hashing / analysis tools added in Test dropdown group in application tool bar

Automatically removes redundant intermediate directory when extracting to new folder
for better visibility option is also shown in main extraction form and in Extract dropdown group (in application tool bar)

Moved various backend (arc, lpaq, paq, zpaq, quad, and upx) into Optional Formats plugin, in order to reduce dependencies the main software package needs to satisfy to install (not needed by Portable versions)


Titel: 7-Zip 15.13 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2015, 10:15
Whats new:>>

7-Zip File Manager:

    The code for "Open file from archive" operation was improved.
    The code for "Tools/Options" window was improved.
    The BUG was fixed: there was incorrect mouse cursor capture for
    drag-and-drop operations from open archive to Explorer window.

Some bugs were fixed.
New localization: Yoruba.

Titel: 7-Zip 15.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2015, 19:30
Whats new:>>

The BUG in 15.13 in CAB code was fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 5.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2016, 13:45


(Windows) Improved path finding removing legacy code with ShGetSpecialFolderLocation function, replaced by windir.GetWindowsSpecialDir based on SHGetFolderPath
Less verbose interactive error reporting


Real-time search can filter the archive/file browser content (browsing, flat view, or search result) while typing in address bar

Updated translations


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.870
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2016, 14:50
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

DPI bugfix
Correction for default window position
Added UnInstCleanup V1.220

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2016, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Added and improved support for new Inno Setup 5.5.7
Added new text highlighting in [Setup] section of InnoExtractor Text Viewer for the recent keywords: ASLRCompatible, DEPCompatible and WizardImageAlphaFormat
Updated Innounp API to version 0.45
Improved some small cosmetic issues of application window for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
Improved application installer
Fixed a small bug of previous version

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.45 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2016, 08:40
Inno Setup Unpacker is a simple, easy to use piece of software designed to be a unpacker for installations made with Inno Setup.

License : GPL

Whats new:>>

Added support for IS 5.5.7.

Titel: Zipware 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2016, 05:15
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.

Zipware Features:
Extract: ZIP, ZIPX, 7Z, RAR, RAR5, ISO, VHD, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, XZ, DEB,DMG,RPM,XPI and more...
Create: ZIP, 7-ZIP, EXE (create self-extracting and split/multi-volume archives)
Create password protected archives encrypted using AES-256 encryption.
Convert any of the archive formats listed above to zip, 7z or exe.
Full drag and drop support with Windows Explorer.
Perform all archiving functions from Windows Explorer using Zipware's integrated context menu.
Windows Explorer context menu that calculates and lists the size of all folders in a directory.
Windows Explorer context menu that can scan any file using over 50 anti-virus products via VirusTotal.com
Windows Explorer context menu that can find and delete empty folders.
Calculate MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksums for any file (also integrated into Explorer's context menu).
Password Manager for storing passwords and confidential information.
Supports x86 and x64 bit versions of Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista, XP and all versions of Windows Server 2008, 2012.
Zipware's program files are signed by a Verisign/Symantec digital certificate to prevent tampering after publication.



Added 64-bit and 32-bit versions of unRar to improve performance on 64-bit system.
Updated unRar version from 5.20 to 5.30 which includes valid digital certificate.
Fixed bug in 'Options' where setting default 'extract' and 'working' folder had no effect.
Fixed bug in 'Options' where setting default 'create' and 'Open Archive comment' had no effect.
Fixed bug which caused Zipware to open as small blank window when user config settings became corrupted.
Fixed bug in context menu "Add to zip" where folder names containing "." resulted in a truncated zip filename.
Fixed bug where RAR exe failed to open if in RAR4 format.
Fixed bug where installing new version over old version would not update all files.
Fixed bug in some threaded code.
Fixed bug in start-up that caused Zipware to always log an error when resizing toolbar.
Fixed bug which caused Zipware to not respond when opening an encrypted file and entering a blank password.
Fixed bug in drag and drop that could cause it to fail.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.


Titel: Bandizip 5.11 Build 12777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2016, 12:28
Whats new:>>

Improved support for high resolution DPI.
The "Handle long path names exceeding 260 characters" option is checked by default.

Bugs fixed:

The Sparse format of TAR was recognized as a corrupted file.
An error occurred if ISO files had MBCS in the pathname under certain situations.
Failed to extract some GZIP files which had annotations.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2016, 21:45
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Update of the language files in NonCompressibleFiles and customizations for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Titel: Universal Extractor 2 v2.0.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2016, 17:40

Added game mode: status box is not being displayed if a foreground fullscreen application is running
Added /update command line parameter
Added wrong password error message (exit code 10) for rar, 7z extractors
Added support for CreateInstall installers (plugin)
Added support for DGCA compressed files (plugin)
Added support for pcm audio tracks in video files and .mxf files
Added support for Advanced Installer installers
Added support for SQLite databases, creates .sql command file
Added fallback extension check for .assets files
Added import function to plugin GUI to simplify plugin setup
Fixed keepopen option not working after batch mode finished
Fixed SQLite dlls not being found
Fixed help command line parameter
Fixed storeguiposition and checkgame options not being saved
Fixed extraction failing for Gentee Installer, Installer VISE and Setup Factory
Fixed preferences and context menu GUI label width for some translations
Fixed updating 7zip binaries
Changed error message if no tracks to be extracted in video file
Changed WarnExecute messages to include full paths instead of untranslated 'outdir'
Updated innounp to 0.45
Updated unrar to 5.31 Beta 1
Updated 7zip to 15.14
Updated extraction script for Visionaire files
Updated finnish translation, thanks to Jyrki Vesterinen
Updated portuguese (Portugal) translation, thanks to Luis Neves
Updated russian translation, thanks to an anonymous contributor
Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translation, thanks to Igor Rückert


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2016, 19:40
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Greek helpfile
All other help files updated, too
Installation updated (silent uninstall, cleanup V1.430)

Titel: Bandizip 5.12 Build 12822
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2016, 12:25
Whats new:>>

Improved compatibility with Windows 10.

Bugs fixed:

Failed to open some RAR files.
An error occurred while opening some ZIP files. Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip v6.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2016, 18:45



Pea 0.53
file management functions now accepts as input Unicode file/dir names
report can now be displayed as table and as non tabbed clipboard text
PEA format now can handle Unicode file/dir names
(Windows) 7z updated to 15.14


Recompiled with Lazarus 1.6.0/FPC3
native full support for Unicode filenames superseding PeaZip 5.8/5.9 internationalization mechanism based on internal UTF-8 encoding

Major code cleanup

Remove all now-unnecessary codepage-handling code
Removed all Windows 9x related code
Removed legacy code for pre-XP NT family systems, all features compatible with XP/2003 API will still work on those platforms
Transparence does no longer rely on Windows-only method and is available on any target OS

Various fixes and improvements


Improved navigation bar and menus
New themes "Ten", Win9x/2K inspired "Classic", and XP inspired "Experience"
"Ten" theme is now default
All previous themes "Seven" and "Firecrystal" are still featured (select theme from Options > Setting > Themes)


Can now delete (recycle, quick, zero, secure) the open archive
Can now add directory to extraction; the path is recursively expanded to find archives to queue to extraction procedure
action is available from:
Extract (button and app's context menu)
Extract... entry in system context menu and SendTo menu
-ext2main from command line
Can now test archive files inside directories
Support sorting by extension for solid 7z compression (default on)


Convert existing archives now optionally available in context menu and SendTo menu


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.910
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 18:46
Whats new:>>

Help files renamed to avoid installation errors

Titel: Bandizip 5.13 Build 12886
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2016, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Bandizip is now able to extract more than 1,000,000 split archives.

Bugs fixed:

    Failed to extract some CAB files.
    Failed to open more than 65,536 split Zip files.
    Bandizip didn't delete temporary files when users clicked the Cancel button in the security warning dialog box.
    Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.46 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2016, 13:48
Whats new:>>

Increased max. LZMA dictionary size to 1Gb (implemented in IS 5.5.9).

Titel: PeaZip 6.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2016, 19:00


Pea 0.54, implementing new PEA file format specifications 1.1 version
added support to SHA-3 256 and 512 bit hash
added support to Twofish and Serpent (128 and 256 bit) based authenticated encryption in EAX mode
new pea binary can read PEA 1.0 file format
previous pea binaries should be updated in order to read PEA 1.1 files, and to support all new algorithms


Updated following units from Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto and utilities library: aes_2015-09-14.zip, crc_hash_2015-09-14.zip, fca_2015-09-14.zip, util_2015-09-14.zip
Created new EAX units using 128 and 256 bit Twofish (fcryptt, fctf256) and Serpent (fcrypts, fcsp256)


Introduced support for SHA-3 256 and SHA-3 512 hash verification
SHA-3 hash is available both in file tools "Checksum/hash file(s)" and in browser (set in Options > File Tools)
Various fixes and improvements


New "File" group in archiving/extraction context menu shows bookmarked and recent archive files, for quick adding to archiving/extraction layout


Titel: 7-Zip 16.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2016, 16:50
Whats new:>>

7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2016, 09:05

Added and improved support for new Inno Setup 5.5.8 and 5.5.9
Added new text highlighting for new [Files] section of InnoExtractor Text Viewer for the recent keywords.
Improved application installer.
Updated Innounp API to version 0.46: Increased max. LZMA dictionary size to 1Gb.
Updated some minor text strings for Spanish and English language files.
Changed a small issue for VirusTotal internal engine.
Fixed Installer Properties window freeze bug when that occurs when the installer file is moved, deleted or renamed externally from current folder during VirusTotal check.
Fixed some small behaviors for "About InnoExtractor..." window.
Fixed other small bugs of previous version.


Titel: PeaZip 6.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2016, 08:16


(Windows) Updated 7z backend from 15.14 to 16.00 after Cisco Talos vulnerability disclosure http://blog.talosintel.com/2016/05/multiple-7-zip-vulnerabilities.html


Can now correctly handle WinZip spanned files (.z01)
Fixed sorting for packed size
Updated embedded translations


Titel: BandiZip 5.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2016, 15:30
Whats new:>>

Bandizip is now able to extract more than 1,000,000 split archives.

Bugs fixed

    Failed to extract some CAB files.
    Failed to open more than 65,536 split Zip files.
    Bandizip didn't delete a temporary file when a user clicked the Cancel button in the security warning dialog box.
    Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: 7-Zip 16.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2016, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: 7-Zip 16.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2016, 15:15
Whats new:>>

- 7-Zip now can extract multivolume ZIP archives (z01, z02, ... , zip).
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Free UPX v2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2016, 12:29
What's new: >>

Major modifications to the user interface.
Displaying additional information about executable files.
The ability to filter files based on multiple criteria.
Changed toolbar.
New icons.
New file list control with many additional features (sorting, row and column moving...).

Titel: PeaZip v6.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2016, 06:10

Release 6.0.3 updates pea backend to 0.55 version, and 7z backend to 16.02 version (on Windows)
6.0 line comes with PEA file format specifications updated to 1.1 version, introducing support for SHA3 hash (256 and 512 bit), and Twofish and Serpent EAX mode (128 and 256 bit) authenticated encryption. SHA3 is now also available as hash function in file browser.
The application is now full Unicode compliant, extraction (and test) procedure accepts directories as input, with single archives being listed before operation starts so selection can be verified and fine-tuned if needed, and many other improvements were introduced to improve the ease of use.

A total of 188 file extensions can now be managed by PeaZip.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.940
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2016, 16:45
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Language bugfix

Titel: Bandizip 5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2016, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Improved extracting speed when unpacking RAR5.
Failed to recover some folders' attributes after extracting.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: InnoEx v0.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2016, 13:57
InnoEx is a small and simple front-end for InnoUnp for viewing and extracting of resources from Inno Setup installers. It is fast and easy to use, it supports drag and drop (both ways) and Windows shell integration.


Titel: Universal Extractor 2 v2.0.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2016, 14:36
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


Added filter for specific files to file selection dialog (GUI only)
  Added option not to display extraction status box
  Added option to open destination folder after extraction
  Added option to keep the destination folder in GUI input field
      --> extract multiple archive files in the same folder
  Added option to delete source file after successful extraction
      --> please be careful with this option as some files can be unpacked but
         the results may be not useful
      --> using standard configuration, a confirmation prompt will be displayed
  Added option to store window position between starts
  Added option to check free disk space before extraction (in silent mode files will be skipped if not enough space available)
  Added optional stdout debug output (--> http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/ConsoleWrite.htm)
  Added optional log file (with error type in filename)
  Added option to delete all log files from menu
  Added option to always keep GUI in foreground
  Added batch mode for multiple file extraction
  Added silent mode (assuming yes to all prompts, e.g for unattended batch extraction)
  Added scan only mode to detect file type using 4 different file scanners
  Added filescan with MediaInfo dll to provide additional information on media files (scan only mode)
  Added check to prevent errors caused by multiple instances (--> Singleton)
  Added filename to tray icon tooltip and status box (useful for batch mode)
  Added more useful functionality to menu + tray
  Added input GUI for feedback, including optional prompt after failed extraction
  Added progress indicator to status box
      --> depending on helper binary, e.g. rar & uha in percent, others only have output file size indicator
      --> see helper binaries info file for further information
  Added assistant to set options on first start and inform about additional features
  Added timeout for PEiD, Exescan PE and others (standard: 60 seconds, min. 10 seconds)
  Added timeout (15 seconds) to syntax error dialog to prevent batch mode stopping on unexpected errors
  Added additional check and automatic extraction of all .bin files in filedir (Nullsoft Installer)
  Added official support for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 (older versions of Universal Extractor should work, too)
      --> special fixes for Windows 10 have been added, as well as a better-fittiing design
  Added optional cascading context menu (only Windows 7 or newer)
  Added statistics about successful/failed extractions and most opened file types
  Added plugin system
      --> Universal Extractor now features optional extractors, which are not included as default
      --> If a file can be extracted using a plugin, which is not found, a special error message is displayed
      --> Download the file, place it in /bin directory and it will be automatically used
      --> Any extractor you want to have included? Send a message to the developer and it might be included
  Added support for unicode files/paths on non unicode systems (experimental)
      --> helper binaries can have problems with unicode paths, e.g. japanese characters on non-japanese system
      --> move/copy file to temp dir, rename it, move back/delete after extraction
  Added support for 64 bit version of 7zip, FFmpeg and other unpackers --> appropriate unpacker files are chosen automatically
  Added support for Valve game packages .gcf, .ncf, .vpk, .wad and .xzp using GCFScape (optional)
  Added support for Unity Engine .assets files using disunity
  Added support for Unreal Engine packages (.u, .upk) using Unreal Package Extractor (plugin)
  Added support for Telltale game archives (.ttarch)
  Added support for Ethornell Engine's .arc files using Arc-reader
  Added support for several game archives using QuickBMS and Game Archive UnPacker PRO plugin (optional)
  Added support for several game archives using arc_conv (older RPG Maker, Wolf RPG Editor, NScripter, YU-RIS Script Engine archives; plugin)
  Added support for RPG Maker VX Ace archives using RPGMaker Decrypter (plugin)
  Added support for Livemaker games via crass/crage (plugin)
  Added support for .mpq archives using MPQ Plugin for Total Commander (plugin)
  Added support for FreeArc compressed archives (.arc) using FreeArc
  Added support for bcm compressed files using bcm
  Added support for zpaq archives using zpaq
  Added support for .alz files using unalz
  Added support for .fsb files using FSB files extractor
  Added support for newer .kgb files using version 2 of KGB archiver
  Added support for .dmg files using Catacombae DMGExtractor
  Added support for .sfArk files using sfarkxtc
  Added support for .flv files using FLV Extract
  Added support for .swf files using swfextract (slow)
  Added support for .uif image files using uif2iso
  Added support for .daa, .gbi image files using daa2iso
  Added support for ISO zipped image files using unisz
  Added support for CreateInstall installers (plugin)
  Added support for DGCA compressed files (plugin)
  Added support for Android boot images (plugin)
  Added support for Advanced Installer installers
  Added support for Excelsior Installer executables
  Added support for various CD/DVD image files (bin/cue, img, nrg, c2d, xbox iso, cdi) using iso.wcx plugin
  Added support for ThinApp/Thinstall portable software using h4sh3m Virtual Apps Dependency Extractor (plugin, experimental)
  Added support for audio decompression to wav using FFmpeg
  Added support for extracting audio and video tracks from most common types of video files using FFmpeg
      --> binaries have to be downloaded on first use due to the license and to keep the filesize of Universal Extractor small
  Added support for InstallShield archives using iscab (plugin)
      --> files not included as it is commercial software         
  Added jsMSI Unpacker for better .msi extraction (former unsupported files)
  Added unshield as an alternative extraction method for InstallShield archives (also creates log of registry changes during installation as .txt file)
  Added 7z sfx script extraction using 7ZSplit
  Added support for password list for .rar, .zip and .7z archives
  Added new command line parameters (/help for complete list)
  Added helper binaries info file (incl. version, author, files, license, URL)
  Added scripts to check/update language files/helper binaries (source, used to simplify development)
  Changed status now shown in tray notification window instead of splash text
  Changed tray menu behaviour (e.g. open only when clicking right mouse button)
  Changed forced message boxes and GUI to always be on top if enabled in options
  Changed Exeinfo PE as replacement for PEiD; PEiD is now only used if file is executable but cannot be recognized by Exeinfo PE
  Changed unix file tool handles file detection   for common and non extractable filetypes (speed improvements)
  Changed order of file scans (if .exe Exeinfo PE first, else TrID)
        --> speed improvement, better detection success rate
  Changed after unpacking UPX/ASPack packed files Universal Extractor can try to extract from the received file (prompt)
  Changed file associations and context menu entries now changeable via Universal Extractor GUI
        --> portable version has the same features as installer version
  Changed context menu entries are now set for all files, not only for specific ones
        --> useful to scan/extract unknown files or files with wrong extensions
  Changed drag and drop handler to support mutiple files and folders (enables batch mode)
  Changed file selection dialog to allow multiple file selection (enables batch mode)
  Changed language is now selected automatically on first start based on OS language
  Changed i6comp version to 0.2 due to ZD*.dll license problems (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/136743-zddll-license/)
  Changed from MHTUnp.wcx to MhtUnPack.wcx
  Changed former optional extractors now always included (very small size)
  Changed 7-zip generic .exe resource extraction: additional checks of unpacked files
  Changed cmd window minimized by default, open & auto focus when user input needed (e.g. overwrite prompt)
        or manually when clicking on tray icon (experimental)
  Changed appendext option now changes the extension of all files scanned by TrID
  Changed translation files, removed %s variables and introduced numbered placeholders, that can be switched to
        fit a language's word order; added %name shortcut
  Changed inno setup extraction to rename ',1' files to avoid extracted programs not finding some files
  Changed settings directory: if UniExtract detects insufficient write permissions to its directory,
        all settings are stored in %APPDATA%; this way multiple users on the same local system can
        also have different preferences
  Changed .exe extraction: UniExtract will now terminate with a NOTPACKED error instead of using
        generic 7z extraction, which produces useless files
  Changed success evaluation: if files were overwritten the extraction was often evaluated as failed
  Fixed ressource usage/speed, source code cleanup
  Fixed minor bugs and cosmetic issues
  Fixed message boxes (more information displayed, silent mode compatibility, correct icons and buttons)
  Fixed error detection, error messages now include more details
  Fixed context menu integration for limited users (HKCU instead of HKCR)
  Fixed general filetype detection (more identification tools, speed improvements, detect more formar unsupported files)
  Fixed image file extraction (better detection, extracting without conversation to .iso first)
  Fixed extraction of Microsoft hotfix files (newer versions of 7z do not recognize these files correctly)
  Fixed general success evaluation (e.g. when overwriting files or aborted by user)
      --> checks console output of helper binary, not possible for all extraction methods
  Fixed MSI Administrative Installer extraction
  Fixed Stuffit extraction failure message although extracted correctly; overwriting existing files
  Fixed extraction failure for several .msi, Inno Setup and upx packed files
  Fixed output directory field is now autofilling correctly when using drag and drop (optional)
  Fixed detection/extraction behaviour for Generic PC disk image (check 7zip first)
  Fixed UniExtract now tries to close helper binaries (stop extraction) on exit via tray menu
  Fixed NSIS extraction overwriting existing files; UniExtract still creates not useful output files for some custom NSIS installers
      but all content is now kept in output directory
  Fixed helper binaries execution failing if %comspec% environment variable is unset
  Removed obsolete msi2xml binaries, unneeded lzma binary (source)
  Removed unneeded/obsolete license/url files
  Removed bin2iso
  Removed nrg2iso
  Removed cdirip
  Removed debug file options
  Removed i3comp
  Removed remove temp option from GUI (can still be set via ini file)
  Removed remove dupe option from GUI (it did not do anything)
  Removed many options from installer as they are set on first start
  Removed globalprefs option and preference storage in registry
  Replaced booz with unzoo (adds support for 64 bit systems, longer filenames, logging)
  Replaced cmdTotal with QuickBMS
  Replaced tee with mtee/wintee (adds support for unicode and longer filenames, smaller)
  Updated translations for English, German, French (partly), Finnish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified)
  Updated AutoIt to and source code to fit new AutoIt version
  Updated 7zip to 15.14
  Updated innounp to 0.45
  Updated KGB archiver to 2 beta 2
  Updated lzop to 1.03
  Updated PEiD to 0.95; Database files to 2012/04/24
  Updated TrID to 2.10; Definitions to 2014/11/04
  Updated unrar to 5.31 Beta 1
  Updated upx to 3.91
Updated many other extractors to the newest version


Titel: PeaZip 6.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2016, 12:50


Archive directory tree is shown in navigation sidebar while browsing an archive (above Bookmarks) and can be used for navigation or quick exploration of archive directory structure
Added Expand/collapse archive tree toggle in quick history menu, allowing quick inspection of directory structure inside the archive
In-archive breadcrumb improved, now showing list of directories from nodes dropdown menu, consistently with filesystem breadcrumb section
File browser now shows .exe icons on Windows
Can now set starting directory in Options > Settings > Advanced: last visited (default), computer's root, desktop, home, custom (user selected directory)
Fixed showing directories even if omitted in archive TOC
Fixed sorting files without extensions
Various fixes and improvements


Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 18949 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2016, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Added the 'New window as administrator' function.
The internal image viewer supports WebP.
Changed the internal image viewer icon.
Added the RTL support.
Added the check option for the "Show password" in the New Archive dialog box.
Fixed a bug that doesn't properly check the share folder permissions of the Samba server.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19099 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2016, 22:34
Whats new:>>

Bug fixed of failing to open the MS compound file with .exe extension
When you extract the split compressed RAR file, you can start the extracting for any part of it
Improved the RTL support
Added the "Display the full path in the title bar" option in the Settings. ( in the "Advanced" tab )
Added the "Show 'Start Screen' when Bandizip starts" option in the Settings. ( in the "Advanced" tab )
Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: PeaExtractor v1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2016, 12:45
PeaExtractor is a easy, minimalistic tool for unpacking almost any compressed file format. Features a search tool, progress bar, and drag-and-drop functionality. The program can unpack over 150 formats including encrypted or multi-volume archives (usually a series like .000, .001 or .r01, .z01...) as well as standard formats like 7z, rar, tar, zip, zipx, bzip2, cab, iso, etc.

The program aims to function as a simple, accessible alternative to file manager-like interfaces used by WinRar, WinZip, and 7-Zip. Cross-platform (Linux, BSD) and developed by the author of PeaZip.

NOTE: Open ACE files with additional steps. The download also includes pea.exe, containing other tools including checksums, secure delete, file lists, and more.

License:    LGPL

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19257 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2016, 18:45
Whats new:>>

- Added the "Delete extracted files when extraction is cancelled" option in the Settings. ( in the "Advanced" tab )
- Fixed a Bug that Bandizip freeze when extraction path is more than 512 characters
- Now you can use unicode in password of 7Z archiving
- Added the check option for the "Test archive" in the New Archive dialog box
- Enhanced the RTL support
- Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19313 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2016, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Added the 'Delete the archive after extraction by double-clicking' option in the Settings. ( in the "Context Menu" tab )
You can see this option only when the 'Extract Automatically' option of Double-click Action settings is checked.)
Fixed a bug that archive file is deleted when you cancel of extraction (when the 'Delete the archive after extraction' option is checked)
Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 1.950
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2016, 06:12
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Extension of info menu

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19377 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2016, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Added the checkbox 'Remember settings' in 'Select the Extraction Path' window.
Added 'Extract Here and Delete', 'Extract Here(Smart) and Delete', 'Extract to "Archive-Name" folder and Delete' in Context Menu. (You can add these to Context Menu in 'Context Menu > Extraction Menu' Settings)
Bug fixed - Bandizip freeze under certain conditions.
Bug fixed - Snap Window.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 6.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2016, 19:20


(Linux) p7zip updated to 16.02
Pea 0.56


Settings, archiving, and extraction screens made scrollable for better readability
Various minor improvements and fixes
File tools
CRC64 now is included in set of default algorithms
default algorithm for the browser can now be set from context menu File manager > File Tools


Password button moved on the right of output dialog for better visibility
Some options were moved to Advanced options panels for archiving and extraction
"Use advanced filters" moved to Advanced options panel (archiving and extraction)
"Enumerate folder content" and "Add timestamp to archive name", plus timestamp format option, moved to Advanced options panel (archiving)
Some options, previously volatile, are now saved to configuration
"Delete after archiving / extraction" option is now remembered, but user will always be warned by confirmation prompt before proceeding, in order to avoid accidental deletion
"Add timestamp to archive name" (archiving) is now remembered   


Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19466 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2016, 17:40
Whats new:>>

Bug fixed:

SFX doesn't work on Windows XP.
Error on SFX split archive.
The multi-thread bug when ZIP archiving by BC.EXE
Drag & Drop bugs in some of the shell programs(nomad.net, flyexplorer..)
The exracting progress of the NSIS file archived Deflate does not display properly.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Beta 14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2016, 20:45
Whats new:>>

- Bug fixed - Split compressed by 100MB when selecting segment size 300MB
- Bug fixed - Bandizip freezes occasionally when extracting a Solid-compressed file in Windows 7
- Improved stability of program
- Added Hindi language
- Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: Free UPX v2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2016, 20:20
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.


What's new: >>

Minor modifications to the user interface.
New action: Clear file list.
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2016, 21:15
Whats new:>>

- Bug fixed - When extracting by Drag & Drop, files in the zip are not deleted even though you are pressing 'Shift' key
- Improved stability of program
- Changed installation icon
- Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: 7-Zip 16.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2016, 13:18
Whats new:>>

Installer and SFX modules now use some protection against DLL preloading attack.
Some bugs were fixed in 7z, NSIS, SquashFS and RAR5 code.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19666 Beta 16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2016, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Function added - You can extrct by dragging and dropping in 'Find Files' window.
Function added - You can archive and extract by Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.
Bug fixed - Some archvie files don't display exracting progress properly.
Bug fixed - Sometimes filename encoding is broken when you change the filename in ZIP.
Improved the stability of program.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: 7-Zip 16.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2016, 19:30
Whats new:>>

The bug was fixed: 7-Zip 16.03 exe installer under Vista didn't create links in Start / Programs menu.
Some bugs were fixed in RAR code.

Titel: RAR Unlocker 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2016, 18:45
Explore version 4 and 5 RAR attributes as well as lock and unlock archives seamlessly using this simple and straightforward software solution.


Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 19867 Beta 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2016, 09:17
Whats new:>>

Function improved - Archive preview is shown by folder structure in windows explorer.
Bandizip error reporting function is improved.
Function added - It shows the error message when Bandizip freezes and an error occurs while editing files.
Function added - It shows alert when the space of the designated folderis not enough in 'Select the Extraction Path' window.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Easy 7-Zip 0.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2016, 13:50
Easy 7-Zip is an easy-to-use version of 7-Zip. The author kept all features of 7-Zip and added a few useful features that makes the software more user-friendly.

7-Zip is a free and great file decompression and compression software that handles 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZIP, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, TAR, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, XZ, Z, and ZIP files. 7-Zip was made by Igor Pavlov.

License: Open Source

7-Zip upgraded to 16.04. So, I moved codes to the version.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 20016 Beta 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2016, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Improved the stability of program

Titel: Zipware 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2016, 05:00
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.



    Added option to create new folders within archive using the context menu.
    Added the ability to search for a matching checksum value after calculating file checksums.
    Added option to set the width and spacing of the main toolbar buttons.
    Added .zab (zipped audio book) to the list of extensions that can be associated to Zipware.
    Changed progress window so that it allows resizing when warnings and logs occur.
    Changed progress window text to show total archive count when creating/extracting multiple archives.
    Changed the default colour profile used by Zipware when installing it on Windows 8 and above.
    Changed the colour of some of the icons used in Windows Explorer.
    Changed the positions of the images within the main toolbar icons.
    Updated unRAR version from 5.30 to 5.40.
    Updated Zipware's digitally signed files with the latest SHA-256 code signing certificate from Symantec.
    Updated digitally certificate will show as invalid on Windows XP as SHA-256 cert is not fully supported.
    Updated Zipware's underlying 7-zip version to 16.04 which fixes the 2 vulnerabilities listed below.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Vulnerability - http://www.talosintelligence.com/reports/TALOS-2016-0093/
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Vulnerability - http://www.talosintelligence.com/reports/TALOS-2016-0094/
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract ext2 and multivolume VMDK images
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract ext3 and ext4 (Linux file system) images
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract GPT images and single file QCOW2, VMDK, VDI images
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract solid WIM archives with LZMS compression.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not correctly extract ISO archives that are larger than 4 GiB.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not open some 7z archives created by another software.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - "Compress shared files" and -ssw switch didn't work.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - NSIS support was improved.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - ZIP, NSIS, HFS, AR, DMG support was improved.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Improved compression ratio in some 7z format for EXE and DLL files > 16 MB.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not extract ZIP archives encrypted with PKWARE-AES method.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - LZMA decompression speed was improved.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can unpack UEFI BIOS files.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Installer and SFX modules now use some protection against DLL preloading attack.
    Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Some bugs were fixed in 7z, NSIS, SquashFS.
    Fixed bug in Zipware's file extension registration.
    Fixed bug in archive comment text window not showing scroll bars for large comments.
    Fixed bug that occassionally caused the file counter on the main progress window to show 0.
    Fixed bug in archive info window which would sometimes show buttons off the screen.
    Fixed bug in drag and drop from archive that caused incorrect message about user cancelling operation.
    Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.


Titel: Universal Extractor 2 v2.0.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2016, 17:00
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


Beta 4 is planned to be the last beta version before the final release. It adds support for
several new installer types, a new context menu entry 'Extract to last used directory',
improved user interface, a statistics display and multiple bugfixes.

Added support for InstallAware installers
Added support for .gif and apng files (FFMPEG)
Added support for Enigma Virtual Box executables using EnigmaVB unpacker (plugin)
Added support for Ghost Installer Studio installers
Added support for Smart Install Maker installers (plugin)
Added lessmsi for improved support for .msi files
Added statistics GUI
Added status box when moving/copying unicode files to temp directory
Added timeout to some scan functions to prevent delays caused by unresponsive helper binaries
Added extraction to last used directory command line option and context menu
Changed forcing a single instance and auto-adding is now disabled if the extraction
is already finished and only the result message box is opened
Changed unicode path logic: file is now copied instead of moved if it is on a different
drive than the temp directory
Changed status box design
Fixed multiple error messages being displayed on failed update check
Fixed update message display problem
Fixed possible problems when entering relative paths in main GUI input fields
Fixed extraction not working when file directory contains unicode characters and
there is not enough free space on the drive containing the temp folder
Fixed free space check not taking unicode file moving into account
Fixed .sit extraction
Fixed crash when trying to extract wise installers
Fixed swf extraction ignoring some images and sounds
Updated language files for Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Italian
Removed DMGExtractor and replaced it with 7z
Updated 7zip to 16.04
Updated ExeInfoPE to
Updated fsbext to 0.3.5
Updated innounp to 0.46
Updated QuickBMS to 0.7.5
Updated ttarchext to 0.2.10


Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 20263 Beta 24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2016, 12:18
Whats new:>>

Improved the stability of program
Minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 20274 Beta 25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2016, 09:16
Whats new:>>

Fixed the bug that Bandizip freezes if the character '%' is included when you archive and extract multiple files in Windows Explorer at the same time.
Minor bugs fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 23079 Beta 26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2016, 12:29
Whats new:>>

Improved the preview archive in Windows Explorer.
Added the "Store unicode file names in an extra header field of Zip files (UTF-8)" option in the Settings. ( in the "Compression" tab )
Minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 6.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2016, 12:00


(Windows) Updated 7z backend to 16.04
Pea 0.58


Can now save list of items being browsed to TXT file, Navigation > Save as TXT
Reorganized keyboad shortcuts
Ctrl+O open selected item as archive
Ctrl+D toggle bookmarks panel
Ctrl+H toggle history panel
Ctrl+Alt+H toggle session history panel
Separated Add and Convert dropdown menus
Single "Extract" button for simplicity - quick extraction action/options are now all featured in Extract button dropdown menu
Browser, and archive/extraction screens, shows "filter" icon when advanced filters are set
Updated Ten teme


Archiving and extraction screens shows cumulative progress bar when executing multiple operations
Improved command line options
added -ext2simple and -ext2simplefolder as "blanket" extraction command for all backend, first parameter specify output path; password is asked interactively (GUI); "folder" variant extracts to new folder
Various fixes


Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 20432 Beta 28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2016, 13:26
Whats new:>>

Improved the stability of program

Titel: Explzh 7.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2016, 16:45
There are plenty of archiving utilities on the market but having more options is never a bad thing. Explhz is one alternative that can handle some of the most common archive types, which includes RAR, ZIP and ISO.


Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where listing of archives of compressed data smaller than 512 bytes.gz (not .tar.gz) can not be displayed.
Fixed an issue where expansion fails if the beginning of the path name of the stored file is '' like ' foo.txt' in the ISO file.
7z, tar.xxx expansion of directory members, so that folder time stamps are restored according to header information. (Time stamp can not be restored, since tar archived,. Z,. Bz 2,. Xz,. Lzma do not have time stamp information)

Titel: J7Z 1.4.0-1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2016, 18:15
J7Z is an alternative 7-Zip GUI. It was designed by Xavion. 7-Zip is a high-compression file archiver. It was designed by Igor Pavlov.


Titel: AZip 2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2016, 20:15
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Glitches fixed upon aborting of any operation
(Windows) target folder is opened after extraction

Titel: Bandizip 5.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2016, 12:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

Bandizip stopped working when double-clicking the program icon under certain conditions.
Failed to open some split CAB files.
Improved the stability of the program.
Other minor bugs fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 6.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2017, 18:15


Improved DPI awareness
New command line directive „-peaziplanguage“ to programmatically change application’s localization
second parameter is the name of the localization file, proper localization directory „lang“ is resolved by the program
example: peazip.exe -peaziplanguage it.txt
please note if other instances of PeaZip are open, they will overwrite language in configuration when they close


Added hamburger menu button in tabs bar to provide alternative access to archiving/extraction context menu
Improved archive creation screen
Added installer-mode sfx modules for 7z (advanced options tab)
Replicated archiving action options in main options page (7z/p7zip supported types)
Provided new update options: update only items already in archive (ignore extra items on disk), and synchronize archive with content on disk (remove items from archive if removed from disk)


Improved Windows installer
Archiving, extraction, browsing, and tools groups are now divided by separators for ease of use
„CRC, hash and file tools“ (PeaUtils) was added as default entry
Localization can now be set from installer


Titel: Free UPX v2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2017, 09:15
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.


What's new: >>


    Support for the latest version of the UPX: 3.92;
    Possibility to choose the active version of the UPX: 3.91 or 3.92.

New compression profile: Best compression / LZMA.
Minor modifications to the source code and user interface.

Titel: PeaZip 6.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2017, 20:30


Various fixes


Minor visual updates


Titel: Free UPX 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2017, 19:20
What's new: >>

Added support for the latest version of the UPX: 3.93.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2017, 20:15
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

UPX updated to version 3.93w
Help files updated

Titel: UPX 3.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2017, 13:13
Whats new:>>

UPX has moved to GitHub - the new home page is https://upx.github.io
fixed some win32/pe and win64/pe regressions introduced in 3.92

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 20917 Beta 30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2017, 20:15
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

New Setup UI
Minor bugs fixed

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2017, 05:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles und verbesserungs im Zufallszahlen Algorithmus.

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 21085 Beta 31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2017, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Language updated
Minor bugs fixed

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 21327 Beta 33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bugs fixed

Titel: Bandizip 6.0 Build 21375 Beta 34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2017, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Portable version released
Minor bugs fixed

Titel: BandiZip 6.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2017, 19:00

◾New UI
◾New file icons
◾New installer
◾New command-line command
◾New console program
◾Faster extracting and compressing
◾Does not support XP anymore
◾New: Extract ZPAQ and LZIP
◾Other minor bugs fixed


Titel: PeaZip 6.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2017, 20:40
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



pea 0.61
crc/hash marks duplicate files

shows number of copies found
to find duplicates, value of best checksum or hash algorithm is checked

(PeaUtils GUI) secure delete removes items from list if successfully erased

(Linux x86-64) p7zip 16.02


Various fixes, visual updates and code cleanup

Added tabbed browsing

Tab bar is toggled from „Tab bar“ entry available in from main menu > Organize, and in address bar and tab bar context menus
Tab bar is also shown clicking on „Open in a new tab“ in context menu
Tabs can be added, deleted, moved, and resized

Added rename options (context menu, File manager > Rename) : prepend and append parent directory name
Improved rename dialog (F2)


Added option to archive and extract using relative, full, or absolute paths (non-persistent value, in advanced options) for 7z / p7zip supported archive formats
Improved archive conversion

If „Add each object to a separate archive“ is checked (default), no extra root foder is added to the converted archive (supported for conversion toward all 7z/p7zip formats)
If the option is unchecked (consolidate multiple archives into one), it is added an extra folder with archive name to keep content separated


Titel: BandiZip 6.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2017, 17:30
Whats new:>>

◾ Fixed: Ctrl+C shortcut not working at archive comment window
◾ Fixed: Installer shows UI when using /S parameter
◾ Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: BandiZip 6.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2017, 11:15
Whats new:>>

◾New: Show folder’s Compressed/Original size
◾New ‘Adding files directly to a ZIP file by drag and drop in Explorer’ option
◾Fixed: Very slow opening speed under certain conditions
◾Minor bugs fixed

Titel: IZArc 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2017, 16:45
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware


-Fixed error messages are not shown when „Close IZArc After Extract“ option is selected
-Fixed converting password protected 7-ZIP archives
-Fixed creation of CAB archives

-Added support for DEP and ASLR security options
-Improvements for speed and reliability

-Updated translations


Titel: Bandizip 6.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Do not recover file time of 0 byte file when decompress.Improved the stability of the program.Minor bugs fixed

Titel: BandiZip 6.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2017, 18:15
Whats new:>>

◾ Fixed: Modifying a encrypted ZIP file under certain conditions may corrupt the ZIP file
◾ Fixed: Asking for a password every time when you extract a encrypted archive with drag and drop
◾ Minor bugs fixed

Titel: PeaExtractor v1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2017, 05:45
PeaExtractor is a easy, minimalistic tool for unpacking almost any compressed file format. Features a search tool, progress bar, and drag-and-drop functionality. The program can unpack over 150 formats including encrypted or multi-volume archives (usually a series like .000, .001 or .r01, .z01...) as well as standard formats like 7z, rar, tar, zip, zipx, bzip2, cab, iso, etc.

The program aims to function as a simple, accessible alternative to file manager-like interfaces used by WinRar, WinZip, and 7-Zip. Cross-platform (Linux, BSD) and developed by the author of PeaZip.

NOTE: Open ACE files with additional steps. The download also includes pea.exe, containing other tools including checksums, secure delete, file lists, and more.

License:    LGPL

Whats new:>>

Improved UTF8 support.
Application made DPI-aware.
Various improvements and fixes.

Titel: BandiZip 6.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2017, 16:00
Whats new:>>

◾ Simplified Chinese’s codepage is changed from CP936 to GB18030
◾ Fixed: When compressing a 7z file, modified time of folder is not stored
◾ Fixed: Crashes when creating a multi-volume zip file with 1byte split size
◾ Minor bugs fixed

Titel: ExtractNow
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2017, 16:45
ExtractNow lets you extract multiple files with ease. Extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button. Makes extracting files easier and quicker. Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, and JAR file formats.

Licence: Freeware

What's New: >>

Fixed rar datetime bug
Updated rar extraction library
Fixed crash when running a program without args
Added module macros to macros menu
Updated 7zip library to 16.04

Titel: 7-Zip 17.00 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2017, 20:45
Whats new:>>

– ZIP unpacking code was improved.
– 7-Zip now reserves file space before writing to file (for extraction from archive).
It can reduce file fragmentation.
– Some bugs were fixed. 7-Zip could crash in some cases.
– Internal changes in code.

Titel: BandiZip 6.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2017, 20:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

◾ Fixed: Can’t extract subdirectory in an archive with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
◾ Fixed: When modifying a ZIP file, storing filename as UTF8 always
◾ Improved the stability of the program
◾ Minor bugs fixed

Titel: PeaZip 6.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2017, 21:45
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Added experimental privacy_mode directive (at current state can be changed only from configuration file, or hardcoded at compile time)
meant to help users not forgetting to provide a password when working on sensitive data

0 default, no password request
1 application asks for password when stars, skippable
2 application asks for password when starts, not skippable (password or keyfile must be provided)


Rightclicking on file manager’s column header shows context menu for
customizing columns
applying on the fly checksum/hash, search for duplicates, and set algorithm for those two functions
save GUI content as tab-separated TXT file
Clicking the style icon on the right of the status bar shows menu of presets for file manager
Style icon now changes reflecting the style applied to the file manager
New „Navigation bar“ entry in status bar menu show/hide side navigation bar
(Windows) Drag and drop information floyout changes alpha blending level when a valid drop target is detected
Some keyboard shortcuts were updated
Shift+Ctrl+N create new folder
Ctrl+N extract to new folder
Shift+Del quick delete (do not sent to recycle bin)
Ctrl+Del secure delete
Alt+Enter properties
Various improvements in archive browsing
Various improvements of UI usability with custom system colors


During archive update only relevant options are shown, allowing to set password and to change action (add, update, freshen, sync)


Improved Windows installer and re-configuration wizard
Added system’s context menu hotkeys for most used entries

A add to archive (with options)
7 directly add to new 7Z archive
Z directly add to new ZIP archive
O attempt to open any file as archive
B browse path with PeaZip
E extract (with options)
H directly extract here
N directly extract here to new folder


Titel: Free UPX v2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 19:30
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.


What's new: >>

Added support for the latest version of the UPX: 3.94.

Titel: BandiZip 6.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2017, 20:45
Whats new:>>

◾Update Type: Minor
◾Fixed: Can’t extract TGZ that is multiple GZ files are concatenated
◾Changed: Explorer context menu shortcut key of „Compressed to NAME.ZIP“ (R->Z)
◾Improved the stability of the program
◾Minor bugs fixed

Titel: UPX 3.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2017, 12:17
Whats new:>>

Add support for arm64-linux (aka "aarch64").
Add support for --lzma compression on 64-bit PowerPC (Thierry Fauck).
For Mach, "upx -d" will unpack a prefix of the file (and warn).
Various improvements to the ELF formats.
bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/3

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2017, 16:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Korrekturen und Verbesserungen für Windows 10 Creators Update.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles

Titel: Bandizip 6.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2017, 05:15
Whats new:>>


    Find Files dialog box;
    ZPAQ version history processing;
    File open speed.

Many language files are updated.


    RAR format's VMSF_DELTA related security problem;
    Minor bugs.

Titel: DiskInternals ZIP Repair 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2017, 19:00
DiskInternals ZIP Repair helps repair damaged ZIP files and extract the contents of the archive.

While DiskInternals ZIP Repair tries to fix a corrupt ZIP file, the odds of completely restoring a damaged ZIP file are in reality, slim. Often, a ZIP file was damaged when it was created, or you only got a partial download. If you downloaded a corrupted ZIP, be sure to download it again to be sure. That said, you might have a ZIP file that is corrupted, and you want to extract as many files as possible from it. That's probably this apps biggest strength.

License: Freeware

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2017, 06:20
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Correction for info dialog

Titel: 7Zip 17.01 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2017, 16:15

Minor speed optimization for LZMA2 (xz and 7z) multi-threading compression.
Zip now uses additional memory buffers for multi-block LZMA2 compression.
CPU utilization was slightly improved.
zip now creates multi-block xz archives by default. Block size can be
specified with -ms[Size]{m|g} switch.
xz decoder now can unpack random block from multi-block xz archives.
Zip File Manager now can open nested multi-block xz archives
(for example, image.iso.xz) without full unpacking of xz archive.
Zip now can create zip archives from stdin to stdout.
Zip command line: @listfile now doesn't work after -- switch.
Use -i@listfile before -- switch instead.

The BUGs were fixed:

Zip could add unrequired alternate file streams to WIM archives,
for commands that contain filename wildcards and -sns switch.
Zip 17.00 beta crashed for commands that write anti-item to 7z archive.
Zip 17.00 beta ignored "Use large memory pages" option.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2017, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Installation updated

Titel: BandiZip 6.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2017, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Improved: Added shortcuts for „Extract Here(Smart), Extract to Current Folder“
Fixed: Code page auto detect problem when previewing an archive
Fixed: Can’t extract particular type of CAB format
Fixed: Crash when opening specific type of archive
Improved internal image viewer and updater
Several minor bugs fixed

Titel: Bandizip 6.10 Build 24669
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Update Type: Major update
Fixed: Can't extract particular type of encrypted RAR5 format
Fixed: Crashes when extracting certain type of LZH format
Several minor bugs fixed

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2017, 13:34
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen sowie Tests unter Server 2016 plus neue Sprache: Chinesisch-Traditionell

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2017, 19:18
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- UPX updated

Titel: PeaZip 6.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2017, 12:00
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



(Windows) 7z 17.01 beta
(Windows) zipx 7.15
UPX 3.94


Updated GUI and themes
Can now move and rename objects inside existing archives (7z/p7zip supported formats)


Added option to force browsing of archives containing errors (default off)
Added option to show which options are volatile (context dependent) rather than persistent
Improved archive conversion
"Change password" switch (default off) asks to provide a new password to be applied to converted archive(s), otherwise current password (if any) will be applied - decompression stage test current password for each input archive, asking new password in case of error
Improved support for WIM format
in archiving and extraction interfaces, Advanced tab, were added options to operate including NT security information and NTFS Alternate Data Stream
file manager shows SHA-1 hash value for items in WIM archives
Scheduled deletion after archiving/extraction will not be performed if errors are detected


Privacy directive is available as GUI option
0 default, no password request
1 application asks for password when starts, skippable
2 application asks for password when starts, not skippable (password or keyfile must be provided)
Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library units
Various fixes and improvements


Titel: Zipware
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 21:45
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.



Added option to show the Zipware icon in the Windows Explorer context menu.
Added option to calculate SHA-512 checksums from the Windows Explorer context menu and in Zipware.
Added list of recently extracted destination paths to the extract dialog window.
Added option to configure password complexity settings in the password manager options menu.
Added progress text to the main window when saving password manager passwords.
Added option to send anonymous feedback about Zipware. Feedback option is located in the main help menu.
Changed the look of the Windows Explorer 16x16 sized icons for file extensions associated with Zipware.
Improved the speed of checksum calculations.
Improved logging to help troubleshoot issues and errors.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2017, 10:40
Whats new: >>

Bug-Fix: gelegentlicher Absturz unter Windows 10 1709 16299 Case Creators Update (Redstone 3) bei einigen Systemkonfigurationen.

Titel: 7Zip 18.00 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2018, 17:45

7-Zip now can unpack OBJ/COFF files.
new -sse switch to stop archive creating, if 7-Zip can't open some input file.
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2018, 09:45
Whats new: >>

Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung beim Erstellen einer nicht komprimierbaren Datei für Intel- und AMD-Prozessoren
Bug-Fix: Beim Erkennen der Standardbenutzersprache.
Verbesserungen und Anpassungen sowie Aktualisierung der NonCompressibleFiles Sprachdateien

Titel: 7-Zip 18.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2018, 17:45

7-Zip now can unpack DMG archives that use LZFSE compression method.
7-Zip now doesn't allow update operation for archives that have read-only attribute.

The BUG was fixed:

Extracting from tar with -si switch didn't set timestamps for directories.
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: Bandizip 6.11 Build 25097
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2018, 19:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



Update Type: Major update

Fixed: Can't extract RAR5's redirect attributed file
Fixed: 'Compress to custom file name' related bug
Fixed: Security problem while processing archive password
New: 'Use UTF-8 code page when you open a tar file' option
Fixed: Can't install with /S parameter in PowerShell
New: Baltic/Thai codepage
Several minor bugs fixed


Titel: Bandizip 6.12 Build 25131
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2018, 13:03
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Show invalid error message while extracting GZ format
Improved the stability of the program

Titel: Project Packer 4.00.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2018, 20:15
Build apps, compile Flash projects, protect e-documents, and create archives with the help of this program that should increase your productivity if you're a programmer or developer.


Whats new:>>

New Project Packer - Email system
Automatic Freeware mode for personal use

Titel: CompactGUI 2.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2018, 21:10
CompactGUI enables the use of a graphical interface for the Windows 10 command line tool compact.exe allowing space saving file compression.

This app was designed to make using the Windows 10 command-line compression tool a bit easier for users that are not as familiar with using the command line. The Windows 10 tool can be used for the compression of any file with the goal of saving space. This is where ComapctGUI steps in. It provides a user-friendly UI that will help you compress files via compact.exe without needing to know all the command prompt commands.


Whats new:>>


    Fixed being unable to disable the experimental file/folder browser when it is unchecked from the options menu.

Titel: PeaZip 6.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2018, 20:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



(Windws) 7z 18.01 t fix CVE-2017-17969 and CVE-2018-5996 vulnerabilities in the 17.x backend


Updated Wlfgang Ehrhardt's libraries aes_2017-11-17, crc_hash_2018-01-01, fca_2017-11-17, serpent_2017-11-17, tf_2017-11-17, util_2018-01-01
Updates t cmpile with Lazarus 1.8.0 IDE (change t TShellTreeView Path, wrkarund fr TImageList Clear)
Varius fixes


Titel: CompactGUI 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2018, 18:15


Added new filetypes to default filter for Microsoft Office + one image extension. Please open the Options menu and click on Default to load the new extensions, or manually add them in, using a space or a tab as a separator.
docx xlsx pptx vssx vstx onepkg wmf


Now correctly catches uppercase extensions in the exclusion filter (e.g. .PNG vs .png)


Titel: CompactGUI 2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 20:30


Updated Wiki parser and compression estimates to be compatible with new database format
Added list of files that will be processed to the main page
Updated some UI items for clarity + added tooltips to the compression options
Minor layout tweaks


Fixed the output log not formatting certain characters properly #176
Tidying up and removal of some redundancies


Titel: 7-Zip 18.02 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 21:30

The speed for single-thread LZMA/LZMA2 decoding was increased by 30% in x64 version and by 3% in x86 version.
7-Zip now can use multi-threading for 7z/LZMA2 decoding, if there are multiple independent data chunks in LZMA2 stream.
7-Zip now can use multi-threading for xz decoding, if there are multiple blocks in xz stream.
New localization: Kabyle.
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: 7-Zip 18.03 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2018, 05:00
Whats new:>>

The bug in 18.02 beta was fixed. It could not create xz archive from GUI.

Titel: CompactGUI 2.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2018, 13:55
CompactGUI enables the use of a graphical interface for the Windows 10 command line tool compact.exe allowing space saving file compression.

This app was designed to make using the Windows 10 command-line compression tool a bit easier for users that are not as familiar with using the command line. The Windows 10 tool can be used for the compression of any file with the goal of saving space. This is where ComapctGUI steps in. It provides a user-friendly UI that will help you compress files via compact.exe without needing to know all the command prompt commands.


Whats new:>>


Fixed hanging when folders have symbols in their name and/or the folder name is <3 characters long. #179

Titel: CompactGUI 2.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2018, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Changed online results DB to be compressed. A smaller file size = faster download.
Online results DB now only downloads if the current DB is >24 hours old. Previously a new one would download every time the program was opened.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.070
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2018, 05:25
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Installation updated

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2018, 18:50
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Update der Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles und Optimierung des Zufallszahlen Algorithmus
Neue Sprache in nicht komprimierbaren Dateien: Arabisch

Titel: PEiD 0.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2018, 18:45
PEiD is an intuitive application that relies on its user-friendly interface to detect packers, cryptors and compilers found in PE executable files – its detection rate is higher than that of other similar tools since the app packs more than 600 different signatures in PE files.


Whats new:>>

Fixed some crashing bugs.
Minor Core update.
Crash Fix in Securom detection.

Titel: 7-Zip 18.04 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2018, 09:14

The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased
by 8% for fastest/fast compression levels and
by 3% for normal/maximum compression levels.
7-Zip now shows Properties (Info) window and CRC/SHA results window
as "list view" window instead of "message box" window.
Some improvements in zip, hfs and dmg code.
Previous versions of 7-Zip could work incorrectly in "Large memory pages" mode in Windows 10 because of some BUG with "Large Pages" in Windows 10.
Now 7-Zip doesn't use "Large Pages" on Windows 10 up to revision 1709 (16299).
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: 7-Zip 18.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2018, 13:30

The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased by 8% for fastest/fast compression levels and by 3% for normal/maximum compression levels.
7-Zip now shows Properties (Info) window and CRC/SHA results window as "list view" window instead of "message box" window.
Some improvements in zip, hfs and dmg code.
Previous versions of 7-Zip could work incorrectly in "Large memory pages" mode in Windows 10 because of some BUG with "Large Pages" in Windows 10.
Now 7-Zip doesn't use "Large Pages" on Windows 10 up to revision 1709 (16299).
The vulnerability in RAR unpacking code was fixed (CVE-2018-10115).
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: PeaZip 6.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2018, 21:00
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Updated to 7z 18.05
patches CVE-2018-10115 vulnerability
patches bug on some Windows 10 versions working incorrectly with Large memory pages
improves performances


Added new fast function for hinting possible duplicates
Possible duplicates shows exactly same size, and same CRC32 calculated on sample(s) of file’s data
For files up to 64 KB data it is sampled a 32 KB region at the beginning of the file
For files larger than 64 KB a second 32KB region is sampled after the half of the file

Added option to reset search history in search menu

Various fixes and improvements


New option „Try to edit non explicitly supported file types“ in Options > Settings > Archive manager
off by default in order to protect from modification files outside known supported extensions
if on, allows to try to add/update and remove files form files not usually employed as archives, but structurally based on archive types such as Java jar, MS Office and OOo files, etc


Titel: Project Packer 4.00.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 05:10
Build apps, compile Flash projects, protect e-documents, and create archives with the help of this program that should increase your productivity if you're a programmer or developer.


Whats new:>>

enhanced protection for documents:


Titel: BandiZip 6.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 16:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



Update Type: Major update

New: Show/Hide Status Bar
Improved: Updater
Improved: Installer
Fixed: 7z handling problem of the internal image viewer
Fixed: Symbolic link related bugs
Fixed: Does not process RAR5 format’s file attributes
Fixed: Rare crash during Wavpack extraction
Fixed: Codesign related problem with SFX file
Several bugs fixed


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2018, 10:40
Whats new: >>

Test unter Windows 10 Update Build 1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4)
Code Signing-Zertifikat und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in nicht komprimierbaren Dateien
Neue Sprache in nicht komprimierbaren Dateien: Chinesisch-vereinfacht

Titel: Bandizip 6.14 Build 25403
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2018, 12:13

Fixed: Cannot extract specific RAR5 format file
Fixed: Cannot extract specific RAR format file
Fixed: Ace format related bugs
ZLIB update(1.2.8->1.2.11)
Improved the stability of the program
Code refactoring


Titel: Project Packer 4.00.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2018, 21:15
Build apps, compile Flash projects, protect e-documents, and create archives with the help of this program that should increase your productivity if you're a programmer or developer.


Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.47 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2018, 20:40
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Whats new: >>

Added support for IS 5.6.0 and 5.6.1.
Added AppId field to the script.

Titel: Muzip 4.03 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2018, 19:45
Build archives of formats like ZIP, TAR, GZ, UUE, and a few more, with various compression methods, option to build self-extracting archives, password protect items, and more.



New: use INI file for settings instead of the Registry
New: open archives even if they don’t have the good extension
Bug fixed: error message at directory creation where repeated
Bug fixed: problem with special tags in archive name (scripts)
Bug fixed: problem in “delete original files” mode
Bug fixed: default extension for scripts


Titel: Universal Extractor 2 v2.0.0 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2018, 12:29
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


Release Candidate 1 comes with a new updater, support for many new file types and lots of bug fixes and improvements.

Added support for wix installers
Added support for Spoon installers
Added support for .rpgmvp files
Added support for .utage files
Added support for MDF image files
Added support for Smacker video files
Added support for ECM compressed disk images
Added support for swf executables
Added support for OGG Vorbis audio files
Added support for Mole Box executables
Added support for NScripter version 2 archives using ns2dec
Added support for Smile Game Builder archives
Added support for UNC paths
Added support for Lzip archives
Added support for Visionaire game archives
Added 'Open Log Directory' menu item
Added 'Open Configuration File' menu item
Added detection support for encrypted fsb files
Added check on start to make sure a language file exists
Added Right to left UI mirroring for Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew; thanks to peterooch
Added new error messages: not enough free disk space, missing part for multipart archives
Fixed MS SFX hotfix extraction
Fixed 'Open folder after extraction' being always disabled when UniExtract is opened with command line parameters
Fixed cleanup for .chm and EnigmaVB files
Fixed error message after failed iso extraction: choices were mixed-up
Fixed missing file type information in NOTPACKED error message for FFMPEG extraction
Fixed missing packer name in unpack prompt
Fixed extractors not being found on some systems
Fixed pea extraction writing to wrong directory
Fixed cascading context menu for supported Windows Server operating system versions
Fixed 'Always on top' option not being saved
Fixed endless detection loop occuring for some .exe files
Fixed missing minimize controls
Fixed status box for .swf extraction
Fixed extraction being detected as failed if the putput directory is a drive, not a folder
Fixed FFMPEG download/installation problems
Fixed progress display performance in status box and pattern detection
Fixed certain files being ignored by cleanup function
Fixed crash when trying to open preferences GUI if /lang directory does not exist
Fixed log files size display in file menu, if log directory is set to a location, which does not exist
Fixed DGCA plugin installation
Fixed language selection list not being scrollable
Fixed some context menu GUI items not being translated after language change
Fixed 'Not an InstallShield installer' option in MethodSelector not starting additional scans
Fixed output directory not being deleted after failed extraction (unicode mode only)
Fixed video extraction failing for files starting with -
Fixed error message when starting batch mode
Changed feedback GUI design, removed unneeded input fields
Changed feedback GUI to always pre-fill output field
Changed .nrg extraction method to use 7zip for improved unicode support
Changed .arj extraction to use 7z instead of arj
Changed .hlp extraction: improved logging, localized file name
Changed extraction to subdirectory: "."-character is now replaced to prevent collisions with existing files
Changed updater: each file is now updated on its own instead of using update packages, this way extractors can be updated much easier and faster; administrator rights are now only necessary if the program directory cannot be written to
Changed plugin download: URLs are no longer hardcoded; instead they are requested from the server, so when something goes offline UniExtract does not have to be updated to fix the link
Replaced Unreal Engine package extractor with Umodel
Removed redundant 64-bit MediaInfo dll
Removed option to toggle support for game packages from settings GUI
Updated 7zip to 18.01
Updated EnigmaVB unpacker to 0.44, changed logic to use new command line parameter
Updated Exeinfo PE to
Updated unrar to 5.50
Updated unrpa to 1.5.2
Updated TrID to 2.24
Updated unshield to 1.4
Updated FFMPEG to 4.0.2
Updated innounp to 0.47
Updated Bulgarian translation, thanks to Jekov J.K.
Updated French translation, thanks to zorbao
Updated Chinese (Traditional) translation, thanks to jfcherng
Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translation, thanks to igorruckert
Updated Greek translation, thanks to gvp9000
Updated Russian translation, thanks to @wvxwxvw


Titel: Detect It Easy v2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2018, 18:15
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

More than 500 new detects.
New experimental scanning method.
Many bugs have been fixed.

Titel: AZip 2.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2018, 16:45
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

AZip features now the long-awaited drag & drop from AZip to Windows Explorer / Desktop.
AZip can operate in a "no trace in registry" mode. All you need is to put a dummy file with the name "azip.cfg" in the same directory as the executable, azip.exe. If azip.cfg is read-only, user settings won't be remembered for next usage, otherwise settings will be recorded in azip.cfg instead of in the registry.

Titel: UPX 3.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2018, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Flag --android-shlib to work around bad design in Android
Flag --force-pie when ET_DYN main program is not marked as DF_1_PIE
Better compatibility with varying layout of address space on Linux
Support for 4 PT_LOAD layout in ELF generated by binutils-2.31
Bug fixes, particularly better diagnosis of malformed input
Bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/4

Titel: Explzh 7.62 RC 112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2018, 12:15
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

From a state in which open Explzh body, if you try to D & D deployment by selecting a relatively generous list view item, Fixed a bug that may not be able to D & D expansion.

Titel: Project Packer 4.00.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2018, 18:15
Build apps, compile Flash projects, protect e-documents, and create archives with the help of this program that should increase your productivity if you're a programmer or developer.


Titel: Bitser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2018, 21:20
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to Winzip, 7-zip and Winrar but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views and features similar to those found in backup applications. All underlying archiving functions are performed using the open source 7-zip compression software and therefore all major archiving formats are supported. Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity.



Added Dutch translation by Stephan Paternotte.
Added Traditional Chinese translation by jlgdot369.
Added Greek translation by geogeo.gr.
Added option to show Bitser's icon on the Windows Explorer context menu.
Added option to calculate SHA-512 checksums from the Windows Explorer context menu and in Bitser.
Added option to create new folders within archive using the context menu.
Added option to use alternate icons for supported extensions.
Added the ability to search for a matching checksum value after calculating file checksums.
Added .zab (zipped audio book) to the list of extensions that can be associated to Bitser.
Added 64-bit and 32-bit versions of unRAR to improve performance on 64-bit system.
Added option to send anonymous feedback about Bitser. Feedback option is located in the main help menu.
Changed progress window so that it allows resizing when warnings and logs occur.
Changed progress window text to show total archive count when creating/extracting multiple archives.
Improved the speed of checksum calculations.
Improved logging to help troubleshoot issues and errors.
pdated unRAR version from 5.20 to 5.40 which includes valid digital certificate.
Updated Bitser's digitally signed files with the latest SHA-256 code signing certificate from Digicert.
Note digitally certificate will show as invalid on Windows XP as SHA-256 cert is not fully supported.
Updated Bitser's underlying 7-zip version to 16.04 which fixes the 2 vulnerabilities listed below.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Vulnerability - https://www.talosintelligence.com/reports/TALOS-2016-0093/
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Vulnerability - https://www.talosintelligence.com/reports/TALOS-2016-0094/
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract ext2 and multivolume VMDK images
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract ext3 and ext4 (Linux file system) images
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract GPT images and single file QCOW2, VMDK, VDI images
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract solid WIM archives with LZMS compression.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not correctly extract ISO archives that are larger than 4 GiB.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not open some 7z archives created by another software.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - "Compress shared files" and -ssw switch didn't work.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - NSIS support was improved.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - ZIP, NSIS, HFS, AR, DMG support was improved.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Improved compression ratio in some 7z format for EXE and DLL files > 16 MB.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - could not extract ZIP archives encrypted with PKWARE-AES method.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - LZMA decompression speed was improved.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - now can unpack UEFI BIOS files.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Installer and SFX modules now use some protection against DLL preloading attack.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 16.04 - Some bugs were fixed in 7z, NSIS, SquashFS.
Fixed bug in Bitser's file extension registration.
Fixed bug in archive comment text window not showing scroll bars for large comments.
Fixed bug in rar archive comment option having no effect.
Fixed bug that occassionally caused the file counter on the main progress window to show 0.
Fixed bug in archive info window which would sometimes show buttons off the screen.
Fixed bug in drag and drop from archive that caused incorrect message about user cancelling operation.
Fixed bug which caused Bitser to open as small blank window when user config settings became corrupted.
Fixed bug in context menu "Add to zip" where folder names containing "." resulted in a truncated zip filename.
Fixed bug where RAR exe failed to open if in RAR4 format.
Fixed bug in some threaded code.
Fixed bug which caused Bitser to not respond when opening an encrypted file and entering a blank password.
Fixed bug in drag and drop that could cause it to fail.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2018, 13:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen sowie die Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2018, 20:45
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Turkish translation updated
- UPX updated

Titel: FUPX (formerly Free UPX) 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2018, 05:20
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.



    Program name was changed from Free UPX to FUPX.


        Support for the latest version of the UPX: 3.95 (32-bit and 64-bit);
        The ability to check the selected executable file on the VirusTotal.com site.
    New module: File info.


Titel: Bandizip 6.15 Build 25758
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2018, 12:29
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



New: System security enhancement by copying Zone.Identifier information
Improved: File association process
Improved: Does not use GDI+ anymore
Fixed: Cannot read some settings text when using High Contrast
Fixed: The date of the file is not correctly displayed if it is before January 1, 1970
Improved the stability of the program and several bugs fixed


Titel: BandiZip 6.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2018, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Filename case sensitive related problem when editing ZIP file
Fixed: Recognize empty ZIP file as a corrupted file
Fixed: Internal image viewer resizing related problem
Improved the stability of the program and several bugs fixed

Titel: BandiZip 6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2018, 11:30

Update Type: Minor update
Fixed: Vulnerability of the internal image viewer(CNVD-C-2018-107947)
Improved the stability


Titel: Explzh 7.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2018, 19:45
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

It corresponds to the screen display on the 4K environment.

Titel: Explzh 7.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2018, 19:45
Release Notes

We responded to the operation in the case of Windows 10 "Beta: Using Unicode UTF-8 with World Wide Language Support" by handling the library operation. For LZH, CAB, ZIP, in the environment where the code page is UTF - 8, we will automatically create an archive with a Unicode archive header. (There is no change in TAR / TAR.xx, DGCA, 7z, RAR) See: https://www.facebook.com/ponsoftware/photos/a.144660618936225/2080844021984532/?type=3&theater
Added option "Store 2 byte file name with Unicode (UTF - 8)" as the default setting of LHA, CAB compression.
I added the invalidation icon (gray icon) of the toolbar button and displayed the disabled state of the status icon.
Additional correspondence on the 4K environment.
Adjust the display position shift of items when customized common dialog is displayed.
Scale display of the tree item icon in the bitmap (history file icon), [Options] - [General] setting dialog in the menu.
In some environments, we addressed the problem that it may take time to close the "progress dialog box" when operating the archive.


Titel: Zipware
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2018, 19:20
Zipware was designed to be a simple, fast tool to extract, create and convert numerous file types including EXE, ZIP, RAR, RAR5, 7Z, ISO, GZIP and many more.



Updated Zipware.exe to 64bit on 64bit systems.
Updated Zipware's underlying 7-zip version from 16.04 to 18.05.
Updated Zipware's underlying unRAR version from 5.40 to 5.60.
Added option to rename files and folders in supported archives.
Added new file extension icons based on Windows 10 zip folder icons.
Added option to select which file extension icon set is used.
Added Greek translation by geogeo.gr.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - 8% LZMA/LZMA2 compression speed increase for fastest/fast setting.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - 3% LZMA/LZMA2 compression speed increase for normal/max setting.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - improvements to Zip, HFS and DMG code.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - doesn't use "Large Pages" on Windows 10 up to revision 1709.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - some bugs were fixed.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - speed for single-thread LZMA/LZMA2 decoding increased by 30% for x64 and 3% for x86 versions.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - now can use multi-threading for xz decoding.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - now can unpack DMG archives that use LZFSE compression method.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - now doesn't allow update operation for archives that have read-only attribute.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - extracting from tar with -si switch didn't set timestamps for directories.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - now can unpack OBJ/COFF files.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - xz decoder now can unpack random block from multi-block xz archives.
pdates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - zip unpacking code was improved.
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - could add unrequired alternate file streams to WIM archives
Updates/fixes in 7-zip 18.05 - now reserves file space before writing to file
Updated digitally signed files with the latest SHA-256 code signing certificate from DigiCert.
Updated RestSharp.dll used for VirusTotal checks from 105.0.1 to 105.2.3.
Note: digitally certificate will show as invalid on Windows XP as SHA-256 cert is not fully supported.
Fixed bug that prevented the main progress bar from being updated when deleting items from an archive.
Fixed bug that caused the progress window to remain open after an error when extracting files via the context menu.
Fixed bug that would set the default colour profile on Windows 10 to Windows 7.
Fixed bug that caused warning output when skipping or replacing files.
Fixed some items not being translated.
Fixed minor bugs and optimised some code.


Titel: Bandizip 6.18 Build 26084
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2018, 16:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.




"Windows 10 on ARM" support


Installer improvements
Precise file time processing for RAR4 format


File time is changed while processing Zone.Identifier
Internal image viewer cannot process password correctly under the specific condition
Stability improvements and Bugfixes


Titel: PeaZip 6.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2018, 12:00
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Updated backend to UPX 3.95


Various fixes


Added option to force extraction of unknown file types with PeaZip
check „Extract unsupported file types“ option on Advanced tab of extraction screen
check „PeaZip“ to force using PeaZip as extractor (default), uncheck „PeaZip“ to define a custom extractor

Fixed issue in extraction of ACE files (unace plugin is required, no need to re-download / re-install the existing plugin)
Fixed issues preventing tasks being launched from Console tab in some cases
Working path can be now set to output, temp, custom (user defined directory), or none


Titel: AX-ZIP Extractor 4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 21:20
AX-ZIP Extractor utility views ZIP archives and archives of other types as folders containing folders and files whose structure is shown as a tree. Thus the root folder of archive will be displayed as an icon associated with archives of that type. AX-ZIP Extractor working space is made up of two windows - Archive Browser and File Browser.


Titel: Explzh 7.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2018, 13:45

In the environment set to "Use Unicode UTF - 8 with World Wide Language Support" of Windows 10, a part of the archive search dialog was garbled.
Fixed a bug that behavior in tar operation may be wrong in environment set as "Using 7-zip32 (64) .dll".
When creating a solid archive using 7z.dll, depending on the PC environment (environment where only single thread can be used?), Unless you enable the "Sort by extension" option, you can not create a solid archive (it seems) In such circumstances, we forced internal sort option to be effective.
I replaced 7x SFX modules with v.18.05.
In addition, I made some bug fixes.


Titel: Explzh 7.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2018, 13:29
Whats new:>>

When creating the archive of the LHA archive, the code page of the file name character was written in the extension header and the worldwide language correspondence was done. Also, in a UP-8 environment, you can not specify anything other than the level 2 header. (Because the level 0, level 1 header is a specification that can store only the ANSI file name)
It supports ZIP compression using 7z.dll. You can specify either Arcext.dll or 7z.dll from "Options" - "Default setting at ZIP compression".
The header (file name) has been encrypted so that it is not necessary to enter the password more than once in the deployment of the archive.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2018, 17:15
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Anpassungen für die x64-Version und allgemeine Optimierung sowie Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Project Packer 4.00.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2018, 16:45
Build apps, compile Flash projects, protect e-documents, and create archives with the help of this program that should increase your productivity if you're a programmer or developer.


Titel: Detect It Easy v2.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2018, 19:15
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


  • New icons and images(Thanks Metabolic).
  • New scan options "Set column size to contents"
  • New signatures.
  • New script's functions:

        - bool isExportPresent()
        - bool isTLSPresent()
        - bool isImportPresent()
        - bool isResourcePresent()
        - bool isExportFunctionPresent(QString sFunctionName)
        - bool isExportFunctionPresentExp(QString sFunctionName)

  • Donate page in About dialog.
  • Many bugs have been fixed.
Titel: AZip 2.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2018, 18:45
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Added buttons for New, Open and Toggle view commands.
Cases where Zip format capacity is exhausted are properly handled.
Sorting is a bit faster.

Titel: Explzh 7.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2018, 12:21
Whats new:>>

We responded to fonts in high DPI environments by making it possible to change the size in the list view / tree view font size and result log font size by "CTRL + mouse wheel".
We dealt with the point that we could not open some 7z format self-extracting archive.
In the English version, the font size set in "Font" of "Screen option" was not reflected.

Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2018, 20:41
InnoExtractor allows you to inspect all embedded files of installers and extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.

Some features include the ability to open installers by drag and drop from Windows Explorer; extract all embedded files of the installer (including the script) to a local folder, to zip package or to a self-extracting module; convert the CompiledCode.bin file of the installer to a readable assembly code file (for advanced users only); run embedded files; perform file searches by keyword; history for recently opened installers and more.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2018, 12:30
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Installation updated

Titel: Explzh 7.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2018, 10:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

The zoom (up / down) function of the font in the view has been improved to correctly zoom (up / down) the rectangle of the list items (especially [display side by side]).
Depending on the condition, we dealt with the problem that new folders and new files can not be created from the main screen of no title.
Fixed a bug that "View as group" did not become valid and not functioning when "Virtual List View" was not used.

Titel: 7-Zip 18.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased by 3-10%,
and there are minor changes in compression ratio.
Some bugs were fixed.
The bug in 7-Zip 18.02-18.05 was fixed: there was memory leak in xz decoder.
7-Zip 18.02-18.05 used only one CPU thread for bz2 archive creation.

Titel: Bandizip 6.19 Build 26366
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2019, 10:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



New: EGG/AZO algorithm extraction support
Fixed: Recognize some zip files that are compressed with Mac Finder as corrupted files
Improved: Enhanced stability during multicore compression
Stability improvements and bugfixes


Titel: Bandizip 6.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2019, 13:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Toolbar image related issue

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2019, 10:30
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Ported to Unicode

Titel: Explzh 7.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2019, 12:25
Whats new:>>

We only show formats that can be created with archive format tabs that can be created from "Create Library", and archive conversion from "Save As".
I assigned the shortcut key "CTRL + '+' or '-'" or "CTRL + SHIFT + '+' or '-'" to the font zoom function.
Corrected writing incorrectly the offset (stub size) of 7z self-extracting archive and NSIS installer in the inspection result of the archive.
I replaced it with 7z.dll v.18.06 (Dec.). (Some of the SFX modules are compiled on our side)

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 2.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2019, 18:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Notwendige Anpassungen und Optimierung sowie Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

- French translation updated

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2019, 20:15
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Whats new: >>

Added support for IS 5.6.2.
Fixed regresson bug introduced by 5.6.0 support.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>

- Hungarian translation updated

Titel: Explzh 7.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2019, 09:17
Whats new:>>

Improved how to sort the file name string of numbers.
In the environment you are using a part of the display driver, it was to address the problem that the drawing of the "archive creation" in the dialog there is a place that has not been well.

Titel: PeaZip 6.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2019, 18:00
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Updated to Pea 0.65
Updated to 7z 18.06


Updated to Wolfgang Ehrhardt math libray util_2018-11-27


Various fixes and improvements
can now convert images to Windows icon .ico format
fixed bug in redundant directory removal in „Extract to new folder“
fixed bug preventing opening some archives created on Unix systems
fixed bug showing incorrect file count for displayed archive content in some cases


Multiple archiving and extraction tasks are now performed in a signle instance of the graphic launcher, which is easier to hide / move / resize on screen
upper progress bar shows progress of the current task, progress bar on the bottom of the form shows overall progress (if multiple tasks are launched)

Previewing files in archive can now be disallowed – avoids leftover data even in cases of system crash or if the application is forcedly arrested – setting Working path to new option „None (no preview)“
Command line switch -ext2full remapped to -ext2main, in order to avoid duplication of analogous functions now main program’s extraction form is the standard UI for full featured extraction


Reduced package size transforming PeaLauncher from standalone executable to form of PeaZip application


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2019, 04:45
Whats new:>>

- Language corrections

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2019, 13:06
Whats new:>>

- Installation aktualisiert

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2019, 09:03
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

GUI bugfix listview
Language corrections

Titel: Explzh 7.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2019, 13:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

It was the improvement of the UTF-8 determination routine of for the Japanese multi-byte character string.
In the "archive creation" dialog, Addresses an issue in which there is a environment in which characters are garbled of [rk] If you are introducing a rk.exe.
We changed the sort of tree view.

Titel: 7-Zip 19.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 13:45
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.

Whats new:>>

Encryption strength for 7z archives was increased:
the size of random initialization vector was increased from 64-bit to 128-bit,
and the pseudo-random number generator was improved.
Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Detect It Easy v2.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2019, 10:15
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


  • Qt 5.6.3
  • Qwt 6.1.4
  • New scanning method: YARA
  • New detects
  • Many bugs have been fixed
Titel: Bandizip 6.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2019, 10:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



Stop supporting ACE format due to vulnerability (CVE-2018-20250)
Fixed: Crash problem while extracting specific NSIS
Fixed: Shell extension does not work for the specific case
Some minor bug fixes


Titel: Explzh 7.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

In response to vulnerability of directory traversal of Ace archive, we responded to (with compression and expansion) of Ace archive. (The automatic update function of UNACEV 2. DLL will also be disabled.)
UNACEV2.DLL "is automatically deleted if" UNACEV2.DLL "is found in the System folder at startup of the installer.
It replaced it with UnRAR.dll (2019/02 / 21 Ver.0.08).
I replaced 7z.dll and SFX module with (2019/02 / 21 Ver.19.00).

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.3.8 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2019, 13:42
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

New Features and Bugfixes:

update 7-Zip to 19.00
fix issue #66 (the blurring)

Compression versions in this release:

Brotli Version 1.0.7
Fast LZMA2 0.9.2
Lizard Version 1.0
LZ4 Version 1.8.3
LZ5 Version 1.5
Zstandard Version 1.3.8 (new API)


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2019, 21:10
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Komplette Überarbeitung Ver. 3.0
Und notwendige Designanpassungen sowie Optimierung
Ebenso die Sprachdateien in NonCompressibleFiles Aktualisierung.

Info: Bitte lassen Sie das "_p" - Zeichen, es ist der Portable Indicator, so das es portabel funktionieren soll.

_p.exe or xxxx_p_ccccc.exe, .....

Titel: Explzh 7.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2019, 12:14
Whats new:>>

Fixed that 7z self-extracting archive containing files was listed as PE file without being recognized as 7z archive.
Several other fixes were made.

Titel: Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2019, 13:28
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


Added support for InstallScript installers
Added support for .bsa, .ba2 archives using BSA Browser
Added support for .pex scripts using Champollion
Added support for Bruns Engine encrypted files
Added support for .mo translation files using GNU gettext
Added support for .qm translation files using Qt Linguist
Added support for encrypted .wolf archives using WolfDec (plugin)
Added support for StuffIt X archives
Added support for install4j installers
Added TotalObserver as additional extractor choice for InstallShield
Added nightly update channel
Added changelog to update found message box
Added progress bar while search for update is in progress as the new updater might need more time than the old one on some systems
Added build date to 'About' window and feedback data
Added beta update channel
Added 'Open most recent log file' menu item
Fixed first-start assistant not being displayed when running from command line
Fixed language setting being reset if language file does not exist
Fixed UI images not being loaded if starting UniExtract from context menu
Fixed extraction from context menu if UniExtract is in scan mode
Fixed some files being misdetected as disk images
Fixed status box not being updated for some file types
Fixed MSI extraction failing for some files, which were supported in previous versions of Universal Extractor, thanks to mzso
Fixed some options ('Open folder after extraction', 'Keep Open') being ignored and UniExtract not exiting as intended (setting exit code, delete empty output directory) after certain message boxes, thanks to davidhbrown
Fixed some problems with file names containing non-ASCII characters
Fixed GUI being cut off if Windows font scaling is enabled
Fixed NSIS bin files extraction: prevented error message for every bin file; status box now displays correct file information
Fixed 'Update failed' error message on every start of UniExtract if not connected to the internet
Changed preferences dialog: redesigned GUI, added option to remove additional files, replaced numeral update interval with daily, weekly, etc. presets, removed timeout setting, added beta update setting
Changed file scan results message box: the name of the detector is now shown along with its result, output can now beselected and copied easily
Changed first start assistant: removed 2 pages and changed some wording
Changed msi extraction: added method selector prompt if the default extractor fails
Changed plugin file selector to use 'Downloads' folder as default
Improved file scan results for non-executable files
Improved UniExtract logo quality
Improved text quality for several dialogs
Removed RPGMaker Decrypter plugin, replaced with RGSS Decryptor CLI
Removed mpq plugin, replaced with built-in TotalObserver
Removed StuffIt Expander, replaced with unar
Removed FLV Extract CL, decompression is done with FFMPEG instead
Updated 7Zip to 19.00
Updated demoleition to 0.60
Updated EnigmaVB unpacker to 0.55
Updated fsbext to 0.3.8
Updated innounp to 0.48
Updated lessmsi to 1.6.1 mod
Updated QuickBMS to 0.9.0
Updated rmvdec to 1.1.0
Updated SQLite to 3.25.1
Updated ttarchext to 0.3.1a
Updated VISExt to 2.2.6777.0
Updated ZPAQ to 7.15
Updated Czech translation, thanks to DžejPý
Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation, thanks to deluxghost
Updated Chinese (Traditional) translation, thanks to jfcherng
Updated Croatian translaton, thanks to Alen Bajo
Updated Finnish translation, thanks to jyrkive
Updated Greek translation, thanks to gvp9000
Updated Italian translation, thanks to NAMP and tfr
Updated Korean translation, thanks to 까꿍
Updated Polish translaton, thanks to Barnaba and dmocha
Updated Russian translation, thanks to wvxwxvw
Updated Spanish translation, thanks to GGobbi
Updated Ukrainian translation, thanks to YuriPet


Titel: Explzh 7.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2019, 18:10
Whats new:>>

For installers (such as Google Chrome Installer) that have archive data (7z) in the resource, open the archive in the resource.
In addition, some corrections in character code judgment were made.

Titel: PeaZip 6.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2019, 18:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Updated to 7z 19.00


Recompiled with Lazarus 2.0
Various fixes


Drag and drop extraction results in hiding the main form, consistently to behavior from Extraction and Archiving screens


Extraction: "Smart new folder" option improves and replaces "Remove redundant directory" option
if the new folder contains a single object (file or folder), content is copied outside and the extra folder is removed (removes extra folder layer and preserves original names of archived folders), if copying the content outside the new folder fails, the content is kept in the new folder
smart extraction is meant to guarantee that a single item is extracted, to avoid flooding target directory of multiple unexpected items, and that no unneeded level of directory nesting is added
Improved GUI feedback during preliminary steps of archives conversion and "TAR before" procedures
Improved GUI feedback running option to delete original sources
Improved information shown about running archiving / extraction tasks


(Windows) Extraction from context menu results in a single queue consistently with behavior from Extraction screen, and consistently with archiving from context menu
(Windows) "Extract here (to new folder)" context menu entry now enforces creation of new folder level (disable smart new folder)
(Windows) "Extract here (smart)" context menu entry (new) enforces using smart new folder option
this item is now flagged by default during installation in place of "Extract here (to new folder)"- can be changed during installation


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2019, 21:20
Whats new: >>

Bug-fix bei nicht Komprimierbaren Dateien über 10 MB unter x64 Win OS
Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen sowie Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: Bandizip 6.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2019, 09:12

New: Support for ACE extraction (Based on Public UnAce Package. unacev2.dll is not used)
Fixed: Crash under a certain condition on low memory systems
Fixed: The compressed archive is not shown under a specific condition
Fixed: Error message is not shown when closing the explorer window during a drag and drop
Fixed: Invalid file-time when extracting some specific RAR5
Fixed: Cannot extract specific ARJ
Fixed: Memory leaks in ZPAQ module
Some minor bug fixes


Titel: IZArc2 v4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2019, 17:15
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.

Licence: Freeware



    Support for LHA archives;
    Some small bugs.

Removed support for ACE archives due to found security vulnerability in UNACEV2.DLL library.
Updated translations.


Titel: Explzh 7.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2019, 13:15

Since v.7.75, it has been fixed [* 1] that it was not possible to add / delete to existing 7z.

    [* 1] How to add editing function to 7z is only to copy 7-zip32.dll (or 7-zip64.dll) to the system folder. (There is no need to make any other settings.)

When expanding a library that has detected a path traversal, display a "warning dialog" that describes two of the path and the path for which measures have been taken, and visually confirm the expansion in advance while "expanding across folders (directory traversal)" Can now be avoided.
Several other fixes were made.


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.3.8 Release 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2019, 19:45
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

update Fast LZMA2 to v1.0.0
another try to fix issue #66 (fix blurring, used default manifest files)

Compression versions in this release:

Brotli Version 1.0.7
Fast LZMA2 1.0.0
Lizard Version 1.0
LZ4 Version 1.8.3
LZ5 Version 1.5
Zstandard Version 1.3.8 (new API)


Titel: Explzh 7.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2019, 09:05
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the bug that the sort function in list view screen did not function correctly when the library name is Unicode library name.
When sorting the detail column items of the list view in 4K environment, it was corrected that the 16-pixel icon was drawn overlapping.
Added an option to suppress the comment dialog display when there is a comment in the archive.

Titel: 7zip Batch Compression 0.3.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2019, 13:39
7zip Batch Compression is a software program whose purpose is to aid individuals in batch-compressing their items, using some of the methods incorporated.


Titel: PeaZip 6.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2019, 19:15
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



In Help > About screen were added buttons to quickly remove UNACE and UNRAR plugin, if installed, which are based on closed source software and available as separate add-ons


Various fixes and improvements


Tabs were made more visible in extraction and archiving screens, launcher, etc


When multiple tasks are running, current and overall progress bars are both shown on the bottom of the launcher window
Launcher window can now be sent in background to system tray
tray icon shows progress of current task or tasks list
tray icon context menu allows to pause and stop current task(s), and explore input and output path


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.0 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2019, 12:15

New Features and Bugfixes:

update Zstandard to v1.4.0

Compression versions in this release:

Brotli Version 1.0.7
Fast LZMA2 1.0.0
Lizard Version 1.0
LZ4 Version 1.8.3
LZ5 Version 1.5
Zstandard Version 1.4.0 (new API)


Titel: Detect It Easy v2.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2019, 13:51
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


Titel: PeaZip 6.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2019, 11:30

Created general purpose dragdropfilesdll.dll to handle drag and drop from application to Windows 32 and 64 bit systems, built from DragDropLazarus Lazarus package (which is required only for compiling the dll), which is based on work of Angus Johnson & Anders Melander (on Delphi), and Michael Köcher / six (on Lazarus)

(Windows) Added native drag and drop from application to system
(Windows) File copy / move / recycle operations are performed in standard GUI dialogs

(Windows) New native drag and drop extraction
On native drag and drop extraction, extra level of directory nesting are automatically removed (unless browsing archive in flat or search mode)
Old custom drag and drop extraction is still available as alternative in Options > Settings > General


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.0 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2019, 17:45

New Features and Bugfixes:

update LZ4 to v1.9.1
Fast LZMA2: Pass blockSize to fast-lzma2 and limit it to 256MiB

Compression versions in this release:

LZ4 Version 1.9.1


Titel: Universal Extractor 2 v2.0.0 RC 2b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2019, 13:34
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


RC 2b is a bugfix update adressing problems with the beta update channel

    Fixed updater not downloading the correct version of UniExtract if 'Install beta updates' option is enabled
    Changed preferences dialog: after changing 'Install beta updates' UniExtract now automatically searches for updates


Titel: Explzh 7.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2019, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Other than 7z archives that 7z.dll supports even if "7-zip32 (| 64) .dll is used" setting (ARJ, CHM, DMG, HFS, WIM, CHM, PE, NSIS, SWF) We also made it possible to view and expand such as.
Fixed the problem that WIM file could not be opened because the judgment of WIM file was wrong.
We have made some other fixes.

Titel: Inno Setup Unpacker 0.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2019, 16:45
Inno Setup Unpacker is an unpacker for installations made by Inno Setup, a popular program for making software installations. Supports Inno Setup versions 2.0.8 through 5.5.3.

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Whats new: >>

Added support for IS 6.0.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2019, 12:15
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Bug: Code Signing Zertifikat und Update der Sprachdateien NonCompressibleFiles
NonCompressibleFiles ist derzeit ohne dieses certificate weil es nur probleme macht
Neue Sprache in nicht komprimierbaren Dateien: Polnisch

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.260
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 05:50
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Installation updated (.exe.config)

Titel: PeaZip 6.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2019, 16:45


    Code cleanup


    Various fixes and improvements


    Encrypted archives are now tested before extraction to ask for password if needed
    Fixed bug preventing to complete test of some encrypted archives
    Improved performance of list / test operations
    Improved progress bar accurancy for most archive formats
    Position and size of launcher window is now saved
    (Windows) Native drag and drop extraction now try to locate destination path with same method of custom drag and drop, in order to write the data directly to destination path
    performances improved, trying to write directly to destination volume a further copy operation overhead is avoided
    security improved, trying to avoid extracting data to temp path which may have different security properties than output path
    stability improved, trying to avoid extracting temporary data to a volume which may have not enough free space


Titel: Explzh 7.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2019, 09:19
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    It supports 7z.exe of console version. Added support for adding, editing, deleting and renaming files in the 7z archive as a GUI front end. (7z.exe is bundled) * I would like to thank Igor Pavlov for developing and publishing the wonderful archiver 7z.
    Added support for changing Unicode name of stored file in RAR archive.
    Fixed the problem that Pkware version Aes encryption zip (zip ver. 6.2) could not be expanded in Explzh 32bit version. (There is no problem with general ZIP encryption archives or WinZip version AES encryption ZIP. Also, Explzh 64 bit version does not have this problem)
    In addition, we coped with some requests from users and corrected them.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.270
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2019, 21:20
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    Bugfix for window position
    Info dialog updated

Titel: Bandizip 6.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 12:16
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Added support for GARBLE algorithm of ARJ format
    Added support for obfuscated-deflate algorithm of ALZ format
    Added support for HTTP Proxy when you update manually
    Fixed a bug where some damaged ISO files cannot be opened
    Fixed a bug where file time information of specific ISO is not handled correctly
    Fixed a bug where Bandizip cannot open SFX(RAR, LZH, ARJ) files that are compressed in DOS
    Some minor bug fixes


Titel: Bandizip 6.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 12:25
Whats new:>>

SFX-related bug fixes

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.280
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2019, 13:14
Whats new:>>

- Hungarian translation updated

Titel: Detect It Easy v2.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2019, 09:15
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Titel: Explzh 7.81.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 20:15
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



In addition compression to the header encrypted 7z archive, the password in the archive is specified the same.
In addition, we have made some corrections to the addition and update to the existing 7z archives.


Titel: Explzh 7.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2019, 09:14

    Fixed a bug that a search may be canceled without being able to enter a password (in the case of 7z header encrypted archives) in an in-library search
    It coped with the point that additional compression could not be performed for Unicode library name 7z. The log from 7z.exe has also been changed to output in UTF-8 (Unicode).
    Added the -r option in 7z additional compression. (In some cases extra files were added by the -r option.)


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2019, 16:40
Whats new:>>

    Hungarian updated by LaMoLa, many thanks :)
    Options dialog extended

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2019, 09:06
Whats new:>>

- Italian translation updated

Titel: Explzh 7.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 13:22

    It has been made possible to update the archive after editing a file containing Unicode file names. (LZH, ZIP, 7z, RAR)It corresponded to the correction of CAB file.
    The file name encoding and the number of files are checked, and if there is an incorrect header, it will be corrected to a normal header.
    In an environment set to [Regional Settings]-[Use Unicode UTF-8 for World Wide Language Support], filename characters in cabinet files containing ANSI multi-byte characters are garbled due to differences in encoding To do. In "Modify CAB File", it is also possible to batch convert cabinet files on those UTF-8 environments into UTF-8 cabinet files.
    Fixed a bug that could cause an invalid cabinet file to be created when deleting, adding, or renaming an existing cabinet archive that contains both ASCII and UTF-8 storage file names. did.


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.2 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2019, 12:17
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to v1.4.2
    update Fast LZMA2 to v1.0.1
    fix: 7za.exe -m0=ZSTD paramter (issue #86)
    fixed default compression level for lizard (issue #88)
    Vanilla 7-Zip compatibility options are marked with '[std]' in the Compression dialog now (issue #80)

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.1
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.2 (new API)


Titel: AZip 2.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2019, 16:45
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Titel: AZip 2.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>

    Option for a default extraction directory
    Drag & Drop from a folder within AZip to Windows Explorer or the Desktop
    Context menus within AZip

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2019, 13:16
Whats new:>>

- Greek translation updated

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.320
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 05:37
Whats new:>>

Polish translation added by Fresta

Titel: PeaZip 6.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 05:50
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3


Updated links of online resources to https form
Various fixes and improvements

Confirmation is now asked before adding, and renaming / moving files inside archives if items with same names already exists *
Files / folders added to existing archive are now added to the directory that is currently being browsed *
"Open as archive" is now the standard action for opening unknown file types with PeaZip, consistently with other file archivers
PeaZip now supports editing files in archives *
Known archive types are automatically asked to be updated when temporary preview files are modified
Auto syncing can be turned off in options General > Auto update modified files in archives
Archives can manually be synced on request from context menu More > Force update modified files in archives
This allows to try to force to sync arbitrary archive types

PeaZip shows estimated remaining time for archive / extract / test operations *

(Windows) improved handling of file extensions association in installation and unistallation procedures

* for archive typse supported trough 7z/p7zip backend


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2019, 21:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen in NonCompressibleFiles und Anpassungen für den nächsten Windows 10-Build
Neue Sprachen für den Nicht komprimierbarer Dateiersteller: Afrikanisch, Japanisch, Niederländisch

Titel: AZip 2.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2019, 12:00
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Titel: PeaZip 6.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2019, 19:00


Configure application and file associations link replicated in Settings, Archive manager tab
Fixes in editing files in archives
Updated translations


Titel: Bandizip 6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 11:00
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Fixed: Security issue when using "Open file location" feature
    Improved: Installer
    Other modifications


Titel: Explzh 7.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2019, 18:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

Added support for silent installation.

Titel: PeaZip v6.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2019, 21:15

Various fixes

(Windows) Setting language for application texts also sets language of context menu entries
this requires elevation if UAC is enabled, works both from application (Options > Language) and from installer


Titel: FUPX (Free UPX) 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2019, 20:50
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.



    The program's main window has been almost completely redesigned. All controls for controlling UPX settings have been placed on the panel visible on the right side of the main window. In addition, for easier navigation, they were divided into categories and placed on smaller foldable panels.
    From now the program is also available in a 64-bit version.
    The information module has been significantly expanded. Now, detailed information about PE (Portable Executable), ELF, Mach-O and Mach-Fat executable files is displayed.
    New columns: Icon, Full file name, OS (operating system).
    File list toolbar has been added.
    Added option to skip compressing individual files in the window with compression progress.
    Added option to reload the file list.
    A module checking availability of program updates has been added.
    New About window displaying additional information.
    Many minor changes and improvements.


Titel: Explzh 7.86.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2019, 18:40
Latest Changes:>>

Fixed a bug embedded in v.7.85 that could not extract RAR archives from shell extensions.

Titel: Explzh 7.86.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2019, 04:40
Latest Changes:>>

Fixed a bug embedded in v.7.85 that RAR archive cannot be expanded from shell extension.

Titel: Explzh 7.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2019, 12:14
Latest Changes:>>

    Before entering the decompression of encrypted ZIP from the shell extension warning that "The password is incorrect" fixed a bug that was out.
    Fixed a bug that fail to convert the "encrypted ZIP" from the "encryption ZIP" in the stored have a state.

Titel: Detect It Easy 2.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2019, 05:10
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    (DiE packed with UPX has AnitVirus alerts)

Titel: DataNumen Zip Repair
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2019, 13:40
An intuitive and reliable software solution that help users repair corrupted ZIP or self-extracting files as well as recover data.

Free for personal non-commercial use with a nag-screen when you initiate the repair process.

Whats new:>>

Improve the recovery rate for partially corrupt items.
Fix some minor bugs.

Titel: Explzh 7.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2019, 20:15

    Added support for conversion to a ZIP archive contains file names in UTF-8 format archive. 2-byte name character encoding to NFD → NFC of stored files in the ZIP archive that was created on the macOS, also file name character of the archive in the NFC is optimized for Windows. You can batch conversion in the shortcut key "CTRL + U". ※ [menu] -> [Tools] -> [ZIP, convert the CAB archive to UTF-8 format archive]
    It added support for editing of the ZIP archive that was created in macOS.
    In addition to the stored ZIP archive with the file name of the UTF-8, has been fixed a bug that when you overwrite add the same name of the ANSI file will store the file in double.
    Worldwide language support (UTF-8 environment) of the name of the stored files of the ZIP archive of on change, attribute change, delete, now supports additional compression. (ANSI format archive is on the World Wide language support (UTF-8 environment) will be garbled in the stored file name of the 2-byte characters. As a pre-measures to avoid this problem, archive is UTF-8 format archive in it it is recommended that you operate.)
    The encrypted archive Fixed a bug that could not be converted from the "Save As" to other types of archive.
    Fixed a bug that you can not create a "new folder" to the file storage that is not 7z archive of.
    Fixed a bug that could not delete the stored files of the RAR archive.
    Others, made a few modifications.


Titel: Explzh 7.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2019, 16:15
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that uncompressed data was stored when "Encode 2-byte file name to UTF-8" was set to "Off" in "Default setting for ZIP compression". Thanks to TS_AKT_KKK for reporting from twitter. * Arcext.dll
    Fix ZIP archives now create UTF-8 archives by default. (If you want to create in ANSI version, please uncheck "Encode 2-byte file name to UTF-8" in [Default setting for ZIP

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2019, 20:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Small improvements and update the language file
Testing and Verification for Windows 10 November 2019 Update Build 18362

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.3 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2019, 04:55
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to v1.4.3
    update LZ4 to v1.9.2

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.3 (new API)


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.4 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2019, 13:08

New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to v1.4.4

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.4


Titel: PeaZip v7.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 05:45
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



PEA 0.66


Added option to automatically open tar archive inside tar.* compressed files
Option is on by default, can be set in Options > Settings > Archive manager
Drag & drop can now be hot swapped between standard and custom mode while using the application
Improved finding duplicate files, both with crc/hash and quick duplicate check: Info column shows "D" for duplicate for each copy of file with same digest value, except the last copy found
Sorting files for Info column allows to quickly select (and delete) duplicate items
Sorting files for checksum/hash column allows to easily compare identical files as in previous versions
New function to analyze content of folders in file browser (from column header menu)
Info column marks empty folders with "E"
Checksum/hash column shows content of folders: number of directories, number of files, and total size
New scaling mechanism for better support of high DPI in PeaZip and Pea executables
UI elements are scaled at run time at discrete steps zooming up to 10x of design time size, using Lazaruz LCL scaling
Graphic is accordingly scaled at run time, accepting arbitrarily sized graphic sources
Embedded 16 and 32 pixel icons are currently provided with 3x definition (48 and 96 pixel respectively) to provide high quality graphic up to 300% scaling
New themes for PeaZip version 7+ uses 8 or 32 bit PNG with transparency, and currently provides 16 and 32 pixel icons upscaled to 3x definition
New Windows icons for menus and file types; new icons allows to better distinguish supported file types, at large and small resolutions
When a single file of unsupported format is passed as parameter, the application lets the user decide if to try to open it as archive or to add it to new archive
Various fixes
Fixed System benchmark tool


Improved progress bar accuracy
Option to delete input files after task completion is now globally applied to all archiving / extraction functions
Also batch version of direct archiving / extraction functions now apply the deletion on completion policy accordingly to the application's configuration
Alternative versions of batch commands are now available in order to explicitly ignore deletion on completion policy, with "i" appended after function name: -add2peai, -add2crypti, -add27zi, -add27zmaili, -add2separate7zi, -add2sfx7zi, -add2sfx7zmaili, -add2zipi, -add2zipmaili, -add2separatezipi, and -ext2herei, -ext2folderi, -ext2toi, ext2tofolderi, -ext2simplei, -ext2simplefolderi
Fixed and improved -add2split batch command, can now accept multiple input files and folders (if more than one file is passed as input it will be consolidated in a tar archive)


Improved Windows 32 and 64 bit installers
Added shortcuts to selectively start PeaZip in add, extract or open mode
Shortcuts are saved in application's entry in Start Menu, and in program's path, and can be freely moved/copied for ease of use
By default now the installer associate files and create menu entries for all users (local machine)
New "Install for current user only" checkbox, unchecked by default, to run the installer for current user only
Various fixes and removal of legacy code


Titel: Explzh 7.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2019, 09:04
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Fix the point at which the thumbnail display is not going well in some of the archive format.
    Wndows10 of: was confirmed in the "beta Worldwide (UTF-8) Environment", it was conducted and fixes some of the measures for the garbled that occur in the character encoding difference.
    Added "to hold the update date and time of the archive file" to the "compression time option".
    Optimization of the path name at the time of thawing (path Butler bar monkeys and the end of the file name is ".", Handling of "") was improved method of.

    Added support for file names longer than MAX_PATH (260 characters). LZH, ZIP, supports TAR, 7z, in the RAR:

    The length of the path name that is stored in the archive has limited 512 bytes, including the folder and file names. 512 bytes of the path that exceeds the length (relative path), it is truncated to 512 bytes. (Files and folders very long path name is often made to the "unrecognized" file from Windows Explorer. In such a case you want to delete a file or folder is compressed by D & D to Explzh while holding down the SHIFT key please. after compression, the file will be deleted.)
    LHA is if it is specified level0, level1 header, will be stored is changed to level2.
    CAB is not available on the specifications of the header. The path name is limited to MAX_PATH (260 characters).
    Others, made a minor fixes.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2019, 09:06
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Language corrections

Titel: Explzh 7.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2019, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that failed to deploy 7z and tar in v.7.91.

Titel: Explzh 7.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2019, 18:10
Whats new:>>

In the normalization process of the part of the file name character, it gave a correct for that process, including the characters that are not allowed in Windows has not been done.

Titel: Explzh 7.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2019, 21:30
Whats new:>>

MAX_PATH (file name 260 character limit) character beyond Fixed a bug that was found in the correspondence.
Others, made a correction.

Titel: Explzh 7.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2019, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that failed to expand 7z encrypted archives in v.7.94.
    The maximum number of file name characters for stored files has been changed from 512 characters to 1023 characters.

Titel: PeaZip 7.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2019, 21:20


Pea 0.67


Various memory management, speed, responsivity and stability optimizations
For archive browsing, fast mode (equivalent to previous versions default mode):
Up to -15% memory usage browsing archives containing large number of files
Up to +35% speed browsing and testing for encryption archives containing large number of files


Added mass rename option to prepend progressive number to filenames
Action is available in Context menu, File manager > Rename > 1, 2, 3...
Items will be numbered following the current sorting order, e.g. name, time/date, size, extension...
Added support for navigation with mouse buttons
Button3 go up
Button4 go forward
Button5 go back
New archive browsing optimization option available in Options > Settings > General, Performance group
Normal, no optimization
Fast (default, works as "fast open routine" option in previos versions), stop pre-browsing archives containing very large number of files to preserve performance
Fastest, do not pre-browse archives for very fast opening, as downside this mode does not show archive information, and may non correctly list some out of standard archives
Row select option for file / archive browser is now duplicated in context menu > Navigation for better discoverability

Updated translations


Fixed: archives are tested for encryption before extraction from SendTo menu entries and from command line
Improved detection of multipart archives for automatic deletion after extraction option
Alongside .001 spanning (as in 7-Zip and PeaZip) are now recognized .z01, .zx01, .rar01, .part1.rar spanning conventions followed by WinZip and WinRar

Titel: Explzh 7.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2020, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that compression processing was interrupted without skipping files that could not be opened due to sharing violations while creating archives
    Fixed the problem that empty folders were created when extracting files from a directory under the directory on the main unit view screen when extracting LHA and extracting the files from the menu
    Addressed an issue where the function "Keep archived files updated" did not work after "Rename" in ZIP format
    When the result log cannot display a character string of more than 1024 characters per line, it is wrapped (no drawing) (Because the standard text control of Windows has a limit of 1023 characters per line)
    Extended archive file name character buffer to 4160 characters (LZH, ZIP, RAR, 7z)
    Faster automatic update function (Effective from the next automatic update)
    Bug fix for Unicode support

Titel: Explzh 7.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2020, 12:52

    Fixed in the environment you are not using, if you edit a stored file, such as a text editor, a bug that had become rather can automatically update the contents of the archive in tab mode.
    Each current current of the archive was to address the points that were not stored from a state in which the open multiple archive when you switch tabs in the tab mode.
    After changing the name of a stored file, it has been improved to focus display the file to the original position of the original current folder.
    Of cabinet ANSI-> UTF-8 conversion function (CTRL + U) Fixed a bug that was not working.
    Storage file has been corresponding to the folder double deterrent function in the case of Unicode file names.
    In decompression operation, the number of characters in the full path name or relative path name 4160 or more characters for [* 1] more than (and expected) that has to suppress the process. (Display a warning dialog)
    [* 1] If you can not be deleted from Windows Explorer file has been created path name is long, please try to D & D compression to Explzh while holding down the SHIFT key and select the file (folder). The path name will be deleted if the file of less than 4159 characters.


Titel: Explzh 7.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2020, 13:50

    Fixed a bug that the "Quick Extract" button in the address bar did not work.
    Fixed a bug that archive conversion could not be performed from "Save as" from tar.xx.
    Fixed a problem that 7z self-extracting archive could not be created from "Create Archive" in the shell menu.
    Immediately below the drive Fixed a bug where unpacking using "Unpack here" was not possible.
    Fixed a problem that the contents of the archive could not be updated after editing the stored file with a text editor.
    The list view has basically been changed to work with the "virtual list view".
    The label of the tile view (tile display) of the list view has been changed to display only the file name.


Titel: Bandizip 6.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2020, 06:20
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Crash issue when opening a certain type of CAB file.
    New code signing certificate has been installed.
    Other modifications.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2020, 06:25
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    Installation updated: UnInstCleanup V1.520
    Internal corrections

Titel: UPX 3.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2020, 09:08
Whats new:>>

bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/5

Titel: Explzh 7.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2020, 11:45
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    ZIP self-extracting archive Fixed a problem that failed to create DecZipW (Unicode self-extracting archive). (There is no problem creating an ANSI self-extracting archive)
    Fixed the problem that some ISO (UDF) format lists could not be obtained.
    LHa's "Moving function of storage directory" LhaMoveFile () has been suspended.


Titel: Bandizip 7.0 Beta 41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2020, 05:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Fixed bug that UI appears blurry on HiDPI display
    Fixed bug that right-to-left languages are displayed incorrectly (e.g. Arabic)
    New feature using Alt + Left/Right arrow to go back/forward one folder
    Improved support for multi-monitor environment
    Installer detects CPU automatically (x86/x64/ARM64) and downloads compatible files, enabling traffic management and faster update.
    New feature displaying images with thumbnails on View > File list > Icons
    New feature displaying files with large icons (displaying images with larger thumbnails)
    SFX(EXE) files created by Bandizip no longer work with Windows XP.
    Improved command processing for command line interface
    Improved feature “Open file location”
    Wildcards are available in filenames for command line interface, enabling decompression of multiple archives.
    Improved update setting


Titel: PeaZip 7.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2020, 18:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




Added Brotli 1.0.7 backend
Added Zstd 1.4.4 backend
Pea 0.68


Various fixes and improvements


Added "Type here to search in current path" hint to address bar to make this feature more esaily discoverable
Added compression method information when browsing archives supported through 7z/p7zip backend
Improved file rename
Added option to rename only files
Improved hints about rename functions in confirmation dialogs
Improved management of compressed TAR files
Brotli, LPAQ, QUAD/BALZ/BCM, and Zstandard backed now supports previewing compressed TAR files
Same formats now supports option to auto open compressed TAR archive (previously applied only to formats supported through 7z/p7zip backend)
Same formats now supports smart extraction feature


Added read / write / test support for Brotli (.br) and Zstandard (.zst) files
Added more dictionary size options for LZMA / LZMA2
Added compression preset ("Add" button's dropdown menu) for ZIP, Bzip2 method, fast compression
Improved direct extraction from PeaZip's file browser
Context menu and Extract dropdown menu now features: extract all here, extract all here smart, extract all here to new folder
Reduced duplication of destinations in Extract dropdown menu
Extract all to moved to More group in context menu
Keyboard shortcuts:
extract all here Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E
extract all here smart Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
extract all here to new folder Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
Instantaneous compression ratio % is shown while running 7z/p7zip compression tasks


Titel: 7-Zip 20.00 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2020, 13:20
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now supports new optional match finders for LZMA/LZMA2 compression: bt5 and hc5, that can work faster than bt4 and hc4 match finders for the data with big redundancy.

    The compression ratio was improved for Fast and Fastest compression levels with the following default settings:

    Fastest level (-mx1) : hc5 match finder with 256 KB dictionary.
    Fast level (-mx3) : hc5 match finder with 4 MB dictionary.
    Minor speed optimizations in multithreaded LZMA/LZMA2 compression for Normal/Maximum/Ultra compression levels.
    bzip2 decoding code was updated to support bzip2 archives, created by lbzip2 program.
    Some bugs were fixed.
    New localization: Turkmen.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.350
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2020, 09:06
Whats new:>>

Installation updated

Titel: Bandizip 7.0 Beta 45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2020, 09:13

    New feature “Antimalware Scan on Archive” scanning for malware in an archive without decompression
    Fixed issue that processing speed is low when (de)compressing multiple files of small sizes individually


Titel: Explzh 8.00a Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2020, 18:20

List file information of stored files is searched by hashing. Archives with a large number of stored files (especially Unicode file name characters) are somewhat faster to display.
When the password character of the ZIP encrypted archive contains '"', it was not able to open in Explzh and decompress individually from the list. (This problem does not occur with immediate decompression (full decompression))
In the creation of ZIP self-extracting format (DECZIP-SFX [Unicode]), it was corrected that the self-extracting archive was not created by correcting the "offset position" of the created ZIP header. (For ZIP self-extracting archives that have not been offset-corrected, an error is displayed during the inspection of the archives, but self-decompression can be performed normally. Even if they have been distributed, there is no particular problem)
The "LHa command line operation" function, which was only implemented in the 32-bit version, has been abolished and replaced with the "command line execution" function using 7z.exe.
Fixed the "Do not create folder if there is only one folder in the archive" option of the decompression destination folder creation suppression function was not working properly.


Titel: Bandizip 7.0 Build 31705
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2020, 09:14

    New license system:

    Bandizip 7.0 is released in 3 types of editions: Standard (Free) / Professional (Paid) / Enterprise (Paid)


    Bandizip 7.0 uses an online installer.
    Advertisements appear on Bandizip Standard Edition.


    SFX (EXE) files created by Bandizip no longer work with Windows XP.
    Changed name of command line compression tool for console (bc.exe → bz.exe)

    New features and improvements:

    Advanced compression settings
    New feature displaying images with thumbnails on View > File list > Icons
    New feature “Single-click to open an item”
    New feature using Alt + Left/Right arrow to go back/forward one folder
    New feature displaying images with thumbnails on View > File list > Icons
    New feature displaying files with large icons
    (Displaying images with larger thumbnails)
    New feature processing hard-linked files in TAR format
    New feature pre-allocating disk space for an output file
    (Minimizing disk fragmentation and improving speed in decompression)
    New command “rn” for command line interface
    Wildcards are available in filenames for command line interface, enabling decompression of multiple archives.
    Installer detects CPU automatically (x86/x64/ARM64) and downloads compatible files, enabling traffic management and faster update.
    Decompressing NSIS format on its own without relying on external libraries
    Decompressing UDF format on its own without relying on external libraries (support for UDF 2.60)
    Decompressing PMA (LHA) format in PM1 method
    Decompressing Google Brotli (.br) format
    Decompressing Facebook Zstandard (.zstd) format
    Improved speed in compression and decompression
    Improved speed in decompression of RAR5 file
    Improved speed in decompression of some types of 7Z file
    Improved support for multi-monitor environment
    Improved support for DOS SFX format
    Improved support for ZIP file compressed in MBCS on Unix
    Improved processing method for code page in TAR format
    Improved command processing for command line interface
    Improved feature “Open file location”
    Improved update settings

    Resolved issues:

    Fixed bug that UI appears blurry on HiDPI display
    Fixed bug that right-to-left languages are displayed incorrectly (e.g. Arabic)
    Fixed issue that processing speed is low when (de)compressing multiple files of small sizes individually


Titel: Explzh 8.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2020, 11:20

List file information of stored files is searched by hashing. Archives with a large number of stored files (especially Unicode file name characters) are somewhat faster to display.
When the password character of the ZIP encrypted archive contains '"', it was not able to open in Explzh and decompress individually from the list. (This problem does not occur with immediate decompression (full decompression))
In the creation of ZIP self-extracting format (DECZIP-SFX [Unicode]), it was corrected that the self-extracting archive was not created by correcting the "offset position" of the created ZIP header. (For ZIP self-extracting archives that have not been offset-corrected, an error will be displayed during the inspection of the archives, but self-decompression can be performed normally. Even if they have been distributed, there is no particular problem)
The "LHa command line operation" function, which was only implemented in the 32-bit version, has been abolished and replaced with the "command line execution" function using 7z.exe. (It can be started by [SHIFT] + [F7]. [list display command] is input by D & D of the archive in the dialog, and the archive list is displayed in [Result log] from the [Execute] button.)
Fixed the "Do not create folder if there is only one folder in the archive" option of the decompression destination folder creation suppression function was not functioning correctly.
Addressed an issue that could not be deleted from the archive search result dialog (except for formats that do not support deletion).
Improved the processing when a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message comes in Vista or later environment. Shutdown will not be blocked unless an unsaved archive is open or something is being processed.


Titel: PeaZip 7.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2020, 04:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



    Various fixes and improvements
    improved efficiency of context menu entries
    improved file renaming
    Updated application and antivirus automatically detected in "Open with" menu
    Improved support to Windows Defender and MBAM to scan files from PeaZip archive/file browser


    Improved editing files in archive
    dialog to update modified preview files now allow 3 choices
    "Yes / Clear" update the archive and clear temporary preview data (as in previous versions), mimimize disk occupation and time data is left on the disk
    "Yes" update the archive and let temporary preview data on disk to allow instantaneously re-opening files, not needing new extraction, in order to perform new edits
    "No" discard changes clearing temporary preview data (as in previous versions)


    Added support for Microsoft MSIX app package and ESD image formats


    Improved Windows installer
    new default language option is to do not change current installation language
    "Add to archive" and "Extract to..." context menu entries are now optional and can be unchecked


Titel: Explzh 8.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Improved password management for encrypted archives when processing with the built-in compression / decompression engine.
Fixed a problem that files were not displayed in the list of stored files when using the integrated archiver DLL in the case of archives containing folders.
Fixed a bug where "File Archive" did not work. (In some cases, memory release was duplicated.)

Titel: Explzh 8.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2020, 09:11
Whats new:>>

If the archive name is double-byte characters in the execution of all thawing, Fixed a bug that could not be unzipped because it was passing the archive name with the wrong character encoding. (There was no problem in Ascci file name archive and Unicode file name archive.)

Titel: Bandizip 7.01 Build 31862
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2020, 11:30

    Fixed a bug that some types of hard-linked files in TAR format cannot be processed
    Fixed bugs in the internal image viewer
    Fixed bugs in the password manager
    Fixed bugs in the UI
    Fixed bugs in the command line processing
    Other modifications


Titel: Explzh 8.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2020, 20:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.


Whats new:>>

    When the wrong password is input in the individual decompression of the ZIP encryption archive, the password (the correct password) entered the second time or later is stored.
    Addressed an issue where parameters passed to 7z.dll could not be passed correctly when "ZIP compression using 7z.dll" was executed.
    Large icons (256,128,64,32) for Windows10 have been added to resources. It can be changed from [Options]-[Relationship Settings]-[Relationship, Icon Settings].

Titel: Bandizip 7.02 Build 32036
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2020, 11:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed an error which occurs when decompressing multiple archives of small sizes individually on the File Explorer
    Improved the registration of paid editions
    Updated the multi-language files
    Fixed bugs in the installer
    Other modifications

Titel: PeaZip 7.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2020, 19:15
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



    Various fixes and improvements


    Extended options to manually update edited files in archive (consistently with update dialog) in context menu > more submenu
    it is now possible to update archive and discard temp edit files (as in auto update dialog Yes/Clear option), and to discard edits without update


    Added option to automatically close PeaZip when task completes
    Added options to save and load custom compression settings
    Menu entries are available in main menu > Layout (in compression screen) and in compression presets context menus (in file browser and in compression screen)
    Compression settings are saved by default to "Compression settings" folder in same path of PeaZip configuration
    Password and keyfiles are not saved in custom compression settings, to manage passwords safely see instead main menu > Tools > Password manager
    Volatile, context dependant variables can be saved alongside non-volatile ones, but will be lost in subsequent uses unless the custom setting is reloaded (in Options > Advanced volatile variables can be shown in italic font)
    Presets for archive creation / conversion are now rewritten to use new compression setting mechanism, new presets supersedes both old presets and favourite formats menu entries
    Presets are saved in PeaZiprespresets folder, in PeaZip's program path; apart for being saved separately they are standard compression setting files and can be used as such
    To customize an existing preset with a custom compression settings file, copy the desired custom compression settings file in presets folder, in place of one of the existing preset files
    Optionally, editing the compression setting file is possible to change its displayed file name, the name that will be shown by PeaZip in presets menu
    New presets: ZPAQ ultra, ZPAQ, ARC, Brotli, Zstandard
    Extended non-volatile options saved to configuration (and compression settings)
    7z/p7zip advanced compression options for dictionary, word, passes and block size are now remembererd
    File spanning options are now remembered
    Improved support for ZPAQ format
    AES256 encryption, supported by design by the format, is now enabled
    Compression settings were optimized for better results
    From Advanced tab of extraction screen are now supported following options
    Restore files to original absolute paths
    Separate extraction of all revisions of the archive
    Overwrite existing files
    Test operation is now enabled
    ZPAQ is now available in presets at medium and ultra compression formats


Titel: Explzh 8.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2020, 16:30

    The specification was changed so that the [Show in Group] function, which only works in the XP environment, was removed and only the [Filtering function] worked.
    The [Column Detail Setting] function of [Tile Display] of list items has been returned to the specification before v.7.99. The display items can be set from [Column Details] in the menu displayed by right-clicking the header.
    When trying to add a new file (folder) from the view inside Explzh to the encrypted ZIP archive, if the password is stored in the memory, it will be encrypted with that password and added .
    Fixed a bug that the archive could not be updated when the archive file under the path name including space was edited with an editor.
    Icons for Windows10 added in v.8.04 have been changed to icons that are easy to see by extension. The icons were kindly provided by Mr. Sakura Detroit (https://twitter.com/skrdtrt). Also, new "decompression" and "compression" icons have been created. Thanks to Sakura Detroit. Thank you. * You can change the icon from [Options]-[Association Settings]-[Association and Icon Settings].


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.4 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2020, 16:15
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    Fix these LZ4 related issues: #73, #101, #102, #103, #104, #105 and #106
    LZ4 compression defaults to one thread and uses 4MiB for buffering now
    Add: clear various history tracking within registry, see issue #113 for more information
    Fix issue #116
    begin with #97 ... it's not ready yet, but method, level and thread count is re-used already
    the binaries are created with Visual Studio 2017 now
    we have 4 binary types now: X32, X64, ARM and ARM64 (MS Win10 ARM based)

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.4


Titel: Bandizip 7.03 Build 32249
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2020, 05:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that extended headers of TAR format are incorrectly processed
    Fixed a bug that folder timestamps are incorrectly processed when decompressing an archive
    Fixed a bug that processing speed is low when previewing images on a folder which has a large number of images
    Other modifications

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.360
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2020, 08:59
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    Internal corrections
    UPX updated to 3.96

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.4 Release 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2020, 17:15

    New Features and Bugfixes:

    Add support of lz4 and zstd compression for squashfs files
    the binaries are compiled with Visual Studio 2019 (for speed: /O2 /Ob3)
    for security, the /DYNAMICBASE and /NXCOMPAT are used also when compiling
    Remove Mutex code from ZstdEncoder.cpp
    if zstd fails, try to give a more specific failure massage, this will fix #109
    Issue #97 is completed now

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.4


Titel: Bandizip 7.04 Build 32295
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2020, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that the File Explorer crashes when right-clicking on a TGZ file
    Fixed a bug that "Test Archive" does not work sometimes when creating an archive
    Improved the installer
    Other modifications

Titel: PeaZip 7.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2020, 18:30


    Built with Lazarus 2.0.8
    Updated custom SendTo menu links for working with 32 and 64 bit systems, packed in SendTo.7z in program's path
    Various fixes


    Added SMART entry to access to system's disk diagnostic data, in application's context menu File manager > System tools
    Fixed: CRC and hash values are now reported also for empty files (previously were left blank)
    File tools: improved "Checksum/hash file(s)" report window, with the new context menu it is now possible to:
    Save each single crc or hash value to file, rightclicking on the cell of the value
    Save all information to file, including all CRC and hash computed


    Fixed: advanced compression settings was not preserved after direct creation of archive form context menu
    Fixed; various issues with new advanced compression settings mechanism
    (Windows) Fixed drag and drop extraction of items with names containing characters non valid for filenames
    Context menu Add to 7Z and Add to ZIP now uses compression settings from PeaZip configuration rather than default compression settings, unless a specific level of compression is stated (i.e. Add to 7Z ultra)


    Added context menu entries to encrypt to 7Z format (checked by default), and to add to 7Z format with fastest compression (unchecked by default)


Titel: Explzh 8.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 19:20

Fixed a bug in some ZIPs created by DropBox, etc., which was dropped due to the operation of a ZIP with a directory header with no file name in the header information.
When D & D compression of one file to Explzh shortcut was tried, the point that it could not be compressed in the case of a single file with a space in the path name was fixed. * D & D compression to shortcuts may not be processed due to the command line character length limit (system limit). There is no such limitation when using the "compress" and "decompress" icons, so we recommend that you use them.
Fixed the problem that "encrypt headers" at the time of creating 7z encrypted archive was enabled only when "default setting" was set.
Solved the problem that [Tile Display] in XP environment was not available in v.8.05.
In [Export Settings] of the tool menu, the data saved in% Appdata% pon Explzh is also zipped and exported.
Changed to launch the shell extension setting dialog when the "decompression icon" and "compression icon" are executed by double-clicking. It still functions as a drop target.
A [Confirm Password] item has been added to the File menu to enable you to confirm the password of an open encrypted archive. * Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + P
Solved the problem that dialogs and messages were not displayed on non-primary displays when used in an environment with multiple displays with different resolutions.
Improved the drawing method of tool button image on high DPI environment.


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 21:20
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Testen und überprüfen auf das Update Windows 10 Build 2004 (Mai/2020)
Kleine Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdatei

Titel: PeaZip 7.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2020, 13:11
Whats new:>>


    (Windows) fixed bug in multiple selection for drag and drop
    Updated translations, modified texts of Presets to clarify compression level to be expected


    Fixed save custom options fields for 7z/p7zip and Arc

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2020, 20:45
Whats new: >>

Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien in Non Compressible Files und kleinen Verbesserungen
Neue Sprache in KeepMouseSpeedOK: Koreanisch

Titel: Free UPX 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2020, 13:12
Free UPX allows you to compress/decompress EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL and other files. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command-line usage.

The program is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It uses the Microsoft Portable Executable and COFF Specification.



    Support for the latest UPX version - 3.96.
    From now on, the user can configure the program to work with any version of UPX. To do this, add the appropriate entries to the "upxupx.ini" file.
    Added mechanism to support multiple languages based on INI files.
    Many small improvements


Titel: Explzh 8.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2020, 05:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Changed [Confirm Password] in the File menu to [Password Manager]. By specifying the master password, all passwords entered once will be memorized, and the encrypted archive can be operated by entering the master password once at the next startup. If you often use encrypted archives, please set a master password from [Password Manager] and use it. You can set the master password from the [Password Manager] screen with the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + P. (When you open the archive created by Explzh, please open it using the [Master Password] saved in advance. You can change the master password at any time.) Reference: https://www.ponsoftware.com/archiver/help/ MANAGE_PASSWORDS.htm
    Fixed a bug caused by the difference in the behavior of GetLongPathName () and GetFullPathName () API functions.
    Fixed some bugs in the FTP client function.
    In addition, some bugs have been fixed.


Titel: PeaZip 7.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2020, 13:20
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



    Pea 0.71 with PEA file format revision 1.2


    Various fixes


    Added BLAKE2S and BLAKE2B hashes to
    File manager's hash (for file hashing and deduplication)
    File tools set of hashes
    Optional hash for raw file split
    Optional hash for PEA format
    Added support for opening as archive modern Linux package formats: .appimage, Ubuntu's .snap, and FreeDesktop Listaller .ipk
    Browser now uses smarter sorting for file/directory names
    By default now PeaZip tries to open archives containing errors
    Errors detected browsing the archive are now notified in status bar, even if it is possible to list archive's content
    "Try to open archives contining errors" can be disabled in Options > Settings > Archive manager
    Fixed some cases not allowing secure deletion and zero deletion of files
    Improved deletion of temporary work files


    Added option to not ask confirmation for delete after archiving/extraction, in Options > Settings > Archive manager
    Delete is not triggered if errors are detected
    Delete is triggered after extraction only in case of complete extraction (extract all)
    Added option to set archive time from most recent file in archive, for all 7z/p7zip formats
    Added option to improve Brotli compression using more memory at cost of small impact on speed (archives created with this option may not be compatible with some Brotli decompressors)
    Added option to improve Zstandard compression using more memory at cost of small impact on speed
    Added new advanced options to custom compression settings files, keeping compatibility with setting files created with older versions
    Presets were rebuilt accordingly new format
    Two new presets: Medium compression with 7z fast, and Fast compression with 7Z fastest
    It is now possible to cancel all tasks of a sequence in the case one of the archiving / extraction task fails


    (Windows) Improved installer
    (Windows) Installer now available also as .msix package
    (Linux) Created generic DEB package, x86-64 native
    Some binaries, i.e. FreeArc, may need IA32-libs to run


Titel: Bandizip 7.06 Build 33186
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2020, 06:05
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Support for Per-Monitor V2 DPI Awareness ( The new feature of Windows 10 allowing apps to be scaled automatically whenever the resolution changes )
    Fixed a bug that a ZIP archive comment cannot be deleted
    Fixed a bug that "Test Archive" does not work when adding a file to an archive
    Fixed a bug that an encrypted 7Z archive cannot be opened even with the valid password if the password is entered incorrectly once
    Fixed a bug that the image preview in an archive shows a wrong image under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug associated with a self-extracting archive (SFX)
    Fixed a bug that a file in a TGZ archive's subfolder cannot be decompressed when using Ctrl+F and drag & drop
    New feature that a user can specify the number of CPU threads to be used for 7Z compression in the advanced compression settings
    Other modifications


Titel: Explzh 8.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    If the master password of the encrypted archive is valid, the password history of the work archive that is already closed and does not exist is not displayed in the [Encrypted archive history].
    With the above modification, when a new archive is created, a bug that an encrypted archive using the password of the history is created will be fixed.

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.370
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2020, 17:15
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    Bugfix for font settings
    Bugfix in german translation

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.0.0 - 1.4.5 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 20:30
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to v1.4.5
    fix these issues: #123 and #125

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.5


Titel: Explzh 8.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2020, 21:20

    We improved the password manager, strengthened password management security, and improved usability.
    The number of digits of [Automatic password generation] is 64. (Up to 255 characters can be used as the path character)
    Fixed the problem that the operation using 7z.dll could not be performed in the environment where the Windows user name is operated with double-byte characters. "Unable to read response file" and other problems caused by this issue will be resolved.
    Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on some ZIP archive expansions when restoring directory attributes after extraction.
    The comment adding function to the ZIP archive was not working.
    It was corrected in version 8.01 that the correction that corrected the "offset position" of the ZIP self-extracting format (DECZIP-SFX [Unicode]) archive was not applied. (If you have distributed the corresponding self-extracting archive, there is no problem.)


Titel: PeaZip 7.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2020, 12:48


    Zstd 1.4.5


    Various fixes, improved progress bar accurancy for multiple tasks


    Fixed folder sorting, now folders are always grouped before files
    Improved theming, window and toolbar colors can now be customized
    New Graphite, Mocha, and Senape themes with intermediate color tones
    (cross-platform limitation) System-rendered widgetsets are not affected by theme colors as native drawing methods were not bypassed by theme implementation
    (Windows 10 limitation) Dark Mode colors are not passed from system to application, as workaround it is possible to use an High Contrast theme, which passes colors consistent with Dark Mode UI, until a complete API is made available to developers


    Added support for .zstd extension, as used in compressed cpo in new rpm installers
    (Linux) Updated sfx module for p7zip


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2020, 13:10
InnoExtractor allows you to inspect all embedded files of installers and extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.

Some features include the ability to open installers by drag and drop from Windows Explorer; extract all embedded files of the installer (including the script) to a local folder, to zip package or to a self-extracting module; convert the CompiledCode.bin file of the installer to a readable assembly code file (for advanced users only); run embedded files; perform file searches by keyword; history for recently opened installers and more.


Titel: BandiZip 7.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2020, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that font size in a dialog box becomes too large when displaying languages of the Latin alphabets
    New feature that a user can resize thumbnails of "View large icons" by using [Ctrl + Scrolling the mousewheel] or [Ctrl and +/-]
    Fixed a bug that occurs when processing an extended header of TAR format
    Other modifications

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.5 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2020, 13:04

    New Features and Bugfixes:

    create .gitattributes file and normalize all the line endings
    fix #128 - format switching in archiv dialog makes options wrong
    fix #130 - incorrect progress number with zstd
    fix #133 - wrong block size used
    fix zstd decompression for files with large window settings

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.7
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.5


Titel: Explzh 8.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2020, 09:09

Replaced the one released as v.8.10 release version with the option "Move to specific folder and extract" temporarily turned on (for testing) at the time of full decompression from the immediate decompression dialog. .. v.8.10->v.8.10.1


Titel: Bandizip 7.08 Build 34113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 12:32
Whats new:>>

    Added "Skip this version" on the update notification
    Fixed a bug that the program sometimes crashes when using "Compress to each File/FolderName.zip"
    Fixed a bug that the program sometimes crashes on a high DPI system
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2020, 04:40

    Fixed, changed, and improved the function of [Password Manager].
    Fixed an issue with how passwords are saved after creating an encrypted archive from Shell Extensions. Fixed an issue that could cause the contents of existing history data (password.dat) to be cleared. (Please update if you operate by specifying the master password. *Explzh's [Password Manager] is a password AI function that remembers the password of the encrypted archive that you opened once.)
    DGCA's encrypted archive password is now remembered.
    Double-click (or Enter key) to open the archive from the encrypted archive list item in the [Password Manager] dialog.


Titel: Explzh 8.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2020, 10:45

    Fixed, changed, and imprved the functin f [Passwrd Manager].
    Even if the default passwrd when creating the encrypted archive is specified, the passwrd data is stred. (ZIP, 7z, RAR, DGCA)
    The upper limit f the passwrd strage area has been expanded s that all passwrds can be stred even if a large amunt f encrypted archive is created by cntinuus cmpressin. (Strage area expanded t 2GB)
    Added [Find File] buttn.
    Added [Imprt] buttn fr passwrd. Yu can nw imprt passwrd data exprted with Explzh and'passwrd.dat'.
    If yu specify the master passwrd, yu d nt have t remember the archive passwrd.


Titel: PeaZip 7.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2020, 13:07
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



    Various fixes


    Added support to more file extensions:

    .cramfs compressed ROM/RAM file system images
    .ext, .ext2, .ext3, and .ext4 filesystem images
    .hfsx filesystem images
    .qcow, and .qcow2c QEMU disk images
    .scap, and .uefif firmware files
    .mub, .pkg, and .ppmd compressed files
    Archive browser now will automatically ask for password to open files with unreadable TOC, for all formats supporting TOC encryption, e.g. archives encrypted with "Encrypt also file names" option
    Fixed browsing of encrypted ARC files
    Fixed: can now delete files within WIM archives


    [Prototype] Support for RAR compression if WinRar 64 or 32 bit is installed in the system (Windows)
    Setting Custom compression type optionally aut-configures PeaZip to use RarLab's Rar.exe as compressor; if libre_directive option is set to 2 (most restrictive, not allowing closed archive formats), rar creation will be not allowed in any case
    Rar.exe will be set to use PeaZip's work dir as other backend binaries
    For RAR archives it is possible to set
    compression level, from store to maximum
    action: new archive, add, update, freshen, sync with disk
    spanning in multiple volumes
    password, optionally with two factor authentication (password + keyfile)
    create RAR5 or legacy RAR4 archive
    (RAR5) set dictionary size 1..1024 MB
    (RAR5) use BLAKE2 hash instead of CRC checksum
    Create self extracting RAR
    Solid archive
    Recovery records
    Save files open for writing
    Save NT security information
    Save NTFS streams
    Set archive time to last modified object
    Improved support for more RAR options is planned in future, to allow efficient RAR creation from PeaZip GUI, providing RarLab's WinRar is installed in the system and Rar.exe is available.


Titel: BandiZip 7.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2020, 09:09
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Fixed a bug that the Password Recovery does not work on the Standard Edition
    Added /D: switch to the installer, which enables the user to select the installation folder
    Fixed a bug that (de)compression on CLI cannot be done if the full path exceeds 260 characters
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when decompressing some CAB files
    Fixed a bug that decompression is not done properly if the size of the original file is exactly 4294967295 bytes
    Other modifications


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2020, 09:04
InnoExtractor allows you to inspect all embedded files of installers and extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.

Some features include the ability to open installers by drag and drop from Windows Explorer; extract all embedded files of the installer (including the script) to a local folder, to zip package or to a self-extracting module; convert the CompiledCode.bin file of the installer to a readable assembly code file (for advanced users only); run embedded files; perform file searches by keyword; history for recently opened installers and more.


Titel: Explzh 8.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2020, 21:20
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Improved the method to check the validity of the stored executable file before execution. Execution is disabled for files that are determined to be invalid execution files.
    When a dialog is displayed on a monitor other than the primary monitor in a multi-monitor environment, it is displayed in the center of the parent window. (We can not handle those processed by external DLL)
    The file that was open last time is opened when the Explzh is restarted after the automatic update. (It will be effective from the next update after this version.)
    When password data is saved when multiple Explzh processes are started, exclusive control is performed for writing, and the data of the current process is merged and synchronized.
    Fixed some other bugs


Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Build 34441 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2020, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the context menus on the File Explorer are displayed only in English when signing in with another Windows account in which the program has never been run

Titel: Explzh 8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2020, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    In an environment where the master password is specified, secure communication is performed between all Explzh processes, and all password data in the encrypted archive is now synchronized in real time with the running Explzh process.
    XP is no longer officially supported. Because there is no debug environment for XP environment, it is difficult to meet your request. For the time being, we will release a version that also considers the XP environment, but we ask that you use it at your own risk.
    Fixed some other bugs.

Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Build 34518 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2020, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that a folder created by the "New folder" context menu on the File Explorer is not displayed properly sometimes

Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Build 34542 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2020, 09:04
Whats new:>>

    Added -t:NN switch specifying the number of CPU threads to be used for compression
    Fixed a bug that -r switch does not work when decompressing an archive

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2020, 17:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Neue Sprache: Spanisch (Venezuela), Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Norwegisch, Irisch, Vietnamesisch
Kleine Anpassungen im Tool für nicht komprimierbare Dateien für alle MS Windows-Desktops und -Server

Titel: AZip 2.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2020, 19:40
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

AZip can now install itself (if requested)!

Titel: Detect It Easy 3.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2020, 09:40
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Titel: Explzh 8.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2020, 05:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that header encryption was specified with priority from "default setting" when creating RAR encryption archive.
    Fixed some other bugs.

Titel: 7-Zip 20.01 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 18:20
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    The default number of LZMA2 chunks per solid block in 7z archive was increased to 64.
    It allows to increase the compression speed for big 7z archives, if there is a big number of CPU cores and threads.
    The speed of PPMd compressing/decompressing was increased for 7z/ZIP/RAR archives.
    The new -ssp switch. If the switch -ssp is specified, 7-Zip doesn't allow the system to modify "Last Access Time" property of source files for archiving and hashing operations.
    Some bugs were fixed.
    New localization: Swahili.


Titel: Explzh 8.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2020, 13:10
Whats new:>>

    It corresponded to the point that the UTF-8 character code was sometimes misjudged in some combinations of 2-byte Japanese characters and ASCII characters. This problem existed during compression and was rare.
    In the environment where the master password is not specified, there were some problems in operating the encrypted archive. (We strongly recommend that you specify the master password and use it.)

Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2020, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that HiDPI support does not work on older versions of Windows 10

Titel: 7-Zip 20.02 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 10:10
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    The default number of LZMA2 chunks per solid block in 7z archive was increased to 64.
    It allows to increase the compression speed for big 7z archives, if there is a big number of CPU cores and threads.
    The speed of PPMd compressing/decompressing was increased for 7z/ZIP/RAR archives.
    The new -ssp switch. If the switch -ssp is specified, 7-Zip doesn't allow the system
    To modify "Last Access Time" property of source files for archiving and hashing operations.
    Some bugs were fixed.
    New localization: Swahili.


Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2020, 19:45
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


    Window size is now restored upon app re-launch


    Upgraded sharpcompress to 0.26

Titel: PeaZip 7.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 19:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3


PEA 0.73
(Windows) Tino Reichardt (mcmilk) codecs for .7z format v1.4.5r2

Various fixes
Online resources pointing to new web space on GitHub

Added shortcuts to set archiving/conversion and extraction options, from context menu and from Options > Archive manager screen
Added button to change case on the fly for checksum/hash (when encoded hex or lsbhex)
GUI refresh
Added main menu shortcuts to toggle most common browser's layout options: side bar, tool bar, tab browser bar
Modified aspect of address bar and tab bars

(Windows) Added support for Tino Reichardt (mcmilk) codecs for .7z format
7Z archives can now be created using also Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5, and Zstandard compression algorithms in addition to traditional ones
7Z archives created using those extra algorithms can be extracted by PeaZip or Reichardt's 7-Zip fork, cannot be extracted by plain 7-Zip or p7zip without using Reichardt's codecs
Compression presets 11 and 12 changed from tar.br and tar.zst to 7z format with Brotli and Zstd compression respectively
Added options to add recovery records and repair archive, from "Test" dropdown in tool bar and in "More" group in context menu
(Windows) Improved creation support using Rar.exe, if featured in the system, introduced as prototype in previous release
Other than in WinRar's application path Rar.exe is now searched also in PeaZip's directory, in case user wants to copy the exe here for portability: it is sufficient to copy Rar.exe from WinRar's path to PeaZip or PeaZip Portable application's path, or in said path into res\ folder, or in a subfolder named res\rar or res\unrar: any of those locations is supported
Add to separate archives and Archive to original path options enabled for RAR backend
New RAR-specific options supported
RAR archive header encryption is now possible
RAR archives can be locked
Can now set recovery records percentage
Can now set archive time to: current system time, original archive time, most recent item in archive
It is now possible to save RAR compression settings in custom compression settings profiles
RAR compression preset is now available, it is shown only if Rar.exe is detected
It is now possible to update, edit, rename, and delete files in existing RAR archives
Application title will now display if archive is RAR4 or RAR5, and if it is locked
Added options to lock archive, add comment, add recovery records, repair archive, from "Test" button dropdown in tool bar and in "More" group in context menu
.zipx archives are now write supported and can now be edited (add, delete, rename items in existing archives)
It is now possible to optionally to switch to .zipx extension if a method different than Deflate/Deflate64 is set for zip compression, accordingly to WinZip's definition of zipx format
Please note that are currently supported, for reading and writing, following compression methods defined in zipx standard: Bzip2, LZMA, LZMA2, PPMd; currently WavPack, JPEG and MP3 preprocessors are unsupported (both for reading and writing) unless proper codecs are separately installed (cannot be added to PeaZip packages due closed source nature of those codecs)
Repair archive function, for RAR and ARC files, is available in PeaZip's file manager also before opening the archive, in case the specific damage does not allow to successfully browse the archive


Titel: Explzh 8.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2020, 11:10
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



Rebuild by changing the official version public compiler to VS2019.If you are using XP, please use v.8.17 .


Titel: Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2020, 10:50
Universal Extractor allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise and Inno Setup etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

License:  GPL


    Added support for MSCF installers
    Added support for Amiga Disk Files using unADF
    Added support for PDF files using Xpdf command line tools
    Added support for hundreds of game archives using GARbro
    Added support for Godot engine packages using godotdec
    Added support for Actual Installer executables
    Added support for Clickteam Install Creator installers using cicdec
    Added support for newer Symbian Os packages using extsis (plugin)
    Added unshield as the default extractor for InstallShield cab files, thanks to TAbdiukov
    Fixed some installers being misdetected as InstallShield
    Fixed swf exe extraction not terminating correctly
    Fixed console window always being visible for extractions using definition files
    Fixed file identification not working correctly for a few big executables
    Fixed Wise extraction methods 3 and 4 always failing
    Fixed some executables not being tested with 7zip
    Fixed some FMOD sound banks not being fully extracted, thanks to Sakkade
    Fixed some zip extractions being detected as failed, although they completed successfully
    Fixed 'NScripter archive' false positives
    Fixed problems with BCM, Bink, CHM, CreateInstall, FEAD, InstallShield Z, MSP, Reflexive Arcade Installers,
    SQLite, SuperDAT, SWF, Thinstall, UU, VMDK, WMA extraction
    Fixed ttarch extraction failing if UniExtract's path contains spaces, thanks to wwh1004
    Fixed 'Game Select' dialog being displayed in silent mode
    Fixed batch mode not being enabled if directory is passed via command line
    Fixed some extracted files could be lost if moving the file/folder failed, thanks to patrickdrd
    Fixed context menu items not being shown if more than 15 files are selected
    Fixed several UI issues, thanks to stdedos and wvxwxvw
    Fixed rare problem during program files updates preventing some files from being downloaded correctly
    Fixed crash when trying to send feedback while offline
    Fixed possible extraction failure if file/directory locks could not be released quick enough
    Fixed problems enabling context menu integration
    Changed Wise extraction: E_WISE is now used automatically, the method select dialog only appears if it fails
    Changed output directory input field to autofill after typing an input file path
    Changed design/usability of 'Unknown file type', 'Plugin missing', 'No language file found' and 'Unsupported file type' error messages; FFmpeg and feedback prompts;
    'Batch mode duplicate' warning
    Changed drag and drop: when a folder is passed, all files in subfolders are added to batch mode as well
    (this can be disabled by adding batchrecurse=0 to section 'UniExtract Preferences' in UniExtract.ini)
    Changed 'Remember window position' option to also store window size, thanks to ltdeta
    Improved speed of file type detection
    Improved file type detection for .eml, .mht, .xz, some game archives
    Improved detection of multipart archives when adding files to batch queue
    Improved error detection for encrypted archives
    Improved Visionaire extraction for many games: fixed file naming and corrupt webp images
    Updated cicdec to 2.1.0
    Updated demoleition to 0.61
    Updated EnigmaVB unpacker to 0.58
    Updated ExeInfo PE to
    Updated godotdec to 2.1.0
    Updated innounp to 0.49
    Updated lzop to 1.04
    Updated MediaInfo to 20.03
    Updated mtee to 2.21
    Updated PeaZip to 0.72
    Updated Qt Linguist to 5.13.2
    Updated QuickBMS to 0.10.1
    Updated SQLite to 3.31.1
    Updated UnRAR to 5.91; added x64 version
    Updated unrpa to 2.3.0
    Updated unshield to 1.4.d14d2e2 x86, thanks to lifenjoiner
    Updated upx to 3.96
    Updated WiX to 3.11.2
    Updated Bulgarian translation, thanks to jekovcar
    Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation, thanks to SeaHOH
    Updated Dutch translation, thanks to Wouterdek
    Updated French translation, thanks to Pierre le Lidgeu and zorbao
    Updated German translation, thanks to Mr-Update
    Updated Hungarian translation, thanks to hevesij
    Updated Japanese translation, thanks to maboroshin
    Updated Polish translation, thanks to Barnaba
    Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translation, thanks to igorruckert
    Updated Russian translation, thanks to wvxwxvw
    Updated Turkish translation, thanks to MinTR and Yakup Kök
    Removed Arc-reader, brunsdec, Crass/Crage, disunity and ns2dec, replaced with GARbro
    Removed XAce, replaced with acefile
    Removed Extract NT, replaced with 7zip
    Removed ExtractMht and MhtUnPack, replaced with 7zip and TotalObserver
    Removed GCFScape and STIX, replaced with TotalObserver
    Removed wtee, replaced with mtee


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.380
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2020, 05:40
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

Korean added

Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Build 34752 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2020, 19:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Fixed a bug that HiDPI support does not work on older versions of Windows 10
    Fixed a bug that -cmtfile: switch is ignored when creating an SFX file
    Improved the feature "Image Preview in Archive"


Titel: Explzh 8.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    The extension .ar, .a, .lib can be opened.
    Fixed some other bugs.

Titel: Bandizip 7.10 Build 34775
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2020, 09:08

    Fixed a buffer overrun vulnerability (KVE-2020-0652)
    Fixed a bug that the context menus on the File Explorer are displayed only in English when signing in with another Windows account in which the program has never been run
    Added -t:NN switch specifying the number of CPU threads to be used for compression
    Fixed a bug that a folder created by the "New folder" context menu on the File Explorer is not displayed properly sometimes
    Fixed a bug that -r switch does not work when decompressing an archive
    Fixed a bug that HiDPI support does not work on older versions of Windows 10
    Fixed a bug that -cmtfile: switch is ignored when creating an SFX file
    Improved the feature "Image Preview in Archive"
    Other modifications


Titel: PeaZip 7.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2020, 13:50



Pea 0.74

Introduced PEA format revision 1.3, supporting multiple cascade authenticated encryption, each cipher with 256 bit key, in EAX mode: AES+Twofish+Serpent, Twofish+Serpent+AES, Serpent+AES+Twofish
Fixed a bug preventing extraction of PEA archives in case of naming conflicts


Fixed Fast-LZMA2 dictionary sizes
Fixed error 127 erroneously raised in some cases


Improved directories smart sorting in file manager
Improved tabs
closing last tab collapses tab bar
mouse middle button closes tab


(Windows) Fixed context menu entry "CRC, hash and file tools", now pointing by default to "Checksum/hash (common algorithms)" consistently to all other calls form PeaZip


Titel: Explzh 8.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2020, 05:10
Whats new:>>

In the ZIP deployment using Arcext.dll, the debug verification code was released as it is, so the message loop does not rotate (only when extracting ZIP), the progress bar display and cancel button in the deployment dialog are not working.

Titel: Explzh 8.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2020, 13:20
Whats new:>>

    Addressed an issue where ZIP-SFX could not be created (false positives were deleted from virus monitoring security software).
    Fixed a bug when the standard compression option (-hide) was specified.
    In addition, some minor bugs have been fixed.

Titel: AZip 2.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2020, 10:15
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

The long-awaited Windows Explorer integration is there.
This integration is activated upon installation or on demand via the Manage button.

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.00 1.4.5 Release 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2020, 11:10
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    Update Brotli to v1.0.9

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.2
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.5


Titel: PeaZip 7.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2020, 13:50


(Linux) p7zip 16.02 superseded by sznick/p7zip fork 17.02, not available for legacy 32 bit platforms
added support for FLZMA2, LZ4, and Zstd compression algorithms in .7z format
algorithm selection dropdown is now common to all platforms, unsupported algorithms for one platform are preceeded with / (currently unsupported /Brotli, /Lizard, and /LZ5 on linux)


Various fixes


(Windows) File manager now displays icons for exe files for better usability, using a separate thread; previously the feature was enabled only if browser was set to show thumbnails
In-archive "Extract and open with PeaZip" and "Preview with PeaZip" now forces trying to open file as archive, as in "Open as archive" menu entry


(Windows) Drop target window is locked, as in WinRar, until drag and drop operation is completed
If password contains characters that can be troublesome if used in scripts (i.e. quotes) it is now possible to interactively enter password in console to create / extract archive types handled through 7z/p7zip, ARC, and RAR backends


Titel: PeaZip 7.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2020, 18:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Various fixes


Create new folder is now also available for 7Z/p7Zip and RAR supported archive types
Improved file renaming routines
added function to cutting file names at specified lengtt
added function to replace / remove non-ASCII characters
all quick rename functions (lowercase, replace string, etc...) are now also available when browsing 7Z/p7zip and RAR supported archive types
Updated icons in embedded theme and added icons to distinguish common archive types
Updated Ten theme


Added "Extract everything for special file types" (to 7Z-supported archive types) to optionally extract the entire archive (or current path) to preview special filetypes which usually needs external data to properly run, in example .html, .bat, and .exe files
From Options > Settings > Archive manager, Extract group is possible to customize "Extract everything for..." behavior
Never use special preview, Ask, Always (default)
Extract entire archive (default) or Extract displayed items only (items in current path, or matching search filters) which can be faster than extracting the entire archive
Archive timestamp preservation directive is now also applied to rename and delete operations (previously only for add / update)
Options > Settings > Archive manager, Extract group: added option to auto close PeaZip after extraction if no browsing actions took place (default off), useful in example if a downloaded file was opened for quick inspection before extraction
Options > Settings > General (Windows): added options for locking or hiding target window during drag and drop operations, by default target window is hidden and locked while the operation is running
Out of the box default compression levels are set to fast for ZIP and 7Z formats
compared to previous ZIP normal default, ZIP fast is over 400% faster providing 2% worse compression ratio, and 7Z fast is 25% faster providing 3% better compression ratio
compared to previous 7Z normal default, 7Z fast is 500% faster providing 5% worse compression ratio
please note compression levels and compression presets works as usual, the new settings are meant only to provide novice users better performance balance for general purpose tasks
Modified existing preset scripts
10 from faster zip to fast zip
12 (Linux) from .tar.zst to .7z using Zstandard compression (which requires single pass)
Test mode always show details about single files in archive

(Windows XP) additional 7z codecs introduced in 7.4 line, incompatible with Windows XP, are deactivated when installed on XP machines, consequently the error messages are no longer triggered when using 7z backend


Titel: Bandizip 7.13 Build 35847 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2020, 11:10
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.



    Added the feature decompressing hard-linked and symbolic-linked (Unix) files in a RAR5 archive
    Improved the processing of hard-linked and symbolic-linked files in a TAR archive
    Improved the processing of an app crash
    Improved the processing of 7Z compression
    Improved the processing of command-line commands
    Other modifications


Titel: Bandizip 7.13 Build 35910 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2020, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Improved the Password Recovery

Titel: Bandizip 7.13 Build 35959 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2020, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that some UDF files (.iso) of large sizes cannot be decompressed

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.390
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2020, 19:15
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    Correction for form position on multiple monitors (V2)
    Button images updated

Titel: Bandizip 7.13 Build 36001 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2020, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Added the feature decompressing 7Z archives compressed with ZSTD/Brotli algorithm
Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2020, 18:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Removed the remaining code for Win9x.
    Addressed an issue where toolbar icons would appear larger than normal when the scale size in the display settings was 150% or less.
    Enabled to automatically update to the latest version by clicking the taskbar icon of the new version notification.
    Fixed a bug that there was a case where it was not possible to convert from save as and save to tar archive.
    Changed the digital certificate of the distribution file to an EV (Extended Validation) certificate.


Titel: Bandizip 7.13 Build 36091
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2020, 11:50

    Added the feature decompressing hard-linked and symbolic-linked (Unix) files in a RAR5 archive
    Added the feature decompressing 7Z archives compressed with ZSTD and Brotli algorithms
    Improved the processing of hard-linked and symbolic-linked files in a TAR archive
    Fixed a bug that some UDF files (.iso) of large sizes cannot be decompressed
    Fixed a bug that some NSIS files (.exe) cannot be decompressed
    Improved the processing of command-line commands
    Improved the feature repairing a ZIP archive
    Improved the processing of 7Z compression
    Improved the processing of an app crash
    Improved the Password Recovery
    Other modifications


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.0.0 - 1.4.5 Release 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2020, 20:00
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    update LZ4 to v1.9.3
    fix: Incorrect progress number (thanks @jinfeihan57)
    fix: method / level changing within the compression dialog was not okay (thanks @jinfeihan57)

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.5


Titel: PeaZip 7.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2020, 11:45

(Winodws, ReactOS) McMilk codecs in 7z\Codecs path are now automatically checked at PeaZip startup, in order to disable them (moving in 7z\Codecs\bk) on systems not capable to run them (as XP or ReactOS), and re-enable them on other systems; this works for both Portable and installable packages without requiring manual intervention

Various fixes

(in left navigation panel) Archive treeview is now automaticaly updated accordingly to browsing in file manager area
 This option can be fine tuned in Options > Settings > Archive manager
Various usability improvements
Can now set current path as default archiving or extraction path
Options > Settings > General, Advanced, and Archive manager tabs reorganized
Improved and updated themes, and simplified Theme tab

Improved handling ZIP files with code pages different than local
Can now customize code page for reading/writing filenames in ZIP archives, from Options > Settings, Advanced tab it is possible to set:
Local code page, then UTF-8 for sysmbols outside local code page (default)
Force UTF-8 for non-ASCII characters
Force local code page
Use a custom code page: an arbitrary code page can be entered by user (the host machine needs to support the code page to run the tasks, otherwise tasks can be saved as scripts and run on different machines)
Text encoding entry is now accessible also from application's file browser context menu, and in Archiving and Extraction screens context menus
Within PeaZip file manager it is now possible to use copy/paste shortcuts Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+X) / Ctrl+V to extract items from archives to filesystem
If clipboard is set to keep multiple selection operations at once:
Copy/paste extraction is possible form multiple archives at once
It is also possibile to mix cut/paste and extraction operations
Extraction targets the file system, it is not currently possible i.e. to directly paste compressed items from archive A to archive B


Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 36630 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2020, 15:30

    Added a feature storing symbolic links in a TAR archive
    Other modifications


Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 36652 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2020, 10:45

Fixed the web browser control to make it run at a low integrity level


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2020, 19:30
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Verbesserungen und einige Tests für den nächsten Windows 10 Build und MS Server
• Neue Sprachen für die Non-Compressible-Files-App: Philippinisch, Malaiisch und Indonesisch

Titel: Explzh 8.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2020, 21:50

    Worked to deploy ZIP64 archives with header errors created by some third-party clouds. (Header error Illegal archive will display an error warning in the validity check)
    It is now possible to specify the display color of symbolic link (when connecting via FTP) items as the color that can be specified in [Option]-[Screen]-[Special color].
    The text color of tree items is now displayed in the color specified in [Option]-[Screen]-[Special Color]. The tree item drawing method in the left pane has been changed / improved.
    Fixed some bugs in the behavior of hiding the tab window.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2021, 19:15
Whats new:>>

- Options extended

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.410
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2021, 09:10
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

French translation updated

Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 36839 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2021, 13:40
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Improved the processing speed when decompressing a UDF archive
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2021, 10:20
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    [Compression Options]-Added [Do not edit digitally signed archive] option to [Preferences].
    The support for rk format (rk.exe) has been discontinued.
    Changes to file attributes or timestamps were not reflected from the Cabinet File's Storage File Properties dialog.
    Addressed an issue where multiple warning messages were displayed when the archive was deleted from the outside in an environment prior to Windows 7.


Titel: PeaZip 7.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2021, 21:20
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3


(Linux) Can now optionally use system p7zip, if installed, from Options > Settings, General tab
requires p7zip-full (or equivalent package) to be installed in order to have a 7z binary compatible with PeaZip's requirements in terms of syntax and features

Various fixes


Added shortcut Ctrl+W to close window, consistently with conventional use in WinRar and Windows file explorer
Improved control over temporary work directory, used when the archive is created or edited, during drag and drop extraction (Windows), and content preview
Output: faster as no copy to destination is needed, more secure as no content is unpacked/decrypted outside of the intended destination path
Output, preview in user's temp
User's temp (as conventionally used by most applications): in case of failure for any reason, user's temp folder is the single place to look for orphaned data and can be safely cleaned
None, user's temp if needed: allows exceptions to perform drag and drop extraction and preview using user's temp
None: no exceptions allowed, no temporary work data is saved, this does not allow to perform neither drag and drop extraction nor preview, as archive content can't be transparently unpacked and passed to system's drag & drop handler, nor to the associated application


Added read support to .appxbundle format


Titel: Detect It Easy v3.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2021, 11:10
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Portuguese added by Rui, many thanks
    Installation bugfix

Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2021, 19:00
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Upgraded sharpcompress to 0.27.1
    Upgraded SharpZipLib to 1.3.1

Titel: Explzh 8.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Prevented jar files from being associated with Explzh. (If it is associated, it will be automatically canceled by the installer at the time of update)
    Changed the default icon of the association icon. You can change the association icon from [Options]-[Shell Extension]-[Association Icon Settings].
    The state of the list view selection item is saved.

Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 37544 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2021, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Added a feature turning on and off filename encryption in the advanced 7Z compression settings

Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 37720 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2021, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Improved the preview of thumbnail images

Titel: Explzh 8.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Supports Zstandard format compression and decompression. Thanks to Yann Collet.
    Zstandard (c) 2016-2020, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
    Added support for compression / decompression of tar.zst (Zstd). (You can add a "Create tar.zst" menu to the shell extension menu.)
    ZIP (method # 93) now supports compression / decompression of Zstandard compression method.
    Since we are updating the shell extension module, we need to restart after the update.

Titel: PeaZip v7.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2021, 12:40

Pea 0.76
UPX was removed from Windows packages due the amount of false positives triggered in (low quality) security software; it is possible to add UPX support installing Additional Formats Plugin, or downloading and copying the most up to date UPX executable in res\upx subfolder in PeaZip's directory

Command line -ext2simple and -ext2simplefolder can now accept also empthy output path (extract to archive's path)
-ext2simplefolder as -ext2folder (switch -*folder) apply smart folder policy, while -ext2simple and -ext2here ignores it
Updated web search (Ctrl+Alt+F3)
Updated Windows installers to work with recent versions of InnoSetup (.exe) and MSIWrapper (.msi)
Various fixes
CPUAARCH64 now disable Intel ASM to allow build on ARM64 architectures
fixed adding multiple .enc suffix
fixed various issues with non-English localizations
fixed issue with preview for special file types (bat, exe, html) resulting in extraction instead of preview
improved handling special characters in password for arc, rar, and pea formats
(Linux) improved handling of special characters in filenames
(Linux) fixed issues with smart folder option

PEA compression and decompression can now be cancelled from the GUI


Titel: Explzh 8.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2021, 10:30

    When trying to compress with Zstd compression level 20 or higher in Explzh 32bit version, the compression level is lowered to 19 and processed. (Explzh 32bit version cannot be compressed at compression level 20 or higher)
    Fixed a bug that D & D expansion of search results cannot be performed when the dialog for searching in the archive is started from the main body of Explzh.
    [Search strings in file] of the tar archive search was not working.
    Added "Copy Path" in the right-click new item in the left pane.
    You can now search by wildcard with a pass in the library search. The specification has been changed so that the search in the archive is started with the current folder in the archive as the initial value.


Titel: Bandizip 7.14 Build 38543
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2021, 11:00

    Fixed a bug that occurs when decompressing an archive whose name ends with a blank space
    Improved the handling of a program crash
    Added a feature storing symbolic links in a TAR archive
    Fixed the web browser control to make it run at a low integrity level
    Added a feature decompressing ZIPX archives compressed with ZSTD algorithm
    Improved the processing speed when decompressing a UDF archive
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when opening an archive under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot decompress a ZIP archive whose local file header does not include the filename
    Added a feature storing an archive comment in the advanced ZIP compression settings
    Added a feature turning on and off filename encryption in the advanced 7Z compression settings
    Improved the preview of thumbnail images
    Added a feature storing hard links in a TAR archive
    Fixed a bug related to -ex: switch
    Added a feature applying ICC profiles to the internal image viewer
    Fixed a DLL hijacking vulnerability (CNVD-C-2021-22156)
    Added a feature processing junctions in a RAR5 archive
    Improved the error message displayed with AMSI initialization failure
    Fixed a bug that some TAR files cannot be processed
    Fixed a bug that files without extensions cannot be processed on CLI
    Other modifications


Titel: Bandizip 7.15 Build 38591 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Added the feature decompressing 7Z archives compressed with LZ4, LZ5, Lizard, and Deflate64 algorithms
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2021, 11:15
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Due to the yz1 vulnerability (CVE-2020-24175), support for the yz1 format has been discontinued. Reference (NIST): https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-24175
    The Zstandard method of the ZIP archive sometimes caused a loss due to compression of a large number of files. ZIP compresses the number of files on a file-by-file basis. The problem was that the file I / O buffer memory used by Zstandard was allocated and released continuously each time. (tar.zst is a compression of only one tar file, so there is no problem)
    When I performed a search with multiple extensions in the archive search, the files were searched twice. Prevented duplicate searches. (It is faster because it is not searched twice)


Titel: Bandizip 7.15 Build 38723 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2021, 10:30
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when compressing files under certain conditions
    Improved the feature decompressing a UDF archive
    Fixed a bug that decompression cannot be done if a filename inside the archive contains some special characters
    Improved the program's stability

Titel: Bandizip 7.15 Build 38925
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2021, 12:30
Whats new:>>

    Added the feature decompressing 7Z archives compressed with LZ4, LZ5, Lizard, and Deflate64 algorithms
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when compressing files under certain conditions
    Improved the feature decompressing a UDF archive
    Fixed a bug that decompression cannot be done if a filename inside the archive contains some special characters
    Improved the program's stability
    Other modifications

Titel: 7-Zip 21.01 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2021, 18:10
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    The command line version of 7-Zip for Linux was released.
    The improvements for speed of ARM64 version using hardware CPU instructions for AES, CRC-32, SHA-1 and SHA-256.
    The bug in versions 18.02 - 21.00 was fixed: 7-Zip could not correctly extract some ZIP archives created with xz compression method.
    Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Build 39077 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed buffer overflow and buffer overrun vulnerabilities that may occur when handling ALZ, ARJ, EGG, RAR, TAR, and ZIP archives
    Fixed a bug that the program may crash when handling ACE, ALZ, BH, and RAR archives
    Fixed a bug that some data remain in the registry even after the program's uninstallation
    Other modifications

Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Build 39316 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the program may crash when handling a BH archive

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.0.0 - 1.4.9 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2021, 08:30
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to v1.4.9
    change hot-key ALT+UP add CTRL+RIGHT/LEFT

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.9


Titel: Explzh 8.36 RC186
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that an error occurs in the search including RAR in the search in the archive and the expansion of the archive.
    In the password archive search, list acquisition and expansion can now be performed without a password in cooperation with the password manager.

Titel: PeaZip 7.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2021, 18:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



    PEA 0.77


    (Linux) Alternative Qt5 build is now available as portable package
    If a setting requires to restart PeaZip (localization, system integration, change work folder) it is told in the hint text for the item
    Various fixes and improvements


    (Windows) Drag&drop now allows to drag-extract files directly to other applications, previoulsy it was possible to drag-extract to the system only
    Righclicking an element on the breadcrumb it is now possible to use context menu functions on it - e.g. display properties, open the path in system's file explorer, open command prompt here, etc


    Interactive extraction option (checked by default on Windows) enables two-step extraction for all archive types supported through 7z/p7zip: content is extracted to a fresh folder and then moved to actual output destination with standard system's calls.
    When interactive extraction is used, all unneeded levels of directory nesting are removed, and conflicts with existing files are prompted interactively to user.
    Unchecking the option, it is possible to perform single-step extraction as in previous versions, with policy based directives to resolve naming conflicts without needing user interaction (recommended when creating scripts).
    It is now possible to set custom extensions for "Extract everything for" in Options > Settings > Archive manager, Extract group
    It is now possible to replace archive extension with a custom extension from archiving screen, Advanced tab
    In res/presets/custom directory are provided some pre built compression settings for comic book archive formats which uses the new custom extension feature
    Priority for archiving and extraction tasks can now be permanently set from Options > Settings > General, Tasks priority
    (Windows 7+) Global progress is shown in application's icon in taskbar


Titel: Explzh 8.37 RC186
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

In v.8.35 and v.8.36, if you execute "Continuous decompression" of multiple archives from the shell extension and move the focus of the progress bar screen that is being executed to another Window, the execution of the remaining processing will be executed (leaving the process). ) Fixes an issue that causes interruptions. (The version number of Explzh.exe itself has changed, only Arcext.dll has been modified.)

Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Build 39426 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the program may crash when handling ACE, ALZ, BH, and RAR archives

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.430
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2021, 11:10
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Installation updated

Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Build 39626 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Added support for the split-archive formats created by HaoZip (.haozip01.zip, .haozip02.zip, ...)
    Improved the program's stability
    Fixed an issue that the program may crash when used with some antivirus software supporting AMSI

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.440
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Greek translation updated

Titel: Explzh 8.38 RC188
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed an incorrect display in the confirmation dialog for additional compression to the ZIP archive in the 32-bit version environment.
    Passwords are now remembered when you move the encrypted archive to another folder. In an environment using a password manager, the encrypted archive can now be decompressed almost passwordlessly. (Data is managed by file hash value)

Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Build 39715 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 10:20
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the program may crash if the dialog box closes in the midst of opening an archive

Titel: Bandizip 7.16 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 12:40

    Fixed a security issue that may occur when decompressing archives in some formats
    Fixed a bug that some split-compressed RAR archives cannot be decompressed
    Fixed buffer overflow and buffer overrun vulnerabilities that may occur when handling ALZ, ARJ, EGG, RAR, TAR, and ZIP archives
    Fixed a bug that the program may crash when handling ACE, ALZ, BH, and RAR archives
    Fixed a bug that some data remain in the registry even after the program's uninstallation
    Improved the feature undoing file associations
    Improved the "New Folder" on the right-click menu to create a folder at the point of the Desktop where the user right-clicks (System restart required)
    Fixed a bug that symbolic links in a ZIP archive are incorrectly processed
    Added support for the split-archive formats created by HaoZip (.haozip01.zip, .haozip02.zip, ...)
    Fixed an issue that the program may crash when used with some antivirus software supporting AMSI
    Fixed some bugs that occur in the "Snap Window" feature
    Fixed a bug that the program may crash if the dialog box closes in the midst of opening an archive
    Improved the program's stability
    Other modifications


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 19.0.0 - 1.4.9 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 23:15
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    Add BLAKE3 hash function
    make upper- or lowercase hash output an option for the user

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.9


Titel: Explzh 8.39 RC189
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 18:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Regarding the list display in the archive file, because it is a Solid archive, the information that cannot be acquired is not displayed with '0' or' ????', and nothing is displayed
    Fixed an issue where threads were deadlocked during an ISO / IMG archive search
    Fixed not being able to change the FTP master password
    With the FTP client feature, if a D & D item focused on a folder in the view during his D & D upload with the mouse, it could be mistaken for the upload destination


Titel: Explzh 8.40 RC190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Zstandard version 1.4.9 has been applied.
    Fixed some bugs.

Titel: PeaZip 7.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2021, 20:10
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3



Pea 1.00
Added 512 bit hash functions to PeaUtils menu, also available from Windows context menu (CRC, hash entry): Blake2b, SHA512, SHA3_512, Whirlpool


Various fixes


Improved theming: new customizable parameters - beyond standard scaling which follows system's metric - can be set at runtime, and saved into themes, to improve usability for visually impaired users, small / far screens, or touch devices
Spacing [small, medium, large] to increase spacing in file manager and row height in tables
Zooming [100% to 150%] to enlarge icons and graphic elements
(Windows) Quick delete function can now delete files requiring UAC elevation
Working directory is now set to by default to: user tmp for preview operations, output for other operations
"Extract everything for" preview for special file types now uses working directory (as standard preview mode)
"Interactive extraction" now uses working directory; disallowing temporary work files results in disabling interactive extraction, falling back to standard extraction mode


(Linux) Improved interactive extraction, which is now set on by default in extraction screen
If no naming conflict is detected, the output data is now moved, if possible, rather than copied to the intended destination, which is extremely faster
(Windows XP, ReactOS) Fixed handling non supported additional 7Z codecs
(Windows) "TAR before" action now correctly asks for UAC elevation if needed
Improved support for ZPAQ format
Fixed test of ZPAQ format from context menu
ZPAQ format extraction, without checking "Absoulte paths", removes extra nesting levels from the output
In case multiple revisions are featured, the nesting (which starts from the root of the archive) is preserved
Main window is now hidden during list, test, and ctrl+c/ctrl+v extraction operations, in order to reduce visual clutter accordingly with behavior during archive, and extract operations


(Linux) Qt5 build available pre-packed as DEB and RPM, alongside portable version not requiring installation


Titel: Bandizip 7.17 Build 40033 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 13:25
Whats new:>>

    Added the feature decompressing DAA(v1.0) archive
    Other modifications

Titel: Bandizip 7.17 Build 40046 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the progress bar is not displayed properly when the program handles an XZ archive

Titel: Explzh 8.41 RC191
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    When the compression option "Match update date and time to the latest of the stored file" is a ZIP archive, it was effective only when creating a new file, but it is now effective when additional compression is performed.
    Corrected so that the "Adjust update date and time to latest in stored file" option works even when creating a 7z / ZIP archive using 7z.dll.
    In an environment without a password manager, the password was not remembered during the running session. Also, even in an environment using a password manager, the password was not remembered in the session from creating a new encrypted archive to "save as".
    Fixed a typo in the button item in the English password manager dialog.

Titel: Bandizip 7.17 Build 40411 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that occurs with the "Compress to custom filename" feature

Titel: Explzh 8.42 RC192
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Addressed an issue that could cause a file with the same name to be overwritten when deploying a TAR archive with PaxHeader on a Windows environment.
    The storage size and file size are displayed in the TAR list display.

Titel: 7-Zip 21.02 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2021, 19:40
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now writes additional field for filename in UTF-8 encoding to zip archives. It allows to extract correct file name from zip archives on different systems.
    The command line version of 7-Zip for macOS was released.
    The speed for LZMA and LZMA2 decompression in arm64 versions for macOS and Linux was increased by 20%-60%.
    Some changes and improvements in ZIP, TAR and NSIS code.


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 21.02 1.4.9 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2021, 10:40

    New Features and Bugfixes:

    update 7-Zip to version 21.02
    ZIP files: add deprecated zstd method id=20 (decoding only)

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.4.9


    check linux and macos support


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 21.02 1.5.0 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 22:00

    Update Zstandard to version 1.5.0
    Fix issues: #190, #202 and #203


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 3.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2021, 22:10
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Bugfix: Wenn die Standardsystemsprache für die Unterstützung mehrerer Sprachen erkannt wird
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen bei nicht komprimierbaren Dateien für alle MS Windows-Betriebssysteme
• Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Bandizip 7.17 Build 41254 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2021, 11:40
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Improved the installer and updater
    Fixed a bug related to the image preview in an archive

Titel: Detect It Easy 3.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2021, 21:15
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Titel: PeaZip 8.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2021, 12:45
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




PEA 1.01
Added exit codes to functions for easier integration with third party software and scripts
Running PEA in batch_report and hidden_report mode automatically saves task log without further user interaction
Fixed: hidden and hidden_report modes do not flash the GUI before hiding it
Updated online documentation at https://peazip.github.io/pea_help.pdf
CAB (Windows)
Selecting custom format (and deselecting RAR checkbx, if selected) in Advanced tab it is now available "CAB" preset in custom executable dropdown menu, to use Windows' makecab.exe utility (which accepts single files as input)


Various fixes and improvements


Added support for .xappx, and various Open Packaging Conventions filetypes (.3mf, .vsdx, .mmzx, .aasx, .slx, .scdoc) files, 218 file extensions supported
 by default support is read only, to enable write support check "Edit non-canonical archive types" in main menu, Options > Settings > Archive manager
Added text completion for search field
Checksum/hash files can now be set to perform a single algorithm (faster), by default SHA256
Performing all algorithms at once, or all common algorithms at once, is available as option in Option > Settings > File manager
Dragging a single archive file on file manager screen, the archive is now opened without requiring further interaction
Improved preview and open with functions
If nothing is selected, preview takes current directory as input
To avoid confusion with "Preview" actions submenu, "Extract and open with" sumbenu can now be enabled / disabled from Options > Setings > Archive manager
Improved random password generator in main menu, Tools > Create random password / keyfile
Default length is now 12 characters
Quote characters ' and " are avoided to keep the password console-friendly regardless the character escaping abilities of the scripting environment that will be employed by the user
Improved smart sorting of file names
Improved status bar
Browser modes "Details" and "Icons and images" can now be selected with a single click from icons on status bar
Style dropdown menu button on the left of browser modes icons, on status bar, allows to set most common UI settings fro a single, easily visible place:
set tool bar to archive manager, file manager, images manager
toggle tab bar on/off
toggle row select on/off
set browser preset modes
set themes
set side bar to navigation panel, treeview, or hidden
 Style menu entries are replicated also in context menu, Navigation submenu
Improved support for non-canonical archive types (containers, disk images, installers...) with new options in main menu, Options > Settings > Archive manager
"Browse non-canonical archive types" (default on) set those file types to be opened for browsing on doubleclcik in PeaZip file manager; unchecking this option those file types will be opened with associated application but can still be browsed on demand (as any arbitrary file type) using "Open file as archive" menu entry
"Convert non-canonical archive types" (default off) will treat those file types as archives in Conversion process (extract and recompress them), otherwise those files will be left unchanged and simply compressed in the desired format
Improved theming: can now optionally display grids with alternate color for better readability
Replicated link to Text encoding settings in main menu, Options; extended hint for custom codepage


Added "Force typing passwords interactively" option in password screen that forces to always type password in the native backend interface
This option allows to create scripts that will require operator to enter the password interactively rather than running unattended
Zpaq backend does not support this option
Backends not supporting encryption are not affected by this option
Please note this option forces console mode for backend utilities (except PEA, which is a graphic application)
With this option enabled PeaZip cannot browse archives with encrypted name of files (encrypted toc), but it is anyway possible to list/test/extract them
Can now edit existing 7Z-compressed sfx archives
Improved "TAR before" option, which saves multiple input to TAR archive before compression step
Option to delete original files now works whith "TAR before" option enabled
Tasks with "TAR before" option enabled can now be saved as command line
It is now possible to customize the default action to perform when a file type associated with PeaZip is double-clicked on the system (or any time a single file is sent as input to PeaZip)
In main menu, Options > Settings > Archive manager "Default action on start-up" can be set to
Open, default
Open as archive, force trying to open any arbitrary file type as archive
Extract..., show full extraction screen to enter password and change options before confirming extraction
Extract here, immediately start extraction with default parameters


Titel: Bandizip 7.17 Build 41567 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Added a feature testing an archive after its compression
    Added a feature scanning malware in an archive before its decompression

Titel: BandiZip 7.17 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2021, 21:10

    Added a feature decompressing DAA (v1.0) archives
    Fixed a bug that the progress bar is not displayed correctly when the program handles an XZ archive
    Fixed a compatibility issue with screen-reading apps for visually impaired users
    Fixed a bug that the Honeyview requires the password again when opening image files in an encrypted archive (Honeyview v5.36 or later required)
    Fixed a bug that occurs with the "Compress to custom filename" feature
    Fixed a compatibility issue between the installer and screen-reading apps
    Added -date switch inserting the current system time in an archive's path
    Improved the program not to create an empty archive when compressing a locked (being used by another process) file
    Added a feature decompressing DEB archives
    Improved the program not to delete a newly created archive when "Test archive" is canceled in the midst
    Fixed a bug that the program does not automatically handle the request for administrative privileges when decompressing a ZIP archive containing symbolic links
    Improved the installer and updater
    Fixed a bug related to the image preview in an archive
    Added a feature testing an archive after its compression
    Added a feature scanning malware in an archive before its decompression
    Other modifications


Titel: 7-Zip 21.03 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2021, 20:50
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    The maximum dictionary size for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased to 4 GB (3840 MiB).
    Minor speed optimizations in LZMA/LZMA2 compressing.


Titel: PeaZip 8.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2021, 18:30


    Pea 1.02:

    Improved speed of hex preview function, updated secure delete function

    Zstd 1.50:

    (Windows) Tino Reichardt codecs for 7z v1.5.0r1
    updates codecs to Brotli 1.0.9, FLZMA2 1.0.1, Lizard 1.0, LZ4 1.9.3, LZ5 1.5, Zstandard 1.5.0
    (Linux) szcnick p7zip 17.04:
    introduces support for Brotli, Lizard, LZ5
    updates LZ4 1.9.3 and zstd 1.4.9
    on Linux systems Brotli and Zstandard presets now points to single step compression in 7z using Brotli or Zstd compression (tar.br and tar.zst presets are still available as alternative)
    (Windows) added support for system's Extrac32 as alternative CAB extraction engine
    Extrac32 backend be enabled in Options > Settings, Advanced tab
    CAB will be still listed/tested using 7z backend, Extrac32 (if enabled) will be used for for extraction operations


    Various fixes:

    Improved performances working with archives containing large number of items (files, folders)
    on 64K items archive 50% speed increase, -25% RAM usage
    on 128K items archive 2x speed increase, -25% RAM usage
    on 256K items archive 4x speed increase, -35% RAM usage
    improved speed for listing archives, also minor speed improvements for test, archive and extract operations involving a large number of files


    Added new user-provided themes: KDE Breeze, Oxygen
    Improved browsing archives: clicking on root in breadcrumb bar now simply lists root content, while pressing refresh (F5) re-opens the archive, fully re-parsing the content
    In case of spanned archive, the number of volumes actually found in current path (as required by PeaZip for extraction) is shown in application's title bar and status bar
    Improved Settings
    More flexible Browser optimization in General tab, Performances group
    Reorganized various settings for better readability
    Updated translations


    Added support (as container files) to .whl Python archives and .gem Ruby gem archives
    Added option to extract all, selected or displayed items to extraction dropdown menu, replicating Extract button context menu
    Added actions to Test all, selected or displayed items in Test button context menu
    Improved archive conversion procedure
    Extraction stage is now shown as a single sequence of tasks, and main screen is hidden to reduce visual clutter
    If errors are encountered in extraction stage it is reported to user, so conversion can be stopped (to correct errors) or continued if desired
    Improved extraction command line creation: when all items are selected switch to a more compact command line using filters rather than item's list


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 21.0.3 - 1.5.0 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2021, 20:40
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    update 7-Zip to version 21.03
    fix zstd property issue, thanks @sebres

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.0


Titel: Explzh 8.43 RC193
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2021, 19:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    We have confirmed the operation on Windows 11. (In the environment of Windows11, the version of Windows11 is displayed in the version information dialog)
    Added "Extract .tar archive when decompressing .tar.xxx" option to the decompression options. * By checking this option, decompressing .tar.xxx will extract only the .tar archive (or display the contents of the archive).
    Addressed an issue where the icon display position would be misaligned in a 4K environment when a unique icon was specified from "Create SFX"-"Icon Settings".
    The version of ArchiverDLL in the version information dialog has been changed to show only those that exist in the system directory.


Titel: Bandizip 7.19 Build 43923
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Improved the feature "Repair Archive"
    Improved the program's stability
    Fixed a bug that the progress bar does not reach 100% sometimes when the program decompresses ARC, LZMA, TBZ, TGZ, XZ, and Z archives
    Improved the processing speed when decompressing a ZPAQ archive
    Other modifications

Titel: PeaZip 8.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2021, 12:00


(Linux) Upodated Brotli to 1.0.9 version
(Linux) Added read support (browse / test / extract) to Lzip .lz file type
Added support for .apkm, .apks, and .aab packages Android package formats


(Linux) maximum length of CL generated on Linux systems is now increased to 128 K characters in contrast to much more limited 32 K characters allowed on Windows systems
About screen now displays information about widget set and CPU architecture of the build for better troubleshooting
Improved command line usage
New res\batch\ folder containing sample scripts pointing to main app functions to help portabilize and deploy the application on multiple environments: the directory contains sample .bat scripts (Windows), SendTo menu links (Windows), freedesktop_integration examples (Linux) and will expand in future.
Fixed -add27z, -add2zip and related switches: when multiple items are passed the archive is named accordingly the directory name of first item, as in the GUI version of the same action
New -ext2here, -ext2folder (alias -ext2smart), -ext2newfolder switches for CL, executing single or multiple tasks as a single sequence of extract here, extract here smart folder, and extract here to new folder respectively
Extraction to new folder can now be forced to use smart folder option (-ext2folder, alias -ext2smart) or to not use it (-ext2newfolder)
With new extraction functions extraction of multiple items can run in a single instance without stealing the focus each time the next task in sequence is started
SendTo links to extraction functions are updated to use those new functions for better handling of queues of multiple tasks, now matching features provided by context menu entries but with advantages of being cross platform, not suffering artificial limitation of input items number, and being much more faster and cpu/memory efficient in receiving input list from system to application
Previous version of same switches, not running as a single instance queue, are available with "_" suffix, i.e. -ext2here_; in this way existing scripts does not need to be updated to benefit of new functions, but can be easily adapted to use old version of the switches if preferred
Improved generation of more compact command lines from GUI, with better detection of cases of automatic switch to "extract all"
Various fixes
Fixed breadcrumb for "Open unit as archive" in context menu, File manager > System tools
Fixed deselecting "TAR before" and selecting "Add each object to a separate archive" it is now possible to create multiple archive at once for types such as bz2, br, gz, zst


(Linux) Improved system directories shown by default in navigation tree on the left of file manager
(Linux) Updated list of apps automatically detected for Open with submenu; apps and scripts can be customized in Options > Settings, Applications tab
(Linux) Enabled System tools submenu in context menu > File manager
(Windows) Improved and re-organized System tools submenu in context menu > File manger
Improved archive browser
Added Method column to display compression/encryption method for each single object (this column is enabled by default)
Added Created and Accessed timestamps columns in addition to existing Modified timestamp column (those columns are disabled by default)
The new columns can be enabled/disabled from columns header's context menu, and from main menu > Organize > Browser > Columns; if enabled, those columns are automatically shown browsing archives and hidden browsing the fileystem
Folders in 7z/p7zip archives now show number of contained folders, files, and total uncompressed size (displayed in same column of files' checksums)
This feature is limited on basis of the number of items contained in the archive, and can be tuned from "Browser optimization" dropdown menu in Options > Settings, General tab Performances group
New Ctrl+Alt+A link to autoadjust file browser columns
Themes: added "Presets" link on the right of Application accent color picker, allowing to quickly customize both application and text accent colors accordingly to common color themes of reference Operating Systems e.g. Mint, Ubuntu, Windows


Added XZ (Linux, Windows) and Zstd (Linux) as optional algorithms for ZIP/ZIPX compression, from Advanced tab in archiving / conversion screen
Improved extraction
Added option to skip testing for encryption on extraction, suppressing password requests
Improved Interactive extraction option
Empty folder is now removed in case of error with Extract to new folder
Naming policy dropdown menu is enabled with "Interactive extraction", allowing to resolve issues of conflicting filenames in the same archive
New "Keep files" link in extraction progress windows in case of errors "Interactive extraction", allows to preserve extracted files which would be otherwise automatically deleted
New "Store all timestamps" option (checked by default) is available in Archiving / Conversion screen
If this option is active, created, modified, last access time are saved to archive rather than modified timestamp only; formats supporting this feature are: 7Z, RAR, ZIP
Improved raw file spanning, it is now possible to submit multiple separate input files at once to be split to specified size
Improved support for .xxxaa spanned files from Unix/Linux split command
New option for default behavior at application startup: Extract all here (smart new folder)
This option can be set from Options > Settings > Archive manager
Doubleclicking on an a file of associated type, or clicking Open from context menu on a group of selected files associated with PeaZip, the selected action is performed
Available actions: Open (default), Open as archive (force trying to open file as archive), Extract (showing options and confirmation screen), Extract all here, Extract all here (smart new folder)


(Windows) SendTo menu entries use new extraction functions, more efficient for handling queues of multiple tasks, and "Extract here (smart new folder)" replaces "Extract here (in new folder)"
With this update SendTo functions provides same features provided by context menu entries, but much more faster and efficient and without artificial limitation in terms of number of input items
(Linux) Improved Linux installers
install the app in /opt/peazip directory (non capitalized)
configuration files are saved in .PeaZip directory in user's home as in previous releases
link peazip binary in /usr/bin
place peazip.desktop file in /usr/share/applications
place peazip.png icon in /usr/share/icons, /usr/share/pixmaps for DEB packages
optional .desktop files and icons are available in (peazip)/res/batch/freedesktop_integration to provide direct access to specific functions even on DE not supporting Actions
(DEB) place machine readable copyright file in /usr/share/doc/peazip
(DEB) packages are now named following Debian naming standard; all other packages - Windows, Linux, portable - follows RedHat naming standard


Titel: Explzh 8.44 RC194
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 18:40
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    I applied zstandard versin 1.5, a compression / decompression library in zsd format.
    Updated Sftp module. * PuTTY (v.0.76) is copyright 1997-2021 Simon Tatham.
    Fixed the problem that the folder name including'.' (Period) below'.' Was treated as an extension from "Archive for individual files" of the shell extension.


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2021, 20:40
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Verifizierung des nicht komprimierbaren Dateien Tool auf MS Windows 11 OS
• Kleine Anpassungen für Windows 11
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien NonCompressibleFiles

Titel: AZip 2.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2021, 17:10
Create archives, manage existing ones and get useful insight about their content using this handy application that supports file encryption.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    Display on "Select all" & "Unselect all" is faster
    Command "Invert selection" (Ctrl-I) was added
    Sorting is faster on numerical columns
    Sorting on data sizes is exact, even if the same amount of KiB, MiB, or GiB is displayed

Titel: Explzh 8.45 RC195
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that "Create a folder with the library name and unzip it" does not work properly depending on the environment. (Thanks to Makita for reporting and checking the operation)
    Fixed an issue that caused Explzh to quit after closing the connection when trying to authenticate with the wrong connection information on an Sftp connection.

Titel: Bandizip 7.20 Build 44824 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 19:10
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a security issue that may occur when decompressing NSIS and TAR archives (KVE-2021-1017)
    Added the feature "parallel extraction" for ZIP archives
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.46 RC196
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2021, 11:15
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Corrected the misalignment of the default library format combo list items in the Options]-[Shell Extension]-[Basic Settings]-[Compression Settings]-[Default Library Format] dialog. (32bit version only)
    Changed bzip2 to version 1.0.8 and zlib to version 1.2.11. It is applied by zip (deflate), bz2 (tar.bz2).
    Fixed some other bugs.


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 21.03 1.5.0 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2021, 11:20
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    update 7-Zip to version 21.03
    fix zstd property issue, thanks @sebres
    fix #223 and LZMA decoding speed

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.3
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.0


Titel: Bandizip 7.20 Build 44995
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a security issue that may occur when decompressing NSIS and TAR archives (KVE-2021-1017)
    Added the feature "parallel extraction" for ZIP archives
    Fixed a bug that some split-archived ZIP files cannot be opened
    Fixed a bug that some NSIS files cannot be opened
    Other modifications

Titel: BandiZip 7.21 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Improved the processing speed of the parallel extraction
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open some corrupted ZIP archives
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.47 RC197
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2021, 19:40

    In the 64-bit version, "Automatic DLL update function" is abolished. "Automatic DLL update function" works only for updating the 32-bit version of the integrated archiver DLL.
    The [Compression Options]-[DGCA] button is now always enabled. (In order to use DGCA, you need to specify the full path of dgcac.exe in the settings.)
    Improved the display method of the compressed (stored) file name after creating a new .tar.xx from the main unit screen.
    Apply compiler version v.16.11.5.


Titel: Explzh 8.48 RC198
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where a new 7z could not be created from the main unit screen.

Titel: Explzh 8.49 RC199
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Added [Open Library] button to [Password Manager] dialog.
    The 64-bit version of [Search in Library] no longer displays unsupported library formats.
    Changed "Open Library" to be the default behavior when double-clicking the mouse button when selecting the search result list in [Search in Library].
    When .bz2 .xz .lzma .zstd is created after D & D a single file to the main screen, the compression source file name is retained and displayed in a list.
    Improved header offset adjustment routine when creating ZIP-SFX. Addressed an issue that could cause ZIP-SFX conversion to fail.

Titel: Explzh 8.50 RC200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed the problem that the single file .bz2 .xz .lzma .zstd format compression from the main body screen may fail due to insufficient memory allocation.

Titel: Bandizip 7.22 Build 45323 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Added Windows 11 Modern context menu

Titel: 7-Zip 21.04 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 21:50
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


7-Zip now reduces the number of working CPU threads for compression, if RAM size is not enough for compression with big LZMA2 dictionary.
7-Zip now can create and check "file.sha256" text files that contain the list of file names and SHA-256 checksums in format compatible with sha256sum program. 7-Zip can work with such checksum files as with archives, but these files don't contain real file data.

The context menu commands to create and test "sha256" files:

7-Zip / CRC SHA / SHA-256 -> file.sha256
7-Zip / CRC SHA / Test Archive : Checksum

The commands for command line version:

7z a -thash file.sha256 *.txt
7z t -thash file.sha256
7z t -thash -shd. file.sha256
New -shd{dir_path} switch to set the directory that is used to check files referenced by "file.sha256" file for "Test" operation. If -shd{dir_path} is not specified, 7-Zip uses the directory where "file.sha256" is stored.
New -xtd switch to exclude directory items from processing.


Titel: Explzh 8.51 RC201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2021, 18:12
Whats new:>>

    Changed to check ZoneID when expanding .zst format. Reference (About ZoneID): https://www.ponsoftware.com/archiver/help/NTFSZONEID.htm
    When deploying the encrypted library, I sometimes remembered the password that I entered incorrectly (due to a typo, etc.). (If you remember the wrong password and cannot extract it, you can select the library that cannot be extracted from within the password manager and click Clear to clear it.)
    Added a help button to the password input dialog when creating an encrypted library.

Titel: Bandizip 7.22 Build 45583 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    The program is now compatible with a new stlye of context menu offered in Windows 11.
    Fixed a bug that icons of some files contained in an archive are not displayed correctly
    Other modifications

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2021, 10:20
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Wichtige Tests im NCF (Non Compressible Files) Tool für Windows 11 Home
• Neue Sprache: vereinfachte bosnische / kroatische / serbische Sprache.

Titel: Explzh 8.52 RC202
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2021, 10:20

The library stack open history was not loaded at startup.
The format of the date file name can be specified from the button (?) menu in the library stack creation dialog, and the function requested this time has been supported.
The date file name formatting is saved.
If you want to create the library of the date file name individually, check [Create library name input dialog] from [Create library here]-[Create library individually] in the drop context menu of the right mouse button, and check the corresponding function. Please specify. You can continuously create a date file name library. (The date file name format and menu item position are also saved)
Updated to VC compiler v.16.11.6.


Titel: Detect It Easy 3.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 11:20
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

New detects

Lite version
Folders scan
Console version can export CSV and TSV
CMAKE build system
New translations
Many bugs have been fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 8.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 19:30
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




(Linux) Total max length of command scripts generated by the application can be customized from 32KB to 2MB from Options > Settings > General, Performances
(Linux) szcnick/p7zip regressed from 17.04 to 17.02 due a possible bug handling some zip files
different versions / branches of p7zip (provided same syntax is employed) can be used simply replacing binaries in (peazip)res/bin/7z path
Updated to pea 1.04
To improve portability of PeaZip to multiple operating systems and architectures, app's folder is now structured as follows:
Application's root folder contains pea and peazip binaries (and dragdropfiles.dll on Windows), architecture-specific, compiled from src package
/res directory, contains resources divided by type
/res/portable (empty) file, marks the package as portable: if missing, the application woks as installable package and rearches for configuration in user's path (depending on the host system)
/res/bin directory contains third party architecture specific binaries, should be replaced with binaries for the apporpriate target architecture; on Windows it also contains PeaZip configuration wizard executabòe
/res/share directory contains non architecture specific resources such as texts, media, licenses, documentation (license and notes about binaries has been moved here in note subdiorectory), it could be simply copied as is for any PeaZip package on any system
/res/conf directory contains user specific configuration files
On installable packages res/conf is written to appropriate user specific path, and installers take care to replace /res/bin and /res/share with links to directories placed in appropriate paths depending on the target system


(Linux) Improved compliance with Open Desktop specifications: configuration is now saved in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/peazip directory; if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined configuration is saved to $HOME/.config/peazip
To import existing configuration simply copy content of $HOME/.PeaZip directory to the new location
GitHub: Merged ACTom's "Initial support for MacOS #25"
Various fixes
Fixed possible error with progress bar
Fixed possible error not asking password opening some encrypted archives, and reduced false positive cases in which it the application suggested to provide a password
Fixed error reporting information about multi volume archives
Fixed error in file manager selecting files with same characteristics of selected item
(Windows) Fixed issue not showing system's file properties dialog in some cases


(Linux) Shortcuts to /media, /run/media, and /mnt (if not empty) are now featured in navigation tree, under filesystem group
(Linux) Improved automatically configuring XFCE apps alternatives in "Open with" menu: Mousepad, Midori, Parole, Ristretto
(Linux) Fixed theming issues with GTK2
Column header's context menu is now accessible alternatively right-clicking the status bar
Improved theming
Added Color temperature option, to adapt application to DE using warmer or colder colors
Added Highlight tabs option (default on) highlighting rows or columns containing tabs with alternate color
Options > Settings > General, Privacy / Reset group, Working directory is now set to system's temp by default (consistently with most applications of this type)
Working directory label can now be clicked to explore path (unless it is set to output, which is variable), in order to make easier for the user to verify if for any reasons there are left orphaned files
All PeaZip's temporary work files and dirs are now collected in peazip-tmp subdirectory of work path (unless it is set to output) for same reason of making easier to spot and remove orphaned files
All PeaZip's temporary work files and dirs now contains p*tmp string for making easier to find them regardless the tools employed
Options > Settings > General, Privacy / Reset group now allows to silently skip deletion of locked temporary work files (default on, consistently with behavior of most applications of this type); temp work files can then be optionally deleted separately:
Automatically from Reset link, and if reset fails the folder is opened for soliciting manual deletion (regardless the option to silently skip locked files during normal operations)
Manually clicking on Working directory label and using standard system's tools
Options > Settings > File manager now allows to set the multiple-byte unit: binary, 1024 (IEC kibibyte), or decimal, 1000 (IEC kilobyte), or none (exact byte size)
Options > Settings > File manager now allows to customize the list of preferred algorithms for calculating file checksum and hashes; all preferred algorithms in the list will be performed in a single step when it is required to checksum / hash files.


Added Deflate and Deflate64 compression options to 7z format
Improved -ext2here, -ext2folder (-alias -ext2smart), and -ext2newfolder functions adding command line options:
-i ignore delete original archive after extraction settings
-o output directory in next parameter
-p password in next parameter


(Windows) Improved installer
"Extract here (in new folder)" entry is now featured by default both in context menu and SendTo menu
Fixed additional extraction entries not showing up on some cases
Installation folder selection screen is now available also running "Configure PeaZip" wizard from the application, for Portable versions this allows to easily integrate with host system
(Linux) Improved DEB and RPM installers with better compliance with Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, separating architecture specific and non-architecture specific resources


Titel: Bandizip 7.22 Build 45783 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2021, 10:40
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.

Supports both 32 and 64-bit, as well as 29 world languages.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that advertisements are not displayed correctly on the Standard Edition

Titel: Bandizip 7.22 Build 45958
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Some changes have been made to the End User License Agreement.
The program is now compatible with a new stlye of context menu offered in Windows 11.
Fixed a bug that advertisements are not displayed correctly on the Standard Edition
Fixed a bug that icons of some files contained in an archive are not displayed correctly
Improved the program to have no limit to the message output when decompressing an archive
Fixed a bug that some UI components of the program are not displayed correctly when HiDPI is enabled
Fixed vulnerabilities that may occur when handling TIFF files (CNVD-C-2021-352866, CNVD-C-2021-352868)
Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.53 RC203
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 20:15
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



Fixed an issue where PE files were not open as a library.
Added "Open PE file (executable file) as library" option to [Option]-[Extract option]-[Basic setting]. (Uncheck it to display the contents of the PE file, and uncheck it to compress the PE file.)
Changed to expand tar with 7z.dll when 7z.dll v.21.04? or higher can be loaded. * v.21.04? supports paxheader. Thanks to Igor Pavlov.
Updated to VC compiler v.16.11.7.


Titel: 7-Zip 21.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2021, 18:30
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


The window "Add to Archive" now allows to set a limit on memory usage (RAM) that will be used for compressing.
New switch -mmemuse={N}g / -mmemuse=p{N} to set a limit on memory usage (RAM) for compressing and decompressing.
Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: Bandizip 7.23 Build 46010 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Improved the program to decompress an archive containing symbolic links without showing a dialog box asking for administrative previleges when the developer mode is turned on in Windows 10
    Fixed a bug that occurs with the feature "Delete the archive after extraction" under certain conditions
    Other modifications

Titel: 7-Zip 21.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

- The window "Add to Archive" now allows to set a limit on memory usage (RAM)
  that will be used for compressing.
- New switch -mmemuse={N}g / -mmemuse=p{N} to set a limit on memory usage (RAM)
  for compressing and decompressing.
- Bug in versions 21.00-21.05 was fixed:
  7-Zip didn't set attributes of directories during archive extracting.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Explzh 8.54 RC204
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Corrected the progress bar when additionally compressing to an existing ZIP.
    The progress bar was not displayed when extracting gzip.
    Improved match file search in TAR deployments with many empty folders.
    Replaced 7z.dll with v.21.06.

Titel: Explzh 8.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Enabled to save the date archive name from "Save As".
    Enabled to specify the number of CPU threads when "Use 7z.dll" is set in the ZIP compression setting. (In the case of "Use Arcext.dll", the number of threads can be specified only for method ZSTD)
    Fixed a bug that caused an error when compressing only gzip of a single file.
    Fixed the English 64bit version of "Date file name formatting" dialog size not being displayed in the specified size.

Titel: PeaZip 8.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 11:30



Pea 1.05

7z 21.06 (console) used by default on Darwin/macOS, Linux, and Windows
p7zip, and szcnick's p7zip (fork of p7zip) syntax is fully supported and can be used as alternative replacing (peazip)/res/bin/7z/7z binary


Fixed issues when temporary work path is set to user's temp
(Windows) Fixed unnecessary confirmation message for non existing output directory
Fixed smart extraction not able to remove extra level of nesting


Added single and multi core performances benchmark, in main menu Tools > System benchmark (pea)
The benchmark performs integer and floating point arithmetic operations
Benchmark result unit is arbitrary and only meant to allow comparison between different platforms
For reference 2020 MacBook Air M1 score is 100 (single core) and 515 (multi core) for aarm64 build
(Darwin/macOS, Linux) File manager columns' menu is available righclicking status bar
(Darwin/macOS) Improved file manager
Added links to Volumes, Applications, and System/Applications in navigation treeview
Added auto-configured custom apps for "Open with" submenu
Added macOS-specific funtions in context menu, File Manager > System tools: Launchpad, Activity monitor, System preferences, Disk utility
Open command prompt here function now working
PeaUtils launching from PeaZip now working
Run function now working
Language can now be changed from dropdown menu from General settings tab (main menu, Options > Settings)
Previous method allowing to manually select the language file is still available from the link before the dropdown menu


New option to not stop sequences of archive test tasks unless an error is encountered
From main menu, Options > Settings, Advanced tab set "Stop to inspect report for error, list" instead of default value "Stop to inspect report for error, list, test"
With this setting, a successful archive test closes on completion unless an error is foud in the archive and test fails, in which case error message (and full report) is shown to user and needs to be dismissed before continuing with following test in sequence
Improved management of temporary work files
7z/p7zip work files during compression are now inside peazip-tmp subpath, if work directory is set to Custom or User's temp


Titel: Explzh 8.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    Fixed an issue where the 7z.dll version of Win-SFX could not be created from the shell extension. (7zS2con.sfx is not supported)
    Changed to display only SHA256 in the "hash value" acquisition function of the shell extension.
    We adopted xxhash (64/32) for hash acquisition to speed up data input / output. (Used for file list management and password manager management)
    I applied Visual C ++ 16.11.8.

Titel: Bandizip 7.23 Build 47164 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Added a feature compressing ZPAQ archive

Titel: Bandizip 7.23 Build 47215 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed some bugs that occur with File Explorer in Windows 11

Titel: Explzh 8.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    When downloading multiple files on the server by FTP client operation, the problem of capitalizing the file name.
    In v.8.56, the [Automatic CRC check function] that can be specified in the self-extracting library and the creation of split files did not work.
    In the update display of the list view, the item focus state and scroll position are also restored and displayed.
    Optimized tree structure information acquisition routine to speed up. (Library stack containing folders without stat () information in Directory)

Titel: 7-Zip 21.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2021, 17:30
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now can extract VHDX disk images (Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk v2 format).
    New switches: -spm and -im!{file_path} to exclude directories from processing for specified paths that don't contain path separator character at the end of path.
    In the "Add to Archive" window, now it is allowed to use -m prefix for "Parameters" field as in command line: -mparam.
    The sorting order of files in archives was slightly changed to be more consistent for cases where the name of some directory is the same as the prefix part of the name of another directory or file.
    TAR archives created by 7-Zip now are more consistent with archives created by GNU TAR program.


Titel: Explzh 8.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 09:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Fixed the problem that the folder name was not displayed correctly after renaming the folder in the server in the environment using the FTP client add-on.
    Fixed the problem that the list of library stacks containing only one file may not be displayed under the path without directory information.


Titel: Bandizip 7.23 Build 47579 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 11:10
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the program cannot open some EGG archives

Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 18:40
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Upgraded sharpcompress to 0.30.1

Titel: Bandizip 7.23 Build 47832
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2022, 18:40

    Improved the program to decompress an archive containing symbolic links without showing a dialog box asking for administrative previleges when the developer mode is turned on in Windows 10
    Fixed a bug that occurs with the feature "Delete the archive after extraction" under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that the context menu of the program duplicates itself when using a third-party manager (e.g. Total Commander) in Windows 11
    Fixed a bug that the progress bar does not reach 100% when the program decompresses a TAR archive containing a hard-linked files
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes sometimes when parallel extraction is canceled in the midst
    Fixed some issues that occur with the performance and UI of the program during parallel extraction
    Improved the compatibility of the internal image viewer with HiDPI
    Improved the comaptibility of the Password Recovery with HiDPI
    Fixed some security issues (KVE-2021-0517, KVE-2021-1018, KVE-2021-1019)
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot decompress some TAR archives
    Added a feature creating a new ZPAQ archive
    Fixed some bugs that occur with File Explorer in Windows 11
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open some EGG archives
    Other modifications


Titel: Explzh 8.59
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Replaced with 7z.dll v.21.07.
VHDX image extraction is supported.

Titel: Bandizip 7.24 Build 48483 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open a ZIP archive whose Unix file attributes have been incorrectly stored
    Improved the internal image viewer to be compatible with the JXR format
    Improved the program to be able to set a password when creating a ZPAQ archive
    Other modifications

Titel: Detect It Easy 3.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2022, 08:50
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


    Source code qt6 compatibility
    Signed zip bundle for macOS
    Signed pkg installer for macOS
    New file info module
    New console features
    New detects
    New "All types" mode
    Recursive scan
    Tree view for DiE engine
    Qwt 6.2.0
    New translations
    Many bugs have been fixed


Titel: IZArc 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 20:50
IZArc is the ultimate archive utility supports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. With a modern easy-to-use interface, IZArc provides support for most compressed and encoded files, as well as access to many powerful features and tools. It allows you to drag and drop files from and to Windows Explorer, create and extract archives directly in Windows Explorer, create multiple archives spanning disks, creating self-extracting archives, repair damaged zip archives, converting from one archive type to another, view and write comments and many more. IZArc has also build-in multilanguage support.



-Changed some shortcut combinations in order to avoid default windows actions
    * Shift+S -> Alt+S (Virus Scan)
    * Shift+V -> Alt+V (Check with VirusTotal)
    * Ctrl+C -> Alt+C (Convert Archive)

-Fixed deleting existing files when extract password protected
 archive and enter wrong password
-Fixed using the same temp folder when converting multiple
 archives at once
-Fixed some problems with Unicode filenames

-Updated translations


Titel: PeaZip 8.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 21:40
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




7z updated to 21.07
pea updated to 1.06
Zstd updated to 1.5.2 (on macOS and Windows)


Cleaned up conditional compilation sections which were causing errors in some non-Windows versions of Lazarus IDE
Compiled with Lazarus 2.2.0


Can now open selected file(s) on: double click, "open with" from system context menu, drag files on app
Some keyboard shortcuts are conditionally modified to better fit to macOS conventions:
Command+F find, +A select all, +C copy, +X cut, +V paste, +left open previous item in history, +up open parent folder, +right next item in history, +BackSpace move to Trash;
Shift+Command+N create new folder, +C jump to root, +D jump to Desktop, +H jump to home, +L jump to Downloads, +O jump to documents
Various fixes



Added link to devices mounted in /var/run/media in filesystem treeview, when applicable
File / archive browser can now alternatively display larger details, and large list modes (from Style menu on status bar) in order to improve readability and touch usability


Added filesystem treeview link to ~/Library/Mobile Documents/, which contains iCloud syncronization folder, when the path is not empty
Explore path menu entry now uses open -R reveal option to highlight the item selected in PeaZip when Finder is opened
Move to Recycle bin (Trash) deletion option is now available, both in file manager and as option for deletion after archiving / extraction
Improved icon spacing
A larger Spacing option is now available
Theme > Spacing option now apply also to the various styles of the file browser listview
New keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut to open item in a new tab
Ctrl+Alt+F4 jump to Downloads
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F4 jump to Documents



Added support for Brotli, Zpaq, and Zstandard backends
Improved compression settings
Added option to use dictionary up to 4 GB of memory for LZMA and LZMA2 compression
It is now possible to use custom dictionary sizes for non-  Defalte / Deflate64 ZIP compression
Updated compression defaults for LZMA, LZMA2/XZ, and PPMd accordingly to new 7z defaults
Updated compression presets in (peazip)/res/share/presets
Fixed: it is now possible to change compression level and algorithm using keyboard
Improved usage of Layouts
From main menu Tools > Apply filters to archive browser, it is possible to apply or to ignore (default) advanced filters for the archive browser, in this way the user can specify filters (i.e. file extensions) to be applied to archiving and extraction tasks without changing the way the file manager works
From main menu Options > Settings, Archive manager tab it is now possible to set a Layout to be opened automatically when starting PeaZip
Layouts can be now loaded and saved from the file manager (saving a Layout from file manager saves only Advanced filters as no input list is provided)
Improved scripting
Interactive extraction option is now ignored when creating scripts, which would otherwise point to a temporary work path rather than the intended output destination
This behavior can be changed in the configuration file editing [ignore interactive extraction option when creating scripts from Console tab] variable
Force UTF8 flag for file names ZIP archives is now enabeld by default, in order to better handling international characters on multiple platforms
Reversed a change introduced in previous version: 7z temporary work files during compression are no longer created inside peazip-tmp subpath, because it is created on the fly by PeaZip and would not function if the action is exported as script to be used separately



Moved (peazip)/res/bin directory to correct location into peazip.app/Contents/MacOS/ path
Added readme with installation instructions in the root of the macOS packages
Added sample Automator scripts for Service menus in the root of the macOS packages and, for reference, in (peazip)/res/share/batch for integration with macOS context menu


Added "Browse path with PeaZip" entry for folder background context menu
Optional integration with Windows 11 mini-context menu
Windows 11 mini-context menu integration is available as .reg scripts in (peazip)/res/share/batch folder
Scripts uses whitelisted IDs
Mini-context menu entries can handle multiple input items per single application's instance


Titel: Bandizip 7.24 Build 49409 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2022, 17:45
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.


Whats new:>>

Improved the compatibility with a HiDPI display of an SFX file created by the program

Titel: Explzh 8.60 RC210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 18:45
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Fixed the problem that the character data of the UTF-8 file name header (0x7075) was not Unicode-encoded in the Info-ZIP version of ZIP (depending on the conditions).
    Changed the LZMA SDK 7zS2.sfx and 7zSD.sfx to not be included in the distribution package. (Because some anti-virus software falsely detects malware)
    The FTP client function is now enabled by default.
    Apply Visual C ++ 16.11.11.


Titel: Bandizip 7.24 Build 50248 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open a ZIP archive whose Unix file attributes have been incorrectly stored
    Improved the internal image viewer to be compatible with the JXR format
    Improved the program to be able to set a password when creating a ZPAQ archive
    Improved the program to be able to decompress a J2J archive with a password
    Added a feature storing symbolic links in the advanced ZIP compression settings
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open a TAR archive containing a file larger than 8 GB
    Improved the program not to output an unnecessary message when decompressing split-archived RAR files
    Improved the compatibility with a HiDPI display of an SFX file created by the program
    Other modifications

Titel: NanaZip 1.1 (
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2022, 21:20
A fork of 7-Zip that packs all the features of the popular file archiver and that is designed with the modern Windows experience in mind.

MIT License


    Add assembly implementations from 7-Zip back for improving performance.
    Reimplement the about dialog with TaskDialog.
    Modernize the message boxes with Task Dialog. (Thanks to DJxSpeedy.)
    Update 7-Zip to 21.07. (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by HylianSteel.)
    Update translations inherited from 7-Zip.
    Update German translations. (Contributed by Hen Ry.)
    Update Polish translation. (Contributed by ChuckMichael.)
    Improve the multi volume rar file detection for solving #82 . (Thanks to 1human.)
    Simplify the file type association definitions and add the open verb for them. (Thanks to Fabio286.)
    Fix CI issue.
    Update VC-LTL to 5.0.4.
    Update C++/WinRT to 2.0.211028.7.


Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Bumped sharpcompress to 0.31.0

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.450
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2022, 10:10
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

- Language corrections
- Properties dialog added

Titel: Explzh 8.61 RC211
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2022, 19:30
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    After reloading the library list, the window is scrolled to the selected focus position of the stored file (if it is remembered) to make it visible as much as possible.
    Improved command line switch / select (start with selected files in the library). (The / select switch may not work for archives with deep folder hierarchies) https://www.ponsoftware.com/archiver/help/COMMANDLINE.htm


Titel: Bandizip 7.24 Build 51052
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2022, 18:50
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open a ZIP archive whose Unix file attributes have been incorrectly stored
    Improved the internal image viewer to be compatible with the JXR format
    Improved the program to be able to set a password when creating a ZPAQ archive
    Improved the program to be able to decompress a J2J archive with a password
    Added a feature storing symbolic links in the advanced ZIP compression settings
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open a TAR archive containing a file larger than 8 GB
    Improved the program not to output an unnecessary message when decompressing split-archived RAR files
    Improved the compatibility with a HiDPI display of an SFX file created by the program
    The program is now also distributed via Microsoft Store.
    Improved the function changing file associations
    Added a feature decompressing UU archives
    Other modifications


Titel: PeaZip 8.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2022, 21:50
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




Pea 1.07
(Linux) Zstd 1.5.2


Fixed dictionary size for ZIP using XZ compression
(Windows) Fixed compatibility issue with Windows XP
(Windows) Fixed defective system's file explorer refresh after some operations
Various fixes


Improved theming
New "Main" theme (default), with icons meant to visually integrate the application with most of the design styles found on supported platforms
New "Different" theme meant to integrate with macOS visual style without being too unfamiliar to users of modern Windows and Linux systems
New "Gray" theme meant to integrate with modern Windows systems and Fluent design
Previous versions theme is named "Ten" and can be set from the themes picker in Options > Settings, Theme tab, Advanced section
Other old themes are available collected in a separate package
Themes picker control was simplified
New .ico and .png icons are now available in (peazip)/res/share/icons directory for customizing the application on Linux, macOS, and Windows systems
Simplified organization of UI layout
New Style popup menu from the right of tool bar unifies the multiple submenus for quick customization of the UI
Righclicking on the Styles button is a secondary way to show column's header menu for organizing the browser in details mode (as column headers are not correctly handled on some target operating systems)
Status bar is now simpler and more focused on displaying information about navigation and password, now that styles-related controls are moved to the new Styles button in tool bar
On the left of the status bar displayed and selected items are shown, plus information about items cut or copied in the clipboard
Clicking or passing the mouse on that area displays comprehensive information about current archive (if applicable), filesystem and clipboard content
On the right of the status bar is available the button to enter / change password
Navigation submenu in context menu is now simpler and more focused on file browsing, with the removal of duplicate sytles-related controls
Unified navigation menu for address bar, breadcrumb and treeview to provide an single, easier to understand structure (organized in the same way of the navigation side bar), and to remove duplicate controls
Added session history popup menu to "back" and "forward" buttons, and breadcrumb popup menu to "up" button


Added "Immediate execution" option for Profiles and Presets, in Add button's dropdown menu
If the option is flagged, custom compression profiles and presets immediately starts compression when selected without requiring confirmation
Added command line switches to compress items using one of the compression presets or loading a saved custom compression setting
-add2preset N uses Nth preset settings; presets are numbered from 0 to 15, and are fully customizable, they can be found in (peazip)/res/share/presets directory
-add2custom (full qualified name of the custom compression setting) uses the custom compression setting specified after the switch
Those switches can also be used in scripts (.reg, desktop files, .workflow service menus) employed to integrate PeaZip with Linux, Mac, and Windows systems
If "immediate execution" option is enabled, compression will start immediately without requiring confirmation, otherwise it will be possible to modify the task further before lanuching it
Added option to not immediately save edited files into archive, keeping changes for further editing (or for manually saving to archive from context menu, More submenu)
Labels in status bar of Archiving and Extraction screens are clickable to show synthetic information about the task


Titel: BandiZip 7.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that files cannot be added to a ZIP archive by drag & drop on File Explorer.

Titel: Explzh 8.62 RC212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Corrected the problem that the drawing of the screen was disturbed after reloading the screen other than the display.
    Updated shell extension library. Enabled to open some supported archive formats from "Open from Explzh" from the extended context menu.

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2022, 18:00
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Unterstützung für dunkle Themen / Modi in der Nicht komprimierbare Dateien-APP für MS Windows-Betriebssysteme
• Bugfix: Windows 11 mit 4K-Bildschirm und/oder hoher Bildschirmskalierung oder DPI-Einstellungen
• Verbesserungen im Kontrastdesign und höhere DPI-Einstellungen bei der Arbeit mit Sehschwächen
• Wichtige Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Explzh 8.63 RC212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a problem that a memory leak may occur at the timing of closing a tab from "Close other than this tab" in the right-click menu when selecting a tab when multiple tabs are open.
    In the 32-bit version, automatic update did not work with "Archiver DLL automatic update function". (This function works only in the 32-bit version when it detects an update of the integrated archiver DLL that has already been installed.)
    Apply zlib v1.2.12
    Apply zstandard v1.5.2.

Titel: Explzh 8.64 RC214
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2022, 12:55
Whats new:>>

The existence check of 7z.sfx did not work in the version after Ver.8.61. Fixed a bug that caused him to fail to create a 7z self-extracting library.

Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 52292 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed a vulnerability occurs with PSD files (CNVD-C-2022-239953)

Titel: Explzh 8.65.2 RC215
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>

    Changed tar expansion to be handled by Arcext.dll.
    .tar.zst can now be decompressed with a single operation. * Uncheck "Extract tar archive when decompressing .tar.xx" in the option "Options-Extract options-Basic settings". https://www.ponsoftware.com/archiver/help/OPT_EXT_BASE.htm

Titel: Detect It Easy 3.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 06:45
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


    Bundle for Ubuntu 22.04
    Bundle for Apple M1 processor
    MACHOFAT support
    Colored output for console
    New detects
    New translations
    Many bugs have been fixed


Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 53159 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that the program cannot process some UDF files
    Fixed a vulnerability occurring with PSD files (CNVD-C-2022-239953)
    Fixed a vulnerability occurring with JXR files (CNVD-C-2022-185824)
    Fixed a bug that the program freezes when a network location is selected as the extraction path

Titel: 7-Zip 22.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2022, 19:15
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now can extract APFS (Apple File System) images that can be used in DMG files.
    7-Zip now can create TAR archives in POSIX (pax) tar format with the switches
    -ttar -mm=pax or -ttar -mm=posix
    7-Zip now can store additional file timestamps with high precision (1 ns in Linux) in tar/pax archives with the following switches:
    -ttar -mm=pax -mtp=3 -mtc -mta
    New switches for Linux version for TAR archives:
    -snoi : store owner/group ids in archive or set owner/group ids from archive to extracted files.
    -snon : store owner/group names in archive
    New -snz switch to propagate Zone.Identifier stream to extracted files (Windows).
    New option "Propagate Zone.Id stream" in Tools/Options/7-Zip menu.
    New "Options" window in "Add to archive" allows to select what metadata must be included to archive. Also it allows to select new option
    "Do not change source files last access time".
    Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: Explzh 8.66 RC216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2022, 06:35
Whats new:>>

Fixes a bug where tar + compress (tar.Z) cannot be successfully unpacked (signature check error) when the "Expand .tar.xx at once" option is enabled.

Titel: PeaZip 8.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2022, 20:50
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




(Linux, Windows) 7z 22.00
Pea 1.08


Can now optionally check hash of backend binaries called by PeaZip in order to detect modified ones, from main menu Tools > Verify hash of binaries.
Check is performed against known SHA256 (cryptographically strong) hashes of known backend binaries, embedded in peazip main binary at compile time in "checkchash" function in peach.pas
Can now optionally hardcode paths of backend binaries, configuration, and non-binary resources directories as absoulte paths at compile time as HBINPATH, HCONFPATH, and HSHAREPATH constants
This allow to optionally force those directories to be placed in system-specific paths in order to meet specific FHS or security requirements
Hardcoded paths must be written as absoulte paths ending with directory separator
If not hardcoded at compile time, those paths are by default (peazip)/res/bin, (peazip)/res/conf (or system dependent for installable packages), (peazip)/res/share respectively
Of course in both cases those directories can be replaced in packages by links to different paths, if it comes handy to enforce FHS rules
Re-organized source package to improve usability, and introducing more quick start examples for building peazip packages; sources are now in dev subfolder of the package.
Various fixes and improvements


(macOS) Can now correctly recognize Movies directory in user's home
Added "Open in a new tab" to breadcrumb navigation menu
Can now export content of navigation/search filter as CSV, from column's header menu, and Main menu > Navigation submenu
CSV separator can now be customised from Options > Settings, General Tab, on the right of Localization selector
File manager now displays file size and compressed file size of directories inside archives, CRC column displays files and sub-directores count for directories
Many visual enhancements
Active tabs (in archive, extraction screens, progress windows...) are now window color for better visibility
Default column sizes of file browser are now aware of DPI scaling
Search bar in address bar can now be optionally kept expanded (width is remembered)
Theme screen reorganized to be easier to understand
Theme screen now allows to set more application's color presets; alongside dim and low light are now available Graphite, Plum, Mocha, and Senape applying a non-neutral color modifier to the UI
Embedded icons improved
Improved themes: updated Different, and Main themes, Gray theme replaced by Minimal theme.


Can now remember default archive creation action (force new archive, add, update, sync...)
The option will anyway be temporarily switched to appropriate values when adding/removing files in archive through the archive browser
Improved displaying directory size in archive creation screen: items are now recursively enumerated asynchronously (non blocking) by default, so it is possible to proceed with archiving operations (confirm, cancel, modify parameters...) without needing the input count to be completed
Enumeration is skipped to save time in any case when sending directly input to archive, i.e. a script (or a menu entry) with -add2zip parameter
Now also "Enumerate folder content" menu entry action is performed asynchronously, not blocking the GUI while counting items
Enumeration can be set as usual from archiving screen, Advanced tab
Re-organized Archive manager settings page in Options > Settings
This page can now be also directly reached from Advanced tab in archiving and extraction screens, from "Set archive manager options" link
Archiving and extraction screens now focus more on options related to the current task and which may be frequently needed to be changed, while options related to the behavior of the application (expected to be usually set once and permanently) have been moved to Archive manager page in Settings
For Zpaq format now "Absolute paths" extraction option is enabled by default (in Advanced tab of extraction screen)   


Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 53306 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2022, 18:50
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



    Added a feature decompressing ZIPX archives compressed with PACKMP3 algorithm
    Added a feature decompressing ZIPX archives compressed with Reference algorithm
    Added a feature "Do not use Rich Edit control" to the Settings > Advanced
    Fixed a bug that the context menu of the program does not work correctly if Explorer's tabs feature is enabled in Windows 11


Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 53474 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Modified the program: Now only the Latin alphabet characters, numbers, and special characters can be used for a ZIP archive's password
    Other modifications

Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 53799 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2022, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Added /cmdfile command available on CLI
    Added a feature "Add to FileName.ZIP" to the Settings > Context Menu

Titel: Bandizip 7.26 Build 52976
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2022, 18:20

    Added a feature decompressing ZIPX archives compressed with PACKMP3 algorithm
    Added a feature decompressing ZIPX archives compressed with Reference algorithm
    Added a feature "Do not use Rich Edit control" to the Settings > Advanced
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot process some UDF files
    Fixed a vulnerability occurring with PSD files (CNVD-C-2022-239953)
    Fixed a vulnerability occurring with JXR files (CNVD-C-2022-185824)
    Fixed a bug that the program freezes when a network location is selected as the extraction path
    Fixed a bug that the context menu of the program does not work correctly if Explorer's tabs feature is enabled in Windows 11
    Modified the program: Now only the Latin alphabet characters, numbers, and special characters can be used for a ZIP archive's password
    Added /cmdfile command available on CLI
    Added a feature "Add to FileName.ZIP" to the Settings > Context Menu
    Other modifications


Titel: BandiZip 7.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2022, 09:12
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that if the parallel extraction is enabled, extracting only some of the files from an archive creates other folders you did not extract
    Other modifications

Titel: Explzh 8.67 RC217
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2022, 20:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Supports ZIP creation of info-zip version UTF-8 file name extension header (0x7075). UTF-8 ZIP is created by default. * Unlha32.dll version Unicode LZH-like (hybrid) specification. Correspondence also includes conversion to encrypted ZIP, decryption, modification of ZIP header, change of storage file name, change of attribute, change of time stamp. Even a legacy archiver can extract files without transcribing within the same regional locale. You can optionally create a pkzip version of UTF-8 ZIP, or convert it to a pkzip version of UTF-8 ZIP with a single "CTRL + U" shortcut key.
    When changing the attribute of the file in ZIP, the progress bar is displayed on the progress bar. (Rename, time stamp, change file attributes, etc.)
    Addressed an issue where deleted working file icons would remain after ZIP editing (Windows issue?).
    Improved how to get the file list of .tar.zst. Changed to process on memory.
    Other corrections have been made.


Titel: NanaZip 2.0.313.0 Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2022, 20:50
A fork of 7-Zip that packs all the features of the popular file archiver and that is designed with the modern Windows experience in mind.

MIT License


We are excited to announce that we've released the NanaZip 2.0 Preview 1, and is now available for download.

Because the XAML Islands based UI stack will be used in NanaZip is still in the development stage. You won't see some features planned in Preview 1 and need to wait for Preview 2:

    The first run notice window of Mark-of-the-Web which appeared in extracting archives. (So, The Preview 1 won't enable MOTW by default.)
    The new hash algorithm selection window. (Because there are many hash algorithms added to NanaZip 2.0, it's necessary to have a selection window.)
    The XAML-based toolbar in the main window.

Release Notes

    Fix the shell extension issue which cause Everything crashed. (Thanks to No5972, startkkkkkk, SakuraNeko, bfgxp and riverar.)
    Allow NanaZip to be associated with any file type. (Contributed by manfromarce.)
    Update 7-Zip to 22.00. (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by HylianSteel.)
    Integrate the following HASH algorithms to NanaZip from RHash and xxHash.
        EDON-R 224, EDON-R 256, EDON-R 384, EDON-R 512
        GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.11-94 CryptoPro
        GOST R 34.11-2012 256, GOST R 34.11-2012 512
        HAS-160, RIPEMD-160
        SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
        Snefru-128, Snefru-256
        Tiger, Tiger2
        XXH3_64bits, XXH3_128bits
    Update Zstandard to 1.5.2.
    Update BLAKE3 to 1.3.1.
    Improve the Per-Monitor DPI Awareness support in Windows 10 Version 1607 for Self Extracting Executable stubs.
    Fix line break issue for i18n resource files. (Thanks to ygjsz.)
    Enable several security mitigations. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
        Enable Control Flow Guard (CFG) to all target binaries for mitigating ROP attacks.
        Mark all x86 and x64 target binaries as compatible with Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) Shadow Stack.
        Strict handle checks at runtime to block the use of invalid handles.
        Disable dynamic code generation prevents generating malicious code at runtime.
        Block loading unexpected libraries from remote sources at runtime.

Known issues

    If you can't find NanaZip in the context menu, please restart all File Explorer processes via Task Manager.
    Due to the issues in Desktop Bridge file system virtualization, you are unable to use NanaZip in the Safe Mode of Windows.
    Due to the policy from Microsoft Store, NanaZip is unable to disable Desktop Bridge file system virtualization, so the file operations in %UserProfile%/AppData will be redirected in Windows 10, and file operations in directories other than Local, LocalLow and Roaming in %UserProfile%/AppData will still be redirected in Windows 11.
    Due to the Microsoft Store limitations, NanaZip 1.2 and later won't support languages not mentioned in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/publish/supported-languages .


Titel: 7-Zip 22.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2022, 18:30
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    UDF support was improved to UDF version 2.60.
    HFS and APFS support was improved.


Titel: Explzh 8.68 RC218
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2022, 09:08
Whats new:>>

    When the creation of tar.x is interrupted, all the files being worked on are deleted. Also, for compression methods such as tar.gz that can get the compressed file name from the header, it is changed to "compressed file name.tar.gz" according to the gz specification.
    Apply 7z.dll version 22.01. special thanks Igor Pavlov. Https://www.7-zip.org
    Apply Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.17.

Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2022, 19:20
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Bumped sharpcompress to 0.32.2

Titel: Explzh 8.70 RC220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 12:41
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that "long path" exceeding MAX_PATH for both directory name and file name could not be stored in tar creation. (Normal use compression is unlikely to have long path problems)
    Other minor bugs have been fixed.

Titel: Bandizip 7.28 Build 55078 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>

    Added a feature decompressing XXE archives
    Added a feature copying full paths of selected files and folders to the clipboard

Titel: Explzh 8.71 RC221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Changed the rule of path optimization so that the path with "." at the beginning of the file is removed instead of being replaced with "_".
    IMPORTANT:Fixed an issue where a thread that opened a file (regardless of file type) and listed it in a view was incorrectly returning the number of files it got in the exit return value. Since 259 files (STILL_ACTIVE) may be returned, an infinite loop may occur. From task manager he may need to terminate Explzh. Please update the version to v.8.71 or later. (He would like to thank AI for reporting this.)

Titel: Explzh 8.72 RC222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug in v.8.71 where full tar unpacking (other than individual unpacking within an archive) failed.
    Applied Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.18.

Titel: Bandizip 7.28 Build 55354 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2022, 19:15
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that "Extract each archive here (Smart)" and "Extract to separate folders" do not work correctly when you select multiple files and right-click them under certain conditions
    Added a feature that can give a sparse property to the extracted files when the program extracts files from TAR archives having a sparse property

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2022, 09:50
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Wichtige Anpassungen in der Nicht komprimierbare Dateien Anwendung für ältere MS Windows NT Betriebssysteme
• Kleine Korrekturen Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Bandizip 7.28 Build 55435 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that the program crashes when decompressing ZPAQ archives on a device with 32 plus logical processors

Titel: PeaZip 8.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 19:50
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




(Linux, Windows) 7z 22.01
Pea 1.09


Various fixes and improvements


Improved GUI for more flexibility to better adapt to multiple environments with different visual styles
New theming options, in Options > Settings, Theme tab
Address bar, tool bar, and tab bar can now be separately set to be highlighted in window color, button color, or accent color (with more shades available for the tool bar);
Tool bar buttons can now be centered or aligned to left;
Address bar can now be displayed as solid bar or blended with file browser area;
Tab bars are now available in 3 alternative styles: left aligned tabs, centered buttons, or links;
Small icon size can be changed 16 px to 32 px to match the default size on different platforms;
 Re-built themes to use new theming options
New Tuxedo theme replaces Minimal theme
"..." Style button improved
New switch to show/hide main menu;
New switches to quickly toggle large (32 px), medium (24 px), and small tool bar size (16 px, or as defined for small icon size), and to highlight buttons;
The Style button now becomes automatically visible in address bar if tool bar is hidden
Organize group in main menu is now more consistent with Style menu options
Task progress window redesigned to be simpler and easier to read


Added option to test archive after creation, for formats supporting test routine, in Options > Settings, Archive manager tab
by default test after archiving blocks the task sequence only in case errors are detected
Added timestamp precision option in Archiving screen, Advanced tab, applies to ZIP and TAR/pax formats
Added option to set TAR standard (gnu or pax, default gnu) from Archiving screen, Advanced tab
pax allows to customize timestamp precision
pax allows to store creation timestamp and accessed timestamp if "Store all timestamp" option is set from Options > Settings > Archive manager tab
(Linux, TAR) Added options to save owner/group ids and names, available in Archiving screen, Advanced tab
(Windows) Added option to propagate Zone.Identifier stream to files extracted through 7z backed, default on, available in Extraction screen, Advanced tab
Zpaq absolute paths option set to on by default for non-Windows system, off for Windows systems


(macOS) fixed dependency issues with Zstd on x86_64 package


Titel: Explzh 8.73 RC223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2022, 19:40
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Supported POSIX tar long file name (upper limit of path name size is 4160 bytes).
    The number of files being processed is now displayed in the progress dialog for ZIP, tar, and 7z.
    In addition, some other fixes have been made.


Titel: Detect It Easy 3.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 10:10
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


  • Bundle for Arch Linux
  • VirusTotal analysis
  • New widgets
  • New detects
  • New translations
  • Many bugs have been fixed
Titel: Explzh 8.74 RC224
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2022, 09:13
Whats new:>>

    tar.zst "Check archive validity" now does a full check of the files in the tar archive instead of the checksum result of the zst compressed tar archive.
    "Browse display" and "Viewer" were not enabled when multiple files were selected.
    After editing multiple stored files, batch update of the archive (or FTP connection destination) was performed, and an error occurred at the timing after the second "Confirm file update" was displayed. .
    Addressed the problem that the result log may be displayed behind other windows. (It is difficult to solve 100% due to system problems.)


Titel: Explzh 8.75 RC225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Optimized tar archive list loading routine to speed up view display.
    In an environment where the contents of a tar archive such as .tar.xx are set to be extracted directly, the progress of creating a tar work file is displayed in the parent window (or dialog).
    Fixed a bug that the file selection state after deletion was not restored when deleting files on the FTP server.

Titel: NanaZip 2.0.376.0 Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 20:15
A fork of 7-Zip that packs all the features of the popular file archiver and that is designed with the modern Windows experience in mind.

MIT License


    Update 7-Zip to 22.01. (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by HylianSteel, Random-name-hi and DJxSpeedy.)
    Add hfsx to file type association. (Suggested by AndromedaMelody.)
    Update the minimum system requirement to Windows 10 Version 2004 (Build 19041) or later for solving issues in the XAML Islands.
    Update LZ4 to v1.9.4.
    Enable Package Integrity. (Contributed by AndromedaMelody.)
    Don't enable "Disable dynamic code generation" mitigation in Debug builds for solving codec load error issue. (Thanks to AndromedaMelody.)
    Continue to enable several security mitigations.
    Enable EH Continuation Metadata.
    Enable Signed Returns.
    Generate resource identities for package manifest manually. (Suggested by AndromedaMelody.)
    Add workaround for NanaZip not appearing in classic context menu. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Check 7z compression parameter validity upon start of compression. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Update icons. (Designed by Shomnipotence.)


Titel: Bandizip 7.28 Build 56421 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2022, 12:45
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that occurs when using the feature "Delete the archive after extraction" with an encrypted archive
    Fixed a buffer overflow vulnerability occurring under certain conditions

Titel: Bandizip 7.28 Build 56865 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug that when adding a folder to an archive by drag & drop on File Explorer, only files are added with no folder name

Titel: Explzh 8.76 RC226
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Added support for creating ZIP-XZ (method id:95). *You can now specify "XZ" from [Options]-[Compression Options]-[Basic Settings]-[ZIP]. (Valid when Arcext.dll is specified) Reference: https://www.ponsoftware.com/archiver/help/OPT_CMP_ZIP.htm
    Apply liblzma v.5.27.
    Applied Visual C++ v.16.11.19.
    A few other fixes.

Titel: NanaZip 2.0.396.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 19:10


    Integrate the following HASH algorithms to NanaZip from RHash (AICH, BLAKE2b, BTIH, ED2K, EDON-R 224, EDON-R 256, EDON-R 384, EDON-R 512, GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.11-94 CryptoPro, GOST R 34.11-2012 256, GOST R 34.11-2012 512, HAS-160, RIPEMD-160, SHA-224, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, Snefru-128, Snefru-256, Tiger, Tiger2, TTH, Whirlpool) and xxHash (XXH3_64bits, XXH3_128bits).
    Allow NanaZip to be associated with any file type. (Contributed by manfromarce.)
    Add hfsx to file type association. (Suggested by AndromedaMelody.)


    Refresh application and file type icons. (Designed by Shomnipotence.)
    Refresh the about dialog with XAML Islands.
    Update 7-Zip to 22.01. (https://www.7-zip.org/history.txt) (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by HylianSteel, Random-name-hi and DJxSpeedy.)
    Update Zstandard to 1.5.2. (https://github.com/facebook/zstd/releases/tag/v1.5.2).
    Update BLAKE3 to 1.3.1. (https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3/releases/tag/1.3.1)
    Update LZ4 to 1.9.4. (https://github.com/lz4/lz4/releases/tag/v1.9.4)
    Enable Control Flow Guard (CFG) to all target binaries for mitigating ROP attacks. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Mark all x86 and x64 target binaries as compatible with Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) Shadow Stack. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Strict handle checks at runtime to block the use of invalid handles. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Disable dynamic code generation in Release builds prevents generating malicious code at runtime. (Contributed by dinhngtu. Thanks to AndromedaMelody.)
    Block loading unexpected libraries from remote sources at runtime. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Enable Package Integrity Check. (Contributed by AndromedaMelody.)
    Enable EH Continuation Metadata. (Suggested by dinhngtu. Thanks to mingkuang.)
    Enable Signed Returns.
    Add Mile.Xaml to NanaZip project.
    Start adding prerequisite support for unpackaged mode.


    Fix the shell extension issue which cause Everything crashed. (Thanks to No5972, startkkkkkk, SakuraNeko, bfgxp and riverar.)
    Improve the Per-Monitor DPI Awareness support in Windows 10 Version 1607 for Self Extracting Executable stubs.
    Fix line break issue for i18n resource files. (Thanks to ygjsz.)
    Generate resource identities for package manifest manually. (Suggested by AndromedaMelody.)
    Add workaround for NanaZip not appearing in classic context menu. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Check 7z compression parameter validity upon start of compression. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)


Titel: PeaZip 8.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2022, 11:30



Pea 1.10


Password Manager is now re-set only from Options > Settings > Privacy, Reset Password Manager link
Various fixes and improvements
(Linux) correctly displays folder size inside ZIP archives if applicable
(macOS) tool bar toggling is not needed and it is now disabled
Cleanup of legacy code
Improved performances and memory management for browsing archives
Improved opening folders after task completition
Improved detecting root extraction directory
Archive conversion procedure now opens target directory only once, after final compression step
Task window can now show temporary extraction work path (if applicable) from context menu right-clicking on input and output links


Added progress bar while opening archive files supported through 7z backend; progress indicator is not visible when archive pre-browsing is disabled in Options > Settings > General, Performance group
Improved Clipboard panel, can now display size and modification date of items
Improved quick navigation menu (on the left of the Address bar)
Can now set password/keyfile, and display if a password is set
Can now display info on current archive / selection / clipboard content duplicating function of staus bar (so hiding status bar is now a more viable option); the new Info entry is also featured in main menu, Navigation group
Can now toggle bookmarks, history, and clipboard views in the Status bar
Improved Style button
Right-clicking Style shows main menu as context menu
Settings is now reachable from Style button in Tool / Address bar
Updated theming engine
Address bar color can now be changed separately from Address field color
Tab bar color has now more options
Improved existing Themes to take advantage of the new options
Updated Tuxedo theme
New Droid theme


(Linux, macOS) Changed default working directory to output path, as more consistent with behavior of similar applications on non-Windows systems
Added context menu entry for "Add to separate archives" action, shown when applicable in file browser screen
Improved archiving and extraction context menu, to make easier to add files and folders (or open search) from bookmarks abd history items
Improved test after archiving
Empty archives are reported as warnings
It is now possible to set the sequence of tasks to stop for auto-test results (otherwise it will stop only in case of error) from Options > Settings > Advanced
More information is available clicking status bar string in archive creation and extraction screens: task type details, temp work path (if applicable), input zise, output path with total size and free space


(Windows) MSI installer is no longer featured


Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2022, 19:10
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source



    Rounded buttons everywhere
    Scroll bar for About Page


    Bumped sharpcompress to 0.32.2
    Bumped SharpZipLib to 1.4.0
    Greater margins on Settings Page


    Locking usage of file pickers
    Synchronized usage of ToolTip timers


Titel: Explzh 8.77 RC227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2022, 10:40
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    Added "Get SHA256 hash" to "Tools" menu. Show her SHA256 of all open archives in tab window from "Result Log Dialog".
    Added "Also show CRC32 next time (including total CRC32)" option in the "Get SHA256 hash" dialog. (The setting is memorized)
    The number of processed files is now displayed in the progress dialog of lha compression, decompression, and inspection.
    Enabled to use map files for expansion such as zip and tar.
    Fixed incorrect file size display in posix tar list view.
    Applied Visual C++ v.16.11.20.


Titel: Explzh 8.78 RC228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2022, 12:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug in Ver.8.77 that could not expand old format zip encryption 2.0.

Titel: Explzh 8.79 RC229
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>

In Ver.8.77 and later versions, the file pointer was not seeked in files with a size of 0x50000 bytes or more stored in .tar, and as a result, a normal binary could not be extracted. (Thanks to Mr. K.A for reporting)

Titel: UPX 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2022, 09:40
Pack or unpack executables on your computer without significant efforts by turning to this lightweight application that fashions a Command Line Interface.

License: GPL


    Switch to semantic versioning
    SECURITY NOTES: emphasize the security context in the docs
    Support easy building from source code with CMake
    Support easy rebuilding the stubs from source with Podman/Docker
    Add integrated doctest C++ testing framework
    Add support for EFI files (PE x86; Kornel Pal)
    Bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/6
    Bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/7


Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2022, 18:50
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source


    Bumped SharpZipLib to 1.4.1
    Removed usage of ZipStrings (legacy)
    Removed periods from log messages


Titel: Explzh 8.81 RC231
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2022, 09:08
Whats  new:>>

    Fixed a bug in .tar memory map handling on 32bit environment.
    Fixed a bug that the option when "Store empty folders" is off in "tar compression settings" is not effective.
    Fixed a bug that an error occurred after compressing a path name folder whose path name starts with '-' (hyphen) when compressing zip. (Thanks to HF for reporting)
    The file size limit in archives that can be searched for strings in archive search will be changed. (Limited to 4GB for 32Bit version, no limit for 64Bit version)

Titel: Bandizip 7.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 11:00
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



    Added a feature decompressing UU/UUE/XXE/PEA archives
    Fixed a security issue that may occur when processing Zone.Identifier information (Thanks to Nobutaka Mantani)
    Fixed a bug that "Extract each archive here (Smart)" and "Extract to separate folders" do not work correctly when you select multiple files and right-click them under certain conditions
    Added a feature that can give a sparse property to the extracted files when the program extracts files from TAR archives having a sparse property
    Added a feature copying full paths of selected files and folders to the clipboard
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when decompressing ZPAQ archives on a device with 32 plus logical processors
    Fixed a bug that occurs when using the feature "Delete the archive after extraction" with an encrypted archive
    Fixed a buffer overflow vulnerability occurring under certain conditions
    Added a feature recognizing an empty string as an archive's password
    Fixed a bug that when adding a folder to an archive by drag & drop on File Explorer, only files are added with no folder name
    Fixed a bug that the tooltip over the ad space does not disappear
    Other modifications


Titel: NanaZip 2.0.450.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 20:40
A fork of 7-Zip that packs all the features of the popular file archiver and that is designed with the modern Windows experience in mind.

MIT License


    Optimize NanaZip binaries via adjusting the WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion to 10.0.19041.0 in all packaged NanaZip binaries projects except the Self Extracting Executable stubs projects.
    Opt out of dynamic code mitigation on main NanaZip thread for resolving the compatibility issues with Explorer Patcher. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
    Update Mile.Xaml to 1.1.434. (https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Xaml/releases/tag/1.1.434.0)
    Update Mile.Windows.Helpers to 1.0.8. (https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Windows.Helpers/commits/main)
    Add dark mode support for context menus.
    Refresh the about dialog with Windows 11 XAML control styles and the immersive Mica effects.
    Fix model dialog style behavior for About dialog.
    Continue to refresh application and file type icons. (Designed by Shomnipotence.)


Titel: NanaZip 2.0.451.0 Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2022, 18:45

    Update icons. (Designed by Shomnipotence. Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Stable.)
    Add instructions for installing NanaZip for all users. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Stable.)
    Add Mile.Xaml to NanaZip project. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Stable.)
    Refresh the about dialog with XAML Islands. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Stable.)
    Start adding prerequisite support for unpackaged mode. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Stable.)
    Optimize NanaZip binaries via adjusting the WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion to 10.0.19041.0 in all packaged NanaZip binaries projects except the Self Extracting Executable stubs projects. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)
    Opt out of dynamic code mitigation on main NanaZip thread for resolving the compatibility issues with Explorer Patcher. (Contributed by dinhngtu. Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)
    Update Mile.Xaml to 1.1.434. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.) ( https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Xaml/releases/tag/1.1.434.0 )
    Update Mile.Windows.Helpers to 1.0.8. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.) ( https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Windows.Helpers/commits/main )
    Add dark mode support for context menus. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)
    Refresh the about dialog with Windows 11 XAML control styles and the immersive Mica effects. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)
    Fix model dialog style behavior for About dialog. (Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)
    Continue to refresh application and file type icons. (Designed by Shomnipotence. Updated in NanaZip 2.0 Update 1.)


Titel: InnoExtractor
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2022, 18:50
InnoExtractor allows you to inspect all embedded files of installers and extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.

Some features include the ability to open installers by drag and drop from Windows Explorer; extract all embedded files of the installer (including the script) to a local folder, to zip package or to a self-extracting module; convert the CompiledCode.bin file of the installer to a readable assembly code file (for advanced users only); run embedded files; perform file searches by keyword; history for recently opened installers and more.


Titel: PeaZip 9.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2022, 19:45
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




Pea 1.11


Fixes, clean up of legacy code
Improved progress bar
Improved speed and memory usage
about 10% faster using 10% less memory opening 250K items archive
about 3x faster adding files to archiving / extraction layout from some method which were previously poorly performing (e.g. drag and dropping files to archive)
removed performance bottleneck on selection of large group of items in the browser


GUI better adapts to size and preference changes
Address breadcrumb adapts the number of displayed items on the width of the application window to improve usability
If the Tool Bar is hidden, main functions (add, extract, test/list submenu) are shown on the right side of the Address Bar alongside Style menu
From main menu > Organize it is now possible to set "Sort dirs before files" (as common on Windows file managers) or not (as common on macOS and Gnome)
Selecting one of the available tool bars (archive manager, file manager, image manager) restores its visibility if the Tool bar is hidden
Style menu "..." on the right of the tool / address bar now can alternatively display the main menu in form of popup menu
Navigation menu can now toggle side bar (navigation, treeview, hide), and display Headers context menu
Add and Extract actions are now featured at the top level of "Open" group in side menu and of "Open" submenu in navigation bar


Added new options for 7z/p7zip backend
Added option to do not modify last access time of input files
Added options to do not follow symbolic links / hard links (save as links in archives) for WIM and TAR archives
Added option to limit maximum memory usage during compression
Re-organized 7z/p7zip advanced options in archive creation screen
The new options are still not available on macOS, as an older 7z version is available on that platform, not fully supporting all the new features
Improved support for TAR format, and for formats used in combination with TAR
"TAR before" action now applies full advanced options
Improved generation of scripts with "TAR before" option enabled
Compressed TAR archives can now be optionally extracted in a single step (atomic tar extraction)
The new option is available in main menu, Options > Settings, Archive manager tab
This behavior can be set separately for extraction and for archive conversion, which comprehends a preliminary extraction step
Improved support for ZPAQ and *PAQ formats
zpaq archives are tested for encryption, to ask for password if necessary when opened, extracted or converted
zpaq-specific options are now shown in extraction screen (no longer needing to go to Advanced tab) whenever a .zpaq archive is opened, or listed for extraction
it is now possible to extract zpaq archives to absolute, full or relative paths
it is now possible to preview content of zpaq archives if a single file is in the archive and extraction option is set to relative paths
it is now possible to preview content of paq8 archives if a single file is in the archive
Updated compression preset scripts
Updated plugin for PeaZip
Plugin are now provided as tar archives, to install a plugin extract the content to (peazip)/res/bin/ directory
From Settings, About tab (also available from main menu Help > About) it is possible to directly open (peazip)/res/bin/ directory and to verify installed plugin
From the About screen it is now also possible to check hash of binaries used by the application against known hash values, as in main menu > Tools submenu


Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 4.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2023, 20:40
Whats new:>>

bug fixes

Titel: Bandizip 7.31 Build 60271 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2023, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Added the "Run as administrator" option to the SFX settings
    Improved the way how the program deals with corrupted ZIP archives

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.4 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2023, 21:40
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


New Features and Bugfixes:

    update Zstandard to version 1.5.4
    fix these issues: #293 , #292 , #291 , #277 , #274 and maybe some more

Release 2:

    issue #177 is really solved now - this is a very fast second release ;-)
    thanks @EatDesk for notifying me about this: #299

Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.4
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.4


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.4 Release 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 09:30


    fix issue #301

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.4
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.4


Titel: PeaZip 9.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2023, 10:50
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3




Improved Backend binaries option group in Options > Settings, Advanced tab
Added option to adapt the syntax for a specific 7z version at runtime, syntax can now be set to 21.07 release (avoiding switches introduced later), in order to improve portability of the app to platform not having latest 7z build available, or when it is preferred to adhere to an older syntax to maintain compatibility with legacy systems
Option to use the system's version of 7z backend, rather than the one provided by PeaZip package, is now supported on all non-Windows systems; a binary or a link named 7z in system's paths is required for this feature
Pea 1.12


Various fixes and code clean-up, improved support for BSD systems


General usability improved with easier to spot open in a new tab, open in a new window controls, made easier to open console in current path, and made easier to access to clipboard content
Improved smart filename sorting
Improved search in archives, Simple search directive (can be toggled on / off from Organize menu) now applies globally for searches in archives as well as in the filesystem
Simplified finding duplicate files and calculating files hash/checksums in the file browser
In Options > Settings, File manager tab it is now possible to set the file deduplication mode, fast (default) or complete file content parsing
Updated layout for options in all screens (archiving, extraction, settings...)
New "Enlarge file browser icons" switch in main menu, Organize to use larger icons in all modes of the file browser
Updated Themes and graphic
Themes screen layout simplified with less frequently used settings moved in Advanced group
Zooming option can now both reduce and increase size of graphic elements
Major restyle of themed and non-themed icons to better match the UI of modern systems
Updated all Theme packages


Adding files in subdirectories of existing archives now displays the internal (in-archive) destination path in confirmation dialog
Can now export as CLI scripts the archive conversion tasks defined in the GUI
"Archive conversion scripts allow user's interaction" (default on) in Options > Settings > Archive manager, Archive group, allows to interactively customize conversion tasks saved as scripts when launched, otherwise the task will run as batch requiring no interaction and applying current application's settings
Improved archiving and extraction screens
"Extract then move to destination" setting moved to main extraction screen for better visibility
Added link to working folder settings (in Settings, General) on the right of the control
Set default output path for archiving and extraction moved in archiving and extraction context menus for better visibility
Improved responsivity of Windows context menu, 15 - 40% faster than 9.0.0 release
Improved auto extraction of compressed TAR archives
Added progress bar for the auto-untar step after de-compression
Auto-untar step is cancelled if the task ends in error or is cancelled
Fixed auto-untar function when extracting multiple archives at once
Improved support for Brotli and Zstandard
Can now set option to force overwriting existing files from extraction screen
Fixed extraction of Zstd files with long distance matching (windowLog > 27)
Maximize Zstandard compression option now sets --long=31 instead of --long=27
New option to exclude empty directories form archiving and extraction operations (7z / p7zip) in Options > Settings > Archive manager


New PeaZip Portable package for BSD systems (GTK2, x86_64)
(Linux) Updated KDE 5 Dolphin service menus in (peazip)/res/share/batch/freedesktop_integration directory
(Windows) New actions for Windows 11 mini context menu in (peazip)/res/share/batch/Windows 11 mini context menu directory


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.4 Release 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 20:20
7-Zip ZS is a fork of the notorious 7-Zip and provides a simple and straightforward way to create and decompress archives, verify files' hashes and test the compressed files for potential errors.

License: LGPLv2


    New Features and Bugfixes:

    Update Zstandard to version 1.5.4
    Fix issues
    Release 2-4


Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.5 Release 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Update Zstandard to version 1.5.5

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.4
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.5

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.5 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>

revert the cmdline parsing patch for now - will be added later

Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2023, 20:10
A program to pack executable files (EXE) and DLL-files in that way, that the unpack themselves at runtime.


Whats new:>>

    UPX updated
    Options extended

Titel: PeaZip 9.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2023, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    PeaZip 9.2.0 improves the GUI with more customization options for address bar and tab bar, and re-organizes support section, with easier access to online resources, documentation, issue tracker, and to settings relevant to privacy and security.
    Under the hood the support for editing non-canonical archive types was improved, and it is now possible to try different methods to manage unsupported file types.
    On Windows, McMilk codecs and sfx modules were updated, to support extra compression methods for .7z format (Brotli, FLZMA2, Lizard, Zstandard...), and on all platforms it is now possible to set an alias for 7z / p7zip backend to easily switch between alternative binaries.




(Windows) updated McMilk 7z codecs v1.5.4r4: Zstandard v1.5.4, Brotli v.1.0.9, LZ4 v1.9.4, LZ5 v1.5, Lizard v1.0, Fast LZMA2 v1.0.1
(Windows) updated 7z sfx modules using ones from McMilk's 7z fork v1.5.4r4, supporting extra compression methods
Can now use zpaqfranz https://github.com/fcorbelli/zpaqfranz as alternative backend for .zpaq format
To use an alternative zpaq fork rename the binary as zpaq and replace the zpaq binary in (peazip)/res/bin/zpaq/ directory


(macOS) Fixed open custom applications
Fixed compression method is now saved accordingly for 7z sfx format and 7z format
Re-organized Help section with quicker access to online updates, Plugins, Themes, and Translations
Privacy and Security section in main Settings tab, collecting all relevant functions, including Updates


Minor modification to themes and icons
Address filed can now set window color plus button color (new), window color plus accent color, button color (default), and accent color
New Compact mode for the tool bar, tool bar icons (for archive manager, file manager, and image manager) are showm on the right of the address bar while the tool bar is hidden
Themes were updated
In (peazip)/res/share/icons are now available alternative Windows icons with extensions, can be useful if file extensions are hidden on the host system
New options in Main menu, Organize
Tab bar can now be swapped with Address bar to be shown on the top (as common on Windows file managers) or on the bottom (as common on Linux and macOS file managers)
Breadcrumb bar can be shown as plain text address field, KDE/Windows file managers -like breadcrumb (default), classic Gnome Files -like, Gnome 4 -like, and macOS Finder -like.


Can now set a custom alias name for 7z / p7zip binary, to make easier to use an alternative backend, in Options > Settings, Advanced tab
Improved "Edit non-canonical archive types" (Options > Settings, Archive manager tab), provided the target file structure can be actually read/write supported
Can now edit existing files in non-canonical archives
Can now keep browsing files opened as archives after edits
Fixed: adding/updating files in non-canonical archives now targets the intended subfolder inside the archives
Fixed: (Windows) non-canonical archives without extension can now be edited
The option is now applied to unknow file types only, to avoid editing known formats not supporting the operation
The option now allows to treat non-canonical archives as 7Z, ZIP (default), TAR, or WIM files, to support even more derivate container formats


Added Convert scripts and context menu entries for all platforms in (peazip)/res/share/batch path


Titel: Explzh 8.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2023, 09:50
Comprehensive utility for both extracting and creating file archives, with options for testing and repairing compression packages.



    The 32-bit version can now specify compression levels up to 22 when creating zstd.
    Changed to use zlib+zlibWrapper (zst's zlib wrapper) for deflate compression/decompression.
    AES-encrypted zips (AES-encrypted zips with invalid headers) of the zip xz method created in v.8.95 or earlier can be deleted from [Decrypt ZIP archive] or [Encrypt ZIP archive] with the correct encryption. It is now possible to restore to a encrypted ZIP archive.
    Apply zstandard 1.5.5.


Titel: 7-Zip 23.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 10:20
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now can use new ARM64 filter for compression to 7z and xz archives. ARM64 filter can increase compression ratio for data containing executable files compiled for ARM64 (AArch64) architecture. Also 7-Zip now parses executable files (that have exe and dll filename extensions) before compressing, and it selects appropriate filter for each parsed file:

    BCJ or BCJ2 filter for x86 executable files,
    ARM64 filter for ARM64 executable files.
    Previous versions by default used x86 filter BCJ or BCJ2 for all exe/dll files.
    Default section size for BCJ2 filter was changed from 64 MiB to 240 MiB. It can increase compression ratio for executable files larger than 64 MiB.
    UDF: support was improved.
    cpio: support for hard links.
    Some changes and optimizations in WIM creation code.
    When new 7-Zip creates multivolume archive, 7-Zip keeps in open state only volumes that still can be changed. Previous versions kept all volumes in open state until the end of the archive creation.
    7-Zip for Linux and macOS now can reduce the number of simultaneously open files, when 7-Zip opens, extracts or creates multivolume archive. It allows to avoid the failures for cases with big number of volumes, bacause there is a limitation for number of open files allowed for a single program in Linux and macOS.

    There are optimizations in code for 7-Zip's context menu in Explorer:

    the speed of preparing of the menu showing was improved for cases when big number of files were selected by external program for context menu that contains 7-Zip menu commands.
    There are changes in code for the drag-and-drop operations to and from 7-Zip File Manager. And the drag-and-drop operation with right button of mouse now is supported for some cases.

    The bugs were fixed:

    ZIP archives: if multithreaded zip compression was performed with more than one file to stdout stream (-so switch), 7-zip didn't write "data descriptor" for some files.
    ext4 archives: 7-Zip couldn't correctly extract symbolic link to directory from ext4 archives.
    HFS and APFS archives: 7-Zip incorrectly decoded uncompressed blocks (64 KiB) in compressed forks.
    Some another bugs were fixed.


Titel: Alternate EXE Packer 2.510
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2023, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Language bugfixes

Titel: 7-Zip ZS 22.01 1.5.5 Release 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2023, 21:20

    Update command line parsing to be more secure - thanks @sebres
    Add SHA3 hashing
    Use .zst as default extension for Zstandard files
    Understand also .tzst and .tzstd files (tar archives compressed via zstd)

    Compression versions in this release:

    Brotli Version 1.0.9
    Fast LZMA2 1.0.1
    Lizard Version 1.0
    LZ4 Version 1.9.4
    LZ5 Version 1.5
    Zstandard Version 1.5.5


Titel: 7-Zip 23.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2023, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    The page "Language" in 7-Zip's menu Tools/Options now shows information about selected translation, including the number of translated lines.
    Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: PeaZip 9.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2023, 18:00
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3


PeaZip 9.3.0 improves the archive / file manager, adding the ability to display file-level comments in archives, and showing if current archive type can be edited.
Free space is now checked before archiving and extraction tasks.
It is now possible to manually set the Rar.exe or equivalent binary for RAR creation, to improve support for that function on Wine and other non-Windows based alternatives.
7z backend is updated to 23.01, and Pea to 1.13 release.
Themes are improved with new Contrast setting, and being now able to customize icons for archive types.


DL -> https://github.com/peazip/PeaZip/releases/

Titel: Bandizip 7.31 Build 63333 Beta 20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2023, 19:10
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



Added a function showing the sum of CRC of files in a folder


Titel: Bandizip 7.31 Build 63482 Beta 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Added a function automatically changing the shortcut key for the Context Menu > Compress to FileName.ZIP from Q to Z on Windows 11 OS build 22621 and later, to avoid shortcut key conflicts (For some languages)

Titel: Detect It Easy 3.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2023, 19:20
Detect It Easy (DIE) is a packer identifier in order to help define a file type. Comes in handy to analyze a file, determine its type and packer.

MIT License


    Bundle for Ubuntu 23.04
    New widgets
    New detects
    New translations
    Many bugs have been fixed


Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 4.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2023, 19:40
Pack or unpack executables on your computer without significant efforts by turning to this lightweight application that fashions a Command Line Interface.

License: GPL

Whats new:>>

ELF: handle shared libraries with more than 2 PT_LOAD segments

Titel: PeaZip 9.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2023, 19:20
PeaZip is free file archiver utility, based on Open Source technologies of 7-Zip, p7zip, FreeArc, PAQ, and PEA projects.

Cross-platform, full-featured but user-friendly alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar general purpose archive manager applications, works with 180+ archive formats: 001, 7Z, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, DMG, GZ, ISO, LHA, PAQ, PEA, RAR, TAR, UDF, WIM, XZ, ZIP ZIPX - view full list of supported file formats for archiving and extraction.

License: LGPLv3


Pea 1.14


Expanded and re-organized (peazip)/res/share/batch directory with scripting and system integration examples
New sample scripts and system integration items are now available for directly creating archives in main supported formats, and for adding/removing comments to archive
Scripts are now sorted in "bat" and "sh" subfolders
Windows Sendto links and .reg files for context menu entries are now collected in "Windows" subfolder


Added support to Apple iWork IWA file formats, .numbers, .pages, .key (Keynote)
When "Try to open archives with errors" flag is set, errors are suppressed only for listing operations, so the app can now display error messages when previewing a file (e.g. wrong password)


Added pre-set split size for Blu-Ray DL, XL3, XL4
Added function to add, edit, remove archive-level comment in RAR and ZIP/ZIPX files
Keyboard shortcut for comment editor is Alt+M
Comment can be set for the archive being browsed, or for one or multiple archives at once (even of mixed types), in this case the same comment is set for all the selected archives
Comment can be manually edited or loaded from text file (selected from dialog or dragged on the form), and can be saved to text file for future use
Comment con contain UTF8 characters and are limited to 64 KB for all formats (RAR standard would allow 256KB comments but some Rar.exe versions does not support 64K+ comments), please note some other archive managers may not support UTF8 comments, or such large comments
RAR comments limitations
Writing comments to RAR archive requires Rar.exe or equivalent installed on the system, reading comments does not require Rar.exe
Cannot currently read comment from multi volume RAR archives, and from legacy RAR4 archives (but new comment can be written)
 ZIP/ZIPX comments limitations
Consistently with 7-Zip and WinRar, comments are not supported for spanned multi-volumes ZIP/ZIPX archives
 It is possible to set comment from command line scripts with following syntax:
 peazip -setcomment commentstring archive1..n
 peazip -setcommentf commentfile archive1..n
 peazip -removecomment archive1..n
New switches to directly add files and folders to Brotli, BZip2, GZip, TAR, WIM, XZ, Zstd, and Zpaq format archive, with latest options saved for selected format
Directly add files and folders to archive in the specified format, with latest options used for that format (-add2zpaq switch sets last used *PAQ format), TAR is automatically applied when folders and/or multiple files are sent to formats which supports single file compression (Brotli, BZip2, Gzip, XZ, Zstd)
Syntax: peazip (-add2brotli -add2bzip2 -add2gzip -add2tar -add2wim -add2xz -add2zstd -add2zpaq) file1..n
If no input file or folder is provided after the switch, the archive creation screen remains open for input
The switches can be used in scripts, and for system integration (links, .desktop files, Automator scripts)
Same switches in -add2multi* form can be used to integration with Windows registry


(Windows) Add to GZ, XZ, and Zstd are now available as choices in Context menu entries screen
(Windows) A single re-configuration wizard now works for Win32 and Win64 packages   


DL -> https://github.com/peazip/PeaZip/releases/

Titel: Bandizip 7.31 Build 64247 Beta 22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2023, 17:20
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



    Fixed a bug that the program caanot decompress some archives compressed with WinzipJpeg algorithm
    Updated UnRAR to 6.2.10
    Added support for the 7Z format's ARM64 filter


Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2023, 17:50
NonCompressibleFiles (Nicht komprimierbare Datei) ist ein kleines Programm, das es ermöglicht, auf die Schnelle eine oder mehrere nicht komprimierbare Dateien, oder maximal komprimierbare Dateien zu erstellen.

Der Sinn des Programms liegt darin, dass man diverse Tests mit diesen Dateien anstellen kann, wie z.B. Kompressionsprogramme auf ihre Performance zu testen, oder andere Programme, wie z.B. FTP-Programme, um bei der Übertragung festzustellen, ob die Daten komprimiert werden oder nicht, oder das Verhalten bei mehreren Dateien zu testen. Ebenso Solid State Drives, bei denen Daten komprimiert werden, um die Performance zu steigern.

Mit dem Programm kann man tausende von Dateien erstellen lassen, um das Verhalten der Programme oder Hardware (z.B. pci-e ssd) bei mehreren Dateien zu testen.

NonCompressibleFiles muss nicht installiert werden, kann bequem vom Desktop aus ohne Installation gestartet werden und ist sofort einsetzbar an allen Windows Betriebssystemen.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

• Wichtige Tests der Non-Compressible-Files APP für das nächste MS Windows 11/10-Update
• Aktualisierung von Sprachdateien in der Non-Compressible-Files Anwendung
• Neues Code-Sign-Zertifikat für NonCompressibleFiles.exe
• Neue Sprache für die Windows APP: Ungarisch

Titel: Bandizip 7.31 Build 64426
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2023, 19:40

    Added the "Run as administrator" option to the SFX settings
    Improved the way how the program deals with corrupted ZIP archives
    Fixed a bug that the program cannot open some corrupted ZIP archives
    Added a feature to delete original files after dragging and dropping them to an archive.
    Improved the code page auto-detection
    Fixed a bug that the program crashes when handling some TIFF files
    Added a feature setting BandiView as the internal image viewer
    Modified the program: If you click the New Folder button when selecting the extraction path, now the archive's name is given by default as the new folder's name
    Added a function showing the sum of CRC of files in a folder
    Fixed a bug that the program caanot decompress some archives compressed with WinzipJpeg algorithm
    Updated UnRAR to 6.2.10
    Added support for the 7Z format's ARM64 filter
    Other modifications


Titel: Bandizip 7.32 Build 65001
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2023, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a vulnerability occurring with WebP files (CVE-2023-4863)
    Added a feature to change the fonts for tree controls and archive comments
    Fixed a bug that the decompression becomes slower under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that occurs when compressing files by drag & drop
    Improved the reliability of the program
    Other modifications

Titel: NonCompressibleFiles 4.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2023, 18:50
Whats new: >>

• Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung beim Erstellen einer nicht komprimierbaren Datei für Intel- und AMD-Prozessoren
• Verbesserungen und Anpassungen sowie Aktualisierung der NonCompressibleFiles Sprachdateien

Titel: PeaZip 9.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2023, 19:30


Pea 1.15 from checksum/hash screen context menu can now save selected CRC or hash values for all listed files, compatible with Coreutils sha256sum and similar utilities


Improved memory management and listing algorithm
Updated Browser optimization levels to more efficiently scale for browsing archives containing a very large number of items; for 256K items archive as reference:
  Up to -10% memory usage (in Always pre-parse mode)
  Up to +25% browsing speed (in Normal browsing mode), up to +50% browsing speed (in Always pre-parse mode)
  New quicker Fast browsing mode with pre-parsing applied only if errors are detected opening the archive
 Up to +60% speed for tasks working on multiple separate small archives
7z alias is now applied also when using system's binary
It is now possible use binaries in system paths (e.g. as found in $PATH) for all supported Operating Systems
The option can be set for 7z / p7zip backend only, or for all backend binaries
The option can be hardcoded at compile time with HSYSBIN constant, 0 (default) means the value is not hardcoded and the option is read from configuration
The option does not apply to specific binaries which are meant to remain in app's own path: peazip binary itself, pea, PeaZip configuration wizard (Windows), and legacy binaries in unace and urar5 plugins
Improved batch command switches for archive creation
Added -add2arc, -add2sfxarc, and -add2rar switches (usable in batch scripts, context menus, .destop files, Automator scripts) to directly add items to ARC, self extracting ARC, and RAR archive (needs WinRar rar.exe or equivalent being available in the system)
Those switches can be used in .reg files in the add2multi* form
Removed legacy code for functions of -add2* and -add2separate* switch groups
Various fixes and improvements


Adder quicker control to change ZIP filenames encoding
Codepage can be selected from a list in main menu Options > Text encoding, from file manager's context menu, and from archiving / extraction context menus
The last item in list "Text encoding..." brings to Settngs, Advanced tab which shows all text encoding options
Improved detection of empty archives
Improved tabbed browsing
Added option to Save tabs (switch in tab bar context menu)
If the option is checked open tabs will be saved on exit and re-loaded when the application is opened again
It is now possible to define at compile time the maximum number of allowed tabs with MAXTABN constant
Can now reopen last closed tab
Updated main theme and default system icons
main theme now shows extension text into image of most common archive formats (7Z, RAR, ZIP)
main-noextension theme and system icon pack are now available separately from Themes and Icons repository


Fixed working dir parameter for ARC format, some forms of the address were previously not properly supported by the backend
Improved task scheduler with better usability of the Pause button when running multiple fast tasks
Improved extraction context menu, more elements are now available when extracting items from archives, previously those elements were available only when extracting entire single or multiple archives


DL -> https://github.com/peazip/PeaZip/releases/

Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 4.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2023, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Win32/pe and win64/pe: stricter relocation checks; please report regressions
    New option '--link' to preserve hard-links (Unix only; use with care)
    Add support for NO_COLOR env var; see https://no-color.org/
    Disable macOS support until we fix compatibility with macOS 13+
    Bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/milestone/13

Titel: SimpleZIP
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2023, 21:45
SimpleZIP is an Open Source utility for the creation, extraction, and browsing of archives with the added ability to perform hash value computations.

License: Open Source


    Bumped SharpCompress to 0.34.1
    Bumped SharpZipLib to 1.4.2
    Set target platform to 10.0.20348.0


Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 4.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2023, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Linux: /proc/self/exe now is optional
    Windows: use SetFileTime to preserve sub-second file timestamps
    Official Windows builds: revert activeCodePage change introduced in 4.2.0
    Bug fixes

Titel: PeaZip 9.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2024, 10:40

PeaZip 9.7.1 provides bug fixes and updated language files.

9.7 line is primarily meant to update app's foundations: sources are now built with Lazarus 3.0, Windows dark mode is now fully supported, and a native Linux aarch64 version is now available.

The scripting generation engine is improved, and the app now supports Brotli 1.1.0 and Zstd 1.5.5 backend.


DL -> https://github.com/peazip/PeaZip/releases/

Titel: CompactGUI 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2024, 14:50
CompactGUI enables the use of a graphical interface for the Windows 10 command line tool compact.exe allowing space saving file compression.

This app was designed to make using the Windows 10 command-line compression tool a bit easier for users that are not as familiar with using the command line. The Windows 10 tool can be used for the compression of any file with the goal of saving space. This is where ComapctGUI steps in. It provides a user-friendly UI that will help you compress files via compact.exe without needing to know all the command prompt commands.



    Bug Fixes:

    Fixes the program crashing when a selected folder contains subdirectories/files you don't have permission to access. #395 #401

    New Features:

    Hovering over the Estimated Size region will now show an overview of all compression modes (and total number of user submissions) that contribute to the estimate. This way you can see exactly which compression mode is worth using for a given folder.



    Partial fix for CompactGUI crashing on start (or failing to start) due to corrupted settings.json or watcher.json files
    I still don't know what causes the corruption to happen in the first place, but now if it detects a corrupted file, it will get rebuilt rather than crashing.
    Fixes the main window starting up with the title bar hidden on low resolution displays.
    Additionally, if the program detects that it cannot fit on screen, it will scale itself down to do so.


Titel: CompactGUI 3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2024, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Fixes the program crashing on launch for new installations due to the program attempting to create the settings file twice.

Titel: 7-Zip 24.03 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2024, 20:30
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


    7-Zip now can use new RISCV filter for compression to 7z and xz archives. RISCV filter can increase compression ratio for data containing executable files compiled for RISC-V architecture.
    The speed for LZMA and LZMA2 decompression in ARM64 version for Windows was increased by 20%-60%.
    7-Zip GUI and 7-Zip File Manager can ask user permission to unpack RAR archives that require big amount of memory, if the dictionary size in RAR archive is larger than 4 GB.
    new switch -smemx{size}g : to set allowed memory usage limit for RAR archive unpacking. RAR archives can use dictionary up 64 GB. Default allowed limit for RAR unpacking is 4 GB.
    7zg.exe (7-Zip GUI): -y switch disables user requests and messages.
    7-Zip shows hash methods XXH64 and BLAKE2sp in context menu.
    slmu switch : to show timestamps as UTC instead of LOCAL TIME.
    slsl switch : in console 7-Zip for Windows : to show file paths with linux path separator slash '/' instead of backslash separator ''.
    7-Zip supports .sha256 files that use backslash path separator ''.
    Some bugs were fixed.


Titel: Bandizip 7.33 Build 67641 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 19:20
Bandizip is an archive tool that supports a customizable interface, the searching of archives by file name, file splitting, password protection, self-extracting archives, and varying levels of compression. It supports the creation and extraction of most common compression formats, as well as modern formats ZIPX and 7Z.

The program's "High Speed Archiving" function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm on multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3...) or archive files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z...) that won't benefit from additional compression. This can increase archiving speed dramatically. Extract formats supported include 7Z, ZIPX, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, ZIP, Z and more.



    Added a feature decompressing RAR7 archives
    Improved features associated with BandiView
    Improved the window asking how to handle duplicate files when decompressing an archive to be always above other windows
    Added a feature showing the exact error code when Fast Drag & Drop fails
    Fixed a bug in the internal image viewer
    Fixed a bug in the console application (bz.exe)
    Fixed a bug in the SFX compression
    Added support for Latvian language
    Fixed a bug in the codepage auto-detection
    Fixed a bug that occurs with HiDPI
    Improved the processing speed of the Password Recovery under certain conditions
    Fixed a bug that occurs with OneDrive
    Other modifications


Titel: UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) 4.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 22:15
Pack or unpack executables on your computer without significant efforts by turning to this lightweight application that fashions a Command Line Interface.

License: GPL

Whats new:>>

* bug fixes - see https://github.com/upx/upx/blob/master/NEWS

Titel: 7-Zip 24.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2024, 21:20
7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.


New menu item in 7-Zip File Manager: "Tools / Delete Temporary Files...". This menu item opens a window showing temporary folders and files created by 7-Zip in the user's "Temp" folder on a Windows system. In this window, the user can delete temporary files.


Titel: Bandizip 7.33 Build 67761 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2024, 11:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug that preset SFX settings do not apply when creating an EXE file through the context menu
    Improved the app to ask the user whether to disable Fast Drag and Drop when the task fails
