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PC-Ecke => # Hard-und Software Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2005, 11:35

Titel: Browser diverses ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2005, 11:35
Schlanker Mozilla-Browser K-Meleon 0.9 für Windows-Plattform verfügbar

Der wie Firefox auf Mozilla beruhende schlanke Browser K-Meleon hat die Versionsstufe 0.9 erreicht, nachdem mehr als ein Jahr nichts mehr an dem Windows-Browser passiert ist. Mit K-Meleon steht ein weiterer Mozilla-Ableger bereit, der im Unterschied zu Firefox umfangreichere Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten bietet und dabei weniger Ressourcen verbraucht und so auch für langsamere Rechner gut geeignet ist.

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/kmeleon/kmeleon09.exe?use_mirror=puzzle (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/kmeleon/kmeleon09.exe?use_mirror=puzzle)

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Browser diverses ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2005, 18:47
Der Avant Browser machte einen kleinen Versionsschritt vorwärts. Avant Browser 10.0 Build 132 kann mit drei Bugxfixes und zwei kleinen Verbesserungen aufwarten.

So soll die interne Tab-Verwaltung verbessert worden sein. Außerdem sollen Probleme in Zusammenhang mit Hotmail und Yahoo der Vergangenheit angehören. Das vollständige Changelog finden Sie auf der Downloadseite.

Avant Browser ist ein Add-On für den Internet Explorer. Es bietet unter anderem einen Popup-Stopper, erweiterte Mausfunktionen während des Surfens sowie ein integriertes Löschprogramm, das Passwörter, Cookies und temporäre Internet-Dateien vom Rechner entfernt.

Titel: Bugfix-Release für Avant Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2005, 18:56
Der Avant Browser 10.0 hat mit der Build 153 ein neues Update erfahren. Grundlegend Neues gibt es nicht, dafür aber einige Bugfixes und Verbesserungen von bereits vorhandenen Funktionen.

So soll der Avant Browser 10.0 Build 153 eine verbesserte Zoomfunktion besitzen und mit Skripten besser klar kommen. Die Unterstützung für die mittlere Maustaste (mit der sich ein Link in einem neuen Fenster öffnen lässt) soll ebenfalls verbessert worden sein.

Außerdem wurde die interne Tabs-Verwaltung überarbeitet und der Popup-Blocker läuft jetzt runder. Ferner gab es dem Entwickler zufolge Optimierungsmaßnahmen unter der Haube.

Quelle : www.pcwelt.de
Titel: Avant Browser 10.1 Build 17 strotzt vor Verbesserungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2005, 14:04
Der Avant Browser strotzt in der neu verfügbaren Build 17 der Version 10.1 nur so vor Verbesserungen. Unter anderem soll der Browser schneller und stabiler laufen.

Des Weiteren wurde der Flash-Blocker, die Unterstützung von Drag&Drop und Scrollen sowie die Verlaufsfunktion nochmals überarbeitet und weiter verbessert. An Neuerungen bietet Avant Browser 10.1 Build 17 beispielsweise eine so genannte Compact-View, einen Button zum Kopieren der URL und ein erweitertes Kontextmenü für die Favoriten.

Und die erweiterten Mausfunktionen lassen sich nun allesamt an Vorlieben der Benutzer anpassen. Probleme, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Ausfüllen von Formularen im Web auftraten, wurden behoben und Bilder werden nun bei Zoomvorgängen besser skaliert.

Der Download von Avant Browser 10.1 Build 17 beträgt rund 3,2 MB. Der Browser läuft unter Windows 9x/ME, NT, 2000 sowie XP.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/115976/index.html
Titel: Neue Flock Version erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2005, 14:42
Als Social-Browser versteht Bart Decrem, Gründer und Chef des kalifornischen Unternehmens Flock den in der Entwicklung befindlichen gleichnamigen Browser. Die Entwickler wollen ihre Software mit verbessertem Bookmarking, automatischer Aktualisierung von RSS-Feeds oder auch erleichtertem Einstellen und Bearbeiten von Blogs gegenüber anderen Browsern besser stellen. Auf Bookmarks sollen übers Netz auch andere Nutzer zugreifen können, Filesharing, etwa für Fotos, werde ebenfalls integriert.

Auf der Grundlage von Firefox entstand bisher eine Vorversion für Windows, Mac OS X und Linux. Gegenwärtig ist die Version 0.4.9 erhältlich. Unter Mitarbeit der Webgemeinde könnte, so Decrem, Mitte Dezember eine gebrauchstaugliche Betaversion vorliegen.

Quelle und Links : http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/65236
Titel: Avant Browser mit kleinen Verbesserungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2005, 16:28
Wer mit dem standardmäßigen Internet Explorer unzufrieden ist, aber nicht gleich zu Firefox oder Opera wechseln möchte, kann zu einer Browsererweiterung wie dem Avant Browser greifen. Dieses Add-on liegt jetzt in einer neuen Version vor.

Die Anwender können sich über einen verbesserten Popup-Blocker freuen. Außerdem sollen einige Javascriptfehler beseitigt sein.

Avant Browser 10.1 Build 31 ist nach wie vor kostenlos. Dabei handelt es sich allerdings nicht um eine selbstständige Anwendung, sondern um eine Ergänzung für den Internet Explorer ab Version 5.5. Der Avant Browser ist somit für Anwender interessant, die dem IE zwar grundsätzlich die Treue halten wollen, sich aber trotzdem neue Funktionen wünschen.

Das Add-On bietet unter anderem einen Popup-Stopper, erweiterte Mausfunktionen während des Surfens sowie ein integriertes Löschprogramm, das Passwörter, Cookies und temporäre Internet-Dateien vom Rechner entfernt. Der englischsprachige Avant Browser eignet sich für Windows 9x/ME, NT, 2000, XP. Der Download ist 3,5 MB groß.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/123308/index.html
Titel: Neu : Avant Browser 10.1.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2005, 06:44
 Erweitert Ihren Internet Explorer um viele nützliche Features. Die gut durchdachte Fensterverwaltung ist die Stärke des Avant Browsers. Avant Browser öffnet mehrere Fenster in einer Programminstanz. Im Extras-Menü unter 'Einträge löschen' können Sie u. a. Cookies, den Verlauf sowie temporäre Internetdateien entfernen. Auch an einen PopUp-Blocker wurde gedacht.


Quelle : www.freewarenetz.de
Titel: Neu : Avant Browser 10.1 Build 39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2005, 21:31
Was ist neu ? :

Improved Compact View.
Improved Full Screen/Desktop mode.
Fixed a bug of Rss Reader.
Fixed a bug of Popup Blocker .

Titel: K-Meleon 1.0 - schlanker Windows-Browser mit Makro-Funktion
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2006, 15:23
Mozilla-Browser mit Tabbed Browser, Session Management und Mausgesten

Nach einer fast sechsjährigen Entwicklungszeit ist der Windows-Browser K-Meleon 1.0 ab sofort verfügbar, der sich mit Makros steuern und per Plug-In erweitern lässt. Der Browser setzt auf Mozillas Rendering Engine Gecko und unterstützt News-Feeds, Tabbed-Browsing, Mausgesten sowie Browser-Sessions. Zusätzlich dazu sind auch E-Mail-Funktionen enthalten, die etwa dem schlanken Mozilla-Ableger Firefox fehlen.

Mit Hilfe von Makros soll sich K-Meleon 1.0 automatisieren lassen, indem sich häufig genutzte Funktionen kombinieren und aufrufen lassen. Zudem zeigt der Browser bei Bedarf Links oder Bilder einer Webseite an, um diese auf einer umfangreichen Seite leichter zu finden. Mausgesten versprechen eine bequeme Browser-Bedienung

Die sonst als Tabs bezeichneten Browser-Fenster heißen in K-Meleon Layer, verhalten sich sonst aber ähnlich. Der Browser ruft außerdem geschlossene Browser-Fenster wieder auf und das Layer-Verhalten lässt sich umfangreich konfigurieren. Mehrere Layer lassen sich als Sessions speichern, um etwa bequem alle vom Vortag verbliebenen Webseiten wieder aufzurufen.

K-Meleon 1.0 wird bereits mit einer umfangreichen Anzahl voreingestellter - auch deutschsprachiger - News-Feeds bestückt, so dass hier nur wenig Konfigurationsaufwand nötig ist. Zudem bietet der Browser einen Pop-up-Blocker, der verschiedene Inhalte vor dem Nutzer verbirgt, um etwa lästige Werbeformen abzuweisen. K-Meleon kann mit Hilfe von Plug-Ins um neue Funktionen erweitert werden, womit der Rumpf des Browsers schlank bleiben soll, ohne auf wichtige Funktionen verzichten zu müssen.

Mit einem Klick lassen sich Internetdaten wie Cookies, Cache oder der Verlauf löschen und K-Meleon übernimmt Lesezeichen aus dem Internet Explorer, aus Mozilla oder Opera. Insgesamt soll K-Meleon sehr schonend mit den Rechner-Ressourcen haushalten, so dass der Browser auch auf langsameren Systemen einsetzbar ist.

K-Meleon 1.0 steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform in englischer Sprache zum Download bereit. Das Installationsarchiv belegt knapp 5 MByte und die Software wurde unter der GNU General Public License veröffentlicht. Die K-Meleon-Homepage harrt noch ihrer Aktualisierung.

Download : https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=14285 (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=14285)

Website : http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Firefox-Konkurrent K-Meleon erstmals auf Deutsch
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2007, 11:51
K-Meleon 1.1 für Windows mit Makro-Funktion und E-Mail-Client

Der schlanke Mozilla-Browser K-Meleon ist in der Version 1.1 erschienen und damit erstmals auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Den auf Mozilla basierenden Browser gibt es nur für die Windows-Plattform und er bietet einige Funktionen, die Firefox nicht von Hause aus kennt. Die neue Version bringt einige kleine Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen.

K-Meleon 1.1 setzt nun auf das Mozilla-Backend in der Version und bringt somit alle darin enthaltenen Optimierungen und Sicherheits-Patches mit. Mit der neuen Version lassen sich Tastenkürzel, Menüs und Makros nach eigenen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen anpassen und es können bequem modulare Makros eingespielt werden. Zudem kann K-Meleon nun in einer neuen Instanz geöffnet werden, um den Browser etwa in zwei Instanzen zu nutzen.

Als weitere Neuerungen lassen sich die im Browser eingebundenen Suchmaschinen sowie die Mausgesten zur Steuerung des Browsers selbst einstellen. Sowohl an den Makrofunktionen als auch in den Menüs wurden kleinere Optimierungen und Verbesserungen vorgenommen, berichten die Entwickler.

Mit Hilfe von Makros lässt sich K-Meleon automatisieren, indem sich häufig genutzte Funktionen kombinieren und aufrufen lassen. Zudem zeigt der Browser bei Bedarf Links oder Bilder einer Webseite in einem gesonderten Bereich an, um diese auf einer umfangreichen Seite leichter zu finden. Mausgesten versprechen außerdem eine bequeme Browser-Bedienung.

Die sonst als Tabs bezeichneten Browser-Fenster heißen in K-Meleon Schichten, verhalten sich sonst aber ähnlich. Der Browser ruft außerdem geschlossene Browser-Fenster wieder auf und das Schichten-Verhalten lässt sich umfangreich konfigurieren. Mehrere Schichten lassen sich als Sessions speichern, um etwa bequem alle vom Vortag verbliebenen Webseiten wieder aufzurufen.

K-Meleon bietet außerdem Unterstützung für RSS-Feeds sowie einen Pop-up-Blocker, der verschiedene Inhalte vor dem Nutzer verbirgt, um etwa lästige Werbeformen abzuweisen. Neben der Browser-Kennung lässt sich die Bedienung per Tastenkürzel umschalten, um wahlweise die Steuerung von K-Meleon, von Firefox oder Mozilla zu verwenden. K-Meleon kann mit Hilfe von Plug-Ins um neue Funktionen erweitert werden, womit der Rumpf des Browsers schlank bleiben soll, ohne auf wichtige Funktionen verzichten zu müssen.

Mit einem Klick lassen sich Internetdaten wie Cookies, Cache oder der Verlauf löschen und K-Meleon übernimmt Lesezeichen aus dem Internet Explorer, aus Mozilla oder Opera. In K-Meleon ist bereits ein E-Mail-Client enthalten, um seine elektronische Korrespondenz darüber abwickeln zu können. Insgesamt soll K-Meleon sehr schonend mit den Rechner-Ressourcen haushalten, so dass der Browser auch gut auf langsameren Systemen einsetzbar ist.

K-Meleon 1.1 steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform unter anderem in deutscher Sprache zum Download bereit. Das Installationsarchiv ist rund 5 MByte groß und die Software wurde unter der GNU General Public License veröffentlicht.


Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Webbrowser Flock ist fertig
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2007, 16:01
Nach über zwei Jahren ist der seinerzeit viel beachtete Firefox-Abkömmling Flock in Version 1.0 für Windows, Linux und Mac OS X erschienen. Die Besonderheit des Browsers ist die Einbindung von sozialen Netzwerken in die Programmoberfläche, sodass sich Facebook, Twitter, del.icio.us und andere populäre Web-2.0-Dienste bequem von der Seitenleiste aus ansprechen und das eigene Blog per eingebautem Client befüttern lassen. Eine Medienleiste sorgt für den schnellen Datei-Upload, zum Beispiel auf Flickr; eine Zwischenablage bewahrt Textschnipsel oder Bilder zur Weiterverwendung auf. Bislang gibt es Flock nur in englischer Sprache.


Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: K-Meleon 1.1.3 - Schlanker Gecko-Browser in neuer Version erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2007, 16:03
K-Meleon ist ein schlanker Browser, der auf der gleichen Engine wie Firefox basiert. Jetzt ist die neue finale Version 1.1.3 erschienen.

K-Meleon steht nun in der finalen Version 1.1.3 zum Download bereit. Der Browser verwendet mit Gecko die selbe Engine wie Firefox. In K-Meleon 1.1.3 wurde nun die aktuelle Gecko-Engine integriert. Laut Angaben der Entwickler enthält die neue Version außerdem das neue Plug-In „Update Prüfung“, mit dem automatisch einmal pro Woche Ausschau nach einer neuen Version gehalten wird.

K-Meleon ist Open-Source. Die Macher des Browser werben vor allem mit dessen Geschwindigkeit. K-Meleon basiert auf der Gecko-Engine von Mozilla, benutzt zum Rendern der Seite also grundsätzlich die gleiche Technologie wie etwa Firefox.
K-Meleon 1.1.3 steht in deutscher Sprache für alle Windows-Betriebssysteme zum Download bereit. Die Downloadgröße beträgt 5,3 MB.


Quelle : www.pcwelt.de
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2009, 20:25
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 26, Released 4.14.2009

    * Partially fixed non-working zoom function with CTRL + middle mouse button(still not working with IE8)
    * Fixed the problem that Google translation list screened Toolbar under standard style
    * Fixed the bug of being unable to save online profiles
    * Fixed double avant.exe bug in task manager
    * Fixed the truncated bookmark names bug after importing Opera bookmarks
    * Fixed Tab Bar display issue when using a high font DPI

Titel: K-Meleon 1.5.3 de erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2009, 16:44
Quelle und Download : http://download.winboard.org/details.php?file=865
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 28 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2009, 19:56
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 28, Released 5.15.2009

    * Added browser:home page
    * Add another shortcut of hiding browser with CTRL+DEL
    * Fixed a problem which caused Avant Browser to freeze
    * Fixed the issue that forced new created pages to open in foreground with CTRL + ENTER
    * Fixed the truncated bookmarks name error from Opera
    * Fixed the context menu issue in Google Docs
    * Some minor fixes

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 29 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2009, 18:01
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 29, Released 5.18.2009

    * Fixed double application shortcuts bug in desktop
    * Fixed the problem with font size(too small) if DPI was set to 120
    * Fixed the bug that IE Addons disappear from context menu

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 30 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2009, 16:46
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 30, Released 5.19.2009

    * Fixed the bug of being unable to hide Avant Browser with CTRL+`
    * Fixed miscoded Recently Bookmarked items

Titel: Flock 2.5 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2009, 05:43

    * Based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
    * Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.10 patch for Firefox.
    * Facebook Chat has been integrated as an Instant Messaging service.
    * Twitter features in the People Sidebar have undergone a complete overhaul, and now allow for several new options.
    * Twitter Live Results have been added to the search chrome.
    * Twitter Search widget has been added to MyWorld.
    * FlockCast has been integrated as a new feature in Facebook, allowing you to easily broadcast your actions from around the web directly onto your Facebook page.
    * Bebo has been integrated as a People service.

Website: http://www.flock.com/

Lizenztyp: Open Source/Kostenlos
Download: Flock 2.5 für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2174.html) (12,7 Mb; momentan nur englisch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de/
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 31 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2009, 15:04
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 31, Released 5.21.2009

    * Fixed scrollling tabs with mouse wheel on 64 bit system
    * Fixed Options Window's UI language problem when the Avant Browser is hidden

Titel: Mobiler Browser Skyfire zeigt Flash- und Silverlight-Daten
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2009, 17:56
Version 1.0 des mobilen Browsers für Symbian S60 und Windows Mobile

Browser für Mobiltelefone können JavaScript-, Flash-, Java- oder Silverlight-Inhalte oft nicht ordentlich anzeigen. Der neue Browser Skyfire soll für Abhilfe sorgen. Dafür wird der Webseiteninhalt auf einem Server umgewandelt, bevor die Webseite an den Browser geschickt wird.
Der Ansatz von Skyfire erinnert etwas an das Konzept von Opera Mini. Mit Opera Mini ist jedes javafähige Mobiltelefon in der Lage, normale Webseiten anzuzeigen, auch wenn auf dem Mobiltelefon nur ein WAP-Browser vorhanden ist. Dafür werden die Webseiten auf einem Server passend für den Browser konvertiert. Damit soll unter anderem eine zügige Darstellung erreicht werden.

Bei Skyfire geht es vor allem darum, möglichst alle Webseiteninhalte in einem mobilen Browser anzeigen zu können. Dabei werden auch Java-Daten, Flash-Inhalte und Silverlight-Applikationen entsprechend konvertiert. Zusätzlich dazu sollen auch mehr JavaScript-Funktionen unterstützt werden als es sonst bei mobilen Browsern üblich ist.

Bei diesen Sonderformaten gibt es aber noch einige Einschränkungen. So ist keine Texteingabe in Flash- oder Silverlight-Applikationen möglich und der Browser beherrscht nicht den Local-Storage-Modus. Dieser wird von einigen Mediaplayern benötigt. Auch die Wiedergabe von DivX- oder Xvid-Videos beherrscht der Browser nicht. Ob der Anbieter hier noch nachbessern will, ist nicht bekannt.

Skyfire 1.0 steht für Smartphones mit Windows Mobile oder Symbian S60 ab der 3rd Edition kostenlos als Download (http://get.skyfire.com/) bereit. Über die Downloadseite kann der Browser entweder via PC und anschließender Synchronisation oder direkt vom Mobiltelefon installiert werden.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 33 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2009, 20:18
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 33, Released 6.3.2009

    * Force using CTRL + N to open new created pages in foreground
    * Removed the CTRL + DEL shortcut

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 35 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2009, 18:30
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 35, Released 6.10.2009

    * Fixed browser:home display problem on IE6
    * Fixed the issue that sometime there is a gray bar show up at the bottom of the browser

Titel: Flock 2.5.1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2009, 00:17
Flock 2.5.1 beinhaltet die Sicherheitsupdates, die Mozilla in Firefox 3.0.12 eingebaut hat. Zudem nutzt der Social-Networking-Browser nun weite Teile des Codes von Firefox 3, sodass ein schnelleres und sicheres Surferlebnis garantiert wird. Die neue Version von Flock ist bisher nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

Website: http://www.flock.com/ (http://www.flock.com/)

Lizenztyp: Open Source/Kostenlos
Download: Flock 2.5.1 für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2174.html) (12,8 Mb; englisch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de/ (http://winfuture.de/)
Titel: Lunascape 5.1.4 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2009, 19:27
Um Darstellungsfehler von Internetseiten zu vermeiden, setzt Lunascape die Rendering-Engines von Internet Explorer, Firefox und Google Chrome ein.Ebenfalls wird eine speziell optimierte Java-Engine eingesetzt, durch die der Browser besonders schnell sein soll.


Weitere Features finden sich auf der Herstellerseite (http://www.lunascape.tv/).

Ver 5.1.4 (Aug 7, 2009)

Wow, this turns out to be a busy summer. We have updated Gecko engine to revision (same as Firefox 3.5.2), which overcomes some more security issues. Furthermore, we have fixed bugs related to title bar buttons, freeze during server connection dialog, and occasional crash at closing the last tab while using Gecko.
And one more good news! We renewed update patch system so that you won’t miss our latest version any more. Hope you enjoy.

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - Vista
Während der Installation werden weitere Programmpakete aus dem Internet hinzugeladen.

www.lunascape.tv (http://www.lunascape.tv)
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 36 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2009, 16:19
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 36, Released 8.10.2009

    * Fixed an HTML bug which prevented a sidebar from being displayed on "http://www.kabelmaxx.nl"
    * Fixed a bug which mischecked a bookmark url availability
    * Fixed a bug where the address bar drop down list kept showing when switching to other applications
    * Fixed a bug where disabling "auto refresh all tabs" didn't work
    * Fixed a bug where for some people, going to Google and typing "blocker.swf" in the search bar, Avant attempted to download the file from "http://localhost/res/blocker.swf"
    * Fixed a bug which caused the "Search the current site" button to use Avantfind instead of your default search engine

http://www.avantbrowser.com (http://www.avantbrowser.com)
Titel: Flock 2.5.2 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2009, 08:28
Flock 2.5.2 basiert auf Firefox 3.0.13 und enthält die neueste Version von Adobes Flash-Player. Zudem nutzt der Social-Networking-Browser nun weite Teile des Codes von Firefox 3, sodass ein schnelleres und sicheres Surferlebnis garantiert wird. Die neue Version von Flock ist bisher nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.


    * Based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
    * Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.13 patch for Firefox.
    * Incorporated the latest Adobe Flash Player version. Please, make sure to close any Firefox window, prior to any install or update, in order for the Adobe Flash Player version to be updated.

Website: http://www.flock.com/ (http://www.flock.com/)

Lizenztyp: Open Source/Kostenlos
Download: Flock 2.5.2 für Windows (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2174.html) (12,8 Mb; englisch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de/ (http://winfuture.de/)
Titel: Dooble: Browser mit dem Schwerpunkt Sicherheit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2009, 09:11
Der noch recht unbekannte Browser Dooble liegt ab sofort in der Version 0.07 vor. Die Entwickler versprechen, dass man besonders viel Wert auf die Sicherheit gelegt hat. Die Software steht für Windows, Linux und Mac OS zur Verfügung, für die letzten beiden Betriebssysteme muss sie selbst kompiliert werden.

Dooble wurde bereits in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt, darunter auch Deutsch. In die aktuellen Version hat man eine Suchmaschine für Openstreetmap integriert. Zudem ist es unter Linux jetzt möglich, YouTube-Videos abzuspielen. Neu ist die Zoom-Funktion sowie Verbesserungen an der JavaScript-Engine.


Um die Darstellung der Webseiten kümmert sich die bekannte HTML-Engine Webkit, die beispielsweise auch von Apple in Safari engesetzt wird. Neben dem Schwerpunkt Sicherheit wollen die Entwickler auch einen kompakten Browser schaffen. Dabei setzen sie komplett auf Open Source.

In der Zukunft soll Dooble zu einer kompletten Internet-Suite ausgebaut werden. Neben dem Browser wird dann auch ein E-Mail-Client sowie ein Instant Messenger enthalten sein.

Weitere Informationen: Dooble (http://dooble.sourceforge.net/)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Browser Skyfire 1.1 für Windows Mobile und Symbian veröffentlicht
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2009, 16:18
Das Update verbessert die Performance und die Navigation. Die Tasten "2" und "8" steuern nun den Bildlauf. Skyfire aktualisiert auch die Plug-ins für Flash, Silverlight und Quicktime.

Skyfire hat die Version 1.1 seines gleichnamigen, kostenlosen Browsers für Mobiltelefone veröffentlicht. Der mit Opera Mobile in Konkurrenz stehende Browser ist für Windows-Mobile-Geräte mit und ohne Touchscreen sowie Symbian-Handys der E- und N-Serie von Nokia verfügbar (http://get.skyfire.com/).

Das Update verbessert vor allem die Performance und die Navigation von Skyfire. So steuern die Tasten "2" und "8" auf einem Keypad oder einer Tastatur den Bildlauf. Über die Sterntaste springt der Cursor direkt in die kombinierte Adress- und Suchleiste. Das Unternehmen weist darauf hin, dass die Navigationstasten auf Geräten mit einem abweichenden Tastaturlayout unter Umständen nicht funktionieren.

Skyfire 1.1 verbessert die Unterstützung mobiler Websites, deren URL "mobile" enthält. Zudem hat das Unternehmen die Plug-ins für Flash, Silverlight und Quicktime aktualisiert. Die neue Version verkürzt auch die Ladezeiten von Websites und beschleunigt den Bildlauf sowie die Zoom-Funktion auf Symbian-Handys. Eine vollständige Liste aller Änderungen und Fixes hat Skyfire in einem Blogeintrag veröffentlicht.

Ende Mai hatte Skyfire die finale Version seines mobilen Browsers vorgestellt, der JavaScript, AJAX und Videostreams unterstützt. Ähnlich wie Opera Mini leitet er dafür alle Anfragen an einen Server weiter, der Inhalte von Websites für die Anzeige auf einem Mobiltelefon konvertiert.

Quelle : http://www.zdnet.de
Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 37 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2009, 13:32
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 37, Released 9.10.2009

    * Fixed the bug which caused the address to appear on the desktop and the browser unresponsive at first click
    * Fixed the Gmail layout problem
    * Attempt to fix the blocker.swf message problem
    * Fixed a bug which caused the browser to crash while clicking through links on the site www.kelkoo.com
    * Fixed a big blank area appearing on the site http://ubcd4win.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8064&pid=52782&mode=threaded&start
    * Fixed the missed navigation bar on the site http://www.deboektant.nl/
    * Fixed the improperly auto-completing address bar bug with CTRL+ENTER
    * Fixed a display bug with Alexa.com

Titel: QtWeb 3.1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2009, 17:21
QtWeb ist ein zur Zeit nur in Englisch erscheinender Webbrowser, der auf Apples offener Browser-Architektur Webkit basiert.

Der Browser ist bereits mit praktischen Funktionen ausgestattet, als da wären ein AdBlocker, Private Mode, Mausgesten und eine Bildschirmtastatur.
Ebenso kann sich der Browser per Knopfdruck als IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome oder Safari ausgeben.

Die auf dem Screenshot zu sehende Favortienleiste auf der rechten Seite kann mit der Maus auf eine beliebige Randposition verschoben werden.

What's new in version 3.1 (released Sep 11, 2009):

- Multi-language support (5 languages)
- Web pages can be saved in Adobe Portable Format (PDF)
- Open links in tabs instead of new windows by default
- Bookmarks Tags (shortcuts) being added
- Download manager improved
- Other enhancements and bugs fixes, for full list click here (http://qtweb.net/update.html)

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008 und WIN 7

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 38 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2009, 10:44
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 38, Released 9.16.2009

    * Fixed an Online Storage problem probably keeping the browser from downloading profiles
    * Fixed the AutoFill text field shortened problem in View/Edit Autofills dialog

Titel: Lunascape 5.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2009, 22:33
Ver 5.1.5 (Sept 16, 2009)

Back to business! With this update, we have made a number of exciting changes. First off, the engines are revised to the latest. Gecko version is (same as Firefox 3.5.3) that fixes some more vulnerability such as Chrome privilege escalation with FeedWriter. Webkit version is 532.0 and that achieves 20% faster JavaScript speed compared to its previous version included in 5.1.4.

And we worked quite hard to fix LOTS of bugs that you’ve kindly let us know. There are too many to list out here (dig in release notes (http://en.lunapedia.lunascape.tv/index.php?title=Release_note) if you are interested) including default browser setting, correct title bar, IE history issues, and smoother install and uninstall. We have also added some new features such as tab activation options using a mouse wheel.

Can’t wait to try it out? You can go to Help > Check for updates, for immediate update.

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 39 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2009, 12:57
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 39, Released 9.17.2009

    * Fixed an Online Storage problem probably keeping the browser from downloading profiles
    * Fixed the AutoFill text field shortened problem in View/Edit Autofills dialog

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2009, 10:52

Add new features for Windows 7:
Taskbar Progress State
Taskbar Download State Icon


Fix issues in Windows 7, the anti-freeze mode cause tab switch slowly
Fix issues in Windows 7, the IME Sync function invalidate.
Fix some UI bugs in download addons
Fix a page display bug when open RSS items
Fix a progress bug in tab bar
Fix some GDI resource leak, memory leak

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.2 Build 0922
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2009, 10:24

fix: collector run script bug
fix: auto save page bug
fix: dialog filter bug
fix: open page and fill form fail bug
fix: save page as image bug
fix: drag link open bug
fix: set groups dialog bug
fix: download manager bug
improve: autp popup filter bug
improve: image drag menu

Titel: Acoo Browser 1.98 Build 744
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2009, 11:37
Version 1.97.928 - [Jul-18-2009]

    * Added "Save Target As" to the context menu for web links.
    * Improved the startup speed when there are a lot of items in favorite's folder.
    * Now you can edit the item of "start pages list" in the "Start Pages" option dialog.
    * Small enhancements and a few bugs fixed.

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2009, 16:33
TheWorld Browser is compatible with Internet Explorer and it can run in most Miscrosoft Windows OSs. It has a new, powerful multi-threaded window frame, which can avoid web page being out of response. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected. With experience of TheWorld Browser serious, all code rewritten, all module rebuild, the new frame can take more effective experience.

Licence: Freeware

Download (http://download.theworld.cn/tw3/TheWorld_en_3.0.7.1.exe)
Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 015
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2009, 21:41
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

Build 015

    * Fixed bug about file->open/save dialog not popping up under Win98.

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2009, 13:09
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 40, Released 10.22.2009

    * Fixed the improperly auto-completing address bar bug with CTRL+ENTER
    * Fixed a problem that downloading process ends along with closing Avant main window
    * Fixed a problem keeping links from Camfrog Video Chat from opening
    * Fixe the bug that the proxy option keeps turning back to Internet Explore Setting after other settings made
    * Fixed the Address Bar drop-down list keeping appearing bug

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2009, 13:58
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 41, Released 10.23.2009

    * Fixed the improperly auto-completing address bar bug with CTRL+ENTER
    * Fixed a problem that downloading process ends along with closing Avant main window
    * Fixed a problem keeping links from Camfrog Video Chat from opening
    * Fixe the bug that the proxy option keeps turning back to Internet Explore Setting after other settings made
    * Fixed the Address Bar drop-down list keeping appearing bug
    * Fixed a problem that starting a second instance brings up the Re-open dialog if using USB version

Titel: XeroBank Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2009, 08:31
XeroBank Browser (formerly Torpark) is a free anonymous web browser which allows you to securely and anonymously surf the internet, bypass website censorship, and it leaves virtually no tracks of your browsing habits behind. XeroBank Browser requires no configuration, technical knowledge, or installation. Additionally, it is even portable on a USB stick so you can take it to work, school, or on vacation.

License: Open Source

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2009, 08:15

Add the function which supports multi-user login(double-click TheWorld icon to use multi-window mode to login)./p>


Improve the system compatibility caused by the function of Anti-Freeze.


Fix some bugs caused by the function of Anti-Freeze.

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2009, 17:27
TheWorld browser 3.0 final (


Improve the Performance of the Anti-Freeze.


Fixed the failure of closing window with Esc.

Fixed the bugs of losing cookie in certain cases.

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2009, 14:01
TheWorld browser 3.0 final (


Add the support of javascript in TheWorld Favorites.

Titel: Flock 2.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2009, 22:19
Flock ist ein auf dem Open-Source-Projekt Firefox basierender Webbrowser, der mit einer Reihe interessanter Features aufwartet. Die Software wird von einem kleinen kalifornischen Team entwickelt, dessen Mitglieder bereits zu GNOME und Mozilla beigetragen haben.

Der neue Browser kombiniert eine Reihe von Technologien, zu denen neben RSS-Feeds, Blogs und Bookmarks auch das so genannte Photo-Sharing gehört. Mit Flock 2.0 erfolgte die Umstellung auf Firefox 3.0 als Basis.

Mit Hilfe der eingebauten Suchmaschine "Lucene" werden alle Inhalte einer besuchten Webseite indiziert, sodass man später noch Zugriff darauf hat. Die gespeicherten Daten lassen sich auf Wunsch problemlos löschen. Mit Hilfe von mehreren Favoriten-Toolbars kann man für jeden Zweck spezifische Bookmarks gruppieren.

Über den eingebauten Blog-Editor, der mit WordPress, Movable Type, TypePad, Blogger und einigen anderen Diensten umgehen kann, lassen sich auf einfache Weise Weblogs erstellen, betreiben und mit Bildern versehen. Mit Hilfe eines "Schmierblatts" kann der Anwender Webinhalte zwischenspeichern, über die er später bloggen möchte.

Wenn man den ebenfalls integrierten RSS-Feedreader verwendet, kann man ohne zusätzliche Software seine wichtigsten Feeds im Blick behalten. Flock ist das erste auf Firefox basierende Produkt, das dies auch bei Mozilla-Browsern einführt. Bei Firefox gibt es bisher lediglich "dynamische Lesezeichen".

Flock 2.5.5 basiert auf Firefox 3.0.15 und enthält die aktuelle Version von Adobes Flash-Player. Die neue Version von Flock ist bisher nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. In Deutsch steht momentan nur Flock 2.0.3 zur Verfügung.


    * Based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
    * Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.15 patch for Firefox.
    * Incorporated the latest Adobe Flash Player version. Please, make sure to close any Firefox window, prior to any install or update, in order for the Adobe Flash Player version to be updated.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Lunascape 6.0 - Firefox, Webkit und IE in einem
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2009, 16:38
Drei Rendering-Engines in einem Browser bietet Lunascape bereits seit längerem, mit der Version 6.0 unterstützt die Software nun aber auch Add-ons für verschiedene Browser und kann eine Webseite in drei Engines nebeneinander anzeigen.

Lunascape 6.0 vereint die HTML-Rendering-Engines Gecko (Mozilla/Firefox), Webkit (Safari/Chrome) und Trident (Internet Explorer) in einem Browser und kann auch mit Firefox-Add-ons und IE-Plug-ins umgehen. Darüber hinaus werden spezielle Lunarscape-Plug-ins unterstützt. Zur Organisation von Add-ons gibt es einen Organizer, der als Gecko-Toolbar ausgeführt ist.

Daneben wartet die neue Version von Lunascape mit einem neuen schlanken Design namens Orion auf und unterstützt eine sogenannte Split-Tab-Ansicht. Damit lassen sich Webseiten in allen drei Rendering-Engines nebeneinander stellen. Die neue Sidebar 2.0 kann mit verschiedenen Sidebar-Erweiterungen umgehen und lässt sich vom Browserfenster abtrennen.


Die englischsprachige Version von Lunascape 6.0 ist ab sofort in einer Betaversion verfügbar und bringt Gecko mit, Webkit ist im Build r50048 enthalten. Für andere Sprachen ist die neue Lunascape-Version nur als Alpha verfügbar und bringt Gecko und Webkit r47762 mit.

Die aktuellen Testversionen von Lunascape stehen unter lunascape.tv (http://www.lunascape.tv/Products/Lunascape6TestVersion/Download/tabid/111/Default.aspx) zum Download bereit.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: QtWeb 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2009, 19:58
What's new in version 3.2 (released Nov 27, 2009)

- Built-in Torrent client
- Additional languages: Spanish, German, French, Chinese Simplified, Japanese
- Auto-proxy configuration
- De-installation removes settings and profile automatically
- Minor changes and fixes, see here (http://qtweb.net/update.html)

Titel: Skyfire 1.5: Neue Browserversion für Windows Mobile
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2009, 14:16
Der mobile Browser Skyfire steht in der Version 1.5 als Download bereit. Zunächst gibt es die neue Version nur für Windows Mobile, die Ausführung für Symbian soll in Kürze folgen. Die neue Version bringt Verbesserungen vor allem bei der Bedienung.

Skyfire 1.5 unterstützt nun kinetisches Scrollen, um sich á la iPhone oder Palm Pre in Webseiten zu bewegen. Mit Schwung kann der Nutzer also nun in Webseiten scrollen und mit einem Tippen auf den Bildschirm hält die Webseite an. Die Bedienoberfläche wurde zudem weiter verbessert, um eine bessere Fingerbedienung zu ermöglichen.

Zudem bietet die neue Skyfire-Version einen Vollbildmodus, bei dem alle Bedienelemente verschwinden, damit das Display optimal für den Inhalt genutzt wird. Als weitere wichtige Neuerung wurde Unterstützung für Displays mit VGA- oder wVGA-Auflösung integriert.

Zudem wird bei Bildschirmtastaturen der Bildschirmausschnitt verändert, damit Eingaben bequem vorgenommen werden können. Allgemein soll Skyfire 1.5 auch auf Serverseite an Geschwindigkeit zugelegt haben und unterstützt aktuelle Versionen von Flash und Silverlight.

Das Konzept von Skyfire sieht vor, dass Webseiten von einem Server speziell für diesen Browser umgewandelt werden. Dadurch lassen sich auch Flash-Inhalte sowie Silverlight-Applikationen oder Java-Daten auf dem Mobiltelefon nutzen.

Skyfire 1.5 steht ab sofort für Windows Mobile als Download (http://get.skyfire.com/) zur Verfügung. In Kürze soll Skyfire 1.5 auch für die Symbian-Plattform erscheinen.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 0116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2009, 19:39
lim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.


Licence: Freeware

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2009, 11:15
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 43, Released 12.14.2009

    * Fixed a problem of being unable to untick the checked proxy item
    * Fixed the improperly completed URL while using CTRL + ENTER
    * Improved the Save Screen as Image function to remove the blank area appearing in the saved file
    * Avoided the problem which caused the favicons aside other tabs to get changed along with the newly created page in some cases
    * Fixed a problem which kept comparatively bigger pictures from showing up
    * Some rendering fixes for this site http://www.orkut.com/
    * Resolved the problem which kept the "New Bookmark" window hovering below the bookmarks panel when using "Create New Bookmark in This Folder" to add a bookmark

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2009, 12:51
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Download: TheWorld Browser (http://download.theworld.cn/tw3/TheWorld_en_3.0.9.2.exe) (1.09 MB)

Titel: Orca Browser 1.2 Build 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2009, 18:12
Orca Browser is an extremely fast and user friendly web browser, designed to add more functions on to the latest version of Firefox. Not only does Orca Browser contains all the features, such as security, low memory usage, spell-checker, built-in download manager, etc. from a typical Gecko based browser, it also improves the speed, adds built-in features like an AD Blocker, Flash Blocker, Online Profile Storage, auto Form-Filler, and a Outlook-Style RSS Reader. The auto Form-Filler helps to memorize or fill different types of web forms and passwords. It can also protect them with a master security password. Online Profile Storage allows users to create their own account. With their username and password, users can choose to save or access their personal data such as bookmarks, AutoFills, and RSS feeds remotely from any computer.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2009, 09:04
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Alpha-Version von Skyfire 1.5 für Symbian-Handys
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2009, 14:22
Skyfire hat Version 1.5 seines gleichnamigen Browsers für alle Touchscreen-Handys mit Symbian-Betriebssystem veröffentlicht. Sie kann also auf Nokia-Telefonen wie dem 5800 XpressMusic oder dem N97 genauso genutzt werden wie auf dem Sony Ericsson Satio oder dem Samsung i8910 HD.

Darüber hinaus unterstützt der Browser alle Modelle der E-Serie. Im Gegensatz zu Skyfire 1.5 für Windows-Mobile-Smartphones, der ebenfalls vor wenigen Tagen neu herauskam, ist die Symbian-Software aber noch im Alpha-Stadium und dementsprechend fehlerbehaftet.

Der Funktionsumfang gleicht dem der Windows-Mobile-Version. Skyfire 1.5 unterstützt die höhere Auflösung der Touchscreen-Modelle von 360x640 Pixel und die Benutzeroberfläche sowie die Schriften wurden überarbeitet. Außerdem gibt es erstmals einen Fullscreen-Modus, bei dem alle Bedienelemente verschwinden und nur noch die Internetseite angezeigt wird. Kinetisches Scrolling wird ebenfalls unterstützt. Diese Funktion bremst sanft den Bildlauf einer Internetseite, statt sie abrupt zu stoppen, wenn der Finger vom Touchscreen genommen wird.

Aber auch hinter den Kulissen hat das Unternehmen einiges verändert. Skyfire 1.5 unterstützt die neuesten Multimedia-Standards Flash 10, Silverlight 2.0 und JavaScript. Das Unternehmen nutzt spezielle Server, mit denen die Internet-Inhalte kleingerechnet und dann erst an das Handy geschickt werden. Das lässt sich auf längeren Webseiten gut erkennen: Beim Scrollen erscheinen die Grafiken und Buchstaben erst einmal unscharf, bevor sie gut erkennbar sind. Eine ähnliche Technik verwenden auch Opera Mini und der neue Blitzschnell-Browser Bolt. Im Unterschied zu ihnen kann Skyfire aber auch Videos anzeigen.

Skyfire 1.5 kann im Forum dailymobile.se heruntergeladen werden. Die Software ist 862 Kilobyte groß. Ihr fehlt allerdings die Symbian-Zertifizierung. Sie muss per Hand nachträglich hinzugefügt werden oder Skyfire 1.5 lässt sich nur auf Modellen installieren, deren Betriebssystem vorher gehackt wurde.

Quelle : www.pcwelt.de
Titel: Lunascape 6.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2009, 18:19
Ein Changelog findet sich hier (http://en.lunapedia.lunascape.tv/index.php?title=Release_Notes).

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 017
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2009, 19:56
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Dooble-Browser 0.08 setzt auf Datenschutz
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2009, 14:48
Der Open-Source-Browser Dooble liegt zumindest für Windows und Mac OS X nun in der Version 0.08 bereit. Dooble nutzt Webkit als Rendering Engine und nimmt die Themen Sicherheit und Datenschutz besonders ernst. Als Konsequenz ist keine der Standardsuchmaschinen von Google, Microsoft, Yahoo oder Ask im Browser vorinstalliert.

Dooble 0.08 hat eine überarbeitete Oberfläche für die Eingabe von Suchanfragen erhalten. Dooble meidet die großen Suchmaschinen von Google, Microsoft, Yahoo oder Ask, weil diese Daten über das Suchverhalten der Nutzer sammeln. Stattdessen kommen freie Suchmaschinen zum Einsatz, die mehr Datenschutz versprechen. Neu hinzugekommen sind Scroogle und Faroo.

Die neue Version bringt einen neuen Dateimanager, um aus dem Browser heraus auf die Dateien auf der Festplatte zugreifen zu können. Über den Browser kann der Anwender auf alle heruntergeladenen Dateien zugreifen und der Browser wird in verschiedenen Sprachen ausgeliefert, die automatisch korrekt an das System angepasst werden sollen.

In Zukunft soll die als Open Source verfügbare Software noch um einen E-Mail-Client und einen Instant Messenger ergänzt werden. Für Instant Messaging ist die Integration des Retro Messengers geplant, der zuletzt 2008 aktualisiert wurde. Auch am E-Mail-Client Nuntius Leo ist seit 2008 nichts mehr passiert. Beide Produkte befinden sich - wie auch Dooble - in einem sehr frühen Entwicklungsstadium.

Dooble 0.08 (http://dooble.sourceforge.net/) steht ab sofort für Windows und Mac OS X als Download zur Verfügung. Das Download-Archiv ist zwischen 40 und 50 MByte groß. Dooble gibt es auch für die Linux-Plattform, aber noch nicht die aktuelle Version.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 018
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2009, 18:58
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Stainless 0.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2010, 09:51
Multi-Prozess-Webbrowser mit strikt voneinander getrennten Reitern; jeder Reiter kann eine separate Sitzung ausführen und eigene Cookies verwalten.


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.3 Build 0105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2010, 10:28

add: multi-keywords highlight
add: find function for form data dialog
fix: pop filter bug
fix: miss last visit dialog
fix: quick menu type bug
improve: link list dialog
improve: auto scroll page

Titel: Flock 2.5.6 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2010, 19:01
Flock 2.5.6 basiert auf Firefox 3.0.16 und enthält die aktuelle Version von Adobes Flash-Player.


    * Based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
    * Incorporated Mozilla's 3.0.16 patch for Firefox.
    * Incorporated the latest Adobe Flash Player version. Please, make sure to close any Firefox window, prior to any install or update, in order for the Adobe Flash Player version to be updated.

Licence: Freeware

Download: Flock 2.5.6 for Windows (10.71 MB)

Download: Flock 2.5.6 for Linux (10.95 MB)

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2010, 08:52
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Skyfire 1.5 für Symbian S60 3rd Edition ist fertig
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2010, 16:46
Der mobile Browser Skyfire steht in der Version 1.5 nun auch für Smartphones mit Symbian S60 3rd Edition als Download bereit. Die Version für Windows Mobile ist bereits seit über einem Monat verfügbar. Für Symbian S60 5th Edition gibt es bisher nur eine Betaversion.

Skyfire 1.5 für Symbian S60 3rd Edition bringt nur wenig Neuerungen. Die Bedienoberfläche wurde überarbeitet und das Scrollen in Webseiten soll flüssiger laufen. Zudem werden Geschwindigkeitsverbesserungen versprochen. Weitere Änderungen bringt die neue Version nicht.

Für Smartphones mit Symbian S60 5th Edition steht bislang nur eine Betaversion von Skyfire 1.5 zur Verfügung, die mehr Verbesserungen bringt. Der Browser unterstützt nun den Lagesensor in einem Smartphone und kann wahlweise im Hoch- oder Querformat verwendet werden. Zudem wurde die Bedienoberfläche überarbeitet, die sich nun besser mit dem Finger bedienen lässt. In einer Vollbildansicht werden Navigationselemente ausgeblendet, damit möglichst viel Platz für den eigentlichen Inhalt ist. Zudem wurde auch hier das Scrollen in Webseiten flüssiger gemacht.

Das Konzept von Skyfire sieht vor, dass Webseiten von einem Server speziell für diesen Browser umgewandelt werden. Dadurch lassen sich auch Flash-Inhalte sowie Silverlight-Applikationen oder Java-Daten auf dem Mobiltelefon nutzen.

Skyfire 1.5 für Symbian S60 3rd Edition steht kostenlos als Download (http://get.skyfire.com/) zur Verfügung. Für Symbian S60 5th Edition gibt es bislang nur eine Betaversion von Skyfire 1.5. Wann die fertige Version von Skyfire 1.5 für Symbian S60 5th Edition erscheint, ist nicht bekannt.

Quelle : www.golem.de

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2010, 00:04
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Lunascape 6.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2010, 17:07
New Features and Improvements

    * Applied tuning for faster launch and browsing speed

Fixed Bugs

    * When Trident tabs and Gecko tabs are open at the same time and a tab has been closed by use of a mouse gesture, moving a tab by right-click and wheel-scroll causes the destination tab to close
    * When adding a search button and then re-launching Lunascape, the added search button disappears
    * When installing Lunascape as portable version and selecting a non-existent folder to import user settings from, clicking "Next" causes Lunascape to crash
    * When launching the settings dialog of any of the engines from Lunascape Settings, the Lunascape Settings dialog occasionally closes without the settings being saved
    * When a page is opened in the Large Screen view externally such as from a mailer or a URL shortcut, the tab appears as a non-maximized MDI window
    * Broken links and inadequate search results in some search engines
    * With the setting "Hide in Task Tray" under "Pin to the Start menu", the window size is not the same as when it was closed when the application is reopened from the task tray
    * A window labeled "n" appears at startup
    * Lunascape freezes when logging off from Windows
    * If the window size was maximized at the last session, the window size gets maximized only after briefly assuming standard size at the next startup

Gecko Specific

    * If there exists only a stage-xpis folder and the Gecko engine is used, it keeps re-launching on every startup
    * When using the Gecko engine and hiding Lunascape in the task tray by clicking the close button, then after recalling it via another application and again clicking the close button it shuts down

WebKit Specific

    * The WebKit authentication dialog opens with the focus on the password edit box

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.3 Build 0203
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2010, 09:26

add: quick menu for find button when multi-keywords
add: inheritance page zoom of parent window
add: quick menu when not show group item
fix: dialog filter bug
fix: page not have focus bug
fix: collector lose data bug
fix: group load bug when title is null
fix: last visit load bug when title is null
fix: ctrl+arrow switch page bug
improve: judgement of some special protocol url
improve: page zoom effect

Titel: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2010, 12:01
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 46, Released 2.9.2010

    * Fixed the bug where the Duplicate function ignores " Create new tab next to current tab" settings
    * Added Ctrl+Wheel Scroll to zoom the web page for Avant Browser based on IE8
    * Fixed the bug where the zoom level of a webpage would change when navigating backwards
    * Fixed the bug that caused an Encoding error when sending a page by outlook
    * Fixed the bug that caused you to be unable to preview videos on Bing.com
    * Fixed the bug where Avant Browser failed to navigate inside http://www.gamebanshee.com/
    * Fixed the encoding problem in exported bookmarks
    * Fixed a bug making the Address Box lose focus when Auto-Complete is enabled

Titel: QtWeb V3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2010, 18:41
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License:  GPL

Titel: Mobiler Browser Bolt in Version 1.7 veröffentlicht
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2010, 09:35
Bitstream hat seinen mobilen Browser Bolt in der Version 1.7 veröffentlicht. Der Browser basiert auf Webkit und läuft auf nahezu allen Java-fähigen Mobiltelefonen, einschließlich Blackberrys.

Bolt 1.7 soll stabiler laufen und bringt einige neue Funktionen mit. So unterstützt der Browser nun Widgets, integriert Twitter und bietet einen verbesserten Downloadmanager, der mehrere parallele Downloads unterstützt und es erlaubt, diese zu unterbrechen und fortzusetzen.

Die automatische Socket-Unterstützung soll die Geschwindigkeit des Browsers auf vielen Geräten um rund 15 Prozent steigern und dank neuer Tastenkürzel kann schneller gezoomt oder zum Anfang und Ende einer Seite gesprungen werden.

Flash unterstützt Bolt zwar nach wie vor nicht, kann aber Videos im Flash-Video-Format abspielen. In der neuen Version 1.7 werden dabei auch Youtube-Videos unterstützt, die in Seiten Dritter eingebettet sind. Auch die Videos von ESPN und CNN spielt Bolt ab.

Bolt 1.7 steht unter boltbrowser.com zum Download (http://boltbrowser.com/) bereit.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Lunascape 6.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2010, 18:18
Um Darstellungsfehler von Internetseiten zu vermeiden, setzt Lunascape die Rendering-Engines von Internet Explorer, Firefox und Google Chrome ein.Ebenfalls wird eine speziell optimierte Java-Engine eingesetzt, durch die der Browser besonders schnell sein soll.


Weitere Features finden sich auf der Herstellerseite (http://www.lunascape.tv/).

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - Vista

Während der Installation werden weitere Programmpakete aus dem Internet hinzugeladen.

www.lunascape.tv (http://www.lunascape.tv)
Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 023
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2010, 08:38
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 024
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2010, 08:45
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 025
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2010, 23:06
Build 025

    * Updated internal links to point to new online resource locations.

Titel: Sleipnir – IE und Firefox vereint
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2010, 18:53
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Heute bin ich auf den Browser Sleipnir (http://www.fenrir-inc.com/) aufmerksam geworden, der die beiden Browser quasi in sich vereint. Den Browser gibt es dazu auch in einer portablen Version.


Ich möchte euch den Browser kurz vorstellen. Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.
Titel: K-Meleon 1.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2010, 14:07
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Titel: K-Meleon 1.6a3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2010, 19:57
Latest Changes

- Gecko update to the 1.9.1 Trunk
- Support full zoom and default zoom (zoom.defaultPercent)
- @SHistory, @SHistoryBack, @SHistoryForward menus
- Transparency support for menu icons
- InjectJS now return the result of the script (when applicable)
- Support for flashblock.whitelist

Download (http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmeleon/files/k-meleon/1.6.0_Unstable/K-Meleon1.6.0a3.7z/download)

Titel: Slim Browser 4.12 Build 026
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2010, 06:55
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.3 Build 0409
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2010, 09:26

Add: previous visited page
fix: edit box drag drop bug
fix: URL alias match case bug
fix: collector save bug
fix: URL judgment bug
fix: sometimes resource leakage bug
fix: drag drop type judgment bug
improve: window manager function
improve: search menu display

Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2010, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.

Latest Changes

- Updated to Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 code
- In certain circumstances, the browser would crash on some systems due to the memory manager/MS runtime code. This has been fixed.


Titel: Lunascape 6.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2010, 22:46
Um Darstellungsfehler von Internetseiten zu vermeiden, setzt Lunascape die Rendering-Engines von Internet Explorer, Firefox und Google Chrome ein.Ebenfalls wird eine speziell optimierte Java-Engine eingesetzt, durch die der Browser besonders schnell sein soll.


Weitere Features finden sich auf der Herstellerseite (http://www.lunascape.tv/).

Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - 7

Während der Installation werden weitere Programmpakete aus dem Internet hinzugeladen.

www.lunascape.tv (http://www.lunascape.tv)
Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2010, 16:01
TheWorld Browser provides a fast, safe, and easy way to browse the Web. It will revolutionize your internet experience with many useful features that other browsers don't provide. Give it a try, we guarantee our browser is 100% malware free. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected.

TheWorld Browser created by Phoenix Studio is a multi-tab and multi-window web browser. It is completely free and there is no function limitation. TheWorld Browser is a safe and green software, and can be uninstalled totally. Please feel safe about it. TheWorld Browser can be run on Operating Systems such as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7. To get a better performance of resources control, TheWorld 3.0 has been optimized a lot in the main frame for memory release.

Especially under multi-process mode and mixed mode, resources can be released completely when pages get closed. Consequently, the problem that memory usage rises can be solved drastically.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Lunascape 6.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2010, 18:29
New Features and Improvements

    * Feature added for detection and management of applications that may negatively affect Lunascape performance
    * Font size in each engine can be changed with Ctrl+[Num+][Num-], if Lunascape is installed afresh
    * Font size in each engine can be changed with Ctrl+[Num+][Num-], if the keyboard shortcut settings are reset
    * The font size change shortcuts shown in the menu now correspond to the actual keyboard shortcuts

Trident Specific

    * Improved handling of the IE toolbar

Gecko Specific

    * Gecko engine has been updated to revision: (same as Firefox 3.5.9)

WebKit Specific

    * A WebKit vulnerability (port number overflow) has been addressed

Fixed Bugs

    * When opening a link from a mailer program, the startup page also opens
    * When installation is complete, Lunascape starts up in a state that requires restart
    * When a write error occurs during installation, the installation process wasn’t aborted property nor guidance on how to install properly hadn’t been shown adequately
    * When restarting Lunascape with a sidebar plugin displayed, the sidebar sometimes becomes distorted
    * A bug causing Lunascape to crash when accessing certain sites has been fixed
    * Bugs related to 5 crashes induced by tab operations have been fixed

Gecko Specific

    * When closing a page is canceled from a java script, the tab information remains internally
    * When launching Lunascape from a link in a mailer program or from a shortcut, the Back/Forward buttons do not work for the startup tab

WebKit Specific

    * Increasing/decreasing font size function does not work properly
    * The currently selected font size is not checked

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2010, 16:24
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2010, 10:16
28/04/2010 Fixed a crash when closing a tab. Strongly recommended to upgrade.

Titel: K-Meleon 1.7.0 Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2010, 17:22
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Download (http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmeleon/files/k-meleon-dev/1.7.0a/K-Meleon1.7a.7z/download)

Titel: Lunascape 6.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2010, 13:56
Lunascape Version 6.1.3. Release: Optimized Startup Speed
Yet another minor release of Lunascape is available for download today.

Lunascape ver.6.1.3 is all about optimization. We've made some changes to the source code to fine-tune the browser startup processes and increased its speed. This change should be more apparent for some of the users who are using slightly lower spec PC.

Based on our internal test, the startup speed is increased by approximately 13% compared to the last version of Lunascape v.6.1.2. This test has been conducted in the following environment.

    * OS: Windows XP SP3
    * CPU: Intel Core2Duo E6750 2.66GHz
    * Memory: 3GB
    * Graphic: ATI RADEON HD2400XT 128MB

If you've been using latest PC with high spec graphic card, you may not notice the differences. However, if you are on the low side, you should be able to feel the optimized speed at the time of the startup.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Alpha 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2010, 14:32
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Download: Avant Browser 11.8 Alpha 1 (http://www.avantbrowser.com/release/11.8/abbeta.exe) (1.95 MB)

Titel: Lunascape 6.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2010, 15:50
Lunascape Version 6.1.4. Release: Urgent Bug Fixes
I feel like we've been releasing minor version updates of v.6.1.x pretty often nowadays and hope this is not driving you too crazy... In case if you're wondering, we will likely to have two more minor updates before going into v.6.2. And today, we're releasing ver.6.1.4 that includes some urgent bug fixes.

The major bug fix is resolving an Gecko engine specific issue, which pressing the backspace key during text inserts in a form acts as "back" to go back to a previous page in the browser. Some of you might have encountered this issue and got annoyed by it every time your typed-in form gets disappeared using Gecko engine. But it is now over, thank you for your patients waiting for the fix!

Another bug fix is resolving an issue of discoloration of words in the smart engine selection button at particular environments. Believe it or not, I've had this issue with my environments and not noticed it is a bug until I've upgraded one of my testing environments

Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Alpha 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2010, 15:36
Avant Browser 11.8 Alpha 2 released, May 24, 2010.


    * Creating new tabs action was tardy.
    * The default zoom size was displayed as 0%
    * New created pages didn’t follow the zoom size reset
    * Being unable to type URL into the address bar if creating a new tab with CTRL + N
    * Annoying ActiveX error often popped up when Disable ActiveX option checked
    * Sometime Tab may bring itself to the front
    * Being unable to edit proxy lists
    * Tardy Auto-Complete response for the Address Bar
    * Back / Forward buttons on Logitech Mouse didn’t work
    * Open Picture in New Tab button didn’t work
    * Variable tab width.(Tab Bar right-click menu->Tab Options->Fixed Tab Width added)


Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2010, 10:13
TheWorld Browser provides a fast, safe, and easy way to browse the Web. It will revolutionize your internet experience with many useful features that other browsers don't provide. Give it a try, we guarantee our browser is 100% malware free. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected.

TheWorld Browser created by Phoenix Studio is a multi-tab and multi-window web browser. It is completely free and there is no function limitation. TheWorld Browser is a safe and green software, and can be uninstalled totally. Please feel safe about it. TheWorld Browser can be run on Operating Systems such as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7. To get a better performance of resources control, TheWorld 3.0 has been optimized a lot in the main frame for memory release.

Especially under multi-process mode and mixed mode, resources can be released completely when pages get closed. Consequently, the problem that memory usage rises can be solved drastically.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2010, 15:39
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 4.13.003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2010, 19:30
Slim Browser is a multiple-site browser based on tab-page interface. It includes a fully automatic form filler which allows you to fill in, save and manage Web forms easily. It provides convenient access to major search engines on toolbar.



Titel: GreenBrowser 5.4 Build 0609
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2010, 07:43
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

add: active new window after page completed
add: auto high light keyword
fix: collector save bug
fix: edit button drop down menu bug
fix: flying filter bug
fix: title animation icon bug
improve: proxy button drop down menu
improve: page manager function

Licence: Open Source


Titel: Lunascape 6.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2010, 18:11
June 8, 2010 Ver 6.1.5
New Features and Improvements

    * Faster installation and update.
    * The window size at first startup has been adjusted so as to display the startup page correctly in each language.

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2010, 18:07
Latest Changes

- [Feature]Multi-Process system: Avant will stay intact whether a tab crashes or not
- [Feature]Better CPU/Memory usage. Releases memory thoroughly to fix most leaks
- [Feature]New Paste & go, Paste & submit, and Paste & Search, right click options for the Address bar
- [Feature]Private Mode: When you open a private session no history, temp files, or cookies are saved during the session
- [Feature]Backup/Restore Profile interface: Allows you to backup and restore your profile. Your profile includes bookmarks and interface settings, such as the position of your buttons/toolbars, etc
- [Feature]New Tab-Wrap button: As more tabs are opened you can either have them all on one row or click this button and it will start wrapping to more than one row of tabs
- [Feature]Rendering mode: You can now choose between IE7,IE8, and IE8 Forced mode
- [Feature]Save Selected Region to Clipboard
- [Feature]Ascend or descend sorting Quick search and URL Alias
- [Feature]Clear Website icons
- [Feature]Copy all URLs from a Bookmark folder
- [Feature]New right click options: Block All images from the Same Server, Copy Picture Link, Open Picture in New Tab, Open in New Avant Browser[Private Mode]
- [Feature]Variable tab width(Tab Bar right-click menu->Tab Options->Fixed Tab Width added)
- [Improvement]Google Translations
- [Improvement]AD Blocker
- [Fix]Being unable to start a new line to edit the script of an addon
- [Fix]Only displaying favicons in site?s root directory
- [Fix]Values are too short to read in View/Edit Autofill window when variables are too long

- [Fix]Sometimes exported bookmarks are miscoded
- [Fix]Creating new tabs action was tardy
- [Fix]The default zoom size was displayed as 0%
- [Fix]New created pages didn?t follow the zoom size reset
- [Fix]Being unable to type URL into the address bar if creating a new tab with CTRL + N
- [Fix]Annoying ActiveX error often popped up when Disable ActiveX option checked
- [Fix]Sometime Tab may bring itself to the front
- [Fix]Being unable to edit proxy lists
- [Fix]Tardy Auto-Complete response for the Address Bar
- [Fix]Back / Forward buttons on Logitech Mouse didn?t work
- [Fix]Open Picture in New Tab button didn?t work
- [Fix]Address Bar typing problem when no tab was open
- [Fix]The rendering problem in this site http://www.majorgeeks.com/
- [Fix]The drop-down history in forward/backward button disappeared after the related avanttab.exe was closed
- [Fix]Roboform toolbar display problem
- [Fix]Sometime saving logins dialog would appear though the feature was disabled
- [Fix]Some fixes for Yahoo toolbar
- [Fix]Searching in this site http://www.shooter.cn/ caused the tab to freeze
- [Fix]Closing Avant with ALT + F4 crashed the related tabs
- [Fix]The non-working backward/forward action activated by the combination of both mouse buttons
- [Fix]A blank area appeared when closing Avant
- [Fix]Sometime avanttab.exe still ran though Avant Browser was already closed
- [Fix]Tabs bar disappeared when switching back from another application if Show Windows Tab on Bottom was checked
- [Fix]Adding this site http://www.nmc.gov.cn/publish/forecast/ABJ/beijing.html into Bookmarks folder erased all bookmarks
- [Fix]The Title Bar lost focus when switching out of Compact Style
- [Fix]Switching back from other applications caused the Tab Bar showed on the bottom to disappear
- [Fix]The last closed tab?s URL still appeared in the address bar
- [Fix]Some toolbars disappeared
- [Fix]The title bar doesn't conform to the windows visual style
- [Fix]some Macromedia Flash won't load

Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Build 2 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2010, 12:39

    * Fixed a bug that cannot confirm default browser
    * Fixed a bug that back/forward menu is blocked when back button is disabled

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00.003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2010, 23:14

    * Added built-in Multi-threaded Download Manager which improve file download speed by several times and can resume broken downloads.
          o Config download manager options in "Tools:Options:Download Manager".
          o Open download manager window by selecting "View:Explorer Bars:Download Manager" or click the newly added download manager button on the standard toolbar. You need customize the toolbar to add the new button if you upgrade from an older version.
    * Added capability to search/translate/define/map selected text directly from the popup menu when you right click in a web page.
    * Added capability to translate selected text from any language into any language inside a web page without leaving the page. Check the new menu items under "Language" Menu.
    * Improved weather forcasting feature. Enable weather display on status bar by going to tools:options:weather. You can view 5-day weather forcasting details inside a dialog when you click on the weather display area on the status bar.
    * Added "Quick Bookmark" menu item into Favorites Menu. It can let you bookmark a page with a single click and save it into predefined folders.
    * Universal URL Filter is now called Ad Blocker. The built-in block list is now separately managed from the user-defined block list.
    * Added capability to manually pick an AD image within a page and add it into the Ad blocker block list. All you need do is CTRL+SHIFT+Right click on the AD image and select "Block this Ad" from the popup menu.
    * Bug fix: When browsing local folders inside slimbrowser, double-clicking a folder used to open an external windows explorer. Now it will open in the same tab.
    * Important Behavior Change: "Open In New Tab" in the popup menu when you right click inside a page is now enabled and will open the selected link in a new tab. The "Open In New Window" menu item will open an external slimbrowser instead.
    * Bug fix: When web page is zoomed in, middle-clicking a link to open a new tab used to open incorrect link sometimes. Now it's fixed.
    * Bug fix: When browsing folders shared over Windows networking, there used to be unnessary security warnings. Now they are eliminated.
    * Bug fix: Bypass server list not working in proxy switcher.
    * Feature Change: The menu item "Tools:Extract search engine data" menu item is now moved to the dropdown menu on the quicksearch box.
    * Added support of favicon on the quicksearch box dropdown menu.
    * Bug fix: Auto-hide taskbar not coming out automatically when SlimBrowser is using Skin in Windows 7.
    * Bug fix: ctrl+shift+left/right and ctrl+a is now working correctly inside address bar.
    * Feature Change: Changed shortcut key for zooming into ctrl+ and ctrl-.
    * Feature Change: All language files are now included in the setup file instead of being downloaded online.
    * Removed in-page ad-filter.
    * Tools:shortcuts have been renamed to Tools:Frequently used folders.
    * Added capability to set active tab in site groups.

Titel: Neue Beta von Flock basiert auf Chromium statt Firefox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2010, 11:26
Flock 3 Beta unterstützt zahlreiche HTML-5-Features. Bisher gibt es nur eine Windows-Executable und Support für vier Soziale Netze. Die Firefox-Version will Flock aber weiter pflegen und demnächst auf 2.6 aktualisieren.

Der Social-Web-Browser Flock (http://www.flock.com/)  liegt jetzt in einer Beta vor, die auf Chromium basiert. Chromium ist die Open-Source-Version und Basis von Googles Chrome. Flock war als Weiterentwicklung von Firefox bekannt geworden.

Die Beta gibt es zunächst nur für Windows - wie Flock-CEO Shawn Hardin ZDNet mitgeteilt hat, wird eine Mac-Variante im Juli folgen. Mit den auf Firefox basierenden Vorgängerversionen hat die Beta von Flock 3 hauptsächlich den Namen gemein. Als Chromium-Derivat ist die technische Grundlage die Browserengine WebKit - die auch in Apples Safari, nicht aber in Firefox steckt.

Die Unterstützung Sozialer Netze beschränkt sich derzeit auf Twitter, Facebook, YouTube und Flickr. Jede HTML-Seite versieht der Browser unter dem Motto "Talk about this page" automatisch mit Verknüpfungen zu diesen Diensten. Auf der rechten Seite sitzt - erstmals bei einem auf Chromium basierenden Browser - eine Seitenleiste, in der Statuszeilen beziehungsweise Mikroblog-Einträge von Freunden erscheinen. Auch RSS-Feeds unterstützt Flock 3 Beta.

Der Einfluss von HTML 5 ist in der Beta erkennbar. Man kann Freunde per Drag and drop ordnen oder auf sie klicken und eine Aktion wählen. Bisher gibt es nur eine manuelle und keine automatische Möglichkeit, Kontakte in verschiedenen Netzwerken miteinander zu verschmelzen, das soll aber kommen.

Flock ist im vergangenen Jahr stark gewachsen - Hardin zufolge vor allem durch Facebook-Nutzer. In Europa findet man sich schon auf Platz sechs der Browsercharts. Um diese Nutzerbasis nicht durch einen radikalen Umbruch zu vergraulen, wird die Firefox-Version von Flock weiter gepflegt: Bald soll ein Update auf 2.6 erscheinen.

Quelle : www.zdnet.de
Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Build 3 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2010, 13:10
Latest Changes

- [Fix]Being unable to connect to Internet via a proxy with password
- [Fix]Being unable to log into Online Storage behind a proxy
- [Fix]Being unable to exit from full video screen with Esc key
- [Fix]Black blank appeared while switching between restore and maximize window actions
- [Fix]Saving downloaded files to default directory didn't work on Windows 7
- [Fix]Roboform toolbar disappeared in new created tab if the opened link coded as target="_blank"
- [Fix]The unfocused tab can't be closed by directly clicking the close tab button
- [Fix]The input field lost focus if alt key was pressed during typing text
- [Fix]Releasing right mouse button tended to bring up the right click menu while switching tabs via the combination of mouse buttons
- [Fix]Hovering mouse over a link to bring up the context menu failed on xp/ie6 system
- [Fix]The Print window messed up for FDF files
- [Fix]The Auto-Execute Script addon didn't work
- [Fix]Unchecking a proxy option failed
- Some minor fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2010, 17:44

Main Framework
+ added Maxthon Multi-Search
+ added Anti-Phishing
+ added Development Tools
+ added Save and Print Page
+ added Mouse Gestures, Search, and Smart Address Bar settings
+ added opening clipboard URL when right click on New Tab button


Favorites Manager
+ support multi-select with Ctrl/Shift
+ support dragging of multi-selected items
+ support keyboard shortcuts: up/down arrows, return, delete, tab

Smart Address Bar
+ added searching address bar input from Favorites and History

Download Manager
+ download dialog support keyboard shortcuts ESC & RTN


Webkit Core
* fixed high CPU usage when using PAC (configured in IE's Internet Options...)
* fixed a mouse gesture scrolling problem when focus is on webpage input box
* fixed file extension problem when picture is saved by context menu and file name is changed
* fixed file type invalid problem when picture is saved by context menu
* fixed a flickering problem of Find in Page under Windows7
* fixed problem that Find in Page dialog is not hidden when Maxthon is minimized
* fixed a display problem when folder is browsed by drag and drop
* fixed problem that tab shows loading stage after webpage is left click to download file
* fixed a Find in Page problem after webpage/content is changed
* fixed high CPU usage related to specific cookie data

Main Framework
* fixed application focus problem when startup by double click
* fixed a webpage context menu display problem
* fixed Smart Address bar drop down menu display problem after input with certain IME
* fixed animated GIF avatar display problem
* fixed problem that Favorites may not close
* fixed a compatibility problem with Microsoft PinYin IME (Chinese)
* fixed focus problem of some full screen games
* fixed a focus problem after clicking context menu items
* fixed a search bar icon display problem
* fixed a favorites menu scrolling problem
* fixed a favorites menu mouse click problem when tooltip is shown
* fixed a button display problem under certain circumstances

Download Manager
* fixed Download Manager startup problem when there are many download tasks


MD5 = dcaea48eb4922068da76d9531c116c9a

Titel: Risingware Browser 3.0.a Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2010, 17:45
Risingware Brower, a multi-process web browser based on IE, is fairly light and fast in terms of speed. When we speak of "speed", we mean the speed in searching stuff by activating multiple search engines at a time, in visiting or closing out web pages, in bringing the world to you as fast as a lightening bolt.


It is composed of Multiple Web Search Tool, Webpage Snatcher, HTML Component Downloader, Web Filter, Internet Download Manager, RSS Reader, Web Page e-Mailer, webpage translater, Map Tool, and a Plug-in UI open to add your own Plug-ins, etc. Furthermore, special mouse gestures can be used everywhere, such as switching tabs by scrolling up/down the mouse wheel and the drag and drop of links.


Titel: Lunascape 6.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2010, 19:35
New Features and Improvements

    * Added an option to restore last opened tabs in the previous session even when launching from another application.
    * Resolved a problem with long installation times in the presence of some security software due to the way how the installer is compressed.

Fixed Bug

    * While using the ORION skin in a multi-monitor environment, displaying the browser in a full screen mode causes some part of the window stick out to the sub-monitor.
    * Launching Lunascape in some cases prompts the launch of two instances of Lunascape simultaneously.
    * Installation fails if the path to the installation folder contains two consecutive backslashes (\).
    * The update alert for plug-ins fails to appear unless the Settings sidebar is open.
    * When updating some plug-ins, the user settings for the plug-in are lost
    * In some cases a plug-in is not recognized even after it has been changed as a result of a repair install.
    * The strings, which were typed in the Address Bar and the Search Bar at the time of the previous shutdown, briefly reappear right after launching Lunascape.
    * When a plug-in has been upgraded from a bundled version to a regular version, the bundled version remains after uninstallation.
    * If the profile and favorites folders are deleted at the time of uninstallation, the containing folder “Lunascape” is left empty.
    * gdiplus.dll remains after uninstallation in Windows 2000.
    * In some cases an empty folder remains in the Start Menu after uninstallation.

Trident Specific

    * Lunascape sometimes freezes or crashes when a Microsoft Office document is open.
    * With the RoboForm toolbar for IE opened, opening a Basic Authentication window causes Lunascape to freeze.

Gecko Specific

    * When updating Lunascape, which is installed into a portable device without the Gecko engine installtion, through a full installer, the Gecko engine is automatically installed.
    * In some environments, shutting down Lunascape with Alt + F4 causes it to crash.
    * When a page load is completed, the Gecko Add-on Manager dialog appears in the background.
    * When installing a Gecko Add-on, the Add-on dialog appears behind the browser window, and remains being displayed in the background even after restarting using the restart button.

Webkit Specific

    * When connecting to SSL pages of Yahoo! Auctions, pages that should be encrypted do not appear as encrypted. (Japanese version specific)

Titel: Maxthon Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2010, 12:43
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...


Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Build 6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2010, 15:19
Avant Browser 2010 Build 6(Internal Version Number:, Released 6.24.2010

    * [Fix]Keep forgetting login status
    * [Fix]Improved Private Mode
    * [Fix]Sometime being unable to close tabs with ctrl + w
    * [Fix]Sometime being unable to refresh pages by pressing F5
    * [Fix]Keep opening a link in background instead of foreground as configured

Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Build 7 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2010, 08:04
Avant Browser 2010 Build 7(Internal Version Number:, Released 6.25.2010

    * [Fix]Keep forgetting login status
    * [Fix]Improved Private Mode
    * [Fix]Sometime being unable to close tabs with ctrl + w
    * [Fix]Sometime being unable to refresh pages by pressing F5
    * [Fix]Keep opening a link in background instead of foreground as configured
    * [Fix]FavIcons Sync bugs

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2010, 11:42
Latest Changes

- Fixed a bug which may cause the crash of webpages on Windows 2003
- Fixed some bugs caused by Anti-Freeze function
- Fixed the bug that input mehtods can not be switched by pressing Ctrl+Shift under some circumstances

Download (http://download.theworld.cn/tw3/TheWorld_en_3.2.0.4.exe)

Titel: Crazy Browser 3.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2010, 18:23
Crazy Browser is a powerful Web browser. It provides many features that make surfing the web more comfortable and less confusing. Web pages are organized on tabs to prevent your screen from getting cluttered. It has full support for P3P privacy notifications (requires IE6) and JavaScript error suppression. It can handle multiple monitors and has tab status indicators. Annoying ad windows can be removed automatically and multiple pages can be saved and reopened together. Crazy Browser comes with many preconfigured search engines, but you can extend it to use your own. Surf the Web at will with this powerful, customizable, easy-to-use browser.


Latest Changes

- Some minor tweaks
- Some new features, such as Lock Tab, Mark Tab, Organize Groups


Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2010, 12:34
* fixed problem that Sniffer may not work when Text Filter is disabled
* fixed problem that Ctrl + left click, or Float button cannot save certain pictures

User Interface
* fixed a Favorites bar drawing problem when switching Compact Favorites mode

* fixed display problem under high resolution (dpi)

* fixed problem that Badiu Search Suggest does not show under some circumstances


Titel: Maxthon (v3) Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2010, 21:04

User Interface
+ used bigger, clearer avatar for main menu, and different appearances for different login states


Main Framework
* fixed possible crash problem when download history is cleared
* fixed a tab display problem* fixed problem lossing some settings when using Maxthon Account but not Auto Login

Webkit Core
* fixed a webpage drawing problem
* fixed Find in Page dialog problem in secondary monitors under multi-monitors environment
* fixed a webpage compatibility problem


* fixed initial folder state (expand/collapse) arrow display problem
* fixed context menu encoding problem of Keyword input box
* fixed problem memorizing Multi-Search alignment (vertical/horizontal)
* fixed problem that Multi-Search may show error page in Retro mode

Download Manager
* fixed wrong extension name problem when picture is saved

Developer Tools
* fixed problem that interface becomes unresponsive when running problematic javascript
* fixed problem displaying Search Elements state


MD5 = ad2345bfadb2039643c7e6ff39cb8cd4

Titel: Flock 2.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2010, 07:15
Flock 2.6.1 integriert die Sicherheitsupdates aus Firefox 3.0.19 und behebt einen Fehler beim Login auf dem Bookmarking-Dienst Delicious. Die Release Notes unterscheiden sich in diesen Punkten nicht von denen der Version 2.6.0. Ergänzende Informationen dazu erhalten Sie auf der Website des Projekts (http://www.flock.com/release-notes/index.html).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2010, 12:36

User Interface
+ used bigger, clearer avatar for main menu, and different appearances for different login states


Main Framework
* fixed possible crash problem when download history is cleared
* fixed a tab display problem* fixed problem lossing some settings when using Maxthon Account but not Auto Login
* fixed possible memory leak when using animated avatar (

Webkit Core
* fixed a webpage drawing problem
* fixed Find in Page dialog problem in secondary monitors under multi-monitors environment
* fixed a webpage compatibility problem


* fixed initial folder state (expand/collapse) arrow display problem
* fixed context menu encoding problem of Keyword input box
* fixed problem memorizing Multi-Search alignment (vertical/horizontal)
* fixed problem that Multi-Search may show error page in Retro mode
* fixed problem using Multi-Search in Retro mode (

Download Manager
* fixed wrong extension name problem when picture is saved

Developer Tools
* fixed problem that interface becomes unresponsive when running problematic javascript
* fixed problem displaying Search Elements state



Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2010, 15:01
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 11.8 Build 8 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2010, 10:24
Avant Browser 2010 Build 8(Internal Version Number:, Released 7.6.2010

    * [Fix] Pressing alt+f4 won't exit Avant Browser
    * [Fix] Keywords displayed in search results are inconsistent with the ones typed into Address Bar
    * [Fix] Logging out failed
    * [Fix] Other applications might be brought to foreground when using mouse gesture to close a tab
    * [Fix] Mouse gesture became useless if no tab was open
    * [Fix] Pressing [Enter] to re-open last closed pages caused them to be opened twice
    * [Fix] Sometime configurations made for UI won't be saved
    * Added Google Search Option into the drop down list of Avant Browser Options->Standard Search panel
    * The Monai XP and Tristan skin are back

Titel: GreenBrowser V5.5.0707
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2010, 08:05

add: search keyword auto highlight option
add: active option for favorites/groups
add: single column menu option
fix: a key input bug
fix: a proxy menu bug
fix: groups menu delete bug
improve: tip of clean auto fill form data
improve: quick menu of top tab bar

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2010, 08:14
V5.00 (Detailed change log)

    * Added built-in Multi-threaded Download Manager which improve file download speed by several times and can resume broken downloads.
          o Config download manager options in "Tools:Options:Download Manager".
          o Open download manager window by selecting "View:Explorer Bars:Download Manager" or click the newly added download manager button on the standard toolbar. You need customize the toolbar to add the new button if you upgrade from an older version.
    * Added capability to search/translate/define/map selected text directly from the popup menu when you right click in a web page.
    * Added capability to translate selected text from any language into any language inside a web page without leaving the page. Check the new menu items under "Language" Menu.
    * Improved weather forcasting feature. Enable weather display on status bar by going to tools:options:weather. You can view 5-day weather forcasting details inside a dialog when you click on the weather display area on the status bar.
    * Added "Quick Bookmark" menu item into Favorites Menu. It can let you bookmark a page with a single click and save it into predefined folders.
    * Universal URL Filter is now called Ad Blocker. The built-in block list is now separately managed from the user-defined block list.
    * Added capability to manually pick an AD image within a page and add it into the Ad blocker block list. All you need do is CTRL+SHIFT+Right click on the AD image and select "Block this Ad" from the popup menu.
    * Bug fix: When browsing local folders inside slimbrowser, double-clicking a folder used to open an external windows explorer. Now it will open in the same tab.
    * Important Behavior Change: "Open In New Tab" in the popup menu when you right click inside a page is now enabled and will open the selected link in a new tab. The "Open In New Window" menu item will open an external slimbrowser instead.
    * Bug fix: When web page is zoomed in, middle-clicking a link to open a new tab used to open incorrect link sometimes. Now it's fixed.
    * Bug fix: When browsing folders shared over Windows networking, there used to be unnessary security warnings. Now they are eliminated.
    * Bug fix: Bypass server list not working in proxy switcher.
    * Feature Change: The menu item "Tools:Extract search engine data" menu item is now moved to the dropdown menu on the quicksearch box.
    * Added support of favicon on the quicksearch box dropdown menu.
    * Bug fix: Auto-hide taskbar not coming out automatically when SlimBrowser is using Skin in Windows 7.
    * Bug fix: ctrl+shift+left/right and ctrl+a is now working correctly inside address bar.
    * Feature Change: Changed shortcut key for zooming into ctrl+ and ctrl-.
    * Feature Change: All language files are now included in the setup file instead of being downloaded online.
    * Removed in-page ad-filter.
    * Tools:shortcuts have been renamed to Tools:Frequently used folders.
    * Added capability to set active tab in site groups.
    * Added capability to set search homepage accessible from the search button on the standard toolbar. Just drag the web page icon from the address bar onto the search button.
    * New feature: autocompletion based on search suggestions. The option can be toggled in tools:options:misc, "Enable Autocompletion based on search suggestions".

Titel: Lunascape 6.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2010, 17:41
We’re announcing a release of an updated version of Lunascape browser, version 6.1.7., today.  It has Gecko engine update to revision with the following 9 security issues fixed according to Mozilla.org. As this includes important security fixes, we highly recommend upgrading your Lunascape browser  as soon as you can. [To Update Lunascape]

        * Critical Impact
              o Integer Overflow in XSLT Node Sorting
              o Heap buffer overflow in nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetTextInternal
              o Freed object reuse across plugin instances
              o Use-after-free error in nsCycleCollector::MarkRoots()
              o Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
              o Re-use of freed object due to scope confusion
        * Moderate Impact
              o Content-Disposition: attachment ignored if Content-Type: multipart also present
              o focus() behavior can be used to inject or steal keystrokes
        * Low Impact
              o User tracking across sites using Math.random()

This would be ‘the last’ minor update on version 6.1.x. series.

Titel: Maxthon RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2010, 13:31

Main Framework
* optimized “Last Session” logic, show after restart from browser update, crash, and task manager forced exit now
* adjusted width of Mouse Gesture trail to 4 pixels

Webkit Core
+ added hot keys support to Ultra mode context menu

Smart Address Bar
* optimized data processing speed
* fixed problem obtaining webpage title after URL is entered to Address Bar and visited


Main Framework
* fixed crash problem when changing webpage encoding
* fixed high CPU problem when entering certain special characters to address bar
* fixed problem that after creating a new tab, IME window does not show when entering complex characters to address bar
* fixed toolbar position problem after changing language
* fixed problem opening html files with blank space in file path or filename

Webkit Core
* fixed crash problem when opening view page source
* fixed Gmail scroll bar problem
* fixed problem that webpage context menu may not show on repeated right clicks
* fixed successive online music chips playback problem
* fixed picture saving problem that no overwrite confirmation is requested when file already exists
* fixed problem opening FTP folders containing complex characters in name or path
* fixed several webpage encoding problems
* fixed focus problem when webpage dropdown menu is clicked
* fixed focus problem when Find in Page dialog is opened
* fixed problem using remote PAC script
* fixed “Page not found” problem when visiting certain sites
* fixed dialog minimze problem when saving picture
* fixed several reported crash problems

Download Manager
* fixed problem adding download task when target save directory does not exist
* fixed problem saving download history of duplicated downloads

* changed hot key of Add/Change button of Add/Edit dialogs from Enter to Ctrl + Enter
* fixed a display problem after adding a new category

Developer Tools
* fixed a window size problem
* fixed Console reference links not working problem
* fixed Search Elments state display problem

MD5 = f36fa54f883a4e07164b214ace5cb532

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 042
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2010, 18:04
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 044
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2010, 09:43
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2010, 17:00
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2010, 15:04

User Interface
- fixed flickering problem of Customize dialog
- fixed problem that context menu popup after switching tab with right mouse down + mouse wheel
- fixed mouse gesture trail problem while switching tab with right mouse down + mouse wheel
- fixed problem that Maxthon may move to the front while loading certain webpages on background

- fixed Last Visited Pages problem that middle click does not work for local file links

Screen Capture
- fixed image saving and file extension problem

- fixed history item delete problem

- fixed a problem which may generate kernel32.dll in Maxthon installation folder

- fixed random crash problem when dialogs popup
- fixed problem that visiting pages are not saved when Maxthon is closed by Maxthon Installer


md5 = d2e0dd4b58e750784824d0358846fe49
Titel: Maxthon (v3) RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2010, 18:24
Latest Changes

- Optimized startup speed
- Optimized matching logic, and added different icons for different sources
- Optimized matching efficiency
- Added close button to Multi-Search panel
- Fixed problem openning html files with space in file path when set as default browser
- Fixed problem under windows 7 that auto hide task bar may not show when maximized
- Fixed search problem in local and FTP file directory browsing
- Fixed problem due to big differential in file download and file writing speed
- Fixed erroneous blocking of certain webpages by popup blocker
- Fixed display problem of certain webpages
- Fixed tooltip display problem in certain webpages
- Fixed context menu in inframe
- Fixed occasional freezing problem after saving picture
- Fixed problem opening new tab after webpage dialog popup
- Fixed crash problem browsing certain video websites
- Fixed flash position problem when webpage is opened in background
- Fixed crash problem when right click on certain images
- Fixed problem saving proxy authentication data
- Fixed problem that video full screen does not exit by pressing ESC
- Fixed problem that Multi-Search panel does not close when navigates to other pages
- Fixed problem that control buttons on bottom of dial may not work
- Fixed flicker problem on startup when Quick Access is not shown
- Fixed window position problem under dual monitor environment


MD5 = 5952910d0b654729dedb7e0505bc4727

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2010, 21:12
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 052
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2010, 17:57
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 056
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2010, 15:50
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Fastest Web Browser V1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2010, 07:46
Fastest Web Browser is one free tabs web browser, one full features web browser for Windows OS, it is a small internet browser, fast and handy very much. This free program based IE core, but have quicker speed. It is support browser tab; allow users to view multiple web pages in the same browser, switch between these web pages rapidly.


License:  Freeware

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2010, 16:38
We’re announcing a release of an updated version of Lunascape browser, version 6.1.7., today.  It has Gecko engine update to revision with the following 9 security issues fixed according to Mozilla.org. As this includes important security fixes, we highly recommend upgrading your Lunascape browser as soon as you can. [To Update Lunascape]

        * Critical Impact
              o Integer Overflow in XSLT Node Sorting
              o Heap buffer overflow in nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetTextInternal
              o Freed object reuse across plugin instances
              o Use-after-free error in nsCycleCollector::MarkRoots()
              o Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
              o Re-use of freed object due to scope confusion
        * Moderate Impact
              o Content-Disposition: attachment ignored if Content-Type: multipart also present
              o focus() behavior can be used to inject or steal keystrokes
        * Low Impact
              o User tracking across sites using Math.random()

This would be ‘the last’ minor update on version 6.1.x. series.

Titel: Epic Browser 1.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2010, 21:55
Epic Browser was launched by Indian startup company Hidden Reflex, and is first ever Web browser from India. It has been stuffed with many features and applications. It has something which we have never heard of before, an integrated antivirus protection in a browser. The built in antivirus and antispyware is powered by ESET. The browser has a sidebar with lot of widgets already installed such as skins, maps, jobs, news, gmail, yahoo, games and many more. Epic claims to have around 1500 free applications which can be added in the browser. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Orkut are also included in the sidebar. It has a free word processor, a to do tool, snippet app, timer and most importantly it allows you to access your files and folder from the browser sidebar itself. It also has an application called Indic which allows you to type in as many as 12 Indian languages. The browser also allows you to watch videos from YouTube in a small window, so that you can browse other websites while watching videos.



Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2010, 08:11
Infos hierzu gibts hier : http://blog.lunascape.tv/category/news/release-info/

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 101 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2010, 14:15
Avant Browser 2010 Build 101(Internal Version Number:, Released 7.28.2010

    * [Improvement]New Framework: running stable, memory usage decreased,creating tabs fast and improved Private Mode
    * [Fix]Copy button was disabled for selected text
    * [Fix]Toolbar related issues
    * [Fix]Mouse gestures didn't work
    * [Fix]Pages kept loading when pressing shift + esc to stop them
    * [Fix]Kept logging out of gmail
    * [Fix]Shortcuts for some menus didnt work
    * [Fix]Sometime alt + space didn't work
    * [Fix]Being unable to input special symbols into Avant by using alt+(code)
    * [Add]The "Search for" option is back

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00.059
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2010, 21:00
Latest Changes

- Added multi-threaded download manager
- Added accelerator menu items into the popup menu within a web page
- Improved web page translation features
- Improved weather forecasting feature
- Improved Ad Blocker
- Added "Quick Bookmark" into Favorites Menu

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 102 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2010, 12:55
Avant Browser 2010 Build 102(Internal Version Number:, Released 7.30.2010

    * [Fix]Sometimes a page was opened at 0% zoom
    * [Fix]Sometimes being unable to type text into the Address Bar when creating the tab with ctrl+n
    * [Fix]Sometimes a link from Avant was opened in IE
    * [Fix]Copy button in context menu didn't work in some case
    * [Fix]Tab Bar disappeared after going back from 2 rows to 1 row
    * [Fix]Input problem with some languages
    * [Fix]Being unable to detect streaming videos

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2010, 17:28
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 105 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2010, 16:24
Avant Browser 2010 Build 105(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.2.2010

* [Fix]Sometimes newly created tabs stopped working
* [Fix]Avant kept reporting memory error on XP/IE6 system
* [Fix]Save Screen as Image error

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 106 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2010, 17:31
Avant Browser 2010 Build 106(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.3.2010

[Fix]Search suggestion feature offered by Google.com didn't work

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 107 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2010, 12:07
 Avant Browser 2010 Build 107(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.5.2010

            * [Fix]IE toolbars rearranged themselves in some case(394)
            * [Fix]You have to double press alt + space to bring up the title bar drop down menu(396)
            * [[Fix]You have to double press alt + d to focus the Address Bar(397)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes Avant minimized itself when a tab was closing(397)
            * [[Fix]Being unable to select the whole text by holding left mouse button and pressing related keys (up/down/left/right arrow and home/end keys)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes the Toolbar section turned blurred on win7(392)

Titel: Maxthon Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2010, 10:44
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2010, 14:13
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 063
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2010, 02:44
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 067
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2010, 18:37
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2010, 12:37
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 108 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2010, 13:46
Avant Browser 2010 Build 108(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.11.2010

            * [Fix]IE toolbars rearranged themselves in some case(394)
            * [Fix]You have to double press alt + space to bring up the title bar drop down menu(396)
            * [[Fix]You have to double press alt + d to focus the Address Bar(397)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes Avant minimized itself when a tab was closing(397)
            * [[Fix]Being unable to select the whole text by holding left mouse button and pressing related keys (up/down/left/right arrow and home/end keys)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes the Toolbar section turned blurred on win7(392)

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 069
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2010, 08:19
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 109 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2010, 16:37
Avant Browser 2010 Build 109(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.13.2010

            * [Fix]IE toolbars rearranged themselves in some case(394)
            * [Fix]You have to double press alt + space to bring up the title bar drop down menu(396)
            * [[Fix]You have to double press alt + d to focus the Address Bar(397)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes Avant minimized itself when a tab was closing(397)
            * [[Fix]Being unable to select the whole text by holding left mouse button and pressing related keys (up/down/left/right arrow and home/end keys)
            * [[Fix]Sometimes the Toolbar section turned blurred on win7(392)

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2010, 16:52
Changelog Final [2010-08-12]

User Interface
* fixed Win7 window docking problem due to full screen
* fixed close button clickability problem after switching skin while maximized

Setup Center
* Zoom ratio can be saved in Setup Center

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 073
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2010, 14:30
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 074
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2010, 08:30
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 110 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2010, 08:31
Latest Changes

- [Fix]Tabs may be missing after main window restored(problem here)
- [Fix]Avant becomes very slow to create new tabs after long time use(problem here)
- [Fix]Problem regarding cookies(problem here)
- [Fix]Sometimes toolbars turned dimmed on Windows 7(392)

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.5 Build 0818
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2010, 11:49

add: search on current page option
add: activate new window choice when add url to favorites
fix: delete group url bug
improve: auto fill form bug
improve: some interface adjust

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 077
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2010, 18:44
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 082
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2010, 02:12
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 111 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2010, 17:02
Avant Browser 2010 Build 111(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.24.2010

            * [Fix]Pop-ups created by javascript kept opening as maximized windows(398)
            * [Fix]Black blank flashed during minimize->maximize action
            * [Fix]Sometimes toolbars turned dim on Windows 7(392)
            * [Fix]USB Version Profiles issue
            * [Fix]A few issues that may result in freezing on some system
            * [Improvement]Improved memory usage and speed

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 084
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2010, 11:11
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2010, 12:04
Complete Changelog


+ added ADFilter, supporting custom filter rules

Main Framework
+ added cookies synchronization
+ added tabs reorder by dragging
+ added proxy option in main menu
+ added “classic” skin

+ added global default Page Zoom option
+ added option to show close tab button on background tabs


Main Framework
+ Mouse Gestures support more browser actions
* improved smart address bar logics

Webkit Core
* FTP browsing supports directories with space and special characters in path
* Magic Fill can fill forms created dynamically
* improved memory usage

Popup Blocker
* improved Popup Blocker performance

Fav manager
* improved Favorites manager performance


Main Framework
* fixed problem that Clear History options not remembered
* fixed problem that address opened from Google Reader not included in History
* fixed a hot key problem
* fixed problem that keyword not displayed in Search Bar after search from Address Bar
* fixed problem that HTML pages with space in path can’t be opened by drag and drop to browser
* fixed problem that pages opened from Quick Access always uses Ultra mode
* fixed a tooltip display problem
* fixed problem that history can’t be deleted from Smart Address Bar drop down menu

Webkit Core
* fixed problem that Google Reader index can’t be reordered by dragging
* fixed many web page encoding and rendering problems
* fixed a continuous reloading page problem
* fixed a loading problem after entering invalid address
* fixed a Search Engine configuration problem
* fixed a HTTP login dialog position problem
* fixed address bar and title bar display problem after running bookmarklets
* fixed problem that Google Music login dialog is erroneously blocked
* fixed some browser crash problems caused by web pages
* fixed problem that cache files can’t be cleared thoroughly

Trident Core
* fixed problem that file downloads stop after closing all tabs in Retro mode
* fixed problem that Mouse Gestures cannot be disabled in Retro mode
* fixed a flickering problem when resizing browser window by dragging
* fixed a crash problem in an online banking page

Quick Access
* fixed problem adding local page to Quick Access

Titel: Lunascape 6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2010, 23:03
In v.6.3, you can select the language you'd like to install directly from the installer.

There are three different installers Lunascape offers.

   1. Japanese Version
          * An installer that only includes the Lunascape browser in Japanese.
   2. Global Version
          * An installer that includes fully localized versions of the Lunascape browser, such as Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), English (GB), English (US), French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
   3. Newly Added for Europe Version
          * An installer that includes partially localized versions of the Lunascape browser for European languages, such as Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Swedish. Please note that only the basic functions are localized for this versions, and the rest remain in English. The localization is work in progress that may contains translation errors.

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 112 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2010, 14:27
Avant Browser 2010 Build 112(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.27.2010

            * [Fix]Still cookies problem
            * [Fix]Crashing problem caused by the fix for the dim toolbar issue on Windows 7
            * [Fix]The page messed up when you minimized and maximized the browser under Full Screen/Desktop mode

Titel: E2 2.0 Build 900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2010, 21:21
E2 is an IE based, tabbed web browser with a built-in Collection Tool that lets you browse the web, collect audio clips, video clips, image files, web snippets, and download files quickly and effectively a built-in Media Player that allows you to listen to your favorite music, watch movie, or play a slide show while you are surfing, all in the same interface.


Latest Changes

- Added: Support for Mouse XButtons (Back and Forward)
- Fixed: Error with scroll bars in auto arrange mode
- Fixed: Error with the focus when downloading files


Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 086
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2010, 15:28
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 087
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2010, 12:50
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 113 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2010, 12:41
Avant Browser 2010 Build 113(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.30.2010

            * Fixed a bug of thread management which may make Avant instable
            * Fixed a bug of UI after restore from system tray
            * Fixed the bug that Save Screen as Image can't include IE toolbars

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 116 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2010, 15:32
Avant Browser 2010 Build 116(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.31.2010

            * Fixed a bug of thread management which may make Avant instable
            * Fixed a bug of UI after restore from system tray
            * Fixed the bug that Save Screen as Image can't include IE toolbars

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 092
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2010, 10:16
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Flock Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2010, 14:57
Hello everyone, and thank you for downloading Flock. As with everything, there are bound to be bumps and snags along the path to greatness. Here is a list of the most prominent issues that you may come across as you journey about the web, and workarounds where they are available.

Flickr news! The ability to sign in to Flickr from the Accounts Panel, Talk Panel and Sidebar has been removed due to conflicts with Flickr. Do not worry, however, as you can still access all your Flickr information and updates by logging in on Flickr.com; Flock will automatically configure Flickr into your sidebar. The only difference is that you will have to manually log in each time you sign out or close down Flock, and that you must approve Flock as a trusted application on Flickr (a tab will pop up asking you to do this).

Known Issues

    * When viewing your own profile page, Facebook and Twitter updates will sometimes not appear within the "What I'm talking about" section. They will show up when someone views your public profile on another browser, however.
    * Flock sometimes bumps CPU usage to 100% on older computers. We're working on this.
    * Some feeds do not show date or time in the feeds page.
    * Kapersky antivirus program is pegging Flock as a Trojan. We assure you, we have no maliciousness within our code.
    * HTML 5 video on Youtube does not work in Flock.
    * Some links are failing for seemingly no reason. Clicking on them a second time usually fixes this.
    * Occasionally, Twitter and Facebook will replicate an update. You can either ignore it as it is sporradic, or sign out and in again of the offending account.
    * Youtube videos in the sidebar currently do not have the seeker bar.
    * Extremely long statuses with no spaces do not wrap properly.
    * On the Explore page, you cannot search your own Facebook or Twitter name.
    * Websites with https cannot be made public.
    * Currently, you can't be logged in to more than eight twitter accounts at once.
    * Unread twitter messages can sometimes take a while to load on the Groups Page.
    * Favorites imported from other browsers are imported backwards.
    * Occasionally, public feeds present in your Profile Page will show the Flock logo instead of the feed's favicon.
    * Some videos favorited by your friends will appear as links instead of viewable videos within the sidebar.
    * On startup, the selected group in the sidebar is not always matching with the people that are in the sidebar.
    * Feed Reply Cards on the groups page may not always show shortened links. Just wait a few minutes and it will fix itself.
    * Tags that are imported from another browser are not searchable on the favorites page.
    * Some Youtube feeds are giving bad links leading to error pages.
    * Changing the Flock password may cause service accounts to throw errors. To fix this, sign out and then sign in on the service site.
    * Occasionally, Flickr may pop a permissions confirmation tab when you sign in after you have already allowed the Flock application.
    * Occasionally while signed in to Facebook, a tab with the error “An error occurred with the new Flock. Please try again later.” may appear. It is just a hiccup, so you can safely ignore it.

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2010, 16:00
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Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 117 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2010, 10:23
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Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 118 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2010, 10:18
Avant Browser 2010 Build 118(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.6.2010

            * [Fix]The Roboform Toolbar kept flashing when the mouse was hovering over the Toolbar area in full screen/desktop mode(414)
            * [Fix]Roboform Toolbar went beyond the browser while adjusting the window size
            * [Fix]Loading problem for this site: http://corega.jp/index.htm(412)

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2010, 19:15
Avant Browser 2010 Build 119(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.10.2010

            * [Fix]A potential problem which could cause the browser to freeze
            * [Fix]Pages fail to load on Win XP
            * [Fix]Saved Link in Autofill opens with blank page(420)
            * [Fix]Avant keeps notifying to save autofill information for some sites(415)

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 120 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2010, 16:14
Avant Browser 2010 Build 120(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.13.2010

            * [Fix]Content window may permanently stick to one spot but not follow the main window while dragging and moving the browser around(Problem here).
            * [Fix]Pressing Alt made the input filed of a page lose its focus(421).
            * [Fix]Sometimes Address box cannot obtain focus when creating new tabs(Problem here).

Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.8a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2010, 23:03
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.

Latest Changes

- Fixed the problem when opening an internet shortcut or local HTML file giving an error. This should also fix the situation where IE is opened alongside Pale Moon due to aggressive handling of errors by IE as a shell
- Fixed the executable identification to read "Palemoon" once again instead of "-APPVERSION"
- Fixed a crash when saving web pages to harddisk
- Fixed installer text placeholders
- Further improved DNS handling
- Changed some internal URLs to match the revamped website


Titel: Maxthon (v3)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2010, 18:30
Changelog [2010-09-14]

+ other languages added

* optimized Blocking Rule Editor performance and fixed some UI problemes

Main Framework

* Search URL with take effect immediately upon modification
* blanks in an URL will be filtered in a drag&drop
* fixed a site icon problem when history items are highlighted in Smart Address Bar
* fixed problem that sometimes Switch Mode button is unclickable
* fixed that Editing box of Favorites Manager can't change directory of fav items
* fixed problem that tab will be displayed loading when using Surf by Mouse to go forward or back in new tab
* fixed a problem that fav icon could be lost after restart
* fixed a search tip display problem of history items in Smart Address Bar drop down menu
* fixed an ActiveX problem in Retro Mode
* fixed a display problem when search from address bar
* fixed some problem when  export favorites
* fixed problem that after clicking Apply button in Edit Blocking rule, page cannot be scrolled by mouse

Webkit Core

+ support HTML5 video sound
* optimized support for Xunlei links
* optimized ADhunter performance
* fixed some crash problems
* fixed low loading speed caused by using IE proxy
* fixed a Flash focus problem
* fixed a display problem in Picasa album
* page will be displayed in new code after code-switching manually
* fixed problem that Blocking rules not loaded after changing User
* Address bar can display non-lating characters
* fixed problem that Adfilter will leave some blank areas in page
* fixed problem that scroll bar stick to cursor on some websites

Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2010, 21:27
Updated the source code to Firefox 3.6.9. This fixes a number of vulnerabilities and adds improved support for webmasters who want to use browser-side methods to prevent so-called "clickjacking"


    * The internal update checker has been re-introduced this version. Automatic, periodic checking is still disabled since server-side support for automatic update notifications and patching is still incomplete at this point in time.

Titel: Flock Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2010, 21:36
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Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 095
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2010, 08:37
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 122 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2010, 17:27
Avant Browser 2010 Build 122(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.15.2010

            * [Fix]A blank line may appear while closing current tab.
            * [Fix]Alt shortcut bugs.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2010, 15:57

Main framework
* Fixed problem that "last session" can not be saved sometimes

Webkit Core
* Fixed some crash problems
* Fixed a default Zoom value problem
* Fixed problem a page error when opened in new tab from content menu
* Fixed a file name problem in explorer Select File box while uploading
* Fixed problem that some pics cannot be saved by Ctrl + click when zoomed to largest
* Fixed a focus missing on scroll bar

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.6 Build 0920
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2010, 08:25

add: eight directions option for drag text
add: active tab by mouse hover
add: deactivate new search window option
improve: set form data dialog
improve: efficiency of organize groups
improve: efficiency of add to groups
improve: speed of start

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2010, 22:06
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Lunascape 6.3.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2010, 23:09
Infos zu dieser Version : http://blog.lunascape.tv/2010/09/24/lunascape-version-6-3-1-release-responding-to-the-windows%c2%a0vulnerability/

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 099
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2010, 10:24
as usual ...kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Flock Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2010, 09:53
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Download (http://dl01.flock.com/releases/3/FlockSetup_1_2_213_0_3PD.exe)

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2010, 15:14
Lunascape ver.6.3.2 is available to download from the Web site today. We’ve updated the Gecko version to 3.5.13 and fixed four Gecko related bugs.

One of the bugs fixed is “Lunascape does not remember log in information.” I know quite many users had this issue, and it has finally been fixed.

Titel: Flock Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2010, 11:11
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Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2010, 11:43
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Titel: QtWeb V3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2010, 06:28
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License: GPL

What's new: >>

    * Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest version 4.7.0
    * WebKit is upgraded to the latest public build AppleWebKit/533.3
    * Released for MacOS X: source code and downloadable application
    * New JavaScript core (SunSpider test 3 times faster)
    * View Page Source - editor re-implemented
    * Added Hungarian and Czech languages
    * Minor changes and fixes

Titel: Chromeless - Browser zum Selberbauen von Mozilla
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2010, 14:41
Mozilla bietet mit Chromeless eine Art Browserbaukasten an. Der Browser kommt ohne Userinterface daher, das Interessierte stattdessen mittels HTML, CSS und Javascript selbst bauen können. Noch aber steht das Projekt am Anfang.

Das Experiment Chromeless (http://mozillalabs.com/chromeless/) läuft unter dem Dach der Mozilla Labs. Es handelt sich um eine Art Browser ohne Userinterface, der aber eine flexible Plattform mitbringt, mit der sich neue Userinterfaces mit Webtechnik erstellen lassen. So wird das Userinterface für Chromeless mit Hilfe von HTML, CSS und Javascript erzeugt.

Mozilla will mit dem neuen Experiment möglichst vielen Menschen die Möglichkeit geben, eigene Ideen für ein Browser-UI umzusetzen und hofft, auf diesem Weg neue Ideen zu entdecken. Zwar nutzt Firefox schon heute Webtechnik wie DOM und Javascript, um sein eigenes Interface zu rendern, dieses wird aber in XUL beschrieben, nicht mit HTML und CSS. Das stellt nach Ansicht von Mozilla für viele eine zu große Hürde dar, die mit Chromeless verringert werden soll. Es gibt mehr Menschen, die mit HTML und CSS umgehen als mit XUL.


Derzeit liegt Chromeless in einer Pre-Alpha-Version vor, die aus Atul Varmas Cuddlefish Lab sowie dem Jetpack SDK in Kombination mit XULRunner besteht. Noch fehlt es an vielem, darunter vernünftiges Sandboxing, doch diese frühe Version zeigt, worum es den Mozilla-Entwicklern geht.

Statt eine XUL-Datei zu laden, um das Interface zu rendern, beginnt Chromeless direkt damit, eine HTML-Datei darzustellen, der besondere Rechte eingeräumt werden. So kann diese HTML-Seite beispielsweise auf CommonJS-Module aus dem Jetpack SDK zugreifen. Mozilla plant, die Möglichkeiten zu erweitern und die notwendigen Basisfunktionen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die benötigt werden, um einen Browser zu bauen. Zudem soll untersucht werden, wie man die notwendigen Sicherheistfunktionen einziehen kann, um Webinhalte in einer Sandbox mit minimalen Rechten anzuzeigen. Im letzten Schritt soll ein zugängliches SDK entstehen, mit dem andere leicht ein eigenes Browserinterface bauen können.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 123 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2010, 15:52
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 123(Internal Version Number:, Released 10.25.2010

            * [Fix]Two AB icons appeared in the alt-tab window with Roboform Toobar enabled(395).
            * [Fix]Win+arrow didn't work when foucs was on Avant's page window(417).
            * [Fix]Win+arrow didn't work when Avant was first opened(418) .
            * [Fix]Re-enabled Ctrl + shift + left click to open a link in background(438).
            * [Fix]Tab bar showed incomplete titles in some cases.
            * [Fix]Refreshing didn't work for loading failed pages.
            * [Fix]Toolbars still showed unlocked though Lock the Toolbars options was already checked(Problem here).
            * [Fix]Backup Profile feature didn't backup some configurations(Problem here).
            * [Fix]In some cases the input field in a page lost focus when switching back from other applications(422).
            * [Fix]Address Bar lost focus when switching back from other applications.
            * [Fix]Scroll Bar changed position when switching back from other tabs.

Titel: BrowserBox 0.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2010, 09:21
Liefert diverse Browser in mehreren Versionen zum Testen von Web-Seiten.



Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2010, 17:35
Latest Changes

- "Manage search engines" -> "Get more..." link fixed
- Cosmetic: Changed a large number of occurrences of the "short name" into the more proper "full name"

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.7 Build 1028
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2010, 08:42

add: search encode option
add: emulation mode option for IE8/IE9
fix: mouse drag bug
fix: favorites function bug of IE8/IE9
fix: edit favorites link url bug
fix: script proxy bug
improve: group toolbar effect
improve: auto fill form function

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2010, 15:36

[Main Framework]
+ Added support for 3rd-party download tools


* Added key word sync for Multi-Search
* Multi-Search sidebar can be hidden


[Main Framework]
* Fixed problem that Ctrl+/Ctrl- not available in Retro mode
* Undo will use current Blank Page
* Zoom ratio is kept after switching Browser Core
* Fixed problem that non-English URLs entered to address bar are search
* Fixed problem that URLs entered to address bar are all opened in Ultra mode
* Fixed problem that new tab sometimes can not open in foreground in Retro mode
* Fixed backward problem after visiting unavailable webpages
* Fixed a focus problem
* Fixed a Save as problem when viewing source code
* Fixed an encoding problem of URL displayed in Status Bar
* Fixed an UserAgent problem after switching profile

[Webkit Core]
* Fixed a freeze problem caused by mouse right click in page
* Fixed several page rendering problems
* Fixed problem that mouse right click menu is unselectable when page is loading
* Fixed a several crash problems
* Fixed problem that View source cannot read from cache
* Mouse Gesture "View source" is banned in source code page

[Trident Core]
* Fixed a coding problem with Google search

[Smart Address Bar]
* Fixed a flickering problem of drop down menu
* Fixed a problem that drop down menu may block some IMEs window

[Magic Fill]
* Fixed problem that edited password cannot be saved real-time
* Fixed a save failure
* Fixed some problems of Magic Fill info bar

* Fixed a display problem of search bar in Quick Access after editing multi-search
* Fixed a link error


md5: 3f6da015571a0019b6fd2b10cee77945

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 127
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2010, 10:58
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 128 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2010, 23:39
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2010, 08:51
Maxthon Browser is released. In this version, proxy configuration is supported. Magic Fill now supports general identities and multiple identities for same site. Page zoom is more flexible and is more conveniently located. For more details please refer to the changelog.


Main Framework
+ added "Copy Page URL/Title" command in Tab, Address Bar, and Favorites context menu
+ added more convenient and flexible page zoom
+ added "Replace with Current Page" command in Favorites context menu

Magic Fill
+ added support for multiple id and general id

+ added proxy configuration


Content Filter
* improved blocking rule management and user interface

Bug Fixes

Webkit Core
* fixed some possible crash problems
* fixed problem that "Save/Fill Password" commands not available in context menu of some form input boxes
* fixed problem that Save Form alert shows up before complete form data is entered
* fixed a Form data processing problem
* more friendly alert for unsupported protocols
* fixed a CSS rendering problem
* fixed a URL redirection problem
* fixed an external download manager problem

Download: http://dl.maxthon.com/mx3/mx3.0.18.2000.exe

Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2010, 23:03
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


Latest Changes

- Manual patch of a security vulnerability listed as Bug 607222 and security announcement MFSA 2010-73 impacting visitors to compromised sites with exploit code specifically targeting this Mozilla vulnerability

Titel: Epic 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2010, 07:23
Epic is a Web Browser launched by Indian startup company Hidden Reflex, and is the first ever Web browser from India. It has been stuffed with many features and applications. It has something which we have never heard of before, an integrated antivirus protection in a browser. The built in antivirus and antispyware is powered by ESET. The browser has a sidebar with lot of widgets already installed such as skins, maps, jobs, news, gmail, yahoo, games and many more.


Epic claims to have around 1500 free applications which can be added in the browser. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Orkut are also included in the sidebar. It has a free word processor, a to do tool, snippet app, timer and most importantly it allows you to access your files and folder from the browser sidebar itself. It also has an application called Indic which allows you to type in as many as 12 Indian languages. The browser also allows you to watch videos from YouTube in a small window, so that you can browse other websites while watching videos.


Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 131 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2010, 16:22
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: K-Meleon 1.6.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2010, 16:35
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

What's new

    * Support full zoom and default zoom (zoom.defaultPercent).
    * @SHistory, @SHistoryBack, @SHistoryForward menus. (You can use basic History without kplugin)
    * Transparency support for menu icons.
    * InjectJS now return the result of the script (when applicable).
    * Support for flashblock.whitelist.
    * kmeleon.tabs.bottom replaced by kmeleon.tabs.position which can take the following value: band (default), vtop, top, bottom.

Detailed changelog for K-Meleon 1.6 Beta:

    * engine: Mozilla Gecko
    * chrome: Adapted for new Gecko 1.9.x work. Included last Flashblock and Console2 versions.
    * kmprefs: Adapted for new Gecko 1.9.x and new options added;
      GUI Appearence -> Toolbars -> General: Hide toolbars line
      GUI Appearence -> Toolbars -> Tab Bar: Display tab bar
      Page Display -> General: Default Zoom
      Page Display -> Languages
      Page Display -> Content Filters: Flashblock options, CSS Ad-blocking (Edit... button)
      Browsing -> Window Diversion: Page Properties Diversion
      Browsing -> Window Diversion: Help menu
      File Handling -> General: Save As option

    * macros: Some macro little fixing;
      'Copy Link' context menu option now copy mail links without "mailto:" at begin if you have macros enabled.
    * misc: Updates and includes;
      Search engines updated.
      CSS Ad-Block updated.
      K-Meleon Quick Reference included in Edit -> Configuration -> Commands List and default Bookmarks.
      K-Meleon Extensions web pages included in default Bookmarks.
      Edit -> Page Search -> Find As You Type, is now disabled by default.
      Firefox 3.5 and Seamonkey 2.0 User Agent strings updated.
      Show broken images; usercontent.css
      7z packet include xpcom_core.dll modified for portable.
      Secure icon changed (the padlock in the status bar) and updated file asociated icons.


    * Fix viewsource for console2, pending ...
    * Locales, waiting to build a Beta for start translations.
    * Installer, update pending for setdefault Vista & Seven.
    * Fix about:about not load, but load chrome://global/content/aboutAbout.html


    * Crash when using the scrollbar with the gestures plugin enabled.
    * Bookmarks plugins doesn't yet support alpha transparency, and I don't think it will in this release.
    * Typeaheadfind not working with gecko 1.9.2.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 132 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2010, 09:30
Build 132:

1. Fixed browser drawing flickering issue on resize
2. Added option to remember last download save folder. Also keep a history of previously used download folders in the drop down box.
3. Add menu Window->Tile Selected windows
4. Bug fix: flash video not playing properly due to cache issue.
5. Bug fix: "view source" not working properly for web page not allowing cache.
6. Bug fix: Open In New Tab menu missing on windows XP if the link text is selected before right clicking.
7. Bug fix: javascript link stopping existing navigation action incorrectly.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 133 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2010, 10:12
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Lunascape Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2010, 19:20
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zur Betaversion gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 135 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2010, 08:17
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 136
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2010, 21:43
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 138
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2010, 20:11
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2010, 10:51

Main Framework
+ added Keyboard Shortcuts configuration and Boss Key
+ added new Paper skin

Snap Screen
+ added snap screen (screen capture)



* Favorites Bar and Favorites Menu items are draggable now
* added Recyle Bin in Favorites Manager


Main Framework
* fixed a tab switching problem when closing tabs on right
* fixed problem that tab goes back when clicking back/forward dropdown list
* fixed some display problems of Tab Bar

Favorites Manager
* fixed a problem creating new folder in Favorites Manager

Developer Tools
* fixed a display prolem in Developer Tools

* fixed problem that horizonal UI can not be remembered

WebKit Core
* fixed a crash problem caused by Proxy

Magic Fill
* fixed a display problem caused by saved ID info
* fixed problem that some pop up login box can not be filled
* added support for Ajax login box
* fixed some form fillings problems in certain sites (eg. Google Services)

* fixed a freezing problem caused by excessive ADhunter logs


Titel: Flock Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2010, 23:32
This release sees a revamp of how you create accounts. In addition, please welcome LinkedIn to the repertoire of supported services. To configure your LinkedIn account, just go to linkedin.com and sign in, and then provide the authorization LinkedIn requests; Flock will do the rest.

Security Information
The latest version of Flock 3 contains these security fixes.

Another development in this version is a modified way to configure service accounts. All areas within the browser to sign in to supported services have been removed in favour of simplicity. Now, all you have to do is sign in to your accounts on their respective websites and they will appear in your sidebar momentarily.

Security Info

The latest version of Flock 3 contains these security fixes.

Known Issues

    * Sometimes the sidebar will be blank when first starting the browser, especially if LinkedIn is the only configured account. Activities will flow in after five minutes (the next update cycle for fetching activities). This will be fixed in an update coming very early in December.
    * Occasionally signing in to a Flock account will not complete. Closing and reopening Flock will fix this.
    * To download Flash properly, Flock must be closed when Flash is installed.
    * Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn cannot be configured in Flock if the system clock has been changed. If this happens, just change the clock back to what it was previously and restart Flock.
    * When viewing a public profile page, Facebook and LinkedIn updates will not appear in the "What I'm talking about" section.
    * Some feeds do not show date or time in the feeds page.
    * Kapersky antivirus program is pegging Flock as a Trojan. We assure you, we have no maliciousness within our code.
    * Extremely long statuses with no spaces do not always wrap properly.
    * On the Explore page, you cannot search your own Facebook or Twitter name.
    * Websites with https cannot be made public.
    * Favorites imported from other browsers are imported backwards.
    * Occasionally, public feeds present in your Profile page will show the Flock logo instead of the feed's favicon.
    * On startup, the selected group in the sidebar is not always matching with the people that are in the sidebar.
    * Tags that are imported from another browser are not searchable on the Favorites page.
    * Some YouTube feeds are giving bad links leading to error pages.
    * Changing the Flock password may cause service accounts to throw errors. To fix this, sign out and then sign in on the service site.
    * Cancelling a group edit window can sometimes remove several of the members of the aforementioned group.
    * Some Flock accounts cannot have their favorites or feeds be reordered in the favorites bar.
    * Talk and Favorite panels will occasionally close immediately after being opened. Clicking on the Favorite or Talk button a second time will open it once more.
    * The favorite star will disappear when typing in the URL bar in windows.
    * Adding a service with one format (ex. username) and then signing into the service with another format (ex. email address) will add separate entries in the accounts panel.
    * Favoriting a page while selecting “Show on my profile page” and “Show in my favorites toolbar” at the same time will make the favorite not appear on the Profile page.
    * Facebook has changed how pokes work, so poke notifications for Facebook are going to the wrong link.

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2010, 11:51
TheWorld Browser provides a fast, safe, and easy way to browse the Web. It will revolutionize your internet experience with many useful features that other browsers don't provide. Give it a try, we guarantee our browser is 100% malware free. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected.

TheWorld Browser created by Phoenix Studio is a multi-tab and multi-window web browser. It is completely free and there is no function limitation. TheWorld Browser is a safe and green software, and can be uninstalled totally. Please feel safe about it. TheWorld Browser can be run on Operating Systems such as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7. To get a better performance of resources control, TheWorld 3.0 has been optimized a lot in the main frame for memory release.

Especially under multi-process mode and mixed mode, resources can be released completely when pages get closed. Consequently, the problem that memory usage rises can be solved drastically.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2010, 00:52
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zur Betaversion gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 126 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2010, 11:00
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 126(Internal Version Number:, Released 12.3.2010

            * [Fix]Open in New Window opened about:blank(details)
            * [Fix]Save As dialog didn't open when choose to save a picture via Floating Tool Bar(details).
            * [Fix]Some errors related to Auto-Scroll feature
            * [Fix]Immediately inputting url failed after creating a new tab
            * [Fix]Newly created tabs wasn't consistent with the predefined zoom size on Xp/IE6
            * [Fix]Windows in the background popped up to the foreground in some case
            * [Fix]In some case the title bar didn't keep changing with the page content(445).
            * [Fix]Search Bar in browser:home didn't work(444)
            * [Fix]ctrl+shift+left click error when setting to open links in foreground(details)
            * [Fix]Clearing Recent Closed Pages failed via AB Options->Clear Records->Recent Closed Tabs(440)
            * [Fix]Some errors related to javascript
            * [Fix]Avant kept saving pictures to the system default folder every time loading tabs into a new process
            * [Add]Three shortcuts: File->Save Screen As Image(Shift+Ctrl+S), Save Current Page as Image(Shift+Ctrl+A),Save Selected Region as Image(Shift+Ctrl+Q)

Titel: QtWeb V3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2010, 12:28
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License: GPL

What's new: >>

    * Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest v. 4.7.1
    * OpenSSL is upgraded to the latest version 1.0.0b
    * Web Page Search (Ctrl+F) re-implemented
    * Fixed: Skip download popups for 'pixel.gif'
    * Partly fixed: Browser crashes on websites like 'techcrunch.com'

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2010, 19:39
Latest Changes

- Additions

- + added IE8 skin
- + added new window
- + added new Workspace window (separate cookies)
- + added new Private window
- + added Webpage Translation
- + added Mute Browser
- + added URL security
- + added Tips & Tricks on Status Bar
- + added ADhunter, Magic Fill data import

- Improvements

- * optimized Print
- * optimized Auto-Switch logics

- Fixes

- [Webkit Core]

- * fixed a crash
- * fixed problem that PAC is not available when using IE Proxy
- * fixed a display problem when switching Tabs
- * fixed a IME display problem in Gmail
- * fixed a display problem in Blocking Rule editor

Titel: Pale Moon 3.6.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2010, 11:39
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

Updated the source code to Gecko This fixes a number of security issues.


    * Google Safebrowsing URLs updated to fix problematic downloading of the database updates for reported attack sites.
    * Miscellaneous other Google Safebrowsing provider URLs fixed for smoother operation
    * Dictionary download URL fixed
    * Geolocation info page URL fixed


    * Checking for updates to Pale Moon is now enabled by default. The checking frequency is once a week.
    * Profiling phase slightly changed during building to potentially improve speed and efficiency further.

A new build machine with a fresh install of the environment has been used for this release, with slightly more memory and a newer HDD than the previous one and preventing unnecessary headaches due to the loudly whining Maxtor drive that was used previously. It's still an old P4 machine but it performs a lot better. I would hereby like to thank all the generous donators to the Pale Moon project who have made this possible!

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 127 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2010, 10:57
Avant Browser 2010 Build 127(Internal Version Number:, Released 12.13.2010

    * [Fix]Javascript errors which caused some pages not to open or some buttons not to work
    * [Fix]Some setting problems in Avant Browser Options

Titel: K-Meleon 1.6.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2010, 11:49
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

What's New, Improved and Fixed in This Release?

    * Mozilla backend.
    * True tabs, tab bar with various improvements over layers bar in previous versions.
    * New macro parser with better error messages for easier debugging.
    * Downloads can be temporarily paused to gain bandwidth for other tasks.
    * Alpha-channel (transparency) support for toolbar bitmaps.


    * Better unicode support.
    * Flashblock and CSS Ad-Blocking can enabled/disabled without restart.
    * Preferences panels merged. More detailed controls for font, cache and proxy settings.
    * Various improvements in the Netscape Bookmarks plugin.
    * Improved translation macro.
    * Sessions plugin now works with tabs, also restores tab history and window positions.


    * See the changelog for details.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 139 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2010, 08:47
Build 139:

1. Bug fix: ctrl+f to find text in current page not working if the page is not in focus
2. Added "Deals Hunter" toolbar to help online shopping lovers finding the best deals on internet. Activate the toolbar from menu View:Toolbars:XML Toolbars:Deals Hunter.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2010, 09:34
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 128 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2010, 09:35
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 128(Internal Version Number:, Released 12.21.2010

            * [Fix]Connecting to Internet failed on machines with ThreatFire installed(details)
            * [Fix]Losing focus problem (details)
            * [Fix]Sometimes shortcuts don’t work when with roboform toolbar enabled (details)
            * [Fix]Blank bar appeared when you switch to and out of the full screen/desktop mode

Titel: Flock Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2010, 12:52
Flock is a free web browser that makes it easy to connect with your friends and express yourself online. Flock is easy-to-use web browser heavily based upon fast and secure Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla technologies. Upload photos, get your news, blog anything, subscribe to RSS and search your world with Flock. Flock makes it easier than ever for you to connect with your friends.

Flock was founded in 2005 on the vision that the web browser can and should enable the richest user experience possible across information-gathering, sharing, communication, self-expression and interaction. Flock's creators call it a "social browser", due to its ability to interact with popular social networking web services. Such web services include Flickr, Del.icio.us, Technorati, Photobucket, and various popular blogging and news aggregation services.

Many of Flock`s features can be attained through extensions for Firefox. For example, del.icio.us Bookmarks, developed by Yahoo!, Inc., provides integration with del.icio.us online bookmarks. Fotofox, developed as an official extension by the Mozilla Corporation, integrates with Flickr. Sage provides a built in news reader, similar to Thunderbird's.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 140 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2010, 11:04
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: K-Meleon 1.7.0 Alpha 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2010, 18:23
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

K-Meleon 1.7.0 alfa2 is the alfa version with features updated to 1.6.0 Beta2.
This is experimental and is based on Firefox 3.6.13.
Included Gecko

Note that this have same features like 1.6.0 Beta2 but also the same bugs, please not report 1.7.0 bugs already known or from 1.6.0 Beta2.

+ Fixed close/exit crash.

Download : http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmeleon/files/k-meleon-dev/1.7.0a2/

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 141 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2010, 17:36
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon (v3) Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2010, 18:34
Latest Changes

- Additions

- + Online Notepad
- + Split Screen (F10)
- + Settings synchronisation (Options & Quick Access)
- + RSS sniffing and preview
- + Lotus Rhythm skin

- Improvement

- * New appearance of Quick Access

- Fixes

- Main Framework

- * Menu text may disappear on mouse move
- * Boss key not working for Private Window

- Webkit Core
- * Downloaded file extension name problem

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2011, 11:06

Main Framework
* fixed reversed tab order by Open All from Fav Bar folder
* fixed a random blank page problem
* fixed Split View separator alignment

Webkit Core
* fixed problem that Downloader may popup when page redirecting

Online Notepad
* fixed problem that only the 1st tab can be seen after Sync
* fixed problem that Ctrl+G not work when Online Notepad has focus
* fixed custom Shortcuts not working problem
* Notepad UI language can switch according to browser interface now

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 142 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2011, 08:42
Recent changes in lastest build (Build 142)

    * Significantly improved slimbrowser startup speed.
    * Added menu to share current page on facebook. Accessible via "tools:social networking:share this page on facebook".

Titel: Dooble for Windows 1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2011, 17:19
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


License: Open Source


1.  Prevent dhistory's timer from firing if the History window is closed.
2.  CTRL + L did not highlight the url while the url widget's
    pulldown menu was active. Fixed.
3.  Added support for window.print() (JavaScript).
4.  Modified source in support of JavaScript-initiated requests:
hiding navigation items
hiding the menu bar
hiding the status bar
resizing a newly-created window
5.  Populate the url widget's history upon application launch.
6.  Added checks to verify that certain settings existed prior to creating
    font objects based on the respective settings. This mishap caused
    Dooble to exit on OS X Snow Leopard.
7.  Smoother url completer view.
8.  Configuration settings will now be stored in
9.  Fixed a font-distribution issue.
10. The history window's sort indicator should now be shown correctly.
11. Implemented a popup blocker.
12. Updated OS X style settings.
13. Implemented advanced Web fonts.
14. Enabled QWebSettings::SpatialNavigationEnabled.
    (The ability to navigate between focusable elements in a
     Web page, such as hyperlinks and form controls, by using
     Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For example, if a
     user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether
     there is an element he might be trying to reach towards
     the right and which element he probably wants.)
15. The contents of WebpageIcons.db will now be cleared whenever
    the history is cleared.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.00 Build 144 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2011, 21:40
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2011, 12:15

Video Popup
+ added video popup in Retro Mode


Online Notepad
* optimized efficiency


Main Framework
* fixed problem that Maxthon 3 cannot start up after abnormal shutdown by power off
* fixed several crash problems
* fixed problem that Maxthon3 cannot start up due to Favorites data base
* fixed problem that Find in Page highlighted items not corresponding to options
* fixed problem that Favorites Bar popup menu may block Favorites Bar
* fixed problem that in Retro Mode page stay loading
* fixed a display problem in Lotus Rhythm skin
* "Open a new tab from addressbar" option now also works for paste and go in Address Bar
* fixed problem that when focused in Address Bar, Esc key cannot stop Page loading
* fixed problem cannot drag to rearrange Favorites items
* fixed a display problem in Favorites Bar
* fixed problem that Splitview right panel addresses not recorded in about:last

Webkit Core
* fixed problem that Blocking Rule not loaded after login to new account
* fixed problem that Cookie cannot be synchronized in IE9
* fixed problem that proxy status in menu not matching proxy status in Maxthon option
* fixed problem that Download window erroneously popups during normal browsing
* fixed a display problem when select Open All in about:last

Quick Access
* fixed a thumbnail synchronization problem
* fixed a thumbnail continuous reloading problem

Webpage Translation
* fixed problem translating redirect webpage

Video Popup
* fixed problem that Float Button cannot be closed on large sized Flash content

Onlie Notepad
* used fix-sized delete confirmation tip
* fixed some UI display problems
* fixed a paragraph problem when sent content to Notepad

* fixed a default browser setting problem

Titel: GreenBrowser V5.8.0119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2011, 13:08
GreenBrowser is a tabbed web browser based on IE with many features: Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Background Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Quick Key, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Auto Hide, Start Mode, Link List Analyze, Group, Status Bar Display, Special Download Control, Search Bar, External Toolbar, Run Script, Download Manager, Page Zoom etc.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

    * fix: crash bug when highlight keywords
    * fix: input bug of Silverlight
    * fix: window bug when cascade mode
    * fix: delete bug of address list
    * fix: open in ie bug
    * fix: tab text display bug
    * improve: save page as image bug

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2011, 08:05

+ added RSS Reader, sync not supported yet
+ used new Account login system


Video Sniffer
* show sniffer icon in address bar when video is detected

Smart Address Bar
* improved efficiency of Smart Address Bar

Ad Filter
* improved ad filter rules editor


Main Framework
* fixed a tooltip display problem
* fixed a RSS Reader display problem

WebKit Core
* fixed problem that some RSS URLs won't open in RSS preview page
* fixed browse history problem on facebook.com


MD5 = c60c29c532c5e0d77e51846092011115

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2011, 08:12
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 129 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2011, 12:41
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 129(Internal Version Number:, Released 1.25.2011

            * [Fix]Use IE favorites as bookmarks checked, clicking the blue button aside the bookmark didn't open the item in new tab.
            * [Fix]The cursor didn't move along with the tab window. (details)
            * [Fix]Code error for French interface(details)
            * [Fix]IeSpell toolbar button didn't work with Avant Browser
            * [Fix]IE downloader exited along with Avant Browser(details)
            * [Fix]In some case the file extension was lost after saving Current Page as Image.

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 130 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2011, 12:49
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 130(Internal Version Number:, Released 1.26.2011

            [Fix]Automatically logging out. 

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2011, 08:34
+ added new Skin system, unique skin file and thumbnail
* improved video sniffer and popup
* optimized the compatibility of Fav HTML file exproted from Maxthon3


+ added new Skin system, unique skin file and thumbnail


[Webkit Core]
* improved video sniffer and popup


[Main Framework]

* fixed problem that unclosed pages would be missing after updating to new version
* fixed the residue problem of image Quick Save box

[Webkit Core]
* fixed problem Highlight Keywords takes no effect using Find in Page

[Online Notepad]
* fixed problem that cancelling Sync takes no effect in Notepad option
* fixed a tooltip display problem

[Online Favorites]
* fixed a favorite content and order problem


Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 005 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2011, 22:24

    * Added built-in support to share the active page with a single click over various social networking channels, web services and web emails. Accessible via menu "Tools:Share this page". You can also right click on a tab and select "Share this page" from the context menu. The same features can be accessed from the corresponding buttons on the standard toolbar. Existing users need customize the toolbar to see the new buttons.
    * Added interface to facebook so that you can easily share the active page, selected text within the active page or update your status on facebook. Accessible from menu "Tools:Facebook" or the corresponding toolbar buttons.
    * Added facebook support to in-page shortcut menu to make sharing picture and text easier. You can right click on a picture and share it on facebook. You can aslo select a piece of text and share it. Look for the new menu items from in-page context menu.
    * Added "Download with download manager" into in-page shortcut menu when you right click on a link. It helps you invoke download manager easily even if you have it turned off by default.
    * Added option to bypass certain file types such as office documents and PDF files for download manager.
    * Add option to automatically pass unresolvable address to specified search engine. This option is customizable in “Tools:options:address bar”.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 006 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2011, 09:59
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Flock
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2011, 18:08
Flock is a free web browser that makes it easy to connect with your friends and express yourself online. Flock is easy-to-use web browser heavily based upon fast and secure Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla technologies. Upload photos, get your news, blog anything, subscribe to RSS and search your world with Flock. Flock makes it easier than ever for you to connect with your friends.

Flock was founded in 2005 on the vision that the web browser can and should enable the richest user experience possible across information-gathering, sharing, communication, self-expression and interaction. Flock's creators call it a "social browser", due to its ability to interact with popular social networking web services. Such web services include Flickr, Del.icio.us, Technorati, Photobucket, and various popular blogging and news aggregation services.

Many of Flock`s features can be attained through extensions for Firefox. For example, del.icio.us Bookmarks, developed by Yahoo!, Inc., provides integration with del.icio.us online bookmarks. Fotofox, developed as an official extension by the Mozilla Corporation, integrates with Flickr. Sage provides a built in news reader, similar to Thunderbird's.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2011, 13:12
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 008 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2011, 06:53
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 010 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2011, 23:12
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 011
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2011, 16:36
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 012 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2011, 06:02
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2011, 12:56
* optimized Option Sync
* fixed several crash problems

[Main Framework]
* Switch Mode button is disable in Multi-Search panel
* fixed problem that Quick Access cannot show after closing last tab
* fixed a malfunction of Quick Save images when reset option
* fixed problem that Smart Address Bar cannot record input
* fixed problem that about:last is cleared when quit browser via tray icon
* fixed problem that Auto-clear History took no effect when quit browser via tray icon
* fixed a display when cancelling Splitview
* fixed high CPU usage using Snap Region
* optimized compatibility of Export Favorite
* fixed a failure when import favorite from IE
* fixed a freeze problem caused by Snap Region
* View History button in about:last will lead to activated History Page
* URLs contain special characters in about:last can be opened correctly
* fixed a problem that Fav Bar tooltip covers Fav item

[Webkit Core]
* fixed several crash problems
* fixed wrong file name problem when downloading certain types of files
* fixed problem that certain pages kept redirecting

[Video Popup]
* fixed some display & UI problems
* fixed a crash problem

[AD Filter]
* fixed a display problem of domain name in Rules Editor
* enquire dialog will not show when closing Rules Editor with no changes to the rules

[Magic Fill]
* fixed problem that Maxthon Account Password cannot be recognized when last character is “Space”

[Online Notepad]
* fixed some Sync failures
* fixed some crash problems caused by Sync

* fixed problem that new Search Engine cannot be added when clear Search Engine list

[Quick Access]
* fixed a display problem of block frames



Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 013 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2011, 17:31
Build 013

    * Performance improvement: reduced program exiting time.
    * Bug fix: The & symbol is now displayed on links bar correctly.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 015 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2011, 13:06
Build 015

    * Improved support for IE9.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2011, 09:10
[Main Framework]
* Fixed search alias case-sensitive problem
* Fixed a problem which caused user cannot uninstall Maxthon 3.
* Fixed drop-down menu shift when typing in address bar

[Online Notepad]
* Fixed the content format problem when user selects text and send it to online notepad.
* Fixed always create new tab problem when user send text to online notepad.
* Enable online notepad sync as default.
* Fixed "synchronizing" still exists when online notepad sync is done.
* Fixed sometimes "cut" "paste" "delete" disable on right click menu of online notepad tab list when user select text.
[Webkit Core]
* Fix auto-rename format problem of quick save images
* Fixed Media player plugin failure on Ultra Mode
* Fixed "The document has moved here." error!
* Fixed cursor stick on the flash frame in flash game on Ultra Mode
* Fixed RSS proxy problem
[Trident Core]
* Fixed link cannot be clicked when use zoom feature under IE9


md5: bf18c1524eec9fd5cd0e00d795cbf81a

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 017 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2011, 15:55
Build 017

    * Bug fix: autologin not working for some sites.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 018 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2011, 11:17
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 020 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2011, 12:52
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Webbrowser Dooble 1.19 veröffentlicht
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2011, 12:53
Am Wochenende kam ein weiteres Update des quelloffenen Web-Browsers Dooble heraus. Dooble benutzt Webkit als Rendering Engine. Der HTML-Renderer verrichtet seine Arbeit auch im Safari von Apple und im Google Chrome. Version 1.19 von Dooble kann kostenlos für Linux, Windows und Mac OS X heruntergeladen werden.

Der bislang eher unbekannte Webbrowser Dooble versucht mit seiner modernen Rendering Engine und dem schlankem Aufbau bei den Anwendern zu punkten. Noch vor rund einem Jahr waren lediglich alternative Suchmaschinen wie Scroogle oder Faroo vorinstalliert. Wer will, kann jetzt nebst Dogpile auch Bing, Google oder die Online Enzyklopädie Wikipedia benutzen. Ursprünglich hatten sich die Macher des Projekts das Ziel gesetzt einen Browser zu erschaffen, der den Schutz der Privatsphäre der Benutzer in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Von diesem Pfad scheint man aber mittlerweile abgekommen zu sein.

Die aktuelle deutschsprachige Version beinhaltet diverse Bugfixes und präsentiert nebst dem eigentlichen Browser auch einen praktischen Dateimanager. Künftig möchte man das Softwarepaket noch um einen E-Mail-Client und einen Instant Messenger ergänzen. What are you Doobling today? Gute Frage. Doch schon mit der voreingestellten Startseite, der Suchmaschine MetaGer, werden leider erste Schwächen des Chrome-Wettbewerbers offenkundig. Zahlreiche Dateiformate werden bis dato nicht unterstützt. PDF-Dateien können beispielsweise nicht angezeigt werden. Ebenfalls die Möglichkeit zur Darstellung jeglicher Videodateien wartet noch auf ihre Einbindung. Auch die Suchanfragen bei MetaGer bringen leider nicht immer genügend brauchbare Ergebnisse zutage.

Fazit. Zwar lässt die Geschwindigkeit des Seitenaufbaus keine Wünsche übrig. Dennoch müsste man schon auf einige wichtige Funktionen verzichten, will man ausschließlich mit Dooble durchs Web surfen. Wer unter Mac OS X, Windows oder Linux keine größeren Ansprüche stellt und auf YouTube & Co. verzichtet, kann die aktuelle Version von hier (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dooble/files) herunterladen und eigenhändig ausprobieren.

Quelle : www.gulli.com
Titel: Maxthon Browser released
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2011, 17:27


[Trident Core]
+ added support for socks & https proxy

+ added multi-column Fav Bar
+ added "set Fav Bar display folder"
+ added "set as most favorite"
+ added Sort by Visits
+ used last chosen folder as default when adding favorites
+ added using Middle Click / Shift + Left Click to open favorite items inactivated

+ New option: open New Tab to the right of all Tabs, unchecked by default
+ New option: open New Tab to the right of current Tab, checked by default

[Mouse Gesture]
* New 4 Gestures: Hold Right Button then Left Click, Hold Left Button then Right Click, Hold Right Button then Scroll Up/Down

[Online Notepad]
+ added Select Display Font

[Shortcut Keys]
+ added Switch Windows


[Main Framework]
* faster on start up
* faster on open New Tab and Close Tab
* optimized crash recover experience
* optimized Tray Icon display
* moved "Clear Browser History" to root-level of Main Menu

[Magic Fill]
* supported certain types of webpages by using Right Click menu

[History Mgr.]
* optimized page turning experience

[Smart Address Bar]
- removed drop down list Shortcut Keys


[Main Framework]
* fixed problem that Fav Bar cannot be hided

[Webkit Core]
* fixed some crashes caused by cookies/page save as… etc.
* fixed a display problem of Right Click menu in Fav Mgr. and Quick Access after Page Zoom
* fixed invalid "Keep me logged in" on Facebook (Thank konieckropka and picimaco for helping confirm the fix)
* fixed problem that Save picture as cannot overwrite files with the same names

* fixed an invalid problem when modify Option

* fixed an invalid problem when dragging item in Fav Mgr.
* fixed problem that Fav Bar vanished after Middle Click

[Video Sniffer]
* fixed problem that cannot download Youtube videos



Titel: Dooble for Windows 1.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2011, 18:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 021 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2011, 23:12
Build 021

    * Bug fix: Active pane in explorer bar not saved properly at exit
    * Bug fix: download manager history not saved properly

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.8 Build 0315
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2011, 13:57
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

add: close to left/right command
add: hide/show main caption command
add: sort function for set groups
fix: collector content lost bug
fix: image problem of speed dial
fix: open in ie bug
improve: save text function

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 022 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2011, 13:18
Build 022

    * Bug fix: Context menu not working when browsing files from UNC path. Couldn't open files from UNC path.

Titel: Avant Browser 2010 Build 131 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2011, 13:18
        Avant Browser 2010 Build 131(Internal Version Number:, Released 3.16.2011

            * [Fix]Blank space problem in some lenovo laptops. (details)
            * [Fix]The unfocused tab can't be closed by directly clicking the close tab button. (details)
            * [Fix]Logging out automatically on sites with windows authentication and basic authentication. (details)
            * [Fix]Avant Browser keeps notifying to input username/password of the predefined proxy after relaunch. (details)
            * [Fix]Inputting Firefox bookmarks failed. (details)
            * [Fix]Saving images via floating toolbar failed on XP. (details)
            * [Fix]Toolbars move after Full Screen . (details)
            * [Fix]Windows Taskbar sticks to the desktop in Full Screen.
            * [Fix]The option "Enable to mouse wheel to switch tabs" didn't work in Full Screen/Full Desktop.

Titel: Pale Moon V3.6.15a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2011, 07:29
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

3.6.15a is a small update to fix a minor ini file error that would sometimes cause the inability to open external URLs. The browser itself isn't changed.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 023 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2011, 08:13
Build 023

    * Bug fix: side pane size not properly saved in some cases.
    * Complete Polish language added.

Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2011, 06:00
Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog ...

Titel: TheWorld Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2011, 09:28
TheWorld Browser provides a fast, safe, and easy way to browse the Web. It will revolutionize your internet experience with many useful features that other browsers don't provide. Give it a try, we guarantee our browser is 100% malware free. TheWorld Browser is optimized to avoid any case of out of response. In any test case, if a web page's browser window is out of response, the other windows will not be infected.

TheWorld Browser created by Phoenix Studio is a multi-tab and multi-window web browser. It is completely free and there is no function limitation. TheWorld Browser is a safe and green software, and can be uninstalled totally. Please feel safe about it. TheWorld Browser can be run on Operating Systems such as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7. To get a better performance of resources control, TheWorld 3.0 has been optimized a lot in the main frame for memory release.

Especially under multi-process mode and mixed mode, resources can be released completely when pages get closed. Consequently, the problem that memory usage rises can be solved drastically.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2011, 08:42

[Main Framework]
+ added customize UI
+ added Navigation (URL Short Key & URL Alias)
+ added IE9 standard render mode in Retro Mode(available after install IE9)
+ enhanced Resource Sniffer, can download images andmedias on webpage
+ enhanced Data Import/Export, can export Favorite toIE

+ added Compact Mode for Favorite Bar
+ added Option for Multi-column Display Mode

+ added Maxthon 2 skin
+ added IE6 skin

[Download Mgr]
+ added support for 3rd party downloaders

+ added Cache Location in Advanced options (RestartRequired)
+ added Web Page Font in Advanced options (RestartRequired)


* added overwrite confirmation when adding new
* optimized Fav Mgr performance

[Magic Fill]
* added delete for Multi-identity dropdown menu


[Main Framework]
* fixed some crashes
* fixed problem that cannot type in Address Barsometimes
* fixed problem that Maxthon 3 cannot be called upafter Tray Icon disappears under certain situations
* fixed Shortcut Keys failure after continuouslylogging in and out
* fixed a display problem of add new Fav dialoguewhen folder name is too long
* fixed problem that Reload button not work afterCore crashes

[Webkit Core]
* fixed some crashes
* fixed problem that the page will be closedautomatically when you click some special links
* fixed problem that "not use proxy" listdoes not work for IP addresses using Socks4
* fixed problem that Downloader may come up whenvisiting some sites
* enhanced RSS analysis ability
* fixed problem that folders with corrupt - codednames are created in Bin\

[Trident Core]
* fixed problem that in Retro Mode, when hovered onFlash, middle - click scrolling not work
* fixed problem that in Retro Mode, some images cannotbe displayed correctly

[Fav Mgr]
* fixed a Javascript error when dragging too fast
* fixed some invalid problems with Recycle Bin
* added missing error messages
* fixed some display problems
* fixed some invalid problems when dragging items
* fixed an error when dragging an item fromleft-column to the same folder in right-column
* fixed problem that when Fav Bar Display Folder isset in Guest account, this set will be lost after restart browser
* fixed problem that browser will freeze when deletingmultiple items in Fav Mgr

[History Mgr]
* removed Older button when search result is listedin only one page

[Magic Fill]
* fixed problem that General Identity cannot fillusernames on some Pages
* fixed problem that if manual - inputted usernamewas the same to General Identity, the latter would be filled by browser
* fixed problem that save password in the right clickmenu is invalid on some pages

[Video Popup]
* fixed problem that  Float Button cannot showafter exiting full - screen
* fixed a window display problem

[Online Notepad]
* fixed problem that when selecting Font, defaultfont is different from the one in use

[AD Filter]
* fixed problem that when editing Blocking Rules, youcan only edit Rules of current browsing Site and cannot switch to another Site

[Developer Tools]
* fixed problem that DT cannot be brought for -grounded when clicked in Menu
* fixed a crash problem when open DT from right -mouse menu
* fixed problem that DT cannot dock to main browserwindow


MD5 = 0206cf8375a50341f90605a22577e19a

Titel: QtWeb V3.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2011, 10:43
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License: GPL

What's new: >>

    Released for Linux & Unix platforms (Intel-based, 32-bit)
    Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest version 4.7.2
    OpenSSL is upgraded to the latest version 1.0.0b
    Web Page Search re-implemented
    HTML5 Local Storage configuration added
    Minor changes and fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2011, 15:38
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...


Titel: Dooble for Windows 1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2011, 19:17
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

- New Features for 1.20 Release:

- - Dooble Web Browser for MeeGo Operating System: MeeGo Theme included into Dooble
- - Cookie Browser: Discover cookies and manage them
- - Cookie Sweeper: Wash out all your unwanted Cookies every 30 minutes
- - Bookmark favourite Cookies to keep them while others are swept
- - De-Referr: Dooble prevents to show from which website-URL you land on a new page
- - Proxy Support Optimization for Tor and I2P
- - New Icons for Settings
- - New secure search engines added by default
- - Novola Icon theme added

Titel: Pale Moon 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2011, 18:02
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

- Hardware acceleration of browser windows using Direct3D
- Direct2D rendering on operating systems and hardware that support it
- DirectWrite font rendering on systems that support it
- WebGL 3D graphics, either using native OpenGL (default) or DirectX (via ANGLE)
- HTML5 support
- New Jaegermonkey javascript engine
- Blazingly fast DOM handling
- Graphical tab previews (on a nice glass pane if you have Windows 7) with search
- Dynamic/downloadable fonts (including WOFF)
- Support for personas and Firefox themes
- Support for Firefox 4 compatible add-ons
- Support for OOPP (Out-of-process plug-ins)
- Able to use existing Firefox profiles, bookmarks and settings (either using the migration tool or using Sync)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2011, 22:40

+New login system
*Optimize Memory usage
+import user data from maxthon guest account


*Fixed wrong password problem after switch account.
*Fixed IE9 render mode invalid problem.
*Fixed an offline mode display problem.
*Fixed the problem that loading animation on tab bar disappear when refresh page.
*Fixed the problem Alipay account fail to login on 360buy in Ultra mode
*Fixed a high-light keyword problem when you find keyword in the page.
*Fixed the problem that cannot logoff on Qzone.
*Fixed the problem that cannot download attachment in some forum.
*Fixed a downloader problem.
*Fixed the problem that file sniffer cannot get hlv file.
*Fixed the problem that Url from file sniffer is incorrect.


Titel: Lunascape Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2011, 23:02
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 024 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2011, 23:03
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 025 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2011, 09:03
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2011, 11:23

+New login system
*Optimize Memory usage
+import user data from maxthon guest account


*Fixed wrong password problem after switch account.
*Fixed IE9 render mode invalid problem.
*Fixed an offline mode display problem.
*Fixed the problem that loading animation on tab bar disappear when refresh page.
*Fixed the problem Alipay account fail to login on 360buy in Ultra mode
*Fixed a high-light keyword problem when you find keyword in the page.
*Fixed the problem that cannot logoff on Qzone.
*Fixed the problem that cannot download attachment in some forum.
*Fixed a downloader problem.
*Fixed the problem that file sniffer cannot get hlv file.
*Fixed the problem that Url from file sniffer is incorrect.
*Fixed a displayproblem in Download Mgr
*Fixed a formatproblem in Block Rules Editor
*Fixed problemthat it's invalid to copy Target URL in Download Mgr
*Fixed problemthat sometimes you cannot use ESC to stop a Gif in Retro Mode
*Fixed problemthat when you drag an item in sub-menu of Fav Bar, sometimes Maxthon 3 willclose


Titel: Flock 2.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2011, 15:14
Release Notes : http://www.flock.com/release-notes/index.html

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 026 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2011, 07:13
Build 026

    Bug fix: online feedback page failed to fill in configuration information automatically.

Titel: Pale Moon 4.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2011, 13:31
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

Some stability bugfixes and improvements:

    Fix for a potential crash of the browser due to 20110406-PRBug.
    Fix for the internal manual updater when a language pack is installed.
    DirectWrite now default OFF (gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled=false) to provide better compatibility with problematic (integrated) graphics processors. If it worked for you for 4.0, feel free to switch it back on (set to true)
    Improvements to GUI/chrome speed.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 027 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 06:25
Build 027

    Bug fix: log file is now also removed upon cleaning history.

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.9 Build 0412
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 12:58
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

add: show mouse gesture track option
add: pop search menu option for drag text
add: collector save url option when collect text
add: right click system bar action
fix: window position bug when no caption
improve: scroll bar function when no caption
improve: auto append function for save text

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 14:05
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...


Titel: Flock ist tot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 20:16
Jau, das war es. Eigentlich keine Meldung wert – oder doch? Flock war damals der auf Firefox basierende Browser, der sich Social Networks und Co auf die Fahnen geschrieben hatte. Nach dem Wechsel der Firefox-Engine auf die von Chrome änderte sich nicht viel. Flock sprach von großen Nutzerzahlen, die Realität sah sicherlich anders aus. Quasi die Mutter von RockMelt, dem Browser, den ich von Vornherein schon abgeschrieben habe. Was bleibt? Die großen Browser, die in der Grundkonfiguration schlank daher kommen und sich via diverser Erweiterungen auf die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche des modernen Web-Users anpassen lassen. Flock empfiehlt zum Abschied noch Google Chrome oder Firefox – zurecht. In diesem Sinne, schönen Abend noch.
Titel: Lunascape 6.4.6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 20:47
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2011, 13:26
Major Changelog

    [Fix]Side Bar automatically closed after clicking the Apply button of Avant Browser Options
    [Fix]IE toolbars turned blurred on win7/Aero theme with Avant's skin Aero Glass enabled
    [Add] Option to disable/enable Online Storage button

Titel: Pale Moon V4.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2011, 23:40
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A number of fixes and a cosmetic update:

    Performance fix: Javascript performance improved.
    Crash fix: Prevent crashes in optimized builds of JS due to 20110410-CCBug.
    Updater fix: Internal updater should function again from this version onward.
    Add-ons window shows the proper add-ons page when loading it.
    Shell integration fixed for Vista and 7: The browser should no longer complain that it's not the default program when it, in fact, is. See bug 20110408-SHBug.
    Main Pale Moon program icon updated with a higher-res version of the logo image.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2011, 08:27

+ added customize UI
+ added Navigation (URL Short Key & URL Alias)
+ added IE9 standard render mode in Retro Mode (available after install IE9)
+ enhanced Resource Sniffer, can download images and medias on webpage
+ enhanced Data Import/Export, can import Maxthon 3  Guest Data and export Favorite to IE
+ added Compact Mode for Favorite Bar
+ added Option for Multi-column Display Mode
+ added Maxthon 2 skin
+ added IE6 skin
+ added support for 3rd party downloaders [2011-04-15]


[Main Framework]
* started using new Crash Capture Module

* updated skins according to new UI
The following problems are fixed:

[Main Framework]
* account panel stayed after minimize
* if run Clear Broswer History upon first browser start-up, options could not be saved


Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2011, 16:05
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 029 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2011, 08:01
Build 029

    Bug fix: crash upon building links bar.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2011, 08:03
Major Changelog

    [Fix]Being unable to type into the input field when editing the speed dial
    [Fix]In some case the Downloader refuses to take over downloading
    [Fix]An invalid Download icon keeps showing to the system Tray
    [Add]Option to enable/disable displaying the tab title in windows task bar

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2011, 16:04
Major Changelog

    Address Box's FavIcon flashes when typing
    Detached Tab cannot be resized after closing "Download Videos" Bar
    Clicking Detached Tab will bring main form to the front
    Sometime "Find in the page" button would send tabs to the bottom

Titel: Dooble for Windows 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2011, 06:02
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Latest Changes

- Implemented basic command-line options: a) full-screen-mode b) url URL (multiple instances allowed)
- Introduction of the YaCy search engine
- Updated default page
- New Settings option: close the Downloads window after the downloads Have completed
- Added an install target to Dooble's Unix project file (dooble.pro)
- Windows Qt libraries have been upgraded to version 4.7.3

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2011, 16:11
Major Changelog

    [Fix]Edit the Speed Dial dialog jumped behind the main window.
    [Fix]Downloader icon appeared to the system tray though it didn't take over the task.
    [Fix]Being unable to modify the file name in downloader.
    [Fix]Links in groups opened kept opening in current tab
    [Fix]Bookmarks temporarily disappeared after checking and unchecking "Use IE favorites as Bookmarks".
    [Fix]Downloaded file name was discoded.
    [Fix]Autofill dialog disappeared too fast.
    [Fix]Sometimes the sidebar didn't open.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2011, 13:31
Major Changelog

    [Fix]Sometimes the Address Bar lost focus when creating a new tab via the new tab button (+)
    [Fix]The interface problem in Split View

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2011, 13:33
Changelog [2011-04-28]

New Feature:

[Main frame]
+ New app frame(Tab Menu—Save as App), allow user to create a web app

+ Support to view .mht file

+ Group Feature, user can transform group to favorites folder, and add all tabs to favorites/groups
+ Favicon can auto update
+ Favorites manager support banding selected

[Magic Fill]
+ New option of magic fill : manual, auto
+ Add passport protection on general identity information

[Recourse sniffer]
+Recourse sniffer support batch download


*Optimize browser cache, resolve some problem caused by cache

* Optimize Tab switching effect

[Data sync]
*Optimize data sync policy, more stable and faster


[Main frame]
* Shift+F5 to refresh the active window
* Certification display incorrectly
* Maxthon icon missing problem in system tray
* Fail to edit URL and location of favorites item
* Scroll bar display incorrectly after Windows7 change to AERO theme

* Fixed a Cookie problem which caused memory leaks in resource process
* Fixed mht file display problem
* Fixed the problem that Baidu Broadcast cannot play on maxthon 3
* Fixed that CSS is missing after cleaning cache by other tools
* Fixed that Close window button invalid in some page
* Socks5 proxy does not support passport verification in ultra-mode
* Enhance Unity plugin compatibility
* Fixed Media Player plugin problem in ultra-problem
* Fixed Taobao login dialog box display problem
* Fixed login problem on some website
* Fixed compatible problem on some website
* Fixed verify code display problem

[Favorites Manager]
* Drag item to the first place is invalid in Favorites Manager
* Favorites item fail to edit URL and location

* Fixed a cache problem caused fail to download

[Magic Fill]
*The name of identity should be unique
*Fail to add username and password problem in general identity
*Fail to fill e-mail address problem by general identity

[Online Notepad]
* Data mistake when user edit the content in the different machine at the same time
* Tab missing after syncing

[Resource sniffer]
* Wrong icon in Resource Sniffer
* Resource sniffer layout problem
* Hard to click Play in window button
* Copy URL display problem
* Switch to different type of resource sniffer, should not remember the all check setting
* File size display problem when resource batch download

[AD hunter]
* Flash filter invalid in AD hunter

*Fixed the duplicate content. problem on Malicious Website Detected page


md5: d94a9fce04afb0147cbe71a02d0d3630

Portable Version

md5: 0f21e934dc803a02513c842fe4edab7f

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2011, 17:36
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2011, 09:15
und wieder kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Chromeless 0.2: Desktopanwendungen mit HTML, CSS und Javascript
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2011, 12:37
Die Mozilla Labs haben Version 0.2 des Projekts Chromeless veröffentlicht. Damit können Desktopapplikationen mit Webtechniken entwickelt werden. In der neuen Version wird die gleiche Rendering-Engine wie in Firefox 4.0 eingesetzt, die HTML 5 beherrscht.

Bei Chromeless handelt es sich um eine Art Browser, ihm fehlt aber das Userinterface. Mit dieser Plattform lassen sich mit Hilfe von HTML, CSS und Javascript eigene Oberflächen für Webanwendungen erzeugen, die als Desktopanwendungen laufen.

Chromeless 0.2 unterstützt neben HTML 5 außerdem das freie WebM-Videoformat und Multitouch-Eingaben sowie Javascript 1.8.5.

Nachdem der Anwender seine Anwendung mit Chromeless zusammengebaut hat, kann er mit Version 0.2 ein Paket erzeugen, das an andere Anwender zum Installieren für Windows, Linux und Mac OS X weitergegeben werden kann. Dazu wurde das "appify"-Kommando integriert. Nähere Informationen dazu befinden sich in der Dokumentation von Chromeless.

Außerdem können nun über eine neue Bibliothek Anwendungsmenüs mit Javascript-Objekten definiert und gesteuert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde in Chromeless 0.2 die Integration von Webinhalten verbessert und ein neues Dokumentationssystem integriert. Anwendungsbeispiele für Drag-and-Drop, ein automatisiertes, aber noch experimentelles Testframework und zahlreiche weitere APIs und Verbesserungen flossen ebenfalls in Chromeless 0.2 ein.

Chromeless 0.2 steht ab sofort zum Download (http://mozillalabs.com/chromeless) bereit.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2011, 13:14
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2011, 13:38

    [Fixed]Avant loses focus after clicking the picture editor button of the floating toolbar.
    [Fixed]Javascript error caused the page not to be rendered alright.
    [Fixed]The problem of deleting files in Avant downloader
    [Fixed]The problem of Split View when the Avant window is restored.
    [Fixed]The Address Bar loses focus when opening a new tab via the new tab button.
    [Fixed]Sometimes the new tab is created between the new tab button and the Split View button.
    [Fixed]Some options of the Tab Bar context menu don't work.
    [Fixed]Sometimes the file downloaded via Avant downloader loses file extension
    [Fixed]The display problem in Avant Browser options.
    [Fixed]Mouse gestures not working sometimes

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 030 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2011, 08:13
Build 030

    New way to close tabs conveniently: close tabs on the left, close tabs from the same domain.
    Bug fix: size and position popup windows opened by javascript correctly.
    Bug fix: help button on download manager option page not working.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 031 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2011, 12:52
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Pale Moon 4.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2011, 22:12
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


- Update of the source base to Firefox 4.0.1, fixing a large number of bugs
- Performance fix: Switched back globally to fast floating point model, with a patch to prevent rounding errors in javascript
- Compensated for a number of internal compiler errors causing build issues and potential browser stability problems on some systems

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2011, 12:58
Changelog [2011-05-10]


* Optimize memory usage

[Favorites Manager]
* Sometime no-responding when create new folder
* Groups may cause sync fail

[Resource sniffer]
* Wrong layout when select the whole page

* Fixed a rename problem
* Fixed that task could not continue to download after pause a task

[Quick Image Save]
* Fix a problem that default save Location does not exist


Portable Version

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2011, 13:17

    [Fix]Being unable to type into the address bar after creating a new tab with mouse gesture
    [Fix]Some gmail buttons didn’t work.
    [Fix]Url Alias conflicted with Address Bar Auto-Complete function.
    [Fix]Rendering problem for the site weather.com
    [Fix]IE9 Suffix Not Working
    [Fix]Language input tool keeps flashing while clicking on the page.
    [Fix]Not showing Javascript error IFrame
    [Fix]Downloader: File extension was lost in some case.
    [Fix]Downloader: Editing file name in the downloader caused the file was deleted from the disk.
    [Add]Duplicate tabs mouse gesture.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2011, 12:36

    [Add]Disable/Enable Avant Downloader option
    [Fix]Default engine was set in accordance with IE version installed.
    [Fix]File extension problem on xp/ie6.


Titel: Maxthon browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2011, 15:42
New Features:

+ Allow only one instance
+ Magic Fill support shortcut key
+ DevTool can view cookie



[Favorites Manager]
* Enhance Favorites sync Protocol

* System style Dialog of Save Target as…

* Optimize tab switch, open, close performance.


[Main Frame]
* Fixed Areo failure problem in some cases.

* Fixed a crash problem when users click finish in AdHunter dialog after users delete domain item.

* Fixed a crash problem when users open Hebei news website.
* Fixed source code sometimes display problem.
* Fixed the problem that host file sometimes cannot apply on the browser.
* Fixed a mht file analytic problem.

* Fixed a no responding problem of maxthon downloader.
* Fixed failure to auto-rename problem on maxthon downloader.

[Quick App]
* Fixed app frame automatically changing under XP problem.

md5: fdf54abdc29e4fa79946a46b89ec6b56

Portable Version:
md5: 5cb956615d1ddf988c8197a718599d9d

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2011, 11:57

    [Add]Disable/Enable Avant Downloader option
    [Fix]Default engine was set in accordance with IE version installed.
    [Fix]File extension problem on xp/ie6.

Download: http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/178738-1P80/asetup.exe

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 033 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2011, 06:28
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 16 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2011, 16:32
        Avant Browser 2011 build 16(Internal Version Number:, Released 5.17.2011

            [Add]Compability with IE9,faster than Chrome with IE9
            [Add]Built-in Downloader
            [Add]Download FLV video files
            [Add]New browser:home and Speed Dial page
            [Add]Split View feature
            [Add]Detach tabs to seperate windows
            [Add]Fixed Tab Width feature in the non-split view
            [Add]windows 7's Taskbar Thumbnails Preview
            [Add]New transparent interface compatible with windows Aero
            [Add]New Auto-Complete list for address-bar
            [Add]Customizable Profile Folder Location
            [Add]Built-in Online/Local picture browser
            [Add]Option to Avant Browser Options:"Open all links in this folder" for autofill
            [Add]Option to show or hide 100% icon in "Customize Buttons..."
            [Add]Option to disable/enable Online Storage button
            [Add]The button to set browser:home as the home page
            [Add]Option:Miscellaneious->Show tab thumbnail preview for task bar button if supported
            [Add]Option:Miscellaneious->Show Tab Title on Task Bar Button in Compact View
            [Add]Option:Miscellaneious->Enable Download Video(s)
            [Add]Tabs mouse gesture:Duplicate
            [Improve]Memory releasing stragety
            [Fix]logmein unusable in Avant Browser 2010
            [Fix]Input application is screened by the search/address bar drop-download list.
            [Fix]Toolbar moved itself after switching back from Full Desktop.
            [Fix]AD Blocker screened images.
            [Fix]Not showing Javascript error in IFrame
            [Fix]The display problem in Avant Browser options

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2011, 12:05

[User Interface]
+ Added “Quick Tools” item into Menu>> View>> Customize UI.

+ Target would be saved into Temp Directory when clicked “Open”.

+ Option of choosing multi instances.

[Developer Tools]
+Supported to view cookie.


* Optimized the performance of tab opening, switching and closing.

[Favorites Manager]
* Optimized favorites sync protocol to support wider network environments.

[Magic Fill]
* Supported customizing shortcut keys and mouse gestures for Fill Password and Save Password.

* System style for right click>> “Save as…” window.


[Main Framework]
* Fixed main window AERO missing problem.
* Fixed unable to login Maxthon account problem caused by some Gateway settings.
* Fixed failure to call window after double click Maxthon icon in the situation of allowing open only one window & minimize the browser.
* Fixed problem that Quick APP couldn’t be sent to desktop when desktop track was not the default directory.

* Fixed some crash problems.
* Fixed some web compatibility problems.
* Fixed the requirement for repeated browser restarting after editing Hosts file.
* Fixed source code displaying in XML problem when visited the second page or later of share.popgp.org.
* Fixed the problem that could not to resolve certain type of .mht file.
* No response of the browser when cleared story by shortcut keys.
* It would open two history pages when clicked “View History” of “Last Session”.

* Fixed the invalidation of “to the right of current Tab” option.

* Fixed browser crash problem when clicked “Finish” button after deleting Domain List in “Edit Blocking Rules” .

* Fixed no response problem of Maxthon3 Downloader sometimes.
* Fixed some file name identifying failures.
* Fixed some Quick Save failures.
* Fixed unable to call Maxthon downloader window problem when click “download” after “Save as…”
* Fixed not displaying “delete” button when “Save as…” objective path too long.


Portable Version:

Titel: Maxthon beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2011, 15:27
New Features:

[Main Framework]
+ Sync Center.

+ Improve Webkit to 534.12,comprehensive property 32.6%.

[User Interface]
+Integration of avatar and main menu.
+ Browser Favorites Sidebar.
+ Added Download Manager, Online Notepad, Feed Reader to the sidebar.

+ Supported Skin file (*.mxskin) interaction, add Skin Manager.

+ Auto subscribe ad blocking rules for common use websites and global rules.


* Optimized image resizing ability.

* Changed the default search engine to Google.


[Main Framework]
* Some Windows7 deadlock problems.
* Unable to identify Sync Center incident response.
* A text error.

* Several crash problems.
* There was a red “X” when replied with shortcut key on some forums.
* Some page compatibility problems.
* Some page display problems.
* Quick save image function didn’t work on the images in Frame.
* Failed to scroll some pages with mouse gesture.
* Focus appeared after Flash game popup
* It allows Ctrl+click to quick save the photo album in QQ Zone now.
* The first Chinese character would jump onto the screen when used Chinese input method to reply email by Gmail.
* Unable to scroll the screen sometimes if the pages had not finished loading.
* A redraw problem of page cut.
* CPU occupation was too high when opened some pages.
* Some pages would scroll to the bottom.
* Some pages did not support “Enter” button for login.
* Attachment selection window has the memory of last path now.

* Some operations might cause that close button could not appear under Windows XP.

[Magic Fill]
* Some websites failed to remember password.

[Online Notepad]
* Some websites failed to remember password.

* Fixed a connection error in updating program.
* Added the entrance of forum to the main menu.


Portable Version:

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 18 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2011, 15:28
        Avant Browser 2011 build 18(Internal Version Number:, Released 5.27.2011

            [Fix]Buttons display problem in the Print Preview window
            [Fix]Being unable to enter text in the input fields.
            [Fix]Double clicking on a download link caused the Avant Downloader to freeze.
            [Fix]Other minor problems regarding Avant Downloader
            [Fix]The Task window of Avant downloader kept going to the second monitor.
            [Fix]The ftp parameter error in the registry
            [Fix]The rendering problem of Avant Browser USB version in XP/IE6
            [Fix]Even though Avant Downloader was disabled the third downloader failed to take over the task.
            [Fix]Middle mouse button stopped working while reading pdf files with Adobe Reader 9.4.4.
            [Change]Keep the drop-download list open during editing the entries.
            [Change]Fix the rightmost position of the splitting line of the Split View.
            [Change]New mouse gesture trail.


Titel: Pale Moon 4.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2011, 06:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

· Windows 7 jumplists fixed
· Fix for errors in the error console when closing tabs in certain situations
· Potential fix for printing problems (no text printed)

Titel: Lunascape 6.5.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2011, 13:14
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Maxthon Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2011, 13:25

+ Diplayed the number of AdHunter ads in Status Bar.


[Main Framework]

* Focus error when login and sync tips.
* Tabs of last session appeared when opened the browser next time.

* Crash problems sometimes when viewed source code.
* Some crash problems.
* Some page compatibility problems.
* There were no scroll bar of dropdown menu on some websites.
* Registration year display problem of facebook.com.
* Cache path error.
* Failed to display speak button in google translation.
* Some objects failed to call the third-parth downloader.

[User Interface]
* Wrong display position of the search bar sometimes.
* It would display beyond the search bar when the search content was too long.

* Fixed a focus problem.

* It might get the wrong result when using simple letters for searching in international version.

[Download Manager]
* Clicked "View" button when first opened Download Manager after turned on the computer, the target folder would disappear by flashing past.

[Magic Fill]
* Characters missing when input too fast.
* Sometimes failed to delete auto complete content by "Backspace" key.

[Source Sniffer]
* The source page would display continually after the video popuped.
* The video stopped displaying after popuped.
* Sniffer window might be covered by pages sometimes.
* Some videos failed to popup.

[Ad Hunter]
* In AdHunter rules editor, user rules would be covered by subscribed rules when clicked "Finish" button after choosing subscribe site rules.


Portable Version

Titel: Maxthon Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2011, 11:05

[Main Framework]
* Optimized interface library’s drawing ability to dynamic images.


[Main Framework]
* After logined the browser manually, the Status Bar information displayed even when disabled it.
* The focus might miss when closed the search bar inside the page by mouse.

* Fixed the possible crash problem caused by using AdHunter.
* When the title attribute value of url was longer with mouse over it, ToolTips might blink and CPU usage would go up.
* Fixed the problem that CUP usage too high caused by continually loading resources might make the browser unresponsive.
* Sometimes there would be "Failed to connect to the website" when went back.
* Failed to call the third-party download sometimes.
* It might go back to a invalid blank page when input illegal IP address for direct visiting.
* Releasing on a link when pressed the mouse wheel to drag the window, it might make an error on opening a new one.
* Favorites sidebar would turn to blank white after Webkit crashed.
* Going back to the previous page by "Backspace" invalid sometimes.

* In "Add to Favorites" window,drop-down button for choosing the folder was invalid.

[Smart Address Bar]
* The scribed rules might cover user rules sometimes.

[Split Screen]
* Fixed the problem that enabling Split Screen might cause browser crash.


Portable Version

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 034 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2011, 22:40

Build 034

    Fixed crash when clicking special folders in the folder bar.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 035 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2011, 08:10
Build 035

    Fixed share on twitter menu function.
    Fixed Chinese-Japan-Korean language message box autowrap issue.

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.9 Build 0609
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2011, 08:49
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

add: open page in top window
add: set gesture size and color
add: alias of search engine name
add: use ctrl to switch mouse gesture and drag
improve: order of search key
improve: address bar display
improve: page emulation mode

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2011, 08:55

+ JavaScript engine upgraded with the comprehensive property improving.


[Main Framework]
* Sometimes changing settings in Options invalid, it needed to be checked again after canceled.
* Sometimes clicking “Home Page” button after manual login account would open Speed Dial but not the setting homepage.

* Some page compatibility problems.
* A crash problem caused by geo-location.
* Authorization certificate failure might cause many dialogs popup.

[Quick Access]
* Failed to change website url sometimes.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Complement function might broke the existing content when changed the address bar content.

[Developer Tool]
* A location problem of Developer Tool.


Portable Version


Titel: Slim Browser 6.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2011, 15:42
What is new:

1. Adopted new multiple process architecture. Each tab is hosted in a separate process for improved application stability and security.
2. When one tab crashes, you will have the chance to restore this same tab to the original URL. The other tabs will not be affected.
3. By default, all tabs share the same session. However, you can open a separate session by selecting File->New->Separate Session. This will allow to you login multiple web accounts at the same time.
4. You can dynamically switch rendering mode without restarting the browser. Use Tools:Compatibility Setting menu to specify the rendering mode for the current page.
5. Favorite site icon is now shown in the address bar instead of default web page icon.
6. SlimBrowser now has independent home setting from Internet Explorer. Please set SlimBrowser homepage in Tools:options:homepage.
7. A quick-dial page will be shown by default when creating a new tab. This option can be changed in Tools:options:new tab which provides three choices: tabs page, home page and blank page.
8. Added warning when the last visible toolbar is hidden. Also, at startup, the menu bar will be shown automatically if all toolbars are hidden during last session.
9. Added "New Tab(+)" button on the tab bar.
10. Added menu "View:Compact Mode" so that you can easily switch a compact mode UI which provides a mini menu button instead of a full menu bar.
11. Show loading animation on the tab when a web page is being downloaded.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 build 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2011, 13:10
        Avant Browser 2011 build 21(Internal Version Number:, Released 6.14.2011

            [Add]Automatically switching rendering mode
            [Add]Localised installation interface
            [Add]Hide/Show New Tab and Split Tab button.
            [Add]Category drop down menu added when downloading videos
            [Add]Import/Export function to AD Blocker and Popup Blocker(link)
            [Change]Keeping Bookmarks menu open during deleting items
            [Fix]Rendering problem with some sites(link)
            [Fix]For the sites using Windows authentication,Autofill window kept popping up even though the option was disabled.
            [Fix]Some bookmarks added from IE can't open in Avant(link)
            [Fix]Downloader:Downloading selected links by file extension didn't work(link)
            [Fix]User Agent String didn't show Avant Browser on the system with IE9(link)
            [Fix]Javascript Error didn't disappear after the error was fixed.(link)
            [Fix]Focused url in the Address Bar drop down list was opened by mistake
            [Fix]Some minor problems
            [Fix]Downloader:Messy code problem with Romanian interface
            [Fix]Detached Tab may be closed automatically

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 036 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2011, 15:58
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2011, 09:07
New Features:

+ Spell Checker.

+ Added “Auto Refresh” feature into right click menu of the tab.

[History Manager]
+ Calendar View

+ Allowed to share AdHunter with friends.


* MX Cloud Sync supported enable& disable of favorites sync.

* Inbuilt Adobe Flash Player updated to

[Main Framework]
* Program crash problem which might be caused by setting quick save location.
* Proxy switching problem.
* Some online payment problems.

* A login crash problem caused by history file.
* For some websites, unable to hide password in password field.
* Entering Theater Mode in Facebook by clicking an image or a video, the page would display oddly when clicked close button.
* It went back to profile page when closed image in Facebook.
* The content in the address bar would not change when click another link in some pages.
* Unable to input Chinese in some Flash applications.
* Some pages might skip to mobile version oddly.

* Operating on some websites might open an extra page.

[User Interface]
* The sidebar might display incorrectly when started Maxthon browser in Windows XP.

* Entering the account without auto login, the option “Allow only one Maxthon windows” did not work.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Auto-complete problem of input method in address bar.

* Failed to resume download after download disconnected accidentally.

[Developer Tool]
* It always located on <html> tab when used Inspect Element on www.yahoo.com.
* Sometimes failed to locate when first clicked Inspect Element.

* Fixed #52688 Webkit security problem.


Portable Version:

Titel: QtWeb V3.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2011, 09:11
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License: GPL

What's new: >>

Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest v. 4.7.3

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 037 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2011, 15:40
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 22 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2011, 15:41
        Avant Browser 2011 build 22(Internal Version Number:, Released 6.17.2011

            [Improve]Reduced Downloader CPU usage
            [Fix]Download: When using multiple monitors Avant didn’t remember the position of the new task window.(link)
            [Fix]Cannot download some FTP files.

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 038 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2011, 11:00
Build 038

    Bug fix: fixed incorrect interpretation of some javascript links.
    language file updates.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2011, 13:42

* Optimized memory usage of RSS background process.


* Loading icon always displayed after switched Google Reader subscription items.
* URL error of the current page caused by downloading link.
* Crash problem which might be caused by Spell Checker.

* AdHunter blog display error.

[Quick Access]
* Quick Access resizing problem caused by Sidebar.
* Failed to use ESC for canceling drag n’ drop behavior of the Speed Dial thumbnail.


Titel: Pale Moon 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2011, 07:45
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>


    Performance issues fixed on some systems
    Instability problems fixed on some systems
    Updated artwork for the new about box
    Cosmetic changes: more occurrences of "palemoon" in the UI should now read "pale moon"
    Zulu language added for the language packs

Titel: Slim Browser 5.01 Build 039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2011, 18:10
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 23 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2011, 13:06
        Avant Browser 2011 build 23(Internal Version Number:, Released 6.27.2011

            [Fix]Logout problem on some sites.(link1/link2/link3))
            [Fix]Sometimes ctrl+f didn't work.(link)
            [Fix]Chinese Tranditional interface miscoded problem.
            [Fix]Shortcuts disappeared.(link)
            [Fix]Proxy setting wasn't saved after re-logging in via File->Switch Account

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.031
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2011, 21:57
Latest Changes

- Adopted new multiple process architecture. Each tab is hosted in a separate process for improved application stability and security
- When one tab crashes, you will have the chance to restore this same tab to the original URL. The other tabs will not be affected
- By default, all tabs share the same session. However, you can open a separate session by selecting File->New->Separate Session. This will allow to you login multiple web accounts at the same time
- You can dynamically switch rendering mode without restarting the browser. Use Tools:Compatibility Setting menu to specify the rendering mode for the current page
- Favorite site icon is now shown in the address bar instead of default web page icon
- SlimBrowser now has independent home setting from Internet Explorer. Please set SlimBrowser homepage in Tools:options:homepage
- A quick-dial page will be shown by default when creating a new tab. This option can be changed in Tools:options:new tab which provides three choices: tabs page, home page and blank page
- Added warning when the last visible toolbar is hidden. Also, at startup, the menu bar will be shown automatically if all toolbars are hidden during last session
- Added "New Tab(+)" button on the tab bar
- Added menu "View:Compact Mode" so that you can easily switch a compact mode UI which provides a mini menu button instead of a full menu bar
- Show loading animation on the tab when a web page is being downloaded
- Save screen shot of web page via File->Save Screenshot
- Bug fix: can't open new windows from inside flash object when popup blocker is enabled

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 033 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2011, 15:31
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon 3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2011, 15:34
New Features:
+ Snap feature(Screen capture, shotcut key: Ctrl+F1) supported various kinds of useful marking and global shotcut key.

It also supported pasting the copy image as a file.(For example, copy a image by screenshot, and paste it to desktop as a file)

+ Local Avatar editing.

+ Reader Mode.

* Supported pretreating special characters to avoid download error.

* Music display problems of some music websites.
* Some no response problems.
* Some web compatibility problems.
* Some core crash problems.
* Proxy switching problems.
* Some problems caused by input method.

* Scroll bar display problem of Set Favorites Bar Display Folder.

* Disappearing of close button sometimes.
* Page displayed incorrectly sometimes.
* Resizing problem of Favorites in Sidebar.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Auto-complete might break the existing content when changed the content in address bar.


Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 034
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2011, 12:07
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Dooble 1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2011, 19:31
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Latest Changes

1.  Resolved trouble ticket 3292506, latest History menu items
    should be at the top while the oldest at the bottom.
2.  Modified dsettings::slotSelectIconCfgFile() so that the
    QFileDialog object's directory is initially set to the application's
    current directory.
3.  Fixed incorrect calls to setStyleSheet() in
4.  The Downloads window will now display absolute file paths.
5.  Fixed bugs with dview's back() and forward() methods:
if(prevIndex == currentIndex())'s false case should
issue a load() call with the item object's url.
6.  Improved print previews.
7.  If applicable, zoom all frames.
8.  Qt products have been upgraded to version 4.7.3 on OS X and Windows
9.  Fixed title issues with the Tabs menu's actions.
10. Ability to copy selected URL in the History window.
11. Implemented the Safe. Dooble will automatically clear the following
12. Fixed distorted logic that prevented deleting of cookie favorites.
13. Fixed broken opening of new windows as processes.
14. Added backwards compatibility to Qt 4.6.x. Qt 4.7.3 is strongly
15. Fixed flawed if-statement (if items.at(0)) in
16. Fixed dhistory::slotDeletePage(). It now removes the
    intended entry from the history database table.
17. Fixed print-previews so that they are now available for
    both the filesystem browser and the FTP browser.
18. Fixed inconsistencies with the icons of the History menu's
19  Modified the behavior of dhistory::purge() so that it does not
    consider time when determining which entries to remove. Instead,
    it will simply function off of dates.
20. OS X (x86) users should now be able to play Flash.
21. Secure connections will be illustrated via green gradients.
22. Fixed a popup blocking bug that prevented printing in Gmail.
23. Integrated GNU's libgcrypt library for encoding personal
24. Added missing icons to the Authentication Required dialog.
25. Added a P2P textfield widget to the Settings window's
    Home panel.
26. Removed for-loop in dooble::slotQuit() as it was causing
    segmentation faults. The for-loop is not necessary.
27. Corrected dview::view()'s return type,
    changing it from QWebView to dwebview.
28. Added additional actions to dview's context menu.
29. Mr. R.'s modifications:
Default number of history days changed from 1 to 8.
Enabled default browsing and download history from false to true.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 26 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2011, 14:03
Avant Browser 2011 build 26(Internal Version Number:, Released 7.4.2011


    [Fix]Rendering problem
    [Fix]Logging out problem
    [Fix]Interface font didn't recognize windows settings.
    [Fix]Lowered the CPU usage of avant.exe.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 035
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2011, 14:12
Build 035

1. Added option to show/hide go button on the address bar.
2. Bug fix: couldn't switch IME when typing inside a web page by pressing alt+shift.
3. Bug fix: set focus to address bar automatically when creating a new tab.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 27 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2011, 13:12
        Avant Browser 2011 build 27(Internal Version Number:, Released 7.5.2011

            [Improve]Reduced the CPU usage of avant.exe.
            [Fix]Page rendering problem
            [Fix]Logging out problem
            [Fix]Interface font didn't recognize windows settings.

Titel: Dooble 1.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2011, 22:03

1.  Fixed a problem with the Cookies window's status bar. The displayed
    statistics were incorrect whenever the table was being populated and the
    search text was nonempty.
2.  Fixed an issue with dcookies::setCookiesFromUrl(): incorrect removal
    of cookies.
3.  Provided an uninstall link in the Windows Start menu.
4.  Fixed broken executable icon on Windows.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 036
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2011, 13:41
Build 036

1. Bug fix: allow user to set home page from the "set as home page" links inside a web page.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2011, 10:02[2011-07-07]
New Feature:
[Reader Mode]
+ Left and Right arrow keys for page turning, Up and Down keys for scrolling.

- Closed the Options and Quick Access syncing feature temporarily for browser’s stability. Would add back after improving.


+ Added white background for the bubbles.
* Enabled to drag the text box.
* Changed magnifier coordinate to screenshot size.

[Reader Mode]
* Optimized the analysis of Super Next Page.
* Added friendly tips if “next page” was not suitable for Reader Mode.
* Enabled to remember user setting.

[Main Frame]
* Interface display error with high-resolution display.
* A display problem caused by tool tips.
* The dialog box could not appear immediately when clicked “Clear Browser History” in Avatar Menu.
* Sometimes Tab List moved below the close button when maximize the browser window in Windows XP.
* User Panel disappeared sometimes.

* Improved the payment progress of 360buy.com.
* Failed to “Save as…” successfully for some pages.
* Fixed lots of crash problems.
* Optimized some page compatibility problems.
* Switching proxy problem.

* Problems of modifying items of “More Favorites” in Favorites Bar.
* Fixed a focus problem.
* The tooltip information was always there with the secondary menu of Favorites Bar displaying. 

[Quick Access]
* It still displayed the old account thumbnails after switching the account.

[Online Notepad]
* Fixed a crash problem caused by dragging links.

* Confliction between double clicking for copying screenshot to the clipboard and Youdao Dictionary.

[Reader Mode]
* Some websites could not load the next page automatically.
* “The Next Page” of some websites displayed some irrelevant content.
* Some websites should not be recognized as for Reader Mode.
* Some pages for Reader Mode displayed blank.
* Failed to exit Reader Mode for the reason of no hiding the drop-down list box.

[Smart Address Bar]
* The cursor in the address bar was blocked sometimes.

[Source Sniffer]
* Fixed a display problem.



Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 038
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2011, 23:43
Build 037-038

1. Bug fix: session sharing across tabs in IE6
2. Bug fix: block opening sites when browser is locked.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2011, 13:46
Build 039

1. Bug fix: run javascript from address bar
2. Bug fix: cookie sharing issue in IE7.
3. Bug fix: can't hide browser with hotkey when the focus is inside the web page.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2011, 05:45
Build 040:

1. Bug fix: fixed alias issue introduced in build 039.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2011, 14:32
New Feature:
[Main Frame]
+ Added Anti-locking module for Windows 7 which might help solve computer crash problems.

[Main Frame]
* Navigation History lost by switching browser mode.
* It might jump to Retro Mode and empty Navigation History by clicking some links.

* Browser crash problem caused by exporting Online Notepad content.
* Browser crash problem caused by switching input method.
* 404 error when opened the page which was saved as a single file.

[Reader Mode]
* Optimized the compatibility of Reader Mode.

[Split Screen]
* Fixed 3 display problems of Split Screen.


Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 041
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2011, 06:26
Build 041:

1. Bug fix: http and proxy authentication information sharing across the tabs.
2. Updated Microsoft compatibility view list. (weather.com flash issue resolved).
3. Bug fix: tab bar style not saved.
4. New feature: you can search for single word directly from address bar by adding a "/" symbol at the beginning of it. For example, type "/browser" and press enter will search for browser in the default search engine instead of going to http://www.browser.com.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2011, 09:17 [2011-07-14]

[Main Frame]
* Online Notepad sync failed after setting Proxy like stunnel.

* Newline might lose when copied some words to Notepad from the page.

* Tab would be displayed in reverse order of Favorites when opened all Favorites items in one folder at once. [2011-07-12]

New Feature:
[Main Frame]
+ Added Anti-locking module for Windows 7 which might help solve computer crash problems.

[Main Frame]
* Navigation History lost by switching browser mode.
* It might jump to Retro Mode and empty Navigation History by clicking some links.

* Browser crash problem caused by exporting Online Notepad content.
* Browser crash problem caused by switching input method.
* 404 error when opened the page which was saved as a single file.

[Reader Mode]
* Optimized the compatibility of Reader Mode.

[Split Screen]
* Fixed 3 display problems of Split Screen.


Titel: Lunascape 6.5.2 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2011, 07:30
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 042
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2011, 08:00
Build 042:

1. Fixed gmail shortcut key conflict issue (ctrl+B for bold)
2. Fixed another bug case about openning links from flash object.
3. Fixed Google Plus compatibility issues with IE9 installed.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 044
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2011, 14:30
Build 044:

1. Fixed issue of using ctrl+tab to switch between tabs.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2011, 11:39
Build 045:

1. Fixed missing keystroke issue.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2011, 11:51
New Quick Access, Multi-Pages, allow to customize background.

(http://forum.maxthon.com/attachments/month_1107/20110721_021e4a5c8e4cbbd3a740HjYlde3lYCEi.png) [2011-07-21]

New Features:

[Main Frame]
+ New Quick Access. Supported customizing the background and Multi-page.
+ Print Preview.
+ Added customizing time into Auto Fresh of tabs.

+ Supported recognizing windows.

+ A new skin supporting Tab Bar on the bottom

[Status bar]
+ Tips and Tricks on Status Bar

* Optimized the speed of opening Favorites.

[Feed Reader]
* Optimized the performance of Feed Reader with improving the reading speed and the updating speed.

[Main Frame]
* Redundant black angle around the search bar. (Eg.www.apple.com)
* The main window could not appear when installed skin files if Maxthon browser was minimized.
* Releasing problem of Maxthon browser’s Minimize/Restore/Close buttons.

* Image uploading problem of Google Blogger.

* Favorites Group still displayed after deleting.
* Focus problem of folders in Favorites.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Conflict problem with some input methods.
* Cursor location problem caused by some input methods.

[Download Manager]
* Problem of Copy File Path.
* Failed to download file to the network disk.
* Dropdown menu problem in download dialog.

[Reader Mode]
* Enhanced the compatibility.

[Resource Sniffer]
* Failed to get flash URL the on some kinds of page.
* Order problem.



Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 047
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2011, 20:47
Build 047
1. Bug fix: can't scroll page with mouse wheel after openning a new tab.

Build 046:
1. Bug fix: web page icon not updated on tab and address bar.

Titel: Lunascape 6.5.3 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2011, 20:54
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 048
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2011, 07:31
Build 048:

1. Bug fix: cookie sharing with rapidshare.com
2. Bug fix: compatibility view list editor won't show sites assigned to highest mode.
3. Bug fix: ctrl+N and ctrl+F behave incorrectly when focus is inside the web page.
4. Added option to clear icon cache in tools:privacy menu.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 049
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2011, 19:32
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2011, 13:33
Build 050:

1. Bug fix: process model settings not saved.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2011, 09:49 [2011-07-28]

[Main Frame]
* Focus problem of Mouse Gesture when opened Online Notepad.
* Mouse Gesture invalidation problem.
* Page blank caused by entering “Navigation History” list in error.
* Display error of the words in Maxthon Options.

* Fixed some crash problems.
* vk.com problem
* Pages lost focus when closed “Properties” window.
* Google+ image upload problem.

[Quick Access]
* The setting window did not disappear when it should did.
* Some display problems.
* Blank area of the background.
* It did not support inputting more than 12 Chinese characters to tabs.

[Download Manager]
* Problem of “Open Maxthon Download Manager” in Maxthon Options.

[Video Popup]
* Video popup problem of toudou.com.

* Display problem of “Edit Blocking Rules” window.

[Online Notepad]
* Focus problem.

url = http://dl.maxthon.com/mx3/mx3.1.4.1000.exe

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2011, 08:31
Build 051:

1. Added option to open autologin in separate session.
2. Bug fix: some special case sbrender.exe crash when closing a tab.
3. Bug fix: download manager file name detection.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 053
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2011, 23:35
Build 053:

1.Language file update.

Titel: GreenBrowser 5.9 Build 0802
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2011, 12:51
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source


add: speed dial custom image
add: copy title/url of tab menu
fix: tab close bug
fix: mouse gesture/drag switch bug
fix: search engin url length bug
fix: group menu display bug

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.054
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2011, 13:11
z.Z. kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2011, 12:04
New Features:

+ External Tools. Supported add all system tools and other customizable ones.
+ Supported adjust the item order in Tool Bar and Sidebar.
+ Spell checker supported 10 languages.


[Main Frame]
* Optimized the performance of switching tabs.

* Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode.
* Improved the experience of scroll bar.

* Supported dragging Maxsnap tool bar.


[Main Frame]
* Blank pages being in Navigation History caused page blank.
* Failed to change the cache path in Portable Version.
* Failed to open multiple page documents at the same time.
* Sometimes icons in the drop-down menu displayed incompletely after hided Quick Tool Bar.
* Tool tips of External Tools button failed to update when switched languages.
* Tab Bar failed to refresh seasonably when closed tabs.

* Two kinds of core compatibility problems
* Three kinds of crash problems

* One problem which might cause the browser lose response.

[Video Popup]
* Black screen of Youtube popup video.

[Reader Mode]
* Failed to save the settings like font size in some pages.
* Page Turning did not work well in some pages.

[Spell Check]
* It did not work for the new input text when opened Spell Check with English as the default language.

[External Tools]
* Editing problem when added external tools.
* Failed to use drag & drop to add external tools.
* Failed to use Notepad even when added successfully.
* Failed to add some tools in Accessories by drag & drop(Windows XP).
* Sometimes Add Panel displayed incompletely..

[Developer Tools]
* Disappearance problem sometimes.

MD5 = 5edb862300db90b99d57a23d5212b665
Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 055
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2011, 07:15
Build 055:

1. Bug fix: share selected text on facebook.
2. Add option to add additionaly delay into autologin entry.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 28 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2011, 13:33
        Avant Browser 2011 build 28(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.8.2011

            [Fix]Downloading files failed(link)
            [Fix]Rendering problem in gmail(link1/link2)
            [Fix]Logging out problem(link)
            [Fix]Downloader didn't save customized settings(link)
            [Fix]Switching Avant Browser to the Full Screen mode in the second monitor caused the windows task bar to disappear
            [Fix]Switching from the Full Screen to the Full Desktop mode caused the windows task bar to disappear(link)
            [Fix]Tabs kept showing progress bar though the option "Show Progress Bar on Tabs" was disabled(link)
            [Fix]In some cases using "Save Selected Region as Image" caused the page to become blank
            [Fix]Switching between tabs caused the icons in the desktop to refresh
            [Fix]In some cases the Address Bar Drop Down List didn't disappear
            [Fix]Some minor problems

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 30 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2011, 13:17
        Avant Browser 2011 build 30(Internal Version Number:, Released 8.9.2011

            [Fix]The input box in the Side Bar showed blurry letters when Aero theme turned on

Titel: Browser-Benchmark unter echten Bedingungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2011, 14:00
Gomez, die Benchmark-Abteilung des IT-Dienstleisters Compuware, hat die Ergebnisse eines Projekts veröffentlicht, in dessen Rahmen überprüft wurde, welcher Browser unter echten Bedingungen am schnellsten ist. Dabei wurden lediglich Nutzer mit einer Breitbandverbindung berücksichtigt.

Die Daten wurden über einen Zeitraum von einem Monat gesammelt und enthalten rund 1,86 Milliarden einzelne Messungen auf über 200 Websites. Das Ergebnis bestätigt die Erwartungen vieler Internetnutzer: Chrome benötigt die wenigste Zeit, um eine Internetseite darzustellen. Im Schnitt dauerte es nur 3,433 Sekunden mit der zum Zeitpunkt der Messung aktuellen Version 12. Inzwischen liegt Chrome 13 vor.


Der langsamste Browser im Test ist Safari 4 mit einer Durchschnittszeit von 6,149 Sekunden für das Laden einer Website, dicht gefolgt vom Internet Explorer 7 mit 6,006 Sekunden. Firefox 5 ist in etwa auf dem Niveau von Chrome 10 und gehört damit zu den schnellsten Browsern. Der Internet Explorer 9 schneidet unter den aktuellen Browser-Versionen am schlechtesten ab.

Gomez hat im Rahmen der Betrachtungen noch einen zweiten Wert gemessen, die so genannte Perceived Render Time. Gemeint ist die tatsächlich wahrgenommene Zeit, die der Browser benötigt, um die sichtbaren Inhalte einer Website anzuzeigen. In dieser Disziplin konnte sich Firefox 5 auf den ersten Platz befördern - im Durchschnitt dauerte es mit dem Browser der Mozilla Foundation nur 2,18 Sekunden, bis alle sichtbaren Elemente der Website gerendert wurden. Chrome 12 landete mit 2,374 Sekunden knapp dahinter.

Compuware erklärte, dass diese Werte widerspiegeln, wie die Anwender ihre Browser erleben. Andere bekannte Browser-Benchmarks testen die Performance unter künstlich geschaffenen Bedingungen, die echten Anwendungen nachempfunden sind. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt will man noch weitere Daten dieser Untersuchung veröffentlichen, versprach das Unternehmen.

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2011, 11:11

[Main Frame]
* Auto Refresh time problem.

* Solved a sort of page compatibility problem.
* Fixed a sort of browser crash problem.
* “Back” button invalidation problem.

* A display problem of Tool Bar drop-down menu.
* The focus window of Favorites folders could not disappear sometimes.
* Skin hangover problem when opened New Window.

[Side Bar]
* Window panel moving problem.
* The width adjustment problem of Side Bar popup panel.

[Reader Mode]
* An invalidation problem of enabling Reader Mode.

[External Tools]
* Failed to use the Office software when added it into External Tools.
* Could not add 64-bit apps from System 32 folder.
* Failed to add NOD32 into External Tools.

* Fixed a connection error.


Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 056
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2011, 23:43
Build 056:

1. Bug fix: download some text files with download manager will crash in Windows 7.
2. Bug fix: font size menu not updated properly.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 057
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2011, 07:45
Build 057:

1. Bug fix: Fixed possible crash in "Ad Blocker" options page.
2. Added support to display customized icon on links bar or favorites menu.
3. Bug fix: Special browser navigation keys not functioning when the focus is inside the site window.
4. Updated Google dictionary web link available from in-page popup menu.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2011, 18:00
New Features:

+ Auxiliary Info in Status Bar.(Such as Download Speed, Upload Speed, IP, etc.)

+ Supported adding favorites sites by double-clicking site icons.

+ Translator names displayed in browser language selection panel.

+ AdHunter Syncing.


[Main Frame]
* Optimized the performance of opening new tabs in the background.
* Optimized the user experience of browsing mode switching.
* Optimized the performance of adding multiple tabs to Favorites.

* Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode core progress.

[Spell Check]
* Only English including in installation package, other languages should be gotten through selection.


[Main Frame]
* Some crash problems.
* Could not remember the setting of hiding Favorites Bar.
* Main Window was always in its activated state.
* One focus problem in Maxthon Options.
* “Syncing…” was always displaying in the panel even when syncing failed.
* Failed to load mxaddon icons when there was single quote in Maxthon account username.
* Incorrectly opened the last session tabs.

* Prompt info of “Upgrade your web browser” when logined hotmail.     
* Enhanced the page compatibility.
* One Inspect Element problem.
* Zoom problem in blank page.
* Unable to play MP3 Audio sometimes.

[User Interface]
* “Encodings” position display problem when chose the submenus of Menu-Page-Encodings.

[Side Bar]
* Favorites panel display problem.
[Quick Access]
* Edit bar still displayed even when deleted dials of Quick Access.
* Page number bar of Quick Access displayed error when opened New Window.

* “Download Failed” info prompted even when you downloaded successfully.

[Video Popup]
* The title of video popup window did not change as it changed in Tab Bar.

[Reader Mode]
* Enhanced the compatibility.

[External Tools]
* Failed to add Start menu.

* Failed to use Translation if used this feature in guest account before.

[Quick APP]
* Fixed “Save as Quick App” display difference between it in Main Menu and Tab Menu.

[Installation Program]
* Updated browser icon and uninstallation program icon.


Titel: Lunascape 6.5.4 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2011, 18:23
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Pale Moon 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2011, 06:25
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

    Add-ons will no longer automatically update by default the moment they are checked and found to have a newer release, giving the user the choice to accept or reject the update, read release notes, etc.
    Update of the status bar add-on to v2.2, fixing compatibility issues and extending some configurability.
    Link right-click menu has "Open in new tab" on top now, like Firefox. If you are having trouble retraining yourself for this behavior, please download a menu editing Firefox add-on to customize your menus. This change was made based on user feedback.
    Added ak, ast, br, bs, en-ZA, gd, lg, mai, nso, and son language packs

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.058
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2011, 07:52
Build 058

1. Improved startup speed when skin is used.
2. Bug fix: autorefresh not working if web pages popup message box.
3. Bug fix: fixed crash with some pages using activex controls.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2011, 09:30
* Enhanced the startup speed.
* Optimized the gif play.


* Fixed some page compatibility problems.
* 404 error when used the local pages opened&saved by Maxthon 3 from WebSite-Watcher.   
* 404 error caused by transcoding “#” in address bar.
* Failed to popup “save as” window sometimes.
* Unable to use Google+ “Start a Hangout” feature.
* Facebook login window popup bug.

[Main Frame]
* Failed to startup the browser in some operation systems.
* Failed to save Sidebar status without auto login Maxthon account.
* A focus problem caused by switching to Maxthon 3 in taskbar.

[User Interface]
* A zoom problem.

* Delay of switching between Group and Folder in Favorites.
* Right-click menu of Favorites folders flickered sometimes.

[Maxthon Downloader]
* “Unable to connect to the website” info showed when opened a FTP link in Ultra Mode.

[Data Syncing]
* Syncing problem of “Edit Blocking Rules”.

[Reader Mode]
* Two mouse response problems.
* Enhanced the compatibility.




Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2011, 19:30
New Features:

+ Add interface customization menu which supported customizing Tool Bar/Side Bar buttons and the browser's interface.
+ Add "Double Click to Close Tab" into Maxthon Options.
+ Add "Enable Drag & Drop" into Maxthon Options.
+ Supported importing favorites from Chrome and Firefox.


+ Supported skin developers customizing drop-down list of Address Bar.
+ Merge Thunder Downloader. 


* Increased the startup speed and the fluency of page viewing.
* Optimized CPU usage in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the favorites menu first-time popup speed.
* Adding shortcuts with running programs is supported in External Tools.

[Main Frame]
* The time display of Auto Refresh changed after Webkit crashed.

* Some crash problems.
* Some page compatibility problems.
* Incorrect display position of Flash when played some web games.

[User Interface]
* Print Preview window display problem.
* Display error of Source Sniffer.

[Reader Mode]
* Enhanced the compatibility.
* Sometimes the setting box did not disappear in pages by Reader Mode.

[Video Popup]
* One problem that the video would be covered.

[External Tools]
* Input method switching problem in input box in XP.

[Data Syncing]
* Syncing invalidated after deleting favorites in bulk.




Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Alpha 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2011, 17:20
In this version, as many users expected Orca Browser was merged to Avant Browser. If you want to continue the experience of the old Orca Browser, please switch to Mozilla Firefox engine from the menu Tools->Default Rendering Mode. For temporarily rendering the current page with Mozilla Firefox engine, you can finish switching via the drop down list next to the Go button of the Address Bar.

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 059
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2011, 17:23
Build 059

1. Bug fix: If the user closes the browser directly in full screen mode, SlimBrowser will lose all toolbars in the next session.
2. Add option to not to submit form automatically when creating autologin file.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Alpha 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2011, 07:16
*Updated to Firefox 7.0 beta 4 engine.
*Fixed a few bugs could result in closing gecko engine automatically
*Fixed a few bugs of browser:home
*Fixed a bug of page zoom
*Imporved Super Drag.
*Added a switch for Firefox's Add-on Bar.

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2011, 09:15 [2011-09-08]

New Features:
+ Supported HTML 5 feature: drag & drop to upload files in Skydrive and add attachments in Gmail.


* Enhanced the logic of data syncing.
* Increased Webkit startup speed.

[Main Frame]
* Invalidation of clicking tray icons in Task Bar.
* Redundant links appeared in Navigation History.
* Failed to save the setting of "Customiza UI" without auto login.

* Maxthon browser might lose response when runned some programs.
* Some Webkit crash problems.
* Improved the compatibility.
* Disappearance of "Copy" when right clicked some pictures.

* window.open did not use blank page in Retro Mode.

[User Interface]
* Display error in Side Bar.
* Failed to cancel the check in select box of Source Sniffer if checked it with no content.
* Thunder Downloader UI & language problem.

[Maxthon Thunder Downloader]
* Solved the problem of high source occupation.
* Improved the compatibility.

[Source Sniffer]
* Display problem of downloading in bulk in Source Sniffer.

[Inspect Element]
* It would be saved as HTML file if right-clicked to save image when opened Inspect Element.



MD5 = 20504c851b883c17be6dc78828eb5290

Titel: Pale Moon V6.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2011, 08:15
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A security update seeing the following changes:

    Removed trust exceptions for certain certificates (bug 683449 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=683449))
    Resolved an issue with gov.uk websites (bug 669792 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=669792))
    Revoked permissions for the root certificate for DigiNotar in the built-in certificate store (bug 682927 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=682927))

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2011, 22:36
Build 060

1. Added an auto-hide banner in full screen mode. Move the mouse to the upper edge of the screen to access the banner in full screen mode.
2. Added "Paste & Go" into the context menu of the address box.

Titel: Lunascape 6.5.5 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2011, 09:05
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 31 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2011, 09:14
        Avant Browser 2011 build 31(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.15.2011

            [Fix]Fixed a bug that long URL may crash the tab process
            [Fix]Fixed a bug that some FTP downloads may fail
            [Add]Galician language pack

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2011, 11:07
New Features:

+ Maxthon Option syncing.
+ Smart Address Bar syncing.


+ New style of Last Session, History, Favorites Manager pages.

* Syncing of AdHunter Blocking Rules was enabled defaultly.
* Optimized the memory usage in Ultra Mode.
* Updated flash player to Version in Ultra Mode.
* Thunder Downloader supported adding tasks in bulk.

[Main Frame]
* Focus problem of Auto Refresh pages.
* Problem of creating a new folder when imported user data.
* The dialog box did not disappear if modified the nickname when logged out the account.
* Invalidation of mouse scrolling when opened a new Quick Access page.

[Webkit Core]
* Some no response problems of Maxthon browser.
* Improved the compatibility of Ultra Mode.
* Language display problem of the search box when chose baidu as the search bar.
* Failed to user mailto: protocol in some pages.
* File name display problem of Eread download.
* Page number problem of Print.

[Trident Core]
* High memory usage problem.
* One memory leak problem.

* Folder losing or browser crash problem caused by editing folder in Favorites manager page.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Conflict between address bar's auto-complete and QQ input method.

[Magic Fill]
* Enable to fill in the same username and password in different places of tianya.com.

[Source Sniffer]
* Failed to get videos in some pages.

* It needed to refresh if downloaded something to desktop.

[Data Syncing]
* The folder in Favorites would change after syncing in different places.

MD5 = 26748bb0569527e328ec06343bb8a199

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2011, 08:51
Build 061

1. Bug Fix: full screen banner display issue in multi-monitor setup.

Titel: Avant Browser 2011 build 32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2011, 12:45
        Avant Browser 2011 build 32(Internal Version Number:, Released 9.16.2011

            [Fix]Fixed a bug that long URL may crash the tab process
            [Fix]Fixed a bug that some FTP downloads may fail
            [Add]Galician language pack

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 alpha 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2011, 13:43
Whats new: >>

Updated Firefox compilation platform to Visual Studio 2010
Updated Firefox core to 7.0 beta 5
Fixed Firefox engine won't start on some machine
Added "Browse Referrer" function to Download Manager

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Lunascape 6.5.6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2011, 23:46
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Alpha 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2011, 19:02
Fixed a fatal conflict between Avant and Firefox floating number processing on some computer.

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Alpha 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2011, 11:17
Ein Changelog liegt z.Z. noch nicht vor ...

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/139767-RDMP/absetup.exe

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2011, 09:21 [2011-09-22]

New Feature:+ Supported Shift + Right Click on a tab to open its menu once enabled " Right-click a tab to close it".

* Improved the page compatibility of Webkit Core.

[Main Frame]
* No response when pressed ALT+CTRL+ESC.
* After clicked "Restore Defaults" in "Page Setting" of Options, the path of "Default Save Location" would disappear. 
* One problem of locking tabs.
* Focus problem when resized Side Bar.

[Webkit Core]
* Download window popuped when dragged some images in some pages.
* No "Copy" option in right-click menu when selected some text in pages.

[User Interface]
* Problem of the enabling "Show Close Tab button on background tabs".
* Scrolling bar appeared if one URL was too long in Source Sniffer.
* The setting of Customize UI did not work for new windows.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Opening a page from Address Bar always activated a new tab.

[Magic Fill]
* Focus problem when chose to fill in the Magic Fill in its drop-down list.

[Thunder Downloader Module]
* Language display problem when the first time used Maxthon Thunder Downloader in English OS.
* Thunder Downloader Module might crash when closed Maxthon browser.

MD5 = 865ee2c28a84646660ab7e428f1dab41

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2011, 10:58
New Features:

+ Sync Center. Added Quick Access option into it.


+ Lock Maxthon browser. Supported shortcut key for locking.


+ Added "Clear Address Bar History" and "Clear Last Session" into "Clear Browser History"


+ Enriched mouse gestures and Shortcut Keys commands.

+ Enhanced the experience of Reader Mode.

* New installation version used MX Classic skin by default.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Reader Mode.
* Reconstructed Ajax request fulfillment to enhance the stability.

[Main Frame]
* Sometimes failed to run Thunder Downloader through Side Bar.
* "Lock Tab" might cause the problem of "Close Others".
* Failed to popup the browser if minimized the it to the tray.
* Boss Key problem related to Clear History.

[Webkit Core]
* Mobileme could not work in Ultra Mode.
* Some problems in some map websites with Google API.
* It could still open the page when input illegal address into Address Bar.

[Triden Core]
* Failed to close some page popup windows sometimes.
* Failed to drag the text in one input box to another if disabled Drag & Drop.

[User Interface]
* Scroll bar might appear when the list of Source Sniffer was too long in that window.
* A redundant "Undo" item in page right-click menu.

[Smart Address Bar]
* Sometimes auto-complete might affect users' address input.

[Online Notepad]
* Online Notepad date problem.

MD5 = 9e6a419eb72651e3e5ed5152eb7a7004

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2011, 20:40
z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/139767-RDMP/absetup.exe

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2011, 17:00
Whats new: >>

Using the latest Firefox 8.0 beta 1 engine.
Fixed sometime missing cursor in Gecko engine.
Fixed a bug of zoom web page in Gecko engine
Fixed a bug of proxy in Gecko engine
Fixed a bug of saving AutoFill
Fixed a bug of IE plugin toolbars
Fixed the context menu of tray icon may show under taskbar
Added options to open AutoFills on startup
Added context menu to AutoFill Edit Form
Added confirmation options to Close Tabs on the Left/Right
Some other internal fix/improvements.

Titel: Pale Moon 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2011, 22:38
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A new release building on the Firefox 7.0.1 code base. This version sees a large number of performance increases, as well as lower resource use than the previous version.

Additional changes:

    Introduction of the Tab Groups (panorama) button in the user interface for easy access (Next to the All Tabs button)
    Several additional performance improvements on individual browser components
    A change of the Application Menu button color to blue shades instead of a "foxy orange"

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.0 Build 1002
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2011, 09:24
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

Whats new: >>

fix: crash bug by long title
fix: tab title display bug
fix: taobao input enter bug
fix: copy quick menu url bug
fix: open in ie bug
improve: popup ad filter
improve: go button function
improve: double click of address bar

Titel: Pale Moon 7.0a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2011, 21:30
What's new: >>

    7.0a fixes an error when the portable browser would not start or cause crashes on some setups.

Titel: Pale Moon 7.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2011, 17:51
What's new: >>

This update fixes a very important speed regression issue for Pale Moon 7.0. It impacts mostly the page content layout engine and DOM handling, which will be on par again with what they should be for Pale Moon in this point release. Bug: 20111001-CCBug
Benchmarking scores will see a significant jump from 7.0 to 7.0.1 as a result, as well.
There are no other functional or UI changes for this release.

Titel: TweetDeck 0.38.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2011, 18:37
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Titel: Avant Browser 2011 Build 33 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2011, 15:33
        Avant Browser 2011 build 33(Internal Version Number:, Released 10.9.2011

            [Fix]Fixed gmail's cookie issue with IE8/9

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2011, 10:29
Whats new: >>

Updated translations, thanks all users helped in translating a lot.
User can specify use with engine to render certain websites (Toos->Avant Browser Options->Rendering Engines)
Fixed Avant Add-ons doesn't work with Firefox engine.
Fixed proxy issue with Firefox engine.
Fixed gmail issue with IE engine.
Fixed close Firefox downloads when closing firefox tab
Fixed drag-n-drop text issue with Firefox engine.
Updated Firefox engine to 8.0 beta 2

Download: http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2011, 13:35
Whats new: >>

[Fix]Avant addons didn't work in firefox rendering mode.
[Fix]Proxy switching failed in firefox rendering mode
[Fix]Firefox downloader auto exited after all tabs are closed
[Fix]Dragging the text to the input field opened a search page
[Fix]The downloaded file name was miscoded in some cases.
[Fix]Some windows opened behind the toolbars of the interface.
[Fix]The Side Panel Scroll Bar lost focus.
[Fix]The cursor focus issue when starting Avant Browser
[Fix]Unfocused tab can't move.
[Fix]Sometimes an extra tab was opened during creating a new tab
[Fix]The cursor disappeared during moving focus in the Address Bar.
[Fix]Some minor bugs.

Download: http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Midori 0.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2011, 18:16
Midori is a lightweight web browser.



    Full integration with GTK+ 2
    Fast rendering with WebKit
    Tabs, windows and session management
    Flexibly configurable Web Search.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

 + Experimental, unfinnished GTK+ 3 support
 + 'Automatic' identification with quirks
 + Build fix for WebKitGTK+ >= 1.4.3
 + Register downloaded files as recent files
 + Fix Flash window on background tabs
 + Fix regression with clearing cookies on quit
 + Fix opening tabs from toolbar buttons
 + Use symbolic find and clear icons
 + Drop usage of mootools
 + Install separate Private Browsing shortcut
 + Support dragging tabs out of the window
 + Use feed: to support Thunderbird news reader
 + Re-open closed tabs in private browsing
 + Compare link-fingerprints caselessly

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2011, 13:18
New Features:

+ Added Magic Fill button to the tool bar.


+ Added "Skins" button to the upper right corner of Maxthon main window. Changed the page turning style of skin manager window to scrolling bar style.


* Improved the auto-submit logic of Magic Fill. Supported more websites for auto-filling.
* Pages would be shown as what users set in Page Zoom directly in Retro Mode.
* Accelerate the startup speed of Thunder Downloader module.

[Main Frame]
* One language problem.
* Invalidation of locking Maxthon Browser.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* Using "Search inside the page" after selected some words, the search result of "Next" would highlight incorrectly when clicked "Previous" button.

[User Interface]
* Sometimes the key words in find box did not change in time when searched inside the page in Ultra Mode.

* The rules were still copied to the clipboard after canceling "Shared Selected Rules".
* AdHunter might be disabled if added user rules.

* Sometimes the download tool chosen by users in Maxthon Options could not be used.


Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2011, 13:20
Main updates since Avant Browser 2012 Alpha 1:
[Add]Firefox engine 8.0 beta 2
[Add]Option to use Firefox Addon-ons/Downloads/Options
[Add]User can specify use with engine to render certain websites (Toos->Avant Browser Options->Rendering Engines)
[Add]Options to open AutoFills on startup
[Add]Context menu to AutoFill Edit Form
[Add]Confirmation options to Close Tabs on the Left/Right
[Add]"Browse Referrer" function to Download Manager
[Imporve]Using SQLite process favicons, much faster on system that running anti-virus software.

Other fixes:
Fixes for Avant Browser 2012 beta 8:
[Fix]Enabling/Disabling Firefox Addons failed by restarting Avant Browser manually.
[Fix]Autofill dialog auto popped up when opening the site http://insurance.hexun.com/2011-09-28/133803063.html
[Fix]Roboform toolbar issue in firefox rendering mode.

Fixes before:
[Fix]Avant addons didn't work in firefox rendering mode.
[Fix]Proxy switching failed in firefox rendering mode
[Fix]Firefox downloader auto exited after all tabs are closed
[Fix]Dragging the text to the input field opened a search page
[Fix]The downloaded file name was miscoded in some cases.
[Fix]Some windows opened behind the toolbars of the interface.
[Fix]The Side Panel Scroll Bar lost focus.
[Fix]The cursor focus issue when starting Avant Browser
[Fix]Unfocused tab can't move.
[Fix]Sometimes an extra tab was opened during creating a new tab
[Fix]The cursor disappeared during moving focus in the Address Bar.
[Fix]Fixed proxy issue with Firefox engine.
[Fix]Fixed gmail issue with IE engine.
[Fix]Fixed sometime missing cursor in Gecko engine.
[Fix]Fixed a bug of zoom web page in Gecko engine
[Fix]Fixed a bug of saving AutoFill
[Fix]Fixed a bug of IE plugin toolbars
[Fix]Fixed a bug that Firefox may popup a dialog when exiting on some computer.
[Fix]Fixed a fatal conflict between Avant and Firefox floating number processing on some computer.
[Fix]Fixed a bug that may result in Firefox fatal error
[Fix]Fixed non-ascii text searching doesn't work in the address box
[Fix]Fixed Disable JavaScript option doesn't work with Firefox
[Fix]Fixed Disable Java Applets option doesn't work with Firefox
[Change]Updated Firefox compilation platform to Visual Studio 2010
[Change]New packing format reduced download size (from 23MB to 17MB)
[Fix]Fixed Firefox engine won't start on some machine
[Fix]Fixed a few bugs could result in closing gecko engine automatically
[Fix]Fixed a few bugs of browser:home
[Improve]Improved Super Drag.
[Fix]Some other internal fix/improvements.

Download :  http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/142207-E5ZB/abbeta.exe

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 062
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2011, 21:03
Build 062

1. Bug fix: Escape key not able to stop navigation when focus is inside the site.
2. Bug fix: Address icon not updating properly sometimes.
3. Bug fix: Ctrl+N opens Internet Explorer if focus is inside the webpage.
4. Bug fix: "Open members inside a group" opens blank pages between the pages selected.
5. Added option to change default rendeirng mode.
6. Bug fix: when restore last open sites option is on, clicking on an external link to open SlimBrowser won't open the target site.
7. Bug fix: some icons on the links bar not displayed correctly.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2011, 08:50

[Main Frame]
* Invalidation of the customization content if switched the browser language after customized Quick Tools.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* The urls would be intercepted mistakenly when opened them by right click in Favorites Manager.
* It added zip file extension automatically when downloaded apk files. 
* Invalidation of clicking "Open All in This Folder" of the right click menu in Favorites.

[User Interface]
* Blank window of Customize UI.
* "Customize Freq Setting" window of Auto Refresh could not display completely when browser language was Russian.


Titel: Avant Browser 2012 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2011, 13:01
Avant Browser 2012 RC 2 (Firefox core 8.0 beta 3).


[Add] Add AB downloader shortcut into Start menu
[Fix]The Cancel button has to be clicked twice to make the Save As dialog disappear.
[Fix]Translation errors
[Fix]Autofill submit issue caused by setting the rendering engine for specific sites
[Fix]Address Bar focus issue
[Fix]Imported bookmarks were miscoded.
[Fix]Clear Website Icons function didn't work


Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 063
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2011, 21:15
Updated default toolbar background image.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2011, 18:30
z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/139767-RDMP/absetup.exe
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2011, 13:34
z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download : http://dl.filekicker.com/send/file/184227-Z37W/avant.exe
Titel: GTLite Navigator 1.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2011, 21:45
GTLite Navigator is a fast and flexible web browser which uses the WebKit engine to render web contents faster than any other browser currently. Using advanced techniques for 3D and Hardware acceleration the media and gaming performance is unreachable by any other browser, while in the same time it features an easy-to-use and space saving interface for advanced and not-advanced internet users.



Latest Changes

- Performance, Stability and HTML5 Compatibility improved
- More than 40 bugs were fixed
- Upgraded to OpenWebKitSharp 1.9
- Start-Up Dialog
- Ability to replace the aero theme with a custom background
- Added Help Menu
- New Features: ToVisit Links, new Downloader, Page Translator and more..
- Improved Security, featuring thorough checks for Phishing action during the page loading process
- Added Semi-Transparent Url Bar
- Improved Status Bar
- Fixed the error page bug

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2011, 18:40
Latest Changes

- [Add]Firefox engine 8.0 beta 4
- [Add]Option to use Firefox Addon-ons/Downloads/Options
- [Add]User can specify to render certain websites with specific engine. (Toos->Avant Browser Options->Rendering Engines)
- [Add]Options to open AutoFills on startup
- [Add]Context menu to AutoFill Edit Form
- [Add]Confirmation options to Close Tabs on the Left/Right
- [Add]"Browse Referrer" function to Download Manager
- [Add]Avant downloader shortcut to Start menu
- [Imporve]Using SQLite process favicons, much faster on system that running anti-virus software
- [Improve]Improved Super Drag
- [Fix]Imported bookmarks miscoded
- [Fix]Translation errors
- [Fix]Address Bar focus issue
- [Fix]The Side Panel Scroll Bar lost focus
- [Fix]The cursor focus issue when starting Avant Browser
- [Fix]Unfocused tab can't move
- [Fix]The cursor disappeared during moving focus in the Address Bar
- [Fix]Fixed gmail issue with IE engine
- [Fix]Some other internal fix/improvements

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 064
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2011, 05:30
Build 064:

1. Bug fix: can't launch slimbrowser from instaler.
2. Bug fix: can't access some of the menu items overlapping the menu bar when the menu is too long.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2011, 10:00 [2011-10-27]

* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.

[Main Frame]
* There might be repeated icons in Side Bar sometimes.

[Webkit Core]
* Failed to visit some links.
* Error interceptions.

[Triden Core]
* No response of Maxthon browser when visited http://www.icbc.com.cn/icbc/.

[User Interface]
* Icon display problem of Edit Blocking Rules window.

* Failed to intercept some popup windows correctly.

Download: http://dl.maxthon.com/mx3/mx3.2.0.2000.exe

MD5= fba53c4091043e4686571ba0de20973e

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2011, 07:10
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.



Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2011, 12:20
The changelog is as following:

New Features:

+ It supported "Save the whole page as image" in Retro Mode.


* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Maxthon Thunder Downloader supported Thunder links.
* Decreased the installation package by 15%.
* Updated MxWebkit Core to enhance the stability and compatibility.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Magic Fill by which it would supported more form types.


[Main Frame]
* The tab could still be closed after locking.
* Failed to drag & drop the item to the place you wanted in Favorites Bar.
* Pressing Boss Key sometimes might restore windows.
* There might be program error prompt when closed Maxthon browser.
* Local IP address in Status Bar could not update automatically in time

[User Interface]
* Words display problem of Maxthon account login window.
* Display problem of History Manager page.
* Edge display problem of Maxthon Downloader window.
* The icons in Side Bar which had been hidden would reappear after switching the skin.
* Display problem when used Maxthon browsers in some languages.
* Fixed one language error in Source Sniffer.

* VBS files were changed to txt files when downloaded them.
* It could not go to the related folder when right click "Open Folder" of the item in Download List.
* One problem when deleted download files.
[Magic Fill]
* It could not take effect immediately after changed the user name of Magic Fill.
* It could not use General Identities in some websites.
* The prompt for saving password might appear when click "Next Page" in some websites.
* Failed to recognize some special characters.
* There might be conflicts sometimes.
* Failed to save some passwords with Encryption.

[Maxthon Options]
* The password could not display when there were special characters in it of "Magic Fill" in "Maxthon Options".



MD5 = b41a68e35f8b63515e1276bd50105019
Titel: Lunascape 6.5.7 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2011, 15:37
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2011, 17:00
        Avant Browser 2012 build 6, Released 11.2.2011

            [Add]Tools>Proxy>Use Internet Explorer setting
            [Add]Store speed dial icon in Avant profiles
            [Add]Add F5 to refresh detached tab
            [Add]Distinguish rendering mode for current page by watermark
            [Fix]The filter expression problem to assign and delete rendering engine
            [Fix]Drop down list and content menu disappear
            [Fix]Some windows are covered by other windows
            [Fix]New blank page loses focus
            [Fix]Download file name miscode
            [Fix]Ctrl+N opens two blank pages
            [Fix]Hide taskbar Icon problem
            [Fix]Ctrl+P causes error under firefox mode
            [Fix]The page sticks to desktop when minimize browser
            [Fix]Add bookmarks to subfolder
            [Fix]The state of Safety lock on status bar
            [Fix]The problem of moving restored window
            [Fix]The problem of saving selected regione as picture
            [Fix]ctrl+f loses focus
            [Fix]View>source window shows behind browser window

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2011, 10:22
New Feature:

+ MaxSnap: Added printer colors with white. Supported arrow keys to select screenshot area. Supported to adjust the selected area size with Ctrl+arrow keys.

* Updated Webkit Core with enhancing the stability and compatibility of the core features.
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Enhanced the compatibility of Magic Fill to support more page types.

[Main Frame]
* Failed to remember the browser switching mode for intranet websites.

[Webkit Core]
* It would download the image next to the text when selected the text by Ctrl+Left Click.
* Failed to select the correct words with special diacritics by double left click.
* Failed to get the file list when visited FTP pages.

[Quick Access]
* Failed to get the thumbnail after adding one website.

* Crash problem when downloaded the attachment of QQ Mail.

[Source Sniffer]
* Classification problem.



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2011, 19:32
Latest Changes

- [Add]Firefox engine 8.0 beta 6(Download the Ultimate Version)
- [Add]Tools>Proxy>Use Internet Explorer setting
- [Add]Store speed dial icon in Avant profiles
- [Add]Add F5 to refresh detached tab
- [Add]Distinguish rendering mode for current page by watermark
- [Fix]A problem which caused Avant Browser to crash on the system with non-English windows user account
- [Fix]The filter expression problem to assign and delete rendering engine
- [Fix]Drop down list and content menu disappear
- [Fix]Some windows are covered by other windows
- [Fix]New blank page loses focus
- [Fix]Download file name miscode
- [Fix]Ctrl+N opens two blank pages
- [Fix]Hide taskbar Icon problem
- [Fix]Ctrl+P causes error under firefox mode
- [Fix]The page sticks to desktop when minimize browser
- [Fix]Add bookmarks to subfolder
- [Fix]The state of Safety lock on status bar
- [Fix]The problem of moving restored window
- [Fix]The problem of saving selected regione as picture
- [Fix]ctrl+f loses focus
- [Fix]View>source window shows behind browser window

Titel: Dooble 1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2011, 20:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Latest Changes


1.   Updated MacGPG2 software to version 2.0.17-9.
     Previous content (cookies, etc.) may be lost as a result.
2.   Allow the user to modify the default Dooble Search page (Settings
     window's Home tab).
3.   Changed Dooble Search text (Settings window's Home tab) to
4.   Changed default Arial sizes from 12 to 10 for Windows platforms.
5.   Removed redundant dview::load() calls during Dooble initialization.
6.   Resolved ticket 3399328. (Was saving a session passphrase.)
7.   Improved checking of settings (Dooble.ini) values.
8.   Modified dhistory's timer interval from 1 second to 2.5 seconds.
9.   Modified history purging so it only occurs during Dooble launch
     and termination. (Saving precious resources.)
10.  Qt products have been upgraded to version 4.7.4 on OS X and
     Windows platforms.
11.  Decreased tab widths.
12.  Improved Settings window sizing.
13.  Ability to hide the HTTP referrer.
14.  Ability to block third-party HTML frame content.
15.  The tab bar did not respect visibility setting after exiting
     the full-screen mode. Fixed.
16.  The file and FTP managers incorrectly displayed internal objects
     that were intended to be hidden.
17.  Clicking an FTP link from an HTML document failed to load
     the link. Fixed.
18.  Added the Wikinews search engine.
19.  Viewing of HTML frame source now provided.
20.  Prevent Dooble from deleting the user's input into the URL
     widget after the urlChanged() signal has been captured.
21.  Removed application modality from the Settings window.
22.  Removed references of obsolete settings (Dooble.ini).
23.  Added the XSS Auditing option under the Security tab of the Settings
24.  Improved dooble::slotFlashHack(). This slot is issued if
     Web plugins are enabled and the window system is X11. Its purpose
     is to correct potentially-distorted windows.
25.  Corrected version 1.24's item #44.
26.  Modified the tab-adding mechanism so that new tabs are added
     after the current tab. Option to simply append the tab is also provided.
27.  Clarified "switching to new tabs" option under the Settings window's
     Tabs panel.
28.  Dooble will, if permitted, display the current site's IP address in
     the window title. This feature may be a first in the browser
29.  Added missing QDialog::Accepted checks to various if-statements.
30.  Validate potentially-invalid (NULL) objects before use.
31.  Created a wonderful, yet troublesome, workaround for an event-loop
     issue. The signals emitted from dview::slotHandleUnsupportedContent()
     are captured by a slot that calls a function that launches a modal
     file dialog. At times, Qt decides to terminate because of this. Fixed.
32.  Downloads suffered from potential memory exhaustion. Fixed.
33.  Improved ddownloadwindowitem::isDownloading(). The previous
     version was weak.
34.  Beautified multiple aspects of the user experience.
35.  Added an install target to dooble.osx.pro. (sudo make install)
     At times, qmake does not properly create all required targets.
36.  Added dooble.ultrasparc.pro for g++ on Sun Ultra machines.
37.  Added support for providing credentials to proxies whenever
     they request such information.
38.  Beautified passphrase dialog.
39.  Wikinews and TheOpenGlobe RSS Ticker added to the default page
     (locale-based search.html).
40.  dsettingshomelinewidget widgets were not capturing iconsChanged()
     signals. Fixed. These widgets are the textfield widgets under the
     Settings window's Home panel.
41.  Changed QNetworkProxyQuery's query type from TcpSocket to
     UrlRequest. QNetworkProxyQuery is used for system-level proxies.
42.  Prevent Dooble from opening the same URL in the current page as well as
     a new tab (window) after a link has been clicked. Links should
     either be displayed in the current page or a new frame, but not
43.  Added toLower() to various QUrl::scheme() references.
44.  Modified QWebView's context menu so that it differentiates between
     links and e-mail addresses.
45.  Introduced the History sidebar. As a result of this new
     feature, the dhistorymodel class was implemented. The
     "one model, thousands of views" approach is quite powerful.
     Dragging items from the sidebar and dropping them onto a page
     will activate one or more load requests. Unlike other browsers,
     Dooble allows for multiple selections to be dragged and dropped.
46.  Introduced "PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF". Dooble does not explicitly
     use database transactions. Please note that cookies are not
     subjected to this setting.
47.  dmisc::setCipherPassphrase() must reset variables upon setKey()
     failure. The set of variables being reset was incomplete. Fixed.
48.  Renamed Bookmarks Toolbar to Favorites Toolbar. Dooble does not yet
     support bookmarks.
49.  The dfilemanager class now supports copying. Copying while
     dragging and dropping are directly supported by Qt via the
     Control key. OS X users may be required to use an alternative key.
50.  Added source information to the Downloads window.
51.  Fixed a monumental memory problem in dooble::initializeHistoryMenu().
52.  Optimized dooble constructors. New windows must inspect existing
     containers and use their contents whenever possible.
53.  A view's text size multiplier needs to be set after a QWebPage
     object has been assigned to the view. Fixed. The Qt documentation
     does not make a note of this behavior.
54.  Some containers have poor performance if iterators are not used
     to navigate their contents. Fixed.
55.  Tab icons will now reflect load activity.
56.  Downloads suffered from incorrect primary keys. The source URLs should
     not be designated as primary keys. Instead, the destination targets should
     be used. Since the downloads table required a redesign,
     existing information will be purged. Also corrected widget visibility
     states (the retry button should not be visible for HTML downloads).
57.  Removed dview's extra network access manager (m_faviconManager).
58.  Removed the mtune option from dooble.osx.pro.
59.  Replaced QWebView::reload() with dview::load(). QWebView's
     reload() implementation may fail to emit the loadFinished() signal.
     This adjustment has been attempted before.
60.  Created header and source files for the dwebview class.
61.  The Cookies and History windows' search mechanisms have been
     modified to perform case-insensitive searches.
62.  Added the History search to the search widget, per request.
63.  Removed unnecessary blockSignals() calls.
64.  Added dwebhistory.cc.
65.  Two URLs may be different if the only difference is a trailing
     slash. Adjusted comparisons.
66.  Qt does not emit urlChanged() signals for some pages
     (http://www.crypto-textbook.com). This is a known issue.
67.  Improved the look-and-feel of the Downloads window: alternating
     row colors and the ability to remove individual non-active items.
68.  Creating a new tab off of a JavaScript window enabled the search
     widget for that window. The search widget should not be
     available for such windows.
69.  Enabled HTTP pipelining (dnetworkaccessmanager::createRequest()).
     According to documentation
     network performance should improve.
70.  Now processing QWebPage::statusBarMessage() signals.
71.  Modified the dftpbrowser so that it emits unsupportedContent()
     signals. This is an experimental feature.
72.  QFtp produces some incorrect QUrlInfo containers. The dftpbrowser
     class has been modified to accommodate the discrepancies.
73.  Clicking a link while the Control key is depressed will now open the
     link in a new tab.
74.  Resolved a timing issue related to the "close other tabs"
75.  The location widget's completer's model's contents will now be
76.  Replaced QWebView::setUrl() with QWebView::load(). The setUrl()
     method causes QWebFrame segmentation faults with the April 2011 release
     of Qt 4.7.4. The problem has been reported and may have been resolved.
77.  If configured, Dooble will prompt the user before removing a modified
78.  Improved the look-and-feel of the location widget.
79.  Dooble will now prompt the user before exiting if there are active
80.  Resolved an incorrect use of QFtp::list() (m_ftp->list(m_url.path())
     should have been m_ftp->list()).
81.  Navigating to a parent directory within the FTP browser has
     been improved.
82.  If configured, Dooble will prompt the user before navigating from
     a modified page.
83.  Do not clear the History window's search field while navigating
     through the tree.
84.  Added the File->Authenticate option. For the curious, this
     feature allows the user to provide the passphrase
     (if one had been previously set) without requiring to restart
85.  Added missing QObject() to dwebhistoryitem's default constructor.
86.  Fixed an error in dcookiewindow::slotUpdateView(). When searching
     for potential items to remove, Dooble must inspect domains that
     match the url's host as well as domains that contain leading periods
     and that match the url's host.
87.  Modified purging of information upon exit. It will now be the
     user's responsibility to purge existing information if certain settings
     (cookies, downloads, etc.) are disabled.
88.  Added support for QTableWidget::itemActivated() within dftpbrowser().
     Pressing the Enter key on an existing directory will now be processed
     as a nagivation request.
89.  The File and FTP browsers must inspect the url's contents. For example,
     ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/.. should be interpreted as
     ftp://ftp.debian.org. However, the dftpbrowser should not attempt two
     directory changes (for this example).
90.  The dview class was incorrectly emitting urlChanged() and titleChanged()
     signals. This caused slots in the dooble class to
     populate containers with stale information.
91.  Was incorrectly setting tabs' texts under certain page
     load (dooble::loadPage()) attempts.
92.  Eliminated "data: invalid display value column" warning messages.
     The dfilesystemmodel::data() method was modified as a result.
93.  Dooble will now attempt to position JavaScript windows within the
     screen housing their parents.
94.  Improved creation of new windows, including JavaScript.
95.  Modified the click behavior of the FTP browser. Single clicks on
     directories are now interpreted as navigation requests. Removed support
     for the itemActivated() signal. Added support for opening directories
     in new tabs via the Control key.
96.  If available, a target's total size will now be displayed in the
     Downloads window.
97.  Fixed command-line validation. Also improved url validation
     of new process windows.
98.  Fixed incorrect processing of shortcuts.
99.  Added search capabilities to the Downloads window.
100. Activated the Delete key for the Cookies window, Downloads window,
     History window, and the History sidebar.
101. Added the JavaScript Popups Exceptions window.
102. Added the Third-Party Blocking Exceptions window.
103. Added the Suppress HTTP Referrer Exceptions window.
104. Added missing QSqlDatabase::close() calls to dcookies's methods.
105. The status bar will now be visible in full-screen mode, unless
     it's explicitly hidden by the user.
106. Purged obsolete methods from the dcookies class.
107. Prevent JavaScript change-requests from modifying non-JavaScript
108. Incorrect for-loops modified the History->Clear History action's icon.
109. Respect the style's attributes as much as possible.
110. Text alignment for various table and tree headers has been set
     to left-alignment.
111. Per feature request 3421816, added the ixquick search engine.
112. Dooble will now remember the nth recently-closed tabs. A minimum
     of 1 and a maximum of 15 are provided, if enabled. Please note
     that the tabs are only retained for a session.
113. Added the Cookies Exceptions window. Cookies from exempt
     sites will not be accepted.
114. Updated the Favorites toolbar's maximum to 15.
115. Movable Favorites and Location toolbars.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2011, 13:02[2011-11-08]


* Some crash problems.
* It could copy only one frame when copied some gif files.

[Magic Fill]
* It might incorrectly prompt to save the password.

[Data Sync]
* Crash problem caused by Smart Address Bar content sync.



MD5 = 0c8563b53190ea562c411679ab3ca04c
Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2011, 05:40
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.



Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 065
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2011, 13:36
Build 065:

1. Bug fix: Help button of some of the options page not working.
2. Links bar is now hidden in compact mode.
3. Bug fix: Built-in toolbar not showing image background when initially made visible. (Note: Xml toolbars now renamed as built-in toolbars).
4. Bug fix: Multiple-row tab background not drawn properly sometimes.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2011, 17:45
Zitat [2011-11-10]

New Feature:

+ Night Mode which supported customizing page element color.


* Added "Set As Background" to image right click menu in Retro Mode.
* Added " New Folder" to the Favorites right click menu and Favorites Bar.
* It would only remember the folder used last time in this session.
* Improved the account login logic.
* Enabled setting sync by default.
* Maxthon Thunder Downloader supported multi languages.


[Main Frame]
* The thumbnail of the browser main window could be viewed in task bar preview after locked Maxthon browser.
* Failed to associate with some file types sometimes when set Maxthon as the default browser.
* Invalidation of locking Maxthon browser.
* Invalidation of deleting some icons in Side Bar.
* Solved one display problem when minimized/closed the browser to system tray.

[Webkit Core]
* Fixed some display problems.
* Fixed some crash problems.
* Failed to connect to the ftp page again if closed it.
* Some pages could not display when login baidu space in Ultra Mode.
* Failed to save some pages.

[User Interface]
* Window display problem when used mouse wheel for scrolling if downloaded a new file in Maxthon Downloader.
* When pressed boss key to hide Maxthon browser with "Always show icon in System Tray" enabled, the system tray icon did not display after called back the browser.
* Sometimes the blocked item icon still displayed there after switched Ultra Mode to Retro Mode.

[Maxthon Options]
* It could not remember "Enable Safe URL Checker" option status.

[Source Sniffer]
* Failed to classify fmv files to Video category in Source Sniffer.



Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.066
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2011, 23:44
Build 066:

1. Bug fix: search engine icon is not displayed properly sometimes in the quick dial page.
2. Language file updates.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 068
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2011, 13:00
Build 068

1. Bug fix: quick-dial site settings were overwritten during installing update when app setting is stored inside the program folder.

Build 067:

1. Fixed compatibility issue with Google+
2. Bug fix: The "Clean Trace by Domain" menu failed to clean some cookies properly.
3. Bug fix: Popup windows are not sized properly by javascript sometimes.

Titel: Pale Moon 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2011, 17:15
Release notes:

A major update building on the Firefox 8.0 code base, with improvements that were planned for the (unreleased) version 7.0.2.
This version sees the following improvements in addition to those inherent to Firefox 8:

    Improved cache handling: this will make the browser handle system resources more efficiently on most systems.
    Improved networking: communication with web servers should be noticeably faster and smoother
    Fix for a rare image decoding bug (garbage, possible crashes)

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2011, 18:18
        Avant Browser 2012 build 8, Released 11.16.2011

            [Change]Firefox engine 8.0(Download the Ultimate Version)
            [Fix]System buttons disappearing problem
            [Fix]The problem that sometimes the default rendering engine changed back
            [Fix]Adding URL Alias glitch
            [Fix]Input application was screened by the drop down list.
            [Fix]Not recognizing the firefox setting "Remember passwords of sites".
            [Fix]Ctrl+S didn't work(IE rendering mode)
            [Fix]Address Bar input problem(IE rendering mode)
            [Fix]For some sites,Autofill can't save the username and password of the form on the page.(Firefox rendering mode)
            [Fix]Pressing ctrl+f4/w to close the tabs caused Avant to lose focus.(Firefox rendering mode)
            [Fix]Firefox Download window minimized to the top of the interface.(Firefox rendering mode)

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2011, 10:28
Changelog is as following: [2011-11-17]

[Main Frame]
* Tabs could not be closed with "window.close()" in Retro Mode.
* It would automatically open the new page but not the original one if you restarted the browser after a locked tab jumped to new page.

* Solved some crash problems.

* It did not show the prompt when used"Quick Save Images".

[Night Mode]
* Time setting did not work well.



MD5 = bc0b25cd55461c4ddfc3e4009a800291
Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.069
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2011, 10:56
Build 069:

1. Bug fix: clean cached files removed cookies as well by mistake (this bug was introduced in Build 067)

Titel: Lunascape 6.5.8 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2011, 13:24
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2011, 18:00
Maxthon browser beta released.
In this version,we update Webkit Core to Version
New webkit engine bring faster Experience and enhanced the support to HTML5.
And we also added magic fill data to sync center.
If you would like to try it. you need go to sync center to enable it manually.



MD5 = db929d9d0ae4446dcc28823fadd41d20
Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 070
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2011, 06:40
Build 070:

1. Added support of web form spell checking in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.
2. Bug fix: installing some skin will cause SlimBrowser to freeze.

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.071
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2011, 13:20
Build 071:

1. Bug fix: weather information display on status bar.
2. Bug fix: Ctrl+S to save webpage not working.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2011, 05:48
Latest Changes

- Improvements:

- * Updated Webkit Core. Solved lots of detailed core problems and improved user experience
- * Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module. Improved user experience and resource occupation
- * Improved the support for HTML5 canvas

- Fixes:

- [Main Frame]

- * Some program crash problems
- * It could not login Maxthon account automatically
- * It could open multiple browser internal pages
- * Zoom scale display problem
- * File name suffix problem when saved the whole page as a image

- [Webkit Core]

- + Floating button support
- + Spell check support
- + *.mht file support
- * Some crash problems of Webkit Core
- * Improved page compatibility
- * Some links could not be opened in the background by middle button
- * It did not display the site icon when opened some links by middle button
- * It could not display the content in drop-down list by double click
- * Data error problem of "Property" in Menu
- * It would regard "about:" protocol as searching
- * There would be "Runtime Error" prompt when visited some sites
- * Some memory leak problems
- * Improved the support for @font-face of css
- * Improved the support for http://www.apple.com/icloud/
- * Failed to block popup window ads if you ever canceled "Subscribe to AdHunter Rules"
- * There was only underline displaying when hovered the mouse over the link if the link wrapped

- [User Interface]

- * The auxiliary information in Status Bar could not display completely if the download speed was too fast

- [Download]

- * It would display fake download speed and then download failed if the download directory did not exist
- * "Selected Items" number display problem in Source Sniffer

- [Magic Fill]

- * It could not open the drop-down menu
- * It could not save the password in some pages

- [AdHunter]

- * Flash blocking problem
- * Some problems of blocking by mistake

- [Installation Program]

- * It would not prompt when there was not enough space in target disk
- * Installation window word display problem in some languages

Titel: K-Meleon 1.6.0 Beta 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2011, 06:00
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Download : Klick (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1522294/K-Meleon1.6.0_Beta2dot4_en-US.7z)

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2011, 12:53
Changelog for this version is as following: [2011-12-08]

+ Resumed Print/ Print Preview feature.
+ Resumed the support for the third-party content of right-click menu in Ultra Mode.
+ Resumed the support for the third-party downloaders in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the loading speed of blocking rules.

[Main Frame]
* Some problems when closed Maxthon browser in Windows XP.
* The problem about using the third-party downloaders.
* It could not select the items of Favorites in Side Bar.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* It could not get the file list when opened a FTP page.
* A page text copy problem in Ultra Mode.
* High CPU occupation when used some the specific PAC script.

[User Interface]
* The address bar drop-down menu could not collapse sometimes.
* Video popup window display problem.

[Magic Fill]
* Conflict between Smart Address Bar and Chinese input method.



Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.072
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2011, 16:29
Build 072:

1. Fix crash when showing favorites side bar (bug was introduced in build 071)
2. File->Save Screenshot now saves the entire web page instead of only the visible portion.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2011, 17:00
# New Features:
- Maxthon Extension Platform opened. It supported users to upload &download extensions and communicate etc.there.
- Added uploading History to Could and supported manage them through webpage.
# Improvements:
- All extensions would run in independent processes for improving the browser stability.
- MaxSnap would run in independent process. The process would exist if finished using the snap feature.
- Resumed Smooth Scrolling.
- The startup speed of main program increased 36%.
- Improved the support to HTML 5, including Notification and the graphics performance.
- Supported Magic Fill in New Session.
- Improved the logic of Magic Fill.
- Improved the judgment logic of Magic Fill.
- Updated some internal pages, such as History, Quick Access, etc.
- Enabled the data sync of Smart Address Bar by default.
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- It could not enter MX Cloud Sync if closed all sync services.
- Sometimes system task tray did not disappear after made Maxthon Browser full screen.
- It would copy a tab by mistake when did some operations in Address Bar.
* Webkit Core
- Some crash problems.
- Improved the page display compatibility.
- It could not visit the urls input directly in Address Bar.
- Find in Page did not work when enabled "Match Case" in Russian pages.
- Using Print Preview would produce png files which could be deleted.
* User Interface
- Quick Access page would flash sometimes.
- Application panel of Side Bar would popup in the wrong position sometimes.
- It could not saveSaving password could not be used in some websites.
* Data Sync
- Sometimes the background of Quick Access page would not sync successfully.
* Download
- There would be error prompts popuped sometimes.
* Maxthon Options
- Shortcut Keys could not be reset when clicked "Restore Defaults".
* Multi-language
- Tamil language display problem in some websites.* Title display error in Side Bar when switched browser language.



Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.074
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2011, 06:15
Build 074:

1. Add option to turn off GPU Rendering in options:advanced
2. Bug fix: in-page translation stopped working.
3. Fixed a conflict between Roboform and SlimBrowser. When Roboform taskbar icon is enabled, SlimBrowser couldn't exit properly.

Titel: Dooble 1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2011, 05:32
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Latest Changes


1.   Avoid closed tabs when searching for tabs that may contain modified
2.   Disable Web plugins when a tab is closed.
3.   Corrected 1.25 grammar.
4.   Fixed sizing issues with items in the Downloads window.
5.   Downloads were missing HTTP Pipelining.
6.   JavaScript exceptions.
7.   Theme previews.
8.   Removed inconsistent prompts.
9.   Exceptions windows are now accessible via the Windows menu.
10.  Corrected issues with JavaScript popups.
11.  A significant modification was made to improve Flash
     support for X11 systems. As a result, QWebView was
     replaced by QGraphicsWebView. To eliminate the workaround,
     simply remove the DOOBLE_X11_FLASH_BYPASS macro from the
     appropriate project file before creating the application.
12.  Prevent use of invalid geometries, especially when preparing
     new JavaScript windows.
13.  Increased the maximum number of characters of menu actions
     from 50 to 100.
14.  Removed obsolete values from the settings file.
15.  Addons support. Thanks to Bernd Stramm.
16.  Eliminated "QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running."
17.  Reset the status bar's contents after a tab has been closed.
18.  Corrected dooble::slotStatusBarMessage().
19.  Added support for preventing HTTP redirects. The default is set
     to enabled.
20.  QNetworkReply objects created by dnetworkaccessmanager::createRequest()
     must be deleted.
21.  Removed level 3 optimization flags. Removed dooble.linux-32.pro.
     Removed dooble.ultrasparc.pro.
22.  Modified the base class of dsettings from QDialog to QMainWindow.
23.  Allow the user to choose the sets that will be re-encoded after a
     passphrase change.
24.  Corrected the Settings window's Home widgets. Implementation suffered
     from inconsistent data (the Settings window is non-modal) and
     incorrect ancestry. As a bonus, the actions may also contain icons.
25.  Removed dview::slotFinished() as it causes infrequent segmentation
26.  Removed dwebpage::handleUnsupportedContent() as it is obsolete.
27.  Re-added dview's extra network access manager (m_faviconManager).
     This will prevent contamination with dnetworkaccessmanager.
28.  Modified various purge() methods for consistency.
29.  Cookie, download, and exception information for session-based
     processes will not be stored to their respective databases.
30.  The dview::slotIconDownloadFinished() method will now attempt to
     process HTTP redirects.
31.  Resolved a segmentation fault caused by a deleted QNetworkReply
     object that was being referenced during a download request.
32.  Fixed widget state issues caused by aborted loads.
33.  Removed "journal_mode = OFF" settings for database queries in order to
     prevent database corruption that may be caused if Dooble
34.  The Downloads window did not properly manage deleted items. Fixed.
35.  Removed workaround for URLs containing fragments.
36.  Reimplemented the previously-closed tabs mechanism in order to
     preserve massive amounts of resources.
37.  Fixed inconsistent link icons with the URL widget's pulldown menu.
38.  Extracted mechanism responsible for download favicons from dview
     and deposited it into dwebview.
39.  Removed dmisc::canEncode().

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2011, 14:13 [2011-12-22]

* Improved the effect of drag & drop selected text or image.
* Improved the extension loading logic and enhanced its stability.

[Main Frame]
*Sometimes Boss Key did not work.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.

[User Interface]
* Some interface elements could not display completely after increased the DPI.
* Sometimes Aero area of Side Bar would turn to Black when started Maxthon Browser.

* It would be blank after ad pictures were blocked.

* The page window would be blank after clicked extensions with flash content in Side Bar.



Titel: Off By One Web Browser V3.5d
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2011, 22:00
The Off By One Web Browser is a small and fast web browser with full HTML 3.2 support. It is a completely self-contained, stand-alone application with no dependencies on any other browser or browser component. Since it does not support Java, Javascript or Flash, you won't get problems with popups and spyware.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed a bug introduced in V3.5.c which identified the browser as running on a CE system in the UserAgent header.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2011, 13:00
Changelog: [2011-12-29]

New Feature:
+ New "MX Classic" Skin.

* Improved the support to multiple languages in Address Bar.
* Updated official skins.

[Main Frame]
* Problem when clicked Favorites Bar.
* It displayed the previous page when opened external links after minimized the browser to system tray.

*Some crash problems.
* High CPU occupation when page loading caused by AdHunter.

[User Interface]
* Sometimes the dialogue box would display incorrectly when deleted an extension.
* The password would not be automatically cleared when switched an account in Maxthon login panel.

[RSS Reader]
* RSS Reader Update problem.



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2012, 13:45
Whats new: >>

* [Add]An option:Avant Browser Options->Profile->Days to Keep History.
* [Fix]Gecko:Auto-Scroll button didn't work.
* [Fix]Gecko:Work Offline didn't work
* [Fix]Gecko:Searching Non-English words via Address Bar failed.
* [Fix]Gecko:A bug on the Restart link for disabling/enabling firefox extenstions.
* [Fix]Gecko:Redundant icon appeared on the windows task bar when "Save Selected Region as Image"
* [Fix]Gecko:Applying Ctrl+ middle mouse button to change the page size wasn't fluent.
* [Fix]Gecko:Disabling "Enable mouse super drag and drop to open new tab" didn't work.
* [Fix]Gecko: A problem which could cause flash plugin to crash.
* [Fix]Gecko: Sometimes search bar lost focus.
* [Fix]Gecko: A problem of dragging text from Keepass to Avant Browser
* [Fix]Gecko: A problem about the Hight feature of the search bar
* [Fix]Gecko: Customize Toolbar caused the firefox menu bar to appear.
* [Fix]Gecko: Pages can't open after All-in-One Sidebar enabled.
* [Fix]Gecko: The page saved as html under firefox mode showed blank.
* [Fix]Trident: Ctrl+F failed on certain pages.
* [Fix]Trident: Work Offline feature didn't work.
* [Fix]Trident: Autofill can't save forms on certain sites.
* [Fix]Trident: Avant can't log into some forum.
* [Fix]Export window didn't show the extension for the saved file.
* [Fix]Sometimes "Paste and Go" didn't work.
* [Fix]A ghost image left behind after closing the detached tab.
* [Fix]Some window opens behind its parent window on xp.
* [Fix]Miscoded bookmarks caused by using IE favorites as Bookmarks
* [Fix]Putting tab bar to the bottom caused the address bar drop down list to open out of the screen.
* [Fix]Focus problem when adding url alias

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2012, 18:40
Changelog is as following: [2012-01-05]

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems. 
* Some problems related to jQuery.
* Could not open related reading pages in RSS Reader.
* Enhanced the compatibility.
* Freeze problem when enabled Smooth Scrolling.
* WebkitRequestAnimationFrame support problem.
* The original email would be empty after replied an email.
* Some images in pages could not display.
* Missing Plugin prompt when visited some sites. [2011-12-30]

New Feature:
+ Supported HTML5 Desktop Drag-Out.

* Enabled AdHunter Sync by default.

[Main Frame]
* External Tools and Auxiliary Information in Status Bar could not display in few computers.

[Webkit Core]
* Some page compatibility problems.

[User Interface]
* Favorites List might be blocked by System Task Bar when draged & droped favorites items.

* Maxthon Downloader could not check disk space.
* Memory Leak when downloaded large files from LAN.

[Source Sniffer]
* Failed to download Youtube videos.



Titel: Dooble 1.26.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2012, 13:33
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Titel: Pale Moon 9.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2012, 18:20

An update incorporating the Firefox 9.0.1 code base.
In addition, the following changes:

    Under the hood changes and improvements to the way memory is handled by the Javascript engine.
    WebGL has been changed to use ANGLE by default instead of using native OpenGL to give better performance on a number of systems that would otherwise suffer from high CPU usage and lower frame rates.
    Change in compiler: from this point on, Visual Studio 2010 will be used for all "next gen" builds.
    Build environment changed to cater to the ever-growing XUL dll size without having to compromize on what modules to optimize. (Prevent running into the 3GB address space limit)
    DNS prefetching disabled by default to prevent router hangups
    Changes to timings for UI script execution and content script execution to prevent unnecessary dialog popups about unresponsive scripts.
    Some image decoding tweaks.
    Eye candy: animated preferences dialog (resize when switching category).

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2012, 19:20
Avant Browser 2012 build 18, Released 1.8.2012

            [Add]An option:Avant Browser Options->Profile->Days to Keep History.
            [Fix]Gecko:Auto-Scroll button didn't work.
            [Fix]Gecko:Work Offline didn't work
            [Fix]Gecko:Searching Non-English words via Address Bar failed.
            [Fix]Gecko:A bug on the Restart link for disabling/enabling firefox extenstions.
            [Fix]Gecko:Redundant icon appeared on the windows task bar when "Save Selected Region as Image"
            [Fix]Gecko:Applying Ctrl+ middle mouse button to change the page size wasn't fluent.
            [Fix]Gecko:Disabling "Enable mouse super drag and drop to open new tab" didn't work.
            [Fix]Gecko: A problem which could cause flash plugin to crash.
            [Fix]Gecko: Sometimes search bar lost focus.
            [Fix]Gecko: A problem of dragging text from Keepass to Avant Browser
            [Fix]Gecko: A problem about the Hight feature of the search bar
            [Fix]Gecko: Customize Toolbar caused the firefox menu bar to appear.
            [Fix]Gecko: Pages can't open after All-in-One Sidebar enabled.
            [Fix]Gecko: The page saved as html under firefox mode showed blank.
            [Fix]Trident: Ctrl+F failed on certain pages.
            [Fix]Trident: Work Offline feature didn't work.
            [Fix]Trident: Autofill can't save forms on certain sites.
            [Fix]Trident: Avant can't log into some forum.
            [Fix]Export window didn't show the extension for the saved file.
            [Fix]Sometimes "Paste and Go" didn't work.
            [Fix]A ghost image left behind after closing the detached tab.
            [Fix]Some window opens behind its parent window on xp.
            [Fix]Miscoded bookmarks caused by using IE favorites as Bookmarks
            [Fix]Putting tab bar to the bottom caused the address bar drop down list to open out of the screen.
            [Fix]Focus problem when adding url alias

Titel: TweetDeck 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2012, 21:30
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2012, 19:20
# New Features:
* Updated Webkit Core to version.
# Improvements:
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Improved the memory usage.
* Improved the support to jQuery - 1.6 x animate.
* Updated Maxthon Thunder Downloader module.
* Updated User Interface, including Address Bar and Side Bar.
* MxSnap could remember image format.* Improved the effect of font rendering.
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- It did not work when dragged some files into the browser.
- It could not modify the text in Address Bar when used some type methods.
- Side Bar Favorites could not resolve the title correctly when saved some sites as favorites.
- Aero area of the main frame might turn to black when exited full screen.
* Webkit Core
- Improved the support to Webkit extensions.
- Fixed some crash problems.
- Solved some page compatibility problems.* It could use input method when typed in password box.
- It would build an empty folder in the temporary directory when started Maxthon Browser.
- The returned url value of runtime.getPrivateUrl() was unaccessable.
- Some specific download urls could not be resolved.
* Triden Core
- Display error of the popup menu when right clicked some images.
* AdHunter
- It could cause scrolling freeze in some pages when enabled AdHunter.
* Magic Fill
- It could use the saved password in some first-time-visit sites.
- It would delete the password when click the drop-down menu of password box.
- It could not remember the last-used password when a site had several usernames and passwords.



Titel: GreenBrowser V6.1.0117
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2012, 16:00
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

Whats new: >>

· fix: top htm window position bug
· fix: adjust order bug of set form dialog dialog
· fix: speed dial grab the focus of the address bar
· fix: shortcuts bug of top htm window
· fix: save list bug when search in address bar
· improve: open in new window when right click go button
· improve: new window state when click external toolbar

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2012, 13:00

# New Features:
* New Skin mx:Solid.
* Add favorite button on the left of address bar.
# Improvements:
* Improved boot speed, 10.3% faster than previous version.
* Improved the HTML5 audio support
* Add “Open in new tab” on right-click menu when right click on the link.
# Fixes:
* Webkit Core
- Fixed some XML HTML page recognition problem.
- Fixed some crash problems.
- Solved some page compatibility problems.
- Fixed an Drag&Drop problem.
- Fixed process bar cannot display problem when uploading file to Google Docs.
- Fixed input method error in some specific situation.
- Fixed website certificate invalid problem.
* Layout
- Fixed tab inactive problem sometimes.
- Fixed tab display problem in some specific skins.
- Fixed Tamil language display incorrect problem.



MD5: 029671972ba835eb94998df2b3e7089b
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2012, 19:40
Latest Changes

- [Fix]Black screen issue
- [Fix]Tooltips not displaying issue
- [Fix]An error message in download manager
- [Fix]Trident:Blank page issue under IE rendering mode
- [Fix]Gecko:Save current page as image function failed on some sites
- [Fix]Gecko:Dragging and dropping text from other applications to Avant Browser didn't open correct search result

Titel: Pale Moon 9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2012, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

This update implements relevant fixes from Firefox 10 in terms of security and stability. Additional new functionality found in Firefox 10 has not been implemented.

In addition, the following fixes:

    Update to the status bar component to fix pop-up status and links, as well as a few other small issues.
    Update to the add-on compatibility assistant to no longer display the status bar core add-on as selectable
    Update to a few default settings based on usage metrics
    Removed some commercial search engines (e.g. Amazon) and added DuckDuckGo/SSL

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2012, 12:54
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2012, 18:40
Latest Changes

- New Features:

- + Added "Duplicate Tab" option to the tab right-click menu
- + Added "Duplicate Tab" to mouse gesture and shortcut keys

- Improvements:

- * Improved the support to Thunder Downloader
- * Supported the download from kuai.thunder.com in Ultra Mode
- * Optimized the memory usage of Ultra Mode
- * It allowed turning pages by "left/right" mouse gesture in Quick Access
- * Used "Modern Skin" as the default skin
- * Improved showBadge() and newTab() interfaces of Maxthon extension platform

- Fixes:

- [Main Frame]

- * The browser window restored to an incorrect position after exited Full Screen
- * Night Mode could not switch automatically according to customized time if restarted the browser after turned off the computer

- [Webkit]

- * Some crash problems
- * Some page compatibility problems about page rendering
- * A freeze problem
- * A memory leak problem related to flash player
- * A memory leak problem about Webkit Core
- * Some other high memory usage problems
- * Cursor display problem of Developer Tools' search box
- * A security hole problem
- * It could not display Quick Access page when closed the last tab
- * FTP time display problem
- * The blank tabs opened by mailto:could not close automatically
- * The scroll bar of Quick Access could not work
- * It could not open the pages if dragged UNC links
- * Bad function effect of animate() in jquery

- [Magic Fill]

- * It could not modify the name when modified FTP items

- [Source Sniffer]

- * It could not get some HTML5 audios and videos

- [AdHunter]

- * Blocking number display problem

- [Extension Platform]

- * Fixed some sidebar problems
- * Fixed a extension update problem
- * ef.json files identification problems
- * Judgment problems of action name response
- * Webpage right-click unlock feature could work on Side Bar extensions



Titel: QtWeb V3.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2012, 13:39
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.


License: GPL

What's new: >>

Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest version 4.7.5 (Windows only)

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2012, 13:30 [2012-02-09]


* Improved the support to xunlei.com in Ultra Mode.
* Improved the memory usage in Ultra Mode.
* Increased the browser startup speed.
* Improved the extension platform.


[Main Frame]
* It did not support open .url files by Drag&Drop.
* It could not move the browser window by Drag&Drop.
* It could not load the icons in Side Bar properly.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* The browser would freeze if switched the category of Quick Access pages.
* The highlight part would not disappear after closed "Find in Page".
* Extra space problem of Spell Checker.
* Context display position problem in Google search bar.
* Incomplete language context in right-click menu.
* Sometimes it could not download files with Thunder Downloader immediately.
* One downloader identification problem.

[Trident Core]
* There was no Navigation History menu in right-click menu of "Back" menu.

[Inner Page]
* "Open All" did not work well in Last Session page if there were some locked tabs.

[Online Notepad]
* Crash problem during the syncing.

[Extension Platform]
* Solved some interface realization problems.
* The problem related to deleting the extension package with multiple extensions included.



Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2012, 13:11
# Improvements:

* Extension Platform.
* Decreased the memory usage.
* Improved the support to the search attributes of htlm5 search box.

# Fixes:

* Main Frame

- Secure URL icon in Address Bar could not be hidden.
- It opened new tabs when pressed F1~F12 keys instead of working on current blank tabs.
- It would refresh the current tab when right-click to refresh the background tabs.
- There would be messy code when "Translate Selected Context".

* Webkit Core

- Some crash problems.
- One memory leak problem.
- Fixed the display problems of Developer Tools.
- Freeze problem when refresh the any
- Page display problem of Carrefour site.
- Night Mode could not work well for all tabs.

* Extension Platform

- Some interface realization problem.



Titel: Green Browser 6.1.0216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2012, 05:45
Auf dem Internet Explorer aufsetzender Webbrowser mit eigenem Download-Manager; unterstützt Tabbed Browsing und Mausgesten und bietet unter anderem einen Werbeblocker, eine konfigurierbare Suchleiste und eine Bildschirm-Lupe; auf der Hersteller-Homepage stehen verschiedene Skins zum Download bereit.



Whats new: >>

add: open in current page for drag menu
add: drag text and link to address bar will open in current page
fix: crash bug when enum frame in page
fix: speed dial link click bug
fix: activate new window after page completed bug
improve: open all favorites url bug
improve: speed dial function

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2012, 13:00


* Extension Platform
* Improved the support to HTML5 Canvas and IndexedDB.


[Main Frame]
* Site icon color display problem.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* Resource leak problem caused by GDI project.
* The browser froze when scrolled the page.
* The data would lose if restarted the browser because IndexedDB could not record the data permanently.
* Improved the support to game "Cut the Rope".http://www.cuttherope.ie/
* Lack of the search icon in the search bar of Developer Tools.

[Extension Platform]
* Some interface realization problems.



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2012, 17:45
        Avant Browser 2012 build 23, Released 2.17.2012

            [Change]Firefox 10.0.1 (released: Feb 10,2012)
            [Add]Ctrl+shift+delete for deleting history
            [Fix]Gecko:The addon interface was displayed in English instead of the wanted language.
            [Fix]Gecko:The print preview problem
            [Fix]Gecko:TSearching words with accent via address bar returned strange result.
            [Fix]The menu bar disappearing issue
            [Fix]The problem on baidu.com that the page closed before the popup notifying whether to leave or stay.
            [Fix]The problem of specifying the rendering mode for certain sites

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.076
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2012, 08:20
Build 076:

1. Bug fix: Crash when opening some sites which requires http authentication information.
2. Bug fix: fix erratic behavior when attempting to change homepage.

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.077
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2012, 12:59
Build 077:

1. Bug fix: Crash when opening some sites which requires http authentication information.
2. Bug fix: fix erratic behavior when attempting to change homepage.

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.078
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2012, 13:12
Build 078:

1. Bug fix: Fixed resource leak inside the rendering process.

Titel: Pale Moon 9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2012, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

Fix for a critical vulnerability in the libpng graphics library
Update to the add-ons blocklist and its handling
New 64-bit application icon (32-bit icon update in the next version)
Minor updates to cache handling settings

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2012, 13:14
# New Feature:

* SkyNote (called Online Notepad before).

# Improvement:

* The auto switching logic of Ultra Mode/Retro Mode.

# Fixes:

* Main Frame
- Some auxiliary informations in Status Bar could not load properly.
- No traffic moderating data if logged in Maxthon Account manually.
- It could not open a new tab when dragged & dropped external links to Maxthon Browser.
- It could not open .url files with Drag & Drop.
- Auto Refresh status display problem.
- It would still open the page if dragged & dropped Favorite items from Favorite Bar to the page and pressed ESC for canceling.
- UI display problem if changed the DPI of OS to 125%.
- Freeze problem when dragged & dropped Favorite items for ordering.
* Webkit Core
- Some crash problems.
- Some messy code problems.
- Inspect Element display problem.
- Freeze problem related to applet pages.
- Right-click menu display problem.
* AdHunter
- Borders were still there after filtered .gif files.
* Extension Platform
- Some interface realization problems.
- js problem of extension's drop-down list.



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2012, 13:50
        Avant Browser 2012 build 27, Released 2.29.2012

            [Fix]Gecko:Saving a picture via the floating tool bar caused the Save as window to open behind Avant Browser
            [Fix]Trident:Searching numbers via the address bar didn't return search results.
            [Fix]Downloader: Got wrong file names for certain download links.
            [Fix]The problem regarding the rules for assigning rendering engine
            [Fix]Sometimes the Autofill didn't work in the new tab

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2012, 13:23
Changelog :

New Feature:
+ Switched unsupported AxtiveX pages to Retro Mode automatically.

[Main Frame]
*Page Zoom setting did not work in New Session.

[Webkit Core]
* Some crash problems.
* It could not login codeproject.cm with the specific UA setting.
* It could not visit local pages.
* Incorrect interception of one download link in 115.com by Popup Blocker.
* Extra spaces adding problem when used correction feature of Spell Checker.
* It could not enter Chinese in some Flash Apps.
* Invalidation of Mouse Gesture and New Tab in some pages.
* window.onstorage event got triggered repeatedly.
* Initialization failure of File System API:requestFileSystem.

[Extension Platform]
* Some interface realization problems.



Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.079
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2012, 17:33
Build 079:

1. Added option to start a new rendering process upon closing all tabs. This option is enabled by default and will release all the memory used by the previous rendering process when the last tab is closed. However, the session information is still preserved.
2. Bug fix: ftp folder browsing under Windows XP
3. Bug fix: gmail attachment file detection with the download manager.

Titel: Dooble 1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2012, 21:45
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).


Licence: Open Source

Titel: Slim Browser 6.00 Build 080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2012, 06:10
Build 080:

1. Bug fix: Selecting "open all favorites" doesn't open all the sites within a favorites folder.
2. Bug fix: On Windows XP, the "Open Folder" button in IE download dialog incorrectly replaces the current tab inside SlimBrowser. Now it opens externally in a windows explorer window.
3. Language file updates.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2012, 19:40
Latest Changes

- New Features:

- + Updated Side Bar Layout
- + Support HTML5 Application cache, Geolocation and Dom download
- + Support "Do Not Track"
- + Support Web Audio API
- + Auomatic update of Maxthon Browser

- Fixes:

- [Main Frame]

- * Fixed a Tab UI problem
- * Display problem of the drop-down list icon in Quick Tools Bar
- * Fixed a sequence problem of Favorites items
- * The login window pop-up when used proxy
- * Download dialog window display problem
- * Boss Key did not work
- * Some dialogues could not display in the main screen when used multiple screens
- * Fixed loading problem of the auxiliary information in Status Bar and icons in Tool Bar

- [Webkit Core]

- * Could not visit https sites over proxy
- * Improved the processing to JS alert dialogue
- * Improved the support to the HTML5 game "Gravity Maze"
- * Improved the support to HTML 5 Creatures and Castles pages

- [Trident Core]

- *Customizing color in Night Mode did not work

- [Maxthon Download]

- * File name display error

- [Source Sniffer]

- * Some Youtube videos could not be detected

- [MaxSnap]

- * It could not snap some kinds of dialogues

- [AdHunter]

- * "Backspace" did not work when edited blocking rules
- * Invalid in "New Session "window

- [Extension Platform]

- * Some interface problem
- * Ajax request would be rejected in script injection
- * PAGE_LOADED triggered twice problem



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2012, 19:15
Change Log:

- [Fix] Trident:Blank page problem

Titel: Midori 0.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2012, 17:40
Midori is a lightweight web browser.



    Full integration with GTK+ 2
    Fast rendering with WebKit
    Tabs, windows and session management
    Flexibly configurable Web Search.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

- Disable page cache with < 352 MB RAM
- Display filename in download dialog
- Fix box packing in GTK+3 (in most cases)
- Enable experimental HTML5 fullscreen API
- Harden IPv6 address recognition in location
- Experimental site data policy support (see FAQ)
- Close tabs by middle clicking close button
- Merge cookies and other data in Clear Private Data
- Improve KatzeArrayAction for Unity menuproxy compatibility
- Use GDateTime for history to avoid broken C runtimes
- Add Midori tag to DuckDuckGo default URI
- Rewrite completion popup resizing
- Streamline page icon loading stages and fallbacks
- Disable clipboard work-around for WebKit >= 1.4.3
- Re-word .desktop entry as an action
- Display informative text in private browsing
- Consistent clear icons in entries
- Revised download filename generation
- Add 'Open in Image Viewer' menu item
- Formhistory 2.0 with GDOM support
- Handle javascript: and mailto: links better
- Handle = key in Ukrainian layout better
- Fix bookmark export and deletion of bookmark folders
- Speed dial shortcut re-reordering by DND

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.081
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2012, 05:56
Build 081:

1. Bug fix: Adding some websites to the tabs page will mess up the quick-dial buttons.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2012, 12:52
Whats new: >>


[Main Frame]

* Display problem of right arrow's drop-down list in Favorites Bar.
* Display problem when dragged the icons in Side Bar.
* "Get More Apps" button did not work.
* It could not select the related folder when added favorites if there were too many directories.
* Search Bar focus lost problem.

[Webkit Core]

* Browser crashed if closed the browser after locked tabs.
* Mouse Gesture did not work.
* Incomplete display of <ol> bullets.
* Page layout problem of ebay and astronet.

[Maxthon Download]

* "Browse" could not locate the related folder.
* Display problem of the download dialogue.


* The tab title and the content in Address Bar did not change when switched the pages from extensions.



Titel: Epic 1.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2012, 19:40
Epic is a Web Browser launched by Indian startup company Hidden Reflex, and is the first ever Web browser from India. It has been stuffed with many features and applications. It has something which we have never heard of before, an integrated antivirus protection in a browser. The built in antivirus and antispyware is powered by ESET. The browser has a sidebar with lot of widgets already installed such as skins, maps, jobs, news, gmail, yahoo, games and many more. Epic claims to have around 1500 free applications which can be added in the browser. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Orkut are also included in the sidebar. It has a free word processor, a to do tool, snippet app, timer and most importantly it allows you to access your files and folder from the browser sidebar itself. It also has an application called Indic which allows you to type in as many as 12 Indian languages. The browser also allows you to watch videos from YouTube in a small window, so that you can browse other websites while watching videos.


Titel: Maxthon V3.3.6.2000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2012, 12:00
What's new: >>

New Feature:

    Tab Sync.


    Improved Mouse Gesture and the right-click menu of webpage.


[Webkit Core]

    Caches needed to be cleared manually when they worked exceptionally.
    It could not save the certified dialog passwords.
    Right-click menu did not work well.
    Support blob:file protocol.
    It could not open some pages.
    Application cache events could not log in Console of Developer Tools.
    Mouse scrolling problem in some vedio pages.
    Diplay problem of http://www.5eplay.com/ .


    Multiple language support in development.
    Some interface problems.



Titel: Pale Moon 11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2012, 05:43
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

All versions:

    Integration of the Status Bar functionality. You can now access the status bar configuration directly from the Tools or Options menu, and it is no longer a separate add-on[note]
    Implementation of the SPDY protocol to improve load times on websites that support it.
    Improvements to the rendering engine, and specific improvements to the hardware acceleration of font rendering and WebGL
    Implementation of more advanced HTML5 (including IndexedDB improvements and support for more HTML5 elements) and CSS features (including CSS 3D transforms)
    Add-on compatibility: add-ons now default to being compatible
    Cosmetic updates to the Pale Moon icon and some included artwork
    The (limited feature) web developer tools as added to Firefox 11.0 have mostly been disabled since they are not intended to be present in future builds of Pale Moon. Web developers are encouraged to make their own choices about which development tools they wish to use at the Mozilla Add-ons repository (Web development section)

Titel: TweetDeck 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2012, 09:16
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Titel: Pale Moon 11.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2012, 20:50
Whats new: >>

A small maintenance release to address a few annoyances in the original new release of v11.0:

    Tone down the rather too aggressive network settings that were introduced in Firefox 11:
        Maximum concurrent connections opened by Pale Moon lowered to 48 (was 256) to make sure it doesn't easily saturate the networking layer of Windows, to prevent residential NAT gateways from being overloaded and to lower strain on wireless networks
        Maximum concurrent connections to a single server lowered to 6 (was 15). In tandem with pipelining this is still plenty, and it actually promotes the proper intended use of pipelining
    Fix the installer to properly check for the minimum required operating system version: Windows XP for both x86 and x64 versions
    Switch off OpenGL as preferred engine for WebGL again to fix compatibility problems
    Switch off DirectWrite font rendering again to fix compatibility issues with certain graphics cards
    Properly implement the removal/blocking of status bar add-ons when upgrading/installing

In addition, Pale Moon 11 will:

    Save open session information less often (once a minute)
    No longer store form data and other entered information in the browser session store when pages are viewed over SSL, to increase security - the data entered in secure pages is no longer committed to disk.

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2012, 22:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

    Added option to display only files larger than the specified size (In 'Advanced Options' window)

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.01.005
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2012, 20:00

    The old autologin feature has been replaced with the new form filler feature under the "Quick Fill" menu. Autologin files will be upgraded into saved form files.
    Added option to ignore https sites in download manager options.
    Added menu tools:reset all settings.
    Bug fix: double clicking ftp folder in a ftp folder view opens the ftp folder in an external explorer window.
    Feature change: The entire browser window is now hidden when the browser is locked.
    Added paste & search into the context menu of the quicksearch box.
    Ctrl key for the purpose of new tab activation toggling now affects only sites opened from existing tabs by middle-clicking, shift+clicking or selecting the menu "Open In New Tab".
    Now you can use delete key to delete a single entry from the drop down list of the address bar.
    Bug fix: Tab bar height wasn't adjusted properly when the bar is using multi-line mode while resizing the main window.
    Reduced the time to close a group of tabs.
    Bug fix: website with title including special characters such as apostrophe messes up the quickdial settings.
    Added support to download all the links from the current web page. Accessible from the in-page context menu ""Download all with download manager" and from the toolbar on the download manager.
    The folder to save pictures is now remembered across browsing sessions.
    Added "Window->Restore All/Maximize All" to the Window menu.
    Added site-dependent zoom settings. If you set a specific zoom setting on a web page, next time you come to the same domain, the same zoom setting will be applied.
    Added support to import firefox bookmarks in one click (Favorites->Manage Favorites->Import Firefox Bookmarks).
    Added option to easily disable the securty alert when browsing pages with both http and https content.
    Reduced startup time when skin is enabled.
    Skin selection dialog has been changed into a menu list.
    Add support to restore popup window by openning blocked url directly. Now we have two ways to restore popup windows. The old way is allow popups temporarily and refresh the current page (Allow Popup and Reload).
    The new way will restore the blocked popup window by opening its URL directly. The new way is more useful in cases where refreshing the current page will cause either loss of data or session information.
    Added support to delete individual items from the history view.
    Changed domain autocompletion options. Added checkbox to enable/disable each of them individually. Check tools:options:address bar.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2012, 18:00
Latest Changes

- New Features:

- + ExtensionManager
- + DeveloperTools supported Chinese and English
- + Supportedwindow extensions
- + SupportedHTML5 full screen API

- Improvements:

- * Optimized theperformance of js script execution

- Fixes:

- [Main Frame]

- * Icon sequenceproblem in Side Bar
- * No promptmessage when logged-in Maxthon Account with wrong password
- * The drop-downmenu in Options might be covered by Task Bar
- * Koreancharacters display problem
- * It did notuse the blank tab when clicked a new page from Favorites Side Bar
- * Side Bardid not refresh when logged out Maxthon Account from New Session window
- * Could notopen new windows through bookmarklet
- *Invalidation of “After closing a Tab switch to: Last visited Tab”

- [Webkit Core]

- * It couldnot use Reader Mode when open local html files
- * Downloadproblem of flashget protocol
- * Pagedisplay problem related to UA
- * Lack ofReferer in middle-click links
- * Focusproblem of Reader Mode
- * Notransition effect when enabled Reader Mode
- * Downloadpopuped when opened some ico files

- [IE Core]

- * Page Zoomproblem if changed dpi

- [Magic Fill]

- * Could notremember the router login information

- [Download]

- * Could notcall Maxthon Thunder Downloader sometimes
- * Problemcaused by paths
- * It deleted thefailed downloads when “Clear Completed”
- * Linkswithout protocols could not be recognized
- * It promptedhotlinks when downloaded in some sites
- [ExtensionPlatform]

- + Addedruntime.user.getAvatar interface
- * Someinterface problems



Titel: SlimBrowser 6.01.007
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2012, 18:30
z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: BrowserHistorySpy 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2012, 21:18
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 7.



Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2012, 12:43
# Fix:

* UI problem when there were few download items in Maxthon Downloader.



Titel: Dooble 1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2012, 20:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.00.081
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2012, 16:56
Build 081:
1. Bug fix: Adding some websites to the tabs page will mess up the quick-dial buttons.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2012, 16:40

[Main Frame]
* Extension loading problem in XP.
* Auto Refresh did not work sometimes.

[Webkit Core]
* Reader Mode did not work in some sites.
* High memory usage problem.
* Crash problem of liulan7.



MD5 = ed63f85f0e47b924ad1a45af3166721f
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 166
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2012, 19:00
        Avant Browser 2012 build 166, Released 4.5.2012

            [Add]Chrome rendering engine(18.0.1025.142)
            [Add]The option to open links with other rendering engines added to the context menu of Bookmarks,Autofill,History etc
            [Add]APC option under AB options>Proxy server
            [Add] Version number of each engine on Help>About Avant browser
            [Add] Option:Only show favicons on bookmarks bar
            [Add] Mouse gesture:Move to top/bottom
            [Improve]Improved the performance of chrome engine
            [Improve]Downloader:Move "Open the file when complete" option out of "Advanced "
            [Change]Avant Browser doesn't launch RSS reader without the prefix "feed"
            [Fix]Drop down list of address bar disappeared while page was loading
            [Fix]XP: One more about:blank page created when launching browser quickly
            [Fix]Cannot remember the size of window in the second monitor
            [Fix]Runextra cannot open the last saved tabs
            [Fix]Favicons don't show up in online storage
            [Fix]Some pop up windows go beyond Avant window
            [Fix]Double-clicking cannot refresh page after the page crash
            [Fix][Gecko] Zoom size problem
            [Fix][Webkit] The order of popup pages in some website
            [Fix][Webkit] Gmail has no response
            [Fix][Webkit]Avant stolen focus from other app when load/refresh a video
            [Fix][Webkit] The color of visted links doesn't disappear after exiting Avant with clear all records option checked
            [Fix][Webkit] Some buttons on the floating toolbar of PDF file don't work
            [Fix][Trident] Text box doesn't appear in some website
            [Improve]Other minor improvements

Titel: QupZilla 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2012, 06:30
QupZilla is modern and very fast lightweight web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarantee fast browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms. It boasts features comparable to Chrome and Firefox, yet uses less resources than either. It has all standard functions you expect from a web browser. It unifies bookmarks, history and rss reader in one well-arranged window. No more multiple windows, QupZilla uses just one! With the integrated rss reader, you can stay up to date with your favourite sites. It can also import bookmarks from other browsers.

Licence: Open Source

Whats new: >>

    Brazilian Portuguese, Indonesian, Georgian, Japanese and Romanian translation
    added information about configuration page qupzilla:config
    added option to show only icons in bookmarks toolbar
    added alt+d shortcut for focusing locationbar
    added possibility to import bookmarks folder structure on html import
    added option to create search engine from input element on page
    added "don't load tabs until selected" option when restoring session
    added option to separate http and https proxy configuration
    added new page into site info: databases
    added command line option to open url in current tab
    support for utf-8 filenames in Content-Disposition header (downloads)
    support for whitelisting/blacklisting cookies
    improved source viewer, it now shows line numbers
    improved html import - support for importing folders
    improved performance of bookmarks import and deleting
    sending referer header when opening new tab from webview
    user agent workaround for google sites
    fixed history of frames not saving
    fixed loading unicode urls from command line
    fixed removing local certificates
    fixed dark color of text in locationbar when using dark theme
    fixed garbled rendering of desktop notifications
    fixed text in locationbar on https sites when using dark theme
    fixed not saving cookies on crash
    fixed option not to send Referer header to servers
    fixed showing bad total + downloaded size when starting download
    fixed toggling WebInspector

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 169
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2012, 12:20
        Avant Browser 2012 build 169, Released 4.8.2012

            [Add]Chrome rendering engine(18.0.1025.151)
            [Add]The option to open links with other rendering engines added to the context menu of Bookmarks,Autofill,History etc
            [Add]APC option under AB options>Proxy server
            [Add] Version number of each engine on Help>About Avant browser
            [Add] Option:Only show favicons on bookmarks bar
            [Add] Mouse gesture:Move to top/bottom
            [Improve]Improved the performance of chrome engine
            [Improve]Downloader:Move "Open the file when complete" option out of "Advanced "
            [Change]RSS reader won't be started without adding the prefix "feed"
            [Fix]Special characters miscoded in RSS Reader
            [Fix]Avant Downloader didn't start the download
            [Fix]In certain condition the default rendering engine returned to the default setting
            [Fix]Drop down list of address bar disappeared while page was loading
            [Fix]XP: One more about:blank page created when launching browser quickly
            [Fix]Cannot remember the size of window in the second monitor
            [Fix]Runextra cannot open the last saved tabs
            [Fix]Favicons don't show up in online storage
            [Fix]Some pop up windows go beyond Avant window
            [Fix]Double-clicking cannot refresh page after the page crash
            [Fix][Gecko] Zoom size problem
            [Fix][Webkit] The order of popup pages in some website
            [Fix][Webkit] Gmail has no response
            [Fix][Webkit]Avant stolen focus from other app when load/refresh a video
            [Fix][Webkit] The color of visted links doesn't disappear after exiting Avant with clear all records option checked
            [Fix][Webkit] Some buttons on the floating toolbar of PDF file don't work
            [Fix][Trident] Text box doesn't appear in some website
            [Improve]Other minor improvements

Titel: Maxthon V3.3.7.1000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2012, 12:59
New Feature:
+ Updated JavaScript engine.

[Main Frame]
* Side Bar and Status Bar could be dragged if the browser window was maximized.
* Quick App would exit improperly.
* Sequence problem of the icons in Side Bar.
* It displayed the incorrect task number in Download Manager.
* Tab "close" button display problem.

[Webkit Core]
* Fixed one Inertia-Clickjacking security breach.
* Several stability problems related to Webkit Core.
* The username displayed as messy code in kyohk.net.
* Night Mode did not work in some sites.
* Some page loading problems.
* Two scroll bar problems.

[Extension Interface of IE Core]
* Interface problem in Retro Mode.

* Data import problem.



Titel: Dooble 1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2012, 05:38
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2012, 19:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed VideoCacheView to detect the correct cache folder of Firefox if the user changed it from Firefox config (browser.cache.disk.parent_directory).

Titel: Maxthon V3.3.7.2000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2012, 12:56
What's new: >>


[Main Frame]

    No response to the newly registers login sometimes.
    Failed to unlock the locked tabs.

[Webkit Core]

    Certain page elements could be dragged&dropped accidentally into search.
    No response when clicking download buttons in certain pages.
    The download dialog message prompted improperly.
    The right click menu displayed incompletely.
    A CSS support problem.




Titel: Lunascape 6.7.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2012, 13:25
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 028
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2012, 05:45
Build 028

1. Language file update.
2. Bug fix: crash when opening a form file tied to a URL set to compatibility view.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2012, 16:51

The New Features:

+ Supported H.264 Hardware acceleration.


[Main Frame]

* Improved input experience for Address Bar.

[Webkit Core]

* Browser crashed when opening certain mht files.

* Improved HTML5 animation features.

* Failed to open certain pages of kooora.com.

* Fixed a CSS support problem.

[Extension Platform]

* Improved the interface implementation.

[Maxthon Thunder Downloader]

- Removed Maxthon Thunder Downloader.




(Please clear the browser history, then restart the browser for download. Sorry for that.)
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 029
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2012, 06:20
Build 029:

1. Bug fix: Download manager history file saved incorrectly.

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.2 Build 0427
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2012, 13:17
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Open Source

Whats new: >>

fix: bug of open javascript link
fix: top video window disappear bug
fix: top window disappears bug
fix: gesture track display bug
fix: drag tab item bug
improve: RSS page display
improve: top window key

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2012, 15:15
Build 030:

1. Added find&replace button to scriptpad toolbar.

Titel: Pale Moon 12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2012, 17:15
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

Fixes and changes in all versions:

    A number of security and stability fixes imported from Firefox 12
    Update to the status bar code and a finalization of the integration of this functionality
    Localization of the status bar preferences and messages into 3 additional common languages: German, French and Spanish. This will automatically follow your locale setting
    Update to the HTML5 media controls
    Some under-the-hood changes that will further improve performance of Pale Moon on some systems

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2012, 18:00 [2012-05-03]

New Features
+New Download Manager interface.

*Optimized Retro/Ultra Mode smart switch logic

[Main Frame]
*The auxiliary information display problem in Status Bar.
*Failed to add urls and titles of Tabs to Favorites via Sidebar.

[Webkit Core]
*Certain Chinese Character overlapped.
*Crashed when visiting cttbchinese.org.
*No response when opening certain htm File.
*Reader Mode failed to exit when pressing ESC.
*Some pages failed to apply the screen definition.
*File access protocol problem.   

[IE Core]
*Default zoom size problem sometimes. 
*Pop-up videos were pinned by default sometimes.   



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 032
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2012, 13:18
Build 032:

1. Bug fix: crash when openning some quickfill form files.

Build 031

1. Replaced Google Buzz integration with Google plus. Accessible from Tools:Share This Page: Google Plus
2. Language files updates.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 033
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2012, 12:43
Build 033

1. Bug fix: "Never Ask for this site" for quickfill feature not working properly
2. Added back "mail" button as an available button on the standard toolbar.

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2012, 13:11
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added support for the splitted video files of YouTube Web site. After the scanning and loading process of the video files list is finished, VideoCacheView automatically detects the .flv video files splitted by YouTube Web site, and displays every chunk of splitted files as a single record.
The new 'Splitted Files Count' column displays the number of splitted files that the displayed record represents.
When you use the 'Copy Selected Files To...' option, VideoCacheView automatically merges all splitted files into one .flv that can be played in .flv player. The files are merged in the order of the created date/time of every file.
When you choose to delete a record containing splitted video files, all splitted files are deleted at once.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2012, 18:15
Whats new: >>


Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2012, 13:03
Changelog as follows, [2012-05-10]

* Optimized Image Rendering

[Webkit Core]
* Reader Mode didn’t work when reading some txt files.
* Some links couldn’t be clicked in Ad Hunter rules in certain cases.
* Browser received incorrect Screen Attribute value.
* Message boxes failed to prompt in Skydrive page.
* Wrong displays in Maxthon Control Board.
* Youtube.com/html5 didn’t support H.264.

[IE Core]
* Played Pop-up videos on top in Retro Mode.

[Maxthon Downloader]
* Exited without clearing downloading history automatically
* Download task display problem in Download Dialogue.

[Extensions Platform]
* Optimized System Service implementation



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2012, 12:45
Build 040

1. Language file updates
2. Fixed the drop down menu from the scripts button on the standard toolbar.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2012, 12:56

[Webkit Core]

* Crash problem related to right-click menu.
* Opening png images would popup the download dialog.
* Image zooming did not work well.* Some extensions still ran even after being disabled.

[Maxthon Downloader]

* Improved download directory checking.



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 041
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2012, 08:50
Build 041

1. Fixed a small bug with language file manager.

Titel: Maxthon beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2012, 12:20
New Features:

+ Supported HTML5 Microdata
+ Added "Internet Options" to proxy menu
+ Added message prompt when exited Maxthon Browser


[Main Frame]
* "Close with Maxthon" in External Tools did not work
* Could not remember SkyNote window size
* Improved Address Bar search logic

[Webkit Core]
* Could not View Source of .svg images.
* Directory navigation bar of the file protocol displayed incorrectly
* Did not block some popup windows
* Magic Fill did not work for some sites

[Extension Platform]
* Extensions still ran even after being disabled



Titel: Webbrowser: Chrome rückt Internet Explorer auf die Pelle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2012, 13:37
Googles Chrome hat Microsofts Internet Explorer an der Spitze der Web-Browser-Rangliste von Statcounter abgelöst. Vorige Woche kam Chrome weltweit auf einen Marktanteil von 32,8 Prozent, der Internet Explorer auf 31,9. Damit ist er bei Statcounter erstmals der am weitesten verbreitete Web-Browser. Vor einem Jahr kam der Internet Explorer noch auf 43,8 Prozent gegenüber 19,6 Prozent für Chrome. Den zweiten Platz belegte damals Firefox mit 29,1 Prozent; aktuell steht er mit 25,8 Prozent auf dem dritten Platz.


Apples Safari verbesserte sich im Vorjahresvergleich von 4,9 auf 8,3 Prozent und folgt auf Platz vier. Der norwegische Webbrowser Opera hingegen ließ von 1,8 auf 1,5 Prozent nach.

Statcounter hatte bereits im März einen verstärkten Trend zur Chrome-Nutzung gesehen, besonders am Wochenende habe er kurzzeitig den Internet Explorer auf Ranglistenplatz eins abgelöst. Die Marktforscher erklärten sich das damit, dass viele an ihrem Arbeitsplatz den Internet Explorer nutzen müssen, privat eher Chrome präferieren.

Unternehmen wie StatCounter untersuchen nicht eine repräsentative Stichprobe der Gesamtheit der Internetnutzer, sondern nur den Datenverkehr der von ihnen betreuten Unternehmen. Daher sind die Zahlen nicht repräsentativ, ebensowenig die Nutzerstatistik für heise online. Sie eignet sich aber dafür, einen Trend abzulesen.

Unter den Nutzern von heise online ist Mozilla weiterhin der beliebteste Browserhersteller: Im aktuellen Monat kommt er auf 53,6 Prozent Anteil, vor einem Jahr waren es allerdings 60 Prozent. Microsoft ließ von 15,9 auf 15,6 Prozent nach, Google wuchs hingegen von 8,3 auf 11,2 Prozent an. Apple verbesserte sich von 5,6 auf glatte 10 Prozent, während Opera von 6,5 auf 5,7 Prozent nachließ.

Nach den Statcounter-Zahlen für Deutschland hat Mozillas Firefox ebenfalls die Nase vorn und kommt hier aktuell auf 49,4 Prozent gegenüber 57,7 vor einem Jahr. Der Internet Explorer folgt mit 26,6 Prozent (Vorjahr 21,9) auf dem zweiten, Chrome mit 13,5 (11,5) auf dem dritten Platz. Auf den Plätzen vier und fünf stehen Safari mit 5,6 (4,6) und Opera mit 3,4 Prozent (3,5).

Statcounter-Konkurrent Net Applications kam im April auf andere, ebenfalls nicht repräsentative Zahlen für den weltweiten Markt: Hier dominierte immer noch der Internet Explorer mit 53,8 Prozent. Firefox erzielte 20,3 Prozent Marktanteil, Chrome 18,6.

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 171
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2012, 12:51
        Avant Browser 2012 build 171, Released 5.21.2012

            [Update] Chrome rendering engine(19.0.1084.46)
            [Update] Firefox rendering engine(
            [Fix] Video download problem on youtube
            [Fix] The problem of starting a second avant browser to open an external link in the case of having created a shortcut with the parameter runextra
            [Fix] Focus problem
            [Fix] PDF document download problem
            [Fix] Disable videos option didn't prevent some videos from playing
            [Fix] Sometimes the address bar drop down list didn't save correctly the typed address
            [Fix] A glitch after exiting Full Desktop mode
            [Fix] Buttons were invisible after narrowing down the interface of downloader
            [Fix] Detaching and minimizing a tab caused it to be closed.
            [Fix] Extra instance didn't open its reopen.dat.
            [Fix][Trident] No padlock Icon on secure sites
            [Fix][Trident] Disabling "Prompt to save logins" didn't take effet.
            [Fix][Gecko] "Click to see if your plugins are up to date" didn't work

Titel: Pale Moon 12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2012, 17:40
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A major update to the browser, implementing a number of visual and under-the-hood changes.

Security fixes:

    Bug #745580 Thebes: handle bad results from Core Text shaping more robustly.
    Bug #744541 XPCOM i/o: Charset conversion issue.
    Bug #748613 Javascript: Scope vulnerability
    Bug #747688 Layout engine: Drop references for all destroyed frames
    Security update of the included MSVC runtime libraries

Enhancements and fixes:

    Dynamic smooth scrolling algorithm for mouse/keyboard implemented. Smooth scrolling is now also enabled by default.
    Update to the status bar code to fix pop-up status not switching sides on mouse-over, as well as using a safer allocation/destruction mechanism for controls (potentially preventing memory leaks).
    Fixed: cache size override on new profiles (would be set to 1GB instead of the application default of 200MB). Bug 20120512-GN.
    Addition of a number of preferences in the Tabs category of the options dialog box:
        A checkbox for inserting related tabs next to the current tab when opening a link;
        A checkbox for closing the browser window when the last tab is closed;
        A selection for new tabs: Choose from a blank page, the Pale Moon start page or the Quickdial page.
    Some slight color has been re-introduced in the navigation elements to improve clarity of the UI.
    Disabled an image decoding library with hazardous code. This has no impact on the browser's image decoding capabilities or performance as alternative methods for decoding are used by default.
    Some changes to memory handling which potentially keep memory use better within bounds.
    A change to the build environment to improve stability of Javascript. Note that this is a trade-off and may result in a slight drop in synthetic benchmarking performance of the browser compared to the previous version of Pale Moon. The impact of this on overall real-world performance of the browser is negligible.

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2012, 05:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now also reads the turbo subfolder located under the main cache folder of Opera Web browser.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2012, 12:37
This version is specially for the crash problem when use google.
Sorry for any convenience if you have met this problem when you use any other Maxthon versions.
Welcome to download and install.



Titel: Lunascape 6.7.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2012, 23:33
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2012, 13:23 [2012-05-24]

New Feature:
+ Supported HTML5 Shared Workers

* Improved the graphic rendering.

[Main Frame]
* The browser did not work when exited Maxthon with the prompt message

[Maxthon Downloader]
* Download file icons did not display sometimes
* Sometimes it popuped several download dialogues
* Improved the path judging for download files



Titel: VideoCacheView V2.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2012, 20:22
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug with split video feature: When switching to another video resolution, VideoCacheView merged the split video of the original resolution with the full video file of the new resolution.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2012, 13:13
New Features:
+ Improved HML5 support
+ Updated JavaScript engine

[Main Frame]
* Case-insensitive problem of Address Bar

[Webkit Core]
* Some videos could not be detected by Source Sniffer
* Failed to cancel by right-click during drag & drop
* Failed to download images
* Fixed one security hole

[IE Core]
* Video popup icon display problem in Retro Mode

[Magic Fill]
* Failed to fill in correct passwords in some pages



Titel: Maxthon V3.3.9.1000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2012, 12:53
What's new: >>


    [Main Frame]: Failed to delete the data in Address Bar drop-down menu
    [Webkit Core]: Some Chinese characters displayed incorrectly
    [Webkit Core]: Failed to create Canvas
    [Webkit Core]: Blocked Gmail popup windows by mistake
    [Magic Fill]: Improved the support to Magic Fill in some sites
    [Magic Fill]: "Name" of Magic Fill displayed as url in Maxthon Options
    [Extension Platform]: Icon display problem
    [Extension Platform]: Unqualified extensions might cause crashes
    [Extension Platform]: Improved the extension interface calls



Titel: GreenBrowser 6.2 Build 0606
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2012, 19:40
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

add: main system bar
add: suggest when google error
add: custom number of previous visit
fix: filter bug when click link in combobox
fix: function key bug in page
fix: tab key bug of address bar

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2012, 12:53
Changelog is as following: [2012-06-07]

[Main Frame]
* Search Bar display problem
* What's New Page displayed each time when opened Maxthon

[Webkit Core]
* One crash problem caused by visiting win8 download page
* Gmail popup window would be blocked by mistake
* Could not get the correct XML file parameters

[IE Core]
* It did not support third-party downloader well

[Extension Platform]
* Improved the extension JavaScript Apis for extensions



Titel: SlimBoat 1.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2012, 05:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Titel: Pale Moon 12.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2012, 00:39
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A minor update but introducing some new features.

Most important changes:

    Privacy issue: clear the QuickDial page when history is cleared
    Better, neutral background color for raw image viewing
    Smooth scrolling improved; also disabled smooth scrolling for page-by-page by default
    Smooth scrolling can now be configured/tuned in detail in Advanced Options
    Some changes to the build method for x64 for potentially better performance on some systems

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2012, 13:45
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now can detect the flash temporary files of any Web browser installed on your system automatically.

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2012, 22:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Update for Firefox 13.x with Flash version 11.3.300.257: The temporary flash files are now also taken from acro_rd_dir subfolder under the main temp folder, as well as VideoCacheView can detect the executable file of Flash.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 173
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2012, 12:43

        Avant Browser 2012 build 173, Released 6.14.2012

            [Update] Firefox rendering engine(
            [Update] Chrome rendering engine(19.0.1084.56)
            [Fix][Gecko] Firefox.exe crashing problem aftering enabling silverlight
            [Fix][Webkit] For the same link,Avant Downloader can't pop up twice after canceling the first task.
            [Fix][Webkit] Searching via Address Bar failed.
            [Fix][Trident] Saving AutoFill dialog automatically popped up when loading a page
            [Fix] Avant Downloader can't detect videos on certain sites
            [Fix] The video on the page sometimes played in the background after clicking the full screen button on the video player.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2012, 16:00
New Features:

+ New Quick Access
+ Supported playing .flv files
+ Improved the support for HTML5 datalist
+ Updated JavaScript engine
+ Added right-click menu into Side Bar extensions
+ Added search suggestion into Search Bar
+ Proxy white list
+ "Always use Ultra Mode" option
+ "Don't track me" option


[Main Frame]
* Search Bar did not work well sometimes
* Some site icons did not display in Quick Access

[Webkit Core]
* It did not display the error page correctly
* Gmail Spell Check problem
* Some pages did not display well in Ultra Mode
* Some buttons in the pages did not work
* Could not view or open the folder after saving images by shortcut keys
* The Chinese file names displayed as messy codes in Maxthon Downloader when downloaded from dbank
* Improved the support for text-transform
* Improved Magic Fill to support more pages well
* It said that Maxthon did not support MPEG-4 in html5test page
* Sometimes it did not work well when copied images
* Improved Source Sniffer support for videos in cutv.com

[IE Core]
* Opening a new tab may cause the browser unresponsive

[Extension Platform]
* Improved Extension Platform



Titel: Pale Moon 12.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2012, 21:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

A minor update to fix stability issues:

    Fix for Flash 11.3 crashing the plugin container or browser upon shutdown.
    Note: Flash 11.3 introduces "protected mode", an internal plugin sandbox, that can still cause other issues, e.g. for full-screen video playback. Please check the forum announcement for more information, workarounds and advice if you experience issues.
    Fix for double entries for "recent tags" and "recently bookmarked" in the bookmarks menu on a new profile.
    Fix for build instability issues in javascript due to the Microsoft compiler producing incorrect machine code in some cases. This fix will cause a slight performance loss on 32-bit builds to prevent crashes and scripting problems in the GUI and on web pages. Pale Moon x64 is not affected.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2012, 13:13
We have lots of new features in 3.4.1:

+ Improved the layout of Quick Access
+ Supported playing .flv files
+ Supported HTML5 datalist
+ Updated JavaScript engine
+ Added right-click menu into Side Bar extensions
+ Added search suggestion into Search Bar
+ Proxy white list
+ "Always use Ultra Mode" option
+ Added "Don't track me" option

(http://forum.maxthon.com/attachments/month_1206/20120619_b88eaf53fadbf86cf380V8G8R5hNXjkG.jpg) [2012-06-19]

[Main Frame]
* Crash problem when logged out Maxthon Account

[Webkit Core]
* Improved the support for the attribute of page input box

[Extension Platform]
* Extensions in Side Bar could not hide when they should do



Titel: AM-DeadLink 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2012, 16:45
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    AM-DeadLink could not find Internet Explorer Favorites under certain circumstances
    Minor fixes and improvements

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2012, 06:10
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added 'Title' column, which displays the title of the Web page that was loaded while playing the video/audio file.
(Be aware that this feature is not perfect, and it may not work properly with some Web sites).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2012, 13:12
Changelog is as following: [2012-06-28]
New Features:
+ Supported saving pages as mht files in Ultra Mode
+ Added tooltip when extensions successfully installed
+ Reserved "Forward/Back " list and scroll bar position in Duplicate Tab
+ Added auto update and syncing service of extensions
+ Supported HTML5 color input

[Main Frame]
* Tool Bar display problem
* Icon display problem in Source Sniffer

[Webkit Core]
* Some language characters display problem
* No response problem of the browser
* Some ads were displayed by mistake
* Page display problem
* Some error pages did not show completely
* Proxy identity authentication did not work well

[Extension Platform]
* Right-click menu of extensions displayed errors
* Focus loss problem of extension windows



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2012, 13:56
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 046
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2012, 06:01
Build 046:

1. Language file updates.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 175
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2012, 13:34

        Avant Browser 2012 build 175, Released 7.2.2012

            [Update] Gecko engine (
            [Update] Webkit engine (20.0.1132.47)
            [Fix]Didn't recognize the environment variables in registry
            [Fix]Security warning problem when opening links from start>Favorites
            [Fix][Gecko]plugin_container crashed problem
            [Fix][Gecko]Avant crashed when playing some videos
            [Fix][Gecko]Autofill problem on certain page
            [Fix][Gecko]Downloader: Filename garbled in certain Website
            [Fix][Webkit]Avant crashed when exiting sleep mode

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2012, 16:10
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to detect the temporary flash files if the system had large amount of running processes.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 048
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2012, 18:20
Build 048:

1. Fixed a crash case with Photo Salon.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 049
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2012, 13:22
Build 049:

1. Fixed a crash case with qzone.qq.com
2. Updated dutch language file.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2012, 13:36

New Feature:
+ Added update of site icons in Favorites

* Optimized the transcoding efficiency
* Improved the browser start-up speed

[Main Frame]
* https security icon display problem
* The tooltip of Safe URL Checker displayed incorrectly
* Tab sync problem
* Improved the interface support for HTML5 Notification

[Webkit Core]
* It printed out the incorrect number of copies
* It did not display .mov videos well through Quicktime
* Maxthon Downloader could not download the programs to a shared computer
* It could not invoke the third-party downloader tools
* Supported searching by drag & drop in address bar
* It could not close Maxthon Downloader dialog box by pressing Alt+F4
* Maxthon Download Manager could not save files into network shared path
* It might fail when downloaded to specific paths
* It did not display the correct icon after download completed
* Some pages displayed as messy code
* Source Sniffer could not recognized the video types when downloaded in bulk

[Extension Platform]
* Sometimes extension status displayed incorrectly in Extension Manager



Titel: VideoCacheView V2.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2012, 21:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added x64 build, which allows you to extract temporary flash files from 64-bit Web browsers.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2012, 13:24
Build 050

1. Bug fix: blank url unexpectedly added into address bar drop down history.
2. Set default language of installer to system ui language.
3. Fixed two bugs with photo salon.
4. Automatically terminate hanging rendering processes at startup.
5. Added option to fully disable photo salon in tools:options:photo processing.
6. Automatically disable photo salon on email websites.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2012, 12:56
Build 051

1. Fixed crash when updating quickdial button screenshots.
2. Updated language files.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2012, 13:09
New Features:
+ Supported HTML5 Custom search providers
+ New Reader Mode

[Main Frame]
* Crash problem caused by installing an incomplete skin file

[Webkit Core]
* Slight improvement on WebGL support.
* Incorrect download path when dragged some shortcuts from desktop to Maxthon 3
* The mouse cursor moved following the image after "Quick Saved" Images
* Browsing mode switching problem for some urls
* File name display problem in Source Sniffer



Titel: Pale Moon 12.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2012, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

- Maintenance release to address a number of potential security vulnerabilities

Titel: TweetDeck 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2012, 17:36
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2012, 10:20

[Main Frame]
* Side Bar display problem
* Focus lose problem of Address Bar

[Webkit Core]
* mailto protocol could not invoke mail clients
* Sometimes site background images could not display in Night Mode
* Sync problem of Quick Access background images
* "Save as" dialog box could not remember the type
* It might lose cookies when switched the browsing mode in some pages



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 176
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2012, 07:04
        Avant Browser 2012 build 176, Released 7.19.2012

            [Update] Gecko engine (
            [Update] Webkit engine (20.0.1132.57)
            [Fix] The problem of exiting from full screen/desktop mode after modifying avant browser options settings
            [Fix] Typed address can't be recorded if unchecking the option Enable Auto-Complete for the Address Bar
            [Fix] Error box appearing at time of exiting Avant Browser
            [Fix][Gecko] Clearing records brought up the Firefox Safe Mode dialog box
            [Fix][Trident] Modifying Avant Browser Options caused Proxy>Connect directly to be checked again
            [Change] Set Chrome as the default rendering engine

Titel: QupZilla V1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2012, 07:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 053
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2012, 08:00
Build 053

1. Updated language files
2. Improved tab closing speed.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 054
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2012, 13:30
Build 054

1. Updated language files.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 055
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2012, 13:17
Build 055

1. Reduce closing time of the last tab.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 177
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2012, 05:47
        Avant Browser 2012 build 177, Released 7.24.2012

            [Update] Gecko engine (
            [Update] Webkit engine (20.0.1132.57)
            [Fix] The problem of exiting from full screen/desktop mode after modifying avant browser options settings
            [Fix] Typed address can't be recorded if unchecking the option Enable Auto-Complete for the Address Bar
            [Fix] Error box appearing at time of exiting Avant Browser
            [Fix][Gecko] Clearing records brought up the Firefox Safe Mode dialog box
            [Fix][Trident] Modifying Avant Browser Options caused Proxy>Connect directly to be checked again
            [Fix][Webkit] A conflict between Avant Browser and Kaspersky
            [Change] Set Chrome as the default rendering engine

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 056
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2012, 12:53
Build 056

1. Updated Portuguese and Estonian language files

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2012, 12:47
# Fixes:

* Webkit Core

- Website Certificate error
- The sound was still there even after closed the popup video
- It would open a new tab when saving images by shortcuts



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 057
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2012, 13:16
kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2012, 17:40 [2012-07-27]

New Features:
* Supported login Maxthon Account by Facebook and Twitter accounts

[Main Frame]
* Maxthon Downloader interface display problem
* Polish characters input problem in Address Bar
* Could not delete downloaded files if there were special characters in the download path

[Webkit Core]
* Could not open chm file attribute links in the browser
* Some pages could not be saved as html files
* Russian spell check problem
* Some data in Magic Fill could not be deleted

[Quick Access]
* Sync problem of setting background image when Split Screen
* Language display problem in some page buttons
* Could not change background images successfully sometimes



Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 178
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2012, 13:30
Avant Browser 2012 build 178, Released 7.29.2012

            [Fix] Improved performance of Memory Management

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 179
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2012, 19:01
        Avant Browser 2012 build 179, Released 7.30.2012

            [Fix] Improved performance of Memory Management

Titel: Maxthon Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2012, 14:03
Changelog is as following: [2012-08-02]

New Feature:
+ Initial support for Web Camera

[Main Frame]
* Right-click menu language display problem in installation dialog box
* Scrolling bar displayed in installation interface in some languages
* Path drop-down list width problem in Maxthon Downloader
* Focus problem after closing Print Preview
* Lock Tab problem
* No response caused by js popup windows

[Webkit Core]
* Supported orbit downloader displaying in page right-click menu
* Sometimes it could not download all links
* Crash problem caused by searching trigonometric functions in Google
* High CPU usage when added some specific links to Quick Access
* HTML5 notifications did not disappear
* Could not invoke Thunder Downloader
* Some wrong blocks in AdHunter

[IE Core]
* Magic Fill form did not display well
* Could not close the video popup floating button
* Problem related to cookies

[Extension Platform]
* Improved Extension Platform



Titel: Pale Moon 12.3 Release 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2012, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.

Pale Moon is a middle road, cutting away support for ancient systems to achieve a significant speed and efficiency increase, but not trying to squeeze the last few percent more out of it by limiting the range of systems it will run on even more. It aims to not waste computer resources and power on inefficient programs, while at the same time serving a wide range of systems that are currently in use around the world.


What's new: >>

This is a rebuild of Pale Moon 12.3 to address some performance regression in the 32-bit version of Pale Moon 12.3. No functional changes have been implemented in this release, and updating the browser is completely optional, but recommended if you experience lesser performance in Pale Moon 12.3 than you are used to.
This build should give overall smoother operation of the browser and better HTML5 video playback (WebM/Theora) than the original release.

Note: once again, this is to address a regression that was only present in the 32-bit (x86) version of Pale Moon 12.3 and does not affect Pale Moon x64. Pale Moon 12.3r2 is an update for the 32-bit version only and completely optional if you are already on v12.3.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2012, 13:17
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

- Added support for the new location of the Flash temporary files on Chrome Web browser (Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash)
- Added x64 build, which allows you to extract temporary flash files from 64-bit Web browsers.
- Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to detect the temporary flash files if the system had large amount of running processes.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 058
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2012, 12:47
Build 058

1. set limit to the range of zooming
2. Changed default value of a couple of options.
3. Bug with quickfill form filler (filling phone number and birthday)
4. Fixed bug with saving pictures.
5. Added an option to remember folder to save pictures in options:misc. The option is default off since it might make the picture saving feature not work correctly on some web pages. Use this option only if you like to save a lot of pictures every day.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 180
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2012, 12:43
        Avant Browser 2012 build 180, Released 8.9.2012

            [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.60)
            [Fix] Ctrl+shift+Z opened the last closed page twice in some case
            [Fix] Sometimes Avant Downloader can’t start up
            [Fix][Trident] The not responding issue
            [Fix][Gecko] Being unable to open pages issue
            [Fix][Webkit] Avant Downloader is unable to get correct download file in some case
            [Fix][Webkit] Adding Chrome extensions caused chrome.exe to crash

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2012, 13:31 [2012-08-09]

New Feature:
+ Updated JavaScript engine

[Main Frame]
* It could not display search suggestions in Search Bar
* Needed to click Boss Key twice to hide the browser window
* The browser would exit if locked tab when enabled Minimize to System Tray
* Problem when importing Chrome bookmarsk
* Split line display problem when using Split Screen
* No right-click menu in Downloader dialog box
* Language display problem in installation directory right-click menu
* Could not open a new browser window by clicking the icon in Task Bar

[Webkit Core]
* Problem caused by flash when closed pages
* Crash problem when closed Maxthon
* Freeze problem when switching language in Facebook pages
* Could not save password and verify code in some sites
* mailto protocol jump problem if not installing mail client
* Video play window popuped when logged in Maxthon Skydrive
* "Find in Page" problem

[Extension Platform]
* Improved Extension Platform



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 059
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2012, 06:30
Build 059

1. Finnish language file is now complete
2. Add shortcut key ctrl+j for download manager.
3. Fixed bug about crash restoration.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2012, 13:59
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.
Titel: TweetDeck 1.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2012, 05:40
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2012, 12:50
Build 060

1. Fixed implementation of external.AddFavorite javascript method.
2. Bug fix: ScriptPad not working properly under Windows vista/7.
3. Added support to download youtube video.
4. Reduced setup file size.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2012, 17:20
New Features:
+ Added "Extension List" into "MX Cloud Sync" center

[Main Frame]
* Browser language setting problem
* Keywords displayed different in Multiple Search Box and in page search box
* Page search box did not hide in Retro Mode
* Browser languages loading problem
* Tab Sync problem
* No response problem
* Input method input box display problem
* The right-click menu of Quick App icons in Task Bar could not disappear

[Webkit Core]* Some crash problems caused be WebGL
* Highlight of "Find in Page" did not work
* Improved the support for HTML5 Notifications
* Fixed freeze and progress remain problem when closed the browser

[Extension Platform]
* Improved Extension Platform.
Read more at http://www.kaldata.com/comments.php?catid=1&id=51076&timestamp=1345114104#1tSGuyVfGcEhJpXl.99



Titel: MozillaCookiesView V1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2012, 20:30
MozillaCookiesView is an alternative to the standard cookie manager provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

    Added new columns: 'Last Accessed' and 'Created Time'.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2012, 12:14
Build 061

1. Completed Danish language file. Many thanks to Frank Nielsen for his contribution!
2. Added option to create alias for saved form files.

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.3 Build 0822
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2012, 12:13
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

fix: input bug of some pages
fix: drag blur bug of win8
fix: gesture track bug of top window
fix: available memory count bug
fix: lose last visited pages bug
improve: shortcut keys function of page

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView V1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2012, 05:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2012, 10:39
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Actions in “Site Updates” improved
Open items from bookmarks bar with “Command + Number”
Unable to return to previous page on certain pages fixed
Phone number link icons hidden when printing
Reliability of actions improved
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 062
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2012, 12:30
Build 062

1. Added link to online demo videos under help menu.
2. Added "Validate HTML Source" under View menu for web developers.

Titel: VideoCacheView V2.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2012, 16:50
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

The string of the Title column is now automatically copied to the file description in the 'Copy Video Files' window.

Titel: Pale Moon 15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2012, 21:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

- Performance improvements for the rendering engine
- More HTML 5 implemented
- Better handling of memory, resulting in smoother operation of the browser
- More responsive user interface when the browser is busy
- Prevention of memory leaks through add-ons
- Better implementation of the Quickdial page
- Localization of Pale Moon specific preferences and options (work in progress)
- Reinstatement of the previous user interface, keeping it in line with version 12 (Firefox 15 has UI changes that makes the controls flat, monochrome and borderless, which isn't desired for Pale Moon)
- The padlock has returned for secure pages! It can be found in front of the URL when you browse to a secure page, with optionally company information if supplied by the server

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 181
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2012, 18:41
kein Changelog verfügbar...

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 063
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2012, 06:10
Build 063

1. Bug fix: open a new rendering process upon closing the last tab.
2. Bug fix: filling random password not working properly for some sites.
3. Completed Romanian language file. (Thanks for the contribution from Borsos Gellért).

Titel: Re: Avant Browser 2012 build 181
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2012, 12:49
Hier dann doch noch die Release Notes :

Avant Browser 2012 build 181, Released 8.28.2012

    [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.83)
    [Update] Firefox engine (
    [Fix] Ctrl+shift+Z can only reopen the last closed page instead of recovering the last action of closing pages
    [Fix][Webkit] Webkit crashing issue on https://plus.google.com
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 064
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2012, 09:42
Build 064

1. Bug fix: Unable to download youtube video under Windows XP
2. Fixed a bug associated with clean trace by domain feature.
3. Updated Arabic language file.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 065
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2012, 23:59
Build 065

1. Fixed weather forecast issue (using weather information provided by World Weather Online

Titel: Dooble 1.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2012, 07:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 066
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2012, 11:33
Build 066

1. Bug fix: youtube video download not positioned correctly after main window is resized.
2. Language file updates.

Titel: Lunascape 6.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2012, 23:30
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2012, 17:00
Changelog is as following: [2012-09-07]
New Feature:

+ Added the Certificate Management in Maxthon Options

* High CPU and memory usage problem
* Freeze problem caused by right-clicking on a selected long form
* Crash problem caused by Reader Mode
* Messy code problem when used Multi Search
* Tab inverse order problem of Last Session
* Messy code problem in some sites
* Drag & Drop invalidation problem in some pages
* Display and crash problem of Print Preview

* Improved saving feature of Developer Tool
* Improved the Night Mode effect in some sites
* Improved the scrolling efficiency in the page with big size images or amounts of images
* Optimized the memory usage of Quick Access

UI Improvements:
* Search suggestion list in Search Bar
* Magic Fill list
* Fixed the display status problem of Tool Bar



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 067
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2012, 07:20
Build 067

1. Language file updates
2. Option page is now sorted alphabetically for easy lookup.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2012, 15:30
Changelog is as following: [2012-09-13]

New Features:
+ Supported logging in Maxthon Account with connected Facebook and Twitter accounts
+ Supported opening internal pages of chm files
+ Added Certificate Management entrance in Maxthon Options

* Part of high CPU and memory usage problems
* Freeze problem caused by right-clicking on a selected long form
* Fixed problems when exited the browser or about process remain
* Crash problems caused by WebGL
* Crash problems caused by Reader Mode
* Display and crash problem of Print Preview
* Messy code problem in some sites
* Messy code problem when used Multi Search
* Tab inverse order problem of Last Session
* Drag & Drop invalidation problem in some pages

* Improved the support for HTML5 Notifications
* Improved Extension Platform
* Improved Last Session
* Improved saving feature of Developer Tool
* Improved the Night Mode effect in some sites
* Improved the scrolling efficiency in the page with big size images or amounts of images
* Optimized the memory usage of Quick Access

UI Improvements:
* Added "Extension List" switch into MX Cloud Sync Center
* Search suggestion list in Search Bar
* Magic Fill list in Maxthon Options
* Fixed the display status problem of Tool Bar

MD5 = 426c3ae8ab61925e686763b634129d83
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 069
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2012, 10:30
Build 069
1. youtube video download feature improvement
2. Updated language files.

Build 068
1. Fixed youtube video download issue.
2. Added option to convert download youtube video to mp3 file.
3. Sorting option pages alphabetically for non-English interface.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2012, 20:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added 'Copy URLs' option (Ctrl+U)
    Added 'Open URL In Web Browser' option.

Titel: Pale Moon V15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2012, 12:29
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    Restore Windows XP Professional x64 compatibility in the installer.
    Fix the mouse wheel smooth scrolling preferences in the preferences dialog box (did not work in v15.0)
    Prevent memory inflation on some integrated graphics drivers in canvas games
    Fix for private browsing mode (Firefox 15.0.1 top fix)
    Fix for Javascript stability issues on 32-bit versions

Regression fixes:

    Restore the favicon in the URL bar. (Behavior change: new logic)
    Fix for top level images with transparency (white background)
    Remove noise from top level image background
    Undo the redesign of the Safe Mode dialog box
    Restore Alt-Click save dialog box
    Restore proper identity panel for domain-verified sites (blue panel)
    Restore support for the browser.identity.ssl_domain_display setting
    Restore address bar autofill preference to its desired default state (no autofill)

Added features:

    Add control for a custom top level image background color
    Implement Direct2D brush caching (performance win)
    Implement multi-threaded box blur (performance win for multi-core systems)
    Add a Profile Reset feature (from Help -> Troubleshooting information)
    Build with a faster floating point method

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2012, 12:05
Changelog is as following: [2012-09-19]

* Some audio/video play problem
* No sound when clicked "Listen" in Google Translation
* Could not delete cookies
* Mouse Gesture did not work
* Lock Tab did not work



Titel: Pale Moon 15.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2012, 20:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

- Service Pack 3 required for XP
- Add control for a custom top level image background color
- Implement Direct2D brush caching (performance win)
- Implement multi-threaded box blur (performance win for multi-core systems)
- Add a Profile Reset feature (from Help -> Troubleshooting information)
- Build with a faster floating point method

Titel: Midori 0.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2012, 16:30
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

 Unify download behavior: link fingerprints, space check, clearing, tooltips
 GIO-based check for enough space and permissions, GIO-based themed icons
 Show opener/ tab domain in download dialog:
  http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/fldl/ http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/switch/
 Extension to download with a specific command line
 Size in download dialog and fallback filename heuristic

 Windows: GTK+3, Faenza icons, gdb helper, Netscape plugins,
  ship CA bundle, fix View source, --portable/ -P on Windows
 Granite (Beta): about dialog, static notebook, no "New Tab" in toolbar, Print → Share
 Support building with Wayland-enabled GTK+3
 Theming: content view, secondary toolbar class, drop old icon names, bigger error icon
 Introduce --plain mode equivalent to GtkLauncher, lazy URLs for --snapshot/ -s
 Log bookmarks, history and downloads to zeitgeist

 Show security details and export certificates with GCR, error out instead of colored urlbar
 Only allow data: URLs in urlbar for images
 Recognize and cache HSTS, system-wide /etc/xdg/midori/hsts
 Strip HTTP Host to outsmart some filter proxies

 Completion: Fix PageUp/Down, Shift+Tab and wrap: This is consistent with GTK+ (excluding Tab) and Firefox
 Change Focus Current Tab to Ctrl+Alt+Home
 Fix Shift+Space for scrolling upwards
 Control+Alt+R: Readable mode
 Handle access key in link hints
 Drop speed dial keyboard access in favour of "." link hints

 No Open, Bookmark bar, Customize toolbar, Inspect page in app menu; split panel menu
 Use ellipsises instead of period thresomes
 Hinted text in bookmarks, history and cookie manager
 Ellipsize panels (except for Transfers)
 Add icon to bookmark dialog and remove labels
 Validate proxy server IP and render invalid URLs in GTK+3
 Rename "Toplevel" folder to "Bookmarks"

 Chrome identification option; "Automatic" user agent is Chrome-based
 Search: Create engines from search forms, remove "icon" field
 Copy Image s/Address// always copy both URL and data
 Rework debugging by introducing MIDORI_DEBUG; about:paths
 Adblock: Refresh filters based on file time and meta data, abp: links
 Optionally save website including resources
 Merged NextForward akin to StopReload
 PanedAction, Viewable, SpeedDial, (most of) Settings, Paths in Vala
 Improved database: requires sqlite 3.6.19 and 0.2.6 in import dialog

 Confirm Caret Browsing before enabling it
 Support for custom items in Statusbar Features (see FAQ)
 Draggable favicon as URL or text, URL icon for URL entries
 Remember if inspector was attached
 Open tabs in the background by default
 RTL support in special/ error pages
 Fix progressbar text with GTK+3
 Build fix: More robust GTK+2 version check
 Ensure progress in urlbar and tab match
 Zoom text and images by default
 Don't mixup tokens starting with the same letters
 Seemless running out of build folder
 No speed dial in --app/ --private, fix layout with many tiles
 Add X-GNOME-Fullname to .desktop and translate desktop shortcuts
 Delayed Load extension

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 071
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2012, 05:30
Build 071

1. Fixed compatiblity warning with google docs
2. Updated language files.
3. Bug fix: crash when repeatedly middle-clicking the first tab.

Titel: Robohornet: Ein Browserbenchmark, der misst, was wirklich wichtig ist
Beitrag von: ritschibie am 25 September, 2012, 11:13
Webentwickler fordern Browserhersteller
heraus. (Bild: Robohornet.org)
Robohornet soll ein besserer Browserbenchmark werden. Er soll messen, was für Webentwickler und damit letztendlich für Nutzer wirklich zählt. Dahinter stehen eine Gruppe von Browser- und Webentwicklern von Facebook, Google, Microsoft und Mozilla sowie Entwickler bekannter Frameworks wie jQuery, Ruby on Rails und Cappuccino.

Benchmarks wie Sunspider, Octane oder Kraken messen vor allem, wie schnell ein Browser Javascript ausführt. Nun hat sich die Geschwindigkeit der Javascript-Engines in Browsern in den vergangenen Jahren aber vervielfacht, so dass für Webentwickler mittlerweile andere Teile des Browsers zum Flaschenhals werden und die Geschwindigkeit von Web-Apps maßgeblich beeinflussen.

Genau hier soll Robohornet ansetzen, ein neuer als Open Source veröffentlichter Browserbenchmark, hinter dem nicht ein einzelner Browserhersteller steht, sondern eine Gruppe von Browser- und Webentwicklern. Geleitet wird das Projekt von Alex Komoroske von Google. Zum Leitungsgremium des Projekts gehören aber auch Mozilla-Produktmanager Daniel Buchner und Microsofts Programm-Manager John-David Dalton. Zudem gehören Webentwickler aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen dem Gremium an, unter anderem Ryan Grove (YUI), Ariya Hidayat (Sencha), Paul Irish (jQuery, HTML5Boilerplate, Modernizr), Yehuda Katz (Ruby on Rails, jQuery, Sproutcore, Ember.js, Handlebars.js), Matt Kelly (Facebook), Tom Robinson (Cappucino), Lindsey Simon (Browserscope.org) und Marr Ziegelbaum (Google Spreadsheets).

Ebenso ungewöhnlich wie die Zusammensetzung des Projektkomitees ist auch die Herangehensweise an die Benchmark-Entwicklung: Robohornet soll ausdrücklich ein "lebender, dynamischer Benchmark" sein, der die echten Probleme von Webentwicklern aufgreift, damit Browserhersteller sie lösen, statt sich weiter auf die zunehmend irrelevante Steigerung der Punktezahl in Javascript-Benchmarks zu konzentrieren.

Letztendlich können Webentwickler, die Performance-Probleme in ihren Apps entdecken und das auf eine langsame Browserfunktion zurückführen, einen entsprechenden Benchmark einreichen. Der jeweilige Vorschlag wird dann von einer kleinen Gruppe von Javascript-Experten geprüft und anschließend zur Abstimmung in der Community gestellt. Erhält er genug Unterstützung, wird er in die Benchmark-Suite aufgenommen. Wenn Browserhersteller nun versuchen, die Punktzahl ihrer Browser im Robohornet-Benchmark zu verbessern, müssen sie dafür die für Webentwickler relevanten Bestandteile ihres Browsers beschleunigen, so die Idee.

Die derzeit in Robohornet enthaltenen Tests decken vor allem die Probleme ab, die sich bei der Entwicklung von jQuery, Google Apps, Google Maps, Ember.js, Handlebars.js und Cappuccino als besonders ärgerlich erwiesen haben. Gemessen wird unter anderem, wie schnell der Browser eine Tabelle um neue Zeilen und Spalten erweitern kann, wie schnell er absteigende Selektoren in unterschiedlicher DOM-Tiefe anwenden kann, wie schnell ein 2D-Canvas in eine Data-URI umgewandelt und wie schnell ein 2D-Canvas gelöscht wird, wie schnell eine Tabelle nach Änderung ihres Inhalts gerendert wird, wie schnell mit Scrolltop gescrollt werden kann, wie schnell Spalten in einer Tabelle in der Größe verändert werden können, wie schnell sich SVGs in der Größe verändern lassen, wie schnell die Getter- und Setter-Methoden von ECMAScript 5 ausgeführt werden, wie schnell bei der Anzeige vieler animierter Gifs gescrollt werden kann und wie schnell in den Local Storage geschrieben und daraus gelesen werden kann. Eine Liste auf Github zeigt, welche weiteren Tests derzeit vorgeschlagen sind.

Noch sei Robohornet als Alphaversion zu betrachten, so die Entwickler. Als Basis für die Tests wird Benchmark.js verwendet.
Was das Robohornet-Ergebnis bedeutet

Auch bei dem Ergebnis, das Robohornet ausgibt, gehen dessen Entwickler einen ungewöhnlichen Weg. Der Wert hängt von zwei Faktoren maßgeblich ab: welche aktuelle Leistung die wichtigsten Browser bieten und welche Themen Webentwicklern besonders wichtig sind. Dazu werden für jede neue Version des Benchmarks die Ergebnisse erneut normalisiert, so dass die Ergebnisse verschiedener Versionen miteinander nicht vergleichbar sind.

Der sich dabei ergebende Robohornet-Index gibt letztendlich an, wie ein Browser im Vergleich zu seinen aktuell wichtigsten Konkurrenten auf derzeit durchschnittlicher Hardware dasteht. Erreicht ein Browser also 100 Punkte, ist er durchschnittlich. Ein Browser mit weniger als 100 Punkten ist unterdurchschnittlich und mit mehr als 100 Punkten überdurchschnittlich.

Dabei werden die einzelnen Tests des Benchmarks gewichtet, so dass Tests, die Webentwicklern besonders wichtig sind, einen besonders großen Einfluss auf den Robohornet-Index haben.

In einem ersten Benchmarktest, den Tom's Hardware unter Windows 7 durchgeführt hat, liegt Chrome (177,73 Punkte) vorn, dahinter der Internet Explorer 9 (151,10 Punkte), Opera (138,71 Punkt) sowie Firefox (116,19 Punkte) auf dem letzten Platz. Unter Windows 8 liegt hingegen der Internet Explorer 10 (208,55) vor Chrome (171,52 Punkte). Unter Mac OS X 10.8 liegt Safari (102,47 Punkte) an der Spitze, gefolgt von Chrome (88,48 Punkte), Firefox (67,12 Punkte) und Opera (52,38 Punkte), und unter Ubuntu liegt Chrome (179,06 Punkte) vor Opera (146,93 Punkte) und Firefox (119,95 Punkte). Interessant fällt das Ergebnis unter Android aus, hier ist der Android-Browser (38,08) deutlich schneller als Chrome (11,19 Punkte).

Unterm Strich ergibt sich eine klare Tendenz: Die Browser mit Heimvorteil liegen zumeist vorn, also der Internet Explorer unter Windows, Safari unter Mac OS X und der Android-Browser unter Android. Über alle Plattformen hinweg erreicht Chrome die höchsten Punktzahlen.

Die aktuelle Version von Robohornet kann unter robohornet.org ausprobiert werden. Der Code des Benchmarks findet sich auf Github.

Quelle und weitere Links: http://www.golem.de/news/robohornet-ein-browserbenchmark-der-misst-was-wirklich-wichtig-ist-1209-94742-2.html
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 182
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2012, 11:22
Whats new:>>

- [Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.89)
- [Update] Firefox engine (
- [Add] Avant Downloader has added support for third party downloaders

Titel: AM-DeadLink V4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2012, 20:40
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Firefox 2.x format re-introduced. It's now possible again to check "bookmark.html" files with old Firefox 2.x and Mozilla format.
    Firefox: Bookmarks are now read-only and can no longer be changed or deleted within AM-DeadLink. This step was required to avoid conflicts due to changes in the Firefox database. AM-DeadLink can however still be used to open and check Firefox bookmarks for dead links.
    Delete *.URL files: *.URL files are now deleted to the recycle bin
    Smaller fixes and improvements

Titel: Browser-Benchmark: Microsoft und Mozilla nehmen Robohornet auseinander
Beitrag von: ritschibie am 26 September, 2012, 11:16
Ein besserer Browser-Benchmark soll Robohornet werden, doch nach der Veröffentlichung gibt es heftige Kritik. Microsoft hat mit Robohornet Pro kurzerhand eine eigene Version veröffentlicht, in der der Internet Explorer Chrome abhängt.

Microsofts Entwickler haben den neuen Browser-Benchmark Robohornet auseinandergenommen. Auch wenn der Internet Explorer 10 in dem Benchmark sehr gut abschneidet, lehnt Microsoft den Ansatz ab: Die Suite aus Micro-Benchmarks sei nicht repräsentativ für die von Nutzern wahrgenommene Geschwindigkeit echter Webseiten.

Video: (http://video.golem.de/internet/9318/microsoft-zeigt-robohornet-pro.html) Microsoft zeigt Robohornet Pro (1:45)

Mit Robohornet Pro hat Microsoft kurzerhand eine eigene Version von Robohornet entwickelt, die der Internet Explorer 10 weiterhin schnell absolviert, die den Googles Browser Chrome aber ins Stocken geraten lässt. Dazu hat Microsoft eine Webseite im Matrixstil mit moderner Webtechnik wie CSS3 Animations, CSS3 Transforms, CSS3 Text Shadows, Webfonts, Unicode und Touchsteuerung aufgesetzt und lässt die Robohornet-Tests in diesem Kontext ablaufen. Microsoft argumentiert, es komme darauf an, wie schnell ein Browser bei echten Websites sei, nicht wie gut er in einem synthetischen Benchmark abschneide. Dabei sieht Microsoft seinen eigenen Browser klar im Vorteil.

Microsoft und Mozilla an Robohornet nicht beteiligt

Microsofts schnelle Reaktion auf den neuen Benchmark verwundert, war doch auch Microsoft im Steering-Komitee des Browserhornet-Projekts vertreten. Zumindest sah das zur Ankündigung so aus, da hier der Microsoft-Mitarbeiter John-David Dalton auftauchte. Dalton, so teilte Microsoft Cnet mit, sei ein neuer Mitarbeiter bei Microsoft und nicht länger an Browserhornet beteiligt. Dalton selbst hat seinen Eintrag in der Liste verändert: Sein Name taucht dort zwar weiterhin auf, dass er bei Microsoft arbeitet, ist aber nicht mehr ersichtlich.

Aber nicht nur bei Microsoft hat Browserhornet Unmut erregt: Auch einige Mozilla-Entwickler kritisieren den Ansatz, mit Micro-Benchmarks die Geschwindigkeit eines Browser zu bestimmen. Mozilla-Produktmanager Daniel Buchner, der ebenfalls als Mitglied im Steering-Komitee von Browserhornet aufgeführt wurde, hat seinen Namen zurückgezogen. Er habe nicht gewusst, dass sein Name in diesem Zusammenhang genutzt werden sollte.

Letztendlich dominiert nun Google die Liste und ist der einzige Browserhersteller, der noch an dem Benchmark beteiligt ist. Die übrigen Mitglieder des Steering-Komitees sind Webentwickler.

Falscher Ansatz

Zwar gibt es zum Teil heftige Kritik an einzelnen Test, beispielsweise dem Canvas-Clearing-Test, der in einigen Browsern eine Null-Operation misst, die eigentliche Kritik richtet sich aber gegen den Ansatz einer Sammlung von Micro-Benchmarks: Mozilla-Entwickler Justin Lebar macht deutlich, dass Robohornet nur dann von ihm und Mozilla ernst genommen werden kann, wenn die in Robohornet enthaltenen Microbenchmarks gestrichen und stattdessen neue Macrobenchmarks eingeführt werden.

Quelle: www.golem.de
Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2012, 15:30
Changelog is as following: [2012-09-27]
New Features:

+ Updated new Webkit Core
+ Upgraded the script engine
+ Supported Speech Input
+ Supported HTML5 Date Input

* Some crash problems
* Display problem of Print Preview
* Some RSS Reader problems

* Improved the support for HTML5 audio and video
* Improved the support for hardware decoding of H.264
* Improved the support for Web Camera
* Improved the support for playing flv files
* Unified "Find in Page" in Ultra Mode and that in Retro Mode. Supported closing the search dialog by shortcuts

UI Improvements:
* Spell Check installation process
* Added "Delete" button in "Add to Favorites" window



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 072
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2012, 22:40
Build 072

1. Bug fix: default browser registration issue under Windows 8
2. Add easy way to upload clibpoard image. Right click within the file input text box and select "Upload Clipboard Image" from the popup menu.
3. Added support for full-text search of cached favorite websites.

Titel: QupZilla V1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2012, 15:15
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

    new Persian translation
    option to remove web search bar
    warning user when removing page from speed dial
    option to align pages to center in speed dial
    added shortcut for Clear private data
    new options in AdBlock menu to disable it for domain and for single page
    added option to disable search suggestions in search bar
    added option to choose what to suggest in address bar
    Save x as ... actions will always show file dialog
    possibility to choose to use external download manager on every download
    remember last section in preferences
    much more tabs now fits into tabbar without overflowing into tab buttons
    smarter address bar completer will show better search results
    support for bookmarks manager and sidebar drag&drop managing bookmarks
    new User Agent manager lets you set User Agent per site
    new restore session page lets you choose which tabs you want to restore
    new scheme handler for file protocol allows browsing through directories
    new option to show loading progress in address bar
    new option to hide close button on tabs
    new option to start new instance with --no-remote option
    X11: restore windows on correct virtual desktops
    MouseGestures: added 2 new gestures for switching tabs
    fixed visibility of navigation bar in fullscreen
    fixed bad position of add tab button when there is a lot of tabs
    fixed gui with RTL languages
    fixed issue with infinite opening mailto links
    fixed issue with showing warning after creating new profile
    fixed clearing highlight when search text not found
    fixed closing bookmarks menu when menu toolbar is hidden
    fixed occasional crashes when closing tab while it is still loading

Titel: Yandex.Browser: Chromium-Abkömmling vom Google-Konkurrenten
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2012, 19:20
Yandex ist vor Google die größte Suchmaschine in Russland und hat Google auch international den Kampf angesagt. Heute hat das Unternehmen einen eigenen Browser vorgestellt. Yandex.Browser 1.0 ist auf russisch und englisch für Windows und Mac OS verfügbar (http://browser.yandex.com/).

Der Browser stammt vom Open-Source-Projekt Chromium ab, das auch die Basis für Googles Chrome ist. Entsprechend ähnelt Yandex.Browser dem Google-Browser in vielen Details, etwa bei der kombinierten Adress- und Suchleiste, die bereits beim Eintippen Vorschläge macht. Sogar viele Chrome-Erweiterungen lassen sich problemlos nutzen. Allerdings fehlt im Vergleich zu Chrome die Synchronisierungsfunktion, mit der sich Bookmarks, Erweiterungen, Einstellungen und mehr über die Cloud abgleichen lassen.

Auch unter der Haube ähneln sich die Browser. So werkelt in beiden die WebKit-Browserengine. Allerdings hinkt Yandex.Browser Google ein wenig hinterher. Der russische Browser meldet sich mit der Versionsnummer Chrome/19.0.1084.5402, der aktuelle Chrome mit der Nummer Chrome/22.0.1229.79.

Zu den Alleinstellungsmerkmalen des russichen Angebots soll ein eingebauter Virenschutz zählen. Davon war in unseren Tests aber nichts zu bemerken, den versuchsweise heruntergeladenen (ungefährlichen) Testvirus Eicar jedenfalls ließ Yandex.Browser jedenfalls durch. Für die nächste Version hat Yandex eine Zusammenarbeit mit Opera angekündigt. Yandex.Browser soll dann Operas Web-Beschleuniger Turbo erhalten, der Inhalte über einen komprimierenden Proxy umleitet, um Traffic zu sparen und das Surfen zu beschleunigen.

Yandex tritt auch auf dem Mobilsektor gegen Google an. So hat das Unternehmen einen eigenen Store für Android-Anwendungen angekündigt. Der Konkurrent für Google Play soll mit 38.000 Apps "bald" an den Start gehen. Auch dafür ist Yandex eine Partnerschaft mit Opera Software eingegangen, wie The Next Web berichtet.

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Dooble 1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2012, 09:35
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2012, 12:32
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

- Fixed bug: VideoCacheView crashed on some systems while reading the cache files of Firefox.
- Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.
- Fixed issue: Dialog-boxes opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 073
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2012, 11:38

Build 073
1. Added option to turn off annoying navigating sound in tools:options:misc
2. Update language files.

Titel: Pale Moon 15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2012, 17:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Changes in this version:

    The identity panel has been redesigned, both for potential abuse of the new logic implemented in version 15.1 and because people clearly indicated that they would want to see the padlock permanently present on secure sites, while still seeing the favicon.
    The padlock has been made a separate indicator now, and will be shown on SSL (HTTPS) sites, to the right of the domain name (domain verified) or company name (extended verification) information in the identity panel, by default. A few options have been implemented for style, including "old school" display of the padlock in the status bar of the browser. For more information about how to change the location of the padlock, see the Pale Moon Tweak Guide (PMTG)
    The padlock will indicate whether a site is secure (gold padlock), has extended verification (green padlock) or if there is a problem with security (low-grade encryption or mixed content). A click on the padlock will open a details window with security information.
    The address bar now has either a blue or green slight shading (border) for SSL sites, further clarifying that you are on a secure site. This can be disabled if desired via about:config.
    Address bar auto-completion is now on by default.
    After re-evaluating the auto-fill algorithm, autocompletion of domains on the address bar has now been enabled by default. This may interfere with searching from the address bar for some people, but:
    - You have a search box on the right, you can use that, which has the intended functionality
    - You can press space or another key to remove the auto-filled portion before pressing enter
    - You can disable autocompletion from the Pale Moon status bar options:
    Status -> tab Address Bar -> Firefox compatibility
    Partial Japanese implementation for status bar options (preferences only)
    Important performance regression fix.
    Both JavaScript and the layout engine should now have the speed and stability that is to be expected from an optimized browser. In previous, recent versions, some concessions had to be made in terms of performance to provide proper stability for Pale Moon. Working around bugs in the Microsoft compiler is tricky, but with some fine-tuning, Pale Moon now gets the benefits of maximum performance again like in the past.
    Fix for the "tabs on top" menu entry not showing when tabs are already set on top, making it very difficult to switch them back to bottom.
    Firefox 15 removed the context menu entry for "tabs on top" when tabs were set on top, making it impossible without going into about:config to set them to being on the bottom once you had changed it. This is considered a serious UI bug for Pale Moon, because it destroys intuitiveness for this option (you cannot use the same method you used to set them on top (context menu in the UI), to switch them back to being on bottom (having to manually change a parameter in about:config)). To make matters worse, this problem would only occur after a browser restart, meaning the UI would change simply because you closed and restarted the browser, removing this menu option.
    Crash fix: Fix for a browser crash with certain types of invalid gradients. (bug #792903)
    Security fix: Prevent private browsing data leakage through popup windows (bug #795015)
    Security fix: Detect IC purging (bug #794025)
    Security fix: Prevent mRules from dying in DoInsertHTMLWithContext (bug #788950)
    Security fix: Drain the parent frame's overflow list before insert/append (bug #765621)

Titel: Flash Cookies Cleaner V1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2012, 22:50
Flash Cookies Cleaner is a small but extremely powerful tool specially built to remove LSO's from the system. To remove flash cookies, launch the app. It will automatically start the analysis of flash cookies present in your system and show them in its small IDE.

License: Freeware

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 183
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2012, 15:35
Avant Browser 2012 build 183, Released 10.9.2012

    [Update] Webkit engine (22.0.1229.92)
    [Update] Firefox engine (

Titel: TweetDeck 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2012, 22:30
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.



Latest Changes

- New look
- Changeable themes

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 186
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2012, 11:35
Avant Browser 2012 build 186, Released 10.10.2012

    [Update] Webkit engine (22.0.1229.94)

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 187
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2012, 11:34
- [Update] Firefox engine (

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2012, 22:15
Latest Changes

- Supported multiple Home Pages
- Fixes: Problem when sending emails in Gmail
- Fixes: Crash problem caused by Bing map
- Fixes: Blank background in Reader Mode
- Fixes: Crash problem caused by WebGL
- Fixes: Some crash problems caused by extensions



Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 075
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2012, 11:28
Build 075 (Beta)
1. Add option to cache text of quick-bookmarked pages for full-text searching purpose.
2. Fixed bug with renaming of form files and bookmarks in organizer dialog.
3. "Clean trace by domain" now supports multiple domains.
4. Bug fix: share on facebook, quick bookmark and add to favorite menu from the tab popup menu not working properly on inactive tabs.
5. Added site icon for recently closed sites menu.
6. Add support for recently added favorites.
7. Bug fix: when closing the browser, the last open sites were not saved properly into the recently closed sites menu.
8. Favorite separation from IE introduced in build 074 is cancelled. SlimBrowser continue to share favorites with IE.
9. Added menu Tools:Security:Scan with Virustotal.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 076
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2012, 11:15
Build 076

1. Update language files
2. Fixed a bug with automatic bookmark import.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView V1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2012, 21:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed BrowsingHistoryView to display the Web page title for Internet Explorer Web browser.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2012, 19:20
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed map dragging issue flightradar24.com
    Fixed firefox bookmark import issue on Windows XP
    Changed default bookmark export format to HTML
    Fixed quickfill autosave prompt box location issue
    Fixed a bug with proxy setting.

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2012, 16:45
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed issue: On some systems, VideoCacheView saved .mp4 files without a file extension.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 078
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2012, 19:30
Build 078

z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Build 077

1. Update language files
2. Add menu "File->Most Frequently Visited Sites"
3. Add "Scan with VirusTotal" to the in-page context menu. Right click on any link to activate this feature.
4. Add support to fill random user name and random password with form filler. Right click in text or password fields in web forms to access this feature.
5. Add menu "Quick Fill: Most Frequently Used Forms".

Titel: Pale Moon 15.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2012, 16:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

- This update incorporates critical security fixes back-ported from Firefox 16.0.2 (MFSA 2012-90)

Titel: Dooble 1.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2012, 06:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2012, 22:00
Build 080

•Bug fix: Most frequently visited sites and most frequently used forms don’t work in non-english user interface.
•Added support for capture screenshot of selected area.
•Bug fix: Adding saved form in group organizer dialog doesn’t work with form files in subfolders.
•Bug fix: when starting SlimBrowser with a homepage, the focus should be set to the web page instead of the address bar.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 081
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2012, 12:35

•Update language files
•Fixed bug with the storage of a couple of program settings which might cause problem of persistent tooltips.

Titel: Sleipnir 3.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2012, 13:07
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.



    Speed of actions upon long WebKit use increased.
    [Right double click] added to mouse alias.
    [Set client as active when file is passed] setting added.
    Ctrl + up/down keys assigned to history display of address bar and search bar to improve operability.
    Function that can replace Alt, Ctrl, Shift keys with drag and wheel rotations added to SuperDrag Extension.
    Settings for Hold And Go delay times added to SuperDrag Extension settings dialog.
    Switch for phone number links added to Customize | Fenrir Pass.
    Actions when restoring closed tabs united with Sleipnir specification.
    Dialog message shown when closing tab groups adjusted.
    Option for displaying icon in taskbar for Windows 7 and later on installation added.

Fixed Problems

    Displayed tab after closing active tab sometimes not being correct in [active order] fixed.
    Displaying of tabs from the bookmarks bar being slow fixed.
    Tool bar rendering sometimes being out of place when using multi-lines tab view fixed.
    Active tabs using about:blank not being reused when restoring closed tabs fixed.
    Extension function icons sometimes not displaying fixed.
    TouchPaging sometimes becoming slow when using Trident fixed.
    Protected tabs being deleted when all tabs closed issue fixed.
    Restored tab favicons on start up not being loaded issue fixed.
    Input area focus in page on start up sometimes being lost fixed.
    Mouse assignments not working properly after opening links with SuperDrag Extension fixed.
    Tab restoration dialog sometimes not being displayed when restarting after forced terminations issue fixed.
    Application sometime freezing from acquiring favicons fixed.
    Other small issue fixed.
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 082
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2012, 12:27

•Update language files
•Add option to always open youku.com links in the same tab instead of new tab.

Titel: Yandex-Browser 1.1 komprimiert Daten bei langsamen Verbindungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2012, 16:20
Der Yandex-Browser, der auf Chrome-Code basiert, bekommt in Version 1.1 (http://browser.yandex.com/) die Opera entlehnte Funktion Turbo eingebaut. Nach der Installation des Browsers werden die Anfragen zur Komprimierung automatisch über die Server des russischen Suchmaschinenbetreibers geleitet und komprimiert, sobald die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit unter 128kBit fällt.

In den Einstellungen lässt sich das ändern und für alle Verbindungen ein- oder ausschalten. Turbo nutzt für die schnellere Übertragung von Daten sowohl die Komprimierung des HTML mit gzip, wandelt JPEG-Bilder in WebP um, und sendet die Inhalte mit SPDY an den Nutzer. Das SPDY-Protokoll wurde ebenfalls im Yandex-Browser verbaut. Die Windows-Version gibt es auf Englisch. Mac-Nutzer sollten Russisch-Kenntnisse haben, da Menüs und Einstellungen noch nicht übersetzt sind.

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 188
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2012, 13:15
Avant Browser 2012 build 188, Released 11.9.2012

    [Update] Webkit engine (22.0.1229.96)
    [Update] Firefox engine (
    [Fix] Logging into online storage failed in some areas
    [Fix] The zooming size can't be remembered in chrome rendering mode
    [Fix] Sometimes closing the menu left a shadow in the screen
    [Add] Input hint in address bar and search bar
    [Change] A new method to set Avant Browser as the default browser on windows 8

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 085
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2012, 12:30
whats new:

•Fixed a possible crash in Windows 8.

Titel: Pale Moon 15.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2012, 17:42
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    The compiler has been changed to a newer version (Visual Studio 2012). This has a few consequences:
        Better handling of the browser overall: things like smooth scrolling, the user interface and page loading should be noticeably smoother on the vast majority of computers.
        Automatic vectorization: If your hardware supports it, more advanced processor instructions are used.
        Support for multiple cores.
        The 64-bit version of Pale Moon will no longer support Windows XP.
    Incremental garbage collection for Javascript.


    Minimize intermediate surface size in Azure to mitigate performance regression.
    Fix SVG clip paths in Azure.
    Fix drawing artifacts in Azure.
    Fix fuzzy equal function.
    Some fixes for the Windows Aero user interface that popped up with the new compiler.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 build 189
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2012, 12:30
Avant Browser 2012 build 189, Released 11.13.2012

    [Fix] Sometimes the page lost focus after pressing Refresh, Back, Forward button.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2012, 15:30
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.



    "Use Hold And Go" added to Customize|Mouse|Mouse.
    Prevent actions of SuperDrag Extension via URL wildcards function added.

Fixed Problems

    Application sometimes crashing when finishing navigating fixed.
    Application sometimes crashing when acquiring FeedReader favicons fixed.
    Process sometimes not terminating issue fixed.
    Update notifications and acquiring favicons sometimes not working fixed.
    BASIC authentication dialog not being displayed in WebKit fixed.
    active about:blank tab not being reused when opening bookmark fixed.
    Not being able to close the address bar history with mouse click fixed.
    Being able to go back and forward when "Lock protected tab navigation" is enabled fixed.
    Other minor issues fixed.
Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 088
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2012, 06:15

•Auto shrink the width of tabs with the increase of the number of tabs in single line mode.
•Improved the appearance of tab bar in both tab style and button style.


•Added option to automatically fill form when a matching form is detected.
•Slightly darkened background color of background tabs to increase contrast.
•Fixed a couple of minor bugs with form filler.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2012, 17:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Visited From' column (Only for Firefox and Chrome), which displays the URL that the user has visited prior to the Web page specified under the URL column.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 089
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2012, 22:15

•Language file updates
•Bug fix: tab bar multiline mode choice wasn't saved correctly.

Titel: Sandcat Browser 3.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2012, 05:45
Sandcat Browser is a freeware portable pen-test oriented multi-tabbed web browser with extensions support developed by the Syhunt team, the same creators of the Syhunt Web Application Security Scanner. The Sandcat Browser is built on top of Chromium, the same engine that powers the Google Chrome browser, and uses the Lua language to provide extensions and scripting support.


Latest Changes

- Changed from single to multi-process architecture
- Added Sandcat Console, a command console with several useful commands and extension possibilities. New commands can be added using the Lua programming language via the browser.addcmd() function (for example, by Sandcat Browser extensions) or by creating a
- Improved Developer Tools. Developer Tools now opens in a new tab
- Fixed: Developer Tools not displaying cookies
- Page Info tab now displays the full list of page objects
- Added several encoder extensions (Base64, MD5, SHA-1 and more)
- Added a MD5 brute force extension
- Added missing Ruby libraries to RudraScript
- Improved UI responsiveness
- The Chromium library was upgraded to the latest release
- The Tor application was upgraded to the latest release
- The Syhunt Gelo library was upgraded to the latest release (version 1.05)

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2012, 19:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

- Added 'Use the Web page title as filename' option in the Copy Video Files dialog-box. If this option is turned on, VideoCacheView will use the Web page title (As appears under the 'Title' column) to generate the video filename.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2012, 13:20
Changelog is as following: [2012-11-29]
+ Optimized the memory usage
* Some crash problems

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2012, 13:26
Avant Browser 2012 build 190, Released 11.30.2012

    [Update] Firefox engine (
    [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.91)
    [Add] Support IE10 rendering engine.
    [Add] Process descriptions of firefox.exe and chrome.exe in windows task manager
    [Fix] The Side Panel sometimes refused to open.
    [Fix] Exiting Avant Browser caused crash when tool bars were arranged in certain positions.

Titel: Pale Moon 15.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2012, 23:49
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

This update is a bugfix and performance release with a number of security, stability and efficiency fixes:


Fix for font rendering issues on Windows 8 (cairo+azure)
Status bar options: Russian locale fixed
Fix for status bar address bar linkover ghosting
Fix for browser hang in some WebM video content
Don't allow alert/confirm/prompt in onbeforeunload, onunload and onpagehide (bug# 391834)


Reduce non-incremental GC occurrences (reduce lag in Javascript)
More efficient CPU usage for JS and Canvas
Pale Moon x64: Performance improvements

Security fixes:

Security fixes for CVE-2012-5840, CVE-2012-5839, CVE-2012-4210, CVE-2012-4207 and CVE-2012-4214.
Fix for methodjit assertion issue (bug #781859)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in XPConnect (bug #809674)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in layout engine (bug #791601)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in JS string handling (bug #778603)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in GIF decoder (bug #789046)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in image decoder (bug #802168)
Fix for use-after-free in editor lib (bug #795708)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in SVG (bug #793848)
Fix for out-of-bounds read when blurring (bug #783041)
Fix for potentially exploitable crash in text editor (bug #798677)
Prevent URL spoofing through prompts (bug #700080)

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2012, 16:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Internet Explorer 10. There are some limitations and problems with this version of Internet Explorer. See the 'Internet Explorer 10 Support' section for more information.

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 191
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2012, 13:40
Avant Browser 2012 build 191, Released 12.4.2012

    [Update] Firefox engine (
    [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.95)
    [Add] "Add to bookmarks" and "Open all links in this page" options to the context menu of the page for firefox and chrome engine
    [Add] Auto resize,Left-handed rotation,Right-handed rotation on floating toolbar
    [Fix] A bug of downloader for Chromium Engine that can't download some https links

Titel: Pale Moon 15.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2012, 17:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

This update fixes an important issue in the JavaScript engine (MethodJIT) that would make particularly large/complex pieces of JavaScript (e.g. Mandreel) fail. (Thanks, Ryan, for catching this one!)

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 192
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2012, 13:47
Avant Browser 2012 build 192, Released 12.7.2012

    [Update] Firefox engine (
    [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.95)
    [Add] "Add to bookmarks" and "Open all links in this page" options to the context menu of the page for firefox and chrome engine
    [Add] Auto resize,Left-handed rotation,Right-handed rotation on floating toolbar
    [Fix] A bug of downloader for Chromium Engine that can't download some https links

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 090
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2012, 07:40

•Language file updates (French and welsh)
•Added support for Chinese version help file.
•Fixed a small bug with form filler regarding the default choice for autofill

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 193
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2012, 12:30
Avant Browser 2012 build 193, Released 12.10.2012

    [Add] Address bar drop down list is able to match multiple keywords
    [Fix] Page crashing problem in some circumstances
    [Fix] Focus problem in search bar and address bar

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2012, 13:45
Changelog is as following: [2012-12-10]

New Features:
+ Cloud Push: supports sending text, images, websites/links and tabs to Mac, Android and Windows operating systems.

+ Cloud Tabs: lets you pick up where you left off by automatically syncing your tabs to Android, iOS or Mac devices.

+ Cloud Download: supports downloading files in various formats and uploading them to 'My Cloud' for backup on any device.

+ Supported registering/logging in Maxthon Passport with phone numbers

* Improved the page loading speed
* Optimized the memory usage

UI Improvements:
* Brand new UI design



Titel: Lunascape 6.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2012, 13:19
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 091
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2012, 21:20

•Updated youtube video download button based the new layout of youtube website
•Fixed a cookie sharing issue on Windows 8 (critical update if you have set maximum number of tabs per process to 1).
•Update language files.

Titel: Sleipnir 2.9.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2012, 13:35
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


SuperDrag Extension bundled together

The SuperDrag Extension plugin is now bundled together. Users who are already using a number of plugins will have to enable SuperDrag Extension from Tools | Plugin, but newly installing users will be able to use it straight away.

Adjustments made to function that warns about memory limit

Sleipnir has a function for warning when the memory has reached the limit implemented. However, this function is a little strict, so we have relaxed how the warning judges the limit so you can use more memory.
For those of you who still thinks Sleipnir 2 is slow and unstable

We have received feedback from users of Sleipnir 2 such as “Twitter and video sites are slow and actions are not stable”. These issues have been solved in Sleipnir 3. Please try out the latest version of Sleipnir 3. (Sleipnir 3 is installed in a separate location to Sleipnir 2 so you can use both applications)
Titel: VideoCacheView 2.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2012, 13:10
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added support for split video files of dailymotion.com
Be aware that the merged .flv file created from dailymotion.com is not played properly by some FLV players. In order to play this kind of file, you can try to use the latest version of VLC Media Player. VLC Media Player has the ability to play the entire merged .flv file, though it initially detects only the first fragment.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 092
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2012, 14:57

•Show tooltips for tabs with clipped title.
•Moved “download youtube video” button to the right side of the upload button on the top of the page.
•Fixed “set as default browser” in portable version on Windows 8.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2012, 15:25
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to read some of the history items of Internet Explorer 10.

Titel: GreenBrowser v6.3.1221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2012, 18:10
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

fix: browser crash problem at startup
fix: security vulnerabilities of about: URL
fix: right click tab close page bug
fix: IE10 emulation mode fail bug
improve: auto fill form function
improve: complex URL judgment function

Titel: SlimBoat Browser 1.1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2012, 07:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Fix bookmark bar height issue when there are no bookmarks
- Fix jpeg library version issue in linux version
- Bug fix: opening external html files doesn't work correctly in some cases

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 093
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2012, 11:40

•Moved “download youtube video” button to the right side of the upload button on the top of the page (the fix in build 092 was not applied correctly).

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 196
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2012, 12:30
Avant Browser 2012 build 196, Released 12.31.2012

    [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.97)
    [Fix] Back history disappeared after re-opening last closed page in Chrome mode
    [Fix] A login form flashing issue
    [Fix] Dragging and dropping text to open in a new tab made it being left onto the screen in IE10 mode]] >
    [Fix] The issue of not supporting unicode domain name
    [Fix] The crashing issue caused by Save as Dialog

Titel: Avant Browser 2012 Build 197
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2013, 09:40
Avant Browser 2012 build 197, Released 1.3.2013

    [Update] Webkit engine (23.0.1271.97)
    [Fix] Back history disappeared after re-opening last closed page in Chrome mode
    [Fix] A login form flashing issue
    [Fix] Dragging and dropping text to open in a new tab made it being left onto the screen in IE10 mode]] >
    [Fix] The issue of not supporting unicode domain name
    [Fix] The crashing issue caused by Save as Dialog

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 094
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2013, 07:40

• Fixed web page translation issue under IE10.

Titel: Dooble 1.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2013, 06:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: Maxthon RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2013, 21:51
Changelog is as following: [2013-1-8]

New Feature:
+ Added sharing web content or files with friends in ‘Cloud Push’

* Some crash problems
* Could not open some pages
* Invalidation of ‘Export’ and ‘Import’ in RSS Reader
* Could not send web content to SkyNote
* Could not import files into SkyNote



Titel: Pale Moon 15.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2013, 20:45
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Deal with bogus Turktrust certs MFSA 2013-20
Several memory security hazards fixed MFSA 2013-01
Updated OTS library to r95 to fix potential font-related exploits
Security fix for libpixman stack buffer overflow
Fix for certain types of input lag on Twitter/Facebook & other sites with unnecessary DOM invalidations
Fix for HTTP pipelining re-use (improve pipelining logic)
Performance&stability updates to cairo and direct2d back-end
Improved performance for repeat gradients

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 095
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2013, 13:12

•Fixed memory leak in photo salon
•Fixed localization of Chinese application name in installer.
•Fixed problem of watching videos from QQ video.
•Bug fix: some UTF8 text files not loaded correctly.

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2013, 06:25

    [Add] Brand new user interface
    [Add] New browser:home page
    [Add] New session
    [Add] Adjust the position of some Settings in AB options>Home page
    [Add] Search result in sidebar
    [Add] Default zoom size option
    [Add] Two options "Open all links in this page"and"Add to bookmarks" in content menu under firefox/chrome engine
    [Add] Import local data automatically when first login online stroage
    [Add] Change the color the IE compatile engine logo on address bar
    [Add] Shortcut for "Save as text"
    [Add] Rewrite favicon for one site
    [Add] Open and fill but not submit multi autofills at the same time
    [Add] New skins
    [Add] Double click the page to refresh it when purple screen appears
    [Add] "open all links in bookmarks folder" option on the root of bookmarks
    [Add] Import bookmarks from HTML file
    [Add] Can change default search engine on search bar
    [Add] Can always keep the search engines added by user.
    [Add] Some websites can change rendering engine automatically
    [Add] Option to open search result in a new tab
    [Add] Can use bookmarks normally when organizing bookmarks.
    [Add] Speed up auto complete feature on address bar
    [Add] Highlight address bar when opening Https site
    [Add] Prompt information when add a same bookmark
    [Add] Visit time on "Organize bookmarks"window
    [Add] Show bookmark's directory on the result when searching a bookmark
    [Add] Can reload all the web pages under the same rendeirng engine
    [Add] Reload option when change default rendering engine
    [Add] Can delete one or more histories
    [Add] Downloader:Open the file when complete
    [Add] Downloader: Option to set Maximum Simultaneous Jobs
    [Add] Downloader: Options to shut down computer/exit browser after all downloads finished
    [Add] Downloader: Option to alear All Download History on Exit
    [Improve]Private session
    [Fix] logmein problem
    [fix] Cannot input in some java applications
    [fix] Problems of mouse gesture
    [fix] Win8:blank address bar problem
    [fix] Win8:ctrl+shift+q problem
    [Delete] Two unkonwn options in the contentmenu under IE engine
    [fix] Cannot use the "New session" option
    [fix] Some usage habit problem on new interface
    [fix] Bookmark directory messy code
    [fix] Highlight address bar problem
    [fix] Ctrl+shift+f4 cause Avant freeze
    [fix] Focus problem under firefox engine
    [fix] Focus problem on search box
    [fix] Download window opens in background
    [fix] File>print window opens in background under IE engine
    [fix] Focus problem when organizing bookmarks
    [fix] Resote/maximize problem
    [fix] Restore/minimize detahced tab problem
    [fix] Some chrome.exe appear when exiting Avant browser
    [fix] Favicon problem on subdomain
    [fix] Cannot drag favicon from address bar to desktop or other place
    [fix] Prompt window problem of autofill
    [fix] Maximize tiled Windows problem
    [fix] Switching between old and new skins cause Avant interface messed up
    [fix] Cannot show "Save all opened tabs and exit" option on the menu of system tray icon
    [fix] Changing skins/rendering engine may cause page crash
    [fix] Flicker problem of sidebar
    [fix] Problem when using Split view
    [fix] Downloader:Some files failed to download and cannot pause
    [fix] Downloader:Cannot keep proxy setting
    [fix] Focus problem when using F11/F12
    [fix] Open sidebar problem under F11/F12

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2013, 14:20
Whats new: >>

[Update] New Search Bar
[Update] Chrome Engine Version 24
[Update] Firefox Engine Version 18


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2013, 18:30
# New Features:

* Tab list when there were too many tabs
* Print Preview
* ‘Go’ and ‘Show Address Bar History’ buttons in Address Bar
* ‘Search’ button in Search Bar
* Added ‘Check for Updates’ in ‘About’

# Improvements:

* Improved Cloud Push
# UI Improvements:
* Improved the interaction of Download Manager
* Added ‘History Button’ option in ‘Cutomize UI'

# Fixes:

* Some crash problems
* Could not play HTML5 videos sometimes
* Swedish and Slovak spell check dictionary installation package confusion



MD5 = 86b70e63caa6a7a520013c26c7534368
Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2013, 21:10
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Rebuild linux version under Ubuntu 10.04 to ensure compatibility with linux distributions using glibc 2.11 or higher
- Modified Window menu to show the list of main windows as well as the tabs within the current main window
- Fixed the display issue of youtube download video button on linux & Mac

Titel: Pale Moon 15.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2013, 21:40
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Updated the C runtime library included to a later version for security/stability purposes.
Updated the Windows SDK version to 8.0 for better Windows 8 compatibility and slight overall improvements.
Implemented a fix to prevent unwanted automatic opening of the plugin check window on startup on some systems.
Corrected the milestone marker from 15.4pre to 15.4.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 096
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2013, 06:30

    Fixed a bug in the interpretation of text entered in the address bar
    Add support to allow users to assign an alias to a group in the alias definition dialog. (Click the drop down arrow to access the menu to define special commands).

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2013, 13:43
Whats new: >>


    [Fix]Zoom didn't be translated
    [Fix]auto-complete window's problem
    [Fix]"set default browser" window's problem
    [Fix]some skins disappeared when add new skin
    [Fix]shift+ctrl+z disordered the tabs
    [Fix]play video's problem
    [Fix]add lock toolbar feature under new interface
    [Fix]no restore and minimize button on standard style
    [Fix]baidu search engine's problem
    [Fix]incorrect sidebar location on the second display
    [Fix]changing skins make the interface messed up
    [Fix]problems about split view
    [Fix]XP/windows server 2003 BSOD's problem

Beta 3

    [Fix]close tab problem under firefox engine
    [Fix]content menu problem
    [Fix]incorrect url when opening a new blank page
    [Fix]login window of online storage flicker when click text field
    [Fix]"set as the root of bookmarks bar" option didn't work
    [Fix]main menu closed itself under old skins.
    [Fix]didn't show mouse gesture trail sometimes
    [Fix]stored path of Temporary files under firefox engine
    [Fix]couldn't change default downloader
    [Fix]download path was changed when switch downloader
    [Fix]didn't translate the word "zoom"
    [Fix]auto-complete window problem
    [Fix]set default browser's problem

Titel: Maxthon RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2013, 14:30 [2013-02-01]


* Improved lots of places and fixed lots of bugs.
* Some crash problems
* The browser would close if opened Print Preview and then exited immediately during the page loading
* One handle resource leak problem



MD5 = 6dd41350308e7f9de187e574b3daac77
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2013, 13:03


    [Fix]preset Wikipedia engien couldn't search more than one words
    [Fix]Some popup window went beyond browser window
    [Fix]Hiding Avant and exiting from tray icon caused the tabs lost
    [Fix]couldn't keep the width of search bar
    [Fix]Some words didn't be translated under polish language
    [Fix]flash problem of ABoption panel
    [Fix]search button's problem on bookmarks sidebar
    [Fix]the problem to show bookmarks on bookmarks bar
    [Fix]save pages problem under private mode
    [Fix]change engine from IE to firefox/chrome often crash the pages
    [Fix]content menu of page show English no matter which interface language you use
    [Fix]the right screen cannot get focus when use split view
    [Fix]cursor didn't show up under firefox engine sometimes
    [Fix]some buttons didn't show up under "customize buttons"
    [Fix]focus problem of browser:home page under chrome engine

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2013, 19:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Add menu Tools:SlimBoat data folder
- Save crash dump file when SlimBoat crashes (Windows version only)
- Add option to extract mp3 audio file from downloaded youtube video file
- Bug fix: default zoom setting not applied correctly in some cases

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2013, 20:45
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView displayed corrupted URLs from partially deleted records of Internet Explorer history file.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 097
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2013, 06:30

Update language files.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2013, 12:38
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

•Fixed a bug in photo salon
•Updated Turkish language file.
•Fixed a bug related to toolbar position restoration.

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2013, 11:30
Avant Browser 2013 build 12, Released 2.20.2013

    [Add] Brand new user interface
    [add] New browser:home page
    [Fix] logmein problem
    [fix] Cannot input in some java applications
    [Improve]Private session
    [Add] New session
    [Add] Adjust the position of some Settings in AB options>Home page
    [Add] Search result in sidebar
    [Add] Default zoom size option
    [Add] Two options "Open all links in this page"and"Add to bookmarks" in content menu under firefox/chrome engine
    [Add] Import local data automatically when first login online stroage
    [Add] Change the color the IE compatile engine logo on address bar
    [Add] Shortcut for "Save as text"
    [Add] Rewrite favicon for one site
    [Add] Open and fill but not submit multi autofills at the same time
    [Add] New skins
    [Add] Double click the page to refresh it when purple screen appears
    [Add] "open all links in bookmarks folder" option on the root of bookmarks
    [Add] Import bookmarks from HTML file
    [Add] Can change default search engine on search bar
    [Add] Can always keep the search engines added by user.
    [Add] Some websites can change rendering engine automatically
    [Add] Option to open search result in a new tab
    [Add] Can use bookmarks normally when organizing bookmarks.
    [Add] Speed up auto complete feature on address bar
    [Add] Highlight address bar when opening Https site
    [Add] Prompt information when add a same bookmark
    [Add] Visit time on "Organize bookmarks"window
    [Add] Show bookmark's directory on the result when searching a bookmark
    [Add] Can reload all the web pages under the same rendeirng engine
    [Add] Reload option when change default rendering engine
    [Add] Can delete one or more histories
    [Add] Downloader:Open the file when complete
    [Add] Downloader: Option to set Maximum Simultaneous Jobs
    [Add] Downloader: Options to shut down computer/exit browser after all downloads finished
    [Add] Downloader: Option to alear All Download History on Exit
    [fix] Problems of mouse gesture
    [fix] Win8:blank address bar problem
    [fix] Win8:ctrl+shift+q problem
    [Delete] Two unkonwn option in the contentmenu under IE engine
    [fix] Cannot use the "New session" option
    [fix] Some usage habit problem on new interface
    [fix] Bookmark directory messy code
    [fix] Highlight address bar problem
    [fix] Ctrl+shift+f4 cause Avant freeze
    [fix] Focus problem under firefox engine
    [fix] Focus problem on search box
    [fix] Download window opens in background
    [fix] File>print window opens in background under IE engine
    [fix] Focus problem when organizing bookmarks
    [fix] Resote/maximize problem
    [fix] Restore/minimize detahced tab problem
    [fix] Some chrome.exe appear when exiting Avant browser
    [fix] Favicon problem on subdomain
    [fix] Cannot drag favicon from address bar to desktop or other place
    [fix] Prompt window problem of autofill
    [fix] Maximize tiled Windows problem
    [fix] Switching between old and new skins cause Avant interface messed up
    [fix] Cannot show "Save all opened tabs and exit" option on the menu of system tray icon
    [fix] Changing skins/rendering engine may cause page crash
    [fix] Flicker problem of sidebar
    [fix] Problem when using Split view
    [fix] Downloader:Some files failed to download and cannot pause
    [fix] Downloader:Cannot keep proxy setting
    [fix] Focus problem when using F11/F12
    [fix] Open sidebar problem under F11/F12
    [Fix] close tab problem under firefox engine
    [Fix] content menu problem
    [Fix] incorrect url when opening a new blank page
    [Fix] login window of online storage flicker when click text field
    [Fix] "set as the root of bookmarks bar" option didn't work
    [Fix] main menu closed itself under old skins.
    [Fix] didn't show mouse gesture trail sometimes
    [Fix] stored path of Temporary files under firefox engine
    [Fix] couldn't change default downloader
    [Fix] download path was changed when switch downloader
    [Fix] didn't translate the word "zoom"
    [Fix] auto-complete window problem
    [Fix] set default browser's problem
    [Fix] Zoom didn't be translated
    [Fix] auto-complete window's problem
    [Fix] "set default browser" window'sproblem
    [Fix] some skins disappeared when add new skin
    [Fix] shift+ctrl+z disordered the tabs
    [Fix] play video's problem
    [Fix] add lock toolbar feature under new interface
    [Fix] no restore and minimize button on standard style
    [Fix] baidu search engine's problem
    [Fix] incorrect sidebar location on the second display
    [Fix] changing skins make the interface messed up
    [Fix] problems about split view
    [Fix] XP/windows server 2003 BSOD's problem
    [Fix] preset Wikipedia engien couldn't search more than one words
    [Fix] Some popup window went beyond browser window
    [Fix] Hiding Avant and exiting from tray icon caused the tabs lost
    [Fix] couldn't keep the width of search bar
    [Fix] Some words didn't be translated under polish language
    [Fix] flash problem of ABoption panel
    [Fix] search button's problem on bookmarks sidebar
    [Fix] the problem to show bookmarks on bookmarks bar
    [Fix] save pages problem under private mode
    [Fix] change engine from IE to firefox/chrome often crash the pages
    [Fix] content menu of page show English no matter which interface language you use
    [Fix] the right screen cannot get focus when use split view
    [Fix] cursor didn't show up under firefox engine sometimes
    [Fix] some buttons didn't show up under "customize buttons"
    [Fix] focus problem of browser:home page under chrome engine
    [Fix] problem of opening avant from bing desktop
    [Fix] focus problem when using ctrl+T to open browser:home page
    [Fix] mouse gesture loses effect when there is no page opens.
    [Fix] drop down list problem of address bar
    [fix] minor mistakes of french
    [Fix] the order of reopened tab confused
    [fix] the option to switch tabs via middle mouse button loses effect
    [fix] avant's title cannot get focus when back from full screen mode
    [Fix] "Assign url alias" opens wrong panel
    [Fix] print preview window is opened in background.
    [Fix] sometimes cannot change default search engine on search bar
    [Fix] french language error
    [Fix] page content sometimes doesn't show up when restore Avant from system tray
    [Fix] the optiond to hide Avant taskbar button lose effect
    [Fix] floating toolbar problem under aero glass skin
    [Fix] Alt+Tab problem
    [Fix] cannot remember the position of webpage when refresh under firefox engine
    [Fix] change rendering engine problem
    [Fix] fonts on tabs are not easy to distinguish under new interface
    [Fix] The window to isntall add-ons cannot get focus under firefox engine
    [Fix] the focus problem on autofill password window
    [Fix] proccess doesn't exit completely after exiting Avant
    [Fix] Avant title cannot get focus under srandard style
    [Fix] toolbar area and page content area separated sometimes

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2013, 17:20
Whats new: >>

# Improvements:

* UI improvement

# Fixes:

* Maxthon Download Manager could not recognize Thunder Downloader
* Tab Bar displayed incorrectly with many tabs when the window maximized
* Some crash problems
* Other bugs



MD5 = 8e4cb9026a2d9a2b0250e6036bb7bb7a
Titel: Lunascape 6.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2013, 23:55
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts im dortigen Blog

Titel: Pale Moon 19.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2013, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Update of the underlying Firefox (gecko) code to v19. This has a number of consequences:

    Add-ons and themes may need to be updated since the UI code has changed.
    HTML5-implementation is more complete
    A number of CSS statements have their prefix removed (-moz*)
    Javascript now uses the IonMonkey engine by default, which is a new (faster) engine
    Improvements to the layout and rendering engines
    If you are using a language pack, you need to update it to the new version

Update of the browser style. Main browser controls and the padlock look slightly different.
Several Pale Moon specific improvements to the rendering engine, noticeable in general use and certain benchmarks, to prevent browser stalls or high CPU usage on certain pages.
The builds no longer use PGO (Profile Guided Optimization) but are globally speed-optimized.

Titel: Pale Moon 19.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2013, 19:30
What's new: >>

A minor update to address a few issues with the initial major release:

    Fix for bookmarks giving an "XML parsing error" when set to "load in the sidebar"
    Fix for a double padlock display if a secure site would not supply a favicon
    Redone the mixed content https padlock image in 32bpp to prevent potential UI rendering issues
    Fixed a setting so no unnecessary code walking is done for the otherwise disabled accessibility features
    Fix (inherent) for add-ons and themes being marked as incompatible in Pale Moon x64 when they have a minimum version of 19.0

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2013, 13:17
Changelog is as following: [2013-02-25]


* “Forget password” in login panel did not work
* Developer Tool crash problem
* Switch Browser Core Button did not work well
* Sync problem of SkyNote
* Lots of crash problems



MD5 = a0fb65047683f36154750941c84042ab

Titel: SlimBrowser 6.01.099
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2013, 19:40
Latest Changes

- Bug fix: 5-day weather forecasting report

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2013, 21:00
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Add support for local directory browsing
- Fixed bug associated with the display of title of PDF files and text files
- Bug fix: execute javascript from address bar with urls starting with "javascript:"
- Added Turkish language file

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2013, 06:25
Avant Browser 2013 build 17, Released 2.26.2013

    [Fix]messy code problem when using baidu search engine
    [Fix]speed dial problem
    [Fix]download window poped up behind browser
    [Fix]taskbar didn't show up when minimizing fullscreen
    [Fix]content menu flash under firefox engine
    [Fix]auto hided taskbar didn't show up under full desktop mode
    [Fix]Avant toolbars may jump out when watching fullscreen video
    [Fix]the problem when switching to Avant from other application
    [Fix]ctrl+F didn't get focus
    [Fix]“open all links in this folder”only open one link
    [Fix]switch tab problem using middle mouse key+right mouse key
    [Fix]close tab problem
    [Fix]some button appeared after using split view
    [Fix]F3/ctrl+g lost effect

Titel: Yandex.Browser 1.5.1106.241
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2013, 13:45
Yandex.Browser is a freeware web browser that uses the WebKit layout engine and is based on the Chromium project.

The browser checks webpage security with the Yandex security system and checks downloaded files with Kaspersky anti-virus. The browser also uses Opera Software's Turbo technology to speed web browsing on slow connections.

Yandex.Browser is a solid browser that looks modern and is easy to use. It's ideal for people who use Yandex services. It loads pages quickly, just shows you what you need and gives you plenty of space for viewing webpages. Search suggestions will help you search more quickly and autocorrect errors.

Whats new: >>

- Fixed some bugs and a minor improvement.

Download : Klick (http://biblprog.org.ua/go.php?site=http://download.cdn.yandex.net.cache-kiev02.cdn.yandex.net/browser/yandex/en/lite/Yandex.exe)

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2013, 17:45
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

BrowsingHistoryView now reads the history of all profiles from Chrome and Chrome Canary Web browsers.

Titel: avast Browser Cleanup 8.0.1481.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2013, 13:51
avast Browser Cleanup entfernt lästige Toolbars aus beliebten Browsern. Die Freeware arbeitet mit Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome und dem Internet Explorer zusammen.

Vor dem ersten Einsatz von avast Browser Cleanup sollte man alle geöffneten Browserfenster schließen. Beim Programmstart scannt die deutschsprachige Freeware Google Chrome, Firefox und den Internet Explorer nach verdächtigen Toolbars und Erweiterungen ab. Wird das Tool fündig, zeigt es die potentielle Bedrohung mit Namen und eventueller Benutzerwertung an.

Unter "Mehr Details" erhält man zusätzliche Informationen, welches Verhalten die Toolbars oder Plugins an den Tag legen. Wer will, kann direkt aus avast Browser Cleanup heraus einzelne Störenfriede aus dem Browser entfernen oder zumindest deaktivieren. Mit der Schaltfläche "Alle aufgelisteten Plugins löschen und Browser säubern" in der Programmseite Übersicht lassen sich alle potentielle Bösewichte aus den Browsern in einem Aufwasch entfernen.

avast Browser Cleanup vereint eine gute Erkennungsleistung mit einem gut greifenden Löschmechanismus. Falls nicht alle unerwünschten Browser-Plugins erkannt und deaktiviert werden, weist die Freeware darauf hin und empfiehlt die Deaktivierung der unerwünschten Elemente per Browser-Einstellungen.

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2013, 06:30

•"New Tab" page title loccalized properly
•Allow users to middle click a quickdial button on the tabs page to open it in a new tab. (Shift click or use the "Open In New Tab" menu is also ok).

Titel: Dooble 1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2013, 12:27
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2013, 06:15[2013-03-07]


* Bug fixes
* Performance improvement



MD5 = 04b611145755d67f757009fd91d76cbd
Titel: Pale Moon 19.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2013, 20:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Fixes a critical security vulnerability in the browser (MFSA 2013-29)
Slightly improves HTTP pipelining
Update to the integrated status bar feature (German localization updated)

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2013, 12:30
2013 build 21, Released 3.11.2013

    [Update]firefox engine:19.0.2
    [update]chrome engine:25.0.1364.160
    [Fix]print preview problem under IE engine
    [Fix]roboform:couldn't fill form using content menu
    [Fix]some focus problem
    [Fix]close tab problem when using different ways to open tabs
    [Fix]Avant covered the taskbar when in maximize state
    [Fix]Avant frame did not respond under certain situation
    [Fix]link tooltip didn't show up sometimes under IE engine
    [Fix]three buttons missed under full screen/desktop mode
    [Fix]detach tab problem
    [Fix]the auto hided taskbar didn't pop up sometimes
    [Fix]taskbar didn't pop up when pressing Windows key under full screen mode

Titel: QupZilla v1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2013, 16:20
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

highlighting host in address in locationbar
can now be compiled using Qt 5
QtWebKit 2.3 new features - caret browsing, animated scrolling
added support for FTP listing files and downloading
added support for saving passwords of multiple users per site
added support for showing tabs on top
added bash autocompletion file
added more actions to super menu, also show menu inside window
possibility to select text on page with Shift+Arrow keys
asking user whether to allow site to use notifications/geolocation
option to set JavaScript privacy permissions
option to specify default search engine used in locationbar
option to disable search suggestions in websearchbar
option to search only whole words in source viewer
option to hide reload/stop buttons in navigationbar
option to disable alt/ctrl + numbers shortcuts
option to switch to tab from locationbar popup completer
option to set where to store network cache
use .qupzilla/tmp instead of /tmp for temporary data
saving passwords should now work for much more sites
don't steal Ctrl+B/U/I shortcuts from page
disabled by default opacity effect on tab previews - see BUILDING
improved showing navigation toolbar in fullscreen
moved config directory into ~/.config/qupzilla
certificates bundle is now only used on windows
reduced memory usage of AdBlock (saves up to 30MB with just EasyList)
greatly improved performance when matching regexp rules in AdBlock
GreaseMonkey: reload script if source file changed on disk
GreaseMonkey: fixed don't loading invalid scripts
fixed opening browser with url with ampersand (%26) as command line argument
fixed scrolling to anchor in background tabs
fixed parsing UTF-8 filenames in Content-Disposition header
fixed crash with context menu in websearchbar and locationbar
fixed loading NYTimes skimmer page
fixed cookie domain handling according to RFC 6265
fixed qvalue format in Accept-Language HTTP header
fixed sorting files case insensitively in file scheme handler
fixed possible crash in saving page screen of a really long page
fixed showing window in fullscreen with XFCE
fixed AdBlock blocking netscape plugin even without Click2Flash
X11: fixed Ctrl+Q shortcut for DEs other than KDE and Gnome
windows: fixed color of found text when searching on page
windows: fixed navigating to file links and x: labels in file: scheme handler
windows: fixed downloading utf-8 encoded adblock subscriptions
windows: improved installer allows registering as default web browser
windows: check and set as default browser from preferences
mac: fixed not working global menu after closing browser window

Titel: Slim Browser 6.01 Build 101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2013, 13:21

•Bug fix: adjustment effects not applied correctly when photo frame is not used in photo salon
•Bug fix: allow ctrl+f to invoke the find dialog in scriptpad.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2013, 18:20
# Fixes:

* HTML5 localstorage hole
* Some bugs

# UI Improvements:

* No icon problem in the browser right-click menu of Ultra Mode in XP system
* Improved the user experience


MD5 = ee62c762c755cb5672cf9948d994b13d
Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2013, 19:40
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: when changing search engine in tabs page, the current keyword is lost.
Fixed a few Ad blocker internal bugs.
Print preview dialog not translated properly
Added more available toolbar buttons. Customize standard toolbar to see the extra buttons.
Bug fix: download confirmation dialogs not positioned properly on multi-monitor configurations.

Titel: Linkman Lite
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2013, 05:45
Integrating with the latest versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Opera browsers, Linkman gives you the power to efficiently organize as many links as your needs dictate!

You can easily add links from all browser windows and let retrieve keywords and descriptions automatically. The user interface is highly customizable. You get the capability to import and synchronize from existing bookmark collections and export bookmarks in a variety of formats. Linkman Lite supports multiple versions of ten different Windows browsers.

What makes Linkman Lite special is the sheer speed that allows you to access your links. Just start typing a keyword and get results within a second, even with large databases. Linkman is also the only Windows bookmark manager which can load and save Internet Explorer Favorites in correct item order.


Supports keywords, ratings, comments, descriptions and user defined data
Ability to handle large databases (even millions of links) without performance or stability issues
Internet Explorer integration
Firefox 3 integration
Optional Desktop Toolbar for fastest browsing ever
Optional Internet Explorer Toolbar (Separate download)
Highly customizable user interface
Detects duplicate links, even if they differ in subdomains, ports or login data
Query for URLs on the same domain or subdomain and display results in groups
User defined rating system
Extensive help file including Tutorial
Retrieves keywords, descriptions from web pages
Password protection
Multiple import and export formats
Direct Internet Explorer Favorites support (including correct item order)
Firefox Bookmarks
Google Chrome
Opera Hotlist
Separated Value files
Link search in any data file
Fully customizable Html Link webpage generation
Search and Replace
Text and Status Query
Printing support
Sort feature with multiple sort orders and autosort
Drop Basket for faster browsing and URL addition
URL Path associated launch
URL Launch History
Fast Links for fast access to your favorite URLs
Daily Links feature to launch several bookmarks with one click
Full Drag and Drop support including link drops from browser to Linkman
Advanced Tray Icon (configurable click actions)
User defined browser support
Auto save
System-wide hotkeys for easy use, even when working with another application


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2013, 19:20
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Fix facebook.com display issue
- Added support to convert downloaded youtube video files into mp3 files under Mac and Linux

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2013, 14:10
* New Feature:

- Maxthon Dock (Supporting pin the independent SideBar to your desktop for quick visiting favorite sites and extensions.)

* UI Improvement:

- Improved the interaction and UI of Maxthon Download Manager

* Fixes:

- Potential handle leak problem
- Some crash problems and bugs
- Reduced CPU usage



Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2013, 18:20
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


- Modifications

- Default tab group color can now be modified

- [Customize|Panel|History panel|Days to store pages in history] added

- Duplicated tabs set to display to the right of the active tab when smart tabs are enabled

- URL judgement in the address bar modified

- When Sleipnir is restarted with do not restore tabs setting enabled, open tabs when closing are added to "Previously closed tabs"

- IME conversion suggestions cleared when address bar or search bar list is clicked

- WebKit version updated (Chrome/25.0.1364.152)

- Fixed Problems

- Not being able to close tabs in Trident issue fixed

- Pages sometimes not being restored to the latest state in WebKit fixed

- Text sometimes becoming blurred when playing Flash fixed

- Preventing navigation of protected tabs setting sometimes not working fixed

- Sleipnir sometimes not closing when trying to logoff with Sleipnir still running fixed

- Process sometimes remaining when closing fixed

- CPU load rising when pressing down on the ALT key fixed

- Browser not responding when using monitors with different resolutions in fullscreen mode in alternation fixed

- URLs with certain keywords inside inputted into the address bar resulting in search the Web fixed

- IE7 compatibility mode and UserAgent switching not operating properly fixed

- UserAgent sometimes returning to original when switching engine with UserAgent changed

- Switching tabs when the quick security menu is displayed resulting in destination being different fixed

- Title of tabs sometimes being displayed as URLs when multiple tabs are opened fixed

- Tab bar rendering sometimes not being refreshed when performing the "PopRecentlyHistory" action fixed

- Tab bar rendering sometimes not being refreshed when tabs are protected fixed

- State of status bar and tool bar quicky security icons sometimes being different fixed

- Set time for automatically displaying panel not being reflected fixed

- Individual setting screens sometimes vanishing when panel automatic displaying is enabled fixed

- Individual settings not being reflected when opening bookmarks with "Open all in group" fixed

- Web display area being black when starting up fixed

- Height of FeedReader not being stored fixed

- Check not being inserted in [Encoding] of the button menu and menu bar in Trident fixed

- Other minor issues fixed
Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2013, 13:47[2013-3-28]

New Feature:

+ Maxthon Dock (Supporting pin the independent SideBar to your desktop for quick visiting favorite sites and extensions.)


* Improved the page load speed
* Optimized the memory usage


* Crash problem if uploaded images to Google+
* Some other crash problems
* No response of drag&drop during downloading files
* The upload status problem in Maxthon Downloader



MD5 = 073bd8b63e52382109c7221d8d80d649
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2013, 16:45
Avant Browser 2013 build 22, Released 3.28.2013

    [Fix]Failed to download a certain file
    [Fix]Avant got the focus when pages finish loading
    [Fix]drag and drop link to tab bar problem
    [Fix]bookmarks disappeared under new interface
    [Fix]couldn't use thunder download in content menu under IE engine
    [Fix]blank bar on the bottom in win8
    [Fix]link stayed on desktop
    [Fix]google map problem
    [Fix]alt+S problem
    [Fix]ctrl+click didn't work under IE engine
    [Fix]tabs opened from group were in disorder
    [Fix]middle mouse button opened links in current page sometimes
    [Fix]taskbar was covered by Avant bottom or Avant bottom hided behind taskar sometimes
    [Fix]couldn't keep the position of toolbars under new interface
    [Fix]login problem on certain website
    [Fix]didn't show padlock and green backgroud on address bar when opening https sites under firefox engine

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2013, 11:23[2013-4-2]

New Feature:

+ Android device detection (it would pop up an installing window or a manual update window)


* Improved webpage loading speed
* Optimized memory usage
* Improved stability


* Maxthon 4 user data not syncing when Maxthon Dock starts on PC.



Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2013, 06:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Updated the design of quickdial page (about:tabs) to support setting the number of rows and columns, specifying background color and background image
Allow web inspector to be docked into the main window
Improved startup speed when quickdial page is set as homepage.
Removed toolbar borders
Added option to show bookmark menu as single column scrollable menu.
Added support of "Pin It" operation for pinterest.com. Accessible from menu "Tools:Share This Page:Pin It". A toolbar button is also available.
Added support for sorting bookmarks by name in bookmark organizer dialog.
Added toolbar button for menu "File->Send Shortcut to Desktop".

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2013, 12:31
Avant Browser 2013 build 23, Released 4.3.2013

    [Fix]Failed to download a certain file
    [Fix]Avant got the focus when pages finish loading
    [Fix]drag and drop link to tab bar problem
    [Fix]bookmarks disappeared under new interface
    [Fix]couldn't use thunder download in content menu under IE engine
    [Fix]blank bar on the bottom in win8
    [Fix]link stayed on desktop
    [Fix]google map problem
    [Fix]alt+S problem
    [Fix]ctrl+click didn't work under IE engine
    [Fix]tabs opened from group were in disorder
    [Fix]middle mouse button opened links in current page sometimes
    [Fix]taskbar was covered by Avant bottom or Avant bottom hided behind taskar sometimes
    [Fix]couldn't keep the position of toolbars under new interface
    [Fix]login problem on certain website
    [Fix]didn't show padlock and green backgroud on address bar when opening https sites under firefox engine

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2013, 20:40
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: row and column count setting on quickdial page not saved properly.

Titel: Sleipnir 4.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2013, 13:06
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Fixed Problems

    Navigation history not being correct when switching engine issue fixed
    Not being able to close tabs issue fixed
    "Start up will be aborted when parameters have been sent" not working fixed
    Tabs opening when starting-up with opening from clipboard enabled fixed
    Display being out of place when bookmark items are moved in the bookmark bar fixed
    Search performed when localhost is inputted into the address bar fixed
    Not being able to use mouse gestures when user logs into another account fixed
    Being displayed with underscore when "&" is displayed in the search bar or address bar list fixed
    Tab switching sometimes being slow fixed
    Other minor issues fixed
Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.016
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2013, 06:10
Slim Browser is a tabbed multiple-site browser. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. It brings you convenient and comfortable browsing.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

1.Language file updates
2.Use non-modal dialog for language file manager.

Titel: Pale Moon 20.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2013, 18:15
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

ew/updated/changed major features:

    Per-window Private Browsing
    You can find a good explanation of this new feature on Mozilla's website here.
    Panel-based download manager.
    Following Firefox, Pale Moon 20 by default enables the panel-based download manager. Since you may not like either the downloads button feature or the actual panel display, they are configurable as follows:
    If you prefer to use the classic download manager, you can do so from the status bar options:
    Appmenu (Pale Moon button) -> Options -> Status bar options... -> Download -> "Use classic download window" (you may have to restart the browser after this change)
    Note: You may lose your download history switching to the "classic" UI. There are also some potential cosmetic issues with the classic download manager window you may run into as it's not 100% supported anymore because of the "under the hood" changes to the way downloads are handled.
    If the effects included with the downloads UI toolbar button cause issues (it will show an enlarged arrow fading towards the button when a download is started or finished, which may possibly cause slowdowns if your system can't use hardware acceleration in Pale Moon) you should remove the button from your navigation bar and instead use the status bar download indicator:
        Right-click a toolbar and select "Customize..."
        Drag the Download arrow button from your navigation bar to the customization window to remove it from the UI (this will appear as an arrow icon with "downloads" under it)
        Find the other down arrow with "Download status" under it and drag it down to the status bar (by default left of the progress meter, but anywhere you prefer)
        Close the customization window
        Go to Options -> Status bar options... -> Downloads and check "Always show the downloads indicator"
    Ability to close hanging plugins, without the browser hanging.
    Performance improvements related to common browser tasks.
    Pale Moon specific Cairo performance fix for scaling/panning/zooming of HTML5 drawing surfaces.
    Current releases of Firefox have issues with particularly large drawing surfaces. Pale Moon implements a fix for this to prevent performance issues caused by this, which can be seen very clearly on e.g. the MSIE 10 Test Drive Chalkboard test (warning: trying to run this test in Mozilla Firefox will hang the browser and will take a very long time to finish.)
    Pale Moon specific fixes for performance of drawing elements (gradients, etc.).
    A number of smaller fixes have been implemented to further reduce processor usage when drawing certain graphical elements.
    HTML5 canvas now supports blend modes.
    Various HTML5 audio and video improvements.
    Update of the Status Bar code to work with the new code base.
    This includes adding the setting for switching back to the classic download manager, updates for CSS parser changes, and the default set of tools no longer including the download status in the status bar (since it's included in the downloads button in the main navigation bar), as well as detections of full-screen modes and adjusting controls as-appropriate. Many thanks to Sparky Bluefang for continuing to update and improve the underlying Status-4-Evar add-on code without which the Pale Moon status bar would have been a lot harder to implement and especially maintain.
    ECMAScript for XML (E4X) is kept available for add-ons. Note that this will be removed in future versions as E4X is obsolete.
    Add-on users who still use this scripting technique are strongly urged to move to a different scripting technique, e.g. JXON or DOM-native. Please see the Mozilla E4X page for details about this issue. Firefox 20 already disables this feature, and from 21 onwards the code will be removed entirely because it is really obsolete.
    Developer tools have been enabled by default, considering the code is practically impactless unless actually used.
    The Web Developer tools have been partially disabled for a long time in Pale Moon, with an initial intention to completely remove the code. Initially, these tools would cause extra load and could slow down the browser, but with the improvements made in the underlying code base (e.g. IonMonkey, memory handling) as well as improvements in the build method for Pale Moon, the developer tools are no longer causing issues when enabled. Please do note that these web developer tools are provided AS-IS, and if you have any particular functionality issues with these tools, you should talk to the Mozilla team or fellow devtools users on this forum. I will not touch the devtools code or provide support for it.
    Theming has been worked on to provide better contrast on glass/dark themes and to work around styling issues present in v19.
    You will notice slightly colored, light icons on glass and dark themes, and the standard (previous) set of icons on light themes. HTTPS address bar shading (on by default) encompasses the entire address bar now. This shading may be a little less visible on dark themes or glass, but this will be improved in future versions of the browser.
    Updated fallback character sets to Windows-1252 to properly adhere to the Encoding Standard.
    This change should prevent some "page flashes" on web pages specifying a specific character set in <meta> tags in the header.
    Restored legacy function key handling (uplifted from Firefox 22).
    High-range function keys (F13-F24) should work properly again.
    Fixed UNC path handling (Chemspill Firefox 20.0.1).
    Address bar/search box would not work for Windows users whose profile resides in a network share. :!: and other related bugreports. bug #846848
    Always enable personas, also in Private Browsing mode.
    Firefox will remove personas (lightweight themes) in Private Browsing windows. Pale Moon restores the use of personas in all windows - the browsing mode should not affect personalization/customization, especially when there are clear other indicators present about the browsing mode used.
    Experimental support for H.264 videos in HTML5.
    This feature is experimental, has some known bugs, and may cause crashes or browser hangs, so is disabled by default. You have to manually enable it in about:config by setting the preference media.windows-media-foundation.enabled to true. This feature will only work on later Windows versions, likely only on Windows 7 and 8.

Security fixes relevant to Pale Moon:

    MFSA 2013-30 A fairly large number of memory safety hazards (crashes/corruption/injection).
    MFSA 2013-31 Out-of-bounds write in Cairo library (CVE-2013-0800)
    MFSA 2013-34 Privilege escalation through Mozilla Updater (CVE-2013-0797)
    MFSA 2013-36 Bypass of SOW protections allows cloning of protected nodes (CVE-2013-0795)
    MFSA 2013-37 Bypass of tab-modal dialog origin disclosure (structural fix)
    MFSA 2013-38 Cross-site scripting (XSS) using timed history navigations (CVE-2013-0793)
    MFSA 2013-39 Memory corruption while rendering grayscale PNG images (CVE-2013-0792)
    MFSA 2013-40 Crash fix: Out-of-bounds array read in CERT_DecodeCertPackage (CVE-2013-0791)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2013, 18:40
Changelog is as following:[2013-04-10]


* The load of Sidebar and Tool Bar
* Memory usage
* Improved Maxthon Setting Center, supporting searching feature keywords there


* Could not use Smart Address Bar when opened a new tab
* Mouse Gesture validation caused by flash
* Crash problem when clicked ‘Copy as HTML’ in Developer Tool right-click menu
* Proxy setting did not update with switching Maxthon passport account



MD5 = ae5f27ecf45e0ff7d2b38538a469174c  
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 017
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2013, 23:43
Build 017

1. Language file updates
2. Included quickdial site settings when backing up data and settings.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 018
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2013, 20:30
Build 018

1. Added more ad blocker filter lists available for choice.
2. Set default ad blocker filter lists based on user’s system language.
3. Update language files.

Titel: Privacyfix 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2013, 14:18
Privacyfix achtet auf den Schutz persönlicher Daten im Browser. Die kostenlose Erweiterung für Firefox, Chrome und Internet Explorer warnt vor Datentracking bei Facebook, Google und anderen Webseiten.

Einmal installiert, zeigt Privacyfix auf einer Übersichtsseite die aktuellen Browser-Einstellungen und welche Firmen mit Cookies, Toolbars und anderen Methoden Datenspione im Browser platziert haben. Findet das Tool unerwünschte Datenlecks, liefert der Helfer via der Schaltfläche Fix erste Hilfe, um diese abzustellen.

Auf Wunsch installiert Privacyfix einen so genannten Health Alert im Browser und weist beim Surfen auf Webseiten in Echtzeit auf datenschutzrelenvante Browseraktivitäten wie Tracking hin. Für die großen Datenkraken Facebook und Google liefert Privacyfix eine detaillierte Analyse mit Fixes für den userfreundlichen Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten.

Mit Privacyfix erhalten User einen digitalen Wachhund vor der unbewussten Weitergabe von personenbezogenen Daten beim Surfen in Chrome, IE oder Firefox. Kurzum: Ein nicht nur für Nutzer von Facebook und Google-Diensten nützlicher digitaler Datenschützer.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2013, 06:10
Build 020

1. Update language files.

Build 019

1. Added more ad blocker filter lists available for choice.
2. Set default ad blocker filter lists based on user’s system language.
3. Update language files.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2013, 09:31
Build 021

1.Bug fix: Spell checker language not set properly in non-English UI.
2.Bug fix: search by clicking the search engine button or its drop down menu not done properly.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2013, 13:18
Changelog is as following:[2013-4-17]

* Increased the page loading speed
* Optimized the memory usage
* Improved the browser stability


MD5 = 63008420963157e083894c048e96936a
Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2013, 18:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: When exporting browser history data with /SaveDirect command-line option, BrowsingHistoryView added byte order mark of Unicode, while the file was saved as Ascii.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 022
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2013, 10:02
Build 022

1. Added support for sorting the quickdial sites in the customization dialog.
2. Enable drag-to-restore on the menu bar when the main window is maximized and title bar is hidden.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.4.30420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2013, 15:34
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2013, 20:15
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Add support for bookmarks and history side panel.
Change: don't show "open all bookmarks" at the top level of bookmark menu.
Added context menu for bookmarks menu so that you can edit or delete bookmarks by right clicking on the bookmarks menu.
Added more ad blocker filter lists for other languages.
Added find capability in source code viewer.

Titel: Lunascape 6.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2013, 19:30
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: Sleipnir 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2013, 09:26
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Infos hierzu gibts im dortigen Blog
Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2013, 17:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to load Firefox profile located on a drive letter which is different from the drive letter where the Windows profiles (c:\users ...) are located.
Fixed the flickering appeared while scrolling the history items.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2013, 18:30 [2013-04-25]

New Features:

+ LAN Transfer in Cloud Push, supporting rapidly transferring files among devices by LAN
+ Supported cloud pushing local files when browsing local directory through Maxthon Browser


* It displayed the wrong status of the skin refresh buttons
* It did not correctly display the input method switching status in Windows 8 status bar
* It could not get the user device list after switching Maxthon account
* Sometimes it froze when input in the text-edit box of some pages
* Floated Status Bar did not display if hid the Status Bar



MD5 = b6170cfdb692988dbbbbcad628605fb1
Titel: QupZilla 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2013, 10:40
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

don't limit speed of loading animation in tabbar
fixed loading HTML5 videos on YouTube
fixed saving cursive font in fonts preferences
fixed translating edit actions in page context menu
fixed connecting to older secured servers by forcing older SSL protocol
fixed installing bash completions to correct folder
fixed deleting lockfile upon closing application
fixed occasional crash when extracting form data from page
fixed crash in akn plugin while closing tab with labels shown
fixed crash on close when tabs on top is enabled with oxygen theme
GreaseMonkey: fixed laoding scripts with last line commented
mac: correctly refreshing state of menus
mac: added dock menu with basic actions

Titel: Dooble 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2013, 17:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>


1.   Because of the large number of files that are released during the release
     process, some seven files, and the time required to perform this task,
     version 1.41 will only be targeted for Linux 64-bit, OS X 64-bit,
     and Windows platforms.
     A source distribution will also be included. The decision is also
     based on Sourceforge download statistics. Therefore, a total of four
     files will be uploaded. Free software must be sustained.
     Sustainability is not free.
2.   Resolved a tab-closing issue on OS X and Qt 5.0.1. The issue was most
     likely introduced by 1.40, item #29.
3.   Set the maximum input lengths of many textfield widgets to 2500.
4.   Adjusted bothersome layout margins.
5.   Per jonaspm, ignore Spot-On errors.
6.   Removed stale qDebug() statement.
7.   Version 1.40 did not include a bundle for FreeBSD. However, I performed
     some basic tests on FreeBSD with Qt 4.8.2 and Qt 4.8.4. Dooble
     was responsive.
     There are some libgcrypt warnings regarding the use of insecure memory.
     The warnings appear to be related to libspoton.so's initialization of
     libgcrypt. I'm unable to reproduce these warnings on other platforms.
     Also, the warnings eventually disappear. I may revisit this area if
     time permits.
8.   Decrypted data may be empty. Corrected dcrypt::decodedString().
9.   Purge QBuffer objects in dnetworkcache::remove().
10.  Corrected dnetworkcache::insertEntry(). The intent of the last
     statement is to remove the file if the encryption fails.
11.  Corrected
               if(ok)  <-- Incorrect.
               if(!ok) <-- Correct.
     in dnetworkcache::reencode().
12.  Evaluate indicators of dmisc::encodedString(). Objects that
     are not properly encrypted will not be recorded to databases.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.024
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2013, 06:15
Build 024

1. Added support for submitting language files directly from language file manager.
2. Update language files.

Build 023

1. Bug fix: position max-min-restore buttons correctly when switching into and out of compact mode.
2. Allow users to drag the mini menu button.
3. Improved address typing suggestion algorithm.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2013, 06:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added improved support for Internet Explorer 10, which works smoothly and doesn't require to run BrowsingHistoryView as administrator. There is no need to execute BrowsingHistoryView with any additinal command-line option in order to read the locked file of IE10 (WebCacheV24.dat or WebCacheV01.dat), and the /UseVolumeShadowCopy command-line option added on v1.15 was removed from this version.
Be aware that during browsing on IE10, you may get corrupted history result, because the database is not fully flushed to the disk.
Also, be aware that BrowsingHistoryView cannot read a locked IE10 file on a remote network system.

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 107
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2013, 13:38
Avant Browser 2013 build 107, Released 5.2.2013

    [Updated]fireox engine:
    [Updated]chrome engine:26.0.1410.64
    [Improve]Improved User Interface
    [Improve]Reduced CPU usage
    [Fix]Avant always opens as compact style
    [Fix]Reduced the minimize width of add-on bar
    [Fix]Some UI problems
    [Fix]The whole sidebar can be moved
    [Fix]Drop down list of standard buttons.
    [Fix]Cannot select user-defined search engine in win8
    [Fix]Cannot move Avant window when in restore state using opal skins,
    [Fix]Cannot operate the tabs on second tab row
    [Fix]Standard buttons bar doesn't have content menu
    [Fix]cannot click the drop down list of management bar
    [Fix]Unicode url problem
    [Fix]mouse gesture stays on webpage in XP
    [Fix]date on copyright page
    [Fix]browser is unusable when opening more than two windows
    [Fix]Auto hide taskbar problem
    [Fix]The file name of attachment is unreadable using Avant downloader
    [Fix]F8 shortcut loses effect
    [Fix]No sidebar icon on status bar
    [Fix]split view problems
    [Fix]ctrl+mouse wheel shortcut loses effect
    [Fix]view toolbars problem
    [Fix]Two Avant icons when using alt+tab shortcut.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2013, 05:50
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Fixed mouse-hovering highlighting issue on tabs page
Add support for opening groups and forms from tabs page.
Added support for reordering the sites defined in the tabs page.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2013, 09:31 [2013-05-07]

    * Menu display problem in Developer Tools
    * Crash problem caused by ‘Inspect Element’
    * Crash problem caused by java extensions



MD5 = 5c911bd9c6702205df15c96e60fe7ca
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 027
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2013, 12:26
Build 025-027

1. Bug fix: crash when attempting to reordering quickdial websites defined in tabs pages
2. Added support for mouse-dragging gesture to navigate back and forth. Simple drag left or right while holding the right button to navigate back or forward.
3. Add menu to disable ad blocker on top level domain (available under menu "tools:adb blocker:disable ad blocker on top level domain").
4. Bug fix: after resetting all settings, the ad blocker filter list setting wasn't reset correctly.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2013, 19:40
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 029
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2013, 21:22
Build 028-029

1. Added toolbar button for capturing screenshot of selected area
2. Bug fix: prevent users to refresh site group defined on tabs page.
3. Update language files.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2013, 21:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added option to get the history from Internet Explorer API, instead of reading the file directly. (Available only when loading the history of the current user).

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.4.30512
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2013, 06:35
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Titel: GreenBrowser 6.4 Build 0515
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2013, 06:40
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

add: view script error message
fix: favorites sidebar open script bug
fix: high light keywords bug
fix: set groups and proxy dialog bug
fix: extra long form save bug
fix: several memory leaks bug

Titel: CookieSpy 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2013, 22:00
CookieSpy is a free and simple internet cookies viewer. While surfing the Internet web sites your browser saves bits of information about your experience on the site (known as HTTP cookies, internet cookies, web cookies or simply cookies). They are your search history, some preferences, logins, passwords. Information about data that web sites save locally in cookies may be important for you security. CookieSpy is a free utility application that displays HTTP cookies stored on your computer by all popular web browsers.

Supported Browsers:

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firebox (standalone and portable), Google Chrome (standalone and portable), Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, Apple Safari, Opera (standalone and portable), Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mathon (standalone and portable).


Titel: Sleipnir 4.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2013, 09:25
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Infos hierzu gibts im dortigen Blog
Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2013, 12:32
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Added support for submitting language files directly from language file manager.
Bug fix: quickfill form filler not working properly with some sites
Fixed a bug with groups organizer
Bug fix: ctrl+= shortcut not working for zoom-in.
Added support for disabling ad blocker on top level domain (Tools:Ad Blocker:Disable Ad Blocker on Top Level Domain)
Fixed a bug associated with file name detection in download manager.
Completed Portuguese Brazilian language file.

Titel: Sleipnir 4.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2013, 17:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed Problems

    Application freezing when using mouse operations in certain environments fixed
    Sleipnir not starting up in certain environment fixed
    Scrolling using the mouse wheel in certain environments not working fixed

Titel: Lunascape 6.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2013, 22:00
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: Midori 0.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2013, 11:00
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

 Re-release with a proper version number and changelog

 Fix mouse gesture regression breaking context menu
 Fix --run command line switch by midori_paths_init
 Fix bug in size calculation for the history list popup
 Handle diagnostic dialog argument in running instance
 Fix feed panel default value crash
 Ensure existence of the applications directory
 Fix download tooltip crash and extend test case
 Integrate user interaction exploit demo in about:
 Don't convey loading or progress on special pages
 Address missing NULL checks and dead code found by clang
 No security window for blank pages, but a search icon
 Introduce UI for created apps/ launchers: Web App Manager
 Add custom-title setting to override browser title
 Add a Gtk.Entry to --plain mode for entering URLs
 Deprecate middle_click_opens_selection in favour of gtk-enable-primary-paste

Titel: QupZilla v1.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2013, 18:53
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

fixed: crash upon closing private browsing window
fixed: element hiding rules not working when more than 5000 in subscription
fixed: saving some tab icons in session file
fixed: make Acid3 test pass even with AdBlock enabled
mac: attempt to fix slow scrolling on trackpad

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2013, 09:42
Build 030

1. Update Chinese Traditional language files (Thanks a lot for the contribution made by John from Taiwan).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2013, 12:24 [2013-05-23]
New Features:
+ GPU Acceleration in Ultra Mode
+ URL ad blocking in Retro Mode
+ Popup Blocker in Retro Mode
+ Page Mute

* Improved the loading speed of Quick Access page
* Optimized the display method of tab list
* Enhanced the Cookie privacy policy

[Main Frame]
* Problem caused by skins
* Problem caused by adding favorites
* It could not use right-click menu in Download Manager
* Problem about Lock Tab
* Language switching did not work in Download Manager interface
* Syncing feature did not work after switching account

[Webkit Core]
* Page kept refreshing when right-click menu popuped
* Developer Tools window problem
* Developer Tools right-click menu problem
* It could not upload files to Google Cloud
* No respond of some pages
* Youtube page display problem
* No respond of the browser if popuped video window
* Attachments in some mail boxes could not be downloaded by third-party tools
* Proxy problem
* Print feature did not work in some pages
* Improved the core stability

[Maxthon Cloud]
* Optimized local file cloud push

Titel: Pale Moon 20.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2013, 19:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    Update of the libpixman graphics library to improve performance for SSE2 CPUs
    Change to the "Clear download history" setting for use with the panel-based download manager (classic UI unaffected)


    (CVE-2013-1674) Fix for UAF with video and onresize event (crash fix)
    (CVE-2013-1675) Fix for parameters being used uninitialized
    (CVE-2013-1676) Fix for out-of-bounds read in SelectionIterator::GetNextSegment
    (CVE-2013-1679) Fix for heap use-after-free in mozilla::plugins::child::_geturlnotify
    (CVE-2013-1680) Fix for heap-use-after-free in nsFrameList::FirstChild (crash fix)
    (CVE-2013-1681) Fix for heap-use-after-free in nsContentUtils::RemoveScriptBlocker (crash fix)
    Fix for out-of-bounds read crash in PropertyProvider::GetSpacingInternal (crash fix)
    Fix for out-of-bounds read in gfxSkipCharsIterator::SetOffsets
    Fix for assertion failure in nsUnicharStreamLoader::WriteSegmentFun with ISO-2022-JP
    Fix for crash with inline script in an XML doc (crash fix)
    Fix for "ASSERTION: Out of flow frame doesn't have the expected parent" and crash  (crash fix)
    Fix for nsScriptSecurityManager::CheckLoadURIWithPrincipal being broken
    Fix for a problem where the IPC Channel could overwrite the stack
    Fix for Crash in MediaDecoder::UpdatePlaybackOffset (crash fix)
    Fix for Crash [@ nsTextFrame::HasTerminalNewline()] with splitText (crash fix)
    Fix for FTP use-after-free crash  (crash fix)

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2013, 17:15
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added option to choose the file size display unit: Bytes, KB, or MB.

Titel: QtWeb v3.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2013, 20:30
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.

License: GPL

What's new: >>

Qt Framework is upgraded to the latest version 4.8.4
The latest AppleWebKit 534.34, which is faster and more robust
Windows (Win32), MacOS X (cocoa), Linux & Unix (elf) binaries
Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 032
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2013, 09:22
Build 031-032

1. Add menu "Tools:Ad Blocker:Select Ad Component to Block" to help users pick the ad to block with mouse.
2. Update language files.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2013, 14:22
# New Feature:

* Support Magic Fill in Retro Mode

# Fixes:

* Main Frame
- Problem when opened .url shortcut

* Webkit
- Problem caused by speechinput
- Drag & Drop did not work in some pages
- Improved the core stability



Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 033
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2013, 09:21
Build 033

1. Updated Chinese version user manual based on SlimBrowser 7.0
2. Bug fix: quick dial button name with special characters such as commas not stored correctly.
3. Update language files.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2013, 14:20 [2013-06-06]

New Features:
+ Supported customizing global blocking rules
+ Search suggestions in the Address Bar and Quick Access page
+ Optimized the third-party cookies visiting policy with providing the related option

* Optimized Night Mode, supporting skins changing background colors according to the page mode
* Optimized the display mode when there were lots of tabs
* Added GPU Acceleration Enable/Disable button
* Added ‘Cloud Push’ in tab right-click menu
* Improved the ‘failed’ notice of Maxthon Cloud

[Main Frame]
* Tool Bar icons location display problem

[Webkit Core]
* It could not upload files by Drag & Drop in some pages
* Crash problem when operated the browser by touching
* Reader Mode problem
* Improved the core stability
* Videos still played even after closed the tab

[Maxthon Cloud]
* LAN Transfer



Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2013, 21:46
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added secondary sorting: When clicking the 'Web Browser' column header, the list is sorted by the 'Web Browser' column, and then by the 'Visit Time' column.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 035
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2013, 22:10
Build 034-035

1. Fixed a bug in new tab page settings.
2. Added an option to disable automatic url suggestions in "options:address bar"

Titel: TweetDeck 3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2013, 17:45
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes

· Minimize to tray
· New layout
· Followers column
· New search filters

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2013, 20:20 [2013-06-13]


* Optimized memory usage


[Webkit core]
* Fixed Magic Fill not functioning correctly on some web pages
* Fixed bugs when zooming pages
* Fixed bugs on certain web pages of JD.com
* Fixed a bug that scrolling up on a page is not working on touch screens
* Fixed a bug that a download link goes to a blank page and won't close
* Improved Webkit core stability



Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2013, 23:59
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


- Option to execute SuperView SuperDrag Extension in separate process added
- Option to run multiple states of SuperView SuperDrag Extension
- Exit processing times sometimes taking longer when dropping tabs into view fixed
- Web display layout sometimes being refreshed when switching tabs fixed
- Sometimes not being able to execute page searches after page transition in WebKit fixed
- Not executing transition to next page when page loading can not be completed in WebKit fixed
- Actual zoom and zoom displayed in status bar not matching in WebKit issue fixed
- Keyboard shorcuts using ALT key sometimes not operating correctly issue fixed
- Assignment of 4th and 5th buttons of mouse sometimes resulting in incorrect operations fixed
- Right click + switch with wheel sometimes resulting in incorrect operations when using Flash or when focus is on Flash fixed
- Warning not being displayed when "Warn when closing Sleipnir?" setting is set and application is closed from task bar with application minimized
- Right click menu not being displayed from popups in some Chrome extensions fixed
- Organize bookmarks dialog sometimes being hidden in background in Windows XP environments fixed
- "Start up will be aborted when parameters have been sent" not function properly in Windows XP fixed
- Other minor issues fixed
Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2013, 22:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Improved the detection of AppData and Local AppData folders when reading the history from external drive.

Titel: Sleipnir 4.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2013, 09:16
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


siehe hier: http://blog.sleipnirbrowser.com/2013/06/sleipnir-4-for-windows-4-1-4-released.html#more-5767
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2013, 13:11
Avant Browser 2013 build 108, Released 6.19.2013

    [Updated]fireox engine:
    [Updated]chrome engine:27.0.1453.110
    [Fix]Images are not saved corretly under chrome engine
    [Fix]The setting to clear records when Avant exits loses effect under chrome engine
    [Fix]Lock toolbar problem
    [Fix]Play video problem under chrome engine
    [Fix]Cannot move autofills
    [Fix]Cannot move bookmarks on bookmarks bar
    [Fix]Cannot add bookmarks on bookmarks bar
    [Fix]Unicode url problem
    [Fix]The content menu problem of tabs when tab bar is on bottom.
    [Fix]The confirmation window to close Avant pops up twice
    [Fix]Cannot save window size
    [Fix]Detached tab cannot keep on top
    [Fix]The position problem of favicon and url on address bar
    [Fix]Other minor problems

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2013, 14:30
New Feature:
+ Customizable Mute Shortcuts

[Main frame]     
* Optimized Search Suggestions Experience of Quick Access Page
* Fixed the tag display problem

[Webkit Core]
* Some pages could not display well
* Some page popups would be blocked mistakenly
* Improved the stability of Webkit Core



MD5: d646f389b8f393f05b4d40401451f052
Titel: VideoCacheView v2.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2013, 20:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added limited support for Internet Explorer 10... and there are some problems with it:
- Many videos are not saved properly in the cache by IE10, and thus VideoCacheView will not be able to extract them.
- In order to ensure that all cache data of IE10 is saved to the disk, it's highly recommended to log off and then log on again, before using VideoCacheView with IE10. If you don't do that, VideoCacheView may hang or crash...
- By default, IE10 feature is turned off. In order to start using it, go to 'Advanced Options' window (F6) and check the 'Internet Explorer 10 Cache' option.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 037
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2013, 19:20
Whats new: >>

1. Automatically switch website to a new process if the current rendering process has reached resource limit. (This can effectively prevent SlimBrowser from freezing or hanging after using it for a very long time in a single session. )
2. Update language files.

Titel: Lunascape 6.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2013, 22:31
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2013, 13:09 [2013-06-27]

    [Main Frame]
    * Fixed Problems caused by the Split screen
    * Improved Magic Fill

    * Fixed Night Mode related problems
    * Fixed blocking rules failure
    * Enhanced Webkit Stability



MD5: cc55fa35a5ecfab50d6d5f785d8f6018
Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2013, 14:15 [2013-06-27]

    + Press Boss key to mute the page
    + Address bar Domain Highlighting
    + Developer Tools in Retro mode(IE8 and Above)
    + Underlying network module support Proxy Authentication

    * Optimized the browser shut down logic when downloading a task
    * Optimized Address bar Matching Logic
    * Optimized page prompt dialog box Display
    * Optimized HTML5 Shared Worker Characteristics Implementation
    * Optimized Automatic Update
    * Improved Magic Fill

    [Main Frame]
    * Fixed Main interface location problem when preview in the taskbar window
    * Fixed Main window problems when using Dual Display
    * Fixed Quick Application icon display errors

    * Fixed Change the Color of Visited Links
    * Fixed problem that download file is not complete but prompts the success
    * Fixed the text content is garbled when Copy in download manager
    * Fixed the page displays problem when logging in the page
    * Fixed the multiple pop up of the alert dialogs
    * Fixed the Flash game couldn't be clicked on   



MD5: d87939d420ec5802f47f481646186034
Titel: MozillaCookiesView v1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2013, 11:36
MozillaCookiesView is an alternative to the standard cookie manager provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed to work with Firefox v22.0

Titel: Pale Moon 20.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2013, 19:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

- Implementation of some conservative additional multi-core support (mainly in graphics/media) using OpenMP. I'm taking baby steps here and will remain conservative in the use of multiple cores so stability of the browser isn't needlessly endangered
- Update of the navigation button icons (again). Users have clearly indicated that the inverted color icons on glass and dark themes were less desirable. I've listened, and changed the icons for glass back to the pre-20 style but with added contrast, and m
- Change for the color management system (CMS) so that Pale Moon now supports more types of embedded ICC profiles (including the already decade-old version 4 spec) and in the process fixing potential color issues on screens with images that embed such prof
- Update of the browser padlock code. You can now choose both a "modern" look (as introduced in version 19) and a "classic" look (as introduced in version 15, when this padlock feature was first added). It also removes some phantom spacing in locations whe
- (CVE-2013-1692) Fix for the inclusion of body data in an XMLHttpRequest HEAD request, making cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks via a crafted web site more difficult
- (CVE-2013-1697) Fix to restrict use of DefaultValue for method calls, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary JavaScript code with chrome privileges
- (CVE-2013-1694) Fix to properly handle the lack of a wrapper, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code
- Fix to prevent arbitrary code execution from the profiler developer tool
- Fix for a crash when rapidly reloading pages
- Fix for cross-document selections
- Fixes for several crashes in JavaScript
- Fixes for several memory safety hazards and uncommon memory leaks

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build-039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2013, 13:23
Build 038-039

1. Renamed some of the language files. For example, "German Austrian" has been renamed to "German (Austria)".
2. Fixed youtube video download issue for users who have enabled the html5 trial feature.
3. Improved support for IE11 with Windows 8.1

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2013, 06:10
Build 040

Fixed gmail display issue under IE11.

Titel: TweetDeck 3.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2013, 19:40
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2013, 21:00
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

- Bug fix: cookie exception sites not saved properly
- Fixed youtube video download issues when html5 feature is eanabled
- Renamed some of the language files

Titel: Pale Moon 20.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2013, 13:32
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

A small update to address issues with the new Aero glass theme, e.g. Tab Groups not showing.

Titel: Dooble 1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2013, 16:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>

· Some sites malfunction if HTTP Referrer is disabled. Instead of forcing an exception, set the header to the requesting site's domain. Removed HTTP Referrer exceptions.
· Updated libgcrypt to version 1.5.2 and libgpg-error to version 1.11 for OS X 64-bit.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 041
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2013, 12:22
Build 041

1. Update language file
2. Added "Open All Favorites" menu item to the popup menu when you right click on a favorites folder.

Titel: Sleipnir 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2013, 12:27
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


siehe hier: http://blog.sleipnirbrowser.com/2013/07/sleipnir-4-for-windows-4-3-0-released.html
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 build 109
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2013, 12:08
Avant Browser 2013 build 109, Released 7.11.2013

    [Updated]Fireox engine:
    [Updated]Chrome engine: 28.0.1500.71
    [Fix]Cannot save toolbar setting in online storage
    [Fix]Zoom size problem of new page

Titel: Maxthon &
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2013, 16:20 [2013-07-11]

    [Webkit Core]


    * Fixed memory usage does not go down after closing tabs
    * Fixed the blinking of previous page after closing tabs
    * Fixed some problems when launch the browser
    * Fixed drag and drop zipped files opening problem
    * Improved Webkit Stability


    * Updated Flash to the latest official version



MD5: 794f6c7422395de304ad822d1c8d5c04 [2013-07-11]

    New Features:

    + Use QR code to share pages


    * Optimized display effect on opening page in Quick Access
    * Optimized display of Magic Fill drop-down menu
    * Optimized the sync of SkyNote
    * Optimized Sidebar, Toolbar and Search box loading performance


    [Main Frame]

    * Fixed some interface display problems
    * Fixed Scrollbar didn't display in Favorites
    * Fixed browser proxy authentication problems on some web services
    * Fixed some problems caused by locking tabs
    * Enhanced the copy of a selected address bar URL

    [Webkit Core]

    * Fixed drag and drop to upload files to some websites problem
    * Fixed display problems on some websites
    * Fixed inability to drag and drop a screenshot in touch Screen
    * Fixed Proxy Authentication Box saved Form problems
    * Fixed inability to display link underline in some webpages
    * Fixed problems occurred when using SkyDrive Web App
    * Fixed Mouse scrolling freeze over a Flash content
    * Improved Webkit Stability



MD5: 3aab66e4dd4e5d80a39dd48f94e706b8
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2013, 14:00
Avant Browser 2013 build 110, Released 7.12.2013

    [Updated]Fireox engine:
    [Updated]Chrome engine: 28.0.1500.71
    [Fix]Cannot save toolbar setting in online storage
    [Fix]Zoom size problem of new page

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 043
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2013, 09:06
Build 042-043

1. Added Hindi language file
2. Fixed display issue of various user interface elements in high DPI settings.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2013, 13:20
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to detect some of the video files on IE10.

Titel: Sleipnir 4.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 09:07
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


siehe hier: http://blog.sleipnirbrowser.com/2013/07/sleipnir-4-for-windows-4-3-1-released.html
Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 14:10
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 044
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2013, 13:08
Build 044

1. Fixed web page zooming issues in high DPI settings.

Titel: Pale Moon 20.3 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2013, 20:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Change of the compiler to VS2012 Update 3 - with better binary code generation (could potentially show in benchmarks)
Change of the networking to have more aggressive failovers in case of congestion, which should further reduce any wait times if there is a networking issue.
Memory management has changed to (hopefully) reduce the memory footprint of Pale Moon in cases where lots of extensively navigated tabs are used.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2013, 13:17
Build 045

1. Fixed CNN Video playing issue when ad blocker is enabled.

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2013, 14:20
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed issue with Chrome Web browser: VideoCacheView loaded only 4 data files: data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3. It seems that when the cache of Chrome is large enough, it starts to create more cache data files (data_4, data_5...)
Starting from this version, VideoCacheView will read these additional cache data files.
Added support for merging the new MPEG-DASH streams of YouTube into one file. Unfortunately, this feature is currently useless, because I cannot find any video player that can actually play this kind of files...

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2013, 21:15
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

· New Interface
· New core algorithm

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2013, 18:45 [2013-08-01]

    New Features:

    + Touch zooming and panning in win8
    + HTML5 online/ offline operation
    + Maxthon screenshot supports win8 touch operation
    + CSS Filter GPU Acceleration


    * Significantly optimized browser start-up speed
    * Smoothly typing experience in address bar
    * Optimized interface loading performance
    * Optimized Baidu electronic library and other webpages scrolling experience
    * Optimized Magic Fill in retro mode


    [Main Frame]
    * Favorites bar display problems under high DPI 
    * Some site icons display problems
    * Some tabs Label width problems
    * Language display error when uninstalling the browser

    [Webkit Core]
    * Drag & Drop did not work in some pages
    * Css3 3d flip effect problems
    * Some add proxy failure issues
    * Authentication dialog box constantly pops up when accessing some websites
    * Typing Chinese issue in some flash pages
    * No title when proxy authentication dialog pops up
    * A bug when using overlength URL
    * Sniffer YouTube video did not work
    * “Open” button changed to “Save” when uploading pictures to some pages
    * Page blinking when adjusting the browser main window size
    * Some video did not show floating button
    * Optimized FileSystem support
    * Improved Webkit core stability

Download :


MD5: 9a592758f6718b82eadb0819b12f1306
Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2013, 18:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Show Advanced Options On Start' option. You can turn off this option if you don't want that the 'Advanced Options' window will appear on every time that you run BrowsingHistoryView.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2013, 21:15
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Added Finnish language file
Bug fix: new tab option not working correctly when openning bookmark links.
Added "Remove job and delete file" to mini download manager context menu.

Titel: Facebook Blocker 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2013, 07:40
Facebook Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock Facebook on your Windows system. Now a days almost everyone is hooked to Facebook all the times. It has become difficult to ensure employee productivity in companies and equally impossible for parents to control their childrens.

This tool will come very handy for such parents who can block their childrens from Facebook, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, administrator can block students from accessing Facebook from their lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to Facebook during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

It does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock Facebook instantly. It has cool GUI interface and very simple to use for everyone. It is fully portable tool and includes Installer for those who wants to install it locally. It is successfully tested on all platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.5.30804
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2013, 11:03
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

· Support latest Vole Media CHM kernel
· Embedded VMC media lib browser in Vole web browser
· Support user voting in Vole web browser

Titel: Sleipnir 4.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2013, 10:00
Viele Internet Explorer-Nutzer wünschen sich mehr Features und die Erweiterbarkeit bzw. bessere Anpassbarkeit ihres Browsers, wie man es vom Firefox kennt. Der Browser Sleipnir (http://www.sleipnirbrowser.com/) vereint die beiden Browser quasi.

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.



    "Create tab group per search result" added to Customize|Tab group|Tab group
    Actions when opening bookmarks in search result tab groups modified
    "Search result tab group" added to Customize|Tab group
    "Speed up Initial start up" added to Customize|Start/home|Start up
    Blink updated (Chrome/28.0.1500.95)
Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2013, 13:00
    New Features:

    + Support custom proxy PAC file


    * Address Bar drop-down menu is faster and more responsive
    * Better animation when resizing a pinned extension window
    * Better animation when resizing split screens


    [Main Frame]

    *Fixed some issues with tab width
    *Fixed display issues with Toolbar
    *Fixed display issues with extension windows
    *Fixed some issues that would cause tab to show incorrect web page title
    *Fixed mismatched search engines icons
    *Fixed display issues with Last Session page
    *Fixed display issues with extension icons

    [Webkit Core]

    * Fixed Address Bar spoofing security issue
    * Fixed a bug that Thunder downloader fails to run
    * Fixed a bug that music in extension won't stop playing after switching account
    * Fixed some issues with Find feature
    * Fixed some Spell Checking failures
    * Fixed a bug with Quick Save Images
    * Fixed display issues on WebGL pages
    * Fixed an issue that long tooltips could cause the browser to freeze
    * Fixed some issues with calculator keys on keyboard
    * Improved the stability of Webkit

    [IE Core]

    * Fixed some crashes with online bank websites

Download : http://dl.maxthon.com/mx4/mx4.1.2.1600-beta.exe

MD5: a13711dc587905e879706e5baed3d6ba
Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2013, 16:36
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 046
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2013, 09:30
Build 046

1. Behavior change: Activate the tab on the right side when one tab is closed.

Titel: Dooble 1.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2013, 19:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>


1.   Issue gcry_fast_random_poll() before gcry_create_nonce(),
     gcry_kdf_derive(), and gcry_randomize().
2.   QWebSettings::WebGLEnabled may not be available in pre-4.8.0 Qt. Thanks
     to Elbert for reporting the issue.
3.   The Linux and Qt 5.x bundle will use the Fusion style. Qt 5.x on OS X
     will default to the Fusion style.
4.   The 32-bit bundle for OS X will not be released as Qt 5.1
     offers superior performance. Flash is somewhat supported.
5.   Added an autorelease pool for Qt 5.x on OS X. The small change should
     eliminate memory exhaustion caused by Cocoa. Thanks to Remko Troncon for
     the source.
6.   A deleteLater() should be issued after a closeEvent().
7.   Updated Qt to version 5.1 on Windows. The first Qt 5 version for
     Windows! The new Windows version shall use the Fusion style.
8.   Updated the RELEASE-NOTES link.
9.   Inspect write() errors in dnetworkcache.cc.
10.  Modified expiration date comparisons from less than or equal to
     to less than in dcookies.cc. If the cookie's domain is empty, set
     the cookie's domain to the host of the provided URL. If the cookie's
     path is empty, set the cookie's path to /.
11.  Removed GCRY_MD_FLAG_SECURE from gcry_md_open() in dmisc::hashedString().
     Data confidentiality in Dooble is a curious belief.
12.  The disk cache is disabled initially. However, the setting is not observed
     for a new installation. Corrected. Also corrected stale source in
     dnetworkerrorreply::dnetworkerrorreply() with respect to this issue.
13.  QProcess::startDetached() does not operate on Windows XP
     platforms. Added use of ShellExecuteA(). The solution has only
     been verified on Windows XP.
14.  Ignoring SSL errors is now optional. Please see the Settings window's
     Security panel. Please note that downloads ignore SSL errors. A future
     release may provide some additional features. Please also note that Dooble
     attempts a strict approach. Enable exceptions notification via
15.  Corrected populating of HTML frame content on load errors.
16.  The Always HTTPS Exceptions container was not properly cleared via the
     Clear Containers panel. Corrected.
17.  Downloading of favicons must adhere to the user's Suppress HTTP
     Redirect setting.
18.  Upgraded the Qt 5.0.2 products to version 5.1.0 on Linux 64-bit and
     and OS X 64-bit. All Qt products for Linux and OS X are built
     from source. Qt 4.8.x products are not going to be provided for
     Linux 32-bit. Instead, Linux 32-bit will feature Qt 5.1.0.
19.  Enabled QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog for many file-selection
     dialogs as the QFileDialog::selectFile() is problematic.
20.  Inspect the Content-Length header of unsupported content. If the length
     of the content is valid, prompt the user.
21.  Must set the user's selected proxy just before attempting to
     load a page.
22.  Minimizing windows on OS X (10.6.8) and Qt 5.x causes the windows
     to become stale once they have resurfaced. A resolution has been
23.  Removed m_initialized from dcrypt. Improved dcrypt::initialized() so that
     it inspects the cipher and hash algorithms as well as the cipher
     handle. Removed the key() and keyLength() methods.
24.  Removed the Tests directory from the source tree.
25.  Removed artificial padding in dcrypt::decodedString() and
     dcrypt::encodedString(). Please see ciphertext stealing (CTS).
     Messages smaller than the cipher algorithm's block size are
     padded, however.
26.  Replaced the GPL license with the BSD license.
27.  Password widgets echo the last input character on OS X and Qt 5.1.
     Echo completely disabled.
28.  The libspoton interface is insecure. Modified the interface such
     that the Sha-512 hash of the passphrase is used as the key. More secure
     implementations are welcome.
29.  Do not allocate secure memory for objects that are not required for
     temporary sessions (libgcrypt).
30.  Do not cache ECMAScript and JavaScript objects.
31.  Inspect toInt() results when preparing disk cache sizes and salt sizes.
32.  Prevent multiple selections in the URL widget's menu.
33.  Added the data scheme to dmisc::isSchemeAcceptedByDooble and
34.  Set the URL widget's maximum input length to 35000 in support of
     data schemes. Version 1.41 set the length to 2500.
35.  Adjusted inspection of the Alt keyboard modifier. New tabs were
     not created per user instructions.
36.  Removed support for the Alt + X shortcut (minimize). Unreliable.
37.  Added support for non-documented HyperlinkAuditingEnabled feature.
     Please see the Settings window's Security panel. Feature disabled.
     Available in Qt 4.8.x and above.
38.  Added command-line option url.
39.  Added __PTHREAD_H__ in support of OS/2. Nonsense.
40.  Removed some style sheets from the URL widget's toolbuttons. Use
     icon modes and states instead.
41.  Enabled stack smashing protection on Linux and OS X bundles.
     The FreeBSD project file has also been updated. Pie distributed as well.
     Unfortunately, the GCC compiler for Windows provided by Qt does not
     support the stack-smashing protection.
42.  Avoid raising exceptions of invalid URLs.
43.  HTTP Referrer exceptions re-added. Some sites are super sensitive.
44.  Ability to disable and enable JavaScript per tab. The initial setting
     is acquired from Dooble's global configuration. User exceptions
     supersede the setting. Links opened in new tabs or windows adopt
     the current page's setting.
45.  Cleaned copyright descriptions.
46.  Removed artificial resizing in dcrypt::decodedString().
47.  Ability to disable and enable Web plugins per tab. Similar behavior
     as item #44.

Titel: FavoritesView v1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2013, 17:34
FavoritesView displays the list of all your Favorties (of Internet Explorer browser) and bookmarks (of Netscape/Mozilla browsers) in a single page. Each line in the list specifies the title of the item, the URL address, the created/modified date of the bookmark item, and the folder name. You select one or more of these bookmarks, and then copy them to the clipboard, delete them (Only for Internet Explorer Favorites), export them to tab-delimited text file, HTML file, or XML file. FavoritesView also allows you to locate duplicate URL addresses in your Favorites/Bookmarks or find specific item by specifying the URL or the title.

License:    Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed to work with Firefox v22.0

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2013, 13:29
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed the problem with the 'Advanced Options' window on Windows 2000.

Titel: Pale Moon 20.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2013, 17:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    A change to how tab histories are cached to improve the overall memory footprint and make browsing smoother, especially when using a large number of tabs with extensive active use.
    A change to the networking pipelining back-end to use a more aggressive fallback if there are issues with pipelining requests, to minimize delays when loading pages and prevent time-outs.
    Update of the compiler to Visual Studio 2012 Update 3, to fix a few compiler issues.
    Removed the double entry for smooth scrolling selection in preferences (leaving just the one in the scrolling tab)


    (CVE-2013-1704) ASAN heap-use-after-free in nsINode::GetParentNode
    (CVE-2013-1708) Non-null crash at nsCString::CharAt
    (CVE-2013-1712) Code injection through internal updater
    (CVE-2013-1713) InstallTrigger can use the wrong principal when validating URI loads
    (CVE-2013-1714) Cross Domain Policy override using webworkers
    Fix for Updater crash
    Fix for XSS vulnerability/URI spoofing
    Fix for newly allocated WebGL array buffers (prevent the use of uninitialized memory)
    Several fixes for the SSL crypto library (CVE-2013-1705 and others)
    Fix for do_QueryFrame support
    x64: Fix for Yarr error
    Update to the installer's 7zsfx module to prevent dll hijacking

Portable version:

Important note for updating the portable version: it's recommended you make a fresh install of the portable and copy over your user profile to the new install with this update. Do not use the internal updater. Remember to check your user.ini if you have created one or changed .ini entries, and re-implement your changes in the 20.3 palemoon-portable.ini (don't just copy it over!)

    Fix for safebrowsing
    Enabled the XUL cache to improve startup times

Titel: Google Ad Blocker 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2013, 18:51
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 049
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2013, 05:50
Build 047-049

1. Added option to activate the tab on the right side when one tab is closed. Users preferring the traditional behavior can turn this option off.
2. Update language files
3. Updated fix for gmail cookie mismatch error.

Titel: Maxthon v4.1.2.2000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2013, 13:16
Whats new: >>

Main Frame:

    Fixed: Skynote contents loss in some case.
    Fixed: In some cases, the installation may lead to skin problems.
    Fixed: Sidebar can not display multi-columns.
    Fixed: Tab width scale problem in split screen.
    Fixed: Needs Double click to hide the Sidebar.
    Fixed: When adding customize shortcuts may cause the browser unresponsive.
    Fixed: In some cases sidebar panel does not display smoothly.
    Fixed: When moving the mouse cursor, the window buttons such as minimize remain in hover status.
    Fixed: Some address bar display problems.
    Fixed: In some cases, Download manager closes unexpectedly.
    Fixed: Switching account problem after pinning the sidebar extension.

Webkit Core:

    Fixed: Display problem of Quick App icon.
    Fixed: No pop-up blocking in some websites.
    Fixed: The status bar always displays "loading".
    Improved Webkit stability.

Extension platform:

    Enhanced the Extension platform.

Download :


MD5: 51467e0157c39252804d4b8e347cb02e
Titel: Instant YouTube Blocker 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2013, 06:45
Instant YouTube Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock YouTube on your Windows system. It provides one click solution to block YouTube on all Web Browsers and other desktop applications.

This will be useful when you want to block YouTube on certain systems or for certain interval of time. Parents can use it to prevent the children from accessing YouTube, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, admins can block YouTube on lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to YouTube during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block or Unblock YouTube
    Blocks YouTube from all applications on your system
    You can Unblock YouTube anytime later
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock YouTube instantly. It works on all windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 build 112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2013, 12:27
whats new:>>

[Update]Firefox engine:
[Update]Chrome engine:28.0.1500.95
[Improve]Reduced the CPU usage of chrome engine
[Add]Import the bookmarks from default browser(firefox/chrome)into Avant automatically.
[Fix]Don't show related links when add new speed dail under IE engine
[Fix]Chrome engine processes don't exit automatically when close Avant
[Fix]The setting of auto-complete loses effect under chrome engine
[Fix]Toolbar setting cannot be saved in online storage
[Fix]Avant is not on the top when opening a link from a folder.
[Fix]Correct spelling of one word in download manager
[Fix]Unreadable code under menus in Chinese system.
[Fix]Some extensions lose effect after restart under firefox engine.
[Fix]Fixed a bug of IE engine that may result in crash on some system

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.6.30818
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2013, 13:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

- Fix language bug 33258
· Support Vole Media CHM kernel 3.2

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2013, 14:02
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Infos zu dieser Version gibts hier : http://www.lunascape.tv/products/win/orion/whatsnew.aspx

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 13:15
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Fixed display issue of www.freestockcharts.com when ad blocker is enabled.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 13:39
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added option to save and load the entire configuration of VideoCacheView ('Save Configuration' and 'Load Configuration' under the File menu).

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2013, 13:27
Whats new: >>


* Bug that might lead to version crash.


* Improved the page scrolling speed


MD5: a88e4505c4c4fcfb6e59ad2e72ccc639
Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2013, 12:34
whats new:>>

· [Fix]No floating toolbar under chrome engine
· [Fix]Cannot open new tab in background under IE engine
· [Fix]The menu on top corner are covered when open the fourth tab
· [Fix]Bookmark this page option in page content menu not working

Titel: Video Cache Viewer 1.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2013, 21:20
Video Cache Viewer is a useful and reliable application designed to help users find, view and play their favorite video files from the browser cache. If you can't find a video you watched a few days ago, you don't have to worry about anymore! With Video Cache Viewer you have the possibility to find it and save cached video files to your local disk.

Video Cache Viewer works very well with web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2013, 16:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

· Added new data source in the 'Advanced Options' window: Load history from the specified custom folders. In this option, you can select the correct AppData folder, Local AppData folder, and the History folder of the profile you want to inspect

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2013, 13:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

· Fixed compatibility warning on Google Drive site
· Added error information page for web sites that can't be opened
· Fixed a bug when updating the screenshot of quickdial buttons

Titel: QupZilla v1.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2013, 22:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

added ctrl/shift + insert shortcuts to copy/paste in webview.
don't try to download empty page.
reverted forcing SSLv3 protocol for secured connections.
duckduckgo.com is now default search engine.
fixed: correct height of icons widget in SiteInfo.
fixed: hide tabbar with only one tab option now works in fullscreen.
fixed: crash with Oxygen theme when closing windows with tabs on top.
fixed: saving IgnoreAllSSLWarnings option from SSLManager.
fixed: crash on saving settings with unavailable theme.
fixed: Accept-Language header now works with all sites.
fixed: using external download manager with use defined location setting.
GreaseMonkey: fixed buttons in script list with RTL layout.
GreaseMonkey: run userscripts in all frames on page.
X11: Set correct WM_CLASS property to windows.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2013, 12:23
Build 050

1. Fixed a bug about default zoom settings.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2013, 17:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

· Added support for saving the new MPEG-DASH streams of YouTube as MP4 file that can be played on any media player. Requires to install additional open-source software: GPAC. VideoCacheView uses the MP4Box utility installed as a part of GPAC package to convert the MPEG-DASH streams into a valid mp4 file that can be played with any media player. Special thanks to one of NirSoft users who gave me the hint for solving the problem with MPEG-DASH streams.
· Fixed bug with the cache of Internet Explorer (6.0 - 9.0): VideoCacheView failed to detect a small portion of the cache entries.
· Fixed VideoCacheView 32-bit to work with IE10 on 64-bit systems.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2013, 17:34
Latest Changes

- A bug that can not Cloud push background tab by right mouse clicking
- Display problem in XP operating system
- Display issue in Sidebar plug-in window
- Plug-in installation prompt display problem
- A URL Parsing vulnerability
- A bug when opening PDF file

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2013, 13:51
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

· Fixed weather forecast issue.

Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2013, 17:00
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2013, 06:20
Build 051

1. Updated code related to weather forecast to use a new api key.

Titel: QtWeb v3.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2013, 20:00
QtWeb is a web browser based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (also used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome). It's main focus is strong privacy (no traces of browsing left on the host machine while browsing, or after browser has been reset), and a clean browsing environment (all toolbars, including navigation bar, can be turned off or docked anywhere, and even moved outside the main browsing window). Built in support for Torrent downloads.

License: GPL

What's new: >>

Qt Framework is upgraded to the version 4.8.5.
Added Shift-JIS encoding.
Redesigned searches dialog and model.
WebInspector integration improved.
Minor improvements and bug fixes.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2013, 14:00
Whats new: >>

New features:
· Maxthon supports muti-threaded downloading
· Tab animation effect

· Enhanced video popup feature in retro mode
· Optimized Magic Fill drop-down menu display efficiency

· Main Frame
· Dialog box of deleting plugin did not disappear
· In some cases, Maxthon Muti Search display improperly .
· In some cases, it is invalid to click on the search Suggestions
· Interface display issue in XP operating system
· Sidebar panel display improperly in some cases
· Cloud push did not work properly for background tab when right mouse click on it.
· Taskbar video popup icons in retro mode differ from ultra mode.
· In some cases, dialog box got blocked
· Sometimes, Quick App can not be pined to Task bar
· When clearing tabs in last session page, locked tabs got deleted.
· Address bar blinks caused by mouse focus issue
· The Resource Sniffer Dialog box display improperly
· The drop-down list in download Task dialog box display problem

· Webkit Core
· Problem occurs after drag and drop some Magnet URLs
· Search, matching case in the pages did not take effect immediately
· Popup filtering error in some webpages
· The notebook can not synchronize data i some cases
· The alert popup window position is wrong in some pages
· Super drag and drop can not be used in some websites

· IE Core
· Fixed the bug that there are lots of video popup button in some case

· Extension Platform
· Window type extensions may cause reloading the page


MD5: 9e2cad92a77017002cb9453063f08482
Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.7.30912
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2013, 18:46
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

· Release portable edition;
· Support VMC 3.7.30912;
· Help
· Software no longer requires administrator privileges to run;

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2013, 12:00
Avant Browser 2013 build 115, Released 9.12.2013

    [Update]Firefox engine:23.0.1
    [Update]Chrome engine:29.0.1547.66
    [Fix]border doesn't change color when swtich skins
    [Fix]Cannot open certain shortcuts when using unicode system
    [Fix]Display issues when connect/disconnect monitors

Titel: Pale Moon 24.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2013, 16:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Switch to a new Mozilla code base (Gecko 24.0).
Update of the Pale Moon icon/logo. Special thanks go to Roger Gómez del Casal for providing me with an interesting concept design image to use as a base for it!
Fixes for all relevant security vulnerabilities.
Many changes and updates in the rendering, scripting and parsing back-end to provide significant improvements in overall browser performance (including benchmark scores).
Addition of a number of HTML5 elements, improving overall HTML5 standards compliance.
Implementation of the webaudio API (most features that are no longer draft).
Removal of Tab Groups (Panorama). If you actively used this functionality, I have also made an add-on (Mozilla dev sourced) available to restore this feature to the browser.
Removal of a few additional Accessibility options.
Inclusion of an updated version of the Add-on SDK and loader to solve recent issues with SDK/Jetpack add-ons.
Adjustment of the Quickdial "new tab" feature to have better layout.
Extension of the address bar shading functionality to more clearly indicate when there is a problem with a secure site (red shading on broken SSL/mixed content).
New way of handling plugins with control on a per-site basis. An extensive description can be found on the forum.
Restored/maintained a number of features that were removed from recent Firefox versions:

    Graphical tab switching feature with quick search (Ctrl+Shift+Tab).
    Removing the tab bar if there is only one tab present.
    Options for the loading of images.
    More recovery options in the Safe Mode startup dialog box than just nuking your profile.
    Send Link/E-mail Link mail client integration functionality.

Unification of version numbers. x86 and x64 will from this point forward use the same version number (and icon) without an architecture designation. This will solve potential compatibility issues on new major versions, as well as the superfluous compatibility check when switching between x86 and x64 on the same profile.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2013, 18:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed a bug with displaying IDN URLs (URLs containing non-English characters) from Firefox history.

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2013, 13:26
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2013, 09:17
Whats new:

- [Fix]Avant crashes when opening certain page using IE10 engine
· [Fix]Share link to Facebook problem under Chrome engine

Titel: Pale Moon 24.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2013, 13:18
What's new: >>

· Fix for unreadable address bar text when visiting a broken or mixed-mode SSL site.
· Fix for an incorrect browser cache size default when first starting the browser. (regression)
· Note: If you have used version 24.0, then please check your Options -> Advanced -> Network tab, and if the cache size is set to "1024", change it back to its default "250" to prevent unnecessary use of disk space and potential slowing of the browser.
· Fix for themes not applying to Private Browsing windows. (regression)
· A small update to the new icon to fix some visual issues with it.
· Reduction of visual friction and CPU usage on some operations by disabling smooth scrolling on it by default (e.g. Home/End keys).

Titel: Google Ad Blocker 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2013, 18:45
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

Version 2.5 : 

Fixed the major issue with admin permissions. If you have got error in blocking Google Ads earlier even though you were administrator then it will work now.
Version 2.0 : 

This major release supports blocking of more Google Ad Links. If you have already blocked Google Ads using previous version then just Unblock and Block again to apply new changes.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 052
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2013, 12:32
Build 052

1. Bug fix: mouse gesture initiated unexpectely when right click on flash object

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 117
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2013, 13:00
Avant Browser 2013 build 117, Released 9.21.2013

    [Update]Chrome engine:29.0.1547.76
    [Fix]Avant crashes when opening certain page using IE10 engine
    [Fix]Share link to Facebook problem under Chrome engine

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2013, 22:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

For YouTube videos, VideoCacheView now displays your IP address at the time that you watched the video (The IP address is extracted from the URL)

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2013, 13:50
Avant Browser 2013 build 118, Released 9.23.2013

    [Update]Chrome engine:29.0.1547.76
    [Fix]On some computer, Chrome engine crashes on the first run right after windows startup
    [Fix]Display issue of "Download All" function on Firefox's context menu

Titel: Dooble 1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2013, 13:42
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>

1.   Corrected integer overflows of download rates.
2.   Sockets of paused downloads were not properly disconnected. Corrected.
3.   Removed most blockSignals() instances. Use disconnect() instead.
4.   Some sites contain unsupported content. As such, Dooble must set
     the current tab's title and URL accordingly.
5.   Remove cache information of unsupported content.
6.   Added DOOBLE_USE_PTHREADS to all project files.
7.   Added dooble.powerpc.pro. Dooble on the PowerPC!
8.   Corrected progress information of downloads.
9.   Removed Dooble/Version from user agent strings.
10.  Added the Startpage search engine, per request.
11.  Added SSL Level to the Settings page's Security panel.
     Default: Strict.
12.  Updated Qt to version 5.1.1 where applicable.
13.  Removed v8 references from Qt 5.x project files.
     (Project ERROR: Module v8 has no public API.)
14.  Modified navigation of FTP folders. Double-clicking items will
     now activate a page load.
15.  Corrected definition of m_networkAccessManager in dwebpage.h.
     m_networkAccessManager is a dnetworkaccessmanager and not a
16.  Introduced an experimental change intended to prevent the
     third-party-blocking mechanism from purging valid network
17.  Thanks to d1lly84r4te1t4g41n for a helpful suggestion.
     If a site is restricted from using JavaScript, a tab's network
     access manager will disable JavaScript. If the user navigates
     to a site that does not have JavaScript restricted, JavaScript
     should be placed in the state according to the user's setting.
     Also, disable or enable JavaScript before a navigation occurs
18.  Updated dooble_pt. Thanks to Sergio Marques.
19.  What's going on with fromHex() and toHex()? Why does Dooble need
     to store data in the INI file as hexadecimal values? Purged!
     Dooble will reset most important containers. Apologies.
     Export your bookmarks!
20.  Corrected display units.
21.  Corrected suppresshttreferrerexceptions.db. The database's name
     should be suppresshttpreferrerexceptions.db.
22.  Display exceptions windows relative to the closest descendant. Only
     applies to newly-displayed windows.
23.  Corrected state of the View menu's Stop option.
24.  Align non-Dooble windows with nearest descendant. Only applies to
     newly-displayed windows.
25.  Disconnect signals from tabs that have been assigned to new parents.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 053
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2013, 06:10
Build 053

1. Language file updates.

Titel: Maxthon Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2013, 18:00
· Optimized Favorites menu display
· Improved Video popup in retro mode
· Improved animation effect of background tabs while dragging a tab
· Maxthon Supports Windows 7 libraries when choosing download manager directory


[Main Frame]:
· In some cases, skin displayed improperly
· After closing the print window, the main window is not visible
· Problem when opening the background tab
· Problem with the default display favorites path
· Letter case identification problem in URL
· In some cases, account panel displays in the wrong place

[Webkit Core]:
· Quick save image, a link will be open
· After Taking a screenshot and paste it in the Foxmail, there are two pictures
· It is not activated after right mouse clicking and selecting “Open in the New Tab”
· A bug with XSS

[IE Core]:
· Support HTML5 video right click menu

[extension platform]:
· Improved the new tab interface

Download :


MD5: f50316b7565131670f2195eebac546ee
Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2013, 05:45
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Titel: Pale Moon 24.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2013, 13:42
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

· In some cases when having an image open, the User Interface would not properly redraw resulting in blank controls and tab headers.
· In some cases, having an image open would cause 100% processor use on one core.
· Drawing thumbnails of standalone images in the tab headers would often be slow and processor-intensive.

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.5.0927
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2013, 13:49
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

· add: open previous/next page function
· fix: bug of open script of favorites
· fix: bug of open script of address bar
· fix: several memory leaks bug
· fix: download manager config loss bug
· fix: custom shortcut key bug

Titel: Historian 1.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2013, 09:16
Historian liest Verlaufsdateien, Favoriten, Cookies und sonstige Dateien der gebräuchlichsten Webbrowser aus und exportiert diese in eine mit Microsoft Excel kompatible CSV-Tabelle oder in eine frei anpassbare Textdatei.

Unterstützte Dateiformate:

Google Chrome

    Cookies, Downloads, Favoriten (Lesezeichen), Verlauf (History)

Internet Explorer

    Cookies, Favoriten (Lesezeichen), URL Cache (Verlauf, Cookie- und Cache-Informationen)

Mozilla (Netscape / Gecko / Firefox 1.x / 2.x)

    Cookies, Downloads, Favoriten (Lesezeichen), Formulareingaben, Verlauf (History)

Mozilla Firefox 3.x

    Cookies, Downloads, Favoriten (Lesezeichen), Formulareingaben, Verlauf (History)


    Favoriten (Lesezeichen), Verlauf (History), Cache-Informationen, Download-Datenbanken


    Papierkorb (INFO2), Prefetch-Dateien, Verknüpfungen (Links)


Was ist neu : >>

[!]   Durch die Unterstützung neuerer Google Chrome Versionen wurden die Vorlagen für die Google Chrome Downloads aktualisiert.

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2013, 20:20
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.8.30930
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2013, 06:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Preview Office Word, Excel, Power Point doc
· Auto start
· Minimize to System Tray
· Portable Edition auto update
· Support VMC 3.8.30930

Titel: Midori 0.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2013, 06:15
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fix name and text fields inversion in XBEL folder import
 Correct packing of cookie and nojs permission dialog.
 Don't set tab title/special when a non-main frame displays an error
 Revise "cookies" debug output, merge expiry check and disallow revival of old cookies
 Drop now unused cgit module.xml file
 Use SoupProxyResolverGnome unconditionally and disable prefetching if proxy is active
 win32: Hide gui for profiles in webapp manager, as they are currently broken on Windows
 win32: support additional mouse buttons for going back/forward in history
 Enrich app error messages with filenames
 Fix segfault if url contains " %00"
 Replace 'Run as app' in bookmark dialog with 'Create launcher'
 Split config files and install from folders recursively
 Implement GTK+ theme switching via Preferences (Win32)
 Enable set_disk_cache_directory with WebKit2
 Introduce Midori.ContextAction and refactor page menu from scratch
 Define large dialog icon size relative to dialog icon size
 Extension Devpet which shows error messages and backtraces in systray
 WebKit2 cookie support
 Check the hit test result for editable to see if , should search
 Use SoupCookieJarSqlite and drop KatzeHttpCookies(Sqlite)
 Show folder tree when editing bookmarks
 Handle double value in _midori_browser_activate_action
 Add privacy preferences in web app mode
 Escape parentheses in adblock_fixup_regexp
 Introduce object oriented API for access to History Database
 Allow rss feeds with version 0.92
 Rename History completion to Bookmarks and History
 Don't show rss feed icon on twitter, underlying API was retired
 Read apps/ profiles from folder, leave launchers separate
 Fill in bookmark folder attributes in bookmarkbar populate

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 056
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2013, 10:30
Build 056

1. Add menu "Follow SlimBrowser on Twitter" and "Subscribe to SlimBrowser Newsletter"
2. Fixed memory leak on systems with IE11.
3. Updated IE11 compatiblity view list

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2013, 13:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

· Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs VideoCacheView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example: VideoCacheView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\VideoCacheView.cfg"

Titel: CookieSpy 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2013, 18:00
CookieSpy is a free and simple internet cookies viewer. While surfing the Internet web sites your browser saves bits of information about your experience on the site (known as HTTP cookies, internet cookies, web cookies or simply cookies). They are your search history, some preferences, logins, passwords. Information about data that web sites save locally in cookies may be important for you security. CookieSpy is a free utility application that displays HTTP cookies stored on your computer by all popular web browsers.

Supported Browsers:

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firebox (standalone and portable), Google Chrome (standalone and portable), Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, Apple Safari, Opera (standalone and portable), Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mathon (standalone and portable).


Whats new: >>

- Added support of Yandex browser.
- Added support of Opera 15 (and above) browser.
- Added ability to protect a cookie from being deleted\edited in CookieSpy.
- Displays information about known cookies.
- Statistics of cookies usages.
- Various bug fixes.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 057
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2013, 09:18
Build 057

1. Fixed memory leak in photo salon.
2. Updated language files.

Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2013, 21:15
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Titel: TweetDeck 3.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2013, 20:15
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.8.31013
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2013, 16:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Preview PDF doc
Getting started tutorial video
Auto update progress monitor

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 059
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2013, 10:02
Build 059

1. Added support for editing the title of quick dial buttons.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2013, 13:29
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Added support for editing title of the quick-dial buttons on the New Tab page.
Fixed Yahoo email compatibility warning.

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2013, 16:30
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

- Speed and stability improvements

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2013, 17:00
Whats new: >>

# New features:
* Support checking HTTPS certificates
* Support the Jumplist new window command, etc
# Optimizations:
* Optimized video popup in retro mode
* Improved the processing of the system directory when choosing download manager directory.
* Significantly improved History Manager Performance.
* Optimized the changing color performance of visited links
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- Quick application can not be added to the taskbar
- It occurs some dotted lines after pinning Favorites in sidebar and dragging it to change the window size
- Under some circumstances, the browser is unable to appear above after closing prompt.
* Webkit Core
- PAC script with grammatical errors may cause browsing problems
- Improved the core stability
- Fixed Maxthon Snapshot does not allow to directly paste in any Microsoft Office application
- It is unable to download YouTube videos with Resource Sniffer
- Some hidden pictures might be quick saved
- Quick save image, a link will be open
* Extension platform
- An extension with access permission issue


MD5: 47aa362a7439eb84622b9087b0398139
Titel: Google Ad Blocker 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2013, 21:30
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

Improved GUI interface with magnifying icon effects

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2013, 13:42
New Features:

Kernel Support for WebRTC
Kernel Support for HTML5 Video SubTitle
KernelPreriminary Support for GPU Acceleration and WebGL
Kernel Support for H.264 Video Hardware Decoder


Optimized the page Search Logic
Optimized Picture Document View
Optimized Color Changing(performance) of visited Links


Main Frame:

Address bar changed to Highlighted Domain name

Webkit Core:

Fixed Browsing problems caused by some specific pages

IE Core:

Supported IE11 Developer Tools
Extension Platform:
Extension use of Local Storage is independently saved.


MD5: f299156f405efc7e90f47a8f310f9f8e
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2013, 06:35
Build 061

1. Bug fix: google and yahoo website not rendered correctly for IE11 users.
2. Bug fix: when internet options dialog is opened from New Tabs page, the homepage setting is inconsistent.
3. Bug fix: quickfill not working correctly sometimes for IE11 users
4. Improved compatibility with Windows 8.1
5. Bug fix: translation feature not working correctly for IE11 users.

Titel: TweetDeck 3.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2013, 21:45
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2013, 12:28 [2013-10-24]

    * Optimized Page Search Logic
    * Overinstall Maxthon3 will choose to use Maxthon3 Default Skin Style

    Main Frame
    * Under some Internet Environment,the browser may suddenly Exit
    * Unable to switch browser core under some circumstances
    * Improved Image document View
    * Improved smooth display of recently used skins
    * Address Bar Domain Highlighting

    Webkit Core
    * Browser problems caused by specific pages
    * Third party Cookies policy may affect Cloud tabs function


MD5: e56cc877b26ebbf48b9e20d852f8ad38
Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2013, 18:45
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs BrowsingHistoryView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example:
BrowsingHistoryView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\BrowsingHistoryView.cfg"

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 063
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2013, 06:40
Build 063

1. Added Israel filter list into ad blocker
2. Added support for custom user agent string defined in Microsoft Compatibility view list.
3. Fixed crash when running builtin spell checker component
4. Added option to automatically switch rendering mode based on META tag of web pages
5. Bug fix: automatic translation not working correctly for IE11 users.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2013, 13:31
Whats new: >>


[Main Frame]:

An anomaly that the browser may exit under some intranet environment
Enhanced URL display in address bar by fixing bugs that the IP in the Adress bar URL was not highlighted

[Webkit Core]:

The browser anomaly in some specific pages
Third party cookies policy may affect cloud tabs
Unable to drag and drop character string with colon in some cases
Unable to close Alert pop up in some cases
Youtube HTML5 video can not be played

[IE core]:

In Retro mode, IE 11 did not support some Internet Banking widget Professional Edition -


MD5: d566b9aff58c6760a728e0ab93d2c77c
Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2013, 12:25
Whats  new :

[Main Frame]:
Improved the Favorites Menu in MX3 style skin
Unable to get the system version number in Win8.1

[Webkit Core]:
Enhanced Core Stability


MD5: 6e63d7a476b165c30cda7e230b0d9ade
Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2013, 15:21
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

This release comes with a bug fixed that some RSS items are not updated correctly.

Titel: Simple Website Blocker 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2013, 07:19
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.9.31031
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2013, 10:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Scene Import and Export
1 user 2 computer license
User Account control
Customer Service Center online indicator
Version History
Support VMC 3.9.31031

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2013, 15:20
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView added YouTube split files with zero file-size, which sometimes caused the generated merged file to be corrupted.

Titel: Pale Moon 24.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2013, 19:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


MFSA 2013-102 Use-after-free in HTML document templates.
MFSA 2013-101 Memory corruption in workers.
MFSA 2013-100 Miscellaneous use-after-free issues found through ASAN fuzzing.
MFSA 2013-99 Security bypass of PDF.js checks using iframes.
MFSA 2013-98 Use-after-free when updating offline cache.
MFSA 2013-97 Writing to cycle collected object during image decoding.
MFSA 2013-96 Improperly initialized memory and overflows in some JavaScript functions.
MFSA 2013-95 Access violation with XSLT and uninitialized data.
MFSA 2013-94 Spoofing addressbar though SELECT element.
MFSA 2013-93 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards.
Security + cleanup fix: No longer store empty event handlers.
User interface: Fix for the classic downloads window having a blank title with no running downloads.
User interface: Fix of the drop-down menu "double entry" in the all-tabs list as-a-menu setup.


Extensions are now set to automatically update by default. Because many users fail to do the occasional check to see if there are updates available to their extensions, the default is to automatically check and install available updates to extensions from this version forward to give the best possible browsing experience. If you prefer to check manually, make sure to change the setting accordingly in your add-on manager.

New Features:

When there is a web feed available on a website, Pale Moon will now display a feed indicator on the right side of the address bar to indicate that feeds are available. You can click this icon to subscribe to feeds.
If you don't want this indicator, set browser.urlbar.rss to false in about:config
Note: more technical information on the forum..

Titel: TweetDeck 3.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 05:50
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 065
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 06:10
Build 064-065

1. Increased size of weather forecast information dialog
2. Fixed compatibility issue with skydrive site for IE11 users.
3. Bug fix: web page update issue after using mouse gesture.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 09:13

[Main Frame]
* Unable to sync MX3 default data under some circumstances

[Webkit Core]
* Pages become gray when using ASUS Smart Gesture 
* Improved Core stability

MD5: bb49fc35b89f5b431af1df448739ecce
Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 21:45
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

Torch Audio Extractor feature - added to Media Grabber
Torch Music Control Bubble
Integrated settings for the Drag & Drop feature
Full compatibility with video sites and extensions
Download accelerator
Hola for Torch - Forget VPNs! Access sites blocked in your country for Free.
NEW: Torch FaceLift - Design your own Facebook skin! Login to your Facebook account and try it!
Performance improvements and torrent bug fixes

Titel: Pale Moon 24.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

This is a minor update to revert the change of disabling 2 specific SSL3 ciphers by default, since it broke more web sites than anticipated (including external elements pulled in from third-party sites using SSL). No other changes were made.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 066
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2013, 09:27
Build 066

1. Feature reversal: Disabled automatic switching of rendering mode based on META tag of web pages.
2. Fixed minor bug in proxy organizer.

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2013, 12:18
Avant Browser 2013 build 119, Released 11.06.2013

    [Update]support IE 11
    [Fix]Cannot open Help page
    [Fix]Cannot load certain speed dial
    [Fix]Cannot input text under firefox engine sometimes
    [Fix]Cannot save non- English URL alias
    [Fix]Other minor problems

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2013, 12:23
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed VideoCacheView to detect YouTube videos from googlevideo.com domain

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2013, 12:28
New Feature:
Enable/ disable Popup Blocker in respective websites
HTML5 Media Source Extensions
It will automatically import the guest account data when registering a new user account
[Main Frame]:
Full screen may cause Boss Key anomaly in some cases
[Webkit Core]:
Issue when Alert content is Chinese
Some plugins lead to memory leak
[IE Core]:
Tab is closed automatically after downloading files in retro mode

MD5: a5c22e90e4934970a431f0d34945d69f
Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2013, 12:09
Whats new: >>

This release possess an enhanced core stability by fixing a number of browser crashes.


MD5: 85030c1fbeb6ca0f9129c2014e3677b5
Titel: TweetDeck 3.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2013, 07:30
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2013, 13:16
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Disable "startup minimized in system tray" on linux and mac.
Update language files.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2013, 14:20
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

Integrated search assistant for a complex web search will save you a lot of time that you would spend tweaking searches manually inside the search engines.
Thumbnail Zoom

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 067
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2013, 05:45
Build 067

1. Fixed weather forecasting issue for some locations
2. Bug fix: unable to launch proxy organizer

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2013, 12:23 [2013-11-14]

    New features:

    + This new core version provides HTML5 Indexed DB 
    + The new core supports CSS GPU acceleration


    * Advanced image memory occupation
    * Better PAC Script implementation (V8 JavaScript Engine)
    * Enhanced URL Query display in address bar


    [Main Frame]
    * It is unable to download files to shared path
    * In some cases, multiple tabs are activated at the same time
    * Case conversion anomaly in address bar under some circumstances
    * Data in address bar drop-down list display improperly
    * Editing Favorites may cause display anomaly   

    [Webkit Core]
    * Browser anomaly when verifying the Java version
    * Resource Sniffer is unable to acquire complete YouTube videos information
    * It supports “IE proxy automatic detection” feature
    * MIUI official website displays improperly
    * Unable to upload /download files from MEGA (https://mega.co.nz/)                      * No prompt of the “about:” page error 

    [IE Core]
    * Unable to use shortcut keys to switch tabs in some cases

    * Improved extension interface


MD5: dac5a82c60fa79e41fdc401242dd18d2
Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.9.31108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2013, 17:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Setup and deployment
Support VMC 3.9.31108

Titel: Pale Moon 24.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2013, 13:54
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Update of the NSPR library to 4.10.2 RTM.
Update of the Security library (NSS) to 3.15.3 (alternative branch) to pick up a number of fixes.
Fix (finally) of the menu list of tabs when browser.allTabs.previews is set to false. It would stick the top entry, not properly highlight the selected tab, and would generally be unpleasant and stubborn when tabs were moved or closed. This should all be corrected now.
Additional feature: Previously, tabs would immediately resize to fill the tab bar when you would close them. Mozilla changed this a (long) while back to cater to "rapidly closing multiple tabs without moving the mouse" and to resize you have to move the mouse out of the tab bar. A good number of Firefox/Pale Moon users don't like this behavior, but the fix to make this configurable was in the end rejected by the Mozilla UX team, so I opted for my own implementation in Pale Moon. New pref: browser.tabs.resize_immediately - set this preference to true to immediately resize other tabs when closing a tab.
Many thanks to David for doing the required research for this feature!
Rework of the multi-core routine and removal of OpenMP code and the related library (Microsoft's implementation is old, limited, and won't be updated/improved; in addition it prevented some compiler optimizations that could now be used again).
The accessibility back-end for "Find as you type" has been disabled completely to prevent this setting from breaking websites with HTML5 input fields (not compatible with FAYT).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2013, 12:32

Main Frame

Unable to directly open the FTP URL with the user name and password

Webkit Core

Super drag fails to work in some websites
Browser Anomaly that induced by the Developer Tools
Popup “Search image on Google/Baidu is mistakenly blocked by the“Pop-up blocker”.
Opening files with specific format may cause browser anomaly


MD5: 5bb2e7aae29e2b7d956b2dcb2335816d
Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.10.31120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2013, 13:18
Whats new:>>

VMC Example

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2013, 18:15

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Infos zu dieser Version und Download >> Klick (http://blog.sleipnirbrowser.com/2013/11/sleipnir-for-windows-5-0-0-released.html#more-5955)
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 069
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2013, 09:29
Buid 068-069

1. Ad blocker rule update
2. Fixed compatibility warning with chase.com
3. Bug fix: default rendering mode setting not saved properly


Titel: Pale Moon 24.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2013, 13:50
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Update of the new-tab routine: When opening a new tab, focus will now only be on the address bar if you open a blank tab or the Quick Dial page, and focus will be on the page content otherwise (Pale Moon start page or custom URL).
Compatibility issues between QuickFind/Find-as-you-Type and HTML5 input fields in forms fixed.
New advanced feature: Later versions of the Firefox code will automatically place the browser window fully on a visible portion of the screen. If you prefer having the browser window positioned partially off-screen and want to prevent this automatic resizing and repositioning when starting a new session, create a new boolean preference in about:config called browser.sessionstore.exactPos and set it to true.
Updated the localization of the status bar code with the following locales: en-GB, es-MX, es-AR, it, pl.
Fix for a security issue with script event handlers.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.10.31128
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2013, 06:10
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Add and preview a variety of text files in Edutainment;
Restore operation prompts;
Support VMC 3.10.31128;

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2013, 06:20
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2013, 12:28

Advanced page loading efficiency
Better WebRTC and other popup interface


[Main Frame]:
After dragging URL to Favorites in retro mode, there is no title
[Webkit Core]:
Anomaly when Drag and Drop open Magnet Magnet Link
Bug while export the ViolentMonkey plugin Script


MD5: 68595ffecb832edc60c40e7a01d9c722
Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2013, 13:11
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Added option to set application font.
Bug fix: window position not saved properly on Mac.

Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2013, 23:51
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

Torch now uses a new Chromium engine
Torch Start - Find the most popular sites for entertainment and social networking
Torch Games - Have tons of fun. Here you can play hundreds of online games
Torch Audio Extractor feature - added to Media Grabber
Torch Music Control Bubble

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.070
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2013, 07:45
Build 070

1. Fixed a bug associated with twitter.com

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.10.31201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2013, 19:40
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Allow you to create edutainment even MS office is not installed;
Support VMC 3.10.31201;

Titel: Pale Moon 24.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2013, 13:40
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Fix for some status bar localizations not working and giving an error.
Implementation of an optimized QuickFind routine.
Implementation of per-zone user data handling.
Security fix in the JPEG library.
Security fix in web workers.

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2013, 20:15
Mit SpeedyFox wird die Profildatei defragmentiert, wodurch das Start des Programms beschleunigt wird.

Einzelne Profilordner können abgewählt werden und dann reicht ein Klick auf "Optimize" und SpeedyFox startet. Unterstützt wird Firefox, Skype, Google Chrome und Thunderbird.


Whats new: >>

SeaMonkey browser support.
SQlite 3.8.1 update

Titel: Sleipnir 5.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2013, 09:19

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.


Infos zu dieser Version und Download >> Klick (http://blog.sleipnirbrowser.com/2013/12/sleipnir-5-0-1-for-windows.html)
Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2013, 12:27
Main Frame
Improved the URL bar display
The maximized window appears in wrong location under certain circumstances
The new tab is not activated timely after closing all tabs
Under some circumstances a non - quick access page displayed as a quick access page
Unable to delete the favorite whilst there is only one item in Favorites
History issue when clicking the “Back” Button in cloud tab
Conducting Full screen,the pinned extension window still shows at the top
Using shortcut keys to activate Favorites menu, then clicking on the blank area, the favorites menu still exists
Page anomaly caused by Maxthon Multi Search
Webkit Core
Invalid default page zoom after restarting the browser
Unable to activate Skynote in some cases
Irregularity in html5 videos when conducting full screen
Unable to display input boxes of user name and passwords in ASB E-bank
Advertisements in Quick Access thumbnails
The title bar fails to display in YouTube video popup
Unable to read the Cache to recover visited pages when there is no connection to the internet
It may not be able to use bluetooth headset in WebRTC
Typesetting irregularity in certain pages
Unable to use Mouse gestures to turn pages in Quick Access Pages
Anomaly in certain pages when the LocalStorage is over limits
Unable to go to the corresponding options page after clicking the video popup window setting
IE Core
The verification code area shows blank after refreshing it in specific pages


MD5: 04a2c2d7c2018eb9f2da33b0fd01b1de
Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2013, 17:20
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

The 'Copy URL' option now allows you to copy multiple URLs.
Fixed bug: WebCacheImageInfo failed to show an image compressed with gzip (On Firefox and Chrome Web browsers)

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2013, 14:12
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


 • Support Internet Exolorer 11.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.10.31208
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2013, 13:30
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Verify Name and Email when retrieve account info;
Cancel default auto start;
Fix can't cancel auto start bug;
Fix New Project is disable bug;
Support VMC 3.10.31208;

Titel: FBCacheView v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2013, 13:44
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Titel: Pale Moon 24.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2013, 16:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Mainly a security update:

    Implementation of all remaining applicable security fixes from Firefox 26.0 that were not implemented yet in previous versions.
    Update of the Security library (NSS) to
    Fix of new js zone writes/zone barrier bugs.
    The Sync configuration allows users to input their own recovery key again. Please note that letting the browser generate its own secure recovery key is still strongly recommended, as this recovery key should be impossible to guess and of sufficient length and complexity to keep your data safely encrypted.

Titel: PirateBrowser: Neues System macht Domains "irrelevant"
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2013, 17:15
Ein auf BitTorrent aufbauender Browser soll es künftig möglich machen, The Pirate Bay und andere Torrent-Seiten "zu lagern und weiterzuverbreiten", so dass ein zentrales Hosting nicht mehr notwendig sein wird, berichtet TorrentFreak. Auf diesem Wege könne The Pirate Bay dezentral existieren, ohne dass eine öffentlich zugängliche Webseite benötigt wird.

Das Piratenschiff The Pirate Bay hat nach einem Abstecher in die Karibik vorerst im Hafen von Peru den Anker ausgeworfen und ist somit seit gestern über die .pe-Domainendung des Landes erreichbar. Die Wahl Perus als neuen Anlegeplatz begründen die Betreiber mit der Rechtslage des südamerikanischen Landes. Offenbar erhofft sich das Team von The Pirate Bay eine Atempause, um ein neues Projekt fertig zu stellen, das die sich stark häufenden Umzüge von Domain zu Domain künftig überflüssig machen könnte.

Gegenüber TorrentFreak sollen Insider, die an der Torrent-Seite mitwirken, angemerkt haben, dass die Methode der Musik- und Filmindustrie, Druck auf Domain-Registrare auszuüben, um die Domains der Seite zu sperren, künftig eine "sinnfreie Übung" werden könnte. Derzeit entwickelt das Team einen auf BitTorrent aufbauenden Browser, über den Nutzer künftig The Pirate Bay lokal lagern und ähnlich wie im Torrent-Netzwerk miteinander teilen können. Auf diesem Wege würde erreicht, dass The Pirate Bay keinerlei Webseite mehr benötigt, um zu funktionieren.

Dezentralisierung über den PirateBrowser

Demnach sei die Masche der Lobbygruppen dieser Tage zwar noch halbwegs effektiv, zwingt sie die Betreiber doch zu konstanten Domain-Umzügen, künftig werde diese Taktik jedoch nicht mehr funktionieren. "Sie sollten auf unseren PirateBrowser warten, dann werden Domains irrelevant", soll ein an The Pirate Bay Mitwirkender gegenüber TorrentFreak gesagt haben. "Ist der erst einmal verfügbar, werden alle Links und Seiten über eine komplett legale Software zugänglich sein und der Rest ist P2P – so verbleibt keinerlei Angriffsfläche für das Rechtssystem", erklärt der Insider weiter. Die vielfachen Versuche, die Plattform in die Knie zu zwingen, hätten das absolute Gegenteil bewirkt. Anstatt Seite, Nutzerschaft und Betreiber zu schwächen, haben die vielfachen Attacken durch Musik- und Filmindustrie nur dazu geführt, dass The Pirate Bay mehr Unterstützung erfährt und besser aufgestellt ist als je zuvor. "Mit ihren Aktionen haben sie die nächste Generation von dezentralisierten Diensten hervorgebracht", kommentiert der Insider.

Wie TorrentFreak berichtet, soll das neue System, welches sich noch in der Entwicklung befindet, als eigenständiger Browser, aber auch als Erweiterung für Firefox und Chrome erscheinen. Ein Termin für die Veröffentlichung beziehungsweise Fertigstellung wird nicht genannt.

Quelle : www.gulli.com
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 071
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2013, 07:30
Build 071

1. Merged Easylist and Fanboy's list in the ad blocker since they are now one list. Only easylist option is available now.
2. Moved items under the in-page shortcut menu directly onto the top level of the context menu for easier access.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2013, 12:23
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: WebCacheImageInfo failed to display the images of Internet Explorer stored in the 'Low' cache folder

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.10.31218
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2013, 21:45
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2013, 11:40
Whats new: >>

[Main Frame]:

Improved the sidebar window position
Messy codes occur in address bar under some circumstances
Anomalous display of tab bar titles in some cases
There is no right-click menu on the blank area of Favorites
The drop-down list of address bar may display improperly in some situations

[Webkit Core]:

Ads are not filtered in quick access page before generating thumbnails
Unable to pop up the ‘editing blocking rules’ window when copying the filtering rules
The bug that it fails to show the input box in ABS E-bank
Could not upload folders in 4sync page

[Extension platform]:

Fixed the limit of authority issue when inserting scripts


MD5: b59faf5b64b7bec78439bc4646b60b4a
Titel: Avast Browser Cleanup
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2013, 07:00
Bei vielen Installationen von meist Freeware muss man auf die Einstellungen achten, da man sonst ungewollt Toolbars installiert. Hier hilft Avast Browser Cleanup. Das Programm wird ohne Installation gestartet und überprüft die vorhandenen Browser auf Toolbars, welche dann entfernt werden können. Ebenso kann die Homepage und der Standard-Suchanbieter wieder auf Standard gesetzt werden.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

Titel: Avant Browser 2013 Build 120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2013, 10:00
Whats new: >>

[Fix]Cannot save logins under Chrome engine
[Fix]Problem of full screen/full destop mode
[Fix]status bar will flash out when moving mouse to the top under full screen/desktop mode
[Fix]Search bar cannot get focus when right clicking it

Titel: Sleipnir 5.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2013, 10:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

- Updated Blink rendering engine version. (Chrome/31.0.1650.63)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2013, 17:00 [2013-12-26]


    [Main Frame]
    * Maxthon tray icon still remains after closing the browser

    [Webkit Core]
    * Unable to remember the pop-up window position when automatically playing the next video
    * Some Russian spell checker anomalies
    * Failure to download attachments in certain websites
    * Some speed dials in quick access page are unable to display the page title
    * It may be unable to switch tabs in Developer Tools
    * Inability to scroll on some specific NetEase webpages
    * Some particular pages fail to pop up the certificate prompt
    * The wrong prompt in Taobao Website which will stop supporting IE6 in the near future

    [IE Core]
    * Support to translate the selected text
    * Automatically finding the selected text when you open the page search
    * Hold ‘Ctrl’ and click on a link may open two tabs in the background
    * Video popup window closed while switching off the tab it belongs to

    [Extension platform]
    * Permission issue when inserting scripts


MD5: 90ea4d61ba2c601dea680e0f8fbca2ae
Titel: IeCacheExplorer 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2013, 20:43
Zeigt besuchte URLs und detailierte Informationen zu gesetzten Cookies an.


Titel: QupZilla v1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2014, 07:15
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

Added support for Proxy Auto-Config (PAC).
Added option to open another private window from private window.
Added option to detach tabs from window.
Added delete action in edit context menu on page.
Added possibility to remove EasyList from AdBlock.
Added inline domain completion to urlbar.
Added KWallet password backend plugin.
Added Gnome-Keyring password backend plugin.
Added StatusBar Icons plugin that adds extra icons to statusbar.
Added support for POST method in search engines manager.
Added context menu for translating webpage.
Added possibility to export bookmarks to html file.
Great performance improvement for matching basic rules in AdBlock.
Themes can now be loaded from profile directories.
Pagescreen can now save output into number of formats, including PDF.
Proxy exceptions now supports wildcards (*, ?).
Cancel upload when trying to upload non-readable files.
Select previous / next engines with ctrl+up/down in websearchbar.
Ask user first before closing all but the current tab from tabbar.
Last 2 sessions are now backuped in profile directory.
Always show tab previews after a small delay.
GreaseMonkey: added icon in statusbar.
GreaseMonkey: added support for GM_Settings.
GreaseMonkey: fixed userscripts when first loading plugin.
GreaseMonkey: run userscripts in all frames on page.
Oxygen: set rounded corners for tooltips.
Oxygen: workaround for transparent background of tooltips.
X11: Set correct WM_CLASS property to windows.
Fixed: size of preferences dialog on low-res screens.
Fixed: loading plugins with relative paths in portable build.
Fixed: displaying a lot of RSS feeds in RSS widget in locationbar.
Fixed: enabling disabled rules in AdBlock now works everytime.
Fixed: parsing OpenSearch files with XML declaration.
Fixed: don't show urls multiple times in url completer.
Fixed: drag & drop moving folders under bookmarks toolbar.
Fixed: files with relative paths can now be opened from command line.
Fixed: issues with overflowing tabs, it is now possible scroll through all tabs.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2014, 15:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings.

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2014, 13:26
Whats new: >>

[Fix] Full Screen/Desktop mode won't keep when restart

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.6.0109
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2014, 12:28
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Multiple options form save fail bug
Previous/next page open fail bug
Speed dial open fail bug
Some web page open fail bug
Speed up favorites when startup
Some interface adjust

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2014, 12:32
whats new :

A notification “unable to connect to the website”occurs in some cases
Incompatibility issue in certain webpages
The edit box of certain E-mails display incorrectly
Tab bar title displays abnormal under some circumstances
Unable to invoke RSS Reader in certain circumstance
There are two download prompts after clicking certain download links
Display anomaly in certain pages after setting the font

Titel: FBCacheView v1.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2014, 05:45
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Added 'Copy External URL' option.
Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2014, 13:50
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings

Titel: Browser History Spy 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2014, 19:00
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

New feature to generate web browser history report in CSV (Comma-Seperated Values) File Format.

http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php (http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php)
Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.11.40108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2014, 09:05
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Server School Edition;
Super Search;
Improve Alarm Message;
Improve Renew Dialog;
Improve Account Dialog;
Support VMC 3.11.40108;

Titel: Facebook History Spy 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2014, 06:00
Facebook History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view Facebook web history from popular web browsers. It helps in recovering or viewing Facebook history from following browsers,

    Mozilla Firefox
    Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome
    Google Chrome Canary/SXS
    CoolNovo (Chrome variant)
    SeaMonkey Browser (Firefox variant)

It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file or quickly 'Drag & Drop' a history file. This is useful when you have to recover the Facebook history for another user or from different system. You can also export the recovered Facebook history list to HTML/XML/CSV file for offline analysis.

Facebook History Spy works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Titel: Midori 0.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2014, 16:00
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

Includes refactored tabs, better font defaults, and a number of smaller fixes.

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2014, 21:45
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2014, 09:22
whats new :

New feature:
New interface of ‘Check for update’ window
No auto prompt ‘set Maxthon as default browser’ in Win8/8.1
Download manager icon is added to Quick Tools section
Advanced quick words display in address bar
Main Frame
A bug that two same paths appear when selecting the folder to store the downloaded files in download manager
Unable to show avatar when there are special characters in system account name
Webkit Core
The bug that it is unable to send yahoo mails
Partial composing Error in certain webpages
The last visited content in Maxthon Now- Maxthon Start Page may be different from the one in “about:last”
page alert popup cannot be shown after minimizing the browser
Blue line occurs in some HTML 5 player controls
Visiting PDF files in ultra mode, no downloading prompt pops up
A bug that the page scrolls when using shortcuts ‘Ctrl+C’ to copy
Cursor pattern does not change when using mouse gesture to switch tabs
Unable to use bluetooth headset in WebRTC
Enhanced core stability

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 072
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2014, 14:10
Build 072

Enable ad blocker for https sites

Titel: MiTeC Internet History Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2014, 18:45
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox


Titel: Linkman Lite 8.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2014, 06:00
Integrating with the latest versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Opera browsers, Linkman gives you the power to efficiently organize as many links as your needs dictate!

You can easily add links from all browser windows and let retrieve keywords and descriptions automatically. The user interface is highly customizable. You get the capability to import and synchronize from existing bookmark collections and export bookmarks in a variety of formats. Linkman Lite supports multiple versions of ten different Windows browsers.

What makes Linkman Lite special is the sheer speed that allows you to access your links. Just start typing a keyword and get results within a second, even with large databases. Linkman is also the only Windows bookmark manager which can load and save Internet Explorer Favorites in correct item order.


Titel: QupZilla 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2014, 17:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

added option to disable inline completion in locationbar
added option to always switch tabs with mouse wheel
added option to toggle fullscreen with commandline option
added undo/redo context menu actions in editable web elements
speedup loading rules from subscriptions in AdBlock dialog
fixed speed dial with disabled javascript
fixed showing tooltips on tabs when tab previews are disabled
fixed search shortcuts longer than one character in locationbar
fixed building issues on OS X and OS/2
fixed disabling tab previews from preferences
fixed building new Gnome/KDE keyring passwords
fixed building StatusBarIcons plugin on Windows
win: add new jumplist option to open private window

Titel: Universal Ad Blocker 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2014, 06:00
Universal Ad Blocker is the free all-in-one software to quickly Block Ads across all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days every website is filled with so many advertisements that it is often difficult to distinguish between Ads and the actual content. Not only it is annoying but it also leads to very slower browsing due to loading of Ads.

Now, 'Universal Ad Blocker' can help you to easily block all these annoying Ads and lets you enjoy cleaner, faster web browsing.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 073
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2014, 09:09
Build 073

1. Automatically remove the play symbol from the file name when downloading youtube video.
2. Add option to show related deals and coupons when shopping online. (This option can be turned off in tools:options:misc:show related deals and coupons when shopping online).

Titel: Pale Moon 24.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2014, 18:20
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

New build: Atom-optimized Pale Moon:
After some thorough testing, the Atom/netbook builds are being released as final. These builds are specifically made for PCs with Intel Atom processors.
New feature: the title has been brought back to the title bar:
When using the Application Menu (Pale Moon button), the title bar of the browser window would be blank. Considering this is wasted space, the page title will now be displayed in the title bar again (it's called a title bar for a reason, after all!). Several different styles have been implemented to cater to different OS version layouts.
Removal of the services tab in the Add-on Manager:
It will be visible only if someone actually has a service extension installed (similar to how language packs work)
Improvement of UI consistency:
Removal of illogical selective hiding of the navigation bar and toolbars when in tabs-on-top mode (Add-ons manager, permissions manager, etc.). Browser chrome will now never be hidden.
Bugfix: When using the classic downloads window, downloads in private windows were not shown:
If you use the classic downloads window and would open a Private Browsing (PB) window, there was no easy way to see which downloads were done in the PB window. When checking the downloads, it would open up the (non-PB) classic downloads window which does not have downloads listed from the PB session. This has been fixed, and PB windows will now open a new tab in the PB window with the downloads from that private session.
Bugfix: Geolocation didn't work in Pale Moon:
This was caused by the Firefox standard geolocation provider (Google Inc.) now requiring an API key to request geolocation coordinates. Only official Mozilla Firefox builds will have working geolocation from Google.
Pale Moon has switched provider to IP-API.com to address this issue, with the required re-write of code for the different type of request. More information on the forum.
Bugfix: The "More information" link for blocked add-ons didn't work
Bugfix: Certain scaled fonts would have malformed letters:
On Vista and later with hardware acceleration enabled, certain letters of some font families would become malformed and difficult to read because of a Direct2D scaling issue. These fonts should now render sharp and more legibly.
Romanian has been added to the status bar localizations

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 074
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2014, 09:11
Build 074
1. Update language file
2. Make options:misc page scrollable.

Titel: Pale Moon 24.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2014, 12:32
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Fine-tuned the title-bar title text position to work a little better on Windows 8 systems.
Fixed a problem with the classic download manager window not opening and/or downloads not starting when using the classic download manager.
Security fix: Bug 945334 - Fix runnable pointer holding.

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2014, 17:08
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Dooble 1.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2014, 08:13
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>

1.   QThread::idealThreadCount() may fail. Offer protection.
2.   Removed claims of security from license sections.
3.   Replaced gcry_strerror() with gpg_strerror_r() in methods
     that are accessed by multiple threads.
4.   Corrected flawed SQL statement in dexceptionsmodel::allow().
5.   Adjusted SQL statements so as to avoid SQL injections. Some
     statements in dexceptionsmodel.cc were not modified because of their
     relationships with database file names and database table names.
6.   Ability to deny JavaScript confirmations and prompts.
7.   Updated libgpg-error to version 1.12 and libgcrypt to version 1.5.3 on
     OS X 64-bit.
8.   Allow or prohibit access of local URLs by local documents. Enabled
     by default.
9.   Corrected position of gcry_control(GCRYCTL_ENABLE_M_GUARD). The guard
     may only be enabled before issuing gcry_check_version().
10.  gcry_control(GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS) must be issued before
11.  Issue gcry_control(GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM) during Dooble's termination.
12.  The URL widget's bookmark icon's state was incorrectly set whenever the
     theme changed. Corrected.
13.  Qt products have been upgraded to version 5.2.0 on Linux, OS X 64-bit,
     and Windows.
14.  Corrected the OS X Qt 5 project file, missing Cocoa framework.
15.  Enlarged some integer class variables.
16.  Added fwrapv and Wstrict-overflow=4 to various project files.
17.  Enable QLineEdit::NoEcho on OS X and for Qt 5.0.0 to Qt 5.1.1.
18.  Removed most VACUUM SQLite statements as they caused performance issues
     on less elaborate systems during termination. The Clear Containers
     mechanism will vacuum various databases.
19.  Introduced a basic byte-comparison function so as to lessen so-called
     timing attacks during password validation.
20.  Changed default settings: Block Pop-ups (true), Block Third-Party
     Frame Content (true), Cookies (disable third-party), JavaScript (false).
21.  Added a simple menu to the location widget's page icon. Option
     to view the current site's cookies also added. Please note that the
     displayed cookies are the cookies that Dooble has gathered for the
     respective site and may be different from the current private cookies.
23.  Configurable SSL ciphers. Please see Windows -> Allowed SSL Ciphers.
24.  Simplified 3rd-party block messages as they were causing performance
25.  Corrected parameter use in gcry_md_hash_buffer(),
     in dcrypt::setCipherPassphrase().

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 075
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2014, 11:20
Build 075

1. Fixed youtube video download issue.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2014, 13:17
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: youtube video download button missing.

Titel: Sleipnir 5.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2014, 12:25

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

improves font rendering and performance

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 076
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2014, 10:20
Build 076

Updated language files
Fixed yahoo email compatibility issue.

Titel: CookieSpy 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2014, 20:00
CookieSpy is a free and simple internet cookies viewer. While surfing the Internet web sites your browser saves bits of information about your experience on the site (known as HTTP cookies, internet cookies, web cookies or simply cookies). They are your search history, some preferences, logins, passwords. Information about data that web sites save locally in cookies may be important for you security. CookieSpy is a free utility application that displays HTTP cookies stored on your computer by all popular web browsers.

Supported Browsers:

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firebox (standalone and portable), Google Chrome (standalone and portable), Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, Apple Safari, Opera (standalone and portable), Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mathon (standalone and portable).


Whats new: >>

-Added a new context menu command to remove all cookies “Delete All”.
-Added a new context menu command for tab “Close other tabs”.
-Fixed a crash while trying to sort by “Domain” column.
-Rearranged “Options” menu
-Various bug fixes

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 077
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2014, 18:59
Build 077

1. Fix bug in some built-in javascript.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2014, 12:20
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Added 'GPS Location' column.

Titel: Pale Moon 24.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2014, 18:15
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

New feature: Implemented the TLS v1.1 (RFC 4346) and TLS v1.2 (RFC 5246) protocols for improved https security.
Changed the list of supported encryption ciphers and order of preference to provide you with secure, speedy connections wherever possible.
New feature: Added CSS background-attachment:local
New feature: Added dashed-line stroke support for canvas drawing (set/get/offset)
Adjusted geolocation timings to prevent IP bans in testing mode and to give you a slightly faster response to the request.
Adjusted the new window title position some more to account for edge cases.
Fixed the installer to use the proper class for checking if Pale Moon is already installed/running.
Security fix: bug #966021 - Fix load_truetype_table in the cairo dwrite font backend.

Titel: QupZilla 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2014, 06:20
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

workaround for servers not understanding TLSv1 handshake
tabs on top are now enabled by default
restore session after launch is now enabled by default
don't load tabs until selected is now enabled by default
tab previews are now disabled by default
reworked scrolling with wheel in tabbar
Ctrl+W shortcut no longer closes a pinned tab
fixed: setting DuckDuckGo as default search provider
fixed: issues detected by scan.coverity.com
fixed: showing more default search engines with same name
fixed: incorrect exception rules handling in AdBlock
fixed: flickering when removing tabs from tabbar
fixed: flickering when (un)pinning tabs
fixed: flickering when opening new tabs with sites that loads instantly
fixed: drawing correct mouseouver state for tabs
fixed: drawing tabbar correctly with Oxygen style
fixed: drawing list items with Qt5 Fusion style
fixed: tooltips disappearing on (un)pinning tabs
fixed: incorrectly changing current index when closing tabs in inactive tabbar
fixed: incorrectly showing url in locationbar when load request was not accepted
fixed: always add slash '/' between path and filename when downloading files
fixed: cursor jumping at the start in locationbar
mac: fixed toggle fullscreen action in menu
windows: save application data in %LOCALAPPDATA%

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2014, 12:25
whats new :>>

New feature:
Brand new installation program interface
Improved core performance
Advanced high DPI display
Underline effect on hyperlinked text
Main Frame
Deleting one item in the address bar drop-down list, the number of the remaining items display incorrectly
Webkit Core
Subscribe and update RSS
The bug that it is unable to show alert popup in webpage after minimizing the browser
in XP system right click menu
Reader Mode in certain pages display incorrectly
Unable to open the webpage embedded with PDF file

Titel: QupZilla 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2014, 06:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

workaround for servers not understanding TLSv1 handshake
addded new Spanish (Mexico) translation
option to change list of SslV3 forced sites in settings.ini
show error message when downloading AdBlock subscriptions fails
fixed building on FreeBSD, OS/2

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 078
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2014, 16:26
Whats new: >>

1. Fixed compatibility issue with My Yahoo.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2014, 13:10
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2014, 13:51 [2014-02-18]

    New feature:
    + Download Manager icon is available in Quick Tools section
    + New interface of ‘Check for update’ window
    + Brand new installation program interface

    * Improved core performance
    * Advanced high DPI display
    * Underline effect on hyperlinked text
    * No auto prompt ‘set Maxthon as default browser’ in Win8/8.1   
    * Download manager icon is added to Quick Tools section
    * Advanced quick words display in address bar

    [Main Frame]
    * Deleting one item in the address bar drop-down list, the number of the remaining items display incorrectly
    * A bug that two same paths appear when selecting the folder to store the downloaded files in download manager
    * Unable to show avatar when there are special characters in system account name

    [Webkit Core]
    * Subscribe and update RSS
    * The bug that it is unable to show alert popup in webpage after minimizing the browser
       in XP system right click menu
    * Reader Mode in certain pages display incorrectly
    * Unable to open the webpage embedded with PDF file
    * The bug that it is unable to send yahoo mails
    * Partial composing Error in certain webpages
    * The last visited content in Maxthon Now- Maxthon Start Page may be different from the one in “about:last”
    * page alert popup cannot be shown after minimizing the browser
    * Blue line occurs in some HTML 5 player controls
    * Visiting PDF files in ultra mode, no downloading prompt pops up
    * A bug that the page scrolls when using shortcuts ‘Ctrl+C’ to copy
    * Cursor pattern does not change when using mouse gesture to switch tabs


MD5: c6d3037318d691a4fd2ca808e3dc9c0d
Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2014, 09:13
The cores stabilities are increasingly improved since plenty of crashes and potential problems with
latest versions have been solved, making your browsing faster and smoother.


MD5: ec4395428f424e488b32bc669ac5440f
Titel: Google Ad Blocker 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2014, 21:45
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new: >>

Enhanced Google Ad blocking capabilities by integrating more Ad Links.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2014, 06:15
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 079
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2014, 12:41
whats new :>>

Build 079

1. Fixed youtube video download issue.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2014, 12:27

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


Tabs can be found without scrolling: you can find every tab by only hovering your cursor
Adjusted outfit of Portal Field
Selected suggestion item in Portal Field is now reflected to the input field

Fixed issues:

Fixed issue where auto show panel did not respond in some situations
Fixed issue where the visibility of panel was not restored after restart
Fixed issue where panel was showed out of position in maximized window

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2014, 13:44
Whats new: >>


There is no sound in some pages under certain circumstances
Certain video clips are out of sync with their audio
Some problems with logging in Maxthon account
The issue that default page zoom syncs among different devices

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2014, 13:50
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: youtube video download button missing.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2014, 13:46
Whats new: >>

This version fixed some bugs, for example, the page scaling became anomalous after updating in some cases.

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.01.49 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2014, 21:50
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2014, 15:30
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: youtube video download button missing when signed in.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2014, 13:24
Build 080

Moved youtube video download button to the bottom of the playing video

Titel: TweetDeck
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2014, 21:45
TweetDeck is your personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more.


Latest Changes


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2014, 13:45
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: youtube video download button missing when signed in.

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2014, 12:25
Avant Browser 2014 build 2, Released 3.6.2014

    [Update]Chrome engine:33.0.1750.146
    [Update]Firefox engine:
    [Fix]Some problems may cause webpage crash
    [Fix]Extra window pops up when clear all records
    [Fix]Internal frame larger than screen 1-2px
    [Fix]"Disable flash animation" option doesn't work under chrome engine sometimes
    [Fix]"Save as" window doesn't pop up when saving selected region as image in XP
    [Fix]Chrome addon warning bar disappears immediately after it is shown
    [Fix]Open local webpage cause search result open under firefox engine

Titel: Pale Moon 24.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2014, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    By popular request: the new page title (when using the Pale Moon App button) will now follow the operating system default alignment (in most cases), meaning it will align left on Windows Vista and Windows 7 by default instead of center. If you want to hide the title or align it differently, please see the FAQ section on the forum.
    Updated status bar code to the latest "non-australis" version and license change to MPL 2.0 to bring it in line with the rest of the browser code, making it an integral part of the source tree to streamline building (also for 3rd parties).
    Changed the way Pale Moon handles file and protocol associations. This will prevent interoperability issues if you have both Firefox and Pale Moon installed on the same system. A side effect is that Pale Moon will ask you (once) to make it the default browser again when you install this update, because of the new associations to be made.
    Changed the search default to DuckDuckGo.
    Added DuckDuckGo logo to about:home.
    Changed some things in the build system, back-end code and build configuration to improve overall performance of the browser.
    Switched to the use of a more compact browser filesystem layout, improving overall start-up speed.
    Precompiled script cache in the application, improving overall start-up speed at the expense of some disk space.
    Added MPS detection for non-windows operating systems (NSPR fallback method) instead of always "1".

    Bugfixes ported over:

    bug #968461 - Fix imgStatusTracker.h to build with gcc 4.4.
    bug #912322 - Make sure document.getAnonymous* is no longer available to web content.
    bug #894448 - Move IsChromeOrXBL to xpcpublic.h.

    Security fixes:

    bug #963198 - Don't mix up byte-size and array-length.
    bug #966311 - Calculate frame size for stereo wave.
    bug #958867 - Consistent OwningObject handling in IDBFactory::Create methods.
    bug #925747 - Patch file extraction cleanup.
    bug #942152 - Fix error handling on NSS I/O layer.
    bug #960145 - IonMonkey: Don't ignore OSR-like values when computing phi ranges.
    bug #965982 - Clean up client threads before I/O on shutdown.
    bug #950604 - Backport of a small typed array bugfix.
    bug #967341 - Fix up URI management.
    bug #963974 - Null mCurrentCompositeTask after calling Cancel() on it.

Titel: K-Meleon 74 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 06:15
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

There is a lot of small fixes. Also bookmarks should work better, and flash uses less cpu. I've a made a quick implementation of the type ahead finder, if it causes you trouble you can deactivate it with accessibility.typeaheadfind

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 12:26
Whats new: >>

Solves some crashes and tab refreshing problems

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.12.40308
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 13:50
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Renew code manager;
Preview CHM in VMC;
Support VMC 3.12.40308;

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.081
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 14:20
Build 081

1. Minor bug fix.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 082
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2014, 11:17
Build 082

1. Minor bug fix

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2014, 21:44
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug from v1.43: BrowsingHistoryView stopped working on Windows 2000.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2014, 19:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed a crash problem occurred when trying to load the cache of IE10

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2014, 19:30
Mit SpeedyFox wird die Profildatei defragmentiert, wodurch das Start des Programms beschleunigt wird.

Einzelne Profilordner können abgewählt werden und dann reicht ein Klick auf "Optimize" und SpeedyFox startet. Unterstützt wird Firefox, Skype, Google Chrome und Thunderbird.


Whats new: >>

SQlite update

Titel: Pale Moon 24.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2014, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


Bugfix: the new status bar code in 24.4.0 had a bug, preventing the downloads panel/window from opening when clicking on the download status indicator. There may have been a few other, similar small usability bugs in the same code that have now been fixed
Feature update: Selecting "Warn me when closing multiple tabs" in the Options window will now apply both to closing a window and closing other tabs in the tab bar
Bug #940714 - Add an RAII class to make synchronous raster image decoding safer
Bug #896268 - Use a stateless approach to synchronous image decoding. security fix
Bug #982909 - Consistently use inner window when calling OpenJS. security fix
Bug #982957 - Fix crash if certain sweeps run out of memory. security fix
Bug #982906 - Remove option for security bypass in URI building. security fix
Bug #983344 - JavaScript: Simplify typed arrays and fix GC loops. security fix
Bug #982974 - Be paranoid about neutering ArrayBuffer objects. security fix

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2014, 14:30
Whats new: >>

# Fixed Bugs

* Main Frame

- In certain case, anomaly occurs when activating tabs
- Fail to create page in split mode in some situations

* Webkit Core

- Unable to display URLs in address bar in certain circumstance
- Typesetting Errors in some webpages
- AppLoader is slow to log off
- Anomaly when uploading files to NetEase Group Email
- In certain page, it fails to login
- Failed Login Attempt to a certain webpage
- Enhanced core stability


MD5: 5b3551a63d04e08c23453bf31d890195
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 083
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2014, 10:20
Build 083

1. bug fix: locking browser when tray icon is enabled.
2. bug fix: letv video can't be watched properly.

Titel: FBCacheView v1.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2014, 22:00
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Added 'Explorer Copy' option (Ctrl+P), which allows you to copy one or more files and then paste them into opened folder in Windows Explorer.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2014, 20:15
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Added 'Explorer Copy' option (Ctrl+P), which allows you to copy one or more files and then paste them into opened folder in Windows Explorer.
Fixed bug: image with specific EXIF structure caused WebCacheImageInfo to hang or to crash.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2014, 09:08
whats new:>>

Optimized interface display in high DPI
Fixed Bugs:
Webkit Core:
Audio tab is invalid in certain situations
Fail to open E-bank in Retro Mode in certain cases


MD5: ebe227a7e109c9e131614a4b983df744
Titel: Maxthon 4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2014, 17:30
Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows V4.4.0.900 Beta is available to download.
The main purpose of this release is to fix some bugs, such as crash in the previous version.


MD5: ee6a082c034e6586142981d7c4926e79
Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2014, 19:30
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 085
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2014, 20:45
Build 085

1. Added support for shopping assistant (http://www.slimbrowser.net/en/shopping-assistant.htm) features.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2014, 12:24
Fixed bugs:

[Main Frame]

* UI display anomaly in certain caese
* Fail to choose key words in the search box drop-down list with keyboard down arrow


MD5: 50cef6596cb9b5a75cd8e4e40ada970f
Titel: Pale Moon 24.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2014, 20:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


Added OCSP-stapling.
Removed download status indicator from default set in status bar code to fix erroneous pop-up locations of the downloads panel.
Fixed errors with synchronous OCSP-stapled calls.
Reduced the timeout for OCSP requests to 2 seconds unless OCSP is required by the server.
Added proper handling of fragment loading (Bug #s 895557&987140). security fix
Updated status bar localizations: kn-IN and pt-PT.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2014, 09:26
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Load history from the specified history files' option in the 'Advanced Options' window

Titel: Midori 0.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2014, 09:16
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Whats new: >>

Today is the day of Midori 0.5.8. Dedicated to Adblock and WebKit2. Rather than trying to meet fixed dates as we used to, we selected which goals define if the cycle is done. No more no less
As liked, fast and efficient our Adblock extension was, the original maintainer isn’t around anymore and flaws were accumulating on a code base that wasn’t very accessible anymore. So long story short Adblock is rewritten from C to Vala, several classes and files instead of one monolithic entity, plenty unit test cases and real whitelist support. Add to that a statusbar icon for easy flipping filtering on and off and seeing whether anything was blocked on the site. If you had problems with peculiar display problems whilst using Adblock, chances are good they’ll be gone with the upgrade. Adblock is as always shipped with Midori so just be sure to enable it in the Preferences
In other news WebKit2 is making another big jump and closer to the finish line. Text selection behavior, favicons, support for multiple rendering processes, opening new windows and setting cache and cookie paths correctly. There’s still work to do in the areas of extensions and downloads in particular, but we’re getting there
We have working spelling corrections again. Right-click an underlined word and pick a suggestion from the menu. It’s that simple
Two new extensions implement Ctrl+Enter to complete www. and .com and a handy little notes panel which automatically saves one or more snippets as you make changes
Aaaaaand we’ve got a brand new file type editor (MIME type on Linux). Finally the user is in control of how files open, either via the Preferences or the right-click “Open With…” menu item

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 086
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2014, 07:45
Build 086

1. Update language files.
2. Improved quickfill form filler auto-submitting algorithm.
3. Fixed a minor bug in the "Download All with download manager" feature.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 087
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2014, 09:16
Build 087

1. Fix bug due to renamed German and French language files.
2. Added link to German online forum for SlimBrowser.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 089
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2014, 12:19
Build 089

1. Disabled related deals script on amazon and ebay websites.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2014, 09:18
Fixed bugs:

[Main Frame]
Fail to display site icons in the address bar in certain cases
Display anomaly of Tab bar appears under certain circumstances
The ability to check data and information such as Favorites even after locking Maxthon
The ‘Edit blocking rules’ dialog box displays incorrectly sometimes
[Webkit Core]
Anomaly occurs when using Drag&Drop to some specific texts
The layout of right click menu is anomalous
Download could lead to the failure of core process to exit


MD5: 708c52513dcd9a7115eeb3e527616808
Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 091
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2014, 09:27
Build 091

1. Solved compatiblity issue with Tencent Video and Sohu Video.

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2014, 17:03
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug in form filler
Fixed playback issue of qq video and sohu video.

Titel: QupZilla 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2014, 18:45
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

addded new Spanish (Mexico) translation
option to change list of SslV3 forced sites in settings.ini
show error message when downloading AdBlock subscriptions fails

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.7 Build 0417
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2014, 11:40
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

add: close icon for all tabs
fix: blur bug when mouse drag under win8
fix: function bug when mouse drag link and image under win8
fix: input method bug of address bar and search bar under win8
fix: bug of new version check under win8
improve: add open form button in set form data dialog
improve: menu of mouse drag image

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2014, 12:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


SuperDrag Extension implemented
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/33.0.1750.154)

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2014, 15:30
Whats new: >>

Fixed bugs:

[Main Frame]:

Pop-up interface anomaly in Retro Mode
Download icon appears in the pop-up interface, which should not)

[Webkit Core]:

Fail to display the website -- http://jiayuan.xunlei.com
Fail to create new tasks while Thunder Download is offline

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2014, 13:45
Avant Browser 2014 build 3

[Update]Chrome engine:34.0.1847.116
[Add]Basque language
[Fix]New opened pages show blank after openning firefox downloader manager or detaching tab
[Fix]Tools>chrome>task manager option not working
[Fix]Youtube video has two sounds after refreshing under chrome engine

Titel: QupZilla 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2014, 20:15
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

    * fixed build issues on Mac
    * fixed error handling when downloading CA certificates bundle
    * fixed error handling when downloading AdBlock subscriptions
    * fixed loading KWalletPasswords plugin

Titel: Dooble 1.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2014, 05:50
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes: >>

1.   Inspect indexOf() results.
2.   Corrected a syntax error in dcrypt::setCipherPassphrase() with
     respect to gcry_calloc_secure(). Error apparent with pre-1.5.0
3.   Upgraded Qt products to version 5.2.1 on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
4.   Replaced the count variable in dmisc::findUniqueFileName() with
5.   Inspect results of QDataStream::operator<<() and
     QDataStream::operator>>() in dcrypt.cc.
6.   Review QDataStream operations.
7.   Renamed Doc to Documentation.
8.   Added a new option under Settings -> Windows for centering
     child windows.
9.   Upgraded OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.1g on Windows.
10.  Upgraded SQLite libraries to version on Windows.
11.  The Linux bundles did not include several Qt libraries. Corrected.
12.  Issue dcrypt::terminate() in sig_handler().
13.  Corrected integer conversions. Increased integer variable sizes
     to accommodate large SQLite integers.
14.  Important change. Authentication content will now be attached to
     encrypted data. Please note that this change will cause Dooble
     to be reset. Please export your bookmarks before updating.
15.  Dooble shall now generate a separate hash key during the key
     derivation process. Version 1.5.0, or newer, of libgcrypt must be present
     otherwise the encryption and hash keys will be derived (loosely) from
     common data. For pre-1.5.0 versions of libgcrypt, the passphrase's
     hash is used for capturing encryption and hash keys. For example,
     for SHA-512, the computed hash is of length 64. The first 32 bytes
     will be used for an AES-256 cipher. The remaining 32 bytes are to be
     used for the hash key. Please note that Dooble stores a salted
     hash of the passphrase in the configuration file.
16.  The method dmisc::hashedString() has been replaced by
17.  dcrypt::dcrypt(dcrypt *) did not initialize several class variables.
18.  Removed the stylesheet from the passphrase reminder.
19.  Inspect argv[] in main().
20.  Optimize for size. Change applied to all project files.
21.  The method dcookies::populate() does not need to remove artificial
     padding because the length of a plaintext is appended to the
     plaintext before the product is encrypted.
22.  Inspect decryption and encryption results. Decryption failures
     will cause database items to be removed. Please note that
     this change will be covered by several releases.
23.  qgetenv() returns a byte array.
24.  Added SHA-1 functionality to Downloads.
25.  Close file descriptor opened via creat() in sig_handler.
26.  Many of the database writes are now synchronized.
27.  Corrected dooble.sh, per maandree.
28.  Verify that the decrypted value in dcrypt::decodedString() contains
     at least 4 bytes.
29.  The method dbookmarkswindow::slotAddBookmark() did not close the
     database handle. Corrected.
30.  If possible, terminate timers on termination.
31.  Removed the run-time search path from the FreeBSD project files.
32.  Removed the Plugins/libinterface-win.
33.  Removed the Packaging directory.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 092
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2014, 12:22
Build 092

1. Filled a bug in form filler.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2014, 13:07
Whats new: >>

Fixed bugs:

[Main Frame]

* Closing certain E-bank page may lead to anomaly of other pages 
* Tabs display anomaly occurs when customizing system DPI
* Installation program fails to unfold advanced options

Titel: Pale Moon 24.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2014, 14:15
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    Fix plugin doorhanger code for removed-node confusion.
    Remove Mozilla Corp specific details from search plugins, to clearly indicate the client is Pale Moon and to make sure searches are never counted towards other browser's searches by mistake by search providers.
    Make sure to set both "warnOnClose" and "warnOnCloseOther" prefs to false when users choose to disable this check in the popup prompt.
    Update branding: Remove nightly branding altogether - only have unofficial+official,  and fix the broken About dialog branding.
    Bugfix: Clamp level of WebGL TexImage operations to 32-bits to avoid issues on x64 architectures.
    Update Linux theme: feed icon
    Bugfix: Add Firefox Compatibility flag to unofficial branding.
    Workaround for several prominent websites complaining about an "outdated browser".

Security fixes:

    bug #987003 - Be more careful sandboxing javascript: URLs.
    bug #952022 - Add missing detachAsmJSModule.
    bug #986843 - Replace AutoHoldZone with AutoCompartmentRooter.
    bug #989183 - Check for nsXBLJSClass.
    bug #980537 - Only store FakeBackstagePass instances in mThisObjects.
    bug #986678 - Fix type check in TryAddTypeBarrierForWrite.
    bug #966006 - Fix security issue in DNS resolver.
    bug #944353 - Avoid spurious decoding of corrupt images.
    bug #969226 - Avoid buffer overflow in corrupt ICC profiles.
    bug #991471 - Fix offset when setting host on URL.
    bug #993546 - Don't try to malloc-free 0-size memory chunks.
    bug #992968 - Avoid OOM problems with JIT code caching

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 094
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2014, 11:30
Build 094

Fixed form filler caused in build 092
Revised youtube video downloader. Support downloading audio track directly without downloading video first. Fixed bug about some videos not downloadable.
Update language files.

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2014, 18:46
Avant Browser 2014 build 5, Released 4.29.2014

    [Fix]Chrome engine crashed when clearing records
    [Fix]Under firefox/chrome engine,visited links didn't be cleared after clearing all records
    [Fix]Cannot save logins under chrome engine
    [Fix]Cannot search keywords on address bar under chrome engine
    [Fix]Taskbar didn't disappear when watching videos in fullscreen
    [Fix]Taskbar didn't disappear under full sreen mode
    [Fix]Toolbars still visiable when minimizing Avant under full screen/desktop mode
    [Fix]Blank page problem under firefox engine

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2014, 20:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed the 'Automatic File Size Refresh' problem on Windows 7/8.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.14.40508
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2014, 22:04
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Support VMC lib version 3.3
Support VMC 3.14.40508

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2014, 17:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed to find the correct item when typing the string you want to search into the main List View.

Titel: QupZilla 1.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2014, 21:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

added new AutoScroll plugin
added new F12 shortcut for Web Inspector
fixed: correctly switching between tabbars when closing tabs
fixed: draw tabbar base even when there are no tabs in main tabbar
fixed: position of add tab button when there are no tabs in main tabbar
windows: load font.ttf (if exists) and use it as app font

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2014, 12:22
Fixed bugs:

Main Frame
The pop-ups interception problem in some case


Improved Core Stability

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2014, 12:22
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: When getting history information from a remote computer and both local computer and remote computer have IE10 or IE11, BrowsingHistoryView displayed the IE10/IE11 history of the local computer... (Be aware that BrowsingHistoryView cannot display the IE10/IE11 history of a remote computer while the WebCacheV01.dat file on the remote computer is locked)

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.14.40518
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2014, 07:45
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Import Directory feature in edutainment lets you add all files in the disk folder to VMC media lib;
Support VMC 3.14.40518

Titel: Avast! Browser Cleanup
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2014, 17:30
Bei vielen Installationen von meist Freeware muss man auf die Einstellungen achten, da man sonst ungewollt Toolbars installiert. Hier hilft Avast Browser Cleanup. Das Programm wird ohne Installation gestartet und überprüft die vorhandenen Browser auf Toolbars, welche dann entfernt werden können. Ebenso kann die Homepage und der Standard-Suchanbieter wieder auf Standard gesetzt werden.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

Titel: MozillaCookiesView 1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2014, 18:15
MozillaCookiesView is an alternative to the standard cookie manager provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added option to copy the selected cookies in Netscape cookies.txt format (Ctrl+N)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2014, 12:22
New Features:

Built-in PDF plugin


Display effects of sidebar extension under high DPI
Better DNS pre-reading and hyperlinks pre-link
Advanced Ad-Hunter performance
Enhanced Pop-Up Block feature
Improved core waste recycling

Fixed bugs:

Webkit Core
Anomaly caused by the Localstorage memory space problem
Filesystem may result in some problems
Bugs occur when Super Drag&Drop specific texts
Certain Anomalies caused by Context3D
CPU usage soars while scrolling certain pages
Browser internal error and the inability to copy content in certain pages
No smooth scrolling effect on Win8 touch screen
Pop up video and then close its tab may lead to the video window exit

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 096
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2014, 14:10
Build 096
1. Updated Dutch adbocker list url.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2014, 12:21

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


- FavTab: Immediately find frequently visited tabs, even if tabs are kept open unsorted
- Show FavTab: Double click right mouse button to show FavTab page
- Highlight bar: Show FavTab under the tab bar and find them from the tabs
- Optimized memory usage of tabs
- Added configuration for not replacing protected tabs with other sites (Customize|Tab|Navigation of protected tabs)
- Adjusted behavior of Site Updates
- Changed default configuration for new tab to "Specified URL"

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 12:00
Whats new: >>


Improved downloading prompt
Advanced page smooth scrolling feature

Fixed bugs:

[Main Frame]

The button ‘Show more’ and ‘clear all’on the address bar drop list fail to work
Fail to update the quick access default picture

[Webkit Core]

YouTube HTML5 Videos fail to play correctly
In certain situation, Flash block page elements
No response after switching tabs by F2 and F3 for several times
Under certain circumstances, Global blocking rules always works
Unable to download files in certain pages
Anomalous file name downloaded from certain pages

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.14.40601
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2014, 06:15
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Full Screen Mode
Improve CSC link
Fix can't play tutorial video bug
Update tutorial video

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2014, 19:40
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

New core algorithm

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2014, 09:10
Whats new: >>

Main Frame:
Improved Maxthon Multi Search
Webkit Core:
Enhanced core stability

Titel: Pale Moon 24.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2014, 16:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Release Notes


    Allow animated personas (lightweight themes)! You will need to set a preference for this.
    Fix regularly occurring browser crashes with hardware acceleration enabled on DirectWrite 6.2/6.3 (Win 7 with Platform Update, Windows 8/8.1).
    Fix font rendering issues on DirectWrite 6.2/6.3, especially on legacy AMD hardware. (KB2670838 issues).
    Fix Windows version detection issues on Windows 8.1.
    Shuffle reported plugin installation order to confuse trackers.
    Clean up jumplist icons so they no longer pile up on disk on some systems (also a privacy concern).
    Change the sync server to a (new) Pale Moon sync server.
    Update the status bar code: Full-screen HTML5 video will no longer have status pop-ups overlaid.
    Add code to selectively ignore "autocomplete=off" on signon input fields.
    Linux: reduce gstreamer CPU overhead.
    Fix styled HTML buttons to address misaligned button contents (wrong baseline), e.g. gmail account chooser.
    Fix an old IonMonkey bug resulting in incorrect math results in some cases.
    Improve the performance of editor initialization.
    Update the Pale Moon icon for better display on lower color depths.
    Media: use a simpler way to discard superfluous audio packets.

Security fixes:

    Bug #994907 - imgDecoderObserver does reference counting on different threads, so should be using thread safe reference counting.
    Bug #992274 - Tweak an edge case in line number handling.
    Bug #995603 - Ensure mouse-enter/exit events are sent to plugins as appropriate.
    Bug #1005552 - Stop binding marquee event handlers + misc related fixes.
    Bug #1000185 - Fix several issues with SMIL.
    Bug #978811 - Fix isFakeExitFrame to return true for entry frames.
    Bug #996715 - IonMonkey: Remove the code that bails when determining if the second instruction in a chunk is a branch.
    Bug #967354 - Fix incorrect usage of UpdateWebGLErrorAndClearGLError();

In addition, Pale Moon also has a public Git repository now:

Titel: FlashCookiesView v1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2014, 15:00
FlashCookiesView is a small utility that displays the list of cookie files created by Flash component (Local Shared Object) in your Web browser. For each cookie file, the lower pane of FlashCookiesView displays the content of the file in readable format or as Hex dump.


Whats new: >>

Added option to remember that folder you choose in the 'Select Folder' window.

Titel: Pale Moon 24.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2014, 11:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Release Notes

A quick point release update mainly to address startup crashes.


Update to address startup crashes if users previously changed the setting for Azure for Content
Update for texture handling to restore GDI compatibility (should fix some graphics glitches)
Fix to handle invalid PDF plugin overlay state
Misc. additional security fixes ported over from Firefox (bug #s 991981, 995679, 999651, 1009952, 1011007)

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2014, 12:32
Whats new: >>

Fixed Bugs:
[Main Frame]:
Certain Toolbar icons display anomaly in some situation
[Webkit Core]:
Enhanced core stability

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2014, 09:07
Build 100

1. update language files.

Titel: CyberDragon 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2014, 12:25
CyberDragon Browser is an privacy oriented browser that tries to prevent tracking by 3rd parties like ad sites, web analytics sites and other trackers.It includes a versatile tracker blocker which can block over 6000 various trackers from following your daily surfing habits.
The program allows you to tightly control the cookies that are allowed on your system by creating custom rules. It you need to use proxies, the program can provide access to multiple servers with minimum effort.

CyberDragon has:

- Tracker blocker. It will block over 6000 various trackers from following your daily surfing habits. Also optional tracker blocker file that list over 30 000 trackers is provided.
- Very strict, zero-tolerance cookie control. By default, only session cookies that have Secure and HttpOnly cookie attributes set are allowed. Also, all 3rd party cookies are blocked by default. These settings can be overrided by site, either blocking or allowing specific cookies, allowing very fine grained cookie control.
- Ability to Spoof Google PREF cookies if needed
- Does not store cookies to hard drive, ever.
- Proxy fetcher. Will allow you to fetch high-anonymous proxies that you can use to hide you IP-address with just 2-clicks (one click to fetch proxies and second click to select proxy from the list). Also proxy checker that list working proxies, their latency, country, SSL support and anonymity level is included.
- Supports SOCKS5 proxies. Can be used with Tor


Titel: Slimjet 1.0.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 13:20
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

- Migrated to Chromium m35 code base
- Added option to open all popups in new tab instead
- Added option to show toolbar buttons on the right side of the omnibox
- All toolbar buttons include back/forward/reload are now customizable

Titel: Pale Moon 24.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 21:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    Automate rendering back-end selection and use cairo as appropriate.
    This should fix start-up problems on all types of graphics cards regardless of vendor.
    Fix font subpixel rendering in menus when on cairo backend (D2D off)
    Cairo: Prevent falling back to padding when not strictly needed.
    Performance regression fix if D2D isn't used.
    Azure: Use correct device offsets.
    Prevent crashes due to the allocation of source surfaces to errored surfaces
    This prevents some miscellaneous browser crashes occurring with cairo on azure.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2014, 09:13
The First Beta for The New Quick Access:

Website Mosaic
Multiple layouts
Many simple options to add new websites
Easy access
Group view
Various backgrounds

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2014, 12:26
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Update Turkish language file.
Fixed bug in form filler.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2014, 18:15
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Add support for search by voice on the new tab page.
Added option to place new tab from an existing tab at the end of all tabs.
Added bookmarks side panel.
Added support for backing up forms to zip file and restoring forms from zip file (Accessible from More->Backup forms/Restore forms from the drop down menu under the QuickFill button).
Added drop down menu from the new tab button (+). Right click on the new tab button to access the menu which shows all the sites defined on the new tab page.
Preliminary support for high-dpi mode.

Titel: Dooble 1.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2014, 20:45
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Register meta types in main().
Added Location Toolbar under View -> Toolbars. Setting is retained.
dcrypt::weakRandomBytes() should return an empty container if provided a negative or zero size parameter. See also item #16.
Full screen mode on OS X is malfunctional. Instead of using QWidget::showFullScreen(), use QWidget::showMaximized(). Pre-Qt 5.3.0 only. Qt 5.3.0 is superb.
Removed SIGKILL handler.
Added QPainter::NonCosmeticDefaultPen as a render hint.
Improved reporting of SSL errors.
Instruct Qt/WebKit to not cache error pages that are generated by Dooble.
Modified the tab bar's style sheet. Removed the add button.
Relaxed definition of dmisc::isGnome(). Please expect window size changes.
Removed the Doc directory.
Removed fusion for OS X and Qt 5.
If enabled, new window processes will now start detached.
Use exec() in dooble.sh, per maandree.
Removed all support of DOOBLE_USE_QGRAPHICSWEBVIEW. This feature was introduced in version 1.30 to cope with Flash on Linux.
Corrected spelling in dcrypt::weekRandomBytes(). Must be weakRandomBytes().
Do not iterate through history items when deleting the entire history.
Removed 32-bit support from OS X. Dooble has very little usage on OS X.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.3.0 on OS X and Windows.
Use the fusion style on FreeBSD and Linux. Please see dooble.sh.
Modified the reset process so that it removes all user items. User recommended.
Delete QBuffer objects when the network cache is cleared.
Dooble fails to set the variable s_homePath if the current working directory is not readable and is not writable. This error is restricted to Windows. Corrected.
The OS X build is optimized for performance instead of size.
Prevent division by zero in ddownloadwindowitem::updateProgress() and dtabbar::tabSizeHint().
Removed support for OS X 10.6. The minimum supported version is now 10.7. Use the clang compiler on OS X and Qt 5.x.
Ability to use native file dialogs or not. Please see the Windows section of the Settings window. Also set the QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog option whenever a file dialog is created.
Removed odd QMdiSubWindow object from the Desktop. This object does not appear to be required during the background-selection process. Also inspect the fileDialog object in ddesktopwidget::slotBackgroundDialogFinished().
Delete the tableModel and treeModel objects on process exit.
Version 1.44's item #22 causes the full screen mode of OS X on Qt 5.3 to raise a serious exception. Corrected.
Prevent an integer overflow resulting from multiplication during the display of download rates in bits.
Ability to disable encrypted database writes. Please see the Safe panel under the Settings window.
Replaced dsavehistorythread.
Review hash computation failures.
Added hash fields to various databases. This change will greatly improve database access performance as Dooble will not be required to iterate through items. Please export your bookmarks before upgrading. Databases upgraded: all exceptions databases, bookmarks.db, downloads.db, and history.db.
Prevent recursive calls to the signal handler. Exit with the provided signal number.
Added support for the SPDY protocol. Qt 5.3 is required.
Upgraded SQLite to version 3.8.5 on Windows.
Removed s_settingsMutex from the dooble class as this mutex is not used.
Improved thread-safety in the dcookies and dnetworkcache classes.
Corrected lrelease and lupdate project references.
Modified the minimum Web font sizes from 9 to 6.
Disable Web-related context menu items on the Desktop tab.
Upgraded OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.1h on Windows.
Corrected a height error with the URL widget's completer view. Error apparent on Windows only.
Removed stylesheets from the passphrase dialog.
Corrected clearing of history items. One of the URL widget's private containers is not emptied during the cleaning process. Because of this, the completion mechanism fails to discover history items that have been added after the history has been cleared if those items exist in the private container.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2014, 11:29
Latest Changes

Fixed crash when attempting to install ad blocker plugin.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2014, 13:40
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

Fixed memory leak. New core algorithm

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2014, 09:17
Whats new:>>

[Fix]Image isn't saved correctly under chrome engine
[Fix]Unable to change the rendering engine of the sites which have been assigned with firefox engine to IE engine via address bar
[Fix]Exported bookmarks have mess code
[Fix]Some video unable to play under IE engine
[Fix]Wrong zoom size under firefox engine
[Fix]Back shortcut back two page at a time
[Fix]Some pages diaplay incorrectly under chrome engine

Titel: Avant Browser 2014 Build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2014, 09:18
Whats new:>>

[Fix]Autofills causes freezing/crash
[Fix]Firefox UserAgent Error

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.15.40628
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2014, 10:20
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Scene Manager includes Archive Scene, Load Scene, Import Scene and Export Scene;

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2014, 13:43
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Added option "Start up in incognito mode" in settings->privacy
Added menu item "Close all tabs from this domain" to tab context menu.
Added "Delete" to context menu of matched forms in the suggestion list of omnibox to quickly delete a form file.
Improved QuickFill form filler to work with more web sites.
Added "check all" button to select all matched items when searching history.
Added support for tiling tabs in metro mode.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2014, 18:30
Whats new: >>


Main Frame:

Optimized Toolbar. You can add plug-in toolbar ICONS

Webkit Core:

Unable to exit screenshot by pressing ESC
An anomaly occurs when searching in the page with backspace sometimes

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 102
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2014, 05:00
Build 102

1. Updated compatibility view site list.

Build 101

1. Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2014, 09:06
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

New features:

Out-process Gecko Engine
Out-process WebKit Engine


Updated the Gecko engine version to 24.6 ( ESR version )
Updated the WebKit engine rivision to 136242
Added Windows 8.1 support
Changed the compiler version from vc9 to vc10

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2014, 13:21
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Whats new: >>

Added classification to plugins, add-ons and extensions.
Updated translations.
Other minor changes.

Titel: Anvi Browser Repair Tool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2014, 19:20
Repair your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox with this one-click solution.


Internet Explorer

Remove BHO, clear history and cookies, repair home page and search engine, fix IE issues, etc.

Google Chrome

Clear cookies and shortcuts, block malicious links, repair browser data and modified settings, etc.

Mozilla Firefox

Clean browser caches and download history, fix flash crash problems, set browser home page and search engine, etc.


Titel: AdFender 1.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2014, 18:45
AdFender s a reliable and useful software that provides you with the right tools to speed up the web browsing and protect your online privacy. Furthermore, AdFender works with several browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari, so you can enjoy its functionality regardless of the product you use.

In addition to these, AdFender also supports Avant, Chromium, Comodo Dragon, Epic, Flock, K-Meleon, Lunascape, Maxthon, Pale Moon, QTWeb, RockMelt and SRWare Iron.


Whats new: >>

Updated filter engine
Malware domains filter list enabled by default
Fixed issue with filter list(s) update
Fixed crash when enumerating Internet Explorer browsing history
Fixed race condition that caused high CPU usage
Added support for filtering XMLHttpRequest
Added support for Cyberfox, SlimBrowser and SeaMonkey
Fixed issue with custom element hiding rules not working
Other minor bug fixes

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2014, 19:20
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2014, 09:20
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Update language files
Improved QuickFill form filler compatibility
Added tab context menu "Convert to App Window"

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 05:10
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the shift key.

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.8 Build 71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 20:15
Mit SpeedyFox wird die Profildatei defragmentiert, wodurch das Start des Programms beschleunigt wird.

Einzelne Profilordner können abgewählt werden und dann reicht ein Klick auf "Optimize" und SpeedyFox startet. Unterstützt wird Firefox, Skype, Google Chrome und Thunderbird.


Whats new: >>

New 'all' command line switch to optimize all profiles of selected program. SQLite engine updated to 3.8.5 version. Minor improvements

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2014, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Improved form filler compatibility with some sites.
Added capability to delete a matched from address bar suggestion list.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2014, 09:30
Latest Changes

Update language files.
Added support for pepper flash.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2014, 14:10
Whats new: >>

Fixed Bugs:

[Main Frame]:

Fix the search engine switching problem

[Webkit Core]:

Update Flash plugin,solve Flash hole - See more at: http://forum.maxthon.com/thread-12174-1-1.html#sthash.AdU4fGwJ.dpuf

Titel: Slimjet 1.0.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2014, 18:49
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Updated pepper flash to
Fixed translation issues of some UI text
Updated Polish language file

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2014, 13:50
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug in the dialog scripts for backup, restore, and reset of user settings
Fixed a bug that prevented Lunascape Design Skins from being downloaded and applied in Gecko
Fixed a bug that prevented some Windows8.1 users from being able to properly upgrade Lunsacape
Fixed a bug that caused magnification scale to return to original settings when performing some operations, such as switching tab, after magnification scale was changed in Gecko

Titel: Pale Moon 24.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2014, 17:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>

Release Notes


Fixed some performance issues with the new rendering engine on Windows. Rendering should be faster for all objects on hardware-accelerated layers now.
Font rendering on Direct2D will no longer fall back to greyscale in some situations, preserving ClearType.
CSS outlines will now properly outline the object, and not the overflow area (e.g. box shadow).
The delay for hiding the default status has been increased from 10 to 30 seconds to keep it on screen sufficiently long but not permanently.
Queries for "can play type" on WebM videos now get an HTML5-compliant response ("maybe" instead of "yes" as per the specification when a codec is not included in the request).
Pale Moon's gecko rendering engine and Firefox compatibility version now properly follows the minor version of Pale Moon again instead of always returning .0 - this should help UA sniffing websites to more easily detect Pale Moon or adapt to further-developed gecko 24 versions.
When using dark/black personas (lightweight themes), the tab close buttons would be almost invisible. They have been lightened a little to make them clearer.
Linux: the click behavior on the address bar has been unified with that on Windows, aiming for current-day desktop-clipboard use (select-when-clicked). This is configurable with a preference.
"In-content" preferences (preferences displayed in a tab instead of the normal dialog box) has been removed because of redundancy and incompleteness.
Checking for updates from the about box now always puts the user in control and never downloads anything directly from the about box. It will pop up the larger update window when an update is found.
Google SafeBrowsing, which is defunct, has been removed from the browser. privacy fix
Made the building of the Web Developer tools optional when compiling Pale Moon through --disable-devtools.
The Atom-optimized version no longer ships with the Web Developer tools to slim down the browser for limited platforms where these tools are considered generally unneeded.
Fixed domain highlighting in the address bar. It should no longer randomly lose this formatting when switching tabs or otherwise updating the browser UI.
Fixed missing click-to-play overlay on some zoom levels for plugins embedded in an iframe.
Fixed large delays in print enumeration on Windows, especially when printing to file: ports.
Updated the list of known domain suffixes.
Updated site-specific user-agent strings to prevent incorrect complaints from websites (google.com, aol.com, etc.) that use poor detection scripts.
Added granular referer control. See the release announcement on the forum for more details on how to use this.
Added gr locale to the status bar options.
Disabled HQ image downscaling. This is a workaround for the broken Mozilla HQ downscaling back-end causing constant invalidations and redrawing if 2 downscaled images with the same source were in view.
Updated the NSS library to 3.16.2 RTM to address a few critical SSL issues. security fix
There was a possibility to lose the source frame for raster images if images had to be discarded in low-memory situations. This has been fixed. security fix
Made refcounting logic around PostTimerEvent more explicit. security fix
Prevented an invalid pointer state in docloader. security fix
Added proper refcounting of font faces. security fix
Android: lots of branding updates to make it more release-ready.
Android: explicitly set the Pale Moon Sync server in preferences.
Android: IonMonkey (ARM): guarded against branches being out of range and bail out if so. security fix
Android: enabled Firefox compatibility mode on Android to allow the installation of extensions from AMO.
Android: added a "Quit" option to the app menu to properly immediately close the browser.
Android: IonMonkey (ARM): prevented a performance issue due to clobbering the primary scratch register.
Android: enabled mobile-specific optimizations to increase performance on mobile devices.
Android: enabled AES-128 and AES-256 in addition to RC4 for Sync.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2014, 18:00
New Features:

Block by Click
Website Mosaic Internal Sorting
Quick Access Apps Add feature UI


Improved Night mode
Optimized Quick Access performance

Fixed bugs:

Main Frame - In some cases, Skynote can not open

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2014, 13:49
Latest Changes

Migrated to Chromium 36.
Added support for scrolling tabs with mouse wheel.
Added option to disable desktop notification (the white bell icon in the system tray) under Privacy section of settings page. You can also right click on the bell icon in the system tray and select "Disable desktop notification" from the menu to quickly get rid of the icon if you find it annoying.
Added option to force flash player (instead of html5) on youtube ( Why? )
Updated PDF plugin to support full text search inside PDF.

Titel: Pale Moon 24.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2014, 20:01
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


    Fixed a text rendering issue with the new back-end on overdraw layers when hardware acceleration is in use on Windows. This may also solve some additional small issues in the user interface that weren't present before 24.7.0.
    Fixed the use of Google Maps.
    If you previously used the workaround in 24.7, then please remove the user-set preference (right-click -> reset).

Titel: K-Meleon 74 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2014, 14:10
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fixed freeze when resizing browser.
Fixed shutdown (sometimes it could silently crash)
Added restore_on_demand for sessions
Fixed search engines and gestures action in preferences
Fixed icon cache when the icon is not on the same domain.
Fixed crash that could be caused by plugin
Fixed skin.js not used
Fixed grayed selection, impossible to copy/scroll
Fixed tab order with session
Fixed random crash at startup
Fixed crash with flash
Fixed various locale bugs
Fixed copy image and some other minor issues
Fixed default language set by installer

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 104
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2014, 05:20
Build 104

1. Fixed bug with youtube video downloader and improved video conversion speed.
2. Revised the design of the new tab page:
I. the small buttons are only visible when you hover the mouse on the big site buttons.
II. added support for tile option for background image.
III. Make the site buttons semi-transparent when a background image is applied.
3. Improved identity-based form filler.
4. Close all tabs when closing SlimBrowser to tray.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2014, 13:33
Whats new: >>


* In some cases  Skynote process cannot exit
* Anomalies that occurred when using Backspace in "Find"  function
* Developer Tools Cookie View display issues
* Adjusting Zoom level to 20% would still zoom out and make the Core take up a lot of CPU
* Developer Tools Cloud Push does not support Multilanguage.

Titel: FBCacheView v1.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2014, 20:03
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2014, 21:11
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

    added system health scanner;
    improved handling of Chrome, Firefox and IE plugins;
    fixed all known bugs;
    enhanced browser cache cleanup feature.

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2014, 21:50
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now automatically reads the cache of all profiles of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers.
VideoCacheView now automatically detects the cache of Chrome Canary and SeaMonkey Web browsers.
VideoCacheView now automatically reads the 'Media Cache' folder of Chrome Web browsers.
VideoCacheView now automatically reads the temporary files stored under mozilla-temp-files folder.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2014, 13:42
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Added option to support auto-hiding the bookmarks bar
Added menu "Get more extensions" under "Tools" menu
Updated pepper flash to
Fixed the display of about:memory page
Added option to disable confirmation page when opening a large number of bookmarks at the same time
Fixed bug with video conversion after downloading youtube video

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2014, 14:30
Whats new: >>

# Updates:

* Optimized Sidebar Search efficiency
* Optimized Quick Access performance

# Fixed bugs:

* Crashing problems that occured when restoring trash items
* Quick access might reset User's data

Titel: Sundance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2014, 20:45
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2014, 05:42
Build 105

1. Update language files.

Titel: Torch Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2014, 20:40
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

- Torch Torrent Streaming - Start playing your file in the new Torch Player even before it's completely downloaded
- Torch now uses a new Chromium engine
- Torch Games - Have tons of fun. Here you can play hundreds of online games
- Torch Audio Extractor feature - added to Media Grabber
- Torch Music Control Bubble
- Integrated settings for the Drag & Drop feature
- Full compatibility with video sites and extensions
- Download accelerator
- Hola for Torch - Forget VPNs! Access sites blocked in your country for Free.
- NEW! Torch FaceLift - Design your own Facebook skin! Login to your Facebook account and try it!
- Performance improvements and torrent bug fixes

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2014, 14:00
Whats new: >>


[Main Frame]
*Optimized  Crash message 

Fixed Bugs:

[Webkit Core]
* Fixed Some core crashes


MD5: a33759feab38f7439e93664a775e429a

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2014, 14:20
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Update language files.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2014, 09:13

Latest Changes

Updated Polish language file
Added option "Show url at left-bottom corner when hovering mouse on a link" in "Misc" section of the settings page.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2014, 21:40
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

improved internal libraries;
fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2014, 13:36
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>


Titel: K-Meleon 74 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2014, 19:20
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fixed: crash after moving a bookmark in an empty folder
Fixed: corrupted title in bookmarks editor
Fixed: crash when closing xul dialog
Fixed: mismatched favicon after force reload.
Fixed: readme.html
Added: spanish locale.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2014, 05:30
Build 106

1. Update language files.
2. Added option to automatically optimize memory usage in "Tools:options:advanced".

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2014, 13:53
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added support for the new cache structure of Firefox 32.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.16.40901
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2014, 05:10
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Update to .NET 4.0;
View Office Word .docx with no Office Word installation;
Websites Shortcut;
Search button;
Improved publish and license control;

Titel: Pale Moon 24.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2014, 18:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


What's new: >>


Use (i) icon for error console informational messages instead of (?)
Properly derive and insert the host of a URL security fix
Avoid negative audio ratios. security fix
Release XPCOM timer immediately after firing to prevent a race condition.
Add is-object check to IonBuilder::makeCallHelper. security fix

Titel: Maxthon v4.4.2.2000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2014, 19:00
New features:

    Added "Hide Quick Access page" option.


    Adjusted Quick access search widget News gathering mechanism.

Fixed bugs:

    Cloud push window displays a half when receiving cloud pushed message from phone to PC.
    Using the keyboard to switch search engine in search box is not effective.
    Fixed some Quick Access Data Loss Problems.

Titel: Dooble 1.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2014, 12:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Optional Speedy support. Please see the Security panel in Settings. Disabled by default.
Qt upgraded to version 5.3.1 on Linux 64-bit, OS X, and Windows.
Version 1.48's item #22 causes severe issues if a page is loading while the cache is being cleared. Corrected.
Replaced optimization Os with O3 in dooble.pro.
Newly-opened tabs may lack proper URLs for reload purposes. Use the provided URLs as a solution.
Ability to access tabs via the Alt + Key 0 through Alt + Key 9 key sequences.
Per user request. If Dooble encounters an HTTP status code of 400, 401, ..., 599, it will display the contents of the page that generated the error if instructed to do so. Otherwise, Dooble will display its custom error page if a critical error occurred. Please see the WebKit section of the Settings page.
Changed dnetworkaccessmanager::slotFinished(): increased timer's timeout to 60 seconds. The intent of the timer is to delay deletion of the provided network reply object.
Removed Vidalia as it has been abandoned by the Tor network.
Use GCRY_MD_FLAG_SECURE in gcry_md_open().
Removed sha224, sha256, sha384 from the list of supported hashes. Added whirlpool.
Support only ciphers having key sizes of 256 bits.
Implemented QNetworkCookieJar methods for Qt 5.x.
Per user request, allow finer control of cookies. Please see the Cookies Exceptions window.
Corrected default value in usage of settingsWindow/thirdPartyCookiesPolicy.
Deleting QBuffer objects in dnetworkcache::remove() causes problems. Corrected.
Added CSS/error-pages.css. Thanks to zodern.
Per request, Web inspectors.
Added updated Basque translation. Thanks to Xabier Aramendi.
Per request, ability to disable proxies for specified addresses.
Ability to disable private browsing in support of protonmail.ch. Please note that Dooble maintains its own favicon and history databases. Please see the Settings window's Security panel. Option may also be modified via a tab's context menu.
Corrected propagation of a tab's context menu's Web Plugins setting.
Per request, printing from a terminal. Only HTTP(S) schemes are supported. Please note that all user settings are ignored. Please also note that PDF documents are generated for successful loads only. (Dooble --print-url www.nasa.gov --print-url www.weather.gov) If at least one correct occurrence of this option is discovered, Dooble will process it and then terminate.
The argument option url has been renamed to load-url.
Updated OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.1i on Windows.
Updated SQLite to version 3.8.6 on Windows.
Verify argv[] after incrementing the iterator.


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 107
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2014, 13:45
Build 107

1. Fixed link to China Adblock list update url.
2. Fixed tab closing drawing flicker under Windows 7 basic theme.
3. Restored shopping assistant feature.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2014, 09:15

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


Improved UI of Cabinet
Added "SmartSearch"
Added shortcut key: to show cabinet, press alt key twice
Improved launching performance
Added Customize | Tool bar | Page search bar
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/36.0.1985.143)

Fixed issues:

Fixed an issue that confirm dialog was not shown when protected tabs were going to be closed
Fixed the chevron in bookmark bar
Fixed an issue that some pages became blank when you open multiple pages from clipboard

Titel: Slimjet v1.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2014, 21:50
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Latest Changes

Migrated to Chromium 37.
Added support for DirectWrite.
Added option to automatically optimize memory usage under Misc section of settings page.
Added "Bookmark this page" and "Bookmark this link" to context menu within the web page.
Added "Reopen closed tab" as an available toolbar button.
Added option to change cache folder and set cache under cache options of settings page.
Added option to hide the close button on the tabs.
Bug fix: page opened in wrong tab when bookmarks bar is in auto-hide mode.
Fix a bug with tab activation settings.

Titel: Slimjet v1.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2014, 06:30
Latest Changes

Bug fix: Fixed crash when memory optimization option is turned on.
Bug fix: User agent string not updated properly.
Update some language files.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2014, 15:15
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new cache structure of Firefox 32.

Titel: FBCacheView 1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2014, 15:45
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new cache structure of Firefox 32.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2014, 17:30
New Features:

Maxthon features guidence
Tool bar Little Red Dot notification


Optimized Quick access resources


Unable to log into iCloud

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2014, 17:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Save Configuration To File' and 'Load Configuration From File' options.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2014, 19:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


Version 1.8.0
* released 25 September 2014
* added support for window.beforeunload event
* added support for external.AddSearchProvider js function
* added undo/redo actions to context menu in forms
* added new theme Breathe
* added new commandline option to toggle fullscreen
* added new commandline option to enable portable mode
* added new context menu action to open links in private window
* added new smooth and fully transparent loading animation
* added option to disable weak ciphers in SSL Manager
* added support for shadow builds with Qt Creator
* completely rewritten bookmarks (including multi-level folders support)
* location bar completer is now running in separate thread
* menus are not closed when opening links with middle mouse button
* ctrl+w shortcut no longer closes pinned tab
* pinned tabs are now restored everytime, not only when restoring session
* enable sending DoNotTrack header by default
* full support for search engines that use POST method
* Oxygen icon theme is now default fallback icon theme
* Qt translations are now loaded from system directories where available
* correctly load one-word hosts (eg. localhost or anything other in /etc/hosts)
* search engines manager can now be opened from preferences
* various tweaks in SpeedDial theme including lower minimal size for dials
* various tweaks in Linux theme including support for big fonts in location bar
* various fixes for Qt5 including bugs in tab bar
* various fixes for RTL languages including rendering of location bar completer
* AdBlock: support for exception css rules
* AdBlock: improved performance of loading rules
* MouseGestures: option to set mouse button for gestures
* MouseGestures: support for rocker navigation to go back/forward in history
* GreaseMonkey: correctly load scripts in frames
* GreaseMonkey: fix rare issue that userscripts won't load on some sites
* KWalletPasswords: support for KF5 KWallet
* windows: load font.ttf (from current dir, if exists) and set it as default app font


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2014, 06:00
Latest Changes

- Updated language files
- Updated flash player version to
- Added menu "Save as PDF" to save a web page as pdf file quickly

Titel: K-Meleon 74.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2014, 21:30
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

see here : http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/forum/read.php?8,129657

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2014, 17:30
Avant Browser 2015 build 2, Released 9.29.2014

    [Update]Chrome: 37.0.2062.124
    [Update]Firefox: 32.0.3
    [Fix]Cannot zoom webpage under chrome engine
    [Fix]A problem that may cause firefox engine crash
    [Fix]"Open in the other split side"option loses effect
    [Fix]The problem of putting tab bar on bottom when task bar is on top
    [Fix]Using win+space to switch the input method cause focus lost
    [Fix]URL changes when openning a blank tab under chrome engine
    [Fix]My yahoo page doesn't open under IE11 engine
    [Fix]Certain webpage doesn't display correctly under IE11 engine

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2014, 17:30
Latest Changes

- Performance optimization
- Reduced size of installation package
- Added button on the caption bar to change themes quickly
- Added option "Don't show floating url in fullscreen mode" in misc section of the settings page

Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2014, 07:30
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new cache structure of Firefox 32.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2014, 20:45
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


* reverted setting DNT header by default
* fixed: autofill not working for some frames
* fixed: saving speed dial in case of crash
+ * fixed: open file in download option on windows
+ * fixed: Internet Explorer bookmarks importer
* fixed: building on Mac


Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2014, 12:20
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


Handled the problem of freezing on some sites if you were using Trident
Upgraded Gecko to version ver24.7(ESR).
Upgraded the compiler version from VC10 to VC12.

Bug Fix:

Fixed a bug that caused part of [[[Gecko]]]'s screen size not to be shown in multi-display environments.
Fixed a bug that caused part of the favorites list to be hidden even if you scrolled down.
Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary files to be left behind when uninstalling.
Fixed a bug that prevented a proper upgrade when a portable install was performed on Windows8.1.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2014, 12:23
Second bugfix version is now available.

    updated translations
    use bigger default font sizes
    fixed: profile version check when updating from 1.8.0
    fixed: crash on startup on Mac
    fixed: crash when opening menu on Mac when there is no browser window

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2014, 19:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now automatically locates the temporary pepper flash folders of all Chrome and Chrome Canary profiles.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2014, 06:15
Build 108

1. Fixed bug with "Scan with virustotal" in context menu.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2014, 21:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


    Change of the browser's GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) to properly differentiate from Firefox.
    The new GUID is {8de7fcbb-c55c-4fbe-bfc5-fc555c87dbc4}.
    Allow extensions with both Pale Moon GUID and Firefox GUID to be installed natively (dual-ID system).
    Pale Moon GUID blocks will have preference over Firefox (compatibility) blocks.
    Disconnect of Pale Moon's "Firefox compatibility" version from Pale Moon's application version to maintain Firefox 24.* extension compatibility regardless of Pale Moon version.
    Disable Firefox Compatibility mode by default.
    This means Pale Moon will no longer have a Firefox/xx.xx indicator in its UserAgent string.
    This may impact some websites that check browsers by UserAgent and possibly warn, complain or block you. You should contact the site's owners and request support for Pale Moon. Pale Moon will allow you to override the UserAgent on a per-site basis if you absolutely must visit the site and they absolutely won't cater to your freedom of browser choice.
    Use the alternative sync implementation on a new server.
    Current Pale Moon sync accounts cannot be ported over, so you will have to create a new account when updating to v25.
    The previous server implementation has already been shut down due to continued issues, and will be retired on the very short term to free up infrastructure and reduce expenses. The alternative sync implementation is Sync 1.1 compatible, like before.
    Stop building the WebApp runtime by default.
    The use of "Web Applications" started from the command-line is such a niche feature that it has no business being in Pale Moon's main-line builds.
    If you need the WebApp runtime for your specific organization and want to use Pale Moon, you can build Pale Moon from source with the feature enabled.
    Stop supporting Windows XP. As mentioned a few times before, Pale Moon's support for Windows XP (and any other NT 5.x based operating system) has now ended. An exception to this is the specialized Atom build because of limited operating system availability on netbooks and the like. More details on the dedicated page for this change.
    By default, do not sync add-ons.
    Syncing between different devices will likely not want you to sync the add-ons in use. There's a reason you're using different devices, after all.
    Un-prefix CSS box-sizing.
    You can now use box-sizing:border-box, box-sizing:padding-box and box-sizing:content-box to switch box-sizing mode on elements using CSS.
    Implement image-orientation in CSS.
    You can now use image-orientation: {angle} [flip] in CSS to rotate images in 90 degree steps and optionally flip them.
    Improve bookmark menu item-dragging.
    Dragging bookmarks in the bookmarks menu is now more convenient (allow diagonal dragging, prevent tooltips from interfering, etc.).
    (Fixes bugs 225434, 419911 and 555474)
    Move the option to "use the classic downloads window" from status bar preferences to the main options window.
    This way, it's easier for people to find and it's in a much more logical place. The classic downloads window will not go away any time soon in Pale Moon.
    Update branding images for official/unofficial logo, and some about: pages.
    Add a new type of "blank new tab" page with logo-styling.
    This logo page will be the default setting (instead of about:blank).
    Add Opus audio to WebM.
    Add VP9 codec to WebM on both desktop and Android/ARM.
    Allow absolute-in-relative positioning in table and CSS table-cell elements.
    Allow the user to override the use of accessibility colors in the browser with browser.display.ignore_accessibility_theme
    Improve the display of tabs when lightweight themes (personas) are in use for both light and dark themes.
    Enable cache compression by default to more efficiently use disk cache.
    When shutting down the browser while you still have downloads in progress, Pale Moon will now by default warn you that the downloads will be cancelled.
    Added language packs for Acholi, Assamese, Kashubian, Pulaar Fulfulde, Armenian, Khmer, Ligure, Mongolian, and Swahili.

Bug/regression fixes:

    Prevent error in removeobserver() for the padlock code when closing a window
    Hang fix: Release XPCOM timer immediately after firing to prevent a race condition. (CVE-2014-1553)
    Android & any ARM processor: Always use integers for audio instead of floats.
    Properly apply the use of high contrast themes on Windows 8/8.1
    Prevent the accumulation of hidden about:blank windows in some situations.
    Android: prevent deadlocks due to invalidations when using plugins (Flash)
    Re-enable high-quality downscaling of particularly large images (selective HQ downscaling) and improve fast image scaling method (use Lanczos instead of Hamming)
    Hang/DoS fix: Avoid uninterruptable infinite loops in IonMonkey in some situations. (CVE-2014-1548)
    Android: improve the handling of zooming to input fields

Security fixes:

    Properly derive/insert the host of a URL
    Avoid negative audio ratios (can lead to crashes) (CVE-2014-1565)
    Avoid some root hazards in the style parser
    Add is-object check to IonBuilder::makeCallHelper (CVE-2014-1562)
    Clear the jumplist icon cache when history is cleared (privacy fix)
    Crash fix on Windows (JS JIT) (CVE-2014-1554)
    Prevent buffer overrun in text directionality component (CVE-2014-1567)
    Update NSS to (CVE-2014-1568)


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2014, 12:22
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Update language files
Update adblock filter list url

Titel: Torch Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2014, 15:30
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

* Torch Torrent Streaming - Start playing your file in the new Torch Player even before it's completely downloaded
* Torch now uses a new Chromium engine
* Torch Games - Have tons of fun. Here you can play hundreds of online games
* Torch Audio Extractor feature - added to Media Grabber
* Torch Music Control Bubble
* Integrated settings for the Drag & Drop feature
* Full compatibility with video sites and extensions
* Download accelerator
* Hola for Torch - Forget VPNs! Access sites blocked in your country for Free.
* NEW! Torch FaceLift - Design your own Facebook skin! Login to your Facebook account and try it!
* Performance improvements and torrent bug fixes

Titel: Pale Moon 25.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2014, 16:30
Release Notes

This is a small update to address an important Jetpack extension compatibility issue and includes a number of security fixes.

    Update of the add-on SDK to add missing "Pale Moon" engine entries to lists. This should fix extension compatibility issues for jetpack extensions that otherwise already work with the new GUID.
    About box release notes link corrected
    Fix for VP9 decoder vulnerability security fix
    Fix for direct access to raw connection sockets in http security fix
    Fix for unsafe conversion to JSON of data through the alarm dom element security fix
    Update of NSS to security fix


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.109
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2014, 05:21
Build 109

1. Added support for duckduckgo search engine

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2014, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Add support for DuckDuckGo search engine

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2014, 06:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


    fixed: crash when passing messages to running instance
    fixed: keyboard text navigation in some custom html code editors
    fixed: string for filter third party cookies + changed default to allow
    fixed: coloring CSS exception rules in AdBlock subscription tree
    fixed: auto-loading saved plugins on startup in portable mode
    fixed: text edit shortcuts not working with non-latin keyboard layout
    fixed: building on Linux with Qt 4.7
    fixed: crash when unloading AutoScroll plugin on Windows


Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2014, 12:22
Avant Browser 2015 build 5, Released 10.20.2014

    [Update]Chrome: 38.0.2125.104
    [Fix]Chrome Engine can't start on some PCs

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2014, 18:45
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.



- CRITICAL SECURITY UPDATE: Set default SSL minimum to TLS 1.0 as a response to the Poodle bites exploit of SSL 3.0
- Privacy protection enhancements (Privacy section)
- Added option to hide the special avatar button in incognito mode to make incognito mode less conspicuous
- Added a series of anti-tracking options
- Block cross-domain HTTP referrer
- Block social network javascript on third-party websites
- Block Google ads on third-party websites
- Replace indirect link in search engine results with direct link to original site
- Updated flash player to
- Added option to close tab by right click (Tab options section)
- Added option to support "drag & drop text to search" for selected text in the current search engine (Misc section)
- Added option to control whether to create new browser window when clicking on program shortcut (Misc section)
- Added toolbar button to search for keywords within the current site using Google site search
- Improved loading speed of New Tab page
- Added a "List of tabs" button when the tab bar is full of tabs. You can click this button to get a drop down list showing the full title of all the tabs
- Bug fix: Hiding status message in full screen mode
- Bug fix: remember save path when saving screenshot images
- Bug fix: bookmark side panel lost after resizing the width to zero
- Bug fix: Opening from bookmark side panel should follow tab creation option


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2014, 22:00
New Features:

Screenshot feature guidance
Hints to some features in Settings page
Importing bookmarks from file/Folder supports create New Folder/ Clear Bookmarks


Optimized Quick access resources


Cloud push- to share with friends can not identify phone number 170
Unable to delete more than 20 set Homepages

Titel: Pale Moon 25.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2014, 14:15
Release Notes


Added a "Firefox compatibility mode" selection in Options -> Advanced.
This mode is enabled by default (reluctantly so), because too many websites (including some very big players who, themselves, promote an Open Web...) still use very poor browser detection methods based on arbitrary User Agent string comparisons, not catering to alternative browsers, and the resulting user experience being poor (being presented with mobile site layouts, broken pages, or even being flat-out refused service because someone exercises freedom of choice for web browser used). This should alleviate most, if not all, issues with browser-discriminating websites.
Improved active tab display on particularly dark personas.
People using "black" personas/lightweight themes should now have a lot less difficulty distinguishing the active tab.
Disabled SSL 3.0 by default (to put a muzzle on the POODLE).
Please note that this may cause issues with some poorly configured web servers (usually ones with a hopelessly broken security setup that do not support TLS 1.2 or secure (re)negotiation of the protocol).
Fixed add-on update issue (that was preventing update checking through addons.palemoon.org).
Fixed the redundant redundancy in asking redundantly if the browser would be allowed to ask to install an extension when not on addons.mozilla.org.
Fixed the internal UA-sniffing insanity that broke devtools in a few different and colorful ways.


Titel: MozillaCookiesView 1.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2014, 18:00
MozillaCookiesView is an alternative to the standard cookie manager provided by Netscape and Mozilla browsers. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file (cookies.txt) in one table, and allows you to save the cookies list into text, HTML or XML file, delete unwanted cookies, and backup/restore the cookies file.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings.
Fixed a crash problem occurred in some systems.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2014, 16:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it's not located in the primary monitor.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2014, 12:25

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


Optimized design of SmartSearch
Added icons of folder in bookmark bar
Added configuration of bookmark folder color
Added print preview
Added Customize | Rendering | Blink standard settings | Use SSL 3.0
Changed selected area when you double-click text on Blink engine.
Added menu item "Go to ..." in right click menu on Blink engine.
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/38.0.2125.104)
Updated FenrirFS (FenrirFS/2.4.8)

Fixed issues:

Fixed the issue that highlight bar had tabs which are not FavTab.
Fixed the issue that search button might not appear in page search bar.
Fixed some minor issues.

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2014, 13:37
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Whats new: >>

Improved Mozilla Firefox cache and session cleaning.
Improved registry restore feature.
Fixed General Bugs.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2014, 13:49
Build 110

1.Disable SSL 3.0 Protocol by default to avoid POODLE exploit. The option is located in Tools:Options:Security:Disable SSL 3.0 Protocol. If you have trouble connecting to legacy servers which only support SSL 3.0, you can turn off this option temporarily.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2014, 19:20
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Whats new:>>

Fixed many errors in and completed German language files (Thanks to Wolfgang Hubertus)
Fixed a bug with replacing yahoo search engine result indirect link.
Fixed a bug with dragging text to search.

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.7.1103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2014, 12:13
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

add: auto close blank window after click download link
fix: drag text bug when contains invalid characters
fix: invalid keystroke bug after page opened
fix: invalid mouse click bug after top window opened
fix: mouse drag bug of unicode text
improve: search keyword save rules of address bar
improve: unify download interface of setup and menu

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2014, 05:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

added possibility to build against system QtFtp module
CSS exceptions in AdBlock now works for rules from different subscrictions
fixed: correctly saving some settings in preferences
fixed: preference action on Mac
fixed: loading plugins on Windows

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 build 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2014, 19:40
Avant Browser 2015 build 6, Released 11.05.2014

    [Add][private mode] word on title bar when using private mode
    [Add]Manual sync option of online storage
    [Fix]Disable flash animation option doesn't works under chrome engine
    [Fix]Some images don't display under IE engine

Titel: Maxthon v4.4.3.1000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2014, 09:00
Whats new:>>


    Sometimes switching Languages Spell check is not effective.
    Spell check does not work for some languages.
    Fixed two XSS leaks.
    Webkit core does not support document.load sufficiently.
    Optimized form error notification.
    Optimized the support of download file names with special characters.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.18.41026
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2014, 07:40
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Open all features to free edition;
Support latest VMC;

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2014, 09:15
Whats new: >>


Improved launching performance
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/38.0.2125.111)

Fixed issues:

Fixed the issue that font rendering configurations were not applied properly to some characters
Fixed the issue that the menu item "Close bound tabs" also closed protected tabs
Fixed the issue that Sleipnir might crash when cabinet was closed
Fixed the issue that "Open all" on bookmark folder caused Sleipnir to crash
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Midori 0.5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2014, 13:33
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2014, 21:22
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Browser Profile' column, which displays the folder name of the Web browser profile (For Firefox and Chrome Web browsers).

Titel: Slimjet v2.0.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2014, 13:21
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: Lunascape 6.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2014, 11:00
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


・ Updated the Gecko engine version to 24.8.1

Bug Fix

・Fixed a bug that search words show up as strange characters on Gecko.
・Fixed a bug that some shorcut keys don't work on Gecko.
・Lunascape version is added to a default user agent string of Gecko.
・Fixed a bug that a custom user agent is not reflected on Trident.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2014, 13:40
Whats new:>>


Optimized Address bar


Address bar crash
Some HTML5 Videos playback problems
Support of HTML5 file download

Titel: Pale Moon 25.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2014, 17:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


New feature: multi-line flexbox support.
Pale Moon now supports more advanced multi-line and multi-column flex elements. This will allow websites to use these elements for easier responsive design of web pages and ordering/layout of multiple elements. This has been on Pale Moon's to-do list for a while but was rather complex to tackle, hence the delay in implementation. This should address layout issues on several recently-updated websites (e.g. the MSN home page).
New feature: added support for collapsed flex element items.
Enhanced feature: Content Security Policy (CSP)
Pale Moon now fully supports the CSP 1.0 specification allowing websites to set restrictions on content to prevent XSS (Cross-site scripting) attacks. Previously, the implementation in Pale Moon was partial, and did not support a number of features, resulting in some websites not rendering properly because Pale Moon was being too strict in enforcing the policy. This should address issues on websites enforcing CSP (e.g. the Dropbox web interface and FaceBook galleries).
New feature: added support for iframes with inline content.
Updated the Firefox Compatibility mode version to 31.9.
With the improvements in rendering and overall feature set, the Firefox Compatibility mode (as presented in the UserAgent string) has been bumped to prevent websites from complaining about "using a too old/unsupported version of Firefox" (e.g. Google websites).
Pale Moon no longer builds the so-called "media navigator" by default.
This module provides access to the user's webcam and microphone. Although it can be used for other purposes, in practice this is only used for WebRTC and, in fact, its support (GetUserMedia) is often mistaken for actually supporting WebRTC in a browser (causing errors since Pale Moon does not support WebRTC). No longer including these features reduces input complexity and overhead for a feature not actively used. This also circumvents privacy concerns/confusion like CVE-2014-1586.
Improved tab handling on lightweight themes (personas) some more to enhance contrast on certain themes and to make the tab hover effect slightly more distinct.
Fixed oversized/blocky menu arrows on Windows 8.1 in HiDPI mode.
Fixed incorrect operating system being passed on to addons.mozilla.org.
Fixed an error being thrown in the error console/web console when opening a new window.
Removed the NVidia 3D Vision auxiliary utility library.
This library has been the likely cause for a number of crashes on NVidia cards, and is completely unnecessary for Pale Moon.
Made the installer less aggressive for file type associations, to prevent "stealing" of globally associated file types.
Android: improved restoring of session tabs.
Android: added an option to automatically restore tabs.
An important thing to note with this new option is the following: with the option enabled, Pale Moon will now automatically restore tabs you had open previously when the app gets suspended (pushed out of memory by other apps, closed by swipe, etc.). The "quit" main menu option, however, completely shuts down your session, unloads Pale Moon from active memory, and tabs will not be automatically restored when you launch Pale Moon again. This is by design. To restore tabs in that situation, use the link from the home screen.
Fixed memory security hazards CVE-2014-1574 and CVE-2014-1575 security fix
Fixed CVE-2014-1581. security fix
Fixed bug 1069584: Bail if a cairo surface is in an invalid state. security fix
Made sure to initialize surfaces for draw targets. security fix
Fixed bug 1074280: Use AsContainerLayer() in order to avoid a bad cast. security fix
Fixed several problems in the HTML parser. security fix
Improved security of XHR by filtering out types of requests that can potentially be abused. security fix


Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2014, 15:04
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Added option to disable SSL 3.0 protocol to avoid POODLE attack. SSL 3.0 protocol is disabled by default. If you wish to connect to legacy websites supporting only SSL 3.0, you can turn it on in Tools:options:security.

Titel: FBCacheView v1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2014, 19:23
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: Unicode Byte order mark (FF FE) was added to xml/html files.

Titel: Browser History Spy 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2014, 07:10
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

Major version with support for displaying history from Opera Next, PaleMoon, Comodo Dragon & Flock web browsers. Fixed date/time display problem with Chrome history.

http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php (http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php)
Titel: WebCacheImageInfo v1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2014, 20:00
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: Unicode Byte order mark (FF FE) was added to xml/html files.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2014, 18:00
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: Unicode Byte order mark (FF FE) was added to xml/html files.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2014, 05:50
Build 111

1. Fixed compatibility issue with AOL mail.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2014, 12:15
Whats new:>>


Optimized Magic Fill
Optimized Bookmarks import


Chinese input problem under some circumstances
Support importing data from the New version of Chrome

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2014, 12:17
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Whats new:>>

Added "Open with..." menu to downloaded files on the download shelf so that you can open it with different programs.
Added support for fully customizable mouse gestures. Check "Settings: Mouse Gestures"
Fixed a crash case in bookmark side panel.
Fixed a crash case with QuickFill
Redesigned the color selection dialog in new tab page.

Titel: Dooble 1.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2014, 09:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Upgraded Qt products to version 5.3.2 on OS X and Windows.
Added the printsupport module to Qt 5.x project files.
Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.6.1 on Windows.
Corrected libgcrypt libraries that are included in the OS X bundle.
New installations will observe removed SSLv3 support. Please see the Allowed SSL Ciphers window.
Corrected dsslcipherswindow::populate(). The method did not neglect
obsolete ciphers.
Allow negating of all cipher states in the Allowed SSL Ciphers window.
Upgraded libgcrypt libraries to version 1.6.2 on OS X.
Provide SHA-256 hash computations for downloads. Qt 5.x is required.
Corrected a test cookie issue.
Improved 3rd-party containment.
Implemented support for accepting HTTP-only cookies. Exceptions are provided.
Added PRAGMA secure_delete = ON to many database deletes.
Added the file dooble-blocked-hosts.txt. The file includes hosts that are to be blocked during page loads. The file must reside in the directory that houses the executable.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2014, 12:16
Whats new:>>


Problem with filling in forms under Retro mode
problem with updating program
Quick Access update problem

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2014, 16:45

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Improved double click action on address bar
Adjusted location of extension's popups
Redesigned update dialog
Fixed the issue that 4th and 5th mouse buttons sometimes went wrong
Fixed the issue that disabling JavaScript prevented "ScrollTop" and "ScrollBottom" action
Fixed the filename mojibake issue occurred when you download attached files from Gmail
Fixed the issue that toggling IME caused Sleipnir to crash
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/39.0.2171.71)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Slimjet v2.1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2014, 06:15
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Whats new:>>

Added "Open with..." menu to downloaded files on the download shelf so that you can open it with different programs.
Added support for fully customizable mouse gestures. Check "Settings: Mouse Gestures"
Fixed a crash case in bookmark side panel.
Fixed a crash case with QuickFill
Redesigned the color selection dialog in new tab page.
Bug fix: Open bookmark from bookmark menu didn't follow the option of automatic new tab creation.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2014, 10:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

save geometry of Preferences window
enable HighDPI pixmaps with Qt 5
add option to completely disable SSLv3
fix url for China AdBlock list
fix issue with opening modal dialogs being hidden by active window
fix loading dictionaries in spellcheck
fix behavior of delete key in locationbar
MouseGestures: add new gesture for duplication of current tab
Linux: fix go-icon not available in themes other than oxygen

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2014, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: opening url from omnibox suggestion list didn't follow the option of automatic new tab creation.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2014, 13:30
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Whats new:>>

Fix possible crash when opening the online feedback page.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.18.41220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2014, 23:56
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Fix folder list title flash bug;
Support latest VMC;

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2014, 16:20
Whats new:>>

[Fix]Firefox engine cannot empty cache
[Fix]Chrome engine crashes when open amazon.com

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2014, 07:15
Mit SpeedyFox wird die Profildatei defragmentiert, wodurch das Start des Programms beschleunigt wird.

Einzelne Profilordner können abgewählt werden und dann reicht ein Klick auf "Optimize" und SpeedyFox startet. Unterstützt wird Firefox, Skype, Google Chrome und Thunderbird.


Whats new: >>

SQLite engine updated to

Titel: CyberDragon 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2014, 17:04
CyberDragon Browser is an privacy oriented browser that tries to prevent tracking by 3rd parties like ad sites, web analytics sites and other trackers.It includes a versatile tracker blocker which can block over 6000 various trackers from following your daily surfing habits.
The program allows you to tightly control the cookies that are allowed on your system by creating custom rules. It you need to use proxies, the program can provide access to multiple servers with minimum effort.

CyberDragon has:

- Tracker blocker. It will block over 6000 various trackers from following your daily surfing habits. Also optional tracker blocker file that list over 30 000 trackers is provided.
- Very strict, zero-tolerance cookie control. By default, only session cookies that have Secure and HttpOnly cookie attributes set are allowed. Also, all 3rd party cookies are blocked by default. These settings can be overrided by site, either blocking or allowing specific cookies, allowing very fine grained cookie control.
- Ability to Spoof Google PREF cookies if needed
- Does not store cookies to hard drive, ever.
- Proxy fetcher. Will allow you to fetch high-anonymous proxies that you can use to hide you IP-address with just 2-clicks (one click to fetch proxies and second click to select proxy from the list). Also proxy checker that list working proxies, their latency, country, SSL support and anonymity level is included.
- Supports SOCKS5 proxies. Can be used with Tor


Minor improvements:

Added option to use web inspector. You can access this by right clicking the page you are interested and choosing "Inspect" from context menu. That way you can inspect page HTML source and DOM tree.
Added WebGL enable/disable option. As the CyberDragon does not currently support *real* Hardware Acceleration (that's why "Accelerated Composing" is still disabled from General tab) I suggest that you keep it disabled.
If you enable it you will enable slow software acceleration and even worse, make yourself more vulnerable to browser fingerprinting. So enable it only if for some reason you *really* need WebGL.
Added "Disable Google Search Autocomplete" option to General tab.
Added "Prevent E-Tags tracking" option to General tab.

Changed the default home page from https://startpage.com to
https://startpage.com/do/mypage.pl?prf=f20d137624e7f67b0ad1d107f0796688. Because CyberDragon does not store cookies currently to disk the only other way to permanently store startpage settings is to use custom URL like above (you can check the settings by clicking the "Settings" link at the top of startpage). In short, I choosed the following startpage settings as default:

More results per page (100)
Enable Geogrpahical maps (allows doing Google static maps lookups while still retaining your privacy)
Do not use family filter for pictures.
Do not use video filter.
Anonymous images/video search this uses startpage proxy, ixquick-proxy.com)
If you don't like the above settings you can always generate your own custom URL by clicking "Generate URL" from startpage settings page and set it as your new home page.
Added ixquick-proxy.com to "Disable MCB for following URLs" list.
Added browser history drop-down menu.

Major improvements:

Fixed YouTube crash when closing tab.
Improved HTTP Referer controls from General tab.
Previously you could only choose between sending HTTP Referer or completely removing it.
Now you have two additional choices: Send the same URL as the currently open page as HTTP referer or send your own custom HTTP referer value.
Added Logger tab (key shortcut Alt + L). This is for debugging purposes only and to find new trackers.
Note: Logging slows things and doubly so if you choose to log to file. Use only when needed.
Added Plugins tab (key shortcut Alt + U). There you can choose individual plugins that you want to enable/disable.
Added Server Info tab (key shortcut Alt + S).
When enabled, you can see little details of the server you are in contact, like it's IP addresse(es), country, city etc...
Also, if you want, you can check it's location from Google maps. Note that this functionality needs MaxMinds GeoLiteCity.dat (free version) or GeoCity.dat (paid version) to work. Paid version is more accurate and up-to-date.
Updated included Qt Framework library from 5.2.1 to 5.4.0.
SECURITY UPDATE: Updated included OpenSSL library from 1.0.1g to 1.0.1j.
Disabled all the ciphers using SSLv3 protocol because poodle attack. In next version I will completely remove all the ciphers using SSLv3.
Default Blocked trackers increased from 6,000 to 30,000.
Changed the default tracker blocker rule list filters.txt to filters_optional.txt. I feel that the filters_optional.txt list is now good enough to start using it. So the good news are that now CyberDragon will block even more trackers. However, it might be a little bit slower than old list. Old list is still available if you want it.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 12:45
New Features:

Ad-block Plus

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2015, 16:20
Whats new:>>

Update language files.
First beta version for linux.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2015, 19:21
Whats new: >>

works on Windows XP Pro again

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2015, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: unable to install video transcoder when downloading youtube video.

Titel: GreenBrowser 6.8.0105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2015, 06:50
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>


Quick menu for selected text.
Close former window.


Ctrl+arrow switch window bug.
When auto fill form can not select disabled radio item bug.
Automatically appended save text bug.
Automatically page turning bug.


Find form function of set form data dialog.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2015, 19:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Opera (Version 15 or later).

Titel: YouTube Video Ad Blocker 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2015, 22:15
YouTube Video Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block YouTube Video Ads across all browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc. YouTube has recently started showing Video Ads in the beginning as well as middle of actual video. User has no choice but to wait n watch these annoying video ads. This can be highly disturbing and irritating at times. But now you no longer have to worry about it, as our new tool 'YouTube Video Ad Blocker' will help you to get rid of all these annoying Video ads so that you can continue to enjoy watching video as earlier. In addition to Video Ads, this tool also blocks all other form of Ads like banner, hover, sidebar and featured ads from YouTube.

Here are the key features,

One Click Solution to Block YouTube Video Ads across all Browsers
Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
Unblock YouTube Video Ads anytime with just a click
Very easy to use for all generation of Users
No need to Log-off or Restart the system
Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block the YouTube Video Ads instantly.

'YouTube Video Ad Blocker' works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way. Also fixed few minor bugs.

Titel: Slimjet v2.1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Bug fix:

    Netflix video streaming not working.
    Mouse gesture settings dialog not working in some non-English interface.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2015, 13:27
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now automatically detects and loads the cache of Opera 15 or later (Stored under C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache). Be aware that Opera is now based on Chrome Web browser, and thus VideoCacheView detects the cache files of Opera as Chrome...

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2015, 06:07
Whats new: >>

Yandex Browser and Google Canary browsers support

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2015, 13:40
Build 112

Add full support for mouse gesture. Go to tools:options:mouse, turn on the option "Enable mouse gesture". Click the "Customize" button to customize the actions associated with each mouse gesture.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2015, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes

This is an important update after rapid development on the back-end to extend browser capabilities and implement some ES6 draft functions for web programmers, as well as provide some important crashfixes, bugfixes and security updates.


ES6: Added the following functions:

Array.prototype.find and Array.prototype.findIndex
Number.parseInt and Number.parseFloat
Advanced math functions: hyperbolic sin/cos/tan/asin/acos/atan, hypotenuse, cube root, expm1, log1p, log10, log2, sign and trunc
Map.prototype.forEach and Set.prototype.forEach
ES6: Added the following number constants: EPSILON, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER and MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
ES6: Added the use of binary and octal numeric literals (&b... and &o...)
ES6: Updated behavior of accessing indexed values in accordance with the spec.
CSS: Added overflow-clip-box:content-box|padding-box
DOM: Added table.createTBody() function
Added a clearer alltabs button for dark personas.
Added a development tools toggle hotkey (F12)
Added a preference prompts.tab_modal.focusSwitch to enable or disable tab switching when a modal dialog (e.g. javascript confirmation) is presented in a page.
IonMonkey on Android: fixed the implementation of AbsI.
IonMonkey: fixed a bug where actively used objects were discarded.
Fixed register initialization to prevent incorrect detection of SIMD instructions on some CPUs.
Optimized some loops in the spell checker to increase performance.
Simplified cache handling, updated cache parameters to better reflect current web use, and enabled automatic cache sizing by default.
Adjusted memory cache sizing to better reflect capacities of current hardware.
Updated UserAgent override workarounds for Netflix and FaceBook to fix some site issues.
Aligned programmatic access to geolocation with the spec.
Fixed a crash when being fed a data file (XML) with too deeply nested tags.
Fixed a crash in HTML5/WebAudio that affected some games.
Fixed a crash when programmatically collapsing elements.
Fixed a few non-breaking bugs related to e10s code.
Fixed text input/padding issues.
Updated surround downmixing code for Vorbis.
Improved tolerance in WebAudio for loading multichannel audio files.
Android: Fixed an issue with Flash, it should now run on more devices.
Updated the DDG search plugin to make the actual query be the last parameter in the address bar for easy editing after a search has been performed.
Removed some unused update channel code.
Updated branding to more clearly indicate Pale Moon's trademark.
Updated some licensing texts in-browser to properly reflect used code and rights.

Security/privacy fixes:

Added a preference network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled to enable or disable the use of HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security), allowing users to choose between privacy and security in this matter. (hidden pref)
Fixed CVE-2014-1589 by whitelisting XBL bindings that may be applied to untrusted content.
Important: extension developers should read this related thread.
Fixed CVE-2014-1593.
Mac: fixed CVE-2014-1595.
Fixed CVE-2014-8639 by adjusting cookie handling through proxies.
Fixed CVE-2014-8636.
Fixed several memory safety hazards that do not have CVE numbers.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2015, 19:33

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Added Site Updates button in bookmarks bar
Added the chevron to access chrome extensions whose buttons were hidden
Added a feature to assign shortcut keys and mouse gestures to Google Chrome extensions
Supported PPAPI version of Flash
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/39.0.2171.95)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Instant YouTube Blocker 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2015, 20:00
Instant YouTube Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock YouTube on your Windows system. It provides one click solution to block YouTube on all Web Browsers and other desktop applications.

This will be useful when you want to block YouTube on certain systems or for certain interval of time. Parents can use it to prevent the children from accessing YouTube, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, admins can block YouTube on lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to YouTube during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block or Unblock YouTube
    Blocks YouTube from all applications on your system
    You can Unblock YouTube anytime later
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock YouTube instantly. It works on all windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Mega release with renovated GUI interface with glowing icon effects. Fixed minor bugs during YouTube block operation. Also integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs.

Titel: MxNitro Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2015, 20:20
Latest Changes

- Address Bar Input Auto Complete
- Import Favorites from current default browser Automatically
- Tabs allow drag
- Allow non-admin install nitro
- Uses Homepage as StartPage
- UI adjust

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 114
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 15:45
Build 114

1. Fix bug with mouse gesture customization interface.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 18:45
Whats new: >>

Cyberfox browser support

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2015, 20:15
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

added full Windows 10 support. Program has been tested to support Windows 10 Technical Preview, all detected bugs fixed;
fixed all bugs and problems discovered earlier;
made a number of improvements to program installer.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2015, 05:50
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

added TabManager and FlashCookieManager plugins
added CTRL+L shortcut to clear download list in download manager
allow closing Download Manager and Browsing Library with Ctrl+W
revert option to disable SSLv3, it is now correctly handled by Qt
fix issue with tabs with empty url were removed from session
fix zoom shortcuts with +/-/0 on numeric block
fix hiding iframes that have completely blocked contents in AdBlock
fix showing navigation bar when typing into locationbar in fullscreen
fix visual issues with FTP listing with RTL layouts
fix removing profiles from preferences
fix crash when moving bookmarks on FreeBSD

Titel: Pale Moon 25.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2015, 18:00
Whats new:>>

This is a small update to address cookie handling through proxies causing issues for some authenticating proxies in corporate environments.

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.26.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2015, 05:15
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Whats new: >>

Added 'Maximize' feature.
Improved 'User Review' feature.
Updated language packages.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2015, 09:05
Slimjet is a fast, smart and powerful web browser based on the Blink engine. It is built on top of the Chromium open source project, on which Google chrome is also based. Slimjet integrates a lot of powerful and convenient features to help users maximize their online productivity. Slimjet users can get more work done in much less time, all without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins from various sources. Slimjet also includes many options and settings so that users can customize the browser to best suit their own personal preference. Slimjet is compatible with almost all plugins and extensions from the Chrome web store.


Whats new:>>

Add support for middle-clicking to open site in new tab in "Recently visited sites" and "Most frequently visited sites" menu.
Default behavior change: Middle clicking a link in bookmark menu, bookmark bar, "Recently visited sites" and "Most frequently visited sites" menu opens the link in a foreground new tab by default. Hold shift while middle-clicking to open the link in a background new tab.
Fixed translation issue and display issue of the customization dialog and url editing dialog in the new tabs page.
Fixed a couple of bugs about the "Download all links" dialog.

Titel: Simple Website Blocker 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2015, 17:00
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Major version to support websites with country code extensions. Integrated many fixes including one to remove duplicate websites. Also integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs.

Titel: Transmute 2.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2015, 21:15
Transmute is a bookmark converter that can import and export bookmarks, or favorites, between the latest web browser bookmark formats such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Chromium, Flock, SeaMonkey and XBEL.


Latest Changes

Fixed Google Chrome compatibility.
Removed Delicious support.
Removed Flock support.
Removed Google Bookmarks support.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2015, 13:37
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: unable to open settings page on linux for users using a local other than English US.
Fix layout issue of the info bar which shows version update information.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2015, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: youtube video download button missing.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2015, 17:00
# Optimizations:

* Main Frame
- Indivudually display Custom filtering rules for pages
- Supported Security Alliance list certificate
- Optimization of Menu Style while Ad-Hunter is disabled
- Optimized ad-filters sharing
- Adblock Plus icon with ads filtering count
- Optimization of Adblock Plus Notication Style
- Support of Acceptable Ads, Allow Non-invasive Advertising
* Webkit Core
- Support of Top level domain
- Optimized Pop-up blocking

# Fixes:

* Main Frame
- Quick Access data reset issue
- Filter rules being downloaded when ad-hunter is not enabled
- "Subscription Rules Title" display issue.
- Possible to add non domain name to filtering white list
- When not maximized, the filter tip is not in the right position
- Tool bar icons appear transparent
- In some languages some Account panel parts are not completely displayed
- Setting center security problem
- One security issue in Extensions center
* Webkit Core
- Fixed one Flash filtering mistake
- Youtube video loading speed is slow
- Some websites 3D display effect problem
- Unble to log into Session window under some specific conditions
- When maximizing or minimizing a page on touck screen devices, the status bar value doesn't change
- On Touch screen devices touch scroll is not effextive on PDF Preview page and Multi-Frame pages
- Under High DPI, Certicates and Certificates error dialogs Height and Size

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2015, 17:30
Build 115

Fix bug with youtube video download

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2015, 14:40
Whats new:>>

[Change]Firefox.exe changes to gecko.exe,chrome.exe changes to webkit.exe
[Fix]Corresponding unfinished files will be deleted when deleting the tasks in download manager
[Fix]Google sheets crash sometimes
[Fix]Web security warnings keep popping up on some website
[Fix]Saved forms cannot autofill sometimes
[Fix]Content menu pops up when using right and middle mouse button to switch tabs on tab bar
[Fix]Pages duplicate when open multiple pages at the same time

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2015, 14:50
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

WebCacheImageInfo now automatically detects the cache folder of Opera 15 or later (Which has the same cache structure of Google Chrome...)

Titel: SlimBoat 1.1.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2015, 18:15
SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. It is fast to start up and fast to open your favorite web sites. SlimBoat helps you surf the internet safely and securely by incorporating multiple layers of protection measures. SlimBoat also includes tons of powerful functions and flexible options so that you can reach your favorite destination on Internet in the most convenient way while avoiding unnecessary distractions and annoyances.


Whats new:>>

Fix youtube video downloader issue.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2015, 09:13

Main Frame:

Indivudually display Custom filtering rules for pages
Supported Security Alliance list certificate
Optimization of Menu Style while Ad-Hunter is disabled
Optimized ad-filters sharing
Adblock Plus icon with ads filtering count
Optimization of Adblock Plus Notication Style
Support of Acceptable Ads, Allow Non-invasive Advertising

Webkit Core:

Support of Top level domain
Optimized Pop-up blocking


Main Frame:

Quick Access data reset issue
Filter rules being downloaded when ad-hunter is not enabled
"Subscription Rules Title" display issue.
Possible to add non domain name to filtering white list
When not maximized, the filter tip is not in the right position
Tool bar icons appear transparent
In some languages some Account panel parts are not completely displayed
Setting center security problem
One security issue in Extensions center

Webkit Core;

Fixed one Flash filtering mistake
Youtube video loading speed is slow
Some websites 3D display effect problem
Unble to log into Session window under some specific conditions
When maximizing or minimizing a page on touck screen devices, the status bar value doesn't change
On Touch screen devices touch scroll is not effextive on PDF Preview page and Multi-Frame pages
Under High DPI, Certicates and Certificates error dialogs Height and Size

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2015, 18:45

Main Frame:

Indivudually display Custom filtering rules for pages
Supported Security Alliance list certificate
Optimization of Adhunter Menu Style when Ad-Hunter is disabled
Optimized ad-filters sharing
Adblock Plus icon with ads filtering count
Optimization of Adblock Plus Notication Style
Support of Acceptable Ads, Allow Non-invasive Advertising

Webkit Core:

Support of Top level domain
Optimized Pop-up blocking


Main Frame:

Quick Access data reset issue
Filter rules being downloaded when ad-hunter is not enabled
"Subscription Rules Title" display issue.
Possible to add non domain name to filtering white list
When not maximized, the filter tip is not in the right position
Tool bar icons appear transparent
In some languages some Account panel parts are not completely displayed
Setting center security problem
One security issue in Extensions center

Webkit Core:

Fixed one Flash filtering mistake
Fixed on core crash problem
Youtube video loading speed is slow
3D display effect problem on some websites
Unble to log into Session window under some specific conditions
When maximizing or minimizing a page on touck screen devices, the status bar value doesn't change
Fixed page disorder problem when using Touch screen zoom and using ctrl+scroll.
On Touch screen devices touch scroll is not effextive on PDF Preview page and Multi-Frame pages
Under High DPI, Certicates and Certificates error dialogs Height and Size

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2015, 06:15
Whats new:>>

Fix netflix video playback error when playing from DVD queue.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2015, 12:25
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Out-process Trident Engine

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2015, 17:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Load history items from the last xx minutes' to the 'Advanced Options' window.
Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2015, 12:19
Whats new:>>

Fix some bugs with the bookmarks side panel.
Update language files.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2015, 05:10
Whats new:>>

- Migrate to Chromium 40
- Fixed compatibility issue with Google cast extension

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2015, 13:50

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

- Added "Search in this site" to SmartSearch
- Supported private browsing
- Improved SSL icon: click it to show page info
- Added new bookmark sorting method: visited count
- Added "Hide button" in right click menu on Chrome extension icon
- Improved Site Updates
- Added The Amazon 1Button App
- Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/40.0.2214.111)
- Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2015, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fix netflix playback issue

Titel: K-Meleon 75.0 Beta 3 Update 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2015, 18:15
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Some fixes for toolbars
Fixed deadlock with "open with" dialog
update for addbutton, setcmdicon, setbuttonicon
added automatic favorites refresh (may not work all the time)

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2015, 09:02
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix some minor bugs.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.20.50217
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2015, 19:40
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Fix item properties missing bug;
Fix some small bugs;
Update VMC Helper;
Support latest VMC;

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2015, 19:30
Build 116

1. Fix bug with download manager when downloading files over 2GB.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2015, 21:40
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

ImageCacheViewer now automatically detects the cache folder of Opera 15 or later (Which has the same cache structure of Google Chrome).

Titel: Dooble 1.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2015, 12:25
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Upgraded Qt to version 5.4.0.
Corrected month translations in the History window.
Allow configuration of the main thread's priority.
Avoid real-time storing of splitter states.
Added a Spot-On button to the location widget.
Simplified third-party blocking. Please use dooble-blocked-hosts.txt.


Titel: K-Meleon 75.0 Beta 3 Update 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2015, 18:15
Whats new: >>

Some fixes for toolbars
Fixed deadlock with "open with" dialog
update for addbutton, setcmdicon, setbuttonicon
added automatic favorites refresh (may not work all the time)

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2015, 12:24
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to retrieve some of the long URLs of Chrome Web browser (and without the URLs, VideoCacheView also failed to merge split video files).

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2015, 13:41
Whats new:>>

Update flash plugin to
Fix some minor bugs.

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2015, 12:21
Whats new:>>

[Fix]"Aw Snap" crash problem under chrome engine
[Fix]Cannot login certain website under firefox engine
[Fix]Descriptions of chrome engine are not consistent
[Fix]The dropdown list of search bar is covered by sidebar

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.21.50226
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2015, 09:19
Whats new:>>

Free edition can collapse the featured windows;
Support latest VMC;

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2015, 06:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'URL Length' column.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2015, 12:30


Main Frame:

Optimized HTTPS Certificate

Webkit Core:

Support of Quit full screen for HTML5


Main Frame:

Input Local address changes to search item
History Manager Titles may display errors
Some Web Notification display problem
Adblock causes page refresh

Webkit Core:

Extensions installation leak
Fixed RSS XSS leak
Playback problem when you exit full screen mode in Vimeo video
Trusted code path execution
Error in detection of Superfish
Repaired crash occured when you input special characters in the address bar
Unable to filter .MP4 format in the Adblock


Titel: Pale Moon 25.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2015, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.




Overhauled WebGL. It now properly supports depth textures, shadow mapping and glow shaders.
Note that older operating systems or older/embedded video processors may be limited in their support of these features.
Updated the ANGLE library to a much more current version.
Removed the crash reporter code completely to improve overall browser responsiveness and operation.
Please note that a necessary victim of this has been the in-browser (devtools) SPS profiler because of its reliance on crash reporter data-gathering tools.
Removed the Mozilla Plugin Finder Service (no longer in use @Mozilla).
Android: removed the Mozilla "product announcements" service.
Re-added control of the number of concurrent tabs to be restored from a session with browser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs (accepted values 1-10)
Significantly improved performance and accuracy of date/time/timer handling.
Significantly improved performance of the creation of DOM elements with plain text content.
Added several significant performance optimizations for arrays and strings in javascript.
Added several code performance optimizations and bugfixes in SVG, the presentation shell, SCTP, style gradients and CSS parsing routines. (Thanks, Axiomatic!)
Added an "Open link in current tab" context menu entry on links for UI consistency.
Updated styling of the browser with personas (lightweight themes) once more to improve display in tabs-on-top mode, improve overall legibility of tab text, and display of inverted close buttons on some controls on dark personas.
Added a special case check for the Flash plugin version check on Linux failing due to commas instead of periods in the version string.
Added Windows 10 compatibility in executable manifests.
Android: Fixed a crash on GL canvas surfaces.
Fixed incorrect Sync "howto" instruction links from the Sync dialogs.
Fixed the color of selected tabs in Linux when personas (lightweight themes) are in use that do not match the overall tone of the OS system theme.
Fixed a bug where a variable in parentheses would abort Javascript parsing.
Fixed a bug where the address bar would incorrectly be cleared.
Fixed padding issues for dropdown lists.
Fixed DNS lookups so proper record types are requested for IPv4 and IPv6.

Security fixes:

Disabled all RC4-based encryption ciphers by default. [More info]
Fixed several miscellaneous memory safety hazards.
(applicable bugs related to CVE-2015-0835 and CVE-2015-0836)
Fixed loading of locally stored DLL files through the internal updater. (CVE-2015-0833)
Fixed a potential crash point in IndexedDB. (CVE-2015-0831) DiD
Fixed a double-free situation when using non-default memory allocators and a 0-length XHR. (CVE-2015-0828)
Note: production builds of Pale Moon were never vulnerable.
Fixed a crash using DrawTarget in the Cairo graphics library. (CVE-2015-0824)
Fixed potential reading of local files through manipulation of form autocomplete. (CVE-2015-0822)
Fixed a potential PNG heap-overflow crash. DiD
Followed up on research regarding CVE-2014-8639 (see 25.2) and made cookie handling through proxies more restrictive again.


Titel: Google Ad Blocker 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2015, 18:15
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc. These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads.

Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
Very easy to use for all generation of Users
No need to Log-off or Restart the system
Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2015, 18:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed VideoCacheView to detect the files inside Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash folder when specifying it as temporary folder in the 'Advanced Options' window.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2015, 19:23
Whats new:>>

Update flash plugin to
Added support for h.264, AAC and mp3 codec for Windows Vista or later.
Added support for widevine CDM on Windows platform.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2015, 12:22
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.



This is a security update to the browser to address a critical vulnerability found in the pwn2own contest. Only one vulnerability found in this contest applies to Pale Moon, which has been addressed in this update.


Fixed security vulnerability CVE-2015-0818. This vulnerability would allow remote attackers to bypass the Same Origin Policy and execute arbitrary JavaScript code with chrome privileges via vectors involving SVG hash navigation.
Fixed IPv6 DNS resolution regression in some less common cases.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2015, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed netflix playback issue under Windows XP

Titel: Browser History Spy 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2015, 05:30
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way.

http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php (http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php)
Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2015, 09:21

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Added FeedReader
Added search box in both bookmark panel and history panel
Supported to resize portal field; drag left side of text box to resize
Improved Site Updates
Added "Enable Site Updates" in Customize | Site Updates
Added UserAgent settings in Customize | Rendering | Blink standard settings
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/41.0.2272.89)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: K-Meleon 75.0 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2015, 18:15
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

- Gecko 31.5
- Fixed click not working in menu and other weird event problem
- Fixed being trashed when closing windows session
- Fixed checkbutton
- Add appRestart (doesn't warn if download in progress)

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2015, 13:37
Whats new:>>

Fix crashing bug with mp3 codec.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2015, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Update flash plugin to
Added support for h.264, AAC and mp3 codec for Windows Vista or later.
Added support for widevine CDM on Windows platform.

Titel: Dooble 1.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2015, 05:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Ability to disable the main window's menu bar.
Remind the user if the SQLite database driver is missing.
Adjusted full-screen support.
Allow hiding of the Desktop and Home buttons.
The Dogpile search engine supports SSL/TLS.
Added the search engine wikibooks.org.
Corrected dooble::saveSettings() with respect to the full screen mode.
Removed hiding of the location tool bar.
Upgraded OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.2a.
Ignore QX11EmbedContainer if Q_WS_X11 is not defined.
Display the JavaScript alert in dwebpage::javaScriptAlert() via QMessageBox::exec() instead of show().
The default SSL configuration's protocol must be set according to the available cipher protocols (SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2). Please see http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt-maemo/qsslconfiguration.html.
Issue std::nothrow in gcry_qmutex_init().
Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.6.3 on Windows.
Upgraded libgpg-error to version 1.13 on Windows.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2015, 05:20
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Fixed all known bugs.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2015, 14:20


Popup block does not display blocked urls
Memory leak after after taking several sreenshot
In some case canvas parts do not display SVG

New features:

View ads filtering rankings


Improved cloud push contacts aquiring
Homepage setting security
Error occured when you click cancel in font customize


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2015, 16:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

BrowsingHistoryView now detects the portable version of Firefox if it's running in the background.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2015, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Added option to disable WebRTC under Settings->security for users who are concerned about IP leakage via WebRTC.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2015, 11:50
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

Lunascape is now compatible with the expanding array of Firefox add-ons in addition to the already supported Internet Explorer add-ons and Lunascape plug-ins, achieving the greatest degree of extensibility and flexibility among Web browsers. Transferring your add-ons from Firefox is very easy.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


In case that Gecko engine does not launch, a website will be rendered by a single process Trident engine.

Fixed Bugs:

Fixed a bug that "Up" function which go to the upper directory of the current URL does not work in Trident.
Fixed a bug that the escape key does not work in Trident.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug about video/audio out-of-sync problem when playing html5 mp4 video.
Added option "Confirm when closing browser window with multiple tabs" under Settings->Misc.

Titel: Project Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2015, 17:45
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: Polarity 6.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2015, 21:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Latest Changes

- Password autofill fixes
- Notifications from Polarity appear in Notification Center
- Updated UAs
- Update to Notification Center actions
- Better stability
- Notification for when Polarity is unresponsive

Titel: Dailymotion Video Ad Blocker 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2015, 05:30
Dailymotion Video Ad Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block Dailymotion Video Ads.
With just one click, you can block video ads on Dailymotion site across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

Here are the key features,

One Click Solution to Block Dailymotion Video Ads across all Browsers
Does not require any Browser Plugins or Add-ons
So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
Unblock Dailymotion Video Ads anytime with just a click
Very easy to use for all type of Users
No need to Log-off or Restart the system
Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block the Dailymotion Video Ads instantly. 'Dailymotion Video Ad Blocker' works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 117
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2015, 13:39
Build 117

Fix crash when uploading photos directly from mobile phone or digital camera.

Titel: MxNitro
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2015, 07:39
Latest Changes

support forward/backward history menu (right click forward/backward button)
including Chinese region data

Titel: Universal Ad Blocker 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2015, 08:55
Universal Ad Blocker is the free all-in-one software to quickly Block Ads across all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc. These days every website is filled with so many advertisements that it is often difficult to distinguish between Ads and the actual content. Not only it is annoying but it also leads to very slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now, 'Universal Ad Blocker' can help you to easily block all these annoying Ads and lets you enjoy cleaner, faster web browsing.

Currently it can successfully block Ads from all these popular Ad networks

Google AdWords
Yahoo Bing Ad Network
Technorati Media
Dynamic Oxygen
Tribal Fusion
AOL Ad Network
Vibrant Media
LifeStreet Media
and many more...

Anytime you can Block or Unblock all the above Ads with just a click of a button. Also it does not require any Browser extensions/add-ons, firewall or proxy server setup. 'Universal Ad Blocker' works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Support for blocking video ads from DailyMotion as well as block text ads from ad networks like Adversal, Paypopup, Taboola etc. Also integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs.

Titel: Facebook History Spy 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2015, 08:57
Facebook History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view Facebook web history from popular web browsers. It helps in recovering or viewing Facebook history from following browsers,

    Mozilla Firefox
    Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome
    Google Chrome Canary/SXS
    CoolNovo (Chrome variant)
    SeaMonkey Browser (Firefox variant)

It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file or quickly 'Drag & Drop' a history file. This is useful when you have to recover the Facebook history for another user or from different system. You can also export the recovered Facebook history list to HTML/XML/CSV file for offline analysis.

Facebook History Spy works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new:>>

Integrated Uninstaller into Windows Add/Remove Programs, now you can uninstall it in a standard way.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2015, 16:30

Main Frame:

Optimezed malicious websites shielding
Optimized Update Notification
Fixed Multi-search setting compatibility problem
Fixed one RSS leak


Fixed one flash filtering problem
Fixed canvas can't display SVG
Fixed Popup block does not display blocked urls correctly
Fixed Error after taking repeatedly screenshots


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2015, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Remove unique media device id when webrtc is disabled to enhance privacy protection
Fix crash when uploading photoes or documents directly from android phone or digitial camera.

Titel: Lunascape 6.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2015, 13:30
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


- Trident plugin process can be created without writing plugin settings to registry.

Fixed Bugs

- Fixed a bug that the mouse gestures or shortcut keys do not work due to the focus bugs in Trident.
- Fixed a bug that the screen capture do not work in Trident.
- Fixed a bug that the close action triggered by javascript does not work.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2015, 09:05
Build 118

    Fixed a bug with youtube video downloader.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.24.50420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2015, 20:15
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Adjust free edition quota;
Some bugs fixed and interface improvements;
Support latest VMC;

Titel: Pale Moon 25.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2015, 08:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Releasae Notes

Pale moon has been updated to 25.3.2 to fix the crashing issue that popped up with mozilla-signed extensions.

This version should prevent such crashes even if the extension has improperly formatted signature and/or manifest files in it.

No other changes were made compared to 25.3.1 -- this has purely been an emergency bugfix release.


Titel: Midori 0.5.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2015, 05:30
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2015, 13:53
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added option to scan only files from the last xx hours.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2015, 17:40
Whats new:>>

New features:

Address bar pre-opening when typing in
Baidu search supports HTTPS
ActiveX automatically switch to Retro mode.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2015, 16:00
Whats new:>>

Upgrade to Chromium 42 code base
Added option to disable fullscreen notice in Settings->Misc.

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2015, 18:15
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Whats new: >>

Updated the digital signature.
Improved localization and language support.
Minor tweaks and fixes.

Titel: K-Meleon 75.0 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2015, 05:52
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Differences with RC2: fixed adding bookmark, session plugin crashes, accelerators, xul windows sizing, status bar text for registercmd, setbuttonimage, reload command with "restore on demand" session, flash with plugin container.

Titel: Project Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2015, 17:20
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2015, 18:15
Build 119

Fix crash when uploading files under Windows xp.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2015, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix crash when uploading file in Windows XP.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2015, 16:50
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


Updated SQLite from 3.7.17 to v3.8.8.3, improving history/bookmark/etc. performance by up to 50% depending on operation
Added a new "mixed-mode" state for HTTPS connections. Clarified mixed-mode connections with a mixed-mode padlock and better tooltips.
Added a conditional partial shading to the URL bar and made it default (shading only on secure sites, no red shading at all by default).
Dev: Fixed file system mode flags for *nix systems, to make executable files like scripts actually flagged as executable
Added native IPv6 lookups to NSPR to solve IPv6-only and dual-stack setups in some situations
Added a pref to control the unloading of idle plugins from memory and lowered the default "idle" time to 60 seconds before plugins are unloaded
Fixed version strings for e.g. flash on Linux being displayed with commas instead of periods - this should also fix the incorrect "your plugin is vulnerable" message while being on the latest version
Windows: Set the double-click/Ctrl+arrow word selection to not eat the space (only select the actual word)
Android: DNS fix for VPN connections, preventing the "server not found" issues people have been reporting for certain VPN providers on mobile
Updated a number of trusted root certificates, and distrusted the CNNIC root certificate by popular demand
Linux: Worked around the slice memory allocator not being properly disabled on later GLib versions
Android: updated the random number generator handling on later versions of Android
Added fix to prevent spurious re-paints with plugins (performance/UX improvement)
Removed the plugin check link from the Addons Manager, since it's no longer reliable and not officially available for browsers except Mozilla Firefox. (Bonus: no user profiling/tracking through optimizely!)
Optimized the NSS callback for secure connections
Updated the domains that are whitelisted for installation of extensions/themes/personas, streamlining the use of addons.palemoon.org
Added personas support to titlebar text (adopt the lightweight theme's coloring/shading) in custom titlebar mode (Pale Moon appmenu/button)
Added display of HTTPS protocol (SSL/TLS) to the page info window (thanks Travis!)
Improved certificate display: Removed MD5 and added SHA256 fingerprint, and made them selectable/copyable
Updated classification of secure connections: Classify any encryption with less than 128 bits or including RC4 (if manually enabled, see previous version notes) as weak.
Dev: Added availability of the full ciphersuite string for use in extensions to the nsISSLStatus interface (nsISSLStatus.cipherSuite)
Added MAKE_UNLINKABLE to the about: page redirector and added that as default for the reader mode on Android
Removed the compilation and inclusion of a one-time-use pre-compiled startup cache in omni.ja, reducing overall application size significantly and avoiding a number of quirks of both the build process and the operation of the browser
Fixed an NVIDIA specific GLX server vendor bug for pixmap depth and fbConfig depth
Removed most telemetry code, reducing code complexity and wasted CPU
Linux: Added OSS support (mutually exclusive with ALSA): configure with --enable-oss
Made DNS caching a lot less aggressive to align the browser's behavior with the dynamic nature of the modern web.
Removed Mozilla-specific parameters for searches. Search suggestions should now work again for Google searches
Added the option to allow users to use a fixed (JSON) file-based geolocation response in favor of a GeoIP service.
Dev: Improvements to Clang builds (thanks Axiomatic/BitVapor!). Clang is not currently producing stable builds on Linux, so please use GCC for that operating system.
Linux: removed GnomeVFS that's no longer in use
Fixed the "double padlock while loading a secure site" niggle in the UI
Dev: added allowance of using -moz-appearance:none on drop-down lists to hide the arrow button (catering to custom styling of the control)

Added some more ES6 math/number functions:

Implemented Math.fround(x)
Implemented Number.isSafeInteger(x)
Implemented Math.clz32(x)

Security fixes:

Fixed several memory safety hazards (UAF/DF/UU); applicable bugs covered by CVE-2015-0815 and CVE-2015-0815
Fixed CVE-2015-0811 [qcms] heap info leak
Fixed CVE-2015-0810 clickjacking attacks via a Flash object in conjunction with DIV elements
Fixed CVE-2015-0801 a variant of CVE-2015-0818
Fixed CVE-2015-0800 improve randomness of DNS resolver queries on Android
Fixed CVE-2015-0798 access to privileged URLs through about: redirector


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2015, 19:32
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed issue: On some systems, BrowsingHistoryView failed to read the history of IE10/IE11 from WebCacheV01.dat

Titel: Pale Moon 25.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2015, 15:00
Release Notes

Fixed loss of the browser's disk cache on startup due to incorrect corruption detection logic
Fixed a browser crash on some HTML5 games


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2015, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with context menu under Linux.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2015, 13:43
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with video playback on Windows 8.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2015, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed incorrect displayed default value for minimum SSL version.
Changed default value of NPAPI support to ON.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2015, 17:00


Optimized the print effect, solve the fuzzy effect
Error occurred when you open Settings from address bar drop down menu
Provided Address bar Preview for multiple search
Display problem in address bar in certain conditions
Display problem in address bar in certain conditions
In some conditions address bar input would pre-open an Error Page
In some conditions address bar input pre-open would cause adblock error
Address bar input pre-open would cause drop-down options error
Fixed Address bar input pre-open focus problem
Safe site details check would display error
RSS resolve leak
Fixed Fill form data sorting issue


Titel: Slimjet v4.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with mp3 decoder.

Titel: Slimjet v4.0.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2015, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed audio playback issue with facebook videos.

Titel: MxNitro Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2015, 06:36
Latest Changes

New History Panel
Support Chinese Language (others will be soon)

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2015, 17:30
Whats new:>>


Conflicts between opening a new tab and searching alias in preview settings
Opening a new tab will cause the content disappearing typed in address bar           
The search result will not reload after pre-open                               
Prelaod setting status error

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 09:11

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Added tab close button for right-click menu of Cabinet.
Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/42.0.2311.152)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Slimjet v4.0.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Added option to prevent canvas fingerprinting.
Fixed installation problem under Ubuntu 15.04.

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2015, 18:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed issue: On some systems, VideoCacheView failed to read the cache of IE10/IE11 from WebCacheV01.dat.

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2015, 20:37
Whats new: >>

FossaMail app support

Titel: MxNitro
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2015, 09:09
Latest Changes

Support 12 Languages

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2015, 12:14
Whats new:>>


The pre-open function in address bar was disabled by default
Crash when printing RSS leak

The following languages have been updated:

ar-bh, ar-ye, bn-in, ca-es, he-il, hi-in, id-id, ml-in, mn-mn sr-cs, th-th
ar-sa bg-bg da-dk de-de es-es es-mx es-pe eu-es fa-ir fi-fi fr-fr hu-hu id-id it-it ka-ge ko-kr lt-lt nb-no nl-nl pt-pt ro-ro ru-ru sk-sk sl-si sv-se tr-tr uk-ua vi-vn zh-hk zh-tw

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2015, 05:40
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Typed Count' column (Only relevant to Chrome Web browser).

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2015, 09:07
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 15 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware


The option for the Trident Engine is added that users can select In-Process mode (default) or Out-Process mode for Trident settings.
A notification is disabled when Trident cannot reach the certificate revocation services.
Remove a bundle application from the installer.

Fixed Bugs:

Fixed the bug that the function which search or highlight words by search box keywords does not work in Trident Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the security settings do not work when Trident Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the privacy report does not work when the Trident engine is Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the IE settings do not be reflected when the Trident engine is Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the encoding menu does not work when the Trident engine is Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the proxy setting does not work when the Trident engine is Out-Process mode.
Fixed the bug that the Lunascape freezes when a certain page is rendered when the Trident engine is Out-Process mode.

Titel: Polarity 6.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2015, 18:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Latest Changes

Minor patches to work flow, faster loading in popup mode for Youtube, translation for webpages to detected locale on system, PolarPass and PolarSync added to context menu, fixed bug in PolarPass where all autofill data could accidently be cleared, RSS reader powered by Feedly.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2015, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Added support to show bookmarks bar on side so that you can have more bookmarks within one-click access.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2015, 16:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


Logjam fix: Refuse DHE keys with less than 1024 key bits
Search plugin updates to re-enable Google suggestions and reduce tracking (Squarefractal)
Allow plugin-specific (.dll based) OOPP overrides also for npswf. This will not be used for the "master switch" for OOPP and Flash will still be in the plugin container, unless a specific dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf*.dll boolean is set to override.
Fixed a crash during WebGL Conformance Tests for undefined indices (Toady)
HSTS preload list updates (Squarefractal)
Status bar locale addition: cs
Implemented a fix for the toolkit update service so that the same version as the current application will not be offered as a valid update (Tobin)
Reorganized the AppMenu (give equal ease for windowed and tabbed browsing, deprioritize Sync)
Disabled the Sync promo box in doorhangers.
Updated libpng to version 1.5.22
Fixed support for builds using newer freetype on Linux. (Axiomatic)
Fixed --with-system-pixman builds. (Isaac Dunham)
Updated SQLite to version
Changed the after-upgrade page loaded to the release notes instead of the home page.
(and hoping people actually do take a moment to read them, preventing unnecessary support requests)
Fixed navigator.geolocation - should never be null, to properly adhere to the specification (Travis)
Moved paintlock event delay to greprefs, and adjusted it for 2015's heavier sites
Fixed the about dialog scripting for pre-release builds (includes build date now as-intended and no longer errors the script)
Reorganized how pushed floats are handled in layout flow
Implemented a change to run the updater from the install directory instead of copying it.
Fixed transparency of the Pale Moon document icon for 256x256

Updated padlock code:

Added mixed-mode shading, and reorganized shading pref values more logically (0=off, 1=secure only, 2=secure+mixed, 3=all)
Cleaned up CSS
Cleaned up padlock logic a little
Hard-coded internal UA sniffing values for the extension legacy of devtools
Updated NSPR to 4.10.8
Updated the NSS security lib to 3.19-RTM + re-worked Pale Moon changes
Bumped the built-in site-specific UA compat mode overrides to v38
Fixed a compressed-cache crash due to losing our cache entry while finishing up compression.
Updated and patched libcubeb, the main media sound library, to fix a number of audio issues (e.g. when switching output device) and audio-related crashes
Added the option to load modules into a named scope (see issue #88)
Removed quick access keys for buttons on the updater window (since it may pop up unannounced when people are typing, causing them to make unintended choices)
Updated jemalloc and mozjemalloc memory allocator libraries to improve performance
Removed implicit access to a whole range of internally-used interfaces and classes that page content has no business calling anyway
Added a preference for always preferring a certain dictionary language.
To use this, create a new preference spellchecker.dictionary.override (string) and set it to your language code.
More information about changes in this version that would be important for extension developers and web programmers can be found here.

Security fixes:

Fixes for miscellaneous memory safety hazards (relevant and applicable fixes from CVE-2015-2708 and CVE-2015-2709)
DiD (defense-in-depth) fix to prevent potential overflows in CSS restyling
Fix for updater hijacking (CVE-2015-2720)
Fix to prevent potential disclosure of sensitive information in Android logs (CVE-2015-2714)
Fix for a buffer overflow in the XML parser (CVE-2015-2716)
Fix for a potentially exploitable crash in DNS handling


Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2015, 12:19
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to work with the latest build of Windows 10/IE11.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2015, 19:01
Build 120

    Fix youku video playback issue.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2015, 19:45
Whats new:>>

    Bug fix: side bookmark bar or side bookmark panel not hidden in full screen mode.
    Update language files.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2015, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Fix youku video playback issue
Update flash to

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2015, 12:31
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed to work with the latest build of Windows 10.

Titel: K-Meleon 75.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2015, 05:45
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Add: macro functions
Add: Jsbridgge functions
    AddButton, RemoveButton
    GetCmdList, RegisterCmd, SetCmdIcon, SetAccel
    LoadPlugin, ShowMenu
Add: form autocompletion
Add: spellcheck
Add: favorites refresh when changing favorites from explorer or IE
Add: favorites(Refresh) command
Add: new command names to replace ID_*
Add: commands navToggleJS, pageToggleJS, appRestart
Fix: possible cache trash (and maybe cookies) when closing session
Fix: tab bar button width smaller than the icon.
Fix: bad font in urlbar autocomplete list
Fix: background of tabbar when position is not "band" disappearing afer a while
Fix: throbber transparency on some windows version
Fix: crash when closing windows session.
Fix: crash when tab bar very small and using several lines
Fix: manifest error in executable
Fix: high CPU usage with animation in multiple tabs
Fix: about:home memory leak
Fix: localized prefs and macro function getpref
Fix: bookmarks added witout url in some system

Chg: New storage file.
Chg: Faster startup.
Add: Save last selected tab and last active windows.
Add: Multiscreen support.
Fix: Better handling of closed tab.

Add: New skin system
Add: Support for PNG and other formats, chrome and data url
Add: Button size scale with dpi and can be user set.
Chg: toolbars.cfg can be in profile, skin or default/settings (first found in that order is used)
Chg: toolbars.cfg: button name is used as text button if preceded by '!'

Titel: Avast! Browser Cleanup 10.2.2218.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2015, 19:00
Bei vielen Installationen von meist Freeware muss man auf die Einstellungen achten, da man sonst ungewollt Toolbars installiert. Hier hilft Avast Browser Cleanup. Das Programm wird ohne Installation gestartet und überprüft die vorhandenen Browser auf Toolbars, welche dann entfernt werden können. Ebenso kann die Homepage und der Standard-Suchanbieter wieder auf Standard gesetzt werden.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2015, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Only do search when typing in addressbar
Unable to presearch chinese content in certain circumstances
Not displaying safe link icon in presearch
Presearch previous content in multiple search after editing (backsape, enter) it in address bar
Improved data backup
Optimized magic fill precision in Routers and other intranets
Fixed a leak issue of magic fill in sinaapp.com
Upgraded magic fill to fit in more websites

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo v1.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2015, 21:00
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to work with the latest build of Windows 10/IE11.

Titel: Google Ad Blocker v4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2015, 18:00
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc. These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads.

Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
Very easy to use for all generation of Users
No need to Log-off or Restart the system
Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Updated Installer to dynamically download latest version

Titel: Project Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2015, 05:10
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: Polarity 7.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2015, 19:20
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


- Words highlighted from FindBox
- Different colors for different words
- Changes in pinned tab behavior
- Notifications on pinned tabs by flashing orange
- Fixed bug where pinned tabs won't save on "Always Discard" tabs mode
- Links open in new tabs in pinned tabs
- Control Center updates
- Updates to Trident Mode
- Setting to always show appsbar
- Bookmarks bar under omnibar
- Youtube Downloader bug fixes
- Fixes with PolarShot not completely closing
- Added SoundCloud support
- Updates to theming system
- Facebook bug fixes
- Trident tabs now save urls when you click save tabs
- Youtube Flash patch
- Updated Window frame with shadows when DWM is enabled
- Notification Center updates
- Downloader now selects item in folder
- Adjusted padding and UI rendering
- Better crash handling in Notification Center (click dialog to restart)
- Fixed bug where window kept downsizing after restoring
- Smart snapping in Document Explorer
- Many under the hood changes
- Multithreaded downloading with download pausing
- Pop out Youtube video from context menu
- Icon caching for faster app and bookmark loading
- Close warning when downloads are still in progress
- Find box in new window
- PolarPass integration in app windows
- Fixed fatal crash in PolarPass

Titel: FBCacheView 1.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2015, 17:40
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to work with the latest build of Windows 10/IE11.

Titel: Slimjet v4.0.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2015, 05:00
Slimjet is fast, secure, and powerful browser built on top of the Google Chrome browser, integrating many more features and customizations without reducing speed. The program includes a fully customizable toolbar, form filler, Youtube video downloader, weather, photo upload enhance/shrink, translation, address aliases, webpage screenshots, auto-refresh, multiple proxy support, flexible new tab controls, and more.

Facebook integration is available and extensions designed for Chrome in Chrome Web Store should be compatible with Slimjet.


Whats new:>>

Added support for "Auto hide on side" for the side bookmarks bar.
Fixed navigational buttons on the left side when moving other toolbar buttons to the right side.
Improve intelligence level of QuickFill form filler.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 06:07
Slimjet is fast, secure, and powerful browser built on top of the Google Chrome browser, integrating many more features and customizations without reducing speed. The program includes a fully customizable toolbar, form filler, Youtube video downloader, weather, photo upload enhance/shrink, translation, address aliases, webpage screenshots, auto-refresh, multiple proxy support, flexible new tab controls, and more.

Facebook integration is available and extensions designed for Chrome in Chrome Web Store should be compatible with Slimjet.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a crashing bug when typing in omnibox
Fixed a bug with form filler.
Updated language files.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2015, 13:38
Whats new:>>


Anti-hajack added to Baidu in Address bar/Favorite/Quick Access
Unable to display safe link icon in presearch page

Conflict between presearch and search alias

Titel: Dooble 1.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2015, 05:45
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

<li>Added Stribog-512.</li>
<li>Allow for automatic cancellation of stagnant JavaScript scripts.</li>
<li>Allow non-authenticated sessions to share plaintext information with Spot-On.</li>
<li>Allow removal of Spot-On shared links. Please see Clear Containers and the Edit menu.</li>
<li>Also retrieve keywords as part of a page's description.</li>
<li>Corrected QSsl enumeration usage for Qt 4.7.x. Thanks to Elbert for reporting.</li>
<li>Corrected Qt macro usage.</li>
<li>Corrected SSL widget states in the Settings panel.</li>
<li>Corrected Spot-On button state in the URL location widget.</li>
<li>Corrected retrieval of default iteration count.</li>
<li>Log libspoton errors.</li>
<li>Modified the favicon's context menu so that the available option references the site's host instead of the domain.</li>
<li>Per Mattias Andree, added support for the Gopher protocol. Lots of changes provided by Mattias. File downloads are supported. Pausing downloads is not supported.</li>
<li>Properly center exceptions windows that are activated from Settings.</li>
<li>Removed non-native full-screen support.</li>
<li>Removed translated log entries.</li>
<li>Set the SSL protocol for QNetworkRequest objects. Removed setting of the protocol in Allowed SSL Ciphers.</li>
<li>Set the location widget's text after a successful page load or an update of the URL if and only if the user has not modified the location widget's text.</li>
<li>The method dwebpage::slotFinished() must inspect the reply's "dooble-favicon" property as the method may be reached after a download of a favicon.</li>
<li>Updated Czech translation. Thanks to Pavel Fric.</li>
<li>Updated SQLite to version, Windows.</li>
<li>Updated libspoton to 0.1.2.</li>
<li>Upgraded OpenSSL products to version 1.0.2c on Windows.</li>
<li>Upgraded Qt products to version 5.4.2 on OS X and Windows.</li>


Titel: Polarity 7.0.1 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2015, 18:45
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Release Notes
Omnibar fixes with autocomplete, security info user interface update, fixes to custom warning pages, updated UI in applets, much better certificate error detection, added media and cookie tabs to security window, fixed download failed handling, fixed spacing issue in settings window, exception handler in popup manager, better RSS support, much faster rendering in Control Center, improved loading speed in document explorer, faster tabs, fixed Dropbox download problems, shift+enter to open search or website in new tab from omnibar, redesigned installer, option to delete all bookmarks, fixed Chrome bookmark imports, import bookmarks from Opera, higher quality icons in bookmarks bar, overhauled user interface for bookmarks menu, several bug fixes, updated private mode page, minor changes to private mode, fixed bug where Windows taskbar would cover the top portion of Polarity, option to disable polarity manager.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2015, 21:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed issue: When loading large amount of history items, some actions, like selecting items and copying selected items to the clipboard were very slow.

Titel: Universal Ad Blocker 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2015, 13:18
Universal Ad Blocker is the free all-in-one software to quickly Block Ads across all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc. These days every website is filled with so many advertisements that it is often difficult to distinguish between Ads and the actual content. Not only it is annoying but it also leads to very slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now, 'Universal Ad Blocker' can help you to easily block all these annoying Ads and lets you enjoy cleaner, faster web browsing.

Currently it can successfully block Ads from all these popular Ad networks

Google AdWords
Yahoo Bing Ad Network
Technorati Media
Dynamic Oxygen
Tribal Fusion
AOL Ad Network
Vibrant Media
LifeStreet Media
and many more...

Anytime you can Block or Unblock all the above Ads with just a click of a button. Also it does not require any Browser extensions/add-ons, firewall or proxy server setup. 'Universal Ad Blocker' works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Added support for blocking 20+ more AD networks and traffic redirectors.

Titel: MX Nitro Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2015, 21:40
Latest Changes

+ Add Adblock plugs  (installer version only, portable version is not support)
+ Support more national languages (39 countries and regions)
* BUG Fix

Titel: Slimjet v4.0.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2015, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Added "Scan link with Virustotal" to context menu.
Updated flash player to

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 build 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2015, 09:14
Avant Browser 2015 build 11, Released 7.15.2015

    [Update]Update Flash plugin under Chrome engine
    [Fix]Change two pages at a time when using arrow key to turn page on certain websites
    [Fix]Cannot save forms manually under firefox engine
    [Fix]Auto detach the "Inspect Element" page under Chrome engine
    [Fix]"Open a link" dialog doesn't support Enter key
    [Fix]tw.yahoo.com show blank page under IE engine

Titel: Torch Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2015, 19:40
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher.
Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP bis 8

Whats new: >>

- New Torch Torrent interface - Newly designed, easy to use and super fast.
- New Torrent search field - Allows you to search all torrents available from one easy access point.
- New Buttons - Torch Torrent, Media Grabber and Share features have new buttons.
- Torch Torrent Streaming - Start playing your file in the new Torch Player even before it's completely downloaded.
- Full compatibility with video sites and extensions.
- Performance improvements and torrent bug fixes.

Titel: Polarity 7.0.2 Build 725
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2015, 09:45
Release Notes
Multiple document explorer instances, session restoration after crashes, updated menu renderer, fixed bugs where Polarity would stay open, faster rendering for GUI elements, redesigned new tab page, bug fixes.

Titel: Browser History Spy 4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2015, 17:00
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 8.


Whats new: >>

New feature added to Installer to dynamically download latest version. Also fixed minor bug in Chrome timestamp.

http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php (http://www.securityxploded.com/browser-history-spy.php)
Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2015, 19:21
Whats new:>>

Make flash player updatable as an component (Visit chrome://components )
Updated flash player to

Titel: Facebook History Spy 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2015, 11:00
Facebook History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view Facebook web history from popular web browsers. It helps in recovering or viewing Facebook history from following browsers,

Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Canary/SXS
CoolNovo (Chrome variant)
PaleMoon Browser (Firefox variant)
SeaMonkey Browser (Firefox variant)

It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file or quickly 'Drag & Drop' a history file. This is useful when you have to recover the Facebook history for another user or from different system. You can also export the recovered Facebook history list to HTML/XML/CSV file for offline analysis.

Facebook History Spy works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new:>>

New feature added to Installer to dynamically download latest version. Also fixed the timestamp problem with Chrome history data.

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 build 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2015, 12:22
Whats new:>>

[Fix] Fixed a memory access error

Titel: Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2015, 05:58
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2015, 12:21
Whats new:>>

[Fix]Fixed a bug results in UI frozen

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2015, 12:26

Added "Lock this bar"option in "Search in page"
Added "Hot apps" recommendation in Download task manager(Only in English language)


After deleting pre-installed plug-ins, they , pre-installed plugins, will not be overwritten again.
Removed the Chinese web-link 466.cn from Homepage settings


Mouse gesture will be reset to default after changing Mouse gesture color

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2015, 16:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

When GPAC fails to merge video and audio files into one, VideoCacheView now displays an error message.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2015, 13:30
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


Canvas anti-fingerprinting option: Pale Moon now includes the option to make canvas fingerprinting much more difficult. By setting the about:config preference canvas.poisondata to true, any data read back from canvas surfaces will be "poisoned" with humanly-imperceptible data changes. By default this is off, because it has a large performance impact on the routines reading this data.
Added a feature to allow icon fonts to be used even when users disallow the use of document-specified fonts. This should retain full navigation for icon-font heavy websites (no more dreaded "boxes" with hex codes) when custom text fonts are disabled.
Added a feature to prevent screen savers from kicking in when playing full-screen HTML5 video. This is currently not yet operational on Linux because of stability issues we've run into on that OS, but Windows should properly benefit from this change.
The "autocomplete=off" parameter for signon forms is now completely ignored by default, to keep the user in control of their browser's behavior and allowing credentials to be saved if wished. If you prefer the previous behavior, allowing a website to determine whether autocomplete should be allowed or not, then change the about:config preference signon.ignoreAutocomplete to false.
Reinstated the packaging of pre-compiled scripts in the browser. Hopefully this will fix the reports by some users who found that initial start-up after installation/upgrade of the browser was unacceptably slow. Unfortunately this means a slightly larger download/install size as a trade-off.
Added the option to use Chrome://../skin/ overrides, in effect allowing the use of "Icon themes"; toolbar icon replacements to customize your browser icons without the need for any CSS or full-blown theming.
Added a count for the number of matches in the find bar. it will now list the total number of matches found, and which match is the currently highlighted one.
Fixed the issue where highlighted words after finding and highlighting them all in a page would remain highlighted when closing the find bar.
Added support for CSP 'nonce' keywords (CSP 1.1/2.0). Please note that this is still experimental and may not work 100% as-expected. Please report any bugs you may find.
Aligned CSP more with the spec in terms of reporting and case-sensitivity of matches, and made it more app-friendly.
Added -moz-os-version selectors for @media CSS queries to simplify theming on different operating systems (esp. Windows).
Updated and improved several languages for the Status Bar code, and added Slovenian.
Fixed an issue in the internal updater window not showing proper language strings.
Fixed an issue where the unexpected use of "backface-visibility" on non-3D transformed elements (like the body) would break positioned elements on web pages.
Fixed text positioning in the combobox display area when a non-default height is set for the combobox.
Fixed a crash caused by bad Opus audio encoding in media files.
Fixed a crash when trying to measure memory in about:memory while playing video.
Fixed a rare crash in sLayersAccelerationPrefsInitialized
Fixed miscellaneous other crashes.
Fixed a DNS prefetching issue for the people using this feature.
Fixed an issue with single-word searches from the address bar when a proxy is in use.
Fixed a number of build issues on Linux when using system libs.
Added support for link-time optimization on newer Linux compilers.
Removed more telemetry code (ongoing project!).

Security fixes:

Fixed a memory safety bug due to a bad test in nsZipArchive.cpp (CVE-2015-2735).
Fixed a memory safety bug in nsZipArchive::BuildFileList (CVE-2015-2736).
Fixed a memory safety bug caused by an overflow in nsXMLHttpRequest::AppendToResponseText (CVE-2015-2740).
Fixed a Use After Free in CanonicalizeXPCOMParticipant (CVE-2015-2722).
Fixed off-main-thread nsIPrincipal use of various consumers in the tree (only grab the principal when needed).
Fixed an issue where an IPDL message was sent off the main thread.
Fixed a potentially exploitable TCPSocket crash due to a race condition.


Titel: Polarity 7.0.3 Build 725
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2015, 18:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Fixed bugs with importing bookmarks from Opera, bookmark importing
from Opera Next added, fixed some issues with closing Polarity, fixed issues with
TuneIn Radio, fixed frozen issue when trying to open saved tabs, added more clearing
options in settings window for cache, cookies,and history, smaller file size,
optimized searching from omnibar, added adblock lite mode.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.121
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2015, 05:20
Build 121

    Fixed a bug with facebook sharing.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2015, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Add shortcut key (Ctrl+M) to duplicate the current tab.

Titel: Polarity 7.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2015, 06:45
Latest Changes

- User interface updates in settings window
- Updated UAs
- Modified zoom indicator
- Changing themes no longer require restart
- Message about userstyles added
- Themes now install to specified themes folder in config directory
- Update new tab page
- Autorefresh added to refresh button menu
- Document Explorer instances now sync with their associated tabs
- Fixed autocomplete encoding issues

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 build 27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2015, 09:15
Avant Browser 2015 build 27, Released 08.02.2015

    [Fix]Fixed a bug results in UI frozen

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 123
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2015, 09:10
Build 123

    Fixed compatibility issue with Yahoo.com
    Fixed a bug with ad blocker.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2015, 13:15
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Whats new: >>

Fixed memory leak

Titel: Lunascape 6.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2015, 12:00
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

- Updated the Gecko engine version to 31.8.
- Added Windows 10 support.
- Updated the runtime libraries in the Trident engine.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2015, 13:17
Whats new: >>

Viber support and SQLite engine update

Titel: MX Nitro Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2015, 10:20
Latest Changes

Add Private Mode
Portable version support Adblock plugs
language update
Fixed some bugs

Titel: K-Meleon 75.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 21:40
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

- Update to Gecko 31.8
- Change: moved bmpmenu into core, plugin bmpmenu now is only used for compatibility with older skins using menuicons.cfg
- Change: using gecko favicon cache (I may rollback this because it's unreliable and ugly)
- Change: improved autocomplete result display.
- Added: allow function declaration in macros, some main macros are now function, compat75 assure compatibility with older macros
- Added: macro function date(format[, time]). format: same as strftime, time: timestamp unix (nothing for current time)
- Added macro function download(url, path[, function]). Download file from "url" and save it in "path", then call the designated function.
- Added user authorization for macro using file functions
- Added: kmeleon.display.urlbar_fontsize, this is a multiplier, default is 1
- Fixed: various minor memory leaks
- Fixed: losing sessions when disk full

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2015, 17:30
Whats new:>>

This version comes with some bug fixes, such as Alias pre-search, wrong search engine when pre-searching in a new tab...
It has also optimized the browser UI in win10 and removed 466.com page from homepage settings.

Titel: Polarity 7.0.5 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2015, 10:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Fixed downloader file icon not appearing, changed polarity notification warning dialog interval, omnibar will select next suggestion when pressing control + tab key, added looping to autocomplete suggestions, fixed website rendering issues, better website phishing detection, tooltips added for tabs, quad snapping for Polarity, fixed control center bugs, option to play HTML5 video on Youtube, more UI updates, fixed bug where LocalStorage would not be disabled, tabs in Control Center load faster, taskbar item now shows opened app windows, fixed MSN rendering problems.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2015, 09:12
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now detects automatically the temporary flash files of Microsoft Edge/Project Spartan (On Windows 10)

Titel: Polarity 7.0.6 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2015, 05:11
Whats new:>>

Set home page from home page button context menu, private mode now blocks website trackers by default, important patches.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2015, 22:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Microsoft Edge/Project Spartan (On Windows 10).
Fixed issue: When Internet Explorer 10/11 was opened by multiple users, BrowsingHistoryView displayed all history records of IE 10/11 multiple times.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2015, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


Code cleanup: Removed the (otherwise unused) visual event tracer code.
Code cleanup: Removed reflow performance tracing code (telemetry).
Fixed a key JavaScript bug where defining properties on an object would wipe the object.
This seems to be a common issue with "modern" libraries that use "define" instead of "change" and expecting the other properties on the object to be retained, resulting in "x is undefined" errors all over the place if the object is wiped.
This aligns the behavior with ES6's "Validate and apply property descriptor" pseudo-function.
Updated the SQLite library to
Added support for the element.matches() Web API function.
Added support for BASE tag parsing in source view. Previously, when viewing the source of a document, clickable links would be incorrect if a base path was specified in the document with this tag.
Fixed an issue with running timers after the computer would have been put to sleep with the browser opened.

Security fixes:

Added protection against potential bugs where our SVG mPositions is out of sync with the characters in the DOM. DiD
Fixed use-after-free vulnerability in XMLHttpRequest::Open() (CVE-2015-4492)
Fixed use-after-free vulnerability in the StyleAnimationValue class (CVE-2015-4488)
Fixed crash or memory corruption in nsTArray (CVE-2015-4489)
Fixed crash or memory corruption in nsTSubstring::ReplacePrep (CVE-2015-4487)
Fixed potential escalation of privileges or crash (out-of-bounds write) via a crafted name in MARs (x64 only) (CVE-2015-4482)
Fixed an issue that would allow man-in-the-middle attackers to bypass a mixed-content protection mechanism via a feed: URL in a POST request. (CVE-2015-4483)


Titel: Simple Website Blocker 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2015, 04:45
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Mega release with support for new Windows 10 version. Also fixed the sizing problem with higher resolution computers.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2015, 12:31
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed the bug that skins are not applied appropriately on Windows 10.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 124
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 17:30
Build 124

    Fixed compatibility issue with uk.yahoo.com

Titel: Transmute 2.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 19:20
Transmute is a bookmark converter that can import and export bookmarks, or favorites, between the latest web browser bookmark formats such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Chromium, Flock, SeaMonkey and XBEL.


Latest Changes

Added Microsoft Edge support.
Added Pale Moon support.

Titel: Polarity 7.0.7 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 04:52
Whats new:>>

Faster and smoother tab rendering, added additional tooltips, mouse gestures added to Polarity (enable it via settings menu).

Titel: Pale Moon 26 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 17:40
Release Notes
Available for: Windows x86/x64, Windows for Atom/WinXP, and Linux x86/x64.

We've focused heavily on improving site compatibility in this beta, although there may still be sites that, for one reason or another, don't play nice. Please read below if you are a web app developer for adding support for Goanna-based browsers in your development!

This beta includes (among other things):

    All improvements and security fixes from Pale Moon 25.7
    To keep many useragent-sniffing sites happy, a "Gecko compatibility mode" has been added and enabled by default.
    You can toggle this with the pref general.useragent.compatMode.gecko in about:config. If enabled, it will insert the Gecko/20100101 slice in the useragent string.
    Ruby annotations support! To enable it, set browser.ruby.enabled to true in about:config and restart the browser.
    After restart, there will be an icon in your status bar that will allow you to tweak the annotations settings if needed.
    This functionality has been based on the great work done by Sakai135.
    JPEG files with EXIF orientation information should now all be properly sized and rotated when viewed stand-alone.
    Added a new preference to prevent Pale Moon from taking focus when launching a new tab from an external (non-Pale Moon) link.
    To use this, set browser.tabs.noWindowActivationOnExternal to true in about:config
    Fixed some border/background styling issues on Windows 10 (more to come)

Download : http://www.palemoon.org/WIP/

Titel: Google Ad Blocker 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 20:20
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new: >>

Mega release with support for blocking Google ADs on new Windows 10 version.

Titel: Avast Browser Cleanup 10.3.2223.101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2015, 05:15
Bei vielen Installationen von meist Freeware muss man auf die Einstellungen achten, da man sonst ungewollt Toolbars installiert. Hier hilft Avast Browser Cleanup. Das Programm wird ohne Installation gestartet und überprüft die vorhandenen Browser auf Toolbars, welche dann entfernt werden können. Ebenso kann die Homepage und der Standard-Suchanbieter wieder auf Standard gesetzt werden.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP - 8

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.28.50908
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2015, 05:15
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Remove Featured Window;
Regulate fonts;
Some other small improvements;

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2015, 12:14
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 44
Added built-in ad blocker (accessible from "Ad Blocker" under the main menu or the corresponding toolbar button")
Added turbocharged download manager which use parallel connections to boost file download speeds up to 12x. (Select "Turbocharged download" from the context menu when you right click on a link).

Titel: Midori 0.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2015, 09:11
Midori is a lightweight web browser.


    Full integration with GTK+2/ GTK+3.
    Fast rendering with WebKit.
    Tabs, windows and session management.
    Private browsing and sensitive data options.
    User scripts and user styles support.
    Straightforward bookmark management and flexible Web Search.
    Customizable and extensible interface.
    Extensions such as Adblock, form history, mouse gestures or cookie management.

Lizens : Open Source

Add fake theme for built-in icons
Don't truncate long speed dial titles if there's room to display them
Fix warnings for -Wformat-security
Ensure vala knows the prototypes of functions it calls, fixing pointer truncation in tests
Add unit test to check appmenu/menubar visibility
Fix last known GTK2 entry placeholder text bugs
Make sure that only one of appmenu and menubar are visible *initially* as well as when changed
Move adblock icons to hicolor
Limit bookmarks panel callbacks to the lifetime of the panel to fix a crash
Fix fallout (broken bookmarks and history panel search) from tweaks to GTK2 entry placeholder
fix property binding to ensure that exactly one of appmenu button and menubar is always visible
Skip open-with codepath with abp links, they are internal
Use find_file to locate execinfo.h
Fix middle/ctrl/normal clicking bookmarks (not folders) in the bookmarkbar.
Add copright header to sanitize_bar.sh
Adblock fixup: Escape . in filter with \
Don't shadow variable uri in midori_browser_save_uri
Switch Adblock icons to 24px color
Always include app menu in toolbar
Fix various mis[sing ]annotations and style issues in GIR
Compile typelib from gir
Fix assert when resetting webapp state after inactivity reset
clean up handling of double-valued db column in Tabby
Add a comment to explain MidoriBrowser popup callback
fix warnings printed when right-clicking resize grip between location and search entries
Win32: Use Dr. MinGW if present to preserve crash info
Fix menubar warning caused by direct cast instead of `as`
Helper script for setting up bzr with some usefull plugins and settings
Stop using Gtk.Entry.max_width_chars
avoid deprecated SoupServer API with libsoup 2.48
Use unowned in foreach loops in Midori.Window
Use unowned in foreach loops in Midori.Completion
Use unowned with Adblock.Subscription and Element in foreach loops
Use unowned strings in foreach loops
Enable openWith in app mode and make it work with view-new
Implement Midori.Window class with toolbar/ headerbar
Drop support for libsoup-gnome-2.4 < 2.37.1
Make search icons for engines work correctly
Move to WebKit2 4.0 which broke ABI
Port to zeitgeist-2.0
win32: Bump shipped GrayBird theme version to fix some rendering issues
avoid deprecated GtkDialog API with GTK+2 >= 2.22
Title case for "Export Certificate" button
fix incorrect type of MAX(sorting) in Tabby

Titel: Polarity 7.0.8 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2015, 17:40
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed mouse gesture issues, added Spanish locale (Phase 1), language
settings in settings menu.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2015, 09:09
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


Updated the Gecko engine version to 38.2.
Changed a tab setting to show close buttons on inactive tab-title bars.

Fixed Bugs:

Fixed the bug that Flash does not work in Gecko engine under a specific environment.
Fixed the bug that Gecko engine does not synchronize with tabs under a tab setting that always activate a new tab.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2015, 09:08

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/44.0.2403.157)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2015, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Optimized "Set Maxthon as default browser" in Win10
Supported Pin to win10 start menu( can be done only once)
Fixed 12306 certifaction issue
Fixed a presearch bug
Fixed and issue with jd( a chinese website) search from Multisearch
Updated Flash DLL
Fixed one RSS leak
Fixed conflict issue between Preseach and Page alias
Internal update
Always Display System tray icon is checked by default

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2015, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix some bugs in ad blocker
Fix a bug in popup blocker.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2015, 06:30
Build 125

    Improve performance of ad blocker
    Improve upload speed of built-in ftp uploader.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2015, 18:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added option to skip duplicate URLs that their visit time difference is less than xx seconds. (In 'Advanced Options' window) Sometimes, A web browser may record a Web page visit multiple times with a difference of a few seconds, even when the Web page was visited only once. This option allows you to hide these duplicate history records.

Titel: Project Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2015, 20:15
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: Slimjet v5.0.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2015, 20:30
Slimjet is fast, secure, and powerful browser built on top of the Google Chrome browser, integrating many more features and customizations without reducing speed. The program includes a fully customizable toolbar, form filler, Youtube video downloader, weather, photo upload enhance/shrink, translation, address aliases, webpage screenshots, auto-refresh, multiple proxy support, flexible new tab controls, and more.

Facebook integration is available and extensions designed for Chrome in Chrome Web Store should be compatible with Slimjet.


Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 44.
Added built-in ad blocker (accessible from "Ad Blocker" under the main menu or the corresponding toolbar button").
Added turbocharged download manager which use parallel connections to boost file download speeds up to 12x. (Select "Turbocharged download" from the context menu when you right click on a link).

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 126
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2015, 09:05
Build 126

Added Privacy Protection List into the ad blocker.

Titel: Dooble 1.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2015, 15:45
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Allow hiding of the search widget. Please see the View menu.
Configurable tab bar position.
Deleting the QNetworkReply object in dnetworkaccessmanager::slotFinished() continues to cause sporadic termination. Removed deleteLater().
Increased maximum discarded tabs and favorite links from 15 to 30.
Limit results of qgetenv().
Per Mrs. Fennel, private tabs. Please see the File menu.
Thread scheduling may not be available.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.5 on OS X and Windows.


Titel: K-Meleon 75.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2015, 18:26
K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, it is a lite Web browser based on Gecko (the Mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, it could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows. It doesn't require Mozilla to be installed to run. The interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>

- fixed: video/animation staying still when switching tab
- fixed: profile inside kmeleon folder was deleted after a second update
- added: "copy link text" in context menu.
- fixed: after force reload, some tabs show a wrong icon.
- fixed: macro security check will be removed for now

Titel: Polarity 7.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2015, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Spanish Translation Phase 2, top sites disposed error fixed.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2015, 04:56
Slimjet is fast, secure, and powerful browser built on top of the Google Chrome browser, integrating many more features and customizations without reducing speed. The program includes a fully customizable toolbar, form filler, Youtube video downloader, weather, photo upload enhance/shrink, translation, address aliases, webpage screenshots, auto-refresh, multiple proxy support, flexible new tab controls, and more.

Facebook integration is available and extensions designed for Chrome in Chrome Web Store should be compatible with Slimjet.


Whats new:>>

Add support for subscribing additional filter lists with built-in ad blocker. (Check Ad Blocker Options dialog)
Fix more bugs with ad blocker.
Avoid blocking reading from html canvas for extension scripts
Revised QuickFill save form interface from info bar to a small dialog at the right bottom corner of the browser window.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 127
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2015, 09:14
Build 127

    Fixed video playback issue with tencent video (v.qq.com).

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2015, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed crash when too many big ad block filter lists are selected.
Fixed a bug with interpretation of ad blocker rules.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2015, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed more bugs with ad blocker.
Fixed bugs with form saving dialog of form filler.
Completed Arabic and Japanese language file (Thanks to mfmd and Yuki Nagatomo).

Titel: Slimjet v5.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed more bugs with ad blocker.

Titel: Pale Moon v25.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2015, 17:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes


    Code cleanup: Removed the majority of remaining telemetry code (including the data reporting back-end and health report) to prevent a few issues with partially removed code in earlier versions.
    Fixed a crash due to handling of bogus URIs passed to CSS style filters (e.g. whatsapp's web interface).
    Permitted spec-breaking syntax in Regex character classes, allowing ranges that would be permitted per the grammar rules in the spec but not necessarily following the syntax rules. This impacts a good number of (also higher profile) sites that use invalid ranges in regular expressions (e.g. Cisco's networking academy site, Yahoo Fantasy Football).
    Fixed a crash due to the newly introduced WASAPI handling of audio channel mapping that doesn't like actual surround hardware setups (e.g. playing a video with quadraphonic audio on a 4-speaker setup).
    Fixed an issue where site-specific dictionary selections would be written to content preferences without the user's action, potentially overwriting or clearing a previously-chosen dictionary.
    Added support for drag and drop of local files from sources which use text/uri-lists. (Some Linux flavors/file managers)
    Updated libnestegg to the most current version.
    Fixed an issue where setting the location to an empty string could cause a reload loop.

Security fixes:

    Changed the jemalloc poison address to something that is not a NOP-slide. DiD
    Fixed a memory safety hazard in ConvertDialogOptions.
    Fixed a buffer overflow/crash hazard in the VertexBufferInterface::reserveVertexSpace function in libGLES in ANGLE.
    Fixed an overflow/crash hazard in the XULContentSinkImpl::AddText function.
    Fixed a stack buffer overread hazard in the ICC v4 profile parser.
    Fixed an HTMLVideoElement Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution 0-day vulnerability.
    Fixed a potentially exploitable crash in nsXBLService::GetBinding.
    Fixed a memory safety hazard in nsAttrAndChildArray::GrowBy.
    Fixed a memory safety hazard for callers of nsUnicodeToUTF8::GetMaxLength.
    Fixed a heap buffer overflow/crash hazard caused by invalid WebM headers.

DiD: This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: Polarity 7.1.0 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2015, 18:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Minor patches and bug fixes across the browser.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2015, 09:16
Whats new:>>

Added support for generating renderer dump files.
Added option to set turbocharged download manager as the default downloader (under Download section of the settings page).
Fixed more bugs with ad blocker.

Titel: Avant Browser 2015 Build 28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2015, 12:20
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 45.0.2454.101
[Fix]Fixed a few bug results in UI frozen

Titel: Pale Moon v25.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2015, 17:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed a critical hang caused by recursive reloads that might happen in iframes if its hash changed.
Fixed a critical hang caused by lazy-loading of stylesheets through a specific web programming technique as advocated by Google's PageSpeed.

Titel: SterJo YouTube Ad Blocker 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2015, 05:15
Block ads while watching YouTube videos with this simple, but effective application that allows you to issue commands with a simple mouse click.


Titel: ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker 4.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2015, 04:55
Enjoy your Internet browsing time without annoying banners and with no ads while you try to watch a video or read the latest news.


Whats new:>>

Added support for Windows 10 browsers: Edge and Internet Explorer.
Updated database with new ads and tracking scripts.
Other small fixes and improvements.

Titel: Slimjet v5.0.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2015, 05:50
Whats new:>>

Added option to change default maximum number of connections for turbocharged downloader.
Fixed a bug in ad blocker related to element hiding.
Remember last save folder in turbocharged downloader confirmation dialog.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2015, 18:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Seventh bugfix version is now available.

    save pinned tabs per-window when set to restore session
    Shift+Left click on links now opens link in new window
    show web inspector action now toggles inspector
    add button to create new userscript in GreaseMonkey
    add "Anti-Adblock Killer" AdBlock subscription
    add Ctrl+G and Ctrl+Shift+G shortcuts in search toolbar
    fix enabling select all and find actions in menu
    fix searching for strings with special whitespaces from locationbar
    fix build with KF5 KWallet
    fix crash when blocking popup window with AdBlock
    fix icon animation when blocking popup window with AdBlock
    fix build with Qt 5.5 and gcc 4.9
    fix incorrectly accepting some cookies
    fix creating new config directory
    fix saving settings without changing pages in SpeedDial
    fix center dials option in SpeedDial
    fix not escaping characters for (file, ftp) dir listings
    fix not showing restore page when opening new url from cli
    fix adding search engine from form on page with Qt 5
    fix saving homepage/new tab urls from preferences
    Linux: use run-time detection of X11 platform

Titel: Polarity 7.1.1 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2015, 10:05
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Spanish Translation Phase 3, more minor patches.

Titel: Wise Plugin Manager 1.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2015, 13:15
Wise Plugin Manager is an efficient software used for turning on/off or removing browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars, it is applicable to Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.


Whats new: >>

Added Windows 10 compatibility.
Added 'Skip UAC'.
Updated translations.
GUI and usability improvements.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2015, 17:40
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes

This is a usability update needed due to the fact that Mozilla has shut down their key exchange (J-PAKE) server along with the old Sync servers. This was unexpected and required us to set up our own key server (testing indicates this works as-expected, but please do report any issues on the forum) - which also required reconfiguration of the browser.
Please note that older versions of the browser will no longer be able to link devices to a sync account using the 12-character code since it requires a Mozilla server no longer present. If you need this functionality, you must update to this version or later.


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.129
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2015, 13:47
Build 129

    Added Yandex engine for Russian users.


Titel: VideoCacheView v2.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2015, 06:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

When using the 'Open Selected File With', the 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file' check-box is now turned off and disabled.

Titel: Slimjet v5.0.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2015, 06:45
Slimjet is fast, secure, and powerful browser built on top of the Google Chrome browser, integrating many more features and customizations without reducing speed. The program includes a fully customizable toolbar, form filler, Youtube video downloader, weather, photo upload enhance/shrink, translation, address aliases, webpage screenshots, auto-refresh, multiple proxy support, flexible new tab controls, and more.

Facebook integration is available and extensions designed for Chrome in Chrome Web Store should be compatible with Slimjet.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bugs and improved the design of turbocharged downloader.
Fixed bug with youtube video downloader.
Automatically use turbocharged downloader to download youtube videos faster.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2015, 09:07
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fixed localization issue in turbocharged downloader.

Titel: Polarity 7.1.2 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2015, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Fixes to Polarity Launcher, Polarity notification manager, and PolarSync, other fixes to downloader.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2015, 06:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Eightht bugfix version is now available.

    added interface for extensions to show action in Tools menu
    add option to use TabManager as main tabbar replacement
    fix build with Qt 5.5.1
    fix crash when unloading plugin with visible sidebar
    fix possible crash when accessing last active window
    fix sometimes incorrectly loading background non-restored tab
    fix showing speed dials in bookmarks icon
    fix showing messages in statusbar in RTL mode
    fix crash when application style is externally changed
    fix labels color in access keys navigation with dark style
    fix position of autoscroll indicator with site notification visible
    Windows: fix setting as default browser
    Windows: better toolbar background for Windows 10

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2015, 05:00
Whats new:>>


Developer tools supported in Retro mode in Win10
HTTPS pages can not prompt Warning window in Retro mode
Address bar completion does not match with Dropdown menu
Fixed malcious webpage leak

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 130
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2015, 05:15
Build 130

Fixed a bug with youtube video downloader.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.131
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2015, 03:50
Build 131

    Updated German language file.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2015, 04:20
Whats new:>>

Update language files.
Fix potential crash with turbocharged downloader
Fix potential crash with ad blocker
Fix bug: QuickFill doesn't prompt saving login information on Yahoo email.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2015, 20:15
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed the bug that dialogs related to HTTP and HTTPS are shown repeatedly on Trident.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2015, 05:55
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix a bug with autofill

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2015, 06:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/46.0.2490.71)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Developer tools supported in Retro mode in Win10
HTTPS pages can not prompt Warning window in Retro mode
Address bar completion does not match with Dropdown menu
Fixed malcious webpage leak

Titel: Slimjet v5.0.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2015, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Fix miscellanous crash cases.
Update language files.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00 Build 132
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2015, 05:10
Build 132

Add link to Groupon.com in new tab page.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2015, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with turbocharged download manager.

Titel: Dooble 1.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2015, 09:23
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes
Allow suspending of a page load via a tab's context menu.
Avoid accepting secure cookies from HTTP sites.
Avoid serving secure cookies over HTTP.
Enable cross-site-scripting auditing. New installations only.
New per-tab progress bars.
Upgraded Qt to version 5.5.1 on OS X and Windows.
Upgraded SQLite products to version 3.9.1 on Windows.
Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.6.4 on Windows.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2015, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Migrated to Chromium 46
Improved quickfill form filler
Continued support of Java, Silverlight and other NPAPI-based ActiveX controls if you still need them.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2015, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Fixed crash when signing into eBay.

Titel: Lunascape 6.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2015, 12:29
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

– Fixed the bug that Lunascape crashes when an IE toolbar extention is used on the Lunascape.

Titel: QupZilla 1.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2015, 18:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

new QupZilla logo
add button to open spellcheck settings in preferences
remove gradient in toolbar of browsing library
fix showing authors page in about dialog
fix showing current tab in tabbar after restoring session
fix searching for invalid one-word url strings from locationbar
fix switch to tab from locationbar completer when it is the only tab in window

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2015, 05:10
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

The properties window is now larger and resizable.

Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 133
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2015, 09:11
Build 133

    Updated some language files.
    Added Bing search engine into the list of preinstalled engines.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2015, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix misc bugs.
Added option to automatically invert web page color (Check the option "Invert web page color" under "Accessibility" section of the settings page or corresponding toolbar button).

Titel: Polarity 7.1.6 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2015, 15:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Middle click to close tab
other bug fixes.

Titel: Pale Moon 25.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2015, 18:45
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Release Notes

This is a security, stability and usability update.


    Updated LibVPX to 1.4.x to be able to play more kinds of VP9-encoded videos.
    Updated the JPEG decoder library to 1.4.0.
    Fixed and cleaned up XPCOM timer thread code to avoid intermittent issues with events not firing (especially after stand-by).
    Updated overrides to work around issues with Facebook and Netflix.
    Fixed an issue where too-old system-supplied NSPR and/or NSS libraries would be accepted for use.

Security fixes:

    Updated the libpng library to 1.5.24 to address critical security issues CVE-2015-7981 and CVE-2015-8126
    Updated the NSPR library to 4.10.10 to address several security issues.
    Updated the NSS library to 3.19.4 to address several security issues.
    Fixed a memory safety hazard in SVG path code (CVE-2015-7199).
    Fixed an issue with IP address parsing potentially allowing an attacker to bypass the Same Origin Policy (CVE-2015-7188).
    Fixed an Add-on SDK (Jetpack) issue that would allow scripts to be executed despite being forbidden (CVE-2015-7187).
    Fixed a crash due to a buffer underflow in libjar (CVE-2015-7194).
    Fixed an issue for Android full screen that would potentially allow address spoofing (CVE-2015-7185).
    Added size checks in canvas manipulations to avoid potential image encoding vulnerabilities like CVE-2015-7189. DiD
    Fixed potential information disclosure vulnerabilities through the NTLM authentication mechanism. Insecure NTLM v1 is now disabled by default, and the workstation name is set to WORKSTATION by default (configurable with a preference for environments where identification of workstations is done by actual reported machine name). This avoids issues like CVE-2015-4515.
    Fixed a potentially vulnerable crash from a spinning event loop during resize painting. DiD
    Fixed several Javascript-based memory safety hazards. DiD

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2015, 09:17
Whats new:>>

Update language files.
Fix a crash case with ad blocker.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2015, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix an internal bug with codecs.
Added support to temporarily bypass turbocharged download manager by holding Alt key.

Titel: Polarity 7.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2015, 05:50
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Many minor bug fixes across the browser.

Polarity v.7.1.7 (11/18/15)

Fixed major crashing issue in 7.1.6.

Titel: Maelstrom Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2015, 09:31
Project Maelstrom is the world's first torrent-based browser. It fetches content from peer-to-peer distributed torrents while other browsers ping traditional servers and request them for files. Much like how a torrent application fetches data from other peers' networks instead of a centralized server, BitTorrent, Inc. believes that it could be the future of how we surf the web as well, and also how we receive information from the websites we love to visit every day.

Maelstrom is a Chromium-based browser that functions like, well, Chrome! It even supports standard HTTP/HTTPs protocols so even if a website you like isn't available as a torrent file (just yet), you can still browse it.


Titel: Slimjet v6.0.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix a crash case with codec.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.33.51122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2015, 20:00
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Auto and manual login website;
Add website favicon and loading animation;
Allow portable edition run as administrator;
Support Open Website in Multi-Process Mode;

Titel: Pale Moon 25.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2015, 22:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.


Whats new:>>

Fix for a crash that could occur at random since the update to 25.8.0.
Fix for CSP (Content Security Policy) to be more lenient towards the incorrect passing of full URLs with all sorts of parameters in the CSP header, leading to misinterpretation of the header and incorrectly blocking the loading of content.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.0.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2015, 13:50
Over 150 changes since beta 2, highlighting the most prominent:

Regular expressions behavior change for capturing groups: in the case of a capturing group with quantifiers preventing its exercise, the matched text for a capturing group is now undefined instead of an empty string.
Dragging and dropping an image that is served behind a redirect will now properly grab the image instead of the redirect code.
Autoplay of media will now also be blocked when autoplay is set to false and the user hasn't interacted with the element, even if this would normally be script-triggered (previously, this media playback triggered by JS would not be blocked).
navigator.product will now return "Gecko" instead of "Goanna" since this is a historical requirement (all browsers return "Gecko", even IE and Safari, and some libraries break otherwise). This should make the browser more compatible with particular libraries like certain in-page editors.
The Goanna milestone version has been bumped to 2.0 for the first release of Pale Moon with it. This to avoid a platform version used in legacy checks on the web for Gecko 1.8 and 1.9 (Firefox era 3.*) and following the logic that Pale Moon 25.* was in principle milestone 1.0.
Added Ecosia as a green search engine alternative.
Changed the J-PAKE server configuration to our own key server.
Added support for 128-bit Camellia-GCM ciphers in addition to the CBC ciphers.
Fixed the handling of location hash changes (hang).
Aligned the use of scrollbars in frames&iframes with the HTML5 spec, that states that overflow styling should not affect scrollbars in the frame.
Improved scaling for vector images (previously bitmap scaled, now drawn directly at the target resolution).
Improved GC memory shrinking.
Fixed the handling of media changes in onload= (hang).
Updated libnestegg.
Fixed a Netscape legacy bug where empty locations would hang the browser or cause rapid and endless reloads.
Changed the tab close buttons to be red on hover (Windows aero). Still needs some graphics updates.
Added a control pref for onunload= events as dom.disable_beforeunload.
Prevented (simulated) clicks during onunload to prevent DoS caused by unload looping. (bad pages are bad, mmkay?)
Prevented content preferences (dictionary) from being written without the user's interaction.
Fixed incorrect handling by WASAPI for surround channels (crash).
Removed N/A download listeners in the status bar code.
Permitted spec-breaking Regex classes for ranges.
Improved pure string matching performance for Regex (fast path).
Bumped Firefox compat version to 38.*.
Re-worked the theme styling for the default theme, including specific Win10 adjustments and fixes for the changes in metrics on that OS.
Added app/vendor specific UA override section + first entry for WhatsApp.
Crash fix: Gracefully handle bogus URIs passed to CSS style filters.
Pale Moon will now honor margin-left and margin-right on elements in inline layouts that have 0 width and/or height.
Added CSS media queries for determining OS: Linux, MacOS X, BSD in addition to the Windows ones.
Properly fixed the dictionary logic (rewrite).
Disabled battery API by default to prevent privacy leaks.
Removed incorrect orange color from the AppMenu button's edge.
Removed metro browser code.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2015, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Make all the sections in the settings page collapsible for easier viewing.
Improved QuickFill Form filler.
Automatically reload current tab after allowing a plugin to run.
Show the number of blocked urls on the ad blocker button (hidden elements are not counted due to performance reason)
Misc bug fixes.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2015, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Update language files.
Fixed another bug with form filler.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2015, 12:21
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix a couple of crash cases.
Disable "Eagleget downloader" extension due to compatibility issue.

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2015, 05:45
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

VideoCacheView now automatically detects the cache folder and termporary files of Yandex Web browser. (Be aware that Yandex is based on Chrome Web browser, so 'Chrome' is displayed in the browser column)

Titel: Polarity 7.2.1 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2015, 12:29
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes with handling bitmaps.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.0.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2015, 21:15
Implemented JavaScript Promises! Websites that rely on this technology for their framework (and don't implement a server-side solution for this as they are supposed to, to be browser-agnostic) should now render properly.
Implemented an XSS filter! Pale Moon will now check for XSS (Cross-site scripting) attacks and block XSS content in the resulting pages.
Autoplay of media now has a separate control preference for scripted content. This allows you to have the previous behavior to allow scripted content while blocking standard autoplaying media, or to also block scripted content (setting media.autoplay.allowscripted to false in addition to media.autoplay.enabled) which would effectively stop all automatic playing (but has a few drawbacks for scripted players e.g. on youtube and soundcloud).
Several updates to the default theme, including certificate and network error pages.
Added a "containing folder" column to search results (can be enabled through "views" -> "show columns") in the history/bookmarks library, and an option to open this folder in the context menu.
Removed support for ancient versions of GCC (Minimum supported version is now 4.6) and dehydra, as well as misc. other obsolete pieces of code.
Added a History drop-down navigation menu button.
Improved handling of very large numbers of tabs.
Removed the maintenance service code completely. We never use this, it's unmaintained and a security hazard if built.
Updated CSP to handle improper full URLs with otherwise unhandled or mis-handled characters.
Removed filtering of preferences to display (specifically the capability.* preferences that Mozilla explicitely hid).
Removed text reflow text inside combobox frames to avoid quirks resulting from text-overflow hacks to hide selection comboboxes (e.g. hacks to hide the drop-down arrow needed for older browsers).
We now explicitly tell servers we accept WebP image formats in the HTTP header.
Updated libpng, libjpeg-turbo, libvpx, and misc other upstream libraries/modules.
Applied 25.8.1-comparable security fixes.
Implemented a more adaptive style of UserAgent construction to present the finalized versions of the UA in native and Firefox Compatibility modes.
Dev: Added a GetElementById() function to document fragments in addition to actual documents.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2015, 18:45

Optimizations and Fixes:

Start-up speed was significantly optimized
Browser core updated to Chrome 39
Optimized Print and Print Preview
Optimized Touchscreen Zoom Effect
Improved Spell Check and automatic spell check dictionary
Supported Tab Mute
Improved Reader mode
Optimized Developer tools
Supported Remembrance of page zoom
Optimized Smooth Scroll

Temporarily missing features:

Third party download tool support
Cloud Tabs
Force to specify page font
Split screen
Night mode
Skin switch


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2015, 12:21
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with tencent video playback.
Add integration support for Screencastify extension (Select "Record video from current tab" from the menu to install the extension).
Fixed a crash case with ad blocker.
Fixed a bug with turbocharged download manager.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2015, 11:00
Avant Browser 2016 build 01, Released 12.21.2015

    [Add]Add "send a link" option back
    [Fix]Some videos don't support playback under chrome engine
    [Fix]Some sites don't display https padlock
    [Fix]Cannot display fullscreen video on second display under firefox engine

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2015, 17:16
Whats new:>>

- Fixed a crash case at first run on Windows 8/8.1.
- Update language files.

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2015, 16:00
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware


This release includes Gecko upgrade to 38.4, an improvement that Gecko addon icons are displayed on Gecko toolbar, and some bug fixes in Gecko and Trident.


Updated the Gecko engine version to 38.4.
Gecko addon icons are displayed on Gecko toolbar.

Fixed Bugs:

Fixed the bug that unknown windows are generated in Gecko engine.
Fixed the bug that unnecessary tabs are generated when a new tab is added in Gecko engine.
Fixed the bug that addons cannot be installed by clicking "Add to Firefox" button in "Get Add-ons" menu.
Fixed the bug that the contents in Gecko tabs go blank when a page exists fullscreen.
Fixed the bug that some bookmaklets including a Mixi check bookmarklet are not executed in Trident engine.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2015, 12:30

Fixed System title flashing problem under Non-Areo effect in WIN7
Fixed RSS Cross domain access leak
Fixed the display issue in Select drop-down
Zoom problems in Retro mode under high DPI
Only default search engine is shown on search engine list
When page zoom _DPI is 125%, and tried to switch to 100% or 150%, the the default page zoom still remains 125%
Magic fill in _ *. qq.com cannot automatically fill in
After crashed, the tabs that haven’t been closed previously cannot be restored to last section records
Restarting the browser after Quitting system tray opens new window
Online update_When Silent update is completed, if you click 'Close" the browser does not auto update after restart
When you Switch to Retro mode, the browser core icon delays for 4 secs
Open in new tab when you Right click link in last session does not work
Wrong Target URL and File name in displayed window when you Right click link in last session page and choose "save link as"
Quick access Push data download issue
Over installing Mx4.9 to Mx4.4. user data causes browser flashing and quits making it impossible to start the browser
Unable to block some ads in some internal websites
Mouse gesture tail line disappears on video window
Quick access display issues
In retro mode using window.open does not open pages with default zoom
When Minimized to tray, clicking Maxthon icon won't revert to small size window,it just shows in windows taskbar
When Boss key Settings conflict
Smart address bar_Chinese input does not provide suggestions
Quick access display issue in private window
Quick access page still scrolls when right click menu has been initiated


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2015, 16:51
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

NEW Added Slimjet browser support
IMPROVED SQLite engine updated to 3.9.12

Titel: GreenBrowser v6.8.1228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2015, 09:45
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware


    Quick menu for links.


    Some page not popup text selected menu after double click.
    Text selected menu incorrectly popup bugs.


    If you press ctrl, text selected menu will not popup.
    Click action of system bar when not display the title bar.
    Interface operation rules.

Titel: Slimjet v6.0.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2016, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with turbocharged download manager when downloading html files.
Update language files.

Titel: Slimjet v6.0.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2016, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with turbocharged download manager when downloading html files.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2016, 13:41
Avant Browser 2016 build 2, Released 1.3.2016

    [Fix]The settings of IE engine affects Internet Options

Titel: Polarity 7.2.3 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2016, 05:40
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Minor patches for Windows XP users.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2016, 13:31
This update has optimized following problems:

+Added full screen mode in Retro mode
-Optimized some websites opening lagging issues
-Fixed a number of browser crash issues

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2016, 05:40
Whats new:>>

Migrated to Chromium 47.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.135
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2016, 09:45
Build 135

    Solve playback issue of Tencent video.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2016, 21:09
Whats new:>>

Added support for Java.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2016, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Optimized the speed of quick access
Improvement of stability
Change the icon of Bing
Fixed a number of Jira Bug

Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2016, 20:15
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

ImageCacheViewer now automatically detects the cache folders of Chromium and Yandex.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2016, 12:19
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Yandex Web browser

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2016, 06:05

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/47.0.2526.106)
Fixed the issue that the navigation back button wouldn't be enabled
Fixed the issue that web view doesn't work after extension action in Windows Vista
Fixed the issue that bookmark would be closed on right-clicking when panel show automatically
Fixed the issue that keyboard input wouldn't be enabled on exiting from fullscreen
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2016, 16:30

Changelog for MX

Enhanced stability of the browser


Unable to support http://giromilano.atm.it/#/home/calcolapercorso page

Search bar alias do not disappear

When you Close privacy window cookie are not cleaned up in time

Video popup_Drag and drop to another screen and switch to full anomalies

Problem with Address bar Certificate display for some websites

Sort by Frequency and Sort by Title don't work at all in the Favorites Sidebar

Quick app_Can't remember user name password automatic login

In Ultra mode the second click on the scroll bar directly scroll to the end

Video popup window anomalies for live videos

Favorites with “symbols are broken

Favorites Sites do not support the double quotes

If you click on the star at the left of address bar and click "add to quick access", then close the new open TAB , repeating the same operation does not open a new tab

Renaming a search engine is not reflected the new name in the address bar immediately

Bug in JavaScript audio.currentTime

When set to auto hide, Task bar cannot be activated by a mouse when the browser is switched to full screen

Drag and drop text does not work properly

Windows status bar icon's right-click menu does not change with the browser language

Page loading issues

Over installation _4. 4 version of violent monkeys plug-in installation script, over install 4.9 makes  violent monkeys script installed in 4.4. Version disappear

When you restart the browser after killing the browser processes will make quick access page unable to load successfully

Quick access is not displayed if you Quick open two browser windows

The small icon on the right side of favorites will be shown differently when maximize or restore it

Maximize the window in Win7, taskbar cannot be activated

The login page of Maxthon account under Janpanese language displays incomplete

No texts in crash page


Titel: Slimjet v7.0.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2016, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Added support to download facebook video.
Added option to hide profile switching button on Windows caption.

Titel: Polarity 7.2.4 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2016, 13:11
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Lower CPU usage in downloader.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.0.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2016, 20:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.



This is a new milestone release! It's been in the works for a good number of months, and has many hundreds of notable changes, fixes, and improvements that can't possibly all be listed here.
These release notes for this version are a concise summary, lifting out the most prominent and important changes. You may find slightly more detailed release notes on the forum.


Goanna logoPale Moon is now building on the new Goanna engine instead of Gecko. Although close relatives in terms of web technology, they are not the same under the hood and any reports of bugs with the layout/rendering engine should be as detailed as possible to allow us to pinpoint the cause of the bugs and fix them (just stating "it works in Firefox" really doesn't help us!). If you wish to report issues, please either use the issue tracker on GitHub or report a detailed description and steps to reproduce on the forum.
We've had to reduce the number of supported languages for our language packs. With the need to move to our own full localization and lacking translators to support and maintain less common languages in use around the world, we've reduced our number of offered languages to a little over 30. The languages still supported should royally cover all commonly-spoken languages around the globe. You will need to update your language packs!
Although we've given this release extensive testing, it is still possible you run into some website compatibility issues (usually because of websites doing useragent sniffing) and e.g. some sites displaying a mobile version if they do not recognize or incorrectly recognize the new browser engine. Please always try contacting the webmasters first before posting support requests at our address, since this is usually not something we can provide solutions for, ourselves, and we end up having to redirect you anyway.


The layout parser/renderer has received many updates with this change over to Goanna, improving web compatibility and standards compliance in many areas.
The browser user interface has received updates, making it more compatible with Windows 10 in many respects and more in line with the general styles of the operating system version it is run on in terms of the shapes of controls and color setting.
Updated graphics/media support: Pale Moon now supports the WebP image format, properly scales EXIF rotated JPEGs, has updated support for different WebGL texture formats, improved scaling of vector images, updated libpng, libjpeg-turbo, libvpx, and misc other upstream libraries/modules, and more!


The library now has a scope bar (pops up when searching) with the option to select what you want to search in (either bookmarks or history) and the option to save your searches.
By default, there will be a history menu drop-down in the browser's user interface next to the bookmarks one.
Added "Containing folder" and "Containing folder path" columns so you can see exactly where a bookmark is located at a glance when searching (after enabling the columns).
Added support for Ruby annotations. If you need this functionality, set the about:config preference browser.ruby.enabled to true, and restart the browser.
Added conservative image decoding: it will now only decode images that are (almost) in view, greatly improving overall memory use and initial loading of graphics-heavy pages.
Aligned 3D CSS transforms and perspective with the spec.
JavaScript improvements: added basic support for ES6 Promises, added lement.matches(), updated property assignments, added Bin/Oct literals in Number(), improved performance of TypeOf calls, improved GC memory shrinking, improved memory allocations, improved RegEx performance and compatibility, and more!
Added CSS media queries to determine the OS the browser is running on, allowing theme designers to make specific changes based on OS at run-time.
Added a control preference for onunload= events as dom.disable_beforeunload. This allows you to completely disable events fired when leaving a page.
Changed the memory allocator to the (faster) system allocator on modern operating systems.
Improved the handling of very large numbers of tabs.
Added Ecosia as a "green" search engine alternative for the environmentally aware surfer.
Autoplay of media now has a separate control preference for scripted content as media.autoplay.allowscripted, to block script-initiated autoplay of media.

Security updates:

Added support for 128-bit Camellia-GCM ciphers in addition to the existing CBC ciphers to offer a more internationally diverse choice of secure encryption ciphers than just AES.
Added an advanced, active XSS (cross-site scripting) filter. Pale Moon will now check for XSS attacks and block XSS content in the resulting pages. This is brand-new technology and feedback on this filter specifically (e.g. bugs, false positives, etc.) should be posted in the dedicated thread on the forum for this feature. Please also see that thread for details on how to use and control this filter.
Distrusted several root certificates in accordance with security best practice.
Aligned cookie acceptance with RFC 6265 §4.1.1. We still make an exception for allowing spaces and double quotes in cookie values, but this will be made more strict in the future for full spec compliance. If you are a web designer and use cookies, please verify that you are RFC compliant in terms of both cookie names and cookie values, or the browser may reject them.
Removed several hazardous modules like the maintenance service and the identity module.
Ported all security updates from Mozilla that are applicable/relevant to our code base (up to and including all security issues made known to us until now). Considering v26 has been kept updated over its long development until release, the list of fixes/CVEs would be too exhaustive to list in these release notes individually.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2016, 12:29

Added support to download videos from vimeo.com and dailymotion.com
A button with the tip "Download video from this page" will be shown at the right end of the omnibox if a downloadable video is detected on a web page. Click that button to download the video.
Added option to not to load background tabs when restoring tabs from last session. (Learn more)
The option is located under "On startup" section of the options pages. First select "Continue where you left off". Then select "Do not load backgound tabs when restoring tabs in last session.".
Added new option to automatically unload idle tabs when the number of tabs reaches the limit. The option is located under the section "Memory management" section of the options page.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2016, 13:57

Enhance the stability

Fixed bugs:

URL encoding has been showed different in status bar
Maxthon screenshots, clicking after writing the test will appear unlimited text boxes.
Clear browsing data will eliminate plugin scripts’ data
When disable mouse gesture, some operations are still work
The dialog box of page screenshot file does not display the file list
Https certificate did not display names
When undo the closed page, the label is displayed as URL, rather than the title
Lastpass extension does not appear in the 4.9
Sometimes the browser will crash after 30 seconds
Draggabe feature has not been supported by HTML5 very well
Unable to display pictures in this video
In the page of setting, 4.8 version is not compatible with the settings of 4.9
Fixed the crash problems when multiple search has been right pasted into the address bar to be opened


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2016, 13:47
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug: unintended message boxes when updating ad blocker filter.
Fixed bug with playback of very short videos.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 04:59
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: special avatar button in incognito mode not displayed correctly.
Bug fix: fix some bugs with ad blocker.

Titel: Lunascape 6.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 12:26
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware



- Updated the Gecko engine version to 38.5.2.

Fixed Bugs

- Fixed the bug that the unnecessary tabs are added when the link in a shift-locked tab is clicked in Gecko.
- Fixed the bug that a full screen command is executed within Lunascape in Gecko.
- Fixed the bug that the small spaces are appeared around the tab on Windows 7 metro style in Gecko.
- Fixed the bug that Gecko toolbar is not displayed properly after Gecko is crashed and rebooted.
- Fixed the bug that commands using mouse click and wheel are not performed.


Titel: Pale Moon v26.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 16:30

This is a bugfix, security and web compatibility release.


    Removed the sanity check for unsupported point-of-sale XP-based operating systems by user request.
    Please see the forum for information on which operating systems we can reasonably support.
    Changed the way "transparent" is handled in Goanna to improve transparent gradients using this keyword.
    Made sure that dom.disable_beforeunload is predefined in about:config.
    Fixed web compatibility issues with Youtube, Youtube Gaming, Yuku fora and Netflix.
    Fixed web compatibility with Comcast/XFinity webmail and other sites or web applications that expect older JavaScript versions as default.
    Reinstated the about:config warning by default.
    Fixed 2 potential browser crashes.

Security fixes:

    Updated NSS to to fix a potential UAF and CVE-2015-7575.
    Crash fix: Prevented queueing multiple media sources that could lead to unsafe memory access.
    Prevented unsafe memory manipulations in zip archives. (CVE-2016-1945) DiD
    Prevented a potential buffer overflow in WebGL. (x64 only) (CVE-2016-1935) DiD
    Updated the way binaries are code-signed. Not only does v26.0 use a new SHA256-signed digital certificate, but starting this version will also be signed with both SHA1 and SHA256 digest algorithms to satisfy later Windows' code-signing requirements.

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 19:00
Whats new: >>

The 'Web Browser' column now displays 'Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge' for items of IE10/IE11/Edge (In previous versions it displayed 'Internet Explorer 10').

Titel: Polarity 7.2.5 Build 647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2016, 12:25
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed compatibility issues with Windows XP and Vista.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2016, 16:45


Improved browser stability


Unable to login Gmail notifier extension
When drag multiple files to mailbox to upload files, new tabs will be opened at the same time
Unable to install Violent monkey scripts
Downloaded NBT files can’t be used normally
Unable to correctly recognise System information
When logging into Maxthon account, Passport avatar is not synced successfully
When multi search is set as default search engine,Drag and drop text the current page will flicker the multi-search interface
Problem with Skynote size adjustment 
xml+xslt page rendering issue



Titel: Pale Moon v26.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2016, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.



This is a small bugfix release:

    Changed our cookie gate to allow cookie names with spaces in them, to improve web compatibility.
    Critical note: if your site uses cookie names with spaces in them, please consider moving away from doing that so you are no longer in the "grey" area of cookie behavior.
    Changed the configuration of our XSS filter to address some known, harmless filter hits that have been reported.


Titel: Slimjet v7.0.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2016, 06:45
Whats new:>>

Added option not to show confirmation dialog before downloading file with turbocharged download manager under Settings->Download.
Update language files.
Fixed download issue with baidu cloud storage.
Fixed tab activation issue by mouse clicks on the tab bar.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.137
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2016, 11:45
Build 137

    Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Slimjet v7.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2016, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with ad blocker.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo v1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2016, 05:15
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

WebCacheImageInfo now automatically detects the cache folders of Chromium and Yandex.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2016, 17:00


Disabled our ES6 Promise implementation introduced in 26.0 since there were some severe issues with its implementation that caused a lot of inexplicable failures on websites. This means that some sites that insist on using Promises without checking availability and that do not provide sufficient web client compatibility by way of server-side libraries or polyfills will currently not work as-intended. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause; providing a perfectly-working implementation will be our top priority going forward.
Improved website compatibility with many sites and web applications by making our cookie gate less strict.
Fixed web compatibility with Google Hangouts and Yahoo Calendar.
Changed the memory allocator on Windows platforms to a much more modern full-library implementation of jemalloc, with miscellaneous additional fixes. This should give comparable speed to the system one and will allocate free memory more dynamically. This should fix issues like "huge animated gif choking" and inexplicable pauses when using many tabs, scrolling (extremely) long pages, or viewing media.
Fixed a few rare crashing issues on Windows due to the build process.
Reduced so-called "jank" on inner frame scrolling reflows.
Extension compatibility: partial implementation of Firefox 26 download js modules as shims; this should make more Firefox extensions compatible with us out-of-the-box.
Added a "superstop" key combination (Shift+Esc) that will stop all (foreground and background) network activity, stop animated gifs, etc. even after the page itself has fully loaded (and the stop button not being available) - some web applications may not like this if you use it since it will also cancel XHR requests, etc.
Updated NTLM authentication, deprecating v1 and adding a proper v2 implementation
Updated the default theme to tweak/improve it some more

Security fixes:

Updated the Graphite2 font library to 1.3.5+ to fix a number of vulnerabilities (and some font bugs).


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2016, 12:26


Improved browser stability


In Retro mode double click ctrl+F prompts an error search box

Sites set to Open on startup are duplicated

Ctrl+F /Search in page can’t correctly remember text

Anomalies with Flash window closing

In win10 ,Maxthon icon is not shown in Default programs

Under Win10, Setting Maxthon as default browser does not take effect

Translation mistakes in PDF right click menu

History_Unable to directly open file protocol

Unable to log in Gmail Notifier

Super drag and drop is not smooth

Bug with Browser kernel rendering

When Maxthon is maximized VERTICAL, then after a restart of Maxthon, the window isn't maximized vertically anymore.

Double click .mxaddon file when the browser is not open would trigger the download

Browser Incompatibility notification with philippineairlines website

http://anilist.co/register website display incorrectly

MxCrashReport.exes residues


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2016, 15:15
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 48.

Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.139
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2016, 05:20
Build 139

    Fix video playback issue.

Build 138

    Add Vietnamese language file

Titel: Polarity 8.0.1 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2016, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes, keyboard shortcut patch that changes ctrl + arrow key combo to alt + arrow key, fixes to color mode not displaying color on certain websites, first few patches to fix crashing issues, new loading animations in tabs, faster tab animations, certificate
bug fixes, StartPage search added, allow users to use "%s" as a place holder for custom search queries, option to open Trident tabs by default, fixed middle click issues.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2016, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bugs with turbocharged download manager
Remove warnings about XP and Vista support.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2016, 17:40
Whats new:>>


    Fixed a few oversights in the Firefox extension compatibility changes in 26.1.0 that should improve compatibility with a number of Firefox extensions.
    Changed memory handling to (hopefully) address the memory inflation issues some people have experienced with 26.1.0.
    Updated YouTube compatibility, which should once again allow users to choose between Flash and HTML5 players on YouTube.

Titel: Slimjet v8.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2016, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 48.
Fix bugs with turbocharged download manager.
Remove warnings about XP and Vista support.

Titel: Maxthon v4.9.1.1000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2016, 13:42

Improved browser launch speed significantly.
Update core version to Chrome 39.
Optimized the safety of internal page.
Optimized the issue of lagging.
Optimized switching to retro mode.
Improved preview and print function of printer.
Improved the zoom effect of touch screen.
Update spell check dictionary automatically.
Support tabs mute.
Enhanced reader mode.
Enhanced the support of developer tools.
Remember the page zoom individually.
Optimized smooth scrolling.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2016, 13:57
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Titel: Slimjet v8.0.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 13:48
Whats new:>>

Fix "New Tab" button display issue when windows display percentage is set to 150%.

Titel: Polarity 8.0.2 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 18:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Added translation for bookmark importer, bookmark importer bug fixes, Google Slides bug fixes, fixed Document Explorer bugs, many patches, fixed crashing issue on popups, more efficient popup windows.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2016, 05:12
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added new option to the 'Advanced Options' window: Load only URLs contain one of the specified strings (comma-delimited list).
Added new option to the 'Advanced Options' window: Don't load URLs that contain one of the specified strings (comma-delimited list).

Titel: FBCacheView v1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2016, 04:47
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

FBCacheView now automatically detects the cache folders of Chromium and Yandex.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2016, 12:18
Whats new:>>

Added support for automatic update.
Fixed a bug with ad blocker.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2016, 04:05 (3/8/16)

    Fixed bug with automatic update on Windows XP (Users who use on XP would have to launch Slimjet manually after update).

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2016, 06:20


+ Added custom Font setting
+ Added support search bar
+ Added support for third-party download
+ Increase skin tag under the home support(tabs now able to display under address bar)


Fixed no mute button when plays videos under tabs’ skins
Fixed favorites_Chose the yellow five-pointed star, it shows invalid in menu
Fixed when the active tab is under retro mode,the information input in extension can't be deleted
Fixed Skin_Browser can't be used when you have changed the skin in 4.4 and updated to 4.9.2
Fixed search in address bar_When starts the browser, the search box "Please chose the default search engine" will show and disappear quickly
Fixed cookies can't be deleted clearly
Fixed Navigation can't be used in new opened tab
Fixed Search box doesn't support alias
Fixed Skin_If saved the skin, double click the browser will trigger download function wrongly.
Fixed Login box shows wrong position
Fixed Browser can't remember the refreshing time setting
Fixed label switching Recently Viewed label exception
Fixed Image zoom display incorrectly
Fixed Retro mode input problem
Fixed Notepad drag link browser will open two tabs
Fixed bugs of non-current tab Add to Favorites Error
Fixed small window cookie sometimes not isolated
Fixed bugs, under Retro mode, the middle mouse button click on the link trigger an exception
Fixed Retro Mode page select the text translation, fail
Fixed keyword search links not transcoded
Fixed bugs of can't delete history
Fixed bugs of drag and drop URL type text will trigger abnormal event
Fixed bugs of magic fill, Gmail's password box will display encryption password
Fixed bugs of skynote, there is redundant information on the top of skynote window when click 'usage'
Fixed bugs of some rss can't be resolved
Fixed UI issues in solid skin
Fixed bugs of address bar, can't display the default search engine
Fixed crash of drag and drop links when login with Retro mode
Fixed bugs of right click menu- "Save Target As" should launch Maxthon download
Fixed under Retro mode, blank page of download window can't be closed


Titel: Polarity v.8.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2016, 19:31
Fixed Document Explorer issues, fix for Netflix playback, small ui update in settings applet, fixed issue with buttons fading to black or white on mouse leave, ability to adjust smooth scrolling speed, readjusted smooth scrolling, updated design of omnibar and autocomplete list, fixed bookmark applet bugs, removed obselete code, fixed history issue when starting browser up, updated downloader design, fixed missing spanish translation in context menu, backend improvements, fixed empty downloads folder bug, addition of safemode which launches browser with default settings to help troubleshooting, update to Privoxy 3.0.24, updated icons.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2016, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Added support for using background video on new tab page (online background video library will be available pretty soon).
Adjust layout of the new tab page to allow more viewable portion of the background image/video on the new tab page.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2016, 09:20

Add save page as mht
Add global mute button
Add support .win url

Bug fixes:

Right click address bar and chose "Paste and go" is invalid
After leaving the search result page. The keyword is still in search box
The keyword won't stay in search box if use drag or right click to search
Some sites display Maxthon is outdate
Not directly select a font and click OK, once again select the font settings window does not pop up
Click any link from a saved page,the five-point star will show yellow
The multisearch panel doesn't disappear in some cases
Delete userdata will cause the process "Mxcrashreport" won't close
After installing a skin, the browser will show a blank window after install a skin
Shut down magic fill and refresh the page, the magic fill will disappear
The sock5 proxy doesn't support account verification
Mouse gesture fail


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.41.60312
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2016, 20:45
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Support latest VMC multimedia library

Titel: Polarity 8.0.4 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2016, 11:30

Fixed find dialog location bug when addressbar is minimized, minor icon changes in settings applet, fixed major memory leak in downloader, improved downloader efficiency, more bug fixes around the browser, tweaks to night mode for much better styling, faster startup with lower overhead when initializing settings, bug fixes to rename bookmark dialog, bug fix to enter key triggering error in all dialogs, fixed issues with Reditr webapp, small update to File Explorer, silent mode added to block all popups (could be enabled in Popup Manager).


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2016, 19:00

+ updated flash plug-in
+ optimized reset startup speed

- fixed following bugs:

Switch to solid skin, some icons error.
In the search box, preview search result will hide the input box.
When download files online, all symbols of “%” in download address and filenames cannot be translated.
After accessed a melicious URLs, all of safe address will display warning.
When “Mute” status was cancelled in status bar, menu – tool –mute status is still existing.
After Ctrl+Left Click to save picture, move cursor, the picture will move with cursor.
Multiple search_new window, the multiple search page will be reloaded as well as page display error.
Files cannot set Maxthon browser as their default open program.
Full screen_switch tabs error.
Incomplete display of resource sniffer
Not support mx://gpu/
Hide sidebar and open two windows at the same time, then show sidebar again. There will be an extra invalid button in sidebar of present window.
In the present active webpage, enter an URL in address bar to open a website. Then back to previous webpage, tab name display error.
When browser is not in full screen mode, new multiple windows will be created at the same place.
Browser extension should support English display.
Under high DPI, when window was set at minimal size, display error.
Only change the view of one page and then all of opening pages will be displayed in the view as same as the changed page.
Already enabled the ADB, but the ADB icon is still displayed in Disabled status.
Tab_cannot open a new link in a new tab by right click.


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.140
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2016, 05:10
Build 140

    Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Slimjet v9.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2016, 04:53
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 49.
Added support to show background videos on the new tab page (Click "Customize" button on the New Tab Page and select "Background Video"). Get more videos from our online video library.

Titel: QupZilla v2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2016, 05:50
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Switch to QtWebEngine - much better compatibility and stability.
Some features from older versions are missing (will come back later).

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2016, 17:00
Whats new:>>

- fixed following bugs:

Open a tweet in Twitter and then close it, its title will display error.
At the first time of log in Maxthon account in browser and then close it, browser will crash.
Extensions_downloading extensions cannot be canceled.
Mouse gesture cannot setup boss key.
After icloud enabled magic fill, the sign in button is grey and cannot work.

MD5: 0ce3d11dde294bee1a99062194d47cb9

Titel: Polarity 8.0.5 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2016, 16:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue where userscripts don't actually execute
new userscript architecture which sandboxes userscripts
fixed issues with Bing translator
fixed majo error where the tab save file is corrupted
import bookmarks from HTML file, some backend code updates
fixed error message when opening polarity with settings applet in Spanish.

Titel: Sleipnir v4.4.8.4000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2016, 16:50

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>


    Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/49.0.2623.108)
    Corrected for window frame on Windows 10
    Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2016, 09:06
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware


This release includes Gecko upgrade to 38.7.1 and a bug fix of an installer.


Updated the Gecko engine version to 38.7.1.

Fixed Bug:

Fixed the bug that the starting installer is blocked by Windows.


Titel: Pale Moon 26.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2016, 18:45
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.




    Implemented the URL API that's needed for a number of websites.
    Changed internal keystroke handling within the spec to better align with generally expected behavior.
    This should fix the infamous "backspace" issue on Facebook.
    Web developers please note: calling preventDefault() in a "keydown" event handler will now prevent most keypress events from firing.
    Linux: gstreamer 1.0 support has been implemented and enabled by default (hats off to Travis!)
    From this version forward you will need to have gstreamer 1.0 libraries for video playback (0.10 is no longer supported).
    Re-styled about:sessionrestore to use more available screen real estate for tab info.
    Added an option to use the mousewheel for horizontal scrolling (mouse action value 4).
    (e.g. setting mousewheel.with_shift.action to 4 makes Shift+wheel scroll horizontally)
    Bumped max icon size for search engine icons to 32 KB to cater to more common use of HiDPI icons.
    Fixed some hard-coded branding strings in Sync still reading "Firefox", and similarly changed sync information URLs to point to our relevant pages.
    Removed default profile bookmarks pointing to Firefox/Mozilla since the information there no longer applies to us.
    Updated UA overrides and XSS configuration to deal with some problematic sites (e.g.: Google, Embedly)
    Fixed several issues with the default theme causing problems with behavior due to styling (thanks, Antonius32) (Issue #384 and friends)
    Fixed some miscellaneous issues in the internal jemalloc implementation.
    Added a configure option to use the full jemalloc lib (jemalloc v3) if the builder so wishes (used for Linux, sys mallocs are not happy there either, so for our generic binaries we switched to this lib now)
    Worked around a crash caused by the XSS filter on some fora by bailing on too short and empty strings.
    Fixed layout of reflowed comboboxes without enough space.
    Fixed a crash related to flexboxes overflowing themselves. (Issue #396)
    Added a simple implementation for Weak Messagelisteners. (Issue #399)
    Fixed a crash for losing our cache entry while finishing up compression.
    (re-apply after unintentional back-out switching to Goanna)
    Linux: Worked around driver bugs with Intel drivers that falsely report what they can support in max texture size.
    Portable only: Removed compression of the browser components library after some reports that in certain configurations and environments it was causing issues with the browser.

Security fixes:

    Updated the graphite font library to 1.3.7+ to solve CVE-2016-2796 and no less than 14 of its friends.
    Updated NSS to to address several vulnerabilities (UAF, heap overflow).
    Updated libvorbis to a much more recent version to fix multiple issues.
    Crash fix and DiD fixes by holding strong references to objects in suspect places in the HTML parser. (CVE-2016-1961) (ZDI-CAN-3574)
    Fixed several out-of-bounds issues in the VP8 decoder.
    Fixed a potentially exploitable crash in XML/XSLT handling.
    Applied some Kung Fu to HTML animations and transitions to prevent memory hazards.
    Fixed applicable Mozilla code vulnerabilities CVE-2016-1965, CVE-2016-1960 (ZDI-CAN-3545), CVE-2016-1966, and CVE-2016-1963.


Titel: Slim Browser 7.00 Build 141
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2016, 04:50
Build 141

    Minor bug fixes.

Titel: Slimjet v9.0.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2016, 06:06
Whats new:>>

Restored support of silverlight and other NPAPI plugins.
Added option to show dedicated search box on the right side of the omnibox for firefox users who like to have it that way (Settings->Show dedicated search box).

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2016, 20:30

Changelog of Mx V4.9.2.1000-rc [ 2016-04-07]

- fixed following bugs:

Browser’s language cannot be changed to Portuguese and show message “cannot find file”.
When browser in some languages, the print function cannot be used.
After favorite a website, then open a new website which has not been favorite. Next, click favorite button,  the new website has been error displayed in already favorite status.
When enter reader model, sliding mouse will lead to exit reader model.
Magic Fill_FTP Fill duplicate record information.
Solid skin in muted page, mute icon will disappear.
Full screen_new a tab in full screen model, only double operation can exit full screen model.
In version with win7 and win10 operating system, watching videos with full screen, there is a extra sidebar in screen.
Start browser, the favorite icon should be yellow in the first opened favorite page.

After setting shortcut key of “find in page” as “Ctrl+F”, find feature cannot be triggered by Ctrl+F.
Not support copying photos to desktop or folder.
There is no title in reader model.
The hyperlink of appealing safe web address is wrong.
Encrypting the password triggers magic fill function to renew password. Then the encrypted password will exchange previous password.



MD5: 7d3befd351ed8034378f6e54d13ebec0

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2016, 09:13
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 49.0.2623.110
[Fix]Voice still play after closing some video

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2016, 13:58
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

You can now choose the desired encoding (ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16) to save the csv/xml/text/html files (under the Options menu).

Titel: Pale Moon 26.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2016, 18:00
Whats new:>>

This is a small update to fix a problem with keyboard navigation of the user interface.

Titel: Slimjet v9.0.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2016, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with facebook video download.
Update language files.

Titel: Polarity 8.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2016, 13:47
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Release Notes

New minimal scrollbar design, fixed issues with exporting theme, console fixes, new viewer for mobile version of website, patches to Privoxy to add EasyList and EasyPrivacy, backend changes to tab pausing, middle mouse click on link no longer autoselects tab, right click option for tab to hibernate background tabs, removed random error message after closing popup window, API fixes, Windows Key + arrow key combo fixes for adjusting the browser window, update to tray notifications, right click menu for message panels, ability to clear all notifications.


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2016, 17:40
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

SQLite engine updated to 3.12.1

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2016, 20:45

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink rendering engine (Chrome/49.0.2623.108)
Fixed some minor bugs

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2016, 12:15

Add font setting support
Add search bar support
Add third-party download support
Add solid skin
Add save as .mht support
Add global mute support
Upgrade flash plug-in
Optimize start-up time
Bug fixed:
Cannot obtain location information.
Some known crashes.
Cancel operation and draw, and then use snap region tool, the screenshot will move with cursor.
In Resource sniffer, order by the size of files, then something disappear in default resource sniffer window.
In Proxy, display of proxy icon in the right of address bar is different with the setting in proxy setting page.
Cannot organize white and black list in custom proxy of HTTP and others.
After cancel mute mode, go to “setting” - “tool’ - the mute status still highlight.
In SkyNote, keep opening font window, meanwhile, browser will crash or black screen.
In FTP login page, right click menu of input box display error.
The time of judging is unsuitable.
SkyNote cannot remember color change.
Some websites cannot display HTTPS certificate.
In Language, Cannot change to Portuguese.
In some language, cannot display printing page’s preview.
Sometimes, favorite status is error.
Enter Reader mode, sliding cursor will cause automatic pages turning.
No title in Reader mode.
Repeated fill form recording in FTP.
After tab mute, change skin, and then the mute icon will disappear.
New a tab in full screen model, only double operation can exit full screen mode.
In win7/win10 system, there is a extra sidebar in video full screen.
Possibly saving encrypted password lead to cannot log in website.
Change the shortcut key of “Find in page”, Ctrl+F cannot work in compatible mode.
Not support copy pictures to desktop or folders.
Open a tweet in Twitter and then close it, its title will display error.
At the first time of log in Maxthon account in browser and then close it, browser will crash.
In Extensions, downloading extensions cannot be canceled.
Mouse gesture cannot setup boss key.
After icloud enabled magic fill, the sign in button is grey and cannot work.
Switch to solid skin, some icons error.
In the search box, preview search result will hide the input box.
When download files online, all symbols of “%” in download address and filenames cannot be translated.
After accessed a melicious URLs, all of safe address will display warning.
When “Mute” status was cancelled in status bar, menu – tool –mute status is still existing.
After Ctrl+Left Click to save picture, move cursor, the picture will move with cursor.
New window, the multiple search page will be reloaded as well as page display error.
Files cannot set Maxthon browser as their default open program.
In Full screen, switch tabs error.
Incomplete display of resource sniffer
Not support mx://gpu/
Hide sidebar and open two windows at the same time, then show sidebar again. There will be an extra invalid button in sidebar of present window.
In the present active webpage, enter an URL in address bar to open a website. Then back to previous webpage, tab name display error.
When browser is not in full screen mode, new multiple windows will be created at the same place.
Browser extension should support English display.
Under high DPI, when window was set at minimal size, display error.
Only change the view of one page and then all of opening pages will be displayed in the view as same as the changed page.
Already enabled the ADBlock, but the ABP icon is still displayed in Disabled status.
No longer display pop-up video notification.
Right click address bar and select "Paste and go" is invalid.
Added .win domain name support.
Some websites notice that not support this browser.
Click any link from a saved page,the five-point star will show yellow.
The multisearch panel doesn't disappear in some cases.
Delete userdata will cause the process "Mxcrashreport" won't close.
Shut down magic fill and refresh the page, the magic fill will disappear.
The sock5 proxy doesn't support account verification.
Mouse gesture fail.
Some drop-downs and sliders disappear.
Cannot add favorites.
When tab is in compatible mode, cannot delete information in some extensions of sidebar.
In old version with custom skin, overwrite installation will error.
Cookies are deleted uncompleted.
Direct website function cannot use on present block page.
Login window display and location are error.
Cnbeta.com cannot recognize reader mode.
Auto-refresh cannot remember the refresh time set by manual way.
After highlight custom UA, version number will error.
After close tab, change the setup to recent pages, tab cannot be activated.
and - symbol cannot be used to resize pictures.
Cannot type f in compatible mode.
Dragging hyperlink, which in SkyNote, into browser will open two tabs.
Background’s tab pages cannot be added in favorite.
Drop-downs of address bar do not disappear in some conditions.
Cookie of small window could chaos.
In compatible mode, mouse middle click open link error.
In compatible mode, not support translating selected words in webpage.
Keywords of search link cannot be transcoded.
In history, deleting records in order of time will error.
Sometimes, an extra # symbol appears in setting page.
Selecting address text and dragging it will lead to event error.
After magic fill in Gmail, the password will display in encrypted format.
After statistic, SkyNote windows UI error.
Part RSS cannot be analyzed.
In address bar, the default search engine display error.
In compatible mode, sometimes dragging link will crash.
In compatible mode, block download does not be closed


Titel: Slimjet v9.0.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2016, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: not loading background tabs when startup option is set to "Continue where you left off".

Titel: VideoCacheView v2.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2016, 05:00
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView 32-bit failed to read the cache of IE11 on 64-bit systems.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo v1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2016, 07:15
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: WebCacheImageInfo failed to read the cache of IE11 on some systems.

Titel: Polarity 8.0.7 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2016, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Memory optimization for Privoxy, new Overlay mode in popup windows, youtube popup view now replaced with regular popup instances, added transparency slider for popup window, UI updates to settings applet and popup window, console bug fixes.

Titel: FBCacheView v1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2016, 06:15
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: FBCacheView failed to read the cache of IE11 on some systems.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2016, 13:50

Added download progress display in the toolbar.

Bug fixes:

When adding a shortcut, our users fill in nothing but still show the current command.
After deleting the subscription list, it displays again when refreshing the page.
Login exception in web Skype.
Copy the address bar and it will display the standard URL Format.
Web content displays overlapped, several custom fonts in Materials Icons display errors.
The count value is same, but cannot complete last input value automatically.
In the password input box of ftp login page, the translation of right click menu is wrong.
The tag title keeps flashing on Thinksns website.
The website did not get a certificate.
For the Japanese language setting, part of the language under notepad delete notepad interface.
After setting the width of reading view, the width value can change if you re-enter the reading view.
When focusing on the search box, the shortcut key is invalid.
After locking the browser, unlock interface has no translation.
Re-entering the shortcut key for locking the browser cannot work.
Search plugins display overlapped on Google CSE.


Titel: Sleipnir v4.4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2016, 06:07
Whats new: >>

Fixed the issue that some of chrome extension icon could not displayed.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2016, 06:45
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Fixed bug: ImageCacheViewer failed to read the cache of IE11 on some systems.

Titel: Slimjet v9.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2016, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Added support to show weather information on new tab page. Click the customize button to change the option.

Titel: Polarity 8.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2016, 09:12
Whats new:>>

Updated refresh icon, ability to change window padding, bug fixes for Netflix, changes to touch event backend, more bug fixes, bug fix for text to speech.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2016, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Update language files.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: Polarity 8.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2016, 11:10
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed searching for image on Google when enhanced image viewer is enabled, fixed bug where Polarity fails to notify user if website is tracking location, better geolocation handling with new icon to notify users of tracking, more flexible adjustments to browser opacity, minor UI updates in settings applet, slight UI update to zoom, drop down, and voice control icon panel, small update to new tab page, faster performance in PolarShot, faster autocomplete menu performance, smoother tab animations, fixed UI issues when adjusting window border size with a background picture, option to disable web results, faster control center.

Titel: Dooble Web Browser 1.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2016, 04:52
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

1.56 (05/01/2016)
<li>Added GOST support, if available.</li>
<li>Added HTTP error codes 203, 204. Please see WebKit within Settings.</li>
<li>Allow access to the SSL Errors Exceptions panel via dooble://open-ssl-errors-exceptions.</li>
<li>Allow disabling of automatic recording of file suffixes. Please see Settings.</li>
<li>Allow the user to restore Dooble after a tardy authentication.</li>
<li>Always display the Location Tool Bar whenever the main menus are hidden.</li>
<li>Authenticate via a status bar button.</li>
<li>Avoid reloading the most current history item after a restoration as this generates an additional history entry.</li>
<li>Bit-by-bit comparisons; please see dmisc::compareByteArrays().</li>
<li>Clear the HTTP Referrer Exceptions container if required.</li>
<li>Corrected ARM Qt 4.x project file.</li>
<li>Corrected Date Modified file system values.</li>
<li>Corrected Default font application.</li>
<li>Corrected FTP size-column sorting.</li>
<li>Corrected dooble::promptForPassphrase(). The method should not reset the current credentials.</li>
<li>Corrected resolution of relative URLs during redirection.</li>
<li>Corrected total sizes of exceptions as reported in Settings.</li>
<li>Deleted Include.win32/gcrypt.h and Include.win32/gpg-error.h.</li>
<li>Disable DNS pre-fetch.</li>
<li>Disabled JIT (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation). Optional, please see Settings.</li>
<li>Disabled Web plugins for new installations.</li>
<li>Do not assume that an integer has a specific width (dcrypt.cc).</li>
<li>Enable Spot-On widgets if DOOBLE_LINKED_WITH_LIBSPOTON is defined.</li>
<li>Enforce limits on numeric INI values according to their widget representations.</li>
<li>Gridify. Please see the View menu.</li>
<li>Introduced the INI variable network_reply_object_timed_delete_interval_ms. If set to a positive integer, QNetworkReply objects will be destroyed within the specified milliseconds.</li>
<li>Minimum iteration count set to 10000. Default set to 25000.</li>
<li>Modes of operation: CBC-CTS, CTR.</li>
<li>Modified the OS X project files in support of OS X 10.6.8.</li>
<li>New Applications context menu item in Settings.</li>
<li>New Blocked Hosts window. Please see Windows.</li>
<li>New Qt 5.x ARM project file.</li>
<li>New default.html page. Removed previous pages.</li>
<li>Partial wildcard support for blocked hosts.</li>
<li>Please remove shared.db, if such a file exists in the user's Dooble directory.</li>
<li>Remove the files httponlyexceptions.db and preferences.db during a reset of Dooble.</li>
<li>Removed Google and OS X-specific logic from agent strings.</li>
<li>Removed keywords gathering from page descriptions. This changes a previous release's behavior.</li>
<li>Removed modifier-key URL transformations.</li>
<li>Removed most numeric conversions/promotions. Reviewed Wconversion and Wsign-conversion warnings.</li>
<li>Salt length maximum set to 8192 bytes.</li>
<li>Secure database deletes.</li>
<li>Smooth processing of large directories.</li>
<li>The dooble-blocked-hosts.txt file will now reside in the user's home directory.</li>
<li>The method dmisc::iconForUrl() must consider variations of the URL parameter with respect to trailing slashes.</li>
<li>The plugins architecture has been deprecated.</li>
<li>Upgraded OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.2g on Windows.</li>
<li>Upgraded SQLite libraries to version 3.12.2 on Windows.</li>
<li>Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.7.0 on OS X.</li>
<li>Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.6.5 on Windows.</li>
<li>Upgraded libspoton to version 0.1.5.</li>
<li>User agent strings exceptions.</li>
<li>Verify modified URLs in the Bookmarks window.</li>
<li>Wrap lines on page source; default of true.</li>


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2016, 09:45


Support remember video “save as” path again

bug fixes:

Some extensions loaded failed
Google mirror sites compatibility problem
Download manager did not support some language
Google compatibility problem
In RSS, clicked “Update all” error
Google voice search problem
In FTP login window, right click menu of input box did not support some language
Boss key can not work well


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2016, 07:45
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

You can now choose the desired encoding (ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16) to save the csv/xml/text/html files (under the Options menu).

Titel: Polarity 8.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2016, 10:21
Whats new:>>

New tab page interface update, improved omnibar speed, lower load times for settings applet, improved fuidity of animations to buttons, option to unpause tabs when clicked on, bug fixes, option to switch between different preset ad filters in Polarity.

Titel: Slimjet v9.0.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2016, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed bugs with tiling tabs on windows 10.
Fixed refreshing issue of the close buttons on the tabs when toggling its visiblity.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2016, 18:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.




    Added a detection routine for dark window colors on Windows 8 and later (system themes using dark window frames) to better adapt to dark system colors. Theme developers can take advantage of this by checking for darkwindowframe="true" on #main-window in CSS selectors.
    CSS classes prefixed with "--" no longer stop parsing of the selectors.
    Several crash fixes.

Security fixes:

    Made GC suppression more aggressive to prevent issues when actually out of memory.
    Fixed a memory safety hazard in jpeg decoding.
    Fixed a potentially exploitable crash when using bi-directional text.
    Updated NSS to, fixing CVE-2016-1938 among other things.


Titel: Internet History Browser 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2016, 21:45
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox


Whats new:>>

Opera support, visual fixes

Titel: Polarity 8.1.1 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2016, 17:00
Release Notes

More code optimization, malicious error warning to remove site from ignore list moved to omnibar button (Reset zoom button location), fixed NullReferencedException in autocomplete menu, fixed Null Reference Exception in RichTextbox, many bug fixes in Trident mode, tab color mode now works in Trident tabs, new tab behavior in Trident mode now matches regular tabs, PolarPass bug fixes, ability to edit url of bookmark, clicking link in PolarPass modify credential dialog will open link in new tab, added option to forget all browsing data under tools menu, new menu in omnibar menu showing top sites and new bookmarks.


Titel: GreenBrowser 6.9.0517
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2016, 18:15
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware


fix: auto save bug of mouse drag image under IE11
fix: drag links to search bar bug under IE11
fix: input method settings bug under Win7
fix: copy text bug of drag menu
fix: set as default browser bug under Win7


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2016, 13:50

Bug fixes:

Some extensions load failed
Google mirror sites compatibility problem
Download manager did not support some language
Google compatibility problem
In RSS, clicked “Update all” error
Google voice search problem
In FTP login window, right click menu of input box did not support some language
Boss key can not work well


Titel: SlimBrowser 7.00.144
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2016, 21:20
Build 144

    Fixed automatic form filling issues on outlook.com.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2016, 14:40
Whats new:>>

Migrated to Chromium 50 (Yes, Slimjet 10 remains compatible with XP and Vista)
Fixed bugs with QuickFill form filler on some websites.

Titel: Polarity 8.1.2 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2016, 15:00
Release Notes

Optimizations to click to play, fixed issues where omnibar list of favorites and top sites won't refresh after modifying bookmarks and top sites, double left clicking on window now maximizes/restores the browser window, double right click on window opens a new tab, cache folder in portable mode moved to same folder as the browser location, option to load webpages with system language, fixed bug where user set search engines did not work.


Titel: Polarity 8.1.3 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2016, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed confirm dialogs not returning the correct results, fixed bug where Portable mode did not delete or report the size of the correct cache folder, bug fixes to forget button where cache would not be deleted, other bug fixes, first patches to stop random crashes added, fixed issue where omnibar results don't appear when user is disconnected from the internet, new tab page changes for Trident tabs, fixed 404 error code pages not displaying.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2016, 09:16
Whats new:>>

Fix Java support issue on Windows 10.
Fixed password saving issue on eBay.com
Fixed auto-update issue in 10.0.1 and 10.0.0. Users who are currently using 10.0.0 or 10.0.1 will have to update manually from our site.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2016, 17:00

In full screen mode, using shortcut key of “lock Maxthon” would lock.
Browser in full screen mode.
When we used boss key in full screen mode, the notification of“click here to quit full screen(F11)”was still existing.
Importing favorites from IE and Firefox failed.
Ctrl+G could not open SkyNote.
Some Websites could be opened.
Accessed to some https address with special port number, browser could not get correct certificate information.
Opened a website and switched it into Retro Mode, then this website was still in Ultra Mode when it open in new tab.
In Windows 10 system, the option of “create shortcut in Quick Launch Bar (in “save as Quick App”in right-click tab menu) did not work well.
After Snap, can’t paste the snapped images in webpage.
After selected search suggestions, the related search way would be wrong.


Titel: Lunascape 6.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2016, 17:00
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware



- Updated the Gecko engine version to 38.7.1.

Fixed Bug

- Fixed the bug that the starting installer is blocked by Windows.


Titel: AM-DeadLink v4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2016, 20:30
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware

Titel: Slimjet v10.0.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2016, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed video playback issue on some GPU models.

Titel: Slimjet v10.0.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2016, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed invalid https certificate issue on Windows XP.

Titel: Polarity 8.1.5 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2016, 09:11
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Updated messageboxes with better functionality and UI, messagebox bug fixes, settings applet UI update, added top sites and donate options to settings applet, updated adblock filters, mouse gesture fixes where functions are executed more than once, backend JS optimizations, stability patches to popup window, fixed keyboard shortcut issues, fixed authentication and popup issues when logging into sites with third party services, geolocation and dialog fixes in popup window.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2016, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Added option to disable GPU direct composition (under Settings->Misc) as a workaround for issue with Java plugin rendering

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2016, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes:

When switch to a new webpage, Resource Sniffer’s previous history did not clear automatically.
Compatibility problem on some websites.
In Default Application Setting Page, Maxthon’s name display error


Titel: Polarity 8.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2016, 19:00

Bug fixes, fixed keyboard shortcut issues where pressing '{' shows Document Explorer, bug fix for mega.nz downloads where downloads will not load, added website filter to popup window, script downloading through popup window, fixed top site dialog crash when hitting enter, updated functionality in top sites dialog, fixed bookmarking bugs where clicking option creates error, added dev tool access to popup window.


Titel: SlimBrowser 8.00 Build 001
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2016, 12:32
whats new:>>

Add support for downloading videos from dailymotion.com, vimeo.com and facebook.com

Titel: QupZilla v2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2016, 05:50
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


    Don't force enabling HighDPI scaling by default.


    Crash when unloading AutoScroll plugin.
    Showing Inspect Element action when web inspector is disabled.
    Showing context menu when page zoom is not 100%.
    Destroying WebPage when opened as popup.
    Setting default font families.
    Saving last download path in download manager.
    Using external download manager.
    Cancelling http and proxy authentication dialogs.


Titel: Polarity Web Browser 8.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2016, 08:30

Fixed theme issues, context menu fixes on dropbox, autocomplete bug fixes and performance boost, dialog UI updates with more flexible theme handling, alias manager UI update, some new icons added, confirm messagebox dialog with enter key.


Titel: Google Ad Blocker 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2016, 18:00
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new: >>

New 2016 version with more improved module for blocking Google advertisements.

Titel: Polarity 8.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2016, 23:22

Fixed themeing issues where omnibox is positioned incorrectly after changing themes, fixed bug where back and forward buttons do not update correctly when changing themes, settings ui bug fix, bug fix where Ctrl + L did not show autocomplete menu, updated icons in menu panel for better visibility with dark colored themes, context menu cleanup in menu panel, fixed scrollbar not appearing in control center, updated language files, updated UAs.


Titel: Torch Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2016, 19:00
Der auf Chromium basierende Torch Web Browser kommt mit einem integrierten Media-Grabber, sowie einem Torrent-Downloader daher. Torch Music greift auf die eigene Streaming Plattform zu, die auf YouTube zurückgreift. So kann man mittels Torch-Browser direkt für seine Musikunterhaltung während des surfens sorgen.

Whats new: >>

New Torch Torrent interface - Newly designed, easy to use and super fast.
New Torrent search field - Allows you to search all torrents available from one easy access point.
New Buttons - Torch Torrent, Media Grabber and Share features have new buttons.
Torch Torrent Streaming - Start playing your file in the new Torch Player even before it's completely downloaded.
Full compatibility with video sites and extensions.
Performance improvements and torrent bug fixes.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2016, 14:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.




    Added detection for dark system themes on Windows 10 and re-worked Windows 10 specific theming to better integrate into the OS and provide more clarity.
    HTML5 media controls have been reworked to a horizontal volume control on all media, including HTML5 audio that was previously without an element-control for volume.
    Default HTML5 media volume preference added as media.default_volume -- fractional, default 1.0 (=100%).
    String.prototype.match() and .replace() are now fully spec compliant.
    NSPR and NSS now correctly no longer enforce IA32 architecture compatibility, getting the advantage of SSE2 like the rest of the code.
    Worked around crashes in the XSS filter when navigating back in history due to document fragments.
    Instated a hard minimum of 10,000 places entries regardless of free disk space and total memory to prevent undesired expiration of history. That is around 16MB for an average entry size, which should be sane enough even on low-memory machines.
    Fixed a typo in networking code introduced in 26.2.2 that would cause issues on some sites due to adding extra forward slashes to the URL.

Security fixes:

    Fixed a number of memory safety hazards and potentially exploitable crashes.
    Fixed CVE-2016-2821 Use-after-free in the mozilla::dom::Element class
    Fixed netaddr deserialization for AF_UNSPEC and AF_LOCAL.
    Fixed a memory overrun error in the VP8 encoder. DiD
    Fixed non-threadsafe re-use of pixman images to prevent potential race conditions. DiD
    Fixed CVE-2016-2825 Partial Same Origin Policy violation

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2016, 04:54
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

    Thoroughly tested and tweaked for maximum Windows 10 compatibility
    Program translated into multiple languages: select your language in Settings
    Multiple algorithm improvements implemented
    All known bugs fixed

Titel: Slimjet v10.0.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2016, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Added daily tips.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2016, 19:00


Fixed an issue with new tab button theming on dark toolbars.
Reverted the useragent identification of Firefox compatibility mode to 38.9 to avoid WOFF2 font issues for sites that don't use proper font deployment as recommended by the W3C.
Added a site-specific override for Google fonts to make sure it always works even if not using Firefox compatibility mode.
(workaround pending for a proper solution on Google's side)
Adjusted the "dark color" detection routine to switch text to white at higher relative contrast levels.
This will more closely match Windows 10's "flip point" for different accent colors and is within the recommended range determined by the WCAG.


Titel: Polarity 8.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2016, 19:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



UA changes, updated app management, app API changes that allow the creation of apps that use locally stored scripts or pages without breaking old app compatiblity, fixed issue where extensions won't run after installation until the browser restarted, Netflix fixes in popup window, ability to force autofill login forms in PolarPass window, popup windows now show app icon as icon, fixed bug where Polarity crashes when starting a new download in download applet, fixed graphical glitches in extensions window.


Titel: Pale Moon 26.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2016, 13:40

Fixed a rare issue where the browser would not initialize properly (missing bookmarks and menu entries) if certain Windows registry values were missing (Windows 8 only).
Fixed an issue on Windows 10 where the classic menu bar would become unreadable (white on white).
Portable only: Switched to non-compressed binaries to prevent issues with antivirus packages, to prevent issues with browser run-time operation, and to simplify code signing.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2016, 13:51
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fixed a bug with crash dump file generation.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2016, 18:18
Whats new:>>

    [Update]Chrome: 49.0.2623.110
    [Fix]Voice still play after closing some video

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2016, 12:30
Avant Browser 2016 build 7, Released 6.29.2016

    [Fix]Page display problem when using 1920x1080 resolution and set DPI>150% under chrome engine
    [Fix]Certain web page cause Avant crash under IE11 engine
    [Fix]Extra home pages problem under private mode

Titel: Avast Browser Cleanup 12.1.2272.125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2016, 18:00
Bei vielen Installationen von meist Freeware muss man auf die Einstellungen achten, da man sonst ungewollt Toolbars installiert. Hier hilft Avast Browser Cleanup. Das Programm wird ohne Installation gestartet und überprüft die vorhandenen Browser auf Toolbars, welche dann entfernt werden können. Ebenso kann die Homepage und der Standard-Suchanbieter wieder auf Standard gesetzt werden.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2016, 16:00


Fixed an additional issue found that could cause menu text on Windows 10 to be white-on-white (and therefore unreadable).
Fixed an issue with news feeds not showing up when embedded in web pages.
Removed recently-added parsing of the child-src content security policy directive, after some web compatibility issues with it came to light, as well as it becoming clear that the CSP spec will see it removed in favor of the previous directive for embedded content. This should fix some intermittent issues people have reported on e.g. the main google.com page and phpMyAdmin installations.


Titel: Polarity Web Browser 8.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2016, 04:30

Offline installation bug fixes, PolarPass copy command fixes, PolarPass updates, ability to toggle between hidden password char and plaintext when creating a new entry, extended encryption to cover all data managed by PolarPass, clipboard automatically cleared after copying username or password in PolarPass after 10 seconds, password strength meter added to PolarPass, increased encryption strength to AES 256-bit for PolarPass data , vulnerability patches to PolarPass, option to use master password for PolarPass over system password, DPI scaling fixes, faster I/O operations when opening and closing the browser, update to Privoxy 3.0.25, fixed bugs when installing new themes where themes don't fully apply, fixed bug where encoding information would not appear on page load, app window now displays custom app urls.


Titel: Dooble 1.56a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2016, 05:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Added a protocol widget to Allowed SSL Ciphers.
Allow use of all available ciphers.
Consider SSLv3 when populating Allowed SSL Ciphers.
Corrected tab order of Display Priority widget; Settings window.
Do not use QWebPage::triggerPageAction(QWebPage::Copy) as this requires JavaScript. Instead, use QWebPage::selectedText().
Do not assign parents to dialogs if the parents may vanish.
Qt 5.5 documentation recommends the use of QSslConfiguration::setCiphers() instead of QSslSocket::setDefaultCiphers(). Modified for Qt 5.x and newer.
Simplified the Allowed SSL Ciphers implementation, including corrections.
The database allowedsslciphers.db should have the (name, pair) tuple as the primary key. The database will be removed.
Upgraded OpenSSL to version 1.0.2h on Windows.
Upgraded SQLite to version 3.13.0 on Windows.


Titel: Polarity 8.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2016, 00:31

Minor changes and updates to app window, better offline app performance, first patch to fix openuserJS issues.


Titel: Slimjet v11.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2016, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 51.
Important notice: Java, silverlight and other NPAPI plugins are no longer supported in Slimjet 11. Download Slimjet 10.0.7 if you need access to java, silverlight and other NPAPI plugins.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2016, 13:31
Whats new:>>

[Change]Disabled Chrome Engine in WindowsXP
[Fix]Cannot open Firefox customise page
[Fix]Image page cannot be displayed in full under Firefox engine

Titel: Polarity 8.2.2 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2016, 11:40
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Dialog UI updates, fix bug where bookmark name does not correspond with bookmark url after searching, addition of folder support for bookmarks, new add bookmark dialog which allows users to modify bookmark details and folder destination, option to toggle between folders in bookmark applet.


Titel: Polarity 8.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2016, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed bookmark out of bounds issues, fixed casting error when setting online image as theme with specific image opacity.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2016, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Fix https certificate issue on Windows XP SP2.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2016, 16:45
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

NEW Added Vivaldi browser support
IMPROVED SQLite engine updated to 3.13.0

Titel: Polarity 8.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2016, 12:00
Whats new: >>

Ability to bookmark all open tabs into a specific folder, added ability to import bookmarks to a specific folder, updated text to speech UI, minor bug fixes.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2016, 12:16
Whats new:>>

Update Korean language.

Titel: Polarity 8.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2016, 13:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed casting errors in applets and tabs, fixed browser crash when translating to Spanish in nonportable version of browser, favicons of paused tabs will have lower opacity, added proxy authentication support, faster IO in bookmarks and history storage, updated design of Polarity notification manager, patched incorrect input formats for dialogs, added Battery Saving mode

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2016, 21:40

After over 1 year's development, we are honored and excited to share MX5 with you today. With unique features like Infobox, Passkeeper and UUMail, the MX5 browser is aiming at giving you a faster, safer and more personal browsing experience.
In addition to the new features, the original functions will also be optimized by evolving dual-core that switches between the two cores based on the website, much more stably and smartly. Thanks to this new core design, we are able to bring you a nicer looking and better new-tab page and several stunning services.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.49.60802
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2016, 05:20
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Update VoHelp;
Support latest VMC library;

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2016, 12:19

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated the Blink (Chrome / 51.0.2704.106)
Chrome Extension of the icon is to fix the issue that there may not be displayed
When you exit the full screen (requestFullscreen), it was to correct the problem that web view is shifted
To adjust the bookmark bar drawing
Other fixes minor bugs

Titel: Polarity 8.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2016, 19:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed translating errors which caused the browser to crash, integrated Cipher (password generator) into PolarPass, updated Settings applet UI slightly with slightly different shades of color, revamped alias system with the addition of keybinding for websites, addition of settings API, fixed issue where proxy credentials were modified by too many encryption calls, fixed issue with about:blank resulting in a search instead of a blank page.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2016, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with exit confirmation dialog.

Titel: Polarity 8.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2016, 06:50
Whats new: >>

Added animations to autocomplete menu, stronger power saver mode which now disables WebGL, increased raster thread count, enabled QUIC protocol for power saver mode, less jumpy autocomplete menu, fixed DPI scaling that caused mouse to be off on context menu selections, changed behavior for when Polarity warns users about malicious sites, added ctrl + mousewheel combo for scrolling, fixed bug where zoom levels did not update in the drop down panel.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2016, 05:36

New functions added in this updated version:

+Support to import mx4.x quick access local data
+Add proxy setting on sign in page
+Remember auto sign-in status on sign in page
+Add more language options: bg-bg fa-ir nb-no pt-pt vec-it
+Infobox: tool bar-menu-list view added
+Infobox: add right click on URL to open/copy website function

Functions optimized in this updated version:

-Changed the download link in QR sign in page
-Improved some over-length languages in night mode setting page
-Visual optimization for Infobox

Bug fixed:

*Several occasional crashes
*Upload pictures on Facebook
*Tab bar: lock tab
*Status bar: split screen button disappears
*Tab: close tabs continuously, abnormity appears
*Sign in: use special format email sign in, prompt email format error
*Fixed some minority languages problem
*Passkeeper: fix URL for 126 website
*Passkeeper: some display abnormity in password generator
*Passkeeper: in compatible mode, no saved indication pop up
*Passkeeper: some bugs on languages
*Video pop-up: close tab after popping up video, video been closed as well
*Settings: some misdirection on locations
*Infobox: optimized “pin to shortcut bar” function
*Infobox: unreadable code in URL
*Infobox: ALT+A to open shortcut folder showing error
*Sign in with mobile number, error appears with mobile information after logging out


Titel: Pale Moon 26.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2016, 16:00
Pale Moon is the work of a single individual, using contributed Open Source code to create a full-featured, speed optimized version of the popular Firefox browser. Having seen the advantages on other systems (e.g. Linux) with regards to programs being compiled specifically for the capabilities of the machine it is installed on, it became obviously clear that Windows users were at a disadvantage: Mozilla only releases windows executables with maximum compatibility in mind, meaning that Firefox is made to run on as many different systems as possible, sacrificing efficiency and speed in the process to be compatible with, by current standards, absolutely ancient hardware.




    Removed Google Search as a bundled search provider. If desired, you can manually install it (or other search engines) after the update by following the steps in the Manage Search Engines topic.
    Fixed the URL API to allow "stringification" of the object per specification. This should make a number of websites happy.
    Added the ES6 string .includes() function in addition to the pre-existing .contains() function for checking if a string contains another string. The .contains() function is retained for compatibility with web and extension scripts that adhere to the ES6 pre-release specification up to and including RC3.
    Fixed the calculation of standalone SVG embeds width and height, which should solve some reported issues with html5 graphs being displayed incorrectly.
    Linux: improved memory allocation.
    Updated the graphite font library to 1.3.9.
    Added a blocking rule for F-Secure's 64-bit deepguard library to prevent crashes.
    Updated the SQLite library to 3.13.0.
    Download= properties of links are now honored from the context menu "Save" option.
    Fixed a crash in the XSS filter.
    Fixed a crash in the DOM error module.
    Worked around a crash on Linux
    Linux: Improved optimization and GCC6 compatibility (Note: compiling with GCC 6 is still not recommended and it may or may not work, depending on your environment)

Security fixes:

    (CVE-2016-5251)Potential URL spoofing in the address bar.
    (CVE-2016-0718) Context-dependent crash in expat 2.1.0.
    (CVE-2016-5266) Outgoing dataTransfer items are not properly filtered.
    Fixed potentially exploitable crash in the array splice implementation.
    Fixed potentially exploitable crash caused by badly formatted ICO files.
    (CVE-2016-5254) Heap-use-after-free in nsXULPopupManager::KeyDown


Titel: Polarity 8.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2016, 07:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Fixed much of the scaling issues for screens with higher PPIs, updated Trident mode, added more parts to offline app API (powerSaver, executing programs, etc...), better implementation of bookmark dialog when adding all open tabs,, switched to Qualys for better plugin checking,, fixed Mobile View mode bug on Ecosia, updated PolarSync so it doesn't close Polarity before the user settings are saved, updated UAs, disable open in new tab for offline apps, fixed bug where bookmarks bar would cover parts of the website, fixed bug where leaving the username and password empty in proxy mode would generate random strings that filled the preferences file with bloat, more minor bug fixes, fixed where the wrench button in the find dialog in the popup window would not expand the find dialog.


Titel: Slimjet v11.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2016, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Linux-specific fixes.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2016, 11:20
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 52.0.2743.116
[Fix]A bug of firefox when clicking a link to open new tab

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v1.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2016, 21:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
Fixed bug: BrowsingHistoryView crashed when using the find option while the last item was selected.

Titel: Polarity 8.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2016, 06:30
Release Notes

Fixed DPI scaling of downloads panel, fixed alignment of download items, fixed bug where opening Google Drive files with third party apps would not load, fixes to webcheck notifications when entering a malicious website, fixed index out of bounds error in Advanced Settings panel, code optimization in bookmarks, updated AdBlock total hosts lists, fixed DPI scaling of the address bar, fixed DPI scaling of the find dialog, ability to have separate zoom levels for each tab, fixed issue where zooming with keyboard and mouse shortcuts froze the browser.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2016, 21:40

New functions added in this updated version:

+ Support customization for proxy and core switch button
+ Support external tool
+ Add guest mode
+ Support customization on UEIP data feedback in setting-Privacy & Content
+ Support customization on auto-sync setting
+ Add popup window interception prompt
+ Add new language (Spanish, French and Portuguese)
+ Support dragging URL in a webpage to shortcut bar and make it favorite
+ Shortcut bar-add “add to this folder” for a folder in shortcut bar
+ Shortcut bar support dragging to manage and organize entries
+ Shortcut bar-support “delete” to recycle bin
+ Add upload traffic calculation in Infobox-menu

Functions optimized in this updated version:

- Animation effect optimization in address bar
- User interface optimization
- Cancel popup window for name change from “favorite bar” to “shortcut bar”
- Passkeeper _ logic optimization for auto-fill
- Passkeeper_ UI optimization for excessive information during auto-fill
- Infobox _ optimization for searched result and matched entries
- Faster data import
- Optimized multi collection types function in webpage

Bug fixed:

* Fixed some crashes
* Split mode _ enter personal center, exit and activate split more, cannot drag tabs in left screen to right one
* Quick save images _ fix failure when save Baidu and local pictures
* Passkeeper _ saving failure for account and password in popup window
* Password generator _ random failure in some websites
* Passkeeper _ fix searching logic problem
* Data import _ it’s very slow to import guest data to MX5
* Passkeeper _ Passkeeper page freezes when import data
* Language _ Editing tools’ name in snipping tool displayed in Chinese
* Password generator _ Position adjustment for some websites
* Quick access in 4.4 versions not showing after using MX5
* Download _ fix download problem in Retro mode
* Setting _ Entertainment and HAHA display in International version and extended page
* Solved display issue for super large pictures
* Personal center _ needs restart to update Nickname after editing
* Font rendering _ fail to render customized fonts in Tencent websites, comment area
* Address bar _ switch search engine by alias, changes default search engine
* Previous and forward pages lost after restoring some specific recently closed tabs
* Right click plus wheel changes mouse gesture color to default one
* Address bar _ Tool bar compress address bar space in windowed mode
* Snap _ fail to snap region
* New tab _ only shows search box and navigation bar
* Google picture _ cannot upload by dragging picture from desktop to webpage
* Fix focusing issue in win7 system
* Fix Youdao Translation extension issue
* Tab bar _ new tab button disappear randomly
* Extension _ unable to use “turn off the light” extension
* Read mode _ display issue for some content and pictures in certain websites
* Read mode _ next page in reverse order
* Lock tab _ cannot lock or unlock a tab when open a new tab
* Sign in _ cannot sign in when set password with IE proxy
* Shortcut _ F2F3 functional defect
* Ad blocker _ Ad blocker icon shows in tool bar even without enabling
* Solved window disappearing issue in second screen under win7 system
* Cannot open local file
* Infobox popup issue
* Remember arranged order for notes and favorites in folders
* Repeated instruction in private and session modes
* Import data from MX3 in reverse order


Titel: Polarity 8.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2016, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Small update to new tab page, added different display modes to bookmarks bar buttons, fixed bugs with radio buttons in settings applet, lots of code optimization.

Titel: SunDance
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2016, 13:08
Sundance is a browser without a conservative interface. Its features include very clean user interface, without address bar, floating navigation bar, redirect, scrolling RSS, transparent forms, quick web search, quick menu, wysiwyg page designer, changeable user agent string.


Titel: Browser Select 1.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2016, 04:45

in this update, the algorithm behind the always button was completely remade from scratch and now handles things differently.
for one it no longer creates *.com.au rule for domains like news.com.au. also a new context menu is added that will show up when the algorithm cannot determine with certainty which pattern you want.
we also have a new update checker. if enabled through settings it will notify the user that an update is available.
another cool feature added this version is the ability to shift-click to open a URL in incognito mode. it doesn't yet work with the always button, (no rules to open URL's in incognito, yet!) but it works nicely in most major browsers for normal use.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2016.9.6.123
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2016, 21:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Dooble 1.56b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2016, 19:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Allow overriding of error code 299 Please see Settings:WebKit
EXISTS() instead of COUNT(), if beneficial
Highlight links whose text contents do not match their URLs The status bar must be visible
Removed static variables
Upgraded SQLite libraries to version 3141 on Windows
Upgraded libgcrypt products to version 166 on Windows


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.51.60906
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2016, 20:15
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Update voHelp;
Support latest VMC library;

Titel: Polarity 8.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2016, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Many updates to internals, more I/O optimization, updated algorithms to make them much faster, fixed bug where history kept reversing when refreshing the history in the history applet.

Titel: Pale Moon 26.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2016, 18:45


Fixed a crash in the XSS filter.
Slightly changed the address bar shading on secure sites to be more subtle and easily-blended.
Fixed the occurrence of "null" titles in bookmarks dragged from special folders.
Fixed an error initializing the browser due to trying to restore scratchpad data from a stored session when having switched from a version with devtools to a version without devtools, and the previous version had scratchpad data saved.
Fixed some minor issues in scratchpad and gcli devtools.

Security Fixes:

Updated the HSTS preload list to a much more updated source list, and performing our own checks on validity from now on to have the list be as accurate as possible.
Disabled Triple-DES cipher suites by default (mitigating SWEET32).
Portable-only: Changed the behavior to, by default, allow it to start a new copy or multiple copies without checking if Pale Moon is already running on the system. You will need separate profiles to run multiple browsers concurrently.


Titel: Lunascape
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2016, 09:04
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware



Updated a part of default bookmarks.

Fixed Bug:

Fixed the bug that Gecko installer is not launched after Gecko engine is selected in case that Gecko engine is not installed.


Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2016, 09:11
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 53.0.2785.116
[Fix]A bug of switching rendering engine

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2016, 20:40
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Vivaldi Web browser.
When 'Load history from the specified profiles folder' option is selected, the folders combo-box is filled with the profiles folders stored in shadow copies of your hard drive. When loading history from shadow copies, you may find history items older than what you can find in your current system.

Titel: Polarity 8.3.2 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2016, 15:45
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



More code optimization, introduction of async function calls to make program more responsive, slight decrease in shadows around tab area, option to make new tabs open in the background, much more efficient GC collection, optimized background tasks to use less memory.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2016, 06:11
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

ImageCacheViewer now automatically detects the cache folder of Vivaldi Web browser.

Titel: Lunascape 6.14.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2016, 12:30
Release Notes

Lunascape version 6.14.2 released This release includes a bug fix that a part of the user agent is a wrong value in Trident engine. http://www.lunascape.tv/ Fixed Bug – Fixed the bug that the platform version of the user agent is a wrong value in Trident engine. Update your browser today!


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2016, 20:30

New functions added in this updated version:

+ Can drag window around avatar
+ Support pop up window for non-flash videos
+ Global mute button
+ QA data added when manually import 4.x data
+ Can customize webpage zoom scale
+ Shortcuts in Infobox changed to "My favorited"
+ Favorite bar_ perfect menu function, support display complete Infobox directory
+ Favorite bar_ add "replace with current page" function
+ Infobox_ add right mouse click and multi selection to organize function
+ Infobox_ Add "update site icons" function
+ Infobox_ can add notes in root directory
+ Infobox_ can choose all folders when switching between folders
+ Infobox and favorite bar_ support mixed display between notes and favorites
+ Infobox_ add hover to open in list view
+ Can choose whether or not to display favorite button in settings-view-customize UI
+ Add "clear last session" in clear browsing data
+ Can "duplicate tab" by right mouse button

Functions optimized in this updated version:

- Adjust some details for main UI
- Update English and other languages (fr-fr, es-es, tr-tr)
- Infobox_ optimized interaction for the pinned separate window
- Solved homepage hijacking problem
- Optimized the effectiveness for auto-fill

Bug fixed:

* Infobox_ cannot organize the sequence of thumbnail
* Infobox_ cannot realize print and print preview for text
* Set auto hide task bar, pin and maximize Infobox, cannot use snapshot function
* Multi search_ search bar in new tab disappears after using multi search
* New tab_ can type in different key words in search bar and address bar
* New tab_ click address bar to withdraw search box to address bar, cannot focus on address bar
* Infobox_ folders withdraw immediately after deleting notes or favorites in favorite bar
* Address bar_ history in address bar cannot remember "paste and open" links
* Favorites and notes imported from guest account do not have thumbnail
* Multi window_ CPU usage does not show when showing status bar in the second window
* Fixed the problem of the new tab button disappearing
* Amazon video cannot play
* Netflix video cannot play
* Hulu video cannot play
* Cannot edit for folders with name including A & B

Install Information

Download link:


MD5  22c211f555080ce52fce61572cacf9be


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2016, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with audio codec which resolves playback issues of some videos on twitter.

Titel: Maxthon Browser V 5.1.6000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2016, 04:47

Here are the changelogs:

Adding new App+ feature
Adding related posts in news page
Infobox_adding edit tool
Infobox_adding "Take picture" and "Pick photo from Gallery" to insert pictures
Infobox_adding new offline folder feature
Infobox_records can be now added to root folder
Infobox_arbitrary order of records and folders is now supported
Infobox_change "Shortcuts" to "My Favourite"
Optimize “Find in page”
Support more languages
Improve refresh interaction for news and pages
Compression for installation package
Improve application performance and stability

Install Information




Titel: Pale Moon 26.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2016, 16:30


Implemented a breaking CSP (content security policy) spec change; when a page with CSP is loaded over http, Pale Moon now interprets CSP directives to also include https versions of the hosts listed in CSP if a scheme (http/https) isn't explicitly listed. This breaks with CSP 1.0 which is more restrictive and doesn't allow this cross-protocol access, but is in line with CSP 2 where this is allowed.
Fixed an issue with the XML parser where it would sometimes end up in an unknown state and throw an error (e.g. when specific networking errors would occur).
Improved the performance of canvas poisoning by explicitly parallelizing it.

Security fixes:

Fixed a potentially exploitable crash related to text writing direction. (CVE-2016-5280)
Made checking for invalid PNG files more strict. Pale Moon will now reject more PNG files that have corrupted/invalid data that could otherwise lead to potential security issues.
Changed the way paletted image frames are allocated so the space is cleared before it's used. DiD
Fixed a crash in nsNodeUtils::CloneAndAdopt() due to a typo. DiD
Fixed several memory safety issues and crashes.


Titel: Slimjet v11.0.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2016, 09:45
Whats new:>>


    Video playback issues.
    Crash on autohide bookmark bars.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo v1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2016, 19:30
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

WebCacheImageInfo now automatically detects the cache folder of Vivaldi Web browser.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2016 10.4.156
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2016, 17:21
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet v11.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2016, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Disabled auto-update of flash plugins for vista users to avoid compatibility issues. (Flash v23 or later doesn't support XP or Vista).

Titel: Slimjet v12.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2016, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 53.

Titel: Polarity 8.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2016, 10:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Smarter popup dialog management which will show the appropriate popup dialog per link request, bookmark folders will now appear in the bookmarks bar, added ability to install language packs, fixed bug where you can't uncheck the option that made the browser use the system locale, fixed bug where saving webpage as image produced white image.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2016.10.10.162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2016, 17:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2016, 18:00


Fixed homepage tampering
Fixed wrong identification as Trojan by some anti-virus software
Optimize extender interface
Optimize system performance

Bug fixed:

Error when open files begin with "[#"


Titel: Slimjet v12.0.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2016, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bugs about profile switching icon visibility option and incognito mode special avatar visibility option.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2016, 09:11
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about update checking. Users of Slimjet 11 and earlier versions of Slimjet 12 will have to update to this version manually first.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2016, 19:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated the Blink (Chrome / 53.0.2785.143)
When Blink engine was killed, it was to re-launch the Blink engine
To adjust the right-click menu of Chrome extension icon
To adjust the display position of the password save screen
Other Fixed minor bug

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2016, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug about the form filler.

Titel: Slimjet v12.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2016, 04:40
Whats new:>>


    A bug about ad blocker which might cause crash when updating Russian sites filter list.
    Broken link of Arabic and Hungarian sites in ad blocker filter lists.

Titel: FBCacheView v1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2016, 13:34
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

FBCacheView now automatically detects the cache folder of Vivaldi Web browser.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2016, 19:45
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

NEW Fixed Google Chrome/Vivaldi and Epic browsers support
IMPROVED SQLite engine updated to 3.15.0

Titel: Polarity Web Browser 8.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2016, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes with type casting, minor memory optimizations.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with QuickFill form filler.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 13:15

Bug Fixed:

* Facebook pictures repeat opening and closing by themselves
* No read mode button for .txt files
* Blank window is left after online installation finishes


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 19:15

Functions optimized in this updated version:

+ Address bar/search bar added on new tab in full-screen mode
- Start-up speed optimized
- UI for favorite bar and favorite menu optimized
- Compatibility of MHT files improved


Bug fixed:

* In retro mode, UI problem fixed when right clicking a picture to "Add to Maxnote"
* Rearranged the sizes and frames of some icons
* Auto-sync when first sign in MX5, the sync button doesn't spin
* Sequence in the last session is disordered
* Favorite bar_ open all records in a folder when the focus is on new tab, then the opening sequence is in disorder
* When browser is set in minor languages, pop-up message in Maxnote is misplaced
* Global mute cannot mute sound in retro mode
* Passkeeper_ error message pops up when importing data while there is no data in magic fill
* Smart address bar didn't show favorite items in suggestions
* Page zoom_ sometimes buttons "+" and "-" are invalid
* Private window_ restart browser, viewed pages in private window show in the last session
* Resource sniffer_ resource sniffer window doesn't pop up on the corresponding page
* Split window_ enter and exit personal center. Then enable split window, drag window in left screen to right, there is no active tab in left

Download link:



Titel: QupZilla v2.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2016, 06:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


Update default user-agent strings.
Add short command line variant for all options.
Show navigation bar when adding new tab in fullscreen.
Supermenu button is no longer hidden in fullscreen.


    Overwriting speed dial title when loading fails;
    Positions of speed dials in rtl;
    Context menu actions when site specifies base href;
    Issue with tabbar sometimes being invisible when leaving fullscreen;
    Background gradient in browsing library.


Titel: Polarity 8.3.5 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2016, 05:46
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

File system fixes, fixed dependency issues, fixed minor mistakes in welcome dialog.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 17:00

Functions optimized in this updated version:

    On XP operating system, no global mute option in retro mode
    Fixed freeze when signs in with guest account after clean install
    Optimized animation UI during installation
    Optimized pop-up window UI on UUMail page


Bug fixed:

     Private messages do not display for some games


Titel: Pale Moon 27 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2016, 05:00

Most important changes/fixes since beta 2:

    This should fix webcrypto issues people have reported.
    Fixed places/library category errors (tags etc).
    Fixed geolocation (prompt and lookup, "more information").
    Fixed desktop notification and pointerlock prompts.
    Fixed the "more information" link for mixed content.
    Removed pdf.js from the browser.
    Considering this preview module (maintained for emergency only) would not render even half the documents correctly, it has been removed from Pale Moon. Some websites that insist on only having embedded PDF content (not downloadable and not using a web-based viewer on-site) may require you to install a PDF plugin as a result.
    Fixed the "ask to activate" image+link in plugin areas.
    Fixed the browser downloads UI call in BrowserDownloadsUI().
    Enforced Firefox-compatibility useragent on msn.com and bing.com to prevent errors.
    Fixed the save file picker dialog closing immediately on some sites (e.g. dropbox).
    Fixed missing toolbar in print preview.
    Fixed "Forget about this site" command.
    Fixed an issue with update logging.
    Added a new option and control to determine whether to save zone information (downloaded from the Internet) on downloaded files (Windows+NTFS).
    You can find this option in the "General" category of browser options.
    Fixed a regression causing memory inflation and crash due to onload= changes to <link> and style elements.
    Fixed favicon handling on hash navigation.
    Added indicators in the add-ons manager for native (blue)/non-native (orange) extensions, to more easily pinpoint which extensions are Pale Moon specific and which are Firefox extensions.
    Fixed an issue with xlink:href navigation (e.g. embedded <a> links inside SVG).
    Fixed an issue with SVG favicons on sites not being seen as valid nor being cached properly.
    Switched AMO useragent override to be v28.9 instead of v24.9, to be closer to our FE+platform spec.
    Updated OTS to 5.1 from upstream + fixed a visibility issue in it.
    Updated the woff2 code from upstream.
    Hard-blocked the classic theme restorer (CTR) extension -- just in case.
    Fixed History menu "restore all tabs".
    Fixed font preferences fallback encoding selection.
    Removed the (unused) maintenance service code.
    Changed the media/video parsing/rendering logic.
    Added MSE enable/disable options to the Options dialog.
    You can find these options in the "Content" category of browser options.
    Enabled @font-face unicode-range parsing in CSS.
    Added use of object array and typed object array .includes().
    Fixed the offline application cache to work properly with http cache v2.
    Removed confusion in preferences for the use of https cache back-ends.
    The preference to select the back-end is now called browser.cache.backend (numeric).
    Set to 0 for the old back-end (deprecated) or 1 for the new back-end.
    Fixed up OS X default theme styling.


Titel: Avant Browser 2016 build 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2016, 12:23
Avant Browser 2016 build 11, Released 10.31.2016

    [Update]Chrome: 54.0.2840.71
    [Fix]A few bugs result in Chrome Engine crash

Titel: Polarity 8.3.6 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2016, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes with favorites and other parts of the browser.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2016, 09:16
Whats new:>>

Fixed audio playback issues for some videos.
Fixed a bug with QuickFill form filler.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2016, 13:53
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 54.0.2840.87
[Fix]A bug of video in full screen mode
[Fix]Firefox engine won't start on certain computers
[Fix]A few bugs result in Chrome Engine crash

Titel: FBCacheView v1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2016, 21:53
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

FBCacheView now also shows all Instagram images stored in the cache.
Added 'Show Facebook Images' and 'Show Instagram Images' to the Options menu.

Titel: Slimjet v12.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2016, 10:15
Whats new:>>


    Audio playback issues for some videos.
    Bug with cash flow analysis tool on redfin.com.

Titel: Simple Website Blocker 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2016, 05:01
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Major 2016 edition with new Installer for simple installation & un-installation. Also made few improvements on timestamp and UI display.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2016, 05:10

Functions added:

+ Support HTML5 data list tag
+ Add “send to Maxnote”, “desktop”, “quick app” to right click menu
+ Add traditional address bar
+ Add DirectWrite font render switcher

Bug fixed:

    Fixed some entries in favorite bar cannot locate correctly
    Fixed update favorite icon function
    Fixed global mute invalid problem in XP system
    Fixed second monitor flying away problem
    Fix the compatibility issue when using intranet service
    Open last session when starting the browser from a link outside
    Open a long-named local file causes abnormity in toolbar menu
    Exit from reader mode after continuously read some chapters causes page location error
    Some mouse gestures are invalid in retro mode
    Crashed when printing from Gmail
    Right click function on tab invalid
    Switch language causes crash or freeze on browser
    Under windows 2003 system with double monitor, maximized monitor flies away
    IE pop up a window when saving a filled form
    UUMail has repeated translation


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2016.11.15.194
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2016, 18:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 8.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2016, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Disabled WOT for privacy concerns by default, fixed issues with directory listing and paths, alt + D now focuses address bar.

Titel: Avant Browser 2016 Build 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2016, 09:15
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 54.0.2840.99
[Fix]A bug of FavIcon

Titel: VideoCacheView 2.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2016, 13:42
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed bug: VideoCacheView failed to extract mp4 files with mms links on IE10/IE11.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2016, 05:29
Whats new:>>

Fixed playback issue of Tencent video

Titel: Pale Moon 27.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2016, 21:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


New and updated features:

    Support for DirectX 11 and Direct2d 1.1 on Windows. This will bring Pale Moon more in line with the capabilities for current-day operating systems and graphics hardware.
    Update of the Goanna engine to 3.0 - with many changes to layout and rendering for the modern web.
    Pale Moon now fully supports HTTP/2.
    Ruby Annotations are now an integral part of the HTML parser, controllable with CSS.
    Media Source Extensions have been implemented to solve many video playback issues.
    This can be enabled/disabled and configured in Options. It's recommended at this time to not enable MSE for WebM since there are a few issues with it on services like YouTube (e.g. losing audio when looping/skipping).
    Support for reading and playing so-called "fragmented" MP4 files has been added, further solving media playback issues.
    Support for SSL/TLS connections to proxy servers.
    Support for the WOFF2 font format for downloadable fonts.
    The JavaScript engine has been updated with support for many landmark ECMAScript6 features (chief among them promises and generators). This will solve many of the web compatibility issues that people have started to run into in the past few months (e.g. webmail interfaces, some sites coming up blank because they are script-generated).
    The way web content is cached has been changed to be more efficient. If you want to immediately take advantage of this, clear your cache.

Removed support/features:

    Removed support for Windows XP. If you are still running Windows XP, then your only option is to continue using Pale Moon 26.
    Removed the internal PDF (pre)viewer. This module was not maintained, was unable to display even half of the PDF documents correctly, and could not reasonably remain included in the browser. Please use a separate reader and/or install a PDF reader plugin.
    Disabled building of the devtools. They will not be included in release versions of Pale Moon from this point forward. If you are a web developer or otherwise need those tools, fear not! They are available as a browser extension.
    Removed the active XSS filter. This feature, although effective, was prone to some instability and needs to be rewritten for the update of our platform. It may or may not return in the future, depending on whether the original author has time to rewrite parts of this filter implementation.
    Removed support for Add-on SDK extensions (JetPack extensions), considering the Mozilla/Gecko SDK is no longer compatible with our combination of application and platform code.

Security highlights:

    All relevant security fixes up to and including Firefox 50 have been ported across from Mozilla to continue to provide an as secure as possible browser.
    Several libraries have been updated to their latest versions to pick up any important vulnerability fixes.
    There's a new option and control to determine whether to save zone information (marking files as "downloaded from the Internet") on downloaded files (Windows+NTFS). You can find this in Options.

Other important notes:

    Pale Moon 27 will initially only be available in English. We are working on getting localization done to have language packs available over time.
    Important: You can not use the previous language packs since many strings have changed. Trying to do so will likely prevent the browser from starting or functioning. Pale Moon will automatically disable language packs for the previous version, but if you have explicitly disabled add-on compatibility checking you may run into trouble.
    We will continue to fully support the following:
        NPAPI plugins
        Extensions with binary/XPCOM components
        XUL/Overlay and bootstrapped extensions
        Complete themes
        Unsigned and author-signed extensions
        The Camellia encryption cipher (also in GCM mode)
        Graphite font shaping
        Sync 1.1 (albeit without support for syncing add-ons)
        Full customization of the UI as before


Titel: Pale Moon Profile Backup Tool
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2016, 05:04
Pale Moon Profile Backup Tool is a straightforward way to conveniently backup Pale Moon browser profiles.

The tool is uncomplicated, it provides a quick way to backup your data and customizations. Pale Moon Profile Backup Tool has no real features to speak of and is not for use with the portable version of Pale Moon or custom profile locations. Simply put - one click backup and restore of your default Pale Moon profile in a simple UI.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2016, 18:00


    Fixed removal of distribution/bundles/ copies of status bar code and ruby annotations code.
    This should clean up everything on install/upgrade that currently causes double code to create intermittent/odd behavior.
    Backed out some media back-end changes to fix MSE playback on Twitch.tv and other similar sites.
    Disabled pop-up network status in full screen by default (since video detection is rather iffy at the moment).
    Fixed a regression causing the "reset profile" button to not appear in about:support on the default profile.
    Worked around bad Netflix interface changes - it will now use a more compatible web UI.
    Please note that these Netflix changes were unrelated to the actual release of Pale Moon (26.5 is also affected).
    Aligned base status bar colors with default prefs.
    Fixed status bar options not being remembered.
    Added an override for Amazon Prime videos so they won't stop us at the front door any longer when not using the Firefox Compatibility user agent mode.
    Re-applied proper branding text to in-app licensing.


Titel: Lunascape 6.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2016, 13:46
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware



- Updated the Gecko engine version to 45.2.0.

Fixed Bug

- Fixed the bug that the unknown space is appeared on the right side when the Lunascape window is maximized.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2016, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with video codes.
Automatically clean download manager history when cleaning browser history.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2016, 18:15

Enabled Firefox Compatibility mode by default for the useragent string.
Unfortunately too many websites (and especially the big players who should know better like Google, Apple and Microsoft) still require the "we must pretend to be Firefox if we want this site to work" status quo to be maintained, because people still insist on using useragent sniffing to determine "browser features", or even worse, discriminate against free choice of browser by flat-out refusing service (I'm looking at you, banking industry and cloud services!) when visiting websites just because companies don't want to provide assistance to any but users on the main 3.
HTML offers plenty of ways to do proper feature detection; site owners should use them.
Seriously people, it was a bad idea 20 years ago, and it's a worse idea in 2016.
The built-in devtools are back, and with a facelift!
Thanks to some consistent community help, the built-in devtools, sorely missed by a number of our users, are back. They've received a code and style update and should be fully functional on the new platform. This was originally planned for 27.1, but it was decided to include this as soon as possible, not in the least to assist extension developers in their efforts to adapt to Pale Moon 27.

Security fix:

Fixed a crash in SVG, related to CVE-2016-9079, as a defense-in-depth measure.


Titel: Polarity 8.3.8 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2016, 19:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Minor patches to the browser.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2016.12.4.209
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2016, 20:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fix https certificate issue under Linux

Titel: Google Ad Blocker 6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2016, 10:30
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new: >>

Major release featuring new installer for easier instatllation & un-installation

Titel: Facebook Blocker 6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2016, 08:00
Facebook Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock Facebook on your Windows system. Now a days almost everyone is hooked to Facebook all the times. It has become difficult to ensure employee productivity in companies and equally impossible for parents to control their childrens.

This tool will come very handy for such parents who can block their childrens from Facebook, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, administrator can block students from accessing Facebook from their lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to Facebook during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

It does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock Facebook instantly. It has cool GUI interface and very simple to use for everyone. It is fully portable tool and includes Installer for those who wants to install it locally. It is successfully tested on all platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new:>>

Integrated new installer for quick installation & un-installation

Titel: Slimjet v12.0.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2016, 13:54
Whats new:>>


    HTTPS certificate issue.
    Bug with Facebook video download.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2016, 04:45

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 55.0.2883.87)
Other fixes for minor bugs

Titel: Pale Moon 27.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2016, 21:50


Certain network errors not displaying.
Network error page styling.
The writing of DOM storage data to tabs (should solve the "tabs not loading their contents" issue when migrating a profile and some other situations).
Fixed and updated preferences for location bar suggestions.
Several x64-specific issues in memory allocation code (regression fix).
Timer issues when resuming a computer from stand-by (regression fix).
A number of branding and textual issues in the browser.
Prompting for the saving of off-line data (previously always allowed without prompting).
A layout regression that would cause block elements following left floats to not wrap to the next line if there wasn't enough clearance.
A mismatch in Firefox extension compatibility-mode installation where Firefox extensions served by addons.mozilla.org would be marked incompatible when trying to install.


Downloadable font unicode-ranges on non-Windows platforms.


The reporting of CSS errors to the console by default to prevent issues with some extensions who rely on this (e.g. Stylish).


A Google Fonts user-agent override for non-Windows platforms so they don't send unicode-ranged composite fonts (Feature detection? Google apparently still doesn't know what that is).


Titel: Polarity 8.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2016, 11:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issues where popup window doesn't load userscripts.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2016, 12:18
Whats new:>>

Fix https certificate issue when accessing amazon.com.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2016, 20:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

SuperDrag Extension

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2016, 16:45

* Changed address bar certificate pop-up message
* Maxnote: sometimes cannot drag an entry to other places
* Fixed the opening sequence of new tabs by right click
* Fixed pictures’ quick saving problem in this site: https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/latest
* Mouse gesture: closing the wrong tab when using mouse gesture to “close tabs to the right”


Titel: Slimjet v12.0.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2016, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: can't use Ctrl+W to close tabs consecutively when floating bookmark bar or side bookmark panel is enabled.

Titel: GreenBrowser v6.9.1223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2016, 13:20
GreenBrowser is your best choice of easy and powerful web Browse software! GreenBrowser is free to download and use.

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on I and has a lot powerful features, such as: Quick Key, Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Page Back Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Start Mode, Auto Hide Bar, Mouse Drag Drop, etc.

• Search Engine. You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list.In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.

• External Toolbar. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".

• Tab Bar. Tab bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?

Licence: Freeware


Add: text color of unread tab.
Improve: mute function under Windows 7.


    Stuck bug by operation of thread;
    Bug of mistakenly close page.


Titel: Polarity 8.4.0 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2016, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed minor bugs, fixed glitches when download apps, fixed issue where alt keyboard commands do not fire

Titel: Dooble 1.56c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2017, 04:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

  1.56c (01/01/2017)
    <li>Child windows will be centered by default.</li>
    <li>Custom per-widget style sheets on Dooble and Settings via context menus. Some widgets are ignored.</li>
    <li>Do not resize the main window if the status bar's label is resized as a result of lengthy status text.</li>
    <li>Fancy splash screen.</li>
    <li>Initialize Blocked Hosts window icon.</li>
    <li>Issue activateWindow() before issuing raise() as some desktop environments ignore raise().</li>
    <li>New Tools menu, per warp9pnt9. The menu is a copy of the Windows menu.</li>
    <li>Per warp9pnt9, allow access to the Settings window via the initial passphrase reminder prompt.</li>
    <li>Purge cipher handle's contents in dcrypt::setCipherPassphrase() upon a failure.</li>
    <li>Register special types with Qt.</li>
    <li>Remind the user if the selected iteration count exceeds the default value during passphrase preparation.</li>
    <li>Replaced dmisc::centerChildWithParent() with QDialog::adjustPosition().</li>
    <li>Report gcrypt key-generation failures.</li>
    <li>SHA-3 availability. libgcrypt 1.7.0, or newer, is required.</li>
    <li>Upgraded OpenSSL libraries to version 1.0.2j on OS X and Windows.</li>
    <li>Upgraded SQLite to version 3.15.2 on OS X and Windows.</li>
    <li>Upgraded libgcrypt to version 1.7.5 on OS X; Homebrew.</li>
    <li>Upgraded libgpg-error to version 1.2.6 on OS X; Homebrew.</li>
    <li>libspoton at version 0.1.6.</li>
<li>removeFirst() over takeFirst() if the item is not required.</li>


Titel: Polarity 8.4.1 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2017, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where apps would not download, updated adblock list location

Titel: Slimjet v12.0.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2017, 15:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with Chrome Cast support. Now you can cast a Tab to televsion in more ways:

1. Google cast extension icon.
2. Select "Cast..." from the main menu.
3. Right click within a tab and select "Cast..." from the popup menu.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2017, 05:15
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

Bug fixes

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.1.15.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2017, 05:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 8.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2017, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where loading locked local image crashes the browser, fixed other issues.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2017, 04:20
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 55.
Pepper Flash is no longer bundled with the Windows installer. It will be downloaded automatically upon first use.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2017, 17:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fix bug: When using /SaveDirect command-line option, the file was always saved according to the default encoding, instead of using the selected encoding in Options -> Save File Encoding.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2017, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Add support for downloading 1080p video from youtube.
Fix crash with extensions.

Titel: Polarity 8.4.3 Build 777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2017, 07:01
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issues with creating folders in bookmarks manager.

Titel: YouTube Video Ad Blocker 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2017, 04:30
YouTube Video Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block YouTube Video Ads across all browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

YouTube has recently started showing Video Ads in the beginning as well as middle of actual video. User has no choice but to wait n watch these annoying video ads. This can be highly disturbing and irritating at times.

In addition to Video Ads, this tool also blocks all other form of Ads like banner, hover, sidebar and featured ads from YouTube.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block YouTube Video Ads across all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock YouTube Video Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block the YouTube Video Ads instantly.

'YouTube Video Ad Blocker' works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Mega 2017 edition to support YouTube Video Ad blocking feature on Windows 10 version. Also added new restrictions for YouTube especially specific to Firefox browser.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2017, 05:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with youtube video downloader.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2017, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with video playing with no sound.

Titel: Slimjet v13.0.2.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2017, 13:52

Migrate to Chromium 55.
Pepper Flash is no longer bundled with the Windows installer. It will be downloaded automatically upon first use.
Add support for downloading 1080p video from youtube.


    Crash with extensions;
    Bug with youtube video downloader;
    Bug with video playing with no sound.


Titel: Avant Browser 2017 build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2017, 16:30
Avant Browser 2017 build 2, Released 2.2.2017

    [Update]Chrome: 56.0.2924.87
    [Fix]Incorrect size of popup tabs
    [Fix]A bug result in memory crash

Titel: Slimjet v13.0.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2017, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Fix a security issue.

Titel: Polarity 8.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2017, 21:50
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes in deleting bookmarks.

Titel: QupZilla v2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2017, 22:15
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


Bringed back:

    Support for printing;
    Save page action + support multiple formats;
    Option to delete cookies on close;
    Per-domain user agent settings.


    Audio playing indicator in tab with possibility to mute;
    Background activity indicator in pinned tabs;
    Download progress in taskbar.

Added options:

    To show navigation bar when opening new tab in fullscreen;
    To show bookmarks toolbar when typing in location bar;
    To use native scrollbars;
    To delete cache on close.

Each tab has now its own search toolbar.


    Lot of HighDPI fixes;
    Setting maximum size of cache;
    Scrolling with high resolution mouse/touchpad;
    Rules for disabling blocking on pages in AdBlock;
    Deleting cookies;
    Slow search in icons database;
    Restoring zoom level of tabs;
    Crash when opening web inspector;
    Crash of the application when render process crashes;
    Tabbar being invisible sometimes after leaving fullscreen;
    Sometimes not showing list of windows and tabs in recovery page.


Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2017, 05:49
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

Added Brave browser support

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2017, 13:31
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 56.0.2924.87
[Fix]Incorrect size of popup tabs
[Fix]A bug result in memory crash

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 1.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2017, 13:36
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Quick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the toolbar and BrowsingHistoryView will instantly filter the history table, showing only lines that contain the string you typed.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2017, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major update with lots of development and bugfixes. It also introduces the so-called "PMkit" modules, our effort to restore compatibility with Jetpack/SDK extensions and making it possible for extension developers to convert their SDK extensions with little effort to a Pale Moon compatible format. For more details please check the PMkit documentation on the developer wiki.


Reworked the media back-end completely (thanks Travis!) to use FFmpeg (including support for FFmpeg v3 and MP3 playback) and our own MP4 parser, and no longer relying on gstreamer on Linux, as well as adding some improvements on Windows for media parsing and playing.
On Linux, Apple .mov files of the correct type will also be played through FFmpeg now, for those rare occasions where they are still in use, considering there is no Quicktime plug-in available on that operating system.
Restored the classic about:config styling.
Added a fallback to US-ASCII if the autoconfig UTF-8 conversion fails.
Improved cross-compartment wrapper handling when managing a large number of tabs (fixes a performance regression with v27).
Changed the way audio and video synchronization is calculated to account for (slow) device latency, preventing things from getting out of sync on e.g. BlueTooth-connected speakers.
Changed the way scripts are handled when they are stopped from the "unresponsive script" dialog, to prevent browser lockup. We will now stop all scripts in the affected compartment in one go.
Fixed several errors in the devtools.
Fixed a nasty crash caused by cross-origin referrers.
Fixed the installer to allow 64-bit versions of the browser to be installed on Vista again.
Added HTML5-spec clipboard handling for content (cut© only -- paste is not allowed for security reasons).
Made multiple changes to the toolkit jetpack modules to cater to PMkit extensions.
This should make running SDK-based modules as PMkit extensions fairly simple for extension developers. See the introductory text to these release notes.
Fixed a css layout issue: make max-width affect contributions to intrinsic min-width.
Implemented several updates to the permissions manager. Among others, Improved the permissions manager (about:permissions) with a more complete set of permissions for pages.
Removed otherwise unused Metro browser platform/widget code.
Removed support for non-standard/deprecated let blocks and expressions.
Made the use of let as a keyword versionless and ES6 compliant.
Made the privacy category in preferences a tabbed setup to better fit the current options.
Fixed a regression preventing certain MP4 video files from playing.
Fixed a regression where seeking in media files would halt playback/jump to the end of the stream.
Fixed a crash caused by certain downloadable fonts with DirectWrite in use.
Improved downloads-button indicator legibility on some combinations of Windows versions and system theme colors.
Changed the Facebook user-agent override to be our native one, based on reports from users that it is (finally) working acceptably.
Fixed site-specific useragents being ignored if a global override is defined.


Changed CORS handling to allow data: sources, assuming they are same-origin. This should fix the infamous "Facebook endless reload" issue and may make some other sites that assume this particular (unspecified) CORS behavior happy with Pale Moon.
Reinstated the network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled preference so people who choose privacy over HSTS can do so again.
Added, In HSTS "off" state, prevention of HSTS site status from being written to disk.
Updated the IDN blacklist with more extended unicode characters that "look very similar to" normal ASCII characters, to prevent spoofing of well-known domains. If blacklisted characters are found, the IDN domain name will be displayed in its punycode form. (CVE-2017-5383 and similar)
Fixed an exploitable crash when using MP4 video. (CVE-2017-5396)
Fixed an exploitable crash in XSL parsing. (CVE-2017-5376)
Fixed a potential security issue when exporting certificates with specially-crafted credentials. (CVE-2017-5381)
Fixed a potential use-after-free situation in frame selection. (CVE-2017-5380) DiD
Fixed a leak of window details through the Ion compiler in certain situations.
Fixed the potential for an exploitable crash involving Javascript GC. DiD
Fixed a potential overflow situation in (non-released) WebRTC code. DiD
Fixed a potentially unsafe situation in websockets. DiD
Fixed several memory and other safety hazards (BMO bugs 1318766, 1325877, 1328834 DiD, 1288561 DiD, 1322420 DiD, 1293327 DiD, 1322315, 1325344, 1285960).
DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.2.10.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2017, 20:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2017, 04:45

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 56.0.2924.87)
Customize | Search | Add new
Add "Paste and move" to portal field right click menu
Other minor bug fixes

Titel: QupZilla 2.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2017, 06:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


•updated translations
•fix loading previews in SpeedDial
•fix showing duplicated languages in spellcheck settings
•fix sometimes pages being scrolled by itself when using native scrollbars
•fix disabling GreaseMonkey scripts
•Windows: fix highlight text color in item views


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2017, 13:34

New Functions Added:

Support Java Applet
New language options (traditional Chinese: zh-tw, British English: en-gb, German: de-de)

Functions Optimized:

Startup performance
Snap tool, UI and function

Bug Fixed:

Retro mode_cannot save web page to HTML
Multi search_browser freeze when switching to customized search engine
Passkeeper_error when set "Manual" in magic fill setting
Guest mode_wrong pop-up message when lock browser
Full screen_avatar picture display problem
Font_font in web page display issue after changing font
Don't support Java well
Reader mode_display issue for some blog sites
HTML5 player_pop-up video function issue
Bookmarklet built with JS script caused address bar error


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2017, 13:47
Whats new:>>

Better support Win10 system when switching tabs
Fixed some translation errors

Titel: BriskBard 1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2017, 21:15
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.


Whats new:>>

Support for Delphi 7 thanks to Raelb.
New TCEFApplication.AddCustomCommandLine procedure to add multiple switches with or without values thanks to rubinho241180.
TCEFApplication.CheckCEFLibrary enhancements and fixes. It now checks all the CEF3 files even if you use custom file paths.
Added support for CEF 3.2924.1569.g067d915. This version of CEF 3 fixes a very nasty bug if you use Adobe Flash Player.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.57.7021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2017, 09:40
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Update voHelp
Support latest VMC library

Titel: Pale Moon 27.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2017, 12:32
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Implemented a fix in media handling to prevent crashes with concurrent videos and/or rapidly starting/stopping video playback in the browser.
•Fixed the way the Adobe Flash plugin is detected to prevent confusion with other plugins that identify themselves as „Flash“ (e.g. VLC).
•Windows: Solved stability issues caused by the release build process, resulting in unexpected behavior (e.g. hangups).


Titel: Polarity 9.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2017, 05:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Updated default theme, status label now hides when hovered, indicates if fields were autofilled by polarpass, updated error page UIs, Fixed Dropbox uploading issue, Updated find function to be much more accurate with better UI., new experimental canvas features, enabled Nacl, Fixed issues with context menu in iframes, Fixed directory issues, Improved theming system which allows users to automatically let Polarity correct low contrasting themes., Fixed major bug with removing bookmarks., Fixed bug where turning of proxies does not work., Switched to Instapaper from Readability for Reading Mode, More engine optimizations for speed and lower memory usage, Much faster processing of History items, Updated Print to PDF, updated security icons, Updated drop down menu UI, Fixed bookmark deleting bug, Adjusted Settings tab to be better suited with larger displays., Updated ad block filters, updated UAs, fixed Trident Mode bugs, Fixed issue where PolarPass coud not detect fill form, Option to hide bookmarks bar with right click menu in bookmarks bar, Added option to only autofill username or only autofill password in polarpass., support with loading localhost pages, Fixed Youtube popup player crash, fixed directory bug where program path changes after open file dialog is used, option to view archive version of website powered by Wayback Machine if the website is could not be loaded, redesigned menu sidebar with the apps bar moved to the right side, keyboard shortcuts now listed in context menus, updated button components, fixed DPI issues with downloader, notification bar, and other parts of the browser, sped up tabcontrol performance, File explorer facelift with option to disable, adaptable browser icons and shadows for light and dark UIs, theme files now support pictures, Fixed issue where invalid folder paths caused Polarity to crash in add bookmark dialog, Fixed context menu scaling on higher DPI monitors, Fixed tooltips not appearing when hovering over tabs, Added PhishTank integration to keep track of phishing and malware infested sites, Option to scroll tabs with mousewheel, Fixed window border adjustment size issues, Added compression options in Settings tab under Performance, Fixed inconsistent theming with find box in popup windows, Fixed strangely proportioned icons, Back and forward mouse buttons are supported again.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2017, 09:09
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about dedicated search box.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

This is a small update adding a workaround for potential deadlocks happening in media elements.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.3.8.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2017, 19:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2017, 07:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed finder bug where it would continue to find text even after reloading, fixed bug where adding an article with a long title to reading list failed, updated error message for better explanation for GDI+ error on start.

Titel: Polarity 9.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2017, 04:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed GUI in Settings applet, fixed bug where apps would not download in Polarity Portable, menu now automatically shows scrollbar for when the browser window is too short, updated Spanish translation, added autohide omnibar option when scrolling down pages.

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 build 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2017, 05:20
Avant Browser 2017 build 5, Released 3.15.2017

    [Update]Chrome: 57.0.2987.98
    [Fix]A bug of firefox dialog

Titel: QupZilla 2.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2017, 05:45

• updated translations
• disable native scrollbars by default due to performance issues
• fix middle click on links sometimes not opening new tab
• fix scrolling to anchors when opening tab in background
• fix possible crash in AdBlock when editing subscribptions
• fix clicking on go icon in locationbar
• fix possible crash with native scrollbars


Titel: Pale Moon 27.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2017, 18:33
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Updated the ICU lib to 58.2 to fix a number of issues.
    Added proper control for the user for offline storage for web applications.
    Added a check to prevent auto-filled URLs from copying the auto-filled selection to clipboard/primary.
    Added the feature to pass a URL to open in a private window from the command-line.
    Improved the display of the downloads indicator on the button in bright-text situations.
    DOM storage now honors the "3rd party cookie" setting in that it will not allow 3rd party data to be stored if 3rd party cookies are disallowed.
    Allowed toolbar button badges to be properly styled.
    Updated the hunspell spellchecking library to 1.6.0 to fix a number of issues.
    Fixed desktop notifications being off-screen if fired in rapid succession.
    Added Element.insertAdjacentElement and Element.insertAdjacentText DOM functions.
    Added support for JPEG-XR images.
    This makes Pale Moon have the broadest support for image formats of all web browsers.
    (enabled by default; you can disable this with media.jxr.enabled).
    Completely removed the use of GStreamer on Linux.
    Added support for element.innerText.
    Custom toolbars should now properly remember their state.
    Fixed some more playback issues with MP4/MSE videos.
    Please be aware that we are still working on further improving MSE video handling.
    Changed media processing to reduce dangerous processing asynchronicity.
    This should also make media elements and playback more responsive.
    Fixed a useragent string regression always displaying the minor Goanna version as .0
    Updated NSPR to 4.13.1.
    Updated NSS to 3.28.3-RTM.
    Fixed unrestricted icon sizes in PMkit buttons.
    Fixed unresponsive buttons on support page when not building the updater.
    Fixed the use of "View image" and "Save image as" on extremely large images.
    Changed the way "View Image" and "Save image as" work on canvas elements.
    Made checking for dangerously large resolution PNG images smarter.
    It will now accept larger "strip"-aspect ratio images while reducing unsupported large image resolutions.
    This will e.g. fix Gmail's "emoji" window that uses a ridiculously long but very narrow single image to store all the emoticon pictures.
    Converted several hard-coded URLs to preferences.
    Updated the google.com override so it would not cripple services based on UA sniffing.
    Added Inner and Outer Window ID administration.
    Fixed the add-on discovery pane detection.
    Added support for canvas ellipse.
    Improved drawing of certain MathML elements at problematic zoom levels.
    No longer building gamepad support.
    Updated Harfbuzz font shaper to 1.4.3 to fix a number of issues.
    Fixed a number of crashes (layout, plugins, uncommon navigation, bad URLs).
    Aligned SVG specular filters with the spec.

Security/privacy changes:

    Added support for 256-bit AES-GCM encryption.
    Added support for ChaCha20-Poly1305 encryption.
    Removed support for Camellia-GCM since nobody seems interested in it.
    (Camellia in 128/256-bit CBC block mode is still fully supported).
    Added support for SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 to Crypto utils.
    Improved status handling of secure sites to be less sensitive to "insecure" items that are local.
    Fixed print preview hijacking. (CVE-2017-5421)
    Fixed a potentially exploitable crash in OnStartRequest. (CVE-2017-5416)
    Fixed potential cross-origin content-stealing through a timing attack. (CVE-2017-5407) DiD
    Fixed a denial-of-service problem with view-source. (CVE-2017-5422)
    Fixed crash in directional controls. (CVE-2017-5413)
    Fixed a perceived problem with chrome manifests. (CVE-2017-5427)
    Fixed the use of an uninitialized value. (CVE-2017-5405)
    Fixed a buffer overflow. (CVE-2017-5412)
    Fixed a UAF situation. (CVE-2017-5403)
    Fixed a potential spoofing issue with the address bar. (CVE-2017-5417)
    Fixed a potential issue in libvpx. (CVE-2017-5402) DiD
    Fixed a potential issue with HTTP auth. (CVE-2017-5418)
    Fixed several memory safety hazards and potentially exploitable crashes. DiD

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: Slimjet v13.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2017, 10:15
Whats new:>>

• Add support for external codec libraries (h.264, aac and mp3) on Linux and Mac.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2017, 18:20

Visual improvements:

+ Skins
+ Unified the whole UI
+ Visual effect optimized in sidebar under high DPI
+ Display & hide option for tools on status bar relocated to settings>view>status bar

Functions optimized:

+ Separate “search box”
+ Support third party download tool IDM
+ Sign in process optimized from MX4 to MX5 the first time
+ Support partially importing user data
+ Support choosing folder to import to Maxnote
+ Display & hide options optimized for icons in toolbar and sidebar
+ Maxnote entrance added in sidebar
+ Smart address bar can detect favorited sites
+ Passkeeper_add general identity function
+ Optimized Settings-Tools & Addons category
+ Optimized Settings-Privacy & Content-Auto Sync
+ Optimized right click tab bar-send to desktop
+ Optimized resource sniffer download functions for YouTube

Bug fixed:

* Toolbar interactive issue
* Maxnote sidebar interactive and auto syncing issue
* Skin_issues caused by dark skin
* Win10 default browser issue
* Win10 opening HTML file issue
* Global mute_function error under multi pages
* Guest mode_Passkeeper general identity lock error
* Favorite bar_icon displaying issue
* Some English & Turkish language issues
* Maxnote_sequence in reverse when moved to another folder
* Google search results show cannot be fully displayed
* Reader mode unavailable for some site
* YouTube video display issue under full-screen retro mode



MD5: d0b97ef56ec56fdc4a61d1a2b6bab840

Titel: Pale Moon 27.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2017, 16:30


Fixed an issue with planar alpha handling (transparency) when drawing JXR images.
Fixed a crash related to a change JavaScript array handling introduced in 27.2.0.
This became apparent with the pentadactyl extension, but could happen in other situations as well.
Fixed a crash when opening ridiculously large images with HQ scaling enabled (default).
Pale Moon will now only apply HQ scaling for images within reasonable limits (64 Mpix or smaller). Images larger than that may not display properly when zooming in, or may not display at all, even scaled down (e.g. >256 Mpix large) and show a "broken image" placeholder instead; please use dedicated image viewer applications for those kinds of images; it is outside the scope of a web browser to handle such large images.
Changed the way URL hashes are handled, and will no longer %-decode anchor hash identifiers by default.
Note that this is against RFC 3986, which states that any part of the URL scheme that isn't data should be decoded.
This is required for web compatibility because several sites use hash links to pass actual data to web applications (Please don't do this! Hashes ar part of the URL address, should only consist of "safe" characters, and aren't suited to pass arbitrary data) and the most common browsers no longer follow the RFC in that respect.
If you want RFC compliance, switch dom.url.getters_decode_hash to true
Restored 2 RSA Camellia cipher suites that were missing: TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA and TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA
Fixed an issue with custom toolbars getting deleted during upgrade from 27.0/27.1 to 27.2


Titel: Polarity 9.0.3 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2017, 11:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Fixed bug where bookmark link breaks when the url contains '@' after clicking from favorites menu, fixed bug where removing a bookmark item from the favorites bar would not delete empty folders, updated UAs


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2017, 19:00

Functions optimized:

Quicker start up speed
Occasional crashes fixed
Fixed some UI details
Support more languages

Bug fixed:

Maxnote in sidebar _ functions and interactive experience optimized
Some issue for extensions settings in tool bar-tools & add-ons
Display issues on toolbar and Maxnote after exiting browser and double-clicking installed extensions
Mouse gesture issues after dragging tabs
Snagit usage problem
Issues on site codebeautify
Web page display issue under high DPI 200%
Can drag HTML5 videos in full screen
UI issue for ABP extension
Clear cookie bookmarklet issue


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2017, 16:00

Functions optimized:

Fixed issue on SNS message while registering with phone number
Fixed layout and UI issues
Fixed occasional crashes

Bug fixed:

Maxnote on sidebar function, UI, data refreshing issue
Cannot remember manually switched render
Toolbar & tools and add-ons _ settings and UI issues on extensions
Sidebar & tools and add-ons _ settings and UI issues on extensions
Language switching issue
English language formatting issue
Favicon for Bing search website


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2017, 05:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Visit Type' column for Chrome and Firefox Web browsers (Link, Typed URL, Bookmark, and so on).

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2017, 04:50
Whats new:>>

Fix issue with cash flow calculation tool on redfin

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.4.8.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2017, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.0.4 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2017, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed crashing issue where GDI+ crashes the browser when loading long urls in the autocomplete menu

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2017, 12:31

Function optimized:

Extension & Performance optimization _ performance issue after deleting ad block extension

Bug Fixed:

Issue related to mouse gesture

Display error for the right click menu on a web page picture

Language _ fixed some issues related to punctuation marks

Language _ fixed the Ukrainian option problem


Titel: Polarity 9.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2017, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes with encryption and decryption in PolarPass, updated UAs.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2017, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Bug Fixed:

    Fixed Maxthon process occupying CPU problem
    Fixed mobile number registration issue under English operation system

MD5: 7b115ba35d3b69cb56edf81918017276


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2017, 07:23
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 57:

Added support for CSS grid layout

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 58.0.3029.81
[Fix]SSL display issue

Titel: Polarity 9.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2017, 06:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Fixed bug where changing locale in browser did not work, updated to Cef 57, issue fixed where localized menus did not load, fixed issue where browser did not connect through proxy, engine cleanup, updated UAs, better HTML5 standards compliance.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2017, 12:28
Whats new:>>

Fix bug associated with canvas reading exception list.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2017, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fix bug associated with startup page.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2017, 17:40

Functions & Visual optimization:

Register/Sign in account will get 5G free Maxthon cloud storage (VIP users get more)
Better support importing data from MX4
Full language options for portable version
Fixed registration with mobile number format error
Optimized installing process
Optimized sign in page
Fixed the process residues
Visual unification for Maxnote and Passkeeper

Bug fixed:

Maxnote _ error caused by moving several folders/notes together
Favourite bar _ “Open all records” feature malfunctioning while operate on more folders
Favourite bar _ mixed sequences of tabs when open all records in two folders
Ad block _ filter rule doesn’t work under overall rule
Retro mode _ browser freeze when open FTP
URL display error when open site with new tab
Smart address bar _ cannot show history searched links
Visual issues caused by double clicking edges in windowed mode
Occasional visual issue caused by activate new tab
History _ interactive issue with calendar plug-in
Pop-up message display error
UI issue with resource sniffer
Invalid when playing videos

Some other issues fixed:

Download failure for some sites
Facebook voice note cannot play
Facebook video cannot be downloaded as full clip
Drag and drop malfunction sometimes
Passkeeper translation issue


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2017, 12:19
Whats new:>>

Fix bug associated with opening home page when openning a new window via program shortcut.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2017, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


A major development update. Many things have changed in the media back-end, but please understand that some things are still a work in progress, and you may still encounter some html5 video playback issues with MSE.


Fixed up, checked and enabled vertical text writing modes!
Pale Moon will now be able to display vertical, right-to-left script.
Added the option to reset non-default profiles.
Fixed various issues in the WebP image decoder.
Added internally-supported document types to allowed <embed> types.
Fixed locale selection in ICU after update to ICU58.
(Note: Pale Moon uses the system locale for date formatting, not the browser locale)
Re-implemented the previous spellchecker dictionary logic (allow user override of document/element language, improve logic and make it unambiguous).
Ongoing fixes for the MP4 parser and MSE.
Made HTML Media Elements' preload attribute MSE-spec compliant.
The preload attribute on HTML media elements is now ignored in the case of an MSE source. This prevents an issue with sourceopen not firing when preload="none".
Fixed some issues with Windows WMF media playback.
Fixed an issue with Synced preferences sometimes overwriting stored individual preferences.
Fixed display of RSS folder icons.
Fixed issues with custom context menus.
Fixed an issue importing bookmarks with separators losing their extra data.
Changed the way numeric addresses are handled in the address bar so it doesn't perform a search when it shouldn't.

Added an option (browser.sessionstore.cache_behavior) to control from which source restored tabs pull their page content:

= load restored tab data from cache (current behavior, default)
= refresh restored tab data from the network
= refresh stored tab data from the network and bypass any cached data.
Improved upon a v27 performance regression with SVG scaling.
Improved performance by being more selective which CSS animations to process.
As a side-effect, elements changing their display from "none" to something visible now also animate.
Increased memory allocation for the use of very large PAC files.
Added menu entries for the permissions manager and improvements to its function and display.

Added preferences to control "highlight all" behavior of the find bar:

accessibility.typeaheadfind.highlightallbydefault = true/false highlight all found words by default.
accessibility.typeaheadfind.highlightallremember = true/false remember the last-used state of Highlight All.
Added devtools command-line options.
Added remote IP and protocol to Devtools->Network entry details.
Added support for <details> and <summary> HTML tags.
Fixed a regression in the MSIE profile migrator.
Removed migration of browser-specific settings when migrating data from IE/Safari.
Implemented optional parameters for permessage-deflate in preparation for RFC7692 errata making acceptance of them mandatory (and to prevent web compat issues doe to the current conflicting text of it).
Made the image document favicon skinnable.
Aligned DOM selection addRange with the spec.
Exposed mozAnon constructor js binding to system scopes for XHR.
Enhanced form data handling from JavaScript.

Security/privacy changes:

Updated NSS to 3.28.4-RTM to address a number of issues.
Added support for RSA-AES(-GCM)-SHA256/384 suites to broaden compatibility.
Reconfigured networking security: disabled static DHE suites by default, enabled all RSA-AES(-GCM)-SHA256/384 suites in their stead.
Fixed referrer policy keyword to align with the current spec ("cross-origin" vs "crossorigin").
Added an option to display punycode domain for IDN websites to combat phishing.
This is enabled by default for domain-validated https sites.
Preference: browser.identity.display_punycode
= Display IDN name in identity panel (previous behavior)
= Display punycode name for DV SSL domains (default)
= Also display punycode for HTTP sites if IDN name used
Fixed an issue to prevent contacting remote servers when a connection might get blocked.
Fixed 3 public security flaws in libevent, which may affect Mozilla-based products. DiD
Fixed several memory- and thread-safety hazards.
Fixed an address bar spoofing issue. (CVE-2017-5451)
Fixed a potentially exploitable crash with HTTP/2. (CVE-2017-5446)
Fixed several security hazards in XSLT processing. (CVE-2017-5438) (CVE-2017-5439) (CVE-2017-5440)
Fixed several security hazards in old protocols. (CVE-2017-5444) (CVE-2017-5445)
Fixed out-of-bounds access in text formatting. (CVE-2017-5447)
Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with innerText. (CVE-2017-5442)
Fixed a potentially exploitable issue in graphite font shaping.
Fixed a potentially exploitable crash with credential-authentication.
Fixed out-of-bounds access with text selection in rare cases.
Fixed a security hazard in the ANGLE library.


Titel: Polarity 9.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2017, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Automatically refresh all tabs when reconnect to the internet, added opening downloaded file on right click for download instance in downloads bar

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2017, 04:47
Whats new:>>

Fix bug associated with opening startup page when starting Slimjet in incognito mode.
Fix bug: download youtube video button not visible when force flash player option is enabled.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.5.6.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2017, 21:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.1.2 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2017, 12:30
Whats new:>>

Automatically refresh all tabs when reconnect to the internet, fixed bug where deleting last bookmark item in folder in bookmarks bar did not delete the directory

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2017, 19:15

Optimization and bug fixed:

MX upgrade program optimized
Enhanced stability, less crashes
Fixed a focus issue on address bar & search box on win7
Updated 16 language files
Bug fixed

Other issues:

Fixed Burmese language displaying issue
Fixed Turkish language displaying error
IE data importing issue under some circumstances
Page warning on this site: https://bank.barclays.co.uk/olb/auth/LoginLink.action#/identification


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2017, 06:08
Whats new:>>

Fix bug: can't add more search engines to the search engine drop down menu.

Titel: Slimjet v14.0.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 10:15
Whats new:>>

• Fix bug: update checker incorrectly downloads Windows version on Linux and Mac
• Fix bug: iQiyi.com video playback.

Titel: Polarity 9.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2017, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Minor fixes to browser

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v2.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2017, 04:41
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Load history from remote computer' option in 'Advanced Options' window. Be aware that this option works only when you have full admin access to the remote computer. Also, the history of IE10/IE11 is only available before the user logged-on to the system, because after the log-on the history database of IE10/IE11 is locked.
Fixed bug: 'Copy Selected Items' worked improperly when setting the 'Unicode/Ascii Save Mode' to 'Always UTF-8'.

Titel: Slimjet v14.0.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2017, 06:06
Whats new:>>

Fix bug: Can't cast tab content to TV.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2017, 16:45

Functions Optimized:

Optimized Ad blocker’s filter rules auto update
Better rendering experience when minimize and restore browser window
Maxnote main UI optimized
Improved Maxnote data syncing efficiency

Bug fixed:

Displaying issue for note sync while failed to log in Maxthon account
Fixed some issues when visiting some particular websites


Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2017, 04:45
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 58.0.3029.110
[Fix]SSL Display Issue
[Fix]Issue of Firefox Popup Messages

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2017, 12:27
Whats new:>>

Fix bug: Can't set default browser under Linux
Fix bug: tab crash when playing some videos.
Fix bug: Can't launch on Mint 17.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2017, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Support 178 more countries to register Maxthon account with mobile numbers
Freeze during installation
Scroll bar missing for sidebar Maxnote

Titel: Polarity 9.1.4 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2017, 12:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed crashing issue when inserting new user into PolarPass.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2017, 12:19

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Fixed an issue displaying errors on startup in some environments

Titel: Lunascape 6.15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2017, 16:15
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

– Updated the Gecko engine version to 45.9.0.

Titel: Slimjet v14.0.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2017, 13:15
Whats new:>>

Added support for Mp3 codec under Linux and Mac.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2017, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed freeze under Windows7 system
Fixed display issue on Quick Access
Experience issue on third party extension after upgrading

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2017, 21:45
Whats new: >>

In part of the environment, fix the problem that error is displayed at the time of start-up

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.5.29.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2017, 20:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2017, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with download manager.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2017, 19:40
Whats new:>>

• Fixed a bug with mp3 decoder

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2017, 12:28
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: double sound when forcing flash player on youtube.com.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2017, 18:45
Whats new:>>

 Fixed some issues with QuickFill form filler.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2017, 13:50

Features added:

Browser core upgraded to chromium55
Browser self-protect feature enhanced
Support multi-operation on Maxnote
Support pop-up flash video in retro mode

Features optimized:

Data importing from MX4 process optimized the first time login MX5
Optimized tab switching efficiency
UE when exiting and closing tabs
Extension icon displaying
EU for main menu function

Bug fixed:

Gmail attachment file name displaying error
Pop-up window position under high DPI
Occasionally blink on status bar
Search for Maxnote on sidebar
Quick app icon displaying issue under windows10
Crash when importing HTML file under XP system
Invalid link beside settings-spell check
Form saving failed through shortcut in Alibaba website


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2017, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with video proxy.

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2017, 17:20
Whats new: >>

Updated the Blink (Chrome / 59.0.3071.86)
And adjust the operation of the restoration of the tab

Titel: BriskBard 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2017, 18:15
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



These is what's new in this version :

The web browser core has been updated to the latest version of Blink 59.0.3071.82.
The database component (SQLite) has been updated to the 3.19.3 version.
The component to establish secure Internet connections (OpenSSL) has been updated to the 1.0.2l version.
The Delphi component used in many Internet clients (Indy) is now updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

Now you'll see an error If you try to download a file that it's not available in the server.
The address box inside a web browser tab will not make a sound if you press enter.
The web browser tab destruction has been improved and greatly accelerated.
The popup window handling in web browser tabs is now more reliable.
Now you'll see an error message in case you find a website with an incorrect certificate. You'll have an option to ignore the error or block that website.
The full screen mode in YouTube videos now works correctly.


Titel: Polarity 9.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2017, 09:11
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.



Fixed a few bugs in addon downloader, users can now whitelist sites from dropdown notification above when blocked by pBlock (for HTTPS/SSL conflicts only), added button to reload tracking protection database from file, updated Flash, worked on asynchronous calls to make tabcontrol more responsiv, updated UAs, enabled high DPI support, updated ad filters with EasyList and EasyPrivacy, added indicator for opening a file when completed from the downloads bar, added preset VPNs with 10 locations around the world


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2017, 18:15

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 59.0.3071.86)
Adjusted tab restoration behavior

Titel: StorURL v3.0.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2017, 16:15
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Titel: Slimjet v14.0.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2017, 13:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with webcam support.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2017, 17:20
Whats new:>>

Added a "night mode" to the application
Added options button to toolbar
Starred items now show up on the floating toolbar as expected
Firefox places import now includes the description if it is set in firefox
Fixed app "hang" when checking for updates
Fixed app "hang" when deleting a large category
Fixed Chrome import making multiple root categories with the same name and distributing bookmarks among a few of them

Titel: Polarity 9.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2017, 05:20
Release Notes

Fixed a few bugs in addon downloader, users can now whitelist sites from dropdown notification above when blocked by pBlock (for HTTPS/SSL conflicts only), added button to reload tracking protection database from file, updated Flash, worked on asynchronous calls to make tabcontrol more responsiv, updated UAs, enabled high DPI support, updated ad filters with EasyList and EasyPrivacy, added indicator for opening a file when completed from the downloads bar, added preset VPNs with 10 locations around the world


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2017, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Added displays of personal information panel when right click on avatar
Added a switch for Maxthon Now’s mini-version in Settings
Optimization on login registration feature’s experience
Improve browser usage stability
Fixed QA’s data loss under special occasions
Fix Google’s online document loading failure

Titel: The Classic Browser 1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2017, 18:33
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.6.24.103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2017, 19:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2017, 08:40
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where downloading files would crash the browser, fixed contextmenu crashes.

Titel: StorURL v3.0.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2017, 13:23
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



Added basic support for importing from bookmarks.html file.


    Bug where the "New Category" option on the right-click menu didn't re-enable sometimes;
    Menu color bug in night mode. Everything should now be cohesive in the main interface;
    Category color issue when toggling night mode after dragging a category around.

Documented --database command-line parameter in the help file.
Included HtmlAgilityPack.dll, required for importing from bookmarks.html file.


Titel: StorURL v3.0.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2017, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Improved import speed for all bookmark types significantly.
Fixed more menu color issues when switching to night mode.

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2017, 09:14
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 59.0.3071.109
[Fix]High DPI Display Issue

Titel: Dooble 1.56d
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2017, 10:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Corrected the About dialog's argument sequence.
New libgcrypt 1.7.7 on Windows.
New libgcrypt 1.7.8 on OS X.
OpenSSL libraries at version 1.0.2l.
Prepare User-Agent headers on download requests. Thanks to MarkProDev for reporting the problem.
Removed install targets from non-FreeBSD and non-OS X project files.
SQLite at version 3.19.3


Titel: Polarity 9.1.8 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2017, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where downloading files would crash the browser, fixed contextmenu crashes.Minor color scheme changes throughout the browser.

Titel: StorURL v3.0.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2017, 18:30

Dependency check on startup to inform if the VC++ runtime is not installed.


    Rudimentary support for tags on bookmarks;
    Support for Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10;
    Search box to main UI for quick searches;
    [(]Support for dragging links from Chrome, Firefox directly onto the main bookmark listing;
    Support for dragging links from Chrome, Firefox onto the floating toolbar.

Improved retrieving of site information with the Auto Fill button, now includes description.
Embedded image data into help file to avoid missing images with future builds.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2017, 09:12

Key Changes:

Support sharing notes in Maxnote to friends
Support viewing pictures, videos, and many other format files on Maxthon browser
Optimization on importing function
Unify all context menu options for Maxnote
Enhanced stability
Saving the same URL for several times
Time and size displaying issue for FTP files
Save” and ‘delete” button in Maxnote context
MHTM: file cannot show in reader mode
Flash video playing issue under XP system
File size counting issue under certain circumstance
Fail to set as default browser under Windows 10
Data importing pop-up banner not showing while users choose to import in background
No activation window when minimizing icon to system tray
Settings drop-down list display partially under 150 DPI or higher
Tab bar displaying issue under specific theme and split mode
Always loading after refreshing the pop-up video
Playing issue on this site been fixed: https://fakty.tvn24.pl/
Moving tab disappeared sometimes under split mode
Tab lost under some multi-tab circumstance


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2017, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 59.

Titel: Polarity 9.1.9 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2017, 11:30
Whats new:>>

Added better bookmark handling, ability to nest folders within bookmark folders added.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2017, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with crash dump file generation.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.7.9.116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2017, 05:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2017, 09:11

Added floating treeview mode for StorURL, use --treeview at the command line to open on launch
Can now delete bookmarks from search results (for finding and removing duplicates)
Added Reset Window option to tray icon menu. if you can't find the application, hold the Ctrl key and right-click the tray icon to access this option.
Hopefully I disabled the "ding" when hitting enter in the quick search box


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with language file manager
Fix bug with side bookmarks panel under linux.
Add "Add to Desktop" menu.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2017, 09:11



Support viewing previous and next local picture
Format association user experience optimized
Flit screen function optimized
Browser startup speed
Hungarian language supported

Bug fixed:

Quick access data replaces history data
RSS default download file format error
Resource sniffer error for some specific sites and videos
Guest mode Maxnote sharing function pop-up text optimized
Ctrl+G pop-up window text displaying issue
QR code shared to WeChat cannot be scanned after zooming
Reader mode issue for site: gizmodo.com
Set as default browser pop-up banner issue under win7
Preview page not available when saving screenshot to Maxnote under XP
GIF picture is blurry under high DPI
Placement of new folder in Maxnote is not right
Multi-refreshing caused crash in some specific page
Some language displaying issue for the “sync” button in Maxnote
Changed Portuguese (Brazil) to Português Brasileiro
Pop-up banner displaying issue when deleting a note in Maxnote
Notice text revised when failed to fetch QR code under poop internet situation
Partially displaying for some characters (qgpjy) in Maxnote
Maxthon icon not deleted after uninstalling in some special situation
Failed to import after deleting RSS subscription
Status bar hided after start browser
Maxthon5 uninstall not showing in the list in win10


Titel: Pale Moon 27.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2017, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



Completely re-worked the Media Source Extensions code to make it spec compliant, and asynchronous as per specification for MSE with MP4. This should fix playback problems on YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo and other sites that previously had some issues.
Added a control in options/preferences for HSTS and HPKP usage.
Changed HTML bookmark exports to write CRLF line endings to the file on Windows.
Leveraged multi-core rendering for libVPX (VP8/VP9 WebM decoding).
Fixed some issues accessing DeviantArt (useragent-sniffing).
Aligned CSS text-align with the spec.
Added a recovery module for browser initialization issues (e.g. when using a wrong language pack).
Fixed spurious console errors for XHR requests with certain http response codes.
Enabled v-sync aligned refresh for a smoother scrolling experience.
Removed support for CSS XP-theme media queries.
Improved console error reporting.
Fixed resetting toolbars and controls from the safe mode dialog.
Fixed bookmark recovery option from the safe mode dialog.
Fixed innerText getters for display:none elements.
Fixed a GL buffer crash that might occur with certain combinations of drivers and hardware.
Added some more details to about:support.
Fixed a potential crash when the last audio device is removed during playback.
Fixed a crash on about:support when windowless browsers are created.
Updated <select> elements to blank if the actively set value doesn't match any of the options.

Updated the interpretation of 2-digit years in date formats to match other browsers:

0-49 = 2000-2049, 50-99 = 1950-1999.
Added "q" units to CSS (quarter of a millimeter).
Added .origin property to blobs.
Fixed several minor layout issues.
Fixed disabled HTML elements not producing the proper JS events.
Implemented web content handler blacklist according to the spec, allowing more than feeds to be registered.
Fixed a spec compliance issue with execCommand() on HTML elements.
Fixed a problem with table borders being drawn uneven or being omitted when zooming the page.
Added devtools "filter URLs" option in the network panel.
Added visual sorting options to the Network inspector.
Added importing of login data from Chrome profiles on Windows (Chrome has to be closed first).
Added importing of tags from bookmark export files (HTML format).
Updated usage of SourceMap headers with the updated spec (SourceMap header, keeping X-SourceMap as a fallback).
Fixed several cases of wrongly-used negations in JS modules.
Added the auxclick mouse event.
Added a control to not autoplay video unless it is in view (media.block-play-until-visible).
Updated the Graphite font library to 1.3.10.
Updated how image and media elements respond to window size changes (responsive design).
Added parsing and use of rotation meta data in video.
Fixed several crashes in a number of modules.
Fixed performance regression for scaling large vector images (e.g. MSIE Chalkboard test) o/
Fixed some issues with notification icons.
Fixed some internal errors with live bookmarks.
Updated SQLite to 3.19.3.
Fixed several reported issues with devtools (cli-cookies, cli help, copying cURL, inspecting SVGs, element size calculations, etc.)
Fixed an issue where a server response was allowed to override add-ons' specified version ranges even for add-ons that have strict compatibility (e.g. themes, language packs).

Please note that MSE+WebM (disabled by default) is not using this new code yet (planned for the next release), and as such there is a temporary set of things to keep in mind if you don't use default settings:

If you have previously enabled MSE+WebM, this setting will be reset when you update to avoid conflicting settings with the updated MSE code.
We've added an extra setting in Options to disable the updated MSE code (asynchronous use) in case you need to use WebM or are otherwise having issues with the updated code (please let us know in that case).
Once again, the MSE+WebM and Asynchronous MSE use are currently mutually exclusive. You can have one or the other, not both, until we sort out the code for WebM. To enable MSE+WebM you will first have to disable Asynchronouse MSE in settings (otherwise the WebM setting will be greyed out and disabled).

Security fixes:

Removed preloading of HPKP hosts and enabled HPKP header enforcement.
Added support for TLS 1.3, the up-next secure connection protocol.
Fixed an issue with TLS 1.3 not supporting renegotiation by design.
Relaxed some restrictions for CSP to temporarily work around web compatibility issues with the CSP-3 deprecated `child-src` directive.
Updated NSS to to address some security issues.
Updated the installer selfextractor module to address unsafe loading of libraries.
Changed the way certain resources are included to reduce effectiveness of some common fingerprinting techniques. (e.g. browserleaks.org)
Fixed a regression in the display of security information in the page info dialog for insecure content.
Fixed two potential issues with allocating memory for video. DiD
Fixed a potential issue with the network prediction algorithm. DiD
Restricted the use of Aspirational scripts in IDNs to prevent domain spoofing, in anticipation of the UAX#31 update making this official.
Prevented a Mac font specific issue that could be abused for domain spoofing (CVE-2017-7763)
Fixed several potentially exploitable crashes. (CVE-2017-7751) (CVE-2017-7757) and some that do not have a CVE designation.


Titel: Polarity 9.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2017, 20:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where bookmarks were incorrectly imported from Firefox HTML files, reduced browser overhead when containing many bookmarks, improved browser stability, increased browser responsiveness and speed, lowered startup CPU usage.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with ad blocker.

Titel: Polarity 9.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2017, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed many breaking changes from last update, bookmarks structure and load fixed for bar and menu, importing bookmarks from Chrome will retain folder structure, fixed bug in importing all open tabs, fixed crash when deleting bookmark within nested folder, fixed issue when deleting bookmarks from bookmarks bar

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2017, 16:15

Functions optimized:

Local picture viewer optimized
Maxnote UI optimized
File format association function optimized
Browser stability enhanced

Bug fixed:

Search engine switching problem related to alias usage
Customized filter failure in ABP
Extension displaying issue on split mode
Snap saved BMP picture cannot open with Photoshop
Right white banner after folding sidebar
Three screens shown after turning on split mode
Abnormal display after maximizing browser
Developer tool closing issue after changing address URL
Extension Inbuilt menu option error on sidebar
Freeze after exiting from split mode
Video play button displaying issue after resuming
Focus lost from address bar after pressing ESC
Can access Passkeeper offline by using old password after setting a new password
Body text lost after exceeding Maxnote limit
Cannot remember the maximizing status in some situations
User avatar distortion after enter Maxnote in full-screen
Address bar on top in Quick Access page, snap picture by Ctrl+F1, address bar been filled by site
User data not synced automatically by login Maxthon5 using old account created on Maxthon4
Sidebar & status-bar be sheltered after staring up in some circumstances


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2017, 17:30

This update optimizes the following features:

– Enhanced the stability of the browser
– Optimized touch screen operation function
– Fixed the issue of blurry image on the local image viewer
– Fixed the issue of developer tools can not be activated in some special scenes
– Fixed the issue of „Backspace“ button on the keyboard can not return to the previous page in the speed mode
– Fix the issue of video toolbar pop-up when maximizing the video window under certain video sites


Titel: Polarity 9.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2017, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2017, 16:15

- Common type files in the Download Manager can be viewed in the browser
- Enhanced browser's self-protection
- Optimized uninstaller's user experience
- Fixed the issue of occasionally authentication prompt after set up a proxy network
- Fixed the issue of occasionally password saving failure after set up a proxy network
- Fixed the issue of installation failure on certain devices
- Fixed the issue of garble appeared when pasting Chinese content in http://www.ewebeditor.net/demo/
- Fixed the issue of the preview page will also appear on the new tab when saving notes on the entire page under special cases


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2017, 09:22
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with flash blocking notification.
Remove option "force flash player on youtube" since youtube no longer supports flash player.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.8.1.132
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2017, 20:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Pale Moon 27.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2017, 16:00

This is a small update to address some media and web compatibility issues:

Fixed an issue where media playback would not use hardware acceleration properly when using MSE.
This would cause high CPU usage and/or choppy playback for HD video on e.g. YouTube.
Fixed ES6 iterator chains to be spec-compliant.
Fixed ES6 vector append calls and some related memory leaks.
Added a workaround to reduce the likelihood of a potential rare (timing-critical) crash.


Titel: Polarity 9.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2017, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed mobile mode with weblight infinitely looping, added Data Saver option in Performance in Settings.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2017, 16:15

This update optimizes the following features

+ Passkeeper now supports SMS verification
+ Support drag out the new tab page to create a new window
+ Fast application now supports right-click menu

This update fixed the following issues:

– Fixed the issue when the taskbar is on the left side, the browser window does not maximize
– Fixed the issue of browser can not turn off under special cases
– Fixed the issue of incomplete display of the page of rabb.it
– Fixed the issue of occasionally abnormal displaying of the new tab page after launching the browser
– Fixed the issue of page collapse after installing the picViewer plug-in
– Fixed the issue of incomplete display of visual element after hanging the mouse on the little bee menu
– Fixed the issue of the right-click malfunction on the  ed2k protocol link without ed2k software installed


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v2.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2017, 13:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added new option: 'Automatically stop the cache task of IE10/IE11/Edge for unlocking the database file.' If this option is turned on - BrowsingHistoryView automatically stops the 'CacheTask' Scheduled task to unlock the database file of IE10/IE11/Edge (WebCacheV01.dat).
When you use the 'Load history from remote computer' option, BrowsingHistoryView will stop the 'CacheTask' Scheduled task on the remote computer, so you'll be able to view the history of IE10/IE11/Edge remotely.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2017, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Added search box into side bookmark panel.
Save screenshot menu now saves the screenshot of the entire page instead of just visible portion
Updated Ukrainian language file
Bug fix: drop down menu from New Tab button no available under Mac

Titel: Polarity 9.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2017, 07:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Some fixes to the browser in regards to updating, refactored code for efficiency and lighter file size

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2017, 17:40

Add full screen viewing mode into local image viewer
Optimized the user experience of MX5 account's Login & Registration
Optimized the user experience of "More" menu feature of Tab Bar
Fixed the issue of window malfunction when closing the Passkeeper's SMS verification code window
Fixed the incorrect copy of URL security information
Fixed the incorrect copy of the right-click menu
Fixed the issue of login status illustrated "offline" when restarting the browser after using password-required proxy login
Fixed the issue of "My Site" appears to be overlapping under certain cases in a new tab
Fixed the issue of black bar appears on the right side of the page when frequently hide the the sidebar
Fixed the issue of label's abnormal display when restored the maximized window that merged into by the tabs
Fixed the issue of browsing data not totally cleaned when restart the browser after selected "clearing the unclosed webpages last time" and "automatically cleared when exiting"


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2017, 18:45
Whats new:>>

New feature: "Record video from current tab" available from the main menu. You can access it quickly by adding the corresponding button onto the toolbar. It allows you to record whatever content in the current tab into a webm video file
Fix AAC audio playback on some sites

Titel: Polarity 9.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2017, 08:20
Whats new:>>

Some more bug ixes, fixed bug where disabling autohide omnibar would not unhide hidden omnibars across browser tabs

Titel: Pale Moon 27.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2017, 16:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a small update to address some security and stability issues.


Fixed a number of crashes.
Enabled the opt-in debugging feature to log SSL keys to a file in all builds.
Added a fix for TLS 1.3 handshakes causing a browser hangup.
Handshakes should be considerably faster now and no longer stall in the wrong circumstances.

Security fixes:

Updated NSPR to 4.15.
Updated NSS to 3.31.1.
Fixed a DoS issue using overly long Username in URL scheme (CVE-2017-7783)
Fixed an issue where (cross domain) iframes could break scope (CVE-2017-7787)
Fixed an issue in WindowsDllDetourPatcher (CVE-2017-7804)
Fixed an issue with elliptic curve addition in mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates (CVE-2017-7781)
Fixed a UAF in nsImageLoadingContent (CVE-2017-7784)
Fixed a UAF in WebSockets (CVE-2017-7800)
Fixed a heap-UAF in RelocateARIAOwnedIfNeeded (CVE-2017-7809) DiD (accessibility is disabled)
DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2017, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: Polarity 9.2.6 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2017, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Browser optimizations, updated autocomplete menu in Trident tabs and UI, added Baidu search suggestions as an option for omnibar

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2017, 16:45

Functions optimized for this update:

Optimized the browser usage of memory
Optimized the logic of automatically update on ABP filter rule.
Optimized the SMS 2-step verification function experience
Optimized the view local image function experience
Optimized register and log in function experience
Optimized Maxnote function experience

Bugs fixed for this update:

Fixed filter failure in Adblock Plus
Fixed typographical errors when visit Huarongxiangjiang Bank in retro mode
Fixed typographical errors when visit Tianjing RCB
Fixed the issue of load abnormal and display blank when visit ICBC
Fixed the left side blank issue on CGB’s log in page
Fixed the issue of can't enter the password when visit Shanghai RCB in ultra mode.
Fixed the issue of can't visit Nanyang Commercial Bank in ultra mode.
Fixed the log-in pop up when uninstalling after updated MX4 to MX5
Fixed the issue of page stuck when visit CNCB in special scene and switch to retro mode
Fixed the issue of the hidden window will be showed if press F1 or ESC again after press F11 and hide the window.
Fixed the issue of page blank when drag and move the last label before “more”on the left side screen on split mode.
Fixed the issue of the new tab won' t showed when open the fifth tabs on browser in special scene.
Fixed the issue of the download button showed for gray on Youku in special scene.
Fixed the issue of the dragged tag will be hidden when drag it on split mode.
Fixed the issue of tag shake when dragging the tag from left to right on split mode.
Fixed the issue of can't use the mouse to change on system task bar on maximization window under xpsp3 system.
Fixed night mode' s blank Time Set display under unactivated account.
Fixed the issue of sound still exist when change to the ultra mode and pause the video.
Fixed the issue of open the notifications didn't activated browser and corresponding tabs under the special scene.
Fixed the issue of message tips can't disappear when import the Maxnote data under special scene.
Fixed the issue of Resource Sniffer’s list can not display completely under special cases
Fixed the issue of the open tab can not close when cancel the split mode after open new tab on the right side in split mode


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2017, 06:10
Whats new:>>

This is an out-of-band update for the portable version of the browser only (Windows).
This fixes a few issues in the portable shell regarding backups and settings.

Titel: BriskBard 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2017, 19:40
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



Here's the complete list of new features :

    The web browser now uses the latest Blink rendering engine 60.0.3112.113
    SQLite and Indy have been updated to the latest version.
    BriskBard is now built with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
    Added an ad blocker thanks to the data from the AdAway project.
    The user interface has been modified and now it works correctly in high resolution monitors with high dot density.
    A new web browser bookmark import wizard is shown the first time BriskBard runs.
    The media player allows to drag and drop media files over BriskBard to play them.
    New configuration option in the email messages viewer and newsgroups article viewer to show attached images with higher quality.
    Added a forum link in the main menu.
    Now BriskBard shows a translucent tab image when you move tabs.
    The web browser pop-up windows using the Blink engine can now drag and drop elements.
    New configuration option to disable the microphone and camera in the web browser using the Blink engine.
    New configuration option to disable hardware acceleration in the web browser using the Blink engine.
    Now you can restore BriskBard by clicking in the system tray icon.
    BriskBard task bar icon flashes when there's a new notification.
    Now notifications also show communication errors.
    The bookmark icon has been changed by a star.

    Bug fixes :

        The Internet connection window with the external IP now shows all the information.
        The whole certificate chain is now shown when a website uses a bad certificate.
        Fixed an app freeze when a web page has several redirections.
        The mouse wheel scroll in the bookmarks now work correctly.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2017, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Fix bug: youtube video download button missing with new youtube layout.

Titel: Polarity 9.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2017, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2017, 13:51

Optimized the QR code page sharing function on url
Optimized the speed of installation
Fixed the issue of the browser icon will not display in system task bar after install under special cases
Fixed the issue of the there's no feedback on add customized color blocks on new tabs
Fixed the issue of can't input console in developer tools under special cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.9.4.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2017, 05:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slim Browser 8.00 Build 004
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2017, 13:54
Build 004

    Fix a few minor bugs.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2017, 13:18
Whats new:>>

Add drop down history for dedicated search box.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2017, 17:30

This update fixed the following issues:

-Will not load unsafe webpage content on default
-Optimized browser’s stability
-Fixed the issue of can’t switch the extend on sidebar
-Fixed the issue of the program can’t be deleted after uninstall browser
-Fixed the issue of can’t display the user space size under special cases of Maxnote synchronization
-Fixed the issue of the HTML5 videos can’t be played on Douban
-Fixed the issue of the videos can’t be played on Zhanqi under special cases


Titel: Google Ad Blocker 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2017, 17:30
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new: >>

Mega 2017 edition with renovated GUi interface and support for blocking more Google Ads.

Titel: Browser History Spy 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2017, 09:30
Browser History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view the browsing history from popular web browsers. Currently it shows website history from top three browsers Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file for Firefox and Chrome browsers. This is useful when you have to recover the history from another system. You can export the recovered history list to HTML or XML file for future use.

It presents the attractive GUI interface and easy to use tool even for beginners. In addition to normal use, it can be very useful for Forensic Investigators to recover website history information from the target system.

It works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to latest operating system, Windows 10.


Whats new: >>

Mega 2017 edition supporting browser history display on Windows 10. Inlcudes enhanced GUI interface, Automatic sort by date, improved Firefox profile detection & new Windows Installer.

Titel: Universal Ad Blocker 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2017, 09:50
Universal Ad Blocker is the free all-in-one software to quickly Block Ads across all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days every website is filled with so many advertisements that it is often difficult to distinguish between Ads and the actual content. Not only it is annoying but it also leads to very slower browsing due to loading of Ads.

Now, 'Universal Ad Blocker' can help you to easily block all these annoying Ads and lets you enjoy cleaner, faster web browsing.

Whats new:>>

Mega 2017 edition with the support for AD blocking on Windows 10 and featuring new Installer. Also updated and added support for more AD networks.

Titel: Facebook History Spy 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2017, 10:10
Facebook History Spy is the all-in-one software to instantly recover or view Facebook web history from popular web browsers. It helps in recovering or viewing Facebook history from following browsers,

Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Google Chrome Canary/SXS
CoolNovo (Chrome variant)
PaleMoon Browser (Firefox variant)
SeaMonkey Browser (Firefox variant)

It automatically detects the right history database file based on the browser and current user configuration. You can also manually specify the different history file or quickly 'Drag & Drop' a history file. This is useful when you have to recover the Facebook history for another user or from different system. You can also export the recovered Facebook history list to HTML/XML/CSV file for offline analysis.

Facebook History Spy works on most of the Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


Whats new:>>

Mega 2017 edition supporting Facebook history display on Windows 10. Also inlcudes enhancements like Automatic sort by date, improved Firefox profile detection & new Windows Installer.

Titel: Polarity 9.2.8 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2017, 12:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug where opening control center crashed the browser, fixed Document Explorer Crash

Titel: The Classic Browser 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2017, 18:15
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.9.16.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2017, 20:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 16:00

This update fixed the following issues:

Local video player supports keyboard shortcuts to control play status.
Fixed the issue of the upper right corner close button being blocked under window status in special cases.
Fixed the issue of the desktop will appear address bar when locking the browser through shortcuts key under special cases.
Fixed the issue of the two addons can be expanded at the same time on the sidebar.
Fixed the issue of can’t publish content on Sina Weibo addon.
Fixed the issue of spotify webpage’s wrong notification of “not support the Web Player”
Fixed the issue of can’t make a comment on mindorks website.
Fixed the issue of Passkeeper’s exception website list did not remove duplicate matters after importing the data automatically.
Fixed the issue of progress will be roll back when downloading some files.
Fixed the issue of can’t open hxxp://h**taila.com/
Fixed the issue of external tools can’t be displayed in toolbar’s original place after restarting the browser.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2017, 09:07

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 61.0.3163.79)
Sleipnir Linker Removed related functions with service termination

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2017, 19:15
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 61.0.3163.79)
Sleipnir Linker Removed related functions with service termination

Titel: BriskBard 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2017, 16:15
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



BriskBard can now be used to read PDF files and you can select it as the default PDF reader application in Windows.

If you like to have Internet shortcuts to your favorite websites in your desktop now you can use BriskBard to create them anywhere you want. Later, you'll only have to double-click the Internet shortcut to open the website in BriskBard.

These are the new features in this version :

    The Blink rendering engine is now upgraded to 61.0.3163.91
    Added a menu option to open PDF files, images, etc from the web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine.
    Added a menu option to save the current URL as an Internet shortcut from the web browser tabs.
    Now BriskBard can be set as the default application to open PDF files and Internet shortcuts.
    There's a new option in web browser tabs using the Blink rendering engine to open all links in new tabs.
    Bug fixes :

    Now the full screen image viewer works correctly and can be closed pressing any key.
    The PDF files generated in the "Print as PDF" option have a valid name.
    The option to add new bookmarks is now enabled correctly.
    Improved scroll using the mouse wheel in the browsing history, search suggestions, etc in Windows 7.
    Automatic tab scroll when you close or open new tabs.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2017, 18:00
Whats new:>>

-Support automatic data importing of Maxthon 4’s history records and recently opened tabs;
-Optimized browser’s stability
-Optimized the experience on video toolbar feature
-Fixed the issue of the mailto agreement can’t invoking local mail client

Titel: Pale Moon 27.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 13:39
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


User interface:

Added a menu option to restart the browser.
Added Windows-specific CSS parameters and queries for the use of the system accent color. Added are parameters -moz-win-accentcolor and -moz-win-accentcolortext, and the media query -moz-win-accentcolor-applies to know if Windows is actively using an accent color.
Changed Windows' browser CSS sheet ot use variables instead of hard-coding colors, simplifying its style and making it more flexible. Further cleaned up the Windows 10 specific browser style.
Changed the theme on Windows 10 to use the new accent colors and improve O.S. consistency.
Fixed some general inconsistencies in the Windows theme on all Windows operating systems.
Updated Windows widgets to be able to pick up Windows 10 accent colors dynamically and have the browser 's look and feel respond accordingly, even with automatic color changes based on desktop wallpaper.
Removed the experimental FF4 prerelease status-in-addressbar feature because the already-crowded address bar needs a break. This should solve some extension interop issues, theme issues and domain highlighting issues people have reported.
Cleaned up some dead code for the plugin updater that no longer exists.
Fixed a text direction issue in preferences.
Fixed an issue with disabled context menu entries after using Customize...
Reorganized and cleaned up the status preferences.


MSE Media updates (ongoing). We are focusing on improving MP4 handling.
Improved MP3 metadata parsing (e.g. incorrect duration with embedded album cover)
Fixed a number of searching issues in MP3 files
Fixed a few crashes.
Fixed an issue with automatically exporting bookmarks to HTML on shutdown.
Fixed a regression re: domains allowed to/blocked from installing add-ons.
Fixed several internal errors thrown in the front-end.
Fixed several minor issues in the devtools.
Fixed a number of minor issues in the devtools.
Added a fix to prevent the home page from being loaded (and subsequently overridden) when restoring a session.
Added an option to control add-on blocklist behavior (Options -> Security)
Added DOM function isSameNode().
Added DOM onvisibilitychange event.
Added document.scrollingelement (CSSOM).
Added a basic implementation of Object.values and Object.entries enumerator functions (ECMA2017 draft).
Added "Open in new private window" to bookmarks, feeds and history entries.
Added HTTP request method OPTIONS.
Added an option to exit to a no-content page after encountering a network or security error.
This is controlled with the preference browser.escape_to_blank -- when set to true, "Get me out of here" buttons will load a blank page instead of the browser's home page.
Added experimental Brotli accept-encoding (alternative to gzip/deflate compressed http data transfer). Disabled by default for now because it causes issues.
Improved the handling of several CSS selectors.
Changed session storage to remember form data for https sites by default.
Added (yet another) trap prevention method to onbeforeunload events.
Fixed privacy preferences not correctly resetting all options when choosing "Remember History"
Fixed not being able to deselect loading bookmarks in the sidebar.
Limited the display of user names and hosts in the http auth dialog to sane lengths, preventing over-sizing issues.
Fixed a number of potential crash points.
Improved the security of the Windows dll loader module.
Reinstated "Open all in tabs" option on folders of live bookmarks (feeds).
Made URL matching more liberal in selected text to make it easier to open stated addresses.
Fixed an issue with Graphite font rendering where automatic font collision fixing didn't always work.
Color Management for images is now disabled by default on Linux, due to many distributions not having a streamlined setup with sane default ICC profiles, which makes images look worse when color management is enabled.
Tightened the update security check to prevent acceptance of update manifests that have been intercepted/replaced through https MitM attacks.
Please be aware that https-filtering antivirus may interfere with future application updates as a result.
Updated the ANGLE library to broaden WebGL support and reduce the potential of crashes (due to junk being sent to the video driver).
Added content-sniffing for WebP images (working around CloudFront's incorrect content-type headers).
Fixed a problem with some H.264 media not playing (SPS NAL).
Improved timer efficiency (switch back to lower precision when high precision is no longer needed, reducing CPU/power consumption).
Improved context search on selected text/links.
Updated address bar handling with Alt or Shift modifiers, so that "switch to tab" with a modifier can open copies of already-opened sites.
Added a fix on Linux for starting the browser from Enlightenment.
Privacy fix: Pale Moon will now clear QuotaManager storage (asm.js cache/IndexedDB data) as part of clearing Offline Website Data.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2017, 05:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with youtube video downloader
Fix video playback issue on pptv.com

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2017, 15:50
Whats new:>>

This update fixed the following issues:

Optimized the experience on Maxthon 4's automatic data importing feature
Optimized the stability on install process.
Optimized the experience on video toolbar feature

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.9.30.171
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2017, 10:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.2.9 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2017, 11:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Updated UAs

Titel: QupZilla 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2017, 05:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


added back print element background option
added back print preview dialog
added session manager
tab icon is now hidden when page has no icon
improved locationbar completer with search suggestions
improved handling of downloading dependencies in GreaseMonkey scripts
various improvements in TabManager extension
Linux: PulseAudio streams now have QupZilla app name and icon


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2017, 17:30

This update fixed the following issues:

- Support tasks continue downloading after closing the browser
- Optimized the experience on error page feature
- Optimized the experience on url format correlation feature
- Fixed the issue of starting the shortcut to display the search result page after adding a web page to the desktop shortcut
- Fixed the issue of the my favorite folder in favorite bar displayed same two columns of same websites under special cases
- Fixed the issue of users programmed HMLT can’t invoking mailbox
- Fixed the issue of can’t continue playing on video pop-up window when clicking the next series on the video pop-up pop-up window under special scene
- Fixed the issue of when copying the local image which open in browser to desktop, re-open the browser displayed abnormal


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2017, 09:06
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with gif animation play control option.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2017, 16:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



Changed the default Windows 10 styling when no accent color is aplied to black-on-white.
Changed the theme styling on Windows 10 when the system window frame is used (menu bar enabled) to use the window manager background directly, preventing visual lag updating the window color when it changes.
Updated user agent overrides for DropBox, YouTube and Yahoo to work around user agent sniffing issues.
Fixed a crash in the media subsystem.
Fixed a regression where video playback hardware acceleration was disabled incorrectly on some systems.

Security fixes:

Updated libhyphen to the latest upstream code to fix a security issue.
Updated NSPR to 4.16-RTM with a patch to un-bust building on win64.
Updated NSS to 3.32.1-RTM.
Worked around some more issues with Mac fonts (CVE-2017-7825).
Fixed a potential rooting hazard in NPAPI plugin code. DiD
Fixed a potential reference issue in JavaScript arrays. DiD


Titel: SlimBrowser 8.00 Build 005
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2017, 09:06
Whats new:>>

Fix a few minor bugs.

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 12:27
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 61.0.3163.120
[Fix]High DPI Display Issue

Titel: The Classic Browser 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 13:40
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2017, 17:40

This update fixed the following issues:
Optimized the experience on ctrl + scroll to zoom in and out.
Fixed the issue of the location of items on favorite bar is in disorder under special cases.
Fixed the issue of text on reading mode can not wrap under special cases.
Fixed the issue of can not re-open the browser after pressing Win + D to go back to the desktop under browser's full screen mode.
Fixed the issue of help list of Passkeeper's international version jumps to the Chinese page.
Fixed the issue when Pop-up window playing H5 video, the pop-up window is not closed when entering the next series.
Fixed the issue of can not right click on moving picture that was categorized as jpeg to save it as GIF.
Fixed the issue of incorrect unsafe warning when accessing Gmail under special cases.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2017, 09:09
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2017, 13:20
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



removed "Imported from XXXXXX" from description when importing, since it just wastes space
remember previous import location for Firefox, Chrome, and Opera bookmarks to make it easier
to re-import from a non-standard browser bookmark location.
added basic duplication detection/deletion


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2017, 13:40

Optmized browser's stability
Fixed the issue of Clube.fm can’t play the radio
Fixed the issue of the browser didn’t remember the automatic login status when upgrade to mx5 under special cases
Fixed the issue of Ctrl + p can not successfully invoking print preview page on local image
Fixed the issue of UUmail disaplayed incorrectly when accessing blockchain
Fixed the issue of when starting browser there will a download window of maxthon.exe pop out under special cases
Fixed the issue of www.dominos.jp page can not load flash
Fixed the issue of video's pop-up button displayed abnormal when accessing some websites
Fixed the issue of browser address bar doesn't display the address when opening the rss subscription


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2017, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 61.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2017, 12:45

-Optmized browser’s stability
-Fixed the issue of Clube.fm can’t play the radio
-Fixed the issue of the browser didn’t remember the automatic login status when upgrade to mx5 under special cases
-Fixed the issue of Ctrl + p can not successfully invoking print preview page on local image
-Fixed the issue of UUmail disaplayed incorrectly when accessing blockchain
-Fixed the issue of when starting browser there will a download window of maxthon.exe pop out under special cases
-Fixed the issue of www.dominos.jp page can not load flash
-Fixed the issue of video’s pop-up button displayed abnormal when accessing some websites
-Fixed the issue of browser address bar doesn’t display the address when opening the rss subscription


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2017, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Fix video play back on Windows 10 with fall creators update.

Titel: QupZilla 2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2017, 21:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


fix build with Qt 5.10
fix crash in loading popup completions with Qt 5.10
fix clearing local storage on close when enabled
fix sometimes failing to restore tab on switch
fix document quality when printing to PDF
fix various issues with completion popup opening at wrong position


Titel: BriskBard 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2017, 04:45
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 62.0.3202.75.
    SQLite has been updated to the latest version.
    Added a portable mode to run BriskBard from an external device without OS installation.
    Now the web browser has a new private mode.
    The keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N has been activated to open new web browser tabs in private mode.
    Added a context menu option to open web links in private mode.
    The IRC-Hispano bookmarks have been updated.
    Bug fixes :

    The application initialization has been improved.
    Fixed a bug reading the server information in popup windows.
    Now the phishing threat updates will be disabled when the user disables the phishing protection in the configuration.
    Fickering removed from the downloads window.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.11.5.192
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2017, 18:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Dooble 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2017, 20:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

1.   Qt 5.4.0 release. Source only. Many, many changes.
     WebKit has been replaced by WebEngine. Please see dooble.qt5.pro
     for example preparation. WebKit support persists.
2.   Corrected month translations in the History window.
3.   Allow configuration of the main thread's priority.
4.   Avoid real-time storing of splitter states.
5.   Added a Spot-On button to the location widget.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2017, 18:15

This update optimized these following features:

Notes and Favorites are separated. Enhanced the notes mode during browsing.
Enhanced note management mode and added list and card view modes
Supported notes / URL file filtering
Improved and optimized on Maxnote entrance and Ctrl+g features
Optimized the position of open link in a new tab
Optimized browser's stability

This update fixed the following issues:

Fixed the issue of sidebar displayed incomplete after Maximize and Minimize under multi window
Fixed the issue of using the Boss Key to restore the button on the upper right corner displayed abnormal position after locking special browsers
Fixed the issue of can’t use bottle thrown feature in QQ's drifting bottles


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2017, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fix video play back on iqiyi.com
Fix a bug with mouse gesture

Titel: Pale Moon 27.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2017, 14:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



Dropped support for Direct2D 1.0 to avoid font rendering issues. Windows installations not capable of using Direct2D 1.1 will now fall back to software rendering. As a result, fonts may look different from this version onwards if you are on Windows Vista or Windows 7. Users on Windows 7 affected by this should install the Platform Update to re-enable Direct2D.
Updated the Brotli decoder library, and enabled support for Brotli HTTP content-encoding by default.
Added notifications to inform users about WebExtensions not being supported if they try to install them (as opposed to "extension is corrupt")
Added a number of DOM childNode convenience functions. This should fix some lazy-loading frameworks.
(enjoy your LOLcats again!)
Changed automatic updates over to the new infrastructure.
Added extra proxy settings in Options, covering DNS lookups through SOCKS v5 and automatic proxy authentication with known credentials.
Added a selectable fallback character encoding of UTF-8 and fallback to UTF-8 as a last effort. (Issue #1423)
Improved timing of canplay and canplaythrough firing to work around a potential race condition locking up queued video playback.
Improved upmixing of mono sound for multi-channel setups.
Fixed a parallelization issue with the KISS-FFT library causing CPU-deadlocked threads (Issue #1425)
Fixed "Remove from history" function from the downloads panel.
Forced focus on the address bar in new windows if the content is a blank/empty document.
Fixed the dropmarker in the address bar to allow the suggestions to be closed with a click.
Further cleaned up the status bar code.
Disabled window.showModalDialog; it's been removed from the spec 2 years ago and has potential abuse issues (modal dialogs block the UI)
Fixed image decoder calls to make sure the image load event doesn't fire prematurely.
Updated LibPNG to 1.6.28, and enabled faster SSE2 decoding.
Updated WOFF2 code from upstream.
Updated the zlib compression library.
Made general improvements to internal code structure and spec adherence.
Fixed an issue with certain command-line parameters being used.
Updated the default theme to improve consistency and contrast of toolbar and download buttons.
Increased the default duration of notification pop-ups and made them configurable.
Improved handling of audio-visual media (ongoing).
Fixed an issue in CSS where elements would sometimes reflow to the next line even with sufficient visual space.
Aligned the implementation of for(let x=y;;) loops with the final ES6 specification.
Fixed the selection system inside of a nested contenteditable element being broken.
Fixed Windows 10 detection for blocklisting graphics drivers.
Enabled pasting of clipboard data in documents without an editor element to improve web compatibility.
Fixed the uninstallation routine of restartless add-ons.
Fixed the handling of unimplemented functions in the console API.
Updated the Facebook user-agent to enable otherwise vendor-restricted functionality.
Updated the SVG scaling cache limit to be more lenient for larger SVG images at a small performance trade-off, working around some sites' design issues.

Security/privacy fixes:

•Added an option to clear Site Connectivity Data (delete history).
Removed stale entries from the HSTS preload list, and improved generation/processing of it.
Removed undesired certificate issuer organization to common name fallback (if issuer org is empty).
Added pretty-printing for ECDSA-SHA224, 256, 384 and 512 hashed certificate signatures.
Worked around some more issues with broken Apple fonts.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2017, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with proxy settings.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2017, 09:08

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 62.0.3202.89)
Fixed an issue where file name got garbled when downloading attached file with Gmail
Customize | Rendering | Added "Adobe Flash Player on all sites" to Blink basic settings

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2017, 16:30
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 62.0.3202.89)
Fixed an issue where file name got garbled when downloading attached file with Gmail
Customize | Rendering | Added "Adobe Flash Player on all sites" to Blink basic settings

Titel: The Classic Browser 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2017, 05:10
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2017, 09:11
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with video play back on Windows.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2017, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with video play back.

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2017, 13:16
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 62.0.3202.89
[Fix]A bug of auto login on some websites
[Fix]A bug result in fatal errors

Titel: Dooble 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2017, 05:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Added ellipsis to the Decouple context menu item.
Corrected ellipsis in the Certificate Exceptions menu item.
Corrected potential dereference of zero pointer (s variable) in threefish_encrypt_implementation().
Debian AMD64 package. The package was created on Linux Mint 18.2 and verified on Debian 9.2.1 and Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.
New Clear Visited Links within the Edit menu. If activated, contents of the local Visited Links file are removed.
New Windows 7 files.
Numerous documentation corrections and improvements.
Optional Do Not Track.
Optional WebGL. Global and per-page.
Remove items from address widget models whenever counterparts are removed via the History window.
Removed ellipsis from the Save menu item.
Titles provided by Web sites are now limited to 1024 characters.
URLs provided by Web sites are now limited to 2048 characters.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2017, 05:50
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

The remote computer name ('Load history from remote computer' option ) is now saved in the .cfg file. Also, you can set the remote computer from command-line with /ComputerName command-line option.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2017, 13:20

Optimized the experience on Maxnote's new version and Favorite feature
Fixed the issue of volume bar displayed abnormally after video pop-up window minimized to a certain scale
Fixed the issue of the notification of abnormal browser data will pop up after update MX4 to MX5 under special cases
Fixed the issue of can't exit the developer mode under special cases


Titel: Pale Moon 27.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2017, 12:34
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a minor bugfix release to address some pressing issues people have reported.


Fixed a regression with new windows (opening two windows from the command-line or file association, focus issues on new windows, not loading the home page in a new window, etc.)
Aligned XHR with the currect spec to allow withCredentials.
Fixed an input element focus issue within handlers.
Fixed the processing of all-padding HTTP/2 frames to prevent rare HTTP/2 hangups.
Updated CitiBank override to work around their login issues.
Updated Netflix override to a community-supplied one that seems to satisfy their arbitrary restrictions better.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2017, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with video recording
Fix compatibility issue with Tampermonkey extension.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.11.19.201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 05:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: FBCacheView 1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 06:10
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Updated FBCacheView to work with the current URLs of Facebook.

Titel: The Classic Browser 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 20:45
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix a few crash cases.
Update toolbar icons

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 04:40

This update fixed the following issues:

- Maxnote search added a new instant access feature
- Maxnote folder access method switched from double click to single click
- Optimized Maxnote's user experience
- Fixed the issue of global mute failure in some devices
- Fixed the issue of My Favorites under toolbar's Favorites button contains notes content
- Fixed the issue of data illustration failure when adding content to Favorites through the bee icon under toolbar
- Fixed the issue of title length too long's notification failed to pop up when sync a extra long title note under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Ctrl+G's pop up window is not pinned to the top after open notes under toolbar
- Fixed the issue of video sound will be automatically played when opening video detail information in a new tab
- Fixed the issue of two Create New Folder option displayed in Favorites bar's right click menu


Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 05:40
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

New Added CentBrowser support
Improved SQLite engine updated to 3.21.0

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with toolbar customization dialog

Titel: Avant Browser 2017 Build 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2017, 16:46
Avant Browser 2017 build 12, Released 11.25.2017

    [Update]Chrome: 62.0.3202.94
    [Fix]A bug result in crash

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.11.25.203
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2017, 18:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: VideoCacheView 2.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 09:09
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed to detect and merge the current video links of YouTube. Also, fixed a bug that caused VideoCacheView to include text or xml file related to the video stream inside the merged file, causing the merged file to be corrupted.
See the 'YouTube Videos' section for more information about working with YouTube files.

Titel: Dooble 2.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 13:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Additional database vacuuming.
Certificate exceptions and private windows. Please read the official Dooble document for details.
Corrected SQLite pragma statement.
Corrected by-URL-host query in dooble_favicons::icon(). The query's bound parameter must be converted to Base-64.
Corrected documentation.
Corrected retrieval of site icons.
Decreased unnecessary file writes to dooble_settings.db with respect to Favorites sorting.
If you're experiencing launch problems on Windows, please execute the bundled file vcredist_msvc2015_x86.exe.
Improved loading of Favorites icons. Only the icons of items in the current view are loaded.
Improved removal of voluminous cookie sets.
Introduced SQLite indexes on the dooble_favicons database table.
Load the correct URL after a certificate exception is accepted.
Modified the populating of items in the History window's table. Instead of loading all icons, only the icons in the table's current view will be loaded.
New Theme Color property. Please see the Display section of the Settings window.
New Web site.
New search mechanism in Favorites.
Populating of history items is now performed in a separate thread.
Qt products have been upgraded to version 5.9.3.
Rapid loading of address-widget icons. Removed extra container.
The Debian bundle now includes the dooble.desktop file.


Titel: Pale Moon 27.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2017, 13:50
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Implemented the concept of so-called "cookie-averse document objects" which is a security&privacy measure that blocks certain web content from setting cookiesThis mitigates cookie-injection, which might help against "hidden" cookie tracking.
Mitigated some domain name spoofing through IDN by using dotless-i and dotless-j with accents(CVE-2017-7832)
Pale Moon will display these kinds of spoofed domains in punycode now in the actual address bar.
Please note that the identity panel will always be able to help you on secure sites when IDNs are in use to notice potential spoofing, as opposed to relying on detection algorithms in the URL itselfAs such, some other issues like CVE-2017-7833 are already mitigated by us.
Fixed an issue with mixed-content blocking(CVE-2017-7835)
Added an extra check for the correct signature data type on certificates.
Added missing sanitization in exporting bookmarks to HTML(CVE-2017-7840)
Fixed several crashes and memory safety hazards.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2017, 04:30

This update optimized the following features:

*Upgraded on browser's mainframe UI and structure, optimized the user experience
*Added customize display on browser main frame
*Added 【Maxnote】、【Passkeeper】、【UUMail】user log in entrance on new tabs 
*Favorites can be added to new tab with one click, which is very convenient and efficient
*New tabs support unlimited additions
*New tabs are separate with search box on address bar
*Optimized reminder on Maxnote
*The start menu displays frequently used websites and recently closed pages
*Right click on task bar displayed frequently used websites and recently closed pages
*Enhanced self-repair capability to deal with the situation that browser icon been maliciously deleted
*Enhanced self-repair capability to deal with search engine distortion issue


This update fixed the following issues:

-Fixed the issue of the browser crashed when visiting cnblogs website
-Fixed the issue of make a snapshot using Ctrl+F1 and there are no responses after clicking''Add to notes”
-Fixed the issue of F12 can't invoke developer tools under retro mode


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v2.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2017, 09:15
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added new options to the 'Quick Filter' feature.

Titel: StorURL v3.0.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2017, 20:45
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



Improved speed of search significantly.
Fixed some minor cosmetic bugs.
Added option to focus on quick search box on application startup double-clicking a bookmark in the main list will now do one of three things, depending on where in the row you double-clicked. Name column: open site properties, URL column: launch in the default browser, Status column: scan the site to see if it's available.
Show quick search on toolbar if it's visible, otherwise show it on the menu bar.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

fixed bug with new quick search focus option causing crashes
added some clearer error handling when auto-filling the bookmark details

Titel: QupZilla 2.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2017, 16:30
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


updated available user agent strings
added support for "font" option in AdBlock
fix build with Qt 5.10
fix build on macOS < 10.12
fix showing irrelevant domain completions in locationbar
fix showing site icons on some systems
fix clearing visited links when clearing history
fix using system network proxy configuration
fix saving window geometry when closing app with Ctrl+Q shortcut
fix various issues with web page not being focused after restoring session
fix AutoScroll plugin not being able to scroll to all directions in some cases
Linux: add StartupWMClass to desktop file
Windows: fix possible isssue with uninstaller removing more files than it should


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2017, 05:10
Whats new:>>

added Select All to edit menu
added option to show/hide the site information pane
include favicons in floating toolbar menu
fixed find/quick search competition bug
fixed a few minor ui nuisances

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2017, 06:45

This update optimized the following features:

Made an adjustment on main interface UI
Optimized logout on guest mode
Supported customize drag and drop sorting in note sidebar and pop-up window
Disabled Resource Sniffer in built-in page
Enabled folder open on sidebar & individual pop-up search results
No longer display tool bar on sidebar note
Favorites on sidebar records last visited file

This update fixed the following issues:

Fixed the issue of webpage displayed error under special cases when Maxnote recently added empty records
Fixed the issue of synchronization failed between devices when adding favorites under special cases
Fixed the issue of automatically select float content when adding something to favorites
Fixed the issue of the new note can not be selected and can not be edited under special cases
Fixed the issue of the default browser setting pop-up window displayed abnormal when opening browser under special cases
Fixed the issue of two options on selected status in menu under special cases
Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser
Fixed the issue of after emptied note's title and click to synchronize, it doesn't switch to default title under special cases
Fixed the issue of new tab always need to reload and refresh when creating a new tab
Fixed the issue of failed to delete folder in guest mode under special cases
Fixed the issue of no response when creating a note under special cases
Fixed the issue of can not disable SMS verification under special cases
Fixed the issue of no response when click on Add to Quick Access for the first time
Fixed the issue of side window focus can’t hide when moving out of browser
Fixed the issue of the new tab is in ultra mode after copied a retro mode tab
Fixed the issue of the data of personal space shows in progress bar is incorrect for VIP users
Fixed the issue of create a new note under note window, the title is not synchronized successfully after the synchronization being finished
Fixed the issue of login status is abnormal and the UI shows dislocation


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2017, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with video proxy

Titel: Polarity 9.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2017, 07:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed up some minor bugs and faster tab system

Titel: The Classic Browser 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2017, 17:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Dooble 2.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2017, 18:15
Release Notes

Avoid updating titles of Favorites. Visited sites may issue new titles.
Corrected UTF-8 Favorites URL data. Icons were not properly initialized. URL processing lacked decoding logic.
Corrected parents of separated pages. Problem causes abnormal termination.
Corrected tab titles of pop-up windows.
Date-order address-widget model. Also eliminated repetitive use of expensive method.
Documentation corrections.
New Dark theme.
New Data/dooble_accepted_or_blocked_domains.txt.
New Default theme.
New option for allowing pop-ups from domain-based URLs.
Observe QWebEnginePage::windowCloseRequested().
Optional tool tips over hovered links.
Override QWebEnginePage::chooseFiles(). The new implementation sets the file dialog's current working directory to the user's home path.
Properly stack visited links in the address-widget model. Recent items must be placed onto the stack.
Set QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE += -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/dooble/Lib in dooble.pro for non-Mac and non-Windows.
Set Section in DEBIAN/control to net.
The Debian package was missing the Qt5Svg library. As a result, some icons in file dialogs were not drawn.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 05:45

This update optimized the following features:

Made an adjustment on main interface UI
Added features guidance on Maxnote's background?sidebar note and individual pop-up
Enhanced browser's stability
Optimized the drag and drop tabs to be a new window experience

This update fixed the following issues:

Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface scroll bar can't drag under split screen mode
Fixed the issue of title on tab bar disappeared after switching the skin on new created tab bar
Fixed the issue of restore the maximized Maxnote pop-up window under the memo mode, the notes content will display incomplete and shows no scroll bar
Fixed the issue of Ctrl+G can't arouse pop up window in a fixed side window under special cases
Fixed the issue of My Favorites data on tool bar's favorites abnormally displayed after registering a new account
Fixed the issue of the new created note can't be dragged to folder
Fixed the issue of no window opens when clicking on a single note on Favorites note
Fixed the issue of can't view rules content after adding adblock plus rules
Fixed the issue of Bilibili's auto-fill password will be empty after changing the password in Passkeeper
Fixed the issue of can't use right click menu when disabled mouse gesture under retro mode
Fixed the issue of websites can't load content after installing Violent Monkey's yawf script
Fixed the issue of the preview pages all displayed the first page when using Ctrl+P to enter print preview under reading mode
Fixed the issue of can't play the video on netflix
Fixed the issue of hide the third party extensions under portable version and close the browser first, then restart again, the hidden third party extensions will appear again


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2017, 11:10
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Pale Moon Web browser.

Titel: Slimjet 17.0.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 13:22
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 63
Improve youtube video downloader. Added option to save as webm which takes much less time during video merging.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 20:45

Орtіmіzеd thе mаіn іntеrfасе UІ
Орtіmіzеd thе Махnоtе UІ
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf саn’t сору аftеr еntеrіng URL іn аddrеѕѕ bаr undеr ѕресіаl саѕеѕ
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf ѕіdеbаr nоtе аnd рор-uр nоtе со-ехіѕt undеr ѕресіаl саѕеѕ
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf thеrе іѕ nо rесоrd оn ѕеаrсh fоldеr аftеr ѕwіtсhеd thе nоtе оr wеbѕіtе tуреѕ іn Махnоtе’ѕ mаіn іntеrfасе
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf dіѕрlауеd оrdеr іnсоrrесt whеn uѕіng thе ѕhоrtсut kеу tо ѕwіtсh tаb bаr
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf thе ісоn оn tаb bаr саn’t dіѕрlау whеn ассеѕѕіng Махnоtе undеr ѕресіаl саѕеѕ
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf саn’t ріnроіnt thе fосuѕ оn аddrеѕѕ bаr аftеr ѕwіtсhіng tаb
Fіхеd thе іѕѕuе оf саn’t ѕеlесt nоtе thаt’ѕ lаrgеr thаn оnе ѕсrееn undеr ѕресіаl саѕеѕ


Titel: QupZilla 2.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 21:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


fix crashes with Qt 5.10
fix default proxy configuration type in preferences


Titel: Polarity 9.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2017, 10:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue where tabs shift back too slowly with pinned tabs, increased tab control efficiency and speed, increased browser startup speed, fixed crashing issue in ControlCenter

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2017.12.21.219
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2017, 10:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2017, 18:45
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



added some read-only properties to the Bookmark Properties window
added support for retrieving site icons for selected sites, full category, or entire database
fixed HTML decoding of titles/descriptions/tags when using Auto Fill


Titel: Slimjet 17.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2017, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix minor bugs.

Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2017, 12:15
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Quick Filter' feature (View -> Use Quick Filter or Ctrl+Q). When it's turned on, you can type a string in the text-box added under the toolbar and BrowserAddonsView will instantly filter the addons table, showing only items that contain the string you typed.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 11:30

Added popular words recommendation on search box
Improved the data importing feature experience when upgrading MX4 to MX5
Optimized the experience on Maxnote
Fixed the issue of there's no text reminder when the mouse is suspended on sidebar's favorite and note button
Fixed the issue of sidebar did not display after installation or upgraded browser
Fixed the issue of there's no responses when entering read mode
Fixed the issue of there's no responses on all types filter feature on Maxnote main interface
Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface's folder directory display different
Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser
Fixed the issue of can't auto-fill account info on Adobe website
Fixed the issue of the content does not highlighted after searching on Maxnote
Fixed the issue of right-click and edit directory folder on Maxnote's folder, it still displayed the old title
Fixed the issue of identify location in folder's detail is wrong after searching in folder
Fixed the issue of there's no note title after creating a new note under special cases


Titel: BriskBard 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 21:15
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 63.0.3239.109
The Indy and OpenSSL components have been updated to the latest version.
The French language is now available in the user interface thanks to Christian.
There's a new option to show a Speed Dial when you open a new web browser tab.
Now it's possible to save a web page as a PNG image.
Bug fixes :

    Improved responsiveness when you resize popup windows.
    Now the settings are saved correctly.


Titel: The Classic Browser 2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 21:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2017, 17:30

This update fixed the following issues:

-Improved the data importing feature experience when upgrading MX4 to MX5
-Optimized the experience on Maxnote
-Enhanced browser's stability
-Fixed the issue of the number of notes in the left directory won’t change after deleting multiple notes
-Optimized the feature of "sorting by name" on Maxnote's main interface
-Fixed the issue of create notes feature are still available in the same directory after deleting a folder in Maxnote
-Fixed the issue of the favorite button in note detail page does not highlighted after setting it as favorite in Maxnote’s directory
-Fixed the issue of custom URL direct visit feature is not available under special cases
-Fixed the issue of there's no text reminder when the mouse is suspended on sidebar's favorite and note button
-Fixed the issue of sidebar did not display after installation or upgraded browser
-Fixed the issue of there's no responses when entering read mode
-Fixed the issue of there's no responses on all types filter feature on Maxnote main interface
-Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface's folder directory display different
-Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser
-Fixed the issue of can't auto-fill account info on Adobe website
-Fixed the issue of the content does not highlighted after searching on Maxnote
-Fixed the issue of right-click and edit directory folder on Maxnote's folder, it still displayed the old title
-Fixed the issue of identify location in folder's detail is wrong after searching in folder
-Fixed the issue of there's no note title after creating a new note under special cases


Titel: Slimjet 17.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2017, 14:01
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix playback issue with netflix.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2017, 18:15
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

ImageCacheViewer now automatically detects the cache folder of Pale Moon Web browser.

Titel: Polarity 9.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2018, 11:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Some minor fixes

Titel: Dooble 2.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2018, 19:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

A Qt 5.10.0 release. Ten years of Dooble!
Allow restarting of completed downloads. Qt 5.10 is required.
Confirm removal of items from the Favorites dialog.
Corrected highlighting of address widget text. Problem arose if an item from the address widget's completer model was selected.
Corrected pinning of visible Downloads window.
Custom highlighting of address-widget items.
New database field download_path in dooble_downloads.db. The database dooble_downloads will be removed. Apologies.
Open Favorites links in new tabs via Control modifier and double-click.
Pause and resume downloads. Qt 5.10 is required.
Private-window downloads are purged if parent profiles are destroyed. Corrected.
Special OS X provision for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65184.


Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.22 Build 125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2018, 20:30
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

Added Waterfox support

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2018, 17:00

Added popular words recommendation on search box
Improved the data importing feature experience when upgrading MX4 to MX5
Optimized the experience on Maxnote
Fixed the issue of there's no text reminder when the mouse is suspended on sidebar's favorite and note button
Fixed the issue of sidebar did not display after installation or upgraded browser
Fixed the issue of there's no responses when entering read mode
Fixed the issue of there's no responses on all types filter feature on Maxnote main interface
Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface's folder directory display different
Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser
Fixed the issue of can't auto-fill account info on Adobe website
Fixed the issue of the content does not highlighted after searching on Maxnote
Fixed the issue of right-click and edit directory folder on Maxnote's folder, it still displayed the old title
Fixed the issue of identify location in folder's detail is wrong after searching in folder
Fixed the issue of there's no note title after creating a new note under special cases


Titel: Polarity 9.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2018, 15:03
Whats new:>>

Fixed tab stuttering when dragging, updated UAs

Titel: QupZilla 2.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2018, 06:10
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


Configurable Navigation Toolbar

It is now possible to configure which elements to show in navigation bar, but more importantly it is also possible to change order of all elements. There are also new buttons: Tools button (contains hidden buttons), Downloads button (only displayed when there are downloads in Download Manager), AdBlock button (indicates number of blocked requests on pages) and GreaseMonkey button.

Improved Tab bar

Our Tab bar implementation (ComboTabBar) received a great number of fixes and improvements overall. It now supports drag&drop: dragging tabs between windows, detaching tabs and adding new tabs by dropping text/url on tab bar.
It is now possible to change minimum/maximum sizes of tabs with style sheet (it can be set either from theme or userChrome.css as noted above):

qproperty-normalMaxWidth: 250;
qproperty-normalMinWidth: 150;
qproperty-activeMinWidth: 150;
qproperty-overflowedWidth: 150;
qproperty-pinnedWidth: 32;

The property names are all self-explanatory, overflowedWidth applies to tabs when tab bar scroll buttons are visible.

Improved multi-window management

It is now possible to restore closed windows, available from menu History – Closed windows or with Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut. Each window in session will now restore its size and settings. It is now also possible to have different sidebar on each window and it will be correctly restored with session.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2018, 09:09
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Add support to view saved passwords directly from address bar when chrome password manager is used.

Titel: Dooble 2.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2018, 19:00
Release Notes

Adjust QWebEngineView initial sizes.
Corrected potential dereference of zero pointer (s variable) in threefish_decrypt_implementation().
Corrected site icons in the address widget.
Include portions of the Documentation directory in Debian and OS X packages.
New context menu option in the History window.
Prepare Favorites, History icons if pages have been deleted.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2018, 20:30

This update fixed the following issues:

Fixed the issue of a new tab in task bar will pop up after using full screen feature on picture viewer
Fixed the issue of there are no responses on video float bar feature under special cases
Fixed the issue of there are no responses after changing and save the article width in read mode under special cases
Fixed the issue of the favorites became disordered after importing html under special cases
Fixed the issue of the Chinese section is not transcoding after copy and paste the URL


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2018, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Update language files

Titel: Pale Moon 27.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2018, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Reorganized access to preferences (moved to the Tools menu on Linux, and renamed from "Options" to "Preferences" on Windows).
    Renamed "Restart with add-ons disabled" to "Restart in Safe Mode" to better reflect what it does.
    Worked around an issue with some improperly-encoded PNG files not decoding after our libpng update.
    Fixed an issue on Mac builds not properly populating the application menu.
    Added "My home page" as an option for new tabs.
    Added an option to disable the 4th and 5th mouse buttons (Windows).
    (mouse.button4.enabled and mouse.button5.enabled, respectively)
    Improved the resetting of non-default profiles.
    Fixed an issue with details/summary having the incorrect height if floated, breaking layouts.
    Made several more improvements to the details/summary tags to align them with the current spec and fix some additional bugs.
    Implemented support for flex/columnset contents inside buttons to align its behavior with other browsers.
    (this should fix layout issues with Twitch's new web interface)
    Fixed an issue where CSS clone operations would draw a border.
    Changed the way fractional border widths are rounded to provide more natural behavior.
    Fixed an issue where number inputs would incorrectly be flagged as read-only.
    Added assets for tile display in the Windows start panel.
    Finished sync infra swapover by adding a one-time pref migration for server used.
    Improved WebAudio API: Return the connected audio node from AudioNode.connect()
    Added support for a default playback start position in media elements.
    Fixed an assert in cubeb-alsa code (Linux).
    Added support for media cue-change events (e.g. subtitles).
    Updated SQLite to 3.21.0.
    Fixed a crash when trying to use the platform embedded.
    Fixed devtools (gcli) screenshots on vertical-text pages.
    Fixed devtools copy as cURL for POST requests.
    Improved the HTML editor component (several bugfixes).
    Added support for ES7's exponentiation a ** b operator.
    Fixed an issue with arrow functions incorrectly creating an 'arguments' binding.
    Added Javascript's ES6 "unscopables".

Security/privacy fixes:

    Disabled automatic filling in of log-in details by default to prevent potential risks of credentials being abused (e.g. for tracking) or stolen.
    Added a preference (in the category security) to easily enable or disable automatic filling in of log-in data.
    Removed the sending of referrers when opening a link in a new private window.
    Added an option to disable the page visibility Web API (dom.visibilityAPI.enabled), allowing users to prevent pages from knowing whether they are being actively displayed to the user or not.
    Removed the "ask every time" policy for cookies. For granular control, please use any of the excellent available extensions to regulate cookie use on a per-site or per-url basis.
    Added support for X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff (for scripts).
    Changed the resolution of performance timers to a level where any future potential abuse for hardware-timing attacks becomes impractical. DiD

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code, e.g. when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem, or when new attack vectors are discovered.


Titel: Dooble 2.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2018, 20:30

New Orange theme.
Remove artificial shortcuts from tabs. Some pages include ampersands in their titles.
Retain Favorites dimensions.
Signed Debian package.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2018, 13:06

This update fixed the following issues:

-Fixed the issue of some websites stucked because of adblock filtering rules
-Fixed the issue of switch core available in new tab under special cases
-Fixed the issue of auto-fill enabled on retro mode under special cases
-Fixed the issue of can’t copy and paste picture on Maxnote
-Fixed the issue of there are no responses after changing and saving the article width in read mode under special cases
-Fixed the issue of the favorites became disordered after importing html under special cases
-Fixed the issue of some favorite icons displayed abnormal under certain resolutions in Win10 system
-Fixed the issue of error display when opening favorites bar with Ctrl+B


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2018, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Update language files
Fix a bug with youtube video downloader
Fix bug with toolbar customization dialog for french UI.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2018, 14:32
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



Added support for Array.prototype[@@unscopables].
Unfortunately, the addition of Javascript's ES6 Unscopables in 27.7.0 was incomplete, which caused a number of websites (e.g. Chase on-line banking, some Russian government sites) to display blank or not complete loading after updating to that version of the browser. This update should fix the problem by adding the missing part of the feature.
Fixed an issue with the default theme causing tab borders to be drawn too thick at higher settings for visual element scaling (125%/150%) in Windows.


Titel: Polarity 9.3.4 Build 472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2018, 12:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed slow bookmark management and loading with having a few hundred bookmarks

Titel: Slimjet 17.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2018, 14:15
Whats new:>>

Fix video playback issue under Mac

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2018, 18:30

This update optimized the following features:

*Added selection of IE feature in retro mode
*Added upgrade reminder feature in main menu
*Optimized the log in and register panel’s error notification
*Added install option of Abp extension to Maxthon’s installation application

This update fixed the following issues:

-Fixed the issue of the favorite bar displayed abnormally in windowed mode
-Fixed the issue of history items can’t display after ticked the „Show history items in the match list“
-Fixed the issue of there are no response when enabling SMS verification and view records on device
-Fixed the issue of the browser will create several windows that can’t be closed in task bar after exit full screen mode
-Fixed the issue of can’t click to open the HTML format files which added to My Sites
-Fixed the issue of the favorite sorting is inconsistent after synchronizing between multiple computers
-Fixed the issue of system screensaver is invalid after restart the browser under special cases
-Fixed the issue of new tab will display blank after dragging it to become an independent window under special cases
-Fixed the issue of the order of import favorites from IE is not consistent with IE favorite folder
-Fixed the issue of URL in address bar can’t be copied completely


Titel: Dooble 2.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2018, 09:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source

Release Notes

Display the splash screen until containers have been populated.
Drag-and-load links. Pages may be loaded by dragging links onto address widgets.
Reload the current page if a blocking exception has been approved.
New Data/dooble_accepted_or_blocked_domains.txt.ved.
Tab-key navigation on various table widgets.


Titel: QupZilla 2.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2018, 20:00
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


Added Unload Tab action
Search engine buttons to locationbar completer
Added option to disable automatic password completion on sites
Plugins are now always enabled (fixes missing AdBlock)
Bring back AdBlock and GreaseMonkey icons in statusbar + add new buttons
Fix incorrect size of buttons in bookmarks toolbar with some styles
Fix losing session when loading newer profile with old application version
Fix temporariliy enabling/disabling JavaScript using StatusBarIcons plugin
Fix user agent settings not being applied on startup
Fix calculating remaining time in download manager


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2018, 19:15
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add language translation for text.
Improve full-screen mode.
Fix protocol handler bug.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2018, 08:59
Whats new:>>

Minor performance improvement.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2018, 13:40

*Fixed the issue of the panel’s page didn’t close when fast close and open the type of the panel extension in toolbar entrance.
*Fixed the issue of when selected the favorites type for "selected content" and then switch the tab, the "selected content" page and "Non-Url favorite tool bar"
*Fixed the issue of the downloader will continue to download for a period of time when download process displayed 100%Fixed the issue of the website which core has been locked will display "Lock" icon on menu in hover only and    it shouldn’t display when not on hover
*Fixed the issue of there are no responses when clicking the back button on Non-Url favorite tool bar under special cases
*Fixed the issue of click search result on result page in Favorite extension and it can’t open the result page normally
*Fixed the issue of pop-up window of sharing displayed abnormal when stretching the sidebar
*Fixed the issue of there are no responses when right right click on any images to save after opening Maxnote with Ctrl+G


Titel: Pale Moon 27.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2018, 16:00


Changed the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff behavior to only check "success" class server responses, for web compatibility reasons.
Changed the performance timer resolution once more to a granularity of 1 ms, after evaluating more potential ways of abusing Spectre.
This takes the most cautious approach possible lacking more information (because apparently NDAs have been signed over this between mainstream players), follows Safari's lead, and should make it not just infeasible but downright impossible to use these timers for nefarious purposes in this context.
Improved the debug-only startup cache wrapper to prevent a rare crash.
Fixed a crash in the XML parser.
Added a check for integer overflow in AesTask::DoCrypto() (CVE-2018-5122) DiD
Fixed a potential race condition in the browser cache.
Fixed a crash in HTML media elements (CVE-2018-5102)
Fixed a crash in XHR using workers.
Fixed a crash with some uncommon FTP operations.
Fixed a potential race condition in the JAR library.


Titel: The Classic Browser 2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2018, 04:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.2.6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2018, 17:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2018, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Language file update.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2018, 17:15

Fixed the issue of the selected status not correct on drop down list which in note edition page route
Fixed the issue of new note is in wrong place after switching the catalog in note edition page
Fixed the issue of favorites became disordered after import the favorites from Maxnote
Fixed the issue of browser won’t start automatically if users select install abp extension during installation process


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2018, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 64 (patch for Spectre and Meltdown bug)
Added control to mute entire website
HDR support for Windows 10 users

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2018, 09:11
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 64.0.3282.119
New "Site per process" security option in web browser tabs using the Blink engine.
Now you can use HTTP, SOCKS v4 and SOCKS v5 proxy servers in web browser tabs using the Blink engine.
New context menu options to duplicate tabs and reopen closed tabs.
New section in the web browser configuration window for all tab related settings.
New web browser settings option to open the same tabs the user was using when BriskBard was closed.
New web browser settings option to open a set of web pages on startup.
Added the enhanced video renderer (EVR) to the media player tabs.
SQLite has been updated to the latest version.
Fixed a bug downloading files with BLOB addresses used by Mega.nz


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2018, 12:22

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 64.0.3282.140)

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2018, 13:20
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 64.0.3282.140)

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2018, 09:05
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 64(patch for Spectre and Meltdown bug)
Added control to mute entire website
HDR support for Windows 10 users

Titel: Avant Browser 2018 Build 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2018, 09:30
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 64.0.3282.167

Titel: Facebook Blocker 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2018, 05:30
Facebook Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock Facebook on your Windows system. Now a days almost everyone is hooked to Facebook all the times. It has become difficult to ensure employee productivity in companies and equally impossible for parents to control their childrens.

This tool will come very handy for such parents who can block their childrens from Facebook, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, administrator can block students from accessing Facebook from their lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to Facebook during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

It does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock Facebook instantly. It has cool GUI interface and very simple to use for everyone. It is fully portable tool and includes Installer for those who wants to install it locally. It is successfully tested on all platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new:>>

Mega 2018 edition supporting Facebook block feature in more countries. Also enhanced user interface with new banner.

Titel: Instant YouTube Blocker 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2018, 06:00
Instant YouTube Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock YouTube on your Windows system. It provides one click solution to block YouTube on all Web Browsers and other desktop applications.

This will be useful when you want to block YouTube on certain systems or for certain interval of time. Parents can use it to prevent the children from accessing YouTube, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, admins can block YouTube on lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to YouTube during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block or Unblock YouTube
    Blocks YouTube from all applications on your system
    You can Unblock YouTube anytime later
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock YouTube instantly. It works on all windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Whats new:>>

Mega 2018 edition supporting YouTube block feature across latest web browsers and other windows applications on Windows 10. Also integrated new Installer.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2018, 18:15
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Made improvements to Scheduler interaction mechanism.
Check for updates will now display information on what’s new in the latest version available for download.
Fixed all known bugs.

Titel: Lunascape 6.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2018, 16:30
LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser. It has been downloaded over 20 million times and it's available globally in 11 languages. Try it yourself the new kind of speed and versatility.

Lunascape 6 achieves the utmost extensibility without compromising one of the fastest speeds in the market. You can browse lightning fast while enjoying ample add-ons. We've also made special effort in ensuring fast launch even with many add-ons.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


– Update digital signature for this application.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2018, 20:30

Upgraded browser's core to Chromium 61
Log in notification pop-up after adding a number of favorites under guest mode
Upgrade sidebar's HAHA extension
Optimized browser's reminder system and interface
Upgrade UI on Maxnote's management page

This update fixed the following issues:

Fixed the issue of log in status displayed error in new tab under special cases
Fixed the issue of new tab displayed blank under special cases
Fixed the issue of URL in address bar can't be copied normally under special cases
Fixed the issue of Ctrl+mouse scroll is invalid on maximize/minimize web pages under special cases
Fixed the issue of Maxnote will continue to synchronize and shows no error notification when Maxthon Account is offline
Fixed the issue of modifying the folder name on Maxnote will not sync on left directory
Fixed the issue of imported Maxnote to favorite folder will be set as favorite automatically
Fixed the issue of password generator requires user to refresh the web page to be effective after changing the password rules
Fixed the issue of feature area displayed incompletely on IQIYI’s pops up window


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2018, 09:08
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add blocker for ads, trackers, and malicious hosts.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2018, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Added support for emojis on Windows systems that have relatively poor support for them with standard font sets by including our own font (EmojiOne based for now).
Added a setting in preferences to select the use of tab previews with Ctrl+Tab.
Added Eyedropper menu entry to the AppMenu.
Added a preference to control whether the text cursor (caret) should be thicker when dealing with CJK characters or not (default = yes).
Added URL fix-ups for schemes (mis-typed "ttp://" etc.).
Added support for ES6 "Symbol species".
Updated our TLS 1.3 support to the latest (probably final) draft.
Fixed gap inconsistency in the tabstrip.
Fixed a number of browser crashes.
Fixed a crash with the exponentiation operator "**"
Set the performance timer granularity to 1 ms.
Updated the kiss-fft library to our forked 1.4.0 version.
Disabled a potentially problematic optimization on Win 8+ with high contrast themes in use.
Removed the notification bar when in full screen to prevent unwanted visible screen elements.
Removed unmaintained and insecure WebRTC code - building with WebRTC enabled is no longer an option.
Removed redundant checks for "Vista or later" since that is all we support.
Added display of the http status to raw request displays.
Added a workaround for cloned videos not retaining their muted state.
Added a temporary workaround to avoid crashes on trackless media.
Removed some superfluous ellipses from menu labels.
Fixed undesired shrinking of line heights as a result of setting minimum font size in preferences.
Fixed some issues with setting the new tab preference (regression).


Titel: Dooble 2.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2018, 20:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Allow resetting of the User Agent widget.
Ascending-order title sort of Favorites.
Fewer object locks.
Gopher titles may be empty. Corrected Favorites.
New documentation.
Open tabs in new private windows via tab context menus.
Qt 5.10.1.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.3.4.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2018, 05:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2018, 12:25

Optimized on tab operation experience
Fixed the issue of the note content displayed incompletely in Maxnote main interface under split screen mode
Fixed the issue of can't copy text content on address bar under special cases
Fixed the issue of new tab shows blank under special cases
Fixed the issue of certificate error pops up when opened certain websites
Fixed the issue of videos can't be played normally on certain websites


Titel: Pale Moon 27.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2018, 13:50
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Backed out the NSPR/NSS update from 27.8.0 for causing crashes, general operational instability and handshake issues.
Disabled TLS 1.3 draft support by default, because with the NSS backout we only support an older draft right now that is no longer current and may cause connectivity issues. You can manually re-enable it at your own risk in about :config by setting security.tls.version.max to 4.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2018, 09:09
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue: BrowserAddonsView failed to display the extensions of Chrome on some systems, because on new installions of Chrome the extensions list is stored in 'Preferences' file instead of the 'Secure Preferences' file.

Titel: Polarity 9.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2018, 20:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.3.10.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2018, 19:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Simple Website Blocker 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2018, 21:30
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Major 2018 release with enhanced blocking website feature along with new right click menu options.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2018, 13:25
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved some user interface issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2018, 18:10

The link in Maxnote can be opened by Ctrl+left click
Fixed the issue of new tab shows blank under special cases
Fixed the issue of the password generator not effective promptly after changing the password rules
Fixed the issue of the scroll is invalid under special cases
Fixed the issue of special character in certain features displayed abnormally
Fixed the issue of search engine list shows empty under special cases
Fixed the issue of Developer tools mobile device mode is abnormal under special cases


Titel: QupZilla 2.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2018, 09:15
QupZilla is lightweight and modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. It implements all standard web browser features and, in addition to this, QupZilla provides a lot of interesting features like SSL certificate manager, Search Engines manager, themes, Speed Dial, extensions, AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, a command line interface, mouse gestures, access keys navigation and more.

Open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS/2 and Haiku OS).

License: GPLv3


added VerticalTabs plugin
added NoCoin List as default list to AdBlock
added support for userscript icons in GreaseMonkey
added extension:// scheme to be used from plugins
added support for changing default background color of webview
added support for real WebInspector with QtWebEngine 5.11
added support for filtering 3rd party cookies with QtWebEngine 5.11
improved Unload Tab action to kill the web process entirely
fix default size of pinned tabs with some Qt styles
fix loading incomplete urls from locationbar with search disabled


Titel: Dooble 2.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2018, 13:21
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Common logic for creating database tables.
Detect image formats in Gopher links (gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1overbite/ss/Screenshots_during_development, gopher://gopher.quux.org/1Software/Gopher/screenshots).
Initialize atomic variables.
Purple Puppy. Dooble on Puppy Linux.
Warn if the SQLite driver is not available.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2018, 18:45

- Upgrade the overall interface of haha extensions, gives a smoother experience on reading
-Fixed the issue of the note content displayed incompletely in Maxnote
-Fixed the issue of it will automatically set as favorite after exporting note to favorite folder under special cases
-Fixed the issue of Maxnote will keep synchronize and there's no error pop up under special cases
-Fixed the issue of browser crashed when dragging the tabs under special cases
-Fixed the issue of new tab shows blank under special cases


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2018, 13:43
Whats new:>>

Key Changes:

Fixed the issue of browser crashed when synchronizing data on Maxnote
Fixed the issue of URL on address bar displayed error under special cases
Fixed the issue of page displayed blank under special cases
Fixed the issue of shows browser not supported on certain websites

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2018, 13:07
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 65.0.3325.146.
MP3 support added to web browser tabs that use the Blink engine.
New context menu option to close all other tabs.
New layout options to move the tabs to the bottom or the right side.
New configuration section for WebRTC settings.
Improved French translation.
The Indy component has been updated to the latest version.
Bug fixes :

    Fixed some problems with keyboard shortcuts in popup windows.
    Now BriskBard's size is correctly restored when you stop watching a video in full screen mode.
    Now the tab order and color is stored when the user enables the option to restore the tabs as they were when he/she left off.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

– Enhanced stability of version upgrade

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2018, 20:20
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2018, 15:45
Whats new:>>

Added support for saving as JSON file.

Titel: Dooble 2.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 18:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Disable View Page Source context-menu item on Gopher pages.
Inspect buffer boundaries in Gopher logic.
Replace rn with
 in Gopher text. Thank you arne-cl.
Support high-DPI displays. On Mac and Windows, the attributes AA_EnableHighDpiScaling and AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps are permanently set. All other operating systems, please see dooble.sh. Thank you chocolatkey.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 20:40
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

The program will now properly handle Internet Explorer browser plugins.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2018, 13:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Privacy fix: prevented update checks for the default theme.
    Added a user-agent override for Dropbox to improve compatibility with their service.
    Fixed an issue with mouseover handling related to (CVE-2018-5103). DiD
    Disabled the Mac OSX Nano allocator. DiD
    Fixed (CVE-2018-5129) OOB Write.
    Updated the lz4 library to 1.8.0 to solve potential issues. DiD
    Fixed (CVE-2018-5137) Path traversal on chrome:// URLs
    Fixed several memory safety an synchronicity hazards.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2018, 18:10
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



Added user agent for sites that don't respond properly to requests without one
Added ability to choose where to import IE favorites from instead of just defaulting to the current logged in user's Favorites directory
Fixed issue caused by having a blank URL for a site that also includes a site icon
Fixed some bugs StorURL Online CSV importation code


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2018, 18:30
Whats new:>>

added option in configuration to allow user to choose whether to follow redirects
or not when verifying sites
added rudimentary font size selection in the View menu, please report any bugs you find

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2018, 13:20

* Fixed the issue of browser crashed after starting under special cases
* Fixed the issue of live videos can’t be played normally under special cases
* Fixed the issue of the opened txt file content displayed incorrect on reading mode
* Fixed the issue of the scroll bar on Maxnote interface not effective under special cases
* Fixed the issue of F12 can’t arouse developer tools under retro mode
* Fixed the issue of dragging emoji icons may caused browser crash when publishing Weibo comments
* Fixed the issue of browser crashed after adding screenshot to note under special cases
* Fixed the issue of replace current page by right click on certain websites
* Fixed the issue of sidebar favorites disordered after importing files


Titel: Pale Moon 27.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Backed out some responsive layout code that caused intermittent but not uncommon crashes in the browser depending on window sizes and page content.

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 19:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2018, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 15:15

Key Changes:

The new tab can scroll up and down with the page when dragging icons
Updated 14 minority language
Fixed the issue of can't continuous closing pages on tab bar's drop-down list
Fixed the issue of start abnormal after upgrade under special cases
Fixed the issue of folder display on new tab
Fixed the issue of the https://tower.im/ displayed abnormally when manually entered the URL
Fixed the issue of clicking F12-network clear caused browser abnormal
Fixed the issue of using extension abnormally on Sina Weibo


Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 17:45
Whats new:>>

– Optimize the open order of the last non-closed pages
– Resolve back problem in compatibility mode
– Improve browser stability
– Fix the problem when the browser language is bg-bg, some contents of the menu is not displayed
– Fix the occasional problem when click Ctrl+F1 for screenshot

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2018, 17:45
Whats new: >>

Resolved several user interface issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2018, 11:15
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

In the 'Advanced Options' window - You can now use environment variables in the specified profile folder of Chrome and Firefox (e.g: %LocalAppdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1 )
In the 'Advanced Options' window - You can now specify the base profiles folder instead of a single profile (e.g: %LocalAppdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data )

Titel: Browser Select 1.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2018, 10:15


1.When launching Firefox, if it isn't already running, holding Shift causes it to launch in Safe Mode. This makes it difficult for me to use BrowserSelect's "Shift-Click to open link in incognito/private mode" functionality with Firefox, as I have to already have Firefox open before I try to open something in Private Browsing mode, or else it pops up the 'do you want to start in safe mode' dialog box, and I either have to start in Safe+Private mode, or I have to close it, open Firefox, then Shift+Click my link again.
2.You can open a URL in Microsoft Edge with private browsing/incognito mode from a command prompt by running start shell:AppsFolderMicrosoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge -private http://url.goes/here
So theoretically BrowserSelect should be able to open this repo's url in a private Edge window by executing
shell:AppsFolderMicrosoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge -private https://github.com/zumoshi/BrowserSelect


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.4.8.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2018, 11:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2018, 11:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Updated search engine settings and added search suggestions from Ecosia

Titel: Slimjet v18.0.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2018, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Fix startup issue under Mac.

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2018, 09:05
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2018, 17:45
Whats new:>>

-Fixed the issue of set default browser abnormally on win 10
-Fixed the issue of log in failed when logging browser under special cases
-Fixed the issue of can't enter Chinese on search box when using Baidu Input Method
-Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when clicking print preview on Amazon refund page
-Fixed the issue of Maxthon blog displayed abnormally when visiting

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

-Fixed the issue of browser crashed when set default browser and multiple logins under special cases
-Fixed the issue of can't enter website normally when using the proxy with password
-Fixed the issue of DOUYU video's pop-up window can't on full screen mode
-Fixed the issue of 401 Unauthorized when connecting sites with domain log in
-Fixed the issue of the Microphone drop-down list options in setting all displayed Chinses when setting browser language to minority language

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.4.14.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2018, 10:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2018, 17:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue of remind on „can’t find the page“ when entering Quick Access page first time under special cases
Fixed the issue of Maxnote List View mode displayed abnormally under special cases

Titel: Pale Moon 27.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is the last major development update for the v27 milestone (codenamed "Tycho").
After this, we will be focusing our efforts for new features entirely on UXP and the new v28 milestone building on it. We will continue to support v27.9 with security and stability updates for a while, but no major new features will be added from this point forward.


Fixed a number of spec compliance issues in our media subsystem.
Added a trailing slash to referrers when policy is set to fix some web compatibility issues.
Fixed the property order in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(string) and others for web compatibility.
Updated RegExp(RegExp object, flags) to the ES6 standard specification.
Changed the embedded font from the no longer free EmojiOne to the open-licensed Twemoji (with additional fixes). This also further extends unicode support to Unicode 10 emoji(s). Please note that as a result, color emoji(s) will look different than before.
Adjusted some things in our memory allocator code to provide, among other things, better allocation alignment on Windows.
Made the attempt to migrate people from the old sync server domain name to the current one more aggressive. We will be retiring the old pmsync.palemoon.net Sync server address shortly to remove the need for us to maintain a security certificate for it; this preference migration should automatically put everyone on the correct server address (pmsync.palemoon.org) when upgrading.
Made reading of the sessionstore synchronous, to speed up startup and prevent the homepage from being loaded when restoring a session.
Added a fix to switch to the correct window/tab when a web notification is clicked.
Changed the placeholder text to not include "Search" when all search functions from the address bar are disabled.
Enabled the use of Skia for canvas on Linux and OSX.
Worked around a potential cause for some non-standard bitmapped fonts ending up with incorrect line heights (I'm looking at you, Noto fonts!).
Added a workaround for incorrectly-encoded JPEG-XR images with planar alpha. Ultimately, the jxrlib reference implementation should be fixed to encode according to spec.
Aligned XCTO:nosniff allowed script MIME types with the updated spec.
Improved the logic for storing vector images in the surface cache.
Fixed character set handling for XMLHttpRequests.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with ad blocker.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

– Fixed the stuck problem when launching the browser from external links in some cases
– Fixed the stuck problem when setting default browsers from lower right Pop-up
– Fixed the problem that menu mode cannot be switched when the sidebar is not pinned
– Fixed the problem that some video pop-up could not be full screen
– Fixed the problem that the video plug-in could not be right-clicked when it popped up

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2018, 20:50

* NB: One or more tools will no longer work if the downloaded version (32bit/64bit) doesn’t match your Windows version, due to Windows privilege incompatibilities.
* Improved System Info module.
* Improved Tab Manager reports.
* Improved Node Tree generation.
* Improved HTML5 reports.
* New developer tool... website thumbnail snipping. (This tool will not work if you don't get the exact version (32bit/64bit) to match your Windows OS)
* New reporting... File Download Reports for the browsing session.
* Yes... we saw the two little bugs that slipped in the last version and flattened them.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition 3.69.8041
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2018, 16:45
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Add VMC discovery switch
Multi mode bug fixed
URL file extension bug fixed;

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2018, 09:40
Whats new:>>

-Fixed the issue of switching page freezed when logging in on certain extensions
-Fixed the issue of Favorites on sidebar switching to menu mode abnormally

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2018, 20:15
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



Simplify your Internet navigation with the latest BriskBard version. Enjoy the new bookmark options and the new user interface features that will make your Internet experience even more comfortable.


Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.23 Build 128
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2018, 19:15
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage. Even better, SpeedyFox Portable is pre-configured to detect your PortableApps.com packages of your portable apps so you don't need to manually select them.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

Improved - SQLite engine updated to 3.23.1
Fixed command line problem

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2018, 09:16

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 66.0.3359.117)
Customize | Tool bar | Bookmark bar | Add button to automatically adjust button width

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2018, 18:15
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 66.0.3359.117)

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2018, 12:17
Whats new:>>

Language file updates.

Titel: Dooble
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2018, 09:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


FreeBSD now supported.
Optional Web images.
Qt 5.9.x corrections. Tested with Qt 5.9.4.
Removed jittery page completions. Caused by incorrect hiding of the tab bar.
Unique, safely-generated, database names.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2018, 17:45
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add “Export to PDF”.
Add “Take Screenshot”.
Improve full-screen mode.
Fix issues with “Find” function.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.5.6.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2018, 05:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Pale Moon 27.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2018, 13:05
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a maintenance release.


Removed the unused/incomplete places protocol handler.
Worked around an issue with MSE media without a Track ID. This should help with the playability of some live streams.
Ported across jemalloc improvements from UXP.
Ported across cairo mutex improvements from UXP.
Added support for FFmpeg 4.0/libavcodec 58.
Added a fix for Windows 10's "isAlpha()" not being what one would expect in v1803.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2018, 16:50
Whats new:>>

– Fixed the stuck problem when launching the browser from external links in some cases
– Fixed the stuck problem when setting default browsers from lower right Pop-up
– Fixed the problem that menu mode cannot be switched when the sidebar is not pinned
– Fixed the problem that some video pop-up could not be full screen
– Fixed the problem that the video plug-in could not be right-clicked when it popped up

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2018, 12:26
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 66.0.3359.139) Adjusted text rendering behavior

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2018, 18:45
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 66.0.3359.139) Adjusted text rendering behavior

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2018, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Added overall UI detail and interactive optimization, better experience on visual sense and operations
Added switching account experience optimization and reserve current opened tabs feature
Added address bar loading page optimization, super speed for visit
Fixed the issue of Auto Refresh time not effective when right-click on tabs
Fixed the issue of URL Shortcut key websites can't be deleted in URL alias
Optimized the issue of name displayed abnormally when downloading Russian name file in Gmail

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2018, 12:14
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.


Whats new:>>

* This version is a maintenance release which contains unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and bug fixes.

Titel: Avant Browser 2018 Build 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2018, 12:29
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 66.0.3359.170

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2018, 16:30
Whats new:>>

+Optimized some video and audio websites operation experience
+Added some minority language translation
-Fixed the issue of Auto Refresh time not effective when right-click on tabs
-Fixed the issue of URL Shortcut key websites can’t be deleted in URL alias
-Fixed the issue of tab displayed abnormally when switching skin under split screen mode
-Fixed the issue of  can’t paste after making screenshot with Crtl+F1 on some websites
-Fixed the issue of snap feature abnormal on QQmailbox notebook

Titel: Pale Moon 27.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2018, 16:00


    We changed the language strings for softblocked items so people will cry less when we do our job.
    (CVE-2018-5174) Prevent potential SmartScreen bypass on Windows 10.
    (CVE-2018-5173) Fixed an issue in the Downloads panel improperly rendering some Unicode characters, allowing for the file name to be spoofed. This could be used to obscure the file extension of potentially executable files from user view in the panel.
    (CVE-2018-5177) Fixed a vulnerability in the XSLT component leading to a buffer overflow and crash if it occurs.
    (CVE-2018-5159) Fixed an integer overflow vulnerability in the Skia library resulting in possible out-of-bounds writes.
    (CVE-2018-5154) Fixed a use-after-free vulnerability while enumerating attributes during SVG animations with clip paths.
    (CVE-2018-5178) Fixed a buffer overflow during UTF8 to Unicode string conversion within JavaScript with extremely large amounts of data. This vulnerability requires the use of a malicious or vulnerable extension in order to occur.
    Fixed several stability issues (crashes) and memory safety hazards.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2018, 10:30
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.



Added auto-fill functionality to the main interface. Tools->Autofill Site Details...
Added option to include categories in search results
Fixed bug where a database without a status column would crash the app


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2018, 21:15
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add dark theme.
Add manual check for updates.
Update app icon.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

-Fixed the issue of browser freezed when starting under special cases

Titel: Internet History Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 09:14
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox


Whats new:>>

Fully rewritten, now supports Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Vivaldi, Chrome, Safari, Yandex, Opera, PaleMoon and SeaMonkey.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 17:45

Added "Not Remind" option on browser's trending news.
Fixed the issue of shortcut keys can't be pasted in Microsoft Office software.
Fixed the issue of browser and system backspace key conflicts.
Fixed the issue of House of fun displayed abnormally in Facebook.
Fixed the issue of customized websites not effective in Favorites.
Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when dragging the video suspension window progress bar.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2018, 12:20
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 66.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2018, 12:12
Whats new:>>

Categories remember their sort column and sort order
Added "Date Added" column which shows when the URL was originally added to the database
Added "Credentials" column which shows whether there is a username or password assigned
Added support for re-ordering columns in the main UI and remembering their sizes
Now show the username in the Site Information pane in the main UI, password is still hidden until opening site properties for security purposes

Titel: Slimjet v19.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2018, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 66.
Automatically mute the sound of autoplaying videos

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2018, 12:14
Whats new:>>

fixed bug in search results related to new "date added" column

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2018, 18:00

-Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when set Maxthon as default browser
-Fix the issue of failed to correlate Gif file on win10 system
-Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when openning Menu on top right corner
-Fixed the issue of some websites displayed abnormally
-Fixed the issue of system can't open screensaver when there's no operation
-Fixed the issue of can't record mouse focus when creating new tab
-Fixed the issue of unable to switch mailbox service providers in Baidu search page


Titel: The Classic Browser 3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2018, 20:10
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



There are two important introductions in this release and some notes...

1. Set Feature Policy (under "Page Operations" in the main menu)

This is to solve the recently introduced “features policy” problem in the Chromium engine, which would explain why your Camera, Mic and/or Virtual Reality hardware may have stopped working.

This new Chromium change on top of other related settings has complicated matters further and may not survive future versions of Chromium... we'll just have to wait and see.

For now please use this special dialog box to set your "feature policy" whenever needed on specific pages visited, until further notice.

The "Feature Policy" can also be set for each membership site so be sure to go through your membership accounts and make any adjustments needed there also.

NB: Features affected by this include... 1.Geolocation, 2.Microphone, 3.Camera, 4.MIDI (digital instruments), 5.Encrypted Media (paid streaming video), and 6.Virtual Reality.

2. Enforce the EU’s Internet Privacy Law GDPR (In the browser options)

According to the latest EU legislation… Internet surfers no longer give their consent to a violation of their privacy by default, and websites MUST specifically and without duress obtain such permission from the user.

In line with this new legislation The Classic Browser will no longer permit Cookie Policy Banners and other attempts by offending websites that block users from proceeding and by forcing one-sided agreements.

Such behavior will be automatically squashed by the browser.

3. NB: Existing users please enable... "URL Keyword Blocking" and add "consent.cmp" and "yimg.com" to the list of words to block.

4. NB: The Yahoo search engine is on the verge of getting dropped in the next version. See for your selves why...

5. Yes, there is more in this version but memory fails me right now... :)


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2018, 04:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with side bookmarks panel.
Fix bug with download manager.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2018, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Improve toolbar.
Improve color scheme.

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2018, 14:00
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



BriskBard 1.6.5 includes the latest web rendering engine version that will make web developers happy thanks to the new APIs and tons of JavaScript and CSS support improvements, but regular Internet users will also be glad to know that this engine has more than 30 security fixes. As always, this BriskBard version includes some interface improvements and bug fixes reported by the users, in addition to the latest Indy and SQLite versions.

These are the new features:

The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 67.0.3396.62
The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.
Now favicons are used even when there none with the normal size.
Fixed a bug with some downloads that used encoded URLs.
Now the "Go to..." option in the context menu opens a new background tab.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.6.6.130
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2018, 20:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2018, 18:50

-Fixed the issue of can't record the reading status of news
-Fixed the issue of Last Session displayed abnormally
- Fixed the issue of title bar displayed abnormally on win10 when maximization
-Fixed the issue of can't enter screensaver on win10 under special cases
-Fixed the issue of Flash extension reminder abnormally under special cases
-Fixed the issue of Facebook's video and voice can't be played normally


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2018, 20:40
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Increased the width of the quick search box

Titel: MiTeC Internet History Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2018, 10:10
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox


Whats new:>>

Added browser filtering.

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2018, 05:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



* Includes GDPR Revision III (see below)

* Bug corrected: When cookies are disabled in the browser options, it also disables cookies for membership sites. This has now been corrected.

* When you highlight text on websites you can now also send it to Notepad.

* Other unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and bug fixes.

EU Internet Privacy Law (GDPR) Enforcement - Revision III

One of the great hallmarks of the Classic browser is the complete removal of the Chromium session upon browser exit.

The advantages of blowing away the Chromium session are numerous but relevant to this post is the deletion of all cookies regardless of cookie type.

This means that a Classic browser user can never enter into any “privacy policy agreements” with websites, as no such settings can ever remain on the hard disk for longer than a single browsing session thus rendering such agreements pointless.

For this reason privacy policy (cookie) banners cannot be tolerated by the Classic browser and the reason for the introduction of the “EU Internet Privacy Law (GDPR) Enforcement” feature.

This feature however has not come easily… it has been excruciatingly complex to implement without breaking pages and without confusing say an innocent cookie recipe with cookie privacy notices; as a simple example, and all this has to happen in a fraction of a second!

With this 3rd revision of this powerful feature, we have finally ironed out all problems for we have made two important changes to improve it…

1. Browser Error Message Reporting will now get automatically disabled if you have GDPR enabled. This is to silence the unavoidable “out of sync” errors that are generated due to GDPR activating late into a page. This frequently occurring error that we are now suppressing, should be of no concern to the user.

2. A site “Exclusion List” has been added for the addition of URLs that work better with an alternative “aggression level” of GDPR checking, or zero for “none” such as search engines (already included by default).

Overall usage of this feature is very simple… just paste the offending URL in the new exclusion list field box provided and set the desirable level as required or zero for none.

Examples of domains that require an alternative setting in the exclusion list, if it is set to the default level 3:



Titel: Pale Moon 27.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2018, 12:12
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


(CVE-2017-0381) Ported a patch from libopus upstream. Note, contrary to that report, the libopus maintainers state they don't believe remote code execution was possible, so this was not a critical patch.
Fixed an issue with task counting in JS GC.
Fixed a use-after-free in DOMProxyHandler::EnsureExpandoObject (thanks to Berk Cem Göksel for reporting).
Portable only: Included the previously omitted registry helper. This may in some cases help with file/type associations.


Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2018, 17:30

Fixed the issue of can’t use drop down menu under special cases
Fixed the issue of UI and freeze when switching window size
Fixed the issue of the hidden taskbar can’t be arouse when maximum
Fixed the issue of UI displayed abnormally when switching taskbar on win10
Fixed the issue of the entered download link in address bar displayed abnormally
Fixed the issue of where secondary screen position cannot be recorded when there are dual monitors


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2018, 20:50
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Improved handling of some new browser add-on types.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2018, 09:14
Whats new:>>

Fix video playback issue with youku.com

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.6.15.137
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2018, 19:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2018, 13:08
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with the automatic updater.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2018, 12:29

Optimize browser startup speed
Optimized the stability of browsers
Optimized the problem of flash version compatibility
Optimized browser's last open page order problem
Replace web default font of Chinese version
Add new Pdf and picture formats notes export
Add a function to save the page as a picture to right-click menu
Fixed the issue when opening local html files is occasionally anomalous
Fixed the stuck issue when switching between some pages
Fixed incorrect display of text on some pages
Fixed the problem that double-clicking the top tab cannot close the tab when the window is maximized
Fixed the problem when downloading QQ software in compatibility mode


Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2018, 16:30

HSTS priming has been removed for mixed content.
Fixed a window restore issue when on HiDPI and device pixels per px was set to a custom value.
Added a build config option to allow disabling of precompilation of the startup cache for uncommon cross-architecture build environments.
Fixed a crash with CSP tags if put in the browser chrome.
Fixed shellservice to work properly for integration with the OS.
Updated ReaderView components.
Updated NSS+NSPR and enabled TLS 1.3 by default.
Reinstated string.prototype.contains() as an alias for .includes().
Updated kiss-fft to 1.4.0.
Pale Moon Sync and the Sync client should now be operational again
Fixed regression with word-select selecting trailing space.
Fixed lightweight themes not remaining applied after browser restart.
Fixed memory leak in the WebP decoder.
Fixed the findbar (now operates on a per-tab basis).
Fixed permissions manager and cookie handling.
Fixed misc branding regressions in the locale.
Fixed SSL status ambiguity regression -- cipher name now is again the name, not the full suite string. Suite string has been made available like before in Pale Moon.
Fixed the Quickdial page. It's been restyled and now also includes a search bar with your chosen search engine.
Fixed tab close icons on Windows 8 and above by using universal assets and making Australis-assets Basilisk-specific.
Fixed a privacy issue with moz-icon:// use.


Titel: Slimjet v19.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2018, 12:24
Whats new:>>

Fix layout issue with settings page.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2018, 12:20

+ Optimized the problem of flash version compatibility
+ Optimized browser’s last session order problem
+ Replace web default font of Chinese version
+ Add a function to save the page as a picture to right-click menu
– Fixed the issue when opening local html files is occasionally anomalous
– Fixed the stuck issue when switching between some pages
– Fixed incorrect display of text on some pages
– Fixed the problem that double-clicking the top tab cannot close the tab when the window is maximized


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2018, 04:32
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add “General” section in Settings.
Improve layout.
Improve icons.
Allow “Add to Links” shortcut from address input.
Remove filters for Links.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView v2.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2018, 09:06
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed to work with Firefox 61.0.

Titel: Slimjet 19.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2018, 13:38
Whats new:>>

Fix compatibility issue with msn.com when ad blocker is enabled.

Titel: The Classic Browser 3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2018, 20:45
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



* Main Menu > Page Operations > Sanitize Page - Was working fine but wasn't reporting results correctly... now corrected.

* Main Menu > Developer Tools > Browser Resolution - Now a much improved utility.

* Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Enforce GDPR - Added shroud detection leading to GDPR Revision IV.

* Main Menu > Developer Tools > Page Color Fader - This new utility will instantly enable you to observe an 18-level background color fade-in/out on a webpage. Needless to say that it has no effect on gradients or images.

* Main Menu > Developer Gadgets > RGBA to RGB Converter - A new self explanatory gadget.

* Main Menu > Developer Tools > Page Operate - This new tool will enable developers to easily operate on pages with javascript expressions via powerful CSS query selectors.

* Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > User Script Macros - To compliment the tool above, the keys SHIFT+A through Z are now user programmable for automated script execution.

* Other unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and bug fixes.


Titel: Dooble
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2018, 12:17
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Allow hiding of the location frame per tab page via tab context menu.
    Allow removal of unchecked cookie domains.
    Corrected words_to_bytes() in the Threefish implementation. Missing bitwise-and operation at the initial element.
    Disable Language option in Settings if the system's default language is English. Thank you anchev.
    New WebRTC option. Please see the Web panel of the Settings window. Qt 5.11 only.
    Qt 5.11.1.
    Reconnect QWebEngineCookieStore::cookieAdded() after count milliseconds upon initialization, where count is the number of processed cookies.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2018, 12:16
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Added about:console as a way to call up the toolkit error console in-content.
Cleaned up and reorganized the addon manager.
Stabilized Intersection Observers, aligned with the latest draft, and enabled them by default.
Added back the Quickdial "blank this page" control, transfixed the thumbnail grid to fixed chosen rows/columns, and improved styling some more.
Removed SSL Error Reporting Telemetry code.
Fixed standalone image display regression.
Updated the WebP library to 1.0.0 + security fixes.
Fixed the findbar styling for now being part of tabs.
Fixed known security vulnerabilities from upstream.
Fixed an issues with extension button placement.
Re-implemented Pale Moon specific prefs for cache back-end and tab-modal prompts grabbing focus.
Worked around an issue with the thumbnail service in combination with overly script-heavy sites.
Fixed password manager icon display.
Updated reader view components.
Fixed an issue with web worker shutdowns.
Added mode:navigate to Fetch.
Fixed rights display for unbranded.
Restored pref control of the DOM page visibility API.
Reconfigured the application for intended release config,


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2018, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Fix compatibility issue with linux with libcurl4.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2018, 18:00

Fixed the issue of the installation directory displayed abnormally under special cases
Fixed the issue of download file from oa system is incomplete
Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when opened local html file under special cases
Fixed the issue of failure to import MX4 favorites
Fixed the issue of browser occasionally displayed abnormally when user started under XP system
Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when using mouse gestures back to new tabs
Fixed the issue of the image viewer prompted Chinese in English environment
Fixed the issue of the print preview page could not fully display the local image
Fixed the issue of it prompted an invalid certificate when user opened an individual website under XP system
Fixed an issue that it displayed abnormally when user clicked on link to download Quick app under XP and win7 system


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.7.15.149
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2018, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2018, 13:30
Whats new: >>

You can now specify environment variables in the history files of the 'Load history from the specified history files' option.

Titel: Pale Moon 27.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2018, 12:15

Updated the useragent for addons.mozilla.org to work around their "Only with Firefox" discrimination preventing users from downloading themes, old versions of extensions, and other files with Pale Moon.
Restricted web access to the moz-icon:// scheme that could potentially be abused to infringe the user's privacy.
Prevented various location-based threats. DiD
Fixed a potential vulnerability with plugins being redirected to different origins.
Improved the security check for launching executable files (by association) on Windows from the browser. For users who have (most likely accidentally) granted a system-wide waiver for opening these kinds of files without being prompted, this permission has been reset.
Fixed an issue with invalid qcms transforms.
Fixed a buffer overflow using the computed size of canvas elements.
Fixed a use-after-free when using focus().
Added some sanity checks on nsMozIconURI. DiD
Fixed an issue in the case the preferences file in the profile would not be writable (e.g. temporary permission issues due to backup, virus scanning or similar external processes).


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2018, 13:11
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with mp4 codec.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2018, 19:45

+ Added quick portal for last unclosed page(s) to revoke menu
+ Added hotwords displays/shutdown option after search box drop-down
+ Add the option of checking if it is default browser at startup
- Fixed the problem that there's no default option in translation setting
- Fixed the bug that page didn't work when user opened RSS subscription of QQ news
- Fixed the bug that Return button didn't work when user opened local pictures
- Fixed the bug that particular page couldn't display when user opened mx://error
- Fixed the bug that Low Version displayed when user opened google web page in the new tab page
- Fixed the bug that browser screenshot couldn't be pasted to OE Classic client


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 04:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add spell-check.
Improve List load time.
Improve native window.open.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 12:50
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Improved handling of certain types of browser extensions.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Improve error handling.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.7.20.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2018, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Updated the WebP library to 1.0.0 + security fixes.
Fixed the findbar styling for now being part of tabs.
Fixed known security vulnerabilities from upstream.
Fixed an issues with extension button placement.
Re-implemented Pale Moon specific prefs for cache back-end and tab-modal prompts grabbing focus.
Worked around an issue with the thumbnail service in combination with overly script-heavy sites.
Fixed password manager icon display.
Updated reader view components.
Fixed an issue with web worker shutdowns.
Added mode:navigate to Fetch.
Fixed rights display for unbranded.
Restored pref control of the DOM page visibility API.
Reconfigured the application for intended release config.
Fixed an issue with WebGL shadow mapping.
Restored OS X 10.7/10.8 compatibility with WebGL.
Fixed a performance issue when closing a tab with an ungodly amount of images displayed.
Fixed an issue where full-screen does not initialize properly if a navigation bar control is focused.
Fixed a regression where fast downscaling of images would use Hamming instead of Lanczos-2.
Added a pref control (image.layerize.always) to allow users to trade off image quality for performance.
Default disabled as it can cause aliased results in downscaled images with position:fixed or position:absolute.
Made sure to keep lightweight themes enabled in Private Browsing mode.
Adjusted page info/permissions manager to the back-end regarding plugins.
Fixed an issue with some media files not playing as a result of containing a user data box.
Adjusted DOM domain, DOM DataTransfer constructors and CSS grid to match the latest spec.
Fixed LaunchApplication dialog button ordering to be consistent on Windows.


Titel: The Classic Browser 3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2018, 19:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



* This version is a maintenance release which contains unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and bug fixes.

Special Note: All the mini menus that pop up when you R-click on something… whether it’s over highlighted text or something else, can now be MINIMIZED by just L-clicking on the menu’s name/label. NB: Remember this when editing something and the Macro Menu gets in your way!


Titel: Slimjet v19.0.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2018, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Fix bug: tab icon not visible when close button is hidden.
Fix bug: bookmark star button missing after typing in dedicated search box

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2018, 16:30

Key Changes
Added the notification of login exception
Added the adjustment of FontSize in browser
Added the adjustment of warm and cool colors in night mode
Added the setting of repair launcher icons or not
Added the specific number of all options after right-click on Favorites
Fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
Fixed the bug that it displayed error when users used photo viewer to open screenshot taken by browser
Fixed the bug that icon couldn't refresh when users opened website in new label page
Fixed the bug that there's code in headline when users used Maxthon Note to export documents
Fixed the bug that it would display white box when users maximized the browser in night mode
Fixed the bug that mouse gestures including up-right and down-right didn't work when mouse focused on input box
Fixed the bug that users may open context menu again after opening the context menu of folder in Maxthon Note
Fixed the bug that the new note couldn't be saved if the name of the new folder was led by letter O in Maxthon Note


Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2018, 16:45

Added a pref control (image.layerize.always) to allow users to trade off image quality for performance.
Default disabled as it can cause aliased results in downscaled images with position:fixed or position:absolute.
Made sure to keep lightweight themes enabled in Private Browsing mode.
Adjusted page info/permissions manager to the back-end regarding plugins.
Fixed an issue with some media files not playing as a result of containing a user data box.
Adjusted DOM domain, DOM DataTransfer constructors and CSS grid to match the latest spec.
Fixed LaunchApplication dialog button ordering to be consistent on Windows.
Fixed the permissions manager layout.
Enabled asynchronous drawing of plugins.
Misc bouts of code cleanup.
Catered about box content to unofficial branding.
Fixed a crash with WebGL2 instancing.
Launching a new browser from about:profiles now launches a separate instance.
Fixed an issue on High Contrast accessibility themes.
Updated zlib.
Enabled direct3d9 accelerated layers as a fallback for DirectX 11 (if it fails).
Tuned the networking stack.
Disabled the battery API by default.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2018, 18:15

Optimized efficiency of opening favorites menu
Optimized the reminder and installation procedure of Flash plugin in the Browser
Added pre-rendering of search result page and accelerated the opening of pages
Fixed the bug of incompatible with Sophos
Fixed the bug that the Offline option in developer tools didn’t work
Fixed the bug that it would display Unsafe when users visited YouTube
Fixed the bug that night mode was not off timely after closing or canceling it
Fixed the bug that the warm and cool colors in night mode would display abnormally after adjusting brightness and changing color
Fixed the bug that the original locked label lost when users opened the Browser through other links
Fixed the bug that the search didn’t synchronize with the new label page after users changed search engine in search box
Fixed the bug that right-click to foldout cause crash in split screen
Fixed the bug that fail to load email and attachment in the internal network OA
Fixed the bug that customized print settings cannot be saved after restarting browser
Hidden the button of hot word settings under search box in the International version


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2018, 19:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add Feeds, a new feature for getting the latest content from your favorite website.

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2018, 21:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



New features :

The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 68.0.3440.84
The strict site isolation option is now enabled by default in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine.
Now it's possible to select the tabs by moving the mouse wheel when the pointer is over the tabs.
Added a configuration option to select the languages used by the spell checker in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine.
Removed the configuration option to use an online service for the spell checker.
The Indy components have been updated to the latest version.
Opening and editing emails and Usenet articles have been improved.
Added a warning about large files when they are attached to emails or Usenet articles.

Bug fixes :

The message to import web bookmarks is no longer shown multiple times.
The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll bookmarks.
Users in Windows 10 can now use the mouse wheel to scroll the web browsing history panel.
Fixed the video playback flickering with the media player.
Now the attached JPG images in emails or Usenet articles have no white dots.
Fixed a rare bug in the application startup due to an incorrect CEF initialization.
Fixed the bug where the message editor was shown when the user right-clicked over an email or Usenet article.
Fixed a bug in the message editor that introduced line breaks incorrectly.
The image or contact photo in the message editor has the right size at all times.
The email editor now saves the destination address when you click on the save or send buttons while editing said address.
The email and Usenet article editor have been modified to add soft line breaks automatically when you reach the editor border.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 12:18

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 68.0.3440.84)

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 12:30
Whats new:>>

Improve datastore.

Titel: Sleipnir v4.5.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 16:30
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 68.0.3440.84)

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2018, 09:04

- Fixed the bug that some websites login certificates
- Fixed the bug of abnormally import Maxnote and right-click
- Fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
- Fixed the bug that in some cases Adblock still work even if you have disabled it
- Fixed the bug that education.fr didn’t display secure icon
- Fixed the issue of download file from oa system is incomplete
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when opened local html file under special cases
- Fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
- Fixed the bug that the Offline option in developer tools didn’t work
- Fixed the bug that right-click to foldout cause crash in split screen
- Fixed the bug that page didn't work when user opened RSS subscription of QQ news
- Fixed the bug that particular page couldn't display when user opened mx://error
- Fixed the bug that Low Version displayed when user opened google web page in the new tab page
- Fixed an issue that it displayed abnormally when user clicked on link to download Quick app under XP and win7 system
- Fixed the bug that browser screenshot couldn't be pasted to OE Classic client
- Fixed the bug that it would display white box when users maximized the browser in night mode
- Fixed the bug that customized print settings cannot be saved after restarting browser
- Fixed the bug that mouse gestures including up-right and down-right didn't work when mouse focused on input box


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2018, 12:21

Updated the UI of Resource Sniffer
Can turn on/off the pre-rendering function
Fixed the bug that it failed to load control and attachment in the intranet
Fixed the bug that several websites failed to enable read mode
Fixed the bug that desktop shortcut would go wrong in some specific cases
Fixed the bug that split screen failed to load caused by the flash installation note
Fixed the bug that the site of flash note displayed abnormally when opening favorites in bulk


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2018, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Improve error handling.
Add “Add to Feeds” in the context menu.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2018, 17:15

Fixed crashes
Fixed the bug that several websites failed to enable read mode
Fixed the bug that fail to load email and attachment in the internal network OA
Fixed the bug of Magic Fill can’t fill password on Baidu Bai Jiahao under some cases


Titel: Puffin
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2018, 17:45
Mit dem "Puffin Web Browser" erhaltet ihr einen schnellen Internetbrowser für Android, iOS und Windows. Das Besondere des Browsers ist die integrierte Cloud-Funktion. Hierbei werden die Webseiten auf den Cloud-Servern berechnet und dann an den Nutzer gesendet.

Der Puffin Web Browser nutzt eine hauseigene Cloud und berechnet die Inhalte einer Website schon auf den eigenen Cloud-Servern und sendet die fertige Website dann an den Nutzer. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr Inhalte darstellen, die normalerweise vom Betriebssystem nicht oder nicht mehr unterstützt werden.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2018, 18:15
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved an issue with Firefox settings parsing.
Fixed a few minor bugs

Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2018, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!

Release Notes

We are excited to bring you Pale Moon 28.0. This is a new major milestone in Pale Moon's release history.

We are now building on the Unified XUL Platform which has been forked off from Mozilla's mozilla-central at a point before Rust and Quantum to continue focus on the XUL interface language and traditional browser extensions. Many thousands of things have changed since the v27 (AKA "Tycho") versions, which can't possibly all be listed here. Instead, the most pertinent improvements in this new release are highlighted here:

    SpiderMonkey update: The JavaScript engine has received a major upgrade and now supports all landmark features from the ECMAScript standards as carried by mainstream browsers. This should put an end to the increasing JavaScript issues we've seen due to web frameworks not being browser-agnostic in that respect, or the browser not supporting what websites expect.
    Goanna update: The layout and rendering engine (Goanna) has been updated to its 4th generation (version 4.*) which brings with it improved compatibility with "trendy" CSS styling techniques that build on a few very specific features (e.g. CSS Grid). Goanna continues to build on tried-and-tested software fallbacks in case hardware acceleration can't be used, and Linux remote desktop users can continue to leverage xrender for speedy remote screen updates in Pale Moon.
    DOM enhancements: Enhancements in the Document Object Model provides websites with updated APIs to perform their tasks. (e.g. Fetch, WebAnimations, WebCrypto, HTML Input Element Extensions, etc.)
    Media enhancements: Our media back-end update is, for all intents and purposes, complete. MSE media streaming (for MP4) should be compatible with all major players on the market now. MSE for WebM is still disabled by default due to some compatibility issues that need to be examined, but you may enable this in preferences to e.g. allow 4k video playback on some sites that only offer UHD in WebM format. We now also support playback of FLAC-encoded audio.
    New: WebGL2 support! Pale Moon now supports the WebGL2 standard for enhanced graphical experiences in 2D and 3D.
    Devtools have been given a refresh. Just in case you thought they weren't extensive enough yet, some new categories have been added to inspect and manipulate all aspects of web content.
    Updates to the login manager: Login credentials can now be stored specifically with or without a user name, and selected individually. This is a behavior change from previous, and clicking a password field can now pop-up a selection list of user names for which passwords are stored (if multiple credentials are saved). Clicking the appropriate login name (or date-stamped version if no name is present) will fill in the accompanying password.

What might be more important for people worrying about upgrading to this milestone is what hasn't changed.

    We continue to support NPAPI plugins.
    We continue to support complete themes as well as lightweight themes.
    We continue to offer a fully customizable interface like before. Australis (like seen in Basilisk) is not used.
    We continue to support XUL overlay, bootstrapped and (deprecated) Jetpack extensions (collectively called "legacy extensions" by Mozilla).
    We do not include any DRM in the browser (people needing this can use e.g. the Silverlight plugin to play protected content), even though the platform we build on supports it.

Our primary goal has been to lift Pale Moon up to the new platform and as such most changes are "under the hood" and won't be seen in casual use (aside from more things "just working"). We aim to keep your user experience consistent and logical; but some things will have changed, of course. Browser extensions may need updating or may need a different version, for example.

Of course with such a big change of platform, there are some things that have regressed (worked before but no longer work), and we will work on fixing these regressions over time (hopefully with your help).

Reality check: Even though we have extensively tested the browser in daily use for a few months (also thanks to the brave souls on our unstable channel) we don't expect that the browser will be flawless or bug-free. If you find bugs, regressions or issues with the new release, please discuss them on the forum. Let's work together as a community of users to make this the best browser yet!


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2018, 20:00

+ Update several languages
+ Preload the searching keywords, improve startup speed
– Occasional crash when merge several windows
– Download manager is empty after the browser upgrade
– Cannot properly import favorites data from Maxthon 4
– Cannot go to URL properly from sidebar Notes
– Cannot pop download window after canceling download repeatedly in retro mode on QQ official website


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2018, 13:00
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Add new keyboard shortcuts.
Improve security.
Optimize rendering performance.

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2018, 12:00
Release Notes

This is a Windows-only update to address some stability/performance issues that have popped up with the new milestone release on especially 32-bit systems.
The cause seems to be a compiler bug in Visual Studio 2015 with certain optimizations. Although 64-bit does not seem to be directly affected, we are still applying more cautious optimizations there too from this point forward until we can figure out exactly what the cause is and which (more aggressive) optimizations are safe to use.


Titel: Sleipnir 6.2.14 / 4.5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2018, 10:15

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 68.0.3440.106)
Fixed an issue where mouse assignment to 4/5 button click did not work

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 68

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2018, 09:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with ad blocker filter list editing

Titel: Pale Moon 28.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2018, 11:00
Release Notes

This is a bugfix point release to address serious performance bottlenecks and general run-time issues (UI slowness, crashes, hangs) with the browser. Once again this impacted 32-bit operating systems more severely than 64-bit ones due to its more limited address space that would get flooded with bogus data.


    Backed out a Mozilla upstream patch causing issues with IPC and texture allocation for the compositor.
    Backed out a Mozilla upstream patch causing issues with Javascript memory buffer allocation.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer v1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2018, 11:30
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new 'Simple Cache for HTTP' cache format of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2018, 18:10
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

Added support of latest Skype versions
IMPROVEDSQLite engine updated to 3.24.0

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2018, 18:50
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new 'Simple Cache for HTTP' cache format of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.9.3.169
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2018, 05:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2018, 17:30

Optimized pre-rendering
Optimized the loading of Flash
Fixed the compatibility of webpage meet.google
Fixed the blurred font in quick app
Several websites cannot log into automatically
Download manager is empty after overwriting installation
Several devices load slowly when using hardware boost mode


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2018, 04:40
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved an issue with the way the program window was displayed when scaled up to 150%.
Resolved some localization issues.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2018, 16:45

    Added Maxthon translation v2.0
    Available *.mx5skin skin file
    Updated several languages
    Optimized the experience of UI
    Cannot load Facebook game properly
    Cannot download Excel file under OA system
    Cannot upload attachment to NetEase email 6.0
    Cannot display the last modified time of picture
    Some websites cannot use shortcuts in retro mode
    Cannot close the page properly after installing Flash


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2018, 10:15

    Optimized the functional experience of translation extension
    Fixes the issue of compatibility with AdvOR
    Fixes the issue that the plugin download error
    Fixes the issue that the new tab page cannot back to the previous page
    Fixes the account issue under the proxy and several websites
    Fixes the shortcuts abnormal issue under specific situations
    Fixes the issue that favorites bar displays abnormally after switching to icon mode
    Fixes the issue that it cannot remain the state of disabling search box hot words after restarting the browser
    Fixes the issue that it downloads messy code of file name from OA system
    Fixes the issue that it freezes when switching the system theme
    Fixes the issue that the Facebook freezes when switching to several languages


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2018, 12:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with side bookmark panel.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Fix crash with flash when webrtc is disabled.

Titel: FBCacheView 1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2018, 17:30
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Added support for the new 'Simple Cache for HTTP' cache format of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2018, 18:50

    Optimized the displayed style of translation dialog box
    Fixed the issue that crash in the rare case
    Fixed the issue that the text could not be selected in translation dialog box
    Fixed the issue that the international version displayed Chinese words “image failed to load”


Titel: Avant Browser 2018 Build 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2018, 12:13
Whats new:>>

[Update]Chrome: 69.0.3497.81

Titel: Pale Moon 28.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2018, 16:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Updated NSS to 3.38, removed TLS 1.3 draft version check since it's considered final.
    Reinstated RC4 as an optional encryption cypher for non-standard environments (e.g. old routing/peripheral networked hardware on LAN). RC4 and 3DES are marked weak and disabled, and will never be used in the first handshake with a site, only as last-ditch fallback when specifically enabled (meaning they won't show up on ssllabs' test, for example).
    Removed Telemetry accumulation calls, automatic timers and stopwatches. This removes a very noticeable performance sink for all operations on all platforms.
    Fixed many occurrences of discouraged types of memory access for primarily GCC 8 compatibility. This improves overall code security as a defense-in-depth measure.
    Re-implemented the pref-controlled custom background color for standalone images.
    Updated session history handling for internal pages. about:logopage is no longer stored in history, and you can choose to store the QuickDial page in history by setting the pref browser.newtabpage.add_to_session_history to true. This is disabled by default (meaning you can't use the "Back" button to go back to the QuickDial page) as a defense-in-depth security measure.
    Added ui.menu.allow_content_scroll to control whether content can be scrolled if a context menu is open.
    Fixed incorrect code removal in ipc.
    Removed support for TLS session caches in TLSServerSocket.
    Added support for local-ref as SVG xlink:href values.
    Changed the find bar to be a browser-global toolbar again (like in Pale Moon 27) instead of per-tab. For people who prefer search terms to be saved on a per-tab basis (like with the per-tab findbar previously), this is possible by setting findbar.termPerTab to true. This resolves a number of issues, including styling with lightweight themes not applying to the find bar, and status pop-ups overlapping the find bar.
    Ported all relevant security fixes from Mozilla's Gecko/62 release, including CVE-2018-12377 and CVE-2018-12379.
    Restored part of the searchplugin API that was removed by Mozilla, so extensions can provide and save edits to installed search engines.
    Improved the speed of restoring browsing sessions upon startup.
    Fixed the "Restore previous session" button sometimes being missing from about:home, while a restorable session would be present.
    Fixed tab previews in the Windows taskbar (if enabled).
    Fixed the setting of the new tab page being "My Home Page" so it'll pick up subsequent changes to the home page URL automatically.
    Removed the Firefox Accounts migrator from Sync.
    Fixed an issue with the enabled state of number controls if appearances changed.
    Stopped building ffvpx on 32-bit platforms (except windows) to use the (faster) system-installed lib instead.
    Re-added a horizontal scroll action option for mouse wheel. (regression)
    Fixed handling of content language if the locale is changed.
    Fixed document navigation with the F6 key.
    Fixed toolbar styling in toolkit themes.
    Fixed viewing the source of a selection.


Titel: Dooble
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2018, 10:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    New zoom shortcuts per request.
    QWebEngineView's layout is not necessarily a QStackedLayout. Corrected dooble_web_engine_page::certificateError().
    Qt 5.11.2.
    Replaced fixed iterations in AES.
    Software-based OpenGL for W32. Thank you Smooey.


Titel: VideoCacheView 3.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2018, 12:20
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added support for the new 'Simple Cache for HTTP' cache format of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2018, 13:28

- Optimized the zoom experience of the browser window
- Optimized the mouseover experience of the toolbar
- Optimized the display of blocked ads number on Adblock Plus
- Fixed the bug that Magic Fill failed to work on several websites
- Fixed the bug that the file hasn’t suffix when downloading file via Resource Sniffer
- Fixed the bug that the text overlap when the text goes beyond the translation box


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.9.29.178
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2018, 19:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2018, 09:11
Whats new:>>

Bug Fixed:

Some websites run the Magic Fill improperly
The Violentmonkey cannot display the amount of updated script
The close button UI error under the specific situation
The browser window displays abnormally when setting the system DPI as some specific numeric
The webpage zoomed in when using “Snap Region”

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2018, 12:20
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve scroll restoration.
Upgrade Chromium to version 66.

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2018, 19:00
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 69.0.3497.100
The media player has new audio visualizers and the existing ones have been greatly improved.
Added support for XSPF and WPL playlists in the media player.
Now the media player allows you to open streams and playlists from the "Open URI" button.
The installer now checks the Windows version.
Added a new "Autoplay policy" option in web browser tabs that use the Blink engine.
The private data deletion tasks have been optimized to start BriskBard faster.
The OpenSSL, Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

    Some of the black zones that appeared when you opened new Blink web browser tabs with hardware acceleration have been removed.
    Fixed the delay opening downloaded files with the web browser tabs.
    The developer tool can be resized again.
    Fixed some performance and lockup issues in the media player.
    The downloaded files with the web browser have unique names.
    Now the "Default programs" button sets the right file types for each tab type in Windows 7.


Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2018, 11:20
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

ImprovedSQLite engine updated to 3.25.2
ImprovedNow compiled with Visual Studio 2017

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2018, 13:34
Whats new:>>

Bug Fixed:

The international version displayed the Chinese language Flash prompt.
The older version couldn’t display the super large image.
Several websites couldn’t fill form automatically.
The video download link was not be updated when video carousel.

Titel: StorURL v3.0.24.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2018, 13:44
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

fixed some bugs in the progress bar when bulk auto-filling site information
fixed a crash when you try to edit a bookmark after closing the floating tree window

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Added quick filter function to floating tree window
Added "default database" configuration option, set in the Tools menu
Added override option for system default browser when double-clicking URLs
Main UI tries to stay in sync with the floating tree window when navigating it
Fixed wrong icon in floating tree window
Fixed floating tree window not remembering its status when closing and re-opening without restarting the whole application

Titel: Facebook Blocker 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2018, 18:00
Facebook Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock Facebook on your Windows system. Now a days almost everyone is hooked to Facebook all the times. It has become difficult to ensure employee productivity in companies and equally impossible for parents to control their childrens.

This tool will come very handy for such parents who can block their childrens from Facebook, especially during exam times. In universities or colleges, administrator can block students from accessing Facebook from their lab systems. Also small offices can use this tool to easily block access to Facebook during working hours without investing in costly solutions.

It does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block or unblock Facebook instantly. It has cool GUI interface and very simple to use for everyone. It is fully portable tool and includes Installer for those who wants to install it locally. It is successfully tested on all platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


Whats new:>>

Major enhancements to Facebook blocking features.

Titel: Simple Website Blocker 5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2018, 04:30
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Enhanced website blocking functionality with few changes.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2018, 16:17

Added Quick Access sync button
Added “save page as” button in the main menu
Updated language of the international version
Improved the flash downloading issue
Improved the response logic of hot extensions
Fixed the issue that it couldn’t access Evernote
Fixed crashes
Fixed the issue that magic fill couldn’t run properly on several websites
Fixed the issue that it couldn’t print the website URL when printing the webpage
Fixed the Russian UI issue


Titel: Slimjet 20.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2018, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fix web page hanging when transcoding youtube video after download.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2018, 21:10
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved some localization issues.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2018, 17:45

Added the recommending function of hot extensions
Added the browser checking and fixing function
IE downloader is available in download manager
Fixed the crash issue when launching the browser
Fixed the auto-fill abnormality issue on some websites
Fixed the issue that the favorites menu icon displayed improperly after dragging it
Fixed the issue that the shortcut could not display properly on the taskbar
Fixed the issue that the WPS2019 official website could not display the translation bar properly


Titel: WebVideoCap 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2018, 18:20
While watching a video in a Web site, you may sometimes want to save the video into your local drive, and then play it offline later. This utility allows you to capture .flv (Flash Video) files and RTSP/MMS video streams while the Web browser download and play them inside a Web page. After the entire video file is downloaded and played by the Web browser, the video file is saved in the folder that you selected, and you can play it offline later with any Video player.


Whats new:>>

Fixed WebVideoCap to capture the .mp4 files of dailymotion.com and probably other Web sites.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.10.26.188
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2018, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 13:23
Whats new:>>

Fix for setting font size to 10pt via the GUI on non-english systems

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2018, 09:05
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Fix for TLS 1.2 update so that Check for Updates and Import from StorURL Online work

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2018, 12:27

Updated the copywriting of favorites bar settings in English version
Updated the copywriting of uninstalling/installing page in Russian version
Fixed the crash when searching “????????” in Google homepage
Fixed the Magic Fill errors on some websites
Fixed the issue that the favorites bar icon displayed abnormally after dragging it
Fixed the issue that the shortcut couldn‘t be displayed on the taskbar
Fixed the messy code issue when launching the browser after installing Sophos
Fixed the issue that the Download Manager hid automatically when downloading files
Fixed the issue that the translation bar displayed on the download page of WPS2019 official website


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2018, 06:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 70.0.3538.77)
Added Media Foundation for some video playback

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2018, 09:05
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 70.0.3538.77)
Added Media Foundation for some video playback

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2018, 16:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed crash issue under retro mode in some situations
Fixed the issue of failing to hide the sidebar
Fixed the script execution issue when entering #+js script on the address bar
Fixed the UI issue of international version
Fixed the issue that original size button failed to restore the page size at once time

Titel: Pale Moon 28.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2018, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development and bugfix release.


    Fixed a major performance issue with web workers.
    Fixed a rare crash on local networks with HTTP basic auth and unsupported cipher suites.
    Fixed a performance/timer issue when leaving the browser idle.
    Fixed an issue causing an empty dialog when launching executable files from the browser.
    Fixed an issue preventing making entries to disallow sites to store data for off-line use.
    Removed code to prevent extensions with binary components.
    Fixed an issue with common dialogs being sized incorrectly for their content.
    Fixed an issue with event handling on the tab bar that would cause frustrating behavior when trying to open/close tabs in rapid succession.
    Switched default behavior for scrolling when a context or pop-up menu is open to allow scrolling, like in v27. This also affects scrolling in very long menus, e.g. bookmarks.
    Added experimental Asynchronous Panning and Zooming (APZ) for desktop use.
    Re-enabled the use and parsing of ICC v4 color profiles.
    Removed telemetry code from the caching subsystem.
    Improved full-screen detection for suppressing status messages.
    Made all arguments passed to Init*Event() optional except the first for parity with other browsers.
    Cleaned up some internal installer code.
    Fixed making caret width configurable when dealing with CJK characters (regression).
    Fixed drawing of table borders consistently when zooming a page (regression).
    Exposed the "Save download location per site" pref in about:config.
    Improved media handling (ongoing).
    Added experimental support for AV1 in WebM videos (disabled by default).
    Note: this is for WebM only for now, so MP4 and MSE AV1 streams (e.g. YouTube) will not (yet) play.
    Removed the (defunct and incomplete) in-browser translation code.
    Fixed an issue with CSS Grid layouts unnecessarily shrinking element blocks.
    Fixed notification settings menu entry (opes about:permissions with relevant data now).
    Fixed the launching of an undesirable background content process for capturing page thumbnails.
    Fixed a focus issue in the bookmark properties dialog.
    Changed the setting for reporting CSS errors to the console to false by default, to prevent unnecessary performance loss for recording this data.
    Added control mechanisms for Opportunistic Encryption (both for alternative services and upgrade-insecure-requests) in preferences, and disabled this by default due to potential security and privacy issues with this transitional technology.
    Updated the default reported Firefox version in Firefox Compatibility Mode to prevent "too old Firefox" complaints on websites.
    Updated libnestegg, ffvpx, reader view components and several other modules from upstream.
    Implemented security fixes for CVE-2018-12381, CVE-2017-7797, a better fix for CVE-2018-12386 (DiD), CVE-2018-12401 (DiD), CVE-2018-12398, CVE-2018-12392, several Skia bugs, and several crashes and memory safety hazards that do not have a CVE number.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2018, 21:45
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved some localization issues.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2018, 09:07
Whats new:>>

Fixed the occasional crash of launching browser.
Fixed the issue of failing to hide the sidebar.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2018, 13:22
Whats new: >>

Adjusted the behavior of video playback by Media Foundation

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2018, 16:40
Whats new: >>

Adjusted the behavior of video playback by Media Foundation

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2018, 12:20

+ Updated the language files of international version

- Tab disappeared after opening split screen

- The Russian URL wrongly displayed on the address bar

- The address bar searched the URL “van.ke” as a word

- The download manager exited automatically when downloading files

- The browser couldn’t open the URL or file directly after closing abnormally

- The browser closed accidentally after dragging URL on the Twitter page

- The Spell Check couldn’t work instantly after switching languages

- Couldn’t open the webpage by right-clicking on URL after searching by Google in retro mode

- The extensions couldn’t move with the window after switching to night mode and restoring the window


Titel: Pale Moon 28.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2018, 13:32
Whats new:>>

This is a bugfix release to address critical usability issues with the bookmarks/history window.

Titel: Slimjet 21.0.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2018, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 70.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.11.19.196
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2018, 13:22
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BriskBard 1.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2018, 04:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



New features:

The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 70.0.3538.102
Now BriskBard can save usernames and passwords from web pages that require authentication.
A new "Host configuration" manager has been added to the security section in the web browser settings.
Added several new options to clear the cache, cookies, navigation history and login information inside the "Clear private data" menu option.
The procedure to detect RSS feeds and favicon links has been improved.
The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

The delay opening MS Excel when BriskBard was running has been fixed.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2018, 06:05

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Fixed an issue in which characters adjusted for motion as a result of updating Blink (Chrome / 70.0.3538.102) engine were not printed

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2018, 19:45
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 70.0.3538.102)
Adjusted the operation according to the engine update

Titel: Maxthon RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2018, 09:08


Added “Third-party cookie policy” in settings
Restored the “New”, the “Pause” and the “Delete” buttons in download manager

Bug Fixes:

Fixed the UI issues in the international version
The download manager couldn’t save the last download path when the download path had been saved more than three
The translation extension couldn’t recognize the Hebrew language and the Greek language
The file name couldn’t be displayed properly when you downloaded or clicked “save as” in Gmail
The top of the browser couldn’t display properly in Windows 7 and 8 systems
The “close” button couldn’t display properly when you clicked the “restore” button after the first installation in the rare cases


Titel: Slimjet 21.0.2 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Fix position of theme-switching button on Linux.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2018, 13:22
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved some application window scaling issues.
Introduced additional control over program behavior upon closing.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: Slimjet 21.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2018, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Fix toolbar buttons layout issue
Fix bug about option of blocking cross domain referrers.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2018, 09:09
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Unfixed the TLS 1.3 bug until I can find the correct version of .NET framework to install

Titel: Slimjet 21.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2018, 12:22
Whats new:>>

Adjust toolbar buttons spacing.

Titel: Vole Internet Expedition Free Edition 3.84.8121
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2018, 18:20
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Support PageShare Cloud lets you upload and share files and websites at Sanwhole PageShare Cloud up to 150 MB for free;
Use the asynchronous loader framework to speed up startup; BETA;

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2018, 14:00
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve toolbar with a new design.
Optimize rendering performance.

Titel: The Classic Browser 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2018, 12:18
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



 * Automatically kills Youtube video banner ads. (Use the special macro for embedded ones)

 * Further improved Cookie banner removals. (Always check Lists.txt)

 * New Macro Menu option to reload a page with no enforcement of the EU’s Internet Privacy Law. If you visit a page which suddenly vanishes due to incompatibility with GDPR then use this to reload it with GDPR temporarily disabled.

 * Improved the display of Response Headers.

 * Many other unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and/or bug fixes.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2018.12.4.202
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2018, 16:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet v21.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2018, 05:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with ad blocker filter selection.

Titel: Maxthon Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2018, 12:11


Improved the UI of download manager
Improved the fill function of Gmail (Save the form manually)

Bug Fixes:

Failed to load the print page in ultra-mode
Failed to display the value of datalist of developer tools
Failed to log in to 163 email after disabling the cookies
The proxy settings couldn’t save the total characters


Titel: Pale Moon 28.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2018, 19:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Changed the about:feeds icon for external applications to a generic icon, since that kind of access to executables is no longer allowed for security reasons.
    Fixed issues with copying/pasting bookmarks in the Library View.
    Fixed a crash occurring when using HTTP pipelining over some (broken) proxies.
    Fixed several issues with animated WebP display (animations stopping, corrupted frames on lossy images, etc.)
    Fixed an issue with the display of truncated GIF images.
    Fixed an issue with deleting recent history not working properly.
    Fixed incorrect duplicate compatibility mode preferences in about:config.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition Free Edition 3.85.8122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2018, 18:15
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Fix favicon missing
Improve auto login

Titel: Slimjet 21.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2018, 06:06
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with crash at some router admin page.

Titel: Slimjet 21.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2018, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fix web page layout issue in popup window.

Titel: AddrView v1.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2018, 17:15
AddrView allows you to parse HTML pages and extract most URL addresses stored in them. AddrView extracts URLs of images (<img> tag), links to other files (<a> tag), CSS files, frames, Flash files, and more.
You can save the extracted addresses list to text, HTML or XML files, or add these addresses to your Favorities.


Whats new:>>

Added new option to save and copy to clipbard a plain text that only contains the URLs list.

Titel: Polar 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2018, 04:50
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: BriskBard 1.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2018, 09:11
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 71.0.3578.80
Added many more FTP connection settings and the new FTP connection window has been reorganized.
The favicon downloads have been improved even further by using the download functions in Blink.
Now the text searches in each web browser tab show the previous searches.
Delphi 10.3 Rio is now the IDE used to create BriskBard.
The OpenSSL, Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

    Fixed the application freeze that occurred when the tab layout was changed with high DPI monitors.
    Now the bookmark manager buttons works correctly when the manager is shown for the first time.
    The default FTP settings have been modified to accelerate the FTP connections when using a non-FTP-aware firewall/router.


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2018, 19:15
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved a few localization issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 09:13

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Adjusted the behavior of video playback by Media Foundation which updated Blink (Chrome / 71.0.3578.98)

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 13:45
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 71.0.3578.98)
Adjusted the operation according to the engine update

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 16:45

Added the function of saving webpage as PDF
Improved the UI of the toolbar
Fixed the issue that the download path could not be deleted
Fixed the issue that the large attachment could not be downloaded from NetEase email
Fixed the issue that the amount of tab list could not be updated properly after duplicating and deleting the tab
Fixed issue that the icon of snap tool could not be zoomed in with the 4K screen
Fixed the issue that the browser has parameter error when downloading files from Baidu Netdisk at the first time


Titel: Polarity 9.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2018, 16:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Updated code base, refactored tabs and main browser components.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2018, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Update spanish language file
Fix bug about upload clipboard image in context menu (You can quickly upload clipboard image by right clicking on "Choose File" button).

Titel: Polar 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2019, 19:15
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2019, 00:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2019, 09:13
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Fix Tab key handler.
Fix address input suggestion item click handler.
Optimize rendering performance.

Titel: Tungsten 2.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2019, 21:00
Tungsten is a simple to use application that allows you to navigate the Web, visit your favorite websites and open several pages is separate tabs. With a clear-cut interface, this Internet browser offers you a pleasant experience accessing websites, saving bookmarks or recording webpage history.




update the Blink engine to 71.0.3578.98
update SQLite to 3.26.0
wallpaper and gesture trail drawing method changes from GDI+ to Direct2D.

Bug Fixed

crash when dragging a tab which has a very long title name.
garbage occurs at the end of names and URLs due to changes in favorites and quick start.
Chrome bookmark is not shown in some environment.
memory leaks when showing Firefox bookmark.
remain invalid suggestions even if suggestion is changes to disable.
some minor bug fixes


Titel: Pale Moon 28.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2019, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development and bugfix release.


    Added AV1 support for MP4/MSE videos. Please note that this is a reference library implementation and the upstream decoding lib currently has poor performance for higher resolutions (720p+). This is disabled by default; use the about:config preference media.av1.enabled to enable this codec.
    Changed the API used for video playback with FFmpeg 58+. This should solve performance issues with VPx.
    Redesigned the main toolbar icons as SVG images to make them HiDPI compliant.
    Fixed the sync notification (infobar) icon.
    Fixed a potential cycle collector resource leak.
    Added icons and controls to tabs to indicate if sound is playing the tab and if so, allowing the user to mute it with a click.
    This is a native implementation of the API in use in Basilisk and performs the same function as the "expose noisy tabs" extension, although the extension may still be preferred by some for e.g. skinning capabilities. The feature may be disabled with browser.tabs.showAudioPlayingIcon.
    Removed support for VR hardware.
    Fixed out-of-bounds sizes for CSS calculation strings.
    Removed the DirectShow component since it is no longer necessary.
    Removed Firefox Accounts integration, phase 1:
        Changed the Sync client to the one from Tycho.
        Made Sync optional at build time.
    Stopped trying to cater to addons.mozilla.org since they no longer offer anything useful to Pale Moon after the Great XUL Extension Purge™.
    Added an option to process favicons for optimal sized display and removing animations. Enable this with browser.chrome.favicons.process
    Fixed an incorrect preference reference in feed reader.
    Fixed an issue with lazy frame construction on display:contents elements. This should solve e.g. the use of mathjax in comments on stackoverflow.
    Media code improvements and cleanup (ongoing).
    Updated the DropBox useragent override to solve login issues.
    Fixed potential crashes due to shutdown observers in VTT and font lists. DiD
    Enabled some mistakingly-disabled optimizations in the JS JIT compiler.
    Fixed several potential crashes in JS. DiD
    Fixed several potential crashes in WebCrypto. DiD
    Fixed a potential crash in JS Range Analysis. DiD
    Fixed a potential crash in the layout engine due to combo boxes. DiD
    Fixed a potential shutdown crash in non-standard environments related to 2D Canvas. DiD
    Fixed a potential overflow in the PNG writer. DiD
    Fixed a potential double-free in the MAR signing utility. DiD
    Fixed an issue where URLs could be extracted cross-origin (CVE-2018-18494).
    Updated NSPR to v4.20.
    Updated NSS to 3.41, providing (among other things) full compatibility with the final version of TLS 1.3 on websites.
    Updated location.protocol to the latest spec.
    Updated Intersection Observers to the latest spec and enabled them by default.
    Updated the SQLite lib to 3.26.0.
    Fixed errors about the login manager's recipeManager not being available (yet).
    Switched status bar download arrow to SVG.
    Fixed a crash in IntersectionObservers.
    Fixed initialization of the Search service from browser code to avoid synchronous init.
    Added logging of performance warnings to devtools consoles.
    Fixed favicons in taskbar tab preview listings.
    Blocked Comodo IS dll < version 6.3 to prevent startup crashes.
    Fixed issues in the HTML form submit observer module.
    Limited resolving depth of CSS variables to a sane maximum (fixes cras.sh issue).
    Removed Mozilla's proprietary constructor on WebAudio's AudioContext, aligning it with the standard specification.
    Exposed the previously hidden preference in about:config for page thumbnail generation (some people prefer this for local privacy).
    Aligned Element.ScrollIntoView with the DOM specification. This improves, among other things, compatibility with the React framework.

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code, e.g. when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem, or when new attack vectors are discovered.


Titel: Dooble 2019.01.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2019, 11:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Additional confirmation prompts.
Allow adding of URLs in Certificate Exceptions.
Application locking via tab context menu. Thank you mva1985.
Corrected closing of pages via JavaScript (dooble::slot_window_close_requested()).
Destroying private windows created from existing pages caused abnormal termination. Corrected.
Detect stalled downloads.
Hiding of individual location frames.
Introduced DOOBLE_FREEBSD_WEBENGINE_MISMATCH. The WebEngine port's version on FreeBSD 11.x does not match Qt 5.11.x's version.
JavaScript window.print().
New Info.plist file for Mac. Thank you ViktorMacUpdate.
Optional closing of single tab. Please see Settings::Display.
Page navigation through tab context menu.
Prepare History icons upon populating table.
Pretty tool tips.
Qt 5.12.0.
Removed incorrect logic in dooble_accepted_or_blocked_domains::slot_delete_selected_exceptions() with respect to hidden table items.
Removed silly versions.
Tab tool tips were lost upon moving tabs to new windows. Corrected.


Titel: Polarity 9.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2019, 13:08
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue where tab was not loading initially, fixed poor scaling
for larger screens in Settings tab

Titel: The Classic Browser 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2019, 13:15
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



This new version implements some user requests which we felt everyone would benefit from including...

1. Save image to disk:

 Normally you can just drag & drop images to the desktop or to a minimized app on the taskbar, but someone suggested that it would be good to also right-click-save an image to a user specified folder. You can now do this when you isolate an image in a tab to zoom it, by right-clicking.

2. Save webpage to disk:

 Although we can already extract any web page’s script, someone suggested that it would be good to just automate a direct save to the hard disk so we have added the function... Main Menu > Page Operations > Save Page ...to do just that!

3. The browser’s address field will now also accept the manual entry of valid domain names or IP addresses, and will automatically insert the “http://” + domain + "/" for you, to save you some typing.

 Examples of good and bad domain name entries follow...

 youtube  <-- Bad
 youtube.com  <-- Bad
 www.youtube  <-- Bad
 www.youtube.com  <-- Good

4. An update of the Chromium engine's flags and countless little improvements here and there.

5. New browser-embedded Youtube icon on the top-left of the screen will now enable you to play a video in a new tab with no ads as well as play restricted videos.

6."Extract Elements" is a new website scraper added to extract the major unique element components of a website.

7. The Windows Snipping tool is now always accessible from the Script Macro Menu and thus just a R-click away.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2019, 18:00

This is a minor bugfix and stability release.
If you are using a language pack, please make sure you have the matching version for this browser version installed. Some strings were added for Captive Portal detection (see below) and outdated language packs will cause blank preference pages.


    Improved toolbar icon display for all DPIs on Windows.
    Disabled the IntersectionObserver API by default while we work on resolving crashes caused by it.
    Added isIntersecting to the IntersectionObserver API per specification.
    Added an option to the preferences window to enable Captive Portal detection (Advanced -> General). If your network connection regularly encounters Captive Portals (e.g. using a laptop on the road or other WiFi connections that require login or agreement to terms) then enabling this detection may make your use of such networks more convenient.
    For those worried about privacy: the detection service makes use of our own infrastructure and does not contact third parties like Apple or Google.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2019, 13:37

Added the translation function with selected words
Added the function for checking websites in favorites
Improved the checking logic for the default browser prompt at launch
Fixed the bug that the untitled favorites entries could not be imported
Fixed the bug that the UA button not displaying properly
Fixed the bug that the file name displayed as messy code when downloading files and choosing "save as"
Fixed the bug that the status bar not displaying properly when minimizing the browser
Fixed the bug that some shortcut key not working properly in retro mode
Fixed the bug that the web page was frozen when clicking "save as PDF" in retro mode


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.10.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2019, 18:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve focus handling for the Web view.

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2019, 19:20
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Revised the mechanism of browser plugin removal.
Fixed minor bugs and made other improvements.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2019, 12:20

Fixed crash issue.
Improved the word-translation function.
Improved the function of updating site icon and the logic of progress bar.
Fixed the issue of getting title for downloaded YouTube video.


Titel: The Classic Browser 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2019, 12:27

Bug reported in v4.2:

An image of a strange error message was sent to us by a user and after some investigation we found the perpetrator!

This error is triggered after 999 Memory Watch updates occur, because we had recently added logic that would reset Memory Watch to zero whenever it reached 999 to recover memory from useless data, but we placed the condition at the start of the relevant function instead of at the end! :(

So this bug will trigger if you’re on the Internet for a few hours and the 1,000th Memory Watch update is about to be made.

Let’s just call this the "999 bug" which has already been corrected... but we just gotta get the fix out to you! In the meantime you can disable "Browser Error Reporting" if you don't want to be disturbed by it.

The Classic Browser v4.2 is now available for download

1. The flexibility of the browser's address field has been extended once again! You can now type URLs, domains, IPs, or search text. The latter will now load your preferred search engine in a new tab with the search text passed to it.

 The logic used to predict what the user is trying to do is very simple:

 example 1: "x://hello.there" <-- it has a "://" so it must be a URL so just load it.

 example 2: "hello.there"     <-- it has a period so it must be a domain so add a "http://" to it and load it.

 example 3: "hello there"     <-- it has no period and no "://" so it must be search text which we pass onto the selected search engine.

2. You'll now find a new little surprise under... Main Menu > Browser Functions > Windows Help (<--Some of you need this)

3. You can now toggle the “sandboxing” (attribute) of a Tab from the Macro Menu under "Handy Tools". This feature is useful as an example, for when a website prevents you from copying things from it. We accomplish this by reloading the page with no JavaScript permitted thus disabling their ability to prevent you.

4. Corrected a bug with bad page titles containing HTML tags. Shocking stupidity by some website authors!

5. Due to the Classic’s exceptional page-loading speeds, we have removed the “Page Loading Cut-Off” option and replaced it with the new “Web Storage Reporting” tool.

Subsequently, we improved and streamlined the reporting of (1) Script Errors (2) PostMessages (3) Web Storage activity and (4) Request Headers, all of which should be of interest to developers.

6. ETag blocking gets a facelift and now also reports which of the ETags intercepted are the dodgy ones! NB: Etags have no effect on cacheless browsers but it's fun playing with them.

7. Numerous improvements/optimizations are also included.


Titel: Polar 1.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2019, 16:50
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2019, 21:32
Whats new:>>

Improve security.
Fix rendering issue in the Feed view.

Titel: The Classic Browser 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 11:00

NB: This version is a special emergency release to correct a few accumulated bugs that surfaced from the massive work that went into v4.2, including...

Fixed bug #1: Restricted Youtube videos were not displaying our injected play icon. Shame on us!
Fixed bug #2: Multiple entries of the “Kid's Menu” (<- discovered that yet?) were being created under Embedded Scripts when saving the browser options.
Fixed bug #3: Cookie/privacy banner checking would sometimes generate an error when attempting to defeat a removed/hidden scrollbar.
Fixed bug #4: Browser Error Messages were crude and would stop activity dead in its tracks, but they've now been tamed and displaying bonus Stack info.
Fixed bug #5: The 999th Memory Watch update bug has also been sorted so it will now reset like it should.
Fixed bug #6: Memory Watch would update insanely when browsing www.youtube.com but no more.
Fixed bug #7: Extract Elements now correctly lists the individual classes found in a document and all columns are now Alpha-sorted.

And last but not least... "Extract Codespace" is a new powerful website scraper added to expose the global codespace (code section) of a website.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.2.15.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2019, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Dooble 2019.02.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2019, 11:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


–private command-line option. Thank you Trif Traf.
Corrected removal of history items on change of credentials.
Enabled QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled.
Home URL. Please see Settings::Display. Thank you mva1985.
Memory-lock key material via mlock(). Non-Windows only.
New Settings::Privacy Private Mode. Thank you Trif Traf.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2019, 12:22
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Removed more telemetry code from the platform.
    Fixed implementation of the IntersectionObserver API to avoid crashes, and enabled it by default.
    Switched to the new ffmpeg decode API to avoid dropping of frames.
    Fixed a buffering issue in the WebP decoder that caused intermittent browser crashes.
    Improved resource-efficiency for internal stopwatch timers.
    Improved handling of incorrectly-encoded CTTS in media files, resolving some playback issues of videos.
    Improved the Cycle Collector and Garbage Collector.
    Improved fullscreen navigation bar handling in the situation it has focus when switching to full screen.
    Aligned instanceof with the final ES6 spec.
    Improved Windows DIB (bitmap) clipboard data handling.
    Exposed TLS 1.3 cipher suite prefs in about:config in case people want to disable them individually.
    Allowed empty string on the location.search setter to clear URL query parameters from JS.
    Added a potential fix for external links not opening in the current window/tab (untested).
    Enabled C++11 thread-safe statics in the entire application.
    Updated several preferences for integration with the new add-ons site.

Security fixes:

    Fixed a potential use-after-free in IndexedDB code. (DiD)
    Improved proxy handling to avoid localhost getting proxied. (CVE-2018-18506)
    Ported upstream Skia fixes. (CVE-2018-18356, CVE-2018-18335)
    Fixed an additional Skia issue. (CVE-2019-5785)
    Fixed several potentially-exploitable memory safety hazards and crashes. (DiD)
    Fixed a possible data race when performing compacting GC.

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code, e.g. when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem, or when new attack vectors are discovered.


Titel: Maxthon RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2019, 12:25

Fixed the UI issue of download manager.
Fixed the retrieval issue of Passkeeper.
Fixed the issue of the third party cookie option.
Fixed the freeze issue when clicking site update with the state of no networking.
Fixed the issue of “Load mx_core.dll failed” in Windows XP SP3 system.
Fixed the issue that the translation result could not adapt to the target language.
Fixed the issue that the file larger than 4GB could not be downloaded properly with ReFS format.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2019, 09:06

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 72.0.3626.109)
Adjusted media playback behavior
Adjusted the security setting behavior of Blink engine
Added "Open in pop-up window" on right-click menu such as tab
Customization | Rendering | Added 'start parameter' to Blink basic setting
I added "security" to the tab right click menu
I added "Move to other group" to the tab right-click menu

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2019, 13:46
Whats new:>>

+ Updated the browser kernel to Chromium 69

Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 04:38
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved a few localization issues.

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 04:45
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 72.0.3626.109)
Adjusted media playback behavior
Adjusted the security setting behavior of Blink engine
Added "Open in pop-up window" on right-click menu such as tab
Customization | Rendering | Added 'start parameter' to Blink basic setting
I added "security" to the tab right click menu
Improved: Blink engine message displayed on status bar when displaying status bar

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2019, 21:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve compatibility for some websites.

Titel: Polar 1.13.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2019, 13:33
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: The Classic Browser 4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 12:26
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



The Classic Browser v4.4 is now available for download!

* The “Classic DJ Studio” is the browser's new internal media player complete with computer generated hypnotic backgrounds, graphic equalizer and local media play list.

   Main Menu > Browser Functions > Classic DJ Studio

* Added CSV format (comma-delimited file) support for the importing and exporting of site membership user accounts under...

   Main Menu > Browser Functions > Site Memberships > Import or Export
* Image scraping has been improved by removing images with inaccessible URLs from the results table.

* Chromium’s internal Disk Browser has been replaced with a much improved version.

   Main Menu > Browser Functions > Disk Browser

* The browser's address field now also accepts JavaScript...

   http://someplace.com/  <-- Addresses
   someplace.com          <-- Domains
   javascript:            <-- JavaScript ie: Try javascript:alert('Hello');
   Bananas                <-- Search Text

* Corected a bug that would create dual scrollbars on certain sites.

* Some cosmetic changes and improvements here and there.

The "Classic DJ Studio" - Solo Mode Usage

 Manual Single Track Play     –  Click on the desired track and it will start playing.

 Single Track Continuous Play –  Check the desired track and click the [Manual] button so that it turns to [Auto].

 Play List Continuous Play    –  Check all desired tracks and click the [Manual] button so that it turns to [Auto].

 Cancelling Continuous Play   –  Click the [Auto] button so that it turns to [Manual].

 Multi Selection of Tracks    -  Right-click on a track group to toggle the check-state of all its members.

 Change Background Graphics   -  Refresh the page to go through a variety of backgrounds.


Titel: Maiar 0.59.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 18:15
Maiar is browser designed to help you surf the web safely as it comes with an embedded ad and tracker blocker, all that without putting too much strain on your system.


Titel: AM-DeadLink 4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 20:40
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Vivaldi bookmarks supported
Smaller fixes and improvements

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2019, 16:00
Whats new:>>

+ Improved the UI of translation extension
– Fixed the slow response issue of autofill
– Fixed the issue that the address bar QR code could not be used properly with WeChat
– Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer closed abnormally by right-click

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.3.1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2019, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2019, 09:12
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option (Turned on by default).
Added /cfg command-line option to start BrowserAddonsView with the specified config file.

Titel: Slimjet 22.0.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2019, 12:17
Whats new:>>

Update to Chromium 72.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2019, 09:09
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed password circumvention "exploit"

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2019, 13:18
Whats new:>>

Improved the translation function
Fixed the issue that browser occupied the focus especially when playing the game
Fixed the crash issue when updating site icon
Fixed the issue that the page reported errors when using the translation function
Fixed the issue that the login box could not be closed when entering the wrong password with the proxy customization

Titel: Slimjet 22.0.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2019, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Fix a security issue

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2019, 10:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Fix FileReader vulnerability (CVE-2019-5786)

Titel: Slimjet 22.0.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

• Fix a security issue for Mac and linux version

Titel: Puffin Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2019, 13:21
Mit dem "Puffin Web Browser" erhaltet ihr einen schnellen Internetbrowser für Android, iOS und Windows. Das Besondere des Browsers ist die integrierte Cloud-Funktion. Hierbei werden die Webseiten auf den Cloud-Servern berechnet und dann an den Nutzer gesendet.

Der Puffin Web Browser nutzt eine hauseigene Cloud und berechnet die Inhalte einer Website schon auf den eigenen Cloud-Servern und sendet die fertige Website dann an den Nutzer. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr Inhalte darstellen, die normalerweise vom Betriebssystem nicht oder nicht mehr unterstützt werden.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2019, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fix crash when floating bookmark bar is enabled.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2019, 09:01

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Bink has been updated (Chrome / 72.0.3626.121) Customize
Added "Left → Wheel Click" and "Right → Wheel Click" to Mouse
Mouse Assignment Adjusted the behavior of the right button press wheel

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2019, 13:42
Whats new:>>

Improved the logic order of importing favorites data
Fixed the crash when checking the camera by using Maxthon browser
Fixed the issue that the Concrete could not be accessed
Fixed the Amazon Prime Video issue

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2019, 19:20
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 72.0.3626.121)
Added "Left → Wheel Click" and "Right → Wheel Click" to Customize | Mouse | Mouse Assignment
Adjusted the operation of the right button press wheel

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2019, 12:20

Fixed the issue that the print function could not run properly
Fixed the issue that pop-up window freeze
Fixed the RSS Reader issue
Fixed the compatibility issue for Windows XP system
Fixed the screen capture issue of developer tools
Fixed the issue that some images could not load properly
Fixed the issue that some social websites could not send messages
Fixed issue that the cookies could not go into effect in time
Fixed the issue that some websites could not play the video properly
Fixed the issue that the word lacks one pixel in some situation
Fixed the issue that some webpages could not switch the core to retro mode
Fixed the issue that the login box could not pop up when using the HTTP proxy


Titel: The Classic Browser 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2019, 13:39
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



 * Expose hidden form fields - R-click on the "Session History Menu" icon.

 * Word Filtering function improvements

 * Cookie/Privacy banner (GDPR) removal improvements

 * System Information extended.

 * Auto-update your menu favorites... right-click on any menu entry and select "Update this item" to retrieve the latest page title and URL.

 * Favorites importing improved.

 * Two new powerful features in this version are "Multi-Bookmark" and "Multi-Link" which you’ll find under... Main Menu > Browser Functions.

   The first creates a new bookmark group of all currently opened Internet tabs, while the second creates a single multi-link that can fire up all currently opened Internet tabs.

 * Export any of your Classic bookmark menus as a HTML file saved to the dektop. Look for the "Export" button at the very top.

 * Fixed the bug which made the Youtube extra functionality arrows display when in full screen video mode. Now they should disappear when you go full screen.

 * Numerous unspecified improvements/optimizations in this version.

 * Comes with embedded Classic apps... Virtual Solar Systems v1.0 and Menu for KIDS!


Titel: BriskBard 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2019, 21:10
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 73.0.3683.75
Now it's possible to customize all the user interface in BriskBard.
Added the "FatCow" image set used in buttons, menus, etc.
Added tens of visual styles for the user interface controls.
Added the CONTROL + J keyboard shortcut to show the downloads window in the web browser tabs using the Blink engine.
The newsgroups servers list has been updated.
The ad blocker servers list has been updated.
The OpenSSL, Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

The issue with scrolled tabs when you restore the main window has been fixed.
All the texts in the FTP connection window are now translated.
The email message editor now read the email configuration correctly.
Now the email and article viewer shows all the attached images.
The news aggregator now enables the buttons to add new subscriptions correctly.
The procedure to hide the mouse and user interface in the media player has been improved


Titel: Auslogics Browser Care
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2019, 18:40
This unique tool lets you take back full control of all browsers installed on your PC. Clean up, speed up and keep your web browsers well-maintained for top performance!

Remove unwanted toolbars or plugins
Change hijacked home page to the page you want
Set your preferred search engine as default
Clear cache to unclutter your drive and speed up your browser
Manage all installed browsers from one place


Whats new: >>

Resolved a few localization issues.
Fixed some minor bugs.

Titel: VideoCacheView v3.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2019, 05:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added 'Manually Merge Selected Files' option (Ctrl+M). If you have split video files that VideoCacheView cannot detect and merge automatically, you can select all items, press Ctrl+M and then VideoCacheView will merge all selected items into one.
After using the 'Manually Merge Selected Files' option, you can use the 'Copy Selected Files To...' option to generate the merged file. Be aware that the order of the merged files is determined according to the created time of every file.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2019, 16:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



Fixed hover state arrows on some controls.
Fixed potential denial-of-service issues involving FTP (loading of subresources and spamming errors).
Disabled Microsoft Family Safety (Win 8.1) by default. This prevents security issues as a result of a local MitM setup.
Added several site-specific overrides (Firefox Send and polyfill.io) to work around website UA-sniffing isues.
Implemented the origin-clean algorithm for controlling access to image resources.
Cleaned up the helper application service code.
Ported applicable security fixes from Mozilla (CVE-2019-9791, CVE-2019-9792, CVE-2019-9796, CVE-2019-9801, CVE-2019-9793, CVE-2019-9794, CVE-2019-9808 and ZDI-CAN-8368).

Implemented several defense-in-depth measures (for CVE-2019-9790, CVE-2019-9797, CVE-2019-9804, and a JavaScript issue).
Fixed several memory safety hazards and crashes.
Binaries are now code-signed again (including the setup program for the installer).


Titel: Beaker Browser 0.8.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2019, 19:40
Conveniently build decentralized websites and web apps with the help of this exciting, peer-to-peer and Chromium-based web browser.

MIT License


Fixed a persistent freezing issue (close #1333). Sorry about that everyone!
Fix: Favicons should now render correctly
Fix: URL will no longer overflow the navbar
Fix: URL will no longer swap to items loading within the page
Fixed an issue where Beaker would fail to close in Windows and Linux (close #1359)
Fixed an issue where the url bar suggestions would not accept clicks (close #1360)
Fix: Devtools no longer opens a “chrome-devtools://“ tab when popping out
Fix: Windows and Linux now correctly show the new beaker logo image (close #1305)
Fix: A weird little window no longer shows up during startup on Windows


Titel: Maxthon Early Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2019, 16:40

Improved the security for the Passkeeper under the guest mode
Fixed the auto-fill issue on some webpages
Fixed the issue that the letter could not be typed before you confirm the cursor manually
Fixed the issue that the ms-word protocol could not be recognized


Titel: Dooble 2019.04.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2019, 10:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Added raw import: It converts the RAW images to TIFF using a raw converter. This can be done by dcraw (requires additional exiftool), RawTherapee or darktable. These programs needs to be installed externally.
Fixes for align_image_stack with EXR images.
Added option for range compression. Can be helpful for LDR panoramas to brighten the shadows before merging, because at this stage the blender has some more information which can be helpful.
New hotkeys for mask editor (change zoom level with 0, 1 and 2).
Expression parser (pto_var and „manipulate image variables“ in GUI) can now read also all image variables.
line_find: Ignore lines with low distance to each other to get better coverage. Also use only central part of the panorama for searching for line control points (ignoring zenit/nadir near areas).
pano_modify: Added new switch –projection-parameter to set projection parameters.
Store program settings according to XDG base dir specification (Linux only, needs to compile with wxWidgets 3.1.1 or later).


Titel: The Classic Browser 4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2019, 12:15
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



* Introducing HTML5 desktop Apps with disk I/O and system access. Full details at https://theclassictools.com/HTML5Apps.htm

 * Sandboxed tabs will now have a red border so they stand out.

 * Improved the extraction of website resources.

 * Updated all search engines supported by the Classic.

 * Two new options are now available when you right-click on menu favorites; "Open in Kiosk mode" and "Open in Popup mode".

 * The first official release of "Embedded Classic Apps" includes 3-4 apps/demos including Virtual Solar Systems 2.0, don't miss this!

 * Work on Youtube video URLs completed; you'll now find a green arrow underneath the orange which reads... "Fast-Forward to the end of Advertisement!" :)

 * Video fanatics can now get detailed HTML5 video technical info by R-clicking on video elements.

 * Numerous unspecified improvements/optimizations in this version... a great new version, enjoy it!


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2019, 09:10
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Fix Lists item editable input.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2019, 13:20
Whats new:>>

- Fxied the issue that the browser could not have sound in the Windows XP SP3 system
- Fixed the issue that the cookies wrongly recorded under the privacy mode

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2019, 09:06

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 73.0.3683.103) Added "User Agent" to the right-click menu of the tab.
Added "Save entire page to image" to the right-click menu of the Web view (Blink). ,
Added the "Display" extension to be able to rearrange by drag & drop Adjusted the behavior of media playback Adjusted the behavior of protected tab

Titel: Maxthon Early Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2019, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Added the recognizable icon for the new session and the private mode
Fixed the issue that the download window popped up invalid folder prompts (if you still experience the issue please change the download path of “quick download to” manually)
Fixed issue that the translation extension could not work properly on some websites
Fixed the issue that the DRM video could not be played on Tencent video official website
Fixed the issue that the Bilibili video could not be detected by the Resource Sniffer in Windows 7 system
Fixed the issue that the taskbar could not display after the browser full screen
Fixed the issue that the browser security verification could not pop up when using private or new session mode

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2019, 21:20
Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 73.0.3683.103)
"User Agent" was added to the tab right-click menu
Added "Save entire page to image" to the right-click menu of Web view (Blink)
Extension function can be rearranged by drag & drop
Adjusted the behavior of media playback
Adjusted the behavior of protected tabs

Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2019, 19:15
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Polar 1.17.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2019, 16:15
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Maxthon Early Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2019, 16:15

Fixed the certificate issue in the Windows XP system
Fixed the issue that the quick app closed abnormally
Fixed the issue that the local electronic certificate could not be activated
Fixed the issue that the content of new tab page address deleted automatically
Fixed the issue that some function of Passkeeper could not work properly
Fixed the issue that the certificate could not be viewed when unchecking the secure URL scan
Fixed the gap issue between the browser and the Windows 10 system taskbar
Fixed the issue that some video websites played abnormally when disabling the auto-play
Fixed the issue that the browsing history log created automatically under the system folder “Temp”


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2019, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Added the “upload” text for the cloud storage websites
Fixed the issue that the core could not be switched to retro mode
Fixed the issue that the download function could not work properly in Windows XP SP3
Fixed the issue that the print button of the web page could not work
Fixed the resource sniffer issue of the bilibili
Fixed the issue that the Netflix needed to install Silverlight

Titel: The Classic Browser 4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2019, 20:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



* YouTube banner ads completely blown away... we've finally cracked it! :)

* Virtual Solar Systems v3.0 now features zooming, tilting, and panning of solar systems as well as special effects.

* Menu For Kids Classic app bug eliminated when trying to save the menu.

* The Classic Media Player's gradient backgrounds have been replaced with randomly generated and never to be repeated, programmatically complex abstract art patterns.

* New powerful tool in the browser options... "Restricted Privileges".

  This is for any website that reacts to our blocking of advertising syndicates either through the Windows HOSTS file or some other tool in the browser options.

  By restricting its privileges it is prevented from retaliating such as removing the scrollbar, making the page go blank, disabling links, or some other odd behavior that restricts access to content.

* Keyboard combinations with [Ctrl] and [Alt] will no longer be intercepted by Script Macros or browser functions, while the user is typing in a text field.

  This shortcoming conflicted with clipboard keystrokes, character input, etc.

  The only exception to this rule are User Text Macros which reserve [Ctrl] + [F1..F12] and must operate inside the input fields of websites for obvious reasons.

* New BrowserFunction(#9) for HTML5 Desktop Apps, loads a HTML5 document string in a new tab. (concerns Intranet developers)


Titel: BriskBard 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2019, 06:10
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 74.0.3729.108
Added new option to use an external download manager.
Added a context menu option to mute a web browser tab.
New options to import, export and edit image sets in the Change appearance section.
Now BriskBard can use visual stiles with high DPI monitors.
Added 3 new visual styles from delphistyles.com
Improved image quality in menus and treeviews.
Added new option to drag and drop browser links form the browser window to the bookmarks and address box.
Added Qwant to the available search engine options.
The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

Bug fixes :

    Fixed a font issue in some dialogs with treeviews.
    Fixed text color in web browser tabs using the Trident engine.
    Fixed the flickering in the email configuration window.
    The buttons in the message and article editors now work correctly.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2019, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Redesigned the about box.
    Added "Check for updates" menu entries to the AppMenu and classic menu (since the About box redesign no longer has application update in it).
    Restored the app.update.url.override pref for AUS testing/override.
    Added "Loop" control to html5 video.
    Fixed a crash with frames (e.g. when using Tile Tabs).
    Fixed an issue with textarea placeholders (spec compliance).
    Removed the Windows Maintenance Service one last time.
    Improved http basic auth DoS heuristics.
    Fixed an issue on big-endian machines (e.g. PPC64/linux).
    Removed e10s code from widgets.
    Preffed the various http "Accept" headers and aligned with the Fetch spec (except for image requests).
    Aligned URLSearchParams with the spec.
    Updated several site-specific UA overrides.
    Fixed "Yet Another special case of a flex frame being the absolute containing block"™
    Fixed border drawing when the tab bar is hidden.
    Pref-controlled and disabled the use of unboxed plain objects in JavaScript's JIT compiler.
    Improved handling of interrupted connections through proxies and pseudo-VPN extensions.
    Removed contextual identity.
    Updated the 7zip installer stub to a much more recent code version.
    Fixed an issue with applying percentages to 0 in layout sizes.
    Fixed an issue with calculating linear sums in JS JITed code.
    Added default value feature to get*Pref() preference functions.
    Fixed an issue that would occasionally overwrite the new tab custom URL.
    Updated the SQLite library to 3.27.2
    Killed the crashreporter toolkit files and exception handler hooks.
    Fixed an issue with a missing border on the tab bar when on the bottom.
    Fixed a crash with badly-formatted SVG files.
    Showed the robots to the exit after squatting in the browser for decades.
    JavaScript: Implemented TC39 toString() revision proposal.
    Rearchitectured the JavaScript front-end parser to provide better and more logical parsing of JS code.
    Removed support code and leftovers for unsupported SunOS, AIX, BEOS, HPUX and OS/2 operating systems.
    Fixed a scrollbar arrow issue on OS X.
    Removed all Firefox Accounts code.
    Made the CSS parser more robust and aligned url() behavior with the CSS3 spec in case of bad input.
    Fixed an issue with blocklist updates not actually dynamically applying due to a wrong URL.
    Updated the embedded emoji font to the TweMoji v11.4.0 equivalent.
    Fixed an issue with async/deferred scripts preventing page loads from completing.


Titel: Maxthon Early Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2019, 13:53
Whats new:>>

- Fixed the issue that the browser crashes when launching it
- Fixed the issue that the browser could not recognize microphone in Windows XP system
- Fixed the issue that the download manager ”clear invalid” function could not work properly 

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2019, 09:08
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 73.
Remove plugins.

Titel: The Classic Browser v4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2019, 18:30

* Automated the updating of three utilities in the browser options which are difficult for users to maintain for themselves.

  These are... 1.URL Keyword Blocking, 2.GDPR Privacy Settings, and 3.Restricted Privileges.

  You will now find a [Update] button for each of these to directly connect with the Classic support site and update to the latest version.

  Any entries you may have made to these lists will be preserved and you'll continue to be able to add your own.

* Command line parameter bug fixed - please note that the Classic accepts ONE command line parameter to open in a tab.

  This can be a supported local file with a full path (images, videos, pdf, htm, html, txt, etc) or a valid URL.

* Fixed a bug in the Classic Media player which would fail to play music if one or more of the sound files in the playlist contained an apostrophe in their titles.

* New Option in the browser options... "HTML Language Code Setting". This one is for our non-English speaking users who prefer to get content in another language whenever available.

* The Classic Media Player's randomly generated complex backgrounds are now at a new level!

* Viewing online Ms Office documents is now a configurable service. You can choose between Microsoft Docs, Google Docs or a custom online service you can edit yourself.

  NB: Existing Classic users, when you move to v4.8 please go to... Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Online Services Associations > 4. Document Viewing Service

      ...and select either Microsoft's Doc service or the Google Docs service or you won't be able to view online Ms Office files anymore. Delete the "mailto:?...." that is there.

      New users need not do anything unless they want to switch from the default Microsoft service to Google service.

* Replaced a underperforming search engine with a better alternative.


Titel: Vole Internet Expedition Free Edition 3.92.9051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2019, 13:36
Vole Internet Expedition is a free internet browser collection controller, and is a faster and more graceful way to browse the web.


Three layers of web page topology provide massive web page space. You no longer have to worry about browser web pages not fitting and no longer have to worry about frequent opening, and closing of web pages. We have six preset Explorer types (Just like Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome ), you can add Explorer to as many as you need in one Explorer Project. You can also create and rename the Explorer Project with as many titles as you want; Such as "Browse at Work", "Browse at Home", "Browse for XXX Market Research"... You can host as many Explorer Projects as you want and use rapid switching right at the control panel.

Docking web pages as you want. All web pages, and Explorers are dockable. Which is very useful in web page comparison and reference.

Web page topology reproduced at start. All web pages, all Explorers and all their docking positions that you opened last time will be reproduced in the same appearance when you start again.
VMC Discovery. The software will automatically find, download and preview VMC media library within a web page. We now support Weebly and Google Drive. Put your VMC media library in them, and share with anyone.


Whats new:>>

Support .NET 4.8 (Windows 10 1903)

Titel: Polar 1.19.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2019, 20:15
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Avant Browser 2019 Build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2019, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    [Update]Chrome: 74.0.3729.131
    [Fix]A bug of text search

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.5.19.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2019, 13:12
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polarity 9.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2019, 18:30
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Bug fixes and updated UAs

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2019, 04:45
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 74.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.13.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2019, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fix scrolling issue.

Titel: Mypal 28.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2019, 19:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with language file manager.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2019, 09:13

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Update Blink (Chrome / 74.0.3729.157)
Add "Save entire page to PDF" to the web view (Blink) right-click menu
Change the position of pop-up window to be restored
Fix the problem that it takes a long time for launch operation when there are many bookmarks
Fix the problem that unnecessary icons are displayed on the task bar when returning from the full screen
Adjust the window drawing process

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2019, 17:45
Whats new: >>

Update Blink (Chrome / 74.0.3729.157)
Add "Save entire page to PDF" to the web view (Blink) right-click menu
Changed to restore pop-up window position
Fixed a problem that the startup operation took a long time when there were many bookmarks
Fix an issue where an unnecessary icon is displayed on the task bar when returning from full screen
Adjust display timing of tab popup

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Fix music playback on vk.com

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2019, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Fix toolbar background in windows dark mode
    Fix font size issue on weather and ad blocker toolbar icon.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    The web page translation UI has been changed in Chinese version
    Fixed some crashes
    Fixed the issue that the selected word could not be translated properly

Titel: Polar 1.19.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2019, 12:14
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2019, 05:20
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2019, 16:50
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Restored a global getBoolPref() function shortcut for extension compatibility with old extensions.
    If you are currently using this global function, please change it to Services.prefs.getBoolPref()
    Fixed an issue with the UI when the address bar was removed from the navigation toolbar.
    Fixed an issue with scripting of the Help menu.
    Fixed a crash resulting from non-standard manipulation of XML stylesheets by extensions.
    Fixed browser.link.open_newwindow functionality.
    Removed the default handler for webcal since the site doesn't seem to be properly maintained.
    Prevented some ways smart places queries could be abused for social engineering attacks.
    Ported an upstream Skia fix.
    Improved the origin-clean algorithm for canvases.
    Improved the efficiency of certain types of memory allocations in the JavaScript compiler.
    Changed the way the application update checker code is hooked up so it will not require a user to go idle before being activated.
    This solves the primary issue with application updates not notifying users as promptly as they should; more improvements are slated for the next major release.
    Applicable security issues fixed: CVE-2019-7317, CVE-2019-11701, CVE-2019-11698, CVE-2019-9817 (DiD), CVE-2019-11700, CVE-2019-11696, CVE-2019-11693, and several potentially exploitable crashes and memory safety hazards that do not have a CVE number assigned to them.


Titel: StorURL v3.0.25.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2019, 18:15
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed startup crash when adding a URI without http/https at the beginning.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2019, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed issues with image/texture allocation incorrectly being marked as insecure.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.6.1.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2019, 09:04
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2019, 16:45
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>


    SQLite engine updated to 3.28.0
    Small UI fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the issue that some extensions could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that the Microphone could not be recognized in Windows XP system
    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer could not display the correct music file
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not play the flash video
    Fixed the issue that related to the camera

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about thumbnails in New Tab Page. After update, need click on the site buttons using frequently visited sites to update the thumbnails.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2019, 16:30
Whats new:>>

    Added the grammar support for locking the core of the web pages
    Fixed the issue that the autofill form could not be seen clearly in Netflix
    Fixed the issue that the font and font size could not be previewed in settings
    Fixed the issue that the web page print could not be previewed in the Polish language

Titel: Mypal 28.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2019, 21:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

Titel: Slimjet 23.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2019, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fix another bug about thumbnails in New Tab Page.

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2019, 13:40
Whats new:>>

- Fixed the crashes when uninstalling the browser under some situations
- Fixed the issue that the auto-filled form could not display clearly on some websites
- Fixed the issue that the web page font could not be previewed in settings

Titel: BriskBard 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 21:10
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



Navigate freely across the Internet with the new version of the BriskBard browser. Bypass firewalls or filters with 2 clicks and enjoy your privacy online.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2019, 06:05
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

BrowsingHistoryView now automatically detects the Chromium-based Edge Web browser.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2019, 13:40
Whats new:>>

+ Added the setting for HTTPS non-secure origins
- Fixed the issue that some video could not be stopped when the video popping up
- Fixed the issue that the cookies could not be saved instantly under some situations
- Fixed the issue that the browser suggested you set it as the default browser when opening the HTML file
- Fixed the crashes issue in XP system
- Fixed the issue that the browser could not be installed the first time
- Fixed the issue that the shortcut letters could not be displayed in the international version when right-clicking on a link
- Fixed the crashes issues on Skype for web

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2019, 13:22
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 09:05

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink (Chrome / 75.0.3770.100)
    Change Toolbar to New Appearance
    Add Address Display to Pop-up Window Change
    New Tab Behavior in Pop-Up Window
    Adjust Performance with Window Update
    Customize | Render | Blink Preferences to "GPU Added "
    Prioritize video playback by process

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 16:30
Whats new:>>

+ Added the setting for HTTPS non-secure origins
- Fixed the crashes issue when launching Maxthon 5 via the external link
- Fixed the issue that the shortcut letters could not be displayed in the international version when right-clicking on a link
- Fixed the issue that the browser suggested you set it as the default browser when opening the HTML file
- Fixed the crashes issue in XP system when launching Maxthon 5
- Fixed the issue that the print function could not work properly under some situations

Titel: Sleipnir v4.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 17:15
Whats new: >>

Update Blink (Chrome / 75.0.3770.100)
Add Address Display to Popup Window
Change behavior of new tab in popup window
Performance tuning with window updates
Change to cache thumbnails of tab popups
Add "Prioritize video playback with GPU process" to Customize | Rendering | Blink Basic Settings

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2019, 12:22
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Fix cache size display in the Settings window.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.6.29.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2019, 16:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2019, 16:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Implemented String.prototype.trimStart and String.prototype.trimEnd (ES2019)
    Implemented Array.prototype.flat and Array.prototype.flatMap (ES2019)
    Implemented Symbol.prototype.description (ES2019)
    Added support for gzip-compressed SVG-in-Opentype fonts.
    Updated official branding.
    Updated reader view components.
    Added a preference to control the setting of cookies through meta header information (non-standard feature) and disabled by default.
    Updated ES6 Atomics and re-enabled them.
    Updated internationalization code to support updated time zones and the Japanese Reiwa era.
    Updated NSS to a custom version to have better encryption strength for master passwords.
    IMPORTANT: To use this strong encryption and re-key the password database with it, change your master password (can be changed to the same one you already had if desired, but you have to go through the change password process). Depending on your computer and the number of stored passwords, this encryption update may take some time, so please be patient. Please be aware that once re-keyed, the password store will be locked to the new encryption and will no longer be accessible with the master password in older versions of Pale Moon.
    Restored "Release notes" in the help menu.
    Rearchitectured the application/extension update code.
    Added several performance improvements to DOM and the parser.
    Improved JavaScript garbage collection of dead compartments.
    Fixed a performance issue with painting on some pages.
    Improved performance of some websites with complex event regions.
    Fixed a potential performance issue in display lists on some pages.
    Fixed a rendering bottleneck for the use of XRender when using a remote session.
    Fixed graphical artifacts/flickering when using XRender on Intel or Intel-hybrid GPU setups.
    Added a DiD fix for potential future issues with inlining array natives.
    Fixed a potential UAF situation in the HTML5 parser (DiD)
    Fixed an origin-clean bypass issue.
    Changed the way permissions for predefined sites are loaded.
    Reverted the 28.5.1 change to treat *.jnlp files as executables (CVE-2019-11696) after input from an Oracle representative. Java Web Start files are not executable and should not be treated any different than regular documents handled by external applications.
    Removed SecurityUI telemetry.
    Removed some other dead telemetry code.
    Removed geo-specific selection of default search engines.
    Deprecated the use of FUEL.
    Removed the unused code for "enhanced tiles" in the new tab page.
    Removed preference to brute-force e10s to on.
    Removed Unboxed Array code.
    Removed Unboxed Object code.
    Fixed failure to print if a page contains a 0-sized <canvas> element.
    Fixed an issue with tab-modal dialogs being presented in the wrong order.
    Fixed an issue with the tab bar remaining collapsed in customize mode if normally hidden.
    Fixed an issue with Sync when choosing to overwrite data with synced data.
    Fixed an issue with tab previews on the taskbar.
    Fixed an issue with IntersectionObserver viewport accuracy.
    Fixed Scroll bar orientation on Mac OS X.
    Fixed an issue with anchor/link targets not re-using a named target.
    Fixed a build issue with Gnu-CC on PPC64.
    Fixed browser.link.open_newwindow functionality.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 05:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about creating shortcuts on desktop.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2019, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about full screen mode

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2019, 13:32
Whats new:>>

    - Fixed the page crashes issue under some circumstances
    - Fixed the issue that the browser could not recognize the window type
    - Fixed the issue that the browser could not preview the print page in the Polish language
    - Fixed the issue that the Gmail webpage could not be switched to retro mode under some circumstances
    - Fixed the crashes issue when using Skype audio in the XP system

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 05:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Updated the application icon to provide better visuals on Windows classic and other grey backgrounds.
    Reduced the Master Password hashing rounds to prevent issues with stored password retrieval while still sufficiently strengthening the encryption.
    If you have previously re-keyed the database after the update to 28.6.0, you should do so again by going through the change master password process to reduce access times.
    Updated the WhatsApp Web site-specific user-agent override to respond to Google refusing access based on the old string.
    Updated the branding for the portable launcher.


Titel: Mypal 28.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 05:10
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


    Made profile manager can be used in portable mode
    Deleted a little bit unused code

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2019, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about playing netflix and amazon video under linux

Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2019.07.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2019, 13:28
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Corrections and new features are detailed below.

    Periodically reload specific pages.
    Qt 5.12.4.


Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2019, 12:19
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.13.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2019, 09:09
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Fix intermittent crash in the Web view.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.7.18.101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 13:50
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2019, 13:12

- Fixed the issue that the translation extension had the invalid certificate prompts on some websites under some circumstances
- Fixed the issue that some websites could not load properly
- Fixed the issue that the “upload” button displayed garbled text on some websites
- Fixed the issue that the flash could not be installed
- Fixed the issue that some video could not be played under some circumstance
- Fixed the issue that some websites which the browser suggested could not be opened
- Fixed the issue that the video and audio could not work on Skype in the XP system
- Fixed the issue that the video autoplay failed to work
- Fixed the crashes issue in the portable version under some circumstance
- Fixed the freeze issue when quitting the browser snap function in Windows 7
- Fixed the issue that the local email client could not be closed properly when using Maxthon browser to open an email in Windows 2003 system


Titel: Pale Moon 28.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2019, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is security and bugfix update.


    Improved handling of FTP resource loading (allow save-as and cater to some FTP-based browsing).
    Added a preference (security.block_ftp_subresources) to allow users to completely bypass the blocking of FTP subresources if required for their environment, if the improvements made in this release do not suffice.
    Added blocking of authentication-locked cross-origin image subresources by default to prevent spurious auth prompts.
    A preference (network.auth.subresource-http-img-XO-auth) was added to allow users to bypass this blocking if required for their environment.
    Changed the behavior of file: URIs to treat each URI as a unique origin. This prevents cross-file access from scripting.
    A preference (security.fileuri.unique_origin) was added to allow users to relax this restriction if required for their environment.
    Implemented a revised version of http2PushedStream to address some thread safety issues.
    Aligned browser behavior with mainstream regarding inner window behavior when domain is manipulated.
    Backed out a 28.5.* patch for causing multiple issues in the UI and web content.
    Updated NSS to 3.41.2 (custom) to pick up several upstream fixes.
    Fixed a type confusion issue in JavaScript Arrays. (DiD)
    Added a fix for cross-thread access of Necko. (DiD)
    Added a port safety check for Alternative Services.
    Implemented fixes for applicable security issues: CVE-2019-11719, CVE-2019-11711, CVE-2019-11715, CVE-2019-11717, CVE-2019-11714 (DiD), CVE-2019-11729 (DiD), CVE-2019-11727 (DiD), CVE-2019-11730 (DiD), CVE-2019-11713 (DiD) and several networking and memory-safety hazards that do not have CVE numbers.

DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code, e.g. when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem, or when new attack vectors are discovered.


Titel: ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker 4.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2019, 19:15
ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker is a small but powerful free software that will block all ads while you surf the Internet. You'll be able to finally enjoy your internet browsing time without annoying banners and with no ads while you try to watch a video on YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Veoh, MyVideo.de, Flickr, Metacafe, Blip.tv, LiveLeak, Break, NBC, CBS, ABC, gorillavid.in, vidxden.com, vidbux.com, divxstage.eu, movpod.in, tvrage.com, flashx.tv, vidbull.com or other video websites.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.13.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2019, 09:02
Whats new:>>

Faster page title rendering in the Toolbar.

Titel: Mypal 28.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2019, 12:21
Whats new:>>

This is plain update. Languages update is not needed, take them on the previous release.

Titel: Polar 1.30.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2019, 10:50
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2019, 04:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about youtube video downloader (missing available formats and quality)

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2019, 16:45
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added option to specify the time range in local time (Instead of GMT).

Titel: Polar 1.31.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2019, 20:40
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2019, 17:15
Whats new:>>

    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the abnormal flash issue under some circumstances
    Fixed the issue that the ABC video could not be played
    Fixed the issue that the smallpdf.com worked improperly
    Fixed the issue that the Reader Mode worked improperly under some circumstances

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2019, 21:20
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 76.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2019, 12:15
SlimBrowser ist ein komfortabler Ersatz und Aufsatz für den Microsoft-Internet-Explorer und bietet Komfort-Funktionen.

Whats new:>>

Migrated to Gecko Rendering Engine.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2019, 06:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about youtube video downloader (failed to merge audio & video)

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2019, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Improve stability.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2019, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with turbocharged download manager.

Titel: Browser Select 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2019, 11:30
Browser Select is a utility to dynamically select the browser you want instead of just having one default for all links. similar to the prompt in android to choose a browser when a link in a non-browser app is clicked/touched. it may not be useful for everyone but it really helps when you use multiple browsers for different things (e.g. one with proxy and one without) and open many links from other applications (e.g. Messengers).

License: GPLv2

Whats new:>>

Thanks to kthejoker BrowserSelect loads faster than ever. Also, I finally fixed #52 (https://github.com/zumoshi/BrowserSelect/issues/52).

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 20:40
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: BriskBard 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 21:20
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 76.0.3809.87
    The Speed Dial has been significantly improved with many new configuration options, graphical enhancements, import/export functions, drag and drop reordering, etc.
    Added a new option to import bookmarks in JSON files used by Firefox.
    Added support for favicons in WEBP format.
    Now the BriskBard icon in the system tray has the same menu as the main application menu.
    Added a new context menu option to open a bookmark in private mode.
    A new option has been added to skip the confirmation window when the user tries to close BriskBard with several open tabs.
    New configuration option in web browser tabs using the Blink rendering engine to grant screen, camera and mic permissions automatically.
    The Indy, SQLite and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.
    Bug fixes :
        Fixed the text color in some announcement panels.
        Now the reload button works when the web page was loaded using POST method.


Titel: Pale Moon: 28.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2019, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development update involving a partial JavaScript engine overhaul and improvement, implementing several website-impacting changes. It should be noted that these changes follow some revisions of specifications (also adopted by mainstream browsers) that are not necessarily backwards compatible for web content as some scripting behavior has changed. If you are targeting Pale Moon specifically (e.g. through ua sniffing) please check and verify the behavior is still as expected.


    Landed a large JavaScript parser tune-up, which as a targeted goal brings our ES6 stringification fully in line with the ES2018 revision for classes, and implements rest/spread parameters for object literals. (Cheers to Luke!)
    Fixed a crash with the tuned-up parser code when certain error messages were triggered.
    Aligned browser behavior with mainstream regarding inner window behavior when domain is manipulated.
    Improved performance dealing with frame properties.
    Improved performance for handling html5 strings.
    Improved performance of image content loading.
    Fixed potential type confusion in array joins.
    Fixed an issue on some pages causing high CPU usage when wrongly specifying plugin content.
    Fixed an issue with the add-ons manager "discover" pane if no network connection is present.
    Fixed an issue with bookmark/history search results offering context menu options that would be invalid without a selection.
    Fixed the devtools JSON viewer and enabled it by default.
    Fixed searching from about:home not working for search plugins using the POST method.
    Fixed an issue with the checkboxes for location bar preferences.
    Fixed SVG alignment issues if SVG-containing elements fall on odd pixel sizes, causing blurry display of especially small SVGs like icons/glyphs.
    SVGs will now always be pixel-snapped to provide expected crisp display.
    Fixed precompilation of Sync client modules when packaging. This also removes the redundant services.sync.enabled pref.
    Added support for matroska containers and h264-based webm video formats.
    Added support for AAC audio in matroska and webm video formats.
    Added support for spaces in the Mac package and application name.
    Added an exception to the unique file origin policy for font types.
    Added native file picker support for xdg on Linux.
    Updated the default bookmark icons.
    Updated the SQLite lib to 3.29.0.
    Removed e10s information from about:troubleshooting.
    Removed hotfix leftovers.
    Removed the WebIDE developer tool.
    Removed conditional build-time disabling of the Pale Moon status bar code.
    Removed "Delete this page" and "Forget about this site" links from live bookmarks (since they make no sense on feeds).
    Removed the Financial Times' polyfill user-agent override since they updated their detection to work with Pale Moon.


Titel: Polar 1.32.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2019, 12:16
Whats new:>>

Fixed repository app test.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.9.3.133
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2019, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2019, 06:05

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 76.0.3809.132)
    Fixed a problem that some audio could not be played by Web Audio API.
    Changed font rendering settings.
    Customized font rendering settings. Go to Rendering | Blink behavior settings. Adjust behavior

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2019, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Added the built-in Adblock extension to the international version
    Fixed the issue that some images could not be displayed properly
    Fixed the issue that the installation page could not display properly in Bulgarian system
    Fixed the issue that the translation extension could not work properly under some circumstances
    Fixed the page crashes issue
    Fixed the issue that the Flash could not work properly under some circumstances

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2019, 05:45
Whats new:>>

    Migrate to Chromium 76
    Fixed a security issue.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2019, 12:07
Whats new:>>

Fix gpu process crash under windows 7

Titel: Pale Moon 28.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2019, 06:05
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Fixed an issue where saving a webpage to disk would sometimes drop tags from the document.
Fixed an issue with click-to-play plugin content throwing up a blank notification.
Fixed an issue in the renderer where region intersections would sometimes return the wrong result.
This fixes a regression caused by the fix for CVE-2016-5252.
Fixed security issues: CVE-2019-11744, CVE-2019-11752, CVE-2019-11737, CVE-2019-11746, CVE-2019-11750, CVE-2019-11747 and CVE-2019-11738.
Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 7 fixed, 1 DiD, 1 already covered, 22 not applicable.


Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2019.09.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2019, 19:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Allow viewing of Gopher page source.
    Corrected loading of Home link if the link is also a favorite; delayed loading.
    Corrected spelling.
    Custom search engines. Allow searching of selected text. Sites must include proper query strings. Examples: "https://www.google.com/search?q=", "https://www.metager.org/meta/meta.ger3?eingabe=", "https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=".
    Denote favorites in address bars upon authentication.
    Floating digital clocks.
    Guard against malformed m_view object in dooble_address_widget.
    Modified dooble_favicons.db's primary key. Please remove the file.
    More database vacuuming.
    New DNS Pre-fetch option.
    Save History panel's splitter state after a 1.5-second timer expires. Fewer database writes.
    Show Documentation, License, and Release Notes pages immediately after activation.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2019, 12:10
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with bookmarking page from address box

Titel: SpeedyFox 2.0.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2019, 19:15
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

    New Support of Microsoft Edge browser (Chromium based)
    Improved SQLite engine updated to 3.29.0

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2019, 21:10
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Waterfox Web browser.

Titel: Polar 1.32.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 05:40
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Mypal 28.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 20:15
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2019, 18:20
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed registration problem

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2019, 20:10
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.9.25.142
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 16:50
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet 24.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug youtube video downloader

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2019, 09:08
Whats new:>>

    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the issue that the default target language of translation extension is the Arabic language
    Fixed the issue that the quick save images function could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that some webpages recommended to update browser
    Fixed the issue that some webpages could not be changed according to the browser window size under some circumstances

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.14.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2019, 04:50
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

    Fix window resizing.
    Improve stability.
    Improve error handling.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2019, 12:26
Whats new:>>

    Migrated to Gecko Engine 68.0
    Fixed bug with youtube video downloader.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2019, 06:00
Whats new:>>

Fix crash with turbo charged download manager.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2019, 12:20
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with UI translation

Titel: Forkle
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2019, 11:15
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Slimjet v24.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2019, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with search engine providers.

Titel: BriskBard 1.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2019, 20:00
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 77.0.3865.90
    Added a print preview.
    The tab drawing functions were optimized and improved.
    Added a new window with multiple message download options on IMAP email accounts.
    Added new configuration options for IMAP accounts to select the initial sync period and how the messages are downloaded.
    There's a new button to archive the selected messages automatically.
    Added support for several IMAP protocol extensions to move messages, search messages in Gmail, etc.
    The Indy and OpenSSL components have been updated to the latest version.
    The list of blocked domains for the ad blocker has been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    The application no longer closes when a web browser tab with the DevTools is closed.
    Closing the bookmarks context menu no longer opens the last selected bookmark.
    The star in the address box is now correctly updated when the user adds a new address to the bookmarks.
    The performance in the configuration windows has been improved.
    Fixed the connection issue in the DarkOrbit browser game.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2019, 12:24
Whats new:>>

    Fix bug with UI translation
    Fix bug with turbocharged download manager

Titel: Polar 1.32.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2019, 19:45
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2019, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with search provider

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2019, 10:45
Whats new:>>

    Fix bug with turbocharged download manager
    Improve ad blocker

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.10.18.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2019, 11:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Simple Website Blocker 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2019, 16:00
Simple Website Blocker is the Free tool to easily Block or Unblock any Website on your Windows system. It offers universal website blocking solution which works across all web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc. And there is no need to install any browser extensions/add-ons.

It is ideal tool for administrators to selectively block access to certain websites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Also parents can use it to prevent their kids from visiting social or gaming websites. When you launch this tool, it displays list of currently Blocked websites. You can then select any of the Blocked website and Unblock it instantly with just a click. Once you block or Unblock a website, it is effective immediately. There is no need to log-off or restart the system.

It is fully portable and does not require JAVA, .NET or any other components. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version.

Whats new:>>

Major 2019 release with few fixes and improved website blocking features

Titel: Google Ad Blocker 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2019, 10:00
Google Ad Blocker is the free software to quickly Block Google Ads on all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days almost every website is filled with Google Ads and it is difficult to distinguish between the Ads and the real content. Often we end up clicking on that Download button or link which takes us to somewhere else than intended. Not only it is annoying but also leads to much slower browsing due to loading of Ads. Now Google Ad Blocker can help you to quickly gain freedom from these annoying Ads and also enjoy much faster web browsing.

Here are the key features,

    One Click Solution to Block Google Ads on all Browsers
    Does not Install any Browser Extensions or Add-ons
    So no Privacy concerns unlike other similar solutions
    Unblock Google Ads anytime with just a click
    Very easy to use for all generation of Users
    No need to Log-off or Restart the system
    Fully Portable, does not require Java, .NET or any other components
    Includes Installer for local installation & un-installation

Also it does not require any firewall or proxy server setup. All it takes you to just one click to block all the Google Ads instantly. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.

Whats new: >>

Mega 2019 release with updated Google AD database

Titel: Universal Ad Blocker 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2019, 11:30
Universal Ad Blocker is the free all-in-one software to quickly Block Ads across all Web Browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Opera etc.

These days every website is filled with so many advertisements that it is often difficult to distinguish between Ads and the actual content. Not only it is annoying but it also leads to very slower browsing due to loading of Ads.

Now, 'Universal Ad Blocker' can help you to easily block all these annoying Ads and lets you enjoy cleaner, faster web browsing.

Whats new:>>

Mega 2019 release with updated Ad blocker database including Google adsense

Titel: Maxthon Cloud Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2019, 13:40
Whats new:>>

- New core official version
- Improved the installation program
- Fixed page crashes under some circumstances
- Fixed the crash issue when dragging the link under some circumstances

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2019, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with ad blocker

Titel: Pale Moon 28.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2019, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Disabled the use of ICC color profiles for images on Linux by default.
    Updated timezone data for internationalization functions.
    Fixed the option to use hardware acceleration over RDP for Windows 8.1 and 10.
    Fixed an issue with inner window navigation potentially leaking.
    Fixed a startup crash caused by Qihoo 360 Safeguard/360 Total Security.
    Ported some expat parser fixes from upstream.
    Ported several NSS upstream fixes to our build.
    Aligned handling of U+0000 in the html5 parser with expectations.
    Added size checks to WebGL data buffering.
    Fixed build issues with newer glibc versions.
    Fixed build issues for ARM targets.
    Worked around a gcc9 compiler issue that would prevent building with it.
    Sec bug fixes: CVE-2019-15903, CVE-2019-11757, CVE-2019-11763 and several potentially exploitable crashes and memory safety hazards that don't have a CVE number.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 6 fixed, 6 DiD, 1 rejected, 24 not applicable.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2019, 09:13
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with default new tab page.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2019, 09:04
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with "Copy file" in turbo charged download manager

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2019, 21:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Double-Click Action' option, which allows you to choose what to do when you double-click on history item - Open properties window or open the URL in Web browser.

Titel: Mypal 28.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2019, 21:02
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: BriskBard 1.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2019, 09:07
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 78.0.3904.87
    Now the videos that use the HTML5 VIDEO element have a "Picture in picture" in the options menu.
    The cookie deletion has been improved and now there's an option to keep the cookies from user-specified domains.
    There's a new cookie blocker that allows you to block the most common tracking cookies.
    Added a new configuration option called "Reading from HTML5 canvas" to avoid browser tracking with "canvas fingerprinting".
    Now it's possible to use a customized image in the Speed Dial.
    Added menu option "Contribute to this project".
    The blocked domain list used by the Ad blocker has been updated.
    The Indy, SQLite and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.

    Bug fixes :

    Now BriskBard closes automatically orphan processes that could have been left running in previous sessions.
    Fixed an issue that assigned a customized color to the button used to add a tab.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2019, 06:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 78.0.3904.97)
    Adjusted to register the file saved with "Save entire page as PDF" in the download bar.
    Adjusted the media playback behavior.

Titel: Dooble 2019.11.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2019, 10:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Loading a favicon via a URL's host may produce incorrect results. Corrected.
    Qt 5.12.6.
    Web fonts. Please see Settings::Web.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.11.22.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2019, 09:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polar 1.60.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2019, 18:20
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2019, 13:10
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2019, 09:02
Whats new: >>

    Blink updated (Chrome / 78.0.3904.108)
    UI drawing adjustment

Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2019, 20:15
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'Data Source Mode', which allows you to view the installed plugins on all Windows profiles on your system, on external hard drive, and on remote computer on your network (Admin share is needed). This feature works only for Firefox and Chrome Web browsers.
    When pressing F5 (Refresh) the refresh process is smoother, keeping the selected item and scroll position.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2019, 16:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added new columns: 'History File' and 'Record ID'.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2019, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with private browsing mode.

Titel: qutebrowser 1.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2019, 21:10
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>


    Segmentation fault introduced in v1.8.2 when a tab gets closed immediately
    after it has finished loading (e.g. with certain login flows).

Titel: Pale Moon 28.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2019, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


New features:

    Added support for modern Solaris operating systems like Illumos (thanks Athenian200!).
    Implemented position:sticky for table parts - You can now use CSS to e.g. stick table headers so they don't scroll off the screen!
    Enabled basic implementation of module type scripting. While not fully spec compliant (yet), this will fix the few web compatibility issues with sites that rely on this feature without fallback (e.g. the Chromium bugtracker).
    Implemented Promise.prototype.finally() (ES2018).
    Implemented Regular Expression lookbehind (ES2018).
    Implemented Regular Expression /s flag (dotAll support) (ES2018).
    Implemented String.prototype.matchAll (regex) (ES2020).
    Added Ekoru to the list of default search engines. This is a Bing-backed search engine that donates the majority of its revenue to various charities that support the planet and animals. An environment-supporting alternative to Ecosia if you don't want to support Google in the process.


    Changed the way tables are rendered to fix a number of spec compliance issues and allow relative positioning of table parts.
    Now building against the Windows 10 SDK 10.0.17763.132 for increased compatibility with Windows 10 and improved Spectre mitigation.
    Removed the unused DiskSpaceWatcher component.
    Updated cairo code.
    Updated SQLite to 3.30.1.
    Updated the Brotli library to 1.0.7.
    Updated the woff2 library to 1.0.2.
    Updated the OpenType Sanitizer to 8.0.0.
    Updated the Javascript math library for precision and performance fixes.
    Updated the embedded Emoji font to Mozilla's COLR-mapped twemoji 0.5.0 (Twemoji 12.1.3), to support Emoji 12.
    Improved CSS grid rendering.
    Changed packaging for archives to use 7z/xz instead of zip/bz2.
    Made the second argument of (DOM/CSS) insertRule() optional for (Chrome) web compatibility.
    Removed the non-standard object.prototype.watch()/unwatch() functions. Please note that this may affect some extensions; those will need to be updated to no longer use these non-standard functions.
    Fixed the status bar module to work around an issue with relying on watch()/unwatch().
    Fixed a build failure in the libcubeb sndio module.
    Fixed a small oversight in the release branch that would potentially still mark jnlp files as executable.
    Fixed the certificate retrieval logic in the certificate exception dialog.
    Fixed an issue with add-ons potentially getting confused during add-on updates due to cached scripts.
    Fixed a crash due to unnecessary reparenting calls in layout.
    Reinstated the mentioning of the number of accelerated/total windows in Troubleshooting Information, for completeness.
    Moved the embedded font for Emoji from application to platform so all UXP applications can easily benefit from it (thanks Tobin!).
    Cleaned up the jemalloc code: Removed dead/unused code, removed conditionals around "always on" code, and made the allocator VLA-free.
    Fixed an oversight in the release branch still marking "jnlp" (Java Web Start) as executable.

Security-related fixes:

    Removed the silent fallback to insecure install locations on Windows.
    Pale Moon will no longer by default install into unprotected program locations (this was a regression in v28).
    If your operating system account does not have the necessary privileges, you need to manually select an accessible folder to install into. This is important to prevent malware from modifying installed programs in well-known but otherwise unprotected installation locations.
    Added a preference for, and disabled, the confirmation prompt for URL authentication (prevents evil traps).
    Disabled the use of HPKP by default due to the inherent risks involved with this feature. A preference was added to completely disable header processing, and using preloaded pins is effectively disabled. Please note that this is automatically disabled by default for everyone, regardless of your previous setting for this feature, and it is strongly recommended you keep this feature disabled. HPKP will eventually be removed (overall Internet concensus).
    Fixed a potential issue when interacting with plugins. (DiD)
    Fixed a potential crash scenario when reading PAC configuration. (DiD)
    Fixed a potential issue with text selection painting. (DiD)
    Fixed an issue with element references not being properly updated. (DiD)
    Fixed an issue with incorrect saving of web pages as text. (DiD)
    Fixed a potential issue with clipboard handling. (DiD)
    Fixed a potential issue with attaching the debugger to web workers. (DiD)
    Updated NSS to 3.41.4 to address CVE-2019-11756 and CVE-2019-11745.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 8 DiD, 16 not applicable.


Titel: Polar 1.70.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2019, 09:04
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Dooble 2019.12.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2019, 21:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


     Accepted / Blocked Domains corrections regarding exceptions.
     Also remove Accepted / Blocked Domains exceptions on data purge.
     Automatically reject third-party cookies.
     Avoid removing hidden rows during item removal; various containers.
     Corrected confirmation dialog in Downloads.
     Corrected primary key in dooble_favicons.db. Please remove the database.
     Custom tab scroll widgets.
     Denote table statistics via cute labels.
     Hide HTTP referer.
     Icons from themes with fallback.
     New History menu.
     Rapid importing of Accepted / Blocked Domains list.
     Session rejections. Please see Accepted / Blocked Domains.


Titel: Lokale Startseiten für Webbrowser 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2019, 20:10
Lokale Startseiten für Webbrowser mit Suchfelder für mehrere Suchmaschinen und Online-Dienste wie DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, YouTube oder Wikipedia.

Bei einer Startseite im Internet, etwa die Suchseite von Google, wird diese bei jedem Start des Webbrowsers geladen, auch wenn man zum Beispiel eine andere Webseite über ein Lesezeichen öffnen will. Ein lokale Startseite lädt keine Dateien aus dem Internet und ist individuell anpassbar.

Die wichtigsten Features:

        Mehrere Suchmaschinen und Dienste auf einer Seite (DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Google, Bing, YouTube, Wikipedia, IMDB)
        Auch bei langsamer Internetverbindung sofort verfügbar
        Link zu Gaijin.at, sowie zum "localhost" für Webentwickler
        Nur eine Datei (Bilder und Grafiken sind eingebettet)
        2 Styles (hell und dunkel)

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2019.12.14.162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2019, 20:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2019, 11:10
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2019, 19:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 78.

Titel: Slimjet 25.0.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2019, 17:15
Whats new:>>

    Migrated to Chromium 78
    Add support of forced dark mode: configure option at slimjet://flags/#enable-force-dark
    Add support for password leak detection: configure option at slimjet://flags/#password-leak-detection . This option is only available when you are signed into your Google account.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2019, 05:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added 'Delete Selected History Records' option (Ctrl+Delete), which allows you to delete individual history records of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers (Including Web browsers that use the same history database of Chrome/Firefox, like Waterfox, SeaMonkey, Vivaldi, and so on...)
    Other Web browsers are not supported.

Titel: Polar 1.80.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2019, 19:15

    Fixed bug with tablets now showing the pricing plan
    removed outline on MacOS for tree nodes on the sidebar.
    Dramatically improved our mobile and tablet apps.
    Fixed bug where PHZ files were breaking with iframes that were invalid.
    Changed #annotations and #stats URLs so that they are /annotations and /stats as we’re going to migrate to anchors for sub-screens for history.
    Fixed privacy policy URL in login page
    Tags can now contain spaces and hyphens
    Semaphore now used for Windows disk writes.
    Removed some unused libraries
    Upgrades to latest firebase


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2019, 07:45
Whats new:>>

Fix a bugs with turbocharged download manager.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2019, 16:20
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    added support for modifying the default backup location
    fixed bug with floating tree view and invalid URIs
    improved import speed on CSV import from StorURL Online file

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2019, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with cache directory setting

Titel: Mypal 28.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2019, 11:00
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: Dooble 2019.12.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2020, 05:50
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Container optimization; replaced first().
    Corrected visibility of pop-ups. Dialogs must be made visible as necessary.
    Notify operator of Accepted / Blocked Domains import process.
    Rapid removal of pages caused abnormal termination. Corrected.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView v1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2020, 09:04
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2020, 13:20

Fixed the issue that the font mactype could not be used
Fixed the issue that the User Agent could not work properly
Fixed the issue that download page could not be closed automatically under some circumstances
Fixed the issue that some websites could not be toggled to the mobile developer mode
Fixed the issue that some audio could not be played under some circumstances
Fixed the issue that the installation page could not display properly in the Ukrainian language system
Fixed the issue that the QR code could not work properly under some circumstance
Fixed the issue that the translation error of the snap button in the Spanish language
Fixed the issue that Skype for web could not work properly


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2020, 09:11
Whats new:>>

    Update language files
    Fix a few UI translation issues.

Titel: BriskBard 1.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2020, 19:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    This update includes many interesting suggestions sent by several users through the “contact” section in our website in addition to the latest browser engine versions and bug fixes.
    The search box used in web browser tabs now shows information about the number of matches currently identified and the current position in the search results. It also has a couple of buttons to move the search box to the top or the bottom of the screen.
    In case you need to zoom in a web page but the usual zoom steps applied when you pressed control key while you moved the mouse wheel button weren’t what you wanted then try the new zoom key combination for a precise zoom control. Press control and shift while you move the mouse wheel button and you’ll increment or decrement the zoom value in much smaller steps.
    Other user requests added in this version are a new context menu option to copy the images in web browser tabs to the clipboard and an easy way to replace the URL in the browser address. For this reason, the address is selected automatically when the user clicks on it from another control.
    Now the installer creates 2 desktop shortcuts. One of them is the traditional shortcut to run the browser in normal mode but the new one opens a browser in private mode. This shortcut may come handy if you prefer to start BriskBard directly in private mode without using the existing content menu options to open bookmarks and speed dial links in private mode.

    This is the full list of new features in BriskBard 1.8.4:

    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 79.0.3945.88
    The preferred web browser language can now be changed without restarting the browser.
    New option to change the search box location in web browser tabs and to show how many times that search term was found in the page.
    Now it's possible to change the web page zoom in small intervals if the user presses control and shift while rotating the mouse wheel.
    The address box selects all the text when the user clicks on it.
    New context menu option to copy to the clipboard the images on web pages.
    The installer now creates an icon on the destop and the start menu to open a browser tab in private mode.
    The Indy and OpenSSL components have been updated to the latest version.

    Bug fixes :

    The issue about the browser tabs closing automatically when the user downloads a file is now fixed.
    The Yandex and Google Safe Browsing services now work correctly.
    The crash when the user tried to open a URL with a "file" scheme has been fixed.


Titel: qutebrowser 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2020, 20:20
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    Initial support for Qt 5.14.
    New content.site_specific_quirks setting which enables workarounds for
    websites with broken user agent parsing (enabled by default, see the "Fixed" section for fixed websites).
    New qt.force_platformtheme setting to force Qt to use a given platform theme.
    New tabs.tooltips setting which can be used to disable hover tooltips for tabs.

    New settings to configure the appearance of context menus:



    The macOS binaries now require macOS 10.13 High Sierra or newer. Support for
    macOS 10.12 Sierra has been dropped.
    The content.headers.user_agent setting now is a format string with the
    default value resembling the behavior of it being set to null before.
    This slightly changes the sent user agent for QtWebKit: Instead of mentioning qutebrowser and its version it now mentions the Qt version.
    The qute-pass userscript now has a new --extra-url-suffixes (-s)
    argument which passes extra URL suffixes to the tldextract library.
    A stack is now used for :tab-focus last rather than just saving one tab.
    Additionally, :tab-focus now understands stack-prev and stack-next
    arguments to traverse that stack.
    :hint now has a new right-click target which allows right-clicking
    elements via hints.
    The Terminus font has been removed from the default monospace fonts since it
    caused trouble with HighDPI setups. To get it back, add either
    "xos4 Terminus" or Terminus (depending on fontconfig version) to the
    beginning of the fonts.monospace setting.
    As a workaround for a Qt bug causing a segfault, desktop sharing is now
    automatically rejected on Qt versions before 5.13.2. Note that screen sharing
    still won't work on Linux before Qt 5.14.
    Comment lines in quickmarks/bookmarks files are now ignored. However, note that
    qutebrowser will overwrite those files if bookmark/quickmark commands are used.
    Reopening PDF.js pages from e.g. a session file will now re-download and
    display those PDFs.
    Improved behavior when using :open-download in a sandboxed environment (KDE
    qutebrowser now enables the new PyQt exit scheme, which should result in
    things being cleaned up more properly (e.g. cookies being saved even without
    a timeout) on PyQt 5.13.1 and newer.
    The :spawn command has a new -m / --output-messages argument which
    shows qutebrowser messages based on a command's standard output/error.
    Improved insert mode detection for some CodeMirror usages (e.g. in
    JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook).
    If JavaScript is disabled globally, file://* now doesn't automatically have
    it enabled anymore. Run :set -u file://* content.javascript.enabled true to
    restore the previous behavior.
    Settings with URL patterns can now be used to affect the behavior of the
    QtWebEngine inspector. Note that the underlying URL is chrome-devtools://*
    from Qt 5.11 to Qt 5.13, but devtools://* with Qt 5.14.

    Improvements when tabs.tabs_are_windows is set:

    Using :tab-take and :tab-give now shows an error, as the effect of
    doing so would be equal to :tab-clone.
    The :buffer completion doesn't show any window sections anymore, only a
    flat list of tabs.
    Improved parsing in some corner cases for the QtFont type (used for
    fonts.tabs and fonts.debug_console).

    Performance improvements for the following areas:

    Adding settings with URL patterns
    Matching of settings using URL patterns


    Downloads (e.g. via :download) now see the same user agent header as
    webpages, which fixes cases where overly restrictive servers/WAFs closed the
    connection before.
    dictcli.py now works correctly on Windows again.
    The logic for :restart has been revisited, which should fix issues with
    relative basedirs.
    Remaining issues related to Python 3.8 are now fixed (mostly warnings,
    especially on QtWebKit).
    Workaround for a Qt bug where a page never finishes loading with a
    non-overridable TLS error (e.g. due to HSTS).
    The qute://configdiff page now doesn't show built-in settings (e.g.
    javascript being enabled for qute:// and chrome:// pages) anymore.
    The qute-lastpass userscript now stops prompting for passwords when
    cancelling the password input.
    The tab hover text now shows ampersands (&) correctly.
    With QtWebEngine and Qt >= 5.11, the inspector now shows its icons correctly
    even if loading of images is disabled via the content.images setting.
    Entering a very long string (over 50k characters) in the completion used to
    crash, now it shows an error message instead.

    Various improvements for URL/searchengine detection:

    Strings with a dot but with characters not allowed in a URL (e.g. an
    underscore) are now not treated as URL anymore.
    Strings like "5/8" are now not treated as IP anymore.
    URLs with an explicit scheme and a space (%20) are correctly treated as
    Mail addresses are now treated as search terms.
    With url.open_base_url set, searching for a search engine name now works.
    url.open_base_url = True together with url.auto_search = 'never' is now
    handled correctly.
    Fixed crash when a search engine URL turns out to be invalid.

    New "site specific quirks", which work around some broken websites:

    WhatsApp Web
    Google Accounts
    Slack (with older QtWebEngine versions)
    Dell.com support pages (with Qt 5.7)
    Google Docs (fixes broken IME/compose key)


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2020, 09:02
Whats new:>>

    Migrate to Gecko engine 72
    Blocks fingerprinting scripts by default
    Show a speech bubble in the address bar that you can use to opt-in to web site notifications
    Picture-in-picture video feature: "Select the blue icon from the right edge of a video to pop open a floating window so you can keep watching while working in other tabs or apps

Titel: Slimjet 25.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2020, 13:14
Whats new:>>

Fix an issue with cached files

Titel: K-Meleon 76.2G
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2020, 19:45
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>


* update Goanna3 to git 2d9c22eec..fa517dfc6:
- patch from Sami<samiwieciekto at g mail> with pref guard: Enable skipping loop filter and allow non spec compliant speedup tricks. to enable, create new boolean pref "media.ffmpeg.skip_loop_filter" and set it to true. (feb7e4c6b)
- patch from Sami<samiwieciekto at g mail>: Lowered mMaxTextureSize from 4096 to 2048 to allow older graphic cards (a81a1c9f9)
- ported from UXP: Request NSS to use DBM as the storage file format (66033593) (c3acb8f3f)
- update NSPR to 4.24 and keep NSPR Bug 1586070 and win64 patch intact. (ecb2798fd)
- Update NSS to 3.48 while keeping vc2013 hackfix intact. (0732ab440)
- [NSS] disable enable_sslkeylogfile rules (1f371916d)
- import NSS tip revs: bug1594965, bug1593167, bug1603027, bug1600144, bug1590001, bug1603257, bug1605545, bug1513586 (59897b83f)
- re-apply rev e186cc7c9c55b241677fa43e76312efb3f7a11ab, and fixup from TFF: temporarily disable M1351303 due to crashes (75d95f15) (fa517dfc6)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2020, 11:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is an important security and stability release. Please update your browser to this version as soon as possible.


    Fixed a sampling issue in libsoundtouch (DiD)
    Fixed an issue with a new upcoming Windows 10 feature not honoring Private Browsing mode by default (DiD)
    Fixed several stability and memory safety hazards. (DiD)
    Fixed an issue where files could inadvertently be executed with the designated file type handler instead of opened. (CVE-2019-17019)
    Fixed an issue with the JavaScript JIT compiler that could lead to exploitable crashes. (CVE-2019-17026) actively exploited
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 7 DiD, 12 not applicable.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.1.12.169
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2020, 11:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Polar 1.90.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2020, 19:20
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2020, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with turbocharged download manager

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2020, 05:55
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with youtube video download

Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2020, 20:45
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' to the 'Column Settings' window.

Titel: SlimBrowser 12.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2020, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Add support for auto reload tabs (Right click on tab and select "Auto Reload" from popup menu)

Titel: Dooble 2020.01.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2020, 05:50
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


     Custom style sheets. Please be careful.
     Eliminated favicon flickering.
     Happy New Year!
     Print previews.
     Vacuuming of databases; Edit menu.


Titel: Mypal 28.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2020, 18:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2020, 21:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added button on the toolbar to delete Chrome / Firefox history records.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2020, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Reverted the addition of JavaScript regular expression lookarounds since the implementation caused crashes. We'll have to revisit this later.
    Fixed an issue where FTP servers would hang the browser if they were not sending answers according to the protocol specification.
    Added a workaround for GitHub trying to enforce more Google-isms (which we don't support at this time) to browsers that identify as "Firefox-alike".


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.1.30.175
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2020, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2020, 13:00
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.



    Added 'Double-Click Action' option, which allows you to choose what to do when you double-click a download item with the mouse: None, Open Properties Window, Open/Run Selected Filename, Open Selected File With, Open Selected Download URL, Open Selected Web Page.
    Added 'Enter Action' option, which allows you to choose what to do when you press the Enter key: None, Open Properties Window, Open/Run Selected Filename, Open Selected File With, Open Selected Download URL, Open Selected Web Page.
    You can now copy downloaded files by dragging them from the main window of BrowserDownloadsView into a folder on Windows Explorer.


Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2020, 18:10
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Biscuit 1.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2020, 04:45
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>

Fix an issue where the screen is black out after launching Biscuit.

Titel: qutebrowser 1.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2020, 05:40
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    New colors.webpage.prefers_color_scheme_dark setting which allows forcing
    prefers-color-scheme: dark colors for websites (QtWebEngine with Qt 5.14 or
    New fonts.default_size setting which can be used to set a bigger font size
    for all UI fonts.


    The fonts.monospace setting has been removed and replaced by
    fonts.default_family. The new default_family setting is improved in
    various ways:
        It accepts a list of font families (or a single font family) rather than a
        comma-separated string. As an example, instead of
        fonts.monospace = "Courier, Monaco", use
        fonts.default_family = ["Courier", "Monaco"].
        Since a list is now accepted as value, no quoting of font names with spaces
        is required anymore. As an example, instead of
        fonts.monospace = '"xos4 Terminus"', use
        fonts.default_family = 'xos4 Terminus'.
        It is now empty by default rather than having a long list of font names in
        the default config. When the value is empty, the system's default
        monospaced font is used.
    If monospace is now used in a font value, it's used literally and not
    replaced anymore. Instead, default_family is replaced as explained above.
    The default content.headers.accept_language value now adds a ;q=0.9
    classifier which should make the value sent more in-line with what other
    browsers do.
    The qute-pass userscript now has a new --mode gopass switch which uses
    gopass rather than pass.
    The tox -e mkvenv (or mkvenv-pypi) way of installing qutebrowser is now
    replaced by a mkvenv.py script. See the updated
    link:install{outfilesuffix}#tox[install instructions] for details.
    macOS and Windows releases now ship with Qt/QtWebEngine 5.14.1
        Based on Chromium 77.0.3865.129 with security fixes up to Chromium 79.0.3945.117.
        Sandboxing is now enabled on Windows.
        Monospace fonts are now used when a website requests them on macOS 10.15.
        Web notifications are now supported.


    When quitting qutebrowser, components are now cleaned up differently. This
    should fix certain (rare) segmentation faults and exceptions when quitting,
    especially with the new exit scheme introduced in in PyQt5 5.13.1.
    Added a workaround for per-domain settings (e.g. a JavaScript whitelist) not
    being applied in some scenarios with Qt 5.13 and above.
    Added additional site-specific quirk for WhatsApp Web.
    The qute-pass userscript now works correctly when a PASSWORD_STORE_DIR
    ending with a trailing slash is given.


Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2020.02.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2020, 13:10
Whats new:>>

Missing internal JavaScript setting prevented pop-up blocking on new installations.

Titel: Polar 1.90.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2020, 16:30
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL


    Flow for the annotation sidebar now fixes the header at the top and properly sets overflow so just the sidebar text flows.
    Short term workaround for a bug where firebase won't write to prefs on startup which blocked cloud sync on restart for some users.
    Upgraded to latest Firebase libraries (7.7.0)
    Fixed bug with spacing in the tree sidebar for nodes that get compressed.
    Ability to filter annotations on the sidebar.
    Fixed bug with performing reviews when nothing left was available.
    Fixed bug with #? not being encoded properly due when creating file URLs.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2020, 06:05
Whats new:>>

    Enable quieter prompt to allow notifications for website by default.
    Fix bug with website auto reload feature.

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2020, 19:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a minor release in response to YouTube deprecating their old web UI. This change will enable the new YouTube UI by default.


Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2020, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with youtube video downloader

Titel: Polar 1.90.17 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2020, 12:56
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL


    Flow for the annotation sidebar now fixes the header at the top and properly sets overflow so just the sidebar text flows.
    Short term workaround for a bug where firebase won't write to prefs on startup which blocked cloud sync on restart for some users.
    Upgraded to latest Firebase libraries (7.7.0)
    Fixed bug with spacing in the tree sidebar for nodes that get compressed.
    Ability to filter annotations on the sidebar.
    Fixed bug with performing reviews when nothing left was available.
    Fixed bug with #? not being encoded properly due when creating file URLs.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2020, 09:04
Whats new:>>

Built in ad blocker now works without the need of additional extension process.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with some menu labels

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2020, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Save flash allowing settings after browser exit.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2020, 09:06

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink (Chrome / 80.0.3987.106)
    Adjust to switch display according to DPI setting value (100%, 125%, 150%, 200%)
    Customize DPI setting to apply | Details | Add to DPI

Titel: Pale Moon 28.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2020, 17:00


    Fixed an issue in CSP blocking requests without a port for custom schemes.
    Fixed a potentially hazardous crash in layers.
    Fixed random crashes on some sites using IndexedDB.
    Changed the way the application can be invoked from the command-line to prevent a whole class of potential exploits involving modified omnijars.
    If your special-needs environment requires that you launch the browser with custom browser/gre omnijars from the command-line, you must set the UXP_CUSTOM_OMNI environment variable before launch from this point forward.
    Fixed an issue in the html parser after using HTML5 template tags, allowing JavaScript parsing and execution when it should not be allowed, risking XSS vulnerabilities on sites relying on correct operation of the browser. (CVE-2020-6798)
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 2 DiD, 10 not applicable.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2020, 10:15
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.



    Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window.
    Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' to the 'Column Settings' window.


Titel: SlimBrowser 12.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2020, 04:45
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with share page on facebook/twitter.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.2.22.180
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2020, 17:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Mypal 28.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2020, 18:50
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: Biscuit 1.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2020, 19:45
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.



    New features:

    Added split browsing.
    Added Spellchecker.
    Supported new apps.
    Google Domains


    Added context menu on app switcher.
    Improved rendering performance.


    Fixed small bugs.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2020, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Add menu item(Tab Popup) and shortcut key(Ctrl+Q) to go back to last active tab

Titel: Biscuit 1.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2020, 21:15
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed an issue where Split browsing can not open new window and tab.
    Fixed an issue where close button on Split browsing was not working on Windows.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2020, 11:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Implemented optional catch binding (ES2019).
    Fixed a hazardous crash related to module scripting.


Titel: SlimBrowser 12.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2020, 12:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with language file manager.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fix UI localization issue with French and German.

Titel: Puffin Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 18:10
Mit dem "Puffin Web Browser" erhaltet ihr einen schnellen Internetbrowser für Android, iOS und Windows. Das Besondere des Browsers ist die integrierte Cloud-Funktion. Hierbei werden die Webseiten auf den Cloud-Servern berechnet und dann an den Nutzer gesendet.

Der Puffin Web Browser nutzt eine hauseigene Cloud und berechnet die Inhalte einer Website schon auf den eigenen Cloud-Servern und sendet die fertige Website dann an den Nutzer. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr Inhalte darstellen, die normalerweise vom Betriebssystem nicht oder nicht mehr unterstützt werden.


Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2020.03.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 20:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Gopher search input field. Only the first encounter of a special tag is considered on a page.
    History in tab bar's add button. Press, hold, and wait.
    Missing internal JavaScript setting prevented pop-up blocking on new installations.
    Prevent abnormal termination on resizing of Dooble windows.
    Qt 5.12.7.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2020, 12:39
Whats new:>>

Fix a few UI localization issue.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2020, 05:45
Whats new:>>

    Fix a bug with language file manager
    Fix a bug with youtube video downloader

Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2020, 13:15
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: Slimjet 25.0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Fix some issues with language file manager
    Updated a few language files

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.3.12.185
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2020, 15:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Beaker Browser 0.8.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2020, 20:10
Conveniently build decentralized websites and web apps with the help of this exciting, peer-to-peer and Chromium-based web browser.

MIT License


    A couple of quick bugfixes:
    Fix to "library view" UI for Dats that you are seeding (#1521)
    DatArchive is now attached to the window object to conform with previous behaviors.

Beaker Browser 0.8.9

    Hey everybody! This is an important security fix. Please update immediately if you are using Beaker 0.8.x. Follow #1519 for more information. We will post a full post-mortem there after users have had time to update.
    Critical security fix (#1519)
    Note Some users have reported that the settings page will not open, making it difficult to update. If this is the case for you, download the binary from this page and reinstall.
    A very big thank you to @imagemlt for researching this issue and responsibly disclosing it.


Titel: Mypal 28.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2020, 21:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2020, 18:30
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added new date/time filter: 'Load history items from the following time range and date range (separately)'. For example... You can search browsing history items that their modified date is between 01/01/2019 - 01/01/2020 and their modified time is between 02:00 - 04:00.

Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2020, 11:45
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new: >>

SQLite engine updated to 3.31.1

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2020, 05:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



 * Work has been carried out predominantly in the Browser Options and Node Tree reporting sections.
 * A Page Error Reporting bug was also eliminated.
 * An additional way to add website membership... while browsing a site R-click on an empty area to bring up:
     Script Macro Menu > Handy Tools > Add Membership

 * Privacy Violation Reports now offer the option to delete all website cookies.
 * All of the many internal reports generated by the browser can now be saved to disk as HTML files via...

       Main Menu > Page Operations > Save Page > Dynamic

   You can then take advantage of the excellent online service "HTML to PDF" located at https://html2pdf.com/ if you prefer a PDF version.

 * The power of "Sanitize Page" has been extended to now kill all animating GIF images, ads in frames, animating/scrolling elements, and all forms of transforming elements.

   Basically, use this tool to pacify annoying web pages via... Main Menu > Page Operations > Sanitize Page

 * New developer's tool "Expose Containers" enables you to explore every container on a page in detail under... Main Menu > Developer Tools > Expose Containers
 * Lots of unspecified improvements/optimizations made here and there.


Titel: Avant Browser 2020 Build 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2020, 06:10
Whats new:>>

    Update]Chrome: 80.0.3987.132
    [Fix]A bug of page zoom

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2020, 19:45
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added option to view the Web browser downloads only in the specified date/time range or in the last xx days/hours/minutes/seconds.

Titel: Forkle Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2020, 17:15
Browse the Internet without having to worry about trackers, adware or telemetry using this straightforward, stripped-down browser.


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2020, 19:15
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2020, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    New features:

    Implemented asynchronous iterators (await iterator.next() and for await loops) (ES2018)
    Implemented promise-based media playback.
    Implemented non-standard legacy CSSStyleSheet rules functions.
    Implemented the html5 <dialog> element. To switch this on, flip dom.dialog_element.enabled to true.
    Implemented the optional hiding of pinned tabs in CtrlTab/AllTab panes. (controlled through the preferences browser.ctrlTab.hidePinnedTabs and browser.allTabs.hidePinnedTabs)
    Added 1.25x playback speed to html media elements.
    Added a hidden pref (browser.places.smartBookmarks.max) to control the sizes of default smart bookmarks categories.


    Aligned document.open() with the overhauled specification.
    Aligned the way DOM styles are computed with mainstream browser behavior.
    Removed the (unused) DOM promise implementation.
    Enabled seeking to next frame in media files.
    Enabled dynamic UA updates for emergency use.
    Implemented rule processing stub for font-variation-settings.
    Increased the maximum XML nesting depth to 2048 levels for extreme corner cases and to conservatively align with other browsers.
    Improved the privacy of geolocation lookup calls, with thanks to a generous service donation from ip-api.com
    Improved reporting of the operating system in site-specific user-agent overrides.
    Improved table drawing performance again after the rewrite for sticky positioning making it slower.
    Updated CSP processing to allow custom scheme wildcards to be specified without a port.
    Aligned the behavior of outlines with other browsers when dealing with CSS-repositioned elements.
    Changed the way hardware acceleration is controlled from the application.
    Changed the default monospace font for main languages from Courier New to Consolas.
    This provides a more balanced font for fixed-width text that is slightly more condensed and more in line with the naturally compacter variable-width fonts used everywhere else.
    Changed the browser's behavior when restoring tabs from previous sessions. To prevent stale pages, it will now by default perform a "soft refresh" of the page instead of drawing it purely from cache without checking if the page needs updating. If you prefer the old behavior, set browser.sessionstore.cache_behavior to 0 in about:config.
    Updated NSPR to 4.24 and NSS to ~3.48.1-RTM, removing the previous custom patch level with NSS being able to support custom rounds for DBM now.
    For extensive release notes with all NSS changes, see NSS_Releases
    Implemented an NSS performance optimization for Master Password use with limited effect.
    Fixed some potential crashing scenarios with WebGL on Linux.
    Completely removed showModalDialog.
    Disabled some logging in production builds.
    Removed various gadgeteering/redundant/dead DOM APIs (casting/presentation, FlyWeb)
    Removed support for a number of critical libraries being system-supplied.
    Removed "Copy raw data" button from the troubleshooting information page, since it's never used by us in that format, and users mistakenly keep using it instead of copying text.
    Removed a bunch of Android and iOS support code.
    Fixed an issue with form elements sometimes being incorrectly disabled.
    Fixed several crashes.
    Fixed an issue with Captive Portal detection sometimes firing even when disabled by the user.
    Performed various tree-wide code cleanups.
    Backed out a large code cleanup patch for causing subtle issues in website operation (e.g. WordPress). This will have to be revisited later; the reintroduced code is not in use in practice.
    Cleaned up the application updater code.

    Security-related fixes:

    Fixed a potential pointer issue in cubeb. DiD
    Disabled allowing remote jar: URIs by default for security reasons. If you need this functionality for your non-standard environment, you can enable it with the preference network.jar.block-remote-files, but please consider moving away from this method of providing web-based applications.
    Removed a potentially dangerous and otherwise ineffective optimization from the JavaScript engine.
    Fixed unwanted behavior where created/focused pop-up windows could potentially cover the DOM fullscreen notification, hiding it from users. (CVE-2020-6810)
    Fixed an issue where copying data as a curl request from developer tools would not properly escape parameters. (CVE-2020-6811)
    Updated our sctp library code with several upstream fixes.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 3 already mitigated, 1 rejected, 11 not applicable.


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2020, 05:50
Whats new:>>

This is a small update to address a breaking issue with user-agent override strings, causing problems on certain websites for a number of our users.

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2020, 05:20
Whats new:>>

This is a small bugfix update addressing 2 more important issues in 28.9.0:

    Fixed an issue with browser migration and initialization code causing various browser run-time problems.
    Fixed an issue with cache behavior where some users would have trouble having their windows and tabs restored in "soft refresh" mode (see v28.9.0 release notes).
    To solve this, we reverted to the previous (pull from cache) mode for now while we investigate the cause.

Titel: Polar 1.100.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2020, 17:40
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2020, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Migrate to Chromium 80

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 09:50

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 80.0.3987.149)
    Adjusted Favicon drawing process

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.3.30.189
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 17:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Biscuit 1.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 20:20
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>

    New features:

    Supported new apps.


    Added advanced settings.
    Updated Electron version to 8.2.0.


    Fixed an issue where the window could not be moved when the app list was scrolling.
    Fixed an issue where the app would crash when some pages were closed.
    Fixed an issue where download a name of downloaded file was incorrect.
    Fixed some bugs.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2020, 09:45
Whats new:>>

    Fix issue with default browser setting under linux
    Fix compability issues with some linux distributions

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with forum link

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2020, 11:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



 * A dysfunctional meta-search engine has been replaced with a new one.

 * The Browser Resolution adjusting, developer's utility has been improved.

 * Some of the website scraping report tables can now be sorted alphabetically.

 * Bogus User Agent setting is now available in the browser options for bad websites like YouTube that still rely on User Agents.

    Note 1: See how YouTube's layout and content changes when we pretend we're using their junk browser! Lame+ :)

    Note 2: If you prefer the old YouTube page format (as I do) remove YouTube from the Bogus User Agent list.

 * The Script Macro Menu has been updated to make instant manual User Agent spoofing easier.

 * New developer's tool "Page Link Analysis" gives you a detailed breakdown of a page's links and testing.

 * Much improved page scraping tools all around!

 * An improved Page Color Fader. See what your websites will look like when color-faded up or down.

 NB: With the release of v5.1, there are now FOUR sections in the Browser Options that should be updated about once a month.
     You can do this simply by clicking each of their corresponding "Update" button. These are...

     1.   URL Keyword Blocking
     2.   Enforce the EU’s Internet Privacy Law (GDPR)
     3.   Restricted Privileges
     4.   Bogus User Agent

    It is very important that you update each of these as they give the browser vital information for the correct loading/handling of many websites
    that pose a variety of problems to us. Failure to do so means that some of these sites may appear broken, inaccessible, and/or fail to load altogether!


Titel: Pale Moon 28.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2020, 16:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Re-imported the ExtensionStorage js module for use by browser extensions.
    Fixed an issue with the WebRequest module having erroneously un-processed build directives in it. This might have caused some subtle breakage.
    Removed the use of high-resolution Windows system timers from the layout refresh driver; this should help with some performance and battery life issues.
    Fixed an issue where various parts of hardware acceleration weren't properly linked when changing the option from preferences.
    If you have changed the preferences option to "use hardware acceleration when available" between 28.9.0 and this release, it is recommended that you go into preferences and toggle the option off/on to the preferred setting to correct any discrepancies.
    Fixed an issue with building the user-agent string using the build date as ID.
    Fixed an issue with the release of document content viewers (CVE-2020-6819). DiD
    Fixed an issue with handling functions with rest parameters. DiD
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 Defense-in-depth, 14 not applicable.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2020, 10:40
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

* added support for new version of Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium), including import
* added an option to do a duplicate check when adding a new URL
* mitigated a rare crash when trying to set clipboard data

Titel: BriskBard 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2020, 18:50
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    Navigate comfortably in Internet using the new mouse gestures in BriskBard and control your browser with your hand movement.
    BriskBard has many interesting new features in this version and besides the transition to 64 bit, it now includes mouse gestures that can be linked to the browser actions.
    To test this new feature you only have to check the “Allow gestures” box in the “Gestures” tab inside the web browser configuration window and press the “Ok” button.
    BriskBard has two preconfigured gestures to go back or forward, and you only need to press the “control” key while you move the mouse to the left to navigate to the previous page. Once there you can go forward pressing the “control” key while moving the mouse to the right.
    Another new BriskBard feature is the quick “user agent” selector for each web browser tab.
    There’s also a new configuration window where you can select the user agent that will be used dynamically whenever you navigate to a domain.
    With these new features you’ll be able to navigate to those pages that are only designed for a reduced number of web browsers, causing issues and giving false warnings when you try to use an alternative web browser like BriskBard.
    If you decide to anchor the BriskBard icon in the Windows taskbar you'll see that this version added multiple tasks to open BriskBard with the tab you need.

    This is the complete list of changes in BriskBard 1.9.0 :

    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 81.0.4044.92
    New 64 bits version of BriskBard.
    Added mouse gestures to the web browser tabs using the Blink engine.
    Improved user agent selection and dynamic user agent per domain for web browser tabs using the Blink engine.
    Added tasks in the context menu shown in the Windows task bar icon.
    The task bar icon now shows the loading progress when BriskBard starts.
    Now the button to open the downloads directory in the download manager is always enabled.
    Added a new option to the uninstaller to keep the user data.
    The web browser configuration has been modified to save user credentials for system proxies.
    Performance has been improved in the web browser tabs that use the Trident engine.
    The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed some graphical glitches when a web browser tab with the Trident engine was used.
    The URL port number is now checked to see if it's valid before navigating to a web site.


Titel: Mypal 28.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2020, 13:00
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView v1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2020, 17:45
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Show Time In GMT' option.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2020, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fix compatibility with website with https protocol but inscure link to images.

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2020, 18:50

 * Fixed some minor bugs in RSS/Atom feed handling.

 * New developer's tool "JavaScript Search" enables you to find script across all libraries called by a page.

 * The "Search Alternative URL" right-click menu function, will now search directly in YouTube when called in the Web-Tunes menu.

 * Fixed a bug in Developer Tools > Page Editor.

 * You can now send any highlighted text to the default Windows Narrator. Highlight text on a website and Right-click to use this.

   The Windows Narrator can be configured under...

    Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access > Speech Recognition > Advanced Speech Options > Text to Speech

 * Updated the Main Menu and other components to reflect recent changes.

 NB: There are now FOUR sections in the Browser Options that should be updated about once a month.
     You can do this simply by clicking each of their corresponding "Update" button. These are...

     1.   URL Keyword Blocking
     2.   Enforce the EU’s Internet Privacy Law (GDPR)
     3.   Restricted Privileges
     4.   Bogus User Agent

    It's very important that you update each of these as they give the browser vital information for the correct loading/handling of many websites
    that pose a variety of problems to us. Failure to do so means that some of these sites may appear broken, inaccessible, and/or fail to load altogether!


Titel: Polarity 10.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2020, 13:15
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2020, 17:00

This is a minor update for stability and compatibility.

    Re-based the 28.9 version of browsers on a separate development branch that excludes the extensive work being done for Google WebComponents, to avoid potential performance and stability issues caused by as-of-yet incomplete and in-progress code for the new milestone.
    Enabled DOM High Resolution timestamps for compatibility with websites that strictly rely on them for operation.
    Added a preference to allow copying the unescaped URL from the address bar (especially useful for internationalized domain names and paths).
    To enable this, set browser.urlbar.decodeURLsOnCopy to true in about:config
    Fixed several application crashes (thanks, Fysac!)


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.16.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 18:20
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

    Fix Google login.
    Improve scroll restoration.


Upgrade Chromium to version 80.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2020, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Add support for side tab bar. Right click on any tab and select "Side Tab Bar->Enable Tab Bar" to enable the feature.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.5.2.195
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2020, 09:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2020, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Added 'File Properties' option, which displays the file-properties window for the selected file.
    Added 'Open File Properties' to the 'Double-Click Action' and 'Enter Action' option.

Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2020.05.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2020, 18:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Qt 5.12.8.
    Retain address bar information after settings are applied.


Titel: SlimBrowser 12.0.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about openning links in gmail.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 04:05
Whats new:>>

Fix background color of side tab bar when dark theme is used.

Titel: Mypal 28.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 04:45
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


    Notice that Palemoon languages do not suitable, Mypal languages files look in the 28.9.0 assets.
    Fixed some videos does not play on ok.ru

    Resolved issues:

    Software Update - Link regarding update information #162
    Bookmark All Tabs: empty title if tab unloaded and don't exist in history #149


Titel: The Classic Browser 5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 13:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    New powerful developer's tool "Scalable Design Tester" which is a responsive design checker mimicking smartphones, Tablets and other devices for any web page. It's excellent and far superior to any of the similar online services that are out there.
    Auto-Narration on Hover has been firmly embedded both for browser usage and in Internet pages viewed. For browser usage you'll find a new "Narrate" toggle button in all menus, while for Internet pages it is done through... Main Menu > Page Operations > Narrate Page
    As always, this feature is configurable and thus can be fine-tuned and automated in the Browser Options under "Page Narrator Options".
    NB: In Windows 7 there's only one narrator voice called "Microsoft Anna" which is rather poor and one can only purchase better narrator voices from 3rd parties, while in Windows 8/10 they included more voices to choose from and of better quality, so enjoy!
    New developer's tool "Page Spell Check" to quickly perform a spell-check on any page in just a few seconds.
    New developer's tool "Reload with Error Reporting" when you Right-click on an “empty” area of a page and select... "Reload This Page > With Error Reporting". Page Error Reporting has been standard in the browser options from the onset, but it affects all pages visited when enabled.
    This new feature however is a quick and temporary "this tab/window only" activation, for developers testing their sites.
    New developer's tools "Event Listeners..." to view tables of both Inline and Dynamic Event Listeners set on a page.
    The power of Script Macros has been extended with full access to Desktop App Browser Functions!


Titel: Pale Moon 28.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


Fixed a potential vulnerability in the zip file reader. DiD
Fixed a potential vulnerability in the JavaScript JIT compiler related to aliases. DiD
Ported several upstream devtools fixes (addresses CVE-2020-12392 and CVE-2020-12393).
Improved memory safety of some WebAudio calls.
Improved memory safety in the XUL window destructor. DiD
Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 3 Defense-in-depth, 16 not applicable.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2020, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fix rendering issue of side tab bar under multiple-screen setup.

Titel: Mypal 28.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2020, 19:30
Whats new:>>

All issues of the previous release are resolved.

The update correponds version 28.9.3.
Notice that Palemoon languages do not suitable, Mypal languages files look in the 28.9.0 assets.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2020, 20:50
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve toolbar with reduced footprint.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2020, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Optimize background and font color of side tab bar under various themes.

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2020, 19:30
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed all filename options (MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash, Open/Run Selected Filename, Open Filename Folder) to work properly when connecting a remote computer.
    When choosing to view the downloads on remote computer or on another profile, the remote computer name/profile path is now displayed in the window title.

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2020, 17:30

    The headings/buttons of browser menus are now fully responsive, something that’s been on the to-do list for a while and finally sorted!
    To compliment the above we now also have a Menu Sort function to sort bookmarks by title or URL.
    New powerful developer's tool "Element Inspector" enables you to pinpoint to any element on a website, and get a complete report of every attribute, styling and property it abides by, including a comparison table of default vs. modified CSS values.
    Right-clicking on the small quick-scrolling buttons (Go top/middle/end of page) will now perform a smooth scroll on both browser menus and Internet pages.
    The new tool "Browser Cookie Table" displays a detailed table of all browser cookies created during the browsing session. See... Main Menu > Developer Tools > Browser Cookie Table
    A bug has been sorted in the cookie deleting function in Privacy Violation Reports which would prevent some cookies from being deleted.
    NB: Deleting cookies is fun but don’t get over-enthusiastic with this because the entire Chromium session will get blown away upon browser exit anyway! :)
    New scraping utility "Extract Objects" will expose every object on a page in the easy to read JSON format. See... Main Menu > Page Scraping > Extract Objects
    Existing scraper "Extract Codespace" has had a bug removed and is much improved.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.5.26.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 04:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 09:07
Whats new:>>

Add option to show side tab bar only when the tabs on the top are crowded (check option "Side Tab Bar->Show when too many").

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2020, 06:26

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 83.0.4103.61)
    Removed Fenrir Pass Connect integration feature

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2020, 19:15
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added support for detecting user-installed browsers that aren't registered with the whole system
    Fixed order of categories in floating toolbar

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.18.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2020, 09:00
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

    Upgrade Chromium to version 83.
    Add PDF viewer.
    Improve toolbar design.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fix dependency on libpango on some linux distribution

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2020, 19:45
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    In this version we offer you native (HLS .m3u8) video streaming so henceforth, any streaming video detected will be directed to a new tab where the familiar HTML5 video player will stream away for your pleasure.
    Although we have thoroughly tested this with countless URL streams, there are various ways in which streams are delivered to users so we definitely need your feedback on this.
    Btw, to test this you'll first need to go to... Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Local File Associations > Audio/Video Streaming Player ...and remove any existing external player you may have there.
    Test video stream: https://bitdash-a.akamaihd.net/content/sintel/hls/playlist.m3u8
    Menu Themes are now a fact... from any bookmark menu just click Setup > Menu Themes. There are 12 themes to choose from for now and of course the manual-custom way is also still there.
    You'll now find a new option in the... Browser Options > "Other Appearance Options" which will enable you to set the colors of three previously "hard-coded" modules.
    They are Multi-Search, System Info, and Disk Browser which can now be color-configured to look different, I hope you like them this time.
    The bugs in Site Membership Import (CSV format) have finally been eliminated! We've lost many potential users in the past because of this disaster but no more. Sorry fellas... :(
    In the Browser Options > Online Services Associations > Document Viewing Service, you can now select "None - Download" in case the preferred online document viewing service is offline.
    This happened to me recently and I was pretty annoyed that I couldn't download a .CSV file because the selected service trigger kept preventing it even though the Ms Office online viewing service was down.
    The "Browser Cookie Table" has been renamed to "Session Cookie Report", made prettier and moved where it should be... just after the Tab Manager Report. It should've never been placed in the Developer Tools!
    All the Developer’s Gadgets have been amalgamated under their own menu group and a new Shade Picker upgrades the old.
    There are lots of good little things that have been done here and there, which I won't list and there's more coming...
    For whatever it's worth you can now pose as a bogus Googlebot 2.1 via... Script Macro Menu > Reload this Page > As Googlebot 2.1
    Btw, you can check any User Agent changes under... Script Macro Menu > Handy Tools > Tab/Window Info
    I haven't had the time to take the Googlebot agent for a spin to see the reactions and evaluate its worth yet, but if it has nothing interesting to offer we’ll just remove it and maybe try a blank User Agent or something, or maybe create your own... would you like that?


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.18.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2020, 04:40
Whats new:>>

    Update font.
    Fix “Open in Default Browser”.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2020, 16:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Implemented URLSearchParams' sort() function
    Implemented ES2020 globalThis for web compatibility
    Improved our WebM media parser to be more tolerant to different encoding styles.
    Improved our MP3 media parser to be more tolerant to different encoding styles and particularly tiny files/stream chunks.
    Improved performance of table drawing for more corner cases
    Changed the way images without a src are handled in page layouts to align with the Chrome-pushed spec.
    Added modern MIPS support
    Split out the ICU data file from xul.dll on Windows
    Fixed a regression in WebAudio channel handling due to a landed security fix.
    Fixed a regression preventing scripting from properly disabling input controls
    Fixed an issue with border radius sometimes not being honored in tables
    Fixed some build issues in non-standard configurations.
    Removed more telemetry code
    Removed the in-browser speech recognition engine and API
    Removed support for the obsolete and unmaintained NVidia 3DVision stereoscopic interface.
    Changed handling of braille blanks in the ui (CVE-2020-12409) DiD
    Mitigated a potential timing attack against DSA keys in NSS (CVE-2020-12399)
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 1 fixed, 1 defense-in-depth, 8 not applicable.


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2020, 16:50
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new:>>

    New - Support of SlimBrowser (Firefox based)
    Improved - SQLite engine updated to 3.32.2
    Fixed - Fixed Brave browser support

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 09:09
Whats new:>>

Fix the overlapping between theme button and close button under linux.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.18.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 12:50
Whats new:>>

Improve toggle view animation.

Titel: Mypal 28.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2020, 19:00
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2020, 21:15
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'Save All Items' option (Shift+Ctrl+S).
    Added /cfg command-line option to start BrowserDownloadsView with the specified config file.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.18.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2020, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Fix UI bugs.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2020, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2020, 11:20

    All menus now have a new "Update" button to automatically update all updatable URL's of a menu. Run this once or twice on every menu to speed up the launching of websites.
    A bug was suppressed when a menu bookmark was a local file... it would always open with Restricted Privileges!
    The Script Macro Menu now has a new group called “Open this page...” offering Kiosk, Popup, and alternative browsers found on your system.
    The powerful Page Scraping utility "Extract Objects" has been taken to the next level with a handy text-search function. Use this tool responsibly please!
    In all menus you can now Copy a Group or bookmark to the clipboard; such a primitive function should've been implemented from the onset!
    In Privacy Violation Reports, you can now get a decrypted version of the cookie value by hovering over it. If no tooltip appears it means it couldn't be done.
    This new feature is in its infancy and can only decrypt a few values for now but we’re working on it.
    Multiple miscellaneous unspecified improvements/optimizations were made in this version.
    New bookmark menu under... Main Menu > Bookmarks/Favorites > LIVE Streams, which is a token of our appreciation to those who donate to this project.
    You can now make a donation to the ongoing development of the Classic Browser via the homesite's PayPal logo.
    I hope that those of you who are employed and appreciate this browser will consider supporting it. Thanks fellas.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.6.14.205
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2020, 12:44
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2020, 06:30

    Added Vbox to v6.0.0.1900
    Account nickname and avatar are available for the user list
    Bookmarks and autosaved passwords back up automatically to the local
    Added the option for replacing page to the right-click menu of the entry of favorites
    Optimized the pop-up window
    Optimized the search engine
    Fixed the issue that the folder name in Maxnote could not be updated automatically after changing
    Fixed the issue that the reset settings could not work
    Fixed the issue that the scrollbar could not display after opening the note in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks data of Chrome could not be imported properly
    Fixed the issue that the context menu could not be displayed properly in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the introduction of Passkeeper could not display
    Fixed the issue that the scrollbar could not display properly in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the box of data importing could not be closed automatically
    Fixed the crash issue when dragging the extension
    Fixed the issue that the image could not be opened in the background by clicking while holding the Ctrl key (unchecked quick save image)
    Fixed the crash issue when dragging the favorites data in bookmarks manager
    Fixed the issue that the icon of webpage could not display
    Fixed the issue that the link could not be opened in the background under some circumstances
    Fixed the issue that the browser main menu had messy code


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2020, 12:47
Whats new:>>

Add support for side tabs (Select menu View->Side bar->Tabs).

Titel: The Classic Browser 5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2020, 04:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    Change in video stream handling behavior: Henceforth the browser will handle all video streams except for encrypted streams which will be passed onto the external stream player such as VLC, as specified under...
    Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Local File Associations > Audio/Video Streaming Player
    The browser's native stream player has had a makeover and acquired numerous cool functions resembling a modern TV set.
    The browser now supports M4A MPEG-4 Audio natively; the format of Apple's iTunes Store music downloads.
    The browser's complete Audio/Video support info has been added as a new section in "System Information" for your perusal.
    Privacy Violation Reports have been beefed up with extra functions for viewing and/or clearing a page's Session and Local Storage.
    Extract Objects, now filters empty and/or uninteresting objects much more stringently.
    A couple of minor bugs eliminated.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2020, 09:06

    Optimized the main menu and the account menu
    Added more options to the mouse gestures
    Optimized the guest window and the incognito window
    Optimized Vbox
    Added the Turkish, Italian, French, Spanish, Danish and Arabic languages to v6.0.0.2100
    Fixed some crashes
    Fixed the issue that the folder name could not be updated instantly
    Fixed the issue that the changed entries of Passkeeper could not keep the original sequence
    Fixed the issue that some prompts could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that the icon of the New tab page could not display after login
    Fixed the issue that the latest edited time of Passkeeper could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that the avatar and the nickname could not display properly after restarting the browser
    Fixed the issue that the browser account could not log in properly when the password has special characters


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2020, 12:45
Whats new:>>

    Add support for Tab Groups (Right click on tab and select "Add to group")
    Allow manage cookies on a per-site basis.
    Added option to block third-party cookies.
    Migrate to Chromium 83

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Fix bug about drag & drop text to search.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 18:50

+ Added the Last session list to v6.0.0.2200
+ Added the option to the bookmarks bar for customizing the favorites display
+ Optimized UI
+ Optimized the background of the login page
+ Added the function to the main menu for restoring the page zoom to the original
+ Optimized Vbox

- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that the screen capture could not work properly after changing the page zoom
- Fixed the issue that some buttons could not display the right label
- Fixed the issue that “push to talk” could not open two or more websites by one-click
- Fixed the issue that the banner of Maxnote could not adapt to the browser language
- Fixed the issue that Youku could not pop up the video window
- Fixed the issue that the icon of some intranet websites could not display properly
- Fixed the issue that the night mode disabled wrongly
- Fixed the issue that the icon of the website could not display properly under the retro mode
- Fixed the issue that the icon of Maxnote wrongly displayed under the Guest window
- Fixed the issue of the blank area of the browser main menu
- Fixed the crash issue when clicking the pop-up window


Titel: The Classic Browser 5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    New handy developer's tool "IP or DNS Resolution" will resolve one or an entire list of comma-delimited or LF-delimited, IPs to Hostnames or the reverse.
    The native video stream player's functionality has been extended once again with a plethora of features; see the online User's Guide for a detailed list of all it can do.
    As per a user request, additional search categories have been added to the LIVE Streams menu.
    In this version we have disabled support for the now outdated TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1
    Six new keyboard shortcuts have been added to functions that didn't have a shortcut.
    Right-click on the Main Menu button to quickly flush and reset the DNS Cache to reduce your latency.
    Miscellaneous unspecified improvements/optimizations made here and there.

Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2020.07.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2020, 13:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Native Qt HMAC.
    Please remove dooble_settings.db if Dooble does not launch correctly. Qt 5.15.0 LTS.
    Qt 5.15.0 LTS.
    dooble_settings::setting() may not return the provided default value if a database-access error occurs. Corrected.


Titel: Biscuit 1.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2020, 13:22
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>


    Updated Electron version to 9.1.
    Updated Windows Code Signing Certificate.


    Fixed an issue where nothing is displayed when using MS Teams.

Titel: Biscuit 1.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2020, 04:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed small bugs.
Fixed an issue where Biscuit would not start on Linux.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.19.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2020, 13:00
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Update for fixes and improvements.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2020, 18:15

+ Added the search function to the page of settings
+ Allow extensions in the incognito mode
+ Optimized the installation process
+ Optimized Vbox
+ Updated some new icons in UI
- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that some labels covered by the messy code
- Fixed the issue that the search engine could not be added
- Fixed the issue that the account could not be logged in after logging in to it under the guest window
- Fixed the issue that URL could not be opened in the background by using the middle mouse button
- Fixed the issue that the Boss key could not be customized
- Fixed the issue that Vbox could not display properly
- Fixed the issue that some long labels could not display properly
- Fixed the issue that “push to talk” could not open tabs more than three
- Fixed the issue that passwords data could not be imported properly


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2020, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Add "Copy file" to download shelf context menu.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.7.13.212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2020, 12:37
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Pale Moon 28.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2020, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Changed storage format for certificates and passwords to SQLite.
    Added a preference (browser.tabs.insertAllAfterCurrent) to enable always adding new tabs after the current tab, whether related or not.
    Changed the way Firefox extensions are displayed in the add-on manager (provide a clear warning).
    Denied other types of add-ons that aren't explicitly targeting Pale Moon's ID.
    Improved the browser's DPI-awareness to be per-monitor instead of system-wide, on supported Windows operating systems.
    Updated bookmark backups code with the other half of what should have been done way back when, so they work fully as-intended.
    Added a preference (browser.bookmarks.editDialog.showForNewBookmarks) to enable immediately showing the edit dialog for new bookmarks.
    If set to true, clicking the star in the address bar will pop open the edit dialog immediately for changing details/sorting.
    Fixed the useragent string in native mode, and updated UA code to properly respond to live changes to some preferences.
    Tidied up front-end browser JavaScript.
    Changed the way sources are compiled (on-going de-unification).
    Improved compatibility with gcc v10
    Removed support for the obsolete and unmaintained NVidia 3DVision stereoscopic interface.
    Fixed some build issues in non-standard configurations.
    Fixed wrong positions when calculating the position for position:absolute child inside a table.
    Aligned file name extension of saved url files with other applications (lower case)
    Fixed building with --disable-webspeech (to disable speech synthesis)
    Added global menubar support for GTK.
    Implemented node.getRootNode
    Implemented AbortController (Abort API)
    Improved the uninstaller to use elevation when prudent and actually remove program files.
    Fixed a rare issue with editable page content.
    Fixed a crash related to ES module scripts.
    Aligned ES module scripting better with the current spec and removed eager instantiation.
    Fixed a potential issue with the JPEG encoder. (CVE-2020-12422) DiD
    Fixed a potential issue with AppCache manifests. DiD
    Fixed a potential crash in JavaScript date parsing.
    Fixed a problem with RSA key generation that would make it potentially vulnerable to side-channel attacks. (CVE-2020-12402)
    Fixed a potential crash due to multithread race condition. DiD
    Fixed a correctness issue in URL handling. (CVE-2020-12418) DiD
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 4 defense-in-depth, 10 not applicable


Titel: Mypal 28.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2020, 05:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2020, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Fix icon of recently visited sites and most frequently visited sites menu.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Update language files.

Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2020, 18:15

+ Added shortcuts customization
+ Improved the guest window (Passkeeper, Maxnote and Quick access are not available for the guest window)
+ Built-in pages (Settings, New tab page) will not be added to favorites
+ Improved the logic of the retro mode auto-switch
+ Improved Vbox
+ Updated the content for verification email
+ Added the online Passkeeper for Maxthon 6 to uu.me
- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that Vbox could not display in English
- Fix the issue that the button for popping-up video window could not be closed
- Fixed the issue that the auto-saved passwords could not sync automatically
- Fixed the issue that the extension Night Mode could not be removed


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2020, 09:12
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Fixed the /cfg command-line option to load the .cfg file from the current directory if full path is not specified.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2020, 09:08
Whats new:>>

    Fix bug with home button
    Add sound when finishing download files with turbo-charged download manager.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2020, 14:10

+ Added the page of Settings to the Guest window
+ Optimized the keyboard shortcuts
+ Optimized the installation process
+ Optimized the language files
+ Bookmarks are not available for the Guest window
- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that the download task could not be deleted
- Fixed the issue that the address bar could not be displayed properly under the dark mode
- Fixed the issue that the search engine could not be edited properly
- Fixed the issue that Maxthon Now page could not be opened in the new tab page
- Fixed the issue that some prompt could not be displayed in English


Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2020, 23:20
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

    BrowserAddonsView now automatically displays the installed add-ons of Microsoft Edge Web browser.
    Fixed the /cfg command-line option to load the .cfg file from the current directory if full path is not specified.

Titel: BriskBard 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2020, 17:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    This is the complete list of changes in BriskBard 2.0 :

    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 84.0.4147.89
    Added context menu options, taskbar menu options and tray icon menu options to open new windows.
    The users can now "drag and drop" tabs between different windows.
    Added a configuration setting to open new application instances using new tabs or new windows.
    Now it's possible to take web browser snapshots even with the hardware acceleration enabled.
    New options to clear the private data corresponding to the current website.
    There's a new menu option to enable easily the use of dynamic user agents.
    The Indy, OpenSSL, Hunspell, SQLite, Tor and Libwebp components have been updated to the latest version.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed an issue with the printing margins in PDF format.
    Fixed an issue with popup windows created in private mode.
    Fixed some issues with the default configuration values in new installations.
    Now the bookmark icons are updated correctly.
    The default directory for browser downloads is now "my downloads" instead of "my documents".


Titel: The Classic Browser 5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2020, 09:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    Work has been carried out on YouTube functionality to meet recent YouTube changes. The well known green arrow button has now been extended to obliterate all annoyances.
    You can now call the “privacy/cookie banner removal service” at will via [F12]. This is useful on some websites that display a late banner after the service has already run.
    Disabled the troublesome "Chromium Print Preview" so that print jobs can now go directly to the Windows print manager. At last we can print again! :)
    In Privacy Violation Reports, you can now also Right-click on the cookie clearing buttons for a brutal cleansing! (cookies of membership sites are also cleared)
    Disabled support for all outdated TLS cipher suites; basically the ones considered "weak" by today's standards.
    This version includes unspecified improvements, modifications, extensions and/or bug fixes.
    In this version we have VERY carefully accommodated the Chromium Engine v74.0.3729.131 and it hasn't been easy...


Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2020, 18:20

+ This version is 64-bit.
+ Dragging and sorting for list view are available in Maxnote
+ Optimized the sync status in Maxnote
+ Optimized the function for setting as the default browser
+ Optimized the UI for logging out browser account
+ Added “close tabs to the left” to the right-click menu
- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that Guest window could not display the correct new tab page
- Fixed the issue that the browser skin could not display properly when restoring the browser settings


Titel: SlimBrowser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2020, 09:06

    Migrate to Gecko engine 77
    Supports Audio Worklets that will allow more complex audio processing like VR and gaming on the web. Now you can now join Zoom calls without the need for any additional downloads.
    Improved Picture-in-Picture feature. Now, when you are ready to focus on the video, a double click can take the small window into full screen. Double click again to reduce the size again.
    Improved readability of search suggestions with a focus on new search terms.
    Your login management has improved with the ability to reverse alpha sort (Name Z-A) in Lockwise, which you can access under Logins and Passwords.
    Add support for importing bookmarks from new Edge browser.
    Add-ons installed by external applications can now be removed using the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). Going forward, only users can install add-ons; they cannot be installed by an application.
    Implemented a new global default zoom level setting. This option is available in about:preferences under "Language and Appearance" and can be scaled up or down from 100% as needed and sets the default zoom level for all sites. Per-site zoom is still available to make adjustments to individual sites as needed.


Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2020, 12:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue that the passwords data could not be synced

Titel: Pale Moon 28.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2020, 13:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a development, bugfix and security update.


    Added controls for WASM to the browser's preferences, and enabled by default.
    Enabled various arbitrarily-disabled CSS functions.
    Added the use of basic path descriptors (i.e. polygon) to css clip paths.
    Implemented multithreaded request signal handling for the Abort API. Please see implementation notes below.
    Updated the included US-English dictionary, adding approximately 2500 additional words.
    Removed the DOM battery API. This was already disabled for privacy reasons for a long while.
    Fixed an erroneous warning displayed on toolkit-only add-ons like supplied dictionaries.
    Fixed an issue with the sessionstore tab load preference.
    Improved the generation of the names of downloaded files to prevent confusion. (CVE-2020-15658)
    Fixed a code issue with base64 encoding of data.
    Fixed 2 safety hazards in JavaScript. (One being CVE-2020-15656) DiD
    Fixed a spec compliance issue with regards to the cross-origin loading of scripts. (CVE-2020-15652)
    Improved the loading of a system DLL on Windows, preventing low-risk hijacking potential. (CVE-2020-15657) See implementation notes.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 2 defense-in-depth, 15 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    In 28.11.0, we introduced the Abort API as new code. The implementation of it still had an issue where especially web workers would not always see the availability of abort signals on fetch requests while AbortSignal was implemented in the browser. This effectively made some websites (especially those using a particular polyfill for the Abort API that would detect the need to polyfill by way of Request.signal) throw errors that were fine before. We offered users a workaround by temporarily disabling the AbortController in the browser by way of a preference (dom.abortController.enabled).
    v28.12.0 fixes the multi-threaded handling of signals, which should solve these problems. As such, the workaround is no longer needed and upon upgrade the preference will be reset to enable AbortControllers again.
    DLL-hijacking on Windows would only be possible if a malicious actor already either gained administrative access to the program's installation folder or otherwise have unrestricted access to the program folder (by having it installed in local application folders inside the user's profile space or other insecure program locations). In that case the system is already compromised and any executable can be replaced, so having dll loading hijacked would be the least of your concerns (i.e. the main program .exe could also be replaced/infected in that case).


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.8.6.221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 13:25
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.19.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2020, 12:50
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Improve “Clear Cache” function.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2020, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Fix adblocker issue with blocking youtube video ads.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 09:15
Whats new:>>

    Fix ad blocker issue with youtube.
    Fix bug with settings not transferred with portable version.

Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 11:50

 + Optimized the drag and sort function under the list view

- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that the prompt could not display completely when resetting the password of the browser account
- Fixed the issue that the search result of history could not display properly after deleting the keywords
- Fixed the issue that the label of pop-up window could not display properly
- Fixed the issue that website content could not be added to Maxnote properly
- Fixed the issue that the screen capture function could not work properly under Maxnote
- Fixed the issue that the browser could not open the selected startup page after the browser crash
- Fixed the issue that the browser could not open the external link properly if the built-in page as the current page
- Fixed the issue that the Windows Security Alert popped up when browsing webpage


Titel: Mypal 28.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2020, 19:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2020, 18:10

+ Chromium 85
+ Fixed bugs
+ Optimized security and functions
+ Added the functions of the tab group and the tab preview
+ New loading animation for the favicon, SVG image can be used as the website icon
+ Added new Web NFC, the website can interact with NFC tab
+ AR function
+ Global media widget
+ Adjusted the third-party cookies


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed a bug with playing notification sound when download complete.

Titel: The Classic Browser 6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2020, 17:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    All audio/video playing issues created by the move to a more recent Chromium engine, have been sorted in this version.
    Corrected behavior: Tab buttons not inheriting Menu's font changes; thanks to a friend for reporting this.
    New version of the script macro "Prevent page from (META) auto-refreshing v2.0" available at... https://theclassictools.com/ScriptsGuide.htm ...for existing users to upgrade.
    New browser option... "Intercept Beacons" to block JavaScript's navigator.sendBeacon() which is increasingly abused by websites to send metrics, analytics and user info, to servers.
    Work carried out on the internal (audio) media player which we hope you’ll like; not to be confused with the video stream player. Have a play with the little buttons on the top-left.
    Page-scraping - Extract Objects, improved... we have reached the end of upgrades for this tool. Looking good...
    The privacy/cookie banner removing algorithm has been updated to defeat new strains of banners that have surfaced.
    Tip: Use another browser to view... The Sun, The Guardian, Macworld, and other sites to see what PAIN other browser users are going through so you may appreciate the Classic and stop taking it for granted!
    This version comes with a new browser appearance theme. Existing users can check out theme #23 to see it.
    Other miscellaneous little optimizations/tweaks here and there.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 11:20

    Added the hide function to Vbox
    Optimized the bookmark manager
    Fixed the issue that the popped-up window could not go to full screen
    Fixed the issue that some audio website could not be played automatically
    Fixed the issue that link in last session page could not be opened in the background
    Fixed the issue that the browser popped-up the window to prompt you to turn on sync when installing the extensions under the account mode
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark could not display properly after selecting it in the bookmark manager
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks could not be dragged under the bookmark manager
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not save the previous skin theme


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2020, 13:11

    Fixed the issue that bookmarks duplicated by error
    Fixed the issue that some extensions could not be installed
    Fixed the issue that bookmark folder could not load the bookmarks properly
    Fixed the issue that the mouse cursor could not match the split line under the split screen mode
    Fixed the issue that the extensions could not be displayed properly under the low resolution
    Fixed the issue that the hot key covered the direct URL by error
    Fixed the issue that the Yahoo search engine could not work properly


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2020, 04:50
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'File Exists' column, which tells you whether the downloaded file still exists on your drive (This feature works only for local drive).
    Added 'File Size' column, which displays the actual size of the downloaded file on your drive (This feature works only for local drive).

Titel: Pale Moon 28.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2020, 14:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a compatibility, bugfix and security update. Special thanks to our new code contributors this cycle (you know who you are)!


    Updated the included site-specific user-agent overrides for a number of websites that need them.
    Rewritten the browser's padlock code to use more modern APIs and provide more accurate security status indication.
    Now also with localized tooltips!
    Fixed a missing close button on the undo prompt after removing a thumbnail from the QuickDial new tab page.
    Fixed an issue with the alternative stylesheet menu in the browser's UI not working.
    Implemented the use of intrinsic aspect ratios for images to improve layout during load and page positioning.
    Added a preference to the use of node.getRootNode and disabled by default. See implementation notes.
    Added CSS -webkit-appearance as an alias for -moz-appearance to improve compatibility with websites that only try to use Chrome-specific keywords to style standard form elements.
    Updated the SQLite library to 3.33.0.
    Reinstated precise floating point precision model in JavaScript for those alternate builders who foolishly try to use the inaccurate "fast" model.
    Improved spec compliance of modular JavaScript use (ECMAScript modules).
    Changed media errors to be a more generic response, and added a preference (media.sourceErrorDetails.enabled) to enable detailed error reporting of media errors for debugging purposes.
    Previously, detailed errors were provided by default which could lead to privacy issues.
    Improved code stability of the AbortController implementation.
    Fixed a race condition in the secure connection library (NSS).
    Security issues fixed: CVE-2020-15664, CVE-2020-15666, CVE-2020-15667, CVE-2020-15668 and CVE-2020-15669.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 1 defense-in-depth, 1 rejected, 9 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    In 28.11.0 we introduced node.getRootNode because some websites would fail with an error if this function was not present. Unfortunately, this caused problems with other sites that (incorrectly) assume Google WebComponents are available when this utility function is present (feature detection gone wrong). While it is considered by some to be part of the Google WebComponents implementation, it actually has utility value outside of that use. Because of the problems caused, we've added a preference and disabled it by default, fixing these kinds of websites.
    When needed, you can re-enable this function with dom.getRootNode.enabled
    This should improve web compatibility by default yet still allow users to enable this function for websites that use its utility but do not use WebComponents.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.9.6.228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2020, 18:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2020, 18:50

+ Optimized the Extensions page
+ Optimized the speed of screen capture
+ Optimized Vbox
+ Added the Romanian language and the Portuguese language
- Fixed crashes
- Fixed the issue that some websites could not load images properly
- Fixed the crash issue when opening the new incognito window


Titel: The Classic Browser 6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2020, 05:30

    In this version we have turned the screws on undisciplined websites that misbehave with the blocking of scrolling, right-click menus, and any other unacceptable behavior in multiple ways.
    So far our GDPR cookie/privacy banner removal's "aggression level" was limited to 5 but this has now been extended to a whopping 9!
    The browser's page-onload event is almost a complete rewrite.
    The Tab/Window Info utility has been beefed up following a user request. Is that enough page info for you? :)
    Now you can also drag & drop links from pages onto the taskbar to have them open in a new tab.
    New functionality in YouTube for rotating videos in various ways.
    New script macro "Change the highlighted text colors" supplied upon user request. NB: Existing users can add this to their script macros and set it to "AUTO": PAGE - Change the highlighted text colors / html / let / S=document.createElement('style') / S.innerHTML='::selection{background:#FFFA00;color:#000000;}'; // Black on marker-pen yellow, you can change as you like. / W.contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(S);
    New browser option... "Event Listener Limiting" to prevent overzealous websites from abusing JavaScript and thus system resources.
    Lots of other miscellaneous unspecified improvements/optimizations included.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2020, 06:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome/85.0.4183.83)

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2020, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Migrate to Gecko engine 79.
    The Protections Dashboard includes consolidated reports about tracking protection, data breaches, and password management. To view your dashboard, type about:protections into the address bar, or select “Protections Dashboard” from the main menu.
    Rolled out WebRender to Windows users with Intel and AMD GPUs, bringing improved graphics performance to an even larger audience.
    Disabled TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 to improve your website connections. Sites that don't support TLS version 1.2 will now show an error page.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2020, 11:50
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 85.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2020, 13:20

+ Retro mode is available in this version
+ Import the account data from Maxthon 5 manually
+ Set the local images as the browser skins
- Fixed the issue that the themes could not be deleted
- Fixed the issue that the QuickAccess could not load properly under some circumstances


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2020, 18:10

+ Right-click on the tab to add the website to the new tab page
+ Device records for Passkeeper can be checked in this version
+ Optimized the tab display under the customized skin
+ Optimized the display for the  selected content in the search box
+ Optimized the page layout under resizing the browser window
+ Optimized the function for importing data from Maxthon 5
+ Optimized the issue regarding process frozen
- Fixed the issue that the trash folder of Maxthon 5 imported to Maxthon 6 wrongly
- Fixed the issue that the function “open all URLs/notes” could not work
- Fixed the issue that the last session page could not display the icons of websites properly
- Fixed the issue that the theme could not be switched properly
- Fixed the issue that the browser skins could not display properly in the Windows 7 system


Titel: The Classic Browser 6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2020, 21:20
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    Exciting new browser option... "Favicon Assistant". Enabling a favicon assistant will help replace most broken heart icons with the website favicons from the assistant’s repository.
    Work has been carried out in the image scraping department in our aim to attain 100% extraction capability.
    Tracking Pixel Detection is a new powerful tracking scanner available under... Main Menu > Page Operations > Tracking Pixel Detection, or you can set it up to run auto on every page load in the browser options.
    New powerful browser option "Storage Access Policy" enables you to dictate which websites can or cannot have disk access on your computer thereby controlling 1.Cookies, 2.Session Storage and 3.Local Storage.


    The “Allow Cookies” option has been removed from “Content Settings” as cookies are now controlled by the new “Storage Access Policy”, and in its place we now have “Allow JavaScript” which is enabled by default.
    The Script Macro Menu has been boosted with much more power... too many things to detail here so please take a look and read the tooltips for info/guidance. (NB: Disable JavaScript for a single site is buggy, use restrict privileges)
    GPDR Cookie/Privacy banner removal has gone to the next level; this is a very complex algorithm for it needs to be vicious enough to overcome great resistance and obstacles yet delicate enough not to wreck pages.
    With this release, we are pleased to supply our custom 16.5K HOSTS file list which is the result of...
    1. Joining six well known domain lists.
    2. Removing all comments and unnecessary whitespace.
    3. Formatting them uniformly.
    4. Removing all duplicates.
    5. Adding our own batch of Tracking Pixel domains thanks to our browser's detections.
    6. Sorting them alphabetically.
    New users will be given a chance to upgrade their HOSTS file during the first run, while existing users can always do so under...
    Main Menu > Browser Functions > System Information > Basic Setup Checklist
    Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Miscellaneous Tools & Info
    As always, lots of other miscellaneous unspecified improvements/optimizations included in this excellent version... don't miss this!


Titel: BriskBard 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2020, 13:51
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    This is the complete list of changes in BriskBard 2.1 :

    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 85.0.4183.102.
    BriskBard is now built with Delphi 10.4.1 which includes high resolution styles.
    The web bookmarks include animations when the user opens a folder and they show the selected folder. The user can disable this effect and configure the animation speed.
    Improved speed of the bookmark manager.
    Added new web developer options in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine. Now it's possible to disable JavaScript, work offline and disable automatic image downloads.
    The SQLite and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.
    The default domains blocked by the ad-blocker have been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed an issue saving the tab sizes.
    Fixed an issue moving tabs that showed a custom color without user intervention.
    Fixed the text selection in the address box in the web browser tabs.
    Fixed an issue of child windows created behind configuration windows.
    Now the favicons are also updated when the user goes back.
    The custom cookie blocker has been replaced by an option to "Allow third party cookies".
    Fixed the default "Downloads" directory in new installations.


Titel: Polarity 10.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2020, 21:10
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue where saving password window throws an error.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2020, 13:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a development and security update.

    Updated the browser identity code for website security to more clearly indicate website status.
    A detailed explanation is available on the forum and beyond the scope of these release notes.
    Updated unofficial branding to be more generic and more clearly separate unofficial builds from Pale Moon as a product.
    Please note that this goes hand in hand with an update of our redistribution license, and from this point forward any "New Moon" products are to be considered separate, and not unofficial Pale Moon builds or in any way related to or affiliated with Pale Moon, despite the similarity in name.
    Added a preference (signon.startup.prompt) to give users the option to ask for the Master Password the moment the application starts (before the main window opens). This allows a workaround for getting multiple Master Password prompts if individual components need access to the password store at the same time.
    Changed the way download sources are displayed to always use the actual domain downloads are from. In some situations the browser would previously display the domain of the referring page in an inconsistent fashion.
    Implemented the ES2019 Object.fromEntries() utility function.
    Implemented the CSS flow-root keyword.
    (Re-)implemented percentage-based CSS opacity values according to the updated spec.
    Implemented the last few missing bits for a standards-compliant implementation of JavaScript modules.(preloading, resource: scheme, etc.)
    Implemented the ResizeObserver DOM API.
    Fixed a null crash on some websites using CSS clip paths.
    Updated script handling inside SVGs to only run scripts if they are enabled and permitted, avoiding a potential XSS pitfall.
    Fixed several memory safety hazards and crashes.
    Updated the MediaQueryList interface to the updated spec. It now inherits from EventTarget and implements AddEventListener/RemoveEventListener in addition to AddListener/RemoveListener and should improve web compatibility for some sites.
    Removed support for the archaic and non-standard <marquee> element.
    Removed some leftovers from the discontinued plugin update checker service.
    Removed some internal HPKP implementation leftovers.
    Cleaned up the Windows widget code to reduce potentially vulnerable direct-dll loads.
    Security issues fixed: CVE-2020-15676 and CVE-2020-15677
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 fixed, 1 defense-in-depth, 7 not applicable.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2020, 18:10

    Settings can be synced in this version
    Optimized the function of blockchain
    Added the "Copy tab" to hot key settings
    Optimized the data update in Maxnote
    Optimized the sync function for Passkeeper
    Fixed the issue that the subfolder of bookmarks could not display properly under some circumstances
    Fixed the issue that the page of History could not display properly when clicking the date


Titel: Pale Moon 28.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2020, 09:12
Whats new:>>

This update addresses an intermittent crash in the newly-implemented ResizeObserver API (introduced in 28.14.0) occurring on a number of high-profile and often-used websites.

Titel: Pale Moon 28.14.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2020, 13:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed some additional crashes caused by the ResizeObserver API. This should take care of all crashes that have been attributed to this new code.
    Fixed erroneous parsing of CSS percentages as number values.

Titel: Mypal 28.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2020, 18:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.10.9.243
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2020, 13:05
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: SpeedyFox
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2020, 20:20
SpeedyFox speeds up local and portable versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome, Skype and more by optimizing their settings storage.

SpeedyFox is freeware for business and personal use.

Whats new:>>

    New New app icon
    Improved SQLite engine updated to 3.33.2

Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2020.10.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2020, 21:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Allow removal of search engines via Clear Items.
    C++2017, if available.
    Private downloads.
    Qt 5.15.1 LTS.


Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2020, 20:10

+ Added the label of Copy tab to Shortcuts
- Fixed the issue that the order of bookmarks could not be imported properly
- Fixed the issue that Quick Access in New tab could not display properly
- Fixed crashes


Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2020, 16:53

    Fixed the issue that the Quick Access could not sync
    Fixed the crashes when syncing data
    Optimized the bookmarks display


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with default browser setting.

Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 23:30
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked with the mouse.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2020, 20:00

    Optimized the update function
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that some websites frozen
    Fixed the issue that shortcuts could not be changed
    Fixed the crash issue when accessing personal center
    Fixed the crash issue when syncing data


Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2020, 11:20
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to read .jpg files that their EXIF information is not in the beginning of the file.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2020, 18:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 86.0.4240.193)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2020, 11:10

    Optimized the sync function
    Optimized the auto-update function in the portable version
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that notes could not be displayed
    Fixed crashes


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2020, 16:30

    Fixed the issue that the pop-up window prompts wrongly when creating a new note
    Fixed crashes

Maxthon Beta

    Optimized the sync function
    Optimized the auto-update function in the portable version
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that notes could not be displayed
    Fixed crashes


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2020.11.17.254
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2020, 18:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2020, 12:50
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option (Turned on by default).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2020, 08:40

    Added NBdomain to Vbox
    Optimized the data sync function
    Optimized the mouse gesture
    Fixed the issue that the default browser could not be set in the Windows 7 system
    Fixed the issue that the built-in plugins could not be displayed clearly under the black theme
    Fixed the issue that the extension Fair AdBlocker could not be customized
    Fixed the issue that some video websites could not be played automatically
    Fixed crashes under the retro mode


Titel: Pale Moon 28.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2020, 16:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Aligned CSS tab-size with the specification and un-prefixed it.
    Updated Brotli library to 1.0.9.
    Updated JAR lib code.
    Optimized UI code, resulting in smaller downloads and less space consumed on disk.
    Changed the default Firefox Compatibility version number to 68.0 (since versions ending in .9 makes some frameworks unhappy, refusing access to users)
    Cleaned up HPKP leftovers.
    Disabled the DOM filesystem API by default.
    Removed Phone Vibrator API.
    Fixed an issue where the software uninstaller would not remove the program files it should.
    Fixed a devtools crash related to timeline snapshots.
    Fixed an issue in Skia that could cause unsafe memory access. DiD
    Fixed several data race conditions. DiD
    Fixed an XSS vulnerability where scripts could be executed when pasting data into on-line editors.
    Linux: Fixed an overflow issue in freetype.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2020-26960, CVE-2020-26951, CVE-2020-26956, CVE-2020-15999 and several others that do not have a CVE designation.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 4 defense-in-depth, 3 rejected, 20 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Windows binaries should all be properly code-signed again.
    The uninstaller issue might only appear if you have not used the internal updater to update the browser after installation.
    The DOM Filesystem and dir picker APIs are, in practice, not used on websites. We've disabled these web-exposed APIs because they are not entirely without potential risk, and intend to remove them in a future version unless there is a demonstrable need to keep them as optional (unsupported) APIs in the platform.
    One of the rejected security patches deals with entering a single word in the address bar. Standard browser behavior in that situation is for browsers to do a normal network lookup of that word in case it is a LAN machine name (other browsers also do this) which may "leak" your entered search term to the LAN. If you want to avoid this, please always use the search box for entering web searches, as it's unambiguous what to do with single words in that case.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2020, 16:10
Whats new:>>

    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the crash issue when importing the account data from Maxthon 5

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2020, 19:40
Whats new:>>

+ Chromium 85
+ Compatible with the Chrome extension center
+ Built in the Vbox plugin for managing blockchain identities
+ Compatible with the user data of Maxthon 5
+ Popular functions of previous versions

Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2020, 09:40
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

    You can now use any variable inside BrowserAddonsView.cfg as command-line option in order to load the BrowserAddonsView tool with the desired configuration.
    For example, the following command will load the Web browser addons from the remote computer - :
    BrowserAddonsView.exe /DataSourceMode 4 /RemoteComputer

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2020, 10:00
Whats new:>>

    Optimized Vbox
    Lock the built-in page
    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the type issue when saving the webpage
    Fixed the blank page issue after importing the data from MX5

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Added the tab auto-reload
    Optimized Vbox
    Optimized the settings page

Titel: Mypal 28.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2020, 06:44
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


    I did not apply ionmonkey disable and useragent override changes.
    I restored browser.history.allow... settings and added one more to them. Some users do not like that sites mess with the history, set this settings to false.
    push - add entry to history
    pop - get entry
    replace self indicates
    otherstuff my new setting to block remaining history api.
    Pay attention this settings may break certain sites.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    New Chromium 88
    Optimized the night mode
    The retro mode is not available for this version.
    Fixed the issue that the list of resource sniffer could not be selected all

Titel: WikiTaxi 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2020, 19:15
WikiTaxi enables you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. No Internet connection is needed, all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database. WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays as small as possible. You can save multiple Wikis to disk and use all of them with WikiTaxi.

WikiTaxi is multilingual and supports different languages like English, German, Turkish, and others. It also works well with the Wiktionary and WikiQuote.

Free for personal use

Titel: The Classic Browser 6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2021, 11:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    In this version we turn the screws on User Tracking by identifying and condemning many popular e-commerce schemes that are still running rampant, to our custom HOSTS file list including...
    Parsely, Waldo, Shopify, Taboola, Optimizely, Adobe, Yield-Manager, Cloudfront, MoatAds, Karma, OneTag, CookieLaw, Subscribers, Cxense, Harpocrates, Confiant, DigiTru, BrandMetrics, OutBrain, TinyPass, MailMunch,
    ...and many more, so be sure to upgrade your HOSTS file with our latest version ASAP.
    NB: Knocking out such e-schemes means... 1.Your privacy is guarded, 2.Faster website loading, 3.Far less junk written to your HD, 4.Fewer banners to wade through (ie: You'll notice that the popular "Got it" banners don't even show up anymore!).
    Be sure to update your... 1.URL Keyword Blocking, 2.Cookie/Privacy Banner Handling (GDPR), and 3.Restricted Privileges, immediately to gain from the results of our latest research and hard work on User Tracking and banner delivery techniques.
    In particular, "URL Keyword Blocking" which greatly compliments the Windows HOSTS file because it can block any URL that contains specific keywords, making it a very powerful assistant.
    New browser option "Content Security Policy" enables you to specify a stricter security policy at the browser level. Read the tooltips over each option before deciding what you want.
    Smarter shroud detection in this version. Shrouds are those annoying faded background curtains covering the screen that prevent users from being able to click until they accept something or the other. Use [F12] to clear many of these.
    Extended power - If you enable beacon reporting in the browser options, you’ll now be able to easily check and block all JavaScript beacon recipients (servers).
    A Smarter Tracking Pixel Detection in this version, avoids tricky false-positives.
    Popup and Kiosk windows now include a basic window functions menu in the top-right corner.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.1.2.266
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2021, 09:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2021, 10:45
Whats new:>>

    Resource Sniffer can be disabled in Extensions
    Thumbnail mode is available for the image type of Resource Sniffer
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that some HTTP pages could not be downloaded
    Fixed the crash issue when clicking the UI button
    Fixed the issue that the order of imported bookmarks reversed
    Fixed the issue that some extensions could not match the English language
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks folder could not display correctly after syncing
    Fixed the issue that the webpage could not be loaded correctly under some cases
    Fixed the crashes under some cases

Titel: Polarity 10.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2021, 11:10
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed thread safety issues in browser, improved stability, updated

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2021, 11:00
Whats new:>>

    Add support for browser actions from address bar
    Add API support for Camera pan, tilt, zoom
    Search tabs from address bar. Just type the domain name or site title to search for a tab from address bar.
    Throttling JavaScript timer wake-ups in background tabs to once per minute to reduce CPU usage of background tabs. Improves browser performance and boost battery life of laptops.

Titel: Maxthon Browser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Retro mode is available for this version
    Optimized the function of website QR code
    Ctrl+left/right to switch tabs
    Drag and drop to open in the background
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the note cannot preview before adding
    Fixed the issue that the Boss key could not mute the browser

Titel: Dooble 2021.01.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2021, 19:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


    Corrected adding of 3rd-party URLs.
    FreeBSD build corrections.
    Improved discovery of Translations directory.
    Name of browser in user-agent string; thanks camachat.
    Polish translation; thanks Nelson89.
    Qt 5.15.2.
    Spelling corrections; thanks freddii.


Titel: Polar 2.0.103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2021, 07:40
Polar is a tool designed to help you manage all your web content more efficiently. The application acts as an offline browser from where you can access web pages, books, content and notes, all of which you can easily access from the same location.

License: GPL

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with ad blocker on youtube website.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix error with ad blocker on youtube videos.
    Added option to hide extension drop down button on toolbar (Appearance section of settings page: Show extension drop down button on toolbar)

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2021, 09:00
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Start As Hidden' option. When this option and 'Put Icon On Tray' option are turned on, the main window of BrowserDownloadsView will be invisible on start.

Titel: Colibri Browser 1.21.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2021, 09:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 87.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2021, 09:50

    Optimized the snap function
    Optimized the retro mode
    Open the home page in the new tab
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the download path could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer could not be disabled
    Fixed the issue that the file created incorrectly under the installation path
    Fixed the issue that the folder of bookmark could not load correctly
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark folder could not keep open after clicking the bookmark by the middle mouse button
    Fixed the issue that some websites skipped to the ultra mode wrongly after switching to the retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the suffix of the file could not display correctly when saving the webpage
    Fixed the issue that the webpage size could not be reset one-key
    Fixed the issue that the order of Maxnote was opposite when adding the note
    Fixed the issue that the image of Instagram could not be quickly saved by clicking while holding the Ctrl key
    Fixed the issue that the websites of Google could not stay logged in
    Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 12:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added support for Brave Web browser.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2021, 10:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 87.0.4280.141)
    Changed search engine and search suggestion request URL to HTTPS

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2021, 08:20

    Chromium 88 official version
    Optimized the retro mode
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that some extensions could not work before refreshing the page
    Fixed the issue that the sidebar extension could not work
    Fixed crashes under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not work correctly on the video page


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fix crash upon right clicking on the tabs.

Titel: Maxthon Browser Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2021, 22:00

 + New official Chromium 88
+ Resource Sniffer
+ Tab auto-refresh
+ Night mode custom
+ Optimized Vbox
- Fixed crashes


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.2.19.281
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2021, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: The Classic Browser 6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2021, 22:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    New powerful functionality under... Main Menu > Page Scraping > Extract Scripts. Now you can see which javascripts were blocked on the current page, and by which utility.
    Improved Privacy Violation Reports, updated AI and made more accurate.
    More popular e-commerce schemes knocked out to prevent User Tracking including... ExitBee, Hubspot, Optanon, Klaviyo, Publir, TrustedSite, Mediavine, and many more!
    Existing users please go straight to... Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > [UPDATE] ...and be sure to also update your Windows your HOSTS file with our latest MEGA-version!
    The new Page Language Translator is a 110-language translator service you can easily activate on any webpage if you R-click on an empty area via... Script Macro Menu > Handy Tools > Page Language Translator.
    NB: This handy Google service relies on the browser's detection of a page's HTML Language Code but some website authors fail to set it or do so incorrectly; in which case it will default to English!
    If the HTML Language Code is unspecified for a page, you can set it yourself via... Script Macro Menu > Handy Tools > Tab/Window Info > Language ...to assist the translation.
    The double scroll-bar issue on some sites after cookie banner removal, has been corrected.
    When you highlight text you'll now find a new option on the text-highlight menu called... "Open in Street Map", useful for when you want to find a place you're reading about.
    Finally, the neglected "Classic DJ Studio" has been fixed up to look and operate as expected.
    The useless GoogleBot user-agent (yes, I can now confirm it was) has been replaced with the more useful... "Block Redirects" function for pages that keep reloading!
    Removed support for the feeble Cipher Suit 0x000a.
    Scores of other improvements/optimizations included in this version.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2021, 19:15
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Updated to work properly with the new cache partitioning of Chrome. (In previous versions, URL was displayed with _dk_ prefix).

Titel: Dooble 2021.02.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2021, 11:00
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Icon Set option: Material Design or System.
Optional recording of favicons.
Terminate Dooble upon closing of last Dooble window.


Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2021, 11:50
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Updated to work properly with the new cache partitioning of Chrome. (In previous versions, URL was displayed with _dk_ prefix).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2021, 20:10

    Key Changes:

    Close/minimize to the system tray
    Show the download progress on the toolbar
    Optimized the retro mode
    Optimized the sync speed
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks cannot sync under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the last path for saving note could not be remembered
    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the issue that the last session page could not remember the correct page
    Fixed the issue that the last session opened repeatedly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the shortcuts worked wrongly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the folder minimized when dragging the file to the browser


Titel: MiTeC Internet History Browser 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2021, 20:10
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla SeaMonkey
Moonchild Production Pale Moon


Whats new:>>

Bug fixes.

Titel: VideoCacheView 3.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2021, 18:50
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Updated to work properly with the new cache partitioning of Chrome. (In previous versions, URL was displayed with _dk_ prefix).

Titel: Pale Moon 29.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2021, 11:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


New features:

    Language packs for the following newly-supported languages:
        Arabic (ar)
        Chinese Traditional (zh-TW)
        Croatian (hr)
        Danish (da)
        Finnish (fi)
        Galician (gl)
        Indonesian (id)
        Icelandic (is)
        Japanese (ja)
        Romanian (ro)
        Serbian (cyrillic) (sr)
        Slovenian (sl)
        Thai (th)
    Implemented String.prototype.replaceAll().
    Implemented JSON superset proposal.
    Implemented well-formed JSON stringify.
    Implemented numeric separators in JavaScript.


    Updated timezone data to 2021a.
    Updated the wording and inclusion of more select license blocks in about:license.
    Updated some site-specific user-agent overrides for web compatibility.
    Updated the lz4 library for performance and security updates.
    Improved performance of JSON stringify.
    Further improved support for building on FreeBSD.
    Fixed a regression where changes to useragent compatibility required a restart to take effect.
    Fixed a regression where AES-GCM in WebCrypto ("subtle" crypto API) wasn't working.
    This could make certain login procedures fail to work.
    Fixed a full browser deadlock when page scripting would flood browsing history with rapid location state changes.
    Disabled AV1 codec use by default again since our implementation has significant streaming issues (particularly audio) that needs further work.
    Added required interaction with file/folder open dialog boxes on html file input elements on some operating systems to avoid malicious content tricking users into uploading sensitive files unintentionally (related to CVE-2021-23956).
    Added a font sanity check to avoid triggering a potential vulnerability on unpatched Windows operating systems (related to CVE-2021-24093).
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-23974, CVE-2021-23973 and several memory safety hazards that don't have CVE numbers.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 4 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.


Titel: The Classic Browser 6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2021, 21:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    This is a HUGE maintenance release with multiple speed and quality improvements all around... and some "hidden" little pleasant surprises you'll discover over time.
    Other than that, the only NEW features you'll find in this release are...
    In this version we tame YouTube AGAIN, by removing their logon shroud and banner and as a bonus their stupid ads seem to have vanished too!
    NB: If you have a YouTube account and plan to use it, do so in one of the commercial browsers... sorry!
    If you right-click on any bookmark Group in a menu, you'll now find a new entry called "Launch this Group" which will launch up to 25 bookmarks at once! (Yes, I had to set a limit!)
    This is particularly useful to those keeping their favorite LIVE Streams in a group and they can now instantly check up on them with a single click! :)
    We have a new macro for you that if you automate will instantly translate foreign pages for you! Look inside for instructions to set your known languages.
    The "Night time reading" macro has been re-written.... it's pretty cool now! Actually, check all the macros on the macro page because I've worked on a few of these and combined some too.
    The dreaded picture-in-picture video "feature" is finally BLOCKED in our new combined version of the macro "MEDIA - Setup HTML5 Audio & Video players v1.0", so websites won't be able to activate it anymore! :)
    NB: You will have noticed the new warning on the browser's home site... it is there because of many support calls complaining of popular junk sites like FB and Twitter not working well for them!
    People just don't seem to understand that you can't have everything in life! You cannot have privacy & security while being a member on those popular junk sites which install multiple event-listeners
    on every button, every text, every picture... recording everything you say and do... even hovering over something triggers an event that relays data back to their servers!
    If you want to be a member on one or more of such sites, please stick to commercial browsers like Chrome or Firefox and forget about "privacy & security" because you'll NEVER have it, no matter what extras you install!


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2021, 10:10

    Added boss key, minimize and full screen to the mouse gesture
    Added the cookies management to the incognito mode
    Added the bank sites to the retro mode
    Optimized the Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the address bar could not show the right-click menu under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture worked incorrectly when snapping the screen
    Fixed the issue that the search engine could not be switched after pressing the space key when inputting the search engine keyword
    Fixed the issue that the browser windows could not display correctly when clicking the browser icon in the system tray
    Fixed the issue that the browser icon could not be hidden in the system tray when using the boss key
    Fixed the issue that the browser created a wrong window when dragging the window
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not log in
    Fixed the issue that the bookmarks could not sync
    Fixed the issue that the download task could not download again after downloading failed
    Fixed the issue that the icon of the extension could not show correctly after switching the browser theme
    Fixed the issue that the customize button could not show under some systems
    Fixed the issue that the snap function displayed the wrong language
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture worked two commands at the same time
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not work after displaying the right-click menu
    Fixed the issue that the address bar could not display correctly after showing the switch core button under the high DPI
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not be opened in the retro mode under some cases


Titel: Mypal 29.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2021, 21:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 10:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 89.0.4389.82)
    Adjust font rendering
    Search engine updates and accompanying tweaks
    Revised Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
    Other minor corrections

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2021, 19:50

    Added the close the tabs under the same main domain to the right-click menu
    Added the "add bookmark to this folder" option
    Added the "bookmark this tab" to the mouse gesture
    Added the right-click menu to IE mode
    Pop-up several video windows, pin and unpin the video window
    Added the option to show or hide the tab close button
    Added the screen capture, night mode, download option to the incognito mode
    Fixed the issue that the exe file prompted the dangerous notice
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark bar showed automatically after the sync
    Fixed the issue that the space key could not be entered
    Fixed the issue that the extension language could not show correctly
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut of "Exit" could not work correctly
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not be exited correctly
    Fixed the issue that the modal window could not be hidden when using the boss key or hide to the system tray
    Fixed the issue that the browser window could not display on the top when using the boss key


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 12:50

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 89.0.4389.90)
Fixed opening terms and privacy policy

Titel: Polarity 10.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 22:00
Polarity is a user-friendly web browser featuring an intuitive interface that allows you to explore various websites and bookmark your favorite pages. The application is based on two browser engines, namely Trident and Chromium, ensuring a fast and secure web surfing experience for you. Polarity utilizes very little RAM during operation and supports various themes, apps, and extensions via the store. Polarity is also protects privacy as it supports DoNotTrack, adblocking, and private browsing mode. Polarity also supports VPN usage and can be accessed via the settings.


Whats new:>>

Fixed bugs with updater

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.3.16.286
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2021, 09:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 09:00
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added 'Copy QR Code' option (Under the Edit menu), which allows you to copy the QR Code image to the clipboard.
    Updated to work properly in high DPI mode.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 21:10

    Key Changes:

    URL can be added to Maxnote
    Search engine can be synced
    Added the "paste and open" to shortcuts
    Portable versions stop asking the administrator permission on launch
    The downloaded files can be deleted to the system recycle bin
    Optimized the function related to the system tray
    Fixed the crash issue when dragging the bookmark to adjust the location
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not switch the IE5-IE11
    Fixed the issue that shortcuts could not work when using the search box
    Fixed the issue that Direct URL could not open the address of mx://
    Fixed the issue that the portable version could not close/minimize to the system tray
    Fixed the crash issue when syncing


Titel: AM-DeadLink v5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2021, 10:10
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware


    Text documents supported
    Microsoft Edge supported
    Brave browser supported
    Opera browser supported
    Double clicking a bookmark will automatically open the URL in the selected browser. That means, Chrome bookmarks will automatically open in Chrome, Edge bookmarks will open automatically in Edge, etc.
    Check HTML documents: Check for missing CSS/Javascript/Image files
    New option: Show warning if URL redirects from HTTP to HTTPS
    High DPI support
    Internal browser (which was based on Internet Explorer) removed. Double clicking a bookmark will open the bookmark in the related browser.
    Many smaller changes and improvements


Titel: The Classic Browser 6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2021, 21:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    You can now enable/disable the Windows HOSTS file on the fly to test websites, when you R-click on an empty area and then... Script Macro Menu > Reload this page... > Toggle HOSTS file.
    In this release we have an alternative Mouse Left-click event handler for use with websites where the normal left-click is no longer working as expected, under "Alternative Click Handler" in the browser options.
    Use this for overzealous websites like Aljazeera, Reddit, and others whereby links/buttons are not clicking as expected.
    New page scraper "Extract Headings" returns a table of all article headings on the main page. Find out how compatible a website is with RSS/Atom feed generators, news aggregators, and other automated article services.
    In the Browser Options you’ll now find a new button at the very top called “Query”. Use this function to query the status of any given domain or URL you paste to it.
    With all the domain management tools we have at our disposal in the browser options, it can get pretty confusing figuring out under which tools any given domain may have been restricted or favored.
    This is where this little function comes in, to give you a complete picture of a domain's status as per our settings.
    Bug in "Extract Scripts" that would sometimes cause a unexpected download now suppressed and the utility much improved! Extract Elements has also been improved as well as Extract Images.
    You'll find a new embedded Classic App called "Personal Text Translator" which is self explanatory. Most online translation tools are for what you read but this one is for what you write.
    NB: This is the only embedded demo app that is sitting on the home site’s server because the translation service wouldn't work from a local file, but you can still get its source code from the browser's scraping.
    The DOM Node Tree generating utility has undergone a major optimization. It’s still slow with huge websites like YouTube pages where as many as 15,000 nodes may exist, but I’m working on it!
    Existing users may want to go to the Browser Options > “Online services associations” and change the 4th item to “Google Docs”, since Microsoft no longer offers their office document viewing service unless you create an account.
    Over 40 new nasty domains blocked in this version of our Windows HOSTS file so be sure to update. Also don't forget to... Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > UPDATE.
    NB: We have added "www.google.com" in the Storage Access Policy exclusion list; meaning that they’re not allowed to create cookies anymore, due to the fact that Google Maps started prompting for consent and such... yeah right!
    With this restriction it seems to work well so far, including Google Search and YouTube but I have no idea if there are any ramifications on other Google-owned websites.
    The browser can now be minimized down to 350x400 pixels for testing the rendering of websites in any resolution. It looks stupid like a little mobile phone! :)
    Tons of other undocumented things including a splash screen! Write to me about all the things you hate... and all the things you want.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Update language files

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2021, 11:10

    Updated the browser core to Chromium 89.0.4389.90
    Added the "refresh all" to the tab right-click menu
    Extensions will run in a single process
    Optimized the function "close/minimize to the system tray"
    Fixed the issue that the installation interface could not display properly under the 21:9 monitor
    Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer popped up wrongly when downloading multiple tasks
    Fixed the crash issue when changing the Maxnote folder which you'd like to add a note
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display properly under the Windows 7 Aero theme
    Fixed the crashes under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the icon of the tab could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that the auto-fill could not work correctly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that shortcuts could not work properly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the last session page could not display the correct last page
    Fixed the issue that the homepage could not be opened in the new tab page when using the shortcut


Titel: Pale Moon 29.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2021, 11:50
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a minor security and bugfix update.


    Updated NSS to fix certificate import and keygen regressions.
    Removed restrictions for units of width/height attributes on SVG elements.
    Enabled scrollbar-width CSS keyword by default.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-23981 and a DiD fix for potential document parser confusion.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 DiD, 9 not applicable.


Titel: BrowserSelector
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2021, 20:10
BrowserSelector allows you to assign a browser for the opening of specific links dynamically.

Instead of choosing one specific browser to open links, etc., which in itself is simple to do. But what happens when you prefer Firefox for this and Chrome for that? Then changing up is time-consuming. With BrowserSelector, you can choose your preferred browser for certain things eliminating unnecessary steps like opening a new browser and then copying/pasting a link there, for instance.


Titel: Mypal 29.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 19:40
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source

Titel: The Classic Browser 6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 20:30

    First an emergency notice:

    Just a few hours after uploading v6.8, YouTube threw a massive spanner in the works by making changes to their website yet again, and thus making YouTube inaccessible to us!
    However, I had the problem sorted within a couple of hours but it meant re-compiling the executable files and uploading the archives again... twice in one day! :(
    Also, many Browser Option lists have been updated for this fix to work, so be sure to go to Browser Options and immediately click [UPDATE] at the very top, or YouTube won’t work!
    NB: YouTube will NOT work under v6.7 even with the updated Browser Options, so you really have to get v6.8.
    If for some reason your YouTube isn't working despite following instructions... check the browser's compile date under "About"... it should be "04-01-2021" (yes, April fool's day) or you'll have to DL again!
    Btw, the downside now is that user comments under each video probably won't show anymore because we also had to completely block YouTube cookies for this fix! Sorry, but we can't have everything in life! :)
    Onto what's new in v6.8 now...
    All Google Ads in all meta-search engines are now auto-removed with the latest version of the script macro "Manage Iframes v3.0", so be sure to update yours.
    Work has been carried out on "Multi-Search", both cosmetic and three lame meta-search engines have been replaced with Metager, Lycos and Fireball.
    Under "Main Menu > Developer Tools" you'll now find two powerful generators. They are... "RSS Feed Generator" and "HTML Menu Generator".
    One click is all it takes to generate an RSS Feed, or a fast and efficient HTML Menu of pretty much any website... even YouTube video channels.
    For technical info read the dedicated section on the generators below.
    The browser's RSS Feed viewer has undergone some improvements.
    The page scraper "Extract Headings" has been taken to the next level.
    A user asked how they can download HTML5 videos so we created this macro you may be interested in... "MEDIA - Scrape HTML videos from this page"
    Existing users can get this macro under... https://theclassictools.com/AutomatedMacros.htm
    A bunch of undisclosed improvements have also made it into this version.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2021, 19:10
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added support for specifying a different browser for each bookmark
    Changed the way 3rd party libraries are managed for the project (e.g. SQLite)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2021, 20:50

    Added site settings (cookies, permissions)
    Added the option to update the beta version
    Records of the search history can be deleted by clearing the browsing history
    Fixed the network error when logging in to the browser account
    Fixed the issue that the super drag could not work under the night mode
    Fixed the issue that "quick save image" could not work
    Fixed the issue that the settings of "close/minimize to the system tray" could not be synced
    Fixed the issue that the browser language could not be customized after the browser account sync
    Fixed the issue that the tabs could not be opened to the right of all tabs when using the shortcut to copy the tab
    Fixed the issue that the stop button could not show correctly when the mouse hovering on it
    Fixed the issue that the split-screen created tabs wrongly
    Fixed the issue that the download manager displayed incorrectly when dragging it
    Fixed the issue the alias of the direct URL could not use the symbol
    Fixed the issue that the last session could not load properly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the size of the downloaded file could not show in the download manager
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not recognize the local ActiveX instantly
    Fixed the issue that some internal API of Google could not access
    Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.4.3.289
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2021, 10:41
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Use actual creation date from browsers instead of just using the current date when importing from most browsers
    Fixed object or reference not found error when opening search results due to missing default_browser field added in

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 21:20
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    The bottom status bar now displays the total size of the selected downloads.
    Fixed some high DPI mode issues.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Added "smart" and "dumb" modes for double-clicking on a URL (set in the options window
    Change icon of Night Mode button and menu when toggling between regular and night mode
    Fixed icon next to site name in the Site Information panel so it doesn't ALWAYS say it's starred
    Fixed bug when the date_added field is empty, but is not a database null value

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2021, 09:20

Optimized the drag and drop function for the bookmark menu
Optimized the pin tab function
Added the lock and unlock tab to the mouse gesture
Optimized VBox
Fixed the issue that the history data cleared wrongly
Fixed the issue that the bookmarks loaded abnormally when scrolling the bookmarks
Fixed the crash issue when pressing Ctrl+Shift+A
Fixed the issue that the invalid download records could not be cleared
Fixed crashes under some cases
Fixed the issue that the multiple windows could be opened from the system tray


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Added support for custom favicons
    Added transaction code to initial database load to potentially decrease loading time for large databases
    Fixed crash when importing Internet Explorer favorites with a directory name ending with '.'
    Fixed empty space between description and rest details in the site info pane
    Changed TLS settings in application, please report any crashes or error messages related to TLS/security

Titel: qutebrowser 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2021, 20:40
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    Running qutebrowser with Qt 5.12.0 is now unsupported and logs a warning. It
    should still work - however, a workaround for issues with the Nvidia graphic
    driver was dropped. Newer Qt 5.12.x versions are still fully supported.
    The --force argument for :tab-only is deprecated, use --pinned close
    Using :tab-focus without an argument or count is now deprecated, use
    :tab-next instead.


    New dependency on the QtDBus module. If this requirement is an issue for you
    or your distribution, please open an issue! Note that a DBus connection at
    runtime is still optional.
    New input.media_keys setting which can be used to disable Chromium's
    handling of media keys.
    New :process command (and associated qute://process pages) which can be
    used to view and terminate/kill external processes spawned by qutebrowser.
    New content.site_specific_quirks.skip setting which can be used to disable
    individual site-specific quirks.
    New --pinned argument for :tab-only, which replaces --force (with
    --pinned close), but also can take --pinned keep to keep pinned tabs
    without prompting.
    New fileselect.folder.command which can be used with
    fileselect.handler = external to customize the command to use to upload
    directories (<input type="file" webkitdirectory /> elements, which are
    non-standard but in wide use).
    New content.notifications.presenter setting with various new ways to show
    web notifications:
        auto (default): Automatically detect the best available option
        qt: Use Qt's built-in mechanism (like before this release)
        libnotify: Use a libnotify-compatible notification server (i.e. native
        notifications on Linux)
        systray: Use a systray icon (very similar to qt but without some of
        its drawbacks)
        messages: Use qutebrowser messages
        herbe: Use herbe
    New content.notifications.show_origin setting, which can be used to decide
    for which notifications to show the origin (the URL the notification was sent


    The content.ssl_strict setting got renamed to
    content.tls.certificate_errors, with new values:
        ask: Prompt on overridable certificate errors (ssl_strict = 'ask')
        ask-block-thirdparty: See below
        block: Block the page load (ssl_strict = True)
        load-insecurely: Load the page despite the error (ssl_strict = False)
    The new content.tls.certificate_errors setting now also understands the
    value ask-block-thirdparty, which asks for page loads but automatically blocks
    resource loads on TLS errors. This behavior is consistent with what other
    browsers do.
    The prompt text shown on certificate errors has been improved to make it
    clearer what kind of error occurred exactly.
    The content.site_specific_quirks setting got renamed to
    The content.notifications option got renamed to
    The completion now also shows bindings starting with set-cmd-text in its
    third column, such as o for :open.
    When :spawn is used with the -m / --output-messages flag, the output now
    appears live, while the process is running.
    When a shown message replaces an existing related one (e.g. for zoom levels),
    the replacing now also works even if a different message was shown in between.
    The .redirect(...) method on interceptors now supports an
    ignore_unsupported=True argument which supresses exceptions if a request could
    not be redirected. Note, however, that it is still not public API.
    When the --config-py argument is used, no warning about a missing
    config.load_autoconfig is shown anymore, as the argument is typically used
    for temporarily testing a config.
    The internal _autosave session used for crash recovery is now only saved
    once per minute, since saving it for every page load is a noticable performance
    The readability-js userscript now displays a small header with page
    When an external file selector is used, some additional validation is done on
    the picked files now, so that errors are shown if e.g. a directory is selected
    when a file was expected.
    The default binding for T (:tab-focus) got changed so that it fills the
    command line with :tab-focus if used without a count (instead of being
    equivalent to :tab-next in that case).
    The :config-unset command now understands the --pattern (-u) flag to
    unset options customized for a given URL pattern (such as after answering a
    prompt with "always"/"never").
    The :config-unset command now shows an error when used on an option which is
    valid, but was never customized.
    The statusbar.widgets setting now understands text:... entries which
    allows adding a hard-coded text to the statusbar.
    The polyfill for String.replaceAll (required for Nextcloud Calendar < 2.2.0
    with QtWebEngine < 5.15.3) is now disabled by default, as it's not fully
    compliant to the ECMAScript spec and might cause issues on other websites.
    If you still need it (e.g. if you're still on an old Nextcloud Calendar
    version), remove js-string-replaceall from


    When an editor exits with a != 0 exit status, the temporary editor file is now
    persisted. This already was the case when the editor crashed.
    When a nonexistent file gets passed to --config-py, qutebrowser now
    complains instead of silently not loading it.
    With some (rare) setups, opening the report dialog or using a PAC proxy with
    QtWebKit could result in qutebrowser hanging due to a PyQt bug. There's now a
    workaround which prevents the hang.
    QtWebEngine version detection (influencing things like dark mode settings or
    certain workarounds) now works correctly on OpenBSD.
    Certain version number formats in /etc/os-release caused qutebrowser to
    crash. Those are now handled correctly.
    The macOS releases now properly support Dark Mode for UI elements by setting
    NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance to false.


    The qute://spawn-output page used by :spawn -o is now removed, as it's
    replaced by the new qute://process pages.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Added support to copy quickfill passwords to default password manager: type slimjet://copy_quick_fill_passwords into address bar and press enter.

Titel: The Classic Browser 6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2021, 19:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    In "Extracted Scripts" you can now search the list of URLs for a keyword.
    A bug in "Extract Images" would self-remove images coming from http:// sites from the image table ...now eliminated.
    "Alternative Click Handler" auto-update fail bug has now been suppressed.
    Non-administrative Windows account users will now be better informed and guided on the browser's first run. Please note that if this is your personal computer then you should set yourself up as the administrator. Follow the browser's directions to do so.
    "Event Listener" reports have been improved.
    The HTML Menu generator now generates much smaller and more efficient code. Top marks here!
    One of the new search engines we added in the previous version saw fit to employ the “services” of Coudflare... big mistake, out it goes with a replacement!
    The latest HOSTS file upgrade is included as well as updated browser option lists.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2021, 11:40
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added the bookmark count next to each category in the HTML generation function
    Changed date display to a sortable format
    Fixed weird crash when enumerating browsers
    Fixed "System Default" browser menu item not actually being the system default browser for bookmarks that had a custom browser defined

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 08:40

+ Optimized the account menu
+ Optimized download manager loading
- Fixed the issue that the shortcuts could not work in retro mode
- Fixed the issue that the new tab could not open on the right side of the current tab
- Fixed the issue that the locked tab could be closed before unlocking
- Fixed the issue that the bookmark list could not close under some cases
- Fixed the issue that the snap screen label could not auto-exit when snapping the screen


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Added option to hide youtube video download button in settings

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Fix crash when openning settings page in some locales

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2021, 10:50

+ Added QuickNote (Ctrl+G)
+ Optimized the main menu layout
+ Optimized the browser display under the different languages
+ Optimized the shortcuts in retro mode
+ Search results can open in the new tab when pressing Shift, then searching the keyword in the search box
+ Pressing Ctrl/Shift/Alt, then clicking the close button to exit the browser
- Fixed the issue that the page could not close to the last visited tab
- Fixed the issue that the search box popup when pressing the boss key
- Fixed the issue that the tab location display incorrectly when opening tabs from History
- Fixed the issue that the window for saving account and password could not pop up
- Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.4.24.292
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 09:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2021, 10:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 90.0.4430.85)

Titel: Pale Moon 29.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2021, 18:50
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a development and bugfix release.
Starting with this version, we will no longer be supporting unmaintained legacy Firefox extensions that are not updated for/targeting Pale Moon directly.
Please see this forum post for details.


    When opening tabs from the History side bar, Pale Moon will now warn you about the action if it would result in opening many tabs at once.
    Pale Moon now offers "Open All in Tabs" on bookmark folders even if there is only one sub-item in it, for UI consistency.
    Added media format controls in the Content category of Preferences.
    Added controls for preferred color scheme. See implementation notes.
    Updated several site-specific user-agent overrides for web compatibility.
    Removed the ability to accept Firefox IDs for extension installation.
    Removed conditional Macintosh code from the application front-end.
    Updated the AV1 reference library to 2.0.
    Cleaned up more Android code from the platform.
    Updated the embedded emoji font to cater to even more race-dependent profession emoji.
    Fixed an overflow in clip paths, potentially causing them to be rendered incorrectly.
    Added CSS values smooth, high-quality and pixelated to the image-rendering keyword.
    Implemented Intl.NumberFormat.formatToParts() to allow deconstruction of localized number formats by scripts.
    Reinstated the dom.details_element.enabled preference and fixed a rendering issue with summary/details html elements.
    Fixed an issue with CSP .nonce attributes on elements.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-29946 DiD and CVE-2021-23994 DiD .
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 2 DiD, 14 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    This version adds support for the prefers-color-scheme CSS keyword. This keyword is a media query keyword that indicates to websites whether your content styling preference is "light" or "dark". Unlike other browsers where this will be tied to your system color scheme and determined automatically (which might be a point on which you can be fingerprinted, so this would be a privacy concern), we've decided to give the user control through Preferences -> Content -> Colors where you will find a new control to indicate your user preference (it defaults to "light" for everyone). While this control also gives you the option to disable this feature and effectively not support the keyword, be aware that this might cause issues on some websites that do not provide styling for "unspecified" color scheme preferences.
    In the future we may add an "automatic" option similar to other browsers in case you regularly switch your system application style from light to dark and v.v.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Added support for dragging search results to new categories
    Added support for exporting a structured XML document for importing into other StorURL databases

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2021, 21:20

    Optimized the shortcut strategy of QuickNote (Ctrl+G)
    Optimized the closing strategy of the QuickNote window
    Fixed the issue that the restore and the maximize button could not show properly
    Fixed the issue that the QuickNote could not load properly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the sync error when using the Maxthon 6 browser first time
    Fixed the issue that the scrolling speed too fast in the download manager


Titel: qutebrowser 2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2021, 22:50


    When an error occurs in a notification presenter, qutebrowser now shows that
    error in the statusbar instead of just logging it.
    New site-specific-quirk for Discord logging users out when using vertical
    tabs (yes, really)


    Certain errors from notification daemons are now displayed as non-fatal
    errors instead of qutebrowser crashing:
        With the legacy GNOME Flashback notification daemon (not GNOME Shell), when
        more than 20 notifications are currently shown.
        With the KDE Plasma notification daemon, when the same notification is
        shown twice (with <1s delay).
    The mkvenv.py script now works when ldconfig -p is failing.
    Running :spawn -u -o broke in v2.2.0 and now works properly again.

    Fixes in userscripts:

        The qute-bitwarden userscript now still consumes returned data if the
        Bitwarden CLI showed a warning but exited with a 0 (successful) exit code.
        The qute-pass userscript now doesn't try to match a username with
        --password-only, and error messages with invalid patterns are improved.
        The qute-pass userscript now avoids running pass twice when --otp-only
        is used.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Fix a crash case
    Update language files

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2021, 09:40

    Optimized the layout of QuickNote
    Optimized the strategy of shortcuts
    Adjusted the minimum size limit of the browser window
    Adjusted the strategy of the local data backup
    Added the shortcut "Ctrl+Z" to reset the screen capture
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark data imported repeatedly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that Passkeeper could not sync under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the search engine and the language list could not display properly under some languages
    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the issue that the news box could not display properly in Windows 7
    Fixed the issue that some shortcuts could not work under the retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the last closed tabs could not be opened in the positive order


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2021, 21:00
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2021, 23:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    YouTube has moved the goalposts yet again by renaming their custom tag that holds the privacy shroud and banner, and as a result of this we have had to target this new tag also.
    You'll find a new Developer's Tool called "Element Analysis" which is self explanatory, for those who maintain websites.
    And another new Developer's Tool called "Conflict Report" which scans and informs of any conflicts your website's elements may have with global identifiers.
    All tables in the many browser reports have now been improved and upgraded with adjustable columns.
    A bug in "Dynamic Event Listeners" which would not inform when no listeners were found, has been suppressed.
    Please note that when you type a domain name in the address bar and then click away to navigate there, the browser will no longer insert a "http://" to it but a "https://".
    So in some cases you could end up with a “This site cannot provide a secure connection” error page. Therefore to navigate to a "http://" site you'll have to type it out yourself.
    With the retirement of Adobe’s Flash player well over 50% of Widgets have stopped functioning and now the future of widgets looks rather bleak, so the browser's Widgets module has been retired.
    In this edition we include the first version of the "Streaming Entertainment Menu" to take advantage of the browser's native HLS .m3u8 streaming support. For more info on this read the separate section below.
    New browser functionality... you can now resize and reposition the browser to any of the four quadrants of the screen via the [Ctrl + directional] keys. Also, a double-click on most Address Bar buttons will maximize the screen.

    The Streaming Entertainment Menu:

    To take advantage of the browser's HLS .m3u8 streaming support we decided to put together a nice streaming entertainment menu which you'll find under... Main Menu > Bookmarks/Favorites > Streaming Entertainment Menu.
    The SE Menu features 140 both LIVE and prerecorded streams from the Internet, organized into various categories like "World News", "Movies" etc. Please note that this menu is quite complex to maintain and thus not user-editable.
    As always, you can open multiple streams and watch them simultaneously via Multi-Frame Mode [Alt+F1] if you like, but be warned... streams consume a LOT of memory and unfortunately we are not able to free up all the memory used
    once a stream is closed because the Chromium engine (in partnership with the V8 JavaScript engine) are notoriously good at leaking memory!
    Therefore, after opening/closing 20-30 streams you should start to feel the memory consumption rising (check memory with [Alt+2]) so do consider resetting or restarting the browser every so often if you become hooked on the streams!
    Btw, nobody should confuse the SE Menu with what is gifted to those who appreciate our work and donate towards the Classic browser's development, as they are two different kettles of fish! :)


Titel: Mypal 29.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 20:40
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


The update corresponds version 29.2.0


    No any recent extensions restrictions. Use whatever you want at your own risk, all extensions will work same as earlier.
    No video format options in preferences, i think that overload preferences with not important things not needed at all, do you want all about:config stuff put into preferences?
    New setting about supposedly set dark theme on the github not applied, i think this is useless thing as the captive portal.
    Began improvement for multiprocess, took code from the newer firefox. This is for the next centaury versions, mypal as it was stays singleprocess.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 22:50
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added toolbar button to the 'Display QR Code' option.
    Fixed bug: When using the /SaveDirect command-line option, the 'Visited From' column contained incorrect value.

Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2021, 19:45
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

    Fixed to extract the URL correctly from the latest versions of Firefox.
    Added 'Web Site' column, which shows the Web site that loaded the image (For Firefox and Chrome Web browsers) .

Titel: BriskBard 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 22:10
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 90.0.4430.93.
    Added many more visual styles.
    Added a option in the web browser configuration to use overlay scrollbars.
    Added a keyboard shortcut to select the next tab and the previous tab : control+tab and control+shift+tab.
    Added a keyboard shortcut to select a tab in certain position : control+number (1-8).
    Added a keyboard shortcut to select the last tab : control+9.
    Added a configuration menu option in the media player to download the LAVFilter nightly builds.
    FLoC has been disabled.
    The FTP client in BriskBard is now used to open FTP links on a web page.
    Added two new options to save a web page in MHTML and text format.
    The Indy and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.
    Updated to Delphi 10.4.2

    Bug fixes :

        Fixed an issue that allowed to always open the last tab.
        Fixed an issue that close web browser tabs automatically when you download files from an FTP server.
        Fixed all windows that were created behind the main window in Windows 7.
        The scroll bar below the tabs is updated correctly now.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 23:55
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added support for Waterfox and Pale Moon Web browsers.

Titel: Slim Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 11:20

    Upgrade to Gecko engine 87
    Improved "Highlight All" feature feature on Find in Page
    Added support for simultaneously watching multiple videos in Picture-in-Picture
    Improved Print functionality with a cleaner design and better integration with the computer's printer settings;
    credit card management and auto-fill for users in Canada;
    notable performance and stability improvements achieved by moving canvas drawing and WebGL drawing to the GPU process;
    Introduction of Total Cookie Protection to Strict Mode
    Protection from supercookies, a type of tracker that can stay hidden in the browser and track users online, even after they have cleared cookies.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2021, 11:10

    New account panel
    Added the hyperlink to Vbox for applying for the free domain
    Adjusted the download window
    Optimized the Passkeeper search logic (added the close button to exit the search result page)
    Fixed the issue that the snap screen function could not work properly in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the download task could not be deleted under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the address bar flashed when entering the address in Windows 7
    Fixed the issue that the search box could not display under the retro mode in Windows 7
    Fixed the issue that the quick save image function could not save the image properly
    Fixed the issue that the window of QuickNote could not be dragged under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the button at the bottom could not display when the window of QickNote was tiny
    Fixed the issue that the side toolbar hid the text in QuickNote
    Fixed the issue that the toolbar could not reset automatically when switching notes
    Fixed the issue that the label of the button out of the frame under some languages
    Fixed the issue that the text of settings could not display properly under some languages
    Fixed the issue that the settings page backed to the top of the page when exiting the settings window
    Fixed the crash issue when using the webpage QR code


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 18:00

    This version upgrades the Internet TV Menu to v20 (formerly called Streaming Entertainment Menu) now with an improved design, with 250 TV streams, and properly embedded in the browser
    A bug in "Extract Objects" that was scanning forever on large complex websites, now suppressed with the introduction of user-selectable object data size scanning limits, and other extended features
    When you highlight text you'll now find the new self-explanatory option "Lookup on Wikipedia" on the text-highlight menu
    Eliminated a bug that prevented the use of the "Page Language Translator" on a sandboxed page without checking for the "allow-scripts" flag
    Browser Tab sandboxing is now enabled by default in the browser options For mnore info see the section below
    A few undisclosed improvements/optimizations are included in this version


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 08:50

    Cancelled the avatar overlay
    Adjusted the correlation of the remember password and the auto sign-in
    Vbox translation updates
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not update properly when overwriting installation
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not close by pressing Ctrl+G
    Fixed the issue that the search box could not display the typing in Windows 7


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with upload file dialog.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.5.21.296
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2021, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2021, 09:20

    Added the option to merge the guest account data
    Adjusted the right-click menu of the tab and the bookmark bar
    Added the option to right-click menu for adding tab to Maxnote
    Added the option to move tab to incognito window
    Updated translation
    Fixed the issue that the browser account could not log in after unchecking the remember password
    Fixed the issue that notes could not be dragged in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the screenshot could not be pasted to Maxnote


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2021, 19:10
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added warning message about export not being compatible with re-importing into StorURL later
    Added warning message about importing a file from StorURL Online
    Fixed description field in Site Information panel being cut off if longer than 4 lines

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed search results not showing the "date added" field correctly

Titel: The Classic Browser 7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2021, 21:30
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    A bug we introduced in the last version by sandboxing all tabs by default, only... PDFs don't like to be sandboxed and don't work when they are... bug now fixed!
    A smarter video stream player will now probe the streaming server for improved video resolutions and auto-adjust if the optimum native resolution is found.
    NB: This process can take between 2 and 20 seconds into the stream playing to complete, so you might want to wait a bit before adjusting the player yourself.
    This version upgrades the Internet TV Menu to v3.0 now having 276 TV streams, with many crappy streams replaced and better video streaming support for BIG screens with BIG resolutions, up to 8K!
    The HTML Menu generator will now give you a choice for YouTube pages to link either via embedded videos or normal linking to YouTube URLs.
    NB: Music videos don't work in embeds due to Google's hard-coded blocking greed, plain and simple! Embeds work well for documentaries and similar "low-traffic" videos.
    Top YouTube documentary video channels now incorporated into the Internet TV Menu in a category of their own, thanks to the HTML Menu generator!
    Now you can enjoy THOUSANDS of the absolute best documentaries in a super-fast and efficient environment and with no YouTube annoyances.
    If you're happy with the entertainment in this version, send us a thumbs up!


Titel: Colibri Browser 1.22.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2021, 21:30
Sophisticated web browser that delivers an uncluttered experience by eliminating tabs, showing more content, loading pages faster, and using less memory.

Freeware, e-mail required for an account, to get started

Whats new:>>

Upgrade Chromium to version 91.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.5.30.299
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 07:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 17:15

    Added classic theme
    Merge the local account data to the browser account
    Added "create desktop shortcut" to right-click menu
    Added "restore last closed tab" to right-click menu
    Added "Bookmark tab" to right-click menu
    Hold "Ctrl/Shift" and right-click on the tab to get the tab menu
    Adjusted the Open function in Download manager (download to temp folder then open directly)
    Download window pop-up instantly when creating the download task
    Added URL prompt window to Resource Sniffer
    Fixed crashes under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark menu could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that some file could not be downloaded under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download failed record created when canceling the download task
    Fixed the issue that the download path could not be remembered when using Resource Sniffer
    Fixed the issue that some website could not be opened properly
    Fixed the issue that shortcuts could not work properly in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that some search engine could not skip to the correct result page


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView v1.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 18:50
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Fixed issue with downloads of Chrome Web browser: In previous versions, when there was a download item with multiple URLs, every URL was displayed as separate download item. Now it's displayed as one download item, and there are 3 URL columns to display multiple URLs (Download URL 1, Download URL 2, Download URL 3).

Titel: qutebrowser 2.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 07:40
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    Logging into Google accounts or sharing the camera on macOS 10.14+ crashed,
    which is now fixed.
    The Windows installer now correctly aborts the installation on Windows 7
    (rather than attempting an install which won't work, since Windows 7 is
    unsupported since the v2.0.0 release).
    Using --json-logging without --debug caused qutebrowser to crash since the
    v1.13.0 release. It now works correctly again.
    Mixing Qt 5.14+ with QtWebEngine 5.12 caused a crash related to qutebrowser's
    notification support, which is now fixed.
    The documentation now points to the new IRC channels on irc.libera.chat
    instead of the defunct Freenode channels (due to a hostile takeover by Freenode staff).
    Setting content.headers.user_agent or .accept_language to a value containing non-ascii characters was permitted by qutebrowser, but resulted in a crash when loading a page. Such values are now rejected properly.
    When quitting qutebrowser on the qute://settings page, a crash could happen, which is now fixed.
    When :edit-text is used, but the existing text in the input isn't representable in the configured encoding (editor.encoding), qutebrowser would crash. It now shows a proper error instead.
    The testsuite should now work properly on aarch64.
    When QtWebEngine is in a "stuck" state while :selection-follow was used, this could cause a crash in qutebrowser. This is now fixed (speculatively, due to lack of a reproducer).
    When the brave adblock data (adblock-cache.dat) got corrupted, qutebrowser would crash when trying to load it. It now displays an error instead.
    Combining /S (silent) and /allusers when uninstalling via the Windows installer now works properly.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 13:41
Whats new:>>

    Added tags and description columns to the top view for those who do not use the Site Information pane
    Fixed favicon/starred, tags and credential fields still displaying something after closing the database
    Fixed parsing of fields that contain extra whitespace, like newlines and tabs when doing Auto Fill

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2021, 13:53

    Updated built-in page
    Optimized built-in theme
    Optimzed login window
    Optimized download manager
    Optimized the function of resetting settings
    Added "open download manager" to Mouse Gesture
    Added "move pinned tabs to group"
    Optimized the responsiveness of Maxnote folder
    Updated translations
    Fixed the issue the account data could not sync automatically under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the right-click menu of bookmark manager could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that the pinned tab closed by right-clicking
    Fixed the issue that the external link could not be opened in the correct location
    Fixed the issue that the last synced time could not display correctly
    Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: Pale Moon 29.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2021, 19:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Worked around an issue with autocomplete popups sometimes failing to work (and added some debug console logging to it in case it happens to help find the root cause)
    Fixed an issue with DOM mouse scrolling throwing errors.
    Fixed a race with network detection routines firing incorrectly when resuming from standby.
    Fixed a crash when using large uploads through DOM.
    Fixed an issue where the menulist-button on editable menulist widgets was not visible on GTK3.
    Reduced the number of reported "important preferences" in troubleshooting information, excluding individual printer details.
    Fixed an issue with the JS JIT compiler not tracing debugger environments (DiD).


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.6.9.301
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Mypal 29.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 19:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


The update corresponds version 29.2.1
Differences: Patch from roytam "Lowered mMaxTextureSize from 4096 to 2048 to allow older graphic cards."


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2021, 20:10

    Added screenshot option to QuickAccess
    Added "Mute site" option to the right-click menu (shortcut: Alt+M)
    Updated translations
    Optimized "save as image" function
    Optimized UI
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display properly in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the layout error after switching browser account
    Fixed the issue that the auto-fill could not work on some websites
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not sync under some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickSave image could not work under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the Download window could not focus on the Download button
    Fixed the issue that the shortcuts could not display on the right-click menu
    Fixed the issue that the kept opened tabs duplicated after switching browser account
    Fixed the issue that the login window could not exit under some cases


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2021, 20:30

    The HTML Menu generator will now generate much more scalable code via Media Queries.
    The Internet TV Menu's content has been updated and extended with many more select documentary channels. Watch the best YouTube videos without ever going there and with no ads!
    Implemented user request: Video stream "captions display" default value now changed from "unset" to "hidden". In other words, captions won’t be auto-displaying anymore unless you specifically turn them on.
    Some other undisclosed modifications made.


Titel: Slimjet v30.0.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix a bug about bookmarks bar in auto hide mode
    Fix a bug about ad blocker.
    Fix a crash case.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2021, 08:20

    Optimized UI
    Updated Vbox
    Added the file size to the download manager
    Added the refresh option to QuickAccess
    Updated translations
    Disabled the entered records display on setting page
    Fixed the issue that the screen capture could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not create the new folder for the download path
    Fixed the issue that right-clicks could not close the page


Titel: VideoCacheView 3.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2021, 20:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed to extract the URLs correctly from the latest versions of Firefox.

Titel: Dooble 2021.06.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2021, 10:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

Licence: Open Source


Added menu item ellipses.
Corrected container access violations.
New shortcuts.
New visual charts. Please see Tools.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2021, 18:10

Optimized the account menu
Added function to overwrite the account data by Maxthon 5
Added mute tab to shortcuts (Alt+M), the speaker icon can be clicked on the tab
Downloaded file can be opened directly by clicking on it
Optimized the scrolling speed of the list of download manager
Fixed the issue that the browser account could not log in automatically when double-clicking on the desktop shortcut
Fixed the issue that the right-click menu of QuickAccess could not work under some cases
Fixed the issue that some screenshot icons imported from Maxthon 5 could not load properly
Fixed the issue that the screenshot icon could not get the latest website screenshot under some cases
Fixed the issue that some shortcuts could not be disabled successfully


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2021, 18:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    In this release you get the Internet TV Menu v4.0 featuring an ALL-NEW interface; with a whopping 518 streams, and now with a much needed favorites bar!
    NB: Your favorite streams are saved under .../ClassicUser/ITV-Menu.txt, so even when you switch from one version of the browser to another you won't lose your favorite streams.
    With the presence of the Internet TV Menu which now also encompasses streaming Radio (see menu 21), the bookmark menus WebTV and WebRadio are now obsolete and thus retired!
    Visiting websites to watch TV and/or listen to the radio is a thing of the past as everything is now streamed via HLS directly in the browser.
    You can now make the Internet TV Menu load automatically on browser startup via...
    Main Menu > Browser Functions > Browser Options > Browse & Security Options > Load Modules... Internet TV > [SAVE]
    A BrowserFunction bug has been suppressed. This is only of concern to advanced users who develop their own apps using BrowserFunction().


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2021, 20:40

    Added status bar (including CPU, download speed, global mute, page zoom)
    Optimized main menu layout
    Optimized the screenshot icon loading logic of New tab page
    Updated Vbox
    Disabled the entered records of the input box
    Adjusted the shortcut (change the Focus on the address bar to F6)
    Fixed the issue that the right-click menu could not display when selecting several items at the same time
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not close the correct page under the split-screen mode
    Fixed the issue that the menu could not display properly under the dark theme
    Fixed the issue that the restart browser could not work when selecting Close to the system tray
    Fixed the issue that the installation window could not display properly under some cases


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2021, 10:20
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed tags and description columns not populating when first adding a new URL

Titel: Dooble 2021.07.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2021, 10:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Anonymous tab headers. Available via a tab's context menu.
New --load-url terminal option.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2021, 20:10

    Added right-click menu to the download manager
    Fixed the issue that the avatar could not be uploaded
    Fixed the issue that the browser icon created automatically on the taskbar when using several browser accounts
    Fixed the issue that the status bar could not hide automatically under the full-screen mode
    Fixed the issue that the page zoom percentage could not display correctly and the zoom restore button could not work on the status bar
    Fixed the issue that some web pages could not load properly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the icon of Maxnote and the icon of Passkeeper could not align on the new tab page
    Fixed the issue that the search engine could not be switched by pressing the keyboard
    Fixed the issue that the default search engine could not be updated automatically on the new tab page
    Fixed the issue that QuickAccess refreshing automatically after deleting one icon
    Fixed the issue that the History page could not focus on the search box automatically
    Fixed the issue that the history records could not load properly under some languages
    Fixed the issue that the history records could not be imported correctly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the boss key failed to mute the browser
    Fixed the issue the unmute site could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that the file size could not display correctly when creating download task manually
    Fixed crashes under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not close the page correctly
    Fixed the issue that the middle mouse closed the pinned tab
    Fixed the issue that the download manager created failed task automatically in the download manager when using some download extensions
    Fixed the issue that some Maxnote folders could not display properly under the dark system theme
    Fixed the issue that the speaker icon hidden by the pop-up window on the tab
    Fixed memory leak under some cases


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    (based on Chromium 90)
    Added "Copy link to highlight" to in-page context menu.
    Added capability to search all open tabs. Click the little downward arrow on the right side of the Tab bar to search.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.7.11.310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 19:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: FBCacheView 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 18:40
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

Updated to work properly with the cache partitioning of Chrome and Firefox.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with default search engine.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.7.15.311
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2021, 20:45
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2021, 09:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    This release includes the Internet TV Menu v5.0 with many updated streams to FHD quality, now with well over 600 channels and new powerful features like...
    Stream filtering to isolate streams across all groups. ie: Select "Movies" to list all the movie channels across the entire TV menu.
    Multi-stream channels: URL sequence permitting, we are now able to accommodate multiple streams under one network. For example, "BBC Radio" offers 13 different streams via a little menu.
    Menu zooming... to adjust the size of the table of networks/logos.
    User request implemented: When the browser warns of low memory availability, it doesn’t offer to reset it for you. Great idea, now it does, Thanks!
    A little bug in "Launch this Group" (open mutliple websites) would randomly leave blank screens in between opened tabs... should be better now.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2021, 20:15
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

    Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch between ascending and descending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu item, you'll get a secondary sorting.
    Fixed some high DPI mode issues (Toolbar, Properties Window).

Titel: Pale Moon 29.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2021, 21:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    "Web Developer" is now called "Developer Tools" in the menus.
    Updated and aligned about:home, the QuickDial page and logopage styling.
    Re-organized the privacy category in the preferences window.
    Enabled brotli compression for http for sites that support it. See implementation notes.
    Implemented EventTarget as a constructor.
    Updated Windows 10 toolkit styling.
    Updated the port blacklist (removed 10080). See implementation notes.
    CSS: Implemented calc() and animation support for stroke-dashoffset.
    Added support for checking boolean preferences to chrome CSS style sheets, to support more advanced theming options.
    Added support for dynamic dark color capable themes in CSS.
    Updated ResizeObserver implementation to a more recent specification. See implementation notes.
    Removed a metric ton of Macintosh code.
    Removed obsolete system theme support from the layout engine.
    Fixed several crashes.
    Linux: blocked particularly old versions of Mesa/Nouveau drivers due to issues.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2021-30547 and several other issues that don't have a CVE number.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 3 DiD, 2 deferred (DiD), 12 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Brotli compression (introduced a few years back) has originally been restricted to https only in web browsers because there was some concern about interaction with middleware boxes with poor design trying to transparently recompress data not recognizing the new compression stream type and causing failures. The kind of processing done in those boxes (SDCH) has long since been deprecated. Since then, the segregation for Brotli between http and https has been maintained by Chrome and Firefox as a vessel to further promote https over http by artificially keeping http less efficient (denying the use of the more dense Brotli compression). Since there is no technical reason not to enable Brotli over http, we will accept (by way of Accept-encoding) Brotli over plain http from this version on, offering up to 20% less bandwidth use when servers also support it.
    We maintain a blacklist of ports that should not be addressed from a browser (primarily to prevent scripted abuse). Not too long ago we updated these ports with a number of additional (higher range) ones, including port 10080 (Amanda). Unfortunately there is too much overlap with other common services/devices that also use this (arbitrarily chosen) port, so we've removed this particular port again from our blacklist.
    The ResizeObserver implementation was changed to now support the updated specification for this API, including the experimental properties contentBoxSize and borderBoxSize which allows finer control to respond to size changes of elements. The old spec sizing property of contentRect remains supported for web compatibility.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with screenshot tool.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2021, 19:30

    Key Changes
    Optimized Vbox
    Added Vbox notification
    Optimized QuickNote
    Added the shortcut "Ctrl+Y" to QuickNote (Redo)
    Changed the shortcut "Copy tab" to Ctrk+Shift+K
    Added shortcut to "Open bookmark button" (Alt+A)
    Added the prompt for redownloading
    Added the music control button back to the toolbar
    Fixed the issue that some data failed to display on the status bar
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark could not be dragged under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the downloaded file could not be opened directly by clicking on it
    Fixed the issue that the download window could not pop up when enabling the Quick Download
    Fixed the issue that the file could not be downloaded to the shared disk
    Fixed the issue that notes could not be dragged under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the special characters could not be searched correctly
    Fixed the issue that the tab close button could not display when the tab was small
    Fixed the issue that the cursor could not display under the dark theme
    Fixed the issue that some pop-up windows displayed improperly under the dark theme
    Fixed the issue that some custom search engines could not work properly
    Fixed the issue that the redownload created the repeated download task
    Fixed the issue that the download task stayed on 0KB after downloading
    Fixed the issue that the progress bar of the download manager loading incorrectly
    Fixed the issue that the built-in page could not refresh correctly
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not exit properly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the status bar could not display clearly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the QuickNote window repeatedly created when copying tabs
    Fixed the issue that the browser asked to exit the browser when closing the last tab
    Fixed the issue that the browser language list could not be searched properly
    Fixed the issue the new tab page could not display the margin under the bottom icons
    Fixed the issue that the search engine list could not display properly on the new tab page
    Fixed the issue that the icon for adding new QuickAceess could not display under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the page zoom percentage could not display correctly after restarting the browser
    Fixed the issue that the new tab page could not open correctly when using the new tab as the QuickAccess
    Fixed the issue that some shortcuts still worked after disabling them
    Fixed the issue that some icons could not display properly when switching some themes or using the auto-fill
    Fixed the issue that the desktop shortcut could not be customized under some cases
    Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: Mypal 29.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2021, 21:30
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


Differences: Applied "prefers-color-scheme" stuff. Not applied poking with newtab and about:home for win10 - placing search icon inside the search box, i think this not needed and they did not complete that for this version. Let we see that when it will be complete.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2021, 06:10
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch between ascending and descending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu item, you'll get a secondary sorting.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2021, 07:20

    Key Changes:

    Optimized the show type of the address bar and search keyword
    Optimized status bar
    Close the last tab to exit the split-screen
    Fixed the issue that the "paste and open" function could not work correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickAccess could not be deleted under some cases
    Fixed crashes
    Fixed the issue that Vbox auto-pay settings could not sync automatically under some cases


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2021, 08:50

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 92.0.4515.131)

Titel: The Classic Browser 7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2021, 09:30

    This version of the browser introduces support for M3U files and M3U data:

    Therefore, whenever you open a raw .M3U file the browser will now create an "M3U File Menu" for you in a new tab, enabling you to instantly test all streams contained.
    Downloading a raw .M3U file may also trigger this automated service, and you can also call this service manually at will if required via... Developer Tools > "M3U Data -> Stream Menu".
    Finally, you can also highlight .M3U data directly on a webpage and then right-click and select "M3U Data --> SM" from the highlighted text menu, to generate a menu of streams.
    As you can probably imagine, I had to add all this M3U automation to the browser because I’ve had thousands of streams to find, review, sort, etc and I really needed all the help I could get!
    So, if you’re a stream freak you’re gonna love the M3U support, but if not you won’t even notice it is there!
    This release includes the "Internet TV & Radio Menu v6.0" with many updated streams (over 1,000) including new Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Arabic stream sets.
    We now also have upgraded sprite graphics to 300-dpi (NB: each image has gone from 100kb to 250kb so it comes at a price), drag & drop support when adding channels to the favorites bar, and much more!
    I have also included instructions on how to set-up your PC to stream to your BIG TV set so you can entertain the whole family without spending a dime! Between us, let’s call this... project "Bye-bye Netflix!" :)


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2021, 18:20

    Added "Lock Maxthon" to shortcuts
    Optimized the browser UI in the dark system color
    Optimized the loading speed of the new tab page
    Optimized the customized skin display
    Fixed the issue that the download records could not be searched
    Fixed the issue that the download window could not be exited
    Fixed the issue that the avatar could not be updated
    Fixed the issue that the new folder could not be created when adding URL to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the page preview could not be exited when adding notes to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the Undo button could not be clicked when adding screenshots or selected contents to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that some icons could not display properly under the incognito mode
    Fixed the crashes when dragging tabs under the split-screen mode
    Fixed the issue that the account list could not load correctly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the page layout could not display properly under the split-screen
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+Z" could not be added manually
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut "Alt+F6" could not be added manually
    Fixed crashes after switching the browser account


Titel: Dooble 2021.08.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2021, 10:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Allow decoupling of charts. Printing provided.
Corrected zoom-in shortcut. Thanks altPOCA.
Fancier menus.
Floating History window.
Implemented a safer, perhaps, version of memset().
New zoom information attached to the address frame. Thanks altPOCA.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2021, 19:10

    Adjusted the right-click tab menu
    Adjusted the custom UI menu
    Added the option to upload the new tab background image
    Added the search button to the new tab page search box
    Adjusted the new tab screenshot icon initialization as text and color square
    Optimized toolbar display
    Fixed the issue that the dynamic loading effects covered up the new tab folder title under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut key of the desktop shortcut could not be kept
    Fixed the issue that the selected words could not be searched under the retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the status bar separator could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the URL could not display clearly on the status bar under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the status bar layout could not display properly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the installation window could not display correctly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the installer could not detect the installed over


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.8.14.320
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2021, 09:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue that the screenshot icon could not display quickly when opening the new tab

Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2021, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a development, bugfix and security release. Our release schedule was adjusted here to provide web compatibility improvements and not just a security update this month.


    Implemented promise.allSettled().
    Implemented global origin on windows and workers.
    Improved performance of memory allocations.
    Updated libcubeb to the current development version.
    This improves OSS compatibility and addresses potential crashes, performance issues and security issues.
    Updated SQLite to 3.36.0.
    Improved thread safety of the web content cache. DiD
    Added several fixes to avoid potential crashes and security issues. DiD
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 5 DiD, 12 not applicable.


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

This is an out-of-band update to address the following issue:
In 29.4.0, the optional FUEL component (long since deprecated precursor to the Mozilla Add-On SDK) was removed from Pale Moon. This had unexpected impact on a number of popular extensions as well as a few bits of core functionality that went unnoticed in our pre-release testing and unstable channel.
As part of our commitment to resolving issues and giving extension developers some more time to address any problems with this removal of the component from the browser, this update temporarily restores the FUEL component.
If you are an extension developer relying on FUEL components or namespaces (e.g. implicit 'Application'), please update your extension before the next major release.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2021, 19:40

    Added the option to the right-click menu for adding notes to Maxnote
    Added the option to the right-clicking menu for searching the selected content
    Added the calendar option to the History page
    Added the option to open the selected history records
    Optimized QuickNote (font color)
    Optimized Maxnote (drag sidebar)
    Optimized Bookmarks (drag sidebar)
    Optimized New tab page (screenshot icon loading speed and data sync)
    Optimized retro mode
    Optimized the show logic of the tab close button
    Fixed crashes under some cases
    Fixed the issue that quick access could not be deleted and the icon could not be changed
    Fixed the issue that the new tab page freezing when dragging the quick access


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2021, 10:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    In this edition there are upgrades in the following areas but with no further details...
    One search engine has been replaced.
    Upgraded the "LIVE Cams Menu" to v2.0
    Upgraded the "Internet TV & Radio Menu" to v7.0
    M3U --> Stream Menu conversion Mark II. (gone all graphical)
    Better support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images. Now you can call "SVG Image --> SRC + PNG" under the Developer's Tools, to get both the source code and a PNG conversion thereof.
    "Element Ancestry" is a new utility under the "Developer's Tools" which does what its name suggests in a textual-graphical manner.
    Perfected the detection and countermeasure of website blurring tactics and suspicious element indexing. This is an automated process but for "late blooming" websites that may evade our detection, use [F12].
    There is an updated HOSTS file in this version and updated browser option lists. Use the [Update] button at the very top for the latter.
    Some other undisclosed browser updates are included.


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

This is an out-of-band update to address the issue that in rare occasions on both Linux and Windows, audio would stop working (e.g. for playing videos or MP3s). We're still investigating the root cause of this issue on Windows (Linux cause was already found) but have temporarily reverted to our previous audio library (libcubeb) version for this release to provide a proper media experience for our users in the interim.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2021, 18:20

    Optimized retro mode
    Added drop-down list to the restore button on the toolbar
    Optimized status bar
    Optimized the new tab page background loading performance
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote sync progress bar could not display the correct percentage
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote page could not sync instantly after deleting notes
    Fixed the crash issue when installing extensions


Titel: Dooble 2021.08.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 22:10
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Allow opening of multiple favorites via the Enter key.
    Clear address and visited links whenever the history is cleared via Clear Browsing History.
    Close Window shortcut.
    Enable Theme Color attribute.
    Enable local storage and memory cache for private windows.
    Hide the tab bar in full-screen mode.
    Improved restoring of cookies for the cookie store.
    Lock charts on application lock.
    New Settings->Display option: Show New Downloads.
    New Tab Position setting.
    New hidden settings. Please see dooble.sh.
    Open multiple history entries via the Enter key.
    Properly free resources of chart windows.
    Reload page via F5.
    Set the home path to XDG_DATA_HOME/dooble if XDG_DATA_HOME is well-defined.
    Thanks altPOCA (ghost), michaelskyba.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2021, 20:20

    Added status bar settings to the Appearance settings page
    Optimized retro mode
    Added browser DEP
    Optimized bookmark bar right-click menu
    Optimized the new tab page loading performance
    Optimized History page
    Optimized Pop-up window (It won't be grayed out when hovering on the pop-up window)
    Optimized the screen capture tool
    Optimized the address bar QR code (canceled the limit of the character length)
    Fixed the issue that the tab could not display correctly after canceling the split-screen
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not drag the notes to sort under some cases
    Fixed crashes


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2021, 20:10
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window.

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Better control for Picture in Picture video calls
    Better Transitions for Web Apps

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2021, 20:50
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch between ascending and descending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu item, you'll get a secondary sorting.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2021, 19:45

    Added Password Generator
    Added the download window pop-up option to Download settings
    Added "Pin" option to the download manager
    Added NBdomain protocol to Vbox
    Optimized the dragging function of the download window
    Optimized the deleted downloaded records display
    Optimized the download window display
    Optimized the system tray icon. The browser will display or hide after double-clicking.
    Optimized the retro mode; webpages won't be locked to the retro mode
    Optimized History page
    Fixed the issue that the right-click menu of the download manager could not exit automatically
    Fixed the issues that the right-click menu of the download manager could not display correctly under some cases
    Fixed crashes under some cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.9.11.327
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2021, 09:50
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BriskBard 2.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 20:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 93.0.4577.63.
    Now the multimedia player has bookmarks. By default it has a bookmark to the "Free-TV" playlist of free IPTV channels.
    Added a mute button to the multimedia player.
    Improved volume and balance controls in the multimedia player.
    Added a context menu to the playlist of the multimedia player to expand all folders, to collapse all folders and to add the selected item to the bookmarks.
    Added menu options to import playlists into the multimedia player bookmarks.
    The web browser bookmarks are automatically shown if the user left them open when the last tab was closed.
    The Tor component has been updated to the latest version.
    Bug fixes :
        Fixed an issue downloading playlists in the multimedia player.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.4-2021-09-11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 22:40
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source

Whats new: >>


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git d43e6f58e...8d7b56d38:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1044102 - Part 0 - Test cases. r=smaug. (e588558b1)
- Bug 1044102 - Part 1 - Implement ImageBitmap. r=roc, sr=smaug (17702ab3c)
- Bug 1044102 - Part 2 - Support ImageBitmap as CanvasImageSource. r=smaug (b9454bbe3)
- Bug 1049091 - Console API in workers should not block the script waiting for the main-thread, r=ehsan (08a18bdd5)
- Bug 1154076 - Console API must keep the Worker alive when the runnable to the main-thread is dispatched, r=bent (67ca7f850)
- Bug 1184541 - Create a StructuredCloneHelperInternal and use it in the Console API, r=smaug (45391c7d9)
- fix namespace (808e6e99d)
- Bug 1184557 - part 1 - StructuredCloneHelper class for window to window postMessage, r=smaug (19df45161)
- Bug 1184557 - part 2 - StructuredCloneHelperInternal::Shutdown, r=smaug (a157c50d0)
- Bug 1184995 - StructuredCloneHelper for BroadcastChannel and DataStore, r=smaug (86f901c2f)
- namespace fix (a9f89ad33)
- Bug 1185569 - Use StructuredCloneHelper in MessagePort, r=smaug (c26235044)
- Bug 1188265 - No manual JS_ClearPendingException when StructuredCloneHelper is used, r=smaug (1e9fbe26f) (88786f232)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1140145 - Update web-platform-tests to revision 9a2c04e06cb4e63b13b803722d345d085bf0debf, a=testonly (cde1a5dbc)
- Bug 1120505 - Add Blink service-worker tests to local wpt tests, rs=Ms2ger (93f205612) (9eb5cab23)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1179685 - Fix messageport assert in wpt service worker test. r=baku (61aa36afc)
- Bug 1044102 - Part 3 - Support StructuredClone. r=baku (1662a398a)
- Bug 1135627 - Add implementation of DragEvent constructor. r=jdm r=smaug (be58d003c)
- Bug 1140145 - Fixup incorrectly merged wpt metadata (a408caba8) (eea282447)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Add some bug annotations to a few of the web platform tests ini files. No bug, rs=jgraham (2bd88e934)
- Bug 1157218 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 20aef05e164be1ccbbd8f66192f01e778b5e5c18, a=testonly (8f3c3b293)
- partial Bug 1155079 -Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 89b6e2bc460316c7f273712d22f0b2d3a3d0c5be, a=testonly (45995954d)
- Bug 1171755 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 0fbf63dbe6f6b8b0dccee76d96ec4b7d50c3fff6, a=testonly (2c86d68cd)
- Bug 952139 - Enable MessagePort/MessageChannel by default, r=smaug (f61532f88)
- Bug 1176636 - Set the dom.forms.inputmode pref for html/dom/interfaces.html. r=Ms2ger (ec446e6f6) (e65ee8bb1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 909993 - Add WebIDL for TextTrackCue and fix link in VTTCue.webidl. r=rillian r=bz (24a78498b)
- Bug 1044102 - Part 4 - update W3C web platform tests. r=smaug (1379beb25)
- Bug 1159830 - Autophone - webappstartup should not use console.log to output WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE. r=snorp, r=froydnj (f85a43beb)
- Bug 1152574: Fix console service discarding to run when it is actually safe to do so (off of inner-window-destroyed). Also add a backstop at xpcom-shutdown to discard any cycle collected messages before it is too late. r=froydnj (01f6f8708)
- Bug 1152574 - Do not report aborted XHR requests in web console (r=sicking) (814b8868d)
- Bug 1186589 - Ensure CORS preflight requests are never intercepted. r=sicking (f0484fbe5)
- namespace (6dc7db16d)
- namespace (585e04c34)
- Bug 1179505 - Make LoadInfo arguments optional in ipdl (r=bent,sicking) (c9d2efa2a)
- fix old misspatch (3950e6fae)
- Bug 1219027. Fix unbinding transformfeedback when deleting it. r=djg I believe this was the original intention of the code. This fixes deletion conformance tests. (3878dade7)
- Bug 1175803 - Store redirect chain within loadInfo - part 1 (r=sicking,mayhemer) (5b0ea460a)
- Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - loadinfo changes (r=sicking,tanvi,sworkman) (46ab73d45)
- Bug 1175803 - Store redirect chain within loadInfo - part 2 (r=sicking,mayhemer) (6181a439c)
- Bug 1180964 - Provide a C++ friendly version of LoadInfo on nsIChanne version of LoadInfo on nsIChanne (563a98940)
- Bug 1175803 - Store redirect chain within loadInfo - part 3 e10s (r=mrbkap,mayhemer) (7bf552870) (2e86f7f52)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1036275 - Add Packaged App Service r=honzab (dee062e0a)
- Bug 1177403 - Unable to load http package resources with fetch() or xhr r=mcmanus (5a5324048)
- Bug 1177465 - Web packaged app resources can't be loaded over https r=honzab (042f9a36a)
- Bug 1180637 - Packaged Apps do not apply CSP r=honzab (1d71e51c4)
- Bug 1177766 - Add logging to PackagedAppService r=honzab (c1659d6e1)
- Bug 1172233 - Allow web packaged apps to be served without a mimetype r=mcmanus (38e8de9d8) (fbdc4b210)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checs when opening a channel - securitymanager (r=sicking,tanvi) (4b78431d8)
- Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - channel changes (r=mcmanus,sicking) (139445975)
- Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - scriptSecurityManager changes (r=sicking,bholley) (03d83542d)
- Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - media element changes (r=sicking,tanvi) (e0d73c36e)
- Bug 1182540 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/html/HTMLTrackElement.cpp (r=sicking) (c5eb0950d)
- Bug 1182537 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/base/Navigator.cpp (r=sicking,bz) (8721fd908)
- Bug 1182539 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/base/nsDocument.cpp (r=sicking) (6dcc65084)
- Bug 1182543 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp (r=sicking) (341de1b91)
- Bug 1188637 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/base/EventSource.cpp (r=sicking) (e41da5e03)
- Bug 1167356 - Handle return value of DataSourceSurface::Map wherever possible. r=Bas (78286f883)
- missing uuid of 1089255 (c3790f3b5)
- Bug 1174307 - Add some internal content policy types for the purpose of reflecting them on RequestContext; r=sicking (93722c3e6)
- missing bit of Bug 1124951 (72545d143) (d9c067aad)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1167053 - Convert NetUtil.newChannel2 callsites to use new API - update asyncFetch2 (r=sicking,paolo) (391fbfbed)
- Bug 1174982 - Add the new nsContentPolicyType values to the DBSchema.cpp static_assert; r=bkelly (8b1ec1cf3)
- Bug 1173912 Fail opaque responses for client requests. r=ehsan (591eb5352)
- Bug 1148044 - Correctly reflect frame and iframe RequestContext values; r=smaug (34779ec33)
- remove check done already at top and not preent in gecko (c0ad57261)
- Bug 1148030 - Correctly reflect object and embed RequestContext values; r=smaug (39e3859ab) (8c2984bae)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1129498 - Replace remove_all_bookmarks() with .eraseEverything() r=mak (f413eb4a7)
- Bug 901952 - RSS live bookmark history should get updated after Recent history is cleared. r=mak (bd5ca6967)
- Bug 1094900 - Livemarks service should use the new Bookmarks.jsm. r=ttaubert (3dbf5ac0a) (6be11741f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1191107 - Split TYPE_XMLHTTPREQUEST and TYPE_DATAREQUEST for EventSource (r=sicking,ehsan) (95f425209)
- Bug 1182544 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp (r=sicking) (ce5a45c14)
- Bug 1193552 - Remove baseURI from LoadInfo (r=sicking,jkitch) (0a82e802e)
- Bug 1187165 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/base/ImportManager (r=sicking) (b1fa3166b)
- Bug 1192955 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 for PING in docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp (r=sicking) (3e2858855)
- Bug 1195162 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 dom/xbl/nsXBLService.cpp (r=sicking) (0382ed90d) (7081d4a92)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1121879 - Refactor ViewHelpers.L10N.numberWithDecimals to use toLocaleString. r=pbrosset (cfaf8ee3f)
- Bug 982319 - Unzipping response boddies in network monitor when needed. r=ochameau (3319f801d)
- Define gDevTools in network-monitor.js for the rare case where it's not already present in the environment (bug 1167655). r=vporof (88c89fa0c)
- Bug 1160837 - The network panel should only record beacons from the monitored page. r=ochameau (20b5b347d) (fe1aaac26)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172889 - Remove unused nsFrameLoader::DestroyChild. r=smaug (36bbb4447)
- Bug 1172889 - Remove unused nsFrameLoader::mContentParent. r=smaug (cee16d62f)
- Bug 1172889 - Get current RenderFrameParent from TabParent directly. r=roc (b7090504e)
- Bug 1176239, do tab navigation in the child when moving between the parent and child process, r=smaug (5c3d8213c)
- Bug 1125325 followup: Add missing 'override' keyword to TabChild::GetInnerSize() and nsWindowRoot::AddBrowser(), RemoveBrowser(), EnumerateBrowsers(). rs=ehsan (3ea24684f)
- reorder includes (d09953fd0)
- Bug 1190245 - Separate mMessageManager creation and FrameScript loading. r=smaug (90eaa1612)
- Bug 1177578 - Remove 'No docshells for remote frames' warning in nsFrameLoader::GetDocShell. r=smaug (de5770f1e)
- Bug 1164616 - "nsFrameLoader::DelayedStartLoadingRunnable is unused". r=josh (2472ccba6)
- Bug 1172889 - Rename nsFrameLoader::GetCurrentRemoteFrame to nsFrameLoader::GetCurrentRenderFrame. r=roc (8563de171)
- Bug 1172889 - Reorder nsFrameLoader member declarations. r=smaug (535d6426d)
- Bug 1190245 - Make the MaybeCreateDocShell using code path easier to follow. r=smaug (0d96f4663)
- Bug 1190245 - Make frame script loading and browser-api initialization easier to follow. r=smaug (7993cfe00) (21fb6867b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1130096 - Convert embedding/browser/ to Gecko style. r=mccr8 (59ec06fe2)
- Bug 1179967 - Always rewrite links to absolute in nsWebBrowserPersist instead of side-effecting document. r=jst (93bf54d47)
- Bug 1155765 - Get rid of gratuitous goto from nsWebBrowserPersist::MakeFilenameFromURI(). r=smaug (ecf31fed2)
- Bug 1170334 - Re-escape entities in nsWebBrowserPersist XML stylesheet handling. r=hsivonen (e04b410a0)
- Bug 345852 - Save personal dictionary when a word is added or removed. r=ehsan (d62c40fb7)
- Bug 1133063 - Move SetLength into the if's condition. r=froydnj (bd1d03ad4)
- Bug 1165919 - [Qt] InitLayersAccelerationPrefs () crash due to missing gfxInfo. r=rojkov (e966f5aa1)
- Bug 1090448 - Add initial serialization and deserialization capabilities for nsPrintOptionsGTK. r=karlt. (34c5cca7b)
- Bug 1090439 - PPrinting calls from child to parent via ShowProgress and ShowPrintDialog should not be sync. r=smaug. (6321a2f61)
- Remove some unneeded MOZ_IMPLICITs, no bug (b884ec906)
- MOZ_FINAL -> final (cfffe033d)
- fix misspatch (77a20bcc2)
- Bug 1090448 - Add GTK-specific PrintData fields and serialization / deserialization. r=karlt. (afc2d1166)
- Bug 1109338: Part 3: Use separate proxy and UDPMessage class for PBackground r=dragana (ff1711e1e) (2efea470e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1140330 - Clear JSHint warning in RILContentHelper.js. r=hsinyi (e9d488f8f)
- Bug 1155142 - Part 1: Move All IccInfo-related Implementation to IccService to deprecate rilContext. r=echen (79c4edb86)
- Bug 1155142 - Part 2: Refactor RIL-related Modules. r=kchen (f98c9e4e6)
- Bug 1155142 - Part 3: Refactor MobileIdentityManager. r=ferjm (530b9a25e)
- Bug 1114901 - Part 1: introduce nsI(Gonk)DataCallInterfaceService and nsIDataCallManager. r=hsinyi,echen (4f941a2ba)
- Bug 1114901 - Part 2: (Gonk)DataCallInterfaceService implementation. r=echen (a7b965106)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 1: Add setSmscAddress API in MozMobileMessageManager Web IDL interface, and corresponding implementation in MobileMessageManager class. r=hsinyi (d75e7d34d)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 2: Update nsIMobileMessageCallback interface and implementation to support Promise and setSmscAddress. r=btseng (7bdae2eb7)
- Bug 1069186 - determine LTE signal level based on rsrp and rssnr. r=edgar (25c7ad339)
- Bug 1146799 - B2G RIL: Pull out the TelephonyRequestQueue from RilWorker. r=aknow (ed758026a)
- Bug 1130292 - Allow to receive WAP Push in which reserved port numbers is used. r=echen (71a163e0a)
- Bug 1139835 - Parse response parcel of OPEN_CHANNEL as int list. r=hsinyi (416cd7c43)
- Bug 1137088: B2G RIL: move data call related handling out of ril_worker. r=echen (221e01130)
- Bug 1027546 - Part 1: Restore the service class (ril_worker.js). r=aknow (5e0a9a4ae)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 01: Pass number instead of callIndex in notifySupplementaryService. r=hsinyi (f60cce375)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 02: Move from ril_worker to TelephonyService: hangup and reject. r=hsinyi (4f626592b)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 03: Move from ril_worker to TelephonyService: answer. r=hsinyi (046035101)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 04: Refactor _switchActiveCall. r=hsinyi (1da5886cb)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 05: Refactor _dialInCallMMI. r=hsinyi (f204a859c)
- Bug 1135268 - Part 1: Fix incall MMI issue. r=hsinyi (eec6f1d95)
- Bug 1135268 - Part 2: Test case. r=hsinyi (8dba4dd16)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 06: Refactor _isActive. r=hsinyi (bc469dffd)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 07: Use notifyCurrentCalls (idl). r=hsinyi (31d97ca81)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 08: Use notifyCurrentCalls (ril). r=hsinyi (120365c8a)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 09: Modify test case. r=hsinyi (6234e9069) (f09fc5894)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1139063 - [RIL] Adding "MissingResource" error msg (no logical channels available). r=echen" (398f33e4a)
- Bug 1140259 - Part 1: RIL error for version 10. r=hsinyi (1e021b2cf)
- partial of Bug 1140259 - Part 2: [RIL] Handle options.errorMsg in processParcel (abd235fce)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 10: Turn on radio for emergency call in TelephonyService. r=hsinyi (d48766156)
- Bug 962995 - Support write ICC UCS2 characters for 0x81 and 0x82 encoding. r=echen (687df42ab)
- Bug 1120805 - Remove deprecated xpcshell test functions used in RIL test code. r=echen (b97b6062c)
- Bug 1137093 - Part 11: Fix xpcshell test. r=hsinyi (330828d97)
- Bug 991582 - Part 1: Deprecate rilRequestError. r=aknow (a26679942)
- Bug 1139736 - Part 2: define network debug function dynamically. r=echen (fbde39496)
- Bug 1138264 - Part 3: Replace inner function/.bind(this) with arrow functions. r=echen (32c8282fd)
- Bug 1138264 - Part 1: Define new system messages of "sms-failed" and "sms-delivery-error". r=echen (e340c887e)
- Bug 1138264 - Part 2: Broadcast System Messages from SmsService/MmsService accordingly. r=echen (a3c9abcb9)
- Bug 992772 - Use mms specific network interface to do DNS lookup. r=echen, r=btseng, r=mrbkap (e5873dbc9)
- Bug 1130962 - Part 1: Move http porxy pref back to NetworkManager. r=echen (6ff761a87)
- Bug 1126222 - Part 1: Provide callback in some functions in NetworkService. r=echen (83dd12a70)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 3: Add setSmscAddress implementation for Gonk backend. r=btseng (a6572c446)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 4: Update IPC protocols and implementation for setSmscAddress API. r=btseng (c65c32a60)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 5: Add dummy implementation for Android backend. r=btseng (3c720887b)
- Bug 1138841 - Part 3: Add an XPCShell and a Marionette test case for encoding and decoding examination, respectively. r=btseng (72eb439ef)
- Bug 733331 - Part 3: Add corresponding marionette test case. r=btseng (e4157c169)
- Bug 1138841 - Part 1: Fix PDU_NL_LOCKING_SHIFT_TABLES in ril_consts.js. r=btseng (fd5e675dd)
- Bug 733331 - Part 1: Add the mapping of MCC and corresponding extra national language table tuples to enable in ril_consts.js. r=btseng (6c3d5222e)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 6: Add marionette and xpcshell test cases. r=btseng (ed67cab8a)
- Bug 1044721 - Part 7: Update nsISmsService.idl and ensure the type-of-number and number-plan-identification constants match the corresponding enum in MozMobileMessageManager.webidl. r=btseng (f03d09c8e) (5b5a9facd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1149829 - Fix the issue in RIL NetworkInterface and add test case for NetworkInterfaceListService. r=hsinyi (55a5b5a77)
- Bug 1126222 - Part 2: Use promise to ensure execution order in NetworkManager. r=echen (a7e73985e)
- Bug 1162464 - Part 1: IDL Changes. r=echen (1f3f9d348)
- Bug 1162464 - Part 2: Implementation Changes. r=echen (93b9f6617)
- Bug 1119152 - Part 1: [SecureElement] Consolidate variable naming. r=smaug, allstarschh (c78bc25d2)
- Bug 1149177 - [Secure Element] UiccConnector using nsIIccService. r=allstars.chh (9b3202cc6)
- Bug 1119152 - Part 2: [SecureElement] SEReader.isSEPresent. r=smaug, allstarschh (978a97a13)
- Bug 1162464 - Part 3: Refactor UiccConnector due to interface change. r=allstars.chh (489c8fda1)
- Bug 1162865 - [DataCall] Do not reset data call's linkInfo if it's still needed. r=echen (fbda68997)
- Bug 1114901 - Part 3: move data connection related code out of RadioInterfaceLayer. r=echen (86105ba50)
- Bug 1185802 - Part 1: support fota apn type (idl). r=hsinyi (12a8b03b7)
- Bug 1185802 - Part 2: support fota apn type (impl). r=hsinyi (dc201b0b0)
- Bug 1185802 - Part 3: support fota apn type (tests). r=hsiny (cc70dd7be)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 1: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (idl). r=echen (cc18ef0b9)
- Bug 1143984 - [NetworkManager] set 'active' only for default connections. r=echen (a310fcde4)
- Bug 1165844 - Add 'stopDhcp' to NetworkService. r=vchang (021a22ea2)
- Bug 1168021 - Part 1: expand nsINetworkInterface parameter in nsINetworkService (idl). r=echen (20e721e5a)
- Bug 1168021 - Part 2: expand nsINetworkInterface parameter in nsINetworkService (impl). r=echen (6a7635cfa)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 2: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetworkManager). r=echen (538099cf1)
- Bug 1130962 - Part 2: Let NetworkManager handle wifi http proxy. r=hchang (a5ea052ac)
- Bug 1123680 - Disable network prior to updating it to prevent unexpectedly and incorrectly added network. r=hchang (f84d59646) (abd7c7a44)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1146248 - Stop previous DHCP request when requesting a new one. r=vchang (1aae6f57d)
- Bug 1167466 - Prevent from previous failed DHCP callback interferring ongoing DHCP request. r=vchang. (35fc7df93)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 3: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (Wifi). r=hchang (f44dc346d)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 4: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (DataCall). r=echen (175ff98a6)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 5: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (Tethering). r=echen (5bca84f68)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 1: Refactor StkProactiveCmdFactory.jsm into a XPCOM Service. r=echen (1701a4ac8)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 2.1: (Gonk) Refactor Stk Proactive Commands from IccProvider to IccService. r=echen (a541d04d6)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 2.2: (Gonk) Refactor Stk Request APIs from IccProvider to IccService. r=echen (6b72b6fd9)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 2.3: (Gonk) Remove Implementation from IccProvider. r=echen (5ef470e1a)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 3.1: (IPC) IPDL Declaration. r=echen (56dbb4563)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 3.2: (IPC) Add Helper to deflate/inflate XPCOM object to/from JSON for IPC. r=echen (fe30d9af9)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 4: (WebIDL) Type of MNC/MCC shall be the same to the one defined in MozMobileNetworkInfo. r=echen, r=htsai (62e7c23f2)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 1: Define new IDL for IccContacts. r=echen (04150be4c)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 2: IDL implementation in Gonk. r=echen (40c79e34a)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 3: Web API change to adopt IccService for IccContacts. r=echen, r=hsinyi (e55efbe8f)
- Bug 1114938 - Part 3.3: (IPC) IPDL Implementation. r=echen (2e695628e)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 4: IPDL Implementation. r=echen (a93612284)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 6: Deprecate RILContentHelper. r=echen (474dee728)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 6: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (RadioInterface). r=echen (948f8674b)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 7: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (MobileConnection). r=echen (ef6f47b08)
- missing bit of Bug 992772 (dcb2b8c2f)
- Bug 1182770 - Catch Rejected Promise Properly when Failed to ensure routing. r=echen (c1ec16c4d)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 8: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (Mms). r=btseng (e6320c600)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 9: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (shell). r=fabrice (f532dde13)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 10: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (PushService). r=nsm (acb180630)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 11: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (Gps). r=kanru (9debb66e7)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 12: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (discovery). r=jryans (04249762c) (38681ff9e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1185515 - Don't hold the observer service alive from nsDNSService; r=mcmanus (1b4933641)
- Bug 1185515 follow-up: Include nsProxyRelease.h in nsUDPSocket.h, landed on a CLOSED TREE (68d55512b)
- bug 1157280 - dont getSockName from main thread r=hurley (2fefc1d6d)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 13: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (Necko/NetStats). r=ethan (d14428bba)
- Bug 1185686: Fix Atomics.h ifdefs for clang-cl. r=froydnj (77379cd11) (6f57c42c1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172139 - Convert nsIHttpChannel to builtinclass; r=mcmanus (6f5e220d0)
- bug 1174152 - update test to be nsIObserver based r=hurley (f7ad28e74)
- bug 1161253 close pconns on background notification r=bagder (b217809c9)
- Bug 1185988 - Don't hold the observer service alive from nsHttpHandler; r=mcmanus (198a60412)
- Bug 1182066 - Enforce defaultLoadFlags for all requests. r=mayhemer (fb4a507d8)
- Bug 1127618 - make push caches work in e10s. r=mcmanus r=froydnj IGNORE IDL (252667cec) (4e256fc6c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1164714 - Flatten security/manager/pki/public/ directory. r=keeler (1ef77c239)
- Bug 1164714 - Flatten security/manager/pki/src/ directory. r=keeler (8564ecf6a) (98696a688)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 931571, part 1 - Use a constructor for nsDiscriminatedUnion. r=froydnj (584c50d9b)
- Bug 1143760 - Do a tiny amount of code duplication to avoid a goto in XPCVariant::VariantDataToJS(). r=bholley (db047b405)
- Bug 931571, part 2 - Convert Cleanup() and FreeArray() to methods. r=froydnj (4b7ed93ae)
- Bug 931571, part 3 - Rename return value of macro generated methods. r=froydnj (0ca435c74)
- Bug 931571, part 4 - Fix some spacing inside macros. (74e938660)
- Bug 931571, part 5 - Turn basic ConvertTo functions into methods. r=froydnj (43a9cc67a)
- Bug 931571, part 6 - Make ConvertToID and String2ID into methods. r=froydnj (a370132e5)
- Bug 931571, part 7 - Turn ConvertTo*String and ToString into methods. r=froydnj (cc140cc7e)
- Bug 931571, part 8 - Turn ConvertToISupports, ConvertToInterface and ConvertToArray to methods. r=froydnj (83a085c36)
- Bug 931571, part 9 - Turn most of the nsVariant setters into nsDiscriminated methods. r=froydnj (70d3d48de)
- Bug 931571, part 10 - Turn SetFromVariant into a method. r=froydnj (7ea2ae559)
- Bug 931571, part 11 - Turn nsDiscriminatedUnion's Traverse function into a method. r=froydnj (c131aa9e0)
- Bug 931571, part 12 - Add nsDiscriminatedUnion::GetType(). r=froydnj This is not quite enough to make the data members private because XPCVariant pokes around to do some JS array stuff. (cba0e4162)
- Bug 931571, part 13 - Add a destructor for nsDiscriminatedUnion. r=froydnj (69fcee3a3)
- Bug 931571, part 14 - Delete various ways to copy or move nsDiscriminatedUnion. r=froydnj (3dce41391)
- Bug 931571, part 15 - Remove extra spaces in nsVariant macros. r=froydnj (ccca955c1) (f30c10fea)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1157954 - Report each surface in the ImageLib SurfaceCache individually in about:memory. r=dholbert (3810a2b1f)
- Bug 1139641 - Return more information from SurfaceCache::Lookup and SurfaceCache::LookupBestMatch. r=dholbert (fdd62b01d)
- Bug 1177615 - Rip everything related to FLAG_DECODE_STARTED out of ImageLib. r=tn (818a77ac1)
- Bug 1153253 - move nsImageBoxFrame::mRequestRegistered to pack better with other members; r=dholbert (fe26ff0ce)
- Bug 1177604 - Stop delaying the load event for XUL images until the image is decoded. r=tn (6c0100f5a)
- Bug 1180931 (Part 1) - Allow sync size decoding for single core devices. r=tn (62eae65e3)
- Bug 1180931 (Part 2) - Allow sync size decoding for transient (i.e. multipart) images. r=tn (537dea273)
- Bug 1165009 - Bail in RasterImage::OnAddedFrame if we hit an error during decoding. r=tn (e9a85bf7d)
- Bug 1171356 - On B2G, retry image decodes that fail because allocation of the first frame failed. r=tn (06e712f65)
- Bug 1151166 - Fix two Coverity warnings in nsPNGDecoder.cpp. r=jrmuizel (848f4f0c2)
- Bug 857040 - Warn on bad CRC instead of error exit. r=joe (74a6438ab)
- Bug 1117607 - Make decoders responsible for their own frame allocations. r=tn (d224b33a8)
- Bug 1178274 - Don't enable decode-only-on-draw if the APZ pref is true but e10s is disabled. r=dvander (76ca02965)
- Bug 1177323 - disable decode-only-on-draw preference. r=seth (b6ac4e9b0)
- Bug 1183836 - Remove support for decode-on-draw-only. r=tn (af0b79370)
- Bug 1183852 - Only mark surfaces as used in the SurfaceCache if a caller requested exactly that surface. r=dholbert (e8d94d193)
- Bug 1176124 (Part 1) - Add a MatchType enum to LookupResult to let Lookup*() return more detailed information. r=dholbert (b3b7b01c0)
- Bug 1176124 (Part 2) - Add placeholder support to the SurfaceCache so we can avoid launching redundant decoders. r=dholbert (6fa4cae4d)
- Bug 1185582 - Back out bug 1171356, a hack to retry image decoding which is now useless. r=tn (0bac6a812)
- Bug 1155332 - If we don't have enough memory to fully decode an image, discard it immediately. r=tn (2adc2f8ea)
- Bug 1185592 (Part 1) - Remove obsolete logging macros. r=baku (b1e98c8a8)
- Bug 1185592 (Part 2) - Make RasterImage store the decoder type instead of the MIME type. r=baku (abce7fd06)
- Bug 1186667 - Correctly report IMAGE_DECODE_COUNT and IMAGE_MAX_DECODE_COUNT telemetry for only non-size decodes. r=tn (97bfbbc82)
- make WEBPDecoder comply Bug 1117607 - Make decoders responsible for their own frame allocation (03866748e)
- make JXR decoder crudely compliant to 1117607 and make it allocate its frame - can probably be improved (b804d6f67) (877b16186)
- js: replace an assert with conditional return, may fix some crashes (ec46232be)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox: closes #647: M1724107 M1721107+backbugs M1716622 +TLDs HSTS (a3a4a114b) (3a4ad0703)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1184996 (Part 1) - Create decoders with a DecoderFactory. r=tn (dacf21ed2)
- Bug 1184996 (Part 2) - Clean up RasterImage's decoding API. r=tn (c127af0b3)
- Bug 1184996 (Part 3) - Replace all remaining references to 'size decodes' with 'metadata decodes'. r=tn (3744e5df4)
- Bug 1184996 (Part 4) - Forbid instantiation of decoders except via DecoderFactory. r=tn (588d56d84)
- No bug - Remove extra printf left over from bug 1127618. r=smaug (b02f7bfe1)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 1) - Make most decoder state private. r=tn (328dbc605)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 2) - Rework decoder code to avoid calling Decode::GetImage(). r=tn (9a94096f9)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 3) - Don't destroy Decoder::mImage if Decoder::mImage is null. r=tn (cbb6738cd)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 4) - Make imgFrame::SetOptimizable() callable from off-main-thread. r=tn (f03478b28)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 5) - Merge Decoder::SetSizeOnImage() into ImageMetadata::SetOnImage(). r=tn (8afb5d4a3)
- Bug 1033090 - Truncate a large URI in the user message about it. r=seth (7bd4b447b)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 6) - Merge Decoder::Finish() and RasterImage::OnDecodingComplete() into RasterImage::FinalizeDecoder(). r=tn (f342dd5db)
- Bug 1181863 (Part 1) - Add support for reading from nsIInputStreams directly to SourceBuffer. r=tn (74748dad9)
- Bug 1181863 (Part 2) - Add ImageOps::DecodeToSurface() to allow image decoding without involving any main-thread-only objects. r=tn (25b86eb50)
- Bug 1181863 (Part 3) - Add tests for DecodeToSurface(). r=tn (9506eb2f6)
- Bug 1181863 - Part 4: Fix the build bustage (aee05bdc9)
- Bug 1187546 - Make it possible to ask image decoders to only decode the first frame. r=tn (1beeeefb6)
- Bug 1191100 - Remove XPIDL signature comments in .cpp files. r=ehsan (ee75fe3b5) (13934d986)
- import changes from mozilla nss repo:
- Bug 1662515 - Fix incorrect alert after successful decryption r=djackson
- Bug 1721476 sqlite 3.34 changed it's open semantics, causing nss failures.
- Bug 1728394 - Add TunTrust Root CA certificate to NSS. r=KathleenWilson
- Bug 1717707 - Add HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021. r=KathleenWilson
- Bug 1717707 - Add HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021. r=KathleenWilson
- Bug 1717707 - Add HARICA Client RSA Root CA 2021. r=KathleenWilson
- Bug 1717707 - Add HARICA Client ECC Root CA 2021. r=KathleenWilson (8d7b56d38)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2021, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a security update.


    Fixed potential crashes. DiD
    Fixed a potential indirect exploit of Microsoft Internet Explorer. (CVE-2021-38492)
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 1 fixed, 2 DiD, 8 not applicable.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Better control for Picture in Picture video calls
    Better Transitions for Web Apps

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Fix starting issue with linux version.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2021, 17:15

    Optimized tab bar (added the drop-down list )
    Added the right-click menu to the refresh button
    Optimized the retro mode (support adding screenshot and URL to Maxnote)
    Optimized the resource sniffer UI
    Optimized the QR code loading and display performance
    Optimized Vbox
    Added "Saved" prompt to the Settings page
    Optimized the switch account window
    Fixed the issue that Amazon could not display the website icon on the new tab page under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the new tab page background could not be customized successfully under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the background of the new tab page folder could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that the date list of the History page could not scroll down
    Fixed the issue that the right side icon of the download manager could be selected wrongly under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not be dragged in Windows 7 system
    Fixed crashes


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2021, 18:50

New Help Center
Optimized tab display
Optimized Maxnote loading speed
Fixed the issue that Maxnote's images could not display under some cases
Fixed the issue that the extensions could not work correctly under some cases
Fixed the issue that the retro mode could not be kept after restarting the browser
Fixed the issue that the page zoomed wrongly when using screen capture
Fixed the issue that the input method could not work correctly in some cases
Fixed the issue that the tab could not be closed when opening many tabs
Fixed the issue that the drop-down tab list could not display correctly
Fixed the issue that the tabs could not scroll correctly
Fixed crashes


Titel: BrowserAddonsView v1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2021, 21:15
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-09-25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 09:20
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


In-tree changes:
- permissions: hackfix CPermission::del() to give out nsIURI instead of const char* as "Bug 1170200 - Part 1: Change the API for nsIPermissionManager::Remove() to accept a URI instead of a string; r=ehsan" is landed in platform tree (036b2296)
- bump KM version for API change (as of NM27 rev 45e41b763) (afd6e427)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 9e8144b17...45e41b763:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- missing bit of Bug 889158 - Fix arrow function lexical arguments binding (6dd07824a)
- missing parts of Bug 1135708 - Implement es7 exponentiation operator. (87d1b2a09)
- Bug 1183400 - Add a by-kind switch to perform constant-folding and eventually eliminate by-arity handling. r=efaust (ce6768404)
- Bug 1171909 - Check for alloc failure initializing AssemblerBufferWithConstantPools and update error handling ExceptionHandlerBailout r=jandem (fb86a97ec)
- Bug 1182428 - Consider TypeSet stuff to be GCPointers, since they can contain them, r=jonco (2a7841983)
- Bug 1184199 - Use a Map instead of a plain object to avoid the "constructor" property, r=jonco" (3af559983)
- Bug 1184199 - Add an explanation only if there is something to explain, r=jonco (882178fcf)
- Bug 1182428 - Improve naming, r=jonco (24bcf0679)
- Bug 1182428 - Recognize more rooted type names, r=jonco (75e9d692e)
- Bug 963738 - Assume(ptr) is not a hazard; Assume(*ptr) is, r=bhackett (e704d13e6)
- No bug. Add a --function argument for analyzing a single function by name. (d9e8fc4c0)
- Bug 1172682 - Comment and refactor analysis code, r=terrence The one change this patch makes in functionality is that it properly computes minimumUse in more cases, in anticipation of it being used for hazards (in addition to its current use for unnecessary roots). (a481f942a)
- Bug 1182428 - Accept more edge types in edgeCanGC, r=jonco (98413c47f)
- Bug 1170200 - Part 1: Change the API for nsIPermissionManager::Remove() to accept a URI instead of a string; r=ehsan (bd5ef47ed)
- Add two missing includes to SharedMemoryBasic_mach.cpp, no bug (dbdeeaca1)
- bug 1175898 - crash in mozilla::CrossProcessMutex::ShareToProcess(int) r=billm (93cab5830)
- bug 1204985 - make SharedMemoryBasic_mach build on iOS. r=billm (0f7b668c3)
- bug 1204985 horrible clobber-avoidance bustage fix r=YOLO CLOSED TREE (d46b9b946)
- Bug 1205164 - Detect message races in Mach Shmem implementation. r=blassey (2b88cc22b)
- Bug 1221540: OS X IPC timeout retry with a longer interval. r=milan (66d2006fe) (9e300313d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1167604 - don't hide ProxyAccessible::Parent() with DocAccessibleParent::Parent r=lsocks (32e4cac18)
- Bug 1173418 - Check if a document is top level in DocAccessibleParent::Destroy so that RemoteDocShutdown isn't erroneously called r=tbsaunde (db280c0a1)
- bug 1184217 - check consistancy of the document tree before removing accessibles in a hide event r=davidb (91d2f38fb)
- bug 1162543 - make DocAccessibleChild::IDToAccessible correctly get the document r=davidb (be2eb3eb7)
- bug 1170595 - switch to sending __delete__ from the parent instead of the child r=davidb, smaug (216a90d34) (3a8ef50a8)
- import change from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- MOZ_OVERRIDE -> override (624f7c712) (57cc49827)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1182373 - Don't constant-fold in the tag component of a tagged-template, because constant-folding evaluates the tag too early (and moght convert a value into a property reference, causing the wrong |this| to be passed). r=jorendorff (f9e41352b)
- Bug 1183400 - Constant-fold nullary nodes entirely according to their kind, not their arity. r=efaust (9c6248dd8)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold typeof nodes by examining their kind. r=efaust (0dc443122)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold |void <expr>| expressions by kind. r=efaust (d872286ad)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold delete nodes by kind. r=efaust (a30634947)
- Bug 1164774 - Remove unused code handling binary-arity PNK_ADD nodes in constant-folding. r=shu (996db297b)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold !/~/+/- by kind. r=efaust (bf5dd5984)
- Bug 1183400 - Pass a Parser reference to Fold, not separate handler/options, preparing for another patch that wants to have access to a parser instance. r=efaust (5bbb167be)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold increment/decrement operations by kind. r=efaust (2728e23a7)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold ?: expressions by kind. r=efaust (64d6ab853)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold |if| nodes by kind. r=efaust (0f701a6bb)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold various simple unary cases by kind. r=efaust (590b24acb)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold and/or expressions. r=efaust (1f114d2b2)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold function nodes by kind. r=efaust (0920010c0)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold binary arithmetic operations by kind, not arity. r=efaust (a3723a1ec)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove a now-unused variable, following up on the ?:/if-node folding changes. r=trivial, r=orange in a CLOSED TREE (522584dc0)
- Bug 1183400 - Inline FoldBinaryNumeric into its sole caller and simplify code accordingly. r=efaust (043ccf349)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold various list nodes not given, nor requiring, special treatment. r=shu (7de28f276)
- Bug 1183400 - Constant-fold yield/yield*/return by kind and not arity. r=shu (7cae87421)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold try/catch by kind. r=shu (5df2a97fc)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold class nodes by kind. r=shu (67fffcc45)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold element accesses by kind. r=efaust (82538a7a2)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold addition by kind. r=efaust (68a0c6b49)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold function calls and tagged templates by kind, not arity. r=efaust (0a368e8f9)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold various binary nodes with two non-null halves by kind. r=efaust (de48c675b)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold while and do-while loops by kind, not arity. r=efaust (998bd13cc)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove dead fold-by-arity code. r=efaust (3b5f719b9)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove SyntacticContext::Delete, now addressed by modifying how delete nodes are folded. r=efaust (8129f5f7c)
- Bug 1183400 - Constant-fold switch/default by kind, not arity. r=efaust (e9430d603)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold for-in, for-of, and for(;;) loops by kind, and classify miscellaneous straightforward kinds for folding. r=efaust (59d09a110)
- Bug 1183400 - Replace callee-based condition-constant folding with caller-specified condition-constant folding. r=efaust (2090ea750)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove special |void| handling by making Boolish recognize |void| expressions as falsy, when they're obviously so. r=efaust (d230cbb0d)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove SyntacticContext::Condition, now handled context-sensitively by callers specifically requesting condition-targeted folding. r=efaust (8be79cd7a)
- Bug 1183400 - Fold the last few nodes (including PN_NAME nodes) by kind, not arity. r=efaust (4e8e911a4)
- Bug 1183400 - Remove SyntacticContext completely. r=efaust (745d4df15)
- Bug 1183400 - Common up some is-effectless testing. r=efaust (ed25885e6)
- Bug 1135322 - receiveMessage() should convert logins to nsILoginInfo objects. r=MattN (35da0f066)
- Bug 1140242 - Convert nsILoginInfo to vanilla JS objects before trying to send them in messages. r=dolske (f952e9ab5)
- Bug 1134846 - Add a module to support per-site password manager recipes. r=dolske (d9d686818)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part A: remove unused return type, kill E10S unfriendly fillForm from nsILoginManager, kill passwordmgr-found-form notification, largely a backout of bug 439365. r=MattN (3825eb1dd)
- Bug 1120129 - Allow per-site recipes to adjust the username/password field detection for autofill. r=dolske (423202980)
- Bug 1144981 - username/password recipe for www.anthem.com. r=mattn (55ce95a2b)
- Bug 1146065 - Logins captured but not filled on discover.com. r=mattn (4b19c1a01)
- reorder after strange misspatch (706cfd4ea)
- Bustage fix for bug 1146065. (4b0a7b5f6)
- fix some mispatches and also put back some "backports" lost with Bug 1182969 (f61e63baf) (45e41b763)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Optimized the bookmark display (multi-columns scrolling)
    Added the translation option to Mouse Gestures & Shortcuts
    Optimized Vbox
    Optimized browser language translation
    Fixed the issue that the locked tabs could not be moved to the new group
    Fixed crash issue when initializing bookmarks
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not work on Windows 7 in some cases

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 22:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with ad blocker.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.9.30.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2021, 08:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: The Classic Browser 7.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2021, 10:00
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    First, the bug described further down has been fixed in this browser version. Existing users please refer to "Default Macros" from the support site to get the latest macros.
    In this version you'll find Virtual Solar Systems v4.0, now with very nice nebula backgrounds and much more. You'll find this extension under the "embedded classic apps" menu.
    Extract SVGs will now also give you screen-sized versions of scalable SVG, but it does not force scalability on those that are not scalable. Maybe I should've...
    When you highlight text you can now select "Identify Text" from the text highlight menu to quickly get font style details.
    New powerful utility under the Developer Tools "The Image Tool" can convert any browser-compatible image format such as... [png, jpeg, webp, ico, svg, bmp, gif] into any of... [jpeg, webp, png] of selectable scale and quality.
    Also in this release you get the Internet TV & Radio Menu v9.0. There are 50 new channels to explore, some URL fixes, stream provider filtering, and more.
    Note: I'd like to add a Chinese streaming card of the best Chinese channels, but it's very difficult when you don't understand the language so if you are Chinese please help!
    Send us an email and we'll send you links of channels streams to review and evaluate for us. We'll then need English translations of the channel names selected etc. Thanks.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2021, 09:45
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed bug where using the "Override system default browser" also overrode individual default browsers
    Fixed bug where the Open URL button on the main toolbar ignored all specified browsers and launched the system default

Titel: BrowserSelector
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2021, 10:50
BrowserSelector allows you to assign a browser for the opening of specific links dynamically.

Instead of choosing one specific browser to open links, etc., which in itself is simple to do. But what happens when you prefer Firefox for this and Chrome for that? Then changing up is time-consuming. With BrowserSelector, you can choose your preferred browser for certain things eliminating unnecessary steps like opening a new browser and then copying/pasting a link there, for instance.


Whats new:>>

Added right click menu on the Url box on the Main screen with the option to copy the current Url

Titel: Biscuit 1.2.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2021, 20:15
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>


    Improved behavior when tabs are closed.


    Fixed some bugs.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-10-02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2021, 11:10

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 45e41b763...2131e4376:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- avoid warnings even if we don't support unified search properly (708640220)
- Bug 394686 - passwordmgr: Throw Components.Exceptions and Error instead of strings. r=MattN (4749d8a37)
- Bug 394686 followup, add missing quote (4317fc7b0)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part B: remove _notifyFoundLogins() and passwordmgr-found-logins notifications. Add a new passwordmgr-processed-form for tests. r=MattN (cb5264a02)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part C: remove didntFillReason. r=MattN (855c8cf27)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part D: Use early returns to un-nest logic and make it more obvious that selectedLogin is always set. r=MattN (20f40ea40)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part E: remove didFillForm. r=MattN (14e6d736f)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part F: use early return instead of else blocks. r=MattN (c109a68ea)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part G: move passwordmgr-processed-form notification into a finally-block. r=MattN (98c553a08)
- Bug 1135451 - fillForm() cleanup part H: rename isFormDisabled to be obvious as to purpose. r=MattN (1922c9dc7)
- leftover (f4f6748f4)
- Bug 1167356 - Check return value of DataSourceSurface::Map in RasterImage::CopyFrame. r=Bas (b11604935)
- Bug 1173415 - Fix incorrect mask used for nsBidi::mFlags [r=smontagu] (d88fb4c78)
- Bug 1174450 part 9c - Rename local var 'orthogonal' to 'verticalAxis' and simplify getting the GetComputedBorderWidth sides. r=jfkthame (aef41bcb0)
- Bug 1160789 - Make DrawTargetSkia support subpixel antialiasing for text. r=jrmuizel (be2d727b6)
- Bug 1034370 - Make sure we release the SkImageFilter in DrawTargetSkia::DrawSurfaceWithShadow. r=gw280 (6395bf5e8)
- Bug 1150944 - Don't force the discrete GPU for skia gl. r=jrmuizel (750947ed5)
- Bug 1150944 - Use correct origin for SkiaGL texture backed SourceSurfaces. r=gw280 (d6040598c)
- Bug 1169268 - Handle CFHTML data better. r=ndeakin (b0663027a) (5313db75c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1191326 - always initialize ProxyAccessible::mOuterDoc r=lsocks (74ed8d596)
- Bug 1156062 part 1a - New nsEditor::SplitNodeDeep variant; r=ehsan (a80d26ece)
- minor fix (c1e5c74e3)
- Bug 1172216 - Move nsStackwalk to mozglue. r=glandium (971014ffb)
- Bug 1156903: Add quirk flag that causes NPN_GetValue(NPNVdocumentOrigin) to return an empty string even when it fails; r=jimm (9508b57b1)
- Bug 554178 - Remove unused member variable PluginModuleChild::mUserAgent. r=jimm (a6fda391a)
- Bug 1203428 - E10S for device storage API r=cyu (da575f819)
- Bug 1150642 - Make mozilla_sampler_save_profile_to_file callable from lldb in Nightly builds. r=jrmuizel (bb98fafd6)
- Bug 1136834 - Stop leaking markers in ProfileBuffer. (r=mstange) (b2f5f813a)
- Bug 1148069 - Ensure synchronous sampling does not set JitcodeGlobalEntry's generation. (r=djvj) (f5a4dd6a4)
- Bug 1181348 - Fix ARM64 toggledCall() under debug mode. r=djvj (4bbbe51a4)
- Bug 1181354 - Account for initaliasedlexical in this one weird const cutout in jit::SetProperty. (r=jandem) (472179ea2)
- Bug 1181558 part 0 - Remove unused SnapshotIterator constructor. r=jandem (cae21907a)
- Bug 1181558 part 1 - Share the machine state between all SnapshotIterators of the same InlineFrameIterator. r=jandem (49e53a014)
- Bug 1177922 - Fix a bogus assert on OOM in markSafepointAt. r=nbp (cf26143e7)
- Bug 1182060 - IsObjectEscaped: Handle UnboxedPlainObject in guard shape. r=bhackett (35b6c285a)
- Bug 1183051: Fix register allocations of Atomics callouts on arm vfp; r=h4writer (42d708374)
- Bug 1138693 - Add comments and test. r=jandem (9619e8053)
- Bug 1138693 - Add an early quit to the test if TypedObject isn't enabled. r=nbp (f6b04026e)
- Bug 1180184 - Support JSOP_TOSTRING used by template strings in baseline JIT. r=jandem (8215c953b) (83aaad87d)
- passwordmgr: add back missing part during merge (1be9ac6b8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1172657 - ToInt32's arm asm crashes Apple clang, so #ifdef around the assembly for now. r=waldo (97f26d5b1)
- Bug 1185104: Move MOZ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT to the beginning of function-decls (where it's supposed to be) in jsfriendapi.h. r=tromey (0eb8033a7)
- Bug 1146156: Add RR support to js/src/tests/jstests.py. r=nbp (93d4a61c0)
- Bug 1174262 - Make jstest dispatch via a generator on Windows; r=sfink (ceaf96eb9)
- Bug 1175708 - Eliminate some horrid action-at-a-distance global state in jstests.py; r=sfink (c11a8d622) (6641fc02d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1164268 - Add some logging to browser_perf-compatibility-05.js, r=me (55c0ed222)
- Bug 1166126 - Increase the size of the tag buffer in the profiler. r=mstange (cabe3d690)
- Bug 1159486 - Make profiler use the process creation time. r=shu, r=jsantell (4e285c7db)
- correctly apply Bug 1287912. r=bz (66644beac)
- Bug 1187386 (Part 7) - Eliminate remaining dependencies on a non-null mImage in Decoder. r=tn (b1e3861b6)
- Bug 1179451 - Part 1: Rewrite some ternary operators as if/else. r=froydnj (a46f4508f)
- Bug 1179451 - Part 2: Fix incorrect return type. r=ehsan (a68ef3d67)
- Bug 1179451 - Part 3: Use .get() to assign nsRefPtrs to raw pointers. r=froydnj (59155974f)
- Bug 1179451 - Part 4: Don't pass nsRefPtr&& to functions that want raw pointers. r=froydnj (2a7893a33)
- Bug 1179451 - Part 5: Delete nsRefPtr<T>::operator T*()&&. r=froydnj (891e019b0) (2131e4376)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2021, 18:45

    Adjusted the tab right-click menu
    Adjusted the bookmark right-click menu
    Optimized the default browser setup processing of the 32-bit version
    Supported to adjust installation path when overwriting installation (Please be reminded that the user data will stay on the previous path. You can move the folder “User Data ” manually.)
    Fixed the issue that QuickAccess could not select the website icon in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser tab bar could not display the proper width for dragging
    Fixed the issue that the browser log file too large under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the password data could not display under some cases
    Fixed the issue that the extension could not be dragged in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager window could not display correctly under multi-window
    Fixed the issue that the free domain could not apply successfully before turning on the account sync


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2021, 09:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 94.0.4606.81)
    Adjusted font rendering

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-10-16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2021, 20:10
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git fae40c10f...f355dbe3d:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 774364 - Part 4: Add setRNGState testing function. r=sstangl (648a491f0)
- Bug 1206591 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Move LIRGeneratorMIPS::visitRandom to architecture-specific. r=arai (edcb0fa60)
- Bug 1205917 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Use rshiftPtrArithmetic in clampIntToUint8. r=arai (10e234d60)
- Bug 1205921 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix scratch register in MacroAssembler::memIntToValue. r=evilpie (5682d93f1)
- Bug 1204604: Check for int32 value, not int32 type, in SIMD.T.{replaceLane,shuffle,swizzle}; r=lth (18dca9450)
- Bug 1180763 - Part 1: Add the size of the tenured object to the tenure promotions log entry; r=sfink (456827a5e)
- Bug 1180763 - Part 0: Document the size property of entries in the tenure promotions log; r=sfink (96244a8f9)
- Bug 1180763 - Part 2: Test the size property of entries in the tenure promotions log; r=sfink (602225219)
- Bug 1208867 - Add xxx64 operations to MacroAssembler-none. r=sstangl (c3a8207bf)
- Bug 1203964 - Part 1: Move MacroAssembler::rshiftPtr into generic macro assembler. r=h4writer (2c6486a37)
- Bug 1203964 - Part 2: Move MacroAssembler::rshiftPtrArithmetic into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (ce3e31ade)
- Bug 1203964 - Part 3: Move MacroAssembler::rshift64 into generic macro assembler. r=hev (8f395fad1)
- Bug 1203964 - Part 4: Move MacroAssembler::lshiftPtr into generic macro assembler. r=nbp2 (99a45b756)
- Bug 1203964 - Part 5: Move MacroAssembler::lshift64 into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (3bcd9eb5f)
- Bug 1136806 - Fix assertion failure with Debugger and oomAfterAllocations; r=shu (efcab9ab7) (3d7e107cc)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1149185 - override GetMessageLoop() r=nical (42bec9405)
- Add a "blacklisted" property to d3d11 telemetry. (bug 1187453, r=mattwoodrow) (83bcb0e8e)
- Don't create a D3D11 compositor device on content processes. (bug 1183910 part 8, r=bas,mattwoodrow) (c03d496a6)
- Bug 1168889 - ContentClientSingleBuffered needs to upload during the transaction. r=nical (35171fe14)
- Bug 1176077 - Only recompute PaintedLayer item visibility when display list has changed. r=mattwoodrow (0ea691594)
- Bug 1179298. ClientTiledPaintedLayer should allow empty transactions to succeed if it doesn't need to draw anything. r=mattwoodrow (4aaad97b2)
- Bug 1169200 - Send OpRemoveTextureAsync before actor destroyed r=nical (86007156c)
- Bug 1158838 - Add some gfxCriticalError logging. r=milan (32bf80848)
- Bug 1129871 - Avoid copying TileClient when not necessary. r=BenWa (1ac30bcc2)
- Bug 1186911 - Fix progressive paint when using tiled-drawtarget. r=nical (87649fb8d)
- Bug 1118876 - Add edge padding with DrawTargetTiled. r=jrmuizel (64b12cf6a)
- Bug 1157677 - Fix uninitialized members warning in ClientTiledLayerBuffer. r=nical (d11d0da30)
- Bug 1151071 - Make sure low-resolution tiles are transparent. r=mattwoodrow (164446378)
- Bug 1170390 - Use Optimal2DFormatForContent over OptimalFormatForContent to avoid enum conversions. r=jrmuizel (db7ee2c31)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 1: Abstract parts of the client side tiling that we need. r=jrmuizel (0ad7651fe)
- Bug 1179987 - Remove painted region from SurfaceDescriptorTiles since it isn't used any more. r=nical (653e9389e)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 2: Add support for variable tile sizes. r=jrmuizel (081349a5e)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 3: Move repeated code into GetBackBuffer. r=jrmuizel (2e9091ae1)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 4: Add new content client. r=jrmuizel (7362d805b)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 5: Support HWC with tiling when we only have 1 tile. r=jrmuizel (09ce93b7e)
- Bug 1152461 - Don't use tiled layers for overflow:hidden scroll frames. r=tn (804a683a1)
- Bug 961887 - Add some reftest fuzz. (dcd707004)
- Bug 1186061 patch 1 - Add feature to reftest harness to allow skipping the flush. r=mattwoodrow (8cefe9640)
- Bug 1176969 - Disable OMT animation for any frame in a preserve-3d scene rather than only frames whose parent and child are in a preserve-3d scene. r=mattwoodrow (693d0a518)
- Bug 1176969 followup - Annotate new reftests as intermittently fuzzy on Mac. (0269d5d8f)
- Bug 1176969 followup - Increase error amounts for intermittent fuzzy-if(cocoaWidget). (116039ed0)
- Bug 1176969 followup - Mark test as random for now until I have a chance to rewrite it. (8ba561f83)
- Bug 1176969 followup - Reorganize the timing of the reftest to make it more reliable. (f3ffc93cd)
- Bug 1186061 patch 2 - Disable compositor thread animation of transforms when backface-visibility is hidden. r=mattwoodrow (e67bed9fb)
- Bug 1169666 - Mark reftests failing due to scrollbar transparency random on GTK3. r=karlt (0c6080d55)
- Bug 1180326 - Part 6: Use SingleTiledContentClient for non-scrollable layers on b2g and OSX. r=jrmuizel (079951f0a)
- Bug 1189261 - Mark tile invalid region in coordinates relative to the tile. r=jrmuizel (7e696c911)
- Bug 1187619 - Only optmimize FrameLayerBuilder visibility calculations if correct. r=mattwoodrow (05228ad31)
- Bug 1190950: Check mappings and surfaces for UpdateFromSurface more robustly. r=mattwoodrow (c00adba10)
- Remove the backend flag to TextureClient::CreateForDrawing. (bug 1183910 part 9, r=mattwoodrow) (5df1d964c)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 1: Don't implement ISurfaceAllocator for the texture recycler. r=sotaro (bcba93d3d)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 2: Merge TextureClientRecycleAllocator into base class. r=sotaro (8f4e7b6b1)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 3: Allow overriding of allocations for texture client recycling. r=sotaro (35d7499e9)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 4: Move IDirect3DTexture9 allocations and ownership into the TextureClient. r=jrmuizel (e62cf9acf)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 5: Add D3D9 texture recycler. r=jrmuizel (8ab85b064)
- Bug 1135935 - Part 6: Wait for the compositor to stop using textures before recycling them. r=jrmuizel (ae0c45cfd) (96836f9b3)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1156600 - asmjscache: fix assert when reading metadata file for cache write fails (r=janv) (2b9895e97)
- Bug 1173756 - Part 1: Update asmjscache to use PBackground; r=luke (adb326d80)
- Bug 1173756 - Part 2: Merge MainProcessRunnable and ParentProcessRunnable; r=luke (b42ffa5f3)
- Bug 1173756 - Part 3: Merge File and ChildRunnable; r=luke (961701adf)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 0: Cleanup GetReportsState constructor. r=njn (4ae530854)
- Bug 1145050 - Fix uninitialized class members in Http2Session. r=hurley (a12a9d372)
- Bug 1132357 - remove h2-draft* support. r=mcmanus (24b8f347f)
- Bug 986302 - Add memory reporting for HPACK tables r=hurley r=njn (0d2ebae56)
- Bug 1123386 - Part 1: Update the clang build script for the most recent clang; r=rail (394f24496)
- Bug 1123386 - Part 3: Mark DoNothingCallback::Callback as override in order to fix a build issue in warnings as errors mode (1d236acbf)
- Bug 1123386 - Part 2: Temporarily relax the libstdc++ symbol version requirements for Linux static analysis builds; r=glandium (1415a4d90)
- Bug 828844 - Add a "system-heap-allocated" memory report on Linux. r=glandium. (eead43b4e)
- Bug 1194061 - Implement "system-heap-allocated" reporter for Windows. r=dmajor. (228385cb4) (d0c58681f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194555 - Part 1: Remove RunReportersForThisProcess. r=njn (5c745b3ce)
- Bug 1145007 (part 1) - Test |residentUnique| in test_memoryReporters.xul. r=erahm. (bc2fa3d30)
- Bug 1145007 (part 2) - Add a "resident-peak" distinguished amount and memory reporter on Unix. r=erahm. (007256c58)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 2: Remove |explicit| attribute from nsIMemoryReporterManager. r=njn (a0db6068e)
- Bug 1203786 - test_memoryReporters.xul should ignore namespaces. r=njn (04e8842aa)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 3: Remove |getReportsForThisProcess| from the nsIMemoryReporterManager interface. r=njn (cc3282c7f)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 4: Rename GetReportsState PendingProcessesState. r=njn (3dab1b600)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 5: Add option for async memory reporters. r=njn (f05ae83da)
- Bug 1194555 - Part 6: Run reporters asynchronously. r=njn,jld,ted (d513fcd77) (f355dbe3d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: qutebrowser 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2021, 20:51
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    CVE-2021-41146: Fix arbitrary command execution on Windows via URL handler
    argument injection. See the security advisory for details.


    New content.blocking.hosts.block_subdomains setting which can be used to disable the subdomain blocking for the hosts-based adblocker introduced in v2.3.0.
    New downloads.prevent_mixed_content setting to prevent insecure mixed-content downloads (true by default).
    New --private flag for :tab-clone, which clones a tab into a new private window, mirroring the same flags for :open and :tab-give.


    Switching tabs via mouse wheel scrolling now works properly on macOS. Set tabs.mousewheel_switching to false if you prefer the previous behavior.
    Speculative fix for a crash when closing qutebrowser while a systray notification is shown.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2021, 09:20

    Supported to customize the bookmark bar show folder
    Optimized the default browser setup processing of the 64-bit version
    Added the Copy download link option to the Download window
    Added Ctrl+Num+/Num-/Num0 to Shortcuts
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the auto-refresh custom frequency could not be kept after restarting the browser
    Fixed the issue that the recently visited list drop-down menu could not keep display when clicking on the link by using the middle mouse button
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut Esc could not exit the fullscreen mode of the pop-up window
    Fixed the issue that mouse gestures could not work correctly in some cases


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5 Build 20211023
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2021, 18:40

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git f355dbe3d...06f122f42:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- fix assertion (528f0d0b2)
- fix assertion (8ca4607ca)
- fix broken assertions (8c64c1865)
- fix debug code (6e37f6aa7)
- remove broken assertion (090f9987d)
- fix assertion according to bug Bug 1328251 (b3835e0c5)
- fix debug code (f7a2841e6)
- Bug 1226241 - Use a #define instead of a magic number for self-hosted function name accesses. r=jandem (01e2ec474)
- Bug 1235656 - Part 1: Set canonical name in self-hosted builtins. r=till (43cbd7cb9)
- Bug 912701 - When removing Unicode extension sequences from a locale, ignore similar syntax that might be found in a privateuse component. r=abargull (1524a8b48)
- remove broken assert (a93490758)
- remove broken assert (0ddc7e143)
- fix missing bracket (c4f524729)
- Bug 1179924 - Create a more modern JS object holder for cross-thread references to JS objects. r=smaug (0804d24cf) (27926d796)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1176004 - Make jstest's unix task runner a generator; r=sfink (03def3308)
- Bug 1175708 - Followup to fix windows jstests.py bustage on a CLOSED TREE; r=meow (b291f8cd0)
- Bug 1175636 - Do not spawn a watchdog for each test on Windows; r=sfink (c87370ba8)
- Bug 1141283 - Compensate for stackwalk duration and sleep overhead when determining sampler sleep time. r=BenWa (cf155667f)
- Bug 1172186 - Make the profiler build standalone. r=mstange (324ec7283)
- Bug 1176028 - Use the jstest's task generator directly; r=sfink (6dac9eb7a)
- Bug 1176064 - Do processing of the jstest's skiplist inline; r=sfink (af6dd9d06)
- Bug 1165054 - Fix inbound bustage due to missing explicit on single arg constructor r=me (b29da4afe)
- Bug 1182092 - Try harder to filter out template shapes with indexed properties when making unboxed objects, r=jandem. (2540ff768)
- Bug 1180299 - Implement ScopeExit for running actions at the end of a scope, r=Waldo (dd40bb356)
- Bug 1180536 - Use mozilla::ScopeExit to clean up Debugger::addDebugge#eGlobal's consistency on failure; r=sfink (3bec89179)
- Bug 1170216 - When using the slow-and-standard path in js::SetIntegrityLevel, don't manually call setNonwritableArrayLength afterwards. r=Waldo. (563a26f28)
- Bug 1171036 - Change GetLengthProperty slow path to use ToLengthClamped instead of ToUint32. r=Waldo. (c0431c393)
- Bug 1170307 - Inline the common path of NonNullObject; use it instead of ReportObjectRequired in the Debugger. r=shu. (ff70c4e1c)
- Bug 1167883 - Avoid huge stack frames and stack overflow issues with MSVC PGO builds. r=nbp (a02cdc599)
- Bug 1181063 - Use mozilla::IsNaN and mozilla::IsInfinite in Simulator-vixl.cpp. r=Waldo, r=sstangl (552a22923)
- Bug 1181152 - Make Trampoline-mips.cpp compile with clang. r=rankov (d3308f445)
- Bug 1181581 - Fix some typos in comments. r=jandem (79c5de477)
- Bug 1175714 - Watch for baseline frame values with nursery types during OSR, r=jandem. (765346890) (06f122f42)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: BriskBard 2.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2021, 19:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 95.0.4638.54.
    Now it's possible to show Windows notification in the Action Center in addition to information panels.
    New visual styles added and the rest have been updated.
    Added a new web browser configuration option to open all links in new tabs with the possibility to activate the new tabs automatically.
    The window corners are rounded automatically in Windows 11.
    BriskBard is now developed with Delphi 11.
    The Indy and VirtualTreeView components have been updated to the latest version.
    The default domains blocked by the ad-blocker have been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    Now the playlist in the multimedia player shows only the file name when the user opens that file from the Windows explorer.
    The multimedia player now updates the control buttons correctly when a file finishes playing.
    Now the news aggregator tabs activate correctly the buttons.
    Fixed an issue when you tried to ping a server with the 64 bits executable.
    Fixed a cookie storage issue in private mode.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2021, 19:45

    Updated Maxnote editor
    Supported to paste the copied image to folder
    Added the delete button to the right-click menu of the restore list
    Optimized Resource Sniffer
    Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer list could not load correctly
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not create a download task manually in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when scrolling the bookmarks


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2021, 19:45
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked with the mouse.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-10-30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2021, 19:50

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 06f122f42...2087e70e1:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1167248: Test whether mysterious rand_s failures are due to LoadLibraryExW hooks. rs=terrence (4c38bf34b)
- Bug 1176289 - Record proper optimization tracking outcome on failure of getPropTryConstant due to non-singleton value. r=shu (6a718490e)
- Bug 1180013 - Fix irregexp on ARM64. r=efaust (88bb8599a)
- Bug 1163891 - Read lines of input in xpcshell/jsshell while properly handling EINTR failures and retrying in response. r=glandium (c84415384)
- Bug 1176890 - Start running jstests faster on windows; r=sfink (f878247e4)
- No Bug - Fix test count generation when jit-flags is set; r=meow (9f90cbd6e)
- Bug 1177801 - Remove NewObjectWithProto. r=bhackett (64a29265e)
- Bug 1179315 - part 1 - make TypedArrayLayout's constructor inline and MOZ_CONSTEXPR; r=lth (e7da1ad42)
- Bug 1179315 - part 2 - make it more obvious that typeIDs of typed arrays are constants; r=lth (796348a4d)
- Bug 1197316 - Remove PR_snprintf calls in xpcom/. r=froydnj (1c775e4c0)
- Bug 1210607 - Check for null compartment in PopulateReportBlame() r=terrence (4b19494a2)
- Bug 1145636 - Update jsapi-tests/README. (The functional change is where it talks about the Makefile; that was stale.) r=Waldo. (b0cd84037)
- Bug 1123875 - Add a test for strict assignment to a readonly WebIDL attribute. r=peterv. (1c8f5fae8)
- Bug 1145218 - Require a new float manager if a block frame has a different writing-mode to its parent's. r=dbaron (7ebcd8fab)
- Bug 1150151 - Set leak threshold for reftests (r=mccr8) (19cb1a82e)
- Bug 1149781; Update Oculus runtime for new SDK 0.5; r=jrmuizel (aea8b2c31)
- Bug 1149781; [webvr] Update Oculus API to use 0.5.x SDK; Mac startup crash fix; r=dbaron, a=startup-crash (ad874bd1b)
- Bug 1145936 - Fix sizing of foreignObject with vertical writing mode. r=smontagu (059e46e95) (f0504b101)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1118272 - Hold a cpu wakelock for async call "AlarmsManager.add". r=fabrice (2e04b9b47)
- Bug 1146754 - Reftest for selection highlighting of trailing space. r=mats (5b9083192)
- Bug 1146754 - Fix reftests for selected shadowed text to avoid trailing-space issues. r=mats (727f06840)
- Bug 1146754 - Show selection highlighting for trailing space. r=mats (16955b975)
- Bug 1146754 followup - Add a little fuzz to the testcase for OS X 10.10. no_r=me (31efb0691)
- Bug 1148376 - Only force-enable layers acceleration on Gonk. r=jmuizelaar (28bdfa602)
- Bug 1149519 - Workaround for GDI's failure to return empty extents for blank glyphs. r=roc (0467912a9)
- Bug 1174230 - Limit the complexity of regalloc bundles which can be merged together, r=sunfish. (929511dd4)
- Bug 1029483 - Fix various 99ch style violations in Intl.cpp. r=sparky (9f5de7ea9)
- Bug 1093421 - Add a test for support for currencyDisplay: 'name' or 'code' when formatting numbers. r=abargull (1107405c5)
- Bug 946528 - Update the default number of digits of precision in numbers formatted as CLF currency (Chile's Unidad de Fomento) in the Intl API. r=abargull (268fbd219)
- Bug 1177898 - Fix error checking in CloneFunctionObjectIfNotSingleton. (r=efaust) (e8509a49e)
- Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (edc6917a8)
- Bug 866596 - Properly reject locales with duplicate singletons or variants as invalid within the Intl API. r=abargull (0c0bfe280)
- pointer style (c6953c513)
- Bug 1178976: Add a post-write barrier to ObjectWeakMap::add. r=terrence (89b9a7b2f)
- Bug 1177941 - Do not show warning about unreachable empty statement after return statement. r=Waldo (f661cf694)
- spaces, pointer style (c22647ade)
- Bug 1161351 - Fix unwound exit frame sizes in JitProfilingFrameIterator. (r=nbp) (d5f415602)
- Bug 1172498 - Properly mark ion frame new.target values. (r=jandem) (a2fc125ec)
- Bug 1163520: Make IsInternalFunctionObject take its argument by reference, as it must not be nullptr. r=shu (f02635f28)
- Bug 1163520: Don't hand out internal function objects via Debugger.Environment.prototype.callee. r=shu (13ac48c56) (e39070aba)
- ported changes from mozilla upstream: Bug 1250589 - Remove the must-be-parenthesized requirement from yield expressions. r=waldo (4f327d0de)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1175347 - Add a JSAPI test for exposing availability of locales derived from the default locale. r=itsatest, rs=till over IRL (0bba85db1)
- Bug 1175347 - Fix a test that assumes too much in compacting builds. r=intermittent-orange in a CLOSED TREE (b2992b31c)
- Bug 1171180 - Remove trunc from jsmath; r=jorendorff (0e8913338)
- Bug 1176864 - Truncate modulo operator for int32 r=h4writer, r=nbp (5de9c5340)
- Bug 1166790 - Remove old Statistics formatting code; r=sfink (6abc54dab)
- Bug 1171612 - Use C++11 features to make Statistics module nicer; r=sfink (d0cfef988)
- Bug 1132208 - "Remove dead code from framerate actor now in GraphsWorker.js". r=jsantell (4bfaf2773)
- Bug 1146237 - FramerateActor should use docShell.now() rather than performance.now so that page refreshes do not break it. r=vp (a0d3fbd28)
- Bug 1134079 - Supply audio node definitions directly from the client if the webaudio actor server does not support it (like on older versions of FxOS). r=vp (95f728d47)
- Bug 1172183 - Pull out the implementation of FramerateActor so that it can be consumed by other actors. r=vp (1c3f0d82a)
- Bug 1172182 - Pull out memory utility logic out of the MemoryActor so other actors can consume it. r=vp (851d1cce3)
- Bug 1172182 part 2: correctly link to the memory module via timeline actor. r=vp (3714663db)
- Bug 1172184 - Pull out logic from TimelineActor into a standalone module that can be consumed by other actors. (031127dc0)
- partial of Bug 1159506 - Make GC events use TimeStamp. r=terrence (99fa0378f)
- Bug 1035973 - Add DebuggerObject.getOwnPropertySymbols; r=fitzgen (fd10482d5)
- Bug 1174712 - Tolerate singleton objects with uncacheable prototypes in Ion caches, r=jandem. (7c3ce4fdc)
- add limits for numeric_limits (67b09aa7f)
- Bug 811911 - Use UTF-8 output for TwoByte chars in Error objects; r=jandem (2fd3cf6cd)
- Fix the test for bug 1173787 to work even when the filename contains a ':' (e.g. on Windows) so we can reopen the CLOSED TREE (b42aa3b92)
- Bug 1100498 - Report function names for addon exceptions. r=billm (dfa69d830)
- Bug 1170840 - Add testbed allocator for new regalloc features, and use for a change to hot/cold code bundle splitting, r=sunfish. (95c484a37)
- Bug 1174542 - Remove unnecessary AutoWritabeJitCode from initTraceLogger. r=luke (a427e979c)
- Bug 1173529: IonMonkey - Also iterate phis when removing guards, r=nbp (055a5dcd7)
- Bug 1114079 - Fix overrecursion check in nsGlobalWindow::SetNewDocument to not report a JS exception. r=bz (7c0ba0677)
- Bug 1172513 part 1. Fix shell's Evaluate to actually throw when it detects save/load bytecode mismatches. r=waldo (5f5ccc094)
- Bug 1172513 part 2. When XDR-encoding a function, don't incode temporary flags. r=waldo (404fa1939)
- Bug 1171430 - Do not poison the nursery's chunk kind marker; r=terrence (248667fc9)
- Bug 1171430 - Don't shift the poison value by non-byte values; r=jonco (320ba4ba0)
- Bug 1173908 - Fix an MSVC warning about negating an unsigned integer; r=nbp (3244fd56c)
- Bug 1172545 - Recover from OOM if Ion compilation is skipped due to not being able to allocate a 'this' object, r=jandem. (918025215) (00ce1ce6f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1125481 - Replace FunctionInfo macros by variadic templates. r=Waldo (83244859f)
- Bug 1125481 - FunctionInfo: Remove useless inline keywords. r=Waldo (a13a186af)
- Bug 1169769 - Stop pretending js/src is a top-level directory. r=gps (2ba218bbf)
- Bug 1132189 - Rename "Analysis Helper" thread. r=bhackett (1a6b50af5)
- Bug 1172824: Initialize a few more members in VerifyPreTracer (CID 1304706); r=terrence (9fb0f4b03)
- Bug 1172824: Close dumpFile in case of error in DumpHeap (CID 1302587); r=jonco (e552f4320)
- Bug 1172641 - Fix class tests to not fail on builds where classes are not enabled r=shu (56474b665)
- Bug 1153244 - increase JS helper threads stack space when MOZ_TSAN is enabled; r=bhackett (cb5c9fc01)
- Bug 1172895: Raise the stack size limit for JS helper threads; r=bhackett (750cc5e19)
- Bug 1166101 - redirect aka os.file.redirect should not be available in fuzzing mode (09f574daa)
- Bug 1139376: Ionmonkey - Make removing of guards aware of phis, r=nbp (fb7cb028b)
- Bug 1171722 - Part 1: Add gcreason to GCSliceCallback. r=fitzgen (a9e4ae93b)
- Bug 1171722 - Part 2: Add gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN. r=terrence (815cbd630)
- Bug 1171722 - Part 3: Specify gcreason::XPCONNECT_SHUTDOWN during xpconnect shutdown. r=mccr8 (5123cda83)
- Bug 1171722 - Part 4: Don't warn if DebuggerOnGCRunnable::Enqueue fails during shutdown. r=mccr8 (efc3b8aab)
- Bug 1173513 - Point to SavedFrame.md docs from JSAPI comments; r=fitzgen (6c9bb84db)
- No Bug - Remove an unneeded annotation DONTBUILD; r=sfink (05fe03101)
- Bug 1171871 - Fix bytecode documentation comment for JSOP_NEWTARGET. r=efaust (bacbef1ce)
- Bug 1169460 - Fix imprecise computation in BacktrackingAllocator::minimalUse, r=sunfish. (7ea535e67)
- Bug 1170959 - Remove JS_GetPropertyDescriptor from a JSAPI test. r=efaust (8745b6d04) (e361c5511)
- ported dependency of "Bug 1174307 - Add some internal content policy types for the purpose of reflecting them on RequestContex", some part may already in the tree:
- Bug 1175114 - Translate the content policy type obtained in CSPService::AsyncOnChannelRedirect to an external one before invoking the content policy implementation; r=smaug
- Bug 1175122 - Add more assertions to the in-tree content policy implementations to ensure that they receive external content policy types; r=baku
- Bug 1178339 - Account for service workers separately in WorkerDomainInfo; r=nsm (4e0540b82)
- ported follow-ups of "Bug 1143922 - Add AsyncOpen2 to nsIChannel and perform security checks when opening a channel - scriptSecurityManager changes (r=sicking,bholley)":
- Bug 1184387 - Bail out of file:// loads for all non-chrome:// URIs. r=Gijs
- Bug 1224046 - Remove <base href> from directory listings. r=mcmanus (dbff70221)
- ported 2 commits from mozilla upstream to fix ask-to-activate plugin issue:
- Bug 1232903 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal (r=sicking)
- Bug 1257650 - Skip Security checks if triggeringPrincipal is SystemPrincipal only for subresource loads. r=sicking (2087e70e1)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.11.2.336
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 10:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView v1.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2021, 20:10
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked with the mouse.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 19:10

    Optimized the image search function in the right-click menu
    Optimized the screen capture function (magnifier pixel-accurate display)
    Fixed the issue that the page could not be opened in the background when pressing Shift then clicking on the restore list link
    Fixed the issue that the restore list could not be deleted in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the line spacing of Maxnote could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the editor buttons of Maxnote could not display the correct language in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the drop-down list of the delete button in the download manager could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the login window could not focus on the login box after adding browser account
    Fixed the issue that Vbox could not topup correctly in some cases


Titel: Dooble 2021.11.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2021, 22:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Corrected themes. Thank you altPOCA.
    New Animated Scrolling, Font labels and tool tips. Thank you altPOCA.
    New Tabs menu.
    New tab positions. Thank you Vistaus.
    Qt 6.2.1 LTS! Debian and Mac.
    Show complete URLs in Downloads.
    The home directory .dooble_v2 has been renamed to .dooble. Contents will not be ported.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with auto update (Need manually update to this version first to fix this).

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

- Fixed the issue that Passkeeper page could not display password data correctly in some cases

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-11-06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 22:20
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 2087e70e1...00fee1e0a:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170200 - Part 2: Update JavaScript consumers of nsIPermissionManager::Remove; r=ehsan (aa1cbab01) (fd3bc37f6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Fixup for hazard bustage after bug 1168719 on a CLOSED TREE. r=sfink (9c8d92138)
- Bug 1169869 - Document the Debugger's onPromiseSettled hook DONTBUILD; r=jimb (d601304f1)
- Bug 1168416 - Do not change lastIndex property if not writable in RegExp.prototype.{test,exec}. r=Waldo (3bd43d20b)
- Bug 1171749 - Re-add nonincremental reason to compact stats output; r=sfink (d257c5d3b)
- Bug 1165460 - Work around on-demand linker badness with NDK r10e/GCC 4.9 r=dhylands,glandium (dcdf2c92b)
- Bug 1170673 - MSVC is less flexible with zero-sized arrays; r=shu (e556ce826)
- Bug 1155618 - Add some more OOM tests r=terrence (b6637848b)
- Bug 1155618 - Test OOM behaviour of global creation r=terrence (eac8ae615)
- Bug 1155618 - Don't retry memory allocation if we're simulating OOM r=terrence (990c80307)
- Bug 1155618 - Fix tracelogger destructor that touches possibly uninitialised hash table r=benj (657e587bc)
- Bug 1161303 - Fix bug in NewObjectCache::newObjectFromHit() caused by previous patch in bug 1155618 r=terrence (3132d9d4d)
- Bug 1155618 - Fix some more places where we didn't report OOM to the context r=terrence (f9cf4b194)
- Bug 1155618 - Fix some more places we don't report allocation failure to the context r=terrence (33fa561c9)
- formatting (af5b94792)
- Bug 1054756, part 1 - Support symbol-keyed properties in JSXrayTraits::resolveOwnProperty(). r=jandem. (8f8f8df4b)
- Bug 1054756, part 2 - Move ToPrimitive slow paths into a non-inline function. r=jandem. (6bdde7843)
- Bug 1193924 - Add assertion to AsyncOpen to make sure asyncOpen2() was called first when securityflags in loadInfo are set (r=sicking) (e440e90b6)
- Bug 1194519 - call AsyncOpen2 within child and parent if securityFlags are present (r=jduell) (1ce87ade4)
- Bug 1204648 - Support AsyncOpen2,Open2,nsIUploadChannel and nsIUploadChannel2 on nsSecCheckWrapChannelBase. r=sicking (f6b6ae40f)
- Bug 1204703 - Add AsyncOpen2 to channels within JS tests (r=sicking) (2a650afa0) (45e1308fe)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1051146 - Part 1: Introduce the B2G specific build flags, initially enabled. r=smaug (341c7565d)
- Bug 1051146 - art 2: Introduce the new Pocketsphinx and Sphinxbase code with no build integration. r=smaug, r=gerv (f29eafa78)
- Bug 1051146 - Part 3: Introduce build system changes for the new Pocketsphinx and Sphinxbase code. r=smaug, r=gps (06c60429d)
- Bug 1051146 - Part 4: Introduce build system changes for the MOZ_WEBSPEECH_TEST_BACKEND flag. r=smaug, r=gps (16195e66e)
- Bug 1051146 - Part 5: Introduce new English model with no build integration. r=smaug (24996aa9c)
- Bug 1051146 - Part 6: Introduce build integration of new English model. r=smaug, r=gps (b718751a9)
- Bug 1051146 - Part 7: Introduce update scripts for Pocketsphinx and Sphinxbase code. r=smaug (5a85c7ed2)
- Bug 1051148 - Part 1: Patch that introduces WebSpeech API implementation. r=smaug (d18e5d86e)
- Bug 1171249 - Modified configure.in so MOZ_WEBSPEECH undefined implies both MOZ_WEBSPEECH_TEST_BACKEND and MOZ_WEBSPEECH_MODELS are undefined. r=gps (47d13fc61)
- Bug 1051148 - Part 2: Patch that turns off the WebSpeech API implementation using flags. r=gps (8b2ceef89)
- Bug 1051146 - Disable Pocketsphinx building on Windows due to bustage. r=gps (48f4a1c27)
- Bug 1204703 - Make nsContentSecurityManager scriptable (r=sicking) (fb514951a)
- Bug 1215745: Safer implemetation of nsJarChannel::AsyncOpen2. r=ckerschb (3ad0270b4)
- partial of Bug 1178892 - Split the profiler into Core & Gecko files and break apart monolithic headers. r=mstange (eda571469)
- Bug 1213407 - PluginModuleContentParent should delete its Transport. r=billm (153a54404)
- Bug 1169945 - Remove unused plugins.enumerable_names whitelist. r=bsmedberg (52126cbd8)
- Bug 1160166 - Disabled plugin meta information often isn't available to content processes. r=jimm (d63331192)
- Bug 1165981 - Only allow flash as a plugin on Windows 64-bit builds; r=bsmedberg (bfc073186)
- missing bit of 1164543 (5ef55bc55)
- Bug 1178963 part 1. Use nsIPluginTagInternal instead of nsPluginTag in cases where it may be nsFakePluginTag. r=peterv (f8702aead)
- Bug 1200484 (part 1) - Expose the column number in JS::DescribeScriptedCaller(). r=luke. (85cf65a1c)
- Bug 1200484 (part 2) - Use JS column numbers in ReportWrapperDenial(). r=mrbkap. (1de0e6331)
- Bug 1200484 (part 3) - Use JS column numbers in WebSocket.cpp. r=baku. (3febdd8bc)
- Bug 1200484 (part 4) - Expose the column number in nsJSUtils::GetCallingLocation(). r=mrbkap. (479ae5e2a)
- Bug 1200484 (part 5) - Use JS column numbers in XPCNativeInterface::NewInstance(). r=mrbkap. (63e5e4e41)
- Bug 1200484 (part 6) - Use JS column numbers in ContentParent::OnChannelError(). r=billm. (4c84ef09d)
- Bug 1139718 - Warning when sending MM messages that include XPCOM data (r=smaug) (d50774823)
- Bug 1200484 (part 7) - Use JS column numbers in GetParamsForMessage() (bf19fc4cb)
- Bug 1200484 (part 8) - Use JS column numbers in EventSource. r=khuey. (64374ed83)
- Bug 1200484 (part 9) - Use JS column numbers in nsContentUtils::ReportToConsoleNonLocalized. r=khuey. (4d81c5f4f)
- Bug 1200484 (part 10) - Use JS column numbers in indexedDB. r=khuey. (64eec5da6)
- Bug 1200484 (part 11) - Set source location when initializing an nsJSScriptTimeoutHandler from a Function. r=peterv. (f135b3a2c)
- Bug 1200484 (part 12) - Use JS column numbers in nsJSTimeoutHandler. r=peterv. (8ec21dc04)
- Bug 1163664 - Don't check for plugin blocklist state on Android. r=jimm, r=jchen (14b8f3e57)
- Bug 1178963 part 2. Implement nsFakePluginTag to represent a non-NPAPI "plugin" that is actually implemented in JavaScript. r=peterv (ba11d6de0)
- Bug 1178896 - Add support for determining if a plugin is OOP to nsIPluginHost. r=aklotz (e8689641f)
- Bug 1178963 part 3. Make nsPluginHost aware of fake plugins. r=peterv (a2a9f8cb3) (ee118c4b8)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox:
- first rolling release: update to 91ESR EV and roots, HSTS, TZs, TLDs (d7c93b6cf)
- security: M1730935, M1735152, M1730048 (1603b00d0) (03efa0b17)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170676: Fix null dereference in PluginModuleParent::StreamCast; r=jimm (72e60e403)
- Bug 1164543 - Remove gAllInstances from PluginModuleChild (r=jimm) (15e035939)
- Bug 1164543 - Make plugin shutdown async in e10s (r=jimm) (e5239585f)
- Bug 1195527 - Part 1: Move D3D11 texture allocation into the TextureClient. r=jrmuizel (16e67d7e8)
- Bug 1195527 - Part 2: Add D3D11 video TextureClient recycler. r=jrmuizel (2c44d311b)
- more stuff todo (7b1bce288)
- Bug 1136945 - Add to Debugger.Memory docs possible outcomes of the nonincrementalReason in the onGarbageCollection event. r=fitzgen (33c6408ff)
- pointer style (05cc032b4)
- Bug 1197970 - Expose the GC cycle's number through Debugger.Memory's onGarbageCollection hook. r=sfink (5a420105f)
- Bug 1168992 - Part 1: Fix up reflection of classes. (r=Waldo) (5346e941b)
- Bug 1168992 - Part 2: Fix reflection of new.target. (r=Waldo) (38701b76d)
- Bug 1179063 - Hook up FunctionBox directly to the JSFunction being parsed to avoid allocating extra static scopes. (r=efaust) (d35252e18)
- Bug 1084319: Actually patter-match SIMD.bool (rebasing mistake); r=nbp (0980117b4)
- Bug 1200809 part 1 - Add InlinableNatives JitInfo infrastructure, use it for Math natives. r=bz,nbp (141e78aac)
- Bug 1193280 - Part 1: test stack trace handling of native frames with dedicated function. r=fitzgen (dd1c63891)
- Bug 1193280 - Part 2: Self-host Array.prototype.filter. r=jandem (82cbe1512)
- Bug 1200782 - Inline Array.isArray when we know the result statically. r=bhackett (546917507)
- Bug 1200809 part 2 - Convert Array natives to new InlinableNatives system. r=nbp (901aae723)
- Bug 1200809 part 3 - Convert String/RegExp natives to new InlinableNatives system. r=nbp (8e8eb68fd)
- Bug 1200809 part 4 - Convert Atomics natives to new InlinableNatives system. r=lth (430d8a6b8) (96d4680a6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1190733 - Test initializedLength() instead of length() during the fast path for reversing unboxed arrays, r=jandem. (b5dcbd0e3)
- Bug 1070767 - Enable {Array, %TypedArray%}.prototype.includes in all builds. r=lth (de595c002)
- Bug 1195298 - Fix NewDenseArray intrinsic to work when the first argument is a double. r=till (1f551ada2)
- Bug 1190727 - Make initialization of temporary results array resilient against Array.prototype setters in self-hosted Map#next implementation. r=jandem (d705c623c)
- Bug 1200108 - Remove NewDenseArray intrinsic, use std_Array instead. r=till (e5c4126c6)
- Bug 1199822 - Turn self-hosting's cycle-check into an assertion; r=till (804600283)
- Bug 1194148 - Self-host Array.prototype.toString. r=till (4ffb4712c)
- pointer style (7b1a9900c)
- Bug 1200809 part 5 - Convert self-hosting intrinsics to new InlinableNatives system. r=till (8dd5eb0b9)
- pointer style (7974610a2)
- Bug 1200809 part 6 - Convert various natives to new InlinableNatives system. r=nbp (81d75199c)
- Bug 1200809 part 7 - Convert SIMD natives to new InlinableNatives system. r=nbp (5e67097e0)
- Bug 1200809 part 8 - Don't call shouldAbortOnPreliminaryGroups if we have an uninlinable native. r=bhackett (bd20f201f)
- Bug 1114507 - Part 1: Add/release the appId's refcnt if frame is in main process. r=kanru (741889791)
- Bug 1190903 - Don't send StopIMEStateManagement message after TabParent has been destroyed (r=masayuki) (97bba211b)
- Bug 1166592 - Remove ParentIdleListener from idle service when ActorDestroy() to avoid leaking ContentParent. r=khuey (771549a18)
- Bug 1114507 - Part 3: Remove PContetBridge channel when grandchild-process is killed. r=kanru (a84f888b3)
- Bug 1114507 - Part 2: Add/release the appId's refcnt in oop case. r=kanru (1fdb788b0)
- Bug 1114507 - Part 4: Test cases. r=kanru (889a770c7)
- pointer style (80bd2082b)
- Bug 1159347 - Make BaseProxyHandler::getPropertyDescriptor not-pure virtual. r=efaust (56de51919)
- Bug 1166847 - Implement OpaqueCrossCompartmentWrapper;r=evilpies (d762e785e) (fed708408)
- network: fix temporary variable type, this should fix not able to access port numbers that is larger than 32767. also updated bad port list from tenfourfox. (00fee1e0a)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a security update.


    Fixed a spec compliance issue with IDN that could potentially cause confusion of domain names.
    Fixed several intermittent thread sanity issues. DiD
    Fixed a potential UAF risk in certain situations in networking. DiD
    Fixed a potential crash risk (not exposed). DiD
    Fixed a potential spoofing risk using form validation. (CVE-2021-38508)
    Fixed a script sandbox escape issue through XSLT. (CVE-2021-38503)
    Added a preference to enable compatibility mode with earlier TLS 1.3 specifications. See implementation notes.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 3 fixed, 1 already applied, 4 DiD, 7 not applicable.

Security notice: If you have enabled HTTP Alternative Services for Opportunistic Encryption, it is strongly recommended you disable this at this time through Preferences -> Security -> Opportunistic Encryption -> Enable HTTP Alternative Services for Opportunistic Encryption. This inherently weak transitional technology for http -> https has been compromised and can be abused (partial opt-in bypass). Note that our platform default for this setting (and any other OE) is disabled due to these kinds of inherent risks, as well as lack of transparency about the connection and server contacted. See CVE-2021-38507 for more details about this problem.

Implementation notes:

    A preference (security.ssl.enable_tls13_compat_mode) was added to allow users to enable TLS 1.3 compatibility mode that uses an older draft specification of the protocol. A restart of the browser is required when you change this preference. Please note that you should only use this option if you strictly require it for e.g. outdated proxies, load-balancers or middleware, as it potentially weakens your connection security.


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    This is a small update to address the folowing issue:

    Autocomplete drop-downs would have uncorrect styling, causing issues with custom themes (e.g. unreadable) and not displaying as-intended.


Der ganze Artikel (http://URL)
Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Last session page back to Maxthon 5 logic (remember the last session)
Added "Restore shortcuts" & "View default shortcuts" to Shortcut Management
Added "File Type Association" to Settings
Optimized Maxnote editor
Fixed the issue that the inserted table could not display border in Maxnote
Fixed the issue that the shortcut "Ctrl+A" could not work in Maxnote in some cases

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Fix crash when opening youtube.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 08:50
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Added a label to the add bookmark window to show what category you are currently adding to
Fixed add bookmark code so you can't accidentally add a bookmark to a special category (search, starred, all)

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-11-13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 22:10

In-tree changes:
- stdafx: include C++ algorithm header early and use std::min and std::max so gdiplus.h will have min and max to use after Bug 830801 was landed goanna3. (eab5b358)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 00fee1e0a...413983e19:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1166847 followup: Add 'override' annotation to some new overriding methods in jswrapper.h. rs=ehsan (20a3e9857)
- pointer style (b13f08224)
- Bug 1201271 - Warn about unused results for more methods of nsTArray. r=froydnj (c8fa9e836)
- Bug 1156398: Pass ProcessOrientation.cpp's unused-by-default bools to mozilla::unused. r=mwu (e1200be54)
- Bug 1159124 - Suppress -Wunused-exception-parameter warning in nsClipboard.mm. r=spohl (dc3c4c4d0)
- Bug 1152921 - Always initialize platform-specific booleans in PrintData before sending over IPC. r=mconley (45fb8cf07)
- Bug 1091112 - Serialize nsIPrintSettings options bitfield. r=jimm (17d38b152)
- Bug 1091112 - Add OS X-specific members to PrintData IPDL struct. r=jimm (62182eb24)
- Bug 1091112 - Proxy opening the print dialog on OS X to the parent. r=mstange (adf38a12a)
- Bug 1204398 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in widget/cocoa. r=spohl (9c4f43861)
- missing bits of Bug 1193038: Purposely leak StatisticsReport object and suppress the leak report r=glandium,mccr8,njn (cc0c1a908)
- Bug 1144580 - Whitelist pselect6 in content seccomp-bpf policy. r=kang (144c67d00)
- Bug 1144514 - Whitelist pread64 in content seccomp-bpf policy. r=kang (c01f7f65c)
- Bug 1055310 - Step 1: Convert seccomp-bpf policies to Chromium PolicyCompiler. r=kang (8fbf648ba)
- Bug 1055310 - Step 2: Move SIGSYS handling to Chromium TrapRegistry. r=kang (e80ff13a6)
- Bug 1055310 - Step 3: Move syscall interceptions into SandboxFilter.cpp. r=kang (59c0b2454)
- Bug 1004011 - Support SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC if available. r=kang (cf97070a9)
- Bug 1198334 (part 1) - Replace the opt-in FAIL_ON_WARNINGS with the opt-out ALLOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS. r=glandium. (c9df97498)
- Bug 1189125 - Allow xpcshell to use GTK (r=karlt) (e363a27aa)
- Bug 830801 - Part 1. Set NOMINMAX define as default. r=mshal (88fa52e9e)
- Bug 830801 - Part 3. Remove NOMINMAX define from cpp source. r=mshal (c841b399f)
- Bug 1169433 - Remove UnicharSelfTest and turn NormalizationTest into a gtest. r=glandium,smontagu (625dcaf32)
- Bug 1170072 - Part 1. Make GetCharProps1 as static function. r=jfkthame (6ab8b7c4f)
- Bug 1183209 patch 2: update data generation tools to Unicode 8, r=jfkthame (78e91de20)
- Bug 1183209 patch 3: update generated data files to Unicode 8, and adapt internal XIDMOD types to the new types in Unicode's xidmodifications.txt, r=jfkthame (c9fea054f) (95440d2f9)
- missing bits from Bug 1162569 - default engine files should be in the omni.ja file, r=markh,glandium. (c7d628bdd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- pointer style (4cb5b536b)
- Bug 1186696. Event handlers on JS-implemented webidl interfaces should have the same behavior as other event handlers: accept all values, convert non-objects to null. r=smaug (f61a308fb)
- Bug 983301 part 1. Handle JS-to-native conversion for Promise values via calling Promise::Resolve on whatever value was passed in (except if the type is nullable and the passed-in value is null or undefined). r=peterv (4aaf04c66)
- Bug 983301 part 2. Change Promise to not be distinguishable from any other type. r=peterv (0f463a834)
- Bug 1157848 - Fix leak in OwningNonNull constructor from already_AddRefed; r=bz (a2a0aaa7a)
- Bug 983301 Add a test for FetchEvent.respondWith(5). r=bz (5de2ea7d5)
- Bug 1166932 - Part 1: Copy the editor observers array before iterating over it; r=roc (db74b264d)
- Bug 1166932 - Part 2: Make sure that nsTextInputListener doesn't try to perform edit actions if it has been disconnected from the editor object; r=roc (7143bc782)
- Bug 1190823 - Move OwningNonNull.h to xpcom/base/; r=froydnj (77c373751)
- Bug 1163044 - Forward NS_MOUSE_ENTER_WIDGET into content process. r=smaug (46fcb7720)
- Bug 1182358 - RequestSyncService.jsm should use AlarmService instead nsITimer, r=nsm (d0eb0bcd4)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E111/E113 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (56bc4b865)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E121 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (93f8021f6)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix flake8's E122 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (32f4cb3a2)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E126 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (fd7710f34)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E124 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (20d26ce01)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E125 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (817ae2eb6)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E127 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (031b0026f)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E128 warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (ec4ab550e)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E2xx warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (0a65500d3)
- Bug 1157588. Produce a better error message when someone tries to pass a mixin as an argument. r=peterv (33d91a9b0)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E3xx warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (0cd9b0613)
- Bug 1176236. Make typed array arguments work for constructors of JS-implemented interfaces. r=peterv (31e3d3c82)
- Bug 1162956 part 1. Move forwardDeclareForType to be a method on ForwardDeclarationBuilder. r=peterv (8f5f3ff49)
- Bug 1162956 part 2. Forward-declare things as needed in example codegen. Also, use js/TypeDecls.h for the JSContext declaration and include BindingDeclarations.h so we get things like Optional (which are a pain to forward-declare). r=peterv (9192d061b)
- Bug 1166443. Example codegen should output the right signature for Wrap() when the object is not wrappercached. r=peterv (12ca80503)
- Bug 1177869. Fix example codegen to output the correct return type for WrapObject in the non-wrappercached case. r=peterv (0c44da02c)
- Bug 1025395. Output a #error instead of a nonexistent macro for the CC bits of example codegen, to make it clearer to people using it what they should do with CC. r=peterv (75dce91d4)
- Bug 1173913. Indicate what webidl generated files were generated from, if they were generated for a particular webidl file. r=peterv (aaa86dbe8)
- Bug 1165182 - Stop LE scans when Bluetooth adapter is disconnected from its owner. r=joliu (6a3dbc1ae)
- Bug 1176898 - Remove redundant DisconnectFromOwner of BluetoothDiscoveryHandle. r=btian (7ddae05ad)
- Bug 1156716: Build GATT HAL helpers in Bluetooth v1, r=joliu (0572f1af1)
- Bug 1163499 - Part 1: Revise BluetoothGattInterface and result handler for daemon support. r=tzimmermann (e40f7703f)
- Bug 1163499 - Part 2: Add helpers for Bluetooth daemon GATT client support. r=tzimmermann (9c52b9b0b)
- Bug 1163499 - Part 3: Add GATT module for Bluetooth daemon. r=tzimmermann (730394aac)
- Bug 1163499 - Part 4: Add GATT and GATT client interfaces for Bluetooth daemon. r=tzimmermann (7aefc1c20)
- Bug 1163499 - Part 5: Support GATT profile when using Bluetooth daemon. r=tzimmermann (4e71b4901)
- Bug 1148506: Remove unused variable 'bool result' from code generated by getDeleterBody(), in Codegen.py. r=jorendorff (aa31f486d)
- Bug 1170971 - Part 1: Fix BluetoothGattReadParam unpacking in daemon backend. r=tzimmermann (78e8facce)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E5xx warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (08f5edc45)
- Bug 1142609 - Fix PEP 8 E7xx warnings in dom/bindings's Python code. r=peterv (7fc970bff)
- Bug 1170971 - Part 2: Fix BluetoothGattAdvData unpacking in daemon backend. r=tzimmermann (4285509b2)
- Bug 603201 - Enable primitive receivers in [[Set]]. r=jorendorff (726d46b63)
- Bug 1174717 - Passing fallible when calling AppendElement method for Sequence types in bluetooth2. r=shuang (557d92545)
- pointer style (8f7275cf4)
- Bug 1192297 - Rephrase Proxy static methods to make it clearer that the handler->hasPrototype() case is the weird case. r=Waldo. (2e68353c3)
- Bug 1105045 - Outerize the receiver passed to proxy hooks. r=efaust. (c00a1db2f)
- Bug 603201 - Change GetProperty receiver argument to Value in JS. r=efaust (f5a87f31b)
- Bug 603201 - Change GetProperty receiver argument to Value in the browser. r=smaug (0b871d846)
- Bug 1175173 - Don't box primitive this values in {Object, Array}.prototype.toLocaleString. r=till (11a66b2b6)
- Bug 1179141 - Remove macro |BT_API2_LOGR|, r=joliu (792fbcde8)
- Bug 1161991: Gatt server neutral-backend interface; r=jocelyn (f093551c3) (2b0b985a1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1206596: Make random_generateSeed visible, and let it generate wider seeds. r=fitzgen (6c94fd975)
- Bug 1159552 - Clear local arrays while discovering. r=jocelyn (912dd8429)
- Bug 1179682 - Remove |mName| from BluetoothReplyRunnable, r=joliu (541e01427)
- Bug 1186317 - [cleanup] Remove unused macros and unnecessary logs, r=shuang (38908d9fc)
- Bug 1181478 - Expose BluetoothGattServer object in BluetoothAdapter. r=btian, r=mrbkap, a=me (450cdb58e)
- Bug 1188394 - Fix warning: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aTypes.Length()) failed, r=joliu (c898e6401) (413983e19)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2021, 20:10

Chromium 95
Added Sync button to the main menu
Added Sync button on the new tab page
Double-click to install and update extensions
Optimized default file type function
Fixed the issue that the URL could not be restored on the Last session page
Fixed the issue that the last session list could not be opened in the correct order in some cases
Fixed the issue that the main menu could not display correctly in some cases
Fixed the issue that URL file could not be opened correctly in some cases
Fixed the issue that the downloaded file could not open the correct source page in some cases
Fixed the issue that the title of QuickAccess could not display fully
Fixed the issue that the webpage icon on the Last session list could not display correctly
Fixed crashes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-11-20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2021, 20:50

In-tree changes:
- winEmbed: update startup URL to www-archive version (9cbd5866)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 413983e19...20d9ef889:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1202965 (part 1) - Add MOZ_UNUSED. r=froydnj. (457960f48)
- Bug 1200097 - Fix warnings in logalloc. r=glandium. (3f115e470)
- Bug 1200623 - Fix FdPrintf.o link error in --disable-optimize builds. r=glandium. (4f07a36e2)
- Bug 1202965 (part 2) - Use MOZ_UNUSED in FdPrintf.c. r=glandium. (2dd55aaa7)
- Bug 1203314 - Make operator<< a method on unused_t. r=froydnj This prevents operator overload resolution from failing when this file is included in a file that uses Chromium IPC logging. (80f5cf4c5)
- Bug 1014691 - Move APZ mochitests to gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest. r=kats (b3e811b10)
- Bug 1014691 - Move TestAsyncPanZoomController.cpp to gfx/layers/apz/test/gtest. r=kats,glandium (7c7598033)
- Bug 1083101 - Add a memory arena to Moz2D. r=jrmuizel (986b49392)
- Bug 1083101 - Add a task scheduler to Moz2D. r=jrmuizel (58002f967)
- partial of Bug 1140675 - Disable failing tests on windows opt. r=me (8d4b5b761)
- Bug 1170081 - Add a tag to run only mochitests that use HTMLMediaElement::MozCaptureStream. r=cpearce. (fc9e19146)
- Bug 1189744 - Fix crash after GetOwnPropertyDescriptor failed to populate all fields of desc. r=jandem, a=abillings. (464905f1b)
- Bug 1184414 - X.[[SetPrototypeOf]](Y) should succeed if X.[[Prototype]] is already Y. r=jorendorff. (3c3b9767c)
- Bug 1240792 - Test that assignment to primitives throws in strict mode. r=jorendorff (5fe30b7d1)
- Bug 1172609 - Part 5: Add js::ResetTimeZone() function. r=waldo, r=ted (2f8021714)
- Bug 1172609 - Part 6: Add nsJSUtils::ResetTimeZone() function. r=ehsan (35c1bbeb2)
- Bug 1172609 - Part 7: Hal calls nsJSUtils::ResetTimeZone() when timezone changes. r=dhylands (fe55a0830)
- Bug 1150534 - Synchronously decode favicons before calling GetFrame. r=tn (4f1acc810)
- Bug 1168495 - Restrict updated region to fall within GTK window. r=jrmuizel (d92a71a5c)
- Bug 1180971 - Fix X11 SHM invalidation regions on HiDPI with GTK3. r=karlt (98cce94d0)
- Bug 1156182 - Prevent widgets from creating a LayerManager during shutdown. r=sotaro (4af6914c9)
- Bug 1194397 - Force gdk_window_ensure_native on gdk window creation. r=acomminos (06a6eb2d8)
- Bug 1190935 - Fix race condition in gtk window EndRemoteDrawingInRegion. r=nical (cc7468e81)
- Bug 1182972 - Fallback to GTK monitor scale factor when mGdkWindow is null. r=karlt (69326bcfd)
- Bug 1168843 - use thread-safe refcounting for shared memory surfaces to avoid shutdown crashes. r=jmuizelaar (1d9b0914e)
- Bug 1167786. Restrict bounds of drawn region to the nsShmImage bounds to avoid X errors. r=karlt (005464f91)
- Bug 1205045 - remove GTK calls from compositor thread. r=jmuizelaar (ce5753137)
- Bug 1120851 - Set candidate window position for prediction even if no composition. r=masayuki (5814e776e)
- Bug 1176843 - Don't query caret rect on layout change. r=masayuki (4673f14ff)
- Bug 1177171 - Round widget coordinates on GTK3. r=karlt (3cd3af1c1)
- Bug 1186017 part.1 Rename nsGtkIMModule to mozilla::widget::IMContextWrapper r=m_kato+kerlt (f2b60dcd2)
- Bug 1186017 part.2 Rename GetBoolName() in IMContextWrapper.cpp to ToChar() r=kerlt (dade4fd9d)
- bug 1182972 remove unused aRepaint parameter from NativeResize methods r=acomminos (ae76c8f99)
- bug 1182972 remove mNeedsMove/mNeedsResize logic; instead process changes immediately r=acomminos (9417b03dc)
- bug 1182972 no need to pass member variable bounds to NativeResize r=acomminos (422e57acc)
- Bug 1181000 - Use logical pixel to set IME candidate window. r=karlt (d6f78610a)
- Bug 1191213 nsBaseWidget::NotifyWindowMoved() shouldn't notify IME when native IME handler doesn't have focus r=m_kato (59ee4fc9c)
- Bug 1198861 - Improve aliasing information and type barrier handling for unboxed arrays, r=jandem. (9ea8fd1cd)
- Bug 1198861 - Improve type barrier logic to avoid unnecessary tests on primitive types, and fix redundant baseline stubs for SETELEM property adds, r=jandem. (f1f2252c0)
- Bug 1083101 - Win32 implementation of the JobScheduler. r=jrmuizel (https://github.com/mozilla/newtab-dev/commit/120cce1d)
- Bug 1083101 - rename gfx::Mutex into gfx::CriticalSection and move it to its own file. r=jrmuizel (https://github.com/mozilla/newtab-dev/commit/6198b794)
- Bug 1083101 - Make SyncObject's waiting jobs list lock-free. r=jrmuizel (https://github.com/mozilla/newtab-dev/commit/e27060d8) (60a7b63ca)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1209039 - Temporarily disable thread names in Moz2D to work around a static check failure CLOSED TREE. r=me (8c45ce9eb)
- missing bit of Bug 1198216 - Check for presence of ICU::Timezone::recreateDefault() (e047330f1)
- Bug 1233743 - Remove the Mutex typedef from gfx/2d. r=vlad (c1b5a3746)
- Bug 1083101 - Implement gfx::DrawingJob. r=jrmuizel (22818c618)
- Bug 1083101 - Extend DrawCommand storage functionality and fix a bug with dashed stroke patterns. r=jrmuizel (11daecf61)
- Bug 1083101 - Make gfx::DrawingCommand methods const. r=jrmuizel (f5099f18d)
- Bug 1127665 - Fix the condition of if-statement of name updating when the Bluetoooth device paired. r=btian (a751b7b6c)
- Bug 1128383 - [bluetooth2] Add adapter.onpairingaborted event handler, f=jocelyn, f=jaliu, r=shuang, r=bz (cc9fe48d9)
- Bug 1054756, part 3 - Implement Symbol.toPrimitive. Replace existing convert hooks with methods. r=jandem. (4c3db3ac3)
- Bug 1083101 - Make SyncObject's waiting jobs list lock-free. r=jrmuizel (a5793e016)
- pointer style (80bb87e64)
- Bug 1207006 - Remove the unhelpfully-confusing exceptionCodeIndented. r=bz (5fc73954b)
- pointer style (f46f24dfb)
- Bug 1145854 - Don't leak WrapperOwner::className's string. r=billm (6e83a9377)
- Bug 1187234 - Throw a TypeError when Array.isArray is passed a revoked proxy. r=efaust (75e166521)
- Bug 1164764 - Make all the various DeadObjectProxy handler methods call a single function to report a dead object, rather than repeating the same function call/arguments everywhere. r=evilpies (686daa9d2) (b34d60dba)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Pointer style (123e601e8)
- fix typo (609acf15f)
- Bug 1175538 - Ensure str_split result object has the right group. r=jandem (a2831dfea)
- Bug 1173100 - Cleanup OneUcs4ToUtf8Char a bit. r=Waldo (330503e3c)
- Bug 1199887 - Rename StringRegExpGuard::init(JSContext*, JSObject*) to initRegExp for clarity. r=evilpie (dd3b8bdc7)
- Bug 1199887 - Make str_replace_regexp_raw return a JSString*, rather than return its always-string result via outparam. r=evilpie (45f062b55)
- Bug 1199887 - Make str_replace_string_raw return a JSString*, rather than return its always-string result via outparam. r=evilpie (bc1d1f089)
- Bug 1139696 - Fix cross-compartment Map/Set structured cloning (r=evilpie) (97b6b3da2)
- Bug 789589 - Fix the ABO class hierarchy comment to be accurate, r=Waldo (88fb94723)
- Bug 789589 - Implement JS_NewDataView, r=Waldo (a6bbea944)
- Bug 789594 - Implement DataView cloning, r=Waldo (41ad7b157)
- Bug 1188612 - Transferable errors should become NS_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR, r=sfink (bdbf67c65)
- Bug 1179003 - Convert the infallible objectClassIs proxy hook into a fallible getBuiltinClass hook that indicates class type via outparam. r=efaust, r=bz on DOM bits, r=billm on IPC bits (61495dcc5)
- Bug 1191570 - Use ToPropertyKey everywhere ES6 says to use it. r=Waldo, r=jandem. (819417dea)
- Bug 1133377 - Make DataView constructor correctly handle undefined byteLength argument r=sfink (0fc942ba5)
- Bug 1199643 - Fix unsafe use of PerformanceGroup. r=jandem (2632d9f5d) (20d9ef889)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 18:20

    Fixed the issue that the address bar bookmark button could not show the correct function
    Fixed the issue that the toolbar could not display correctly in incognito mode
    Fixed the issue that the browser background color and the bookmarks could not display correctly under the incognito mode
    Fixed the issue that the tab collapse button could not display properly
    Fixed the issue that the "Save image as" function could not pop up the "Save as" window
    Fixed the issue that the locked tab could not be kept after restarting the browser
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark bar could not be hidden in the new tab page
    Fixed the crash issue when adding all pages to bookmark
    Fixed the crash issue when syncing data
    Fixed the issue that the "Search image" function could not work properly
    Fixed the crash issue when opening an incognito window


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.11.25.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2021, 10:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2021, 19:10

    Updated to Chromium 96
    Supported numeric keypad for the browser account login
    Optimized the interaction logic of the "Remember password" on login panel
    Optimized Last session page layout and design
    Supported to use the middle mouse button to open the link on the Last session
    Optimized translation of the Maxnote's editor
    Optimized Settings page design
    Optimized the minimum tab width
    Fixed the issue that the password could not display after returning to the previous version
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark menu could not keep displaying after dragging the bookmark
    Fixed the issue that the tab audio button could not show
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not remember the last kept folder
    Fixed the that uu.me could not load under some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when dragging the bookmark
    Fixed the crash issue when opening too many tabs
    Fixed the crash issue when searching Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that password data could not sync in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when using IE mode
    Fixed the crash issue when playing video
    Fixed the crash issue when adding an image to Maxnote


Titel: VideoCacheView 3.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2021, 20:40
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Updated to work properly with the cache partitioning string on the latest versions of Chrome.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-11-27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 21:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 20d9ef889...8cdfd3201:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170039: Fix printf format specifiers in GC stats. r=terrence (739a9203f)
- Bug 1169222 - Add --debugger option to jittests to run tests under the specified debugger r=terrence (7d7d6f93b)
- Bug 1170596 - JitSpewer: Always flush after dumping the graph to the files. r=bbouvier (cabece9da)
- Bug 1018628 - Part 3: Add test for default parameter with destructuring default value. r=jorendorff (923a193ea)
- Bug 1142816 - js/src/jsapi-tests/testGCHeapPostBarriers.cpp has leaks. r=erahm (cc543a475)
- Bug 1252075 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in testGCHeapPostBarriers; r=terrence (f58ddfed2)
- Bug 1168293 - Remove MOZ_GLUE_IN_PROGRAM from config/config.mk. r=mshal (93877bb3a)
- Bug 1179695 - Remove mWasAsync from WidgetQueryContentEvent. r=masayuki,nchen (734c1a93f)
- Bug 1185316 TabParent should flush pending IME notifications after child process handles all sending events r=smaug (d2eb7c359)
- Bug 1153586 - Prevent the same BUTTON_DOWN event from opening the dropdown menu again on platforms that don't consume the event. r=enndeakin (5b8bf9156)
- No bug - Add a bug number to the historical.html expectations. (9377c1ff6)
- Bug 1161950 - Remove support for createEvent("CloseEvent") / initCloseEvent, r=smaug (9f2e5b970)
- Bug 1161950 - patch 2 - fix the webplatform test, r=Ms2ger (04046e15a)
- Bug 1171294 - Stop warning if piTarget is null. r=smaug (5ab612a71)
- Bug 873923, add a method to allow popups to be anchored at a rectangle, r=tn,mark,khuey (08b7902c9)
- Bug 873923, anchored at popup test, r=test (36bb7091a)
- Bug 250091, support page up and page down in menulists, r=neil (6e455d5c6) (78b33706e)
- ported change from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 1167607 - Alter behavior of AsyncEventDispatcher for dispatching chrome only event on chrome node. r=smaug (7c7bf799c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- fix patch ordering coming from PM repo (3a8768f44)
- Bug 1119074 - If we're stopping event propagation from XUL popups, also stop them from crossing process boundaries r=smaug,felipe (965e2193e)
- Bug 1082145 - |js::WatchGuts| can leak |wpmap|. r=erahm (12c86f3d3)
- No Bug - Improve Interpreter stack accessor assertions. (rs=Waldo) (8ba7a702c)
- Bug 874842 - Return Event instead of nsIDOMEvent (748b57fd2)
- Bug 1165966 - Add test cases r=terrence (79a909d5b)
- Bug 1167025: Do not mix bool and int in bitwise-or in blendpsMask; r=sunfish (f0f23c0c4)
- Bug 1158323 - Make sure we set a base rect on document elements that have margins set. r=tn (c253a2ef8)
- Bug 1178847 - Move the code from ChromeProcessController::InitializeRoot to APZCCallbackHelper so it can be reused in the child process. r=botond (16d539bcb)
- Bug 1165966 - Add error checking when populating safepoints r=bhackett (c66d249d1)
- spacing and pointer style (cddc1bac4)
- Bug 1196027 - check the actual current marking mode instead of the permanent intention, r=terrence (eddcfd7fb)
- Bug 1206590: Move gcWeakMapList from JSCompartment to JS::Zone. r=terrence (7e5e0d505)
- Bug 1181908 part 1. Fix support for JSOP_OBJECT in scripts parsed on background threads by clearing the unboxedLayouts list on the background thread parsing compartment when merging the parse result to the target compartment. r=jandem (25c6a3b01)
- Bug 1163207 - Make RematerializedFrame store the real callee. (r=shu) (ce276e91c)
- Bug 1164448 - Handle unwound rectifier frames as exit frames in JitProfilingFrameIterator. r=jandem (bb639b4e2)
- Bug 1164448 - Add test. r=jandem (83f5cc608)
- Bug 1196497 - Don't assert that the replacer continues to pass IsArray during JSON.stringify. (If the replacer was a revocable proxy to an array, revoking the proxy would make the replacer no longer IsArray.) r=evilpie (442c3823f)
- Bug 1177247 - Prevent HandlePossibleViewportChange from clobbering a restored scroll position from forward/back navigation. r=botond (4202ac757)
- Bug 1182772, optimize ProcessGlobal out from CC graph (and also TabChild's EventListeners), r=mccr8 (ccb2278bf)
- Bug 1139155 - Add a mechanism to know when the APZ is done processing. r=botond (17328e5be)
- Bug 1171537 - Allow URIs to be the empty string in TabParent::RecvCreateWindow. r=billm. (e280e994c)
- Bug 1173219 - Return nsresults from TabParent::RecvCreateWindow to make opening windows more robust. r=billm (9f0633b15)
- Bug 1142817 - Use UniquePtr in testXDR_sourceMap. r=erahm (7ec437162) (7a25ca546)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172785 - Switch to ECDSA for MTI suites, r=ekr (bfb0d4cd3)
- Bug 8607346 - Add -fvisibility-inlines-hidden to VISIBILITY_FLAGS to hide inline member functions. r=glandium (e5604fe00)
- Bug 1119072: Remove outdated comment. DONTBUILD (386a2eb0f)
- Bug 1142826 - js/src/jsapi-tests/testMutedErrors.cpp has leaks. r=luke (b980ccb65)
- Bug 1164101 - Avoid unreachable code warning in shell.js; r=bc (7d7faa019)
- Bug 1142820 - js/src/jsapi-tests/testPersistentRooted.cpp has leaks. r=jonco (7fcc2e586)
- Bug 1160182 - Handle extended functions in CreateLazyScriptsForCompartment. r=shu (5b51e9120)
- Bug 1145785 - Fix OOM crash in the ARM simulator's icache check. r=bhackett (db37ce2b0)
- Bug 1139856 - do not lose wakeups. r=luke (e10f7a491)
- Bug 1160146: Disable global sized deallocation for VS2015. r=glandium (353923945)
- Bug 1155965 - Part 2: Verify that CreateOffer/Answer has been called when SetLocal is called. r=drno (861c26dc7)
- Bug 1155965 - Part 1: Test-cases. r=drno (3a00ef585)
- Bug 1157766: mismatched DataChannel initial channel size in JSEP database breaks adding channels r=bwc (3071ab5ac)
- Bug 1161136: Ensure that mid is copied over before we disable answer m-sections. r=jesup (97ef20403)
- Bug 1096795 - Put a=rtcp in SDP when gathering ends. r=mt (8979c4634)
- Bug 1164582 - Report an error when the appdata portion of a webrtc msid is missing. r=mt (4f0af4d90)
- Bug 1164575 - Log SDP in SetLocalDescription. r=mt (c8685bab1)
- Bug 1160280: Put ssrc attributes in recvonly m-sections. r=ekr (17db960d0)
- Bug 911450: sndio webrtc audio backend, build integration bits r=jesup (68cad0300) (8cdfd3201)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 17:10

    Added QuickNote & Vbox to the incognito window
    Fixed the issue that the new tab page occupied high CPU
    Fixed the issue that the PC bookmark sync caused that the browser for Android could not display bookmarks
    Fixed the issue that the incognito window could not display correctly in some cases


Titel: The Classic Browser 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2021, 09:50
The Classic Browser uses the Chromium renderer to give you a faster, safer web browser by using its own interface and number-crunching routines.

The interface is certainly classic almost giving you an AOL or Netscape, old-school feel. The buttons have a dated fell to them, and a more minimalist approach would be better here. Three of the seven buttons I had to mouse-over to see what they were. That's OK, though, as mentioned this is using Chromium only for rendering, so things are supposed to look different. You can choose your theme, but they aren't themes as much as just different colors.



    This version is a maintenance release of the browser with two bug eliminations and an upgrade to Internet TV & Radio Menu v10.0 which comes in top quality graphics and over 150 new channels to explore.
    The search engine Yandex has been removed from the browser and replaced with another because it is too search-phobic rendering it useless for our often automated needs.
    User Request: How to extract a TV channel logo? Right-click on the desired channel to bring up “Stream Tech Info” and then right-click again on the logo to make it open as an image in a new tab.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2021, 19:10

    Added new version prompt to the main menu
    Supported night mode in the main menu
    Double-click on the scrollbar to go to the page top or the page bottom quickly
    Added the right-click menu option to Maxnote to move the note/folder to QuickNote
    Fixed the issue that History records loss
    Fixed the issue that the toolbar of the pop-up video window could not show correctly
    Fixed the issue that the window could not be moved to the specified window
    Fixed the page crash issue
    Fixed the crash issue when playing video
    Fixed Vbox crash when syncing ID


Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 18:40
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

    Updated to work properly with the cache partitioning string on the latest versions of Chrome.
    Fixed to extract the URLs correctly from the latest versions of Firefox.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-12-04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 19:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 8cdfd3201...dd0f21a90:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1158344 part 1 - Use the an instruction which is not a beta node for hoisting bounds checks. r=sunfish (2174d2c83)
- Bug 1158344 part 2 - Do not produce upper bounds check if the condition is always verified. r=sunfish (dd93b1595)
- Bug 1160911 - JIT: precise shift right derived result range for all int32 input ranges. r=sunfish (87589affe)
- Bug 1055473 - Make WeakMap/Set.prototype a plain object. r=Waldo (07835bfde)
- Bug 1055473 - Actually disable the web-platform test ON CLOSED TREE (3e8601a23)
- Bug 1157239 - Give MGuardShape and friends a resultTypeSet. r=h4writer (63b4fedb7)
- Bug 1124870 - Use LookupPropertyPure instead of LookupProperty in IsCacheableDOMProxyUnshadowedSetterCall. r=evilpie (57dc89ac7)
- Bug 1162078 - Ignore timeouts for some CGC tests r=terrence DONTBUILD (ac4468c9d)
- Bug 967544 - make gServiceInterrupt Atomic; r=Waldo (bb34afcc6)
- Bug 1178998 - Identify which hang detector reports a hang. r=billm (b2f9d3184)
- Bug 1133391 - Remove unused variables in TabParent::RecvDispatchAfterKeyboardEvent. r=smaug. (a7a9b985f)
- Bug 1180125 part 0 - Fix an obvious bug in animation_utils.js; r=dbaron (f5729da0e)
- Bug 1183223 - Create a markers directory temporarily inside docshell/base where all marker logic should go into, r=smaug (56b821e0a)
- Bug 1183228 - Use separate files for AutoTimelineMarker and AutoGlobalTimelineMarker, r=smaug (38fbe5409)
- Bug 1183229 - Add a way to count the number of timeline-observed docshells outside of nsDocShell, r=smaug (ee6e7d081)
- Bug 1183231 - Maintain a list of timeline-observed docshells outside of nsDocShell, r=smaug (b2f6a778b)
- Bug 1183235 - Keep the dochsell-specific markers inside a ObservedDocShell managed list instead of nsDocShell, r=smaug (50d45b9b2)
- Bug 1137109 move the displaylist tracing inside nsViewManager::ProcessPendingUpdates, r=benwa, mattwoodrow (2bebfe820)
- Bug 1184376 - Remove nsDocShell::AddProfileTimelineMarker, r=smaug (db31f7621) (496b2e34f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1187811 - Remove unused epoch time from RunFrameRequestCallbacks. r=bkelly (1b95c8766)
- remove kungFuDeathGrip (639834f5d)
- Bug 1180125 part 1 - Queue and dispatch CSS animation events as a separate step; r=dbaron (89880dbaf)
- Bug 1164330 - Rename time fraction to (iteration) progress; r=jwatt (0ddb9ef76)
- Bug 1139272 - Allow expensive style context assertions to be enabled with a pref. r=dbaron (943209ace)
- missing bit of Bug 847287 patch 3 (64b4c7288)
- Bug 1180125 part 2 - Move AnimationCommon classes out of CSS namespace; r=dbaron (205a71934)
- Bug 1189630 - Make browser_translation_exceptions.js wait for infobar to finish animating; r=florian (732c4657b)
- Bug 1180125 part 1b - Hook nsAnimationManager's list of events up to the cycle collector; r=dbaron (2733b7526)
- Bug 1180125 part 3 - Extract DelayedEventDispatcher; r=dbaron (0d42b1d87)
- Bug 1180125 part 4 - Move PseudoTypeAsString to AnimationCollection and reuse; r=dbaron (7acbc714c)
- Bug 1180125 part 5 - Move TransitionEventInfo to nsTransitionManager.h; r=dbaron (cac03f9f6)
- Bug 1180125 part 6 - Use DelayedEventDispatcher in nsTransitionManager; r=dbaron (bd0d834f1)
- Bug 1180125 part 7 - Queue transition events from CSSTransition::Tick; r=dbaron (e9f503aff)
- Bug 1180125 part 8 - Dispatch transition events from refresh driver; r=dbaron (90ebddaad)
- Bug 1196378 - js_delete should accept a const pointer like builtin delete, r=fitzgen (7342bdc0d)
- Bug 1196378 - Fix mismatched js_new/js_free in ShellPrincipals, r=fitzgen (bde74c00c)
- Bug 1199384 - Add shell function for writing a typed array to a file, r=sfink. (4086bd290)
- Bug 1215063 - Add os.path.isAbsolute() and as.path.join() shell utilities r=sfink (1706b965a)
- Bug 1161298 - missing length guard on SAB. r=bbouvier (17a168570)
- Bug 1160468 - Remove unnecessary pre-barrier when creating undepended string r=terrence (1c78c672f) (030734545)
- ported changes from mozilla upstream: Bug 1150805 - WorkerPrivate should use nsTObserverArray for the WorkerFeatures, r=bent CLOSED TREE (6aebd225b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1147247 - Use PRErrorCodeSuccess constant instead of literal 0 to represent success in PSM xpcshell tests. r=dkeeler (493559944)
- bug 1151512 - only allow whitelisted certificates to be issued by CNNIC root certificates r=jcj r=rbarnes (cd2131810)
- bug 1157873 - remove certificates from CNNIC whitelist that aren't in the Pilot Certificate Transparency log r=rbarnes (a1a1a01a8)
- Bug 996872 - Reduce calls to getXPCOMStatusFromNSS() in PSM xpcshell tests. r=keeler relanding on a CLOSED TREE (c26cb3a1c)
- Bug 1149805 - Switch head_psm.js to Assert.jsm methods and add expected result strings. r=keeler (a97667d2f)
- bug 1102436 - remove PublicKeyPinningService::CheckChainAgainstAllNames r=Cykesiopka (2fdfc2694)
- Bug 1164409 - Reduce PSM xpcshell script code duplication. r=keeler (eaf339d67)
- Bug 1170431 - Pass buildid as input to pycert.py. r=gps (0ad7492ef)
- pointer and comment style (f659d45ec)
- add missing test of Bug 1138195 - Ensure that the bytecode analysis is consistent with the bindings. r=jandem (a4aa50c3e)
- And fix this to actually compile... Still bug 1160311. (f15aef67f)
- pointer style (d41e7fda2)
- Bug 1194139 - Fix includes order to make the SM style checker happy. (d02e8c839)
- pointer style (4ac1a858a)
- Bug 1193212 - Ensure properties deleted by setting Array#length are suppressed in active for..in iteration. r=jandem (b5b3b479d)
- Bug 1176712 - Cannot have two activities with same name and different filters. r=fabrice (231b5a89d)
- Bug 1161537 - Intermittent test_dev_mode_activity.html | Got error: undefined - expected PASS r=me (c1b0c88d0)
- Bug 1105766 - Part 1: Extend the GC allocation logic to work on Windows Phone. r=terrence (e17916f5b)
- Bug 1105766 - Part 2: A couple of additions to enable compilation on Windows Phone 8. r=terrence r=ehoogeveen (1d3d809fe)
- Bug 1189967 - Avoid including <string> from Char16.h. r=nfroyd (695a687bb)
- Bug 1345331: Include <intrin.h> at top-level before lz4.c can include it in a namespace. r=Waldo (63216582f)
- remove namespace (09dd2830c)
- Bug 1145056 - Coverity complains on every use of MutexAutoLock and GuardObjectNotifier. r=froydnj (0f891929d)
- Bug 1145056 - Assert that the guard notifier has been initialized. r=froydnj (061895ad3)
- spacing (56b8e1fea)
- Bug 1113300 - Add a way to use SegmentedVector like a stack. r=froydnj (2fdaf928e)
- bug 606080 - add SplayTree::LookupOrAdd r=froydnj (95591b341)
- Bug 1177541 - Remove warning if file is not found during deferred open. r=mcmanus (f15650a51)
- spaces and style (2b0558951) (2c42679c4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1169680 - Don't merge image cache entries for blob URIs with different refs. r=tn (e92302f2b)
- pointer style (257a9dfea)
- Bug 1136768 - Tidy detection of possibly relocated types r=terrence (8e3df5395)
- Bug 1130640 - Don't unroll loops based on bounds using terms that have been discarded, r=jandem. (911c9b6ee)
- Bug 1158131 - Add local resource whitelisting for string bundle channels. r=snorp (d05af5eef)
- Bug 1153901 - Disable PlatformThread::SetName functions on builds with no SEH support. r=nfroyd (4d07581ba)
- missing bit of Bug 1170124 - Remove unnecessary type monitoring (d6d882389)
- pointer style (f6d3c6ae4)
- Bug 1143966 - Remove type specifier from AllocKind to avoid miscompilations on GCC. r=terrence (44c061df3)
- Bug 1052728 - Add telemetry to record GC phases that cause jank; r=sfink (f1e588798)
- space and pointer style (51d4d5e46)
- Bug 1118615 - Flash hangs displaying a camera/microphone access dialog in HiDPI mode, workaround. r=mstange (022d8139a)
- Bug 1118615 - Flash hangs in HiDPI mode on OS X running peopleroulette app, fix comments. r=fix-comments (83b2c4852)
- style cleanup (677ea587a)
- Bug 1152661 - Fix -Wuninitialized warnings about Operand member variables. r=jandem (5a464818f)
- align values to TenFourFox (48c2ac62b)
- style (a60da64d0)
- missing bit of Backout 7959ffacd30f (Bug 1176090) for being on top of a regression (be8e9cd57) (dd0f21a90)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Dooble 2021.12.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2021, 10:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Qt 6.2.2 LTS.
    Universal zoom. Please see Settings -> Web.
    Windows Qt 6.2.2 LTS!


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2021, 20:20

Added "Import/Export extensions"
Added the option "Open history in new foreground tab"
Added "Hold left mouse then right click" to Mouse Gesture
Optimized the new tab page "color block"
Optimized History page loading
Optimized the logic of Last session & Earlier session
Optimized the tab right-click menu
Open bookmark in the new background page when pressing Ctrl and left-click on it
Optimized the download/upload speed number shown on the status bar
Optimized Vbox
Optimized IE mode
Fixed the issue that the status bar could not display correctly in the incognito mode
Fixed the issue that the bookmark could not be opened correctly in some cases
Fixed the issue that mouse gesture could not show the label in some cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2021.12.12.343
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2021, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2021, 20:20
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Updated to work properly with the cache partitioning string on the latest versions of Chrome.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-12-11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2021, 19:40

In-tree changes:

- app: don't set DEBUG, fix linking with newer goanna3 (7c323631)

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git dd0f21a90...153837ef4:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- pointer style (4cbc8f697)
- Bug 1173858 - Part 1: Add log module for layout. r=dholbert Add a log module for use by layout. An analog to NS_WARN_IF_FALSE is provided that has the same behavior as NS_WARN_IF_FALSE: it's debug only and emits a message prefixed with '[pid] WARNING', includes the condition being checked, file name and line number. (3aabc4c8f)
- Bug 1173858 - Part 2: Use LAYOUT_WARN_IF_FALSE to silence some verbose layout warnings by default. r=dholbert (2a7efec8f)
- Bug 1173858 - Part 3 - Reindent blocks that we've converted to use LAYOUT_WARN_IF_FALSE. r=dholbert (1460ed697)
- pointer style (72daf612c)
- Bug 1063147: Clarify comments about extensible strings. DONTBUILD r=jandem (036b9c9b4)
- Bug 1145882 - Part 2/2 - Add -v and --version. r=evilpie (8b2d03df1)
- Bug 1001975 - Enable -Wuninitialized warnings as errors. r=glandium (b74ec63bb)
- Bug 1183480 - Return old timeout value in setScriptTimeout(), r=bholley. (295a9098a)
- Bug 1155393 - Port the -Wno-inline-new-delete option from configure.in to the JS configure script; r=dholbert (a2ad6fafc)
- ad bug component (94bcaa0a1)
- NO BUG - Fix reStructuredText warnings (584b0b97a)
- missing parts of Bug 895248 - Move --enable-stdcxx-compat in build/unix/mozconfig.linux (814b5d8fb)
- style and namespaces (9f6bb417d)
- Bug 1136046 - Increase maximum capacity of js::HashMap and HashSet r=luke (bf1f96bc6)
- pointer style (5ac65529a)
- pointer style (f5623e2b7)
- Bug 1139570: JS GDB pretty-printer: Add a pretty-printer for js::InterpreterRegs. DONTBUILD r=ttromey (1c642e7fe) (90fdf91e1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1181392 part 1 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from Animation::CanThrottle; r=dbaron (a1460a571)
- Bug 1181392 part 2 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from Animation::ComposeStyle; r=dbaron (69363e99a)
- Bug 1181392 part 3 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition in KeyframeEffectReadOnly; r=dbaron (41b1dc12d)
- Bug 1181392 part 4 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from nsLayoutUtils; r=dbaron (4ce9c8a90)
- Bug 771367 - Refactor GetAnimationContent and GetAnimationCollection into CommonAnimationManager to hide atom and pseudo-element voodoo. r=bbirtles (699c8ae54)
- Bug 1181392 part 5 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from AnimationCollection::HasAnimationOfProperty; r=dbaron (fb261816f)
- Bug 1181392 part 6 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from nsTransitionManager::StyleContextChanged; r=dbaron (1a2241272)
- Bug 1181392 part 7 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from nsTransitionManager::ConsiderStartingTransition; r=dbaron (9b6e7f322)
- Bug 1181392 part 8 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from nsTransitionManager::PruneCompletedTransitions; r=dbaron (3f31365ac)
- Bug 1181392 part 9 - Remove use of IsFinishedTransition from nsTransitionManager::FlushTransitions; r=dbaron (77374c339)
- Bug 1181392 part 10 - Remove KeyframeEffect::IsFinishedTransition; r=dbaron (6db3a358b)
- Bug 1188251 part 1 - Remove transitions cleanup from FlushTransitions; r=dholbert (3c0da49eb)
- Bug 1188251 part 2 - Check if a tick can be throttled in FlushAnimations using Animation::CanThrottle; r=dholbert (a1bdf30da)
- Bug 1188251 part 3 - Add AnimationCollection::RequestRestyle; r=dholbert (9a4c3fc6d)
- Bug 1188251 part 4 - Move throttling checks to AnimationCollection::RequestRestyle; r=dholbert (da289d243)
- Bug 1188251 part 5 - Move some assertions from FlushTransitions to RequestRestyle; r=dholbert (e41698092)
- Bug 1188251 part 6 - Unify FlushAnimations and FlushTransitions; r=dholbert (2ac375897)
- Bug 1188251 part 7 - Move WillRefresh to CommonAnimationManager; r=dholbert (df81a5ce3)
- Bug 1188251 part 8 - Remove call to Animation::Tick from CheckAnimationRule; r=dholbert (c7a0409b7)
- Bug 1188251 part 9 - Request restyles from Animation::Tick; r=dholbert (d0695155c)
- Bug 1061364 - Don't force transitions to refresh their style rule; r=dbaron (d6c6003d4)
- remove restyle on refresh (85a3c522c)
- Bug 1188251 part 10 - Remove throttling from EnsureStyleRuleFor; r=dholbert (726ce1c87)
- Bug 1188251 part 11 - Add RestyleType::Layer; r=dholbert (c7602af18)
- Bug 1188251 part 12 - Use RestyleType::Layer in UpdateCascade; r=dholbert (3a7639c8d) (32ae2dd91)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194028 - Part 1: Implement Animation NotifyEffectTimingUpdate and KeyframeEffect SetTiming. r=bbirtles (ebdf90981)
- Bug 1194028 - Part 2: Use KeyFrameEffect SetTiming. r=bbirtles (770edf4ab)
- Bug 1187804 - Annotate fixed-position layers with the scroll id of the scroll frame that they are fixed with respect to. r=mattwoodrow (b37b8a9e6)
- Bug 1209471 - Fix group used for Array.concat result, r=jandem. (fa0aba56d)
- missing tests of Bug 1183623, redirect keyup events to keydown target when focus shifts from chrome to content in-between (15634dd01)
- Bug 1183623, redirect keyup events to keydown target when focus shifts from chrome to content in-between, r=smaug (7316efd4f)
- pointer style (daaa76131)
- Bug 1155238: use RelengAPI-based Tooltool server. r=coop (9501de0ac)
- Bug 1140182: JS GDB pretty-printers: Implement pretty-printer for js::AbstractFramePtr. r=sfink (02228c34e)
- Bug 1139535: In js/src/gdb: Remove workaround for 2012 GDB bug. DONTBUILD r=sfink (7e08a0070)
- Bug 1140179: Adapt to new JSObject structure, which indirects through the ObjectGroup. DONTBUILD r=sfink (9c93cf5f8)
- Bug 1141032: fix = instead of == in an assert in NativeRegexpMacroAssembler.cpp; r=h4writer (f07efb736)
- Bug 1137573 - OdinMonkey: Generalize alignment analysis to handle adds with multiple uses r=luke a=ryanvm (0c437d56c)
- spacing (6938ecef8)
- Bug 1151326 - Don't inline yields in legacy generators in Baseline. r=shu (89b09ea28)
- pointer style (12437a045)
- Bug 1151634 - Patch a valid return address for debug mode OSR from exception handler when profiling is enabled. (r=jandem) (0453d85b7)
- pointer style (3e4a597ca)
- Pointer style (d0e273439)
- pointer style (ec0540b7c) (eb5953764)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 865222 - Add MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_PARAM to JSAutoCompartmentand JSAutoNullableCompartment; r=efaust (97d89fcd7)
- Bug 1131325 - Move system country code from nsIGfxInfo2 to a more appropriate location. r=aklotz,smichaud (afb055f6b)
- Bug 1192456 - Use perfect forwarding for DispatchWrapper rather than explicit move and copy constructors. r=terrence (bd30eb21e)
- Bug 1155726 - OdinMonkey: add new cache failure code for when storage initialization fails (r=janv) (60fb4de2a)
- Bug 1155292 - Add a check for properties found on non-native prototypes during Ion caching, r=jandem. (6864981f7)
- pointer style (28c86a2d7) (618cb9622)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- pointer style (73474b840)
- Bug 1152784 - Be more robust about possible intermediate wrappers in IsFrameId. r=bz (fb81861cc)
- pointer style (c0b667212)
- Bug 1180123 (part 1) - Report the size of the saved stacks sets. r=fitzgen. (e6c3a9609)
- Bug 1180123 (part 2) - Minor nursery report fixes. r=terrence. (172525db9)
- Bug 1181175 - Use RDTSC for Performance Monitoring instead of getrusage. r=jandem (b970bf5f1)
- Bug 1190436 - Part 1: Use more smart pointers in XPConnect. r=gabor (c80d65dee)
- Bug 1190436 - Part 2: Use an early return in XPCConvert::JSObject2NativeInterface. r=gabor (ef2123643)
- Bug 1161491 - schedulePreciseGC should use the normal GC triggering mechanisms, r=mccr8 (42cdfa847)
- pointer style (8a147bec5)
- Bug 1155773 - Remove gotos from XPCConvert::NativeArray2JS(). r=bholley (a8858d358)
- Bug 1164061 - WebRTC - move TMMBR behind pref r=jesup (36ba20713)
- Bug 1164061 - Backout signaling unittest changes for tmmbr r=jesup (f2fbd86be)
- Bug 1165520: Negotiate rtcp-fb r=jesup (449edaa83)
- Bug 1165129: Allow JS to reorder codecs in a local answer. Also means that we'll take the ordering more seriously when we see multiple codecs in a remote answer. r=jesup (c1ab58747)
- Bug 818640 - Test that using dynamic payload types < 96 works. r=mt (dfa3418cf)
- Bug 952145: Rollback support r=mt, r=smaug (28182262b)
- code style (ecaf69b5a)
- Bug 1187773 - Don't include heapapi.h from js/public. r=jorendorff (40179ec4e)
- pointer style (f6e3d0610)
- Bug 1196590 - Don't assume that objects without shapes are unboxed plain objects, r=jandem. (75cd29b7b)
- Bug 1194430 - Always mark the global jitcode table during major GCs. (r=djvj) (772e96665)
- Bug 1036574 - Revert horrible workaround in baseline IC for magic arg callee. (r=me) (b5f11337a)
- spurious spaces (80b22a36a) (d7187c26b)
- ported changes from mozilla upstream:
- Bug 1181175 - Telemetry for finding out how often our process is rescheduled to another CPU. r=jandem, r=bsmedberg
- Bug 1181175 - Get rid of test_compartments.js. r=yoric
- and fix js configure winver (153837ef4)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Beaker Browser 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2021, 20:20
Conveniently build decentralized websites and web apps with the help of this exciting, peer-to-peer and Chromium-based web browser.

MIT License


New features

    Add beaker.shell.tagDrive(). See the API docs. (close #1864)
    Add the ability to set tags in create/forkDrive when prompt=false (#1864)
    Add the ability to create drives from the select/save file dialogs (close #1866)
    Automatically update the drives listings in modal dialogs (close #1867)


    Fix issue with screenshot captures (close #1872)
    Destroy all tabs when a window is closed (fix #1871)
    Dont unsnap windows from the edge on ctrl+tab (close #1868)
    Maintain focus in the active pane when window blurs then refocuses (close #1869)
    Fix the license-viewer mouse events (close #1862)
    Fixes to the shutdown process
    Remove old contacts UI in select-file modal
    Fix reference error in webterm


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2021, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Upgrade navigations to HTTPS and warn you before loading sites that don't support it. Enable it in Settings > Privacy and Security > Security > Always use secure connections.

Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2021, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a security update with a few extras.
This update reinstates FUEL again for old extension compatibility. See implementation notes.


    Restored the FUEL abstraction library again.
    Added some extra sanity checks to timers and text fragments. DiD
    Added a potential crash safeguard in program threading logic. DiD
    Fixed the following security issues: CVE-2021-43537, CVE-2021-43541, CVE-2021-43536, CVE-2021-43545 and CVE-2021-43542.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 5 fixed, 3 DiD, 10 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Despite being removed in 29.4.0 and 29.4.2, the long-since deprecated FUEL abstraction functions inside Pale Moon have been restored again after considerable blowback from the community and lack of effort to fix afflicted extensions. It was decided to just restore this indefinitely in the end, since it serves no-one to have users be forced to do without or stay on insecure versions of the browser for something nobody seems to want to address in the extension ecosystem. Keep an eye on the forum for a more in-depth announcement soon (will be linked here when available).


Titel: BriskBard 2.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 08:40
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 96.0.4664.93.
    Added a new configuration option to keep BriskBard running in the tray bar when all windows are closed.
    Added a new context menu option to override the maximum image size limit for the current tab.
    Removed all accesses to the "SafeBrowsing" service because their terms of service have changed.
    The SQLite and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed a close error when Windows tries to shutdown.
    Fixed an issue with the file filter in open and save dialogs found in web browser tabs using the Blink rendering engine.
    The new tabs created when some files start downloading are correctly closed when there are several redirections.
    Now the aggregator tabs restore the user interface dimensions correctly.
    Fixed an error with empty tabs created when the user selects the option to open all links in new tabs.
    Fixed a crash with some certificate information windows.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 09:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink (Chrome / 96.0.4664.110)
    Customize | Site Updates | Add Visiting Sites

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2021, 22:20

    Added tab sleep function
    Added the "Undo" option for the deleted bookmarks
    Added the website and URL prompt for the recently visited site list
    Optimized the Site settings (camera, microphone, notifications, images, JavaScript, pop-ups and redirects)
    Optimized Passkeeper sync logic
    Optimized the login panel error message
    Optimized the width of the recently visited site list
    Fixed the issue that the browser unresponding after exporting extensions
    Fixed the issue that history records could not open in the background
    Fixed the issue that the extensions importing showed the error message
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not show the new item instantly after adding new content
    Fixed the issue of multiple QuickNote windows
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not open by using the shortcut Ctrl+G in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the Vbox Cloud account could not log in successfully in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the address bar could not display clearly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the zoom in/out could not work in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser taskbar icon could not open the browser window in some cases
    Fixed crashes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-12-18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2021, 20:20
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 153837ef4...8612ec640:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194415 - Refactor BuildProgressFooter.draw() for minor |mach build| perf improvement, r=gps (3488ffb86)
- Bug 1153691 - intTestLogging() now adds timestamps and supports param substitution. r=rnewman (507a881c2)
- reenable asserts (97032f833)
- re-enable specific Windows optimization (7a581da03)
- Bug 1149815 - Pass storage function failure codes through to callers, r=asuth. (c54838b5d)
- Bug 1149373 - Ensure mozStorage async threads are shut down. r=bent (a511cfefc)
- namespace style (7a567650f)
- Bug 1193022 - clean up reference-counting in storage/; r=mak (49f115c52)
- Bug 1155193 Proxy release the Connection in mozStorageService::unregisterConnection(). r=asuth (bb9311ee5)
- bug 1189896 - Do not preallocate Sqlite connections caches for now. r=asuth (210115e89)
- Bug 1155846 - Comment out intentionally unreachable code and unused parameters in Prefetcher.jsm. r=billm (8757cba52)
- Bug 1166886 - Comment out some code that is supposed to be disabled (r=mconley) (ec5b2bd30)
- Bug 1040285 - Single Quotes should not be encoded in the path r=mcmanus,annevk (0a47fdc2f)
- Bug 1040285 - Single Quotes in HTTP request-uri Are Incorrectly Encoded as %27 r=MattN (dcce00624)
- Bug 1125989 - Avoid OS.File request lossage during worker shutdown, r=yoric (e8e8cab17)
- Bug 1164822 - Fix OS.File.remove not throwing with unexisting files. r=Yoric (dd57a069f)
- Bug 1123372 - Remove use of .toLocaleFormat() from Places. r=mak (fbfbd7fa0) (caf9d19ef)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1080319 - Remove the -remote option. r=bsmedberg (d83d3ffcc)
- bug 1171580 - Don't create a hidden window on iOS. r=froydnj (c3c4be38c)
- Bug 1138290 - New option in WindowWatcher.openWindow to open another toplevel window on b2g. r=roc (1d8ea9754)
- Bug 1067325 - Context menu actions for view source tabs. r=mconley (68494022e)
- Bug 1201533 - Remove the GetEastAsianWidth API and its supporting character-property data. r=smontagu (667a1e932)
- Bug 1201518 - Remove the (unused) HBGetEastAsianWidth callback from gfxHarfBuzzShaper. r=jdaggett (49dcca793)
- Bug 1170072 - Part 2. Use ICU instead of GetCharProps1 and its supporting data if ICU is turned on. r=jfkthame (af13908f3)
- Bug 1203412 - Fix a warning in intl/unicharutil/. r=emk. This change is for the following warning-as-error that shows up on "B2G L Emulator" builds: "error: call to 'sprintf' declared with attribute warning: sprintf is often misused; please use snprintf". (088d6d66d) (fce4bb738)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1153314 - Assign load group to IdP load channel, r=jib (2c78dcc17)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types for scripts (r=baku) (8dc3c1db1)
- Bug 1210941 P1 Create the LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER flag. r=jduell (59fcdd603)
- Bug 1173378 - crash in mozilla::net::HttpBaseChannel::OverrideSecurityInfo(nsISupports*), r=ehsan (de9772c35)
- Bug 1179399 - Add a flag to HttpBaseChannel indicating whether interception is occurring. r=mayhemer (58a874dc5)
- Bug 1168084 - Persist view source tab options. r=mconley (c48d492b2)
- Bug 1187399 - Add a js::DefaultHasher specialization for mozilla::UniquePtr<T> that proxies the UniquePtr's raw pointer to PointerHasher. r=terrence (bfeed9936)
- Bug 1193459: Fix JS_DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE_HINT for clang-cl. r=jimb (9565eceaf)
- pointer style (329deb0ec)
- space and pointer style (844d8998a)
- Bug 1172503 - Delete unwarranted optimization to fix "Assertion failure: !!desc.object() == objHasOwn, at js/src/vm/NativeObject.cpp:1990". r=evilpie. (a97fe0bd4)
- pointer style (4c5f6eb6d) (968d2b4e7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1149476 - Extend autospider.sh timeout and emit a log message, r=jonco (b94c4b8f2)
- Bug 1159999 - Suppress command echo for timeout failure setup. r=sphink (9fea5ed54)
- Bug 866301 - Part 1. Add unorm.h to system-headers. r=glandium (9c7a982e2)
- Bug 866301 - Part 2. Use in-tree ICU source code for gonk. r=glandium (6a6c51437)
- Bug 866301 - Part 3. Use system ICU for gonk-JB or later. r=glandium (2d3f73861)
- Bug 866301 - Part 4. Turn on Intl API for B2G. r=fabrice,waldo (e8ac69a34)
- Bug 1197918 - Use channel->Open2() in rdf/base/nsRDFXMLDataSource.cpp (r=sicking) (d86afc643)
- Bug 1195611 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in rdf/base/nsRDFXMLDataSource.cpp (r=sicking) (c6653e192)
- Bug 1139177 - RSA public key size checking cleanups. r=keeler (9eec01885)
- bug 1141189 - implement skipping expensive revocation checks (OCSP fetching) for short-lived certificates r=rbarnes (708bd2f7e)
- Bug 1010068 - Disable OCSP for DV certificates in Firefox for Android r=keeler (2b197e15b)
- Bug 858928 - Switch XRE_StartupTimelineRecord() from PRTime to TimeStamp. r=froydnj (414afd85d)
- Bug 1136278, Part 1: Refactor algorithm identifiers in tests, r=keeler (5755b7bcb)
- Bug 1136278, Part 2: Refactor test SubjectPublicKeyInfo generation, r=keeler (1486716c6)
- Bug 1153738: Make ScopedPtr a minimal proper subset of std::unique_ptr, r=keeler (49a1784f2)
- Bug 1060112 - Don't treat OCSP responses omitting the requested certificate status as "unknown certificate" responses blocking the connection r=keeler (64f8a1c19)
- Bug 1145679 - Reject EV status for end-entity EV certs with overly long validity periods. r=keeler (d62b18d7c)
- Bug 891107 - Part 4: Show information about value in overflow error messages in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (1a366fcd0) (ffc74f1c3)
- imported changes from mozilla NSS:
- Bug 966856 - mozilla::pkix: support SHA-2 hashes in CertIDs in OCSP responses r=jschanck,djackson (78d2f4a3) (f8a765944)
- security/pkix: align pkix with nss' mozpkix bug966856 fix (8612ec640)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    Upgrade navigations to HTTPS and warn you before loading sites that don't support it. Enable it in Settings > Privacy and Security > Security > Always use secure connections.
    Desktop Sharing Hub. Turn on options: Desktop Sharing Hub in Omnibox or Desktop Sharing Hub in App Menu in slimjet://flags. It can let you quickly share page to third party websites, generate QR code or send page to your devices.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2021, 16:40

    Added "save form" to the right-click menu
    Supported the Ctrl+mouse wheel to adjust the page scale in retro mode
    Supported to show more themes on the settings page
    Optimized the history search function
    Optimized the new tab page thumbnail
    Optimized the Maxnote saving logic
    Maxnote can switch to the previous note when deleting the current note
    Fixed the issue that the thumbnail option could not keep when editing the URL
    Fixed the issue that the search box could not show correctly when adjusting the page zoom percentage
    Fixed the issue that the last session page could open the deleted records in some cases
    Fixed the shortcut conflict issue (Ctrl+G, F3)
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not use the search record function
    Fixed the issue that the history page could not load correctly after clearing all records
    Fixed the issue that the download manager menu could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager prompted to clear the local file incorrectly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager menu could not exit automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote window could not zoom incorrectly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not show the note title correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not update the content correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote opened duplicate tabs when middle-clicking the URL
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote switching slowly when the image size was too large
    Fixed the issue that shortcut settings could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the HTTPS page could not load the HTTP image
    Fixed the issue that webpage pop-up window layout and system area error
    Fixed the issue that the custom and minimize buttons could not display after exiting fullscreen
    Fixed the issue that the search function could not work in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that some web pages could not display the icons on the last session page
    Fixed the issue that Google and Gmail pages could not pop up the password saving box
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not work in some cases
    Fixed crashes


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2021, 10:50
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed bad path bug when using the --database parameter
    Fixed missing custom browser arguments when choosing a custom browser for an individual bookmark
    Fixed bug where adding credentials on initial bookmark creation didn't save the credentials along with the rest of the data

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed search bug introduced in previous version

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

+ Supported to delete the download path records
- Fixed the issue that some websites prompted containing malware wrongly
- Fixed the issue that the refresh button showed incorrectly in some cases

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2021-12-25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2021, 20:50

Out-of-tree changes:
- update NSS builtin certstore to Dec 2021 version from mozilla upstream. (9e2156453)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1159155 - Add telemetry probe for SHA-1 usage (r=keeler) (158224ce1)
- Bug 1143921 - Fix crash in Debugger.defineProperty when the descriptor contains {get: undefined}. r=efaust. (f786d7133)
- Bug 1151957 - Rewrite GDB extension for ignoring asm.js segmentation faults in Python, fixing some bugs and bringing it under test. r=jimb. (1665478ff)
- Bug 1153970 - Change js/src/gdb/run-tests.py to take an OBJDIR argument instead of a LIBDIR argument, since jorendorff can never guess which directory to pass for LIBDIR in fewer than six tries. r=jimb. (3919e23e9)
- pointer style and missing bit of Bug 1137523 - Unprefix most js_* functions. (538aca92c)
- Bug 1148750, part 17 - Remove ApplyOrDefaultAttributes. r=efaust. (d368ba23c)
- Bug 1156386 - UXTH instruction. r=dougc (62522247a)
- Bug 1122021 - make number_constants internal to js_InitNumberClass; r=jorendorff (1c9a7717a)
- pointer style (4fc25e5e3)
- code style (8292f47ee)
- Bug 1090695 - Reduce indent in Parser<ParseHandler>::expr. r=arai (34ee34f5e)
- Bug 1191486 - Generators should not have [[Construct]]; r=jorendorff (498d91bcb)
- Bug 1089045 - Part 1: Supply consistent modifiers to TokenStream. r=Waldo (c9a72d6e4)
- Bug 1089045 - Part 2: Tests for modifiers. r=Waldo (78e961dec)
- Bug 1089045 - Part 3: Add parser test for ES6 class. r=Waldo (e521c0821)
- Bug 1193606 - Clean up LazyFunction case of tryConvertFreeName and remove directlyInEval. (r=bhackett) (fec7726ba)
- Bug 1185961 - Properly install home object on methods in classes in lazy scripts. (r=shu) (989b62d69)
- pointer style (1eb70d0a1) (16239dad2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170842 - Part 1: Sort out ARB_framebuffer_object symbol queries. r=jgilbert (3cbaf14fc)
- Bug 1170842 - Part 2: Wrangle glGetInternalformativ symbols. r=jgilbert (f7a0c5cab)
- Bug 1114333 - "putImageData(imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) unreasonably slow". r=bas (11043328c)
- Bug 1177271 - Add WebGLFormat format tables. - r=kamidphish (de39a313f)
- Bug 1156980 - Validate target in ImageData variants of TexImage2D/TexSubImage2D. r=jgilbert (7f2bdbaa9)
- Bug 1151930 - Check against updated length while appending. - r=kamidphish (fca204f81)
- Bug 896693 - Work around glCopyTexImage2D errors on framebuffers backed by IOSurface. r=jgilbert (8aaa916ac)
- Bug 1182371 - Misc WebGL cleanup. - r=kamidphish (05d1fff1d)
- Bug 1172992 - Send security info override from HttpChildChannel to the parent, r=jduell (c4480d779)
- Bug 1194847 - Part 1: Make it possible to tell whether the response of a channel has been synthesized; r=michal (e42b96400)
- Bug 1194847 - Part 2: Bypass CORS checks if the response of a channel has been synthesized; r=nsm (92b858d00)
- Bug 1183853 - Rename hasPermission() to permissionState(). r=mt,smaug (797b07991)
- Bug 1157250. Give PushSubscription an attribute serializer. r=nsm (dd3ee5547)
- Bug 1149271 - Remove subscriptionid. r=baku (0ecbdbfa6)
- Bug 1160333 - When denying permission, use the string 'PermissionDeniedError'. r=nsm (0c4628efb)
- Bug 1170817 - Fix unsubscribe() resolution value. r=dougt (ae7825429)
- Bug 1172667 - Use EXTRA_JS_MODULES for dom/push/ jsm files. r=dougt (e1fec67a6)
- Bug 1166350 - Patch 2 - Fix tests. a=bustage (6b72dfc46)
- Bug 1153504 - Add per-origin push quotas. r=nsm,mt,markh (c9cab6cb5)
- Bug 1183867 - Fix PushSubscription.unsubscribe() semantics r=mt resolve with false when subscription does not exist. true when successfully unregistered. reject with NetworkError in other cases. (6aa6804eb)
- BIN vs RESPATH (e2227b64e)
- Bug 1174420 - Package PushService launcher on B2G r=kitcambridge (b433c4eea)
- Bug 1184574 - Allow access to PushManager on ServiceWorker. r=kitcambridge,smaug,catalinb (6ceeb49fe)
- Bug 1170455 - Part 1: Reformat GetVertexAttrib function. r=jgilbert (7795a8d2a)
- Bug 1170455 - Part 2: Split vertex attribute functions into separate file. r=jgilbert (e18493902)
- Bug 1170455 - Part 3: Wrangle GetVertexAttribI symbols. r=jgilbert (e088f4e79)
- Bug 1170455 - Part 4: Track the type of the generic vertex attribute. r=jgilbert (f8cf490aa)
- Bug 1192071 - use llvm-symbolizer when running jit-tests under TSan; r=mshal (97dc9d659)
- Bug 1192278 - empower |make check-jit-test| to specify a subset of tests to run; r=terrence (9fe90b546)
- Bug 1154480 - Make new Uint8Array().set([], -1) throw a RangeError, not merely an Error. r=till (57345e639) (f9c3c72b8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1183825 - Hide PushMessageData methods until we support sending push data. r=mt,smaug (c07f6b6c9)
- Bug 1186880 - Performance timing api in workers should output entries if preference is enabled. r=baku (642bd335a)
- Bug 1188091 - Fix the exposure of Push interfaces; r=dougt,bzbarsky,nsm Currently we don't check the dom.push.enabled pref in some cases for some of these interfaces. This patch unifies how all of these interfaces are exposed to Window, Worker, and ServiceWorker. (dbe4ebfcc)
- Bug 1188062 - Unship Request.context; r=baku (6ca2ebcf6)
- Bug 1162714 - Don't let YCM generate machc. r=ehsan (7c5f36c12)
- Bug 1160897 - Fixing .ycm_extra_conf for Fennec. r=ehsan (22adf0705)
- goanna->gecko (94b69bd6c)
- improve (e87b53162)
- Bug 1147939 - The expression decompiler can't assume that it's called directly from script. (r=bhackett) (4759a5210)
- Bug 1188609 - Remove mirroring support from RokuApp (Toolkit) r=snorp (81a0bb66a)
- Bug 1050749 - Expose BatteryManager via getBattery() returning a Promise. r=bz, r=baku, r=jgraham (67d2dd502)
- Bug 1182347 - Remove nsIPrincipal::cookieJar. r=sicking (855d0e8ce)
- remove double method, probably misspach (3c256c5b4)
- Bug 1182357 - Add an API to mint nsExpandedPrincipals. r=mrbkap (42de17cfd)
- Bug 1172080 - Part 1: Throw when requesting origin for poorly behaved URIs, r=bholley (c8410f3c6)
- Bug 1124126 - Retry database connection for the case of corrupted permissions.sqlite. r=bsmedberg (748e9205a) (9e4ed9857)
- partly ported changes from mozilla upstream:
- Bug 1250048 - CSP manifest-src doesn't override default-src. r=ckerschb,bkelly,ehsan (a80b31406b47) (without dom/fetch)
- Bug 1355801: Nonce should only apply to script and style. r=dveditz (92676fadb9e2)
- Bug 1247459 - Meta and header CSP are merged without a semicolon. r=ckerschb (a22e275b759f)
- Bug 1268327 - ReferrerPolicy should not be delivered through CSPRO r=tnguyen (0bed705c1430)
- Bug 1296027 - CSP: Include 'Source' within error message when logging to the console. r=freddyb,bgrins (cc2cbca41195) (50c54215f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Tray icon reacts to single click now instead of double-click

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Removed DPI awareness configuration to temporarily resolve weird drawing issues for some users

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 18:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


    Supported the tab list right-click menu
    Optimized layout and interaction of adding to Maxnote
    Optimized bookmark sync process
    Optimized the Maxnote record conflict processing
    Fixed the issue that the Last session and the History pages showed messy code in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the screen capture tools could not show clearly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the tabs could not open in order in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the lock tab button could not show correctly on the large DPI screen
    Fixed the issue that the search function could not show the correct number in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the main window could not show the title correctly in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that the screen capture function could not hide automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the page layout error when using the search function
    Fixed the Vbox payment error in some cases
    Fixed crashes




Install version: https://dl.maxthon.com/mx6/maxthon_6.1.3.1000_x64.exe
Portable version: https://dl.maxthon.com/mx6/maxthon_portable_6.1.3.1000_x64.zip


Install version: https://dl.maxthon.com/mx6/maxthon_6.1.3.1000_x86.exe
Portable version: https://dl.maxthon.com/mx6/maxthon_portable_6.1.3.1000_x86.zip

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

Fixed missing arguments to custom browsers when choosing said custom browser as a system browser override

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-01-01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 19:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 50c54215f...cbefc77b3:
- imported changes from mozilla NSS:
- Bug 1737470 - Ensure DER encoded signatures are within size limits. r=jschanck,mt,bbeurdouche,rrelyea
- Bug 1735028 - check for missing signedData field r=keeler and bump patch version. (c0d865e51)
- partly import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172080 - Part 2: Use ^ instead of ! to delimit originAttributes from the URI in nsIPrincipal.origin, r=bholley (929ef38df) (23896f6de)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 967494 - "Preference Composition/Spelling/Language is ignored, and changing spellcheck language in one composition window affects all open and new compositions" [r=ehsan] Bug 1157421 - Fix typo "suggesteed". r=ehsan (d48b61df9)
- namespaces (c9e3edbf1)
- Bug 1167409 - 3/4 - Change ScriptLoadRequeest::mLoading to mProgress. r=jandem (34377ba15)
- Bug 1104732 - having deferred scripts shouldn't cause async scripts to delay domcontentloaded, r?smaug (f6b3a5ad9)
- Bug 1138395 - Optimize nsDocument::mExpandoAndGeneration.expando out from the cc graphs when possible, r=mccr8 (d944130ab)
- Bug 874838 - Make CreateElem return Element. r=khuey (ac65a35cf)
- Bug 1194619 - fix comment r=dholbert (017a488a2)
- Bug 1137494 - Change the type given to type validation check. r=jgilbert (05885cc7c)
- Bug 1106138 - Remove the early unpremultiply in WebGLContext::SurfaceFromElementResultToImageSurface, and let the texel conversion code handle it instead. r=jgilbert (b8010b16b)
- Bug 1185815 - Hoist generation increment. r=jgilbert (f6a276b5e)
- Bug 1175931 - TexImageFromVideoElement uses GL_HALF_FLOAT if it does not support GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES which would be the case on non-ANGLE systems. Using GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES on a non OES system would result in an error when using TexImage2D. r=jgilbert (d692281f1)
- Bug 1184534 - Add support for target size retrieval to GLX backend. r=jgilbert (0e5ba1f8e)
- bug 1174705 - add GLContext::GetDefaultFramebuffer. r=jgilbert (99c0e70aa)
- Bug 1179935, introduce complex viewport projections to Compositor, remove PrepareViewport; r=mstange (1753d65d3)
- Bug 1184534 - Fetch viewport size from context in CompositorOGL, discard if changed during composition. r=nical (4f57bc4ed)
- Bug 1187440 - Implement GLX shared surfaces on the OpenGL compositor. r=jgilbert,nical (4844e96ce)
- Bug 1033375 - Nudge simple linear gradients with hard stops to half-pixel gradient. r=nical (331ddd4fa)
- Bug 1185636 - Remove hard stop workaround for Cairo due to regressions. r=jrmuizel (ccefe7abc)
- Bug 1177807 - Mark cairo surface dirty in ReleaseBits. r=jrmuizel (ae9d508b9)
- Bug 1170390 - Detect 16bpp cairo xlib surface format. r=jrmuizel (25857ae30)
- Bug 1019063 - Check for ::CreateDCW failing when printing. r=dvander (7f54ba8d2)
- Bug 1170390 - Add gfxASurface::GetSurfaceFormat for retrieving precise surface format where necessary. r=jrmuizel (f70d11b29)
- Bug 1155626 - Don't assume that Factory::GetD2D1Device returns a non-null device and add some gfxCriticalLog. r=Bas (0c896a368)
- Bug 1182209 - Additional info with some critical errors. r=mchang CLOSED TREE (f4841baec) (e8f234939)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1185636 - Part 2 - Add some utility methods to Point and Size. r=jmuizelaar (67d447379)
- Bug 1185636 - Part 4 - Implement CSS border corners by splitting geometry instead of gradients with hard stops. r=mstange (e8e35023e)
- Bug 1185636 - add test for border-radius splits. r=jmuizelaar, r=mstange (091f0dae3)
- Bug 1185636 - Part 5 - fuzz some reftests to compensate for new border rendering approach. r=mstange (10412c6b0)
- Bug 1156536 - "BaseMargin<T>::Side casts enum SideT to T and adds to pointer". r=jmuizelaar (d9e7b2538)
- Bug 1172964 - Fix iteration bug in CopyBGRXSurfaceDataToPackedBGRArray. r=jrmuizel (27199b35c)
- Bug 1144147 - Warning fix in DrawTargetCairo.cpp. r=jrmuizel (a98227330)
- Bug 1171454 - Workaround for Cairo's source operator with alpha handling. r=jrmuizel (827bdd5f0)
- Bug 1169370 - Mark tree Cairo surface dirty after borrow. r=jrmuizel (69002f555)
- Bug 1151145 - Add assertions to detect unbalanced calls to CGContextSaveGState / CGContextRestoreGState. r=jrmuizel (9f7d5d6e0)
- Bug 1160335. Make DrawTargetCG's transform handling better. r=mstange (30429334d)
- Bug 1169126 - Part 1: Make DrawTargetCG::CopySurface able to handle all SourceSurface types. r=gw280 (afbbd895f)
- Bug 1169126 - Part 2: Add webgl reftest for captureStream(). r=jgilbert (2b980e81e)
- Bug 1169126 - Part 3: Add canvas 2d reftest for captureStream(). r=gw280 (a6be999ce)
- Bug 1175286. Remove unnecessary CGContextSave/Restore pair from ClearRect. (2f07cd4b0)
- Bug 1151145 - Make sure we don't call CGContextSaveGState without calling CGContextRestoreGState in DrawTargetCG::StrokeRect. r=jrmuizel (c301b1834)
- Bug 1153609: Push layers for cleartype when trying to draw cleartype glyphs to a transparent layer. r=jrmuizel (8c7d7aead)
- Bug 1178816 - Fix a crash when DrawTargetD2D1 fails to initialize. r=milan (5e08c929a)
- Bug 1169039 - Check for NULL in every function that uses CreateEffect(). r=mstange (791a77faa)
- Bug 1168189 - Force D2D1 CopySurface to use DrawBitmap like D2D. r=bas (b14307c05)
- Bug 1161642 - Utilize primitive blends where available for faster blending on D2D 1.1. r=bas (26dbe0886)
- Bug 1130195: Don't immediately crash if we can't allocate image. Carry r=bas (a4f6dd644)
- Bug 1160070 - Used BitmapBrush instead of ImageBrush when no sampling bounds. r=bas (fc0bb0683)
- Bug 1166585 - Check for CreateFilter() call returning NULL. r=mstange (35fadc74f)
- Bug 1168427 - Add a PostScale method to Moz2D's Matrix class. r=Bas (e40fe2f6b)
- add missing namespace (c696ec9e3)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 1 - Remove Z value from 3D transforms for D3D9. r=roc,matt.woodrow (10a7691bd)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 2 - Snap translation for 3d transforms. r=roc (0c0078960)
- Bug 1151617 - Add some basic reftests for async scrollbar positioning on B2G and Linux w/APZ. r=tn,botond (d17187621) (3ab112ba1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1151617 - Add async-zooming tests for async scrollbar positioning. r=tn,botond (b05201e85)
- Bug 1161206 - Add a scrolling test with native mousewheel event synthesization. r=mstange (1f4ee0121)
- Bug 1161634 - Enable the test_wheel_scroll on Linux as well. r=mstange (64a23bacb)
- Bug 1164218 - Enable some guinea pig tests to run in chaos mode. r=botond (b05caafa5)
- Bug 1186004 - Split the asyncPanZoom reftest sandbox condition into asyncPan and asyncZoom. r=mstange (3ec461116)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 3 - Fix and add reftests. r=roc (6d67df3fb)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 4: Fix preserve3d wording for layer flags. r=roc (d18108671)
- Bug 1172239. Expand height change hint to its components. r=heycam (04454fa9c)
- Bug 1172239. Make vertically-resizing scrollframes reflow their percent-height descendants if necessary, and remove nsChangeHint_NeedDirtyReflow for height changes. r=bz (fe20fb8aa)
- Bug 1172239. Use nsChangeHint_UpdateComputedBSize to only dirty intrinsic sizes when necessary. r=bz (7d6adafb1)
- Bug 1179078 - Recover from parse errors inside image values in border-image properly. r=dholbert (874c593d8)
- Bug 1190635. Don't early-return for an mHeight change, since width changes can add extra change hints. r=heycam (2dd5b9271)
- Bug 1179288. Make position:fixed induce a stacking context. r=heycam (99d01e332)
- Bug 1172239. Ensure nested overflow:auto elements are tested. r=bz (049347625)
- namespaces (737dff870)
- Bug 1174510 - Fix fallback from cursor formats that we don't support or that fail to decode to other cursor files. r=seth (34fb64864)
- Bug 1202029 - Use the containing block for determining perspective for transformed elements. r=dbaron (3bd60a8a9)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 5: Fix preserve3d wording for nsIFrame. r=roc (5e5457f02)
- cleanup (6306774fc)
- Bug 1138895 - Use proper origin for CSP fast path cache. r=geekboy (394c64963)
- Bug 1175122 - Add more assertions to the in-tree content policy implementations to ensure that they receive external content policy types; r=baku (37021992d)
- Bug 1177651 - Add areas covered by MozMousePixelScroll listeners to the dispatch-to-content region. r=dvander (6f68653fd)
- Bug 1205466, make HasApzAwareListeners check faster, r=masayuki (8ccb3cfe2)
- Bug 1191539 - DisplayPort should ForceInside frameRect to match compositor DisplayPort. r=kats (fb95b17f4)
- attempt to fix misspatch (31dc4dcb4)
- Bug 1182551 - Don't set STATE_IS_BROKEN on HTTP pages when mixed content is allowed by default. r=smaug (7e0a5e6fa) (7b4edb5ee)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1181920. Persist XUL attributes off a scriptrunner. r=peterv (4b29b8efa)
- Bug 1156100 - Mark XULDocument::CachedChromeStreamListener::mDocument as an nsRefPtr; r=baku (0a5b7bd5b)
- Bug 1168823 - Repair XML syntax highlighting. r=jst (83fd915e3)
- Bug 1157059 - Avoid calling AddRef on the pointer enclosed in an nsCOMPtr in nsBindingManager::DoProcessAttachedQueue(); r=baku (6e13d9beb)
- Bug 1177816 - Dump a message when the service worker for test_request_context receives an unexpected context value; r=baku (b44d39184)
- Bug 1168903 part 1: Give nsSMILValue a move constructor & move reassignment operator. r=birtles (ba7ee0bed)
- Bug 1168903 part 2: Use Move() instead of nsSMILValue::Swap() to populate outparams from temp variables in SMIL functions. r=birtles (a4858c958)
- Bug 1180048 - Switch warning about having a zero length axis to a LAYOUT_WARNING. r=dholbert (19d405908)
- Bug 1175289 - Part 1: Add LAYOUT_WARNING. r=mats (fd4d1bdd9)
- Bug 1175289 - Part 2: Disable "Subdocument container has no frame" warning by default. r=mats (8ce582bf5) (de52ef406)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1178664 - Part 1 - Make Animation interface EventTarget inheritance. r=smaug (0ea50ab93)
- Bug 1178664 - Part 2 - webidl for AnimationPlaybackEvent. r=smaug (3a5d86f40)
- Bug 1150808 - Implement Animation.reverse(). r=smaug r=birtles (9ce9fc4db)
- Bug 1178664 - Part 3 - Implement Animation.onfinish event. r=bbirtles, r=smaug (9139c4227)
- Bug 1178664 - Part 4 -Implement Animation.oncancel event. r=bbirtles, r=smaug (415b068e6)
- Bug 1175751 - Apply playback rate to compositor animations. r=bbirtles (0ffd9cb90)
- Bug 1181905 - Animation::IsPlaying should check playbackRate != 0 to stop playing on compositor animation. r=bbirtles (e3a2fd2f4)
- Bug 1208385 part 0 - Fix up some references to Web Animations spec; r=heycam (fca9626d4)
- Bug 1203009 part 1 - Rename sequence number to animation index; r=heycam (cd7dc513f)
- Bug 1203009 part 2 - Remove {CSSAnimation,CSSTransition}::OwningElement() getter; r=heycam (4f49c63b1)
- Bug 1203009 part 3 - Add mNeedsNewAnimationIndexWhenRun flag to CSSAnimation and CSSTransition; r=heycam (73a45b5a7)
- Bug 1195523: Use type-safe LinkedList instead of PRCList to manage AnimationCollection objects. r=birtles (35b233981)
- Bug 1194037 part 1 - Make nsAutoAnimationMutationBatch batch multiple elements at once; r=smaug (83f808043)
- Bug 1194037 part 2 - Make WillRefresh no longer call FlushAnimations; r=dholbert (449b0fbd5)
- Bug 1194037 part 3 - Add Animation::HasEndEventToQueue(); r=dholbert (b1ddc33d3)
- Bug 1203009 part 4 - Implement new composite ordering; r=heycam (4c571e608)
- Bug 1203009 part 5 - Remove IsUsingCustomCompositeOrder; r=heycam (242d0142c)
- Bug 1203009 part 6 - Add tests for new composite order; r=heycam (5f8711177) (cbefc77b3)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.1.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 17:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maiar
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 22:15
Maiar is browser designed to help you surf the web safely as it comes with an embedded ad and tracker blocker, all that without putting too much strain on your system.


Whats new:>>

    Rendering engine:

    Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    Brave 1.9.68

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2022, 18:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


    Added the site detect function
    Supported the dark theme for the login panel, welcome page, history page, and the last session page
    Browser theme thumbnail on the Settings page
    Optimzied QuickAccess sync
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the download window popped up when installing extensions
    Fixed the issue that the browser language setting could not show in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the default browser option could not gray out after setting browser as the default
    Fixed the issue that the browser opened the login panel repeatedly when clicking the external link
    Fixed the issue that script could not execute on the current page in some cases
    Fixed crashes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-01-08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 20:10
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git cbefc77b3...640cd329f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.2 Define event messages as anonymous enum with EventMessageList.h r=smaug (44a28d5da)
- Bug 895274 part.1 Rename WidgetEvent::message to WidgetEvent::mMessage r=smaug (1a1651a54)
- Bug 895274 part.170 Rename NS_ANIMATION_EVENT_START to eAnimationEventFirst r=smaug (e3bedfd02)
- some cleanup (c496de395)
- Bug 1186582 - AskPermission should check for prompt exceptions; r=fabrice (e7fc39d0a)
- Bug 1170314 - Make console.timeStamp to add also Gecko profiler markers if Gecko profiler is active, r=baku,benwa (7e78b02c1)
- Bug 1178172 - Fix all compile errors in dom/base on non-unified build. r=baku (ffc87d5ae)
- namespace (93bb2e778)
- Bug 1001158 - Handle an invalid distribution.ini gracefully, r=gijs (260ab12f2)
- Bug 1157760: Remove incorrect MOZ_ASSERT in nsMessageManagerSH<Super>::Enumerate. r=bz (e1d86db8a)
- Bug 1148694 patch 1 - Stop creating a CharsetRule object when parsing @charset rules. r=dbaron (5d3b4a237)
- Bug 1148694 patch 2 - Remove interface and implementation of CSSCharsetRule. r=dbaron (e687d6a51)
- Bug 1148694 patch 3 - remove tests affected by removal of CSSCharsetRule. r=dbaron, r=khuey (84e04ec3c)
- Bug 958778 - De-holder nsIXPConnect::GetWrappedNativePrototype(). r=gabor (e862b0197)
- non-EME part of Bug 1160445 - Add detailed logging for EME promise failures (90c5ae1a1)
- Bug 1191305 - Alphabetize some includes; r=froydnj (6bc41455c)
- Bug 1188640 - Add ChromeOnly MutationObserver.mergeAttributeRecords to speed up devtools, r=bz,bgrins (5f07c777f)
- namespace (0e90aac16) (e283739a5)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1198078 - Add support for TYPE_INTERNAL_SERVICE_WORKER; r=ckerschb,tanvi (8142909b2)
- Bug 1143575. Ensure we schedule another composite if ImageHost has peding images. r=nical (abffec6d0)
- Bug 1143575. Add a bias value to ImageHost to avoid unpredictable results when image times and compositor times are closely aligned. r=nical (04e4fc721)
- Bug 1192571 - Make sure we reparent all TextureSources when dragging a tab between windows. r=jrmuizel (11e95722a)
- Bug 1186264 - Add error check to GrallocTextureHostOGL::GetAsSurface() r=nical (6643ecbb9)
- Bug 1154648 - Rename static gonk nsWindow::DispatchInputEvent. r=mwu (3ad0815ee)
- Bug 1160102 - use VsyncDisplay interface to turn on/off vsync. r=kats (297cf1fd9)
- Bug 1138288 - Refactor nsWindow/nsScreen for multiple screen/window case. r=mwu (fd523025d)
- Bug 1138287 - Part 1: Extract nsScreenGonk/nsScreenManagerGonk implementation to a separate file. r=mwu (2e80b14f9)
- Bug 1156140 - Choose different code path for boot animation based on device capability. r=mwu (6bb6ae33c)
- Bug 1163681 - Fix fence handling r=mwu (17ad50611)
- Bug 1160877 - Fix gonkDisplay stop anim condition. r=mwu, a=me (01e9a8709)
- Bug 1165200 - Fix GonkDisplay::QueueBuffer() for bootAnim. r=mwu, r=sotaro (de40d86bb)
- Bug 1167531 - Uninitialised value uses relating to GonkDisplayJB::GonkDisplayJB. r=mwu. (e9a6f41e8)
- Bug 1138287 - Part 2: Support multi-screen on Gonk platform. r=mwu, r=sotaro, r=jgilbert, r=mattwoodrow (f2db52c92)
- Bug 1138287 - Part 3: Add an option to set screen ID in windowWatcher.openWindow. r=roc (d6d502481)
- Bug 1148009; [webvr] Move distortion vertex struct into more generic system; r=jrmuizel (2e0270721) (8ef963eef)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1144012 - Part 1: Create HwcDevice wrapper. r=sotaro (dcb5bca6c)
- Bug 1143522 - Convert cliprect coordinate in gonk code. r=botond (4b5bfe61b)
- Bug 1144012 - Part 2: Use wrapper in HwcComposer2D. r=sotaro (783cbca1a)
- Bug 1169093 - Do not use HWC when a region of layer is too small r=mattwoodrow (bf77e1a55)
- Bug 1155797 - P1: extract format BPP util function. r=mwu (06f3b96f5)
- Bug 1155797 - P2: show a black solid color frame if we don't have the bootAnim. r=mwu (2e6dda6d2)
- Bug 1153395 - Disable Hardware Vsync on Non Kit-Kat devices. r=mwu (e7ec09cee)
- Bug 1151489. Enable software vsync on all b2g versions. r=kats (597cdc85f)
- Bug 1155797 - P3: turn on vsync for kk, l and up. r=mwu (3e8187e50)
- Bug 1144012 - Part 3: Wrap vsync code. r=sotaro (4eb4af3d8)
- Bug 1144012 - Part 4: Remove the usage of mHwc from GonkDisplayICS. r=sotaro (ad5e257f0)
- Bug 1187048 - Code clean up around nsScreenGonk's EGLSurface handling r=mwu (eecdaf1ef)
- Bug 1188877 - Fix LayerComposite::SetClearRect() calling r=mwu (d748f2c50)
- Bug 1180657 - Use hwc directly on GonkDisplayICS. r=sotaro (55d2699aa)
- Bug 1163905 - b2g.neterror.url should use a relative URL. r=fabrice (abefb3d0b)
- Bug 1186000 - Support screen mirroring to HDMI display on gonk r=mwu,mattwoodrow (3df30f9dd)
- Bug 1186031 - Fix SetDispAcquireFence() calling r=nical (d561ef18c)
- Bug 1191457 - Revert SetDispAcquireFence() calling change r=nical (46bc14d4c)
- Bug 1192352 - Fix fence handling of display mirroring r=nical (fb686f922)
- Bug 1170966 - Check quad's effective region before drawing. r=nical, a=me (d85277b8e)
- Bug 1186236 - Fix drawQuad culling bug. r=nical (4fd64fb71)
- Bug 1192192 - fix quad culling method. r=nical (03c59a942)
- Bug 1179933, add Layer::ReplaceEffectiveTransform for temporary transform changes; r=mstange (c9e0c919a)
- Bug 1151937; [webvr] change deviceId/hardwareId to simple values; r=jrmuizel CLOSED TREE (f4f2332ab)
- Bug 1151904; fix Linux OVR library typo to use lowercase lib; r=me (7580c527b)
- Bug 1179944, [webvr] support Oculus 0.6.0 runtime and rendering; r=mstange (954bbb49c)
- Bug 633097 - Fix jittering animated text by disallowing flattening into a container layer that has animated text. r=mwoodrow (7eada20c4)
- Bug 914457 - Part 1: Use an empty clip rect for layers with an empty visible region (7b2462a5f)
- Bug 914457 - Part 2: Implement Crashtest (f6f6fcfaa)
- Bug 1149923 - Let 2D mask effect can check whether to use IntermediateSurface or not in its own logic. r=roc (f90c6f19c)
- Bug 1177018 - When finding a painted layer for a display item, include event regions in a layer's visible region. r=tn (ccedfcc38)
- Bug 1200158 - Define PaintedLayerData::AccumulateEventRegions() out of line. r=mstange (8fcfe35fd)
- Bug 1200158 - Avoid expensive computations involving the maybe-hit region in hot code paths. r=mstange (871c0944c)
- Bug 1201548 - When testing whether the visible rect intersects event regions in FindPaintedLayerFor(), only use the bounds of the event regions. r=mstange (976798e33)
- Bug 1180295 - Rip out call to setContentDocumentFixedPositionMargins. r=rbarker (c24ed7a7f)
- Bug 1166301 - Use the correct format flags for printing fixed position data in the layers dump. r=kats (a51d7b42a)
- Bug 1166301 - Store a flag on Layer to tell fixed background layers apart from fixed position layers. r=mattwoodrow (c9d1c1c63)
- Bug 1166301 - Annotate fixed background layers with scroll metadata for the animated geometry root of the frame they're the background of. r=mattwoodrow (0f3f8a715)
- Bug 1097464 - Part 6: Handle preserves-3d by compositor. r=roc (b231219b9)
- Hoist scroll info items above inactive blur containers. (bug 1193557 part 1, r=mstange) (d6212d65c)
- Ensure scroll info layers have a dispatch-to-content region. (bug 1193557 part 2, r=kats) (97fe0e4d7)
- Bug 1145143 - Check if buffer size is correct before calling the update. r=nical (fc4019b45)
- Bug 1145143 - When we fail to UpdateRenderTarget, report the size as well. r=bas (885668a28)
- Bug 1161670, cache D3D11 ShaderResourceView on TextureSourceD3D11; r=bas,jrmuizel (5fbd7d741)
- Bug 1188700, [webvr] Fix VR distortion compositing in d3d11/gl to take into account rendertarget size and transform; r=kip (47a73c37a)
- Allow wheel tests finer control over the refresh driver. (bug 1140293, r=mstange) (c47d17d0a)
- Bug 1164274 - Disable the wheel-scroll test on Mulet for intermittent failures. r=mstange (24ba31ab6)
- Bug 1172648 - Full-stack APZ mochitest for bug 1151667. r=kats (19b3fbd74)
- Bug 1173580 - Full-stack APZ layerization mochitest. r=kats (df7d6efc1)
- Bug 1175585 - Full-stack mochitest for wheel transactions. r=kats (b2e00b916)
- Bug 961289 - Add an initial mochitest (for bug 982141) that exercises the APZ testing framework. r=ehsan,kats,BenWa,ted (9e0eea39f)
- Bug 1151663 - Extract some helper functions for writing APZ mochitests into a separate file. r=kats (e0a565ca4)
- remaining Bug 1151663 - Fix reconstruction of APZC tree structure in APZ mochitests. r=kats (f9836eb45)
- part of Bug 1139155 - Add a basic sanity test to exercise touch-based scrolling on B2G. r=botond (0b1673810)
- part of Add a test case for bug 1193557, r=kats. (157e5d8d0)
- Bug 1166649 - Fix GrallocTextureClient.cpp unified build bustage. r=nical (42d01ef5e)
- namespace (0096c7a24)
- Bug 1181085 - Don't accumulate ImageCompositeNotifications when we're compositing to a DrawTarget. r=nical (e7ad9e485)
- Bug 1186159 - Add an APZ minimap. r=kats (576b74a94)
- Bug 1167215 - Composite on every vsync until the scheduled one. r=roc (6ff8f84ca) (f553544f3)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox:
- TLDs, HSTS, tzdata (fd2b82f13) (1dc23de62)
- remove backup files (8becf49a7)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox:
- M1739352 M1732572(partial) M1717318(partial) M1586061 (03ffdeadb)
- M1737515 M1730120 M1737009 (fd2b82f13) (3e837f054)
- mport changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1089363 - Fix for zh-TW download image dialog. r=glandium (538a52585)
- add missind decode of XDRInterpretedFunction (ec14febbd)
- Bug 1173818 - Make jArray.h assert bound checks. r=wchen. (37249b49b)
- Bug 1067325 - Control syntax highlighting via a class. r=hsivonen (3b98d8657)
- Bug 1151048. Disable speculative tokenization in the parser if it's failing too much. r=hsivonen (6e5f5b471)
- Bug 1154188 - Unbreak build on non-SPS platforms after bug 1153737 r=bsmith (4f8ae49bb)
- Bug 1121982 - Update PSM to use NSS name constraints (11b174a51)
- Bug 1183822 - fix OCSP verification failures (r=keeler) (80edeb32e)
- align script() call to one argument as in FF/TFF (abbba186d) (99f10c413)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1160164 - Run "all the tests" when invoking xpcshell's mach command with no arguments instead of passing "all" to the test resolver.;r=ahal DONTBUILD (5583e3bce)
- Bug 1171602 - Run mochitest using mach from a tests.zip, r=chmanchester (083d01f4c)
- Bug 1178850 - Generate naive method bindings in annotation processor; r=snorp (8f8a14e3d)
- Bug 1192079 - Support inner classes in generated JNI wrapper; r=snorp (1eefd6a4f) (640cd329f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2022, 18:20

    Supported the dark mode for extension page and bookmark manage page
    Added video & audio options
    Updated installation interface
    Optimized video pop-up full screen, pin, and layout
    Optimized the retro mode
    Adjusted the pop-up new window to be opened as a new page
    Adjusted the tab page open settings in retro mode
    Updated Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the phone login interface could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the login panel opened repeatedly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickNote recorded on the history page
    Fixed the issue that the startup page could not load correctly after switching account
    Fixed the crash issue when using the screen capture


Titel: Dooble 2022.01.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2022, 09:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Corrected heights of address bar and status bar widgets. Missing include file also corrected. Thank you danrobi11.
    Corrected size policy of top list in Search Engines.
    Export As PNG. Thank you Ygarr.
    Happy New Year!
    New File -> Open File.
    The Windows 7 release contains the previous version's calendar version in the Dooble Documentation document. Apologies.
    Retrieve search engine icons via host names.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 09:50
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Updated to read the Cache_Data subfolder in the new version of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-01-15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 20:40

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 640cd329f...afea1b3ff:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- missing of Bug 1130096 - Convert embedding/components/windowwatcher/ to Gecko style (883cc280e)
- Bug 1114299 - Pass window features up from the content process via nsCString. r=smaug (017de6dc8)
- Bug 1114299 - Be more strict about which window chromeFlags we compute from content. r=smaug (71e9f4959)
- Bug 1159034 - Only fake no-alpha for the backbuffer. - r=kamidphish (2bc4bcf14)
- Bug 1184786 - Fix LastColorAttachment(). r=jgilber (b320f23de)
- Bug 1184786 - Fix ReadBuffer parameter validation. r=jgilber (7c6fac544)
- Bug 1151736 - More information to pick up with crash reports. r=jgilbert (cd26cb6cb)
- Bug 1151736 - Lose context on OOM instead of crashing. r=jgilbert (904e2d98a)
- Bug 1176153. Have binding code grab the array buffer view type for ArrayBufferView arguments, so consumers don't have to manually use JSAPI to do it. Use the new setup in WebGL code. r=smau (3a93669ee)
- Bug 1182347 - Implement OriginAttributesPattern. r=sicking,f=allstars.chh (10eb6487c)
- Bug 922212 - Add console.dirxml. r=bgrins, r=mrbkap (85ebd7e39)
- Bug 1176341 - De-holder nsIXPConnect::CreateSandbox. r=baku,gabor (d27b571d5)
- Bug 1156005 - Mark the nsIAtom members of NodeInfo::NodeInfoInner as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (3c17318c4)
- Bug 1156006 - Mark NodeInfo::mDocument as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (67ad08801)
- Bug 1169129 - Make DOMException::Create(nsresult, nsCString) accept nsACString. r=bholley (22e2f4e5e)
- Bug 1156099 - Mark the atom members of NodeInfo as nsCOMPtr's; r=baku (83dca3dde)
- Bug 1176757 - Throw a DataCloneError when attempting to invoke 'cloneNode' on a 'ShadowRoot' and associated mochitest. r=wchen (decac1493)
- Bug 1169044 - Patch 6 - Update web-platform-tests expected data. r=jgraham (def441a11)
- Bug 1169044 - Patch 7 - Set mObserver in URLSearchParams. a=bustage. (80bd7a589)
- Bug 1181259 Remove stray debugging printf from Cache API. r=froydnj (8b030de0a)
- Bug 1173439 P1 Store URLs as UTF8 strings in Cache instead of UTF16. r=ehsan (ad3120be5)
- Bug 1180765 - Bump the caches.sqlite version numbers because of the field that was added in bug 1169044; r=jdm (c40b57eab)
- Bug 1173439 P2 Parse Response URL query as a separate field. r=ehsan (3b5c9641b)
- Bug 1173439 P3 Use url query field for database matching and Request creation. r=ehsan (18969bd6c)
- Bug 1173439 P4 Remove Request url field from Cache API database. r=ehsan (00e45614d)
- Bug 1173439 P5 Cache should index on a hash instead of the url itself. r=ehsan (eafb8d1a1)
- Bug 1177916 - URLSearchParams::GetParentObject should not return nullptr, r=smaug (c44513ab6)
- Bug 1177916 - URL should be a nsWrapperCache object, r=smaug (67c3f7221)
- Bug 1121773 - Conditionally include SiteSpecificUserAgent files on mobile/android. (37db816f1) (34074a23e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1145017. Use the new proto setup for custom element prototypes when possible. r=wchen,bholley (67789348c)
- Bug 1183450, properly wrappercache URL object, r=baku (ce6ef8436)
- space cleanup (2de44c12c)
- Bug 1155477 - Convert nsINode::Slots::mChildNodes to an nsRefPtr; r=baku (721d52f31)
- Bug 1156009 - Mark nsChildContentList::mNode as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (acaba6531)
- remaining of 1155477 (d1dc03fc0)
- spacing like gecko, even if bad (7ff16eeae)
- Bug 1155475 - Mark nsINode::Slots::mWeakReference as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (59b241ae6)
- Bug 1156011 - Mark nsINode::mFirstChild as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (5255acaa5)
- Bug 1156013 - Mark nsINode::mSubtreeRoot as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (4da7e61cf)
- Bug 1156012 - Mark nsINode::m{Next,Previous}Sibling as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (33022b4e0)
- Bug 1156010 - Mark nsINode::mParent as MOZ_OWNING_REF; r=smaug (3c975656a)
- fix typo (c06ca0d92)
- Bug 1165184 - Move nsChildContentList to its own header. r=peterv (408a2cb2e)
- Bug 1167390 - Mark nsNodeWeakReference::mNode as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=smaug (5a2ab3838)
- missing bit 1117172 part 3 (ab0b032b9)
- Bug 1184065, properly support WrapperCache on DestinationInsertionPointList, r=wchen (4afc484a7)
- missing bit of Bug 1095098 - followup - add back some static analysis attributes lost in a rebase; r=me (08d509ef7)
- Bug 1156790 - mark various nsCOMPtr_helper-esque classes as final; r=mccr8 (826d1f5ca) (43fb101b1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1166488 - Eliminate ServiceWorkerRegistrationBase::mCCDummy. r=smaug (a82dedc28)
- Bug 1167375 - make nsTWeakRef use a nsRefPtr internally. r=nfroyd (f1e9def06)
- Bug 1156966 - Avoid writing 0's to mEmptyHdr in nsTArray since it triggers TSan warnings. r=nfroyd (b4d068d1b)
- Bug 1155968 - Place imports on separate lines. r=khuey (bfd1d2e30)
- Bug 1155968 - Whitespace fixes in xpidl.py to comply with PEP8. r=khuey (b3e787594)
- Bug 1155968 - Move statements to their own lines. r=khuey (c55cb4c90)
- Bug 1155968 - Fix indentation warnings to comply with PEP8. r=khuey (a4d98d541)
- Bug 1155968 - Fix variable use before initialization. r=khuey (108654e6e)
- Bug 1155968 - Fix correct number of empty lines between objects to comply with PEP8. r=khuey (595d69ae4)
- Bug 1155968 - Remove semicolons at ends of statements (PEP8). r=khuey (ab4007ec8)
- Bug 1155968 - Remove trailing whitespace in header.py. r=khuey (48e38de7e)
- Bug 1155968 - Change '==' and '!=' to 'is' and 'is not' to comply with PEP8. r=khuey (f45edd3ba)
- spacing (a26387129)
- Bug 1181297 - Add debug descriptor to nsINode. r=smaug (624cce14d)
- missing part of Bug 1181130 - Part 3 (6fe0bbb81)
- Bug 1155477 follow-up: Fix nsINode::ChildNodes() (88e44bc63)
- Bug 1163916 (part 1)
- Avoid a static nsDebugImpl constructor. r=froydnj. (f05047d11)
- Bug 1163916 (part 2)
- Avoid a static constructor for kCompressedBufferLength. r=froydnj. (cb6d85364)
- Bug 1146416 - Move remote anonymous temporary file opening to the main thread. r=roc (1ed85bfa5) (b4c337a45)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1175600. Add getRelativePath/setRelativePath to nsIFile. r=froydnj (93515cbda)
- bug 1171124 - Swap some XP_MACOSX for XP_DARWIN in nsLocalFileUnix. r=froydnj (1928918ac)
- Bug 1192230 - clean up reference-counting in xpcom/; r=erahm (11528cd9f)
- missing bit of Bug 1138293 - Use malloc/free/realloc/calloc (365fb9991)
- Bug 1175601. Make nsIFile.getRelativeDescriptor work with paths with aths with arbitrary numbers of segments, not just 32. r=froydnj (a4b5ea11d)
- Bug 1175600 followup. Add getRelativePath to ye othere nsIFile implementatione so as to de-bust ye olde CLOSED TREE (b23dfee9e)
- Bug 1159604 - Use fallible allocations in nsLinebreakConverter.cpp (as the code expects). r=smaug (498f30023)
- Bug 1139547 - Fix unsequenced variable modmification/access error. r=botond,bsmedberg (a8460ecff)
- Bug 1167380 - Mark (Read/Write)SegmentsState::m(Source/Sink) as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF and mark as MOZ_STACK_CLASS. r=froydnj (a1f2dc2ae)
- Bug 1137464 - add missing include for nsICloneableInputStream.h to nsStreamUtils.cpp; r=bkelly (dddd1831c)
- Bug 1026761 - CID 749761: nsAStreamCopier:tongue sticking out smileyrocess can use sourceCondition, sinkCondition uninitialized. r=froydnj (a728f2b3e)
- Bug 1189423 - part 1 - Add MOZ_COUNT_CTOR/DTOR for nsXPTCStubBase. r=froydnj (208b578bb)
- Bug 1189423 - part 2 - Remove superfluous |new| result check. r=froydnj (b58d8b1fd)
- Bug 1151506 - Null-check the count parameter in GetConstantCount. r=froydnj (6e89f6635)
- Bug 1171603 - Better size check in nsTSubstring::ReplacePrep. r=ehsan (f17bb9c07)
- Bug 603201 - Enable primitive receivers in [[Get]]. r=jorendorff (24e6b04e2)
- revert/align malloc functions to bug 1156317 21 April 2015 (89de8cbad)
- Bug 1081260 - Update the malloc counters if we successfully recover from OOM; r=jonco (c3a03f041)
- Bug 1196210 - Fix an incomplete assertion in the nursery; r=jonco (84140599a)
- Bug 1198826 - Increment (plain) gcNumber on all GCs, r=terrence (a45b9d65c)
- Bug 1184578 - Fix the nursery profiling print statement; r=sfink (f03accbe4)
- Bug 1188878 - Ensure RematerializedFrames are cleared from Debugger instances on Ion bailout failure. (r=jandem) (0cad2e549)
- pointer style (96793b3b3)
- some leftover (7685205e9)
- pointer style (5dc480bd4)
- Bug 1145781 - Unlazify functions when getting their debug scopes. (r=jimb) (f86c2a1b6)
- Bug 1148388 - Handle lost accesses in missing Debugger scopes for block objects. (r=jimb) (9c1734834)
- Bug 1118865 - Relax assertion in DebugScopeProxy::isMagicMissingArgumentsValue. (r=nbp) (7b46b3929)
- Bug 1193046 - Clear prevUpToDate on younger frames when toggling frame debuggeeness off->on. (r=jimb) (f93459582)
- Bug 1188334 - Fix this one weird case with creating debug block scopes of 0-variable block scopes that come from deprecated let exprs inside generators. (r=jimb) (69cc9afe9)
- code style (dc626020e)
- Bug 1135703 - Ensure that lastProfilingFrame gets set appropriately on ALL JitActivations when profiling is turned on or off. r=shu (64665fe96)
- missing init, taken from TFF (dc9544999)
- pointer style (84478dba2)
- cleanup (6e2dd6ae3)
- reposition due to misspatch (738769d65)
- Bug 1191758 - Rework JS::FormatStackDump() to fix OOM handling r=terrence (680e5f8d2)
- Bug 1195545 - Add instruction reordering pass to IonMonkey, r=sunfish. (ba1441975) (16aec83f0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1153153: IonMonkey: Repoint the block instead of deleting the block for andor statements, r=bhackett (00fd49f31)
- pointer style (5eb699fff)
- back out barrier check like in FF and TFF (57b37fc09)
- put back inlining failure abort reason (d694cac7b)
- Bug 1196579, bug 1196587, bug 1196589 - Fix some unboxed array bugs, r=jandem. (34f6e97ed)
- Bug 1138676 - Watch for groups with lazy protos in PropertyReadNeedsTypeBarrier, r=jandem. (577d48da0)
- Bug 1138676 - Watch for groups with lazy protos in PropertyReadNeedsTypeBarrier, r=jandem. (53a8b3bc2)
- Bug 1198090 - Use AutoInitGCManagedObject when creating UnboxedLayout in TryConvertToUnboxedLayout() r=terrence (02d85ed7a)
- Bug 1195452 - Make UnboxedLayout::makeNativeGroup() handle OOM when propagating property types r=bhackett (127ac3143) (99fe0d1a1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1152512 - Use the latest JavaScript version when parsing AutoConfig files. r=mrbkap (1f68c0fc8)
- Bug 1138059 - Tweak XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter behavior to avoid weird behavior in weird cases. r=mak. (9adbc6d75)
- Bug 1171013 - Extend defineLazyModuleGetter to support user-defined proxy objects. r=mfinkle (aa469e579)
- Bug 1171904 - Remove --enable-js-crash-diagnostics and just use the NIGHTLY defines; r=sfink (b47e0d9ca)
- Pointer style (01a808b27)
- Bug 1176568. Fix the proto cycle checking to work correctly for inner/outer globals. r=waldo (78cd2558d)
- Bug 1144452. Print the global in JSObject::dump. r=waldo (1c00520a1)
- Bug 1191482 - Improve WeakCache sweep code and add assertions r=terence (5ca525c46)
- Bug 1188836 - Fix compacting GC zone selection by passing total arenacount to ShouldRelocateZone() r=terrence (11c95eb99)
- Bug 1188936 - Release/protect relocated arenas earlier r=terrence (1700c2a6e)
- pointer style (6e3e502d7)
- do not start private by default (86b11721d)
- Bug 1153707 jsval is wrongly passed to XPT Javascript method on ppc/32 and SPARC/32 r=bobbyholley (a02e2f6d9)
- Bug 1170859- MIPS64: Fix copy u32 type arg to argument register. r=froydnj (c489e99b4)
- Bug 1155154 - Part 1 - Fix the check for duplicate filters when one filter is a subtring of another one. r=smaug (e442c3c0c)
- Bug 1155154 - Part 2 - Rename extension filter. r=smaug (8f9b4d21e)
- Bug 1155154 - Part 3 - Ignore file extension filters with characters that can be interpreted by the file picker. r=smaug (cf972fd8f)
- Bug 1186603 - Add a "Contains" method for string classes and use it in HTMLInputElement. r=nfroyd (c5d5f51e8) (48a663d7c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 559303 - Consolidate strBuf and longStrBuf in the tokenizer. r=wchen. (b385e7635)
- Bug 489820 part 1 - Make charRefBuf non-growable and have the same lifetime as the tokenizer. r=wchen. (5c9a2c402)
- Bug 489820 part 2 - Grow buffers to the worst-case size before tokenizing; fix comments. r=wchen. (7dad72a9a)
- Bug 1176668 - Fix overflow avoidance in numeric character reference handling. r=wchen. (f9cdb2b5b)
- Bug 1171309 - Remove PREF_Init()'s return value. r=bsmedberg. (245dd4436)
- Bug 916101 - Show entire pref name when wanring about size, r=mossop (61245be0f)
- add back crashrep, it is not defined anyway (4995d8d3e)
- Bug 1195123: Restructure logic (pulling out "!") for SVG image rejection, to make it clearer that it matches the comment. r=longsonr (57e3698f6)
- Bug 629682 - Add a better warning message for SVG-as-an-image external resources being blocked. r=dholbert (35ea836e4)
- remove useless cast (abb30e8ac)
- add internal CSP preload check from TFF (14c4d843e)
- Bug 1167650 - Expose DOMRequest and DOMCursor to workers. r=bent (468365262)
- Bug 1154041 - Enable child process memory report logging by default on B2G. r=erahm (141254fc5)
- namespace (515b42704)
- Bug 1164587 - Get rid of Fault() in the cycle collector. r=smaug (9587d4971) (afea1b3ff)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2022, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a security update.


    Improved application library loading security. DiD
    Fixed an issue in JavaScript serialization. DiD
    Fixed a potential out-of-bounds issue in IndexedDB. DiD
    Fixed a potential issue in widget data handling code. DiD
    Fixed potentially exploitable crashes in handling truncated/corrupt media files or streams.
    Fixed an issue in the DOM FileReader code.
    Updated NSS to 3.52.3 to address a security issue.
    Fixed the following security issues: CVE-2022-22736, CVE-2022-22741, CVE-2021-4140, CVE-2022-22746, CVE-2022-22744 and CVE-2022-22747.
    Unified XUL Platform Mozilla Security Patch Summary: 8 fixed, 4 DiD, 17 not applicable.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2022, 18:20

    Added the progress bar to the video pop-up window
    Added volume switch and control bar to the video pop-up window
    Supported the system dark theme
    Optimized the browser startup speed
    Adjusted the default option of "disable autoplay" to uncheck
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not play in some cases
    Fixed the issue that browser data could not sync in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the history page could not display the correct search results
    Fixed the issue that the browser taskbar icon could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the free domain could not be registered
    Fixed the crash issue when closing the recently visited tabs


Titel: VideoCacheView 3.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2022, 08:30
VideoCacheView automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all cached video files. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play FLV files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Updated to read the Cache_Data subfolder in the new version of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: FBCacheView 1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 19:10
FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).

System Requirements And Limitations

    This utility works in any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.
    The following Web browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome. Opera is not supported because it stores the JPEG images in Webp format.
    FBCacheView won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.
    It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using FBCacheView, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.


Whats new: >>

    Updated to read the Cache_Data subfolder in the new version of Chrome Web browser.
    Updated to work properly with the cache partitioning string on the latest versions of Chrome.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-01-22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 20:20

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git afea1b3ff...f71f51550:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1200795, part 1 - Eliminate excessive detail from cycle collector graph memory reporting. r=njn (8775704ad4)
- Bug 1200795, part 2 - Add memory reporting for CCGraph::mPtrToNodeMap. r=njn (154912392e)
- Bug 1202670 - Move most of nsCycleCollector::RemoveObjectFromGraph into CCGraph. r=smaug (78b449602d)
- Bug 1163006, part 1 - Make the cycle collector use the concrete logger class. r=smaug (a23f4adfd3)
- Bug 1163657 - Clean up setting of mFlags in CCGraphBuilder's ctor. r=smaug (c49fa66d20)
- Bug 1163006, part 2 - Rename various cycle collector listener variables to logger. r=smaug (c655503d1b)
- Bug 1163006, part 3 - Clean up some cycle collector logger set up code. r=smaug (9825ec8e80)
- Bug 1163006, part 4 - De-COM the nsICycleCollectorListener methods we only call from C++. r=smaug (39e579782f)
- Bug 1163006, part 5 - Add a less COM-y getter for mWantAllTraces. r=smaug (70c424197e)
- Bug 1152505 - CCGraphBuilder::NoteChild should pass aEdgeName by reference. r=smaug (25ffabb54c)
- Bug 1189122 - Assert when we Suspect() when a CC scan is in progress. r=smaug (ae997c0fec)
- Bug 1189829 - fix quadratic behavior in nsConsoleService; r=erahm (2b37337085)
- Bug 1189231 - Impl operator->* to nsAutoPtr. r=nfroyd (a491e0e775)
- Bug 1196050 - Replace NSCAP_Zero usage with decltype(nullptr). r=froydnj (4b4d411103)
- Bug 1196925 - Remove the non-existing relocatable store buffer counts from about:memory; r=njn (d030d12a81)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 2. MemoryProfiler hooks in js engine. r=terrence (e3495c3520)
- Bug 1196847 - Part 1: Allow storage of a unique id for a cell independent of address; r=jonco (53b94846f1)
- Bug 1207730 - Update comments in Barrier.h and sort classes in same order; r=sfink (ba3abf54cb)
- Bug 1196847 - Part 2: Implement a cell hasher that uses unique id based hashes; r=jonco (3811c58b7a)
- Bug 1196848 - Add Zone::uniqueIds to about:memory reports; r=njn (bff35eb98c)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 3. Monitoring allocation and gc events in nursery and tenured heaps. r=terrence (47cc20bb98)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 4. Monitoring allocations and frees for ArrayBuffer. r=terrence,sfink (3495e46571)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 5. Don't emit inline allocation when memory profiler enabled. r=terrence (b4b44652d0)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 6. A new API to get backtrace without allocating memory in profiler. r=mstange (eff2d42cbd)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 7. XPCOM interface for memory profiler. r=smaug (f3a85f8181)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 8. Tracking the memory events. r=BenWa,terrence (8694fa4ad4)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 9. Interface to memory-profiler add-ons. r=jimb (1f8ed472ad)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 10. Expose SwapElements from nsBaseHashtable. r=nfroyd (a2e06425ad)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 11. Don't use STL in memory-profiler. r=BenWa,cervantes (c13096634c)
- Bug 1123237 - Part 12. Fix GC hazards. r=terrence (64776fc60e)
- Bug 1194424 - Part 0: Extend the core dump protobuf message format to accomodate allocation stacks; r=sfink (d25ca13aec)
- Bug 1167292 - Part 1: Add a telemetry probe to time how long it takes to save a heap snapshot; r=ejpbruel (25a9047d18)
- Bug 1167292 - Part 2: Add a telemetry probe to time how long it takes to read a heap snapshot; r=ejpbruel (71e3bb5fe3)
- Bug 1167292 - Part 3: Add telemetry probes for node and edge counts when saving heap snapshots; r=ejpbruel (7985b9edf6)
- Bug 1187062 - Part 0: Make js::Debugger::getObjectAllocationSite return a SavedFrame* rather than a JSObject*; r=sfink (0ec4175b9c)
- Bug 1204613 - Add a static_assert that ProfileEntry::{Flags,Category} do not overlap; r=djvj (a2d3672676)
- Bug 1204168 - Add the js::ProfileEntry::setCategory method; r=djvj (dce07b7eb4) (14412dba8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1153255 - set a build configuration flag when MOZ_TSAN is enabled; r=jorendorff (6b787252a5)
- bug 1155829 - remove AccessibleWrap::SetMaiHyperlink r=surkov (69718cc37e)
- bug 1155829 - remove MaiHyperlink::Initialize r=surkov (cf770ba16e)
- bug 1155829 - inline MaiHyperlink::GetAtkHyperlink r=surkov (2eb9846a7e)
- bug 1155829 - add shutdown method to MaiAtkObject r=yzen (f4e35f223d)
- bug 1155829 - declare MaiAtkObject in nsMai.h r=yzen (fdb5cd60c7)
- bug 1155829 - move AccessibleWrap::GetMaiHyperlink to MaiAtkObject::GetAtkHyperlink r=surkov (e00ba50a1a)
- bug 1164976 - move AccessibleWrap::FireStateChangeEvent to be a member of MaiAtkObject r=davidb (5aee8b6119)
- Bug 1128365 - MOZ_TOOLS is unnecessary. r=glandium (d7c8d8798d)
- bug 1169376 - Allow getting the OuterDocAccessible for the tab's top level document r=davidb (630780f18e)
- bug 1171728 - Only look for an OuterDoc accessible parent of a proxy if it doesn't have a proxy parent r=lsocks (76a55151bd)
- bug 1107337 - Teach refChildCB to deal with proxies r=lsocks, davidb (1a5cfddb63)
- bug 1172053 - don't call malloc in FireAtkShowHideEvent r=lsocks (350bbd99e1)
- bug 1172053 - don't malloc the signal name in FireAtkTextChangedEvent r=lsocks (9035d29090)
- bug 1107337 - support downcasting Accessible to OuterDocAccessible r=lsocks, davidb (d946ce3bf4)
- bug 1107337 - Add OuterDocAccessible::RemoteChildDoc() r=lsocks, davidb (9fd40de39d)
- bug 1172523 - Move AccessibleWrap::FireAtkTextChangedEvent to MaiAtkObject::FireTextChangeEvent r=lsocks (021898bef4)
- bug 1146518 - allow MaiHyperlink to store references to proxies r=surkov (e068e47855)
- bug 1146518 - make atk hyper link impl support proxies r=surkov (7e4d74efb3)
- bug 1146518 - create MaiHyperlinks for proxies r=surkov (1b2b0ef5fa)
- bug 1146518 - Only pass hyper links to MaiHyperlink::MaiHyperlink r=surkov (2c506d17b7)
- bug 1163070 - fix AtkHyperlinkImpl::getHyperlink after bug 1146518 r=surkov (0a33758e48)
- bug 1172523 - Allow getting the modified text from an AccTextChangeEvent without copying r=lsocks (aa0bf42335)
- bug 1170153 - check documents have a docshell before trying to tell the parent process about new remote DocAccessibles r=davidb (8c35f9cec4)
- bug 1181177 - null check tabChild in DocManager::CreateDocOrRootAccessible r=davidb (6c3e309edb)
- bug 1186528 - don't create a DocAccessibleChild if we can't tell the parent process about it r=lsocks (d3954843b9)
- bug 1164976 - fire useful state change and caret move events for proxies r=davidb (ef2e39e6d9)
- bug 1172525 - rework forwarding events to the parent process r=davidb, lsocks (36537fb8f9) (88653c180)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1001637 - Make math tables implement the nsIAccessibleTable interface. r=surkov (ebbb4325d6)
- Bug 1149118 - Expose radio group with the correct role on OS X, r=surkov (4d4a95735c)
- Bug 1113153 - use 'paragraph' role for paragraphs only, introduce 'text' role for small text containers, r=marcoz (14c4fa5881)
- Bug 1175164 - Do not expose MathML semantics element in the accessibility tree. r=surkov (3945ae0367)
- Bug 930843 part.1 Add test for checking isTrust attribute value of DOMActivate event r=smaug (14a49dd447)
- Bug 930843 part.2 NS_UI_ACTIVATE event should be trusted event even if it's caused by an untrusted event r=smaug (e0af6165b5)
- Bug 1156315 - Call DispatchInputEvent in more places on OS X. r=dvander (e24f42c09f)
- Bug 1186015 part.1 Rename nsIMEContext to mozilla::widget::IMEContext r=jimm (077bf6e772)
- Bug 1186015 part.2 Rename nsIMM32Handler to mozilla::widget::IMMHandler r=jimm+m_kato (a2098e33b5)
- Bug 1184533 Rewrite range check in aOffset of nsIMM32Handler::GetCharacterRectOfSelectedTextAt() r=emk (fb68bc3c56)
- Bug 555642 part.1 nsCaret should have a way to override the caret visible state for hiding caret temporarily and nsEditor should hide caret if composition string doesn't have caret information r=roc (9de4aa366c)
- Bug 1171847 Remove unnecessary ',' in logging code in nsTextStore::Initialize() r=m_kato (78d0d43625)
- Bug 1181714 nsTextStore should store previous focused document manager until new document manager actually gets focus r=m_kato (fd7e820af2)
- Bug 1176950 nsTextStore should keep storing locked content until NOTIFY_IME_OF_COMPOSITION_UPDATE is notified r=emk (0a12349575)
- Bug 1137539 part.1 Implement TSFStaticSink::IsGoogleJapaneseInputActive() r=emk (68d1f9a0ec)
- Bug 1137539 part.2 Implement TSFStaticSink::IsATOKActive() r=emk (51a4208bfa)
- Bug 1137539 part.3 Implement TSFStaticSink::IsFreeChangJieActive() r=emk (affbb81b96)
- Bug 1137539 part.4 Implement TSFStaticSink::IsEasyChangjeiActive() r=emk (abd3e674b6)
- Bug 1186014 Rename nsTextStore to mozilla::widget::TSFTextStore r=jimm+m_kato (ca63351f94)
- Bug 1187351 TSFTextStore should forget modified range at notifying TSF of layout change since GetTextExt() shouldn't return TS_E_NOLAYOUT after that r=emk (48878793e0)
- Bug 1187367 TSFTextStore shouldn't destroy native caret for ATOK until notifying TSF of layout change r=emk (a2a4022d15)
- Bug 1187566 TSFTextStore::Content should compute mMinTextModified Offset only with the latest composition string and original composition string, and also the hack should be enabled on Win10 r=emk (1368885efe)
- Bug 1050644 part.1 Add methods to check whether the active TIP is Chinese TIP which deosn't show candidate window in e10s mode r=emk (1b783e682e)
- Bug 1050644 part.2 Hack ITextStoreACP::GetTextExt()'s offset for some Chinese TIPs of MS r=emk (c05cec10ce)
- Bug 1187579 Enable TSF in e10s mode r=m_kato (1ae106231a)
- Bug 555642 part.2 IME handlers on Windows shouldn't append caret range if the caret is in the target clause which doesn't have specific style r=m_kato (88bae2c8da)
- Bug 1196124 Fix mismatch of printf style string and following arguments of MOZ_LOG() in IMMHandler::GetCharacterRectOfSelectedTextAt() r=m_kato (0f6debd0d3)
- Bug 90712 Cancel composition when Enter key message isn't consumed by IME r=m_kato (0febdb1fd9)
- pointer style (6c984274cd)
- Bug 1177268 - implement aria-rowcount/index and aria-colcount/index, r=marcoz (92ac300374)
- Bug 1153135 - Return possibility PEN working while APZC is enabled. r=jimm (8bc77ff84f)
- Bug 1171073 - Suppress content scrolling issue on 64-bit platforms. r=kats (62db0dead3)
- Bug 1121946, Implement e10 cursor drag feedback on Windows, r=jmathies (6e8218d202)
- Bug 1144650 - Don't dispatch touch-based mouse events when APZ is handling touch. r=jimm (53ebea0d90)
- Bug 1163056 - InkCollector activation at first PEN event. r=jimm (b28e0ee58b)
- Bug 895274 part.3 Make the enum of event messages a named enum IGNORE IDL r=smaug (32e04a4e90)
- spacing (b9249221dc)
- Bug 1182966 - Part 3: Add some final annotations to DomainSet. r=mrbkap (3455822e89)
- Bug 1050122 - Part 1: Enable Nuwa on debug builds, and kill it if the preference is false. r=khuey (46685a7bf3)
- Bug 1146229: Remove calling convention modifier from local variable. r=surkov (e5f4b6e5d5)
- bug 1168932 - Implement ProxyCreated and ProxyDestroyed to update mozAccessibles r=tbsaunde (77a007fa21)
- Bug 1169701 - Fire native OS X accessibility events for proxied accessibles r=tbsaunde (c4847135a8)
- bug 1172523 - fire useful text change events for proxies r=lsock (85b7f995b8)
- remove spurious file (229c787360)
- bug 1171117 - Fix cairo to build on iOS. r=jrmuizel (45709c8fe3)
- Bug 963738 - Annotate XPCNativeMember, r=terrence (d1afdde52b)
- Bug 1148383 - Add testcase for previously fixed object metadata issue r=terrence (2c1b762cba)
- Bug 1149797 - Update browser jstests to treat ecma_6/extensions tests as 1.8, so that let is interpreted as a statement and not as an expression. r=bustage in a CLOSED TREE (ac6127d6bc)
- Bug 1150858 - Unwrap the correct object in ArrayBuffer.transfer (r=sfink) (cf67906802)
- Bug 1150380 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix JitRuntime::generateProfilerExitFrameTailStub. r=rankov (eeac49ddce)
- use RootedValue for POW as in 1135708 (34c1c3d191)
- Bug 1196648: IonMonkey - Don't run the lazy link stub for asmjs to jit fastpath, r=nbp (686d495371)
- Bug 1121947, Implement e10 cursor drag feedback on Mac, r=smaug (f48df2d1)
- and sync widget/TextEvents.h and TextRange.h with AF. (b91a6a24c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1141906 - Adjust some assertions in Linux sandbox feature detection. r=kang (365e9a6a8e)
- bug 1169408 - Merge mozButtonAccessible and mozPopupButtonAccessible r=surkov (6996bb22e8)
- Bug 1162434 - Make windows emulation work on X64, r=marcoz (f0bb96de8a)
- Bug 1162434 part 2 - Fix ISimpleDOMNode Unique ID on 64 bit systems, r=surkov (1afbaa9fec)
- code style (3cabaf0882)
- Bug 734229 - Partially address by refusing to re-negotiate on NTLM. r=mayhemer, r=keeler (59b7feea33)
- Bug 1164714 - Move netwerk/base/nsISiteSecurityService.idl into security/manager/ssl. r=keeler,mcmanus (154e93a29c)
- Bug 1164714 - Move netwerk/test/TestSTSParser.cpp into security/manager/ssl/tests/. r=keeler (7fc68a2b66)
- Bug 1124649 - Part 1 - Add specific error messages for various types of STS and PKP header failures. r=keeler,hurley (e967aef5fc)
- Bug 1046421 - Do not disclose the system hostname via NTLM handler. r=honzab (a4a85439ca)
- Bug 1084025 - Add telemetry to measure failures due to not falling back. r=keeler (5388e21c64)
- Bug 1106470 - Drop SSLv3 support entirely from PSM. r=keeler (5de896acc0)
- Bug 1195606 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in security/manager/ssl/nsNSSCallbacks.cpp (r=sicking) (8b5e18f069)
- Bug 1197644 - Remove the security.ssl.warn_missing_rfc5746 pref. r=keeler (f76ae9af3e)
- namespace (7817663683) (f71f51550)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2022, 22:10
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.1.27.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2022, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 15:50

    Added "save the page as PDF "to the right-click menu
    Added "send Maxnote to desktop shortcut" to the right-click menu
    Supported the keyboard left-right arrow to the pop-up window
    Optimized dark theme
    Fixed the issue that Maxthon 5 data could not be imported successfully in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the settings sync prompt popped up repeatedly
    Fixed the issue that the browser account logged in automatically when clicking the system tray browser icon
    Fixed the issue that the download path displayed more than ten paths
    Fixed the issue that the search box could not display the correct result number
    Fixed the issue that the page search function could not work in retro mode
    Fixed the issue that some video sites could not normally play when unchecking "disable autoplay"
    Fixed the issue that Vbox could not sync when switching Vbox identity


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 20:20
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added 'Visit Duration' column. This column is available only for Chrome and Chromium-based Web browsers.
    Improved the 'Visited From' column in new versions of Chrome.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-01-29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 20:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git f71f51550...d8ae51153:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1153444 - Fix up Key Pinning Telemetry (r=keeler) (8a136aeb6f) (partly)
- Bug 1183065 - Add logging on OneCRL revocation checks (r=Cykesiopka) (d8dbd936f3)
- bug 1170303 - treat malformed name information in certificates as a domain name mismatch r=Cykesiopka (733179123e)
- Bug 1193021 - clean up reference-counting in security/; r=keeler (df4b26974f)
- Bug 602122 - Add a static analysis to find XPCOM classes with duplicate mRefCnt members; r=ehsan (02db112583)
- Bug 1180506 - Fix building the clang-plugin with ToT clang; r=mystor (c491ab3b27)
- Bug 1180549 - Fix a startup crash when using the clang-plugin with clang>3.5; r=mystor (9ef5796d3f)
- Bug 1183485 - Exempt security/sandbox/chromium from MOZ_IMPLICIT enforcement. r=ehsan (39aa87ce29)
- Bug 1185188 - Support multiple clang-plugin annotations; r=ehsan (dba7c0697a)
- Bug 1185044 - Unify type annotation logic between MOZ_*_CLASS and MOZ_MUST_USE; r=ehsan (425e42c834)
- Bug 1187486 - Update the clang plugin to detect templated implicit constructors; r=ehsan (fa22b9627f)
- Fix some bad variable names, no bug (79f2eea2b1)
- Bug 1187073 - Add the MOZ_INHERIT_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_FROM_TEMPLATE_ARGS annotation to clang-plugin. r=ehsan (c6c629a7bf)
- Bug 1192015 - Refactor allocation analysis in clang plugin to better allow adding new analyses, and support detecting temporary value allocations, r=ehsan (5d56ce510b)
- Bug 1192130 - Part 1: Add MOZ_NON_AUTOABLE to restrict using auto in place of certain types, r=ehsan (d2b9712180)
- missing part of Bug 1192130 - Part 2: Use MOZ_NON_AUTOABLE to validate the usage of already_AddRefed, r=ehsan (d66417ecb6)
- Bug 975246 - Part1 - Implement operator->* in nsRefPtr. r=nfroyd, r=gerald (299c514e39)
- Bug 975246 - Part2- Test Invoking via operator->*. r=nfroyd (197e539bfd)
- Bug 975246 - Part3 - Using nsRefPtr->* operator. r=nfroyd (55010f772e)
- Bug 1056356 - Add support for nsRefPtr<const T>. r=froydnj (d11d8183b8)
- fix token to adhere to bug 1135708 (056463d154) (f1e094af8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194022 - Add another exception for a token after yield expression without operand and followed by EOL. r=Waldo (6f6806dd55)
- Bug 1193777 - Remove pn==null case from ModuleCompiler::fail(). r=Waldo (ad7a00bc9e)
- fix debug code (185d538d36)
- Bug 1186723 - Make BytecodeEmitter::emitDupAt take a reasonable offset r=arai (c75ba4dac2)
- fix one more assert (6572298e7b)
- Bug 1149298 - Part 1: Test cases. r=drno (66301726be)
- Bug 1149298 - Part 2: When destroying a candidate, ensure that the ice_ctx doesn't continue waiting for it to init. r=drno (62b15139c6)
- missing part of Bug 1149298 - Part 3: Fire end of candidates signal when StartGathering has nothing to do, and only call StartGathering once per offer/answer. r=drno (aecf2da75f)
- Bug 1143526 - DataStore API should create DOMError with proper error messages, r=fabrice (f7971e9039)
- Bug 1149784 - Make nsSubDocumentFrame::GetMarginAttributes use CSSIntSize instead of the unit-less nsIntSize. r=roc (8dd64a1d9e)
- missing part of 1022064 (c96b8add9a)
- Bug 1138590 - Create a WebChannel for receiving FxA profile change notifications. r=markh (49a2234a21)
- Bug 1139657 - Expose a method on FxAccounts for retrieving profile information. r=markh (2e44487ef5) (4d3fc3ae7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- No bug. Minor analysis fix for duplicate avoidance logic. Does not seem to matter in practice. r=woof! (57c242e0b8)
- pointer style (adeb45154d)
- Bug 1167385 - Mark xpcObjectHelper's unsafe references as UNSAFE_REF. r=bholley (2023354f74)
- Bug 1185056 - Use the normal CC macros for XPCWrappedNative. r=smaug (7df93c9f0f)
- Bug 1141079 - Make jemalloc_config.c a C++ source file. r=ted (d784a65774)
- Bug 1141079 - Setup custom jemalloc chunk hooks to keep RSS usage low. r=njn (227f7527c4)
- Bug 1191815 - move jemalloc CFLAGS definition to moz.build; r=mshal (fffe74592e)
- Bug 1187776 - Add ICU files to B2G desktop. r=glandium (40074ca68c)
- Bug 1192277 - remove check for LLVM PR 8927; r=glandium (d12cfe5f28)
- Bug 762449 - Make jemalloc's opt.lg_dirty_mult work as documented. r=njn (2765252e9c)
- Bug 1138705 - Preserve LastError when calling TlsGetValue. r=njn (403eee3ca3)
- Bug 1139357 - Make jemalloc3's --without-export actually work. r=njn (85f53039af)
- Bug 1142412 - Update memory/jemalloc to 4.0.0 release. r=njn (bb65146083)
- Bug 1142412 - Remove last jemalloc patch by using a workaround when running its configure. r=mshal (990b6cb4ea)
- Bug 1201792 - s/MOZ_JEMALLOC3/MOZ_JEMALLOC4/. r=njn (3924d18006)
- Bug 1202523 - Use the default chunk size with jemalloc 4. r=njn (268f4d5a7d)
- Bug 1174250: Allow the CommitHook to fail without crashing. r=glandium (7cd2b5374e)
- Bug 1203840 - Trigger dirty pages purge after CC. r=njn,r=smaug,r=mccr8 (5649197ba0)
- Bug 1188469 - remove configure.in workaround for broken egrep in OS X 10.7; r=mshal (91eb406603) (c7924fe23)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1144934 - Add support for NSIS 3.0b1 in configure.in. r=gps (68c2d307ea)
- Bug 1146096: configure.in updates for SCTP and musl.libc (sys/queue.h) r=glandium (1ee3be321a)
- Bug 1139020: Update SCTP library from upstream to rev 9168 rs=jesup (59aff8e427)
- Bug 1139020: rollup of sctp modifications for Android rs=jesup (0c207e42fa)
- Bug 1146096: update usrsctp to rev 9209 from upstream rs=jesup (d48529adb5)
- Bug 1146096: rollup of sctp modifications for Android rs=jesup (72296c9831)
- (configure) Update embedded libpng to version 1.6.28 (9c91526374)
- Bug 1138845 - Don't require atk-bridge for gtk+3 builds. r=tbsaunde (b3954d62cc)
- Bug 1159273 - Allow loading of tree cairo and system cairo at the same time. r=glandium (4f1a58a49f)
- Bug 1138845 - Fixup for bustage. r=me (dff1a71582)
- Bug 1159273 - Update Cairo/Pixman renaming to not leak the symbols we use and silence linker warnings. r=jrmuizel (77daf01890)
- Bug 1159273 - Update gkmedias symbol defs to catch up with the Cairo/Pixman renames. r=jrmuizel (c69fece38b)
- Bug 1159273 - Fix out-dated Cairo usage that may fail to build or work properly when system Cairo is involved. r=jrmuizel (352f69f8f5)
- Bug 1159273 - call g_type_init in nsAppShell::Init. r=glandium (61e1857a64) (d8ae51153)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2022, 10:40
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Open Filename Folder' to the 'Double-Click Action' and 'Enter Action' options.

Titel: WebCacheImageInfo 1.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2022, 18:20
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and then it displays the list of all images found in the cache with the interesting information stored in them, like the software that was used to create the image, the camera model that was used to photograph the image, and the date/time that the image was created.


Whats new: >>

Updated to read the Cache_Data subfolder in the new version of Chrome Web browser.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-02-05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2022, 20:30

In-tree changes:
- update XULRunner-sdk patch as of NM27 git rev a988f766 (127240e9)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git d8ae51153...a988f766e:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 870173 - Upgrade to clang 3.3. r=ehsan (f654c5710a)
- add missing and previous stuff (4d3e5dbf07)
- Bug 1155476 - Update sccache to 155c926 (c72624ae94)
- goanna->gecko and permissions (a6aa2bb828)
- Bug 1203857 - Allow to build standalone js against jemalloc4. r=gps (cfe96f97a6)
- Bug 1186424: Remove AsmJS min heap length optimization; r=luke (199d840dcf)
- Bug 1198224 - OdinMonkey: hash the signatures, not their addresses (r=bbouvier) (c66aa93445)
- Bug 1178793 - Make asm.js atomic primitives return Int, not Intish. r=luke (cb64cb1ff5)
- Bug 1159473 - Add Mac-specific debug logging code. r=spohl (180e51c1f7)
- fix mispatch (3bbd00e849)
- Bug 1186158 - Receive notifications of sandbox violations in the browser on OS X. r=spohl (e22b97dd79)
- Bug 1152585 - Implement GetClientOffset in nsChildView to fix child offset calculation when drawInTitlebar=false r=mstange (89d4ee9d52)
- [Adapted not to drop 10.5] Bug 1172664 - Use [NSApplication setPresentationOptions:] instead of SetSystemUIMode for hide os chrome. r=smichaud Bug 1188322 - Always hide menubar as well as dock for fullscreen on OS X whatever the screen is. r=mstange (872ef3e90f)
- Bug 1180564: Pref off NSTextInput protocol methods in anticipation of removing them. Also re-organize them so they're all in one spot and fix an unrelated warning. r=masayuki (aef2c0bb7e)
- add back some crash reporter stuff (75dfba90be)
- Bug 1188425 - Add a pref to allow insecure text input, thereby avoiding crashes at [ChildView keyDown:] in non-release builds. r=spohl (e089d0ccea)
- Bug 1193062 - Give synthesized NSEvents a timestamp that is in the right space. r=smichaud (452f7992ca)
- Bug 1193977 - Bind the texture unit we want to use when compositing the OSX titlebar. r=jrmuizel (063830bda1)
- Bug 976722 - Make -moz-appearance:toolbox influence the sheet attachment edge. r=roc (2e87d2e340)
- Bug 1154676 - Add a null-check for the presshell. r=mstange (a41d28effc)
- Bug 1154322 - Always use DrawTargetCG when painting directly into a window on OS X (unaccelerated drawRect rendering). r=jrmuizel (af405884eb)
- Bug 1148868 - Fix up nsChildView::ConfigureAPZControllerThread(). r=kats (497a262ad8)
- Bug 1141917 - Remove unused member function RectTextureImage::UpdateFromDrawTarget(). r=mstange (36182de410)
- Bug 1193062 - Make nsChildView send PanGestureInput events into APZ. r=kats, r=smichaud (696b0a9886)
- Bug 1110888 follow-up: Mark SetPluginFocused as override (26805abd52)
- Bug 1016035 - Move some code around. r=kats (c786056e9b) (abb8daa3f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1178833 - Fix for unified builds when a new file is added to layout/base. r=mstange (bf961c00fd)
- Bug 1178847 - Add a MobileViewportManager to manage setting the CSS viewport on B2G. r=botond,tn (937ba486fa)
- Bug 1178847 - Don't use the MobileViewportManager code on Mulet or Fennec yet. r=botond (3061b2c617)
- Bug 1168950. Add the document to DoProcessRestyles profile label. r=dbaron (2347b76411)
- Bug 1187792 - Don't set the SPCSPS unless meta-viewport or zooming is enabled. r=botond (a8f5ed1006)
- Bug 1193062 - Don't double-send target APZC confirmations that might race each other. r=kats (de48467401)
- Bug 1186004 - Add a pref to enable/disable APZ zooming behaviour. r=botond (fc3653c979)
- Bug 1193062 - Add a PAN_MOMENTUM state. r=kats (10c8bb1a5e)
- Bug 1148350 - Have ConvertToGecko use a live screen-to-apzc transform to avoid transform mismatches. r=botond (9eee9ea6f2)
- Bug 1169844 - Remove incorrect assertion and properly untransform wheel events for overscroll situations. r=botond (9b101b53bb)
- Bug 1169690 - Accelerate flings correctly in the presence of overscroll handoff. r=kats (49d55c05f4)
- Bug 1158424 - Extract a BreadthFirstSearch() helper function. r=kats (6a49498185)
- Bug 1158424 - Add APZCTreeManager::FindRootContentApzcForLayersId(). r=kats (d6c7ecf781)
- Bug 1158424 - Fix APZCTreeManager::GetMultitouchTarget(). r=kats (bf8571a4ca)
- Bug 1174205 - Make sure to acquire the tree lock before finding the multitouch target. r=botond (bdbd98f2c7)
- Bug 1211660 - Remove dead obj argument from two functions. r=Waldo. (efba5a2f8d)
- Bug 1158424 - Undeprecate HasNoParentWithSameLayersId(). r=kats (d994ea28f8)
- Fix AsyncCompositionManager not comparing layer tree IDs when finding scrollbar targets. (bug 1151169, r=kats) (c7dbc4776a)
- Bug 1163259. Make sure we don't look at the parent ref layer when looking for a layer with the frame metrics for a scrollbar. r=kats (8b99d2c830)
- Bug 1164340. Convert the scrollbar thumb ratio to a unitless ratio properly for non-zoomable scrollframes. r=botond (27f56cab56)
- Bug 1164340. Fix up some scrollbar related comments in AsyncCompositionManager. r=botond (b9d540bea9)
- Bug 1164767. Modify async scrollbar positioning code to deal with containerless root scrollables. r=botond (501d07592e)
- Bug 1158424 - Remove FrameMetrics::IsRootScrollable() (it just duplicated IsRootContent()). r=kats (672fd034b3)
- Bug 1120683 - Properly handle unapplying 3D projective transforms throughout APZ code. r=botond (a46612811a)
- Bug 1148868 - Make APZ wheel handling handle pixel scrolling on OS X. r=dvander, r=kats (da3bd34135)
- Bug 1193062 - Add fields to PanGestureInput and ScrollWheelInput. r=kats (716ba34e18)
- Bug 1189565 - Send resize events when backing scale factor changes. r=mstange (4e81a7bbf7)
- Bug 1193062 - Add nsCocoaUtils::ModifiersForEvent. r=smichaud (da67b22ff7)
- Bug 1016035 - Remove the ability to swipe vertically. r=kats (fa315e0b97)
- Bug 1016035 - Refactor the code that decides whether we want to start a swipe. r=kats (3091961328)
- Bug 1016035 - Make the threshold in AxisPhysicsMSDModel::IsFinished controllable by the caller. r=kip (76df4d85a2)
- Bug 1016035 - More swipe refactoring. r=kats (2abcd05b33)
- Bug 1016035 - Implement the swipe animation ourselves instead of calling the NSEvent trackSwipe API. r=kats (4842b2a728)
- Bug 1016035 - Move swipe tracking code into DispatchAPZWheelInputEvent. r=kats (bb1052b87c)
- Bug 1016035 - Also mark widgetWheelEvents that are handled by APZ with mCanStartSwipe. r=kats (21809b902d)
- Bug 1016035 - Put PanGestureInput events into a queue if they can end up as a swipe. r=kats (2ebac59047)
- Bug 1016035 - Split up MaybeTrackScrollEventAsSwipe into SendMayStartSwipe and TrackScrollEventAsSwipe. r=kats (ced10d9671)
- Bug 1016035 - Send MayStartSwipe event before sending the wheel event. r=kats (b3346b81fb)
- Fix some fields missing in the widget event IPC glue. (bug 1139711, r=kats) (1298b25705)
- Bug 1016035 - Add mCanTriggerSwipe and TriggersSwipe(). r=masayuki (664a059972)
- Bug 1016035 - Make APZEventState report defaultPrevented=true when the event started a swipe. r=kats (128d627ac7)
- Bug 1016035 - Set scroll overflow information on potential swipe start events that have been processed by APZ. r=masayuki (b5931f6320)
- Bug 1206801 - fix broken CONFIG['DEBUG'] checks in moz.build files; r=mshal (292d5ac709)
- Bug 1186424: Refactor AsmJSValidate.cpp in preparation for parallelization; r=luke (4868bc66ca)
- Bug 1129267 - Fix by backing out patch for bug 1118615. r=mstange (ea8aaba04e)
- Bug 1182411 Part 1: Make plugin quirks available to the Parent as well as the Child. r=jimm (1f2551a6b7)
- Bug 1228462 - "PluginQuirks.* uses DOS CRLF". r=jmathies (b569a6c6c8)
- Bug 1152300 - When focus shifts from a native plugin window to content, content needs to forward the request for focus change to chrome. r=enn (5bd811fadd)
- Bug 1185529: On Windows, ensure that NPAPI child window has the correct parent before setwindow is called. r=jimm (9d94fdf2ff)
- Bug 1182411 Part 2: Change winless popup surrogate to have its parent set in the chrome process. r=jimm (adee9bb012) (e9ba40cf6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1144112 - Rearrange code a little to simplify it. No functional changes intended. r=botond (585aec1682)
- Bug 1144112 - When tagging a block as fast-motion with touch-action enabled, make sure to set the allowed behaviors on it as well. r=botond (6c969faab6)
- Bug 1172541 - Don't skip touch event delivery during smooth scroll. r=kats (c1e81e308e)
- Bug 1194876 - Extract a TouchCounter class. r=botond (742458342a)
- Bug 1159455 - Fix assorted debugging strings in APZ code. r=botond (4f608f0e0a)
- Bug 1194876. Reset the input state on an APZC if a new touch block targets a new APZC while there were touches still active. r=botond (481002eaa9)
- Bug 1194876 - Do a better job of resetting input state. r=botond (9fc5a3a605)
- Bug 1143575. Fix build by ensuring ColorLayerComposite uses namespace gfx. r=nical (429d9f9abe) (16a3a03bc)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1193062 - Add PanGestureBlockState. r=kats (a8da88a934)
- Bug 1193062 - Make PanGestureInput transform processing work like ScrollWheelInput processing. r=kats (fb17c120e8)
- Bug 1180780 - Enable handling of pixel-scrolling wheel events with APZ on Windows and Linux. r=mstange (41d8fd5ed2)
- missing part of Bug 1013412 (4fa14a56d9)
- Make sure that confirmed APZ wheel targets are always scrollable. (bug 1154132, r=kats) (c35e3a34ca)
- breakage fixes (96a1e3c36a)
- Bug 1153711 - Do not discard a component of a fling if an APZC further in the handoff chain has room to scroll in that direction. r=kats (4f35dfd913)
- Bug 1193062 - Set correct axis velocities when using PanGestureInput events. r=kats (7036040c68)
- Clamp APZ wheel animations to their scrollable range. (bug 1152011 part 2, r=botond) (45c4925fee)
- Bug 1193062 - CanScrollWithWheel needs to use ParentLayerCoords for the scroll delta. r=kats (20a3c4ac6b)
- Bug 1193062 - Make OverscrollHandoffChain::FindFirstScrollable and AsyncPanZoomController::CanScroll able to deal with PanGestureInput events. r=kats (d87ec270db)
- Bug 1193062 - Add mHandledByAPZ on PanGestureInput and ScrollWheelInput, and sync the information to the WidgetWheelEvent. r=kats (6e72f5885f)
- Bug 1016035 - Delay the processing of a PanGestureInput block until we know whether it's a swipe. r=kats (77d1dceb04)
- Bug 1145084 - Ensure that the 300ms content timeout in the APZ code also applies to the touch-action allowed behaviours. r=botond (45f58fe247)
- Bug 1193062 - Make AllowScrollHandoff work for both ScrollWheelInput and PanGestureInput blocks. r=kats (d335008b0a)
- Bug 1193062 - Remove mPanGestureState. r=kats (774bb3dedf)
- Bug 1193062 - Use ScrollSource::Wheel for pan gesture events. r=kats (e9328b0bc4)
- Bug 1193062 - Don't use PanGestureInput events for instant wheel scrolling. r=kats (7d89c5dc2e)
- Bug 1175564 - don't lock y-axis if pan displacement is 0. r=kats (372d76c914)
- Bug 1193062 - Process pan gesture deltas in begin+end events. r=kats (f29072bf8f)
- Bug 1193062 - Fix UntransformVector w coordinate checks. r=kip (73b459e459)
- Bug 1016035 - Replay the queue to the swipe tracker once the swipe start confirmation arrives. r=kats (9891444d4f)
- Bug 1016035 - Don't wait for content to say that we need to swipe if APZ has enough information. r=kats (2b94c25bd3)
- Bug 1016035 - Swallow the rest of the scroll gesture after swiping without APZ. r=kats (f9250388f9)
- Fix crashes when a wheel transaction has a null confirmed apzc. (bug 1147249, r=kats) (ef898a9f3a)
- Bug 1176001 - Turn unconditional log into a manually-enabled log. r=botond (1d866b1ffa)
- Don't have a default repaint interval of "never" for APZ animations. (bug 1152138, r=botond) (7e276ba862)
- Bug 1152051 - Ensure that destroying an overscroll animation always clears the state Axis tracks about it. r=Cwiiis (1273aac828)
- Request content repaints during APZ wheel animations. (bug 1152138, r=botond) (ba3e24011b)
- Bug 1164557 - Use COORDINATE_EPSILON in IsZero(). r=kats (c07e506607)
- Bug 1164557 - Weed out spurious calls to Axis::OverscrollBy() caused by rounding error r=kats (15f8d18a7e)
- Bug 1186164 - When clearing the overscroll animation state, make sure# etOverscroll() continues to reflect the correct direction of overscroll. r=Cwiiis (282c63383c)
- Bug 1198900 - Don't call OnTouchCancel when the current block is not a touch block. r=botond (b724d8d3ef)
- Bug 788873 - Only rebind a GLXPixmap if the texture has changed. r=karlt (e1f72858ee)
- Bug 1169270 - Minor style fixes. r=dvander (494449170d)
- Bug 1145702 - Make the assertion in Axis::GetOverscroll() more informative. r=Cwiiis (dff257bbbd)
- Bug 1152051 - During an overscroll animation, detect a peak even if a sample has a velocity of exaclty zero. r=Cwiiis (a5aad5349f)
- Bug 1201101 - Enable axis-locking over multiple APZCs. r=botond (21574b80ec)
- test of Bug 1143522 - Convert Layer::mClipRect to ParentLayerIntRect. r=botond (8f729ca8b0)
- Bug 1159398 - Set the controller thread when running APZ gtests. r=dvander (4349b6722b)
- Bug 1148350 - Add a test. r=botond (72e3c0716d)
- Bug 1152051 - Gtest. r=Cwiiis,kats (bf337c0d6d)
- missing of Bug 1158122 - Remove most occurences of nsIntRect in gfx/tests. r=nical (a328773d9d)
- missing test of Bug 1160566 - Make FrameMetrics.mCompositionBounds private (091db42632)
- Bug 1163845 - Unify handling of time in APZ gtests. r=kats (2366690fe7)
- Fix APZ scroll wheel animations often prematurely ending on the first frame. (bug 1157409, r=kats) (78cc0e2292)
- Bug 1169689 - Make sure we don't end up with a spurious velocity if we're not going to be panning. r=botond (8911802134)
- Bug 1203744 - Fix the SCREEN blend mode with CompositorOGL when the source data is unpremultiplied. r=dvander (e256f83a14) (d88cb9e20)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1157984 - Part 1: Extend gfx::2d classes to support both float and double precision,r=jrmuizel (d8d0cadcb0)
- Bug 1157984 - Part 2: Implement double precision clipping functions in Matrix4x4,r=vlad (f31c243a9d)
- Bug 1157984 - Part 3: Correct bounding box transformations to support projections and correct clipping when transforming behind the camera,r=vlad (c9c678905b)
- Bug 1157984 - Part 4: Remove gfxRect::TransformBounds,r=vlad (71d076d48b)
- Bug 1157984 - Part 5: Test,r=vlad (1c9c711745)
- Bug 1159985 - In APZ gtests, allow panning in both directions. r=kats (b4a42c580a)
- Bug 1166871 - Add a test. r=botond (b08332347f)
- Bug 1159985 - Gtest. r=kats (ad41b809ff)
- Bug 1169695 - Make the test timestamp privately held by the MockContentControllerDelayed. r=botond (4f898a778c)
- Bug 1169695 - Advance the stored time when sampling the transform for a future frame. r=botond (77d029383e)
- Bug 1169695 - Store task run-at times in the task queue. r=botond (4bc228d713)
- Bug 1171312 - Add generic tree search algorithms for layers-related data structures. r=botond (675806f3e1)
- Bug 1200063 - Make APZCTreeManager the place where GetFrameTime() can be overridden. r=kats (32ba198192)
- Bug 1200063 - Share a paint throttler between APZCs in the same layers id. r=kats (a2147d25e6)
- Bug 1200063 - Add a generic implementation of nsITimerCallback that's usable with a lambda or other function object. r=kats (6d7ef71d44)
- Bug 1200063 - Make sure TaskThrottler sends its pending repaint request eventually, even if it never receives a notification from the previous request. r=kats (6eceede1e2)
- Bug 1200063 - Rename MakeAPZCInstance to NewAPZCInstance for consistency. r=kats (6927e90644)
- Bug 1144374 - Fix APZ code to deal with layers getting moved to another LayerManager. r=botond (eb682a58cd)
- Bug 1193930 - Allow the user to start a pinch while an overscroll animation is still in progress. r=kats (44c2e57123)
- Bug 1169690 - Gtests. r=kats (3c206d1cb2)
- Bug 1201098 - Consume fling and overscroll velocity per-axis. r=botond (1e05677586)
- Bug 1158424 - Clean up uses of HasNoParentWithSameLayersId() in overscroll handoff chain building. r=kats (0ed1ddee59)
- Bug 1201277 - Replace functors with lambdas in APZCTreeManager. r=botond (ec5476a598)
- Bug 1180030 - Request a fling snap when an overscroll animation completes. r=kats (e789a2ebb3)
- Bug 1159985 - If only one component of a fling is in overscroll, continue the fling in the other component. r=kats (81998d723f)
- Bug 1031443 - Allow panning in the pinching state even if zooming is disabled;r=botond (4c90350cc6)
- Fix APZ not starting and updating wheel animations within an APZC lock. (bug 1152011 part 1, r=botond) (ae0d4d0aa8)
- Bug 1145089 - Update documentation for nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault. r=botond (7ca605ad96)
- bug 1170988 - Fix skia to build for iOS. r=gw280 (fb375def29)
- bug 1171642 - Disable some skia arm assembly for iOS. r=gw280 (004245c173)
- fix build on gcc 11 (1c511ac81b)
- missing bit of Bug 1188462 - Rename gfx/skia/trunk directory to gfx/skia/skia. (ca8f138b28)
- Bug 1180030 - Do not request a fling snap if the fling will overscroll on its first sample. r=kats (55f89d55b5)
- Bug 1167721 - Ensure we trigger a repaint when dropping velocity to zero in CancelAnimation. r=botond (d04fbb2a50)
- Bug 1158340 - Refactor RedistributeDisplayPortExcess. r=kats (27725c3ee4)
- Bug 1189565 - Only factor in the async zoom change. r=kats (57e357a038)
- Bug 1192466 - Prune header includes for SkiaGLGlue.h - r=bgirard (37d31a1238)
- Bug 1004489 - propagate Cairo font AA settings to Skia font. r=gw280 (9adc439b19)
- Bug 1171528 - Remove overflowed nscoord_MAX warnings from nsRect. r=dholbert (08599b00e9)
- Bug 1202430 - remove NS_GFX and related macros; r=jrmuizel (cb0b79951e)
- Bug 1181317 - Switch drawing order of filter feBlend inputs. r=mstange (4914444219)
- Bug 1180379. Split out GMAX4500 and block those devices from D2D. r=Bas (c8d1a755ea)
- Bug 1073117 - Theme issues with GTK 3.14 - fix gtk button and entry size, r=karlt (0df9ac5c7f)
- Bug 1187237 - Correct range slider drawing on GTK3. r=karlt (0d671487da)
- Bug 1171696 - Require room for scrollbar sliders and draw troughs only when there is room for a slider or buttons on GTK. r=karlt (71710baeaa)
- Bug 1202317. Optimize away identity ColorMatrix nodes. r=mstange (6c57a71e0c)
- Bug 1202317. Support PodEqual over fixed-length arrays. r=Waldo (060f20b429)
- Bug 1203078 - whitelist gdk-pixbuf image formats. r=dan (5eb43e4235)
- Bug 1202317. Optimize feComposite type="arithmetic" with all-zero k values to transparent black. r=mstange (47b2d40678)
- Bug 1189443 - Don't round down the margin amounts when inflating the displayport. r=dvander (4afcf087ab)
- Bug 1205741 - add xpm and svg to supported gdk-pixbuf formats. r=acomminos,dveditz (4c356c961a)
- Bug 1166741 - Workaround for GTK3 bug where file choosers' delegate refcount is not incremented. r=karlt (9d59be7b05)
- Bug 1166741 followup: Guard GTK file-picker member-var decl/init statements with same #ifdef that its usages are guarded with, to avoid -Wunused-private-field warning. r=karlt (25bbf34486)
- fix build on 10.5/10.6 (9acd104c9f)
- namespaces (358de9591c)
- Bug 1178842 - Fix unified build for nsDisplayList.cpp when a new file is added to layout/base. r=mstange (aa8ff77615) (a988f766e)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 06:00
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


    Optimized dark theme for the download manager
    Optimized Vbox update
    Optimized Maxnote loading speed
    Local HTTP request doesn't skip to HTTPS automatically
    Optimized pin logic for the video pop-up window
    Fixed the issue that the tab could not drag each other under the split mode
    Fixed the issue that the browser account kept the login status after changing the browser account email address
    Fixed the issue that webpage menu could not support dark theme
    Fixed the issue that the login panel could not exit automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the video pop-up window could not display the correct progress bar
    Fixed the issue that the editing bookmark window could not display the folder "Other bookmarks"
    Fixed the issue that the shortcut could not work correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that user data cannot be accessed due to the wrong cache
    Fixed the issue that the browser language option displayed blank after importing data from MX5
    Fixed the issue that the site settings displayed wrongly in some languages
    Fixed the issue that the customized shortcut could not be deleted
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote trash could not sync automatically
    Fixed the issue that the login panel could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed crashes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5 2022-02-12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2022, 22:10

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git a988f766e...850741b59:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1158090 - Fix documentation for nsDisplayListBuilder constructor. r=roc (773b76e1b3)
- Bug 1153510 - Improve handling of vertical writing mode in SVG text frames. r=longsonr (bd513aa02e)
- Bug 1156366 - Support vertical writing modes and upright/sideways gly# ph orientation in SVG text-on-a-path. r=longsonr (325c3c2e00)
- Bug 1157951 patch 1 - Rename fields and variables in nsCharClipDisplayItem etc using VisIStart/End instead of left/right. r=roc (bc4aa0e75a)
- Fix nsDisplayCanvasBackgroundColor to invalidate on color changes. (bug 1205970 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (e51b8489a6)
- Bug 1151663 - Initialize display list builder flags earlier in nsLayoutUtils::PaintFrame(). r=tn (fb55eaf2d8)
- Remove willFlushRetainedLayers, which is superceded by DLBI. (bug 1205970 part 2, r=mattwoodrow) (0651277211)
- Bug 1166301 - Layerize background images fixed to child elements. r=mattwoodrow (fb979f8c89)
- Bug 1166301 - If APZ is enabled, only clip fixed background images to the viewport area. r=mattwoodrow (96944fa488)
- Bug 885515 - Part 1: Add an analysis for detecting non-heap allocations of MOZ_HEAP_CLASS, r=ehsan (b1c53befae)
- Bug 1192271 - Add helper method CustomTypeAnnotation::reportErrorIfAbsent to clang-plugin, r=ehsan (627b9d0c4c)
- Bug 1195960 - Correct naming of CustomTypeAnnotation::reportErrorIfAbsent, r=me (cdba688d80) (5c42a5c6d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1149416 - Don't make free-nonheap-object warning an error on a CLOSED TREE . r=glandium (e968f5f2ac)
- Bug 1145781 - Fix hazard on a CLOSED TREE. (c6a424b4e9)
- Bug 1187982 - Fix building clang-plugin with clang 3.5; r=mystor (0e1ba88dfd)
- spacing (38d98645d8)
- Run clang-format on clang-plugin.cpp, no bug (cce9551ab2)
- Bug 1156802 - Part 1: Add an analysis which prohibits explicit move constructors, r=ehsan (1ba4769e7b)
- Bug 1178806. IndexedDB autoincrement overflow should be throwing ConstraintError per spec. r=bent (1820974774)
- Bug 1149815 - Guard against using deleted IDBObjectStore and IDBIndex objects, r=janv. (c63293e770)
- Bug 1149815 - Don't assume that index creation always succeeds, r=janv. (e123630c3d)
- Bug 1149815 - Properly handle IDBDatabase.close() called during a versionchange transaction, r=janv. (e1a00a34e7)
- Bug 1149815 - Fix IndexedDB tests to expect InvalidStateError rather than TransactionInactiveError when touching a deleted IDBObjectStore or IDBIndex object, r=janv. (2fde727baa)
- Bug 1168166 - Ignore failed IndexedDB optimization if disk is too full, r=janv. (0bd7dd94db)
- Bug 1168606 - Part 1: Extract Cursor response data population into shared function. r=bent (b42b353eec)
- Bug 1168606 - Part 2: Convert DelayedDeleteRunnable into reusable DelayedActionRunnable class. r=bent (db6a8969a9)
- Bug 1170746 - Getting mutable files over a cursor crashes the browser; r=bent (70225fd031)
- Bug 1168606 - Part 3: Allow multiple ObjectStoreCursorResponses in a CursorResponse. r=khuey (744c1798d4)
- Bug 1179025 - Protect against using cursors on a deleted objectStore/index, r=janv. (c82d018719)
- Bug 1168606 - Part 4: Allow current key to be provided with PBackgroundIDBCursor::Continue. r=khuey (a7faf38498)
- Bug 1168606 - Part 5: Send two records with every ObjectStoreCursorResponse. r=khuey (50a8955f62)
- Bug 1156802 - Part 2: Remove all explicit move constructors, r=ehsan (07144b7b8f)
- Bug 1201309 - Make MOZ_INHERIT_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_FROM_TEMPLATE_ARGS work with MOZ_NON_MEMMOVABLE. r=ehsan f=mystor (6cd540cd1b)
- partial of Bug 1076787 - Add expectation data for running web-platform-tests on debug builds (848508f9dd)
- Bug 1149815 - Enable wpt tests that now pass, r=janv. (757331780f)
- Bug 1201190 - Part 1: Add an analysis to prevent a type from being allocated in a temporary, r=ehsan (f67cfef0ce)
- spaces (1f29d5c9bb) (8e0043d5b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 622657 - catch invalid bookmark items and delete them when syncing bookmarks. r=rnewman (bd91e14c9a)
- Bug 1166853 - Sync "hangs" when trying to apply a livemark to a reconciled folder. r=rnewman (94a6a19753)
- Bug 1012597 - Part 1: provide a way to invalidate the Places GUIDs cache. r=rnewman (66f43cb831)
- Bug 1012597 - Part 2: ensure Sync invalidates the Places GUIDs cache when needed. r=rnewman (2a67b0dfa8)
- Bug 1182366 - avoid an invalid bookmark from preventing all bookmarks syncing. r=rnewman (df895d4c35)
- let -> var (e9c382c761)
- Bug 1188170 - log the url string when the Sync bookmarks engine fails to get a URI. r=rnewman (424e5405f7)
- Bug 1195603 - prevent Sync from blocking app shutdown. r=rnewman (94c3091f9c)
- Bug 1183934 - only log an error saving JSON if an error actually occurred. r=rnewman (6b4358035c)
- Bug 1198385 - Use MFBT guard macros in the editor guard objects; r=froydnj (72e5e9f66f)
- Bug 1198385 follow-up: Fix the build bustage on a CLOSED TREE (d626e56e92)
- Bug 1177013 - Use CancelCurrentTransaction to avoid crashes (r=dvander) (362e5fc343)
- Bug 1154990 - Better error messages when IPC send fails (r=bent) (b311fb94aa)
- Bug 1177013 - Avoid memory leaks when returning errors from IPC Send (r=dvander) (f453a8feb5)
- Bug 1176096 - Ensure we don't do self-moves in move assignment (r=bent) (31aca4ad89)
- Bug 1177013 - Crash in IPC situations where we don't know what to do (r=dvander) (0e86cc437e)
- Bug 1185639 - Allow deferred message processing to happen between consecutive IPC message dispatches. r=jimm (7782c9caaf) (d7ccda56e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1189709 - Reduce scope of MessageChannel window neutering. r=jimm (a73623101e)
- Bug 1202051 - Use a PersistentRooted to automate tracing of unwrappedException_; r=sfink (32964b4bcb)
- missing part of Bug 1135236 - Remove unused print callbacks in profiler backend. (a6427e4a23)
- Bug 1164785 - Append line number to systrace scopedTrace object name. r=BenWa (be4fb076b0)
- missing parts of Bug 779291: Implement SPS stackwalk (fefa7c961c)
- Bug 1186709 - Remove MOZ_IMPLICIT from security/sandbox/chromium. r=bobowen (7c1419cd3a)
- Bug 1274253. Properly test the cpuid bits. (039f594ab3)
- Bug 1168291 - Install mozcrt.lib instead of mozglue.lib in the SDK. r=mshal (00d4309281)
- Bug 1198334 (follow-up) - Fix SM(e) bustage (which doesn't show up on try pushes, grr). r=bustage. (4431457ede)
- Bug 1194560 - Add tools/power/rapl, a RAPL-reading program for power rofiling. r=erahm,glandium. (47b61fd39c)
- Bug 1147243 - Build memory/jemalloc in unified mode; r=glandium (81173f8bc2)
- Bug 1201738 - Update jemalloc4 to 594c759 + two pending patches. r=njn (66f4f3fe49)
- Bug 1135583: Prevent the inclusion of Char16.h in VS2015's fallible.obj. r=glandium (3e5ac84efb)
- bug 1171122 - Swap some XP_MACOSX for XP_DARWIN in mozalloc. r=glandium (6d03543291)
- Bug 1170177 - Disable our own abort() method with MOZ_ASAN. r=froydnj (cdc43fcb8c)
- Bug 1120793 - Remove obsolete _Throw wrapping. r=froydnj (a5c53780ec)
- Bug 1189967 - Avoid conflicting declarations for our raise wrappers on Windows. r=nfroyd (e0a606ef14)
- Bug 1203476 - Fix an Android-only warning in mozalloc_abort.cpp. r=glandium. (806b791d54)
- pointer style (97a2b4ffea)
- Bug 1147353 - Odin: simplify the masked index bounds check test. r=sfink, r=luke (fa6007c8dd) (850741b59)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2022, 21:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

    New feature:

    When holding ctrl and pressing a link, you can pick which browser to open.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2022, 19:45

Added overall appearance settings
Added smart address settings
Supported dark theme for the resource sniffer
Optimized QuickAccess screenshot thumbnail display
Supported keyboard "Enter" to submit the confirm option
Fixed the issue that the logged-in account window could not be opened in some cases
Fixed the issue that the account password could not be reset by using the phone number
Fixed the issue that PDF could not load the print preview
Fixed the issue that font settings could not be saved
Fixed the issue the blur function of screen capture could not work correctly
Fixed the issue that the scroll bar displayed incorrectly under the dark mode
Fixed the issue that the toolbar could not display correctly under the dark mode in some cases
Fixed the issue that Maxthon 5 data could not be imported in some cases
Fixed the issue that the customized search engines could not display in new tab page fully
Fixed the issue that Vbox account identities could not sync successfully
Fixed the issue the history items could not load fully
Fixed the issue that the history search function could not work in some cases
Fixed crashes


Titel: BriskBard 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 19:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 98.0.4758.102.
    Now it's possible to stretch the speed dial icons to show all of them at all times.
    Added a special icon when a WebView2 browser tab is playing sound.
    Removed the option to filter images by file size in web browser tabs due to changes in the API.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-02-19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 21:00

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 850741b59...f5d811828:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1132920: Use movddup for SIMD swizzle pattern (0, 1, 0, 1) on SSE3 enabled machines; r=sunfish (2f6ff1e5ae)
- cleanup (a843df02f4)
- Bug 1201810, IonMonkey - Part 1: Move the platform specific shared ic stubs, r=jandem (41103c7241)
- Bug 1201810, IonMonkey - Part 0: Improve code of EmitIonTailCallVM, r=jandem (aa72188407)
- Bug 1203297: Fix makeFrameDescriptor warnings on x86 and x64, in non-unified builds; r=terrence (8ff0ef518d)
- Bug 984018 - sincos optimization. r=nbp (8e82c1249e)
- rearrange (9eec87ba05) (f5d811828)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses. Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2022, 06:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 98.0.4758.102)
    Adjusted cache clear behavior
    Fixed an issue where UserAgent specifications were not applied for some communications

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2022, 06:20

    Supported the extension sync
    Added "open account local folder" option to the setting page
    Optimized bookmark page layout and interaction
    Dark mode adapted the third party page when the page using standard media
    Optimized the dark mode
    Optimized login panel
    Optimized the smart address bar options
    Fixed the issue that font settings could not work
    Fixed the issue that the font settings could not display the correct option in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the "close all windows" could not work when the browser had too many tabs


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.2.27.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2022, 19:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2022, 06:55
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

fixed some simple word search errors for things like "me" and "as"

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.5-2022-02-26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2022, 20:30

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git f5d811828...602cae049:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1199719 werr - Remove some of the uninitialized variable noise. r=jorendorff (53a083e245)
- Bug 1192412 - Part 0: Refactor property list parsing. r=efaust (2adfa03e58)
- Bug 1192412 - Part 1: Set class constructor name to class name. r=efaust (09793532d7)
- Bug 1192412 - Followup: Unbreak js1_8_5/reflect-parse/classes.js, erroneously neutered. (rs=jorendorff) (e83a54963f)
- Bug 1195578 - Consolidate NoneIsOperand and NoneIsOperandYieldEOL modifier exceptions into simply NoneIsOperand. r=arai (9c87baadd0)
- Bug 1195578 - Part 2: Get a token next to an arrow function with block body with Operand modifier. r=Waldo (0c09a4c4c6)
- pointer style (56cb1ec0d1)
- Bug 1168992 - Part 3: Change PNK_SUPERPROP to PNK_DOT and fix reflection of super.prop. (r=Waldo) (8b3c2707e5)
- Bug 1168992 - Part 4: Convert PNK_SUPERELEM to PNK_ELEM and fix reflection of super[elem]. (r=Waldo) (49766e68cf)
- pointer style (1541429a63)
- Bug 1201051 - Make helper thread initialization report errors rather than crashing r=terrence (914d9c2314)
- pointer style (c4eca260a6)
- bug 1205273 - Define XP_IOS in js/src. r=glandium (342e80ae0b)
- Fix for bug 527558 (Crash [@ xul.dll\!nsDependentCSubstring::nsDependentCSubstring]). r=sicking. (d8adc1d412)
- fix order misspatch (dc458abc4e)
- Bug 1189852 - link broken when a line break is part of the hash r=mcmanus (c5cd022e05)
- Bug 1190086 - Use new String::Contains(char) method more widely r=froydnj (a23f533e31)
- Bug 1184395 - Remove nsCookieService::mObserverService; r=jdm (c11ebb9bf7)
- Bug 1197791 - hide password for uri in error and web console. r=michal r=mrbkap (d66096494a) (d71b9d183)
- import from seamonkey: Bug 1003758 - NSIS installer file changes to support NSIS 3.0a2. r=mcsmurf,a=Standard8 CLOSED TREE (a083948e9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- remove some hacks (5a020c69f1)
- fix misspatch in 1188129 (3f533c3b35)
- pointer style (c001547d31)
- No bug - Fix typo in MissingScopeKey comment. No review. (bdddaf5243)
- pointer style (d29bf7eddc)
- Bug 1201051 - Add ObjectWeakMap::init() rather than crashing in constructor on OOM r=terrence (632b865197)
- Bug 1193039 - Fix assertion failure related to ObjectValueMap and OOM r=terrence (7110da6cee)
- pointer style and spaces (30193d1c6b)
- Bug 1205255 - Force inline and use relaxed atomic. r=terrence (c14013330f)
- Bug 1206300 - Allow immutable prototypes to be disabled at compile time with a single-line change, but don't actually disable them. r=jorendorff (f61ff0c6ab)
- Bug 1195058 - Handle pa_context_new returning NULL in OOM situations. r=padenot (93c2acd8c9)
- Bug 1144087 - "Audio glitches on OpenBSD caused by rounding errors." r=kinetik (ff963727a9)
- apply/partially revert to Bug 979705 - Re-write the upmixing functions in the WASAPI cubeb backend to fix mono audio and surround compatibility. r=padenot (9dda58fe7f)
- Bug 1195061 - Correctly restore audio hardware mix format after attempting to use an alternative format. r=padenot (c971f0f27a)
- Bug 1197049 - Retain stream volume across device changes. r=padenot (c8631d230b)
- Bug 1199794 - Add NULL checks to avoid crashing during media playback if the audio device removed. r=padenot (2f70698942)
- Bug 1204913 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix build erros in defineSinCos. r=sunfish (70235d955b)
- fix misspatch and pointer style (6d732302ae)
- Missing bit of Bug 1141121 (3ba5331859)
- Bug 1176288 - Part 3: Rename CompareV to CompareBitwise, r=jandem (790ee9496d)
- pointer style (ec9e8c4c35)
- Bug 1135047 - IonMonkey: Fix range before bailouts of MToInt32, r=nbp,sunfish (c6732433d0)
- Bug 1105574 - Range Analysis: Keep folded bitwise instructions alive for bailouts. r=sunfish (5e31e0f772)
- Bug 1135047 - IonMonkey: Use output range when taking range from operands, r=nbp,sunfish (67d297dbae)
- Bug 1201459: IonMonkey - Fix typepolicy of MFilterTypeSet with MIRType_Float32, r=bbouvier,nbp (9c25aa23e1)
- Bug 1204073 - Optimize GETELEM with constant string-or-symbol index better in Ion. r=bhackett (9d8acd6d87)
- pointer style (3d06794b72)
- misspatch (88b8faeda5)
- Bug 1187511 - IonMonkey: Refine type sets for unbox operations based on unbox type r=jandem (42effad799)
- Bug 1188586 - Temporarily disable recovery of MPow to unblock fuzzers. (rs=jandem) (322fa7267c)
- Bug 1186424: Get rid of the tokenStream in the ModuleCompiler; r=luke (736c957b1a)
- Bug 1186424: Remove usage of ExclusiveContext from the ModuleCompiler; r=luke (502be345de)
- Bug 1186424: Remove perf blocks annotations in OdinMonkey; r=luke (cedf212c9c)
- pointer style (746fb0ec36)
- Bug 1199719 werr.2 - Remove some of the uninitialized variable noise. r=bbouvier (07cde27868)
- code style (30fb139d82)
- Bug 1146895 - Remove redundant __asan_default_options from JS shell. r=jandem (da2b735b57)
- Bug 1176240: IonMonkey: Try to fold phis containing MFilterTypeSet, r=nbp (eea905a46f)
- pointer style (406a7024db)
- Bug 1181142 - Part 2: Make the minimum jemalloc4 allocation size 16 bytes on Windows 64. r=glandium (a7838e7b97)
- Bug 1176313. Reland the changes to make Attr handling follow the spec again. This is a relanding of bug 1075702, effectively. r=smaug (958248e30d)
- Bug 1205424 - Use swap instead of NS_RELEASE in UnbindFromTree. r=baku (b2be0ec231)
- bug 1171072 - make libcubeb build on iOS. r=kinetik (0edfad1a4a) (8e2171178)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1167384 - Remove unused SelfRef class. r=ehsan (2fcaef7a29)
- Bug 1180851. Don't make ThrowMethodFailed an inline function, because there's no really good reason to and we might as well save the codesize. r=peterv (74989e29f9)
- remove assert not found in FF/TFF (ef1eb5a6ea)
- remove unused function (0740b3e1ec)
- Bug 1162318 - Rooting hazard in WrapNativeParentHelper, r=peterv (783de84da2)
- complete Bug 1139604. Remove incorrect assert from ArrayCache::EntrySlotMustExist and the unused GetUnforgeableHolder function. r=petev (52111a5f5e)
- Bug 1195977, part 1 - Add JS_EXN_TYPE to comment in Errors.msg. r=peterv (95b5c270f0)
- Bug 1196391, part 2 - Add JSAPI constant for the max number of error arguments. r=Waldo (868b177763)
- Bug 1196391, part 1 - Make the type of locals in js::ExpandErrorArgumentsVA() match the type of JSErrorFormatString::argCount. r=Waldo (84b2befd1f)
- Bug 1195977, part 2 - Statically assert that DOM error messages don't have more arguments than the JS engine supports. r=peterv. (bf25565754)
- Bug 1195977, part 3 - Add helper for getting the number of error arguments. r=peterv (827c3b9e66)
- Bug 1195977, part 4 - Enforce number of arguments more consistently. r=peterv (e9729c9be9)
- Bug 1195977, part 5 - Hoist out inner part of ErrorResult::ThrowErrorWithMessage() into a helper. r=peterv (2eae9ca7d3)
- Bug 1195977, part 6 - Inline ErrorResult throw error methods into the header. r=peterv (95f317ff06)
- Bug 1187201 - Add char16 wrapper constructor for NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 in external string API. r=froydnj (62cd39a0fc)
- Bug 1188431 - Fixed length argument handling in char16ptr_t variant of NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 constructor. r=nfroyd (1857e14c4e)
- Bug 1202908 part 1 - Remove pref layout.css.will-change.enabled. r=dbaron (c394d6b4a5)
- Bug 1202908 part 2 - Remove CSS_PROPERTY_ALWAYS_ENABLED_IN_CHROME_OR_CERTIFIED_APP. r=dbaron (d5df0bd7c7)
- adapt code after 1202908 (0070470bd6)
- Bug 1138788 - Allow CSSParserImpl::SetURLValue assertion to succeed when under IsValueValidForProperty, even with no sheet principal. r=dholbert (4dcdaf43ab)
- Bug 1112014 - Avoid false negatives in CssPropertySupportsType. r=heycam (9e85e50c46)
- Bug 1148711 - Remove nsresult return values from nsCSSParser::Parse{Property,Variable}. r=dholbert (7932b6b4aa)
- Bug 723197 - Remove a workaround of VS2010 PGO bug. r=dbaron (4b93b0fd65)
- Bug 1132748 part 1: Add CSSUnprefixingService API for handling prefixed gradient expressions, with stub JS implementation. r=dbaron (9b31ca6217)
- Bug 1132748 part 2: Import cssfixme gradient-unprefixing code. r=hallvors (839c8abc54)
- Bug 1132748 part 3: Tweak imported cssfixme code to fit CSSUnprefixingService API. r=hallvors (b1803120da)
- Bug 1132748 part 4: Extend CSS unprefixing mochitest to cover -webkit prefixed gradient expressions. (no review) (8b7288232a)
- Bug 1162319: Refactor mochitest for CSS Unprefixing Service, to support testcases with different serialization in specified vs. computed style. (no review, test-only) (2c22fc6778)
- Bug 1146051 part 1 - [css-grid] Change the representation of 'auto' from zero to kAutoLine - an arbitrary number outside the range we clamp definite lines to. r=dholbert (4d5a4225fa)
- Bug 1146051 part 2 - [css-grid] Remove dead code because ResolveLine() never returns kAutoLine. r=dholbert (6797acd372)
- Bug 1146051 part 3 - [css-grid] Simplify some code because ResolveLine() never returns kAutoLine. r=dholbert (2615065e6d)
- Bug 1146051 part 4 - [css-grid] Translate the grid so that the top-/left-most implicit line becomes 1,1. r=dholbert (dd154947b2)
- Bug 1146051 part 5 - [css-grid] Resolve definite lines such that they expand the implicit grid also to the top/left as needed. Also, implement the 'If not enough lines with that name exist, all lines in the implicit grid are assumed to have that name' spec change when resolving <custom-ident> with <integer> or span. r=dholbert (8ee62efda1)
- Bug 1146051 part 5b - [css-grid] Clamp resolved definite lines for abs.pos. to the untranslated grid bounds. r=dholbert (6fd7537fef)
- Bug 1146051 part 6 - [css-grid] Make the grid zero-based after resolving definite lines. r=dholbert (6e047e211f)
- Bug 1146051 part 6b - [css-grid] Clamp grid lines after resolving 'auto'. r=dholbert (730a93cefc)
- Bug 1146051 part 7 - [css-grid] Make LineRange::mStart/mEnd into a union with both a signed/unsigned members to make it clear when we're working with translated line numbers and when not. r=dholbert (354f875230)
- Bug 1195977, part 8 - Check that ThrowInvalidThis is passing in enough arguments. r=peterv (0d7d99e177)
- Bug 1146051 part 8 - [css-grid] Iterate all items again instead of collecting the ones with a definite position in an array which wouldn't be much of win anyway. r=dholbert (84984c3b11)
- Bug 1146051 part 9 - [css-grid] More grid placement tests and new grid clamping tests. (58d0e1ba4e)
- Bug 1164953 - Update CSS grid <line-names> to use brackets instead of parens. r=dholbert (cc13f709ed)
- Bug 1167311: When we unprefix 'display:-webkit-box' on a whitelisted site, only set flag to unprefix '-moz-box' if we're parsing a series of declarations. r=dbaron (951b49ac90)
- Bug 1167189: Cleanup NS_RUNTIMEABORT("OOM") in layout/. r=dbaron (c548ea6f1c)
- Bug 1206569 - Part 1: Move for-Python preprocessor-generated CSS property list header to layout/style/. r=bzbarsky (6949023e8b)
- Bug 1206569 - Part 2: Note internal CSS properties using a flag. r=bzbarsky (ecebb76239)
- Bug 1206569 - Part 3: Include internal properties in PythonCSSProps.h and annotate each with a type. r=bzbarsky (3d8c67ab37)
- Bug 1168156 - Remove unused nsCSSValueTokenStream::mSheet. r=heycam (567cacd12f)
- Bug 1196339 - Drop bogus (& unused) extra arg from SVGSVGElement::SetZoomAndPan() error-reporting statement. r=mccr8 (c61cac2a25)
- Bug 1195977, part 7 - Use variadic templates instead of var args for ThrowTypeError() and ThrowRangeError(). r=peterv (42139a5989)
- Bug 1097922 - Remove temporary aliases for -moz-text-decoration-*. r=dbaron (785f019e8d)
- Bug 1118103 - Swap the aliasing direction of -moz-margin-start <-> margin-inline-start etc. r=dbaron (1baf648fa2)
- Bug 953408 - unprefix hyphens property. r=heycam (29b135189c) (e641817f5)
- imported changes from mozilla NSS:
- Bug 1755555 - Hold tokensLock through nssToken_GetSlot calls in nssTrustDomain_GetActiveSlots. r=rrelyea (a36477f0)
- Bug 1370866 - Check return value of PK11Slot_GetNSSToken. r=djackson (d7e8c2df)
- Bug 1751157 - Throw illegal_parameter alert for illegal extensions in handshake message. r=djackson (8fd5ca0c) (602cae049)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2022, 17:25
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


    Updated Maxthon icon
    Optimized dark mode
    Fixed the issue that bookmark site update could not work
    Fixed the issue that the newly created note could not display the correct order
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not work correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that site settings could not be edited in some cases
    Fixed the issue that MX5 data could not be imported correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not be exited when selecting "close to the system tray"
    Fixed the crash issue when hovering on "Other bookmarks"
    Fixed the crash issue when switching theme
    Fixed the crash issue when clearing browser data on exit
    Fixed the crash issue when syncing extensions


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-03-05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2022, 19:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


In-tree changes:
- kplugins: fix build (as of nm27 rev a9171b7b) (08b5266a)
- bump KM version for API change (as of NM27 rev a9171b7b) (f163574f)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 602cae049...a9171b7b2:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1126544 - Update sixgill to handle more constructs and manage memory better (e487a0cd05)
- Bug 1182407 - Use unpack feature of tooltool wherever possible. r=mshal (6bde76a413)
- Bug 1123386 - Part 4: Update the tooltool manifests for the OSX and Linux static analysis builds in order to upgrade clang; r=rail (517ae90efa)
- Bug 1204722 - Make sure that unboxed arrays created from literals are compatible with the type of the literal's elements, r=jandem. (400663edb4)
- Bug 1117259 - Disable the no-unused-local-typedef warning if clang supports it; r=gps (16e2e49fc6)
- Bug 1126813 - Turn on the -Wrange-loop-analysis warning if available; r=gps (1c783e1ed2)
- Bug 1191688 - Add -nologo option to rc.exe. r=ted (9c5dbe2b89)
- Bug 1150312 - Remove MOZ_SHARK. r=glandium (ba6db939d4)
- Bug 1186636 - Add a pref to configure -moz prefixed gradients support. r=dholbert (9c41ae7460)
- missing parts of Bug 1077282: Cleanup uses of GreD vs GreBinD, introcuded by v2 signature changes on OSX. Based on initial patch by rstrong. r=bsmedberg (af60bfc743)
- de-palemoon (d8b7bae74f)
- Bug 932100 - Part 1: Remove load-time dependency on user32. r=bsmedberg (9864a0ed0c)
- missing part of Bug 932100 - Part 2: Move DLL blocklist code to mozglue. r=bsmedberg, r=glandium (6497ad86bd)
- Bug 1194890 - Ensure that any user32 imports to mozglue are delay loaded; r=glandium (afa0a8d14e)
- Bug 1082792 - Build firefox.exe with -MD in ASAN builds; r=glandium (89771bb4c0)
- missing VPX/WEBM stuff (ec425938c9)
- Bug 1184452 - Correctly reject @font-face descriptors that have garbage after them. r=heycam (f530fc858e)
- Bug 1189922. Add a preference to enable global whitelisting of the CSSUnprefixingService. r=dholbert (e2997cb125)
- Bug 1198732 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix calculate frame size in generateEnterJIT. r=nbp (454d75946d)
- Bug 1199057 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Plumb new.target on the stack and make it accessible to JSNatives. r=nbp (01d5cb04c2)
- Bug 1204306 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Clean up MacroAssembler functions that aliased to Assembler. r=arai (600dc73280)
- Bug 1199080 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix treating saved frame bit as part# o the frame type. r=nbp (5e4e5ba250)
- Bug 1099448 - Don't accept box properties with invalid calc() or rgb() etc. function values. r=dbaron (5737e8c300)
- Bug 1203142 - Insert /**/ separate between two adjacent '-' symbols when serializing token streams. r=simon.sapin (06fb613d6c)
- Bug 1057680 - Add support for font-stretch values in the font shorthand. r=jdaggett (8d8e24751d)
- Bug 1155485 - Mark nsFrameManagerBase::mPresShell as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=roc (e79e28bbd0)
- Bug 1121760 (part 5) - Remove PL_DHashMarkTableImmutable(). r=poiru. (8d8c7d9d65)
- Bug 1121760 (part 6) - Move all remaining PL_DHash*() functions into PLDHashTable. r=poiru. (d36ec167cc) (8a6eb144a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1201135 - Rename pldhash.{h,cpp} to PLDHashTable.{h,cpp}. r=mccr8. (0600308646)
- Bug 1203680 P4 Fix bug in nsStorageStream with reading streams create#d efore data is populated. r=froydnj (a51018d7c4)
- Bug 1156109 - Make nsStorageInputStream::mStorageStream an nsRefPtr; r=froydnj (ac2083b0a4)
- Bug 1158735 - FetchEvent.client asserting in onFetch when there's no document. r=bkelly (c67f9dc127)
- Bug 1187766 - Test loading plugins scenarios with fetch interception. r=bkelly (9593999e0b)
- Bug 1182103 - Test EventSource scenarios with fetch interception. r=bkelly (c45c0a9840)
- Bug 1187470 - ServiceWorker scripts should not be treated parser warnings as errors, r=bkelly (a87dcd8b46)
- Bug 1144660 - client.focus() adds window interaction checks and directly uses DOMServiceWorkerFocusClient to focus window. r=ehsan,dao (66293cab2c)
- Bug 1176988 - Patch 1 - Always hit cache irrespective of HTTP method if channel is being intercepted. r=jdm (fa57442870)
- Bug 1176988 - Patch 2 - Remove XHR cache bypass in cast of POST request. r=jdm (7009c4cfb8)
- Bug 1182120 - Test XMLDocument.load() with fetch interception. r=bkelly (fae709bda0)
- Bug 1176988 - Patch 3 - Tests. r=jdm (bfb5e84490)
- Bug 815299 - Part 1: Add an API for setting an empty request header on an HTTP channel; r=dragana (ad3846e6c6)
- Bug 815299 - Part 2: Accept empty HTTP headers in fetch; r=jdm (f4d344d4a3)
- Bug 815299 - Part 3: Accept empty HTTP headers in XHR; r=jdm (8ed9b6251b)
- Bug 1198544 - Prevent FetchDriver from creating multiple responses if OnStopRequest yields a failing status code. r=nsm (e6ce3a3621)
- Bug 1171941 - Removed an incorrect URL prefix from fetch_tests.js. r=jdm (bbc57bc7e3)
- Bug 1199693 - Test CORS preflight interception with and without an internal redirect; r=jdm (6dda8cb00e)
- Bug 1190703 - Relax scope resolution assertion in ServiceWorkerContainer::Register. r=bkelly (75a095f761)
- Bug 1181037 - Use entry settings object's base URL. r=ehsan (4be1b9e1cb)
- Bug 1194562 - Pass wide strings to ThrowTypeError. r=mccr8 (360113dbb9)
- Bug 1185640 - serviceworker register() should not accept escaped slashes. r=bkelly (3c74e3c561)
- namespace (0853d1387f)
- Bug 1187350 - update() should return a Promise. r=ehsan,catalinb (5fa3367032)
- Bug 1183628 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 593fd27931d7e9d573d2796fe10df9fff778d56f, a=testonly (de41f55433)
- Bug 1180861 - Various ServiceWorker registration fixes to get test passing. r=bkelly,jgraham. (e1e5be174b)
- Bug 1203680 P1 Test file blob uploads with service worker interception. r=nsm (fa7441fd83)
- Bug 1203680 P2 Implement an NS_InputStreamIsCloneable() method. r=froydnj (5067d82f06)
- Bug 1203680 P3 Add a method to ensure an http upload stream is directly cloneable. r=mcmanus (45aed67d00) (a9171b7b2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2022, 19:20

    Added sidebar
    Updated browser logo and built-in page icon
    Supported the About page URL skipping to the official website
    Added minimize and maximize buttons to QuickNote
    Adjusted the Maxnote scroll bar width
    Optimized Maxnote auto-save the auto-sync logic
    Optimized smart address bar settings
    Optimized new tab page loading performance
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the browser theme could not display correctly after restarting the browser
    Fixed the issue that the deleted bookmark could not be restored in some cases
    Fixed the issue that webp image could not be copied in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not remember the window size when selecting "close to the system tray"
    Fixed crashes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-03-12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2022, 10:30

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git a9171b7b2...ff1df7517:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1198124 - Enable -Wshadow in directories that have no -Wshadow warnings. r=glandium (d03cfc1bb6)
- Bug 1204403 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in xpcom. r=mccr8 (3247b5b146)
- Bug 1140120 - Remove a couple of unused test functions on ServiceWorkerContainer; r=baku (efe1119749)
- Bug 1180148 - Clear service workers registered for a site when clearing the cookies and stored data is not working in b2g. r=baku (7fb1d522ff)
- Bug 1162333 - Add stronger assertions to PromiseWorkerProxy in debug builds. r=catalinb (0005a76252)
- Bug 1190672 - Fix use of AutoReleasePromiseWorkerProxy in PushManager. r=catalinb (18f7358163)
- Bug 1191495 - Relax PushManager callback assertions. r=kitcambridge (8a3822969f)
- Bug 1189543 - pushManager.getSubscription() should return null for nonexistent push subscriptions in workers. r=nsm (b990083262)
- spacing (44b87017a7)
- Bug 1180295 - Rip out the Fennec code to set the screen render offset. r=rbarker (67183ae8bf)
- Bug 1187804 - Un-adjust fixed layers by the async transform of the scroll frame that they're fixed with respect to, not of the nearest ancestor scroll frame. r=kats (7c5e7ac29c)
- Bug 1131359 - Fix an include-what-you-use error in AsyncCompositionManager.cpp. r=kats (fe04815939)
- Bug 1187804 - When a layer is scrolled by multiple scroll frames, do an AlignFixedAndStickyLayers pass on its subtree for each of the scroll frames. r=kats (031a5686f1)
- Bug 1180295 - Stop clipping the content while the toolbar is in the process of sliding off. r=rbarker (9d806870e4)
- Bug 1186968 - Fix Compositor::SetScreenRotation() call r=nical (e554c4b4a2)
- Bug 1180295 - Implement seamless snapping to the stable state. r=rbarker (d1e7978eb7)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 1: Rename existing use of ScreenOrientation to ScreenOrientationInternal. r=baku (63f0cb994b)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 2: Update screen configuration HAL to report orientation angle. r=snorp,mwu (39b537f008)
- Bug 1167597 - Mark PromiseReportRejectFeature::mPromise as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=ehsan (3ad520790a)
- Bug 1086627 - Rename Promise constructs to more closely match the specification. r=nsm,jst (cea1d71cb1)
- Bug 1086627 - Rename ThenableResolverTask to PromiseResolveThenableJob to more closely match Promise spec. r=nsm (e7102fe506)
- Bug 1164725 - Convert flags in nsIDocument into bit fields. r=smaug (9f5d5f352d)
- Bug 1192467 - Formalize precondition that SetDisplayDocument must not be called with null. - r=peterv (1aa8e91d14)
- Bug 1153841 - Remove the 'it must be 2D' restriction for transforms on fixed-pos layers. r=BenWa,mattwoodrow (5bab86ec6a)
- Bug 1173521 - Properly handle unapplying 3D projective transforms to rectangles in APZ code. r=botond (45c9850d5c)
- Bug 1166301 - When applying an async adjustment to a fixed layer, only adjust its mask layer under the same circumstances as its clip rect. r=mattwoodrow (2801c48fe9)
- Bug 1166301 - Update an old comment in AsyncCompositionManager::AlignFixedAndStickyLayers. r=kats (7e1d5c97d0)
- Bug 1166301 - Allow async scrolling to move the clip rects of fixed background layers. r=mattwoodrow (edd889ec2b)
- Bug 1200399 - Only send the RCD's metrics to Java-land for fennec-apz. r=rbarker (3b36a52f3a)
- Bug 1201625 - Special-case B2GDroid since it doesn't have a root content document. r=rbarker (4fcdda1b0a)
- Bug 1201529 - Fall back to rootmost metrics if there is no root content document metrics. r=botond (615c2ee727)
- Bug 1201581 - Extract a helper method. r=rbarker (f2cccb8666)
- Bug 1201581 - Hook up the syncFrameMetrics call to sync metrics info from the compositor to Java-land on each composite. r=rbarker (48e15bbde8)
- Bug 1203760 P1 Allow pipe to wake up multiple streams at the same time. r=froydnj (5baed00637)
- Bug 1203760 P2 Add gtests for nsPipeInputStream AsyncRead(). r=froydnj (52e5129dc8)
- Bug 1201889 - When adjusting fixed and sticky layers in AsyncCompsitionManager, unapply all async transforms on the path from the fixed layer to the layer it's fixed with respect to. r=kats (dbb203178e)
- Bug 1165536. Don't include resolution compensation when adjusting the cliprect of ancestors of scrollbars. r=botond (3bef5f2c18)
- Fix async transforms on scrollbars not including any existing shadow transform. (bug 1128740 part 2, r=botond) (af12d76775)
- missing of Bug 943728 - Replace double quotes with single quotes in Makefiles (e11470540f)
- Bug 1188766 - Avoid exporting UPLOAD_EXTRA_FILES from mozconfig. r=mshal (4241b9e80b)
- Fixup for bug 1188766 for valgrind bustage on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (4401dedf06)
- Bug 1077622 - Fixes cp missing operand message if no .mozconfig found r=glandium (6eca1e5214)
- Bug 1200523 - Remove leftover debugging code from js/src/Makefile.in; r=ted (414b72c74e)
- spacing (99cda3f8a7) (1367963d3)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1163397 - Convert PaintedLayerData::mLog to an nsCString in order to make it possible to safely store PaintedLayerData inside nsTArrays; r=roc (5b646d03e2)
- Bug 1195672 - Make focus changing by long tap behaves like by single tap. f=mtseng, r=roc (d9e71b113b)
- Bug 1155493 - Part 3: Dispatch event when carets are updated, pressed, released, tap, longpressonemptycontent, hidden. r=roc (cf25fa0a0b)
- Bug 1169151 - Update carets after long tapping on empty input. r=mtseng This fixed AccessibleCarets remain on the screen when long tapping on an empty input. (c04359621c)
- Bug 1170084 - Dispatch CaretStateChangedEvent via AsyncEventDispatcher. r=mtseng (4a9a95d6cf)
- Bug 1174600 - Fix first AccessibleCarets jumps to top of the screen when dragging. r=mtseng (7f9dc6de0b)
- Bug 1181418 - Send selectionEditable info to app_text_selection_dialog. r=tlin, r=kanru, sr=smaug (9d46e651c2)
- Bug 1194063 - Always launch caret timer in cursor mode. r=mtseng If the timer is not launched when the content is empty, the first caret will always has Appearance::NormalNotShown, which is not consistent with the behavior when the caret is shown when the content is not empty. (e49cc7199a)
- Bug 1195672 - Move the check that frame is selectable into SelectWord. f=mtseng, r=roc (131cc459d5)
- Bug 1195672 - Revise the logic of long tap on empty content. f=mtseng, r=roc (2aa98cd92d)
- Bug 1195672 - Add |nsAutoCString nsIFrame::ListTag()| for debugging. f=mtseng, r=roc (74c539bc52)
- Bug 1197739 - Do not change focus too early unless the frame is selectable. r=roc (85c00877ff)
- Bug 1100602 - Fire show/hide events in HTMLLIAccessible::UpdateBullet r=tbsaunde (d3bc4eee20)
- bug 1160181, don't deal with EventTargets for which a JS wrapper can't be created, rs=froydnj (266b2be346)
- Bug 1180798 - Pass event names in nsIEventListenerChangeListener r=smaug (29e684006b)
- Bug 1175913 - (Part 1) Subscribe to EventListenerService and recreate accessibles on click listener changes r=tbsaunde (374122f366)
- Bug 1175913 - (Part 2) Remove test expecting recreation on click listener change r=tbsaunde (497c12b886)
- bug 1189277 - only coalesce reorder events when a previous one for the same target is obsolete r=surkov (7bf90364ce)
- Bug 1136395 - accessibility/mochitest/test/common.js could use some additional output to help debug issues. r=surkov (316115f838)
- Bug 1133213 - make aria-owns to alter the accessible tree, fire show/hide mutation events as we do for the accessible tree alterations, r=yzen, f=davidb (d8ee919fe7)
- Bug 114524 - adding null check before creating treewalker in nsAccessibilityService::ContentRemoved r=surkov (c3b9eff4f8)
- Bug 1139834 - TraceLogger: refactor to add fail function, r=bbouvier (be0fdc7ca6)
- missing part of Bug 1139759 (5ea4d063ad)
- pointer style (afaf0014f2)
- useless crashreporter stuff (ac11789907) (ef71ea013)
- imported changes from mozilla:
- Bug 1754724 - Clear up some computations in expat code. r=farre, a=tritter (c084e1e9)
- Bug 1754724 - Clear up some more computations in expat code. r=farre, a=tritter (1ff49f5a)
- Bug 1754724 - Clear up even more computations in expat code. r=farre, a=tritter (4a180bbf)
- Bug 1758062 - Convert parameters upfront. r=smaug, a=tritter (153b3922) (721a89822)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- code style, spacing (d4f024213a)
- Bug 1205586 - new Date().toLocale{,Date,Time}String() should return appropriately differing strings as the local time zone/default locale change. r=till (cf46706e94)
- Bug 1204025 - Change Symbol.length to be 0 instead of 1. r=jorendorff (f1e3f45756)
- remove some PM esr38 diffs (f38809c3fa)
- Bug 1177018 - Send mouse move events generated via nsIPresShell::SynthesizeMouseMove() to the child process through a different IPDL message than real mouse move events. r=smaug (7029fe2d3b)
- Bug 1186135 - change active flag per channel. r=ehsan (239d99b7cc)
- Bug 1175940 - UIResolutionChanged should not trigger sync messages from content to chrome. r=mconley (147fbfd33a)
- Bug 1156662 - Identical code for different branches. r=bz (8487a27847)
- Bug 1183954 - Fix Notification.data structured cloning on workers. r=robertbindar,mccr8 (82187ef6c2)
- Bug 1189389 - nsIStructuredCloneContainer should use StructuredCloneHelper, r=smaug (6cddb9453a) (80aa647a5)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1068525 - Ignore zoom level for AccessibleCaret. f=mtseng, r=roc We want AccessibleCaret be of the same size regardless of the zoom level. We simply divide the caret's width, height, margin-left, and the text selection bar's margin-left by current zoom level. (d8b3d56a05)
- Bug 1200194 - Make Appearance convertible to string representation. r=roc (0789d919fc)
- Bug 1189231 - Refine operator() call with perfect forwarding. r=nfroyd (99eb39100b)
- Bug 1193005 - delete unused function nsRefPtr::begin_assignment; r=erahm (a110b41265)
- Bug 1193298 - Part 1: Avoid RefPtr in ternary operator. r=froydnj (a0873b88e5)
- Bug 1193298 - Part 2: Use .get() to convert from RefPtr to raw pointer. r=froydnj (d7490ee00c)
- Bug 1193298 - Part 3: Delete RefPtr<T>::operator T*()&&. r=froydnj (874dbd8116)
- Bug 1195154 - Replace operator overloads for comparing nsRefPtr to 0 with those for comparing to nullptr. r=froydnj (d698c9beb3)
- Bug 1207245 - part 2 - move MakeAndAddRef to nsRefPtr.h (4fd4c700cc)
- No bug: fix typo. DONTBUILD (4056ff4c0a)
- Bug 1177772 - Improve MessagePort skippability, r=smaug (3da953f358)
- Bug 1178261 - make BroadcastChannel CC skippable, r=smaug (2faaeaadef)
- Bug 1162333 - Fix windows bustage. a=bustage CLOSED TREE (0a89b27179)
- Bug 1158031: Don't return empty arrays from MultiPartBlobImpl::GetSubBlobImpls(). r=baku (4d4fd9c219)
- Bug 1188834 - Make compacting GC when inactive less frequent except on nightly r=smaug (91ff172a75)
- Bug 1174078 - Calling "fetch" inside Service Worker's "onfetch" handler in b2g causes "onfetch" again that leads to an infinite loop. r=nsm (d362012bdd)
- Bug 1069081 - Part 1: Always cache fd in JAR cache except Windows. r=mwu (e3590f3f28)
- Bug 1137008 - Implement missing parameters of WebSocket permessage compression extension - test, r=jduell (77a84384c6)
- namespace (9a03b657b7)
- part of Bug 1129795 - Make modelines consistent in docshell/base/. r=mccr8 (4122642d76)
- part of Bug 1163153 - Fix mode lines in docshell/. r=smaug (f282ca43d3)
- missing but unused crashreporter (bc643176d0)
- Bug 1107883 - support ipv6 URLs in the awesomebar with unified autocomplete enabled. r=mak, r=smaug (69aceabd63)
- namespaces (f5e6f848f2)
- Bug 1202312 - Use mozilla::Function for the SetAllowedTouchBehavior callback. r=kats (30efff30c7)
- Bug 1196163 part 1 - Use nsSizeMode instead of int32_t for nsIWidget::{SizeMode,SetSizeMode}. r=roc (6124d42d75)
- Bug 1196163 part 2 - Send sizemode as part of UpdateDimensions message to TabChild. r=roc,smaug (90e3ad7239)
- Bug 1196163 part 3 - Derive value of window.fullScreen for content process from the sizemode of puppet widget. r=smaug (6e80610d22)
- Bug 1187345 - Fix HwcComposer2D::mCompositorParent handling r=mwu (c7d5ad2cf9) (ff1df7517)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2022, 18:15
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.




    Add your own browser.
    Support for Firefox private mode.
    Support for x-bt protocol.


    Picker launcher keys can be configured!
    User interface is slightly more polished.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Bug fixed: URL picker was opening in the background so you couldn’t see it sometimes.

Titel: Pale Moon 30.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2022, 20:20
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a new milestone release!

Following the change in direction as announced on the forum and directly driven by user feedback and community input, Pale Moon is abandoning its own GUID (globally-unique identifier) and adopting Firefox's GUID instead to provide maximum compatibility with old and unmaintained Firefox extensions alongside those that are maintained on our add-ons site.
Please understand that this gives more freedom for people to use potentially incompatible and old/insecure browser extensions, but also means we will have a more "hands-off" approach to it from this point forward which as a consequence means you will have to resolve more issues yourself and take more care, especially when using external/old extensions.
Please note that our current add-ons site will, for a while, serve both older versions of Pale Moon and newer ones in a side-by-side manner, and it is important that you do not spoof your user agent when visiting the add-ons site or you may be served the incorrect type of add-ons or add-on updates, or not receive them at all.

In addition, our platform code has been changed to a more streamlined version over the past months and UXP is no longer used (or maintained) by us in this milestone. UXP has been released to the community for maintenance and coordination to continue building on where desired. Instead, we are now building on the Goanna Runtime Environment™ (or GRE for short) focusing more tightly on the Goanna rendering engine and cutting out support for unmaintainable components and target platforms. More details about this change will follow in in-depth documentation on the developer site and/or the forum.

Due to the extensive internal changes in the source tree, these release notes focus only on relevant changes in the browser with regards to implementations, extensions and security/bugfixes, and is by no means exhaustive.

Most notable user-facing/implementation changes:

    Implemented Global Privacy Control, taking the place of the unenforceable "DNT" (Do Not Track) signal. If you previously enabled DNT, then this preference will be adopted for Global Privacy Control (GPC). Through GPC, you indicate to websites that you do not want them to share or sell your data.
    "Default browser" controls in preferences has been moved to "General".
    Updated emoji support to Twemoji 13.1.
    Implemented Selection.setBaseAndExtent() for web compatibility.
    Implemented queueMicroTask() for web compatibility.

For add-on developers:

    Pale Moon now internally identifies with the Firefox GUID. This does not affect how it identifies to the web.
    Direct support for legacy Firefox extensions has been restored. Pale Moon-exclusive extensions will need to be updated to target the Firefox GUID in their install manifest and, where applicable, in their JavaScript components and overlays.
    The browser no longer lives in a "browser" distribution subdirectory. If you are hard-coding paths this may affect you.
    appinfo.platformVersion is frozen for backwards compatibility. If you need to detect the platform version, you should use appinfo.greVersion instead.
    Themes: scrollbar-width is now mapped to an attribute on scrollbar controls (bars, resizers and corner controls) for better theme support of thin scrollbars.
    Language packs: the entire internationalization structure has changed; because this required re-verification of translations, some language packs may have a few more untranslated strings in them at the moment until our volunteers over at Crowdin catch up on the new milestone.

Bugfixes, stability and security:

    Updated various in-tree libraries: cubeb, sqlite, cairo, ...
    Fixed an issue with the Linux desktop shortcut file to solve potential DE integration problems on common distributions.
    Fixed an issue with page and iframe content margins not being applied properly when passed as attributes instead of CSS.
    Ensured JavaScript and JSON files are always recognized as known MIME types so they can be opened appropriately from local sources.
    Fixed an issue with rapid loading and unloading of js modules causing browser crashes.
    Fixed an issue with tooltips being cut off at the end if containing exceedingly long unwrappable series of characters.
    Fixed several application crash scenarios. DiD
    Fixed a large number of thread locking/mutex issues. DiD
    Fixed a leak of content types due to inconsistent error reporting. (CVE-2022-22760)
    Fixed an issue with iframe sandboxing not being properly applied. (CVE-2022-22759)
    Fixed a potential leak of bookmarks from the exported bookmarks file if it included a malicious bookmarklet.
    Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop. (CVE-2022-22756)
    Fixed a potential crash due to truncated WAV files.
    Fixed a memory safety issue with XSLT. (CVE-2022-26485)


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.3.18.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2022, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2022, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Bug fixed: URL picker would sometimes hang in the background.

Titel: Lagrange 1.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2022, 19:10
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Added a keybinding for focusing the URL field.
    Sidebar items (bookmarks, feed entries, history) can be middle-clicked to open in a new tab. Holding Shift will open the tab in the foreground.
    Flags can be used as link icons. Note that additional fonts and HarfBuzz are required for all the flag symbols to be visible.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2022, 21:20

+ Optimized the browser icon and layout when using the Chrome theme
+ Supported the shortcut "Add to Maxnote"
+ Optimized sidebar
+ Supported the browser window right-click menu
+ Optimized Maxnote editor icon
- Fixed the issue that the deleted bookmark could not be restored in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the browser exception when the dragged tab hovering on the new tab button
- Fixed the issue that some map sites could not work properly after disabling the "Ctrl+Left-click" function
- Fixed the issue that the sidebar could not be hidden when enabling the video full-screen function
- Fixed the issue that the pinned sidebar could not be displayed after restarting the browser
- Fixed the issue that the bookmark list exit automatically after deleting bookmark in some cases
- Fixed the setting page initialization rendering issue
- Fixed the issue that the browser could not add new language in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the login panel could not display the correct prompt in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the cursor could not focus on the password box in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the login panel could not back to the correct interface
- Fixed the inaccurate search result issue in Maxnote
- Fixed the issue that the folder icon displayed wrongly in Maxnote
- Fixed the issue that the Maxnote scroll bar could not display correctly in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the bookmark manager divider exception in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the new tab page title could not display correctly
- Fixed crashes


Titel: Pale Moon 30.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 05:30
Whats new:>>

This is a critical bugfix release.

    Fixed an issue with browser initialization that would leave some components (like password managing) incorrectly initialized if the (obsolete) preference privacy.donottrackheader.enabled was set.
    Fixed an issue in XML transformation that could cause crashes, performance issues and general stability problems.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-03-19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 18:10

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git ff1df7517...36b2354fd:- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1181382: move declaration into namespace to resolve conflict. r=hsinyi (b1cbc67344)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 3: Implement ScreenOrientation interface. r=baku (805ffd4d18)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 4: Check sandboxing flag for orientation lock. r=baku (2896c9af4c)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 5: Handle changes to active orientation lock. r=smaug (2550433007)
- Bug 1131470 - Part 6: ScreenOrientation tests. r=baku (53e088ab98)
- Bug 1193133 - Drop the document and window references from ServiceWorker. r=bkelly (ce09f526b8)
- Bug 1186307 - part 1 - Unify the StructuredCloneCallbacks in WorkerPrivate.cpp, r=smaug (a109da831d)
- pointer style (c26fa45b91)
- Bug 1174971 - Introduce two variants of getOwnPropertyFromTargetIfSafe. r=gabor,r=arai (4bec0627ce)
- reapply Bug 1131802 part 2. Allocate functions with reserved slots for DOM Xrays so we can store the Xray wrapper reference in those slots instead of as the function parent. r=peterv (ff39e220a3)
- No bug - Add a bug number to the expected failure in message-event.html. (398f3e500a)
- Bug 1164834: MessageEvents coming from postMessage should not be cancelable. r=Ms2ger (380ce180bf) (38ceaed34)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1176288 - Part 4: Fix octane regression, r=bbouvier (3ae04863c9)
- Bug 1199417- Scale skia paths up before hit testing to workaround coordinate resolution limits. r=mattwoodrow (b3ec1288e8)
- Bug 1117338 - Blow up if we can't convert a cairo format to a gfx one r=milan (be268bf93a)
- Bug 1161642 - Cross compilation fixup. (58da4778e4)
- Bug 1190705 - Ensure that canvas 2d matrix transforms are finite. r=Bas, r=jrmuizel (ec3a6a510e)
- Bug 1204824. Make Matrix4x4::PreScale scale all values in the first three rows. r=bas (457cc10f80)
- namespace (a341cb46be)
- Bug 1162726 - Make RoundedToInt() snap the rect properly. r=roc (7fd0a19105)
- Bug 1178965 - Check if Factory::GetD2D1Device fails in SourceSurfaceD2D1. r=nical (cad95d7703)
- Bug 1163735 - Ensure that we don't hand out a destroyed TabChild from WorkerPrivate::InterfaceRequestor (r=khuey) (270cf6ae33)
- Bug 1198451 - Disambiguate mozilla::dom::Function from mozilla::Function. r=froydnj (d08622cbd4)- reorder (eea96d09ee)
- reorder (eea96d09ee)
- Bug 1147990 - websocket test suite - patch 2 - webSocket.url should be the spec of nsIURI, r=smaug (a983655514)
- Bug 1147990 - websocket test suite - patch 1 - URL with #ref should not be accepted, r=smaug (7af5e9528d)
- Bug 1147990 - websocket test suite - patch 3 - Not all the ports are accepted, r=smaug (a34d69e29b)
- Bug 1147990 - websocket test suite - patch 4 - web-platform-test suite fixed, a=tomcat CLOSED TREE (f2966f52d0)
- Bug 1147990 - websocket test suite - patch 5 - web-platform-test suite - js error fixed, r=jgraham (1b52d4853e) (0ca97f19b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1179242 - Avoid unnecessary moves to dead stack slots, tweak regalloc heuristics for bundles required to be in a specific register, r=sunfish. (aa0174e817)
- No bug - Fix bug1106719.js jit-test to allow overrecursion on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (5cc971608d)
- Bug 1186424: Rename FunctionBuilder into FunctionValidator; r=luke (8925748a65)
- Bug 1192401 - Do not capture SavedFrame stacks before Object.prototype has been initialized. r=shu (e26c24664b)
- Bug 1194838 - Make Cell a GCType for the hazard analysis, r=terrence (92f429798f)
- Bug 1194829 - Rename sweep to sweepChildren because shu said so, r=shu (0a80d997ae)
- Bug 1183487 - Fix sorting in check_macroassembler_style.py. r=nbp (659d3b5dd3)
- pointer and spacing style (9e2b14652c)
- Bug 1186693 - Add exhaustive matching to mozilla::Variant; r=Waldo (ec1defe3c4)
- Bug 1186650 - Do not mark mozilla::Variant copy and move constructors as explicit. r=Waldo (76bb7e8051)
- Bug 1195297 - Fix OOM handling in ExecutableAllocator r=terrence (f9b9727ac8)
- Bug 1195208 - Fix ArrayBuffer.transfer isNeutered check. r=luke (d45393ca24)
- Bug 836658 - Use -arch:IA32 on VS2012 to avoid requiring SSE2. r=glandium Bug 1193467: Allow SSE2 on clang-cl builds. r=glandium (7c6fd7a785)
- Bug 1183195 - Fix assertion at the start of InnerViewTable::sweepAfterMinorGC() r=sfink (df395675e3)
- Bug 1185959 - Properly handle static constructor method in classes. (r=Waldo) (8a6919155f)
- Bug 1180054 - Fix bogus assert. (r=jandem) (94b9988568)
- Bug 1197377 - Read callgraph.txt line by line to avoid string size limits, r=terrence (6b2d110d65)
- Bug 1195588: IonMonkey - Actually convert number to double during recovering ToDouble, r=nbp (de43a2e4b9) (a06231e9d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1186307 - StructuredCloneHelper in workers.postMessage(), r=smaug (0d3c817afa)
- Bug 1183824 - Remove NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCallback, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) warning from nsFrameMessageManager::DispatchAsyncMessageInternal. r=smaug (64dfd50f7f)
- Bug 1167189: Use a size annotation on the OOM abort. r=bholley (5e7fb331a0)
- missing crash reporter (47f183fab4)
- Bug 1137151: Marked destructor of |nsClipboard| as protected, r=mwu (5655bf8862)
- Bug 1194497 - Convert a few remaining PRUnichar to char16_t. r=roc (1554ffcec2)
- Bug 952456 - Part 1: Implement gonk/nsClipboard for rich text and raw image. r=fabrice (419381f7af)
- Bug 1198795 - ipc/StructuredCloneUtils should be merged with StructuredCloneHelper, r=smaug (02183262bd)
- Bug 1201806 - part 1 - Remove OwningSerializedStructuredCloneBuffer and use StructuredCloneIPCHelper everywhere in IPC code, r=smaug (6dc69151b4)
- Bug 1201806 - part 2 - nsStructuredCloneContainer should use StructuredCloneIPCHelper, r=smaug (b6ebaa8e95)
- Bug 1202028 - Implement range based for loops for SavedFrame stacks. r=terrence (57c198910c)
- missing bit of Bug 1106264 (fa67f8ab56)
- Bug 1168806: Configurable I/O thread for socket IPC classes, r=kmachulis (213a8fb2b9)
- Bug 1159209: Remove template parameters from |DataSocketIO|, r=kmachulis (0d658c5cf8)
- Bug 1168806: Configurable consumer thread for socket IPC classes, r=kmachulis (ee054dd6b0)
- Bug 1167207: Add |BluetoothDaemonConnectionConsumer|, r=shuang (b8b89290df)
- Bug 1154281: Remove |UnixSocketConsumer| and its helpers, r=kmachulis (d40430b10f)
- Bug 1166638: Add |StreamSocketConsumer|, r=kmachulis (59b5c1abf3)
- Bug 1166638: Add |ListenSocketConsumer|, r=kmachulis (d119bcaa2a)
- Bug 1168806: Use 'consumer thread' in socket interface, r=kmachulis (65d232d21c)
- Bug 1170466: Inherit |ConnectionOrientedSocketIO| from |UnixSocketWatcher|, r=kmachulis (b91d0c624a)
- Bug 1170466: Share socket I/O methods in |ConnectionOrientedSocketIO|, r=kmachulis (108fb6696e)
- Bug 1170466: Implement accept and connect in |ConnectionOrientedSocketIO|, r=kmachulis (590b3b4617)
- Bug 1172479: Replace |nsIThread| by |MessageLoop| in socket I/O code, r=kmachulis (618073dcef)
- Bug 1203426 - Rename StructuredCloneIPCHelper to StructuredCloneData, r=smaug (dc31124113)
- Bug 1167392 - Change nsFrameMessageManager::mParentManager to a smart pointer. r=ehsan (98d60c0398)
- Bug 1186843 - Always cache delayed scripts in message manager (b0ab501959)
- Bug 1189550 - In parent process, cpmm.initialProcessData should be same as ppmm.initialProcessData (r=smaug) (7a8ab62432)
- Bug 1196057 - Use channel->Open2() in dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp (r=sicking) (a032d483d6)
- missing parts of Bug 1132072 - Tab switch refactoring (r=mconley) (e6fbbb722a)
- Bug 1175736 - Implement the iframe referrer attribute. r=ckerschb, r=bz (a5fc4e683b)
- Bug 1171017: Rename |BluetoothDaemonConnectionConsumer| to |DaemonSocketConsumer|, r=shuang (0af5957609)
- Bug 1170993: Manage socket buffers in sub-classes of |UnixSocketBuffer|, r=kmachulis (960de8be45)
- Bug 1171017: Rename |BluetoothDaemonPDUConsumer| to |DaemonSocketIOConsumer|, r=shuang (eea1681ab8)
- Bug 1171100 - Fix incorrect logic of handling Bluetooth Gatt Responses in daemon backend. r=tzimmermann (c385364d1e)
- Bug 1171866 - Remove ReversedUuidToString; f=tzimmermann, r=jocelyn (9b58176c39)
- Bug 1171017: Rename |BluetoothSocketPDU| to |DaemonSocketPDU|, r=shuang (ce1bbd9d4a)
- Bug 1171017: Rename |BluetoothDaemonConnectionIO| to |DaemonSocketIO|, r=shuang (00f2a38220)
- Bug 1171017: Rename |BluetoothDaemonConnection| to |DaemonSocket|, r=shuang (b3c3522719)
- Bug 1171017: Move classes from ipc/bluetooth to ipc/hal, r=shuang (047714aee4)
- Bug 1171994: Add |RilSocket| and |RilSocketConsumer|, r=htsai (276211bbb7)
- Bug 1171994: Forward received RIL socket I/O via |WorkerCrossThreadDispatcher|, r=htsai (7825d1c837)
- Bug 1185478: Add leak checks to socket I/O classes (40e2c01ce4)
- Bug 1185478: Remove strong references from socket I/O class to socket classes (6fa94f34ff)
- Bug 1163912: Set |Type| property of BluetoothDevice a initial value during LeScan; f=elin, r=jocelyn (bda66689ed)
- Bug 1166215 - Cast 'BluetoothTypeOfDevice' to uint32_t before the BT signal is distributed to BluetoothAdapter. r=joliu (d38ad4e55f)
- Bug 1170086 - Fix the parameter type of DispatchReplyError() in StartLeScan result handler. r=joliu (a24e23e02f)
- Bug 1161956 - Fix crashes while using GATT client functions. r=jocelyn (cebfb8c700)
- Bug 1171868 - Remove GeneratePathFromGattId(aId, aPath, aUuidStr); r=jocelyn (0eac291b3c)
- Bug 1161945 - Fix empty characteristics and descriptors after searching services. f=elin, r=jocelyn (a0d816fee4)
- Bug 1164387 - Use |btgatt_client_interface_t.get_device_type| to get the device type. r=jocelyn (c7b5c97a00)
- Bug 1173139 - Reorder global creation on workers, r=khuey. (acb79ae54e)
- Bug 1170071 - Part 1: Revise BluetoothGattInterface, result handler, and interface helper for daemon support of gatt server. r=shuang (0ad0c9244e)
- Bug 1170071 - Part 2: Add helpers for Bluetooth daemon GATT server support. r=shuang (46a4062579)
- Bug 1170071 - Part 3: Add gatt server support to GATT module for Bluetooth daemon. r=shuang (71d80aabea)
- Bug 1170071 - Part 4: Add Gatt server interfaces for Bluetooth daemon. r=shuang (a556aaf048)
- Bug 1187230: Convert Bluetooth to use daemon runnables, r=shuang (9be6501225)
- Bug 1204382: Add #include for nsIInputStream.h to MediaParent.cpp, to fix a build error in --disable-webrtc builds. r=jib (8b20e934) (36b2354fd)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Improvement: added autoupdate check and link to Chrome extension.

Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2022, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Fixed several application crash scenarios. DiD
    Fixed a number of thread locking/mutex issues. DiD
    Fixed a leak of content types due to inconsistent error reporting. (CVE-2022-22760)
    Fixed an issue with iframe sandboxing not being properly applied. (CVE-2022-22759)
    Fixed a potential leak of bookmarks from the exported bookmarks file if it included a malicious bookmarklet.
    Fixed an issue with drag-and-drop. (CVE-2022-22756)
    Fixed a potential crash due to truncated WAV files.
    Fixed a memory safety issue with XSLT. (CVE-2022-26485)


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2022, 09:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


    Added the option to show/hide the bookmark button in the address bar
    Added "add page to new tab page" to the tab right-click menu
    Added Homepage and Stop refresh options to Mouse Gesture
    Keep the bookmark manager page divider width after restarting the browser
    History page displayed search results according to the main domain
    Supported dragging bookmark to bookmarks bar from sidebar
    Supported double-blockchain in Vbox
    Optimized browser theme
    Fixed the issue that the browser logo could not update automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QR code could not display correctly in dark mode
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote menu could not exit when adding screenshot to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not merge the guest account successfully
    Fixed the issue that some setting options could not sync
    Fixed the issue that the right-click menu could not display "Add to Maxnote" after right-clicking on the image or selected contents
    Fixed the issue that the restore settings option could not work on the show/hide sidebar


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 09:32
Whats new:>>

    Fix a bug with bookmark drop down menu.
    Fix a bug with video decoding.
    Added option to remove all data and cookied stored by a site: go to chrome://settings/content/all.
    Better HDR Support for CSS
    Faster Back and Forward Navigation

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-03-26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 19:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 36b2354fd...65589a2a3:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1187230: Generalize Bluetooth daemon runnables, r=shuang (2147d61901)
- Bug 1187249: Move |DaemonSocketPDUHeader| to hal/ipc, r=shuang (617b106fcc)
- Bug 1187230: Remove obsolete Bluetooth daemon runnables, r=shuang (a7d30e7984)
- Bug 1183249: Move PDU helper functions to ipc/hal, r=shuang (cd7adf66e3)
- Bug 1187249: Move Bluetooth init operators to ipc/hal, r=shuang (e3619851bb)
- Bug 1187249: Cleanup BluetoothInterfaceHelpers.{cpp,h}, r=shuang (7d18c08d89)
- Bug 1187904: Convert |BluetoothDaemonInterface| to use |DaemonSocketConnector|, r=shuang (8b7916e3c8)
- Bug 1162910 - Make bluetooth daemon as the default backend of BT APIv2. r=tzimmermann (ec088d9446)
- Bug 1102703: (4/10) Porting bluetooth interface of android lollipop (core) r=btian, r=tzimmermann, r=shawnjohnjr (286c1d99b2)
- Bug 1142364: Store instances of |Bluetooth*HALResultRunnable| in ref-counted pointers, r=shuang (efd81ade08)
- fix misspatch (a44a1d1fd1)
- Bug 1128441 - [BlueDroid] Set Bluetooth discoverable timeout properly in 'Convert' function of Bluetooth interface. r=shuang (aa3c907f31)
- Bug 1166575 - Silence uninitialized variable error in BluetoothHALInterface.cpp when building a debug B2G build. r=tzimmermann (af657d72b5)
- Bug 1187872: Remove HAL backend from Bluetooth, r=shuang (2ad54b870b)
- Bug 1187904: Remove |BluetoothDaemonConnector| and random-address creator, r=shuang (5d32b32c74)
- Bug 1192693 - [01] Remove legacy bluetooth manager, adapter, and device webidl files, r=joliu, r=mrbkap (c5e213cca3)
- Bug 1154136 - Update Bluetooth connection state when BT stack updates device properties. r=shuang (8a8adb107f)
- Bug 1164498: Remove |DispatchBluetoothReply| from |BluetoothProfileController|, r=btian (b39fc31368)
- Bug 1154235: Use |BroadcastSystemMessage| in |BluetoothService::Notify|, r=btian (7c8908274d)
- namespace (0d44c700ee)
- missing Bug 1137151 (aa73efad27)
- Bug 1152098 - Ignore subsequent toggling requests if toggling is already in progress. r=btian (9ccb783b81)
- Bug 1141899 - If Bluetooth CoD of remote device is unclear, add common profile managers to profile list. r=shuang (20adfd9a92)
- missing Bug 1137151 (7bf64b76bb)
- Bug 1192693 - [02] Remove bluetooth1 folder and rename webidl files, r=joliu, r=mrbkap (cbfe9bb605)
- Bug 1166180 - [cleanup] Remove function |EnsureBluetoothHalLoad| in BluetoothServiceBluedroid, r=shuang (94e22c1889)
- Bug 1172914: Minimize Bluetooth v1/v2 duplication in BluetoothServiceBluedroid.h, r=btian (ad778b9a09)
- Bug 1172914: Minimize Bluetooth v1/v2 duplication in BluetoothServiceBluedroid.cpp, r=btian (b6154d6368)
- Bug 1172914: Merge duplicated code in |BluetoothServiceBluedroid| for simple cases, r=btian (f434460e66)
- Bug 1160126 - Restart bluetoothd daemon automatically for API V2, r=jocelyn (69ba9f376c)
- Bug 1180965: Don't disable BT before daemon has been shut down, r=btian (a6f497783c)
- Bug 1181827 - [Aries-L] Store remote device address and name mapping for pairing, r=shuang (ce9373c166)
- Bug 1173266 - [cleanup] Remove unused |isConnected| from bluetooth2, r=tzimmermann (9037d35a32)
- Bug 1106007 - Cleanup include guards. r=tzimmermann (537faafd46)
- Bug 1098228 - Set Bluetooth discoverable to default value when BT state is BT_STATE_OFF. r=shuang (3b4b73c721)
- Bug 1156503 - Update device name from |RemoteDevicePropertiesNotification| during discovery, r=shuang (f855d88df9)
- Bug 1164314 - Fire devicefound in RemoteDevicePropertiesNotification only during discovery, r=shuang (001fc60e64)
- Bug 1190730 - Patch 1/5: Make adapter properties member variables, r=joliu (9f4dd6899f)
- Bug 1190730 - Patch 2/5: Make backend recovery variables member ones, r=joliu (4b294d74f5)
- Bug 1190730 - Patch 3/5: Make address-name mapping table member variable, r=joliu (af8aa459dd)
- Bug 1190730 - Patch 4/5: Make runnable arrays member variables, r=joliu (aa9f810bb8)
- Bug 1190730 - Patch 5/5: Wrap get device related variables into get device request, r=joliu (4f0e068743)
- Bug 1192693 - [03] Remove bluetooth1 code from backend, r=tzimmermann (8508692133) (d8e29d98a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1143925 - Avoid crash for HFP/A2DP manager during restart daemon. r=tzimmermann (5cd0d4b4db)
- Bug 1195608 - [cleanup] Fix too long lines and revise some comments under dom/bluetooth, r=joliu (44db9edaf8)
- Bug 1181512 - Use a single GATT interface, result handler, and notification handler for both GATT client and server operations in bluetooth daemon backend as bluez ipc protocol. r=tzimmermann (d5c1ca04f4)
- Bug 1168266 - Add few member functions of ObexHeaderSet for PBAP. r=shuang (113ef68a3f)
- Bug 1166587 - Check OBEX packet length before accessing it, r=shuang (dc5ca707fa)
- Bug 1180554 - Dispatch events to PBAP event handlers when the PBAP requests comes. r=btian, r=mrbkap (449900a161)
- Bug 1180555 - Handle PBAP replies and pass the results through IPC to PbapManager. r=btian (976b4130f0)
- Bug 1181480 - Add and implement GATT server connection related Web APIs. r=btian, r=mrbkap (996528346d)
- Bug 1195729: Fix ref-counting of Bluetooth result handlers for failed send operations, r=brsun (b40f14f2c5)
- Bug 1197877: Remove |CONVERT| macro from Bluetooth, r=btian (7c3cd72556)
- Bug 1197877: Remove |INIT_AT| macro from Bluetooth, r=btian (fb1b03e313)
- Bug 1187904: Add |DaemonSocketConnector|, r=shuang (8473e149fe)
- Bug 1203092: Add |DaemonSocketResultHandler| base class to HAL IPC, r=shuang (41210e6f1f)
- Bug 1175067 - Switch Bluetooth marionette test set to BT API v2 and disable unsupported tests. r=joliu (307eb1473c)
- Bug 1193379 - Move ipc and tests folders out from dom/bluetooth/bluetooth2. r=joliu (38820c505c)
- Bug 1155063 - Part 1: CallStateChanged accepts an array (idl). r=hsinyi (3ae1af7a7f)
- Bug 1155063 - Part 2: CallStateChanged accepts an array (telephony dom). r=hsinyi (10063343dc)
- Bug 1155063 - Part 3: CallStateChanged accepts an array (bluetooth dom). r=btian (20ef2893b4)
- Bug 1155063 - Part 4: CallStateChanged accepts an array (ipc). r=hsinyi (790c583a05)
- Bug 1155063 - Part 5: CallStateChanged accepts an array (ril). r=hsinyi (960ca6cd0a)
- Bug 1193379 - Rename bluetooth2 folder to common. r=joliu (58e992c298)
- Bug 1193379 - Move backend-neutral files into dom/bluetooth/common. r=joliu (f5769a803b)
- Bug 1203092: Inherit Bluetooth result handlers from |DaemonSocketResultHandler|, r=shuang (cb874fc706)
- Bug 1203092: Remove void pointers from Bluetooth's daemon backend, r=shuang (c78a0507c9)
- Bug 1204801: Move |BluetoothDaemonSetupModule| into separate compilation unit, r=btian (a1ae28c948)
- Bug 1204801: Use enum constants for Bluetooth Service module, r=btian (876e02a69a)
- Bug 1204801: Move |BlutoothSetupResultHandler| to generic backend interface, r=btian (9f12ca6d21)
- Bug 1199110: Add |BluetoothAvrcpManager| to Bluedroid and BlueZ backends, r=shuang (7a897a3436)
- Bug 1205253: Move |BluetoothDaemonCoreModule| into separate compilation unit, r=btian (d443455b07)
- Bug 1205253: Use enum constants for Bluetooth Core module, r=btian (2c69493ea8)
- Bug 1204506: Set 'override' attribute for overloaded Bluetooth backend methods, r=btian (211bded054)
- Bug 825149 - Add NREC feature bit in bluetooth stack. r=shuang (330103a1c0)
- Bug 825149 - Support HFP NREC feature. r=shuang (25e988596c)
- Bug 1192695 - Use pref instead of pre-defined C string as origin of bluetooth app. r=btian (06531c82d2)
- Bug 1195604 - [cleanup] Integrate similar BluetoothResultHandlers into basic one, r=tzimmermann (b87aeaa8c7)
- Bug 1199110: Use mPlayStatus to determine track selection, r=shuang (99f9eebb90)
- Bug 1142417 - Truncate AVRCP meta data strings followed by BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN. r=tzimmermann (2f586f70e8)
- Bug 1142132: Move helper classes of A2DP manager into manager's namespace, r=shuang (12af5f6506)
- Bug 1159267: Share Bluedroid's A2DP manager between Bluetooth v1 and v2, r=btian (caa7c3dc56)
- missing part of Bug 1132229: Survive crashes of bluetoothd, r=shuang (708a6351be)
- Bug 1199110: Remove AVRCP support from |BluetoothA2dpManager| and convert callers, r=shuang (284e2804f8)
- CLOSED TREE Bug 1180556 - Pack PBAP replies to OBEX response message and reply to remote device. r=btian (7b02ab708d)
- Bug 1199107 - Access PBAP vCard input stream directly instead of passing it as input parameter, r=shuang (a0fd942bc0)
- Bug 1199107 - Replace BT_WARNING with BT_LOGR in PBAP manager, r=shuang (ccd44ba040)
- Bug 1199548 - Do not append vCard Body payload in PBAP replies when |MaxListCount| is zero, r=shuang (2c1b8d2a52)
- Bug 1200124 - Correct PBAP order mapping, r=shuang, r=mrbkap (f988c2276e)
- Bug 1193379 - Create dom/bluetooth/common/webapi folder. r=joliu (889546481e)
- Bug 1200124 - Pass order and search key with uint32_t instead of nsString to avoid string mismatch error, r=shuang (caf33a4d28)
- Bug 1195685 - Transform macro |BT_APPEND_NAMED_VALUE| into function, r=shuang (6879f5624d)
- Bug 1141616: Implement |BluetoothService::GetServiceChannel|, r=btian (98b9dd3821)
- Bug 1206686: Use |BluetoothUuid| throughout Bluetooth backend interfaces, r=btian (cd4db645e0)
- Bug 1205577: Use enum constants for Bluetooth Socket module, r=btian (53f3aedd33)
- Bug 1127701 - Fix warning: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(value.isNumber()) failed, r=joliu (e83dc53c8c)
- Bug 1203046 - Call |NRECNotification| once RFCOMM is connected. r=shuang (53cc91861e)
- Bug 1166645 - Implement MAP profile manager connection related function, r=btian (e47ba31157)
- Bug 1203023 - Do not call Reset() for BluetoothMapSmsManager, r=tzimmermann (22bb74f972)
- fix misspatches (96dced2ce7)
- Bug 1141616: Support SDP lookups in |BluetoothServiceBluedroid|, r=btian (09dd2e1a69)
- Bug 1203819 - Fix loop condition in BluetoothPbapManager::PackPropertiesMask, r=shuang (c4fdb58f20)
- Bug 1159267: Share Bluedroid's OPP manager between Bluetooth v1 and v2, r=btian (e72a3dd65b)
- Bug 1141616: Lookup service channel in Bluedroid's OPP manager, r=btian (17b3cc0a65)
- Bug 1166176 - [cleanup] Simplify volume related code in OPP manager, r=shuang (4730023336)
- Bug 1191715 - Store local pointer of thread to shutdwon to avoid reentry crash, f=jesup, r=shuang (7d97509067)
- Bug 1055434 - Do not inform gaia of current blob's sending failure before assigning it, r=shuang (66f268fda5)
- missing bit of Bug 1164425 (59c5844590)
- namespace (5e253af0c7) (a312918fb)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1175413 - Cleanup usages of MOZ_ICU_CFLAGS. r=mshal (6d9b5f5be9)
- Bug 1201693 - Remove Files pattern in js/src/moz.build corresponding to a deleted file. r=bbouvier (da12fd6ff8)
- Bug 1185106 - Part 1: Exclude StoreBuffer.cpp from unified build to prevent build bustage. r=efaust (a40e13855c)
- Bug 1145744 - Update CacheStorage to use common StorageAllowedForWindow logic, r=bkelly (0f3f86339c)
- Bug 1147821 - Update IndexedDB to use common StorageAllowedForWindow logic, r=khuey (775734bee9)
- Bug 1177226 - Support User Timing API events in the Developer HUD. r=ehsan, r=jryans (6fb8a84a47)
- Bug 1184973 - Part 1: Add nsContentUtils::StorageAllowedForWindow as a unified mechanism for determining storage avaliability, r=ehsan, r=smaug (f4e6954cdb)
- Bug 1184973 - Part 2: Tests for new storage permissions model, r=ehsan, r=smaug (92b414cd78)
- Bug 1184607 P7.1 Move Cache schema SQL into separate constants. r=ehsan (ba543e589a)
- Bug 1184607 P7.2 Validate Cache schema in debug builds. r=ehsan (5edc1a2ee6)
- Bug 1184607 P7.4 Infrastructure for running Cache schema migrations. r=ehsan (f736d93955)
- Bug 1184607 P7.3 Rename Cache "max wipe version" constant to "first shipped version". r=ehsan (5af8cd0966)
- Bug 1184607 P7.5 Add RequestRedirect to Cache API schema with migration. r=ehsan (5737cb9897)
- Bug 1184607 P2 Update Request and Response DOM objects for new redirect model. r=nsm (97e5b8c912)
- Bug 1184607 P3 Add a RedirectMode flag to nsIHttpChannelInternal. r=nsm (ebf9145d09)
- Bug 1184607 P4 Handle the RequestRedirect mode during service worker interception. r=nsm (2edc748b4c)
- Bug 1184607 P5 Set RequestRedirect to "manual" for navigations. r=nsm (5484e78f2a)
- Bug 1196592: Make retargeting Fetch to another thread actually work. r=nsm (3dcf206438)
- Bug 1196524 - Add assertions to enforce that we don't attempt to perform a CORS preflight for fetches of no-cors requests; r=nsm (626b305328)
- Bug 1184607 P6 Set RequestRedirect and fix various redirect bugs in FetchDriver. r=nsm (420dbd1579)
- Bug 1193911 - Ensure synthetic Responses gets a valid channel info. r=ehsan (fa5158bc8f)
- Bug 1184607 P7.7 Allow new Response() to be used in xpcshell tests. r=ehsan (8d66046592)
- Bug 1184607 P7.8 Test Cache API schema verison migrations. r=ehsan (7d2a23e199)
- Bug 1184607 P8 Fix mochitests to store opaqueredirect responses in Cache for navigation URLs. r=nsm (b280d3e551)
- Bug 1184607 P9 Add wpt tests to verify service worker redirect logic. r=nsm (9ad92d5921)
- Bug 1184607 P10 Expose channel security info during e10s redirect. Support security info in redirecting interceptions. r=jduell (fae135001e)
- Bug 1171127 - Listeners are not released in OnStopRequest in e10s mode. r=jduell (0b63670825)
- Bug 1203680 P7 Fix e10s handling on interceptions resulting in redirect status codes. r=jdm (f2ff5c5953)
- Bug 1203680 P5 Make ServiceWorkerManager ensure channel upload stream is cloneable. r=nsm (c5459283d5)
- Bug 572151 - Remove calls to SetCookies from HttpChannelChild. r=jduell (67efa04159)
- Bug 1184607 P11 Fix fetch CORS tests to not expect same-origin requests that redirect to preflight. r=nsm (10df6003f7)
- Bug 1184607 P7.6 Expose CacheStorage .caches property on xpcshell global. r=smaug (5bf8d69439)
- Bug 1157468 - Avoid leaking the intercepting channel stream listener for redirected IPC channels. r=mayhemer (1b33a488cc)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 1: Move nsCORSListenerProxy.* to necko; r=jduell (8e2cc6361e)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 2: Add a channel API for requesting CORS preflights; r=jduell (bf417aa318) (2d4b405bc)
- update Twemoji to v14.0.1 based font. (384d4231c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1182537 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/security/nsCORSListenerProxy (r=sicking) (5c4b779a12)
- Bug 1155758 - Make about:serviceworkers work in B2G. r=fabrice (195eca3894)
- Bug 1162920 - JavaScript error at aboutServiceWorkers.js when updating the service worker. r=fabrice (2d3a831a8c)
- Bug 1155153 - [e10s] about:serviceworkers should work in e10s mode. Update B2G implementation. r=baku (0d1c2999c1)
- Bug 1171915 - about:serviceworkers in b2g should use originAttributes when calling ServiceWorkerManager. r=baku,fabrice (faa3725da9)
- Bug 1179161 - originAttributes does not have such isInBrowser member (follow-up bug 1171915). r=ferjm (a217140ae5)
- Bug 1171917 - Improve about:serviceworkers tests on b2g. r=ferjm (5fd9d2f478)
- Bug 1179557 - Add userContextId to originAttributes with tests. r=bholley, r=tanvi (8ddf96d921)
- Bug 1179557 - Add getters for userContextId. r=bholley, r=tanvi (ebec5f7c7e)
- Bug 1174110 - The service worker still remains registered when uninstalling the service-worker-enabled application. r=fabrice (c1c93b1250)
- Bug 1144689 - Allow setting manually a fetch time and modified time for cache entries. r=fabrice (8e9dd47425)
- Bug 1150199 - Langpacks should not have to be privileged r=ferjm (d41af25648)
- Bug 1111961 - Developer mode support r=ferjm,pauljt (9b523402ac)
- Bug 1168300 - notify clear-cookiejar-data. r=sicking (7d88bff29d)
- Bug 1136434 - RequestSync API should delete all the timers when a task is unregistered, r=ehsan (5f92977920)
- Bug 1151082 - RequestSyncAPI - avoid infinite loop when processing pending messages, r=ehsan (b5afcd55e8)
- Bug 1165787 - Use origin in RequestSyncService.jsm. r=ehsan (b6fad2bd68)
- Bug 1182347 - Migrate existing code away from .cookieJar. r=sicking,r=allstars.chh (304cbfd660)
- Bug 1118946 - API to provide localized properties r=ferjm,sicking (a28aecaf19)
- Bug 1077168 - Cancel in-flight Webapp install jobs from windows that change location. r=myk. (d55dc8ff6d)
- Bug 1150660 - Fix sendAsyncMessage() uses to not trigger warnings in dom/apps r=fabrice (b087adcc23)
- Bug 1169344 - Allow server apps to restrict access to their IAC ports. r=ferjm (82c8570555)
- Bug 1068400 - Fix devtools when morphing non-e10s tab into e10s one. r=jryans (55be5ccdf5)
- Bug 1145049 - Prevent caching tab actors in child processes. r=jryans (1a3ee9f278)
- Bug 1145049 - Stop leaking tab actors and root actor on disconnect. r=jryans (26f259b441)
- Bug 1181930 - Refactoring: move the message broadcaster out of Webapps.jsm r=ferjm (b1f8bb8b6d)
- Bu 1115619 - Use a preference to guarantee app permission loading to permissions.sqlite. r=fabrice (5689c459d7)
- Bug 1191579 - Remove useless getAll() implementation in Webapps.jsm (74f0d6874a) (b6d625876)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1162327 Part 1: Change low integrity temp to a fixed dir per profile and improve clean-up. r=jimm, r=froydnj (9d8ecfcd0d)
- Bug 1162327 Part 2: Add temporary code to clean up the old low integrity temps on Windows. r=jimm (8ff7d027ef)
- Bug 1166316: Move temporary clean up code for old low integrity temps, so it actually gets called in non-debug builds. r=billm (e97b8c6794) (5a542c5a7)
- ported from UXP:
- Issue #3039 - Extend cairo API with an explicit font_get_hint_metrics function. (517a6b90a)
- Issue #3039 - Add closure point to bounds calculation. (42fc0af32)
- Issue #3039 - Increase the MAX_FONT_SIZE limit applied in cairo_ft_font to match the gfxFont size limit. (35164e286)
- Issue #3039 - Reapply bug 624198 fix that got lost in an upstream update. (dda2b7972)
- Issue #3039 - Don't try to pass a dash array of > 16 elements to ExtCreatePen. (3bb1c962e) (1a2ddd345)
- update libpixman from my UXP custom branch, with SSSE3 code compiled (without CONFIG['SSSE3_FLAGS'] support, so hackfixed) (a0837ac8d)
- [NSS] ported mozilla upstream changes:
- Bug 1552254 internal_error alert on Certificate Request with sha1+ecdsa in TLS 1.3 (be6a9782)
- Bug 1753535 - Remove obsolete stateEnd check in SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate. r=rrelyea (800111fa)
- Bug 1756271 - Remove token member from NSSSlot struct. r=rrelyea (55052f78)
- Bug 1396616 - Update nssUTF8_Length to RFC 3629 and fix buffer overrun. r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (2f2c8564)
- Bug 1755264 - TLS 1.3 Illegal legacy_version handling/alerts. r=djackson (7d931c59)
- Bug 1751305 - Remove expired explicitly distrusted certificates from certdata.txt. r=KathleenWilson (b722e523)
- Bug 1751298 - Add Telia Root CA v2 root certificate. r=KathleenWilson (1fcbbd7e)
- Bug 1754890 - Add two D-TRUST 2020 root certificates. r=KathleenWilson (f63fb86d) (65589a2a3)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: CyberChef 9.35.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 22:10
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2022, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!

Whats new:>>

This is a bugfix update to address performance issues due to caching.

Titel: qutebrowser 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2022, 22:20
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    v2.5.x will be the last release of qutebrowser 2.
    For the upcoming 3.0.0 release , it's planned to drop support for various
    legacy platforms and libraries which are unsupported upstream, such as:
        Qt before 5.15 LTS (plus adding support for Qt 6.2+)
        Python 3.6
        The QtWebKit backend
        macOS 10.14 (via Homebrew)
        32-bit Windows (via Qt)
        Windows 8 (via Qt)
        Windows 10 before 1809 (via Qt)
        Possibly other more minor dependency changes
    The :rl-unix-word-rubout command ( <Ctrl-W> in command/prompt modes) has
    been deprecated. Use :rl-rubout " " instead.
    The :rl-unix-filename-rubout command has been deprecated. Use either
    :rl-rubout "/ " (classic readline behavior) or :rl-filename-rubout (using
    OS path separator and ignoring spaces) instead.


    Improved message if a spawned process wasn't found and a Flatpak container is
    in use.
    The :tab-move command now takes start and end as index to move a tab
    to the first/last position.
    Tests now automatically pick the backend (QtWebKit/QtWebEngine) based on
    what's available. The QUTE_BDD_WEBENGINE environment variable and
    --qute-bdd-webengine argument got replaced by QUTE_TESTS_BACKEND and
    --qute-backend respectively, which can be set to either webengine or
    Using :tab-give or :tab-take on the last tab in a window now always
    closes that window, no matter what tabs.last_close is set to.
    Redesigned qute://settings( :set) page with buttons for options with
    fixed values.
    The default hint.selectors now match more ARIA roles ( tab, checkbox,
    menuitem, menuitemcheckbox and menuitemradio).
    Using e.g. :bind --mode=passthrough now scrolls to the passthrough section
    on the qute://bindings page.
    Clicking on a notification now tries to focus the tab where the notification
    is coming from. Note this might not work properly if there is more than one
    tab from the same host open.
    Improvements to userscripts:
        qute-bitwarden understands a new --password-prompt-invocation, which can
        be used to specify a tool other than rofi to ask for a password.
        cast now uses yt-dlp if available (falling back to youtube-dl if not).
        It also lets users override the tool to use via a QUTE_CAST_YTDL_PROGRAM
        environment variable.
        qute-pass now understands a new --prefix argument if used in gopass
        mode, which gets passed as subfolder prefix to gopass.
        open_download now supports Flatpak by using its XDG Desktop Portal.
        open_download now waits for the exit status of xdg-open, causing
        qutebrowser to report any issues with it.
    The content.headers.custom setting now accepts empty strings as values,
    resulting in an empty header being sent.
    Renamed settings:
        qt.low_end_device_mode-> qt.chromium.low_end_device_mode
        qt.process_model-> qt.chromium.process_model
    System-wide userscripts are now discovered from the correct location when
    running via Flatpak ( /app/share rather than /usr/share).
    Filename prompts now don't display a .. entry in the list of files anymore.
    To get back to the parent directory, either type ../ manually, or use the new
    :rl-filename-rubout command, bound to <Ctrl-Shift-W> by default.


    New input.match_counts option which allows to turn off count matching for
    more emacs-like bindings.
    New {relative_index} field for tabs.title.format (and .pinned_format)
    which shows relative tab numbers.
    New input.mode_override option which allows overriding the current mode
    based on the new URL when navigating or switching tabs.
    New qt.chromium.sandboxing setting which allows to disable Chromium's
    sandboxing (mainly intended for development and testing).
    New QUTE_TAB_INDEX variable for userscripts, containing the index of the
    current tab.
    New editor.remove_file setting which can be set to False to keep all
    temporary editor files after closing the external editor.
    New :rl-rubout command replacing :rl-unix-word-rubout (and optionally
    :rl-unix-filename-rubout), taking a delimiter as argument.
    New :rl-filename-rubout command, using the OS path separator and ignoring
    spaces. The command also gets shown in the suggested commands for a download
    filename prompt now.


    When search.incremental is disabled, searching using /text followed by a
    backwards search via ?text (or vice-versa) now correctly changes the search
    Elements getting a hint due to a tabindex now are skipped if it's set to
    -1, reducing some false-positives.
    The audible indicator ( [A]) now uses a 2s cooldown when the audio goes
    silent, equivalent with the behavior of older QtWebEngine versions.
    With confirm_quit set to downloads, the confirmation dialog is now only
    shown when closing the last window (rather than closing any window, which
    would continue running that window's downloads). Unfortunately, more issues
    with confirm_quit and multiple windows remain.
    Crash when a previous crash-log file contains non-ASCII characters (which
    should never happen unless it was edited manually)
    Due to changes in Debian, an old workaround (for broken QtWebEngine patching
    on Debian) caused the inferior qutebrowser error page to be displayed, when
    Chromium's would have worked fine. The workaround was now dropped.
    Crash when using <Ctrl-D>( :completion-item-del) in the :tab-focus
    list, rather than :tab-select.
    Work around a Qt issue causing :spawn to run executables from the current
    directory if no system-wide executable was found. The underlying Qt bug is
    tracked as CVE-2022-25255 ,
    though the impact with typical qutebrowser usage is low: Normally,
    qutebrowser is run from a fixed location (usually the users home directory),
    and :spawn is not typically used with executables that don't exist. The main
    security impact of this bug is in tools like text editors, which are often
    executed in untrusted directories and might attempt to run auxiliary tools
    When :rl-rubout or :rl-filename-rubout (formerly :rl-unix-word-rubout
    and :rl-unix-filename-rubout) were used on a string not starting with the
    given delimiter, they failed to delete the first character, which is now fixed.
    Fixes in userscripts:
        ripbang now works again (it got blocked due to a missing user agent and
        used outdated qutebrowser commands before)
        keepassxc now has a properly working --insecure flag
    Speculative fix for an immediate crash at start with the macOS/Windows
    binaries (in certain rare environments).
    Speculative fix for a qutebrowser crash when the notification daemon crashes
    while showing the notification.
    Fix crash when using :screenshot with an invalid --rect argument.
    Added a site-specific quirk to make cookie dialogs on StackExchange pages
    (such as Stack Overflow) work on Qt 5.12.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2022, 23:15

    Adjusted Maxnote layout
    Keep the Maxnote divider width after restarting the browser
    Adjusted the "New" button to the top of the Maxnote page
    Adjusted the login list displaying phone number and email address
    Added QuickNote folder path displaying
    Optimized browser skin
    Optimized sidebar interaction
    Supported displaying the website icon in sidebar bookmark and note
    Adjusted download manager right-click menu style
    Adjusted the screen capture menu width adaptation
    Adjusted built-in page font
    Supported syncing font settings
    Added IE mode DPI adaptation
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed IE mode DPI scaling exception
    Fixed the issue that the sidebar could not load in IE mode
    Fixed the issue that sidebar bookmark and note could not be clicked
    Fixed the issue that the sidebar displayed in the developer tools
    Fixed the issue that the webpage shortcut could not be opened in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote skipped to the My File page after editing notes
    Fixed the issue the browser could not close all windows in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the AR domain could not be registered in Vbox
    Fixed crashes


Titel: Dooble 2022.02.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2022, 10:40
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Floating popup menu.
    New French translation. Thank you meteos77.
    Qt 6.2.3 LTS.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-04-02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2022, 18:50

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 65589a2a3...37c663fb8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1138649 - Update remaining callsites to use newChannel2 in toolkit/components (r=gijs,billm) (fa57770530)
- Bug 1167053 - Convert NetUtil.newChannel2 callsites to use new API - update newChannel2 (r=sicking,paolo) (3049b3a9c0)
- Bug 1138808 r=vchang (34450de32b)
- Bug 1166580 - Add tests for mozHasPendingMessage. r=fabrice (09e245c692)
- Bug 1195942 - System message registration fails for substituted permissions r=gwagner (b622602e2b)
- Bug 1196988 - Remove THA support. r=gwagner (4b9100c298)
- Bug 1181555 - Add 'experimental-webcomponents' permission. r=fabrice (204680f324)
- Bug 1139953 - Pass a dummy channel into the cookie service so that nsICookiePermission can compute private browsing mode correctly. r=jdm (13aafbd766)
- Bug 1186920 - Fix b2g applications that use cookies. r=gwagner (1f8525ac26) (9af117c44)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1081970 - Gracefully handle interrupts when running test suite. r=dburns (ebbcee57a6)
- goanna -> gecko (7649f64343)
- part of Bug 1118298 - Client uses unknown command property session_id. r=ato (aeffc72114)
- Bug 1166033 - Notice when the process has died, and restart it, r=dburns (dea1ae5330)
- Bug 1161702 - Add --startup-timeout arg for Marionette; add in-tree config for luciddream, r=ahal (1e409ea7c3)
- Bug 1182681 - Raise IOError when receiving empty string on socket, r=jgraham (9572ac42a9)
- Bug 1168803 - Add --addon option to specify add-ons to be installed. r=dburns (45fec9a7a3)
- Bug 1154525: Make HTMLElement#location and #size use #rect internally (6fd40fb74f)
- Bug 1155716: Part 1: Remove submitElement from Marionette (920c882ea2)
- Bug 1153795 - Bump marionette_driver to 0.4 and marionette_client to 0.10. r=atolfsen (38d2622feb)
- Bug 1157665: Add mozrunner dependency to marionette_driver (a7ae967808)
- Bug 1155716: Part 2: Remove HTMLElement#submit from marionette-driver (3ec2f25d6d)
- Bug 1150522: Add WebDriver string statuses to Marionette client (ac097350b1)
- Bug 1158219: Don't set `id' field if undefined when switching frame (b4c57c6561)
- Bug 1060300: Match Marionette's navigation API docs to reality (4b7289faa3)
- Bug 1108590: Update key that is used to return elements from marionette to the client; r=chmanchester (9197b1dde7)
- Bug 1149625: Order errors by name rather that status code (4d414c81de)
- Bug 941085: File uploads support in Marionette (196b27aadb)
- Bug 1153832: New dispatch style framework in Marionette listener (527d403065)
- Bug 1154691: Align Marionette with WebDriver errors (1826851f62)
- goanna -> gecko (99913c1eed)
- Bug 1137653: If there is a crash don't try any more marionette commands as they will just cause unnecessary errors; r=jgriffin (0c4bf06c84)
- Bug 1135383 - Convert Marionette unit tests to use SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv. r=jmaher, r=mwargers (ad6a71ff09)
- Bug 1149618 - Implement push_permission in Marionette, r=dburns (4651be41d9)
- Bug 1107706: Part 11: Global modal dialogue support (08385279d2)
- Bug 1107706: Part 12: Drop marionette-* prefix on files (45778505de)
- Bug 1107706: Part 13: Style fixes (a330089332)
- Bug 1107706: Part 16: Fix rebase of action chains for chrome space (fd60a228df)
- Bug 1157258: Fix null type comparisons in driver.js (632e5044e3)
- Bug 1150247 - Check if value is function before binding. r=ato (8b73e08e58)
- Bug 1157261 - Fix typo in reference to curFrame in marionette listener. r=ato (52b6139e71)
- bits of Bug 941085: File uploads support in Marionette (5043e28cea)
- Bug 1153832: New dispatch style framework in Marionette listener (a8ca91660d)
- Bug 945729: Replace error number codes with strings (f7534e048a)
- Bug 1157255: Use typeof to determine MarionetteObj exports (1e130d679c)
- Bug 1157266: Fix error unable to set cookie in listener (ef0f636573)
- Bug 1157259: Correct ScriptTimeoutError reference in listener r=dburns (fffcf71aff)
- Bug 1149618 - Add a sandbox parameter to execute, r=dburns (5dd616e1ac)
- Bug 1155658: Rename "illegal argument" error to "invalid argument" r=chmanchester (63f9a06f70)
- Bug 970728 - Intermittent test_bug344861.html - b2g_start_script.js part. r=jgriffin (e244cad720)
- Bug 1149618 - Remove SpecialPowers from Marionette, r=dburns (200c0f1a27)
- Bug 1194968: Support for Marionette protocol adjustments in Python client (bc05313678)
- Bug 1161606 - Implement 'using_permission' context manager, r=dburns (08a028b299) (36675c4f1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1165272 - Part 1: Remove getAppCodebasePrincipal. r=bholley (6ed136eaee) (643393b1a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1169798 - Refresh the marionette server's window reference when switching between windows to avoid intermittent exception.;r=ato (606c3f22d8)
- Bug 1169600 - Avoid misleading exception in message listeners in marionette server. r=ato (ec8d12becf)
- Bug 1174941: Update server capabilities that are set on startup; r=ato (9ca7a8be79)
- Bug 1174941: Remove all capabilities from desired capabilities if they are in the session capabilitiesand in requiredCapabilities; r=ato (453c905a90)
- Bug 1174941: Update conditional to switch statement to allow more processing of capabilities; r=ato (1460802be1)
- NO BUG: correct import in marionette about_pages tests r=me DONTBUILD (cad6eecb22)
- Bug 1169600 - Remove message listeners intended to coordinate registering a new browser with marionette once the browser has been registered. r=ato (86fed67200)
- Bug 1165449: Add the ability to set a proxy via capabilities on Marionette session start; r=jgriffin (b2107767bb)
- Bug 1178468 - Update marionette cookie support to use nsICookie2. r=jgriffin (90a140c915)
- Bug 1196920: Add specificationLevel capability to Marionette; r=jgriffin (d64f1b7b2e)
- Bug 1197131: Use dispatcher for listener getCurrentUrl (b2ca32f3d0)
- Bug 1197146: Part 2: Use dispatcher for listener findElementsContent (f324b851a6)
- Bug 1197146: Part 1: Prime dispatcher in listener to resolve promises (947dc5bd29)
- Bug 1197133: Use dispatcher for listener getTitle (76b884bb21)
- Bug 1197141: Use dispatcher for listener getPageSource (7ad171b976)
- Bug 1197143: Use dispatcher for listener goBack (c8302aa896)
- Bug 1191432 - improving coverage for marionette accessibility checks. r=automatedtester (4ce11c5110)
- Bug 1197146: Part 3: Use dispatcher for listener findElementContent (26fe7c4198)
- Bug 1197146: Part 4: Use dispatcher for listener isElementSelected (de51ad7e17)
- Bug 1197146: Part 5: Use dispatcher for listener getElementLocation (5c0620ad1d)
- Bug 1197146: Part 6: Use dispatcher for listener clearElement (811670ed39)
- Bug 1155716: Part 1: Remove submitElement from Marionette (52122d817e)
- Bug 1197146: Part 7: Use dispatcher for listener isElementDisplayed (e7408e94ce)
- Bug 1197146: Part 8: Use dispatcher for listener getElementValueOfCssProperty (591c71ba82)
- Bug 1196987: Update UUID returned to be a valid UUID 4; r=jgriffin (e0b19efc78)
- Bug 1152682: Correct invalid selector errors in elements.js (5466b28ff7)
- Bug 1194224 - adding support for Shadow DOM in marionette. r=automatedtester (0f2b2580b9)
- Bug 1200420 - Better handling of startup_timeout, r=AutomatedTester (0ae69578ab)
- Bug 1139158 - Actions made availabe via marionette_driver object. r=jgriffin (4713e8fc1e)
- goanna -> gecko (fa2a0d674f)
- Bug 1143565: Change requirements to not be fixed to a specific marionette transport and driver; r=chmanchester (cbc9e7eab6)
- Bug 1150050 - Bump manifestparser to v1.1 and marionette-client to v0.9.3 to pick up tagging feature, r=AutomatedTester (f63a01da3b)
- Bug 1157823 - Update dependency to reflect that the marionette client requires a more recent mozhttpd. r=ato (594cde8a5e)
- Bug 1155260: Fix base URL override in Marionette runner (a99bd14cac)
- Bug 1159816 - Bump marionette_client to 0.12. DONTBUILD. CLOSED TREE. r=chmanchester (779b4c9866)
- Bug 1161209 - Bump marionette-driver to 0.7, marionette-client to 0.13, r=AutomatedTester (175cc7adea)
- Bug 1163833 - Add integration with browsermob-proxy, r=dburns (bd90184ee1)
- Bug 983821 - 'marionette' cli entrypoint doesn't have access to proper packages. r=dburns (17d4abf193)
- Bug 1168997 - Bump marionette-client to 0.14, r=dburns (5c10bd3404)
- Bug 1169751 - Bump marionette-driver to 0.8, marionette-client to 0.15, r=dburns (95b3c45faa)
- Bug 1177513 - Bump marionette-client to 0.16, r=dburns (d1228ed4bb)
- Bug 902125 - Add a version config/flag for Python Marionette. r=dburns (f72e7463d7)
- Bug 1177780 - remove useless stuff in automation.py. r=jgriffin (d0d0baf473)
- partial of Bug 1170332 - Fix |mach robocop SINGLE_TEST|. (0838005e10)
- goanna->gecko (ef97631963)
- Bug 1162285 - Remove unused environment vars on Android; r=jmaher (bf6b44a3ae)
- Bug 1160324 - Handle missing robocopApk files in runtestsremote.py. r=gbrown (3d5c874630)
- Bug 1169476 -- Implement |mach robocop --serve|. r=gbrown (11039daa39)
- Bug 1160351 - Improve newline handling in getLogcat; r=bc Bug 1160351 - Bustage fix for 57c6c589cfa1 on a CLOSED TREE (d64b410ef4)
- Bug 1137289 - Guard against dumpsys failure in DroidADB; r=jmaher (4a39532464)
- Bug 1175540 - Reduce timeouts for many adb devicemanager calls; r=mcote (528209a4d6)
- bit of Bug 1160662 - Refer to robocop.ini in $OBJDIR/_tests, not $OBJDIR (c288d73c16)
- Bug 1162479 - Fix mochitest make target regression with duplicate extraProfilePath, r=chmanchester (53251cff28)
- Bug 1151533 - Upgrade manually set tc xre r=me (3bb5f8fecd)
- Bug 1161709 - Pull from artifacts for xulrunner instead of s3 directly r=me (6314094083)
- Bug 1144528 - Use hg share on testers r=garndt ON CLOSED TREE (46779ab50c)
- Bug 1142565 - Update tester images to include same fonts as test slaves r=garndt (cf9e546dfa)
- bits of Bug 1144927 - Directly bake in linux64-minidump_stackwak to tester images r=garndt (8b1f3ff968)
- Bug 1157308 - part 1 - Reduce the leak threshold for content processes more. r=erahm (177289cf32)
- Bug 1157308 - part 2 - Reduce the content process leak limit on OS X. r=erahm (98d14f78cd)
- Bug 1173114 - Fallback to chunk-by-dir if runtimes file not found, r=ahal (c7cb797636)
- Bug 1026290 - Avoid TypeError during Android mochitest-chrome; r=chmanchester (a8112e6ca1)
- Bug 1173971 - Force core Xlib events on GTK3. r=karlt (17fc2475e0)
- Bug 1144194 - Only parse test manifests once in mochitest, r=jmaher (37f5c3a764)
- Bug 1171971 - Move test_paths argument out of mach and into mochitest; remove --test-path, r=chmanchester (3ab9acf758)
- Bug 1178154 - move ShutdownLeaks and LSANLeaks from automationutils to mochitest. r=jgriffin (e8ec293a91)
- Bug 1156982 - Add separators to BloatView output. r=froydnj (ac92a67ba9)
- Bug 1152872 - Don't attempt to leak-check the tools that we run as part of the setup for the mochitest suite; r=mccr8 (dd78bcc8bc)
- Bug 1158227 - part 1 - don't run TSan on test tools or the xpcshell HTTP server in mochitests; r=jmaher (59bbf448e5)
- Bug 1158227 - part 2 - set TSAN_OPTIONS environment variable in automationutils.py for TSan; r=jmaher (66e607b25e)
- Bug 1091284 - Remove systemMemory, environment from automationutils. r=jgriffin (817860ab08) (9489c945b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- let->var (7417185de3)
- Bug 1200194 - Expose nsCaret::GetFrameAndOffset for reuse. r=roc This function can be reused by AccessibleCaret. (4506d97981)
- Bug 1200194 - Fix AccessibleCaret is out of scrollport in cursor mode. r=roc (3c80be5af1)
- Bug 1175171 - Deallocate GTK's KeymapWrapper on shutdown. r=karlt (e5e5468d71)
- Bug 895274 part.6 Rename NS_EVENT_ALL to eAllEvents r=smaug (cc76e8ecc8)
- Bug 895274 part.7 Rename NS_WINDOW_START to eWindowEventFirst r=smaug (c7414fa347)
- Bug 895274 part.8 Rename NS_XUL_CLOSE to eWindowClose r=smaug (30e8142328)
- Bug 895274 part.5 Rename NS_EVENT_NULL to eVoidEvent r=smaug (1950fb6c82)
- Bug 895274 part.4 Clean up the macro names of EventNameList.h r=smaug (46a0c74362)
- Bug 895274 part.9 Rename NS_KEY_PRESS to eKeyPress r=smaug (fb863b578a)
- Bug 895274 part.10 Rename NS_KEY_UP to eKeyUp r=smaug (67a2e3c03a)
- fix (f3a9ad8088)
- Bug 1137557 - Part 1: Allow callee of TIP.keydown() to figure out preventDefault() of keydown and keypress event. r=masayuki, r+sr=smaug (c1d9bca9d0)
- Bug 1119133 Implement TextEventDispatcher::EndInputTransaction() for ensuring TextEventDispatcher forgets the link with TextInputProcessor r=smaug (fffdced45e) (8ace8dfc0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1125045 - yAxisVisible should compare with offset.height instead of pos.width. r=xyuan (60af2d9333)
- Bug 1162360 - Dispatches focus and blur message synchronously. r=yxl (f352609f79)
- Bug 1175399 - Move readonly detection into isFocusableElement. r=janjongboom (e50f849f86)
- Bug 1137557 - Part 2: Remove sendKeyEvent from forms.js. r=masayuki, r=smaug (to make the webidl hook happy) (764b6cedd1)
- Bug 1175024 - Don't destroy and recreate DOMRequestIpcHelper instance for every InputContext. r=fabrice (de6c6840ab) (0b39daa42)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1199289 - r=valentin,dao (bfaf064b19)
- Bug 1202312 - Remove an old forward declaration and typedef. r=kats (1fc905fe5d)
- Bug 1170894 - Implement nsIFrameLoader::SwitchProcessAndLoadURI. r=smaug (194b0e81f6)
- Bug 1199765 - Add support to TabParent for querying the active state of remote browsers. r=Mossop (a9b24d4083)
- Bug 1165796 - Part 1: Make PrefEnabledRunnable usable for other preference names. r=baku (2e83d3ecc7)
- Bug 1168933 - Send referrer when downloading worker script. r=khuey (69e48dea42)
- Bug 1165796 - Part 2: Implement PerformanceObserver.r=baku (9f16f01051)
- Bug 1165796 - Part 0: Unified build fix. r=baku (0605bf4397)
- Bug 1165796 - Part 3: Fix PerformanceObserverEntryList::GetEntries filtering for initiatorType. r=baku (12d07cee20)
- Bug 1192787 - Readd performance enabled test to ResponseEndHighRes; r=baku (f75fbaba13)
- Bug 1197003 - Part 1 - PerformanceObserver::Disconenct() should be called before mPerformance is destroyed. r=baku (d4dd3a960b)
- Bug 1195700 - Disconnect performance observer before being destroyed to avoid crash. r=baku (e9e743d4d2)
- Bug 1197003 - Part 2 - Implement processing algorithm for PerformanceObserver to notify a batch of entries. r=baku (4a0432765f)
- Bug 1155761 followup: Annotate nsPerformance::InsertUserEntry as 'override'. rs=ehsan (0552b7f75f) (359792367)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- namespace (9098f16503)
- Bug 1200337 - Part 1: Don't expose standard HTTP headers during interception in non-e10s mode, r=mcmanus (de66cfebfd)
- Bug 1200337 - Part 2: Add a Web Platform Test to check the visibility of default headers during interception, r=bkelly (7bc6a6da3a)
- Bug 1169772 - Add Android version to platform identifier of Fennec's UA string. r=mfinkle, r=gerv (dec38d4c25)
- code style (21d40d3b6b)
- Bug 1108183 - Regularize case of language subtags in Accept-Language header. r=mcmanus (cf10ae2cb2)
- Bug 1152897 - update Alt-Svc pref name and default r=hurley (bc3c5e998c)
- Bug 1198387 - Remove use-cache preference and its references. r=mcmanus (732b2552d0)
- Bug 1036275 - Change nsHttpChannel to call into PackagedAppService fo urls containing !// r=honzab (eba098a919)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 3: Add a CORS preflight result notification API; r=jduell,ckerschb,sicking (2f823319a2)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 4: Perform CORS preflights from nsHttpChannel before connecting to the network; r=jduell,ckerschb,sicking (b87f957b19)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 5: Preserve the CORS preflight information when setting up a replacement channel; r=jduell (0ff5213af9)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 6: Transfer the preflight parameters to the parent process in e10s mode; r=jduell (6ed48d9512)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 7: Remove entries from the CORS preflight cache in the parent process when a CORS check in the child process fails; r=jduell (f0cf6759f3)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 8: Use Necko-level CORS preflights in fetch; r=jdm (8b91e8c6fa)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 9: Use Necko-level CORS preflights in XHR; r=jdm (a48e71430a)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 10: Use Necko-level CORS preflights in sendBeacon; r=jdm (9fb3aaad6d)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 11: Make it impossible to start CORS preflights from outside of Necko; r=jduell,ckerschb,sicking (5a371e2cd2)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 12: Move the calls on the listener object to OnPreflightFailed(); r=jduell (2119233974)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 13: Cancel the preflight channel if the original channel gets canceled when a CORS preflight is in progress; r=jduell,sicking (59df760454)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 14: Cancel the original channel in case a CORS preflight fails using AsyncAbort(); r=jduell (4e6afdfe41)
- Bug 1199049 - Part 15: Add a missing include (d881400b2a)
- Bug 1206084 Always Cancel() channel in nsCORSListenerProxy for failed redirects. r=ehsan (d31d4e4e35) (e76a0e8c2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1204614 - use h2 per stream flow control to deal with suspended channels r=hurley (1f8f4fe7f1)
- bug 1142384 - eventtokenbucket thread management r=hurley (a7bbb17cf8)
- bug 1179560 - some 421 retries dont work r=hurley (57b9d738e7)
- bug 1187239 - ontransportstatus SENDING_TO should not use request stream re-entrantly r=hurley r=bz (ca9fe4e299)
- bug 1196882 - dont enforce h1 framing on non 2xx r=bagder (5fbafc06af)
- bug 1206771 - fix reentrantFlag compiler warning on >= beta r=jduell (de1fbf71cd)
- bug 1148237 restart verifier null pattern r=honzab (32953a08dd)
- Bug 1166349: Use a fallible allocation in nsXMLHttpRequest::StreamReaderFunc. r=smaug (36825e2213)
- Bug 1199796 - Refactor Request and XHR request method validation. r=nsm (95639c3097)
- Bug 1154411 - Do not close same fd twice r=bent (d92f48ce05)
- Bug 1199862 - In the case of a DivertToParent a message or error prompt may block in a OnStartRequest or OnDataAvailable and therefore we need to suspend receiving further OnDataAvailable or OnStopRequest, etc. r=jduell (05d42bb4ac)
- Bug 1206894 - Enable asynchronous dispatching of fetch events; r=jdm (e74982babf)
- Bug 1176073 - Missing mIPCClosed check in SendReportSecurityMessage. r=honza (369d25cf44)
- missing bits of Bug 1184971 - Expose cookieBehavior and cookieLifetimePolicy preference variants from nsICookieService. r=ehsan (311867e5b0)
- Bug 1184275 - Remove warnings that URI is not a file URI. r=jduell (19cde2bb7f)
- Bug 1184798 - Ensure workers loads are treated as non-subresource fetches. r=jdm (996df180be)
- Bug 1187217 - Fix deref nullptr loadInfo in nsDocShell::LoadStream. r=bz (6e734e7688)
- code style (9b783b1235)
- Bug 1184260 - Remove warning if GetRootScrollFrame returns null in GetCurScrollPos. r=smaug (7d667886f5)
- Bug 1196290 - Do not update orientation lock when app docshell is activated. r=smaug (1c42abec55)
- Bug 1191178 - Part 1: Add a function to check frame timing preference value. r=smaug (cb6fa1b1e4)
- Bug 1191178 - Part 0: Fix unified build in dom/base. Add missing headers and sorting them. r=smaug (64814477f7)
- Bug 1191178 - Part 0.1: GetSriLog() is needed to avoid unified build failure. r=francois (80e29ae34a)
- Bug 1191178 - Part 0.2: Include nsBaseHashTable in nsScriptNameSpaceManager.h explicitly to avoid unified build errors. r=njn (cf98949e2d)
- Bug 1191178 - Part 2: Add PerformanceRenderTiming and PerformanceCompositeTiming. r=smaug (954df4283c)
- Bug 1163545 - Bypass AppCache completely when Service Workers supported & registered, r=jdm (2ee23b3ee9)
- Bug 1192946 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in widget/windows/WinUtils.cpp (r=sicking) (931b4d6bee)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types for images (r=seth) (824b404ee1)
- Bug 895274 part.11 Rename NS_KEY_DOWN to eKeyDown r=smaug (411fd23491)
- Bug 895274 part.12 Rename NS_KEY_BEFORE_DOWN to eBeforeKeyDown r=smaug (2246daafa8)
- Bug 895274 part.13 Rename NS_KEY_AFTERE_DOWN to eAfterKeyDown r=smaug (3be7824e25)
- Bug 895274 part.14 Rename NS_KEY_BEFORE_UP to eBeforeKeyUp r=smaug (a93199c8c9)
- Bug 895274 part.15 Rename NS_KEY_AFTER_UP to eAfterKeyUp r=smaug (57d0905783)
- Bug 895274 part.16 Rename NS_RESIZE to eResize r=smaug (7833338de2)
- Bug 895274 part.17 Rename NS_SCROLL_EVENT to eScroll r=smaug (ff6d0cdfd4)
- Bug 895274 part.95 Rename NS_MUTATION_NODEINSERTEDINTODOCUMENT to eLegacyNodeInsertedIntoDocument r=smaug (3f3d730ee2)
- Bug 895274 part.96 Rename NS_MUTATION_START to eLegacyMutationEventFirst r=smaug (98c31b5e38)
- Bug 895274 part.97 Rename NS_MUTATION_NODEREMOVEDFROMDOCUMENT to eLegacyNodeRemovedFromDocument r=smaug (1ba815caae)
- Bug 895274 part.98 Rename NS_MUTATION_CHARACTERDATAMODIFIED to eLegacyCharacterDataModified r=smaug (16e625cbb6)
- Bug 895274 part.99 Rename NS_MUTATION_SUBTREEMODIFIED to eLegacySubtreeModified r=smaug (7ec172cef7)
- Bug 895274 part.100 Rename NS_MUTATION_NODEINSERTED to eLegacyNodeInserted r=smaug (a4d22eb9cd)
- Bug 895274 part.101 Rename NS_MUTATION_NODEREMOVED to eLegacyNodeRemoved r=smaug (746766bc0a)
- Bug 895274 part.102 Rename NS_MUTATION_ATTRMODIFIED to eLegacyAttrModified r=smaug (eef12e69bc)
- Bug 895274 part.103 Rename NS_MUTATION_END to eLegacyMutationEventLast r=smaug (d3b375d3fe)
- Bug 895274 part.149 Rename NS_USER_DEFINED_EVENT to eUnidentifiedEvent r=smaug (0fe272aa46)
- Bug 1205533 - Fix and disallow warnings in gfx/qcms/. r=jrmuizel. (6cf4efeb47)
- Bug 1188347 - Properly handle OOM during script cloning. r=jandem (93934b2aff)
- Bug 1188347 - Part 2: Fix bustage. r=jandem (61fcb2b899)
- Bug 1175442 Make nsContentUtils::SendKeyEvent() take nsIWidget* rather than nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> r=smaug (2115e04234)
- Bug 1188347 - Part 3: Only run test relying on debug builds in debug builds. r=bustage (25e84b0a2c)
- Bug 1188347 - Part 4: Root LazyScript* in CloneScriptIntoFunction. r=bustage (18dd9e84ca)
- spacing (b45fe5d45b)
- Bug 1162791 - Add-ons should be enabled by default when installed r=ferjm (d5062d5592)
- Bug 1173666 - Expose the URL of the page that calls mozApps.connect to the app exposing the port. r=ferjm, r=baku (74b106fac5)
- Bug 1191516 - Make checkInstalled return a DOMApplication object. r=fabrice (01dfb29190) (50e77397b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 904479 - Added createPromiseWithId() that returns id of resolver r=kanru,nsm (2ac672d882)
- Bug 1166580 - Disable mozHasPendingMessage tests on non-browser platform. r=me (03c689964b)
- Bug 1162281 - Invalid system message handler in an App Manifest can break the entire system. r=fabrice (e192a95f9c)
- Bug 1198988 - Turn off some useless dump() calls r=ferjm (34fc83b236)
- Bug 1164498: Remove |DispatchBluetoothReply|, r=btian (6143335efa)
- Bug 1001757 - Add ability to store core apps outside of profile on desktop b2g; r=fabrice (f6b605e7aa)
- Bug 1155245 - Set the app status correctly for hosted certified apps in developer mode. r=fabrice (131178b80e)
- Bug 1179052 - Add some raptor markers to b2g gecko startup r=gwagner (222256fad8)
- Bug 1163904 - handle -url command line argument. r=fabrice (ee61af1ff9)
- Bug 1167275 - JS error in shell.js handleCmdLine() r=me (32e75c604f)
- Bug 1167197 - Fix GMPProvider on Android r=cpearce Bug 1181209 - Make changes to Gecko needed for b2gdroid to boot. r=fabrice (b35d3a372f)
- Bug 1158544 - Remove FTPChannelChild::mWasOpened and make the base class mWasOpened protected; r=mcmanus (9111e1bc00)
- Bug 1171716 - Part 2: Use NS_ReleaseOnMainThread in nsBaseChannel. r=froydnj (f138124f14)
- partial of Bug 1177175 - Add a UITour target inside the TP panel. (603cc719b3)
- Bug 1175545 - Dont process alt-svc on 421 r=hurley (ad0f2f6e91)
- Bug 1191291 - convert nsHttpChannel::RetargetDeliveryTo warning to log r=michal.novotny (b9c6003df8)
- Bug 1182487 - Don't try to write to HTTP cache entry in nsHttpChannel when entry is open for reading only. r=michal (b36d7014a0)
- Bug 1173069 - Don't accumulate the cache hit telemetry for intercepted channels; r=mayhemer,jdm (aaed79183d)
- Bug 1208755 HttpBaseChannel::ShouldIntercept() should not assume every channel has a LoadInfo. r=ckerschb (d55be94901)
- Bug 1201229 - Return an empty string for a header when an error occurs; r=dragana (256d0462c8)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types - web platform test updates (r=dveditz) (baa1004dd6)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types - csp changes (r=dveditz) (17914dadba)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types for stylesheets (r=cam) (29af13263a)
- Bug 1048048 - add preload content policy types (r=ehsan) (f58a32d51b)
- Bug 1201747 - Don't inspect the subject principal in StorageAllowedForPrincipal. r=mystor (4f2c100882)
- Bug 1176829 - Remove custom elements base element queue. r=smaug (03a520c13d)
- Bug 1176829 follow-up, finish removing unused member to fix bustage. CLOSED TREE (29c6150af8)
- Bug 1179909: Build fix. r=me CLOSED TREE (40e3bdb971)
- Bug 1188932 - Allow the User-Agent header to be explicitly set by requests, r=bkelly, r=jgraham (37aacbd37d) (fe0509a62)
- zlib: CVE-2018-25032 fix, from https://github.com/madler/zlib/commit/5c44459c3b28a9bd3283aaceab7c615f8020c531 (12ec5c77a)
- nss: update in-tree zlib to 1.2.11 with CVE-2018-25032 fix (37c663fb8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2022, 19:50
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Explorer context menu inside BrowserDownloadsView: When you right-click on a single item while holding down the shift key, BrowserDownloadsView now displays the context menu of Windows Explorer, instead of the BrowserDownloadsView context menu. This feature only works for existing downloaded files.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with restore tabs in last session.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 19:45

    Optimized sidebar
    Optimized Vbox
    Optimzied settings sync
    Optimized extensions sync
    Fixed the issue that the webpage desktop shortcut could not display the website icon
    Fixed the issue that the web app closed wrongly when exiting the browser
    Fixed crashes


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.4.10.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2022, 10:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BriskBard 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2022, 19:50
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 100.0.4896.75.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.1150.38.
    The Ad blocker now has two options to only block the media files or all the files.
    Now the bookmark folders open automatically when the mouse pointer is idle over them.
    Added configuration options to select the action taken when there's a JavaScript error or a browser process error.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.
    The IRC bookmarks have been updated.
    The free Newsgroups servers list has been updated.
    The Indy, SQLite and Tor components have been updated to the latest version.
    Bug fixes :
        The notification with the information about the Tor network connection is shown when the connection state reaches 100%.


Titel: Pale Moon 29.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2022, 19:50


    Fixed a potential crash issue on bing.com.
    Updated NSS to 3.52.4 to address security issues.
    Fixed some thread locking issues. DiD
    Worked around a Mesa driver bug that could cause crashes.
    Fixed a potential resource access issue in devtools. DiD
    Security issues with CVEs addressed: CVE-2022-1097, CVE-2022-28285 (DiD) and CVE-2022-28283 (DiD).
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 5 DiD, 2 rejected, 23 not applicable.


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2022, 22:20
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

Added new quick filter option: Find a string begins with...

Titel: SlimBrowser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2022, 10:10

    Upgrade to gecko engine 95
    Enabled RLBox to protect SlimBrowser against potential security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries
    You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side.
    Introduce Site Isolation to better protect all SlimBrowser users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre.
    Supports the new Snap Layouts menus when running on Windows 11.
    Supports the new AVIF image format
    PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (XFA-based forms, used by multiple governments and banks)
    When available system memory is critically low, automatically unload tabs based on their last access time, memory usage, and other attributes.
    SlimBrowser now blocks downloads that rely on insecure connections, protecting against potentially malicious or unsafe downloads
    Improved web compatibility for privacy protections with SmartBlock 3.0
    Introducing a new referrer tracking protection in Strict Tracking Protection and Private Browsing.


Titel: CyberChef 9.37.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2022, 21:50
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2022, 19:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more



+ Optimized main menu layout
+ Added "save image/pdf/ file" options to the main menu
+ Supported adding bookmarks to QuickAccess
+ Optimized Maxnote (updated toolbar icon, and added "select all" option)
+ Adjusted bookmark manager page and extension page to the fixed font size
+ Supported browser system settings sync
+ Optimized address bar icon layout
- Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not enter the title successfully
- Fixed the issue that the background opened tabs has the different order from the new window opened tabs
- Fixed the issue that the history page search results could not load correctly in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the download manager could not display the icon of the downloaded records
- Fixed the issue that dark mode could not keep after snapping the screen
- Fixed the issue that the toolbar audio button could not display correctly
- Fixed the issue that the restore button hover staus could not exit in some cases
- Fixed the issue that some webpage share pages could not load correctly
- Fixed crashes


Titel: Lagrange 1.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2022, 09:20
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Export/import user data.
    Default font changed to Roboto/Segoe UI.
    Option to change UI layout: bottom navigation/tab bars.
    Option to have a menu bar on non-Apple desktop platforms.
    New UI accent colors.
    Improved appearance of UI widgets.
    New Oceanic content theme, with dark/light variants.
    Improved Sepia theme, added dark variant.
    Option to justify paragraphs.
    (v1.12.1) Updated Help and UI translations. Windows: Fixed importing identities.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2022, 05:10

    Upgrade to gecko engine 95
    Enabled RLBox to protect SlimBrowser against potential security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries
    You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side.
    Introduce Site Isolation to better protect all SlimBrowser users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre.
    Supports the new Snap Layouts menus when running on Windows 11.
    Supports the new AVIF image format
    PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (XFA-based forms, used by multiple governments and banks)
    When available system memory is critically low, automatically unload tabs based on their last access time, memory usage, and other attributes.
    SlimBrowser now blocks downloads that rely on insecure connections, protecting against potentially malicious or unsafe downloads
    Improved web compatibility for privacy protections with SmartBlock 3.0
    Introducing a new referrer tracking protection in Strict Tracking Protection and Private Browsing.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-04-16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2022, 09:20
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 37c663fb8...5c18c2df8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- namespace (b3e3551148)
- Bug 1146202 - Add a test for the handling of ignoreVary in Cache.keys; r=bkelly (37a8b2b74c)
- Bug 1162411 - Fix Request CORS bug. r=bz (2fe7982d3a)
- Bug 1154268 - Fetch Request should not allow creating a GET request with a body by copying a PUT request. r=bkelly (d36cea49f6)
- Bug 1134609 -Make Fetch Request constructor less destructive to input on error r=bkelly (7e96b79ef9)
- Bug 1147684 - HeapSnapshot::NodeMap store DeserializedNodes directly, rather than UniquePtrs; r=jimb (b1510e5991)
- Bug 1148642 - Save some memory in HeapSnapshot instances by using a HashSet with a NodeId lookup, instead of a HashMap; r=jimb (696df66bc2)
- Bug 1147684 - Part 2: Make the DeserializedNode cosntructor infallible; r=jimb (19eb651e8b)
- fix namespace comments (2490fc27b1)
- Bug 1054756, part 4 - Remove BaseProxyHandler::defaultValue. r=jandem. (b43b5657aa) (978b1470c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1195615 - Log a web console warning when a HPKP header is ignored due to a non-built in root cert. r=keeler (dcd24f0163)
- Bug 1156865 - Re-enable RDP logging in debugger xpcshell tests; r=jlongster (cb82a79d32)
- Bug 848502 - Add a context menu to the debugger sources panel. r=vporof (58a299ded4)
- Bug 1145262 - Modularize the pane views in the debugger. r=fitzgen (64b9eca0b5)
- Bug 1145262 - Modularize the toolbar views in the debugger. r=fitzgen (c827d2ed92)
- Bug 1167957 - Remove spidermonkey specific JS from debugger (795b7d00fb)
- Bug 1160199 - Implement TabActor.listWorkers;r=jlong (b11fef647b)
- Bug 1164077 - Implement WorkerActor.attach;r=jlong (d3c0a7c820)
- Bug 1164564 - Clean up the helper functions for the debugger tests;r=jlong (b5d3bbbc99)
- Bug 1164564 - Define an instance of the worker loader for worker threads;r=jlong (4eac1636b3)
- Bug 1164564 - Implement WorkerActor.attachThread;r=jlong (fe1ac8ba3d)
- Bug 1169343 - Implement DebuggerView.Workers;r=jlong (12996e5440)
- Bug 1171967 - Emit newSource events on ThreadClient instead of DebuggerClient;r=pbrosset (417dce4d13)
- Bug 1171967 - Implement WorkerTarget;r=jlong (c8963b9b35)
- Bug 1189587: Tighten signature of pref_HashTableLookup. r=njn (de84745d54)
- Bug 1188205 - Fix more constructors in netwerk; r=mcmanus (afcf42b3f8)
- namespaces (867f2a3213)
- Bug 1181319 - Correctly use NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED instead of NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS for DataChannelChild. r=mcmanus (bbe6681ea0)
- Bug 1163909 - Remove nsFtpState::mSessionStartTime, which is dead. r=mcmanus. (f7c218ed91)
- Bug 1170837 - Make nsMultiMixedConv not return an error when served only a package's metadata from the cache r=honzab (afb0684b1d) (240cfdae2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1189692 - add telem for quic advertisements r=hurley (67ee0adad5)
- Bug 1167809 - Add skip size check flag to cache for use with ServiceWorkers. r=mayhemer (adb2bd10ed)
- Bug 1172697 - URLs containing in the query or hash should not be handled as packaged app resources r=mcmanus (2f1f079ec3)
- missing unimportant bits of Bug 1166133 (08ae4d5eaa)
- Bug 1153869 - altsvc assert scheme is http or https r=hurley (fa8eb33a0f)
- Bug 1153924 - do not use altsvc with proxy r=hurley (4ebcef7ee5)
- Bug 1170837 - Add static GetPackageURI method to PackagedAppService r=honzab (3aa5ed3ba4)
- Bug 1170837 - Provide way to update packaged apps r=honzab (bba59384e3)
- Bug 1172885 - nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect must call AsyncAbort in the case of an error. r=valentin (fb1950c107)
- Bug 1187159 - Pass principal and flags from the requesting channel to the packaged app channel r=honzab (e2eee864ed)
- Bug 1181137 - Copy all headers from base channel to subresources in the packaged app. r=honzab (481f62182b)
- Bug 1165263 - Part 3: Update mozprofile to support new moz_hosts schema, r=ahal (fab842eb19)
- Bug 1091274 - Move leak log functions out of automationutils and into mozbase. r=jgriffin (58ed655e98)
- bug 1139922 - Fix loading mozinfo in runreftest.py. r=dbaron (23c57102ed)
- restore some missing bits (1027a2f538)
- Bug 1084614 - Clean up orphan servers before starting mochitests or reftests; r=kmoir (2e77777b26)
- Bug 1145364 - Use more portable ps command line for orphan cleanup; r=kmoir (c4f5964e79)
- Bug 1181521 - Reformat runreftest.py according to PEP8 rules, r=Ms2ger,jmaher (48d74f5782)
- re-apply 817007 (03c3a3e65c)
- Bug 1165263 - Part 4: Update reftest runners to support new moz_hosts schema, r=dbaron (3635819ff3)
- Bug 1182487 - Add test for opening the channel with nsIRequest::INHIBIT_CACHING flag set. r=michal (4de157a608)
- Bug 1190502 - RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV4 returns A records r=mcmanus (0fbbe65166)
- Bug 1172701 - Make GetSubresourceURI normalize the path for packaged resources r=mcmanus (aa8baa740d)
- Bug 1144806, Fix test_temporary_storage to not depend on database sizes. r=bent. (653584241a)
- Bug 1153896 - dont setup altsvc for same host/port as origin r=hurley (7294b622d7)
- Bug 1170066 - Fix -Wunreachable-code-return clang warning in netwerk/protocol/http/. r=mcmanus (b0775af93d) (e0691cab0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1196021 - Use asyncOpen2 in PackagedAppService r=ckerschb (94301092a0)
- Bug 1196021 - Pass requesting channel to PackagedAppService::GetResource r=ckerschb (bcfa9d9d4f)
- rearrange Bug 1209658 part 2 (e7f9d4e75f)
- Bug 1161625. Use nsIURI, not dom::URL, to create URIs on main thread in fetch code. Also, use the entry settings document's base URI, not the callee document's document URI, as the base. r=nsm (fd824cc408)
- Bug 1110476 - Stripped url fragment from Request::GetUrl() by calling either nsIURI::SetRef() or workers::URL::SetHash() in Request's url getter utility methods. Stripped url fragment from Response::GetUrl() by adding the method InternalRequest::StripFragmentAndSetUrl() which calls nsIURI::SetRef(). Added a test in dom/tests/mochitest/fetch/test_request.js for Request::GetUrl(). Removed manual url stripping from dom/cache/TypeUtils.cpp. r=bkelly (a4f394434a)
- Bug 1195820 - Request constructor should throw TypeError if URL has credentials or parse fails. r=bkelly (347c65872d)
- Bug 1144786: Create ClassifyLocalWithTables (r=gcp,francois) (26c00bc725)
- Bug 1180323 - Only look at TP table before cancelling speculative connections. r=gcp (8c762cd347)
- Bug 1141352 - add a pairwise allowlist to tracking protection. r=gcp (4ec253bff6)
- Bug 1098422 - Change the HTTP cache half-life experiment values. r=jduell (5e39571c88)
- Bg 1139014 - Optimize memory allocations in CacheFileMetadata, r=honzab (59a8c4d7eb)
- Bug 1177278 - Large OOMs in CacheFileMetadata::WriteMetadata, r=honzab (bfe491ebd1)
- Bug 1171724 - Large OOMs in CacheFileMetadata, r=honzab (58a4d81058)
- Bug 1122070 - TSan: data race netwerk/cache2/CacheIOThread.cpp:97 DispatchInternal, r=honzab (34240071df)
- Bug 1157322 - TSan: data race netwerk/cache2/CacheIOThread.cpp:315 OnDispatchedEvent, r=honzab (66d90f16ae)
- Bug 1156974 - mark CacheFileHandle::mIsDoomed as a release/acquire Atomic variable; r=michal (38eb63304d)
- Bug 1082735 - Don't use InsertElementSorted in HTTP cache, r=michal (06b3ca3f41)
- Bug 1159500 - crash in mozilla::net::CacheIndexIterator::GetNextHash(unsigned char (*)[20]), r=honzab (21a4bf2fdb)
- fix namespace (f642fe8df0)
- Bug 1132172 - Don't access CacheEntry::mFrecency on non-cache threads. r=michal (68e9cf33a6)
- Bug 1139924 - Dooming an unloaded HTTP cache entry by its URL may fail. r=michal (1d259ea5f3) (98666e86f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1175523 - Add HTMLMediaElement.srcObject alias to .mozSrcObject. r=roc, r=smaug (b1925fa6cb)
- Bug 1200194 - Add UpdateCaretsHint to guide appearance changing. r=roc (7676bbf14f)
- Bug 1204872 - Add documentation and rename mCaretMode. r=roc (278dda16e7)
- Bug 1204872 - Make AccessibleCaretManager testable. r=roc (30f21fc7e3)
- Bug 1200194 - Remove unneeded AccessibleCaretManager::OnScrolling(). r=roc (deac7c0930)
- Bug 1204872 - Add gtest for AccessibleCaretManager. r=roc (f2c3fd80c1)
- Bug 1204872 - Make AccessibleCaret testable. r=roc (2aed81a36c)
- Bug 1204872 - Prettify enum class printing. r=roc (fcf80915e0)
- Bug 1147973 - Detailed disk cache hit rate telemetry is wrong, r=honzab (246165a840)
- align comment to 1076366 (c41cecd576)
- Bug 1140808 - Shut down the active entries table when the cache service is shut down. r=michal (dc04ffd057)
- remove hack not found in TFF nor esr60 (f9610bf2af)
- Bug 1170646 - Handle short read in (old) Cache code still used by C-C TB. r=michal (213adadb49)
- Bug 1195713 - Set the proper notification callbacks for the inner channel. r=valentin (df25d272b2)
- Bug 1185439 - Add preamble to nsIMultiPartChannel for MIME type application/package. r=valentin Add a couple of missing #includes to nsHttpNTLMAuth.cpp, no bug CLOSED TREE Bug 1178525 - Introduce PackagedAppVerifier and use it to control the timing we serve packaged content. r=valentin. (02c88cf56b)
- bug 1162821 - filter dns name collision records r=sworkman IGNORE IDL (a102d893f9)
- Bug 1138242 - Use sequential A and AAAA requests to get DNS record TTLs on Windows r=sworkman (2c3acd2ac2)
- Bug 1152329 - Only compile _Android_GetAddrInfoForNetInterface on Android>=19; r=mcmanus (c9b9c6c406)
- Bug 1141741 - Make mDisablePrefetch assigns atomic; r=mcmanus (c3c4883d65)
- Bug 1167410 - Removing an unused initialization. r=hurley (d1966655d3)
- Bug 1196237 - Relemetry after dns shutdown. r=dragana (756e16d87a) (16f332f3a)
- import from mozilla: bug 1211706 - fix network io loop spin when clearing h2 flow control buffer r=hurley (b8b6944505bc) (450ca7af0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1150066 - restore ability to run prepare_tlds.py standalone. r=gps (bfed0f0ea7)
- Bug 1158029 - Part 2: mDNS XPCOM module using NsdManager. r=mcmanus (23672e2270)
- Bug 1179944, [webvr] put back support for Oculus 0.5.0 runtime, for OSX and Linux; r=mstange (62ceac1c43)
- Bug 959594 - Add search suggestions to UnifiedComplete. r=mak (5ec9f662f3)
- Bug 1184055 - Muted by default in b2g. r=baku (063dabe83d)
- Bug 1186608, [webvr] Add individual prefs to disable backends, set sane defaults; r=mstange (adda46051e)
- remaining of Bug 1147305 - Map settings "mms.debugging.enabled" to preference. r=btseng (5b64a1225d)
- Bug 1137048 - Map settings ril.debugging.enabled to preference (follow-up). r=fabrice (253519bbaa)
- Bug 1179896 - Add a switch to enable/disable dom.serviceWorkers.interception.enabled and dom.serviceWorkers.testing prefs. r=fabrice (a19dc6b1c8)
- Bug 1180596 - Part 2 - make customizable settings of Presentation API. r=schien (7100938abe)
- Bug 1153063 - turn on logging for debug in test_tcp_control_channel.js. r=fabrice (72ea9de4ab)
- Bug 1164811 - Let TCP presentation server can be inited again in |listener.onClose|. r=fabrice (02856238a2)
- Bug 1166599 - make |_devices| init appropriately. r=fabrice (49da6acdde)
- Bug 1180596 - Part 1 - make add/remove/get devices available without init. r=fabrice (4e592cd80b)
- Bug 1201805 - [Presentation WebAPI] Fix collaboration issues with control channel. Part 1 - String mismatch in channel description. r=fabrice (a7f9ac6a55)
- Bug 1192255: Clean up ContentParent's observer topics for the Nuwa process. r=khuey (d80bcfe4a4)
- Bug 1146874 Part 1: Check that Windows sandboxed process starts correctly. r=tabraldes (a21f94622d)
- Bug 1146874 Part 2: Add new nspr logging in GMPParent when process fails to launch. r=cpearce (5b1d84454b)
- Bug 1146874 Part 3: Add LaunchSubprocess function to ContentParent to remove fallible code from constructor. r=billm (6e42748cd3)
- namespaces (769ca2451a)
- Bug 1169129 - Make GMPParent hold a self ref while GMP child process is alive. r=edwin (969bebd465)
- Bug 1172396 - Make GMP initialisation synchronous - r=cpearce (c06f1a2e33)
- Bug 1175765 - Start async-shutdown timer in GMPParent::CloseActive() r=cpearce (48b1cddfe2) (5c18c2df8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2022, 06:10
Whats new:>>

    Added "Restore local data" option to Settings
    Supported customizing QuickNote shortcut
    Added text box input records autofill option to Settings
    Optimized right-click menu
    Supported IPFS network storage
    Updated Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the downloader could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that webpage search results highlighted after closing the search box
    Fixed the issue that the settings options opened when clicking on the blank area

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-04-23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2022, 20:50

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 5c18c2df8...343d0fbef:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- put back some crash-reporter stff (f004751763)
- Bug 1138520 - Don't wait for ForceKill to finish (r=jchen) (de2281f03d)
- Bug 1141661 - Load chrome before processing delayed frame scripts. r=smaug (bbf2f89f6c)
- fix patch order issue (8852ce07c9)
- Bug 1111555 - Don't accidentally cancel downloads if we think we're exiting private browsing. r=ehsan (0adfab95bd)
- restore some crash-reporter stuff (90d37b8709)
- Bug 1142229, part 2 - Shut down the Nuwa process when its PContentParent::Close() is called. r=tlee (1002749bf5)
- Bug 1142229, part 1 - Clean up and refactor test cases for the Nuwa process. r=mrbkap (decea0f38d)
- Bug 1115496 - [DeviceStorage] Use change event to notify gaia if there is default location change. r=dhylands (b6bf095eb1)
- Bug 1186273 - Part 1. Move preferences and observers into dedicated threadsafe module. r=dhylands (5c8c091e71)
- Bug 1126694 - Test case. r=dhylands (29bd4893ef)
- Bug 1173484 - Fix race caused by adding new volumes. r=aosmond (7f7e034017)
- Bug 1186273 - Part 2. Improve reuse of and releasing of device storage objects where appropriate. r=dhylands (340dd77ede)
- Bug 974770 - Get rid of dom.mozInputMethod.testing in test scripts. r=kanru, r=mrbkap (88884a9cfd)
- Bug 994337 - Force sending strings over TCPSocket when strings are required. r=asuth (5b68048814)
- Bug 1176542 - Trace the window object in the TCPSocket child proxy. r=mccr8 (793e362a86)
- Bug 885982 - Part 1: Convert TCPSocket to WebIDL and rewrite in C++. r=asuth,mayhemer,bz
- Bug 885982 - Part 2: Convert TCPServerSocket to WebIDL and rewrite in C++. r=asuth,mayhemer,bz
- Bug 885982 - Part 3: Add e10s support to TCPSocket and TCPServerSocket. r=asuth,mayhemer,bz (2330a252e0)
- Bug 1154878. Stop exposing navigator.tainteEnabled in workers. r=ehsan (890912c45a)
- Bug 1192727 - Improve the way that Presentation receiver gets the ID of the incoming session. r=smaug (4655052a24) (864531f7d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1192101 - Part 1 - Support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s). Part 1 - WebIDL Bindings. r=smaug (966c9ef0cc)
- Bug 1192101 - Part 2 - Support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s). Part 2 - Change notification & event dispatching. r=smaug (884dc29bbf)
- Bug 1192101 - Part 3 - Support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s). Part 3 - Adjust errors. r=smaug (deff3602fb)
- Bug 1201805 - [Presentation WebAPI] Fix collaboration issues with control channel. Part 2 - Adjust the timing to send offer. r=smaug (12fd6daaf6)
- Bug 1192101 - Part 4 -Support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s). Part 4 - Rename PresentationSessionInfo relevant classes. r=smaug (426ecdf6bc)
- Bug 1202582 - Part 2 - [Presentation WebAPI] Ensure incoming messages are well delivered to receiver pages. Part 2 - PresentationSessionInfo. r=smaug (8063fb8b0c)
- Bug 1202582 - Part 1 - Presentation WebAPI] Ensure incoming messages are well delivered to receiver pages. Part 1 - PresentationSessionTransport. r=jdm (4557d46a69)
- Bug 1192101 - Part 5 - Support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s). Part 5 - Tests. r=smaug (09ed937625)
- Bug 950660: Part 1: Support bind in TCPSocket from content process r=jdm (a4c5a6e59d)
- Bug 950660: Part 1: Support bind in TCPSocket from content process r=jdm
- Bug 950660: Part 2 - Change TCPSocket interface to TCPSocketChild and unbitrot r=jdm
- Bug 950660: Part 3 - make TCPSocket/TCPSocketChild interface an IDL interface r=jdm (4694a7afa8)
- Bug 885982 - Part 4: Remove all traces of JS implementation. r=asuth (0b4308ac2b)
- Bug 1171760: P6. Use MediaSourceSamples logging in ContainerParser. r=cpearce (83abe7a45f)
- Bug 1186257 - Fix formatting. r=jya (33715d7cd7)
- Bug 1171760: P5. Add MediaSourceSamples logging. r=cpearce (5ebfc707ec)
- Bug 1197563 - Polyfill __func__ for MSVC 2013 and earlier. r=froydnj (c5d0f4edde)
- Bug 1186257 - Use default dtor in ContainerParser. r=jya (270678ff2a)
- Bug 1188150 - Move ContainerParser dtor to implementation. r=jya (67ece68407)
- Bug 1183196: [MSE] P3. Slightly increase debugging information. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (dbc73818a3)
- fix spacing (7407c57db7) (058eb0d0e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1173051 - Minor optimizations for device storage enumerate on parent and child. r=dhylands (31037e471a)
- Bug 1020179 followup: Mark DeviceStorageRequest::GetRequester as override (and use NS_IMETHOD instead of NS_IMETHODIMP inside of class definition). rs=ehsan (b2a0808c21)
- Bug 1171170 - Consolidate/cache access to permissions, cycle collected objects in device storage. r=dhylands (8eddc30aed)
- Bug 1204618 - Add a field to the DeviceStorage object holding the low-disk-space status. r=dhylands, r=bzbarsky (52257b821f)
- Bug 1128505 - Preload Webapps.js for faster mozApps instantiation. r=fabrice (d540be89af)
- Bug 1166207 - Load preload.js in the Nuwa process. r=khuey (1310da32df)
- MOZ_FINAL -> final (887f351669)
- Bug 1200922: Add the ability to shut down a thread asynchronously. r=froydnj (b09ea156b6)
- Bug 1195767 - part 1 - remove nsCOMPtr temporary from nsEventQueue::PtEvent; r=gerald (fed354ffb7)
- Bug 1195767 - part 2 - create an nsEventQueueBase templated over the monitor type; r=gerald (ede20ac6f4)
- Bug 1202497 - part 1 - switch nsEventQueue to use a non-reentrant Monitor; r=gerald (cd043d1267)
- Bug 1195767 - part 3 - modify nsThreadPool to use a non-reentrant monitor; r=gerald (52eec3d125)
- Bug 1202497 - part 2 - remove ReentrantMonitor specializations for nsEventQueueBase; r=gerald (ceb1a9e63e)
- Bug 1202497 - part 3 - remove nsThread::GetEvent; r=gerald (ef9a5924fe)
- Bug 1202828 - use nsEventQueue::HasPendingEvent in nsThread.cpp; r=mccr8 nsEventQueue's HasPending event is defined to simply: (2e7a6ebcd2)
- Bug 1202497 - part 4 - lock around call to nsChainedEventQueue::HasPendingEvent; r=gerald (bc69bb30db)
- Bug 1202497 - part 5 - make the locking requirements of nsChainedEventQueue explicit; r=gerald (fbd73f2b0c)
- Bug 1195767 - part 4 - remove nsEventQueue::GetReentrantMonitor; r=gerald (1dfa6b186a)
- Bug 1195767 - part 5 - use signaling instead of broadcast when work items are placed in nsEventQueue; r=gerald (1f01f6198a)
- Bug 1202497 - part 6 - make the locking requirements of nsEventQueue explicit; r=gerald (7aaf4eb9cd)
- Bug 1202497 - part 7 - make nsEventQueue use external locking; r=gerald (2b31ff22f0)
- Bug 1202497 - follow-up - fix static analysis bustage; r=me (b7997e75f5)
- Bug 1197672 - s/_sendPromise/createPromiseWithId/ in mozInputMethod.addInput(). r=kchen (fb8e91e67e)
- Bug 1132349 - Test for focus removal after pagehide/submit/beforeload. r=janjongboom (a9adc87bb5)
- Bug 1137557 - Part 3: Allow content to pass a dict representing the property of the keyboard event to send. r=masayuki, sr=smaug (4e27b2bfc9)
- Bug 895274 part.18 Rename NS_PLUGIN_ACTIVATE to ePluginActivate r=smaug (6ad79fee12)
- Bug 1167069 - Watch out for deletion of current frame. r=jmathies (2868b2689d)
- Bug 895274 part.19 Rename NS_PLUGIN_FOCUS to ePluginFocus r=smaug (792d1d41d8)
- Bug 895274 part.20 Rename NS_OFFLINE to eOffline r=smaug (6eab162432)
- Bug 895274 part.21 Rename NS_ONLINE to eOnline r=smaug (91fb9aea87)
- Bug 895274 part.22 Get rid of NS_MOZ_USER_* since nobody is using them r=smaug (a46848bfc5)
- Bug 895274 part.23 Rename NS_LANGUAGECHANGE to eLanguageChange r=smaug (11ee7a6511)
- Bug 895274 part.24 Rename NS_MOUSE_MESSAGE_START to eMouseEventFirst r=smaug (52168d3374) (c554d461a)
- addendum of rev c554d461ab (023203e55)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.25 Rename NS_MOUSE_MOVE to eMouseMove r=smaug (fd637481f2)
- Bug 895274 part.26 Rename NS_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP to eMouseUp r=smaug (01314a434b)
- Bug 895274 part.27 Rename NS_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN to eMouseDown r=smaug (b4839f190c)
- Bug 895274 part.28 Rename NS_MOUSE_ENTER_WIDGET to eMouseEnterIntoWidget r=smaug (148807ec51)
- Bug 895274 part.29 Rename NS_MOUSE_EXIT_WIDGET to eMouseExitFromWidget r=smaug (249a5db8de)
- Bug 1157195, null check for widget before generating drag events, r=masayuki (ca08721f76)
- Bug 1156964, consume tab key also in e10s, r=felipe (4f169cb329)
- Bug 1158633, if EventStateManager::mGestureDownContent is non-null, so should mGestureDownFrameOwner be, r=enndeakin (8975a44344)
- Bug 895274 part.30 Rename NS_MOUSE_DOUBLECLICK to eMouseDoubleClick r=smaug (fe39991215)
- style (5b3468be0c)
- Bug 895274 part.31 Rename NS_MOUSE_CLICK to eMouseClick r=smaug (c442dc8a76)
- Bug 895274 part.32 Rename NS_MOUSE_ACTIVATE to eMouseActivate r=smaug (46e3e0712a)
- Bug 895274 part.33 Rename NS_MOUSE_OVER to eMouseOver r=smaug (fd9f4ad861)
- Bug 895274 part.33 Rename NS_MOUSE_OVER to eMouseOver r=smaug (2631639696)
- missing parts of Bug 1173725 - part 1: force top border to be visible on windows 10 (2533fe48c3)
- Bug 1184942 - Use DPI scaling factor to ensure top window border is correct thickness. r=jimm (e0ffd4538a)
- Bug 1163113 - Implement -moz-window-dragging on Windows for Graphene r=jimm (d4c02f04dd)
- Bug 895274 part.35 Rename NS_MOUSE_MOZHITTEST to eMouseHitTest r=smaug (aea1520561)
- reinstatiate full WebRTC configure options (7519d9431a)
- Bug 1106958 - Use android.media.MediaCodec for decoding in WebRTC stack. r=snorp, r=gcp, r=ted (0a9f2ca886)
- ... and add back missing file critical_section_win.cc in webrtc (2cbd76aba)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- non-android part of Bug 1159371 - Make --disable-compile-environment work with --enable-application=mobile/android. r=glandium (489eef9b71)
- Bug 1159371 - Allow compiling sub-directories with --disable-compile-environment. r=glandium (5994752e02)
- Bug 1191819 - part 1 - substitute MOZ_BZ2_CFLAGS as a list; r=mshal (71cc3c5600)
- Bug 973933 - New updater-xpcshell binary for updater tests. r=rstrong (231074b8dd)
- Bug 973933 - Fix mochitest chrome updater tests. r=rstrong (30fbbcb6fc)
- Bug 973933 - Fix Nightly builds failing on updater-xpcshell. r=rstrong (8321af1395)
- Bug 1151827 - Fix re-building toolkit/mozapps/update on Windows. r=rstrong (ebc315c842)
- missing bit of Bug 1043692 - Add a DIST_INSTALL variable to moz.build, and replace NO_DIST_INSTALL with it. r=gps (cd79d1609d)
- Bug 1165061 - Fix Intermittent test_0102_background_restartNotification_staging.xul by not copying app files when staging for tests and enable the tests for Linux and Mac. r=spohl (918995f426)
- Bug 1191819 - part 2 - move updater's CXXFLAGS munging to moz.build; r=mshal (1e671a9838)
- Bug 1168042, return a bool from PerformAccessKey indicating if focus was changed, r=masayuki (2077cb0763)
- Bug 895274 part.36 Rename NS_MOUSEENTER to eMouseEnter r=smaug (fa49e67e92)
- Bug 895274 part.37 Rename NS_MOUSELEAVE to eMouseLeave r=smaug (1cc67b7bf5)
- Bug 895274 part.38 Rename NS_MOUSE_MOZLONGTAP to eMouseLongTap r=smaug (57b23d9678)
- Bug 1188234, part 1 - Initialize |number|. r=smaug (65734ffddd)
- Bug 1188234, part 2 - Add bounds checking in nsXULPrototypeElement::Deserialize(). r=smaug (c60e5e2eb0)
- Bug 1188234, part 3 - Make allocation of nsXULPrototypeAttribute fallible in nsXULPrototypeElement::Deserialize(). r=smaug (8ce4fe9925)
- Bug 1188234, part 4 - Don't append null to mChildren. r=smaug (2ec23c1c28)
- Bug 1190608, part 4 - Brace a few ifs in nsXULElement.cpp. r=poiru (1186ad8a86)
- Bug 1190608, part 3 - Remove some infallible new checks in nsXULElement.cpp. r=poiru (b2cf9b38b9)
- part of Bug 1190608, part 2 - Tuck elses in nsXULElement.cpp. r=poiru (98e6b93cdd)
- Bug 1190608, part 1 - Delete trailing whitespace in nsXULElement.cpp and nsXULPrototypeCache.cpp. r=poiru (3e80527246)
- Bug 1190608, part 5 - Sink the declaration of i in nsXULElement.cpp. r=poiru (d6917f5d96)
- Bug 1193572, part 1 - Don't use return values of failing calls in XUL deserialize methods. r=baku (8410bb3954)
- Bug 1193572, part 2 - nsXULPrototypeElement::Deserialize should use fallible SetCapacity. r=baku (15bf7ba655)
- Bug 1193572, part 3 - Don't re-initialize mType for XUL proto elements. r=baku (bdddcc6b0e)
- Bug 1193572, part 4 - Make script element ownership more direct. r=baku (7729aba5b3)
- Bug 895274 part.39 Rename NS_POINTER_EVENT_START to ePointerEventFirst and add ePointerEventLast r=smaug (12289fc024)
- Bug 895274 part.40 Rename NS_POINTER_LOST_CAPTURE to ePointerLostCapture r=smaug (8cf49e2dce)
- Bug 895274 part.41 Rename NS_POINTER_GOT_CAPTURE to ePointerGotCapture r=smaug (11e1d37261)
- Bug 895274 part.42 Rename NS_POINTER_CANCEL to ePointerCancel r=smaug (ffe18b2169)
- Bug 1162990 - Add POINTER_LEAVE on captured element on e10s. r=smaug (98430e3bdc)
- Bug 895274 part.43 Rename NS_POINTER_LEAVE to ePointerLeave r=smaug (635c331338) (343d0fbef)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: BrowserAddonsView 1.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 09:50
BrowserAddonsView is a simple tools that displays the details of all Web browser addons/plugins installed in your system. BrowserAddonsView can scan and detect the addons of most popular Web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. For Chrome and Firefox, BrowserAddonsView detects and scans all Web browser profiles if there are multiple profiles.


Whats new:>>

    Added /Columns command-line option, which allows you to set the columns to display or the columns to export from command-line, for example:

    BrowserAddonsView.exe /scomma "c:tempaddons.csv" /Columns "Name,Version,Description,Web Browser,Status"

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 10:50

    New History page, added right-click options
    Added "select all" function to Maxnote trash
    Optimized built-in page style and icon
    Optimized Maxnote style and multi-selection
    Optimized custom sort function
    Supported to auto-rename the downloading image name in some cases
    Supported the sidebar keeping the opened status when opening the link in the background
    Adjusted the browser minimal width
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark folder could not expand when dragging the bookmark
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not work when clicking the Maxnote option in the incognito window
    Fixed the issue that the sidebar could not display correctly in the incognito window
    Fixed the issue that the toolbar could not display clearly in the incognito window
    Fixed the issue that webpage IE mode could not keep in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when syncing Maxnote


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the crash issue when clicking on the system info button on the status bar
    Fixed the crash issue when clicking the Maxnote button in the main menu

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.5.1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2022, 20:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-04-30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 19:40

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 343d0fbef...47be084a2:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.44 Rename NS_POINTER_ENTER to ePointerEnter r=smaug (2055d66902)
- Bug 895274 part.45 Rename NS_POINTER_OUT to ePointerOut r=smaug (efc0b6b1f5)
- Bug 895274 part.46 Rename NS_POINTER_OVER to ePointerOver r=smaug (06898047f7)
- Bug 895274 part.47 Rename NS_POINTER_DOWN to ePointerDown r=smaug (eadcd864c2)
- Bug 895274 part.48 Rename NS_POINTER_UP to ePointerUp r=smaug (9a04678318)
- Bug 895274 part.49 Rename NS_POINTER_MOVE to ePointerMove r=smaug (8963a5e5e3)
- Bug 895274 part.50 Rename NS_CONTEXTMENU_MESSAGE_START to eContextMenuFirst r=smaug (5eea077f97)
- Bug 895274 part.51 Rename NS_CONTEXTMENU to eContextMenu r=smaug (df9153a883)
- Bug 895274 part.52 Get rid of NS_PAGE_RESTORE due to unused r=smaug (5555386a4f)
- Bug 895274 part.53 Rename NS_STREAM_EVENT_START to eStreamEventFirst r=smaug (873f2e5b5c)
- Bug 895274 part.54 Rename NS_READYSTATECHANGE to eReadyStateChange r=smaug (21d91c9a87)
- Bug 895274 part.55 Rename NS_BEFORE_PAGE_UNLOAD to eBeforeUnload r=smaug (1da6db3491)
- Bug 1203272 - Fix build of nsMemoryReporterManager on linux systems without mallinfo(). r=glandium,njn. (4a99986dc4)
- Bug 895274 part.56 Rename NS_POPSTATE to ePopState r=smaug (c51dbbb2e0)
- Bug 895274 part.57 Rename NS_LOAD_ERROR to eLoadError r=smaug (e4b267ec78)
- Bug 895274 part.58 Rename NS_IMAGE_ABORT to eImageAbort r=smaug (88a62156dd)
- Bug 895274 part.59 Rename NS_HASHCHANGE to eHashChange r=smaug (7552f57017)
- Bug 895274 part.60 Rename NS_PAGE_UNLOAD to eUnload r=smaug (20153f814e)
- Bug 895274 part.61 Rename NS_LOAD to eLoad r=smaug (1072bcbb81)
- Bug 895274 part.62 Rename NS_FORM_EVENT_START to eFormEventFirst r=smaug (e99f85df0c)
- Bug 895274 part.63 Rename NS_FORM_SUBMIT to eFormSubmit r=smaug (b7ebab7fe0)
- Bug 895274 part.64 Rename NS_FORM_RESET to eFormReset r=smaug (74a3518bf6)
- Bug 895274 part.65 Rename NS_FORM_CHANGE to eFormChange r=smaug (64dafe9aaa)
- Bug 895274 part.66 Rename NS_FORM_SELECTED to eFormSelect r=smaug (4437b9a60c)
- Bug 895274 part.67 Rename NS_FORM_INVALID to eFormInvalid r=smaug (8122f6e301)
- Bug 895274 part.68 Rename NS_FOCUS_EVENT_START to eFocusEventFirst r=smaug (5066c46dc1)
- Bug 895274 part.69 Rename NS_FOCUS_CONTENT to eFocus r=smaug (79a443a14c)
- Bug 895274 part.70 Rename NS_BLUR_CONTENT to eBlur r=smaug (64515beb6a)
- Bug 895274 part.71 Rename NS_UI_EVENT_START to eLegacyUIEventFirst r=smaug (02b8a5cccd)
- Bug 895274 part.72 Rename NS_UI_ACTIVATE to eLegacyDOMActivate r=smaug (884aa917ec)
- Bug 895274 part.73 Rename NS_UI_FOCUSIN to eLegacyDOMFocusIn r=smaug (905f681593)
- Bug 895274 part.74 Rename NS_UI_FOCUSOUT to eLegacyDOMFocusOut r=smaug (b38a2ab56c)
- Bug 895274 part.75 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_EVENT_START to eDragDropEventFirst, define eDragDropEventLast and correct the type and name of event message in DataTransfer r=smaug (e8ac6a9112)
- Bug 895274 part.76 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_LEAVE to eDragLeave r=smaug (6948c3cddc)
- Bug 895274 part.77 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_DROP to eDrop r=smaug (9e67b051ee)
- Bug 895274 part.78 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_START to eDragStart r=smaug (f13fc7cf41)
- Bug 1184967 P1 Set RequestMode based on LoadInfo securityMode and client request content policy. r=nsm (b6d7f3fed7)
- Bug 1173934 Disable broken fetch-frame-resources.https.html wpt tests. r=jgraham (7d8e203c6a)
- Bug 1187722 Fix bad origins, error page handling, and spec issues in fetch-frame-resources.https.html. r=jgraham (fecdaeddfc)
- Bug 1184967 P2 Update fetch-frame-resource.https.html CORS checks to expect pass. r=jgraham (7550cba86d)
- Bug 1184967 P3 Switch mochitest redirect tests back to returning a CORS Response. r=nsm (2f803e26ac)
- spacing (21c5e1f343) (34aef4862)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.79 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_END to eDragEnd r=smaug (d8af0a9474)
- Bug 895274 part.80 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_DRAG to eDrag r=smaug (c52b1e9051)
- Bug 895274 part.81 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_OVER to eDragOver r=smaug (1575b62285)
- Bug 1199336 - Fix jank/hangs dragging files into the browser due to O(n^2) behavior in the Cocoa widget drag-and-drop code. r=mstange (d08bf7eb39)
- Bug 895274 part.82 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_ENTER to eDragEnter r=smaug (a4cc62f29b)
- Bug 895274 part.83 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_EXIT to eDragExit r=smaug (a9bc6efbc6)
- Bug 895274 part.84 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_DRAGDROP to eLegacyDragDrop r=smaug (1e0e2fc36c)
- Bug 895274 part.85 Rename NS_DRAGDROP_GESTURE to eLegacyDragGesture r=smaug (02b65c9714)
- Bug 895274 part.86 Rename NS_XUL_EVENT_START to eXULEventFirst r=smaug (fdbf788d30)
- Bug 895274 part.87 Rename NS_XUL_POPUP_SHOWING to eXULPopupShowing r=smaug (be6db4598b)
- Bug 895274 part.88 Rename NS_XUL_POPUP_SHOWN to eXULPopupShown r=smaug (aa31f0604c)
- Bug 895274 part.89 Rename NS_XUL_POPUP_HIDING to eXULPopupHiding r=smaug (31aa9bba3f)
- Bug 895274 part.90 Rename NS_XUL_POPUP_HIDDEN to eXULPopupHidden r=smaug (3a16c46a47)
- Bug 895274 part.91 Rename NS_XUL_BROADCAST to eXULBroadcast r=smaug (1f6a9ba826)
- Bug 895274 part.92 Rename NS_XUL_COMMAND_UPDATE to eXULCommandUpdate r=smaug (a905f91d85)
- Bug 895274 part.93 Rename NS_XULCOMMAND_EVENT_START to eXULCommandEventFirst r=smaug (676ccd9544)
- Bug 895274 part.94 Rename NS_XUL_COMMAND to eXULCommand r=smaug (d91d925b72)
- Bug 895274 part.104 Rename NS_PAGETRANSITION_START to ePageTransitionEventFirst r=smaug (0e481eb39c)
- Bug 895274 part.105 Rename NS_PAGE_SHOW to ePageShow r=smaug (f45dc12913)
- Bug 895274 part.106 Rename NS_PAGE_HIDE to ePageHide r=smaug (b3985be873)
- Bug 895274 part.107 Get rid of NS_SVG_ABORT and NS_SVG_ERROR due to unused r=smaug (d129144cd4)
- Bug 895274 part.108 Rename NS_SVG_EVENT_START to eSVGEventFirst r=smaug (3cbb4f9e36)
- Bug 895274 part.109 Rename NS_SVG_LOAD to eSVGLoad r=smaug (bf00acdd16)
- Bug 895274 part.110 Rename NS_SVG_UNLOAD to eSVGUnload r=smaug (e14939e8d5)
- Bug 895274 part.111 Rename NS_SVG_RESIZE to eSVGResize r=smaug (b81017a3dc)
- Bug 895274 part.112 Rename NS_SVG_SCROLL to eSVGScroll r=smaug (9b0ce02714)
- Bug 895274 part.113 Rename NS_SVGZOOM_EVENT_START to eSVGZoomEventFirst r=smaug (ee1f48e8b4)
- Bug 895274 part.114 Rename NS_SVG_ZOOM to eSVGZoom r=smaug (8274e50f8c) (47be084a2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue that the account data could not sync

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2022, 12:46
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more



    Fixed the crash issue when installing the browser in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the translation mouse gesture could not work
    Fixed the issue that the translation function could not work in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the video pop-up function could not work on some video pages
    Fixed the issue that the incognito window could not show the lock/unlock option in the tab right-click menu
    Fixed the issue that the new incognito window remembered the locked tab in some cases


Titel: K-Meleon 2022-05-07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2022, 19:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 47be084a2...5f65eee25:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Convert GNU regex to POSIX regex #9191 (be5ba2f85c)
- Bug 895274 part.115 Rename NS_CUTCOPYPASTE_EVENT to eClipboardEventFirst r=smaug (bdbb4a2123)
- Bug 895274 part.116 Rename NS_COPY to eCopy r=smaug (5d2f8c6230)
- Bug 895274 part.117 Rename NS_CUT to eCut r=smaug (d4affbd3ea)
- Bug 895274 part.118 Rename NS_PASTE to ePaste r=smaug (7d3f67dc0b)
- Bug 895274 part.119 Get rid of NS_NEED_KEY due to unused r=smaug (52286fd026)
- Bug 895274 part.120 Rename NS_MEDIA_EVENT_START to eMeditaEventFirst r=smaug (9770c4ec77)
- Bug 895274 part.121 Rename NS_LOADSTART to eLoadStart r=smaug (bc58a8e1ca)
- Bug 895274 part.122 Rename NS_PROGRESS to eProgress r=smaug (5cb927c173)
- Bug 895274 part.123 Rename NS_SUSPEND to eSuspend r=smaug (8a38490171)
- Bug 895274 part.124 Rename NS_EMPTIED to eEmptied r=smaug (17a1a5ed22)
- Bug 895274 part.125 Rename NS_STALED to eStalled r=smaug (dbd7e5b1bd)
- Bug 895274 part.126 Rename NS_PLAY to ePlay r=smaug (8485db1167)
- Bug 895274 part.127 Rename NS_PAUSE to ePause r=smaug (191478656b)
- Bug 895274 part.128 Rename NS_LOADEDMETADATA to eLoadedMetaData r=smaug (9fd2fc1a54)
- Bug 895274 part.129 Rename NS_LOADEDDATA to eLoadedData r=smaug (5e8438b830)
- Bug 895274 part.130 Rename NS_WAITING to eWaiting r=smaug (361bb053dd)
- Bug 895274 part.131 Rename NS_PLAYING to ePlaying r=smaug (64f2288c2a)
- Bug 895274 part.132 Rename NS_CANPLAY to eCanPlay r=smaug (c477dd21ba)
- Bug 895274 part.133 Rename NS_CANPLAYTHROUGH to eCanPlayThrough r=smaug (437be5a0d5)
- Bug 895274 part.134 Rename NS_SEEKING to eSeeking r=smaug (488908c511)
- Bug 895274 part.135 Rename NS_SEEKED to eSeeked r=smaug (d6729c4769) (25ab890e2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- restore XP themes (115c82a208)
- Bug 1196062 - Fix the typo in the entry for onmozinterruptend in the atom table; r=baku (3dcac305a2)
- Bug 1190646 - Make all largeops vertical for sizing calculations. r=fredw (6b812ce880)
- Bug 1187673 - Reset CSS spacing properties on the <math> element. r=jkitch (982b4be7a6)
- Bug 895274 part.136 Rename NS_TIMEUPDATE to eTimeUpdate r=smaug (341a641669)
- Bug 1203431 - Move the 'password' atom into the generic section to unbreak --disable-accessibility builds. r=smaug (8aaa32de01)
- remove apparently unused atom attribute (772602d454)
- Bug 895274 part.137 Rename NS_ENDED to eEnded r=smaug (ece68ccb96)
- Bug 895274 part.138 Rename NS_RATECHANGE to eRateChange r=smaug (6b6d6e6c95)
- Bug 895274 part.139 Rename NS_DURATIONCHANGE to eDurationChange r=smaug (d2021b1395)
- Bug 895274 part.141 Get rid of NS_PLUGIN_FOCUS_EVENT due to unused r=smaug (0b859526b7)
- Bug 895274 part.142 Rename NS_PLUGIN_EVENT_START to ePluginEventFirst r=smaug (57194e8536)
- Bug 895274 part.143 Rename NS_PLUGIN_INPUT_EVENT to ePluginInputEvent r=smaug (efd9413f93)
- Bug 895274 part.144 Rename NS_SELECTION_EVENT_START to eSelectionEventFirst r=smaug (44a5a8ad93) (cb0b39e4a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1189396 part.1 Implement IMENotification::SelectionChangeData::Clear() to initialize its members r=smaug (8996dcd6d7)
- Bug 1189396 part.2 Implement IMENotification::SelectionChangeData::Assign() to copy its members r=smaug (b32b3a123b)
- Bug 1189396 part.3 Make IMENotification::SelectionChangeData useful even outside of IMENotification r=smaug (f55f2cf6b6)
- Bug 1189396 part.4 IMEContentObserver should cache the selection data at notifying IME of selection change r=smaug (dc9c7abb7a)
- Bug 1189396 part.5 IMEContentObserver should cache selection at gets focus and every selection change r=smaug (33c7d5ceac)
- Bug 1189396 part.6 IMEContentObserver shouldn't notify IME of selection change when the range isn't actually changed r=smaug (d1f0fc3735)
- Bug 1200980 part.1 Log the behavior of IMEContentObserver for debugging r=smaug (5d09bb52df)
- Bug 1169917 ContentEventHandler::OnQueryCaretRect() should try to find text frame as far as possible and GetStartFrameAndOffset() shouldn't assert even if there is no textframe r=smaug (868f313f3c)
- Bug 1171858 ContentEventHandler::OnQueryCaretRect() should honor font height and writing mode when it guesses caret rect r=smaug (8ac31e5c46)
- Bug 1179081 ContentEventHandler should use the primary frame of mRootContent when it retrieves focused widget but there is no caret frame r=smaug (f51ad819f5)
- Bug 1179082 ContentEventHandler::OnQueryCaretRect() should guess its result when the query offset is same as the offset of collappsed selection but there is no caret frame r=smaug (b4a0657a5d)
- Bug 1179093 Make ContentEventHandler::mSelection as nsRefPtr<Selection> r=smaug (a0906f81b1)
- Bug 1200980 part.2 QueryContentEvent should be handled via IMEContentObserver if there is an instance of it r=smaug (7bd6cda83b)
- Bug 1200980 part.3 IMEContentObserver should use its selection cache at handling NS_QUERY_SELECTED_TEXT r=smaug (d1a6649315)
- Bug 1200980 part.4 nsPlaintextEditor should notify editor observers of the end of edit action when NS_COMPOSITION_CHANGE isn't followed by NS_COMPOSITION_END r=smaug (7c067e2b1c)
- Bug 1200980 part.5 Fix window_composition_text_querycontent.xul for the new input event behavior r=smaug (500429c7a8)
- Bug 1179090 ContentEventHandler should assume that there is selection at beginning of the document when there is no selection range r=smaug (0d3501404c)
- Bug 1179086 ContentEventHandler should use /n on Mac rather than /r r=smaug+smichaud+josh (b151400415)
- Bug 1180240 ContentEventHandler::OnQuerySelectedText() should refer mFirstSelectedRange if mSelection doesn't have selection ranges actually r=smaug (416b6eb102) (3b6bacfa0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.145 Rename NS_SELECTION_SET to eSetSelection r=smaug (5a576f3fc7)
- Bug 895274 part.146 Rename NS_MOUSE_SCROLL_START to eLegacyMouseScrollEventFirst r=smaug (a03038ca81)
- Bug 895274 part.147 Rename NS_MOUSE_SCROLL to eLegacyMouseLineOrPageScroll r=smaug (a16fa072ad)
- Bug 895274 part.148 Rename NS_MOUSE_PIXEL_SCROLL to eLegacyMousePixelScroll r=smaug (85810aa54b)
- Bug 895274 part.150 Rename NS_QUERY_CONTENT_EVENT_START to eQueryContentEventFirst r=smaug (36b4be4c20)
- Bug 895274 part.151 Rename NS_QUERY_SELECTION_AS_TRANSFERABLE to eQuerySelectionAsTransferable r=smaug (7b50da594a)
- Bug 895274 part.152 Rename NS_QUERY_SELECTED_TEXT to eQuerySelectedText r=smaug (3dbd79293f)
- Bug 1199224 TSFTextStore should clear mLockedContent unless it needs to wait the content to be modified asynchronously r=emk (70aed5d4c5)
- Bug 895274 part.153 Rename NS_QUERY_TEXT_CONTENT to eQueryTextContent r=smaug (9d3a8acf96)
- Bug 299603 part.1 IMContextWrapper should have a method to initialize a TextRange r=m_kato (cf04d9b788)
- Bug 299603 part.2 IMContextWrapper::SetTextRange() should initialize the range offsets and fail if the range is collapsed r=m_kato (4c64f3f7e7)
- Bug 299603 part.3 IMContextWrapper::SetTextRange() shold set the style of the range which is specified by the IME r=m_kato (02b09d3df4)
- Bug 1057921 - Don't propagate text decorations through outer <svg> elements. r=dholbert (e1e489eb2b)
- Bug 1186721 - Suppress line break due to soft hyphen inside ruby. r=jfkthame (15bdd20955)
- Bug 1175789 Draw underline as overline when it's in vertical writing mode and the language is Japanese or Korean r=dbaron (ffdb9f3e5b)
- Bug 834830 - Add nsISelectionController.SELECTION_URLSTRIKEOUT to enable striking out parts of the URL in the URL bar r=roc (73d2871c77)
- Bug 1155261 - Fix computation of glyph extents and text-frame visual overflow for vertical text frames. r=smontagu (5e94c117c3)
- Bug 1140486 patch 1 - Pass block frame instead of block reflow state to nsTextFrame::RecomputeOverflow. r=jfkthame (2ecd788bd1)
- Bug 1140486 patch 2 - Make nsTextFrame::UpdateOverflow include the visual overflow from the text metrics by calling existing RecomputeOverflow. r=jfkthame (3452b7edfd)
- Bug 299603 part.4 Some global methods in nsTextFrame.cpp should be members of nsTextFrame class r=roc (9ca79dab6f)
- Bug 299603 part.5 nsTextFrame should use system foreground or background color when painting IME selections if whose style defines only one of foreground color or background color r=roc (c4843a6c98)
- Bug 299603 part.6 Guess the meaning of each clause in the composition string with caret position r=m_kato (364dfcc3b2)
- Bug 299603 part.7 IMContextWrapper::CreateTextRange() should convert the caret offset from offset in characters to offset in UTF-16 r=m_kato (d67b116232)
- Bug 895274 part.154 Rename NS_QUERY_CARET_RECT to eQueryCaretRect r=smaug (da09b897d9)
- Bug 1153634 - Weaken the assertion condition to make it match the condition before. r=roc (02ce185f35)
- Bug 299603 part.8 Rename aLastDispatchedData with aCompositionString in IMContextWrapper::CreateTextRangeArray() r=m_kato (998af878dc) (f96be1a4d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.155 Rename NS_QUERY_EDITOR_RECT to eQueryEditorRect r=smaug (74e932536f)
- Bug 895274 part.156 Rename NS_QUERY_CONTENT_STATE to eQueryContentState r=smaug (f4a51e204a)
- Bug 895274 part.157 Rename NS_QUERY_CHARACTER_AT_POINT to eQueryCharacterAtPoint r=smaug (6d9e90ad3b)
- Bug 895274 part.158 Rename NS_QUERY_DOM_WIDGET_HITTEST to eQueryDOMWidgetHittest r=smaug (6f2a3f4254)
- Bug 895274 part.140 Rename NS_VOLUMECHANGE to eVolumeChange r=smaug (874a0753c3)
- Bug 895274 part.159 Rename NS_NOTIFYPAINT_START to ePaintEventFirst r=smaug (f736154b47)
- Bug 895274 part.160 Rename NS_AFTERPAINT to eAfterPaint r=smaug (5de66bb8be)
- Bug 895274 part.161 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_EVENT_START to eContentCommandEventFirst r=smaug (c7e8a02019)
- Bug 895274 part.162 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_PASTE_TRANSFERABLE to eContentCommandPasteTransferable r=smaug (18fa878452)
- Bug 895274 part.163 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_CUT to eContentCommandCut r=smaug (1c3f6b8edc)
- Bug 895274 part.164 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_COPY to eContentCommandCopy r=smaug (81f0bb72b9)
- Bug 895274 part.165 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_PASTE to eContentCommandPaste r=smaug (689c779c5c)
- Bug 895274 part.166 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_DELETE to eContentCommandDelete r=smaug (39e08c0e83)
- Bug 895274 part.167 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_UNDO to eContentCommandUndo r=smaug (8e7deef845)
- Bug 895274 part.168 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_REDO to eContentCommandRedo r=smaug (1fe84ff23b)
- Bug 895274 part.169 Rename NS_CONTENT_COMMAND_SCROLL to eContentCommandScroll r=smaug (c33ee94df0)
- Bug 895274 part.171 Rename NS_ANIMATION_START to eAnimationStart r=smaug (17d52b1a77)
- Bug 895274 part.172 Rename NS_ANIMATION_END to eAnimationEnd r=smaug (4ebb43e533)
- Bug 895274 part.173 Rename NS_ANIMATION_ITERATION to eAnimationIteration r=smaug (1e62da736c)
- Bug 895274 part.174 Rename NS_NOTIFYSCRIPT_START to eScriptEventFirst r=smaug (ef80d7b39a)
- Bug 895274 part.175 Rename NS_BEFORE_SCRIPT_EXECUTE to eBeforeScriptExecute r=smaug (e29384af8d)
- Bug 895274 part.176 Rename NS_AFTER_SCRIPT_EXECUTE to eAfterScriptExecute r=smaug (4a06741336)
- Bug 895274 part.177 Rename NS_OPENCLOSE_EVENT_START to eOpenCloseEventFirst r=smaug (cd7f0cc550)
- Bug 895274 part.178 Rename NS_OPEN to eOpen r=smaug (11380035a7)
- Bug 895274 part.179 Remove NS_CLOSE due to unused r=smaug (a07e7b30dd)
- Bug 895274 part.180 Rename NS_FULL_SCREEN_EVENT_START to eFullscreenEventFirst r=smaug (a934ba9c99)
- Bug 895274 part.181 Rename NS_FULLSCREENCHANGE to eFullscreenChange r=smaug (b4ea2761a0)
- Bug 895274 part.182 Rename NS_FULLSCREENERROR to eFullscreenError r=smaug (910a1d77af)
- Bug 895274 part.183 Rename NS_WHEEL_EVENT_START to eWheelEventFirst r=smaug (b7277d4c57)
- Bug 1171029 - Only omit legacy scroll events on GTK3. r=karlt (03eaad6c98) (866ef525d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.184 Rename NS_WHEEL_WHEEL to eWheel r=smaug (b78075d68c)
- Bug 895274 part.185 Rename NS_WHEEL_START to eWheelOperationStart r=smaug (ef147b337a)
- Bug 895274 part.186 Rename NS_WHEEL_END to eWheelOperationEnd r=smaug (8c6bfb5aca)
- Bug 895274 part.187 Rename NS_QUERY_TEXT_RECT to eQueryTextRect r=smaug (01b97dedc2)
- Bug 895274 part.188 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_COMMIT_AS_IS to eCompositionCommitAsIs r=smaug (3bd8938a00)
- Bug 895274 part.189 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_EVENT_START to eCompositionEventFirst r=smaug (b0f5236baf)
- Bug 895274 part.190 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_START to eCompositionStart r=smaug (7ee199114a)
- Bug 895274 part.191 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_END to eCompositionEnd r=smaug (d30424b8cd)
- Bug 895274 part.192 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_UPDATE to eCompositionUpdate r=smaug (c403cf13e5)
- Bug 895274 part.193 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_CHANGE to eCompositionChange r=smaug (a389b8bbfc)
- Bug 895274 part.194 Rename NS_COMPOSITION_COMMIT to eCompositionCommit r=smaug (1301188afb)
- Bug 895274 part.195 Rename NS_SMIL_TIME_EVENT_START to eSMILEventFist r=smaug (3a2be988bb)
- Bug 895274 part.196 Rename NS_SMIL_BEGIN to eSMILBeginEvent r=smaug (d765c0369e)
- Bug 895274 part.197 Rename NS_SMIL_END to eSMILEndEvent r=smaug (68da522bca)
- Bug 895274 part.198 Rename NS_SMIL_REPEAT to eSMILRepeatEvent r=smaug (ccf4ce4ef5)
- Bug 895274 part.199 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_DISCONNECTED to eGamepadDisconnected r=smaug (1c05f03479)
- Bug 895274 part.200 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_CONNECTED to eGamepadConnected r=smaug (8920a80441)
- Bug 895274 part.201 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_BUTTONDOWN to eGamepadButtonDown r=smaug (df670ac919)
- Bug 895274 part.202 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_BUTTONUP to eGamepadButtonUp r=smaug (eefcc73239)
- Bug 895274 part.203 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_AXISMOVE to eGamepadAxisMove r=smaug (496a66cfb7)
- Bug 895274 part.204 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_START to eGamepadEventFirst r=smaug (5025e77563)
- Bug 895274 part.205 Rename NS_GAMEPAD_END to eGamepadEventLast r=smaug (25b879b144)
- Bug 895274 part.206 Rename NS_MOZ_TIME_CHANGE_EVENT to eTimeChange r=smaug (9f6f3289c5)
- Bug 895274 part.207 Rename NS_NETWORK_DOWNLOAD_EVENT to eNetworkDownload r=smaug (bfd645cc48)
- Bug 895274 part.208 Rename NS_NETWORK_UPLOAD_EVENT to eNetworkUpload r=smaug (ceed6a3922)
- Bug 895274 part.209 Rename NS_NETWORK_EVENT_START to eNetworkEventFirst r=smaug (899b28835b)
- Bug 895274 part.210 Rename NS_POINTERLOCK_START to ePointerLockEventFirst r=smaug (4cdbcc2c8f)
- Bug 895274 part.211 Rename NS_POINTERLOCKCHANGE to ePointerLockChange r=smaug (b6a7348123)
- Bug 895274 part.212 Rename NS_POINTERLOCKERROR to ePointerLockError r=smaug (78a71d9f47)
- Bug 895274 part.213 Rename NS_SCROLLPORT_OVERFLOW to eScrollPortOverflow r=smaug (b6ca32dd44)
- Bug 895274 part.214 Rename NS_SCROLLPORT_UNDERFLOW to eScrollPortUnderflow r=smaug (d25c9bad43)
- Bug 895274 part.215 Rename NS_SCROLLPORT_START to eScrollPortEventFirst r=smaug (d25f492167)
- Bug 895274 part.216 Rename NS_SCROLLAREA_EVENT_START to eScrolledAreaEventFirst r=smaug (e5edc9d76d)
- Bug 895274 part.217 Rename NS_SCROLLEDAREACHANGE to eScrolledAreaChanged r=smaug (dd7decaea6)
- Bug 895274 part.218 Remove NS_ORIENTATION_EVENT due to unused r=smaug (5e5614a959)
- Bug 895274 part.219 Rename NS_GESTURENOTIFY_EVENT_START to eGestureNotify r=smaug (8dd0f241b8)
- Bug 895274 part.220 Rename NS_PRINT_EVENT_START to ePrintEventFirst r=smaug (fbf29cd28e)
- Bug 895274 part.221 Rename NS_BEFOREPRINT to eBeforePrint r=smaug (b9b7e96411)
- Bug 895274 part.222 Rename NS_AFTERPRINT to eAfterPrint r=smaug (1f5f4b98e1)
- Bug 895274 part.223 Rename NS_DEVICE_ORIENTATION_START to eDeviceEventFirst r=smaug (6a807bda4d)
- Bug 895274 part.224 Rename NS_DEVICE_ORIENTATION to eDeviceOrientation r=smaug (ba858460ea)
- Bug 895274 part.225 Rename NS_DEVICE_MOTION to eDeviceMotion r=smaug (97dcea31fe)
- Bug 895274 part.226 Rename NS_DEVICE_PROXIMITY to eDeviceProximity r=smaug (80e400848d)
- Bug 895274 part.227 Rename NS_USER_PROXIMITY to eUserProximity r=smaug (80a851b462)
- Bug 895274 part.228 Rename NS_DEVICE_LIGHT to eDeviceLight r=smaug (299cab2e5b)
- Bug 895274 part.229 Rename NS_SELECTION_CHANGE to eSelectionChange r=smaug (579d40b3a3)
- followup 895274 NS_VISIBILITY_CHANGE to eVisibilityChange (9d222cb4fc) (2327f7028)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.230 Rename NS_SELECT_START to eSelectStart r=smaug (776d2bc554)
- Bug 895274 part.231 Rename NS_SELECT_EVENT_START to eSelectEventFirst r=smaug (184da9374f)
- Bug 895274 part.232 Rename NS_EDITOR_INPUT to eEditorInput r=smaug (d88f5cda72)
- Bug 895274 part.233 Rename NS_EDITOR_EVENT_START to eEditorEventFirst r=smaug (82736919d5)
- Bug 895274 part.234 Rename NS_SPEAKERMANAGER_SPEAKERFORCEDCHANGE to eSpeakerForcedChange r=smaug (91da06db86)
- Bug 895274 part.235 Rename NS_SPEAKERMANAGER_EVENT_START to eSpeakerManagerEventFirst r=smaug (26e36e83dd)
- Bug 895274 part.236 Rename NS_MEDIARECORDER_EVENT_START to eMediaRecorderEventFirst r=smaug (4119ab24ab)
- Bug 895274 part.237 Rename NS_MEDIARECORDER_DATAAVAILABLE to eMediaRecorderDataAvailable r=smaug (1cb86629f3)
- Bug 895274 part.238 Rename NS_MEDIARECORDER_WARNING to eMediaRecorderWarning r=smaug (5fc925dbfe)
- Bug 895274 part.239 Rename NS_MEDIARECORDER_STOP to eMediaRecorderStop r=smaug (222663f16a)
- Bug 895274 part.240 Rename NS_TOUCH_EVENT_START to eTouchEventFirst r=smaug (88e32a70f8)
- Bug 1143618 - Change Window::OnTouch implementation to use MultiTouchInput class. r=kats (6afe05d5ad)
- Bug 895274 part.241 Rename NS_TOUCH_START to eTouchStart r=smaug (859229088b)
- Bug 1142437 - Better deal with delayed state change notifications from APZ. r=botond (b9a2fd85e0)
- Bug 1134917 - Hoist assertion into the one callsite where it is actually valid. r=botond (6946d8647a)
- Bug 895274 part.242 Rename NS_TOUCH_MOVE to eTouchMove r=smaug (ef20dc27c8)
- Bug 1171158: Convert some code to use range-based for loops in nsPresShell.cpp. r=mats (91375e2954)
- Bug 895274 part.243 Rename NS_TOUCH_END to eTouchEnd r=smaug (a1a9812c14)
- Bug 895274 part.244 Rename NS_TOUCH_CANCEL to eTouchCancel r=smaug (6d2ec155ee)
- Bug 895274 part.245 Rename NS_SHOW_EVENT to eShow r=smaug (835e74bd43)
- Bug 895274 part.246 Rename NS_MESSAGE to eMessage r=smaug (c5efac2b22)
- fix after Bug 895274 part.243 (ac85766640) (7b202d32b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 895274 part.247 Rename NS_MESSAGE_EVENT_START to eMessageEventFirst r=smaug (8315bb2535)
- Bug 895274 part.248 Rename NS_WEBAUDIO_EVENT_START to eAudioEventFirst r=smaug (8a4ccecc53)
- Bug 895274 part.249 Rename NS_AUDIO_PROCESS to eAudioProcess r=smaug (a6c9d08493)
- Bug 895274 part.250 Rename NS_AUDIO_COMPLETE to eAudioComplete r=smaug (d621eaf6a0)
- Bug 895274 part.251 Rename NS_TRANSITION_EVENT_START to eTransitionEventFirst r=smaug (549efecc31)
- Bug 895274 part.252 Rename NS_TRANSITION_END to eTransitionEnd r=smaug (c0e5bc9650)
- Bug 895274 part.253 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_EDGE_COMPLETED to eEdgeUICompleted r=smaug (8c34e78fce)
- Bug 895274 part.254 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_EDGE_CANCELED to eEdgeUICanceled r=smaug (08af1fa982)
- Bug 895274 part.255 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_EDGE_STARTED to eEdgeUIStarted r=smaug (29f4075298)
- Bug 895274 part.256 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_PRESSTAP to ePressTapGesture r=smaug (bd2a42fd9b)
- Bug 895274 part.257 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_TAP to eTapGesture r=smaug (fd918b5fcd)
- Bug 895274 part.258 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_ROTATE to eRotateGesture r=smaug (3d52c234c2)
- Bug 895274 part.259 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_ROTATE_UPDATE to eRotateGestureUpdate r=smaug (f3b5fa3afa)
- Bug 895274 part.260 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_ROTATE_START to eRotateGestureStart r=smaug (813e903902)
- Bug 895274 part.261 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_MAGNIFY to eMagnifyGesture r=smaug (1cb71a8adc)
- Bug 895274 part.262 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_MAGNIFY_UPDATE to eMagnifyGestureUpdate r=smaug (cac830d5e3)
- Bug 895274 part.263 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_MAGNIFY_START to eMagnifyGestureStart r=smaug (9148511ff3)
- Bug 895274 part.264 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_SWIPE to eSwipeGesture r=smaug (5c5be5f3e8)
- Bug 895274 part.265 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_SWIPE_END to eSwipeGestureEnd r=smaug (2827e5f8e1)
- Bug 895274 part.266 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_SWIPE_UPDATE to eSwipeGestureUpdate r=smaug (25cf4f1c78)
- Bug 895274 part.267 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_SWIPE_START to eSwipeGestureStart r=smaug (058928338e)
- Bug 895274 part.268 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_SWIPE_MAY_START to eSwipeGestureMayStart r=smaug (527a754083)
- Bug 895274 part.269 Rename NS_SIMPLE_GESTURE_EVENT_START to eSimpleGestureEventFirst r=smaug (5fa217eea9)
- Bug 895274 part.270 Add comment to explain the naming rules of EventMessage r=smaug (198f1e2b6c) (3651ea588)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1202312 - Use mozilla::Function for the ContentReceivedInputBlock callback. r=kats (89f27d143a) is null, r=smaug (b5bed22401)
- Bug 1131359 - Expose a basic FrameMetrics calculations in nsLayoutUtils. r=kats (962ed0df37)
- Bug 1131359 - Port the double-tap-to-zoom functionality of BrowserElementPanning.js to C++. r=kats (125cd5a151)
- Bug 1200504: Initialize the PresShell for about:blank after fork to fix the app launch performance regression. r=khuey (b0513019b4)
- some mozcrasher stuff (7044bb171f)
- Bug 1168042, restructure HandleAccessKey so that accesskey candidates are only determined once, and clean up return value to use a bool, r=masayuki (1deb87074c)
- Bug 1168042, support accesskey redirecting to content process, r=masayuki (d2eadfef6a)
- Bug 1177011 - Ignore restarting the same content observer in EventStateManager; r=masayuki (6c98bc467d)
- Bug 1199522 - Apply :fullscreen pseudo-class to all elements in the fullscreen element stack. r=smaug (e9b77fddd4)
- Bug 1168055 - Fix the :active pseudo-class on text controls; r=smaug (26357bb9e3)
- Bug 1153517. Fix mozGetDataAt to return null when it should, like it used to. r=peterv (cc934074a1)
- missing bit of Bug 1143972. Return 0,0 for offsetX/Y (5b9cc0292a)
- Bug 1190036 - clipboardData.getFilesAndDirectories() should throw an exception when returning null, r=smaug (36036df0ae)
- Bug 1197164 - DataTransfer event should not throw an exception if mFiles is null, r=smaug (b5bed22401) (c0db1fde6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1124608 Support D3E EventModifierInit r=smaug (8238935214)
- Bug 1164981 - Add MouseEvent.movementX/Y. r=masayuki, r=ehsan (5e59178c38)
- Bug 1204439 part.1 Add NS_EVENT_MESSAGE_FIRST_LAST() into EventMessageList.h for defining e*EventFirst and e*EventLast r=smaug (c5750576b4)
- Bug 1204439 part.2 NS_EVENT_MESSAGE() shouldn't take specific value for the event message r=smaug (eaea28b6b7)
- update like 895274 (d17845605a)
- Bug 1203364 IMEContentObserver should notify IME of selection change with the latest change reason r=smaug (59d9c7d3b7)
- Bug 1203381 part.1 IMEContentObserver shouldn't clear mTextChangeData until immediately before sending a text change notification r=smaug (770aa44c43)
- Bug 1203381 part.2 Merge all IME notification sending events of IMEContentObserver to a runnable class r=smaug (d4faa0e5c8)
- Bug 1203381 part.3 IMEContentObserver::mIsFlushingPendingNotifications should be cleared when all pending notifications are sent to IME r=smaug (6f74f02106)
- Bug 1203381 part.4 IMENotificationSender should keep the order of notifications even when a notification causes another change r=smaug (d6a411c1e9)
- Bug 1203381 part.5 IMENotificationSender shouldn't send notification recursively r=smaug (602cffffb0)
- Bug 1203381 part.6 IMEContentObserver shouldn't post position change event if Reflow() is called during handling a query content event and sending NOTIFY_IME_OF_POSITION_CHANGE since the result of query content event includes the latest layout information r=smaug (e3f843d991)
- Bug 1203381 part.7 Rename IMEContentObserver::mIs*ChangeEventPending to IMEContentObserver::mNeedsToNotifyIMEOf*Change r=smaug (9fddde18a6)
- Bug 1204439 part.3 Create methods to get enum item name r=smaug (2be37da179)
- Bug 1182551 - Updating nsSecureBrowserUIImpl so that insecure pages with mixed content iframes don't get marked as broken. r=keeler (a46e2cf3ac)
- Bug 1198669 - Add nsIMultiPartChannel.originalResponseHeader support. r=valentin (7c28524a6d)
- bug 496234 - use stdint types in md4 implementation r=mayhemer (721f86c2b1)
- bug 496234 - fix md4 implementation by appending the input length as a 64-bit number r=mayhemer (51637a359f)
- revert PM specific patch, checked against FF 60 & 68 (c133d93f93)
- some let->var, code style (d5c6b316da) (d9d6a919f)
- import changes from tenfourfox: #651: update HSTS, pins, TLDs, TZ data (fbd13e3c8) (5f65eee25)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 31.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2022, 12:55
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a new milestone release.

After our unacceptable and recalled release of v30.0.0 and 30.0.1 with the departure of one of the core devs from our team requiring us to rewind and re-do several months of work to exclude undesired code changes and what likely lay at the root of the plethora of stability and run-time issues of the recalled versions, we're back on track with a new milestone building on UXP and Goanna (v5.1) with many improvements and additional user-requested features.

To prevent user confusion, we're skipping from 29 to 31.

Most important changes in this milestone:

    We're once again accepting the installation of legacy Firefox extensions alongside our own Pale Moon exclusive extensions. As always, please note that using extensions for an old version of a different browser is entirely at your own risk and we obviously cannot and will not provide much (if any) support for their use. Firefox extensions will be indicated with an orange dot in the Add-ons Manager in the browser. This will include the converted extensions for the few of you who are coming from recalled versions with -fxguid suffixes.
    Implemented "optional chaining" (thanks, FranklinDM!).
    Implemented setBaseAndExtent for text selections.
    Implemented queueMicroTask() "pseudo-promise" callbacks.
    Implemented accepting unit-less values for rootMargin in Intersection observers for web compatibility, making it act more like CSS margin as one would expect.
    Improvements to CSS grid and flexbox rendering and display following spec changes and improving web compatibility.
    Improved performance of parallel web workers in JavaScript.
    Improved display of cursive scripts (on Windows). Good-bye Comic Sans!
    Updated various in-tree libraries.
    Added support for extended VPx codec strings in media delivery via MSE (RFC-6381).
    Fixed a long-time regression where the browser would no longer honor old-style body and iframe body margins when indicated in the HTML tags directly instead of CSS. This improves compatibility with particularly old and/or archived websites.
    Fixed several crashes and stability issues.
    Added a licensing screen to the Windows installer to clarify the browser's licensing. In other installations, you may find this licensing statement in the added license.txt file in the browser installation location.
    Removed all Google SafeBrowsing/URLClassifier service code.
    Restored Mac OS X code and buildability in the platform.
    Removed the non-standard ArchiveReader DOM API that was only ever a prototype implementation.
    Removed most of the last vestiges of the invasive Mozilla Telemetry code from the platform. This potentially improves performance on some systems.
    Removed leftover Electrolysis controls that could sometimes trick parts of the browser into starting in a (very broken) multi-process mode due to some plumbing for it still being present, if users would try to force the issue with preferences. Obviously, this was a footgun for power users.
    Removed more Android/Fennec code (on-going effort to clean up our code).
    Removed the Marionette automated testing framework.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-29915, CVE-2022-29911, and several issues that do not have a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 1 DiD, 19 not applicable.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Add "Copy File" in slimjet://downloads/ page.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2022, 09:04

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome / 10.1.4951.64).
    Adjusted video playback behavior by Media Foundation Updated privacy policy.

Titel: StorURL
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2022, 06:40
StorURL is a bookmark manager that can import bookmarks from the most popular browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera. Bookmarks can also be imported from StorURL Online if the users have registered an account. Bookmarks can be added manually and can be organized in a unlimited number of categories. The database can be exported to CSV and XML files. HTML files can also be generated. Other features of StorURL include bookmarks verification, launch bookmarks in custom browser, get website icons, search, always on top, minimize to tray (bookmarks can be launched from tray), floating tool-bar, use of different databases, password protection of databases, GUI customization and more.


Whats new:>>

Removed favicon code causing GDI+ error

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2022, 20:30
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

General stability improvements.

Titel: Maxthon Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2022, 18:10


- Fixed the issue that desktop shortcut could not display correctly


+ Added Maxnote layout settings options
+ Added sort option to QuickNote
+ Supported keeping the sidebar folder status
+ Optimized sidebar loading
+ Optimized history page date style
+ Optimized status bar buttons display
- Fixed the issue that the lock tab option could not display correctly in some browser languages
- Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not display the correct language
- Fixed the issue that QuickNote could not display the Russian language
- Fixed the issue that the history search results could not show the date
- Fixed the issue that mouse gestures could not be customized in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the quick saved image could not be opened directly
- Fixed the issue that the status bar CPU, and download/upload speed could not update when watching the video in fullscreen mode
- Fixed the issue that the new incognito window showed the locked tab in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the browser account could not log out in some cases
- Fixed the issue that the local account could not log in successfully
- Fixed the crash issue when merging bookmarks


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-05-14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2022, 20:30


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 5f65eee25...646c78a9d0:
- partly import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1181518 - Change the reason for memory-pressure fired during priority change. r=gsvelto (03a726dd82)
- Bug 1128472 - Part 1. Mac and Win for model, stepping, cores, cache, cpu speed; VM max on Win only, vendor on Mac only. r=gfritzsche (0e843a3e0b)
- Bug 1128472 - Part 2. Linux support. r=gfritzsche (887ba30869)
- Bug 1188983 - mozilla::Tokenizer improvements, r=nfroyd (4b57b84c3d)
- Bug 1128472 - Part 3. Vendor string on windows. r=aklotz (852d4893c9)
- fix typo (18d57dc0ee)
- Bug 1350908 - Upgrade Hunspell to version 1.6.1. r=masayuki (54b6e9c049)
- Bug 1184298 - Remove a spammy spellchecker warning (1f9a8c8227)
- Bug 1170484 - Use {Begin,End}PlaceHolderTransaction from mozInlineSpellCheck::ReplaceWord. r=ehsan (8e19083cc9) (5628de57cc)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1176681 - Make character buffer allocations in the HTML5 tree builder fallible. r=wchen. (f289384f90)
- Bug 1142400 - Separate padding calculation in Get{Min,Pref}ISize and Reflow of nsBulletFrame. r=dbaron (e08bee6a1d)
- Bug 1187432 - Avoid scheduling main-thread paints for scrolls handled by apz. r=tn (422d9e0c64)
- Bug 1172450 - Size and position the dropdown arrow properly in vertical writing modes. r=smontagu (73c1464a6b)
- Bug 1201529 - Ensure that zoomable scrollframes return true from WantAsyncScroll(). r=botond (7adb05b491)
- Bug 1174553 part 1 - Add a new flag (BAIL_IF_REFLOW_NEEDED) for IntrinsicForWM() that makes it return early with a NS_INTRINSIC_WIDTH_UNKNOWN result if a reflow is needed to determine the child's correct BSize. r=dholbert (221b586fe0)
- Bug 1174546 part 1 - Introduce nsLayoutUtils::MinSizeContributionForAxis which calculates an intrinsic size contribution from aFrame's 'min-width' property (or 'min-height' if the given axis is vertical) and the corresponding border, padding and margin values. r=jfkthame (c81d0b5aae)
- Bug 1174553 part 2 - Move the AddPercents function into a static method in the nsLayoutUtils class. r=dholbert (18b1153de7)
- Bug 1151212 part 1 - [css-grid] Introduce a few local structs (GridReflowState, Tracks, TrackSizingFunctions) to make it easier to pass around data. r=dholbert (10d9a635a6)
- Bug 1151212 part 2 - [css-grid] Introduce a local GridItemInfo struct for holding a grid item's GridArea and other things. Put two nsTArrays of those in the grid container frame, one for normal flow items and one for abs.pos. grid-aligned descendants. Add a GridItemIndex method on the grid item iterator to return the index for the current item. r=dholbert (f4df44e43c)
- Bug 1161038 - [css-grid] Make kAutoLine not clash with translated grid lines. r=dholbert (a467a13270)
- Bug 1174546 part 2 - [css-grid] Implement the 'auto' min-sizing function in Grid layout. r=jfkthame (bf6d3ab2b3)
- Bug 1174553 part 3 - [css-grid] Implement the 'min-content' / 'max-content' sizing functions in layout. r=dholbert (152e139615)
- Bug 1151212 part 3 - [css-grid] Implement the "Resolve Intrinsic Track Sizes" algorithm. r=dholbert (710657b5c2)
- Bug 1176619 - [css-grid] Implement the "Maximize Tracks" algorithm. r=dholbert (882da4b57e)
- Bug 1176621 - [css-grid] Implement "Stretch Flexible Tracks" and associated algorithms. r=dholbert (5737f5fb47)
- Bug 1174574 part 1 - [css-grid] Move the guts of nsGridContainerFrame::CalculateTrackSizes into a Tracks method. r=dholbert (871ca8dca6)
- Bug 1174574 part 2 - [css-grid] Implement intrinsic sizing for grid containers (aka GetMinISize/GetPrefISize). r=dholbert (0958f2ad77)
- Bug 1174553 part 5 - [css-grid] Replace the ambiguous Dimension with LogicalAxis. r=dholbert (15afa20c61)
- Bug 1194892 - [css-grid] "span * / span *" should be treated as "auto / auto" for abs.pos. grid items. r=dholbert (9b229d7e07)
- Bug 1194888 - [css-grid] A line outside the existing grid should be treated as 'auto' for abs.pos (10.1). r=dholbert (7bd2426be2)
- Bug 1204585 part 2 - [css-grid] abs.pos. child position reftests. (fbf2d4e37a)
- Bug 1206703 - [css-grid] In an empty grid all lines should be treated as 'auto' for abs.pos. items, i.e. snap to the padding edge. r=dholbert (42aeeb368f)
- Bug 1204585 part 1 - [css-grid] Use the grid area's size when converting to physical coordinates for abs.pos. items. r=dholbert (ad68e0bab1)
- Bug 1164918 - Allow multiple '.' per cell in grid-template-areas. r=dholbert (db6420ebc5)
- [css-grid] Use a smaller font-size to make sure the rendering fits within the reftest snapshot area. (minor test changes only, no bug, r=me) (4868bd81c9)
- Bug 1151212 part 4 - [css-grid] Tests for intrinsic track sizing and intrinsic grid container sizing (bug 1174574). (3b60858334)
- Bug 1176621 part 2 - [css-grid] Tests for flex track sizing. (fb507cae8e)
- Bug 1151212 - [css-grid] Tests for <flex> min-sizing. (a74a1bf328)
- Bug 1174504 - Logical-coordinate versions of nsIFrame::SetSize should maintain the frame's logical position. r=smontagu (f053a277bf) (e8d74fa3c4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1143130 - Initialize nsIFrame::ContentOffsets members, and some additional cleanup. r=roc (334109d125)
- Bug 1185436 - Mark DumpFrameTree() and DumpFrameTreeLimited() const. r=roc (f444841ce7)
- Bug 1163328 - Tests for mozilla::Tuple. r=froydnj (9bdf4a67eb)
- Bug 1184385 - Add a Tie() utility function for tuples (the equivalent of std::tie()) to MFBT. r=froydnj (a683a079e7)
- Bug 1186315 - Fix TestTuple error and add it into testing list. r=nfroyd (8ea986d022)
- Bug 1185706 - support Tie() for mozilla::Pair. r=froydnj (2a74853496)
- Bug 1186126 - Note incompatibility with NSPR printf-like functions. r=nfroyd (eb3aa88cd3)
- Bug 1188895 - Replace U+0A00 with U+0200 in MacroForEach.h. r=Ms2ger (e63d0be26f)
- Bug 1182370 - _BitScan* does not modify *pIndex if input is zero. - r=waldo (3c1280da48)
- Bug 1193600 - Add Clamp and IsPowerOfTwo to MFBT. - r=waldo (7e5e321a74)
- Bug 1139036 - Bind all symbols from libmozglue.dylib when it is loaded. r=ted (c948da5c6d)
- bug 1198226 - Add HOST_{CFLAGS,CXXFLAGS,DEFINES} support to mozbuild frontend+recursive make backend. r=mshal (c5558cbf4c)
- bug 1198226 - Move HOST_{C,CXX}FLAGS to moz.build HOST_{CFLAGS,CXXFLAGS,DEFINES}. r=mshal (031909f24a)
- bug 1198226 - Add HOST_{C,CXX}FLAGS recursive make varible blacklist. r=mshal (c808385c2f)
- Bug 1204134 (attempt 2) - Fix and disallow warnings in config/moz.build. r=glandium. (e1a21ccade)
- code style (374f57dbea)
- Bug 1184284 - Remove txToRemove warning from nsSHistory::RemoveDuplicate. r=smaug (14f02229d5)
- Bug 1203379 - Fix indentation of gfxWordCacheTest.cpp. r=jrmuizel. (c04b07ce17)
- Bug 1203427 (part 1) - Add nsExpirationTracker::mName. r=froydnj. (974b39f117)
- Bug 1203427 (part 2) - Remove an argument to nsTimeout::InitTimer. r=mccr8. (f6f196c26c)
- Bug 1203809 - pass textperf obj into gfxFontGroup constructor. r=m_kato (1ea2f5cfd2)
- Bug 1203427 (part 3) - Change order of InitCommon() arguments. r=froydnj. (07e6c9b5ca)
- Bug 1203427 (part 4) - Remove trailing whitespace from nsITimer.idl. r=froydnj. (df4473f30a)
- Bug 1186112 - Get rid of the #define'd constants in BMPFileHeaders.h. r=tn (c18103f391) (646c78a9d0)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Added DNS settings
    Added the manager for the auto-added search engines
    Supported the shortcut to hide the download manager window
    Adjusted the save image shortcut in some languages
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote sorting could not work correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that QuickAccess data loss in some cases

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Performance and security improvements.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-05-21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2022, 20:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 646c78a9d0...e7535dc94b:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194059 (Part 1) - Ensure that metadata decode progress is always delivered atomically. r=tn (07f0441600)
- Bug 1191090 - Use the normal PNG decoder for PNG metadata decodes. r=tn (ce3fe1be5f)
- Bug 1191114 (Part 1) - Always detect HAS_TRANSPARENCY during the metadata decode. r=tn (3841132932)
- Bug 1191114 (Part 2) - Add support for creating an anonymous metadata decoder, for use in tests. r=tn (2cdcc0c278)
- Bug 1191114 (Part 3) - Add flags to image test cases. r=tn (4a6f5a5230)
- Bug 1191114 (Part 4) - Add tests for metadata decoding, including that we always deliver HAS_TRANSPARENCY during the metadata decode. r=tn (b9c5d1cd4a)
- Bug 1126330 - Remove the check for non-looping animations. r=seth (828dabba24)
- Bug 1194059 (Part 2) - Always detect IS_ANIMATED during the metadatadecode. r=tn (0ba5bf38f1)
- Bug 1194059 (Part 3) - Ensure the nsIInputStream LoadImage() returns is always buffered. r=tn (ed2b02205b)
- Bug 1194059 (Part 4) - Add tests that we detect IS_ANIMATED during the metadata decode. r=tn (298f14a7c9)
- Bug 1188705 (part 1) - Remove gfxASurface::GetMemoryLocation(). r=seth. (1f0da73a08)
- Bug 1188705 (part 2) - Remove unused SizeOfDecodedWithComputedFallbackIfHeap declaration. r=seth. (3356dbed06)
- Bug 1188705 (part 3) - Simplify imgFrame::SizeOfExcludingThis(). r=seth. (563262a834)
- Bug 1155252 - Don't allocate X11TextureClients bigger than xlib's maximum surface size. r=jrmuizel (3f11590667)
- Bug 1143994 - Fix some -Wunreachable-code and -Wswitch warnings in imagelib. r=seth (008becc7e2)
- Bug 1060609 (Part 1) - Disable downscale-during-decode when HQ scaling is disabled. r=tn (6da77e3cad)
- Bug 1187569 - PNGs getting stuck in a pixelated state. r=seth (da305ef99c)
- Bug 1194900 - Stop deciding when to send invalidations in nsPNGDecoder and let Decoder handle it. r=tn (50fa14a984)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 1 - Move CommonAnimationManager::sLayerAnimationInfo into LayerAnimationInfo.(cpp|h). r=bbirtles (9f93e0d569)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 2 - imgTools should be inside mozilla::image namespace. r=bbirtles (8dfc3f2e4b)
- Bug 1196066 (Part 1) - Fix bad directory entries in two of our ICO reftests. r=tn (9e4c70d2b4)
- Bug 1196065 - Add sanity tests for image decoders. r=tn (557b9131cb)
- Bug 1194912 (Part 1) - Add CopyOnWrite<T> to support automatic copy-on-write for recursive writes to data structures. r=tn (b081a50716)
- Bug 1196066 (Part 2) - Add a streaming lexing framework to ImageLib. r=tn (59eb634ea5)
- Bug 1196476 - Replace ProgressTracker::FirstObserverIs() with a simpler mechanism on imgRequest. r=tn (db9ecc65ef)
- missing part of Bug 1139225 (Part 2) - Dispatch OnImageAvailable to the main thread manually in imgRequest. r=tn (e7b22db614)
- Bug 1194912 (Part 2) - Store ProgressTracker observers in a copy-on-write hash table, and dispatch notifications to them using a template. r=tn (5efd7b38b3)
- Bug 1180225. Make convolver more like upstream. r=seth (18e3c168fc)
- Bug 1149318 - Fix the calling convention on SkGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc. r=eihrul (7b750d4e4e)
- Bug 1210493 - enlarge stroke bounds by line width when doing a quick-reject in SkDraw::drawRect. r=jmuizelaar (e8b5d0fe2d)
- Bug 1188206 - Fix more constructors in gfx; r=jrmuizel (944ea9938c) (b75b514a74)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- namespace (dd7e1c593d)
- Bug 1158541 - Remove TiledTextureImage::mSize; r=jrmuizel This member is never initialized to anything so it always contains a (0,0) size, and it shadows the protected mSize member in the base class which is actually initialized to the correct size. (e2930b05a8)
- Bug 1158542 - Remove TextureImage::mImageFormat; r=jrmuizel This is never initialized or accessed. (c5af3763b5)
- Bug 1136428 - Create a different set and restore path of the draw buffer state in WebGLContext::ForceClearFramebufferWithDefaultValues depending on whether or not the default framebuffer is being used. r=jgilbert (e92fbcaa38)
- Bug 1136428 - Change implementation of WebGLContext::DrawBuffers such that it goes through GLScreenBuffer to change the draw buffer. Added a variable to GLScreenBuffer to cache the draw buffer mode. r=jgilbert (eb80c3ac18)
- Bug 1136428 - Ensure we never create more than the amount supported of color attachments in WebGLFrameBuffer or try to get an attachment point higher than the supported number. r=jgilbert (3050ce6979)
- Bug 1185803 - Replace MOZ_CRASH with GenerateWarning. r=jgilbert (1b5ba983c6)
- Bug 1188540 - Forward texture-related functions to WebGLTexture. - r=kamidphish (10f84c83e5)
- Bug 1189903 - Don't use RGBA surfaces on GLX if surface sharing is not used. r=jgilbert (2edbca3d13)
- Bug 1170842 - Part 3: Implement GetInternalformatParameter. r=jgilbert, r=smaug (18f0fdf5f9)
- Bug 1170842 - Part 4: Implement FramebufferTextureLayer. r=jgilbert (2acd7963e7)
- Bug 1062066 (Part 1) - Add support for vertically flipping downscaler output. r=tn (f23315cba2)
- Bug 1204626 - Add a regression test. r=billm (aa3c694b83)
- Bug 1062066 (Part 2) - Add a Downscaler API to clear a row. r=tn (7c77bf27b0)
- Bug 1062066 (Part 3) - Only mark BMP surfaces as transparent if they actually have alpha data. r=tn (ed9bade04e)
- Bug 1060609 (Part 2) - Add downscale-during-decode support for the PNG decoder. r=tn,f=glennrp (47259a797a)
- hack to fix build (12266daf48)
- Bug 1060609 (Part 3) - Add tests that interlaced and non-interlaced PNGs have the same downscaling behavior. r=tn (763b18b15e)
- Bug 1062066 (Part 4) - Add downscale-during-decode support for the BMP decoder. r=tn (5a810ed168)
- indentation fixes (872c66d3a8) (00b0a024a4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1188569: Drop unneeded MOZ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT from from LookupBestMatch in SurfaceCache.cpp. r=seth (5e74e0028c)
- Bug 1192356 (Part 1) - Take advantage of mozilla::Tie() in SurfaceCache.cpp. r=dholbert (e4908c725d)
- Bug 1192356 (Part 2) - Take advantage of mozilla::Tie() in RasterImage.cpp. r=tn (1204189b73)
- Bug 1185800 - Add DecoderFlags and SurfaceFlags enum classes and use them instead of imgIContainer flags in all decoder-related code. r=tn (3abdab11f6)
- Bug 1196066 (Part 3) - Rewrite nsICODecoder to use StreamingLexer. r=tn (e2ba590c9d)
- Bug 1196066 (Part 4) - Enable the ICOMultiChunk test, which now passes. r=tn (9e02611959)
- Bug 1124084 - Flip on downscale-during-decode everywhere. r=tn (bd9deff966)
- Bug 1160801 - Treat invalid GIF disposal methods as DisposalMethod::NOT_SPECIFIED. r=jrmuizel (e26feaf8fb)
- Bug 1201796 (Part 1) - Treat ICOs with wrong widths and heights as corrupt. r=tn (322ba20808)
- Bug 1201796 (Part 2) - Add GetFrameAtSize() to support downscale-during-decode for GetFrame() use cases. r=tn (92f5d3a0a7)
- Bug 1194906 - Replace 'NS_ENSURE_TRUE(BadImage(..))' warnings with more useful messages. r=tn (cc3b368673)
- Bug 1201796 (Part 3) - Enable downscale-during-decode for imgITools::EncodeScaledImage(). r=tn (e2cdb5b520)
- Bug 1194472 - Correctly fetch compositor backend in WebGLContext. r=jgilbert (0092052dfc)
- Bug 1161913 - Part 1 - Add invalidation state for CaptureStream to Canvas and Contexts. r=mt (0377d6bbe7)
- Bug 1168075 - Fix CanvasCaptureMediaStream build fail for bluetooth2. r=pehrsons (53c67c0056)
- Bug 1176363 - Part 1: Make a raw copy of each Canvas::CaptureStream frame. r=mattwoodrow (a5df5793d6)
- Bug 1194575 - Rename RecoverFromLossOfFrames() to RecoverFromInvalidFrames() to better reflect its role. r=tn (baa6455e79)
- Bug 1146663 (Part 1) - Remove HQ scaling, which is now dead code. r=tn (efaddadea0)
- Bug 1146663 (Part 2) - Remove the concept of lifetimes from the SurfaceCache. r=dholbert (ab9862d7ee)
- Bug 1146663 (Part 3) - Make it impossible to deoptimize imgFrames. r=tn (19e2f1b370)
- Bug 1201763 - Add downscale-during-decode support for the ICON decoder. r=tn (33a2b95e5c)
- Bug 1194058 (Part 1) - Add Deinterlacer to allow Downscaler to work with interlaced images. r=tn (f7c57b7a8e)
- Bug 1194058 (Part 2) - Add downscale-during-decode support for the GIF decoder. r=tn (85622f9d55)
- Bug 1201796 (Part 4) - Add downscale-during-decode support for the ICO decoder. r=tn (d09d18b0d9)
- Bug 1146663 (Part 4) - Make all RasterImages support downscale-during-decode. r=tn (264642a895)
- Bug 1146663 (Part 5) - Require that all image decoders support downscale-during-decode. r=tn (79ad99885d)
- Bug 1206836 - When downscaling ICOs, downscale the AND mask as well. r=tn a=KWierso (08ec3d092b)
- missing bit of Bug 1138293 - Use malloc/free/realloc/calloc (eb8e5e1b9c)
- missing bit of Bug 1146663 (Part 3) - Make it impossible to deoptimize imgFrames. (233befe48f)
- Bug 1208935 - Move Deinterlacer to a standalone file. r=seth (b50322abc286) (f1d1e16669)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1187401 (Part 1) - Simplify the condition that determines whether we set RasterImage::mHasBeenDecoded. r=tn (69be36e7ef)
- Bug 1187401 (Part 2) - Eliminate the nsresult return value from RasterImage::SetMetadata, since it's not used anymore. r=tn (dc521c4b9f)
- Bug 1187401 (Part 3) - For consistency, call DoError if SetMetadata sees a negative size. r=tn (d9ca8ec91b)
- Bug 1207183 - micro-optimize removing work items from DecodePool's queues; r=seth (6bd2717e3a)
- No bug - Fix out-of-date comment in Decoder.cpp. r=me (54fdbbd444)
- Bug 1181324 - Eliminate the duplicate mRefCnt member in MultipartImage. r=seth (c4512a443e)
- Bug 1180105 - Do not leak the SourceSurface returned from imgIContainer::GetFrame in BlockUntilDecodedAndFinishObserving; r=seth (1cadbffc53)
- Bug 1181909 - Fix potential null dereference in NextPartObserver. r=tn (cfd8ad0119)
- Bug 108603 - Remove NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE_INHERITED0. r=mccr8, r=froydnj (4bfa6771fc)
- Bug 1159502 - Don't block onload for multipart images. r=tn (8b50eadf39)
- Bug 1200413 - Part 1: Re-write RefCountedInsideLambdaChecker to use captures instead of checking for DeclRef instances, r=ehsan (80ef99efe2)
- Bug 1200413 - Part 2: Make lambdas in ProgressTracker.cpp capture strong references, r=seth (9e4d96dffa)
- Bug 1194557 - Ensure that if the image was locked before RecoverFromLossOfFrames() was called, it's still locked afterwards. r=tn (ea4dc6ea9f)
- code style (ad3773ba42)
- Bug 1167590 - Mark imgRequestProxy::mListener as MOZ_UNSAFE_REF. r=seth (946ffaed8a)
- Bug 1148397 - Fix data race on imgRequest::mHadInsecureRedirect. r=tanvi (e73d0664f3)
- No bug - Tweak formatting of logging statement in imgRequest. r=me (cab2bcb014)
- Bug 1180126 - Read content disposition regardless of content type in imgRequest::PrepareForNewPart. r=tn (2934597743)
- Bug 1139225 - Followup - Remove duplicate multiPartChannel variable. (7f7f555a0b)
- Bug 1141398 - Do not always revalidate image cache entries for file URIs. r=tn (31d73cb508)
- Bug 1183563 - Fix incorrect mixed content warning after internal redirects. r=tanvi, r=seth (12a6c8a15f)
- Bug 1150127 - Stop leaking windows via imgCacheValidator. r=baku (a7809c5fa7)
- bits of Bug 1102048 (Part 20, imgLoader) (b2098c8a5a)
- (No bug) - Correct blatantly lying comment in imgLoader.cpp. r=me DONTBUILD (64c42a5b09)
- Bug 1160592 - Report image source size again in about:memory. r=dholbert (4e04cf3c3e)
- Add an assertion for the first argument of NewImageChannel, no bug (4c8f087a8f)
- Bug 1127534 - Remove assertion before creating a channel (r=sicking) (988692dc91)
- Bug 1175371 - Make VectorImage wait to deliver LOAD_COMPLETE until its size is available. r=dholbert (3c81e0daff)
- Bug 1181323 - Move nsSVGRenderingObserver's isupports/refcounting decl to subclasses, since one subclass (nsSVGFilterReference) already has its own redundant copy of the decl. r=dholbert (6171171c2c)
- Bug 1161722 - If we're shutting down, don't warn about untracked unlocked surfaces. r=dholbert (f7e18ce481)
- Bug 1170877 - Track how many times the SurfaceCache has overflowed and report it in about:memory. r=dholbert (884176cb1d)
- Bug 1161743 - Upgrade 'WARNING: Not expiration-tracking an unlocked surface' to an assertion. r=dholbert (9900169e7b)
- Bug 1167557 - Crash when a null surface is passed to SurfaceCache::Insert. r=dholbert (b3c4cf60aa)
- remove bypass cache not fonud either in FF nor TF (3ed4056a27)
- Missing bit Bug 1102048 (Part 25, header guards)
- Make image/src files comply (cb8ed2428f)
- No bug - Remove obsolete comment in SourceBuffer.h. r=me (6e9c233448)
- coding style (94b7269690)
- Bug 1157065 - GFX: 2D: Add Loongson3 MMI helpers. r=jrmuizel (ebce946c91)
- reverto to FF52 and TFF settings (e147a8c7b5)
- Bug 1134599 - Fix rpi build target. r=jrmuizel, r=shuang (b9722f860c)
- Bug 1129147 - Part 1. Take CanvasPath into a separate file, to avoid circular dependency. r=roc (859bcad807)
- Bug 1129147 - Part 2. Path option to addHitRegion. r=ehsan r=gw280 (b2ab08a8a1)
- Bug 1206076: Use a specialized PersistentBufferProvider for Canvas2D when using a SkiaGL DrawTarget. r=jrmuizel (859589caf8)
- Bug 1188752 - Addendum: Make PersistentBufferProviderBasic constructor explicit. r=bustage on a CLOSED TREE (a27a4dc974)
- style (72a65dcb26)
- Bug 1198574 - Remove unnecessary argument for PersistentBufferProvider. r=bas (dca718bba8)
- Bug 1163124 - The initial value of the canvas filter property should be "none". r=roc (59df6a01d8) (e7535dc94b)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: qutebrowser 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2022, 21:10
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source


    The qute-pass userscript is marked as executable again.
    PDF.js now works properly again with the macOS and Windows releases.
    The MathML workaround for darkmode (e.g. black on black Wikipedia formula)
    now also works for display (rather than inline) math.
    The content.proxy setting can now correctly be set to arbitrary values via
    the qute://settings page again.
    Fixed issues with Chromium version detection on Archlinux with
    qt5-webengine 5.15.9-3.
    Fixed a rare possible crash with invalid Content-Disposition headers.
    Fixes for various notification-related crashes:
        With the tiramisu notification server (due to invalid behavior of the server, now a non-fatal error)
        With the budgie notification server when closing a notification (due to invalid behavior of the server, now worked around)
        When a server exits with an unsuccessful exit status (now a non-fatal error)
        When a server couldn't be started successfully (now a non-fatal error)
        With the herbe notification presenter, when the website tries to close
        the notification after the user accepting (right-clicking) it.
    Fixes in userscripts:
        The qute-bitwarden userscript now correctly searches for entries for
        sites on a subdomain of an unrecognized TLD. subdomain names. Previously
        my.site.local would have searched in bitwarden for my.sitelocal,
        losing the rightmost dot.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Added payment and address info to Passkeeper
    Supported the downloader resuming from breaking point after restarting the browser
    Optimized Maxnote sort dragging interaction
    Fixed the sort logic error in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the search engines auto-added repeatedly
    Fixed the crash issue when dragging the bookmark

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.5.27.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 12:56
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: CyberChef 9.38.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 21:50
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Added 'Parse TCP' operation

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-05-28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2022, 05:40
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git e7535dc94b...0bc2879198:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1134252 - Don't crash the content process if RenderFrameParent is not constructed successfully. r=billm. (2564cb0e6a)
- Bug 1180644: Fix crashes after enabling OOP on B2GDroid. r=snorp (d585c571e3)
- Bug 1198674 - null-check mFrameLoader in RenderFrameParent. r=sotaro (86f26b2046)
- Bug 1198674 - Null-check mFrameLoader before calling GetFrom in RenderFrameParent. r=sotaro (33bd495e75)
- Bug 1200778 - Make sure to update the APZCTreeManager associated with a RenderFrameParent when it is dragged to a new window. r=mstange (bf2d25616c)
- Bug 1202703 - Part 1 - CreateRenderingContext can fail. r=mattwoodrow (50de4cd050)
- Bug 1185747 part 1 - Use pref/meta-viewport tag instead of DOMWindowUtils to set the CSS viewport for mochitests. r=tn (62a8c1d460)
- Bug 1147038 - Update some tests to pass on desktop platforms. r=tn (afa54f4dc9)
- Bug 1169666 - Revert reftest sanity flag ordering, fixes failures on OS X. (553743b4ce)
- Bug 1114526. Add reftest. (ef2589e3b8)
- Bug 1192616 - Skip over some reftests which fail on the pandaboards with the new dynamic toolbar implementation due to the screen size being too small. r=gbrown (fd3a0a523c)
- Bug 1185747 part 2 - Remove magical reftest harness properties and use standard meta-viewport tags instead. r=tn (73d2d442d9)
- Bug 1194811 Part 1 - Recompute the zoom constraints if the available screen area changes. r=botond (620dc82022)
- Bug 1194811 Part 2 - Use the content viewer size rather than the composition size of the root frame when computing the CSS viewport. r=botond (089459fcb5)
- Bug 1185747 part 3 - Rip out code to explicitly override the CSS viewport. r=tn (00ea1c7277)
- Bug 1178354 - Ensure we fire a before-first-paint event for printing as well. r=tn (3dfd7f0f76)
- Bug 1152254 - Handle vertical text frames when clipping display list for drag image. r=smontagu (965256a547)
- Bug 1156135. Add runtime testing of graphics features. r=mattwoodrow,mossop (6a8cb24421)
- Refactor the graphics sanity test to support multiple snapshots. (bug 1173117 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (8a0a78e4d3)
- Add an observer service notification for the first widget paint message. (bug 1173117 part 2, r=roc) (e421003dcd)
- Fix a widget size check bug in nsWindow::CaptureWidgetOnScreen. (bug 1173117 part 3, r=mattwoodrow) (485694c380)
- Add OS snapshotting to the gfx sanity test and report whether or not it matches the compositing test results. (bug 1173117 part 4, r=mattwoodrow,vladan) (38e82d10ad)
- Bug 1191608 - initialize element to null in CanvasRenderingContext2D::DrawImage. r=bas (e26dd8b8ce) (e0e5f031a0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1196041 - Disallow getter/setter with expression closure in class declaration. r=efaust (ee47aae93d)
- Bug 1206485 - "Boot loop after first boot on some devices (Xperia M2, ...)" [r=terrence f=lissyx+mozillians] (3c73ad18a9)
- Bug 1204368 - Fix modifier used for ASI after do-while. r=Waldo (857712ea07)
- Bug 1189872 - Make {Map, Set}.prototype an ordinary object. r=Waldo (69abffd59b)
- Bug 1199175 - Fix Debugger::slowPathOnLeaveFrame to remove the frame on OOM too. r=shu (35d190cac7)
- code style (debd143914)
- Bug 1133196 - Ensure script observability when setting Debugger.Frame.onStep. (r=jandem) (ce207a4762) (9c5061e940)
- ported from `custom` branch of UXP: libstagefright: relax ctts flags checking. (d9f11187) (64bef5bfd2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1204404 - Odin: move assert to avoid assertion failure. r=lth (14bd78e697)
- Bug 1204864 - Odin: reject UINT32_MAX heap resize mask. r=bbouvier (7242554d2a)
- Bug 1204847: Reinterpret the asmFunc pointer as an AsmFunction in case of offthread compile error; r=luke (b82f210a53) (0bc2879198)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Download Bubble UI (Enable in chrome://flags/#download-bubble)
    Allow you to add notes to saved passwords. (Enable in slimjet://flags/#password-notes)

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 06:15
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more



    Added the Delete option to the webpage input box right-click menu
    Added Properties to the webpage right-click menu
    Adjusted the QuickNote icon to off/on mode
    Adjusted the Download icon to off/on mode
    Download manager window keeps opening status after clicking the Unpin option
    QuickNote shows the last modified time on the left list
    Fixed the issue that the print dialog box popped up repeatedly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the new bookmark could not show the correct added time on the bookmark page
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote edit page could not work correctly after pressing Tab
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not display the correct order after dragging the note
    Fixed the issue that images could not be pasted to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the Last session page could not be opened when launching the browser by webpage desktop shortcut
    Fixed the issue that the download task prompted "Dangerous" in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the new download task dialog box could not pop up in some cases
    Fixed the issue that "Manage address" and "Manage payment" skipped to the wrong page
    Fixed the issue that Passkeeper payment and address could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Passkeeper payment and address info could not sync in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the installed browser theme could not adapt the browser tab bar
    Fixed the crash issue when closing the new download task dialog box
    Fixed the crash issue after switching the webpage to IE mode
    Fixed the crash issue when opening the CSDN webpage


Titel: Pale Moon 31.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2022, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Added Mojeek as an additional search engine in the browser. See implementation notes.
    Implemented "nullish coalescing operator" (thanks, FranklinDM!) for web compatibility.
    Fixed various crash scenarios in XPCOM.
    Fixed an important stability and performance issue related to hardware acceleration.
    Fixed a long-standing issue where overly-long address bar tooltips wouldn't break into multiple lines but instead cut off on the right side.
    Fixed a long-standing issue where dynamic datalist updates for <select> and similar elements wouldn't properly update the option list.
    Disabled broken links to MDN articles in developer tools.
    Updated media support to include support for libavcodec 59/FFmpeg 5.0 for MP4 playback on Linux (thanks, Travis!)
    Enabled the date picker for <input type=date>. See implementation notes.
    Re-enabled the use of FIPS mode for NSS. See implementation notes.
    Improved memory handling and memory safety in the JavaScript engine, further reducing current and future crash scenarios.
    Improved memory handling in the graphics subsystem of Goanna.
    Updated FFvpx to v4.2.7
    Slightly reduced strictness of media checking for improved compatibility with questionable "gif" video encoders used on major websites.
    Cleaned up the way file pickers (file open/save/save as dialogs) are handled on Windows.
    Restored the gMultiProcessBrowser property of the browser for Firefox extension compatibility. See implementation notes.
    Improved the way data is transferred to and from canvases to prevent memory safety issues.
    Updated NSS to 3.52.6 to address security issues.
    Reduced blocking severity for some extensions that were marked hard blockers for GRE (but aren't for UXP).
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-31739, CVE-2022-31741, and other security issues that do not have a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 1 DiD, 26 not applicable.

Implementation/build notes:

    Following the concerns surrounding bias, censorship and unwanted filtering of search results by almost all available search engines, we've contacted Mojeek to have their search engine added by default to Pale Moon. This was done to offer a truly independent search alternative that has its own (long-standing) search index of the Web and does not rely on the major indexers like Bing, Google or Yahoo, who all apply bias and filtering to varying degrees on their search results (e.g. about politics or the war in the Ukraine). Since privacy-focused search engines like DuckDuckGo do rely on search results from these "big indexers", whatever their "upstream" decides to be filtered out will also affect your results through those search engines. Mojeek offers its own, entirely independent search results which may provide you with truly independent alternative results. Give it a try!
    Form input fields of type "date" will now pop up a graphical calendar to pick dates instead of having to manually enter the dates. Please note that the default format will match the base language of the browser (American English) which will be reflected in the mm/dd/yyyy placeholder. This is cosmetic only and does not actually influence how the date is passed to the server via the form. More work is needed for better localization of date and time input fields but that did not make this release.
    FIPS mode is a special (rather archaic) operating mode of the NSS security library and software security device that handles certificates and credentials in the browser. In v31.0.0 this operating mode was no longer supported which resulted in some users who had previously enabled FIPS mode in the browser from accessing their credentials (giving errors on the master password, instead). For the time being, support for this mode is enabled again but if you use it, please disable this mode as it will go away. Standard operating mode with a master password is more secure than FIPS mode at this point, and FIPS was only ever necessary for US governmental use and "grandfathered in" without getting much attention. This will go away permanently over time so please pre-empt this removal by disabling FIPS mode if you had enabled it (its control can be found in Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates tab -> Button "Security devices" -- yes, it's buried pretty deep ;-) ).
    Windows binaries are now being built and linked against a newer Windows SDK (10.0.22000.0) to align with system support for Windows 11. It is unlikely that this will negatively affect any users at this point in time.
    While we don't support multi-process browsing or "electrolysis", extensions may still be checking what Firefox used as an indicator to know if electrolysis was enabled in it, which in some cases would require the extension to adjust its behavior. To provide better compatibility with legacy extensions that might otherwise error out when the gMultiprocessBrowser property was completely undefined, we restored this property (hard-coded to "false" since we don't support multi-process).


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2022, 09:30

    Supported video DRM component
    Optimized Maxnote editor
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not enter the brackets correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote added a blank row automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that "page save as" could not show the correct file suffix in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the last session page opened repeatedly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager window could not pop up automatically when downloading in Windows 7 system
    Fixed the issue that the download manager window could not exit when pressing the shortcut in Windows 7 system
    Fixed the issue the download manager window could not follow the browser window when moving the browser window
    Fixed the issue that the webpage input box could not disable the autofill option
    Fixed the issue that Google Meet could not share screen
    Fixed the issue that the webpage properties window could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the tab could not display the tab background on split-screen after installing some themes
    Fixed the crash issue when switching accounts


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2022, 09:50
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Download Bubble UI (Enable in chrome://flags/#download-bubble)
    Allow you to add notes to saved passwords. (Enable in slimjet://flags/#password-notes)

Titel: BriskBard 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2022, 12:50
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 102.0.5005.63.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.1210.39.
    Added WebView2 browser tabs in private mode.
    Added new context menu options to the WebView2 browser tabs to control the zoom, enable the full screen mode, save the web page as an image, search the page contents and mute the sound of that tab.
    The SQLite component has been updated to the latest version.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2022, 05:40
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

Performance and security improvements.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2022, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug about default browser setting.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 19:40

    New Vbox 3.2
    Optimized Maxnote data saving and syncing logic
    Updated Maxnote editor icons
    Adjusted the Maxnote edit page path displaying logic
    Supported skipping to the selected note when opening and creating the note
    Supported displaying the download task name when hovering on it
    Adjusted the Last session page can be closed automatically when opening all pages
    Fixed the issue that the MX5 imported data could not keep the original order
    Fixed the issue that the startup page could not load correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display the correct startup page in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the tab switched automatically when popping up the download manager
    Fixed the issue that the custom settings in Maxnote could not cancel in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the page prompt displayed incorrectly when the browser window was too small
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote recently added page could not update automatically in some cases


Titel: qutebrowser 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2022, 21:30
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    Packaging-related fixes:
        The install and stacktrace help pages are now included in the docs
        shipped with qutebrowser when using the recommended packaging workflow.
        The Windows installer now more consistently uses the configured Windows
        The Windows installer now bases the desktop/start menu icon choices on
        the existing install, if upgrading.
        The macOS release hopefully doesn't cause macOS to (falsely) claim that it
        "is damaged and can't be opened" anymore.
    The notification fixes in v2.5.1 caused new notification crashes (probably
    more common than the ones being fixed...). Those are now fixed, along with a
    (rather involved) test case to prevent similar issues in the future.
    When a text was not found on a page, the associated message would be shown as
    rich text (e.g. after /<h1>). With this release, this is fixed for search
    messages, while the 3.0.0 release will change the default for all messages to be
    plain-text. Note this is NOT a security issue, as only a small subset of HTML
    is interpreted as rich text by Qt, independently from the website.
    When a Greasemonkey script couldn't be loaded (e.g. due to an unreadable file),
    qutebrowser would crash. It now shows an error instead.
    Ever since the v1.2.0 release in 2018, the content.default_encoding setting
    was not applied on start properly (only when it was changed afterwards). This
    is now fixed.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2022, 09:20

    Optimized Maxnote editor icons
    Optimized Maxnote row spacing
    Adjusted the order of the Last session tab when launching the browser via the external link
    Updated Vbox
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not sort correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the close button of the download manager search box could not show in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Vbox local data could not load correctly
    Fixed the crash issue when clicking the properties on Vbox
    Fixed the crash issue when showing the notification window


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.6.27.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2022, 20:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.13.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 05:50
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Fixed reporting of errors related to a proxy server certificate.
    An untrusted proxy server certificate can be trusted via Page Information.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2022, 09:40
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more


Whats new:>>

    Added prepending secure DNS service providers
    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that settings could not skip to the correct position in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the sync status could not update correctly in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when closing the browser

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-07-02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2022, 18:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 0bc2879198..20a13aae5f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 1195162 - Remove unused pref layout.debug.enable_data_xbl (r=sicking) (04c4996c90) (c5eef2df55)
- imported changes from mozilla NSS:
- Bug 1767590 - Initialize pointers passed to NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple r=#nss-reviewers,kaie (118b893f8e)
- Bug 1759794 - protect SFTKSlot needLogin with slotLock. r=rrelyea (1bbd8d8c)
- Bug 1771497 - Uninitialized value in cert_VerifyCertChainOld. r=nss-reviewers,djackson (23be110c)
- Bug 1771495 - unchecked return code in sec_DecodeSigAlg. r=nss-reviewers,djackson (d4fb4b83)
- Bug 1771498 - Uninitialized value in cert_ComputeCertType. r=djackson (b28bc4cd)
- Bug 1764392 - Add DigitCert Roots r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (0863d9ec)
- Bug 1768970 - Add Certainly Roots. r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (6307e75b)
- Bug 1770267 - Add E-Tugra Roots. r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (9555008f)
- Bug 1759815 - Remove Hellenic Academic 2011 Root. r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (9c2cbf14)
- Bug 1764206 - Bump nssckbi version number for June. r=nss-reviewers,jschanck (b3acf3d9)
- zlib: also pick up https://github.com/madler/zlib/commit/4346a16853e19b45787ce933666026903fb8f3f8 (20a13aae5f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2022, 18:45
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

New: redesigned user interface in the configuration editor; browser picker displays icons graphically and sorts them based on frequency of use; if there is more than one rule match in different browsers, UI will ask which one you want instead of using the first one. Improved: even thought there are more features in this release, it’s considerably smaller in size and faster.

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2022, 05:20
Whats new:>>


    Redesigned user interface in the configuration editor
    Browser picker displays icons graphically and sorts them based on frequency of use if there is more than one rule match in different browsers, UI will ask which one you want instead of using the first one.


    Even thought there are more features in this release, it’s considerably smaller in size and faster.

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Added ability to delete custom profiles. Installer now shuts down bt.exe before upgrading to avoid conflicts.

Titel: Pale Moon 31.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2022, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Updated the list of blocked external protocol handlers to combat abuse of OS-supplied services on Windows.
    Fixed a potential issue with revoked site certificates when connecting through a proxy.
    Updated NSS to 3.52.7 to pick up some security fixes.
    Updated site-specific user agent overrides to work around bad sniffing practices of dropbox and vimeo.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-34478, CVE-2022-34476, CVE-2022-34480 DiD, CVE-2022-34472, CVE-2022-34475 DiD, CVE-2022-34473 DiD, CVE-2022-34481 and a memory safety issue that doesn't have a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 4 DiD, 2 rejected, 11 not applicable.

Rejected patches were for behavioral changes to long-standing drag and drop behavior that were marked as potential security issues. The amount of social engineering and user interaction required to abuse this behavior however has made it not a real practical issue over the past 9 years and the measures required to work around it as Mozilla has now done were considered disproportional in complexity and impact on browser behavior to warrant accepting them.


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2022, 18:10
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Added /Columns command-line option, which allows you to set the columns to display or the columns to export from command-line, for example:

    BrowserDownloadsView.exe /Columns "Full Path Filename,Download URL 1,Download Size,Start Time,Web Browser"

Titel: SlimBrowser Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2022, 09:13
Whats new:>>

Upgrade to gecko engine 101.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.7.12.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2022, 12:36
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: BriskBard 3.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2022, 17:00
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage your contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 103.0.5060.114.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.1264.42.
    Improved email account creation wizard. Now it selects the right POP3 and IMAP servers automatically.
    The Indy, Tor and SQLite components have been updated to the latest versions.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed the network settings issue in the Chromium web browser tabs.
    Fixed an issue that blocked the creation of new tabs if the user dragged a web browser tab to a new window.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2022, 09:16

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome / 10.3.0600.114)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2022, 18:20

    New Chromium103
    New installation interface
    Hidden the sidebar Maxnote editor by default; click on the switch button to show
    Hidden the QuickNote editor by default; left-click on it to show
    Optimized the Maxnote editor toolbar folding style
    Optimized the Maxnote editor interaction when loading contents
    Fixed the issue that Passkeeper could not display correctly in some languages
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not get the verification code when resetting the password


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2022, 18:50

    Supported the window.open under the retro mode in the browser 32-bit version
    Optimized the download manager tool icons
    Optimized Maxnote and Settings page interaction
    Fixed the issue that account data could not save to Passkeeper when the password was empty
    Fixed the issue that the Last session could not open at startup
    Fixed the issue that the tab bar could not display correctly after closing some tabs
    Fixed the issue that the login panel displayed the scroll bar in some languages
    Fixed the issue that the browser sets the default browser automatically after unchecking the set default
    Fixed the issue that the browser still could be installed after unchecking the User Agreement
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not show the correct language in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser account could not log in successfully in Windows 7 system
    Fixed the issue that the browser skin could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display the video float bar
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not create the webpage shortcut in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when switching the browser account


Titel: K-Meleon 2022-07-16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2022, 05:00

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 20a13aae5f..6751370508:
- ported from from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 913617 - Reflect.parse: rename ArrowExpression to ArrowFunctionExpression. r=jorendorff (78eb0f71)
- Bug 1193583 - Rename Debugger.evalInGlobal to executeInGlobal. (r=jorendorff) (23273d6b) (cace93199f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1152046 - Don't try to connect if we are shutting down. r=mayhemer (aae69c9a8a)
- Bug 1130444 - Add telemetry for measuring SocketTransortService cycles; r=mcmanus (d98dc06843)
- Bug 1131557 - Serve multiple xpcom events in one poll iteration. r=mcmanus (fd89c41f6a)
- Bug 1152048 - release assert non-reentrancy of sts lock acquisition. r=honzab DONTBUILD relanding (0e29dddb0b)
- Bug 1152046 - Make separate thread only for PRClose. r=mcmanus r=mayhemer (ead318fbc3)
- add two missing bits of previous patches (ee264a4f4f)
- Bug 1169554 - Do not reconnect on shutdown. r=mayhemer (e5b4b36fd1)
- Bug 1186152 - Implement nsIProtocolHandlerWithDynamicFlags and use it for moz-extension. r=bz (cc0a9a7b36)
- Bug 1152048 - Send wakeup notification asynchronously to avoid reentrancy issues. r=bagder (76f9c5a7e4)
- Bug 1186732 - Implement an about:blank page inside of moz-extension. r=billm (9c37bcd67c)
- Bug 1186155 - Use UNIFIED_SOURCES in netwerk/protocol/res. r=billm,sr=mcmanus (2e376471a7)
- Bug 1162657 - Turn NewChannel deprecation warnings into assertions (r=sworkman,sicking,paolo) (03bbd5871d)
- Bug 1182515 - Clear reference to captive portal service when observing xpcom-shutdown. r=mcmanus (aeed32058d)
- Bug 1109608 - Log.stackTrace should use human-readable task stack traces if available. r=Yoric (33ec6724b9)- fix misspatch (ca5c2d2259)
- fix misspatch (ca5c2d2259)
- Bug 1169129 - reset media.{0}.trial-create on GMP install. r=spohl Bug 1205178 - Make GMPProvider check that GMPs are the right arch before loading. r=spohl (5ff304963b) (6751370508)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2022, 09:11

    Upgrade to gecko engine 101.
    Allows users to use as many microphones as you want, at the same time, during video conferencing.
    All non-configured MIME types can now be assigned a custom action upon download completion.
    Reading is now easier with the prefers-contrast media query, which allows sites to detect if the user has requested that web content is presented with a higher (or lower) contrast.
    Support captions/subtitles display on YouTube, Prime Video, and Netflix videos you watch in Picture-in-Picture.
    Picture-in-Picture now also supports video captions on websites that use WebVTT (Web Video Text Track) format, like Coursera.org, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and many more.
    Checks spelling in multiple languages.
    Hardware accelerated AV1 video decoding is enabled on Windows with supported GPUs (Intel Gen 11+, AMD RDNA 2 Excluding Navi 24, GeForce 30).


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2022, 18:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



Fixed the issue that the tab close button could not hide
Fixed the issue that the search engine list could not show the customized engines
Fixed the issue that the search engine list could not add new search engines
Fixed the crash issue when switching the search engine
Fixed the web blank issue when using the split-screen function
Fixed the issue that the bookmark bar could not show the bookmarks correctly in some cases
Fixed the issue that the auto-saved password window prompt popped-up wrongly
Fixed the issue that the auto-saved password could not save the correct password in some cases
Fixed the crash issue when enabling DNS settings
Fixed the tab freezing issue when scrolling tabs
Fixed the issue that the new tab button could not show when scrolling tabs
Fixed the issue the Vbox data error when reading the cache


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2022, 09:11
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Make turbocharged download manager window resizable

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-07-23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2022, 20:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 6751370508..b6b16147cc:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1013814 - add inIDOMUtils.getRelativeRuleLine; r=heycam,pbrosset (60153c71f7)
- Bug 1197930 - Add comments for getRuleLine and getRuleColumn. r=heycam (6c65131f95)
- Bug 1157292 - include XBL stylesheets in the inspector's list of stylesheets, r=dholbert,heycam (f3ecad41c2)
- Bug 1187409 - make CssPropertyIsShorthand handle CSS variables r=heycam (6dcba2f01b)
- Bug 1142206 - Let GetSubpropertiesForCSSProperty handle custom property. r=heycam, r=pbrosset (f86eba559a)
- Bug 1201136 - treat "currentColor" as a valid color. r=heycam (f868825389)
- Bug 180118 - Part 5: Add a RestyleHintData outparam to HasAttributeDependentStyle for use with eRestyle_SomeDescendants. r=bzbarsky (fab0ecdf39)
- Bug 1206356: Add mfbt/Random.h, implementing the xorshift128+ random number generator. r=waldo (1928e47e21)
- Bug 1197421 - Fix promise worker proxy cleanup and update callers. r=catalinb (2128787815)
- Bug 1197421 - Fetch resolver uses PromiseWorkerProxy. r=catalinb (d8611f0bcc)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 7: Split out FindClosestRestyleRoot and allow passing in a pre-computed restyle root to AddPendingRestyle. r=bzbarsky (b783859d8a)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 8: Keep track of the closest restyle root in AddPendingRestylesForDescendantsMatchingSelectors. r=bzbarsky (cf9d1b35b6)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 9: Clear nsCSSSelector pointers in the pending restyle tracker if they might be stale. r=bzbarsky (13faac05f3)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 10: Logging. r=bzbarsky (79f71825ca)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 11: Use ReparentStyleContext even if eRestyle_SomeDescendants is used. r=bzbarsky (9f8e218aac)
- Bug 1187851 patch 1 - Tests for making dynamic changes to filter and perspective change fixed position containing block for descendants. r=roc (82bbd8b750)
- Bug 1187851 patch 2 - Cleanup to prepare for making dynamic changes to filter and perspective change fixed position containing block for descendants. r=roc (9fc38132ac)
- Bug 1187851 patch 3 - Rename nsChangeHint_AddOrRemoveTransform to nsChangeHint_UpdateContainingBlock. r=roc (25e50c5ac5)
- Bug 1187851 patch 5 - Make dynamic changes to perspective change fixed position containing block for descendants. r=roc (df51439c10)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 1: Generate nsPresArena::ObjectIDs with a preprocessor-included file. r=bzbarsky (18e36acbd9)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 2: Add an ArenaRefPtr class that can have its pointer cleared out when an object's owning nsPresArena goes away. r=bzbarsky (ff06cd91e0)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 3: Add ArenaRefPtr support to nsStyleContext. r=bzbarsky (f1b52960f2)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 4: Add a "restyle generation" counter, which increments whenever we process pending restyles. r=bzbarsky (b54d7e5ec9)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 5: Rename nsComputedDOMStyle::mStyleContextHolder to mStyleContext. r=bzbarsky (5fa2d18667)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 6: Cache resolved style contexts on nsComputedDOMStyle to avoid re-resolving if styles haven't changed. r=bzbarsky (de84fc67e7)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 6.1: Clear cached style context on nsComputedDOMStyle when its element is moved. r=bzbarsky (d43394515a)
- Bug 1203766 - Part 7: Test. r=bzbarsky (59c7ea8c81)
- Bug 1203766 - Unified compilation fixes. (61137c44a5)
- Bug 1151829 - Unbreak build on non-SPS platforms after bug 1093934. (e9188d7c56)
- Bug 1202512 - Part 1: Add Element flags to record whether an eRestyle_SomeDescendants restyle is pending for it. r=bzbarsky (7f6dbef338)
- Bug 1197620 - Part 1 - Stop all animations in destroyed frames. r=bbirtles (829b1635db)
- Bug 1197620 - Part 2 tests that animation stop playing when its element is not displayed. r=bbirtles (87597b5125)
- Bug 1190254 - Use same conditions to call ReparentStyleContext in RestyleUndisplayedNodes as in RestyleSelf. r=mats (7e778822b3)
- Bug 1181011 - Don't use cached rule node structs for animations within pseudo-elements. r=dbaron a=abillings (966b351dcd)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 1: Record on style contexts that reset style is explicitly inherited. r=dbaron (50b4f4e76a)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 2: Move style-if-visited as well in nsStyleContext::Move (and assert that its parent is the same as the non-visited-style parent). r=dbaron (fd34448459)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 3: Record on ElementRestyler whether we are at the root of a restyle. r=dbaron (edeb469544)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 4: Add an outparam to CalcStyleDifference to indicate which struct pointers were identical. r=dbaron (1410e5ce05)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 5: Factor out section of ElementRestyler::Restyle that calls AddPendingRestylesForDescendantsMatchingSelectors. r=dbaron (ab5b899c7f)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 6: Replace HasSameCachedStyleData call with samePointerStructs bit tests. r=dbaron (3654cb6db8)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 6.1: Factor out some of RestyleUndisplayedDescendants. r=dbaron (882a535699)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 6.2: Refactor MaybeReframeFor{Before,After}Pseudo. r=dbaron (99ccd305ca)
- Bug 1180120 - Part 7: Add eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange. r=dbaron (6626dd8133)
- Bug 1192302 - Part 1: Make MustCheckUndisplayedContent take its frame as an argument. r=bzbarsky (7ae5bcc569)
- Bug 1192302 - Part 2: Traverse the frame tree when processing eRestyle_SomeDescendants. r=bzbarsky (71b325d22e)
- Bug 1206996: Use range-based 'for' syntax to iterate across nsFrameLists in RestyleManager. r=tn (a2c8e0fa73)
- Bug 1163875 - ensure opacity animation in patterns results in redraws r=jwatt (7fd1f5c55a)
- Bug 1180036 - Replace the warning that anonymous nodes should not be in child lists with an assert plus whitelisting of known-OK cases. r=bz (0c9dd01766)
- Bug 1169440 patch 4 - Add comment to nsStylePadding::DifferenceAlwaysHandledForDescendants. r=heycam (2483adc4a0)
- Bug 1169440 patch 5 - Adjust hints in CalcDifference methods to emit new nsChangeHint_ReflowChangesSizeOrPosition hint. r=heycam (b1ad73ab5f)
- Bug 1169440 patch 6 - Add parameter to nsIFrame::FrameNeedsReflow to control handling of target being a reflow root. r=dholbert (c75a63eb67)
- Bug 1169440 patch 7 - Pass parameter determined from style hint to FrameNeedsReflow. r=dholbert (ee02625c5a)
- Bug 1198894: Use nsChangeHint_RepaintFrame instead of NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL to trigger simple repaints in nsStyleStruct.cpp CalcDifference methods. r=heycam (770bb3c11c)
- Bug 417178 - "Google reader does not show subscribed topics in ff3b3 at certain zoom levels" [p=roc@ocallahan.org (Robert O'Callahan [roc]) r+sr=dbaron a1.9b5=mconnor] (a9b8541d23)
- Bug 1203472 - [css-grid] Add missing |mIsSubgrid| check. r=simon.sapin@exyr.org (d68050a108)
- Bug 1141919 - Fix incomplete line break suppression in ruby. r=dbaron (087a824358)
- Bug 1157011 - Check line break suppression of BR frame from its parent frame. r=dholbert (5572f7bc56)
- Bug 1134849 - For display:inline elements whose writing mode is orthogonal to their parent's, the computed value should become inline-block. r=dbaron (0df244841c)
- Bug 1196887 - Compare the writing-mode property, not only whether it is horizontal or vertical, when deciding whether to compute display:inline as inline-block. r=dholbert (a0c4500a83)
- Bug 1140198 - display:contents on the root element (but not else-where) should compute to 'block'. r=roc (606663d0c9)
- Bug 1188061 - Pass the style context to nsStylePosition::CalcDifference so that it can take account of writing-mode where necessary. r=dbaron (6728d9d865)
- Bug 1181907 (Part 1) - Make it possible to use nsGenericHashKey with free functions. r=heycam (c304448825)
- Bug 1181907 (Part 2) - Make nsCSSProperty hashable. r=heycam (4fff3bb968)
- Bug 1181907 (Part 3) - Add CSSVariableImageTable and use it to store ImageValues generated by CSS variables. r=heycam (8431589452)
- Bug 1139723 - Turn on expensive style struct assertions for 1136010-1.html, and fix pref name typo. r=dbaron (f20387295b)
- Bug 1151214 part 1 - Remove the optimization to ignore 'align-content' changes for single-line flex containers. It's invalid now that we'll support 'align-content' for other box types (grid). r=dbaron (aa21e1a3a4)
- No bug. Add comment to nsStyleClipPath::ReleaseRef explaining why only one member is nulled out. r=me (NPOTB) (19d5eb5fb1)
- Bug 1202993 - Remove the logical-direction-based keywords for caption-side, and instead interpret the old physical keywords as logical sides. r=dholbert (0f33c4a767)
- Bug 1177149 - Don't force an invalidation for transform origin changes. r=dbaron (8a134525e0)
- Bug 1191855 - Make the intrinsic size of <iframe> remain physical 300x150, regardless of writing mode. r=dholbert (64d897f218)
- Bug 1099557 - Make -moz-control-character-visibility default to 'visible' rather than 'hidden', so that spurious control characters are rendered as hexboxes. r=dbaron (ef6eed92c2)
- align to FF (1d931574ae)
- Bug 1141926 - Check nsCaret visibility when NotifySelectionChanged. r=roc (d23f1422e2) (bd7e851076)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1183882, properly implement wrapper caching on PushMessageData, r… =nsm (e7d35916e0)
- Bug 1199491 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in netwerk/base/nsURIChecker (r=sicking,jduell) (41f7f67827)
- Bug 1137151: Mark destructor of |STSThreadPoolListener| as protected, r=mcmanus (7a628f8ad2)
- spacing (996692bb4e)
- Bug 1170794 - Improve the length check of the input in nsUnicode*::GetMaxLength, r=dveditz (0694822115)
- Bug 1003731 - Removal of transliteration. r=hsivonen (d58e9ece29)
- Bug 1199491 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in netwerk/base (r=sicking) (ad3975a6a3)
- Bug 1190450 - TP shield shows up incorrectly when pressing back while loading a page with tracking elements r=mcmanus (0f2d00810a)
- Bug 1173860: Null check on sGlobalEntryTables. r=mcmanus (0bf7b8b32f)
- missing bit of Bug 1183209 patch 3 (597a812070)
- Bug 1200729 - Recompute FrameLayerBuilder item visibility if dirty region changes. r=mwoodrow (a353e69bcf) (b6b16147cc)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 21:15

    Bookmark will open in the current tab if the current tab is the new tab
    Optimized built-in pages theme and icon
    Optimized toolbar UI and icon label display (video control, password, translation tool)
    Updated Vbox
    Fixed the issue that the sidebar could not display properly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the video control button could not display clearly in dark theme
    Fixed the issue that the pinned browser icon could not display correctly in the taskbar
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote preview page could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the prompt of saving content to Maxnote could not display correctly
    Fixed the crash issue when displaying bookmarks or dragging bookmarks
    Fixed the crash issue when switching the browser theme


Titel: ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker 4.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2022, 09:20
ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker is a small but powerful free software that will block all ads while you surf the Internet. You'll be able to finally enjoy your internet browsing time without annoying banners and with no ads while you try to watch a video on YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Veoh, MyVideo.de, Flickr, Metacafe, Blip.tv, LiveLeak, Break, NBC, CBS, ABC, gorillavid.in, vidxden.com, vidbux.com, divxstage.eu, movpod.in, tvrage.com, flashx.tv, vidbull.com or other video websites.


Whats new:>>

    Added new fast and secure DNS servers: Cloudflare, Quad9, Verisign, NeuStar, ClearBrowsing, Adguard, Blockaid, DNS.Watch, Fourth Estate, Uncensored DNS.
    Improved support for Windows 11

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-07-30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 18:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git b6b16147cc..93f97225b6:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1198230 - Respect FetchEvent.preventDefault(). r=jdm (acc8e103cf)
- Bug 1183813 - PushEvent.data should be same instance every time. r=smaug (4e74889cb6)
- Bug 1190478 - Hide PushEvent.data until we ship message encryption. r=mt,jst (16c158d76e)
- Bug 1144660 - Make KeepAliveHandler threadsafe refcounted. r=ehsan (77dde56da9)
- Bug 1191647 - Listen to clear-origin-data in ServiceWorkerManager.cpp. r=bkelly (eda9f683db)
- Bug 1189675 - Make all ServiceWorker events non cancelable. r=catalinb (10c9b30da1)
- Bug 1181056 - waitUntil() should throw if called when event is not dispatching. r=smaug (b0355e7571)
- Bug 1189644 - Update waitUntil() and activation to spec. r=catalinb (feef7f7963)
- Bug 1189668 - Expose GetUnfilteredUrl on InternalResponse. r=ehsan (ece8356282)
- Bug 942515 - Show Untrusted Connection Error for SHA-1-based SSL certificates with notBefore >= 2016-01-01 r=keeler (4ad8c1c58e)
- code style (279edb609a)
- style (3b6873d924)
- Bug 1203790 - Trigger a pre barrier when shrinking the initialized length of unboxed arrays, r=jandem. (d5bb7a710b)
- Bug 1205870 - Make sure all possible unboxed array inline capacities are accounted for, r=jandem. (694b1cbf8d)
- Bug 1193459 review follow-up: Copy the comment from TraceKind.h. DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE (d8b7d2a8c4)
- missing extern qualifier and some style (fd9f8899df)
- Bug 1200444 - Make JS::dbg::{IsDebugger,GetDebuggeeGlobals} handle CCWs; r=sfink (0e486daa82)
- Bug 1204790 - Prefer deleted function with public access specifiers instead of private in UniquePtr. r=nfroyd (d6796b1f4d)
- clean old comment (22b342cbe7)
- Bug 1165466 - Fix up docshell and loadcontext inheriting code in nsIScriptSecurityManager. r=bholley (478eb72ff4)
- Bug 1189235 - Use originAttribute for ServiceWorkerRegistrar. r=baku (b0c3f5e0a8)
- Bug 1203916 - Get rid of NS_DOMReadStructuredClone and NS_DOMWriteStructuredClone, r=smaug (0f56e93bbc)
- Bug 1163254 - Add signedPkg to OriginAttributes. r=bholley (c661f106e7)
- Bug 1168226 - ServiceWorkerRegistrar only use the scope when registering a service worker. r=baku (ddc3e393ac)
- Bug 1183894 - Remove warning if MessagePort::CloseInternal is called before start. r=khuey (3553d2091f)
- Bug 1204775 - SharedWorker.port should be a 'real' MessagePort, r=khuey (3ff36c45f5)
- Bug 1188776 - Remove appId/isInBrowserElement from BroadcastChannel. r=bholley (ee1f91cf09)
- Bug 1199265 - Correct actor for Blob in StructuredCloneHelper, r=khuey (c05b33d6d2)
- Bug 1196371 - Add a runtime assertion against illegal string characters in OriginAttributes suffix creation. r=janv,r=mystor (5ee44eec67)
- namespace style (d3c3738b42)
- Bug 871846 - Database changes for locale aware indexes. r=janv (185ecd2bcc)
- Bug 871846 - ICU usage and infrastructure bits. r=janv (5eabbaac22)
- remove strange hack (1169852a68)
- Bug 871846 - Handle locale aware indexes. r=janv (36f37c5e6f)
- Bug 871846 - Implement IDBLocaleAwareKeyRange. r=janv r=sicking (270ed240cc)
- Bug 871846 - Tests for locale aware indexes. r=janv (4eb2a168c8)
- Bug 1180978: Don't proceed with opening an invalidated database. r=janv,baku (54836535c6)
- Bug 1192023 - Use enum class instead of State_ prefix. r=khuey (8df8ed6b1a)
- Bug 871846 - API changes for locale aware indexes. r=janv r=sicking (75ce5c7bb6) (c39d750e67)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1161913 - Part 2. Request canvas to push out its next drawn frame instead of pulling it. r=mt (b2ddcd68c3)
- Bug 1161913 - Part 3 - Relax requestFrame ordering guarantee in tests. r=mt (8bc69b9fc4)
- Bug 1176945 - Remove unnecessary hwc reference from gl r=jgilbert (8f1ac06d99)
- spaces and restore XP specific (ac03acf252)
- reinstantiate some gfx log (d7deb9c3bd)
- Bug 1191042 - Use CreateOffscreen for WebGL instead of CreateHeadless. - r=jrmuizel (f98fd02e59)
- space (ad72b4f071)
- Bug 1183085 - Remove EndConstruction() from layer documentation; r=roc (b1ef791fea)
- Bug 771288 - Multiprocess FileHandle support (FileHandle on PBackground); r=baku (f77ab5b9c3)
- Bug 1202788 - Upgrade object_data table to new format (follow-up to bug 871846). r=janv (ea86fd2890)
- Bug 1204183 - Test the object_data upgrade from bug 1202788. r=janv (5a48cfdf17)
- Bug 1198814 - Use StructuredCloneHelper in PromiseWorkerProxy, r=smaug (10e9f33700)
- namespace name (b4feaf8e67)
- Bug 1203561 - Use StructuredCloneHelper in StackScopedCloneData, r=smaug (156525cf32)
- Bug 1209919 - Improving naming and comments in StructuredCloneHelper, r=smaug (f177bca203)
- Bug 1167100 - User originAttribute in ContentPrincipalInfo. r=bholley (340c3d606e)
- Bug 1182197 investigation patch. Log the stack at promise fulfillment on a CCed promise into the crash reporter data. r=dmajor,nsm (376c1bba93)
- Bug 1183907, properly wrappercache worker URL object, r=baku (d71937b9d0)
- Bug 1203463 - URL constructor should support about:blank URI, r=bz (d539b63667)
- Bug 1207496 - Part 4: Remove use of expression closure from services/sync/. r=gps (f1eae787d9)
- Bug 1207496 - Part 3: Remove use of expression closure from services/fxaccounts/. r=markh (f60e64c061)
- Bug 1207496 - Part 2: Remove use of expression closure from services/crypt/. r=mrbkap (ec2738f497)
- Bug 1207496 - Part 1: Remove use of expression closure from services/common/. r=gps (3464407503)
- Bug 1134881 - Sync password timeCreated & timePasswordChanged fields. r=rnewman (96befc78b2)
- adapted version of Bug 753289 - Pre: rename WEAVE_SYNC_PREFS to PREF_SYNC_PREFS_PREFIX. (5987671e36) (93f97225b6)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 05:40
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

    Added /Columns command-line option, which allows you to set the columns to display or the columns to export from command-line, for example:

    WebBrowserBookmarksView.exe /Columns "Title,URL,Folder Path,Modified Time,Web Browser"

Titel: Pale Moon 31.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Implemented CSS white-space: break-spaces for web compatibility.
    Implemented Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for web compatibility.
    Implemented "Origin header CSRF mitigation". This is still disabled by default to investigate potential issues with CloudFlare-backed sites.
    Implemented support for async generator methods in JavaScript.
    Added preliminary support for building on Apple Silicon like M1/M2 SoC.
    Added support for building with Visual Studio 2022.
    Improved the handling of CSS "sticky" elements in tables.
    Improved stack size limits on all platforms. See implementation notes.
    Updated function.toString handling to align with the updated JavaScript spec. This should improve web compatibility.
    Updated Unicode support to Unicode v11, and updated the ICU library accordingly. Building without ICU is no longer supported.
    Updated many in-tree third-party libraries to pick up various performance and stability improvements.
    Updated site-specific user-agent overrides to work around issues with Google fonts, Citi bank (again!) and MeWe.
    Removed some leftover (and unused) telemetry code in the platform and front-end.
    Fixed an issue with VP9 video playback on Windows on some systems.
    Fixed an issue with the add-ons manager not properly handling empty update URLs.
    Fixed a major performance regression on *nix based systems due to incorrect thread handling.
    Fixed volume handling when building with the sndio audio back-end.
    Pale Moon no longer applies content security policies to documents that are explicitly loaded as data documents or to images. See implementation notes.
    Cleaned up some unnecessary code from the source tree for unused build back-ends, Firefox marketplace "apps", and the rather ridiculous moz://a protocol handler.
    Updated NSS to 3.52.8 to pick up several defense-in-depth security fixes.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 3 DiD, 12 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Prior to this version, Pale Moon would apply Content Security Policies (CSPs) to all requests made to servers that would respond with a policy header, as one would expect for strict use of CSPs as-intended. Unfortunately, Chrome has been less strict in applying these policies and specifically excluded applying these policies to images and "data documents". As a result, web compatibility became a problem for non-Google browsers with webmasters being oblivious about their overzealous CSPs deployed on websites, causing images (especially SVG) and data to not load or load properly. To align with mainstream browser behavior and improve web compatibility on misconfigured websites, we are now no longer applying CSPs to images or documents explicitly loaded as arbitrary data.
    We've adjusted default per-thread stack sizes in the platform to be more generous on all platforms. This allows the browser to render more deeply nested visual elements in web pages and the new limit matches the capabilities of mainstream browsers as a result. Please note that some custom builds may need to adjust their linker's stack sizes on some operating systems to come to a stable and usable build with this change since the new Goanna rendering depth requires this larger stack size to not run out of memory. The default per-thread stack size is now 2 MB with the exception of 32-bit Windows builds where 1.5 MB is used to go easy on its limited address space. Custom Linux builds with system-default small stack sizes should adjust their build configuration accordingly.


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>

This is a small out-of-band update to address the fact that the final builds did not include the intended NSS library update.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2022, 19:20

    Supported desktop tile to the video pop-up window
    Double-click to enter/exit the full-screen mode of the video pop-up window
    Hide the mouse icon in the video pop-up window in full-screen mode
    Optimized installer progress bar display
    Fixed the issue that the browser account online time could not increase
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not sync automatically when adding website URL to it
    Fixed the issue that the video pop-up window could be dragged in the full-screen mode
    Fixed the issue that the new tab button could not display correctly when enabling the tab scrolling mode
    Fixed the issue that the browser prompted the passwords compromised
    Fixed the issue that the search engines could not sync
    Fixed the issue that the auto-added search engines could not add to the search engine list
    Fixed the issue that Vbox transaction exceptions no return


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-08-06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2022, 18:20

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 93f97225b6..1672300c41:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1181869 - Update Bindings to use normal Rooted primitives; r=shu (b5356d1610)
- Bug 1182124 - Remove InternalHandle and its last use; r=bbouvier (3ea8a6e41a)
- Bug 1189490 - Part 2: Stop using mozilla::LinkedList for the allocations and tenure promotions logs and use js::TraceableFifo instead. r=terrence (d383bb76e5)
- Bug 1189490 - Follow ups: Move [Traceable]Fifo to js/src/ds. r=terrence (89e18e65bf)
- Bug 1189809 - Remove the ill-fated DynamicTraceable; r=jonco (e1821ecdc4)
- Bug 1181292 - Make JSPropertyDescriptor a StaticTraceable; r=efaust (a9efa1a42d)
- Bug 1191756: Improve tests to not always exit with status 3 (OOM); r=jonco (5f6bc24914)
- Bug 1192242 - Adjust the button design in some circumstances. r=Gijs (4a642459cd)
- bug 1162654 - allow proxies to implement the document interface r=davidb (33fd1a5ed2)
- Bug 1167409 - 4/4 - Inititalize ScriptSourceObject even when off-main-thread compilation fails. r=smaug (0a83446019)
- Bug 1176880 part 1 - Add a flag on the Debugger & Compartment to record code-coverage information. r=shu (160fc0321d)
- missing parts of Bug 1254164 - Make aliasedBodyLevelLexicalBegin a uint32. (6c8129c0e1)
- Bug 1176880 part 2 - Add Debugger.Script.getOffsetsCoverage. r=shu (5024d2e99b)
- Bug 1176880 part 3 - Debugger.Script.getOffsetsCoverage: Add documentation. r=shu (d3d4af6d7c)
- js: export JSPropertyDescriptor struct, fix build with --enable-shared-js specified (0657c00b25)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- spaces (1978675795)
- Bug 1176620 - Use absolute_import in mach; r=ahal (4cb6d9188f)
- Bug 1163112 - [mach core] Consolidate functionality between Main._run and Registrar.dispatch, r=gps (9f02ab04aa)
- Bug 1182677 - Support calling a function during mach command dispatch; r=smacleod (4a6511624e)
- put back some windows, crash and other details (9afa0117e0)
- Bug 1176698 - Use fallible allocator for attribute values in the HTML parser. r=wchen. (4da29e3a8a)
- Bug 1194023 - Part 1: Filter out warnings about sort operations on CREATE INDEX statements. r=mak (b221de9e96)
- Bug 1194023 - Part 2: Only check for sort operations if mozStorage logging is enabled. r=mak (be53dfc219)
- Bug 1205111 - return a transient error on 401 fetching info/collections using FxA. r=rnewman (1766c092b7)
- Bug 1188760 - Added a regex check to execute and executeCached of Sqlite.jsm. r=mak (ce509ec9a7)
- Bug 1199434 - Send printer error messages to the parent process to report to the user. r=Mossop (4e402ba484)
- bug 1207862 - Add DocManager::TopLevelRemoteDocs() r=davidb (6f919ad9db)
- bug 1201395 - call ProxyCreated with the correct interfaces when creating top level documents r=davidb (97713189cd)
- bug 1159722 - make atk expose more interfaces for proxied accessibles (529e246a13)
- bug 1162654 - allow proxies to implement the document interface r=davidb (33fd1a5ed2)
- Bug 1192023 - Use enum class instead of CheckpointMode_ prefix. r=khuey (5e922429ca)
- Bug 1203386 - Fix two implicit constructors in ActorsChild.h; r=baku (57cb7fafaf)
- Bug 1068975 - Remove FileInfo from File; r=baku (4b3ceb3bd8)
- Bug 1192023 - Make UpdateType an enum class. r=khuey (5a1908fa73)
- Bug 1184410: Track whether or not the transaction has been active on the connection thread. r=janv (44efc2f663)
- Bug 1184667 - Remove some unnecessary const_casts from ActorsParent.cpp. r=janv (1dcc45534b)
- Bug 1192023 - Use enum class instead of MaintenanceAction_ prefix. r=khuey (e2f6c8b0e5)
- Bug 1130775 followup: Add 'override' keyword to macro-provided AddRef/Release methods for QuotaClient::GetDirectoryLockListener. rs=ehsan (bf871fd57a)
- Bug 1185836: Replace several EnumerateRead calls with the new hashtable iterators. r=baku (dbfdaba7b8)
- Bug 1192023 - Flatten away AppId enum. r=khuey (78522f8547)
- missingbit of Bug 871846 (d8330545a0)
- try to fix some misspatch (29a6a9f63f)
- bug 1109891 - part 3 - remove mGeckoTextAccessible r=tbsaunde (147c7ace9d)
- Bug 1171995 - Part 6: Handle proxies in mozAccessible accessibilityHitTest and accessibilityFocusedUIElement r=tbsaunde (636508c113)
- Bug 1171995 - Part 7: Check for proxy in accessibilityIsIgnored for mozButtonAccessible and mozTextAccessible r=tbsaunde (ffb5d84e85)
- Bug 1187413 - Check for ProxyAccessible in mozAccessible childAt r=tbsaunde (fc06b79804)
- Bug 1187417 - (Part 1) Check for ProxyAccessible in mozAccessible position r=tbsaunde (2fc3c196aa)
- Bug 1187417 - (Part 2) Check for ProxyAccessible in mozAccessible size r=tbsaunde (7c7bcd9e10)
- Bug 1137748 - Expose correct roles, subroles, and roledescriptions for various WAI-ARIA roles on OS X, r=surkov (d522b4b7fc)
- Bug 1178018 - Add and adjust more roles, subroles, and role descriptions on OS X to match Webkit and Blink, r=surkov (d900416342)
- Bug 1187609 - Check for proxies in mozAccessible role, subrole r=tbsaunde (c29076091e)
- Bug 1187995 - Add proxy handling to mozTextAccessible r=tbsaunde (f6d1014aca)
- Bug 1187742 - Handle proxies in mozAccessible {isEnabled,title,value,help,isExpired} r=tbsaunde (c977aa1320)
- Bug 1187739 - (Part 1) Handle proxies in mozActionElements r=tbsaunde (b077cb6964)
- Bug 1187739 - (Part 2) Handle proxies in mozActionElements click, value r=tbsaunde (ac604e762c)
- Bug 1185836: Fix warnings r=me. (19a8596eea)
- Bug 1185836. Nuke warnings from orbit. r=me (70930b2239)
- bug 1191433 - add methods to downcast ProxyAccessible to DocAccessibleParent r=lsocks (9063e95d4a)
- bug 1191433 - add ProxyAccessible::Document r=lsock (88e4eb64c4)
- bug 1195471 - make getChildCountCB work with proxies r=davidb (86bfb6b5c4)
- Bug 1187740 - Handle proxies in mozHTMLAccessible r=tbsaunde (ee018fce11)
- misspatch (6e0ab73997)
- Bug 1199785 - Make atk methods in nsMaiInterfaceComponent.cpp to work with ipc proxies, r=tbsaunde (173a4460ef)
- Bug 1169701 - Add wrapper to get mozAccessibles from ProxyAccessibles r=tbsaunde (79e11612f1)
- Bug 1172946 - (part 1) Add mozilla a11y namespace to mozAccessible.h r=tbsaunde (ce796e8af9)
- Bug 1172946 - (part 2) Add handling for proxies in mozAccessible parent r=tbsaunde (a03158b8eb)
- Bug 1172946 - (part 3) Add handling for proxies in mozAccessible children r=tbsaunde (c72aefa608)
- Bug 1198291 - Remove exposure of the NSAccessibilityDescription attribute to guarantee we always expose AccName and AccDescription correctly, r=davidb, r=surkov (56daff1c4a)
- Bug 1179147 - merror and mstyle should be exposed as AXMathRow. r=MarcoZ (b107c9fba6)
- Bug 1187611 - (part 1) Handle ProxyAccessibles in mozAccessible focus r=tbsaunde (ba2524a2db)
- Bug 1187611 - (part 2) Handle ProxyAccessibles in mozAccessible window r=tbsaunde (05024ee697)
- Bug 1187611 - (part 3) Handle ProxyAccessibles in mozAccessible canBeFocused r=tbsaunde (93cb5e4dbb) (233e146e94)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 930414 - Add module requestedModules field r=shu (7e6df12133)
- Bug 930414 - Add module importEntries field r=shu (bc63be0a51)
- Bug 930414 - Add module fields relating to exports r=shu (26a2b2a8b1)
- Bug 930414 - Hook up module environements, alising everything at top level for now r=shu (e54b5c2782)
- Bug 930414 - Add module scopes, using ModuleObject as the static scope and ModuleEnvironementObject as the dynamic scope r=shu (f6b271c963)
- Bug 1088214 - Remove JSCLASS_IMPLEMENTS_BARRIERS now this is implemented everywhere r=terrence (db6c745c64)
- Bug 930414 - Add hook for HostResolveImportedModule r=shu (8feaf54c8f)
- Bug 930414 - Implement module ResolveExport method r=shu (1b79054512)
- Bug 930414 - Add option for Reflect.parse to parse as a module, and allow modules to be parsed without a script r=shu (5f07bf6147)
- Bug 930414 - Implement ModuleDeclarationInstantiation method r=shu (cdfedb8ba2)
- Bug 1199165 - Rename isHeavyweight to needsCallObject. r=shu (ca28a2d080)
- Bug 930414 - Implement ModuleEvaluation method r=shu (c0d8c2bfcb)
- Bug 1193583 - Support emitting block scopes in the prologue. (r=jorendorff) (d4f2a5c8e0)
- Bug 930414 - Add initial bytecode emitter support for modules r=shu (a5a865dbbe)
- Bug 1193583 - Fix eval to always execute under a non-extensible lexical scope. (r=jorendorff) (11fb2a11b6)
- Bug 1193583 - Teach Debugger tests that eval frames now always have a lexical environment. (r=jorendorff) (667c16944a)
- Bug 1193583 - Test. (r=jorendorff) (610a2f58ed)
- Bug 1193583 - Change the semantics of Debugger.evalInGlobal to be like executing a series of statements at the global level instead of like an indirect eval. (r=jimb) (fbcb2668ba)
- Bug 1193583 - Fix scratchpad test that expects vars introduced by webconsole's JS evaluation to be configurable. (r=jimb) (dc7e659d15)
- Bug 1199172 - Only treat non-static constructor methods as the actual class constructor. (r=shu) (93e3989329)
- Bug 930414 - Fix base class initialization in ModuleBox constructor r=me on a CLOSED TREE (79e94a08da)
- Bug 930414 - Check for duplicate module exports r=shu (85f4a622e4)
- Bug 930414 - Implement default module exports r=shu (2098810a25)
- Bug 930414 - Make module imports into defintions r=shu (563f45d217)
- Bug 1201869 - Part 0: Rename MNewArray::count to MNewArray::length. r=Waldo (91769a96b5)
- Bug 1201869 - Part 1: Fix the maximum length of a dense array. r=arai (e7593b0212)
- Bug 1201869 - Part 2: Make an array sparse when exceeds the limit of dense array length. r=Waldo (dfb803fba2)
- Bug 1200642 - Fix some more OOM handling problems r=terrence (94137d9ce3)
- Bug 1203733 - Fix emitting super.prop1.prop2. (r=jorendorff) (a478a7a31b)
- Bug 1155618 - Fix more out of memory handling issues r=terrence (6b317db195)
- Bug 1207943 - Fix an assert in MacroAssembler::guardObjectType. r=bhackett (0df1efc695)
- Bug 1201057 - Use AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion in places where we can't handle OOM r=terrence (66ddcd0410)
- Bug 1199345 - Extend JSOP_NEWARRAY/JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY/JSOP_SPREADCALLARRAY operand to uint32. r=Waldo (2858b788aa)
- Bug 1199546 - Properly perform ToPropertyKey operations involved in computed property names in both object literals and destructuring patterns. r=abargull (6e9b58619f)
- missing bit of unidentifed FOR_IN patch (d9e850e24a)
- missing bit of Bug 1135708 - Implement es7 exponentiation operator. (747d361cea)
- Bug 1208067 - Ensure that self-hosted functions with innner functions aren't relazified. r=jande (bb76be6bb0)
- Bug 1200642 - Add OOM simulation to hastables r=terrence (d64bf852a1)
- Bug 1200642 - Add checkSimulatedOOM() to AllocPolicy r=Waldo (d833f61a8d) (2e5c7510b7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1204027 - Rejigger export-parsing code to make a subsequent change simpler. r=arai (af4ec6b65e)
- Bug 1204027 - Forbid escapes within keywords when parsing/tokenizing. r=arai (200badac56)
- Bug 1204027 - Followup to fix a hazard, and (conveniently enough) to also make a minor cleanup enabled by the fix. r=bustage (9fb514a7a2)
- Bug 1204857 - Report an error if there's trailing garbage after parsing a module r=efaust (515f5e315e)
- Bug 1168091 - Initialize startLine and startColumn members in FunctionBox constructor, r=jorendorff. (61e1c71710)
- Bug 1206750 - Don't assert when |export ... from 'str'| is followed by a regular expression literal on a new line, with no intervening semicolon. r=arai (2d1eb977f7)
- Bug 1206980 - Separate MatchOrInsertSemicolon into 2 functions for after expression and non-expression. r=Waldo (086dce51eb)
- Bug 1022369 - Correctly execute |Function("var x\n/regex/g")| without throwing a SyntaxError. r=Waldo (7cdd72425f)
- Micro-fix to the parser for a linking issue that *seemingly* should affect everyone, yet hasn't produced any complaints I'm aware of yet. No bug, r=me for a trivial refactoring that evades the problem (3f4380fbfe)
- bit of Bug 1167029 - Remove support for let blocks - matches TFF (24599beb85)
- Bug 1187062 - Part 1: Add the JS::ubi::StackFrame interface; r=sfink (2f9107cdce)
- Bug 1187062 - Part 2: Implement a concrete JS::ubi::StackFrame class backed by js::SavedFrame; r=sfink (68a4a5f232)
- Bug 1187062 - Part 3: Add jsapi-tests for JS::ubi::StackFrame; r=sfink (9439163007)
- Bug 1194424 - Part 1: Serialize JS::ubi::StackFrame allocation stacks into core dumps; r=sfink (51d59a2770)
- Bug 1194424 - Part 2: Deserialize JS::ubi::StackFrame allocation stacks from core dumps; r=sfink (b65d1490aa)
- Bug 1194426 - Add sourceLength and functionDisplayNameLength to JS::ubi::StackFrame. r=sfink (52d7aeb35d)
- Bug 1194424 - Part 3: Implement a concrete JS::ubi::StackFrame specialization backed by a frame deserialized from a core dump; r=sfink (1a7854a393)
- Bug 1194424 - Part 5: gtest for DeserializedStackFrame ubi::StackFrames; r=sfink (2fb1d5b9e2)
- Bug 1203297 - Fix even more unified bustage; r=efaust (ce837cd0fe)
- Bug 1155923 - Add Deprecated attribute to interfaces, r=peterv (a05d3a97c1)
- Bug 1209325: Move implementation of JS WeakMap type into its own file. r=terrence. (a992e4670e)
- Bug 1175394 part 2 - Rename normal/strict arguments to mapped/unmapped arguments. r=jorendorff (ee2fae5832)
- Bug 1054756, part 5 - Remove Class::convert. (3b27b97e69)
- js/irregexp: HACK: undefining `min` and `max` when building with MSVC, fix build (5c249ce4)
- js: more exporting for fixing shared mozjs build (43705277) (1672300c41)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Fix bug in French language file

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.8.10.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Dooble 2022.06.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 20:15
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Added disable-reading-from-canvas setting.
    Address bar search engine. Also see Tools->Search Engines. A beginning.
    Set Page Floating Menu icons after a new icon set is selected.
    Speedier AES.
    Speedier Threefish.
    Verify QFont::fromString().


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2022, 18:50

    Added the tab width customization function
    Added "Force refresh" to the mouse gesture
    Free VPN service
    Optimized the tab bar layout for dragging the browser window
    Optimized settings page UI
    Optimized Maxthon shortcut function
    The pop-up video won't display the system right-click menu
    Fixed the issue that the settings of the default search engine could not sync
    Fixed the issue that the Last session/History could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the Download manager could not display all of the download tasks
    Fixed the issue that the Refresh button could not display the shortcut in some cases
    Fixed the issue that part of font settings could not sync
    Fixed the issue that the startup settings could not save successfully in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display the correct startup page when the browser closed abnormally
    Fixed the issue that some pages could not display correctly because of CSP
    Fixed the issue that the browser webpage flashed and drew abnormally under the split screen mode with the min window


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 10:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Optimized the Maxnote search function
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote row spacing could not display correctly
    Fixed crashes


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2022, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fix

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Supported opening the URL in Maxnote by using Ctrl+Click
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not cancel the edited content
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not work after switching tabs
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not show the correct search results
    Fixed the issue that the new tab page icon layout could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the UI could not display clearly in the incognito window
    Fixed the issue that the address bar could not display the website address in IE mode
    Fixed the issue that Vbox could not connect to the Vbox cloud account, and AR identity could not return the insufficient balance issue

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-08-20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 19:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 042db568fd..351263e4a5:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 891551 - Part 7: Fix some intermittent failures in multi_tcp_socket_unittest. r=ekr (b0fb5f6167)
- Bug 891551 - Part 11: fix a couple of issues from part 5. r=bwc (1f3586e037)
- Bug 1131779: 403 on permission request no longer invalidates the whole TURN relay. r=bwc (d0c594e2c7)
- Bug 797262 - IPV6 support for webrtc. r=drno (91894f480c)
- Bug 1187775 - Plumb RTCConfiguration.iceTransportPolicy down to NrIceCtx. r=smaug, r=bwc (1edc8f89c7)
- Bug 1191258 - check for IFF_RUNNING to detect online interfaces. r=mcmanus (3882c4d36e)
- Bug 1191253 - start the link monitor, ignore link-local notifications. r=mcmanus (f26b864061)
- Bug 1203658 - mark Linux's nsNotifyAddrListener::mChildThreadShutdown member as Atomic; r=bagder (6459a89dc0)
- re-enable warnings (e132d2f5db)
- Bug 1205266 - log network-change events on Mac. r=mcmanus (4c50d25945)
- Bug 1163419 - Make nsQtNetworkLinkService destructor private. r=dougt (c6993deef9)
- Bug 1178091: Implement RTCDataChannel BufferedAmountLowThreshold and bufferedamountlow event r=smaug,drno (0536f587b4)
- Bug 1194817: disable PMTUD in DataChannels/SCTP, set initial MTU per spec r=tuexen (60db372861)
- Bug 1198730: fix simple bug in PMTUD disable that clears all other flags r=tuexen (aeac9858cf)
- Bug 1148231: fix wrong error message on DataChannel failed resend of packet r=khuey (c1d9d11e17)
- Bug 1152334 - StartWebsocketData null deref mSocketIn, r=bagder (e55850770e)
- Bug 1149872 - Add the missing format specifiers. r=jduell (ffef5c91c2)
- Bug 1182515 - WebSocketChannel leaked when WebSocketChannel::AsyncOpen fails, r=mcmanus (0b52e2eb82)
- Bug 1140765 - Build some network code in unified mode; r=mcmanus (a6b9c325bb)
- Bug 1147749 - View source should go through service worker interception, r=bz, r=jduell (8c5a3cab90)
- Bug 1137151: Marked destructors of ref-counted RTSP classes as protected, r=sworkman (a6873944ee)
- Bug 1117486 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck] System crash by replaying the same RTSP clip several times. r=bechen (1401ee0f11)
- Bug 1133461 - [RTSP] Remove the extra PLAY request for seek operation. r=bechen (c603b06ac6)
- Bug 1138983 - RTSP not enabled in Lollipop. r=vchang (a42d0bcd30)
- Bug 1144513 - [gonk-lmr1] Adapt RTSPSource.cpp. r=ettseng (8e011ab7bf)
- Bug 1151760 - Separate timeout timer with end of stream. r=ettseng (60bb18556c)
- Bug 1208756 - Hoist shared CheckMayLoad logic into BasePrincipal. r=bz (0108fa0c7c)
- Bug 1208756 - Introduce URI_FETCHABLE_BY_ANYONE and use it for moz-extension. r=bz (04de31fcbd)
- Bug 1188421 - Properly null memory reporter's compressor reference. r=hurley (9275695d87)
- bug 1204614 - test for h2 per stream flow control r=hurley (a56d4aacff)
- Bug 1197847 - Disallow folded headers in h2. r=mcmanus (ec5febf843)
- Bug 1136361 - update node-http2 on ci. rs=mcmanus (a7e2de9e02)
- Bug 1197847 - make debugging h2 and spdy test servers easier. r=mcmanus (7dcc251b63)
- Missing bits of 1132357 (431f194ed7)
- Bug 1207519 - Prevent HashTable shrink from ignoring allocation failures that may have been reported r=Waldo (d9270ce946)
- Bug 920479 - Properly convert all arguments to the Function constructor to strings before parsing out an arguments list for the function to be created. r=arai (2ba9fb0af0)
- Bug 1206520: Create an option to throw on asm.js validation failures; r=luke (6a19a37db7)
- Bug 1210295 - Simplify TOK_DEFAULT case in Parser::exportDeclaration. r=Waldo (850e383381)
- code style (5356d4a123)
- Bug 589199 - Mark non-global lexical scopes are non-extensible. (r=efaust) (d0430a0f5e)
- Bug 589199 - Cleanup: remove unused DEPTH_SLOT from BlockObject. (r=efaust) (97206b2b00)
- Bug 1211100 - Add Vector::infallibleEmplaceBack and use it in JSScript::initScriptCounts() r=nbp (09705ff8db)
- Bug 1199203 - Add support for per-thread OOM testing. r=jonco (2a9919d659)
- Bug 1171226 - Fix mozilla::devtools::UniqueStringHashPolicy::match for strings with the same prefix; r=jimb (1843cec175)
- Bug 1206290 - Part 0: Move js/UbiNodeTraverse.h to js/UbiNodeBreadthFirst.h; r=sfink (c22e008995)
- Bug 1199843 - Part 1: Prefer T::traceChildren over tag dispatched TraceChildren; r=jonco (d935bb1c1c)
- Bug 1199843 - Part 2: Use js::TraceChildren everywhere we don't need external linkage; r=jonco (de8cd29a01)
- Bug 1199843 - Part 3: Strongly type JS::TraceChildren; r=jonco r=mccr8 (2cdd931159)
- Bug 1178961 - Restore the std::string fix from bug 1167230 r=BenWa (4251402fce)
- Bug 1206288 - Remove JS::ubi::SimpleEdge and make JS::ubi::Edge a concrete class; r=shu (d995efed2d)
- Bug 1182653 - Use JSRuntime* instead of JSContext* in ubi::Node infrastructure; r=sfink (e11e0bd0ba)
- Bug 1207236 - ARM64: Build errors with --enable-simulator=arm64. r=h4writer (cc76d43493)
- Bug 1207793 - Fix unified bustage from the TaggedPointer split; r=jolesen (e05b300406)
- Bug 1204866 - IonMonkey: Crash when failing to apand to parse finished list, r=bhackett (efab1b4a1f)
- Bug 1209911 - Use a Variant type to represent HelperThread data r=jandem (ea21131f21)
- Bug 1209911 - Make AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion ignore threads that are not simulating OOM r=terrence (769f06a4dc)
- Bug 1203814 - "Adding a testing function causes intermittent orange in oomInFormatStackDump.js on Win32 debug SM(p)." r=jcoppeard (da95054606)
- Bug 1209911 - Add oomThreadTypes() test function to report the number of thread types we can simulate OOM on r=terrence (1d56ca0b74)
- Bug 1209911 - Limit the number of helper threads of a particular type when simulating OOM r=jandem (ceafa83794)
- Bug 1209911 - Remove option to simulate OOM on all threads r=terrence (b43fcf3959)
- Bug 1201057 - Update shell args for OOM tests now we don't have to worry about unhandlable OOMs r=terrence (843c1fc6e3)
- Bug 1208994 - ToAtom<NoGC> should not throw an exception on failure r=terrence (ad57246c1e)
- Bug 1210760 - Don't simulate OOM in ExceptionHandlerBailout() r=terrence (89bab8d51b)
- Bug 1209911 - Enable threads for existing OOM tests r=terrence (a6f94e1f2f)
- Bug 1169974 - Tolerate inconsistent-missing-override warnings for MOCK_METHOD2 macro from gtests. r=fitzgen. (96d613239d)
- Bug 1206290 - Part 1: Implement a JS::ubi::PostOrder depth first traversal; r=sfink (d4de3aa8bc)
- Bug 1196461 - De-duplicate strings in heap snapshot core dumps; r=shu,jimb (24080971ae)
- missing bit of 1101561 (d4b61c9688)
- Bug 1199215 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for JS::Symbol referents;S::ubi::Node::size for JS::Symbol referents; r=sfink (929fceb199)
- Bug 1200345: Add comment to js/public/UbiNode.h warning about operating on graphs constructed by hostile code. DONTBUILD r=fitzgen (b83c2d0aad)
- Bug 1199216 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for JSScript referents; r=sfink (5a134ffa8e)
- Bug 1205744 - Removed redundant method IsContextRunningJS. r=h4writer (a7e90bbead)
- Bug 1203920 - Get rid of JS_SetStructuredCloneCallbacks, r=sfink (197118cf95)
- Bug 1204554 part 1 - Remove unused JSContext from LcovWriteScript. r=bhackett (12fa4dcc99)
- Bug 1209263 - Allow embedders to tell SpiderMonkey how to structured clone principals; r=bz (c4e929e50f)
- Bug 1191098 - Replace AutoHashableValueRooter with Rooted<HashableValue>; r=jonco (99e23cf3a4)
- Bug 1190628 - Replace AutoScriptVector with normal Rooted usage; r=jimb (926d499edd)
- Bug 1188445 - Allow PersistentRooted to store StaticTraceable; r=sfink (eac1824298)
- Bug 1195957 - Implement a Swap for Heap<T> that does not put temporaries on the stack, r=terrence (26935b5efd)
- Bug 1203695 - GenerateLcovInfo: Check if JSScripts have associated bytecode before spewing their content. r=bhackett (71854b606a)
- Bug 1204554 part 2 - Split LCov functions to make the aggregation of results incremental. r=terrence,bhackett (3a6bd8719e)
- Bug 1204554 part 3.0 - Collect lcov output on the JSCompartment, and on the JSRuntime. r=terrence,bhackett (35544460b1)
- Bug 1204554 part 3.1 - Prevent lazy parsing if we have to spew lcov result. r=bhackett (b36775e171)
- Bug 1204554 part 3.2 - Collect the source files before any script, as they are swept first. r=terrence (4d841a641e)
- Bug 1204554 part 3.3 - Only collect inner JSScript if they have the same source. r=terrence (b38f45764e)
- Bug 1204554 part 3.4 - Ensure that scriptCountsMaps data are still alive until the destruction of compartments. r=terrence,bhackett (50d4217d20)
- Bug 1200642 - Fix OOM handling issues r=terrence (d8ba8b1714)
- Bug 1206247 - Do not collect coverage information if the source has n filename. r=bhackett (0602188d8e)
- pointer style (09cd14aec3)
- Bug 1207232: Let lockOwner be Atomic; r=terrence (e4aa1e635d)
- Bug 1192304 - Common up the checks when entering GC API; r=jonco (935c618bc4)
- Bug 1192306 - Use a function to check if IsShutdownGC rather than open-coding it; r=jonco (c14a96ba2d)
- Bug 1202865 - Split out Zone selection from stats collection and malloc bytes reset; r=jonco (89d5e9def1)
- Bug 1193428 - Rename the incremental parameter to be more meaningful; r=jonco (5d5f38b39d)
- Bug 1209704 - Part 1: Rename BarrieredBase to WriteBarrieredBase; r=jonco (4559ae15aa)
- Bug 1209704 - Part 2: Share storage and mixins between Read and Write barriers; r=jonco (eddc9ff80c)
- Bug 1177515 - Skip tracing object elements if type information shows they don't contain any GC pointers r=terrence (94e2c1ee71)
- Bug 1209704 - Part 3: Share tracing accessors between all barrier classes; r=jonco (1e30d0f16d)
- Bug 1209704 - Part 4: Add a post-barrier to ReadBarriered; r=jonco (22bb316d70)
- Bug 1211022 - Add a type specialization for weak C++ GC thing references; r=sfink (d3d5e88ba8)
- Bug 1204169 - Push SPS pseudo frame entries when GCing; r=terrence (61501f7597)
- Bug 1211031 - Use WeakRef to manage the LazyScript to JSScript back-reference; r=jandem (7c48b04d35)
- Bug 1204167 - Create the js::AutoSPSEntry RAII class for defining psuedo frame entries; r=djvj (519342668f)
- Bug 1204584 - Ensure that entries created by AutoSPSEntry propogate their category information; r=djvj (bd5d96e8b6)
- Bug 1011786 - Diagnostic patch to detect cyclic ropes, r=terrence (c2ece1d49d)
- fix comment (619a5bff31) (54259209d7)
- Reverted "Bug 1191042 - Use CreateOffscreen for WebGL instead of CreateHeadless. - r=jrmuizel (f98fd02e59)" for testing about Intel 965M GPU WebGL crash (1a712471fb)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- missing bits of Bug 1207245 - part 1 - move RefCounted<T> (dccd21b327)
- Bug 1193583 - Fix out-of-date reftests. (r=jorendorff) (66ee3c50d5)
- Bug 1193583 - Fix misc XPConnect and devtools tests. (r=jorendorff) (9ed7a460d1)
- Bug 589199 - Make a global lexical scope and hook it up to JS entry points. (r=efaust) (1fde4fba9b)
- Bug 589199 - Parse and emit bytecode for global lexicals. (r=efaust) (86d168b94d)
- Bug 589199 - Support global lexicals in the interpreter. (r=efaust) (e5fa8ae995)
- Bug 589199 - Support global lexicals in Baseline. (r=jandem) (7b744015fe)
- Bug 589199 - Support global lexicals in Ion. (r=jandem) (446f05ce97)
- Bug 589199 - Fix eval static scope to play with the global lexical scope. (r=efaust) (4a7e4face1)
- Bug 589199 - Fix up the global lexical scope when merging off-thread compiled scripts. (r=bhackett) (30ff41230d)
- Bug 589199 - Fix jit-tests and js reftests. (r=efaust) (6171fa2c62)
- Bug 1202902 - Support non-syntactic extensible lexical scopes. (r=billm) (a2f553d464)
- No bug - Rename Definition::CONST to Definition::CONSTANT to avoid macro name collision on Windows. (r=Waldo) (74dfc52b28)
- Bug 589199 - Implement all-or-nothing redeclaration checks for global and eval scripts. (r=efaust) (33684af400)
- fix misspatch of 589199 (0dbeca332b)
- var->let and some misspatches (f2af7240b3)
- Bug 1212183 - Fix DOM getter optimizations in the JITs. (r=jandem) (df74d3e88d)
- Bug 1212605 - Emit global name conflicts check for Ion scripts regardless of scope chain usage. (r=efaust) (a370f28465)
- Bug 1213552 - Fix typo in using TI to guard against introducing shadowing global lexical bindings. (r=efaust) (188f583410)
- Bug 1213552 - Followup: add test. (b0ca61190b)
- let-var + XP backport (40abaf773c)
- Bug 1188290 - Remove an incomplete assertion about store buffer state; r=jandem (7344dd4819)
- Bug 1209754 - Assert that all post-barriers happen on the main thread; r=jonco (9a7431aa6d)
- comment of 854037 (c026b72e69)
- fix definitions (9b140aaafb) (351263e4a5)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2022, 09:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Search image with Google Lens (Right click on an image and select it from popup menu)

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with youtube video download when not signed in

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Optimized Vbox
    Fixed the issue that some websites could not recognize the Maxthon browser
    Fixed the issue that desktop shortcut deleted wrongly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the earlier session could not load the list in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when using Maxnote

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue that some websites could not work because of the adjusted UserAgent

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2022, 05:20
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with google meeting screen sharing

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2022, 09:10

    Optimized display logic for the tab close button
    Optimized the layout of the right-click menu for the page-selected content
    Supported adjusting the image in Maxnote by dragging
    Optimized the interaction for opening URLs from the Bookmarks and Maxnote in the sidebar
    Optimized the settings page loading speed
    Fixed the issue that the online time could not increase in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not display correctly when switching folders from the nav bar
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not update instantly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser min/max/restore/close buttons could not display in the Windows 8 system
    Fixed the issue that the new window could not display the min/max/restore/close buttons
    Fixed the issue that the tab hover thumbnail could not display properly in some cases


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-09-03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2022, 18:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git f39d19c93e..0b43bf3628:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1208937 - Remove gfxPattern::GraphicsPatternType. r=jwatt. (eeb6dec919)
- Bug 1196927 - Force plugin BGRX image surface data to always have valid alpha. r=jrmuizel, r=BenWa (80667ce488)
- Bug 1156800: Post a task to send async NPP_New result from child to parent; r=jimm (81c40319a5)
- Bug 1194955 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in dom/ipc and dom/plugins. r=jimm (939ae937a8)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 3: Manage mIsRunningOnCompositor flags for each properties respectively. r=bbirtles (3146a696cc)
- Bug 1182931 - Expose assert_unreached in subwindows. r=bbirtles (1b2e6f05b5)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 4 - Able to use testcommon.js in the window which has no opener. r=bbirtles (82bc744d44)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 0: Rewrite test_running_on_compositor.html with add_task(). r=bbirtles (2e209051e3)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 5 - Additional tests for Animation.IsRunningOnCompositor. r=bbirtles (de9858a004)
- Bug 1151694 - Part 6 - A test case of Animation.isRunningOnCompositor for transition. r=bbirtles (54bd2a22ea)
- Bug 1184377 - Move nsDocShell::PopProfileTimelineMarkers logic to ObservedDocShell, r=smaug (31e96712ac)
- Bug 1190826 - Rename "AddMarkerTo*" to "AddMarkerFor*" to reflect the new philosophy behind markers, r=tromey (b7d5ae6314)
- Bug 1152080 - Plugin configuration clip rects should be treated as visible rects. r=roc (4a18e0bd33)
- Bug 1050498 - Record compositing operations, r=jsantell,smaug,tromey (4efa28f063)
- Bug 1161900 - Use ICU normalization support during shaping if available, to support decomposable characters in more recently-encoded scripts. r=jdaggett,gps (d687a634cf)
- Bug 1164835 - Use vertical presentation forms (where available) in vertical-upright text as fallback if the font does not support the 'vert' feature. r=jdaggett (983a6f0c20)
- Bug 1139646 - Ensure gfxHarfBuzzShaper only loads the vmtx table once, to avoid leaking it. r=smontagu (72b5e2a698)
- Bug 1139888 - Check for missing glyph metrics tables. r=jdaggett (7574fdcf7b)
- Bug 1137588 - patch 1 - Read the second array in 'vmtx' correctly to get glyph vertical origins. r=jdaggett (c835835237)
- Bug 1137588 - patch 2 - Use a better default vOrigin in fonts without real vertical metrics. r=jdaggett (ad1e27029e)
- Bug 1187145 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in gfx/ with iterators r=njn (597ff872bc)
- Bug 729993 - Use finer HarfBuzz cluster level. r=jfkthame (9b99d11def)
- missing of Bug 1148660 - Correct the handling of glyph positioning offsets in vertical-upright mode. r=jdaggett (b32d14d197)
- Bug 1178753 - Always enable async-video when OMTC is enabled. r=sotaro (c61f2a0be3)
- Bug 1164735 - Move gPrefLangToLangGroups[] inside a function to avoid a static constructor. r=jdaggett (a6a4060db9)
- Bug 1163488 - use the preprocessor to keep font lang arrays in sync. r=m_kato (6d9747d144)
- Bug 1188995 - Increase tile size to 512/1024 on OSX. r=jrmuizel,mstange (e94187af4b)
- Bug 1186661 - Use monitors-changed signal to update screen manager on GTK. r=karlt (97e0393eb6)
- Bug 1191040 - Ensure that we only compute the tile size once. r=BenWa (b954ce41ac)
- Bug 1182665 - Add gfxPlatform::GetScreenSize() and use nsIScreen for gfxPlatform::GetScreenDepth() r=nical (91a24e82ec)
- Bug 1182665 - Adjust tile sizes depending on the screen size r=nical (319945c03a)
- Bug 1173579 - Take the first valid default font. r=jdagget (d03c594b94)
- Bug 1189158 - shutdown font loader thread in separate event. r=m_kato (c497e32155)
- Bug 1189129 - annotate no default font aborts. r=bas (c20fc90269)
- Bug 1204400 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in gfx/thebes and suppress those from Skia headers. r=BenWa (435b12fbb2)
- Bug 1192699 - eliminate the two-stage system fontlist initialization under DirectWrite. r=m_kato (eb458720a1)
- Bug 1194707 - Remove the docshell param from TimelineMarker constructors, r=tromey (c77c934021)
- Bug 1195838 - Maintain all the TimelineMarker subclasses in a single place, r=tromey (c2da168977)
- Bug 697981 - Prevent reloading of spelling dictionary on unfocused editors; r=roc (ec2ed87554)
- Bug 1184249 - Remove warning if rootContent is null in nsEditorSpellCheck::UpdateCurrentDictionary. r=ehsan (8a828662d6)
- Bug 717433 - Make selected language stick, regardless of whether it partly matches (test). r=roc (38a92a487f)
- adapt Bug 717433 - Make selected language stick, regardless of whether it partly matches. r=roc (6a0d7f2a8b)
- extended Bug 1200533 - Fix spellchecker dictionary logic. r=smaug (39228d4225)
- Bug 1204147 - Prevent content preferences being written when they shouldn't. r=roc (bff4c98f6d)
- Bug 1193293 - Don't pick a new dictionary which checking. r=roc (021da43b73)
- Bug 1205983 - Remove all observer code from nsEditor. r=ehsan (aaf27ca6dc)
- Bug 1205796 - "Coverity 1323784 indicates a useless passed-by-value argument in nsEditorSpellCheck::TryDictionary". r=smaug (a60feb5f61)
- Bug 309731 - Allow document.execCommand('inserthtml') with an empty string parameter. r=ehsan (4956ee404b) (71cc47fa2f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1195098. Null check for blurred source surface. r=mstange (4578ca815e)
- Bug 1155828. Follow up bug to correct indentation. r=mstange (7b1ccb079e)
- Bug 1181028. Log assert error. r=me (a09801af89)
- Bug 1181028. Delete assertion to create equivalent draw targets during box shadow creation. r=mstange (de7ffd0412)
- Bug 1209649. Take into account border radius sizes for min inset box shadow. r=mstange (992619654c)
- Bug 1178971 - Added function to draw dashed table borders to replace loop currently used to individually draw each dash. r=mstange (1a0ef8e26d)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 1: Store exact timing-function type on nsTimingFunction and ComputedTimingFunction. r=birtles (03636015d2)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 2: Factor out computed nsTimingFunction serialization to public utility methods. r=birtles (11069efa45)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 3: Serialize computed {transition,animation}-timing-function using their specified values. r=birtles (67b033f452)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 4: Don't include start/end keyword in serialized specified {transition,animation}-timing-function value if it was omitted. r=birtles (e1b4225025)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 5: Add method to serialize a ComputedTimingFunction. r=birtles (c48edd3c1c)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 6: Implement KeyframeEffectReadOnly.getFrames(). r=birtles,bzbarsky (9cc9001e8d)
- Bug 1198708 - Part 7: Tests. r=birtles (8668bdbed3)
- Bug 1206569 - Part 4: Add method to get a CSS property's IDL name. r=bzbarsky (f9d94c27e4)
- Bug 1207028 - Add method to get a CSS property's sorted order position based on its IDL name. r=bzbarsky (a856d46e67)
- Bug 1188095 - Don't pause media elements on 'graphene'; r=baku (aae8063137)
- Bug 1111201: Check for OOM when calling an asm.js function with new; r=evilpie (e5973dd6b8)
- Bug 1178793 - Throw on OOB atomics access, interpreter+Ion. r=luke (d974def281)
- Bug 1084248 - no undefined behavior, take 2. r=waldo (0c0c00f90f)
- Bug 1084248 - safe for races, take 2. r=waldo (85629fd1e6) (2b652f0b52)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1204187 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Inline RelocationIterator. r=nbp (b97e654314)
- Bug 1182607, use the right rectangle for a popup anchored at a rectangle when determining if the mouse click was over the anchor, r=tn (e1f3d04aa6)
- Bug 1186972, use correct coordinates when comparing mouse position with menu anchor rectangle so that select element popups close properly, r=tn (271a0de264)
- Bug 1177000, only consider popups of the same type when determining whether a popup shouldn't reopen, this allows dropdown buttons in popup to reopen properly, r=neil (a56095be88)
- Bug 1149745, on Windows, menulist should select the value when the cursor keys are used to navigate items, r=neil (18afefe5b0) (0b43bf3628)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.9.6.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2022, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with endless redirection issue with some http sites

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Optimized the screen capture speed
    Added Cloudflare1.1.1.2/ DNS node
    Fixed the issue that the pop-up video could not adjust the progress bar by using the arrow keys
    Fixed the issue that the browser window could not display properly when opening it from the system tray
    Fixed the issue that the URL file could not open correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the browser could not display correctly in Windows 11 system
    Fixed the crash issue when launching the browser

Titel: CyberChef 9.46.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2022, 10:50
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-09-10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2022, 18:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 0b43bf3628..5d360f5c45:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- var-let (4514fc8c5f)
- Bug 1191897, add a flag for popups which allow shortcut keys to not be consumed, fixes shortcuts not working when an e10s select popup is open, r=neil (c3d788f65c)
- Bug 1181897 - Do not scale down <img> elements passed to setDragImage. r=roc (b9db4b2c2f)
- Bug 1204442 nsIDragService::FireDragEventAtSource() shouldn't be available from script because it takes a value of mozilla::EventMessage r=smaug, sr=smaug (6d357d54a7)
- Bug 1202176, adjust coordinates from device to css pixels when drag popup moves, r=tn (d6fa56dc59)
- Bug 1204944, convert drag position coordinates properly, r=mstange (0ff3b815b4)
- Bug 1205511 - Make nsBaseDragService::mImage[X|Y] strongly typed. r=enn (47d68b017a)
- Bug 1205511 - Make nsMenuPopupFrame::MoveTo()'s arguments strongly typed. r=enn (c29c16b9ce)
- Bug 1205511 - Give nsPresContext a method that returns the CSS to device pixel scale. r=dbaron (e91a754991)
- Bug 1205511 - Add overloaded operators for multiplying and dividing an IntPointTyped by a ScaleFactor[2D]. r=kats (f857857c94)
- Bug 1188172 - Don't update the resolution/SPCSPS for meta-viewport changes before the first-paint. r=botond (0d7eeda1c8)
- Bug 1168487 - Update the last use site of ScrollbarAreaToExcludeFromCompositionBoundsFor to use LD pixels. r=tn (af1d65d14a)
- Bug 1197592 - Don't set an SPCSPS in the mobile viewport manager if APZ zooming is not enabled. r=botond (eb2b3d3bf3)
- Bug 1180267 - Don't set root displayport margins from the mobile viewport manager unless the C++ APZ is enabled. r=botond (982b57a6f3)
- Bug 976616 - Part 1: Call ProcessViewportInfo when meta viewport is changed. r=bholley (0df9aaad5c)
- Bug 976616 - Part 2: Update mobile viewport on DOMMetaChanged event. r=kats (97244f0a2f)
- Bug 976616 - Part 3: Enable meta viewport tests for Fennec. r=kats (16de4304dc)
- Bug 976616 - Part 4: Add test for dynamic meta viewport updates. r=kats (c3af1ba028)
- Bug 1198839 - Don't update the displayport from the MVM unless there is already on the content. r=botond (a86c335313)
- Bug 1205511 - Document that nsIDragService.dragMoved() takes its arguments in LayoutDevice pixels. r=enn IGNORE IDL (comment change only) (ea1f24c65e)
- Bug 1180267 - Ensure that the desktop-mode viewport for Fennec is based on a 980 CSS pixel width rather than the screen size. r=snorp (365c12249c)
- Bug 1200402 - Ignore desktop mode for about: pages. r=snorp,khuey (3d64772abe)
- Bug 1197824 - Remove unused state and normalize others. r=botond (58ed2bb53b)
- Bug 1197824 - Allow zooming in desktop mode. r=botond (dbded0fdf7)
- Bug 1200303 - Support meta-viewport changes in ZoomConstraintsClient as well. r=miketaylr (bb5ebee8ed)
- Bug 1197824 - Support the browser.ui.zoom.force-user-scalable pref in the gecko zoom-constraints codepath. r=botond (0292f794c6)
- Bug 1197824 - Constrain the min/max zoom if zooming is not allowed. r=botond (26ae1656ba)
- Bug 1197824 - Remove the mAllowDoubleTapZoom field from nsViewportInfo as it is not needed. r=botond (00455cf30c)
- Bug 1189837 - Subtract scrollbars in LD pixels rather than CSS pixels. r=mstange (8801383234)
- Bug 1210399 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Safe for races. r=lth (5be49e2198)
- Bug 1202367 - reinitialize expected value in CAS loop. patch=hev, r=sstangl, push=lth (438272bb96)
- Bug 1210733 - Record source filenames independently of the script coverage. r=terrence (3a90b1a660)
- Bug 1211546 - Unbreak the non-unified build. (r=sfink, r=nbp, r=shu) (4b290fffac)
- Bug 977338 - Remove AtomicOperations-inl.h, r=lth (0015c7a398)
- Bug 1202713 - Fix the CSS viewport dimensions for desktop mode. r=snorp (763a55b6aa)
- Bug 1024343: The document should not stop animations when it is being swapped. r=smaug (ba2d43f308)
- Bug 1200093 - Don't rely on finding the widget for a document in order to get the css-to-ld scale. r=botond (bf359f6c76)
- Bug 1205511 - Use nsPresContext::DevToCSSPixelScale() where appropriate. r=kats (631a8fe6ae)
- Bug 1204994 - part 0 - separate debugging use counters check from value check; r=bz (d8771157eb)
- Bug 1204994 - part 2 - rename all USE_COUNTER_* histograms to USE_COUNTER2_* histograms; r=bz,vladan (8a86ee4560)
- Bug 1202895 - Fix shift-reload check for setting up service worker. r=bkelly (61309332e6)
- let-var (315a834c4d)
- Bug 1193469 - Make mozSettings more defensive. r=gwagner (9c4aeb2721)
- Bug 1187419 - Make sure SettingsRequestManager is only loaded in parent. r=gwagner (98bfca7a44)
- Bug 1156231 - enable data registration recovery. r=hsinyi (f886c81ce3)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 1: Add MMI tests for call barring, call waiting, clip, clir, pin2, puk2 and ussd. r=aknow (96ba4e4a89)
- Bug 1149433 - Set hangUpLocal in rejectCall. r=hsinyi (43aec5ea64)
- Bug 1147842 - Fix defect of setting call started time. r=hsinyi (dbf6a5516a)
- Bug 1145079 - Fix defect for calling isEmergencyOnly. r=hsinyi (8ba883d37e) (06d185e815)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1152454 - Made liveregions responsive to name/value change events. r=yzen (056df463ef)
- Bug 1166321 - [AccessFu] adding support for role='switch'. r=eeejay (540831bb6a)
- Bug 1179284 - using explicit label for accessible with role 'status' instead of subtree. r=eeejay (919f0b93e7)
- Bug 1163374 - Basic MathML Accessibility support in AccessFu. r=yzen (cddbfee120)
- Bug 1199884 - Keep match roles empty in BaseTraversalRules that don't provide roles. r=yzen (b80ff3c892)
- Bug 1200836 - Land on first atomic object in container traversal. r=yzen (0243a695af)
- Bug 1206491 - Fix a JavaScript error in about:cache page. r=mayhemmer (5eaa374c84)
- Bug 1142174 - Normalize omni.ja! paths when diffing about:memory reports. r=njn (bf046c4958)
- let-var (5e9cf0b098)
- Bug 1205364 part 1. Make createAttribute in an HTML document lowercase the passed-in attribute name. r=smaug (0b8a9f0f60)
- Bug 647621 - Implement document.charset and update document.inputEncoding to the latest spec. r=bz (e31fd9f567)
- Bug 647621 - Remove document.charset from historical.html because it was eventually added to the spec. r=Ms2ger (506ecf3238)
- Bug 1201798 part 1 - Move PropagateScrollToViewport() from nsCSSFrameConstructor to nsPresContext as a public method. r=roc (5d33acfa26)
- Bug 1201798 part 2 - Update viewport scrollbar override for fullscreen and remove the leagcy css rule. r=roc (852d3d181f)
- Bug 1201798 part 3 - Add test for viewport scrollbar on fullscreen. r=roc (88ad5560ae)
- Bug 1048622 - Fix 'assignment to undefined variable' warnings in nsBrowserContentHandler.js. r=gavin (55edf093ce)
- Bug 1205328: undef min/max at the top of irregexp/RegExpAST.h if they're already defined; r=ehsan (2a5daa48a9)
- Bug 773687 - Fix assertion pattern in RegExp with sticky flag. r=till (0f1643690b)
- Bug 1084248 - add a cast<> method, remove the casting constructor as requested. r=waldo (3fb0619085)
- cleanup (705296cc44)
- Bug 1143512 - Remove unused declaration of regexp_flags. r=jandem (79f538a4c8)
- bit of 1198193 and pointer styles (6bec08ca9e)
- Bug 1146580 - Make FinalizationWitnessService listen for xpcom shutdown. r=bholley (6a4093bf23)
- Bug 1199578 - include SharedTypedArray in a type test. r=waldo (94b943eb91)
- Bug 1203791 - Fix LazyLink issue with Debugger::onIonCompilation. r=h4writer (3d5c4ee130)
- pointer style (f24eb566fd)
- Bug 1204726 - Make sure that the MacroAssembler is no longer rooted when onIonCompilation is called. r=h4writer (f697b11f6d)
- Bug 1206418 - Fix origin of animations and scissors for preserves3d. r=roc (1813cc2c21) (cc9fb3b5bf)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1198572 - Add telemetry for how often HSTS would fix mixed content problems r=smaug r=tanvi (1abeb434a4)
- Bug 1181683 - Mark ping and beacon as blockable mixed content instead of optionally blockable. r=smaug (ab4b612439)
- Bug 1148732 - When checking a document's scheme, check the innermost uri. r=dveditz, smaug (f03eef9b3a)
- put back source RegExp (112cbc1797)
- Bug 1026520 - CSP: Inline report sending into allows - csp changes (r=dveditz) (f835967ad3)
- Bug 1026520 - CSP: Inline report sending into allows - callsite updates (r=dveditz) (39b200f027)
- Bug 1026520 - CSP: Inline report sending into allows - test updates (r=dveditz) (6a9dd4d859)
- Bug 1201822 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision d0571e01e1a2e4b8c5f696af2f81cbc1be9a5842, a=testonly (851485e4f9)
- Bug 1026520 - CSP: Inline report sending into allows - web platform test updates (r=deveditz) (0fbb9ce2c7)
- Bug 1612470 - Remove Document.hasScriptsBlockedBySandbox and Document.inlineScriptAllowedByCSP. r=bzbarsky (840ec6ebfb)
- Bug 1192333 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/xslt/xslt/txMozillaStyleheetCompiler.cpp (r=sicking) (73989dc9d2)
- Bug 1186843 - Don't recreate message manager. r=smaug (d4e2e28136)
- Bug 1209361 - Add missing includes to dom/base. r=mccr8 (702a9b0c21)
- Bug 1209621 - Add a way to get the TabParent for the content-primary tab, r=mconley (7d8a7e501f)
- Bug 1209001 - Fix OOM handling when creating ModuleObject r=terrence (e5b9fc8db3)
- Bug 1183289 - Run fewer CGC tests r=sfink (d529983340)
- Bug 1204692 - Add arm64-sim variant to the autospider.sh script. r=sstangl (8f46c42105)
- Bug 1183289 - Partially revert previous patch so jstests get run with default jitflags only r=me (97d1721e43)
- Bug 1210924 - Do not fire read barriers when using ReadBarriered in a boolean context; r=sfink (697885508c)
- code style and reshuffle (1b55c0f721)
- Bug 1207821 - Change the initialized length of an unboxed array in some places without triggering pre barriers, r=jandem. (92452a2db0)
- Bug 1074935 - Add SPS pseudo frames for JSRope flattening; r=jandem (5589064dc1)
- Bug 1184423 - Properly report OOM when initializing the RematerizedFrameTable fails; r=shu (60d964e1ca)
- Bug 1201575 - Give copied FrameIter::Data the cx of the current frame. (r=jimb) (af5e59d95a)
- Bug 1204725 - IonMonkey: Check result when copying frame iter data, r=nbp (7de175e301)
- Bug 1184423 - Properly report OOM when adding a rematerialized frame to the current JitActivation fails; r=shu (a00c310833)
- Bug 1210391 - Module scopes are currently not cacheable r=jandem (b42adeb292)
- pointer style (30f967d1ee)
- Bug 1199221 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for js::ObjectGroup referents; r=sfink (364cbff290)
- Bug 1199219 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for js::Shape referents; r=sfink (683d11d589)
- Bug 1199220 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for js::BaseShape referents; r=sfink (a9e1c02cbc)
- Bug 1200482: Make Debugger respect 'enabled' flag when setting allocation tracking hook on debuggee compartments, and check that it does. r=fitzgen (cf203e12e0)
- Bug 1177508 - Truncate the stack more aggressively in adoptAsyncStack. r=fitzgen (c335f6dcd5)
- Bug 1209989 - Implicitly attach a PRThread to native threads when first used as a PRThread in the PosixNSPR implementation. r=terrence (c9d771fb47)
- Bug 1206640: Fix an implicit constructor in PosixNSPR.cpp; r=nbp (178312c0f2)
- Bug 1204863 - Ignore frames from self-hosted scripts; r=shu (4b8cd11832)
- Bug 1180047: Debugger.prototype.findObjects should not return objects that must not be exposed to JS. r=fitzgen (634f19195b)
- Bug 1208908 - Fix a conditional statement in BytecodeRangeWithPosition::updatePosition(); r=ejpbruel (e58c656255)
- some profiler and crash import (d5b8b4f798)
- Bug 1185532: Turn on the NPAPI process sandbox for Windows 64-bit flash by default. r=bsmedberg (5aa8fa8a6e)
- Bug 1194488: Whitelist specific plugins for async init; r=jimm (7c78723689)
- Bug 1200698: Rename async plugin init pref; r=bsmedberg (df37e5833e)
- Bug 1184068: Ensure that mShutdown is not incorrectly set from true to false if plugin crashes during CallNP_Shutdown; r=jimm Bug 1202024: Initialize plugin details and quirks in parent on first run for async init. r=aklotz (934d877d8c)
- missing bit of Bug 1119878 Part 2 (3a0dd8afc1)
- Bug 1209351 (part 6) - Optimize nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() usage in toolkit/. r=froydnj. (810fbbab89)
- Bug 1209351 (part 1) - Add an overloading of nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() that takes an already-found entry. r=froydnj. (45d6181461)
- Bug 1209351 (part 2) - Optimize nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() usage in dom/. r=bz. (bdb19ed49f)
- Bug 1209351 (part 3) - Optimize nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() usage in gfx/. r=jrmuizel. (dc29a2b97f)
- Bug 1209351 (part 4) - Optimize nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() usage in netwerk/. r=michal.novotny. (3be1f09b5c)
- Bug 1209351 (part 5) - Optimize nsTHashTable::RemoveEntry() usage in security/. r=keeler. (47999463fe) (5d360f5c45)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 20:10
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

    New: added system notification icon - click to open configuration, right-click for more options.
    Bug fixed: Sometimes URL picker will show only when “ctrl” is pressed. System improvements: using windows messaging instead of named pipes which would trigger antivirus false positive sometimes. Also executable size is now even smaller.

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

General stability improvements.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2022, 06:45

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome/105.0.5195.102)
    Other minor fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2022, 18:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Optimized the logic for changing the cache path
    Fixed the issue that HBO Max could not play
    Fixed the issue that the copied image could not be pasted to Discord
    Fixed crash issues


Titel: CyberChef 9.46.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2022, 19:30
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6 2022-09-17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2022, 20:20

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 5d360f5c45..d7ee65a30f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1174811 - Part 1: Fix OOM with huge favicons. r=froydnj (8de1f2797d)
- Bug 1174811 - Part 2: Limit favicon downloads to 1MB. r=froydnj (c8bb207d88)
- Bug 967196 - tagURI should trim tags. r=mak (45183c8d12)
- Bug 1062894 - Avoid batching tag changes if number of changed tags is low. r=mak, ttaubert (6d93beb7e5)
- var-let (19f8224e8b)
- Bug 1159346 - Existing livemarks are broken. r=ttaubert (894807fc3f)
- style (7fa8e2f215)
- misspatch (5f3e71f59a)
- Bug 1209585 - Fix possible memory leak if generating stub code fails with OOM r=jandem (da2fedd3a8)
- Bug 1191499 - Trace the arguments object in RematerializedFrames. (r=jandem) (d2a150ba1a) (8b64ccb093)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1180189 - Fix crash in mozilla::a11y::HTMLTableRowAccessible::GroupPosition, r=MarcoZ (a2ee5f2df8)
- Bug 1194859 - crash in mozilla::a11y::ARIAGridCellAccessible::GroupPosition, r=marcoz (879bad005f)
- Bug 1194859 - crash in mozilla::a11y::ARIAGridCellAccessible::GroupPosition(), part2, r=marcoz (38193050c0)
- comment and style (a3ae06e5e6)
- var/let (7b3552e2ba)
- var-let and some misspatch fixes (a6d3b0c9cb)
- Bug 1141978 - Support rowgroup and colgroup HTML scope, r=marcoz (11eedb88f0)
- Bug 1146257 - spanned headers don't work well in our table code, r=marcoz (d9b11584c2)
- remove unused MultiCompartmentMatcher (480d895553)
- Bug 1168170 - Mark reference counted members of nsTimerImpl::mCallback as MOZ_OWNING_REF. r=froydnj (b84c55460a)
- Bug 1178363 - make nsTimerImpl::SetDelayInternal a private method; r=poiru (5f70ed869e)
- Bug 1178363 - make nsTimerImpl::Fire a private method; r=poiru (4b6007c376)
- Bug 1178363 - make MOZ_TASK_TRACER-dependent bits of nsTimerImpl private; r=poiru (e1f54cde97)
- Bug 1178363 - make nsTimerImpl::PostTimerEvent a private method; r=poiru (0a0b71eae3)
- Bug 1178363 - make nsTimerImpl::GetGeneration a private method; r=poiru (593d3a3f2d)
- Bug 1059572 - Part 0: Fuzz test for timers. r=nfroyd (7b03728aa4)
- Bug 1059572 - Part 0.5: Fixes for pre-existing problems in TestTimers. r=nfroyd (e463afc995)
- Bug 1059572 - Part 1: Move PostTimerEvent to TimerThread to allow TimerThread's monitor to protect it. r=nfroyd (5e56ce272a)
- Bug 1059572 - Part 2: Make absolutely sure a timer is removed before reinitting it. r=nfroyd (7d916a9aa9)
- Bug 1190735 - Remove nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE. r=froydnj. (34f7e4c02e)
- Bug 1203427 (part 5)
- Add logging of timer firings. r=froydnj. (664954eef7) (d7ee65a30f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2022, 06:45
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Enabled reading list feature.

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Improvements:- added proper Windows application metadata to the output .exe; configuration is now stored alongside .exe in bt.ini file and can be moved around. Windows Registry is not used at all.

Titel: BriskBard 3.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 09:13
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage yur contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 105.0.5195.127.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.1343.22.
    The web browser tabs using Blink now show a dialog when a web page needs permission to capture audio or video.
    The address bar now shows icons when the user grants permission to capture audio or video.
    The Indy, Tor and SQLite components have been updated to the latest versions.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    Fix some graphical glitches in the address bar and the splash screen when using monitors with high DPI settings.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Bug fixed: search queries issued by “PowerToys Run” (starting with ?) were launching new instance of BT rather than launching search.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.9.20.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 20:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Improvement. Installer does not require admin privileges to install anymore.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2022, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the issue that the sidebar could not display correctly after changing the monitor under the different DPI
    Fixed the issue that the Resource Sniffer icon could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the prompt title displayed messy code when changing the cache path
    Fixed the issue that the mouse gesture could not work when using pop-up video

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

General stability improvements.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-09-24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 21:10
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git d7ee65a30f..7f6fda62d8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1205941 - Make TimerFirings logging output post-processible with fix_linux_stack.py. r=glandium. (042e3968a2)
- Bug 1203427 (part 6)
- Add link to MDN docs about TimerFirings logging. r=me. (19967a22e7)
- missing bit of Bug 1178890 (b421ab56a1)
- Bug 1207497 - Part 1: Remove use of expression closure from toolkit/, exept tests. r=Gijs (4cf4abbf3d)
- Bug 1207497 - Part 2: Remove use of expression closure from tests in toolkit/. r=Gijs (6c4517c20e)
- Bug 1207497 - Part 3: Fix wrong replacement in debug print in toolkit/mozapps/downloads/tests/unit/test_lowMinutes.js. r=me DONTBUILD (5311950d45)
- bug 1171649 - Implement arm/iOS support in JS JITs. r=jandem (0eb06f1d3d)
- Bug 1205708: Check if validation failed before reporting helper thread failure in Odin; r=luke (0bd8b70919)
- missing bit of Bug 1112627: Remove redundant inline specifier in SIMD (76cea80b8c)
- Bug 1189059: Replace setObjectMetadataCallback with enableObjectMetadataCallback, fix callers. r=fitzgen (053ae86af2)
- Bug 1125412 - Draw a graph of memory usage, r=terrence (4ac21380a4)
- Bug 1147985 - Avoid blank space when heap size graph is unavailable, r=terrence (9b48d4d435)
- Bug 1170372 - Skip js1_5/Regress/regress-312588.js on SM(cgc) builds due to timeouts. (5298485837)
- Bug 1160149 - Skip basic/testManyVars.js on SM(cgc) builds for frequent timeouts. (562cfc2713)
- Bug 1198549 - Switch from | to $ as the preferred separator token (due to operator|), r=me\ (cc6fdb0697)
- Bug 963738 - Handle Arrays in the analysis, r=terrence (589b285306)
- Bug 1209696 - Check the return value of fopen, r=terrence (8c2378f3f9)
- Bug 1197941 - Allow getline() to malloc its own buffer to avoid intermittent crashes, r=shu (e37b934fcc)
- Bug 1180985 - Implement a JS GDB pretty-printer for JS::GCCellPtr. r=sfink (8848723b3a)
- Bug 1180984 - JS GDB pretty-printers: Support Python 3. r=sfink (ae4c76014d)
- Bug 1198628 - IonMonkey: ARM: Redefine FloatRegisters::Code and use it in the right way. r=nbp (d0d608b1cc)
- Bug 1198145 - guard calls to getInst(). r=me (bb8c4e2e4b) (24dc63cddd)
- d3d9: further lowered MaxTexture limit to 1024 to give chance for Radeon 9550 and GMA 965 to use hardware acceleration (db3284c954)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1186982 - propagate OOM failures (no test case). r=h4writer (ddb0e5e6c6)
- Bug 1205621 - arm64: Handle OOMs in a safer manner. r=lth (82d08e6935)
- Bug 984018 - Fixed build on Arm64. r=nbp (7b7614f965)
- Bug 1191531 - Fill in AtomicOperations-arm64.h. r=lth (38d0d330a7)
- Bug 1202367 - reinitialize expected value inside CAS loop. r=sstangl (e219a3b6d2)
- missing of 1084248 (ad8109cb8e)
- Bug 1183842 - Use InvertCondition to expand the range of conditional branches. r=h4writer (fa790d9ae2)
- Bug 1203287 - Fix build errors in ARM64 JIT. r=hv1989 (da2b2ea212)
- Bug 1189117 - IonMonkey: treat ObjectState instructions as effect free for the purposes of AliasAnalysis. r=nbp (5b9b17a27f)
- Bug 1209132 - Check for SSE3 in MacroAssemblerX86::convertUInt64ToDouble. r=sstangl (87879864ba)
- Bug 1209132 - Part 2: Fix SSE assertion in Assembler::vhaddpd. r=jandem (a632975d60)
- Bug 1205639 - MacroAssembler*::toggledCall: Prevent assertions in oom cases. r=jandem (b76696545a)
- Bug 1209026 - Use infallible new for some Label allocations. r=jonco (a61994c680)
- code style (dfef676fca)
- fix patch order (dfcb632d8a)
- code style (aecddaebbd)
- Bug 1208259 - Disable ARM64 Ion, fail testPreserveJitCode. r=jandem (3c2fc9721c)
- missing bits of Bug 1143679 - Make TryNoteIterIon behave more like Baseline/interpreter iterators. r=shu (dcf33819df)
- adapted Bug 1199952 - Mark formal arguments when we have a LazyLink frame. r=nbp (96a741b93d)
- Bug 1132265 - Handle dummy frames when initializing ProfilingFrameIterator. r=shu (f669bbd8cf)
- Bug 1205937. r=jandem, with various input from efaust as well (bc9f3802c9)
- pointer style (b9049bdc6b)
- Bug 1199898 - Tolerate constants appearing before interrupt checks during instruction reordering, r=sunfish. (2bb41a7194)
- Bug 1151267 - app update telemetry for UPDATE_CANNOT_APPLY_* is reversed. r=spohl (abd7f60f0e)
- adapted of Bug 1204675: IonMonkey - Replace input with constant in a tableswitch, r=jandem (ac5139dd1a)
- missing bit of 994016 (a3f5666f4b)
- Bug 1177318 - Add Ion support for JSOP_TOSTRING, to make template strings faster. r=jandem. (9cad760048)
- Bug 1204675: IonMonkey - Don't specialize using baseline stubs for strict equality, r=jandem (a5a6578e51)
- Bug 1207572 - Make sure idempotent caches are invalidated when getting the non-int32 length of an array, r=jandem. (c7b5635add)
- Bug 1201850 - Don't elide stack check when getelem/setelem caches are used. r=bhackett (e0749ae114)
- Bug 1199217 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for js::jit::JitCode referents; r=sfink (81b65699a9)
- Pointer style (b25713d3c9)
- Bug 984018 - Added signatures in simulators (arm, arm64 and mips). r=nbp (3f45986cc5)
- pointer style (740b82bff6)
- Bug 1141032: Fix a string comparison when checking for env overriding JIT defaults; r=h4writer (e9e548e262)
- pointer style and reshuffle (ad693dcf06)
- Bug 1207413: Check callers of TypeSets::unionSets for OOM; r=h4writer (080b5fcb47)
- Bug 1201469: IonMonkey: Don't specialize to float32 when binary arith instruction is a vm call, r=bbouvier (aff7dc5cd9)
- No Bug - Followup fix for build failure on a CLOSED TREE; r=bustage, a=RyanVM (8808df4ba7)
- pointer style (ae467507c5)
- Bug 1054047 - Determine the correct range from MArgumentLength. r=sunfish (ec9387d5b7)
- Bug 1205842: Don't add range asserts to recovered on bailouts instructions; r=nbp (7778cc2946)
- pointer style (da3efc548f)
- Bug 1140336: Remove init() method in VMFunction (and dubious assert); r=h4writer (7f25460883)
- bug 1174701 - Don't use NEON assembly for ARM iOS in gfx/ycbcr. r=jrmuizel (7db573d30a)
- add back some SPS stuff (d55e260359)
- Bug 1164480 - Make sure MacIOSurfaceLib is initialized before we use it. r=jya (2f1ce4a035)
- Bug 1158321. Normalize OS X vsync timestamp if CVDisplayLinkCallback executes early. r=mstange (9f51c2e6eb)
- Bug 1171156. Add logging to OS X vsync timestamps. r=mstange (4c0e097a97)
- Bug 1171156. More logging to test vsync timestamps. r=me (70f6679115)
- Bug 1171156. Normalize vsync timestamps when given bad values on OS X. r=mstange (4fac136d2e)
- Bug 1139824 - Track construction/destruction of the font table wrappers attached to hb_blob objects, to enable leak detection. r=jdaggett (9801625a4a)
- adapt code to TFF (ca938d4d5f)
- Bug 1195188 - add fontlist init problem telemetry for DirectWrite. r=m_kato (b54014a179)
- Bug 1190590 - Fix MinGW cross-compile for --enable-bundled-fonts. r=jfkthame (134a7f0fa5)
- Bug 1168527 - Add support to gfxContext for clip exporting. r=jrmuizel (3114271491) (5c4f111a47)
- update NSS builtin certstore to Sep 2022 version from mozilla upstream. (d812eaca76)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox:
- 102ESR: rev EV roots, TLS roots, TLDs, tzdata, HSTS, pins (c47bef11f) (f5491c9bdb)
- sync external protocol handlers pref with UXP (e0de03b045)
- partly import changes from tenfourfox:
- #651: M1497246 M1776658 M1773717 (bc6daa0ae) (22f768afa7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1152509. Use Mask with alpha to avoid allocating a surface. r=bas (ddab7594e3)
- Bug 1155881 follow-up: Make gfxAndroidPlatform::SupportsApzTouchInput const (a31194495e)
- Bug 1193481 - Prefer "Firefox Emoji" font for emoji characters in GetCommonFallbackFonts on B2G. r=jdaggett (e94e0eb718)
- Bug 1139253. Reuse the same thread for the software vsync thread. r=kats (fe7f6849bf)
- Bug 1147390. Enable / disable vsync on the vsync thread only. r=kats (fd485f8ec4)
- Bug 1146691 - Create tests to check that the RefreshDriverVsyncObservers get vsync notifications. r=kats (7a8527b378)
- Bug 1197201. Delete hardware vsync and vsync compositor prefs. r=kats (e8f0ef3258)
- Bug 1175530 - Log using gfxDebugOnce when enabling vsync compositor. r=mchang (81a48aebae)
- Bug 1196308 - Delete Software Compositor Scheduler. r=sotaro (d0e9620ddb)
- Don't run the compositor:created notification from within unsafer callers. (bug 1201684, r=mattwoodrow) (83d585749a)
- Bug 1160216 - Add a preference to force software vsync and set software vsync rate. r=kats (850d3ce7ab)
- Bug 1132966 - use relaxed Atomic integers for tracking graphics surface memory usage; r=njn (aca764781f)
- bug 1180012 remove unused GetPrefFonts() r=jdaggett (80a5a99f7f)
- Bug 1139726 - Assert gfxPlatform::Init is called on the main thread. r=kats (dd1ad58304)
- Bug 1208945 - Rename Color::{To,From}ARGB() so they aren't easily confused with {To,From}ABGR(). r=Bas. (8e83d44741)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 1: Add MouseInput InputData. r=kats (67764c13a6) (0484be0c56)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1199885 - Part 2: Add AsyncDragMetrics. r=kats (220a4f445e)
- Bug 1149482 - Localize the 'none' string for APZ in about:support. r=dvander (3e0128f62e)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 3: Add 'apz.drag.enabled' preference for async scrollbars. r=kats (5133061d3f)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 4: Let the hit testing tree know about the scroll thumb. r=kats (26a9a69443)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 5: Make mRootLayerTreeID const to prove that there's no data races. r=kats (88e2eb80f1)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 8: Add FindScrollNode to locate the scrollbar thumb. r=kats (a545ec9569)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 9: Let APZC handle the drag events. r=kats (4cc0f88153)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 9.5: Make the mouse events APZC aware. r=kats (69bd4caf94)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 10: Add APZTeeManager API to start an async scroll. r=kats (e212ee2750)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 12: Add StartScrollbarDrag IPC message. r=kats (705af3b233)
- Bug 1199885 - Part 13: Let nsSliderFrame trigger async scrolling via StartScrollbarDrag. r=kats (d31b5a790d)
- put in gstreamer as of 2015-10-05 Bug 1146482 (7cca45858c)
- pointer style (f8041af438)
- Bug 1197097 - Don't use a context-wide cycle-detection mechanism for detecting cycles during JSON.stringify. This prevents nested (yet separate) JSON.stringify, and it causes that algorithm to be affected by specification-unrelated operations like toSource. r=jonco (09652471c1)
- align to ugly grammaer of 1114782 (c760693693)
- remove space (7158a0c2bf)
- align to FF/TFF (27138a55bb)
- Bug 1205887 - Verify that MOZILLA_VERSION was set correctly, r=glandium (2269e8f31b)
- Bug 1205012 - Allow rust source code in SpiderMonkey; r=mshal (9ebca9ed28)
- Bug 1197281 - Use MOZ_FIND_WINSDK_VERSION for MOZ_WINSDK_MAXVER on mingw. r=glandium (2910b2160e)
- Bug 1207893 - Refactor how build backend execution is summarized. r=gps (56d8fecbc2)
- Bug 1207893 - Allow to create multiple build backends at once. r=gps (d8cba87d2b)
- Bug 1207897 - Add a configure option to build multiple build backends. r=gps (f9c7851d02)
- Bug 1188555 - part 1 - remove write-only configure.in variable NO_LD_ARCHIVE_FLAGS; r=mshal (461958b100)
- Bug 1188555 - part 2 - remove write-only configure.in variables MKSHLIB_{UN,}FORCE_ALL; r=mshal (1813210dda)
- Bug 1207882 - Ensure chrome manifests are created in a directory that exists when processing jar manifests. r=gps (59165a64cb)
- Bug 1204712 - Handle wildcards properly for localized content in jar manifests. r=gps (54dfb632c7)
- Bug 1188551: treat assertion failures as bad mozconfig; r=mshal (e307769de7)
- Bug 1181040 - Set ${var}_IS_SET variables for mk_add_options-defined variables. r=gps (19f169556b)
- Bug 1193015 - Require MOZ_GLX_USE_SURFACE_SHARING to enable WebGL surface sharing on GLX. r=jgilbert (9aa4fa8f41)
- Bug 1211324 (part 1) - Remove BILINEAR and GAUSSIAN filter constants. (3d9290ef02)
- Bug 1211324 (part 2) - Make gfx::FILTER::GOOD convert to GraphicsFilter::FILTER_GOOD. r=mattwoodrow. (16e7607c70)
- Bug 1208365 (part 1) - Remove unused EXTEND_PAD_EDGE. r=Bas. (10920e2bb6)
- Bug 1208365 (part 2) - Remove gfxPattern::Extend(). r=bas. (3703b9748a)
- Bug 1208365 (part 3) - Change gfxPattern::mExtend from a GraphicsExtend to a gfx::ExtendMode. r=bas. (b105d06e91)
- Bug 1208365 (part 4) - Remove gfxPattern::GraphicsExtend. r=bas. (7a16d48995)
- Bug 1211324 (part 3) - Remove GraphicsFilter::FILTER_FAST and replace it with FILTER_BEST. r=mattwoodrow. (b5101e049f)
- Bug 1211324 (part 4) - Replace GraphicsFilter constants with gfx::Filter equivalents. r=mattwoodrow. (c19b6b030e)
- Bug 1190117 - Track mLastProducerID and mLastFrameID explicitly in ImageLayerProperties. r=roc (ed9a5c777f)
- Bug 1211324 (part 5) - Remove GraphicsFilter and gfxGraphicsFilter. r=mattwoodrow. (0bd4ce7160)
- Bug 1194954 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in gfx/layers and gfx/thebes. r=BenWa (1a3d68c490)
- Bug 1180509 - Fix judder of icons in Australis doorhanger menu at the end of its scale-in animation. r=roc (9b4df470fa)
- Bug 1206915 - Make paint dumping to a file e10s-friendly. r=mattwoodrow (87d2e12c2b)
- Bug 1206915 - Handle nested PaintFrame() calls correctly during paint dumping. r=mattwoodrow,BenWa (d30f77fbdd)
- Fix max texture size handling in displayport clamping. (bug 1135907 follow-up, r=kats) (a791894332)
- Fix bogus assertion in nsLayoutUtils::SetDisplayPortMargins. (bug 1156409, r=botond, a=philor) (b635b21c34)
- Bug 1169879 - Use only the critical displayport when computing image visibility. r=tn (9ec91c9527)
- Bug 1169881 - Recompute image visibility when display port margins change. r=tn (35a5bd3a51)
- Bug 1197765 - Compare text content inside frame instead of the content node for ruby autohiding. r=dbaron (00cf5b7674)
- Bug 1173580 - Record content descriptions in APZ test data. r=kats (7a72d1ac0a)
- Bug 1178971 - Changed line snapping behaviour depending on even/odd-ness of stroke width. r=mstange (495b32dc23)
- Bug 1208953: [mp3] Don't parse data we've already parsed. r=cpearce (72eed4309f)
- Bug 1137151: Marked destructor of |android::MediaCodecReader| as protected, r=sotaro (0632b34bc5)
- Bug 1205351 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/media/ with iterators r=cpearce (45976c24c0)
- Bug 1133624 - Add lang-specific ruby rules to ua.css. r=dbaron (46788cc220)
- Bug 1133624 - followup add fuzzy maxdiff on CLOSED TREE (1b6b62aded)
- Bug 1180443 - Consider whitespace collapse when calculating intrinsic isize of ruby. r=dbaron (3862184acd)
- Bug 1153764 - Avoid explicitly doing break before when there is ruby span. r=roc (71b4ec7749)
- add gstreamer parts (7e562556be)
- some preferences aligned to FF (b26d0b389c)
- Bug 1166301 - If APZ is enabled, clip fixed background images at the layer level rather than the display item level. r=mattwoodrow (5644e22090)
- Bug 1144990 - Dump display items with class id and name, r=roc (aa2e227e35)
- Bug 1205087 - Remove LayerManager parameter for ShouldFixToViewport. r=roc (00a1f2e36f)
- Bug 1205087 - Make nsSVGIntegrationUtils paint frame continuations manually since combining them meant that our reference frame wasn't an ancestor of all painted frames. r=roc (e40f6b7b81)
- Bug 1195400 - Check ancestor geometry roots when determining scrollability of a layer. r=mattwoodrow (4699b7e935)
- Bug 1205087 - Cache the AnimatedGeometryRoot on DisplayItem. r=roc (06bba311c3)
- Back out the bits of bug 1205087 that cache the AnimatedGeometryRoot on DisplayItem. r=backout (254057a6b6)
- Bug 1203190 - Don't intersect with the visible rect for fixed background images. r=mattwoodrow (1c5a432459)
- Bug 1208438 - Don't allow layers with scrolling clips to occlusion-cull layers behind them. r=mattwoodrow (c3d77a9846)
- Bug 1205630 - Translate a fixed background display item's clip rect correctly when setting it on the layer. r=mstange (49039f0e2d)
- Bug 1205630 - Reftest. r=mstange (a8db59eaee)
- Bug 1105832 - Also dump inactive layer managers when display list dumping is enabled. r=mattwoodrow (564fe5fcbc)
- Bug 1208661 - Move Dump() up from ContentClient to CompositableClient. r=BenWa (37915312b3) (e1776c67f8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1208661 - Make ContentClient dumping play nicely with HTML dumping. r=BenWa (18b2c4a11b)
- Bug 1204895 - Add fence handling to AutoRemoveTexture on gonk r=nical (d1f21e0210)
- Bug 1208661 - Support dumping client-side layer textures without compression. r=BenWa (22ee0a45b5)
- Bug 1206915 - Avoid reordering of different parts of paint dump output. r=mattwoodrow (0c7d46bca1)
- Bug 1208661 - Do not assume that PaintRoot()'s contributions to the HTML paint dump will all be inside a <script> tag. r=BenWa (5917d13001)
- Bug 1203992 - Distinguish between SingleTiledContentClient and MultiTiledContentClient in the layer tree dump. r=nical (70955c53cc)
- Bug 1207590 - Don't use SingleTiledContentClient for layers that are larger than the maximum texture size. r=mattwoodrow (dd2a094297)
- Bug 1201541 - Use SingleTiledContentClient for non-scrollable layers on Android r=mattwoodrow (6010b5080d)
- missing of Bug 1161662 - Exclude post scale from layer.GetTransform(). r=roc (a3c92f89ae)
- Bug 1172537 - Make the warning: "Tiled PaintedLayer with no scrollable container ancestor" occur only on actual b2g phones. r=nical (d604c9e9da)
- Bug 1204597 - Use Move constructor for opaque region in FrameLayerBuilder instead of copying. r=jrmuizel (26bf99c0fb)
- Bug 1201541 - Add a pref for disabling single tile layers r=mattwoodrow (e3170f8f4c)
- Bug 1172719 - Fix SharedSurface fence handling on gonk r=jgilbert,nical (9fdf5fef4f)
- Support all blend modes in the basic compositor. (bug 1203829 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (ac9eeca118)
- Compile shaders with newer fxc. (bug 1203829 part 2, r=mattwoodrow) (3fd4acc1ec)
- Refactor shader initialization in CompositorD3D11. (bug 1203829 part 3, r=mattwoodrow) (a5e79828ad)
- Handle screen and multiply blend modes in the D3D11 compositor. (bug 1203829 part 4, r=mattwoodrow) (b20c4af7fc)
- Bug 1173107: Add hexa() around various hr logging. r=jrmuizel a=KWierso (76d6d27ff9)
- Get the sync texture's sync handle during compositor initialization, where it can be made to fail gracefully. (bug 1207665 part 3, r=bas) (98d15069a0)
- Log initialization failures in CompositorD3D11.cpp. (bug 1211109 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (211725e4ce)
- Don't use Direct2D if CompositorD3D11::Initialize fails. (bug 1208638, r=jrmuizel) (17a119bc1a)
- Bug 1143653 - Typo fix in a variable name. r=me (469e89d0b6)
- Remove the static compositor backend variable. (bug 1211109 part 2, r=mattwoodrow) (3b7dcb9a7c)
- Allow top-level window changes to the remembered compositor type. (bug 1211109 part 3, r=mattwoodrow) (9309cdfd0f)
- Remove ISurfaceAllocator::GetCompositorBackend. (bug 1211109 part 4, r=mattwoodrow) (2928f757c8)
- Bug 1143653 - Backout part of the initial patch because of crashes. (33637851d4)
- missing bit of 687388 (19770529ef)
- Bug 1208071 - Ensure that only valid texture actors are added to ImageBridge tarnsactions. r=sotaro (23bef4f601)
- Bug 1197534 - Send RecycleTexture messages from the ImageBridge thread. r=sotaro (7249beb404) (7f6fda62d8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 31.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2022, 12:40
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Implemented .at(index) JavaScript method on built-in indexables (Array, String, TypedArray).
    Implemented the use of EventSource in workers.
    Enabled the sending of the Origin: header by default on same-origin requests.
    Changed how Pale Moon is built. We are now using Visual Studio 2022 on Windows, and have made build system changes to reduce build times and pressure on the linker on all platforms.
    Changed how Pale Moon handles standalone wave audio files (.wav). See implementation notes.
    Improved string normalization.
    Updated the handling of CSS "supports" to now accept unparenthesized strings (spec update).
    Updated the handling of flex containers in web pages for web compatibility.
    Fixed various issues when building for Mac OS X.
    Fixed various C++ standard conformance issues in the source code.
    Fixed several issues building on SunOS and Linux with various configurations and gcc versions.
    Fixed an issue with regular expressions' dotAll syntax and usage. See implementation notes.
    Switched custom hash map to std::unordered_map where prudent.
    Cleaned up and updated IPC thread locking code.
    Removed spacing for accessibility focus rings in form controls to align styling of them with expected metrics.
    Removed the unnecessary control module for building with non-standard configurations of the platform.
    Removed the -moz prefix from min-content and max-content CSS keywords where it was still in use.
    Security fixes: CVE-2022-40956 and CVE-2022-40958.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 11 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Pale Moon would previously send standalone wave audio files (.wav) to the system-configured media player if they would be opened standalone (i.e. not inside a <media> HTML element in a page). This was done due to the historical use of rather exotic codecs in .wav files that would not be broadly supported in the browser. In the current day, however, this is much less of a concern. If you prefer to retain the old behavior and send .wav files to whatever the configured system media player is, then you should set the preference media.wave.play-stand-alone to false in about:config.
    There was a spec compliance issue with the dotAll regular expression implementation, causing it to not work properly. Specifically, using the new RegExp() constructor would not accept "s" as a flag, and the .dotAll property was not cased properly (all lowercase) causing compatibility issues.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2022, 20:40
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    The status bar now displays the current scanned history filename.
    Fixed the quick-filter text-box to copy to the clipboard when pressing Ctrl+C.

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 13:00
Whats new:>>

This is a small update to back out the changes to handling of flex containers in 31.3.0 since it caused severe usability issues on several websites.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2022, 18:48
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



Added the Pin/Unpin options to Feature Management
Added Night Mode and Resource Sniffer options to the main menu
Supported customizing the Resource Sniffer shortcut
Adjusted Maxthon Beta updating logic
Fixed the issue that some websites' accounts and passwords could not auto-save in some cases
Fixed the issue that the browser exiting froze when closing VBox
Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not save the pasted image
Fixed the issue that the external link could not open in some cases
Fixed the issue that the tab lock button could not show in some cases


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-10-01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 09:30

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 7f6fda62d8..1406b5eef9:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1182147: Ensure ImageHost does not attempt to call DrawQuad with an effect unsupported by the compositor. r=nical (5624e9134f)
- Bug 1151749 - "Win-Only: Disabled Hardware Acceleration + CSS 3D transform on canvas -> black artefacts on hover". r=nical (54c49071b9)
- Bug 1184224 - Remove gfxPrefs.h include from gfxPlatformGtk.h. r=karlt (eb907daa58)
- Bug 1183820 - Expose if cairo uses XRender to GetAzureBackendInfo. r=mattwoodrow (10044ecfb0)
- Bug 1128934 - Call XFlush after compositing to prevent jank. r=karlt (f63b9dc1b5)
- Bug 1151663 - New mochitest for this bug. r=kats (9344d22ed6)
- Bug 1176402 - Have synthesizeNativeWheel() and synthesizeNativeMouseMove() accept coordinates relative to the element's bounding rect. r=kats (cbdffe3869)
- Bug 1177018 - Work around the iframe in which mochitests are run not being scrollable. r=kats (d24291080c)
- Bug 1177018 - Disable smooth scrolling in the APZ layerization test. r=kats (e1af545da1)
- Bug 1181678 - Improve the check for skipping test_layerization if APZ is disabled. r=botond (91e5ead610)
- Bug 1177018 - Enable chaos mode for the APZ layerization test. r=kats (f07fdeb936)
- Bug 1177018 - Only enable APZ test logging for tests that actually use it. r=kats (9f24ea01c4)
- Bug 1196294 - Remove the mCause from TimelineMarkers, r=tromey (5abd1c057d)
- Bug 1195232 - Stop using TracingMetadata from GeckoProfiler.h, r=tromey (e736038873)
- Bug 1200118 - Create a barebones TimelineMarker abstract class, r=tromey (9930c83c2f)
- Bug 1200252 - Add marker for when the IPC request for a composite is sent to the compositor thread, r=jsantell,matt (becc11f58b)
- align some minor thing to gecko (5bb64e322a)
- Bug 1204581 - Add a deprecation warning for the usage of AppCache when service worker fetch interception is enabled; r=mcmanus,baku (69949c8d96)
- Bug 1210941 P2 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in HttpBaseChannel instead of mForceNoIntercept. r=jduell (fdb7afc0be)
- Bug 1173171 - Disable external jar: via preference. r=jduell (704cfb0b9c)
- Bug 1210941 P3 Make jar channels use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER internally. r=jduell (d871dc4837)
- Bug 1210941 P4 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER instead of ForceNoIntercept in nsDocShell. r=ehsan (ea5ed76717)
- Bug 1210941 P5 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in nsObjectLoadingContent instead of ForceNoIntercept(). r=ehsan (9e821adfaa)
- Bug 1210941 P6 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER instead of ForceNoIntercept in FetchDriver. r=ehsan (02685be882)
- Bug 1210941 P7 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in ServiceWorkerScriptCache. r=ehsan (45fa163dd2)
- Bug 1182112 - XML documents should not be intercepted by ServiceWorkers. r=ehsan (a9dfeffcb3)
- Bug 1210941 P8 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in xslt txURIUtils. r=ehsan (d7686d572b)
- Bug 1210941 P9 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in nsCORSListenerProxy. r=ehsan (653f50de45)
- Bug 1205302 - Disallow intercepting OCSP requests; r=jdm (b4650e78d9)
- Bug 1210941 P10 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in nsNSSCallbacks. r=ehsan (b4b8b3f503)
- Bug 1210941 P11 Use LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER in worker ScriptLoader. r=ehsan (ac07404832)
- Bug 1210941 P12 Remove http channel's ForceNoIntercept. r=jduell IGNORE IDL (a7592a83c4)
- Bug 1210941 P13 Remove ForceNoIntercept from jar channel. r=jduell (617544fcee)
- Bug 1169613 - Use content type of synthesized response for JAR channel requests if available. Part 1: Set Content-Type of synthesized reponses for JAR channel requests. r=jdm (e32061a26a)
- Bug 1169613 - Use content type of synthesized response for JAR channel requests if available. Part 2: Set Content-Type for JAR Channel requests on Fetch API responses. r=nsm (da43e29583)
- Bug 1207556 - Part 1: Stop reusing the loadinfo in StartCORSPreflight; r=sicking (4724bfa8cd)
- Bug 1207556 - Part 2: Fix the beacon CORS preflight tests; r=sicking (c61a699f9f)
- Bug 1111834 - CORS preflight of navigator.sendBeacon() should not follow 30x redirect - tests. r=sicking (2871ad22e7)
- fix build because of previous backports (e3096e6f9a)
- Bug 1161677 - Expose dev mode state read-only through the navigator.hasFeature() api r=ehsan (013399847b)
- Bug 1203680 P8 nsCORSListenerProxy::OnStartRequest must always call outer OnStartRequest. r=ehsan (9a67709770)
- spacing (d4511b37c4)
- missing bit of 920017 and some telemetry (2bf267ce72) (938961e76b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1146888 - Build more files in ipc/chromium in unified mode; r=bent (1143418e0f)
- Bug 1206558 (part 1) - Combine handling of BSDs in ipc/chromium/moz.build. r=mshal. (2bb24997a2)
- Bug 1206558 (part 2) - Move Linux-specific code ipc/chromium/moz.build. r=mshal. (94bf4c550e)
- Bug 1206558 (part 3) - Move Android-specific code ipc/chromium/moz.build. r=mshal. (43ca8e06dd)
- Bug 1206558 (part 4) - Factor out include handling in ipc/chromium/moz.build. r=mshal. (4ae55262ca)
- Bug 1206558 (part 5) - Give libevent its own moz.build file. r=mshal. (1919309e8e)
- Bug 1206558 (part 6) - Factor out common libevent moz.build stuff. r=mshal. (734e9a4b71)
- actually use arc4random_bug check so allow compilation on recent libc (851de42a37)
- var-let (8c910312d3) (1406b5eef9)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2022, 21:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

Improvement: bt.exe now runs in “efficiency mode” which makes it absolutely non existent in terms of system resource usage. Bug fixed: occasional crash on URLs with “%”.

Titel: MiTeC Internet History Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 21:10
Internet History Browser collects and displays internet browsing history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone else's) web sites visits including date and time and used browser.

Supported browsers:

    Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Edge Chromium
    Microsoft Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome
    Apple Safari
    Mozilla Firefox
    Mozilla SeaMonkey
    Pale Moon
    Brave Browser


Whats new:>>

Bug fixes.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-10-08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2022, 18:50

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 1406b5eef9..0a5fd83fe9:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1149728. Move CreateXForOffscreen functions. r=jrmuizel (87d69e4b7c)
- missing part of Bug 1179280. Update ANGLE (ee6228fa90)
- missing bit of Bug 1191042 - Use CreateOffscreen for WebGL instead of CreateHeadless. - r=jrmuizel (87c26edf2c)
- add back XP bits (f198a909bd)
- put back SQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB checks (a06fd5b7a9)
- Bug 1197387 - Use glXGetProcAddress to link against GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness. r=jgilbert (651b85207d)
- add back feature report (a0a33bb8e5)
- Bug 1209022 - Fix AA handling in EGL's CreateOffscreen. - r=jrmuizel (64d4e0f65a)
- Bug 1171228 - Expose WEBGL_debug_renderer_info to web content on non-RELEASE_BUILDs. - r=kamidphish, sr=jst (e7405ef944)
- Bug 1175257 - Remove the fails-if(B2G) annotation on capturestream.html. (80bf24c623)
- Bug 1177726 - Inflate the bounds when stroking the canvas text. r=jmuizelaar (15969cb828)
- Bug 1183363 - Make EnsureWritablePath and EnsureUserSpacePath always imply EnsureTarget. r=Basimply EnsureTarget. r=Bas (12d825cf30)
- Bug 1183363 - Add canvas crashtest. r=Bas (69b6099607)
- Bug 1186689 - check for OOM on destination array before mapping source to avoid needing unmap. r=bas (7a3ed105d6)
- Bug 1206161 - Make sure the DrawTarget is available when creating a CanvasLayer so that we can check for SkiaGL. r=Bas (fdf15fd552)
- Bug 232227 - Do not expose system colors to CSS or canvas. r=jmuizelaar r=enndeakin tor-r=arthuredelstein (dfd6f07fd8)
- Bug 1209206 (part 1) - Remove mgfx namespace synonym. (5916056863)
- Bug 1209206 (part 2) - Rename and re-comment HasNonOpaqueColor(). r=jdaggett. (768a0d549b)
- Bug 1209206 (part 3) - Use sinf() and cosf() instead of sin() and cos() in a couple of places. r=Bas. (7af9ebaa7f)
- No bug - Remove outdated comment and additional comment questioning its relevance. r=me DONTBUILD (6f7eca8452)
- Bug 1145934 - Update obsolete glyph-run assertion. r=jdaggett (ce2442e64b)
- Bug 1182361 p1 - move old generic lookup methods into gfxPangoFontGroup. r=heycam (ef39e6fd52)
- Bug 1182361 p2 - count generic lookups. r=heycam (53050ad6e8)
- bug 1180010 make some methods protected and non-virtual r=jdaggett (815e503481)
- Bug 1165179 - use all style matched faces within a font family. r=heycam (d2711db48b)
- Bug 1182361 p3 - move generic lookup methods to platform fontlist. r=heycam (63b974a000)
- Bug 1182361 p4 - move pref font util methods to platform fontlist. r=heycam (23d7352442)
- Bug 1182361 p5 - cache pref fonts per langGroup. r=heycam (c4244432cb)
- Bug 1182361 p6 - eliminate old pref font caching. r=heycam (c5293f0b8d)
- Bug 1182361 p7 - fixups based on review comments. r=heycam (51a2204179)
- Bug 1170688 - Move initialization of text-run parameters until *after* the draw target has been updated; r=jfkthame (e523ff6e96)
- Bug 1157629 - Fix uninitialized member warning in BufferAlphaColor. r=jdaggett (a564effd24)
- Bug 1184282 - Remove break suggested inside cluster warning. r=roc (54da46a09f)
- Bug 1197650 - remove duplicate validity check for newly created fonts. r=m_kato (5ffb28a313)
- Bug 1171357 - log font matching for textruns. r=m_kato (2354cd36f6)
- Bug 1185812 - rejigger the ordering of fonts within a family to avoid obscure faces. r=heycam (0518f4ef64)
- Bug 1167697 - Mark refs to gfxFontEntry in UserFontCache as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=jtd (1fdcccdac2)
- bits of Bug 1073209 - Eliminate usage of CreateSamplingRestrictedDrawable (9058557527)
- and sync gfx/gl to same state as af-frontend branch (d041f9bde0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1204192 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in BaselineIC-mips32. r=nbp (eeae38da4e)
- Bug 1204193 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in Bailouts-mips32. r=nbp (f24f496235)
- Bug 1204194 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in MoveEmitter-mips32. r=nbp (5c3bdc2fc2)
- Bug 1204214 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in BaselineCompiler-mips32. r=nbp (01903406d1)
- Bug 1205229 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Make more CodeGenerator functions can be shared. r=nbp (d437fe618e)
- Bug 1209528 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Add suffix 'f' for constant float32. r=arai (0f6600c083)
- Bug 1205232 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix rounding of big negative float32 values in Ion. r=bbouvier (4652bb9b7a)
- Bug 1203044 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Atomics operations should throw on oob access. r=lth (e898b3af95)
- Bug 1205135 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in CodeGenerator-mips32. r=nbp (b6d81b922d)
- readd some missing bits (2aa8c9fafd)
- Bug 1167189: Remove unnecessary checks after infallible allocations. r=bholley (fa7d8b9f7b)
- Bug 1209398 - Make AC_SUBST_SET emit a list of unique items instead of an actual set. r=gps (83e5877882)
- Bug 904572 - Add support for generating clang compilation database; r=glandium,r=gps (ab3e6e62fa)
- Bug 1209398 - Enable the FasterMake backend by default for desktop Firefox builds. r=gps (29f6fb3883)
- Bug 1204719 - Don't create interfaces.manifest files from the build backend. r=gps (5a63e36259)
- Bug 786520 - Install things to $(DIST)/branding from moz.build instead of manual rules in Makefile.ins. r=mshal (652552b547)
- Bug 1160563 - Part 1: Make ANDROID_RES_DIRS a moz.build variable. r=gps (e0719524f8)
- Bug 1159390 - Set sharedUserId in robocop.apk. r=gbrown (dde6716e2d)
- Bug 1160030 - Use TEST_HARNESS_FILES to install Robocop test files. r=froydnj (00cd01c3f2)
- Bug 1160030 - Use TEST_HARNESS_FILES to install Robocop ini files. r=froydnj (66d52518e7)
- Bug 938659 - Part 2: build system changes. r=mfinkle (0833d22ba3)
- Bug 1160563 - Pre: Allow ANDROID_RES_DIRS that are not relative to srcdir. r=gps (0d8a3ce66e)
- Bug 1160563 - Part 2: Make ANDROID_ASSETS_DIRS a moz.build variable. r=gps (9f4c132e2a)
- Bug 1195388 - Part 1: Make ANDROID_APK_{NAME,PACKAGE} moz.build variables. r=gps (4a2fa3fc09)
- Bug 1195388 - Part 2: Add ANDROID_EXTRA_{PACKAGES,RES_DIRS} moz.buildvariables. r=gps (7ad49e355e)
- Bug 1207893 - Change how we track object consumption from the build backend. r=gps (20ccc5b67a)
- Bug 1184405 - Add annotations for tags, file patterns, and test flavos to moz.build to specify tests potentially impacted by source files. r=gps (2db17131cc)
- Bug 1171105 - Ability to aggregate metadata from Files instances; r=glandium (59c8759e61)
- Bug 1184405 - Add a container type to mozbuild with a namedtuple-likeinterface and typed, mutable fields. r=gps (3062dbae71)
- Bug 1138283 - Fix bad documentation around wildcard patterns; r=glandium (5785d3284d)
- Bug 1155816 - part 2 - move EXTRA_*COMPONENTS manifest check to buildbackend time; r=mshal (c539616b45)
- Bug 1161270 - Add source manifest to reftest manifest representation in moz.build.;r=gps,roc (376b080084)
- Bug 1180813 - Use a cache for BuildConfig to improve mach speed. r=gps (d431b1ec23)
- Bug 1207882 - Associate an install target with every ContextDerived object. r=gps (62f63487a7)
- Bug 1126228 - Directory (--directory) argument for |mach warnings-list| and |mach warnings-summary|. r=gps (37a85d904f)
- Bug 1210642 - Allow to pass defines overrides when processing install manifests. r=gps (5eb483dc8d)
- Bug 1210642 - Add support for --silence-missing-directive-warnings for preprocessing within install manifests. r=gps (3a07d30b36)
- Bug 1176642 - Use absolute_import in mozpack; r=glandium (863ab20c4a)
- Bug 1162826 - Properly display full moz.build processing errors when empty KeyError or ValueError are thrown. r=mshal (57e8367680)
- Bug 1184405 - Add a mach command to expose test-deps file info. r=gps (7bcc10679c)
- Bug 1195735, r=zer0 (7fe14224e3)
- Bug 1205166 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Import MIPS64 support into Architecture-mips-shared. r=nbp f=rankov (84e1f9ec5d)
- Bug 1205166 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Architecture-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (fe173dd5af)
- Bug 1210322 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Rename BaseFloatRegister/s to FloatRegister/sMIPSShared. r=nbp (ac262cbb5d)
- Bug 1205167 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Assembler-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (079e84ea49)
- Bug 1215555 - Improve simulated OOM testing of ARM assembler buffer and fix bugs r=jolesen (253b976cec)
- Bug 1205167 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Import MIPS64 support into Assembler-mips-shared. r=froydnj f=rankov (94b23ac585)
- Bug 1213146 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix build failure caused by bug 1194139. r=nbp (12f7d5d572)
- Bug 1205566 - IonMonkey: MIPS: bailoutCmp32/Ptr optimization. r=nbp (9a40ee80d0)
- Bug 1209873 - IonMonkey; MIPS: Implement memory barrier. r=lth (964535cb6b)
- Bug 1209572 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Goto done by short jump in convertUInt32ToFloat32. r=nbp (0b388199e7)
- pointer style (312fc6fe4f)
- missing bit of Bug 1140890 - Make sure the first argument cannot bail in between negative zero removal and creating result in substraction, r=nbp (afcc9bfdc7)
- and sync more build scripts with frontend branch (fc52b62763)
- partly import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1152538 - Removing RTCIdentityAssertion interface code, r=jib (b89f1a9ebc)
- Bug 1158868 - PeerConnection should not depend on navigator.onLine r=jesup (77c66505ff)
- Bug 1167922 - Handle broken entries in media.peerconnection.default_iceservers more gracefully. r=jib (b24406479f)
- Bug 1189030 - Add pref "media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only" (default=false). r=jesup (eafbcf9412)
- Bug 1187206 - Adding checks for null SDP, r=jib (8de79e683e)
- Bug 1189060 - add CreateOfferRequest.webidl interface for add-ons r=florian,peterv (e901784f32)
- Bug 1191180 - Wait for certificate before generating identity assertion, r=jib (ced0fc6aaf)
- Bug 1207784 - skip permission hooks in createOffer when called from privileged code (add-ons). r=mt (0052b94f8a)
- Bug 1098015 - Make createAnswer tolerate (no-op) options argument. r=bwc, r=bz (9dd5250811)
- Bug 1064223 - Remove support for constraint-like RTCOfferOptions predecessor. r=mt (7fad1b56d5) (34929c3a27)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: D3D9 initialization fix by XPRTM@MSFN, Thanks! (a16549dd) (6aa41bc113)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1199171 part 0 - Add spewInst function for debugging Jit code. r=lth (12cd32209d)
- Bug 1192786 - support an installed printer, for profiling. r=nbp (59fe21c4a5)
- Bug 1199171 part 1 - Assembler::GetCF32Target: Decode instructions as needed. r=h4writer (b120e75c4f)
- Bug 1192786 - add forgotten ifdeffery on CLOSED TREE. r=me (7ccf2e792c)
- Bug 1195263 - ARM: Instruction::extractCond asserts that the instruction has a condition flag. r=h4writer (fe30c9a6ae)
- Bug 1207449: Conservatively mark MFilterTypeSet with phis as not float32-compatible; r=h4writer (9062bae786)
- revert 1130679 that was never commited (a9c6fcc984)
- Bug 1201793 - correct scratch register scope r=nbp CLOSED TREE (6df1d46059)
- Bug 1202643 - bailout from udiv on nonzero remainder. r=nbp (b001fc7c42)
- Bug 1206650 - Part 1/2 - Clean up load8ZeroExtend(). r=nbp (288a451461)
- Bug 1206650 - Part 2/2 - Use the dest register for scratch in alu_dbl(). r=nbp (4e601cff7f)
- Bug 1201793 - ScratchRegisterScope: ma_alu expect to have scratch register owned by the caller. r=sstangl (6783084545)
- pointer style (04d2b491cc)
- Bug 1202757 - disassemble more instructions. r=sstangl (39e29fbc98)
- Bug 1211832 - Disable functions that can easily cause artificial OOMs. r=jonco (3264e2dcb6)
- Bug 1188390 - Fail when Sprinter in disassemble ooms. r=h4writer (f59e3b00ca)
- Bug 1191635 - Fix stack limit for evalInWorker runtime. r=bhackett (b4b8f37dc1)
- Bug 1209873 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Add AssemblerMIPSShared::as_sync. r=arai (80dbd653b7)
- Bug 1212469 - Fix some OOM handling issues shown up by the previous patch r=jandem (ca7e25d243)
- Bug 1215058 - Fix various OOM handling issues related to off-thread compilation r=jandem (6d95767f75)
- Bug 1207827 - Copy pool data into buffer immediately. r=nbp (d3fcd69e1e)
- Bug 1207827 - Stop perforating AssemblerBuffers. r=nbp (8ac7947355)
- Bug 1207827 - Use a Vector for poolInfo_. r=nbp (d97f814916)
- Bug 1207827 - Switch jit::Pool to a LifoAllocPolicy. r=nbp (caf547349e)
- Bug 1207827 - Eliminate poolSizeBefore(). r=nbp (adad1dfa68)
- Bug 1181612: Hoist codeLabels_ and associated common functions into Assembler-shared; r=luke (5086762e53)
- Bug 1207827 - Remove ARM temporary offset buffers. r=nbp (7bc80ab795)
- Bug 1207827 - Delete Assembler::actualOffset() and transitive closure. r=nbp (34141fde56)
- Bug 1213146 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Remove AssemblerMIPSShared::asAsm. r=arai (8d71e648c9)
- const-var (f860ce4da7)
- Bug 944164 - set the shell variable scriptPath to communicate the currently running script to the debugger, r=jorendorff (5ca9508912)
- align to firefox (f895d43a07)
- Bug 1213146 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Move Assembler::PatchDataWithValueCheck to architecture specific. r=lth (c8a7b478f6)
- Bug 944164 - make the shell actually quit when you call quit(), r=jorendorff (8e737a7450) (b4a9437711)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: follow-up D3D9 initialization fix by XPRTM@MSFN, stop creating pure device. (51bb5d5c) (df1c937cce)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bit of Bug 1202902 - Fix the world. (b7b307b5b1)
- Bug 1179102 - The async version of loadSubscript doesn't get the right JS version. r=bholley (d390d929f5)
- Bug 1206149 - Use channel->AsyncOpen2() js/xpconnect/loader/mozJSSubScriptLoader.cpp (r=sicking) (0c5b42221d)
- Bug 1185634 - Part 1: SandboxPrivate shouldn't be public. r=gabor (3b63251f58)
- Bug 1185634 - Part 2: Remove obsolete comment. r=gabor (48359ea679)
- some crash reporter and space style (c72b1291a7)
- Bug 1178274 - Ensure the BrowserTabsRemoteAutostart function is first called on the main thread during xpcshell testing. r=billm (3e81414e4a)
- Bug 1186993 - Add MOZ_CHAOSMODE to XPCShell. r=roc (a296f46add)
- Bug 1187410 - Use GetNameShared() in XPCNativeInterface::NewInstance() to avoid a leak. r=mrbkap (54f1496a03)
- var-let (48ada4e8ba)
- Bug 1209077 - handle cached empty string in StyleSheetActor._getText; r=bgrins,pbrosset (1940c70e2e) (0a5fd83fe9)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2022, 06:30

    Added "Clear completed" to Download Manager
    Keep the downloading tasks when clearing all records in Download Manager
    Optimized cache path display on the Settings page
    Optimized QuickNote editor layout
    Supported saving the blank password to Passkeeper
    Fixed the issue that the page translation function could not work in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the extension could not hide automatically in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the Maxnote sync button could not click in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the Custom button could not display correctly
    Fixed the issue that the Back button could not work in Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the bookmark editing flash in the sidebar
    Fixed the issue that some screenshots could not paste to Maxnote
    Fixed the issue that the Feature Management prompt could not display properly
    Fixed the crash issue when right-clicking on the address bar


Titel: CyberChef 9.47.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2022, 23:47
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: Dooble 2022.10.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 06:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    24-hour floating digital clock, as requested.
    Improving text interpretation for address widget.
    Include Qt translation files.
    Prefer foreach() for Qt containers.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-10-15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 20:10

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 0a5fd83fe9..0be1a20aba:
- docshell: check reference before use (d292644e34)
- import changes from rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 1207827 - Add AssemblerBuffer::putBytesLarge. r=nbp (b8236445) (f87d2e6b4d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1202351 - Remove MDSM::mPlayDuration. r=cpearce. (c982bcf84d)
- Bug 1202540 - Remove MDSM::mPlayStartTime. r=kinetik. (462de866a4)
- Bug 1203047 - Make MediaDecoderReader know less about AudioData/VideoData by using MediaData instead. r=jya (3b8cda73da)
- Bug 1172830 - Move buffering check out of MediaDecoderStateMachine::UpdateRenderedVideoFrames(). r=cpearce. (c4a174745f)
- Bug 1206578 - Group public and private functions respectively for MDSM. r=gsquelart. (59008c04f6)
- Bug 1206607 - Remove some dead code from MDSM. r=kinetik. (252e4af765)
- Bug 1208932 - Remove ReadMetadataFailureReason::WAITING_FOR_RESOURCES. r=jya. (622e18eef0)
- Bug 1208931 - Remove MediaDecoderReader::IsWaitingMediaResources(). r#=ya. (31cb8c85af)
- Bug 1183888: Report empty buffered ranges unless we have a start time. r=bholley (9a32ffa1eb)
- Bug 1208933 - Remove AbstractMediaDecoder::NotifyWaitingForResourcesSatusChanged(). r=jya. (b1870471ba)
- Bug 1164697 - Fix time unit of AudioOffloadPlayer r=bholley (e36a51ca44)
- Bug 1208930 - Remove usage of decoder monitor from MediaDecoder. r=jya. (8b3d93c3a3)
- Bug 1209864. Part 1 - make all methods run on the main thread and remove usage of the decoder monitor. r=roc. (6d8b607236)
- Bug 1209864. Part 2 - remove unused code. r=sotaro. (c69b8440ee)
- Bug 1188643. Buffer more audio in audio capture mode to avoid glitches. r=cpearce. (11fc554d30)
- Bug 1208934 - Remove usage of decoder monitor from MDSM. r=kinetik. (a67b4d9d01)
- Bug 1211364 - Check frame validity earlier when decoded frames arrive in MDSM. r=jwwang (e6c35f6d49)
- Bug 1212701. Part 1 - remove AbstractMediaDecoder::OnDecodeTaskQueue(). r=jya. (f1f840ebe9)
- Bug 1212701. Part 2 - remove MediaDecoderStateMachine::OnDecodeTaskQueue() which is unused. r=jya. (2c51be5749)
- Bug 1213897 - Extract DelayedScheduler out of MDSM to a common class.r=jwwang (4bfc24688a)
- Bug 1206568: P1. Ensure FFmpeg decoder is only accessed through the decoder's task queue. r=cpearce (39ed961411)
- Bug 1179667 - Use MozPromise to initialize Gonk PlatformDecodeModule. r=jya (86da0475fb)
- Bug 1206568: P2. Clean up header declarations. r=cpearce (2d1aa1bdaa)
- missing bits Bug 1206568: P1. (511c1ee0ef) (f12a92a2ed)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1206977: P1. Remove unused PDM function members. r=cpearce (3ff104135b)
- Bug 1193670: P1. Remove use of SharedDecoderManager. r=cpearce (adb5606e3e)
- Bug 1193670: P2. Remove use of SharedDecoderManager from MediaDecoderReader. r=cpearce (61b9170c51)
- Bug 1194612: P1. Dont reject init promise when initialising H264Converter. r=alfredo (d7d9e81361)
- Bug 1194612: P2. Don't drop first sample with SPS/PPS NALs. r=alfredo (ea42652155)
- Bug 1194612: P3. Remove redundant member. r=alfredo (2d30f940c9)
- Bug 1195625 - Use correct TaskQueue in SharedDecoderManager and H264Converter promise. r=jya (87e52cd322)
- Bug 1194518 - Part 1: Passthrough decoder wrapper, useful to spy on MediaFormatReader-decoder calls. r=jya (8e6f7df905)
- Bug 1194518 - Part 2: Using passthrough wrapper if pref 'media.fuzz.vdeo-decode-passthrough' is true. r=jya (2a50be71f0)
- Bug 1194518 - Part 3: Delaying decoder wrapper, ensures a decoder appears consistently slow. r=jya (9d461352e5)
- Bug 1194518 - Part 4: Using delaying wrapper according to pref 'media.fuzz.video-decode-minimum-frame-interval-ms'. r=jya (9ec9684024)
- Bug 1194518 - Part 5: Using std::deque instead of nsTArray to store delayed frames. r=jya (6f3f26578c)
- Bug 1197145 - Added BaseTimeDuration::IsZero(), BaseTimeDuration::operator bool(), TimeStamp::operator bool(). r=nfroyd (1ba008c9fa)
- Bug 1202556 - Detect underflow in TimeStamp addition/subtraction operators; r=froydnj (864a288877)
- Bug 1176731 - Don't mark static inline functions as MFBT_API in TimeStamp.h. r=Waldo (6c94439c61)
- bug 1170586 - Make TimeStamp::FromSystemTime available on iOS. r=froydnj (f9ae7bd8b8)
- Bug 1193670: P3. Remove no longer needed SharedDecoderManager class. r=cpearce (c56ef98e6d)
- Bug 1206977: P2. Wrap PDM creation in a new PDMFactory class. r=cpearce (6425ab58ca)
- Bug 1206977: P3. Allow PDM fallback. r=cpearce (6cce420063)
- Bug 1206977: P4. Add AgnosticDecoderModule object. r=cpearce (1d4581f74c)
- Bug 1206977: P5. Update PlatformDecoderModule documentation. r=cpearce (af14651d29)
- Bug 1206977: P6. Make PlatformDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType pure virtual. r=cpearce (f328eb0a48)
- Bug 1146086: Properly marking overridden member with override keyword. a=bustage (c809b2311c)
- Bug 1204776: P1. Have the PlatformDecoderModules use their own log. r=cpearce (b8565d268b)
- Bug 1204776: P2. Make Apple PDM use PlatformDecoderModule log. r=cpearce (74b9985af8)
- Bug 1204776: P3. Have FFmpeg PDM use PlatformDecoderModule log. r=cpearce (caa498a139)
- Bug 1204776: P4. Have VPX/Opus/Vorbis decoder use PlatformDecoderModule log. r=cpearce (f2fce6c79a)
- fix (215c918930)
- Bug 1206977: [webm] P7. Remove IntelWebMVideoDecoder. r=kinetik (c455347fe1)
- Bug 1206977: P8. Have PDMFactory directly manage the EMEDecoderModule. r=cpearce (d830cbe570)
- Bug 1212164: Prevent use of demuxer before initialization completes. r=cpearce (99c268d31d)
- Bug 1152652: Part1. Use mStandardMozillaStyle for crypto classes. r=edwin (af58e4e822)
- Bug 1206977: P9. Ensure PDMs are only ever created through the PDMFactory. r=cpearce (4d7375ea3d)
- Bug 1206977: P10. Remove redundant code. r=cpearce (8abd18ffe1)
- Bug 1206977: P11. Don't rely on SupportsMimeType to determine if a track can be played. r=cpearce (b569a8f5e1)
- Bug 1212246. Part 1 - remove the aBorrowedTaskQueue parameter from the MediaDecoderReader constructor. r=jya. (0f481aa22b)
- Bug 1212246. Part 2 - remove mTaskQueueIsBorrowed and unnecessary checks for mTaskQueue is never null. r=jya. (27ec74d634)
- Bug 1212723. Part 1 - don't share mBufferedState per bug 1212723 comment 6. r=jya. (59e1b89bee)
- Bug 1212723. Part 2 - remove unused argument aCloneDonor from MediaDecoderReader::Init(). r=jya. (45bc778f41) (0be1a20aba)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.10.18.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2022, 19:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2022, 05:40

    Added the "Save as" option to Mouse Gesture
    Optimized sidebar performance
    Optimized the successful update dialog
    Optimized Resource Sniffer settings interface
    Fixed the issue that the translation function could not work in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the copied image could not paste to Word in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the saved file name could not auto-change in some cases


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2022, 10:00
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Make side panel button a customizable button on the toolbar.
    Make side panel resizable and able to be located on either side.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-10-22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2022, 18:40
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


In-tree changes:

- use RefPtr without namespace prefix to fix build (as of NM27 rev 8a0a002c) (c5dbf03e)

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 0be1a20aba..c0522908da:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1068087: Add a simple mechanism for content pages to communicate with chrome. r=mconley (b6ce7f0be2e)
- Bug 1184626 - Add a per-process push message listener. r=smaug (0d65907e786)
- Bug 1188686 - Clear push subscriptions when forgetting about site. r=kitcambridge (ff8d40a053)
- Bug 1188450 - Add an empty EXPORTED_SYMBOLS array to PushServiceChildPreload.jsm; r=nsm (7d2274ddef)
- Bug 1190661 - Send push only to child processes when in e10s mode. r=smaug (bcdc3b4207)
- Bug 1192441: Disable Push service debug logging by default. r=doug (d66aebc97d)
- Bug 1196512 - Use principals to test for push permissions. r=nsm (c41ba7be28)
- Bug 1197998 - Use counters for Push subscribe, unsubscribe and permission query. r=froydnj,kitcambridge,jst (e3bbaddfef)
- Bug 1172502 - Add message encription for WebPush. r=mt r=kitcambridge r=keeler r=smaug (ae571ed395)
- Bug 914481 - Patch 1 - Push usage and permissions telemetry. r=kitcambridge (d3a69bf4f0)
- Bug 914481 - Patch 2 - Track subscribe and unsubscribe success/failure. r=kitcambridge (aa049e0804)
- Bug 914481 - Patch 3 - Subscription and quota expiration times. r=kitcambridge, p=ally (d9dd4a3dcc)
- Bug 914481 - Patch 4 - Track why we fail to deliver notifications to Service Workers. r=kitcambridge (9d8e7f0d38)
- Back out bug 1100863 and bug 1152264 for causing bug 1189729 (5bd65ff786)
- Bug 1185544 - Add data delivery to the WebSocket backend. r=dragana,nsm (2c3242e712)
- Bug 1149195 - Expose push message data accessors. r=nsm,dragana,smaug (52333cbc9bc) (5e37efec1a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1148708: Add missing 'override' annotations in DocAccessibleChild.h. rs=ehsan (d606358545)
- Bug 1210408 - make nsMaiInterfaceAction work with proxies, r=tbsaunde (f7c819c6ae)
- Bug 1210407 - teach nsMaiInterfaceTable to use proxies, r=tbsaunde (4ca4f10b5f)
- bug 1185157 make sure we don't send an event to a destroyed ipc document r=billm (23acf53f75)
- bug 1214864 - make SetCarretOffset() async r=davidb (e3079e9b2d)
- missing of Bug 1139972 - IPC Proxy for charAt, r=tbsaunde (e9593ed752)
- bug 1191598 - Pass MOZ_CURRENT_PROJECT in environment when running post-build automation steps for universal mac builds. r=gps (fc342c6ced)
- Bug 1164596 - Add mach android-emulator command; r=ahal (afeb9b27d1)
- Bug 1223149 - Add basic usage documentation for mach build; r=glandium (bfb802d175)
- Bug 1182301 - Improve 'mach build' notifications. r=gps (2c65a122d1)
- Bug 1184696 - Add clobber targets to |mach clobber|; Ability to clobber compiled python files, r=gps (35d8be292e)
- Bug 1117958 - Allow any debugging options to the run or gtest mach subcommands to automatically enable debugging. r=gps (32f986af4b)
- Bug 1180081 - Properly rebuild gtest/libxul before running gtests. r=gps (80db9a3d49)
- Bug 1171647, part 1 - Define a new function to convert the mode to a string. r=njn (61ad16f5ba)
- Bug 1171647, part 2 - Remove redundant assertion for dark matter mode. r=njn (b5ac9519f3)
- Bug 1058178, part 1 - Implement DMD heap scanning mode. r=njn (60e1079536)
- Bug 1058178, part 2 - Implement address clamping analysis for DMD scan logs. r=njn (45c0326b93)
- Bug 1102388 - Fix DMD static constructor ordering dependency. r=mccr8 (59b87897a1)
- Bug 1128705 - Don't redefine PAGE_SIZE in DMD if it's already defined. r=erahm (49216348ee)
- Bug 1179042 - Add a script for analyzing memory blocks using a heap scan DMD log. r=njn DONTBUILD (1c08d2d66e)
- Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T>; r=ehsan; a=Tomcat (1c999d139b)
- Bug 1158772 - fix non-idiomatic memset call in nsDeque.cpp; r=erahm (de6b555245)
- Bug 1199400 - Part 1: Use CheckedInt when growing nsDeque capacity. r=froydnj (dfdf6814a3)
- Bug 1199400 - Part 0: Remove unused nsDequeIterator. r=froydnj (38d69d7f47)
- Bug 1199400 - Part 2: Add tests for possible nsDeque corner cases. r=froydnj (931baff195)
- Bug 1201997 - Part 1 - Converted compiled test to gtest for nsDeque class. Added tests to test untested methods. r=froydn (e893916651)
- Bug 1201997 - Part 2 - Removing unused methods from the nsDeque class. r=froydn (41595a90ac)
- Bug 1201997 - Part 3 - Make internally used methods private. r=froydn (8cd3afd96f)
- Bug 1201997 - Part 4 - Change size and offset variables to size_t.r=froydn (73eabc8d60)
- Bug 1215140 P1 Add an nsIConsoleReportCollector interface to support navigation channel logging. r=bz (8a41535e2b)
- Bug 1215140 P2 Make HttpBaseChannel implement nsIConsoleReportCollector. r=bz (75fca301f2)
- Bug 1197679 - If nsUnknownDecoder is involved in e10s DivertToParent can break. r=jduell (5d94a12504)
- Bug 1178991 - smartptr for http converter r=hurley (8e7fbc8443)
- bug 366559 - patch 2, fix nsHTTPCompressConv indentation r=bagder (ba762da587)
- bug 366559 - patch 3, fix nsHTTPCompressConv bracing style r=bagder (54195ab451)
- bits of bug 366559 - patch 7, content-encoding brotli for http (f0b4051022)
- Bug 1205112 - Make PushEvent.data nullable. r=mt,smaug (775db32856)
- Bug 1193414 - SharedWorkers thread should be kept alive also when the SharedWorker object is CCed, r=khuey (b77ea8125c)
- Bug 1206520: Add about:config prefs to enable throwing on asm.js validation failures; r=bz (c42126665d)
- Bug 1193414 - Telemetry for SharedWorker spawning. r=bkelly (77984b7bcc)
- Bug 1205676 - Enable WPT service-worker/unregister-then-register-new-script.https.html in e10s, r=nsm (ec24939cf6)
- Bug 1193133 - Throw when calling postMessage from a Service Worker dom object with no global. r=bkelly (526dcacfab)
- Bug 1181871 P1 Only enforce Cache Context shared data destruction on target thread after init. r=ehsan (cdbf3ed3a8)
- Bug 1181871 P2 Fix ServiceWorkerManager usage of stack-based ErrorResult. r=ehsan (c449195d90)
- minor cleanup and missing bit of 1198230 (02f459db05)
- Bug 1143717 - Implement the ServiceWorkerMessageEvent interface. r=baku (027b3465f2)
- fix misspatch (708eee4e84)
- Bug 1188545 - Disentangle service workers from shared workers and refactor event dispatching code into a separate class. r=nsm,mrbkap (fb5b5341c9)
- Bug 1205228 - Change PackagedAppVerifier to notify the verification result asynchronously. r=valentin. (9edda0fa00)
- Bug 1178518 - Packaged App Utils. r=valentin (f60f3b7a93)
- Bug 1213150 - Part 1: Add a nsContentUtils::IsNonSubresourceRequest helper; r=jdm (b509cc3cc9)
- Bug 1213150 - Part 2: Rework ShouldPrepareForIntercept() in terms of subresource requests; r=jdm (2e92fe8780)
- Bug 1213150 - Part 3: Remove nsIInterceptedChannel.isNavigation; r=jdm (becf1cc12f)
- Bug 1213150 follow-up: fix build bustage (8d73d6ca73)
- Bug 1198394 - Part 1: Allow interception of HSTS upgraded connections in non-e10s mode; r=mcmanus (f504c5be08)
- Bug 1198394 - Part 2: Add a test for interception of HSTS upgraded connections; r=jdm (054e984eef)
- Bug 1187011 - Don't allow response body with null body status. r=bkelly (b1860741d1)
- missing bit of 1140788 (29d319712e)
- Bug 1213436 - Reject core dumps with node IDs that don't fit in an IEEE 754 double; r=sfink (3c1f6fdda0)
- Bug 1211006 - Add Debugger.Source.prototype.canonicalId; r=ejpbruel (eef7b79fce)
- Bug 1199218 - Implement JS::ubi::Node::size for js::LazyScript referents; r=sfink (098a48d240)
- Bug 1220031 - Add JS::ubi::Node::scriptFilename; r=sfink (6b824ae680)
- Bug 1143575. Remove unused MediaQueue::Empty. r=cpearce (de737f3433)
- Bug 1209933 - Make sure all parent runtime pointers are the topmost parent, r=billm. (fe824d967d)
- Bug 1197012 - Fix ThrowTypeError in Notification. r=mccr8 (0b1a097526)
- Bug 1197893 - Check the number of arguments for ThrowTypeError() and ThrowRangeError() at compile time. r=peterv (d98c7d78a0)
- Bug 1142083 - Add test for IDN Unicode domain redirect. r=mcmanus (0c8961fe17)
- Bug 1187159 - Add mochitest for loading packaged apps (iframe+fetch+mozapp) r=jduell (ce90ea561b)
- Bug 1186290 - Notify TabParent to switch process when loading a signed package. r=honzab, r=kanru. (c58a14554a)
- fix (15e2df75eb)
- Bug 1206124 P1 Fix "same-origin" CORS credentials in FetchDriver. r=ehsan (fae1bb6ab3)
- Bug 1206124 P2 Test fetch() with credentials and redirects. r=ehsan (ffc6254112)
- Bug 1211751: Remove nsIChannelEventSink-forwarding from EventSource and FetchDriver. It's never needed. r=smaug (adafe5737a)
- Bug 1212433 Fail fetch() calls that require preflight and also redirect. r=sicking a=abillings (c0d6742b9e)
- Bug 1193128 - Fix base64 decoding when fetching data URIs. r=baku (80bafa291a)
- Bug 1195167 part 1: Let necko handle all protocols. r=bkelly (bb932b0ada)
- Bug 1195167 part 2: Remove redundant aCORSFlag argument and instead use mCORSFlagEverSet. r=bkelly (beadafcad0)
- Bug 1195167 part 3: Remove more scheme-specific handling from FetchDriver. r=bkelly (d00b38db9e)
- Bug 1195167 part 4: Remove FetchDriver::BasicFetch since it is empty. r=bkelly (c5ed097267)
- Bug 1210413 P2 Test CORS credentials on cross-origin redirects. r=sicking a=dveditz (b4eeb8aac0)
- Bug 1210413 P1 Propagate new channel load flags from child to parent on redirect. r=jduell a=dveditz (8b329af4fa)
- Bug 1195167 part 5: Make FetchDriver use AsyncOpen2. r=bkelly (cc217c4cc1)
- Bug 1195167 part 6: Some code simplification since necko handles fetch recursion. r=bkelly (f3b6da2262)
- Bug 1195167: Followup to fix test which I forgot to change (81e7439a2e)
- Bug 1215746: Remove RequestMode::Cors_with_forced_preflight. r=bkelly (0336e812b6)
- Bug 1211000: Move CORS preflight logic from nsCORSListenerProxy to nsCORSPreflightListener. r=ehsan (bf2f71cf22)
- missing bit of Bug 1211443 - Drop scheduled update if decoder initialization isn't done yet. r=jya (f6bc074e33)
- Bug 1182571: Fix nsILoadInfo->GetContentPolicyType API to be less ambigious. Audit and fix all users of it. r=ckerschb (5af6fa7442)
- fix (e40c8e7625)
- Bug 1173811 - Part 1: Propagate the response URL to intercepted channels when necessary (non-e10s). r=mayhemer,bkelly (26f4f13c28)
- Bug 1173811 - Part 2: Propagate the response URL to intercepted channels when necessary (e10s). r=mayhemer,bkelly (a603fe1df2)
- Bug 1154309 - Add New Resource Timing Fields r=bz,hurley (1d14eb6bef)
- Bug 1175685 - add OriginAttribute to LoadInfo. r=jonas, r=ckerschb, r=michal (a5d18bb637)
- Bug 1175685 - add OriginAttribute to LoadInfo. r=jonas, r=ckerschb, r=michal (fb07d2c8aa)
- Bug 1212904 P1 Add a LoadTainting enumeration. r=jduell (a1db8a3e99)
- Bug 1212904 P2 Add LoadTainting information to nsILoadInfo. r=jduell (2482e5e334)
- Bug 1221151 - use [infallible] in nsILoadInfo.idl instead of manual %{C++ blocks; r=jduell (aae73129b6)
- Bug 1045891 - CSP 2 child-src implementation r=ckerschb (792920aeb9)
- Bug 1219931 - CSP: Don't allow removing a policy (r=sicking) (9daaab4186)
- Bug 1208661 - Dump client-side layer textures. r=BenWa (1f2d17d515) (8a0a002cf2)
- pref: follow-up rev 0be1a20a to change pref name from `media.fragmented-mp4.enabled` to `media.mp4.enabled` (f77403970c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- fix mac build (11ff07d07d)
- Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox into dev (b1d5bda99a)
- Bug 1171682 - Disable WebGL in safemode. r=jgilbert (4b388af71d)
- Bug 1212724 - Fix compile error in non-unified mode. r=nical (a089c1d600)
- bug 1210266 remove unused AudioNode::Callback() r=padenot (7cf3b8ac8d)
- bug 1210266 unfriend AudioBufferSourceNode from AudioNode r=padenot (91055f431b)
- bug 1210267 use DOMEventTargetHelper::LastRelease instead of custom Release r=baku (f81093ce16)
- bug 1179662 call DisconnectFromGraph once only during unlink r=padenot (d95a512d7c)
- Bug 1189506. Give AudioContext non-owning pointers to all its AudioNodes. r=karl (f9c2505e25)
- bug 1197028 move AllocateAudioBlock to AudioBlock.h r=padenot (59e140347f)
- bug 1197028 introduce AudioBlockBuffer r=padenot (bc33ccfc7f)
- bug 1199559 write offline buffer in a format suitable for direct use by AudioBuffer r=padenot (69fd69c667)
- bug 1199560 finish offline audio context processing even when allocation fails r=padenot (5863c0a56a)
- Bug 1140448 - Improving the performances of how AudioEventTimeline calculates values, r=padenot (1a239c48e7)
- bug 1191648 don't keep ScriptProcessorNode alive when it has no audioprocess listener r=padenot (8e1e5eb67d)
- bug 1191649 determine ScriptProcessor connected status on main thread r=padenot (a919a422c4)
- bug 1191648 don't create audioprocess event when there is no listener r=padenot (98ed82f86a)
- bug 1199559 write audioprocess input buffer in a format suitable for direct use by AudioBuffer r=padenot (9ffcb9c64d)
- bug 1197028 use AudioChunk::ChannelCount() r=padenot (1cf63e9959)
- Bug 1148230 - Eliminate the duplicate subexpression (0f1ad073ff)
- bug 1197028 use AudioChunk::GetDuration() r=padenot (b9c30d524c)
- bug 1197028 introduce AudioBlock to keep track of downstream references to AudioBlockBuffer r=padenot (dfe5d1cb2f)
- bug 1199559 add a helper to fallibly allocate ThreadSharedFloatArrayBufferList with buffers r=padenot (4e0c756087)
- bug 1197028 use AudioBlock for web audio processing to reuse buffers shared downstream r=padenot (bf12911645)
- bug 1201854 handle stop time precisely even when resampling r=padenot (8901626678)
- back out part of bug 1197028 (d5d5bfc98a)
- Bug 1189506. Put AudioContext::State inline. r=karl (ded4e9a6c0)
- bug 916387 keep ScriptProcessorNode alive after input is GCed r=padenot (9430a56c6a)
- Bug 1157137 - Fix WebAudio ScriptProcessorNode sometimes gaining high latency. r=padenot (32eadcafaf)
- Bug 1189506. Pass AudioContext to AudioNodeStream::Create. r=karlt (8446b0d16d)
- bug 1205558 remove unnecessary ScriptProcessorNodeEngine::mSource r=padenot (1e058b4390)
- bug 1053011 align "extra" time on AudioContext with processing block size r=padenot (afeb49adbb)
- Bug 1188099 - (Part 3) Introduce [ChromeOnly] SpeechSynthesis.forceEnd for tests. r=smaug r=kdavis (53d765144f)
- Bug 1189506. Convert ChangeExplicitBlockerCount to MediaStream::Suspend/Resume. r=padenot (cb074a339e)
- bug 1205540 don't send more null chunks than necessary to AnalyserNode r=padenot (d382e1f4ae)
- bug 1205540 provide querying whether engines need to continue processing even without input r=padenot (36e44cb77b)
- bug 1203380 destroy AudioBlocks on AudioNodeStream on graph thread r=padenot (777e68da76)
- Bug 1201393. Create an iterator for MediaStreamGraph to iterate over all its streams. r=karlt (3fe295d8c4)
- Bug 1195051 - Part 1: Do not unmute the destination node as soon as the AudioContext is constructed; r=padenot (4243840184)
- Bug 1195051 - Part 2: Mute the destination node when the AudioContext is suspended, and unmute when resumed; r=padenot (e07d9e3268)
- Bug 1201393. Make suspended MediaStreams implicitly always block. r=padenot (d4557acf43)
- Bug 1189506. Make AudioContext responsible for tracking all nodes which need to be suspended and resumed. r=padenot (04410070e7)
- Bug 1189506. Make suspending/resuming streams more reusable. r=padenot (503052804e)
- bug 1201855 rearrange CopyFromBuffer to separate code using numFrames r=padenot (9e2147d19c)
- revert blocked to finished (2bed009b25)
- bug 1205540 account for active inputs and skip processing when streams are inactive r=padenot (a20049ae19)
- bug 864171 move "extra" time accounting for AudioContext with no nodes to destination stream r=padenot (8ef43b8f25)
- bug 1208327 make enum AudioContextOperation strongly typed and forward declare instead of including AudioContext.h r=roc (35cc6748c6)
- Bug 1201393. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_OUTPUT from MediaRecorder. r=jwwang (d7ddf40ba2)
- Bug 1201393. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_INPUT from MediaRecorder. r=jwwang (587979ca8a)
- Bug 1189506. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_OUTPUT from MediaManager. r=jesup (d2cb000648)
- Bug 1201393. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_* from OutputStreamData::Connect. r=jwwang (e31f1effc4)
- Bug 1189506. Don't bother blocking captured media-element MediaStreams while we're not decoding. r=jwwang (c7240f6fc3)
- Bug 1201393. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_INPUT from AudioParam/AudioNode. r=padenot (57a3e05283)
- bug 1191649 add notification of input node changes r=padenot (752ae93e82)
- bug 916387 add a notification of garbage collected input node r=padenot (6336b50f51)
- Bug 1201393. Remove usage of FLAG_BLOCK_INPUT from MediaStreamAudioSourceNode. r=jwwang (df4d77f09a)
- Bug 1189506. Remove aFlags parameter from AllocateInputPort. r=karlt (b62e152ec3)
- bug 1205540 make source stream available during RemoveInput r=padenot (45341fac7f)
- Bug 1189506. Remove MediaInputPort::mFlags. r=karlt (61cb5dce71)
- Bug 1170958 - Allow MediaInputPort to lock to a specific input track. r=roc (a5ba676c3d)
- Bug 1200579 - Stop copying AudioParam timelines. r=karlt (0720f80914)
- bug 1209286 remove now unnecessary StreamTimeToDOMTime and DOMTimeToStreamTime r=padenot (ff93dd9d3a)
- Bug 1140450 - Lower speex_resampler quality for Web Audio API. r=padenot (2f34f0b90c)
- bug 1201855 keep track of buffer position even when there are no channels r=padenot (f3cdcd3bfc)
- bug 1201855 send ended event even when the buffer has no channel data r=padenot (5175efcf0a)
- backout from from bug 1197028 (ab2235c6b9)
- Bug 1163958 - Reduce the allocation in MediaStreamGraph - patch 2, r=padenot (0b00b72341)
- Bug 1189506. Fix multi-track MediaStream audio output. r=karlt (b136e91cc5)
- Bug 1189506. Simplify PlayAudio based on the fact that track time units == stream time units. r=karlt (e3a164170c)
- Bug 1189506. Remove misleading comment. r=karlt (f491ee4f02)
- Bug 1189506. Simplify blocking code now that stream blocking decision are always independent of other streams. r=karlt (646ee9a8da)
- Bug 1189506. Remove MediaStream::mBlockInThisPhase. r=karlt (4cfc75216f)
- Bug 1189506. Remove mExplicitBlockerCount and related code since it's always zero now. r=karlt (1d45b877fc)
- Bug 1189506. Remove unused MediaStreamGraph::GetBufferedTicks. r=karlt (5f90c53e87)
- Bug 1189506. Simplify blocking calculations based on the observation that once a stream starts blocking in a given processing interval, it must stay blocked. r=karlt (bd1d2a90d0)
- Bug 1189506. Replace MediaStream::mBlocked with simpler MediaStream::mStartBlocking. r=karlt (215bacd2fd)
- Bug 1189506. Inline RecomputeBlocking. r=karlt (336a6ab1e9)
- Bug 1189506. Inline ComputeStreamBlockTime. r=karlt (0b0256bb64)
- Bug 1189506. Remove unused NotifyConsumptionChanged. r=karlt (c9f1250b34)
- Bug 1189506. Remove unused mFlushSourcesNow/mFlushSourcesOnNextIteration. r=karlt (734d5fff71)
- Bug 1189506. Factor out code from OneIteration into helper methods. r=karlt (52b5030073)
- Bug 1189506. Move setting of mStateComputedTime to OneIteration so it's near setting mProcessedTime. r=karlt (c3507aaa84)
- Bug 1189506. No need to pass aNextCurrentTime to UpdateCurrentTimeForStreams. r=karlt (1c6141e03e)
- Bug 1189506. Inline StreamNotifyOutput/StreamNotifyFinished. r=karlt (cdac2c6405)
- Bug 1189506. Rename StreamTimeToGraphTime/GraphTimeToStreamTime to ...WithBlocking. r=karlt (e61ffd53a4)
- bug 1199559 permit writing to ThreadSharedFloatArrayBufferList when not shared r=padenot (4eaa511691)
- bug 1199559 add a factory method to accept generated buffer contents in a format suitable for direct use r=padenot (801f9c6c35)
- Bug 1170958 - Add input stream and track as args to NotifyQueuedTrackChanges. r=roc (b3677c801a)
- bug 1196111 don't keep AudioContext alive from AudioBuffer r=baku (f1b113c655)
- bug 1207003 fetch stream position once instead of three times r=padenot (2cef872dc0)
- bug 1207003 remove unused aStream parameter r=padenot (8c3fa1ee88)
- bug 1207003 add GraphTime parameter to ProcessBlock() and remove GetCurrentPosition() r=padenot (5f442537a2)
- bug 1206362 be careful about double -> int conversion r=padenot (956051f9f1)
- Bug 1189506. Remove invalid assertion. r=karlt (4fa8b5a7b1)
- Bug 1189506. Create StreamTimeToGraphTime/GraphTimeToStreamTime that don't take account of blocking, and call them from AudioNodeStream. r=karlt (d10f5b1b62)
- bug 1205558 use destination stream for audio node engine time r=padenot (a9361c32ac)
- bug 1205558 remove unused AudioNodeStream* aSource parameter r=padenot (7667751920)
- Bug 1189506. Use mProcessedTime in some places instead of passing aFrm. r=karlt (c5537555e5)
- Bug 1189506. Use mStateComputedTime in some places instead of passing aTo. r=karlt (69ed378a74)
- Bug 1189506. Use mProcessedTime/mStateComputedTime in ProduceDataForStreamsBlockByBlock. karlt (bc1c49c537)
- bug 1214493 restore fractional start time accidentally rounded in 13e85dc6b41b r=padenot (87b7b5de82)
- missing bit of 1205558 (a46dbdc0de)
- Bug 1185176 - Account for the fact that it is possible for nodes to not have streams. r=karlt (1b5729312b)
- Bug 1210266 use parameter index instead of node callback for sending timeline events r=padenot (6501350f34)
- remove blocked for finished (89fcb0509c)
- bug 1215096 correct off-by-one error in playback position of resampled buffers r=padenot (38c7351675)
- bug 1020370 adjust assert to tolerate large skipFracNum r=padenot (f4f5c7f10f)
- bug 1020370 use int64_t to avoid overflow in subsample calcs r=padenot (9ec82a2c36)
- missing bit of bug 1201855 use unsigned integers for buffer positions (7e83ff4598)
- bug 1179662 call UnregisterAudioBufferSourceNode only once r=padenot (40a5d8ab9a)
- bug 1205558 introduce SecondsToNearestStreamTime r=padenot (719acd8bc2)
- missing bits of Bug 1189506. Make AudioContext responsible (8bd5a1044d)
- Bug 1189506. Call GraphTimeToStreamTime in ExtractPendingInput since we know no blocking time has been determined yet. r=karlt (bab799c1d0) (22d3be643b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1189506. Remove no-longer-used TimeVarying.h. r=karlt (8d2cec3e0c)
- Bug 1189506. Set mStartBlocking in UpdateCurrentTimeForStreams to indicate that blocking time has been processed. r=karlt (22495c3d57)
- Bug 1189506. Remove INCLUDE_TRAILING_BLOCKED_INTERVAL from PlayVideo. r=karlt (5b748ce70c)
- Bug 1189506. Call StreamTimeToGraphTime in MediaStreamGraphImpl::UpdateCurrentTimeForStreams, since we know blocking has been taken account of already there. r=karlt (cffde8399d)
- Bug 1189506. Call GraphTimeToStreamTime in DecodedStreamGraphListener::NotifyOutput, since there's no blocking pending there. r=karlt (dd620d1eb5)
- Bug 1189506. Call GraphTimeToStreamTime in AudioNodeExternalInputStream. r=karlt (840ec52c58)
- Bug 1189506. Use GraphTimeToStreamTime in PrepareUpdatesToMainThreadState. r=karlt (5f19765ab5)
- Bug 1189506. Relax assertions a bit. karlt (a75421cc9e)
- Bug 1189506. Make PlayVideo use GraphTimeToStreamTime/StreamTimeToGraphTime and remove StreamTimeToGraphTimeWithBlocking. r=karlt (09e05f2197)
- Bug 1189506. Make PlayAudio use GraphTimeToStreamTime. r=karlt (2e220a691b)
- Bug 1218593 - switch back to the AudioCallbackDriver when there is new audio again. r=padenot (4f8a192db8)
- bug 1217625 remove unused MessageQueue() and document message queue thread access r=padenot (6c1b342c9b)
- bug 1217625 remove declarations of undefined methods r=padenot (989b7691ed)
- Bug 1215699. Ensure that AudioGraphDriver uses the MediaStreamGraph's AudioChannel. r=padenot (455fcf6847)
- Bug 1196451 - tweak comment in nsRefPtr.h to be more clear; r=botond (4838f7b333)
- bug 1214864 - fixup SetCaret() changes on windows (8fbf8a53fb)
- bug 1192353 - make HyperTextProxyAccessibleWrap inherit from (bf4756be27)
- bug 1192330 - move static text change data from HyperTextAccessibleWrap to ia2AccessibleText r=surkov (b10597a5d5)
- Bug 1192330 - remove ia2AccessibleText::GetModifiedText() r=surkov (e24f7208a4)
- bug 1192330 - add ia2AccessibleText::UpdateTextChangeData r=surkov (46ca279dcb)
- bug 120684 may have changed which .cpp files are compiled together in unified builds causing ScreenOrientation.cpp to not compile on Windows, a=bustage, CLOSED TREE (67b5220301)
- bug 120684, add ChromeNodeList so that chrome JS can create proper NodeList objects, r=baku (05a628700c)
- Bug 120684 - use ChromeNodeList in toolkit's listboxes' selectedItems implementation, r=dao,smaug (ee185e34e9)
- Bug 120684 - followup: adjust DOM interface test, implied-r=smaug,bustage (4ca143acf4)
- missing byRef subsitution of Bug 1207245 - part 3 (97150a9786)
- bug 1217625 add a means to schedule a callback after processing on the graph thread r=padenot (810d14b96b)
- bug 1217625 remove ADD_STREAM_SUSPENDED r=padenot (872586f13d)
- Bug 1216417 - Add logging for audio and video output changes in MSG. r=roc (59bad99c2c)
- align pointer type to FF/TFF (856841ec9b)
- Bug 1152298 - Implement AutoDriver for CanvasCaptureMediaStream. r=mt (b57c7be8be)
- Bug 912342 - Move code MediaOperationTask from .h to .cpp. r=jesup (45a16b4b72)
- Bug 912342 - Change capture resolution. r=jesup (12d7a036c6)
- Bug 912342 - Pass in Audio/VideoDevice in place of Audio/VideoSource. r=jesup (788fced553)
- Bug 1152381 - implement mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints. r=smaug, r=jesup (04dda577ed)
- Bug 1186198 - s/unexpected/unanticipated/. r=drno (02dab80572)
- Bug 1191296 - Revert use of .includes() to .indexOf() != -1. r=jesup (99234d311b)
- Bug 1181896 - rename .constraintName to .constraint in MediaStreamError r=jesup,bz (7b799900d7)
- Bug 1191298 - don't fail on unknown audio constraints e.g. getUserMedia({ audio: {} }) (regression) r=jesup (8d5b9173a6)
- Bug 1181883 - Add serializer on MediaDeviceInfo. r=smaug (ac6baa26e8)
- Bug 1186209 - Check for VTYPE_EMPTY_ARRAY in enumerateDevices + test. r=jesup (4a158a5d5b)
- Bug 1161615 - Clean up gUM mochitest to use promises. r=mt (8823d4466d)
- Bug 1181896 - make gUM fail w/OverconstrainedError and candidate argument r=jesup (a146b6150f)
- Bug 912342 - Move code SelectSettings to MediaConstraintsHelper. r=jesup (3bfe2277bc)
- Bug 1195951 - fix heap type on stack error in MediaUtils' Pledge class. r=jesup (0a4ab1f26f)
- Bug 912342 - get Promise out. r=jesup (983b58ce56)
- Bug 1170958 - Refactor DOMMediaStream to contain a 3-stage track chain. r=roc (ae86da997c)
- bug 1210267 remove custom AudioParam::Release and disconnect in destructor r=baku (16b7be9ddc)
- Bug 1192170 - Remove media capture indicator when all tracks have ended. r=jib (d9864efcaf)
- Bug 1103188 - Always call MediaManager::NotifyFinished/NotifyRemoved on main thread. r=jib (5754c8c562)
- Bug 1103188 - Keep track of capture stop only in gUM stream listener. r=jib (7759b218f7)
- Bug 1103188 - Keep track of stopped tracks in gUM stream listener. r=jib (97b176edb5)
- Bug 1210852 - do SelectSettings of device capabilities on media thread. r=jesup (b2b2eb0374)
- Bug 1213738 - media::NewRunnableFrom() and media::NewTaskFrom() move lambda arg instead of copying it. r=jesup (0e73aef22b)
- Bug 1213738 - media::Pledge.Then() moves lambda args instead of copying them. r=jesup (07a9dcb150)
- and convert back some malloc/realloc/free to use the one with moz_ prefix (6e0ee8992d)
- convert back some more malloc/realloc/free to use the one with moz_ prefix (a63b9be088)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170958 - Feed a SourceMediaStream-backed dom stream instead of a raw SourceMediaStream in MediaManager. r=jesup (8670ff2711)
- Bug 1103188 - Remove identical override nsDOMUserMediaStream::Stop(). r=jib (54831f9b18)
- Bug 1103188 - Deprecate DOMMediaStream::Stop(). r=jib (36112afe82)
- Bug 1186813 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/media/ with iterators r=cpearce (cd0c4a34e8)
- Bug 1190337 - Log GPS status and SVs status if the 'gDebug_isLoggingEnabled' is true. r=garvank (c269f6f31d)
- Bug 1154435 - [Stumbler] FxOS Geo Stumbling for Mozilla Location Service. r=jdm (1a86f4dda5)
- Bug 1199395 - FxOS Stumbling gzip the stumbles to store more data. r=jdm (4d108665d9)
- Bug 1175860 - Add some documentation to UploadLastDir to make its workings clearer. r=baku (cdac9a7849)
- Bug 1210517 - Create nsVariant directly rather than via do_CreateInstance(). r=froydnj (df420cba8e)
- Bug 953265: make getUserMedia fake audio tones configurable in frequency via pref r=jib (67793ee005)
- Bug 1166293 - Use AsyncShutdown API to shut down media thread in non-e10s. r= jesup (1245d20b7e)
- Bug 1103188 - MediaStream WebIDL update with addTrack/removeTrack. r=smaug,jib (697791fd6f)
- Bug 1103188 - MediaStream::AddTrack/RemoveTrack implementation. r=roc (c8b02beb45)
- Bug 1170958 - Improve logging of MediaStreams and playback. r=roc (5fcb40437e)
- Bug 1170958 - Add DOMMediaStream::OwnedStreamListener. r=roc (afff077f93)
- Bug 1103188 - Break out MediaTrackListListener to an interface. r=roc (298b665f27)
- Bug 1198435 - Call RemoveMediaElementFromURITable before modifying mLoadingSrc, so that a future LookupMediaElementURITable won't access this element anymore. r=rillian (f2805c8dba)
- Bug 1141875 - Add flag to init gl_Position. - r=kamidphish (eeb333c02b)
- Bug 1128044 - Enforce packing restrictions for varyings. - r=kamidphish (17b9596a3d)
- Bug 1128044 - Only pack varyings that have static use in both shaders. - r=warnings-as-errors (f41708642a)
- Bug 1128044 - Use nsTArray since android doesn't support std::vector::data(). - r=bustage (be88a80844)
- Bug 1128044 - nsTArray::AppendElement doesn't accept init lists. - r=bustage (cdeafa867b)
- bit of Bug 1019209 - Allow GL initialization without Android bridge (3dba5dffa2)
- some reporter (3049ad6f6d)
- Bug 1206030 - Remove nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement::MozFetchAsStream() f=Ms2ger r=jst (95e773b79f)
- Bug 1187174 - Use 'webgl2' not 'experimental-webgl2'. - r=kamidphish (a6c21752fc)
- Bug 1190777 - Add null checks to prevent bad dereferences. r=kamidphish (f67f0125ce)
- Bug 709490 - Part 1: Let ImageBridge transfer CanvasClient async. r=nical (a46ac7e71c)
- Bug 1150762 - Add pref for activating all ANGLE options. - r=kamidphish (6ab4d39827)
- Bug 1195401 - Use gfxPrefs (threadsafe) rather than crashing on debug builds for off-main-thread pref access. r=snorp (0d29cea59c)
- Bug 709490 - Part 2: Introduce OffscreenCanvas and let WebGL context work on workers. r=nical, r=jgilbert, r=jrmuizel, sr=ehsan (842aaa8328)
- Bug 709490 - Part 3: Transfer OffscreenCanvas from mainthread to workers. r=baku, r=sfink (91c24b0e08)
- Bug 709490 - Part 4: Mochitests for offscreencanvas. r=baku, r=jgilbert (4c439fd376)
- Bug 1173544 - Add tests for Canvas CSS/SVG Filters. r=mstange (04c01f1c11)
- fix (9c7ab9d870)
- Bug 709490 - Part 5: Add interfaces test. r=ehsan (2993581c89)
- Bug 709490 - Part 6: Add frame ID to CanvasClient so compositor could update frame correctly. r=roc (3e6554af1e)
- Bug 709490 - Part 7: If layer is not available, fallback to BasicCanvasLayer. r=roc (c0c0d04468)
- Bug 709490 - Part 8: Copy to a temp texture when readback from IOSurface. r=jgilbert (d1a4879a39)
- Bug 709490 - Part 9: Readback without blocking main thread. r=jgilbert (2430c6e2a5)
- Bug 709490 - Part 10: Using mechanism in RuntimeService to get pref in worker thread instead of gfxPref. r=baku (85d6dc2744)
- Bug 709490 - Part 11: Diabled test_offscreencanvas_many.html on gonk, android, windows and linux. r=jgilbert (5cd8f28063)
- Bug 1212663 - Use doxygen style comments in jsapi, r=Waldo (0e67283edf)
- Bug 1000922 - Use nsMainThreadPtrHandle instead of already_AddRefed and forget for callbacks in NativeOSFileInternals.cpp r=jdm (4a128db7a6)
- Bug 1169740 - Implement a TDZ-like behavior for |this| in derived class constructors. (r=jandem, r=jorendorff, inputs on nit resoulution from Waldo) (6d7df317e3)
- Bug 1211949 - check for allocation failure. r=nbp (94b8aac5e3)
- Bug 1209497 - OOM-crash if a consistent object table is impossible. r=jandem (e8ded0c3cb)
- Bug 1141863 - Part 1: Make |this| object creation account for new.target. (r=jandem, r=jorendorff) (9b4ec25d47)
- Bug 1141863 - Part 2: Implement ES6 SuperCall. (r=jandem, r=jorendorff) (1bbd2ba712)
- Bug 1141863 - Followup: Clean up proxy get traps to handle new |this| creation semantics. (rs=Waldo) CLOSED TREE (e7cd48b43c)
- Bug 1141863 - Last followup fix for a couple jstest failures. r=orange in a CLOSED TREE (8a9cff881a)
- Bug 1141863 - Followfollowfollowup: Remove redundant assert causing rooting hazards. (r=Waldo over IRC) CLOSED TREE (338b64ca87)
- Bug 1141863 - Tests. (r=jorendorff) (3957511169)
- Bug 1105463 - Implement default constructors for ES6 class definitions. (r=jorendorff) (8ead7f33a5)
- Bug 1105463 - Follow up: Fix erroneous syntax test. (r=theSheriffMadeMeDoIt) (425e678cf2)
- Bug 1212794 - Remove decompile-body functionality. r=till (9b87e5c0e4)
- Bug 1214970 - Don't emit nullptr atoms for class expressions with default constructors. (r=Waldo) (80ae19d6dc)
- Bug 1215744 - Unnamed class expressions shouldn't get a name property. (r=arai) (0ce0a96be4)
- Bug 1208747 - Move most of Stopwatch-related code to XPCOM-land (JSAPI-level);r=jandem (e28fa2f859)
- Bug 1184486 - Let PerformanceStats.jsm play nicer with process-per-tab. r=mconley (f0cf0d0eae)
- Bug 1198167 - nsPerformanceStatsService should wait for profile-before-change, not profile-before-shutdown. r=yoric (5ba3c98109)
- Bug 1199603 - Don't wait for shutdown to update nsPerformanceStats Telemetry. r=Mossop (110813977b)
- Bug 1205154 - Use channel->Open2() in js/xpconnect/src/XPCJSRuntime.cpp (r=sicking) (8efd629889)
- Bug 1208747 - Move most of Stopwatch-related code to XPCOM-land (XPCOM-level + XPConnect-level);r=froydnj (a1b1e83549)
- with some fixes (8cdf8ee29c)
- gfx: revert mozalloc changes in UserData.h to fix kmeleon build (f7aab5a409)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- more bits of singature removal (a7f0c4d858)
- Bug 1217218 - Consolidate shutdown of nsPerformanceStatsService. r=froydnj (138a0b20f1)
- Bug 1220407 - include sys/resource.h for struct rusage and getrusage() on all unices, not linux only. r=yoric (fb6a111936)
- Bug 1188248 - Merge jank monitoring and CPOW monitoring (low-level);r=jandem,yoric (54ae55b88a)
- Bug 1198934 - Support special-case WebExtension behavior for TypedArrays. r=billm (055a21fdcb)
- Bug 1214571 - Only create mContextObserver once. r=baku (dfe727d2d5)
- Bug 1215072 - throw in case dictionary initialization fails in canvas.getContext, r=baku (9f3e5e8945)
- bug 1217625 suspend inactive AudioNodeStreams r=padenot (1ce879bdce)
- bug 1210280 use nullptr for silent channels in UpMixDownMixChunk r=padenot (65d7354b19)
- bug 1207003 remove unnecessary EnsureTrack() call r=padenot (14580eda34)
- bug 1207003 coallesce external output chunks when silent r=padenot (136bb0bdc8)
- bug 1207003 only create track for external AudioNodeStreams r=padenot (0a62d97f93)
- bug 1217625 perform checks for transition to inactive outside of stream processing r=padenot (2587cfa37b)
- bug 1205558 remove DelayNodeEngine::mSource r=padenot (c732f2c88c)
- Bug 1103188 - Always check tracks on getUserMedia(). r=jib (6c37e66f9d)
- Bug 1211658 - GUM constraints for screen sharing don't affect framerate. r=jib (46a3274ebb)
- Bug 953265: Update webrtc/getUserMedia default audio capture rate to 32KHz r=padenot (148556edcb)
- Bug 1070216 - Properly manage lifetime of allocated CaptureDevices. r=jib (bbd192727e)
- fix small revert (024171acda)
- Bug 1211656 - GUM Constraints for screen sharing don't affect stream resolution. r=jib (c845e8f781) (c0522908da)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2022, 20:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added the website title to Passkeeper auto-saved passwords
    Added "Show/Hide sidebar" to Shortcuts
    Fixed the issue that page translation could not work in some cases
    Fixed the issue that the download manager could not show the full search results
    Fixed the issue that the settings page could not search the Chinese keywords in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxnote could not open the correct note in some cases
    Fixed the issue that Maxthon could not install correctly
    Fixed the issue that the webpage opened from Bookmarks could not focus on the page search box
    Fixed the issue that the extension button could not display correctly when hovering on it
    Fixed the issue that the Resource Sniffer file size could not display correctly in some cases
    Fixed the crash issue when opening the settings page


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-10-29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2022, 18:40

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git c0522908da..a128924c0d:


    - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
    - Bug 1219711 - Let fake stream take precedence in testing. r=jib (a52bad675a)
    - Bug 1207288. Enable the ANGLE shader validator for WebGL 2. r=jgilbert (9583083fe3)
    - Bug 1218944. Transform feedback linking should use varyings intead of attribs. r=jgilbert (37742a04e0)
    - Bug 1218939. Fixup GetTransformFeedbackVarying. r=jgilbert (5e4ffd63e5)
    - Bug 1218559. Implement FindUniformBlockByMappedName. r=jgilbert (0eefbc1012)
    - Bug 1215296. Map uniforms from blocks. r=jgilbert (f87ecddafa)
    - Bug 1217304: P1. Only fire loadeddata once the first frame has been decoded. r=jwwang (8382426465)
    - Bug 1217304: P2. Do not transition to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA readyState until we do have data. r=jwwang (b17554f65f)
    - Bug 1207887 - Fix AsyncPanZoomAnimation, WheelScrollAnimation and TextureHost doesn't compile in non-unified build. r=nical (9f893b3584)
    - Bug 1145004 - Fix MSE Telemetry VIDEO_MSE_BUFFERING_COUNT - r=cpearce (bdcab5af5a)
    - Bug 1205156 - Add telemetry to measure how often getUserMedia is used over non-secure origins r=jib (f456298e6e)
    - Bug 1206900: Add telemetry for device types captured with getUserMedia() r=jib,smaug (5e278764dd)
    - Bug 1144975 - Video dimensions for tab mirroring can be smaller than the devices display. r=snorp (c5781eca2d)
    - Bug 1193075 - add viewport constraints for independent scrolling in tab sharing. r=smaug, r=jesup (f9243c0e97)
    - bug 1221855 null-check mInputBuffer in SizeOfExcludingThis() r=padenot (d3cd52cfda)
    - Bug 1193075 - make { scrollWithPage: false } not scroll with page. r=jesup (3f4aa04ba4)
    - Bug 1212633 - include mobile and unfiled folders in Sync's concept of 'all IDs'. r=rnewman (908001a794)
    - Bug 1217077 - Remove for-each from services/. r=gps (98a7a1d49d) (8390173396)
    - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
    - Bug 1210573 - Add attribute 'packageIdentifier' to nsIPackagedAppUtils. r=valentin. (0115fa1b85)
    - Bug 1178518 - Verify signed packages. r=valentin (5decf51ecb)
    - Bug 1178518 - Add an AppTrustedRoot for signed packaged app. r=keeler (15e50605b4)
    - Bug 1177013 - test_cpows.xul test for CPOW cancelation (r=dvander) (867c40bec1)
    - Bug 1215167 - Forbid unsafe browser CPOWs (disabled by default for now) (r=mrbkap) (cee45a21b1)
    - Bug 1174487. Stop using JS_ReportPendingException in ThrowAndReport. Just let the AutoJSAPI do the work for us. r=bholley (877d91b8ab)
    - Bug 1213289 part 1. Change dom::Throw to take an XPCOM string, not a raw C string, for the message. r=bkelly (d15fbd30d5)
    - Bug 1213289 part 2. Introduce ErrorResult::ClearUnionData and use it in various places where we're trying to do that. r=bkelly (c7e5dac146)
    - Bug 1213289 part 3. Add a way to throw a DOMException with a custom message on ErrorResult. r=bkelly (aef71f28a9)
    - Bug 1213289 part 4. Convert to using an enum for tracking our union state. r=bkelly (def36e74a1)
    - Bug 1174593 - Null check context compartment in GetCurrentJSStack(). r=bholley (a785100a75)
    - Bug 1216819 - Allow JSAPI SavedFrame accessors to skip past self-hosted frames. r=bz (e7c40f2c30)
    - Bug 1200832 - make Console.trace follow async parents; r=baku,bgrins (9694111f6b)
    - Bug 1218496 - Add MOZ_COUNT_CTOR/DTOR to ErrorResult::Message. r=bz (53ad08d1d3)
    - Bug 1209107 - Only expose module environment object through testing functions r=shu (5fc969293e)
    - Bug 930414 - Update module scope chain handling following addition of global lexical scope r=shu (1fc60942f1)
    - fix typo (385064acb8)
    - Bug 1215341 - Make assignment to const errors runtime TypeErrors in the frontend and interpreter. (r=jandem) (b1f959ad34)
    - Bug 930414 - Implement module namespaces r=shu (8c78ae93f2)
    - Bug 930414 - Make |this| undefined in modules r=shu (effe64e5ec)
    - Bug 930414 - Replace |thisObject| object op with ->|thisValue| and use if for modules r=shu r=smaug (4875da587e)
    - Bug 1125423 part 1 - Attach WindowProxies to globals instead of using innerObject/outerObject hooks. r=bz,luke (ae07ae6add)
    - Bug 1125423 part 2 - Rename stopAtOuter argument to *Unwrap functionsto stopAtWindowProxy. r=bz (87334947c7)
    - Bug 1125423 part 3 - Use IsWindow/IsWindowProxy functions instead of checking for Class hooks. r=bz (ec479123de)
    - Bug 1219183 - Update comments that reference renamed thisObject hook r=shu (d99fd5f5a4)
    - Bug 1125423 part 4 - Make GetThisValue infallible, stop invoking the Class hook. r=shu (7780fae25c)
    - Bug 1125423 part 5 - Remove innerObject/outerObject/thisValue Class hooks. r=luke (e6798ba62f)
    - Bug 1125423 part 6 - Remove nsGlobalWindow::OuterObject and ObjectToOuterObjectValue. r=bz (9c69c88ffc)
    - Bug 1217061 - Report OOMs in IonCache::linkAndAttachStub(). r=djvj (6515dfc38f)
    - Bug 1215573 - Remove AutoWritableJitCode from IonCache::updateBaseAddress. r=nbp (3b01574971)
    - Bug 1209118 part 1 - Add id operand to MGetPropertyCache. r=efaust (d030b03035)
    - Bug 1209118 part 2 - Fix GetPropertyIC stubs. r=efaust (3de861379e)
    - Bug 1209118 part 3 - Move arguments element stub. r=efaust (90416752ec)
    - Bug 1209118 part 4 - Move dense element stub. r=efaust (1c00927242)
    - Bug 1209118 part 5 - Move dense element hole stub. r=efaust (888aeac645)
    - Bug 1209118 part 6 - Move typed-or-unboxed element stub. r=efaust (1faf3c96eb)
    - Bug 1209118 part 7 - Disable GetPropertyIC when the IC fails to attach stubs. r=efaust (ee29616d9e)
    - Bug 1209118 part 8 - Use MGetPropertyCache for GETELEM. r=efaust (9ce7df2660)
    - Bug 1209118 part 9 - rm MGetElementCache, GetElementIC. r=efaust (0c1747a8f8)
    - Bug 1209118 part 10 - Fix a performance issue when disabling GetPropertyIC. r=efaust (c915688ed4)
    - Bug 1209118 part 11 - Fix and simplify condition in GetPropertyIC::maybeDisable. r=efaust (051d4bc465)
    - Bug 1214562 part 1 - SetElementCache no longer needs a byteop register on x86. r=bhackett (51353013a1)
    - Bug 1214163 - Clean up SetPropertyIC::update. r=efaust (a520d092ac)
    - Bug 1214562 part 2 - Refactor SetPropertyCache regalloc. r=bhackett (e7be5c651b)
    - Bug 1216151 - Ensure the object has a non-lazy group in SetPropertyIC::tryAttachStub. r=efaust (205f6770cb)
    - Bug 1213859 - Focus and blur events should not be cancelable; r=smaug (17e8f894d7) (2859b42d1c)
    - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
    - Bug 1165269 - Use OriginAttributes in nsILoadContextInfo, r=michal+allstars (e9ac11acd5)
    - Bug 1180195 - Uninitialised value use in Predictor::SpaceCleaner::OnMetaDataElement. r=hurley@todesschaf.org. (f565058f95)
    - Bug 1181258 - Limit URI length the predictor keeps. r=honzab (d34a902d0e)
    - Bug 1197215 - Remove now unnecessary uses of ok in the predictor. r=hurley (7adb74c366)
    - Bug 1165267 - Part 0: Add util functions NS_GetOriginAttributes. r=honzab (b886b00fe0)
    - space (2841c02d85)
    - Bug 1199775 - mozilla::Tokenizer improvements vol 2. r=nfroyd (faabcc18e4)
    - missing bit of 1212183 (a9a5548239)
    - Bug 1215341 - Make assignment to const errors runtime TypeErrors in the JITs. (r=jandem) (ea4e0daf85)
    - Bug 1214173 - Remove unused MSetPropertyInstruction::needsBarrier_. r=h4writer (6077181a1e)
    - Bug 1130672 - ARM assembler: Check oom() before using editSrc(). r=jandem (50a818038a)
    - Bug 1214126 part 1 - Add extra 'id' operand to SetProperty IC. r=efaust (3dfcc4703b)
    - Bug 1214126 part 2 - Use SetProperty IC for JSOP_SETELEM. r=efaust (f9c9d28520)
    - Bug 1214126 part 3 - Use IC for JSOP_SETELEM in more cases. r=efaust (f0e4859c26)
    - Bug 1214126 part 4 - Move IC stubs from SetElementIC to SetPropertyIC. r=efaust (00d91ede67)
    - Bug 1214126 part 5 - Remove SetElementIC. r=efaust (33a11800a2)
    - Bug 1221177 - Add a ByFilename breakdown for JS::ubi::Node censuses; r=sfink (45cb94f13c)
    - Bug 1207868 - Implement Debugger.Object.asEnvironment. (r=jimb) (988a55fb94)
    - Bug 930414 - Add debugger support for modules r=shu (4233dc42b4)
    - Bug 863089 - replace Debugger.Script.getOffsetLine with getOffsetLocation; r=fitzgen (8a0049ada4)
    - Bug 1003554 - make entry points correspond to entries in the line table; r=jimb,fitzgen (fd32986726)
    - Bug 1212624 - Use range-based iteration for various LinkedList<T> in spidermonkey, r=Waldo (f84d927c56)
    - Bug 1212624 - Implement range-based iteration for LinkedList, r=Waldo (6c4b503624)
    - Bug 1213005 - Try harder not to fire read barriers during GC; r=sfink (6a24f448a6)
    - Bug 1206594: Pass SavedStacks::chooseSamplingProbability its JSCompartment directly. r=fitzgen (6aba5a807a)
    - Bug 1206594: Update SavedStacks sampling probability only when a Debugger changes its probability, not on every sample taken. r=fitzgen (a54ef1d504)
    - Bug 1206594: Address review comments. r=fitzgen (39ea0921f9)
    - Bug 1206594 - Followup hazard-fix. r=H-bustage in a CLOSED TREE (69c0266e15)
    - Bug 1202134 - Save return value onto the stack before executing finally block. r=jandem (bd56605c95)
    - Bug 1196896 - add CSSLexer.performEOFFixup. r=heycam, r=bz (8e103ebd7d) (602f1f1389)
    - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
    - Bug 1214048 - Improve callee-not-a-function error for spread calls. (r=jorendorff) (f47489e821)
    - Bug 1202561 - Mark no-longer-used constants in jsversion.h. r=jorendorff. (dd9a29e777)
    - Bug 995610 - Part 0: Add release property to getBuildConfiguration(). r=evilpie (9aff95b34a)
    - Bug 995610 - Part 1: Show deprecated warning for expression closure. r=evilpie (740af95e85)
    - Bug 1167029 - Followup: remove now-unused DeprecatedLetBlock telemetry. (rs=efaust) (dc3293d70f)
    - Bug 1201740 - Prevent interception if the request is a System XHR. r=bkelly (eea213dcc2)
    - Bug 1182571: Make nsXMLHttpRequest use AsyncOpen2. r=ehsan (15089bb64b)
    - Back out bug 1149127 because of Thunderbird insanity (2047b66990)
    - Bug 1187404 - Allow tab to select an option from a select element in e10s r=Enn (e2c98e7c0f)
    - Mac v2 signing - Bug 1047738 - Make distribution code look for the distribution directory under Contents/Resources due to v2 signing requirements. r=bsmedberg # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (4d6f19f952)
    - Bug 1176703 - load default theme manifest in safe mode, r=bsmedberg (374f8f6ca3)
    - misc path and import fixes (4547430310)
    - bug 1174704 - Implement GetUserDataDirectoryHome for iOS. r=froydnj (886abeed30)
    - Bug 1177819. Replace the warning about anon content being passed into frame construction with an assert plus whitelisting of the known-OK cases. r=dholbert (9d9354f0af)
    - Bug 1034110 - Provide a way to observe mutations for ::before/::after pseudo elements;r=smaug (48560d44b6)
    - Bug 1205635: Don't define methods of Bluetooth backend interfaces in header, r=btian (a30773e87e)
    - Bug 1181482 - Patch1: Refine some data types in gecko backend for GATT server read/write request APIs. r=btian (12921ff365)
    - Bug 1181479: Refine StringToUuid; r=jocelyn (68ca54278a)
    - Bug 1181479: Refine GenerateUuid(); r=jocelyn (dd91af86c9)
    - Bug 1140952 - Implement read/write value of a descriptor for GATT client API (webapi part). f=jocelyn, r=btian, r=mrbkap (276d63e128)
    - misspatch (87e07ca21f)
    - Bug 1181479: Implement GATT Server service management; r=jocelyn, r=mrbkap (1abb22088d)
    - Bug 1161939 - Correct bitwise checking on GATT characteristic write properties. r=jocelyn (fd0c6f1358)
    - Bug 1181482 - Patch2: Revise read/write characteristic/descriptor value to cover both GATT client and GATT server role. r=btian, r=bz (658efbd941)
    - Bug 1181479: Sync the coding style; r=jocelyn (ab0f1509c1)
    - Bug 1181482 - Patch3: Implement |sendResponse| and BluetoothGattAttributeEvent for GATT server read/write requests. r=btian, r=bz (c50c93a6a3)
    - Bug 1211140 - Remove telemetry for RegExpSourceProperty. r=till (faa512402e)
    - Bug 1208835 - Add telemetry for RegExp static property access after String.prototype.replace with function argument and RegExp static property is changed inside it. r=till,bsmedberg (c412b13e4c)
    - Bug 683218 - Remove non-standard __noSuchMethod__ feature. r=efaust (a3a567d797)
    - Bug 1201460: Disallow asm.js compilation for class/methods; r=luke (963644c32f)
    - Bug 1214013 - Remove drainGlobalOrEvalBindings and use generateBindings for all kinds of scripts. (r=efaust) (338778ce73)
    - Bug 1214050 - Don't give overwritten non-deoptimized function bindings slots in global scripts. (r=efaust) (3e95d0ba46)
    - Bug 1214013 - Parse global scripts non-incrementally. (r=efaust) (33a378413b)
    - Bug 1214013 - Remove funky Maybe<ParseContext> logic in BytecodeCompiler. (r=efaust) (0f02d0e3da)
    - Bug 1212719 - Throw SyntaxError immediately for unexpected TOK_TRIPLEDOT. r=Waldo (769ab2403d)
    - Bug 1218204 - Remove else after return from Parser<ParseHandler>::maybeParseDirective. r=arai (519b748a63)
    - Bug 1216966 - Part 1: Splurge and use separate error messages for generator comprehensions that need more parentheses and yield expressions that need more parentheses. r=efaust. (fcb6b0a5d2)
    - Bug 1216966 - Part 2: Tweak a comment about comprehension syntax. r=efaust. (59670db722)
    - Bug 1216966 - Part 3: Remove redundant method Parser::parenExprOrGeneratorComprehension. r=efaust. (e2a5d76e35)
    - Bug 1216966 - Part 4: Update a big comment about for-loops in Parser.cpp. r=efaust. (ac28e492db)
    - Bug 1216966 - Part 5: Code organization and comments around parsing comprehensions. r=efaust. (e5533b379b)
    - Bug 1216623 - Part 1: Rename some loop variables to avoid conflicts with ES6 scoping rules. r=fitzgen, r=ttaubert, r=MattN, r=gps. (daf7d973b0)
    - Bug 932517 - Treat let as a contextual keyword in sloppy mode and make it versionless. (r=jorendorff) (c95a8c115f)
    - align to TFF (e27ad0cc42)
    - Bug 1217001 - Refactor BytecodeEmitter::variables. Part 1: preliminaries. r=shu. (dad313be3e)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 2: Rename two local variables and improve some old comments. r=shu. (8f050c8d34)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 3: Remove one goto statement. r=shu. (6ff8f4d4de)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 4: Improve the comments on VarEmitOption. r=shu. (6396585f04)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 5: Further revise control structure in BytecodeEmitter::emitVariables(). r=shu. (e671d81923)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 6: Eliminate some continue statements. r=shu. (80a7767e89)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 7: Change BytecodeEmitter::emitNormalFor() to decouple it from weird expectations about BytecodeEmitter::emitVariables(). r=shu. (557a9249a8)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 8: Eliminate all uses of PNX_POPVAR. r=shu. (c9c27b5072)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 9: Remove PNX_POPVAR. r=shu. (012e716653)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 10: Delete redundant boolean argument. r=shu. (5f528ed198)
    - Bug 1217001 - Part 11: Get rid of the last goto in BytecodeEmitter::emitVariables(). r=shu. (0d11883f9e)
    - Fix a broken JS test. It landed in rev 093802a6d8ae (bug 1003554) and was apparently fine until it was merged to m-c/m-i, where it probably collided with rev bug 1217099 or bug 1217001. no_r=bustage to a CLOSED TREE. (12470085c8)
    - Bug 1217099 - Stop emitting pointless JSOP_GETLOCAL; JSOP_POP bytecode sequence for `var x;`. r=shu. (9c69ca3bd3)
    - Bug 1217110 - Remove unnecessary opcode JSOP_BINDINTRINSIC. r=shu. (58e4f74fd1) (5e85317f94)
    - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
    - Bug 930414 - Instantiate module function defintions earlier as per the spec r=shu (c0f7f01c16)
    - Bug 819125 - Reset return value before executing catch/finally block. r=jandem (005fc7dc26)
    - Bug 1216623 - Part 2: In for (let ...) loops, evaluate initializers in the scope of the variables being initialized. r=Waldo. (a09e74569a)
    - Bug 1219877 - Allow let token with TOK_NAME in strict mode in Parser::shouldParseLetDeclaration. r=shu (d76dbab3d4)
    - Bug 932517 - Followup: remove let-block logic in sloppy mode ES6 let declaration check. (rs=evilpie) (c6e0c8661a)
    - Bug 1212305: Also mark lazy link frames, r=jandem (cd3601052c)
    - Bug 1216140 - Load the global lexical scope for the BINDGNAME Baseline IC when the script doesn't have a non-syntactic scope chain. (r=jandem) (370cccbd8a)
    - Bug 1144630 - Install class methods as non-enumerable on instances. (r=evilpie) (1158b1ffdb)
    - Bug 1218639 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Add support into jit. r=nbp (f521201ec3)
    - Bug 1213740 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Bailouts-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (5e810a94d9)
    - Bug 1213741 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import BaselineCompiler-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (c6eb2d72b1)
    - Bug 1213742 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import BaselineIC-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (67b78d1345)
    - Bug 1213745 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Lowering-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (d1e60521f2)
    - Bug 1213749 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import SharedIC-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (4a2184d535)
    - Bug 1213750 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Trampoline-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (382237c7db)
    - Bug 1213743 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import CodeGenerator-mips64. r=lth f=nbp,rankov (4f7d1720d6)
    - Bug 1213747 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import MoveEmitter-mips64. r=nbp f=rankov (63a53396e6)
    - Bug 1213751 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import Simulator-mips64. r=jandem (ac2f67fd43)
    - Bug 1218652 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Add mips-shared in check macroassembler style. r=arai (cf6f2bf5db)
    - Bug 1205134 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in MacroAssembler-mips32. r=lth f=nbp (3608ef227a)
    - Bug 1218652 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Move shared functions to mips-shared. r=arai (d716fa56bc)
    - Bug 1219137 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix PushRegsInMask and PopRegsInMaskIgnore can not shared. r=arai (13e5811e19)
    - Bug 1213746 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Import MacroAssembler-mips64. r=lthf=rankov (3a7cb6fbd6)
    - Bug 1196545 - unboxed array snafus. r=jandem (31bbe773b2)
    - Bug 1224411 - Speed up FileRegistry._partial_paths by memoizing on the basis of directory. r=nalexander (d202d614a9)
    - Bug 1153790 - mac unification doesn't work with packaged addons. r=glandium (269cc3e37c)
    - Bug 1208320 - Support configuring zlib compression level; r=glandium (502de5e78a)
    - Bug 1163077 - Never elfhack if --disable-compile-environment is set. r=glandium (a484cb9a2f)
    - Bug 1213418 - Part 1: Use mozregression to download in |mach artifact|. r=me (93e1cb3aa2)
    - Bug 1213418 - Part 2: Use Fennec APKs in |mach artifact|; use mozversion to extract build IDs. r=me (27efbe8404)
    - Bug 1191051 - Use full 40 character hashes in |mach artifact|. r=gps (43992efbee)
    - Bug 1192064 - Add 'android-x86' job to |mach artifact|. r=jonalmeida (c0e7d6c8f8)
    - No bug - Don't write artifacts twice. r=me (e5eff7d6de)
    - Bug 1208808 - Move time zone adjustment information out of JSRuntime, into global state protected by a spinlock. r=till (20c6e76cc7)
    - Bug 1181612: Rename AsmJSFunctionLabels to make them easier to understand; r=luke (c6d88f944b)
    - Bug 1181612: Remove FunctionCompiler's RetType; r=luke (2f7483bfe2)
    - Bug 1214467 - Eliminate redundant loop header phis while emitting MIR for asm.js. r=luke (6c50f9b407)
    - Bug 1205390 - make Odin accept TypedArray constructors for shared memory. r=luke (400f892775)
    - Bug 1181612: Make asm.js internal calls thread-local; r=luke (aed88de095)
    - Bug 1219143 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Move callAndPushReturnAddress to mips-shared. r=lth (b9cd97f491)
    - Bug 1217326 - fork remaining atomics. r=h4writer. (65cc2a2b07) (a128924c0d)


Titel: Pale Moon 31.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2022, 13:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a security and compatibility update.


    Added detection suport for the newly-released MacOS 13 (Ventura).
    Fixed a potential heap Use-After-Free risk in Expat. (CVE-2022-40674) DiD
    Fixed potentially undefined behavior in our thread locking code. DiD
    Fixed a potentially exploitable crash in the refresh driver.
    Fixed potentially undefined behavior when base-64 decoding. DiD
    Implemented a texture size cap for WebGL to prevent potential issues with some graphics drivers. DiD
    Updated site-specific overrides to address issues with ZoHo.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 2 DiD, 6 not applicable.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 19:20

    Added the app management built-in page
    Added the options for customizing bookmark menu columns' width
    Supported importing the Chrome extensions
    Supported importing MX5 account settings
    Supported editing website titles in Passkeeper
    Supported sorting the resources in Resource Sniffer
    Fixed the issue that Passkeeper displayed messy code after editing the password
    Fixed the issue that Resource Sniffer could not display the correct number of files amount in some cases


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.11.5.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2022, 20:30
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-11-05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2022, 19:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git a128924c0d..bfcecaee50:

- devtools: fix error reporting in webconsole (20761b8600)
- HACK: treat `for(const i in x)` as `for(let i in x)` (1f56788b39)

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- missing bit of Bug 1209403 - Build xpidl stuff in the faster make backend. (2b46f612d4)
- Bug 1209875 - Get rid of XULPPFLAGS. r=gps (84b1e0140e)
- Bug 1220731 - Refactor embedjs script for use from moz.build rather than makefiles r=shu r=glandium (064363aef4)
- Bug 1212015 - Fix an unchecked allocation in AsmJS r=terrence (c77978cae6)
- Bug 1218641 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Add support into asmjs. r=lth (c856ea1842)
- Bug 1219821 - remove static failure, make it dynamic r=arai a=me (eec5ffaa57)
- Bug 1210611 - Globally define MOZILLA_OFFICIAL. r=glandium (c06518f942)
- Bug 1211765 - Remove remnants from --with-libxul-sdk. r=bsmedberg (79a4d4e4aa)
- Bug 1221453 - Use SourcePaths for LOCAL_INCLUDES. r=gps (abb032990d)
- Bug 1176094 - [ATK] Assign role SECTION to math groups instead of PANEL/UNKNOWN. r=surkov (18b059a017)
- Bug 1175182 - Expose fractions and roots as ATK_ROLE_PANEL for ATK < 2.16. r=surkov (6d00256e56)
- bug 1171728 - null check the result of ProxyAccessible::OuterDocOfRemoteBrowser (378533bdaf)
- Bug 1207253 - make getChildCountCB correctly deal with outerdoc accessibles with proxy children, r=tbsaunde (303d37a9d3)
- bug 1209615 - make remote primary docs RELATION_EMBEDS targets for atk r=davidb (782635334d)
- bug 1196880 - correctly compute interfaces for proxies r=davidb (2ee6b6ffdd)
- bug 1210803 - expose the selection interface on proxied accessibles r=davidb (006b68ee32)
- bug 1210884 - expose the action interface on proxied accessibles r=davidb (837add2013)
- bug 1185122 - don't try and fire platform events in the child process r=lsocks (622e18ed2c)
- Bug 1210108 - Emit object:state-changed:showing event for doorhangers, r=tbsaunde (bd2d410651)
- bug 1164193 - emit a few more events on proxied accessibles for atk r=davidb (79b0d7a324)
- bug 1213516 - fire showing state change event for atk in place of an alert event r=davidb (08efdc7620)
- Bug 1209470 - Remove use of expression closure from Add-on SDK. r=mossop (736026d0e9)
- Bug 1212693 - Remove skipCOWCallableChecks. r=bz (e1b7c21fe5)
- Bug 877896 - Print stack trace in the console service. r=bholley (4667c5df15)
- Bug 1157648 - Make nsScriptError::ToString use only the first 512 characters of mSourceName and mSourceLine. r=bholley (8cabd24397)
- Bug 1052139 - Continued work on making the global object's prototype chain immutable, once a switch is flipped. r=bz (3f7549bd11)
- Bug 1052139 - Adjust sandbox code to create the sandbox with an (observably) immutable [[Prototype]], once the flag's flipped. r=bz (66b846642c)
- Bug 1184382 - Handle a sandboxPrototype we don't subsume. r=gabor (1736954a3e)
- Bug 1205707 part 1 - Clean up some is-TypedArrayObject code in Ion. r=Waldo (08d95d5db4)
- Bug 1205707 part 2 - Add test. r=Waldo (d1af75fe83) (45942a6da5)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1164135 - fix AtkHyperlink::GetStartIndex r=davidb (658e24dbcc)
- Bug 1174204 - Fixed gecko to atk attribute conversion for fg-color and bg-color to be correctly formatted r=davidb (550d455ea8)
- bug 1173876 - make getText{At,After,Before}OffsetCB work with proxies r=lsocks (424edcaa3d)
- spacing (ba426cc101)
- Bug 744790 - Part 1 - Map tabular accessibles to appropriate roles. r=surkov (30b237cf10)
- Bug 1178817 - Fix segfault in mozilla::a11y::HTMLTableRowAccessible::GroupPosition(). r=MarcoZ (1340008a61)
- bug 1213327 - allow accessibles wrapping proxies to store the set of interfaces implemented by the proxy r=davidb (0a410df72b)
- Bug 1133630 - handle stack overflows during analysis. r=jandem (cda7759550)
- missing bit of Bug 1215341 - Make assignment to const errors runtime TypeErrors (be4d1d66b3)
- Bug 1215992 - Terminate control flow for THROWSETCONST/THROWSETALIASEDCONST in IonBuilder. r=shu (5948746b0f)
- Bug 1158632 - IonBuilder TableSwitch, fill-the-gap cases should encore the PC of the default block. r=h4writer (b83f8640b3)
- Bug 1218065 - Don't treat THROWSETCONST ops as non-fallthrough. r=shu (5c94779eeb)
- Bug 1094150 - make jitspew available in release builds. r=nbp (a2c3c7061b)
- Bug 1094150 - more JitSpew channels. r=nbp (1cdcfd8e69)
- Bug 1097456: IonMonkey: Handle FoldTests failures, r=jandem (9d7ea00bdc)
- bug 1209615 - add RootAccessible::GetPrimaryRemoteTopLevelContentDoc() r=davidb (271ca175d0)
- bug 1209615 - add TabParent::GetTopLevelDocAccessible() r=smaug (dc987f5b45) (356d616447)
- ipc: guard with `#ifdef ACCESSIBILITY` to fix a11y-disabled build (bfcecaee50)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2022, 18:00
Whats new:>>

adds support for hardware decoding for HEVC

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2022, 09:06

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome/107.0.5304.88)
    Other minor fixes

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2022, 13:11

Supported importing all Chrome accounts in Settings
Optimized importing Maxthon 5 Shortcut settings
Improved sidebar bookmarks and Maxnote display
Fixed the issue that the browser could not display the login panel in some cases
Fixed the issue that the browser's main window could not display correctly after importing data automatically
Fixed the issue that the URL in QuickNote could not be opened to the right of the current tab
Fixed the issue that bookmark columns' width setting could not work in some cases
Fixed the issue that the selected status of the status bar options displayed incorrectly


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix a few bugs.
    adds support for hardware decoding for HEVC

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2022, 10:00

    Supported displaying the progress prompt for importing local data and HTML file
    Supported displaying the bookmark folder's name when hovering on it
    Adjusted the "Inspect" location to the bottom of the webpage right-click menu
    Optimized Resource Sniffer default showing option
    Fixed the issue that Resource Sniffer could not display the full URL prompt when hovering on it


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-11-19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2022, 19:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 5499b4356b..bd2172c632:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1212906 - don't handle windows messages while waiting for a sync a11y ipc message r=billm (c9297e58f4)
- Bug 1183431 - Tests for hypothetical box computation (to determine static position of abspos element) where orthogonal writing modes are involved. r=dholbert (87b22c5cf5)
- Bug 1221112: When checking for ::before/::after while sorting flex items by DOM order, dig past placeholder to out-of-flow frame. r=mats (b2e252fa86)
- Bug 1169420: add crashtests. (no review) (f7484702a2)
- Bug 1183431 - Ensure hypothetical box has a writing mode with the same block direction as the absolute containing block. r=dholbert (9106e022d1)
- Partial - No bug - Various crashtest manifest cleanups. (f2d0568f2d)
- Bug 1221874 - Crashtest for overzealous writing-mode check (currently asserts). r=smontagu (ef6685f606)
- Bug 1221874 - Ignore the sideways-orientation flag when logical-coordinate classes are checking writing-mode compatibility. r=smontagu (9617a761d6)
- Bug 1193488 - patch 2 - Update the writing-mode representation printed by debugging code such as DumpFrameTree to reflect the new property values. r=dholbert (b6b3fdda58)
- Bug 1208593 - Make the WritingMode::DebugString() method available even in non-DEBUG compilation (needed by --enable-dump-painting builds, for example). r=mchang (d6b46fde86)
- Bug 1122918 - Part 1 - Add parsing for logical inline-start/end keywords to the 'float' and 'clear' properties. r=heycam (20f9dc4d11)
- Bug 1122918 - Part 2 - Provide accessors that return logical 'float' and 'clear' values resolved to their physical equivalents. r=heycam (9380f050d6)
- Bug 1108055 - Part 1: Add ComputedTimingProperties dictionary. r=smaug (ac88430cfe)
- Bug 1108055 - Part 2: Refine ComputedTiming. r=birtles (3c25124b5f)
- Bug 1108055 - Part 3: Implement GetComputedTiming method. r=birtles (d9fe931cc5)
- Bug 1108055 - Part 4: Add ComputedTiming mochitests. r=birtles (1687824926)
- Bug 1195180 part 1 - Add Animation::NeedsTicks; r=heycam (9ac3bbda87)
- Bug 1195180 part 2 - Make DocumentTimeline inherit from nsARefreshObserver; r=heycam (292f9d154d)
- Bug 1195180 part 3 - Add flag to record if DocumentTimeline is observing the refresh driver; r=heycam (3d90d3f149)
- Bug 1195180 part 4 - Unregister from refresh observer when there are no animations needing ticks; r=heycam (ad76c3ddd5)
- Bug 1195180 part 5 - Synchronize refresh driver observing with presshell creation/teardown; r=heycam (94b7d9176f)
- Bug 1195180 part 6 - Lazily remove animations from timelines; r=heycam (bb3beaa264)
- Bug 1195180 part 7 - Store animations in an array; r=heycam (199756e7d6)
- Bug 1195180 part 8 - Tick animations from their timeline; r=heycam (12942bdc45)
- Bug 1195180 part 9 - Add test for seeking finished -> paused; r=heycam (0b42afcd26)
- Bug 1195180 part 10 - Remove refresh driver observing machinery from CommonAnimationManager; r=heycam (bf233d32ac)
- Bug 1208938 part 1 - Rename AnimationCollection::mNeedsRefreshes to mStyleChanging; r=heycam (679bdf0770)
- Bug 1208938 part 2 - Remove Animation::HasEndEventToQueue; r=heycam (c75bdb64b7)
- Bug 1208938 part 3 - Update pending finishing handling; r=heycam (c9f4c1aace)
- Bug 1196379 - Fix incorrect assertion checking for sorted arrays in nsDocumentRuleResultCacheKey::Matches. r=dbaron (a12db544ef)
- Bug 978833 patch 3 - Make css::Declaration implement nsIStyleRule. r=heycam (3b79410f06)
- Bug 978833 patch 4 - Add pointer back from css::Declaration to css::Rule. r=heycam (2f86331573)
- Bug 978833 patch 5 - Rename ImportantRule to ImportantStyleData. r=heycam (e8471fc026)
- Bug 978833 patch 6 - Move ImportantStyleData from StyleRule.{h,cpp} to Declaration.{h,cpp} r=heycam (612875a128)
- Bug 978833 patch 7 - Fuse allocation of ImportantStyleData with Declaration. r=heycam (a8e9e99a35)
- Bug 978833 patch 8 - Call SetImmutable for declarations of @page and keyframe rules. r=heycam (6b04b5a81e)
- Bug 978833 patch 9 - Move keyframe !important data assertion to where it will continue to happen. r=heycam (862c6df232)
- Bug 978833 patch 10 - Raise consistent exceptions so that the exception doesn't depend on rule destruction timing. r=bzbarsky (8bd58857e9)
- Bug 978833 patch 11 - Add missing #includes in preparation for nsRuleWalker.h #include change in following patch. r=heycam (25a6357983)
- Bug 1180118 - Part 6: Return eRestyle_SomeDescendants from HasAttributeDependentStyle where appropriate. r=bzbarsky (21d88cc938)
- Bug 1202512 - Part 2: Make SelectorMatchesTree take a flags argument. r=bzbarsky (b660a417f8)
- Bug 978833 patch 12 - Use the css::Declaration instead of the css::StyleRule as the matching rule. r=heycam (dd6a7914a6)
- Bug 978833 patch 13 - Remove important rule creation from css::StyleRule. r=heycam (4766c9a635)
- Bug 978833 patch 14 - Pass mozilla::css::Rule instead of nsIStyleRule to nsIDocument/nsIDocumentObserver style rule methods. r=heycam (a632b828b9)
- Bug 978833 patch 15 - Make css::Rule no longer inherit from nsIStyleRule. r=heycam (a975922671)
- Bug 978833 patch 16 - Always call Declaration::SetImmutable when we match a rule. r=heycam (0f0c89aede)
- Bug 978833 patch 17 - Remove Rule::mWasMatched. r=heycam (d0bb9bfef1)
- Bug 978833 patch 18 - Eliminate StyleRule::RuleMatched and call Declaration::SetImmutable directly for style rules (like for @page and keyframe rules). r=heycam (70d5e45a7c)
- Bug 978833 patch 19 - Fix ResolvedStyleCache to use Declaration rather than nsCSSKeyframeRule as keys. r=heycam (223cf85e8b)
- Bug 978833 patch 20 - Rev IIDs that I should have revised in Bug 978833 patch 14. (c6421cbca8)
- Bug 1214936 - Make the ArrayBuffer constructor throw if invoked without 'new'. (r=evilpie) (ec76f43c26)
- Bug 1198826 - Rename obj parameter to buffer to improve readability, r=terrence (3b1d280a76)
- pointer style (1f9d6a7d22)
- Bug 1218111 - Fix property enumeration order of unboxed objects with expando properties. r=bhackett (a7fdc9482d)
- Bug 980945 - Throw when invoking a typed array constructor without new. r=efaust (4f80026991)
- Bug 1192572 - Add id to each opcode section in SpiderMonkey Bytecode documentation. r=Waldo (bfd9d4c165)
- Bug 1219363 - Fix sort of indexed properties to not include properties already in the Vector. r=jorendorff (77edd4d779)
- Bug 1217593 - Fix compilation of LComputeThis now this can be undefined r=shu (d227ddf666)
- Bug 1212343 - Propagate OOM from SafepointWriter r=nbp (d5a79b7d61)
- remove core files (e008661015)
- Bug 1215937 - Remove use of expression closure from js/xpconnect/. r=bholley (e928296111)
- Bug 1196975 - part1: shimwaiver. r=billm (40bc720f37)
- Bug 1196975 - part2: shimwaiver applications. r=mossop (60cf9a9342)
- Bug 1196975 - part3: GetTabForContentWindowNoShim. r=billm (05d2af3c9a)
- Bug 1196975 - part4: waiveInterposition. r=billm (31ecb441b1)
- Bug 1196975 - part5: waiveInterposition for childloader. r=mossop (fe30dddc85)
- Bug 1196975 - part6: SDK Worker should not support CPOWs. r=mossop (7e59947069)
- Bug 1129662: sdk/page-worker should use a remote page. r=krizsa (ef63bafbe4)
- Bug 1216157 - Check for OOM when generating Ion RegExp stubs. r=jonco (690229c6d7)
- Bug 1221436 patch 5 - Stop generating new style rules in DeclarationChanged (and rename it to SetDeclaration), since we no longer need a new style rule for nsIStyleRule identity rules. r=heycam (98d860d06e)
- Bug 1220516 - Devirtualize CSSStyleSheet::GetOriginalURI. r=bzbarsky (6669f8ef70)
- Fix formatting of some macros; no bug. (fe337a3e91)
- Bug 1165538 part 1 - Use delegated constructor for nsStyleFont to simplify code and remove the need of nsStyleFont::Init. r=heycam (521e59852a)
- Bug 1165538 part 2 - Add -moz-min-font-size-ratio internal property. r=heycam (a16ef2d609)
- Bug 1165538 part 3 - Apply -moz-min-font-size-ratio to rt elements and add test. r=heycam (363684724b)
- Bug 1035091 part 1: change CSS parser and loader APIs to distinguish UA, user, and author sheets instead of just UA vs everyone else. r=heycam (01decf75df)
- Bug 1221436 patch 1 - Have a pointer back from the css::Declaration for style attributes to the nsHTMLCSSStyleSheet. r=heycam (308bf9701e)
- Bug 1221436 patch 2 - For style attributes, only store a css::Declaration instead of a css::StyleRule. r=heycam (f068adb5e9)
- Bug 1167588 - Mark Rule::mParentRule as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=dbaron (bdb2bfe4a7)
- Bug 1221436 patch 3 - Remove Rule::SetHTMLCSSStyleSheet and related code, now unused. r=heycam (d4fd6fca7c)
- Bug 1221436 patch 4 - Use the same pointer to store the owning rule and the nsHTMLCSSStyleSheet on css::Declaration, since we never need both. r=heycam (1a949ec7dc)
- Bug 1221436 patch 6 - Remove mechanism for replacing style rules. r=heycam (870539dcca)
- Bug 1221436 patch 7 - Remove ReplaceStyleRule/ReplaceRuleInGroup mechanism. r=heycam (a8a58186c1)
- Bug 1186768 patch 1 - Avoid setting different font-size conditions due to MathML font size adjustments. r=heycam (5b48d02031)
- Bug 1146101 - Test. r=dbaron a=abillings (b214ab1529)
- Bug 1161366 - Correctly set referrer when loading fonts with |new FontFace()|. r=dbaron (52a59ad6a4)
- Bug 1206105 - Use CheckedInt for an+b selector matching. r=bzbarsky (739875148c)
- Bug 1163446 - Drop reference to FontFace once a FontFaceBufferSource is loaded. r=jdaggett (9fd3a219c6)
- Bug 1164813 - Make nsAnimationManager update cached in-effect status even when there is no frame; r=dbaron (6f94c96764)
- Bug 1186768 patch 2 - Crashtest. r=heycam (a566cfef9b)
- Bug 1186768 patch 3 - Compute affectedByScriptMinSize sooner to avoid asserting or doing extra work. r=heycam (30dac96a78)
- Bug 1038663 (part 1) - Make nsStyleText::mWordSpacing an nsStyleCoord. r=heycam. (42a6a2398a)
- Bug 1038663 (part 2, attempt 2) - Move GetFirstFontMetrics() up. r=heycam. (5992325377)
- Bug 1038663 (part 3, attempt 2) - Factor out space width computation. r=heycam. (92281609f0)
- Bug 1038663 (part 4, attempt 2) - Inline StyleToCoord(). r=heycam. (f40476c105)
- Bug 1038663 (part 5, attempt 2) - Change GetSpacingFlags(). r=heycam (e1fe5ecdf0)
- Bug 1038663 (part 6, attempt 2) - Allow percentage values for 'word-spacing'. r=heycam. (433fee69f6)
- Bug 1038663 (part 7, attempt 3) - Add test for percentage values for 'word-spacing'. r=heycam. (72df555579)
- Bug 1216747 - Record dependency on writing mode in nsRuleNode::ComputeStylePosition. r=heycam (8604ceff20)
- Bug 1216747 followup - Use the correct value when calling SetWritingModeDependency. (b39a82cbf7)
- Bug 1216747 - Cleanup after test fix. r=heycam (e99ec5989a)
- Bug 1170781 - Patch 1: Implement CSS 'contain: paint'. r=dholbert (3b2f65288f)
- Bug 1170781 - Patch 2: Test CSS 'contain: paint'. r=dholbert (ee83c7c0fd) (55e2238bc1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1176782 part 2 - [css-align] Implement the 'justify-self' property in the style system. r=SimonSapin (273ee9a0a1)
- Bug 1194480: Only update overflow region (& trigger DLBI) for changes to CSS 'box-shadow' or 'text-shadow', instead of triggering a reflow. r=heycam (0af1ee160b)
- Bug 1137889 part 1 - Update predefined counter style name table to match the spec. r=jfkthame (ff678af4a9)
- Bug 1137889 part 2 - Move around definitions in counterstyles.css to match the order in spec for clarity. r=jfkthame (c1a95688d9)
- Bug 1187649 - Free constructed widget path in nsLookAndFeel on GTK. r=karlt (fe80b73514)
- Bug 1165513 - Translate GTK3 widgets with snapped pixel coordinates into identity space. r=jrmuizel (563c252255)
- Bug 1113206 patch 2: Disable use of Cocoa and Gtk native-theme dropdown rendering that doesn't play well with vertical writing mode. r=roc (3b8134aced)
- Bug 1187203 - Implement GtkInfoBar appearance style on GTK3. r=karlt (0500e6297a)
- Bug 1168527 - Replay clips into the system cairo on GTK3. r=lsalzman (9f739f58cc)
- Bug 1168527 - Variable was re-declared causing a bustage on gcc 5. r=lsalzman (4e7f5453f2)
- Bug 1167239 - Make GTK button activity require hover. r=karlt (34cb428ed3)
- Bug 1177024 - Fix clang warnings-as-errors in GTK3 build. r=karlt (d45119470b)
- Bug 1179780 - Render opaque scrollbar troughs in the root viewport on GTK3. r=karlt (8f04f119b0)
- Bug 1210560 - Part 1: Add an API specifically intended for users that just Push and Pop-Mask/Pop-Paint. r=jrmuizel (e08db740f9)
- Bug 991249 - Ensure that we can check for OOMs when we run out of ballast space. r=jandem (0742c71158)
- Bug 1219419 - Keep DefaultTracer simple for now; r=fitzgen (bb621675d5)
- Bug 1220310 - Generalize GC container trace function dispatch as GCPolicy; r=sfink (314b3aa009)
- Bug 1187782 (part 10) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (1def283d70)
- Bug 1187782 (part 11) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (e9a71fae11)
- Bug 1187782 (part 12) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (44afb0d6f6)
- Bug 1187782 (part 13) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (4e253c8d18)
- Bug 1187782 (part 14) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (cf8ecf213a)
- Bug 859042 - Show onload and DOMContentLoaded markers in the timeline, r=smaug, jsantell (8ff8c43a36)
- Bug 1187801 part 2 - Put clearing fullscreen state on element into an independent function. r=smaug (c8a135fbc9)
- Bug 1187801 part 3 - Add iframe fullscreen flag and stop auto-rollback when this flag presents. r=smaug (f0c928090a)
- Bug 1187801 part 4 - Add test for iframe fullscreen flag. r=smaug (851d97d772)
- Bug 1188028 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/security/nsCSPContext.cpp (r=sicking) (54c9e0017e)
- Bug 1218315 - Replace NS_LITERAL_STRING(...).get() with MOZ_UTF16(...) on dom. r=nfroyd (4439f10159)
- Bug 1188028 - Queue up CSP console messages till windowID is available (r=sicking) (b060ba7ea3)
- Bug 1085293 - File renames for WebIDL Iterable Implementation; r=bz (5d61d3ae34)
- Bug 1085293 - WebIDL Iterable Implementation and Tests; r=bz (720efc275f)
- Bug 1215559. Create separate iterator native types for one-type and two-type iterators, so we don't force the one-type case to implement GetKeyAtIndex. r=qdot (649284e6fc)
- Bug 1174915 - Allow changing meta referrer policy on the fly, tests (r=sstamm) (02b8482802)
- Bug 1211624. document.all should be iterable, and so should be various other things that have an anonymous indexed getter. r=qdot (6620287943)
- Bug 1052139 - Reorder CGCreateInterfaceObjectsMethod a bit to correspond to the ordering of generated code. r=bz (cc16b9c3b2)
- Bug 1052139 - Perform proper failure handling in interfaces' CreateInterfaceObjects method, after dom::CreateInterfaceObjects has been called and possibly created the interface's constructor and prototype. r=bz (6690e2a9de)
- Bug 1052139 - Make more parts of the global object's prototype chain immutable, when we flip that switch. r=bz (6f1878822b)
- Bug 1210570 - Ensure that ToPrimitive(location) is not spoofable. r=bz. (48ac711b2e)
- Bug 1220900 - Remove unused JSBindingFinalized, r=peterv (7f6cbd6483)
- missing bit of Bug 1207245 - part 6 - rename nsRefPtr<T> to RefPtr<T> (48a0a7b75a)
- Bug 1052139 - Make the [[Prototype]] of various (but not all) objects on the window object's [[Prototype]] chain immutable. BUT, also disable the code that actually respects immutable-prototype handling -- it'll be a one-liner to revert this when we're ready to do so. Making the rest of the chain immutable will happen in separate patches. r=bz (091e4f4ad0)
- Bug 1174915 - Allow changing meta referrer policy on the fly (r=baku,sstamm) (e8b6f30f88)
- Bug 1211607, part 1 - Document JSAPI functions that call object internal methods: JS_GetPrototype through JS_PreventExtensions. r=jandem. (4ebe70f5ea)
- Bug 1211607, part 2 - JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor and friends. r=jandem. (73de8f3e51)
- Bug 1211607, part 3 - JS_DefineProperty and friends. r=jandem. (29da979627)
- Bug 1211607, part 4 - JS_HasProperty and friends. r=jandem. (130aa265c8)
- Bug 1211607, part 5 - JS_GetProperty and friends. r=jandem. (a19f9d5d1c)
- Bug 1211607, part 6 - JS_SetProperty and friends. r=jandem. (75de9a5774)
- Bug 1211607, part 7 - JS_DeleteProperty and friends. r=jandem. (fe88179d48)
- Bug 1211607, part 8 - JS_Enumerate. r=jandem. (332a0cf1a9)
- Bug 1211607, part 9 - JS::Call, JS::Construct, and friends. r=jandem. (a68585dfdb)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 1: CSP parser changes (r=sicking) (b6c5e80c44)
- Bug 1220602 - Make the documentation for nsIPrincipal.domain useful. r=bholley IGNORE IDL (afa28df415)
- Bug 1218039 - Add a nice interface for both C++ and JS to access the principal kind. r=gabor (4449599c4b)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 2: Principal changes (r=bz) (84fe26e407)
- Bug 1201783 - Throw range error for too long array spread before updating length. r=Waldo, a=abillings (633b55a5f8)
- Bug 1194052 - Update Clone() functionality of LoadInfo (r=sicking) (f3bb041849)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 3: Upgrade insecure requests changes (r=bz) (0c8e3f49e5)
- fix misspatch of 1194052 (743dd0269b)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 4: Speculative parser changes (r=bz) (c94c58b160)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 5: HTMLMetaElement changes (r=bz) (f4b8bd8af1)
- Bug 1215140 P3 Flush pending console reports on http channels. r=bz (32d2767b68)
- Bug 1188545 - respondWith promise should extend the service worker's lifetime. r=nsm (5a8e02a500)
- Bug 1179401 - Call stopImmediatePropagation() on the Event object in respondWith(); r=jdm (0e33f8d8fb)
- Bug 1188545 - ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo::Clear() should terminated workers. r=nsm (a35c5df80a)
- Bug 1188545 - Cosmetic changes regarding workerPrivate properties shared between shared workers and service workers. r=nsm (516c70e34e)
- Bug 1188545 - Terminate service workers that have been idle for some time. r=nsm (d7582cb1bb)
- Bug 1182113 - Test XSLT serviceworker load. r=bkelly (797ca864a6)
- Bug 1188545 - Cancel network interceptions when the service worker is being terminated with unresolved respondWith promises. r=nsm (6df3a8eda6)
- Bug 1221308 Fix some service worker related warnings. r=baku (dd6f62379e)
- Bug 1208559 - Do a CSP Check in ServiceWorkerManager::Register (r=ckerschb) (5cc2df68ab)
- Bug 1221365 - Move "Is origin potentially trustworthy?" logic outside ServiceWorkerManager.cpp. r=ckerschb,bkelly (91c6f8e2b5)
- Bug 1208559 - Hook up ServicerWorkers with CSP (r=sicking,bkelly,dveditz) (6a6f92e8c7)
- Bug 1185558 - Send a "Service-Worker: script" header when downloading service worker scripts; r=bkelly (22162634a4)
- Bug 1207727 - Rework updating service workers according to the latest spec. r=bkelly (475c185ee4) (29e855d998)
- missed changes from pervious commit (bd2172c632)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 20:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

+ Firefox profile discovery has changed - instead of trying to enumerate profile folders in AppData/Local BT now reads profiles.ini which is way more reliable.
+ New button in BT UI allows to open Firefox profile manager in a system window or inside the Firefox itself.

Titel: Pale Moon 31.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2022, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development update, adding JPEG-XL image support among other things.


    Added support for the JPEG-XL image format.
    Implemented regular expressions lookaround/lookbehind.
    Aligned CORS header parsing with the updated spec. See implementation notes.
    We no longer fire keypress events for non-printable keys. See implementation notes.
    Added support for MacOS 13 "Ventura" in the platform, primarily benefitting White Star.
    Fixed potentially problematic thread locking code on *nix platforms.
    Fixed some small issues in the display and operation of the Web Developer tools.
    Removed unused but performance-impacting panning and tab animation measuring code. (telemetry leftovers)
    Improved code for SunOS builds.
    Updated Internationalization data for time zones.
    Fixed a buffer overflow for Mac builds.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-45411 and potential issues without a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 1 DiD, 1 deferred, 25 not applicable.

    Implementation notes:

    CORS support has been updated to the current spec. Most importantly, Pale Moon now accepts wildcard entries ("*") for the CORS statements Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Method. Note that wildcards are ignored (according to the spec) when credentials are passed.
    Pale Moon will no longer fire the keypress events in content when the key pressed is a non-printable key. This is in response to issues where webmasters would use rudimentary and naïve input-restricting scripts in onkeypress handlers that would not take into account editing keys or navigation keys, causing issues for users trying to enter data into forms (and e.g. finding they could no longer use backspace, cursor keys or tab). This aligns our behavior with other browsers for web compatibility, although it should be considered a website error expecting not all keypresses to be intercepted in keypress events.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.8.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 21:50
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

New Features:

! BT follows OS application mode (Windows 10 & Windows 11) for theming. Light and Dark mode are supported. You can additionally pin theme in settings, as well as choose a theme other than Light and Dark.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 19:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the issue that some websites could not log in successfully in some cases

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-11-26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2022, 10:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git bd2172c632..4f15bc133e:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1208341 - Make NativeObject::goodElementsAllocationAmount fallible. r=Waldo (64eac96aa2)
- minor reformat (95d27e5332)
- Bug 1214049 - Use ReportOutOfMemory in NativeObject::goodElementsAllocationAmount. r=Waldo (6779dd81c6)
- Bug 1206700 - Fix an bug in property assignment, recently exposed by Reflect.set. r=waldo (0a7484ab70)
- Bug 1186810 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=nsm. (05a550c94f)
- Bug 1186810 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=nsm. (f1659abf38)
- Bug 1186810 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=nsm. (cda73950f3)
- Bug 1186810 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=nsm. (555e83bacb)
- Bug 1186810 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=nsm. (c9520dbc5f)
- Bug 1186810 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=khuey. (24fcdfd772)
- Bug 1186810 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=khuey. (657cd575fb)
- Bug 1186810 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/workers/ with iterators. r=khuey. (0ff6a5e5ff)
- Bug 1205020 - Disable optimizations in TestTuple.cpp since it breaks the build on VS2013 Windows 10. r=froydnj (1c98d8485c)
- Bug 1199068 - Soothe a unused variable warning in TestSplayTree.cpp. r=nfroyd (d4d4ab56fe)
- Bug 1209751 - Make sync decoding more reliable when nsImageRenderer is used with -moz-element. r=roc (95c99bb907)
- Bug 1209731 - Return DrawResult::NOT_READY from PaintBackgroundWithSC if we couldn't prepare the nsImageRenderer. r=tn (8bd98872cb)
- Bug 1209715 - Add operator overloads for combining DrawResults. r=tn (f3a9806d03)
- Bug 1209725 - Use DrawResult combining operators in nsCSSRendering::PaintBackgroundWithSC. r=tn (420cfde63e)
- Bug 1211363. Calculate min inset blur with max border radius. r=mstange (5e408bc67f)
- Bug 1213545. Carry x,y offsets with inset box shadows. r=mstange (52c20715bc)
- Bug 1209739 - Make nsImageRenderer::PrepareImage() fail unless an image has STATUS_LOAD_COMPLETE. r=tn (c1cc4d79d8)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 1) - Support sync decoding of border-image in nsCSSRendering. r=tn (3a54b7d117)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 2) - Support sync decoding and track draw results in nsDisplayBorder. r=tn (03abe63e67)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 3) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsButtonFrameRenderer. r=tn (107b9bb851)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 4) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsFieldSetFrame. r=tn (16fd30aba3)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 5) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsRangeFrame. r=tn (289de3c17e)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 6) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsColumnSetFrame. r=tn (0317d6a914)
- Bug 1143267 - Make nsDisplayAltFeedback use nsGenericImageGeometry. r=tn (8fc6372d48)
- Bug 1176081. Add a pref to control drawing of the image loading place holder icon and border, and disable it. r=seth (792e8ec9b3)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 7) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsImageFrame. r=tn (70d9af60a3)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 8) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in MathML code. r=tn (555bff2635)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 9) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsTableFrame. r=tn (d242dc5c79)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 10) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsGroupBoxFrame. r=tn (a7187cfa5d)
- Bug 1209765 (Part 11) - Support sync decoding and track draw results when drawing borders in nsTreeBodyFrame. r=tn (21bd2b3285)
- Bug 1209765 (Followup) - Add very minor fuzz to underline-button-2.html on OS X 10.10. r=me (04cff3c2ff)
- Bug 1209765 (Followup) - Add very minor fuzz to underline-button-1.html on OS X 10.10. r=me DONTBUILD (187fdb4106)
- Bug 1217069 - Don't attempt to mis-optimize JSON.stringify's filter-list creation for replacer arrays with trailing holes. r=arai (04fb907d42)
- Bug 1156463 - Add a preference option to disable the scale transform applied to MathML operators. r=karl (415a041117)
- Bug 1174143 - Remove private tables for Standard Symbols L and MathJax fonts. r=karlt (1f58d14229)
- Bug 1222297 - Use channel->Open2() in netwerk/base/nsNetUtil.cpp (r=sicking) (cbd12ebb0a)
- Bug 1139709. Remove unused parameters from nsMathMLChar::GetMaxWidth. r=mats (6ea90a0a02)
- Bug 1160635 patch 1 - Add reftests. r=dholbert (b58f8fd7fa)
- Bug 1160635 patch 2 - Stop making image resizing optimization when image has percent width or height. r=dholbert (9ae3621baf)
- Bug 1156097 - Make nsImageFrame::mImageMap an nsRefPtr; r=roc (b49157e424)
- Bug 1176156. Make sure images are asked to decode if we are drawing the alt feedback instead of the image. r=seth (8d7a09622e)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 2) - Stop requesting decodes in nsImageLoadingContent. r=tn (c781285098)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 3) - Request decodes intelligently in nsImageFrame. r=tn (c61b7591fb)
- Bug 1156028 - Teach clang-analyzer about XPCOM assertion macros; r=froydnj (4d8b7ecf03)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 4) - Request decodes intelligently in nsBulletFrame. r=tn (2d7ced9c0f)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 5) - Request decodes intelligently in MultipartImage. r=tn (c0cb580838)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 6) - Only respect StartDecoding() in imgRequest/imgRequestProxy. r=tn (0e108cda4c)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 7) - Only trigger intrinsic size decode in FinalizeDecoder() if StartDecoding() was called. r=tn (a71fc0d1b7)
- Bug 1207355 (Part 8) - Remove imgIContainer::RequestDecode() and imgIRequest::RequestDecode(). r=tn (fbce1ccbe1)
- Bug 1215596 - outline: auto; will render as outline: solid; when disabled. r=roc (b8ea369628)
- Bug 1180966. Remove code that made no sense. r=mstange (eac62913ef)
- Bug 1217905. Don't transform dest rects if destination context has a rotation with inset box shadows. r=mstange (53cf4d6f86)
- Bug 1189010. In ScrollFrameHelper::BuildDisplayList decide if we are building a scrollable layer before we call AppendScrollPartsTo because it needs this information. r=mstange (a008c7e34d)
- Bug 1204535 - Flatten conditional structure one level. r=tn (152ff398a0)
- Bug 1204535 - Remove no-op code. r=tn (95d17e64c3)
- Bug 1204535 - Collapse redundant conditional block. r=tn (d0e90b8d80)
- Bug 1204535 - Rename usingDisplayport to usingDisplayPort for consistency. r=tn (516757a933)
- Bug 1204535 - Relocate comment to go with the line of code it's commenting. r=tn (70ae0c5e71)
- Bug 1204535 - Hoist out the code to initially compute usingDisplayPort. r=tn (4a5336a480)
- Bug 1210578. Part 1. Rename mShouldBuildScrollableLayer to mWillBuildScrollableLayer to better capture the meaning of the variable. r=mstange (d13bb100f4)
- Bug 1210578. Part 2. Rename shouldBuildLayer to couldBuildLayer to better reflect it's actual meaning. r=mstange (ae21c687c2)
- Bug 1151663 - Only call GetOrMaybeCreateDisplayPort() in nsLayoutUtils::PaintFrame() if we are using containers for root scroll frames. r=tn (2bef3f9457)
- Bug 1195431 - Small refactoring to use conditionals consistently. r=tn (897eb0f42a)
- Bug 1167069 - Initialize nsPluginFrame::mInstanceOwner to null. r=jmathies (6ce1fcb8c2)
- Bug 1137944 - Add support for hiding plugin windows during async dom scroll operations managed in the content process. r=roc (730a0ed004)
- Bug 1210578. Part 3. Create DecideScrollableLayer that encapsulates all logic to create display ports and build scrollable layers. r=mstange (994ac6ec5e)
- Bug 376679 part.1 Change the result of EventStateManager::ComputeScrollTarget() from nsIScrollableFrame* to nsIFrame* r=smaug (914878edbd)
- Bug 376679 part.2 EventStateManager should treat plugin frame as scrollable frame if the plugin wants to handle wheel events as default action r=smaug (58c146b7ba)
- Bug 376679 part.3 Compute default action target frame for wheel event before deciding the action because plugin should decide what is the default action when the target is a plugin frame r=smaug (334cbfcf53)
- Bug 376679 part.4 Manage wheel transaction at sending a wheel event to target plugin r=smaug (d76062a429)
- Bug 376679 part.5 nsPluginInstanceOwner::ProcessEvent() should create WM_MOUSE*WHEEL message from WidgetWheelEvent data r=smaug+jimm (56ee6bdf90)
- Bug 376679 part.6 nsPluginInstanceOwner::ProcessEvent() should refer both deltaMode and system scroll amount settings when it generates WM_MOSUE*WHEEL messages r=jimm (927cb10a3b)
- Bug 1145546 - Add missing nsBidiPresUtils.h include to nsGfxScrollFrame.cpp to fix non-unified bustage. r=jfkthame (af4043c024)
- Bug 1137944 - Add plugin window handling for apz related notifications received by the content process. r=mstange (798e9676fd)
- Bug 1208819 - Fix irregexp overrecursion check to ignore interrupts. r=bhackett (c845e65a2e)
- Bug 1218640 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Add support into irregexp. r=arai (613ddd95ef)
- Bug 1211964 - Fix a couple of OOM handling issues in regexp code r=terrence (bb269eef3e)
- Bug 1200734 - Use stable hashing for LiveScopesMap; r=shu (1d717c8f53)
- Bug 1223853 - Use stable hashing for ObjectValueMap; r=jonco (c91f3b1b21)
- Bug 1223863 - Use stable hashing for WeakGlobalObjectSet; r=jonco (eb29e841f1)
- Bug 1223918 - Use stable hashing for WatchPointMap; r=jonco (7a69630c83)
- Bug 1212011 - Replace more uses of CrashAtUnhandlableOOM() with AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion r=terrence (0079439d90)
- Bug 1224347 - Use stable hashing for DebuggerWeakMaps; r=jonco (d2a627e077)
- Bug 1219418 - Always access minEmptyChunkCount under the GC lock; r=jonco (f67f74ca57)
- Bug 1202923 - Encapsulate GC begin and end notification callbacks in an RAII guard; r=jonco (46f63fd090)
- Bug 1212624 - Tests for LinkedList, r=Waldo (3d48b12918)
- Bug 1215752 - Weakmap refactoring, r=terrence (90cbf4d294)
- Bug 1216744 - Move weakKeys to the zone, r=terrence (5fdb1d57bf)
- Bug 1215336 - Measure unmark gray time, r=terrence (278e0ee562)
- Bug 1211939 - Don't call JSRuntime::onOutOfMemory from helper threads. r=jonco (86c6906421)
- Bug 1218638 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Add support into jit/shared. r=lth (e4f2904c53)
- Bug 1216277 - Don't assert properties of the buffer location if the assembler is out of memory r=jandem (65556e83ce)
- Bug 1211962 - addNativeToBytecodeEntry: Check that the masm.currentOffset() returns a valid result. r=djvj (3c5723c65a)
- Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: Add temp registers for mips atomics. r=lth (00f23fe2e9)
- Bug 1218967 - Do not stop executing autospider.sh on test failure. r=sfink (75f912efbb)
- Bug 1213881 - Run jsapi-tests in the arm64-sim autospider. r=sfink (2e731f14e7)
- Bug 1216607 - Fix assertion failure ARM assembler on OOM r=jandem (0bc2dcb5db)
- Bug 1209515 part 1 - IonBuilder: Attach hit counts on the MIRGraph. r=bhackett (f5448d9596)
- Bug 1209515 part 2 - Ensure that MPhi removal considers removed uses. r=bhackett (95de413c50)
- Bug 1209515 part 3 - IonMonkey: Add branch pruning based on code coverage counters. r=bhackett (fb71022658)
- Bug 1209515 part 0 - Move callerResumePoint field next to other resume points of basic blocks. r=bbouvier (394b52860d)
- Bug 1209515 part 4 - Increment code coverage counters on bailouts. r=bhackett (22edac5c24)
- Bug 1209515 part 5 - Ensure that we recompile when we have frequent bailouts caused by the first execution. r=jandem (bca0fa4118)
- Bug 1209515 part 7 - IonBuilder: pushLoop should not infer the continuepc from the entry block. r=jandem (025d10fd57)
- Bug 1209515 part 8 - IonBuilder: newOsrPreheader should not use the hit-count of the loop. r=jandem (5db05ef17f)
- Bug 1209515 part 9 - IonBuilder: Loop header should use the hit count of the loop, instead of before the loop. r=jandem (b259b490bf)
- Bug 1209515 part 10 - Prevent PruneUnusedBranches from being greedy while removing branches which have only be visited a few times. r=bhackett (4a1a7b34b6)
- Bug 1209515 part 11 - Increase JitSpewer mask size to avoid overflow. r=bbouvier (28546de94e)
- Bug 1219401 - Don't call script->hasIonScript() off-thread, fixes a TSan race. r=h4writer (8f31724484)
- Bug 1172076 - Assert that SnapshotIterator::initInstructionResults always match the recover instructions data. r=jandem (6ed0eebc65)
- Bug 1209260 - Don't use sincos on iOS r=npb (eaa3cacac7)
- Bug 1222499 - "JitSpew/IonSpew: warmupCounter should use PRIu32 instead of PRIuSIZE". r=nbp (50b80b985a)
- Bug 1216182: Rename MODE_MASK to MODE_BITS_MASK, r=hv1989 (f28e461d94)
- Bug 1137944 - Add a pref to control plugin window hiding. r=roc (691dc99b94)
- Bug 1214878 - When async scrolling with e10s hide windowed plugins in sub documents. r=roc (79c0eac459)
- Bug 1215434 part.1 If scroll target is a plugin frame, EventStateManager::PostHandleEvent() should send the wheel event to the plugin frame even if APZC already handled it r=smaug (f2e8e33d7f)
- Bug 1215434 part.2 Add plugin frame rect to dispatch-to-content region if it wants to handle wheel event as default action r=mstange (dbecb1e256)
- Fix inactive scroll frames sometimes creating very large, incorrect hit regions. (bug 1190112, r=tn) (2056d8d63e)
- Fix scrollbars on subframes not directing APZ events to the correct scrollframe. (bug 1213324, r=tn) (0594923ab2)
- Bug 1182017. Call Send__delete__ immediately rather than through an event. r=nical (90714b065b)
- Bug 1212656 - ARM64: Fix automation build failures. (r=efaust) (5695518dd1)
- Bug 1137944 - Simplify the api associated with hiding e10s plugin widgets. r=roc (dfbfda4d31)
- Bug 1137944 - Fire before and after composite events. r=matt.woodrow (0048aeb8cb)
- Bug 1201660 - When layer tree updates get dropped, hide plugins associated with the tree. Fixes a bug where we were hiding all plugins associated with the window. r=matt.woodrow (9352150c73)
- Bug 1137944 - Backout compositor bits (cset b4711fa5f734) which caused a telemetry metric regression. r=backout (241659d6a8)
- Bug 1127270: Only acquire a hold on the compositor thread once the channel for a parent actor has been succesfully connected. r=nical (1d1b077d68)
- Bug 1207270 - Ensure that the TaskThrottler objects are created on the main thread. r=botond (b43af025f1)
- Bug 1194876 - Add test. r=botond (440c72ec81)
- Bug 1152051 - Gtest. r=Cwiiis,kats (011f066f37)
- Bug 1144112 - Update the FlingStop tests to check if events are flowing properly after the fast-motion blocks are done. r=botond (25f71629d7)
- Bug 1092128 - Ensure that when touch-action is enabled the gtests always provide default touch behaviours where expected. r=botond (3f0d1229f3)
- Bug 1144112 - Only set the default allowed touch behaviour if the event is not consumed, to have the tests better reflect reality. r=botond (1548bd14bb)
- Bug 1163845 - Unify handling of time in APZ gtests. r=kats (b73a16ef5e)
- Bug 1159398 - Set the controller thread when running APZ gtests. r=dvander (96b551036e)
- Bug 1159985 - Gtest. r=kats (23d7d86492)
- Bug 1159985 - In APZ gtests, allow panning in both directions. r=kats (14f4b1156a)
- Bug 1169695 - Make the test timestamp privately held by the MockContentControllerDelayed. r=botond (ffe04249c1)
- Bug 1198900 - Add a gtest to ensure we don't crash when prevent-defaulting a wheel event. r=botond, a=topcrash (c9e5993f18)
- Bug 1169690 - Gtests. r=kats (7e825b34ac)
- Bug 1207270 - Update tests to ensure that TaskThrottlers are created as appropriate. r=botond (7bb6f1f406)
- Bug 1169695 - Ensure timed tasks are dispatched appropriately when advancing the time. r=botond (af1fbe0a85)
- Bug 1204837, Part 1: Make ClosingService thread Nuwa-friedly. r=khuey (eb790b5215)
- Bug 1204837, Part 2: Cloned ImageBridgeParent and CompositorParent should hold a reference to the compositor thread. r=nical (cd742df2e2)
- Bug 1205016: double ClosingService thread stack size to avoid stack overflow r=glandium (cb9acc828f)
- Bug 1163570 - Ignore pending plugin updates and hide plugin windows when a remote layer tree associated with a tab is no longer in use. r=roc (ae852ad442)
- Bug 1196539 - Apply plugin config using AutoResolveRefLayers during composition. r=matt.woodrow (12dbdb6222)
- Bug 1137944 - Cache compositor plugin update data to avoid sending updates to the main thread when the data doesn't change. r=roc (63c503d2f6)
- Bug 1137944 - On Windows defer composition until we receive confirmation plugin window metrics have been updated. r=roc (39d5786519)
- Bug 1137944 - Move plugin window metrics updates to a point during comososition where we know the remote layer tree is hooked up to the chrome layer tree. r=matt.woodrow (a32f77ffb1)
- Bug 1213671 - CompositorParent::UpdatePluginWindowState should always return an accurate result indicating when an ipc request for plugin geometry updates was sent. r=roc (311e65a8ce)
- Bug 1214267 - Send the side to which fixed-pos items are attached so that we can move them in the compositor more correctly when the viewport size is changing. r=mattwoodrow (fa2de207cd)
- Bug 1209964 - In AlignFixedAndStickyLayers(), properly handle the case where a fixed or sticky layer is its own subtree root and has a local transform. r=kats (1a6922699a)
- Bug 1213762 - Clear AsyncCompositionManager::mIsFirstPaint on non-Android platforms, too. r=mstange (c4cf2b722a)
- Bug 1223436 - Fix AsyncCompositionManager so that mLayersUpdated is only set to false after SyncFrameMetrics has been called. r=kats (f3fa84325b)
- bits of 1073545 (3bc7d76081)
- Bug 1213795, Part 1: Don't fire timers in the Nuwa process to fix test case test_NuwaProcessDeadlock.html. r=khuey (5ebca946e5)
- Bug 1213795, Part 2: Fix protocol cloning of actor CrossProcessCompositorParent. r=khuey (92969e2b06)
- spacing (f4857ed898)
- Bug 1213758 - Aquire the inderect layer trees data lock during plugin window update calculations. r=matt.woodrow (ae70d955ec)
- Bug 1208502 - Use more smart pointers in XULDocument. r=smaug (20a92d72e8)
- Bug 1193086 - Remove some null checks of infallible new code in XUL. r=baku (2f463c5a3d)
- Bug 1217190 - Make PrintingParent return an nsresult when attempting to show print progress. r=bobowen (addf31f3a7)
- Bug 1217190 - Make sure to initialize outparam in PrintingParent::RecvShowProgress. r=bobowen (f6c11a0181)
- Bug 1152921 - Don't send an uninitialized PrintData over IPC when cancelling print dialog (or failing ShowPrintDialog for other reasons). r=mconley (4ea146ccf1)
- Bug 1178233 - [non-e10s] The update process doesn't work within about:serviceworkers in non-e10s mode. r=baku (7a08441bec)
- Bug 929846 - Considering key size when calculating quota usage. r=jdm (a97ddc7906)
- Bug 1194049 - Part 3: support device update; r=fabrice (6ba600a03d)
- Bug 1194049 - Part 1: add thread assertion; r=schien (68c4658ae0)
- Bug 1194049 - Part 2: add discovery timeout support; r=schien (14f5f537d5)
- Bug 1194049 - Part 4: clear discovered devices when re-discover; r=schien (e2ecdb573f)
- Bug 1136565 - report session request from device provider. r=xeonchen,junior,seanlin. (19daa67751)
- Bug 1216398 - support non-discoverable controlling device. r=junior,xeonchen. (7383401dbc)
- Bug 1200132 - Use adderss to create socketTransport, r=schien, junior (263d253562)
- Bug 1200132 - Part1: Get address info after service resolved, r=mcmanus (9bcc344d20)
- Bug 1200132 - Part2: Get IP address by calling InetAddress.getHostAddress(), r=mcmanus, rnewman (502c243314)
- Bug 1173334: Open nfcd connections with socket type SOCK_SEQPACKET, allstars.chh (03a11dc077)
- Bug 1173802: Move NFC socket and messaging code into |NfcConsumer|, r=allstars.chh (f92946b40e)
- Bug 1173802: Run |NfcConsumer| on NFC thread, r=allstars.chh (87989483a7)
- Bug 1173802: Clean up |NfcEventDispatcher|, r=allstars.chh (87f58b7310)
- Bug 1173802: Replace |assertIsNfcServiceThread| with thread-safe checks, r=allstars.chh (1a6a76ae05)
- Bug 1173802: Store global NFC service in ref-counted variable, r=allstars.chh (a33c025976)
- Bug 1188639 - Fix typo in BrowserElement.webidl and add tests for it. r=yoshi,bz (7b657a335d)
- Bug 1175387 - close file descriptor after detached from STS. r=mcmanus (377943bad5)
- Bug 1190069 - Fix uninitialized variable in MDNSResponderOperator.cpp. r=xeonchen (ebf47b613e)
- Bug 1217807 - Part 1: use ServiceWatcher to extend life cycle of mDNS operators; r=schien (70201259d2)
- missing namespace (c6bccda1e5)
- Bug 1209843 - Stop checking for UNKNOWN_APP_ID in all places except those where AppId() is explicitly queried. r=sicking (e364223906)
- Bug 1168337: Kill the processes on startup of the Nuwa test case fix the abort in the preallocated process. r=khuey (501a30cb9b)
- Bug 1202424 - Free shared memory when IPC system shuts down, not after. r=mrbkap (f718cbf801)
- Bug 1209987 - webrtc.org Engine creation and destruction should happen on the WebRTC threads. r=jesup (4bbab795cf)
- Bug 1214675 - Factor out cleanup functions to avoid deadlock/dispatch-without-IPC. r=jesup (bd466c85e4)
- Bug 1210560 - Part 2: Convert some simple users to use PushGroupForBlendBack. r=jrmuizel (158b532f9f)
- Bug 1174785 - Part 0: Use mozilla/StaticPtr.h in signaling. r=jesup (c98ec23ee0)
- Bug 1174785 - Part 1: Add LogModule, LogModuleManager, and LazyLogModule. r=froydnj (e797bca424)
- Bug 1195867 - Hoist StateWatching and StateMirroring into XPCOM. r=froydnj (a62fbbf749)
- Bug 1194631 - Make firefox build with --disable-logging. r=jrmuizel (ba8238dc42)
- Bug 1174785 - Part 2: Convert xpcom over to LogModule. r=froydnj (ccb119d496)
- Bug 1205237 - Part 2: add PresentationNetworkHelper; r=schien (be47702ffe)
- Bug 1205237 - Part 3: get self Wi-Fi IP address; r=seanlin (f31163e895)
- Bug 1217683 - Add sendIceCandidate and implement |close(aReason)| in TCPControlChannel. r=fabrice (0004ea93f1)
- Bug 1217807 - Part 2: Handle network online/offline event in TCPPresentationServer; r=junior (48c9236adb)
- Bug 1217807 - disable MDNS discovery. r=xeonchen. (ee3cb0ddb6) (ebda1f73c4)
- more devtools fixes (6cdeb6711a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1214179 - Provide device Id for non-discoverable controller. r=xeonchen (0c83743144)
- Bug 1194606 - Add gtest for demuxed-only scenario in MediaFormatReader. r=jya (67a5e19042)
- Bug 1154513 - [EME] GMP crash crashes browser in Nightly - Remember if actor is destroyed, so that no messages are sent from subsequent Shutdown() - r=cpearce (36109a68e8)
- Bug 1171499 - Defer processing GMP EncodingComplete() calls until intr shmem allocs are finished. r=jesup (bac114c170)
- Bug 1162358 - Defer processing GMP DecodingComplete() calls until intr shmem allocs are finished. r=jesup (4b91da11f0)
- Bug 1155178 - Part 1: Convert GMPUnique into a template alias; r=cpearce (3f8ba45b9f)
- Bug 1155178 - Part 2: Rename GMPUnique to GMPUniquePtr; r=cpearce (fa1fd17384)
- Bug 1160908 - [EME] Delete GMPRecords that are 0 bytes in size. r=cpearce (3cc4ad2772)
- Bug 1188235 - Make GMPStorage immune to record name hash collisions. r=gerald (ae6c32363b)
- Bug 1187163 - Ensure we send Reset/Drain complete notifications no matter what happens in GMP{Audio,Video}Decoder. r=gerald (5654321861)
- Bug 1194576 - Add more NSPR logging around GMP*Parent actors. r=gerald (7572f82456)
- Bug 1169129 - Change GMP*Parent::ParentId() to a more consistent GMP*Parent::GetPluginId(). r=edwin (ce2dd08740)
- Bug 1208289 - Log outstanding frames in GMP DrainComplete() and detect dropped ResetComplete. r=jwwang (6e29c332a7)
- Bug 1208289 - Add SimpleTimer to make setting timeouts in C++ easy. r=jwwang (b4c179dc5b)
- Bug 1131908 - no IPC calls after GMPDecryptorChild::RecvDecryptingComplete(). r=edwin. (cb3d2df998)
- Bug 1215508: Fix the race in accessing the unopened IPC channels in TabChild::PreloadSlowThings(). r=khuey (c43fcb1530)
- bits of 1216401 (bb15f26885)
- Bug 1205219 - [Presentation WebAPI] Support terminate semantics. Part 1 - WebIDL & implementation changes. r=smaug (8e485cdec8)
- Bug 1205219 - [Presentation WebAPI] Support terminate semantics. Part 2 - Tests. r=smaug (e16de5d102)
- Bug 1178858 - Video would not playback after seek seekbar first if media.autoplay.enabled = false. r=cpearce (68bae0db50)
- Bug 1072150 - Introduce a transitional legacy API that works like things used to. r=bz Bug 1072150 - Use the opt-out for various sloppy consumers. r=bz (703304f396) (d6926a176f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1072150 - Don't examine the subject principal in CheckSameOrigin. r=bz (60cbce0bd4)
- Bug 633154. When alerts/prompts/confirms are suppressed, just return silently instead of throwing. r=sicking (a9b5bffb50)
- Bug 1199295 - Pass right loadingPrincipal to uriloader/prefetch - dom changes (r=smaug) (c83e28c82f)
- Bug 1206559, forward PuppetWidget::SetFocus request to the parent process, r=smaug (545b4befd2)
- Bug 1171234 - Include triggering node in load info when doing prefetching (r=ckerschb) (28626724ea)
- Bug 1192948 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in uriloader/prefetch (r=smaug) (24cde65def)
- Bug 1199295 - Pass right loadingPrincipal to uriloader/prefetch (r=mayhemer) (0a70254f49)
- Bug 1111581 - Fix prefetch for e10s. r=mayhemer (1743b37e85)
- adapted Bug 1172396 - Check for GMP resources from chrome process instead of content (71d438785f)
- Bug 1184276 - Add some logging and don't bail if we can't find an nsPluginTag in RecvGetBlocklistState to try and get more diagnostic info r=billm (963ec63ad3)
- Bug 1194897 - Copy parent window chromeFlags when instantiating a new TabParent in the parent process. r=smaug (296cafaacc)
- Bug 1181467 - Fix mime type checking while copying image. r=Enn (2c77c687e5)
- Bug 1139860 - Fix xpcshell content process timeout crashes (r=jimm) (e594a31bff)
- Bug 1207490 - Part 1: Remove use of expression closure from browser/base/. r=dao (ef5ba24cbe)
- Bug 1059014 (part 1) - Remove support for max line box width. r=dbaron. (eaf2e94721) (4f15bc133e)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2022, 21:30
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Fixed possible crash when closing a tab with the outline sidebar visible.
    Fixed hang when setting a folder's parent to itself in the Edit Folder dialog.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: Pale Moon 31.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2022, 11:00
Whats new:>>

This is a bugfix release.


    Fixed wrong color of decoded JPEG-XL images.
    Fixed and issue with plugins not receiving keypress events properly.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 11:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Reduce line height of bookmarks in side panels so that more lines can be shown in a screen.
    Add menu Privacy->Clear Current Domain Data to clean the data associated with a single domain. The Clear browser data menu is also moved here.

Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

This is a rebuild of 31.4.1 for Windows 32-bit to address run-time crashes on Windows 7 32-bit on older hardware.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 11:40
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Fixed to read the history of multiple profiles in Yandex and Vivaldi Web browsers.
    Updated to stop the Web browsers history scan when you press the Esc key.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 19:45
Whats new:>>

    Improved UI and theme
    New settings page and quick access page
    Fixed some known bugs

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-12-03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2022, 22:20

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 4f15bc133e..3fd460890c:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1154563 - Drop the unused argument of WorkerPrivate::Close(); r=baku (366f353f9f)
- Bug 1178721 - Implement SuspendWorkersForWindow;r=khuey (a49bc9a306)
- Bug 1207490 - Part 6: Remove use of expression closure from browser/devtools/. r=vporof (1c4d153319)
- Bug 1198982: Don't fail the SW load for an importScripts failure. r=bkelly (948f5dca94)
- Bug 1160890 - Part 1: Remove unneeded code from ImportScripts(). r=smaug (e31f7c82eb)
- Bug 1160890 - Part 2: ImportScripts() should return muted errors with 3rd party scripts. r=smaug (347e54a605)
- Bug 1188141: Make Worker error events not bubble. r=baku (509fd46933)
- Bug 1160890, r=smaug (0ce3ee09d6)
- Bug 1208687: Only discard events from the outermost queue. r=ehsan (bce722c16b)
- Bug 949376 - MessageEvent::initMessageEvent, r=smaug (8878e51c91)
- Bug 1214772 - Part 2: Make FetchEvent inherit from ExtendableEvent; r=bzbarsky (edff91f7fb)
- Bug 1218131 - Mark FetchEvent.request as SameObject; r=bzbarsky (1f79b94838)
- Bug 1188545 - Add tests for service workers' lifetime management. r=nsm (9bac3b9f2d)
- Bug 1218135 - Remove FetchEvent.client; r=bzbarsky (e95e4e5326)
- Bug 1218151 - Make FetchEventInit.isReload default to false; r=bzbarsky (795d597a3b)
- Bug 1218621 - Keep the service worker alive while the promise passed to FetchEvent.respondWith() settles; r=catalinb (653633c136)
- Bug 1212636 - Add a better error message for the content corrupcted error caused by the Promise being passed to FetchEvent.respondWith; r=bkelly (d6ebabc2f2)
- Bug 1215140 P4 Make service worker respondWith() use channel ConsoleReportCollector. r=bz (0e07f364d4)
- Bug 1218499 - Make FetchEvent.request nullable; r=bzbarsky (850630ea6d)
- Bug 1179397 - Disallow FetchEvent.respondWith() when the dispatch flag is unset; r=jdm (2e57abf1c6)
- Bug 1215140 P5 Report the line number where respondWith() was called. r=bz (484e385ce3)
- Bug 1161239 - Emit a warning if the respondWith handler is resolved with a non-Object value; r=baku (cf2779f827)
- Bug 1181054 - Part 1: Move FormFillIterator and FormDataParser to FetchUtil.cpp; r=bkelly (9f62174f72)
- Bug 1181054 - Part 2: Refactor the code to extract an HTTP header from a buffer from FormDataParser; r=bkelly (7f57f76ce1)
- Bug 1181054 - Part 3: Correctly handle upload channels that have embedded body headers when dispatching a FetchEvent; r=bkelly (ebbfac4419)
- Bug 1181054 - Part 4: Make fetch-event.https.html pass; r=bkelly (b2d88a3f5b)
- Bug 1215140 P6 Update service worker interception error strings to include detailed parameters. r=bz (7918278f09)
- Bug 1219852 P1 Extract common JS values for rejected respondWith() promises. r=bz (12a6beed6c)
- Bug 1219852 P2 Report non-response values passed to FetchEvent.respondWith(). r=bz (69fdad9d5f)
- Bug 1207068 - Implement ExtendableMessageEvent interface. r=baku (29fd7c1c59)
- Bug 1224061: Make Event::InitEvent infallible. r=smaug Bug 1224061 followup to fix bustage. r=me on a CLOSED TREE IGNORE IDL (b4fc91b14b)
- Bug 1205109 - Make pushsubscriptionchange extendable. r=mt (abb45ac864)
- Bug 1207491 - Part 8: Remove use of expression closure from browser/omponents/nsBrowserContentHandler.js. r=Gijs (98dcb2cbee)
- Bug 1182571: Followup bustage fix from merge fail. CLOSED TREE (5062c88996)
- Bug 1213646: Allow URI_IS_UI_RESOURCE and safe about: URIs when SEC_ALLOW_CHROME is set. r=bz (6ca4e2322f)
- Bug 1191645 - Use channel->asycnOpen2 in dom/base/nsSyncLoadService.cpp. r=sicking (3fbd471f6b)
- Bug 1194526 - Use channel->asycnOpen2 in dom/base/nsScriptLoader.cpp (r=sicking) (7207efa45b)
- Bug 1084009 - Part 1/3 - Parse sync scripts off the main thread. r=smaug (72f4d5c749)
- Bug 1084009 - Part 2/3 - Only parse scripts off-main-thread on multicore systems. r=luke (ffb7e2270e)
- Bug 1209193 - Cache PR_GetNumberOfProcessors when checking to do off-main-thread script compilation. r=luke (c514373ad7)
- Bug 663570 - MetaCSP Part 7: CSP preload validation (r=bz) (5398116f85)
- Bug 1207863 - Fix ScopeIter iterating a strict eval frame that errored out before its CallObject was allocated. (r=jorendorff) (ae38882b7c)
- Bug 1223006 - Fix some typo in spidermonkey's comments. r=nbp (7d49536a0f)
- Bug 1223490 - Use stable hashing for InnerViewTable; r=jonco (12b4329982) (fb9b106168)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172870 - Implement service workers clients.openWindow for desktop (non-e10s). r=baku,smaug (b236bb7abe)
- Bug 1188545 - Prevent service workers from being terminated while checking if the script evaluation was successful. r=nsm (c92e4159f4)
- Bug 1214300 - AsyncErrorReporter doesn't use JSRuntime param., r=smaug (91534bd3e3)
- Bug 1202001 - Log errors emitted during service worker lifecycle events to the Web Console; r=bkelly (a28967cbc7)
- Bug 1189673 - Set FetchEvent.request.headers' guard to immutable before dispatching the FetchEvent; r=bkelly (9e49512912)
- Bug 1215140 P7 Remove old service worker interception logging. r=bz (ecbf828102)
- Bug 1215140 P8 Remove now unnecessary interception values from ErrorList.h. r=bz (1fa026bef7)
- Bug 1215140 P9 Provide file and line number when FetchEvent.preventDefault() cancels a request. r=bz (fb9bc6ba03)
- Bug 1215140 P10 Avoid AddRef'ing the nsIChannel OMT. r=bz (cf82339f63)
- Bug 1216401: Eviscerate nsIDOMWindow, move still needed methods to nsPIDOMWindow. r=bz (9bd51a95eb)
- Bug 1172870 - Part 1 - Move PBrowser::CreateWindow to PContent. r=smaug (f91e410853)
- Bug 1172870 - Part 2 - Enable ServiceWorkerClients::OpenWindow on e10s desktop. r=smaug (aefff3b138)
- Bug 1222097 - Resolve the openWindow URL using the service worker URL as the base URL. r=bkelly (6ebd7fe6c9)
- Bug 1172870 - Part 3 - Fix openWindow mochitest to work on e10s. r=smaug (9652eead7a)
- Bug 1191724, ensure private browser flag is set on docshell early enough, r=fabrice (38f909e960)
- Bug 1189964 - Fix a crash handling drags on dying windows. r=smaug (3b7bf446d7)
- misspatch of 1162700 (ceb869512f) (492d5f663a)
- Reverted "Bug 1216401: Eviscerate nsIDOMWindow, move still needed methods to nsPIDOMWindow. r=bz" (3fd460890c)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2022.12.5.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2022, 19:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 21:40

New Features:

! more modern user interface layout
! custom browser location is now selectable with standard Windows file dialog instead of manual input
! tools->rediscover browsers menu item rescans your OS for browser changes instantly
! number of processes and amount of RAM used is displayed next to browser item
! file menu has a new option to open bt.ini configuration file
! almost zero tracking: I only record the fact the app is started, and the app version, nothing else.


+ Chromium profile discovery is now much faster and much more secure
+ browser rules visual editor replaces multiline textbox - this is to get ready for more complicated rules
+ small pedantic UI improvements


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

2.9.2 (2022-12-08)

Bugs Fixed:
- picker was always triggered

2.9.1 (2022-12-08)

Bugs Fixed:
- picker was not triggered at all

Titel: CyberChef 9.55.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2022, 18:40
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Added 'AMF Encode' and 'AMF Decode' operations

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2022, 19:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.


Whats new:>>

New Features:

! completely redesigned URL picker - more modern, scrollable and adjustable
! URL picker now allows to copy URL to clipboard and cancel

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2022, 18:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Improved location detection on QA page
    Fixed "can't select search engine on QA settings" problem
    Fixed "can't click top of the tab when browser is maximised" problem.
    Fixed "switch account makes wrong theme colour " problem
    Fixed "tab group context menu out of view " problem 
    Fixed "inactive tab of classic theme show blurred text" problem
    Fixed "sometimes browser crash on settings page " problem

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>


+ URL tester window is not modal and looks slightly better

Bugs Fixed:

- change log window could not be closed by X button
- URLs containing exclamation mark were trimmed

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2022, 21:45
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Added support for record video from any tab, any window or the entire desktop screen. Use menu "Record video"

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2022-12-10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2022, 09:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 3fd460890c..a5c500f721:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1206298 - Part 1: Update the expiration time on the fake cache entry object for an intercepted request in the non-e10s case; r=mcmanus (0fa1afb14d)
- Bug 1206298 - Part 2: Add a test to make sure that we respect Cache-Control headers on the synthesized response; r=jdm (c7a05d4415)
- Bug 121442 - Add platform to GMP storage base dir. r=gerald (6f40a18f39)
- Bug 1214967 - Proxy observer service notification across to content process when GMPs are added/removed. r=billm,jwwang (088f770b47)
- Bug 1211812 - Add pref to select GMP to use for unencrypted decoding. r=jwwang Bug 1212670 - Implement GMPDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType() and EMEDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(). r=jwwang (10acef26cd)
- Bug 1214932 - Remove fragmented-mp4 from media prefs. r=jya (f2935767c1)
- Bug 1214967 - Create a list of GMPs/codecs that can be used for <video> decoding. r=jwwang (3c68f6e08b)
- import some vars and prefs to compile again (5456bb7124)
- Bug 1205083 - Don't enable low latency WMF video decoding as it crashes sometimes. r=jya (353e727811)
- Bug 1101885: P1. Make pref dynamic. r=cpearce (8a3de82e1e)
- Bug 1189776: Store our audio decode time in TimeUnits. r=cpearce (0a01637580)
- Bug 1202296 - Hide the MFTDecoder within MFTManager so that we can recreate it opaquely. r=cpearce (148e4d1923)
- Bug 1211339 - Ensure WMFDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType checks it can create decoders. r=jya (f6e53ff08c)
- Bug 1101885: P2. Don't shutdown WMF framework before releasing decoder. r=cpearce (b373402e74)
- Bug 1101885: P3. Allow decoder creation fallback. r=cpearce (650ef55564)
- Bug 1219300 - Add mutex to protect the |result| because the variable will be access by multiple threads at the same time. r=cpearce (a0f489cbcf)
- Bug 1101885: P4. Enable Intel VP8/VP9 HW decoder by default. r=cpearce (cffbca2905)
- Bug 1101885: P5. Only attempt to use HW VP decoder if DXVA active. r=cpearce (fd0f12c118)
- spaces (f110c8ab3d)
- Bug 1203217 - Add some logging when we detect and skip an ID3v2 tag. r=kinetik (74533f7c1e)
- small changes (1ab8008527)
- Bug 1164453 - Assert that decoder callback is set before using it. r=snorp (79bee3ccbe)
- Bug 1190379 - Use AndroidDecoderModule for VP8/9. r=jya (2c672b6630)
- Bug 1188871: P2. Call DrainComplete should an error occurs while draining. r=snorp (81f5669010)
- Bug 1163667 - [5.1] Ensure empty demuxer sample queue before initiating draining. r=snorp (8a4dd86a28)
- Bug 1204483 - Fix busted audio decoding output on Android r=esawin (b0c7dca1ce)
- Bug 1220491 - clarify ownership relationships for creators of AudioData; r=gerald (cd043d3ef1)
- bug 1162364 detect and abort MF_E_TRANSFORM_STREAM_CHANGE infinite loops r=cpearce (a0f3e17e5f)
- Bug 1214065 - Remove unused arguments from MediaDecoder::Load() and its friends. r=kinetik. (6e610f3aed)
- Bug 1211766 - Remove AbstractMediaDecoder::GetReentrantMonitor(). r=jya. (beb1a22439)
- some cleanup and add back some gestreamer stuff (55c4a19f78)
- Bug 1204434 - Remove check of MediaDecoder::IsMediaSeekable from OggReader::ReadMetadata. r=cpearce. (75bf15a1f5)
- Bug 1209888 - Remove usage of decoder monitor from OggReader. r=jya. (4e92df9c1c)
- Bug 1204882 - Move MediaDecoder::FrameStatistics out of MediaDecoder for easier use in other classes. r=jwwang (7f5d6035be)
- Bug 1209887. Part 1 - add assertions. r=jya. (d5a7057c79)
- Bug 1209887. Part 2 - remove usage of decoder monitor. r=jya. (56a6de8874)
- Bug 1209887. Part 3 - remove unused code. r=jya. (7cd48c424b)
- missing bit of 1208930 (045f09408a)
- Bug 1211327 - Remove unnecessary usage of decoder monitor from MediaDecoderReader and sub-classes. r=jya. (2a15ac759a)
- missing bit 1211766 (221c0a957f)
- Bug 1214519 - Fix the coding style of member initializer lists of MediaDecoder. r=jya. (654636af36)
- Bug 1206977: P12. Properly shutdown all created test decoders. r=cpearce (79cd0ebc83)
- Bug 1206977: P14. Remove obsolete / redundant code. r=cpearce (b5a85ee060)
- Bug 1208348 - Check whether DirectShow can decode MP3 before assuming it will work. r=jya (988030aec7)
- Bug 1209886 - Clean up InstantiateDecoder() in DecoderTraits.cpp. r=kinetik. (822cac0dee)
- Bug 1213176: P1. Remove most MediaFormatReader dependencies on its MediaDecoder parent. r=jwwang (7b5b000408)
- Bug 1214989. Part 1 - add MediaDecoderOwner to the constructors of MediaDecoder and sub-classes. r=gerald. (f2f6df4bf2)
- Bug 1214989. Part 2 - add MediaDecoderOwner to Clone() and overrides. r=gerald. (db9947115d)
- Bug 1214989. Part 3 - remove MediaDecoder::Init() and its callers. r=gerald. (4353925106)
- Bug 1217714 - Remove some unused functions from MediaDecoderReader. r=jya. (ae50a0f881)
- Bug 1194524 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/media/MediaResource.cpp (r=sicking) (2a28e80f82)
- Bug 1218280. Part 1 - create MediaResourceCallback for MediaResource to send notifications. r=roc. (54c5f58cb0)
- Bug 1218280. Part 2 - remove unused code. r=roc. (161d4e28bb)
- Bug 1219169. Part 1 - Remove AbstractMediaDecoder::OnStateMachineTaskQueue(). r=jya. (1836fb4bbc)
- Bug 1219169. Part 2 - move MediaDecoderStateMachine::OnTaskQueue() to private. r=jya. (873ecac93a)
- Bug 1217692. Part 1 - move members that don't have to be public to protected or private sections. r=jya. (25ea01b514)
- Bug 1217692. Part 2 - fix some styles to keep 80 cols limit. r=jya. (0aabebd4ed)
- Bug 1220558. Part 1 - remove unused arguments from MediaDecoderReader::DispatchNotifyDataArrived() and its callees/callers. r=jya. (0e57bafdb4)
- Bug 1218157: Only ever read from cached data in NotifyDataArrived. r=cpearce (235ef09e63)
- Bug 1220551. Part 1 - fix the parameters passed to mBufferedState->NotifyDataArrived(). r=jya. (61bdc160b1)
- Bug 1220551. Part 2 - remove arguments from NotifyDataArrivedInternal(). r=jya. (edc0c18550) (6b21bacef6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- missing part of Bug 1165772: P1. (7311039be4)
- missing gstreamer stuff (54a80d69b2)
- Bug 1214208: Do not use MP3Decoder on B2G. r=alfredo (0a19e7946e)
- Bug 1194014 - Remove redundant includes. r=jya (ccc3753113)
- Bug 1039639 - Add support for Flac on Firefox OS. r=cajbir (7d76197e07)
- Bug 875573 - Add video/x-m4v mime type. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (6ec8af93e6)
- cleanup (6fb3d5dd26)
- Bug 1180621 - [FxOS] Enable VP9 codec for the Android version after KK. r=sotaro (58f7c2b657)
- Bug 1187247: [MSE] P2. Enable WebM in MediaSource. r=jya (2df0ee1f7a)
- Bug 1187247: [MSE] P1. Continue parsing MediaSegment if buffer starts with SimpleBlock/Block. r=kinetik (574475ed6f)
- Bug 1217170: P1. Rename functions to explicitly reflect what they are doing. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (70c81a8179)
- Bug 1070216 - Split DOMMediaStream::InitStreamCommon into three. r=roc (1bda71cc88)
- Bug 1215582 - Rename Blacklist to Block list in GStreamerFormatReader. r=gerald (4f08077f5e)
- Bug 1170958 - Destroy track-locked MediaInputPorts when the track ends. r=roc (ff3922a2d6)
- Bug 1070216 - constify DOMMediaStream::Get[Audio/Video]Tracks(). r=roc (ba09f6f191)
- Bug 1070216 - Guard against adding a track owned by one MSG to a stream owned by another. r=padenot (a80deb8b30)
- Bug 1070216 - Implement MediaStream constructors. r=smaug,jib,padenot (3403ef2599)
- Bug 1070216 - Guard against a null MediaInputPort in DOMMediaStream::FindPlaybackDOMTrack(). r=roc (453a9ffbc1)
- Bug 1212783 - Expose TrackPort in DOMMediaStream.h r=roc (fb61c79ae7)
- Bug 1219711 - Ensure MediaStreamTrack.enabled propagates across peer connections. r=jesup (d9d1e54dae)
- Bug 1129051 - Fix double free in Camera Control Listener. Fix webrtc memory leak. r=aosmond (3e9b3bccfd)
- Bug 1152260 - Generate focused event for drivers that do not notify us when using continuous auto focus. r=mikeh (6c7bd42fdc)
- Bug 1175656 - Implement generation of recording posters in Gecko. r=dhylands,bz (51b2c66dc7)
- Bug 1187364 - Part 1. Add ability for camera to pause/resume recording. r=dhylands,bz (c54c735e37)
- Bug 1187364 - Part 2. Ensure that recording is resumed with a key frame. r=mchiang (c1c6048982)
- Bug 1187364 - Part 3. Fix missing end comment in WebIDL. r=me,bz (7faf106cc1)
- Bug 1212783 - Add a MediaStreamTrack to DOMCameraControl. r=aosmond (91e11efd3a)
- Bug 1124338 - Fix possible camera cached parameters invalidation from underlying driver modification. r=aosmond (dea67dc155)
- Bug 1196330 - Do not restart preview if configuration is unchanged. r=dhylands (097644f5d9)
- Bug 1215372 - Filter empty camera face detected events at gonk layer. r=dhylands (733efe50eb)
- Bug 1179726 - Prefer lower resolutions than 4kuhd as the default video recording profile. r=dhylands (27c71273dc)
- Bug 1222122 - Add picture size to verified parameters when reconfiguring the camera. r=dhylands (8c1fac6a4a)
- Bug 1141267 - register CameraThread with profiler, r=aosmond (299592a024)
- Bug 1008483 - removes the RW lock in CameraControlImpl and replaces it with a standard mutex. r=aosmond (45936cb90d)
- Bug 1008483 - Part 2. Readd missing nsPrintfCString.h include which has broken some local builds. r=me (9dd84b0f19)
- Bug 1191731 - Update poster API to allow application control over when poster is saved. r=bz, r=dhylands (73f9e7e0f4)
- Bug 1155648 - Fix documentation for DOMMediaStream::OnTracksAvailable. r=jesup (702828c304)
- Bug 1217170: [MSE] P2. Enable WebM/MSE on systems with no MP4/H264 support. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (0b814b0708)
- Bug 1213177: Enable WebM on machines where H264 HW decoding is disabled. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (e64da2ea24)
- add back some sps telemetry (52c2c64f5b)
- missing bit of Bug 1195073: [MSE/webm] P1 (9c45e82c3d)
- Bug 1150305 - sourcebuffer.buffered returns the same object if not changed. r=roc, r=bz, r=jya (6005d56c0c)
- Bug 1215447 - move flag setting from SeekStarted() to Seek(). r=roc. (a646b744c1)
- Bug 1119936 - Audio from FM Radio or Music app ceases to play when switching between front/back camera. r=roc (1a60aa7d69)
- Bug 1186806 - Part 1: Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() with iterators in HTMLFormControlsCollection. r=khuey (ccb8cb180a)
- Bug 1186806 - Part 2: Use NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE instead of manual traversal in HTMLFormElement. r=khuey (57e6eabf1b)
- Bug 1186806 - Part 3: Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() with iterators in HTMLMediaElement. r=khuey (243ef6e83b)
- Bug 1186806 - Part 4: Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() with iterators in HTMLPropertiesCollection. r=khuey (499bdef85f)
- Bug 1163958 - Reduce the allocation in MediaStreamGraph - patch 3 CLOSED TREE (a557661df1)
- Bug 1219330 - Prevent the creation of TextureClient after shutdown. r=mattwoodrow (a6c047d54f)
- Bug 1205559: Make TextureChild/TextureClient thread-safe. r=nical (307c089631)
- missing bit of 1219330 (0e351ea419)
- nsRefPtr -> RefPtr (07ba248e69)
- Bug 1215023. Part 1 - make MediaDecoder::mOwner a const member. We will check mShuttingDown before calling functions of mOwner. r=kinetik. (da7f201815)
- Bug 1215023. Part 2 - remove null check of mOwner. We check mShuttingDown to know whether it is valid to call functions of mOwner. r=kinetik. (8d28a04bbe)
- Bug 1220558. Part 2 - remove unused members. r=jya. (d3a9ed8c68)
- Bug 1223599 - Remove the throttling argument from AbstractMediaDecoder::NotifyDataArrived(). r=jya. (320323ff1d)
- Bug 1194606 - Make MediaDecoderStateMachine capable of requesting different kind (decoded/raw) of media data. r=jya (1e2b6a5c44)
- Bug 1197075: P3. Decode frames ahead of MDSM requesting them. r=edwin This makes the media.*-decode-ahead pref performs more according to its name. We decode audio and video in advance so a MediaDataPromise can be resolved almost instantly. Default is 2. (b3f56447c4)
- Bug 1189964 - Fix bustage. r=bustage CLOSED TREE (afaa49b4b5)
- Bug 1212149 - e10s support for opening notification settings. r=wchen (f0e7778fb6)
- Bug 1215644 - Use child process volume service cache for available and storage status requests. r=dhylands (dfd49f2ef3)
- bug 1215552 - nsHttpConnectionMgr::PostEvent shouldnt manually ref count r=hurley (5e2f1886e6)
- Bug 1219392 - Capitalize mozilla::unused to avoid conflicts. r=froydnj (0c8bb7f15a)
- bug 1217834 - buzzfeed packet loss r=dragana (e9a60b605f)
- Bug 1168033 - Add a comment to nsHttpConnectionMgr.cpp explaining the assignment of attemptedOptimisticPipeline. r=mcmanus (2451996350)
- bug 1189645 - remove spdy telem r=hurley (cda90abbdb)
- Bug 1148268 - fixed misspelling attribute mActorDestoryed. r=dhyland. (3615d68765)
- Bug 1216031 - Make MediaDecoder::mVideoFrameContainer const. r=kinetik. (a3feb9d6bc)
- missing bits of Bug 1165515 - Part 13-2 (009e32281f)
- Bug 1131473 - crash in -[NativeMenuItemTarget menuItemHit:]. r=spohl (ea2da6441c)
- Bug 1216416 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in widget/cocoa. r=spohl (faaa390b20)
- Bug 1181977 - Firefox app menu contains only "Quit" in certain edgecases. r=spohl (0b9d912961) (86a3aa0b54)
- imported changes from mozilla NSS:
- Bug 1794495 - Remove Network Solutions Certificate Authority. r=KathleenWilson (64a28c8d60)
- Bug 1794507 - Remove SwissSign Platinum CA - G2 from NSS. r=KathleenWilson (f2c2308403)
- Bug 1797559 - Remove EC-ACC root cert from NSS. r=KathleenWilson (4f1985c8dd)
- Bug 1799038 - Remove Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA from NSS. r=KathleenWilson (9151be4c45)
- Bug 1794506 - Set nssckbi version number to 2.60. r=nss-reviewers,bbeurdouche (39fc42e136)
- Bug 1803453 - Set CKA_NSS_SERVER_DISTRUST_AFTER and CKA_NSS_EMAIL_DISTRUST_AFTER for 3 TrustCor Root Certificates. r=KathleenWilson (a871902c05) (123a5b8768)
- zlib: also pick up https://github.com/madler/zlib/commit/4346a16853e19b45787ce933666026903fb8f3f8 (a56e853455)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1215411 - Define MOZ_FALLTHROUGH annotation to suppress clang's -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings. r=botond (5549d55e8b)
- Bug 1202794 - Explicitly clear array in SortChildrenBy3DZOrder to satisfy the move analysis, r=mattwoodrow (0c53a3db36)
- Bug 1217168 - Respect layer clip rects during plugin visibility computation. r=jimm (6289d35ff1)
- Bug 1220693 - Make mozilla::Atomic<enum class> work even on compilers that don't have <atomic>. r=froydnj (ef1b490ffd)
- Bug 947062 - Make background-position inline-style changes and CSS animations trigger layer activity. r=roc (44bc576960)
- Bug 1201330 - Refactor LayerActivity property management. r=roc (92528b8765)
- Bug 1201330 - Keep scroll handler induced layer activity active until the scroll frame becomes inactive. r=roc (08670902ec)
- Bug 1147707 - Intersect correctly in DisplayItemClip::ApplyNonRoundedIntersection. r=roc (66991b6be6)
- better attempt at 10.5 compaitbility, avoiding out-of-bounds array access (18f481ff6b)
- Bug 1217662 - part 1 - make LayerManagerUserDataDestroy a static function of LayerManager; r=mattwoodrow (f2d34451e0)
- Bug 1217662 - part 2 - move mozilla::layers::LayerUserData to a separate header; r=mattwoodrow (036d7327fa)
- Bug 1217662 - part 3 - move nsDisplayBlendContainer::GetLayerState out-of-line; r=mattwoodrow (fb2bd6bd20)
- Bug 1217662 - part 4 - move {LayerManager,Layer}::RemoveUserData out-of-line; r=mattwoodrow (86836f2a9b)
- Bug 1217662 - part 5 - move FrameLayerBuilder and helper classes's ctors/dtors out-of-line; r=mattwoodrow (e838bde0ec)
- Bug 1217662 - part 6 - remove Layers.h #include from FrameListBuilder.h; r=mattwoodrow (8aea4cb842)
- Bug 1216288 - Disable warning when we don't build an active layer for RenderFrameParent within an opacity:0 subtree. r=roc (2c5e70760a)
- Bug 1169996 - Don't lose eEditorMailMask; r=ehsan (b4647557bb)
- Bug 1211654 - Force opacity layers that were only created for APZ hit-testing information to always be inactive. r=mstange (4c56d440cf)
- Bug 1154336 - Convert nsTextEditorState::mRestoringSelection into a strong reference; r=baku (3e24a6ad18)
- Bug 549674 part.1 Commit composition string at setting value of <input> or <textarea> r=smaug (e6a6471370)
- Bug 1109410 Resolve CSS transform in ContentEventHandler::ConvertToRootViewRelativeOffset() r=roc (5ff3388f28)
- Bug 1180589 part 3 - Rename shadowed variable name; r=bholley (7194cda020)
- Bug 1222145 - Bump maximum video size to 8k. r=jya (056778dda9)
- Bug 1180589 part 1 - Add simulator code for TV Manager API; r=seanlin (dd78a38a27)
- Bug 1180589 part 2 - Add code to create a simulated mediastream; r=se# (c255e0dd07)
- spacing (856ee42504)
- missing bit of Bug 1136827 - Stop synchronously (befed33dbe)
- bit of Bug 1204401 (c1f98ed982)
- bits of 1142527 (dc39662797)
- Bug 1212220 - cache pref values so they are safe to access off the main thread. r=roc. (adb186836b)
- Bug 1194918 - Add VideoSink which contains either AudioSinkWrapper or DecodedStreamSink as a default operating MediaSink in MDSM. r=jwwang. (7ccda9b055)
- Bug 1194918 - Move av-sync and video frame rendering logic from MDSM to VideoSink. r=jwwang. (ba56ae120b)
- Bug 1202533 - Fix naming convention of MediaSink::PlaybackParams. (eed5ed3839)
- Bug 1194918 - Override function SetVolume/SetPreservesPitch in VideoSink for the contained AudioSink. r=jwwang. (0d96e6a395)
- Bug 1198663. Skip null Images in VideoSink::RenderVideoFrames instead of treating them as valid. r=jwwang (aaac235c1f)
- Bug 1207198: P2. Defer dormant request while ReadMetadata is pending in MDSM. r=sotaro (0a8e1f4bb0)
- Bug 1209850: Only attempt to initialize decoders as they are required. r=alfredo (615e41b66b)
- Bug 1192733: fix the MediaFormatReader can not back from dormant state. r=jya (c266107d33)
- Bug 1207198: P1. Do not initialize decoders during ReadMetadata. r=cpearce (4174dbc409)
- missing bit of 1196696 (7b1c0fbe95)
- Bug 1208922. Part 6 - IsWaitingOnCDMResource() is not used by MDSM anymore. Remove it from MediaDecoderReader and make it private in MediaFormatReader. r=cpearce. (db67939710)
- adapted of Bug 1208922. Part 3 - forward the CDMProxy from MediaDecoder (a5dca2f89d) (886c0a2723)
- KM/SSE/IA32 builds only: NSS: reorder ciphers for better performance (e5bc8fc12b)
- dom/tv: remove bogus line in manifest (a5c500f721)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2022, 09:41

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Updated Blink (Chrome/108.0.5359.99)
    Other minor fixes

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>


+ windows and controls have rounded corners
+ selection rectangles change backgrounds
+ picker has proper spacing
+ picker window has title and close button

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

2.9.7 (2022-12-14)


+ PDF association has a different icon

2.9.6 (2022-12-14)

New Features:

! Brave Browser profiles are fully supported
! Brave Tor Mode is supported. Unfortunately due to the bug in Brave itself it opens duplicate instances for Tor URL. This shoudl be fixed in Brave soon.
! BT registers itself as a handler for popular file extensions browsers can handle (pdf, html, html, svg etc.). If you already have BT installed, go to Tools->Troubleshooting->Re-register as Browser to enable this.


+ More modern looking installer (if you are using it)
+ Menu look more aligned to icons

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 10:20
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'Server Modified Time' column, which displays the timestamp of downloaded file on the Web server. This column is available only for Web browsers based on Chrome.
    Fixed the quick-filter text-box to copy to the clipboard when pressing Ctrl+C.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    New designed UX for tab dragging 
    Polished QA page
    Improvements of new download on win7 OS 
    Fixed “ tab icon color might be wrong “ problem
    Fixed “ addon window might be wrong “ problem

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.6-2022-12-17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2022, 18:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git a5c500f721..8637eba4b3:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- remove poisondata stuff (cf5b5d29e5)
- Bug 1218488 - clarify buffer ownership for nsICanvasRenderingContextInternal::GetBuffer; r=Bas,baku (dba4272b73)
- Bug 1167215 - Re-apply CompositeUntil calls when we get a new batch of textures. r=roc (d57a8ac9e9)
- Bug 1220923 - Make nsIntRegion a typedef for IntRegionTyped<UnknownUnits>. r=nical (a5f4e1e283)
- Bug 1220898 - Make nsIntMargin a typedef for mozilla::gfx::IntMargin. r=nical (8bdb2f191a)
- Bug 1205913 - Differentiate YCbCr, NV12 and RGB textures when drawing layer borders. r=nical (ff5d3dc7df)
- Bug 1203376 - Honor filter region settings for lighting filters. r=mstange (8d0565e99a)
- Bug 1220512 - ensure next frame status is updated before notifying MediaDecoder::PlaybackEnded. See bug 1220512 comment 1 for the detail. r=cpearce. (c2f434b5d4)
- Bug 1207964 - Remove workaround from bug 1080461. r=jwwang (19bff98c14)
- Bug 1199904: Only start decoding ahead after explicitly requesting data. r=gerald (8712637b49)
- Bug 1197664: Report the total number of decoded frames. CLOSED TREE r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (422827d1af)
- Bug 1178596: Reset frame size queue after flushing. r=cpearce (dd40ac4e6b)
- Bug 1205911: P1. Cancel pending demux request when searching for next keyframe. r=edwin (8a03e6904f)
- Bug 1188313: P1. Attempt to seek audio near video. r=cpearce (a8b6465d97)
- Bug 1205911: P2. Ensure demuxer is reset before performing a seek. r=edwin (e93534a1d1)
- bit of Bug 1185886: P2 (c2e89be4a3)
- bit of Bug 1211443 (98fbb4a4a2)
- Bug 1089586: Abort pending seeks. r=jwwang (e81f453204)
- Bug 1195094: P1. Properly detects SPS changes for decoders requiring Annex B. r=cpearce (976febcd7c)
- Bug 1195094: P2. Ensure TrackInfo object passed to constructor is never modified. r=cpearce (d5c15b2368)
- Bug 1218577: Use only Blank PDM if enabled. r=kamidphish (a7e06549cc)
- Bug 1210231 - Enable unencrypted <video> playback using Adobe's GMP for decoding. r=jya (7f80702b89)
- Bug 1214932 - Add media.wmf.enabled pref. r=jya (8c183c0dd1)
- Bug 1213173: Always use FFmpeg regardless of version. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (e5af2c0c91)
- Bug 1211787 - Improve the accuracy of MediaDecoderStateMachine::GetDecodedAudioDuration(). r=roc. (16d755c555)
- Bug 1193614 - Schedule State Machine when VideoQueue() is low. r=cpearce (fe608da5fd)
- Bug 1219984. Part 1 - remove EventPassMode::Both. In order to support multiple arguments, all arguments must be either moved or copied. r=kinetik. (2ee049008c)
- Bug 1219984. Part 2 - add support for multiple arguments. r=kinetik. (1c70d5d69b)
- Bug 1219974 - Add DisconnectIfExists() to MediaEventListener. r=kinetik. (43f6ae90b0)
- Bug 1192109 - Fix insufficient includes in MediaEventSource.h. r=kinetik. (09eca240a1)
- mData, aData (5e87f70853)
- Bug 1219330 - Handle PlanaYCbCrImage::SetData failure. r=jya, jesup (144f3c266f)
- Bug 1222308. Assume frames that are very old will never be composited. r=nical (1da9be2527)
- space (45b67caa85)
- Bug 1182426 - Set PlanarYCbCrImage's size in VP8TrackEncoder GTest. r=roc (d70a4d20c4)
- Bug 1217080. Move recycling functionality into RecyclingPlanarYCbCrImage. r=nical (e2b2f650d7)
- Bug 1216644 - part 1 - simple s/nsAutoArrayPtr/UniquePtr/ changes in gfx/; r=jrmuizel (d19bc51f94)
- Bug 1216644 - part 2 - make gfxFontEntry::mUVSData a UniquePtr; r=jrmuizel (605a1bc6b1)
- Bug 1216644 - part 3 - make BufferRecycleBin store UniquePtrs; r=jrmuizel (7781281266)
- Add an RAII class to lock and unlock textures. (bug 1222863 part 1, r=nical) (abdec485f3)
- Use RAII for more TextureClient locking cases. (bug 1222863 part 2, r=nical) (b35486ed3d)
- Bug 1212288 - Make ImageContainer::AllocateProducerID callable on all threads; r=roc (fc569b8e48)
- Bug 1140947 - Correct some logging in SourceBufferResource.cpp. r=cajbir (fcbb38056c)
- Bug 1199573: [MSE] Properly handle partial media header received prior a discontinuity. r=gerald (f1cda54fa3)
- Bug 1213726 - Remove AbstractMediaDecoder::HasInitializationData(). r=kinetik. (62f09f816e)
- Bug 1034081 - Never seek before startTime. r=rillian Only adjust seek target up to startTime (44139b20ec)
- Bug 1196353 - Use standard Xiph extradata format to pass headers from demuxers to decoders. r=jya (41f8dee5af)
- Bug 1202332 - XiphExtradataToHeaders miscalculates final header length. r=derf (eec20f90f0)
- Bug 1208799: [webm] Use first track found. r=kinetik (7196355e31)
- Bug 1190472 - part 1 - improve MediaRawDataQueue's reference-counting behavior; r=kinetik (47b066b8e8)
- Bug 1190472 - part 2 - delete unused MediaRawDataQueue::Push method; r=kinetik (f8246efe1b)
- Bug 1190472 - part 3 - optimize pushing an entire queue onto MediaRawDataQueue; r=kinetik (045b389bf8)
- Bug 1213024 - Comment the structured clone reading and writing, r=fitzgen (1b64f9f502)
- Bug 1201620 - Make SavedFrame stacks structured cloneable; r=sfink (87e9b0a04b)
- Bug 1221456 - Avoid C4819 warning spam. r=glandium (3dde3cb10a)
- Bug 1213752 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Enable MIPS64 support. r=glandium (36da4cbd99)
- Bug 1214175 - Make hash table manipulation infallible in Shape::fixupGetterSetterForBarrier() r=terrence (98e5e601ec)
- Bug 1215337 - Cache slotSpan(), r=terrence (3e992f9f06)
- No Bug - Include jswin.h in jsobj.cpp to unbreak windows non-unified bustage. (r=terrence over IRC) (92cba3254f)
- Bug 1052139 - Make prototype-setting first create Object.prototype so that subsequent prototype chain-splicing will work correctly. r=bz (34a8d00d9f)
- Bug 1172076 - Improve js::DumpBacktrace to include raw frame pointers and types. r=jandem (f11eb1763b)
- Bug 1052139 - Change the boolean constant controlling whether the global object prototype chain is immutable, to enable immutable-prototype enforcement generally. r=duh (b7a1124feb)
- Bug 1215363 - Fix a couple of OOM handling issues and make JS_sprintf funcions crash when passed illegal format strings r=terrence (c778891dd3)
- Bug 1211331 - Ensure that GC slices are terminated such that we can safely iterate the heap. r=terrence (440308a333)
- Bug 1224048 - Use stable hashing for the temporary tables in the JSON parser; r=jonco (7d058f44c9)
- Bug 1215678 - Nuke cross compartment wrappers if we fail to add them to the wrapper map r=terrence (8e9e535a11)
- Bug 1200732 - Use stable hashing for AutoCycleDetectorSet; r=jonco (68237bdea4)
- more poisondata removal (6479b20220)
- Bug 1218488 - clarify buffer ownership for nsICanvasRenderingContextInternal::GetBuffer; r=Bas,baku (ae89d929b2)
- Bug 1207378 (Part 1) - Add support for a frame rect to Downscaler. r=tn (234866c32f)
- Bug 1207378 (Part 2) - Use Downscaler to remove first-frame padding when downscaling GIFs. r=tn (5e995bdca2)
- Bug 1207378 - Add FrameRect to non-skia version of BeginFrame. r=seth (939f0510eb)
- Bug 1204394 (part 1) - Using StreamingLexer in the BMP decoder. r=seth. (77eaa1e125)
- Bug 1204394 (part 2) - Add bmpsuite to the BMP reftests. r=seth. (237a902461)
- Bug 1214476 - Remove unused code for encoding BMPv2 files. r=seth. (b8382357d7)
- Bug 1213613 (part 1) - Formatting cleanups for nsBMPEncoder.h. r=seth. (4ee65bc173)
- Bug 1213613 (part 2) - Move some BMP-related structs. r=seth. (15289784ce)
- Bug 1215156 - move SetPixel* functions into nsBMPDecoder.cpp; r=seth (a143c843d4)
- Bug 1215763 - part 1 - remove unnecessary nsAutoPtr.h includes; r=seth (f8a3a1f6b0)
- Bug 1180715 (1/4) - Track image LoadTime to compare with file mtime. review=seth (bdbd25752c)
- Bug 1180715 (2/4) - Provide a nsIFileURL interface for thumbnails. review=ttaubert (24c506569d)
- Bug 1147562 - Update remaining callsites of newChannel before landing the shim in toolkit/ (r=gijs) (f7f2ab798f)
- Bug 1163866 - Set originalURI correctly for moz-page-thumb:// channels. r=adw (3c7c97928e)
- Bug 1180715 (3/4) - Drop parseURI from newChannel2. review=ttaubert (5b409e7d4b)
- Bug 1180715 (4/4) - Use nsIURL methods instead of RegExp. review=ttaubert (1f7a026e06)
- Bug 1209705 - Propagate the DrawResult for temporary surfaces to the caller in ClippedImage. r=tn (c5be1c7df4)
- Bug 1215763 - part 2 - s/nsAutoPtr/UniquePtr/ in image/; r=seth (58c5da3bd2)
- Bug 1215763 - part 3 - s/nsAutoArrayPtr/UniquePtr/ in nsBMPEncoder; r=seth (62bc939286)
- Bug 1213613 (part 3) - Fix color-scaling of 16bpp BMP images. r=seth. (d06d511564)
- Bug 1214072 (part 1) - Read BMP bitfields during metadata decoding. r=seth. (56cc2c02cd)
- Bug 1214072 (part 2) - Implement transparency properly for BMP images. r=seth. (b6b07c2d90)
- Bug 1218823 - use UniquePtr<> in preference to delete[] in image/; r=seth (5cd21f89a2)
- Bug 1215334 (part 1) - Avoid creating a fake header for BMP files in ICO files. r=seth. (67506fc53e)
- Bug 1215334 (part 2) - Avoid creating a fake header for BMP files in ICO files. r=seth. (cf6c3f4553)
- spacing (b91c58ec87)
- Bug 1196494 - part 1: remove unnecessary GetClientBounds call in CompositorParent. r=jrmuziel (685f49ae9c)
- Bug 1180008 - Define gtk_window_get_window_type in mozgtk. r=karlt (e7ca7db4d3)
- Bug 863512 - Fixing xul dnd panels for linux. r=enndeakin (5d0faaf0dc)
- Bug 1195002 - draw to MozContainer window to allow GTK to draw decorations, r=karlt (7a84272fe9)
- Bug 1210249 - don't mess with toplevel widget when client side decorations are enabled. r=karlt (464e9ce3fb)
- bug 1180008 use mGdkWindow instead of finding it from gtk_widget_get_window(mShell) r=acomminos (024f8bd5a7)
- bug 1180008 don't measure size of decorations for override-redirect windows r=acomminos (416ffda363)
- Bug 1026803 part 1 - Factor out a common utility class for converting wrapping native times to TimeStamps; r=karlt (915ecdfc40)
- Bug 1026803 part 2 - Add an assertion that SystemTimeConverter's template parameter is unsigned; r=karlt (68ccf1569d)
- Bug 1026803 part 3 - Make some simplifications to SystemTimeConverter; r=karlt (c38719b7de)
- Bug 1026803 part 4 - Convert GTK native event times to timestamps; r=karlt (74ef903992)
- Bug 1026803 part 5 - Convert CurrentXXXTimeGetter classes from functors to helper classes; r=karlt (06d49e5965)
- Bug 1026803 part 6 - Make SystemTimeConverter detect clock skew; r=karlt (d663ab72b2)
- Bug 1026803 part 7 - Store the CurrentX11TimeGetter as a member object on nsWindow; r=karlt (f6a04e6e9c)
- Bug 1026803 part 8 - Add ability for CurrentX11TimeGetter to perform an asynchronous request of the current time; r=karlt (961dab1d91)
- Bug 1026803 part 8b - Factor out an IsTimeNewerThanTimeStamp method; r=karlt (1afb9f511a)
- Bug 1026803 part 9 - Return DOMHighResTimeStamp objects from Event.timeStamp on Linux for Nightly/Aurora builds; r=karlt (975432dbd8)
- Fix bustage from changeset 5c5dc6f367ac (bug 1026803) r=bustage on CLOSED TREE (c0be358f84)
- fix bustage (e5e97018b6)
- Bug 1196494 - part 2: only update nsWindow client offset when _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS property actually changes. r=eihrul (dd7e913d49)
- Bug 1170342 - Disable XInput2 by default on GTK3. r=karlt (6a52d65a98)
- Bug 1208904 - Fix a condition in nsWindow::SetNonClientMargins; r=roc (fe8c7b3e77)
- Bug 1199892 - "Mouse cursor flickers in Flash object with wmode opaque/transparent". r=roc (6d50037e14)
- Bug 1171101 - Remove pointer events and gesture scrolling dependencies. r=smaug (3aa5c89ea4)
- Bug 978679. Implement touch events for GTK3. r=karlt (adafe58640)
- Bug 1209774 - Transform from GDK coords to layout device pixels before calling DispatchEvent. r=karlt (4c81cf74ea)
- Bug 1191293. Remove harmless assertion that is triggered by GTK3. r=masayuki (e0b9eb2c80)
- Bug 978679. Convert GDK touch event coordinates properly. r=karlt (dfeae08f47)
- restore some XP vs Vista differences, Bug 925599 bits (88ff57f06f)
- Bug 1220392 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in widget/; r=roc (35026aa4c9)
- Bug 1214616 - Remove encoding conversion methods from nsPrimitiveHelpers. r=emk. (3a4bdbbc8e)
- Bug 1216611 - add mozilla::MakeUniqueFallible and convert uses throughout the tree; r=Waldo (8672c2e3d9)
- Bug 1216964 - remove nsAutoArrayPtr use from ActorsParent; r=khuey (ddff59241a)
- Bug 1219903 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of delete[] calls in layout/generic/; r=dholbert (8b96067a6e)
- Bug 1220190 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of delete[] calls in layout/xul/; r=dholbert (065b3c521c)
- Bug 1220714 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in layout/; r=dholbert (6a8245751c)
- Bug 1221550 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in intl/; r=smontagu (67868889e2)
- Bug 1232374 - remove nsAutoArrayPtr usages from toolkit/; r=froydnj (d65586df26)
- Bug 1170522 - expose whether or not we're in tablet mode to xul/js/css, r=jimm,ted (5cb134a8d4)
- bug 1163872 - Fix a unified build issue in nsXPLookAndFeel.cpp. r=jimm (925e38abed)
- bug 1217602 - remove nsIPKIParamBlock r=Cykesiopka (b5f0fc8dfd)
- missing bit of old bug (fdcb4fe143)
- Bug 1221453 - Use ObjDirPaths for GENERATED_INCLUDES and merge with LOCAL_INCLUDES. r=gps (a0537fff83)
- Bug 1194948 - Build gfx/ipc in unified mode and mark as FAIL_ON_WARNINGS. r=BenWa (c88b356ac8)
- Bug 815952 - Stop clearing clipboard data originating from a private window after closing private windows. r=ehsan (b94fea061d)
- Bug 943296 - widget/gtk/nsDragService.cpp should assume Gtk uses UTF-8. r=karlt. (3613e87354)
- Bug 1186661 - Draw drag and drop alpha pixmap correctly on GTK3. r=karlt (ca884af03b)
- Bug 983843 - Switch to GtkOffscreenWindow for drag source widget, fixing ghost tabs on some GTK versions. r=karlt (ab56f9d764)
- bug 1216916 clean up when InvokeDragSession() fails r=roc (30c811c33e)
- Bug 1198128 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in widget/gtk. r=karlt (06bc60349e)
- Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox into dev (c79378b7c9)
- Bug 1206915 - Move dumping of compositor textures under its own environment variable. r=mattwoodrow (b8ba4f0fbf)
- Bug 1213007 - Part 1. Implementing gfxCrash. r=dvander (e307f9d543)
- Bug 1208661 - Show display list and layer textures in-line in the HTML paint dump. r=BenWa (7047c68964)
- Relax the driver crash guard on nightly and e10s builds. (bug 1200825, r=jgilbert) (1dd81b1257)
- Bug 1214802 - gfxEnv - consolidate environment variables used by the graphics code in one place. r=botond (afb61356c6)
- Bug 1217192 - Use gfxCriticalNote where we're already using the non-default construction parameter. r=mchang (d04ca17de5)
- addback some crash stuff (8a78973a71)
- Fix layers.acceleration.force-enabled not working. (bug 1212659, r=jrmuizel) (5eb85d8f64)
- Bug 1142516 - Improve assertions and logging on the compositor side. r=Bas (cca63735e5)
- Bug 1194335. Use a StackArray for RECTS so we see them in the minidumps. r=mattwoodrow (1a83a134e8)
- Bug 1192058 - For DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS, set pDirtyRects to nullptr if DirtyRectsCount == 0. r=BenWa (f78ff0df24)
- Bug 1204922 - More information about crashes. r=bas (53cbd02c12)
- Bug 1222033 - Rename gfxCrash to gfxDevCrash. r=jrmuizel (32351d0bc7)
- Bug 1209812 (part 1) - Remove casts between cairo_format_t and gfxImageFormat. r=nical. (c1bc5cd74c)
- Bug 1209812 (part 2) - Remove gfxImageFormat::A1. r=nical. (99f665ad80)
- Bug 1182426 - Sort includes in VP8TrackEncoder.cpp alphabetically. r=roc (5f10334ba8)
- Bug 1182426 - Don't try to encode new frames of a size other than the initial in VP8TrackEncoder. r=roc (8fb0b8f0d9)
- Bug 1182426 - Flatten YUV formats conversion code in VP8TrackEncoder. r=roc (0853d098f7)
- Bug 1182426 - Convert non-PlanarYCbCRImages in VP8TrackEncoder. r=roc (d2d78fa94a)
- Bug 1204106 - Use correct alpha blend modes for OVER in CompositorOGL. r=jrmuizel (5cc211b9d6)
- Bug 1207326 - Part 1: Correct projection clipping rectangle,r=matt.woodrow (8329afb6a7)
- Bug 1207326 - Part 2: Add reftest,r=jmuizelaar (d17d6c5d4f)
- Bug 1209446 - Make sure mFrameInProgress flag is set to true only when we actually begin drawing new frame. r=nical (4ff48c4149)
- Disable screen and multiply mix-blend-mode support in the D3D11 and OGL compositors. (bug 1135271, r=mattwoodrow) (9b4c11a289)
- Bug 1210189 - Use nsScreenGonk in nsWindow::StartRemoteDrawing() r=mwu (2653a33972)
- Bug 1210514 - Fix color inversion when BasicCompositor is used on gonk r=nical (141fee3bfb)
- Bug 1209812 (part 3) - Rename SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5 as R5G6B5_UINT16. r=Bas. (915e7eaba3)
- Bug 1209812 (part 4) - Add comments to SurfaceFormat. r=jrmuizel,Bas. (ef1977582f)
- Bug 1209812 (part 5) - Add endian-neutral variants to SurfaceFormat. r=nical,Bas. (93c49df8c5)
- Bug 1171671 - Simplify Boot Animation control r=mwu (94c4f89b45)
- Bug 1210182 - Implement GrallocTextureHostBasic r=nical (4e5ea5b92c)
- Bug 1209812 (follow-up) - Android bustage fix on a CLOSED TREE. r=me. (8b2fa6268d)
- Bug 1178513 - Added RGBA8888 to RGB565 converter. r=mattwoodrow (8ba5dbd3c9)
- Bug 1160689 - thumbnail image corruption on certain videos. r=sotaro (278a2e29f6)
- Bug 1204922: When ResizeBuffers fails, make no attempt to do subsequent paints until it succeeds again. r=milan (0c040d8228)
- Bug 1215027 - Fix EndFrameForExternalComposition() r=nical (bab4690e54)
- Bug 1215364 - Implement BasicCOmpositor::EndFrameForExternalComposition r=nical (c8b9c7bfb9)
- Bug 1213968 - Renew the surface on iOS when resuming the compositor r=kats (73489dc21c)
- Bug 1201318 - Factor out AddFamily. r=jdaggett (3f2556b8b4)
- Bug 1201318 - revise OSX system font handling. r=mstange (f8a8f5f562)
- Bug 1163877 - Part 1: Add storage for other FontFaceSets a FontFace is in. r=jdaggett (ab3a16b597)
- Bug 1163877 - Part 2: Allow FontFaces to be added to multiple FontFaceSets. r=jdaggett (9b2dd7e5c9)
- Bug 1163877 - Part 3: Update state on, and reflow documents for, all FontFaceSets that contain a FontFace whose user font entry updated. r=jdaggett (215db30569)
- Bug 1192986 Fix test_interfaces.html to expect Cache API and font loading to be released. r=ehsan (8db9ef1df8)
- Bug 1193019 - Rename CSSFontFaceLoadEvent to FontFaceSetLoadEvent. r=khuey (53f373c53d)
- Bug 1163877 - Part 4: Tests. r=jdaggett (c6053ca8b4)
- Bug 1180415 - initialize downloadable font pattern from FTFace. r=karlt (04aa59ba79)
- Bug 1163491 - map local fontnames to fontconfig patterns. r=karlt (ad10ebde2a)
- Bug 543715 p1 - distinguish between italic and oblique. r=jfkthame (4c9a0abf64)
- Bug 543715 p2 - italic/oblique reftests. r=jfkthame (90fb927148)
- bug 1178733 - enable APZ for iOS. r=kats (e41702d9cd)
- Bug 1169956. Backout bug 1073209 for tiled image regressions on OS X. r=jrmuizel (a80a29aaa3)
- Bug 1073209 - Eliminate usage of CreateSamplingRestrictedDrawable on d2d backends. r=jrmuizel (9ac8781a52)
- Bug 1204136 - Align DisplayPort on non-tiling platform. r=botond (1d8be17663)
- Bug 1122918 - Put the logical values for 'float' and 'clear' behind a pref, and enable them only on nightly builds and for B2G. r=heycam (a428b34d66)
- Bug 1183484 - Cycle collect FontFaceSetIterator. r=bzbarsky (dc49f3f098)
- Bug 1027579 - Do not load fonts from the cache if LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE is set. r=jfkthame r=bz (6cf20c9119)
- Bug 1201318 - Use nsAutoReleasePool from nsCocoaUtils.h. r=jdaggett (bfe5f05086)
- Bug 1201403 - streamline MacOSFontEntry::HasFontTable implementation. r=jfkthame (da06064b86)
- Bug 1165611 - fix font smoothing under Linux. r=karlt (166a96603b)
- Bug 1160506 - support intra-family font fallback. r=heycam (f56f0507d0)
- Bug 1165693 - Cache the result of calling FcConfigSubstitute for our sentinel font name, to make gfxFcPlatformFontList::FindFamily less expensive. r=jdaggett (09ace74bc1)
- Bug 1165693 - patch 2 - Cache family-name lookups in gfxFcPlatformFontList::FindFamily, to avoid repeating expensive calls to FcConfigSubstitute. r=jdaggett (ab34bf45c0)
- Bug 1174946 - Back out the (incorrectly-implemented) caching of sentinelFirstFamily from bug 1165693, which should be largely overshadowed by the mFcSubstituteCache anyway. r=jdaggett (9b7784b7a6)
- Bug 1165766 - Crash in AddFontSetFamilies() r=jtd (13cba8e6c7)
- Bug 1170421 - return first font suggested by fontconfig as the default font. r=karlt (426c6bd348)
- Bug 1008169 - Font selection and font size dropdowns are reacting very slowly on press up/down,r=jaws (8e395026e1)
- Bug 1166161 - Display available font from font.name-list.{family}.{lang} as fallback default font, instead of empty string. (045855761a)
- Bug 1187680 - Use NSVisualEffectMaterialMenu for menus if it's available. r=smichaud (0cede2f295)
- Bug 1190257. Use the previous vsync timestamp on windows 10. r=jrmuizel (7cf7e2644f)
- Bug 1220699 - Add telemetry probe to measure vsync latency in the parent refresh driver. r=avih (347936dffb)
- Bug 1221674 - Add telemetry probe in the content process to measure the time between refresh driver ticks. r=kats (1d1b885f10)
- Bug 1198362 - Delete PreciseRefreshDriverTimer. r=roc (8fdcca758f)
- Bug 1197898 - Delete vsync refresh driver preference. r=kats (eab85ba8dd)
- Bug 1210250. Fallback to GDI fonts with a skia backend. r=jwatt (8c374b4bd3)
- Bug 1208927 - Initialize queryD3DKMTStatistics so that it can't be accessed uninitialized; r=jrmuizel (69c6781a82)
- Bug 1144946 - Delete PreciseRefreshDriverTimerWindowsDwmVsync refresh driver timer. r=roc (a78ccb3d42)
- Bug 1187784 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (6a09016e6d)
- Bug 1187784 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (1ce8abd863)
- Bug 1187784 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (cd98be2f19)
- Bug 1187784 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (09022514a9)
- Bug 1217230 - Set mNeedToRecomputeVisibility true only when style or layout flush. r=seth (8f3edd57c0)
- Bug 1167281 - sort scalable fonts first when resolving generic families under Linux. r=karlt (e2ecb89f31)
- Bug 1186875 - check if FcFontSort returns non-null. r=jtd (087905da51)
- Bug 1218617 - Invalidate whole widget area after external composition r=mattwoodrow (3901f416f5)
- Bug 1153499 - Enable push and sw prefs. r=dougt,ehsan (ca0f3a105d)
- Bug 1141415 - add expire setting of permission to SpecialPowers. r=jmaher (372bc0c930)
- partial Bug 1196665 - Add originAttributes into SpecialPowers. r=bholley (b8407a1bcc)
- Bug 1213151 - Part 1: Add a SpecialPowers API for cleaning up the STS data that works in both e10s and non-e10s modes; r=jdm (04bba17fd3)
- Bug 1213151 - Part 2: Use SpecialPowers.cleanUpSTSData() in a few tests; r=jdm (cce5f23dac)
- Bug 1214593 - Remove service worker periodic updater. r=ehsan (87cfebcd0d)
- fix tests, fix spaces (9cba57e7ff)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 10: Remove use of expression closure from testing/. r=jmaher (652faa8963)
- Bug 1204154 - Clean up jar manifests that needlessly specify the source file. r=dao (f116e33bed)
- Bug 1222943 (part 1) - Change Touch::mRadius from nsIntPoint to LayoutDeviceIntPoint. r=kats. (dcc6c15797)
- Bug 1222943 (part 2) - Remove an unnecessary call to ToUnknownSize(). r=botond. (08f644f194)
- Bug 1220925 - Event::GetScreenCoords should return CSSIntPoint instead of LayoutDevicePoint. r=botond (4e4f54e8e7)
- Bug 943294 - Leave dealing with legacy codepages for clipboard data to Windows itself. r=jmathies. (124ecbfa3e)
- Bug 1243507 - Reimplement non-Unicode clipboard formats as bug 943294 broke drag and drop between some Unicode-unaware apps. r=jimm (02edc31ed9)
- ported Bug 1254980 - Ensure that text/html is still written to the clipboard. r=enndeakin a=sylvestre (9cd4c0e41a)
- nsWindow: build fix (1c3e798a89) (8637eba4b3)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: BriskBard 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2022, 20:00
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage yur contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 108.0.5359.125.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.1462.37.
    The Indy, Tor and SQLite components have been updated to the latest versions.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.
    Delphi 11.2 is now used to build BriskBard.


Titel: Pale Moon 31.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2022, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Fixed JPEG-XL's transparency display for images with an alpha channel.
    Temporarily removed regex lookbehind to stop crashes occurring on 32-bit builds of the browser.
    Added some extra sanity checks to our zip/jar/xpi reader to avoid issues with corrupt archives.
    Aligned cookie checks with RFC 6265 bis. See implementation notes.
    Removed obsolete code in Windows widgets that could cause potential issues with long paths and file names on supported versions.
    Fixed several crashes.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2022-46876, CVE-2022-46874 and several others that do not have a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 20 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    RFC 6265 has been worked on with draft changes describing how cookies are actually being handled in the real world, in the bis versions of the RFC. While these changes have not yet been finalized, browsers in general do adhere to the latest available bis version of this RFC. Specifically, the long-standing exceptions for cookie names and values have been formalized, e.g. having quoted values. Our behavior has changed in that we now once again accept Tab characters (0x09) which is the one excluded control character from the range that is otherwise forbidden. We also no longer apply these checks exclusively to those in http headers, and any way of setting cookies must now adhere to the valid range. Cookies that fail these range checks for valid characters will be ignored.


Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a bug with language file manager (now placed under "More tools" menu)

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2022, 09:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added "Always show bookmarks bar on QA page"
    Improved search speed for Maxnotes
    Improved QA page style and UX
    Fixed a bug of the tab drag n drop feature
    Fixed "could not start a new line in maxnotes" problem
    Fixed "downloader menu sometimes got cut" problem
    Fixed "buttons on downloader exceeded the border" problem
    Fixed "Snap feature display bug on big DPI" problem
    Fixed "icon bug on new tab addon" problem
    Fixed "export addons caused crash" problem


Titel: Dooble Web Browser 2022.12.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2022, 18:45
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Corrected View menu width for Mac. The F11 shortcut was glued to the action text.
    Enable full hinting for application font.
    Fancy cookie collapse / expand button. See Cookies window.
    Final package release! Future releases will be source only. Good luck and enjoy!
    Hide the left-corner widget for Mac and South tab position. The combination causes a shadow in the top-left corner of the Dooble window.
    Improved translations of person-provided addresses. For example, address:5001 will be translated to https://address:5001.
    Increased the font point size of the address widget's font by 1.25 units.
    Main-menu visibility shortcut. See Settings -> Display.
    New QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS entries. See Settings -> Web.
    Observe QWebEnginePage::loadingChanged() signal. Requires Qt 6.2.
    Optional address widget completer. See Settings -> Display.
    Optional left-corner widget. See Settings -> Display.
    Optional loading gradient. See Settings -> Display.
    Optional referrer. See Settings -> Privacy.
    Optional splash screen. See Settings -> Display.
    Preserve preferred search engine. Problem caused by wayward QStandardItemModel::itemChanged() signal.
    Show hovered links in special label near the status bar if the status bar is invisible.
    Show new pages after, not before, they're attached to tabs.
    Single Gopher object. The Gopher object will be assigned to all profiles, including private profiles. Qt does not tolerate multiple Gopher objects as a Profile only allows for one object. Gopher searches may surface glitches.
    Tab icons are not properly shown for east and west tab orientations and Qt 5. Assume default Qt implementations instead.
    The shortcut F11 is now Control + F11.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 18:40
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Improved search speed of maxnotes
    Improved downloader drop down menu
    Improved QA page theme
    Fixed "mouse scroll state problem" on QA page
    Fixed " history page wasn't load while scrolling to the end" problem
    Fixed " Dropped tab did not render" problem
    Fixed " Delete downloaded file caused crash" problem
    Fixed " Could not adjust video play window" problem

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Create main.js

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2023, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Added "set sticky title" to tab context menu
    Added "Select location" to QA weather widget
    Optimised QA page
    Optimised address bar auto-complete feature
    Fixed "could not see complete update log" problem
    Fixed "Downloader menu displayed in wrong position" problem
    Fixed "Downloader showed after restoring main window" problem

Titel: Lagrange 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 21:40
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    New features:

    Preferences dialog opens as a separate window.
    Option --prefs-sheet: open Preferences as a sheet like in previous releases.
    Reordering tabs: tab buttons can be dragged with the mouse, and tabs can be moved left/right using tab context menu items or keyboard shortcuts.
    Move a tab to the other side of a split view (tab context menu).
    Move a tab to a new window (tab context menu).
    Added a "Window" menu to the menu bar that has actions for manipulating and switching the active window, and duplicating and switching tabs. (On macOS, this menu has already been available.)
    MacOS: Globe+E opens the native Character Viewer.
    Gopher: Option to disable Gemini styling on Gopher menu pages. When disabled, whitespace is not normalized and all non-link lines are presented as regular paragraph text.
    Japanese UI translation (13% complete).

    Changes and enhancements:

    Redesigned Preferences dialog with vertical tabs and a new organization of the settings. "Fonts" and "Colors" are removed, and there is a new "Content" tab.
    Mouse cursor turns into the I-beam only over selectable text.
    Indicate that tab autoreloading is enabled by changing the appearance of the navbar reload button.
    MacOS: "Window" menu has new actions for duplicating and switching tabs.
    GTK: Request dark window theme if the app UI color theme is dark.
    Prevent high-resolution mice from flooding event processing with too many motion events and delaying UI refresh.
    Updated UI translations.


    Changing the UI scaling factor will now affect all existing and newly created windows.
    Possible crash when duplicating a tab.
    Issues with event processing when multiple windows are open.
    Workaround for a hang when running many parallel requests with MIME filter hooks.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-01-21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2023, 21:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1207649: Prepare |BluetoothAddress| for general use throughout Bluetooth code, r=brsun (12c9761458)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Core backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (0ca8bca611)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth GATT backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=joliu (baf3aabc35)
- Bug 1202386: Output clear Bluetooth IPC errors, r=shuang (805c1b886d)
- Bug 1204497: Interpret AVRCP remote features as bitmask, r=shuang (858bfc85f0)
- Bug 1207649: Remove obsolete string/address conversion from Bluetooth backend, r=brsun (18fc742a39)
- Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothAclState| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (452a5d8c4c)
- Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothPinCode| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (98d5c8489b)
- Bug 1186331: Check for \0 when parsing Bluetooth device names, r=btian (a4559805f7)
- Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothRemoteName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (427212ca62)
- Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothServiceName| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (088cb2544e)
- Bug 1211948: Add interface class for Setup module to Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (4e1163d509)
- Bug 1203821 - [01] Add utility functions to convert big/little endianness and revise BluetoothPbapManager accordingly, r=shuang (34bcf3a373)
- Bug 1212729 - Handle illegal PBAP virtual folders path properly. r=btian (eaf1f9092b)
- Bug 1212725 - Convert relative paths of PBAP PullvCardListing to absolute path. r=btian (d2862cd8ac)
- Bug 1203821 - [02] Notify gaia of PBAP request with one integrated function, f=jaliu, r=shuang (c2e875b0f7)
- Bug 1215525: Update |BluetoothUuid| structure with c'tors and helper methods, r=brsun (44697b02d6)
- Bug 1221326 - use Endian.h more widely in bluetooth code; r=btian (94217af081)
- Bug 1166675 - Implement GetMessagesListing function, r=btian (e743afc62e)
- Bug 1166679 - Implement GetMessage function, r=btian (bf6c108a69)
- Bug 1186836 - Implement SetMessageStatus function, r=btian (2e163d29fd)
- Bug 1195710 - [MAP]Implement PushMessage function, r=btian (0efcf6dd0e)
- Bug 1166647 - Implement MAP bMessage class, r=btian (90ed64f17e)
- Bug 1184017 - [MAP] Dispatch events to MAP event handlers, r=btian, sr=mrbkap (32289cee15)
- Bug 1168298 - Support OBEX authentication procedure, r=shuang, r=mrbkap (24c07354f6)
- fix misspatch (f173366d27)
- Bug 1208492 - Handle MAP replies from Gaia and pass the results to BluetoothMapSmsManager, r=btian (1230cd8558)
- Bug 1216195 - use mozilla/Endian.h facilities in bluetooth code; r=btian (be77bb24a0)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth A2DP backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=shuang (30b71ac118)
- Bug 1202060: Store Bluetooth profile controller while (dis-)connecting AVRCP, r=shuang (0247a6db65)
- Bug 1204497: Complete AVRCP connect/disconnect from separate runnables, r=shuang (800a85b6dc)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Socket backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (05c10fe2e0)
- Bug 1189315 - Add daemon interface for HFP WBS callback. r=tzimmermann (d60a8014d4)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth Handsfree backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (770e2a5ec2)
- Bug 1215525: Replace strings with Bluetooth addresses and UUIDs in Bluetooth mid-layer, r=brsun (e9409a5f08)
- Bug 1211769 - [MAP] Pack MAP replies to OBEX response packets, r=btain, sr=mrbkap (cbd72a044d)
- Bug 1226063 - take advantage of UniquePtr in BluetoothMapSmsManager::SendMasObexData; r=btian (80ea6465e8)
- Bug 1217339 - Fix illegal format of folder-listing object, r=btian (47739df63a)
- Bug 1221547 - part 1 - enable UnixSocketRawData to take ownership of a passed-in-buffer; r=tzimmerman (6971f7d47d)
- Bug 1207011 - Send Bluetooth OBEX End-of-Body header individually to improve the compatibility with other devices. r=btian (91164179a7)
- Bug 1221547 - part 2 - copy less data for file transfers over bluetooth; r=btian (5f87b8e38e)
- Bug 1203821 - [03] Restore missing bug 1212729 change, r=shuang (d0f384e58f)
- Bug 1218295 - Convert the relative path of PullvCardEntry to absolute path if PBAP request isn't using X-BT-UID. r=btian (6d88b2aa02)
- Bug 1221898 - Fix PBAP memory leakage, r=brsun (47735ba5b8)
- Bug 1224109 - [PBAP] Return early if OBEX authentication password is empty, r=shuang (dd2eab446b) (35abf9a4e9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225941 - Add a method for getting the set of nodes immediately dominated by another node; r=sfink (d1507ec58f) (9ce925bf38)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1196391, part 3 - Make argument count assertions fatal in js::ExpandErrorArgumentsVA(). r=Waldo (8233c0afac)
- minor cleanup (1da0b2c3e9)
- Bug 1191765: Make Debugger.Object.prototype.getScript properly recognize functions without scripts. r=fitzgen (3e2753577f)
- Bug 1165807 - display WeakSet and WeakMap contents in console; r=bz,fitzgen (d8f70d8e6a)
- Bug 1226024 - Expose the root of the dominator tree to JavaScript; r=bz,sfink x # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (1949832288)
- Bug 1220702 - Part 1: Replace callback() and newNode() with variadic templates. What could go wrong? r=Waldo. (80e1b40871)
- Bug 1220702 - Part 2: Fix the .method property of certain FunctionDeclaration nodes. r=Waldo. (47f244a6e0)
- Bug 1220702 - Part 3: Distinguish ES6 generators from legacy generators in Reflect.parse() output. r=Waldo. (362bb8ea4b)
- bit of Bug 1180017 - Fix up the badly-horked backout and re-land. (f4f92ff88c)
- Bug 1155303 - Add telemetry for async DeferredFinalize max pause. r=smaug (3ddc7b8856)
- Bug 1174796 - Make sure ReleaseNow releases everything. r=smaug (5065aa1f52)
- Bug 1191918 - Remove printf debugging r=me (48e95e425e)
- update some tests (26ae4a8050)
- Bug 1218643 - correct a DOM test. r=smaug " (75c6302bbb)
- space (26dfeca131)
- Bug 1166805 part 1 - refactor common tests for whether an animated list mirrors the base version of the list into methods. r=dholbert (e538b90e00)
- Bug 1166805 part 2 - Call SetCapacity before calling DOMSVGXXXList::MaybeInsertNullInAnimValListAt, to prevent fallible InsertElementAt calls from failing r=dholbert (918397681f)
- Bug 1092125 - Part 1 - Add non-scaling-stroke support to nsSVGPathGeometryElement::GetGeometryBounds (except line). r=jwatt (19ee6f9517)
- Bug 1092125 - part 2 - add non-scaling-stroke support to SVGLineElement::GetGeometryBounds. r=jwatt (2c84b88ff1)
- Bug 1140080 - ensure we only create stop frames for gradients. r=dholbert (636db91975)
- Bug 1182496 - Don't create frames for SVG <text> descendants with failing conditional processing attributes. r=dholbert (4e976c1587)
- Bug 1149542 - Part 3: Crashtest. r=dholbert (cde5ca0f57)
- Bug 1209525 - Protect GetGeometryBounds from a singular non-scaling-stroke transform. r=longsonr (2cd1f2e0a4)
- Bug 325427 - Add crashtest. (98ab5e6907)
- Bug 803562 - force -moz-appearance: none on foreignObject elements. r=dbaron (0ba37f76ad)
- Bug 950324 - Add crashtest. (6e2f7bc4c2)
- Bug 1178159 - Ignore stroke-linecap:"square" on circle and ellipse. r=longsonr (42f4a9a71c)
- Bug 1187770 - work around draw targets that don't display zero-length lines. r=longsonr (a612616ecb)
- Bug 1222812 - add a null check in case there is no old style. r=dholbert (6a883edea2)
- Bug 958160 - Compute bounds in transformed space instead of user space in GetCoveredRegion. r=longsonr (d020a10c56)
- Bug 1224061: Followup to fix b2g bustage r=me CLOSED TREE (1dc2693955)
- Bug 1173573 - Fix possible crash initializing sessionstorage. r=honzab (c6c77ccf7d)
- Bug 536509 - Update localStorage to use common StorageAllowedForWindow logic, r=ehsan (825ee71ff3)
- Bug 606655 - delete cookies UI option AskMeEveryTime and its related comments and tests. r=mak (828dfe54a5)
- Bug 1194052 - Append to redirectchain before asyncopen() is called (r=sicking,mayhemer) (bb051ceb94)
- Bug 1145503 - TP exceptions added while in Private Browsing mode persist beyond the Private Browsing session. r=ehsan Import url-classifier and private browsing modules. (4492b2de09)
- Bug 1138979 - Pref to turn TP on when in Private Browsing mode. r=mmc , r=ehsan (5078eaa914)
- Bug 1168635 - Extend nsITLSServerSocket to customize cipher suites. r=keeler (185a551640)
- Bug 1165423 - WebRTC Fix DTLS handshake by expanding UDP buffer. r=rjesup (1f207e03ee)
- Bug 1219939 - make nsTemporaryFileInputStream nsISeekableStream, r=jduell (f2a5ddfbf2)
- Bug 1125816 - Parse FTP directory listings of Windows CE and WEC7 FTP Server r=jduell (4137b29d21)
- Bug 1171016 - Initialize the linelen variable at its declaration in ParseFTPList.cpp. r=mcmanus (2a3960897d)
- Bug 1197313 - remove PR_snprintf calls in netwerk/; r=froydnj (005da76d31)
- Bug 1219910 - make gSocketThread a relaxed atomic variable; r=mcmanus (620d299605)
- Bug 1222867 - part 1 - return already_AddRefed from WebSocketEventService::CreateFrameIfNeeded; r=mcmanus (0eee829a08)
- Bug 1222867 - part 2 - be smarter about transferring ownership of WebSocketFrame; r=mcmanus (4a9fd71798)
- Bug 1211001 - constant ASSERTION: nsITimer->SetDelay() called when the one-shot timer is not set up, r=mcmanus (451c903cbe)
- Bug 1130822 - properly decode arbitrarily aligned data for non-tier1 platforms. r=mcmanus (bcb99913dc)
- Bug 1204731 - telemetry for peer h2 goaway r=hurley (d6748682b4)
- Bug 1205810 - telemetry for local h2 goaway code r=hurley (e142625588)
- bug 1194818 - h2 header priority handling r=hurley (51766fff44)
- bug 1194820 - h2 push promise padding handling r=hurley (560ee1f480)
- bug 1208114 - fix h2 connect tunnels r=hurley (d17f920c31)
- Bug 1213060 (part 1) - Properly handle discarding padding in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (2cce4ac006)
- Bug 1213060 (part 2) - Re-add state assertion in Http2Session::OnWriteSegment. r=mcmanus (6b1c030780)
- fix build (39845819f6)
- Bug 1214076 - allow TokenServerClient errors to be JSON.stringify'd. r=rnewman (ab6085fa97)
- Bug 1220007 P1 Allow ConsoleReportCollectors to flush to another collector. r=bz (a97b2c5a57)
- Bug 1220007 P2 Make InterceptedChannel's collect logs locally and only flush to nsIChannel on main thread r=bz (85b77c5a44)
- Bug 867407 - Fix cloning of file URIs with search query strings (r=sworkman) (da6fd51c15)
- Bug 1220728 Clear pending exceptions if string conversion fails in SWintercept error handling. r=bz (b188c34862)
- Bug 1147913 - Change NS_SOCKETTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID to NS_STREAMTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID in RespondWithHandler::ResolvedCallback. r=ehsan (5b443e88ab)
- fix namespace (562ed51caa)
- Bug 1206060 - Show pinning status at about:cache. r=michal (75ed53663f)
- Bug 1032254 - Generic way to pin reasource in the HTTP cache, r=michal (eeb860f8e3)
- Bug 1211504. Remove unused member from RefLayer. (fab6bae915) (b808ffac2d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1222226 - Don't return eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange if the old style context is shared. r=dbaron (ad682c717e)
- Bug 1222745 - Restore eRestyleResult_StopWithStyleChange optimization for shared style contexts by comparing rule nodes for inherited style data changes. r=dbaron (766bb79aac)
- Bug 1032613 part 1: Promote FrameMaintainsOverflow to be a public nsIFrame method, & implement it using HasAllStateBits. r=dbaron (b3c44e7ba6)
- Bug 1032613 part 2: Make RestyleManager::AddSubtreeToOverflowTracker skip frames that don't maintain overflow areas. r=dbaron (7519ac2937)
- Bug 1165918 - Qt widget port does not compile anymore. r=rojkov (583700d86a)
- Bug 1224403 (part 12) - Remove WidgetToScreenOffsetUntyped(). r=kats. (742aa54a28)
- Bug 1224482 (part 1) - Tweak typed/untyped versions of Get{,Client,Screen}Bounds(). r=kats. (65e7bf71fa)
- Bug 1224482 (part 2) - Replace GetNaturalBoundsUntyped() with GetNaturalBounds(). r=kats. (21159528de)
- Bug 1224482 (part 3) - Replace GetClientOffsetUntyped() with GetClientOffset(). r=kats. (fa06021002)
- Bug 1224482 (part 4) - Make GetClientSize() return a LayoutDeviceIntSize. r=kats. (f10d7bce64)
- Bug 1224482 (part 5) - Avoid excessive mozilla:: prefixes in nsIWidget and its subclasses. r=kats. (1d05c2e783)
- Bug 1170061 - ClearOnShutdown for hwcomposer, r=sotaro (5acab07299)
- Bug 1194034 - Remove unused GonkDisplayJB::StopBootAnim() in GonkDisplayJB. r=mwu (50d2cb93d6)
- Bug 1221446 - Add virtual display support to GonkDisplayJB r=mwu (d1c64f5c62)
- Bug 1224482 (part 6) - Change nsScreenGonk::m{Virtual,Natural}Bounds to LayoutDevcieIntRect. r=kats. (8e44f87785)
- Bug 1224482 (part 7) - Make GetScaledScreenBounds() return a CSSIntRect. r=kats. (76de754cae)
- Bug 1224790 - Use SetFakeModal instead of SetModal for non-modal window opened by modal window. r=smaug, mstange (051fe46311) (2234923354)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1195755: Don't assert recursion depth sanity on Mac, because there is none. r=me (e25096acc1)
- Bug 1217940 - remove BindingUtils.h from CycleCollectedJSRuntime.cpp; r=mccr8 (012fad0b80)
- Bug 1118285 - The browser.newtab.url preference is abused and should be removed. (ca573649c6)
- Bug 1209591 - allow loadURI consumers to expose whether an error page was immediately loaded as result of an error, r=smaug,mak (c033d86f07)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 14: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetStats). r=ethan (87acc048cc)
- Bug 1167132 - Part 15: [NetworkManager] Move network information into a separate interface (NetworkInterfaceList). r=echen (a2a96e481e)
- Bug 1205240 - Add JSON Validation code in order to prevent invalid file. r=seanlin (8c7261ba8c)
- Bug 1215429 - Add import statement in order to access file object in chrome code of TVSimulatorService. r=seanlin (5ba9e78581)
- Bug 1217093 - Remove for-each from dom/. r=smaug (5af3efbd62)
- var-let (576b2489ec)
- Bug 1183440 - Replaces Promise.defer() with the Promise constructor in push tests. r=kitcambridge (16dfaa59b3)
- Bug 1191453 - Drop subscriptions for a site when the user revokes push permissions. r=mt,MattN (5edd10e5ad)
- Bug 1159641, Part 1 - Skip the permission check in `pushManager.getSubscription()`. r=mt (d399c496d7)
- Bug 1159641, Part 2 - Use tasks in the Push permissions test. r=mt (132484c355)
- Bug 1206302 - Use DOMException for Push errors. r=mt (5a675714fa)
- Bug 1193365 - Disable push debug. r=kitcambridge (1dc20e69b0)
- Bug 1219063, Part 1 - Use transactions for updating Push subscription permissions. r=mt (8c28453942)
- Bug 1219063, Part 2 - Remove obsolete "push" permission. r=mt (84a36931cd)
- Bug 1217065 - Unconditionally ack incoming updates. r=dragana,benbangert (e0bfa4454f)
- Bug 1212593 - Fix PushService behavior when we are switching between push servers. r=kcambridge (0afa39e743)
- Bug 1206163 - Retry failed register requests on reconnect. r=dragana (6ed1258b15)
- Bug 1218591 - Reset the WebSocket retry counter when the server replies. r=dragana (64e800db60)
- Bug 1210943 - Drop subscriptions unconditionally if the UAID changes. r=benbangert (52f538a7de)
- Bug 1214366 - Part 1: Don't preprocess PushServiceWebSocket.jsm. r=kitcambridge (a78b9fc838)
- Bug 1214366 - Part 3: Use getLastVisited equivalent in PushService.jsm. r=kitcambridge,rnewman (bc7004ad32)
- Bug 1210896, Part 1 - Use Console.jsm to log Push errors. r=mt (04335cc37f)
- Bug 1216683 - For the WebSocket version unregister should return true even if we are offline. r=kitcambridge (0f6e397a03)
- Bug 1210896, Part 2 - Use JS errors to reject internal Push promises. r=mt (3546b2f7c8)
- Bug 1223481 - Use the "potentially trustworthy origin" helper to validate Push server URLs. r=dragana (0c21f551f3)
- Bug 1223202 - Only send subscription change events if the Push permission is granted. r=mt (afeaf0dceb)
- Bug 1201128 - Don't send channel IDs in the Push handshake. r=nsm (dbbadb5c16)
- var-let (a35cb6aeca)
- Bug 1210211 - Part 1: Delay updating push quota. r=kitcambridge (53f5735ff0)
- Bug 1210211 - Part 2: Notify Push service of visible notifications. r=baku (9182bcb7d1)
- Bug 1170115 - Use clear-origin-data to remove Push records. r=allstars.chh (47f1070bab)
- Bug 1211418 - Part 1: Ensure Data Consistency after Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (f2d5221984)
- Bug 1211418 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for the Collision of SMS Segment. r=echen. (06f7ba7308)
- Bug 1159132 - Part 1: Use dun apn only when config ro.tethering.dun_required is set. r=echen (bbb4fd2798)
- Bug 1159132 - Part 2: Set ro.tethering.dun_required when running dun test case. r=echen (11fe9344be)
- Bug 1187262 - Let the flag 'Services.io.offline' reference the state of tethering. r=jjong (ee22fd9358)
- Bug 1148671 - ipv6 and dual stack support on Lollipop. r=hchang (a9f7dc570e)
- Bug 1173671 - just warn if we fail to remove old default routes. r=echen (b4ab24da9f)
- Bug 1175817 - [NetworkManager] remove old default routes explicitly. r=echen,smaug (3f9a0b98ab)
- Bug 1174998 - Part 1: add setMtu() support in NetworkService. r=echen,smaug (9621036470)
- Bug 1174998 - Part 2: Set MTU for connected network interfaces. r=echen (397c898942)
- Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 1: add missing implementation for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (a49fd3498b)
- Bug 1197667 - [NetworkManager] Part 2: add test case for 'allNetworkInfo'. r=echen (942a52b0d4)
- Bug 1057091 - Add USB tethring command supporting IPv6 outgoing interface. r=hchang (9210eb5a1d)
- Bug 1177236 - Usage alert doesn't work when tethering is enabled. r=ethan (4bdd8ae226)
- Bug 1168938 - Memory safety bug in NetworkUtils::postTetherInterfaceList. r=fabrice (97485ac95c)
- Bug 1138757 - Part 1: Fix the logic of checking invalid port in CDMA WAP Push. r=echen (68dac00e52)
- Bug 1138757 - Part 2: Add Test Coverage for CDMA Wap Push. r=echen (9d54278aa9)
- Bug 1209891 - Do Not Reply Read-Report if a MMS Message Was Marked from Unread to Read Multiple Times. r=echen (421550db06)
- var-let (2ed380bb64)
- bug 1175005: performance regression. backout_f081c464c1e2 (28e1ee74b9)
- Bug 1207665 - Block Intel GMA 3150 for d3d11/d2d on all drivers. (bug 1207665 part 1, r=jrmuizel). r=jrmuizel (bb8eac6fa8)
- Bug 1188105: Parse bad driver versions. r=botond (8c856cac36)
- Bug 1075089 - Move popup menu frame offset to LookAndFeel and fix default offset for OS X. r=Enn (e1f7d0c418)
- Bug 1134385. Delete main thread assertion in CompositorVsyncDispatcher. r=kats (0945e91185)
- some profiler stuff (d3d68abdad)
- Bug 1156283 - Avoid shutdown observer race when shutting down gfx on Mac. r=roc (f66195546b) (f579c98b65)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2023, 09:40
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Experimental support for energy saver mode: chrome://flags/#battery-saver-mode-available
    Better Support for COLRv1 Font and Emoji
    Added option to automatically close idle tabs to reduce tab clutter and save money. Look for option "Close unloaded idle tabs" in memory management section of settings page

Titel: Pale Moon 32.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2023, 11:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a new milestone release.

Primary focus for this milestone is web compatibility, in particular Regular Expression extensions, standards compliance issues and further JPEG-XL support.
This milestone now offers full coverage of the ECMAScript 2016-2020 JavaScript specifications, with the exception of BigInt primitives.
Special thanks to Martok, Job Bautista and FranklinDM without whom this milestone would not have been possible, and to dbsoft for putting in the effort to work on Mac and FreeBSD builds.

Most important changes:

    Implemented Regular Expression named capture groups.
    Implemented Regular Expression unicode property escapes.
    Re-implemented Regular Expression lookaround/lookbehind (without crashing this time ;) ).
    Implemented progressive decoding for JPEG-XL.
    Implemented animation for JPEG-XL.
    Renamed CSS offset-* properties to inset-* to align with the latest spec and the web.
    Fixed CSS inheritance and padding issues in some cases.
    Aligned parsing of incorrectly duplicated HSTS headers with expected behavior (discard all but the first one).
    Implemented a method to avoid memory exhaustion in case of (very) large resolution animated images.
    Updated the JPEG-XL and Highway libraries to a recent, stable version.
    Cleaned up some unused CSS prefixing code.
    Improved the ability to link on *nix operating systems with other linkers than gcc's default.
    Stability improvements (potential crash fixes).
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-23598, CVE-2023-23599 and several others that do not have a CVE number.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.


Titel: Lagrange 1.15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed opening multiple Preferences windows at the same time.
    Fixed the Preferences window missing a window icon.
    Footer information moved out of the margin area and under the page content.
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-01-28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2023, 18:00

In-tree changes:

- update Goanna SDK diff to disable nsCOMPtr validity check (as of NM27 rev 6a4edbe796) (55e553d9)
- fullscreen: update to use nsPIDOMWindow (48a03156)

Out-of-tree changes:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1222092. Don't let sFocusedIMEWidget keep an nsIWidget alive during shutdown. r=masayuki (f604e32bda)
- Bug 1186795 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (65077bd952)
- Bug 1186795 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (b468993d9a)
- Bug 1186795 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (29946ed0ce)
- Bug 1217251 - Add APZThreadUtils::RunDelayedTaskOnCurrentThread(). r=kats (0a89e92202)
- Bug 1223946 - Part 1: Clean up and support needed for converting WidgetWheelEvent to ScrollWheelInput. r=kats (faf54e7920)
- Bug 1223946 - Part 2: Ensure wheel event from nsDOMWindowUtil is dispatched on correct thread. r=kats (571d591345)
- Bug 1210912 - fix widget leak in LookupRegisteredPluginWindow; r=roc (f224933634)
- Bug 1188225 - Implement ChromeProcessController::HandleDoubleTap. r=botond (ffc65ffec1)
- Bug 1221371 - Remove unnecessary explicit copies of nsTArray. r=billm (3178318eb5)
- Bug 1218991 - Save initial zoom constraints to be used once compositor is created r=kats (4017bdc17d)
- Bug 1217818 - Add some more logging to more easily diagnose issues. r=botond (2a1480e209)
- Bug 1219898 - Remove use of gPreventMouseEvents in APZ event state-tracking code. r=botond (d6877aaedf)
- Bug 1211612 - Add DragInputBlock for async scrollbars. r=kats (6bfbcccead)
- Bug 1225007 (part 1, attempt 3) - Use LayoutDevicePixel more in Cocoa widget code. r=kats. (e4078ce0ad)
- Bug 1225007 (part 2, attempt 3) - Use LayoutDevicePixel more in Cocoa widget code. r=kats. (0db998bf01)
- Bug 1214662 - Fix compile error for enabling APZES_LOG. r=botond (c316ba99cd)
- Bug 1223296 - Clear element activation if a contextmenu is displayed. r=botond (e362ffcf8d)
- Bug 1217818 - Minor refactoring to reuse a function. r=botond (c0c29e2b90)
- Bug 1217818 - Ignore injected touchstart events for the purposes of prevent-default notifications back to APZ. r=botond (b740525b61)
- Bug 1223296 - Turn HandlePanStart into a more generic function that can be called from other places. r=botond (d10991094a)
- Bug 1223296 - Fire the MozMouseHittest event even if the C++ APZ is enabled. r=rbarker,botond (cdd7523a3b)
- Bug 1184890 part.1 SelectionChangeDataBase and TextChangeDataBase should have a flag which indicates whether the change occurred during composition or not r=smaug (e10f782acb)
- Bug 1184890 part.2 IMContextWrapper shouldn't commit composition when a selection change notification occurred before starting current composition r=m_kato (8f377bfc36)
- Bug 1184890 part.3 TSFTextStore shouldn't commit composition when a selection change notification occurred before starting current composition r=m_kato (b55102256e)
- Bug 1216177 - Remove the remaining nsRefPtr forward declarations; r=froydnj (a3674552c3)
- Bug 1225571 - Move the code to update the SPCSPS from repaint request handling to when the resolution is updated in the presShell. r=botond (a7d1909ed5)
- bug 1181823 - convert test_ev_certs.js, test_keysize_ev.js, and test_validity.js to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka r=mgoodwin (19a2678625)
- Bug 1189166 - Cleanup some PSM test generation files post Bug 1181823. r=dkeeler (fad638b365)
- Bug 1170388 - Removed an outdated workaround for old clang versions in the static analysis plugin. r=mystor (0c8e0229e7)
- Bug 1208814 - Part 1: Add an analysis to prevent default copy constructors from being called on refcounted objects, r=ehsan (6a8605808e)
- Bug 1208814 - Part 2: Don't use the default copy constructor in nsNavHistoryQuery::Clone(), r=ehsan (6de5b8a04c)
- Bug 1201314 - Make most of std:: non-memmovable for static analysis purposes. r=mystor r=ehsan (3a50302fb6)
- fix refptr (70035b7976)
- Bug 1223966: Don't claim we support NSTextInput interface. r=masayuki (ab702c6718)
- Bug 431620 - Remove unused function GetToggledKeyState [r=roc] (0c7140855c)
- bug 1203312 - convert tlsserver to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka,mgoodwin (ada3c01c00)
- Bug 1194419 - Remove signature algorithm duplicate use in serial number determination in pycert. r=keeler (37c2fbe839)
- Bug 1210180 - Force the view to update when we recycle a Vibrancy view. r=mstange (33490daf1f)
- Bug 1142393 - Make menus look correct when 'Reduce transparency' is set. r=smichaud (0d8a1b9b7f)
- Bug 1119106 - Add an explanatory comment. r=smichaud (1e44196dad)
- Bug 1119106 - Increase the maximum focus ring width on 10.10 to 7 pixels. r=smichaud (1af85f99e8)
- Bug 1119106 - Give these enums better names. r=smichaud (65886bdab6)
- Bug 1153579 - Fix -Wsign-compare warnings in nsNativeThemeCocoa.mm about int and size_t. r=mstange (d682b281df)
- some crash reporter stuff (3157fa0f2d)
- bug 726483 remove unnecessary DispatchResized() parameters r=roc (02051fd152)
- Bug 1208829 - Make FromUnknownRegion() actually work, and add ToUnknownRegion(). r=mstange (5a087ad3aa)
- Bug 1180564: Don't implement NSTextInput any more, just NSTextInputClient. r=masayuki (7611a0d77c)
- Bug 1180564: insertNewline should use TextInputHandler::InsertText() instead of using insertText of NSTextInput protocol r=masayuki (dc11c738b9)
- Bug 1124408 - Report cocoa view focus correctly when sheets are exposed. r=masayuki,smichaud (34a6a32d8b)
- Bug 1138678 - Ignore NOTIFY_IME_OF_BLUR when establishing secure input mode. r=masayuki (4d7b10e8a2)
- Bug 1148196 - Crashes at -[ChildView keyDown:] related to secure input. r=masayuki (0cbd54b9cf)
- Bug 1211352 part.1 IMEContentObserver should be created when a plugin has focus r=smaug (4500259e6f)
- Bug 1211352 part.2 PuppetWidget shouldn't send notifications which are not wanted by the parent process r=m_kato (2557aa51b2)
- Bug 1007063 - Show virtual (on-screen) keyboard in Windows 8 and higher when text fields are focused if physical keyboards are not present. r=jimm r=masayuki r=m_kato (9d2c1e62d0)
- Bug 1211352 part.3 nsIWidget::GetIMEupdatePreference() for each platform should not request any notifications while a plugin has focus r=m_kato (1aa357bc9d)
- Bug 1211352 part.4 PuppetWidget::GetIMEUpdatePreference() should request only position change notifications while a plugin has focus r=m_kato (470fb900d6)
- Bug 1211352 part.5 PuppetWidget should cache only the focused editor rect information while a plugin has focus r=m_kato (73e7521d3c)
- Bug 1223366 - Update event.buttons on GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE [r=karlt] (107c793c5a)
- bug 726483 keep an extra reference to the window r=roc (4e6756939f)
- Bug 1186745 part 1 - Add LeakRefPtr for pointer leaking by default. r=froydnj (b7260528df)
- Bug 1186745 part 2 - Move nsThreadSyncDispatch class to its own header file. r=froydnj (f408ef41da)
- Bug 1186745 part 3 - Make nsThreadSyncDispatch leak the sync task by default when Run() is not called. r=froydnj (17092e33ab)
- Bug 1186745 part 4 - Make TracedRunnable accept an already_AddRefed instead of a raw pointer. r=froydnj (8e59e1d0c9)
- Bug 1186745 part 5 - Make nsThread::Dispatch() always leak the event if it fails. r=froydnj (220b91529a)
- Bug 1186745 part 6 - Fix event leak when using NS_DispatchToCurrentThread. r=froydnj (55a4177f2e)
- some crashreporter stuff (a5a59bd6ac)
- bug 726483 avoid DispatchResized() during size-allocate r=roc (08ae527f93)
- Bug 1212733, cache dnd window state instead of using gtk_window_get_type_hint, r=karlt (c9ee119926)
- Bug 1131978 - Acknowledge GDK's scale factor in scale calculation. r=karlt (7280d547b8)
- bug 1180008 provide gtk_window_get_window_type for old GTK versions r=glandium (3f7f17ac69)
- Bug 1174374 - gdk_cursor_new() is deprecated in 3.16. Use gdk_cursor_new_for_display(). r=karlt (90e2e738f7) (795ba7b999)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 859764 - Part 5: Changes in Test Cases. r=echen (f1a5cd4fd3)
- Bug 859764 - Part 6: Changes in Payment. r=ferjm, r=smaug (2b47641375)
- Bug 1010756 - Helpful errors for using nsCOMPtr on non-XPCOM types; r=froydnj (6b1521c482)
- leftover (e1a24351e9)
- Bug 1192102 - Remove unused file embedded/android/GeckoSmsManager.java. r=blassey (ac05ae649d)
- var-let (8ddb529f96)
- Bug 1181466 - Fix observe function in SmsService/MmsService. r=btseng (ca93122404)
- Bug 733331 - Part 2: Update enabledGsmTableTuples when MCC changes in SmsService.js and fix segmentChars in SmsSegmentHelper.jsm. r=btseng (24fa23e4be)
- Bug 1173156 - Fix typo and add a Marionette test case. r=btseng (e7199eb55a)
- Bug 1132774 - [B2G][SMS] Enable DEBUG Flag in SmsService if the default value of "ril.debugging.enabled" is true. r=btseng (7300d24fb7)
- Bug 1169160 - [MobileConnection] Support more call barring program: all service, outgoing service and incoming service. r=hsinyi,aknow (872c2cc056)
- Bug 1169225 - [MobileConnectionService] Support setting/getting call waiting on all serviceClass. r=aknow (14c546a9ca)
- Bug 1110619 - Part 1: IDL Interface Changes. r=echen (beae2b4b77)
- Bug 1168064 - B2G RIL: filter out cell info with unknown values. r=echen (11dfc5a7e8)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 2: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (Call Forwarding). r=aknow (b4edb76863)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 3: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (Icc Lock). r=aknow (3faba76808)
- Bug 1138263 - Make TelephonyService.js JSHint friendly. r=hsinyi (454bd4c765)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 4: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (IMEI). r=aknow (57f423ecdd)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 5: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (CLIP). r=aknow (c6611dbcb8)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 6: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (CLIR). r=aknow (8c1fc03edb)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 7: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (Call Barring Password). r=aknow (5d8bcbf177)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 8: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (Call Barring). r=aknow (aa0b89aea1)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 9: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (Call Waiting). r=aknow (1d14d2b864)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 10: Move MMI logic from ril_worker to telephonyService (USSD). r=aknow (c92130b5b2)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 11: Move MMI consts from ril_consts to telephonyService. r=aknow (0e7b3fea9a)
- Bug 1159591 - Part 12: Move radio check for MMI to a common place. r=aknow (dcdc3178ad)
- Bug 1110619 - Part 2: Implementation Changes. r=echen (6d8e78d684)
- Bug 1110619 - Part 3: Bluetooth Changes. r=btian (9787727be0)
- Bug 1147736 - Part 1: Extend TelephonyCallInfo. r=aknow (2a426cc99f)
- Bug 1147736 - Part 2: Bypass NotifyError. r=aknow (6cd6fd6867)
- Bug 1147736 - Part 3: Deprecate NotifyError. r=aknow (e41c719442)
- Bug 1147736 - Part 4: Deprecate NotifyError(Bluetooth). r=btian (9c8f97bb22)
- Bug 1204817 - Delete the child property of a parent call only when the parent call exists. r=btseng (d35dc6b08f)
- Bug 1191205 - Cancel USSD sessions only when needed. r=edgar (01a72dbacb)
- Bug 1200134 - Control USSD Sessions with State-Transitions instead of Boolean. r=echen (a4e55b3d9d)
- Bug 1163511 - Use defineLazyModuleGetter. r=hsinyi (8a97a4912c)
- Bug 991582 - Part 2: Handle the result of RIL request in a consistent way. r=aknow (914ecc2bbb)
- Bug 1164248 - Handling of session/sessionEnded for notifyUssdReceived. r=edgar (a79df75d38)
- Bug 1223662 - Part 1: Check mmiServiceCode with correct constant. r=echen (abeb286050)
- Bug 1174673 - Part 1: Automatically resume the held call. r=hsinyi (280543af7d)
- Bug 1174673 - Part 2: Update test case. r=hsinyi (cfe19f1a52)
- Bug 1185156 - Fix bug in resuming held call. r=hsinyi (b96346d319)
- Bug 1162426 - Part 1: Provide TelephonyUtils. r=hsinyi (62b71e6e83)
- Bug 1162426 - Part 2: Test case. r=hsniyi (13a0b3c6f5)
- Bug 1171807 - Part 1: Add enums for TelephonyCall::State and TelephonyCallGroup::State (WebIDL). r=hsinyi (0b698eecc4)
- Bug 1145551 - DTMF should be sent using the active SIM, the given or the default one (in that order). r=aknow (6157636493)
- Bug 1171807 - Part 2: Move to enums and deprecate TelephonyCall.mCallState and TelephonyCallGroup.mCallState (DOM). r=btseng (5faef22d91)
- Bug 1168515 - do not block incall MMI requests on alerting state. r=aknow (b1f85c5789)
- Bug 1155072 - Part 1: Deprecate nsITelephonyListener.conferenceCallStateChanged (Telephony). r=btseng (e41d1a4bc9)
- Bug 1155072 - Part 2: Deprecate nsITelephonyListener.conferenceCallStateChanged (Bluetooth). r=btian (27e69fa89b)
- Bug 1166936 - JS Warning in TelephonyService.js r=aknow (3559d3ad3d)
- Bug 1191237 - Part 1: Enhance |TelephonyService.js|. r=aknow (86576a6d32)
- Bug 1202902 - Fix the world. (0dc256d67d)
- Bug 1161438 - Part 1 - Exporting contact to SIM should also return updated contact. r=echen (505d7d7f83)
- Bug 1159622 - Split test_icc_contact.js into read contact and add contact. r=echen (fec0c428df)
- Bug 1122376 - Support read SIM contact dialling number exceed 20 digits. r=echen (5d0599e93c)
- Bug 1161438 - Part 2 - marionette testcase. r=echen (1f0d18a479)
- Bug 1114937 - Part 5: Fix Test Case to Remove Contact with Correct Contact Id. r=echen (8d746fdbd2)
- Bug 1194149 - Continue importing contacts when there is no sufficient Type 2 USIM contact fields record. r=echen (e9be40dbf2)
- Bug 962995 - xpcshell tests for write ICC UCS2 characters for 0x81 and 0x82 encoding. r=echen (9500afaa4d)
- Bug 1161438 - Part 3 - xpcshell testcase. r=echen (01f7fb4514)
- Bug 1122376 - Support write SIM contact dialling number exceed 20 digits. r=echen (91133e286d)
- Bug 999300 - Part 1: Removed the Ril v5 legacy support. r=edgar (ded77fcb6f)
- Bug 999300 - Part 2: Update the related testcases. r=edgar (f77a8b96cc)
- Bug 1177146 - [Aries][RIL] Reply from QUERY_AVAILABLE_NETWORKS has extra strings. r=hsinyi (a6816cbbab)
- Bug 1043250 - Part 1: Update ril_worker and xpcshell test. r=btseng (8b9b25b5cf)
- Bug 1185406 - B2G RIL: Read 'pcscf' and expose it in nsIRilNetworkInfo. r=hsinyi (ce707ecb83)
- Bug 1174998 - Part 3: Read data call's MTU from network/apn settings. r=echen (bfa08d8380)
- Bug 1166320 - Make volume service safer to use off main thread. r=dhylands (b3976622ad)
- Bug 1177374 - Call realpath on volume mount points so thatVolumeService::GetVolumeByPath works properly. r=achen (aea97080eb)
- Bug 1195166 - AutoMounter: add ignore command to allow volumes to be ignored. r=alchen (f265d832c8)
- Bug 1196724 - Refactoring of AudioManager r=alwu (e5b896b7ce)
- Bug 1222564 - Save audio volume to database r=alwu (1303d01ae7)
- Bug 1164049 - Fix some mode lines in embedding/. r=smaug (79ddce4871) (7edec4880a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1186794 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (6fe5143d52)
- Bug 1186794 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (60b476c313)
- Bug 1186794 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (67a47940ea)
- Bug 1186794 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (73429ab30e)
- Bug 1186794 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (bec166adb4)
- Bug 1186794 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in embedding/ with iterators. r=bz. (ad0e59fc8d)
- Bug 1206146 - Use channel->AsyncOpen2() in embedding/components/webbrowserpersist/nsWebBrowserPersist.cpp (r=sicking) (f83ab0f992)
- Bug 1168726 - Use performange.getEntriesByType instead of getEntries in test if there is no clear reason. r=baku (d713f13e3a)
- Bug 1217963 - Correct the spelling of "corect" rs=mossop (b573845adf)
- Bug 1217015 - Convert AccEventGen.py to GENERATED_FILES and get rid of most of accessible/xpcom/Makefile.in r=glandium,tbsaunde (b383b420d9)
- bug 1219528 - add ProxyAccessible::{Next,Prev}Sibling() and ProxyAccessible::{First,Last}Child() r=davidb (e36c42e47d)
- Bug 1210441 - ProxyAccessible::IsTable* should take tabular MathML accessibles into account. r=tbsaunde (aca5099564)
- var-let (0f99722c93)
- Bug 862148 - drop support for Sherlock plugins in window.sidebar.addSearchEngine, r=adw. (1dafe754ab)
- Bug 862148 - stop supporting installation of Sherlock plugins through Services.search.addEngine, r=adw. (9dac4aa54c)
- Bug 1214174 - Prevent out of memory exception on accessing window.sidebar/window.external in a windowless browser. r=billm (e5bd691946) (ded50ce4b2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1155923 - Removing moz prefix from RTC interfaces, r=jesup,smaug (db1bd2fe68)
- Bug 1155923 - Temporarily restoring moz-prefixed interface, r=jesup,smaug (e1e9ecd7eb)
- Bug 1203167 - stop serializing user-installed engines to XML files, r=adw. (e1f85fcf16)
- Bug 1178453 - Change logging in storage-json.js to avoid string concatenation. r=MattN (06f78f0f57)
- No bug - Password manager: Modernize the style of storage-json.js. (42fb046b66)
- Bug 1166961 - Show click to play button on Fennec when autoplay is blocked. r=mfinkle (322b8670f1)
- Bug 1217082 - Remove for-each from toolkit/. r=Gijs (b98cb95f9b)
- Bug 1203167 - Keep user-installed engines when refreshing an outdated cache, r=adw. (c2c74e49cb)
- Bug 1124605 - Execute dragStateChanged(false) before the element is hidden. r=jaws (056b585257)
- bit of Bug 1141661 - No need to manually convert this URI anymore. r=mossop (a22910d350)
- Bug 862148 - stop parsing Sherlock plugins, r=adw. (4e75933ad5)
- Bug 862148 - remove the _parseAsOpenSearch method, r=adw. (bf6266c9de) (8c12bb3492)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1221716 - Part 1: Make the simpler parts of BytecodeEmitter::emitTree() use the `ok` boolean consistently. r=Waldo. (8b2eae4dcf)
- Bug 1221716 - Part 2: Factor out all remaining complex cases from the switch statement in emitTree(). r=Waldo. (805c9a96da)
- Bug 1221737 - Drop some BytecodeEmitter checks for cases that the Parser rules out. r=jonco. (9726a6527b)
- Bug 1224460 - Use pwd -W to fill _topsrcdir in configure. r=gps (cc7bf71652)
- Bug 1221737 followup - Bump XDR_BYTECODE_VERSION_SUBTRAHEND to fix build errors on a CLOSED TREE. r=bustage (d2d2f41a14)
- Bug 1170913, full-update target in tools/update-packaging/ always runs automation-partial-patch, r=glandium DONTBUILD (12e5e212d8)
- Bug 1137756 - Use absolute paths in complete-patch.patch. r=gps (62fc37688b)
- Bug 1173998 - use localized package for previous mar; r=nthomas (fb6c95955c)
- Bug 1173459 - Stop generating partial MAR files and publishing complete MARs to balrog as a part of nightly automation. r=mshal (4c427b9f7f)
- Bug 1164580 - Preprocess ua-update.json via slashslash filter. r=fabrice (d934f84f15)
- Bug 1200021 - Part 2: more diagnostics. r=bas (e1cfecbbd4)
- Bug 1200021 - crash in mozilla::layers::ContentClientDoubleBuffered::FinalizeFrame(nsIntRegion const&): Diagnostics to get more data. r=bas (d782b24501)
- Bug 1222569 - fix initialization order in DataTextureSourceD3D9; r=Bas (028939600b)
- Bug 1209801 - Part 1: Add TextureFlags parameter to TextureClientPool. r=mattwoodrow (c5b73613f9)
- Bug 1209801 - Part 2: Do not allow big image textures to be used with TiledLayerBuffers. r=mattwoodrow (cb553ccdea)
- Bug 1211615: Upload the full texture on the first upload for component alpha textures. r=nical (3bd6688679)
- minor (928a95b259)
- Bug 1222569 - remove unused variable in TextureD3D9.cpp; r=Bas (ac5a86be1c)
- Bug 1223928 - Make the horizontal scrollbar on the root scrollable shift correctly with the dynamic toolbar. r=botond (6c6c0b8c24)
- Bug 1216349: Upload the old valid region as well if our texture host changed. r=nical (7d4d041bd2)
- Bug 1236227, don't OOM in TextDecoder, r=baku (9bef90eada)
- Bug 1218594 - r=smaug (de39570c72)
- remove include (62e582fe3d)
- Bug 1226176 - Compute retained sizes in dominator trees and expose them to JavaScript; r=bz,sfink (92bb08a674) (6a4edbe796)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.1.31.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2023, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2023, 11:30

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink (Chrome/109.0.5414.120)
Adjusted favicon display targets for bookmarks
Adjusted targets for deleting cookies and cache

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2023, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Added options for address bar suggestions
    Added resource sniffer in private mode
    Added city selection in QA page
    Optimized QA page performance
    Updated translation
    Fixed "data not auto-backup for QA page" problem
    Fixed "downloader showed impropoer menu" problem
    Fixed "group info was missing when maximized browser window" problem
    Fixed "direct URL in address bar suggestion could not be deleted" problem
    Fixed several crashes

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2023, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: fix loss of bookmarks when cleaning cookies and other site data at exit.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-02-4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2023, 18:30

In-tree changes:

- browser-omni: downloads: sync allDownloadsViewOverlay.js with same file in NM27 (bf146f53)

Out-of-tree changes:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1173364 - support ARIA table and cell roles, r=marcoz (c6f9fc891e)
- Bug 1205318 - make aria-owns loop alg more sophisticated, r=yzen (d287b1e41c)
- Bug 1205476 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessInvalidationList(), r=smaug (bf920abdd3)
- Bug 1205476 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessInvalidationList(), part3, r=davidb (675c3a0ee2)
- Bug 1205476 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessInvalidationList, part2, r=davidb (a7cd835169)
- Bug 1186786 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (172fcbe18f)
- Bug 1219299 - rework aria-owns implementation, r=yzen (c297a84b41)
- Bug 1219744 - no child_of/parent_of relations for aria-owns, r=yzen (38ea8be268)
- Bug 1205341 - get rid of aria-owns provided relations, part1: remove ARIA combobox special support (bug 819273 backout), r=yzen (0ca03a27bd)
- Bug 1219743 - remove special ARIA owns support for ARIA menus, r=yzen (64468fdfd1)
- Bug 1200595 - Introduce TextureData and implement it for X11. r=mattwoodrow, Bas, sotaro (2e6bc3f02c)
- Bug 1200595 - Buffer TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (1cb3ffd937)
- Bug 1227415 - Fix copy buffer size r=jolin (344130daec)
- Bug 1200595 - Gralloc TextureData implementation. r=sotaro (a0726233ca)
- Bug 1205725 - Add basic SidebandStream handling to HwcComposer2D r=mwu,nical (42bea59a5f)
- namespace (ab69730d53)
- Bug 1194775 - Paper over a crash in ContentClient. r=Bas (998051cee4)
- minor (c24c0b069d)
- Bug 1197315 - remove PR_snprintf calls in gfx/; r=froydnj (f153fed9c8)
- Bug 1157664 - Initialize mozilla::layers::FPSCOUNTER::mIteratorIndex. r=nical (cf5d2203ee)
- Bug 1157663 - Init mMap in the constructor to avoid half initialized structures. r=nical (d972306493)
- Bug 1167370: Check for Map() call failing. r=bas (707eda52ff)
- Bug 1221276 - Don't crash if we don't have a surface. r=nical (c53141ea3d)
- Bug 1219230 - Use the valid region for determining buffer size instead of the visible region. r=mstange (f2d4783eef)
- Pass the correct moz2d backend in CanvasClients. (bug 1212499, r=mattwoodrow) (c16688afbb)
- Bug 1179987 - Simplify unlocking of tiled texture hosts. r=nical (781200f702)
- Bug 1170189 - Fix tiling crash on Linux. r=jrmuizel (879bbfb506)
- Bug 1170189 - fix a comment in the tiling code. r=BenWa (62b47f1bbd)
- Bug 1179987 - Make tiled TextureSource recycling based on pointer comparisons rather than trying to do it geometrically. r=nical (7bde534929)
- Bug 1189710 - Use correct offset for LayerRenderState in TiledContentHost. r=jrmuizel (cb93c2f98a)
- Bug 1215050 - Make layerscope support TiledPaintedLayer when using HWC. r=mattwoodrow, r=cjku (6bffac30f8)
- Bug 1186208 - Fix crash when tiling is enabled on linux. r=mattwoodrow (b2f2c85734)
- Bug 1197713 - Add missing gfxPrefs.h include to TiledContentHost.cpp. r=nical (22bce4e071)
- Bug 1143575. Async image invalidation does not necessarily need to invalidate the layer; LayerTreeInvalidation will do that for us. r=mattwoodrow (a6144b7127)
- Bug 1219529 - Don't attempt to deallocate shmems after the ipdl protocol is shut down. r=sotaro (3bb89ef36e)
- Bug 1143575. Add assertion for diagnostic purposes. r=nical (e4944dd72f)
- Bug 1202175 - Guard GLX-specific call in SurfaceDescriptorX11. r=jgilbert (167a4aa49b)
- Bug 1132528 - Handle non existent key r=nical (6c12df1446)
- Bug 1137151: Marked destructor of |GrallocReporter| as protected, r=jmuizelaar (57605c4472)
- Bug 1145389 - Add gralloc allocation requet size check r=nical (47c6065148)
- Bug 1181197 - Fix null dereference in SharedPlanarYCbCrImage destructor. r=jgilbert (3f8c390a6f)
- Bug 1195110 - Check if GLContext is destroyed before freeing resources in CompositingRenderTargetOGL. r=jrmuizel (8eac603d84)
- bug 1178956 - Specify precision in OGLShaderProgram.cpp to fix compositor on iOS. r=kip (daa6d9db20)
- Bug 1186725 - InitTextures should check if LockRect() returns an error, r=mattwoodrow (bc87f908a7)
- Bug 1170143 - Add some error checks around the creation of dxgi ycbcrvideo frames. r=Bas (c96e4d9e79)
- Bug 1170143 - Build fix. r=me (a9d0064bc3)
- Bug 1202700 - Use d3d9 device to upload YCbCr surfaces on the client side if possible. r=Bas (3ccd0c68f5)
- Bug 1199361 - Add texture memory reporters for YCbCr TextureClients. r=jrmuizel (723e9d4b10)
- bug 1183967 - fixup correct case of mfidl.h (e9abd04709)
- Bug 1133007 - followup - make CreateServerSocketRunnable's constructor explicit; r=bustage (5de0ec7900)
- Bug 1195653 - Part1.1: Dump SecondaryEffects (EffectTypes::MASK) on Layerscope viewer. r=dglastonbury (v2, carry r+) (a6736ad381)
- Bug 1195653 - Part1.2: Use sSentTextureIds instead of sTextureIdList and move HasTextureIdBeenSent into SendTextureSource. r=dglastonbury (v3, carry r+) (7e0b14bca6)
- Bug 1195653 - Part1.3: Add isMask attribute field to LayerScopePacket.proto. r=dglastonbury (v2, carry r+) (510e50e09a)
- Bug 1195653 - Part1.4: Generated file diffs from patched LayerScopePacket.proto. r=dglastonbury (v1, carry r+) (f1824afcb3)
- Bug 1195653 - Part1.5: Send isMask info to LayerScope viewer by TexturePacket. r=dglastonbury (v3) (1722e5e6fe)
- Bug 1205521 - Part1: (v3) Add texture/mask attribute fields in LayerScopePacket.proto. r=dglastonbury (0cca15f8f5)
- Bug 1205521 - Part2: (v3) Generated file diffs from patched LayerScopePacket.proto. r=dglastonbury (6253724bcf)
- Bug 1205521 - Part3: (v3) Dump texture/mask attributes on layerscope viewer. r=dglastonbury (31d346bad1)
- Bug 1205521 - Part4: (v2) Align LayerScopePacket to fit changes in Bug 1211324. r=dglastonbury (712da0fe9c)
- Bug 1177023 - Log the IsRootContent flag when dumping framemetrics. r=botond (9bea51f318)
- Bug 1153724 - Only assert if the size was reasonable to start. r=mchang (c3d61bbee1)
- namespace (edcce0a0b3)
- Bug 1195857: Make nsPresContext::HasAuthorSpecifiedRules()'s arg 'const', to remove need for const_cast in callers. r=jwatt (274fe66dca)
- Bug 1182414, part 1 - Fix printing crash with range input controls. r=dholbert (352a408a83)
- Bug 1182414, part 2 - Add printing crash test. r=dholbert (0fc9bd4529)
- Bug 1099103 - Prevent numbers input using a grouping separator from being mis-processed as if the separator was a decimal separator. r=dholbert (90276c2f6b)
- Bug 1157142 - Support logical (inline/block) in addition to physical orientation for the <input type=range> element; make inline the default behavior so that range sliders respect writing mode. r=jwatt (2ec37cbba8) (89d38b5d7a)
- some download library code fixes (f3443827c3)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1196785 - Alphabetically sort redirected about:pages. r=jst (ba0f254ae5)
- Bug 1196785 - Make the common category style work in HTML. r=jaws (09b3f854e4)
- Bug 1219494 - Part 1. TextureD3D11 and gfxDevCrash instead of MOZ_CRASH where appropriate. r=mchang (2ba6492c83)
- Bug 1195531 - Don't discard d3d11 textures when we move the TextureSource to a new compositor. r=jrmuizel,nical (a4b9674552)
- Bug 1176570 - Make sure all shared texture handles are opened correctly before attempting to use them. r=jrmuizel (75856f47a0)
- misspatch Bug 1145513 (f4e6e6c52a)
- Null-check D3D10 devices in a few places. (bug 1225645, r=bas) (2f7372a29d)
- Bug 1200595 - D3D11 TextureData implementation. r=Bas (8935487dae)
- Bug 1216366: Ensure D3D11 uploads the entire surface the first time for component alpha textures. r=nical (789985252d)
- Bug 1194335. Disable partial present on Nvidia hardware. r=bas (3da45b4ce9)
- Bug 1167326, fix up VR distortion constant buffer; r=bas (396b34e5da)
- Bug 1204922 - Part 3. Report failed before HandleError call. r=bas (4f8ca8b0d6)
- Fail gracefully when we can't get a texture sync handle. (bug 1207665 part 4, r=bas,vladan) (d8cbab3307)
- Bug 1144136. Remove unneeded Flush() from D3D11 compositor. r=bas (8f49efa0aa)
- Bug 1163840 - Lazy-init blocker stack in AsyncShutdown to save startup time; r=Yoric (89f728be0f)
- Bug 1213280 - fix OSX font selection under 10.11. r=jfkthame (a5c21cacb0)
- Bug 1167284 - implement localized name lookup for fontconfig font families. r=karlt (098cb7067e)
- Bug 1173260 - support multiple families for generics. r=heycam (19bab2c23d)
- Bug 1163487 - sniff LANGUAGE when determining language for lang group. r=karlt (207283f74d)
- Bug 1224965 p1 - add pref for max substitutions for generics under fontconfig. r=m_kato (b64c53e636)
- Bug 1224965 p2 - tweak the handling of generic substitutions. r=karlt (a5c2688808)
- First version of patch 1469116, this helps fix patch 1209812 without skia. (dd570d1e71) (8a2a9d0991)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2023, 20:50
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License

Whats new:>>

    Fixed moving input focus to the next window when closing a window.
    Centered footer info text for better balance.
    Fixed TUI build.
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 08:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Fix bug with bookmarks menu in multiple-column mode
    Fix crash in app mode window.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 22:10
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

'Copy QR Code' option - Added white space around the QR Code.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2023, 09:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added passkeeper options
    Added option for secure web
    Improved security of passkeeper
    Fixed "window did not get fully maximized" problem

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.2.10.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2023, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2023, 19:50
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-02-11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2023, 21:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 8a2a9d0991..1c5d25a761:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- enable shadow warnings (93e0fb3cf8)
- more bits of Bug 1198334 (part 1)
- Replace the opt-in FAIL_ON_WARNINGS (f07e6eca96)
- Bug 1111892 - Ensure gdk_ungrab_pointer is always called in the correct process r=jimm (8bf40d8add)
- Bug 1220344 - remote some of nsSystemInfo to make it e10s ready on Android r=nchen,froydnj (365e961dfb)
- bug 1190018 - External protocol handlers don't work in e10s r=mrbkap (ff4567d517)
- Bug 1225618 - Do not capture stacks for cycle collection timeline markers; r=vporof (d734ca9d26)
- Bug 1218315 - Replace NS_LITERAL_STRING(...).get() with MOZ_UTF16(...) on xpcom. r=nfroyd (5cff917319)
- Bug 1218315 - Use L"..." instead of MOZ_UTF16(...) for MSVS2015. r=nfroyd (9f8b88f428)
- Bug 1199592 - support TV device type in UA string. r=fabrice. (2eecf7f3b4)
- Bug 1215723 - Part 1: Make DataStorage a singleton for each file name; r=keeler (be2e5947f1)
- Bug 1167693 - Ensure device and vendor IDs are zero-padded. r=mstange (6e583cbf71)
- Bug 1186817 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in security/ with iterators. r=keeler (4a14f547a7)
- Bug 1215723 - Part 2: Initialize DataStorage items in the content process from the data in the parent; r=keeler (3a4d3ec7d5)
- Bug 1215723 - Part 3: Propagate updates to DataStorage from the parent process to the content processes; r=keeler (2140b412eb)
- Bug 1215723 - Part 4: Make isSecureHost and isSecureURI usable from the content process; r=keeler (c8b786ca1b)
- Bug 1215723 - Part 5: Add an automated test; r=keeler (012e820385)
- Bug 1154184 - Don't use Linux sandbox gtest dir if not building tests. r=gps (2993e27d44)
- Bug 930258 - Part 1: The file broker, and unit tests for it. r=kang f=froydnj (d3e8cab30d)
- Bug 930258 - Part 2: seccomp-bpf integration. r=kang (a40ef5e566)
- Bug 930258 - Part 3: a file broker policy for the B2G emulator. r=kang (2c0c3d55cf)
- Bug 930258 - Part 4: the PContent changes that connect the broker to its sandboxed client. r=kang r=billm (1206c3a20c)
- Bug 1168251 - Do a partial recursion when doing make -C some/path compile. r=gps (a6733048fc)
- Bug 1194951 - Suppress warnings in third-party code: pocketsphinx and sphinxbase. r=kdavis (4f679d6a1e)
- Bug 1195186 - Build media/pocketsphinx in unified mode. r=kdavis (6e6bb419e0)
- Bug 1203005 - Remove all traces of -Wdeclaration-after-statement. r=glandium. (a66d7a4760)
- bits of Bug 1211568, land NSS_3_21_RTM (6b81926cd3)
- Bug 947753 - Make sure nsChildView::ComputeShouldAccelerate returns true even if it's called before layout lets the window know about whether it's transparent. r=smichaud (0d2980b44f)
- Bug 1162649 - Don't call setOpaque:NO or setHasShadow:NO for non-popup windows;r=mstange (6353bd2e96)
- Backed out changeset 2e731191c692 (bug 1189565) for causing bug 1201053 a=backout (e4bc37c823)
- Bug 1174703 - Add GLContextEAGL and GLContextProviderEAGL as an OpenGL provider for iOS. r=jgilbert (64c6538d7d)
- Bug 1184402 - Reset format usage authority on context lose/restore. r=jgilbert (3df2278888)
- more dupes... hackish (f432375460)
- Bug 1007975 - div with display:table exposes table semantics r=surkov (f3b389dcce)
- Bug 1159034 - Test uninitialized buffer data. - r=dvander Bug 1147441 - Add SharedArrayBuffer support to WebGL and WebGL 2. r=jgilbert, r=bzbarsky (a151e77beb)
- Bug 1184402 - Part 1: Rename GetInfo() to GetUsage() for obtaining FormatUsageInfo. r=jgilbert (efbfe39a2e)
- Bug 1184402 - Part 2: Added luminance float effective formats (2cb792990d)
- Bug 1184402 - Part 3: Add WebGL1 formats when enabling extensions. r=jgilbert (aba6beb541)
- Bug 1184402 - Part 4: Use WebGLFormat for validation in RenderbufferStorage_base. r=jgilbert (704c86386f)
- Bug 1193070 - Implement GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter. r=jgilbert (ef51efdce1)
- Bug 1188195 - always initialize WebGL2 BlitFramebuffer src/dst formats to some value. r=jgilbert (694a4d87a1)
- Bug 1143876 - Treat invalidate-framebuffer as optional for WebGL2. - r=kamidphish (53d8ef5a3f)
- Bug 1170845 - Remove WebGL2() exclusion on instanced draw divisor check. r=jgilbert (cd8d1375b3)
- Bug 1192989 - Simplify handling by ifdefing in all.js. - r=kamidphish (32a26b46c8)
- Bug 1179556 - Only call EnsureColorAttachPoints with a color attachment. r=jgilbert (8791f2e34a)
- Bug 1170893 - Return null for invalid internal format. r=kamidphish (425657b6b6)
- Bug 1225782 - Removes GlobalPropertiesAreOwn(). r=bz (a6ca6fd503)
- Bug 1225381 - ensure mozCurrentTransform is finite. r=jmuizelaar (c009040dca)
- Bug 1223740 - enforce max surface size for DrawTargetSkia. r=bas (505fe7ac3b)
- Bug 1059014 (part 2) - Remove support for reflow on zoom event pending. r=dbaron. (be2ae37e94)
- Bug 1059014 (part 3) - Remove support for pausing and resuming painting. r=dbaron. (35979215f3) (664ef9175d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1217373 - [Presentation WebAPI] Avoid B2G crash due to potential excessive releases in PresentationSessionTransport. r=jdm (58598d7b43)
- Bug 1200969 - Fix timing issue in PresentationRequestUIGlue. r=fabrice (a9d4efcfb0)
- Bug 1217712 - Part 1 - reject session request to packaged app with no "presentation" permission. r=seanlin. (300835465b)
- Bug 1217712 - Part 2 - handle abnormal control channel close with no reason. r=seanlin. (deca080f98)
- Bug 1196947 - Performance tools should display a message in private browsing, r=jsantell (c184a61fa1)
- Bug 1103094 - Add accessor for nsIProfilerStartParams to nsIProfiler. r=BenWa (694cffcb92)
- Bug 366324 - Make SVG favicons work reliably. r=mak (7ba59f3165)
- Bug 1190364 - "With electrolysis (e10s) enabled and lots of tabs open, plugincheck often fails to find any plugins". r=billm (9eb8843429)
- Bug 1103094 - Start profiling subprocesses if the parent process is already profiling. r=BenWa (a53480a19e)
- Bug 1228489 - ifdef out ContentParent::StartProfiler for builds without profiler support. r=BenWa (2ef1eabf21)
- Bug 1211266 - Remote blobs coming from a different thread and a different manager must be kept alive until the creation of depending RemoteBlobs is not completed, r=bent, f=gerard-majax (bb0e2c4731)
- Bug 1098131 - Don't invalidate layers when simply changing SizeMode r=smaug,jimm (d6febd1e61)
- Bug 1187784 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (4f63429fb9)
- Bug 1187784 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (e6ee55faac)
- Bug 1187784 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (562892894a)
- Bug 1187784 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (3171c52a3a)
- Bug 1187784 (part 9) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (7e5cb8f45b)
- Bug 1163907 - Remove #ifdef PR_LOGGING in AccessibleCaretLogger (0fcee5100f)
- Bug 1219470 - Replace PRLogModuleInfo with LazyLogModule. r=roc (0385266aac)
- bit of Bug 1165518 - Part 2 (9b2aa1607f)
- Bug 1221902 part 1 - NS_RELEASE SheetLoadData::mNext iteratively instead of recursively to avoid blowing up the stack. r=bz (6598fea496)
- Bug 1187144 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (4c87a8f678)
- Bug 1187144 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (d3155de1bb)
- Bug 1187144 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (a0c1f927c9)
- Bug 1187144 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (0bcf383a4f)
- Bug 1219898 - Remove unneccessary gPreventMouseEvents flag. r=smaug (4e0dcf7e15)
- Bug 1187144 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (7b6a125dcd)
- Bug 1187144 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (64f8a5288e)
- Bug 1158540 - Don't repeat the mRefCnt member of URLValue in ImageValue; r=dbaron (4ac4602546)
- Bug 1187144 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=dholbert. (d781f47d77)
- Bug 1187144 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (e5d8deeb33)
- Bug 1219898 - Remove legacy handling of touch events for non-APZ e10s platforms. r=smaug (f928694ff8)
- Bug 1187144 (part 9) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (0464196554)
- Bug 1172012 - Fixes a copy & paste error in nsCSSValue.cpp. r=heycam (fe61a7740b)
- Bug 1176782 part 3 - [css-align] Implement additional syntax and values for the 'justify-content' property in the style system. r=cam (95eb9717b1)
- Bug 1215702 patch 1 - Remove the CSS properties that use CSS_PROP_BACKENDONLY (marks, orphans, page, size, widows), i.e., properties that were added in early Gecko days but never actually implemented. r=heycam (4344349699)
- Bug 1215702 patch 2 - Remove the mechanism of backend-only CSS properties. r=heycam (3ae81722c2)
- Bug 1176782 part 4 - [css-align] Implement additional syntax and values for the 'align-items' property in the style system. r=cam (8048af001a)
- Bug 1176782 part 5 - [css-align] Implement additional syntax and values for the 'align-self' property in the style system. r=cam (b0505102c0)
- Bug 1176782 part 6 - [css-align] Implement additional syntax and values for the 'align-content' property in the style system. r=cam (7b40da66ce)
- Bug 1176782 part 7 - [css-align] Update the flexbox layout code to use the new align/justify style constants and remove the old in the style system. r=cam (67ee4f892a)
- Bug 1176782 part 8 - [css-align] Update three tests that assumed that the computed value of 'align-items' is 'stretch' on all types of boxes which is no longer true. (72a358dce2)
- Bug 1223568: Don't let fallback alignment values break flexbox special-case for "justify-content: stretch". r=mats (329012fbb2)
- Bug 1224804 - [css-align] Make ::-moz-table-outer inherit 'justify-self'. r=dholbert (4e0c2b4d9b)
- Bug 1158540 follow-up: Improve the comment (8a7b4a962f)
- Bug 1227377: Change ImageRequest::mRequests hashtable to use more specific type in its key (s/nsISupports/nsIDocument/). r=khuey (eea7692f2c)
- Bug 1168154 - Mark refcounted members of nsCSSValue::mValue as MOZ_OWNING_REF. r=heycam (2f9db113f1)
- Bug 1228188 - ifdef around Skia GetMaxSurfaceSize usage. r=eihrul (ea0eaa0ea4)
- Bug 1040668 part 1 - Avoid queuing transition event for disabled properties. r=dbaron (07fbda65d4)
- Bug 1139640 test: Add mochitest for DOM properties for CSS properties. r=heycam (f995e71ce7)
- Bug 1180083 - Avoid shadowing info() in test_property_database.html. r=dbaron (266f90254b)
- Bug 1208136: Give property_database.js a helper-function for pref lookups, to catch exceptions thrown for missing about:config prefs. r=dbaron (4ecd90f34e)
- Bug 1176792 part 1 - [css-grid] Implement the 'grid-column-gap', 'grid-row-gap', and 'grid-gap' properties in the style system. r=dholbert,dbaron (83d78611c5)
- Bug 1151213 part 2 - [css-grid][css-align] Reftests for the 'align-self' and 'justify-self' properties on grid items. (7c38f737f4)
- Bug 1151213 part 1 - [css-grid][css-align] Implement layout for the 'align-self' and 'justify-self' properties on grid items. r=dholbert (4e08c284e6)
- Bug 1151214 part 3 - [css-grid][css-align] Implement layout for the 'justify-content' and 'align-content' CSS properties on grid containers. r=dholbert (8a90fa412c)
- Bug 1222880 - Build a tree of AnimatedGeometryRoots to speed up traversal of ancestors. r=roc,tn (f9843046ae)
- Bug 1226875 - Remove nsIFrame::GetFirstChild(). r=mats (a21a74365a)
- Bug 1165667: Use reflow state's reference rendering context during flex layout, instead of creating a temporary one. r=mats (e8afd8bdb6)
- Bug 1151214 part 2 - [css-flexbox][css-align] Shim implemention for the new align/justify property values in flexbox layout (just to avoid fatal assertions). r=dholbert (1350c46c90)
- Bug 1155312: Convert flex container nsHTMLReflowMetrics/aDesiredSize-populating code to use logical coords. r=mats (54a61f1910)
- Bug 1223653 patch 1 - Fix incorrect function being called, caught by enum class type checking in next patch. r=jfkthame (91b2eb348f)
- Bug 1224464 patch 1 - Make nsCSSKeyword explicitly int16_t. r=heycam (7d6f615af5)
- Bug 1224464 patch 2 - Make nsCSSProps keyword tables be arrays of structs, to represent what they logically are. r=heycam (d21a2de083)
- Bug 1215424 - Convert ParseBoxProperty to CSSParseResult and remove ParseBoxPropertyVariant. r=heycam (4aff994d0d)
- Bug 837211 - Add -webkit prefixed aliases for various CSS properties, behind an off-by-default preference. r=bzbarsky (35889a3a30)
- Bug 1211101 part 1: Fix existing style system mochitests to accomodate webkit-prefixed property aliases. r=heycam (237efadebb)
- Bug 1210905 part 2: Remove now-unneeded *_values & prerequisites fields from aliases in property_database.js. r=heycam (ed311c73c5)
- Bug 1211101 part 2: Add supported (preffed off) webkit-prefixed CSS property aliases to property_database.js, for use in mochitests. r=heycam (5c3b7305f0)
- Bug 1179444: Add support for CSS properties -webkit-backface-visibility, -webkit-perspective, and -webkit-perspective-origin, as aliases (behind a pref). r=heycam (73b2c60d52)
- Bug 1208635 part 1: Add support for several prefixed CSS properties associated with -webkit-box, as aliases for modern flexbox properties (and behind a pref). r=heycam (9baa2ba20a)
- Bug 1208635 part 2: Extend existing parser code for CSSUnprefixingService "-webkit-box" handling to also activate if native unprefixing is enabled. r=heycam (89cc559272)
- Bug 1208635 part 3: Treat "-webkit-box" as a known CSS keyword, for better parsing performance. r=heycam (26a452e2cd)
- Bug 1210905 part 1: Make property_database.js automatically populate aliasing properties' *_values & prerequisites fields based on their alias target. r=heycam (a33d38d153)
- Bug 1210905 followup: Restore accidentally-removed 'subproperties' list on -moz-transform-style in style-system mochitest file property_database.js. (no review) (870de9afcb)
- Bug 1212607 - Re-expose -moz-window-dragging property to the content. r=dbaron (073f318ab0)
- Bug 1169837 - Remove box-sizing: padding-box in FF UI & Gecko Tests. r=dholbert (5581f54d75)
- Bug 1212191: In CSS mochitest helper-file "property_database.js", add subproperties array for aliases that are missing it, and make it mandatory for CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND. r=heycam (0edd14cb7f)
- Bug 1176968 part 1: Refactor media-query parsing logic to use nsDependentString, to better allow for multiple consecutive prefixes. r=heycam (f3412f99e4)
- some XP theme stuff (245f69a17e)
- Bug 1179393: Add support for -webkit-border-image longhand CSS properties, as aliases (behind a pref). r=heycam (c95d45f6eb)
- Bug 1195884 - Reject CSS 'will-change: will-change' for spec compliance. r=dholbert (8e9c2cefa9)
- Bug 1176792 part 2 - [css-grid] Implement layout for the 'grid-column-gap' and 'grid-row-gap' properties. r=dholbert (c12fd29616)
- Bug 1151214 part 4 - [css-grid][css-align] Add reftests for the 'justify-content' and 'align-content' CSS properties on grid containers. (4924ad5e98)
- Bug 1176792 part 3 - [css-grid] Reftests for the 'grid-column-gap' and 'grid-row-gap' properties. (1bc2319d82)
- Bug 1224464 patch 3 - Rename KTableValue to KTableEntry now that it is a struct. r=heycam (4ebf24dcab)
- Bug 1224464 followup - Fix bustage on opt builds on CLOSED TREE (b23cee92e9) (1c5d25a761)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 21:40
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



New Features:

! BT will automatically shut-down if not used for 30 minutes to consume even less resources. You can disable that in settings, but I'm not sure why you would do that'.


+ Browser uptime is displayed as a part of browser stats
+ Browser profile overlays in the picker are rounded similar to how Chromium paints them.
+ Multi-window interface

Bugs Fixed:

- Change Log was trimming older entries so you couldn't see them at all.
- Picker Enabled setting was always ignored and picker was shown regardless
- Uninstaller completely removes all traces of BT from the system


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix bug about enabling microphone on some websites
    Add menu "Pick a theme color" to the drop down menu of the skin button on the title bar.

Titel: qutebrowser 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2023, 19:20
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    New array_at quirk, polyfilling the Array.at method, which is needed by various websites, but only natively available with Qt 6.2.


    Crash when the adblock filter file can't be read.
    Inconsistent behavior when using :config-{dict,list}-* commands with an
    invalid value. Before the fix, using the same command again would complain that
    the value was already present, despite the error and the value not being
    actually changed.
    Incomplete error handling when mutating a dict/list in config.py and setting
    an invalid value. Before the fix, this would result in either a message in the
    terminal rather than GUI (startup), or in a crash (:config-source).
    Wrong type handling when using :config-{dict,list}-* commands with a config
    option with non-string values. The only affected option is bindings.commands,
    which is probably rarely used with those commands.
    The readability userscript now correctly passes the source URL to
    Breadability, to make relative links work.
    Update dictcli.py to use the main branch, fixing a 404 error.
    Crash with some notification servers when the server did quit.
    Minor documentation fixes


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2023, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Added tab animation
    Added choose temperature unit in QA
    Added "paste as plain text" to spelling checker
    Updated translation
    Fixed direct URL logic problem
    Fixed some crashes

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2023, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed and updated the close application function.

Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2023, 21:15
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'Copy QR Code' option (Under the Edit menu), which allows you to copy the QR Code image to the clipboard.
    Added 'Double-Click Action' option to choose what to do when you double-click a bookmark item (Open Properties Window, Open URL In Web Browser).
    Added 'Enter Action' option to choose what to do when you press the Enter key on a bookmark item (Open Properties Window, Open URL In Web Browser).

Titel: Dooble 2023.02.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2023, 19:30
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Add Tab Behavior. Settings -> Display. GitHub ticket.
    Corrected state of private Cookies Window. GitHub ticket.
    Save Purge Periodically setting in private Cookies Window as a separate setting. GitHub ticket.
    Show a warning label in Settings -> Web -> Spell Checkers if qtwebengine_dictionaries cannot be read.
    The Linux bundle was created on KUbuntu 22.04.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.2.20.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 11:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-02-18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 18:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 1c5d25a761..7ad90a7dc7:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1040668 part 2 - Parse and compute text emphasis properties. r=dbaron (0fb79d4709)
- Bug 1040668 part 3 - Add helper function gfxTextRun::GetAdvanceForGlyph. r=jfkthame (f1cf02f5ff)
- Bug 1216427 - Tests for backspacing over a character with variation selector, and over Regional Indicator flag symbols. r=emk (18957bfe77)
- Bug 1216427 - part 1 - Ensure a character+VS sequence or a ligated Regional-Indicator flag symbol is deleted as a single unit when backspacing. r=emk (2776ff8f4a)
- Bug 1216427 - part 2 - Ensure mouse selection does not split up a Regional Indicator flag symbol. r=emk (58eb82e6a1)
- Bug 1040668 part 4 - Add helper function for ensuring a glyph is a complex glyph. r=jfkthame (ba17f7d0c4)
- Bug 1040668 part 5 - Avoid unnecessary allocation inside EnsureComplexGlyph helper function. r=jfkthame (4968a7c68e)
- Bug 1040668 part 6 - Add some specifier on gfxTextRun and gfxShapedWord so that compilers are able to reason out certain optimizations. r=jfkthame (69ca3eb959)
- Bug 1040668 part 7 - Add NO_EMPHASIS_MARK flag in CompressedGlyph. r=jfkthame (34e9d8a6a6)
- Bug 1227001 part 1 - Remove SetupBreakSinksFlags from BuildTextRunsScanner. r=jfkthame (520b1ba111)
- Bug 1227001 part 2 - Remove no longer used mExistingTextRun from BreaSink. r=jfkthame (201782a78c)
- Bug 1227001 part 3 - Remove no longer used mChangedBreaks from BreakSink. r=jfkthame (e754e2b13f)
- Bug 1040668 part 8 - Setup text emphasis for text run. r=jfkthame (376377180e)
- Bug 1040668 part 9 - Compute overflow from text-shadow after text decorations. r=dbaron (05c9bd08c2)
- Bug 1040668 part 10 - Implement emphasis mark rendering. r=jfkthame (4d270afca8)
- Bug 1040668 part 11 - Move line leadings adjusting code into a separate function in nsLineLayout. r=dholbert (fd4dd20ca5)
- Bug 1040668 part 12 - Add line leadings for emphasis marks if necessary. r=dholbert (138add5ff7)
- Bug 1040668 part 13 - Move first part of nsStyleFont::GetLanguage to nsPresContext::GetContentLanguage. r=dbaron (1e872d2a58)
- Bug 1040668 part 14 - Add helper function nsStyleUtil::MatchesLanguagePrefix for doing simple language matching. r=dbaron (9322a02369)
- Bug 1040668 part 15 - Make the default value of text-emphasis-position aware of the language. r=dbaron (6587c628da)
- Bug 1040668 part 16 - Add reftests for text-emphasis. r=dbaron (9940d65182)
- Bug 1040668 followup - Use monospace for text-emphasis reftests. rs=dbaron on a CLOSED TREE (fb7598c3ea)
- Bug 1040668 followup 2 - Disable failing reftests of text-emphasis on Windows XP. (7c3f24ac22)
- Bug 1040668 followup 3 - Wrap lang attribute mapping code in NS_STYLE_INHERIT_BIT test. r=dbaron (640e3b7b8f)
- Bug 1219145 - nsRefreshDriver::IsJankCritical(). r=hiro To refine its alerts, Performance Stats API needs to be able to know whether a long-running operation is actually causing user-visible jank in the current process. This patch introduces a trivial API that lets clients ask the refresh driver whether any kind of animation is ongoing. (7c0868d7c4)
- more missing XP theme stuff (637af0c6a0)
- Bug 1210261. Tick root refresh driver last. r=mattwoodrow (dae1a325fa)
- Bug 1221674 Part 2: Correct for negative content delay values. r=avih (9b9811c41c)
- Bug 1211334 - Check if presshell is still available after dispatching transition events; r=mats (8a044a462c)
- Bug 1211599 - Only allow whitelisted histograms to have > 100 buckets. r=nfroyd (d467e84130)
- Bug 1219733 - Allow a 'bug_numbers' field in Histograms.json entries. r=vladan (8e63a713ec)
- Bug 1222044 - Only allow lists of alert_emails r=vladan (1d5fcb009d)
- Bug 1168263 - Add a flags parameter to GetResultingTransformMatrix instead of using bools. r=roc (ec5224f9af)
- Bug 1168263 - Remove TransformRectOut since it's unused. r=roc (d20a79ae0e)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 1: Remove NS_STYLE_ANIMATION_DIRECTION_XXX and NS_STYLE_ANIMATION_FILL_MODE_XXX. r=heycam (4bd7f8116b)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 2: Change the types of direction and fillmode in StyleAnimation. r=heycam (e06323c81b)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 3: Change the types of direction and fillmode in AnimationTiming. r=heycam (e5454d3ea5)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 4: Add KeyframeEffectOptions. r=smaug Add KeyframeEffectOptions in KeyframeEffect.webidl (0ce3372fd1)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 5: Implement KeyframeEffectOptions in KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor. r=birtles (a472e9ac5f)
- tch 2 - Use an enum class for NS_STYLE_BOX_SIZING_*. r=heycam (4897b7b8ff)
- Bug 1218195, mark MutationObserver as observing in all the nested DOM mutations, r=bz (48a4aa8a91)
- Bug 1172870 - Part 3 - Fix openWindow mochitest to work on e10s (574cc6fa4d)
- Bug 1223265 - Fix -Wunreachable-code and -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in dom/bindings and dom/ipc. r=khuey (9eab632140)
- Bug 1189195 - Fix PContentPermissionRequest shutdown () r=fabrice (6bc1a681f5)
- Bug 1210508 - Handle null OriginAttributes from JS-implemented nsILoadContext. r=me (2f71edb9d7)
- Bug 1224596 part 1. Add a version of WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch that takes an ErrorResult to report failure to dispatch on. r=khuey (e60a0fb115)
- Bug 1224596 part 2. Switch Navigator to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (d9298a4763)
- Bug 1224596 part 3. Make some WebSocket(Impl) methods whose return value is totally ignored void. r=khuey (1d04b52d44)
- Bug 1224596 part 4. Switch WebSocket to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (aa06e6417b)
- Bug 1224596 part 5. Switch nsPerformance to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (0303b7de09)
- Bug 1224596 part 6. Switch BroadcastChannel to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (feacc21f63)
- Bug 1224636. Fix some code in ImageBitmap that rejects a promise with an ErrorResult, then keeps trying to use that ErrorResult. r=kaku (89b769fe07)
- Bug 1224596 part 7. Switch ImageBitmap to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (e21b0a4a0a)
- Bug 1183954, Don't leak nsStructuredCloneContainer (use of 'auto' is error prone), r=leak (1a9b30f2ca)
- Bug 1114554 - Patch 9 - Fixed crash in b2g-desktop tests. r=nsm (6b12c6d121)
- Bug 1189090 - Rework the nsISupports implementation in the ScopeCheckingGetCallback and its subclasses; r=nsm (6bea544597)
- Bug 1187018 - Ensure feature is nulled out if it does not get added. r=khuey (9d7439498a)
- Bug 1224596 part 8. Switch Notification to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (03f0f6877f)
- Bug 1196079 - Always try to release Notification via normal WorkerRunnable first. r=wchen (c093253d6f)
- Bug 1203324 - disable notifications on serviceworkers. r=ehsan,wchen (aa39310dc1)
- Bug 1199901 - GetOrigin() fails cleanly instead of asserting principal. r=wchen (148c634a4f)
- Bug 1199901 - Clear mObserver when WorkerNotificationObserver is destroyed. r=wchen (6d5cd99183)
- Bug 1199901 - Bustage fix due to rebase. a=bustage (344bd62af5)
- Bug 1225470 Report a message to the console when a service worker waitUntil() is rejected. r=baku (610da2eec6)
- Bug 1217909 P1 Report service worker exceptions to controlled documents. r=catalinb (f8bd4677d5)
- Bug 1216566 - Fix a bug in nsIServiceWorkerManager.getAllRegistrations;r=catalinb (ed3e14ab43)
- Bug 1219205 - ServiceWorkerInfo should be an XPCOM object;r=catalinb (677a6f1ffd)
- Bug 1217909 P2 Track registering documents as weak reference so SWM can report errors to them. r=catalinb (4233dc3edc)
- Bug 1217909 P3 Refactor service worker register()/update() to reject only with SecurityErr or TypeErr. r=catalinb (c6891a7fae)
- Bug 1220740 - nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo should emit an event when its scriptSpec property changes;r=amarchesini (5772bb5914)
- Bug 1207727 - Add WPT tests for service worker update algorithm. r=bkelly (a4812571a1)
- Bug 1217367 - Service workers update algorithm optimization. r=bkelly (e377debad1)
- Bug 1226479. Change ErrorResult::ThrowTypeError/ThrowRangeError to take string references, not pointers. r=mccr8 (0804899666)
- Bug 1224659 - Worker DataStore code should not use ErrorResult cross threads, r=bz (aef03b0fdd)
- Bug 1224596 part 9. Switch DataStore to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (1eb1c427f2)
- Bug 1224596 part 10. Switch DataStoreCursor to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (114af8021b)
- Bug 1224596 part 11. Switch WorkerNavigator to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (b2347a0c49)
- Bug 1224596 part 12. Switch ServiceWorkerRegistration to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (d1ff076836)
- Bug 1224596 part 13. Switch gfxUtils to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (a523997588)
- Bug 1224007 part 1. Rename ThrowMethodFailed to MaybeSetPendingException and make it an ErrorResult instance method. r=peterv (bdf0891f54)
- Bug 1224007 part 2. Make the various ErrorResult::Report* methods private, so consumers all go through MaybeSetPendingException and rename them to more clearly indicate what they're actually doing. r=peterv (48f483c153)
- Bug 1203151 - Allow disabling of screen wakelocks for video elements. r=baku (6bd9ff6916)
- Bug 1224007 part 4. Fix some cases in which ErrorResult instances are destroyed without doing anything useful with exceptions on them. r=peterv (e328785e5d)
- Bug 1224007 part 5. Get rid of ErrorResult::StealJSException. r=peterv (db19cfb31e)
- Bug 1224007 part 3. Push down WouldReportJSException into MaybeSetPendingException, since anyone calling the latter will propagate the JS exception as needed. r=peterv (1d3b7b415d)
- Bug 1224007 part 6. Change MaybeSetPendingException to set the ErrorResult state to "not failed", just like SuppressException and StealNSResult already do, and assert in the destructor that the ErrorResult is not Failed(). (a028838e8d)
- Bug 1213815 - Update URLSearchParams and URLUtils in webidl files, r=bz (28fb8f7de5)
- Bug 1213815 - dom/webidl/HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils and URL don't need to throw exceptions as we did before, r=bz (b13dc3bcb9)
- Bug 1224596 part 14. Switch URL to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=baku (232677e50e)
- fix updating the backport (9e958da5ca)
- Bug 1224596 part 16. Switch Fetch to using the new WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=bkelly (939e338f22)
- Bug 1224596 part 17. Remove the old WorkerMainThreadRunnable::Dispatch signature. r=khuey (5a70429ec8)
- Bug 1143575. Don't report negative frame delays. r=cpearce (7d8bc0f753)
- Bug 1187371 - Get rid of dom.broadcastChannel.enabled pref, r=bz (9335b7ae90)
- Bug 1196514 - remove dom.messagechannel.enabled pref, r=smaug (31e06119b4)
- Bug 1166356 - Properly detect double-caching in nsXULPrototypeCache; r=ehsan (29df9ffb2d)
- Bug 1168916 - Get rid of redundant pref callback in nsXULPrototypeCache; r=janv (9f37fff405)
- Bug 1139099: Dispatch DOMDocElementInserted to match the document-element-inserted observer notification. r=mrbkap (6565e4b924)
- Bug 1187068 - Tell the cycle collector about nsContentSink::mCSSLoader. r=heycam (4ae23eb26c)
- Bug 1172189 - Fix overflow in nsXULContentSink.cpp. r=ehsan (cc6330f5de)
- Bug 1126010 - XULContentSinkImpl::mParser should be an nsRefPtr. r=smaug (d6bb567692)
- Bug 1147946, part 7 - Remove trailing whitespace from nsXULContentSink.cpp. r=baku (cdcadbfeeb)
- Bug 1147946, part 1 - Tuck elses in nsXULContentSink.cpp. r=baku (26fd806676)
- Bug 1147946, part 2 - Move body of check inside prior if in XULContentSinkImpl::OpenScript(). r=baku (b509455bdb)
- Bug 1147946, part 3 - Eliminate unused case for non-JS scripting languages in XULContentSinkImpl::OpenScript(). r=baku (4136933cc2)
- Bug 1147946, part 4 - Use an early return in XULContentSinkImpl::OpenScript(). r=baku (c3e293474b)
- Bug 1147946, part 5 - Don't use the generic nsIProgrammingLanguage enum in XULContentSinkImpl::OpenScript(). r=baku (89a124e23f)
- Bug 1147946, part 6 - Remove some useless null checks on infallible new in XULContentSinkImpl. r=baku (1ac57e8c3a)
- Bug 1221351 P1 ServiceWorkerContainer and ServiceWorkerRegistration should not crash for null window owner. r=catalinb (1a72748632)
- Bug 1212867 - Node.isEqualNode() should ignore internal subsets; r=bzBug (99b166ffee)
- Bug 492933 - getElementsByTagName should match on localName not tagName, r=smaug (d0c6ceabf1)
- Bug 912470 part 1 - Implement Encoding Standard-compliant big5 decoder. r=emk. (c680b0ae9b)
- Bug 1170932: Test handling of unmapped characters in unicode-to-codepage encoders (ca36bcbd35)
- fix style (95a90bfe3a)
- Bug 1170794 - patch 2 - Improve the length check of the input in nsUnicode*::GetMaxLength, r=dveditz (aa864d656f)
- Bug 1170794 followup: Add 'override' annotations to Convert() & Reset() methods in intl/uconv. rs=ehsan (bb3e6e492e)
- Bug 1176462 - Remove nsTableDecoderSupport. r=smontagu (f4a86c44b3)
- Bug 1169248 - Fix GBK/GB18030 encoders. r=smontagu (ed946e1ee1)
- Bug 1155539 - Remove obsolete encoding decoder telemetry probes. r=emk. (44e15bfb40)
- Bug 912470 part 2 - Implement Encoding Standard-compliant big5 encoder. r=emk. (5cca2dc4a0)
- Bug 912470 addendum - Pass override static analysis. r=emk. (c163bffeb4)
- Bug 1170932: Improve error handling for the gbk encoder, r=emk (30e95b34a5)
- Bug 1202366 - Implement the encoder error mode "HTML" for nsFormSubmission without nsISaveAsCharset. r=NOT_emk. (ebc8b542dd)
- update manifest (6cc19172cc)
- Bug 1197309 - remove PR_snprintf calls in intl/; r=froydnj (79fcdfa845)
- Bug 1214619 - Remove nsISaveAsCharset as much as possible without breaking extensions in popular use. r=emk. (89b71b3d87)
- Bug 1214857. Store the document-is-HTML state directly in nsContentList instead of refetching from the node being matched. r=smaug (4c4fbf469e)
- Bug 1221351 P2 Add a web-platform-test to check for crash when calling .register() on closed window. r=catalinb (eeb30c1bba)
- Bug 1221351 P3 Fix test name in register-closed-window.https.html. a=testonly (5bfa840044)
- Bug 1224436: Remove enumerator usage in ServiceWorkerManager.cpp. r=njn (b8cb094d3c)
- Bug 1223716. Make HTMLCollection check for the element being HTML before checking for its name inside its named getter. r=bkelly (977e0bff5a)
- Bug 1180737 - Add update-test.py and update test to latest version. r=bkelly. (59faa36d5c)
- Bug 1217909 P4 Extend wpt tests to verify update() promise values for different script failures. r=catalinb (a2f7352a3a)
- Bug 1217909 P5 Add wpt test case for fetch event handlers that throw. r=catalinb (56a77f611c)
- Bug 1217909 P6 Fix wpt registration.https.html to expect TypeError for script evaluation errors. r=catalinb (3de8a45688)
- Bug 1217909 P7 Fix mochitest to expect TypeError when serviceWorker.register() rejects. r=catalinb (6e8841c41e)
- Bug 1217909 P8 Track navigation interceptions per scope in ServiceWorkerManager. r=catalinb (6705ba8337)
- Bug 1217909 P9 Report exceptions to windows performing an intercepted navigation. r=catalinb (52f9fece14)
- Bug 1217909 P10 Remove stale nsTArray when the last registering document for a scope is removed. r=catalinb (b739bcc3b2)
- Bug 1217909 P11 Only report errors to documents that are active and not in the bfcache. r=catalinb (5ffd633af2)
- Bug 1223378 Tighten service worker register() principal checks. r=baku (478785f2cc)
- Bug 1189685 - Part 1: Ensure that the state of all ServiceWorker instances is up to date when dispatching statechange events; r=bkelly (2bd9b78c58)
- Bug 1189685 - Part 2: Make synced-state.https.html pass; r=bkelly (029f942d8c)
- Bug 1220740 - nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo should emit an event when its worker properties change;r=amarchesini (8243a3debc)
- Bug 1186856 ServiceWorker .register() should always stop current registration from uninstalling. r=jdm (ec7d6e0e7c)
- Bug 1224941 Don't crash during ServiceWorker life cycle event dispatch if window is gone. r=baku (a3f45af3e4)
- Bug 1180754 - Get serviceworkerobject-scripturl test passing. r=bkelly (c7979bef47)
- Bug 1201498 - Service worker update should compare scriptURL to worker URL without fragment, r=bkelly (914f630528)
- Bug 594505 - Remove obsolete comment since this bug has now been fixed. r=me DONTBUILD (44f3a15b91)
- Bug 1221840. Support repeating images in 1 axis. r=seth (449ea3e97e)
- const-var (5433688051)
- Bug 1574573 - Disambiguate a use of Handle in XPCShellEnvironment.cpp r=Ehsan (15b44177d1)
- clean up warnings (6e64313d0c) (fffeb135bb)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1171796: Add sandbox rule for child process NSPR log file on Windows. r=bbondy (1393c5eed4)
- Bug 1171994: Separate RIL I/O interfaces, r=htsai (eb62c398f9)
- Bug 1171994: Store an instance of |RilWorker| for each RIL connection, r=htsai (6f85151cfe)
- Bug 1171464 - Check that socket isn't already closed before closing it, r=kmachulis (05a6ecd79c)
- Bug 1156352: Remove |UnixSocketRawData| from RIL interfaces, r=htsai (4c2c066809)
- Bug 1171994: Use |RilSocket| to handle RIL messages on the RIL worker, r=htsai (cdbc7a3868)
- Bug 1171994: Cleanup JSAPI code of |RilConsumer|, r=htsai (eaf9623f2c)
- Bug 1207539 - Remove !JS_IsRunning(aCx) assertion from RilConsumer::ConnectWorkerToRIL; r=mrbkap (f5d20f6d75)
- missing bit of Bug 1138293 - Use malloc/free/realloc/calloc (3cdb9ee5d6)
- Bug 1140261 - Fix compiler error comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always true. r=hchang (f808fc5f09)
- Bug 1158896 - prevent dead code from being generated in lower.py; r=bent (8ebbd3109d)
- Bug 1169382 - Don't generate commented out NS_INTERFACE_CLASS or NS_ABSTRACT_CLASS in IPDL. r=billm (20fc4894c0)
- Bug 1219537 - Simplify a couple of PresContext() gets on nsIFrame/nsStyleContext. r=dholbert (cff7f8aa43)
- Bug 1223258 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in widget. r=masayuki (8682636334)
- bit of Add an nsIGfxInfo function to query monitors. (bug 1175005 partart 1) (36bb03dfb2)
- Bug 1210086 - Fix warnings caused by toolbar buttons in gtk2. r=karl (0e7f0aaba2)
- Bug 1176109 - Don't attach menu popups to menubars on GTK3. r=karlt (1cbdd6798f)
- Bug 1188138 - Prevent default buttons from being drawn twice on GTK3. r=karlt (24d3b48643)
- Bug 1189028 - Draw a toplevel popup behind popup menus on GTK3. r=karlt (6dcb65f4af)
- Bug 1160154 - Decrease padding between icons in the personal toolbar with Gtk3 by using "image-button" css style class. r=karlt (50254fd1ce)
- Bug 1073117 - Fixed Theme issues with GTK 3.14 - GtkButtons - use border style (cde1375eec)
- Bug 1168578 - Use widget state in GTK3 toggles' style context. r=karlt (2889392859)
- Bug 1198613 - Use GTK style padding for dropdown boxes in HTML. r=karlt (5e97b42105)
- Bug 1216582 - [gtk3] Scrollbar buttons not drawn correctly. r=karlt (4a7ca51f14)
- Bug 1174248 - Workaround unico theme engine resizer bug on GTK3. r=karlt (ca55b44a4a)
- Bug 1173907 - Don't use gtk_render_activity for drawing progress chunks on GTK versions above 3.13.7. r=karlt (57e97d2d55)
- Bug 1218008 - Fix progress bar rendering on the Ambiance GTK3 theme. r=karlt (5dcfff5ab5)
- Bug 1171011 - Use only document padding for MOZ_GTK_ENTRY in XUL. r=karlt (3d164c219e)
- Bug 1187385 - Use GTK style padding for entry widgets. r=karlt (f44fffb148)
- Bug 1176929 - Disable Ctrl-K in GtkEntry unless custom key bindings are (46c9b03899)
- Bug 1120490 - Take the 'GetRotateForLandscape' gfxASurface configuration into account when creating printing surfaces. r=jwatt (b259f7006a)
- Bug 1228216 - Event::GetScreenCoords incorrectly converts the coords to a CSSPoint when the widget is null r=tnikkel (9e58f9f640)
- Bug 1226872 - Stop keeping a copy of the resolution in the root scrollframe. r=roc (c168509f4d)
- Bug 1224015 - Part 1: nsLayoutUtils functions do not account for nsPresShell resolution r=tnikkel (c6a1cca145)
- Bug 1224015 - Part 2: Have nsDisplayResolution items adjust event coordinates for hit testing and dispatching to content r=tnikkel (09fad089ce)
- Bug 1224015 - Part 3: ifdef changes to C++APZ so that they only apply to single process APZ. r=tnikkel (340b30205d)
- Bug 1228597 - Remove the MOZ_SINGLE_PROCESS_APZ define. r=tn (6733cf7b4b)
- Bug 1177406, don't rely on owner to be set only on main thread, r=khuey (a31d3ee5fe)
- Bug 1221822 - Finish the WebGL texture refactor. r=kamidphish,mattwoodrow,bz (9df451d68f)
- bug 1214953 set GDK_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED/MAX_ALLOWED to specify the GTK/GDK API and suppress irrelevant deprecated warnings r=glandium (e9161dc6f4)
- Bug 1160666 - Allow per-product b2g branding. r=fabrice (8d95dfa1ea)
- Fix due to backport (900ffc0c50)
- Bug 1224490 - Don't set NSS_LIBS in the non-native NSS case. r=mshal We never use the variable in that case. Bug 1224490 - Kill LIBXUL_DIST. r=mshal (bf53e3e930)
- Bug 1175555 - Build flag to exclude hyphenation dictionaries from Android builds. r=nalexander (eb94fae1dd)
- Bug 1141534 - fix mulet nightly mozconfigs; r=bhearsum We don't want uploadsymbols or update-packaging for nightly mulet builds, but these were being set by the underlying browser mozconfigs. (1a9e4cb294)
- Bug 1137000 - Enable SDK building on nightlies; r=glandium (c28e4f9cae)
- Bug 1181040 - Include mozconfig.cache after mozconfig.common.override. r=mshal (610364f8ae)
- bug 1182519 - Put mozconfigs for cross-mac builds in tree. r=mshal (0c3768b90a)
- bug 935237 - add genisoimage+dmg binaries to tooltool manifest, use them in cross-mac mozconfig. r=gps (d0252cb263)
- bug 1203689 - Use tooltool gcc as host compiler for cross-mac builds. r=dustin (2597df48cd)
- Bug 1204068 - Update the clang used for OSX cross compiles to the latest that we use on Linux64; r=ted (0323202013)
- Bug 1204763 - Enable cross compiling the clang plugin for OS X on Linux; r=glandium (2813897f8b)
- Bug 1208787 - Enable static analysis checks by default on OSX cross builds; r=ted (9aa48ddb43)
- bug 543111 - enable Breakpad for cross-mac builds. r=glandium (1a2be876d8)
- bug 1190522 - Rewrite pkg-dmg as a Python script. r=gps (796e8ef8e1)
- bug 935237 - use libdmg-hfsplus to create DMG files during packaging on Linux. r=gps (d676c7eb8f)
- bug 543111 - add support for alternate dsymutil paths to configure, add to cross-mozconfig. r=glandium (401ec2b3a4) (9e110c81ee)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1208829 - Use the effective visible region to calculate the intermediate surface size. r=mstange (c3f8290088)
- Bug 1168263 - Annotate layers with a perspective transform. r=mattwoodrow (a79c34590c)
- Bug 1199798 - Use more generic tree traversal algorithms in APZCTreeManager. r=botond (9fede80160)
- Bug 1179287 - Skip TestTiledLayerBuffer due to Linux PGO bustage. CLOSED TREE (c8dc548010)
- Bug 1199798 - Create tests for TreeTraversal.h r=botond Move queue and stack includes outside of mozilla namespace. (37ba7ca2fe)
- Bug 1226920 - Allow calling ForEachNode() with an action returning void r=botond (8368fcecc6)
- Bug 1208829 - static_assert that IntRegionTyped is instantiated with a proper unit type. r=mstange (6acc37e149)
- Bug 1208829 - Add utilities for converting between typed and untyped regions. r=mstange (40402a2f11)
- Bug 1208829 - Rename LayerManagerComposite::ApplyOcclusionCulling to PostProcessLayers, and clean it up a bit. r=mstange (34f0bfe970)
- Bug 1208829 - Recompute visible regions during composition. r=mstange (21304a1854)
- Bug 1220873 - Make Layer::mVisibleRegion a LayerIntRegion. r=botond (5b8c30825e)
- Bug 1168263 - Introduce a helper function IntersectMaybeRects(). r=kats (71f5087b64)
- Bug 1168263 - Propagate the scroll-clip of a descendant of a layer with a perspective transform up to the layer itself. r=kats,mstange (fea1d86d5b)
- Bug 1221694 - Add a basic telemetry probe for checkerboarding. r=botond,vladan (5725e19e0d)
- Bug 1168263 - Simplify GetResultingTransformMatrix calculations to avoid unnecessary origin changes. r=roc (80368ae14f)
- Bug 1127170 - Add TYPE_RENDERS_NO_IMAGES for display item with transform type to bypass invalidation during image decode. r=mattwoodrow (f6a207ee9d)
- Bug 1168263 - Add nsDisplayPerspective and build separate layers for perspective. r=roc (b2b23687fb)
- Bug 1176453 - Do not increment the cluster counter for input elements with label. r=kats (5bc312ca59)
- Bug 1165128 - Enable zoomedview by default. r=mcomella (544b50df8b)
- Bug 1181763 - Allow the target fluffing code to fluff even when directly hitting something clickable. r=roc (6ca7dd6904)
- Bug 1188185 - Zoomed View appears when the two links are the same link. r=kats (813fca7975)
- Bug 1192075 - Change copy in Settings for Zoomed View/ magnifying glass preference. r=mcomella (8430d9a907)
- Bug 1191041 - Increase the likelihood of zoomed view triggering for small elements but decreased the likelihood for large elements. r=kats (eedeb65931)
- Bug 1208370 - Deactivate the size heuristic in cluster detection. r=mcomella (360bca3b20)
- Bug 1171731 - Ignore elements with 0 font size in cluster detection. r=kats (16d602f9d7)
- Bug 1172488 - Small clickable text nodes are wrongly detected in cluster detection process. r=kats (d87c933ae2)
- Bug 1191277 - Ensure that we don't find clusters of clickable elements when there is no possible way for the heuristic to actually target those elements. r=domivinc (50608494f9)
- Bug 1226872 - Remove unnecessary wrapper methods in nsLayoutUtils. r=roc (6fbe70a794)
- Bug 1208023 - Remove unused function. r=botond (c4f79eff8e)
- Bug 1208023 - Ensure the minimum scale is a sane value greater than zero and add a separate flag to track if the default zoom is valid. r=botond (523cd967e2)
- Bug 1225508 - Add a displayport on non-scrollable frames which have a resolution. r=botond (106045f0c9)
- Bug 1201272 - use a SkBlurImageFilter for Skia canvas shadows so we can better control composite operations. r=gwright (bca9f2a21a)
- Bug 998042 - 4-byte align Skia surfaces to interoperate with Cairo r=jrmuizel (5311a66ba1)
- Bug 1083101 - Use win32's CreateEventW instead of CreateEvent to avoid macro name collision (68f94fa48c)
- Bug 1148131 - Enable DrawTargetTiled on Android r=Bas (23f7fbca56)
- Bug 1131264 - Extend the workaround for drawing D2D circles. r=bas (67ce725cfe)
- Bug 1174922 - NativeZip does not null-terminate zip entry comparisons correctly, r=nchen (308848c1ef)
- Bug 1127464 - Assert when we unexpectedly unload libraries on Android r=glandium (d55cda6129)
- Bug 497495 late-breaking followup: s/GetAllocatedSize/GetFrameId/ in documentation, to reflect the same change having happened in code. (no review, comment-only, DONTBUILD) (f3cb3cf27c)
- Bug 1216332 - Remove framearena helpers from abstract frame classes and stop them from being instantiated. r=dbaron (5b30fe7cba)
- Bug 1178382 - Ignore overflow: -moz-hidden-unscrollable on <select size=n> listboxes. r=roc (555b7490c5)
- Bug 1197620 - Part 3: Terminate *all* animations if corresponding element style is changed to display:none. r=bbirtles (1614414c50) (7ad90a7dc7)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Pale Moon 32.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2023, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Fixed a crash in the new regular expression code.
    Added {Extended_Pictographic} unicode property escape to regular expressions.
    Fixed a regression in regular expressions for literal parsing of invalid ranges.
    Updated NSS to pick up fixes.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-25733 DiD, CVE-2023-25739 DiD and CVE-2023-0767.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 2 DiD, 14 not applicable.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2023, 22:15
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



Bugs Fixed:

- Autoshutdown was invoked in 2 minutes instead of 30.
- I didn't have coffee like everyone else did.


Bugs Fixed:

- There were a lot of visually identical notification icons in Windows tasbar history due to re-registering a new one on startup.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2023, 20:50
Whats new:>>


+ RAM usage and process count now also display microplots.

Bugs Fixed:

- Only allow single instance of the configuration dialog.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2023, 10:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Optimization for new tab page
    Fixed "sidebar could not be closed or pinned in inconigto mode" problem
    Fixed "Screen snap could not be pasted to whatsapp" problem
    Fixed "Could not search in passkeeper" problem
    Fixed "Could not switch tab context menu" problem
    Fixed some crashes

Titel: Lagrange 1.15.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2023, 19:45
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License

Whats new:>>

    Fixed handling of redirects in the inline media player and file downloader.
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed “double click on tab closed more tabs” problem

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

- Fixed "new tab page load error page" problem  [1062]

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-02-25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 20:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 7ad90a7dc7..4e6138a54f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 966986 - Part 1: Fix format of DataTransfer.getData(text/x-moz-url) and return each text and URL as a separated item on Mac. r=smichaud, vlad (4de2b9ee3f)
- Bug 966986 - Part 2: Return true from nsDragService::IsDataFlavorSupported for text/x-moz-url-desc and text/x-moz-url-data on Mac. r=smichaud, vlad (210fb284cc)
- Bug 1167834 - Fix -Wwritable-strings warnings in widget/cocoa/. r=smichaud (933fa44bb4)
- Bug 1206766 - Show meaningful module offsets in stack traces even when no symbol found. r=spohl (406e2019dc)
- Bug 1205399 - Remove some leftover Growl strings. r=mstange (44dd51e2cd)
- Bug 1205399 - OS X: Implement disabling Notifications for the site from the native notifications. r=mstange (4c5c3c3c41)
- Bug 1208685 - Dedupe alert.css and cleanup alert.js heading. r=bgrins (669f2f5347)
- Bug 1208295 - Show an additional action on OS X notifications to open notification settings. r=mstange (4562ca98f5)
- Bug 935434 - Make XUL alertNotifcations use dir/bidi parameter by setting the according css direction attribute. Set lang attribute for labels. r=jaws (0e1e045f28)
- Bug 1202933, Part 1 - Show the origin for XUL notifications. r=MattN,wchen (836ca78e53)
- Bug 1202933, Part 2 - Show the origin for OS X notifications. r=MattN,wchen (468b702443)
- Bug 1201397 - New layout of XUL Notifications. r=MattN (1133670c5d)
- Bug 1209602 - XUL: Implement disabling notifications for a site. r=MattN (980f441952)
- Bug 1218315 - Replace NS_LITERAL_STRING(...).get() with MOZ_UTF16(...) on widget. r=nfroyd (4605f28ee6)
- Bug 1221449: Add null ptr check and fix variable shadowing in OSXNotificationCenter.mm. r=spohl (6064ea34ec)
- Bug 1052776 - fix role=alert usage and ensure alert events fire, r=MattN (45cb398d87)
- Bug 1217621 - Show settings action for XUL notifications. r=jaws (9cb70137c2)
- Bug 1205172 - Do Not Disturb Button for Push Notifications on Windows. r=MattN (16b068c676)
- Bug 1219458 - Remove the notification animation until we have better transparency support. r=MattN (bcd89030e2)
- Bug 1214029 - Use double-quotes for strings in alert.js. r=MattN (a8b2a60ab6)
- Bug 1213421 - Truncate long body and title text in notifications. r=MattN (b91c55cb1b)
- Bug 1213421 - Follow-up, set the bodyText even when text is not being truncated. r=MattN (47212a10ca)
- Bug 1216161 - XUL notifications on Linux can't be closed. r=MattN (0ad4abe149)
- Bug 1218781 - Padding on the right side of notifications is missing when an icon is supplied. r=MattN (b0661b491c)
- Bug 1218785 - Remove top and bottom margins on images in notifications. r=MattN (fb5f74249c)
- Bug 1218780 - Notifications shouldn't use a hand cursor. r=MattN (be6da71ee0)
- Bug 1218789 - Close button and gear button are misaligned in notifications. r=MattN (a6d684f008)
- fix misspatch (e9a9840e80)
- Bug 1148933 - Remove old storageservice.js and tests. r=gps (6308b7230f)
- reorder (2095058419)
- Don't mix GPU adapters across processes. (bug 1183910 part 10, r=jmuizelaar) (fa313da63d)
- Don't attempt to use WARP after D3D11CreateDevice crashes. (bug 1201202, r=bas) (10d8424a75)
- Bug 1207437 (part 1) - Don't recompute Windows feature levels. r=dvander. (0b0d3c11a1)
- Bug 1207437 (part 2) - Don't re-get D3D11CreateDevice. r=dvander. It's always obtained during gfxWindowPlatform initialization and put into sD3D11CreateDeviceFn. (db99647c33)
- Bug 1207437 (part 3) - Fix and disallow warnings in gfx/thebes/. r=dvander. (4cf28c971d)
- Bug 1207437 - Extra qualification fixup. (05ab331aaa)
- Search for a matching DXGI adapter in content processes. (bug 1225283 part 2, r=jrmuizel) (c1f715dd91)
- Add IPC helpers to marshal DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC. (bug 1225283 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (932804aab6)
- Bug 1208465 - Part 1: Fix some reftest annotations. r=jrmuizel (725601b236)
- Bug 1208465 - Part 2: Disable using Direct2D when 1.1 is unavailable. r=jrmuizel (2ad1fc80bd)
- Bug 1196335 - Disambiguate the strings for scoped gfx reporter and D2D1.1. r=dvander (0cb2c1534c)
- Bug 1222569 - fix -Wformat warning in gfxWindowsPlatform.cpp; r=Bas (95f339a567)
- Bug 1195844: When checking for old DisplayLink versions, look for a few other DLLs. r=jrmuizel (8a316e876f)
- Bug 1197296. Check for errors more during bug testing. r=Bas (21405bfe27)
- Don't assume D3D11CreateDevice() gives back non-null devices. (bug 1209268, r=milan) (7208b1e52d)
- Bug 1222569 - fix initialization order in gfxWindowsPlatform.cpp; r=Bas (530f2510b7)
- Don't use Direct 2D 1.0 if Direct3D11 is using WARP. (bug 1207665 part 2, r=jmuizelaar) (a6f6aef92a)
- Bug 1207258 - Give back the ability to run direct write without D2D, but only with a *force* preference. r=dvander (283454081b)
- Bug 1097321 - Fix DoesD3D11TextureSharingWorkInternal to handle Intel/AMD configurations. r=Bas (efa1d2eeef)
- Bug 1223002 - Always call ReleaseGrFace to balance GetGrFace, even if the face is null. r=jdaggett (06cb8447ba)
- Bug 1225125: If all drawing is just clipped out anyway, just push a regular group, blending mode won't matter. r=jrmuizel (78a90991d4)
- Bug 1223440 - Implement NativePanZoomController::setIsLongpressEnabled so long-press detection can be disabled during testing. r=kats (b8e31ab26a)
- Bug 1202050 - Use UntransformTo in a few more places in APZ code. r=botond (6c43dda3c3)
- Bug 1228501 patch 1 - Remove decorations parameter to nsFont constructors. r=jdaggett (ea43ab6167)
- Bug 1228501 patch 2 - Remove nsFont::decorations member variable. r=jdaggett (57f9cc2520)
- Bug 1228501 patch 3 - Remove nsFont::BaseEquals. r=jdaggett BaseEquals and Equals were made the same by patch 2, so BaseEquals can be removed. (925a469540)
- Bug 576927 - Use saturating multiply when calculating zoomed app units to avoid integer overflow. r=roc (ab0caaa9c7)
- Bug 1228501 patch 4 - Remove nsStyleFont::CalcFontDifference, which now duplicates the list of tests in nsFont::Equals. r=jdaggett (46523eaf4c)
- Bug 1228501 patch 5 - Remove NS_FONT_DECORATION_* constants. r=jdaggett Decorations in Gecko are associated with the CSS 'text-decoration' property, so the constants should live in nsStyleConsts.h, as they largely already do (since the names defined there are the vast majority of the uses). (2895dfb610) (e4c23c8471)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- remove PM alertTime custom (911dd825ec)
- Bug 1208346 - Alert service Do Not Disturb backend. r=jaws (0047051b4e)
- Bug 1208346 - Fix manualDoNotDisturb build bustage on Android. r=bustage (39275a49bd)
- Add some shadow warnings back (64eb2adf55)
- some window fixes by Roy (72e6a9b98e)
- remove parameter of DoesD3D11DeviceWork (243dfb24f4)
- Bug 1197296. Check the error code of Map. r=bas (9debd274fd)
- Bug 1221348 - Part 1: Unify crash signatures. r=jrmuizel (80763d326d)
- Bug 1221348 - Part 2: Fix texture sharing detection code on Intel. r=jrmuizel (fb0390850d)
- Bug 1097321 - Add layers.amd-switchable-gfx.enabled pref. r=jrmuizel (3963a35cbc)
- Bug 720589 - mMatchCounts may be accessed with a nonexisting index. r=neil (fdbdd7e228)
- Bug 1224975 - add telemetry for font loading. r=m_kato (013a6e8fc7)
- Bug 1188376: Split Hello Telemetry values from general WebRTC r=jib (3887cc3201)
- Bug 1198883 - Part 1: Improve ICE candidates telemetry probes. r=bwc (2d02a3d752)
- Bug 1198883 - Part 2: Added WebRTC ICE candidates to Telemetry. r+vladan (fa8032043f)
- Bug 1201926 - Add support for keyed histograms to Fennec's Telemetry module, r=nalexander (8b96ebf026)
- Bug 1213780 - Fix Telemetry reporting repeated hang annotations for Chrome hangs. r=aklotz (afde812b08)
- Bug 1128768: Part 4 - Update telemetry to serialize BHR hang annotations; r=gfritzsche (7c1b8f5fa5)
- Bug 1215540 - Fix Telemetry reporting repeated hang annotations for Thread hangs. r=aklotz (afed35f06f)
- Bug 896740 - Limit the number of chrome-hangs reported to Telemetry. r=vladan (a37ba72225)
- missing bits of Bug 932865 - Expose thread hang stats (c19c41ae06)
- Bug 1187138 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in toolkit/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (ba92a8464f)
- Bug 1121040 - Don't send RETURN keypresses to content while a satchel autocomplete entry is selected. r=Gijs,smaug (762efd7cc8)
- Bug 1145146 - Remove offensive comment from nsFormFillController r=mak (7a6b0eb4e1)
- Bug 1136085 - Part 1 - Don't store & collect subsession histograms on mobile. r=vladan (911084001c)
- missing bits of Bug 1023461 - Add HangStack class to support internal string buffer; r=vladan (599bee2150)
- Bug 1196381 - Eliminate breakpad dependency in ThreadStackHelper; r=nfroyd r=snorp (ff8a632975)
- fix misspatch of 1157282 and 1198883 (9a216ab188)
- Bug 1034138 - a. Get native stack for permahangs in BHM; r=snorp (772970d0e0)
- Bug 1211411 - Limit the number of thread hang stats reported to Telemetry. r=vladan (fd72bc8b62)
- Bug 1219751 - Change the the depth limit of the thread hangs stack to use the 99th percentile. r=gfritzsche (fc59bd7598)
- Bug 1133521 - Enable BHR on Beta. r=vladan (2501c6a0ff)
- Bug 1219216 - Fix a wrong comment in BackgroundHangMonitor.h. r=gfritzsche (e974320361)
- bits of Bug 1134279 - Change Telemetry data producers to use the correct (d00e84b7f3)
- bits of Bug 977026 - Part 2: B2G loader (bf1208a73a)
- bug 1198450 - Firefox fails to load about:home if Firefox was installed to a folder with non-Latin name r=jimm (c4df06a69e)
- Bug 1222167 - fix initialization order in GeckoChildProcessHost; r=jld (6bad274479)
- Bug 1141693 - Build and use a PIE plugin-container on Android 5.0+. Based on a patch by Mike Hommey. r=me,glandium (78dc877aec)
- Bug 1187533 - Change how Gtk+2 plugin-container is started on Gtk+3 builds. r=billm (93c2b8a1b0)
- Bug 1063359 - Unconditionally use -Wl,--no-as-needed when building with GNU ld/gold. r=mshal (643e92ca49)
- Bug 971811 - Don't prepend an empty existing DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES path when launching the plugin. r=smichaud (c72df0073c)
- Bug 1189352: Fix NSPR_LOG_FILE with absolute paths for sandboxed child on Windows. r=bbondy (f4bb51c123)
- Bug 1189967 - Be slightly more explicit about some conversions to std::wstring. r=nfroyd (7bec611359)
- Bug 1201438: Add non-sandboxed Windows content processes as target peers for handle duplication. r=bbondy (1ca7f499e9)
- Bug 1201438 - Fixup for builds with disabled sandbox. (de125d156e)
- Bug 1165895: Add NPAPI sandbox rule for the crash server pipe and x64 Temp dir write access. r=bbondy (e9f601912d)
- Bug 1202988 - Don't use GetTempPath for flash's mms.cfg hack for low integrity. r=aklotz (b4a0d7f856)
- Bug 1225023: Allow Flash Player to create Adobe\Flash Player and Macromedia\Flash Player directories. r=bbondy (c5120afc1d)
- Bug 1218681 - add plugin-container standalone process code. The Code associate with ARCH. r=hev (03dfb21776)
- bug 1130976 - Flash context menu causes CPOW deadlock with AdBlock Plus, plugins should spin even loop in content process instead of the chrome process r=billm (52f4d33633)
- Bug 1157237: Move invocation of async NPP_New to an async task; r=jimm (7b6c1a577e)
- Bug 1175147 - Don't do threadsafety asserts for NPN_MemAlloc and friends, r=jimm (b4ce5b33ce)
- fix strange misspatch (8a96a61819)
- Bug 1219244 - use UniquePtr instead of nsAutoArrayPtr in dom/plugins/; r=aklotz (19fabc55b5)
- Bug 1155503: BrowserStreamParent should null out its NPStream pointer and we should check for it; r=jimm (eddb82b8b4)
- some crashrep stuff (bb2b046090)
- Bug 1192077 - Convert AndroidBridge JNIEnv calls; r=esawin (821453089e)
- Bug 554171 - Add plugin thread checks to functions that must only be called on the main thread. r=jimm (f2eb3822da)
- Bug 1149358: Ensure that plugin streams are not manipulated by PluginAsyncSurrogate if plugin destruction is imminent; r=jimm (6dd99c94ee)
- Bug 1198302 - Ensure that PluginAsyncSurrogate::NotifyAsyncInitFailed properly aborts any PluginAsyncSurrogate::WaitForInit calls. r=jimm (23c1fbfcfe)
- Bug 1201239 - Add a proper null check in PluginAsyncSurrogate::NotifyAsyncInitFailed; r=jimm (5d8ff9f8aa)
- Bug 1208059: Make nsNPAPIPluginInstance support WeakPtr and modify PluginAsyncSurrogate to use it; r=jimm (174a3166b1)
- Bug 1171453: Make ParentNPObjects aware of AsyncNPObject wrappers; r=jimm (92e608831d)
- Bug 1217726 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in dom/plugins. r=jimm (32db26ede8)
- Bug 1167720 - Fix invalid window ID provided to GTK3 plugin container children. r=karlt (d8c2de0c19)
- Remove Windows-specific synchronous plugin drawing code. (bug 1218688 part 1, r=jimm) (5e4b60ea33)
- Remove Linux-specific synchronous plugin drawing code. (bug 1218688 part 2, r=jimm) (edb29f27b8)
- Remove Mac-specific synchronous plugin drawing code. (bug 1218688 part 3, r=benwa) (acc6b57b23)
- Assert that we do not attempt synchronous painting of windowless Desktop plugins. (bug 1218688 part 4, r=bsmedberg) (c34094b038)
- Bug 1195472 - Call Show after Enable on puppet widgets to avoid an assertion when running crash tests. r=aklotz (405ed2c1d1)
- Add explicit keyword to AsyncScrollBase constructor to fix static analysis build (bug 1139220 part 6, r=shu) (4cc37b9a3b)
- Bug 1146561 - Add back the visibility check for Mac plugins. r=jmuizelaar (91a4a5a8e9)
- namespace (9b4919f8fa)
- Bug 1217307 - Remove some unnecessary null checks in rest of dom/. r=njn (de5d69880a)
- Bug 1225137 - Avoid crash on some platforms if scrollbar fading is enabled and the duration is set to zero. r=spohl (a16954de2f)
- Bug 1114554 - Disable NotificationStorage debug logging. r=dholbert (c2722fa4ed)
- Bug 1073551 - fix doorhangers to not steal focus unless explicitly opened using mouse or keyboard, r=jaws (be6109cf6d)
- Bug 1169629: Add-on install confirmation notification appears anchored to older dismissed anchors. r=dao (684535c7cc)
- Bug 1194706: make sure that the notification icons and doorhangers are shown in undocked chat windows too. r=Mossop (68e0ced913)
- Bug 1207089 - Telemetry for permission notifications. r=MattN,vladan (ff421236ea)
- Bug 1215526 - part 4 - make preprocess-tab-svgs.py report extra dependencies; r=glandium (98b64b5c45) (4e6138a54f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2023, 08:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Update language file
    Add back toolbar button to open list of download jobs.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    New and Improved MaxNotes
    Updated Translations
    Fixed "Sometimes could not modify Passkeeper" problem
    Fixed several known crashes

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-03-04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 19:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 4e6138a54f...35448d94ad:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1206072 - Don't call GetNextRenderTarget if CreateRenderTargetSet failed,r=vlad (323c478a5d)
- Bug 1210444 - Set DEALLOCATE_CLIENT flag for EGLImage SharedSurfaceTextureClients. r=nical (194d629af0)
- Bug 1218395 - Avoid calling AddFlags from SharedSurfaceTextureClient constructor. r=milan (335cdc86d3)
- Bug 1226000 - control may pick up its name from wrong label, r=yzen (2686bf0a50)
- bug 1213402 - add another , to fix silly string concatonation r=me landed on a CLOSED TREE (0900ea3a94)
- Bug 1189108 - Walk up tree to get LinkableAccessible actions instead of caching r=tbsaunde (3ee63b4b0b)
- Bug 1174383 - Fix bogus gfx/2d debug assertions that have side effects. r=Bas (0e47cdfd76)
- Bug 1222569 - remove unused const variables from ExtendInputEffectD2D1.cpp; r=Bas (790f7ac4ed)
- Bug 1191527 - Fix the YCbCr shaders in BlitImageToFramebuffer. r=jgilbert (68c5fcd454)
- Bug 1207153 - Restore texture binding to correct target in GLBlitHelper. r=snorp (5f199889e2)
- Bug 1178601 - Don't crash on incomplete FB. - r=jrmuizel (5bb9860bd3)
- Bug 1164088 - Avoid IsFramebuffer assertion on Android emulator; r=jgilbert (2eaed192af)
- Bug 1213431. Support using Core profile for WebGL2 on Linux. r=jgilbert (8cfa018ec7)
- Bug 1209612 - Formalize client vs display EGL exts, and don't check client exts on ANDROID due to topcrash. - r=jrmuizel,snorp (0e98415c39)
- Bug 1186431. Backout "Recreate the RenderTargetView on demand" r=jgilbert (90ff243064)
- Bug 1213339 - Fix logic in WantsSmallTiles. r=nical (7c0e4c4d7d)
- Bug 1212664 - Perform y-inversion correctly when dumping compositor surface. r=jrmuizel (01963dd49d)
- Bug 1223540 - Add a pref for CGL's multithreaded mode (EMPEngine). r=jrmuizel (53b6cf04bd)
- Bug 1133527. Fallback to software vsync on android. r=kats (40207086ae)
- Bug 1200098 - patch 3 - Pass the gr_nobidi flag when shaping with graphite2, as we split text into unidirectional runs ahead of time. r=jdaggett (4de177c3fe)
- Bug 1226801 - None of the GCHashMap users require movable keys; r=fitzgen (0f4c2e7cd7)
- Bug 1226687 - Part 1: Export a GCPolicy usable by JS::Heap; r=fitzgen (cf5466239a)
- Bug 1226687 - Part 2: Use stable hashing and builtin sweep for JSObject2JSObjectMap; r=mccr8 (4c68f76048)
- Bug 1224418 - Functions directly scoped under non-syntactic scopes should be considered cloneable. (r=billm) (9efd091f1d)
- No Bug - Remove two unused, orphan variables; r=sfink (1e2191c4c2)
- Bug 1223990 - Cleanly throw errors in self-hosted code. (r=till) (6f25a3bd3e)
- Bug 1132183 - Make |this| a real binding, remove lazy this computation. r=efaust,shu (c1e39487a2)
- Bug 1221844 - Part 1: TraceLogger: Move TraceLogger_Invalidation to LOG_ITEM. r=h4writer (c2bbb7edd8)
- Bug 1221844 - Part 2: TraceLogger: Add some debug checks to logTimestamp. r=h4writer (9ee099bd8b)
- Bug 1223636: Tracelogger - Don't treat extraTextId as containing only extra ids, r=bbouvier (bad93df318)
- Bug 1224123 - "Tracelogger: fix the use of LastEntryId in tracelogger.h". r=hv1989 (2cf9a30cf1)
- Bug 1205893 - Eliminate vanilla memory allocations in Debugger-vixl. r=sstangl (56a3e3d37b)
- Bug 1205893 - Remove vanilla allocations in ARM64 simulator. r=sstangl Use js_malloc/js_free and js_new/js_delete where appropriate. (5da0ec44b3)
- Bug 1208674 - part 1: Add ToggleCall assertions. r=sstangl Assert that the ToggleCall() function does not overwrite any unexpected instructions. (cfb5c4be1a)
- Bug 1208674 - Fix ToggleCall to handle constant pools. r=sstangl Handle constant pools inserted anywhere, even at the initial pointer location. Don't attempt handling constant pools with natural guard branches. They are not relevant here (and actually never generated currently). (cd025860b4)
- Bug 1208259 - Handle OOM in the ARM64 VIXL Simulator. r=sstangl Make the Simulator creation robust against OOM stress tests. Now passes jsapitests testNewRuntime. (92a26871eb)
- Bug 1219050 - Update VIXL helper code to v1.10. r=jolesen (7e57b34e76)
- Bug 1227263 part 1 - Rename frame thisValue methods to thisArgument. r=shu (5818076931)
- Bug 1227263 part 2 - Remove this-slot from generators. r=efaust (c89453a7ce)
- Bug 1227263 part 3 - Remove this-slot from non-function frames. r=efaust (c2dd744cca)
- Bug 1207571 r=jandem a=abillings (461bb9213f)
- Bug 1108290 - introduce machine-independent definitions of sub32. r=nbp (2906131e4d)
- Bug 1226799 - De-duplicate the 11 Is[BuiltinName] self-hosting intrinsics with templates. r=arai (50bcb68306)
- No Bug - Fix accumulated unified build bustage in the JS shell; r=sfink (dbf8db9215)
- Bug 1227535 - Add ZoneAllocPolicy and use it to attribute module memory usage to the zone r=terrence (63127682a9)
- Bug 1227555 - Force specialization of JSObject::is() for ProxyObject subclasses r=shu (95b6dc79f8)
- Bug 1201620 - Follow up: add a missing null check in js::SavedFrame::isSavedFrameOrWrapperAndNotProto; r=terrence (f2b6cc4751)
- Bug 1226936 - Remove PreserveRegExpStatics and telemetry for it. r=till (6ca85fb1ea)
- Bug 1221747 - Fix OOM handling in IonScriptCounts r=nbp (aea5012869)
- Bug 1094057 - Violations of "use strict"; should generate errors, not warnings, r=jorendorff (627a9def4c) (0cf4874c58)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1213732 part 1 - SM LCov: Report both side of the branches. r=bhackett (fa8634e097)
- Bug 1213732 part 2 - SM LCov: Check that fallthrough branches are correctly counted. r=bhackett (8019439dbd)
- Bug 1213732 part 3 - SM LCov: Add code coverage support for TableSwitch statements. r=bhackett (f4268ea156)
- Bug 1219166 - SM LCov: Prevent reporting empty compartments, and empty runtimes. r=bhackett (179e8bf6bc)
- Bug 1213735 - LCov: Rely on the GC finalizers to visit all JSScripts. r=bhackett (43d6cbd245)
- Bug 1220693 - Lazily trigger ICU default-time-zone recreation only at the instant where the new default time zone is going to be used, rather than every time the time zone might have changed, as apparently ICU's default-time-zone computation is a lot of work. r=till (d69ef1cee8)
- Bug 1220693 - Put the needs-update status of the ICU default time zone behind a spinlock, as the simplest/stupidest possible thing that works. r=sfink (4f947b60c4)
- pointer style (9f661bbcc4)
- Bug 1226896 - Fix OOM handling related to script counts r=nbp (f86a1ebb7b)
- Bug 1210554 - Change representation of unbound Label linked lists. r=sstangl (ca194528af)
- Bug 1211150 - ARM: Adding 'explicit' keyword on the FloatRegister constructors; r=nbp (80297dd9e8)
- Bug 1223355: Common out constant pool generation code on x86/x64; r=sunfish (10b65c3ecd)
- Bug 1181612: Merge macro assemblers; r=luke (ebbce8bfef)
- Bug 1181612: Add MIR generation and code generation to off-thread compilation; r=luke (e4540062a1)
- Bug 1181612: Make CompileInfo a const class; r=luke (e8b2e2cb56) (f411e749b5)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225605: Describe the SIMD type descriptors in terms of a concept; r=jolesen (dc938099ad)
- Bug 1225605: Rename SIMD descriptors toType -> Cast, setReturn -> ToValue, and remove one-argument toType; r=jolesen (b74a4e702e)
- Bug 1225605: Remove non standard SIMD.Int{32x4,16x8,8x16}.bool; r=jolesen (c533d96fdd)
- Bug 1225605: Store SIMD type descriptors on the global SIMD object rather than on the global; r=jolesen (b4ad3e2b39)
- Bug 1221285 - Part 1: Add "-S" option to disassemble() to omit source notes from the output. Not strictly necessary, but convenient. r=efaust. (a74a46dff9)
- Bug 1213111 - Extract progressbar from jittest's process_test_results; r=sfink (fa9e6737b5)
- Bug 1213127 - Switch jit-tests over to using jstest's task runner; r=sfink (87baae32c5)
- Bug 1213129 - Share worker count derivation code between jit and js test suites; r=sfink (be70b49724)
- Bug 1218587 - Add -G option for running jit-tests under rr. r=terrence (110fa2d1c2)
- Bug 1215063 - Add jit-tests support for running a test as a module and add some tests r=shu (82006f2b11)
- Bug 1213133 - Remove jit-test's legacy multiprocessing and serial task runners; r=sfink (f1f1e06695)
- Bug 1221285 - Part 2: Test harness support for --test-reflect-stringify. r=efaust. (6f835487d3)
- Bug 1195198 - Octane: Restore run.js broken by Bug 1179063. r=terrence (0346782401)
- Bug 1225908 - SimdTypeToLaneType. r=bbouvier (f3782f5fa8)
- Bug 1226445: SharedStubs - Keep track of the pushed frames correctly in GetPropCallNative, r=jandem (89deea6955)
- Bug 1228259 - jitspew is #ifdef JS_JITSPEW not DEBUG. r=h4writer (cf6ef8b871)
- missing bits of Bug 1231224 part 6 - Handle Vector OOM in some copy constructors. r=bhackett (29af1bfd2f)
- Bug 1147430 - Optimize load followed by unbox. r=jandem (a4c17ed873)
- Bug 1225908 - SimdTypeToArrayElementType. r=bbouvier (a31ecf633d)
- Bug 1132183 followup - Bump smallFunctionMaxBytecodeLength to 120. r=h4writer (008b612d7b)
- Bug 1132183 followup - Bump inlineMaxCalleeInlinedBytecodeLength to 3350. r=h4writer on IRC (6ca0102c81)
- Bug 1221421 - Fix Ion JSPropertyOp getter stub. r=bz (d1d8e07432)
- Bug 1222905 - Fix some issues related to Ion's AddSlot IC code. r=bhackett (77edef4115)
- Bug 1226732 - Use stable hashing and builtin sweeping for ipc::ObjectIdMap; r=billm (155058eb41)
- Bug 1226888 - Remove an incorrect assertion about store buffer state; r=jandem (69f16b9526)
- Bug 1227774 - Encapsulate markCompartments logic; r=jonco (33f0fd5fe5) (746e6ca3e6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225821 - Add type write barrier to SetPropertyIC dense element stub. r=bhackett (09c2b77da6)
- Bug 1222917 - Fix register allocation in GenerateCallSetter. r=bhackett (a6e0ecd82c)
- Bug 1219883 - Fix Ion typed array stub to handle constant string index. r=efaust (b568a7729c)
- Bug 1215688 - Remove unused path in Ion's BindNameIC. r=jandem (b63444a595)
- Bug 1224883: Only lazy linking from jit code expects to have valid jit code afterwards, r=jandem (327a96a3ef)
- Bug 1108290 - remove machine-specific definitions of sub32. r=nbp (07b788b0c9)
- Bug 1226277 - fix MSVC warning with a cast. r=bbouvier (23e7499d43)
- Bug 1224710 - Fix OOM handling bugs revealed by new testcase r=bbouvier (8e3912dcfd)
- Bug 1210554 - Add testAssemblerBuffer to jsapi-tests. r=sstangl (6aa5a5e95c)
- Bug 1210554 - Implement BranchDeadlineSet. r=nbp (510ca413ca)
- Bug 1210554 - Implement constant pool test. r=nbp (e67a359337)
- Bug 1210554 - Add PatchShortRangeBranchToVeneer(). r=nbp (2611009dd2)
- Bug 1210554 - Fix unified build breakage. r=sfink (b418fe43e5)
- Bug 1210554 - Wire up branchDeadlines_ partially. No Asm callbacks yet. r=nbp (cb613e7b58)
- Bug 1210554 - Handle toggled calls in CodeFromJump(). r=sstangl (d55a5e89ef)
- Bug 1210554 - Add enum ImmBranchRangeType. r=sstangl (bcadf88269)
- Bug 1210554 - Dynamically track short-range branches. r=sstangl (c8cca36e65)
- Bug 1225859 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Fix branchTestBoolean(Address) missing. r=jandem (5498faee06)
- Bug 1222640 - Fix truncated Simulator return values. r=jandem (97721fa467)
- Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Implement atomics in MacroAssembler. r=lth (150529e06b)
- Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement atomics in Lowering. r=lth (22ae53fd14)
- Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement atomics in CodeGenerator. r=lth (8083eccc07)
- Bug 1213743 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Import MIPS64 support into CodeGenerator-mips-shared. r=arai (548fe7f3ee)
- Bug 1209553 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Add suffix 'f' for constant float32. r=arai (9902d4652a)
- Bug 1209962 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Memory barrier optimization. r=lth (96c39a94e9)
- Bug 1215999 - ARM64: Remove unnecessary float registers definitions. r=jolesen (199a27685c)
- Bug 1207827 - Remove ARM64 temporary offset buffers. r=nbp (66d20a6c55)
- Bug 1217606 - Handle OOM in Assembler::emitExtendedJumpTable(). r=sstangl (7e67cbd4f2)
- Bug 1207827 - Fix ARM64 OOM bugs in Assembler::bind(). r=nbp (b3aa93f7db)
- Bug 1155473 - Make arm-sim-osx SpiderMonkey shell build work on automation. r=sfink (85421372e7)
- Bug 1225605: Make the dependency between SimdTypeDescr::Type and the SimdTypes/SimdLanes arrays clearer; r=jolesen (9d96ba8b8e)
- Bug 1225605: Simplify SimdTypeDescr::size()/alignment() and remove a macro; r=jolesen (bea72c1836)
- Bug 1224974 - fix GTK shaped window drawing. r=bas (8fd0aa180d)
- Bug 1226152 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Make sure the frame pushed are set correctly for ion vmcalls. r=h4writer (9ff4f3fcbb)
- Bug 1148235. Cleanup the state that we maintain in SimplifyOutwardByArea. r=ehsan (fc2472f0fa)
- Bug 1185840 - Make nsRegion::ToString() print string literal. r=roc (f82daa9b6e)
- Bug 1136557 - pt 1 - Ignore bogus ascent/descent values in 'vhea' table. r=smontagu (e0f17faff8)
- Bug 1136557 - pt 2 - Round maxDescent similarly to maxAscent in nsFontMetrics. r=smontagu (b1effc999b)
- Bug 1196355: WriteAppNote should use function parameter. r=benwa (0ce7d33286)
- Bug 1195152. Pass correct YUV type when converting shared YUV image to RGB. r=nical (133dc40c35)
- Bug 852814 - Move the last remaining EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS to moz.build. r=gps (5ca3d2b687)
- Bug 319030: remove fossil support for RACE encoding and multilingual test bed from IDN code, r=jfkthame (3d76161522)
- Bug 321491: Refactor error handling in nsIDNService, r=mcmanus (32aae2327f)
- Bug 479520: Implement IDNA2008 standard for International Domain Names, patch 1: build system changes, r=ted; code changes, r=jfkthame (0a41d31c03)
- Bug 479520: Implement IDNA2008 standard for International Domain Names, patch 2: changes to existing tests, r=jfkthame. (4697b86b73)
- Bug 1221453 - Use AbsolutePaths with LOCAL_INCLUDES instead of manual -I in CXXFLAGS. r=gps (e714580566)
- Bug 1201468: Map UErrorCode to nsresult, r=jfkthame (9d6cf0fe20)
- Bug 479520: Implement IDNA2008 standard for International Domain Names, patch 3: test for transitional processing and CONTEXTJ, r=jfkthame. (179ba01cbc)
- Bug 1218179: move from transitional to non-transitional IDNA2008 processing, r=jfkthame (d76a053f00)
- Bug 1197923 - Use channel->Open2() in intl/strres/nsStringBundle.cpp (r=sicking) (bc34312da8)
- Bug 1205153 - Use channel->Open2() in intl/strres/nsStringBundleTextOverride.cpp (r=sicking) (2ac5e3b920) (35448d94ad)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2023, 19:20
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.3.6.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2023, 18:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.15.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2023, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed crash when trying to open a tab, New Identity dialog, or the Identity menu when the Preferences window is focused.
    Fixed potential crash if switching focus to a widget being dismissed (e.g., popup going away).
    Fixed text input becoming unresponsive when focus switches from a popup being dismissed to a new popup.
    Fixed closing the Preferences window with Ctrl+W or ?W.
    Fixed unnecessary page layout update when closing Preferences.
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-03-11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2023, 09:01
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 35448d94ad...33f0551ea5:
- lineContainer can be NULL in nsIFrame::InlinePrefISizeData::ForceBreak(), workaround it to fix crash when loading https://football.kulichki.net/england/ (40afff632d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 599328 - Clicking a label shouldn't draw a focus ring if clicking the control wouldn't have. r=enndeakin (fe391aecaa)
- Bug 1221947 - part 1: add BYTOUCH flag to nsIFocusManager, r=jaws,smaug IGNORE IDL (41b191e6f1)
- Bug 1192573 - Require tablet-mode (Win10+) to show the on-screen keyboard. r=masayuki (9244e1d044)
- Bug 1197722 - Respect Win10 pref about bringing up the touch keyboard outside of tablet mode. r=masayuki (00e20db670)
- Bug 1210033 - Add on-screen keyboard diagnostic information to about:support. r=masayuki r=felipe (0101168557)
- Bug 1211805 - rework keyboard detection for on-screen keyboard, r=jaws (d6eee8e170)
- Bug 1221947 - part 2: add TOUCH cause to IME Handling and use it to avoid checking for a keyboard, r=masayuki (b39ad48728)
- Bug 1221947 - part 3: pass touch information to focus manager in RenderFrameParent, r=kats (84bbf77326)
- Bug 1229258: Implement dummy asmMergeWith/retargetWithOffset functions in none backend; r=h4writer (cb7c19dbfa)
- Bug 1210577. Remove useless virtual keyword from ScrollFrameHelper::ComputeScrollClip. r=mstange (5c40b8bd98)
- Bug 1177505 - Make all continuations fluid within non-bidi paragraphs. r=smontagu (6d7956c20f)
- Bug 1216096: restore previous RTL caret behaviour by backout of bug 1164963, bug 1177505, and bug 1180417. r=jfkthame (11d974c609)
- Bug 1157752 - In vertical writing modes, text-orientation:upright should force LTR directionality. r=smontagu (b8843ce65e)
- Bug 1002466 - Use SK_ScalarNearlyZero instead of 0.0f to render dots r=mattwoodrow (79406a8ce9)
- Bug 1214309 - nudge zero dash intervals to be non-zero under Skia. r=jmuizelaar (b781a0c63a)
- Bug 1208234: Stop the null pointer crash. r=bas (e7fb7f56ad)
- Bug 1202317. Bail out early if RequestRect is going to do redundant work. r=mstange (cc85741516)
- Bug 1167026 - Avoid division by zero when flattening a bezier curve segment with equal control points. r=bas (11e036081a)
- Bug 1166879. Avoid uninitialized read in FlattenBezier. r=mstange (893177de38) (f3497a0291)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1193786 - crash in mozilla::dom::Element::FindAttrValueIn, r=marcoz (1f03b9594f)
- bug 1172516 - fix firing caret move events for proxied accessibles r=lsocks (6a62915a27)
- Bug 582024 - ARIA active-descendant should work for ARIA owned elements, r=yzen (4fc7049fe1)
- Bug 1212457 - crash at ARIARowAccessible::GroupPosition(), r=marcoz (dd058e3dcd)
- bit of 1139049 (ae765adc6a)
- Bug 1221542, bug 1221543 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::SeizeChild/PutChildrenBack, r=davidb (8a35b14523)
- Bug 1105611 - HyperTextAccessible should set DOM range outside of pseudo elements r=surkov (19e2cf65cd)
- Bug 1177765 - Add xmlroles for MathML. r=surkov (381201ae27)
- Bug 1176683 - crash in mozilla::a11y::HyperTextAccessible::LandmarkRole() const, r=marcoz (f3fd977d35)
- Bug 1176123 - Add NODE_CHILD_OF/NODE_PARENT_OF relations to mroot. r=surkov (36f08faa15)
- Bug 1179483 - Fix crash in mozilla::a11y::HyperTextAccessible::RelationByType. r=MarcoZ (fec7fde5b3)
- Bug 1177765 - Make nsIMathMLFrame expose the fence and separator properties of operators. r=karlt (91e45d9980)
- Bug 1139709. Cache nsMathMLContainerFrame's intrinsic width. r=mats (ac40d07d89)
- code style (c5f50fc0c3)
- Bug 1226875 - Remove nsIFrame::GetLastChild(). r=mats (9b88566b77)
- pointer style (6a5b9599f4)
- Bug 1177093 - mathfont.properties does not need to be preprocessed after Bug 1000745 r=fred.wang (d114e285a1)
- Bug 1224951 - Part 2: Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in layout. r=dholbert (5854ee5e3e)
- Bug 1141443 - Remove unused rpcns4 from OS_LIBS. r=mshal (1a5ccc985b)
- bug 1218762 - proxy ia2Accessible::scrollTo{,Point}() r=davidb (db1db8e703)
- Bug 1182208 - Add support for android scrolling and range accessibility actions. r=mfinkle r=yzen (29df38ee29)
- Bug 1144516 - Remove offset of mozbrowser iframe. r=yzen (c7473a8feb)
- Bug 1176292 - Send 'toggle-shade' control event to content on 3 finger triple tap. r=yzen (536932619a)
- Bug 1182222 - Make Layerview support accessibility HTML navigation. r=yzen r=mfinkle (2beb411989)
- Bug 1203697 - Add braille navigation. r=yzen r=mfinkle (d5a513e79e)
- Bug 1209054 - Make 2 finger tap toggle pause speech. r=yzen (28bc8c16a6)
- Bug 1214398 - Add highlight box to doc body if it is available and set z-index. r=yzen (9cca205849)
- Bug 1182214 - Update highlight rect as you scroll. r=yzen (6d2738366a)
- Bug 1182214 - Follow-up to fix Presentation.displayedAccessibles getter. r=me CLOSED TREE (6dd8ec3652)
- Bug 1212528 - ensuring first seen document in ancestry is announced first. r=marcoz (fb8e9bc406)
- Bug 1217038 - Remove for-each and legacy array comprehension from accessible/. r=yzen (810590b5d3)
- Bug 1220860 - fixing an error with getting documentElement on AccessFu stop. r=eeejay (4a35fabc3d)
- Bug 1169019 - Removed screenreader announcement from gecko. r=yzen (2b1732cddc)
- Bug 1211122 - ensuring that we check position against an actual doc/dialog on doc load event. r=marcoz (78b7cc8a77)
- Bug 1019432 - [AccessFu] Only capture explore by touch events in Android. r=yzen (eee4b09c72)
- Bug 1182311 - Make 3 finger triple tap more reliable. r=yzen (7cf926a839)
- Bug 1201146 - Introduce "Section" traversal rule. r=yzen (253d53ec8d)
- Bug 1203283 - Introduce Android "Control" traversal rule. r=yzen (4d14ffa973) (e0e84a7434)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1216851 - Allow flattening of opacity when it contains text. r=roc (f62dead4b9)
- Bug 1219833 - Respect composition underline color; r=masayuki nsTextFrame didn't use the composition underline color if the composition didn't have a foreground color defined. This patch makes it use the underline color if foreground color is not defined. (02bcedf5fb)
- Bug 1211085 - Disable global reuse on b2gdroid r=khuey (a4bfc7c4e1)
- Bug 1206817 - Take ownership of error reporting in the component loader. r=bz (d8b9b02dfb) (40ee015dc8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1172382 - Enable AccessibleCaret on B2G. r=roc (f5c58c2798)
- remove duplicated (8823cc4a43)
- Bug 1219310 - part 1 - ask the prefs file for its size directly; r=njn (93073cbc5e)
- Bug 1219310 - part 2 - keep track of how much pref file we have read; r=njn (6a2a10a8b1)
- Bug 1213123 - Make Preferences::SetString accept char16ptr_t instead of char16_t*. r=froydnj (a895a36861)
- Bug 1216901 - Make the FasterMake backend reticulate splines when moz.build or jar.mn files are modified. r=mshal (ed4ec93b18)
- Bug 1219122 - Move webapprt.ini definition to moz.build. - Add corresponding webpprt files. (da6bc91b5c)
- Bug 1219126 - Move greprefs.js definition in moz.build. r=mshal (52f404c935)
- code style (1b1e543834)
- Bug 1162690 - Remove malformed uri warning in nsURLParser::ParseURL r=mcmanus (8534fcebb7)
- Bug 1163028 - URL: stop escaping [ and ] in path r=mcmanus (f2f3deec40)
- Bug 1163030 - URL: stop escaping ` in query r=mcmanus (17d6c07640)
- Bug 1191423 - Disallow illegal characters in cookies set via HTTP. r=jduell (b1786d140f)
- Bug 1210235 - Skip package verification if pref out or no signature. The package would be treated unsigned. r=valentin (63870dd7ef)
- Bug 1216062 - Notify OnStartSignedPackagedRequest with package identifier. r=valentin. (81a14af3db)
- Bug 1214079 - Doom the package cache if the signature verification failed. r=valentin (83824c2d5d)
- Bug 1178448 - Use imported CA in developer mode. r=keeler,valentin (b9cf64b477)
- Bug 1216469 - Bypass verification for signed packages from trust origins. r=valentin (a36d0a6d2f)
- Bug 1218284 - Match signed packages' with trust origin without suffix. r=valentin (45529dc7df)
- Bug 412457 - should unescape hostname first, then perform IDNA r=mcmanus (23ebe47574)
- Bug 1217316 - Remove for-each from netwerk/. r=jduell (8d0ca69e9e)
- Bug 1208847 - Add telemetry to measure how often secure cookies are set from non-secure origins r=mcmanus (57ecf3651d)
- Bug 1165267 - Part 1: Replace appId and inBrowser by originAttributes v2. r=honzab (7710301407)
- Bug 1165267 - Fix downgrading issue by restoring appId and inBrowserElement columns v3. r=honzab (3e8b8e4dfb)
- Bug 1221049 - Use originAttributes from TabContext. r=kanru (5eaebe3b28)
- Bug 1197944 - Change pref so that the http auth dialog is presented for sub resources as well. r=jduell (e3a7e2a1a7)
- Bug 1202421 - Rename the network.auth.allow-subresource-auth pref. r=michal (87e29e1fdf)
- Bug 1213577 - Use OriginAttributes in nsHttpAuthManager, r=mcmanus (33d0a25ac4)
- Bug 961049 - Part 1: Remove unused members and methods; r=baku (0f3e6de06b) (33f0551ea5)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2023, 19:15
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Added new gesture command to show/hide bookmark bar
    Optimized UX of maxnote, fixed sync problem
    Optimazed address bar auto-compelete feature
    Fixed super D&D could not work problem

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2023, 19:40
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



New Features:

! In addition to appearing on hot key press, Picker supports three modes. Silent - never pop up. Conflict - pop up if there are multiple matches (current and default mode). Always - always pop up regardless of any conditions.


+ Autoshutdown is now off by default by popular demands.

Bugs Fixed:

- Corporate Grey theme was always turning on Cherry.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2023, 18:10
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Updated the preview pane to display webp image files.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2023, 11:40
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Fix crash when going full screen with side panel on.

Titel: Lagrange 1.15.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2023, 19:20
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Added several new translated languages: Azerbaijani, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Korean, Persian, Polish, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. (LibreTranslate server was upgraded to v1.3.10.)
    Added "Auto-detect" as the default source language for translation.
    Added option to skip preformatted blocks when translating a page.
    Fixed translation of link lines. Only the link label is now translated.
    Fixed lines on translated pages sometimes shifting position and getting the wrong line types.
    Fixed handling of redirects when fetching subscribed feed pages.
    Fixed saving the "Split view pinning" setting so it doesn't reset when relaunching the app.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: URL Disabler 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2023, 18:45
Conserve bandwidth and make sure that you or other using the computer do not access unwanted content using this simple application.


Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2023, 09:40
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added 'Sort By' toolbar button.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-03-18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2023, 18:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 33f0551ea5...393bc6639f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1168263 - Exclude perspective transforms from the transform used to convert from screen coordinates to an APZC's coordinate space. r=kats (dab02eb359)
- Bug 1225950 - Remove unnecessary parameter from SetNeedsComposite. r=mchang (0fb6099bd5)
- Bug 1225950 - Make mNeedsComposite a counter rather than a boolean. r=mchang (4d46dba314)
- Bug 1225950 - Force a composite if we have requested one but haven't gotten a vsync in a while. r=mchang (06f0d4553e)
- Bug 1221697 - Add a telemetry probe for time-to-composite. r=kats (c333e2ea87)
- Bug 1213120 - Ensure we don't try to use an uninitialized map. r=BenWa (99069b78fe)
- Bug 1228133 - Guard against a race condition that could result in an illegal pointer access. r=BenWa (65e1393908)
- update, mostly shadow warnings (5ca9c8ec0c)
- Bug 1119106 - Increase the radio button rendering bottom margin on 10.10 so that the button hits its frame more accurately. r=smichaud (2b55533095)
- Bug 1221451: Don't pass nil when an argument is required. r=spohl (7adfcf2543)
- Bug 1153579 - Fix -Wpointer-bool-conversion warning by removing null check of an array address. r=mstange (8c7ad82e8f)
- Bug 1204620 - Don't prepend 'image.' to CUIDraw image names on 10.11. r=stefanh (9a4794ecd4)
- Bug 1181289 - Specify size: small when drawing small scrollbars with CoreUI. r=smichaud (e75bff6036)
- Bug 1138359 - Make the margins of native-themed Cocoa buttons aware of writing mode. r=smontagu (49afef0f00)
- Bug 1220358 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warnings in widget/cocoa. r=spohl (720c720afc)
- fixup widget/ios from EventMessage change (no bug, NPOTB) (ab33d61f95)
- Bug 1217818 - Add support for the mHandledByAPZ flag on touch events as well. r=botond (d4658c671a)
- Bug 1209772 - 'mozregression was installed. please re-run your command.' when running ./mach mozregression. r=ahal (5febef290b)
- Bug 1204787 - Add |mach power|. r=glandium. (5a0d84f480)
- Bug 1214924 - Add "WindowServer" and "kernel" processes to |mach power|'s output. r=BenWa. (89c3a515f7)
- Bug 1197694 - fflush() rapl output so it always appears immediately. r=erahm. (052568f395)
- Bug 1194560 (follow-up) - Only build rapl on Linux if the arch is x86 or x86-64. r=glandium. (0101937ffa)
- Bug 1198137 - Add some summary stats to tool/power/rapl's output. r=erahm. (53052f366b)
- Bug 1198137 (follow-up) - Add a missing #include to unbreak Mac OS builds on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (27862d34ff)
- Bug 1203834 - Fix's rapl's handling of unsupported power domains. r=glandium. (facb022467)
- Bug 1203811 - Clarify two error messages in tools/power/rapl. r=heycam. (07a6bb847e)
- Bug 1201811 (part 1) - Don't use integer arithmetic when summing totals in rapl. r=erahm. (57a1de1376)
- Bug 1201811 (part 2) - Don't print distribution stats if there was only 1 sample. r=erahm. (e5c085a4df)
- Bug 1222887 - Suppress -Wunreachable-code warning in tools/power. r=njn (4fbbbe81e1)
- Bug 1222352 - Resource Timing - nextHopProtocol does not work in e10s r=nwgh (57029cf33d)
- Bug 1211636 - use ToInteger64 in PopulateFromSuffix. r=bholley (d67e5fe9d1)
- Bug 961049 - Part 2: Remove Utilities.h; r=baku (3c09679a40)
- Bug 961049 - Part 3: Move PersistenceType serializer from indexedDB to quota module; r=baku (021478905a)
- Bug 1186809 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/quota/ with iterators. r=janv. (8933726851)
- Bug 1186809 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/quota/ with iterators. r=janv. (cb7c6f27dc)
- Bug 1186809 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/quota/ with iterators. r=janv. (1ded98347c)
- Bug 1187151 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=khuey. (a409e8590e)
- Bug 1187151 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/base/ with iterators. r=janv. (bd4fe93dfc)
- Bug 1187151 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (de0f2dda26)
- Bug 1187151 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (e72d744118)
- Bug 1187151 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (18eddd5225)
- Bug 1187151 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (36fb6272e1)
- Bug 1187151 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (594438d35f)
- Bug 1187151 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (d8de2742d8)
- Bug 1187151 (part 9) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (d2b4a29111)
- missing namespace (0b0453cc40)
- Bug 1187701 - add_task function for mochitest chrome and plain; r=jmaher (1c31a40c7c)
- Bug 1223831 - SpecialPowers API to create files in an e10s-compatible way. r=jmaher,baku (a04646cb50)
- Bug 1178526 - Create docshell with packageId from TabContext. r=sicking. (c89edfc7ab)
- Bug 1217694 - Signed package should come from the moz-package-origin specified in its manifest. r=valentin (705aeae07a)
- Bug 1225422 - Update the PrivilegedPackageRoot certificate. r=keeler (2a90eed63c)
- Bug 1204301 - HttpChannelParent needs to be able to GetInterface to an nsIPrompt. r=billm. (4937a2fbbe) (f7d677cddd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1209162 - Create OriginAttributes subtypes. IGNORE IDL r=sicking. (c2cbe04ef3)
- Bug 1220570 - Potential cookie lost while downgrading from Aurora 44 to 43. r=jduell (1a0111c842)
- Bug 1217456: Add a security flag for controlling redirects. Use this flag in fetch() implementation. r=bkelly,jduell (79d449e479)
- Bug 1112040 - Add a mochitest. r=bholley (566a05f720)
- Bug 1171215 - Compute third-partyness in the loadinfo instead of nsIHttpChannelInternal so that other protocols correctly respect the third-party cookie pref. r=sicking/ckerschb (06f7a10a83)
- better backport of Bug 485941 - Stack overflow using overly-deep XML tree (DoS). r=bzbarsky (ac43feeffa)
- Bug 1182546 - Use channel->Open2() in parser/htmlparser/nsExpatDriver.cpp (r=bz) (42768f373a)
- Bug 1163435 part 1 - [css-grid][css-flexbox] Propagate an explicit CB width/height to the reflow state to resolve percentage lengths for grid items properly. Resolve percent against the size in the same axis for abs.pos. children too. r=dholbert (a55463fb05)
- Bug 1163435 part 2 - tests. (bb683c5fc6)
- Bug 1223282 - Make NS_AUTOMARGIN be a different value than NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE to avoid having clamped huge margin values be interpreted as auto margins. r=roc (4cdfe0f277)
- Bug 1224230 - Explicitly store the lineContainer's writing mode in InlineIntrinsicISizeData. r=dbaron (6474515223)
- Bug 1221043. Revert to including trailing whitespace for accessibility APIs. r=marcoz,mats (406018c163)
- Bug 1227113 - Fix some indentation issues in ServiceWorkerManager, r=janv (2b343bde09)
- Bug 1223116 P1 Expose nsIServiceWorkerManager.shouldReportToWindow(). r=catalinb (02899e429d)
- Bug 1226441 - Part 1: Add wpt test verifying fetch event waits for activate to complete; r=catalinb (e8eb3e6e7a)
- Bug 1209865 - Add gecko profiler marker when mark() of User Timing API is called. r=baku (f48d76e395)
- Bug 1169068 - Performance.translateTime(), r=bz (38cd1c31b2)
- Bug 1226441 - Part 2: Delay functional event dispatch until service worker is activated; r=catalinb (778cd3dd24)
- Bug 1178233 - [non-e10s] The update process doesn't work within about:serviceworkers in non-e10s mode. Test. r=baku (4f8b6f53f8)
- Bug 1188545 - Disable unstable test: test_aboutserviceworkers.html. a=testonly (4bbe106693)
- Bug 1219255 - We should be able to attach to a service worker;r=amarchesini (0d6b71b4ec)
- Bug 1222464 - Part 2: Implement FetchEvent.clientId; r=jdm (9c8abd62dd)
- Bug 1218150 - Mark the members of Clients as NewObject; r=bzbarsky (b6b00a586c)
- Bug 1222464 - Part 3: Implement Clients.get(); r=jdm (f5ca60d801)
- Bug 1222464 - Part 1: Save a client ID for top-level navigations on the docshell and assign it as the document ID when we start loading the document; r=jdm (7dcb5ce2b6)
- Bug 1218141 - Add some SameObject and NewObject annotations to ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; r=bzbarsky (5019f58c7a)
- Bug 1218190 - Add a pref to enable Clients.openWindow, r=catalinb (dbb6d007dd)
- Bug 1218142 - Remove ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onbeforeevicted/onevicted; r=bzbarsky (029de6f8ec)
- Bug 1218146 - Move WindowClient.frameType to Client.frameType; r=bzbarsky (00f0211276)
- Bug 1218147 - Make WindowClient.focus() NewObject; r=bzbarsky (3c6aea4b67)
- Bug 1189659 - Part 1 - Continue service worker job queue when life cycle events expire. r=bkelly (aa09cd9c60)
- Bug 1227932 - Fix Service Workers SoftUpdate and registration.update code paths. r=ehsan (24567b23c0)
- Bug 1189659 - Part 2 - Remove set of scopes being updated from ServiceWorkerManager. r=bkelly (ce581b095c)
- Bug 1189659 - Part 3 - Use separate synchronization queues for service worker register jobs and install jobs. r=bkelly (9c408a22ed)
- Bug 1189659 - Part 4 - Fix race in test_install_event.html. r=bkelly (3186ffb808)
- Bug 1189659 - Part 5 - Fix race in skip-waiting.https.html and add some logging for SkipWaitingFlag in ServiceWorkerManager. r=ehsan (4e5ddda6f3)
- Bug 1229056 - Implement ClientQueryOptions.includeUncontrolled; r=jdm (dbe56aa60d)
- namespace (3b0863d42d)
- Bug 1201127 - Return the same ServiceWorkerRegistration object from service worker APIs dealing with the same underlying registration object; r=jdm (c542688ae0)
- Bug 1171583 - Remove mutable warning from |nsSimpleURI::SetUserPass|. r=bz (73934deaad)
- Bug 1206199 - Extend channelwrapper to mediate OnStartRequest, OnStopRequest, OnDataAvailable (r=sicking) (758a7ec65c)
- Bug 1186783 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/ with iterators. r=valentin. (681bdba278)
- Bug 1186783 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/ with iterators. r=valentin. (76b8b7191e)
- Bug 1186783 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/ with iterators. r=valentin. (5c0743ac49)
- Bug 1186783 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/ with iterators. r=valentin. (952cc720cc)
- Bug 1186783 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/ with iterators. r=valentin. (25b9735c52)
- Bug 1186783 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in netwerk/. r=michal. (ae52425809)
- Bug 1186783 (follow-up) - Bustage fix for Gonk. (d4a1b769bd)
- add back some hotfix stuff, even if unused (fe32076c5b)
- Bug 1068087: Switch about:plugins to run remotely. r=mconley (bc4316dd03)
- Bug 1214058: Part 1 - Add a simplified JSON-based add-on update protocol. r=Mossop (a3198884d5)
- Bug 1214058: Part 2 - Run add-on update tests against comparable JSON and RDF manifests. r=Mossop (aa6a796e6f)
- Bug 1152977 - Enable by default DEAA for desktop platforms that use OpenGL compositor. r=jmuizelaar (bfa9efd5c8) (393bc6639f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    MaxNote: Added adjust sidebar and list view width
    MaxNote: Added drag to move item and reorder
    MaxNote: Added on/off button for the toolbar
    Added "pin current window" to menu->more tools
    Added shortcut for "pin current window"
    Updated Translations
    maxnote: Fixed toolbar did not update after multi-selection
    Fixed "could not replace current browser during installation" problem
    Fixed a sync caused crash

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2023, 18:45
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Updated some features.
    Fixed a bug when closing the application.
    Found and fixed the last bug in the AdBlocker.
    Added more functionality when hiding the toolbar.
    Updated the browser with the latest runtime enhancements. ( 1.0.1587.40 )

Titel: Pale Moon 32.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2023, 19:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is another major update with important compatibility improvements for the web. Most notably, our implementation of Google WebComponents is now at a state where we enabled them by default.

Additionally, our Mac builds (for both Intel and ARM Macs) are no longer in beta and considered stable. Signed/notarized builds with the regular branding are available from the download page!

Huge thanks to FranklinDM for his work this cycle getting us to this point. Of course major thanks to everyone who has contributed to this complex and difficult WebComponents task over a long time!
Thanks also to Martok and Job Bautista for continuing to work on and improve the JavaScript engine as well as u3shit for working on video playback improvements.


    Shadow DOM and CustomElements, collectively making up WebComponents, have been enabled by default which should bring much broader web compatibility to the browser for many a site that uses web 2.0+ frameworks. See implementation notes.
    Tab titles in the browser now fade if they are too long instead of using ellipses, to provide a little more readable space to page titles. Note that this may require some updates to tab extensions or themes.
    A number of site-specific overrides have been updated or removed because they are no longer necessary or current with the platform developments in terms of web compatibility. We could use your help evaluating the ones that are still there; see the issue on our repo.
    Updated our promises and async function implementation to the current spec.
    Implemented Promise.any()
    Fixed several crashes related to regular expression code.
    Improved regular expression object handling so it can be properly garbage collected.
    Fixed some VP8 video playback.
    Fixed an issue where the caret (text cursor) would sometimes not be properly visible.
    Updated the embedded emoji font.
    Implemented the :is() and :where() CSS pseudo-classes.
    Implemented complex selectors for the :not() CSS pseudo-class.
    Implemented the inset CSS shorthand property.
    Implemented the env() environment variable CSS function. See implementation notes.
    Implemented handling for both RGB encoded video playback (instead of just YUV).
    Implemented handling for full-range videos (0-255 luminance levels) giving better video playback quality.
    Removed the WebP image decoder pref. See implementation notes.
    Enabled the Web text-to-speech API by default (only supported on some operating systems).
    Updated NSPR to 4.35 and NSS to 3.79.4
    Cleaned up unused "tracking protection" plumbing. See implementation notes.
    Cleaned up URI Classifier plumbing (Google SafeBrowsing leftover).
    Fixed several intermittent and difficult-to-trace crashes.
    Improved content type security of jar: channels. DiD
    Improved JavaScript JIT code generation safety. DiD
    Fixed potential crash scenarios in the graphics subsystem. DiD
    Improved filename safety when saving files to prevent potential environment leaks.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-25751, CVE-2023-28163 and several others that do not have a CVE.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 4 DiD, 14 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Google WebComponents has been long-running major feature work in UXP. We're finally at a level with this (after several setbacks and brick-walling) that it can be enabled by default. Please note that while this greatly improves web compatibility with many Chrome-focused websites using these controversial technologies, our implementation is not yet complete and more work is necessary. As a result, this change to enable it by default may actually break some previously-working websites as well, but it's expected the majority will work at our current state of implementation. Please visit the forum if you need help with web compatibility issues.
    The env() CSS function was implemented for compatibility with websites that rely on this without fallback. Note that this function actually has no real use for desktops as it is primarily used to indicate environmental restrictions of mobile screens, e.g. extra space needed to avoid a camera notch or folding screen margin. However, due to the way certain sites implement their styling in a mobile-first approach, it is assumed that this function is available on all systems and in all browsers by these sites. Note that Pale Moon simply hard-codes queried values here.
    WebP images have had a stable and complete implementation in Pale Moon for a long time now, so the preference to disable support for it has been removed, as it's considered by now to be one of the "staple" image formats supported by web browsers. This was done to reduce complexity for content negotiation, especially since we're adding more support for JPEG-XL that still isn't as-complete. From here on out, we simply always support WebP decoding.
    While we've had a preference for "tracking protection" in our browser implementation (in about:config), this marketed feature of Firefox was never adopted by us, because it is for the most part a service-based feature, and the non-service parts were undesirable as they were crippling useful APIs. Our effective protection against tracking has not changed, we have simply removed the preference and plumbing for a non-functional service feature that would potentially give the false impression it would do anything.
    As a reminder, if you are concerned about tracking, use a competent adblocker extension, and enable "Tell sites not to share or sell my data" in Preferences -> Privacy under "Data Privacy". You may also want to enable "canvas poisoning" by setting canvas.poisondata to true in about:config to reduce the risk of fingerprinting through canvases.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.3.22.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2023, 18:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: CyberChef 10.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2023, 20:10
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source


Status bars added to the Input and Output @n1474335 | #1405
Character encoding selection added to the Input and Output @n1474335 | #1405
End of line separator selection added to the Input and Output @n1474335 | #1405
Non-printable characters are rendered as control character pictures @n1474335 | #1405
Loaded files can now be edited in the Input @n1474335 | #1405
Various editor features added such as multiple selections and bracket matching @n1474335 | #1405
Contextual help added, activated by pressing F1 while hovering over features @n1474335 | #1405
Many, many UI tests added for I/O features and operations @n1474335 | #1405


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Emulate Edge browser user agent when accessing bing.com in order to access bing chat powered by ChatGPT.

Titel: Lagrange 1.15.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 19:15
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    The Outline tab in the sidebar now uses regular UI colors, like other sidebar tabs.
    Fixed handling of the AltGr key during text input.
    Fixed incorrect background colors for Preferences tab buttons with certain themes (e.g., Colorful Light).
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: CyberChef 10.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 21:50
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source


10.2.0 - 2023-03-23

    Added 'Derive HKDF key' operation @mikecat | #1528

10.1.0 - 2023-03-23

    Added 'Levenshtein Distance' operation @mikecat | #1498
    Added 'Swap case' operation @mikecat | #1499


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-03-25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2023, 20:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 393bc6639f...03c3a2ab87:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1160013 CachePushStreamChild should hold the parent DOM object alive. r=baku (07626c5e44)
- Bug 1179772 Make Cache API honor devtools SW testing flag in SW itself. r=ehsan (4d915be43c)
- Bug 1181577 Delay creation of QuotaInitRunnable until Cache Context actually started. r=ehsan (9991aafa07)
- Bug 1210128 Ensure Cache API context internal state is consistent when shutdown during initialization. r=janv (25fbcf3136)
- Bug 1138916 Fix Cache::MatchAll() assertion in WorkerFeature handling. r=baku (73fe25803b)
- Bug 1186312 - Cache API should not accept system principals for child processes. r=bkelly (c140f627f8)
- align (acb75b3a8d)
- Bug 1215290 Cache API should store unfiltered Response URL. r=ehsan (55238dd04a)
- Bug 1217501 P4 Fill headers before setting guard when reading response from Cache. r=ehsan (787cb31d84)
- bits of Bug 1202902 (82e2e451cc)
- Bug 1147329 - Handle in-process case for Cut/Copy/Paste feature. r=kanru (66cabbf705)
- Bug 1199161 - Add selectedTextContent to CaretStateChangedEvent. r=kanru, sr=smaug (5eb99e303b)
- Bug 1217515 - Clean up the way touch event support is configured. r=roc (24a7db4a42)
- Bug 1216937 - Assign default URL for mozbrowseropenwindow event. r=smaug (fc7aaa533b)
- Bug 1101115, implement nsChromeRegistryContent::IsLocaleRTL so that file directory view works in e10s rtl mode, r=bsmedberg (c0eb12391f)
- Bug 1186787 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in chrome/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (2508253415)
- Bug 1186787 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in chrome/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (193c37c478)
- Bug 1170207 - allow overrides of chrome://../skin/ URIs with other chrome://../skin/ URIs within skin manifests, r=bsmedberg (3c24e2006c)
- Bug 1210463 - part 3 - Remove the very obsolete NS_IMPL_MOZILLA192_NSGETMODULE. r=froydnj (c7300c145b)
- Bug 1210463 - part 1 - Remove some unneeded null checks on new in ModuleUtils. r=froydnj (73affb8e34)
- Bug 1210463 - part 2 - Use some smart pointers in ModuleUtils.h. r=froydnj (f5eeb12cb3)
- Bug 1210463 - part 2 - Use some smart pointers in ModuleUtils.h. r=froydnj (788f944a41)
- Bug 1215143 - FF Android VR returns orientation that is 90deg off on x-axis. r=vlad (fc0d86c800)
- Bug 1166667 - Remove LangGroupFromUnicodeRange due to unused. r=jfkthame (e3bb039e41)
- Bug 1119062 - enable unicode-range in release builds. r=dbaron (8d48c7ab14)
- bits of 1117227 in headers (ad920e2094)
- Bug 1220020. Recompute the current animated geometry root when a child scroll frame forces us to be layerized, and therefore turns us into an animated geometry root. r=mstange (4cfb015eb7)
- Bug 1220114. Part 1. Change ScrollFrameHelper::DecideScrollableLayer to recompute the current animated geometry root any time mWillBuildScrollableLayer changes in addition to when usingDisplayPort changes. r=mstange (9e8512babe)
- Bug 1220114. Part 2. If a scroll frame is forced to layerize because of an active descendant scroll frame then set a displayport on the ancestor scroll frame so that next paint we don't have to force layerization after the fact and we can do a fully proper paint. r=mstange (a3d7734f75)
- Bug 1228357 - When saving/restoring a scrollframe's state, only save/restore resolution for the root scrollframe. r=roc (7018d5bcae)
- Bug 1224307 - Fix page scrolling for non-full-width fixed headers/footers [r=tn] Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (55eebe3d49)
- Bug 1081272 - Include position and transform when computing header/footer size [r=tn] (c91104a099)
- Bug 1145546: take auto-direction into account in GetScrolledRect, r=jfkthame (a5bf400639)
- spaces (4a2918cb4c)
- Bug 1225376 part 1 - [css-align] Don't compute left/right to start in the style system anymore (due to pending spec change). Map the used value instead (in layout). r=dholbert (677b9eba16)
- Bug 1225376 part 2 - [css-align] Add mochitests for align/justify-items/self/content computed values. (580ef62eb6)
- Bug 1225376 part 3 - [css-grid] Crashtest. (3e5b06dce4)
- Bug 1148515 - Do the scrollbar thumb layer wrapping in nsSliderFrameso that the thumb's event region is wrapped, too. r=tn (0ff596193e)
- Bug 1133732. Header include got missed in rebase. on CLOSED TREE (b870504066)
- Bug 1133732. Make button box frames listen for blurs so they de-activate on blur. r=smaug (5c6274f99d)
- Bug 1170052 part 1: Refactor nsImageBoxFrame::PaintImage() so its final failure case is an early return. r=seth (7308f3f32e)
- Bug 1170052 part 2: Support object-fit & object-position on XUL <image src=""> elements. r=seth (74ab4c8813)
- Bug 1170052 part 3: Add scripts to generate reftests for object-fit/object-position applied to XUL <image>. (NPOTB) (5b1e1b6b90)
- Bug 1170052 part 4: Add reftests for object-fit/object-position on XUL <image> element (as modified copies of existing <img> tests). (test-only) (7f678646e8)
- Bug 1170052 part 5: Mark new reftests as "skip-if(Mulet)" to avoid impacting reftest chunking on that platform in a way that makes SVG reftests fail mysteriously. (d6c7e5ff05)
- Bug 1170052 part 6: Skip new XUL reftests on B2G Emulator as well, since XUL reftests trigger error pages on that platform. (3f4ddeddcd)
- Bug 1194493 - Ensure the 'mVertical' flag is set appropriately on the nsFontMetrics we use to draw text for an nsTextBoxFrame. r=smontagu (a6eed3f9b8)
- Bug 1155359 - Set NS_FRAME_IS_BIDI on nsTextBoxFrame if text direction is set to RTL r=roc (2715d47271)
- crash reporter (015ee49944) (c0011dadb2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1086999 - CSP: Asterisk (*) wildcard should not allow blob:, data:, or filesystem: when matching source expressions (r=sstamm) (12b7a9aa0e)
- Bug 1188754 - Do not notify the audio channel agent on Firefox OS when the document activity change callback detects that the element is muted by the audio channel; r=baku (de62066c8d)
- Bug 1201969 - pause element only when start playing. r=baku (26296e8451)
- Bug 1214659 - HTMLMediaElement::UpdateAudioChannelPlayingState() should be easy to read, r=roc (91dac0b019)
- Bug 1048926 - fix and enable the testcase because the preload action is PRELOAD_NONE on mobile platform. r=jwwang (d2e5a68d50)
- Bug 1213154 - tab-sound-icon should be supported by bfcache, r=roc (9b7a1be7ef)
- crashtest for bug 1179662 (eb38345d96)
- bug 1184801 crashtest for AnalyserNode with channels and small fftSize (4ba66b7d2c)
- test for bug 1012609 r=karlt (11c2ff26a1)
- test for bug 1020205 (abd041bc8d)
- test for bug 995289 (cd63ecd503)
- test for bug 1041466 (cf5000997c)
- test for bug 1045650 (8f4b3f6684)
- Bug 1185176 - Crashtest. r=karlt (2d292812de)
- Bug 1185192 - Make promise resolving sequentially consistent when switching graph driver and closing a graph during the same iteration. r=roc (a03c3d76ae)
- reapply 1189506 (73b0731ade)
- Bug 1219403 - r=karlt (6729b12bac)
- Bug 1219403 - Account for the fact that MediaStream::Destroy can be run safely (18e4d3a748)
- Bug 1219403 - Remove MOZ_ASSERT for AssertOnGraphThreadOrNotRunning since it returns void and asserts inside, on a CLOSED TREE. (2e85625d43)
- bug 1224022 produce memory report after processing main thread messages r=padenot (e7b61c839b)
- Bug 1216059 - SourceMediaStream::TrackData::mResamplerChannelCount is used uninitialised. r=padenot. (ba158a93d6)
- Bug 1216417 - Make sure audio output streams are created after adding an audio output. r=baku,roc (2becb6417f)
- Bug 943294 - Leave dealing with legacy codepages for clipboard data to Windows itself. r=jmathies. (9859fe6126)
- Bug 938991 - text/rtf support for clipboard data. r=enndeakin (63f739b651) (7bf7c35e9f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 586587 - support kHTMLMime in the Windows clipboard as CF_HTML. r=jimm (6af5a0d7fa)
- Bug 1159604: Use a fallible allocation in nsClipboard::GetGlobalData. r=bbondy (c9645301a4)
- Bug 1048624 - Cleanup and refactor the media crashtest manifests and re-enable some disabled tests that now pass. (d712e08056)
- crashtest for bug 1020370 r=padenot (c0900de1df)
- crashtest for bug 1206362 r=padenot (07ace6a42f)
- Bug 1207546 - Integrate WebRTC with audio channels, r=roc (0ecafba529)
- Bug 1219478: Replace PRLogModuleInfo usage with LazyLogModule in dom folders except media.r=amerchesini (2e67bd7308)
- Bug 1198422 - CSP: Allow nonce to load if default-src is not specified in second policy (r=dveditz) (8a8bca1eb3)
- Bug 1187152 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in modules/ with iterators. r=mwu. (85cea6dce7)
- Bug 1187152 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in modules/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (e909442934)
- Bug 1187152 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in modules/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (48c78d75e6) (21cd830e68)
- Revert "Bug 1209162 - Create OriginAttributes subtypes. IGNORE IDL r=sicking." (03c3a2ab87)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2023, 22:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.




+ New version check on start

Bugs Fixed:

- Fixed configuration window shake when dragging.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 09:45
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Disabled edge browser emulation since it caused issues.
    Fix bookmark side bar background color so that it can follow theme color.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 19:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added security module - Two-factor authentication
    Added 2FA authenticator support
    Replaced Passkeeper SMS 2FA to authenticator 2FA
    Maxnote: interface redesign
    Maxnote: Added dark mode interface adaptation
    Maxnote: Added a sharing page, summarizing all shared notes and URLs
    Maxnote: Added URL bookmark editing, allowing you to edit URLs like you would edit notes
    Added Search bar, can be on/off from appearance settings
    Added mouse hover activation for tabs, can be set in tab settings for on/off and hover time
    Added custom tab title in context menu of the tab
    Added browser window pinning feature (menu->tools), allowing the browser window to always be displayed on top of the desktop
    Added Set search scope for smart address bar
    Added Set custom shortcut keys for saving forms and auto-filling forms
    Added Set custom shortcut keys for window pinning
    New tab page optimization
    Updated multi-language support
    Fixed known bugs and crashes


Titel: Lagrange 1.15.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed window contents getting frozen after Reset Zoom when zoom level is already at 100%.
    Fixed key modifiers not being recognized before a text field has been activated. (Affects some versions of SDL.)
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2023, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Renable: Emulate Edge browser user agent when accessing bing.com in order to access bing chat powered by ChatGPT.

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2023, 16:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed sometimes new tab page became blank problem
    Fixed several crashes

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2023, 09:50

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 03c3a2ab87...09c7525bc8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 448064 - Add crashtest. (d7e9a3f9bb)
- Minor cleanup (cbab3e1ede)
- Bug 1222829: Remove URIChecker. r=mcmanus (74c16ae58c)
- Bug 1220682 - Clear exceptions on single-arg init. r=bz # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (4736e0fb57)
- Bug 1229237 (part 1) - Make nsIWidget::{Create,CreateChildren}() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (992ec123ff)
- Bug 1229237 (part 2) - Make nsIWidget::DrawWindowUnderlay() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (ad4f13440d)
- Bug 1229237 (part 3) - Make nsIWidget::Invalidate() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (19f10846a3)
- Bug 1229237 (part 4) - Make ThemeGeometry::mRect a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (5f17f6be14)
- Bug 1228125 (part 1) - Remove nsIWidget::GetBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (5e4d0811e7)
- Bug 1228125 (part 2) - Remove nsIWidget::GetScreenBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (3ac4b3271b)
- Bug 1228125 (part 3) - Remove nsIWidget::GetClientBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (7163a1a6e6)
- Bug 1229237 (part 5) - Make Update{Opaque,WindowDragging}Region() take a LayoutDeviceIntRegion. r=botond. (907aafd4c0)
- missing bit Bug 1229237 (part 1) (c160f227b3)
- missing bit Bug 1229237 (part 1) (edc4237028)
- Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) update experimental prefs, r=snorp (df3a19e142)
- Bug 1168881 - Enabling AccessibleCarets crashes Firefox when trying to input text, r=tylin (abbd401672)
- Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Remove experimental bits added to Touch/Selection carets, r=tylin (291385ad0e)
- Bug 1219236 - Part 1: Flush throttle styles for all descendant sub documents and *root* document itself. r=roc (b6c4d4c815)
- Bug 1153130 - Prevent FireFox crashes when pointer events are enabled. r=smaug (a7093fae15)
- Bug 1226041 - Remove mFirstPaint hack for JPZC when the C++ APZ is enabled. r=kats (6af6102f1f)
- Bug 1223228 - Remove unused nsFrameManagerBase::mStyleSet. r=dholbert (9145f9cb38)
- Bug 1189353 - Change NS_ macro prefix to MOZ_ in AccessibleCaretEventHub. r=mtseng (820920546e)
- Bug 1210315 - Use preference to control whether to use long tap injector. r=roc (00ee7e8874)
- Bug 1206545 - Store nsIPresShell pointer in constructor instead of Init(). r=roc (6a9f8216f7)
- Bug 1194063 - Update link to point to the diagram directly. r=mtseng (3d627f37da)
- Bug 1225701 - Update comments in AccessibleCaret files. r=mtseng (fe1d296655)
- Bug 1211365 - Remove NS_IMPL_STATE_UTILITIES. r=mtseng (79713764b9)
- Bug 1211365 - Make deleted functions in class State public. r=mtseng (da2df347b3)
- Bug 1211365 - Delete wheel event handling. r=mtseng (7bacb7e8f5)
- Bug 1200194 - Tweak formatting and debug logging. r=roc (148a22ce3c)
- Bug 1082425 - Commit composition string before changing focus by long tap. r=masayuki (1452e46511)
- Bug 1196176 - No need to test mLastUpdateCaretMode. r=mtseng (fc93c83698)
- Bug 1196176 - Hide carets for mouse down reason. r=mtseng (3c13762b86)
- Bug 1209841 - Merge test_selectioncarets2.py into test_selectioncarets.py. r=automatedtester (35575914b9)
- Bug 1209841 - Simplify functions related to select word. r=automatedtester (56bf6052e1)
- Bug 1209841 - Send synthesized mouse long tap to gecko. r=automatedtester (e83509d49b)
- Bug 1210315 - Inline selectors in carets tests. r=automatedtester (cebad9b688)
- Bug 1163490 - Remove SpecialPowers from marionette carets test. r=jgriffin (fd1e4b6442)
- Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in test_selectioncarets.py. r=automatedtester (09efee2a80)
- Bug 1207934 - Add marionette test for appearance changing. r=automatedtester (6e1c5aea60)
- Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in test_touchcaret.py. r=automatedtester (a17a92808e)
- Bug 1200364 - Fix AccessibleCaret jumps when dragging. r=roc (66c36347f7)
- Bug 1203074: Move caret to end of textual input field before sending keys (1a8cf55bd7)
- Bug 1164233 - Enlarge the timeout margin from 1.5x to 3x. r=mtseng (188b17550d)
- Bug 1196176 - Fix CaretStateChanged not dispatch on empty content. r=mtseng (5d6930c1e1)
- Bug 1196176 - Do not fire extra CaretStateChanged event when typing. r=mtseng (93f4ccdc97)
- Bug 1211365 - Add test case for scrolling in selection mode. r=mtseng (bfd69f4337)
- Bug 1212732 - Update caret in cursor mode on scroll-end if it was logically visible. r=roc (07ddba2c15)
- Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Upgrade Core and AccessibleCaret, r=smaug (fe388a4b37)
- Bug 1216857 - Notify selection dialog to update its position if carets are logically visible. r=TYLin (e759cbe5cd)
- Bug 1215798 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not skip empty start node when mPre is true r=smaug (013857d99d)
- Bug 1215816 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not include end node if it's an empty element and the end offset is 0 when mPre is true r=smaug (5276c84afb) (d64e96b4a0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1132213 - Remove newChannel2 and asyncFetch2 calls in the "jsdownloads" folder. r=paolo (15afbc22f6)
- Bug 1223437 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 in toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit (r=sicking) (62de0552b6)
- Bug 1225641 - Change default security flags within NetUtil.newChannel (r=sicking) (f04a8d6a1d)
- Bug 1224467 - Add a preference for controlling whether oneCRL blocklists are updated via AMO. Also add a test. r=keeler,mossop (06c4ce13f9)
- Bug 1170760 part 1. Introduce a PromiseCapability struct. r=baku,efaust (068615a4cd)
- Bug 1170760 part 2. Pass in the 'this' value to Promise static methods. r=peterv (170fd5de55)
- Bug 1170760 part 3. Add an @@Species getter on Promise. r=peterv (182a90f4ee)
- Bug 1170760 part 4. Change Promise::Constructor to run in the Xray compartment when new Promise happens over Xrays. r=peterv (ac9bf8968b)
- Bug 1170760 part 5. Implement NewPromiseCapability which can either return a PromiseCapability as in the spec, or one that has a native promise and maybe resolve/reject functions if the consumer asked for them. r=baku,efaust (6c74f4ebdf)
- Bug 1170760 part 6. Fix GetDependentPromise to deal with a situation when someone called then() and passed it the resolve/reject functions that come from a promise's constructor. r=baku (fa6504ca29)
- Bug 1170760 part 7. Add subclassing support to Promise::Race. r=baku,efaust (d43c0782d6)
- Bug 1170760 part 8. Add subclassing support to Promise::All. r=baku,efaust (37d8577256)
- Bug 1170760 part 9. Stop using Promise::Resolve in the bindings for PromiseDebugging. r=baku (3c3073d0fa)
- Bug 1170760 part 10. Add subclassing support to Promise::Resolve. r=baku,efaust (22a5f2b385)
- Bug 1170760 part 11. Add subclassing support to Promise::Reject. r=baku,efaust (c696a0a9fe)
- Bug 1170760 part 12. Rip out the promise-resolved-with-promise fast path. r=baku (a1815842e2)
- Bug 1170760 part 13. Add subclassing support to Promise::Then/Catch. r=baku,efaust (3fd8f2502d) (09c7525bc8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.4.2.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2023, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Vieb 9.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2023, 21:20
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Command "clear" to wipe browsing data based on intervals or partial urls (currently only history)
    Setting "clearhistoryinterval" to more finely control the deletion of history on quit by interval
    Option "url" to the list of mouse features to control interaction with the input box while already typing (default on)
    Option "leaveinsert" to the list of mouse features to control if clicking outside the page should leave insert mode (default on)
    Option "notification" to the list of mouse features to control if clicking the download notification should open the file (default on)
    Setting "mousedisabledbehavior" to control if elements with no enabled mouse interaction should optionally drag the window (nothing by default)
    Setting "guiscrollbar" to control if and when the scrollbar should appear on pages (default remains always on)
    Documentation for all modes by mode name instead of just the action name (also means better sorted actions)
    More values to "dialogconfirm" to automatically allow the confirm dialog without needing to show it
    More default mappings that are similar to Firefox/Chromium
    Favicon icons to the buffer command suggestions for better recognition
    Actions "startRecording", "stopRecording" and "runRecording" to record key presses and later execute them (macros/records in Vim)


    Resetting focus now happens on every user interaction instead of on a timer
    Url can now be selected from outside explore mode directly (and keep the selection if switching to explore mode)
    History storage is now slightly faster by only wiping empty entries on write
    Settings now have links to documentation about the type of value they can contain
    Naming scheme of setting types is now more streamlined and better documented
    Searchword urls are now filled in with the resolved url in the suggestions while you type
    Seachwords will now also activate if prefixed with spaces
    Filetype suggestions coming from history are now correctly colored in history color instead of file suggest color
    Default theme now shows the default cursor instead of the text cursor on the url box if interaction is disabled
    Locales are now included in regular releases but still excluded from lite builds (see build.js)
    All mouse features now have a "mouse-something" className added to the body if enabled to allow more customization in colorschemes
    Action "menuOpen" will now keep working even if the settings are set to never, this does not affect regular right clicks
    Userstyles are now also applied when the DOM is ready, not just when the page is fully loaded
    Commands "screencopy" and "screenshot" will show the screen highlight even without entering all 4 dimension values
    Single key mapping commands now also combine different modes into one map command if all modes have the same mapping
    Buffer commands now search for matches the same way as explore mode, as do the suggestions


    Setting clearhistoryonquit in favor of clearhistoryinterval=session
    Default value for "replacespecial" being "newtab" (will change to "special" in 10.x.x)
    Setting search in favor of the functionality identical searchengine setting
    Ctrl-c default mapping for the stopLoadingPage action instead of the new Esc
    Boolean toggling restoretabs in favor providing a value (toggle commands will stop working in 10.x.x)
    Boolean toggling notificationforpermisions in favor providing a value (toggle commands will stop working in 10.x.x)
    Action "openNewTab" in favor of running the ":tabnew" command


    Vieb right click menu not working due to removed .path in events
    Follow filtering being cancelled when interacting with the navbar using the mouse
    Explore mode history not storing the first change in the Ctrl-z/Ctrl-y history
    Middle mouse paste not updating explore mode's Ctrl-z/Ctrl-y history
    Self closing tabs not being cleaned up correctly due to Electron devtools close call being unsafe
    Text selection still briefly being visible outside explore mode when toexplore mouse feature is disabled
    Websocket connections being blocked when setting custom resourcetypes due to casing error
    Mousefeature history always being on even if not in the list of enabled features
    Mode selector not being as big as it should be and therefor closing the dropdown occasionally
    Sites without a div and without proper background not getting the default white background
    Pointer mode help commands going to the action if they have the same name
    Ctrl-F4 to close tab default mapping not working
    Default text value for prompt dialogs not being used
    Iframe position not being shifted correctly for iframes inside a same origin iframe


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

    Upgraded to blink core 109.0.5414.121
    Added New tab page redesign, added top bar to switch between quick access and maxnotes
    Added Gold system
    Added Score to gold convertion, can be converted in Settings/General Settings/Maxthon Cloud Account
    Added daily check-in feature, can earn gold by checking in
    Downloader window supports changing size
    Added adjust sidebar notes by drag-and-drop

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Optimized new tab page style
    Fixed crashs caused by addons and page loading
    Fixed the wrong wording in gold conversion
    Fixed could not load history items and could not load last session problems
    Fixed address bar style because black in incognito mode problem
    Fixed could not open note items in sidebar problem

Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Added "Ask AI" option to the side panel. You can open the side panel and select "Ask AI" option to access it. Or you can add the "Ask AI" button to the toolbar for quicker access. Ask AI is powered by ChatGPT.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2023, 18:45
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Optimzed check-in style on new tab page
    Fixed image save and image copy didn't work problem
    Fixed could not dismiss access popup window problem
    Fixed crashes when playing video
    Fixed crashes when closing tab
    Fixed crashes when deleting history items

Titel: Lagrange 1.15.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2023, 21:50
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Fixed activation of a pinned identity in inline media requests.
    Fixed potential crash when changing split view mode during a UI animation.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2023, 19:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 09c7525bc8...f4385096ea:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1163826 - Add remainder of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelist. r=dholbert (8ed22f2638)
- Bug 1165834: Add alicdn.com (used by taobao.com) to the CSS Unprefixing Service whitelist. r=miketaylr (30d150c28c)
- Bug 1166792 - Add 3rd batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (e4073c1f09)
- Bug 1170375 - Add 4th batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (d741e57cb0)
- Bug 1207850 - Temporary fix for canceling the pump used by FetchBody. r=nsm (bc85cb1500)
- Bug 1224865: Don't set a document in FetchDriver for requests in workers. r=bkelly (7bcb0bd16b)
- Bug 1108181 - Make Headers iterable; r=bzbarsky (da8d6f8bb2)
- Bug 1217501 P5 Relax guard checking on Headers with existing headers. r=ehsan (75ec3b6ae5)
- Bug 1207882 - Use a separate build target for config/buildid. r=gps (ad9f536aac)
- Bug 1216697 - Unship Request.cache until the implementation is finished; r=bzbarsky (49264a21d8)
- Bug 1218119 - Simplify defining worker prefs; r=baku (8987aa23c3)
- namespace (d88c3b7fc6)
- Bug 1179489 - Don't count service workers towards an origin's max worker quota; r=nsm (ce5e1345ba)
- Bug 1151646 - Cleanup, r=khuey. (d119d19ea7)
- Bug 1118778 - Write upload properties from upload.py; r=glandium (f8745ffda8)
- Bug 1194741 - Display upload output; r=nalexander (7adaa41d11)
- Bug 1197293 - allow for TC builds that don't use 'make upload'; r=ted (e671e7c651)
- Bug 1137000 - Add support for SDK building to moz-automation.mk. r=mshal (69b7ccb3c8)
- Bug 1175895 - aid greppability of MOZ_AUTOMATION_*; r=ted (c9a099f168)
- Bug 1198179 - Kill gen_mach_buildprops.py; r=ted (fa74e1930f)
- Bug 1198179 - make upload.py write properties even if not uploading; r=ted (e7ca79b807)
- Bug 8623031 - Move desktop build logic to a container neutral location; r=dustin (81dc866373)
- Bug 1187139 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (7a75c73d17)
- Bug 1187139 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (c631350ddb)
- Bug 1187139 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (052cced2ca)
- Bug 1225396 part 4 - Remove @@iterator workaround in Codegen.py. r=bz (3b05ddc4f0)
- Bug 1048695 part 1. Pass the set of globals where a member should NOT be exposed to MemberCondition. r=peterv (d5c9040323)
- Bug 1048695 part 2. Make interface members not be exposed based on their nonExposedGlobals. r=peterv (e852319bd0)
- Bug 1229493 - Stop shell-only modules classes being reported as standard classes r=shu (4a6457af8d)
- Bug 1151646 - Fix static analysis bustage. (347564b4d2)
- Bug 1231051 - Moz2Dify nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawWidgetBackground. r=mstange. (cbcbe17e30)
- Bug 1178984 - Crashes at nsMenuBarX::RemoveMenuAtIndex. r=spohl (6e5869ae28)
- leftovers of Bug 1151345 - Add debug logging to help decipher this bug. r=spohl (22d42fc66d) (f855ceaa31)
- Revert "Bug 1068087: Switch about:plugins to run remotely. r=mconley" (d56ba9c1f0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- more of add WebRTC code as of Bug 1101651 - Part 2 (d2225fd9f9)
- Bug 1163505 - PtrVector should disallow copies to prevent premature&double deletions - r=bwc (5a18fd372b)
- Bug 1076906 - Fix license headers for some WebRTC files, and provide LICENSE file. r=rjesup (f4bd3e42cc)
- Bug 1211602: Never timeout if timeout == UINT32_MAX r=jib,froydnj (484261a196)
- Bug 911450: webrtc sndio audio_device backend r=jesup (c96e948c6a)
- Bug 911450 - fix webrtc signaling tests build on OpenBSD. r=jesup r=rbarker r=glandium (fe5190f700)
- Bug 911450: followup, fix CriticalSectionScoped scope NPOTB r=jesup (cde4fe58f9)
- bug 1171143 - Fix iOS capture build. r=jesup (22b7c92ba6)
- missing bit of Bug 1155923 - Removing moz prefix from RTC interfaces (a37bce5d24)
- bits of Bug 1191872 - Move annotations to org.mozilla.gecko.annotation (7f87a64522)
- Bug 1162251: Fix WebRTC jitter buffer ignoring partial frames if the packet holds a complete NAL r=ehugg a=prep for uplift (kwierso) (1797b21fef)
- Bug 1158627 - WebRTC return error if GetEmptyFrame returns null r=jesup (3bb3daa998)
- Bug 1198107 - Destroy VP8 encoder context before re-initing on resolution change to avoid leaking memory. r=jesup (58831a26a1)
- Bug 1030324: Remove VP8 encoder resize work around. r=rjesup (b98662bbc9)
- Bug 800564: Handle MJPEG decode errors r=abr (284ec24fb9)
- Bug 1181265 - wallpaper over windows (driver?) returning null ptr to GetStreamCaps r=pkerr (66fc35d5bd)
- Bug 1158372: clean up windows CreateCapabilityMap for video capture r=dmajor (7fe73c0af7)
- Bug 1186657. r=jesup,nchen (c177026841)
- Bug 1192203 - Extract a robust version of getSupportedPreviewFpsRange. r=jesup (5b85be96d1)
- Bug 1176340: short-circuit self-assignment of DesktopDisplayDevice r=jib (812e0d02c2)
- bit of Bug 1198458 (d65868624d)
- Bug 1219566 - Add aarch64 macro to webrtc/trunk/build/build_config.h. r=rjesup (f354a17b13) (d2c557abe9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1198458: Webrtc updated to branch 43; pull made 2015-09-29 09:00AM PDT rs=jesup (c45a789c99)
- Bug 1159489: WebRTC bitrate limits for video depend on input resolution and framerate r=pkerr (e3691a247c)
- Bug 1132318: merge SelectSendFrameRate with SelectSendResolution r=bwc (bcc232994c)
- Bug 1182289: Clean up dispatches in WebrtcGmpVideoEncoder/Decoder. r=jesup, a=abillings (b5e2030b07)
- Bug 1167306: Fix preprocessor goof that disabled the load manager and some preference handling. r=jesup (0cc0dee688)
- Bug 1198458: Rollup of changes previously applied to media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc and fixes to those rs=jesup r=froyd,jib,bwc,jesup,gcp,sotaro,pkerr,pehrsons (fe384d5e63)
- Bug 1198458 Unbreak build on BSDs by fixing non-POSIX thread includes/usage. r=jesup (4ad8e88c17)
- Bug 1198458: Fix typo in merges in OMX rs=bustage,kwierso on a CLOSED TREE (211b3b1a3f)
- Bug 1226146: fix sndio audio_device backend after webrtc 43 landing in bug 1198458 r=jesup NPOTB (2b10ba3e86)
- Bug 1231106 - Make BSDs fall-through to ASSERT as well. r=jesup (775d4fedae)
- Bug 1231109 - Drop FreeBSD checks for unsupported versions. r=jld r=jesup (3cd55166fd)
- Bug 1161079: Fix VideoCodecStats to allow for collecting encoder and decoder stats r=jib (1f98af8939)
- add limits to fix gcc12 compile (d78098980f)
- Bug 1193495 - Part 1: Test case. r=mt (add2ded009)
- Bug 1193495 - Part 2: Maintain clones of supported codecs for each level, and do necessary checking to prevent payload-type clashes. r=mt (d45a24dba7)
- Bug 1191301 - Re-enable the use of media.navigator.video.use_tmmbr pref. r=bwc (d2723821d4)
- Bug 1094447 - Use UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF for audio/video m-lines. r=drno (e8e1dafd0a)
- Bug 1173599 - a=imageattr support. r=mt (612fc343d7)
- Bug 1173601 - Add a=simulcast support. r=mt (7c5303bacb)
- Bug 1203246 - Factor track negotiation stuff out of JsepSessionImpl, and other simplification. r=mt (b71c809b78)
- Bug 1212907 - a=rid support. r=mt (7479ab6984)
- Bug 1212908 - Update a=simulcast to match new grammar in 03 draft. r=mt (e205d3b0dd)
- Bug 1192390 - Part 1: Lay architectural groundwork for simulcast negotiation. r=mt r=jesup (e75dda3139)
- Bug 1223160 - added SDP parser file reader. r=bwc (6752195791)
- Bug 1192390 - Part 2: Simulcast and RID negotiation. r=mt (51b151ef52)
- fix some warnings stuff (fed8f513a8)
- Bug 1161317: Fix bug where sendonly video RTCP would be treated as outgoing RTP r=jesup (e24371fbe0)
- Bug 1226347: Import cherry-pick of AEC changes from 43->48 (delay-agnostic AEC). r=pkerr (d3a074f4d8)
- Bug 1226347 - Part 2: Allow control of AEC via prefs. r=rjesup (58f142005b)
- Bug 1228788 - Force QT device release to happen on the main thread. r=jesup (885e9d1236)
- Bug 1162218 - Make worker idle thread timeouts more strict, r=baku. (a7d2106987)
- No bug. Remove a stray debugging printf of mine. r=me. (77b84cda62)
- minor (22564a666e)
- Bug 1224237 - Remove the !baseURL check from ServiceWorkerContainer::Register;r=bkelly (8b13c4dc49)
- Bug 1196157 - Marks left by performance marks should print the domain of the application and not the complete URL. r=baku (d133708d8d)
- Bug 1211970 - "Muted errors in workers are not correctly reported to the console". r=bz (42c15275f4)
- Bug 1208559 - Tests. r=bholley (e16a30caa5)
- Bug 1045891 - Tests for child-src r=ckerschb (90aa832cd0)
- Bug 1223647: CSP erroneously inherited into dedicated workers. r=ckerschb (6fd8d9bfc9)
- Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 1, r=sicking (a7e9187e52)
- Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 3 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (e5e3c69f6a)
- Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 2 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (1dd2d871ec)
- Bug 1211967 - Fix how we report errors when loading a worker from a data url, r=bz (8517368daa)
- nsRefPtr - RefPtr (34bb404530)
- Bug 1231055 - Fix tags usage in PluginProvider. r=dtownsend (870b0e71eb)
- bug 1228792 - remove use of array comprehensions r=mossop (3e31f18e83)
- bug 1228792 - use standard version of catch r=mossop (f306557ca2)
- Bug 1228009. Geolocation code needs to handle failures on its ErrorResults. r=smaug (8778a9e264)
- Bug 1228707. Add a away to call Web IDL callbacks while ignoring any errors from them, and use it in a few places. r=smaug (a414e0d711)
- Bug 1201692. Add a fast path to ExplicitChildIterator::Seek for the common case of seeking an actual DOM child of the parent node. r=wchen (01234ad43a)
- Bug 1202186 - use nsISensitiveInfoHidden for console methods, r=baku (888b4506ad)
- Bug 1223774 - Console API should check if the outer window exists, r=smaug (e0d7f408dc)
- Bug 1200551 - Handle multiple %c formatters without a string between them by using only the last one for styling;r=baku,r=past (463550117a)
- Bug 1213719 - Back out bug 1170314 for duplicate functionality. r=smaug (ae74e0ad52)
- Bug 1154076 followup: Mark ConsoleRunnable::Run() as override. rs=ehsan (337181faab)
- Bug 1127703 - "Support iteration on FormData" r=bz (4ddd461e99)
- Bug 1230509 - BlobImplFile should return false in IsDateUnknown and IsSizeUnknown, r=bz (1079bfe2ab)
- Bug 1198095 - FileReader should dispatch an error if the blob changes size in the meantime the read is executed, r=bz (263993a172)
- Bug 1231094 - patch 1 - nsDOMFileReader to mozilla::dom::FileReader, r=sicking (aa8c3ff373)
- Bug 1231094 - patch 2 - Get rid of FileIOObject, r=sicking (44af1e17dd)
- Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 1, r=sicking (c909d9d793)
- Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 2, r=sicking (4d3da1c566)
- Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (002d8f6fb1)
- Bug 1229519: Fix toolkit/modules to pass eslint checks. r=mak (8bbd9c8fe0) (2e02aab9a7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1016035 - Add nsIWidget::ReportSwipeStart and call it after processing wheel events that can trigger swipes. r=kats (77a6561f85)
- Bug 1221913 - Make swiping work correctly in e10s mode even if APZ is off. r=kats (5bcdc76646)
- Bug 1227020 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (a77fcf4809)
- Bug 1230047 (part 1) - Make SynthesizeNativeTouch{Point,Tap}() take ScreenIntPoints. r=kats. (bc964eb41f)
- Bug 1182543 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp - simplifications in instanceowner (r=sicking) (e8a95bc56a)
- Revive NPAPI async drawing: stub code. (bug 1217665 part 1, r=aklotz) (81467630ee)
- Revive test plugin changes for async plugin surfaces. (bug 1217665 part 2, r=aklotz) (86eabc862c)
- Disable async rendering paths when a plugin is using direct drawing. (bug 1217665 part 3, r=aklotz) (4b53467f3f)
- Add a new Image class that wraps drawable TextureClients. (bug 1217665 part 4, r=nical) (ab131811ba) (f4385096ea)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

* optimized window style of quick note
* Updated languages
- Fixed download process was sometimes wrong
- Fixed a crash when minimize the main window
- Fixed search engine list error in settings
- Fixed a crash when switching account
- Fixed a performance issue when copy image with context menu

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2023, 09:50
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Fix a bug: side panel can't be closed in some cases.

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2023, 20:40
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2023, 10:20
Whats new:>>

+ Added backup login server
+ Added option to hide topbar on new tab
+ Added tab context menu, add desktop app
- Optimized style for quick note
- Optimized stype of new tab page
* Fixed "could not as as PDF on page context menu" problem
* Fixed "switch account caused crash"
* Fixed "Save to max note caused crash"

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2023, 19:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git f4385096ea...522696571d:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1211204 - Remove possible false-negative with D3D9 texture memory reporting. r=mattwoodrow (74adbcad19)
- Bug 1200595 - D3D9 TextureData implementation. r=Bas (2624bd59a3)
- Bug 1200595 - MacIOSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (98130b5d6b)
- Bug 1200595 - EGLImage TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (8b732af2da)
- Bug 1200595 - AndroidSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (79443ff5d7)
- Bug 1200595 - SharedSurface TextureData implementation. r=jgilbert (aadc8c5601)
- Bug 1200595 - DIB TextureData implementation. r=Bas (d7bae178ad)
- Bug 1200595 - Merge TextureClient and ClientTexture back into TextureClient. r=mattwoodrow (890d76ff9b)
- Bug 1200595 - Consolidate the TextureClient's destruction logic. r=mattwoodrow (fa9ac2e414)
- Allow asynchronous D3D11 TextureClients on the main thread. (bug 1217665 part 5, r=nical) (cb77fa88cc)
- Implement the direct bitmap drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 6, r=mattwoodrow) (82f9015e5a)
- Implement the direct DXGI drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 7, r=mattwoodrow) (cdeeb52a91)
- Implement the DidComposite NPAPI callback. (bug 1217665 part 8, r=mattwoodrow) (4eb2a790ae)
- Add an NPN_GetValue query to find the browser's DXGI adapter. (bug 1217665 part 10, r=aklotz,mattwoodrow) (84af4e525a)
- Create a D3D11 content device even if D2D is blocked. (bug 1217665 part 11, r=jrmuizel) (142441808e)
- Bug 1229665 - Convert widget clip regions to LayoutDevicePixels. r=botond. (edf746b278)
- Bug 1204715 - Move browser/app/profile/extensions/{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} to moz.build. r=mshal (8c6b4709bc)
- Bug 1212773 - Pass a base directory to jar maker, instead of a chrome directory. r=gps (1f644706c6)
- Bustage fix for bug 1210687 on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (4cd7000101)
- Bug 1212773 - Extend jar maker syntax for jar file location. r=gps (8119aa2b98)
- Bug 1164039 - moved TelemetryTimestamps.jsm and tests to toolkit/componets/telemetry/. r=dexter (942145656e)
- Bug 1184705 - Search A/B testing cohort identifier should be recorded in FHR, r=rnewman. (b5cf397cf0)
- Bug 1230047 (part 2) - Make several PaintWindow() functions use LayoutDevice coordinates. r=kats. (246e1321ca)
- Bug 1218454 - part 1 - move DialogValueHolder::Get out-of-line; r=bz (2d65438b37)
- Bug 1218454 - part 2 - don't #include nsContentUtils.h from CallbackObject.h; r=bz (59e3b60749)
- Bug 1205945 part.1 Remove unnecessary member of IMEInputHandler, mLastDispatchedCompositionString r=smichaud (2223df8aec)
- Bug 1205945 part.2 Add DispatchCompositionStartEvent() and move the code of OnStartIMEComposition() into it r=smichaud (25449c2bca)
- Bug 1205945 part.3 Move the code of OnUpdateIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionChangeEvent() r=smichaud (e85a65f2f7)
- Bug 1205945 part.4 Move the code of OnEndIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionCommitEvent() r=smichaud (21e6218c06)
- Bug 1205945 part.5 Emulate mSelectedRange at dispatching compositionchange or compositioncommit event until OnSelectionChange() is called r=smichaud (f82baaea8e)
- Bug 1205945 part.6 IMEInputHandler::GetAttributedSubstringFromRange() should return stored composition string if the range is in the composition string r=smichaud (53eabe028b)
- Bug 1205399 - Follow-up to fix build bustage for platforms without OS X 10.10 and -Wswitch enabled. r=mstange (c2e8eda9b5)
- Bug 1220337 - Don't show alternate notification actions on OS X 10.8. r=MattN (5ef8449dcc)
- Bug 1224738 - Fix alternate action index getter name on OS X. r=MattN (a6f83ce706)
- Bug 1225908 - AsmSimdTypeToLaneType. r=bbouvier (f850c10bff)
- Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor types/signatures/values (r=bbouvier) (31bc615781)
- Bug 1224389 - Odin: simplify AsmJSModule global data allocation (r=bbouvier) (3ba518183a)
- Bug 1222684 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement callWithPatch and patchCall. r=luke (0ede7a61c3)
- Bug 1224814 - "TraceLogger: Remove redundant checks in BaselineJIT". r=hv1989 (b3865fbdf0)
- Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffsetLabel into CodeOffset; r=luke (1d0aba3710)
- Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor stubs, func-ptrs, and masm use (r=bbouvier) (2834725644)
- Bug 1228340: Get rid of the js_ prefix for CodeSpec, CodeName, NumCodeSpecs; r=jorendorff (8ff2b3bcd5)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 2: Preliminary adjustments. r=waldo (f9e2adca8a)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 3: VM core changes. r=waldo (cf5b24fe18)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 4: VM built-in lib changes. r=waldo (603335d2aa)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 5: Ion changes. r=h4writer (b589713e1c)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 6: Odin changes. r=luke (f1dcb025d2)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 7: Ctypes, shell, xpconnect, etc. r=waldo (bdc78e0558)
- Bug 1199578 - test case. r=waldo (6a94fd455a)
- Bug 1211409 - load/store exclusive for ARM-32. r=jolesen (38efc4882e)
- Bug 1205390 - guard against asm.js compilation not being available. r=me (aeefe98cfd)
- Make test runnable on non-Nightly (no bug) r=me (27930210ed)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 8: jit-test changes. r=bbouvier (31c4f42eea)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 9: tests changes. r=bbouvier (a245687f43)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 10: jsapi-tests changes. r=bbouvier (610e0002a2)
- bug 1198656 remove unnecessary reinterpret_casts r=padenot (bc5a67d521)
- bug 1198656 refactor acquiring the content into an object method r=padenot (b7b062fbf1)
- bug 1198656 clear references in mJSChannels on successful content acquire r=padenot (65e5ee1856)
- bug 1198656 delay AudioBuffer allocation until required r=padenot (57d0fd0d01)
- bug 1199559 remove now unused SetRawChannelContents r=padenot (40685ef783)
- Bug 1203616 - Properly scale the input buffer of a WaveShaperNode before processing it with the curve. r=karlt (12e9592a9e)
- Bug 1186343: Throw an InvalidStateError when we set the curve attribute of a WaveShaperNode with a Float32Array of length less than 2; r=padenot,smaug (df83b21fd0)
- bug 1188244 throw in SetCurve() on OOM r=padenot (17967b7b58)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 11: Changes to DOM, except for WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (c40e5c2a68)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 12: Changes to WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (228c90da3c)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 13: Changes to ipc. r=mrbkap (4b11d4e509)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell (91568c8444)
- Bug 1176214 - Part 15: Changes to xpcom. r=nfroyd (df8d080070)
- Revert "Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell" (d0aedbac94)
- improved backport of PM because of newer JS_GetArrayBufferData (9d8188ff5e)
- bug 1199559 write decodeAudioData buffer in a format suitable for direct use by AudioBuffer r=padenot (da00bab1a1)
- bug 1225003 null-check mBuffer in SizeOfExcludingThis() r=padenot (c01d389f10)
- Bug 1225365 - Fix assertion in the nsScriptNameSpaceManager memory reporter. r=bz. (a5605a8923)
- Bug 1229458 - Remove SizeOfIncludingThisMustBeUnshared() from string classes. r=mccr8. (26abcea276)
- Bug 1214506. Ensure OggReader sets proper IDs for its tracks. r=jya (a270b02301)
- bits of Bug 1188812 - Obtain CDM can render capability and store into MediaInfo (321388180e)
- Bug 1226450 - Report audio/video codecs used in HTMLMediaElement and WebAudio via telemetry. r=jya (e722b409b7) (f5a7b27f3d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1229395 - Part 1 - Unbreak MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC after bug 1141079. r=glandium (07a1e4d8a6)
- Bug 1229395 - Part 2 - Rely on MALLOC_H to provide function prototypes for MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC. r=glandium (5b305f69db) (2d33df0acf)
- import from UXP: Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769c) (522696571d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2023, 10:40

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink to Chrome/112.0.5615.121
    Added 225%, 250% to DPI settings
    Changed Favicon acquisition behavior
    Adjust the control behavior of the Blink engine
    Windows 10 and below changed to non-operation
    Fixed other minor bugs

Titel: Pale Moon 32.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2023, 17:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a bugfix and security release.


    Fixed a crash in CompareDocumentPosition with Shadow DOM.
    Fixed a crash with display:contents styling.
    Added a preference to disable the TLS 1.3 protocol downgrade sentinel (see implementation notes).
    Changed the way large clipboard copy/paste operations are handled, improving privacy (see implementation notes).
    Improved filename safety when saving files to prevent potential environment leaks (bis).
    Improved sanity checks of MIME type headers.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-29545 and CVE-2023-29539.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 1 rejected, 49 not applicable.

Implementation notes:

    Some proxies and middleware boxes improperly handle the TLS 1.3 protocol handshake causing an insecure downgrade to TLS 1.2. With our recent update of NSS, Pale Moon no longer allows this kind of protocol downgrade when trying to establish a TLS 1.3 connection to a server. The resulting error is ssl_error_rx_malformed_server_hello with an inability to connect to the server. To enable users to still connect to the servers or devices in question, we've added an option to switch off the downgrade sentinel. To switch it off as a temporary workaround, set security.tls.hello_downgrade_check to false.
    If copy and paste operations to/from the browser are performed, Pale Moon writes clipboard contents to disk in a temporary cache file if the copy/paste amount is particularly large, to avoid using large amounts of memory to hold this data. The average paste/clipboard size doesn't tend to hit this limit in which case it is just held in memory.
    Previously, these cache files, while in the O.S. temporary file location (%TEMP% or /tmp), would not be consistently cleaned up, potentially causing privacy issues if persisted. This was changed to using auto-cleaning anonymous temp files, improving user privacy and relying less on the O.S. or user performing cleanup of temporary file storage. Thanks to Sandra for pointing this out and providing the patch.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2023, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Added minimum and maximum width settings for tab and bookmarks menu
    Fixed the issue of sync icons not disappearing in the list after creating/editing a title/changing the main text
    Fixed the issue of garbled website display in Maxthon Notes
    Fixed the issue of being unable to open local addresses with icons
    Fixed the issue of not being able to drag and sort in the bookmarks management page
    Fixed the issue of incorrect thumbnail display on the new tab page
    Fixed the crash when closing tabs after previewing favorite notes
    Fixed the crash caused by adding and reading new notes
    Fixed the crash when opening all bookmarks in a new window

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2023, 18:50

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 522696571d...5602866910:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1204983 - Allow about: pages to load remote content (r=bholley,bz,florian,dragana) (234bb3d551)
- Bug 1201272 - add reftest for canvas shadows with destination-out op. r=jmuizelaar (2d4618d60f)
- Bug 1224976. Recover from singular-matrix cairo errors. r=mattwoodrow (7ae2e051e9)
- Bug 1200021 - Part 3: Add DrawTarget::IsValid and don't let Cairo version snapshot invalid surface. r=bas (069d0db780)
- Bug 1219991 - Make RestyleManager::{Begin,End}ProcessingRestyles private. r=dholbert (29f36406bb)
- Bug 1147692 - Remove gmp-decryptor backwards compatibility hack. r=edwin (d53204cb84)
- Bug 1229508 - Support current and previous GMP_API_DECRYPTORs. r=gerald (887b0b8245)
- Bug 1228215 - Expose the GMP name on each GMPParent. r=jwwang (9c5205143d)
- Bug 1183433 - Make GMPParent's AbortWaitingForGMPAsyncShutdown class-static, to simplify upcoming work. r=cpearce (483648359e)
- Bug 1174064 - Ensure we don't try to reuse a GMP doing async shutdown. r=edwin (fe62f2daec)
- fix log (000dc88d7b)
- Bug 1169129 - Make GMPService's GMP crash handlers easier to register. r=gerald (9c05cfed78)
- Bug 1227908 - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PushService.jsm, line 281: ReferenceError: data is not defined. r=kcambridge (99cb65c1cd)
- Bug 1225968 - Add authentication secret to push API, r=kitcambridge,smaug (60d57d206a) (6f7ba1a01e)
- import from mozilla: Bug 1229256: [MSE] P3. Prevent crash should buffered range be read while shutting down. r=gerald (b493cde48ac0) (fd7942d1ee)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225968 - Refactoring to move some of the push crypto logic, r=kitcambridge (2dc331f810)
- Bug 1174422 - Add system principal for UDPSocket init r=kitcambridge (57a7ed3bf4)
- Back out bug 1100863 and bug 1152264 for causing bug 1189729 on a CLOSED TREE. a=mhenretty,RyanVM (26d91329b3)
- add missing SSL_OBSERVED_END_ENTITY_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME telemetry bits (9f651777ef)
- bug 1172615 - check for and return early in the case of authentication bypass in AuthCertificateHook r=mcmanus (c642e7ba02)
- Bug 1229698 - Odin: fix memory corruption when -D passed to the shell (r=bbouvier) (257d9be84b)
- Bug 1226027 - Use Simd128 register content type. r=bbouvier (9967eff8ae)
- Bug 1229642 - Odin: hoist some things into Wasm.h and simplify symbolic addresses (r=bbouvier) (3c675a2af8) (2ca6778187)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1170325 - Convert js::Vector into a template alias to mozilla::Vector with a single customized default argument. Also get rid of the CRTP support in mozilla::Vector (through mozilla::VectorBase) now that template aliasing is good enough, and make mozilla::Vector final so that people will use composition and not inheritance with it. (Inheritance plays poorly with movability and a few other things, in addition to messing up template argument deduction matching.) r=Waldo, patch sort of a tag-team between him and me (1f663fc5c1)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in toolkit/. r=froydnj (7d47cd8c5f)
- Bug 1230409: Implement dummy HeapOffset members for non-ion builds; r=luke (74158a1271)
- Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffset::use/used into bind/bound; r=luke (90d1b88697)
- Bug 1228340: Remove the js_ prefix in front of IonOptimizationsLevel; r=h4writer (44b79061b3)
- Bug 1229196 - Fix MSVC C4334 "was 64-bit shift intended" warning in js/src/asmjs. r=sunfish (debed181c9) (5602866910)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.4.25.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2023, 20:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.15.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2023, 09:30

    Added new UI translation: Basque (euskara).
    Improved opening and closing of tabs. New tabs now open to the right of the current tab.
    Allow scaling up small images up to 2x size.
    Fixed possible crash when closing tabs.
    Fixed crashes on Wayland due to use of X11-specific code.
    Updated UI translations.


    Preferences dialog opens as a separate window.
    Option --prefs-sheet: open Preferences as a sheet like in previous releases.
    Reordering tabs: tab buttons can be dragged with the mouse, and tabs can be moved left/right using tab context menu items or keyboard shortcuts.
    Move a tab to the other side of a split view (tab context menu).
    Move a tab to a new window (tab context menu).
    Added a "Window" menu to the menu bar that has actions for manipulating and switching the active window, and duplicating and switching tabs. (On macOS, this menu has already been available.)
    MacOS: Globe+E opens the native Character Viewer.
    Gopher: Option to disable Gemini styling on Gopher menu pages. When disabled, whitespace is not normalized and all non-link lines are presented as regular paragraph text.
    Japanese UI translation (13% complete).
    Redesigned Preferences dialog with vertical tabs and a new organization of the settings. "Fonts" and "Colors" are removed, and there is a new "Content" tab.
    Mouse cursor turns into the I-beam only over selectable text.
    Indicate that tab autoreloading is enabled by changing the appearance of the navbar reload button.
    MacOS: "Window" menu has new actions for duplicating and switching tabs.
    GTK: Request dark window theme if the app UI color theme is dark.
    Prevent high-resolution mice from flooding event processing with too many motion events and delaying UI refresh.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2023, 19:20

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 5602866910...a8e11fd667:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1187146 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in js/xpconnect/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (28d2b6078d)
- Bug 1226119 - Clear pending exception from script cache writing failure. r=bholley (cca6220b3e)
- Bug 1218029 - Adds IncrementalStreamLoader interface stubs. r=djvj (d2eaf684d5)
- Bug 1218029 - Adds ScriptLoadHandler and implements OnIncrementalData callback. r=djvj (8f841b143d)
- Bug 1228467 - Don't preprocess dom/base/UseCounters.conf. r=froydnj (534610a94c)
- add EME bits to keep PP happy (47840e6c56) (0394c7f1d2)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
- #651: M1779993 + backbugs (9197c1505)
- #651: M1786188 M1791029 (28b4c0882)
- #651: M1761233 M1687303 M1633019 M1797336 M1799748 M1801102 (fb91afbb4) (8e435782a0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 821291 - Move libmozgnome into libxul. r=glandium,karlt (83f14b4257) (a8e11fd667)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2023, 08:40
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

+ Added locked tab and scrolling tab interaction settings
+ Added minimize button to quick note
+ Added tab folding to display more tabs
- Optimised Maxthon note sharing page
* Fixed label abnormal sleep issue
* Fixed Win11 menu display incompleteness issue
* Fixed bookmark menu maximum width setting not affecting submenus issue
* Fixed new tab page not displaying control bar flickering issue
* Fixed incorrect order when opening all bookmarks issue
* Fixed browser window state inconsistency when opened by login and before closing issue

Titel: Browser Tamer 2.9.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2023, 20:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



    New Features: Added a button to kill all browser processes
    Improvements: update to latest release of ImGui and MSVC++


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 07:50
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Added a side panel: AI Text Revision. This feature helps you revise and improve text in any language with the help of AI.

Titel: Vieb 9.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2023, 09:10
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Setting "tabnexttocurrent" boolean in favor of "tabnewposition" enum
    Setting "tabclosefocusright" boolean in favor of "tabclosefocus" enum


    Electron 23.2.0 (unchanged)
    Chromium 110.0.5481.192 (unchanged)


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Revised design of AI Text Revision panel. Added option "revise with simple and plain language". Removed "custom revise requirements" option to avoid abuse.
    Fixed a bug about start up in incognito mode.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Added crash prompt
    Fixed the issue of default hotkeys being occupied after modifying global hotkeys
    Fixed the issue of browser crashes when closing tabs or unpinning tabs
    Fixed the issue of being unable to replace the version during browser runtime when installing over an existing version
    Fixed the issue of certain settings being ineffective when opening bookmarks

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2023, 19:50

    New Features:

    Browser discovery is only triggered by user request, so we don't re-discover on every launch. It makes antivirus software more happy
    All the browser metadata is saved inside the .ini file
    Configuration file location is now at LocalAppDatabtconfig.ini
    Installers are now .msi based
    Show notification when link is intercepted (off by default)


    URL Tester shows additional column with browser and profile.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2023, 20:25
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Updated some functions and features.
    Bundled our latest Windows application PC-Drop Copy Master with our NetSurfer browser. An Android edition is also available for download!

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2023, 09:10

+ Upgraded Chromium kernel to 109.0.5414.121
+ Added golds system, score can be exchanged for golds, continuous sign-in can obtain more golds
+ Added function bar at the top of the new tab page, which can switch between quick access and notes
+ Added login backup route
+ Added settings for pinning and scrolling tabs
+ Added crash prompts
* Optimised minimalist and download window styles
* Optimised URL recognition for super drag-and-drop
* Updated multilingual translation
- Fixed known issues and crashes


Titel: Pale Moon 32.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2023, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!



    Implemented dynamic module imports. See implementation notes.
    Implemented exporting of async functions in modules.
    Implemented JavaScript class fields. See implementation notes.
    Implemented logical assignment operators ||=, &&= and ??=.
    Implemented a solution for websites using the officially deprecated ambiguous window.event. This is disabled by default but can be enabled through about:config's dom.window.event.enabled preference. See implementation notes.
    Implemented self.structuredClone() (this may be very obscure to anyone except web developers. Apologies ;-) )
    Implemented Element.replaceChildren. Once again primarily a web developer note.
    Improved Shadow DOM :host matching.
    Implemented WebComponents' CSS ::slotted() and related functionality.
    Improved page caching in our memory allocator.
    Added support for FFmpeg 6.0, especially important for bleeding-edge Linux distros.
    Fixed a potential drawing deadlock for images, specifically SVG. This solves a number of hang-on-shutdown scenarios.
    Fixed various crashes related to WebComponents and our recent JavaScript work.
    Fixed various build-from-source issues on secondary target platforms.
    Fixed various small browser front-end scripting issues that could lead to errors or broken functionality.
    Fixed handling of async (arrow) functions declared inside constructors.
    Fixed various small JavaScript conformance issues.
    Fixed an issue where JavaScript (only in modules) would not properly create async wrappers.
    Updated the DOM Performance API to the current spec (User Timing L3).
    See implementation notes, especially if you intend to use this in web content for critical functionality.
    Updated keypress event handling to send keypress events on Ctrl+Enter.
    Updated internal JavaScript structures to make future porting easier, as well as improve JavaScript performance.
    Updated window handling and styling on Mac.
    Updated the Freetype lib to 2.13.0.
    Updated the Harfbuzz lib to 7.1.0.
    Updated our DNS lookup calls to use inet_ntoa() instead of the deprecated inet_ntop().
    Updated the Fetch API to use the global's base URL instead of the entry document's base URL for spec compliance.
    We no longer support the outmoded fontconfig on GTK systems.
    We no longer parse or return the body of known-empty responses from servers (content-length of 0, or in case of HEAD or CONNECT methods).
    Implemented scaled font caching on GTK, improving performance.
    Fixed a build issue when building for Linux on ARM64 on later distros.
    Split out more parts of the browser into separate .dll files on Windows to reduce compiler strain and an oversized xul.dll
    Removed mozilla::AlignedStorage (code cleanup).
    Builds for FreeBSD now use xz for packaging instead of bzip2. By request, we now also offer GTK2 builds for FreeBSD.
    Merged the preference dom.getRootNode.enabled into the dom.webcomponents.enabled pref. See implementation notes.
    Fixed a potential DoS issue with JPEG decoding.
    Fixed a potential issue in Windows widget code that could lead to crashes.
    Disabled potentially hazardous external protocols on Windows.
    Added known-problematic .dlls to the internal blocklist.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-32209, CVE-2023-32214 and several others that do not have a CVE designation.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 4 fixed, 1 rejected, 27 not applicable.

    Implementation notes:

    JavaScript modules have various methods of being loaded into web page content. One of the later introduced methods is a function-style import() declaration, so-called "dynamic module imports" that has been used by various web frameworks, causing issues for Pale Moon resulting in blank pages in most cases (since the websites would not actually use document structure HTML, but rather JavaScript to create content, all from imported modules). This has been a major web compatibility issue lately and we're pleased to announce that this complex bit of machinery has been implemented.
    JavaScript's language specification is continuing to be watered down from a prototyping language towards a more "C-like" hybrid. As part of that effort, JavaScript classes were introduced in ECMAScript 6, and now further expanded in ES2022 with class fields and private class fields/methods, as well as statics. We should have a complete implementation of this now, which constitutes the more important parts of the ES2022 language update.
    The use of the outdated Microsoft Internet Explorer global window.event has been a pervasive web compatibility issue for us, especially since it was officially deprecated and we never implemented this ambiguous and unreliable property that is highly-context sensitive. Websites should use the event as passed into the event handler to get the event source instead. However, since neither Chrome nor Firefox have dropped this and seem to be playing a game of "chicken", it remains in use on the web. To deal with this conflict, we have now implemented the equivalent behind a preference to enable users to (temporarily) use the global window.event while webmasters update their websites. We hope the Google camp will finally drop this one soon so we can be done with this legacy quirk.

    The DOM Performance API was updated to the User Timing level 3 spec. It should be critically noted that the DOM Performance API was never designed to be used as a matter of course on published content, and was designed only for page performance analysis use by web designers. Of course, as part of making dev tools available to the web, a lot of abuse ensued because of the accurate navigation and timing measurements that this API can provide (looking at you, Google!). Because of tight integration with web content analysis, the older spec implementation we had was causing issues and actually breaking some services, so we updated it, but with a few important key differences:

    In Pale Moon, we keep navigation timing disabled because it's a notable privacy issue for the data it can gather (exact navigational events and timings). If you're a web dev and need these timing measurements, you can enable them with dom.enable_performance_navigation_timing.
    Our implementation, contrary to the spec, does not allow unlimited recording of performance events (effectively logging every page event!) which can also rapidly eat up memory. Instead we enforce a sane default quota that should be roomy enough for all legitimate use, but prevents runaway resource use or extensive logging of user actions.
    If the set quota is reached, a warning will be printed in the console and the recorded performance events will be thrown away. If you (foolishly) rely on Performance API events for your web application to function, be aware this may cause compatibility issues as the API was, again, not designed to be used in such a fashion. For event handling, there are much better alternatives available which do not involve extensive recording of user data or relying on a developer tool API.
    We've historically implemented the DOM getRootNode function as it was being used in the wild as a standalone function, however its main intent has always been to be a helper function part of Shadow DOM/WebComponents. As such we have now merged the preference into the WebComponents preference, enabling and disabling it along with the rest of our WebComponents implementation.


Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed profile page did not show the correct language problem.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.5.19.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2023, 19:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2023, 19:20
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    New features:

    Input prompt font size can be changed with the Zoom In/Out/Reset keys.
    Preferences: Option for silently following scheme-changing redirects (Network tab; default: no).

    Changes and enhancements:

    Tab creation and closing follows common browser conventions: new tabs are opened next to the most recently opened tab, so they retain the correct left-to-right order.
    Preferences: Moved cache/memory size settings to Content tab.
    Page title in margin omits prefix Emoji if it matches the bookmark icon.
    Adjusted word-wrapping to break at a period inside a word (e.g., domain names).
    If the page is missing a level 1 heading, use the first content line as the title.


    Fixed tab order getting reversed when restoring tabs at launch.
    Fixed order of opened tabs when using "Open in New Tabs" on a bookmark folder.
    Fixed input focus going to the wrong split when pressing Ctrl+L/?L with an Upload dialog open.
    Fixed text fields becoming nonresponsive when multiple fields are active.
    Fixed input query dialogs not being hidden when the tab changes.
    Fixed incorrect parsing of "hostname:port" in URL field (without // or gemini://).
    Fixed potential crash when switching between cached pages while navigating in history.
    Fixed potential crash when closing split view during a scrolling animation.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-04-20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2023, 18:00
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git bb3c92a4bb..1dfd83ddde:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1218918 - Issues with devtools "work offline" when connectivity changes r=mcmanus,dao (4b3488c7ed)
- Bug 1218315 - Replace NS_LITERAL_STRING(...).get() with MOZ_UTF16(...) on netwerk. r=nfroyd (4669777bb8)
- Bug 1069417 - Fix an error introduced when rebasing across bug 1021845 to reopen a CLOSED TREE. r=bustage (72ca0b4524)
- Bug 1069471 - Add a ViewAs() overload for matrices. r=kats (73b2f2070d)
- Bug 1212876 - Fix a bug in UntransformVector and in code that was relying on that bug. r=botond (8ae25438e2)
- Bug 1069417 - Modify TransformTo() and related functions to use typed matrices. r=kats (53338d1f4c)
- Bug 1069417 - Remove the explicit template argument of TransformTo() and related functions. r=kats (3db2cd1452)
- Bug 1069417 - Add typedefs for commonly used typed matrices. r=kats (5fa203c4d8)
- Bug 1225018 part 1 - Trigger reflow on some text emphasis changes for line height calculation. r=dbaron (e431d73a6d)
- Bug 1225018 part 3 - Use font metrics of emphasis marks to compute required leading. r=jfkthame (6690cd2fd6)
- Bug 1225018 part 4 - Ensure leading for emphasis marks of text directly inside block. r=jfkthame (b5b771cdaa)
- Bug 1224013 part 3 - Add reftests for text-emphasis with ruby. r=jfkthame (4b0fbbb8d1)
- Bug 1225018 part 5 - Add reftests for line height handling of text-emphasis. r=dholbert (9b876def46)
- Bug 1202940 part 1 - Move html.css and ua.css back to be loaded in constructor of nsLayoutStylesheetCache. r=dbaron (e23014579e)
- Bug 1077521 - Allow tables to use vertical writing modes. r=smontagu (2d6af4318e)
- Bug 1157083 <abbr> and <acronym> should use dotted underline of text-decoration instead of border-bottom r=dbaron (65c08fb512)
- Bug 1147459 - Update rule of fullscreen iframe to meet the spec. r=roc (4d2d262c2c)
- Bug 1141928 part 3 - Reftest for simple RTL case. r=jfkthame (fe0e512c1f)
- Bug 1202940 part 2 - Remove layout.css.ruby.enabled pref. r=dbaron (3f67dd7c3f)
- Bug 1224013 part 1 - Enable text-emphasis in UA sheets. r=dbaron (2213ee91b2)
- Bug 1224013 part 2 - Render text-emphasis outside ruby. r=jfkthame (533d79c988)
- Bug 1226489 - Pass only a single rule to StyleRuleChanged. r=bzbarsky (1eb206b427)
- Bug 732209 way delayed followup. Make the comments a bit clearer. DONTBUILD (acdf2554ee)
- Bug 1162608: Import cssfixme's radial-gradient unprefixing fix into CSSUnprefixingService. r=hallvors (77c3ac6813)
- Bug 1160281 - Add support for -webkit-transform-origin via CSS Unprefixing Service. r=dholbert (29ef22fe5c)
- (no bug) Remove a stale reference to a fixed bug in a comment. DONTBUILD, comment-only (64d351d868)
- Bug 1205486 - Release the ImageValues in an nsStyleContext's CSSVariableImageTable entries outside of hashtable methods to avoid re-entrancy problems. r=seth (63756da470)
- Comment typo fix; no bug. (DONTBUILD) (72842512af)
- Bug 1197307 - remove PR_snprintf calls in layout/ r=froydnj r=dholbert (fb0e969449)
- Bug 1154356 - Escape variable name in Declaration::AppendVariableAndValueToString. r=heycam (27e8032270) (1e81c8f57e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1211479 - Errors when parsing substituting variables should include the generated string to help diagnose the issue. r=bz (41d8876fa8)
- Bug 1219150 - EventStateManager::{LatestUserInputStart, UserInputCount};r=smaug (2420aab91f)
- Bug 1171970. Handle super-long lines in CSS files a bit more gracefully if they cause OOM when creating CSS error messages. r=heycam (c1a3ec3869)
- Bug 1226400 - null-check GetParentObject(). r=m_kato (445e4cd17b)
- Bug 1226400 - throw an error in addition to returning null. r=bz (ac11a79851)
- Bug 1222662 - In the content process, detect when the mouse exists a plugin frame and update the content cursor accordingly. r=enn (7dfa70eeaa)
- Bug 1186780: Replace EnumerateRead with new iterators in ImageLoader. r=dbaron (939ae5322c)
- Bug 1186780: ifdef DEBUG fixes on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (1d8d5cfaa1)
- Bug 1219474 - Replace PRLogModuleInfo w/ LazyLogModule in the 'image/' directory. r=seth (abd4f22cfb)
- Bug 1217571 - fix the imagelib cache to work in e10s; r=seth (25fd01a8f5)
- Bug 1187149 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in image/ with iterators r=njn (b1f310e9cc)
- Bug 1114526 - Make sure that CSS image invalidation also notifies rendering observers even if the image isn't visible (because the rendering observers might be visible). r=mattwoodrow (1dd0d5d0f7)
- Bug 1215361 (part 1) - Don't set mBPP twice in nsICODecoder.cpp. r=seth. (8250b4e5b6)
- Bug 1215361 (part 2) - Streamline nsBMPDecoder's getters. r=seth. (dd8b3a9d61)
- Bug 1215361 (part 3) - Deconvolute nsICODecoder's handling of endianness. r=seth. (a8c0841b1b)
- Bug 1204393 (part 1) - Use StreamingLexer in the ICON decoder. r=seth. (c68d1aafe3)
- Bug 1204393 (part 2) - Add more testing of the ICON decoder. r=seth. (d964ba2aee)
- Bug 1210291 - Streamline StreamingLexer's handling of terminal states. r=seth. (92ba68ff6d)
- Bug 1223319 (part 1) - Remove unused function nsICODecoder::CalcAlphaRowSize(). r=seth. (35ddc1d85d)
- Bug 1223465 - Clamp GIF frame rects to their screen rects - r=seth (d7fbc3f591)
- Bug 1217465 - Fill in missing pixels caused by truncated BMP files. r=seth. (b18f045a48)
- Bug 1173214, r=seth,bz (fbf1b74263)
- shadow warnings in decoders (fa930afb03)
- Bug 962243 - Implement PINCH to TOUCHING transition in APZC. r=botond (937b537084)
- Add page scroll support for APZ wheel events. (bug 1228028, r=kats) (6dab10516f)
- warnings (675c4e9921)
- Bug 1153392 - Use the current timestamp if the software vsync thread is late. r=kats (4c56f24c21)
- Bug 884594 - Part 1: ACEService and nsIAccessControlEnforcer.idl. r=allstars.chh (e96c5e0bc3)
- Bug 884594 - Part 2.1: GPAccessRulesManager and nsIAccessRulesManager.idl. Add utils to SEUtils.jsm. r=allstars.chh (e299f898e9)
- Bug 884594 - Part 2.2: New SEUtils.js tests. r=allstars.chh (07a2fd9334)
- Bug 884594 - Part 3 - Build support for ACE components. r=allstars.chh (16c2cec2a6)
- Bug 884594 - Part 4: Initial integration with ACE. r=allstars.chh (38cac02a26)
- Bug 1118102 - Fix error handling by rejecting the promise request with specific SE errors instead of 'Generic Error'. r=allstars.chh r=khuey a=kwierso (a5aa5cd88b)
- var-let (9cdc34a4e3)
- Bug 1136211 - SMS cannot be sent to a 15-digit phone number (such as an iNum) which doesn't have a territory id. r=mhenretty (709e060b9e)
- Bug 1138571 - Update PhonenumberJS Metadata. r=fabrice (077024cd5a)
- Bug 1179379 - PhonenumberJS: Update Metadata. r=bent (e72bad1476)
- Bug 1136211 - SMS cannot be sent to a 15-digit phone number (such as an iNum) which doesn't have a territory id. Tests. r=mhenretty (19d12d1628)
- Bug 1188117: Do not allow IDBCursor.delete while cursor update is in progress. r=baku (86016e968f) (be2de91b7f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225603. Codegen ToJSValue overloads for Web IDL enums. r=smaug,jib (8c21e0b148)
- Bug 1194978 - Renable RequestSync tests in b2g, r=nsm (e99a2fb4f5)
- Bug 1182358 - patch 2 - RequestSyncService.jsm should not write debug messages (1fcc99d65c)
- Bug 1147804 - Facebook auto sync will not happen if you change the time 24 hours later. r=fabrice (936b25f586)
- Bug 1181489 - Enable debug for AlarmService.jsm. r=fabrice (a92673c2f4)
- Bug 1181489 - Adding sanity checks into the alarm service for preventing from the alarm works erroneously. r=fabrice (dd75f12425)
- Bug 1213169 - requestsync assumes all in-memory mozAlarms will never be purged (and these alarms get persisted anyways), but they are purged on timezone/clock changes, r=asuth (00924ed778)
- Bug 1147804 followup: Add missing 'override' annotation to AlarmHalService::Notify declaration. rs=ehsan (8e797f2a9a)
- Bug 1211469 - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/RequestSyncService.jsm, line 104: TypeError: this.addRegistration is not a function. r=baku (bbcefdb093)
- Bug 1216002 - "JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/RequestSyncService.jsm, line 228: TypeError: 'continue' called on an object that does not implement interface IDBCursor." r=bz (153d8a610b)
- Bug 1226708 - part 1 - Use importInMainProcess in requestsync tests. r=baku (7638d77db3)
- Bug 1140275 - System messages shouldn't be sent to app pages not registered in manifests. r=fabrice (3e0d7ae440)
- var-let (e74f0b4a2c)
- Bug 1174683 - [Secure Element] Fix TypeError in UiccConnector.unregisterListener. r=allstars.chh (9dd333d909)
- Bug 1156710 - [Secure Element] Allow SE access without full ACE checks if certified apps debug is enabled. r=allstars.chh (f1d0b8d5b0)
- Bug 1216822 - Make sure that using an invalid Content-Type when constructing a Response object doesn't throw; r=bkelly (232af6f665)
- Bug 1227030 - Change log module to LazyLogModule with a more self-explantory name. r=seanlin (17f85691fb)
- Bug 1225873 - micro-optimize creating event target chains; r=smaug (a38d507a61)
- Bug 1194525 - Gecko should ignore |postResult| calls for WebActivities with no returnValue. r=fabrice,sicking (1549718723)
- Bug 1174071 - Remove 'required' keyword for Bluetooth*EventInit dictionary members. r=btian, r=bz (f8c02ed9e3)
- Bug 1181483: Implement GATT server characteristic notification; r=jocelyn, r=mrbkap (d5170b650e)
- Bug 1215525: Replace strings with Bluetooth addresses and UUIDs in GATT mid-layer, r=joliu (5949fa2a39)
- Bug 1223720: Support UUIDs and addresses for Bluetooth signal paths, r=joliu (1d98490eac)
- Bug 1217778 - Ensure sBluetoothGattService is not null before accessing GattInterface in GattManager. r=jocelyn (40c4cde2b3)
- Bug 1146355: Update Bluetooth backend interface for bluetooth2, r=brsun (f384d2f1dc)
- Bug 1211948: Introduce |enum BluetoothSetupServiceId|, r=brsun (2c96581c45)
- fix (3de8d6c033)
- Bug 1211948: Register Bluetooth GATT module in GATT manager, r=joliu (491d1e0408)
- Bug 1209469: Expose |BluetoothPropertyType| in Bluetooth backend interface, r=brsun (027a57df73)
- Bug 1209469: Replace |BluetoothNamedValue| with |BluetoothProperty| in Bluetooth backend, r=brsun (c14311d277)
- Bug 1207649: Convert Bluetooth AVRCP backend to |BluetoothAddress|, r=shuang (0acc2e7f51)
- Bug 1223806: Add Bluetooth Core interface, notification and result handler, r=btian (d6ca2c4beb)
- Bug 1209085: Replace simple init ops by |UnpackInitOp| in Bluetooth Core backend, r=joliu (a37e6cc579)
- Bug 1223806: Convert Bluetooth to |BluetoothCoreNotificationHandler|, r=btian (a85b9302f5)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth Core API to |BluetoothAddress|, r=brsun (d105f3eab0)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth Core API to |BluetoothPinCode|, r=brsun (c3a2b4f30a)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth OPP API to |BluetoothAddress|, r=btian (560c056efc)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth AVRCP API to |ControlPlayStatus|, r=shuang (0aaac4c9c8)
- Bug 1215525: Use strong typing in Bluetooth GATT mid-layer interfaces, r=joliu (7ad219094f)
- Bug 1223806: Convert Bluetooth to |BluetoothCoreResultHandler|, r=btian (e2c96b7f90)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth GATT API to |BluetoothAddress|, r=joliu (a426ffd63d)
- Bug 1220121: Convert IPDL of Bluetooth GATT API to |BluetoothUuid|, r=joliu (2343063b18)
- Bug 1225787: Fix wrong arguments of BluetoothGattInterface::AddCharacteristic; r=jocelyn (b19bb89fb3)
- Bug 1228519 - Fix RequestReadNotification for GATT Server API. r=brsun (25cc876d88)
- Bug 1225785: Fix WriteRequested mismatch; r=jocelyn (89d9b243a3)
- Bug 1223806: Add |BluetoothDaemonCoreInterface|, r=btian (c6b2cd9fba)
- Bug 1220121: Prepare IPDL support for additional Bluetooth types, r=brsun (8cb996570b)
- Bug 1211948: Register Bluetooth Handsfree module in Handsfree manager, r=btian (af91aa226d)
- Bug 1211435: Rename some internal classes of Bluetooth's A2DP manager, r=shuang (e834e2ee87)
- Bug 1211948: Register Bluetooth A2DP module in A2DP manager, r=brsun (f9fcb0115f)
- Bug 1211435: Rename some internal classes of Bluetooth's AVRCP manager, r=shuang (15a23ffe31)
- Bug 1211948: Register Bluetooth AVRCP module in AVRCP manager, r=brsun (68e51afcca)
- Bug 1223806: Convert Bluetooth to |BluetoothCoreInterface|, r=btian (7bff6267e1)
- Bug 1186840 - [MAP] Implement MessageUpdate function, r=btian (6439c7497b)
- Bug 1207998 - Convert nsCString to nsString for BluetoothVCardListingEvent.mSearchValue, r=shuang (37effbf4d2)
- cleanup (721fb92ec3)
- fix misspatch (5e94030fcd)
- Bug 1230066 - Add missing STATUS_AUTH_REJECTED into enum BluetoothStatus,r=tzimmermann (17b45140a5)
- Bug 1225340 - Refine nullity check macros in BluetoothServiceBluedroid, r=tzimmermann (5175c6eacf)
- Bug 1227440 - Reject pin reply by cancelling bond to trigger BondStateChangedNotification, in order to inform gaia setting app, r=shuang (772401f943)
- Bug 1209085: Replace simple init ops by |UnpackPDUInitOp| in Bluetooth GATT backend, r=joliu (392d81748c)
- Bug 1229290 - Pack/unpack UUIDs in a reverse order when adding characteristics and descriptors in GATT server API. r=brsun (850fb0eeb9)
- Bug 1197815: Add missing |BluetoothHfpManager::IsNrecEnabled|, r=shuang (968089bef0)
- Bug 1216179: Fix broken interface of fall-back Bluetooth HFP manager, r=btian (13b602a861)
- Bug 1166469 - Add HandleBackendError for hfp-fallback product, r=btian (309dd1a92b)
- Bug 1224240 - fix memory leak in Bluetooth*Manager::CompareHeaderTarget; r=btian (c6cfc95bac)
- Bug 1224166: Build BluetoothCommon.cpp unconditionally, r=shuang (8efa02b83d)
- Bug 1209085: Replace trivial init ops by |UnpackPDUInitOP| in Bluetooth A2DP backend, r=joliu (4ccaab6bd6)
- Bug 1142408 - Add data length parameter for Register Notification Response Command. r=tzimmermann (28706dcc16)
- Bug 1228521 - Fix PDU packing in |ServerSendResponseCmd| for GATT Server API. r=brsun (290c3739c3)
- Bug 1209085: Replace trivial init ops by |UnpackPDUInitOp| in Bluetooth AVRCP backend, r=joliu (639f5b6143)
- Bug 1199653 - Correctly set |sInShutdown| in BluetoothService for content processes. f=tzimmermann, r=shuang (5fed461709)
- Bug 1224166: Define Bluetooth debug flag in BluetoothCommon.cpp, r=shuang (9602455405) (1dfd83ddde)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2023, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed handling of the AltGr key during text input (again).
    Updated UI translations.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2023, 08:40
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.


Whats new:>>

    Add a new double-click to install extension (.crx)
    Adjust two-factor authentication to the account security center
    Optimize the logic for opening recent menu lists, adding a new 'Reopen Closed Window' menu item
    Fix the issue of the bookmark script executing would open a blank page problem

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2023, 19:50
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



    New Features:

    Status bar displays current CPU load of your system.
    Metrics window is available from browser right panel, showing realtime graphs of CPU, Memory and number of processes of the browser in general.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2023, 08:50
Whats new:>>

    New Features:

    License terms updated so that you don't have to buy me a cake (including vanilla) or assign your first-born child. You are obliged to buy me a coffee though, which is cheaper than cake.

    Bugs Fixed:

    CPU usage metric is unreliable and is temporarily removed.

Titel: Dooble 2023.05.31 Win7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2023, 08:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Peek-a-boo, where available. Explore, build, discover.
    Qt 6.5.1.
    Release includes a bunch of accumulated bundles!
    Updated domain-filtering files.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Optimized the auto-update of PassKeeper when opening the website with a blank title
    Optimized PassKeeper to save blank accounts or blank passwords
    Supports deletion of bookmarks, tabs, and search engines from history records
    Fixed the issue where inputting search engine keyword + space in the address bar fails to switch to the search engine
    Fixed the crash caused by data upload during login
    Fixed the issue where the second verification of PassKeeper was invalid
    Fixed the issue where the share link could not be copied in the new tab

Titel: Lagrange 1.16.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2023, 19:10
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Set input focus to navbar URL field when opening an empty window.
    The navbar URL field only omits the "gemini:" scheme when the text actually doesn't fit horizontally, and only when the field is inactive.
    Fixed problems with handling URLs in input fields. For example, copying the URL to the clipboard sometimes had unexpected or incorrect results.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-05-27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2023, 19:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 1dfd83ddde..ed2747a092:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1214139 - Connect to HFP, A2DP, and AVRCP if CoD is invalid, r=shuang (459ec4b233)
- bits of Bug 1156229: Make ref-counted class destructors non-public (dc7a57b259)
- Bug 1228909 - Fix PDU packing in |ClientSetAdvDataCmd| for GATT API. r=brsun (08d7ecc898)
- Bug 1228946: Remove '#if 0' block from Bluetooth module, r=joliu (b5f0503541)
- Bug 1209085: Replace simple init ops by |UnpackPDUInitOp| in Blutooth HFP backend, r=joliu (5783c5826c)
- Bug 1211948: Remove registry interfaces from |BluetoothDaemonProtocol|, r=brsun (c7b21bac78)
- Bug 1223804 - remove unused container macro; r=btian (de2e51ddec)
- Bug 1228471 - use Endian.h to write filename and handleId into OBEX packet, r=shuang (38225c81ac)
- Bug 1211435: Cleanup AVRCP interfaces when Bluetooth adapter gets switched off, r=shuang (52d318d250)
- cleanup old BT files (93589e8581)
- Bug 1132343 - Patch2: Replace setPairingConfirmation() with accept() in marionette test due to API change. r=shuang (37645d2d0f)
- Bug 1139774 - Add a function to wait promise for bluetooth adapter creation. r=shuang (cb66b22bc7)
- var-let (aedeed6516)
- Bug 1178654 - Fix the uuid length when parsing bluetooth low energy advertisement data. r=btian (88118d5f2f)
- Bug 1170076 - Use snprintf instead of sprintf when parsing bluetooth GATT advertisement data. r=shuang (3ede2b3a98)
- Bug 1166231 - patch 2 - BluetoothOppManager blob uses fixed CLOSED TREE (559f9cdd90)
- Bug 1178076 - MessagePort should not set listeners nor workerFeature when neutered, r=smaug (ac527766ed)
- Bug 1177727 - MessagePort should call RemoveObserver before calling Release(), r=mccr8 (8d59127b35)
- Bug 1224825 - Race condition in MessagePort::close - patch 1, r=smaug (c655fbfec7)
- Bug 1224825 - Race condition in MessagePort::close - patch 2, r=smaug (fbb702e748)
- Bug 1187115 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/{bluetooth,messagechannel}/ with iterators. r=khuey. (40e8a81d13)
- Bug 1185531 - Wrong NS_WARN_IF use in MessagePort.cpp, r=smaug (47077031e4)
- Bug 1181595 - Improve null checks in MessagePort::RemoveDocFromBFCache, r=smaug (f9964384e9)
- fix misspatch of 1180555 (0f9e3b5383)
- Bug 1181595 - MessagePortChild should check if the MessagePort is still alive before dispatching messages, r=smaug (3dd0ca3bac)
- namespace fix (1288e86370)
- Bug 1224061: Fuck bluetooth. r=me CLOSED TREE (b952a5e008)
- Bug 1159650 - Remove incorrect value assertions in BluetoothGattCharacteristic and BluetoothGattDescriptor. r=btian (97376c7d95)
- missing bit of 1140952 (da07ba9392)
- Bug 1194153 - Chrome Registry's convertChromeURL shouldn't crash when given a null url, r=bsmedberg. (aeea438643)
- Bug 1203900 - Fix cycle collection and array buffer creation bug in the implementation of MediaKeyMessageEvent, MediaEncryptedEvent, and BluetoothLeDeviceEvent. r=bz (e30c13f078)
- Bug 1137601 - Fire onadapterremoved before onattributechanged in BluetoothManager, f=jocelyn, r=shuang (4920faebd8)
- Bug 1228479 - Remove redundant blob handling in BluetoothMapRequestHandle::ReplyToFolderListing, r=shuang (a4cda2f71c)
- Bug 1227380 - Move LOCAL_INCLUDES and CXXFLAGS to moz.build in dom/bindings/. r=mshal (2ba98b8c3b)
- Bug 1227987: Simplify CGDOMJSClass::define. r=bz. (bc2686e68a)
- Bug 1229176 - make check for ChromeOnly interfaces for header inclusion more complete; r=bz (506d0b9572)
- Bug 1230291. Correctly include nsContentUtils when generating a manual hasInstance with nsIDOM* stuff or when we have a JS-implemented interface with clearable cached attrs (852e9c3c9e)
- Bug 1229031. Make sure to not init binding pref var caches on worker threads. r=smaug (ae495709cd)
- Bug 1226448. Fix Optional::Construct to do perfect forwarding, and fix the dictionary assignment operator code for members that can have missing values to not try constructing and already constructed member. r=jib (e67eff372e)
- bug 1196460 - add class for wrapping proxies of document accessibles r=surkov (8ec0276e4b)
- Bug 1210549 - Make proxied accessibles defunct when proxy dies r=tbsaunde (ab0fabf2a4)
- bug 1196460 - make the ctor of HyperTextProxyAccessiblewrap public r=surkov (2f3c9ef441)
- bug 1196460 - make IsDoc() return true for wrappers of proxied documents r=surkov (59f0d68130)
- bug 1196460 - provide mapping from id to accessible in DocProxyAccessibleWrap (359a45ddef)
- bug 1168204 - Expose more interfaces to windows for proxied accessibles r=davidb (9db556118a)
- bug 1213327 - expose iAccessibleHyperlink on proxied accessibles r=davidb (935ae7d3df)
- bug 1159828 - make ia2Hyperlink use proxies r=davidb (2d9982d7e3)
- bug 1168202 - ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_anchor needs to give the caller a reference to the anchor r=davidb (7ea462a6ce)
- bug 1159741 - make ia2HyperText use proxies r=davidb (47fa0bb381)
- bug 1159850 - make ia2Accessiblevalue use proxies r=davidb (b1731c4019)
- Bug 830801 - Part 2. Remove NOMINMAX define from moz.build. r=mshal (0d8375058c)
- Bug 1166169 - Add MOZ_GONK_MEDIACODEC in configure and define it in moz.build. r=cpearce, r=glandium (5ffba1b95d)
- Bug 1200492 - Do not add the top source directory to the include path in dom/canvas; r=gps (eb72451eaf)
- Bug 1226868: Fix test metadata to correctly check things and verify that it has done so afterwards. r=bz (5354c2b3fc)
- Bug 1220565 - Remove non-standard comprehension from addon-sdk/. r=mossop (95a732e149)
- Bug 1146926: Allow attaching a worker to a CPOW window without invoking CPOW operations. r=gabor (590192deec)
- Bug 1228975 - Remove Array generics usage from Places code. r=mak (dd5cc6efca)
- Bug 1217225 - Differentiate between images optimized for skia and skia-gl in the CanvasImageCache. r=mstange (79eaf016f8)
- Bug 1213491 - Change CanvasRenderingContext2D::ContextState::clipsPushed to an nsTArray. r=nical (ae43fc69d2)
- Bug 1163105 - Flush frames before building the filter. r=roc (05b2980b24)
- Bug 655328 - clip canvas drawImage source/dest rectangles instead of throwing IndexSizeError. r=jmuizelaar (9f5274375b)
- Bug 696630 - Take imageSmoothingEnabled into account when creating pattern fills. r=mattwoodrow (f2c99c9cfb)
- Bug 1228287 - Make sure we can't do SkiaGL without the pref set. r=benwa (552495d3c5)
- Bug 1222083 - verify that a Skia GL context is actually available before trying to use it in Canvas2D drawImage. r=jmuizelaar (1c8cf4ba63)
- Bug 1190210 - Part 1: Avoid wrong memory accessing in CropAndCopyDataSourceSurface(). r=smaug (a035874da0)
- Bug 1190210 - Part 2: Make sure the size of created ImageBitmap is the same as the intented cropping area. r=roc (5a80cf8dae)
- Bug 1190210 - Part 3: Fix the assertion in create-from-blob case. r=smaug (4ff1045b98)
- Bug 1190210 - Part 4: Test cases. r=smaug (8ef4c6f293)
- Bug 1224647 - part1 - remove ErrorResult in the creating ImageBitmap from ImageData code path; r=bz (78792f46d1)
- Bug 1224647 - part2 - remove ErrorResult in the creating ImageBitmap from Blob code path; r=bz (de719d4eca)
- Bug 1215414 - Fix ClearBuffer taking TypedArrays. r=jgilbert (22b34bd418)
- Bug 1209384 - Check active query has same type as target. r=jgilbert (483fbce55a)
- Bug 1220783. Map GetUniformIndices names. r=jgilbert (f7c7b03a4d)
- Bug 1228488 - Return INVALID_ENUM for GL_UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH. r=jgilbert (826a05df79)
- Bug 1228949 - Fix WebGLBuffer content type when the target is LOCAL_GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER or LOCAL_GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER. r=jgilbert (a6ecdbce69)
- Bug 1186666 - clamp gl ClearDepth() value to [0,1]. r=jgilbert (c0ee2d0375)
- Bug 1171021. Rewrite SetFullAlpha to choose one method of iterating. (cd48866843) (0e560e6a54)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1174043 - Run DisableTimer if timer is not yet disabled. r=dglastonbury (43c299c62d)
- Bug 1178893 - Made state/gl-enum-tests Conformant. r=kamidphish (1633473eae)
- Bug 1206907 - GenerateWarning should output to Web Console, not Browser Console. - r=bholley (6932f2268b)
- Bug 1217550 - In debug build, drop a note if we use SkiaGL canvas. Simplify logging defines and flags for non-critical errors. r=benwa (25bf7f409e)
- Bug 1142975 - Check for Present()-caused context loss. - r=kamidphish (54fb28fca5)
- Bug 1167176 - Only premultiply webgl snapshot pixels if alpha is used. r=jgilbert (514b386faa)
- Bug 1159131 - Work around false positive -Wuninitialized gcc warnings in DEBUG PGO builds of WebGLElementArrayCache.cpp. r=jgilbert (6ed90182df)
- Bug 1192472 - Only do supplemental isArray check if WorkAroundDriverBugs. - r=kamidphish (dd483b334f)
- Bug 1156582 - Initialize WebGLShader bools in constructor. r=jgilbert (274a9e2f94)
- Bug 1106138 - Cause crash when an unimplemented pack mode is used. Implement packing for RGBA32F format, which is used in WebGL 1.0.2 conformance. r=jgilbert (f50837881a)
- Bug 1186111 - Implemented pack unpremultiply for 32f formats. r=jgilbert (e9c9817fc9)
- Bug 1186111 - Implemented pack unpremultiply for 16f formats. r=jgilbert (a7de6d243c)
- Bug 1186129 - Fix assignment of alpha in pack premultiply RA16F. Also made a cosmetic change to the assignment of alpha in pack premultiply RA32F so that it is more consistent with the other pack functions. r=jgilbert (af4ed85388)
- fix misspatch (6648b81b59)
- Bug 1228711 - Cubemap images must be square. - r=benwa (67449ebf1e)
- Bug 1225576. Always use the VAO workaround. r=jgilbert (8a60a1fede)
- Bug 1223445 - KeyframeEffectReadOnly objects end up keeping lots of other objects alive too long, r=birtles (399e829c30)
- Bug 1194639 part 1 - Add AutoMutationBatchForAnimation; r=heycam (efad01861e)
- Bug 1194639 part 2 - Report changes to playbackRate to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (f02c335b45)
- Bug 1194639 part 3 - Report changes to startTime to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (6e75a26308)
- Bug 1194639 part 4 - Report changes to currentTime to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (9de00c380d)
- Bug 1186684 - Remove unused ErrorResult in Animation::SetPlaybackRate/SilentlySetPlaybackRate. r=bbirtles (49f0661411)
- Bug 1194639 part 5 - Report changes from calling reverse() to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (547a21978a)
- Bug 1194639 part 6 - Report changes from calling finish() to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (8d844bff3b)
- Bug 1194639 part 7 - Report changes from calling play() to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (0f512e80b1)
- Bug 1194639 part 8 - Report changes from calling pause() to animation mutation observers; r=heycam (e72119572b)
- Bug 1207951 - Fix buggy logic in ComposeStyle; r=heycam (481ee753fb)
- Bug 1161320 - Fix conflict between finishing and aborting a pause; r=jwatt (5ad0b89e91)
- Bug 1216846 - Don't update hold time when completing a pause if it is already set; r=heycam (28f3301a4e)
- Bug 1209519 - Undef GetCurrentTime in DocumentTimeline.h to fix --disable-accessibility bustage. r=birtles (4c3bec65a3)
- Bug 1230056 part 1 - Add EffectCompositor::HasAnimationsForCompositor; r=dholbert (fbe737d428)
- Bug 1230056 part 2 - Remove nsLayoutUtils::HasAnimationsForCompositor and call EffectCompositor::HasAnimationsForCompositor directly; r=dholbert (df22cd42a6)
- Bug 1194037 part 5 - Make AnimationProperty::operator== ignore mWinsInCascade; r=heycam (3b2409fe3f)
- Bug 1231107 - add an assert on animationProperty. r=heycam (372c0975ed)
- Bug 1216872 - Make 100% Keyframe returned by getFrames() have easing:linear. r=birtles (25e98055d5)
- Bug 1227384 - Move LOCAL_INCLUDES and DEFINES to moz.build in js/src/. r=mshal (5e825ebfbe)
- Bug 1225298 - Use GCHashMap for liveScopes, r=terrence (4aa4aaf59d)
- Bug 1134253 - Improve object extensibility TypeError messages produced from Object.defineProperty; r=jorendorff (9c32f595d2)
- Bug 1227677 - Extract PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR from PNK_FOR so that comprehension gunk doesn't taint for-loop emitting logic. r=shu (67e7547c25) (ed2747a092)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: WebBrowserBookmarksView 1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2023, 09:20
WebBrowserBookmarksView is a simple tool for Windows that displays the details of all bookmarks stored in Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every bookmark, the following information is displayed: Title, URL, Folder Name, Folder Path, Position, Created Time, Modified Time (Only Firefox), ID, Guid, Web Browser, and Bookmarks File.
WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system (current logged in user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.

You can also export the bookmarks list to csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, copy the bookmarks to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application, and open a Web site from your bookmark in your Smartphone by using QR Code.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Sort By' toolbar button.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2023, 08:40
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Added "Ask AI about this" to in-page popup menu. You can select any phrase in a web page and ask AI to explain it.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.6.4.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2023, 19:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2023, 08:20

    Remove whitespace from ends of a URL pasted into an input field.
    Fixed links whose label is a single Emoji sometimes not appearing.
    Fixed zooming not affecting unfocused windows right away.
    Fixed current zoom level not being applied to newly created windows.
    Fixed updating of selected text range in navbar URL when changing tabs.
    Fixed mouse wheel scrolling not working in unfocused windows.
    macOS: Fixed an issue where the input focus is given to the wrong window when the application comes to the foreground.

    New/changed in v1.16:

    Input prompt font size can be changed with the Zoom In/Out/Reset keys.
    Preferences: Option for silently following scheme-changing redirects (Network tab; default: no).
    Tab creation and closing follows common browser conventions: new tabs are opened next to the most recently opened tab, so they retain the correct left-to-right order.
    Preferences: Moved cache/memory size settings to Content tab.
    Page title in margin omits prefix Emoji if it matches the bookmark icon.
    Adjusted word-wrapping to break at a period inside a word (e.g., domain names).
    If the page is missing a level 1 heading, use the first content line as the title.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-06-03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2023, 19:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git ed2747a092..193db9294d:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1071646 - Light refactoring of lexical binding helpers in Parser. (r=jorendorff) (08dd35a4aa)
- Bug 1230710 - Reenable direct eval and arrow functions in derived class constructors. (r=jorendorff, r=shu) (8767ca1400)
- Bug 1071646 - Make functions block-scoped in JS and implement Annex B semantics for compatibility. (r=jorendorff) (3a4b960615)
- Bug 1071646 - Support labelled function declarations in sloppy mode per Annex B.3.2. (r=jorendorff) (7688ce37ca)
- Bug 1071646 - Introduce JSOP_BINDVAR to support Annex B.3.3.3. (r=jorendorff) (6f19a9c7c9)
- Bug 1071646 - Cast ParseNode to Definition using as<T>. (r=jorendorff) (c96ca0203c)
- Bug 1071646 - Support JSOP_BINDVAR in Baseline. (r=jandem) (d7912d6cd7)
- Bug 1071646 - Support JSOP_BINDVAR in Ion. (r=jandem) (9c76c0f995)
- Bug 1227677 - Emit code for PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR using separate code from that used for for-loops. r=shu (d565e9e21d)
- Bug 1227677 - Minor renaming. r=shu (ec3a477823)
- Bug 1227677 - Rename the misnomer |letDecl| variable associated with for-in/of loop variables to |letBlockScope|, as that's much closer to its actual meaning. (Notably, |for (let x of []);| does *not* mean |*letDecl|.) r=shu (c9feaa68c2)
- Bug 1227677 - Simplify code in light of the fact that for-in/of loops never have a PNK_LEXICALSCOPE declaration node and therefore never have a letBlockScope requiring pushing and popping. r=shu (19ff248532)
- Bug 1225298 - Use GCHashSet for SavedStack set of frames, r=terrence (9ed6c0f4c3)
- Bug 1225474: Ensure we only ever seed the js::SavedStacks PRNG state with valid states. r=fitzgen (99c858644b)
- Bug 1230162 - allocate less, when we can. r=luke (563337bc70)
- Bug 1225298 - Use GCHashSet for SymbolRegistry, r=terrence (4d0cfc2931)
- Bug 1227028: TraceLogger - Fix when to keep the payload of a TraceLogger event, r=bbouvier (cb3bea30fc)
- Bug 1228238 - "TraceLogger: don't enable tracelogger unless TLOPTIONS is set". r=hv1989 (c9d56ad367)
- Bug 1224809 - "TraceLogger: Document what are enabled in 'TLLOG=Default' and 'TLLOG=IonCompiler'". r=hv1989 (64b6ebceea)
- Bug 1223767 - "TraceLogger: Assertion failure: i < size_, at js/src/vm/TraceLoggingTypes.h:210". r=hv1989 (1b50e8acb7)
- Bug 1227914: TraceLogger - Limit the memory tracelogger can take, r=bbouvier (458da9b2f7)
- Bug 1259403 - Tracelogger: Only increase capacity by multiples of 2, r=bbouvier (1e4bf23eab)
- Bug 1225346 - Fix parseModule() error handling r=terrence (b100c793dc)
- bug 1224308 - Remove some Makefile cruft. r=gps (f094c44df9)
- Bug 1217911 - Use correct scope when bailing out a module script r=shu (c4f39cf294)
- Bug 1230039 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement cacheFlush for Loongson3. r=jandem (01c5af81f2)
- Bug 922406 - Ion-compile global scripts that use 'this'. r=shu (cb66effddf)
- Bug 1227567 - Add Ion cache for module namepsace imports r=shu (72f4a4e971)
- Bug 1216107 - Remove bogus assert. (r=arai) (bad84d1795)
- Bug 1225367 - Fix bogus asserts when storing symbols to typed arrays. r=h4writer (0220c4ca3b)
- Bug 1226188 - Define the DEFINED_ON_DISPATCH_RESULT macro such that it can be called with no arguments as well as with one argument. r=nbp (69138260f3)
- Bug 1227567 - Add baseline IC to optimise module namespace imports r=shu (692aaf3e8a)
- Bug 1226816: SharedStubs - Don't enable the call scripted get prop shared stub in ionmonkey yet, r=jandem (b71ff142f4)
- Bug 1229396: Templatize get{Float,Double,SimdData}; r=jandem (3b75e4e4ff)
- Bug 1229396: Templatize constants merging in the shared x86 masm; r=jandem (d32cdb2b1b)
- Bug 1229396: Templatize Float/Double/SimdData in MacroAssembler-x86-shared.h; r=jandem (0ae16c027a)
- Bug 1229396: Propagate OOM when pushing elements to the uses array; r=jandem (8ddb05d926)
- bits of Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1229604) (1285191abd)
- Bug 1229821 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix merge macro assemblers. r=bbouvier (078b702c7d)
- Bug 1230404 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix load32(wasm::SymbolicAddress, Register). r=bbouvier (c7861440e2)
- Bug 1213165 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Fix ion/bug901086.js failed. r=nbp f=rankov (63d3f07b39)
- Bug 1230403 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Add add64 to mips32. r=arai (105e49c927)
- Bug 1208259 - ARM64: Handle an empty nursery in branchValueIsNurseryObject(). r=bhackett (95d6a15432)
- Bug 1207827 - Fix OOM error in ARM64 simulator. r=nbp (076d2a5a5e)
- Bug 1204700 - ARM: Use a different scratch register for store32. r=sstangl (b6e70c4d26)
- Bug 1221359 - Fix ARM assembler assertion that doesn't hold if we are OOM r=jolesen (7e79f2b4f9)
- No bug. Remove some long obsolete files. r=woof! (c95a1f341b) (3931475e3b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1200445 - Expose android native apps trough the navigator.mozApps api r=snorp,ferjm (5f2e5df93a)
- Bug 1199844 - limit webapp debug logging to webapp tests; r=fabrice (59bf73deb2)
- Bug 1199295 - Pass right loadingPrincipal to uriloader/prefetch - dom/apps (r=fabrice) (8bdab29703)
- Bug 1213170 - followup r=bustage on a CLOSED TREE (9ac5f0a677)
- Bug 1194243 - Keep the message manager alive in doUninstall() to be able to signal the result back; r=myk (3093189372)
- Bug 1154864 - Fix getScopeByLocalId use in PushService.jsm r=nsm (0f67e9de60)
- Bug 1196963 - Make extensions work without being in developer mode r=jduell (e120108628)
- Bug 1200851 - DataStoreService should update its permission map when the homescreen changes, r=fabrice (1582ac0320)
- Bug 1200851 - DataStoreService should update its permission map when the homescreen changes, r=fabrice (7949555b43)
- Bug 1186805 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/datastore/ with iterators, r=njn (0c6f234576)
- Bug 1208355 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in dom/datastore. r=baku (8b617685d4)
- Bug 1214092 - Part 1 of 1: Exposed WebSpeech API SpeechRecognition Interface to privileged apps. r=smaug (e33c92d4e8)
- Bug 1218337 - Part 1 of 1: Introduced permission 'speech-recognition' and used it in place of the app-check. r=smaug (1cdf67a55f)
- Bug 1051604 - Adapt VAD strategy on SpeechRecognition to be less strict on some devices with poor mics. r=smaug (911258b56e)
- Bug 1111135 - Part 1: Add audio-capture:3gpp perimission. r=fabrice (c98bee92a6)
- bit of 1196988 (a334242521)
- Bug 1193183 - Correctly implement SpeechRecognitionAlternative::confidence using ps_get_prob(). r=anatal (14a881b44f)
- Bug 1197455 - Call ps_set_search() only after successful grammar compilation. r=anatal (55d37ea0fb)
- Bug 1156560 - Prefer old CDMs on update if they are in use - r=cpearce (b763f1044a)
- Bug 1228215 - Add helper to do dir enumeration in GMPServiceParent. r=jwwang (1d3bc1eef0)
- Bug 1228215 - Store each GMP's storage and nodeId salt in separate directories. r=jwwang (20fb2b7a18)
- Bug 1172396 - Update GMP trial creation pref from chrome process - r=cpearce (123d97d03a)
- Bug 1228215 - Add a 'gmpName' parameter to GMPService::GetNodeId(), so each GMP can see a different nodeId for the same origin. r=jwwang (fceaef0c11)
- fixes for no EME (b70879a799)
- Bug 1228215 - Migrate existing GMP storage from post-42 pre-45 location to 45 location. r=jwwang (9da581744d)
- missing crash stuff (b537d416b3)
- Bug 1187193 - Use UserData() instead of Data() in ConstIter loops that used to be EnumerateRead's. r=njn (2a4c297f36)
- Bug 1211337 - Added crash report annotations tracking sync shutdown (60b3004394)
- Bug 1173195 - Don't assert success until successful in GMPSharedMemManager. r=edwin (3844ba6e20)
- Bug 1208289 - Log outstanding frames in GMP DrainComplete() and detect dropped ResetComplete. r=jwwang (eccf4dbecc)
- Bug 1224442: null-check GMP Parent Shmem messages from the Child to handle messages after shutdown r=cpearce (d12b9c57c2)
- add some defines (3c4fc2d5b9)
- Bug 1220929 - RemotePageManager should let us get all ports for a browser. r=Mossop (402fc2a536)
- Bug 1220929 - RemotePageManager should use documentURI and allow special URLs with query params. r=Mossop (9fc73b228e)
- Bug 1144422 - fix lightweight theme code to deal with invalid CSS so we don't mistakenly keep text colors, r=jaws (8b47394d6c)
- Bug 1229519: Fix download managers to pass eslint checks. r=mak (e4a684db58)
- Bug 1180113 - Introducing g2p algorithm inside pocketsphinx to allow out of dictionary words to be added to grammars. r=smaug (b3a23daf56)
- Bug 1202989 - Added check for 0 length phones string in addition to NULL. r=andrenatal (387faeb88c)
- Bug 1171082 - Now _WIN32_WINNT is defined to 0x0400 only if it is not defined, 0x0400 is the minimal version. Also modified update.sh to do this. r=smaug (bb7dd37c00)
- bits of Bug 1165518 - Part 2: Replace prlog.h with Logging.h. (fc0ca3ca20)
- Bug 1188970: Fix usage of forward slash in constructing webrtc trace file path. r=rjesup (8518b84be1)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in docshell/. r=bz (839a57580e)
- Bug 1220916 - Remove "WARNING: TimelineConsumers could not be initialized" when running gtests, r=fitzgen (c89330afcc)
- Bug 1217836 - Add a readme file to our timeline backend, r=jsantell (df0ea6b198)
- enable shadow (dcad5bdb7a) (c4d71010c8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1224810 - "TraceLogger: Add the script information for the event created by BytecodeCompiler". r=hv1989 (12b6891fa7)
- Bug 1227677 - Simplify emitting of comprehension variables. r=shu (4e9ea2fee7)
- bug 1223529 - remove ipc/chromium/Makefile.in. r=gps (8d71334ca0)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in widget/. r=roc (4355625107)
- Bug 1225188. Implement window.onstorage. r=smaug (50168cdffb)
- Bug 1286158 - Add Android 64bit support for libevent. r=billm (b33cb1fccf)
- Bug 1162524: Fix error handling |UnixSocketWatcher::Connect|, r=kmachulis (04e67535b4)
- Bug 1178514 - Mark one-argument constructors in IPDL tests as 'explicit'. r=bent (cc6fde1e1c)
- some warnings stuff (68ecef6622)
- Bug 1170231: Part 1 - Remove condition that may cause deadlock in IPC when mediating interrupt races; r=dvander (79dd6902a2)
- Bug 1170231: Part 2 - Regression test for IPC race mediation deadlock; r=dvander (eabe33218f)
- Bug 1167396 - Make ProtocolCloneContext::mContentParent a smart pointer. r=bent (519ad9f47e)
- Bug 1213567: Prevent neutering from occurring during CreateWindow(Ex) calls; r=jimm (6550685051)
- Bug 1177013 - Bug fixes for CPOW cancelation (r=dvander) (b50da43c07)
- Bug 1217640 - MessageChannel::Call() should delete aMsg when the channel is not connected. r=jld (899b0e6349)
- Bug 1159037: Ensure correct parent and child message are passed to MessageListener::MediateInterruptRace; r=dvander (96c1f42029)
- Bug 1177013 - Telemetry for CPOW cancelation (r=dvander) (ec704af72c)
- Bug 1050122 - Part 2: Disable preallocate when proc loader is not initialized. r=khuey (2d35b8e25e) (193db9294d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2023, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Optimize the tab height
    Fixed Maxnotes url handing problem
    Fixed bookmark opened in wrong position problem
    Fixed flashing window when browser started problem

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2023, 20:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Latest news runtime DLL file added to NetSurfer.
    Updated some functions and features, including PCDrop Copy Master.
    Bundled our latest Windows application PC-Drop Copy Master with our NetSurfer browser. An Android edition is also available for download!

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fix issue with dedicated search bar.

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2023, 21:45
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



    New Features:

    Custom browser's profiles are now just custom browsers, making custom-registered browser experience more ergonomic. They can be added from File menu.
    Metrics window is completely removed. I've decided this app should do one thing but do it well and metrics is just outside of the scope of Browser Tamer core functionality. There are plenty of tools to investigate performance, including ones built into Windows itself.
    File menu has new option - 'copy path to config.ini' which copies it to clipboard.


    Browser list in config window is sorted - system browsers alphabetically, then custom browsers alphabetically. Profiles are sorted alphabetically to, incognito being at the end. All of the sorting is case-insensitive.
    Freed up configuration real estate by moving 'test' button to the rest of browser control buttons.
    Window scaling errors fixed for certain monitors.
    Config window status bar text doesn't jump around when width change.
    All of the browsers have a running icon indicator, including user-defined.

    Bugs Fixed:

    If custom defined browser didn't specify url argument nothing was passed to the target browser


Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2023, 18:45
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

Added 'Sort By' dropdown to the toolbar.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-06-10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 18:40
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 193db9294d..41532ef15e:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1230413 (part 1) - Pass a DrawTarget to several PaintFocus functions(). r=mattwoodrow. (5df91490ae)
- Bug 1230413 (part 2) - Change CallbackData::mContext to a DrawTarget.… r=jfkthame. (07ee11cdd3)
- Bug 1211867 - Use the font's NBSP glyph (if present) rather than rendering NBSP using the standard <space> glyph. r=jdaggett (481384c1a3)
- Bug 1230413 (part 3) - Remove unused gfxContext argument from SetSpaceGlyphIfSimple(). r=jfkthame. (6f9194709d)
- Bug 1230413 (part 4) - Remove unused nsRenderingContext argument from ForceBreak() and OptionallyBreak(). r=mattwoodrow. (8d517a64c3)
- Bug 1230413 (part 5) - Pass a DrawTarget to Draw{Dashed,SolidBorder}Segment(). r=mattwoodrow. (0ec1212b6e)
- Bug 1122788 - patch 1 - nsMultiplexInputStream should not use Tell() in debug builds, r=bz (f92a138bc7)
- iBug 1122788 - patch 2 - nsMultiplexInputStream should not use Tell() in debug builds, r=bz (afadbc68ee)
- Bug 1105044: update XULRunner stub path finding to match the updated Mac app package signing requirements. r=bsmedberg (241e69e234)
- Bug 1151506 - move nsIInterfaceInfo::isMainProcessScriptable to the end of the interface's vtable; r=dbaron (a763bdbeb5)
- Bug 1123323 - Ensure that xptiTypelibGuts cannot have a vtable; r=froydnj (c68a87f37d)
- Bug 1223142 - make XPIDL set default nullptrs for optional out parameters, r=bz (a67cafedba)
- Bug 1219246 - use UniquePtr instead of nsAuto*Ptr in xpcom/; r=erahm (c0a9c817ca)
- Bug 1217047 - try harder in IsContractIDRegistered to return a reasonable answer; r=bsmedberg,f=yury (25f42064c0)
- more of Bug 1101651 - Part 2 (bb82515cb6)
- Bug 1159302 - handle ftell errors in nsINIParser::InitFromFile; r=erahm (252bf762da)
- Bug 1159304 - silence Coverity warning about implicit conversion issues in ReadAheadLib; r=erahm (f6ae3d7af0)
- Bug 1233176 - Scalar Replacement: Initialize properties with the default value of the template object. r=shu (5ae139b872)
- Bug 1223023 - Ensure that we have enough ballast space for allocating MoveGroups in BacktrackingAllocator::resolveControlFlow. r=bhackett (ad486853ad)
- Bug 1231575 - "JitSpew: RegAlloc: dump buffer is too small for a kraken spew". r=bhackett (5042256569)
- Bug 1231581 - "IonMonkey: MOZ_CRASH() in BacktrackingAllocator.cpp:LiveRange::toString() might be unreachable." r=bhackett1024 (8453cfdb5a)
- Bug 1231581 - fix C4018 warning in WinXP. r=bhackett1024 (03ae92e018)
- Bug 1228404 - Add OOM test for module parsing and fix a couple of bugs r=shu (a71b84e9a9)
- Bug 1228579 - BacktrackingAllocator: Pack the LUse::Policy next to the LUse pointer of UsePosition. r=bhackett (91b12c5da8)
- Bug 1225203 - Make backtracking register allocator spew / dump output threadsafe r=bhackett (c44f0a04f1)
- Bug 1202784 - Part 1: Refactor SuperElemOperations for use with emitElemOperands. (r=jandem) (44adc3abf1)
- Bug 1202784 -Part 2: Seperate RequireCoercible check from JSOP_TOID. (r=jandem) (531f3e7543)
- Bug 1225026 - Remove support for atomics on Uint8ClampedArray. r=nbp (29c1dd5bc3)
- Bug 1232022 - Part 1: Mark self-hosted intrinsics for later checking. (r=till) (f49b4de863)
- Bug 1232022 - Part 2: Implement JSOP_DEBUGCHECKSELFHOSTED, and use it to check self-hosted callFunction()s. (r=till, r=h4writer) (c9cbb13f0c)
- Bug 1232113 - "Make the format specifiers in JS_snprintf() invocations more portable". r=shu (1c6d9d4cb5)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 1: Implement RegExp unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (afbcec4095)
- Bug 1220457 - Show deprecation warning for non-standard RegExp.multiline. r=till (175aaa139c)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 2: Parse RegExp unicode character in non-CharacterClass. r=till, f=anba (492f380bbb)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 3: Parse RegExp unicode character in CharacterClass. r=till, f=anba (71bba378d2)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 4: Support everything Atom in RegExp with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (7a25bc6cd6)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 5: Support CharacterClassEscape in RegExp with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (f368c54be5)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 6: Support ignoreCase for BMP in RegExp with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (7c7e89b0bd)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 7: Support ignoreCase for non-BMP in RegExp with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (6841ae2cd6)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 8: Disallow extended pattern in RegExp with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (a12155c034)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 9: Use RegExp unicode flag in String.prototype.{match,replace,split}. r=till, f=anba (92f310d912)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 10: Decrement index when it points trail surrogate that has corresponding lead surrogate. r=till, f=anba (61ef65c7b2)
- Bug 1135377 - Part 11: Support back reference with unicode flag. r=till, f=anba (777aa5be56)
- Bug 1232113 - "Make the format specifiers in JS_snprintf() invocations more portable". r=n.nethercote (b7a402773b)
- Bug 1232113 - "Make the format specifiers in JS_snprintf() invocations more portable". r=nbp (b3d16188b4)
- Bug 1231386 - Change debugger to use RuntimeAllocPolicy for all its hash tables r=terrence (800f98186f)
- Bug 1231170: TraceLogger - Use size in debugger instead of the current id to track last logged item, r=bbouvier (a0ea950299)
- Bug 1226217 - Use less verbose cycle collection macros for mozilla::devtools::HeapSnapshot; r=bz (36ca65581d)
- Bug 1231763 - Extract breakdown parsing from JS::ubi::Census. r=jimb (698e7f5c2e)
- reapply bit of 1259403 (d6259f391e)
- Bug 1232113 - "Make the format specifiers in JS_snprintf() invocations more portable". r=jdemooij (edb4735fc5)
- Bug 1230747 - Fix element id generation rule for bytecode documentation. r=jwalden (392a974079)
- Bug 1231900 - "API Document for JS_snprintf() is non-consistent with the Implementation". r=jcoppeard (b669cf0291)
- Bug 1231883 - Implement HeapSnapshot.describeNode; r=mrbkap (515a6c4d1e)
- Bug 1232814 - Part 1: Fix a missing early return in NoteWeakEdge; r=sfink (e56620fb5d)
- Bug 1232814 - Part 2: Move LazyScript finalization to the background finalization thread; r=jonco (bb17b5a10d)
- Bug 1234106 - Avoid symbolic links in various directories used by the build system. r=gps (d150b03192) (41532ef15e)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 21:50
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Context/button menus use a popup window if they would otherwise have to scroll (e.g., "Dark theme:" in Preferences and "Folder:" in the bookmark editor).
    Improved tab closing order: close all sibling tabs opened from an origin tab before switching back to the origin tab.
    Center a short title under the icon in the page margin.
    Fixed navbar URL text selection when opening new tabs (keep all selected).
    Fixed too much empty space in the input prompt layout.
    Fixed input field not being updated after cutting text.
    Fixed stuck mouse button when opening a context menu while performing a drag.
    Fixed incorrect mouse button state and other potential incorrect behavior after resizing the window.
    Windows: Updated SDL to 2.26.5.
    TUI: Fixed build error.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2023, 19:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



+ Added Maxthon membership, which enables early access to new features
+ Added Super Bookmark, use Maxthon Notes as bookmarks, note reading mode added
+ Added separate profile for Incognito Mode
* Optimized the interface and interaction of MaxNotes
* Optimized the restore menu, no longer displays sub-menus
* Optimized the new tab assets page
- Fixed an issue where the maximize window system button exceeds area
- Fixed the issue of bookmark opening order and multiple tabs opening in the current new tab
- Fixed the crash when deleting the search engine


Titel: Vieb 10.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2023, 18:00
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.





    Blocklist uBlock Origin filters to the default list of blocklists
    Setting "requestheaders" to append custom headers to any request
    More default mappings: Firefox/Chromium inspired and mute/pin/internaldevtools mappings
    Settings "userscriptscope", "userstylescope" and "darkreaderscope" to control which pages scripts, styles and darkreader should run
    Suggestions for ranges
    Argument option to the mute command to force a mute state, such as :mute! true
    Argument option to the pin command to force a pinned state, such as :pin! false
    Setting "followlabelposition" to control where the label of follow elements should appear
    Set command syntax to rotate between a custom set of values, such as :set example!value1|value2|value3
    Setting "permissionusb" to list usb devices (default remains blocked, previously grouped as "unknown")
    Types and documentation using JSDoc to most of the source code
    More position options for opening new tabs using "tabnewposition"
    More focus positions after closing a tab using "tabclosefocus"
    Additional flags for ranges to filter suspended/real pages and audio/silent tabs
    Setting "pdfbehavior" to control what happens with PDF files (default changed from viewing to download)
    Support for the context menu key with default mapping to opening the menu
    Setting "historyperpage" to control the amount of history entries to show per page
    Action "pointer.copyTitleAttr" to copy the title attribute of a hovered element
    Action "pointer.copyPageTitle" to copy the page title of the hovered link if in the history
    Full interface scaling startup flag "--interface-scale", which can be combined with custom font sizes to achieve many different ratios
    Setting "notificationlimitsmall" to control how many newlines should be the limit for small/large notifications
    Option "largeonly" to the "nativenotification" setting to only show large ones natively
    Actions "pageRSSLinksList" and "pageRSSLinkToClipboard" to list and copy RSS feed urls found on the page

    Setting "replacespecial" is now by default set to "special"
    Default mapping <C-c> will now copy in normal, pointer and visual mode as well
    Setting "restoretabs" is now an enum that accepts different options
    Setting "notificationforpermisions" is now an enum that accepts different options
    Example configs to not include as much duplication as before
    Userstyles are now applied even if darkreader fails to apply
    Mapstring splitting to be more accurate when recursively including < and >
    Mappings for recording macros to be more in line with Vim, by mapping and unmapping them on start/stop
    Buffer commands to show all matching commands instead of the first one (especially useful for ranges)
    Pin command to better preserve tab order when using ranges
    JavaScript execution to always allow user interaction APIs
    Svg and "data:" favicons to be used if present in the list, otherwise still pick the first
    History page rendering mechanism to support large history files much better using pagination and background rendering
    Setting "guifontsize" now accepts a much wider range of values to accommodate interface scaling
    Erwic mode permissions to now ask for displaycapture instead of blocking it (Vieb default is still to block)
    Favicon mapping storage now uses a debounce mechanism similar to browsing history to improve performance
    Crashed tabs to allow navigating and reloading by recreating them as a new tab at the same position


    Action "openNewTab" in favor of ":tabnew" command
    Setting "clearhistoryonquit" in favor of "clearhistoryinterval=session"
    Setting "search" in favor of the functionality identical "searchengine" setting
    Setting "tabnexttocurrent" in favor of "tabnewposition" enum
    Setting "tabclosefocusright" in favor of "tabclosefocus" enum


    Image and svg follow links not showing since 9.0.0
    Scrollbar styling not working on pages that block custom CSS
    Userstyles not working on pages that block custom CSS
    Display capture styling not working on pages that block custom CSS
    Index-based ranges not working correctly for some commands
    Navigation delay system updating the current page instead of the right one
    Navigation delay system preventing page navigations for new tabs that are not loading
    Favicon not showing or spinner still rotating for suspended tabs
    Insert mode being left if interacting with the page menu
    System clipboard being used incorrectly on Windows and Mac on selections due to selection clipboard not existing on those systems
    Commands "tabnew" and "tabnewcontainer" not converting arguments to a url (preventing searches from working too)
    Mouse hover remaining on follow element when moving the mouse outside of the window
    Mappings being listed as modified when they were overwritten by the very same entry using :map
    Follow links which vary in height/width compared to parent potentially causing follow highlight to switch between them periodically
    Setting "containernames" not updating listed container immediately and not switching at all for new tabs and mouse clicks
    White background on special pages when reloading them multiple times
    Erwic settings not being saved with :mkviebrc if similar to regular Vieb defaults
    Settings "notificationforpermisions" being set to "none" not preventing notifications from being stored
    Keyboard focus being lost when opening pages that do not allow JavaScript to be run
    Suspendonrestore value "none" suspending all tabs instead of none
    Tabs with file paths open not being stored for next startup
    Incremental search sometimes moving two entries when searching the same string


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-06-17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2023, 18:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 41532ef15e..395e2e581b:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- bug 1215748 - use llvm-dsymutil for mac builds. r=mshal (a217006d89)
- warnings (31ea43d0d8)
- Bug 1175154 - Unit tests for IAC on 3.0. r=ferjm (12c424bab3)
- Bug 1219543 - Part 1: isRunningOnCompositor flag is now a member of AnimationProperty. r=bbirtles (85bc668501)
- Bug 1219543 - Part 2: Avoid the period that mIsRunningOnCompositor is false between restyling and building display list. r=bbirtles (597e46d479)
- Bug 1219543 - Part 3: MutationObserver should disconnect when the test is finished. r=bbirtles (70c26a266e)
- Bug 1214148 - patch 1 - propagation from the nested iframe back to the toplevel iframe, r=alwu (b42002f43a)
- Bug 1214148 - patch 2 - from toplevel iframe to the nested iframe, r=alwu (7b07fe5399)
- Bug 1214148 - patch 3 - correct window for nested iframes, r=alwu (27ee08caf1)
- Bug 1166910 - put referrer attribute behind pref in webidl, r=bz (93e421fa1b)
- Bug 1187357 - rename referrer attribute to referrerpolicy. r=hsivonen (70c67f5def)
- Bug 1187357 - Generated code for renaming referrer to referrerpolicy in html parser. r=hsivonen (738de3f278)
- Bug 1221341. Snap box shadow clip rect to device pixels. r=mstange (b63b783714)
- Bug 1228634 - Implement Element.getAttributeNames, r=peterv (4594d9c14c)
- Bug 1216193. Implement webkitMatchesSelector. r=khuey (39742b7e0b)
- Bug 1134648, handle dynamic changes to rel=dns-prefetch, r=bz (e27638080e)
- Bug 1229962 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in parser/html/; r=hsivonen (75de6314f1)
- Bug 1226437 - Speculative CSP should set speculative referrer policy instead of actual referrer policy. r=sicking (f7dfd3fd18)
- Bug 1227554 - Default to NullPrincipal if doc is not available within expatdriver. r=bz (336a562965)
- Bug 1215781 - Use MOZ_UTF16 to generate sTagUnicodeTable. r=mrbkap (eca371a36b)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 5: Fix NPAPI for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (25c4d080ab)
- Bug 1183828 - Remove 'nsWindow::GetNativeData not implemented for this type' warning. r=roc (0a60404b57)
- Bug 1224445 - Add NS_NATIVE_OPENGL_CONTEXT handling to nsWindow::GetNativeData() r=mwu (ee35844be4)
- Bug 1179632 part.1 native IME context should not be stored in InputContext but should be able to retrieve with nsIWidget::GetNativeData() r=smaug (5f1804bb72)
- Bug 1179632 part.2 WidgetCompositionEvent should store NativeIMEContext which caused the event and PuppetWidget should store it for GetNativeIMEContext() r=smaug, sr=smaug (e00ca78e3f)
- Bug 1179632 part.3 TabParent::RecvEndIMEComposition() shouldn't return true with aNoCompositionEvent when there is no widget r=smaug (ee065ed491)
- Bug 1179632 part.4 Clean up the code to request IME to commit composition across process boundary r=smaug (9567c4dc57)
- Bug 1179632 part.5 WidgetCompositionEvent::mNativeIMEContext should be used at looking for a TextComposition instance for a WidgetCompositionEvent r=smaug (f4e27ec28c)
- Bug 1179632 part.6 KeyboardEvent.isComposing shouldn't expose IME state on different document r=smaug (ca8b8a6a02)
- Bug 1227544 - Scaling on 720p devices is broken. r=timdream (cb89af839f) (2ddfe368e1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- align permissions to gecko (2b5293932d)
- Bug 1214759 - backport SkDashPathEffect::asPoints fix from upstream Skia. r=jmuizelaar (4f58a0ef9a)
- Bug 1216020 - Comment all ALLOW_COMPILER_WARNINGS lines. r=glandium. (30a485d631)
- bug 1174747 - Fix sqlite3 build on iOS. r=glandium (ad59695677)
- Bug 1229615 - Conditionalize mp4parse.h export. r=kinetik (f7e95a1afa)
- Bug 1211741 - Remove libstagefright ID3 files. r=k17e (016da13fed)
- Bug 1202266 - Suppress '-Wformat-security' in libstagefright CXXFLAGS. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe Bug 1143336 - Fix and suppress -Wunreachable-code-return warnings in media code. r=cajbir (f8f58de405)
- Bug 1225923 - part 1 - convert all needs-to-copy instances of AppendElement(nsDependentString(...)); r=erahm (e061f9cb53)
- Bug 1225923 - part 2 - fix AppendElement(nsDependentString(...)) call in HTMLInputElement.cpp; r=baku (69d4b4c288)
- Bug 1179089 - Let TelephonyRequestParent hold the callback objects. r=hsinyi (05a6d68415)
- Bug 1225923 - part 3 - fix AppendElement(nsDependentString(...)) calls in dom/telephony/; r=btseng (31cb1e8cb0)
- Bug 1225923 - part 4 - fix AppendElement(nsDependentCString(...)) call in nsClipboardProxy.cpp; r=roc (978e7bfe19)
- Bug 1225923 - part 5 - fix AppendElement(nsDependentAtomString(...)) calls; r=bz (82c93922bb)
- fix (761e252105)
- Bug 1187114 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xul/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (12b2947f5b)
- Bug 1187114 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xul/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (db1ad0cd0f)
- Bug 1187114 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xul/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (0b46fdbb38)
- Bug 1137009 - Do not persist xul window attributes when in fullscreen. r=enndeakin (6bef2373dc)
- Bug 1206958 - Use channel->asyncOpen2() in dom/xul/XULDocument.cpp (r=sicking) (21b1a90678)
- Bug 1216945 - Uninitialised value use in nsXULWindow::SizeShellTo. r=bzbarsky. (989ce9ff88)
- Bug 1189132 - Skip unmap during window destruction on GTK, working around talos hang with GL layers. r=karlt (34f29cb72b)
- Bug 1206964 - Use channel->AsyncOpen2() in netwerk/base/nsNetUtil.cpp (r=sicking) (fbb5158a68)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in xpfe/. r=neil (bd453fc5f5)
- Bug 1221992 - Prevent ServiceWorkerClients.OpenWindow from opening tabs in private mode windows. r=smaug (f7da0cf34c)
- Bug 1034922 - Make nsSiteWindow's destructor private, and expose it to nsContentTreeOwner via friend class. r=Enn (87d8dfa052)
- Bug 1214174 - Windowless WebBrowserChrome2Stub should implement nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow GetDimensions. r=billm (4f4b44532d)
- Bug 1214174 - Add windowless browser test case. r=billm (2ece018afd)
- Bug 1160770 - Unnecessary return in tabScrolling property in XPFE autocomplete.xml NPOTB r=Neil DONTBUILD (7fe5f13994)
- Bug 1192943 - Use channel->asycnOpen2 in xpfe/components/directory/nsDirectoryViewer.cpp (r=sicking) (79c2f93134)
- Bug 1186790 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in xpfe/with iterators. r=neil. (ee73ea015d)
- Bug 1232450 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in xulrunner/; r=Yoric (ffa7a84864)
- Bug 1174011, fix xulrunner-stub compile, r=gladium DONTBUILD (bb9381a707)
- Bug 1216723 - Add a new -forbid- Safe Browsing list type. r=gcp,r=smaug (9f164a56d8)
- cleanup, do not run PP (0d7c0cd4c0)
- Bug 1204338 Followup to Bug 403800 Refactor netError.dtd/netErrorApp.dtd to simplify per-application overrides r=Pike (5e1bbcb45c)
- Bug 1154347 - Don't set -fomit-frame-pointer on all of skia. r=glandium, r=gw280 (af8db2b7b9)
- Bug 1136958 - Remove duplicate SkDiscardableMemory_none.cpp from gfx/skia/moz.build. r=gps (9bbebeecc4)
- bits of Bug 1188462 - Rename gfx/skia/trun (d839e73b23)
- Bug 1215899 - Suppress clang and gcc warnings in gfx/skia. r=gw280 (e7859525d0)
- Bug 1222166 - use gcc/clang warning flags for clang-cl in moz.build files; r=glandium (b885ca1dff)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 1: Update Skia to master revision 53c5d5fb795fe04bec050c0583223027c25b839b. r=jrmuizel (4baf696313)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 2: Fix Moz2D Skia usage for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (d6192e1b0d)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 3: Fix thebes gfxPlatform shutdown for Skia. r=jrmuizel (ecaf498adf)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 6: Fix layers for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (e80b4e204c)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 7: Update moz.build for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (121c4c6e21)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 8: Fix OpenGL interface glue for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (327cebb260)
- Bug 1082598 - Part 9: Fix test failures for Skia update. r=jrmuizel (1d0a6a6a9a)
- missing bit of Bug 1082598 - Part 1: Update Skia (559cb5a38a)
- cleanup strange misspatch (5d759aadaf) (444160f7b2)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1219494 - Part 2. gfx/2d and gfxCrash. r=milan (2beb096938)
- Bug 1233069 - add override declarations to Windows graphics headers; r=Bas (a7f6e7d7f4)
- Bug 1230357. Enable subpixel text on skia content backends. r=lsalzman (86d91dece3)
- Bug 1225977 - fix DrawTargetSkia::MaskSurface with non-zero offset. r=jmuizelaar (5d63e35dc7)
- Bug 1230740 - wallpaper patch for a missing nullptr scenario. r=bas (bdfadb90ae)
- Bug 1233401 - Do Statistics static initialization from JS_Init; r=jandem (5f8383cd4a)
- Bug 1232113 - "Make the format specifiers in JS_snprintf() invocations more portable". r=evilpies (4b0481a222)
- Bug 1233722 - Add a documentation comment for JSOP_DEBUGCHECKSELFHOSTED. DONTBUILD. r=efaust (741fedfca9)
- Bug 1233722 - Followup: Differentiate between non-debug and opt builds. (rs=arai) DONTBUILD comment-only (234db53445)
- Bug 1227144 - Remove unused AutoRegExpStaticsBuffer; r=jonco (b7a21b5471)
- Bug 1233302: Don't seed the SavedStacks PRNG unless we're actually going to use it. r=fitzgen (4763a5eab5)
- Bug 1233187 - Use normal Rooted for AutoLocationValueRooter; r=fitzgen (90aea4363c)
- Bug 1208850 - Inline functions exported to self-hosting global. r=till (b0fbfc7245)
- Bug 1197932 - Remove Nightly-only restriction from ES6 Classes. (r=jorendorff) (11e58dfe79)
- Bug 1233011 - SharedArrayBuffer subclassing + tests. r=efaust (95c08f129e)
- Bug 1232264 - SharedArrayBuffer is only a constructor. r=arai (ae98086e9b)
- Bug 1233863 - ARM64: Set up pseudo stack pointer in proglogues. r=sstangl (9db659f62b)
- Bug 1232269 - Use the correct receiver when calling an own getter or setter on an unboxed object, r=jandem. (b28b8e4061)
- Bug 1233096 - Give JS::ubi::RootList its full type name as its concreteTypeName; r=jimb (6cab2fd056)
- Bug 1229829 - make sameBuffer more discriminating. r=waldo (fa7723a152)
- Bug 1233175 - refine an assertion. r=terrence (3bc1da0783)
- Bug 1231314 - Turn mozilla-config.h and js-confdefs.h into CONFIGURE_DEFINE_FILES. r=gps (b20e88acbb)
- Bug 1233966 - build fixes for FreeBSD. r=jrmuizel (a94c01b3aa) (395e2e581b)

With more commits form this branch:
- revert "Bug 1232450 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in xulrunner/; r=Yoric (ffa7a848)" (8ae9bc7a8a)
- remove ChaosMode hack in xulrunner-stub (41eb50841d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Biscuit 1.2.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2023, 19:20
Free your computer's browser from the hassle of running dozens of tabs concomitantly by relying on this useful app that allows you to effortlessly organize and access your favorite web apps.


Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where the "Always open link in default browser" setting was not working even when turned on.

Titel: Pale Moon 32.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2023, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a small bugfix and stability update.
There were no applicable Mozilla security bugs this time around.


    Fixed a crash in devtools in some OOM situations.
    Fixed crashes when internal script execution was blocked by extensions.
    Fixed crashes with WebComponents' ::slotted selector.
    Disabled incremental cycle collector by default to avoid performance regressions.
    Updated the default override for chase.com to work around issues.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2023, 09:20
Whats new:>>

+ New URL notes popup added
* Maxnote interaction optimisation
* Address bar 'little bee' interaction optimisation
* Settings-> Maxthon cloud account display and interaction optimisation
- Fixed 'note reading mode opened in the current window' problem

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2023, 19:50
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Added more web apps to the app menu.
    Latest news runtime DLL file added to NetSurfer.
    Updated some functions and features, including PCDrop Copy Master.
    Bundled our latest Windows application PC-Drop Copy Master with our NetSurfer browser. An Android edition is also available for download!

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.6.21.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2023, 18:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Vieb 10.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2023, 08:50


    Option "external" to "pdfbehavior" setting to open the pdf with externalcommand automatically


    Settings starting with "no" or "inv" not being able to be listed without "?" nor reporting the correct name
    Actions "nextPage" and "previousPage" no longer working for link elements
    Pointer scrolling to search results not working correctly due to Electron's inconsistent API
    Infinite loading issue for unresponsive pages due to loadurl rework
    Newtab actions for pointer mode not working due to tab still loading
    Errors for ipc calls to webview that are still being created by only sending data to webview with ready dom
    First navigation issue that requires a second mouse click to navigate by delaying the useragent reroll
    Relative feed URLs only returning the path (they are now prefixed with the current url as needed)
    Firefox version calculation being ahead of time due to delayed Firefox releases


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2023, 19:30

    Input prompt font size can be changed with the Zoom In/Out/Reset keys.
    Preferences: Option for silently following scheme-changing redirects (Network tab; default: no).
    Tab creation and closing follows common browser conventions: new tabs are opened next to the most recently opened tab, so they retain the correct left-to-right order.
    Preferences: Moved cache/memory size settings to Content tab.
    Page title in margin omits prefix Emoji if it matches the bookmark icon.
    Adjusted word-wrapping to break at a period inside a word (e.g., domain names).
    If the page is missing a level 1 heading, use the first content line as the title.


Titel: DuckDuckGo Browser 0.42.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2023, 09:20
Als App für Android und iOS sowie für macOS gibt es ihn schon länger, nun steht der DuckDuckGo-Browser auch in einer Windows-Version für jedermann zum Download bereit.

Für Kenner der privaten Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo dürfte wenig überraschend sein, dass der Hersteller auch bei seinem Browser auf einzigartige Datenschutzfunktionen und den hauseigenen Suchdienst setzt, der Angaben des Herstellers zufolge keine persönlichen Daten sammelt. Unter den Features ist der "Duck Player", ein Videoplayer, mit dem Sie YouTube-Videos schauen können – ohne datenschutzverletzende Werbung.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2023, 09:30
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    (Chromium 114)
    Add hourly weather forecast information to the drop down menu of weather toolbar button.
    Fix youtube video download issue.

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2023, 20:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.




New Features

    Added ability to restrict rule matching to everything (default), domain, or path.


New Features

    Autoshutdown feature removed as not an important function of this app


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2023, 18:50
Whats new:>>

Bugs Fixed

    Configuration editor did not properly read scope of matching.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2023, 19:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added word count feature in Maxnote editing mode
    Added drag and move interaction in Maxnote editing mode
    Added folder selection and right-click menu interaction in Maxnote root directory
    Improved clickable range for titles and summaries in Maxnote
    Optimized data synchronization prompts in Maxnote
    Updated translations for multiple languages
    Fixed an issue with Beehive Favorites positioning and modification errors
    Fixed a blank bookmark bar issue during Super Favorites initialization


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2023, 20:40
Whats new:>>

New Features

    Rules can have priorities in case multiple browsers match with similar rules.


    Added automation test suite based on Google Test. For you it means the app gets more rock-solid.

Bugs Fixed

    Invalid behavior when matching empty URL or empty rule.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-07-01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2023, 20:10
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 8b34136411..770c1e709f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1215921 - Range Analysis: Recover observable operands if they are recoverable. r=jandem,sunfish (5d0387ba66)
- Bug 1221923 - Remove pointless "initialized" static in VMFunction::addToFunctions; r=Waldo (fbf61fff54)
- Bug 12228397 - Bail out when dividing large unsigned integer by one. r=sunfish (cbd9d34bcf)
- Bug 1229292 - IonMonkey: MIPS64: Fix skip nops in conditional branches. r=huangwenjun06 (2244600084)
- Bug 1090957 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement atomics in MacroAssembler. r=lth (29399e4a33)
- Bug 1229989 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix patchCall for mips32. r=luke (1ae6f20686)
- Bug 1213747 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Import MIPS64 support into MoveEmitter-mips-shared. r=nbp f=rankov (16d46fe32e)
- Bug 1233863 - ARM64: Record the correct branch offset. r=sstangl (b2f940056e)
- Bug 1233884 - Remove unused CompactBufferWriters from MozBaseAssembler. r=jolesen (e37860be67)
- Bug 1233863 - ARM64: Avoid BumpSystemStackPointer(). r=sstangl (5c06e601c1)
- Bug 1229802 - Simplify MacroAssemblerARMCompat::decBranchPtr. r=nbp (a908c62e5b)
- bit of Bug 1217515 - Clean up the way touch event support is configured (2cfd0e4c65)
- Bug 1221459 - Remove SelectionStateChangedEvent. r=mtseng, r=smaug (9a827ab9fc)
- Bug 1209479 - Map Android back button to nsIWebNavigation::GoBack() for the current active frame r=fabrice (be41e7b8da)
- Bug 1165841 - Part 1: add window into nsINfcEventListener. r=dimi (475a56ab28)
- Bug 1165841 - Part 2: move window-related code to nsNfc.js. r=dimi (e2a0487b75)
- Bug 1165841 - Part 3: remove _rfState and init from NfcContentHelper. r=dimi (b8be95012d)
- Bug 1165841 - Part 4: using eventListeners. r=dimi (a22ff6d56c)
- Bug 1165841 - Part 5: remove listener when window is destroyed. r=dimi (48716e2ba1)
- Bug 1168292 - Part 1: update SYSTEM_APP_ID. r=dimi (ecdbbefb03)
- Bug 1168292 - Part 2: notify listener with correct tabId. r=dimi (4fb26c705e)
- Bug 1168292 - Part 3: add tabId in notifyUserAccepted. r=dimi (1b36a15b65)
- Bug 1170053 - [Aries] Not able to share a picture using NFC. r=yoshi (0b80df2866)
- Bug 1172159 - [NFC] Introduce getFocusTabId function. r=allstars.chh (b917d0dac7)
- Bug 1168704 - Rename setFocusApp in nslNfcContentHelper. r=yoshi (9918707442)
- more missing of Bug 1209479 (6480ccc315)
- Bug 1166210 - Remove ServicesSetting changes listener in NfcContentHelper. r=yoshi (6e8f388637)
- Bug 1121900 - [flatfish] build break by "error: undefined reference to 'mozilla::dom::MozIsoDepTech::mTechnology'". r=yoshi (b5aaaada08)
- Bug 976457 - B2G NFC: API for supporting NFC_A tags. r=yoshi r=smaug (b908a5d60a)
- Bug 1156208 - this.nfc.getErrorMessage is not a function. r=dimi (42e33fcfc9)
- Bug 1225701 - Add comments in TouchCaret and SelectionCarets for their obsolescence. r=mtseng (ba85234c0e)
- Bug 1210341 - (v3) Reduce accessiblecaret size. r=TYLin Bug 1221459 - Remove TouchCaret and SelectionCarets. r=mtseng, r=roc (ad6282ff96)
- Bug 1216986 - Fix usage of nsIURI.host in password manager and prompt code to support IPv6. r=dolske,liuche,kanru (cec90a6251)
- Bug 962249 part 1 - Add Element.scroll{Top,Left}Min (chrome-only) and convert most of scrollLeftMax uses and part of scrollTopMax uses to combinations with the new properties. r=roc,bz (13ed8ee58f)
- Bug 962249 part 3 - Add Window.scrollMin{X,Y} (chrome-only) and conve… (b9b6e6aa8f)
- Bug 918771 - Part 1: Move Fragment Serialization logic into nsContentUtils::SerializeNodeToMarkup, r=bz (865ea1d334)
- Bug 918771 - Part 2: Send text/html as MIME type for XHR send() of HTML document, r=bz (129b8d4115)
- Bug 918771 - Part 3: Update Web Platform tests to check for correct behavior, r=bz (ed0536f5b8)
- Bug 1085284 - Implement URLSearchParams iterable<>, r=bz (db1edd6d74)
- Bug 1224643. Fix handling of U+0000 in URLSearchParams serialization. r=baku (55856e5353)
- Bug 1224580. Copy of URLSearchParams should not copy its observer pointer. r=baku (1a5d859de5)
- Bug 1153145 - Ensure trusted focus events from web content focus plugins. r=smaug (d79fb35d4b)
- Bug 1183901, properly support WrapperCache on DistributedContentList, r=wchen (f15879c8ca)
- Bug 1188887: P1. Allow seeking when readyState is HAVE_NOTHING. r=jwwang (aa33721a44)
- Bug 1188887: P2. Add mochitest testing new seek behavior. r=jwwang (0520088343)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 6: Remove function prototype for undefined function IsAudioAPIEnabled(). r=jya (5126eb83ed)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 5: Run wave tests unconditionally. r=jya (668e6b9b77)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 1: Remove MOZ_WEBM #ifdefs because WebM is always supported, though not necessarily enabled. r=jya r=glandium (b3ec44f5bc)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 2: Remove MOZ_VPX #ifdefs because VPx is always supported, though not necessarily enabled. r=jya (c8853a16c4)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 3: Remove MOZ_WAVE #ifdefs because Wave is always supported. r=jya (e5c18f912c)
- Bug 1232223 - Part 4: Run webm tests unconditionally. r=jya (a81ab83b00)
- fix (9d9acad7f8)
- bug 1169640 - use nsIPrompt instead of nsIPromptService for insecure form submission r=mrbkap (1091d0d839)
- Bug 1231919 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ValidateARIAOwned, r=davidb (3466d77e14)
- bug 1172538 - make sure a document has an IPC actor before shutting it down r=davidb, lsocks (823a447f7f)
- Bug 1147646 - Crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::ProcessContentInserted while stability testing, r=davidb (c9e4e7ef2f)
- Bug 1230118 - added asserts on aOwner and aOwner->Elm() r=surkov (94295ffd61)
- Bug 1213281 - crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessible::UpdateTreeOnInsertion, r=davidb (6442f927cd)
- bug 1196460 - add method to get wrapper of proxy for document containing this proxied accessible r=surkov (0cc7ff8758)
- Bug 1222174 - add override declarations in AccessibleWrap.h; r=tbsaunde (a8c1d0d3f3)
- bug 1187055 - check the proxy being destroyed has a wrapper before cleaning it up r=davidb (b73966446c)
- bug 1196460 - remove proxy's ids when they are destroyed r=surkov (3cbc9a8536)
- bug 1196372 - make GetHWNDFor() work with proxied accessibles r=surkov (28a6057913)
- Bug 1196460 - teach GetChildIDFor() to deal with proxied accessibles r=surkov (4746bfa128)
- bug 1199735 - remove event logging from the windows AccessibleWrap::HandleAccEvent r=davidb (869e18d13f)
- bug 1199735 - factor win event dispatch logic into its own function r=davidb (0a9704aa9d)
- bug 1196460 - create different proxy wrappers depending on the type of the proxy r=surkov (cd2d18ebdc)
- bug 1213327 - store interfaces a proxy implements on the Accessible wrapping it (406c9a3715)
- bug 1213606 - work around proxy's that don't have a wrapper for their document r=davidb (252a3ff2e7)
- bug 1192330 - update text change data for proxied text change events r=surkov (4deb371062)
- bug 1199735 - fire windows events on proxies r=davidb (6400387e71)
- bug 1186536 - Bail out of ProxyTextChangeEvent() if the proxy doesn't have a wrapper r=davidb (b40f69c77b)
- bug 1207862 - make WrapperFor() take a const ProxyAccessible * r=davidb (8e79dc6d75)
- bug 1213402 - fixup silly array , on windows r=me landing on a CLOSED TREE (33368af3af)
- bug 606080 - add class to generate unique 32 bit ids r=froydnj (ebf0888dcc)
- Bug 1231148 - Avoid requiring IDL files installed in $DIST/idl to run AccEventGen.py. r=ted (22078343ce)
- Bug 1229838 - rel=apple-touch-icon-precomposed should fire mozbrowsericonchange. r=fabrice (2a3e93da96)
- Bug 1231040 - Check for premulting better. - r=jrmuizel (811609bbb3)
- Bug 1224475 - Start agent after seeking. r=baku (a009b58f2c)
- Bug 1231557 - Use the URL Classifier in Media elements. r=cpearce,r=gcp (9f5503581d)
- bug 1228484 throw instead of capturing a second stream to a different graph r=roc (e762799424)
- Bug 1198435 - MediaElementTableCount now checks that the element is not present for URIs other than the expected one. r=rillian (838b1b886b)
- Bug 1224991 - Log format string mismatch the number of parameters. r=cpearce. (9cd2770bd2)
- Bug 1144409 - Encrypted event should be fired once per initData. r=cpearce (e50b380feb)
- Bug 1213589 part.1 Make ContentEventHandler::GetTextLength() and GetNativeTextLength() called only with a text node r=smaug (10955440a9)
- Bug 1213589 part.2 Clean up GenerateFlatTextContent(), GelerateFlatFontRanges() and GetFlatTextOffsetOfRange() of ContentEventHandler r=smaug (3f6bf987ff)
- Bug 1213589 part.3 ContentEventHandler::GetFlatTextLengthInRange() should handle specially when it's called by nsIMutationObserver::ContentRemoved() r=smaug (ed03499803)
- Bug 1213859 part.4 ContentEventHandler should use NS_NewPreContentIterator rathr than NS_NewContentIterator at converting between DOM tree and flattened text r=smaug (fe6e3b1114)
- Bug 1213589 part.5 Redesign the rules to create range in ContentEventHandler::SetRangeFromFlatTextOffset() r=smaug (edaa7baf87)
- Bug 1213589 part.6 ContentEventHandler should insert line breaks at open tag of elements except non-replaced inline elements r=smaug (c2e9cc11dc)
- Bug 1213589 part.7 Add new testcases to runSetSelectionEventTest() and runQueryTextContentEventTest() for checking the behavior with open tag r=smaug (bcea465e5e)
- Bug 1213589 part.8 When there are no nodes causing text, ContentEventHandler should set start of the editor root to start of the range r=smaug (a6d6b4d8d5)
- Bug 1213589 part.9 ContentEventHandler::ShouldBreakLineBefore() should return false if the content is unknown HTML element r=smaug (960936477f)
- Bug 1214164 - Don't honor all <option> descendants of <select>; r=bz (188bfe2b89)
- Bug 1228876. Correctly ignore nested optgroups even if an optgroup is inserted into another, existing, optgroup. r=mats (f2058c8b68)
- Bug 1193637 - Use IsMap() in HTMLImageElement::PreHandleEvent; r=mrbkap (6f2ef9da61)
- Bug 1160819 - ResponsiveImageSelector - improve some over-aggressive assertions (b5d40119ac)
- Bug 1233259, only in-document images should respond to viewport changes, r=mystor (eb448e258c)
- Bug 773429 - Remove dom.disable_image_src_set. r=khuey (fa06677726)
- Bug 1230110 - HTMLImageElement should call its superclass's DestroyContent(). r=smaug (bac1d12c65)
- Bug 1231245 - Fix logging of Matrix4x4. r=botond (f5c93b67cb)
- Bug 1208661 - Remove some no-longer-used debugging code. r=BenWa (2c86e3efd2)
- Bug 1228602 - Ensure that we pick up the presShell resolution from the layer if there isn't a metrics. r=botond (3c1835a022)
- Annotate FrameMetrics that are created for ScrollInfoLayers. (bug 1192919 part 1, r=kats) (5be0234333)
- Minimize the displayport for frames that must animate synchronously. (bug 1192919 part 2, r=kats) (5abc63e72d)
- Force a paint to be scheduled for scroll info layers. (bug 1192919 part 3, r=kats) (4ed61248c7)
- Bug 1141127 - When inside a slop area around the first touchstart, prevent touchmove events from going to content. r=botond (18fa91d74e)
- Bug 1174532 - Even if the APZC is not pannable, have a small slop area to consume touchmove events. r=botond (ff8e6f46fe)
- Bug 1208636 - Adjust displayport size based on available system memory. r=kats (d1ff9798b2)
- Bug 1232094 - Make some APZ prefs live. r=botond (d45207bc5b)
- Bug 1231168 - Disable memory-based displayport size adjustment by default. r=mchang (c17b445171)
- Turn apz.use_paint_duration off. (bug 1192919 part 4, r=kats) (dc094c9617)
- Bug 1170325 - Undo an unnecessary signature change to AsyncPanZoomAnimation::TakeDeferredTasks(). r=Waldo (62eafb38ef)
- Bug 1216355 - Ensure that if a repaint request is ignored due to a stale generation number the next repaint request doesn't get dropped. r=botond (c070172b48)
- Bug 1228407 - Rearrange some code by extracting a helper function. r=botond (ae53af7449)
- Bug 1228407 - Update existing smooth scroll animations with new destinations when possible, rather than canceling and restarting them. r=kip (c15022d920)
- Dispatch all APZ repaint requests immediately, and rely on content vsync. (bug 1192919 part 5, r=kats) (53ea2674c8)
- Bug 1230552 - Update some out-of-date comments and remove an old #undef. r=kats (16ba5a82e1)
- Bug 1230552 - Introduce a structure to group fling handoff state. r=kats (4f98893742)
- Bug 1230552 - Extend the immediate scroll handoff pref to apply to flings. r=kats (6b3d4fb0e5)
- Bug 1231228 - Correctly check for whether an APZC along the handoff chain is panned into overscroll. r=kats (bbaeb881af)
- Bug 1226920 - For instances of ForEachNode where we want to traverse the entire tree, use an action that returns void. r=botond (e42de54aea)
- Bug 1230552 - Make immediate scroll handoff for panning prefable. r=kats (89ddb8853a)
- Bug 1230552 - Fuzz a floating-point comparison to avoid an intermittent test failure. r=bustage (839bee076d)
- Bug 1231228 - Gtest. r=kats (e141ee97ef)
- Bug 1208973 - Move function bodies into .cpp file, and remove an unused one. r=botond (ef89b08738)
- Bug 1208973 - Refactor and add logging to TaskThrottler. r=botond (0a88091e20)
- Bug 1208973 - Ensure all code in TaskThrottler is threadsafe since it gets called from various threads. r=botond (9735621fd1)
- Bug 1213273 - Use a chromium Task instead of an nsITimer for the timeout in TaskThrottler. r=mstange (6cc9a9369e)
- Bug 1217251 - In TaskThrottler, dispatch the timeout task correctly from the Java UI thread on Android. r=kats (ee64d9458e)
- Bug 1230552 - Const-correctness improvements. r=kats (cc56f3404a)
- Bug 1230552 - Introduce a helper AsyncPanZoomController::CurrentInputBlock(). r=kats (4cef12a744)
- Remove the TaskThrottler. (bug 1192919 part 6, r=kats) (534312c146)
- Bug 1169695 - Advance the stored time when sampling the transform for a future frame. r=botod (3b08c07827)
- Bug 1169695 - Remove as many manual calls to spin the task queue as possible. r=botond (80c390ec7a)
- Bug 1218618 - Assert that the hit-testing tree's root node doesn't have siblings. r=kats (95ec1d07a7)
- Bug 1225178 - Don't start APZ drag if we don't have a displayport to handle it. r=kats (c29d4f962d)
- bit of End APZ wheel transactions when the mouse moves out of frame. (bug 1142866 part 2, r=kats,botond) (5a0c79d052)
- Bug 1226320 - Fix a refactoring in APZCTreeManager that didn't preserve semantics correctly. r=kats (35b92bd4a1) (09bea9b394)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1190469 - Refactor some code to have a general-purpose snap function available in APZC. r=botond (a4e8706df5)
- Bug 1225761 - Clear axis lock in CancelAnimation and EndTouch. r=botond (1436279d0d)
- Bug 1226316. Fixup to only expand displayport when skating with apz. r=kats (51c49a8fca)
- Bug 1181703 - Allow re-entering the panning state if a second finger is tapped while panning with one finger. r=botond (e87cd85058)
- Bug 1181703 - Add a gtest for making sure a pan can be continued after a second finger does a tap. r=botond (16354bec40)
- Bug 1190469 - Request scroll snapping in a few places that animations are cancelled so that we don't leave things unsnapped. r=botond (4b0ba5e513)
- Bug 960317 - Remove cross-slide code from APZC. r=botond (b2a045dbc9)
- Bug 1231972 - Document how the apz.fling_friction pref is used. r=kats. DONTBUILD for comment change (c181588265)
- Bug 1221593 - Don't reset other axis' scroll position during APZ drag. r=kats (9de4e134c6)
- Bug 1219929 - Fix bad MouseInputData case. r=me (3630a3fcfa)
- Bug 1211506 - Respect the APZ lock ordering in AsyncPanZoomController::OnScrollWheel(). r=mstange (3f152ffabf)
- Bug 1229125 - Reset velocity in OnPanEnd if there's nowhere to scroll. r=botond (66ec61692a)
- fix misspatch (f7aea52b9d)
- Bug 1221186 - Don't clobber a fling-snap with a snap-to-where-we-are-now in the overscroll handoff chain. r=botond (7d4862bbe6)
- Bug 1204932 - When C++APZ is enabled, elements that are zoomed with double tap should be centered. r=botond (b9e02a24b4)
- Bug 1141884 - Rename ResetInputState and make it only apply to touch events. r=botond (aab239f51a)
- Bug 1229125 - Correct velocity computation for pan gesture events. r=botond (b1f11b2e04)
- Bug 1228559 - get MSG by audio channel type. r=roc (0e5e32f9bb)
- Bug 1191207 - cancel chrome checking (74bde1263e)
- Bug 1155469 - Mark nsTextEditorState::mTextCtrlElement as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (7e6f4fa9d0)
- Bug 1218072 - crash in nsTextEditorState::FinishedRestoringSelection, r=smaug (c7811e18ea)
- bits of 1190258 (7f8fbbddfa)
- Bug 1130237: [MSE] P1. Only ever return a frame if we have data. r=gerald (1ed595a5f8)
- Bug 1130237: P2. Reset decoder state even if no decoder has been created yet. r=gerald (d352c0314b)
- Bug 1130237: [MSE] P3. Add mochitest testing behavior. r=gerald (ce2b710a7e)
- Bug 1229987: [MSE] P1. Ensure next random access point properly calculated after seek. r=gerald (d9a435f0b5) (7d4a5ffc8c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1229987: P2. Drain decoder when encountering gap. r=cpearce This allows for all buffered frames to be playable. (7ac0b2ddec)
- Bug 1229987: P3. Update mochitests and add new one verifying behavior. r=cpearce (f4a231e9c8)
- Bug 1229987: P4. Stop pre-rolling when encountering WAITING_FOR_DATA. r=cpearce (721df00361)
- Bug 1205470: [MSE] Remove assertion. r=cpearce (857f4bfcd0)
- fix comment (2e6e5f800c)
- Bug 1226707: P2 Ensure we won't operate on a decoder that failed to initialize. r=cpearce (fa86fc1bb3)
- Bug 1226707: P3. Only create the type of decoder we will need. r=cpearce (49a3d28e6c)
- Bug 1229987: P5. Drop frames during internal seeking early. r=cpearce (9aeb23d3e6)
- Bug 1197075: P4. Reject skip promise on cancellation or shutdown. r=edwin (b3d7af2cdd)
- remove ifdef (3524eedb5a)
- Bug 1229028 - remove #ifdef NS_BUILD_REFCNT_LOGGING methods from nsXULPrototypeNode; r=bz (5b87939fd6)
- Bug 1214295 - Fix up entry points for ClickWithInputSource. r=bz (d7fda37d34)
- Bug 1217307 - Remove some unnecessary null checks in rest of dom/xul/. r=njn (87486950c6)
- Bug 1186811 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/storage/ with iterators. r=baku. (0c35317169)
- Bug 1186811 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/storage/ with iterators. r=baku. (4a367a23e8)
- Bug 1186811 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/storage/ with iterators. r=baku. (e9861ab1ab)
- Bug 1186811 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/storage/ with iterators. r=baku. (34037caa14)
- Bug 1189426 - Don't assert false in DOMStorageDBThread::InsertDBOp when we failed to open the database. r=smaug (b40612f549)
- Bug 1192194 - Make DOMStorageDBThead::mDBReady atomic. r=smaug (ce34bfd1a6)
- Bug 1208897 - Fix an initialization order bug in DOMStorageDBThread; r=baku (7efba6dea3)
- Bug 1209349 - Audit the callers of the two-argument OriginAttributes. r=janv (5bdc041a87)
- Bug 1189998, Part 1 - Consolidate Push client interfaces. r=mt,dragana (bd0eec93cb)
- Bug 1222619 - about:serviceworkers should show the correct cache entries, r=bkelly (ee9b3f1740)
- Bug 1189998, Part 2 - Migrate Push service callers. r=mt (392d6aa21d)
- Bug 1230672 part 1 - Make '-moz-column-fill:auto' work also when 'overflow' isn't 'visible'. r=bz (c10d71c206)
- Bug 1230672 part 2 - Add reftest with -moz-column-fill:auto and overflow:hidden. (8062b9e222)
- Bug 1227162 - [css-grid][css-align] Make the scrolled pseudo frame inherit more CSS Align / Grid properties. r=dholbert (2f6e04f3f8)
- Bug 1164783 - Removing trailing spaces. r=dbaron (980a19fb5d)
- Bug 1230207 - Add support for display:grid/flex layout on <fieldset> elements. r=bz,dholbert (9e1ba66f34)
- bug 1230025 remove declaration of non-existant NS_NewThumbFrame r=dholbert (8b1f7cba54)
- Bug 1230672 part 3 - Add support for multicol layout on <fieldset> elements. r=bz (475f8b329f)
- Bug 1232271 - initialize local scalar mSolidColor with default value - NS_RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0). r=matt.woodrow (7b8cd28617)
- Bug 1144534 - If we have tiling, don't reduce layer resolution for large transforms. r=mattwoodrow (96785125bb)
- Bug 1221842 - Don't reallocate DLBI geometry objects if nothing has changed. r=roc (69cbb41714)
- Bug 1232635 - since presContext is always a valid pointer remove the useless null check that also confused Coverity. r=bz (8426c6a2ff) (c4388cb7dc)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1227766 patch 1 - Add flag for CSS properties that establish a containing block for fixed positioned elements. r=dholbert (9d4586e5ed)
- Bug 1227766 patch 2 - Add will-change bit for establishing a containing block for fixed positioned elements. r=dholbert (8a0908bf11)
- Bug 1228877 - Make nsStyleContext::HasChildThatUsesGrandancestorStyle by setting bit on grandchild's parent instead of grandchild. r=xidorn (16ab14cfa5)
- Bug 1230701 - Make will-change:position create a containing block for absolutely-positioned elements. r=dholbert (4f2f1ea91b)
- Bug 1225592 - [css-grid] Apply a max limit to the number of explicit tracks we will store (kMaxLine - 1). Also make the layout code more robust so it doesn't depend on that. r=dholbert (f4f3ce01e8)
- Bug 1227501 patch 2 - Crashtest. (6e711f37b5)
- Bug 1227501 patch 3 - Handle custom properties correctly in transition-property. r=xidorn (6ec6716f0d)
- Bug 1223688 - Clear mInSupportsConditions when we error out of CSS.supports() upon finding no tokens. r=dholbert (06cefdeb40)
- Bug 1223694 - Don't bother checking for correct style scopes for native anonymous content. r=dbaron (294dcb49a9)
- Bug 1226400 - crashtest for FontFaceSet::Load() crasher. r=birtles (8d0dba0db7)
- No bug - Remove annotations from the editor and layout crashtest manifests that are no longer needed. (68776b5f65)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in netwerk/. r=mcmanus (d4be926153)
- Bug 1209970 - Fire scroll events early in the refresh tick. r=mats (420513e667)
- Bug 1234242 - Keep a RefPtr to the refresh driver to unregister the ScrollEvent, rather than relying on a chain of pointers remaining non-null. r=mstange a=KWierso (df8b4383d2)
- Bug 1228407 - Avoid a scenario where content floods APZ with smooth-scroll requests and blocks it from syncing a new scroll offset back to the main thread. r=botond (9882828dcc)
- Bug 1232048 - Fix breakage in scroll snapping when snapping twice in …a row to the same thing with non-smooth-scrolls in between. r=botond (6688500624) (770c1e709f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2023, 20:15
Whats new:>>

    Added the duplicates removal function of MaxNote
    Added Message in the new tab
    Adjusted the logic of shortcuts and taskbar shortcuts
    Optimised the interaction of sidebar notes
    Fixed the issue that some pages in Win7 are not displayed clearly
    Fixed the problem that video max.com could not play

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2023, 20:40

New Features

    You can run in truly portable mode (where config.ini is stored alongside bt.exe) by creating an empty '.portable' file in the same directory. Thanks to @maluht in #6 .


    Various code stability improvements
    Added 'Add' button to the main UI, to emplasise you can add your custom browser. Previously it was available only from the File menu.

Bugs Fixed

    BT would crash on start of configuration window for new installations due to expecting at least one browser to be registered.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2023, 19:20

New Features

    Rules can trigger opening browser in 'app mode' - borderless, frameless window. Only available for Chromium browsers.


    Visual improvement of the rule editor, making it look less busy.
    URL Tester visual improvement
    URL Picker visual improvement - buttons moved to the top, and added option to open in frameless mode
    Added shortcut button to open URL tester next to rule definitions

Bugs Fixed

    URL matching by domain only would sometimes detect wrong protocol.
    Adding rule from URL picker was ignored.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2023, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix video download issue with vemeo.com
    Fix address bar font size.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.7.7.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2023, 20:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-07-08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2023, 09:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 770c1e709f..7e7ba08548:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1219868: Don't warn for CreateAnonymousContent failure (due to e.g. detecting & breaking <use> reference loops). r=jwatt (8edb175af4)
- Bug 1165750 - metadata tag should be allowed in clipPath. r=jwatt (74792cbad7)
- Bug 1212986 - Background ChildImpl should delete its Transport. r=mrbkap (57c74ee5bc)
- Bug 1197306 - remove PR_snprintf calls in ipc/; r=froydnj (3ebc46dd12)
- some crashreporter stuff (1687708511)
- Bug 1198450 - GCC (mingw) fixup. (1e49f06d45)
- more missing parts of Bug 1132072 - Tab switch refactoring (r=mconley) (8a8fd8e42a)
- Bug 1231224 part 3 - Fix some append() calls in Odin to handle OOM. r=bbouvier (b545158fa2)
- Bug 1231624 - properly gate SAB+atomics in asm.js. r=luke (0dd4bf9c3f)
- Bug 1233863 - ARM64: Don't advertise asm.js availability. r=luke (650ed7514a)
- Bug 1215360 - Render canvas anonymous content on top of the top layer. r=roc (4a898b09da)
- Bug 1156104 - Mark nsROCSSPrimitiveValue::m{Color,Value,URI} as MOZ_OWNING_REF; r=dbaron (a054bd5ffd)
- Bug 1156104 follow-up: forgot to actually include mURI (12e04ea513)
- style (9244bffe45)
- Bug 1144501 - Take account of orthogonal writing modes when adjusting available size to reflow a child frame. r=smontagu (173ae07788)
- Bug 994418 - Renumber list items when computing intrinsic isize. r=roc (99d61845ba)
- Bug 1158549 - Properly apply min/max constraints to block-size in vertical writing modes. r=smontagu (7e2d4f30b9)
- Bug 790260 - Make CollectFloats remove the IS_PUSHED_FLOAT bit in case the float was collected from the PushedFloats list. r=roc (37053c8302)
- Bug 1153695 - Wrap nsAutoOOFFrameList in a scope to ensure its dtor runs before the VerifyOverflowSituation() call (to avoid frames appearing to be on two child lists). r=roc (d1638a1e12)
- Bug 1145768 - Use the right begin() iterator to compare with. r=roc (8fe6131557)
- Bug 1167145 - Check result of PrevInFlow() before trying to call a method on it. r=dbaron (e8c6922517) (ba09d77f1c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1119049 - Keyboard shortcuts should work in MediaDocuments without explicitly focusing the media element. r=bz (46be3d5343)
- fix (3ade1708af)
- Bug 967982 - Show findbar after unsuccessful Find Again [r=mikedeboer] (8f228f14a1)
- Bug 1071631 - fix findbar re-filling in last character, r=mikedeboer (1dcea48088)
- Bug 1214249 - Set MOZ_FLOAT_ABI in armv6 case r=glandium (8c53df59f6)
- Bug 1223093 - Bump required rustc version to 1.4. r=mshal (2e116f0dc6)
- Bug 1208566 - require Rust 1.5 for --enable-rust builds; r=mshal (091c824772)
- bump gcc version to 4.4 and use e.g. MacPorts gcc for safety (1af814d7bd)
- reorder and fix (c74b24dfbf)
- Bug 1043112 - Allow b2g to core dump when signal permits. r=jld (f5afeb0051)
- Bug 1190965 - Restrict syscalls in nsProfileLock to Linux. r=jld (9ac892b4eb)
- Bug 1227569 - Remove unsupported OpenVMS code. r=mccr8 (ea080668c9)
- Bug 1227248 - Part 1: Allow extending StrictOrderingOnAppendListWithFlags. r=gps (52260fd46d)
- Bug 1163358 - Add "psm" tag to PSM xpcshell and mochitest manifests. r=dkeeler (aa31fa4e2f)
- Bug 1167254 - Convert test_bug234856.html mochitest to an xpcshell test. r=keeler (1f20c9f997)
- Bug 1169195 - Convert test_bug644006.html mochitest to an xpcshell test. r=keeler (f391df2ed5)
- bug 1181376 - convert test_bug480619.html to an xpcshell test r=mgoodwin (3bb1a3b762)
- Bug 1167866 - Add result strings to PSM test_cert* xpcshell tests. r=keeler (74743ab236)
- Bug 1171819 - Convert test_cert_eku-*.js to generate certificates at build time. r=keeler (9aea62b0dc)
- bug 1203312 - split tlsserver certificates into ocsp_certs and bad_certs r=mgoodwin (599437ece7)
- bug 1209695 - fold mochitest test_bug413909.html into xpcshell test_cert_overrides.js r=mgoodwin (cd5769201b)
- bug 1187029 - convert test_bug480509.html to an xpcshell test r=jcj (966cb02692)
- bug 1174292 - convert test_cert_version.js to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka (7acb99f5ee)
- bug 1173565 - convert test_pinning_dynamic.js to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka (cf5844376a)
- bug 1178988 - convert test_ocsp_url to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka (de5554cb7b)
- bug 1189427 - convert test_ocsp_fetch_method.js to generate certificates at build time r=mgoodwin (9955a340fa)
- bug 1194013 - convert test_name_constraints.js to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka,mgoodwin (0060e4232f)
- bug 1196853 - convert test_cert_signatures.js to generate certificat s at build time r=jcj (ce0ab9e63a)
- bug 1190603 - convert test_keysize.js to generate certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka (3dd9972c8f)
- Bug 1228794 - Convert test_getchain.js to generate certificates at build time. r=keeler (cf6b4d3c47)
- Bug 901698 - Some tests for OCSP-must-staple; r=keeler (4f51b34bee)
- Bug 1179678 - Add result strings to misc PSM xpcshell tests. r=keeler (a2142e0ca1)
- Bug 1205962 - Address some pylint complaints about pycert.py and pykey.py, r=keeler (190cdb0e4a)
- Bug 1218999 - Back out changeset 5f32b2bcfa43 (bug 1188468) in favor of a more efficient solution. r=glandium (195e060c30)
- Bug 1222903 - Reject EV status for EV EE certs that are valid for longer than 27 months as well. r=keeler (811b0bcc46)
- Bug 1231315 - Build CONFIGURE_DEFINE_FILES at build time instead of during configure. r=gps (5242734649)
- gradle remove (b745c7b2e4)
- Bug 1232421 - force matching the start of the line for comments, r=glandium (de93f61f91)
- Bug 1232421 - followup: fix test to not use 'inline comments' which are not supported elsewhere, rs=bustage on a CLOSED TREE (9e34a9d721)
- Bug 1172645 - Make mozbuild's setup.py work; r=glandium (b73b656574)
- bug 1166976 - add pyasn1-modules python library r=ted,gerv (24c7f3253f)
- bug 1166976 - add Python-RSA python library r=ted,gerv (9628d1583f)
- bug 1166976 - generate some PSM xpcshell test certificates at build time r=Cykesiopka,mgoodwin,froydnj (af4744b19d)
- Bug 1224478 - Replace do_check_* calls with their Assert.jsm equivalents in PSM xpcshell tests. r=keeler (6846617e65)
- bug 975763 - move test_certificate_overrides.html to test_cert_override_bits_mismatches.js r=mgoodwin (4ba930e064)
- Bug 1171820 - Convert test_bug483440.html mochitest to an xpcshell test. r=keeler (d41a63cd13)
- Bug 1147726: Disable test_keysize_ev.js on slow B2G Emulator debug builds. r=dkeeler (df54c1bbc8)
- Bug 1147725 - Disable test_ocsp_fetch_method.js and test_ocsp_url.js on slow B2G Emulator debug builds. r=keeler (56e71d8d7f)
- bug 1081128 - test_pinning.js takes ~300 seconds on b2g debug emulator - request a longer timeout for it r=Cykesiopka (20ecf7ca8b)
- Bug 1145679 - Part 2 - Tests. r=keeler (046b88cd37)
- Bug 1227248 - Part 2: Add GeneratedTest{Certificate,Key} mozbuild templates. r=gps (810848b3bc)
- Bug 1227248 - Part 3: Make GeneratedTest{Certificate,Key} no-op when --disable-compile-environment. r=gps (563c26d64b)
- Bug 1130413 - Remove unused nsITokenPasswordDialogs::GetPassword() function. r=jjones (0cff903788)
- Bug 1157515 - CipherSuiteChangeObserver should clean itself up. r=keeler (e9175e8f89)
- Bug 1215779 - Remove broken (non-EC) DSA keygen code. r=keeler (98a09304c1)
- bug 1215270 - remove some unused functions from nsNSSShutDown.h r=Cykesiopka (ea0e9566f2)
- bug 1215690 - remove nsPSMUITracker r=Cykesiopka r=mgoodwin (98ea9b8481)
- bug 1205767 - prevent memory leak when generating an EC key with <keygen> r=ttaubert (3be4b5f545)
- Bug 488480 - Correct documentation about the function hasMatchingOverride() in nsICertOverrideService.idl. Original patch by Johnathan Nightingale. r=keeler (bf2b16f2c0)
- Bug 629558 - Pref to make Intermediate Cert Store memory-only. r=keeler (19632e2fd6)
- typo (86093804e3)
- Bug 278689 - Multiple Certificates with the same subject are not shown in the digital signature select cert combo (only one is shown) r=dkeeler (c5984b6857) (7e7ba08548)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2023, 17:10
Whats new:>>

    Add "show most favorites on bookmark bar"
    Add the option to open a new tab by double-clicking the title in the Maxthon Note/Sidebar Note
    Renamed the quick note to note popup and Optimized UX
    Optimize the layout of the new tab page and messages
    Fix the issue of abnormal list records in Little Bee
    Fix the issue where some pages do not support super drag and drop
    Fix the inaccurate word count issue in Maxthon Notes
    Fix the issue of select all abnormality in Maxthon Notes
    Fix the issue of multiple language errors in URL detection on the bookmark management page
    Fix known crash issues

Titel: Pale Moon 32.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2023, 22:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development update, further improving web compatibility.


    Added the (hidden) preference browser.history.menuMaxResults to allow users to control how many history entries are listed in the menu. Setting this to 0 will hide history menu entries altogether, and any positive number configures how many entries the entries are limited to. The default if not defined is 15.
    Switched C++ language level used to C++14 on all platforms.
    Web compatibility and scripting improvements:
        Implemented geometry .from* static constructors for web compatibility.
        Implemented partial support for CSS calc() in color keywords.
        Implemented Array "find from last" feature (findLast and findLastIndex).
        Implemented Object.hasOwn(object,property).
        Implemented several additional Intl API methods and functions. This improves web compatibility with sites making use of things like hourCycle, advanced DateTimeFormat, Intl.Locale, and Intl as a constructor.
    Cleaned up some unused code.
    Removed support for Mozilla "experiment" type extensions.
    Improved the JavaScript garbage collector's sweeping. This should fix a few intermittent crashes and improve performance.
    Implemented some structural changes to the source to make future porting easier, and preparing for switching to C++17.
    Removed handling of symlinks for directory linstings to prevent potential security issues by walking symlinks when uploading. This effectively reverts a change made in Firefox 50 where this functionality was introduced. A case of "Not such a good idea after all" ;-)
    Updated the list of extensions on Windows treated as "executable".
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-37208.
    Made preparations for for requiring Authorization in CORS ACAH preflight.
    Since no browser honors this part of the spec at the moment this is left disabled until there is consensus among browsers.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 2 fixed, 2 rejected, 20 not applicable.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 09:20


    Match rules support regular expressions syntax.
    Support for Firefox Containers added! Firefox containers link redirection works with Open external links in a container by Denys H extension or my own Browser Tamer extension.
    Added Firefox integration extension (link available from Help menu) and published source code for Chromium and Firefox extensions.
    Added native support for Waterfox. This means BT will treat Waterfox just like Firefox, including support for profiles, private mode, containers and the rest.


    config.ini is slightly simpler - removed open_cmd and vdf keys as they are not required anymore.
    Browser profiles are sorted by the order they appear in the browser itself instead of alphabetically.
    Chromium browsers have a convenience toolbar button that links to browser store to download optional integration extension.
    Visual: "incognito" modes are marked with a visual icon.
    Firefox: profile discovery skips default profile which is intended for some kind of alpha testing and has no meaning to a normal user. default-release profiles is now displayed as Primary as this is exactly what it is.
    Infrastructure: release notes are removed from application code and replaced by a link to GitHub to avoid duplication and gradually increasing application size as they grow.

    Bugs Fixed:

    health check: if BT is installed as browser but to a different directory than you are launching from, validation was still succeeding.
    health check: status icon was not updating after health is fixed from dashboard.


Titel: Vieb 10.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 10:20
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Stored urls to be of the human readable format to better account for special pages
    Adblocker to show a notification if enabled but not present for all builds
    AppImage builds to better handle special pages for changing runtime folder


    Encoding issues since 10.0.0 in markdownviewer, readerview and sourceviewer
    Mappings that send keys to insert mode delayed not working since 10.0.0
    Potential circular reference to parent iframes resulting in freezes


    Electron 25.2.0 (unchanged)
    Chromium 114.0.5735.134 (unchanged)


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 18:45
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Fix a crash case when typing in address box.

Titel: Dooble 2023.07.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2023, 10:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Display discovered shorcuts in Settings -> Display. Read-only. GitHub ticket #103 .
    Initialize s elements in Threefish.
    Introduced --attach and --listen command-line options. If a Dooble instance is available, a new Dooble instance will attach its URLs to the existing Dooble instance. GitHub ticket #182 .
    New executable-current-url command-line option. See Tools -> Current URL Executable(s). Multiple instances are allowed and Dooble does not verify content. GitHub discussion #193 .
    Scoped C++ enumerators.


Titel: CyberChef 10.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2023, 09:30
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source


10.5.0 - 2023-07-14

    Added GOST Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify, Key Wrap, and Key Unwrap operations @n1474335 | #592

10.4.0 - 2023-03-24

    Added 'Generate De Bruijn Sequence' operation @gchq77703 | #493

10.3.0 - 2023-03-24

    Added 'Argon2' and 'Argon2 compare' operations @Xenonym | #661


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2023, 09:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.




    Rule hits can can be optionally recorded to a CSV file (off by default). To enable, check Settings->Log Rule Hits to File. This creates hit_log.csv which you can open from the File menu. Feature is useful for recording your activity for further analysis to exporting to some analytical engine.

    Bugs Fixed:

    Config window was not deleted from memory after closing it.
    Update check was happening on every start instead of every 24 hours.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-07-15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2023, 18:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 7e7ba08548..3850bfcb24:
- revert binding xml preprocessing settings from previous commit (585686d345)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1207790 - Fix sandbox build for older Linux distributions. r=gdestuynder (33726f14d6)
- Bug 1157864 - chromium sandbox: Fix compilation for systems without <sys/cdefs.h>. r=jld (19789c8f28)
- Bug 1181704 - Import chromium SafeSPrintf. r=bobowen (c8f2f34098)
- Bug 1196403 - Apply crbug/522201 to support Windows 10 build 10525. r=bobowen (ee9862b408)
- Bug 1200336: Apply fix for Chromium issue 482784 for sandbox bug when built with VS2015. r=tabraldes (7f4cf9640b)
- Bug 1150765 - Add sandbox rules to allow hardware rendering of OpenGL on Mac. r=smichaud (e23a3d3e89)
- Bug 1153809 - Loosen Mac content process sandbox rules for NVidia and Intel HD 3000 graphics hardware. r=areinald (9a3a1fa6ea)
- Bug 1229804: Use the correct string length in Windows sandbox logging. r=tabraldes (6a8cb035ed)
- Bug 1181704 - Use chromium SafeSPrintf for sandbox logging. r=gdestuynder r=glandium (cff9ae432b)
- crash reporter (009341774b)
- Bug 1168555 - Work around Nuwa not always being single-threaded when a normal content process is. r=kang (b858b1fd62)
- Bug 1199413 - Fix MOZ_DISABLE_GMP_SANDBOX so it disables all the sandboxing. r=kang (49125e07be)
- Bug 1176085 - Fix second/nanosecond confusion in Linux sandbox start error case. r=kang (701181c7d2)
- Bug 1199481 - Complain more when entering sandboxing code as root. r=kang (baf7b24675)
- Bug 1215303 - Part 1 - add permissive mode r=jld (e8237859ac)
- Bug 1215303 - Part 2 - automatically enable broker when in permissive mode r=jld (9636c8a956)
- Bug 1222500 - Handle unexpected thread creation better on desktop Linux. r=gdestuynder (58e2f81f96)
- Bug 1131227 - Make the about:certerror Unknown Issuer string mention missing intermediates and unimported roots. r=keeler (29ae92e655)
- Bug 443811 - Use long date format for cert date output. r=keeler (50a31e099c)
- namespace (10ccb72736)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in security/manager/. r=keeler (24d10b66f6)
- Bug 1110935 - Part 1 - Assert we're on the main thread on public methods. r=keeler (b9b2b52bf2)
- Bug 1110935 - Part 2 - Remove ReentrantMonitor and ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter uses. r=keeler (3fee4d4653)
- Bug 1110935 - Part 3 - Remove now unnecessary temp variables. r=keeler (f81461993a)
- Bug 1168635 - Add an XPCOM interface to allow RC4. r=keeler (dac5f75e75)
- Bug 1136301 - Null check for mCert->slot added in destructorSafeDestroyNSSReference & MarkForPermDeletion. Formatting update in MarkForPermDeletion. r=keeler (daaaf2db22)
- Bug 1168048 - Avoid potential null-pointer dereferencing in nsNSSCertificateDB r=keeler (c511046073)
- Bug 1224121 - change getRelativeRuleLine to return 0 for line-less rules; r=heycam (7cef25806d)
- Bug 1216234 - add inIDOMUtils.getCSSPseudoElementNames; r=heycam,pbrosset (1c94ca86b4)
- Bug 1146114 - Make assertion checking additional leading in ruby frame non-crash. r=dholbert (326d82db79)
- Bug 1052924 followup - Move the XXX comment to the right field. DONTBUILD (481cb50d0d)
- Bug 1136521 - Don't try to use the ascent when placing a frame whose block-direction doesn't match the line's. r=smontagu (eb01f6aa1a)
- Bug 1138353 - Correct the directionality of vertical-align dimensions in cases where line- and flow-relative coordinate directions differ. r=smontagu (6e51f4be05)
- Bug 1133945 - Fix behavior of vertical-align with a specified length, relative to dominant centered baseline in vertical mode. r=smontagu (a2e611f978)
- Bug 1146117 - Downgrade the assertion in FindNearestRubyBaseAncestor to warning. r=dbaron (db29a321f4)
- Bug 1191185 - Simplify nsHypotheticalBox, eliminating obsolete/redundant fields, and rename to nsHypotheticalPosition. r=dholbert (3741b6aa49)
- Bug 1227099 - [css-grid] Grid container block-size should include a grid-row-gap between each row. r=dholbert (35eed9d00b)
- Bug 1225368 - [css-grid] Make CollectGrowable() deal with frozen tracks; i.e. subtract their base size but don't collect them since they aren't growable. r=dholbert (073964a857)
- Bug 1224634 - [css-grid] Make grid items shrink-wrap when reflowing them, unless they have justify-self:stretch. r=dholbert (070c2cf6a9)
- Bug 1176793 part 1 - [css-grid] Implement margin:auto for grid items. r=dholbert (ff89b80fc2)
- Bug 1176793 part 2 - [css-grid] Reftests for margin:auto on grid items. (fe9367e7ca)
- Bug 1229999 - [css-grid] Clamp auto-placed lines to where kMaxLine is in the translated grid. r=dholbert (576d9a8384)
- Bug 1151243 part 1 - Replace three bool params for nsAbsoluteContainingBlock::Reflow with a flag param (idempotent patch). r=dholbert (7303bb9468)
- Bug 978212 - [css-grid] Resolved value of grid-template-{columns,rows} in px units. r=mat (fe4b886917)
- Bug 1151243 part 2 - [css-grid] Add a eIsGridContainerCB flag for nsAbsoluteContainingBlock::Reflow to trigger Grid specific code (rather than checking GetType()). r=dholbert (2f5f857b16)
- Bug 1215099 part 1 - [css-grid] Backout bug 1206703. r=dholbert (b6af6389ce)
- Bug 1123299 - Allow <input type=number> to be displayed in vertical writing mode; but keep the spinner arrows arranged as for horizontal writing mode. r=dholbert (2a2e17ce76)
- (no bug) Fix typo in grid style-struct comment: s/grid-columns-rows/grid-template-rows/. No review, DONTBUILD (f362946aed)
- fix namespace (70ec283c08)
- Bug 1224251 patch 1 - Add reftests. r=mattwoodrow (4f5eed4d0c)
- Bug 1224251 patch 2 - Add nsChangeHint_UpdateUsesOpacity to say when opacity changes between 1 and non-1. r=xidorn (0cec051688)
- Bug 1224251 patch 3 - Return nsChangeHint_UpdateUsesOpacity when opacity changes between 1 and non-1. r=xidorn (acf5f3514c)
- Bug 1224251 patch 4 - Convert UpdateOpacityLayer to RepaintFrame when changing opacity between 1 and non-1 on table parts. r=mattwoodrow (3101e06481)
- Tweak a couple of comments; no bug. (DONTBUILD) (6b7d8486ad)
- Bug 1219534 - Remove unused nsStyleContext::SetStyle##name_ methods. r=dholbert (4c032b5914)
- (no bug) Fix typo in nsStyleContext.h (s/currenlty/currently/). Comment-only, DONTBUILD (3864f8194b)
- Bug 1208901 - Fix a typo in nsStyleClipPath::nsStyleClipPath; r=heycam (df5c3b59a6)
- Bug 1227766 patch 3 - Make will-change cause creation of a containing block for fixed and absolutely positioned elements when needed. r=dholbert (09c59e07f1)
- Bug 1229278 - Fix dynamic changes to text-emphasis-style. r=dbaron (ab0c450f14)
- Bug 1159729 - Reftest to check that text decoration is properly offset when needed. r=smontagu (b93bb0ca41)
- Bug 196292 - Make table inside align=left reset alignment just like for align=center and align=right. r=bz (3b45a62477)
- Bug 1227917 - Update |disp| after we've (potentially) cloned the Display struct so that subsequent tests of 'display' use the new value. r=jfkthame (d3216e7aad)
- Bug 1155766 - Fix a bad assertion r=dbaron (d6744220f4)
- Bug 1167589 - Mark the members of CSSParsingEnvironment as MOZ_UNSAFE_REF. r=dbaron (ebb9729549)
- Bug 1228542 - Resetting AuthorStyleSheets. r=bz (31b27e491d)
- Use nsContentUtils::GenerateUUIDInPlace() in nsIDocument::GenerateDocumentId(), no bug (642138ebac)
- Bug 1226443 P2 Make service worker fetch and functional events used scheduled timer updates. r=ehsan (a4fc5a9275)
- Bug 1227015 P1 Create ServiceWorkerScriptJobBase as parent class to register and install jobs. r=ehsan (214dda4e7d)
- Bug 1226443 P1 Add a timer based mechanism for firing service worker updates. r=ehsan (f2a9eae9d2)
- Bug 1229052 - Add a telemetry histogram to gather data on the number of top-level pages with scroll-linked positioning effects. r=vladan (6844bfaa2b)
- Bug 1229052 - Log a warning when we detect a scroll-linked effect based on the scroll event. r=roc (da8dd5cff2)
- bug 1215657 - make AccessibleWrap::get_accFocus work with proxied accessibles (02bfa582d6)
- Bug 1227285 part 1 - Add a nsHTMLReflowState ctor flag to request shrink-wrap behavior. r=dholbert (da92253664)
- Bug 1227285 part 2 - [css-grid] Request shrink-wrap behavior when doing a measuring reflow to figure out a grid item's block-size. r=dholbert (6bfcf381fe)
- Bug 1227285 part 3 - [css-grid] Reftests for testing minmax(min-content,max-content) track sizing with grid item with %-sized descendants. (61b769d0d2)
- No bug - [css-grid] Add a small fuzz factor to make this reftest pass on Windows. r=me (3c51c91220)
- Bug 1173689: allow column sets in an orthogonal writing mode to their container to expand in the container's block direction, r=roc (88aa32efd9)
- Bug 1209994. Take block-wrapper path only for blocks that are wrappers. r=bz (ecb4ae8d7e)
- Bug 1191109 - Clean up use of writing-modes in GetHypotheticalBoxContainer, eliminating a redundant ConvertTo call. r=dholbert (f58d0d63c4)
- Bug 1183439 - Update the wording of a few assertions to reflect logical-coordinate conversion. r=dholbert (8aacb0f89d)
- Bug 1233276 - Make css::Declaration::List more useful again, given that it degraded a bit in bug 978833 (/ bug 1221436). r=heycam (1efda568e7)
- Bug 1167665 - Mark css::Loader::mDocument as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=dbaron (f4d4f4ed1d)
- Bug 621596 - Don't assert when a percentage base value overflows to become negative, when getting the computed style of a property that rejects negative values. r=bzbarsky (6076ce7cb6)
- Bug 622314 - Add crashtest. (f1d64b943c)
- Bug 1230613 - Long-press to trigger text selection should vibrate, r=snorp (f35f37336e)
- Bug 1230582 - Always show caret even if input is empty on Fennec. f=capella, r=roc (6cf1258232)
- Bug 1183085 - Correct argument name for BuildContainerLayerFor; r=roc (0fd119efd1)
- Bug 1183085 - Correct a typo in FrameLayerBuilder.h; r=roc (1fb9a583ed)
- Comment typo fix; no bug. (DONTBUILD) (27d7270052)
- Bug 1211858 - Add a hint for the Restyle label when the id is unavailable. r=roc,benwa (8eb99a4b45)
- bug 1218596 - remove nsPSMInitPanic and other unnecessary things from nsNSSComponent r=Cykesiopka r=jcj (a986e73f0b)
- bug 1220223 - don't load PKCS11 modules in safe mode r=mgoodwin r=bsmedberg (5e071955b0)
- Bug 921907 - Enable OCSP must-staple. r=keeler (448661431f)
- Bug 1215795 - Fix documentation in nsIWeakCryptoOverride.idl. r=keeler IGNORE IDL (3cf051737c)
- bug 1222179 - remove unnecessary observation topics in nsNSSComponent r=Cykesiopka (2eaa16d860)
- bug 986956 - only ever initialize NSS once per process r=Cykesiopka r=mgoodwin (efdec10cbb)
- Bug 1224875 - Enable TLS extended master secret. r=keeler (8f56d54ec1)
- Bug 1145893 - Shutdown nsNSSComponent background threads during xpcom-shutdown. r=keeler, a=me (5d513b930d)
- namespace (bf40a8f575)
- Bug 1224951 - Part 1: Fix nsPresContext::SizeOfExcludingThis() size calculation. r=dholbert (530a54e15d)
- Bug 1227666 - Insure that cached plugin geometry configuration cached in ShadowLayerForwarder gets cleared when we reflow and new content has no plugins. r=roc (a44fbce70e)
- Bug 1140625 - Part 1: Add recursive call in GetFrameForNodeOffset. r=roc (0b7535cf7b)
- Bug 1140625 - Recursive call GetFrameForNodeOffset if text node has no frame. r=roc (9198ab6a20)
- Bug 1140625 - Part 3: Fix a bug in bug414526 so we can reopen the test. r=roc (cbe0d3577d)
- Bug 1140625 - Part 4: Fix scroll_selection_into_view test to make its function remain. r=roc (97ca749e63) (cbf860dd80)
- nsPrinterEnumeratorWin: replace while-loop with for-loop, this may fix race-condition on generating printer name list (dc4029b3f8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1228921 - Write nsChangeHint constants using left shifts. r=xidorn (cc7702d508)
- Bug 1228921 patch 2 - Fix nsRestyleHint constants to match the same style. r=xidorn (1ec516e7fb)
- Bug 1077085 - Insure puppet widgets don't skip sending resize notifications to the view manager when the user navigates through history items. r=tn (6ebc5e2ec4)
- Bug 1188665 - Make nsIDOMWindowUtils.disableDialogs() disable onbeforeunload dialogs. r=bz (c1832372ff)
- fix misspatch in Bug 1224464 patch 2 (710f8de1ae)
- Bug 1175192. Consistently allow identifiers to start with -- in the CSS parser. r=heycam (5c4ced2937)
- Bug 1220903 - Allow style to access chrome-only properties if it is loaded via chrome protocol. r=bz (155b2099cc)
- Bug 1217643 part 0: Add reftests for -webkit-gradient() expressions. r=heycam (adc23dade1)
- Bug 1217643 part 1: Add partial support for parsing CSS -webkit-gradient expressions (if webkit prefix support is enabled). r=heycam (715c0364b2)
- Bug 1217643 part 2: Represent parsed CSS -webkit-gradient(linear, ...) expressions internally as parsed versions of more modern syntax. r=heycam (2f06829293)
- Bug 1217643 part 3: Represent parsed CSS -webkit-gradient(radial, ...) expressions internally as parsed versions of more modern syntax. r=heycam (f2903d9cec)
- Bug 1228051 - Remove PR_snprintf calls in nsCSSParser.cpp's CSSParserImpl::ParseColor. r=dholbert (f3845e9bac)
- Bug 1221823 patch 1 - Use rvalue-reference and Move rather than just comments to show behavior of nsCSSKeyframeRule constructor. r=xidorn (07196fd12f)
- Bug 1221823 patch 2 - Use already_AddRefed<Declaration>&& as parameter to nsCSSKeyframeRule constructor to avoid extra reference count cycle. r=xidorn (c4b441fc83)
- Bug 1232596 - initialize variable changed = false, flagged by Coverity. r=dbaron (1e662aea38)
- (no bug) Fix typo (repeated word) in comment. comment-only, no review, DONTBUILD (dbb43c2638)
- Bug 1213842 - :lang() should not fall back to HTTP headers if empty lang attribute is specified; r=bz (6992d47faa)
- bits of Bug 1202744 - Overlapping software home buttons r=snorp (5913a799f1)
- Bug 1171368 - Fix -Wunreachable-code-break warning in layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp. r=dholbert (2d006c9e7e)
- Bug 1202512 - Part 3: Restyle elements with attribute/state changes if we find a conditionally restyled ancestor while selector matching up the tree. r=bzbarsky (ea671029bb)
- Bug 1202512 - Part 4: Reftests. r=bzbarsky (418aae6b65)
- Bug 1097242 - Make sure contenteditable -moz-user-select styles can be overridden by web pages; r=dbaron (c1a0172841)
- Bug 1166969 - Video element in the video document shouldn't be selected. r=roc (fb9621837b)
- Bug 1169901 - View source menu covers full height. r=heycam (6225279b1a)
- Bug 1230508 - Always compute position to fixed for top layer elements for now. r=dbaron (55475be4f2)
- Bug 1230508 - Always compute position to fixed for top layer elements for now. r=dbaron (10a918d358)
- Bug 1216362 - Measure nsCSSSelector::mAttrList. r=erahm (110a191205)
- Bug 1156392 - Remove an ifdef condition that we don't need any more. r=tn (84f9f7748d)
- Bug 1215957 - Start at the end of the explicit grid also when matching plain negative number lines. r=dholbert (21b56f9b66)
- Bug 1226697 part 1 - [css-grid] Fix off-by-one error when counting lines in reverse. r=dholbert (b8293a7c4b)
- Bug 1211260 - Implement the new Grid Placement Conflict Handling: "If the placement for a grid item contains two lines, and the start line is further end-ward than the end line, swap the two lines." r=dholbert (a740de6866)
- Bug 1211260 - [css-grid] Follow-up: address a code readability nit that I missed. r=dholbert (d98517d455)
- Bug 1215099 part 2 - [css-grid] An empty grid should still have one explicit grid line in each axis. r=dholbert (8b80702949)
- Bug 1230695 - [css-grid] abs.pos. child spanning from an 'auto' start position to an end line should end on the start side of the gutter. r=dholbert (02dfb8610a)
- Bug 1229145 - [css-grid] Account for start margin when calculating border box offset for align-self/justify-self:center. r=dholbert (f4b030f775)
- Bug 1224634 - [css-grid] Tweak a few tests to account for correct 'justify-self' behavior. (2fa37ac545)
- Bug 1229145 - [css-grid] Adjust align-self/justify-self:center reference rendering to reflect the corrected margin calculations. (c95ab49645)
- Bug 1225118 - [css-grid] Deal with nscoord overflow when applying [align|justify]-self:stretch. r=dholbert (9db2a3b1ca)
- Bug 1225118 - Crashtest. (71d85472da)
- Bug 1227216. Part 1: Only draw surface on inset box shadows if dest and src are equal sizes. r=mstange (6adb32966c)
- Bug 1227216. Part 2: Fallback to blur destination rect if a large shadow offset occurs. r=mstange (bfad4ecb03)
- Bug 1178575 - tests. (519597225f)
- Bug 1212823 - Use correct coordinate space for box-shadow native rect when doing themed drawing. r=roc (25ab30fa1a)
- Bug 1229165 - [css-grid] Apply min/max-width/height properties to clamp block-size of auto-height grid containers. r=dholbert (eaf4864e88)
- Bug 1228984 - [css-grid] Auto-placement into columns missed some unoccupied span-1 column slots. r=dholbert (e6bbc62ca6)
- Bug 1228984 - [css-grid] Add more auto-placement tests. (6c2bfceefd)
- Bug 1215182 - [css-grid] Make our "Implicit Named Areas" detection match the spec. r=dholbert (a31e1afe0f)
- Bug 1215182 - Reftests. (22e235d090)
- Bug 957911 - Work around the lack of support for semi-colon comments in python/configobj. r=gps (3f65ecdb57)
- Bug 1194121 - Skip UpdateCommands() from initializing collapse to avoid sync IPC during app startup. r=jst (f84caa230a)
- Bug 1170642 - Silence nsDocumentViewer::GetInImage warnings. r=ehsan (1e652f7f35)
- No bug, use attached widget listener mode on iOS, NPOTB (394650156a)
- Bug 1191609 - Always stroke CSS border sides separately from corner fills. r=mstange (c84f179c91)
- Bug 1224761 - Fix forceRepeatToCoverTiles optimization to not trigger when all stops at left edge of tile. r=roc (8a95296996)
- Bug 1155766 - Fix a bad assertion r=jfkthame (db12ebcfab)
- Bug 1163583 - Update SetPara with recent changes to ICU algorithm. r=smontagu (29250e8018)
- Bug 1157727 - Part 0: Preliminary cleanup, remove a bunch of #ifdef'd dead code from nsBidi.cpp. r=smontagu (b6b1bafd0c)
- Bug 1157727 - Part 1: Add paired bracket type property to our character data (patch originally by :tedders1, updated by :jfkthame). r=jfkthame (dd3b21469a)
- Bug 1161932 - Fix coverity warning in nsBidi.cpp. r=smontagu (8c5e758aad)
- Bug 1217833 - Fix container width in exception for line frames in nsBidiPresUtils::ReorderFrames. r=jfkthame (b59949333a)
- Bug 1217833 followup - Mark one test as fuzzy(43,2) on a CLOSED TREE (though fuzzy amounts needed vary by platform). (241f74b354)
- Bug 1217833 followup - Add margin to avoid fuzz on reftest. (e885281263)
- Bug 1157727 - Reftests for bidi bracket pairing, based on UAX #9 examples. r=smontagu (a6865a934c)
- Bug 1157727 - Part 2: Update bidi algorithm for bracket matching (patch originally by :tedders1, updated by :jfkthame). r=jfkthame (1bf541ba42)
- Bug 1169088 - Remove unused nsBidiPresUtils methods. r=dbaron (27a86233bc)
- Bug 817406 part 1 - Let ApplyStyleFixups propogate 'direction' to the viewport. r=bz,heycam (9370d38caf)
- Bug 1210877 - Make nsBidiPresUtils::RepositionFrame work also for box-decoration-break:clone. r=roc (ec5d29a8a1)
- Bug 1162813: filter paragraph separators before passing text to SetPara, r=jfkthame (4b0fa94ac8)
- Bug 1146112 - Mark ruby pseudo frames as line participant in frame constructor. r=roc (ae06cf850f)
- Bug 1228033. When not painting to a window (and hence not retained) only have one AGR, the root AGR. r=mattwoodrow (f640ec9a8c)
- Bug 927228 - Allow ImageLayerization for images using 'contain' and 'cover'. r=mstange (23863c225a)
- Bug 1230696 - Don't report perspective values that round to 0 app units as not having perspective. r=roc (9f70c1d9d8)
- Bug 1230075 - Allow perspective items in hittest() for preserve-3d cases. r=mattwoodrow (75d585b042)
- Bug 1141636 - "Dubious loop test in nsSVGElement::GetAnimatedLengthListValues". r=cam f=longsonr (339c880389) (3850bfcb24)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2023, 20:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added main menu - More Tools - Lock Browser Menu Items and Hotkeys
    Added shortcut for note pop-up window
    Added maximum width setting for new tab page list
    Added Maxthon Note and sidebar right-click menu - Open in Note Pop-up Window
    Optimized interaction of note pop-up window
    Updated translations for multiple languages
    Fixed issue with duplicated bookmarks
    Fixed issue with note pop-up window failing to load editor
    Fixed issue with Ctrl+A not selecting input box content in Maxthon Note
    Fixed issue with certain notes not being displayed in Maxthon Note


Titel: Pale Moon 32.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2023, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a small but important bugfix release to address important regressions in 23.3.0.


    Fixed intermittent crashes related to the performance API.
    Fixed intermittent issues with JavaScript malfunctioning in chrome scripts (causing faults in the UI and extensions).


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.7.23.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2023, 20:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2023, 19:20

    New app to the App Center - AiChat, accessible from the new tab page
    'Quick Notes' is now renamed to 'Note Popup'
    Added a button for quick access list on the new tab page
    Redesigned the "Features" on the settings page
    Optimized logic for local data backup
    Improved the restore button logic to restore tabs in the current window
    Adjusted the right-click menu order for Maxthon Notes
    Updated multi-language translations and corrected some language encoding errors
    Fixed the issue where synchronized data might be duplicated
    Fixed the issue where the new download window would infinitely enlarge


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-07-22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2023, 20:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 3850bfcb24...159d7b9c2f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1217835 - Rewrite some code in CanvasRenderingContext2D::GetImageDataArray to avoid build warnings; r=gw280 (cedba0b14a)
- Bug 1232864 - Cauterize and release WebGL 2 to Nightly. - r=jrmuizel (5a16387f1d)
- Bug 1229585 - Add helpful error text for fb incompleteness. - r=kamidphish (1a3d7505e2)
- Bug 1231303 - Moz2Dify nsFilterInstance. r=roc. (44ec4c5df6)
- Bug 1229235 - Make RedirectChannelRegistrar thread-safe. r=jduell (5acca6a770)
- Bug 1211090 - Use Buffered IO for PrefixSet load/store. r=froydnj (00720fe291)
- Bug 1211090 - Add fallocate support to nsIOutputFileStream and use it. r=froydnj (6a49aa4a5f)
- Bug 1211090 - Don't fail to open databases if we can't do buffered IO. r=froydnj (70ab38e03b)
- Bug 1223808 - part 3 - replace nsAutoArrayPtr<T> with UniquePtr<T[]> in netwerk/; r=mcmanus (4a1d880135)
- Bug 1223808 - part 1 - optimize creating a WebSocketFrame with a payload; r=mcmanus (9a046a6f0a)
- Bug 1223808 - part 2 - use UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<SHA1Sum::Hash> in HandleHashKey; r=michal (c6a0f6d5d3)
- Bug 1167053 - Convert NetUtil.newChannel2 callsites to use new API - remove newChannel2,asyncFetch2 (r=sicking,paolo) (875b9c78f0)
- Bug 1185982 - Remove the unused NotifyNetworkActivity::mObs member; r=bagder (f09d2676f7)
- bits of Bug 1152597 - Icons are shown for some apps. (9a289ab9ec)
- Bug 1223231 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 in devtools/client/shared/AppCacheUtils.jsm (r=sicking) (5c635d797c)
- Bug 1208905 - Fix a condition in PresentationResponderLoadingCallback::Init; r=baku (ff84b8a595)
- Bug 1231677 - verify the return of mDiscoveryTimer->Init, if it faild exit function with error code. r=jst (04b8be172c)
- Bug 1199564 - start/stop mDNS on demand - v3. r=mcmanus (66d7ef06e6)
- Bug 1225726 - enable nsDNSServiceDiscovery on OS X. r=mcmanus. (01ea13e4a6)
- Bug 1172383 - Stop mDNS properly during destruction. r=mcmanus (c041817b7e)
- Bug 1198058 - Fix crashes inspecting loadGroups in browser toolbox. r=mcmanus (462b5aa8bd)
- Bug 1220607 - Expand on the nsILoadGroup interface's comment to indicate how it is used. r=bz IGNORE IDL (49a95cc217)
- use response for response (348055fc69)
- Remove some old clobber-workarounds. No bug. (db7e7c4773)
- Bug 280280 - Make "no proxy for" do domain comparison. r=bagder (4804e39fd6)
- backout f600f0cd7bb3 (Bug 1170646) because of Thunderbird regressions with OSX, r=michal (d43ba00896)
- Bug 1220215 - Add '#' between client id and suffix in appcache groud id, r=jduell (240fcec72a)
- Bug 1198792 - Clear Application Cache internal hashtables on Clear Recent History, r=jduell (1313393dc5)
- Bug 1222782 - TSan: data race netwerk/cache2/CacheIOThread.cpp:148 Target (race on mXPCOMThread), r=jseward (d56470a300)
- Bug 1190951 - TSan: data race netwerk/cache2/CacheIndex.cpp:1397 CacheIndex::IsUpToDate, r=valentin.gosu (24934e1885) (18ad48cb0e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 967693 - Temporarily turn on HTTP cache v2 on for Desktop Firefox Nightly users, r=jduell+ehsan (0fb43bca09)
- Bug 1230939 - check the return of sGlobalEntryTables->Get(aContextKey, &diskEntries). r=mayhemer (da62f5bd04)
- fix header include (52d6efa786)
- Bug 1193605 - Part 3: do not stop non-started service; r=mcmanus (dfe2187f22)
- Bug 1193605 - Part 4: add UUID for listeners; r=mcmanus (fee78fd19d)
- Bug 1214176 - fix typo in _onOffer. r=junior. (b388d1f2a6)
- align test to 1216398 (74d505d1d6)
- Bug 1228457 create pref to allow blocking .onion at dns level rfc 7687 r=valentin.gosu (521aab1e58)
- Bug 1216370 - For safety and searchability, define the nsHostResolver::RES_* enum in terms of the nsIDNSService::RESOLVE_* enum. r=mayhemer (84c22f815f)
- Bug 1194763 - Ensure non-cluster-start flag is set properly for a run-initial supplementary-plane combining mark when shaping text. r=jdaggett (17c3ad163d)
- Bug 1168176 - Mark gfxFontShaper::mFont as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=jtd (0f3ca78c16)
- Bug 1167403 - Mark gfxFont::GlyphChangeObserver::mFont as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF. r=jtd (ec77538943)
- align gfxContext to pre-1232822 (part 6) (bb7fa256c9)
- Bug 1231889 - Moz2Dify gfxWindowsNativeDrawing::PaintToContext(). r=mattwoodrow. (69b1d62395)
- Bug 1231864 (part 1) - Remove useless GetCairo() call in gfxWindowsNativeDrawing::BeginNativeDrawing(). r=mattwoodrow. (aa3017c392)
- Bug 1231864 (part 2) - Clean up gfxWindowsNativeDrawing::BeginNativeDrawing(). r=mattwoodrow. (860a81ba59)
- Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in gfx/. r=jrmuizel (a1cc11b749)
- Bug 1230611 - Make gfxWindowsPlatform::SupportsApzTouchInput use a pref cache to speed it up. r=dvander (4026e5dfe8)
- Bug 1193842 - Delete touch resampling preference and non resampling paths. r=kats (ff58c7753c)
- Bug 1177335 - Skip resampling if the time difference of touches is less than 2ms. (b98e40343d)
- Bug 1204518 - Fix warnings in widget/gonk/. r=mwu. (ddc13a4c24)
- Bug 1231832. Make IsActive work on Querys that have not begun. r=jgilbert (4b70a8fb0b)
- Bug 1218881. Enforce queries' new availability semantics. r=jgilbert (503bf80f8b)
- Bug 1233858 - Part 1 - ensure Skia's SkGraphics::Init is called from gfxPlatform::Init. r=jmuizelaar (db5fde96b1)
- Bug 1233858 -Part 2 - implement runtime-detected SSE2 optimizations for Skia. r=jmuizelaar (3c9ebaa64d)
- Bug 1233858 - work around Skia __vectorcall bugs on Win32. r=jmuizelaar (b5b5e2bbcf)
- Bug 1222569 - remove unused function from gfxPlatformFontList.cpp; r=Bas (68e1615eb2)
- Bug 1234566: Use LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary in some skia Windows code to allow UNICODE to be defined. r=lsalzman (e45bf51ef7)
- Bug 1156742 Part 1: Change Moz2D recording, so that it can be used in isolation. r=bas (f02fd4992b)
- Bug 1156742 Part 2: Make gfx thebes/gl/2d work with UNICODE defined. r=bas, r=glandium (8fca45d9a3)
- Bug 1156742 Part 3: Add support for FontType::CAIRO to CreateScaledFontForTrueTypeData on Windows. r=bas (863ea539c4)
- Bug 1156742 Part 4: Add an in memory DrawEventRecorder. r=bas (c9196512a1)
- Bug 1156742 Part 5: Add a skeleton RemotePrintJob. r=mconley (aa48df9f32)
- Bug 1156742 Part 6: Add RemotePrintJob to PrintSession and PrintData. r=roc, r=mconley (607a3e6b9b)
- Bug 1233444 - add override declarations for widget/windows/; r=roc (edab847cb0)
- Bug 1156742 Part 7: Refactor nsDeviceContext.cpp to use printing surface for size and nsIDeviceContextSpec for DPI and scale. r=roc (ec6ff3d592)
- Bug 1156742 Part 8: Change gfxWindowsSurface, so that a non-printing surface can be used when recording a print. r=roc (1ab167635e)
- Bug 1156742 Part 9: Add a new nsIDeviceContextSpec for proxied printing. r=roc (11c3909a8f)
- Bug 1156742 Part 10: Allow RemotePrintJob to influence nsPagePrintTimer. r=roc (c658e96338)
- Bug 1156742 Part 11: Allow RemotePrintJobChild to abort the print. r=roc (30f3e9bce4)
- Bug 1156742 Part 12: Record CreateSimilarDrawTarget separately for Moz2D. r=bas (a978b691c3)
- Bug 1156742 Part 13: Create a Moz2D PrintTranslator. r=bas (1eca4e9b33)
- Bug 1156742 Part 14: Complete RemotePrintJob using PrintTranslator. r=mconley (7db80f0ba7)
- Bug 1156742 Part 15: Add pref for turning on printing via the parent process. r=mconley (e3dbf281ea)
- Bug 1156742 Part 16: Add recording and forwarding of Matrix attribute set for Moz2D recording. r=bas (cd5da598ea)
- Bug 1156742 Part 17: Add virtual destructor to RecorededEvent and fix subsequent crash with DWrite playback fonts. r=bas (c20a0b84fc)
- Bug 1156742 Part 18: Fix the way we hold custom font data so that they can be recorded with Moz2D. r=bas (54b4630927)
- Bug 1156742 Part 19: Implement GetFontFileData for ScaledFontWin. r=bas (f1df40b31b)
- Bug 1156742 Part 20: Move Moz2D PreferenceAccess into its own header. r=bas (0afdff8e14)
- Bug 1156742 Part 21: Use GetDirect3D11Device instead of DrawTargetD2D::GetDWriteFactory to determine if DWrite fonts should be used. r=Bas (0c87a5866d)
- Bug 1156742 Part 22: Change ScaledFontDWrite to support creation from TrueType Collection data. r=bas (5f2c607e64)
- Bug 1156742 Part 23: Assert in PrintTranslator when a lookup fails. r=bas (72e24c789f)
- Bug 1156742 Part 24: Add new Recorded event to record font data. r=bas (a0c6f951aa)
- Bug 1156742 Part 25: Flip the big switch and wait for the lightning. r=mconley (082a1a3ede)
- Bug 1203232 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in some ipc/chromium headers. r=njn (018499b8a1)
- Bug 1089837 - Make IPC::Message use MOZ_COUNT_CTOR/DTOR. r=jld (124e011902)
- Bug 1235234 - Fix unintentional switch fallthrough in ipc/chromium/ found by -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning. r=gcp (af37d85c1c)
- Bug 1207498 - Part 2: Remove use of expression closure from tests in toolkit/components/. r=Gijs (98915956bd)
- Bug 1157282 - Add test coverage for telemetry histogram recording. r=gfritzsche (f403b07c7f)
- Bug 1228147: part 1: Add telemetry RecordingEnabled support. r=gfritzsche f=froydnj (610c92394f)
- Bug 1228147: part 2: Add telemetry probe for synchronous scroll. r=kats (6816099c37)
- Bug 1201492 - Remove extended_statistics_ok from Telemetry histograms. r=dexter (f7f991249f)
- Bug 842894 - Support DirectWrite using the Skia backend. r=bas (f2487cf863) (159d7b9c2f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2023, 20:50
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Added more menu options on the AdBlocker.
    Latest news runtime DLL file added to NetSurfer.
    Bundled our latest Windows application PC-Drop Copy Master with our NetSurfer browser. An Android edition is also available for download!

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2023, 10:40

    Added Maxthon VIP membership
    New Tab App Center added, introducing the chatbot - AiChat ( Free quota for Maxthon VIP)
    Added Super Bookmark, using Maxthon Notes as bookmarks
    Added Incognito Mode for multiple sessions
    Added Main Menu - More Tools - Lock Browser Menu Item and Hotkey
    Redesigned Maxthon Notes, added a reading mode
    Address bar bee interaction optimized
    Settings page optimized, features management redesigned
    Restore button and restore menu optimized, restoring to current window
    Multiple language translations updated
    Fixed Win7 page displaying issue
    Fixed known issues


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-07-29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2023, 09:30

In-tree changes:

- bump KM version for engine API change (9af8a53d)
- nsIPrintSettings::SetPaperSizeType() API is removed in engine (as at NM27 rev 4adeb06c) (df63800b)

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 159d7b9c2f...9fcdb1e308:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1238964 Part 1: Hold new printable page sizes in print nsIPrintSettingsWin. r=jimm (b5e4d012ba)
- Bug 1238964 Part 2: Move separate DEVMODE to nsIPrintSettings copying into nsPrintSettingsWin. r=jimm (cb7bb66037)
- Bug 1218029 - Adds SRICheckDataVerifier for progressing data handling. r=francois (8331afc1a7)
- Bug 1218029 - Implements progressive Unicode chars decoding in nsScriptLoader. r=djvj (2c32ca259a)
- Bug 1237201 part 1 - Use MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE in nsScriptLoadHandler::TryDecodeRawData. r=yury (8f7496be23)
- Bug 1237201 part 2 - Handle Vector OOM in gfx/. r=jrmuizel,kats (d5e8bd3383)
- Bug 1237201 part 3 - Handle Vector OOM in StreamingLexer. r=njn (be383e35b4)
- Bug 1237201 part 4 - Handle Vector OOM in ipc/. r=billm (fe9a3bf25a)
- Bug 1237201 part 5 - Ignore Vector OOM in JSMainRuntimeCompartmentsReporter. r=njn (d0070c0636)
- Bug 1237201 part 6 - Handle Vector OOM in media/webrtc/. r=jesup (eab4e00735)
- Bug 1186491 - Splitting nsIPerformanceStats in two;r=froydnj (006b578345)
- Bug 1186491 - An API for watching slow performance alerts (xpcom-level);r=froydnj (4fcefd66f5)
- Bug 1237201 part 7 - Handle Vector OOM in nsPerformanceStats, telemetry. r=Yoric (6021b583ff)
- Bug 1237201 part 8 - Make fallible Vector methods MOZ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT. r=jwalden (90144c2d35)
- Bug 1237201 part 9 - Fix remaining issues. r=nfroyd (25b86adb6d)
- Bug 1186491 - An API for watching slow performance alerts (js-level); r=felipe (f04d277c80)
- Bug 1200172 - AddonWatcher now discards data if the system is apparently too busy/just back from hibernation. r=mossop (66a3840b73)
- Bug 1205840 - Typo fixes in AddonWatcher.jsm. r=felipe (760df6764c)
- Bug 1186491 - Reworking AddonWatcher to use low-level performance watch API;r=mossop (81cc64263e)
- Bug 1200169 - Making the slow add-on watcher more tolerant;r=Felipe (fcf988d985)
- Bug 1157009 - Redesign about:performance. r=felipe (cacc590716)
- Bug 1189513 - Get rid of separation between e10s and non-e10s probes; r=felipe (7a6d996c93)
- Bug 1191327 - Recapitulates alerts in about:performance now. r=felipe (53ecc02da9)
- Bug 1189799 - Make sure that about:performance displays each add-on only once (front-end);r=felipe (1ee53a0410)
- Bug 1208747 - Move most of Stopwatch-related code to XPCOM-land (JS-level);r=felipe (84af14c20e)
- Bug 1229519: Fix miscellaneous parts of toolkit to pass eslint checks. r=MattN (00ce3585c5)
- Bug 1230735 - AddonWatcher.alerts is now a map;r=Felipe (81bbafbbd4)
- Bug 1241838 - Removing erroneous CPOW suffix, reworking buggy jank suffix;r=Felipe (020d6928e6)
- Bug 1175098 - Fix double-loading of PerformanceStats content script. r=mconley (fb1c499343)
- Bug 1189799 - Make sure that about:performance displays each add-on only once (back-end);r=felipe (1eac8258df)
- Bug 1221761 - Probe.prototype.release() now swallows NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE. r=felipe (ba1d0032a9)
- Bug 1142937 - AddonWatcher now communicates through nsIObserverService. r=felipe (ea2e7ccdaa)
- Bug 967873 - Test changes for async removeTab (r=Gijs) (dae5cbf835)
- more missing parts of Bug 1132072 - Tab switch refactoring (r=mconley) (dc5e310537)
- Bug 1191460 Rebased patch and added userContextId to origin attributes. (r=tanvi,r=sicking) (723999e7fa)
- Bug 1239040 - Cleanup of DrawTargetSkia GetBitmapForSurface to use installPixels. r=jrmuizel (4016f4d734)
- Bug 1239040 - Cleanup of DrawTargetSkia Mask and MaskSurface. r=jrmuizel (908a44d47e)
- Bug 1239040 - Implement PushLayer for DrawTargetSkia. r=Bas (ae74697559)
- Bug 1246756 - part 1 - fix moz2d Skia usage for Skia m49 update. r=jrmuizel (5e4b0f41e3)
- Bug 1239040 - Allow usage of SkCanvas::getTopDevice in Skia. r=jrmuizel (19bdd2cecb)
- Bug 1239040 - Fix DrawTargetCairo/DrawTargetSkia LockBits and BorrowedXlibDrawable to work inside PushLayer. r=jrmuizel (b9ba04009b)
- Bug 1239040 - Cleanup of DrawTargetSkia CopySurface to avoid accessing bottom layer directly. r=jrmuizel (6690702507)
- Bug 1240437: Implement PushLayer and PopLayer for DrawTargetRecording. r=bas (22673a1b52)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 1: Add PushLayer/PopLayer API to DrawTarget baseclass. r=jrmuizel (c4b4315749)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 2: Prepare DrawTargetD2D1 for the possibilities of layers existing inside it. r=jrmuizel (f2a74151a8)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 3: Implement PushLayer/PopLayer API in cairo. r=jrmuizel (9a52965141)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 4: Allow gfxContext to use the native pushlayer implementations based on a pref. r=jrmuizel (f13b773ff3)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 5: Implement PushLayer/PopLayer API for Direct2D 1.1. r=jrmuizel (8a040648a2)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 6: Implement PushLayer/PopLayer API in several wrapper DT types. r=jrmuizel (cf76723216)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 7: Mark several reftests fuzzy. r=jrmuizel (a6deab2300)
- Bug 1220629 - Part 8: Enable native PushLayer/PopLayer by default on Windows and Linux. r=jrmuizel (eef18e1e3e)
- Bug 1234494 - part 1 - don't build in Skia GPU code if support is disabled, r=jrmuizel (4c74813077)
- Bug 1234494 - part 2 - disable Skia GPU support by default on certain *BSDs, r=glandium (6184133b33)
- Bug 1246756 - part 2 - update Skia moz.build for m49 update. r=jrmuizel (e0cf4ab953)
- Bug 1244454 - Fixed skia compilation on mingw. r=lsalzman (064a56e56e)
- Bug 1242044 - "layout/reftests/css-gradients/linear-zero-length-1 fails under Skia content". r=jmuizelaar (bee8f76e72)
- Bug 1242751 - fix assertion in SkLinearGradient. r=jmuizelaar (f5df5ed88f)
- Bug 1238795 - Fix SkGpuDevice::drawBitmapRect to always update clips. r=jrmuizel (05a9a6b10a)
- Bug 1230096 - fix GrAAConvexTessellator assertion. r=jrmuizel (18aef9bdcc)
- Bug 1237983 - Investigate and remove the Bagheera Client Implementation. r=gfritzsche (6de39c0e32)
- Bug 1246756 - part 3 - update Skia to m49 branch. r=jrmuizel (a02a53e368)
- Bug 1234526 - Remove services/healthreport. r=gfritzsche (bb0c567255)
- Bug 1234522 - Remove services/datareporting. r=gfritzsche (c7bfec7784)
- Bug 1211166 - Use AppConstants in SessionRecorder.jsm r=ted (4434996c34)
- Bug 1246756 - Cross compilation fixup. r=upstream (99e3e40ba1)
- Bug 1248228 - Build fix for SkOSFile_stdio on OpenBSD. r=jmuizelaar (bbb1eb7ac0)
- Bug 1250196 - Part 1: Import mozilla::Forward and mozilla::UniqePtr into the std namespace in a way that is compatible with libc++; r=lsalzman (ffeebcc133)
- Bug 1248851 part 4 - Mark UniquePtr::release() MOZ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT. r=Waldo (f43cced74c)
- Bug 1250196 - Part 2: Rename UniquePtr::getDeleter() to get_deleter() in order to make it compatible with std::unique_ptr; r=froydnj (f8aeabfc9a)
- Bug 1248851 part 3 - Fix a potential double-free issue in indexedDB. r=sicking (4d13f5047b)
- Bug 1248851 part 2 - Remove redundant release() calls in indexedDB code. r=sicking (86d67ffad8)
- Bug 1239702 - Fix SK_ARM_HAS_NEON build config r=lsalzman (4233a57122)
- Bug 1245979 - make mfbt Function reference-counted so that it can be cheaply copied for compatibility with Skia. r=froydnj (bd69e9c07b)
- Bug 1245055 - Remove gfx/skia/Makefile.in. r=mshal (bf2c611f38)
- Bug 1232694 - fix typo in Compiler.h; r=botond (2b5abb9d2d)
- Bug 1228641 - Rename begin/size to aBegin/aSize to avoid shadow warnings; r=botond (9222809505)
- Bug 1248784 - Rename the existing AddRefTraits to ConstRemovingRefPtrTraits. r=froydnj (99d7b0ae1f)
- Bug 1248784 - Extract the AddRef/Release calls into a non-inner helper trait. r=froydnj (37243b6235)
- Bug 1248784 - Followup to add requested comment. r=froydnj DONTBUILD (0e870b586b)
- Bug 1242794 - make SkGrPixelRef::deepCopy preserve alpha type. r=jmuizelaar (0fb454c326)
- Bug 1201037 - (Linux) squash network-change events during 1000ms, r=mcmanus (087f57c44d)
- Bug 1235509 - Link monitor should not fire link change events for the refresh of the ipv6 lifetime. r=bagder (c507a319c4)
- Bug 1234548 - Don't send network change events if routes are changed. r=mcmanus, r=bagder (5cd0bc582e)
- Bug 1234548 - Remove unused variables. r=bustage (42df135fbf)
- Bug 1240515 - change allocator for addr and localaddr from malloc to new, since the smart pointer that is used uses delete operator. r=dragana (02f5d5433c)
- Bug 1241901 part 1 - Remove nsAutoPtr uses in nsNotifyAddrListener on Linux. r=bagder (f8696ad190)
- Bug 1241901 part 2 - Use intptr_t to pass bluetooth service class instead of a pointer to heap. r=shawnjohnjr (5c86a164fa)
- Bug 1241901 part 3 - Add IsMemberPointer and IsScalar type traits. r=froydnj (80747268bd)
- Bug 1243876 - fix ConvertibleTester to not cause incomplete type errors with UniquePtr and Skia. r=nfroyd (c5588dd270)
- Bug 1234736 - IonMonkey: Recover Math.imul as an int32 operation. r=h4writer (459b92c618)
- Bug 1228571 - Fix GenerateSeed to not leave seed uninitialized if reading from /dev/urandom fails. r=cpeterson (3be0a2816b)
- Bug 1233302: Don't crash if we can't open /dev/urandom; just fall back to PRMJ_Now. (d83ae5540a)
- Bug 1167248 - Call RtlGenRandom() instead of rand_s() to workaround crashes from injected third-party hooks. r=jandem (678e7a0056)
- Bug 1236619 Fix compilation failure with warnings-as-errors with some compilers. r=njn (043956881d)
- Bug 1167248 - Cross compilation fixup. (f4a34fb229) (b0cbe263c6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1226200: Don't assume a TCPSocket has only one managee (and rename LoneManagedOrNull) r=jdm (aa2d0fcc14)
- Bug 1227300, Part 1 - Add an alert notification component. r=MattN,wchen (37758ce9ff)
- Bug 1230700. Make Notification::ShowInternal explicitly suppress the exception from GetPermissionInternal. r=smaug (9e288cf5ae)
- Bug 1225336 - Add telemetry about web notification display/messages. r=wchen,kitcambridge p=vladan# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (b2e481691a)
- Bug 1219030 - Collect notification management telemetry. r=wchen,MattN; p=ally (c0ba425b4e)
- Bug 1212611 - Use system notification for website notifications in Android. r=mfinkle (84985bcf01)
- Bug 1227300, Part 2 - Implement showAlert. r=MattN,wchen (33eedc7e91)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 0: Ensure site security service is initialized before trying to use DataStorage via IPC. (8bd73f43b0)
- Bug 1137681 - Make user agent docshell overrides affect network requests. r=jduell (e8dabb8338)
- Bug 1233245 - Propagate the interception information in the non-e10s case for all HTTP redirects, not just the internal ones; r=jdm (6922fddcf8)
- Bug 1226444 - Use helper function to identify preloads. r=sicking (d110669f73)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 1: Refactor the logic for querying whether a connection should go through a secure upgrade into NS_ShouldSecureUpgrade; r=mcmanus (2d04c78290)
- Bug 1137681 - Per-tab user agent emulation. r=bz (4ff70db690)
- Bug 1227300, Part 3 - Implement showAlert for the OS X alerts backend. r=mstange (5eb05d0728)
- Bug 1227300, Part 4 - Implement showAlert for the libnotify alerts backend. r=karlt (0942fa2764)
- Bug 1227300, Part 5 - Implement showAlert for the B2G alerts backend. r=mhenretty (e39581aea5)
- Bug 1227300, Part 6 - Use showAlert to display web notifications. r=wchen (ab79eaa0c8)
- domBug 1227300, Part 7 - Update test interfaces. a=testonly (387cb62772)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 3: Add a nsIInterceptedChannel.secureUpgradedChannelURI helper; r=jdm (811d25bd58)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 4: Use the secure upgraded channel URI in ServiceWorkerManager::PrepareFetchEvent; r=jdm (0c44bf527c)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 5: Use the secure upgraded channel URI in FetchEventRunnable::Init; r=jdm (a30f239261)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 6: Use a non-IPC redirect for synthesized upgraded responses to ensure the response URL is correctly propagated; r=mcmanus (8ba8a5728c)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 7: Decide in the child process whether an intercepted channel should go through a secure upgrade; r=mcmanus (93e27decae)
- Bug 1198397 - Add a test for interception of requests upgraded through the CSP upgrade-insecure-requests directive; r=jdm (21eb14eb34)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 8: Enable secure upgrade service worker tests on e10s; r=jdm (c14f5fb504)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 10: Clean up global DataStorage references in the child process; r=keeler (ef0b52d049)
- Bug 1224771 - Close all web notifications when the originating tab is closed. r=wchen (da295b4ba7)
- Bug 1214305 - Part 2: Refactor the logic for obtaining the secure upgraded URI into HttpBaseChannel; r=mcmanus (3346078285)
- Bug 1237151 (part 1) - Remove ignored qualifiers in dom/media/gmp/. r=cpearce. (18134820a6)
- Bug 1237151 (part 2) - Remove ignored qualifiers in WebRTC-relate code. r=jesup. (effe5bd694)
- Bug 1118820 part 1 (style system part)
- [css-grid] Implement the 'auto-fill' and 'auto-fit' keywords in the repeat() function. r=dholbert (5db1a577db)
- Bug 1118820 part 2a - [css-grid] Add a LineNameMap class that lets us lookup line names with a dynamic number of 'repeat(auto-fill/auto-fit)' tracks taken into account. r=dholbert (3ecf4b53f0)
- Bug 1118820 part 2b - [css-grid] Move the static functions FindLine/RFindLine/FindNamedLine into the LineNameMap class (idempotent patch). r=dholbert (efb12c594b)
- Bug 1118820 part 2c+2d - [css-grid] Modify the LineNameMap::FindLine/RFindLine/FindNamedLine methods to take line names associated with 'repeat(auto-fill/auto-fit)' tracks into account. Instantiate and pass around a LineNameMap object instead of an array of line name arrays. r=dholbert (a3db750297)
- Bug 1118820 part 3a - [css-grid] Modify TrackSizingFunctions to take a dynamic number of 'repeat(auto-fill/auto-fit)' tracks taking into account. r=dholbert (9aa6033332)
- Bug 1118820 part 3b - [css-grid] Implement the CalculateRepeatFillCount method that calculates the number of 'repeat(auto-fill/auto-fit)' tracks to use for the given sizes. r=dholbert (cf75fab8a8)
- Bug 1118820 part 4 - [css-grid] Provide the sizes to use for CalculateRepeatFillCount. r=dholbert (8184c00dba)
- Bug 1118820 part 5 - [css-grid] Remove any empty 'repeat(auto-fit)' tracks at the end of its range and adjust affected grid area line numbers accordingly. r=dholbert (c02ba6a6e3)
- Bug 1229165 - [css-grid] Reftests for min/max-width/height properties on the grid container. (725097f878)
- Bug 1229999 - [css-grid] Reftest. (51b5bc9535)
- Bug 1237151 (part 3) - Remove ignored qualifiers in all remaining code. r=froydnj. (69917ebbad)
- more bits of Bug 1178892 - Split the profiler into Core & Gecko files (41bb127b9c)
- Bug 1199841 - Restructure private browsing to remember status after OnStopRequest r=jdm (16c2c1044d)
- Bug 1233845 - Report an interception error and cancel the HTTP channel when encountering a known topcrash situation. r=ehsan (5d08075110)
- Bug 664163 - Fix Get(Local|Remote)(Address|Port) in HttpChannelChild. r=jduell (cbf70af4e8)
- Bug 1229177 - Show the tracking protection shield for fetch and XHR requests. r=jduell (5833b3e872)
- Bug 1220678 Don't crash when DivertToParent() is called on an intercepted channel. r=jdm (5d7ff6ecc8)
- Bug 1220681 P1 Make HttpChannelChild::DivertToParent() work with synthetic responses. r=jdm (67715703ef)
- Bug 1169819 Add browser chrome test to validate SW force refresh. r=ehsan (c0b6b3e874)
- Bug 1220681 P2 Test synthetic responses that trigger downloads. r=ehsan (c701f3ddb1)
- Bug 1220681 P3 Delay diversion on parent side until response head has been synthesized. r=jdm (7c697aacee)
- Bug 1220681 P4 Automatically suspend the parent channel after synthesizing the response for diverison. r=jdm (27f31bcb35)
- Bug 1220681 P5 Don't double suspend parent channel during synthesized divert to parent. r=jdm (62081d4b56)
- Bug 1220681 P6 Use clients.claim() in browser_download.js to avoid worker unregister race. r=jdm (c8de291727)
- Bug 1240161 - Remove "only-if-cached" from RequestCache; r=bkelly (283486f584)
- Bug 1184550 - Add a mochitest for the Request constructor that tests that the body is set to used after being fetched and then fails on the second fetch with the same Request. r=bkelly (db4a967203)
- Bug 1205495 - Correctly use the requests's body and redirect mode in reroute.js; r=nsm (a36a96624a)
- Bug 1189656 - Fix fetch-request-fallback test paths. r=bkelly (366c884179)
- Bug 1219085 - Import the fetch-request-redirect.https.html test from Blink; r=jdm (bf6b484d82)
- Bug 1209081 - Part 1: Implement the "navigate" value for RequestMode; r=bkelly (a22f19d94b)
- Bug 1209081 - Part 2: Upgrade the saved Requests in the DOM Cache to reflect the "navigate" RequestMode if they represent navigation content policy types; r=bkelly (60d1da23bb)
- Bug 1219469 - Part 1: Revert the error reporting added in bug 1233845; r=jdm (dcc022b9d3)
- Bug 1219469 - Part 2: Make HttpChannelParentListener be the controller; r=jdm,jduell (9c5f0dfbe0)
- Bug 1229369 - Intercept redirected network fetches that have their request mode set to manual; r=jdm (fb21d86ed2) (bc8ce42355)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1237091. Remove WAP telemetry probe. r=mcmanus (8538288c45)
- bug 718797 - allow heuristic cache of query string resources r=hurley (df7c0d050c)
- Bug 1238290 - fix bad necko deps on unified_sources r=valentin.gosu (fee60661f9)
- Bug 1237371: Asynchronously shutdown the predictor IO thread. r=hurley (2b971d9714)
- Bug 407537 - Dont normalize a nonexistant file r=biesi (e9d4b81b0f)
- Bug 1247733 part 1: Create a helper function for nsStandardURL's code to add/remove/replace a port in the URL string. r=valentin (81db1064a1)
- Bug 1247733 part 2: Give nsIStandardURL an API to set its default port, and use it when upgrading HTTP connections to HTTPS. r=valentin (de4ee7a9c3)
- Bug 1247733 part 3: Add mochitest to ensure that SVG <use> is rendered correctly in documents that have been upgraded using HSTS. r=valentin (a929b68f0c)
- Bug 1247733 part 4: Add xpcshell test for nsIStandardURL setDefaultPot() API. r=valentin (4599dc1a46)
- Bug 524232 - cache about: protocol handlers r=mayhemer (7ac918c396)
- Bug 1238010 - Turn off ClosingService. r=mcmanus (e46aa99310)
- Bug 1238017 - Remove ClosingService. r=mcmanus (c5d027507b)
- Bug 1238910 - Rework shutdown necko. r=mcmanus (c95508d202)
- Bug 1240269 - Do not open UDP socket during shutdown. r=mcmanus (e62a2008b5)
- Bug 1240481 - Limit PR_Close calls during shutdown. r=mcmanus (aa3d4bd35c)
- Bug 1242755 - Move nsHttpConnectionMgr->Shutdown back to nsHttpHandler. r=mcmanus (a630e3baf7)
- add webapps (1b90fe85a8)
- bug 1069556 - sync to Breakpad c53ed143108948eb7e2d7ee77dc8c0d92050ce7c. r=glandium, benwa (e0608cc38b)
- more work to add pdfjs (ef88fb0b25)
- var-let (df1123752d)
- Bug 1242254 - Enable initial set of eslint rules for PSM. r=dkeeler (f68806c68d) (50d80fcfc7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 939496 - Emit tabs open event for the first tab in a new. r=zer0 (79679a88e2)
- Bug 989288: Use toplevel window when handling windows events. r=zer0 (d839c25bff)
- Bug 1195295 - Follow-up: remove other race-y SDK test that I failed to remove in 05b98fe2ac4f. r=Mossop (556051a699)
- Bug 1211432 - provide PodCopy and PodMove safe-when-racy operations. r=waldo (0bd163749d)
- Bug 1225031 - get rid of the AnyTypedArray abstraction. r=waldo (745a77cbbf)
- Bug 1160971 - Part 1: SIMD bool vector implementation for the interpreter. r=bbouvier (33446fa271)
- Bug 1233863 - ARM64: Enable jit-test and jstest suites for SM(arm64). r=sstangl (85f03a4c9c)
- Bug 1160971 - Part 2: JSAPI/JIT tests for SIMD bool vector implementation. r=bbouvier (a65294aa78)
- Bug 1160971 - Part 3: SIMD boolean vector support for JIT. r=bbouvier (a97a246b4b)
- Bug 1160971 - Part 4: Delete signMask and selectBits. r=bbouvier (813f7971bd)
- Bug 1160971 - Part 5: ASM.js boolean vectors. r=bbouvier (8ce47f9d0c) (e3b8acb907)
- fix missing changes in "Bug 1234522 - Remove services/datareporting. r=gfritzsche (c7bfec77)" and "Bug 1234526 - Remove services/healthreport. r=gfritzsche (bb0c5672)" (e2e93a8aa9)
- import from mozilla: Bug 1213574 - Fix up static scopes inside scripts wrt the static global lexical scope when merging parse task compartments. (r=jandem) (db3b6778ae81) (9fcdb1e308)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.16.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2023, 10:50
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Input prompt font size can be changed with the Zoom In/Out/Reset keys.
    Preferences: Option for silently following scheme-changing redirects (Network tab; default: no).
    Tab creation and closing follows common browser conventions: new tabs are opened next to the most recently opened tab, so they retain the correct left-to-right order.
    Preferences: Moved cache/memory size settings to Content tab.
    Page title in margin omits prefix Emoji if it matches the bookmark icon.
    Adjusted word-wrapping to break at a period inside a word (e.g., domain names).
    If the page is missing a level 1 heading, use the first content line as the title.


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2023, 18:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink to Chrome/115.0.5790.110
    Fixed other minor bugs

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2023, 20:10
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



Bug fixed - when editing rule, you could not jump to next edit box with tab or previous with shift+ tab.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-08-05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2023, 18:00
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 9fcdb1e308...cc81aca6b2:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1233497 - Fix infrastructure for disallowing unsafe CPOWs in browser code. r=mrbkap (d8c6be9ef0)
- Bug 1235615 - Split JS::CompartmentOptions into JS::CompartmentCreationOptions that are immutable characteristics of a compartment, and JS::CompartmentBehaviors that may be changed after the compartment's been created. r=terrence (d664435b2c)
- Bug 1245801 - Disable non-standard flag argument of String.prototype. {search,match,replace} in non-release channel. r=jandem (2e41d087e4)
- Bug 1207922 - Part 1: Self-host RegExp.prototype.{exec,test}. r=till,h4writer (21dddac0e3)
- Bug 1207922 - Part 2: Propagate OOM thrown from stub generation. r=till (507c3fc5e0)
- Bug 1207922 - Part 3: Add masm.branchLatin1String and masm.branchTwoByteString. r=h4writer (59f56d60d8)
- Bug 1207922 - Clean-up RRegExp{Match,Test}er function in Recover.cpp. r=arai (fd4f0e4744)
- Bug 1226904 - Fix boundary checking for leaves collecting. r=roc (0736fec30c)
- Bug 1222880 - Followup to handle the case when aStopAtAnimatedGeometryRoot isn't an ancestor of aAnimatedGeometryRoot. CLOSED TREE (648d12bbcb)
- Bug 1222880. Followup to the followup to handle the case when aStopAtAnimatedGeometryRoot isn't an ancestor of aAnimatedGeometryRoot the same way we did before the patches of this bug. r=mattwoordrow (more or less) (e4ce4414ef)
- Bug 1200611 - Size ImageLayers correctly for <img>s using object-fit. r=dholbert (cc3b82a126)
- Bug 1232852 (part 1) - Set |aSnap| in two GetOpaqueRegion() overloadings that are missing it. r=roc. (114660bbbe)
- Bug 1232852 (part 2) - Remove some dead member functions from nsILayoutDebugger. r=roc. (b9eb5ca6b4)
- Bug 1233605 - Cull some uses of gfxContext. r=dholbert. (2ae4a1d390)
- Bug 1059519. Relax assertion. r=mstange (79a1f08992)
- Bug 1176395 - When an element is both position:sticky and transformed, apply the position:sticky outside the transform. r=roc (b2d86a714b)
- Bug 1147673 - Use ancestor clip for root scrollable framemetrics clips. r=tn (6fd10a0ea3)
- Bug 1187804 - Reftests for async scrolling with position:fixed in an iframe. r=kats (2e30186596)
- Bug 1223944 - Reftest bg-fixed-transformed-image-ref.html fails for Fennec when C++APZ enabled. r=kats (99bfa3344b)
- Bug 1208829 - Reftest. r=mstange (e35a18d12a)
- Bug 1224209. Add reftest. (acfd2fba9d)
- Bug 1201889 - Reftest. r=mstange (ec4b26fbd2)
- Bug 1208829 - Another reftest. r=botond (558ca3cdbc)
- Bug 1147673 - Make display items know about their scroll clips. r=tn, r=roc (3485c3fada)
- Bug 1152049 - Rename GetClippedBoundsUpTo into GetScrollClippedBoundsUpTo. r=tn (aeeaf3bcdb)
- Bug 1232852 (part 3) - Remove unused parameters from some accessibility code. r=tbsaunde. (97041bf561)
- Bug 1232852 (part 4) - Remove some unused parameters in and around layout/base/. r=heycam. (2dcf169efa)
- Bug 1232852 (part 5) - Remove some unused parameters in and around layout/base/. r=heycam. (9a302428f1)
- Bug 1232852 (part 6) - Remove unused parameters from some layout sort functions. r=tn. (26faa2c71f)
- Bug 1232852 (part 7) - Remove some unused parameters in and around layout/base/. r=tn. (6f9417aa0b)
- Bug 1232852 (part 8) - Remove some unused parameters in and around layout/base/. r=roc. (30315134c4)
- Bug 1186774 - Scroll position (scrollX/scrollY) should be restored after popstate, not before, r=bz (3d8cd617ce)
- Bug 1155730, implement History.scrollRestoration r=jst (4e0ffb69a9)
- Bug 1237075 - Navigating from 'manual' to 'auto' session history entry should scroll the page, r=jst (d8eb9296bf)
- Bug 1228229 part 2 - Add a helper to get the appropriate (pseudo-)element for a frame; r=dbaron (2a8b5bdc95)
- Bug 1228229 part 3 - Factor out a method to get compositor-animatable overridden properties; r=dbaron (0e5fef1fc9)
- Bug 1228229 part 4 - Add a flag to EffectSet to mark when the cascade needs to be updated; r=dbaron (206e42236e)
- Bug 1228229 part 5 - Separate target element registration in NotifyAnimationTimingUpdated; r=dbaron (fe4b799d14)
- Bug 1228229 part 6 - Mark the animation cascade results as dirty when an effect goes in or out of being "in effect"; r=dbaron (6be413b655)
- Bug 1228229 part 7 - Add a method to Animation to indicate if it applies to the transitions level of the cascade; r=dbaron (d1845e299b)
- Bug 1228229 part 8 - Add EffectCompositor::(Maybe)UpdateCascadeResults; r=dbaron (dfdd0b9822)
- Bug 1228229 part 9 - Use EffectCompositor::UpdateCascadeResults; r=dbaron (917ec2023c)
- Bug 1228229 part 10 - Remove no-longer-used cascade functions; r=dbaron (3dc6662f3a)
- Bug 1228229 part 11 - Avoid calling nsRuleNode::ComputePropertiesOverridingAnimation when there are no compositor-animatable properties; r=dbaron (9b90a1d9a6)
- Bug 1229662 (part 1) - Remove AzureState::clipWasReset. r=jrmuizel. (ce48b700f7)
- Bug 1229662 (part 2) - Remove AzureState::parentTarget. r=jrmuizel. (95713803b1)
- Bug 1229662 (part 3) - Remove AzureState::fillRule. r=jrmuizel. (e1f936af7d)
- part of Bug 1232576 (part 1) - Move the reference |cairo_t*| from gfxContext (e81dd09541)
- part of Bug 1232576 (part 2) - Rename gfxContext::GetCairo() as GetRefCairo() (82538c1451)
- Bug 1232822 (part 1) - Moz2Dify SetupCairoFont(). r=jfkthame. (ef6b1e99b3)
- Bug 1232822 (part 2) - Moz2Dify SetupGlyphExtents(). r=jfkthame. (9ed9a03559)
- Bug 1232822 (part 3) - Moz2Dify gfxFont::CalcXScale() and gfxFont::PostShapingFixup(). r=jfkthame. (60f5f49df8)
- Bug 1232822 (part 4) - Remove unused argument from SetPotentialLineBreaks(). r=jfkthame. (7fb087a26b)
- Bug 1232822 (part 5) - Moz2Dify GetRoundOffsetsToPixels(). r=jfkthame. (4055a07cba)
- Bug 1232822 (part 6) - Move RefCairo() from gfxContext to gfxFont. r=jfkthame. (c5d2db8eab)
- Bug 1235185 - Fix clang -Wclass-varargs warnings in js/. r=bhackett (43fc9c0b1c)
- Bug 1232772 - suppress numerous clang-style warnings when using clang-cl; r=glandium (c26dab4483)
- Bug 1204752 - Disable thread-safe statics on VS2015 to fix WinXP startup crash. r=glandium (59c67ca7ba)
- Bug 1235743 - Move compiler flags used for dependency generation to a separate variable. r=gps (649853408e)
- Bug 1232159 followup, test for the existence of TypedObject so the test doesn't fail when it hits mozilla-aurora, r=efaust (c87a681a64) (01cb9ab79e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1233109 - Refactor module parsing to instantiate ModuleBuilder earlier r=shu (ae6693165a)
- Bug 1233109 - Call into the ModuleBuilder as we parse rather than traversing the AST again afterwards r=shu (c28f785d33)
- Bug 1233109 - Check for duplicate exported names using the data in the ModuleBuilder and remove ModuleBox::exportNames r=shu (03999c3ebf)
- Bug 1233109 - Make the getters in Import/ExportEntryObject const r=shu (ed6c2e5dca)
- Bug 1228211 (part 1) - Rearrange nsDisplayCanvasBackgroundImage::Paint(). r=dholbert. (00f3aacb07)
- Bug 1228211 (part 2) - Remove unused functions in nsRenderingContext. r=dholbert. (86d9983e82)
- Bug 1231550 - Use DrawTarget instead of gfxContext and/or nsRenderingContext in many places in font/text code. r=jfkthame. (b0962c9b17)
- Bug 1234418 - Not trust glyph run starts from a cluster start character. r=jfkthame (b0920d8072)
- more of Bug 1222166 - use gcc/clang warning f (690640c6c7)
- Bug 1064843 part 1 - Make nsImageFrame inherit nsContainerFrame. r=dholbert (bd5efe0a93)
- Bug 1238660 part 1 - Make mWinsInCascade initially false; r=hiro (8420017e68)
- Bug 1238660 part 2 - Preserve "wins in cascade" state when updating animations; r=hiro (348a8ef769)
- Bug 1230408 - Move suppress line break check out from control of SkipParentDisplayBasedStyleFixup. r=dbaron (ca853b3162)
- Bug 1238660 part 3 - Add crashtest; r=hiro (ab4daba520)
- Bug 1230005: Factor out relocation style decision; r=jolesen (03ea0e9ba0)
- Bug 1230005: Hide specifics of the LDR instruction; r=jolesen (92b0396f81)
- Bug 1230005: Flush the assembler buffer at the end of asm.js compilation; r=luke (06e0911bfb)
- Bug 1230005: Delay buffer flushing in asm.js until the last minute; r=luke (d3be91cca5)
- Bug 1233111 - Share method lists for SIMD types. r=bbouvier (70ec039259)
- Bug 1229642 - Fix unified build duplicate static name error (rs=jandem) (eb05c13fec)
- Bug 1231338 - SAB gating test cases. r=luke (a8c6740745)
- Bug 1233111 - Remove geometry altering SIMD conversions. r=bbouvier (a9c93d7694)
- Bug 1233111 - Add unsigned SIMD types to interpreter. r=bbouvier (6187dc7a1e)
- Bug 1233111 - Add ecma_7 shift tests. r=bbouvier (17c612dac5)
- Bug 1233111 - Implement SIMD shiftRightByScalar(). r=bbouvie (b9b0c848b7)
- Bug 1233111 - Add a new ToUint8() function. r=efaust (f1bc50a229)
- ug 1233111 - Implement saturating arithmetic for SIMD. r=bbouvier (42a98a07d6)
- Bug 1229642 - Factor out StringToNewUTF8CharsZ (r=jandem) (3c4f71214b)
- revert PM modification to setProfilingEnabled (4a05202975)
- Bug 1229642 - Split wasm::Module out of AsmJSModule (r=bbouvier) (75a1832b1a)
- Bug 1229642 - change to AsmJSActivation to WasmActivation (r=bbouvier) (a2e8513369)
- Bug 1229642 - Factor AsmJSLink.cpp into wasm/asm.js and consolidate AsmJS* into AsmJS.cpp (r=bbouvier) (3a489c6410) (7d2b02d5fd)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1212298 - Use inner script instead of outer script in CodeGenerator::visitCallDirectEval. r=shu (cee3f366a6)
- Bug 1233331 - CodeGenerator: Properly indent IonScript::New. r=jandem (6d110c45a3)
- Bug 1233331 - CodeGenerator: Prepare the invalidation of the recompileInfo as soon as the contraints are recorded. r=jandem (679d22dd8e)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 1: Fix wrong rebase for _SetCanonicalName call on RegExpToString. r=till (31ee926189)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 2: Fix argument count of RegExpMatcher and RegExpTester. r=till (9dc5dcadd5)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 4: Enable recover instruction for RegExpMatcher and RegExpTester. r=h4writer (5479b238ac)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 5: Add RegExpMatcher to MustCloneRegExp optimization. r=h4writer (554905fa3a)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 6: Make RegExpMatcher and RegExpTester movable. r=h4writer (72091090ee)
- Bug 1238417 - Part 7: Add comment for OutOfLineRegExpMatcher and OutOfLineRegExpTester. r=nbp (f5e4519728)
- Bug 1238630 - Fix unicode surrogate pair handling in RegExp. r=h4writer (d4c1e1d49d)
- Bug 1236600 - Properly pre-barrier sets to inline TypedObject Any-type Elements. (r=jandem) (1f23bb6d61)
- Bug 1149245 - Make DeserializedEdgeRange re-use its referents edge vector; r=vporof (ea861bfd43)
- Bug 1235631 - Odin: remove change-heap support (r=bbouvier) (940a0d58bc)
- Bug 1231224 part 11 - Add missing OOM checks in Module::setProfilingEnabled. r=luke (0d264fa46b)
- Bug 1234402 - Crash on OOM in AlternativeGenerationList constructor. r=bbouvier (baa7b3da17)
- Bug 1231224 part 12 - Use InfallibleVector in irregexp code to avoid MOZ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT warnings. r=luke (72ac897dab)
- Bug 1231224 part 13 - Add OOM checks to Statistics::initialize. r=jonco (5033150018)
- Bug 1237508 - Odin: remove function index from Export (r=bbouvier) (d368ef7f85)
- Bug 1236541 - Odin: when enabling profiling, only patch actual callsites (r=bbouvie) (713dbcc45c)
- Bug 1235046 - Optimize JIT-code poisoning to be fast with W^X. r=bhackett (25972b36a9)
- Bug 1215479 - Turn on W^X JIT code by default. r=luke (82c4b94315)
- Bug 1235868 - Change nonWritableJITCode to ifdefs. r=jandem (4dee262ff4)
- Bug 1237508 - Add missing #include to fix non-unified builds (r=me) (327242e706)
- Bug 1236530 - Make ExecutableAllocator::reprotectRegion fallible and handle in asm.js (r=jandem) (9444127563)
- Bug 1229399: Make initialization of asm.js local variables closer to wasm; r=luke (732d40b42c)
- Bug 1229399: Store line/column info in the FuncIR rather than the bytecode stream; r=luke (483faefbdd)
- Bug 1235989 - Add a null check for filename in ModuleValidator::finish. r=luke (abc62aa437)
- Bug 1235041 - Cast value to uint64_t in order to prevent int overflow when value is greater than 2^12. r=jonco (ef754091ea)
- Bug 1182369 - Remove js/Class.h include from nsWrapperCache.h. - r=bz (cc7b3c856b)
- Bug 1231964 - Move CC participant code that touches JS out of mozglue. r=smaug (100fceeb2b)
- Bug 1120016 - Allocate short lived JS wrappers in the Nursery, r=mccr8,terrence (2a17a5484d)
- Bug 1235277 - Define MOZ_FALLTHROUGH_ASSERT to workaround -Wunreachable-code warnings about MOZ_FALLTHROUGH in debug builds. r=botond (262589e609)
- Bug 1247679, part 1 - Make ClearJSHolder publicly inherit from TraceCallbacks. r=smaug (1a3543fd31)
- Bug 1235598 - Part 1: Add better SpiderMonkey API support for tracing in C++; r=sfinxk (f23bf81919)
- Bug 1235598 - Part 2: Use TraceEdge exclusively in Gecko; r=smaug (a3ad4d0ef7) (df6f7b7065)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1235923 - Part 1: Add C++ APIs for unbarriered pointer tracing; r=sfink (dc22d4c486)
- Bug 1235923 - Part 2: Use new Root tracing APIs in Gecko; r=smaug (f455edf9b2)
- Bug 1225650 - Use stable hashing for JSObject2WrappedJSMap; r=jonco (bdefc44e0e)
- Bug 1238786 - Part 1: Allow null pointers in public tracing APIs; r=sfink (0ad99d3854)
- Bug 1238786 - Part 2: We no longer need to null check before using trace APIs; r=smaug (c1caf8f003)
- Bug 1240264 - Annotate intentional switch fallthroughs in dom/media/. r=cpearce (85bf054d64)
- Bug 1230692. Fix WebAudioDecodeJob to properly suppress exceptions from its callbacks. r=ehsan (f7ae8b0502)
- Bug 1237557 - Suppress the exception if calling the callback fails when finishing a decodeAudioData operation, because there is not much we can do. r=ehsan (73775a3145)
- Bug 1238779 - Remove the unused and nonsensical JS_TraceRuntime; r=fitzgen (e2d98419f9)
- Bug 1234862 - Part 1: Rename GCMethods to BarrierMethods; r=sfink (1dab0dee58)
- Bug 1233117 - Fix handling of eval in modules r=jandem (be635033a6)
- Bug 1233109 - Alias fewer bindings at module toplevel r=shu (8d5fb08136)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 1: Bake in already-cloned intrinsic functions even if the callsite doesn't have type information. r=jandem (ee6a2134e5)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 2: Emit JSOP_FUNAPPLY when using std_Function_apply in self-hosted code. r=jandem (a71e470a12)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 3: Free up JSFunction flag. r=jwalden+bmo (73db74b60a)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 4: Remove Function#bind usage from async stack tests. r=fitzgen (707102b764)
- Bug 1216150 - Implement ECMA 402 DateTimeFormat formatToParts (8b1b2974e5)
- Bug 1234702 - Part 1: Allow opt-in calls to content invoking spread opts in self-hosted code. (r=till) (90e847bcad)
- Bug 1234702 - Part 2: Fix up class constructor scripts to allow cloning. (r=Waldo) (08fc55eccf)
- Bug 1234702 - Part 3: Self-host default derived class constructor. (r=till) (0702fe0790)
- Bug 1234702 - Part 4: Self-host default base class constructor. (r=till) (c499d25dd7)
- Bug 1235408: Lazily resolve SIMD types; r=jandem (59d116461c)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 5: Self-host Function.prototype.bind. r=jandem (ee118512ad)
- Bug 1000780 - Part 6: Fix nit in jsfun.h. r=jandem (61cb77f34c)
- Bug 1234845 part 1 - Remove fun() method from frames and remove some dead code. r=luke (6c474eb5b0)
- Bug 1234845 part 2 - Remove some dead code from InterpreterFrame. r=jonco (c4fe3cc77b)
- Bug 1234845 part 3 - Remove some fields and unions from InterpreterFrame. r=luke (7efd5a7348)
- Bug 1234845 part 4 - Eval frame refactoring, remove isFunctionFrame. r=luke (141df1a467)
- Bug 1234845 part 5 - Rename isNonEvalFunctionFrame to isFunctionFrame and use the script instead of flags. r=luke (c3fb98a60c)
- Bug 1234845 part 6 - Simplify isEvalFrame, make it use script->isForEval() instead of flags. r=luke (200d188811)
- Bug 1234845 part 7 - Simplify isGlobalFrame and isModuleFrame. r=jonco (dcf7ce2d63)
- Bug 1234845 part 8 - Remove JitProfilingFrameIterator special case for eval that's no longer needed. r=shu (57e416d498)
- Bug 1234845 part 9 - Remove callee slot from non-function interpreter frames. r=luke (dfbf5309a1)
- Bug 1234845 part 10 - Remove ExecuteType and InitialFrameFlags enums. r=luke (3c08ae26aa)
- Bug 1234845 part 11 - Remove HAS_SCOPECHAIN InterpreterFrame flag, repack flags. r=luke (74e66ac19c) (c975928fff)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1236321 - Annotate intentional switch fallthroughs to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in js/. r=luke (32d46328ef)
- Bug 1236552 - Odin: handle unfinished AsmJSModuleObject in addSizeOfMisc (r=bbouvier) (dafbd77b10)
- Bug 1229399: Make writing the IR fallible, provide a fallible readingAPI; r=luke (cbc536c3fa)
- Bug 1237272 - Only for Coverity - check arg1, arg2 and arg3 for validity. r=luke (1456e58951)
- Bug 1229399: Split FuncIR into Bytecode/Encoder/Decoder/FuncBytecode; r=luke (9f438b4d5f)
- Bug 1237508 - Odin: make AsmJSModule derive wasm::Module (r=bbouvier) (0186bf908b)
- Bug 1238195 - Switch over some AutoVectorRooters to Rooted<TraceableVector>s and fill in some missing support (r=terrence) (b556fdc27e)
- Bug 1234193 - IsRelazifiableFunction: Return false when we report an error. r=jandem (bd3c33e1e6)
- Bug 1221361: Mark SetARMHwCapFlags as unsafe for fuzzing; r=jolesen (3134febc32)
- Bug 1236564 - Fix various minor issues with getting/setting GC parameters r=terrence (45e251eba7)
- Bug 1235237 - Annotate intentional switch fallthrough to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in storage/. r=mak (f81714fdab)
- Bug 1235236 - Annotate intentional switch fallthrough to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in modules/libjar/. r=aklotz (f3a210802b)
- Bug 1236324 - Annotate intentional switch fallthroughs to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in toolkit/components/places/. r=mak (f2d09b5041)
- Bug 1238711 - Rename TraceableVector to GCVector; r=sfink Bug 1237153 - Fix gcparam() parameter verification to not allow negative numbers r=terrence (deccfd7f01)
- Bug 1235092 - Part 1: Optimize spread call with rest parameter. r=efaust (e6cc1294d1)
- Bug 1235092 - Part 2: Support allowContentSpread in the optimization for spread call with rest parameter. r=efaust (31c881893d)
- Bug 1235092 - Part 3: Root function in BytecodeEmitter::isRestParameter. r=bustage (ede37f48b6)
- Bug 1233152 - Use PersistentRooted for ParseTask script and sourceObject. r=terrence (d99d9b81fb)
- Bug 1236476: Report out of memory in ExpandErrorArgumentsVA; r=jandem (6a2327222c)
- Bug 1239601 - improve the UniquePtr situation (r=jorendorff) (640322c8c1)
- Bug 1239724: Introduce RegExp registers to non-ion builds; r=arai (f2d837e65b)
- Bug 1137624 - Remove ArrayJoin code duplication, and use a correct alias set. r=jandem (ab8a98a5e3)
- Bug 1237284: Make SIMD names more consistent in MCallOptimize; r=jolesen (d50f74a31e)
- Bug 1238582 - Fix spurious assertion failure in array sort due to over-eager OOM simulation r=jandem (587f4976e5)
- Bug 1235874 - handle null filename in DescribeScriptedCaller (r=sunfish) (b347469108)
- Bug 1239601 - improve the UniquePtr situation (r=jandem) (a8b9f15dcb) (cc81aca6b2)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2023, 19:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

Updated and improved the built-in AdBlocker's performance and speed.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2023, 17:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added feature: Double-click the top of the webpage scrollbar to scroll to the top, and double-click the bottom to scroll to the end.
    Unified note URL type operation.
    New tab page background image logic optimization, adjusted default width of the site list.
    Password Master page startup optimization.
    Multilingual translation update.
    Fixed the issue of incorrect web page form filling.
    Fixed the issue where the new tab page did not load correctly.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2023, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed "New tab page was blank on startup" problem
    Fixed " Close a new window would close existing window" problem

Titel: Vieb 10.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 18:10
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Setting "permissionidledetection" to control access to the Idle Detection API, default remains blocked
    Setting "permissionwindowmanagement" to control access to the list of screens and their position, default remains blocked
    Use urls and titles in a command with <useCurrentUrl>, <useCurrentOrigin>, <useCurrentTitle> and <useCurrentDomain>


    Overflow wrap not splitting words as needed for download title
    Permission check via navigator.permission.query always being allowed, it now uses the permission to correctly inform sites
    USB permission not being blocked in the permissionsasked setting


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Customized the URL resource request function for our website.
    Updated and improved the built-in AdBlocker's performance and speed.

Titel: Lagrange 1.16.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2023, 21:20
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Workaround for window refresh potentially getting stuck while receiving a streaming response. (Limit update frequency.)
    Don't navigate back when stopping a streaming request.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.8.13.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2023, 19:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-08-12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 17:10

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git cc81aca6b2...6e095708be:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1239403 - Add JSFUN_HAS_REST flag to JSFunctionSpec entries for self-hosted builtins with ...rest parameters. r=jandem (72ed527b81)
- Bug 1238548 - Make GCRuntime::setParameter() fallible r=terrence (52a5bd8044)
- Bug 1247679, part 2 - Null check inside TraceCallbackFunc::Trace. r=smaug (ebad38ad73)
- bug 1241453 - switch MaiAtkObject to use AccessibleOrProxy r=davidb (42d09b21da)
- bug 1241453 - switch MaiHyperLink to use AccessibleOrProxy r=davidb (61a1799bc3)
- bug 1241453 - add an AccessibleOrProxy class r=davidb (7882027a59)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::IsNull() r=davidb (91bf2962a5)
- bug 1203861 - use strncmp() instead of nsCString.equals() to compare names r=davidb (1a4f043375)
- bug 1243077 - simplify GetRoleCB some r=davidb (37e4ac2e23) (6e095708be)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Blisk
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 17:40
Browse the Internet and test several parameters of your webpage by either simulating browsing via various handheld devices or using developer tools.



    Auto-save and restore Splitter location:

    Hurray! Blisk 21.0 finally addressed one of the most requested features - the automatic saving of Splitter location! This feature eliminates the need to move Splitter for every device set and will help you become even more productive. This significant improvement in user experience works in the following way:
    When you create or launch a device set, Blisk watches for the device type and device order in it. If you previously specified a custom Splitter location for such device schema - Blisk will apply the previously saved location automatically.
    If you move Splitter to another location - the new location will be saved automatically.
    Whenever you need to reset Splitter - use Menu (Developer Mode) ? View ? Align width of device panels.
    As a result, Blisk will restore the splitters and device sizes for every session, users will work with the same configuration of device set even after application relaunch. Users will not need to configure the device set in every session.

    New Universal DevTools mode:

    The current release offers another handy feature - Universal DevTools. Previously Blisk offered DevTools in Multi-DevTools mode. DevTools appeared to the right of each device, making the user experience not convenient, reducing the space for other devices, and making the workflow complicated for the users.
    Since version 21.0, Blisk offers another approach to working with DevTools by default. Universal DevTools is a single DevTools container docked to the right or to the bottom of Blisk window. Universal DevTools provide the ability to manipulate DevTools for a single device. The user is able to quickly switch the DevTools for another device by launching DevTools for that device. In this case, the new DevTools replace the old DevTools.

    Dock DevTools to bottom:

    Another important improvement with Universal DevTools is that the users are now able to dock DevTools to the bottom of Blisk window.
    If needed, you can enable the old Multi-DevTools mode from Menu (Developer mode) ? Settings ? DevTools ? Select the DevTools type. Docking DevTools to the bottom is available only in Universal DevTools mode, this mode is not supported in Multi-DevTools mode.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2023, 08:50
Whats new:>>

    Added Settings - Advanced Settings - Laboratory
    Added mouse gesture switch and blacklist settings
    Added switch for always opening links in a new tab
    Installation logic optimization
    Multilingual translation updates
    Fixed abnormal exit issue when closing the browser
    Fixed issue where the new tab doesn't display quick access
    Fixed abnormal note-sharing issue

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Added more options to the settings page.
Improved the built-in AdBlocker's performance and speed.
Updated and improved hardware access from the main menu windows.

Titel: BrowserDownloadsView 1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2023, 21:20
BrowserDownloadsView is a tool for Windows that displays the details of downloaded files of Chrome and Firefox Web browsers. For every download, the following information is displayed: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more...
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system (your user or all user profiles), from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can select one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/xml/JSON file or calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.


Whats new:>>

    Added 'Black Background' option (Under the View menu). When it's turned on, the main table is displayed in black background and white text, instead of default system colors.
    Added 'Full Screen' mode (View -> Full Screen or F11 key).

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2023, 21:20
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



Bug fixed - picker was always defaulting to "chomeless window".


Titel: qutebrowser 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2023, 08:50
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source


Major changes

    qutebrowser now supports Qt 6 and uses it by default. Qt 5.15 is used as a fallback if Qt 6 is unavailable. This behavior can be customized in three ways (in order of precedence):

        Via --qt-wrapper PyQt5 or --qt-wrapper PyQt6 command-line arguments.

        Via the QUTE_QT_WRAPPER environment variable, set to PyQt6 or PyQt5.

        For packagers wanting to provide packages specific to a Qt version, patch qutebrowser/qt/machinery.py and set _WRAPPER_OVERRIDE.

    Various commands were renamed to better group related commands:

        set-cmd-text? cmd-set-text

        repeat? cmd-repeat

        repeat-command? cmd-repeat-last

        later? cmd-later

        edit-command? cmd-edit

        run-with-count? cmd-run-with-count The old names continue to work for the time being, but are deprecated and show a warning.

    Releases are now automated on CI, and GPG signed by qutebrowser bot <bot@qutebrowser.org>, fingerprint 27F3 BB4F C217 EECB 8585  78AE EF7E E4D0 3969 0B7B. The key is available as follows:

        On https://qutebrowser.org/pubkey.gpg

        Via keys.openpgp.org

        Via WKD for bot@qutebrowser.org

    Support for old Qt versions (< 5.15), old Python versions (< 3.8) and old macOS (< 11)/Windows (< 10) versions were dropped. See the "Removed" section below for details.


    On invalid commands/settings with a similarly spelled match, qutebrowser now suggests the correct name in its error messages.

    New :prompt-fileselect-external command which can be used to spawn an external file selector ( fileselect.folder.command) from download filename prompts (bound to <Alt+e> by default).

    New qute://start built-in start page (not set as the default start page yet).

    New content.javascript.log_message.levels setting, allowing to surface JS log messages as qutebrowser messages (rather than only logging them). By default, errors in internal qute: pages and userscripts are shown to the user.

    New content.javascript.log_message.excludes setting, which allows to exclude certain messages from the content.javascript.log_message.levels setting described above.

    New tabs.title.elide setting to configure where text should be elided (replaced by …) in tab titles when space runs out.

    New --quiet switch for :back and :forward, to suppress the error message about already being at beginning/end of history.

    New qute-1pass userscript using the 1password commandline to fill passwords.

    On macOS when running with Qt < 6.3, pyobjc-core and pyobjc-framework-Cocoa are now required dependencies. They are not required on other systems or when running with Qt 6.3+, but still listed in the requirements.txt because it’s impossible to tell the two cases apart there.

    New features in userscripts:

        qutedmenu gained new window and private options.

        qute-keepassxc now supports unlock-on-demand, multiple account selection via rofi, and inserting TOTP-codes (experimental).

        qute-pass will now try looking up candidate pass entries based on the calling tab’s verbatim netloc (hostname including port and username) if it can’t find a match with an earlier candidate (FQDN, IPv4 etc).

    New qt.chromium.experimental_web_platform_features setting, which is enabled on Qt 5 by default, to maximize compatibility with websites despite an aging Chromium backend.

    New colors.webpage.darkmode.increase_text_contrast setting for Qt 6.3+

    New fonts.tooltip, colors.tooltip.bg and colors.tooltip.fg settings.

    New log-qt-events debug flag for -D

    New --all flags for :bookmark-del and :quickmark-del to delete all quickmarks/bookmarks.


    Python 3.8.0 or newer is now required.

    Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 is dropped, as they both reached their end of life in December 2021 and June 2023, respectively.

    Support for Qt/PyQt before 5.15.0 and QtWebEngine before 5.15.2 are now dropped, as older Qt versions are end-of-life upstream since mid/late 2020 (5.13/5.14) and late 2021 (5.12 LTS).

    The --enable-webengine-inspector flag is now dropped. It used to be ignored but still accepted, to allow doing a :restart from versions older than v2.0.0. Thus, switching from v1.x.x directly to v3.0.0 via :restart will not be possible.

    Support for macOS 10.14 and 10.15 is now dropped, raising the minimum required macOS version to macOS 11 Big Sur.

        Qt 6.4 was the latest version to support macOS 10.14 and 10.15.

        It should be possible to build a custom .dmg with Qt 6.4, but this is unsupported and not recommended.

    Support for Windows 8 and for Windows 10 before 1607 is now dropped.

        Support for older Windows 10 versions might still be present in Qt 6.0/6.1/6.2

        Support for Windows 8.1 is still present in Qt 5.15

        It should be possible to build a custom .exe with those versions, but this is unsupported and not recommended.

    Support for 32-bit Windows is now dropped.


    The qutebrowser icons got moved from icons/ to qutebrowser/icons in the repository, so that it’s possible for qutebrowser to load them using Python’s resource system (rather than compiling them into a Qt resource file). Packagers are advised to use misc/Makefile if possible, which has been updated with the new paths.

    The content.javascript.can_access_clipboard setting got renamed to content.javascript.clipboard and now understands three different values rather than being a boolean: none (formerly false), access (formerly true) and access-paste (additionally allows pasting content, needed for websites like Photopea or GitHub Codespaces).

    The default hints.selectors now also match the treeitem ARIA roles.

    The :click-element command now can also click elements based on its ID ( id), a CSS selector ( css), a position ( position), or click the currently focused element ( focused).

    The :click-element command now can select the first found element via --select-first.

    New search.wrap_messages setting, making it possible to disable search wrapping messages.

    The :session-save command now has a new --no-history flag, to exclude tab history.

    New widgets for statusbar.widgets:

        clock, showing the current time

        search_match, showing the current match and total count when finding text on a page

    Messages shown by qutebrowser now don’t automatically get interpreted as rich text anymore. Thus, e.g. :message-info <h1>test now shows the given text. To show rich text with :message-* commands, use their new --rich flag. Note this is NOT a security issue, as only a small subset of HTML is interpreted as rich text by Qt, independently from the website.

    Improved output when loading Greasemonkey scripts.

    The macOS .app now is registered as a handler for .mhtml files, such as the ones produced by :download --mhtml.

    The "… called unimplemented GM_… " messages are now logged as info JS messages instead of errors.

    For QtNetwork downloads (e.g. :adblock-update), various changes were done for how redirects work:

    Insecure redirects (HTTPS ? HTTP) now fail the download.

    20 redirects are now allowed before the download fails rather than only 10.

    A redirect to the same URL will now fail the download with too many redirects instead of being ignored.

    When a download fails in a way it’d leave an empty file around, the empty file is now deleted.

    With Qt 6, setting content.headers.referer to always will act as if it was set to same-domain. The documentation is now updated to point that out.

    With QtWebEngine 5.15.5+, the load finished workaround was dropped, which should make certain operations happen when the page has started loading rather when it fully finished.

    mkvenv.py has a new --pyqt-snapshot flag, allowing to install certain packages from the Riverbank development snapshots server .

    When QUTE_QTWEBENGINE_VERSION_OVERRIDE is set, it now always wins, no matter how the version would otherwise have been determined. Note setting this value can break things (if set to a wrong value), and usually isn’t needed.

    When qutebrowser is run with an older QtWebEngine version as on the previous launch, it now prints an error before starting (which causes the underlying Chromium to remove all browsing data such as cookies).

    The keys "<To Do List>" and "<Contrast adjust>" are now named "<To-do list>" and "<Adjust contrast>", respectively.

    The tox.ini now requires at least tox 3.20 (was tox 3.15 previously).

    :config-diff now has an --include-hidden flag, which also shows internally-set settings.

    Improved error messages when :spawn can’t find an executable.

    When a process fails, the error message now suggests using :process PID with the correct PID (rather than always showing the latest process, which might not be the failing one)

    When a process got killed with SIGTERM, no error message is now displayed anymore (unless started with :spawn --verbose).

    When a process got killed by a signal, the signal name is now displayed in the message.

    The js-string-replaceall quirk is now removed from the default content.site_specific_quirks.skip, so that String.replaceAll is now polyfilled on QtWebEngine < 5.15.3, hopefully improving website compaitibility.

    Hints are now displayed for elements setting an aria-haspopup attribute.

    qutebrowser now uses SPDX license identifiers in its files. Full support for the REUSE specification (license provided in a machine-readable way for every single file) is not done yet, but planned for a future release.


    When the devtools are clicked but input.insert_mode.auto_enter is set to false, insert mode now isn’t entered anymore.

    The search wrapping messages are now correctly displayed in (hopefully) all cases with QtWebEngine.

    When a message with the same text as a currently already displayed one gets shown, qutebrowser used to only show one message. This is now only done when the two messages are completely equivalent (text, level, etc.) instead of doing so when only the text matches.

    The progress and backforward statusbar widgets now stay removed if you choose to remove them. Previously they would appear again on navigation.

    Rare crash when running userscripts with crashed renderer processes.

    Multiple rare crashes when quitting qutebrowser.

    The asciidoc2html.py script now correctly uses the virtualenv-installed asciidoc rather than requiring a system-wide installation.

    "Package would be ignored" deprecation warnings when running setup.py.

    ResourceWarning when using :restart.

    Crash when shutting down before fully initialized.

    Crash with some notification servers when the server is quitting.

    Crash when using QtWebKit with PAC and the file has an invalid encoding.

    Crash with the "tiramisu" notification server.

    Crash when the "herbe" notification presenter doesn’t start correctly.

    Crash when no notification server is installed/available.

    Warning with recent versions of the "deadd" (aka "linux notification center") notification server.

    Crash when using :print --pdf with a directory where its parent directory did not exist.

    The PyQt{5,6}.sip version is now shown correctly in the :version/ --version output. Previously that showed the version from the standalone sip module which was only set for PyQt5. (#7805)

    When a config.py calls .redirect() via a request interceptor (which is unsupported) and supplies an invalid redirect target URL, an exception is now raised for the .redirect() call instead of later inside qutebrowser.

    Crash when loading invalid history items from a session file.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2023, 19:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added toggle for 'Lock Browser' feature
    Added go back button to the settings->lab
    Optimized display of full path in recent list for Little Bee
    Optimized sync logic for PassKeeper
    Updated multi-language translations
    Fixed the issue where two-factor authentication in PassKeeper prevents access
    Fixed the occasional issue of the settings page displaying the feature management page content


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2023, 20:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Added more options to the settings page.
    Improved and increased the startup time of NetSurfer.
    Added more menu options to the NetSurfer control menu.
    Improved the built-in AdBlocker's performance and speed even further.

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2023, 21:10


    Added support for URL un-shortening .
    Tray menu has "URL Tester" shortcut.
    "buy me a coffee" link removed from the tray icon and status bar, because no one is donating. Everything irrelevant removed too, trying to be more ergonomic.


    Slightly redesigned "URL Tester" window for better user workflow.

Bugs Fixed

    Clicking on update notification was opening home page, but it should just go to GitHub Releases page .


Titel: DuckDuckGo Browser 5.167.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2023, 08:50
Als App für Android und iOS sowie für macOS gibt es ihn schon länger, nun steht der DuckDuckGo-Browser auch in einer Windows-Version für jedermann zum Download bereit.

Für Kenner der privaten Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo dürfte wenig überraschend sein, dass der Hersteller auch bei seinem Browser auf einzigartige Datenschutzfunktionen und den hauseigenen Suchdienst setzt, der Angaben des Herstellers zufolge keine persönlichen Daten sammelt. Unter den Features ist der "Duck Player", ein Videoplayer, mit dem Sie YouTube-Videos schauen können – ohne datenschutzverletzende Werbung.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.7-2023-08-26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2023, 17:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1209252: add buttons to clear session and signaling logs. r=jib, r=sicking (39d0a4b57d)
- Bug 1197673 - Use float type for SetAudioOutputVolume. r=eitan (75eae2f441)
- Bug 1188099 - (Part 4) Introduce mochitest coverage for speech global queue. r=smaug r=kdavis (fd4c804c72)
- Bug 1226015 - Have child send __delete__ in speech synth request protocol, fixes race. r=smaug (c46532745a)
- Bug 1230533 - Cancel speech when controlling window goes away. r=smaug (3dae89ffaf)
- Bug 1237176 - skip dom/media/webspeech/synth/test/test_bfcache.html on Linux and Android for frequent timeouts (0d1eabb6fb)
- Bug 1237176 - actually disable test_bfcache.html on Android (1558e0bf39)
- Bug 1240871 - Don't allow implicit "async" in IPDL (r=mccr8,billm) (1db25ace3c)
- Bug 1000040 - Part 2: Implement EthernetManager; r=vicamo (82c01ca9a7)
- Bug 1000040 - Part 3: Test cases; r=vicamo (6a967cc5d9)
- Bug 1245241 - part 2 - remove TYPE_SYSV Shmems from IPDL. r=billm (6d6a4570ca)
- Bug 1245241 - part 3 - remove unused AdoptShmem from IPDL. r=billm (2762a13841)
- Bug 1107792: Don't ask for similar if the surface has an error, and more data in crash reports. r=milan (ead5108a93)
- Bug 1231881 - Remove NativeSurfaceType::CAIRO_SURFACE. r=bas. (c0f03e02f6)
- Bug 1241163 - Replace DrawTarget::CreateSourceSurfaceFromNativeSurface(CAIRO_CONTEXT) with Factory::CreateSourceSurfaceForCairoSurface. r=jrmuizel (06a96cdce6)
- Bug 1240177 - part 1 - add helper function to make Skia image info, r=jrmuizel (6a7d05aeb7)
- Bug 1240177 - part 2 - cleanups of DrawTargetSkia and SourceSurfaceSkia creation for GPU contexts, r=jrmuizel (3211ea9c0e)
- Bug 1240177 - part 3 - make DrawTargetSkia::OptimizeSourceSurface directly upload to GPU textures, r=jrmuizel (743d57a46c)
- Bug 1240177 - part 4 - avoid GPU readbacks in SourceSurfaceSkia::DrawTargetWillChange, r=jrmuizel (f568754717)
- Bug 1240177 - fix SourceSurfaceSkia::DrawTargetWillChange deepCopyTo usage. r=mattwoodrow (2e53d13ba3)
- Bug 1239152 Memset RGBX surfaces to opaque white. r=nical (977c7d5ede)
- Bug 1245241 - part 4 - move SharedMemorySysV details into nsShmImage. r=nical (0015d3caac)
- Bug 1245241 - Force the main thread to sync with the compositor when it tries to allocate insane amounts of shmems. r=lsalzman (7683d2afa7)
- Bug 1245241 - fix SharedMemoryBasic_android CloseHandle to null out handle. r=billm a=kwierso (9fa3f93233)
- Bug 1239152 - skip memset since XShm is already initialized to zero. r=mchang (477ecf2d9a)
- Bug 1227927 Part 1 - Make nsIFrame::PrincipalChildList a const function. r=bz (d9b690a1bc)
- Bug 1214377 - Hack to solve Thunderbird's need to detect style pre-wrap. r=roc a=me (a481ba9020)
- Bug 1214377 - Hack to solve Thunderbird's need to detect style pre-wrap. rs=ehsan on a CLOSED TREE (a15dfcaeb3)
- Bug 1240372 - Don't OOM crash in nsDocumentEncoder::EncodeToStringWithMaxLength() when the string buffer allocation fails; r=bzbarsky (76bed6a40a)
- Bug 1143570 - Part 1: Use an nsBlockInFlowLineIterator to determine whether a BR frame is visible or not; r=roc (99609f6fcd)
- Bug 1064843 part 2 - Make nsSubDocumentFrame inherit nsContainerFrame. r=dholbert (070202e396)
- Bug 1064843 part 3 - Make nsFormControlFrame inherit nsContainerFrame. r=dholbert (cee5125993)
- Bug 1064843 part 4 - Add a placeholder type for top layer. r=roc (e4e564b05b)
- Bug 1064843 part 5 - Ensure frames behave properly for unknown child list id passed into SetInitialChildList. r=dholbert (540f3da6a1)
- Bug 1064843 part 6 - Add backdrop frame list. r=dholbert (79f91fc815)
- Bug 1215365 - Update ua style sheet of fullscreen element. r=heycam (b44060a518)
- Bug 1235969 - Unprefix uses of -moz-transform, -moz-transform-origin and -moz-backface-visibility in UA style sheets. r=xidorn (c7a83cdcae)
- Bug 1064843 part 7 - Add backdrop pseudo-element and add related UA stylesheet. r=heycam (1d89afa54a)
- Bug 1064843 part 8 - Add frame class for backdrop frame. r=dbaron (9146be0073)
- Bug 1064843 part 9 - Change nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePlaceholderFrameFor to accept parent style context. r=dbaron (bc860e67f8)
- Bug 1064843 part 10 - Create and render backdrop frame for top layer frames. r=dbaron (1c6f165769)
- Bug 1064843 part 11 - Move checkWindowPureColor helper function from top-layer test to WindowSnapshot.js. r=roc (ef274dec50)
- Bug 1064843 part 12 - Add test for ::backdrop of fullscreen. r=dholbert (b978209868)
- Bug 1227927 Part 2 - Remove nsIFrame::GetFirstPrincipalChild(). r=mats (3f4ba2ef58)
- Bug 1227927 Part 3 - Use ranged-based for-loop to rewrite some simple loops in part 2. r=mats (6b22236653)
- Bug 1227927 Part 4 - Add comment to nsFrameList::GetLength() to warn it's O(n). r=mats (a08aa9185e)
- Bug 1101817 - Part 1: Remove usages of WeakMap.prototype.clear from Gecko. r=yzen,mak,yoric,gijs,jlongster (a992931bfe)
- Bug 1101817 - Part 3: Remove WeakMap.prototype.clear usages from Addons SDK. r=mossop (e81a8c3477)
- Bug 1101817 - Part 4: Remove WeakMap.prototype.clear from web-platform test. r=Ms2ger (1be3f645a2)
- Bug 1101817 - Part 6: Remove Weak{Map,Set}.prototype.clear. r=evilpie (7a0dbffdc9)
- Bug 1235152 - [css-break] Don't apply border/padding twice on inlines with box-decoration-break:clone and direction:rtl. r=roc (e6446262c1) (8d1a041130)
- ported from `custom` branch of UXP:
- add configure option '--enable-int-audio-sample' for speed and audio driver compatibility, and fixups in exports and webrtc. (ef5e4f06)
- cubeb: disable wasapi backend when '--enable-int-audio-sample' is specified, since it can handle float32 sample only in our current cubeb library. (0f1c046a) (ff0284d9eb)
- ported from `custom` branch of UXP: speex-resampler: update to git head (i.e. rev 738e179), also update patch files, update.sh, simd_detect.* and remove obsolete patches and headers. (df798cf6) (da95aa0ec2)
- pref: disable `javascript.options.ion' for the time being since it can cause crash in random memory location with corrupted stack when browsing (affects archive.org) (4d6f6a057d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1230034 part 1 - Remove NS_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_CONST macro. r=dbaron (7251a79067)
- Bug 1230034 part 2 - Constify aFrame parameters of frame property functions. r=dbaron (da8f373594)
- Bug 1230034 part 3 - Move some frame property declaration around. r=dbaron (d081d6b103)
- Bug 1235467. If the root reference frame is transformed don't use an ancestor of the root reference frame as the local reference frame. r=mattwoodrow (05fd8ae29c)
- Bug 1163583 - Crashtest. (cc20379288)
- Bug 1235489 - Remove assertion which is breakable when reflow is interrupted. r=jfkthame (f6a4001b55)
- Bug 1224669 - Reftest with extreme negative letter-spacing affecting intrinsic width. r=dholbert (b7dc81eb9a)
- Bug 1224669 - Clamp width to be non-negative during intrinsic width calculation. r=dholbert (9fa8d6cab7)
- Bug 1239251 - Initialize mCommonAncestorWithLastFrame with nullptr in constructor BuildTextRunsScanner. r=roc (2178f72ee3)
- Bug 1231175 - Reftest for failure to recognize mixed directionality in RTL para beginning with number within embed/isolate controls. r=smontagu (f3b0755b4c)
- Bug 1231175 - Missed change from Unicode 6.3 bidi algorithm update (ported from ICU's ubidi): include new ENL and ENR bidi pseudo-types in MASK_LTR. r=smontagu (f9c2cb657c)
- Bug 1233135 - Do not touch display value of anonymous box for ruby. r=dbaron (efe08e7e4a)
- Bug 1228716 - Give different frame keys for nsDisplayBlendContainer. r=roc (d7dfe4af0f)
- Bug 1235696. The animated geometry root of a transfromed and sticky pos frame should be the frame itself. r=mattwoodrow (d94a1284c5)
- Bug 1240073 - Use the transformed frame as the AGR for active transform so that FrameLayerBuilder knows that they can move independently. r=tnikkel (67b1ea8173)
- Bug 1237982 - Force perspective layers to always be active. r=thinker (591f169a91)
- Bug 1230774 - Use correct Z order to sort perspective items. r=roc (1be759c298)
- Bug 1230693 - Rebase transforms to the origin for callers than don't want them offset. r=mstange (cabb21c6e7)
- Bug 1230780 - Propagate preserve-3d handling through nsDisplayPerspective. r=thinker (8f82183587)
- Bug 1237457 - Partially Moz2Dify nsDisplayGeneric. r=roc. (e2221425d5)
- Bug 1226796 - Remove redundant preprocessor flags in nsContainerFrame.cpp. r=jfkthame (1853453cd4)
- Bug 1211635 - Popups should be treated as top-level windows, allowing XUL alerts translucency. r=MattN r=roc (07bd00b85a) (f197afa7c1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1230398 - [css-align] Don't output 'unsafe' in serialization because it's the default. r=dholbert (08d36e767d)
- Bug 1234707: Make nsDOMCSSValueList::AppendCSSValue() take an already_AddRefed arg (instead of a raw pointer, usually with refcount of 0). r=heycam (739fa75d70)
- Bug 1234676 part 1: Give nsComputedDOMStyle a private typedef for mozilla::dom::CSSValue. r=heycam (6371627bf3)
- Bug 1234676 part 2: Make nsComputedDOMStyle getters return an already_AddRefed value, instead of a raw pointer with refcount of 0. r=heycam (e196aa9692)
- Bug 1234676 part 3: Remove some now-unneeded local RefPtr variables. r=heycam (b780ed3246)
- Bug 1234676 part 4: Remove now-obsolete comment. r=heycam (2d982ed55b)
- Bug 1234676 part 5: Update indentation & rewrap some nsComputedDOMStyle function-decls. rs=heycam (0b02962fac)
- Bug 1233106 part 1 - [css-align] Update align-/justify-* properties to the current CSS Align spec (adding 'normal' keyword, dropping 'auto' in some cases etc). r=dholbert (8558089c51)
- Bug 1233106 part 2 - [css-align] Updated tests due to changes to align-/justify-* properties. (c407114303)
- Bug 1118820 - Follow-up: disable the grid-repeat-auto-fill-fit-006.html reftest for now since it triggers a leak: bug 1234644. r=me (8802927b37)
- Bug 1234644 - [css-grid] Avoid calling GetROCSSValueList() when we don't need the allocated object. r=dholbert (e8b4f7295a)
- Bug 1230172. Update CSS.escape to never throw and instead replace U+0000 with U+FFFD, per recent spec change. r=dbaron (c66008388e)
- Bug 1234659: Attempt to work around randomorange in test_bug332655-2.html by using an unthemed <input> widget. rs=jfkthame (84fa36d569)
- Bug 1234535 - Avoid spurious null dereference complaint from Coverity. r=froydnj (804bdb1189)
- Bug 1235737: Soften some MOZ_CRASH statements in flexbox layout code to MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE, which they were originally intended as anyway. r=mats (0a66b12c46)
- Bug 1229932 - check that offsets to canvas fillText() are finite. r=jmuizelaar (cfa2fd240e)
- Bug 1233613 - Add crashtest. r=mt (b49c56d5df)
- Bug 1229983 - verify that paths are finite in DrawTargetSkia::Stroke/Fill to handle Canvas paths containing infs. r=jmuizelaar (79f3b8f225)
- Bug 1233632 - Moz2Dify GetBlurAndSpreadRadius(). r=dholbert. (868800f95f)
- Bug 1194856 - Load noscript.css and noframes.css from data: URLs in release builds. r=dbaron (7c009bcac2)
- Bug 1234758 - Fix errors in preference style sheet focus ring rules. r=dholbert (501f4088cc)
- Bug 1234773 - Build and parse preference style sheet as a single string. r=dholbert (82b848cb6a)
- Bug 1234773 - Followup assertion. (aa916f246b) (8a77b15be5)
- add pref for en/disabling CSS Animations and Transitions. (557785125c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1235979 - Remove spammy printf that got left by accident when bug 1226904 landed. r=thinker (fc6fe64f23)
- Bug 1208344 part 1: Make EnsurePhysicalProperty() return the property directly, instead of using in/out-param. r=heycam (9515887dd7)
- Bug 1208344 part 2: Make EnsurePhysicalProperty() (not its callers) check whether property is logical. r=heycam (defa671bab)
- Bug 1208344 part 3: Rename MapSinglePropertyInto() args, to make src-vs-target distinctions clearer. r=heycam (bfd2e2c9bc)
- Bug 1208344 part 4: Make MapSinglePropertyInto() take the source property as an arg (unused for the moment). r=heycam (d1278eb58a)
- Bug 1208344 part 5: Add (preffed-off) support for "-webkit-box-orient" CSS property, as a writing-mode-dependent alias for "flex-direction". r=heycam (d8407990aa)
- Bug 1208344 part 6: Move new CSS_PROPERTY_LOGICAL_CUSTOM flag up with other LOGICAL flags, and adjust bits accordingly. r=heycam (df27d64733)
- Bug 1208344 part 7: Add mochitest to test how "-webkit-box-orient" maps to "flex-direction". r=heycam (c448070877)
- Bug 686225 - Work around buggy AAT fonts for Bengali and Kannada scripts. r=jdaggett (17afddbc6c)
- Bug 739117 - Avoid bidi-wrapping the text to be shaped if Core Text direction override API is available. r=jdaggett (c492390922)
- Bug 1156581 - Add null check to nsSVGEffects::InvalidateRenderingObservers to prevent crashes r=dholbert (4c0460e7ac)
- remove windows accents (8b0ad08f11)
- Bug 1123654 - Replace use of [deprecated] GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) with newer API; results in use of Tahoma in place of Microsoft Sans Serif in various contexts. r=jmathies (3a81fc1bed)
- put back cleartype for winXP (1c24e5ae09)
- Bug 1240180 - Optimize native theme scaling for the single-monitor case. r=emk (a5846457ab)
- Bug 1242720 - Use (non-dynamic) resolution from GetDeviceCaps when dealing with native-theme code that does not handle dynamic changes to system DPI. r=emk (7c25841f0b)
- More win accent removal (afd6af9fd2)
- some more vista or later stuff (1d99554064)
- missing bits of Bug 1243720 - Send accessibility theme state down to the content process on Windows. r=jimm (8f00b4f3ca)
- Bug 1153460 - Support new Fitzpatrick emoji modifiers and regional symbol indicators in Apple Color Emoji font. r=jdaggett (6faf5f30e6)
- Bug 1230497 - Ignore font fallback in Core Text shaping if it's just for a join-control character. r=jdaggett (b612806a42)
- Bug 1153460 - Followup to fix warnings-as-errors build failure on a CLOSED TREE. r=bustage. (12d492772c)
- bug 1243077 - make it possible to get MaiAtkObject::mAccWrap from an AtkObject* without casting to Accessible* or ProxyAccessible* r=davidb (d8f690b6cd)
- Bug 1238403 - Fix inconsistent indenting in layout/style/. r=xidorn (4f24334234)
- Bug 717722 - Implement WebKitCSSMatrix. r=baku (c10f90ff6e)
- Bug 1241723. Update WebKitCSSMatrix.idl to match latest spec updates. r=baku (5f8c33ff14)
- Bug 1241727 - Inverting non-invertible WebKitCSSMatrix should throw NotSupportedError. r=baku (c7791802b8)
- Bug 1241575 - Use transform property syntax to parse WebKitCSSMatrix transform list. r=heycam (5f886e2bd9)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::ChildCount() r=davidb (044537f53c)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::Role() r=davidb (3f61d03c8e)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::ChildAt() r=davidb (91288f269f)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::FirstChild() r=davidb (ea3f984716)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy::LastChild() r=davidb (2181f1740b)
- Bug 1237720: Put "-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio"/"-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio& quot; behind its own disabled pref. r=heycam (9f75535617)
- Bug 1239153: Accept unitless '0' for angle values in CSS -webkit-linear-gradient() expressions. r=heycam (c11657a6c9)
- Bug 1239799 part 1: Make check for -webkit-device-pixel-ratio pref more targeted, so we can support other webkit-prefixed media queries. r=heycam (1e8a40127e)
- Bug 1239799 part 2: Add support for @media(-webkit-transform-3d) media query, for web compatibility. r=heycam (f7ff08423e)
- guard some code for 10.5/10.6 which didn't get run, but coulnd't natively compile (cf68e969fd)
- Bug 1019856 - avoid double-buffering in BasicCompositor when window allows it. r=mattwoodrow (e94cfc3fb4) (dcbe25ed45)
- nss: update nssckbi to 2.62 (9afc1b8d9d)
- dom/media: add S16 support code to audio decoders (9e0e101e5c)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Vieb 10.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2023, 20:15
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Table of contents that can be triggered for pages via tocpages or using the <showTOC>, <toggleTOC> and <hideTOC> actions
    Default ozone-platform-hint=auto flag to Linux releases with a desktop file to improve Wayland support
    Command unmap! to remove multiple mappings by using <Any> as a wildcard


    Failedload and filebrowser pages are now styled with themes like other special pages
    Undo/redo navbar logic to prevent duplicate entries in the edit history
    Commands to list the name and arguments of failing commands more often
    Fullscreen to also toggle when the window is made fullscreen via Linux specific OS fullscreen features


    Simple text pages that disable JavaScript blocking the colors and fontsize being applied
    Actions "toParentSubdomain" and toRootSubdomain" not working with dashes in the domain name
    Media device query being denied if done via the allow list with mediadevicesfull
    Navbar selection being cleared when dragging outside of the navbar
    Media indicator not showing in numberedtabs colorscheme
    Domain name function not removing port number resulting in wrong paths for userstyle and userscript if viewing a page with custom port number


    Electron 27.0.0-alpha.3 (was 25.4.0)
    Chromium 118.0.5949.0 (was 114.0.5735.248)


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2023, 06:10
Whats new:>>

+ Added the feature to acquire Maxthon gold - Web Indexing by Bright Data
+ Added support for saving web images in png, jpg formats
* Optimized the note search interaction
* Updated multilingual translation
- Fixed the issue where submitting changes on a new tab page caused errors and couldn't save
- Fixed a potential crash when querying notes
- Fixed a crash issue when clicking on notification pop-ups

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2023, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Added more options to the settings page.
    Added more menu options to the NetSurfer control menu.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2023, 21:10
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window.

Titel: SlimBrowser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

    Upgrade to gecko engine 115.
    Added support for hourly weather forecast in weather toolbar button drop down menu.
    Fixed bug with youtube video download.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.9.2.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2023, 19:50
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2023, 20:40
Whats new:>>

New feature! Office 365 link unwrapping implemented, thanks to @maluht in #36 .

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2023, 10:20
Whats new:>>

+ Added  Maxthon Note upgrade dialog
* Improved search speed for Maxthon Notes
- Fixed the issue where ‘Web Indexing by Bright Data’ couldn’t obtain coins
- Fixed the problem with disordered installation path logic
- Fixed the issue where the note’s URL decoding failure caused the list to not load
- Fixed the issue of infinite coin-adding animation displayed on the new tab page

Titel: Pale Moon 32.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2023, 18:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    This is a major development update, further improving web compatibility and fixing bugs.


    Implemented the BigInt primitive type for JavaScript. See implementation notes.
    Implemented Big(U)Int64 array support.
    Implemented ergonomic brand checks for JavaScript class fields.
    Aligned the Performance API with the Timeline v2 spec.
    Aligned the handling of flex/grid percentages resolving against the parent with other browsers. See implementation notes.
    Added or updated several user-agent overrides for problematic websites.
    Added 2 preferences to allow users to disable CSS animations and transitions. See implementation notes.
    Improved compatibility with MacOS 14.
    Fixed an important, intermittent JavaScript crash related to garbage collection.
    Fixed several crashes.
    Fixed several debug build related issues.
    Fixed an issue building on SunOS related to the spelling library.
    Developer: Added ASan support for building with MSVC.
    Added the .xll file extension to the executable extensions list.
    Security issues addressed: several potential security issues that do not have a CVE number. DiD
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 1 fixed, 3 DiD, 17 not applicable.

    Implementation notes:

    The BigInt primitive (base number format) in JavaScript allows JavaScript to handle excessively large integers (whole numbers). This primitive is especially useful for specialized scientific applications that need very large yet accurate numbers, but has seen widespread adoption for an as of yet unknown reason as part of web frameworks, causing general web compatibility issues for Pale Moon when scripts expect BigInt support and instead have an error thrown. We have now implemented this primitive for use so we no longer have compatibility issues with these frameworks. It is still unknown why BigInt is in use there and for what. Critical note: BigInt might be tempting to consider for JS-backed cryptography but this is very ill-advised, as BigInt operations are, by their nature, not constant-time and allow timing and side-channel attacks.
    Flex and grid item sizes in percentages would previously be resolved against the parent like other elements, according to a very long-standing practice that stems from the Internet Explorer days. Mainstream browsers have, however, made an exception for flex items and grid items to no longer do this. We have now made the same exception for these types of elements which should solve layout issues on some websites (notably reserving too much space for items, often resulting in very large areas of whitespace or items being pushed out of view).
    Two preferences were added (layout.css.animation.enabled and layout.css.transition.enabled) to allow users to completely disable CSS-based animations and transition effects. This was a request by users as both a performance and accessibility consideration. Please note that in some cases, disabling animations and transitions may have an impact on final web page layout, so you may run into some issues when disabling these animations and transitions as the web pages were designed to use them.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2023, 21:40
Browser Tamer acts as a browser proxy on your machine that catches URLs you click and chooses an appropriate browser or browser profile based on simple rules.



Resolves an issue when Chromium browsers are not brought to foreground. Thanks to @tallen1983 in #39 .


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2023, 20:30
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added read aloud feature
    Added Lab - Smooth webpage scrolling feature
    Optimized saving webpage with a different filename
    Updated translations for multiple languages
    Fixed the issue of browser freezing when closing tabs


Titel: Pale Moon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2023, 11:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a point release update to address a critical security vulnerability.


    Fixed a WebP decoder issue (CVE 2023-4863)


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.9.15.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2023, 11:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-09-16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2023, 21:10
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1240411: P6. Clean up OMX headers. r=ayang (114a1df4be)
- Bug 1230385, part 1 - Use MOZ_CRASH in ContentChild::AllocP*() methods. r=billm (6f8016bb29)
- Bug 1230385, part 2 - Use NS_WARNING in unimplemented TabChild methods. r=billm (28a7165773)
- Bug 1234026 - Pass a --display option to gtk_init in content processes. r=karlt (8e3e17858e)
- Bug 1218816 - Remove useless semicolons. Found by coccinelle. r=Ehsan (e029c51e58)
- Bug 1240796 - Implement Uint32x4 <==> Float32x4 conversions. r=sunfish (5a42f571ea)
- Bug 1240796 - Implement unsigned SIMD compares. r=sunfish (93d4979730)
- Bug 1240796 - Implement Uint32x4 extractLane in Ion. r=nbp (b5b7c782b6)
- Bug 1240796 - Add Uint32x4 support to jit-test/lib/simd.js. r=bbouvier (187cbbb1d0)
- Bug 1245547 - Implement RSimdBox for Uint32x4. r=nbp (0186f0355f)
- Bug 1244254 - Move SimdTypeToMIRType into the header. r=nbp (5b15375c4e)
- Bug 1217236 - Block trackers loaded by Flash movies. r=gcp (a1318a33da)
- Bug 1237402 - Allow certain plugins to be loaded in parent process (r=jimm) (e951737778)
- Bug 1172304 - Fix to handle short read in Plugin code. r=johns (625dadd61b)
- Bug 377630 - Preventing filename disclosure, by putting downloaded files in a private directory. r=bz (5aca752a5c)
- Bug 579517 follow-up: Remove NSPR types that crept in (c7cb9ffc11)
- Bug 1245724 - Make plugin network requests bypass service worker interception. r=ehsan (a0b7fab3ee)
- Please enter the commit message for your chang Bug 1244254 - Pass a SimdType to inlineSimd(). r=nbp (6fcacd3c5d)
- Bug 1244254 - Add IonBuilder::unboxSimd(). r=nbp (d5f0922fd9)
- Bug 1244254 - Check SIMD arguments in IonBuilder. r=nbp (832d38940f)
- Bug 1244254 - Replace MaybeSimdUnbox with assertions. r=nbp (9c2ad4a8c5)
- Bug 1244254 - Add SimdType to MSimdBox and MSimdUnbox. r=nbp (74412371f5)
- Bug 1238003 - Part 1: Add BooleanPolicy. r=jandem (79c1716cac)
- Bug 1238003 - Part 2: Use Policy in RegExpMatcher and RegExpTester. r=jandem (a2ef8feec4)
- Bug 1238003 - Part 3: Add test for Policy in RegExpMatcher and RegExpTester. r=jandem (1653bec783)
- Bug 1244254 - Simplify MSimd* constructors. r=nbp (0ab2efcb4c)
- Bug 1244889 - Remove trivial SIMD NewAsmJS factories. r=bbouvier (2f9c41713c)
- Bug 1244828 - Ensure enough ballast space in CallPolicy::adjustInputs. r=bbouvier (d84dae2175)
- Bug 1244828 - Ensure enough ballast space in AllDoublePolicy::adjustInputs. r=bbouvier (361092db86)
- Bug 1245421: Remove dead function CoercesToDouble; r=h4writer (502b9efcee) (fc9fb8b315)
- Revert "pref: disable `javascript.options.ion' for the time being since it can cause crash in random memory location with corrupted stack when browsing (affects archive.org)" (2fd5121803)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Remove Compositor::mRenderBounds. (bug 1243071 part 1, r=mattwoodrow) (5f82e99655)
- Use double precision when computing the backdrop copy rect. (bug 1243071 part 2, r=mattwoodrow) (3db95bac33)
- Add software mix-blend mode support to the D3D9 compositor. (bug 1243071 part 3, r=bas,mattwoodrow) (4a68678ab7)
- Bug 1231564 - Don't trigger new composites just to repaint debug overlays. r=BenWa (7dfd13163a)
- Bug 1249312: UseAcceleratedCanvas on Mac should really be UseAcceleratedSkiaCanvas. r=mchang (0b830d9c6e)
- Fix stale intermediate surfaces in the D3D9 compositor. (bug 1244821, r=mattwoodrow) (1827598eaa)
- Bug 1224433 - Part 2: Clamp the invalidation rect to values that fit within nscoord. r=rc (3c08f0531e)
- Bug 1161978 - Use GetEffectiveVisibleRegion() for Layer invalidation r=matt.woodrow (3209eda22d)
- Bug 1242720 - Followup: reduce code duplication. r=jfkthame (37ff368177)
- improve gcc11 and later fix for numeric limits (e7a3e86bb7)
- Bug 1240589 - Import Chromium's upstream rand_util_win.cc to avoid rand_s() crash. r=jld (9be9342c7b)
- Bug 1240589 - Cross compilation fixup. (714a88c2a3)
- Bug 1188211 - Fix more constructors in IPC; r=billm (500382e235)
- Bug 1200131 - Avoid shadowing members in tuple.h; r=njn (0c3f06c4eb)
- Bug 1205942 (part 1) - Fix overflows in time_posix.cc. r=jld. (18961ef5dd)
- Bug 1205942 (part 2) - Fix "always true" warning in child_thread.cc. r=jld. (3c21921822)
- Bug 1205942 (part 3) - Remove unused OS version detection functions from ipc/chromium/. r=jld. (da54914934)
- Bug 1205942 (part 4) - Remove GetWinVersion(). r=jld. (345daa48bb)
- Bug 1141565 - TSan: data race ipc/chromium/src/base/histogram.cc:730 Accumulate. r=gfritzsche. (be428d7396)
- Bug 1240985 - IPC glib deadlock fix (r=jld) (ab640c7c5b)
- Bug 1241901 part 4 - Stop using nsAutoPtr for holding primitive arrays. r=froydnj (f8c2de6f8b)
- Bug 1133073 - Use PR_DuplicateEnvironment to avoid post-fork malloc on all Linux platforms. r=dhylands# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (58b793b6db)
- Bug 1215151 - Add XPCOM leak checking for base::Thread. r=jld (5f58074c97)
- bug 1249622 - make ThreadData::list_lock_ a StaticMutex r=froydnj (1fbc823209)
- Bug 1213320 - Detect IPC::Channel leaks with the XPCOM leak checker. r=jld (d483f4abc2)
- bug 1161166 - Move some implementation out of ipc headres to not include headres for EndianU32_* r=billm (6125f1789d)
- Bug 1221056 - Make the destroy messages for PTexture and PCompositable part of the current transaction when applicable. r=sotaro (52e3533e8d)
- Bug 1236167: P1. Do not attempt to destroy a non allocated surface. r=nical (169570d50e)
- Bug 1236167 - Don't attempt to take a compositor snapshot if parameters are incorrect. r=jrmuizel (7b65e2df32)
- Bug 1229780 - Remove TextureClientPool helper functions from ClientLayerManager, r=mwoodrow (3f8cc506d9)
- remove code without reference in FF or TFF (0126b4d3f8) (37721bb087)
- [libwebp] Fix OOB write in BuildHuffmanTable. (efdf1d591d)
- [libwebp] Fix invalid incremental decoding check. (08625c2b16)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1230352 - Update to Oculus SDK 0.8.0,r=vlad (ec5404763a)
- Bug 1237689 - Enable Oculus hardware latency tester r=daoshengmu (a914fb5c78)
- Bug 1248757 Use string ::Assign() instead of Adopt() when reading blobs as strings. r=asuth (65e361797f)
- Bug 1248757 followup - Release blob after assignment in DoGetBlobAsString on CLOSED TREE. (8f5d86a27a)
- Bug 1240583 - Odin: record and assert whether a function is defined yet (r=bbouvier) (693c0be6fe)
- Bug 1240583 - Odin: store code-range index instead of entry offset in ModuleGenerator (r=bbouvier) (ac14028824)
- Bug 1240583 - add thunkWithPatch/patchThunk (r=jandem) (9b53ac4d5b)
- Bug 1240583 - Odin: fix long jumps/calls on ARM for large modules (r=bbouvier) (3f7bacc9cf)
- Bug 1240583 - Odin: add MacroAssembler::repatchThunk (r=bbouvier) (1336b1492d)
- Bug 1037483 adopt microformats-shiv for microformats v2 support, r=tantek (c08afa618d)
- Bug 1224766 - forward callID to disambiguate multiple gUM requests from same window. r=jesup,smaug (547eafdbaa)
- Bug 1201393. Remove irrelevant ProcessedMediaStream for nsSpeechTask. r=eitan (f17f8e6821)
- Bug 1240583: Fix non-unified build for fuzzers; r=luke (cc7ea34899)
- Bug 1212366 - Part 1. Don't call SetAudioOutputVolume if stream is destroyed. r=roc (af1106491c)
- Bug 1212366 - Part 2. Don't release SourceMediaStream until StreamListener is called. r=roc (08cf9cf62f)
- Bug 1220320 - implement the nsSupportsWeakReference. r=baku (0cfd32c83a)
- Bug 1225347 - Apply audio setting to volume parameter of Speak(). r=eeejay (fc6dbd938c)
- Bug 1228564 - part 1 : revert the changeset of bug 1190040. r=baku. (921a0f7383)
- Bug 1195051 - Part 3: Test changes; r=padenot (438a73a408)
- Bug 1195051 - Part 4: Fix a null pointer crash happening after the destination node gets CCed (90fd50c8ac)
- Bug 1228564 - part 2 : check audio capturing when the agent is registered/unregistered. r=baku. (14f473625b)
- Bug 1228564 - Follow-up to fix static analysis build bustage. r=me (295d61a1b6)
- Bug 1247846 - Odin: switch CallIndirect to wasm binary encoding (r=bbouvier) (5997b4c59b)
- Bug 1247846 - Odin: refactor ModuleGenerator::finish (r=bbouvier) (a71293c284)
- Bug 1247846 - Odin: refactor error stub generation (r=bbouvier) (5f9f98b215) (9e41bd2207)
- devtools: fix use of genexprs and legacy comprehensions (b8f9cd342d)
- more devtools js fixes (9c3ef02584)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1247104 - BaldrMonkey: Outline a method to reduce indenetation. r=luke (43aae99318)
- Bug 1247104 - BaldrMonkey: Enclose most of WasmText.cpp in anonymous namespaces. r=luke (50a93211ef)
- Bug 1247104 - BaldrMonkey: Parsing, encoding, and decoding for load+store. r=luke (bf87e68074)
- Bug 1247846 - Baldr: add type declaration to text language (r=sunfish) (4333417275)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 1: Move MacroAssembler::branchPrivatePtr into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (ba4b42bca0)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 2: Move MacroAssembler::branchPtr into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (863dbbb121)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 3: Move MacroAssembler::branch32 into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (e8464ab752)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 4: Move MacroAssembler::branchTest64 into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (6ac2817f78)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 5: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestPtr into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (5498a461ec)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 6: Move MacroAssembler::branchTest32 into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (3f80771dfd)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 7: Move MacroAssembler::branchFloat into generic macro assembler. r=bbouvier (bfe366f03d)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 8: Move MacroAssembler::branchTruncateFloat32 into generic macro assembler. r=bbouvier (a2953d2eb1)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 9: Move MacroAssembler::branchDouble into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (68910e9b54)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 10: Move MacroAssembler::branchTruncateDouble into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (cb176293fe)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 11: Move generic MacroAssembler methods into check_macroassembler_style block. r=nbp (faa0180389)
- Bug 1246957: Make the data section require the memory section; r=luke (9337d637ab)
- Bug 1247846 - Baldr: add indirect function table and call_indirect (r=sunfish) (a379696e7f)
- Bug 1247247 - Factor essential wasmEval code into public helper function. r=luke (606562c29b)
- Bug 1240127 - Fold MTableSwitch with constant int32 operand. r=nbp (350accb1cc)
- Bug 1246658 part 1 - Refactor MDefinition::constantValue and friends. r=bbouvier (fea967ef6e)
- Bug 1246658 part 2 - Rewrite MConstant::valueToBoolean to not depend on js::Value. r=luke (8b6cddbd7c) (517c54e11e)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2023, 21:40
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed some window and menu data outlays for a better view.
    Updated and enhanced full screen view in NetSurfer for a smoother user experience when watching multi-media content.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

* Optimized the positioning directory opening for the super favorites bookmarks bar menu
* Improved the default browser file association in the settings page
* Updated multi-language translations
- Fixed the issue of blank page when opening in note editing mode
- Fixed the garbled text issue in loud reading
- Fixed the security issue of using the browser without logging in
- Fixed the issue of being unable to save pages as pictures in incognito mode
- Fixed the error in the initial page when creating a new window from the taskbar right-click menu

Titel: DuckDuckGo Browser 5.171.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2023, 20:40
Als App für Android und iOS sowie für macOS gibt es ihn schon länger, nun steht der DuckDuckGo-Browser auch in einer Windows-Version für jedermann zum Download bereit.

Für Kenner der privaten Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo dürfte wenig überraschend sein, dass der Hersteller auch bei seinem Browser auf einzigartige Datenschutzfunktionen und den hauseigenen Suchdienst setzt, der Angaben des Herstellers zufolge keine persönlichen Daten sammelt. Unter den Features ist der "Duck Player", ein Videoplayer, mit dem Sie YouTube-Videos schauen können – ohne datenschutzverletzende Werbung.

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Updated and fixed a few bugs we found in PCDrop when transmitting files.
    Updated NetSurfer with the latest runtime edition files that were released by Microsoft.

Titel: Browser Tamer 3.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2023, 21:15


    You can create rules based on application title and process name .
    URL picker displays extra metadata if known: process name and window title .
    Added support for Thorium Browser ( #43 for @paz)


    Picker is shown on the monitor ???? of the source application instead of always defaulting to main monitor, thanks to @mahoromax in #42 .
    Picker allows selecting first 10 browsers with a ???? number key, thanks to @coromd for the idea in #38!
    Theming improvements:
        Better dark theme.
        Theme switching was leaving some colours from the old theme.
        Button colours on lite theme do not look ugly anymore.
    Update checks removed to avoid bugging users. You can still check from them from "Help" menu.

Bugs Fixed

    do not show hidden browser's profiles in picker ( #41 for @mahoromax).
    crash on update check when no internet available ( #44 for @neoOpus).


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed: when external monitor is set as primary, picker is shown on a wrong monitor. Thanks to @ianzhuo in #48.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-09-23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2023, 21:20

In-tree changes:

- history: fix use of genexprs and legacy comprehensions (6b5e6928)

Out-of-tree changes:

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230923-e753cbebb0-xpm od.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230923-e753cbebb0-xpm od-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230923-e753cbebb0-xpm od-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20230923-e753cbebb0-xpm od.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- [libwebp] backport missing patch from https://github.com/webmproject/libwebp/commit/067031eaed11e91d9914e1e872738c7bdf 075e0b (113bf758b9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1238935 - r=jonco (262e919be3)
- Bug 1246658 part 3 - Rewrite MConstant's public interface to not expose js::Value directly. r=luke (44f1c7ac03)
- Bug 1246331: Make unary decoding expect the real type, not the parent type; r=sunfish (fd159749d1)
- Bug 1244571 - BaldrMonkey: Remove obsolete opcodes. r=luke (670ae82404)
- Bug 1248488 - Odin: switch more integer immediates to variable-length u32s (r=sunfish) (c7e118cb58)
- Bug 1248860 - Odin: remove Expr::InterruptCheck (r=bbouvier) (c9824a364d)
- Bug 1248860 - Odin: move CompileArgs to ModuleGeneratorData (r=bbouvier) (5292a52fa9)
- Bug 1248860 - Baldr: change function bodies to an expr list from expr (r=bbouvier) (f8fd39d1b0)
- Bug 1248625 - Baldr: make string labels more regular (r=sunfish) (d14c7e6640)
- Bug 1248625 - Change 'return false' to 'return nullptr' (r=me) (ae1f98f059)
- Bug 1244889 - Remove toMIRType() and simdType() methods. r=bbouvier (0c281e9bc8)
- Bug 1244889 - Rename Type:isVarType() out of the way. r=luke (b7e0812cab)
- Bug 1244889 - Define a canonical subset of Type::Which. r=luke (4cb69fd6ec)
- Bug 1244889 - Reduce dependency on wasm::ValType. r=luke (53f41aad5d)
- Bug 1244889 - Reduce dependency on wasm::ExprType. r=luke (7353ebd8ed)
- Bug 1244889 - Fix CheckCoercionArg and CheckReturnType. r=luke (4824150189)
- Bug 1244889 - Remove SimdTypeToLength(). r=bbouvier (a2399e9e72)
- Bug 1243647 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings by breaking at unintentional switch fallthroughs in AsmJS.cpp. r=bbouvier (cb851f375d)
- Bug 1244889 - Amend wasm opcodes for unsigned I32x4 operations. r=bbouvier (ca05c907c8)
- fix NetBSD build (again) (08b0f8f447)
- Bug 1239007 - Replace nsIntRect by strongly-typed rects in a couple of nsCocoaUtils functions. r=mstange (501f73b896)
- Bug 1239855 - Fix for widget positioning/sizing on hidpi displays under Gtk. r=emk (f37be964c0)
- bug 1225970 dispatch an event to release the widget after draw r=roc (61fe380407)
- Bug 1232219 (part 2) - Fix -Wunused warnings in widget/gtk/. r=karlt. (3415ffc27a) (2e9d0efbca)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1140558 - Part 2 - Make the testing deepEqual implementation shared properly in ObjectUtils.jsm. r=yoric (f1a217e34a)
- Bug 1154773 - Change undefined property a.prototype. r=Yoric (8a4dc37d6c)
- Bug 1202971 (part 1) - Fix compile warnings in libmar. r=rstrong. (30cdf015c2)
- bug 1200360 - fix $(DEFINES) usage in modules/libmar/tool/moz.build. r=mshal (26f1c5640b)
- Bug 903135 - Updates to libmar needed to support B2G MAR signature verification. r=bbondy (81612e2200)
- Bug 1228332 - Fix a potentially uninitialized pointer read, flagged by static analysis. r=spohl (9cac770c90)
- Bug 1202971 (part 2) - Fix compile warnings in toolkit/mozapps/update/tests. r=rstrong. (814f2b3b8b)
- Bug 973933 - Fix libmar warnings. r=rstrong. a=Callek (e0c2d3edcc)
- Bug 1232219 (part 1) - Fix -Wunused warnings in libmar/. r=bbondy. (dc046504df)
- Bug 1228281 - [GTK3] add padding to buttons. r=karlt (fe8ca55f58)
- Bug 1232219 (part 2.5) - Fix -Wunused warnings in parser/expat/lib/. r=hsivonen. (e4d10c5d68)
- Bug 1232219 (part 3) - Fix remaining -Wunused warnings. r=glandium. (35c5f3c38e)
- Bug 1232219 (follow-up) - Fix nsinstall.c bustage in SM(e) builds. r=me. (d62c12cf35)
- Bug 1186815 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in modules/libjar/ with iterators. r=mwu. (6959b19fab)
- Bug 1186815 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in modules/libjar/ with iterators. r=mwu. (02c6f50482)
- Bug 1181444 (part 1.5) - Remove dead PLDHashOperator declarations. r=froydnj. (c956e03dc0)
- Bug 1225407 - Replace nsInterfaceHashtable::EnumerateRead() call in SubstitutingProtocolHandler with an iterator. r=michal (aa71f5499c)
- Bug 1187781 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xbl/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (68f51d05ba)
- Bug 1187781 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xbl/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (1dfc261267)
- Bug 1187781 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xbl/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (922fc4e4ef)
- Bug 1187781 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xbl/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (7b1915053f)
- Bug 1187781 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/xbl/ with iterators. r=mrbkap. (5df4cc1d09)
- Bug 1181444 (part 2) - Remove nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate(). r=froydnj. (c606342f1d)
- Bug 1243912 - Remove unused Loader::RemoveEntriesWithURI declaration. r=njn (e59b2ef892)
- Bug 1187137 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (17fb17c48f)
- Bug 1187137 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (89d430cf98)
- Bug 1187137 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (37befe08c6)
- Bug 1187137 (part 7) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin (a8227c4b3e)
- Bug 1187137 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=michal. (05f71a4a94)
- Bug 1187137 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=michal. (5defa991b5)
- Bug 1187137 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=michal. (f2e0a4be0f)
- Bug 1187137 (part 8) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (11b77f3b67)
- Bug 1187137 (part 9) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (7a6bd9a17e)
- Bug 1230743 - telemtry for nsConnectionEntry hit rate r=hurley (a75d6ec52c)
- Bug 1218297 - eventtokenbucket shutdown leak r=valentin (1723059684)
- Bug 1239961 - Minimize amount of PR_Poll and PR_Read calls during shutdown. r=mcmanus (127259afb6)
- Bug 1187137 (part 10) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (eee20459fb)
- Bug 1187137 (part 11) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (864bc96862)
- Bug 1187137 (part 12) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (4fd9540167)
- Bug 1187137 (part 13) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in netwerk/protocol/ with iterators. r=valentin. (65a01f4083)
- Bug 1187151 (part 14) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=baku. (a71b4169a9)
- Bug 1187141 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in storage/ with iterators. r=mak. (d95fb168c9)
- Bug 1187151 (part 11) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (dda92d0455)
- Bug 1187151 (part 10) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (f59270049c)
- Bug 1191460 Contextual Identity tests r=tanvi,r=ttaubert (03c079ede9)
- Bug 1187151 (part 12) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=khuey. (0aa9356990)
- Bug 1187151 (part 15) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=baku. (10e60a4b55)
- Bug 1187151 (part 16) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (2ef1033aae)
- Bug 1187151 (part 17) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (dc37dfc17b)
- Bug 1241763: Don't fire dom-window-destroyed on outer windows. r=bz (ea30677af6)
- Bug 1192128 - In DOM memory reporter, handle WindowID() being a uint64_t. r=mccr8. (b3f834b8f6)
- Bug 1187151 (part 18) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in dom/ with iterators. r=mccr8. (22d4fbe0f0)
- Bug 1187138 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in toolkit/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (b4740ef44b)
- Bug 1187138 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in toolkit/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (931eb9e813)
- Bug 1187138 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in toolkit/ with iterators. r=froydnj. (a92fef3586)
- Bug 1192189 - Fix assertion condition to use to-be-restyled element's composed document. r=dbaron (6c7733b7cc)
- Bug 1187144 (part 10) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in layout/ with iterators. r=heycam. (e93ad4330c)
- Bug 1250525 - remove #IFDEF ENABLE_TESTS from dom/quota/ActorsParent.cpp. r=janv (22bc8fc0af)
- Bug 1236632 - remove unused variable in FactoryOp::WaitForTransactions; r=janv (3c56b90fff)
- Bug 1187116 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (f37ac71816)
- Bug 1187116 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (6bf16c51fe)
- Bug 1187116 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (351b7d5d34)
- Bug 1187116 (part 4) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (330678dde4)
- Bug 1187116 (part 5) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (43d20a7fa3)
- Bug 1187116 (part 6) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in dom/indexedDB/ with iterators. r=khuey. (d448d80726)
- quick fix by revert of anticipated patch (00a093055d)
- Bug 1186814 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::EnumerateRead() calls in extensions/spellcheck/ with iterators. r=ehsan. (ff78039ba0) (6ecfad14f8)
- [libwebp] Fix next is invalid pointer when WebPSafeMalloc fails (591354ba98)
- [libwebp] Never send VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED back in non-incremental. (4f7b2e5ab1)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1228822 - Ensure we send out the window update when matching a pushed stream with a pull stream. r=mcmanus (0ced75ca0c)
- Bug 1234591 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 within netwerk/test/unit/test_http2.js r=ckerschb (c9369b0517)
- Bug 1249379 - H2 Push WindowUpdate not written to network r=hurley (8dec8b4c4a)
- Bug 1249432 - less h2 parallel conns r=hurley (b2a6eeeac4)
- Bug 1209184: Part 2 - [webext] Localize CSS files served from moz-extension: channels. r=jdm (1098b41a0d)
- Bug 1242961 - nsStandardURL still allows to build valid nsIURIs longer than network.standard-url.max-length. r=valentin (f768b36113) (14c6a5dfac)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1249482 - OdinMonkey: Remove the needsBoundsCheck flag from the frontend. r=luke (5004e664a0)
- Bug 1249513 - OdinMonkey: MIPS: Clean up long jump patching in asm.js. r=luke (18c7f026f5)
- fix misspatch of 1234985 (0713b005b4)
- Bug 1248598 part 1 - Some code changes required for the i64.const instruction. r=luke (7bb3eaa57f)
- Bug 1247855: Resolve named functions and locals (r=luke) (e06d418fd1)
- Bug 1249524 - Baldr: add the other (param) declaration form to the text format (r=mbx) (9492f57377)
- Bug 1249523 - Baldr: add return (r=mbx) (36a4eca6a3)
- Bug 1249316 - Baldr: move testing functions back into TestingFunctions.cpp (r=jandem) (7daf99a017)
- Bug 1249531 - Baldr: add text format and encoding support for control operators (r=mbx) (6dee433349)
- Bug 1248598 part 2 - Reject wasm i64 imports/exports as JS doesn't have an int64 type. r=luke (72603cdb3d)
- Bug 1246658 part 4 - Replace MConstant's js::Value with a custom union. r=luke (1c78b526d2)
- Bug 1246658 part 5 - Support int64 constants, add MIRType_Int64. r=luk (db94c230c6)
- Bug 1246658 part 1 followup - Fix a bug introduced by the refactoring. (ec3d444596)
- Bug 1248859 - OdinMonkey: MIPS: Fix replace retargetWithOffset. r=arai (dd117fcbf5)
- Bug 1249525 - Baldr: accept - and $ in text names (r=sunfish) (64e4e1ddf8)
- Bug 1249525 - Baldr: accept integer cases in float constants (r=sunfish) (90a8fbb5d5)
- Bug 1248859 - OdinMonkey: MIPS: Implement thunkWithPatch and re/patchThunk. r=luke (722240c9b7)
- Bug 1248859 - OdinMonkey: MIPS: Refactor callWithPatch via reative branch. r=luke (0684904686)
- Bug 1248503 - Improve log output for MSimdBox and MSimdUnbox. r=nbp (6b65608504)
- Bug 1248503 - Fix initial heap assertion. r=nbp (bcf704df34)
- Bug 1249525 - Baldr: change order of load/store immediates/subexpressions (r=sunfish) (c2ec5329e2)
- Bug 1240055: IonMonkey: When spewing info about range analysis, also spew truncation info, r=nbp (cf477cffce)
- fix misspatch in symbol visibility (039e111b31) (e753cbebb0)
- Revert "remove code without reference in FF or TFF (0126b4d3f8)" and small part of "Bug 1221056 - Make the destroy messages for PTexture and PCompositable part of the current transaction when applicable. r=sotaro (52e3533e8d)", also add MOZ_XULRUNNER condition for disabling "layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled", this should fix winembed dies when showing UI. (0e33699b0a)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Browser Tamer 3.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed: BT hangs waiting for browser proxy process to terminate. Thanks to @cjs1976 and @fixator10 in #51 .

Titel: BriskBard 3.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2023, 20:30
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage yur contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 117.0.5938.92.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.2045.28.
    Added a context menu option to select the tracking prevention level in web browser tabs using WebView2.
    Added a context menu option to enable or disable saving passwords and other generic form information in web browser tabs using WebView2.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.
    The Indy, Tor and SQLite components have been updated to the latest versions.
    Delphi 11.3 is now used to build BriskBard.

    Bug fixes:

    Fixed multiple scale problems in all node tree controls when you use a monitor with a scale different than 100%.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2023, 19:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



* Optimized image save-as format support for png, jpg
* Updated multi-language translation
- Fixed the icon error issue in the note pop-up shortcut
- Fixed the installation error issue when overwriting with the same version


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 09:00

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink to Chrome/117.0.5938.92
    Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Added Reading Mode
    Added Read Aloud feature
    Added Maxthon coin acquisition feature - Web Indexing by Bright Data
    Added Settings - Advanced Settings - Laboratory
    Added web scrollbar double-click top to scroll to the top, double-click bottom to scroll to the bottom
    Updated multilingual translation
    Optimized note performance, improved search speed
    Enhanced new tab interaction and card design
    Fixed known issues

Titel: Pale Moon 32.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2023, 12:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a bugfix and security update.


    Fixed an issue in BigInt typedArray costructors.
    Added some safety checks for Performance Observers.
    Fixed JSON BigInt regressions.
    Fixed missing BigInt increment/decrement operations.
    Added WASM sign extension opcodes.
    Fixed an issue with dead Promise wrappers in JavaScript DiD
    Fixed an issue with Alternative Services DiD
    Fixed an issue with libvpx (address CVE-2023-5217) DiD


Titel: DuckDuckGo Browser 5.173.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2023, 21:20
Als App für Android und iOS sowie für macOS gibt es ihn schon länger, nun steht der DuckDuckGo-Browser auch in einer Windows-Version für jedermann zum Download bereit.

Für Kenner der privaten Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo dürfte wenig überraschend sein, dass der Hersteller auch bei seinem Browser auf einzigartige Datenschutzfunktionen und den hauseigenen Suchdienst setzt, der Angaben des Herstellers zufolge keine persönlichen Daten sammelt. Unter den Features ist der "Duck Player", ein Videoplayer, mit dem Sie YouTube-Videos schauen können – ohne datenschutzverletzende Werbung.

Titel: Lagrange 1.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2023, 09:20
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    New features:

    The Bookmarks menu lists all of your bookmarks and folders.
    Snippets: A collection of short text segments that can be pasted into any input field via the context menu. For example, useful for your gemlog header/footer and other often-repeated parts.
    Snippets can be managed in Preferences > Snippets and created by right-clicking on links or selected text on a page.
    Custom search queries: Snippets whose name starts with a bang (e.g., "!w") can be invoked in the URL field to make customized queries. The snippet content should be a Gemini search URL, for example: "gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/wp.cgi/search".
    Quick lookup shows matching snippets as a new type of search result.
    Keyboard shortcut Shift+1/?1 for conveniently making a snippet query.
    Input prompts, upload dialogs, and bookmark editors can be resized by dragging the left or right edge.
    Text zooming in the upload text editor.
    Gemtext syntax highlighting in the upload dialog.
    Recently submitted input prompt contents are saved persistently and can be restored via the Ellipsis utility menu in the prompt dialog.
    You can force the input prompt to appear before a certain URL is requested so you can enter a query string. This is useful for avoiding an extra request when it is known that a URL will require input (e.g., search engine, game input).
    When importing links as bookmarks, you can optionally create subfolders from headings. You can also choose a destination folder for the imported bookmarks.
    Quickly add/move a bookmark into a folder with the navbar bookmark button context menu.
    User-selectable feed refresh interval. Previously the interval been hardcoded to four hours. (Based on a patch by Michael Nordmeyer.)
    Setting to never/always collapse preformatted blocks, disabling the ability to toggle the folding.
    "Fold All" and "Unfold All" in Bookmarks sidebar context menu.
    "Search" context menu item on selected text to make a search query with it.
    "Use as Search URL" in link context menu.
    "Mark All Links as Visited" in the Tools submenu.
    Option --capslock: enable Caps Lock as a modifier in keybindings.
    Option --theme (-t): change UI color theme of open Lagrange windows. Can be used in scripts to switch the theme automatically (for example, see the darkman utility; thanks to Jason McBrayer for suggesting this).
    Support for the Nex protocol (nex://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt).
    Keyboard shortcut for deleting bookmarks (Backspace). Useful when the Bookmarks list has input focus.
    macOS: System UI accent color can be chosen as the accent color.

    Changes and enhancements:

    Menus can have submenus. Several of the old menus were reorganized accordingly. For example, the page context menu has a Tools submenu for translation, Titan uploads, etc.
    Show unsupported media types as plain text if the content is valid UTF-8 encoded text.
    The page scrolls while selecting text near top/bottom.
    Display a logo graphic in empty windows/tabs as a placeholder.
    Visualize input focus in lists by drawing a focus rectangle around the current item.
    Menu separators are taller and more distinct for a clearer item separation.
    Adjusted colors of the Import Identity dialog.
    Auto-hide sidebars when resizing a window/split if the document area would become narrower than the sidebar.
    Tuned theme color palette and improved background colors of "Colorful Light".
    Newly created client certificates have a default expiration date in the year 9999, which means they won't expire. One can still also set a specific date as before.
    Periodically save UI state (including each tab's navigation history) to prevent data loss in case the app crashes. These runtime saves do not include any cached page content. The full cache is still saved as before when quitting the app.


    Potential crash at shutdown when a feed update is ongoing.
    Problems with window refresh when multiple windows are open. For example, the cursor not blinking in input fields.
    Incorrect name displayed in page banner when URL query string contains a tilde name.
    Fixed navbar spinner animation going too fast when both sides of a split view are being loaded.
    Glitches during swipe navigation (touch screens, macOS trackpad). Behavior is more robust at ends of history and when content is not immediately available in cache.
    Fixed opening of context menus via keyboard (incorrect click position).
    Fixed a text rendering issue where glyphs were incorrect when preceded by a Narrow No-Break Space.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-20231007
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2023, 20:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git bc755da7a5...e9dee823ef:
- SearchService: more proper syntax for functions, and guard cachePaths as cache.directories can be undefined. (b7d6d7931f)
- Downloads: more proper syntax for functions (74dee4fc8d)
- browser: fix when browser.currentURI is undefined (9e12ec4b3d)
- chrome: some const fixes (f830c933ef)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1231404 - SubscriptBaselineDropMin or SuperscriptBaselineDropMax are not read from the MATH table. r=jfkthame (4293e32fef)
- Bug 953408 - switch to unprefixed hyphens property in tests. r=jfkthame (2ee7ee6bd4)
- Bug 1207061 - Reftest for buggy bidi font that fails with graphite 1.3.2. r=jdaggett (3d1ae98e9e)
- Bug 1161900 - Basic reftest to check that Balinese two-part vowel characters are shaped properly. r=jdaggett (5bd6653da0)
- Bug 686225 - Reftest for Indic shaping with buggy OS X (AAT) fonts. r=jdaggett (76e81fba3e)
- Bug 1156111 patch 1 - Give layout/reftests/ its own moz.build file. r=gps (8c1b128a6b)
- Bug 1156111 patch 2 - Add BUG_COMPONENT metadata for tests in layout/reftests/. r=gps (c9089a56cf) (e9dee823ef)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.10.10.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2023, 19:50
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2023, 09:10
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Migrate to chromium 117.

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2023, 19:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

Added new shortcut keys to the main menu for easier feature access.

Titel: Vieb 10.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2023, 19:20
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Clickable headers to the filebrowser to go up multiple directories at once
    Extra CSS color variables names for filebrowser, still using the same default colors
    Entry "top" in the toc to go back to the top of the page
    Argument "--execute" to run arbitrary runtime commands from the CLI and get its output
    Option "allowkind" to setting "permissionmediadevices" to only list the device type/kind without labels or ids
    Startup flag "--devtools-theme" and ENV var VIEB_DEVTOOLS_THEME to control devtools theme (default remains dark)
    Command "buffers" to list all the open tabs as "index: url"


    Eslint rules to be more strict with better jsdoc and types
    Url modification functions for subdomain and parent urls to be more accurate
    Clicks on tabs while inside navbar modes to switch tab instead of only going to normal mode


    Rare error popup on quit on some Linux desktop environments
    Location mock not being accurate leading to broken functionality on Gitlab and other sites
    Command "tabnewcontainer" not opening with the right name if using "containernewtab=s:external"
    Extra horizontal scrollbar on failedload and filebrowser pages since last release
    Some selections with email addresses being encoded as if a url on copy
    Setting explorehist not working since 10.0.0 due to incorrect import
    Potential duplicate ids in toc generation if a page already has the generated id
    Config file read from ENV VIEB_CONFIG_FILE always being changed to lowercase
    Chrome pages not being styled directly when changing colorscheme
    Pages without div or main incorrectly using colorscheme instead of a white background
    Permission mediadevices throwing an error instead of returning an empty list for blocking media device list
    Colorscheme verticaltabs breaking the history page layout due to duplicate ids


Titel: Slimjet Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2023, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Fix side bookmarks panel.

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2023, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a small bug that makes one of the shortcuts keys open two tabs at once or run twice.
    Added new shortcut keys to the main menu for easier feature access for power users. Make sure the browser has focus when using them.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-10-14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2023, 08:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git e9dee823ef...b780764f57:

- bits of Bug 1229519: Fix toolkit/components/satchel to pass eslint checks. r=dolske (c57ebb477f)

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- Bug 937810 - disable application reputation check on b2g r=mmc,mossop (403f8e0353)
- Bug 1216537 - Check and request storage permission if file download is started. r=nalexander,paolo (9233e7193d)
- Bug 1163937 - Added forceSave function to DownloadIntegration and ensured that downloads removed in Sanitizer do not persist. r=margaret (9610017b5d)
- Bug 989960 - Unhandled rejections in DOM Promises should cause xpcshell tests to fail. r=Yoric (be260d55d2)
- Bug 1177237 - Implement OS query parsing and user search choice. r=jaws (86c807e606)
- Bug 1177443 - Add 'system' purpose for searches coming from outside Firefox, r=MattN. (f6ac86ec2a)
- Bug 1072037, part 2 - Tests for the effect of setting CSS animation's AnimationPlayer.currentTime. r=birtles (79639d2ea4)
- bits of Bug 1145246, part 2 (849519f25d)
- bits of Bug 1145246, part 7 (3ec5500e08)
- bits of Bug 1109390 part 5 (6d849b9b3c)
- Bug 1074630, part 2 - CSS animations tests for Web Animations finishing behavior. r=birtles (bd0aa575bd)
- Bug 1073379, part 6 - Tests for the effect of setting CSS animation's AnimationPlayer.startTime. r=dholbert (9d8aad8d28)
- Bug 1073379, part 6b - Re-enable the player.playState check in checkStateAtActiveIntervalEndTime, but disable the first checkStateAtActiveIntervalEndTime call in the 'Skipping backwards through animation' tests. r=orange (3a9ea58cef)
- Bug 1141710, part 1 - Update to the new version of addDiv() in testcommon.js. r=dholbert (262b9dc018)
- Bug 1141710, part 2 - Update comments to be non-Mozilla specific. r=dholbert (177e8818f8)
- Bug 1141710, part 3 - Stop using ECMAScript 6 features in test_animation-player-starttime.html, since other browsers don't support them. r=dholbert (6f0c6ab687)
- Bug 1141710, part 4 - Avoid race condition when taking timestamps by reusing the original timestamp. r=dholbert (bc6ff2f3b1)
- Bug 1141710, part 5 - Change from assert_true() to the new assert_unreached(). r=dholbert (0c1608c4c4)
- Bug 1141710, part 7 - Create helpers to get the startTime corresponding to various points through the active duration. r=dholbert (568cf9a054)
- Bug 1141710, part 7 - Store the generated 'animation' property string in a global constant and reuse that constant. r=dholbert (ce85c0d7a9)
- Bug 1141710, part 8 - Create helpers to get the startTime corresponding to various points through the active duration. r=dholbert (6d6b1625ff)
- Bug 1141710, part 9 - Get the timeline from the player instead of from the document. r=dholbert (9660c00f1d)
- Bug 1141710, part 10 - Update some assertion text and comments. r=birtles (d238a482b5)
- Bug 1141710, part 11 - Assert that seeking over the before and active phases worked. r=birtles (4aedf388f9)
- Bug 1141710, part 12 - Check that the hold time is updated when the startTime is set to null. r=birtles (0473baeabd)
- Bug 1141710, part 13 - Wrap all lines at the 80 column mark. r=birtles (7d3ed6b453)
- Bug 1141710, part 14 - Get rid of the checks at 90% through the active duration. r=birtles (0f3c4cb7ca)
- part of Bug 1145246, part 2 - (ec09bf3fdd)
- half of Bug 1109390 part 1 - Add tests for getting the startTime; r=jwatt (a682851ba6)
- Bug 1149832 - Replace the Web Animations test helper waitForTwoAnimationFrames() with a helper that takes a frame count. r=birtles (da312eae7d)
- Bug 1235286 - Part 1: Add an argument to waitForAnimationFrames to run a task in each requestAnimationFrame callback. r=birtles (199a789546)
- Bug 1235286 - Part 2: Tests for animation optimizations. r=birtles (e510c68a7c)
- Bug 1235286 - Part 3: Comment out some compositor animations tests. r=birtles (61791d5b69)
- Bug 1235345 - Remove services/metrics. r=gfritzsche (29ac4a5895)
- Bug 1204846 - Modify the NetworkStatsDB to allow getSamples returns expired data at first sample and modify the test case. r=ethan (3e9d1f9a77)
- Bug 1237227 - Check the return of context->GetDisplayRootPresContext() for validity. r=roc (2ad8dcf545)
- sync parts of AppConstants.jsm for isPlatformAndVersion* functions (30f7e10db1)

- ported from mozilla:

- Bug 148624 - only show tooltip when document has focus. r=emilio (8ae372dc88d1)
- Bug 1857513 - Use window activeness rather than document.hasFocus() to display chrome-only tooltips. r=smaug (4cbf370b4e16) (b780764f57)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2023, 10:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added text focus feature in reading mode
    Optimized layout in reading mode
    Updated multi-language translation
    Fixed issues with abnormal functionality on some websites
    Fixed residual problems after closing the Bright Data service for gold acquisition
    Fixed issues that could not enable reading mode on some websites
    Fixed known crashes


Titel: Mypal 68.13.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2023, 18:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


    Next release regarding the BSOD problem.
    May be solved, who always have it please check
    Also really new about:config button, please change if you already begin to use.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2023, 20:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Latest new runtime control DLL file added to NetSurfer.
    Fixed a small bug that makes one of the shortcuts keys open two tabs at once or run twice.
    Added new shortcut keys to the main menu for easier feature access for power users. Make sure the browser has focus when using them.

Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2023, 21:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

    Fix side bookmarks panel.
    Migrate to chromium 117.

Titel: qutebrowser 3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2023, 08:30
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source


Upgraded the bundled Qt version to 6.5.3. Note this is only relevant for the macOS/Windows releases, on Linux those will be upgraded via your distribution packages. This Qt patch release comes with various important fixes, among them:

Fix for crashes on Google Meet / GMail with dark mode enabled
Fix for right-click in devtools not working properly
Fix for drag & drop not working on Wayland
Fix for some XKB key remappings not working
Security fixes up to Chromium 116.0.5845.187, including CVE-2023-4863, a critical heap buffer overflow in WebP, for which "Google is aware that an exploit […?] exists in the wild."


Titel: Lagrange 1.17.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2023, 10:10
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Added "Vibrant Light" color theme.
    Improved readability of "Colorful Light" headings.
    Tuned autoscrolling when selecting text to avoid accidental scrolling.
    Preformatted blocks no longer switch to a smaller font to fit to the page.
    Mouse wheel scrolls a wide preformatted block when hovering over the block, instead of scrolling vertically. You can hold the Shift key to swap the scroll direction.
    Fixed horizontal scrolling issues with preformatted blocks: only scroll if needed, allow scrolling anywhere on the block and not just on non-empty text lines, and when scrolling disallow swipe navigation over the area.
    Fixed visual artifacts around and next to preformatted blocks (e.g., streaking).
    Fixed potential crash after (un)folding a preformatted block.
    Fixed links being non-clickable after searching text on a page has scrolled the view.
    Fixed scroll position being reset when reloading the page.
    Fixed initial size of the upload dialog when font size has been changed.
    Fixed "View as Plain Text" context menu item after reloading a page.
    Strip any null characters from the page source during whitespace normalization.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-10-21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2023, 19:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git b780764f57...43215fa79a:
- ported from mozilla: Bug 1446548 - Treat all GLSL versions >=450 as 450. r=kvark, a=RyanVM (43f0d1060e) (410e883318)
- import change from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 1246318 - Remove the enumerate trap from ES6 proxies. r=efaust (3e7af5df07) (11b253b879)
- partly import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1175546 - Update GCC to 4.8.5 and bump minimum GCC version required to build. r=froydnj (aa651fae16)
- Bug 1236413 - Suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in third-party code mfbt/decimal/. r=Waldo (7bd18f9b1f)
- Bug 1194721: Add |Saturate| template for saturation arithmetics, r=nfroyd (4f62196e3a) (43215fa79a)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2023, 10:20
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added continuous loading feature to reading mode
    Optimized the display of search results in the smart address bar
    Update multilingual translations
    Fix the issue where the control bar in the video mini-window can’t be hidden in fullscreen
    Fix the issue where text focus in reading mode can’t scroll to the bottom
    Fix the misalignment issue of the top bar in reading mode
    Fix the issue where notes sometimes can’t display search results


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2023, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Add "Define this word" to context menu to easily look up definition of words using Google.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.10.26.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2023, 19:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-10-28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2023, 06:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 43215fa79a...5a5b052a7c:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1240985 - Fix cancel during timeout (r=dvander) (aa66774c7f)
- Bug 1240985 - Add some MessageChannel logging (r=dvander) (dcc180e567)
- Bug 1240985 - Return false when trying to Send while dispatching urgent (r=dvander) (07228fd370)
- Bug 1241370 - Don't strdup() the message name in InterruptFrame. r=billm. (b3eea7ef04)
- Bug 1240985 - Check for cancellation during ProcessPendingRequests (r=dvander) (e22631c97f)
- Bug 1240985 - Fix transaction ID when sending cancel message (213c061146)
- Bug 1240985 - Crash when trying to cancel while dispatching urgent message (r=dvander) (dd95c78de2)
- Bug 1128454 - When plugin bridging mysteriously fails, log the ipc channel state along with the nsresult error code. r=billm (970a69b03c)
- Bug 1240985 - Add mLastError to track sync Send errors better (r=dvander) (a065cdf479)
- Bug 1240985 - Make sure to queue mDequeueOneTasks after cancellation (r=dvander) (ed401f32cb)
- Bug 1240985 - Fix some timeout/cancel interactions (r=dvander) (d1bb25a3de)
- Bug 1240985 - Make intentional crash happen sooner when cancelling a racy sync message (r=dvander) (8871800d35)
- Bug 1246886 - initialize mMoved in move contructor. r=billm (884d9c7353)
- Bug 1240985 - Stop returning MsgNotAllowed (r=dvander) (2caeb4a040)
- Bug 1191145 - Stop blocking scripts when handling IPC messages (r=dvander) (25c8731ee6) (d495b4c6b4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 930218 part 1. Factor out the computation of block-size taken up by box-sizing into a separate function so we can reuse it. r=dbaron (22033f4184)
- Bug 930218 part 2. Account for the parent's box-sizing whe figuring out the percentage height of a kid with an intrinsic ratio for purposes of determining the parent's shrink-wrap width. r=dbaron (041711f58f)
- Bug 1235306 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in layout/. r=dholbert (581c212254)
- Bug 1074971 - Add support for reserved commandkey combinations that can't be handled by content (e10s-only feature). r=smaug (e43d39dcef)
- Bug 1186799 part.1 nsHTMLEditorEventListener should commit composition when it receives unacceptable mousedown event r=smaug (17f2c48e96)
- Bug 1230216 - Changing nsIDOM*Event interfaces so that they don't inherit nsIDOMEvent. r=smaug (df77f91ecc)
- fix cancelBubble situation and align to gecko (bc133dc50a)
- Bug 1211402. Re-enable the upload step, but take out the stuff that no longer works (as in, everything.) r=me (cb7abd67d2)
- align (bac4aec6cc)
- Bug 1243608: P1. Only use video time if video frame contains seek target. r=cpearce (21d9e988ed)
- Bug 1244477: Offset seek time by start time. r=jwwang (743c24b2f7)
- Bug 1243608: P2. Pass the full SeekTarget object to MediaDecoderReader::Seek. r=cpearce (6ff30b4b65)
- Bug 1243608: P3. Make SeekTarget::mTime a TimeUnit object. r=cpearce (357d9864de)
- Bug 1243608: P4. Have MediaDecoderReader::SeekPromise return a TimeUnit. r=cpearce (53b476c62d)
- Bug 1159343: Interrupt seek early when possible. r=jwwang (9e26e69593)
- Bug 1243608: P5. Add type utility methods to SeekTarget class. r=cpearce (8e740bab50)
- Bug 1243608: P6. Only seek audio to video seek time when performing a fast seek. r=cpearce (d2a51a71f0)
- Bug 1233650. Part 1 - extract OutputStreamManager to its own file. r=roc. (52d533f923)
- Bug 1230882. Part 2 - remove DecodedStream::BeginShutdown() and other unused code. r=roc. (b2820b8f14)
- Bug 1231091. Part 1 - Add mVideoCompleted so MDSM can check when audio/video is done rendering. This removes the only caller of DecodedStream::IsFinished(). r=roc. (536f63e385)
- Bug 1146086: Properly marking overridden member with override keyword. v2. a=bustage (b6ed1b4e6c)
- Bug 1177243 - Use PodZero rather than memset in WebM decoders. r=rillian (f9853b72ee)
- Bug 1230054: Remove unused WebMReader. r=kinetik (1f88fe3c43)
- Bug 1230054: Add missing headers ON A CLOSED TREE. r=me (6e33accf03)
- Bug 1231091. Part 2 - return correct promises when audio/video track is asked. r=roc. (aef6342e59)
- Bug 1231091. Part 3 - resolve the end promise when all frames are rendered. r=roc. (bbb180dd90)
- Bug 1231091. Part 4 - ensure the end promise is resolved in the special case where video duration is 0. r=roc. (7835c31e75)
- Bug 1231091. Part 5 - Remove DecodedStream::IsFinished() and unused code. r=roc. (6dd02e5d6b)
- Bug 1231091. Part 6 - fix test_streams_element_capture.html timeout. r=roc. (8aae5c09cc)
- Bug 1232520 - dont' invoke AbstractThread::MainThread()->Dispatch() to avoid reentrant of AutoTaskDispatcher during tail dispatching phase. r=jya. (5434d0f370)
- Bug 1233650. Part 2 - make OutputStreamManager ref-counted so it can be shared between MDSM and DecodedStream. r=roc. (93e7d0e065)
- Bug 1233650. Part 3 - move creation of OutputStreamManager from DecodedStream to MDSM. r=roc. (a469dbcc9f)
- Bug 1233650. Part 4 - remove unused functions from DecodedStream. r=roc. (ec8753365e)
- Bug 1248314. Part 1 - Since OutputStreamManager::Connect/Disconnect is tightly coupled with the constructor/destructor of DecodedStreamData, it would improve cohesion to let DecodedStreamData manage an OutputStreamManager and know when to call OutputStreamManager::Connect/Disconnect. r=roc. (467d1472ca)
- Bug 1234424. Part 1 - share the underlying value of MDSM::mSameOriginMedia with DecodedStream. r=roc. (ff0abefb26)
- Bug 1234424. Part 2 - remove unused code. r=roc. (5a8266779b)
- Bug 1248314. part 2 - move track initialization code into the constructor of DecodedStreamData. r=roc. (4d57f47654)
- Bug 1248229. Part 1 - add test case to test if playback can work correctly after GC. r=roc. (83c81dc7cc)
- Bug 1248229. Part 2 - GC might happen in between OutputStreamManager::Disconnect() and OutputStreamManager::Connect(). We need to check if the stream is already destroyed before trying to connect it. r=roc. (c5a0ed670c)
- remove PM leftover (ed9ce00aad)
- Bug 1236703: P1. Add debugging information for MSE to about:media plugin. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (4385a86197)
- Bug 1236703: P2. Add methods to retrieve debugging data on plain readers. r=jwwang (34bf637124)
- Bug 1236703: P3. Add moz specific method to retrieve debug data to media object IDL. r=bz (65c95eff74)
- Bug 1194721: Add additional PDU pack and unpack functions, r=shuang (d6ae416a10)
- Bug 1261307: Convert Unix socket IPC code to |UniquePtr|, r=nfroyd (cd797f4581)
- Bug 1236574 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in SocketBase subclasses; r=tzimmerman (6a20e9e905)
- Bug 1239207 - Don't process IPDL when not compiling; r=glandium (20ba7fb311)
- Bug 1210099 - Use diagnostic assert for union discriminator checks (r=jld) (74844eee1b)
- Bug 1208226 - Don't crash when failing to map a segment of shared memory. r=sotaro, billm (1822a634d9)
- Bug 1236635 - Fix compile error in IPC unit tests (r=jld) (c82e0bfe61)
- Bug 1263429 - Don't build libevent with sysctl on Linux. r=billm (00f248f61e)
- Bug 1304266 - Remove libevent workaround for MacOS 10.4 bug (r=dvander) a=jcristau (676758a926)
- Bug 1241776 - turn ENABLE_SHARED_ARRAY_BUFFER on for all channels. r=nbp (dc53fff545)
- Bug 1248851 part 1 - Explicitly mark some release() calls result-unused. r=Waldo (b377e3d86e)
- Bug 1246697 - Use simpler semantics for PersistentRooted<Traceable>; r=sfink (7afab5c807)
- bug 1225649 use CreatePlanarYCbCrImage() now that CreateImage() is gone r=dvander (b8a30f3d84)
- Bug 1234092: P1. Remove GStreamer support. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe (bf6a5d8811)
- Bug 1234092: P2. Remove GStreamer check from configure. r=glandium (73b69b41db)
- remove configure options (f9585af0d1)
- Bug 1168309 - Add the define, MOZ_GONK_MEDIACODEC, to dom/media. r=cpearce. (a4481af932)
- Bug 1240616 - mach mochitest-run suggests deprecated commands as an alternative r=cmanchester (17687db974)
- Bug 1249838 - Avoid dependency from the mozconfig loader on mach. r=gps (a88506c027)
- Bug 382721 - Part 0: Add missing includes and namespaces. r=jrmuizel (eecf253c5e) (5a5b052a7c)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Mypal 68.13.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2023, 07:50
Whats new:>>

    Unfortunately BSOD still happens, but we know sure this is about OMTP.
    Disabled av1. If you really need it then may enable by media.av1.enabled
    Next it will be the x64 version here

Titel: Maxthon
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2023, 09:50

+ Added Reading Mode
+ Added Read Aloud feature
+ Added Maxthon coin acquisition feature (By Bright Data)
+ Added Settings - Advanced Settings - Laboratory
+ Added web scrollbar double-click top to scroll to the top, double-click bottom to scroll to the bottom
* Updated multilingual translation
* Optimized note performance, improved search speed
* Enhanced new tab interaction and card design
- Fixed known issues


Titel: Pale Moon 32.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2023, 17:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a major development and security update. And a Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates!


    Added an initial implementation of the ReadableStreams API, improving web compatibility with sites that apparently use this API in utilitarian fashion.
    Added support for transparency in WebM videos for the edge case of using <video> elements for transparent animated images. Major caveat: this will massively impact performance of video playback if an alpha channel is present in the video.
    Added support for crypto.randomUUID to allow website scripting to generate random UUIDs (universally unique identifiers) through the WebCrypto interface.
    By user request, added a preference browser.bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu (default true) to allow users to configure if they want to keep the bookmarks menu open if they open bookmarks from it in a new tab (by middle-clicking or Ctrl-clicking). The default behavior is to close the bookmarks menu like any other menu when an option in it is clicked.
    Removed the user-agent override for Netflix, since they have stopped supporting the Silverlight browser plugin. Pale Moon no longer has a way to provide Netflix DRM-controlled playback with them dropping it, so there is no longer a reason to try and force compatibility.
    Updated the user-agent override for Spotify. While it is possible to use the website with this, it suffers from the same DRM issue and not all media will be playable (only non-encumbered media can be played in Pale Moon like podcasts). Your mileage may vary.
    Implemented timer nesting and clamping for workers, preventing timer hangs on bad website code.
    Improved handling of drawing SVG images on canvases without explicit width or height attributes. We now follow the css-sizing-3 Intrinsic Sizes spec.
    Improved performance of our memory allocator.
    Updated libvpx to 1.6.1.
    Cleaned up and updated some media playback code.
    Removed the inclusion of GMP (Gecko Media Plugin) support from Pale Moon, as it was only in use for EME/DRM and WebRTC, neither of which we support.
    Removed the last vestiges of EME/DRM code from UXP, since this will never be supported in any application building on it due to the media industry's draconic policies around FOSS.
    Removed simd.js, moving actually used SIMD handling to C++.
    Removed the use of libav in our source, replacing its supply of FFT with the equivalent from FFMpeg.
    Fixed potential type confusion in IonMonkey due to 3-byte opcodes.
    Fixed an issue with tooltips persisting even if the browser window would have lost focus.
    Fixed PerformanceObserver navigation and resource timing (default disabled for privacy); our implementation now fully passes conformance tests.
    Fixed an issue where top-level SVG images would not be correctly clipped by positioned elements, giving the impression of wrong z-ordering as the SVG would overlap other elements.
    Dev: Updated setInterval to fall back to 0 if no duration is supplied.
    Dev: Updated ResizeObserver to a recent spec change, now returning an array of results for borderBoxSize and contentBoxSize instead of an object.
    Dev: Updated Intl.NumberFormat and DefaultNumberOption() to follow spec updates. Most importantly for web compatibility, we now allow the "maximumFractionDigits" option in Intl.NumberFormat to be less than the default minimum fraction digits for the chosen locale, following the general consensus in TC39 around this issue.
    Increased leniency (removed upper limit) of GLSL versions as they tend to be fully backwards compatible.
    Fixed various crashes.
    Added a safeguard to the sec-gpc header (Global Privacy Control) so it cannot be inadvertently overwritten.
    Security fixes: addressed CVE-2023-5722, CVE-2023-5723, CVE-2023-5724, CVE-2023-5727 and several other issues without a CVE number assigned to them.
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 6 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.11.3.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2023, 21:15
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Lagrange 1.17.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2023, 19:30
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Fixed activating a pinned identity when opening a bookmark via the Bookmarks menu.
    Fixed initial scope of a created identity when using the default selection.
    Fixed issues with dropdown menus when the menu appears as a popup window.
    Fixed clearing the pinned identity of a bookmark.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2023, 10:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



+ Added full video download feature - Free trial available for a limited time during Beta testing
* Improved default save format for images
- Fixed known crashes


Titel: Vieb 10.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2023, 20:20
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Setting "suspendtimeoutignore" to specify ranges to exclude from the "suspendtimeout" setting


    Setting "suspendplayingtab" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
    Default value for "dialogconfirm" being "notifyblock" (will change to "notifyallow" in 11.x.x)
    Default value for "nativetheme" being "system" (will change to "dark" in 11.x.x, "system" will be removed)
    Default value for "tocpages" being "" (will change to "vieb://help" in 11.x.x)
    Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices" (will be removed in 11.x.x)


    Table of contents background being transparent
    Cache not being cleared correctly on quit on Windows resulting in background processes remaining


    Electron 27.0.4 (was 27.0.0)
    Chromium 118.0.5993.129 (was 118.0.5993.54)


Titel: Mypal 68.13.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2023, 20:20
Mypal is based on Pale Moon code and is designed to be a secure and reliable Windows XP (including newer Windows versions) web browser.

The goal of Mypal is to provide a current, secure, and reliable web browser for Windows XP. Mypal operates identically to Pale Moon with some minor exceptions. Mypal also allows Pale Moon search synchronization, bookmarks as well as other services (requires Pale Moon account). It does provide quick links over to the Pale Moon website, changelog, etc. Mypal uses DudkDuckGo for search.

Mypal will be comfortable in the hands of Pale Moon users, but the clean and straightforward interface will be equally simple-to-use for users trying out Mypal for the first time. The main idea behind this browser was to provide XP users with a secure option for web browsing afforded to other Windows users.

License: Open Source


The release devote to x64, but on xp64 its likely fails to run, please look discussion about in issues
Meantime added new js feature - may fix some site.

Also the BSOD problem is supposedly mitigated, who always have it pleas check this new version with default settings


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2023, 21:20
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Added the latest DLL from Microsoft. ( 1.0.2151.40 )
    Updated and fixed a small bug in the internal AdBlocker.
    Added more shortcut keys to the browser for power users.
    Modified and enhanced the full screen function with F11 as the short-cut key.
    Added more options to the settings page, access your internet router and NAS device directly from the dropdown menu.

Titel: BrowsingHistoryView 2.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2023, 07:50
BrowsingHistoryView reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table. The browsing history table includes the following information: Visited URL, Title, Visit Time, Visit Count, Web browser and User Profile. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive.

You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from the user interface, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Updated to read the history file of the latest Opera versions.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-11-11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2023, 20:00
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


In-tree changes:
- bump KM version for engine API change (landing of bug 1230216) (ee1564fe)
- update Goanna SDK diff adding more nsString API hack (as of NM27 rev 5a5b052a7c) (2d1f67ef)
- app: update event API usage after landing of bug 1230216 in engine (37eff498)
- spellcheck: update event API usage after landing of bug 1230216 in engine (8a788a07)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 5a5b052a7c...c0c677f5cf:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1194466. Use the table-outer frame's margin when requesting the margin for table element with getBoxQuads. r=mats (cb73af6b17)
- Backed out changeset 3f51676191a6 (bug 1225703) for cpp unittest failures on at least Windows CLOSED TREE (833dc52434)
- Bug 1225703 - Update in-tree libcubeb. r=padenot (103b1296c1)
- Bug 1236977 - Default initialize IMMDevice temporary to avoid potential garbage CloseHandle on error. r=padenot (fdb076c905)
- Bug 1221228 - Work around busted OpenSL causing hangs/reboots on Android r=padenot (a9f8c9e5dd)
- Bug 1104643 - Interpolate the audio clock by system clock if the qudio clock is not going forward. r=padenot (180c4ae7c7)
- Bug 1241476: Update libcubeb from upstream rs=kinetik (f68d4010e9)
- Bug 1242152 - fix sndio build after full-duplex API changes r=kinetik (cd30999c19)
- Bug 1243275: Update libcubeb to pick up device-change-notification changes and a pulse fix rs=kinetik (1c5bf75ac2)
- Bug 1189197 - enqueue a silent frame to kick off the buffer queue callbacks. r=kinetik. (98a312ec62)
- Bug 948267. Part 1 - add the interface DataSource to implement pull model and remove members no longer useful in the pull model. r=kinetik. (8ff0635fca)
- Bug 948267. Part 2 - implement AudioStream:grinning smileyataSource for DecodedAudioDataSink and remove its audio thread. r=kinetik. (00365c71b8)
- Bug 948267. Part 3 - remove MDSM::AdjustAudioThresholds() to ensure we have enough data for AudioStream:grinning smileyataCallback() to consume in the audio-only case. Also increase the amount of prerolling audio to 1s (which is the size of the circular buffer of AudioStream) to ensure a smooth start of playback. r=kinetik. (00f1bfbe02)
- Bug 1240417. Part 1 - add a writer class to encapsulate pointer arithmetic. r=kinetik. (a625befc30)
- Bug 1240417. Part 2 - remove unused code. r=kinetik. (086c6c461b)
- Bug 1240419 - improve logging macros and include |this| in the log message. r=kinetik. (a0242c4e78)
- Bug 1240420. Part 1 - move checks of mismatched sample rate or channel numbers to AudioStream. r=kinetik. (41435e9551)
- Bug 1240420. Part 2 - fix warnings of signed/unsigned comparison. r=kinetik. (558ce6a918)
- Bug 1230902 - initialize mSampleRate and mMicrophoneActive. r=cpearce (a99b661e8b)
- Bug 1203585 - Add comments about threading and locking on GraphDriver's members. r=jesup (5dcaa286c3)
- Bug 1203585 - Remove some dead code in GraphDriver.cpp. r=jesup (9618d10e70)
- Bug 1070216 - Assert main MediaEngine APIs are called on the owning thread. r=jib (6c950d62d0)
- Bug 1221587: allow getUserMedia to use full-duplex cubeb streams r=padenot (f67c2219aa)
- Bug 1221587: Rename MediaStreamGraphShutdownThreadRunnable2 r=padenot (d9fe2125e7)
- Bug 1203585 - Add new methods to GraphDriver to assert that locks are held. r=jesup (a8e2bfbcef)
- Bug 1221587: Base update of the MSG API for full-duplex r=padenot (4be37a6184)
- Bug 1221587: change audio listeners for full-duplex audio r=padenot (5d94102a32)
- Bug 1221587: use cubeb devids to select input devices r=padenot (2f0806756b)
- Bug 1221587: Update for API changes in cubeb r=padenot (87c581ce5f)
- Bug 1237414: Switch AsyncCubebOperation to a SharedThreadPool r=padenot (965831dac8)
- Bug 1203585 - Add a comment block on how MediaStreamGraph switch GraphDrivers. r=jesup (a4839dccb1)
- Bug 1240411: P7. Clean up webspeech header declarations. r=rillian (2e91bebdb5)
- Bug 1207220: Ensure MediaShutdownManager waits until all MediaDecoder have completed their shutdown. r=cpearce (1782ffb35a)
- Bug 1240411: P8. Clean up MediaSource headers. r=cpearce Remove redundant virtual keyword and add missing override if any. (0f99efac9e)
- Bug 1240411: P9. Clean up media headers. r=jwwang (cc1165a3f2)
- Bug 1203585 - Update the MediaStreamGraph code to lock properly. r=jesup (d523db643a)
- Bug 1221587: Implement switching of AudioCallbackDrivers for full-duplex r=padenot (2349ec7734)
- Bug 1221587: stall MSG final shutdown until AudioCallbackDriver shutdown has finished r=pehrsons (ad2dfb76dd)
- Bug 1203585 - Add threading assertions to GraphDriver switching methods. r=jesup (8c1c2b4d9d)
- Bug 1221587: Improve logging of callback driver/switching r=padenot (87253e8f9c)
- Bug 1237794: Extend ClearOnShutdown() to allow specifying the shutdown phase r=froyd (cfe5e30311)
- Bug 1221587: add per-platform prefs to control full-duplex cubeb input r=jib (0b004cfd10)
- Bug 1229240 - test that applyConstraints() rejects on non-Gum track. r=jesup (c65f7ecc4a)
- Bug 987186 - remove AudioConfig, send agc/aec/noise from prefs r=jib,smaug (812108e255)
- Bug 1245216: plumb preferred sample rate from full_duplex cubeb through NotifyInput/Output r=padenot (9c123866cc)
- Bug 1245216: Fix getUserMedia input in full_duplex mode coming from the wrong place r=padenot (8d10177675)
- Bug 1227407 - Ensure Cameras is alive before calling through it. r=jesup (e94d7803ee)
- Bug 1239384 - Remove static interface for Cameras using forwarding. r=jesup (e5329280c5)
- Bug 1239384 - Encapsulate Cameras dispatch, locking and success handling in a class. r=jesup (a0c2391c44)
- Bug 1177242 - Verify whether sandboxed Content process has permissions to access the camera/mic. r=jesup (611c4cb04e)
- Bug 1247236. r=jesup (fc0286ccb3)
- Bug 1239873 - Use AsyncShutdown API to shut down MediaStreamGraph thread. r=jesup (9e45760ab9)
- Bug 1247395 - use UniquePtr for control messages in MediaStreamGraphImpl; r=roc (949149234e)
- Bug 1221587: Block attempts to open two mics at once until supported in full-duplex r=jib (4bb1412bb1)
- Bug 1242061: re-enumerate audio devices in full_duplex via cubeb when getUserMedia is called r=jib (aa98e4dfff)
- Bug 1242061 follow up to fix static analysis build bustage. r=me (3ee4f733f1)
- Bug 1242061: fix leaked static nsTArrays r=bustage on a CLOSED TREE (6f57c3e0fd)
- Bug 1237816: count open input sources for MediaStreams to release inputs on Destroy() r=roc,padenot (e9fd08c6bd)
- Bug 1245216: white-list the fake 440Hz audio source used in automation for getUserMedia enumeration r=padenot (5c1632f0bd)
- Bug 1242061: remove small strdup() leak of devicename strings in getUserMedia enumeration rs=jib (112163f77c)
- Bug 1245216: Avoid reallocating and leaking AudioPacketizer output buffer r=padenot (86c0a5c277)
- Bug 1165963 - Fix regression by bug 1104643: Detect "over compensation" and reset the anchor. r=padenot (9393a44d1b)
- Bug 1145195 part 1 - Create a helper function for PrependLocalTransformsTo in SVGContentUtils r=dholbert (91bcee16ad)
- Bug 1138065 - view elements as fragment identifiers should have normal target matching. r=dholbert (17b6b7af57)
- Bug 1145195 part 2 - SVGFragmentIdentifier:tongue sticking out smileyrocessSVGViewSpec() shouldn't actually let #svgView() affect attribute values r=dholbert (e7663e08c2) (0b93aaef9b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1240985 - Always enqueue OnMaybeDequeueOne task when receiving a message (r=dvander) (a5056d5942)
- Bug 1240985 - Null out mRecvd if message it corresponds to is cancelled (r=dvander) (3eb16e50b4)
- Bug 1245649: Merge browser and toolkit eslint rule settings. r=felipe (fb8837edb9)
- Bug 1189799 - Make sure that about:performance displays each add-on only once (more tests);r=felipe (67cc74db67)
- Bug 1230471 - Basic eslint fixes in places. r=mconley (1460c46edc)
- Bug 1142734: Allow unloading the loader sandbox module. r=jsantell (052f483a6d)
- Bug 1047595 - make picking colors work in HCM / when author colors are disabled, r=jaws (728163434b)
- Bug 1244647 fix typeof check, r=mikedeboer (72da15da21)
- Bug 1229240 - make applyConstraints() reject instead of crash on non-gUM tracks. r=jesup (93d2abf43a)
- Bug 1239893 - Add gonk SidebandStream handling to DOMHwMediaStream r=roc (86739bc7a4)
- Bug 1189162 - Clamp gamepad.timestamp and VideoPlaybackQuality.creationTime. r=bz (daaa3cc0db)
- Bug 1232348 - adjust nested-frame checking condition. r=baku. (e4d1930bef)
- Bug 1166556 - Don't start geolocation provider if the cached position is being used. r=jdm (3ad2c5dfa9)
- Bug 858827 - [Geolocation] Add a handling for getCurrentLocation when timeout is zero. r=jdm (63dd4ccaf3)
- Bug 1216148 - Handle how geolocation acts when the app's visibility changes. r=kchen. (dbeb9ef51c)
- Bug 1230209 - Add more telemetry for Geolocation usage f=bsmedberg r=tanvi,rbarnes,jdm (c32b195d25)
- Bug 1238825: Add "dom.bluetooth.webbluetooth.enabled" preference for WebBluetooth API development. r=btian, r=bz (3298be0b87)
- Bug 1223722: Transfer Bluetooth addresses in |BluetoothValue|, r=brsun (1cc507823b)
- Bug 1223722: Transfer Bluetooth remote names in |BluetoothValue|, r=brsun (73a008b991)
- Bug 789315, notify MutationObservers before running <script>, r=khuey (d2df797c54)
- Bug 1214495 - Move CallerSubsumes checks in nsLocation into the WebIDL entry points. r=bz (69a2086836)
- Bug 1239509: Move VisibilityChangeListener out of nsContentPermissionHelper's header. r=wchen (bb2e33a40c)
- Bug 1183845 - Only send activation event if document is non-null. r=bz (4b81c3295d)
- Bug 1208789, clear starting node before traversing backwards by document, r=smaug (94a6cdd891)
- Bug 1240908 - Make the window reference in nsContentPermissionRequester weak. r=smaug (b5982ecb9e)
- Bug 1234735 - Remove redundant spaces in nsGlobalWindow. r=baku (5f55b37486)
- Bug 1180525. Run callbacks whose window is no longer current as long as its document is the active document in the browsing context. r=bholley (02e6d97a7b) (19b122873d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1212720 - Part 1: Implement Document.getAnimations(). r=heycam, r=smaug (8c3951b318)
- Bug 1212720 - Part 2: Tests for document.getAnimations. r=heycam (8e6660abe1)
- Bug 1212720 - Part 3: Remove AnimationTimeline.getAnimations. r=heycam, r=smaug (a663e7e79b)
- Bug 1212720 - Part 4: Remove all cancelAllAnimationsOnEnd. It is not needed any more. r=bbirtles (8c9b92f2d4)
- Bug 1218258 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in toolkit/components/downloads. r=paolo (1962eee4fc)
- Bug 1218258 - Fix -Wshadow warnings in toolkit/components/downloads. r=paolo (6cf1d464bb)
- Bug 1212323: P1. Use a 640x360 SPS to test for HW decoding support. r=cpearce (ed67910d9c)
- Bug 1212323: P2. Have IsVideoAccelerated return a Promise. r=cpearce (824e543945)
- Bug 1240365 - FileReader should use the global scope correctly in ChromeWorkers, r=smaug, r=khuey (bf40380947)
- Bug 1239210 - Don't process WebIDL files when not compiling; r=glandium (5a55f23b2e) (0ccb78c213)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1213818 - Align document.title for SVG documents with HTML spec; r=bz (fb60e8c048)
- Bug 1234170 - WebSocket should check if the channel has been opened before send the 'close' notification to the WebSocketEventService, r=jduell (4bfd6f3f3f)
- Bug 1245261 - Use an atomic to safely access gcTriggerBytes; r=jonco (f9c80d47e1)
- Bug 1243001 part 1. Remove the dead WrappedWorkerRunnable class from Promise code. r=peterv (9f8c758723)
- Bug 1243001 part 2. Make Promise an empty [NoInterfaceObject] interface when SPIDERMONKEY_PROMISE is defined. r=peterv (6be034ee59)
- Bug 1243001 part 3. Turn off the IDL bits of PromiseDebugging when SPIDERMONKEY_PROMISE is defined. r=peterv (114241ddd6)
- Bug 1243001 part 4. Switch to using MaybeResolve/MaybeReject instead of ResolveInternal/RejectInternal for PromiseWorkerProxy. r=peterv (ca8faf02f8)
- Bug 1243114 - Convert PromiseCapability::mPromise to a rooted JSObject* instead of a rooted JS::Value. r=bz (e4c907e5c2)
- Bug 1243001 part 5. Get rid of most of the dom:tongue sticking out smileyromise methods when SPIDERMONKEY_PROMISE is defined, and reimplement the rest in terms of SpiderMonkey Promise. r=peterv (693a61e5a2)
- Bug 1242054. Get rid of AbortablePromise, so we can move Promise into SpiderMonkey more easily. r=khuey (6a0200e625)
- Bug 1243001 part 6. Implement Promise::AppendNativeHandler in the SPIDERMONKEY_PROMISE world. r=peterv (7c3a6390f9)
- Bug 1243001 part 7. Stop wrappercaching dom:tongue sticking out smileyromise when SPIDERMONKEY_PROMISE is defined. r=peterv (be1bd9b33f)
- Bug 1243001 part 8. Tell SpiderMonkey to put its promise jobs into the CycleCollectedJSRuntime job queue. r=peterv (192e6a551c)
- Bug 1156880 - Null check the prescontext in nsDOMWindowUtils::AdvanceTimeAndRefresh; r=mstange (11f1a39f22)
- Bug 1191597 part 1 - Add head.js and dummy page for browser chrome test. r=smaug (5257870dd3)
- Bug 1191597 part 2 - Convert fullscreen-esc-context-menu to a browser chrome test. r=smaug (e1c0fe84a4) (3e34b8d21b)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 382721 - Part 1: Fix spacing of simple 2px dotted border without radius. r=jrmuizel (8e83589f45)
- Bug 382721 - Part 2: Split constants for border rendering to BorderConsts.h. r=jrmuizel (88ae5aee7f)
- Bug 1237805 part 1 - [css-grid] Remove all empty 'auto-fit' tracks, not just those at the end. r=dholbert (1c0530b87b)
- Bug 1237805 part 2 - [css-grid] 'auto-fit' reftest removing empty start/middle tracks. (3bfc688e2b)
- Bug 1239036 - [css-grid] Deal with implicit tracks when computing grid-template-{columns,rows}. r=dholbert (cf36d9193a)
- Bug 1239036 - [css-grid] Tests. (4aaec0499f)
- Bug 1238294 part 1 - [css-grid] Make GridLineEdge() a method on the Tracks class rather than a static function (idempotent change). r=dholbert (ab81994ec6)
- Bug 1238294 part 2 - [css-grid] Treat any gaps at the grid edges as "line thickness" so they behave the same as gaps between tracks for positioning areas. r=dholbert (fafdc1ceef)
- Bug 1230695 - [css-grid] More abs.pos. grid alignment reftests. (330770cf1a)
- Bug 1238294 part 3 - [css-grid] Add/tweak reftests for new behavior of gaps at the grid edges. (58ff8670a1)
- Bug 1240795 - [css-grid] Refactor GetComputedTemplateColumns/Rows to return a self-contained value. r=dholbert (9c5e68418f)
- Bug 1229739 - Use the color of shadow if available for drawing emphasis marks in shadow. r=jfkthame (c19c3deb1c)
- Bug 1191597 part 3 - Convert fullscreen-api-keys to a browser chrome test. r=smaug (ad740d4c4c)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 1: Define CSSPseudoElement interface. r=birtles, r=smaug (1a304d59c4)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 1: Use unrestricted double for iterations. r=birtles (0dbb02e423)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 2: Replace mIterationCount in layers::Animation. r=birtles (8a573046f5)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 3: Store the original value of fill. r=birtles (df548c244a)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 4: Use OwingUnrestrictedDoubleOrString for duration. r=birtles (567cfd1555)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 5: Add AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly interface. r=birtles, r=smaug (47138ec7f0)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 6: Revise AnimationTimingeye popping smileyperator==. r=birtles (616fc2c711)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 7: Rename AnimationTiming as TimingParams. r=birtles, r=smaug (d7de0ec72b)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 8: Add an operator=() for TimingParams. r=birtles (bfe22c6501)
- Bug 1215406 - Part 6: Test. r=birtles (3f16796304)
- Bug 1214536 - Part 9: Test. r=birtles (526419cc1d)
- Bug 1147673 - Unadjust clip before intersecting it with the scroll clip. r=botond (85cd06d2d5)
- Bug 1147673 - Determine more accurately whether an async transform affects a layer's clip rect. r=kats (8ce7d1e887)
- Bug 1096773 part 1 - Make the frames argument to the KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor NOT optional; r=bz (6e63b08671)
- Bug 1096773 part 2 - Add a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor that takes a TimingParams argument; r=boris (24971306e6)
- Bug 1096773 part 3 - Implement Animatable.animate(); r=bz (9d95ea800e)
- Bug 1096773 part 4 - Add tests for Animatable.animate(); r=bz (03b866b2d8)
- Bug 1179627 - Part 1: Implement Animation.id. r=smaug, r=birtles (51bbed6e9d)
- Bug 1096774 - Part 1: Implement Animation Constructor. r=birtles, r=smaug (e09d7fbd7c)
- Bug 1179627 - Part 2: Add animation.id for CSS animations test files. r=bbirtles, r=hiikezoe (329ea31f33)
- Bug 1096774 - Part 2: Fix crash if animation has no timeline. r=birtles (d989b44866)
- Bug 1096774 - Part 3: Tests for Animation Contructor. r=birtles (23786774bc)
- Bug 1240265 - Annotate intentional switch fallthroughs in dom/. r=mrbkap (ffd9da3d5f)
- Bug 1227458. Make setAttributeNode be an alias for setAttributeNodeNS and setNamedItem on the attribute map be an alias for setNamedItemNS. r=smaug (f804d28b93)
- Bug 1226091 - Use MayHaveAnimations in Element::UnbindFromTree; r=smaug (1ec85f75b3) (98491d0687)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1216972 - MediaManager AsyncShutdown for content processes. r=jesup (5dd0fa94ec)
- Bug 1229926 - only fake cams and mics. r=jesup (e4ca6ec0c1)
- Bug 957691: Ensure that MediaManager ends all tracks before finishing its source stream r=jib,jesup,pehrsons (9322e56aec)
- Bug 1248308 - Fix dom/media non-unified build errors - r=jya (57325eabcf)
- Bug 1183143 - Add tools/rewriting/ThirdPartyPaths.txt file. r=ehsan (26342dc0f5)
- Bug 1200450 - Add libffi, dtoa, openaes, and android/thirdparty to ThirdPartyPaths.txt. r=ehsan (ea96618277)
- Bug 1203477 - Moved Mozilla specific files to glue directory, and third party files to hyphen directory. Adjusted moz.build files. r=glandium (6ffddda573)
- revert like FF to non-unified sources (e44eb26342)
- Bug 1107702 - Try to avoid internal memory exhaustion problems with the Windows api GetAdaptersInfo by making a priming call to the api during startup. r=jesup (a96b4ba0cb)
- Bug 1229926 - don't throw OverConstrainedError(deviceId) on fake devices. r=jesup (d1b4a5e26a)
- Bug 1219339: switch GetStaticInstance to use IPC's Singleton<T> impl r=froyd (5debb6c9d4)
- Bug 1232046 - Do not set a too low send bitrate in VideoConduit. r=jesup (35e0beae97)
- Bug 1230197: Plumb negotiated simulcast down to webrtc.org. r=jesup (ebfd5b43c8)
- Bug 1220493: clean up validation of RTP headers r=pkerr (8a713a8075)
- Bug 1210170: Add RID header extension send/receive/query support r=pkerr (09e537b49a)
- Bug 1226387: Add sanity check to RTCP header parser r=pkerr (79d7291542)
- Bug 1237023: Cherry-pick VP9 packetization/jitter-buffer/encoder code from Webrtc.org 48 r=pkerr (1cfe274857)
- Bug 1237023: Update of cherry-pick of VP9: add some base files, compiles-and-works r=pkerr (9466fd9901)
- Bug 1219339 - Part2: Ensure close of webrtc trace file during shutdown. r=rjesup (d3e34e8948)
- gkmedias: export `vpx_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions' to fix build (0de6df1ab6) (b48f3d0c24)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1236750 - Introduce a new unit type CSSTransformedLayerPixel. r=kats (4e9bba3d19)
- Bug 1236750 - Add a ViewAs() overload for casting (with a justification) one typed matrix to another. r=kats (c48e143508)
- Bug 1236750 - Add some specialized typedefs of Matrix4x4 to represent layer transform matrices. r=kats (cc50113c98)
- Bug 1239300 - reject promise with null while creating imagebitmap from empty blob; r=smaug (bff7483bf1)
- Bug 1233056 - Long tapping on a link will select a different link from the page r=tnikkel (3a727b33c1)
- Bug 1245674. Null-check mGlobal before dereferencing it in one more place in Promise code. r=smaug (68cf5312dc)
- Bug 1236750 - Use strongly-typed matrices to represent layer transforms in APZ code. r=kats (63931eb2a1)
- Bug 1236750 - Add typed getters for layer transform matrices. r=kats (baef978fe1)
- Bug 1147673 - Relax the ancestor transform assertion a little. r=kats (ec9ce47ba4)
- Bug 1154161 Initialize WidgetQueryContentEvent::mReply r=smaug (6086291313)
- Bug 1240921 - Use nsAutoTArray in nsStyleSet::RuleNodeWithReplacement. r=bz. (66f6823b46)
- Bug 1229437 part 1 - Add a helper function to get the float containing block of a given frame. r=dbaron (72de452e5d)
- Bug 1229437 part 2 - Reparent floats inside pulled ruby segment. r=dbaron (82cc44632d)
- Bug 1229437 part 3 - Support iterating frames of RubyColumn. r=dholbert (5d43e7f6ff)
- Bug 1229437 part 4 - Reparent floats inside pulled ruby column. r=dbaron (4c1a7ff20b)
- Bug 1229437 part 5 - Add crashtests for this bug. r=dbaron (6afabe1604)
- Bug 1229437 followup - Fix sign-compare error in RubyColumn::Iterator on CLOSED TREE. (e93453d00a)
- Bug 1229437 followup 2 - Fix another sign-compare error in RubyColumn::Iterator on CLOSED TREE. (c0bf6a2a7b)
- Bug 1229437 followup 3 - Fix a mistake in RubyColumn::Iterator:confused smileykipUntilExistingFrame(). a=me (1ce408e194)
- bits of Bug 1072150 - Use the opt-out for various sloppy consumers (29d97c59ca)
- Make test_bug946632 compatible with asynchronous scrolling. (bug 1140293, r=mstange) (e975a8350c)
- fix misspatch of 1072150 (a3e580fa4b)
- Bug 686281 - Implement nsStyleImageLayers; r=dbaron (85bb33c8e6)
- Bug 686281 - Rename *background* to *imagelayer*; r=dbaron. (36d90f112d)
- Bug 1230034 part 4 - Make FramePropertyDescriptor to be a template. r=froydnj,dbaron (271cd19b6e)
- Bug 1230034 part 5 - Convert all frame properties which use DeleteValue and ReleaseValue as destructor to be typesafe. r=dbaron (efc8d63c9d)
- Bug 1230034 part 6 - Convert all frame properties which do not hold pointer to be typed. r=dbaron (b5541775f7)
- Bug 1230034 part 7 - Convert nsIFrame::GenConProperty to be typed. r=dbaron (2b71527b2c)
- Bug 1230034 part 8 - Convert frame properties which assert on destructor to be typed. r=dbaron (0f125a3414)
- Bug 1230034 part 9 - Convert FrameLayerBuilder::LayerManagerDataProperty to be typed. r=dbaron (1147498c2f)
- Bug 1230034 part 10 - Convert remaining frame properties to by typed and remove the unsafe declaring macro. r=dbaron (d59d94eac4)
- Bug 1072501: Unmap file mapping on source surface destruction. r=jrmuizel (19fd63890a)
- Bug 1235613 - Make gfxCriticalError/Note strings in gfx/ unique. r=jrmuizel (780c6ff862)
- Bug 1247535 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warning in mfbt/Poison.cpp. r=froydnj (0e7cf60b6d)
- Bug 1239479: Add comments to mfbt/XorShift128PlusRNG.h from the RNG's designer. DONTBUILD r=Waldo (bb674b07ce)
- Add an assertion message to the assert-is-empty in LinkedList::~LinkedList, to indicate to users who hit it that it's the fault of the caller, not the fault of MFBT code. No bug, rs=froydnj (4cad80874c)
- Bug 1221103 - Add a comment to nsIChannel::securityInfo noting that this info may appear on non-nsHttpChannels and how that may happen. r=bz IGNORE IDL (cd9cebc3f2)
- Bug 1001765 - Make login credentials in Saved Passwords manager editable. r=MattN (09eec4f6f8)
- Bug 1188478 - Add an Import button to the password manager to open the browser migrator. r=dolske (d1126a89fc)
- Bug 1199382 - Rename some strings from "password" to "login" in preferences and the manager. r=markh (60638f5e2a)
- Bug 1207733 - Update @disabled on the Remove Password button when selection changes. r=MattN (64ac9f22f6)
- bits of 1124472 and 1166840 (26e2681183)
- Bug 1219707 - fix argument passing to migration.js, r=jaws (55d332f5c6)
- bug 1215657 - make AccessibleWrap::get_accSelection work with proxies=davidb (4e72111032)
- fix missing telemetry entry (4fcfabb3e6) and follow-up API changes of TFF#493. (67e04cfead)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1229603 - Make most of browser/base lintable by removing non-standard syntax. r=Mossop (6157929342)
- Bug 1244995 - Console should trace the arguments correctly, r=bz (31315a819f) (b5b14065e8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1235261 - Part 1: Rename nsAutoTArray to AutoTArray. r=froydnj (0662c2ac56)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 2: Switch some uses of AutoFallibleTArray to AutoTArray. r=froydnj (ab52085f2a)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 3: Switch remaining uses of AutoFallibleTArray to AutoTArray. r=froydnj (3763b16ddd)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 4: Remove AutoFallibleTArray. r=froydnj (5480b0d786)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 5: Merge nsAutoArrayBase into AutoTArray. r=froydnj (6c64e73e3b)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 7: Remove AutoInfallibleTArray. r=froydnj (acf266464e)
- Bug 1222624: Make xpath document() function use nsIPrincipals and nsIURIs rather than strings. r=peterv (5ee694d132)
- Bug 1235261 - Part 6: Rename AutoInfallibleTArray to AutoTArray. r=froydnj (d282f7df6c)
- Bug 1241394 - Hit testing with 3d transforms should use fuzzy when comparing depths. r=thinker (6c3f50670f)
- Bug 1241394 - Follow up to fix windows build bustage. (02ab2600af)
- Bug 1241394 - Check clip for the children of the establisher. r=mattwoodrow (46f151ea55)
- bug 1241453 - allow caching proxies in xpcAccessibleDocuments r=davidb (f5d41ad2ee)
- Bug 1247364 - use AllChildrenIterator:confused smileyeek by a11y tree walker, r=davidb (0ec230908e)
- Bug 1248840 - rename TreeWalker::NextChild, r=yzen (c89ecc5a29)
- Bug 1249927 - devirtualize CanHavaAnonymousChildren, r=davdib (89e8088e63)
- Bug 1206598 - Use universal reference to reduce the redundant copy. r=nfroyd (bae4ad6dd1)
- Bug 1247364 - add AllChildrenIterator:confused smileyeek, r=bz (215abebf12)
- bug 1241453 - allow storing proxies in xpcAccessibleGeneric::mIntl r=davidb (dd5e6c896b)
- bug 1241453 - allow constructing xpcAccessibles with proxies r=davidb (d0258122be)
- bug 1241453 - fixup xpcAccessible Intl() methods to not assume mIntl is always an Accessible r=davidb (168f71fdf5)
- bug 1241453 - allow xpcAccessibleDocument::mCache to use proxies as keys r=davidb (85b7eec81c)
- bug 1241453 - assert accessibles are only added to non remote xpcAccessibleDocuments r=davidb (7731b21d17)
- bug 1243077 - add ToXPC{,Document} overloads for proxied accessibles r=davidb (7bc085f1b5)
- bug 1243077 - add AccessibleOrProxy xpcAccessible::IntlGeneric() r=davidb (006a635992)
- Bug 1245464 - initialize with 0 mSupportedIfaces in xpcAccessibleGeneric in order to avoid corrupted result after bit-wise operation. r=surkov (ae41bafcef)
- bug 1241453 - allow caching xpc documents for remote documents r=davidb (a357630690)
- bug 1241453 - factor dispatching nsIAccessibleEvents out of HandleAccEvent() r=davidb (091073d981)
- Bug 1249183 - Suppress GC harder, r=terrence (2185ccb4dd)
- Bug 1248420 - Handle JSObject::getGroup OOM in js::ArraySetLength. r=jandem (04b67c8d31)
- Bug 1242270 - Add SPS pseudo frames for the Array.prototype methods; r=shu (f5e5871439)
- Bug 1247701 - Bail from ArrayShiftDenseKernel if the array is used by for-in iteration. r=jandem (41eff38954)
- Bug 1247701 followup - Change ArrayShiftDenseKernel to receive handle. r=bz (b29ce0c555) (04083ef9b4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1249428 - Unlink binding properly from element , r=mccr8 (61e1084b4f)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 1: Add null_t into TimingFunction to skip calculation of linear timing function. r=cam (cc284bfe07)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 2: Add LayerAnimationUtils. r=cam (52b3dbcfd4)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 3: Change ComputedTimingFunction* to Maybe<ComputedTimingFunction>. r=cam (3608dd0159)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 4: Move ParseEasing into AnimationUtils. r=cam (1c653d9d9a)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 5: Store ComputedTimingFunction in TimingParams. r=cam (9305c15a32)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 6: Make mTimingFunction in OrderedKeyframeValueEntry const Maybe<>*. r=cam (b79276ad15)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 7: Add easing function to laryer::Animation. r=cam (3861a1f1a6)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 8: Calculate transformed progress using animation effect's timing function. r=cam (4effa68fef)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 9: Tests that easing property in KeyframeEffectOptions is passed to KeyframeEffectReadOnly. r=cam (cf8beaabc1)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 10: Remove the limit of the computed timing progress. r=birtles (a000603812)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 11: Clamp values of step functions outside [0, 1]. r=birtles (2893588686)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 12: Extrapolate bezier function outside [0,1]. r=birtles (16231dccaa)
- Bug 1216842 - Part 13: Tests for effect-level easing. r=birtles (95d844046f)
- Bug 1239889 part 1 - Throw if the animation target does not have a current document; r=heycam (4162ae8c5b)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 2: Replace Element in KeyframeEffectReadOnly WebIDL. r=birtles, r=smaug (65cfa82b96)
- Bug 1244595 - Don't check whether shorthands are non-animatable when parsing JS keyframe objects. r=birtles (749b4708c2)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 3: Implement KeyframeEffectReadOnly::GetTarget(). r=birtles (19ad097a72)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 4: Support CSSPseudoElement for TimingParams. r=birtles (ef76ef8cc6)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 5: Support pseudo-element type in StyleAnimation. r=birtles (33f7244799)
- Bug 1174575 - Part 6: Implement KeyframeEffectReadOnly Constructor for CSSPseudoElement. r=birtles (78c2bf0322)
- Bug 1154791 - Remember all ranges for all selections when splitting nodes in the editor transactions; r=ehsan (ba888befe0)
- Bug 1245113 - Fixed uninitialized variables warnings. r=ehsan (6ac649d296)
- Bug 1184289 - Remove a spammy editor warning (f3688b4a51)
- Bug 1184689 - Remove two spammy editor warnings (de2baa3ce4)
- Bug 1244894: Steal the failed nsresult when bailing early. r=bz (7dce640e2d)
- Bug 1158452. Pass in the right node when messing with font sizes in editor. r=ehsan (0937be30f5)
- Bug 1158651 - Correctly ignore non-editable nodes in nsHTMLEditRules::GetParagraphFormatNodes; r=roc (025d58ac20)
- Bug 650572 - Add crashtest. (4eef4013c6)
- Bug 667321 - Add crashtest. (76b38b38cf) (6886edf464)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1235830 - Renaming GetInternalNSEvent to WidgetEvent, in nsIDOMEvent r=smaug (cc4346fac9)
- Bug 1235899 - Don't allow frame reconstruction to clobber the APZ scroll offset. r=botond (4c4de0dedd)
- Bug 1073224 - [1.2] Use SENSOR_ROTATION_VECTOR for DOM DeviceOrientation events on Android. r=vlad (0362a236bc)
- Bug 1073224 - [2.1] Accept rotation vector device sensor listeners in tests. r=vlad (de453a3439)
- Bug 1205649 - [1.1] Use relative orientation for DOM DeviceOrientation events by default. r=vlad (cf903846b3)
- Bug 1205649 - [2.4] Add AbsoluteDeviceOrientation DOM event for compass heading orientation data. r=smaug (fa19ea545f) (523ec15e9c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1210057. Schedule a paint when an apz aware event listener is added so that event regions on the layer tree get updated. r=smaug (4c0b8f8366)
- Bug 1153636: Don't assert with addEventListener(""winking smiley on workers. r=smaug (fdb6abe941)
- Bug 931445 - Add some log for pointerlock tests for debug timeouts. (9be70b0bf5)
- Bug 1216087 - Unlock pointer whenever the element is unbound from the tree. r=smaug (d877d9023c)
- Bug 1175390 - Rewrite escapeKey test in pointer lock tests. r=smaug (094abe3909)
- Bug 1241349 part 1. Introduce a JS::ToJSONMaybeSafely API that's kind of like JS_Stringify but will give you a chance of not having side-effects as long as the input is nice enough. r=waldo (650b10cf81)
- Bug 1241349 part 2. Restrict generation of ToJSON methods on dictionaries to only dictionaries we can safely stringify with JS::ToJSONMaybeSafely. r=bholley (7e9aed741a)
- Bug 1241349 part 3. Add a binding_detail::UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal function which returns a global object that can be used for some bindings things. r=bholley (6f2722baab)
- Bug 1241349 part 4. Start using binding_detail::UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal in maplike/setlike code. r=bholley (a972cf8efb)
- Bug 1241349 part 5. Start using binding_detail::UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal in dictionary ToJSON conversions. r=bholley (11250fa1a9)
- Bug 1246318 - Remove support for new style iterators with for..in. r=efaust (f5045dde2c)
- Bug 1246318 - Remove the still disabled Reflect.enumerate code. r=efaust (da971b4069)
- bug 1242991 correct vpx include path and vpx/svc_context.h visibilty r=glandium (79eebff92a)
- Bug 1246855 (part 1) - Remove the in-advance measurement of CompartmentPrivates. r=terrence. (533a523862)
- Bug 1245761 (part 1) - Actually report the nonSyntacticLexicalScopesTable measurement. r=shu. (822284101b)
- Bug 1245761 (part 2) - Measure JIT compartments. r=jandem. (a2720e3bae)
- Bug 1246855 (part 2) - Measure CompartmentPrivates during memory reporting. r=terrence. (f4869c3821)
- Bug 1231337 - part 1, hook SAB+Atomics runtime enablement into xpconnect. r=mrbkap (d7c743b500)
- Bug 1231337 - part 2, conditionally enable shared memory for dedicated workers. r=khuey (93d0c1bf29)
- Bug 1231337 - part 3, add javascript.options.shared_memory to about:config. r=jmuizelaar (f7dff05894)
- Bug 1231337 - part 4, conditionally enable shared memory for ipc testshell. r=mrbkap (05ea2de66a)
- Bug 1244909 - Store all persistent roots on the JSRuntime; r=sfink (1b8146df56)
- Bug 1247328 - Make PersistentRooted fully support Move semantics; r=sink (b51cb9ec30)
- Bug 1242578 - Annotate binary arith for jit coach, r=shu (9c14211d0c)
- Bug 1242578 - Add documentation about the binary arith annotations for jit coach, r=shu (9ce0ae857e)
- Bug 1239515 - Simplify HashSet's key-overwriting interface; r=sunfish (2089d5e5f6)
- Bug 1236801: Don't check for simulated OOM in a way that invalidates AddPtrs for no discernable reason. (Revised to fix uninitialized var, r=sfink) r=jonco (427bb5ca1c) (c0c677f5cf)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Added Reading Mode and Read alound switch to feature management
    Optimized browser memory usage
    Updated languages
    Fixed an issue where the complete video download showed 'file deleted' after downloading
    Fixed an issue with abnormal playback of videos downloaded using the complete video download feature
    Fixed an issue with the display of the complete video download toolbar being abnormal

Titel: Midori 11.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2023, 18:20
Midori Browser is a light, fast and secure browser that protects and loves to take care of your privacy and the security of your data. Enjoy thousands add-ons, ad blocker  and much more.

License: MPL


    Midori 11 is a special and definitive step in the development of this browser, because it establishes the pillars of the development of this fabulous browser, which apart from being the most recognized light browser, is also a web browser that is characterized by respect for privacy. and user information, without further ado, the news is as follows:

    Integration with our search engine without censorship and respect for privacy AstianGO.
    Up to 15% higher performance compared to browsers that use the Chromium engine.
    Improved consumption achieving a 20% improvement in performance compared to previous versions of Midori
    Your time and resources on your devices are valuable and at Midori we know it, which is why we have been concerned about ensuring that you make the most of them.
    We have improved the aesthetics of the browser with improvements in the default visual themes, we have improved the icons, to make Midori more attractive and visual.
    We have made a small change, our sidebar is now located on the left of the browser, allowing access to tools such as Google Translate, our file storage service Astian Cloud, Notes and other tools.


    Security and privacy are paramount, and we’re proud to let you know that we’ve further strengthened these features based on rigorous BrowserAudit reporting. With Midori 11.0, you can browse with peace of mind knowing that your personal data is protected.
    MidoriVPN & Astian Cloud Integrations
    But that is not all. Midori 11.0 takes an exciting first step towards integration with Astian Cloud file storage cloud and our VPN browsing service, MidoriVPN. In addition, we have optimized resource consumption, especially memory, to give you greater autonomy on your portable devices.


Titel: Vieb 10.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2023, 08:30


    Settings "windowmaximize" to replace "restorewindowmaximize" and allow fixed defaults
    Settings "windowposition" to replace "restorewindowposition" and allow custom positions
    Settings "windowsize" to replace "restorewindowsize" and allow custom sizes


    Revert deprecation of "tocpages", current empty default wil remain in 11.x.x
    More setting related errors to show the incorrect value


    Setting "restorewindowmaximize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowmaximize" with "restore"
    Setting "restorewindowposition" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowposition" with "restore"
    Setting "restorewindowsize" (will be removed in 11.x.x) in favor of using "windowsize" with "restore"


    Nativetheme not updating correctly because of incorrect deprecation statement in previous release


    Electron 27.1.0 (was 27.0.4)
    Chromium 118.0.5993.144 (was 118.0.5993.129)


Titel: Mypal 68.13.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed the bug and updated rust stuff meanwhile which have only matter for me to close compatibility and further reduce warning spam during compile. For ?64 nothing was changed, please look corresponding issue.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-11-18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2023, 09:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git c0c677f5cf...41439a0592:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- Bug 1216751 part 1. Restrict value iterators to interfaces that have indexed properties and pair iterators to interfaces that do not have indexed properties. r=qdot (6519f3f8c5)
- Bug 1216751 part 2. For value iterators, "entries", "keys", and "values" must just come from Array.prototype. r=qdot (c0859f945c)
- Bug 1216751 part 3. For pair iterators, @@iterator should be an alias for "entries". Similarly for maplikes and "entries" and setlikes and "values". r=qdot (bbe7c04782)
- Bug 1216751 part 4. Implement forEach for iterable interfaces. r=qdot (8fdba677a4)
- Bug 1216751 part 5. Remove the now-unnecessary value iterator infrastructure, since it's entirely handled via the %ArrayPrototype% methods now. r=qdot (88d3911694)
- Bug 1231333 - part 1, JS engine: only allow futexWait in workers. r=luke (28e16fd2f9)
- Bug 1231333 - part 2, DOM: only allow futexWait in workers. r=khuey (6c4dc98037)
- Bug 1148990 - Don't ship bagheeraclient.js or tokenserverclient.js on Android. r=gps (aa9b22699a)
- Bug 1216749 - Land the Firefox Kinto.js client (r=rnewman) (ea8c74e2ea)
- Bug 1230221 - Convert JS callsites to use asyncOpen2 within services/ (r=sicking) (07ac8751f1)
- Bug 1242965 - Make services/common eslintable. r=rnewman (0c84562750)
- Bug 1055616 - Skip addons addons without a sourceURI or from a non-secure domain rather than treating them as errors. r=rnewman (7b8b738be0)
- Bug 1229986 - get Sync tps tests starting again. r=whimboo (8cd0bf4f7f)
- Bug 1003204: Removed CommonUtils.exceptionStr() in services/sync r=makh r=gfritzsche (830c106a29)
- Bug 1003204: Removed CommonUtils.exceptionStr() in services/common/ r=gfritzsche (2c7bd4f8b5)
- Bug 1234734 - Replace CommonUtils.stackTrace() with Log.stackTrace(). r=markh (3f0e88f192)
- Bug 1241715 - get Sync TPS tests working locally by tweaking observers listened for and the authentication setup. r=whimboo (529b2f3d44)
- Bug 1203736 - Convert H264:grinning smileyecodeSPS assert to error return. r=jya (41c8c34c42)
- Bug 1186716: Error if SPS NAL parsing failed. r=rillian (6c158be51e)
- Bug 1187076 - Warn at end of SPS buffers. r=jya (2a49671261)
- fix broken files (a090aad200)
- Bug 1218217: avoid buffersize overflow even if codec is unbounded in dimensions r=pkerr (356140c947)
- Bug 1218217: bustage fix for static assert r=bustage (e86dc5bf3a)
- Bug 1041882 - Remove Froyo-specific support from libcubeb. r=snorp, r=padenot (e1f2d5283f)
- Bug 1073319 - Enable AVX2 for libvpx on linux (update.py). r=rillian (934fd0a896)
- Bug 1245027 - Move LOCAL_INCLUDES to moz.build in media/libvpx. r=mshal (7e56797d0e)
- parts of Bug 1151175 - Update libvpx update.py for 1.4.0. (0e3f4a470f)
- bits of 1178215 (bab7592703)
- Bug 1218124 - Add vpx_once patch to update script. r=gerald (7b72a43382)
- Bug 1225221 - vpx: Allow 8k video in update.sh. r=kinetik (9ec59f7737)
- Bug 1224363 - Upstream update patch - r=rillian (4772921a5f)
- Bug 1224361 - Upstream update patch - r=rillian (36ad6f1de4)
- Bug 1233983 - Make libvpx build with clang-cl; r=rillian (5d98a8d888)
- Bug 1224371 - Upstream update patch. r=jya (25164ba856)
- Bug 1237848 - Updated update.py patch - r=rillian (69646eb6dc)
- Bug 1184226 - Suppressing received packets when disabled, r=ekr (c8dfdb1a56)
- Bug 1184226 - Disabling write on shutdown, r=ekr (d5a810dbe5)
- Bug 1184226 - Updating transportlayerdtls logging levels, r=ekr (f3bc4a9889)
- Bug 1137932: Unwind the stack before starting the DTLS handshake. r=mt (69dce8243a)
- Bug 1214269 - read multiple DTLS packets from NSS if present. r=mt rjesup (e57b1628f5)
- Bug 1235235 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in media/mtransport/. r=ekr (d56c9d1244)
- Bug 1115483 - Accept a match on any a=fingerprint value. r=ekr (4a58378c09)
- Bug 1167274 - Do the right thing when accessing the proxyinfo fails for some reason. r=mt (3ea23173ea)
- Bug 1125292 - Sending ALPN header field for WebRTC calls, r=bwc (16fda60c39)
- Bug 1167443 - Fix verification of end-of-candidates in mochitests. r=mt (8d74546e68)
- Bug 1192813 - update the default candidate as new candidates arrive. r=bwc (490ac80af2)
- Bug 1206981 - prevent ICE TCP from being turned off under e10s. r=jesup (a38afd56b8)
- Bug 1234578 - Assert if PCM is destroyed improperly. r=rjesup (f1aa0d7cbc)
- Bug 1164564 - WorkerDebugger.initialize should not return failure when called more than once;r=khuey (c316c83af7)
- Bug 1211903 - WorkerDebugger should live on the main thread;r=khuey (5586888e77)
- Bug 1164581 - Adding an overload for NS_ProxyRelease that accepts already_AddRefed, and removing all the others. r=bobbyholley (bc70230689)
- Bug 1186750 part 1 - Inlinize trivial constructors and destructors of events in DeviceStorageRequestParent. r=dhylands (0fc6b594b1)
- Bug 1186750 part 2 - Remove some unused member fields in events in DeviceStorageRequestParent. r=dhylands (d4be7e7031)
- Bug 1186750 part 3 - Abstract CancelableFileEvent in DeviceStorageReqeustParent and use already_AddRefed&& for passing DeviceStorageFile parameter. r=dhylands (cea4df4465)
- Bug 1186750 part 4 - Clear runnable list in DeviceStorageRequestParent when being destroyed. r=dhylands (a4d6018ce6)
- Bug 1196315 - Ensure MIME service is only accessed on the main thread. r=dhylands (20c07f4baf)
- Bug 1186750 part 5 - Convert nsDOMDeviceStorage::CheckPermission to take already_AddRefed&&. r=dhylands (7b2d0b415e)
- Bug 1186750 part 6 - Remove unused and unimplemented method nsDOMDeviceStorage:confused smileytorePermission. r=dhylands (e6772e7b51)
- Bug 1186750 part 7 - Convert DispatchToOwningThread and DispatchOrAbandon to take already_AddRefed&&. r=dhylands (5925568a22)
- Bug 1186750 part 8 - Convert DeviceStorageUsedSpaceCache:grinning smileyispatch to use already_AddRef&&. r=dhylands (660b44eec7)
- Bug 1186750 part 9 - Use already_AddRefed&& to initialize mFile of device storage requests. r=dhylands (c94464f412)
- Bug 1186750 part 10 - Simplify code in DeviceStorageRequestParent:grinning smileyispatch. r=dhylands (debcc219ca)
- Bug 1186750 part 11 - Convert all usage of Dispatch/NS_DispatchToMainThread in dom/devicestorage to pass in either already_AddRefed or raw pointer. r=dhylands (753694d0b5)
- Bug 1059469: Part 1 - Add a log module for dump() calls. r=bent (d94c677e49)
- Bug 1059469: Part 2 - When rescheduling the interval timer, cancel it first, and refactor things so that actually does something. r=bent (1edc485b0f)
- Bug 1243881 - patch 1 - unship performance.translateTime, r=bz (5a4afeea67)
- Bug 1243881 - patch 2 - unship performance.translateTime, r=bz (5bf9557cd4)
- Bug 1165722 - Replace JS_GetPropertyDescriptor usage in Xray code. r=bholley (e277cbcc78)
- Bug 1243824. Add support for static functions and attributes on JSXrays. r=bholley (498d6c6034)
- Bug 1228456 - SharedWorker should close the MessagePort in case the connecting runnable is not dispatched, r=smaug (c14a3e212f)
- Bug 779707 - Add crashtest. (e86caca48e)
- Bug 1228456 - add 'override' to the Cancel() method of a nsICancelableRunnable, rs=me (48db3b97e9)
- Bug 1131323 - Enable SharedWorker loads to be intercepted through service workers; r=nsm (b2d972c5e3)
- Bug 1173002 - Set worker system principal flag correctly when created from chrome, r=bz, a=kwierso. (ac9fc2980d)
- bits of 1113429 backout (a862f16bb7)
- bug 1206312 - add IndexedDatabaseManager include to IDBKeyRange. r=bz (bd6663f976)
- Bug 1247117: De-namespace much of IndexedDB. r=baku (a996e3b443)
- Bug 1196841: Update getAll/getAllKeys to match the spec and expose them. r=baku (7365769e04)
- Bug 1196840: Make IDBTransaction::ObjectStoreNames const. r=baku (e7af2b0510)
- Bug 1176165 - Fix the exception codes returned from functions that modify the IndexedDB schema, r=janv. (efa4e818d0)
- Bug 935753 - Firefox displays the "This is a secure Firefox page" indicator on pages served by addons. r=MattN (77dced27ad)
- Bug 925681 - Show identity block and reload icon in awesomebar in Australis' customization mode. ui-r=shorlander, r=Gijs (ffd1b2f6a4)
- Bug 970382 - Add about:accounts to the list of chrome UIs with a special identity mode r=gavin (6d2817d087)
- Bug 1051847 - Add trusted identity block to about:license and about:rights. r=dao (aa8dfe4d1d)
- Bug 1094947 - The trusted identity block is not displayed for the about:downloads page. r=jaws (1c51faa077)
- Bug 686281 - Implement CSS mask style; r=dbaron. (2f823c4a49)
- Bug 686281 - Mask CSS parsing and Mask DOM API. r=dbaron (f9cc291131)
- Bug 686281 - Mask CSS rendering; r=mstange (b26ba7ba7e)
- Bug 686281 - Mask CSS animation; r=dbaron. (4ce1ba671e)
- Bug 686281 - Mask CSS webkit-alias; r=dbaron. (c27f4023d6)
- Bug 686281 - Mask mochitest; r=dbaron. (010fcdfd04)
- Bug 686281 - Expands will-change of a shorthand prop to longhand ones; r=dbaron. (f8e4a6dcfd)
- Bug 686281 - A static assertion to keep value correctness of NS_RULE_NODE_IS_ANIMATION_RULE; r=dbaron. (5ae87b576b)
- Bug 686281 - Remove nsStyleSVGReset::mMask; r=dbaron (1e7a0dfb45)
- Bug 686281 - mask-composite reftests; r=dbaron (7f769e196a)
- Bug 686281 - Rename nsStyleSVGReset::mLayers to nsStyleSVGReset::mMask; Rename nsStyleBackground::mLayers to nsStyleBackground::mImage. r=dbaron (3bd4fc6e3b)
- Bug 1241275 - Change the way -moz-window-dragging works. r=heycam,roc (5691f2dbf5)
- Bug 1246892 - pass aCTF as a reference instead of value. r=roc (98b0e45063)
- Bug 1234800 - Reinstate code that adjusts dirty rects for fixed-position frames in display ports. r=tn (44e55ebacb)
- Bug 1234800 - Move this line to the right place. r=tn (1a86a7fc72)
- Bug 1216832 - Handle preserve-3d visible regions during display list building by always transforming from the preserve-3d root each time. r=roc (1887af1172)
- Bug 1231243 - In nsDisplayBackgroundImage::GetBoundsInternal(), take the union of the image bounds and the viewport bounds if APZ is enabled. r=mstange (87a1fa0ab4)
- Bug 1246622 - Handle nested preserve-3d contexts when hit testing. r=roc (6eed51c734)
- Bug 1235945 - Fix assertion error in some cases when running szip when debug flags are enabled for host tools. r=froydnj (3a0aa4f728)
- Bug 1224798: Do not produce a clip mask if our context is entirely clipped out anyway. r=jrmuizel (3926a4ef7d)
- Bug 1223604 - Disentangle nsSVGClipPathFrame::ApplyClipOrPaintClipMask and make the code easier to understand. r=Bas (c8c19a1b0d)
- Bug 1204405: Don't access prefs off main thread in testing ProcessLink::Open(). r=khuey (301aa7259d)
- Bug 1248896 - don't conditional compile on config ENABLE_TESTS in Nuwa. r=khuey (4f2fd275fd)
- Bug 1232458 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in WindowsDllBlocklist.cpp; r=aklotz (292071bdb5)
- Bug 1247741 - Additional checks for pointer validity in LdrLoadDLL detour. r=aklotz (8ee48e8cf3)
- Bug 1113930 - Move __libc_stack_end related code block from StackWalk.cpp in a non-OSX section. r=froydnj (4f0f9e2e66)
- Bug 1113930 - Use the actual stack end address on x86 OSX and Android for the stack walker. r=froydnj (7371d9a508)
- missing bit of Bug 1216681 (fdf69e362f)
- Bug 1193593 - Test fingerprinting resistance for media queries in picture elements. r=heycam (6155b73c26)
- Bug 1232829 - Detach obsolete DocumentTimeline from refresh driver when the document is reset; r=smaug (564680e2a0)
- Bug 1075457, part 1 - Implement rendering for |clip-path:polygon()|. r=mstange, r=jwatt (76056caacd)
- Bug 1075457, part 2 - Implement circle() and ellipse() for the |clip-path| property. r=mstange, r=jwatt (4b8b39c682)
- Bug 1094571 - add unicode-range load tests. r=heycam (3358555411)
- Bug 1216695 - Remove the Request.context specific bits from fetch-request-resources.https.html; r=bkelly (2315e50b97)
- Bug 1193133 - Disable broken service worker wpt tests. r=bkelly (8f0205d5e7)
- Bug 1199831: Fix a bunch of mixed-content violations in imported ServiceWorker WPTs. r=jdm (33f261ce91)
- bit of Bug 603201 (325170577f)
- Bug 1184798 - same origin, cors and no-cors load tests. r=bkelly (f8549dd0bb)
- Bug 1210581: Test controlled worker loads (XHR, fetch, importScripts). r=ehsan (41a436df47)
- Bug 1215196 - Fix web-platform-tests iframe scripts to avoid pulling in testharness.js in them; r=bkelly (a2edb0784c)
- Bug 1242798 - Don't OSR into Ion on debuggee frames. (r=jandem) (21e17bdd9d)
- Bug 1238658 - Allow setElem-accessor optimizations only for native baseHolder objects; r=efaust (12c9766a53)
- Bug 1144630 - Follup: Fix review nit. (rs=evilpie) (67b5cc2c7f)
- Bug 1182866 - Fix Baseline GETNAME stubs to check for uninitialized lexicals. (r=jandem) (dd47d2025a)
- Bug 1189536 - Make fetch-request-xhr.https.html pass; r=bkelly (ce177226bf)
- Bug 1188822 - Make service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-resources.https.html pass. r=bkelly (3a5f3a6660) (e4c3e62beb)
- nss: update nssckbi to 2.64 (f8224ee570)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1195173 - Test asyncopen2 security checks for stylesheets (r=bz,ehsan) (358ae850a4)
- Bug 1223644 - Clean up the nsSVGClipPathFrame reference loop detection code. r=longsonr (65042c3148)
- Bug 1157064 - font-display descriptor parsing. r=dbaron (18f63d9244)
- Bug 1242523 - Guard against GetWidget getting called with a null shell. r=snorp (55de891c6c)
- Bug 1247679, part 3 - Replace NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_JSVAL_MEMBER_CALLBACK with JS_MEMBER. r=smaug (09435e582c)
- Bug 1247515 - Check nsScriptErrorWithStack's mStack member for null before tracing; r=mccr8 (0cb1e09aa9)
- Bug 1178803. Fix the handling of the 'length' key in IDB keypaths when operating on a string. r=bent (69f15272a8)
- Bug 1201037 - coalesce network-events on Windows, r=mcmanus (5f48aab5c3)
- Bug 1131626, fix autoscroll tests to work in e10s, r=felipe (c47adbaa10)
- Bug 1231529 - Increase the timeout of browser_bug295977_autoscroll_overflow.js (691d27224d)
- Bug 416611 - Changed BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm to import bookmark tags from HTML document. r=mak (49a0accc13)
- Bug 1130858 - Recipient autocomplete suggestion overrides ANY manual address input if quickly entered/pasted and confirmed with Enter/Tab before autocomplete suggestions disappear. r=mak (308196e116)
- Bug 1197361. Optimize page thumbnails based on screen size. r=ttaubert (29dca20366)
- Bug 555087 - Add check for exception when passing undefined parameter. r=adw (3588477c56)
- Bug 1203803: Force cleanup for specific states only; r=khuey a=CLOSED TREE (2f9f78ad72)
- Bug 1203803 - Remove forced cleanup from FactoryOp::ActorDestroy() since it cause more harm than good; r=khuey (76a00e58cb)
- Bug 1195149 - Upgrade the check to a MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT. r=janv (071d1fc267)
- Bug 1185223 - crash at [@ mozilla::dom::quota::QuotaObject::Release() ]; r=khuey (d460972a45)
- Bug 1229376 - Downgrade lastVacuumSize > 0 assertion to an NS_ASSERTION so we don't have to star it all over the place, rs=khuey (81d715ab71)
- Bug 1239666 - part 1, get rid of the default parameter. r=waldo (639fb79ec3)
- Bug 1239666 - part 2, dom/indexedDB change. r=khuey (6faaf25df4)
- Bug 1239666 - part 3, devtools test case changes. r=sphink (c010d06a77)
- Bug 1248309 - Fix caret size not updated when only zoom level is changed. r=roc (91cc5b35df)
- Bug 1245649: Turn on no-trailing-spaces. r=Gijs (7f87c967af)
- Bug 1245649: Enable no-negated-in-lhs, no-native-reassign, no-func-assign and no-labels. r=MattN (5f801e4a4c)
- Bug 1197966 - Fix typo when releasing content-side probes in PerformanceStats-content.js. r=felipe (9241324efd)
- Bug 1219144 - Performance alerts are now labelled with isJankVisible; r=avih,froydnj (c1549a24f5)
- Bug 1219144 - Using the nsRefreshDriver's jank indication for performance monitoring;f?froydnj r=froydnj (735c6fba9c)
- Bug 1211783 - Add KeyframeEffect interface to dom/webidl/KeyframeEffect.webidl. r=smaug,birtles (fca332fea0)
- Bug 795681 - Print out failures in mozunit runner. r=gps (ce418e5ea8)
- Bug 801679 - Handle expected failures and skipped tests in mozunit runner. r=gps (396ca02893)
- Bug 1247833 - Display the class name in mozunit output. r=gps (0b5724f41c)
- Bug 1245022 - Kill stlport's Makefile.in. r=mshal (225f662efc)
- Bug 1194603 - Remove INTERNAL_TOOLS; r=mshal (e8e90ec1c3)
- Bug 1247743 - Expose non-pinning JS_Atomize[UC]String JSAPI functions; r=terrence (66aa23066d)
- Bug 1230071 - Enable warnings-as-errors in js/src. r=Waldo (a0c8acf6ad)
- Bug 1007136 - Ensure malloc/free always match when using JSAutoByteString; r=bz (81dfcf036a)
- Bug 1246850 - check the NotifyIpInterfaceChange() return code, r=mcmanus (bc224f287c)
- Bug 739029 - null check a thread allocation in notifyaddrlistener r=bagder (ce0ddfc44c) (6cfd64d931)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1157400 - Port Chromium WinXP wifi scanner to gecko. r=mcmanus (9b635017e1)
- Bug 1244586 part 1 - Add KeyframeEffect constructor in dom/webidl/KeyframeEffect.webidl. r=smaug,birtles (1290148ebd)
- Bug 1226047 - Add AnimationEffectTiming interface in dom/webidl/AnimationEffectTiming.webidl. r=smaug,birtles (ba10fa4231)
- Bug 1244586 part 2 - Remove entry in testing/web-platform/meta/web-animations/animatable/animate.html.ini. r=birtles (fc517234a3)
- Bug 1244586 part 3 - Remove unnecessary spaces in dom/base/Element.cpp. r=smaug (206e3e39e9)
- Bug 1244328 - Merge the functionality of DOMSettableTokenList into DOMTokenList and make everything that used to refer to DOMSettableTokenList refer to DOMTokenList instead. r=bzbarsky (d9da9d650b)
- Bug 1249278 - Expose KeyframeEffect interface only if nsDocument::IsWebAnimationsEnabled is true. r=smaug (f2ebb43d75)
- Bug 1245075 patch 1 - Remove assertion, since it can fire during frame destruction. r=dholbert (cb2821f507)
- Bug 1237467 part 1 - No longer mark element as needing an animation restyle if we go to restyle it and it no longer has an effect set; r=heycam (dd0de52287)
- Bug 1237467 part 2 - Clear mProgressOnLastCompose when the effect is no longer relevant; r=heycam (d4249517e6)
- Bug 1237467 part 3 - Add debug methods to determine if an EffectSet is currently being enumerated; r=heycam (41b68593c0)
- Bug 1237467 part 4 - Delete the EffectSet when it becomes empty; r=heycam (8db9a40774)
- Bug 1226091 - Use MayHaveAnimations flag for animations on pseudo elements too; r=smaug (b60bbdd9d4)
- Bug 1245075 patch 2 - Fix EffectSet::GetEffectSet(nsIFrame*) and EffectCompositor::GetAnimationElementAndPseudoForFrame to only return effects when the frame is the style frame for its content. r=birtles (82fd23f632)
- Bug 1235112 - Move animation style rule processors to EffectCompositor; r=heycam (3b88ffab44)
- Bug 1247865 - Fix assertion to handle restyling of a table::after. r=birtles (62d4c12d58)
- Bug 1244049 - Part 1: Define scoped enum for CSSPseudoElement type. r=dbaron (b2232f2c37)
- Bug 1240479 - pass values for mReversePortion and mStartForReversingTestin through constructor. r=heycam (2b914ea48f)
- Bug 1244049 - Part 2: Replace nsCSSPseudoElements::Type with CSSPseudoElementType. r=dbaron (a7c2d48b62)
- Bug 1244250 - r=mats (c7b5cde4ba)
- Bug 1234095 - Rework sorting to handle to script-generated animations; r=heycam (44e9463b5a)
- Bug 888190. Implement case-insensitive attribute value selectors from Selectors 4. r=dbaron (43ede42ade)
- Bug 1240956 part 1 - [css-grid] Swap the order of column/row values for 'grid', 'grid-template' and 'grid-gap' properties. Block axis values now always comes first; inline axis values second. r=dholbert (73a78b5ee0)
- Bug 1240956 part 3 - [css-grid] Add a ParseGridTrackList convenience method. r=dholbert (8b62273ccc)
- Bug 1234409: Give percentage positions to the dummy transparent color-stops that we use to pad CSS -webkit-gradient() expressions. r=heycam (f9da14276b)
- Bug 1231485 part 1 - Fix text-emphasis shorthand with style part unspecified being computed incorrectly. r=dbaron (3a9ea936fa)
- Bug 1231485 part 2 - Add NeutralChange hint to nsStyleText::MaxDifference(). r=dbaron (db3adc0250)
- Bug 1231485 part 3 - Fix style tests for text-emphasis properties. r=dbaron (d17ec991fd)
- Bug 1231485 part 4 - Enable layout.css.text-emphasis.enabled pref. r=dbaron (9362cd4ef8)
- Bug 1157400 - Part1: port chromium XP wifi scanning code. r=mcmanus (bfe8b3f758)
- Bug 1240646 - Do not unthrottle animations if RestyleType::Throttled is specified. r=bbirtles (664255ff76)
- Bug 1240228 - Don't update an effect's timing when tweaking its animation's hold time; r=heycam (e1cb11e54c)
- Bug 1246046 part 1 - Get the animation rule in nsStyleSet::GetContext even if there are no CSS animations; r=heycam (4032b461cf)
- Bug 1246046 part 2 - Add reftest for style updating for script-generated animations; r=heycam (a134bc98b0)
- Bug 1241378 - Stop uselessly getting the style set from nsStyleSet::ResolveAnonymousBoxStyle. r=dholbert (4ad16c9a17)
- Bug 1230639 - Propagate the namespace ID to AttributeRuleProcessorData on attribute changes. r=dbaron (77a383158b) (ab81798c2c)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Lagrange 1.17.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2023, 11:30
Use a browser-like application that comes packed with all the necessary instruments for allowing users to navigate the Gemini space in the most pleasant way possible.

BSD License


    Removed automatic horizontal scrolling of wide preformatted blocks. Instead, hold down the Shift key to scroll horizontally with the mouse wheel.
    Fixed an event processing issue where some events were not handled as expected, for instance when opening a link into split view the opened link was not highlighted.
    Fixed links not reacting to mouse hover after jumping to a heading from the Outline.
    Fixed input prompt behaving strangely after changing font size. (Lines are now forced to rewrap after changing the font.)
    Fixed mouse cursor not changing its shape in all open windows.
    Updated UI translations.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2023.11.21.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2023, 18:40
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2023, 10:40
Whats new:>>

* Optimized memory usage for an enhanced browsing experience. Browser memory usage reduced by 20%
* Improved logic for app binding
* 'Translation updates for multiple languages
- Fixed some known issues with the video download feature
- Fixed AVIF file saving error

Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2023-11-25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2023, 09:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 41439a0592...37dc78596e:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1218706 - Make 'unicode-bidi: isolate' the default for elements with a dir attribute. r=dbaron,jfkthame (037a5aaf57)
- Bug 743198 part 7 - Add :fullscreen pseudo class. r=heycam (05eb82ccc9)
- missing bits of Bug 1242904 - Update Brotli t (f4f569d859)
- Bug 1235298 - Annotate intentional switch fallthroughs to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in netwerk/. r=mcmanus (c4ae414769)
- Bug 1244841 - Don't measure SharedArrayBuffer objects multiple times. r=lth. (e9b665dc82)
- Bug 234031 - broken parsing of xlen in gzip rfc 1952 r=mcmanus (c905b50417)
- Bug 1239605 - filter insertions into the global object. r=jandem (35520bc5c8)
- Bug 1248681 - Warn if the result of putWrapper goes unused; r=sfink (8051888ef8)
- Bug 1246293 - Fix a typo in DefineSelfHostedProperty; r=till (5e05a76b2a)
- Bug 1243808 - Allow modules to be compiled off main thread r=shu (51e5adca0a)
- Bug 1241767 - avoid default-only switch to placate MSVC. r=bbouvier (392aa8eda0)
- Bug 1239710 - Use CountingSort for Uint8Array and Int8Array; r=mrrrgn (6f394ab442)
- Bug 1246860 - Preserve holes when sorting arrays with a custom comparator. r=till (725b091e55)
- Bug 1247283 - Improve self-hosted Array.sort performance; r=till (ab1f3ddb74)
- Bug 1248717 - Don't initialize variables in a for head with var, then use them later. r=jorendorff (87a77f9623)
- Bug 1242196 - Use RadixSort for typed arrays. r=mrrrgn (a280ea097d)
- Bug 1246927 - Fix OOM handling in usages of GlobalObject::maybeGetIntrinsicValue. r=arai (f7f3761c45)
- Bug 1248405 - Recover from JSObject::getGroup OOM in CanOptimizeForDenseStorage. r=jandem (68ea32c044)
- Bug 1225905 - create a mozharness script that manages each beet mover task logic, NPOTB DONTBUILD r=rail (076f25536f)
- Bug 1246074 - add partials template config for mozharness beetmover, DONTBUILD r=rail (2e42c78d92)
- Bug 1246074 - add partials mozharness beetmover, custom tc artifact location, DONTBUILD NPOTB r=rail (c74fe0755a)
- Bug 1210538 - Add antivirus checks to release promotion graph a=rail (56de774389)
- Bug 1238610 - Restore compartment debug mode flags if adding a debuggee global fails r=jimb (f8a9a1fa85)
- Bug 1243851 - Treat enter as shift+enter if input is valid but incomplete; r=fitzgen, bgrins (f27c959bc0)
- Bug 1238610 - Fix implicit constructor errors r=me (6f26f92763)
- Bug 1242111 - Handle OOM in UpdateExecutionObservabilityOfScriptsInZone. (r=jimb) (91b125725f)
- Bug 1240503 - Skip the initial block scope when unwinding scopes due to an exception that's thrown in the prologue before the scope chain is properly initialized for a script that starts with a block scope. (r=jorendorff) (0247fc8848)
- Bug 1242111 - Fix references to oomTest. (r=me) (a9dc13a648)
- Bug 1240546 - Handle OOM in updateObservesAllExecutionOnDebuggees. (r=jimb) (5d7e3a49f4)
- Bug 1245961 - Throw a TypeError if less than one argument is supplied to isCompilableUnit;r=fitzgen (f896abb042)
- Bug 1240803 - Handle OOM in replaceFrameGuts. (r=jimb) (2d43384c72)
- Bug 1248094 - Simplify PCLocationMap with GCHashMap; r=fitzgen (b28d983bbd)
- we don't care much abut 68k sadly (51c50300c5)
- Bug 1233786 - JSScript::initScriptCounts should report OOMs. r=bhackett (eb42f7b8c1)
- Bug 1233178 - Move ScriptCounts allocation outside the HashMap. r=bhackett (c3fa6d487c)
- Bug 1141579 - Synchronize access to warmUpCount; r=jandem (a5b72cdf94)
- Bug 1203696: Improve comments about lazily-initialized member of js::LazyScript. r=shu (caa895612d)
- Bug 1221992 - Fix test using GetMostRecentWindow from the child process. r=smaug (07affe8195)
- Bug 1235636 - rewrite PCToLineNumber; r=fitzgen (9dc9ff013e)
- Bug 1232100 - "Check charsWritten in non-debug builds.". r=jcoppeard (fc5a64e621)
- last bit of Bug 1197932 (86277af34e)
- Bug 1067049 - Implement arguments[@@iterator]. r=evilpie (543e513269)
- Bug 1248930 - Use Int32Value in ArrayBufferObject::BYTE_LENGTH_SLOT. r=lth (71e3a9ee51)
- Bug 1113685 - Report the right name when calling selfhosted functions on incompatible objects. r=till (51f68d4f8d)
- some symbol cleanup (83fca10034)
- Bug 1165011 - Remove Symbol_isRegExp. r=jorendorff (46a2d293cc)
- Bug 1122900: Make libyuv compile with MSVC 2015, r=rjesup. (9e147c7ba7)
- bug 1241453 - clean up GetAccessibleWrap() r=davidb (01e37c5012)
- Bug 1243331 - Prevent G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED macro from producing a fatal warning, r=tbsaunde (8bf031c4b9)
- Bug 1232527 - Call into WMF PDM to determine if WMF can decode instead of using GMPVideoDecoderTrialCreator. r=jwwang (7d2b1f16f1)
- Bug 1229475 - Fix gen-sources for libopus 1.1.1. r=cpearce (1e5a768d94)
- Bug 1229475 - Update libopus to 1.1.1 release. r=jmspeex (0b73488ab3)
- Bug 1139087 - Add moz.build bugzilla metadata for codecs. r=kinetik,gps (3d906f8f5a)
- Bug 1229475 - libopus: Patch out asm flags for run_analysis. r=jmspeex (bfa15edac1)
- Bug 1229475 - Fix unified build. r=cpearce (bbeda94cfc)
- Bug 1239078 - Update libopus to 1.1.2 release. r=kinetik (9990b00867)
- Bug 1239078 - Bump libopus update script for 1.1.2. r=kinetik (eecd46d3d3)
- bug 1230377 - part 1/2: ensure nsKeyObject releases NSS resources on shutdown r=jcj (9ceefecbea)
- bug 1230377 - part 2/2: simplify nsIKeyObject and nsIKeyObjectFactory r=jcj (1297d168b7)
- bug 1239609 - audit nsNSSShutDownObject destructors for correctness r=Cykesiopka,sworkman (c78404e52a)
- Bug 1246263 - fix unified build pollution r=valentin (f8db2c45cf)
- Bug 1214981 - Disable output stream buffering. r=keeler (d9e7a1b863)
- bug 1240173 - improve nsIX509Cert.dbKey r=Cykesiopka (0c0fc8e8a3)
- Bug 1238042 - Extract a helper function to check if a JSObject is a global with a particular about: URI. r=ehsan (d065854725)
- Bug 1244118 - Shutdown threadpool when xpcom-shutdown-threads happened. r=roc (e6ef2768b6)
- Bug 1201685 - Limit the number of indexedDB open() calls in IndexedDBHelper r=gwagner (a4fc80fca2)
- Bug 1244049 - Part 3: Replace the type of nsCSSSelector::mPseudoType. r=dbaron (c817ee6145)
- Bug 1244049 - Part 4: Define CSSPseudoElementTypeBase. r=dbaron (94dab59375)
- Bug 1246846 (part 1) - Avoid nsTHashtable::RawRemoveEntry() in dom/. r=bz. (5371e478da)
- Bug 1246846 (part 2) - Avoid nsTHashtable::RawRemoveEntry() in nsPermissionManager. r=mconnor. (d7a1143ed1)
- Bug 1246846 (part 3) - Avoid nsTHashtable::RawRemoveEntry() in gfxFontconfigUtils. r=jfkthame. (d23259ca8e)
- Bug 1246846 (part 4) - Avoid nsTHashtable::RawRemoveEntry() in FramePropertyTable. r=roc. (7de416abfa)
- Bug 1238404 - Use 'using' directive instead of having separate Dispatch impl in subclasses of nsIEventTarget. r=froydnj (43028ed3b3)
- Bug 938699 - Remove FindElementWithViewId from nsIDOMWindowUtils.idl and nsDOMWindowUtils.cpp. r=kats (b49d2b5e6a)
- missing bit of Bug 1210294 - Remove the release-mode IsCallerChrome assertions (a555243280) (dcf4178212)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1203058 - Set the paint sync id on the top-level window rather than the tab's window, because then it won't get lost during page unload. r=rbarker (977f8909e2)
- Bug 1199283 - nsContentUtils::sIsFrameTimingPrefEnabled should default to false. r=smaug (510c4c4ed1)
- Bug 1237714. Make nsContentUtils::IsCustomElementName faster in the common case of a non-custom-element name. r=smaug (397409f308)
- Bug 1237831 - Use a non-format argument in LogMessageToConsole. r=jst (cc9d2cd390)
- Bug 1208517 - Use the legacy opt-out in CanAccessNativeAnon for now to avoid crashes. r=me (79bd55b387)
- Bug 1230353: P1. Ensure type and subtype of MIME are lowercase. r=bz (09f9a067a6)
- Bug 1230353: P2. Update webref test expected results. r=karlt (4c10a9604c)
- Bug 1227906 - Use unicode flag in pattern attribute. r=jst (d5b4fbae46)
- Bug 1223041 - Emit console warning when document.execCommand('copy'/'cut') is triggered outside of a short-lived user-initiated event, r=bz (b590f3eb86)
- Bug 1235159 - Report pattern compliation failure to web console. r=jst,jorendorff (f4b1ddd863)
- Bug 1000004 - Part a: Remove the unused nsContentUtils::HasPluginWithUncontrolledEventDispatch(nsIDocument*) function; r=jst (d873b1a93e)
- Bug 1000004 - Part b: Inline CheckForWindowedPlugins in its only caller; r=jst (f9a2e5cf64)
- Bug 583170 - Handling IPv6 literal address differently to other browsers r=bz (92abdd56ac)
- Bug 1225829 - Use a temporary string to avoid string type confusion via references. r=jimm (47ae4a8b37)
- Bug 1209841 - Support mouse long tap in SendMouseEvent(). r=smaug (23f308d336)
- Bug 1230563 - Part 1: Cookie permissions should override the CookiesL ifetimePolicy, r=ehsan (d7ecd5e7e0)
- Bug 1230563 - Part 2: Test for corrected cookie permission behavior, r=ehsan (f22ef46565)
- Bug 1241078 - Only treat items as backface hidden if they are 3D-transformed. r=tlee (c52f6804cc)
- Bug 1233098 - Refactor CSP upgrade insecure requests flag within loadInfo (r=sicking) (816d36e5d8)
- remove specific PM hack (a0ed71f7f4)
- Bug 1239397: Send Internal ContentPolicyType to CSP and MixedContent (r=sicking) (7c8da2f1df)
- Bug 1236258 part 1. Remove the unused nsDOMAttributeMap::RemoveAttribute. r=smaug (968d788197)
- Bug 1236258 part 3. Remove the unused aNsAware argument of nsDOMAttributeMap::GetAttribute. r=smaug (224d2e1e91)
- Bug 1236258 part 4. Change nsDOMAttributeMap:confused smileyetNamedItemNS to not remove the existing attribute when there is one. r=smaug (f1176918a6)
- Bug 1222079. Fix the behavior of Object.getOwnPropertyNames for nsDOMAttributeMap. r=bzbarsky (3b649bf948)
- Bug 1237580. NamedNodeMap should only claim to support a name if that name has no uppercase ASCII chars, for HTML elements in HTML documents. r=bkelly (216aa3ead6)
- just enable visibilityAPI (3df2d50b5d)
- bits of Bug 1153322 (85ba6268b4)
- Bug 1220160 - part 1: add chromeonly getter for documenturi that returns the original document when on an error page, r=bz (d0c256c29f)
- Bug 1219861 - Remove not-allowed cursor on disabled buttons on in-content pages. r=dao (fa9b2ef2d0)
- Bug 1207146 - Add a link to expert technical information in the cert error page. r=Gijs,keeler (c3292b3fc7)
- Bug 1224433 - Part 3: Compute the invalidation area for preserve-3d layers by accumulating the leaves. r=roc (fffc5a7dfb)
- Bug 1245306: Devirtualize RefreshCompartmentPrincipal. r=smaug (4fa906b7fe)
- Bug 1205298 - Date.parse() should accept a wider range of potential formats; r=jandem (11a0377372)
- Bug 1247807 - Fix Mixed Content UI when using upgrade-insecure-requests (r=bz) (10a0aba8d4)
- Bug 1224694 - Unify and clean up initialization of CSP (r=sicking) (45b6f0a865)
- Bug 1190093 - Stop throttling frame requests for loading pages by checking Hidden(), not isShowing. r=tnikkel (343d2b39fd)
- Bug 1234554 - verify pointer validity and if valid dereference it otherwise use default value. r=jst (8c3265ef33)
- Bug 1240283 - Slim down JSDate instances by not caching cheaply-computed values. r=Waldo (0148f646a2)
- Bug 1217049 - Make Date.prototype.toString.call(<primitive value>winking smiley throw a TypeError. r=arai (e8ec69b296)
- Bug 1187233 part 1 - Date constructor should create a copy when called with a Date object. Original patch by Giovanni Sferro. r=jwalden (6a3125c081)
- Bug 1187233 part 2 - Fix test_networkstats_service_proxy.js to not rely on the old behavior. r=jwalden (86461c8aa0)
- Bug 1208023 - Avoid using a bad initial-scale when computing the CSS viewport. r=botond (42e370ce6a)
- Bug 1234025 - Part 1: Move ObjectBox::isModuleBox definition to ParseNode.cpp. (ac4454c20a)
- Bug 1234025 - Part 2: Remove unused functions from ScriptedDirectProxyHandler.cpp. (0ea17c2395)
- Bug 1234025 - Part 3: Remove unused constant from Statistics.cpp (8986c23751) (37dc78596e)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Dooble 2023.11.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2023, 10:20
Dooble is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser that provides solid performance, stability, and cross-platform functionality. One of the project's most important goals is to safeguard the privacy of its users. The Dooble installer allows you to install Dooble, and (soon) a group of integrated privacy features (browser, search engine, secure e-mail client, and secure messenger).

License: Open Source


    Added QSqlDatabase::exec() correction. Please see https://github.com//pull/199. This item will be included in future release notes.
    Final LTS release of 2023!
    Final Windows 7 release! Future requests will be accepted only with Patreon memberships.
    New Address Widget Completer Mode. Please see Settings -> Display.
    New Doxygen files.
    New page via double-click on tab. GitHub ticket #196. This item will be included in future release notes.
    Page translation via Google. GitHub ticket #200.
    Qt 6.5.3 LTS everywhere.


Titel: Midori 11.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2023, 20:20
Midori Browser is a light, fast and secure browser that protects and loves to take care of your privacy and the security of your data. Enjoy thousands add-ons, ad blocker  and much more.

License: MPL


    First and foremost, the following security and privacy problems have been corrected:

    Clickjacking Troubleshooting: Some websites had the ability to attract attention to cause unwanted clicks.
    Memory safety issues which could allow arbitrary code to enter memory, harming the performance and security of the OS.
    Error in selecting text and/or web elements, this only affected Midori in X11 environments.
    Out-of-bound memory access issues in WebGL2 blitFramebuffer which allowed On some systems, depending on graphics settings and drivers, it was possible to force an out-of-bounds read and leak memory data in images created in the element of the canvas.


    Midori 11.1.1 special for Linux brings correction to the icon display.
    Problems displaying images in WebP form.
    Improvements in translations for Spanish Mexico, in the next update support for Spanish Mexico & Spanish Spain will be improved
    Improvements to the AppImage universal installer format.
    Correction in the data synchronization process.


    Now Midori imports a new online installer for 32/64 bytes although it has a weight of approximately 700KB the installer requires internet for installation
    Improvements in the display of images in WebP form
    Icon improvements.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2023, 20:30
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added Device management feature to the Maxthon account page. You can view the list of devices logged into the Maxthon Browser so that you can easily log out of your Maxthon account and remove the device.
    Added option to create Maxnote shortcut in the installation window (formerly Maxnote popup)
    Fixed an issue where screenshots could not be unfixed
    Fixed an issue with incorrect tag in auto-refresh settings
    Fixed an issue where the file name of the downloaded file was displayed incorrectly
    Fixed a style issue on the settings page
    Fixed known crashes


Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2023, 11:20

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gaibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

Updated Blink to Chrome/119.0.6045.160
Fixed other minor bugs

Titel: Pale Moon 32.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2023, 11:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


    Restricted protocol fallback for TLS. Pale Moon no longer (by default) allows TLS 1.3 to fall back to earlier protocol versions during the initial handshake.
    Reverted the addition of browser.bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu due to behavioral issues with menus.
    If you desire the intended behavior, please use an extension instead.
    We no longer support the data: protocol inside SVG's <use> statements.
    Enabled more validation/error checking for WebGL on Windows to prevent potential crashes.
    Improved secure context checking for iframes.
    Fixed the handling of relative paths in URLs starting with multiple forward slashes.
    Security issues addressed: CVE-2023-6204, CVE-2023-6210, CVE-2023-6209 and CVE-2023-6205 DiD
    UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 3 fixed, 1 DiD, 14 not applicable.


Titel: Slimjet
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2023, 09:20
Get a lot more done while browsing the Internet with the help of this lightweight, Chromium-based browser that packs a remarkably high number of interesting features.


Whats new:>>

Fix a bug in bookmark side panel.

Titel: Vieb 11.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2023, 19:40
A browser that allows you to navigate the Internet safely, all from within the comfort of a beautifully designed interface with adjustable controllers.




    Settings of type list and object, that can also be set with lists or objects with ":set"
    Setting "loadingindicator" to control where the page load status should be shown
    Setting "passthroughkeys" to send keys to the page per site/domain/regex without leaving normal mode
    Option to write command to save pages as MHTML instead of just HTML
    Setting "windowfullscreen" to allow the fullscreen state to be kept after restart (default "restore")
    Setting clear syntax from booleans ":set noexample", to work for objects, arrays and numbers too


    Default value for "dialogconfirm" to "notifyallow"
    Default value for "nativetheme" to "dark"
    Disabled favicons to be empty instead of showing the broken image indicator
    Mapsuggest and notification alignment in default colorscheme
    Table of contents to be always open, it is either opened and shown or not shown at all
    Table of contents to remember the scroll position on hide, until the page is reloaded, for easy toggling
    Default theme suggest position to be below the tabs
    Setting "mousevisualmode" now works with double and triple click selections
    Default screenshot suggestions, highlight behavior and styling to be more prominent
    Setting "modifiers" to use full key names: for example <Ctrl> instead of just Ctrl


    Setting "suspendplayingtab" in favor of "suspendtimeoutignore" with the right range
    Option "system" for "nativetheme"
    Option "ask" for "permissionmediadevices"
    Setting "restorewindowmaximize" in favor of "windowmaximize" with value "restore"
    Setting "restorewindowposition" in favor of "windowposition" with value "restore"
    Setting "restorewindowsize" in favor of "windowsize" with value "restore"


    Download success notification showing in info color instead of success color
    Occasional error popup when viewing SVGs directly because of style injection refusal
    Markdownviewer not supporting local images due to file access limits
    GUI-related settings not hiding after follow and pointer actions due to pointer being in mouse override position
    Mapped insert mode inputs with shifted keys sending the keys twice or not at all when unshifted variant exists
    Non-recursive insert mode special keys not always being called with the correct name (hence arrows not working)


    Electron 28.0.0 (was 27.1.0)
    Chromium 120.0.6099.56 (was 118.0.5993.144)


Titel: qutebrowser 3.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2023, 21:40
qutebrowser is an Open Source project that gives you a browser with a minimalistic UI and is keyboard-driven.

qutebrowser is based on Python and PyQt5 and was inspired by other browsers/addons like dwb and Vimperator/Pentadactyl. With qutebrowser, you will be able to surf the web, bookmark pages as well as download files via a set of simple commands.

License: Open Source



    The darkmode settings grayscale.all, grayscale.images and increase_text_contrast got removed, following removals in Chromium.


    New smart-simple value for colors.webpage.darkmode.policy.images, which on QtWebEngine 6.6+ uses a simpler classification algorithm to decide whether to invert images.
    New content.javascript.legacy_touch_events setting, with those now being disabled by default, following a Chromium change.


    Upgraded the bundled Qt version to 6.6.1, based on Chromium 112. Note this is only relevant for the macOS/Windows releases, on Linux those will be upgraded via your distribution packages.
    Upgraded the bundled Python version for macOS/Windows to 3.12
    The colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.text setting got renamed to colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.foreground, following a rename in Chromium.
    With Qt 6.6, the content.canvas_reading setting now works without a restart and supports URL patterns.


    Some web pages jumping to the top when the statusbar is hidden or (with v3.0.x) when a prompt is hidden.
    Compatibility with PDF.js v4
    Added an elaborate workaround for a bug in QtWebEngine 6.6.0 causing crashes on Google Mail/Meet/Chat, and a bug in QtWebEngine 6.5.0/.1/.2 causing crashes there with dark mode.
    Made a rare crash in QtWebEngine when starting/retrying a download less likely to happen.
    Graphical glitches in Google sheets and PDF.js, again. Removed the version restriction for the default application of qt.workarounds.disable_accelerated_2d_canvas as the issue was still evident on Qt 6.6.0. (#7489)
    The colors.webpage.darkmode.threshold.foreground setting (.text in older versions) now works correctly with Qt 6.4+.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

+ Added new tab page solid color background settings that allow customizing background color when no background image is set
* Optimized browser startup speed by 10%
- Fixed an issue with bookmark synchronization failure
- Fixed overlapping and size errors in the update prompt window
- Fixed an issue where adding all pages to bookmarks from the right-click menu on tabs failed
- Fixed known crashes

Titel: Web Browser (PE) 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2023, 19:40
Web Browser (PE) is a lightweight and portable browser with features such as favorites (links), browsing history, webpage source explorer, and other valuable tools. Although the PE edition isn't meant to be used as a primary operating system, you can create and use WinPE images for various tasks and operations.


Titel: AM-DeadLink v6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2024, 18:10
AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks.

License: Freeware


    Improved checking engine (will also handle Cloudflare protected pages correctly)
    Bookmarks can be opened directly in the bookmark manager of the selected browser (this makes it simple to edit or delete bookmarks in the browser)
    Changed shortcuts: Enter = Open URL, Ctrl+Enter = Open URL in bookmark manager
    Exclusion list to exclude URLs from checking
    New option: "Always on Top"
    Sort bookmarks by error improved
    New system requirement: Windows 10 (64bit) or higher
    Many smaller improvements and fixes


Titel: K-Meleon 76.4.9-2024-025-17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2024, 20:45
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 06d40aca85...ff40cba9f3:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1253094, part 8 - Stop using DebugOnly for class/struct members in uriloader/. r=bz (15566e1146)
- Bug 1253094, part 9 - Stop using DebugOnly for class/struct members in xpcom/. r=froydnj (9fb881be79)
- Bug 1253094, part 10 - Stop using DebugOnly for class/struct members in memory/. r=njn (5fd563e632)
- Bug 1248843 - Make it clearer that DebugOnly uses up space even in optimized, non-DEBUG builds. r=Waldo (8e5e6e6a01)
- Bug 1253094, part 11 - Make DebugOnly a MOZ_STACK_CLASS. r=Waldo (7cee0c3c03)
- Bug 1246116 - BaldrMonkey: Wasm validation for block and loop. r=luke (0da84fb8fe)
- Bug 1252498 - Baldr: add Wasm object behind pref, default off (r=jorendorff) (b554912a96)
- Bug 1256988 - Fix #endif comments for MOZ_WIDGET_GTK. r=chmanchester (28928d1d58)
- Bug 724538 - Regenerate Unicode property data with updated script. r=emk (50e43bb897)
- Bug 1232665 - initialize class members: mLastPrefLang and mLastPrefFirstFont. r=jfkthame (8a62f92809)
- Bug 1248248 - Don't break glyph run for orientation mismatch before a cluster-extender. r=xidorn (f114f65903)
- Bug 1252432 part 1 - Implement wasm i32.wrap. r=luke (54d1e634b6)
- Bug 1252432 part 2 - Implement wasm i64.extend_s and i64.extend_u. r=bbouvier (d673455188)
- Bug 1252432 part 3 - Implement wasm i64.trunc_s and i64.trunc_u. r=sunfish (41dd8d7272)
- Bug 1253115 - BaldrMonkey: Convert AsmJSHeapAccess offsets to unsigned. r=luke (5cb02e4832)
- Bug 1253115 - BaldrMonkey: Refactor AsmJS load/store infrastructure. r=luke (ef75bae281)
- Bug 1243583 - ensure transition events are dispatched to all the relevant subdocuments, r=dholbert (05026b75bb)
- Bug 1240985 - IPC fuzzer (r=gabor) (e825e77187)
- Bug 1248750 - Eliminate intentional IPC crashes (r=dvander) (0ace690c3b)
- Bug 1242609 - Implement PeekMessage to get some messages earlier. r=billm (4985fc8394)
- Bug 1257314 - Properly lock in IPC PeekMessages. r=dvander a=topcrash (6fe1db48f4)
- Bug 1242609 - Use PeekMessages to get the most recent DisplayPort request. r=kats (12374eafba)
- Bug 1254471 - Fix MessageChannel.cpp error unused variable transaction. r=billm (6a74186673)
- Bug 1251482 - Remove remaining references to MOZILLA_XPCOMRT_API from xpcom. r=froydnj (b691ca31f4)
- Bug 1251473 - Remove libxpcomrt library. r=froydnj (faed80b0ed)
- Bug 1249787 - BaldrMonkey: Add the testcase, which was mistakenly omitted from the main push. r=luke (1ef533365a)
- Bug 1250556: Require Store value expression to have the opcode's type; r=sunfish (b8363b4fc6)
- Bug 1250955: Guard against unimplemented i64 opcodes; r=jandem (98689ea7da)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update version uint32 to match BinaryEncoding.md (r=sunfish) (c75d60370a)
- Bug 1253681 - BaldrMonkey: Update to the current official opcode encodings. r=luke (2e69d5780b)
- Bug 1252019: Don't patch profiling entries for the BadIndirectCall exit; r=luke (6f336d796c)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update section header structure to match BinaryEncoding.md, part 1 (r=sunfish) (cd3e204373)
- Bug 1246116 - BaldrMonkey: Wasm validation for block and loop. r=luke (c594d15189)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update memory exports to match BinaryEncoding.md (r=sunfish) (73fd37ee3b) (cc394d8cae)
- import change from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: Bug 1040947 - Opening page info from a remote tab is sluggish. r=florian (165c3ddac3) (42c5a40440)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update section header structure to match BinaryEncoding.md, part 2 (r=sunfish) (dbf52e6bb6)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: fix unknown-section handling (r=sunfish) (5f2ca84f1f)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: make all the section-ids match and remove c-string labels not in BinaryEncoding.md (r=sunfish) (87fbb4e5aa)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: move module generator constants back to WasmBinary.h (r=bustage) (b3a02a01d6)
- Bug 1246116: Wire BrTable in wasm and add a bunch of tests; r=sunfish (7b7002830e)
- Bug 1253115 - BaldrMonkey: Implement initial load/store offset support. r=luke (10944fb68b)
- Bug 1246116 - Baldr: remove two timeout tests until there is a good way to make them not fail on platforms without wasm (arm64) (r=red) (558235d951)
- Bug 1253142 - Remove the long-deprecated nsIMemory.isLowMemory function. r=froydnj. (b29cc3bbee)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: remove expected type from WasmIonCompile.cpp (r=sunfish) (36a0ee01fb)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: switch to bottom-up validation in Wasm.cpp (r=sunfish) (ee6cbfb6c2)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: switch from expression-count to function body byte size (r=sunfish) (16f85fd09e)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: move local definitions into the body (r=sunfish) (3cc8dc6f17)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: change wasmEvalText/Wasm.instantiateModule to return/take a typed array view instead of buffer (r=sunfish) (93288775ff)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: move ValType/ExprType into WasmBinary.h and tidy up WasmBinary.h (r=sunfish) (97e87b51c6)
- Bug 1246116 - Baldr: make the wasm br_table limit match asm.js (r=bbouvier) (a911172c39)
- Bug 1253115 - Ion: include asm.js load/store offset in GVN (r=sunfish) (6fe71cee89)
- Bug 1253884 - Baldr: fix parsing of (f32.const -0) (r=sunfish) (796e4e4e43)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: switch local array to local entry array (r=sunfish) (ca93aeb54b)
- Bug 1254984 - Experimental text representation of WebAssembly binary code (r=luke) (555507230b)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: pass around Bytes instead of Bytecode/UniqueBytecode (r=sunfish) (098db250ae)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: use length+bytes instead of c-strings (r=sunfish) (7aba9bc27c)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: switch {i32, i64}.const to SLEB128 (r=sunfish) (75b4235c40)
- Bug 1243488 - use UniquePtr<T[]> instead of nsAutoArrayPtr<T> in uriloader/exthandler/; r=bz (086e0d94ac)
- Bug 1253137 - BalderMonkey: Define encodings for eqz, rotl, and rotr r=luke (df0751ca5e)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: add nop placeholder for branch values (r=sunfish) (ee4b8da1ce)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: put exports object onto .exports field of instance object (r=sunfish) (2d280c1bfa)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: add explicit function body count (r=sunfish) (6205d9cea2)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update encoding of br_table branch targets (r=sunfish) (84e5ed54c0)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update encoding of memory access immediates (r=sunfish) (e98f220129)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: switch from LEB128 to prefix-based scheme to match BinaryEncoding.md (r=sunfish) (0a909bfda8)
- Bug 1254893 - Keep a list of wasm::Modules per compartment. (r=terrence) (ebc9b55096)
- Bug 1254893 - Fire onNewScript for new wasm modules. (r=jimb) (f9cd6a4dac)
- Bug 1247126: Remove Debugger's tenure promotion log. r=fitzgen (10dd84a712)
- Bug 1239813: Ensure compartments don't get GC'd while Debugger.prototype.findScripts' ScriptQuery is holding them in its HashSet. r=sfink (7278791e79)
- Bug 1239813 - Add some asserts to IterateScripts to help us track down bug 1240231. r=sfink (fd49df43e8)
- Bug 1221378: Root Debuggers in js:grinning smileyebugger::slowPathOnLogAllocationSite, in case logging causes a GC. r=fitzgen (f9a4dc94d9)
- Bug 1248162 - Clear pending exceptions when ignoring OOMs in Debugger::slowPathOnNewGlobalObject; r=jimb (4f54e5ecc2)
- Bug 1246215 - Console prevents let re-declaration even when first wasan error; r=jryans,shu (6b36a886c2)
- Bug 1246215 - Guard against passing non-atoms and non-property names to LookupProperty; r=evilpie (129cbe6144)
- Bug 1250190: Make DebuggeeWouldRun checks not assume we always unlock before re-locking. r=fitzgen (d0c740a1f5)
- Bug 1245877 - Expose error message names via the debugger object; r=jorendorff (1406d70c4d)
- Bug 1250520 - Handle reporting DebuggeeWouldRun when the script has no filename. (r=fitzgen) (47402fe973)
- Bug 1252453: make Debugger::slowPathOnLogAllocationSite apply a read barrier to Debugger objects. r=terrence (b46b7fe8a2)
- Bug 1254893 - Prep Debugger.Script for a tagged union referent. (r=jimb) (d6231c1aed)
- Bug 1254893 - Prep Debugger.Source for a tagged union referent. (r=jimb) (3209106a0f)
- Bug 1254893 - Synthesize Debugger.Scripts for wasm modules and find them via findScripts. (r=jimb) (225488fb00)
- Bug 1254893 - Display placeholder text for synthesized Debugger.Sources. (r=jimb) (f2099a40fd)
- Bug 1254453 - Support using Variant inside GC wrappers. (r=terrence) (0454cc6491)
- Bug 1254893 - Add a .format property on Debugger.Script. (r=jimb) (05a71ca78c)
- Bug 1254893 - Support wasm for most of the Debugger.Source properties. (r=jimb) (941075c666)
- Bug 1254893 - Append "> wasm" to URLs of wasm Debugger.Sources to hack around blacklisting in devtools. (r=jimb) (0a78f4294c)
- Bug 1254893 - Followup: read barrier wasm modules exposed via Debugger.findScript. (r=luke) (e329952674)
- Bug 1254893 - Update Debugger.Source docs. (r=jimb) (4a19e39364)
- Bug 1254893 - Update Debugger.Script docs. (r=jimb) (97186b2dfa)
- Bug 1254893 - Synthesize Debugger.Sources for wasm modules. (r=jimb) (ee9522479a)
- Bug 1254893 - Followup: fix awkward wording in Debugger.Source docs. DONTBUILD. (r=me) (b8734c7ac8)
- Bug 1254893 - Tests for perfunctory functionality of wasm Debugger.Scripts and Debugger.Sources. (r=jimb) (37308f45c4)
- Bug 1254893 - Connect wasm::BinaryToText with Debugger.Source (r=shu) (5c7918d178)
- Bug 1254893 - Change 'Experimental' to 'Temporary' in string and DONTBUILD (r=me) (78b018aea0)
- Bug 1243267 - Guard against reentrancy into the dispatch of a scroll event. r=mats (2da2136351)
- Bug 1254105 - Avoid passing magic values to the error reporter machinery in the ShortestPaths testing function; r=jimb (a8dcdf997d)
- Bug 1252912 - Ensure that we wrap the results of the shortestPaths JS shell testing function. r=jimb (8a19ebf0a3)
- Bug 1252432 part 4 - Implement wasm {f32,f64}.convert_{u,s}/i64 on x64. r=sunfish (1d3ad096b8)
- Bug 1256633 - Reject wasm i64 ops on platforms that don't support them yet. r=bbouvier (e0452420f2)
- Bug 1255772: Implement wasm::Unreachable; r=sunfish (67b40b287a)
- Bug 1254836 - Baldr: handle over-recursion in validator (r=bbouvier) (0b35cbccdf)
- Bug 1256480: Allow passing Float32 arguments to FFI on the stack; r=luke (c1bc3e06a7)
- Bug 1256956 - Silence some GCC warnings. r=luke. (eaeeddccd9)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 12: Move MacroAssembler::branchPtrWithPatch into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (6e99b92e92)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 13: Move MacroAssembler::branchPtrInNurseryRange into generic macro assembler. r=jonco (a09ecb3d7b)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 14: Move MacroAssembler::branchValueIsNurseryObject into generic macro assembler. r=jonco (f91b64eff4)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 15: Move MacroAssembler::branchAdd32 into generic macro assembler. r=lth (3179998ae2)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 16: Move MacroAssembler::branchSub32 into generic macro assembler. r=lth (0cdb5bbf74)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 17: Move MacroAssembler::decBranchPtr into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (5f9f615121)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 18: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32 into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (d19625e026)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 19: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestInt32Truthy into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (18580b219d)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 18 followup: More refactor branchTestInt32. r=nbp (0cba5f769b)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 20: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestDouble into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (36e18c1990)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 21: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestDoubleTruthy into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (706fece6a2)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 22: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestNumber into generic macro assembler. r=bhackett (53a04401bc)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 23: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestBoolean into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (80fd098bfc)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 24: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestBooleanTruthy into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (b6c9773d6b)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 25: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestUndefined into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (a0e87e7c07)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 26: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestString into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (cb74d2a341)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 27: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestStringTruthy into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (3f0846f961)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 28: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestSymbol into generic macro assembler. r=jorendorff (20bcf1f5f0)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 29: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestNull into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (49795964c7)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 30: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestObject into generic macro assembler. r=sstangl (48536c8883)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 31: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestGCThing into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (d3cbbb7446)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 32: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestPrimitive into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (9a89167842)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 33: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestMagic into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (65a1847bc1)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 34: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestMagicValue into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (4772aa0d5c)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 35: Move MacroAssembler::branchTestValue into generic macro assembler. r=jandem (c8e417a332)
- Bug 1245112 - Part 36: Move MacroAssembler::branchPtrImpl into generic macro assembler. r=nbp (844d3c0b07)
- Bug 1248289 - Part 0: Change OrderedHashTable::Range::ht member from a reference to a pointer to use offsetof. r=sfink (4eae1c9dd6)
- Bug 1254808 - IonMonkey: Factor MacroAssembler::popReturnAddress on ARM. r=nbp (2cee710668)
- Bug 1252326: Flush the assembly buffer at the end of codegen for plateforms which need it; r=luke (2195910785)
- Bug 1255956: Check for OOM after flushing constant pools; r=luke (d5190f17f0)
- Bug 1249961 - Rename MacroAssembler::branchEqualTypeIfNeeded to MacroAssembler::maybeBranchTestType. r=nbp (8dc9347991)
- Bug 1249960 - Rename Int32Key to RegisterOrInt32Constant, branchKey to branch32, storeKey to store32, bumpKey to inc32 and dec32. r=nbp (f29d6f63a1)
- Bug 1248289 - Part 1: Inline _GetNextMapEntryForIterator intrinsic. r=jandem (ed1ef17167)
- Bug 1253877 - Baldr: print missing text labels in resolving phase (r=mbx) (aca747eaed)
- Bug 1255691: Implement Select; r=sunfish (5dfc79e866)
- Bug 1244414 - Create iframe element from script to avoid racing with the load event; r=bz (ba1ba93693)
- Bug 1241784 - Part 3: Test. r=birtles (f87f4aff69)
- Bug 1241784 - Part 1: Add a helper function for Element.animate(). r=birtles (8dfbda09e9)
- Bug 1241784 - Part 2: Implement CSSPseudoElement.animate(). r=birtles (e52ae76368)
- Bug 1241784 - Part 4: Remove removeElement from testcommon.js. r=birtles (a78d60ae3c)
- Bug 1238694 - Limit the number of asm.js/wasm code allocations to avoid running into Linux kernel limits. r=luke (2f27e29df6)
- Bug 1258320 - Fix jump target in CodeGenerator::visitGetNextMapEntryForIterator. r=jandem (35a52f67c6)
- Bug 1254376 - Add a read barrier to the global's debugger vector r=jimb (31712fa31d)
- Bug 1245860 - Remove Debugger.onIonCompilation Hook. r=shu (8584bd0547)
- Bug 1254092 - TraceIncomingCCWs should work at the JSCompartment level of granularity. r=jimb (f1fc5ea7fb)
- Bug 1257045 - Give Debugger wrappers of wasm code their own CCW key kinds. (r=jimb) (ff4817d32e)
- Bug 1255954 - Odin: move asserts so they only run on successful validation (r=bbouvier) (4d58c80c0b)
- Bug 837192 - Stop trying to inject "use strict"; into Function.prototype.toString() output. r=Waldo. (e58bac6110)
- Bug 1256291: Fix unified build under js/; r=Ms2ger (8ce81ec08f)
- Bug 1258346: Check for success in calls to append() in WasmBinaryToText: r=jorendorff (5e106e29bd)
- Bug 1107143 - Don't build event regions unless we're painting to the window. r=tnikkel (7880bda251)
- Bug 1252374 - Increase the chunk size of the displayListArena. r=roc. (ce9543e592) (2b8d14ce6d)
- network: check if `mBrotli` is not null before calling its members, fix crash when visiting www.ixbt.com. (ff40cba9f3)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2024, 19:10
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Optimize saving web images to remember the last saved type.
    Update multiple language translations.
    Fix potential freezes when closing tabs.
    Fix the issue where the BrightVPN extension cannot be deleted.
    Fix the issue with the mxnote pop-ups not being draggable.
    Fix the issue with the ‘Features’ page opening the extension store incorrectly.
    Fix the issue of inaccurate display/hide on the 'Features' page.


Titel: ZHPCleaner 2024.2.20.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2024, 19:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: CyberChef 10.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2024, 09:01
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 19:20
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

Made various general updates to the browser.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-02-24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2024, 15:00
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git ff40cba9f3...ce0ac6811d:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1254848 part 1. Take ownership of error reporting on the AutoEntryScript in mozJSComponentLoader::ObjectForLocation. r=bholley (39b4b835e2)
- Bug 1254848 part 2. Take ownership of error reporting on the AutoEntryScript in mozJSComponentLoader:tongue sticking out smileyrepareObjectForLocation. r=bholley (d0ca0f3b48)
- Bug 1254848 part 3. Take ownership of error reporting on the AutoEntryScript in AsyncScriptLoader::OnStreamComplete. r=bholley (d9059437f7)
- Bug 1254303 - Remove SEC_NORMAL from js/. r=sicking (a05bb976fc)
- Bug 1137151: Marked destructors of ref-counted MTP classes as protected, r=dhylands (683cd78bd7)
- Bug 1167090 - Fix MTP date and time queried through getObjectInfo. r=alchen (d1055dab5b)
- Bug 1188796 - Have MTP record modified timestamps when they're passed. r=alchen (7e09ea19c0)
- Bug 1205028 - Don't tell MTP server about files that it added/modified. r=alchen (65d84062ad)
- Bug 1174228 - Set up TYPE_APP for navigator.getDeviceStorage for B2GDroid r=dhylands (5cd46dda53)
- Bug 1242899 - consolidate mozApps tests into dom/apps/tests/ dir; r=marco (9208d75401)
- Bug 1238160 - Add assertions in non-desktop code paths. r=bz,fabrice (96ea4796b5)
- Bug 1176712 - Cannot have two activities with same name and different filters. Tests. r=fabrice (b5cd3f34fa)
- Bug 1251179 - Ensure that the lock protecting the CPU sleep functionality is always valid r=dhylands (dba414ecfa)
- Bug 1253571 - Remove the remaining uses of ScopedDeletePtr and ScopedFreePtr from the HAL and MTP code r=dhylands (a294472d97)
- Bug 1251519 Part 2 - Remove nsLayoutUtils::IsRectVisibleInScrollFrames(). r=mats (c73a0272b7)
- Bug 1212186 - Disable 'layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word' in carets tests. r=mtseng (7d231a66bf)
- Bug 1207934 - Fix word_location(). r=automatedtester (6828f466f1)
- Bug 1199625 - Test focus not being changed by long-pressing on non-selectable. r=mtseng (7aefe76cdc)
- Bug 1206545 - Add a marionette test case. r=roc (18e224214c)
- Bug 1209841 - Delete test_selectioncarets2.py. r=automatedtester (99c3d5d144)
- Bug 1221459 - Remove TouchCaret and SelectionCarets from marionette tests. r=mtseng (c9a452fe67)
- Bug 1253989 Part 1 - Remove tests for accessiblecaret preference off. r=mtseng (ddc3c57a93)
- Bug 1253989 Part 2 - Use @parameterized to rewrite cursor mode tests. r=mtseng (5a4cbff605)
- Bug 1201036: Bump marionette client and marionette driver for releases; r=jgriffin (9522a37ce7)
- Bug 1209698: Bump version numbers for Marionette packages; r=jgriffin (6a952dc063)
- Bug 1137972: Centralize unwrapping the response from marionette; r=jgriffin (78d40d42d2)
- Bug 1137972: Send W3C Element Key to Marionette Server from python client; r=jgriffin (074cbdb12c)
- Bug 1185486 - Part 1: Use a timeout when waiting on the browser process after a timed out command. r=jgriffin (ebb6f6421d)
- Bug 1159219: Make ContentSender a separate module (034e08ef83)
- Bug 1159238. Generate UUID internally to ContentSender (be45ead810)
- Bug 1185486 - Part 2: Prevent message listeners from a failed command from causing an out of order response when a content command hangs. r=ato (d706eaba14)
- Bug 1164124 - Add using_prefs context manager. r=jgriffin (f789f9a6fa)
- Bug 1211503: Support for Marionette protocol level 3 in the Python client (88d062980d)
- Bug 1211503: Support for Marionette protocol level 3 in the Python client (1d805ac020)
- Bug 1216967: Bump Marionette Python packages (5877bcee90)
- cleanup (56b0351ad3)
- Bug 1144240 - Fix generated Marionette documentation. r=ato (6beeb13017)
- Bug 1223171 - [marionette] add ability to install addons programatically, r=ato (c8d04e974a)
- Bug 1223517 - Release marionette-client 2.0.0 and marionette-driver 1.1.1; r=automatedtester (de1c1f1d18)
- Bug 1008453. Add support for navigator.hardwareConcurrency. r=khuey (ebd1c0e2d9)
- Bug 1200409 - |marionette --help| causes stack trace. r=ato (479af08b4f)
- Bug 1212608 - Add parts of firefox_ui_harness to Marionette runner; r=automatedtester (9977013243)
- Bug 1222388: Correct ./mach marionette-test r=ato (27bae1cbf9)
- Bug 1223429 - Return exit code 10 when Marionette harness has failing tests; r=automatedtester (b7b7ba91f4)
- Bug 1227918 - Log exception in harness class setup; r=automatedtester (9708cb7113)
- Bug 1221187: testing/marionette/client: Explicitly define --version flag; r=automatedtester (6886b6b925)
- Bug 1237179 - Add mach command to run firefox-ui-tests from the source directory. r=gps (3bb6ed2ff0)
- Bug 1208242 - Part 2: WebExtension blocklist tests for b2g r=ferjm (cf19a285a4)
- Bug 1165943 - Remove non existing "security.uri.allow_scheme_mismatch" preference from test. r=nsm (60cdcfc933)
- Bug 1223297 - Add multiple audio channel test. r=baku (55765d11dd) (fe9be1dd79)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1243546 - Add mach command for external-media-tests - r=gps (8c74584251)
- Bug 1239987 - Remove marionette-transport dependency from build environment; r=gps (b5e6166e61)
- Bug 1250748 - Remove the 20s countdown timer from mach first run; r=chmanchester (8755a9b3e0)
- Bug 1238996 - Release marionette-driver 1.2, marionette-transport 1.1, and marionette-client 2.1; r=automatedtester (746bc487a4)
- Bug 1243739 - Bump versions of marionette-driver, marionette-client and marionette-transport. r=ato (c87d6e57f8)
- Bug 1243739: Update marionette-driver dependecy for marionette-transport. r=ato (582a2f8d8e)
- Bug 1239987 - Merge marionette-transport into marionette-driver; r=automatedtester (254ed0727c)
- Bug 1239330 - Support AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon() in marionette_driver.addons, r=ato (1f132b1cb3)
- Bug 1230622 - Docs: Suggest people use wptserve instead of mozhttpd. r=jgraham (8b1c669740)
- Bug 1174497 - [mozprofile] bump version and release to pypi; r=wlach (0360927850)
- Bug 1014760 - Version bump mozbase modules that depend on mozlog 3.0, r=me (d16b10a25f)
- Bug 1189858 - [mozprofile] remove the manifest parser required dependency. r=ahal (b181c379ce)
- Bug 1189858 - fix typos in pip extra dependency declaration (587697be0d)
- Bug 1199115 - Release mozprofile 0.27. r=jgraham DONTBUILD (a1e1452486)
- Bug 1233534 - [mozprofile] bump version to 0.28. r=ahal (6e17f001dd)
- Bug 1256401 - Part 2: Remove references to b2gdroid. r=fabrice (1486bf8669)
- Bug 1112920 - Assert against pending exceptions in AutoJSAPI::InitInternal. v1 r=luke,r=smaug (fa9b99c835)
- Fix the asset for bug 1112920 to not touch uninitialized memory. Totally my fault, since I moved it above the mCx assignment, and now we have a CLOSED TREE. (f404994a66)
- Logging patch for bug 1256008. r=khuey (dcb846a987)
- Bug 1255817 part 1. Make AutoJSAPI always take ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (638b9ca3fe)
- Bug 1257306. Simplify the implementation of AutoSafeJSContext (and therefore AutoJSContext, since AutoSafeJSContext will no longer be an AutoJSContext). r=bholley (58b655ad7a)
- Bug 1245951 - "Unused method in WebSocket". r=smaug (b2f8937893)
- Bug 1227136 - crash in mozilla::net::WebSocketChannel:confused smileytartWebsocketData, r=bagder, r=baku (5249e56b52)
- Bug 1252751 - Improve the security model between webSocket and sandboxed iframe, r=smaug (9a6c0be275)
- Bug 1250234. Make WebSocket::CreateAndDispatchMessageEvent properly report JS exceptions it might be producing. r=khuey (eaae502684)
- Bug 1255840. Get rid of the AutoJSAPI usage in IDBFactory. r=khuey (d0a965d1aa)
- Bug 1151112 - 'Sending message that cannot be cloned. Are you trying to send an XPCOM object?' seen when unlocking phone. r=ferjm (7ba4294750)
- Bug 1253834 - add AllChildrenIterator::Get(), r=bz (5c1ab2f7f2)
- Bug 1249443 - add AllChildrenIterator::GetPreviousChild, r=bz (812f61db28)
- Bug 1249443 - add AllChildrenIterator:tongue sticking out smileyhase, r=bz (9106ec6dbb)
- Bug 1095236 - Simplify browser_test_new_window_from_content.js to use BrowserTestUtils. r=mrbkap (b8fcea4ad1)
- Bug 1095236 - Test that windows opened from content with dialog=1 still open. r=mrbkap. (db67a80e2b)
- Bug 1210482 - regression tests for 1194897 in which window.[location|menu|personal|status|tool]bar.visible broke for e10s, we're testing these behave appropiately both in content and chrome. r=mconley (a17099181c)
- Bug 1251897 - DocAccessible constructor doesn't have to take root element as an argument, r=davidb (77ef52ac2a) (c0ffcde3a8)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify k{Unix,Win}Charsets and kLangGroups. r=smontagu. (75e9a5bf6c)
- Bug 1253010 - part 1 - refactor nsX509CertValidity time formatting; r=keeler (976afc4b16)
- Bug 1253010 - part 2 - provide a non-XPCOM way to create new nsIDateTimeFormat instances; r=smontagu (a2ccf520bb)
- Bug 1255239 - Reduce size of HuffmanIncomingTables. r=hurley. (8de07f2979)
- Bug 1224328 - Don't infinite loop when parsing headers with newlines. r=mcmanus (e7a9871294)
- Bug 1245106 - necko compilation warnings r=mcmanus (373b414d71)
- Bug 1253358 - no flags on priority frames r=hurley (0bfe9ccabe)
- Bug 1253358 - Assert no flags on several h2 frame types r=hurley (4315f882d7)
- Bug 1246735 - h2 reset recursive push. r=hurley (067e98a044)
- Bug 1253358 - minor h2 push fixes r=hurley (5a1c86723a)
- Bug 1246761 - Properly handle non-terminal 0-length DATA frames. r=mcmanus (4c1c907fc1)
- Bug 1120715 - Part 1: Add Necko APIs to preserve the Request cache mode on the channel; r=mayhemer (be7b704e09)
- Bug 1244122 P1 Always support SW intercept even when http cache is disabled. r=mayhemer (1929d6ff6b)
- Bug 1120715 - Part 2: Don't use OPEN_TRUNCATE when reopening a fake synthesized cache entry; r=mayhemer,jdm (84c5265a46)
- Bug 1148544 - Figure out UA override once per LoadGroup and cache it, rather than once per channel. r=nwgh (d610f7210f)
- Bug 1253582 - h2 coalescing impacts wss:// r=michal (bc7acebd2e)
- Bug 1064378 - Don't rewrite custom Authorization header set on a channel by cached credential. r=jduell (a427c97d24)
- Bug 1219482: Replace PRLogModuleInfo with LazyLogModule in uriloader subdirectory.r=erahm (2b54ad3276)
- Bug 1113196 - Pass a sane set of parameters to loadinfo for top-level loads in e10s. r=sicking (ea83174b6b)
- enable missing bit of 1487964 that is now valid (f6959fdcbc)
- Bug 1226928 - network and ipc bits for content-signing on remote about:newtab, r=mayhemer (0a183e0136)
- Bug 1257186 - Refactor the way compacting GC passes lists of arenas to background tasks to avoid possible race r=terrence (80e167e4b0) (ce0ac6811d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2024, 15:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added [QA] open links in background: Added a background open button to the quick access card mode. In addition to opening links in the background with a middle mouse click, you can also left-click the background open button to open quick access links.
    Optimized login interaction: Added a 'Create New Account' entry on the login-multi-account selection page.
    Optimized interaction with Super Bookmarks: Now, setting or cancelling 'My Favorites' in the bookmark bar won't close the bookmark menu, facilitating continuous adjustments.
    Fixed the issue where the status bar could not be hidden.
    Fixed the problem where video downloads always remained in the waiting queue and could not start downloading automatically.
    Fixed the issue with enhanced translation failing to activate.


Titel: ImageCacheViewer 1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 14:50
ImageCacheViewer scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Google Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.

When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.

It's recommended to close all windows of your Web browser before using ImageCacheViewer, to ensure that all cache files are saved to the disk.

Note: ImageCacheViewer won't work if you configure your Web browser to clear the cache after closing it.


Whats new: >>

Fixed to read the cache of Chrome Web browser while it's opened.

Titel: Pale Moon 33.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 15:00
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a bugfix and security update.


    Removed site-specific override for Amazon.com due to breakage.
    Fixed script timeout values that were inadvertently overridden in branding.
    Fixed an issue where empty MIME type registrations would break some parts of the UI.
    (Linux only) Pasting URLs to content now by default does not navigate to that URL.
    If content-paste-navigation is enabled (via middlemouse.contentLoadURL), navigation is now restricted to pasting to active body type elements (to prevent unwanted navigation when pasting URLs to input boxes, for example).
    Fixed a problem with JS modules preventing ExportEntries from working.
    (Linux only) Fixed a build issue when building with a system-supplied cairo library (unsupported).
    Fixed an issue where workers could lock up the browser with SetInterval with an out-of-bounds (too small) value. This is now clamped to 4ms matching the HTML spec.
    Fixed a few usability issues with the built-in developer tools.
    Fixed a potential crash in web workers.
    Fixed a potential overflow issue in image maps.
    Fixed a potential security issue with multi-part/mixed content (CVE-2024-1551).

(from this point forward we will no longer list UXP Mozilla security patch summaries as they are mostly irrelevant)


Titel: BriskBard 3.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2024, 08:50
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage yur contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 122.0.6261.94.
    The WebView2 tabs are enabled again and they use the loader version 1.0.2365.46.
    The Indy and Tor components have been updated to the latest versions.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.
    Delphi 12.0 is now used to build BriskBard.
    The option to import Internet Explorer bookmarks has been removed.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-03-02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2024, 20:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git ce0ac6811d...86eaa55e65:
- fix passwordManager.dtd encoding error (60b86c75d9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1254108 - Remove incorrect assertion about heap size r=terrence (a98d1df06b)
- Bug 1244412 - Make ZoneCellIter work correctly whether called under GC or not r=terrence (cec67ebbd3)
- Bug 1244412 - Remove ZoneCellIterUnderGC now it's no longer needed and refactor r=terrence (3b98615a8b)
- Bug 1244412 - Fix suprious GC hazard r=me (bfbdee71b0)
- Bug 1253461 - Fix race condition in Shape::fixupDictionaryShapeAfterMovingGC r=terrence (3f15dd893c)
- Bug 1224038 - Part 1: Add infallible versions of uid and hashcode getters; r=sfink (c8a7bac9b5)
- Bug 1252329 - Fix interaction between AutoClearTypeInferenceStateOnOOM and compacting GC r=terrence (3f35df9bad)
- Bug 1224038 - Part 2: Use stable hashing for NewTable; r=sfink (1046b72221)
- Bug 1224050 - Use stable hashing for the IntialShapesTable; r=jonco (08aa726019)
- Bug 1227035 - Tighten the check in ObjectGroup::useSingletonForClone a bit more. r=bhackett (c817b1a595)
- Bug 1257903 - Compact arenas containing shapes r=terrence (bc7f90586b)
- Bug 1235572 - Enforce SRI if content signature is enforced r=francois (1f0723fccf)
- Bug 1254856 - Use a better window for 3rd-party checks. r=sicking, r=billm (9160d94db5)
- Bug 1253575 - Annotate the crash report on failure in opening the process handle for plugin or content process. r=billm (8940f5247c)
- No bug. Make it easier to work on specific functions in the XDB files (01cd0735cc)
- Bug 1251703 - Always resolve virtual calls to known callees, r=mccr8 (b042b74487)
- Bug 1250709 - Implement shell-only hazard analysis job, r=garndt (a11947ad0d)
- Bug 1253466 - Don't pass --enable-threadsafe to js/src/configure. r=mshal (ed2fd1554b)
- Bug 1246804 - Switch to using in-source annotations. Use C++ inheritance information when describing GC types. Add a test suite., r=terrence (f5fddd8dad)
- Bug 1257979 - Use a GCHashSet for a hash in the JSON stringifying algorithm. r=sfink (e6baa61177)
- Bug 1242810. r=jandem (fca11d1b92)
- Bug 1253099. r=arai, r=efaust (9972e18152)
- Address review comments from bug 1246804 (f36a5d29df)
- Bug 1226928 - dochsell changes for content-signing on remote about:newtab, r=bz,mconley (da3ecffcd4)
- Bug 1226928 - content-signature verification tests for about:newtab, r=mconley (8f77c22596)
- Bug 1257730 - Fix ping when no URI is available. r=sicking (67d3a9541d)
- Bug 518805 - Don't do meta refreshes when backgrounded r=bz (609b2c0a2c)
- Bug 513129 - Dont reuse connections after security prefs change r=hurley (379e74d1f1)
- Bug 1256248 - allow disabling content-signatures for about:newtab on certain channels, r=mayhemer (35fadec30f)
- Bug 1234896 - refptrs for httphandler.cpp r=valentin.gosu (7aff77f88e)
- Bug 1242926 - Increase the max retry attempt number. r=mcmanus (9085644f4e)
- Bug 1144040 - Coverity detected uninitialized nsHttpHandler members, r=mcmanus (8ec1e49577)
- Bug 1231416 - fix Mulet UA string generation rule. r=fabrice. (d952dd06e2)
- Bug 1220061 - Android UA is not correct when MOZ_UA_OS_AGNOSTIC is set r=gerv (e007b6f1a3)
- Bug 962358 - Provide an observer event to close persistent connections. r=arthuredelstein (903d2fa203)
- Bug 1226526 - NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER on result to remove warning added by scan-build. r=mcmanus (7d87d1502b)
- Bug 1248452: Rewrite NS_IsHSTSUpgradeRedirect to use HttpBaseChannel::GetSecureUpgradedURI. r=jduell (f806456238)
- Bug 1249450 part 1: Move GetSecureUpgradedURI from HttpBaseChannel to nsNetUtil. r=mcmanus (70b023486b)
- Bug 1249450 part 2: Convert some nsIURI SetScheme("https"winking smiley calls to use NS_GetSecureUpgradedURI instead. r=mcmanus (6dea15dd6b)
- Bug 451081 - Introduce ORIGIN_IS_FULL_SPEC protocol handler flag, r=bz+standard8 IGNORE IDL (e7d651c6b7)
- Bug 991016 - Check return value of a setDelegate call. r=efaust. (4bf66d532f)
- Bug 1240414 - Fix ThrowUninitializedThis to do the right thing for eval and arrow function frames. r=efaust (a04625b047)
- Bug 1254349 - Remove unused error messages. r=mrrrgn (58fd90f345)
- Bug 1256464 - Use LPSTR instead of LPVOID to avoid C4477 on VS2015; r=froydnj (ec57a4894e)
- bug 1250486 - make some xpconnect wrapper ctors constexpr to get rid of static constructors r=bz (7681e3102f)
- Bug 1250192 - Do not synthesize a var binding for Annex B.3.5 if there is an arg binding of the same name. (r=jorendorff) (601ac2528c)
- Bug 1237588 - One of the File::Create methods is not used, r=smaug (ac6f036ceb)
- Bug 1173317 - Change the string argument for Directory::GetName from nsString to nsAString. r=sicking (1e670db10d)
- Bug 1244782 - Removed non-used variables in Directory.cpp, r=smaug (0f01c9747a)
- Bug 1234192 - part 1 - FileSystemBase should not be thread-safe, r=smaug (1d24a83a75)
- Bug 1234192 - part 2 - Directory should unlink/traverse the OSFileSystem in order to unlink/traverse the window, r=smaug (acea1d57d6)
- Bug 1251723 - remove ScopedDeletePtr; r=Waldo (eb6af862a5)
- Bug 1252153 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in HeapCopyOfStackArray; r=jrmuizel (1ffb6c113f)
- Bug 1251715 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in dom/media/; r=gerald (910c698731)
- Bug 1239870 - Part 1: Remove declaration of test_utils from header. r=bwc (d295b3a379)
- Bug 1239870 - Part 2: Split out NrIceCtx initialization. r=bwc (a399a76d59)
- Bug 1239870 - Part 3: Add a base mtransport gtest. r=bwc (5d0a79a54d)
- Bug 1239870 - Part 4: Disable broken proxy tunnel tests. r=bwc (8c24c01723)
- Bug 1239870 - Part 5: Switch over mtransport tests to mozilla gtests. r=bwc (0e00f9e97d)
- Bug 1251714 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in media/; r=jesup (a274b4172e)
- Bug 1251718 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in WebGLElementArrayCache; r=baku (39ebd0f02f)
- Bug 1251716 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in DrawTargetCairo; r=jrmuizel (fe889eaff3) (baacd3ba62)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1212114 - Stop using dom:tongue sticking out smileyromise::MaybeRejectBrokenly() in various FileSystemTaskBase subclasses. r=baku (9f6ea5db27)
- Bug 1253534 - Suspicious code with probably reversed parms in call to IsSingleLineTextControl, r=mounir (1a5ee1fd1e)
- Bug 769117 - Mochitests for youtube flash -> html5 rewriting; r=bz r=hsivonen (6324471dd9)
- Bug 1250148 - FormData should treat empty input type=file as empty string in FormData and as unnamed Blob in HTML submission, r=smaug (7043113247)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 1/8 - Implement Directory object as string and not as BlobImpl, r=smaug (eca4bec6ea)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 2/8 - Proper naming for the FileSystem path serialization, r=smaug (e1604ff2b1)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 3/8 - Improve the Windows path management, r=smaug (f8da8541b5)
- Bug 1252347 - Provide missing implementations of nsIBaseWindow:confused smileyetPositionDesktopPix. r=emk (97f9b92465)
- Bug 1235066 - SVG elements should not display title attributes as tooltips. r=enndeakin (a77e809688)
- Bug 1251809 - Add input[type=file] tooltip support for e10s. r=ehsan (9f72cf3cd2)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 4/8 - Directory in FileList, r=smaug (c09d445043)
- Bug 1246244 - Regression test. r=jaws,Margaret (8de084f9db)
- Bug 1224105 - Allow windowless chrome docshells containing content docshells (r=smaug) (3343a2a966)
- Bug 1230267 - Inconsistent display of SVG title as tooltip when multi-process is enabled. r=jst (b3fc298b7f)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 5/8 - Cleanup manual string path management, r=smaug (8f6f0c4e44)
- Bug 1250403 - Part 1. Define ARCH_CPU_ARM64 instead of ARCH_CPU_AARCH64. r=billm (d93a0b54da)
- Bug 1250403 - Part 2. Import crbug #354405 for aarch64. r=billm (9dca949bcc)
- Bug 1246501 - Add ppc specific atomic operations to ipc/chromium. r=Waldo (8054b612be)
- Bug 1257305 - Avoid VS2015 about casting int to void*. r=dvander (6234acf6fc)
- Bug 1207401 - Send B2G sandbox logging to both stderr and logcat. r=kang (ae404aa5ca)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 6/8 - Make FileList clonable to workers if it doesn't contain Directories, r=smaug (ea6ba42f31)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 7/8 - Tests for FileList and Directories, r=smaug (3f11503300)
- Bug 1222522, part 1 - Make most dom/devicestorage/ tests work with e10s. r=dhylands (3cc7e339a5)
- Bug 1173320 - patch 8/8 - Fix e10s tests for DeviceStorage API, r=smaug (949454bae7)
- Bug 1222522, part 2 - Inline devicestorage_cleanup() in dom/devicestorage/ tests. r=dhylands (bcdee11385)
- Bug 1258137 - OSFileSystem should not be kept alive by more than 1 Directory, r=smaug (225775f48d)
- Bug 1255867. Remove some unnecessary AutoJSAPI uses. r=bholley (618cf018e8)
- Bug 1237173 - Part2: Change type of duration to Maybe<StickyTimeDuration>. r=birtles (6b83473e05)
- Bug 1238469 - Part 1: Refactor b2g emulator tests to remove the usage of custom mozharness configs; r=ahal (a128c8a8bb)
- Bug 1238469 - Part 2: Refactor b2g mulet tests to remove the usage of custom mozharness configs; r=ahal (6c7ced3419)
- Bug 1238469 - Part 3: Use b2g_emulator_unittest.py for b2g marionette tests; r=ahal (5fdb88b0e1)
- Bug 1237173 - Part3: Throw TypeError if duration is NaN, negative value or not 'auto' string. r=birtles, r=smaug (d60b0318d2)
- Bug 1136567 - Marionette test for selection carets' positions after changing orientation of device. r=Automatedtester (e7b25b1e4f)
- Bug 1138839 - Part1 - Marionette test for selecting text inside an iframe. r=automatedtester (45db397a94)
- Bug 1138839 - Part2 - Fix naming issue in marionette test for selection carets. r=automatedtester (c54850d9d3)
- Bug 1198542: Update Marionette element IDs to be valid UUID. r=ato This allows WebDriver compatibility to create valid URI. (1b3de245de)
- Bug 1204496: When searching by link text start from the startNode and not the rootNode; r=ato (0dfa3b8830)
- Bug 1157725 - Rewrite test_mouse_action.py to be more robust. r=ato (40273abca2)
- Bug 1141519: added test that puts marionette into a position that can cause hangs when in content scope; r=jgriffin (c99d8cf325)
- Bug 1246407 - Rename parent directories for Marionette client and test harness; r=automatedtester (79d4e521fd)
- Bug 1253989 Part 3 - Use @parameterized to rewrite selection mode tests. r=mtseng (baf189f1d5)
- Bug 1253989 Part 4 - Rename AccessibleCaret test files. r=mtseng (d562edc8f4)
- Bug 1251519 Part 3 - Add regression tests for caret dragging. r=mats (048dd5f103)
- Bug 1253989 Part 5 - Remove touch caret and selection carets naming. r=mtseng (9929425b6d)
- Bug 1253989 Part 6 - Refactor open_test_html(). r=mtseng (25a2424ca1)
- Bug 1251519 Part 4 - Add tests for dragging caret to content boundary. r=mats (489b47269b)
- Bug 1251519 Part 5 - Use union rect of child frames for clamping. r=mats (5520416749)
- Bug 1216924 - Don't align to tiles (either real or virtual) if displayport suppression is enabled. r=BenWa (d470d188e4)
- Bug 1254273 - Align the displayport to a max of 256 pixels even if the layer is larger. r=BenWa (0cf8cc0b6c)
- Bug 1257938 part 3: Remove support for the "layout.css.sticky.enabled" pref (so we'll unconditionally support "position: sticky"winking smiley. r=corey (fe12efd18f)
- Bug 1257938 part 1: Adjust automated tests to assume position:sticky is unconditionally supported. r=corey (e749ac579e)
- Bug 1257938 part 2: Remove separation between test_position_sticky.html & its helper-file, now that it doesn't need to tweak a pref. r=corey (631edab31a)
- Bug 1257491 - Ensure that if the peek-messages code modifies the displayport, we schedule a repaint. r=BenWa (d6fb6ff96c)
- Bug 1255006 - Ensure the displayport rect takes priority over a suppressed-margins displayport. r=kats (aa6cbc0250)
- Bug 1259235 - Add IsScrollFrameWithSnapping to speed up event regions. r=mstange (2a744c311e)
- Bug 1185140 - [css-grid][flexbox] Make grid/flex item blockification happen before creating table pseudos, per the latest specs. r=dholbert (dddb8b17ef)
- Bug 1224424 - Replace mask-mode:auto keyword by mask-mode:match-source; r=dbaron (5a51b3b301)
- Bug 1252039 - corrected MOZ_ASSERT expression in SeparatorRequiredBetweenTokens. r=dbaron (08790aa514)
- Bug 1243734 - Part 1. Use MOZ_ENABLE_MASK_AS_SHORTHAND to define the type of mask property; r=dbaron (d8cd3a1c4a)
- Bug 1243734 - Part 2. Set up gCSSProperties depends on mask-as-shorth and; r=dbaron (aa6b0259d8)
- Bug 1243734 - Part 3. Set mask-mode reftest as failure before enable mask-as-shorthand; r=dbaron (6a326fbaf2)
- Bug 1243734 - Part 5. Add MOZ_ENABLE_MASK_AS_SHORTHAND compile flag; r=ted r=dbaron (fcc1344ac8)
- Bug 1142531: Check more bits in nsStyleContext::MoveTo assertion. r=heycam (8b62b139df)
- Bug 1258147 - Pierce through display:contents style context ancestors when looking for CB context to compare our writing-mode to. r=jfkthame (956d8c25e5)
- Bug 823483 patch 1 - Check for percentage max-width in addition to percentage width when deciding to ignore intrinsic min-width of replaced elements. r=dholbert (f88cb5f6a8)
- Bug 823483 patch 3 - Limit effect of percentage width and max-width on intrinsic size to elements with replaced element sizing. r=dholbert (2573c3cfff)
- Bug 823483 patch 4 - Make a percentage max-width override a fixed width for replaced element intrinsic size computation. r=dholbert (dda859f06c)
- Bug 823483 patch 5 - Make (again) percentage width on text inputs make intrinsic minimum width be 0. r=dholbert (d46ada73ef)
- Bug 1247929 patch 2 - Hard-code the Web-compatible set of form controls whose intrinsic minimum inline-size shrinks to 0 when inline-size (width) is specified as a percentage. r=dholbert (e4f0c80fcb)
- Bug 1254968 - Add support for running JS builtins' constructors over Xray wrappers without unwrapping the newTarget. r=bholley,f=bz (56213ae395)
- Bug 1249123 - Add telemetry for __defineGetter__/__defineSetter__ |this| values. data-review=bsmedberg r=till (52c5fd3488)
- Bug 1232639 - Implement Object.{values,entries} in C++ to avoid native call overhead in tight loop. r=jorendorff (7262497283)
- Bug 1254966 - Disambiguate JS Telemetry macro names. r=evilpie (781d0916c4)
- Bug 1254384: Use generic shell switch syntax in js/src/jit-test tests. r=nbp (6f5975cc55)
- Bug 1253016 - Remove legacy __defineGetter__/__defineSetter__ this behavior. r=till (cf1b7ad28c)
- Bug 1253016 - Implement and test the new spec for legacy functions. r=till (1ff7762e3e) (cf2d7d1ae9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1251999 - [css-grid] Update <fixed-size> parsing to the latest spec. r=dholbert (07f68007b7)
- Bug 1151243 part 5 - [css-grid] Reftests for abs. pos. static-position. (f9a3b24508)
- Bug 1242053 part 1 - [css-grid] Fix parsing / serialization of grid-template subgrid values. r=dholbert (39576c2f6d)
- Bug 1242053 part 2 - [css-grid] Enable subgrid support for tests. r=dholbert (6da4aeb35a)
- Bug 1240956 part 2 - [css-grid] Update tests due to the changed column/row value order for 'grid', 'grid-template' and 'grid-gap' properties. (16d2258d3a)
- Bug 1253529 part 1 - [css-grid] Replace uses of the 'grid-template' shorthand with 'grid'. (f847bfa554)
- Bug 1253529 part 2 - [css-grid] Remove the 'grid-template' shorthand. r=dholbert (d553c2f623)
- Bug 594933 - Part 1: Let calc() supports number. r=dbaron (e4bc39b5f0)
- Bug 594933 - Part 2: Add support for calc() to line-height. r=dbaron (901227bacb)
- Bug 1253189 part 5 - Import reftests of css-values. r=dbaron (4599431827)
- Bug 1253189 part 4 - Add skip.list for skipping imported tests. r=dbaron (014f7ca7de)
- Bug 1253189 part 1 - Make import-tests.py compatible with Windows. r=dbaron (a22c3e4f7f)
- Bug 1253189 part 2 - Update import-tests.py script to work on the current repo. r=dbaron (7535b38b71)
- Bug 1253189 part 3 - Update existing received w3c reftests. r=dbaron (0fa2d6e2de)
- Bug 1253189 followup - Update skip.list to match the directory name on CLOSED TREE (019b55c3c9)
- Bug 968761 - Treat nested calc() as plain parenthesis. r=dbaron (537506f4e5)
- Bug 1248371 - [css-grid] Require that each track has a definite min- or max-sizing function when the track list contains a repeat(auto-fill/fit) track. r=dholbert (330dd37427)
- Bug 1244638 - Part 1:implement AnimationEffectTiming iterationStart. r=birtles, r=smaug (d0217068ac)
- Bug 1244638 - Part 2: Throw TypeError if iterationStart is NaN, negative value or Infinity. r=birtles, r=smaug (f631e261a0)
- Bug 1238845 - Implement UUID helper - dom/bluetooth & dom/webidl & layout/build change. r=jocelyn, r=bz (3ddfa8cccf)
- Bug 1252790 - Remove RuleHashTableOps. r=dbaron. (b52d9e2613)
- Bug 1252375 - Fix up jemalloc stats reporting. r=erahm. (dbecb54598)
- Bug 1249503 - Make WindowsAddressSpaceReporter bloat memory reports less. r=erahm. (3bfb6932cb)
- Bug 1253085 - Remove the |PLDHashTable*| argument from PLDHash{HashKey,MatchEntry}. r=froydnj. (1331fd9ea0)
- Bug 1251127 - Gracefully handle multiple calls to nsMemoryReporterManager::Init(). r=erahm. (c51f57907e)
- Bug 1234540 - verify the validity of hashEntry, if it's null return with NS_ERROR_FAILURE. r=michal (f44bd269db)
- Bug 1112499 - Set up shutdown pipe before new thread starts. r=keeler (73b9a56196)
- Bug 1245059 - Disable NotifyIpInterfaceChange use for now. r=mcmanus (ab11fd8507)
- Bug 1251873 - Store the trimmed referrer URL on HTTP channel if a trimming referrer policy is in effect; r=mcmanus (3f43d5b351)
- more bits of bug 366559 - patch 7, content-encoding brotli for https (f127a97450)
- Bug 1250115 - initialized pollInterval with 0 in order to prevent garbage value if Poll(..) doesn't get called. r=dragana (af55e06789)
- Bug 1251493 - Remove remaining references to MOZILLA_XPCOMRT_API from netwerk. r=mcmanus (43d711d2d6)
- Bug 1242452 - only if PR_GetIdentitiesLayer return valid pointer continue and pass it's result to PR_GetIdentitiesLayer. r=mcmanus (61a2785337)
- Bug 1251595 - Check if mNetAddr is set before sending ipv4/6 telemetry. r=mcmanus (9d081bc0b9)
- Bug 1252755: increase maximum UDP packet size to 9216 bytes for jumbo frames. r=jesup (3d629473ea)
- Bug 1194259: warnings-as-errors bustage fix rs=bustagn a CLOSED TREE (5b8288ff6d)
- Bug 1227781 - Fix crash with bogus STUN parameters. r=bwc (7d132a37ff)
- Bug 1231196: Fix init of PeerConnectionImpl::mThread for unit-tests and similar. r+drno (60f11ed191)
- Bug 1230184 - plumb setParameters down to JsepTrack. r=bwc, r=mrbkap (fdeaafb737)
- Bug 1231507 - Part 1: selectSsrc chrome-only API for SSRC-based filtering of receive tracks. r=drno, r=smaug (c24ce1a76e)
- Bug 1221837 - Accept hard coded codec numbers without rtpmaps. r=bwc (89b81c861c)
- Bug 1231507 - Part 2: added mochitest SimulCast offer test case r=jib (05d838960f)
- Bug 1230184 - setParameters webidl. r=smaug (6319cdfca7)
- Bug 1230184 - add input parameter validation to setParameters. r=bwc (c0740c142a)
- Bug 1230184 - add media.peerconnection.simulcast pref. r=bwc (99b1a4978d)
- Bug 1247619 - add console warning about OAuth for STUN not yet supported. r=jesup,smaug (801eaa66e1)
- Bug 1241153: Stop blocking addTrack on GMP init, and update codecs on existing tracks when GMP init finishes. r=jesup (3473dfe0ce)
- Bug 1251737 - Remove remaining references to MOZILLA_XPCOMRT_API from media. r=jesup (7b32d9d191)
- Bug 1218326: Prevent datachannel operations on closed PeerConnections. r=jesup a=lizzard (5d20d7dd7f)
- Bug 1211091 - use upper boundary for streams per data channel. r=bwc (7f9462c434)
- Bug 1188391 - separate immediate ICE failures from failures after checking. r=bwc, r=vladan (9095c58656)
- Bug 1227708 - Differentiate ICE_SUCCESS_RATE telemetry for loop vs webrtc r=jesup (399406c872)
- Bug 1232082 - fix removal of remote tracks to update receivers. r=jesup (81998ed355)
- Bug 1244913 - Add test_peerConnection_scaleResolution.html r=bwc,jesup (8ac2d8a363)
- Bug 1249860 - Add simulcast test for resolution scaling. r=bwc (c7753bf02b)
- Bug 1247622 - Make RTCRtpSender.setParameters return a promise. r=jesup,smaug (4c2504adc8) (86eaa55e65)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2024, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Improved and accelerated the operational speed of NetSurfer even further!
    Updated the WebView2 runtime control DLL file that accompanies the browser.
    ( 1.0.2365.46 )

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2024, 08:20
Whats new:>>

+ Added Custom UserAgent: Settings - Advanced Settings - Experiments now includes the option to customize UserAgent strings.
* Settings Sync Service Upgrade: The service has been updated to a more efficient settings synchronization service.
* Optimized Full Video Download Resolution: Video download resolution has been adjusted to match the original resolution.
* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed login account network error.
- Fixed performance issues caused by reloading pages repeatedly.
- Fixed repeated download issue with brightdata.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-03-09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2024, 20:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 86eaa55e65...c6ee756140:
- revert "Bug 1235572 - Enforce SRI if content signature is enforced r=francois (1f0723fccf)" (3e92506295)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1190574 - make test.chain.replace and cohorts throw on unknown test name + fix broken tests. r=drno, r=jib (9288da531a)
- Bug 1190574 - added missing calls to release stored ICE candidates. r=jib (590e1f2769)
- Bug 1241948 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 967dfa72eaa149af854c6c38cb64e28b4961a480, a=testonly (67bfe4dc02)
- Bug 1209744 - Implement canTrickleIceCandidates attribute, r=bwc,khuey (56f7db7415)
- Bug 1181768 - Make already-defined pc.getConfiguration() work. r=mt (d621edf192)
- Bug 1254839 - include file and line number in RTCPeerConnection warnings. r=bz (1f914d83b0)
- Bug 1243607: make webrtc bitrate prefs take precedence over automatic bitrate selection r=pkerr (655a6ebf1a)
- Bug 1242199: Add lower-limit WebRTC bandwidth pref for testing r=pkerr (40895a6821)
- Bug 1244913 - change SelectBandwidth to SelectBitrates. r=jesup (4952cb9143)
- Bug 1244913 - resolution-based bitrates for each simulcast layer, scaleResolutionDownBy, and working maxBitrate in unicast. r=bwc,jesup (cf40bb9c9f)
- Bug 1166832 - Add test to verify video (using capture stream) after renegotiation. r=bwc (adb0cd89cb)
- Bug 1250990 - Make RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownBy work with H.264 unicast. r=jesup (83eca85bb4)
- Bug 1237224: Check sending framesize is set before calculating max fps when max-mbps is negotiated r=pkerr (6910dbb65f)
- Bug 1198345 - Split moar Hello Telemetry values from general WebRTC. r=jesup (cc9b0c8059)
- Bug 1217677: increase UDP socket receive buffer for <= Win7. r=jesup, mcmanus (bd096afc64)
- Bug 1244638 - Part 3: Rename method from NotifyTimingUpdate to PostSpecifiedTimingUpdated. r=birtles (71fe98e0b2)
- Bug 1122236 - CSP: Implement block-all-mixed-content (r=tanvi,kate,mrbkap) (3fddc3166d)
- Bug 1229222 - add chromeutils for the creation of origin attributes with the correct default values. r=sicking (bf1e5673c0)
- Bug 1240651 - Annotate addonId into crash report (r=bholley) (4be5ef9e5e)
- Bug 1254906 - Change the annotation on JSPrincipals::dump's definition to match that of its declaration. r=bz (2e46a62057)
- Bug 1211590 - Inherits OriginAttributes from loading principal for GetChannelURIPrincipal. r=sicking (838147dbce)
- Bug 1251311. JS:grinning smileyescribeScriptedCaller can't throw JS exceptions. Adjust some callers accordingly. r=khuey (2f3f111d74)
- Bug 1210703 - followup: fix test file used in caps and fix assertions to have actual/expected value in the right order, rs=bustage on a CLOSED TREE (548ddafc98)
- Bug 1208756 - Tests. r=billm (6b803253f2)
- Bug 1238160 - Test frame principal when toggling isolation. r=bz (a1954c14dd)
- Bug 1237141 - Make this test pass in e10s. r=felipe (32b8c1479f)
- var-let (1bb1fe779e)
- Bug 1207494 - Part 10: Remove use of expression closure from dom/json/. r=jst (668bf3efa8)
- Bug 1207494 - Part 9: Remove use of expression closure from dom/indexedDB/. r=khuey (8bf68b9afe)
- Bug 1043562 - Hide the Contacts API from the contexts that lack sufficient privileges, such as Firefox desktop and Android; r=smaug (dd78b59dda)
- Bug 1152114 - Ignore webapps with localId 0 (r=fabrice) (dbd208872b) (c6ee756140)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2024, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Added Video Download Acceleration: For full video downloads, videos from certain sites can be downloaded at high speed by clicking the acceleration button in the download popup to download the 720P version of the video.
    Added Experimental Feature for Unsafe Page Access Switch: In "Settings" - "Advanced" - "More Settings", you can turn off the warning for accessing unsafe pages.
    Updated multilingual translations.
    Fixed the issue of a black screen and the save button being unresponsive during full video downloads.
    Fixed known crashes.

Titel: Sleipnir
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2024, 15:10

Sleipnir stellt die meisten Webseiten optimal dar, weil er die gleiche Rendering Machine (Trident) verwendet wie der Internet Explorer. Zu den Features des Browsers zählen u. a. Tabbed-Browsing, Verwaltung von Lesezeichen und eine integrierte Suchfunktion. Der Browser kommt übrigens aus Japan und lässt sich durch Plugins und Skins anpassen.

Es werden darüber hinaus Mausgesten unterstützt. Beim ersten Start wird man nach dem zuletzt genutzten Browser gefragt, um die Einstellungen und Lesezeichen zu importieren. Die Sicherheitseinstellungen sind schnell erreichbar, wie der zweite Screenshot zeigt. Es gaibt drei voreingestellte Sicherheitsmodi, die per Mausklick gewechselt werden können. Beim Beenden der Sitzung kann der Verlauf, usw. gelöscht werden. Auch der UserAgent lässt sich einfach ändern.

Whats new: >>

    Update Blink (Chrome/122.0.6261.112)
    Customize iframe blocking settings
    Integrated into Security
    Adjust the targets of blocked ads
    Other minor bugs fixed

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2024.3.16.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2024, 19:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-03-16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2024, 20:00

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git c6ee756140...081721a2da:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- Bug 1235610 - Add xpctall support for Bitrig and DragonFly. r=glandium (02b7d40eb3)
- Bug 1252072 - Prevent ASan instrumentation for unsafe xpcom functions. r=froydnj (881bfc18c0)
- Bug 1245099 - Fixed uninitialized variable warning. r=bsmedberg (6481aad0d5)
- Bug 1196370 - Remove the clang assembly workaround from bug 1028613. r=ehsan (b8b6f1a5e8)
- Bug 1234860 - move win32 NS_InvokeByIndex implementation to a separate assembly file; r=aklotz,ted.m (73ca54348f)
- Bug 1248534 (part 1) - Remove XPT encoding support. r=khuey. (e84c4dfd32)
- Bug 1248534 (part 2) - Remove unused XPT flags. r=khuey. (264be694d0)
- Bug 1248534 (part 3) - Remove almost all support for XPT annotations. r=khuey. (97a0d86e0b)
- Bug 1248534 (part 4) - Remove unused fields from XPTConstValue. r=khuey. (9eccf9eba5)
- Bug 1248534 (part 5) - Remove XPTDatapool. r=khuey. (139dab7a9f)
- Bug 1248534 (part 6) - Stack-allocate XPTState. r=khuey. (f32ce7cc9e)
- Bug 1249174 (part 7) - Only define XPTArena::name if XPT_ARENA_LOGGING is defined. r=khuey. (174a20c0a3)
- Bug 1248534 (part 8) - Remove useless XPT freeing code. r=khuey. (a5ade9739b)
- Bug 1248534 (part 9) - Remove XPT arena logging code. r=khuey. (a996dfad76)
- Bug 1251458 - Reinstate annotation handling in .xpt files. r=khuey. (fbe8d573bd)
- Bug 1249174 (part 1) - Don't store the unused XPTTypeDescriptorTags::argnum2 field in memory. r=khuey. (e1d12965eb)
- Bug 1253877 - Baldr: cast -1 to uint8 to avoid 'shifting negative' error on CLOSED TREE (r=bustage) (cdf8031264)
- Bug 1258599 - OdinMonkey: MIPS: Only reserving stack for argument registers on O32. r=huangwenjun06 (a77220a9fa)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: fold if_else into if to match ml-proto (r=sunfish) (54e89aafe3)
- Bug 1249174 (part 2) - Shrink xptiInterfaceEntry by reordering its fields. r=khuey. (c4d7c15e6e)
- Bug 1253137 - Baldr: update br_table syntax to match ml-proto (r=sunfish) (e7f253e4d8)
- Bug 1249174 (part 3) - Don't store the unused XPTInterfaceDirectoryEntry::name_space field in memory. r=khuey. (c308508e74)
- Bug 1249174 (part 4) - Don't store unused XPTHeader fields in memory. r=khuey. (2dfd238a54)
- Bug 1249174 (part 5) - Remove the useless BLK_HDR::size field. r=khuey. (1a362c278e)
- Bug 1249174 (part 6) - Shrink XPTTypeDescriptor. r=khuey. (5a313327fe)
- Bug 1249174 (part 7.5) - Avoid wasted space around XPT strings. r=khuey. (ac3653802c)
- Bug 1249174 (part 8) - Shrink XPTInterfaceDescriptor. r=khuey. (e9dc929d37)
- Bug 1254188 - Baldr: handle recycled phis when closing a loop with a value (r=bbouvier) (2cb0895472)
- Bug 1254167: Don't allow folding to full range for atomic accesses; r=sunfish (96a851efda)
- Bug 1256637: Set definition before returning early in EmitBrTable; r=luke (0fdb365e82)
- Bug 1255695 - BaldrMonkey: Implement unaligned accesses. r=luke (205b798249)
- Bug 1238121 - Properly guard Profiler's RAII classes r=BenWa f=mystor (a3db8e6bc9)
- Bug 1251787 - Remove remaining references to MOZILLA_XPCOMRT_API from tools. r=mstange (1632205437)
- align profiler (c2638ecf1f)
- Bug 1235502 - Fix -Wunreachable-code warning in tools/profiler/. r=BenWa (0d564937c9)
- Bug 1221846 - Properly close the tasktracer property in the GeckoSampler JSON blob. r=BenWa (dca640fb03)
- Bug 1239498 - Use Stackwalk64 on win x64. r=jrmuizel (50ffe8a649)
- Bug 1258269: Declare logging string-literals in exception_handler.cc as 'const char[]' to fix build warning & for consistency. r=ted (a9454e735f)
- parts of Bug 1151175 - Update libvpx update.py for 1.4.0. (8700fa48ab)
- Bug 1249590 - Bullet-proofing AsyncShutdown wrt exceptions;r=froydnj (7e512f1029)
- Bug 1021151 - avoid memory leak in NS_GENERIC_AGGREGATED_CONSTRUCTOR_INIT, use nsAutoPtr instead of naked ptr. r=Ehsan (d0eb754af2)
- Bug 1255223 - Null crash when logging weak maps. r=mccr8. (0d02b4b469)
- Bug 1250134 - assert mJSRuntime when IsGrayJS() is true. r=mccr8 (a3987102ed)
- Bug 1254131: Fix non-unified wasm build. r=luke (cacb86e4d0)
- Bug 1246929 - Skip installing functions and properties on builtins for the self-hosting global. r=Waldo (aa04041de9)
- Bug 986294 - Remove Proxy.create from addon-sdk. r=mossop (da3d6c40ea)
- Bug 1243805 - Replace Proxy.create with new Proxy in devtools l10n code. r=jryans (9886f857be)
- Bug 1245141 - Use new Proxy for AddonManager.addonTypes. r=mossop (6cc8dd0870)
- Bug 1253866 - Remove Proxy.create from crash tests. r=bz (76a421cf97)
- Bug 892903 - Remove Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction. r=efaust (7b572deb10)
- Bug 1049041 - Remove scary warning about mutating [[Prototype]]. r=efaust. (367ac3f6c5)
- Bug 1257445 - #ifdef on __GLIBC__ for sched_getcpu, which is a glibc feature. r=jimb (171a1729c1)
- Followup for bug 1257445 - Remove the AutoStopwatch::getCPU implementation using sched_getcpu. r=jimb (221f52d4c4)
- Bug 1178317 - eliminate large static constructor from ShimInterfaceInfo.cpp; r=poiru (aa66704aee)
- Bug 1247580 P1 Allow old nsIX509Cert serialized objects to be read off disk. r=bz (1f8bc280a6)
- Bug 1247580 P2 Add gtest to ensure we can continue to deserialize old security info strings. r=bz (323059ac29)
- Bug 864842 - Show error for browsing Windows drive without media, r=michal (1e438bdf2f)
- Bug 1233283 - Remove unless tmp from ReadDir in nsLocalFileWin. r=froydnj (1565d1cc14)
- Bug 1258498: Use fallible allocation in nsScriptableInputStream::ReadBytes. r= froydnj (eebcb8050d)
- Bug 1236108: Add temp directory for sandboxed content processes to directory r=bsmedberg (8384b33c10)
- Bug 1255362 - Null-check GetContainer() before using it in image-related ConfigureLayer() methods. r=mstange a=Tomcat (beab7149f1)
- Bug 1205473 - Add a state bit to optimize building event regions. r=mattwoodrow (c8b1eb9839)
- Bug 1222886 - Remove unused nsCSSParser::{SetStyleSheet,SetChildLoader,SetQuirkMode} methods. r=bzbarsky (c9c6621083)
- Bug 1247327. Fix WebGL acceptance rates in telemetry. r=milan (de10319664)
- Bug 1249664 - Save dropped-down state in nsPresState. r=dbaron (734c3ee18b)
- Bug 1256745 - Cancel the DidPaint timer in SetShell(nullptr). r=mattwoodrow (d2a4202512)
- Bug 1238846 (part 1) - Remove some dead code in nsLayoutUtils. r=mattwoodrow. (e6af806e52)
- Bug 1252414 - Handle lost_context for webgl ClearBuffer*. r=jgilbert (e6728605ff)
- Bug 1228687: ScopedResolveTexturesForDraw needs the context to be current, so make those calls earlier. r=jgilbert (6e731187c5)
- Bug 1247532 - Annotate intentional switch fallthrough to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in dom/canvas/. r=jgilbert (d7faec1848)
- Bug 1249483 - Stop filling A with 1.0 on readback from no-alpha. - r=jrmuizel (9bf71fb220) (9d253b796d)
- sync toolkit passwordmgr strings (2b5d33167e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- reapply Bug 1574573 - Disambiguate a use of Handle in XPCShellEnvironment.cpp r=Ehsan (a674c4b006)
- Bug 1255707 - Part 2. Remove ScreenSizeChanged. r=snorp (3a93e4e768)
- Bug 1250418 - Remove the assertion check of mCanSend in CompositorCh ld::ActorDestroy, r=nical (14bb402a1d)
- Bug 1250718 - Improve layer logging for preserve-3d layers. r=thinker (f373a50040)
- Bug 1232042 - Addendum: Add comment for mLayerManager check. r=jrmuizel (2b69aa784a)
- Bug 1239861. Skip composite if vsync time is before force composite time. r=kats (5ee4038157)
- Bug 1241678 - Fix low-volume null-deref crash. r=BenWa (b28d944615)
- Rename PCompositor to PCompositorBridge. (bug 1258479 part 2, r=mattwoodrow) (dd535a9bdd)
- Bug 1220184 - Eliminate Gingerbread compatibility. r=froydnj, r=nalexander (dce9e4f9e8)
- Bug 1250917 - Remove NS_SUCCESS_I_DID_SOMETHING; r=bholley (9dd6fe351b)
- Bug 1155241: Check mInstanceOwner for nullptr in nsObjectLoadingContent:tongue sticking out smileyluginDestroyed; r=smaug (ad60991e3e)
- Bug 1229220 - Update the scrollbar visibility prefs when initializing a TabChild; r=smaug (28997e0a6d)
- Bug 1252262 - Don't combine the client offset into the outer rect for the child process. r=jimm (f415c0418e)
- Bug 1249943 - Make test_basic_pan work on Fennec and Linux as well. r=botond (657c940be1)
- bit of bug 1245765 part 5 (82463f7eaa)
- Bug 1207512 - Remove the JS_IsRunning call in nsObjectLoadingContent:confused smileycriptRequestPluginInstance; r=bholley (76047284a6)
- Bug 1239463 - Do not assert when notifying an inactive document about changed content from the plugin crash notification. r=bz (03bf38a683)
- Bug 1192450 - Remove PlayPreview registration from Shumway. r=jet (9b6e131876)
- Bug 1200602 - Use the alternate content for <applet>. r=kmachulis (843fccf0aa) (081721a2da)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2024, 21:50
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

    Made various general updates to the browser.
    Improved and enhanced applications included in this office suite.

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2024, 09:40
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



+ Added extension count: The Extensions Management page now shows the total number of currently installed extensions.
* Optimized interaction for selecting background color options on New Tab page without wallpaper.
* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed issues with page security verification failure and incorrect page openings.
- Fixed the issue where full video downloads could not be stopped.
- Fixed known crashes.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-03-23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2024, 18:50
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


In-tree changes:
- security: NotifyCACertExists is removed from engine (9d11d8aa)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 081721a2da...c8732098b3:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1183915 - Put images dragged from content processes in the drag data in the parent. r=smaug (72906fab07)
- Bug 1192394 - Force an image load whenever the thumbnail file changes. r=adw (c194d868f9)
- let-var (f5e9a53170)
- Bug 1250109 - Change DOMEventTargetHelper subclasses to not assume that GetOwner() is non-null, since it can be nulled out by navigation. r=bzbarsky (deb440c2a4)
- Bug 911216 - Part 1: Add tests directly testing content Promise constructor resolved with chrome Promise. r=bz (1b2f1ec6b8)
- Bug 911216 - Part 2: Add self-hosting intrinsic for calling wrapped functions without wrapper security checks. r=efaust,bholley (de086e8422)
- Bug 911216 - Part 3: Allow wrapped self-hosted functions and intrinsics in the callFunction debug check. r=efaust (c02e6337fe)
- Bug 1251921 - Do not call debugger hooks with half-initialized frame if InterpeterFrame::prologue fails. (r=jorendorff) (9873720345)
- Bug 1256342. Fix typed array iteration to work correctly over Xrays. r=till (6a7f5c12c6)
- Bug 1256376. Fix forEach on typed arrays to work over Xrays from web extension sandboxes. r=till (ab19703ab5)
- Bug 911216 - Part 4: Add self-hosting intrinsic for creating arrays in other compartments. r=efaust (37b14521fb)
- Bug 1233497 - Temporarily allow unsafe CPOWs in Promise-backend.js and Task.jsm. r=billm (d2672a456a)
- Bug 1225041 - Implement ES6 Annex B.3.5 for direct eval. (r=jorendorff) (daf24f0e34)
- Bug 1254185 - Deal with missing arguments assigned to block bindings. (r=jimb) (3ce53dcd06)
- Bug 1250506 - check if node is acceptable as a child before creating an accessible for it, r=davidb (5960ba726d)
- Bug 1251941 - aria::GetRoleMap should take element, r=davidb (e9ee4e20ea)
- Bug 1251944 - get rid of nsCoreUtils::GetRoleContent, r=davidb (a2bf199bb4)
- Bug 1257030 - Add support for supplying preexisting stack instead of capturing one for use as the async parent stack of CallbackObject. r=bz,tromey (a4ddb41fac)
- Bug 1232291 - Non-used header in MessagePortService.*, r=smaug (1e2398e314)
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify sWAIRoleMaps. r=tbsaunde. (09653e44af)
- align (24667f7952)
- Bug 1253438 - Expose Push observer notification topics. r=markh (b62a068d4b) (904e3bdf3a)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1255818. Switch from JS_ClearPendingException to AutoJSAPI::ClearException for cases when we have an AutoJSAPI around. r=bholley (e1e0413493)
- Bug 1253591. HTMLAllCollection should be rooted at the document, not the root element, so it can find the root element. r=peterv (c5f2f253a9)
- Bug 1257270 - Use std::nullptr_t instead of nullptr_t in WMFUtils.h. r=cpearce (539e705876)
- Bug 1251881 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedDeletePtr in mozglue/linker/; r=glandium (2fe329e32c)
- Bug 1219068 - Compute size correctly when a character consists entirely of glue. r=karlt (80f2e23268)
- Bug 1246132 - Improve register allocation speed on large functions, r=sunfish. (6e023c252b)
- Bug 1150354: Make nsPluginDirServiceProvider build with MSVC 2015 CTP 6, r=jmathies (0113760730)
- Bug 1197311 - Remove PR_snprintf calls in dom/ r=froydnj (6268400ef0)
- Bug 1255099 - XHR CTOR doesn't need to use implicitJSContext, r=bz (72f08fbc36)
- Bug 1255597 - Part 1: Remove redundent trailing spaces. r=khuey (7f2240cb05)
- Bug 1255597 - Part 2: Follow spec to modify the content-type check conditions which determine parsing XHR body or not. r=khuey (ba6f7fc536)
- Bug 1255597 - Part 3: Synchronize content-type hint of HttpChannelChild to HttpChannelParent. r=jduell (bb97478b01)
- Bug 1255597 - Part 4: Remove 'expected fail' settings and expect test cases in responsexml-media-type.htm should be passed. r=khuey (772884b4fb)
- Bug 1201170 - During message diversion must be possible to suspend them. r=jduell (abb2361b7f)
- Bug 1201174 - For FTP - in case of divertToParent, it myst be possible to delay delivering of OnDataAv./OnStopR. r=jduell (9299ef81be)
- Bug 1247393 - use arrays of UniquePtr in ChannelEventQueue; r=mcmanus (7621205b53)
- Bug 1254730 - ChannelEventQueue must be thread-safe, r=michal (b8e01204e9)
- Bug 1254859 part 2. Switch the AutoEntryScript in nsXULTemplateBuilder::InitHTMLTemplateRoot to take ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (f183ec692c)
- Bug 1254859 part 1. Switch the AutoEntryScript in nsGlobalWindow::FireOnNewGlobalObject to take ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (b0cd891917)
- Bug 1254860. Switch the AutoEntryScript TestShellCommandParent::RunCallback to taking ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (0c9697e60f)
- Bug 1254857. Switch the AutoEntryScript in xpc::EvalInSandbox to take ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (93b6bfc87c)
- Bug 1254847 part 3. Make AutoEntryScript always take ownership of error reporting. r=bholley (3c2929462f)
- Bug 1256688 - Continue using getPropertyDescriptor for has in Sandbox?. r=peterv (be7e50b715)
- Bug 1254730 - patch 2 - Better comments and a better management of lifetime of ChannelEvents, r=michal (8348911e35)
- Bug 1163198 - Remove instances of #ifdef PR_LOGGING in dom/plugins. r=froydnj (ba13039dfa)
- Bug 1253216 - clean up the atomic ops ifdef nest. r=jorendorff (6ca747d3cf)
- Bug 1257055 - Use jit/arm64/Architecture-arm64.h on non-JIT aarch64. r=lth (4f3949cd19)
- Bug 1253379 - Cache timings not send to HttpChannelChild r=mayhemer (395172278f)
- align SetAllowStaleCacheContent to FF52, possible misspatch (9d29d27011) (5c3e1ed7ef)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1197901, ensure sensor events dispatching follows the becoming spec change, r=bz (f12fe4497c)
- Bug 1252055 P1 Make equivalent ServiceWorker DOM objects strictly equal in js. r=ehsan (cfd6649aa2)
- Bug 1200884: Make postmessage-to-client.https.html pass. r=jdm (7903e29cd3)
- Bug 1188545 - Make skip-waiting-using-registration.html wpt test pass. a=testonly (653f688ffb)
- Bug 1230164 P1 Ensure all service worker WPT tests remove controlled frames before completion. r=ehsan (0ca838a64d)
- Bug 1230164 P2 Only activate service workers in the activating state. r=ehsan (1a33f147d5)
- Bug 1230164 P3 Disable service worker update wpt tests for now. r=ehsan (51fde469a1)
- Bug 1252055 P2 Update tests to verify ServiceWorker object equality. r=ehsan (8520f66261)
- Bug 1214293, initialize show focus rings state properly in all child frames, r=smaug (6547290d14)
- Bug 735251 - don't show focusrings on HTML video / audio elements on non-Windows when focused by mouse, r=bz (769932daf3)
- Bug 932080 - Support default values in destructuring; r=jorendorff (97d0f50478)
- Bug 1251480 - Implement Rooted<UniquePtr<T>>, r=terrence (86750eefef)
- Bug 1251480 - Use Rooted<UniquePtr<StateData>> in place of StateData::CustomAutoRooter, r=bz (e1d40cbac2)
- Bug 1248153 - Do not convert fp to int by cast. r=waldo (c0a759bfd5)
- Bug 1254335 - Remove invalid assertion; r=jorendorff (9b9e3f050e)
- Bug 1251667 - Add a measure SLOW_SCRIPT_PAGE_COUNT, which measures the number of pages per session that have slow scripts. r=wmccloskey (6ce4d8e0ca)
- Bug 1245185: Remove dead event handling code from nsPIDOMWindow<T>. r=smaug (01f8e77997)
- Bug 1252268: If the slow script dialog aborts an interval timer callback, don't schedule it again. r=bz (62c0828435)
- Bug 1245554. Window's named properties object should not claim to have duplicates of a given property name if it has multiple iframes with that name. r=peterv (78d5c55972)
- Bug 1255709. Simplify the JSContext/GlobalObject handling in ServiceWorkerRegistrationMainThread::GetPushManager a bit. r=bkelly (d157739571)
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify and shrink kEntities and kAttrEntities. r=baku. (06dc0615ed)
- Bug 1228950 - Disallow scheme sets on nsHostObjectURI. r=bz (667c190935)
- Bug 1225864 - New flag OutputDisallowLineBreaking to disallow line breaking. r=masayuki. (f0e4d46807)
- Bug 1032979 part 1. Refactor the outerHTML web platform test to make it easier to add an XML version. r=smaug (6643f0678b)
- Bug 1032979 part 2. Getting outerHTML on a node from an XML document should not use the self-closing form of empty container tags from the HTML namespace. r=smaug (e3905a9c02) (7b7976875d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1225882 - Force XSLT to load async if CORS is required. r=sicking (485703225d)
- Bug 1168115 - Null CSSStyleSheet::mOwningPtr in the nsStyleLinkElement Unlink method. r=heycam (a82d26b778)
- Bug 1252841: Convert HAL daemon socket to |UniquePtr<>|, r=brsun (069171166d)
- Bug 1245901 - Measure counts of browser CPOW usage which is now rejected, r=billm (bf772d7df3)
- Bug 1258555: Fix return type of js::GCPointerPolicy::needsSweep. r=terrence (1e81399b2e)
- Bug 1249107 - Fix assertion failure when reaching start node in JS::ubi:confused smileyhortestPaths; r=jimb (1dba7085c2)
- Bug 1242462 - Allow IonMonkey re-enter until we reached the frequent bailout threshold. r=jandem (eaec0ee20d)
- Bug 1249736 - Remove redundant StartType from MStart. r=jandem (f18546e86f)
- Bug 1250964: SharedStubs - Don't add invalid stubs, r=jandem (b02cace7ee)
- Bug 1250964: SharedStubs - Remove bogus assert, r=bogus on CLOSED TREE (d310a60b69)
- Bug 1250031 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Fix ion/bug1233343.js crash. r=h4writer (ca83d03b77)
- Bug 1254808 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Define JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER on MIPS. r=h4writer (fce298a97e)
- Bug 1255352 - Use initial CacheIR infrastructure and use it for some simple Baseline stubs. r=efaust (c5ee30767f)
- Bug 1250935 - Use mozilla::Variant instead of a raw union and manual tag for ScriptSource::data; r=terrence (034592e64c)
- bug 1253268 - allow getting ids of proxied accessibles r=yzen (cc73189ef3)
- Bug 1238555 - Always update the LazyScript's static scope chain when emitting functions. (r=till) (b7293ed553)
- Bug 1122581 - Fix FormatFrame to not assert on Ion frames in some cases. r=shu (4cf9d53fca)
- Bug 1246605 - Fix getBacktrace assert with debugger breakpoints. r=evilpie (c05c44c085)
- Bug 1254174 - Convert uncaught symbol to a descriptive string. r=jorendorff (6917dd4540) (75ad9bcc60)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1253124 - Check return values in and around js::ValueToSourceForError r=jandem (dc00ae80bc)
- Bug 1221378: Use a dedicated flag on JS::Zone to disable allocation metadata collection, instead of abusing AutoEnterAnalysis. r=fitzgen (a39a050cea)
- Bug 1255527 - Remove sutagent/watcher; r=jmaher (7f0f536a35)
- Bug 1220716 - Removing nsICurrentCharsetListener. r=emk (d5b01215e8)
- Bug 956899 - Convert exclusive access lock from PRLock to Mutex; r=jandem (d4dc913f51)
- Bug 1252905. Don't invoke the interrupt callback while an exception is pending. r=jandem (762bed231e)
- Bug 1251675 - Add a Mutex<T> type, based on Rust's `std::sync::Mutex<T>`. r=terrence, r=jimb (10eb70bf07)
- NO BUG - Do not print diagnostics messages by default in js/src/jsapi-tests/testMutex.cpp on a CLOSED TREE; r=me (49f3fb6a44)
- Bug 956899 - Move and rename rust-alike Mutex to ExclusiveData; r=fitzgen (fa8421162f)
- Bug 956899 - Add a platform agnostic std::mutex work-alike; r=froydnj (7e991c3452)
- Bug 956899 - Replace ExclusiveData PRLock usage with Mutex; r=fitzgen (32af2e5ac4)
- Bug 956899 - Replace PRLock with Mutex in TraceLoggingGraph; r=h4writer (98feb957f5)
- Bug 956899 - Replace PRLock with Mutex in TraceLogger; r=h4writer (0aaf13825d)
- Bug 1242462 - IonSpewer: Write one log file per process. r=h4writer (89158ca321)
- Bug 956899 - Replace PRLock with Mutex in JitSpewer; r=nbp (0926da57f4)
- Bug 956899 - Add a std::lock_guard work-alike; r=froydnj (9562d7c220)
- Bug 956899 - Teach check_spidermonkey_style.py about mozglue; r=njn (c01c08595f)
- Bug 956899 - Implement an RAII unlocking primitive to compliment LockGuard; r=froydnj (7c366764c6)
- Bug 1258818 - Fix bad search/replace from b411b94f8d91 (from bug 956899). r=terrence (47bac2bc34)
- Bug 1255795 - use UniqueTwoByteChars in AtomizeUTF8Chars (r=jandem) (6187f0f7c2)
- Bug 1240502 - Fix debug-only dense elements check in SpreadCallOperation to not fail after a TI OOM. r=arai (d7d03ac85d)
- Bug 1257040 - Disable C4577 to unblock compilation on VS2015; r=jorendorff (acc571fca5)
- Bug 1255766 - Tracelogger: Mark resizing of memory also as internal tracelogger time, r=bbouvier (767ee0dd73)
- Bug 1257102 - Invoking a trap on a proxy, where the handler has null ¦as the value of that trap, should fall back to operating on the target just like undefined would. r=evilpie (7c72b25a88)
- Bug 1214013 - Add fuzz test. (r=efaust) (a7c3eccf37)
- Bug 1198833 - Variable redeclaration should be a syntax error r=shu (d2c0e9d7ad)
- Bug 1252924 - SIMD.*.prototype.toString(); r=waldo (ee3456280a)
- Bug 1252927 - SIMD: Truncate before range check. r=sunfish (9fe432ead7)
- Bug 1252924 - SIMD.*.prototype.valueOf. r=waldo (ae917c754e)
- Bug 1252270 - SIMD: Coerce non-numeric indexes to load/store functions. r=lth (f16722e671)
- Bug 1256945 - Coerce SIMD lane indexes with ToNumber(). r=bbouvier (c59ed63e98)
- Bug 1241432 - Implement GB18030-2005. r=smontagu (432d698684)
- Bug 1155263 - missing <stdint.h> header in rulebrk.c r=dholbert (a8ca47c0dd)
- Bug 1225934. Better describe the effect of the flag FLAG_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING. Comment only change. (8ff70e3766)
- Bug 1251405. Part 1. Fix a significant signed/unsigned mismatch in handling the return value of FrameAnimator::GetSingleLoopTime. r=edwin (cd80cc1505)
- Bug 1251405. Part 2. Use 64 bit ints to hold the delay between the current time and the last animation time. r=edwin (71e1af9250)
- Bug 926048. Part 1. Simplify FrameAnimator::AdvanceFrame slightly. We don't need a |timeout| variable, we only check it once. r=edwin (fad20cc1dc)
- Bug 926048. Part 2. Remove useless GetRawFrame call. r=edwin (e5dec6bbf7)
- Bug 926048. Part 3. Correctly check if we are at the end of an animated image. r=edwin (906d4ce883)
- Bug 926048. Part 4. Update the current animation frame time if we hit the end of decoded frames before all frames are decoded. r=edwin (09ca5732f4)
- Bug 1251403. Determine the correct index of the next frame before getting the next frame. r=edwin (024cf9cddf)
- Bug 1220082 - Assign frame ids to animated images so that they get invalidated correctly. r=seth (c80a29d4ae)
- Bug 1225934 - Never allow surface substitution when FLAG_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING is disabled. r=tn (2f8515aa5c)
- Bug 1251807 - Use the surface's size, not the intrinsic size, in CopyFrame. r=tn (aeb9e251cd)
- Bug 1251806 - In RasterImage::GetFrameInternal(), check if the frame covers the actual surface size rather than the requested surface size. r=tn (c257ec96c2)
- Bug 1251808 - Construct the SourceSurfaceImage with the correct size in RasterImage::GetCurrentImage(). r=seth (f8ed7b0485)
- bug 1223466 - update extended validation information to deal with root removals in NSS 3.21 r=mgoodwin (d0a7a8c2d9)
- bug 1241564 - remove EV treatment for TÃRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet SaÄlay?c?s? SHA-1 root certificate r=Cykesiopka (1fa9bdc5b2)
- bug 1236964 - enable Certum Trusted Network CA 2 root certificate for EV treatment r=jcj (d3effc42d0)
- Bug 1254689 - Remove SEC_NORMAL where loadingPrincipal is SystemPrincipal or NullPrincipal. r=sicking (5500cbc930)
- Bug 1228314 - added static_cast<int64> in order to avoid overflow. r=seth (f0503f879b)
- Bug 1251742. Avoid overflow in computing area of surface sizes in SurfaceCache. r=dholbert (69731a1cc2)
- Bug 1251091. Fix surface key comparison in ImageSurfaceCache::LookupBestMatch. r=dholbert (ca003cf8e5) (c2f9b5547e)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1246851 (Part 1) - Add a new SurfacePipe API for writing to image surfaces in a safe and composable manner. r=njn (2e3353a6a7)
- Bug 1246851 (Part 2) - Add SurfaceFilter implementations for basic surface output operations. r=njn (fa30948a3f)
- Bug 1246851 (Part 3) - Add a factory for constructing SurfacePipes. r=njn (7a746d3ec8)
- Bug 1191347 - Explicitly release surfaces on the main thread in TestDecodeToSurface. r=me (fa1a68dc9a)
- Bug 1246851 (Part 4) - Add a test suite for SurfacePipes and SurfaceFilters. r=njn (380dc94c08)
- Bug 1247152 (Part 1) - Use SurfacePipe in the GIF decoder. r=njn (8b3d76f017)
- Bug 1247152 (Part 2) - Remove even more code from the GIF decoder. r=edwin (80c8cc5e1c)
- side effects Bug 1247152 (Part 1) (5b6cbf0ad5)
- Bug 1237232 - Properly check the result of Vector append() calls in security/. r=keeler (b06dce061f)
- Bug 1235308 - Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings in security/. r=keeler (ac5c3bf540)
- Bug 1235188 - Fix -Wformat warnings in security/certverifier/. r=keeler (25ee7ee77c)
- Bug 1004149 - Remove some dead code. r=keeler (59fedcb6a6)
- Bug 1004149 - Return mozilla::pkix::Result values in nsNSSHttpInterface functions. r=keeler (76933c7d94)
- Bug 1187173 - Disable warning C4623 on security/certverifier. r=briansmith (c1353b0577)
- Bug 1256484 - Disable C4456 and C4458 to unblock compilation on VS2015; r=keeler (b51ac368ba)
- Bug 1251009 - Remove unused nsICertificateDialogs.notifyCACertExists() method. r=keeler, r=mfinkle (9ca9aee3d0)
- Bug 1249224 - window.open() should open a new window in the same container, r=bz (c57c76ec2f)
- Bug 1245451 - add default nullptr value to mChrome. r=bsmedberg (3236ea34df)
- Bug 1255849. Add some documentation for AutoJSAPI instances that seem to be used just for cxpushing. r=bholley (60a81652de)
- Bug 1189554 - Make Saved Passwords dialog resizable on Windows again. r=smaug (a367796251)
- Bug 1252974 - Convert screen's available dimensions to CSS-pixel units in nsWindowWatcher. r=emk (5524055ab0)
- Bug 1233328 - Part 1: Ignore SHA-1 pins in PublicKeyPinningService.cpp. r=keeler (e5fe732a4b)
- Bug 1233328 - Part 2: Use SHA-256 StaticFingerprints directly instead? of StaticPinset since the SHA-1 StaticFingerprints entry will always be null. r=keeler (50f88c76da)
- Bug 1256089 - Fix Mutex support for tier-3 platforms; r=froydnj (76ab483843)
- Bug 1257019 - Add move construction to js::Mutex<T>. r=terrence (383ad474ba)
- No bug, Automated HPKP preload list update from host bld-linux64-spot-309 - a=hpkp-update (0a6d3b9c40)
- No bug, Automated HPKP preload list update from host bld-linux64-spot-223 - a=hpkp-update (7b3dbac6f8)
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify kPinset_* arrays. r=cykesiopka. (ddbaad40a0)
- No bug, Automated HPKP preload list update from host bld-linux64-spot-543 - a=hpkp-update (f5c37e366a)
- bug 1233853 - make nsSyncJPAKE aware of NSS shutdown r=jcj (9f74b5a46f)
- Bug 1215734 - Expand GeckoMediaPlugin sandbox policy for Clang 3.7 ASan. r=kang (a96e0429e5)
- part Bug 1154738 - Fixed WMFUtils.cpp compilation on mingw (9ba8bd1481)
- Bug 1256498. Explicitly convert to float. r=bas (ce97ef100e)
- Bug 1223736 - Part 1: Set correct effective transform on mask layers. r=thinker (a87514ac4f)
- Bug 1249813 - part 1 - revise nsShmImage to allow draw targets anywhere inside its bounds. r=jrmuizel (cba4cdf8c9)
- Bug 1249813 - part 2 - make Cairo mark a surface as clear if clip covers entire surface. r=jrmuizel (45ccfcfc15)
- Bug 1249813 - part 3 - tell the compositor if the root layer has opaque content so it can skip clears. r=mattwoodrow (2abaa0cf8b)
- Bug 1255303 - Use SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8 as back buffer if possible r=jrmuizel (5f81a83123)
- Bug 1253860 - Don't update the scrollbar unless we're actually painting. r=mstange (d3a2482408)
- Bug 1253860 - Add a flag on scroll frames indicating if they have an APZ counterpart. r=mstange (2aef746ee1)
- Bug 1253860 - Skip paints for main thread scrolls if we can ask APZ to handle the scrolling for us. r=mstange (4483da1f16)
- Bug 1244116 - Telemetry for mixed content requests by plugins. r=smaug, p=ally (fd5f87f666)
- Bug 1252829 - CSP Telemetry. r=ckerschb, p=bsmedberg (8d340fa824)
- Bug 1246464: Add 'const' to some stylesheet args in nsDocument methods. r=heycam (4e744d81d2)
- Bug 1255705 - Add some useful logging that can be enabled at compile time. r=botond (80f0202160)
- Bug 1255856 - Don't allow paint-skipping if there are windowed plugins on the page. r=mstange,jimm (25e6d8ed22)
- Bug 1256727 - Don't allow paint-skipping on pages with scroll-linked effects. r=mstange (a8bace52ff)
- Bug 1247098 - Take document resolution into account when computing root composition bounds for displayport base. r=tnikkel (1b7b61c82e)
- Bug 1250550 - Ensure a scroll event posted during a refresh driver tick fires during that same tick. r=mats (d5bfc24524)
- Bug 1253739 - Fix incorrect namespace on forward declaration. r=botond (dfc7aac51e)
- Bug 1253489 - Update SendFenceHandleIfPresent() r=nical (798c209dff)
- Bug 1253860 - Stop APZC from reprocessing stale metrics on unrelated layer tree updates. r=botond (1013df0068)
- Bug 1253860 - Add machinery to update APZ's scroll offset without a main-thread paint. r=botond (cb95baf9c6)
- Bug 1239564 - Post translate maskSurface to renderTarget. r=roc (66c56d227d)
- Bug 1223736 - Part 2: Draw masks in the correct coordinate space when doing 3d transforms in BasicCompositor. r=lsalzman (2d62616534)
- Bug 1223736 - Part 3: Remove the distinction between 2d and 3d masks since it only adds complexity. r=Bas (61c2306875)
- Bug 1137561 - Follow up VS2015 build error. r=masayuki (f12716a1ab)
- Bug 1217275 Fix missing \n in IMMHandler::HandleDocumentFeed(), it was replaced to empty string accidentally r=m_kato (3315b1c270)
- Bug 1243268 - Adjust ATOK workaround. r=masayuki (13af7184d1)
- Bug 1242690 - If a drag block is interrupted by something else, have it create a new drag block when it resumes. r=rbarker (fe3dc8deac)
- Bug 1242690 - Add untransforming of mouse events not in a drag block. r=rbarker (a39e715efe)
- Bug 1241991 - Switch mTreeLock from a Monitor to a Mutex. r=kats (0eca284591)
- Bug 1242690 - Further refine the mouse event untransformation code to only apply to events directed at a scrollbar. r=rbarker (5c92ca2807)
- Bug 1251608 - Add a root-content annotation to the APZ test data structure. r=botond (a1ee8e496a)
- Bug 1249748 - Ensure the mHandledByAPZ flag is set on WidgetTouchEvents that are handled by APZ. r=botond (11bdfae896)
- Bug 1242690 - Don't apply the main-thread callback transform for events in a drag block. r=rbarker (3db1405b68)
- Bug 1243589 - Use SingleTiledContentClient even for scrollable layers if the layer is smaller than a single tile. r=mattwoodrow (56bb664de1)
- Bug 1250517 - Differentiate between no critical display port and empty critical display port in ClientTiledPaintedLayer; r=kats (1b809fac8e)
- Bug 1255448 - Call ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer:tongue sticking out smileyaintThebes even when region to paint is empty. r=mattwoodrow (31ac878dc0)
- Bug 1255907 - Fix unification build issues in APZ & Layers. r=kats (9829525402)
- Bug 1256344 - If a long-press is interrupted by a non-touch block, don't dispatch the long-press event. r=botond (b3bdd0e58e)
- Bug 1256341 - Guard against scenarios where GenerateSingleTap is called without an active touch block. r=botond (d4ec208407)
- Bug 1230552 - Minor follow-up to add an assertion. rs=kats (6f9eec7bd4)
- Bug 1247964 - Allow InputBlockState:confused smileyetScrolledApzc to accept new APZC when it is an ancestor of the current APZC r=kats # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (08ce9cfa98)
- Bug 1257264 - When apz.allow_immediate_handoff=false, APZ handoff should not occur when panning changes direction r=botond (6ec9ec22e6)
- Bug 1250213 - Ensure the scroll offset does not go outside the page bounds when going full screen r=kats (ace8e8a80c)
- Bug 1241332 - part 1, Request content repaint at end of APZ animation r=kats (74f7e249f2)
- Bug 1255705 - Generalize the NotifyLayersUpdated short-circuit codepath to trigger on empty transactions as well. r=botond (0344d44844)
- Bug 1250614 - Repeated zooming in bug on mobile Wikipedia site r=botond (459f02b8d3)
- Bug 1251001 - Input fields at the bottom of a page do not pan into view when gaining focus. r=botond (770102bf9f)
- Bug 1190093 (Comment Tweak) - Add better comments for nsIDocument::mIsShowing and mVisible. r=me DONTBUILD (e3822ef086)
- Bug 1217226: P1. Use VideoInfo display size data rather than attempt to detect value in stream. r=cpearce (a4a7e9b19a)
- Bug 1217226: P2. Implement WMFMediaDataDecoder::ConfigurationChanged. r=cpearce (52177525c5)
- fix misspatch (61a694fe3d)
- Bug 1249706: Added telemetry for the proportion of frames dropped keyed by several details. r=jya (cb459d971c)
- Bug 1202296 - Recreate the MFTDecoder when we want to disable DXVA. r=cpearce (d82999e94f)
- Bug 1176071 - Handle WMF MFTDecoder returning success but no output, with telemetry. r=mattwoodrow,r=vladan (da8017c92b)
- align, cleanup (9a86d51dfd)
- no bug - fix case of nsIDocShell.h in WindowsUIUtils.cpp (0ccabaa445)
- Bug 1187724 Don't dispatch KeyboardEvents when the target of WM_APPCOMMAND is a windowed plug-in for preventing deadlock r=jimm (7b6d83559c)
- Bug 1187178 - Use MOZ_WINSDK_MAXVER instead of #ifndef. r=jimm (06c949ddb9)
- bits of Bug 1165515 - Part 13-2: Replace usage of PRLogModuleLevel (7beaa2dcc4)
- Bug 1257791: Return correct DPI and printing scale from nsDeviceContextSpecWin when printing to PDF. r=jimm (87360301ea)
- Bug 1242295 - Fix compile error in nsDeviceContextSpecWin. r=jimm (d1d4680319)
- Bug 1229881 - fix off-by-one error in nsPrinterEnumeratorWin::GetPrinterNameList; r=dbaron; a=KWierso (439061ba50)
- Bug 1239683 - Replace NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE with NS_MAXSIZE in windows/nsWindow.cpp. r=mats (4135189bec)
- Bug 1033488 - Send RTL information to child process by WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE. r=masayuki (eaf8f70d34)
- Bug 1238137 - Telemetry pings for main thread touch scrolling (Windows only). r=kats (f2194a2965)
- Bug 1156182 - Ensure nsWindow:grinning smileyestroy() is called before destroying mPresentLock to avoid a race with the compositor thread. r=Bas (0452ffc641)
- Bug 1173617. Don't cache titlebar caption sizes unless the widget has a titlebar. r=jimm (b29e190504)
- Bug 580165 - Clean up dead code related to missing screen managers in widget. r=jimm (bf83f21ddc)
- Bug 1256501: Fix warning C4312 with 64-bit VS2015 in widget/windows/nsWindow.cpp; r=jimm (635151964e)
- Bug 1242690 - Squash together DispatchAPZAwareEvent and DispatchInputEvent. r=dvander (d7b4fea361)
- Bug 1242616: Add break in nsWindow.cpp WM_GETOBJECT handling. r=tbsaunde (eb516d4119)
- Bug 1239353 - Don't try to change DPI on the fly for popup windows, they remain connected to their parent's presShell and therefore need to share its resolution. r=emk (1491b84fd1)
- Bug 1246389 - Resize window appropriately on WM_DPICHANGED messages for dynamic resolution changes. r=emk (f3dbfcdbb1)
- Bug 1254019 - Don't attempt to resize a maximized window on DPI change; and when handling a DPI change, constrain the resized window to the screen bounds. r=emk (2047c2dcb5)
- Bug 1252191 - use UniquePtr instead of ScopedFreePtr in PoisonIOInterposerMac.cpp; r=aklotz (7c26e55b76)
- Bug 1233208: Disable IOInterposer on Beta and Release; r=froydnj (04a6f8b07c)
- crashreporter (377572bbb1)
- Bug 1055322 - The realloc for libnestegg should free with size 0. r=froydnj (ea624646ca)
- Bug 1236789. Avoid creating an unnecessary thread pool thread for tail-dispatch in TaskQueue. r=bholley (e7fb9e4373)
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify named CIDs. r=froydnj. (03b414d92b)
- Bug 1250396 (part 1) - Document a subtle contraint on nsIAtom. r=froydnj. (ff279149ac)
- Bug 1250396 (part 2) - Remove nsStaticAtomStringType. r=froydnj. (5520507680)
- Bug 1255343 - Stop returning nsresult from NS_RegisterStaticAtoms; r=ehsan (de1d387937)
- Bug 1251495 - remove unnecessary Logging.h include from nsStaticAtom.h; r=erahm (5226a840fa) (c8732098b3)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 10:30
Whats new:>>

+ Added Bright VPN service detection and restart interactions
* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed the issue with appearance settings not syncing.
- Fixed known crashes.

Titel: Pale Moon 33.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 18:30
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!


This is a minor security and stability release.


    Fixed an issue with attributes on duplicate html tags.
    Aligned the behavior of internal pointer structures to be more uniform. DiD
    Security issue addressed: CVE-2024-2610


Titel: CyberChef 10.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 21:50
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Line ending sequences and UTF-8 character encoding are now detected automatically @n1474335 | 65ffd8d

Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 19:45
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

Updated the WebView2 runtime control DLL file that accompanies the browser.

Titel: CyberChef 10.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 22:30
Whats new:>>

Added 'JA4 Fingerprint' operation @n1474335 | [#1759]

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2024.3.29.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2024, 19:10
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.


Titel: CyberChef 10.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2024, 20:30
Whats new:>>

10.13.0 - 2024-03-30

    Added 'FangURL' operation @breakersall @arnydo | #1591 #654

10.12.0 - 2024-03-29

    Added 'Salsa20' and 'XSalsa20' operation @joostrijneveld | #1750

10.11.0 - 2024-03-29

    Add HEIC/HEIF file signatures @simonw | #1757
    Update xmldom to fix medium security vulnerability @chriswhite199 | #1752
    Update JSONWebToken to fix medium security vulnerability @chriswhite199 | #1753

Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-03-30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2024, 21:30

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git c8732098b3...345f2b82de:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- Bug 1256545: avoid compiler warning for pointer truncation when checking low bits r=bwc (d16c97ba81)
- Bug 1255655 - Const-ify and shrink octet_weight. r=hurley. (d5b4c89e87)
- Bug 1216837: add explicit error checks for packet length in srtp r=mcmanus rs=jesup (ce11d6694e)
- Bug 1248565 - Let child processes have its own MOZ_LOG_FILE. r=erahm (a242c8fa08)
- Bug 1256558 - Change MUST_CONVERT to avoid C4311 in VS2015; r=khuey (81b1f997f6)
- Bug 580313 - Use deque instead of manual queue im nsPrefetchService. r=smaug (023e0115e8)
- Bug 580313 - New resource hints for link. r=smaug (3c7949ab9a)
- Bug 1253593 - Fix applicationCache.onchecking notification on e10s. r=jduell (debb998b9d)
- Bug 1234177 - check to see if mFunctions.append returned error. r=bholley (0dc9d44233)
- Bug 1183754, part 1 - Get rid of aligned spacing for XPCWrappedNative fields. r=bholley (dfb09ad1a4)
- Bug 1183754, part 2 - Remove clearing of the next chunk. r=bholley (78e8c4d7cb)
- Bug 1183754, part 3 - Use a UniquePtr for XPCWrappedNativeChunk::mNextChunk. r=bholley (26d816ff0c)
- Bug 1183754, part 4 - Eliminate XPCWrappedNativeTearOffChunk. r=bholley (0f50e6c9ff)
- Bug 1252154: Delay allocation metadata collection for inline typed objects. r=sfink (9f3cea8d76)
- Bug 1250195: In TypedObject.from, decide that the input is typed only if it's an array type; r=pnkfelix (2ceb08c793)
- Bug 1250842 - Fix initialization of script source object when modules are compiled off main thread r=shu (ca3f9b900e)
- Bug 1257053 - Only make use of error stashing (via PossibleError) when it is necessary; r=jorendorff (f3744899c4)
- Bug 1253847 - Do not count the skipped EOL inside template literal. r=jorendorff (f63926bb2d)
- Bug 1221378: Don't collect allocation metadata when lazily creating standard prototypes. r=fitzgen (667e752baf)
- Bug 1249469 - Allow any script to execute when resolving constructors. (r=jimb) (474fae3645)
- Bug 1221378: SpiderMonkey: Assert against re-entrant constructor resolution. r=fitzgen (15619325de)
- Bug 1249469 - Followup: missing #include on a CLOSED TREE. (3c62bbbb31)
- Bug 1248412 - inlineIsTypedArrayHelper: Check for TypedArray and Proxy classes when we allow wrapped TypedArray. r=Waldo (1bcaba804b)
- Bug 1250307 - Add the by: "bucket" breakdown option; r=jimb (8ca32dc781)
- Bug 1221378: Add JSCLASS_DELAY_METADATA_CALLBACK flag to UnboxedPlainObject. r=jandem (7e0eb0be01)
- Bug 1064543 - Don't emit FilterTypeSet if it wouldn't remove any types. r=h4writer (d1a1a4e127)
- Bug 1242462 - Add a newline when calling TypeSet::print from a debugger. r=jandem (2e4c07aaf3)
- Bug 1247140 - Use mozilla::BinarySearch{,If} for more manual binary searches in SpiderMonkey. r=jandem (b948fe7f60)
- Bug 1249193 - Fix Debugger.Frame.this to work correctly if we're still in the script's prologue. r=shu (0f17a78c1a)
- Bug 1249193 part 2 - Fix DebugScopeProxy to return correct this-value if we're still in the prologue. r=shu (5e17bdb2c9)
- Bug 1187450 - avoid leaking cstr in SPSProfiler::allocProfileString. r=jorendorff (96964744b2)
- Bug 1251790 - Add help for "interface objects", r=terrence (9a5d8cc3fa)
- Bug 944164 - Implement proper redirection with ref counted underlying files, r=terrence (f4182fff75)
- Bug 1248352 - Allow shell option parsing code to handle help text containing blank lines r=jandem (d7f2814665)
- Bug 1249954 - Handle OOM in SingleStepCallback. r=terrence (460f323729)
- Bug 1257223 - Fix os.file.redirect(null), r=jonco (2ca40fd839) (304ef93493)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1256424. Get rid of ThreadsafeAutoSafeJSContext. r=bholley (445aa7dd4b)
- Bug 1256424 followup to actually address the review comments (d085cf1900)
- Bug 1003432: Expose CustomEvent in Worker. r=smaug (3b143dc6e4)
- Bug 1256414 - Hide MozSettingsEvent from the Web; r=khuey (52fe18e823)
- Bug 1257038: Remove the worker descriptor for WorkerLocation. r=bz (2b9721e4fe)
- Bug 1257039: Remove the worker descriptor for FileReaderSync. r=bz (cc33ce76e6)
- Bug 1257355: Remove the worker descriptor for WorkerNavigator. r=bz (067f1fc9ea)
- Bug 1257480 - null check for GetOrCreateGlobalScope() in WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope, r=khuey (0d3d640fc0)
- Make split-profile run jprof in the directory with the jprof-log. No bug. (58f5060e39)
- Bug 1250333 - do not create accessibles for trailing BRs, r=davidb, roc (d8e1193adc)
- Bug 1251712 - propagate a context flag for alerts, r=davdib (d5ef6167ea)
- Bug 1251752 - logging: add tree specific methods, r=yzen (f974c207ca)
- Bug 1251218 - add special TreeWalker constructor for children creation, r=marcoz (74f939b93e)
- Bug 1251337 - TreeWalker doesn't have to check ARIA owned children for each DOM state, r=yzen (19d83af7e1)
- Bug 1249730 - make TreeWalker bi-directional, r=yzen (a229a591e1)
- Bug 1249730 - make TreeWalker bi-directional, r=yzen (5acc1155b1)
- Bug 1251743 - ARIA owns reallocation may insert a child at wrong index, r=yzen (d95065109b)
- Bug 1249253 - content removal processing can wrongly remove ARIA owned children, r=yzen (45df52f4c9)
- Bug 1254989 - extend TreeWalker::Next to accept a stopper node, r=yzen (c5dfbbdc96)
- Bug 1249730 - make TreeWalker bi-directional, follow up fix, r=yzen (747504b5ec)
- Bug 1196652 - OriginSuffix is shown in about:serviceworker on b2g. r=ferjm (f21d534755)
- Bug 1224570 - [Service Workers Panel] Service Workers panel fails to show registered service workers after restart. r=fabrice (7d7e95db4c)
- Bug 1169674 - Use originNoSuffix for permission event. r=fabrice, f=bholley (8f389cb0c7)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 1: Remove use of expression closure from b2g/. r=sicking (42b96cbfdf)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 2: Remove use of expression closure from chrome/. r=bsmedberg (7abb390349)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 3: Remove use of expression closure from docshell/. r=bz (aee60733a9)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 5: Remove use of expression closure from modules/. r=mwu (6c29c775fe)
- Bug 1147562 - Update remaining callsites of newChannel before landing the shim in netwerk/ (r=jduell) (2d37fab088)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 6: Remove use of expression closure from netwerk/. r=jduell (2881b3450f)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 7: Remove use of expression closure from parser/. r=jst (2519fb1fff)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 8: Remove use of expression closure from security/. r=keeler (de33d27e8f)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 12: Remove use of expression closure from widget/. r=roc (0e7fd889d9)
- Bug 1207499 - Part 13: Remove use of expression closure from xpcom/. r=froydnj (f95a4eefde)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 1: Define NonOwningAnimationTarget. r=birtles (c13d77b5d9)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 2: Remove struct PseudoElementHashKey. r=birtles (f8ff47d484)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 3: Replace Pair<Element*, CSSPseudoElementType> with NonOwningAnimationTarget. r=birtles (68a1a5e149)
- Bug 1218620 - Allow opacity animation running on compositor even if the frame has any restricted transforms. r=birtles (0f26c81fb0)
- Bug 1254419 - Move GetPropertyState alongside GetFrames; r=hiro (046dbce30e)
- Bug 1246320 part 0 - Whitespace fixes; r=whitespace-only (eda3e8b8ae)
- Bug 1247531 - Annotate intentional switch fallthrough to suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning in dom/animations/. r=dholbert (fbdff98c25)
- Bug 1246320 part 1 - Add AnimationUtils::GetCurrentRealmDocument; r=bz (53c52acbe7)
- Bug 1246320 part 2 - Pass document to ParseEasing; r=hiro (269325c142)
- Bug 1246320 part 3 - Rework KeyframeEffect(ReadOnly) constructor helpers; r=hiro (e0c58fbe49)
- Bug 1246320 part 4 - Pass a document to TimingParams; r=hiro (f9ef7bc956)
- Bug 1246320 part 5 - Simplify KeyframeEffect(ReadOnly) Constructor overloads further; r=hiro (ec932de9a7)
- Bug 1254419 - Rename getPropertyState() to getProperties(); r=heycam, r=bz (4ab86c889d)
- Bug 1254419 - Fix zero-length segment handling; r=heycam (a638e5bbd7)
- Bug 1254419 - Fill in values sequence in getProperties(); r=heycam (c7c233f5ce)
- Bug 1254419 - Return animation property information from getProperties() even if the property is overridden; r=hiro (55537b4445)
- Bug 1254419 - Add values member to AnimationPropertyDetails; r=heycam, r=bz (3ea6c1fb7f)
- Bug 1254419 - Add tests for getProperties(); r=heycam (ff9999286d)
- Bug 1254419 - Make always-set members of AnimationProperty(Value)Details required; r=bz (07ef47d79a)
- Bug 1254419 - Throw if we fail to allocate memory for a values array in getProperties(); r=bz (51ae5d9f99) (7127a02a35)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1003204: Removed CommonUtils.exceptionStr() in toolkit/ r=gfritzsche (d1c2efa08f)
- Bug 1243936 - Convert remaining callsites within devtools/ and toolkit/ to use channel.open2() (54f398eb47)
- Bug 1187270 - Add Telemetry session ID to crash annotations, r=gfritzsche (6c08170c5a)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 4: Use NonOwningAnimationTarget as the returned value of some animation target getters. r=birtles (df788abe39)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 5: Add a wrapper of AnimationAdded/Changed/Removed. r=birtles (58cf3a3ce2)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 6: Support pseudo elements in Animation Mutation Observer. r=heycam (d10c901821)
- Bug 1249219 - Part 7: Test. r=birtles (e2b78422be)
- add back some utils of Bug 751291 used in tests (8fd2cc847f)
- Bug 1253470 - Part 1: Produce console warnings for invalid duration. r=birtles (a0491eeab4)
- Bug 1253470 - Part 2: Produce console warnings for invalid iterationStart. r=birtles (6a910650c9)
- Bug 1253470 - Part 3: Produce console warnings for invalid iterations. r=birtles (e3210e754e)
- Bug 1253470 - Part 4: Produce console warnings for invalid easing. r=birtles (fc1868b3c0)
- Bug 1245748 - Move ComputedTiming to a separate file; r=heycam (22a76e4f03)
- Bug 1245748 - Rename Keyframe-related IDL types to match changes to Web Animations spec; r=heycam, r=bz (e79338bafd)
- Bug 1245748 - Update handling of 'composite' dictionary members to match changes to the spec; r=heycam, r=bz (d9cc71cde8)
- Bug 1245748 - Define the Keyframe type for storing specified keyframes; r=heycam (a429e2bf46)
- Bug 1245748 - Add missing includes to TimingParams.{cpp,h}; r=heycam (3e1e121c6f)
- Bug 1245748 - Move keyframe handling code to a separate KeyframeUtils class; r=heycam (e359f26244)
- Bug 1245748 - Add KeyframeUtils::GetKeyframesFromObject; r=heycam (eda69445d7)
- Bug 1245748 - Add nsStyleContext parameter to StyleAnimationValue::ComputeValue(s); r=heycam (2c22b9926c)
- Bug 1245748 - Add a variant of StyleAnimationValue::ComputeValues that takes an nsCSSValue; r=heycam (12386559dd)
- Bug 1245748 - Split PropertyPriorityComparator into a separate (reusable) class; r=heycam (132394bf45)
- Bug 1245748 - Add PropertyPriorityIterator; r=heycam (bfef46fd12)
- Bug 1245748 - Add GetAnimationPropertiesFromKeyframes; r=heycam (4681ac8407)
- Bug 1245748 - Add ApplyDistributeSpacing for Keyframe objects; r=heycam (9c0bc885c9)
- Bug 1245748 - Use Keyframe-based utility functions when constructing KeyframeEffect(ReadOnly); r=heycam (e0b7460548)
- Bug 1229859 - Introduce new import-globals-from eslint rule to import globals from other modules; r=Mossop (10075a136c) (9ae14fcec8)
- import changes from mozilla:
- Bug 1137561 part.6 Store some strings which may be inputted by the key with some modifier state before dispatching keydown event r=m_kato (3b5b23d624d3)
- Bug 1137561 part.7 Rename whole members added by the previous patch r=m_kato (a0d6c46f07ba)
- Bug 1137561 part.8 Implement WinTextEventDispatcherListener::WillDispatchKeyboardEvent() r=m_kato (5119dfa69d30)
- Bug 1137561 part.9 NativeKey should dispatch keypress events after removing following char messages if there are two or more characters to be inputted r=m_kato (2c1f6fd7016c) (345f2b82de)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: CyberChef 10.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2024, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Added 'To Float' and 'From Float' operations @tcode2k16 | #1762
    Fix ChaCha raw export option @joostrijneveld | #1606
    Update x86 disassembler vendor library @evanreichard | #1197
    Allow variable Blowfish key sizes @cbeuw | #933
    Added 'XXTEA' operation @devcydo | #1361

Titel: CyberChef 10.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix Ciphersaber2 key concatenation @zb3 | #1765
    Fix DeriveEVPKey's array parsing @zb3 | #1767
    Fix JWT operations @a3957273 | #1769
    Added 'Parse Certificate Signing Request' operation @jkataja | #1504
    Added 'Extract Hash Values' operation @MShwed | #512
    Added 'DateTime Delta' operation @tomgond | #1732

Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2024, 11:31
Whats new:>>

+ Added a 'Search Tabs' button located at the top left, which allows viewing and searching active and recently closed tabs through the expanded menu. This feature can be toggled in 'Settings' -> 'Appearance'.
* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed the issue where notes could not be opened after refreshing.
- Fixed the ineffective problem with accessing unsafe pages in the lab.
- Fixed potential freezes caused by synchronization.

Titel: Midori 11.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2024, 19:40
Midori Browser is a light, fast and secure browser that protects and loves to take care of your privacy and the security of your data. Enjoy thousands add-ons, ad blocker  and much more.

License: MPL


    Astian Suite + Productivity:

    Midori 11.3 features our first Astian Suite applications, Notes, Contacts and the new Astian Calendar, which was released a few days ago. But this is not all, we have improved and prepared our unification service, Astian Accounts, so that users have a better reach from the same account.

    Renewed return of AstianGO:

    AstianGO is our search engine, like Midori, focused on speed and privacy to offer an uncensored browsing experience with high privacy. This month we launched the alpha and it is under constant improvement. Midori integrates it, although it is not yet available. the default search engine since we are still carrying out work, however users will now be able to enjoy a fast search, without censorship, without invasive advertising, blocking many trackers and blocking advertising from services such as YouTube among others.

    With AstianGO and Midori you can now do:

    News search.
    Video search with playlists.
    Image search.
    Customization options.
    And much more.

    Enhanced Privacy and Anonymous Browsing:

    With an update to the tracker list and the upcoming integration of tracker and ad blockers, Midori positions itself as a leader in privacy protection. Additionally, improvements to anonymous browsing offer an additional layer of security for users concerned about their online privacy. But it doesn’t end there, Midori 11.3 lays the foundations for the native integration of our ad blocker, MidoriVPN and MidoriDNS. Which are already being worked on at vpn.astian.org

    Visual Improvements and Customization:

    Midori 11.3 has raised the bar in terms of design and customization. From improved icons to the ability to set vertical tabs to the left or right, users now have unprecedented control over their browsing experience.

    Advanced Workspace Management:

    Workspace management is now more intuitive and efficient than ever. Issues that previously caused confusion have been resolved, allowing users to maximize their productivity with ease.

    WebApps Support and Preparations for Midori_OS:

    The reintroduction of WebApps support since version 9.0, now available for Linux, MacOS and Windows, marks a significant step towards the future of Midori. This feature paves the way for Midori_OS, an operating system focused on user privacy and freedom.

    Multilingual Expansion and Commitment to Safety:

    With the addition of the Ukrainian language and significant security improvements, Midori 11.3.0 demonstrates its commitment to global accessibility and user data protection.


Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.1-2024-04-06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2024, 23:00

In-tree changes:

- app: update NotifyJSRunToCompletionStart call for enigne API changes (f138bbce)
- bump KM version for engine API changes (7279d9c8)

Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 345f2b82de...6e18ec2b54:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1255133 - Surface links to external documentation alongside relevant error messages 1/2; r=bgrins (a588f0e279)
- Bug 1254194: Add XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter. r=billm (625f92b590)
- Bug 1257042: Remove the worker descriptor for PushEvent and PushMessageData. r=bz (632ff26069)
- Bug 1137563 part.1 Implement TextEventDispatcherListener in TextEventInputHandlerBase and IMEInputHandler r=m_kato (a720bf2936)
- Bug 1137563 part.2 IMEInputHandler should use TextEventDispatcher r=m_kato (f85440ce2c)
- Bug 1137563 part.3 TextInputHandler should use TextEventDispatcher r=m_kato (21c8ce033e)
- Bug 1137563 part.4 Implement IMEInputHandler::WillDispatchKeyboardEvent() r=m_kato (147d48d198)
- Bug 1137563 part.5 Set charCode of dead key's keypress event on Mac to the dead char r=m_kato (41d03e394d)
- Bug 1137565 part.1 Implement TextEventDispatcherListener in IMContextWrapper r=m_kato (a4c16286a4)
- Bug 1137565 part.2 IMContextWrapper should use TextEventDispatcher r=m_kato (59865f1e6b)
- Bug 1137565 part.3 nsWindow for GTK should use TextEventDispatcher for dispatching keyboard events r=m_kato (56ea1d10fb)
- Bug 1137565 part.4 Implement IMContextWrapper::WillDispatchKeyboardEvent() r=m_kato (b9c1e394e9)
- Bug 1258153 Initialize mozilla::widget::Native key with actual inputting character if it's created for WM_CHAR r=m_kato (d95afe4565)
- Bug 1158264 - Send an observer service event when a service worker intercept a request. r=bkelly (195ab33181)
- Bug 1247623 Cancel intercepted channel in more service worker failure cases. r=jdm (8307094514) (017a63c6a7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 911216 - Part 5: Add --enable-sm-promise configure flag. r=chmanchester (5f7b08bbc2)
- Bug 911216 - Part 6: Shim new promise-related Debugger.Object accessors using PromiseDebugging. r=shu (cc71e67632)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 0: Remove RegExp.multiline warning. r=till (900d106c4c)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 1: Remove RegExp.multiline accessor. r=till (290aa1388e)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 2: Remove RegExpStaticsUse parameter from RegExpInitialize. r=till (c81bb1ec3d)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 3: Rename Self-hosting regexp_construct_no_statics to regexp_construct. r=till (52b47bfebb)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 4: Remove RegExpStatics* parameter from RegExpObject::create. r=till (a2e7692fac)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 5: Remove RegExpObject::createNoStatics. r=till (a4e36a6165)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 6: Remove multiline parameter from RegExpStatics::reset. r=till (bfea07f1d8)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 7: Remove RegExpStatics::multiline and RegExpStatics::setMultiline. r=till (ca2dd7dd7b)
- Bug 1238917 - initialize lazySticky in clear function. r=jorendorff@mozilla.com (2b150516b3)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 8: Remove RegExpStatics::getFlags and RegExpStatics::flags. r=till (a911e4812c)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 9: Remove OBJECT_FLAG_REGEXP_FLAGS_SET flag. r=till (fa4d38b298)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 10: Remove HandleObject parameter from JS_NewRegExpObject and JS_NewUCRegExpObject. r=till (2c42fd46c5)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 11: Remove multiline parameter from JS_SetRegExpInput. r=till (ca479e0504)
- Bug 1219757 - Part 12: Remove JS_NewRegExpObjectNoStatics and JS_NewUCRegExpObjectNoStatics. r=till (26a54d51d7)
- Bug 1258314 - Use TraceNullableEdge where appropriate throughout the engine r=terrence (0f067bddc2)
- Bug 1258314 - Add internal TraceNullableEdge API r=terrence (e9c99665d6)
- Bug 887016 - Part 1: Add native RegExpCreate. r=h4writer (1f8fb65d76)
- Bug 887016 - Part 2: Add self-hosting RegExpCreate intrinsic. r=till (48c3be62a8)
- Bug 887016 - Part 3: Add LookupOwnPropertyPure. r=jandem (9df42dd053)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 0.1: Add PossiblyWrappedArrayBufferByteLength self-hosting intrinsic. r=jwalden (30ec6edd26)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 0.2: Inline PossiblyWrappedArrayBufferByteLength self-hosting intrinsic. r=jwalden (8f0ffc5e1e)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 0.3: Inline ArrayBufferByteLength self-hosting intrinsic. r=jwalden (102e34e89f)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 1: Handle when ArrayBuffer species constructor returns wrapped ArrayBuffer. r=jwalden (faddbcada5)
- Bug 1259194 (part 1) - Add 's' prefixes to some statics generated for dom bindings. r=bz. (3384ee607d)
- Bug 1259194 (part 2) - Remove XPCWrappedNativeJSClass. r=mrbkap. (18526e3a5f)
- Bug 1259194 (part 3) - Remove PopulateJSClass(). r=mrbkap. (b805d201b3)
- Bug 1253246 - Handle DebugScopeProxies around unqualified varobjs in setname. (r=jorendorff) (4db4821257)
- Bug 1258924 - Reorder DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass fields to reduce padding. r=bz. (d96c8c00a8)
- Bug 1259194 (part 4) - Separate js::ObjectOps from js::Class. r=efaust,mrbkap,bz. (e16737ecbb)
- Bug 1260984 (part 1) - Remove ClonedBlockObjecteye popping smileybjectOps_. r=jorendorff. (b3c85b351e)
- Bug 1260984 (part 2) - Reduce ObjectOps exposure. r=jorendorff. (799a8b6b89)
- Bug 911216 - Part 7: Implement ES6 Promises in the JavaScript engine. r=efaust (0e0dbcbd90)
- Bug 911216 - Part 8: Properly wrap and unwrap |then| callbacks for xrayed Promises. r=efaust,f=bz (101852ef55)
- Bug 911216 - Part 9: Properly handle rejecting wrapped promises in the face of xray wrappers. r=efaust,f=bxuz (bf87dbc46a)
- Bug 911216 - Part 10: Support debugger hooks for creation and settling of promises. r=shu (2f3155cd6c)
- Bug 911216 - Part 11: Implement all Promise inspection functionality as Debugger getters. r=shu,fitzgen (a3d856acfb)
- Bug 1260984 (part 3) - Separate js::ClassSpec from js::Class. r=jorendorff. (8ee3ecb6c9)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 2: Implement %TypedArray%[@@Species] getter and ArrayBuffer[@@Species] getter. r=evilpie (4b0b963aa2)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 3: Add SpeciesConstructor tests for TypedArray.prototype.{filter,map,slice,subarray}. r=evilpie (bad7fdc11b)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 4: Add SpeciesConstructor tests for ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice. r=lth (b5994f1995)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 5: Add native SpeciesConstructor wrapper. r=lth (ad0540cad8)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 6: Refactor TypedArrayObjectTemplate::fromArray. r=lth (a9a9816dd1)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 7: Call SpeciesConstructor in TypedArray ctors. r=lth (53496be131)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 8: Add GetGetterPure. r=lth (203b7da55c)
- Bug 887016 - Part 4: Add GetOwnNativeGetterPure. r=jandem (8bdc284a0a)
- Bug 887016 - Part 5: Add HasOwnDataPropertyPure. r=jandem (bbc83a59f0)
- Bug 1233642 - Part 1: Add IsArray intrinsic. r=efaust (e0a0badcc5)
- Bug 1233642 - Part 2: Self-host Array.prototype.concat. r=efaust,bholley (c4a6d51cbe)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 1: Implement Array[@@Species] getter. r=efaust,bholley (6b08a1a534)
- Bug 1165053 - Part 9: Add IsArrayBufferSpecies and avoid calling SpeciesConstructor on normal case. r=lth (027f18a066)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 2: Add IsArraySpecies. r=efaust (2dc1eaee19)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 3: Add IsWrappedArrayConstructor intrinsic. r=efaust (dbf091125a)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 4: Inline IsConstructor intrinsic. r=jandem (2afc1b8696)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 5: Inline IsWrappedArrayConstructor intrinsic. r=jandem (fde5fc9539)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 6: Implement self-hosted ArraySpeciesCreate. r=efaust (4aca60d0f7)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 0: Add throwOutOfMemory testing function and use it instead of Array.prototype.splice in test_oom_reporting.html. r=efaust (1d26a615f1)
- Bug 1177488 - use |const char*| for representing async call reasons; r=bz,fitzgen (01faeb7f56)
- Bug 1257077 - Implement js::Fixed{Invoke,Construct}Args for args of statically-known count, avoiding js::{Invoke,Construct}Args's fallibility. Also implement js::Any{Invoke,Construct}Args as base classes for args, whether or not their count is statically known. r=efaust (0683ce95f5)
- Bug 1256298 - Make DoCallFallback consume a bit less stack space. r=Waldo (26086d80e7)
- Bug 1239269 - as lastIndex cannot be negative change it's storage class from int32_t to uint32_t, r=Waldo (31024ee4eb)
- Bug 1258711 - Skip the pixel cap when drawing scrollbar tracks or thumbs, since they don't use intermediate surfaces internally to CoreUI, and shouldn't blow up. r=mstange (af468008a0)
- Bug 1259224 - Silence some warnings in the mac widget code. r=mstange (8cfba3caae)
- Bug 1255214 - Only repaint GTK scrollbar button if its enablement actually changed. r=mstange (e161cc2a26) (532c50e266)
- pref: disable gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.use_gdi_table_loading, fix emoji font loading (9d296f9e92)
- import from UXP:
- Issue #2492 - Update TwemojiMozilla.ttf to E15.1 (5c296d7c)
- Issue #2492 - Keycap Bug Fixes (d590247b)
- Issue #2492 - Transparent Keycap Patch (15f8ca52) (6e18ec2b54)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 18:50
User-friendly web browser that comes with support for private browsing, also featuring an ad blocker, split screen view, mouse gestures, a download manager and more.



    Added shortcuts for Search Tabs and Passkeeper, which can be modified in Settings -> Gestures and Shortcuts -> Shortcut Management -> More Shortcuts.
    Updated multilingual translations.
    Fixed the issue where right-clicking the New Tab button was ineffective.
    Fixed the abnormal video muting issue.
    Fixed known crashes.


Titel: BriskBard 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 19:50
Access your emails, newsgroup channels, IM client, or transfer files via FTP and manage yur contacts with just one click with this smart browser.



    The Blink rendering engine for the Chromium tabs has been upgraded to 123.0.6312.46.
    The WebView2 tabs now use the loader version 1.0.2420.47.
    Added a new menu option to select the size of the navigation buttons in the web browser tabs.
    Added a context menu option to hide the status bar in web browser tabs using WebView2.
    The Tor and SQLite components have been updated to the latest versions.
    The Ad blocker server list has been updated.

    Bug fixes :

    Fixed a blocked user interface issue in the email, newsgroups reader and media player tabs.
    Fixed a memory leak in the media player.
    Now the dates are correctly drawn in the list of messages of email tabs.
    Fixed a scaling issue in the window used to open a new URL in the media player.
    Improved CEF and WebView2 initialization to avoid high CPU usage.
    Fixed crash when dropping files to a media player tab.


Titel: SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2024, 20:10
SSuite NetSurfer Web Browser is a privacy-minded browser that runs via WebView2 runtime control (the internal web engine of Microsoft's Edge browser) and is designed to ensure no tracking, data collection, etc., occurs while you are browsing.


Whats new:>>

Made various general updates and enhancements to the browser's user-interface.

Titel: CyberChef 10.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2024, 20:20
CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    MAJOR version changes represent a significant change to the fundamental architecture of CyberChef and may (but don't always) make breaking changes that are not backwards compatible.
    MINOR version changes usually mean the addition of new operations or reasonably significant new features.
    PATCH versions are used for bug fixes and any other small tweaks that modify or improve existing capabilities.

Titel: K-Meleon 76.5.2-2024-04-13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2024, 21:30
K-Meleon is a fast, customizable, and lightweight alternative web browser that supports tabs, tools and skins, and can be configured to work with common extensions like Adblock.

K-Meleon is based on a fork of the Gecko layout engine used by Firefox. Development can seem erratic due to lack of resources but K-Meleon has seen continuous development since the 90's (v0.7 was released in 2003).

License: Open Source


Out-of-tree changes:

* update Goanna3 to git 6e18ec2b54...1e246403c8:

- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:

- Bug 1054759 - Part 2: ES6 Symbol.unscopables. r=shu. (203f6a1c7a)
- Bug 887016 - Part 6: Add RegExpPrototypeOptimizable. r=nbp (651d54bd7e)
- Bug 887016 - Part 7: Add RegExpInstanceOptimizable. r=nbp (82701b3637)
- Bug 887016 - Part 8: Add ObjectHasPrototype. r=nbp (8a9da8f9b8)
- Bug 887016 - Part 9: Implement RegExp.prototype[@@match] and call it from String.prototype.match. r=till (9092676327)
- Bug 887016 - Part 10: Implement RegExp.prototype[@@search] and call it from String.prototype.search. r=till (dcbd8beecb)
- Bug 887016 - Part 11: Implement RegExp.prototype[@@replace] and call it from String.prototype.replace. r=h4writer,till (af2639291b)
- Bug 887016 - Part 12: Implement RegExp[@@Species] getter. r=evilpie,bholley (f512f802d9)
- Bug 887016 - Part 13: Implement RegExp.prototype[@@split] and call it from String.prototype.split. r=h4writer,till (1fd28b046d)
- Bug 887016 - Part 14: Add RegExpSearcher. r=h4writer (e5a02d6c03)
- Bug 887016 - Part 15: Use RegExpSearcher in RegExp.prototype[@@replace] optimized path. r=till (4e04250fcc)
- Bug 887016 - Part 16: Use RegExpSearcher in RegExp.prototype[@@searchâ] optimized path. r=till (742a1038f4)
- Bug 887016 - Part 17: Mark sunspider/check-string-unpack-code.js timeout on cgc jittest. r=till (f80f8d69d5)
- Bug 1251502 - Add a generic duplex resampler and a duplex WASAPI implementation. r=kinetik (5524ce1700)
- Bug 1251502 - cubeb does not use cubeb-stdint.h anymore, remove it from moz.build. r=kinetik (76155cf9ee)
- Bug 1259290: Part 1 - Remove unnecessary JS_ReportError calls. r=bz (1620f29a73)
- Bug 1259290: Part 2 - Remove the cx from [Add|Remove]ChildWorker. r=bz (be70bd421e)
- Bug 1259290: Part 3 - Remove JS_ReportError and cx handling from RegisterWorker and friends. r=bz,jandem (c646e0c7f3)
- Bug 1259290: Part 4 - Remove JS_ReportError for a situation that can never happen. r=bz (ee012c8011)
- Bug 1259290: Part 5 - Remove the cx from WorkerFeature::Notify. r=bz (79aff7ecb1)
- Bug 1263490 - Part 1: Do not search for dollar if the length of replaceValue is 0 or 1. r=till (c88d75ff60)
- Bug 1263341 - Check lastIndex in non-global replace. r=till (86d5e60a02)
- Bug 1263851 - Check lastIndex after loop in RegExp.prototype[@@split]. r=till (70dc91fcf9)
- Bug 1251529: In object metadata world, rename "object metadata" to "allocation metadata" and "callback" to "builder". r=fitzgen (fc8047d86d)
- No bug - Add guards to tests that use TypedObject. r=me, a=bustage (87bda8c856)
- Bug 1251922 - Do not create metadata objects for temporary parse globals; r=fitzgen (5b354f3cc4)
- Bug 1251529: Replace allocation metadata callback with a builder class. r=fitzgen (520fb736fe)
- Bug 1251529: Pass AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion to allocation metadata builder methods. r=fitzgen (6a2e6b05ac)
- Bug 1251529: Provide default constructor for js::AllocationMetadataBuilder, js:confused smileyavedStacks::MetadataBuilder. r=shu (2300b6739c)
- Bug 1251529: Provide default constructor for ShellAllocationMetadataBuilder. r=orange (24168aa011)
- Bug 1259877 - Change js:grinning smileyirectEval to take v/vp rather than a CallArgs to operate on directly. r=efaust (af03a24bde)
- Bug 1259877 - Eliminate Invoke(JSContext*, const CallArgs&, MaybeConstruct = NO_CONSTRUCT) by 1) renaming it to a more-internal name, 2) adding an Invoke overload for existing InvokeArgs providers only, and 3) adding an InternalInvoke function to temporarily mark non-InvokeArgs places using the existing signature that will later be changed not to. r=efaust (7e4efa9129)
- Bug 1259877 - Rename Invoke[GS]etter to Call[GS]etter, more in line with the spec's calling nomenclature. r=jorendorff (0b00a38913)
- Bug 1259877 - Add CallFromStack for certain internal users, js::Call for general use, and mark js::Invoke as deprecated. r=efaust (56186b13fd)
- Bug 1259877 - Add a bunch of Call overloads for 0/1/2 arguments with this as (HandleValue | JSObject*). r=jorendorff (ce764cca3a)
- Bug 1259877 - Update Debugger code to use js::Call rather than Invoke. r=jorendorff (45f219d2f0)
- Bug 1259877 - Update various miscellaneous function-calling code to js::Call. r=jandem (973c3c4171) (9a431a3c46)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1259877 - Update DoCallFallback to use js::CallFromStack. r=jandem (16a263ebc8)
- Bug 1259877 - Intl.cpp:GetInternals should directly return its result, not go via outparam. r=till (6e3f5a508f)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 7: Implement native ArraySpeciesCreate wrapper. r=efaust (3b113b8862)
- Bug 1233862 - Add a WeakCache builtin to automatically manage sweeping; r=sfink (e4a63eeae3)
- Bug 1198701 - ArrayIterator gets length property after iteration has finished. r=till (e91e514ce7)
- Bug 1254853 - Add a Helper to Report a ScriptError to the Main Thread. r=khuey (4fb04c563e)
- Bug 1259294: Part 1 - Add MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS. r=froydnj (646513400c)
- Bug 1257758 - Adjust step numbering in scripted proxy code to be ES6-correct. r=evilpie (bbd060f0d0)
- Bug 1265594 - Expose FromPropertyDescriptor() as a public JS API; r=jorendorff (b84183bdbd)
- reapply Bug 1258163 - Implement Array.prototype[@@unscopables]. r=shu, r=bholley. (7790e0e824)
- Bug 1253371 - make atomics range checking conformant. r=jolesen (8830769fd8)
- Bug 1253351 - count argument of futexWake defaults to +Infinity. r=bbouvier (e6da823106)
- Bug 1259544 - remove futexWakeOrRequeue. r=bbouvier (35e922f333)
- Bug 1260696: Update wasm text format spewing; r=luke (62b1f8577a)
- Bug 1260737: wasm: Implement Reinterpret opcodes; r=luke (d3a6117e59)
- Bug 1225028 - remove Atomics.fence. r=bbouvier (51d9f55f83)
- Bug 1253344: Defer br/br_if/br_table then-block definition to avoid indirections; r=sunfish (e28b024386)
- Bug 1254142: Baldr: make control flow opcodes yield subexpressions; r=luke (b82d9c89fc)
- Bug 1260910 - introduce 'wait' and 'wake'. r=bbouvier (cd3e94119f)
- Bug 1260835 - Atomics.wait returns strings + remove symbolic constants. r=jolesen (33ef0d61d8)
- Bug 1041586 - Autogenerate symbol names. r=jorendorff (12fa06b6a5)
- Bug 1241088: SharedStubs - part 1: move NewArray and NewObject baseline stubs to shared stubs, r=efaust (846d537ca8)
- Bug 1241088: SharedStubs - part 2: port NewArray and NewObject shared stubs to work in ion, r=efaust (c073756376)
- Bug 1246061. r=jandem, r=bz, r=luke, r=froydnj (c065b403d4)
- Bug 1263870: Check allocation in WasmAstModule::declare; r=luke (d3b2a2acd7)
- Bug 1242040. Fix the GlobalObject usage in ExtendableEvent::GetPromise. r=bkelly (d9e284ad62)
- Bug 1255832. Propagate out JS exceptions properly from some methods in dom/mobilemessage. r=bholley (8c8d9ce3db)
- Bug 1255817 part 2. Get rid of AutoJSAPI::OwnsErrorReporting and AutoJSAPI::TakeOwnershipOfErrorReporting. r=bholley (4f1c052fe6)
- Bug 1259936: Baldr: Simplify calls stack bytes management; r=luke (30c58b319f)
- Bug 1259936: Extra test case; r=luke (116079c082)
- Bug 1261577: Always set the result of a dead loop in wasm; r=luke (67014be844)
- Bug 1261404: Ensure BrTable only set successors once; r=sunfish (6989814189)
- Bug 875433 - Implement Array.prototype.values. r=jorendorff. (423fa799dc)
- Bug 1250947. Fill area outside blur with solid color. r=mstange (bc54b70a1c)
- Bug 1259578 - Use GC infrastructure to allocate proxy's malloced blob; r=jonco (fa28d8f8c4)
- Bug 1259580 - Hide as many Proxy details as possible behind a detail namespace; r=efaust (86bed5cab5)
- Bug 1215265 - Shut PImageBridge down properly. r=sotaro (f387f89418)
- Bug 1215265 - Shut PCompositorBridge down properly. r=sotaro (a573020692)
- Bug 1262367: Baldr: Rename "trap" to "unreachable"; r=luke (2f9d10ade7)
- Bug 1263884 - Don't report OOM when speculative shape table shrink fails r=jandem (cabd97f681)
- Bug 1259877 - Update miscellaneous code to use js::Call instead of js::Invoke. r=till (a2f417c8a1)
- Bug 1262402: Add i64 testing infrastructure in Baldr; r=luke (d9d82c0acb) (e797853ee6)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1265133 - Adds s-expr comments support for wasmTextToBinary. r=sunfish (85ff83eb37)
- Bug 1263203: Ensure we don't have Phi values in wasm; r=luke (165667b0b2)
- Bug 676828 - Initialize AudioSession on xpcshell. r=jmathies (684b071278)
- Bug 676828 - Use RAII for AudioSession instead. r=bholley (d17dc48e35)
- Bug 1256992: Initialize Windows sandbox BrokerServices before any child processes are created. r=aklotz, r=bholley (145949d5ea)
- Bug 1255934 - Start collecting telemetry data on the usage of remote JAR protocol in the wild; r=mcmanus (d2f43908e0)
- Bug 1237198 - Block SWFs on the content blocking list hosted on the Shavar service. r=francois (cb2d850412)
- Bug 1242644 - HTML swapFrameLoaders. r=bz (1d899b3e19)
- Bug 1259877 - Remove the unused JSObject::callMethod. r=jorendorff (624bb62f38)
- Bug 1259877 - Remove jsarray.cpp's now-unused SortComparatorFunction. r=mrrrgn (66c84d0d64)
- Bug 1259877 - Update function-calling JSAPI methods to use js::Call. r=sfink (a9fe2995ae)
- Bug 1259877 - Update Reflect.parse callback code to work with InvokeArgs and js::Call. r=arai (d4acd08f45)
- Bug 1259877 - Rename FastInvokeGuard to FastCallGuard and make it not depend on CallArgs::set{Callee,This}, and remove js::Invoke. r=shu (adb4f46944)
- Bug 1259877 - Adjust Promise code to use Call instead of Invoke. r=till (161a451182)
- Bug 1259877 - Update ScriptedDirectProxyHandler code to use js::Call and FixedInvokeArgs. r=evilpie (bd20c77152)
- Bug 1259877 - Update various builtins to use js::Call, not js::Invoke. r=efaust (1a49365f0a)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 1/7 - Add some NS_WARN_IF in Console.cpp, r=ejpbruel (1d5db4511c)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 2/7 - Propagate initialization error in Console.cpp, r=ejpbruel (ea081b0835)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 3/7 - Console API should store ConsoleCallData internally, r=ejpbruel (c9a5e71c0b)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 4/7 - Expose ConsoleCallData to WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope, r=ejpbruel (0209ec651e)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 5/7 - Remove data when memory pressure notification is received, r=ejpbruel (8d07cc4755)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 6/7 - Tests, r=ejpbruel (7e8e20083e)
- Bug 1246091 - patch 7/7 - Correct use of JSCompartment in Console.cpp, r=bz (fcac2da17e)
- Followup for bug 1246091 to fix the naming for PopulateConsoleNotificationInTheTargetScope, r=me (dd942dde21)
- Followup for bug 1246091 to fix the rooting hazard, get us closer to reopening the CLOSED TREE, and reduce philor's blood pressure. (6ef49eaf20)
- Bug 1247953 - Increase the number of stored ConsoleEvent objects, r=bgrinstead (139304e4c6)
- Bug 1211665 - Save originAttributes in the console event messages. r=baku (068697a29f)
- Bug 1263392 - Console should reset the state of ConsoleCallData if the worker runnables are not correctly dispatched, r=smaug (04c3a73423)
- Bug 1246153 part 1. Restrict initialization of dictionaries from JSON to dictionaries that can actually be represented in JSON. r=bholley (2b9c4b98d9)
- Bug 1260414 - WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.setConsoleEventHandler should be able to receive a null param, r=bz (0b91b09796)
- Bug 1259338 P1 Ensure that AllowWindowInteractionHandler is released on worker thread. r=khuey (28e058999a)
- Bug 1258034 - Fix ServiceWorkerPrivate.cpp build error on b2g r=khuey (1ba0edcc64)
- Bug 1260439 - workerdebuggersandbox_moved needs to update the wrappercache;r=bz (be656ef346)
- Bug 1253777 P1 Ensure buffered copying when reading body in service worker respondWith(). r=jdm (fe61b4f1b3)
- Bug 1253777 P2 Test passing a file-backed blob to FetchEvent.respondWith(). r=jdm (930bf780b0)
- Bug 1226384 - Reject the promise returned from ServiceWorkerRegistration.update() if the registration is being uninstalled; r=bkelly (209e034384)
- Bug 1230030 Don't replace active worker unnecessarly after saving registration in e10s mode. r=ehsan (5582d7ea04)
- Bug 1229795 - P1. Remove scriptSpec from registration data. r=baku, bkelly (f83b7862ec)
- Bug 1229795 - P2. Remove waitingCacheName from registartion data. r=baku (f9279c4ded)
- Bug 1229795 - P3. Migrate service worker registrar data between version 2 and version 3. r=baku (27a53f3d96)
- bit of Bug 1237831 (4b21cec952)
- Bug 1256411 Simplify and cleanup ServiceWorkerInfo. r=ehsan (947166b5e2)
- Bug 1240013 - Crash in nsNavBookmarks::OnVisit by setting long locatiÂ?on.hash. r=Yoric (e9f722434d)
- Bug 1250363 - Speed up history removals through a simulated per-statement trigger. r=yoric (f57235e806)
- Bug 1259294: Part 2 - Use MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS. r=froydnj (7624e0a821)
- Bug 548685 - Avoid null pointer deref in nsURIHashKey r=mcmanus (913c7bf0b9)
- Bug 1246153 part 2. Create a way to ask for a clean new global that works on both mainthread and workers. r=bholley (35532ec302)
- Bug 1246153 part 3. Use the new clean global setup for doing from-JSON creation of dictionaries. r=bholley (0cf844641c)
- Bug 1242482 - Propagate Service worker unregistration to the parent process. r=bkelly (b7f44defbe)
- Bug 1247436 Ensure service worker registration is persisted if its resurrected from a pending uninstall. r=baku (d74fc996f1)
- Bug 1242482 P2 Don't SendUnregister() if registration is already removed. r=baku (a0768d2a1c)
- Bug 1242482 P3 Don't send unregister messages when triggered from a PropagateUnregister(). r=baku (b12a3b7ad5)
- Bug 1242482 P4 Don't call SendUnregister() a second time when SW registration is finally removed. r=baku (b0249dd442)
- Bug 1253738 P1 Require an explicit principal when looking up a service worker registration. r=baku (cdb980236a)
- Bug 1253738 P2 Consistently use "scope key" terminology in ServiceWorkerManager. r=baku (e8ae328a83)
- Bug 1253738 P3 Use origin the ServiceWorkerManager scope key. r=baku (e555aba315)
- Bug 1252290 - load xpcom services registered with the category manager as being able to handle push notifications before delivering them. r=kitcambridge (3ade504ad7)
- Bug 1246341 - Report push event errors and rejections to the Push service. r=baku (436943501c)
- Bug 1251113 - Change PushService state to PUSH_SERVICE_UNINIT in the state change process queue. r=dragana (1bacbbb72b)
- Bug 1263311: Part 1 - Change the nsICancelableRunnable interface. r=froydnj (599db8f7d0)
- Bug 1263311: Part 2 - Remove a non-existent CancelableRunnable. r=froydnj (a077efc319)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 8: Use ArraySpeciesCreate in Array.prototype.concat. r=efaust (c421e8e87c)
- Bug 1120715 - Part 3: Connect the Necko level cache mode parameter with the Request cache mode variable; r=bkelly (9a813c0e04) (4270b0ce16)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
- Bug 1165052 - Part 9: Use ArraySpeciesCreate in Array.prototype.filter. r=efaust (198da18845)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 10: Use ArraySpeciesCreate in Array.prototype.map. r=efaust (9dcd625daa)
- Bug 1263618: Adapt assertions in RegExp*Raw functions for int32_t; r=arai (8ad46db66d)
- Bug 1263340 - Part 1: Use internal slot for global and sticky flags in RegExpBuiltinExec. r=h4writer (9b5fbe6358)
- Bug 1263340 - Part 2: Use internal slot for sticky flag in @@replace and @@search optimized path. r=h4writer (2b64567c6a)
- Bug 1264264 - Add optimized path for RegExp.prototype[@@replace] with functional replace and substitution. r=till (e55722bc0a)
- Bug 1263340 - Part 3: Use internal slot for sticky flag in RegExp native functions. r=h4writer (725cf7b9b0)
- Bug 1264264 - Part 2: Enable optimization for packers again in RegExp.prototype[@@replace]. r=h4writer (7f4b819e40)
- Bug 1268056 - Check if |this| value is a RegExp object in the optimized path in RegExpSplit. r=h4writer (8891f0a3ef)
- Bug 1263340 - Part 4: Followup for @@split - Apply optimized path for empty string too. r=till (956d1804a5)
- Bug 1261207 - Forward declare js:confused smileycriptSource instead of casting `¦void*` pointers; r=jimb (4914273e96)
- Bug 1041586 - Implement Symbol.isConcatSpreadable. r=arai (238e5f97c6)
- Bug 1041586 - Use IsConcatSpreadable in Array.prototype.concat. r=arai (33333cb30f)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 11: Use ArraySpeciesCreate in Array.prototype.slice. r=efaust (45f34c0a87)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 12: Use ArraySpeciesCreate in Array.prototype.splice. r=efaust,evilpie (096f9ff03d)
- Bug 1165052 - Part 13: Add tests for ArraySpeciesCreate. r=efaust (4403642d3c)
- Bug 1041586 - Tests. r=arai (efc2d06863)
- Bug 1267364 - Check isNative every time in GetStringDataProperty. r=h4writer (6e7898c494)
- Bug 1041586 - Fold away property accesses to not-defined properties. r=jandem (216e6387db)
- add emacs (fa858771bf)
- Bug 1268574 - Check the outparam JSFunction* value after GetGetterPure. r=lth (3d80c79337)
- Bug 1263888 - Push TypeBarrier after ArraySlice. r=jandem (2617518401)
- Bug 1255316 - IonMonkey: Enable folding of MLoadUnboxedObjectOrNull with the stored value, r=jandem (0f75675721)
- Bug 1252313 - Fix wasm i64 shift ops with a constant rhs. r=bbouvier (2c05b901c6)
- Bug 1263609: SharedStubs - Port JSOP_POW to shared stubs, r=efaust (54523590d9)
- Bug 1247880 - Only remove MUrsh operands when the input of MUrsh is guaranteed to be unsigned. r=sunfish (4a29e0b071)
- Bug 1254528: IonMonkey - Check slot before removing load with value of store, r=nbp (3527eb5263)
- Bug 1255316 - IonMonkey: Also take into account the offsetAdjustment when folding MLoadUnboxedObjectOrNull, r=jandem (9cbea97df1)
- Bug 1263558 - Part 1: Self-host Array generics. r=till,bholley (e1dc0c54c8)
- Bug 1103588 - Part 3: Replace deprecated String#contains warning with an expression closure warning in sharedWorker_sharedWorker.js test. r=bz (221ff40ebc)
- Bug 1103588 - Part 4: Replace deprecated String#contains in js tests. r=till (a794c0b385)
- Bug 1103588 - Part 5: Remove deprecated String#contains function; use String#includes instead. r=till (bc1365603e)
- Bug 964709 - Updates Parser regex and tests to support self-closing script tags, r=vporof (f04c475ec8)
- Bug 1224726 - Do not attempt to parse source file when searching in debugger if text > 1MB;r=jlongster (8743b7bf19)
- Bug 1263558 - Part 2: Self-host String generics. r=till (4e5766489b)
- Bug 1263558 - Part 3: Remove JSFUN_GENERIC_NATIVE. r=till (3f94c198b0)
- Bug 1263558 - Part 4: Call initBuiltinConstructor after defining properties in InitStringClass. r=till (f25edc6096)
- Bug 1263558 - Part 0.1: Handle OOM inside BuildDominatorTree at AnalyzeNewScriptDefiniteProperties and AnalyzeArgumentsUsage. r=jandem (0f4745e9d4)
- Bug 1266573 - Add the JS::ubi::dumpPaths debug utility; r=jimb (9a8680d7c7)
- Bug 1266835 - Request names from the rootlist in JS::ubi::dumpPaths and clean up formatting of dumped paths. r=jimb (1e15dd3ab9)
- Bug 1259911: Only add predecessors to the join block once; r=sunfish (53a9522e68)
- Bug 1258905: Remove a bunch of dead IPC code. r=jld (0d9f930a14)
- Bug 1266869 - Print a message when no retaining paths are found in JS::ubi::dumpPaths. r=jimb (77a541b4d1) (1e246403c8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


Titel: CyberChef 10.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2024, 09:30

    Fix unit test 'expectOutput' implementation @zb3 | [#1783]
    Add accessibility labels for icons @e218736 | [#1743]
    Add focus styling for keyboard navigation @e218736 | [#1739]
    Add support for operation option hiding @TheZ3ro | [#541]
    Improve efficiency of RAKE implementation @sw5678 | [#1751]
    Require (a, 26) to be coprime in 'Affine Encode' @EvieHarv | [#1788]
    Added 'JWK to PEM' operation @cplussharp | [#1277]
    Added 'PEM to JWK' operation @cplussharp | [#1277]
    Added 'Public Key from Certificate' operation @cplussharp | [#1642]
    Added 'Public Key from Private Key' operation @cplussharp | [#1642]


Titel: Maxthon Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2024, 10:45
Whats new:>>

* Updated multilingual translations.
- Fixed an issue where re-binding an account caused the original account to become a local account.
- Fixed non-responsive translation issues.
- Fixed incomplete display of the tab search button.
- Fixed the loss of custom image skins due to synchronization.
- Fixed known crashes.

Titel: ZHPCleaner 2024.4.18.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2024, 18:20
ZHPCleaner is a software designed to combat the pirates of browsers (Hijackers). Its main objective is to restore Proxy settings and remove browsers referrals. It aims to remove the advertising programs that display popups, potentially unwanted software, some toolbars grafted to the browser, some unnecessary legitimate programs. Its software does not require no installation procedure, it therefore allows its transport on removable devices. Difficult to make simpler, three buttons, "Scanner", "Clean" and 'Report'. A module enables to choose the lines you want to keep. Using powerful algorithms, the scanning and cleaning will run in just a few minutes. It generates a report of change on the Windows desktaop and in a folder of the user.

